irclog2html for #wowi-lounge on 20060111

00:00.01*** join/#wowi-lounge GenNMX (
00:00.09Gryphenkhoas is the addon manager
00:00.44*** join/#wowi-lounge GenNMX (
00:00.58Corrodiasis there any reason it would not be possible to just copy the khaos folder out and use those addons designed for cosmos, if i already have the other libraries?
00:01.05Osagasuwhat did they change in this patch?
00:01.16Gryphenkhaos uses the libs
00:01.30Gryphenyou can toss anything you dont want otherwise
00:01.45IrielAlmost nothing changed in 1.9.1
00:01.51Corrodiasthen when addons on curse say they require "cosmos", they really only require "khaos"?
00:02.01Corrodiasand other libraries that come in it
00:02.01AnduinLotharCosmos used to be an addon
00:02.08OsagasuWell I started up and I got so many errors that my game crashed
00:02.20IrielDo you have any frameXML changes?
00:02.27Corrodiasnot any more
00:02.28IrielAnd did you re-enable your out of date addons?
00:02.33Gryphencosmos used to be the name of the addon manager and package, now khaos is the addon manager and cosmos is the package
00:02.59OsagasuWell if nothing changed since yesterday then why's it matter if they're loaded or not?
00:03.10AnduinLotharahhh.... that's why addon manager didn't load.. lol thx iriel
00:03.13OsagasuBecause yesterday none of them were buggy
00:03.16Cairennbecause it force unchecked the "load outdated"
00:03.28OsagasuI force loaded them, yes
00:03.29Maldivia... which is really annoying
00:03.49MaldiviaI haven't had a single problem with any of the addons I use, in 1.9.1
00:03.51Corrodiasnew patch, eh
00:03.59Corrodiasnew round of authentication delays
00:04.27IrielThe lack of a popup this time is bad (re: outdated addon toggle going off)
00:04.39Corrodiasby the way, AnduinLothar, slight thing i'd like to mention about Wardrobe
00:05.01Corrodiasif you have Titan, it won't show the minimap-bound icon unless and until you load it on the titan panel
00:05.10Corrodiasregardless of your setting
00:05.14AnduinLotharya I know, working on an update
00:05.35Corrodiasi just commented out the "hide the icon" line for my use. works nice, good job
00:06.11Corrodias"patching scan.dll" hmm. i wonder if warden was the cause of my random game crashes before.
00:06.38Corrodiasi wonder aloud because once i got the error box and clicked to close but the game itself didn't actually exit
00:14.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
00:14.53MaldiviaCorrodias: scan.dll is the scanner used by the Launcher, not the game - afaik
00:16.40OsagasuI don't get this
00:16.46OsagasuIts insane
00:16.57OsagasuI disabled everything I updated today
00:17.03OsagasuIt still doesn't work
00:17.09Guillotinewhat doesn
00:17.28Guillotinetry running repair.exe?
00:17.46Maldiviatried starting on a fresh? -- renaming WTF and Interface and deleting WDB?
00:20.12Osagasuah fuck it.  going to eat
00:28.24*** join/#wowi-lounge GenNMX (
00:53.02Corrodiasis it just me, or does Silver's MiniZoneMap ( not actually do anything?
00:55.28AnduinLotharno, it's like Alpha map, letting u look at the map while moving, it just uses the battlfield frame and sit on the bottom right
00:55.39Corrodiasthat would be great, except that it actually doesn't show up, for me
00:55.50IrielThe battlefield minimap seems to have recurring issues
00:56.08IrielI should write an addon to reset its location for folks with problems
00:56.54Corrodiasi tried BattlefieldMap:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", "WorldFrame", "BOTTOMRIGHT", 0, 0); but it didn't change anything
00:58.24IrielI think it's BattlefieldMinimapTab you want to reloacte
00:58.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (
00:59.01Corrodiasno change
00:59.05TemAnyone else seeing people move all retarded?
00:59.14IrielYou are doing a :ClearAllPoints() first?
00:59.17TemFor example, no one ever moves forward when they run
00:59.18IrielTem: Known issue (per general forum)
00:59.21Corrodiasmaybe it needs clearallpoints! i'm inexperienced at this!
00:59.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Parak (
00:59.28Temthe run in place and teleport forward
00:59.30TainOh, I was going to say Tem, "What did you just come back from Walmart?"
00:59.44Temlol Tain
00:59.58Temno, I spent the day playing old games
01:00.10Temtotal annihilation mostly
01:00.15TainTA was so fun
01:00.20TainI haven't plyaed in years.
01:00.30TainBut I remember when it came out I did.  A lot.
01:00.32Temme either before today
01:00.51Temug this running thing looks horrible
01:01.08TemI hope ony doesn't try that crap later
01:02.03Corrodiasnope, didn't help to do even BattlefieldMinimapTab:ClearAllPoints(); BattlefieldMinimapTab:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", "WorldFrame", "BOTTOMRIGHT"); BattlefieldMinimap:ClearAllPoints(); BattlefieldMinimap:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", "WorldFrame", "BOTTOMRIGHT");
01:02.15Corrodiaswith it supposedly shown or not
01:08.31*** join/#wowi-lounge dukeku (
01:08.51*** join/#wowi-lounge dukeku (
01:10.21*** join/#wowi-lounge dukeku (
01:10.37dukekui hate you, xchat
01:10.39dukekuhate, hate hate
01:11.34GenNMXdukeku: irssi for the win
01:11.54dukekuGenNMX: i use irssi everywhere *but* home
01:11.56dukekui should change that ;P
01:12.03OsagasuIt looks like the Lua memory is gaining and dumping a cycle every 5 seconds or so
01:12.19OsagasuI go from like 300 to 330 that fast
01:12.19GenNMXdukeku: You get used to a split window
01:21.39Corrodiaswell, once you make your addon to move the battlefield minimap around, lemme know :)
01:21.57IrielI'll have to get into a battleground first
01:25.28Guillotineso does anyone know what patch 1.9.1 fixes?
01:26.25Enda couple different things
01:26.25Corrodiasit had patch notes while installing. -.-;
01:26.40Corrodiasmost important to PvPers, druids can't heal themselves just by shifting into and out of bear form any more
01:26.48Corrodiasbut they didn't fix the reputation bug
01:26.59Endthat was an interesting bug
01:27.09Endthey also fixed the snowman /cry
01:27.10cladhairei was a fan
01:27.19OsagasuStill damn slow Auth
01:27.38Corrodiassnowman /cry?
01:28.27Endthey added a cast time to the snowman, and I don't think it can be used in combat anymore either
01:28.42Endthe kit
01:28.48Endthe snowman disguise
01:29.03Corrodiasbut what does that have to do with /cry?
01:29.10Endit makes me wanna cry?
01:29.17Corrodias...oh, i get it
01:29.44TainWooo got my cape
01:29.51Endwhich is that?
01:30.13TainCity of Villains.  My Villain earned his cape by taking it from a hero.
01:30.28Endah, cool
01:35.11pagefaultit's annoying the patcher always changed my desktop icon to the launcher
01:35.57OsagasuIts one of my addons.  And with the Auth servers the way they are, I don't have time to test them all out
01:36.14pagefaultah so it's not just me
01:36.27pagefaultI am stuck on auth
01:36.40OsagasuI can get past it
01:36.50Osagasubut not in any decent amount of time
01:37.21pagefaultthey should really stop selling the game until they can handle the influx of new users
01:37.25pagefaultbut that will never happen
01:37.31OsagasuThey did last year
01:38.02pagefaultthe server I play on is becoming unplayable in the night
01:38.48pagefaultoh I am handshaking now
01:43.12cladhairethis people warping rocks
01:47.23OsagasuI think I inadvertantly founf the cause
01:48.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Eraphine|Disco2 (
01:49.21OsagasuI officially hate the dude who took over lore now
01:49.55OsagasuHe managed to cause it to take so much time loading you disconnect from AFK before it fully loads!
01:58.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (
01:59.39OsagasuIf anyone spoke to me after the last time I said anything, I didn't hear it
02:00.52IrielTem said "<Tem> Lore?"
02:00.55Irielthat was it
02:03.20GenNMXLore is a very cool addon which lets you talk in different languages using a translation dictionary. No cross-faction communication, of course.
02:03.41*** join/#wowi-lounge a-stray-cat (
02:03.47GenNMXYou can even set up interpreters, and translate other people speaking in Lore-made languages, and make up your own language.
02:08.33GenNMXI like to speak in Demonic.
02:10.47cladhaire... my world server is down =(
02:11.18cladhaireand i was farming so peacefully =)
02:13.28*** join/#wowi-lounge RasmusKL (
02:13.36OsagasuThis patch has screwed up so much
02:14.28OsagasuI've noticed that some dependencies don't show up properly anymore, people jumping around
02:15.24*** part/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (
02:26.04GenNMXI like how the global MotD is "We suggest you disable all your addons to avoid errors", not "If you have errors, disable all your addons and check to see if any of the addons have updates."
02:27.08TainThe way I understand it their official stance has to be that you shouldn't use addons, even though they make it possible to do so, from a legal standpoint.
02:27.31TainThey open the door to possibly being held liable for someone making a malicous addon if they official come out and say running addons is ok.
02:27.54GenNMXslouken must love that policy.
02:28.31TainIt's unfortunate, but we've become such a litigous society (in the US) that I'm not surprised anymore.
02:28.42Endyeah :-'/
02:28.46GenNMXNo wonder he's the only developer who posts openly in the main forums, sounds like poor slouken's job might be like the black sheep in WoW's department.
02:30.13TainI will say this.  I've participated in most MMORPGs that have been on the market.  EverQuest, Asheron's Call, Anarchy Online, Dark Age of Camelot, City of Heroes/Villains, Star Wars Galaxies, Guildwars, others I'm probably forgetting.
02:30.36TainSlouken is the single best example of a developer fo ra company communicating with the players that I've seen.
02:30.57Corrodiasbioware's pretty good on talking to people, too
02:30.58IrielCoH's Geko is pretty open (or at least was when I played it, Dunno now)
02:31.14LegorolGood evening
02:31.21TainHe is, Iriel.  I feel CoH has closed up a bit since the early days.
02:31.29LegorolIn case you guys are interested, I have a Macro Challenge :-)
02:31.41TainThe same say that DAOC did.  Camelot original posted a lot in the beginning.  It was refreshing.
02:31.49TainAnd then slowly started closing up.
02:32.14TainDaoC used to say, "Hey we fucked this up, sorry about that.  We're going to fix it in the next patch."
02:32.19LegorolThe idea of the macro challenge is that (given some small print), come up with the shortest possible macro to do a 2H<->1H+Shield weapon swap
02:32.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Beladona (
02:32.20*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Beladona] by ChanServ
02:32.49LegorolHere are the terms:
02:32.50IrielThe small print being that it's for a rogue who can't use a shield?
02:32.58LegorolOk, so
02:33.13TainOk that's easy
02:33.18LegorolIt has to be a single macro not reliant on any other macros or AddOns that works under default blizz UI
02:33.37LegorolYou may only reference the default slashcomms and the API
02:33.45LegorolTain, i haven't finished with the smallprint ;-)
02:33.52TainIt does have a monkey as a dependancy though.
02:34.11LegorolThe macro has to use 2 specific bag slots, it's up to you which ones you use
02:34.26LegorolE.g. you can use (0,1) and (0,2) if you like
02:34.38IrielCan it pollute the global namespace?
02:34.46Iriel(I think that should be forbidden, personally)
02:34.49Legorolit should expect the 2H weap in (0,1) and the 1H weap+shield in (0,1)+(0,2) in that case
02:34.51TainWhy not post it on the Blizz Ui forums.  There aren't enough posts about weapons swapping macros there.
02:34.56Legorolyes it can pollute the namespace
02:35.05Legorolthe winner is the one with shortest character count
02:35.10Legorolso do away with those semicolons ;-)
02:35.40TainAnd what is the prizE?
02:35.44LegorolThe macro has to be reversible in the sense that it must be able to correctly perform both the 2H->1H and the 1H->2H swap
02:35.44Corrodiasare semicolons totally optional in LUA or what?
02:35.44IrielBut namespace pollution can break ThottBot
02:35.49LegorolCorrodias, yes they are
02:35.53IrielCorrodias : more or less
02:35.56Corrodiaswhat is this "pollution"?
02:36.09Irielpollution == using a global symbol when a local woul dhave done
02:36.09LegorolIriel, since this challenge is for a macro based on default UI, it is allowed to pollute the namespace ;-)
02:36.17Endthat's because thottbot obfusicates their code :P
02:36.27IrielWell, I'll be sure to use T and C as globals if I attempt it
02:36.36IrielBecause someone's going to use the result with cosmos
02:36.36Legorolgo right ahead
02:36.40TainAnything that breaks Thottbot should get extra credit.
02:36.41Irieland then we can all laugh
02:36.41Ender, obfusticate even
02:36.43Corrodiasif thottbot can't handle some simple global variables, fuck it
02:36.51Legorolwell once you get a winner, you can make it local if you want to publish it ;-)
02:36.59Legorolthis is a challenge for fun and brain exercise
02:37.07TainAnd what is the prize?
02:37.08Legoroldo it if you like
02:37.16Legorolthe prize is recognition, kudos and a well done ;-)
02:37.20AnduinLotharuh oh... new IntelMacs.. now I'm gonna have to upgrade..
02:37.22Legoroland the intellectual satisfaction
02:37.25TainOh.  So no prize.
02:38.10LegorolJust so you know, my version is less than 150 characters
02:38.25LegorolI will not tell you the exact size just yet, so that you don't despair, but it's less than that ;-)
02:38.36TainSee I generally only do things if I have a use for them.
02:38.45LegorolTain, the use is this:
02:38.55Legorolyou can memorise it, and when you walk up to a compy that has only the default UI, you can use it
02:38.58GenNMXAnduinLothar: Next question. How far away is a i386 OSX / OpenGL binary from Linux compatibility?
02:38.59Legorolas happens with me sometimes
02:39.11IrielI tend to prefer shortening other people's macros
02:39.13Legorolthe only macro i absolutely need is the 2H<>1H+shield swap
02:39.16Legorolso i have this one memorized
02:39.37LegorolIriel, feel free to leech a weapon swap macro from somewhere and shorten it ;-)
02:39.39IrielHm, brevity isn't necessarily an advantage for memorization
02:39.45Legorolthat's true
02:39.50Legorolbah, you guys are too picky
02:39.51IrielI'll wait until you post yours and see if I can make it better
02:39.54Legorolif you don't want to try, then don't try
02:39.55TainAlthough a nice exercise in mental olympics it doesn't have any other interest to me.
02:39.59AnduinLotharWell, they went to great lengths to make sure it only works on intel id'd chips with the specific codes shipped by apple, so we'll see
02:40.19pagefaultthat will be cracked fast
02:40.23AnduinLotharwe'll see
02:40.30pagefaultno, it will
02:40.34AnduinLothari make no bets either way
02:40.37pagefaultcopy protection is such a pointless thing
02:40.53TainCopy protection / securty as a whole isn't pointless.
02:41.02AnduinLotharcopy protection is a large industry
02:41.05TainIts point is to weed out the lazy people.
02:41.17Legorolok i am clueless about assembler, but just because the CPU is the same, does that necessarily imply binary compatibility?
02:41.20IrielWe're nearing the age where it's feasible to have software that runs on only one computer (i.e. is encrypted with a key only your cpu has the other half of)
02:41.23Legoroli mean, what if the OS is totally different?
