irclog2html for #wowi-lounge on 20060120

00:00.05Legorolwow, then you are infinitely lucky!
00:00.23TainI bet I still have the 2 pieces in the bank on some char.
00:00.41IrielIt can't be 0% if you've actually GOT it
00:00.45AnduinLotharya, that's where mine are
00:01.15CideEye of Shadow had a .1% drop rate in Winterspring, round that off and you get 0% ;)
00:01.29AnduinLotharwell all the ones thta list it on thottbot are npcs  or have 0%
00:01.37MaldiviaCide: yes, but I mean when putting it all in one string, something like: c[color] l[start][stop] l[start][stop] l[start][stop]
00:01.58IrielWell, a line is more like l[start][next][next][stop]
00:02.06Irieldepending on which drawing mode you use
00:02.12TemWhat do the map fragments acutally give you?
00:02.24Legoroli bet, a map!
00:02.26Legorolam i right?
00:02.29AnduinLothara map and a quest
00:02.42Legoroltime to play!
00:02.45Ktron_and the quest gives you... another map fragment, for an even bigger map!
00:02.48TainTo a buried treasure!  On an island!  Where X marks the spot.
00:03.09IrielTem: get methods would be needed if you want to create multiple textures based off of one template texture
00:03.09Ktron_Is this the treasure chest thing near BB?
00:03.09TainProbably a kidnapped princess too.
00:03.12IrielTem: At runtime
00:03.51TemIriel: yeah I guess it wasn't really a question but a veiled request
00:04.00IrielHe gave us get methods tho
00:04.08TemI missed that
00:04.52TemI don't see them
00:05.26TemUnless you are talking about GetBlendMode and GetVertexColor
00:05.39TemI'm talking about Button:GetNormalTexture ...
00:05.52cladhaireOooh... Tem I'm very excited about your mod now =)
00:05.57cladhairenot that i wasn't before =)
00:06.03AnduinLotharapparently i need the captains key too which just dropped on the mob after the map fragment
00:06.21TemAnduinLothar: what does that actually get you?
00:06.45IrielTem: Ah.
00:06.55IrielTem: Your post isn't clear 8-)
00:08.01AnduinLotharapparently some random loot, one of which is a unique Troll Hide 14 slot bag
00:08.03TemI'm fixing it
00:08.46AnduinLotharand it's on the southern tip of tanaris you have to swim to get to
00:09.16Temsounds pretty lame for something that hard to finish
00:09.29AnduinLotharit's a lvl 40 something quest
00:09.40TemI suppose...
00:09.52AnduinLotharnot like i've been grinding it for a year. i gave up after a month
00:10.09AnduinLotharjust happened to be here cause it was he closest place with water
00:11.24cladhaireQuestion: Did they add a "background" to the default party interface in the most recent patch (I'm diffing the XML now but figured I'd ask)
00:11.40Maldiviathink so
00:11.51Maldiviain 1.8 or 1.9
00:12.19AnduinLotharwhen they added the advanced interface options tab
00:12.40cladhairehrm.. wonder why i dont see it
00:12.44TemI'm getting 0.01 frames per second
00:13.10Maldiviaso am I... and some :)
00:13.26Iriel100 seconds per frame? What on earth are you doing?
00:13.39TemI have no idea
00:13.47Temnow I'm up to 53 fps
00:13.57Tem(while staring at a wall not attempting to do anything)
00:14.37Maldiviawindowed mode, having the mouse over the taskbar in windows, so a windows-tooltip was covering some of the wow window ?
00:15.49TemI am using windowed mode
00:16.02IrielOoh.. guild wars changes today, finally whole party teleport!
00:16.03Tembut I was also in the process of closing firefox and eclipse
00:17.03Tem5 hour AV Q
00:17.30Natasemlol my server there is no que for most of the BG's cuz no one runs the BG's
00:17.51IrielWell, when nobody runs them, there's an infinite queue
00:18.14TemI'm just really disappointed with the whole BG system
00:18.23TemI really like running them, but people don't sign up on my server
00:18.27Temso the waits are really long
00:18.50IrielIt's a tough one, they really need to work out some kind of bot system
00:19.13Tembots would stink
00:19.21Irielunless they were good
00:19.30Irieltricky to do well tho
00:19.34Temunless they gave them out of this world gear
00:19.39Temand made them really smart
00:19.49IrielThat would be an interesting solution to cross-world BG's
00:19.58Irielplayers from one realm replresented in the other as bots
00:20.00Irieland vice versa
00:20.15Irielso it's still standard player versus player, but avoids all the naming issues, etc
00:20.18cladhaireThat could be fun
00:20.25cladhaireit'd be faction farming.. but that's all it is anyway
00:20.39IrielI dunno, I enjoyed AB the few times I did it
00:20.47Temyou mean you would play as normal
00:20.51Irielif it was always available quickly i'd be inclined to play more
00:21.05Tembut you would be controlling a bot on some other server
00:21.11IrielYes, you'd play as normal, but if they had to bring in people from other servers, they'd be represented as a similar, but different, avatar
00:21.23Irielsame gear, perhaps, but it could look entirely different, and be called whatever
00:21.38Temwell I think the main problem would still be that there are many many more alliance than horde
00:21.39cladhaireI like the idea.. and I really enjoy AV.. its fun to play something like DoTA from the first person perspective =)
00:21.50cladhaireTem: roll on Kael'thas.. we can't get alliance to queue =
00:22.03Temis that a PVP server?
00:22.28Temif I ever re-roll it's going to be on a pvp server
00:22.49cladhaireUnderstandble.. someone talked me into going on this server, against my wishes.. but I love it there.
00:23.17Temhmm cladhaire your guild regularly raids BWL, yes?
00:26.50Cidemy guild does, Tem... why?
00:27.08Corrodiasah, naming issues, yes..
00:27.12Temwell If he wants me to reroll on his server...
00:27.37Corrodias"if I ever re-roll it's going to be on a pvp server".. why the heck would anyone say that?
00:27.48BeladonaI might be interested myself
00:28.00Tembecause I would really like to try out a pvp server
00:28.01Beladonagetting bored of the lack of people to play with on Draka
00:28.07Corrodiasyou really have to like pvp and, in fact, like dying/losing to play on a pvp server
00:28.14LegorolBeladona, i am sorry i abandoned you guys :(
00:28.15Beladonaand since my first server was pvp, I know what I am doing
00:28.52Corrodiasi enjoy neither, which is why i am not on a pvp server :)
00:28.57AnduinLotharya. i've been 60 on my pvp server for a year now
00:29.00Beladonawhich side was it? alliance?
00:29.09IrielI'd be on draka a bit more but the queues kinda kept me away (Plus i've been working more than normal)
00:29.10LegorolI like PvP servers, probably because I can cope with being ganked
00:29.13AnduinLotharbut i cant stand most pvp
00:29.13Legorolemotionally that is
00:29.35TainI get a queue every time I try to log in to Draka, and I don't wait.
00:29.37AnduinLotharya, getting ganked late at nigth really destroys my mood
00:30.50TainWhich is too bad, I was having fun playing a hunter for the first time.
00:31.06Corrodiasyou should try waiting.
00:31.17Ktron_yeah, I remember people on this channel freaked out though when I suggested there should be a range of levels that can freely attack each other, like +-7 or 8 or 10, but that's it
00:31.18Legorolhow many people regularly play on Draka?
00:31.22BeladonaI haven't had queus lately
00:31.24Beladonaon draka
00:31.36TainAlmost every night I try to log in at least once.
00:31.43Ktron_But people were like "OMG I NEED TO BE ABLE TO T3H GANKS TO FEEL LIKE A MAN!"
00:32.00LegorolKtron_, the real issue is that what do you do if someone low level attacks you?
00:32.10IrielKtron_ : That causes problems tho, what if you're in a mixed-level group
00:32.16TainIf I'm testing something I keep trying servers until I find one with no queue.  If I'm just wanting to play I quit and play City of Villains instead.
00:32.35IrielKtron_ : You end up with a situation where one of your group members comes under attack, but you can't help them. that would suck.
00:32.40Legorollol sounds like most people here actually "play" WoW just to code it
00:32.56TrickyRI'm on Draka, I have a 33 pally
00:33.00TainI mostly do these days, Legorol.
00:33.12Ktron_I think the rules were suggested that you can always attack players over you, but if you do you get marked like 'full pvp' (fair game for everyone) instead of a limited pvp... also, if someone attacks someone in your group, you can attack the attacker and defend your group
00:33.14IrielI float between the two modes of play/code
00:33.23Beladonathere are ways to solve that
00:33.38Corrodiasyou're getting into complicated rules here
00:33.41LegorolKtron_, that's not quite good either
00:33.43IrielKtron_ : So what's to stop people using VASTLY level imbalanced groups for gankage?
00:33.48Legorollet's say i'm 60 and i am grouped witha  20
00:33.54Legorolanother 20 who can't see me attacks my groupmate
00:33.54Beladonafor instance, when in a group, you take on the ability to attack anyone +/- 8 levels of the highest and lowest level in the group
00:33.56Legorolcan i then attack back?
00:34.00TainI've got multiple 60s, did the runs through MC, and just got tired with it.
00:34.00Beladonasame for raid
00:34.03Corrodiasthe only REAL issue is that people roll on pvp servers and then complain about dying
00:34.12Ktron_Legorol, yes
00:34.19IrielBeladona : Same issue as mine, group with L60 and L8, and you can attack everyone
00:34.21Ktron_Legorol, that kind of ganking wouldn't really happen
00:34.31Corrodiaswouldn't happen, eh?
00:34.32IrielKtron_ : It already does, people using 'bait'
00:34.43Corrodiasbecause of the kindness and generosity of the average pvp-realm player, right?
00:34.51BeladonaI don't think there really is a fullproof solution no matter what you do
00:34.59Beladonayou just gotta learn to deal with the ganks
00:35.08Legoroli agree with Beladona here
00:35.11BeladonaI got to where it didn't really bother me
00:35.17Legorolthe only thing that's hard is to start a new char on an old server
00:35.22Ktron_Baiting isn't really ganking that much-- I really only want to put an end to people who intentionally try to make quests impossible
00:35.25IrielBeladona : That being what? L 60?
00:35.27AnduinLotharactually the ganking in Sithilis has really dropped since everyone's trying to rep with cenarian hold
00:35.32CorrodiasKtron_: then try a pve server :)
00:35.38Beladonano, I was used to it by 40
00:35.54Beladonaif I was questing in contested areas, I just had to accept that I might get whacked
00:35.55Ktron_Corrodias, I want fair PvP w/o getting ganked while questing
00:35.58Corrodiasi should say realm
00:35.58Legoroli do agree that something is not quite 100% right with PvP
00:36.01IrielI stopped playing my L31 mage on Dark Iron because of gankage
00:36.02Corrodias"fair" pvp?
00:36.03zesprithere is a perfect system. it's called PvE server. No ganking, consentual pvp
00:36.10Corrodiasso rogues will not be allowed to attack anybody? lol
00:36.14Beladonaof course, I was pretty mean though
00:36.18IrielI love the thrill of a PvP server
00:36.18TainThe only good thing about starting a new char on an old server is the Auction House. :)
00:36.26AnduinLothari get ganked less in sithilis walkign past 60 horde every other minute while soloing than i do in tanaris where the 60 horde biatches camp eveyone for sport
00:36.28LegorolThere is one aspect of PvP i don't like, and that's not ganking
00:36.34BeladonaI had a rogues attack me 4 and 5 times before they had a group large enough to handle me
00:36.37Legorolganking is bored stupid idiots, you realise it and get over it
00:36.44Legorolwhat i don't like about the PvP system is the "escalation"
00:36.50Ktron_zespri, PvE is boring, flat-- no one PvPs, people either duel or leave each other alone
00:37.07Beladonanow people that gank at towns, THAT I can see as being gay
00:37.08Legorolyou kill someone 2 leves below you, then them thinking it's a challenge and fighitng back, instead grab a friend +10 levels above you
00:37.09Corrodiasthat's why there are 1) battlegrounds and 2) quests and mobs
00:37.11zesprithrill of a PvP server is a thrill of being ganked I guess =)
00:37.21Beladonaif you are gonna gank, make it interesting and stalk people in the wilds
00:37.40TrickyRyou must be a rouge :)
00:37.53Beladonadon't have a rogue
00:37.56Legoroli personally never attack anyone less than -2 my level
00:38.02KtronAt least if someone is 10 levels above you, you generally still have a chance to get away or do something
00:38.03AnduinLothartho what IS fun is being a pally and ui testing in the middle of nowhere, have a rogure backstab me and try and gank me and rape his ass.
00:38.15Ktronlevel 60's in redridge or ashenvale is just _dumb_
00:38.16Corrodiasif you're a druid, yeah
00:38.25Legorolthe sad part is taht when i do kill people +2/+3 levels above me, they run for their friends
00:38.30BeladonaTain: FYI, no Q on draka
00:38.32Legoroli mean come on, they could at least put some effort in
00:38.42Legorolthat's what really saddens me
00:38.44KtronThere's a level 60 mage who just waits outside of TM on Eredar for hours every day and ganks everyone
00:38.45Beladonaexactly Lego
00:38.48LegorolPvP servers are not about effort and challenge :(
00:38.52Legorolthat's what i call escalation
00:38.56BeladonaI like a challenge
00:39.00Legoroli don't care about being ganked
00:39.04Legorolvery few people do, Beladona
00:39.19AnduinLotharah, the challenge is ganking people in the capitol city of the other faction :-D
00:39.21Beladonathat is why so many people gank
00:39.26Beladonaits the fast and easy way to feel uber
00:39.29TainYeah if everyone liked easy mode they'd all be Paladins. ;)
00:39.38Legorol99.9% of people play on PvP to be able to gank and feel powerful
00:39.44Corrodiasif you turn on your pvp flag, you can get plenty of pvp action in pve realms
00:39.54LegorolPaladin hasn't been easy mode for a long time now
00:39.58TrickyRLegorol, speaks the truth!
00:40.01Corrodiasof course, the other guy gets to throw the first shot, but that's your "challenge" :)
00:40.20KtronLosing at PvP is one thing, not paying attention and getting pwned by someone my level is less cool but still my fault-- having a level 60 epic-mounted run me down and kill me is just dumb
00:40.20Legorolthat's why i like fresh Pvp servers
00:40.34Legorolas long as i stay relatively near the front of the levels, than i have people of my level to PvP against
00:40.41Legoroland they can't run for high level help, for once
00:41.02Ktronheh, I told people instead of eliminating it too they could just make it like a 25 or 50rep hit with all 4 major factions every time you do it or something
00:41.30LegorolI do think that a DK system against players would be a good idea
00:41.30KtronSo if you gank too much, you end up hostile with your own towns-- kind of an 'outlaw' thing
00:41.35Legorolnow i know it has been hashed and rehashed many times
00:41.41Legorolthe pros and cons of it etc.
00:41.56Corrodiasso let me get this straight, Legorol... you dislike it when people get friends to scare you away when you're trying to keep them from accomplishing whatever they were doing when you attacked them?
00:42.25Corrodiaswait, wait, what would the point of DK be? you want to discourage pvp on pvp realms?
00:42.26LegorolCorrodias, whoever said anything about trying to keep them away from doing what they were doing?
00:42.39Legorolif i see someone questing, i go up to them and wave
00:42.40Legoroland sit
00:42.40BeladonaPVP adds that extra oomph that keeps the game interesting for me. Ganks are a small price to pay for that IMHO
00:42.44Legorolthen the guy attacks me
00:42.45Corrodiaswell you attacked him, i can't imagine he's just standing around doing nothing
00:42.47Legoroli attack back, kill him
00:42.52Legorolhe doesn't put effort in, he runs for help
00:42.54KtronCorrodias, I played a PvE server all the way up to 57 and played around with my Pvp flag a lot, and the only time I ever had any excitement was at 20 running across the barrens from a level 40 druid in travel form
00:43.12IrielIf someone could come up with a DK system that also prevented 'baiting' then I'd be all for it.
00:43.17Beladonaso do it back Lego
00:43.26Legoroland that's where escalation happens
00:43.27Beladonawhen he comes at you with friends, go get your friends
00:43.30Legorolno, i will never take part in escalation
00:43.36Beladonawhy not?
00:43.36Corrodiasthen you will lose
00:43.37Legoroli just leave
00:43.41BeladonaI like world pvp
00:43.43IrielI WISH escalation happened when I got ganked outside of SS
00:43.49IrielThat'd be good pvp
00:43.50AnduinLothar:) i just owned a warrior in the middle of gadget
00:43.52Beladonabetter than battlegrounds in some cases
00:44.03LegorolBeladona, because watching our mutual high levels friends duke it out on our behalf is not my idea of PvP
00:44.05BeladonaI hope the expansion adds stuff that makes world pvp viable again
00:44.07Legoroli have been in group PvPs
00:44.07KtronIriel, how about if your party member is attacked, you still can't attack the unfriendly target but you can heal/buff your party member?
00:44.14Legorolwhen the 60s are fighting, 20s can do absolutely nothing
00:44.16IrielIf I come across someone being attacked lower than me, i'll jump in and defend
00:44.18Legorolthat's why i don't like escalation
00:44.26IrielKtron : That's hopeless for most classes
00:44.32BeladonaI have had some seriously satisfying pvp though
00:44.39LegorolIriel: even if that person actually has a chance on their own?
00:44.42KtronHeh, ganking in towns is about as low as you can go imo
00:44.42Corrodiasdo the pvp realms still have DKs for killing town civilians?
00:44.49Beladonawith players on both sides bowing to each other in the end
00:44.50IrielLegorol : I'll watch, if they have a chance
00:44.59Legorolif i see someone being ganked, then yes i help
00:45.05Legorolif i think they have a chance, i don't
00:45.13Legoroland i don't expect to be helped in similar situation either
00:45.18Legorolbecause i'd like to test my strength
00:45.26NatasemIriel:  your assistance is needed again  lol
00:45.33IrielNow, if the fight is friendly L30 against enemy L15
00:45.34Legoroli do expect to be helped when getting ganked
00:45.35Irielthen I wouldn't help
00:45.39IrielNatasem : Oh?
00:45.46ForgottenLords60 PvP ticks me off.  it seems that everyone BUT me has epic gear and can oneshot me
00:45.54LegorolIriel, what if you come across a friendly 19 being attacked by a 21
00:45.57CorrodiasForgottenLords: you're absolutely correct
00:45.57Legoroldo you interfere?
00:46.01KtronIriel, maybe a timer system, or a way to view who else is partied with your current target
00:46.02NatasemActually you can automate a lot of stuff with Lua. I played with it a bit myself although I didn't try anything complex and I have seen a lot of fishing and at least one farming bot. I believe they have now removed some of the functionality to stop this. However even if hooks are now used instead of Lua it's the same problem and you are simply making my point. If you provide the capability... mess with the client people are going to do it. It's stupid to complain about someone using a capability that you provided it the first place.
00:46.07Legorolwhat if you are level 25) 30) 40) 60)
00:46.18Natasemthat is from teh guy that says there are UI bots
00:46.24IrielI might spectate, and if the other person wins, they better leave
00:46.32Irielif they stay around to corpse camp then i'd take care of it
00:46.35LegorolNatasem, wtf, where's that from?
00:46.39Corrodiasand that guy should have been banned a long time ago, but blizzard barely moderates its forums, if at all
00:46.48LegorolIriel, then you are my hero
00:46.49AnduinLotharya, i only have 1 epic item... but i've been raiding 5 mans so long i have the best blues on the planet
00:47.00IrielI believe in honor in PvP
00:47.00TainThere's no fishing bots without outside help.  you don't need a lot of outside help, but you can't do it all internally.
00:47.03Irielit's worthless without it
00:47.05Legorol99.9% of people jump in and help friendlies on the grounds that "we gotta help our own folks"
00:47.10Legoroland it sucks donkey balls that they do that
00:47.13IrielNatasem : The guy doesn't know what he's dealing with.
00:47.22IrielLegorol : If they're in my GUILD then I might join in regardless
00:47.27IrielLegorol : But that's a different issue
00:47.35IrielNatasem : And nothing we say will fix that
00:47.49Legorolnow i gotta read this thread, you made it sound too much fun
00:47.59IrielI can't reply to it or i'd come along and join in
00:48.08Corrodiasthe basic fact is that the pve realms totally control pvp so you won't find a lot of excitement there and the pvp realms allow -almost- total freedom so you'll find a lot more "excitement" than you want
00:48.22Corrodiascan they make "half-pvp" realms? :P
00:48.26IrielWell, you find excitement and frustration
00:48.31NatasemLegorol: it started off asking why people zone in and out of BRS then morfed into a whole LUA Bot programs crap
00:48.32IrielI dig the excitement
00:49.01Beladonafrustration makes it more real
00:49.08Irielsneaking through the edge of the barrens on a pvp server is 'real'
00:49.11CorrodiasBlizzard doesn't complain. they just delete accounts.
00:49.14Irielit feels tense, dangerous
00:49.15NatasemCorrodias: i want a full pvp relm.  meaning i can gank my own faction if i want to
00:49.17AnduinLothardude.... gnome in gadget name Jhordy Lapforge. LOL
00:49.21Beladonaany MMORPG game with decent pvp has frustration
00:49.22KtronThe problem with the full pvp realms is that there's no reason for higher level characters to play defense-- you either need to limit pvp, or give incentives for higher level characters to defend territory
00:49.28CorrodiasNatasem: ah, the "ffa" flag such as in the gurubashi arena?
00:49.34IrielSome sort of turf war would be good
00:49.37Irielin the world, that is
00:49.39Corrodiasi totally want to be able to go /ffa and turn that son of a bitch on!
00:49.51Irielnot too extreme, but enough to give battles meaning
00:49.55AnduinLotharAnarchy Server
00:50.11Natasema FFA server just like Darktide on Asherons Call
00:50.23FanookAnduin: he's got a friend in BB, Scooty
00:50.32Corrodiaswhoa, a ffa -realm- would be interesting... watch those AoE spells! ;)
00:50.32Beladonathat was brought up in a dev chat
00:50.38KtronEven if its something like they put a 'mayor' type npc in every town and give some sort of buff/honor reward/cash reward for killing him or defending him
00:50.42Beladonathe dev said they were looking into ways to revive world pvp
00:50.51Beladonawith controllable areas and such
00:51.05Corrodias(stop the DKs for civilians for a start)
00:51.12AnduinLotharmeh. class
00:51.19KtronBeladona, controllable areas would be nice
00:51.21Corrodiasyou can't take over a town with anybody who values their rank :(
00:51.37AnduinLotharya, that sucks
00:51.46Irielwell, the control point wouldn't have to be towns
00:51.50Beladonayou can if none of the NPC in a controllable area are civilians
00:51.55KtronBut it has to be pervasive, it has to be omnipresent, otherwise its just a new glorified BG
00:51.56AnduinLotharu used to love getting 5 man 60's and Owning a starting town
00:52.03Corrodiaswouldn't it be interesting if those "contested areas" could become horde/alliance areas
00:52.08Irielmaybe they'd be guard towers.
00:52.15Beladonathey would Corrodias
00:52.23Beladonathats the whole idea of "controllable"
00:52.32Iriela zone might be too big tho
00:52.40BeladonaI an thinking outposts
00:52.41Irielmaybe split the contested zones into pieces
00:52.43Beladonasmall ones
00:52.47Ktronguard towers sounds awesome, and Iriel, yeah, they don't have to be in towns, they could add forts or camps or something, but that's more work, but it'd play better
00:53.07Ktronsplitting contested areas makes a lot of sense
00:53.13Irielhaving npc's of the "controlling faction" to guard and call out about invaders would make it fun, also
00:53.21Ktronmaybe even make certain quests depend on whether you are controlling an area or not
00:53.37Irielthen there's no instant bounce-back, if you win it, you're helped in keeping it
00:53.40Ktronheh, real wars have borders and border guards, heh, WoW should too
00:53.44Beladonabasically take a que from DAOC keeps in the fronteir
00:53.46Corrodiaswell, the normal quests would certainly be tough if the area is enemy-controlled
00:53.49Beladonasame idea
00:53.50Corrodiasbut i take it that's the way it is now anyway
00:54.01Irielless concentrated than a keep tho
00:54.18IrielI like the idea of the attack requiring several points to be taken
00:54.23BeladonaI am thinking something like the Barrens Crossroads
00:54.25Irielall at once, or in sequence
00:54.33KtronIriel, heh, that'd be very slick
00:55.02BeladonaIriel: similar to Onslaught (UT)
00:55.03Natasemok ya'll i got to get goin have a great night
00:55.26IrielBeladona : somethinng like that, yeah..
