irclog2html for #wowi-lounge on 20060122

00:07.34id`yes i got it
00:10.10id`im collecting all of the Burnished mail armor
00:10.15id`it looks seggshay
00:10.35id`i need gloves and shoes :O
00:11.33KtronI forget which armor I liked the look of best
00:11.44Ktronspidersilk robe is one of my more favorite textures
00:25.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Ktron_ (
00:25.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Ktron (
00:29.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Tain (
00:32.19TainAh finally back where I belong.  irc from the console in a screen session.
00:42.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Shouryuu (
00:44.51Shouryuuwell 'night folks
00:54.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Ktron (
00:55.14Temstupid required pictures...
00:56.23TainYou can already redo a lot as it is.
00:57.36Ktronwith windows?
00:57.49Ktronits not a power issue, it's a simplicity issue
00:58.23Ktronor am I just not reading the right OS tweaking web pages?
00:59.17TainI've still never seen WoW's XML as simplistic.
01:00.08Ktroncompared to making windows ui things?
01:00.17TainWhat I was thinking though was Active Desktop.  You activate that and you can do a lot.
01:00.30Ktronah, through web-ish elements
01:01.23Ktronhm... I might look at it somemore, but I thought it was pretty limited in what it could do... I thought html/javscript or something like that
01:01.39Ktronbut maybe I should look again
01:02.12TainI'm not even sure, I never did a lot with it natively.  But I have used some other things, Konfabulator, ahhh.. damn there's another one.
01:02.31KtronKonfabulator is decent, I've thought about learning how to write for that
01:02.44Ktronstardock, there's AppDesk
01:03.09Taingrr there's one I can't remember that I liked a lot.
01:03.18Fanooki hate stardock, i installed it once and never could get it completely out of my system. ironically with the WoW desktop thing they released
01:03.24KtronAppDesk wasn't too bad either, but Konfabulator was definitely the best looking, maybe I'll break from wow some and look into how hard it is to write stuff for Konfab
01:03.37TainI really wasn't all that impressed ith Stradock.  I mean it does do a lot, just not thing I liked.
01:03.59Ktronheh, which part of stardock's suite Fanook ? They have the Objectbar, Windowblinds, IconPackager, SkinStudio...
01:05.19Fanookwindowblinds, i think. it got installed with that WoW desktop theme, tried to uninstall it and ended up with windows and menus that had black text on black backgrounds. was NOT happy
01:05.59TainIt was not good performance wise, for me.
01:06.14TainThat's the one.
01:11.02Cairenndon't *ever* use
01:11.28Cairennremember couple weeks back I talked about having to use a restore point? that thing was why :p
01:12.01Cairenngd think did the black on black when I tried to uninstall it
01:13.09Fanookwhy must people make helping them harder than it has to be?
01:14.35TainBecause people are bad.
01:16.18CairennI don't think my walk-through can be much clearer than it is
01:17.43Fanooki agree
01:17.57IrielI ended up just referencing wowinterface in my addons' install readme
01:18.13TainNever underestimate the stupidity of people in large numbers.
01:18.24IrielI give instructions for those who have a clue, then say 'if you can't get it working, go to wowinterface and read the FAQ's'
01:18.54CairennI mean, if someone can tell me how to make it even *more* idiot proof, I'd love to hear it
01:19.11TainDraw large pictures in crayon.
01:20.08Fanookthe only thing i can think of is people always say "i don't understand the full path thing" and a screenshot of an example filetree might help
01:20.20Cairennthere are
01:20.26Cairennon the link itself
01:20.29Irielthere ARE screenshots of file trees
01:20.51Cairennbeen doing this for a long time, the SSs are there :)
01:21.29IrielAPI function name question, Scaffold:Attach is the scaffold equivalent of RegisterEvent (more or less)
01:21.47IrielShould I use Scaffold:Release (easy to spell) or Scaffold:Detach (consistent with Attach) to UNregister?
01:22.00Fanooknot in the WoW forums one, which of course is the one i linked to :(
01:22.55CairennI should change it and just give the link to the FAQ at WoWI
01:24.24TainThat's the thing, people, well a lot of people, won't read it no matter what.  They don't want to be bothered.
01:24.49Fanookthen we get to tell them to buzz off.
01:25.17TainI was just out getting sandwiches to go, a customer says, "Do you have soups?" THe person behind the counter says, "Yes, what's listed right there on the sign."  Customer proceeds to ask, "Do you have clam chowder?"
01:26.44Fanookcluebats, we need cluebats
01:27.01TemIriel: is this going into public API or just stuff you will be calling?
01:27.49IrielWell, stuff anyone who codes in or around StatRings might need
01:27.56IrielI have a whole plugin system imagined
01:28.05IrielStatRingsUnitBuffs wont be too far behind StatRings, for example
01:28.21Irielother people may be similarly motivated (StatRingsCastRing for example)
01:28.40IrielThe method's on 'publicly visible' objects
01:28.59Temthen I think Detach might be better for consistency
01:29.19IrielI was leaning that way too
01:29.57Temyou could always make Release an alias for Detach
01:30.09Temand Grab could be an alias for Attach
01:30.52IrielNah, i'll just be consistent throughout
01:31.52Temoh, Anyone remember the Tab complete thing I was going to write like 2 months ago?
01:31.52Irielthanks for the opinion 8-)
01:31.52IrielYes, I do
01:31.52CairennTem: yup
01:31.52TemI sat down this afternoon and got it to a release quality
01:32.23TemIriel: np.  Glad to be of help.
01:36.41TainI opened a few lua files today.
01:36.49TainI didn't actually do anything with them.
01:36.51TainBut I opened them.
01:37.56Temlol Tain.  You sound like me trying to write an essay
01:38.11Temit takes me like 2 hours just to get a word processor open
01:38.16Tainhaha yeah
01:38.18*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower|ZZzz (
01:38.47MentalPower|ZZzzquestion for anyone. what does "<3" mean?
01:38.55TainLess than 3
01:39.05Temor "heart"
01:39.18TemI <3 tab complete because I'm lazy
01:39.21TainOr a double-scoop ice cream cone.
01:39.48TainPossibly an anorexic with breast implants.
01:39.59Temwouldn't that be <DD?
01:40.20Cairennweirdos :p
01:40.21TainThe scoops can be side by side.  Haven't you ever had a cone like that?
01:40.36Tem(I was talking about the ice cream, but I suppose it fits with the anorexic too....)
01:40.37Fanookit's a heart smiley
01:41.02TainIt's the shocker.
01:59.23*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower_ (
02:06.10Temoh look, slouken responded
02:08.43Cideabout what?
02:10.46Tem1.10 changes thread
02:12.31KtronHopefully that shuts Shibi up
02:14.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
02:15.11Guillotinehey... did you guys know they disabled the SplitMoney(); command?
02:15.25GuillotineI saw in the patchnotes that they disabled /split, but not the actual command
02:15.44Cairennah, thought you were talking about the same thing :p
02:15.45IrielYou mean the other way around, they disabled the API but not the / command
02:16.07GenNMXWhat's bad about the SplitMoney()? I actually read that as they disabled /spit haha
02:16.35Guillotinewell, the patch notes said they disabled /split. but what they really did was disable the API command
02:16.44GuillotineI'm not sure whats bad
02:16.50GuillotineI guess ppl were scamming other ppl with it
02:16.58Guillotinetelling them to help out by typing /script SplitMoney()
02:18.21CairennGenNMX: that is what my Mom had read too, she was all excited and happy that they'd taken it out
02:18.36Cairennshe hates that emote (I have to agree with her)
02:19.12GenNMXCairenn: And people wonder why we don't have cross-faction communication anymore
02:19.29Cairennoh, I know
02:19.40CairennI wish they *would* take that emote out :p
02:19.48Guillotineya. there are some emotes I wish they would add... like /gg
02:19.56Cairennfunny, /rude doesn't bother me near so much as /spit
02:20.05CairennI usually find /rude funny
02:20.57GuillotineI wish there was a way to submit emotes for approval by blizz
02:21.07Guillotineso they could add the much needed emotes
02:21.28ScytheBlade1All I ever use is /dance and /doom
02:21.39Guillotinewhat about \nice?
02:21.39ScytheBlade1(gnomish mage)
02:21.47ScytheBlade1lol @ /rtfm
02:22.10Guillotineseriously though, I am loving Gello's Sympathy addon
02:22.20ScytheBlade1I was about to ask
02:22.21Cairennoh, that is *so* funny
02:22.40Cairenngello is a riot, has been for as long as I've known him
02:23.01ScytheBlade1What does it do?
02:24.11Cairennhang on
02:24.28CairennThere are some compilations that include a mod to call out for healing when your hp gets low. This is often mildly annoying to healers. What Sympathy does is automatically respond when someone calls out for healing with a random emote:
02:24.28Cairenntries to act concerned that %s needs healing.
02:24.28Cairennmutters about %s killing his dps.
02:24.28Cairennponders if there's any connection between %s's call for healing and the little bars beside their name.
02:24.28Cairenncalls for %s to watch their ******* aggro!
02:24.30Cairenncompliments %s on their fine choice of UI compilations and alt+tabs right this moment to find a mod to call out for tanking.
02:24.33Cairennstudies %s's wounds for a moment, then puts away the runecloth bandages and looks for some linen.
02:24.36AnduinLotharwow.. it's 6:30pm.. how did that happen
02:24.58ScytheBlade1That's good
02:25.35AnduinLotharsomething about waking up and it's still dark just messes with your head
02:26.13GenNMXHealth-Alerting mods are usually necessary at lower levels, heh.
02:26.30Cairennbullshit :p
02:26.41Cairennnot to put too fine a point on it
02:26.51GenNMXCairenn: I must be unlucky then...
02:27.04TainI've never needed anything like that.
02:27.31TainActually in my opinion if you do then you need to find different people to play with.
02:27.35GenNMXMost of the people I group with will do stuff like stay in Shadowform 80% of the time
02:28.01GenNMXChoosers can't be beggars, Tain
02:29.00GenNMXBut I do think any health-calling out mod should only be turned on if the healer is doing an exceptionally bad job.
02:30.07AnduinLotharmana callers are good for healers tho
02:30.25GenNMXBut maybe I'm biased because I made an addon with the ability to call out for healing/announce oom :p
02:30.48Cairennomg, ebil!
02:31.32GenNMXTo my defense, VitalWatch's main idea was to alert YOU of people's health and mana, not alert others ;)
02:31.48TainI do.  Actually I really don't group with people who don't play up to my expectations. :)
02:32.08Cairennsurrrrrrreeeee it was GenNMX, sure
02:32.34GenNMXBah, it only has 2/10 options for alerting others instead of yourself
02:33.26GenNMXI do think that OOM alerts should always be turned on except for Paladins and Hunters, but then again, I'm not choosy for people like Tain ;)
02:34.17AnduinLothari dunno, I do main healing all the time on my pally
02:34.51GenNMXWell I don't meet many main-healing Pallies, but I'd add them into that list too.
02:37.20GenNMXCairenn: Do we really need to know if a Hunter is OOM during battle?
02:37.31Cairennof course not
02:37.39AnduinLotharIt's kinda the only reason I've been playing the pally so long. a lot of people hate um, but because their's gear dependant and i've been collecting gear so long i have good gear for healing and another set of good gear for pvp and another set for tanking... so I can be flexible.
02:38.20GenNMXBut I would be concerned if a Mage, Warlock, Priest, Druid, or Main-Healing Pally was OOM during battle...that can change your strategy a bit
02:38.29Cairennnm that her pet is the main tank, and she has no mana to heal it, or that she has no mana to cast a sting that will stun the mob for x seconds, or snare it so it can't run away to bring the entire rest of the dungeon back with you, or ...
02:39.03AnduinLotharheh. we had such an odd grp for Dukes last night
02:39.23GenNMXCairenn: OK, fine, do I have to make the distinction between a Good Hunter and a Normal Hunter? :D
02:39.36AnduinLothara pvp pally, a healadin, a hunter who's cat was tanking and two rogues
02:39.59GenNMX80% of the Hunters I play with don't heal their pets and wouldn't do anything smart like snaring an enemy so they won't run away
02:40.20Cairennmy cat is frequently the tank for my groups, and snaring mobs is like, hello?
02:40.27Cairennpart of the job, duh
02:40.32GenNMXI play a lot of PUGs
02:40.40GenNMXI'm too low a level for my guild
02:40.48AnduinLotharmy guild is crap
02:41.11GenNMXThe Cosmos Guild is crap?
02:41.22AnduinLotharthere's a cosmos guild? where?