02:41.40Legorolso that if OS-dependent APIs, tables etc. are used, you can't easily port it..
02:41.51pagefaultthe kernel for OS X is all open source
02:41.53AnduinLotharpeople make copious amounts on money making it harder to port
02:41.59pagefaultpeople have already written drivers for it
02:42.02TainThen wee're also nearing the age of "fixes" for that sort of thing, Iriel.
02:42.10TainWhich is sad to me.
02:42.15AnduinLotharw/e pointless to argue about
02:42.34AnduinLotharsame deal as most software. you pay for support and continued updates
02:42.37IrielI agree it's not a happy direction to be going in.
02:43.10pagefaultTCP will be the downfall of MS as I see it
02:43.16Legorolhow different is the hardware architecture of an Intel Mac from a PC?
02:43.16pagefaultpeople will only take this crap for so long
02:43.38OsagasuHey Anduin
02:43.42Legoroleven if the CPU is the same, what if the mobo has fundamentally different structure?
02:43.48AnduinLotharfor instance my father works for a software company that leases lense design software. They lease the software, but what you're really paying for is the support and help of the authors and such
02:43.52OsagasuIs your version of Wardrobe downloadable somewhere?
02:43.57Taintcp will be the downfall of MS?  I definitely don't follow that argument.
02:44.04pagefaultLegorol, anything can be emulated or virtualized
02:44.20AnduinLotharon WoWI
02:44.22Legorolyah but then why not just create a Mac emulator..
02:44.22Tembut the more emulation you do the slower it gets
02:44.24Legorolthat's always possible
02:44.33Legorolwe are talking about native porting, aren't we?
02:44.33pagefaultit depends how you do the emulation
02:44.41Temthis is true
02:44.44AnduinLotharthere already is an emulator, prolly easier now
02:45.07Legorolcorrect me if i'm wrong, but you can always execute any program written for a Turing complete machine on any other Turing complete machine, using emulation
02:45.12TemI'm jumping in at the wrong time, but why would anyone /want/ a mac emulator?
02:45.23pagefaultTem, just for the sake of doing it
02:45.34TemI understand that
02:45.42TemI do stuff for the sake of doing it all the time
02:45.52Legorolthen do my weapon swap macro ;-)
02:45.54pagefaultuntil the actual intel macs come out we don't know much about them
02:46.04pagefaultI am sure at soon as it hits a store someone will already be taking it apart
02:46.11TainOld Macs had the right idea, you could buy an emulation card that had an 8086 onboard to do PC emulation.
02:46.20Ktronjust like GooBoxes, if they're real
02:46.34AnduinLotharsome believe Mac OS is superior to XP. that would be one reason. cheeper than buying the old hardware
02:46.55pagefaultthe OS may be superior but the hardware isn't
02:46.59Legorolso we are talkign about porting the OS to a PC? and then any games etc..
02:47.03pagefaultit's throw away PC
02:47.05pagefaultyou can't upgrade it
02:47.40Legorolif Mac OS is *nix based, why not run Linux on the PC, if you want a supposedly superior OS to XP?
02:47.49Legorolbtw, I prefer XP to Linux, whether it's superior or not
02:47.50Ktronuntil Macs can swap cpus, memory, and hard drives and use PCI cards as easily as PCs can, I won't want one
02:47.57pagefaultbecause linux isn't as "pretty" as OS X
02:47.59GenNMXPorting OSX to a PC to get games? Most of them are just Linux ports.
02:48.02pagefaultthats pretty much the only reason
02:48.18Ktronpagefault, Linux can be way prettier than OS X, way prettier
02:48.20AnduinLotharinteresting magnetic power cables..
02:48.38KtronMy trouble with mac's is the difficulty in upgrading and the difficulty in software
02:48.39pagefaultKtron, yes but I mean, to make it look as pretty and be as easy to use, you have to be an advanced user
02:48.45pagefaultthats the problem with linux
02:48.52GenNMXpagefault is right, we're missing the point here. Could your grandma navigate around Linux comfortably?
02:48.53LegorolKtron, funnily enough, it's your lack of ability to do such cusomisation which makes Macs more reliable
02:49.00BeladonaLego, you prefer XP to Linux?
02:49.03LegorolSince it's a single company and single system, it's thoroughly tested together
02:49.18Legorolunlike the millions of junk PCs out there that are a billion combination of hardware
02:49.21pagefaultI love linux, but I think it's in no form right now to be used by someone who knows nothing about PCs
02:49.24GenNMXI personally hate XP, but I build my own *nix systems.
02:49.25AnduinLotharwell, you can customize it, it's just harder :P
02:49.25cladhairethats the selling pont =)
02:49.27KtronSome distributions of linux are nearly as plug-and-done as Mac's, but obviously, you do lose the ability to pick the settings that you like the best
02:49.28Legorolno wonder you can't expect to run a software reliably ona  PC
02:49.54LegorolBeladona, yes I prefer XP to Linux
02:49.57KtronLegorol, heh, /agree-- this is my new quote I came up with today:: "There's no such thing as too many options, just not enough knowledge."
02:49.58Beladonayou pollute the global namespace with that thinking
02:49.58pagefaultthe good thing about OS X is that it hides everything that you could possibly mess your computer up with from the average user
02:50.07GenNMXMy grandfather is special, he was an electrical engineer who started using PCs when they first came out. He can navigate Linux, but I wouldn't want to try and talk my mom into making the leap, even though she used to use DOS.
02:50.38Legorolplease don't misunderstand, i am not making an argument saying XP is better or worse than Linux
02:50.40KtronI use XP because I want to be able to play WoW easily and run things like Autodesk Inventor, 3DS Max, and FL Studio (Fruity Loops).... I don't think any of them have linux versions yet
02:50.43Legoroli am talking about personal preference
02:50.53TainThankfully for me I'm celf-centered enough to not care whether or not anyone else can use anything, as long as it works for me.
02:50.55KtronI don't dual boot because I don't want to reboot all the time heh
02:50.55BeladonaXP is "easy"
02:50.58Beladonano doubt about that
02:51.03Legorolwhich is rooted basically in one thing: I know XP inside out, but I don't know Linux anywhere near that well
02:51.07AnduinLotharwhee another pointless mac/linux/windows discussion
02:51.12pagefaultanother problem is that everyone is already used to XP and MS Office and the like
02:51.14Legorolso I actually feel more comfortable with XP because i can customize it more
02:51.18pagefaultif you give them firefox or openoffice
02:51.21pagefaultthey won't have any idea how to use it
02:51.30TainWeee another pointless complaint about another pointless mac/linux/windows discussion
02:51.41Legorolthe discussion isn't as pointless as it is normally
02:51.48Legorolnormally it's XP pwns Linux pwns XP
02:51.50Beladonaits merely preference
02:51.57Legorolat least here people are only expressing preferences ;-)
02:52.01pagefaultyeah this isn't OMG YOU SUXXX USE LINUX
02:52.03Legorolwhich is much more sane
02:52.07GenNMXI have a lot of stuff I want to make sure is stable, so I use Windows XP, and stuff I can only do on XP (like development). World of Warcraft is one of those things.
02:52.24BeladonaI use wow
02:52.26Beladonaon linux
02:52.28Ktronheh, I'm all about the alternatives for XP though-- firefox, openoffice, gaim, GIMP, filezilla, xchat, teatimer...
02:52.30GenNMXBut I have two Linux boxes and one BSD box. I mainly use the XP for gaming.
02:52.31AnduinLotharwait, did u just cal XP stable?
02:52.41pagefaulthopefully as more windows applications move to .NET it means they will run in linux as well with mono
02:53.03GenNMXAnduinLothar: History says WoW is more stable on XP then Linux on Cedega
02:53.06KtronBeladona, did you have to buy one of the win emulators, or did you use one of the freely available ones?M
02:53.26BeladonaI didn't buy anything
02:53.32pagefaultin my experience WoW is more stable on windows but actually runs faster in linux
02:53.38pagefaultso you have a choice I guess
02:53.52TainGenNMX: There isn't enough of a sample set to qualify that data.
02:53.54BeladonaI see it this way
02:53.58KtronUntil I joined this channel, I hadn't heard of people using WoW on linux
02:54.05BeladonaI love linux for day to day use, development, etc...
02:54.18Beladonaif I can play wow on it too without switching to my windows box
02:54.23Beladonaall for it
02:54.25KtronBeladona, so you're using cedega?
02:54.43pagefaultjust wait for vmware to come out with a newer version
02:54.43KtronI wonder if cedega can handle things like 3DS Max or FL Studio
02:54.47pagefaultyou will be able to run WoW in XP
02:54.51pagefaultand have 3d support
02:55.06TainVMWare's different of course, but damn that company is doing good things.
02:55.10pagefaultit already works for some games
02:55.12cladhaireyou do know VMware is owned by microsoft now.. right?
02:55.16Beladonavmware will not be able to run 3d fast
02:55.19GenNMXBeladona: Can you get full surround sound out of Cedega?
02:55.20cladhairenot vmware
02:55.22TainI'm looking at it more for the server market.
02:55.22LegorolXP isn't anywhere near as unstable as people think it is
02:55.23cladhaire.. the other one.
02:55.25pagefaultBeladona, yeah it can
02:55.28Beladonaif they do, I will be thoroughly surprised
02:55.32Legorolwhat gives it instability is the clueless endusers installing millions of crap
02:55.33TainAnything is as unstable as you make it.
02:55.40Beladonavmware is an emulator
02:55.46KtronBeladona, which distrib came with cedega?
02:55.46pagefaultyou can enable it in WS 5.5 but it currently only works with some applications
02:55.55TainXP is less unstable in a way because it doesn't let you easily change settings.
02:55.55pagefaultvmware isn't an emulator, it's a virtual machine
02:55.59Legorolthe stability comparisons between XP and Linux tend to be unfair because XP is used by clueless users most of the time, whereas Linux users are somewhat computer aware
02:55.59Beladonanone, I downloaded it
02:56.15Tainerr I mean more stable in a way
02:56.21LegorolTain is correct, it's only as stable as you make it
02:56.22IrielPersonally, I find windows ages worse than linux.
02:56.26Beladonaok pagefault, do some benchmarking and let me know
02:56.40Corrodiasi'll tell you another undocumented change in either 1.9 or, more likely, 1.9.1
02:56.46pagefaultbenchmarking what?
02:56.48IrielBut I also know Unix/Linux a whole lot better than windows
02:56.51Corrodiasyou now stay in combat for about 6 seconds after you kill your target
02:56.52BeladonaI refuse to believe an app like Qemu or vmware could ever match 3d performance of an api layer or straight os
02:56.57Corrodiasused to be around 3
02:56.58GenNMXTo XP's defense, there are a LOT of options and tweaks most *nix purists don't know about for XP.
02:57.05KtronLegorol, I kill XP in about 3 months-- 3 months of installing/unistalling and constant use, and XP starts doing crappy things, like, for example, last time I could no longer copy and paste text/files/anything
02:57.09LegorolIriel, i don't know about how Linux ages, but you are right that XP ages pretty badly
02:57.11pagefaultwhy? cedega already does that?
02:57.17Legorolyou prolly need to do a format c: once every year
02:57.18TainThat isn't the point, nor claim Beladona
02:57.21pagefaultwhat do you think it's doing to the direct3d calls
02:57.26Corrodiasamazing :o
02:57.36GenNMXThey're just buried and oddly placed.
02:57.41Corrodiasmy windows XP has gone for 4 years without developing much in the way of new quirks
02:57.45IrielI've had linux boxes with uptimes close to a year
02:57.46Beladonaceedga isn't nearly the same animal as vmware
02:57.50Iriel(not that that's an ideal situation)
02:57.56pagefaultyou can apply the same concept to vmware
02:58.01LegorolGenNMX has a point too, XP has many hidden options that Linux users don't know about, so they just think XP is uncofigurable
02:58.27LegorolI have a prime example of that, which is that there is a complete, fully customizable NAT router service hidden in XP, configurable purely from command line
02:58.28GenNMXI've never had problems with my XP install either, but I work on both Windows and Linux machines for a living.
02:58.33pagefaultthe 3d driver in the guest OS is just a direct3d to opengl wrapper like cedega is
02:58.42pagefaultso you can achieve near full 3d performance
02:58.54KtronI think I'm an extreme user though, I really do massacre my windows installations-- I update things, work with configuration files, run like a minimum of 4 major applications simultaneously all of the time, tweak registries and so on...
02:58.57TainI just run separate systems with XP and Linux and use the right tool for the job.
02:59.09Beladonathey aren't there yet
02:59.30GenNMXAnd I even try to work solely as a Limited user, only using the "Superuser" for installing applications.
02:59.32LegorolI think XP suffers from more of a "complexity" problem than Linux
02:59.35KtronThere's a lot of small features I try to get for XP that I miss from some Linux window managers... I like magnetic windows, for example, its small, but to me, necessary
03:00.15pagefaultKtron, thats mainly because there are too many WM's and there is no standard way they all communicate with eachother
03:00.21Corrodiaswhat is "magnetic windows"?
03:00.21LegorolWhat really scares me is the amount of grime on an average XP machine..
03:00.27Beladonasnap to
03:00.32Corrodiasoh i hate that!
03:00.34AnduinLotharlol, my keyboard needs cleaning
03:00.35Legoroli have had to clean up other average users machines in the past on several occasions
03:00.41Legorolfull of spyware, viruses whatnots
03:00.45Ktronpagefault, I mean that linux has it and windows doesn't w/o a helping program
03:01.00Corrodiasi hate when a program refuses to let me put a window where i want it just beacuse it's too close to another one
03:01.22AnduinLotharshould be a temp disable key
03:01.43LegorolI actually think that XP is the first satisfactory version of Windows that MS has made
03:01.48GenNMXKtron: I bet you can rig up something like that with one of the *nix WMs, but again, that involves advanced features.
03:01.50KtronYou don't like snaps? I love snaps ;)... And Theming, I have a tweak installed to fix theming... I love using linux terminals too, MSDOS is no where near as nice as bash... I like the fuzzy clocks, the screensavers... its all the little linux things I love
03:02.09pagefaultxscreensaver rules
03:02.12LegorolXP hides most complexity from a beginner computer user, presenting them with a simple interface, but allows the power user to bury deep beneath as much as they like
03:02.13AnduinLotharah so i figured out what was fubaring mout equip on Wardrobe, turns out TitanRider auto-scans ur inventory and equips your riding enchanted equipment even if you dont have it on the titan bar
03:02.35KtronGenNMX, I found a program called AllSnap Beta that gives me magnetic windows in XP, but I hate having a list of all these little helper apps to make my OS function how I want it to ;)
03:02.49IrielI'm off, ttyal.
03:02.50CodayusTitan FTL?
03:03.05AnduinLotharya titan has too many builtins not that eat resources
03:03.08GenNMXI agree Legorol, but again to the *nix community's defense, all Microsoft really did was say "OK, we admit making an Operating System based on DOS was stupid and we'll just use NT."
03:03.13LegorolKtron, the stuff you just listed are mostly UI elements, i.e. fluff. I don't think it fundamentally enters in a discussion of, say, OS stability
03:03.23TainI only got a small way through reading the Titan source before giving up before insanity took hold.