00:55.36IrielThen there's some strategy involved in where you defend and attack
00:55.37Corrodiasand we should get vehicles >:o
00:55.39KtronLike "Destroy the bridges" then "take the fort" then "stop the riders from calling for help" or something
00:55.54Corrodiasand a redeemer
00:55.56Beladonavehicles = mounts, forms
00:56.03Ktronyeah, we've got vehicles already
00:56.09IrielI have a redeemer, it's called Eyes of the beast
00:56.11Corrodiasi'm just making funny~ :)
00:56.17Corrodiasyour pet explodes?
00:56.20TemI have a redeemer too it's called ToEP
00:56.28IrielWhen it gets near a mage it does, but usually in a bad way
00:57.08IrielI think it'd be cool if eyes of the beast let your pet carry bombs towards the enemy, drop them, then run away
00:57.09Ktronheh, this is getting sophisticated :) But at least having sections of zones controllable and some kind of border guards would make a lot of sense, with /yells from the guards when one is killed or something
00:57.16Irielthat neeeds to be a new engineering skill
00:57.22Beladonaso um, what server was it that Cladhaire was talking about us re-rolling?
00:57.30Corrodiasnot unlike the current 'some place is being attacked' and all
00:57.32IrielI think it had a 'k' in it
00:57.40Beladonayeah, looking at 3
00:57.51Legoroli'm surprised Draka would still have queus
00:57.57Legorolit's not that new now, it should've died down
00:58.08Legorolwhat's your experience?
00:58.16Beladonait has, I haven't had them that much
00:58.21Corrodiasi'm not sure i can imagine starting fresh on a new realm
00:58.30Beladonathey also had a server move recently from Draka
00:58.31Corrodiasi mean, how many raid schedules can you run?
00:59.04BeladonaI dont have that problem, I went guildless on my 60
00:59.43Legorolso, is the new raid schedule just because Blizz can't be bothred to fix all the bugs/holes/exploits with their previous raid id system?
00:59.53Legorolif it is, shame on them
01:00.02Beladonawhy do you say that?
01:00.03Legorolif it's because they actually think this system is better, even more shame on them!
01:00.11Corrodiasi still don't know what the previous problem was, really
01:00.27Legorolin a 24/7 online game where people can join in from anywhere in the world any time,
01:00.37Corrodiasbut the concensus on the forum (one that blue didn't bother to deny in the least) is that it was because they couldn't fix "cascading"
01:00.39Legorolforcing a particular schedule of their choice onto the players is really bad imo
01:01.06Corrodiasand since i didn't start raiding months ago, i don't know what cascading is
01:01.10Legorolif they messed with schedule because they couldn't fix a bug, that's really annoying
01:01.25Legorolcascading is the idea of passing your raid id along to others, if i'm not mistaken
01:01.38Legorolit was being done on a guild level
01:01.38Corrodiasfuck, i don't even know how raid ids work anyway
01:01.49Legorolat least that much i found out by asking people :D
01:01.59Legorolso i can explain that
01:02.25LegorolWhen a raid successfully kills the first boss in a large-scale raid instance, a unique id is generated
01:02.26Corrodiasi THINK i know how you reset an instance... join a group with a new "leader".. that is, disband your group and remake it with someone as the "leader" who wasn't just a moment ago?
01:02.38KtronWhat effectively happened is that cascading let guilds have multiple, for example, BWL instances running, so that the could finish one instance and join another, finish and join another, etc, and do BWL more than once a week
01:02.44Ktronor whatever the timer on it used to be
01:03.11Corrodiaswell, for one thing, i don't think there's any indication in-game of what a "raid instance" is...?
01:03.14Legorol(carrying on with raid id explanation) once the raid id is generated, it gets recorded on your character
01:03.16Corrodiasi haven't seen one yet
01:03.28LegorolCorrodias, you used to be able to check your raid id via the interface
01:03.32Legoroland it was fairly common sense
01:03.40Legorolany of the famous, big, 20+ raid instances are
01:03.49Corrodiasi don't know what they are, yet
01:04.03Legorolwell, things like Onyxia, Molten Core, Zul Gurub i beleive
01:04.09Legorolalthough i have never been to those either :D
01:04.10TemLegorol: AFAIK they messed with the schedule simply because they couldn't fix "cascading" (which I don't know what it is or how it works)
01:04.10Corrodiasthey do a fairly good job of introducing you to the game but they leave a lot of stuff to ambiguity, like how the hell raids work
01:04.17Tainhaha wow this is a first for me, just got a response back from posting my resume on Dice/Monster/etc. from someone saying they wanted to do a mass mailing to companies for me (for money, I'm sure.)
01:04.22Beladonathere were several problem inherent with the old system. One was that guilds could run the same raid several times by getting separate innstances going and hopping
01:04.23Corrodiasi don't think there's ANYTHING in the manual about "raid instances" and "raid ids"
01:04.25LegorolCorrodias, you find it out when you get there
01:04.32Corrodiasi fucking hate that
01:04.34Legorolby practical experience
01:04.34Beladonathe other is that epic items were becoming more common as a result
01:04.40LegorolCorrodias, i agree
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01:04.49Legorolabout game mechanics, they should explain in the manual
01:04.52Legorolabout content, they shouldn't
01:05.00Corrodiasbut according to what i know so far, raid id's arent supposed to save across the guild
01:05.03Legorolanyways, back to raid ids
01:05.10Corrodiastherefore, different people in a guild SHOULD be able to run multiple instances
01:05.12Legorolno, they don't save across guilds
01:05.15Legorolno no
01:05.16pagefaultI fixed WoW using so much CPU in the background, I wrote an app to set it to idle priority when it's not active
01:05.19Legorolyou are mixing up two thigns
01:05.38TemFor the 7 day raids it really isn't an issue
01:05.42Legorolpagefault: i have a 3-line script written in Notepad that can do the same :p
01:05.49pagefaultin lua?
01:05.50Tembut for ZG it annoys the crap out of me
01:05.54pagefaultor something else?
01:06.00Legorolpagefault: no, vbscript, because that's what windows can run by default
01:06.09Legorolit's a .vbs file you can double-click to run
01:06.15pagefaultI don't know such a language :)
01:06.19Legorolwindows' default scripting engine understand vbscript and javascript only
01:06.21Temcare to share it? :)
01:06.27Legorolpagefault, you do know that you can script windows?
01:06.31Legorolit has a builtin scripting engine
01:06.37Legorolyou write it in notepad, and doubleclick to run
01:06.40Corrodiasthere has got to be a web page that explains all this "raid" crap. *searches*
01:06.41pagefaultyeah I know, but I don't know VBScript
01:06.49Legorolwell, i have a little plugin..
01:06.51TainAnd WSH which isn't either of them.
01:06.57Legorolthat adds Lua to the set of languages that the scripting engine understands :D
01:07.07Legorolso you can script Windows using Lua if you like ;-)
01:07.08pagefaulta script would make more sense than this C program
01:07.29LegorolTain: WSH = Windows Scripting Host, is the scripting engine's name
01:07.38TainAlso a separate language.
01:07.46Legorolwhat language
01:07.49Beladonaits a mixture, that hooks into WMI
01:07.56Legorolnever heard of a language called wsh
01:08.06LegorolBeladona, i don't get you
01:08.09TainI don't know what MS calls it.
01:08.11pagefaultheh I am attempting my first "GUI" in WoW
01:08.21Beladonalol, look it up on msdn
01:08.25Legorolyes, scripts runing under WSH have access to WMI
01:08.28Legoroli know what WMI is
01:08.29zenzelezzWSH: Windows Scripting Host
01:08.42pagefaultusually all vbs are worms
01:08.46Beladonawsh files can be vb or java
01:08.51Beladonaits not it's own language
01:08.58Legorolthat's what i thought too
01:09.04Legorolbut Tain said there is a language called wsh or something
01:09.08pagefaultvbscript is a bit too powerful, I am looking it over
01:09.13pagefaultyou can do pretty much anything with it
01:09.13Legorolit's just basic
01:09.22Legorolpagefault, vbscript is just a dumb version of Visual Basic
01:09.23pagefaultI mean from a security perspective
01:09.33Legorolwell it has full access to windows
01:09.43Legorolnothing wrong with that, considering it was designed to script windows
01:09.43pagefaultI mean it's good
01:09.56Legorolrunning a .vbs from an email is as dumb as running an .exe
01:09.58Legorolno more, no less
01:10.03pagefaultyeah I would never do that
01:10.05pagefaultbut a lot of people do
01:10.08Beladonaand you wonder why windows is insecure?
01:10.18Legorolthat's not insecurity, that's people's stupidity
01:10.20pagefaultif linux was popular it would be .sh scripts
01:10.21pagefaultor .pl
01:10.27Beladonayes it is insecurity
01:10.32Legorolfor example, Beladona, would you ever regularly use your machine with root account?
01:10.38Beladonaall you need is a user running as Administrator
01:10.38Legorolno, because you know better
01:10.38IrielAh yes, but windows doesn't have the notion of 'executable' files
01:10.45LegorolBeladona, exactly
01:10.47TainWSF - Windows Script Files
01:10.47IrielAt least, not USEFULLY
01:10.51Legorolit's user error, not system insecurity
01:10.57Irielit's a bit of both
01:10.58Beladonaif windows used the same principle of restricted user permissions, we wouldn't worry as much
01:11.01pagefaultyeah you can't stop certain things from being executed on a per file basis
01:11.05IrielWindows doesn't protect you by default
01:11.06LegorolTain: wsf is a format for encapsulating scripts written in arbitrary language, to be run under wsh
01:11.10pagefaultyou will be able to do that in WinFS
01:11.11Legorolit's not a language by itself
01:11.11TainWindows does, Beladona.  It's the adminstrators that don't.
01:11.14Temdon't bother searching for anything on msdn
01:11.24Temtheir search is more worthless than blizzard's forum search
01:11.24LegorolBeladona, it does use the same principle
01:11.26pagefaultthey are putting unix style permissions in vista
01:11.29Legorolnevertheless, people log in as admins
01:11.33Legorolwhat can you do
01:11.37BeladonaWindows CAN, but windows has to run as administrator to do most things users need
01:11.39Corrodias"unix style permissions"?
01:11.39Legorolit's like saying that people keep logging in as root
01:11.47IrielEven IF I log in as root
01:11.50pagefaultfor group/user/etc
01:11.50Legoroland then running scripts from their emails
01:11.52CorrodiasWE HAVE THAT NOW!
01:11.53IrielI can't "accidently" run
01:11.59Irielunless I chmod it to make it executable
01:12.01pagefaulthow do you prevent executing a file?
01:12.02Irielwhich is NOT the default
01:12.13Legorolok, that's true
01:12.16Corrodiasremove the "execute" permission in the filesystem for whatever users youre talking about
01:12.29pagefaultNTFS doesn't support that
01:12.30Temspeaking of which
01:12.35Legorolso let's make all files in windows not executable by default in Windows
01:12.40Temhow do you recover from an umoun -A
01:12.40Corrodiasit doesn't? *looks*
01:12.40Legorolin principle, doable
01:12.49IrielYou mean umount -A ?
01:12.50Temer, umount -A
01:12.50Legorolin fact i could probably set up my NTFS permissions so that that's the case
01:13.05pagefaultNTFS is such an awful file system though
01:13.06Corrodiascheck the "read & execute: deny" box
01:13.07Legorolhm, Iriel, you gave me an idea
01:13.08IrielDo you in fact mean -a ?
01:13.08Beladonayou could
01:13.15Beladonathe problem is you would have to KNOW to do so
01:13.17LegorolCorrodias, it's a bit more complicated
01:13.27TemIriel: I mean -A where "-A" means unmount everything
01:13.28Legoroli need to set it up so that files created by users are not executable by default
01:13.28pagefaultI wish I could use reiserfs in windows
01:13.33Legorolunless the permission is specifically set
01:13.37IrielTem: That's -a on my O/S, anyway, you do mount -a
01:13.41TainOf course ntfs enables you to restrict running an executable.
01:13.44Corrodiashmm. i wonder if that's possible...
01:13.47Legoroli think it is
01:13.49pagefaultTain, where do you do that
01:13.55pagefaultI know how you can do it in system policies
01:13.56Irielor -A I suppose
01:13.59Beladonayou will run into huge amounts of problems Lego
01:14.01Corrodiasbut my point is, pagefault, that i just told you how to stop someone from executing a file
01:14.04TemIriel: I did this in cygwin so it's entirely possible that some things are different
01:14.09LegorolBeladona, yes i will :D
01:14.15IrielTem: Ah, quite possibly.
01:14.23Legoroli don't think that Windows as a system is inherently more insecure than Linux
01:14.25IrielTem: But try mount -A anyway
01:14.26BeladonaVista, supposedly will use it
01:14.27Corrodiasif you say that doesn't work, then the system is faulty, and adding those "unix style permissions" would amount to fixing it, rather than giving it anything new
01:14.28Legoroli beleive that there are far more clueless users
01:14.34cladhaireLegorol: I do.
01:14.35Beladonatrue separation of admin and user groups
01:14.40cladhaireWindows is a heuristic operating system
01:14.44Temmount isn't a valid command
01:15.01Temat least not since I unmounted where it was
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01:15.19pagefaultCodayus, yes it works I was not aware, but they are changing the permission types in vista
01:15.19LegorolBeladona, i don't understand what you mean by true separation
01:15.27Legorolisn't admin and user group separated already?
01:15.29TainI don't have an NTFS system in front of me, but I had to configure permissions to allow people to get through certain directories to subdirectories, but not be able to run/access files in the dirs in between.
01:15.45Beladonain Vista, users can run as restricted users, and still access programs they have access to
01:15.50IrielTem: Then you have a problem 8-)
01:15.56LegorolTain: that's called "bypass traverse checking", and it's a system level right you can grant to users on an individual level if you wish ;-)
01:15.57Beladonaand can run with admin permissions temporarily for some things
01:16.03IrielTem: If you unmounted the executable, you'd have to copy it somewhere you COULD reach
01:16.09TainIt doesn't work like that, Legorol.  At least not with Windows 2000.
01:16.14TemIriel: yep sure do... What I did was reinstalled cygwin
01:16.15TainThe option is there, it simply doesn't function.
01:16.15Corrodias"run as..."
01:16.22Beladonasimilar to sudo in linux
01:16.23Temso it's not a real issue
01:16.25LegorolBeladona: sorry i don't see what's new about that
01:16.30Beladonaits not new
01:16.32Legorolthat's already the case in Win XP too
01:16.33Beladonaits just hnew to windows
01:16.47Legoroli can already run as regular user, use the programs i need to,
01:16.50Corrodiasthat's like saying that vista will have "icons"...
01:16.50Beladonait wasn't implemented effectively in windows xp
01:16.56Legoroland temporarily run a program as admin if i want to
01:16.57Temthe "run as" think that currently exists in Windows is a joke
01:17.02Beladonamost progrtams require admin account to even run
01:17.03TainEvery desktop in my company (except systems people) is locked down, no users have admin rights.  All users are able to run their programs.
01:17.09Beladonain vista you won't
01:17.10LegorolBeladona, that's poor program design
01:17.19Beladonaon both sides
01:17.26LegorolI don't think that's windows' fault, it's more of a fault of the history of windows
01:17.34BeladonaI disagree
01:17.38TainNo Beladona, programs that require admin rights generally require a single thing.  Access to a registry entry, write access to its own directory.
01:17.41Legorolprograms written for past, less secure versions aren't compatible with a more secure environment
01:17.42Legorolfull stop
01:17.46pagefaultthey should do it the way they did in OS X
01:17.51pagefaultI think they did the whole admin/user thing the best
01:18.04TainWe grant specific permissions to allow programs to run, never user admins.
01:18.07cladhaire.. its straight Unix with sudo?
01:18.10cladhairethat's nothign special.
01:18.13Corrodiasi think we should throw out our computers and pretend this whole digital revolution never happened. >_<
01:18.14cladhaireunless I mised something drastic
01:18.29cladhairek k.
01:18.31cladhaireready.. on 3!
01:18.53Legorolanyway, i still maintain that Windows is only less secure because of the far worse level of knowledge on users' part
01:18.53TainNo that's what it is, cladhaire.  Well, sudo and another OSX "admin" layer of some sort.  Because I somehow messed up the password sync on an OSX system.
01:18.56Beladonathe point is, in linux, if the program needs something like that, it prompts
01:19.02Beladonawindows it doesn't
01:19.10Legorolso why is that the operating systems fault?
01:19.18Legorolin Linux, is it the OS that prompts you, or the program?
01:19.23BeladonaI think I am done
01:19.28cladhaireare you kidding me?
01:19.29Legoroljust answer that one question
01:19.37Legoroldoes the OS automatically prompt you, or does the program?
01:19.40cladhaireNeither, you have to explicity request permission
01:19.40Beladonano thats ok, you fell off the train of thought a while back
01:19.44cladhairein OSX.. the OS prompts you tho
01:19.47cladhairenot the application
01:19.53TainEr what?  Apps don't prompt for permissions.
01:19.53pagefaultyou click the lock
01:20.16Corrodiasthat would be kinda nice, i guess
01:20.17TainNeither does the OS, really.  If you're talking about things like kde or gnome it's in the middle of the two.
01:20.28BeladonaI will find you some articles that show you more easily what changes we are talking about
01:20.29LegorolI don't know much about Linux, that's why i am asking
01:20.43IrielTime to go home!
01:20.44Legoroldoes a program in Linux prompt you for extra permissions, or does the OS?
01:20.45cladhairethe point is.. the default application in windows requires admin permissinos for the registry, etc.. whereas the opposite is the case in Unix.
01:20.51Beladonathe OS
01:20.54cladhaireLegorol: neither.. the program just doesn't work.
01:20.59Beladonaor a module thereof
01:21.02Corrodias"defautl application"?
01:21.06Corrodias*default. god.
01:21.09Legoroli don't get that term either
01:21.15cladhaireyeah.. a basic application
01:21.17Legorolwhat is a "default application"?
01:21.22TainLike I said, we run all users as non-admins and all apps run.
01:21.23cladhairejust a standard windows program
01:21.25Legorolcladhaire, that's because it's poor, archaic program design
01:21.30Corrodiasi can run practically anything on our lab computers as a regular user
01:21.38Beladonahere is an example
01:21.40Legorolgo on
01:21.44Corrodiasi really don't know what you're talking about with these "default application"s that don't work
01:21.45Beladonawhen you install something as a user in linux
01:21.49Beladonayou install it as you
01:21.55Beladonaunless you install it as admin
01:22.00Legoroland a properly written Windows program does the same
01:22.06Beladonain windows, the opposite is the case
01:22.07Legorolhowever, a program written 10 years ago wouldn't do that
01:22.22LegorolBeladona, i don't see how you can make arguments about OS security based on Application behaviour..
01:22.32TainYou're talking about a cultural and educational difference Beladona, not a technical one.
01:22.32cladhaireTake an OS class.
01:22.35cladhaireyou'll learn a lot.
01:22.39Corrodiasi did take an OS class
01:22.44Corrodiasyou still have yet to explain what you mean
01:22.47cladhaireI wasn't speaking to you =)
01:22.47TainI am an OS class.
01:22.54Corrodiasyou should be, since i asked you a question >_>
01:22.58BeladonaI don't think we can esxplain this enough
01:23.04Legorolthe example Beladona quoted is difference in *application* behaviour
01:23.04Beladonathat is why I am looking for documentation
01:23.08Legorolnot in *OS* behaviour
01:23.12Beladonait is both
01:23.18cladhaireCorrodias: I am referring to the concept of the registry.. in particular
01:23.30Legorolthe registry has permissions set up, just like the filesystem
01:23.34Beladonaapplications program that way because it is the default behavior in windows
01:23.35Corrodiasi think, Lebannen, she's saying that you can't install something just for yourself if you're an admin, in linux
01:23.37cladhaireCOrrodias: the concept just plain doesn't exist in a unix context... with good reason
01:23.39TainIt isn't OS behavior.  Unix would react the exact same way if people wrote apps poorly.
01:23.41Corrodiasit HAS to be globally accessible
01:23.46Legorola well-behaved windows app is only able to read from/write to sections of the registry the user has rights to acces
01:23.47CorrodiasLebannen -> Legorol
01:24.01Lebannendamn those beeps :)
01:24.03Legorolcladhaire, the registry doesn't have to be globally accessible
01:24.20cladhaireI understand that.
01:24.20Legorola properly written windows program doesn't require more access to the registry than its own part
01:24.20Corrodiascladhaire: if you're talking about wordpad, let me assure you that wordpad runs absolutely fine for users without administrator privileges.
01:24.22cladhaireand I get your points
01:24.26cladhairethey're very valid points.
01:24.31Beladonait was poor planning and evolution
01:24.38Beladonain windows
01:24.48Beladonathey are making the changes in vista, for the better
01:24.48Legoroli don't think it was planned, evolution and innovation tends to happen ;-)
01:24.50TainIt was poor documentation and best practices.
01:24.51cladhaireCorridias: I have no idea what you're trying to prove to me.. or what you object to so strongly.. i'll be completely honest =)
01:24.53Beladonaand actually hired a linux dev to get there
01:24.56Legoroli agree with Tain
01:25.02Legorolit's poor practice on app programmers part
01:25.10Corrodias"<cladhaire> the point is.. the default application in windows requires admin permissinos for the registry, etc.. whereas the opposite is the case in Unix."
01:25.15Legorolthe OS is perfectly fine *if* the app programmers did their job correctly
01:25.17Corrodiasthere is no "default application" which cannot be run as a user
01:25.27Beladonanot true Legorol
01:25.34Legorolwhat on Earth is a "default application", i still don't get that term
01:25.37TainWhich is mostly Microsoft's fault for not pushing security more sooner.  But the ability to do it has been there since Windows NT 3.51
01:25.43Endwindows didn't start as multiuser, so historically it was assumed you could do -anything- ...linux/unix/whatever has historically been multiuser, and also it is usually pressured that you don't write with the assumption you are root...
01:25.45Legorolsomeone explain to me what the term "default application" means
01:25.53Corrodiasi have no idea
01:25.54cladhaireWindows does not understand the concept of Least User Privs.. which is a big issue.
01:25.54LegorolTain is correct
01:25.56cladhairegive me a fucking second.
01:26.00Beladonarunning with default apps, and nothing else in windows still gives scripts on the web and other virus type applications TOO much access
01:26.06Legorolit's a mindset/campaign/methodology fault, not a security fault
01:26.21Beladonaand doesn't do much to provide the user with warning prompts or anything
01:26.31BeladonaTHAT is default in windows
01:26.33Corrodiasall right, i agree with that point
01:26.36LegorolBeladona: only if you are logged in as administrator
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01:26.48Legorolif you are logged in as a user, you can use every application that comes with Windows with no problem
01:26.59Corrodiasyou have to set it up carefully so that users don't have permissions to do anything destructive
01:27.00Legoroland not be exposed to security risks, except those due to bugs and security holes
01:27.01FanookLegorol: admin is the default for a new system
01:27.12Corrodiasmaybe linux doesn't let users do much of anything by default while windows does
01:27.16BeladonaI can pretty much tell you, from experience that MOST users run with admin
01:27.23Legorolyes, i know that
01:27.23cladhaireWhat I mean by default application (poor wording, admittedly) is the standard application you can download from the web.  On many machines, they work without a question, because the standard user has admin privs.  On a default install, if you choose to give people non-admin access, they are unable to install some of these basic applications.  The same is not the cast on a Unix system, because of the concept of Least User Privs.
01:27.25TainOf course they have.  That is changing.
01:27.26Legoroli never denied that, Beladona
01:27.31Legorolbut as i said, that's the users fault
01:27.41Legorolit's like saying Linux is insecure because most users run logged in as root
01:27.42TainThrough education, not through technical leaps.
01:27.43Beladonado you run as a restricted user Legorol?
01:27.50cladhaireYou can set it up in a different way.. but it is still the DEFAULT permission set for the operating system
01:28.00LegorolBeladona: i will be completely honest with you: no
01:28.06TainNo cladhaire, the reason you can't do it on a Windows system is because the apps are not written the way they should have been from the beginning.
01:28.12Corrodiascladhaire: -ah-. you're saying that a lot of people program their applications with the assumption that they will be run as administrators?
01:28.14Legoroland the reason is: i am not your average user, and i change admin-level settings way too often
01:28.26zenzelezzisn't the default first-user account in Windows [XP] a "power user"?
01:28.26Legorolbut my significant others, i make them run as average users
01:28.45BeladonaLegorol, the difference is, Linux TELLS you not to run as root
01:28.49Beladonaand usually doesn't let you
01:28.55Beladonaunless you make it
01:28.57cladhaireCorrodias: I am saying the operating system has a bad set of default permissions.. and I don't think thats historical.. its just plain a bad decision.
01:29.30TainI still blame Microsoft for not pushing security more.  But application developers can create applications that install and run as a normal user with no admin rights very easily.
