irclog2html for #wowi-lounge on 20060114

00:02.15kaidenAnduinLothar, you can get it cheap sometimes if you look hard enough, i have 2 warlords and 2 elementals and 1 beast deck and i paid less than 300g total for all 5
00:02.19IrielI moved it to "HOWTO: Localize an AddOn"
00:02.49Fanookcool. I do have an account, but i figured something like that was beyond my powers :)
00:03.03Irielit should be within your powers
00:03.25Fanookoh, hey! a move tab! never noticed that before
00:06.50Natasemlol wiki n00b
00:14.20id`new idChat version up
00:18.44a-stray-cathey iriel, is there a way to rotate your statrings 90 degrees?
00:19.10Irielyou're using 0.6.7?
00:20.13IrielEdit StatRingsUnitFrame
00:20.30Irielline 26
00:20.31Iriel25 even
00:20.39AnduinLotharanyone have a link to the choices possible for the fortune teller?
00:20.42Irielchange startAngle = 210; to startAngle = 120;
00:21.22IrielThat might not quite work, if that's the case just fiddle with the functions as necessary
00:21.42Natasemso anyone know the change log for CT_RaidAssist v1.502
00:23.47cladhairethey took out some code that wasn's upposed to be there
00:23.50cladhairethat made people nervous
00:24.09Shouryuunight ppl
00:24.24a-stray-cathmm this puts the mana and health on top of eachother
00:25.15Fanookzone constants! my kingdom for zone constants!
00:26.12Iriela-stray-cat You'll need to fiddle the functoin then
00:26.37Natasemwhat code was that?
00:32.58NatasemLOL they put a code into it to stop the war effort price gougeing lol
00:33.48Natasemif ( name == "Linen Bandage" or name == "Thorium Bar" or name == "Light Leather" or name == "Medium Leather" or name == "Linen Cloth" or name == "Roast Raptor" ) then
00:33.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Beladona (
00:33.56*** mode/#WoWI-lounge [+o Beladona] by ChanServ
00:34.20Natasemhey ya bel
00:35.05BeladonaMetacity cvs got updated 2 hours ago with the beginnings of an official native compositor
00:38.01CideNatasem: no we didn't
00:38.11Natasemno not you but someone did
00:38.21Cideno, nobody did
00:38.35CideI put the code there myself to transfer over items to alliance side (hence me being horde, and those are only alliance side mats)
00:38.39Cideand then I forgot to remove it
00:38.45Cidethe code is harmless anyway
00:39.00Cidesince you have to run a /script command to get it to work after Blizzard_AuctionUI has loaded
00:39.28Natasemlol uploading your private version of ct_ra
00:39.50Cidewhat other version is there?
00:39.59Natasemretail version and personal version
00:40.07Cidemy version = retail version
00:40.20Natasemjust like Blizz has a retail version and their in house no bug version lol
00:40.22CideI was putting it in real quick as I flew to tanaris, and then I forgot to remove it
00:40.36id`does deadmines drop warlock items?
00:40.41Natasemto error is human to realy fuxk shit up it takes a computer
00:40.43id`gunna be my first run with a lvl 60 at my side
00:40.47id`im lv 17
00:46.16Irieldamn lua and their slighly funky parser
00:46.40Irielthough at least I've figured out what my problem is
00:47.15Fanookthe goblin captain drops a good caster staff
00:47.45Fanookoffhand, that's the only thing i can recall. thott/alla has better info than i :)
00:47.54IrielThis: p()(c)() and p()<newline>(c)() are different
00:51.04*** join/#wowi-lounge zeeg (n=wguru@
00:52.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Tain (
00:52.46*** part/#wowi-lounge Beladona (
00:58.34MentalPowerBTW Cide 1.502 doesn't have the option to turn off the party frames anymore
00:58.44MentalPowerCTRA 1.502
00:59.31AnduinLotharit's in the interface options
00:59.43AnduinLotharof wow
00:59.43MentalPoweryeah I just found it
01:00.10MentalPowerjust asking if it was removed intentionally or not :)
01:00.24Cideit's hard to not remove it intentionally :)
01:00.26AnduinLotharnop oint dupilcating options
01:01.22MentalPowerok, good to know
01:04.00Natasemooooo pretty
01:04.06Natasemand no i am not talkin about the girl
01:12.40Natasemhey Lothar you have a link for the new  ImprovedErrorFrame
01:12.53Natasemsolo download i don't want the whole cosmos
01:13.19Natasemgawd my network is craaaaawwwwwlllllliiinnnnggggg
01:13.31*** part/#wowi-lounge Ratbert_CP (n=KCummins@
01:15.42*** join/#wowi-lounge dukeku_ (
01:16.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Te1 (
01:16.54Te1Everyone loves Magical Trevor...
01:17.00Natasemhell ya
01:25.39Natasemlol Gilneas spawned Eranikus  and crashed the server lol
01:26.22Natasem3 times now
01:26.35Natasemlol i am thinking there are a shotload of people there trying to fight Eranikus
01:26.50pagefaultis he a 40 man raid boss?
01:28.03MaldiviaIriel ?
01:29.14Natasemno he is that one in Moonglade
01:29.21Natasemthe 600 man raid boss
01:29.35Natasemsupposidly supposed to take like 5+ hrs to kill it
01:29.55Endit took 2 hours on my server
01:30.07IrielMaldivia : Yes?
01:30.12EndI wasn't there, but I saw the enter and leave message
01:30.32MaldiviaIriel: about your line test example...
01:30.46*** join/#wowi-lounge stray`laptop (
01:31.29MaldiviaIriel: I created a small test, with an analog clock - used a gradient texture for the hands, and noticed that the texture flipped when the seconds hand crossed the 30sec mark and the 60sec mark
01:31.55IrielMaldivia : Yes, it'll do that
01:32.08Maldiviais there a way to not do that ...
01:32.08IrielMaldivia : You'd need to set a flag during the dx < 0 normalization
01:32.29IrielMaldivia : And then swap some of the texcoords if the flag is set at the end
01:33.12IrielMaldivia : I.e. Swap UL<=>LR and UR<=>LL
01:33.40Irielsomething like 6 extra lines of code in all
01:33.46Maldiviayeah :)
01:34.01IrielI didn't want to make it overcomplex
01:34.04Maldiviatried it ealier, but didn't get all the test correct it seems - has some very funny looking effects )
01:34.20Irielif you dont flip it right it'll look fairly odd
01:34.22Maldiviayeah, you simplified the 4 cases down to 2 with the normalization, right?
01:34.51Maldiviaok, then atleast I understood the code right -- that's a start :)
01:35.18Irielthe texture is logically symmetric
01:35.34Irielso it shouldn't be too hard to re-flip it
01:37.10IrielYou might run into issues if your gradient isn't mirror-symmetric along the length of the line
01:37.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Parak (
01:38.15TemIriel: can you do me a favor?
01:38.22IrielTem: What's that?
01:38.45TemEdit the HOWTO: Use OnUpdates in the wiki
01:39.04Tembecause "Use OnUpdates Correct" is driving me insnane
01:39.15Tem"Correctly" damnit
01:39.42TemI will probably break like 4 links if I try to do it
01:41.26clad|partytime for Jaeger =)
01:41.35clad|partybe back.. and a bit more enjoyable in a bit =)
01:42.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
01:43.40MaldiviaIriel: woot, thank you - it's working now :)
01:49.14TemThanks Iriel
01:52.14MaldiviaIriel: while editing - why not correct the intro ("How often is it called")
01:52.59IrielI didnt edit the page, I just moved it and checked for dead links
01:53.05IrielBut you're welcome to 8-)
01:53.15TemAnd I just fixed the front page
01:53.50Maldiviawell, I just hate writing such stuff, considering English isn't my native tongue :)
01:53.57TemI'm doing it
01:54.25IrielAnd with that, i'm going home!
01:54.43IrielSadly I think i'm going to have to re-code my LUA parser from scratch
01:56.45TemLua Parser?
01:57.38Kalrothsyntax highlight or more than that?
01:59.04IrielI wrote a lua parser in java to do code analysis
01:59.14Irielsome time ago
01:59.29Irielanyway, it mostly works but it gets tripped up by p()(i)()
02:00.23Irielwhich is one of those 'ambiguous without required semicolons' statements
02:00.27EndI updated to CTRA 1.502
02:00.44Endand now it is giving megaerrors
02:00.55IrielSadly the parser that lua itself uses is a bit more custom coded than a standard one (I was using cups to build my parser for me, based on a grammar), so I think i'm going to have to follow their lead. We'll see
02:00.57MaldiviaIriel: if you should ever find the urge, here's a simple analog clock, using your Lines:
02:01.15IrielMaldivia : Post that in my thread and i'll take a look later!
02:01.30MaldiviaIriel: i did yesterday - just updated the file :)
02:01.32KalrothI settle with the syntax highlighting in ultraedit :p
02:01.34Endit was, every OnEvent, giving errors
02:01.50Cidedid you exit out?
02:02.31Endnot at first
02:02.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Stylpe (
02:05.58EndI'm guessing my settings got hosed, so I'll just reset them and see what happens
02:08.25Endthat fixed it
02:10.54*** join/#wowi-lounge zeeg (n=wguru@
02:11.05*** part/#wowi-lounge Tem (
02:15.01*** join/#wowi-lounge weab (
02:15.44weabis this factions disappearing after a ReloadUI() a known issue
02:26.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (
02:28.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
02:28.57Guillotinehey cide, was CTRA really hacked, or did you put that code in for fun (even though it did nothing)?
02:29.37Guillotinewhat did happen?
02:29.54Cide(01:38:24) (Cide) no, nobody did
02:29.55Cide(01:38:39) (Cide) I put the code there myself to transfer over items to alliance side (hence me being horde, and those are only alliance side mats)
02:29.57Cide(01:38:43) (Cide) and then I forgot to remove it
02:29.58Cide(01:38:48) (Cide) the code is harmless anyway
02:30.00Cide(01:39:03) (Cide) since you have to run a /script command to get it to work after Blizzard_AuctionUI has loaded
02:30.57Guillotinesee, thats the type of thing I'd add into one of my addons just to see if anybody noticed
02:35.08Natasemanyone know the Specs of the WoW servers?
02:38.54Guillotineyes. OS: Windows 3.0
02:38.57GuillotineAge: 30 years old
02:39.04GuillotineStatus: Crappy
02:39.18TemNot quite
02:39.19GuillotineI think they use hamsters as a power source too
02:39.28TemThey're running on 3.1
02:39.34Guillotineahhh. ok
02:39.44Guillotinemust have changed in that last upgrade
02:39.46Endno no
02:39.52End3.11 ...for workgroups support
02:40.04Temer maybe it's 95 with USB support?
02:40.31Tembecause I swear the login servers are connected via usb to the world servers
02:40.40TemUSB 1.1 that is
02:40.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Fanook|Linux (
02:43.52Natasemlolz and they want to know why or how we crashed their servers???  take a look at this
03:00.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Legorol (
03:01.20Legoroli have a little enigma: Fileplanet has for download the 1.9.0->1.9.1 and 1.9.1->1.9.2 minipatches
03:01.44Legorolon Fileplanet, these look exactly like the usual patches such as 1.8.4->1.9.0 patch
03:01.49Legorolhow do they obtain these minipatches?
03:02.01CodayusMad skillz?
03:02.12Legorolif i try to patch a 1.9.0 client by logging in, it just downloads an .mpq and launches the updater from there
03:02.19LegorolHow is Fileplanet getting an .exe?
03:04.40CodayusNo idea.  :-)  May have a deal with Bliz though.
03:05.02pagefaulta lot of people manually update
03:05.09pagefaultso maybe they release two files for auto and manual updates
03:05.10Endblizz has links to them  as patch sources
03:08.43Legorolblizz has links to them on its site?
03:10.32TemAnyone have any idea what these Frame:EnableDrawLayer and Frame:DisableDrawLayer functions are?
03:10.40LegorolThe reason i'm asking is this: I have a client that's on 1.8.0. If i try to patch in-game, it launches the torrent downloader for the full 1.9.0
03:10.43TemI Just noticed them in the wiki
03:10.58Tembut they have no documentation, and I can't find a reference to them anywhere
03:11.01Legorolhowever, i have the 1.8.4->1.9.0 patch, so i am trying to patch the 1.8.0 client to 1.8.1, 1.8.2, 1.8.3 etc.
03:11.06Legorolwondering where i could get those patches..
03:12.13CodayusHmm, alla has the 1.8.3 -> 1.8.4 patch.
03:12.42Legorolyeah, because that was a torrent download
03:12.56CodayusBut doesn't seem to have any listed to get from 1.8.0 -> 1.8.3.  Hmm.  No help there.
03:13.00Legorolbut 1.8.0->1.8.1, 1.8.1->1.8.2 and 1.8.2->1.8.3 were minipatches
03:13.39Legoroli do have the 1.8.3->1.8.4 patch because i saved it when the torrent finished
03:14.16CodayusHmm, so do I.