03:03.29KtronLegorol, either I don't know enough about XP, but I feel like burrowing in to XP, you either run into a lack of functionality or 'locked' functionality pretty quickly... XP is definitely a much more useful OS for the masses as of yet
03:03.35LegorolGenNMX, that's half the story, the other half is the interface changes from 2K to XP
03:03.39AnduinLothartain, it's not that bad. it's just not smart
03:04.01GenNMXLegorol: Well yeah, they had to make it look pretty and steal from Macintosh's designs again ;)
03:04.10BeladonaLegorol, those small features are as important as menu shadows, and animations that are a default part of xp. They just didn't make it a feature at the time
03:04.20AnduinLotharya, hell even the xBox 360 looks like a mac
03:04.21TainI think it's that bad.  The functions defined for a single line, the ternary (hah!) function that's used 27 times
03:04.29TainThe logic is just... illogical.
03:04.34LegorolI really beleive that some of the basis of comparison between XP and Linux comes from the attitude and knowledge level of hte users, rather than actual OS features
03:04.44Legorole.g. those that use Linux are much more likely to want to tweak their interface
03:04.45KtronLegorol, I thought it was nearly proven fact that linux's in general have better stability than XP... I was arguing that linux has better fluff too-- I think the only real advantage to windows these days are familiarity (people don't know what to do without C:\) and compatibility
03:04.51Legorolhence Linux's interface is much more tweakable
03:05.15Beladonapeople are USED to windows
03:05.28Corrodiasand the fact that i detest having to scroll through a text file and delve through arcane documentation just to change a setting. thank you, linux.
03:05.28AnduinLotharya and we all know users suck
03:05.36Legorolfamiliarity and "C:" don't mix
03:05.42Legorol99.9% of XP users have no idea what C:\ is
03:05.43Beladonavista will be different enough to make people actually look around a little more
03:05.59KtronCorrodias, bah, you don't like text files, I don't like regedit ;)
03:06.04TainYay for statistics pulled out of nowhere.
03:06.06Corrodiasvista? who is going to get vista?
03:06.12Corrodiasit doesn't have anything new, does it?
03:06.13Beladonalots of people
03:06.13AnduinLotharlol, at least when you name ur drive on mac it's only refrenced by it's name everywhere
03:06.18LegorolTain, exactly ;-)
03:06.29GenNMXDo you know what happens when you put a Windows expert in the same channel as a Linux expert? You get two guys screaming at each other about the features of their own operating systems, about marketing, etc. without really knowing about each other's systems.
03:06.31Beladonapersonally I don't like vista
03:06.40KtronLegorol, no, no way, maybe I'm too computer sheltered but I feel like at least 80% of windows users no what the 'C drive' is
03:06.41TainIt's a holy war, GenNMX
03:06.44Beladonathey changed the fundamental parts of the OS that windows users are used to
03:06.45TainThere's no need for fact.
03:06.45Corrodiasas i understand, they took everything interesting out of Vista
03:07.00TainDefine interesting, Corrodias
03:07.06AnduinLotharlike the filesystem..
03:07.17Beladonathe new "dashboard" and "panels" ui they are going with is just stupid inmho
03:07.22AnduinLotharthey bailed on writing a new filesystem.. that's so lame
03:07.28Legorolwell i remember days of Linux where there wasn't even a GUI yet..
03:07.28GenNMXTain: OK, how about 90% of the callers when I was working tech support for some of the biggest gaming companies in the world didn't know what the command prompt was and what it was for? And I worked for them for about 3 years.
03:07.29Beladonano they are still doing it
03:07.35Legoroli have been using Linux on and off since
03:07.43Beladonait is just going to be after the fact, and an addon to winxp as well as vista
03:07.53LegorolLinux's popularity grew as it stole the idea of GUI from Macs and Windows
03:08.12Beladonalike windows did with mac?
03:08.12Legorolwell, ok, that's too harsh
03:08.16AnduinLotharand then u got you silly people that ENJOY using slash commands..
03:08.16Legorolyes Beladona
03:08.20GenNMXLegorol: No, Unix GUIs predate Windows and Macintoshes.
03:08.29LegorolGenNMX, that's correct
03:08.31Legorolbut not Linux
03:08.31TainLegorol.  Have you looked at the Linux GUIs?  They've made a point to differentiate themselves from Windows and Mac
03:08.40Legorolyes i use it for a living
03:08.41GenNMXTain: *cough* KDE
03:08.42Legorolunfortunately ;-)
03:08.43TainExcept for the ones like fvwm95
03:08.59LegorolSeriously guys, i am not saying XP is better or worse than Linux
03:09.03Ktronlol, here we go: :) ----->>
03:09.11LegorolLinux is doing great, and is getting more and more users away from XP
03:09.13Legorolthat's a good thing
03:09.23BeladonaI am of the mind that  everything should be command line first, and gui second
03:09.25Legorolpart of it is that it has received a decent GUI, comparable to Windows
03:09.26GenNMXKtron: Yeah that's the solution, but its development has been slow/stalled for a looong time.
03:09.32Beladonawhich is probably why I like linux
03:09.33Maldiviago fluxbox !
03:09.37Ktronfluxbox is fun
03:09.39LegorolBeladona, i prefer the other way round, but it's just that, a preference
03:09.46KtronBeladona, I agree, command line first, gui second
03:09.48AnduinLotharand on the topic of competition, which is better.... Cosmos or CT or Ace (and company)
03:09.51TainThis is why I hate these discussions.  I need to bow out because I'm a petty person and I'll start flinging insults at others ignorance.
03:09.51Legoroli can operate much faster with one hand on mouse and other on keyboard, than with endless typing
03:10.07Legorolas i said, it's all a preference thing, based on my previous experience/learning etc.
03:10.15KtronAnduinLothar, Ace ftw, CT ftm, Cosmos ftl
03:10.19Legorolbtw, i have used Linux before i have used Windows 3.0 ;-)
03:10.20AnduinLotharGUI >> command line
03:10.20Beladonathats you
03:10.22Legorolbut that was a long time ago
03:10.26Beladonabut I type like a torando
03:10.34GenNMXgon fo -er ln "in" << more >> less : Beladona && none < nll
03:10.53pagefaultI only use my mouse in games
03:10.59pagefaultit's keyboard all the rest of the time
03:10.59LegorolBeladona, i type pretty fast too, it's not my typing speed
03:11.02KtronTruthfully, I really just want to see at least two or three major, roughly equal share of the market, competitors
03:11.07Legorolit's somehow that i don't have the memory necessary to remember what to type
03:11.17Legorolin Linux i find i can operate fast with typing if i remember lots of facts
03:11.18GenNMXYes Ktron, that's the REAL discussion.
03:11.23Legorolwith a GUI i have "visual" clues that guide me
03:11.25Beladonayou can't argue this though
03:11.29BeladonaMS needs competition
03:11.29KtronI want when linux comes up with a new feature, windows is pressured into doing so too, and vice versa
03:11.32Beladonamore of it
03:11.33GenNMXIt's not about how "crappy" XP is. It's about how Microsoft pretty much has a monopoly.
03:11.34pagefaultwe need DR. DOS back
03:11.34Legorolbut it is just preference
03:11.41LegorolBeladona, yes i totally agree, MS needs competition
03:11.49AnduinLotharwhereas my memory is shit, but i can figure out what i need to do repeatedly with lightening speed
03:11.50Beladonacompetition is how things get done
03:11.53GenNMXYes Beladona, no one can argue that. That's the real point of discussion with Linux vs MS.
03:11.59Beladonaotherwise you end up with ie that sat stagnant for years
03:12.17LegorolGenNMX, it isn't the real point of discussion with Linux vs. XP, but it becomes it unfortunately
03:12.20Ktronyep, competition keeps AMD and Intel, ATI and Nvidia fighting forward
03:12.26Legoroltoo many Linux lovers are anti-XP because they are anti-MS
03:12.36Legoroli beleive that MS is a bunch of pigs, but XP is a great product
03:12.38Legorolwhat gives?
03:12.39BeladonaI use XP
03:12.43Beladonaon my other machine
03:12.47pagefaultbill gates is a good business man
03:12.51pagefaultyou have to give him that
03:12.58GenNMXIt's not just Microsoft. A LOT of technology companies have been sticking it to people since PCs first came out because the people either don't know any better, or can't get better service elsewhere.
03:13.00Beladonano his business men are good business men
03:13.02KtronHeh, I also have something against XP's help-- as in, they don't
03:13.04AnduinLothargood businessmen annoy the hell out of me
03:13.04Legoroland mind you, his foundation has sponsored me through university
03:13.11GenNMXLegorol: I mean, that SHOULD be the only viable source of discussion,.
03:13.12TainThat's why the old saying goes, "People use Linux because they're anti-Microsoft.  People use BSD because they're pro-unix."   :)
03:13.12Legorolnevertheless MS is crap
03:13.24KtronI want to see Adobe pressured too, Adobe needs some good competition
03:13.30Legorollol Tain
03:13.32Beladonayeah good luck with that
03:13.38Beladonasince they bought Macromedia
03:13.48AnduinLotharapples been trying to compete with adobe, but it's not direct
03:13.50pagefaultgimp vs photoshop lol
03:14.06Ktronyeah, not to mention PDFs vs.... postscript I guess
03:14.14GenNMXMost of Windows crashes are because of cheap developers who'd rather buy up lowgrade Asian programmers at 3 cents per day then make good, stable drivers. Because they know THAT is the "Microsoft Standard", and people will think the Operating System is the cause.
03:14.27TainGIMP is amazing.
03:14.28pagefaulti'm still waiting for a good open source pdf reader
03:14.31pagefaultbut adobe's is still the best
03:14.33KtronI like GIMP
03:14.46Beladoname 2
03:14.51KtronBut Tain, GIMP heh, doesn't in any way scare photoshop yet
03:15.11GenNMXGIMP doesn't scare Photoshop, hell, Photoshop CAME from GIMP.
03:15.12Beladonaopen source has a harder time competing with retail products than retail vs retail does
03:15.17AnduinLotharI fr prefer Preview to Acrobat Reader, but it's not open source
03:15.25KtronThere's 3DS and Maya competing which is good
03:15.25TainPeople who use PhotoShop always say that because GIMP does things differently.
03:15.43TainYou can't sit a PS person down with GIMP.
03:15.53pagefaultthats like saying you like apples because they taste different than oranges
03:15.55CodayusAcrobat Reader is probably responsible for more hostility and resistance to the PDF format than anything else.
03:15.56TainThey just don't, "get it"
03:16.00CodayusDamn, the program sucks...
03:16.02KtronThere's Gimpshop, which helps make the ui a little more PS friendly
03:16.27GenNMXpagefault: More like PS is a sliced apple rather then uncut. It's a friendlier interface.
03:16.28AnduinLotharwell actually i like apples cause they have a different texture than oranges..
03:16.48TainI only like Granny Smith apples.
03:16.48AnduinLothari like orange juice, I just dont like oranges
03:16.50Legorolnah, it's all the same .blp, just different TexCoords
03:17.31KtronI can't think of any other companies besides Adobe and MS which really dominate in at least one software type
03:17.32AnduinLotharlol someone in my crap guild just said "I <3 You" was offensive
03:17.51CodayusKtron: Autodesk.
03:17.59KtronCodayus, at what? CAD?
03:18.23KtronCodayus, There's ProEngineer which gets used a lot, and Solidworks, which are both kind of Inventor/CAD competition
03:18.41GenNMXKtron: Apple...
03:18.41TainThe most horrible joke ever?
03:18.43CodayusIn some areas, yes.  Also some segments of 3D modeling/animation.
03:19.14KtronProE and Solidworks both can do some animation as welll... I don't feel like  Autodesk has a deathgrip yet anyway
03:19.17CodayusThey now own 3D Studio Max and Maya.
03:19.23AnduinLotharO.o China banned Wikipedia...
03:19.25GenNMXCan't we also say 3D Studios is close with 3DsMax?
03:19.27KtronApple doesn't count, they make their own computers lol
03:19.29TainWhat do you say to a woman with two black eyes?
03:19.31KtronChina BANNED WIKIPEDIA??
03:19.46TainNothing, you already told her twice.
03:19.46GenNMXChina bans a lot of stuff on the Internet, lookup the "Great Firewall of China"
03:19.49KtronCodayus, they own both? heh.... that could be a problem
03:19.54AnduinLotharthat's what slashdot says. and i always believe slashdot cause im a tool
03:20.35CodayusThey just bought Maya, yeah.  They already had a very solid lock on 3d modeling for games - that's now stronger, and they can add a lot of movie stuff too.
03:20.47AnduinLotharuh oh Tem chrashed irc
03:20.55GenNMXJust for irony
03:21.09CodayusAnd while there are other CAD packages out there, I've heard AutoCAD is ubiquitous, especially in the US and in some industries.  Not my field; can't really comment.
03:21.42GenNMXYou know, I, for one, hope everyone switches to Linux. Since I work in first response computer repair.
03:21.48GenNMXMo money!
03:22.18TainI really don't care what people switch to.
03:22.25TainAs long as I can be employed to pay my bills.
03:24.22TainIf everyone in the world starts running BeOS I'll become an expert to get paid.
03:24.41GenNMXFor Linux lovers: A few years ago, the Indian Government announced they were going to switch all their computers over to Linux. Bill Gates himself immediately flew over and offered them about 5 billion dollars to stay with Windows. The Indian Government's new plan: Take Gates's money and "stay with Windows"...for 1 more year.
03:25.16TainA sound business decision.
03:25.34AnduinLotharI'd use windows for $5 billion
03:26.04AnduinLotharI'd even force my family, children and grandchildren to use windows for $5 billion
03:26.07GenNMXYes yes, we'd all dance naked and give Pope a hummer for $5 billion, so using Windows isn't too far off.
03:26.15TainI'd never touch a computer again for $5 billion.
03:26.24AnduinLotharmmm, dunnon bout that one
03:26.31TainI would.
03:26.38GenNMXTain: What would you do with the $5 billion except buy cool ass computer equipment?
03:26.50TainGenNMX: Hookers.
03:27.23pagefaultclean ones I hope
03:27.47GenNMXSo your plan with $5 billion is to perform illegal sex acts? Usually people do the illegal stuff to get the money in the first place, not the other way around ;)
03:27.47AnduinLothardoes that mean I can't voice activate and opperate a computer based machine and program on paper with a scanner?
03:27.54Tainehn whatever, $5 billion buys a lot of medical care.
03:27.55GenNMXpagefault: Well they're high-priced, of course.
03:28.13TainWhat's the use of having that much money if you cant' use it to break the law?
03:28.22GenNMXThey come with rabies shots at $500 a pop.
03:28.28AnduinLotharbuy an island, make your  own law
03:28.51pagefaultit's stupid it's illegal anyway
03:28.52GenNMXOr you could abandon all reality like many rich and make your own real-life World of Warcraft game.
03:28.57pagefaultbetter to make it safe
03:29.00pagefaultsince people will do it anyway
03:29.45GenNMXYes, that's what I would do with $5 billion -- abandon all reality and do crazy or at least incredibly eccentric things.
03:30.01KtronBeOS FTW
03:30.09Ktronlong live yellow ;)
03:30.19GenNMXIf you're still using BeOS, you've already abandoned all reality right there!
03:32.38Ktronheh, wasn't there a remake some did after the BeOS stuff because open-source? that had like super amazing video play back abilities?
03:33.51AnduinLotharsomeone started the world event on Kil'Jaeden
03:34.21AnduinLothar"Eranikus, Tyrant of the Dream, has entered our world."