01:29.31Corrodiasif you're saying that users ARE able to run those programs, perhaps that is a bad set of default permissions
01:29.45Corrodiasespecially if they require admin privileges and yet you can run them as users
01:29.46TainSome places are really starting to enforce that.  Others are obviously not.
01:29.51Beladonathis all started with the fact that Vista is taking on more unix-like permission sets
01:29.58LegorolOk, I will concede the following points:
01:30.00GenNMXThe operating system has "administrator" default permissions because the developers, as a majority, mostly insisted on it so they would have a far easier time porting their code from Windows ME to Windows XP.
01:30.03cladhaireCorrodias: Install windows.. what is the default user.. what is every user after the fact?
01:30.05Beladonaincluding OS behaviors that fascillitate the use of restricted user account
01:30.08cladhaireThats my point.
01:30.08Beladonafor EVERYONE
01:30.13LegorolDefault permissions and default "suggestive" behavoiur is too insecure on Windows
01:30.19Corrodiasand a lot of us don't understand how unix differs from windows in permissions
01:30.20Beladonawhen you use vista, you should be a restricted user, no matter what
01:30.23Beladonajust like linux
01:30.26LegorolI also agree that due to poor propaganda by MS, lot of programs are poorly coded
01:30.26Corrodiasexcept in what the defaults are
01:30.39LegorolJust like Tain said, MS should've pushed security lot sooner
01:30.47TainIt's more marketing than technology.
01:30.50Corrodiascladhaire: it has been years since i installed a windows; i fear i don't remember
01:30.58TainTell people it's all new and they'll jump at it.
01:30.58cladhaireCorrodias: Well its true =)
01:31.04LegorolHowever, the point that I won't concede is that Windows is *less* secure, because security in my opinion is measured in what you can achieve with it, not what's the default
01:31.05GenNMXWindows XP didn't even come with a fully-functioning firewall, that was patched in SP2
01:31.08CorrodiasYES, windows' defaults are insecure. fuck, it comes with internet explorer.
01:31.22TainThe OS shouldn't come with a firewall, in my opinion.
01:31.24Corrodiaslinux doesn't "come with" a firewall, either. you have to "get" iptables.
01:31.26BeladonaI won't argue
01:31.28Corrodiasor some other similar thing
01:31.34BeladonaI jsut know for a fact windows is less secure
01:31.42Corrodiasyou know it in your heart <3
01:31.47cladhaireThe default install ... correct =)
01:31.52TainBeladona, that is just way too arbitrary a statement.
01:31.52LegorolBeladona, i fully conceded that *default* configuration, and *typical* usage pattern is less secure
01:32.03LegorolThat does not equate to the OS as a whole being less secure
01:32.06GenNMXCorrodias: Most distros come with iptables and a firewall setup by default. "Windows XP" is a NT kernel distro ;)
01:32.19Beladonawindows can be MADE more secure, but my point is, you shouldn't have to
01:32.26Corrodiasgod damn, GenNMX just outmaneuvered me >:(
01:32.31Beladonadefault windows should be secure out of the box
01:32.37Legorolyou mean i shoulnd't have to configure my system? i will always have to configure my system
01:32.46Beladonaforget it
01:32.46Legorolno system can be perfectly configured for individual needs out of the box
01:32.47cladhaireYou shoudln't have to SECURE your system
01:32.50Corrodiasi have to agree with Beladona on this one
01:32.54cladhaireYou should have to configure it.
01:33.00cladhairenot hide it.
01:33.12Corrodiasyou should have to configure it to let you do stuff, not configure it to keep you out
01:33.17Legorolok, i do agree with Beladona on what the out of the box behaviour shoudl be
01:33.31BeladonaI don't care about configuration
01:33.32Legorolfor example, out of the box, Windows shouldn't be creating admin-level users when you create a new user
01:33.34Beladonajust security
01:33.37Legorolbut instead create user-level ones
01:33.50Corrodiason the other hand, that's part of what makes windows more user-friendly, so to speak, that the stuff isn't as hidden. but what can you do, eh?
01:33.52GenNMXActually my terminology isn't really correct, Windows XP isn't exactly an operating system, there's a name for the operating system on top of the NT kernel and I don't know what it's called. If you want, you can call it the "Windows XP Home/Pro Distribution" and "Windows XP Operating System" with the "NT Kernel"
01:33.58LegorolI also agree that the default security permissions on the system could be tighter
01:34.01TainWhich you do at least get prompted to today if you create a new user account on an XP system.
01:34.18Enda friend of mine was installing windows...and the network cable was plugged in..he ended up reinstalling (this time unplugged from network) because it was quickly infected
01:34.30Beladonais the os
01:34.39Beladonaat the basic level
01:34.43GenNMXLike we have the "Debian Distribution" with the "GNU Operating System" and the "Linux Kernel"
01:34.44Corrodiaslol @ end.
01:35.15Beladonathere are like what? 4 viruses that can even work on linux?
01:35.20LegorolBeladona is correct, WinNT is the OS
01:36.50TainThat's what you get for putting any system on a network without being behind a firewall.
01:36.50Legorolwhich is shared between W2K, WXP, some server products etc.
01:36.50GenNMXYeah that makes sense. WinNT v5.0 or whatever.
01:36.50Beladonathe os should have all ports stealthed by default
01:36.51Legorolthat's why i can get error messages to pop up and refer to GUI elements that don't even exist in Windows XP :D
01:36.51Legorolthat's fun
01:36.51GenNMXLegorol: The architecture is shared, but the OS and Kernel are newer with XP then 2000
01:36.51Corrodiasnot -all-.. it has to be able to connect to a network for internet access at least >_> that's completely safe
01:36.51LegorolGenNMX, quite possibly
01:36.51Corrodiasactually.. never mind, that doesn't require ports being open
01:36.51Legoroli think WinXP is WinNT 5.1
01:36.51Beladonait is still the winnt kernel
01:36.51Legorolwhereas Win2K is 5.0
01:36.52Legorolor something like that
01:36.52Beladonaits just a newwer version
01:36.52Legorolif you look in install scripts
01:36.53Legorolyeah it's like a newer Linux kernel
01:36.57Corrodias2k3 is 5.2
01:37.00Legorolis it?
01:37.03Corrodiasit is.
01:37.07Corrodiasit's sexy.
01:37.08Legorolthat's what i'd have guessed
01:37.25Legorolit might be sexy, i am not too keen on running a server product on my desktop
01:37.32Corrodiasi have a 2k3 virtual machine. i decked it out in a purple style, most appealing
01:38.13Legorolthanks Beladona, will read it
01:38.16Beladonalook specifically at the "Secure It" section
01:38.16GenNMXAll we need nowadays is a slogan -- "You want the RIAA to find your porn? Secure your computer NOW!"
01:38.24Corrodiasi'm not sure all of what is different about the "server" windows from the regular one
01:38.42TainCorrodias: A few hundred dollars. ;)
01:38.52Legoroli tell you what: the GUI, dollars, and a few default config settings ;_)
01:39.09Legoroli have some fun experiences with getting functionality out of WinXP that is only supposed to be found in server products
01:39.17Legorolbecause all the kernel and underlying services are the same
01:39.22Legorolbut they miss out some GUI elements in XP
01:39.27Legorolfor example, the Routing and Remote Access Service
01:39.29GenNMXCorrodias: Its like the difference between Red Hat Enterprise and Fedora Core. One is a distribution for servers, one for workstations. Both use the same kernel and same OS.
01:39.33Corrodiaswell, i will say that Server has a DNS server that you can install, stuff like that
01:39.36Legorolit's the exact same one in XP as it is in sever products
01:39.38GenNMXAnd the distributions themselves are very similiar.
01:39.42Beladonathat is another good read
01:40.30TainBah all this Windows and Linux talk, I should go back to FreeBSD.
01:40.33Beladonahere is an example
01:40.47Corrodiasi don't understand that security page
01:40.55Corrodiasand that "Building UAP-Compliant Applications" header makes me wary
01:41.48Beladonainstall a program in vista, it asks for admin, you install it. And that is it. When you run it again, it copies the necesary files to your local user folder, and runs from there. Your files get changed, but the base install folder NEVER gets touched without admin permissions again
01:42.15cladhairesuch a basic.. simple.. good idea
01:42.17TainA well designed app, yes.
01:42.17Corrodiasit takes a bit of work to get that to happen in a domain-user environment in xp
01:42.21TainAnd could be done today.
01:42.27Corrodiasglad to hear it'll be easier in vista
01:42.34TainIt isn't only because Microsoft didn't push it until now.
01:42.41TainIt's all marketing now.
01:43.09GenNMXWhat really bugs me about XP is that it makes it very difficult to run as a Restricted User. In *nix, I could give programs all the root rights they need so I don't need to enter in a password every single time.
01:43.23TainYou can do the exact same thing in XP, GenNMX.
01:43.29Corrodiasyou can?
01:43.31TainI run 2500 desktops that way.
01:43.42TainWith hundreds of applications, no users as admin.
01:43.46GenNMXTain: Not with hardware
01:44.02TainNot with hardware?
01:44.07Corrodiaslol.. like, "my video card only lets the administrator use it!"?
01:44.50TainWell we don't let users install their own hardware so it's hardly an issue. :)
01:44.50cladhairepolicies in windows are so horrible .. they make me cry.  I know them in and out.. and I have to work with them all the time.. hence why I hate it.
01:44.50Corrodiasit sounds like windows -can- do a lot with security that unix does "easier", but you have to learn a hell of a lot about it and work with it carefully to make it happen
01:44.57GenNMXLike I have a Notebook Control Application on my Laptop which needs Admin priviledges because it changes stuff XP Home doesn't allow Restricted Users to have permissions for.
01:45.03Corrodiasand if it becomes easier in future versions, i am happy for that
01:45.06GenNMXXP Pro I can get around it though.
01:45.29Corrodiaspeople still use Home? :o
01:45.34TainThere's most likely a single directory, or registry entry it wants.  Give permissions to that spot, and it'll run fine.
01:45.38cladhaireTake a default Linux install and watch yourself get compromised.  Take a default Windows install and watch yourself be compromised.  Take something like a standard BSD install.. and you're safe sailing.. and you can ENABLE what you'd like to enable one at a time.. rather than disabling services until you're as secure as you want.
01:45.51CorrodiasTain: how do you give an application permissions instead of a user?
01:45.55cladhairebut that's just my preference and experience.. YMMV
01:46.05TainYou don't, you give the user (or users group) permissions.
01:46.10Beladonagoing afk for a bit
01:46.33Corrodiasbut that lets the user do anything he wants with that data (to the extent that the program needs access)
01:46.57Corrodiasif you gave the -process- permission, then it would only do what it's written to do, which you could know about beforehand
01:46.58TainWhich is going to be the case with any application that has to write data somewhere.  If it's not running as a different user.
01:47.10Corrodiasi have absolutely no idea if that's what he meant, though
01:48.39TainWell it just all comes down to yes Windows should have been more security focused from the beginning.  You can set it up to allow a normal user to run any app they need to without being an admin.
01:49.29TainThe fact that you have to is a different issue, and I agree that it shouldn't be that way.  However "shoulds" only get you fired in my experience.
01:49.40LegorolI just read the links Beladone provided
01:49.40cladhaireI agree completely
01:49.45LegorolTain, i think you should read them too
01:49.49LegorolPersonally, it scares the hell out of me
01:50.05Legorolwell not really scares, more like banging head against the board
01:50.19Corrodiasi didn't understand the "secure it" page
01:50.23LegorolIf you look deeper at what's going on, this is what's going on:
01:50.24cladhaireYou have to be able to accomplish whatever you'd actually need to be able to do.. regardless.  Sometimes the environment is dictated to us.  There are very many things that Windows is best suited for, and I'll use them there-- when I have a choice.. and same with a Unix type OS.
01:50.39Tainehn it doesn't really matter.  It's whatever MS says, we deal with if you want to get paid for working with MS products.
01:50.57LegorolThe first link, which Beladone linked, is actually from developers' perspective
01:51.11LegorolAnd it just reiterates that if you want an app that works securely, you have to write it securely
01:51.24LegorolIt does not add anything new to the discussion besides some fancy words
01:51.29TainIf I were still doing OS/2 support I'd feel the same way about that.
01:51.30LegorolThe second link is much more interesting
01:51.45Corrodiaskeep going, Legorol, i'm listening
01:52.02TainLIke I said Legorol, it's a lot of marketing.  Make a big deal about it with a new OS so people think it is new, and hopefully they'll start to do it.
01:52.03cladhaire*nod* I've done netware on linux.. netware on windows.. straight windows, AD and completely mixed environments
01:52.04LegorolWhat it amounts to is this, from what I can tell, although there is very little text:
01:52.21LegorolMS have recognised the "always running as admin" problem
01:52.27LegorolSo there are two ways they are tackling it:
01:52.37Legorolone is that if you log in as an admin, you don't actually have admin privileges
01:53.13Legoroltwo is that they have taken a look at the kind of tasks you can perform in windows, and identified which ones are "administrative" and which ones are "user" tasks
01:53.19TainI'm sure that MS has recognized the problem for a long time.  It simply doesn't sell as many operating systems if you go from Windows 3.1 with no security, to forcing people to have it.
01:53.29LegorolAnd they are going to do two things about it:
01:53.38Guillotinedangit. i just aggrod the entire deadmines instance (literally) and got d/c
01:53.41Legorolif a non-admin user tries to perform administrative tasks, they will have the chance
01:53.41Guillotineso I'm probably dead
01:53.47Legorolby entering credentials there and then
01:53.57LegorolSo this is one side of the story, to encourage people to run as average users
01:54.03Legoroli think this is because "Run As" was underused
01:54.05Corrodiasthat's good news
01:54.08GenNMXGuillotine is Dead in the Deadmines.
01:54.15GuillotineGenNMX: lol
01:54.17Legorolso that people can for example install printers and apps even when logged in as non-admins
01:54.28Legorolby being prompted to provide admin credentials at that point
01:54.35Legorolthat's a nice change
01:54.40Legorolthe other side of it is what happens to admin accounts
01:54.43Corrodiasyes, get on with it
01:54.54Legoroland this is the annoying part, which is that even with admin accounts, the same will happen
01:55.14Legorola "modern" app rewritten for vista will still prompt you for something even if you are logged in as admin
01:55.29Corrodiasso what's the point of an admin account?
01:55.32Legorolthe downside as that old apps will still want to run as full admin rights, and won't confirm to the new system
01:55.36Temgood lord
01:55.39cladhaireThey're making "Admin" accounts accounts that just simply exist in the group that's allowed to sudo.. and runs sudo when there's a security violation
01:55.43Temanyone see slouken's latest post
01:55.55Temthis is the most cool stuff being added in one patch...
01:55.58Corrodiaslink us please
01:56.09TemI can't wait
01:56.22Corrodiasa legendary [Wang]?
01:56.23LegorolTem, i thought of a way you might be able to crash 1.10 :-)
01:56.24Tainforum slow..
01:56.33TemLegorol: oh?
01:56.44Legoroltry parenting a Font object to itself or one of its children :D
01:56.54Legorolin the new font inheritance hierarchy
01:56.57Temlol I'm sure it has checks for that
01:57.02Legorolyou never know ;-)
01:57.32Corrodiasyou can crash WoW already
01:57.46TemI like that Frame:GetFrameType is staying
01:57.54TemBackwards compatibility ftw
01:58.03CorrodiasDiscord Unit Frames has some crap you have to go through when changing settings to prevent crashing
01:58.18LegorolCorrodias, that was insider joke
01:58.19TemI'm glad I don't use those
01:58.24Legorolpoint is, Tem keeps finding ways to crash WoW
01:58.30Legorolin case you didn't hear ;-)
01:58.33Legorolhe is the crashmaster
01:58.50Legoroli think my favourite one has to be setting UIParent to be in the tooltip strata
01:59.00pagefaultI love saccing a VW and hellfiring everyone in BG
01:59.07TainHe's like Ivan Drago.  Anything he hits... he destroys.
01:59.09LegorolTem, only because that one got mentioned in the patch notes :D
01:59.27Legoroli take that as a tribute to your hard work and dedication in crashing WoW
01:59.29TemI had a fun time telling my guild mates that I was the cause for a line in the patch notes
01:59.41Legorolfrom the 1.9 changes thread:
01:59.47Legorol"* UIParent:SetFrameStrata("TOOLTIP") no longer crashes the client."
01:59.50Legorolmy favourite :D
02:00.02Legorolit takes a Tem to think of doing something like that
02:00.10Legorolmy 2nd favourite is using __index with nil
02:00.10Corrodiaswhy the heck were you trying to change the strata of uiparent?
02:00.17LegorolCorrodias, that's Tem for you..
02:00.22cladhaireSssh... we can't question brilliance =)
02:00.43LegorolCorrodias: getmetatable(someRandomFrame).__index(nil)
02:00.51Legoroli think that used to do the trick crash-wise
02:00.53TemReally that one was me trying to reproduce the crash when you set the stratum of a frame with mousewheel abilities
02:01.09TemLegorol: it was the second index that had to be nil to cause a crash
02:01.15Legorolah sorry
02:01.15Corrodiasi don't know what (metatable).__index is
02:01.15Temer, second param
02:01.22Temthe first could be valid
02:01.31Tembut the second being nil would cause a crash
02:01.34LegorolCorrodias: intro to how Blizz maps UI widget methods to C code:
02:01.44TemLegorol: before you start
02:01.49Legorolevery table in the Lua space that represents a UI widget (e.g. UIParent or myFunFrame)
02:01.51Legorolyes Tem?
02:01.58Temthis is better
02:02.10Legorolwell i was going to discuss Blizz specific implementation
02:02.17Legoroli am assuming Corrodias can look up metatables
02:02.23Temif you don't mind a bit of reading, that's way better than any explanation we could give
02:02.29Legorolthat's true
02:02.33Legorolread that first
02:02.39Legorolthen i can tell you how it's done in WoW specifically
02:02.50Legorolby the way, Tem: i love explaining
02:02.57TemLegorol: I noticed =P
02:03.22TemI need to start enjoying explaining things...
02:03.24Legorolso, other ways to crash the client that we could think of for 1.10 include various font re-parenting tricks
02:03.28TemI'm about to go apply to be a teacher
02:03.49Tem(not like teacher teacher)
02:03.54Legorolwell, i have been teaching a few hours a week for some pocket money for years now
02:04.18cladhaireI want to teach.. damn my PhD
02:04.21Tem(just an instructor on campus for "start" a free computing learning center)
02:04.21BeladonaI am one of those "Move, I will do it myself" people
02:04.22Legorolthe best part is when, having taught the same course for 4 years, a new student (must be like the 30th i taught this to) comes up with a totally new, exciting, unique and simpler solution
02:04.28Legorolto an otherwise textbook problem
02:04.32TemBeladona: me too
02:04.44Beladonawhich works well for what I do
02:04.55TemBeladona: Systems Admin?
02:05.05Legorolyeah teaching yourself works well for IT and computing
02:05.09Legorolnot so much in other areas :(
02:05.09Temhow large a business?
02:05.10cladhaireBeladona: I actually love teaching.... programming.. thats it tho =)
02:05.14cladhaireEverythign else is my domain
02:05.25Beladona3 Offices, main office has 100 or so people
02:05.44cladhaireBela: Hire me.. I could use a one way ticket from Syracuse to Florida
02:05.57Beladonawe may be hiring later this yar actually
02:06.01cladhaireI mean I have a job.. but it wouldn't take much to lure me away
02:06.02Temdamn I think slouken is sitting at his desk trying to figure out ways for my Frame tree to be easier to make
02:06.04cladhaireI work chea p=)
02:06.08Tembecause seriously...
02:06.11cladhaireTem: You know he is.
02:06.13Temit just keeps getting easier and easier
02:06.18Beladonaand we have like 5 houses next door to me for sale
02:06.34cladhaireBela: Keep me posted =)
02:06.43TainI work.  I don't work cheap, but I work well. :)
02:06.45cladhaireWhat systems do you have.. cause if I dont have the experience.. I'll have it by the time its open =)
02:06.59Beladonawell, unfortuantely its a windows network
02:07.01TainSent out 20 resumes this week!  Damn them all.
02:07.05Beladonanative 2003
02:07.18CairennBela ....
02:07.23CairennTalk to ME
02:07.31Beladonasorry, whats up?
02:07.39cladhaireI dig.. I can do the windows dilly
02:07.46Corrodiasalmost finished reading
02:07.53Cairennjust listening to the job description ....
02:08.06TemI would really like to be in Linux, but it's hard to get in
02:08.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Depherios (n=Deph@
02:08.12Cairennand knowing hubby's qualifications
02:08.17TainBela can hire Cairenn, cladhaire and me!
02:08.23Cairennand knowing that I want to move somewhere WARM
02:08.27TainOr Cairenn's husband. hehe
02:08.33Beladonaif we did, it would be later this year
02:08.34cladhaireMatryx said I could go to London and work for him.
02:08.38Beladonawe may be expanding
02:08.41Cairennlater this year is good
02:08.42Temcladhaire: that sounds fun
02:08.46TainThat does sound like fun.
02:08.49Cairennlater this year is *very* good
02:08.58cladhairehe said his brother is the only downside to the job.
02:08.58Temcladhaire: doing what?
02:09.05cladhaireTem: Code-monkey
02:09.11cladhairewhich i'm very good at
02:09.18cladhairebut he'd have to be serious first =(
02:09.20Beladonahonestly, I would like to get rid of my techs now and rehire
02:09.33TemBeladona: um
02:09.36BeladonaI usually end up fixing stuff
02:09.39Temgot a spot for this summer?
02:09.47TemI'll move to FL for the summer
02:10.00TainHell I'll start packing tonight.
02:10.05Beladonaits not high pay, but COL is low
02:10.10cladhaireFWIW I'm best at debugging and troubleshooting broad issues
02:10.19TemBeladona: I get paid minimum wage atm
02:10.27TainOh that's impressive, cladhaire.  I can' never troubleshoot broads, they confuse the hell out of me.
02:10.39cladhaireTell me about it.. I didn't say it was easy
02:10.56TemI'm better a writing code that "just works"
02:11.20Tems/ a / at /
02:11.24Corrodias.__index(table, key)... could have just been :__index(key) for this kind of application... *still reading*
02:11.40cladhairewell i dont debug my own code silly
02:11.52TemCorrodias: only if the table is it's own metatable
02:12.16Corrodiasoh, yes, nm
02:12.55LegorolBeladona, i hear you are hiring? Are you willing to deal with the complications of getting a green card? ;-)
02:13.00Legorol'cause then i'm coming too!
02:13.04Beladonamy god
02:13.15Legorolheck, you could hire more talent in this channel alone then over a year :D
02:13.22cladhairethats true
02:13.29cladhaireJust look at tem's work with metatables.
02:13.30Beladonawhen they tell me to start posting job offers, I can just say "Hold on, let me log into irc"
02:13.31cladhaireand my work with hooks
02:13.40cladhaireand Tain's visor amazingness.. not to mention Titainsex
02:14.03Legoroli'm very good at debugging, arguing and annoying people
02:14.07Temum, whyis the wow page ugly?
02:14.09GenNMXBeladona: Where do you work?
02:14.09Legorollet me rephrase
02:14.11Temoh wait
02:14.18Legoroli'm good at bugging, debugging, rebugging
02:14.20Legorolare those requried qualificiations?
02:14.37GenNMXLegorol sounds well-qualified for Quality Assurance ;)
02:14.53Legorolthat's right!
02:14.56BeladonaJoseph Financial Group
02:15.09Beladonaand partner Rhoades Law
02:15.15Legoroli reproduce bugs (rebugging), i find their source (debugging) and then i ask the devs to fix them (bugging)
02:15.21cladhaireI have a bad job.. with a good company =)
02:15.23Beladonawe handle CPA, FInancial Coordination, and Law
02:15.33cladhairelol Leg
02:15.44Beladonawe just went paperless
02:15.57TainYou know I'm pretty amazing all the way around.
02:15.57Beladonaafter tax season there will be more to do with that
02:16.10GenNMXAwww, in Florida. Otherwise I'd say I'm available, my degree is in programming and I have 5 years of IT experience ;)
02:16.19TainActually, anyone here have a lot of tax knowledge?
02:16.29Beladonawe don't do any programming really
02:16.47Beladonaexcept when there is spare time /wink
02:16.51Legorolif it involves byparty agreements on the avoidance of double taxation between countries, then yes, Tain
02:16.52GenNMXYeah, I've never done programming professionally yet.
02:17.05TainNot that i want to, I mean I really don't want to, but I have to research at least what a whack I'd take at the end of the year if I end up taking a cash payout of my 401k. :/
02:17.17GenNMXMostly IT work, right now I fix Dell computers under in-home warrenty.