03:14.54Legorolmaybe there's a way to extract/generate the minipatches, i will have to look into that next time
03:15.03Legoroli guess this time round i will just have to download the full 1.9.0 patch
03:15.57LegorolHm now that i think about it, the current system is really silly
03:16.06LegorolLet's say you download and save a Full patch
03:16.14Legorole.g. let's say this time around i save 1.9.0
03:16.31Legorolwhen 1.10 rolls out, i will be able to go 1.9.2->1.10
03:16.40Legorolbut if i have to reinstall, my saved 1.9.0 full patch doesn't help me at all
03:16.49Legoroli will have to redownload the full 1.10 patch
03:17.08Legoroli wish Blizz made it so that there is a way to patch up from the last major version to the current major version
03:18.36LegorolAt the moment, what it comes down to is this: no point in archiving patch files, because once they release a major patch, a reinstall will require you to download a full patch
03:19.08CodayusWell, if you have to reinstall before the next major patch comes out...
03:22.04Legorolok for example, right now i have the full 1.8.0 patch
03:22.12Legorolif i have to reinstall, i have to download the full 1.9.0 patch
03:22.21Legorolthere is no patch path for me from 1.8.0 to 1.9.2
03:22.42CodayusBut you'd have been better off before 1.9 came out.  :-)
03:23.25Legorolyes, but this means that in order to save time in case i have to  reinstall, every time a major patch comes out, i should go and download the full patch for that major version
03:23.27Legorolwhich is a bit silly
03:24.24Legoroli should find a way to save the mini-patches
03:24.32Legoroli think i'll archive the minipatch .mpqs
03:24.36Legorolin the future
03:29.22Temwell if anyone cares, I just figured out what Frame:EnableDrawLayer and Frame:DisableDrawLayer do
03:29.30Teminteresting methods
03:29.48Temyou know how you put textures and fontstrings in layers?
03:29.57Temand those layers each have a name?
03:30.05Tem"ARTWORK" "BORDER" ect
03:30.35Temwell drawing those layers (meaning the fontstring or textures in them) can be toggled with those two methods
03:30.52Temfor example CT_RASets_Button:DisableDrawLayer("ARTWORK")
03:30.57CodayusThe utility of doing so will no doubt come to me shortly...
03:31.09Temnets you a hidden CT_RA minimap button
03:31.16Temthat still receives mouse events
03:31.31Temso when you hover over it, you see the highlight texture
03:38.26TemSuppose I'm making a frame that I need to be fullscreen
03:38.55Temhow do I tell it to be fullscreen regardless of how the user has their UIParent and WorldFrame anchored?
03:40.34Cideisn't uiparent fullscreen?
03:42.32CodayusYou *could* mess with it, right?  I can't think why you would though...
03:42.52Temyou can mess with i
03:43.04Temso I don't want to assume that it is
03:43.29Temalthough <Frame parent="UIParent" setAllPoint="true"> would be way easy
03:43.56EndI was noticing that too
03:44.22Temsomeone in here moved their UIParent just the other day
03:44.33EndI even did :SetAllPoints() on one of my frames for the fun of it :P
03:44.35Temfor a debugging purpose, but still
03:45.05Temalways fullscreen
03:45.15Temonly has a few methods
03:45.47Temsole purpose is for anchoring other frames
03:45.55Temoh! maybe that's it
03:46.51Endthen :SetAllPoints()?
03:46.52Temthen setallpoints
03:46.58Temthat's what I'm thinking
03:47.12EndI tried the first part, and the second part should work
03:47.32TemI'm just not sure how to test it
03:47.45Endactually, at one point I tried setting all points, then I reloaded ui, and then just now I set parent to nil
03:49.06Temthat's the error if you try to do SetAllPoints on a frame with no parent
03:49.13EndI just got it to
03:52.07Tem*sigh* I broke my world frame
03:52.10Cairenn|sleepclad|party: you here?
03:52.28Temwhat's the "propper" way to move/resize it?
03:52.32EndI reparented back to UIParent
03:52.39Endand I still can't set all points
03:52.54Endoh wait
03:52.57TemEnd: do frame:SetAllPoints(frame)
03:53.02EndI'm just being really stupid
03:53.07Enddidn't realize I forgot that
03:53.16TemCairenn: no I don't think so.  I'm pretty sure he went to a party
03:53.39Temdamn it sure takes iriel a long time to drive home
03:53.41TemCairenn: np
03:53.49Cairennsaw the nick, but hoped that perhaps the party was at home :p
03:54.01Cairennwant to know what the weather/roads are down there
03:54.38Cairennnothing like actual honest on-the-spot reports, rather than stupid weather channels
03:54.48Cairennah well
03:55.51Cairennsorry for the interruption
03:57.10*** join/#wowi-lounge zeetg (n=wguru@
03:58.56Temnp Cair, I was getting nowhere anyway
03:59.37Endyeah, I have no idea where to go next
03:59.49Endyou can do it in xml, but not with the api
04:00.19Enddefine your frame similarly to UIParent, all points no parent
04:00.23Endsee if that works
04:01.04Temhmm that's a good idea
04:02.16TemNow I just need to know how to shrink my WorldFrame and UI Parent to ensure that my frame remains fullscreen
04:02.39Temheh, don't define a size if you want to do that
04:03.12*** join/#wowi-lounge zeeg2 (n=wguru@
04:03.26Temboo, it didn't work
04:03.41*** join/#wowi-lounge kremonte (
04:07.33*** join/#wowi-lounge Depherios (n=Deph@
04:18.43*** join/#wowi-lounge zeeg (n=wguru@
04:26.00Cairenn-o Cairenn
04:26.09*** mode/#WoWI-lounge [-o Cairenn] by Cairenn
04:27.48*** mode/#WoWI-lounge [+o Cairenn] by ChanServ
04:28.38*** mode/#WoWI-lounge [-o Cairenn] by Cairenn
04:30.53*** mode/#WoWI-lounge [+o Cairenn] by ChanServ
04:31.15Cairennheh, playing
04:31.17Guillotinehey... i didn't type that twice
04:31.23Cairennshowing someone something
04:31.30Guillotineits funny. hehe
04:31.33GenNMXYeah, the channel owner cannot de-op themselves ;)
04:31.58Cairennyes they can
04:32.07CairennI just did it, twice
04:32.23Cairennand then used /msg chanserv op to re-op myself
04:37.50Guillotineooo. i thought it automatically re-opped you
04:38.20Guillotinegeez. my former low population server now has a 30 minute que
04:38.31Cairennif I signed out and back in, it would
04:38.39Cairennbut no, as I said, I was showing someone something
04:39.28Temdamn it sure takes iriel a long time to drive home
04:43.03Corrodiasthat's so cool that it doesn't make you wait through the queue again if you just recently disconnected
04:43.10Corrodiasat least it doesn't seem to. i've never had to.
04:44.58CodayusThat does seem to be the case.
04:45.11TemI've seen that too
04:45.13Temand I like it
04:45.37CodayusIt seems to work if you've disconnected, not sure if it works if you just log out...
04:45.47CodayusWhatever it's good.  :-)
04:46.22Corrodiasyes, it works if you just recently logged off, i mean
04:47.10Temyeah it does
04:47.21TemI've noticed that when I was adding a new mod
04:49.10Corrodiasi wonder if i can upgrade my laptop's RAM...
04:49.55TemI can on mine
04:49.59Temso I would bet yes
04:52.00GuillotineWhat annoys me though is that if you somehow lose your place in the que (connection hiccups), you have to start all over
04:52.28*** join/#wowi-lounge ArmonX (
04:52.34*** part/#wowi-lounge ArmonX (
05:01.56TemI've never seen that
05:02.13TemI have seen my place in the queue go up
05:02.18Temis that what you are talking about?
05:03.05DepheriosI've logged out and back in quickly and still been in queue
05:03.31Temthen you're unlucky
05:05.17GuillotineTem: no. I'm on a wireless connection and sometimes it wacks out (when a helicopter flies just overhead for example). then I get d/c and lose my place in the que
05:05.30Temoh that sucks
05:06.33Ghentanyone feel like helping a n00b with some basic questions concerning mod design?
05:08.27*** part/#wowi-lounge clad|party (
05:08.28Ghenthehe :P
05:08.37GhentI promise they're probably easy questions ;)
05:09.01Cairennask away, most folks just kinda idle in channel unless there's something going on
05:09.16Ghentwell, I'm playin with this mod that has a menu screen for config
05:09.20Ghentthe screen has some sliders
05:09.34Temoh lol
05:09.37TemHey End
05:09.41TemGuess what
05:09.46Ghentso I managed to add a few more sliders that I'd like to see, but now I can't find out how to change the labels from "Low" and "High" to "0%" and "100%"
05:09.59Enddid you make it work?
05:10.07TemI'm retarded.  I still had an anchor defined for my frame which is why setAllPoints = "true" didn't work
05:10.27EndI've had those moments >_<
05:11.05GhentI guess I haven't learned how to override Blizzard's FrameXML's... since I see it's inheriting OptionsSliderTemplate
05:11.06Temand it took me like 2 hours to figure that out too ><
05:11.14*** join/#wowi-lounge cladhaire (
05:11.18Endyeah, it's like that sometimes
05:11.26Ghentsoooo.. if anyone could give me some pointers where to look or what I'm missing, I'd appreciate :D
05:11.32Cairennhey cladhaire
05:11.35TemI was at the point of making a post on the forums about it and I realized what I had done
05:11.39Temwb cladhaire
05:11.44EndGhent: try the nameHigh, nameLow, etc
05:11.52Enduse :SetText()
05:12.38Temyeah if you inherited from the blizzard ones they should have $parentHigh and $parentLow fontstring elements
05:13.01Ghentthey do, and everytime I try to change them they don't
05:13.08Ghentwhich is where I'm getting confuzzled
05:13.23Cairenncladhaire: check other window, please
05:13.34Ghentbut then, they're not really defined in the xml I'm working in, so I gather it's inheriting them from Blizz
05:13.57Endbut...they are defined?
05:14.01Endno errors about nil?
05:14.12Endyou just :SetText() and nothing else happens?
05:14.59GhentI haven't tried that part yet... I've been tryin to muss around with it in the ARTWORK layer ;)  still learning my way around this.  Using WoW UI Designer because it's (marginally) easier to make frames in
05:15.15Ghentso I do the :SetText() in the <OnLoad> area maybe?
05:15.25Endyeah, that's probably good
05:15.35Ghentok, I'll experiment... brb
05:17.32GhentLUA is so diff then all the stuff I've ever used ;p heh
05:19.50pagefaultI need some better tips for WOW
05:19.53pagefaulterr WoW
05:20.02pagefaultWoW tips are boring
05:20.20GhentEnd: could I instead use a <FontString> in the <Layer> area?
05:21.57pagefaultDepherios, excellent
05:22.01Ghentend: this is not advisable?
05:22.30GhentI'm trying to learn the correct ways from the beginning, :)
05:23.55Endit's the only place FontStrings go is in a Layer
05:24.12Endmaybe not quite
05:24.18Endbut that's where they normally go ;P
05:24.48Fanook|Linuxthat reminds me, i fixed some of those...need to send the new version of it to Guill
05:27.00GhentEnd: well, the question was more directed at using a FontString instead of putting a SetText in the OnLoad, (honestly because I haven't learned that syntax yet)
05:31.14Ghentunfortunately, it doesn't seem to be working
05:34.53Guillotinebut it isn't morning... its 9:35 at night
05:34.58Guillotinetheir acting like timezones exist
05:36.03TemGuillotine: you made a grammar error in one of your tips
05:36.11Temone of the few that piss me off
05:36.19Guillotinei made it in more than one of my tips
05:36.33Temyou used "their" instead of "they're"
05:37.09Guillotinedid that b/c i couldn't get it to work unless each field had exact same number of characters as before ;)
05:37.18Guillotinenow I know how to do it though
05:39.09Temhows that?
05:39.20Temuse whatever length you want and zero pad?
05:41.39zeegwould wow players use something like that?
05:42.16MentalPowerBTW zeeg, wowguru isin't letting me edit my signature
05:42.34zeegthe sites overloaded for some reason atm
05:42.47*** part/#wowi-lounge cladhaire (
05:43.14MentalPowerhaven't tried now, tried about 6hours ago
05:43.17*** join/#wowi-lounge cladhaire (
05:43.29zeegin your User CP?
05:44.07zeegcontrol panel
05:44.11zeegthe link is called "User CP" :P
05:44.14zeegfrom forums
05:44.37zeegk sites back to normal
05:45.04Temwow, has anyone played with Eclipse yet?
05:45.13Temso far, I really like it
05:45.25MentalPowererr... I tried "signature generator" from the main page
05:45.26GhentI've used eclipse for other languages
05:45.32Ghentit's a really nice IDE
05:45.46Fanook|Linuxmy fave IDE too
05:45.47TemI just started playing with it for LUA
05:45.54Fanook|Linuxlua? really?
05:45.59zeegMentalPower, ahh, you cant manually edit that you need to update your profile for it to update
05:46.27Temthere is a lua plugin
05:46.31MentalPowerI thought you had some AJAX code to edit the placement of the different things
05:46.49Temand I just got a svn plugin too
05:46.52Ghentwould anyone care to take a quick peek at this snip of XML and possibly tell me what I'm doing wrong?
05:46.55Temwhich I'm real excited about
05:47.01clad|sleepthat could be useful
05:47.03clad|sleepwhile i'm sleeping.
05:47.31Ghenthow about this? ;)
05:47.38Depheriosor that
05:47.54GhentI do this, but I still see "Low" and "High" below my slider
05:48.04Ghentinstead of the 0% and 100%
05:49.24Ghentthis has stumped for me a good while now ;)
05:54.02GhentDepherios: any thoughts?
05:55.03Depheriosoh sorry... -- never messed with sliders yet... so I wouldn't know... just sugesting pastebin
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05:59.42FanookTem: have you been able to create a new lua project in Eclipse?