02:41.31GenNMXI thought there was :D
02:42.55AnduinLotharHA no.  I didn't join a guild till June. And there didn't do enough raiding, so i joined a raiding guild, which disolved 3 months later. rinse and repeat 3x
02:43.11AnduinLotharI still hang out with the peeps from my first guild tho
02:43.23AnduinLotharwe have a channel we chat in
02:43.38AnduinLotharnot enough of us to do any raiding tho
02:44.00Cairennfind another small guild and form an alliance :p
02:44.09AnduinLotharand my current guild is newb. I have like 60days play time at lvl 60 and most of them have like 2 weeks
02:44.22GenNMXThat is another thing WoW should steal from DAoC -- Guild Alliances
02:46.54AnduinLotharya, so i have no power in my guild and it drives me nuts. took me 2 weeks to convince 3 other people to come do Dukes
02:47.07AnduinLotharone of whom didn't even have the sithilis fp
02:53.43TainThat's kind of what raids were supposed to be though, I think.  Join a raid and doesn' tmatter what guild you're in.
02:55.16AnduinLotharproblem is most guilds i know wont let you do end game raids with other groups
02:58.42AnduinLotharwhat's the stop casting command?
03:04.42cladhaireI almost said s() cause localize it in all my macros
03:05.04Cairennwoot, fletched my trueshot!
03:05.25Cairenngot a skill up on it, too! ;)
03:07.03Cairenn(as 3/4 of the channel goes "huh"?)
03:07.56cladhairepretty much =)
03:10.05Tainhehe that's sad. :)
03:10.17TainI'm at least playing City of Villains instead. ;)
03:10.38*** join/#wowi-lounge mrTee_ (
03:10.52Cairenndoesn't cost me anything to play EQ, don't have to buy a new game, don't have to pay another subscription fee ...
03:11.04Tainyeah yeah. :)
03:11.16*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower_ (
03:11.46Cairennand when your bank account is as sad as mine, not having to front any more cash is a *good* thing
03:12.10TainMy bank account isn't sad.
03:12.14TainIt's clinically depressed.
03:22.05Cairennwtf? what's a dragoon doing in the middle of FV?!
03:26.49Temoh hell
03:26.57TemI acidently just delted tab off of WoWI
03:50.05id`6 swords 1 mace 2 shields 1 shoulder pad 4 belts 3 gloves 3 blues
03:50.12id`nice DM run :-)
03:50.19id`hehe wow is so easy
03:50.31id`ask a lvl 60 to go do DM with you
03:50.36id`and catch
03:50.47id`im gunna keep my char at 19
03:50.51id`im so pimped out :O
03:50.59id`and its my main too
03:51.12id`i got g's yo
03:53.06id`k im bored
03:53.10id`not going to sleep tonight
03:53.20id`12 hour trip tomorrow in the bus
03:53.58Fanookband trip!
03:54.07id`wintersport trip
03:54.31Fanooksame difference :P
03:54.35id`ima flip doze switched 180 indy's a whole week yo
03:55.09id` it is!
03:55.17id`(seatch for pride mma)
03:57.16id`pertty girl
03:58.17TainI wouldn't kick her out of bed.
03:59.48Temhahahah! I win
03:59.56TemI've been not bidding on Arcanist stuff for 2 months now
04:00.05Temall the other mages have it and I'm getting stuff for free :)
04:02.48mrTee_Cops or Enemy of the State?
04:03.23cladhaireTEm: and that's the problem with a non-zero sum DKP system =)
04:03.35Temcladhaire: well not free
04:03.42Tem5dkp is our minimum bid
04:04.12Tembut I consider 5 free compared to the 20 and 30 the other mages paid for the same peices
04:04.14Tainehn I still like a minimum bid per item quality.
04:04.29TemTain: I agree, but I'm taking advantage of the system now
04:04.33Temso I'm not going to complain
04:04.38TainI'd do the same thing :)
04:04.55TemI didn't make up the dkp rules...
04:05.08TemI said something about it way back when, but my opinion was brushed aside
04:05.20Temso poo on them
04:05.51cladhaireour loot system, is insane
04:05.56cladhairebut its fair =)
04:06.08ScytheBlade1That's more than most anyone out there can say currently
04:06.14cladhaireconsidering I wrote it and Sat revised it =)
04:06.26ScytheBlade1Enlighten me? ;)
04:07.07TainI had to argue and argue, and they still ignored me.  When we first started WoW the guildleader said we wouldn't need DKP.
04:07.13TainIt didn't take long.
04:07.52TainI don't understand why people can't just recognize my brilliance and listen.
04:08.08TainYou are not authorized to access this page.
04:08.16cladhaireO RLY?
04:08.19ScytheBlade1I can't type
04:08.49TainI'm certainly not one to belive a points system is the best way to go in every circumstance.
04:09.01TainBut it boggles my mind when someone says that a point system in inherently unfair.
04:09.03cladhairegimme a second
04:09.49ScytheBlade1Yeah, your fun page (after I got it spelled correctly in lynx) gave me a 403 ;)
04:09.50AnduinLotharfairness sucks
04:09.58cladhairetry now
04:10.04TainPeople don't want fair.  They want the scales to be tipped in their favor.
04:10.15ScytheBlade1Now I'm not authorized to view that page
04:10.33TainMonkeyNuts applies to the guild
04:10.37cladhaireyou should be able to view that page now =)
04:10.48cladhaireMonkeyNuts is my greatest creation.. you have no idea =)
04:10.58ScytheBlade1There we go
04:11.53ScytheBlade1DKP per time, eh
04:11.57cladhaireyep yep
04:12.09cladhaireits not for the light-hearted to administer tho =)
04:12.17cladhaireour spreadsheet/lua addon/etc. is insane =)
04:12.31cladhairewe haven't rewritten CT_RaidTracker.. that's our next prokect
04:12.31ScytheBlade1Problem is people who start whining and tada
04:12.37ScytheBlade1more DKP for everyone
04:12.47cladhairewhat do you mean?
04:12.59ScytheBlade1It only takes one to delay a raid ten or more minutes
04:13.18cladhairedoesn't matter
04:14.14ScytheBlade1How do you prevent that though?
04:14.21cladhairethey just dont get points.
04:14.23ScytheBlade1(and/or why doesn't it matter?)
04:14.29cladhaireuntil they are there.
04:14.36cladhairethe point is.. anyone.. whether they are on the list or not gets points.
04:14.51cladhaireif someone has to leave 2 hours early.. and someone else comes in.. then the first person only gets credit fo rthe time they are there.
04:15.46cladhaireIts just what works for us.. based on what we're about
04:16.17ScytheBlade1Oddly enough, that right there is the best suggestion I've heard concerning DKP/etc in a very very long tome
04:16.35ScytheBlade1Not your system per-se, but just custom tailor one to fit your guild's needs
04:16.51cladhairewe're somewhat casual.. only 4 nights a week.. and people come and go when they can
04:17.03ScytheBlade1It's true
04:17.14cladhaireits just tough building one.. you have to be objective and careful.. and VERY MUCH watch the math
04:17.18TainIt's similar to what I used to be involved with.  Not usre if they've modified it at all since then.  The biggest differences were varied point amounts for items rather than a flat amount per tier, and I'm not sure about the 60% raid percentage getting an automatic win. I see it's purpose.  Just not sure.
04:17.31ScytheBlade1I'm currently in the middle of some incredibly fun guild drama... I'm basically a vet acting as 50% officer 50% leader
04:17.44TainGuild drama is no fun.
04:17.48TainUnless you're causing it.
04:17.55ScytheBlade1And we don't raid like at all, if we max out our actives
04:17.59ScytheBlade1We can barely run ZG in guild
04:18.04ScytheBlade1(due to numbers)
04:18.36ScytheBlade1So DKP is one of things things I can talk to people in a more neutral way now, and try and move some of the collective mind over to something more constructive
04:19.36ScytheBlade1Hmm, out of curiosity
04:19.47ScytheBlade1Say you had a small guild, ~22 active members or so
04:19.51TainI don't think there was any distinction made for weighting items that could be used by any class towards the classes that could most benefit from them.   Which made for some damn funny wins when someone just wanted to be an ass.
04:20.12ScytheBlade1And you had three members raiding 5h a night with another guild
04:20.13cladhaireTain: We politely suggest that hunters pass on rogue items =) but dot require it.
04:20.24ScytheBlade1What would you do in that case?
04:20.25TainI've watched people who couldn't really benefit much from an item bit on it just to stop someone else from getting it.
04:20.29cladhaireScytheBlade: We kick anyone who has a different raid id.
04:20.32ScytheBlade1(where you = anyone in here)
04:20.37GenNMXWhen you do tostring(table), the result is table: memory loc, right?
04:20.37ScytheBlade1Blatently? No tolerance?
04:20.45cladhairethe only exception is someone who takes a leave of absence to make grand mrshall
04:20.49cladhaireGen: yes
04:28.11cladhairewow.. my server is hosed =(
04:41.17Temwtf kind of comment is this?
04:41.19Tem"Great idea...if only it didn't have to be the Tab key."
04:41.29TemWTF key do you want TAB COMPLETE to be?
04:41.31IrielAn ignorant one?
04:41.51GenNMXlocal t = Table; if not t then t = {} end; <-- This doesn't work, it makes a new LOCAL table instead of initializing Table
04:42.34GenNMXAm I correct in assuming that if a Table is nil, I need to initialize it to {}, right?
04:43.41Cideonly if you need to use it :)
04:43.59GenNMXYeah, I need to use it ;)
04:44.15Cidethen you obviously need the variable to be a table in order to use it as a table :)
04:44.58TemMan..  What's going on
04:45.07TemSetScript is erroring
04:45.12Tembecause I gave it nil
04:45.22Cidewrong parameter order?
04:45.37Temthat should remove an OnTextChanged thing right?
04:45.45GenNMXInitTable = function(t) if not then return {} end return t end
04:45.51Cideyou need SetScript("OnTextChanged", nil)
04:46.00GenNMXOr do tables already have an initialize function?
04:46.05TemWhy explicitly?
04:46.10Cideask the game
04:46.28CideUIParent:SetScript("OnTextChanged")"]:1: Usage: SetScript("type", function)
04:47.05Cidein every other case I've found them to be equivalent
04:47.20GenNMXInitTable = function(t) if not t then t = {} end return t end
04:47.31id`this guy is my favorite
04:47.47Fanooklmao, i'm watching SNL, and i thought a real commercial was a fake one
04:47.47CideGenNMX: or (if you want): InitTable = function(t) return t or {}; end
04:48.02id`hes also the only one ive seen showing sportsmanship
04:48.44id`o well
04:48.56id`i might be on tomorrow
04:48.58id`if not im gone
04:49.01id`for a week
04:49.09id`snowboarding :-)
04:49.35GenNMXCide: Ooo, or maybe t = t or {};
04:49.45GenNMXI need InitTable to initialize t as well as return t
04:50.43GenNMXWait, would t = t or {}; make t a boolean?
04:51.41Cideit would do what you accomplished with an if statement
04:53.17Cidebut now; good night
05:04.14GenNMXInitTable(t) if not t then t = {} end return t; <-- this is generating a new table each time instead of just once
05:04.34GenNMXWhen I do local t = InitTable(Table)
05:05.16GenNMXI guess Lua isn't as smart as I want it do be, I'll need to do Table = InitTable(Table)
05:08.59IrielIndeed, the latter is what you WANT 8-)
05:10.28GenNMXYeah, I was trying to reduce the amount of times I need to write out long strings for hashes
05:22.25TemWhy use a function call?
05:22.30Temthat just adds complexity
05:22.36Temtable = table or {}
05:25.33TainI got sunshine in a bag.
05:28.15GenNMXTem: Yeah, that's what I ended up doing.
05:28.31GenNMXI was hoping there was a one line solution, guess not.
05:28.41Temwell that's a oneline solution
05:29.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Corrodias (
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05:30.57GenNMXTem: Table1[ Table2[hash1] ][hash2] = Table1[ Table2[hash1] ][hash2] or {}; local t = Table1[ Table2[hash1] ][hash2]
05:30.58GenNMXI was trying to do a function like InitTable so I could do it on the local t line, but that was a no go
05:31.03GenNMXLua isn't C =/
05:31.19Temyeah assignment doesn't return a value in Lua
05:33.55GenNMXTem: Yeah, I was thinking that "function(t) if not t then t = {} end return t end" would pass some type of dummy reference, but what happens is that it makes a new LOCAL table and returns that, so t = {} is meaningless.
05:37.02GenNMXIn C++, all pointers initialized or not, are long variables that themselves have a place in memory. So initializing a null pointer in C++ that's passed by reference is no big deal if you do it right.
05:37.51IrielWell, your old version does return a table
05:38.18IrielIs 'Table' in your first example (Table = InitTable(Table)) a global?
05:38.18GenNMXIriel: Yeah, but local t = InitTable( Table ) is meaningless, that's the point
05:38.45GenNMXNo, it's a local
05:42.17TainIs it a globo-loco table?
05:42.30Cairenntain is a loco :p
05:43.41GenNMXNo, it's a cache which complements a global table. You can set the program to either cache certain values (not save them) or save them (SavedVariables database)
05:44.53IrielPersonally i'd probably do something like
05:45.00IrielTable = Table or CreateNewTable();
05:45.08IrielIf you've got any worry that the new table will end up non-trivial
05:45.51GenNMXWhy make a function instead of {} ?