02:18.07BeladonaI wish I could switch us to linux servers, but there are some systems that are pretty windows only
02:18.26TainYou always have to use the right tool for the job.
02:18.30Beladonabut you can inagine how costly server licenses get
02:18.32GenNMXWhat I want to do is server admin, especially for people that want to switch to *nix
02:18.42Legorolso Beladona, on a slightly more serious note on this
02:18.57Legorolalthough i wouldn't be applying to you personally, would you consider hiring from the people in this channel
02:19.06Legorolsorry that came out wrong
02:19.14Cairennpoor Bela, should have known better than to say something like that in this channel
02:19.18Beladonawould stll need an official interview, but yeah
02:19.21TainI'll pvp you for the position, Legorol
02:19.28Legorolrofl Tain
02:19.33cladhaireyou're on
02:19.35cladhairemy druid pwns you
02:19.37Legoroli just said that i was not serious about it, since i can't leave UK
02:19.41Beladonathats just wrong
02:19.50TainI'll take your tree-hugger down, clad!
02:19.58cladhaireI want to teach at a University.. I will at some point be the intro programming theory teacher for some university.. and likely using a mix of C, Scheme and LUA in (hopefully) a two-three course series..
02:20.04cladhaireTain: then try my priest
02:20.05cladhaireor my rogue
02:20.11cladhaireTain: OMG we can pvp.. we're ont he same server
02:20.12Legorolscheme, eek
02:20.14BeladonaResume: MCSE, PhD, can pvp like nobodies business
02:20.20Legoroldo you have to include scheme?
02:20.31cladhaire<3 scheme
02:20.33cladhaire<# lua more
02:20.38cladhairebut scheme would be used .. at some point
02:20.40Legorolisn't that hte one with millions of brackets
02:20.41Beladonahey cladhaire: which server was it we were supposed to roll on?
02:20.43TainThere was a commerical about that actually.  I forget what it as for
02:20.47GenNMXDaniel "Beladona": "What are your technical qualifications?" Legorol: "Well, I have 2 years experience programming in a prominent scripting language." Daniel: "Uh, Lua?" Legorol: "...Yeah."
02:20.48cladhaireKael'thas horde
02:20.48Beladonaand which side?
02:20.57Beladonawanted to go horde
02:21.07cladhaireits not PVP
02:21.11cladhaireif you wanna roll pvp i can switch again
02:21.12Legorollol GenNMX
02:21.16Cairennyou're rolling *another* character?
02:21.23TainA guy sitting in an interview, boss reading over his resume.  Says something like, "This looks pretty impressive, but what does a level 37 Shadowknight mean?"
02:21.24Legorolactually i have lot more programming experience than that
02:21.25cladhairewhat do you want from me? =)
02:21.30BeladonaI want people to play with
02:21.33Cairennthat was to Bela :p
02:21.33BeladonaDraka is boring
02:21.37Cairennsowwy =/
02:21.40cladhaireoh haha
02:21.44cladhairenot that i'm good either
02:21.45Cairennhey, wait, why am I sorry?
02:21.50cladhaireI have 3 60's and a 30
02:22.07FanookI didn't think hunters had finishing moves...
02:22.11Beladonawhen they open up moves, I will move my 60
02:22.11GenNMX"What is this Guild thingie here on your resume? Is it like a Union?"
02:22.12CairennI made the guilds because *you guys* wanted them, not me :p
02:22.18Beladonatill then I will just roll anew
02:22.36Beladonaoh wiat
02:22.40Beladonathat won't work either clad
02:22.44Beladonamy 60 is alliance
02:22.49cladhairei have 2 60 alliance
02:22.55cladhairewhats your 60's class?
02:23.00Legorolgahd, my turtle is greedy
02:23.08Legoroleats through my stacks of mushrooms like no tomorrow
02:23.12cladhaireOh.. damn
02:23.15Cairenndoesn't anyone play on Draka any more?
02:23.15cladhairethat breaks it
02:23.20cladhaireotherwise you could roll with Satrina and I
02:23.25cladhaireCair: I need to finish my Drood firsty
02:23.39Legorolsorry Cairenn, decided to abandon US account :(
02:23.47Beladonano clad, that 60 is on another server
02:23.48Cairennunderstandable Lego
02:24.00Cairennbut I meant the US folks that all wanted the guilds :p
02:24.01Legorolwas fun whilst it lasted
02:24.05Corrodiasso okay, go on with the blizzard lua to c mapping stuff
02:24.07BeladonaI can still roll on Kael
02:24.32cladhaireThe thing I hate about resumes.. is I can't say something like 16 years of programming experience, because I'm only 26.. but its true.. I was coding (pretty heavily) for a mud codebase when I was 10.  I'm not a prodigy.. its just the way my childhood with technology worked out.  Its not "professional" experience.. but its still valid.
02:24.34LegorolCorrodias, every Lua table that's a UI widget (e.g. UIParent or mySexyFrame) has a metatable
02:24.56Legorolwhich has the __index metamethod defined, whose purpose is to map the method you are trying to call in that table,
02:24.57cladhaireBela: I'm 55 on Kael atm.. have a _decent_ guild.. not that great.. but i'm there PVPing most of the time
02:25.02Legoroland call the actual underlying C function instead
02:25.02BeladonaI was programming basic at 8
02:25.17Legorolso for example: myFrame:Show() is, behind the scenes, actually:
02:25.27Beladonabut yeah, i don't put that on my resume
02:25.28TainYeah cladhaire.  I have the same problem.  People dont' want to hear it, they want to hear that  you've been getting paid for doing Visual BASIC for the last 5 years.  Or somesuch nonsense.
02:25.28GenNMXMy Hello World in GWBasic was at 10
02:25.36Legorolgetmetatable(myFrame).__index(myFrame, "Show")
02:25.37Corrodiasgetmetatable(myFrame).__index(myFrame.Show()) ?
02:25.37GenNMXMmmm, maximum of 255 lines of code!
02:25.42Corrodiasoh, SO CLOSE
02:25.56Beladonacladhaire: you are same age as me
02:26.00Legorolif you check out the contents of a Lua table that is a UI widget, you will notice that it only has a single element
02:26.08Legorolit's index 0 and it's type userdata
02:26.16Legorolso it doesn't actually have a Show element
02:26.23cladhaireTain: exactly.. I can link at least 15 projects I contributed quite heavily to.. and scripts that are up on with half a million downloads, but those only work for project oriented jobs =(
02:26.26Corrodiasi remember that from our experiments with "this"
02:26.36Legorolhence the need for the metatable to capture syntax like myFrame:Show and instead do something other than a lookup in that table
02:26.59Legorolthe userdata, as far as we know, is actually the pointer to the underlying C instance representing that widget
02:26.59Taincladhaire: did you ever look at kergoth's resume?  He has a somewhat similar situation, but he worded it very nicely.
02:27.02Beladonaat 8 I was trying to code a graphical frontend for a text based game I was playing
02:27.09cladhaireTain: No I didn't
02:27.16cladhaireBela: When your birthday"
02:27.21BeladonaJan 8
02:27.39Corrodiasand i didn't know anything about programming until a few years ago. i suck. :)
02:27.47Legorolyou catch on awfully fast
02:27.54Legorolfor someone who didn't know programing 2 years ago
02:28.05Beladonahe knew how to spell programming before that!
02:28.29cladhaireBela: I'm 21 days older than you =)
02:28.40TainYou crazy kids.
02:28.51Cairennwhen's your birthday Clad?
02:28.53cladhaireHappy belated birthday to you
02:28.55Beladonamy wife is 5 months older
02:29.00Legorollet's have a show of hands, how many people's first language was something older than BASIC?
02:29.01cladhairebut I'm a 79 baby =)
02:29.02Beladonasame to you
02:29.15cladhaireLegorol: LOGO and BASIC together.. for like a day before I moved oni
02:29.19Corrodiasmine would be java, i guess
02:29.24TainYeah LOGO
02:29.28LegorolBasic for me
02:29.29Beladonabasic here, on a trash 80
02:29.32TainThen BASIC.  Then Pascal.
02:29.37LegorolBeladona, which machine?
02:29.39cladhaireI had an 8086 Leading Edge Word Processor
02:29.44cladhaireerr 8088
02:29.45Legoroli started on a Commodore 64
02:29.51Tain8088!  Luxury!
02:29.56Legorolbut i did use a Z80 for a bit
02:30.09CorrodiasLegorol: i think you got derailed! so let's hear about the __index function for the widget metatable and why calling "null" crashes the game
02:30.13Legorol8088 is actually worse than 8086
02:30.15Beladonaremember those magnetic tapes, before floppies?
02:30.16AnduinLotharmmm, some derivation of basic i think
02:30.17Legorolso 8086 is luxury ;-)
02:30.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Tsurani (
02:30.33Legorolyah, tapes were fun
02:30.35Legorolnever worked :D
02:30.39TainI started learning on an Apple something.  Too far back.  Then TRS-80, and then my first computer.  TI99/4a
02:31.07Legoroli mean how many times did you have to reload a program on average for it to get read fro the darn tape
02:31.18Legorolat least i am too young for the punchcard era
02:31.28Legorolbut my parents have stories
02:31.31BeladonaI got my first computer, because at the time I was taking everything apart. So they bought me a computer so I could take code apart
02:32.12cladhaireDid anyone read the "Read Your Own Adventure and Code Your Own Programs To Solve the Puzzle (With BASIC " books?  Or was I the only one?
02:32.14Beladonathey couldn't vacuum in my room
02:32.22Beladonawithout ruining the vacuum
02:32.45TainNo, I never saw that clad!
02:32.50CorrodiasLegorol? you left me hangin'
02:32.54Beladonathats a new one
02:32.56Legorolsorry Corrodias
02:32.59Legorolwhere were we?
02:33.10cladhaireI have to find them
02:33.12cladhairethey were the best
02:33.14CorrodiasLegorol: i think you got derailed! so let's hear about the __index function for the widget metatable and why calling "null" crashes the game
02:33.17Legorolwell i don't remember the exact details, Tem can probably tell you better, but
02:33.29cladhaireOMG stonehand is back
02:33.36Legorolgetmetatable(myFrame).__index(myFrame, nil) crashed wow
02:33.38Legorolused to anyway
02:33.41Legoroluntil slouken fixed it
02:33.58Endthen I tried learning C from -the- C book, and I managed to learn via that
02:33.59Legoroloh, i started with a cute book with dragons
02:34.02Legorolthat's how i learnt basic
02:34.04Legorolwas a lot of fun
02:34.15Beladonacladhaire: you said Kael'thas?
02:34.28Legorolyou guys rerolling?
02:34.30Beladonathought you were on a pvp server
02:34.32Legorolis this on PvP?
02:34.36Corrodiastheir __index function probably calls to C, you think? it would have to, to crash the whole game
02:34.37cladhairefriend "Vandelay", "Kitchkinet", and  "Draoi"
02:34.49Legorolit *does* call to C, that much is certain
02:34.50cladhaireDraoi is me.. == Irish for "Druid".. cause I'm really creative
02:34.59cladhaireits a PVE server
02:35.06cladhaireCladhaire == Irish for Rogue.
02:35.14Legorolok, so i have a dilemma, help me out guys
02:35.14Corrodiasbut if it's pve, you won't get ganked! :(
02:35.15cladhaireSagart (my priest) == Irish for Priest
02:35.20cladhaireI R teh suck
02:35.28Legorolshould i finish Raene's cleansing so i get to find out what the end of the story is,
02:35.36Beladonaold irish?
02:35.37Legorolor not finish it and keep Darthol's Rod of Transformation?
02:35.40cladhaireIts a good series.. but I haven't finished it
02:35.46cladhaireBela: Irish Gaelic to be specific.
02:35.57BeladonaI am part Scottish
02:35.58Corrodiasi don't know what any of that is! oh noes! i can't help you
02:36.02Fanooki think Raene's reward is just cash
02:36.08Beladonaand know a little (little) scottish Gaelic
02:36.10LegorolFanook, it's not about the cash
02:36.15Legorolit's about the story
02:36.18Fanookdoesn't connect to any further storylines
02:36.19cladhaireI'm Irish and German.. but my boyfriend is Irish.. and very into Gaelic history/culture/language
02:37.03TemAnyone know offhand what frame the keybindings is done with?
02:37.36Corrodiasthat's a guess
02:38.10cladhaireits just LoD =)
02:38.21Temno wonder I couldn't find it
02:38.24BeladonaLoad On Demand
02:38.35Corrodiasah... i was right? >_>
02:38.58Corrodiasi made a macro to identify the frame i'm currently pointing to and its immediate parent... control+shift+2 i think
02:39.43Legorolonly one problem though Corrodias
02:39.48Corrodiaswell, macros in WoW require putting them on action buttons, don't they? key-bound script, then
02:39.57Legorolif the frame doesn't have mousevents enabled, then GetMouseFocus() doesn't work, if htat's what you are using
02:40.11Beladonamaybe I should name my Tauren Shaman boaire
02:40.14AnduinLotharya, noticed that on the breath abr
02:40.15BeladonaCow Lord
02:40.25Corrodiasgood point. the key binding frame does, i'm sure, though
02:40.49Corrodiaswouldn't work very well if it couldn't! :D
02:40.57Fanookshould this fn call work? : CastSpellByName("Berserker Rage()")
02:41.15AnduinLothardont need the () i dont believe
02:41.16Corrodiaswith a () at the end? *skeptical*
02:41.31FanookCorr: that's my thought
02:41.52AnduinLotharit 'shouldn't work  unless you have CastOptions which allows it because you have no idea how many people try
02:41.56Corrodiasthey don't call it "berserker rage()" in the game :|
02:42.56AnduinLotharmugendai got sick of people whining that it didn't work with a () after the spell name in /cast  so he just modified his CastSpellByName hook to allow it
02:43.17Corrodiaswhy were they using () after the name?
02:43.34AnduinLotharcause they're scripting newbs
02:43.51Corrodiaswho in their right mind would refer to healing touch as "healing touch()"?
02:44.01Beladonaclahaire: new character = Badhar
02:44.12Endsounds almost like...bad hair
02:44.17cladhaireBEladona: Great.. I'll write that down
02:44.21Beladonait means Cow Placenta
02:44.29Corrodiashay guyz lol wher do i lern Healing Touch()???
02:44.40cladhaireleanr2hael lolz
02:46.22AnduinLotharOh Noes! The Pally Cast hiz Parenze! Whach him herth!
02:46.33*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
02:46.37Fanookstupid Logitech and their G15 :(
02:47.18Temcan someone do me a favor?
02:47.51Temlook at the BindingUI and tell me how in the hell it allows binding to a mousewheel event
02:47.56TemI'm at a loss
02:49.26Legorolsure Tem
02:49.29Legorolor is cladhaire on it?
02:50.11pagefaultsomeone posted the WoW client on the school network
02:50.22pagefaultso you can play it in the lab
02:50.32AnduinLothar:) i keep it on my ipod for that
02:51.25Beladonacladhaire: you online in any fashion in wow atm?
02:51.33cladhaireOdd.. KEY_MOUSEWHEELDOWN isnt referenced anywhere
02:51.40cladhaireBela: I'm on Stormrage/Sagart atm
02:51.45Beladonaahh kk
02:51.48AnduinLotharit's a substring for a binding event
02:51.54cladhaireI know that
02:52.15Temah I found it
02:52.30TemIt's on the inner frames
02:52.37Temthat's why I couldn't find it
02:52.53Legorolit's on the KeyBindingFrameScrollFrame
02:53.01Temaye Legorol
02:53.48FanookTem: the sad part is i saw that like 3 mins ago and dismissed it cause i didn't read it correctly
02:54.17TemI made the mistake of collapsing the frame and ignoring it's inner parts
02:54.24Temso I didn't notice the ScrollFrame
02:54.25LegorolIt's actually very good design
02:54.35Legorolif it was on the outer frame, you couldn't scroll with wheel
02:54.42Legorolif it was on a button, again you couldn't scroll
02:54.43Fanookheh, i use my text editor to view all the files :)
02:54.57TemI was using XML Spy
02:55.07LegorolTem, you can collapse in XML Spy?
02:55.10Legorolyou have a licence key?
02:55.25Fanookah, so you *found* a key :)
02:55.30Legorolright, i get it
02:55.45Legorol'cause that's my only gripe with the free version
02:55.54Legorolit has everything i need *except* collapsing
02:56.00TemI was unaware that there was a free version
02:56.01Legorolbut i'm not going to buy it just for that
02:56.07BeladonaDreamweaver 8 FTW
02:56.13Beladonaalso has code collapse
02:56.19Legorolbut is it free, Beladona?
02:56.21Corrodias"xml spy"?
02:56.27Beladonato those that know it is
02:56.27Legorolisn't Dreamweaver like $400?
02:56.49TemBeladona:  does DW have schema validation
02:56.50TainDreamweaver... I believe you can get me through the night
02:57.08BeladonaI could afford it, but well, I can afford a lot of things I would rather not
02:57.14Legorolso unless i see a very cheap deal or can get a free version, i get left out of the cool stuff
02:57.19Corrodiasin our languages class, we covered xml and scheme.. damned if i remember much of it
02:57.23Beladonayeah DW8 has scheme validation
02:57.29Beladonaearlier versions didn't
02:57.37Corrodiasscheme -> 'xml schema'
02:57.41AnduinLotharoh man. i wanna forget scheme
02:57.44Corrodiasstupid brain on autopilot
02:57.48Legoroli'd be surprised if any decent, read pay for it, XML tools nowadays didn't have validation
02:57.58Beladonapretty good xsl and css tools too
02:58.13Legoroldoes it have visual schema editing tool?
02:58.20Beladonaand I have a lua plugin for it =D
02:58.27LegorolXML Spy's free version is perfect, it has schema based intellisense,
02:58.33Legoroland visual schema editor
02:58.38Legorolbut it doesn't have collapse :(
02:58.45Corrodiasintellisense? isn't that a microsoft flash word?
02:58.47BeladonaI will have to play with XML spy, not sure how much of the same features are on DW
02:58.48Legorolso sometimes when i need to do collapsing i just open my xml in SciTE
02:58.51Corrodiasbuzz word, something
02:59.01Legorolyeah it is, Corrodias
02:59.07Legorolit's shorter than trying to explain it
02:59.24ScytheBl1de1a huge buzz word. About the only way that allows anyone to program under windows ;)
02:59.34ScytheBl1de1bah @ nick
02:59.35BeladonaI got used to using DW for web design, so I tend to use it for other stuff too
02:59.52Legoroli program my mobile phones Symbian OS in C under windows, no intellisense for that, ty much
02:59.59ScytheBlade1hmm, brb
03:00.25LegorolBeladona, fair enough
03:00.36Legoroli wish i could get a copy of DW to play around with
03:00.38*** join/#wowi-lounge ScytheBlade1 (n=kyle@about/pxe/ScytheBlade1)
03:00.41Legoroli guess there is probably a trial version
03:00.54ScytheBlade1Sorry, I should have been more clear
03:01.12ScytheBlade1Only way to program complex win32 bases programs without looking up every single API call under the sun that's required
03:01.13Legorolintellisense is the thingy when as you start typing code, it shows a dropdown with possible completions
03:01.22Corrodiasi've done a lot of programming under windows and a small amount of it FOR windows and i've never seen the word used in any sensible context
03:01.27LegorolScytheBlade1, right, i misunedrstood you
03:01.34Gryphenotherwise known as auto complete
03:01.35ScytheBlade1hehe np
03:01.39Corrodiasah.. that
03:01.45Beladonathat isn't intellisense
03:01.53Legorolauto complete isn't quite intellisense
03:01.54Corrodiasi thought it had to do with mice
03:01.57Beladonanot the microsoft one anyway
03:01.59ScytheBlade1heh, no
03:02.07ScytheBlade1Basically, start typing a function name
03:02.15ScytheBlade1and it can auto-complete a possibility for you + list all params
03:02.16Legorolwhich one's which?
03:02.17Beladonabut DW does have that
03:02.20Corrodiasno, i'm absolutely sure it doesn't have anything ot do with programming
03:02.36LegorolCorrodias, that's intellimouse? is there such a thing?
03:02.39CodayusI think intellisense is a pretty generic term.  Or at least used as such.  Googling, I see MS has a TM on it...
03:02.47Corrodiasah, intellimouse, that's what i'm thinking of
03:02.52TainDamn I saw someone mention it earlier and all of a sudden I had to know.  You can make round buttons.  or at least fake it enough.
03:03.03LegorolTain, how?
03:03.05ScytheBlade1Beladona: this has more 'power' to it... it's every possible function ever period + all params and well, everything
03:03.05BeladonaI think we are all thinking of "Smart Tags"
03:03.06Corrodiasthen i see this quote in google, "I got an MS-IntelliSense Optical Mouse about two years ago."
03:03.09AnduinLotharya, ok that treasure map quest is lame
03:03.11CodayusI haven't decided yet whether its the coolest thing evah, or a crutch that'll lead to bad programming.  :-/
03:03.13Legorolspecifically, how do you allow mouse events to go past the corner?
03:03.16Beladonawhich is what ms calls it
03:03.28AnduinLotharkool and intreaguing, but it needs a good reward for its rarity
03:03.58ScytheBlade1Codayus: There was an article on slashdot a few months ago about how all it did was create lazy programmers
03:03.59TainThe frame is technically the same, Legoral.  By fake it I mean its textures can be all made to look rounded.
03:04.02BeladonaScytheBlade1: I know what you are talking about, and DW has it
03:04.16ScytheBlade1Beladona: have you used the version in VS?
03:04.18Corrodias...duh. but you make a rounded image that has a square hitbox
03:04.25Corrodiaswhat good is that to anybody?
03:04.26CodayusScytheBlade1: I saw that, yeah.  It didn't convince me, but I'm not sure its wrong either.
03:04.33LegorolTain, right, so the mouse coudl still click the "corner" where there isn't actually any visible image?
03:04.37Tainduh what good is ANY visual addon?
03:04.44TainCorrect, leg
03:04.53TainIt's only an aesthetic thing.
03:05.08Corrodiasi see, i see.. could be nice if you have a row of buttons that you want to look nice
03:05.09Beladonaso let me get this straight, the DW code hinting isn't the same, because suppoedly it doesn't include EVERYTHING? which in fact it does
03:05.36ScytheBlade1Beladona: It comes close, very very very close
03:05.38CodayusBesides, why would you notice/care that the rounded corners were "fake"?  It's all aethetics anyhow.  The only reason someone would notice is they were trying to click the button and just slightly missed...
03:05.53Corrodiasand said "oops" as all their settings were erased!
03:06.00ScytheBlade1Beladona: it's just semantics and little nit picking things that differentiate the two
03:06.05Corrodiasand the game crashed! (hint: don't make a "crash the game" button)
03:06.05CodayusAnd in that case, they'd probably be greatful that it worked.  :-)
03:06.22TainDreamweaver and XML Spy are incomparible.
03:06.26TemI've had a crash the game button in my UI for some time now
03:06.38FanookTem: Login?
03:06.40Temit's just my testing macro
03:07.09Temnah, it's where I start putting things when I think they will crash
03:07.15Temso that I have a record of what I did later
03:07.17Corrodiasand now to do some spring cleaning
03:07.20BeladonaDW and XML Spy are only imparable because XML Spy handles xml files, and dw handles xml files + others
03:07.30Beladonaimparable = incomparable
03:08.13TainXML is just one part of what DW is for.  It's like comparing Windows Solitaire to a deck of playing cards.
03:08.50Beladonathat could be said of just about any software
03:09.03Beladonaany that can do more than another
03:09.04TainAnd if often is.
03:09.17Beladonaall I said was that DW can do the same things
03:09.42BeladonaI use it because it can do thsoe things, AND others
03:09.50TainWell see it's your fault for continuing to argue with the lowbies.  ;)
03:09.50Beladonaso I only need one program, instead of 3 or 4
03:10.32Beladonayeah sorry, I should know better than to make a statement that could be argued
03:10.51CodayusI'm confused, is Beladona arguing the superiority of emacs or what?
03:10.57CodayusI mean, it SOUNDS like a pro-emacs argument!
03:11.23CodayusExcept that should be "need one program, instead of 15 or 20".  :-P
03:11.26ScytheBlade1'some valium'?
03:11.38Beladonait actually started as DW being an alternative
03:11.46BeladonaI don't think it is better or anything
03:12.40Beladonaand for some things it isn't. God knows I still can't get it to see lua comments perfectly
03:12.42cladhairethis channel is high-stress tonight
03:13.06Beladonaits a thursday, the day before beer night
03:13.13cladhairethursday is beer night
03:13.15ScytheBlade1I blame... my chronic migraines for that little bit there ;)
03:13.17cladhairefriday is beer afternoon == happy hour
03:13.26ScytheBlade1It's hard to think straight when you can't see or walk straight
03:13.27BeladonaI have to work
03:13.30cladhairepower hour tonight
03:13.33cladhaire.. cept i'm on call
03:13.37Beladonaso I do my drinking when I can sleep in
03:13.43cladhaireTem: I was gonna go watch Mr. and Mr.s. Smith
03:13.53Legorolit's not that good, i recommend against it
03:13.55TemThat's a good one
03:13.58TemI liked it
03:13.59AnduinLothari thought it was good
03:14.00Beladonaalthough I gotta see Underworld this weekend
03:14.01cladhairei like it a lot.