05:59.44TemGhent: did you inherit from that template on your actual sliders?
05:59.46TemFanook: yes
06:00.23*** join/#wowi-lounge digix ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
06:03.49GhentTem: I believe so, would you like to see the full file?
06:04.34Ghentrefresh please
06:06.21Temone sec Ghent
06:06.28Ghentno problem
06:07.33Fanookoh wait, i prolly have to have lua installed, dont i :P
06:10.36zeegFanook, Eclipse?
06:11.54Fanookeclipse: an open source IDE, primarily for Java, but supports a number of languages
06:16.11TemAh Ghent I found your problem
06:16.16Temyou need to inherit from your template
06:16.26Ghentam I not?
06:17.02Tem<Slider name="MoogSliderPercentTemplate" inherits="MoogSliderTextTemplate" virtual="true">
06:17.10Temthat's what your sliders need to look like
06:18.15Ghenthrm, will that make them all look like %?
06:18.39GhentI made two seperate ones because 2 of the sliders should say "Low" and "High" and two should use the 0% / 100%
06:18.53Temyou need to change your slider's declarations to say inherits="MoogSliderPercentTemplate"
06:19.17Teminstead of inherits="OptionsSliderTemplate"
06:19.29Temand then the changes you made on your template will sift down
06:19.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Sokol (
06:21.08GhentTem, are we speaking about the bottom of the XML where I'm actually declaring the sliders?
06:21.44Temwait a sec
06:21.50TemI didn't read far enough into your file
06:21.51Ghentok good :P
06:21.57Ghentcuz I was gettin REALLY confused :P
06:21.59MentalPowerWOOOT!! First Onyxia Kill!!!
06:22.05GhentMentalPower: congrats :D
06:22.10Ghentany good loot?
06:22.16MentalPowerdunno yet
06:22.16Ktronnow your first time to fight over the loot!
06:22.23Ktronninja it all!!
06:22.36GhentI'm still tryin to get that weenie to drop my BF cap
06:22.51Temgrats MentalPower
06:23.07GhentTem: so my declarations look proper near the bottom?
06:23.15Temyeah they do
06:23.25MentalPowerEsckandras Collar (sp) Nemesis Skullcap Halo of Trans, etc, etc, etc
06:23.30GhentTem, also, I didn't write this, I'm just modding it... I thought it would be easier to learn that way
06:23.55Ghentthe LUA is easy enough for me... the XML is really messing me up though
06:25.16Fanookthose globals DO exist, right?
06:25.37TemI really can't see what would be wrong
06:25.43Temthat's just bizare
06:27.44Fanookdid that work?
06:28.36Ghentit kinda did
06:28.53MentalPowerWoot! I got the Halo of Transcensdence!
06:28.59Cairenngrats MentalPower!
06:29.14Fanookincisive and percussive troubleshooting are the best
06:29.26GhentMentalPower: congrats :P
06:30.59Fanookugh, luaeclipse has the same comment issue as other environs
06:31.14Temthat's my only complaint
06:31.22TemI've only seen 2 that don't have that issue
06:31.31TemSciTe and B:Lua
06:31.49Ghentwhat comment issue is that?
06:32.01Tem--[[ is interpreted as a single line comment
06:32.15Fanookit's a simple enough fix, really
06:32.23Fanookas far as i can see
06:34.03GenNMXReally Tem? And here I just thought some authors liked to comment out lines that way! So can you do /* */ like in C using that?
06:34.54GenNMXSo --[[ when you start commenting and --]] when you want to end it or something?
06:35.17Fanook--[[ This is a multiline comment ]]--
06:35.32GenNMXNo, that's a single line comment!
06:35.56GenNMXExcellent, I'll use that to save the parser a millisecond or two.
06:36.22pagefaultthats like doing /* */ vs // on each line in C
06:36.27pagefaultit hardly makes any difference on the parser
06:37.09Fanookis it?
06:37.13Temthe second -- at the end would start another one line comment
06:37.30GenNMXpagefault: No, I'd use it for multiple lines.
06:37.31MentalPoweryeah some of us do --[[ ]]-- to make it pretty :)
06:38.00Tembut most editors that have syntax highlighting have trouble with lua's multi-line comment
06:38.11Temit reads -- and assumes a single line
06:38.33Temso you don't get the highlighting that you should
06:38.41GenNMXBest to start off each line with -- even when using multiple line comments, since the parser is skipping all those anyway, right?
06:39.25Fanookin theory, it doesn't matter, but it will make editors work correctly :)
06:39.59Temfor example:;topic=968.0;id=188;image
06:41.09GenNMXIt'd be cool if WoW's Lua interpreter could interpret Lua bytecode. Then all of this wouldn't matter.
06:41.24Temit still would
06:41.32Temit means nothing when you run it
06:41.38Temit's just an annoying visual bug
06:42.11Temso unless you can write your addons directly into bytecode, you would still have to deal with this
06:42.14GenNMXTem: No, I mean commenting multiple lines with --[[ ]] instead of using -- on each line to save a few milliseconds of parsing.
06:42.39GenNMXIt's not just that, using bytecode should make the addon take up less memory and run smoother.
06:42.51GenNMXSemicolons wouldn't be an issue, either.
06:43.19TemI suppose it could add up, but I can't imagine it making any real difference
06:43.38GenNMXHowever, it also destroys the open-sourceness of Lua. Authors could refuse to give out their code, addons die...
06:43.46GenNMXoverall it'd do more harm then good.
06:44.07GenNMXs/of Lua/of using Lua/
06:45.44Temaye, that should scan your last 2-3 statements
06:46.01Temmaybe not
06:46.30TemWell, if people didn't want to give their source out
06:46.41Temthe UI sites would refuse to host em
06:46.51TemI know they do this at wowi
06:47.03Temand I imagine they do at the other sites
06:47.10Temwhen you upload something that's compiled
06:47.11GenNMXYou mean, refuse hosting to people that don't want their addons modified?
06:47.39GenNMXCompiled? You mean Lua?
06:47.39Temthey refuse hosting to people who won't upload the source even if privately
06:48.03GenNMXOr just some third-party program to do xyz function?
06:48.14Temanything that isn't just plain lua
06:48.19GenNMXAh, gotcha
06:48.28Temlike WinMPQ
06:48.32CairennGenNMX: WoWI demands that if you want to upload a mod that has an executable in it, you *must* include your source code for us to review
06:49.22Cairennthat is the one and only time that we ever mess with an author's upload, because we change it to take the source out, so it isn't released publically (ie protecting the author's rights)
06:49.29GenNMXYeah, well I think it'd be different if it WAS Lua...if, say, 30% of the addon community would rather greedily keep their source to themselves, do you think the sites that host without permission would care if the authors *wanted* to host, but didn't want to give out source.
06:49.41GenNMXCairenn: Yeah, that's a good policy.
06:50.44TemGenNMX: if site admins behaved in a hostile manner to the devs, then the devs wouldn't use those sites
06:50.49GenNMXFor instance, I wonder what Cosmos and Thottbot, backed by the gold seller's market, would have turned into if they didn't have to be open source?
06:50.52Temand if devs don't use a site, then the site dies
06:51.15GenNMXWe may even have found ourselves with "Professional Addon Developers licensed by Blizzard"!
06:51.16MentalPowerwell thottbot isin't exactly opensource...
06:51.43MentalPowerhave you tried opening ThottbotEngine.lua lately?
06:51.59Temno, what's there?
06:52.17GenNMXMentalPower: Well, the last time I used Cosmos was a loooong time ago, back when I first got the game and only 3 weeks after.
06:52.56MentalPowerits a 100KB file that only has a single line
06:53.13MentalPowerTS={};TS.gggggggggg="Waka waka waka waka waka waka waka waka waka waka waka waka waka waka waka";TS.ccccccccccccccccccccccc="";TS.eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee="\n";TS.hhhhhhhhhhhhh="^%d+ +%d+$";TS.ccccccccc="QUEST_COMPLETE";TS.aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa="TargetProfile";TS.gggggggggggggggggggggggg="e";TS.hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh="|r";TS.iiiiiiiiiiiiii="Thottbot size: ";TS.hhhhhhhhhhhhhh="%%d.+";TS.bbbb
06:53.13Temthat's ludacris
06:53.21MentalPowerthat's the beginning of it
06:53.35Temlet me throw my parser at it
06:53.42Temcan you post it somewhere?
06:53.52TemI'm *not* downloading it
06:54.01AnduinLotharhe just runs it though an obfuscator he made
06:54.22Depheriosto make it harder for people to submit bad content?
06:54.25AnduinLotharyou can download the thottbot only distro from the cosmos site
06:54.26Depheriosor just because?
06:54.35GenNMXNo wonder it's so bloated, that probably adds a lot of overhead
06:54.44AnduinLotharprobably because he makes money off of it
06:54.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaelten (
06:55.09AnduinLotharbut obfuscated code doesn't mean it runs any slower
06:55.11*** mode/#WoWI-lounge [+o Kaelten] by ChanServ
06:55.22AnduinLotharit gets optimized when loaded just the same
06:56.01AnduinLotharand the computer easily knows the diff beteen aa and aaa, it's made so that it's harder to read
06:56.10AnduinLotharfor a human*
06:56.45MentalPowerpastebin cuts it off...
06:56.46GenNMXAnduinLothar: It just seems that variables may be used just to confuse people
06:58.41Temwell my parser does just fine with it
06:59.06GenNMXHow about your human-readable parser?
06:59.17Temexcept it looks like the obfuscater changed all the variable names
06:59.33Temso it's still pretty useless to look at
07:00.16Temall the var names are like "aaaaaaaaaaaaa" and "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"
07:00.23Temso it's crazy hard to tell the difference
07:00.32GenNMXI would make a spagetti logic obsfucator too, that'd be a pain to trace through
07:02.02MentalPowergnight folks
07:08.09AnduinLothargennmx. that's the whole point
07:10.30*** join/#wowi-lounge KandiKorn (
07:13.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine_ (
07:16.04Ghentahh, beautiful :D
07:16.09Ghentmodifications complete
07:16.21GhentTem and all, thanks for pointing me along, :D
07:16.32Temyou get it working?
07:17.26Ghentyep yep
07:17.49TemWhat was the problem?
07:18.00GhentI'm not sure, but if it's what I think it is, it's stupid
07:18.01TemThat's been bothering me because it looked fine
07:18.16Ghentthis WoW UI Designer doesn't take into account script settings when it displays frames
07:18.30Ghentso when I finally loaded it into the game, it was fine
07:18.48Ghentlesson learned: UI designer good for basic visual inspection
07:18.49Temwell yeah
07:19.12Ghentbut!  I will say that you were invaluable in helping me understand how it all layers together
07:19.31Temthe UI Designer now show renders for frames it didn't create?
07:19.31Ghentso frustrating but ultimately well worth the effort
07:19.47Ghentwell, it kept showing the "low" "high" on the slider
07:19.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine_ (
07:20.02Ghentbecause it wasn't taking into effect the SetText in the OnLoad
07:20.11Tembecause it can't run lua script
07:20.22Ghentsomething that I understood after the fact ;)
07:20.51Ghentbut that lead me to understanding how those properties override and inhereit properly
07:21.02Ghenter, inherit
07:21.16Temso does the UIDesigner now show you a render for frames it doesn't create?
07:21.45Temlast time I messed with it, it would only show you a preview for frames you made with it
07:22.45Ghentyes, it will render frames it didn't create
07:23.09Ghentbut it won't allow you to modify them
07:23.24Ghentyou have to go straight into the xml for that
07:27.40Guillotine_can't wait until it lets you modify them :D
07:27.42Guillotine_<3 Nulkris
07:33.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine__ (
07:33.55GhentDoesn't seem he's working on it much lately
07:34.04Ghenthasn't been any updates at all since mid Dec :\
07:34.26Cairennlater all
07:44.02Endmy guild -finally- downed ony :D
07:49.39Kaeltenwhat does make do if there are already files in the target directory when you try to install?
07:50.37Fanookiirc, it checks to see if they need to be updated, if they do, it remakes them, otherwise leaves them alone
07:51.02Fanookso if there aren't any make rules defined for them, nothing should happen to them
07:51.25DepheriosAnybody know an addon that can CHANGE chat fade? (i.e. make text fade away faster for some frames?)
07:52.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
07:52.32Guillotinequestion: think char would find this pic offensive for an avatar:
07:53.15GuillotineI just think its funny having a guy in GM armor doing /rude. hehe
07:53.35Depheriosthat's the NE rude?
07:53.39Depherioshow lame XD
07:54.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
07:54.35Guillotinedangit. im having real problems staying in this channel
07:54.41Kaeltenwell gnight everyone
07:55.16Guillotinedangit. too big for WoWI anyway
07:55.26GuillotineI wish you could just link your avatar rather than uploading it
07:55.39Ghentgood night here as well, thanks again :D
07:57.16GuillotineI have to go as well
08:03.48kremontei need someone with a non enUS client
08:03.55kremonteor enUK =X
08:04.01kremontei have a hunch about item links
08:10.46kremonteyou can link other-localized links in different clients
08:10.56kremontein other words, a link from a korean game will pass through in an EN client
08:11.12kremonteand since arial narrow, or most fonts really used, dont have unicode characters, they show up as blank
08:11.19kremontethus making it possible to do [Wang]
08:14.37*** join/#wowi-lounge [MoonWolf] (
08:14.58kremonte[MoonWolf]: you happen to use a non-en localized client? =P
08:15.16kremontei found out how to make links like an epic [Wang]
08:15.24kremontewhich involves client localization
08:15.31[MoonWolf]okay, so kealten makes this our topic for ace
08:15.32[MoonWolf] (support an end of Topic Abuse)
08:15.40[MoonWolf]and then he makes wowi have this topic
08:16.04[MoonWolf]kremonte, cool.