05:46.12IrielIn case later on it ends up as { something=123; etc = "blah" };
05:46.16IrielAnd you need it n several places
05:47.02GenNMXAh, well this is a statistical database, so it doesn't need any seed data
05:49.20GenNMXHence why I need to initialize the tables, because Table[ unit .. ":" .. spell ] may not exist, but doesn't need to be seeded.
05:49.45TainIt's a funktable.  Aw yeah.
05:49.45GenNMXTain is a funktable.
05:51.03IrielWell, once the top-level table is done, you CAN do lower initializers
05:51.14Iriellocal t = GetSubtable(Table, unit, spell)
05:51.19Irielor whatever
05:56.17GenNMXHmm, good point
06:07.16GenNMXIriel: Thanks, worked beautifully
06:07.30GenNMXLooks much, much cleaner then what I had before, mmm
06:30.11GenNMXOK, if I do local t = GetSubTable(Table, unit, "total", 0) to seed a table with 0, it seems to return 0 instead of a reference to Table
06:30.29GenNMXseed a table entry I mean
06:30.32IrielThen you haev an error in your code 8-)
06:30.55GenNMXWell it works everywhere there an addon which can trace a function?
06:34.05IrielDo you have one less 'depth' in that one?
06:36.14TemCairenn: you might want to get in touch with the Shadowfax author.  It looks like he uploaded it as an Addon to SealJudge which it clearly isn't
06:36.34Cairenn*nod* thanks
07:05.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Kronus (
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07:18.09TemIs there a way to get the date from the server?
07:18.20TemI know you can get Server time but what about server date?
07:19.45TemI'm about to write an addon that needs to know the correct date and I don't trust the user's machine
07:20.14GenNMX|ThraeIs there a way to determine the owner of a pet?
07:20.33Temwasn't there GetPetOwner or something?
07:21.15Irieltooltip scan
07:21.44GenNMX|ThraeBah, really Iriel?
07:21.50Temyeah looks like
07:22.09Temonly pet related functions on the Wiki are AbandonPet and some removed stuff
07:22.44GenNMX|ThraeHow could one abuse GetPetOwner()? Automatically target the owner instead of the pet?
07:25.03*** join/#wowi-lounge pagefault (i=pagefaul@
07:27.49GenNMX|ThraeWhat about the Pet's name? Don't people get the same pet name each time because its an equation based on the owner's name?
07:29.29FanookGen: assuming warlock, that's what i thought
07:29.51GenNMX|ThraeAh yes, you can name your Hunter pets, darn it
07:30.48Fanooki've heard of people dismissing warlock pets (or something) to get new names, but i don't believe it
07:34.59GenNMX|ThraeHmmm, WoW forum down
07:35.13EndFanook: I've heard of it too, but I've also heard they fixed it a patch or two ago
07:35.19Cairennshows for me, GenNMX|Thrae
07:35.42GenNMX|ThraeYeah now it's letting me login.
07:35.55Temaye, up for me too
07:36.01Temand faster than usual to boot
07:37.21Temoh isn't there a WoW function that returns the seconds since Jan 1970?
07:37.51Temor is that one dependent on the user's clock as well?
07:39.20AnduinLotharoh wow..
07:39.37TemCairenn: what do you think?  Non-English speaking or just that bad?
07:39.55Cairennnon-english speaking do better than that
07:40.03Cairennthey actually type "you"
07:40.04Fanookack! that hurts my brain
07:40.12Temah if you look at the SS it's a non-english speaking person
07:40.28Temat least some of the text on the SS looks german to me
07:40.31Fanookemail says german
07:40.45Cairennaye, but even so
07:41.03Temyeah.. pretty painful
07:41.09Cairennmost times non-English typically have better language skills than that
07:41.44Cairennplease note, I did qualify that statement, twice even
07:41.57GenNMX|ThraeHe needs a button to pop up when people get low instead of looking at their health himself. He's a busy person, he needs to abbreviate!
07:43.05AnduinLotharif he's so busy he needs to stop talking
07:43.57AnduinLotharim tempted to leave an angry comment
07:44.45Cairennheh, you use "u" all the time yourself, AnduinLothar :p
07:45.08AnduinLotharnot in public descriptions
07:51.19Cairenntrue enough
07:56.44Cairennwell, I'm out
07:56.53Cairennnight all
07:57.00TemIriel: are you still around?
07:57.01AnduinLotharnight cair
07:57.03Temnigh Cair
08:03.42*** part/#wowi-lounge Ratbert_CP (
08:07.43IrielSort of
08:15.48Temoh Iriel, I was just thinking abou this
08:16.12Temafter load can you think of any time where "this" wouldn't exist?
08:16.47Irielif anyone sets it to nil
08:17.07Temthat would be mean
08:17.48Temare there any functions called by the client directly?
08:17.55Temor are they all triggered by an event?
08:18.33Tem(rephrase: or does the client always trigger an event when it would want to call a lua function directly)
08:22.41Ktroncan you get item id's off of any of the websites?
08:24.22pagefaultwow bad lag on the servers tonight
08:24.38AnduinLotharalacazam has items listed by id in the url
08:27.00Ktronthanks AnduinLothar
08:27.48IrielTem mostly except for the mouseover tooltip
08:28.32TemIriel: thanks
08:56.19IrielTem: TEXT may be an exception to that, it'sused by the UI to get strings formatted sometimes
08:56.37IrielTem: But I dont know if it's called via LUA, or if there's a similar internal method
08:56.43TemI've seen it called a few times
08:56.57Temdoesn't really matter
08:57.02TemI don't have a use for this information
08:57.08TemI was just curious
08:58.50Tem|Sleepnight people
09:31.37Corrodiasthis is odd
09:31.51Corrodiaseverybody in this thread seems to think the Green Whelp Armor is getting nerfed in 1.10
09:32.03Corrodiasbut Iriel's compilation post doesn't mention anything like that
09:32.19Corrodiasis that only for UI-related changes?
09:38.25GenNMX|ThraeThat is correct Corrodias
09:38.42GenNMX|ThraeIriel's post is ONLY for API / UI changes
09:40.19GenNMX|ThraeI can see why Green Whelp Armour could get nerfed -- it's essentially +5% Dodge, since most people won't have high enough Nature Resist to resist the Sleep effect.
09:44.53CodayusIt didn't seem particularly unbalancing to me, but certainly it was much better than its cost would support.
09:45.48GenNMX|Thrae"Upon the release of patch version 1.10, players will notice the Green Whelp Armour no longer affects targets above Level 50. In addition, the sleep duration will be reduced from 30 seconds to 10 seconds."
09:46.22GenNMX|ThraeDammit...I hope they make a Level 60 Green/Blue alternative. It's an excellent tanking and PvP option for Feral Druids.
09:47.21Corrodiasin addition?
09:48.14Corrodias..i'd like to say it's an essential part to my strategy, but it really isn't. still, it's part of my restoration set and it has saved my bacon (and therefore the party's bacon) a couple of times.
09:48.16GenNMX|ThraeYes, it's a double nerf.
09:48.47Corrodiasmaybe it should just try to cast a sleeping effect at the item's level
09:48.58Corrodiasyou know how easy it is to resist spells from things much lower! :(
09:50.47AnduinLotharthat's dumb
09:51.05AnduinLotharyou're already getting crap armor cept for the sleep..
09:51.39Corrodiasit's better for spells than any other leather i've seen so far, at 46
09:52.05AnduinLothartho i did get a lvl 29 mace today that has 3 uses to inc att speed 50%
09:52.26Corrodiasthat's interesting
09:52.33AnduinLotharit's 2h and with crusader and counterweight + cast it makes .6 speed
09:52.48Corrodiasi ask you now: what does "crusader" do?
09:52.56Corrodiasit's a very, very undescriptive description.
09:53.29AnduinLothar40% faster attack, 374 att pwr and a but less damage per swing
09:53.33WobTravels to the holy lands to destroy the rebel scum?
09:54.01Wobhm, shiny
09:54.03AnduinLotharbumps dps about 30
09:54.50AnduinLotharthen the judge increases holy damage
09:55.01Corrodiasa "the judge" enchant? i've not heard of that one
09:56.27Corrodiasactually, that sounds like something i saw in a conversation... is it a paladin thing?
09:57.09CodayusHmm?  Oh, yeah.
09:57.35CodayusPaladins judge seals for various effects, including the Seal of the Crusader.
09:58.17WobIs there a page for all these pally effects? Paladins are the class in which I have the least knowledge... =(
09:59.02CodayusBasically very short self-buffs which you can remove to gain some effect.  For crusader, it increases AP, increases attack speed, but weapon damage drops.
09:59.23CodayusYou can pick up a fair amount reading the tooltips for the pally spells...for example, here:
09:59.56Corrodiasbut i see "crusader" advertised on horde side as an enchantment
10:00.04CodayusRight.  Entirely seperate.
10:00.16CodayusSeal of the Crusader is a palladin spell.
10:00.18Corrodias(like i said, an extremely nondescript one)
10:00.26CodayusCrusader is a weapon enchantment.
10:01.26Codayus(If your curious, Crusader gives your weapon a proc - a small chance to heal you for 75-125 and add 100 strength for 15s.
10:02.32Corrodiasinteresting. how do you find this out? from what i could see, the weapon's enchantment just says "crusader". maybe i missed the actual description in the tooltip...
10:02.55CodayusThe tooltip actually says...uh....
10:02.59Codayus"Permanently enchant a melee weapon so that often when attacking in melee it heals for 75 to 125 and increases Strength by 100 for 15 sec."
10:03.00Wobhrm, is there any way to assign an array to a list of variables in lua?
10:03.51Corrodiasthat sounds like the description of the enchantment from the enchanter's tradeskill window
10:03.58Corrodiasi mean what you see on the weapon's tooltip
10:04.01CodayusThat's on the enchant itself (the tradeskill)  An enchanted weapon will just say "crusader", with no description.
10:04.06Wober. by that I mean x,y,z = {1,2,3} so that x=1, y=2 and z = 3
10:04.19Corrodiasalthough that certainly explains how the fuck people learned what it means
10:04.39Corrodiasi just want to do violence to the person at blizzard who is responsible for making the descriptions of "crusader" and "fiery weapon"
10:05.04IrielWob, x,y,z = 1,2,3 or x,y,z = unpack({1,2,3})
10:05.32CodayusYou need Iriel said, yeah.  :-/
10:05.47Wobunpack =) Ta
10:06.08WobIt's for an existing array
10:30.03Wobbah, lua can't intelligently identify 'for i=5,1 do' as a reverse countdown =(
10:31.04IrielYou want i=5,1,-1
10:33.00Wobyeah =)
10:33.18WobI was just hoping lua could figure that out for itself =)
10:33.42IrielWell, in the general case you really dont want it to
10:33.44AnduinLotharthe computer only does what you tell it to do
10:33.49Irielbecause you want for i=1,x to work predictably
10:37.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Shouryuu (
10:37.26AnduinLothari escared of teh..... um hi
10:49.31Shouryuuawww godam why ismy internet connection so jumpy...
10:54.42Shouryuuwow RTE's guild tool is badass
11:22.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
11:23.00ElkanoGood (whatever) :)
11:30.14AnduinLotharsounds costly
11:30.39Corrodiaswell, it'll cost me a trip or two through uldaman
11:31.09Corrodiassee, i determined that my sound card was starting to produce a lot of static in the second-to-last week of the winter break because of the humidity
11:31.25Corrodiasi turned the humidifier off for one night and the static was gone the next day, see
11:31.44Corrodiasand it didn't return in the next few days, during which i kept it on low
11:31.50AnduinLotharhmm.... my pci sound card makes a lot of static too
11:32.02AnduinLotharbut the built in one doesnt
11:32.10Corrodiaswell, i'm thinking that the humidity may also have been the cause of my WoW's pretty rare crashes
11:32.27AnduinLotharbut it's hot and dry in here 24/7
11:33.29Corrodiasso i'm going to try a couple of uldaman runs (the final corridor made me crash twice in one run, before) and see if it is still unstable, now that i'm in this dry air. "check AGP aperture" is maybe a code phrase for "check your humidity level"? haha.
11:33.35AnduinLotharhave had my mac overheat a few times tho. it gets a very interesting dos-like text freeze up the screen that you never seen from anything else..
11:34.07Corrodias...nifty. :|
11:34.26AnduinLotharI've taken a few pics, never seen any other mac do it before ever
11:34.41AnduinLotharbut then it regularly gets about 90 in here
11:35.02AnduinLotharI like the heat
11:35.10Corrodiasreally? that's unusual for a human
11:35.35AnduinLothari don't sleep much either, so it might be that i'm not...