03:35.36AnduinLotharnot too surprising, oldest pvp server. we have 10 or more guilds doing BWL
03:36.04Ktronthat's true... I didn't realize
03:36.10KtronKil'Jaeden was one of the first servers
03:36.48TainIt's happened on a bunch of servers already.
03:36.56AnduinLotharI picked KJ cause it had the highest pop at 2am opennign night
03:37.45Legorolmy server is 7th in the AQ war effort :(
03:37.48Legorolthat is so so sad
03:37.57Legorolit's going to be over before it even gets really rolling
03:38.04Legoroli won't have much chance to contribute and farm rep
03:38.09Ktronheh, do we know whose in first?
03:38.16Legorolcheck the rankings page
03:38.49LegorolSurprisingly enough non-English speaking realms in EU seem to be doing better than English ones
03:39.42Legorolyou can get to it from main wow page
03:39.53AnduinLotharlol, there are 3 KJ Alliance BWL raids going on right now
03:39.53Ktrongot it
03:40.04Legorolthe big graphics banner right in the center
03:40.25Corrodiasi think we only have 3, maybe 4 guilds on ET that can do BWL
03:40.31Legorollol, the bottom French server has handed in a grandtotal of 40 Baked Salmons
03:40.48TainThe French know you don't bake salmon.
03:40.57KtronMedivh, Mannoroth, Proudmore, Alleria, Hellscream, then my first server Zul'jin
03:42.04Ktronthat's badass heh... you know, I haven't played for a while... I should
03:42.20TainNah, why start now?
03:42.40Legorolwhat annoyed me a tiny bit is that my server has completed the thorium bars before i had a chance to log the quest in QuestHistory
03:42.50Ktronbecause I could farm some leather for the war effort and feel cool
03:43.00Legoroland get rep for it, Ktron!
03:43.03Legorolthat much closer to exalted
03:43.12Legorolor cool random rewards
03:43.18Legorolsomeone got a badass blue gun
03:43.27Ktronheh, I'll be the first level 29 exhalted, ever!
03:43.43Corrodiasis there a bug related to tradeskills around level 225?
03:43.44Legorolnot impossible.. how many leathers still missing?
03:44.05Ktronon my server? there's 25540 out of 180000 light leather
03:44.19AnduinLotharwe maxed thorium a few days ago on KJ wonder what else we still need
03:44.25Ktronno wait
03:44.46Ktronhorde can't hand in light leather?
03:45.26Ktronor even medium... well, nevermind, I'm useless
03:48.29LegorolOMG, read this guys:
03:49.04LegorolThis is insane, Blizzard is taking about half of all English EU servers offline with 7 hours notice
03:49.11Legorolfor at least 24 hours, possibly more
03:49.18pagefaulteurope gets better service than north america
03:49.29Legorolthis is ridiculous at best
03:49.39Legoroland they want to compensate with a couple of days of time extension
03:49.48pagefaultbe happy they are doing anything about lag for you guys
03:49.56Legorolwhat if i've organized a WoW LAN party for the past few weeks for that day?
03:50.10pagefaultthey can do that when you agreed to their TOS
03:50.11Legoroli had no problem with lag
03:50.16Legorolpagefault, i know
03:50.19Legorolit's still infuriating
03:50.25AnduinLotharwhy would you play wow at a lan party?
03:50.30Legoroli know have to check if i even have a char on a server that's not moving
03:50.34LegorolAnduinLothar: for atmosphere
03:50.40Legoroli like to play WoW with more than 1 person
03:50.51Legorolno need for teamspeak, great partying
03:50.58AnduinLotharyou'd need everyone to already have high lvl chars on the same server
03:51.19Legoroland of course there is no compensation for the lost auction deposits
03:52.30*** join/#wowi-lounge stray`laptop (
03:53.13AnduinLotharwhy look. they alldied and restarted it. "Eranikus, Tyrant of the Dream, has entered our world."
03:54.33Guillotinehaha. prepare for a server crash
03:55.11Corrodiasi hope i get to participate in that event some day. i hope they don't disable it when AQ is open
03:55.31Fanooki just took a 5 hour nap, and i have no idea why
03:55.41AnduinLotharcause you were tired
03:58.45GuillotineI've always wondered... what constitutes an 'active character' when it comes to paly-time extensions? Should I make a char on every server and log into them all once a week to get maximum free time?
04:00.47TainYou mean rested exp bonus?
04:02.20Guillotineplay time extension
04:02.22Guillotinefree days
04:03.12Tainuh oh
04:04.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
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04:16.52*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Cairenn] by ChanServ
04:21.11*** join/#wowi-lounge slouken (
04:21.37Cairennhey slouken :)
04:21.39sloukenI'll probably lose connection ... dang deadlock
04:22.30AnduinLotharLA freeways?
04:22.31TainMornin slouken
04:22.46AnduinLotharmust be driving on the %
04:22.59IrielIRC and driving, that'd be impressive
04:23.11Irielor hazardous
04:23.14Irielor both!
04:23.17AnduinLotharYa, i need to rig a computer to a project on my windshield
04:23.37TainI've done AIM and driving.  I don't recommend it.
04:23.49AnduinLotharit's been done. but i'd need a spare computer, and a spare projector, and a spare car..
04:24.09Irielthe technical feasibility wasn't really what I was remarking on 8-)
04:24.31sloukenNo, game
04:24.37Irielthough I guess text->voice->text and it'd be almost like  a cellphone.
04:24.47AnduinLotharlong as u can glue a FrogPad to your stearing wheel
04:25.13TainI don't want to see what voice controlled WoW would be like.
04:25.22Tain"Left!  left more!  Attack!  Sinister STrike!
04:26.23AnduinLotharSinister Strike! No, I said Sinister STrike! S-I-N-I-S-T-E-R Space S-T-R-I-K-E
04:26.30Tainoooh that enters into a whole new world.  Voice recorder bots.
04:27.00Cairennpersonally, I want to see WoW hooked up to this:
04:27.36AnduinLotharO.o my poor feet
04:27.47IrielI've tried gaming on a treadmill before, I almost fell off.
04:28.01TainThat simply won't work for those six hour raids.
04:28.02Fanooki notice all the people in their screenshots are like athletes :)
04:28.03Irielthough it didn't have the nifty steering wheel thing this one does
04:28.16AnduinLotharI've done vr on a two directional radmil, hard to not fall down
04:28.19Tain"Why isn't he attacking?  Cardiac arrest."
04:28.19Cairennright now it's just for FPSs, but I think it'd be neat for MMOs too
04:29.42GenNMXVoice-controlled WoW would be hell..."Attack the 'Solomance' Wizard. I said the SOLOmance Wizard! SOLOMANCE SOOOLOOOMANCE!" Vent Team: "Uhhh, it's pronounced SCHOLOmance."
04:29.59Irielmy read of the FAQ's on that site lead me to believe you could play wow on it already
04:30.19TainYeah but think about the questions you'll get at work.
04:30.22GenNMXYeah, I bet you can, but it wouldn't be pretty.
04:30.48Tain"We notice you call home and leave messages on your ansering machine 45 times a day."
04:30.51Cairennwell, I think that there are a lot of people playing MMOs (and FPSs for that matter) that could probably desperately use the exercise
04:31.04Tain"Well yeah but I'm just four "bubbles" away from 60.."
04:32.13TainThere were just studies completed Cair saying that a lot of overweight people don't want to lose weight.  they're perfecly happy the way they are, if society didn't buy into the ad agencies idea of heroin thin beauty.
04:32.16AnduinLotharwhoever thought up those bubbles was a genious
04:32.38Cairennwho said anything about "heroin thin beauty"
04:32.45Cairennwasn't me
04:33.10Cairennand there is a difference between being overweight and being desperately out of shape :p
04:33.46AnduinLotharthere was some bug i was gonna report to slouken... but thankfully for him. I've forgotten what it was
04:34.40TainIt's still someone's choice if they have no problem being desperately out of shape.
04:35.32Cairenndid I say it wasn't?  what I said was, and I quote, "there are a lot of people playing that could probably desperately use the exercise" ...
04:36.08Cairennif they choose not to, that is their business, but it doesn't change the fact that they "could use" it
04:36.14TainI guess I just interpret, "desperately use" differently then.
04:36.31GenNMXIt's better to talk about being "dangerously out of shape". A lot of companies make it seem being a little overweight means you'll die when you're 60.
04:37.17TainI guess I just look at it as if someone is happy it doesn't matter.
04:37.19Cairennbeing a bit overweight, like being a bit underweight, doesn't necessarily mean you are going to die at 60, anyone with 1/2 a brain in their head knows that
04:37.58TainCairenn: I'd tend to agree with you if it weren't for the fact that people are constantly huting themselves with anorexia and bolemia.
04:38.25Cairennand there are lots of people in great physical shape that keel over and die of heart attacks and strokes, too ... genetics play a factor as well
04:38.30TainPeople are being made to think that they have to be thin to be beautiful.
04:38.34GenNMXTain: It doesn't bode well for society if a majority of it is unhealthy -- either overweight, or poisoned by alchohol and/or tobbaco, or poisoned in the mind by the media and what-not developing horrible illnesses.
04:38.39TainAnd I personally disagree.
04:39.04GenNMXLike bolemia, anarexoria, etc.
04:39.07TainGenNMX: Yes, but I personally have no problem with the thinning of the herd.
04:39.35AnduinLotharWardrobe-AL 1.41 --> WoWI
04:39.47AnduinLotharAlso on Curse
04:40.30GenNMXTain: I'm going to have to restrain myself here. So I guess you think it's OK for heavily depressed people to commit suicide?
04:40.40TainBut it's probably just me.  I tend to agree with the words of Queen who said, "Fat bottom girls you make the rocking world go 'round."
04:40.57TainGenNMX: I don't care what they do.
04:41.42TainPeople who commit suicide couldn't deal with whatever was going on, I hope they are in a better place for themselves.
04:42.03GenNMXTain: Then why have you continued with a conversation on global issues if you don't care?
04:42.39Cairennexcept you are disagreeing with ... no one in channel .... no one in here has said that everyone needs to be thin to be beautiful ... what I said, and I quote, "there are a lot of people playing that could probably desperately use the exercise" ...
04:43.01TainI'm not sure that saying I don't care what a specific instance of people doing translates into all global issues.
04:43.39TainAlright Cairenn, I assumed a lot in what you mean by, "desperately need the exercise" then.
04:44.13TainI tend to be resistant against anyone saying what anyone else needs.
04:45.19TainHowever, I'm also a bitter, jaded bastard so take that into account with any argument I may make.
04:45.37GenNMXIt's just knowledge, Tain. Some of it happens to be wrong in the case of "you must be thin to be beautiful".
04:45.56Cairennwell, I'm a cranky emotional female (aka bitch), so I guess we make a good pair :p
04:46.13GenNMXBut if you go to a weight doctor and they tell you what diet you should be using, that isn't "the doctor telling you what to do", that is knowledge you are gaining about what diet is appropriate for you.
04:46.47GenNMXThe problem is people's guillability and inability to apply proper critical reasoning to information.
04:48.27Cairennand Tain, I'm sorry, but fat or thin - if someone (without some form of physical handicap) can't get up out of their chair, walk to the fridge, grab a bottle of water and walk back to their chair without wheezing like a broken down set of bellows, then they need some exercise
04:49.05GenNMXCairenn: What if they just ate about 50 pretzels?
04:49.13GenNMXI have bad habits...
04:50.26CairennGenNMX: in which case they need the exercise to get rid of the pretzels ;)
04:50.37Cairennmmmm, pretzels
04:50.40Cairennthat's a good idea
04:51.22GenNMXPretzels don't translate into a lot of fat if you have a good carb balance, but they're very high in sodium, which can make you pretty winded ;)
04:51.37CairennI know, it's the salt that I eat them for
04:52.38*** part/#wowi-lounge cladhaire (
04:52.47GenNMXWhen I think of Cairenn, I always think of her Female Night Elf avatar, and I associate Night Elves with I guess that means Cairenn likes salt licks ;)
04:53.08AnduinLothari like both salty and sweet, not especiall picky
04:53.24AnduinLotharmore of a sour fiend
04:53.33Cairennsour is good too
04:53.36TainI don't want to be the person who can't walk from my couch to the fridge without wheezing.  But honestly I don't have any problem with someone who does.  That's their choice.
04:53.39Cairennsour patch kids rock
04:54.08TainI do love me some sour patch kids.
04:54.44AnduinLotharwoot sour patch. Zours too
04:54.46TainAnyway you can just dismiss my rantings as someone who's overweight to begin with, so obviously I'm biased.
04:55.02GenNMXIt's not about yelling at every person you see to get into shape, Tain, it's about the status of the world. I can't help but care for the future of humanity. Depression is very common in people of higher intelligence, and obesity is very common in the depressed.
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04:56.07GenNMXAnd one thing a lot of people are depressed about is their own obesity, so they eat more -- a bad cycle.
04:56.25Cairennnot always the case GenNMX, although I'm sure that is most often the case
04:56.36Cairennsome depressed people just stop eating
04:56.42TainI happen to disagree on that point, GenNMX.  I think people get depressed about their "obesity" because ad agencies tell them that they're unattractive.
04:56.42GenNMXCairenn: Hence why I said "a lot"
04:57.32TainBut again, it's all a matter of personal opinion.
04:57.44GenNMXTain: I'm not disagreeing with you on that, but it's much more effective to try and make people exercise then to completely destroy a stereotype propegated by some of the most powerful and influencial companies in mass media.
04:58.51Cairennfrankly, I think the modelling and "glamour" magazines have an awful lot to answer for
04:59.02Cairennand that they should be ashamed of themselves
04:59.24GenNMXI think ALL forms of advertising have a lot to answer for. Advertising in any country is just absurd in what we let them get away with.
04:59.41GenNMXWhat ever happened to the laws about "truth in advertising" in any country?
05:00.05GenNMXI hate all ads. I love my PVR unit.
05:00.07Cairennwhat happened to "truth in reporting" either?
05:00.17Cairennhi zeeg
05:00.34GenNMXCairenn: The Internet came and blew away their audience, so they needed to make it more glamorous
05:01.10TainWhatever happened to truth in general.
05:01.11CodayusI dunno, I think a decent chunk of the audience drain is BECAUSE of editorials pretending to be neutral reporting...
05:01.33CairennCodayus: "pretending" ...
05:01.37TainYou can just look around and see truth disappear just looking around.
05:01.41Cairennthat being the key phrase right there
05:01.56Cairennor rather, word, not phrase
05:02.07TainThe only truth many people see is that which makes them money.
05:02.23GenNMXActually I disagree with that, Tain. It's not truth that's "disappearing", it's the people becoming MORE enlightened.
05:02.54GenNMXPeople have always gotten screwed pretty badly by the same parties which are doing it now, we're just becoming more and more aware.
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05:03.12GenNMXUnfortunately, not enough people are aware of it yet to do something about some of the heinous acts going on.
05:03.45CodayusThere used to be (so I'm told) a clear distinction between a newspapers factual reporting, and their editorials.  That's often pretty hard these days....  (Of course, the optomistic argue that the news media was always biased, they were just able to hide it better before the 'net.)  <shrug>
05:04.15CodayusEr, pretty hard to see.  And I use the word "optomistic" advisedly.  :-D
05:04.18Tainehn.  on a personal level I think it's become evident that not enough people care about truth to make a differnce.  Otherwise we wouldn't have things like the trillions of dollars spent on US troops in foreign countries.