03:14.02Legorolanother argument
03:14.08LegorolUnderworld is good!
03:14.08cladhairei'm not arguing this with you
03:14.17TemI need to see the first underworld before I see the next one
03:14.17AnduinLothari bought the dvd in fact
03:14.17Legorolit's just opinion this time, fortunately
03:14.18Legorolno hard facts
03:14.23cladhaireTHIS is a fully subjective discussino =)
03:14.24cladhaireno facts
03:14.25TainI'm just sad that Angelina is all soiled now with getting pregnant.  Now I don't want her.
03:14.31Legorolcladhaire, beat ya ;-)
03:14.34cladhaireare you kidding
03:14.37AnduinLotharthe Underworld was ok
03:14.43AnduinLotharneeded more plot
03:14.52cladhaireShe can be 34 weeks pregnant.. and i'll still want her
03:14.53AnduinLotharand better char dev
03:14.55BeladonaI think Angelina was soiled long before getting pregnant
03:14.55TemI think cladhaire would be straight for Angelina Joli
03:15.24cladhaireits true
03:15.27cladhairei'm not gay
03:15.29cladhairei just like boys
03:15.40cladhaireI like to refer to it as "Equal Opportunity" =)
03:15.41BeladonaI have an ass like a little boy
03:15.45ScytheBlade1*insert akward silence here*
03:15.46cladhairebut not affirmative action
03:16.02cladhairei mean
03:16.07cladhaireI #wowi-lounge.. whats up?
03:16.15Legorolis this your way of winning that job application, cladhaire?
03:16.15cladhaires/I /Hi /
03:16.16ScytheBlade1(stupid freaking migraine)
03:16.40cladhaireYou do what you have to my friends =)
03:16.56Beladonaerr, that sentence confused me
03:17.21LegorolAnduinLothar, fyi, i had no like with BKB.. can't prove it's MF's fault
03:17.26Legorolfor that matter couldn't even repro the bug
03:17.28ScytheBlade1AnduinLothar: My neck is out of alignment... third vertebre down is 1 inch to the left, fourth is 1.25 inches to the right
03:17.28Beladonaahh, ok I inserted a comma after to, that helped
03:17.34Legorol*like = luck
03:17.35ScytheBlade1Hence the chronic migraines :)
03:17.53cladhaireSorry Bela..
03:17.58Beladonanah its me
03:17.59cladhaireI was laughing as I typed it.
03:18.07Beladonathis is the hour my brain starts to wind down
03:18.10AnduinLotharu need a good masuse
03:18.33ScytheBlade1AnduinLothar: I have a good chiropractor. I just need to see him more often
03:18.51Legorolis a chiropractor related to a velociraptor?
03:18.58Legorolif so, i'm scared
03:19.07BeladonaOMG, the Rocketeer is on!
03:19.17AnduinLotharrocketeer is uber
03:19.20TainAt least it's not an ornithopter
03:19.24Beladonaoldy but a goody
03:19.33LegorolTain: is that an M:tG reference perchance?
03:19.34AnduinLotharornothopters would probably worsen the migraine
03:19.41TainCould be, Leg
03:19.50ScytheBlade1Hmm - this channel has ibot, right?
03:20.07Tain~lart ScytheBlade
03:20.09Endit has purl
03:20.10Legorolbah, somehow i got convinced to go to an M:tG pre-release this saturdays, after not having touched the thing for years
03:20.11AnduinLotharespecially once it got shot down by insurgents and you got eaten by a sand worm
03:20.17ScytheBlade1Right, purl
03:20.26purlmooooooooo! I am cow, hear me moo, I weigh twice as much as you. I am cow, eating grass, methane gas comes out my ass, or
03:20.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
03:20.35ScytheBlade1Oh right right, it's run by the same guy
03:20.37TainLegorol: I found about 20 unopened packs of 4th Ed in a box today.
03:20.41purli guess ninja is, or
03:20.51LegorolTain: ah, the good old times
03:21.06Beladonadead link alert! woowoowoo!
03:21.07ScytheBlade1purl: onjoin Iriel is Hi!
03:21.07purlok, ScytheBlade1
03:21.08TainI had actually quit playing by then which is why they were unopened.  heh
03:21.16Legorolthat's like ages ago
03:21.34TainI started playing when Legends first came out.
03:21.38ScytheBlade1That should work..
03:21.48TainLike.. 100 years ago
03:21.52ScytheBlade1purl: onjoin ScytheBlade1 is ewww, him
03:21.53purlok, ScytheBlade1
03:21.56Fanooki started at Fallen Empires
03:21.58*** part/#wowi-lounge ScytheBlade1 (n=kyle@about/pxe/ScytheBlade1)
03:22.04Beladonayou guys see the new expansion for EQ2?
03:22.05*** join/#wowi-lounge ScytheBlade1 (n=kyle@about/pxe/ScytheBlade1)
03:22.11ScytheBlade1heh, not quite...
03:22.20ScytheBlade1purl: onjoin ScytheBlade1 ewww, ScytheBlade1
03:22.20purlScytheBlade1: ok
03:22.23Beladonabasically the whole expansion is the Plane of Air from EQ1
03:22.24ScytheBlade1There we go
03:22.31Beladonabrings back memories
03:23.14TainOne of the funniest moments in my EQ life was in Plane of Air.  Wait... or was it Sky?   Didn't they eventually have both?
03:23.26TainWell the one with the 7 islands.
03:23.33BeladonaI was thinking Sky
03:23.44Beladonayeah that one
03:23.50BeladonaI think in EQ2 they are making them one thing
03:23.58TainAnyway!  The one with Islands and chains between them.
03:23.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Eraphine|Disco2 (
03:24.08Beladonathe old one
03:24.12Beladonabefore Planes of Power
03:24.13TainWe were up, cleared it, beat the bossguy, and a super Cleric item dropped.
03:24.39BeladonaI played for 6 years
03:24.45TainSo just about everyone immediately says, "Congrats Morty!" who was the best cleric, and one of the best players we had.
03:24.51Tainwell the guildleader, also a cleric, took offense.
03:25.10Beladonaclerics are uber
03:25.10TainSaid something, and someone said back to him, "He deserves it more than you."
03:25.27TainAnd the guildleader promptly jumped off of the island without a word.
03:25.44Legoroldoes that kill him permanently?
03:25.50Corrodiasin real life?
03:25.57TainNo, you land in the water but it was just hilarious.
03:26.02Corrodiasi don't get it
03:26.05Legorolsounds like it was
03:26.14TainHe was so pissed, he just turned around and left.
03:26.24TainI guess it was funnier if you were there.
03:26.39Corrodiasmaybe if i know what the something he said was
03:26.47Corrodiasat the moment all i'm thinking is "mrr"
03:26.58Beladonait would be funnier if he went under the world and had to get a GM to get him out
03:27.21Corrodiasit would be funnier if he took the item for himself and laughed at everyone's pain
03:27.24TainI got stuck in one of the GM rooms beneath the world.  All of the original zones had one.
03:27.29TainBefore any expansions.
03:27.49Legoroli tried EQ once, for a week
03:28.03BeladonaI was a guide, and we had a list of the rooms with coordinates
03:28.06Legorolthe whole week was spent trying to collect some bones for the very first newbie tutorial quest
03:28.12Legorolat that point, i decided to never touch it again
03:28.18TainThe guide that came to get me had no idea what it was.
03:28.27Beladonamusta been a newbie
03:28.27TainI tried to be a guide.  I lasted a week.
03:28.38Corrodiaswhat is a guide?
03:28.50Beladonaa volunteer GM
03:28.53Beladonayou dont get paid
03:29.04Beladonawell, except the game is free
03:29.09TainA guide is a sucker.  Someone that they didn't have to pay who'd field all the jackass questions and problems so the real GMs wouldn't have to.
03:29.10LegorolTell me, how can you play a game where it takes 1 week to get past the first major step in the first tutorial you encounter?
03:29.17Legorolor quest or mission or whatever it's called
03:29.28TainNever took me anywhere near that.
03:29.31Beladonait took you one week?
03:29.34Corrodiasso you spend all your time answering people instead of playing...
03:29.42Beladonano Corrodias
03:29.47Legorolok, so i rolled a shadowknight or whatever
03:29.50Beladonayou had to devote a certain number of hours
03:29.57Legoroli started off in some small cave, which i got out of fairly quickly
03:30.06Legorolthen i got to some guy who told me to collect some bones for my armor
03:30.08Beladonathey took that away though
03:30.13Beladonaand I promptly quit
03:30.14Legoroli went off, and spent a week trying to get all the bones he wanted to
03:30.19Legorolleveled about 10 levels in the process
03:30.24Beladonathey made guides do roleplaying and events
03:30.28Beladonaand nothing else
03:30.33Legorolso i got bored and quit
03:30.33Beladonabut kept the same time requirements
03:30.38Beladonaman that got boring
03:30.39Legorolwas i doing something wrong?
03:30.56TainProbably, Legorol.  Bones drop like popcorn.
03:31.03Beladonaapparently Lego, it took me like an hour
03:31.06CorrodiasEQ has popcorn?
03:31.15Legorolwell this particular piece of bone was just not dropping, or very rarely
03:31.20Beladonabut you can skip that
03:31.21Legorolon top of that, had to camp ages for the skeletons
03:31.27Legorolas they wouldn't respawn
03:31.41Beladonanow camping was nasty
03:31.56BeladonaI camped a specific mod for 3 days straight for my shield of bane warding
03:32.01Legoroli don't think i was doing it wrong though
03:32.07Beladonaand I mean straight as in no logoff
03:32.12Legoroli am sure not all the parts dropped that i needed
03:32.29Legoroland that respawn rate was *very* slow
03:33.01TainAnyone who wants to complain about WoW's interface never had to play with this.
03:33.17Legoroli love wow's default interface
03:33.21Legoroli actually think it's quite good
03:33.29Legoroli only use addons that add functionality, not modify the interface
03:33.52Beladonathose were the days
03:34.01cladhairenight folks
03:34.06TainNight clad
03:34.11Beladonaseeya clad
03:34.33Legorolis that screenie from EQ?
03:34.38Beladonain hindsight that game was so butt-ugly
03:34.49Beladonayeah back before they revamped the engine
03:35.29Legorolwell, i'll be off too
03:35.30Beladonamore recent:
03:35.32Legorolnight folks
03:35.51Legorolehm, Beladona
03:35.56Legorolthat screenie has no interface..
03:36.18Beladonayou could turn it off for screenshots
03:36.32Legorolbtw, did WoW nick the <guild> notation from EQ?
03:36.36Legorolbecuase it's dead ugly
03:36.56Corrodiaslooks like it
03:37.26Corrodiasi wonder if there's any way to modify it...
03:37.27Legoroli mean seriously... they have to use a text-based method for emphasis?
03:37.28Beladonamany of the things you see in MMORPG's today are from eq
03:37.35Beladonathey were the first major one
03:37.48Corrodiasyou prefer that the guild tag just shout "i'm the guild tag!" constantly, perhaps? :)
03:37.54Corrodiasaudio method
03:38.03Beladonano but they could use nameplates
03:38.03Legorolno, i prefer different font, color, size, italics meyhaps
03:38.10Legorol<> is almost as bad as using ""
03:38.29Legorolor any kind of visual delimiter
03:38.32Corrodiasah, i like <>, so.. bug off
03:38.34Legorolbut < and >?
03:38.42Legorolok Corrodias, i'll do just that
03:38.44Legorolg'night :-)
03:40.50TainI say <> is better than ~=
03:41.36Beladonait is easily recognizable
03:41.41Beladonamost people know what it means
03:41.50Beladonaso yeah it works
03:43.08Corrodias~=? heh.. under someone's name, ~The Final Sanctum=
03:44.41TainNah, a bad Lua/programming joke of sorts.  Not equals is <> in some language or languages.  Lua's ~= for not equals boggles most people as to where it came from.
03:44.55Corrodiasah. yes.
03:46.55Fanookmy theory is stupid logic ~ is often used as logical not when the proper character can't
03:48.24Corrodiasmaybe some punctuation will help :(
03:49.53Tainah maybe I'll just go ahead and try Ubuntu.
03:50.06FanookLogic 101. the proper notation for logical not is Ź
03:50.33Fanooksince that's not on any keyboard, it's common to use the tilde instead
03:50.40Corrodiasi see
03:52.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Te1 (
03:52.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Red`Gone (
03:52.52Beladonago for it Tain
03:52.58Beladonaits a pretty good system
03:53.02TainWow.  I thought I was at least fairly familiar with mathematical logic, but I just looked at the wikipedia page and it was instant over my head.
03:53.42Fanooklogic's pretty simple tho...once you learn the rules
03:53.57Beladonaquestion for anyone: wasn't there a bug in CTmod that made the casting bar textures offset? and wasn't is fixed somewhere?
03:54.19TainThe rules, yes.  That's what I thought I knew.  The symbols they use there however are all Greek to me.  (Hah!)
03:54.33RedcXeso i saw the cenarion circle rewards
03:55.54Fanookthe hunter one's messed up
03:56.12Fanookunless hunters have finishing moves
03:56.28Corrodiasnot that i'm aware
03:56.52RedcXethe mage one is kind of like mageblade without the stats
03:57.09RedcXei guess it wont be so bad if getting rep with cc wont take FOREVER
03:57.27Corrodiasaha, by digging around i found
03:57.50RedcXethats an old page
03:58.07Corrodiasthere has to be something in here that satisfactorally explains raids
03:58.36RedcXedid anyone notice the first servers to open the gates will be pve servers
04:00.34Fanookhmm, this could be interesting...and perhaps a little hazardous:
04:02.15Corrodiasmonkeyspeed already displays it in terms of a percentage of "normal run speed"
04:02.19Corrodiasthere are no dangers
04:02.22*** join/#wowi-lounge TrickyR_ (
04:02.28Fanookhe claims you could measure distance using it
04:02.51Cairennyou guys may find that interesting
04:02.56Corrodiassure, run for an hour and see how far you get
04:04.04Fanookoh wait, did bliz add a hardware event req for movement?
04:05.14Fanooknm then
04:05.20Corrodiasi'm not aware "movement" functions work at all any more
04:06.01Corrodiasthis.. lunar festival isn't listed on's events page
04:06.08Corrodiasbut we all know how up-to-date THAT place is
04:07.23Fanookwhere the heck is Lake Elune'ara?
04:07.42Corrodiasin moonglade, perhaps
04:10.14Fanookhelp, i'm hooked on DDR: Mario Mix
04:10.48MaldiviaCorrodias: when is the lunar festival ?
04:12.28Fanookit says tonight, posted the 18'th, so yesterday?
04:16.02RedcXechinese new year based
04:16.13RedcXei thought blizzard was neutral when it came to real life events
04:17.12Fanookthey're had ingame stuff for most of the major holidays so far
04:19.52Corrodiasso when is it?
04:19.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Tain (
04:20.08Corrodiasit can't have happened yet or we would have heard SOMETHING about it
04:20.19Fanookunless it was only on the chinese servers
04:20.57Corrodiasthat would annoy me.
04:23.58TrickyR_AnduinLothar, if you're around, how did your interview go?
04:27.04Beladonaisn't this the year of the dog?
04:27.18Beladonahence that mob being a giant dog
04:27.29Fanookinteresting theory
04:27.49Beladonaand I am thinking that it is indeed chinese servers
04:28.11Beladonajust looked it up, this IS the year of the dog
04:28.44BeladonaJan 29th
04:30.01Corrodiassure, the chinese guys get all the gold, now they get a special event! just kidding. but i do hope it's universal.
04:32.41FanookGetPlayerMapPosition returns the x,y position for the current zone, right?
04:33.03Irielcurrently active world map
04:33.05Irielwhichever that one is
04:33.12Irielthere's an API suite for determining and changing that
04:33.45Fanookok, are all the world maps the same size?
04:34.16IrielNo, that comes back from the API
04:34.22IrielLook up Map functions in the wiki
04:34.28Iriel(The page is restored and browsable again)
04:34.54Beladonathank god
04:35.24IrielFandyllic did the actual revert
04:37.27ScytheBlade1Why was it deleted?
04:37.41Beladonawhat is with the "too big" statement?
04:38.03Beladonawhat browsers are having problems? pdas and phones?
04:39.46ScytheBlade1Hey, I'm on lynx now.  -.-
04:40.18Fanooki've used lynx....or rather a lynx a local library
04:40.54Beladonaanother thing, why is there a "User Defined Functions" area on that page? Can't that be a separate section, and leave that page for ONLY official API
04:41.38Beladonanm, Flickering said the same thing
04:44.41TainTwo G15 threads on the first page!
04:45.44Fanookthat's like having a Starbucks across from a Starbucks@
04:51.40Fanook*facedesk*  "the g-15 is a powerful keyboard. u can make macros with it and it is not third party. blue plz clear this up, is a macro that casts one spell over time to keep from afk illegal? i was told by a gm its legal for now."
04:55.11IrielFlickering is me, by the way
04:58.14CodayusFanook: That's special in so many special ways....
04:59.35Corrodiasi'm not aware they can start making rules against software or hardware that doesn't even interact directly with the game
04:59.54IrielThey can request that people not use them
04:59.57Corrodiasthey -can- but they will have quite a time enforcing it and justifying it
05:00.04Irieland I guess they could prohibit the use of the drivers with warden
05:00.07Irielbut that would get messy
05:00.16IrielLogitech were exhibitors at Blizzcon, for a start
05:02.16Corrodiasi'm not sure there is anything i'd want to automate with keystrokes...
05:02.40Corrodiassince any macro you make with a keyboard can't receive in-game events
05:03.17Corrodiaswithout game feedback, there's not much of a potential for bots or anything
05:03.20IrielExactly, you can automate death pretty effectively, I imagine
05:04.38Codayus*nod*  I totally don't see the point.
05:05.00Beladonaawesome, that trunk / branch copy scheme makes my revision graphs come out exactly how I wanted it
05:05.03CodayusApart from avoiding AFK, I guess, which is bad all on its own.
05:05.11IrielBeladona : Excellent
05:08.16TainYou can automate a few things.  For example you can recreate auto-travel if you wanted to.
05:08.48IrielIt does become a generic 'hardware event generator' for such things
05:08.48TainIf you're a lazy rogue you can hit one button to SSx4 and then Evis
05:09.39TainIt's not going to be an effective bot though, as far as running around killing things.  Well, I dont' think so anyway.
05:09.49Corrodiasautotravel wasn't a terrible misuse of the game, really.. i wouldn't mind if people did that
05:10.00Corrodiasit can't fish/mine/etc
05:10.04TainBut you could make a pretty poor bot that tried to run around and kill things. :)
05:10.20Corrodiasit could run in circles swinging a weapon >_>
05:10.43Cairennno AI in the UI
05:11.10Corrodiaseven travelling would be unreliable without knowing where you are. enemies can walk across a path sometimes, you might get dazed..
05:11.25TainIt's fun to have extra macro keys in general though that are easy to hit.
05:11.48TainEven just to load up the silly things that you don't really need.  Fun emotes, and whatnot.
05:12.00Corrodiasgoing across zones in a zep, you can't tell just how long the loading is, and... well, you could use flight paths by setting it up to execute a script in the game, maybe. MAYBE.
05:18.56IrielYoud have to be facing the flight master every time you landed with the cursor in the right spot
05:19.26IrielThough I suppose you could just keep spinning in circles until you saw it as the mouseover unit
05:20.00Tainhehe that would be so very ugly.
05:21.12Fanookand yet so funny to watch
05:26.45Cairennwell, given how funny the image my mind is conjuring up for that, I think it must be bed time
05:26.47Cairennnight all
05:58.43Corrodiasknow what -i- would like?
05:58.53Corrodiasan addition to item tooltips to state what level the item is
05:59.11Corrodiasit seems like everybody in the game knows what items' levels are but me
06:00.58Corrodiasah.. same as "required level" except for BoP's? :P
06:18.18*** part/#wowi-lounge Beladona (
06:29.26Natasemnight ya'll
06:32.33*** join/#wowi-lounge Eraphine|Disco (
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07:38.11a-stray-catis there a way to make the game reload textures?
07:38.26IrielExit the client and enter again?
07:38.30IrielOr is that not what you mean?
07:38.50IrielIf you're talking about adding textures to the install since you started it running, then you have to quit and re-start
07:40.21a-stray-catother than exiting, i mean
07:40.29Irielno, there isn't
07:40.32a-stray-catwell im changing a texture :(
07:40.34a-stray-catbah, thx
07:40.40Iriela UI reload should replace a texture
07:40.46Irielassuming you mean a UI texture
07:40.57Irielif you mean a game texture, you have to exit, as far as I know
07:41.13a-stray-catui texture, but im changing the file o.O
07:41.37Irielas long as (A) it was there when you started and (B) you're not renaming it, then /script ReloadUI() should work
07:42.38a-stray-catphotoshot may just hate my texture then :P
07:44.53IrielProbably worth a reload just in case
08:00.02*** join/#wowi-lounge krka|work (
08:14.36Corrodiasi'm some kind of idiot when it comes to getting money in WoW
08:15.10Corrodiasa guildmate says he gets most of his from selling white items on the AH. come on, i can never get anything white to sell on there, and even if i do, it's for crap
08:20.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Kalroth (n=kalroth@
08:25.12Corrodiasfrankly, it's ridiculous.. i hardly have any money but i have quite a hard time selling any items
08:27.04Corrodiaswhite ones, green ones, any ones
08:28.48krka|worknever seen any white items
08:29.03krka|workonly gray, green and blue
08:29.20Corrodiasmost consumable and trade items are white
08:29.30Corrodiasas well as a lot of equipment
08:29.32krka|worki see... never noticed :)
08:33.18IrielCorrodias : What are your tradeskills?
08:39.49krka|worknumchak skills or bowstaff skills?
08:45.26Cairenn|sleephow'd the interview go?
08:46.20AnduinLotharpretty well. apparently they're painting so it was a bit dissorganized and the guy didn't have the NDA for me to sign
08:47.18AnduinLotharso legally i can spill some secrets
08:47.28AnduinLothartho nothing too juicey did I learn
08:47.46IrielExcept that the Alliance race is in fact the Squirrel
08:47.49IrielSo we have a beast race
08:48.41AnduinLotharso ya. I think it went pretty well. Forgot to study my wow trivia for th etest tho
08:49.03AnduinLotharYou'd think i'd remember the names of the class sets by now
08:49.39AnduinLotharw/e they'd be insane to not hire me
08:49.49krka|workand why would you need to know trivia?
08:49.55krka|workis that related to the job?
08:50.11AnduinLotharcause they made me take a test, part of which was wow trivia, lol
08:50.28krka|workwhat kind of job is it btw?
08:50.34AnduinLotharjust kinda stuff you would know if youo'd played a lot
08:50.36Cairenn|sleephard to say "there's a problem with this class set" if you don't know the name of it :p
08:50.53AnduinLotharright, i fully understand the motivation behind the questions
08:51.02AnduinLotharbut it's not like i dont have access to the internet
08:51.04Cairenn|sleepwas 'splaining to krka
08:51.28krka|workquality assurance?
08:51.37Corrodiashe's their first guy! :D
08:51.39AnduinLotharmy tallents ly in information discovery, rather than memory
08:51.42krka|workof game content or game code?
08:51.51AnduinLotharGame Tester
08:52.07Corrodiasto continue my previous conversation which i accidentally left, my tradeskills on my main are leatherworking and skinning
08:52.08AnduinLotharnot so much code. the coders all req a BS i dont have yet
08:52.09krka|workso you test the new stuff and find bugs if there are any?
08:53.11AnduinLotharBasicly play WoW and sometimes other blizz games non stop, try to break new content and act as guinee pigs for level designers
08:53.43AnduinLotharso any jr' higher's dream job
08:53.57KalrothCairenn is sleeptalking!
08:54.30Cairenn|sleepyeah, Cair has too much on her mind, couldn't sleep tonight
08:54.34AnduinLotharnot quit the wages I should get with my computer expertice, but it's better than min wage
08:54.55AnduinLotharand a great game industry steppign stone
08:55.00KalrothCair needs to drink (more?) red whine, that'll help Cair relax and sleep!