11:36.39AnduinLotharI found i can predictably crash my mac by waiting till it's about 95 degrees and then streaming music directly from the shared drive onto another computer (say music) for about 4 hours
11:37.47AnduinLotharapparently it doesn't like that
11:38.06Corrodiasgood thing you've identified the problem
11:41.08AnduinLotharwell, I'm pretty sure i'm one of a very elite group of people to have caused such a crash on a single processor mac built into a dual proc enclosure with 7 independantly controlled fans, running music off the hard drive over ethernet to another computer and back through the mic input to convert to sudo-surround and pipe through my 7.1 revolution card in a room at a constant 90 degrees
11:42.01AnduinLotharit's 80+ in here right now and i have the fan on..
11:42.08AnduinLotharand it's 3:40am
11:42.46AnduinLotharno heater unless you count the 3 computers
11:53.37IrielFor anyone who wanted to see a screenshot of the statrings drag stuff
11:54.04AnduinLotharoh u slapped it on there instead of just making a round one?
11:54.47IrielI wouldn't say anything was 'slapped on' anything else 8-) The drag test was intended for this use from the start.
11:55.19ElkanoIriel, I'm going to release the addon on curse today :) I wonder how the community will react :)
11:55.52IrielElkano : Hopefully well 8-)
11:56.32IrielAnd now.. bed!
11:56.50Elkanogood night to you :)
12:10.20Elkanowhat was the function to convert string to numeric?
12:12.14*** join/#wowi-lounge qwxyr (
12:49.03AnduinLotharDisney bought pixar. mmm
12:49.25AnduinLotharMaking S. Jobs the largest single Disney shareholder....
12:49.50AnduinLothardo you have any idea how scary that is
13:04.32Elkanoas long as pixar keeps up their work wrt rendering I don't care that much
13:05.11AnduinLotharif i were a disney fan I'd be estatic
13:06.50AnduinLotharhowever, seeing as I live about 15 miles from disney land I might have to get a season pass soon, just to watch the evolution
13:16.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Legorol (
13:18.28AnduinLothar... someone please tell me what's going on here..
13:20.34AnduinLotharand why haven't I ever seen it before..
13:23.00AnduinLotharim jealous. his code is pretty
13:23.25AnduinLotharmakes MobileMinimapButtons look like a hack
13:24.18AnduinLotharhasn't been updated since july tho
13:26.58AnduinLotharok.. what's cool that isn't doing it's job anymore that I can rewrite..
13:33.41AnduinLotharEek. Sky.isChannelActive is not only completely innefficient but broken too..
13:45.35AnduinLotharah, but they fixed GetChannelName, good
14:13.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Shouryuu (
14:13.21AnduinLotharyou again
14:14.33Shouryuudoes any here know how to increase a songs bitrate?
14:15.06AnduinLotharyou can't once it's been encoded
14:15.07ShouryuuI know
14:15.09ShouryuuI'm ignorant
14:15.24AnduinLotharwell, you can but it wont sound any better
14:15.42AnduinLotharand it'll be bigger with duplicate bits
14:15.57AnduinLotharmay even sounds worse if you changed codecs
14:16.09ShouryuuI have no idea what a bitrate even means
14:16.16ShouryuuI know people say high bitrate = good sound
14:16.26Shouryuubut I've never noticed a difference
14:16.34Shouryuumaybe I'm tone-death
14:16.35AnduinLotharhow many bits are stored to represent the music per second
14:18.46AnduinLotharusual chopped pieces are sound wave range, period between frames and intermediate tone pieces
14:19.15AnduinLotharso usually high and low ranges get chopped because a human cant hear them
14:20.05AnduinLotharand a shorter word size is used to represent a sound wave, leaving out minute tone details
14:20.29AnduinLotharand period between capture is increased at lower rates
14:21.05AnduinLothardifferent codec also encode differently based on what they think is most discardable and in what priorety it is discardable
14:24.21ShouryuuI've just learned something =P
14:24.50AnduinLotharnow about my teacher fee...
14:26.18Shouryuuarrgh there goes my internet connection again
14:26.26AnduinLotharI encode everything at 192bps ACC  but most people can't tell the difference above 160mp3 (aprox 128acc)
14:27.36AnduinLotharso my files are a bit bigger but they sound great on emulated surround, studio stereo, sound stage ear buds and regular head phones....
14:28.14AnduinLotharsome times i encode the orchestral music at 256bps
14:29.23ShouryuuI must be tone death then
14:29.30AnduinLotharbut i'm a musician, audiophile and audioholic..
14:29.37AnduinLotharresults may vary
14:30.12Shouryuuso how do you encode a song to hae high bitrate?
14:30.13AnduinLothartone deaf usually doesn't have much to do with quality of the sound
14:30.38AnduinLotharmy roomie is tone deaf. but he detests anything lower than 128
14:30.38Shouryuulol tone death/deaf... my god I am an idiot
14:31.13AnduinLothartone deaf usually means you cant tell the difference between close pitches and can't reproduce pitch accurately
14:31.26Shouryuuthat I knew
14:32.17AnduinLotharthe perception of the quality of sound is harder to describe
14:32.46AnduinLotharit's easy to tell when they merge left and right channels completely into mono
14:32.59AnduinLotharsometimes they only go half way
14:34.23AnduinLotharand then there's stereo sudo-surround which is mixing the channels at lower levels with a slight delay so it sounds like it's bouncing off walls and entering the other ear
14:35.00AnduinLotharsome people like it, some peeple hate it
14:37.05AnduinLotharuntrained ears generally like it, but some audiophiles claim it's actually deteriorating the sound my removing some of the distintness and filling up the silence, which is also part of the music
14:39.16AnduinLotharwhether you can actually tell the difference between surround and high quality sudo-surround is up for debat tho, because both are still only conversions from sonic waves by two eardrums and your skull as a resonance chamber
14:45.26*** join/#wowi-lounge elektro82 (n=elektro@
14:48.45elektro82Is this WoW as in Warcraft?
14:50.01elektro82Has anyone been able to run it on linux?
14:50.16AnduinLotharsome have, yes
14:50.29AnduinLotharusing cediga i believe
14:50.44elektro82cool, i'll be looking into that
14:52.26elektro82Is this just a general discussion or is there a home page associated.  I just found this browsing the channel list
14:53.02AnduinLotharit's general addon developer discussion
14:53.13elektro82i c
14:54.00elektro82and with that, im off, later
14:54.04*** part/#wowi-lounge elektro82 (n=elektro@
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15:04.19ShouryuuI'm off as well
15:04.20Shouryuurawr out
15:06.20*** join/#wowi-lounge zeeg (n=wguru@
15:24.43Wobhrm, can anyone think of a way to get the itemid of a bag currently being used?
15:25.37AnduinLotharcheck the container code that assigns the tooltips
15:42.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
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15:48.09AnduinLotharmorning bela, leg
15:50.00Legorolgood afternoon
15:50.22Legorolbah, the topic is sensible again. how boring..
15:51.58*** topic/#WoWI-lounge by Beladona -> If you are happy and you know it, split a string!
15:52.11AnduinLotharbeen there, done that
15:52.22AnduinLotharI rewrote Sky.isChannelActive
15:53.05LegorolAnduinLothar, you are likely to have to rewrite it again :( they will add OOZ channels back at some point
15:53.16AnduinLothari know, but i was bored
15:53.40AnduinLotharit's prettier and more efficient now
15:54.16AnduinLotharand I used GetChannelName when applicable since they fixed it in 1.9
15:54.44AnduinLotharit's still not smart, but at least it doesn't return the name as nil if you gave it an active name..
15:56.56AnduinLotharer... damn still dumb
15:57.12AnduinLotharooh, oops
15:57.23AnduinLotharmy bad..
16:05.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Shouryuu (
16:11.20AnduinLotharyou came back
16:15.21AnduinLotharI wish my grass were emo..
16:22.17AnduinLotharwhy look... LeaveChannelByName is stupid too... fixed
16:25.03AnduinLotharwhy legorol, you fixed EngTooltip. how nice of you
16:25.16Legorolehm.. what?
16:25.26Legoroli did no such thing, i refuse those allegations credits you
16:25.43Legoroloh, right
16:25.47Legorolyes i did fix EnhTooltip
16:26.14LegorolThe first fix they applied was a bit unreliable, so I came up with a different one
16:26.27AnduinLothar:) thx
16:27.06Legorolwas it broken?
16:27.08Legoroldidn't realise
16:27.32AnduinLotharlol, ya. We got surprisingly few reports
16:27.40Legorolwhat was wrong with it?
16:27.47AnduinLotharit wouldn't leave :P
16:27.55Legorolhm, must be something specific
16:27.56AnduinLotharzoned channels
16:27.59Legorolbecause i didn't have any problems
16:28.06Legoroloh right, zoned channels
16:28.17Legorolsince 1.9, i couldn't join those, so coudln't leave them either :D
16:28.22AnduinLotharwell even like General and Trade
16:28.30Legoroli had no trouble leaving those
16:28.39TainThat's the first thing I do on a new character and I haven't had any issues.
16:28.49Legorolwell, back to game
16:28.51AnduinLotharit's a Sky issue
16:28.53TainLog in, /leave 1, /leave 3, /leave 4
16:29.00TainNever mind then. :)
16:29.06AnduinLotharit was set to make sure it was active first
16:29.09*** join/#wowi-lounge krka (
16:29.40AnduinLotharwhich is good, except Sky.isChannelActive was broken due to the name changes to zoned channels
16:31.05AnduinLotharbut only a few users noticed
16:31.31AnduinLotharso it must mean most Cosmos user don't leave the default zone channels
16:32.06Shouryuuhow could I check if: my router is sudenly stoping sending packages to me, or if my internet provider provided me with shit?
16:32.06TainOr already had previously and just hadn't started many new characters.
16:32.23Shouryuu*suddenly stops
16:32.35AnduinLotharO.o why would you want to?
16:32.48ShouryuuI get hit by HUGE lag spikes
16:32.55Shouryuuinternet basicly stops
16:33.05Shouryuuand I don't know if it's my router of my provider
16:33.15Shouryuuand they are frequent, like every 10-15 mins
16:33.54AnduinLotharcontinually ping your router i spose
16:35.24Shouryuuyeah but if it's te connection it's self, the router is routing shit anyways, so if I get a bad ping from my router, I only learn that it's slow, not why
16:35.35Shouryuuin other words, I need to get before my router
16:35.42ShouryuuOk I know how to
16:35.51Shouryuusorry I'm a bit tired
16:36.02AnduinLotharpinging our router's local ip should work
16:36.15AnduinLotharrather than it's global ip
16:37.25Shouryuuhow would I get it's local ip?
16:38.43AnduinLotharit's the ip you use to get to the control panel, usually
16:39.27Shouryuuyeah well when I ping that
16:39.39Shouryuuwhen I lag, i get "request timed out" as an answer
16:39.53AnduinLotharthen it might be your router
16:39.59Shouryuuok thanks :P
16:40.06*** join/#wowi-lounge cladhair1 (
16:41.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (
16:57.13*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower_ (
16:57.43AnduinLotharwhat's "City" in German and French?
16:58.20AnduinLothar~english/french City
17:01.20Shouryuuwould be ville
17:01.23Shouryuuin french
17:02.12Shouryuuno Idea
17:02.15ShouryuuI'd know in spanish
17:02.18Shouryuubut not german
17:02.27Ktronthat's my recommendation
17:02.38WobI'd translate, but Babylon is taking too long to load up =P
17:02.52Ktroncity and town both seem to translate to 'stadt'
17:03.00AnduinLotharok, well what i really need to know is the string used in trade and lfg in capitol cities in wow
17:03.11ShouryuuI don't know that
17:03.19WobThat' you'd be better off asking on a board
17:03.25AnduinLotharLegorol, you around?
17:03.36ShouryuuI can ask a french fan-forum if you want
17:03.45AnduinLotharleg has a french client i believe
17:04.17Ktronyou could always rip it off another addon, right?
17:04.36AnduinLotharnot necissarily
17:05.01AnduinLotharI highly doubt any other addons care... except the ones that 1.9 broke
17:06.39ShouryuuI once played on french servers with a US version
17:06.39Shouryuuand used an add-on to join to correct channels
17:06.39Shouryuumaybe that has them registered
17:07.15WobIt was called Stormwind City?
17:07.39AnduinLotharyes, but some of the translations didn't have the city part
17:07.41WobYou could pull it from that usage
17:08.47Shouryuuit was called Chat localizer
17:08.57AnduinLotharlike german just says "Stormwind" i believe
17:09.17ShouryuuI'd dl it if my internet wasn't beeing an arse
17:09.26AnduinLotharbecause Stormwind Stadt doesn't sound right in german
17:12.35AnduinLotharmmm german uses Stormwind City..
17:12.40Beladonahiya Clad
17:14.07Shouryuuand there goes internet
17:15.19cladhaireHeyas =)
17:15.44AnduinLotharnow why are there two moderators in the SKy channel on kil'jaeden..
17:16.24AnduinLotharmmm, looks liek they fixed the channel list name cap
17:19.45ShouryuuAnyone here have some good english poetry I could read?
17:20.20Wobwhat do you define as good?
17:20.31ShouryuuTo define is to limit...