05:04.20GenNMXI don't think it was the 'net, Codayus. It's enlightenment. I see it all the time.
05:04.24TainBut agian, that's a personal opinion.
05:04.30AnduinLotharthe difference is more in the acceted style of writing
05:04.43GenNMXI see plenty of people who can't effectively 'Google' or do any real fact-digging even at a local library.
05:05.10TainYes Anduin, absolutely.  I'm more likely to listen to someone who spells out words completely and uses proper puncutation than someone who doesn't.
05:05.27AnduinLotharIt used to be that people only wanted news from people or groups they trusted.
05:06.12GenNMXTain: That's because the bulk of the voters in the US, the people who are in actual positions to make change happen, are 40 and above. It's the newer generations which are the more enlightened ones.
05:06.39AnduinLotharNow adays people accept that an online news group is made up of people. They still expect the truth, but they're also more incredulous and aware that it is one person writing it, not a team or researchers
05:06.41GenNMXThe newer generations feel like they have no chance for reform until the older, less enlightened generation dies off.
05:06.46CodayusHmm, so, who here would vote for instituting a MAXIMUM voting age?  :-)
05:06.57TainI hope you're right, GenNMX.  I hope that the future exhibits that.  I don't belive it, but I hope you're right instead of me.
05:07.27CodayusBut yeah, the baby boomers are a big enough voting block that it seriously limits some political options.  (cf, social security/pensions reform.)
05:08.17TainCodayus: if two things happen that would be true. One, if they all voted.  Two if their votes counted. (See Florida, 1992.)
05:08.30GenNMXCodayus: And seniors have the highest voter turnout of any age group, and most seniors are conservative (right OR left)
05:08.40TainI don't even know what year I'm in
05:09.07TainOh hell whatever.
05:09.31TainThe last presidential election in the US for Emperor Bush.
05:10.02CodayusI will refrain from commenting about your grasp of political details.  :-D
05:10.41GenNMXCodayus: Are you talking to me or Tain?
05:11.01CodayusGenNMX: I was talking to Tain, who seemed to be having some trouble with election dates.
05:11.02TainI won't refrain from commenting on your backhanded remarks.  How bout saying you'll just disagree rather than insinuate I don't understand the political process?
05:11.43AnduinLotharyou made an exageration, she commented on your exageration with sarcasm, i see no problem here
05:11.52Cairennone thing I will give the US system ... thank <insert belief of your choice, including non belief, here> that you only allow someone to hold office for two sessions
05:12.02TainAmen to that, Cairenn
05:12.15TainLet's hope that doesn't change.
05:12.18CodayusI wasn't insinuating anything.  <shrug>
05:12.28GenNMXCodayus: Your comment wouldn't hold up in a debate anyway, since it doesn't follow the principle of charity ;)
05:12.38GenNMXCairenn: ...Except in Congress.
05:12.42TainOk then Codayus, you were stating instead of insinuationg.  how about that?
05:12.49Cairenndial it back guys
05:13.00Cairennbefore it gets out of hand
05:13.07CodayusHeh, I saw an idea floating around to repeal the term limit in exchange for repealing the limit on foreigners running for president.
05:13.29TainThere's been proposals to remove the term limits almost every year since it was introduced.
05:13.36TainThankfully they've never gotten very far.
05:13.43Codayus(This was back when Arnold was still popular.)  The idea was 2008 would be Arnold vs Bill Clinton.  Amusing idea...
05:13.51CairennI saw a cute bumper sticker the other day ... Politicians should only be allowed to serve two terms, the first in office, the second in prison
05:13.56GenNMXArnold's not popular anymore?
05:14.07CodayusNot like he was...
05:14.12CodayusAnd not in the right areas.
05:14.33TainNo, he isn't.  Lots of media backlash telling people what they should think about him.
05:14.52GenNMXYeah, I think he's cool for doing that.
05:15.02GenNMXBut I hate the media.
05:15.26AnduinLotharNo current gov is ever cool
05:15.31TainI do ahve to say that I've been wrong about one thing for many years, and the current US president has shown me that.
05:15.56GenNMXTain: That nuclear is spelled "n-u-k-l-e-a-r"?
05:16.10TainI used to belive that the President of the US didn't matter that much between candidates.  There were enough other systems in place that one person couldn't do that much harm.
05:16.23TainToday I believe that I was wrong.
05:16.39AnduinLotharthere's always people that do not support the current gov who decide they need to make everyone else hate the current gov.  I wouldn't even blame it all on the media. the media just covers the crap people think up to make public
05:17.17CodayusAnduinLothar: And the state Republicans are perfectly capable of self-destructing all on their own; no media help needed.
05:17.26GenNMXAnduinLothar: The selections of what to cover, and how much they cover what they select to cover, and how they cover it, is what I think the media is doing wrong.
05:17.41CodayusNo way would Arnold have ever won the Republin nomination in a normal election, for example...
05:17.50AnduinLotharnormal.. heh
05:18.16GenNMXRepublicans are self-destructing? The Republican party is far stronger then the Democratic party right now. It's the Democracts which are self-destructing.
05:18.18TainJust remember, the people who report things also want to keep their access to high-level government officials.
05:18.40AnduinLothareveryone has their agenda
05:18.46TainI vote Whigs
05:18.49CodayusGenNMX: *state*  The Republican party in California is disfunctional as hell, and would rather keep their ideological pureness than select someone electable.
05:19.22CairennAnduinLothar: and that is one of the truest statements around
05:19.34GenNMXCodayus: Well, the same could be said about either party right now. I didn't like Kerry much either, it became a battle of ideals, not of candidates.
05:19.54TainWell I'm off to sleep while I'm still able in my own home.
05:19.54Codayus<shrug>  I'm not sure either side had a lot of ideals in that election cycle.
05:19.59Taingood night all.
05:20.02zeeg[amsg] Just FYI, the wowguru bot is offline at the moment as we're changing hardware. It will be back ASAP
05:20.07Cairennnight Tain
05:20.12GenNMXCodayus: Well, just the general Republican vs Democrat ideals.
05:20.16TainNite Cairenn.
05:20.34GenNMXTain: G'night, make sure to check your pillow lining for NSA transmitters.
05:20.34CodayusPft, the Republicans have ideals?  Would those be "larger government" or "more pork"?  :-/
05:20.40TainGoodnight zeeg!!!!!! MY FAVORTIE BEST FREIND!!@!$#@!$$
05:20.48CodayusNight Tain.
05:21.30GenNMXCodayus: Pro-Gun, Pro-Life, Pro-Theocracy, Pro-Business and Anti-Socialism
05:21.56GenNMXAnti-Communism too, of course, goes along with Socialism
05:22.18GenNMXThey might be ideals you and I don't agree with, but they ARE ideals ;)
05:23.12CodayusHmm, this probably isn't the place, but I'd have to disagree with at least some of those.  As an example, I completely disagree that anti-socialism is a motivating factor in the Republican party; it's just not an the agenda.
05:23.50zeegwho knows a lo9t about macs
05:23.58CodayusNot me!
05:24.08zeegi need it to read my 300gig NTFS
05:24.12zeegit has the size/etc right, but shows no files
05:24.52IrielIs it a permissions issue?
05:25.06zeegno idea
05:25.09zeegi havent a clue about macs
05:25.10zeegjust got this today
05:25.22zeegmy network dont seem to be working either
05:25.51zeegwrong keyoard
05:26.02zeegk nvm internet sowkring
05:26.07GenNMXCodayus: I meant Anti-Communism, or a system of economy where the government controls as much as the economy as possible. Republicans want wealth to be controlled as much by *businesses* as possible, and least by the government, or the purest form of capitalism there is. Democrats want something in the middle of pure capitalism and communism.
05:26.09zeegAnduinLothar, do i have to do something to make it read the files on the NTFS drive
05:26.37AnduinLotharnever tried hooking up an NTFS drive, but it should be supported on the kernel level
05:26.58AnduinLotharextrenal usb?
05:27.02GenNMXSince Democrats feel that businesses can become corrupted and need far more watching then what the judicial system can give.
05:27.18GenNMXzeeg: I'd start at "Linux NTFS drivers" in Google
05:27.33zeegno its IDE
05:27.35GenNMXMac isn't Linux, but I bet they have links to OSX-related stuff.
05:28.39AnduinLotharApple support forum is a good place to start
05:28.47GenNMXThat too.
05:29.12GenNMXSleepy time.
05:29.15AnduinLotharthe apple online support is rated very highly among computer companies
05:29.30Cairennnight GenNMX
05:29.43AnduinLotharwhat are u using that has an IDE cable, tho?
05:29.55CodayusGenNMX: I believe you're wrong.  The Republicans, in general, tend to be a little more pro-market than Democrats, but it's a damn small difference.  The Republicans don't favor unfettered markets, nor do they have any clear ideal about what they DO favor - it's just a situational "what wins us more votes".
05:30.00CodayusAnd yeah, night GenNMX.
05:30.29AnduinLothareveryone in polotics cares about votes
05:30.55zeegg3 i think
05:31.02AnduinLotharah, old school
05:31.03zeegi just need it to act as a fileserver :|
05:31.11AnduinLotharwhat OS u using?
05:31.11zeegif i like it i may go buy a mini or something
05:31.16zeegos x
05:31.18zeeg10.3 or w/e
05:31.46AnduinLotharok, ya 10.3 should support NTFS, however I don't know if your hardware will
05:32.26zeegownership and permissions says "You can only read" on it
05:32.35AnduinLotharcan you read it?
05:33.04GenNMXCodayus: Wait, one more thing on that -- the Republicans want to privitize Social Security, all forms of mass transit (even "special mobility" vans for the disabled), *schools*, the Post Office, and more.
05:33.05zeegit says the files are there (used 112gb on disk) but doesnt show any
05:33.23zeegill try sharing it
05:33.26zeegand see if i can read from it on this pc
05:33.44AnduinLotharya, I haven't tried that particular feat, so i'd have to use the support pages
05:34.19GenNMXAlthough not all Republicans are as Right as the people who want to privitize everything, I'll agree with that. But I think the party in general follows these ideals.
05:34.48CodayusSome do...most don't.  You might be thinking of the Libertarians.  :-)
05:35.15GenNMXCodayus: Rush Limbaugh isn't a Libertarian, according to him...
05:35.16AnduinLotharzeeg do you have another boot drive running?
05:35.47zeegya this is a diff hdd on it
05:36.02AnduinLothartry updating the boot drive to past 10.3.6
05:36.08CodayusI wouldn't know what he is, or what he thiks.  <shrug>
05:36.29AnduinLothari see 10.3.6 lists "improved support for NTFS formatted volumes" on the list of changes
05:36.38GenNMXCodayus: Do you live in America?
05:37.02GenNMXYou should read up on Rush Limbaugh, take a look at his website. I think.
05:37.06AnduinLotharJust go to the apple menu and click "Software Update" and download all that apply
05:37.15zeegit dont list the mac in my network list
05:37.19GenNMXHe's one of the most highly acclaimed Right-wing political analyst.
05:37.21CodayusThe current administration has presided over the largest increase in federal education spending ever.  Also the addition of the largest entitlements program ever.  If there's a principle in there, I missed it.
05:37.28zeeghow do i share a drive?
05:37.41CodayusI know WHO he is, but if you persist in calling him an analyst, I may be unable to restrain my laughter.  :-)
05:38.09AnduinLotharSystem Prefrences:Sharing:Windows Sharing
05:38.11CodayusI have a...low opinion of him.  No offence to his fans, numerous though they may be.
05:38.36GenNMXCodayus: A political analyst doesn't need to be neutral ;) He usually has his facts straight, he just presents them in a pro-Right way.
05:39.05CodayusPerhaps he does; that's more charitable than I would be based on my very limited encounters with him.  <shrug>
05:39.25GenNMXHe's a good example of what the Republican party may be thinking, or at least the extremists. And it's getting harder and harder to distinguish extremists in the two parties.
05:39.41zeeghrmm AnduinLothar i still dont see it in my network list on windows
05:39.46zeegso i got no idea how to connect to it
05:41.14GenNMXOK, now I really gotta go. Later.
05:41.35AnduinLotharwhat workgroup is ur pc on?
05:42.15GenNMXWait, one more thing
05:42.36zeegworkgroup exists now
05:42.39AnduinLotharmake it WORKGROUP
05:42.39zeegcan i change that AnduinLothar?
05:42.40GenNMXzeeg: Are you sharing a Macintosh drive and trying to access it in Windows?
05:42.54zeegGenNMX, im trying to share it and access it haha
05:42.58zeegso yes, but no
05:43.00zeegi havent gotten that far
05:43.04AnduinLotharthe mac defaults to the WORKGROUP workgroup
05:43.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaelten (
05:43.24zeeghow do i change that?
05:43.29GenNMXYeah, run the Network Setup Wizard in Windows XP
05:43.33*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Kaelten] by ChanServ
05:43.37AnduinLotharWindows sometimes defaults to MSHOME, sometimes WORKGROUP i forget when.. pro maybe
05:43.39Cairennhi Kael
05:43.41GenNMXStart->Control Panel->Network Setup Wizard
05:43.51zeegerr no
05:43.53zeegi mean change it in the mac
05:43.53GenNMXMake sure file sharing is enabled, and make sure the workgroup is named WORKGROUP
05:43.54KaeltenContainerIDs are constant correct?
05:43.54zeegi want mshome :P
05:44.14GenNMXzeeg: You need to do it on the XP machine to open up the ports in the firewall anyway
05:44.22AnduinLotharwell i have no idea how to configure that on the mac
05:44.33zeeghm well
05:44.37zeegit says i dont have access to it anyways
05:44.49AnduinLotharput in your password and username
05:44.49zeegnetwork path was found
05:45.00zeegdoesnt ask :|
05:45.06AnduinLotharsilly windows
05:45.21GenNMXzeeg: Wait, is this the share on the Mac?
05:45.29AnduinLotharaccess it from the explorer then
05:46.17zeegwindows is fine
05:46.20zeegya im trying that
05:47.19zeegFirefox can't find the file at ///
05:47.40GenNMXzeeg: If it's a share on the Mac, then you probably don't have the share setup correctly on the Mac. I don't know enough about Macs to fix it, but I can tell you how to do it in Windows.
05:47.51GenNMXDon't use Firefox, go to Start->Run
05:48.08zeegi did //
05:48.14AnduinLotharexplorer ~= ff
05:48.49zeegsays i dont have permission
05:48.53zeegto access the network resource
05:49.12AnduinLotharhmmm, forget the command line password syntax
05:49.21GenNMXzeeg: OK, make a new user with the same username and password as the Macintosh username.
05:49.27LegorolOk, I have just realised what Blizzard has done in Europe
05:49.51LegorolFirst, they made it so that to improve performance, you can't create characters on some of the servers if you don't already ahve characters on there
05:50.16LegorolSecond, they are going to take a bunch of servers offline for at least 24 hours (including my servers)
05:50.29LegorolThese two sets don't entirely overlap
05:50.44LegorolSo the end result: my servers are down, and on other servers I am unable to create characters
05:51.16GenNMXLegorol: Translation for you -- their hardware is very cheap.
05:51.44LegorolOverall, out of the 75 English EU servers, only 22 will be available for me to play on for at least the next day, but maybe more
05:51.46AnduinLotharthey really just dont want u to play leg
05:52.06GenNMXBut that's not necessarily Blizzard's fault, it's the European publisher's job to make sure the servers have good hardware and are upkept.