08:16.10[MoonWolf]what stats does your wang have ?
08:16.16kremonteits based off another link
08:16.23kremontethe default WoW en font for chat is arial narrow
08:16.28kremontewhich doesnt have unicode characters
08:16.38kremonteso there's a links going around with chinese localized names, which pass through
08:16.43kremontebut since they arent in the font they show up as blanks
08:17.38[MoonWolf]go on, i still don't get it.
08:17.45[MoonWolf]you make chinese items ?
08:18.05kremontelets say we have the korean link for rugged leather
08:18.12kremonteit wouldnt have english characters
08:18.24kremonteso it would show up as [] on a font that doesnt have korean characters
08:18.35kremontebut they pass through on english servers (ie dont disconnect you)
08:18.56kremonteso i can say [Wang] in yell, which is a link to benediction, but the text that it's referring to is the korean word for Benedictio
08:19.22kremonteso it's really showing [WangBenediction], but since we can't see the text for Benediction, we only see wang
08:19.25kremontewow i just confused myself
08:19.42[MoonWolf]but, isn't the server supposed to CHECK link names
08:19.54kremonteyes. but it is the correct name for the item
08:19.59kremontejust not in the correct localization
08:20.09[MoonWolf]why would the server care if this link name is in korean. but there is extra stuff in the name.
08:20.20kremontethe extra stuff in the name has been around
08:20.25kremontewhich is how people (ie me) spoof links
08:20.26[MoonWolf]in that case.
08:21.26kremonteif you're using firefox
08:21.37kremonteview -> character encoding -> chinese simplified
08:22.10[MoonWolf]i have 5 of those...
08:22.18kremontechinese simplified normal
08:22.50[MoonWolf]got it
08:23.04[MoonWolf]i can figure out what c and what i are
08:23.11[MoonWolf]but s t and d ?
08:23.27kremontethats lootlink data
08:23.36[MoonWolf]not important.
08:23.41kremonteit may also be korean JOHAB
08:24.11[MoonWolf]so what you need is someone to pass you a full korean looltlink/itemmatrix/kci database ?
08:24.32kremonteif you want to link every item in there as [], sure =P
08:24.41kremontebut it works, though, if you just say have 1 of each quality
08:24.43kremontewhich is good enough
08:25.25[MoonWolf]well, [Wang] would look better it had something like sulfurases stats.
08:25.45[MoonWolf]it be a legendary wang
08:25.56kremontethough, its worth noting
08:26.03kremontesome of the links didn't parse right
08:26.06kremonteso if i dump'ed them
08:26.13kremonteinstead of item:#:#:#:#
08:26.18kremontethey'd have item:#:::#
08:26.40kremontevery peculiar
08:27.04kremontefor awhile i was trying to do the link
08:27.13kremonteas [] with ITEM_QUALITY_COLORS[6].hex as the color
08:27.16kremontewhich is artifact
08:27.22kremontewould dc me though =(
08:27.23[MoonWolf]don't play with it to much or the gm's might pick up on it and make slouken brake your little toy.
08:27.30kremonte? slouken knows
08:27.41kremontehe knew since guillotine originally figured out how to spoof the end of names in a link
08:27.54kremontei did have fun yelling "WTS [Children] PST"
08:28.08[MoonWolf]kremonte, yes, but if it gets abused to much they might want him to stop people from doing it.
08:28.18kremontehe said it's going to be fixed already though :-)
08:28.27kremontein 1.8, he said that. i believe it's slated for 1.10
08:28.38[MoonWolf]well have as much fun as you can then
08:28.49Depherioswow... two WSG matches in a row....... we get in... no allies... 1 the first time... 4 the second time... *sigh*
08:28.54kremontebut what i want to try with though, right now
08:28.59Depheriosit was 8 vs 1 XD
08:29.07kremontewith someone in DE or FR locale
08:29.15kremontewhich is most likely for here, as i know of no koreans =P
08:29.26kremonteto do a valid EN link
08:29.30kremonteto see if it really is zo
08:31.11kremonte~x kr en 칞춴틙칞춵춢
08:31.57kremonte~x hz en 莽楼藛莽娄聫
08:32.14kremonte~x cn en 莽楼藛莽娄聫
08:32.20kremontedamn you purl
08:33.16kremonte~x chinese en 莽楼藛莽娄聫
08:37.21kremontehow come they get such a pretty site
08:37.50Depheriosbecause it's Korea?
08:38.18kremonte.... :(
08:38.30kremontethey even have cooler avatars
08:38.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Shouryuu (
08:39.06kremonteyour client is FR?
08:39.08kremontesay yes prz
08:39.28kremontewhat would be the correct translation of, say
08:39.32kremontelinen bandage in fr
08:39.44kremonteparfait please :D
08:40.00Shouryuulet me think/search
08:40.09kremonteor any item's name really
08:40.15kremontei have a hunch with item links
08:43.33Shouryuulinnen banadage is probably bandage en lin
08:43.39Shouryuuby probably i mean 99% sure
08:43.52ShouryuuHeavy Linen Bandage = gros bandage en lin
08:44.05Shouryuuheave more or less = gros
08:45.24ShouryuuI got to run in 5 mins so hurry
08:46.04kremontein EN client
08:46.33Shouryuuhuh what?
08:46.45Shouryuuyou want linen bandage in EN client?
08:47.02kremonte1 sec
08:47.04Shouryuuin FR sorry
08:47.16Shouryuu <==== is the best you can get
08:47.20kremonteoi, i have the name
08:47.23kremonteare you on WoW atm?
08:47.39kremonteoh thats why i got dc'ed
08:48.16Shouryuuthe site I pointed you too has translations in english and searcing them in english works
08:49.06Shouryuuquetes = quests
08:49.15kremonteDEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("\124cffffffff\124Hitem:1251:0:0:0\124h[Bandage en lin]\124h\124r")
08:49.17kremonteworks in english client
08:49.21kremontei can send it in chat
08:49.35ShouryuuPNJ = NPC (Player non jouer = Non player character)
08:49.36kremontein other words, i can link [Bandage en lin] validly
08:49.58ShouryuuJCJ = Jouer contre joeur
08:50.05kremontewhich means
08:50.05ShouryuuJCJ = PvP
08:50.11ShouryuuI really got to run
08:50.13kremontethats how i can do [Wang]
08:50.16kremontethanks for the help
08:50.20kremonteyou confirmed my thoughts
08:50.26Shouryuucool =P
08:50.47kremonteshoe dragon|gone
09:00.44kremonteph34r the Jambieres de Nemesis, and the Gamaschen der Nemesis
09:00.45kremontethis is cute
09:07.58*** part/#wowi-lounge Sokol (
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09:48.53Depherioshow does this look? -- it was just a test image... but I think I like it enough to just keep it and call it good XD
09:49.27Depheriosgrr need to stop uploading things and forgetting what I named them... forget stupid comcast won't let me browse the directory structure
09:52.27[MoonWolf]looks nice to me.
09:52.40Depheriosnow just need to code it so they fade in as I die
09:53.17AnduinLothar:) reminds me of a xbox 360..
09:53.37DepheriosI just need a subtle... well... kick in the groin, to tell me I'm dying XD
09:53.47Depheriostoo used to Console games
09:53.49AnduinLothari know the feeling
09:53.52Depherioswhere I get a nice VIBRATION when I get hit
09:54.17Depherioswith wow .... it seems like every time I look away from my bar.... some Hunter starts hitting me... and next thing I know, I'm dead
09:54.45AnduinLotharmine's tom mid, hard to miss, unless i'm playing healbot in mc
09:54.56AnduinLotharbottom middle*
09:55.00Depheriosit's when I'm healing that that happens
09:55.07Depherios... my bar is that green thing by my buttons I stare at XD
09:55.17Depherios(which has no numbers yet, as I got sidetracked.... as usual)
09:56.02AnduinLotharmeh, making 288 wool bandages is taking a while..
09:56.52AnduinLotharlvling my first aid, maybe i'll sell um to the horde
09:57.19AnduinLothartoo bad i cant see their ah to see what they're seelign for their
09:58.04Depheriosyay anduin plays PvP XD
09:58.25AnduinLotharhate it. so hard to do anything
10:36.01Corrodiascheck agp aperture? check my ass and check your programming.. argh
10:37.38Corrodias"Error #134 - Driver internal error on resource lock. Check AGP aperature."
10:38.06[MoonWolf]Corrodias, well, go check it.
10:38.08Corrodiasi played for nearly 2 months before 1.9 without having it happen, and it has been what i'd call "rare to occasional" after it.
10:38.34DepheriosSounds like 1.9
10:38.43Depheriosdid blizz' lead devs on wow quit or something?
10:41.52Depherioshalf the time I play, I have no reputation with anybody, I've given up logging in and back out, as it seems to go on and off randomly... one minute I'm friendly with everybody... next it's like I'm level 10 and everybody is neutral again
10:42.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Eraphine|Disco (
10:45.56Corrodiasthat is a common bug
10:46.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
10:46.24Depheriosnever had it happen before 1.9... now it seems I have to check before I buy something
10:46.36Corrodiashowever, my crashes seem to be pretty much just me. that's not good.
10:46.38Depheriosor not care, like I''ve been doing
10:46.44Depheriosouch :P
10:48.54Corrodiasmight change my video drivers and reboot after all...
10:49.03Corrodiasi've been meaning to switch to this other set for a while
10:56.21[MoonWolf]Cogito cogito, ergo cogeto sum
11:22.05*** join/#wowi-lounge [MoonWolf] (
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11:25.42Corrodiasi'll try the dhzer0point mod of the 71.89's tomorrow, i think
11:25.54Corrodiasfor tonight, i'm going to eat cereal and go to bed after checking my auctions and such
11:26.08Corrodiasi'm running out of incendosaur scales...
11:28.37*** join/#wowi-lounge id` (
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12:45.14[MoonWolf]Today is a slow day on the internet.
12:54.52Corrodiasi'll sleep now. 'ni
12:55.58qwxyrhm, a while ago someone were talking about a automatic addon updater, any more news on that?
13:04.47[MoonWolf]i think you need zeeg for that thing.
13:10.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Stylpe (
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13:28.46[MoonWolf]indeed, rawwr
13:29.00[MoonWolf]I am so not bored </sarcasm>
13:30.08ShouryuuI should be studyin
13:30.11Shouryuubut I jsut can't...
13:31.07[MoonWolf]why not ?
13:31.25Shouryuucan't get my mind to it
13:31.32ShouryuuI just sit down and daydream...
13:32.23[MoonWolf]I should be doing some lab's at the moment, and instead i found myself a way to rip individual songs from a music stream....
14:02.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Tuatara (
14:40.30zeegwow thats a bit spooky
14:40.42zeegthey actually can delete the movies from my hdd
14:40.49zeeg"Looks like the file got corrupted..." etc.
14:41.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Verlaine (
15:14.51id`i wanted to scroll through my coument and i clicked and held my right mouse button and began to move my mous :|
15:21.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Shouryuu (
15:21.48ShouryuuWould anyone here know why, when trying to installing Ubuntu, my instalation gets stuck on a "ok, booting kernel" screen?
15:26.54[MoonWolf]Shouryuu, nope, sorry not a clue.
15:29.47Shouryuushucks =(
15:37.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Parak (
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16:19.05*** join/#wowi-lounge sweede (i=sweede@
16:20.26sweedeSo, anyone know where to find all the discord frame and bar and whatnot custom files that used to be on ?
16:22.22sweedeSo, what happened to then ?
16:23.04[MoonWolf]i don't have all the awnsers
16:23.21sweedewell what good are you then !!
16:23.47[MoonWolf]I make a mean curry!
16:27.59TainOoh curry
16:39.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Stylpe (
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17:49.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Ktron (
17:49.45Ktronafternoon everyone
17:50.58*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower|ZZzz (
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18:08.33Shouryuuok ubuntu seems to hate me so I'm trying something else, anyone got any suggestions?
18:08.51CideI like windows!
18:09.16Shouryuuyeah but I like change!
18:09.50Shouryuugentoo looks cool
18:10.08Shouryuubut there a link 6 download options and I have no idea which one to choose =(
18:12.16[MoonWolf]shouryuu, opensuse 10
18:13.02Ktrongentoo is intense heh
18:13.21Ktronnot for first few timers heh
18:13.40KtronI'd look into debian too
18:27.50KtronAlright, time to see if I can't do something ridiculuous heh
18:29.00TainYou keen do eet!
18:29.10Shouryuuhow do I know if I have i386 PPC Alpha or sparc?
18:29.20TainYou have i386
18:29.25Shouryuulol thanks
18:30.13Ktrongoing to see if I can use Flexbar to make some buttons or a bar, find the frame with moveanything, and rotate it with the new 1.9 features
18:30.30Ktronthink I'll have to 'rotate' each button separately
18:32.00FanookShour: i386 is intel/amd, ppc is PowerPC (Macs), Alpha and Sparc are workstation chipsets
18:32.23Shouryuuok cool thanks
18:34.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (
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18:38.02kremontemy links of [Wang] and [Children] are still going around in IF
18:38.42[MoonWolf]you can relink those things too ?