08:55.18Cairenn|sleepreally frustrating though, I'd basically gotten my sleep schedule reset to something reasonable, too
08:55.33Cairenn|sleepand now it's gonna be all messed up again
08:55.36AnduinLotharwell, if i get this job my sleep schedule's going to hell
08:56.17AnduinLotharand you know what's really tripping me out... I was just invited to join a Frat on campus
08:57.00AnduinLotharFrat wants to know by Monday, Blizz wont call for a week and I think tomorrow is deadline for class drops...
08:57.15AnduinLotharso not good timing
08:58.38Kalroth"Simply by pulling on both ends, Chuck Norris can stretch diamonds back into coal." <- I bet Chuck isn't popular with the girls!
08:58.46Cairenn|sleeptry talking to the registrar's office, they are usually pretty good about things if you are up front and explain things to them
08:59.18AnduinLotharif i go with blizz they get my soul, I drop 98% of addon coding, drop Latin, try to keep my grades up and stay alive.  If Blizz doesn't want me then I may or may not join the frat but I need a part time job and i need to work my ass off in school..
08:59.59AnduinLotharbut the frat wants to know before i hear from blizz
09:00.24Cairenn|sleepI still think my favorite one from the site is "Mr. T is the only man alive who can bring a woman to instant orgasm simply by pointing at her and saying 'booyah' "
09:00.35KalrothAnduinLothar: so tell the frat yes and wait for Blizz .. if yes from BLizz then apologize to the frat and go sell your soul :)
09:00.44KalrothCairenn|sleep: haha
09:00.53AnduinLotharstill have to decide if i wanna do the frat
09:01.39AnduinLothari like the opportunities and community it would bring, but the whole thing just seems kinda wrong to me.
09:01.57AnduinLothari understand the $ commitment for organizing and such
09:02.07AnduinLothari understand the time commit
09:02.20krka|workcan't code addon while working for bliz?
09:02.26krka|workor dont have time?
09:02.31AnduinLotharwont have time
09:02.42AnduinLotharthe guy said it wasn't prohibitted
09:03.02krka|worki don't really have time either :/
09:03.05AnduinLotharbut with full time work and full school i'm gonna be lucky to sleep
09:03.24AnduinLotharshift is 7pm-4am
09:05.19AnduinLotharand i have a quiz tomorrow in latin...
09:05.39AnduinLotharso if i'm keeping latin i need to study and sleep...
09:05.55AnduinLotharno time o deate..
09:05.58AnduinLotharto debate with myself
09:06.09AnduinLotharbah... whole think hurts my head
09:07.12Cairenn|sleepwell, after your quiz, go talk to registrar's office about possibly needing to drop classes late
09:07.37AnduinLothargotta researhc. it might just be cs dept that has tomorrow deadline
09:07.56Cairenn|sleepdunno down there, but the ones I've been to, if you talk to them, they are reasonable
09:09.23AnduinLotharsad part is i dont want to go to the teacher cause he's really nice and let me retake a quiz i slept though a week later..
09:10.19AnduinLotharand i kinda want to talk to my parents and best friend for moral support and advice, but cant get a hold of anyone
09:12.49Corrodiashey, i would recommend not joining the fraternity in either case
09:12.54Corrodiasyou sound like you spend enough time already
09:17.00AnduinLotharno idea what happens to Cosmos if I go ith blizz either
09:17.09AnduinLotharwould need someone to step up
09:17.23AnduinLothara couple someones
09:17.32Corrodiaswell, you're in the right place for it
09:17.48Cairenn|sleepeither they will or they won't, it won't really be your concern
09:18.00AnduinLotharno, it wont
09:18.06Cairenn|sleepyeah, that sounded harsh, didn't it? but it's true
09:18.20AnduinLotharwhich is a bit sad since i've spent a year of my life on it
09:18.33Cairenn|sleepRL job with potential for advancement in the future >>>> hobby
09:18.53Cairenn|sleepnot like folks won't understand
09:19.11Cairenn|sleepbut, sorry, of everything you've said so far, Cosmos should be the *least* of your concerns
09:19.18AnduinLotharthe question is whether full time job in the field > finnishing education quickly and then finding a job
09:19.36Corrodiasusually, you can go back to school if you have to
09:19.36Cairenn|sleepwell, that is an actual debate that you
09:19.41Cairenn|sleepyou'll have to figure out
09:19.58Corrodiasbut that may be a fine start IF game design/implementation/maintenance is what you're interested in
09:20.12AnduinLotharright, I'm not possitive
09:20.40AnduinLothari majored Comp Sci and Engineering cause I was unsure what I wanted to do, just something creative with computers
09:21.06AnduinLotharI think I'm pushing out most of the Pure Hardware
09:21.21AnduinLotharI enjoy the high level a lot more
09:21.22Corrodiaswell, your hobby here is in that field, which indicates you must enjoy it a little
09:21.32Corrodiasor you're a real masochist. either way you'd win. >_>
09:21.33Cairenn|sleepyes, future employers like that little piece of paper, but they also like rl hands on been there done that field experience
09:22.13AnduinLotharplus i can stop lookign for a job.... I absolutely HATE looking and applying
09:22.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Eraphine|Disco2 (
09:22.45AnduinLotharbesides... I applied 3 times to blizz and they ignored me
09:22.57AnduinLotharapplying is useless
09:23.22AnduinLotharunless oyu're resume is glowing radioactive uberness
09:23.52Cairenn|sleepgetting in for an interview counts, though
09:24.21AnduinLotharwasn't my doing. friend pushed my resume into his bosses hands. i doubt they even read my apps
09:26.09Cairenn|sleephaving friends on the inside helps, definitely
09:26.32Cairenn|sleepthat is where (good) frats "can" pay off in the future ... more connections ...
09:26.57AnduinLothari dont see those connections in my choice of fields tho with that frat
09:27.02Cairenn|sleepbut even if you don't get the job, do you really have time?
09:27.48AnduinLotharIf I drop UI coding... which i enjoy
09:27.55Corrodiasthat's what i'm thinking... i see there's social value in fraternities but it sounds like your schedule is pretty full already, albiet partly with wow
09:28.06krka|worksocial stuff sucks
09:28.18AnduinLotharsocial networks are fickle
09:28.49AnduinLothartho it is good too know the fat guys unanimously decided they liked me enough to invite me
09:29.05Corrodiastip: don't call them the fat guys
09:29.08AnduinLotharso i'm not a complete social outcast
09:29.37*** join/#wowi-lounge stray`laptop (
09:29.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Eraphine|Lab (
09:29.51AnduinLotharand there's something to be said for having turned down a frat..  considering what frosh's go through to get in
09:30.24Corrodiaspeople generally like me, too. unfortunately they forget me as soon as i'm out of the range of vision, so i can't really depend on connections, whatever it is i'm going to do when i get out.
09:31.01AnduinLothari hate asking people to do me favors
09:32.26AnduinLotharwonder if i can gain some sort of sway over what gets put in the defaul tui
09:33.26AnduinLotharnot in the immediate future
09:34.03Corrodiasmaybe. first, tell them to fix the alt-self-cast thing. it sucks. :P
09:34.12IrielSleep time!
09:34.17Kalrothnite Iriel!
09:34.17Corrodias'ni iriel... wait!
09:34.18AnduinLotharit does? works fine for em
09:34.18Cairenn|sleepnight Iriel
09:34.33Corrodiaswe were talking about my tradeskills?
09:34.48IrielYeah, I just wondered if you'd picked enchanting and tailoring, a recipe for destitution
09:34.52Corrodiasi have healing spells put on the bottom left 'extra' bar, right above the normal one
09:34.58Corrodiasnah, leatherworking and skinning
09:35.24Cairenn|sleepKalroth: I know
09:35.28Corrodiaswhich means that any materials i manage to scrounge up get dumped into producing stuff that i'd be lucky to sell
09:35.38AnduinLotharmake those shift-key and then alt-shift-key is self cast alt bar
09:35.43IrielAnyone want a peek at the work in progress statrings drag stuff?
09:35.58Corrodiasi do have them as shift-number and i used alt-shift-number. it still wanted me to select a target. :(
09:36.21AnduinLotharworks on this end
09:36.54Corrodiastrying again
09:37.10Cairenn|sleepI would Iriel, but I'm so fried it'd be pointless
09:37.10AnduinLothartho i generally keep all my casts on the main bar and leave the second bar for seals
09:37.27Corrodiasseals? must be paladin?
09:37.28IrielI'd be worried i'd keep you up playing with it
09:37.35IrielI'm supposed to be in bed already myself
09:37.39AnduinLotharfull bar of seals
09:37.49Cairenn|sleepnaw, not you guys keeping me up at all
09:37.53AnduinLotharall auto self cast
09:38.22Corrodiasalt+shift+3 = blue hand to select target
09:38.26krka|workAnduinLothar, tell them to reenable movement functions without keypress :)
09:38.49krka|workdemand it! if you don't get it, threaten to quit
09:38.51AnduinLotharnah, if anything i'll find a way to break decursive without breaking anything else
09:39.27krka|workyou could suggest not allowing both spell casting and movement from the same hardware event
09:39.35Corrodiasin the keybinds menu, there's a "self action 1" through 12, assigned alt-1 through alt-=
09:39.38AnduinLotharwhy the hell am i repping cenarian cirlce... only enchanting and leatherworking crap
09:40.11AnduinLotharthere so needs to be weapon smithing plans at revered
09:40.16krka|workooh cair... i like it like that!
09:40.24Corrodiasare you sure you don't have another addon that adds alt-self-casting? i do
09:41.33krka|workAnduinLothar, you could also make target selection require a keypress
09:41.34AnduinLotharoh wow.. now i know why im reppign cenarian... the class specific quest rewards are uber
09:42.14AnduinLotharomg i soo need exulted Blade of Eternal Justice
09:42.54Kalrothpaladin gimp!
09:43.01AnduinLotharholy crap. the set bonus with all 3 is 20% chance to gain 100 mana on judgement and all of the items have mana/sec or healing
09:43.39AnduinLotharok... screw dukes.. I'm gonna turn in ym 22 crests..
09:43.41Corrodiasbasic fact, i think all 1.9 did was add keybinds for self-casting your main action bar
09:43.52Corrodiasyou still need an addon to use alt to self-cast from any bar
09:44.17AnduinLotharwell you need one for alt-click which is what sucks
09:44.32AnduinLothari alt click all the time with BarOptions
09:46.02AnduinLotharoh wow.. those CC shaman items are 1337
09:46.22AnduinLothar10 less dps tho on the 1h
09:46.27AnduinLotharthan the pally
09:46.41AnduinLotharguess they really want pally to melle
09:47.20AnduinLotharmeh. the warriror items are only so so
09:48.46Cairenn|sleepKarl ... go study and get sleep
09:49.23AnduinLotharoh yeah... got distracted
09:49.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Eraphine|Disco (
09:50.11krka|worksays you :P
09:50.22Cairenn|sleepI don't have an exam in the morning
09:50.45Cairenn|sleepgood thing, since it's 5am here :p
09:51.39AnduinLotharjust turned in 5 sets of Abysal Crests
09:53.47Cairenn|sleepdo I need to kick you from channel?
09:55.34AnduinLotharmmm why didn't i think of this before... use my alt as an AH bot and just mail him all the loot from sithilis
09:56.31krka|workyou haven't thought of that before?
09:56.37krka|workthat's very common i think
09:56.50AnduinLotharya, i must be dumb
09:56.51Corrodiasit is. i just wish i got any decent loot to mail.
09:57.04krka|worki don't do it myself though :)
09:57.14AnduinLotharthe abysal stuff from sithilis sells well
09:57.22Corrodiasi'm sure it does, lucky bastard
09:57.32AnduinLotharbut nothing else does on this tweeked out server 99% 60
09:59.27*** join/#wowi-lounge subsonic (n=SubSonic@
09:59.57Corrodias[away] @ reading a little and then bed - i have work tomorrow!
10:00.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Eraphine|Disco2 (
10:01.16Cairenn|sleepnight AnduinLothar
10:01.31Cairenn|sleepand Corrodias
10:23.43*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
10:33.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
10:35.05Elkanogood (whatever) :)
10:35.41ElkanoAnyone knows the string GetItemInfo returns for ammo bags as 5. value (itemType)?
10:41.11Elkanowell, unfortunatly, the return values aren't listed there ^^
10:41.15Kalrothoh sorry, misread the quest
10:41.19Kalrothquestion :)
10:41.31Kalrothbuy an ammo bag and check it :P
10:41.45Elkanoproblem is that I've the German client ^^
10:42.03KalrothI think it returns 'Ammo Pouch' though
10:43.27Elkanoah, thx :) exactly what I was looking for :)
11:18.19krka|worki love it when women pass out!... err... never mind
11:27.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Eraphine|Disco (
12:19.22Kalrothhaha krka
12:41.04*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (
13:10.13*** join/#wowi-lounge id` (
13:45.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Eraphine|Disco2 (
14:24.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Beladona (
14:24.29*** mode/#WoWI-lounge [+o Beladona] by ChanServ
14:24.52Kalrothhi Bela!
14:29.18Beladonasorry for the delay, was catching up on emails
16:33.38OsagasuHave you all seen the Cenarion Circle rewards?  *drool* I wish I had a 60 right now...
16:38.19OsagasuBut... Warlock rewards?
16:38.31OsagasuIsn't that like completely AGAINST the Cenarion Circle?
16:39.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Ratbert_CP (n=KCummins@
16:51.41subsonicOn the servers you play on, does Alliance suck in AV?
17:09.12OsagasuNot so much
17:09.29OsagasuAt lwast none of my guildies whine and moan about losing AV
17:27.57id`NO MORE ADDON DESCRIPTIONS BEGINNING WITH "wouldn't you" "don't you" "I tried all the other mods but didnt like it" ETC
17:28.12id`im sick of even reading the descriptions
17:28.34id`blah blah blah story and i still dont know what the damn thing does
17:30.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Shouryuu (
17:32.29ShouryuuI am probably the biggest retart god ever created
17:38.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
17:44.58ShouryuuI actually insatlled linux, without knowing how to launch the GUI
17:45.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Tain (
17:45.21Shouryuuit took me a whole week to get back to windows, and then try to read the documentation I should have read
17:49.18id`first thing anyone learning linux should learn
17:49.27id`how to work with the commandline
17:49.29subsonicid: I agrtee with your descriptions
17:49.37subsonicI mean, with your comment on them
17:49.41id`subsonic, where? :-)
17:50.02subsonic<id`> NO MORE ADDON DESCRIPTIONS BEGINNING WITH "wouldn't you" "don't you" "I tried all the other mods but didnt like it" ETC
17:50.19subsonicIt like, just list the features
17:50.22subsonicI wish I could write a mod
17:51.06id`Shouryuu, try multibooting first
17:51.11ShouryuuI will
17:51.15id`or even try out a free shell
17:51.30id`and do stuff with it like making little programs
17:51.33Shouryuulearning the command line without having to the docs is tough though..
17:51.57ShouryuuGrubs killed me
17:52.01ShouryuuI couldn't launch windows
17:52.07Shouryuuif I tried to reinstall
17:52.09id`o nasty
17:52.17id`oh lol just pop in the windows CD
17:52.23id`go to the console
17:52.24ShouryuuI didn't have one =P
17:52.33Shouryuuohh didn't know that
17:52.47id`you prolly had grub installed on the master boot record
17:52.54id`(i always do that too)
17:53.12ShouryuuI didn't understand the consequences unitlll...
17:55.04Shouryuuohhh do any of you know "sud-ho ku"?
18:01.37*** join/#wowi-lounge ToastTheif (
18:05.59Shouryuuso no one here knows sudoku?
18:06.14ToastTheifwhat server you play on?
18:07.25Shouryuubut I never play
18:07.44ToastTheifSomone should play on Smolderthorn
18:08.37ToastTheifbecause that's where I play! duh
18:11.12ToastTheifok Im gonna go mess around with Visor
18:11.50*** join/#wowi-lounge ToastTheif (
18:11.58ToastTheif can't load?
18:12.36Shouryuuseems not
18:13.24Shouryuunope it's working
18:13.29Shouryuujust my internet pissing me off
18:13.43ToastTheifare you sure?
18:13.46ToastTheifwon't load for me
18:13.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Natasem (n=Natasem@
18:14.16Shouryuuyup it's working
18:16.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (
18:16.20Shouryuusoo no sudoku fans here?
18:16.22Temthe one peat guy got all the donations he needed :)
18:17.16ToastTheifenough of the onpeat
18:17.35Shouryuuand that is for?
18:18.07ToastTheif still not working
18:18.14ToastTheifneither is
18:18.52*** join/#wowi-lounge ForgottenLords (
18:20.51TemShouryuu: it's a college rivalry thing
18:25.30Tainace trac is working fine for me.
18:27.51Temsame here
18:30.36id`zomg the colors!
18:32.54Shouryuuanyone here know a good movie preview program?
18:33.15ShouryuuI hate having 10 megs left on a download and not being able to see it...
18:33.47id`google for pron watch
18:34.25Shouryuunow seriously young one
18:35.24*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower|ZZzz (
18:35.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
18:36.04Irielpost 65
18:38.46id`got a screenshot?
18:40.00IrielSadly not, no wow at work at the moment, and I was up too late last night.
18:40.05IrielHopefully some kind soul here can take one
18:42.38IrielI was helping clean it up.
18:44.05Shouryuuwow those rings are really nice
18:44.37ShouryuuI didn't like the very first version
18:44.40Shouryuubut those are nice
18:44.52CideI've been wanting to check some similar mod out for a while, but I haven't found the time
18:44.57Irielthe very first version (full circles) didn't look so hot.
18:45.14ShouryuuI really didn't like them
18:45.20Irielmuch of the work in the newer releases is actually framework for a much more configurable ring experience tho
18:45.31IrielFlipping between ring styles should end up fairly easy.
18:46.22Shouryuui am so exhausted
18:46.24Shouryuustudies ftl
18:47.22CideI wonder if it would be possible to create some kind of snapshot of a picture on the drawing board... a simple scaling down wouldn't be possible
18:47.48Cidethough I imagine it would take longer than what it's worth
18:47.52IrielHow do you mean 'snapshot' ?
18:48.25Cidesay a 72x54 picture representing the current 512x512
18:49.04Cidewell, the current 740x555 really, its virtual size is 512x512
18:50.43IrielHm it's probably not worthwhile, but you could try some line-reduction techniques on hand drawn lines
18:51.07Beladonajust spent the past 3 hours setting up shelving units
18:51.15Irielre-quantize to a smaller grid and merge successive line segments that are close enough to a single line
18:51.48TemIriel: I really don't need to see my name there all the time
18:51.51TemHow do I hide it?
18:52.09IrielTem: READ MY POST 8-)
18:52.15Temoh lol
18:52.26TemI did, just not very carefully
18:52.31Irielevidently 8-)
18:53.10IrielYou could call StatRingsUnitPlayer.nameFrame:SetAlpha(0)
18:53.28IrielThat'd take care of it for now
18:54.49Temdoes your post say that I Can't do that yet?
18:55.06Tembecause I don't see any mention of it
18:55.18Temand that could be simply because I'm not awake yet
18:56.07Iriel"It's got a few quirks (most notably that label hiding isn't enabled for any of the rings) "
18:59.09TemI do remember reading that now
18:59.14Temit just didn't click
18:59.50IrielThat's okay, it's been a long week for me so I can sympathize with anyone feeling a bit slow this morning
19:01.47Beladonathis morning?
19:01.49Beladonatry all day
19:01.57Shouryuutry all week...
19:01.58Beladonathis weekend is so needed
19:02.23TemI can't wait
19:02.28ShouryuuI concure
19:02.30TainUbuntu does not wish to be my friend.
19:02.36TemIt's the AV holiday weekend
19:02.41ShouryuuI'm already in W-E!!!
19:02.45Temso I'll finally get to play an AV game
19:02.45Shouryuufrance FTW
19:02.52subsonicHave you seen the video where this guy gets to places you're not supposed to go?  Like in the wwter at deeprun tram
19:03.33Temwater maybe?
19:04.02subsonicHe goes to all these different places
19:04.08subsonicand this is supposed to be on a live server
19:04.20Shouryuucan't view it...
19:04.21BeladonaTain: you having issues with ubuntu?
19:04.36Shouryuuand why does my firefox open 2 windows of every link I click on?
19:04.55Shouryuutwo tabs
19:04.56IrielYay, caught up the first post on the 1.10 changes thread
19:04.59Beladonaas in ms windows?
19:05.05Shouryuuas in firefox tabs
19:05.14Beladonano.... I mean is it ON ms windows?
19:05.48Shouryuuoh, yes :P
19:06.06Shouryuumy attemps to install linux have been a total failure
19:06.12Shouryuudue to my simple lack of IQ
19:06.22Shouryuuso I'm waiting for my next holidays to give it a try :p
19:06.29BeladonaI have 3 160gb drives on my home machine, I am gonna dedicate one to linux
19:06.46Beladonaonce I get the courage to move all the crap I have on it to another drive
19:06.47TainYeah Beladona, it won't install.  Errors.  A bunch of pepole have the same issue on the Ubuntu forums, but the only thing people keep saying is, "Burn the image at 1x."
19:07.17BeladonaTain: did you check the hash on the iso before you burned?
19:07.42Beladonathat is a common source of most install issues
19:07.45Beladonabad image
19:08.02TainYeah, md5 on the ISO checks out fine.  There's two files inside the ISO that fail, but accodring to other people on the forums it's in every image like that and installs anyway.
19:08.02ShouryuuYeah I was wondering that, how does installing a OS on a external HDD work? I mean, do I just plug it in and launch from there?
19:08.22TainI've also downloaded the ISO from 3 different locations, burned using 2 different burners at varying speeds and settings.
19:09.17ShouryuuTain - ubuntu hates me too. I got stuck on "Uncompressing package... Ok, booting from Kernel" with a an ISO that checked out flawlessly on md5...
19:10.30TemIriel: Very nice work with the dragable anchors
19:10.33TemIriel:  I like it :)
19:10.51IrielTem|Class: Thanks 8-)
19:13.32Cideyeah... scaling down all coordinates from 512x512 to 72x55 didn't look that good
19:13.43*** join/#wowi-lounge stray`laptop (
19:13.52IrielCide: That doesn't really surprise me 8-)
19:14.00Cideand that was with 15 objects :)
19:14.02IrielCide: 128 x 128 may be tolerable, who knows?
19:14.25IrielCide: But at a certain point without significant antialiasing (and even with) stuff just degenerates into crap
19:15.30Beladonathat is a weird issue Tain, mine installed like it was my best friend
19:15.39Beladonamust be system specific issues
19:15.48Beladonapossibly even cdrom firmware
19:16.15IrielAlways worth checking for an up-to-date BIOS too
19:17.15Beladonaabout to buy one of those new Dell PentiumD laptops, they look damn sexy
19:18.03IrielBah, thinkpad
19:18.07Irielthe only way to go for a laptop
19:18.37Iriel(Well, i guess it does depend, my fiancee has a dell and it's still working after a couple of years, it's damn heavy tho)_
19:18.57Beladonayou can't beat the dell widescreen laptops though
19:19.08Beladonawith UXGA and rtuelife
19:19.13IrielIBM have a widescreen thinkpad now, i'm told
19:19.13Beladonaerr truelife
19:19.27Beladonathey have the ones that pivot right? the tablets?
19:20.00Beladonawe go dell because we have a special account with them. We get deals you will never see on their website, just by calling
19:20.04IrielI'm not sure they have any tablets anymore
19:21.00IrielI've just become a huge thinkpad convert, they've been fantastic machines, and very lightweight
19:21.24BeladonaI would have to try one
19:21.44IrielYeah, I had a couple via work to push me over the dge
19:21.57Beladonavery anxious for this new one though, it has a 7800 go video
19:21.59IrielI dont know what the whole Lenovo deal does to that tho, I'm hoping the quality doesn't slip.
19:22.02pagefaulti've heard too many bad things about thinkpad since IBM sold it off
19:22.39IrielHow much is conjecture? And how much is real? As far as I know the product lines didn't change yet
19:23.45pagefaultthe support has gone down the drain since leveno took over, my friend with a leveno thinkpad has broken 3 times and he has sent it in 2 times the first time they didn't even bother to fix it and sent it right back to him
19:24.20IrielOne of the 'consumer' thinkpads, or the 'business' ones?
19:24.41pagefaultI don't see why you should be treated any differently because you are a consumer
19:24.56IrielI haven't had much experience with those, though they didn't seem quite as well constructed.
19:25.06IrielI was more focussing on the 'broken 3 times' part 8-)
19:25.19pagefaultmy dell has screwed up a lot of times
19:25.23pagefaultbut they have been good about replacing it
19:25.36Beladonatrust me, there is a big difference
19:25.38IrielYeah, i've had good dell experiences with replacement parts
19:25.44Beladonabusiness support is much better
19:25.53Irielit costs a lot more too (business support/machines)
19:25.53Beladonamostly because it often means repeat business
19:26.04IrielThey've overnighted me a keyboard in the past, which was nice of them.