17:20.58ShouryuuAnything you like. I really enjoy (weirdly enough) old english
17:21.32ShouryuuI'm reading John Donne right now, read a bit of Poe and shakespeare, but anything is good
17:22.02WobSeamus Heany
17:22.16ShouryuuI'll give that a try then
17:22.24AnduinLotharmmm, looks liek there's 173 people in LookingForGroup - City
17:22.25Wobee cummings
17:22.39Shouryuuanduin you still need to cities in french?
17:22.46AnduinLotharand 297 in Trade - City
17:23.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Fanook (
17:23.03Shouryuu has cities/instances/mobs in french/english
17:23.33AnduinLotharnah. i have all the cities themselves. they've been localized in sky forever
17:23.49Shouryuuk cool
17:24.02AnduinLothari'm looking for the new format which uses City at the end of the lfg and trade ones since 1.9
17:25.20Shouryuuwow that program even has mobs in instances
17:25.55Shouryuuoh well
17:26.00Shouryuumonthy pythons here I come
17:30.35cladhaireHave they made it so we can rejoin LFG - City outside again.. or did that not make it for 1.9.2
17:31.24AnduinLotharnot yet
17:32.46WobI miss that
18:00.27AnduinLothar:) This is about the only time i love my server... There's a PUG Onyxia going at 10am
18:01.03TemIs that even possible?
18:01.19Temsounds like it's going to fail spectacularly
18:01.19AnduinLotharI've downed her twice before PUG
18:02.00AnduinLotharwell. it's a 95% lvl 60 server
18:02.12AnduinLotharhalf the server is decked in epics
18:02.31WobThat sounds... boring =)
18:02.49AnduinLotharmakes for a different dynamic, that's for sure
18:02.58WobI can imagine =)
18:04.17TemWhat somewhat angers me is that we are nearly 3 months into MC and Arcanist belt and Arcanist Shoulders have /never/ dropped
18:04.23AnduinLotharlow level blues sell really well and are usually boutout
18:04.44AnduinLotharbut most greens get vendored unless exceptionally special
18:05.21Temmeanwhile all 5 of our warlocks are in nearly full Felheart sets and most of them have a Nemesis hat too
18:06.03AnduinLotharI don't actually like the Lightforge set..
18:06.13AnduinLotharyou'd think as a pally I would..
18:06.28AnduinLotharbut i have full LF and full Valor and don't like either
18:06.37AnduinLothari much rather mismatch better blues
18:12.31TemI know that feeling
18:12.43TemI only have 3 peices of arcanist because I refuse to spend my dkp on it
18:13.00TemI'd much rather mix and match with other things
18:13.21Tem(really I'm just making sure I'm the mage with the most dkp when we get into BWL
18:14.00TemOk.  Wasn't there a global function that returned the number of seconds since Jan 1970?
18:14.06AnduinLotharlove how it's 75 degrees in here and i'm shivering
18:15.23Temit's based on client time
18:15.46TemI need a way to figure out the date based on the server
18:16.06AnduinLotharcant with seconds
18:16.27AnduinLotharbest u get from the server is minutes
18:16.30TemI don't need to be that accurate
18:16.40TemI just need to know the date according to the server
18:16.46krkabut why?
18:16.54TemCalandar addon
18:17.06TemI don't trust the user's machine to be right
18:18.48krkawhy not?
18:18.56Tembecause users are dumb
18:19.35Temand I guarantee someone would post a comment saying my calender was wrong because their machine had the wrong date
18:19.39krkaif the users want an ingame calendar, tell them to set their date right
18:20.17AnduinLotharif their comp has the wrong date they A) wont be using addons, B) shouldn't be needing a calandar
18:20.18Temwell I think I might have just figured out a way to do it
18:20.38krkareally? seems take an optional time argument
18:20.55krkacan you get the server time argument?
18:21.05Temnot really
18:21.16Temoh well
18:21.59Temkrka: the other issue I'm that might be an issue is people in Australia playing on US Servers
18:22.10Temlet my try that again
18:22.29Temkrka: The other think that might become and issue is people in Australia playing on US servers.
18:22.43AnduinLotharwhy loo, it's a cairenn
18:22.49AnduinLotharlook even
18:22.54CairennCair has been here for a while now
18:23.00Temguess we're all a little dumb in the fingers this morning
18:23.14AnduinLotharOnyxia PUG ftw
18:23.46Tembecuase australia is something like 14 hours ahead of US time
18:25.38Temwhich can often put their date ahead of the server's date
18:25.47Temwhich would be bad
18:26.22WobOh don't worry, by the time the lag works itself out, it'll be about even =P
18:26.29krkajust go with the local date, that's what people want to see anyway
18:26.47Temkrka: but then I have an issue syncing it
18:27.12krkasync with what?
18:27.15TemPerhaps understanding the actual purpose of the calendar will fix your confusion
18:27.30TemIt's purpose is to show when the raidinstances will reset
18:27.50WobHave the user enter in a timezone?
18:28.11TemIt's so simple
18:28.12krkayou can calculate the time offset btw
18:28.20krkajust get the hour value from server
18:28.43Temkrka: but how do you know if they are 6 hours ahead or 18 hours behind?
18:28.49krkathat would have to be specified
18:28.57Tem(or some other value that would make sense)
18:29.08krkano, those are the only two options I think
18:29.35krkawell, don't you know where the date zone is relative to the server location?
18:29.59Temremember they hid the server locations from us
18:30.00krkaif you know which server it is, you can figure out if it's +18 or -6
18:30.08krkawell, calibrate it using yourself
18:30.30krkadol us-servers show the same time btw?
18:30.40krkaor would a NY server show different server time than a LA server?
18:30.48Temyeah they would be different
18:30.54krkayou can figure out in which time zone a server is
18:31.00krkasince you know which timezone you are in
18:31.11Cairennthey have "eastern, mid and western" time zone servers
18:31.18krkayou'd have to include a list of servers and their timezones in your addon though
18:31.23Tema NY server would show GMT-5 and an LA server would show GMT-8
18:31.24krkabut that should be easy enough to obtain
18:31.41Temyeah no thanks
18:31.56TemI'll use Wob's suggestion.  Make the user tell me :)
18:32.18TemIf they don't know their own time zone, then the game is over and they lose.
18:32.46TainHow about if I know my time zone but I can't get my computer to stop giving it to me in GMT?
18:32.47WobRocks fall, everybody dies =P
18:33.16Temmaybe if I'm feeling particularly masochistic one day...
18:34.08TemThe "happy and you know it" song is evil.
18:35.48Beladonaok WTF
18:35.58BeladonaCide you there?
18:37.23Wob_,_,match = strfind("something*clapclap*something", "%*(%l*)%*")
18:37.48Cideyep Beladona
18:38.15Beladonahave you heard any issues with CT_BuffMod not showing up? Mine is totally gone from the screen, and reset frames doesn't do anything for it
18:39.14Cidewell, the only reason I can think of is because it's off screen really
18:39.22Beladonareset should fix that
18:39.26Beladonaand I have deleted my WTF
18:39.43Cideit should, yep
18:39.46BeladonaI reinstalled it, just to make sure, and it is enabled
18:40.01Cideare you ingame? could do /script CT_BuffMod_Drag:ClearAllPoints(); CT_BuffMod_Drag:SetPoint("CENTER", "UIParent", "CENTER")
18:40.55Beladonagot it
18:40.59Beladonathats really weird
18:41.06Beladonamaybe reset frames isn't picking it up?
18:41.21Cideit has been a bit bugged I admit
18:41.24Beladonaeven then though, it should still be there if I delete the config
18:41.51Beladonaahh well, thanks
18:44.15Temwow... Hey krka, about that list of servers...
18:50.08Cideyou need a server list?
18:54.13TemI'm considering it
19:02.15CideI wrote a php script to parse the US and EU pages for all servers if you want it
19:02.55TemI'm not sure I need it yet
19:03.05Cidelet me know if you do
19:03.25TemI think I'll just ask the user for the time offset between them and the server
19:11.41TemI can guess their time offset pretty well as long as their system clock is right
19:15.06TemHmm anyone here on Europe servers?
19:16.23Temor does anyone happen to know if MC, BWL, and AQ40 reset on tuesday or wednesday there?
19:16.59Cidewed I'm pretty sure.. I can ask
19:17.11Temthat would be my guess too
19:17.30Temwhat's the EU community page link?
19:17.58*** join/#wowi-lounge ForgottenLords (
19:19.11Temthat site doesn't have a raid calendar like the us one
19:19.16Cidethat site fails
19:19.25AnduinLotharmmmm i have Blessign of Light and Greater Blessing of Light on me at the same time
19:19.27Temah nvm I found it
19:19.27Cidethe us site has a xml page for server status
19:19.33Cidereally easy to parse
19:19.36Temand they do reset on wednesday
19:19.43Cideand the eu site has it all written out in tables...
19:24.37Temhmm"%Z") returns the timezone name
19:26.05Temnow I just need a huge list of all the timezones and their GMT equivilant
19:26.20Temoh screw that.  I'm /not/ dealing with DST
19:27.08Ktrondoes everyone fonts look crappy?
19:27.14Ktronor is it just me?
19:27.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Tain (
19:28.09Temjust you
19:28.42krkause %z instead
19:28.49krkathat gives the hour offset from  GMT
19:29.05Temit does?
19:29.12Ktronbah, anyone know if there's a known cause?
19:29.15krkaaccording to strftime
19:29.52Shouryuuwhat program can I use, to rip a CD so that the files on my HDD have a bitrate superior to 192?
19:30.04Temkrka: wow's version doesn't
19:30.10Shouryuu*rip as in take songs from a CD to my computer
19:30.12Tem%z and %Z seem to be the same
19:31.14Temnope, it's lua not wow
19:31.35TemLua's returns the same thing for %Z and %z
19:32.13Tainadding 56,000 songs to my iTunes library is taking a long, long time.
19:32.33Cidewhat have we learned then? don't add 56,000 songs to the iTunes library.
19:32.53TainShouryuu use EAC.
19:33.02TainExact Audio Copy.
19:35.34krkathen is lying :/
19:35.55krkano, it's WoW that's being bad
19:36.01Temno it's Lua
19:36.02krkaLua 5.0.2  Copyright (C) 1994-2004 Tecgraf, PUC-Rio
19:36.02krka> print("%z"))
19:36.13TemI just tested on my interpreter
19:36.18krkai just tested on mine :P
19:36.26TemI have lua 5.0
19:36.32krkame too
19:36.32Temthat's probably the deal
19:37.23TemLua 5.0.2  Copyright (C) 1994-2004 Tecgraf, PUC-Rio
19:37.24Tem> print("%z"))
19:37.24TemCentral Standard Time
19:38.03Temwe obviously have different OS
19:38.54Temwhare are you running?
19:40.58Ktrondid you know you can get from swamp of sorrows --> deadwind pass --> redridge?
19:41.16Temno, sure didn't
19:41.32Temkrka: that's why we are seeing different results.  I'm running windows
19:41.32krkathe question is what WoW"%z") returns
19:41.40Elkanowasn't deadwind leeding to duskwood?
19:41.48WobI've never explored DWP
19:41.51WobToo scared to =P
19:41.53TemI'm pretty sure it maps to the current system's
19:41.54Ktronyou can climb way up into the mountains in the corner of the three areas, and by crossing a small about of deadwind go from the swamp to redridge... not sure if you can go the other way
19:42.00Cairennyeah, deadwind is between swamp and duskwood
19:42.29WobI like the Desolace->Feralas->Feathermoon path
19:42.37Elkanobtw: Cairenn, is it possible to move an addon at wowi from beta to another categorie?
19:42.45WobSaves you from having to trek all across Feralas
19:42.45Cairennyup, just say the word
19:43.28krkadoes wowi allow for per-addon forums?
19:43.35Elkanosince I just sent in the fist public release :)
19:43.36krkafor bugtracking and requests and stuff
19:43.56Cairennkrka: it can
19:44.01krkacool stuff
19:44.07CairennElkano: where do you want it?
19:44.34Elkanohmm... good question which would fit best...
19:45.01Elkanowould be 'data mods', wouldn't it?
19:52.13Elkanothx :)
19:52.23Cairennyou're welcome
19:54.06krkawhat kinda mod is that?
19:54.19Cairennitem db
19:54.25krkai see
19:54.37krkabtw... is there any mod out there that simulates a real DB?
19:55.19krkaput data in a db and then do queries :)
19:56.50ElkanoCairenn, when you move a thread in the forums, it will keep it's id, won't it?
19:57.08Cairennwill move thread in a couple, sorry, forgot
19:57.52Elkanonothing to blame you for :)
19:58.35Elkanothx :)
20:00.09Elkanooh, I just noticed I linked the post instead of the thread ^^ but it's still working :)
20:18.42*** join/#wowi-lounge kremonte (
20:19.18kremontei dislike mountains now
20:19.26Shouryuulol what happened?
20:19.38kremontesupposed to be a weekend snowboarding in vermont having fun, right?