18:38.51kremontethey are valid
18:39.13Shouryuuwho's/what's wang
18:39.19kremontethe wang
18:39.20Shouryuunot a "valid" link
18:39.21[MoonWolf]I thought they would get autocorected to normal localisation when relinked.
18:39.25ShouryuuI know but why wang?
18:39.34kremonte[MoonWolf]: i can link [Bandage en lin]
18:39.40kremonteor [Gros bandage en lin]
18:39.45ShouryuuI though so to =P
18:39.56Ktronyeah, the text can be anything
18:40.07Ktronthe only stuff you need to be careful for is the actual link content
18:40.10kremonteKtron: it's not spoofing names onto ends of links
18:40.23kremonteit's not like omgz Nemesis Leggings  LOLO!!!
18:40.43kremonteit's (the actual text itself) being Gamaschen der Nemesis
18:41.09KtronI could make [Click here to See an awesome item!] link to some item... I don't think that would get corrected unless its new in 1.9
18:41.12kremontesince you can do that, links go aroundw ith chinese or korean text, and since the characters arent in arial narrow, it comes up as blank
18:41.16Ktronthink so anyway
18:41.26kremonteKtron: you can't just do that
18:41.42KtronYou sure?
18:41.51kremonteyou need the name of the item in the link
18:41.58KtronAight, you'd definitely know better than I would heh.
18:42.15kremonteyou can link with the itemid of nemessis leggings and do [Wang复仇护腿]
18:42.20Ktronoh, I follow it now
18:42.22Ktronthat's clever
18:42.28kremonteand since 复仇护腿 isn't in the characters in arial narrow, people only see Wang :]
18:43.11Shouryuuoh so wait, you linked the nemesses legging in chiness/korean and only wang came out?
18:43.19kremonteShouryuu: yes
18:43.31Shouryuucool =P
18:43.49Shouryuukraimonteuh = smarteuh
18:44.18Shouryuuactually it'll more be kreimonteuh than kraimonteuh
18:46.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Beladona (
18:46.50*** mode/#WoWI-lounge [+o Beladona] by ChanServ
18:48.07Shouryuusee ya
18:52.08Ktronwhat do people use for addon management? I used to use LoadIT, but apparently it's no longer being developed
18:52.34MentalPowerI use LoadIt! (it still works)
18:52.40kremonteaddon management?
18:53.10FanookI use favorites and Windows Explorer
18:53.22Ktronaddon management, like being able to enable/disable addons without retarting WoW (only a reload of the ui)
18:53.32kremontewho needs it E:
18:53.59KtronI like to be able to enable/disable addons, especially when I'm trying out new ones
18:56.18Ktrondoes that work with non-ace addons? and second, can ace give you a list of the current addons? and third, I'd really miss having the list in a separate gui
18:56.39id``no it doesnt work with non ace addons
18:57.04id``Ktron, have you even tried looking at /ace ?
18:57.54KtronI've looked through ace addons if that's what you mean and I've used /ace only a couple of times
18:58.20[MoonWolf]id``,  yes it does work with non ace addons
18:58.56id``i see
18:59.22kremontei dislike ace. E:
19:00.07kremontemany of the functions are restricted to ace-only addons
19:00.18pagefaultdo you get anything for becoming exaulted with your own faction?
19:00.28kremontepagefault: patriotism? E:
19:00.40kremontei love the gnome race
19:00.45kremontei minorly RP
19:01.18kremontei hate goblins because they are racist against gnomes :(
19:01.54Fanookthey aren't racist, just very very jealous :P
19:02.02kremonteFanook: my ass they aren't racist!
19:02.16kremonteguards in everlook aggroed me yesterday... for using escape artist...
19:03.07id``<kremonte> many of the functions are restricted to ace-only addons <-- how are you supposed to create a standard without restrictions?
19:03.56kremonteid``: what i mean is, it has lots of nice functions, but only extend so far. if i have a simple mod that does, say, one thing, and i want that extra functionality, i need to add ace as a dep which is no good, in comparison to mod sizes
19:04.19kremonteplus, lots of ace mods require other ace mods (from what i've seen), thus, if you just want one mod you need quite a few more, which is also no good (imo)
19:04.36id``kremonte, but you should think the other way around
19:04.45id``install ace, then look at wich acemods you can use
19:05.22Beladonasome people see it silly to load a large library for one or two addons
19:05.22id``dont download a mod and conclude you need ace for just that and then dump it
19:05.25kremonteyeah, but both my machines that i use to play WoW get unusually low performance (cause of which i still have no idea)
19:05.26KtronThe reason I don't use ace is because I use MoveAnything and Flexbar, and I haven't learned (nor am I sure I want to invest the time to learn) Visor well enough to replace them-- oh, and lootlink too-- and those three, being the majority of my loadtime don't benefit from Ace
19:05.39kremonteso if i have 8 mods to run one
19:05.47kremontewell, i can just get/make a non-ace version and get better performance
19:06.02[MoonWolf]The point hoever of ace is is to take the things we know that every mod ends up doing on its own and impementing only those things in ace.
19:06.08sweedeis it me, or do people talk about ace more than anything in this channel?
19:06.08TainNot necessarily, kremonte.  However that's more a functino of coding effeciency than Ace.
19:06.13TainIt's you.
19:06.18sweedefrom the limited time i've lurked in here..
19:06.25TainI'd say there's more Cosmos talk.
19:06.28TainNot that either is a bad thing.
19:06.36kremontei'm not saying ace is bad. if you have use for a good deal of mods, it's great
19:06.54kremontebut just to use one mod and have 3 other deps, ace is more of a gimped leg than a robotic one
19:06.54[MoonWolf]A lot of the people who code for ace hang here so yes a lot of ace discussion goes around sometimes.
19:06.55id``kremonte, i use 14MB of ram
19:07.13kremonteid``: with 14mb of mem usage i get 9FPS in IF
19:07.17[MoonWolf]however our eternal nemmisis sea gets discussed here a lot too.
19:07.21Beladonathe drawbacks of ace are the same drawbacks any library faces. By itself ace is a very good thing. It just loses usefullness the less mods you have that use it
19:07.35id``kremonte, with 14MB of ram i use 21 addons
19:07.40id``almost all ace
19:07.40[MoonWolf]Beladona, spot on.
19:07.47kremonteid``: but i don't need all that
19:07.49id``thats why i said, think the other way around
19:07.52TainThat is true Beladona, but there is another side of Ace that goes beyond just the library.
19:07.56sweedewow.. you need a new video card..
19:08.05kremontesweede: i'm using a geforce 6800
19:08.07id``sweede, ram usage ingame
19:08.11Beladonaso for someone that wants one addon that is an ace addon, loading the library is more of a cost than a benefit
19:08.23sweedei use like, 80 megs of ram in game and i get 60fps almost everywhere.
19:08.24kremonteBeladona: what kind of performance do you get, mind enlightening sweede?
19:08.26id``sweede, not card ram capacity
19:08.32kremonte80megs of UI mem? haha
19:08.36kremontethat's cute
19:08.41id``but WRONG
19:08.41sweedestupid gatherer
19:08.43TainA lot of people who write Ace addons are very code efficency conciencious.  Not all addon authors are.
19:08.48kremonteyou must have a very garbled UI
19:08.54kremonteTain: oi, i see that
19:08.56BeladonaI get 60fps easily
19:09.02TainWhich isn't to say that all Ace addons authors are, or that no others are.  But it is something I personally like.
19:09.03[MoonWolf]and not all ace addon coders are , but a lot of them are.
19:09.17kremonteall i want's visor and shardace
19:09.37sweedeon wednesday, a guy in our guild was like  (during eranikus) was like "man, with all these people around, my fps dropped to around 80".there was over 500people in moonglade..
19:09.41[MoonWolf]in theory having more then one ace addon makes up for the extra code in it.
19:09.41sweedewe were like stfu
19:09.44[MoonWolf]in "theory"
19:09.53TainAnd of course not every addon benefits just from being Aced.  For example my Titain rewrite isn't.
19:10.13kremontefor 2 mods, i'd need 4 though
19:10.27kremonteand that could be accomplished with less memory usage with non-ace versions, IMHO.
19:10.35[MoonWolf]kremonte, wich mods ?
19:10.38Tainkremonte: It depends what youre talking about.
19:10.42Beladonawhat does he have, a 7800 and 4gb ram?
19:10.49kremonteVisor and ShardAce
19:10.55TainI can tell you for example that Ace+Visor takes up less memory that FlexBars or DAB alone.
19:11.12Beladonathat isn't true with every addon though Tain
19:11.13sweedebeladona, thats what i have, he has dual p4 extreame uber things, 4 g of ram and a pair of 7800gtx with the dual core on each card.
19:11.15[MoonWolf]i cannot comment on shardace never used it.
19:11.15kremonteTain: aye, but I don't really need the extra buttons
19:11.19Beladonait is all in the way it was coded
19:11.21kremonteit's more of a
19:11.21TainI didn't say it was, Beladona.  I was saying there are examples of it.
19:11.22sweedecooled, overclocked like a moofoo.
19:11.26kremontei want more ease of use
19:11.28sweedesaid it was 9k. :|
19:11.36TainDepending on what you want to use.  In this cae kremonte said Visor and Shardthingy
19:11.38BeladonaI like the idea behind ace
19:11.40id``Beladona, the thing is, when an addon gets converted to ace; watch the inprovement
19:11.43[MoonWolf]kremonte, remove the visor modules yo do not need.
19:11.46Beladonabut it doesn't cater to minimalists like me
19:12.01id``Beladona, im the superduper minimalist
19:12.07kremonte[MoonWolf]: i don't know how visor modules work :]
19:12.15kremonteas of right now, the only addons i have enabled
19:12.17Beladonaid: I still maintain that not EVERY addon will gain an improvement from ace conversion
19:12.18TainIt sort of does, Beladona.  Well, no not that it does.  It can.
19:12.24kremonteCountDoom, ImmolateWatch, Panda, GetLink, Spoofer
19:12.26kremontethat's all =/
19:12.34id``Beladona, yes, thats true, thats why one of my addons isnt ace
19:12.44id``too small
19:12.51Beladonabut if you have tons of addons, like many people do
19:12.58Beladonathere is a big improvement if most are ace
19:13.10TainIt just all depends on the addon.
19:13.33kremontebut just for those two addons
19:13.36kremontewould it be worth it?
19:13.58id``So i must stress again, do not ditch an addon because you dont want to use ace for one addon. Use ace and then look for addons that offer functionality to one's you used to use.
19:14.00Beladonahard to say until you test it both ways
19:14.01TainI say try and see.
19:14.10id``kremonte, pm?
19:14.17kremontepm urglrgrlgrlgrgl?
19:14.20BeladonaI do one better id
19:14.23id``i pmed you 10 mins ago
19:14.29kremonteon irc?
19:14.31BeladonaI strip all addons of features I don't need
19:14.32*** join/#wowi-lounge slouken (
19:14.38kremonteyou must not be identified
19:14.38TainHey slouken
19:14.40kremonte'lo slo
19:14.43id``oh oops
19:14.49Fanookgreetings slouken
19:14.56Beladonaslouken in da hizouse
19:14.59sloukenHey, somebody whisper to me (testing a new IRC client)
19:14.59TainI used to do that Beladona until I got annoyed with having to re-do it each new version.
19:15.26BeladonaI ahve a pretty good system for that Tain, similar to the system I use for interface compares
19:15.41sloukenThanks guys. :)
19:15.51Beladona3 way compares, with my version, the version it is based, and the new one
19:15.52cladhaireheyas Slouken
19:15.55kremonteslouken: who wrote the linking code?
19:15.59sloukenHey cladhaire
19:16.03sloukenWhat linking code?
19:16.05TainI'm sure it's easier if you set up something to make life easier for yourself.  I just got annoyed doingit myself and gave up on it. :)
19:16.28kremonteslouken: the code for analyzing item links
19:16.37kremontecome back!
19:16.45kremonteBeladona: what kind of q on draka?
19:16.50TainAsking slouken about work-stuff is bad. :(
19:16.58BeladonaI didn't have a q
19:16.58sweedehe was like "oh no itemlink question, f-that !!"
19:17.01Beladonaat all
19:17.19TainEspecially given the item link stuff that has come out of here by some people. :)
19:17.46kremonteseriously, i want to find slouken and hit him in the head with a [ROAR HULK SMASH] weapon
19:17.53*** join/#wowi-lounge slouken (
19:17.54kremonteBeladona: what side of draka
19:18.04sloukenXiRCON wins!
19:18.08sweededid someone sending you a priv msg crash your client ?
19:18.11cladhairei'l have to take a look at it
19:18.16kremontethe code for analyzing item links, whether or not id DCs you
19:18.31kremonteit DCs you*
19:18.33sloukenIt's simple, does everything I want, and it's free, my three favorite things in software.
19:18.33Beladonanext version of wine is looking good
19:18.46Beladonadecent dx support
19:18.46sloukenkremonte, I wrote it, why?
19:19.01sloukenbela, cool
19:19.13kremonteslouken: it's possible to, sort-of, spoof the entire name of a link
19:19.17sweedewouldnt it be better to return item not found instead of disconnecting the client ?
19:19.18sloukenHmm, I'm not familiar with that fish
19:19.30sloukenkremonte, how so?