19:26.08Iriel(Dell, again)
19:26.12Beladonalets put it this way
19:26.19BeladonaI order stuff on ground
19:26.27Beladonait almost ALWAYS get here next day
19:26.45pagefaultwell they gave me an entire new notebook
19:26.48pagefaultwith a faster processor
19:26.52pagefaultwhen I needed a replacement
19:32.18TainI love Thinkpads at work, when I don't have to pay for them myself.
19:32.27TainI wouldn't buy one for myself because of the price.
19:33.34TainOf course I also prefer the "nipple" to the touch pad or rollerball.
19:33.53IrielI can't use touch pads, they drive me insane
19:34.32TainI can, for a while I even used an external touchpad instead of a mouse on my PC.  But only for a while. :)
19:36.45pagefaultdo they still have the clitoris mouse
19:36.49pagefaultas I like to call it
19:37.09pagefaultor the pencil eraser
19:37.28BeladonaI believe that is what Tain meant by the "nipple"
19:37.42pagefaulteveryone seems to come up with a sexual name for that thing
19:41.55TainAs someone said, "The only intuitive interface is the nipple.  Everything else is learned."
19:49.50*** join/#wowi-lounge ToastTheif (
19:50.02ToastTheifanyone here/
19:51.25ToastTheifhey Cair, you know much about Visor?
19:52.04ToastTheifpoke poke!
19:52.30ToastTheiftoo late
19:54.32*** join/#wowi-lounge qwxyr (
19:55.15TainToo late, Luthor!  Too late.
19:58.03Natasemhey Iriel didn't they allow you to cast 2 "spells" at once put into the game
20:02.23Natasemvia /script SpellStopCasting();
20:02.32IrielNatasem : Only if the first spell has no global cooldown
20:02.43Natasemsomone needs to edit this page then lol
20:04.04*** join/#wowi-lounge SP|Sorren (
20:05.48IrielNatasem : Done.
20:09.18TainDid some of the wowwiki pages get removed?  There's some that I thought used to be there that are now blank.
20:10.10IrielTain Which ones?
20:10.20IrielIt's possible they got moved, or hit with the spam bot
20:10.32IrielThough generally there's a history if they're blanked
20:12.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Maldivia (
20:13.07AnduinLotharanyone have any item id's for the new cenarian circle items?
20:13.20TainWell I just looked at the SetText() function for example and there's nothing there.  Now I know it's entirely possible it's always been that way, there just seems like a lot of things I've tried to look up recently that haven't had anything.
20:13.38TainOr GetFrameStrata
20:13.56TainSetFrameStrata.  STuff like that I thought I've looked up in the past.
20:14.10pagefaultanyone know what port WoW uses?
20:14.25TainBut I might not have.  It might just be that I'm looking up more and different things than I used to.
20:14.46Irielthe widget api pages have been fairly underdeveloped, in comparison
20:15.02Beladonamaybe they got alphabetized again
20:15.06Irielit's a bit confusing because the idiot spammers created blank pages all over the place
20:15.36Maldiviapagefault: I'm connected to 3724 right now
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20:22.02Irieland now, I have to go and try and digest a 3 year technical and business debate into 3 pages of pictures so someone can explain it to our CEO. I'll be idle for a bit.
20:38.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Legorol (
20:46.17TemOk WTF
20:46.21Temand wrong channel
20:46.25Tembut WTF still
20:46.35Temwarlocks get 59 +damage and mages only get 40?
20:47.30TemI think the CC rewards page is a big joke
20:47.37Temthey can't be serious
20:48.23TemIn a few days it's going to be replaced with a "Gotcha!" page
20:48.33Shouryuuwell the one handed mace exhalted reward for priest, just, is badass
20:48.49AnduinLotharpally 1h is uber too
20:48.53Temthe pally rewards are shitty (and I'm being nice)
20:49.01TemAnduinLothar: have you seen it recently?
20:49.07TemIt has no plus healing on it
20:49.19AnduinLotharlol. the weapon, right
20:49.41Shouryuuwarriors axe is nice
20:49.53AnduinLotharwarriors axe is 10 dps less that nthe pally one
20:50.05TemAnduinLothar: you must never raid
20:50.11Temif you care about dps on your weapon
20:50.20AnduinLotharlol. you must not play a pally
20:50.22Shouryuuhunter looks bad
20:51.03TemAnduinLothar: have you /ever/ been on a raid?
20:51.08Temyou don't hit stuff
20:51.10Temyou cleanse and heal
20:51.15AnduinLotharpally is entirely item dependant. I can get crap with +heal and be a better healer than a priest.  mana/sec is much more useful melee
20:51.29Shouryuuand Tem you get 10 more int with the mage weap than the warlock's
20:51.52Shouryuuman I've fallen in love with the priest mace
20:51.54AnduinLotharright. they're trying to make pallies more viable tanking
20:51.55IrielI dunno, the hunter stuff doesn't look too bad
20:52.02IrielLots of agility
20:52.13*** part/#wowi-lounge ToastTheif (
20:52.21TemAnduinLothar: if you want to tank, roll a Warrior
20:52.26Shouryuuyeah but compare it to the priest mace...
20:52.29IrielI'll never have any of it tho 8-)
20:52.30TemWarlocks: if you want to dps, roll a mage
20:52.30AnduinLotharyou're missing th epoint of the pally
20:52.40AnduinLotharthe point of the pally is flexability
20:52.41Shouryuuyeah they're trying to change it's roll
20:52.56Shouryuuhe wasn't supposed to stay at the back line and heal/cleanse...
20:53.00IrielYeah, but hunters can dual wield
20:53.05Irieland the hunter axe is one handed
20:53.12AnduinLothari have 3 armor sets, each one makes me useful at something different
20:53.15IrielNot even MAIN hand
20:53.57Shouryuubut is the 3 mana every 5 sec really that good?
20:54.18AnduinLothari can heal/clease, but that's boring... still mroe efficient than a priest. I can out agro/dps warriors now with my pvp armor on in 1.9 and i can solo templars in sithilis with my solo gear on
20:54.38AnduinLothar90% blue
20:54.41Shouryuuyou can heal cleanse better than a priest?
20:54.53Cidecleanse yes... heal no
20:54.57TemAnduinLothar: I call shenanigans
20:54.58AnduinLotharflash is 2x as efficient
20:55.05Cideefficiency means crap though
20:55.11AnduinLotharslap on mana/sec and i never run out of mana
20:55.13CideI can flash heal for as long as any boss requires me to
20:55.27Cidewhat means anything is that the tank stays alive
20:55.27AnduinLotharanyway. food time
20:57.09Shouryuuhey does anyone here know sudoku
20:57.13OsagasuAny news on that wardrobe update, Anduin? 8)
20:57.25Irielwhich reminds me to start my counter again
20:57.44TainYeah Sudoku!  He lives down the street from me.
20:58.10IrielI'm trying to count possible grids
20:58.48Maldiviamathematically or "brute-force"?
20:58.58Iriellittle from column a, little from column b
20:59.14Irielthe math becomes exponentially tricky as you get further down the box
20:59.36Maldiviathat's what programs like Mathematica etc are good for :)
20:59.37IrielTem: Valid sets of 9 x 9 numbers that adhere to the soduku rules
21:00.47IrielI'm not sure even mathemetica could save me, I started out down the path of believing it would be relatively easy, and the interactions of dependencies in 3 directions just got out of hand
21:01.19IrielSo i took a normalized brute force approach, to do the bits that I couldn't figure the math out for, and use the math to get back to the full number when it's done
21:01.31IrielObviously it takes a while tho
21:01.56Irieli'm up to 286 Billion (US Billion) so far, normalized, but that's only a small way in.
21:02.59Shouryuuiriel the number of possible grids is 81!/(9!)^9
21:03.29IrielShouryuu : Are you sure?
21:03.43IrielShouryuu : Given the dependencies between rows/columns/grids
21:04.59Shouryuuthat's the number of ways to put 81 numbers, on 9 grids of 9 numbers
21:05.03Maldiviathe answer is around 6.6 * 10^21
21:05.15Shouryuuyeah that's wiki
21:05.32Maldiviaalthough, that's not the unique number :|
21:05.58IrielMaldivia : The answer to which question? Mine, or 'number of 3x3x3x3 grids'?
21:06.35ShouryuuI was thinking of making a sudoku add-on for WoW
21:06.47Shouryuufor when you're waiting for the zep, travelling or just bored
21:07.05Shouryuubut it quickly came to my mind that making a sodoku generating program was:
21:07.19Shouryuu1: too complicated matheatically
21:07.41Shouryuu2: too complicated for my very shy knowledge of lua and most languages
21:08.04IrielAha, they've figured out a better equivalence rule than I have.
21:09.11TainWell, Ubunto gave me the finger for the last time, just booted Debian.
21:09.21Irielyay debian
21:10.14Shouryuuoh and one question
21:10.14Beladonawhen all else fails, make your own
21:10.31Maldiviahmm, if you have a finished sudoko, and you swap all 1s and 9s - is it a new sudoko then ?
21:10.59Cideshould be
21:11.04Shouryuufor sudokus, if you have every number from one to nine in each collumn and line can there not be every number from one to nine in each independant square?
21:11.08IrielMaldivia : yes
21:11.22MaldiviaWhy - the configuration of the numbers is exactly the same
21:11.32TemOh is Soduku that game with the grids where you have to have every number"
21:11.39Maldiviatem, yeah
21:11.40IrielMaldivia : thus the whole equivalence thing, there's a number of exchanges you can do between equivalent puzzles.
21:11.42Temand none can repeat in a column or row
21:11.47Temah ok I see now
21:11.48Shouryuutem  yeah
21:11.51IrielColumn, Row, or Box
21:12.56Shouryuubut if you have column and row, can you not have box?
21:13.20Irielif the 'grid' is made up of 3x3 boxes of 3x3 numbers
21:13.37Irielthen for any number, it must be the only occurence of its value in its row, column, and box
21:13.42MaldiviaIriel: I still dont see, why the two solutions differs, except that I've put in another value for some of the variables
21:14.18IrielMaldivia : The solutions dont differ, they are equivalent by exchanging numbers, but they'd be distinct 'puzzles'.
21:14.37*** join/#wowi-lounge stray`laptop (
21:14.57Irielsimilarly you can swap any row or column of boxes with any other. Or swap and row or column within a box row or box column.
21:15.00MaldiviaIriel: yeah, ok - but wouldn't it be more interesting to find the number of non-equivalent puzzles
21:15.18IrielThat's sort of my approach
21:15.34Irielfind the puzzle count where the first box is always 1-9 in order
21:15.47Iriel(Plus some normalization rules around columns and rows)
21:16.21IrielNow, once you know how many grids are, there's then the question of what "puzzles" you can make from that grid, and how hard they are
21:16.25Maldiviabut ofcourse, if you find all possible puzzles, it should be easy to remove all the equivalent puzzles, since there's a fixed number of way to "rearrange" it
21:16.28IrielTHAT's something for further consideration.
21:16.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Red`Gone (
21:18.45ShouryuuWell I agree with maldivia
21:19.08Shouryuuif you have all possible puzzles including the equivalent ones, it shouldn't be too hard to take them out
21:19.35IrielThe folks who did the site you liked have found more equivalences than my list
21:19.40Maldiviawell, not the trivial-equialities anyway
21:19.59Irielwhich I suspected were out there, i just could't figure out how to express them cleanly
21:21.21Maldiviahmm, what about a puzzle, where you have a 2x2 corner empty, and you can fit the last 4 numbers i 4 ways... are the 4 solutions equivalent ?
21:22.18Maldiviahmm, ok... perhaps not the best example - don't know if that's even possible :)
21:22.38IrielThey wouldn't be equivalent, and it's my understanding that a proper PUZZLE is never ambiguous
21:22.48IrielAnd there is a difference between grids and puzzles
21:22.59Maldiviayeah, ok
21:23.20Maldiviafor my example to be true, you have to have more than one corner left
21:23.41IrielI assume every puzzle has 8 values given?
21:24.04Maldiviaor more
21:24.24Irieltrue, but I wondered if they're all 8
21:24.28Irielor if there ARE Any with more
21:24.52IrielI've actually only looked at maybe 5 actual puzzles
21:25.03IrielCounting them was far more interesting
21:25.40Maldiviamost puzzles start with a lot more than 8 values given
21:26.26Corrodiasheh.. the point of a paladin... is to wish he rolled a druid!
21:26.49Shouryuunow second question, how do they measure difficulty?
21:27.07Shouryuuthe number of numvers they give is around 30ish
21:27.10Shouryuueach time
21:27.25Shouryuuan average of maybe 3-4 per box
21:28.33Maldiviadepends on the difficulty level they give the puzzle
21:28.33Shouryuuno not at all
21:28.40Shouryuusome impossible sudokos have more numbers than easy ones...
21:28.48Maldiviayeah, ok
21:29.05id`puzzles, blegh
21:29.19Maldiviabut often, the puzzles labeled easy start with more values than the ones labeled hard
21:29.38IrielYeah, measuring difficulty is interesting too
21:29.55IrielI'm imagining that's derived from the number and types of inferences required to solve the puzzle
21:30.20ShouryuuI was thinking aronud the lines of probabilities
21:30.34Maldiviaalso, if there are "dead-ends" or not...
21:30.50Maldiviawhere you have to guess to get any further
21:31.05Irielthat's what I mean by 'types of inferences'
21:31.16Irielsome are obvious 'I have 8 of the values for this element'
21:31.22Irielsome require more deductive reasoning
21:31.50IrielSpeaking of puzzles
21:31.55IrielThat one's excellent
21:31.58Shouryuu"Computer solvers can estimate the difficulty for a human to find the solution, based on the complexity of the solving techniques required. This estimation allows publishers to tailor their Sudoku puzzles to audiences of varied solving experience. Some online versions offer several difficulty levels"
21:32.42ShouryuuIriel - lol
21:33.14IrielIt's tricky too, took me a few tries before I eliminated my silly errors
21:33.40Shouryuu"fresh zero-content for compulsive clickers"
21:38.49Cairennwhat'd you do THIS time, Iriel?
21:40.35Shouryuulol Iriel that site is awsome
21:41.15Beladonamy god
21:41.20Beladonajust saw that aptitude test
21:41.24Beladonaafraid to answer anything
21:41.47IrielI printed it out, and then made notes as I worked it out
21:41.58IrielCairenn : You mean the broken wow forums?
21:42.09Beladonayou can sort of start at 20 and go backwards
21:42.22Iriel20 is key
21:42.48Irielthere are actually several solutions (4) depending on your choice of answer for 20
21:43.00IrielThough there's a single 'intended' answer
21:43.01BeladonaI chose E
21:43.41IrielE gives you a single solution
21:43.44BeladonaI love the 17 <-> 6 pair
21:43.53Shouryuuarrghh i keep losing my answers
21:44.03Beladonaactually a few of them
21:44.29CodayusHmm, q 13 is amusing.
21:44.48CodayusCool puzzle.
21:45.12Shouryuulol the 17-6 took me a while =P
21:45.22Beladonaskip it
21:45.35Iriel14 was fun
21:50.54Beladonaits wacky that they mark them as wrong until you satisfy the requirement
21:51.16CodayusHelps see your errors.  <shrug>
21:51.25CodayusSpeaking of which, I apparently don't understand question 2.
21:51.27Beladonaactually it helps you plan ahead
21:51.31Beladonanot so much see errors
21:51.45CodayusThat's kind of what I meant.
21:52.12Beladona5 is hilarious
21:53.17IrielBeladona : 19 is pretty amusing too
21:53.21AnduinLotharlooks like suduko, ya
21:55.11Legorolhm, i don't think E is correct as an answer to 20
21:55.27Legorolbecause you can't determine longitude with a barometer
21:55.37Beladonayou can't determine any of them
21:55.47Legorolyou can determine the rest with a barometer and some math
21:55.56Legoroland some tables
21:56.10Beladonathink about the correlation
21:56.33AnduinLotharbarometer is air pressure
21:56.37MaldiviaLegorol: well, the question is, can you determing intelligence from a standarize test ? :)
21:56.40Legorolyes barometer measures air pressure
21:56.49Legorolfrom which you can determine all but longitude
21:57.07AnduinLotharonly if you know your altitude and th etemp
21:57.15Beladonathat like saying, you can't kill someone with a scateboard, but you can with a scateboard and an uzi
21:57.25Legorolno no
21:57.36Legorolit's like saying you can't kill someone with a skateboard, but a trained killer can
21:57.57Beladonawell anyway, answer how you like
21:58.11AnduinLothari can kill someone with a skateboard and im not a trained killer
21:58.39Beladonayou get my point
21:58.39AnduinLothari can even kill myself with a skateboard. or kill a trained killer with a skateboard
21:58.51CodayusYou can't determine any of those with just a barometer...  All you can measure is the air pressure, which isn't enough.
21:59.09AnduinLotharright. u have to know outside info as well
21:59.47AnduinLotharneed to be able to uncheck
21:59.49BeladonaI think the point is, Standardized tests can measure intelligence, as a barometer can measure _____
22:00.12CodayusThe real weakness to q20 is that you could argue that all it takes to measure intelligence is a standardized test.  I disagree, but if you accept the assertion, the only valid answer would be pressure.  :-)
22:00.48Maldiviayou can't measure intelligence with a standardized test
22:00.59Ktronthis is a nasty test
22:01.01Ktronit rocks
22:01.26CodayusThis is clearly some sort of fiendesh plot to lower productivity.
22:01.31CodayusIt's working for me, anyhow.
22:02.20Beladonawoot, solved
22:02.33KtronWithout trying to offend, is it hard to lower your productivity Codayus ?
22:02.34Legorolworking for me too, i am doing it instead of grinding Light Leather for the war effort
22:02.41CodayusKtron: Not at all!
22:02.43Beladonawell, its after hours, so my productivity was done anyway
22:03.21CodayusKtron: You'd be amazed at how little it takes to lower my productivity.  Well, actually, okay, you probably wouldn't be...
22:03.30IrielLegorol : Prey tell how you can measure Latitude with a baromenter
22:03.53Beladonathis channel lowers my productivity sometimes
22:04.03Irielthis channel lowers my productivity always
22:04.07AnduinLotharif you know altitude and temp and have an altitude map
22:04.11BeladonaI was being generous
22:04.43AnduinLotharor a weather simulator
22:04.45Cairennwouldn't want to be responsible for lowering productivity
22:04.52IrielAnduinLothar : That's like saying a standardized test in conjunction with other things, the point is that on its own the barometer doesn't measure it
22:04.55LegorolIriel, i may have mixed up latitude and longitude, i never remember which one's which :D
22:05.18IrielLegorol : You had the right one, but I dont think your statement stands without a lot of OTHER measurement devices
22:05.37IrielAnd even then you still can't figure out which hemisphere you're in
22:05.37Legorolprobably right
22:05.50Legorolyou can, from how jet-lagged you feel at night :D
22:05.54IrielYou'll be glad to know there are solutions for (A) and (B) as well.
22:06.05Irielthough (A) doesn't have a unique solution, it has 2
22:07.09Codayusq2 must not mean what I think it means.  Or the red highlighting doesn't mean what I think it means.  Or maybe I'm confused.
22:07.33AnduinLotharit means it's not true.. yet
22:08.26CodayusWell, I select A for q2 - which is "6 and 7".  I then select D for both 6 and 7.  Shouldn't 2 be correct?
22:09.05Ktronare there any other consectutive answers that are the same before 6 and 7?
22:09.08IrielBut there's an "only" in there
22:09.12IrielSo it may be waiting
22:09.14AnduinLotharonly if those answers for 6 and 7 are correct
22:09.18CodayusAh, "only".
22:09.26CodayusAnd yes, 6 and 7 are correct.
22:09.28IrielI can assure you that the page does know the right answer
22:09.45CodayusBut I missed the "only" clause.  q2 did not mean what I thought it meant.  :-P
22:10.34BeladonaI already closed mine
22:10.39Beladonaor else I would look back
22:10.47Beladonamaybe I shoulda printed it or something
22:11.02Ktronor put ABCDEDEDBACED in a file anyway
22:11.23Beladonawhat are you sequencing dna?
22:11.46KtronABCDEDEDBACED <--- that's part of you Beladone
22:12.09Beladonalol, a very small part
22:12.20KtronI call it the 'life gene'
22:12.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Deph|AFK (n=Deph@
22:12.44KtronIf I put a special chemical that breaks every bond between A and B or A and C, you'll die!
22:13.14IrielThe solution spells a sentence anyway 8-)
22:13.27Beladonadarnit I didn't look at that
22:15.05Beladonalol, my svn tree looks funny
22:15.37Cairennsorry Ktron, we've got a ban on mad scientists today ...
22:15.42BeladonaI have a live folder, and a test folder, and in each is trunk, and release -- trunk release!
22:15.51Beladonasorry, guess you had to be there
22:19.59id`RAH IM VERY MAD >:(
22:20.05id`when i log in at
22:20.12id`and i get to picka char to talk with ont he forums
22:20.18id`there are about 30 to choose from
22:20.22id`that's right, 30 characters
22:20.26id`when i log into the game
22:20.29id`i get to pick 5
22:20.47id`gimme my fucking chars back one g*ddamn time fuckers
22:21.05id`i play with it until lvl 15 then go play with another a bit
22:21.08id`AND ITS GONE
22:21.26id`all my items my everything
22:22.13Legorolid`, what?
22:22.16Legorolyou lost characters?
22:22.23Legorolthat shouldn't be the case..
22:22.25id`about 26
22:22.28Legorolhave you tried looking on other servers?
22:22.32id`ha ah funny
22:22.38Legorolas in, did you create them on different ones?
22:22.40Legorolthey shouldn't be gone..
22:22.47id`the realm list listc characters on each server
22:22.55Legorolit's bugged
22:23.02Legorolthe numbers on the realm list are inaccurate
22:23.09Legorolit will often not show characters on a server you have chars on
22:23.11id`how gay
22:23.17id`that made me reroll over 20 times
22:23.17CodayusHmm?  Right.  The realm list lists chars on servers you've recently played.
22:23.26Legorolsort of
22:23.27IrielI've never seen it show characters on servers that you DONT have characters on.
22:23.34LegorolIriel, that's correct
22:23.36CodayusSort of.  Yes.
22:23.44id`cries, even
22:23.46IrielBut if you cancel logging into a realm (due to queue, or whatever) it 'forgets' you had chars there
22:23.48Legorolid`, did you find your chars?
22:23.54LegorolIriel, right
22:23.57id`play this game for 4 months and i have only lvl 10-20 chars
22:24.01id`guess why
22:24.03Legorolit sometimes forgets even if you did log in successfully
22:24.17Legorolid`, i don't get you
22:24.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
22:24.29id`i thought they were all gone
22:24.32Legorolso are your chars there or not?
22:24.47id`so i rerolled and rerolled
22:24.51id`and rerolled
22:24.57Legoroland you didn't think of complaining until now?
22:25.05Legorolyou thought that characters just "disappearing" is normal? :D
22:25.10Legorolok ok i will stop teasing
22:25.14KirkburnHello, I'm new here and rather in need of help! Anyone heard of ClearFont?
22:25.15Legorolit's not that funny
22:25.26Legorolhi Kirkburn
22:25.28Cairennhi Kirkburn, yeah, know of it
22:25.40KtronKickburn, yes, though not sure if we can help or not, I don't think the author is here
22:25.45*** join/#wowi-lounge krka (
22:25.46Ktronor is ever on this channel
22:25.48KirkburnI'm the author, silly
22:25.54id`as of now im writing down all servers and characters
22:25.59Ktronheh, weeee
22:26.14Legorolid`, so they are there?
22:26.17KirkburnHowever, I need to update it for 1.10 but I have no clue how to code LUA
22:26.20id`yes Legorol
22:26.25Legorolwell, at least that's good news
22:26.28id`you can start laughing now
22:26.35Legorolnever mind
22:27.05Legorolhi cladhaire, you missed some comedy.. ehm.. tragedy
22:27.12id`read up
22:27.13Cairennhey cladhaire
22:27.36Legorolbtw id`, it's the kind of thing i'd do
22:27.38Legorolso i feel your pain
22:28.00Legorolwell i do expect things to work
22:28.06id`me too
22:28.07Legorolso if the server doesn't say i have a char, i beleive it :D
22:28.10KirkburnDoes anyone here know any lua, and can help me with a template for ClearFont and how to use the font object thingys
22:28.24LegorolKirkburn, noone here knows Lua
22:28.30Legorolsorry wrong channel.. we just pretend we do :D
22:28.32Beladonacladhaire will appreciate this:
22:28.32KirkburnI have a beta ready to go, it's er, just a blank .lua file atm :)
22:28.51Cairenn~lart Legorol
22:29.01KirkburnSurrounded by lots of other pretty files, tho
22:29.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobster (n=wob@
22:29.08Legorolsorry mum!