20:19.57kremontewell after 2 hours on saturday, i go up to the summit, hit a big patch of ice, break both wrists and got a concussion
20:20.31AnduinLotharur typing?
20:20.36kremonteT3? o_O
20:20.40Wobargh! =(
20:20.45kremonteAnduinLothar: dont need to use my wrists to type haha
20:20.46WobTylenol 3 I imagine =)
20:20.47CairennTylenol 3
20:20.58kremonteoh, tylenol doesnt work
20:21.12kremontemy body built up a resistance to it =P
20:21.15CairennTylenol 3 is codeine :p
20:21.21kremontecodeine? o.O
20:21.33CodayusMmmm, codeine.
20:21.42kremontei justh ave an ice pack tied to both wrists
20:22.22Cairennyou're insane to be on the computer and typing ...
20:22.34kremontewell, it's all i do =P
20:24.56kremontewell, thats a 7 hour car ride im not taking again for a year.. /phew
20:27.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
20:27.14Cairennhey Iriel
20:27.19kremontehey iriel
20:27.27kremontehow do you make purl do an onjoin message?
20:28.08IrielI didn't, someone else set it up (badly, it would appear)
20:32.27krkahey iriel, next challenge for you: make a Lua Database :)
20:32.52IrielYou mean in some form other than a table?
20:32.56kremontelua database?
20:33.14krkasomething along the lines of sql
20:33.47Shouryuulol how do you think people will react if I upload a file with a 11k bitrate?
20:34.01MentalPowerLua SQL would be a godsend
20:34.36krkathe reason I want it is that I want a nice way to extract a set of items from my inventory / bag
20:34.39kremonte11k bitrate o_O
20:34.51kremontebutyou cant react with sql in WoW.. huh
20:34.54kremontei'm so confused
20:35.15krkaselect from bags, inventory where binding="soulbound" and equipslot="head"
20:35.17krkaor something
20:35.38krkacould do it with a simple sweep I suppose
20:35.50krkaactually, never mind, it would be total overkill
20:35.51IrielAh, I tend to do things like that with iterators and selection functoins
20:36.12krkaselection functions FTW
20:39.13IrielThe devil of course is in the details of your data representation
20:42.08IrielWell, how you represent the 'binding' and 'slot' ness of each thing
20:42.54krkawell, that part is easy I think
20:42.57krkajust scan the tooltip
20:43.52IrielTrue, but you'd want to abstract it a bit if you're building a more generalized scheme (GetItemInfo helps too)
20:44.23krkawell, when you're scanning the items, just gather all possible info
20:47.53Tem|FoodI believe the INVTYPE tokens match the text on the tooltip
20:49.22krkaah, so localization wont be a problem? sweet
20:50.06Tem|Foodoh nevermind
20:50.21Tem|Foodthe only ones that match are INVTYPE_2HWEAPON and INVTYPE_HOLDABLE
20:50.36Tem|Foodbut it doesn't matter
20:50.52Tem|Foodbecause that is not the stuff you need to pull from the tooltip anyway
20:51.16Shouryuuthis guy has an godly connection
20:57.09kremontewow, 1tb in 50 hrs o_O
21:23.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
21:31.13*** part/#wowi-lounge Beladona (
21:45.31TemThat taco bell was so good it was practically orgasmic
21:45.50IrielThe days when that happens just feel better than normal ones
21:46.06IrielI had a couple of delightful quesidillas in the last couple of weeks.
21:47.02TemIt's hard to believe that food that cheap can be that satisfying
21:47.24kremontean IRC fast food ad
21:47.48TemTaco bell should pay me
21:48.22IrielI'd just like to say that I dislike trying to come up with 'simple UI's
21:48.37TainI've eaten from Taco Bell maybe 5 times in my whole life.  And that's probably overestimating.
21:49.31TemIriel: you mean idiot proof guis?
21:51.07IrielNot necessarily even idiot proof, just easy to use
21:51.25kremontesimple as in?
21:51.28TemIt's been said that the epic struggle of the universe is programmers creating better idiot proof applications and the universe creating bigger and better idiots.
21:51.35kremonteas few buttons as possible? X)
21:51.43KirkburnMake the on button incredubly hard to find?
21:51.53IrielYou're all not helping.
21:51.55KirkburnNo idiots could use it then :p
21:52.13IrielI've also run into a wierd problem with frameStrata behaving exactly contrary to how I expect it to
21:52.24Irielwhich is bothersome, because I thought I understood it
21:52.26TemIriel: how is that?
21:52.48krkadamn, documenting my addon is hard work :/
21:53.00krkaespecially given that no one will probably use it :P
21:53.05IrielWell, I've got a bunch of frames (with textures) set as frameStrata="BACKGROUND"
21:53.19IrielThen I have a bunch of other frames (with textures) set as frameStrata="FULLSCREEN" (I think)
21:53.30IrielAnd the background textures are all showing up on top of the fullscreen ones
21:53.51kremontekrka: what addon?
21:53.58Temare the background frames the parent of the fullscreen frames?
21:54.05Temer, visa versa
21:54.56Wobvice versa? =)
21:55.11IrielNo, the FULLSCREEN ones have the BACKGROUND ones as parent
21:55.35IrielAnd the BACKGROUND ones have WorldFrame as their parent
21:56.43WobI wish the game would suggest other realms other than Argent Dawn if you select RP/US...
21:56.52Wobgoddamn queues
21:57.05KirkburnThey've stopped char creation on many EU realms
21:57.06IrielIt always suggests Silver Hand to me
21:57.14krkayou will see soon
21:57.41WobWhat does GRAB do?
21:57.46KirkburnI'm still in a state of confusion over the font changes, tbh ... I can use an xml files, but if I use lua, I can add options?
21:58.12IrielIt's more that you can update 'template' XML fonts from lua after the fact
21:58.26Shouryuuwow if you want to see a great anime try and find Magnetic Rose
21:59.03Fanooknever heard of that one
21:59.14KirkburnOkay ... is there any way of sending files in mIRC so I can show u what I've done at, just to see if i'm on the right lines?
21:59.22Shouryuuit's from one if the writters of Akira
21:59.28Shouryuuit's in a series called Memories
21:59.48Shouryuureally really nice music
21:59.48IrielKirkburn : Use
21:59.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Maldivia (
22:01.05Fanookshour: oohhh, it's from the same set of shorts as Stink Bomb
22:01.26KirkburnIriel: done
22:01.40ShouryuuI'm watching stink bomb right now =P
22:01.56IrielKirkburn : Then post us the url so we know which one to go to
22:02.07Fanookthat's an interesting one. never actually seen it, but i have a great amv of it set with the imperial march
22:02.46WobMaldivia: _,_,match = strfind("something*clapclap*something", "%*(%l*)%*")
22:02.54KirkburnIriel: I thought it gets listed on the list on the left ...
22:03.19IrielKirkburn : it does, but that's hard to rely on when we're all using it (evidently not today)
22:03.21MaldiviaWob: I know how to split a string... :)
22:04.13WobIt's a topic fraught with... fraughtfulness. *nods*
22:05.16IrielKirkburn : Depending on how font paths versus sizes propagate, you may even be able to skip some of those SetFonts
22:05.21IrielAnd line 92 doesn't make any sense to me
22:05.37KirkburnOh yeah, forgot to take that out
22:06.07IrielThat looks like a sound first try tho, once 1.10 hits.
22:06.13IrielYou'll want to put some ifs on the last set
22:06.18Irielin case the addons in question dont exist
22:06.42KirkburnOkies ... looks like the SCT override will crash and burn tho gives the v4 update he's done
22:07.43KirkburnWhen I was going through it I was blindly copying stuff over from the lua so I used the Copy stuff as a kind of inherit thing (which was pointless obviously)
22:08.00Kirkburn*from the xml I mean
22:08.03WobHrm, it seems I can't get my Bindings.xml to show up the title of my category correctly?
22:08.38IrielWob: The labels go in you .lua code
22:08.38KirkburnThe ClearFont.xml file only needs to have "<Script file="ClearFont.lua"/>
22:08.52KirkburnThat was supposed to end in a '?'
22:08.54IrielWob: You put all-caps identifiers into the Bindings.xml
22:09.06IrielKirkburn : Just ditch the xml file entirely, and put ClearFont.lua in the .toc
22:09.12WobAha. Then put a variable in the lua
22:09.16Wobokies =)
22:09.38IrielWob: yeah, grab my CameraKeys addon for an example (
22:11.20KirkburnWhat kind of if asks if a mod is present? Or would I be 'if'ing the Font Objects (e.g. if GameFontLarger exists, then SetFont...)
22:12.11IrielIf you want to be properly paranoid, let me give you some sample code.
22:12.20krkaCairenn|afk! approve my addon or somethingf
22:12.35KirkburnI wonder what 'afk' means :p
22:12.57krkaAnxiously Fixing stuff for Krka
22:13.07KirkburnDammit, I couldn't think of anything ...
22:13.29KirkburnI'd go with your suggestion
22:13.34TemIf I called an addon TiVo and it was for checking when raid instances would reset, would that make sense?
22:13.52KirkburnShe's probably recoding WoWI to show your's as the only addon krka
22:14.10IrielTem: No.
22:14.13krkathat would kick ass
22:14.25TemIriel: Any suggestions?
22:14.27krkai agree with iriel
22:14.47IrielKirkburn :
22:15.17TemKtron: lol! I love it
22:15.28WobTiVo gives the impression of an addon frapsing the raids you can't make =P
22:15.42Maldiviawouldn't it be an idea to do something like: if IsAddOnLoaded("SCT") then --[[ change SCT fonts ]] end
22:15.45Wob(Which would be actually very cool =P)
22:15.51TemEspecially since I'm from an area where gators are pretty common
22:16.18IrielMaldivia : That's risky if SCT ever gets edited
22:16.19KtronOMGHOWLONG would be an okay name
22:16.34IrielYou're much better off checking the object exists and is the right type
22:16.47Temlol Iriel
22:16.47Ktronyeah, AreWeThereYet isn't bad either
22:16.56TemCairenn|afk: suggested that exact name yesterday
22:17.15krkadoesn't really work
22:17.28krkaNAWTY on the other hand
22:17.33krkajust need to figure out what the N stands for
22:18.27Temlol I think Nawty is the name
22:18.35Temand Now is what the N stands for
22:18.37krkaany other mobs at wowi that can approve addons?
22:18.43WobIfYouDon'tStopTeasingYourGuildMateI'mTurningThisEntireRaidAround... or IYDSTYGMITTERA for short
22:18.52KirkburnI like 'mobs'
22:19.01TemI do too
22:19.21KirkburnYou just better hope they're not flagged aggresive
22:19.28KirkburnOr already tagged by other 'players'
22:19.37TemI'm going right for Kael if he spawns
22:19.43Temhe's a rare you see
22:19.46Wobcamper =(
22:19.49Temthey always drop good loot
22:20.11WobBah, you're stopping the hunters from being able to tame =(
22:21.10IrielWhat's the max length on a frame name again?
22:21.28KirkburnWell lets get back to the ClearFont raid ... iriel: How would that code work for, say, MonkeyQuestFont. I would replace "object" with that name, but where would the if/then statement come in?
22:22.00krkashould be pretty long I guess
22:22.01IrielYou'd do if (IsFontObject(MonkeyQuestFont)) then -- all the stuff with that font -- end
22:22.43KirkburnI'm getting the feeling that all the overrides would be pointless for a while after 1.10 hits since SCT and Monkey addons will be changed pretty rapidly
22:23.24IrielChances are folks will just change FontString virtual="true" to Font, and be done
22:23.48KirkburnTrue, but sct has already changed to prevent my override
22:23.50IrielOne update you might make to that function would be to do
22:24.22Irielif (object.SetFont and not object:IsObjectType("SimpleHTML"))
22:24.31Irielinstead of the test I have for IsObjectType
22:24.59Irielthen it'll work if it's a Font FontString EditBox ScrollingMessageFrame etc
22:25.07*** join/#wowi-lounge zespri (
22:28.19KirkburnUpdated with what I think you're suggesting
22:29.01IrielI was going to put it into the function, like this:
22:30.56KirkburnSo I'd just iterate the second part for each time it needs doing?
22:31.58KirkburnCool! Sounds simple, hopefully will be ... Wondering if you knew how to put the outline settings (thick, normal) in?
22:32.01IrielAnyone played with FauxScrollFrame much?
22:32.07krkaoh well, I guess I can wait till tomorrow to see my addon get rejected
22:32.12krkatime to sleep and stuff
22:32.18IrielKirkburn : It's a string after the size, , "THICK" etc
22:32.19krka(mostly stuff, maybe sleep)
22:32.20Kirkburnnighty night
22:32.54KirkburnIriel: I'd thought it might be the [, flag] bit, but wasn't sure and didn't want to spend 30 mins typing them all in :)
22:34.01IrielKirkburn : You should be able to play with the :SetFont stuff today using any visible FontString
22:34.04IrielYou just can't do it on the virtual ones
22:34.29KirkburnAll fonts.xml ones are virtual
22:34.49Irielyes, but pick one on screen and play
22:34.58IrielLike the zone name in the minimap cluster or something
22:35.32Shouryuuhaha stink bomb is awsome
22:36.26KirkburnI'll have a look once I get the net in my apartment (been waiting 2 months so far)
22:36.49KirkburnI've updated with an outline thingy
22:37.00KirkburnI'm in italy, life works like that ...