19:19.35kremonteslouken: item links don't check for localization
19:19.44sloukenThey do, actually
19:19.52kremonteobviously not =X
19:20.00kremonteslouken: [Bandage en lin] passes by on an enUS client, on a US server
19:20.08BeladonaI think slouken would know
19:20.13sloukenOh, yes, that's by design
19:20.14kremonteBeladona: how am i linking them then :D
19:20.18sweedewhat does he know.. its not like he wrote it or anything.
19:20.24kremonteslouken: so, I can link Benediction with it's Korean name
19:20.35kremontesince korean fonts aren't in arial narrow, the links show up as []
19:20.38sloukenThe EU servers were getting people disconnected when they re-linked other people's links.
19:20.48sloukenRight... so?
19:20.50kremonteand since we can already add text to begginning/ends of links
19:20.52BeladonaI figured it had something to do with that
19:20.54kremontei can come out with [Wang]
19:21.01kremonteor WTS [Children] PST
19:21.09sloukenYou can't do that in 1.10
19:21.12sweedeomg how!! that'd be so fun to do.
19:21.17sloukenThe link is fully validated.
19:21.38kremonteslouken: so [Wang] is working as intended? =P
19:21.46sloukenMine is, dunno about yours. :)
19:21.49kremonteBeladona: what side on draka are you on?
19:22.00cladhairenew signature =)
19:22.41sloukenkremonte, in 1.10 the link is fully validated.  I didn't before, for efficiency reasons, but since it allows things like that, I've already fixed it so you can't do it anymore.
19:23.07kremonteoh. we'll i can't play 1.10 right now
19:23.18sloukenCongratulations, you can sell your [Wang]. :)
19:23.19Beladonacan't wait for test
19:23.41Maldiviasweede: they did ealier :)
19:23.46BeladonaI like disconnecting
19:23.48TainBoom boom
19:23.57Beladonaif you are trying to spoof = "get outta here gimp!"
19:24.09TainIt's a good strategy.
19:24.17Beladonapeople tend to stop doing things that hurt
19:24.24TainSome people, at least. :)
19:24.40TainOw. Quit it. Ow. Quit it.
19:24.41sweedethe main reason why i think it should be changed, is because i'll be sitting there for an hour doing something cool in discord art, etc.. and some moron links an item into guild chat and i click on it and i get disconencted and the hour of my messign with discord is lost.
19:24.49Beladonathank you sir, may I have another!
19:24.54Maldiviawell, for spoofing, it's nice... but I can't link all the AQ drops from my item database I got in test server :|
19:25.01TainThat's what you get for playing with Discord without saving.
19:25.22Maldiviasweede: you dont get disconnected for clicking a link...
19:25.27Maldiviaif you get a link, it's valid...
19:25.31Beladonaif it got linked, it is valid
19:25.38Beladonasomething else is wrong
19:25.38sweedeywith lootlink you can display invalid links.
19:25.55Maldiviayes, but you can't send them via chat-channels
19:26.01sweedei have.
19:26.12sweedeor at least in 1.8 i have.
19:26.37TainDo you ever get the feeling that the people on the other end would be a lot happier if people didn't keep running addons that broke the wonderful game they made. :)
19:26.57cladhaireSlouken: DId you guy end up hiring someone new for the UI position?
19:27.12TainYeah I'm still waiting for my signing bonus.
19:27.12sweedei would comment on that one tain, but slouken wouldnt like it :)
19:27.29kremonteoh, for example with the links
19:27.40Tain~emulate Saien
19:27.44purlThis is a stunningly stupid question to direct at me.
19:27.45kremontethat lootlink data passes through as []
19:28.00sweedeunless of course, disconnecting the client IS the caught exception handler to an invalid item link...
19:28.32[MoonWolf]i think it is.
19:28.41[MoonWolf]and i think that is working as intended.
19:28.44[MoonWolf]and i like it that way.
19:29.05Beladonakremonte: it passed through correctly, your client just doesn't know how to handle the text
19:29.06Maldiviaslouken: I know you're off work, so just a yes/no, if you remember... are OnUpdate calls queued up at ui load, until all frames are loaded (but arg1 still contains the elapsed from when it should have been called)
19:29.20kremonteBeladona: it's not really a handling the text, it's just that it's not in arialn
19:29.28BeladonaI think they did that as a temporary fix to prevent people getting disconnected for links in other languages
19:29.37TainGuys post on the forums with questions like that please.
19:30.19MaldiviaTain: yeah, I just remembered we had a discussion about it here yesterday :)
19:30.49sweedefyi - popcorn jelly bellys are the most disgusting thing ever..
19:31.03TainOooh those are good, sweede.  Butter popcorn?  Or plain popcorn?
19:31.27cladhaireSlouken should put on his off-work hat =)
19:31.34sweedebutter.. it was nasty..
19:31.39Tainfyi - Dirt flavoured jelly bellys are nasty.
19:31.44TainI like the butter popcorn ones. :)
19:31.55sweedethe dirt one are good, !!
19:32.04TainAlas!  Earwax.
19:32.47sweedei'll earwax you!!
19:32.55TainRight in the eye!
19:33.01Ktronsweede, backing way up, I think Ace gets talked about a lot here because some of the dev's here work with Ace or at least Aced addons, and it's a very relevant decision almost every new addon needs to make
19:33.34id`10/12 peers, 54/62 seeds; 20 up 20 down     <-- shitty bittorrent GO FASTER IVE UPLOADED 3GB ALREADY greedy people >:(
19:33.50kremonteid`: any chance of having those 2 mods aced? =P
19:33.59kremontethen i'd definitely use ace, heh
19:33.59id`kremonte, heh, im just a beginner :(
19:34.10id`kremonte, ask in the ace forums
19:34.13id`kremonte, true
19:34.17id`kremonte, ?
19:34.40[MoonWolf]kremonte, it is. id` is a fine coder. he simply does not know a lot.
19:34.44TainWhat 2 mods?
19:34.55id`If you'd ask there it would be a community effort, that's _always_ good :P
19:35.14sweedei need to finish writing the mod i started...
19:35.17id`kremonte, i mix 4 languages a day so i kind of stick to a certain level with some of them :|
19:35.19kremonteTain: ImmolateWatch and CountDoom
19:35.25Beladonamight be nice to ask the developer of the mod first
19:35.28TainNever herad of them!
19:35.29cladhairewhat do they do
19:35.42cladhaireCountDoom can be done with a small timex entry easily
19:35.45kremontewarlock mod
19:35.57kremonteimmolatewatch keeps track of your immolate, and how much time left on it
19:35.59kremontefor use with conflag
19:36.02TainDoes Count Doom go, "One!  One doom!  ah ah ah ah!"
19:36.10[MoonWolf]Tain, hahaa
19:36.19cladhaireit should
19:36.58TainOh wow, I just had an idea that is both terrifying and fantastic.
19:37.07id`tell us
19:37.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (
19:37.29TainYou can replace sound files in the game with your own, but I never really thought much about it.
19:37.30Temuh oh
19:37.44[MoonWolf]this is going to be good i think
19:37.47TainBut.. I just flashed back to the Army of Darkness soundpack for Doom.
19:37.52Beladonasound packs
19:37.58kremonteBeladona: check out guild chat
19:38.07TainSee this!  This is my boom stick!
19:38.15BeladonaI have something like 60gb of just sound clips
19:38.34FanookBP Shirase is a great show
19:38.38kremontesee, Beladona =P
19:38.39id`hope so
19:38.50id`faster, faster!
19:38.54Temid`: did you need something?
19:38.54TainOh!  Oh!  Combine it with the Kapow addon with the real Batman 60s series sound effects!
19:39.04id`Tem, no, just saying hai2u
19:39.08Temah ok
19:39.24TainAnd you could have it flash the big, "Pow!" graphic too!
19:39.55TainI'd never be able to play.  I'd be laughing too hard every fight.
19:40.20BeladonaTain, the old batman sounds when you hit something, AND random texture popups with <POW> <KAPOW> <BANG>
19:40.33Beladonanm someone beat me to it
19:40.53BeladonaTo the bat cave!
19:41.35TainCook faster pizza, damnit.
19:41.59FanookTain: What is this Kapow?
19:42.20sloukenThanks guys, see ya later!
19:43.35TainFanook: It's an addon that makes you say a bunch of random things when you attack something.  Like bam and biff and pow
19:43.44TainI think it was in
19:43.47*** part/#wowi-lounge Tem (
19:43.50Tainkapoow or kaapoow or something like that.
19:44.11sweedethats definitly something trivial and pointless...
19:44.13kremontedamn game
19:44.15kremontekeeps DCing me D:
19:44.15sweedei need to download.
19:44.23TainStop link spoofing!  ;)
19:44.30Fanookah, found it
19:44.40sweedethere was something i was going to ask.. but i forgot.....
19:44.45Ktronweren't we told to stop link spoofing but slouken?
19:45.08Beladonahaha kremonte
19:45.32kremontemy fault
19:45.35kremontedidnt save it as unicode
19:45.43kremontepfft Ktron
19:45.46kremonteill spoof as much as i want
19:45.55kremonteyou can kiss my legendary [Ass] =P
19:46.02Beladona1.10 is going to seriously kickass
19:46.12Beladonadynamic frame/texture creation from lua
19:46.21TainPizza's done.
19:46.21[MoonWolf]away with .xml files
19:46.27[MoonWolf]they make my head hurt anyway.
19:46.28kremonteDCed again
19:46.29Ktronheh, and hopefully 1.10 won't include link-checking
19:46.40sweededont care about none of that.. whatever patch they dont nerf mages in, is kickass :)
19:46.40Beladonaonly thing is
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19:46.49TainNerf mages!
19:46.55Beladonaif they have Create functions, they need Destroy functions
19:47.24sweedeframe:hide() ftl
19:47.37TainWhat was the example someone tried to use?  If you make onion soup you can't go and take the onion out later.
19:47.48TainOr something.
19:48.00Beladonathat isn't really valid
19:48.13Fanookcrackers, crackers and soup
19:48.15Beladonaif you buy an apple, you should be able to eat it
19:48.33kremontebela outmetaphored you
19:48.57TainSure you can eat it.  But as soon as you do it's not destroyed, it's part of something else.
19:49.12kremontedoes anyone on draka have benediction
19:49.12sweedewait a second.. call me crazy, but do i remember someone saying that their UI was only using 14 megs of ram, but they got horrible fps ?
19:49.14kremonteor anything legendary
19:49.22TainIt's got to do withthe law of conservation of frames.
19:49.31kremontegah, i need a low level epic
19:49.43kremonteanyone got any ideas?
19:49.48kremontethe name of one =xX
19:49.52TainAuction House :)
19:49.58kremontename of one
19:50.05sweedekrol blade ftw
19:50.08TainNope I don't know.
19:50.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Eraphine (
19:50.13sweedeeasy 800g on hellscream
19:50.36kremontekrol blade works
19:51.06sweedeso how do you format an item link for use in chat like that ?
19:51.23kremontei need something linkable to make a []
19:51.28kremonteon draka
19:52.48Beladonaback to playing =D
19:53.05kremontei just said WTB[Social Life] in org
19:56.04kremontesweede: want a hint?
19:56.12sweedeto know how?
19:59.29sweedeso i paste that like /script DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(ITEM_QUALITY_COLORS[3].hex .. "\124Hitem:16703:0:0:0\124h[&#39740;&#38654;&#25252;&#33109;]\124h\124r") and then.
19:59.56kremonteyou need to convert the &#.....; to chinese chars
19:59.58TainDamn I missed, "Stupid in America" last night. A special report on how American children are dumber than the rest of the world because of our poor school system.
19:59.59kremontethen you get blank links
20:00.06kremontewith which you spoof text onto
20:00.14kremonteTain: lol?
20:00.24kremonteamerica has some of the best general public education
20:01.01TainAh, I'd disagree.  But that's what the report was about.
20:01.26sweedekremonte you really think that the american education system is on par with the rest of the world ?
20:01.26TainShowing other country's school systems and how they differ from the US, and why those students score higher on aptitude tests.
20:02.12id`and how us people always tell ym my school systems sucks when they ask me what i do
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20:03.01TainOf course as Mark Twain said (possibly paraphrasing), "Don't let school get in the way of your education."
20:18.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
20:29.19Beladonahiya Iriel
20:37.20Cideevening here :)
20:39.05sweedeis there an event that fires when someone in teh party changes targets ?
20:39.49sweedeim trying to modify nymbias perl frames to have a party target frame, but i cant get it to change target properly.
20:39.56sweedewhen the party member changes target
20:41.04Cideyou have to poll it every so often
20:45.45IrielCide: How did the 'why is CTRA a dog' investigation go?
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20:46.28Cidestill remains a mystery
20:47.16IrielAnd yet the slowdown isn't on general framerate, only on event handling for RAID_ROSTER_UPDATE ?
20:47.46Cidewell, there is probably slowdown compared to not having it installed due to the issues you took up yesterday, but nothing that major
20:49.19CideI mean, it must either be code running in the XML (and I can't find any that would do that), or it is due to some other mod that either CTRA hooks which isn't nulled out by the getfenv loop, or some other mod that depends on CTRA.. I can't think of any other possibilities
20:49.48Irieldoes it appear dependent on raid size?
20:50.08Cidewell, group size at the very least
20:50.22Cideit is most noticable when switching between two groups with 5 people in them
20:50.32Maldiviaa very mysterious bug...
20:50.52IrielAnd the problem isn't exhibited by the bliz UI?