22:29.15KtronKirkburn, I'm a poor person to get help from, but there are people who should be able to help you who are on this channel often enough
22:29.24*** join/#wowi-lounge ToastTheif (
22:29.34Kirkburni.e. Iriel, yes :p
22:29.45Legoroldo you have a link to ClearFont?
22:29.47ToastTheifKirkburn = Iriel?
22:29.47id`zomg the colors!
22:29.54id`what do u guys think?
22:29.56id`ToastTheif, no
22:30.03WobsterCalming and green?
22:30.03KirkburnIf I was Iriel, er, then I wouldn;t have a problem!
22:30.27ToastTheifSo anyway guys
22:30.30WobsterI quite like the layout, id
22:30.33ToastTheifmy chat channels are messed up
22:30.42KirkburnAnd your name is spelt wrong
22:30.45ToastTheifI deleted my WTF, WDB, Interface folders
22:30.48Wobsteralthough it kinda ends too abruptly down the bottom? a bit of whitespace?
22:30.48ToastTheifno, it's not
22:30.59ToastTheifI am a theif, not a thief
22:31.11WobsterHe's a rouge =)
22:31.11Legorolid`, a bit... narrow
22:31.24ToastTheifso now that I've deleted all my folders
22:31.35ToastTheifwhy aren't my chat channels working?!
22:31.51id`go check the config files?
22:31.59ToastTheifwhat config files?
22:31.59id`i have a similar problem
22:32.04id`i cant seem to zoom out on the map
22:32.10KirkburnOh yeah, that's where to find it
22:32.13Legorolid`, your site doesn't react to text resizing
22:32.20Legorolas such, it doesn't pass my "accessibility" test
22:32.35Legorolbut nice colours
22:32.41id`yes it does
22:32.46Legorolthen IE is crap
22:32.50Legoroloh wait, we knew that
22:32.54WobsterWorks for me
22:33.09Wobster(granted, in FF)
22:33.39KirkburnOh, good at least I did put the latest version on WoWI :) Devla is also working on a 1.10 font thing but I don't know if he's made any progress
22:34.22KirkburnJust to check, the US forums are down atm, aren't they?
22:34.28Wobsterid, Is it all done with CSS? =)
22:34.51CairennIriel pissed Slouken off again, so the forums are down (long standing joke)
22:35.32id`its one html file
22:35.35id`check the source
22:35.40id`im so lazy i put it in one file
22:35.44AnduinLotharit's really hard converting wardrobe to item ids and auto converting the old format
22:35.47id`so i only have to upload that
22:35.56IrielThe forums are back actually
22:36.30Wobsterid: nice =)
22:36.56KirkburnThey are?
22:36.57Cairennomg, here we go again
22:37.02CairennKirkburn: yeah
22:37.07IrielWell, the one I care about is
22:37.10Cairenn"is X legal"
22:37.22KirkburnErm, Iriel, any chance u can help me wiht some lua?
22:37.47IrielI can try, and if not there's a bazillion other folks here who can too
22:37.59KirkburnI'm the ClearFont dev, and needsie helpsie getting it ready for 1.10 :)
22:38.03AnduinLotharwoot, bazillion
22:38.23KirkburnI tried they others, they all failed (well, I've only been here for 5 mins, it's true)
22:38.55AnduinLothar5min <= irc experience
22:38.56Cairennbtw Kirkburn, welcome to the channel, you're more than welcome to hang out in here, you'll pick up lots just listening to them when they get going on stuff
22:39.07KirkburnI'm basically just needing some kind of template to work from. I've never coded lua before and I don't want my pet project to die :)
22:39.32KirkburnThanks Cairenn!
22:39.39IrielWell, the tricky part with 1.10 is that we dont have any code yet, I'd imagine you do nasty things like replace FrameXML\Fonts.xml now?
22:39.59KirkburnWell, that's what I've been doing so far (and very successfully)
22:40.12IrielWell, in 1.10, you'll move all your code to your own addon
22:40.17Irieland you should be able to do stuff like
22:40.30IrielAnd it'll just "work"
22:40.47AnduinLotharthat for the font type or the fontstring?
22:40.49KirkburnI like your last sentence
22:41.00IrielThose all become Font objects
22:41.07Irielthe current 'virtual fonts'
22:41.40AnduinLotharbut if you change a fotn object it only effects fontstrings that inherit it after modification, correct>?
22:41.47IrielAnduinLothar : no.
22:41.54IrielAnduinLothar : It affects all
22:42.05KirkburnI'm not planning on putting any kind of gui in, so it'd be just something that changed the individual font objects to other fonts  (and changing the styles)
22:42.09AnduinLotharguess it works diff than normal frame inheritence
22:42.14Irielit does
22:42.18Irielit's at runtime
22:42.24Irielwell, runtime propagation
22:42.32Cairennso, clad, gonna hide over here now?
22:42.49Irielwe're not entirely sure what the complexity of the propagation model is, but slouken seemed ot indicate it would work sanely
22:43.06AnduinLotharshould do that with frames
22:43.06Cairennsince I notice that your favoritest person is in ace
22:43.10KirkburnWould CF then override fonts that specify fonts in their xml?
22:43.24*** part/#wowi-lounge ToastTheif (
22:43.25AnduinLotharnot unless you loaded last
22:43.36KirkburnI'll do that then
22:43.39IrielThough you can always go looking for other fonts and swap them out
22:43.53KirkburnI've been doing overrides in my current model anyway
22:44.03IrielIf someothing specifies fonts in its xml, loading last wont help you
22:44.08Irielyou'd have to explicitly fix them
22:44.14KirkburnI found that my specifying the stuff in fonts.xml overrides the individual addons when they load
22:44.17Iriel(If I understand the inheritance model correctly)
22:44.25IrielMost addons inherit from Fonts.xml
22:44.34Irielso anything that does, will pick up changes you make to those base Font objects
22:44.35KirkburnOkay, so it looks like my overrides will be staying
22:44.42AnduinLotharif they do, then you can change it easily
22:44.48IrielYour overrides will work just the way they do now
22:44.52IrielExcept you'll code them from your addon
22:44.58Irielwhich means you can change back and forth AT RUNTIME
22:45.01Irielwith a slashcommand
22:45.03KirkburnIndeed, they'll be in lua, whatever that is :)
22:45.08IrielSo /cleanfonts on
22:45.16KirkburnClearFonts :(
22:45.27Irielsorry, I was too lazy to scroll back 8-)
22:45.34AnduinLotharseems like a lot of work for slouken for just fonts..
22:45.37IrielYou'd be able to do /clearfonts on /clearfonts off, etc
22:45.38KirkburnAnd I thought it was famous!
22:45.52IrielIt is, thta doesn't mean i remember its name, i'm terrible with names
22:46.01IrielAnduinLothar : Well, he had to do SOMETTHING
22:46.05AnduinLotharfontabulous is a lil more rememberable
22:46.08KirkburnTrue, but fonts are incredibly important Anduin
22:46.09Irielhe took away frameXML overrides, and fonts were the biggest gripe
22:46.36AnduinLotharright, forgot about the no more framexml
22:46.37KirkburnClearFont was originally based on fontabulous btw
22:46.49KirkburnI've just rather overtaken him since then
22:47.00AnduinLothari don't use either. still too hack like
22:47.32Kirkburnit's not much different from installing a normal addon
22:47.47AnduinLotharok hack as in framexml... which i entirely rewrote into addons 10 months ago
22:47.51IrielExcept it causes whiny users to come to the forum complaining that their windows dont work after patches
22:48.00Cairennas with many statements, it was an expression of opinion, of which everyone has their own and they may not agree
22:48.07Kirkburnwell true, but I patch *quickly*
22:48.26AnduinLotharthe patching issue isn't my complaint. i could fix it myself
22:48.28IrielYeah, making your users remember they have to patch is the problem 8-)
22:48.45KirkburnSame with most addons tho, of course
22:48.51IrielNot really
22:48.57IrielFrameXML overrides dont version like addons do
22:49.04IrielWhich is why it's good they'll be gone
22:49.22AnduinLotharmy complaint is that it uses framexml, where as i've spent a copious amount of time AVOIDING framexml overrides
22:49.35KirkburnFair enough, but I had no choice until now
22:49.42IrielI look forward to the cool font addons that arise once 1.10 hits
22:49.49AnduinLotharbecause they conflict with everything and their mother and require a zillion exceptions
22:49.50Cairennframexml = bad, but at present you've had no option, so yay, onwards and upwards
22:49.51KirkburnAnyways ... I hope to be at the forefront of them!
22:50.00IrielI posted some font related code in the 1.10 changes thread too
22:50.02Irielif you get boed
22:50.05Irielthat is
22:50.29KirkburnAnduinLothar, ClearFont *cannot* conflict with *anything*, except aftera  major patch
22:50.42KirkburnI did see that, it was a while back wasn't it?
22:50.56AnduinLotharit conflicts with my sizing and scaling conventions
22:51.09Kirkburnbut it can't!
22:51.21id`Anyone on EU wanna play with me? :|:|
22:51.36AnduinLotharit sure does. it wont throw an error, but it can make a good adodn look like crap if it's sized to work with a diff font
22:51.46KirkburnAll i've done is change the font location Anduin, and modified the styles defined in the fonts.xml
22:52.12IrielAnduinLothar's point, which is potentially valid, is that if any of the replacement fonts differ in size at all from the blizzard ones, they might break things.
22:52.16KirkburnFonts.xml has nothing to do with sizing or scaling (except where font size is defined)
22:52.22Irielthere's a bunch of 'ifs' and 'mights' in there
22:52.34TainWow a, "Is Cosmos legal?" thread.
22:52.44KirkburnReally? Where?
22:52.49Cairennand not necessarily even "break", as opposed to "make look like shit"
22:52.54CairennI said that already :p
22:53.01Cairenn(about the cosmos thread)
22:53.03id`Cair you play on US? :<
22:53.06IrielWell, if you're displaying values in a tight space, it may be 'break' 8-)
22:53.10Cairennyup, when I play
22:53.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobster (n=wob@
22:53.20AnduinLotharand since one of my main addons is Archaeologist, almost entirely based on strings. I get lots of complains about text font/size/spacing/overridding/configurability
22:53.24KirkburnOkay, fair enough, CF is slightly larger than normal
22:53.46KirkburnBut only slightly!
22:54.12KirkburnI use Archaeologist btw
22:54.13AnduinLotharslightly means i put a 1 pixal horazontal offset in and now it looks liek 4
22:54.44AnduinLotharthen people whine and i have to make a horazontal offset slider
22:55.05KirkburnAnyways, Iriel, I'll have to wait until we have more info I suppose?
22:56.13AnduinLothari'm just whining myself tho.. not really to any point or purpose
22:56.29KirkburnI'll probably update CF tomorrow (and you're all welcome to try it out!) and maybe stick a beta somewhere as a kind of WIP thing
22:56.45KirkburnI think AnduinLothar needs a hug
22:56.54Cairennyou're welcome to toss it up in the Beta section of WoWI
22:57.05AnduinLotharya. i do need a hug
22:57.17KirkburnI should explore WoWI more ... okay, I'll see about doing that 2moro
22:58.04KirkburnCairenn, can't you just buy the 'other two' and make one big ui site?
22:58.15KirkburnI'd be happy :p
22:58.26Shouryuuchoice is good
22:59.40IrielIs anyone bored enough to make me a screenshot of the StatRings anchor editor?
23:00.19KirkburnChoice is good for downloaders, not necessarily good for authors :s I've never been able to update CF on WoW guru so I've given up
23:00.25ShouryuuI would, but wow isn't installed...
23:00.58Cairennlater Bela
23:01.10Beladonamust pick up man fuel on the way
23:01.16Cairennyou gonna be in tonight? kiddo is sleeping over at a friend's house, I may start drinking ...
23:01.34BeladonaI will be in, not sure how "lucid" I will be
23:01.54AnduinLotharwow this wardrobe was coded by someone who knew very little about lua.. it looks like C...
23:01.56CairennFriday night = party time in WoWI lounge :)
23:02.13IrielI have symphony this evening, so no party for me
23:02.27Shouryuuin how much time is friday night for you?
23:02.40Cairennwho/what, Iriel?
23:02.47KirkburnIt's gone midnight you crazy americans
23:03.08ShouryuuKirk where you at?
23:03.13Kirkburn(hence why I can't ask of my questions on the US forums, and apologies to Cairenn!)
23:03.16AnduinLothar3pm atm
23:03.22Cairenn6pm here
23:03.23Beladonadoes anyone else notice a sense of negativity towards the term "amreican"
23:03.28ForgottenLordsCan I hear a w00t w00t for CANADA!
23:03.29Shouryuumidnight here...
23:03.29KirkburnI'm at Italy, on loan from Bristol Uni, UK
23:03.32Beladona*american* even
23:03.34Irieldoes anyone here understand WHY 8-)
23:03.48IrielAhh. bristol, been there a few times myself.
23:03.49CairennIriel: nice
23:03.53KirkburnOooh really?
23:04.04Beladonajust because a lot of americans are asshats, doesn't mean the ones in this channel are, so grr
23:04.16IrielIndeed, I went to University of Warwick, but had a number of friends in Bristol
23:04.37KirkburnWarwick was my second choice
23:04.47KirkburnIt's a small world ...
23:04.50Beladonaback soon
23:05.31KirkburnWell, I'm doing my 3rd year of uni in italy like a crazy person. And I'm also in a net café. (Yay!)
23:05.42IrielWarwick was technically my 2nd choice, since Cambridge gets upset if you dont put them first, but I decided that cambridge was too stuffy and switched my choice to warwick.
23:06.04Iriel(much to the chagrin of my school)
23:06.53KirkburnCambridge refused me :p
23:07.07KirkburnAnd I didn't want to go their either!
23:07.09Cairennspeaking of universities and the multicultural nature of this channel .... anyone here into, or know of anyone into, archaeology?
23:07.36Shouryuucair - sorry, but no
23:07.51KirkburnWell, there are a few dwarves in WoW, oh u mean RL people?
23:08.02AnduinLotharlol one of the questions on the blizz app quiz was to distingush beween there their and they're
23:08.07Cairenntrying to help kiddo figure out where she should be applying
23:08.10Shouryuuhow hard are unies? I mean what's the workload? Is it crapistic if you're in one of the best unies around?
23:08.19KirkburnIt VERY MUCH depends
23:08.38Shouryuubetween good and bad unies or...
23:08.42KirkburnAlmost impossible in fact without an idea of what you want to do
23:08.57KirkburnDO a sciency subject, expect to get lots of lectures
23:09.09KirkburnDo a humanities, expect to get a lots of reaind/coursework
23:09.58KirkburnUK, first year is generally very easy
23:10.14AnduinLotharya the guy who wrote wardrobe uses tables like arrays... pissing me off
23:10.31IrielWhy's that a problem?
23:10.38IrielTables-as-arrays are nice and fast
23:10.41Irieland small
23:10.44KirkburnBy third year you'll be working very hard (unless you go to italy where you're confused and generally bored and feel like you're in school)
23:10.47AnduinLotharfast if you do them right
23:11.34KirkburnSeriously, italian universities are like school, but on a large scale
23:11.46AnduinLotharbut when i'm lookign for a realm name i dont want to loop the array to find the one with the .realm value i'm looking for
23:11.58AnduinLothari want it as my damn key
23:12.14KirkburnI haven't done *any* project/lab work here, and i'd do it every week in bristol (and enjoy it). I do Civil Engineering btw
23:12.30Shouryuufrance is really fucked up. You spend two years working your ass off like never before, and then you enter a uni (or it's french equivalent). You've work so fucking hard for the past two yours, that the time you spent in unis, is like holidays
23:12.43IrielAnduinLothar : Ah, yes, doesn't make sense there.
23:12.53AnduinLotharand if you insert them correctly you still have a size value that works with getn
23:13.47AnduinLotharplus he makes the realm and char name global and indexes the table EVERY time he uses it in EVERY for loop
23:14.00ShouryuuI've just found the perfect answer to "Are UI legal?!?!". "if they weren't, Blizzard wouldn't have created a forum called "UI and Macros" "....
23:14.25AnduinLotharNew Forum Name: "Hacks & Cheats"
23:14.30pagefaultthats what I love about this game
23:14.35pagefaultit's so liberal about addons
23:14.43KirkburnAnyways, back 'on topic' (?) I'll keep looking at ClearFont (yes, that's!), see if I can do anything for it
23:14.44CideShouryuu: you can't be that reasonable
23:14.45CairennI put that all the time Shouryuu
23:15.06KirkburnI have 130+ addons
23:15.16AnduinLotharok.. screw backwards compatibility. I'm starting over
23:15.38IrielAnduinLothar : Just write a 'data convertor' that rips the arrays apart and makes your structure from them
23:15.55AnduinLotharsooo boring
23:15.58IrielAnduinLothar : Then you dont have to be hobbled by poor data structure, and can re-write mostly everything else
23:16.07IrielAnduinLothar : But your users get backwards compatibility
23:16.12KirkburnIs that not lots? I thought it was lots. Then again, I'm probably asking in the wrong place
23:16.30AnduinLothari run about 100
23:16.42IrielI run about 20
23:16.51Cidemaybe 30, at most
23:16.53ShouryuuI have like, 5
23:16.58KirkburnI think cosmos pushes mine up most of the way
23:16.58Irieland most of those are mine
23:17.09KirkburnIriel: nice
23:17.15AnduinLotharit tends to do that
23:17.17Cairennlol, mine change on a regular basis
23:17.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Seracht (
23:17.34Cairennhi Seracht
23:17.41KirkburnI thought the interface customizing people would have more than 200 :p
23:17.47Serachthas anyone used Discord Frame Modifier?
23:17.54AnduinLotharwanna buy me a new computer?
23:18.02Serachtdoes Discord Frame modifier work with 1.9?
23:18.07KirkburnSure, would you like a palm pilot?
23:18.16ShouryuuThat's why I don't like cosmos
23:18.24KirkburnActually, I think I could get you a digital watch Anduin
23:18.28CairennSeracht: you'd be better asking on the Discord forums, Loz (the author) isn't in channel right now
23:18.34AnduinLothareither wya. i have neither
23:18.53SerachtI want to make a nice UI for my rogue
23:18.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (
23:19.03Serachtyou guys know any good UIs for rogues?
23:19.08Serachtlike inspiration
23:19.17Serachtonly plan on using - Discord Action Bars, and Discord Frame Modifier
23:19.21KirkburnShouryuu You could always just disable all the cosmos addons you don't want
23:19.55AnduinLotharok.. i dont wanna start over..
23:20.16Cairennhey, how'd your test go, AnduinLothar?
23:20.28AnduinLotharlol. i dropped the class
23:20.31Cairennand did you verify with the registrars office?
23:20.37ShouryuuKirk - I might as well download the ones I want, rather than disabeling 80 add-ons and using 4
23:20.38Cairennheh, nm then
23:20.42KirkburnI should really be off now, was lovely chatting to y'all. I'll be sure to pester you again 2moro :) *cough* Try ClearFont *cough*
23:20.50Cairennlater Kirkburn
23:20.54Shouryuusee yar
23:20.54AnduinLotharfigured i would need more time weather i went with blizz or not
23:21.07Cairenndid you decide on the frat?
23:21.11AnduinLotharnot yet
23:22.04AnduinLotharheh. if i start over i spose I could rename it..
23:22.22AnduinLotharyet another outfit mod
23:22.32Shouryuuwould it be possible to write a mod that alerts you whenever you're MT's target, changes his target to another class than warrior?
23:22.45Cairennyet another equipment manager
23:22.55Wobsterhrm, not recursive enough =P
23:23.54AnduinLotharwhat was the machine the jetsons went through to get changed and ready for work?
23:24.18AnduinLotharneed to look up it's name
23:25.30Wobsterman. Google was so good for the first eight or so listings for 'jetsons clothing machine'... and then it got dirty =P
23:25.51Wobsterhrm, make that six =P
23:26.39AnduinLotharya... jetsons hentai... creepy
23:27.06Cairennthat was *not* an image I needed
23:27.20CodayusVery bad.
23:28.50Shouryuuok, next time I go AFK, I am no reading what was written while I wasn't here. I'll be grateful I've missed some of the horribles things you people say
23:28.52IrielThe lion the witch and the wadrobe.
23:28.58IrielTheir missing friend being the wardrobe
23:28.59ForgottenLordsanyone here know Gaelic?
23:29.04IrielIt was a long shot, sorry
23:29.48CairennForgottenLords: cladhaire's so knows a fair bit
23:30.00WobsterOutOfTheCloset? =P
23:30.02Cairennhah! I know!
23:30.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Beladona (
23:30.10*** mode/#WoWI-lounge [+o Beladona] by ChanServ
23:30.34ForgottenLordsOk, I'll ask cladhaire when I see them on later
23:30.56*** part/#wowi-lounge Ratbert_CP (n=KCummins@
23:30.56ForgottenLordson=active and talking. :)
23:30.59Shouryuuclad is a them?
23:31.35IrielThe cladhaire collective.
23:31.37ForgottenLordsI do not want to assume Clad is either male or female either :)
23:31.47Irieland them is more polite than it
23:31.52ForgottenLordsand IT is derogatory
23:31.56Wobsterpity there is no singular gender neutral =)
23:32.12Wobsterwell... no -good- singluar gender neutral
23:32.24*** join/#wowi-lounge zeeg (n=wguru@
23:32.34Cairennwb Bela
23:32.36ForgottenLordsOk, I'll ask cladhaire when I see said entity active and talking later
23:32.58WobsterAs FL said, it ends up a bit derogatory
23:33.03Beladonaif it helps, I believe cladhaire is male
23:33.21Wobsteraccording to his photo, anyway
23:34.09Cairennwell of course you do Iriel, you were the one that took the pictures of me in my hotel room
23:34.10Beladonasooo, when is happy hour?
23:34.31TainAfter my second rum&coke.
23:34.33Shouryuuawww man it'll be sleepy hour for me...
23:34.46Cairennhappy hour is whenever you want it to be
23:34.59Shouryuuthat isn't true
23:35.19TainYeah happy hour usually only lasts between around my second and forth rum &coke.
23:35.22Shouryuuyou don't always have acces to large quantities of alcohol....
23:35.26Irielmeeting time, idling
23:35.27ForgottenLordsdo pets get more Training Points when they work toward Best Friend?
23:35.37Shouryuuwhat's after the fourth?
23:35.43TainAnnoyed hour
23:35.47ForgottenLordsOk... -50 on a lvl 60 isnt cool :)
23:36.09TainSometimes followed by Belligerent hour.
23:36.22CairennTain? Belligerent? nahhhhh
23:36.31ShouryuuI don't get aggresive when overly drunk
23:36.42TainThankfully by that point it's close to Passing Out hour.
23:36.45Shouryuuusualy get depressed but I'm always peace and love
23:37.11TainAll we are saying... is give peace a chance.
23:37.39TainWe are the world... we are the children
23:38.03ShouryuuAllez patron!
23:38.35TainViva le prince petit!
23:38.52Shouryuupetit prince... but <3 anyways
23:39.17Shouryuuohh since we're all of different nationalities and cultures and all... What drinking games do you ppl have?
23:40.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem|AV (
23:41.45*** join/#wowi-lounge zeetg (n=wguru@
23:48.04Tem|AVI just waited 3 hours to get into an AV game
23:48.12Tem|AV2 minutes after I join
23:48.15Tem|AVthe bg ends
23:48.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Parak (
23:48.49Shouryuuwell you got a medal I guess
23:50.43Legorolif there is an enchantment on a 2H staff, is it supposed to show with a glow?
23:50.50Legoroli don't think i have ever seen enchant glow on a staff
23:50.51Tem|AVI've been looking forward to doing Av for over a month
23:50.56Tem|AVso I could use my flask of supreme power
23:51.02LegorolTem|AV, it's not a coincidence
23:51.10Legorolprobably the game was getting close to end and someone left
23:51.13Legorolfreeing you up a spot
23:51.15Tem|AVI get in, pop my 50g potion, and BAM the fucking thing ends
23:51.25Legorolwhat potion?
23:52.02Tem|AVFlask of Supremem power
23:52.52Shouryuulegorol - yeah the enchant shows, it's usualy on the end of the staff, not the rod it's self
23:52.54Tem|AVI did get one 2140 frostbolt crit in before the thing ended
23:55.23Tem|AVI also used a brilliant wizard oil on my staff
23:55.26Tem|AVwhich guess what
23:55.31Tem|AVdoesn't persist across isntances
23:55.35AnduinLotharsouds expensive

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