05:52.28zeegi gotta get my friends password
05:52.29Legorolthe European publisher is called Blizzard Europe ;-)
05:52.30zeegi should just reinstall osx
05:52.37GenNMXAlthough Blizzard NA also skimps out on hardware, which I think is due to their main french owner.
05:52.40zeegbut it doesnt like the dvd burner i put in and i dont wanna swap that out right now
05:52.50GenNMXWho owns Blizzard again? V-something?
05:52.58LegorolVivendi Universal Games
05:53.19Legorolthat may not be the exact name, it's the Games subsidiary of Vivendi Universal
05:53.30GenNMXYeah, I'm under the impression now that Vivendi is short-changing Blizzard, saying WoW isn't as impressive as it is and keeping more cash then they should.
05:53.42Legoroli don't think so
05:53.46Legoroli think the opposite
05:53.54LegorolWoW had much more success than anyone anticipated
05:54.01Legorolso they didn't have the hardware right from the start
05:54.09Legorolthey are now scrambling to do hardware upgrades all over
05:54.21GenNMXLegorol: But they're not pushing for a big upgrade, either.
05:54.24Legorolwhat was it, in NA if i remember correctly, they launched with something like 40 or so servers
05:54.29LegorolGenNMX, in Europe they are
05:54.34GenNMXAnd new servers actually seem MORE unstable then old.
05:54.40zeeg"You have inserted a disk containing no volumes that Mac OS X can read. To continue with the disk inserted, click Ignore.
05:54.45zeegInitialize... Ignore and Eject
05:54.47Legorolnew data center has been opened, they are even transferring some of the first servers to new data center onto new hardware
05:54.55AnduinLotharblank cd?
05:55.04zeegthe cd drive has a mac os x disk in it
05:55.07zeegmaybe this is talking about my hdd?
05:55.19Legorolanyway, was going to say: in NA, they launched with 40 and went up to 80 or so in first week or something like that, wasn't it?
05:55.23AnduinLotharnah, you cant eject a hardrive
05:55.38Legoroli heard later that the extra 40 servers they threw in over that first couple of week was what they planned to gradually phase in during the first *year*
05:55.47AnduinLotharunless it's usb with drivers
05:56.15Legorolanyway i probably shouldn't complain, hardware restructuring and upgrades is good thing
05:56.33AnduinLotharya, i dont think many people on the blizz staff slept first few weeks
05:56.50LegorolThe reason why i'm complaining is because all this hassle is because they are moving 8 servers, all German
05:56.58Legorolas a result, I'm restricted to 22 out of 75 English servers
05:57.00Legorolgo figure
05:57.04zeegidk AnduinLothar
05:57.08zeegi hit "Initialize.."
05:57.11zeegand i see 3 hdds
05:57.15AnduinLotharand it errored
05:57.44zeegno before that
05:58.50zeegok how do i detect hardware/ :p
05:58.55Cairennnight Legorol
05:59.39AnduinLotharapple:about this mac: more info
06:00.14AnduinLotharand while on the abut page what os vers does is say?
06:02.23AnduinLotharok, that's latest you can update for free
06:04.09zeeghow do i make it know my cd drive is there? :|
06:05.19AnduinLotharis your cd drive compatible with old macs?
06:06.19AnduinLotharunless it specificly said mac compatible on the box i doubt they have made the drivers
06:06.41zeegno idea
06:07.40zeegim gonna rip it apart and put the old drive in and reinstall os x
06:08.07AnduinLotharjust for the password?
06:09.53AnduinLotharlol. Eranikus crashed the Eastern Kingdoms server
06:11.05AnduinLothareither that or BWL instance server went down
06:11.19AnduinLotharno whole continent
06:14.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine_ (
06:20.42Kaeltennight guys
06:21.07Cairennnight Kaelten :)
06:31.55Mangoi needed to talk to him
06:33.51zeegi think i got it
06:34.42zeegok how do i share an entire drive
06:37.59Mangoyou mean on a network?
06:39.26zeegfor mac
06:39.48Mangooh mac
06:42.49AnduinLotharcan you see the drive on your pc?
06:43.52zeegon the mac, yes
06:44.05AnduinLotharcan you see the mac drive on your pc?
06:44.15zeegone sec
06:46.15AnduinLothar   go down to "Direct connect"
06:47.02AnduinLotharoh thats' pc to mac
06:51.03*** join/#wowi-lounge stray`laptop (
06:53.30AnduinLotharhere ya go zeeg
06:53.40AnduinLothara few minutes with google saves hours
06:54.00Fanookthe 10.3 -> 10.4 update isn't free?
06:55.07AnduinLotharapple doesn't do upgrades the way MS does
06:57.20AnduinLotharApple updates far more frequently and has offered a point upgrade every year for the past 6 years. 10.3 -> 10.3.1 -> 10.3.2 -> 10.3.... -> 10.3.9 are free   10.4 costs $, jsut like 10.3 did when it came out
06:58.09zeegok so now i need to change the u/p
06:58.28zeegsays bad username/poasswore
06:58.30AnduinLotharjsut call the guy and ask
06:58.34zeegno i got that
06:58.42zeegi mean on windows (i changed user accounts/etc so the info is dif)
07:10.35Ktronbe back in a couple days, night everyone
07:10.41Ktronpurl, ktron
07:10.42purli guess ktron is dangerous. He doesn't really know what he is doing. Stop him.
07:10.54Cairennnight Ktron, have a good time wherever it is you are heading to
07:11.01Ktronpurl, night
07:11.03purlG'night ktron, get out of here.
07:11.07Ktronheh, Rhode Island Cairenn
07:11.19Ktronfrom New Hampshire, to visit a friend
07:11.28Cairennwell in that case, stay safe
07:12.02Ktronif tomorrow Boston blows up around 2pm or Rhode Island sinks after 3pm, mourn ;)M
07:12.25AnduinLotharnot both?
07:12.31AnduinLotharexclusive or?
07:12.43Ktron|RIno, that would be 'xor' wouldn't it?
07:13.05Ktron|RIyou too AnduinLothar
07:13.10Ktron|RIhey, last quesiton
07:13.10AnduinLotharnto when it comes to bombs ;)
07:13.17Ktron|RIpurl, ktron_asks
07:13.19purl[ktron_asks] How hard would it be to make an addon that changes the color of all the names of your friends/guildmates when you see in them in chats? so you could pick them out of general, or pick your friends out of /guild
07:13.51AnduinLotharmmm, believe ctra does that for raid leaders already, so... not hard
07:14.06Cairennshall I comment on what a sad state of affairs it is when you don't consider your entire guild "friends"?
07:14.21AnduinLotharlarge guild...
07:14.26AnduinLotharnew guild...
07:14.34Ktron|RIlol... well, truthfully, I only count a handful of people I play with friends
07:14.35AnduinLothari hate most on my guild currently
07:14.41Ktron|RIguilds get up to 200
07:14.47AnduinLotharmines 300
07:14.53Mangoanduin, you're from lothar?
07:15.04Ktron|RImy friend has a channel just for his friends besides /g
07:15.05AnduinLotharand yet we still cant get 20 people fro zg..
07:15.29Ktron|RIOr another use might be color-coding player names to match class colors
07:15.36Ktron|RIsuper easy way to differ classes
07:15.45AnduinLotharya, that's harder
07:15.58AnduinLotharonly works if they're in ur part or nearby
07:16.11Ktron|RIheck, if we were clever enough, we could find a way to express 2 colors, and show class/race/name in one word
07:16.32Ktron|RIAnduinLothar, you could store everyone, and just 'who' everyone you don't have
07:17.02IrielJust use multiple colors for one name
07:17.07AnduinLotharthat's fine for friendslist.. i'm not storing a table for everyone on the server tho...
07:17.09IrielSince there aren't any 1 letter names as far as I know
07:17.24Ktron|RIit'd be easy, and the initial setting up would just take a quick parsing of '/who g-"guildname"' or such
07:17.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
07:17.47Ktron|RIIriel, yeah, but I'm not sure if people would go for having the first half one color, and the second half another... maybe alternating colors would look better
07:17.49AnduinLotharright. I'm not debating feasability
07:18.04AnduinLotharbut im not workng on a mod that saves the class of everyone on the server
07:18.12Ktron|RIyeah yeah, who cares about that ;)
07:18.20Ktron|RIjust friendlist and maybe guildlist
07:18.41AnduinLotharit's possible
07:18.42Ktron|RIactually, can you use being in the same guild to get that info?
07:19.06Ktron|RIso, you wouldn't have to store guildmembers, just friends, and that's small enough
07:19.27AnduinLotharalready done with FriendsList
07:19.48AnduinLotharcant even remember the name of my own mod
07:19.57AnduinLotharthat's a good sign i've written too many
07:20.04AnduinLotharshould dump a few
07:20.27AnduinLotharlike Archaeologist.. no one uses that
07:20.35Ktron|RIwhere'd you host FriendsFacts? I can find it in Ometh, but that's about it
07:21.15Ktron|RIAnyway, that's a little bit different, but not a bad starting point
07:21.39AnduinLotharwhere the hell are u looking... it's in Cosmos, on curse and on WoWI
07:21.40Ktron|RIjust need to basically take FriendsFacts and add on to it something to automatically color their names
07:22.40Ktron|RIheh, I just googled it
07:22.59Ktron|RIyou know what'd be useful, and probably not too hard to code using php?
07:23.22Ktron|RIIn fact, I think I could generate some noticeable traffic if I make it
07:23.36Ktron|RII've used FriendsFacts actually, it's a nice addon
07:23.49Ktron|RIdefinitely should have been the original behavior
07:24.41Ktron|RIAlright, the traffic idea-- I'll probably do it, so don't you do it-- make a 'web search' engine like thing that uses google, but lets you stores 'sets' of websites to search and choose one of yoru sets to search in
07:25.33Ktron|RIfor example, you could add dictionary sites all to a dictionary set, enecyclopedias to encyclopedia set, WoW addon sites to a WoW addon one, WoW item db sites to a WoW item db etc
07:26.25Ktron|RIyeah, similar idea Cairenn, though I think I'd make it so users could register and make their own, and make them public or not if they want
07:26.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Tain (
07:26.52Ktron|RImaybe try to get a parsing system so they can even just direct people to http://mysite.myext/~username/ to get their list
07:27.20Ktron|RIheh, the ultimate win would be to integrate it as a tool that uses tags to specify groups
07:27.55*** part/#wowi-lounge Mango (
07:31.59ElkanoAnduin, I had been looking for you :)
07:32.22AnduinLotharseems i'm popular today
07:32.35ElkanoI've got a problem with arch again :/ (well, I've fixed it for me but wel...)
07:33.18ElkanoI'm using Arch together with Gypsy and Titan and wenn I installed the latest version (2.63 (?)) my TargetFrame went missing
07:34.00AnduinLothartitan 2.13.1 ?
07:34.15Elkanoremoving the code that repositions the frame in Arch fixed it but I don't get why it went missing in first place
07:34.39*** part/#wowi-lounge Ktron|RI (
07:35.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Ktron (
07:35.32AnduinLotharwell all three of those mods try to reposition it
07:36.00ElkanoI know...
07:36.27AnduinLotharone either cleared it and didn't re anchor or anchored without clearing would be miy guess
07:36.48Elkanothe strange thing is that it worked before and I didn't notice any change in your code
07:37.30AnduinLothartry clicking the titan option to not move the frames
07:38.05Elkanowell, can't test atm 'cause it's weekly maintenance in Europe ^^
07:39.45Elkanoone thing I was wondering: if I change your code to always reposition relatice to the playerframe instead of using a fixed value maybe it would work.
07:40.41ElkanoI had this problem once before where the targetframe was put back to the original position but this time  it was totaly offscreen I suppose. Will test a bit when the servers are back up.
07:40.42AnduinLotharit might, although that's what Arch attempts if i remember correctly
07:41.23Elkanoyou reposition relatively only when TARGETHP2 is active
07:41.32Elkanoif not: -- TargetFrame:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", "UIParent", "TOPLEFT", 250, y);
07:42.16Elkanoline 1538
07:43.16*** join/#wowi-lounge zeetg (n=wguru@
07:44.54AnduinLotharah, right.t hats' the code in the default ui
07:45.16AnduinLotharthink i made it relative once and then changed it
07:45.42AnduinLotharspose i could change it back now that many things use IsUserPlaced
07:46.04AnduinLotharanyway. laundry time
07:49.23Ktron|RIreally out now, night everyone
08:02.39*** join/#wowi-lounge id` (
08:07.33*** join/#wowi-lounge [MoonWolf] (
08:08.23Cairennhey [MoonWolf]
08:08.39[MoonWolf]I have the flue.....
08:08.48[MoonWolf]So don't get to close.
08:09.32Cairennalong with a nice cup of tea
08:10.25Cairennflu? or cold?
08:10.53[MoonWolf]both i guess
08:12.01[MoonWolf]Muscles feel weird and tense, high temperature feeling cold, coughing all the time, headache, upset stumache .
08:14.01[MoonWolf]How many blankets do you have over there ?
08:14.12Cairennheh, lots
08:14.39CairennI'm 115 lbs, female, and live in Canada ... I've got LOTS of blankets
08:15.43stray`laptophave chicken soup :P
08:15.56stray`laptopthe american cure-all for all things cold. even though it doesn't cure diddly :)
08:16.21stray`laptopwuzat o_O
08:17.19[MoonWolf]Oh, wikipedia tells me you call it tylenol.
08:18.37Cairennstray`laptop: actually, it does help
08:19.28stray`laptopit helps about as much as any other warm soup, i think, but it doesn't do anything particularly special
08:19.40stray`laptopthough, i have to say im rather fond of chicken soup :P
08:20.11Cairennstray`laptop: a) it provides internal warmth and b) it is "comfort" food, and anything that makes you feel better helps boost the immune system
08:20.41Cairennbtw, I hadn't specified what type of soup, just soup in general ;)
08:20.41stray`laptopi could really use some soup right now, 'tis chilly
08:20.47stray`laptopah 8)
08:20.54[MoonWolf]Does Cactus tea count as comfort food too ?
08:21.05Cairennif it helps make you feel better, then yes
08:21.37Cairennmy favorite "comfort" food when I'm sick is actually apple juice
08:21.41stray`laptopcactus tea eh?
08:21.58Cairennit isn't warm, but I still really really like it when I'm sick
08:21.58[MoonWolf]I like the weirder tea types.
08:22.04*** join/#wowi-lounge id` (
08:22.12stray`laptopi stick to green tea o.O
08:22.24CodayusPlus, if you think chicken soup is good for you, it will be.  At least a bit.
08:22.44[MoonWolf]Codayus, yay <someword i forgot> effect.
08:23.06[MoonWolf]yes, that was it.
08:23.07ElkanoCairenn, 115lbs would be 57.5kg, wouldn't they? so our weight is almost the same ^^'
08:23.19[MoonWolf]purl convert 115lbs kb
08:23.27stray`laptopdont you people get blown away in the wind? o_o
08:23.32[MoonWolf]purl convert 115lbs to kb
08:23.42stray`laptopmaybe put a space?