20:52.16Cideit still happened when CTRA hooked the load function to keep it from loading (other addons could load it still of course, but I don't have any that does it and I could still see it happening)
20:53.36IrielI guess what I meant is, if you DONT have CTRA installed, but do use the blizzard UI
20:54.03IrielAlso, does RAID_ROSTER_UPDATE fire once, or multiple times, for changes like group switching?
20:54.28Cidenot entirely sure, I believe it only fires once, but I can check
20:54.52CideI'll also disable ctra in a min
20:55.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Stylpe (
20:56.50Cideonly fires once
20:57.06Iriel(As you can tell, I dont raid much/ever)
20:57.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (
20:57.47MaldiviaCide: were you on test-server, in the beginning, when there was a log on "pauses" when raid-changes occured - no matter if CTRA was installed or not ?
20:58.12Cidethat was the reason I spent like 24h there total
20:58.50Maldiviabut the again, I haven't experienced the pauses since release... dont use CTRA anymore though
20:58.52Cidedisabling CTRA now
20:59.13Cidewe're doing onyxia, 33 people in raid should be a good testing environment
20:59.25TemAnyone who has a priest or main: When does dotting critters and watching them run away only to die from the first tick get old?
20:59.42Tems/priest or/priest/
20:59.47Cidenever Tem
20:59.54Temgod I love this
20:59.56MaldiviaIriel: I see you like my clock - hehe :)
21:00.12Cidebut I love doign it on sheeped mobs in ZG too
21:00.25Temit's almost as fun as sheeping rats then wanding them on my mage
21:00.30TemCide, mages hate you
21:00.45CideI'm sure
21:00.47Temesp when it's a sheeped blooddrinker
21:00.53Cidethat's my favorite target
21:01.02Cideor wanding all the CC'd mobs when we're doing hexxer
21:01.03Tembecause who does he run up to eat? the mage who sheeped him
21:01.12Cidehave you done him Tem?
21:01.22Maldiviasheep - Fire Blast is also a fun combo :)
21:01.24Temwe've almost done all of ZG
21:01.34Cidethere are like 8x 10 pulls
21:01.36Temjust not Hexxer or the summoned bosses
21:01.43Cidethe mobs have a stackable curse
21:01.44Temoh right, We tried one of those once
21:01.49Temit sucked hardcore
21:01.52Cideadds 500 physical damage per stacking
21:02.07Cideall mages die on every pull pretty much
21:02.16Cidewe can do it without deaths by CCing, but it takes forever
21:02.29Cidenow it just takes 15 min and some repair costs for some of us ;)
21:02.56Tembut that's fine because the Hexxer drops a blue hat that's as good as NW crown
21:04.05IrielMaldivia : The hour hand seems to move oddly tho.
21:04.33MaldiviaIriel: hmm
21:04.37IrielAh, you have a / 60 where you need a / 12
21:04.45Irielwhen calculating vals[3]
21:05.07IrielActually, no, that's not the right factor, but that's the right place, I think
21:05.26IrielAh, yes, I was right with /12
21:05.46Temoh sweet! A lumberjack axe
21:05.52Temthat will sell for 1s!
21:06.13MaldiviaIriel: ahh, hehe - ups :)
21:06.24IrielI'd also stick the LineDrawClockFrame textures into an array so you're not constantly creating their names and getgloballing them in an OnUpdate
21:07.47CideIriel: no lag as far as I can tell with CTRA disabled
21:07.56IrielCide; Curiouser and curiouser
21:08.13IrielDoes anyone know if, on one frame's OnMouseDown, I can move another frame under the mouse and call StartMoving on it?
21:08.41Iriel(If not, I can test it quick enough, just wanted to save myself some time if it wont work)
21:08.49CideI don't see why not
21:11.14MaldiviaIriel: fixed :)
21:11.28Temaye Iriel I don't see why not
21:12.10IrielCool, time to try and write a move/rotate/scale dragging module
21:14.09MaldiviaIriel: do you know why the lines (like the hand in the clock) aren't anti-aliased, if multisamling is enabled ?
21:15.47IrielIt's probably because of how textures are stretched, the edge represents a whole bunch of 'image space' pixels.
21:16.18IrielThe tradeoff being you may end up with softer edges on your lines
21:16.33*** join/#wowi-lounge sweede (i=sweede@
21:17.47IrielYou could try a rectangular line template, say 32x128, but make sure there's a 1 pixel pad along the long edges, and a 4 pixel pad on the short ones (and set the factor to 30/32)
21:20.19sweedewhats the function for getting an NPC's faction? like the everlook bruisers belong to steamwiddle cartel or whatever
21:20.29sweedeUnitFactionGroup("target") doesnt seem to give me what im looking for.
21:20.40IrielYou need to scan their tooltip
21:21.03sweedethat sucks
21:21.15IrielIt's not that hard 8-)
21:21.35sweedewell, its not for a tooltip, its for the target frame
21:21.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Sokol (
21:21.58IrielWell, you can cache the ones you know about lately
21:22.03Irieland save yourself looking it up constantly
21:23.44sweedeo well, i guess its not that important..
21:24.18sweedealthough i do wonder why my reputation pane is yet again broken
21:24.33IrielI just realized, 1.10 gives us dynamically creatable GameTooltip objects!
21:25.00IrielI wonder how well they'll work given the lack of templates for the dynamic stuff, guess we'd have to create the fontstring's too
21:25.04Cide1.10 gives us MS Paint ;)
21:26.27TemIriel, with some proper framework code, the lack of templates isn't an issue
21:26.58Temwhich is the reason I'm writing this framework now
21:27.05IrielTem: That's what I SUSPECT, but i dont know if gametooltip does anything special internally
21:27.08Temso I can start developing a framework for the 1.10 code
21:27.13IrielIt's a bit of an anomaly in the world of Frame objects
21:27.21TemI suppose
21:27.40Tembut I would think that just having the right frontstrings there would do the trick
21:27.46IrielI'm hoping so
21:28.30Temdo we have any thoughts on how far off 1.10 is?
21:29.38IrielNo idea, I'm guessing it'll be a similar period of time between 1.9 launch and 1.10 test as it was between 1.8 launch and 1.9 test
21:30.07TemI'm so anxious...
21:30.21Tembah it's 3:30 again and I haven't had lunch yet
21:30.28TemI really need to work on that...
21:31.39IrielI wonder if I remembered to plug my scanner back in
21:31.46CideIriel: would you think it's CTRA itself causing the lag? I know it's pretty hard to say for sure, but it seems weird with all the things we have tried, even though other things definitely point that way
21:32.50IrielMy current best theory is that it's something about CTRA's frames, and an interaction with something else
21:32.57Irielbut I have no idea what that something else would be
21:34.21CideI wonder
21:34.38CideI could replace all frames with an empty template and null all functions
21:35.09Cideif something is messing with the frames it would probably cause nil errors, but I doubt something is (directly at least)
21:35.34IrielI'm suspecting it's not something explicitly trying to get CTRA's frames
21:35.48IrielJust something which is sensitive to the number of frames on screen or somesuch
21:35.50CideI doubt so too
21:36.22IrielIt could be something as simple as the event triggering some part of the standard UI to re-anchor some frames, and that forcing a re-evaluation of all frame anchors
21:36.33IrielI really dont know thoug, that's a guess
21:36.44Irielbut CTRA does appear to create an awful lot of nested frames
21:37.25Cideassuming it is a re-evaluation of frame anchors
21:37.49Cidewould that be a new "necessary evil", or a bug? seeing as it didn't lag in 1.8
21:38.03Irielwell,it could be either really
21:38.09Irielthe 'bug' wouldn't be yours, if it was one
21:38.10CideI'm sure slouken will have a more precise answer than you though :)
21:38.55Irielyeah, he'll know what's under the covers
21:39.09Irielbut I think we need to be able to demonstrate the exact issue before we can get him to weigh in
21:39.34Cideassuming it is a re-evaluation of all frame anchors
21:39.38Irielif we could make it happen WITHOUT the event i'd feel much happier
21:40.04Cidereplacing the member template with an empty frame should fix the issue
21:41.59Cideto get about the same amount of lag one raid_roster_update event causes naturally, I have to loop CT_RA_OnEvent("RAID_ROSTER_UPDATE") at least 30 times
21:42.45Tem|Fooddoes your event handler take the event global as an argument?
21:43.04Tem|Foodso you could try CT_RA_OnEvent("RAID_ROSTER_UPDATE")
21:43.09CideI did
21:43.13Cide/script for i = 1, 30, 1 do CT_RA_OnEvent("RAID_ROSTER_UPDATE") end
21:43.13Tem|Foodand nothing?
21:43.16Cidecauses about the same amount of lag
21:43.22Cideone time is unnoticable
21:44.18Cidegoing to try to see if the same thing happens with only player names showing for each member
21:44.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Fanook (
21:45.52Cidewith only player names showing (hiding bars/buffs), it is definitely less lag
21:45.55Cideif any at all
21:46.15Cideyep, no lag at all
21:46.29Irielaha, that's a start
21:46.58Cideintroducing buffs didn't change
21:47.59Cideneither did energy/rage bars (3 ropgues/2 warriors in raid)
21:48.21Cideintroducing health bars added the lag
21:48.39IrielWell, that's a start
21:50.10Cidedoesn't seem to happen with mana bars though
21:51.18Cideenabling health bars
21:51.44Cideit still happens when they are hidden, as long as the code thinks they are shown
21:52.08Cideso it might be the code after all
21:52.48Irielbut just the health bars?
21:52.51Irielnot the mana ones?
21:53.18Cidecorrect, they are handled differently though
22:04.26IrielHey cide, I had some interesting metatable ideas for how you could clean up a bunch of the CTRA frame finding code
22:04.46Cidethat'd be awesome
22:04.51IrielShould I write up an example for you?
22:05.30IrielBasically youd be able to replace the whole
22:05.42Irielgetglobal(frame:GetName() .. "CastFrame") with something like
22:06.03Cidethat would help a lot I can imagine
22:06.36CideI could probably rewrite a lot of code to use local castFrame = getglobal(name .. "CastFrame") too, and stuff like that
22:06.48cladhaireEvening all.. Cair is doing well as is headed back home as we speak (for those who were wondering =)
22:06.58IrielYes, that too would help, but there's a lot of places where yo just use each subframe once.
22:07.09Cideyeah, true
22:07.09IrielId noticed her lack of presence, but hadn't attributed it to anything sinister
22:07.28IrielThis way you could do a transition
22:07.37cladhaireShe was just on a minor roadtrip and happened to head my way (I'm about 4 hours south of her)
22:07.39Irielstart with explicit lookups from a cache structure
22:07.53IrielThen localize the first part
22:08.11Irielcladhaire : Aha, cool, so you've joined the "I've met cair" club!
22:11.04cladhaireIndeed =)
22:11.14cladhairethe cool kids club if you will
22:11.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Tuatara (
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22:32.05MaldiviaIriel: do you know how big an overhead getglobal has?
22:32.15Irieljust a functioncall really
22:32.51IrielWell, technically, global symbol lookup + function call
22:32.58Irielthe function call part is the biggest bit
22:33.12IrielThe real question is, why are you asking
22:33.25Maldiviayour FrameCache
22:33.27Irieldepending on what you're doing there are numerous different approaches to addressing that overhead
22:34.03Irielreally my objection to most of the CTRA stuff is calling :GetName() all the time
22:34.07IrielTHAT has quite an overhead
22:34.19MaldiviaI should probably check my mod :)
22:34.21Irielthose string appends aren't free either
22:35.04*** join/#wowi-lounge sweede (i=sweede@
22:38.39Irielok, this code seems to work!
22:39.28IrielI put gratuitous comments at the top 8-)
22:40.21IrielIt should run extremely quickly, and has minimal overhead
22:44.52CideIriel: you suggest using a local to reference the global, what does that help?
22:44.52IrielHm, actually there's a bit that doesn't need to be there
22:45.04IrielCide: it means there's no global symbol table dereference at runtime
22:45.10Iriellocals are all bound at compile time
22:45.26Irielif you're going to reference something thousands of times, it helps a little
22:45.35CideI see, thanks
22:45.53Iriellet me just fix the one icky bit tho
22:48.09IrielAck, no
22:48.30IrielThat one's it
22:48.35IrielSilly cut and paste 8-)
22:48.49Maldiviahmm... don't know what the most frightning thing is... that you can just whip that out... or that I actually understand it :)
22:49.59IrielMetatables are strange beasts, btu once you know how they work they're fairly simple
22:50.42Maldiviayeah, never used them myself though
22:50.46[MoonWolf]metatables scare me
22:52.08IrielThey're nothing to be too afraid of
22:52.30MaldiviaUhh... I spot a typo... in a comment :)
22:52.38IrielWith __index and __newindex at least 8-)
22:52.54IrielOh? Where?
22:53.41IrielI'll correct my reference copy, thanks.. The pastebin can stay wrong 8-)
22:54.09Maldiviajust did a grep in a mod of mine... 132 references to GetName :)
22:54.28IrielIt's not necessarily evil on its own, but lots of the time it's called too often
22:55.20Maldiviayeah... most of the code is init code
22:56.34Maldiviaif I ignore one-time calls - down to 72 references :)
22:57.13CideIriel: another typo in the comments
22:57.27Cideyou did C[CT_RAMember].HPBar and said it referenced CT_RAMember1HPBar
22:57.44IrielThanks, fixed in my copy too
22:58.26IrielThere's one on line 24 too, thisw instead of this
22:59.52IrielI'll clean the code up one more time 8-)
23:04.20IrielThere's the new cleaner version
23:04.35Irielno functional difference really (except an extra check to avoid an infinte loop if someone wanted to break it)
23:05.14Maldiviahave you tried benchmarking it - comparing it to getglobal(this:GetName() .. "bla") ... ?