22:37.43KirkburnOnce it arrives my landlord deserves a hige bottle of wine given the grief 'Wind' have given him
22:37.52Kirkburn*huge, methinks
22:38.01IrielKirkburn : yes
22:38.07KirkburnIriel: woo!
22:41.13KirkburnIn summary, to override the fonts.xml file, I only need SetFont stuff where I'm actually changing things. For addons, I use the code you gave me (thanks so much for that). Finally, for the addons, would I have to have some kind of loadlast thing?
22:42.17IrielWell, for the addons, if you're feeling really brave you could keep track of which ones you haven't done yet, and re-check them every time you see an ADDON_LOADED event fire
22:43.05KirkburnI'm not very brave. I've never coded (or seen) lua before in my life.
22:43.14KirkburnHeck maybe I could just be a fool and do it anyway
22:43.56IrielWell, many of us hadn't touched lua before wow
22:44.42KirkburnI suppose that's true ... maybe I'll be making another [insert suitably complicated addon here] before the year is out
22:45.19krkai dare say almost most of us hadn't touched lua before wow
22:45.37KirkburnOkay, one other question, how would I get ClearFont to turn on/off during play? Atm I can't see much need for it, but if I make a GUI for it, it might be useful
22:45.42ShouryuuI hadn't touched anything before
22:46.07Shouryuuand my code shows so :D
22:48.56*** join/#wowi-lounge zeeg (n=wguru@
22:50.28KirkburnWell, it looks like I've got my job for tomorrow, redo the LUA file with new-found confidence that I'm actually doing the right thing :p
22:50.43Shouryuudumb question but is it very hard to make a program to randomly generate a number from 1 ro 100 with a relative equaprobility for every number? As in each number has 1/100 of chances to get picked?
22:50.55KirkburnThat's exactly what it does now
22:51.20KirkburnOtherwise rolling for drops isn't random :p
22:51.26Fanookshour: using the lua random(), it would be hard not to get a uniform random number
22:51.29ShouryuuI meant outside wow :P
22:51.54Fanookmost standard random() functions give a uniform distribution
22:52.06Fanookdepending on language, it might be between 0 and 1 or 0 and MAXINT
22:52.13Shouryuuyeah I know but I want to know if it's hard to make your own :P
22:52.26Shouryuuthought so =P
22:52.28KirkburnWell, what do u want to make it in?
22:52.33Wobpretty much =)
22:52.50Fanooki actually had to evaluate a number of RNG's this past semester. the math made my head hurt
22:53.31KirkburnRand Numb Gens
22:53.45KirkburnSorry, I meant Randy Nubile Gents
22:53.54zespriwhat are the coolest addons out there? is there a site that have a list of addons 'one can't live without'?
22:54.07KirkburnI always get the keyboard buttons mixed up
22:54.15Shouryuuthat does make more sens
22:54.20KirkburnWell, look at the most popular addons lists?
22:54.45KirkburnNaturally my first answer would be: mine
22:54.51krkaI would say mine :P
22:55.06KirkburnWell, you'd be wrong
22:55.07krkaother than that: EquipCompare is a must
22:55.16KirkburnWell, I'd agree there
22:55.19FanookShour: if you really want to look into random number generation, i suggest googling for "mersenne twister" or "ranrot"
22:55.24krkaDevTools is nice too
22:55.26zespriI duuno, for some reason addons that I consider most useful keep getting discontinued with nobody to pick up. BuffBot and Recap would be a few examples
22:55.29Temkrka: that's a matter of opinion
22:55.37TemI find EC takes up too much screen space
22:55.47Fanookif you want to use the default character portraits, i suggest ShowLevel
22:55.47Temand I'm far too lazy to read the other tooltip myself
22:55.51KirkburnStill pretty damn useful
22:56.08krkai kinda like MiniGroup2 too
22:56.24KirkburnWell, ClearFont has one of the largest effects on the game UI ... especially for those hard-of-sight
22:56.32krkaAutoTravel was huge must for me, even got me to quit wow for several months
22:56.47Shouryuufan - I'll take a look thanks
22:57.13Kirkburnkrka: Confuzzled
22:57.35zespriSo I thought, there must be some ppl out there that are coding some addons, because they think that these are very cool addons that will be a must have addon. if they don't code recap they mast code something at least as cool, right? =)
22:59.23KirkburnLike me?
22:59.35ShouryuuThe maths will probably be too complicated, but hell...
23:04.15GenNMX|ThraeHaha, I'm working on making a replacement to Recap and DamageMeters.
23:05.59GenNMX|ThraeI looked at Recap's code and didn't like it, easier to just make a new one from stratch.
23:06.30Temeveryone has their own coding style
23:06.37Fanookrecap's ui wasn't all that hot either, imo
23:06.51GenNMX|ThraeExactly Tem -- Recap's coding style just didn't mesh with mine.
23:08.02TemI dunno, Gello seems to have a real talent for UIs
23:08.18TemEverything he does is GUI-licious
23:09.08Shouryuuaww great the maths are explained in english... the suxors
23:09.42Fanookno formulae for you!
23:09.57GenNMX|ThraeWhat math?
23:10.02Shouryuuwhat's invertible? f()^-1 doesn't exist?
23:10.36Fanookother way around, i think. if f() is invertible, then it has an inverse.
23:10.38TemIs this the real life? Is this just fantasy?
23:10.53ShouryuuThunder botls and lighting!
23:10.58ShouryuuVERY VERY frightning me!
23:11.00Fanookso, f(x) != 0 for any x, iirc
23:11.14Temnot quite Shouryuu
23:11.16Fanookif i remember correctly
23:11.21Shouryuuyeah I skiped a bit sorry
23:11.35Shouryuubut it's in the song! (I think)
23:11.46TemShouryuu: yeah later
23:13.24ShouryuuI'm sorry I don't know the whole song by hear =(
23:13.49TemI see a little stiletto of man
23:13.54IrielInvertible means that there exists f'(x) such that if y=f(x) then f'(y) == x
23:14.19TemI see a little silhouetto of man
23:14.30Fanookyeah, that's it
23:14.59KirkburnHas CurseGaming gone down?
23:15.18TemSend the bolts of lightning very very frightning me
23:15.26Fanookkirk: looks that way
23:15.54ShouryuuHe's just a poor boy...
23:15.56TemGalileo figaro!
23:16.02Temand yes that is next
23:16.16Shouryuuman you've got it my head!
23:16.28Temwell here try this on for size
23:16.36Tem"Everyone loves Magical Trevor..."
23:17.04Temsorry Iriel
23:17.18ShouryuuI'm going to bed
23:17.20Tem"Well, here, try this on for size:"
23:17.21CideTem: Trevor!
23:17.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
23:17.33Fanookcause everything he does is ever so clever
23:17.33ShouryuuTrevor and RNG are b ad for your health
23:17.40zespriGenNMX, Tem, as for me I liked recap ui. on my opininon one of the best ui's
23:17.47ShouryuuLook at him, disapearin' a cow...
23:18.06Shouryuuwell 'night young ones
23:18.07Fanookwhere is the cow, hidden right now.
23:18.11Temlater Shouryuu
23:18.16TemI hope you dream Trevor
23:18.16GenNMX|Thraezespri: I never said I disliked Recap's UI
23:18.27zespriand every time a new version came up I was quite surprised to find new and new useful features I couldn't think of beforehand - the author as quite resourceful
23:18.28GenNMX|ThraeI might steal it
23:18.30Temzespri: I agree.  Gello does fantasic work.
23:18.44Fanooki said i didnt like it so much
23:18.57TemEverywhere the wind blows...
23:19.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
23:19.19Temoh look it's Guillotine
23:19.25Fanooki loved the features, but the config and display were the downpoint for me
23:19.37TemHey Guillotine, "Everyone loves Magical Trevor...."
23:19.47Fanookwe are ebil
23:19.47Guillotinei like that tip
23:20.08TemGuillotine: yeah... I had to turn on old music to get rid of it because of your "tips"
23:20.31Guillotinei blame whoever in this channel gave me the link to that movie
23:20.34Guillotineand the llama movie
23:20.43TemIriel: I've never been very good at using commas, but I'll gladly put way too many in my statements if it makes you feel better.
23:20.51zesprianother thing that I looked for was a replacement to CastParty. Tried mimi-groups, tried GroupButtons, and another 2 or three addons wasn't satisfied and returned back to castparty.
23:20.53Fanookhere's a llama, there's a llama, and another little llama...
23:20.56Kirkburnllama llama llama
23:21.00IrielTem: 8-)
23:21.09purlhere's a llama there's a llama and another little llama fuzzy llama funny llama, llama llama duck. llama llama cheesecake llama tablet brick potato llama, llama llama mushroom llama, llama llama duck.
23:21.23GenNMX|Thraezespri: Tried WatchDog?
23:21.26Fanooktablet brick? that's not right...
23:21.31Temyeah it is
23:21.32IrielTem: I just meant: Thunder bolts and lightning, very very frightening..."
23:22.06GenNMX|Thraezespri: AceHeal also has efficient healing and hooks invisibly into various addons like NeedyList and CTRA.
23:22.20zespriyes I did. It was about 4 months ago, and there were something that I didn't like about it either. Can't remember what now.
23:22.25KirkburnThere's a part two?
23:22.31Tem4 actually
23:22.34GenNMX|ThraeWell, WatchDog isn't necessarily pretty
23:22.38Tembut the second one never stuck
23:22.46TemI think the third one didn't stick either
23:22.51purldid you ever see a llama kiss a llama on the llama, llama's llama tastes of llama, llama llama duck. half a llama twice the llama not a llama farmer llama in a car alarm a llama llama duck.
23:23.00Temah no the third one stuck but the forth didn't
23:23.24AnduinLotharpart 2 didn't play either
23:23.27Fanookdid you ever see the way the orange slayed the rake?
23:23.46AnduinLotharno love
23:23.51zespribasicaly what I want is one click healing that dosn't choose healing spell for me but chooses spell rank and has mana conversion feature. I want very thin ui, just a bar showing missing party health, and I want it to be usable for insta-casts when running
23:23.56Temyeah... I'll have to fix em
23:24.11Temmaybe later.  I don't feel like having that loop in my head for a 5 hours today
23:24.25GenNMX|Thraezespri: Yes, that's exactly what WatchDog can do. I'd try it again.
23:24.40TemIriel: Oh.  Well, with music punctuation seems pretty pointless considering none of it is full sentences
23:24.49zespriI will try it again.
23:24.54GenNMX|ThraeAceHeal also does exactly that, except it doesn't have a UI, it just provides pick a spell rank and mana conversion features.
23:25.33AnduinLotharlazy healers..
23:25.37Fanookhuh, it is tablet brick. my mistake
23:25.46zespriAnduin, lol
23:26.02TemFanook: You lack faith
23:26.19TemFanook: I had that #$%@ing song playing for like 3 hours straight one day
23:26.25Fanooki misremembered it :)
23:26.35Fanooki had numa numa playing that long once
23:26.48TemI could probably sing the whole thing right now
23:26.56AnduinLotharhealing's already boring enough. you might as well at least use some of your brain and hand eye coordination picking targets..
23:27.00Tem"I could have helped you, but I won't"
23:27.33Fanookit's always a good sign when you confuse reality with West Wing
23:27.47zespriAnduin, you know, different people have different concept of fun, there is nothing wrong about it
23:28.30GenNMX|ThraeAnduinLothar: I suck at FPSes, I have very poor twitch control and poor ability to make quick decisions.
23:29.00Temsounds like you're just a lousy gamer =P
23:29.04GenNMX|ThraeI don't think that should be a large factor in being good at a MMORPG.
23:29.12GenNMX|ThraeTem: I am a master at strategy and RPGs :D
23:29.24AnduinLotharwell i dont mind if it buffs and curse using aq_buffbot actually, but if i just hit a button repeatedly and wait for cooldown for infinite flash heals i might as well be a bot..
23:29.35zespriTem, what a person should do if he is a lousy gamer and still wants to play. I'm a lousy gamer
23:30.02Tem(sorry I couldn't help it)
23:30.15Tem(I hate all the orly l2p crap)
23:30.19zesprinot funny. there are things you can do and things you can't
23:30.28GenNMX|ThraeAnduinLothar: Well, it's one thing to use CastParty_DoEverything(), we're just asking for stuff like "Use Rank 2 if Rank 3 would overheal"
23:30.51GenNMX|ThraeI still need to choose whether to cast Healing Touch, Regrowth, or Rejuvination
23:30.57Guillotinehmmm. guys. I got a question. I just came up with concept for a priest grinding bot. it can do everything but loot with the default ui as long as you spam a key (e.g. so I could read while leveling up my priest). think this would be frowned upon?