08:23.42CodayusHmm, I'd think of a comfort food being something more like chocolate than chicken soup.  :-P
08:23.51[MoonWolf]purl convert 115 lbs to kb
08:23.57[MoonWolf]damn you
08:24.01Codayus(Well, for most people.  Oddly, chocolate doesn't so much for me.
08:24.09stray`laptopnot kb :X
08:24.16Cairennactually, the online conversion I'm looking at says it's about 52 kilos
08:24.22CodayusI'm soo not going to comment.  :-)
08:24.22[MoonWolf]yeah 56 kb.
08:24.33[MoonWolf]according to google.
08:25.07stray`laptopfor me comfort food would be some kinda soup, probably oxtail
08:25.13[MoonWolf]see, this is how healthy i am i am confusing bytes with weight.
08:25.28stray`laptophave some soup imo :)
08:25.41id`purl convert 83kg to lbs
08:25.43stray`laptopor pho
08:25.51stray`laptopman i really want some pho
08:25.54Elkanooh, 1lbs = 453,59g ... thought it was 1lbs = 500g ^^'
08:25.55id`purl convert 1.8 meters to feet
08:26.01id`thats me
08:26.16Cairennoh ugh, don't start spamming purl to convert stuff :p
08:26.26Cairennmeh, taller than I am
08:26.33id`heavier too :|
08:26.43Elkanopurl convert 115lbs to kg
08:26.50id`ha ha
08:27.06Elkanopurl convert 58kg to lbs
08:27.17stray`laptopneed purl to make sure ! :P
08:27.25stray`laptopdo they use lbs in canada?
08:27.40Elkanowell, purl realy IS handy :)
08:27.44CairennCanada actually uses metric
08:27.47stray`laptopi thought everywhere except the US was metric ;o
08:27.57stray`laptopand maybe GB has its own
08:27.59CairennI'm just still used to lbs and feet/inches, when it comes to weight/height
08:28.12Cairenneverything else, I use metric
08:28.35CairennI've just never been able to switch over on those two, try though I might
08:28.45*** join/#wowi-lounge krka|work (
08:29.07[MoonWolf]i know a british person who still tells me his weight in stone ^_^
08:29.34Cairennnow *that* is going back a ways
08:30.14stray`laptoppurl convert 1 stone to lbs
08:30.23stray`laptophey, that's heavy
08:30.46krka|workI weigh a dozen and a half stones!
08:30.51stray`laptopso when that british guy on that diet show on foodnetwork said he had lost a stone, it really meant something :O
08:31.00krka|workoops, misgoogled
08:31.01krka|work11 stones
08:31.04CodayusI ran into stones a lot in NZ...
08:31.41CodayusOnly for the weight of humans though.  <shrug>
08:51.16Cairennnight all
08:51.28Cairenngonna see if I can manage to do that sleep thing
08:52.32Kalrothwhat's sleep?
08:52.52Cairenn|sleepthat which I get way too little of
08:57.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Kalroth (n=kalroth@
09:05.59*** join/#wowi-lounge purl (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
09:05.59*** topic/#wowi-lounge is Happy Coding!
09:09.48AnduinLotharhmm, now to test out ItemRack..
09:14.45AnduinLotharlol Blizz is again advising users to remove custom ui's
09:17.50krka|workyeah, they are blaming their own errors on us :(
09:18.05krka|worki got a bug with not being able to attack certain mobs, and they said it was my uis
09:18.33krka|worki only used devtools and my own, so I think it was bs
09:18.49Corrodiasthey said the same to me
09:18.54Corrodiasrelogging fixes it, note
09:19.04Corrodiasmight be related to the reputation screen bug
09:19.12krka|workbut still, how would a custom ui screw that up? that's way native
09:19.29krka|workalso, i have noticed that scrollframes have been missing the drag-thingy
09:19.36krka|workit appears when you click on it though
09:23.22AnduinLotharOk, well. I have to say. ItemRack beats the crap outa Wardrobe
09:24.43krka|workooh, gotta check it out
09:26.22AnduinLothartho I still prefer Wardrobe's menu. It's easier for set swapping and i dont like remembering hotkeys
09:27.47krka|workshould be easily modified :)
09:29.22AnduinLotharbut ItemRack easily replaces wardrobe + trinket menu + weapon buttons
09:29.39AnduinLotharI like being able to define my own events too
09:30.10AnduinLotharwas gonna add something to wardrobe, but I think i'll give up and just make an ItemRack menu and titan mod
09:31.01AnduinLotharit kinda does funny things with EnhTooltips too tho..
09:31.34AnduinLotharhmmm, well actually... ItemRack does have a menu
09:31.40AnduinLotharit's just not a menu
09:31.47AnduinLotharit's a dropdown of tooltips
09:32.00AnduinLotharbut the names are obscured, like macro names
09:32.46AnduinLotharpart of the ui looks identical to TrinketMenu tho
09:35.22AnduinLotharthat event thing is really cool. it's like a who event tool all by itself...
09:35.40AnduinLotharcan put any code ou want into it's editor
09:36.10AnduinLothari could write whole event driven addons in luapad and ItemRack
09:37.11AnduinLotharand he optionally uses IsMounted :)
09:38.00AnduinLotharno onload management for sets tho
09:38.06AnduinLotharbut i can make my own
09:41.38Corrodiasluaslinger also has an 'execute on this event' field
09:41.40AnduinLotharah, it doesn't remember equipment accross sessions either for dismounting
09:42.44AnduinLothartho i have no idea who said ItemRack was efficient... it duplicates so much code i already have in other addons..
09:44.50krka|worki tried making a strip-addon, but i had problems with some equiping failing
09:44.56krka|workvery odd
09:45.26krka|workefficient is not the same thing as not replicating code
09:46.19AnduinLotharno, but I've already written the Library code for a lot of the stuff, So most of it I can think of more efficient ways to do it, even if it's not using a lib
09:46.52krka|workmemory or processor efficient?
09:47.08AnduinLotharboth in this case
09:47.27AnduinLotharbut in my personal case i have an eccess of memory and no proc power to spare
09:47.47AnduinLotharso if duplicating runs faster then go ahead
09:50.36krka|workwhat kind of code is it duplicating?
09:50.57krka|workI have realized that almost all addons are written badly, so i have to write everything myself :/
09:52.07AnduinLothari'm only looked throught he timing code, it's not really that bad, but it also has it's own mounted code that's less efficient, still playing with the addon itself before i disect the code
10:14.30AnduinLotharmmm, now i cant get mounting to work with ItemRack..
10:22.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Eraphine|Lab (
10:28.33AnduinLotharahh ok. the event swaps are disabled while the options menu is open
10:29.17AnduinLotharand the onload mount does work
11:06.11Corrodiaswoo hoo, my human rogue is off to a good start
11:06.23Corrodiasalthough it feels odd to be around so many alliance chars
11:33.51Corrodiasyou know, i don't think i've -ever- seen the battleground minimap
11:34.39Corrodiasi played WSG a couple of time and i certainly saw no map, but maybe i just didn't try toggling it on
11:35.05Corrodiasand this minizonemap addon doesn't display it like it should... yet i can't make it appear with the LUA i've tried
11:39.28[MoonWolf]mendeleev 0.4.1 is out, localize to your hearts content.
11:45.42Corrodiassays one young player on the tech support board, " If you are using Titan Panel this will cause this. Do a google search for Titan panel BG minimap and you should find the website that fixes this. I posted the fix on the MAC tech support forum but couldn't find it."
11:58.19Corrodiasonly problem is, i don't really have anywhere else to PUT this map
11:59.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Shouryuu (
12:03.35*** join/#wowi-lounge id` (
12:07.09*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
12:22.21Shouryuudoes Xchat work with ubuntu?
12:23.26id`no it will crash and tell you to use
12:24.46Shouryuu"Ubuntu comes with XChat IRC client installed by default"
12:25.00id`have you plugged in the power cable?
12:25.01krka|workwhy wouldn't xchat work with ubuntu?
12:25.12id`to both the electricity putput and the computer?
12:25.19Shouryuujust wondering
12:26.14id`have you tried runnning 'xchat' from the console?
12:26.23krka|workanswer: use krka.getManaCost(spellName, [rank]) ^_^
12:26.31id`ha ha im such an ass sometimes :<
12:26.35id`sry Shouryuu
12:27.39Shouryuui;ve seen worst
12:28.06id`is the computer on?
12:28.16Shouryuuactualy I lost my keyboard
12:28.20Shouryuucan you help me find it?
12:28.36id`where are you now?
12:28.37CodayusShouryuu: A better question might be: Do all linux applications run all all Linux disros?  To which the answer is, for all practical purposes, yes.  :-)
12:28.56Shouryuucodayus read my mind :P
12:29.08Codayus(I'm sure there's exceptions, but none spring to mind.)
12:29.23Lebannenhmmmm... any way to get shapeshift/stance/aura info for other players, raid or generally?
12:30.18ShouryuuI don't think so
12:30.19krka|workaura yes
12:30.24ShouryuuI don't know how to at least
12:30.41krka|workcheck buff tooltips of unitID
12:30.42CodayusOh, and the vast majority will also run on the major BSD flavors.  Many will also run on Windows via Cygwin, although the fact that you can DO it doesn't necesarily mean you'd want to.
12:30.44Lebannenoh yes, aura can be fetched as a buff... jsut the other two then
12:30.58krka|workshapeshift... just look at the model :P
12:31.05CodayusStances...that'd be tricky.
12:31.13CodayusHmm, let me think...
12:31.16Shouryuucombat log doesn't even monitor it..
12:31.30krka|workdoesn't show up as a buff then?
12:31.30Lebannenthere's the good old chat messages "...gains X stance"
12:31.38Shouryuuthere is?
12:31.39Lebannendoesn't seem to show up as a buff
12:31.46Shouryuuwow never knew that :p
12:31.51Lebannenyeah, but only when switching to it the first time
12:32.03Lebannenso there's no way to get info once they're in it
12:32.10CodayusI've actually vaguely wondered that before; sometimes you get a tank whose performing atrociously, and you wonder what the hell stance he's in...
12:33.05LebannenGetShapeshiftFormInfo works for the current player, but the guides don't suggest it can be fed a target
12:33.16Lebannenand I can't test right now, at work :D
12:33.18CodayusIf you didn't see him change, and he doesn't use any obvious abilities only available in a given stance, there's not much you can do...
12:33.32CodayusLebannen: Yeah, that appears to be very limited.
12:34.05krka|workdon't suppose tooltip:SetUnit gives anything?
12:34.17ShouryuuI'm guessing your best bet is to parse the log for stance-specific abilities
12:35.07Shouryuuagreed =P
12:35.20CodayusThat'll break if the person changes stance out of your range...or doesn't change stances.
12:35.30krka|workyes, for each ability, check which stances are possible and narrow it down until you know for sure
12:35.50CodayusAnd hmmm, I forget - depending on what messages are being shown, will all players even get the messages to parse?  Or can addons see them even if the player doesn't?
12:36.17Codayuskrka|work: Yeah, shouldn't be TOO hard to do that programatically.  Localization will be a pain...
12:36.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
12:36.53Lebannenheh.  as will range.  But I guess it makes it possible...
12:37.30krka|workreally? aren'
12:37.39CodayusIncidentally, what will the information be used for?
12:37.46krka|worki don't think localization would be too difficult
12:37.53krka|workbesides, let others do that for you!
12:38.00krka|workif a german guy wants it, let him convert
12:38.07krka|workit's not really difficult
12:38.30CodayusTrue enough.  Still, just doing it for one language would be a pain.  Bleh.
12:38.41Codayus(What can I say?  I'm lazy.)
12:39.08krka|workability["Sunder Armor"] = {"Defensive", "Berserker"} or something
12:39.43Lebannenjust playing around, coda... wondered if it would be possible to basically monitor other players to see how well they're playing
12:39.59Lebannenkrka - yeah, I was thinking along the same lines now
12:40.12Lebannenbit of a pain, but...
12:40.28Codayuskrka|work: Well, except you can sunder armor in Battle stance I know.  :-)
12:41.04krka|workjust an example, dont know crap about warriors
12:41.17CodayusLebannen: Okay, it should work well enough for that - over the course of an instance run, say, you'd HAVE to get enough info to tell stances.  (If not, then the warrior is clearly playing poorly.)  :-)
12:43.13Lebannenyeah :D
12:55.15Shouryuufuck I can' find a blank CD
12:55.46ShouryuuCDs are obsolete...
12:55.54Corrodiasi keep a "good copy" of my chat-cache.txt, layout-cache.txt, and several per-character savedvariables files so i can propogate them to any new characters :D
12:56.08krka|workMindEveryoneElsesBusiness addon?
12:56.24Shouryuuwhat would that do?
12:56.35krka|workmonitor how well others are playing
12:56.48krka|worklike how often they use different spell
12:57.05krka|workMage: spell usage: Fireball (100%)
12:57.08Shouryuuwell that won't mean much for priests in MC
12:57.14Shouryuuflash heal or dispel
12:57.22krka|workwell, could check how long it takes to dispel
12:57.31krka|workand how often they waste mana
12:57.34krka|workand stuff like that :)
12:57.56Corrodiasminizonemap works great once you fix titan's screwup of the battleground map
12:57.58krka|workactually, would be cool to make an addon that monitors yourself to see how well you are playing and give nice feedback
12:58.22krka|workwhy does titan do stuff to the battleground map?
12:59.05Corrodiasi don't know, but it apparently moves it somewhere off the screen and it's hard to get it back to a good place with SetPoint
12:59.19krka|workmoves it off the screen? O_O
12:59.19Corrodiasthe easy fix is just use a cooked savedvariables file
12:59.45krka|worknever played a battleground so I don't really know what a battleground map is though
12:59.49krka|workis it like a minimap?
13:00.09Corrodiasit's a miniature map that can be partially transparent that shows the entire area
13:00.16Corrodiaspossibly also your group members or raid members
13:00.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (
13:00.38Corrodiasminizonemap by Silver makes it usable outside of battlegrounds, which i find to be pretty convenient
13:00.52Corrodiasalthough he says it gets confused inside instances
13:02.21krka|workah... what is the difference to AlphaMap then?
13:04.11Corrodiasprobably not much, if you make it small
13:04.42Corrodiasexcept, i suppose, that it's built-in and doesn't try to interface with anything like mapnotes
13:05.35krka|worki see
13:06.16krka|workbtw, what do you think of this idea I had: create a scrollable and zoomable mapframe that uses both the worldmap, continent maps and zone maps?
13:06.28krka|workdraw worldmap first, then continents, then zones
13:06.28Corrodiasi'm not terribly familiar with alphamap, i must admit
13:06.48Corrodiaslike, a smaller version of the regular "map"?
13:06.56Corrodiasexcept scrollable
13:07.03krka|worknot necessarily smaller
13:07.22Corrodiasbut there's no point to making it scrollable if it's not smaller
13:07.33krka|workyes it is, since it's zoomable
13:07.49Corrodiaswell, if you plan to add detail to the existing maps, that would be great
13:08.01krka|workyou could watch barrens and durotar and dustwallow at the same time with it :)
13:08.04Corrodiasat the moment, zooming in would just give you a pixellated view with no more detail
13:08.16Corrodiasah, zooming out.. an interesting idea
13:08.17krka|workzooming _out_ too :P
13:08.32krka|workif you had mapnotes and stuff, zooming in might be useful sometimes
13:08.37krka|workif it gets too crowded
13:08.42krka|workor you need to know more precise
13:08.45Corrodiasyour mom
13:09.03Corrodiassure, go think of things i didn't think of
13:09.04krka|work... right
13:09.34Corrodiascould be interesting, i suppose
13:09.42krka|worki don't really see why you couldn't show durotar on top of the barrens map
13:09.46Corrodiasyou'd have to have it display the three zones at the same time, could be difficult
13:09.56Corrodiasnot overlayed, surely? :o
13:10.03krka|workwhy not?