23:06.00IrielMaldivia : No 8-) But i'e done similar benchmarks for the more general case of local lookup versus fetch/append/getglobal
23:06.03Irielso I KNOW this is faster
23:06.10IrielI just dont know how much
23:06.29Maldiviaok :)
23:06.35IrielThe first hit for a given entry might be marginally slower (since I have to create a subtable)
23:06.50Irielbut 2nd and subsequent will be faster because it becomes 2 hash lookups
23:07.14Iriel(The metatable __index method's only called if the value i'm looking for isn't already in the table)
23:10.15Fanookdid 1.9 introduce a bug with scrollbar arrows not working?
23:12.33Irielit introduced (1) an anchoring change (which looks like a bug sometimes) and (2) a graphical issue with the thumb not showing up
23:12.37Irielnot aware of any arrow issues
23:13.39IrielOpinion question.. if I draw a box with thick edges, and make is to that...
23:13.49Iriel1) Clicking and dragging within the box (not on the edge) moves the box
23:13.54Fanookhmmm...oh wait, might be the extracted FrameXML folder that's still in there
23:13.58Iriel2) Clicking and dragging within the edge scales the box
23:14.09Iriel3) and Clicking and dragging within the edge with shift held down rotates the box
23:14.16Irielwould that make sense to you?
23:14.36Iriel(3) may end up as scale AND rotate
23:15.08Fanookeverything but #3 is standard windowing behavior, imo and as long as the users know about 3, i see no problems
23:15.57IrielYes, standard windowing systems dont have rotatable windows
23:16.25Irielthe other thought was to do a more 'windowsish' corner/edge differentiation
23:16.43Irielbut the cursor choices we have in the WoW UI dont make showing a user that very easy
23:19.09Cideyeah, it would make more sense to rotate by clicking & dragging a corner to me
23:19.26IrielI'll try it that way first then I guess
23:19.29Irielsee what it feels like
23:21.11Fanooki wonder if SetCursor requires constants
23:21.22Irielit does
23:21.25Irieland there are only 8 of them
23:21.34Fanookwhere are they defined?
23:22.00IrielI looked in the WoW executable for them
23:24.14*** join/#wowi-lounge kremonte_ (
23:24.21kremonte_wtb [Social Life] pst
23:24.48Maldivia2500g plzoktnx...
23:25.01kremonte_what kind of life is it?
23:25.07kremonte_blue purple or orange?
23:25.30Maldiviagreen... super-green...
23:25.39[MoonWolf][social life]
23:25.43kremonte_sorry, max ill pay for a green life is 600g
23:26.06Cideshould be legendary
23:26.34Maldiviawhy settle for legendary, when you can have artifact :)
23:26.48[MoonWolf]what colour is artifact ?
23:26.57Maldiviathink D2 color
23:27.04[MoonWolf]D2 unique ?
23:27.16cladhaireisn't artifact Red?
23:27.28kremonte_its light orange
23:27.29MaldiviaChatFrame1:AddMessage(ITEM_QUALITY_COLORS[6].hex .. "Artifact")
23:27.43cladhaire*shrug* =)
23:27.45kremonte_only nubs use ChatFrame1
23:27.56MaldiviaDEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME... betetr ?
23:28.22TainUse /dump :)
23:28.42Maldiviawell, dump will just show the color-coding, and not the color :)
23:29.06TainExactly!  Too much color makes me cry.
23:29.13cladhaireIriel: Do you regret naming it /dump.. it could have been anything.. /monkey ... and we'd all use it.
23:29.37Irielcladhaire : no, but that's an amusing thought 8-)
23:29.44TainI'll make mine /saien
23:29.53cladhairejust /saien it
23:30.08Cideactually, ChatFrame1 is superior to DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME
23:30.39Cidefor the sole reason that it's shorter, doesn't have any underscores and not as many capitalized characters
23:30.54cladhaireI would agree
23:30.54kremonte_capitalized characters are bad?
23:30.57IrielIf anyone ever makes FloatingChatFrames be all it could be...
23:31.05Irielthen D_C_F would have advantages
23:31.15Maldiviayeah, typing all those uppercast chars really puts a strain in the pinky-finger (or what ever it's called)
23:31.19Tainace:print() :X
23:31.22Cidekremonte_: holding down shift is annoying
23:31.31IrielI tend to write local function DEBUG in most files
23:31.32kremonte_from what i've coded in the last few years
23:31.36Irieland put stuff in ChatFrame2 8-)
23:31.41TainYou would hold down shift for that instead of capslock?
23:31.46kremonte_constants generally are capizalized
23:31.51Cideya Tain
23:31.51kremonte_Tain: yes, for _'s
23:31.55MaldiviaTain: yes
23:31.55Iriel(recently, with a prefix so I know which addon had the issue)
23:31.58IrielI never use caps lock
23:32.03Cidesame Iriel
23:32.17kremonte_ChatFrame1 only points to that frame, so if there were a replacement, things would go wrong
23:32.20IrielBack when I wrote lots of assembly language, I used caps lock with shift to UN-caps
23:32.34TainIf it's just a few caps in a row I'll shift, but something like that I'd definitely caplock
23:32.36Irielbut that was, something like, 20 years ago
23:33.25MaldiviaI always end up writing half the word in lower-case, if I activate caps lock :)
23:34.31IrielThere's always M-X upcase-word too
23:34.33TainOf course I also strip out semi-colons from any addon I spend any time changing anything.
23:34.42IrielAn emacs macro for 'upcase-previous-word' would be pretty fast
23:34.52IrielI find semicolons useful
23:34.59Irieland I found a place where you NEED one
23:35.00CideI do too
23:35.14TainIn Lua I just don't like them, aesthetically.
23:35.16[MoonWolf]how about double click word ctrl-U
23:35.18TainIt isn't a rational thing.
23:35.19[MoonWolf]i can do that in kate
23:35.29Irielfunction(x) (expression-yielding-function)()
23:35.42Iriele.g.: p(x) (y)()
23:35.59TemIriel: I thought that was only a problem in your parser
23:36.12IrielIt kills my parser, but lua also has specific rules about that
23:36.29IrielIt's ALWAYS parsed as ((p(x))(y))()
23:36.42IrielIf you put p(x) <newline> (y)() you get a syntax error
23:36.57IrielYou NEED p(x); (y)() or p(x);<newline) y()()
23:37.15Iriel[MoonWolf] : That would require touching the mouse, I never touch the mouse when I'm editing
23:37.26Cideyeah, mouse would be terrible :)
23:37.38cladhaireI agree
23:37.40Cideand since you don't use it normally, it takes extra time to focus it on the word you need
23:37.40MaldiviaTain: use vi or vim, and you'll know why caps lock is a bad thing :)
23:37.59Tainvi is a bad example to compare to behaviour of any other editor.
23:38.01[MoonWolf]then ctrl-u
23:38.17IrielYeah, the vi modality is painful, it's understandable, but painful nonetheless
23:38.23Cide'u' is very far away from ctrl-shift-left
23:38.37Cidewhich makes it waaaaaaaaay too annoying for me ;)
23:38.37Irielleft is quite far awy from ctrl-shift
23:38.50IrielBut then I dont touch the cursor keys either when editing
23:38.51[MoonWolf]cide, you need a brain interface not a keyboard.
23:38.59Cidenah, I'm just lazy :)
23:39.02[MoonWolf]and iriel too.
23:39.10Temgod if I could have a brain inteface..
23:39.11Irielemacs is as close as i've gotten
23:39.13Cideif I *had* to use default_chat_frame
23:39.15IrielIt's second nature now
23:39.25CideI would probably type it in lower case and use case-sensitive replace in the end
23:39.26Maldiviaupper case last word: bvwU :)
23:39.35TainI think a brain interface would be bad.
23:39.44[MoonWolf]i think it would rock.
23:40.00TainI'm always half thinking two steps ahead, the code would look terrible if it were pulled right out.
23:40.16Cideit should do all the code
23:40.17TainI need the delay to make my fingers put what it really should be.
23:40.21[MoonWolf]tain, you would ofcourse have difference between , thinking and making the computer do stuff.
23:40.23Cide"create a function that does THIS" -> voila
23:40.45[MoonWolf]Cide, brain interface ~= magic computer.
23:40.54TainIt might.
23:41.39Cidechanging subject a bit... not sure if you missed it or not earlier, but the lag in CTRA was tracked down to only happen when health bars are displayed
23:41.39TemWell I heard that they almost had one working
23:41.49Tembut they require more vespene gas.
23:42.17TemI was semi-here during that
23:42.48Cideso I thought it was the code, but the thing is.. forcing the health bar to remain shown (OnHide -> frame:Show()), it still occurs when I set the variable to its "hide state"
23:42.55Cideso the mod thinks it's hidden even though it isn't
23:43.21Cideand only during RAID_ROSTER_UPDATE (I actually used caps lock that time!)
23:43.32IrielYou need to find out why the health bar is different than the mana one
23:43.37Irielwhat if you show it, but rename the frame
23:43.39IrielJP instead of HP
23:43.52Irielfind out what code still tries to access it, even though it's "hidden"
23:43.53Cideand create a dummy HP frame?
23:44.00Cideor do you want to bring forth the errors
23:44.22IrielI'd want to bring forth errors DURING RAID_ROSTER_UPDATE handling
23:44.30Iriel(no caps lock there)
23:44.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Ratbert_CP (
23:45.52Temwhy deliberately cause errors during RAID_ROSTER_UPDATE (no caps-lock because it makes typing the _ easier)
23:46.21Irielbecause we want to know why having those bars visible is different than the mana bars during that event
23:46.30TemHmm, what funcitons are called on a tooltip to show the new enchanting links?
23:46.32IrielSo there's a good chance SOMETHING is fiddling with those damn abrs
23:46.34Irielthe question is, what
23:46.39Templease say it's not SetHyperlink
23:46.45Cidemost errors come from 1307 (UpdateUnitHealth) logically
23:47.05Cidethe only other error I've seen (which happens only on RAID_...) is getglobal(frame:GetName() .. "HPBar"):SetPoint("TOPLEFT", frame:GetName(), "TOPLEFT", 10, -19);
23:47.16IrielI think it is
23:47.43IrielCide: Can you comment that line out and see if the lag goes away?
23:48.07MaldiviaTem: SetHyperlink("enchant:id")
23:48.17*** join/#wowi-lounge qwxyr^ (
23:48.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
23:48.30Cideok, did you get that?
23:48.34Cidethe only other error I've seen (which happens only on RAID_...) is getglobal(frame:GetName() .. "HPBar"):SetPoint("TOPLEFT", frame:GetName(), "TOPLEFT", 10, -19);
23:48.38Cidewhich happens directly after the lag
23:48.40IrielYes.. I said.
23:48.50MaldiviaTem: why is that crap ?
23:48.52Irieloh.. hang on
23:49.10Irielso you still get lag, but you get that error poppping up afterwards?
23:49.14TemMaldivia: It's a potential problem with an addon of mine
23:49.25Cideexactly afterwards
23:49.46Irielthat may just be because during the lag nothing can get dispolayed, because you're lagged
23:49.52Irielit presumably gets called DURING the lag
23:49.57MaldiviaTem: you hook SetHyperlink -- just add a if string.find(link, "item:") check ?
23:49.58Cideyeah, the whole game is locked up
23:50.26IrielTem: You should always check to make sure the input string is vaguelly sane anyway 8-)
23:50.28TemCide: have you thought about either using direct indexing of the global environment or caching the child frames in an array to keep from having to do all those getglobals?
23:50.41IrielTem: I wrote a metatable method for that
23:50.52IrielYou'll enjoy it
23:51.20Temso you can do Frame.SubFrame?
23:51.30IrielWell, you do Cache.Frame.SubFrame
23:51.36Temif SubFrame is defined as <Frame name = "$parentSubFrame")
23:51.45Irielor Cache.CTRAMember1.HPBar
23:51.46IrielBoth work
23:52.19Tembleh pastebin's lua syntax highlighting is ghastly
23:54.25Maldiviahehe, looking at recent posts... someone seems to have copy-pasted thottbot code there :)
23:55.07TemIriel: I like that.  It keeps you from needing to mess with the frame itself's metatable
23:56.07Cidehaha yep Maldivia
23:56.08IrielThat was the idea, it seemed clean and quick
23:56.09TemIriel: you can change the Create function to be one line
23:56.12CideI like this part: TS.gggggggggg="Waka waka waka waka waka waka waka waka waka waka waka waka waka waka waka";
23:56.27IrielTem: Yeah, btu the lua manual doesn't document that return value does it?
23:56.48TemI've never looked it up
23:56.53Irielit doesn't 8-)
23:57.01TemI think I found out about that through the lua-users wiki
23:57.03IrielI looked it up the first time I saw someone use that idiom
23:57.15IrielI just hate writing code around an undocumented feature
23:57.35TemI'm fine with it as long as it's a simple feature
23:57.45Temespecially when it makes my code simpler
23:58.39Irielwell, there is that
23:59.50Temyeah it looks like the documentation doesn't mention the return value

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