23:30.58Guillotinecan even find mob positions
23:31.26Temwrite it
23:31.32Tembut don't release it
23:31.53GenNMX|ThraeGuillotine: Write it and give it to slouken, he'll appreciate it
23:31.59kremontefind mob positions?
23:32.02AnduinLotharyou cant tell what direction you're facing any more
23:32.03GenNMX|Thraeslouken: Dammit you finally did it :(
23:32.23GuillotineAnduin: you can by moving forward for one second and seeing what direction your coordinates increase
23:32.36SP|Sorrenslouken: how'd you get my bot?!
23:32.52Guillotineand you can get nearby mob positions with mind vision. it counts its position as yours
23:33.06SP|Sorrenthats hax lol
23:33.31SP|Sorrendo it, they'll finally fix mind vision if you do!
23:33.38Guillotinehow is it broken?
23:33.42SP|Sorrenno los checks
23:33.44SP|Sorrenor anything ;P
23:33.47SP|Sorrenits cheap as hell in wsg
23:33.49Guillotineya. thats how its supposed to be
23:33.51Guillotinerank 2 at least
23:33.53Guillotinerank 1 has LOS
23:33.54IrielYou'd have to cast mind vision, have is succeed, then get the location, then drop out of it, then hope the mob doesn't move
23:33.54SP|Sorrenthats horrible
23:34.10IrielI dont really see it as exploitable in all but the most retarded of scenarios
23:34.18GuillotineIriel: right. but you can just pull the mob to you once you're nearby with SW:P
23:34.20AnduinLotharwell you can always walk most of the way and then agro it
23:34.21Tembut that sounds like a really good exploit for WSG though
23:34.23Guillotineyou don't need to be exaclty at it
23:34.23KirkburnIf the mob is blind and deaf for example
23:34.45Guillotineyou're a priest, so its not like you're going to be meleeing anyway :/
23:34.54KirkburnMace him, mace him!
23:34.57Guillotinedont have to be exactly at it. jut close
23:35.07AnduinLotharkep walking till in range
23:35.11Temif GetPlayerMapPosition returns the location of the mind-visioned player in WSG
23:35.14Temthat's pretty shitty
23:35.23Guillotineit does :)
23:35.28Temthat's horrible
23:35.35Guillotinewhy? you can see it on your minimap anyway
23:35.41Guillotineyour position and everything becomes theres
23:36.00SP|Sorreni think it should only show you want the other person can see if you were zoomed in to first person view, and not give any minimap info :P
23:36.10krkayou could just rotate and do targetnearestenemy to figure which direction it's in
23:36.26AnduinLotharif he's close enogh
23:36.39KirkburnRandom question: just how often does slouken visit?
23:36.40Guillotineright. they have to be pretty dang close for targetnearestenemy to work though
23:36.42krkaisn't that true for mind vision too?
23:36.43Temman, that's even more cheap than I thought it was fr WSG
23:36.50GuillotineKirkburn: like 1-2 times a week
23:36.54krkahow does a bot target without it?
23:37.07KirkburnWhat happens when he arrives? Spam village?
23:37.20KirkburnSpam city?
23:37.26Guillotineno TargetByName (or whatever the name is) has a much longer range than TargetNearestEnemy
23:37.28KirkburnSpam town?
23:37.34IrielKirkburn : Not often, and we're asked to not bug him about wow stuff.
23:37.38GuillotineCairenn kicks anyone that tries to bug him
23:37.40AnduinLotharchannel header usually says 'dont bug slouken'
23:37.42IrielOccasionally it ocmes up in normal conversation
23:37.43Guillotinehes just here to relax
23:37.54IrielBut generally,keep the wow stuff to the forum
23:38.07TemThe topic is usually something like "UI Dev Channel. Patience. Courtesy. Leave slouken alone."
23:38.07KirkburnIf i was a US citizen, that'd be find and dandy :)
23:38.34Guillotineahhh. you can't access the US forums?
23:38.37SP|Sorrenyou could ask someone else to post for you :P
23:38.38Guillotineyou can have one of us post it
23:38.51AnduinLotharpost bots ftw
23:38.54Guillotineim sure most of us would be happy to :)
23:38.54Temwe're all willing to help you post
23:39.01KirkburnI know ... but for most EU people, they don't know about you lovely people
23:39.23Guillotineyou guys have a ui person too though, don't you? I see him posting ont he forums sometimes
23:39.31KirkburnIt's somewhat of a problem for the million of us over there
23:39.40KirkburnWe do?
23:39.58IrielSometimes EU folks email me things to post
23:40.39Guillotineor is he just a CM?
23:40.44KirkburnAeus and Thundgot are EU CMs, we have no proper slouken guy (hardly surprising, there's only one slouken!)
23:41.03*** join/#wowi-lounge da5id (
23:41.03IrielIt's worth noting that slouken isn't a "UI Developer" either
23:41.15kremontehes a phony!
23:41.48IrielBut I think he wrote most/all of the frame support stuff
23:41.53AnduinLotharthey musta filled that spot, but we never heard who it was... that's dissapointing
23:41.56KirkburnI have noticed that he mentions that other people are doing stuff, but I just put it all to modesty :p
23:42.50IrielThere are several 'UI developers'
23:43.01KirkburnWell he and the others are doing a damn good job
23:43.05IrielOne visits the forum very occasionally
23:43.36Guillotineiriel: did you know that the CMs from other zones are copying+pasting your posts? lol
23:43.37KirkburnAre there any other games that have this kind of support, cause I've never come across it
23:43.47Guillotinenot really. slouken is one of a kind ;)
23:43.51KirkburnYeah, it's true, they do
23:43.57AnduinLotharright, but they took the add down from the front page a long time ago and no one from the community said they got it..
23:43.58IrielGuillotine : No, but that's nice.. My posts have been copy-pasted into the patch notes before.
23:44.24da5idmeh, it happens much, you learn to ignore it.
23:44.32KirkburnI think I remember recognising that once, iriel
23:44.33kremonteIriel is a dev in disguise. A british ninja! D:
23:44.34IrielKirkburn : CoH used to (and maybe still does) have some very involved devs in general, but doesn't have a customizable UI so not in the same way
23:44.37AnduinLotharthey should pay u
23:45.06KirkburnThe EU forums are the world of copy+paste, but we've learned to live with it
23:45.08CideIriel: you need to make up some demonic messages using every Xth character in your posts from now on
23:45.24KirkburnIt's not Blizz Europe's fault, it has to be said
23:45.25Guillotineya, we all suggested Iriel apply for the UI developing position, but, alas, he didn't :(
23:45.28*** join/#wowi-lounge ForgottenLords (
23:45.30kremonteCide: rofl
23:45.36IrielGame jobs dont pay all that well
23:45.42IrielPlus I dont want to move
23:45.52da5iddepends though, aeth (my forum) gets paid a good 150000 a year
23:46.10kremonteya, i don't get why people have to move to do programmer work
23:46.12da5idhe does graphix design stuff, also does some gming for wow
23:46.14Guillotinewe understand why you didn't. but it would have been cool for Iriel to be in blue...
23:46.17TemA friend of mine gets paid quite well
23:46.32Temcourse that's because he was the lead game designer for Half Life
23:46.42KirkburnStill with VALVe?
23:46.46Temnow he's Mr Bigshot
23:46.48IrielI wouldn't say no to light blue VIP posting, but I guess we dont feature in UI land.
23:47.03KirkburnGet slouken to pester Cay!
23:47.07kremonteThe forgotten lands of the User Interface
23:47.22KirkburnYou deserve MVP status
23:47.25TemIriel: Did you see my greasemonkey script that makes you and Cair Forum MVPs?
23:47.28GenNMX|ThraeIriel: Yeah, it furthers my belief that slouken is the "black sheep" of the WoW developers.
23:47.39kremonteTem: lol
23:47.41KirkburnYou mean he listens?
23:47.47AnduinLotharanyway.. .has anyone noticed that you can have multiple Blessings of Light ?
23:47.54IrielI dont think he's so much the black sheep, as someone who really believes in the whole community aspect of things and what it can do
23:47.57Temkremonte: no I think he's with Sierra now
23:48.07da5idi think they are fixing that for the next patch.
23:48.10AnduinLotharI had two greaters and one normal BoL on me today at onyxia
23:48.13kremonteAnduinLothar: yeah, but kings > light x 2 =p
23:48.25AnduinLotharwe had 8 pallies
23:48.26kremontewell, kings + light > light x 2
23:48.30kremonte8 pallies ? wtf
23:48.33da5idh8 for pallys...
23:48.36da5idmuch h8
23:48.43kremonte...onyxia pug? o_O
23:48.45da5idand this is coming from a warlock ^^;
23:48.49kremontelol da5id
23:49.08AnduinLotharya, this is my third pug ony... it just takes longer, usually multiple tries
23:49.15kremontei just got ony attuned 5 mins beforemy guild did onyxia on thurs, got in, and beat a new guildie lock to nemesis helm
23:49.21kremonteeasiest epic ever
23:49.24GenNMX|ThraeIriel: There's a large outcry against the power of Lua and how it can over-simplify WoW. I bet the designers, especially those that came from EQ, are mixed on the idea.
23:49.44KirkburnThe community don't neccessarily help with GAME issues, but for the UI it has to be said the community knows what's best, so I'm not surprised
23:50.29Kirkburn(to a limit, obviously)
23:50.29kremonteim paper rock is fine nerf scissors
23:50.39da5idhow true
23:50.47IrielGenNMX|Thrae : I think a good 75% of that 'debate' is misinformed.
23:51.37KirkburnRemember, addons are optional
23:51.43GenNMX|ThraeIriel: The people are always right -- take a look at the USA ;) Misinformed or not, it represents the people's feelings on the subject.
23:52.07GenNMX|ThraeKirkburn: That argument doesn't fly. Hacks are also optional, but Blizzard deemed them illegal.
23:52.12KirkburnFor the UI that can be right to an extent, but cannot always extend to the actual game
23:52.20IrielGenNMX|Thrae Just because someone may believe something, doesn't make it true.
23:52.22kremontepeople are always right? i remember a post about a guy saying damagemeters scans his computer and can give him spyware
23:52.37KirkburnSounds liek the stupid cosmos.exe thing to me
23:52.59KirkburnAnd *then* there was the Warden 'scare'
23:53.06da5idwhat was that?
23:53.07KirkburnWoW is fun to be around :)
23:53.22KirkburnWhich, da5id?
23:53.28da5idthe warden scare
23:53.45kremontelike the wow launcher? lol
23:53.45da5id<- has been away from Wow for quite some time (pseudo retired)
23:53.47KirkburnWoW runs the 'warden' program in the background checking for hacks running
23:53.47IrielI do believe there ARE some game issues which the API exacerbates
23:53.50kremonteits all viruzez!!
23:53.55GenNMX|ThraeIriel: Well, there's a difference between truth and popular opinion. Unfortunately, the two get mixed up a lot.
23:54.08GenNMX|ThraeEspecially with a commericial game.
23:54.17da5idwait, was that the same thing that everyone made a big deal about for TfT?
23:54.38kremontewc3 tft
23:54.47KirkburnDunno, probably
23:54.51Fanookno, Warden was added around what, patch 1.6?
23:55.00kremonte1.7 i think?
23:55.10kremontedont think it was 1.6...
23:55.13Fanookchecks for common WoW hacks
23:55.15KirkburnIt scans the titles of programs running at the same time as wow and send info to blizzard
23:55.29Fanookcorrection. it sends the hashes of the names to Blizzard
23:55.38KirkburnAnd only suspect ones!
23:56.09KirkburnBasically, Warden is safe and GOOD, Cosmos is safe, Dmgmeters is safe, it's all ... safe :)
23:56.38KirkburnAnd the WoW Launcher was an excellent idea
23:57.01KirkburnFor people who are resticted to net cafés it's a god-send
23:57.39kremontethe guy thought that since damagemeters could see what damage he does, it must be scanning it from his :]
23:58.14KirkburnPrograms Files deals 120bytes of damage to C:\Windows
23:58.34KirkburnWindows parries Program's blow, crashes PC
23:58.57kremonte~/.cedega/ deals 42kB Fire Damage to /
23:59.09KirkburnEr ... okay
23:59.11GuillotineKremonte dies
23:59.24kremontei have 340gb
23:59.25Guillotineno, Dies
23:59.34Fanookkirk: don't mind us. we're all a little mad here
23:59.34KirkburnI'd be plugging ClearFont now if someone was authorizing WoWI addons :)
23:59.35kremonteKremonte lies. hah
23:59.38Guillotineso? a gaurdian of blizz hit you
23:59.39TemATI's execute crit's ~/.cedega/ for 5800 memory exceptions
23:59.43TemYou die
23:59.53TemYour equipped items suffer a 10% durability loss
23:59.55KirkburnHah, I have 400Gb. On my other PC. Which is 1000+ km away

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