13:10.20Corrodiaswhat would be the point to that?
13:10.29krka|workto see both at once
13:10.54Corrodiasyou couldn't determine which landmarks went with which area. but zooming out and showing both in their respective locations i can understand
13:11.39krka|workoh, i see what you mean, no not on TOP of it, just NEXT to it
13:12.05Corrodiasaha :D
13:12.16krka|workthe only problem is where they the textures overlap and differ
13:24.31*** join/#wowi-lounge [MoonWolf] (
13:34.00id`im bored
13:50.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Legorol (
13:52.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Shouryuu (
13:53.08ShouryuuI feel so godam retarted
13:53.24ShouryuuI can't even manage to burn an Iso to a cd ='(
13:55.55*** part/#wowi-lounge id` (
13:58.59[MoonWolf]What do you call a blonde with a brown hair colouring , Articial Inteligence.
13:59.24Shouryuuwhat do you call a brune who dyes her hair blinde?
13:59.51[MoonWolf]not aclue
14:02.19ShouryuuI;m getting a "generic error" while trying to write an Iso to a cd, is it my CDs which suck or just me?
14:14.32Cidedoes anyone here use the german/french version of the game?
14:15.02krka|worki use the Freedom version
14:18.34Cidenot sure what that is :)
14:19.00Cideoh well!
14:34.29shouryuu|mathscide I can have access to a french version
14:34.34shouryuu|mathsnot immediately but I can
14:35.00[MoonWolf]no you dont click that link i sent you,you marry it and have lots of little links and live happily ever after
14:35.33CideI need the prefix for the french & german Greater Blessings
14:35.44CideI have the normal names but I need the prefix, in english it's obviously "Greater"
14:37.32[MoonWolf]Whenever you do something on your computer (open a window, read an email, open your browser, change pages in your browser via forward, back, refresh etc) you get whats called a *cookie*. Every cookie goes to the end of where the *free space* is on your computer. After so many cookies, when all the free space (memory) is used up on your hard drive, it will use what's called *virtual memory*. The virtual memory is what your computer n
14:37.33[MoonWolf]eeds to run programs. Consequently, when you are out of virtual memory you'll get the *auto shutdown* because your computer is trying to refresh itself.
14:40.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Parak (
14:42.14LebannenMooonwolf: the mind boggles.
14:44.01Corrodiasthat is from the fake definition site, isn't it..
14:44.48[MoonWolf]someone posted that on a support forum in an attempt to explain what cookies are.
14:45.04Corrodiasif it isn't, then i'm not touching it, because it obviously was very recently inside someone's ass, until it was forcefully pulled out
14:45.11[MoonWolf]I am very happy i quickly got out of there before my iq dropped to much.
14:48.22*** join/#wowi-lounge ForgottenLords (
14:55.56shouryuu|mathscide - I'll check that out for you
15:00.01[MoonWolf]good morning Cairenn
15:00.10Cairennhey [MoonWolf] :)
15:00.51[MoonWolf]have any more cough sirop , i think im getting withdrawel syntoms.
15:04.36TainGoodmorning Cairenn
15:04.47Cairennhey Tain :)
15:05.33TainSo far this week I'm better than 50% at getting to work. ;)
15:13.58shouryuu|mathsCide - can't find the translation =( I know Blessings are "Benediction" with a " ' " on both e's.
15:14.41shouryuu|mathsThe translation of Greater healing is "superieur" with a ' on the first e, but I can't guaranty that Greater Blessings are "benediction superieur"
15:48.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
15:49.57shouryuu|mathsFor anyone who wants the spells in french and translated in english
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16:14.37*** join/#wowi-lounge [MoonWolf] (
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16:16.03[MoonWolf]I wish mods i think of magically coded themselves.
16:19.25[MoonWolf]off to rip off more code i go.
16:20.21Cairenndid they at least credit him?
16:20.23[MoonWolf]Was it aeus who did it ?
16:20.37Endthey just said they copied it and provided a link
16:21.03Cairennthat is crediting ;)
16:21.23EndI looked for some sort of name at first though, and I didn't find that :P
16:21.27Endthen I notice the link
16:21.55Endnot sure why I'm looking on there though
16:22.42CairennI wish we could merge the best of both channels, and throw the rest away
16:23.41[MoonWolf]what channel ? ##ace and #wowi-lounge ?
16:23.44Cairennerrr, both forums, rather
16:23.52Cairennthe US and EU UI forums
16:24.05Cairennbah, I know what I mean :p
16:24.12[MoonWolf]I would really like it that happend
16:24.17ElkanoI hope someday we'll get a usefull German CM, too (wrt UI forums) :/
16:24.29[MoonWolf]some filter that automagically removes all stupid posts like are addons legal
16:24.42Shouryuumy eyes do that for me
16:24.43[MoonWolf]plx nerg decursive!
16:25.37[MoonWolf]Cairenn, when does an addon become popular at WoWI ?
16:25.54Cairennwhen enough people download it
16:26.47[MoonWolf]Well, was looking at both my addons, Mendeleev and Slash, slash is like not popular at all but has a popular tag, and mendeleev is pretty popular and has no tag.
16:28.21Endslash seems to have a lot more downloads to me
16:28.37Endmendeleev=453, 983
16:28.45Endmendeleev=453, slash=983
16:28.53[MoonWolf]but mendeleev is 4 day's old and slash about 3 months
16:29.06Cairennit's still total download count
16:29.19[MoonWolf]Doesn't really matter.
16:29.20Cairennage has nothing to do with it
16:29.24Cairenndownload count does
16:29.28Enddownload/time would probably be a better popular indicator though :P
16:31.34Endyeah, an addon of mine
16:31.55[MoonWolf]great idea btw.
16:32.10[MoonWolf]gogogo make it show party and raid dots.
16:32.20EndI'm planning on that for 0.7
16:32.26EndI still need to release 0.6.1
16:32.31Endwhich has a bunch of bug fixes
16:33.02Endoh, and I started figuring out instances some more, and came up with a bit of DM:
16:34.05Shouryuuanyone here know why when I reboot from cd with my ubuntu cd ISO nothing happens?
16:34.08[MoonWolf]so what are you thinking, instances doable or not.
16:34.19Endthe data is there
16:34.39Endunfortunately..., I haven't figured out where it is yet
16:34.54Endthe wowmapview wiki has been an immense help though
16:36.23End(well, the data I don't know yet is how to translate from the actual wmos to the names they use for the textures)
16:39.19Shouryuuwell hopefully I won't be back in a while and Ubuntu will be installed!
16:41.54*** join/#wowi-lounge id` (
16:45.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Shouryuu (
16:46.02ShouryuuI suck
16:46.26Shouryuucan't even get my computer to reboot from it's CD drive... This is pissing me off
16:49.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
16:49.41Cairennhi Gryphen
17:05.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (
17:05.55Temrofl anyone see slouken's original reply to the blizzard addons having RegisterForSave in them?
17:06.49Fanooknope :(
17:06.55Elkanonope. Link?
17:09.51Tembrowser cache ftw, eh?
17:10.07Elkanowell, quick&dirty solutions ;)
17:10.45Elkanoisn't it used for the friendsframe, too? (to save state of 'show offline guild members')
17:13.59TemI'm pretty sure it isn't
17:14.02Temthat's a C var
17:14.38Temso I think that's taken care of outside of the lua enviroment
17:14.49Tem(at least I think it's a C var)
17:14.59id`hmm EU auth server(s?) is down
17:15.20Endwhat am I doing?
17:15.24Endmerging branches
17:15.34Tainhah slouken funny
17:15.43Temeug, I need to get a better svn client
17:15.48Temmessing with branches is hell
17:17.06Temyay! I can finaly post with my draka toon
17:17.15Endbranch merging is okay with tsvn, but pretty hellish with the svn command line
17:17.25Cairennbeen able to for a while, I toldeded you guys that :p
17:17.32TemI'm using tortoise svn
17:17.42Endwell, it's worse with the command line >_<
17:17.42TemCairenn: yeah, you think I pay attention?
17:17.58Temcreating branches is my big one
17:18.18TemI can never remember what folders it will make for me
17:18.27Cairennuh huh
17:18.33Temand it always complains at me about folders that aren't there
17:18.52EndI find creating branches the -easy- part
17:19.02Endit's like creating tags, but..a branch :P
17:19.16TemI'm sure it's just user error
17:19.20TemI'm somewhat new to svn
17:19.27Temonly been using it a few months
17:19.42EndI've been using it about...7 or 8 months now
17:19.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Ratbert_CP (n=KCummins@
17:20.11id`i have yet to learn how to get things up instead of only down
17:20.18id`(my own stuff)
17:20.49Endid: are we still talking about svn?
17:20.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
17:20.55id`Where can i find IRC support for cosmos?
17:21.11id`I have a very simple question.
17:21.30id`If i download cosmos now and have no other addons installed, will it work?
17:21.46Gryphencosmos works
17:21.54Cairenncosmos works fine
17:21.56id`*goes out and test cosmos*
17:21.56TainJust start logging onto random irc servers and going into the #cosmostesters channel, you'll find one eventually.
17:22.18Gryphenhalf of us are here anyway
17:22.25Cairennthat too ;)
17:23.28id`So backing everything i have up
17:23.44id`(not that i don't every patch and/or every week)
17:24.43TainJust read Carl Sagan instead.
17:37.24id`Cosmos_Beginner <-- should i use this first?
17:37.50Enddoesn't it list what each Cosmos package has?
17:37.52Gryphenjust use alpha
17:38.04Gryphenbeginner just has limited addons
17:38.04LegorolNo, use Beginner
17:38.12LegorolBeginner is subset of Alpha
17:38.36TainConflicting information!  Fight fight!
17:38.47Legorolit's conflicting recommendations ;-)
17:38.51Legorolthe information is consistent
17:38.52EndAll caps is very important.
17:39.08Gryphenalpha has more to explore if you are just testing it out
17:39.13id`I want to do things the correct way, so i asked :]
17:39.20Gryphendoesnt matter what you choose
17:39.23Gryphenthey are all correct
17:40.21TainCorrect... like a fox!
17:41.45id`Q: Does wow run in D3D by default?
17:42.01id`Q: if so how do i get it to run OGL?
17:42.10Tainwow.exe -opengl
17:42.30Gryphencosmos.exe will launch in ogl if you want :)
17:42.36id`There's nothing i can put in the /WTF/
17:42.46id`Gryphen, yes i noticed so i got curious
17:42.46[MoonWolf]yes id there is
17:42.49[MoonWolf]let me fetch the lines
17:42.51id`because i get 15FPS in game
17:42.56id`cool thx [MoonWolf]
17:43.20TainI'd run it with wow -opengl first just to see if it makes a differene before changing stuff.
17:43.23[MoonWolf]SET gxApi "opengl"
17:43.23[MoonWolf]SET gxColorBits "24"
17:43.23[MoonWolf]SET gxDepthBits "24"
17:43.24[MoonWolf]SET gxResolution "1280x1024"
17:43.25TainBut that's just me.
17:43.34[MoonWolf]those lines will what they sound they do.
17:43.34TainOr let Cosmos do it for you.
17:45.21TainYay a G15 thread on the frontpage agani!
17:46.19futrtrublinteresting spelling of the saviour
17:46.54TemI don't see it
17:49.32[MoonWolf]maybe slouken was in a deletion mood.
17:50.41Temno it just went to the second page before I saw it
17:51.09TainOh lots of posts today, pushed it down.
17:51.21TainI love it though, "Does anyone from Blizzard even read the forums anymore?"
17:52.05Temlol someone is new to the ui forums
17:52.21Temmeanwhile, there are 4 blue threads on the front page
17:53.08Temit's funny to look at the "blue tracker" pages
17:53.18Temslouken posts WAY more than anyone else
17:53.28TainYeah he does.
17:53.47TainHe's actually the best rep, never mind dev, I've ever seen in a mmog forum.
17:54.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Beladona (n=sluster@
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17:54.51[MoonWolf]tain, yes and we want him in the EU UI forums
17:54.55Cideand the replies are actually useful!
17:54.58[MoonWolf]Aeus is funny and nice. but he s not slouken.
17:55.11Elkanowe should clone him, teach him German and send that clone oversea :/
17:55.26Temthe great thing about slouken is that he can actually make changes when they need to be done
17:55.31TainNo it's our precious!
17:56.01TainFilthy nasty hobbitses can't have our precious!
17:56.14krkayeah, slouken is FTW
17:56.23krkaslouken is imba, needs a nerf
17:56.39Elkanowell I would be happen with a CM that would do 10% of the stuff that slouken does wrt UI :/
17:56.48Tainhaha that's exactly what we need a, "Nerf Slouken!" thread.
17:56.52krkaactually, his nerf may be this "baby" thing I hear about
17:57.05Cideno! NO
17:57.26CideCairenn knows what to do, I hear she is an experienced kidnapper
17:57.27id`*darth vader style no*
17:57.47id`hmm that reminds me
17:58.19TainDarth Vader never says no like that in my reality.
17:58.29krkaYellow Taxicabs May Not Drive?
17:58.40id`like that?
17:59.14TainNever happen.
17:59.25TainDarth Vader crushes people.  He doesn't cry like a baby.
17:59.38id`dont make me start posting ytmnd links about darth vader saying no
18:00.54futrtrublbut Anakin does cry like a baby
18:01.47TainDoesn't happen in my reality.
18:02.23futrtrublahh the "I reject your reality and substitute my own." relaity
18:02.28TainI find your lack of faith disturbing.
18:02.43id`tain is a bot ha ha, :-)
18:02.46futrtrublI'm an agnostic, what can I say
18:02.56krkawhere is Foothill Caverns?
18:03.11id`at the foot of the hill dummy
18:04.17id`<3 :)
18:05.13Fanookwhich makes sense, considering the hillsbrad foothills is there too
18:07.35krkaok... where in alterac? :)
18:08.47krkai'd look it up in a browser, but having firefox open kills performance :(
18:09.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Maldivia (
18:09.40Maldiviamorning :)
18:11.55krkaanyone? :/
18:12.53Fanooklooking now
18:13.09krkahelculars revenge
18:13.12Maldiviano idea (didn't hear the question :)
18:13.59krkawhere is Foothill Caverns?
18:14.06Fanookright, figured that out :)
18:14.25FanookCave entrance (hillsbrad Foothils): 46,32
18:14.32FanookFlame of Uzel (Alterac mountains): 37,69
18:15.18FanookOH! it's the yeti cave
18:16.03krkashould have known :(
18:16.11Fanookive never seen it called that :)
18:38.33TainMy name is the Shake-zula, the mic rula, the old schoola
18:40.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Natasem (n=Natasem@
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18:41.04futrtrubl~emulate shake
18:42.18Temnumba one in da hood, G
18:49.43[MoonWolf]~emulate MoonWolf
18:49.44purlACTION Howls to the moon
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18:58.51TainOooh today is Albert Hoffman's 100th birthday!
19:00.48[MoonWolf]this is significant how ?
19:01.15TainHe is a very important man.
19:02.09MaldiviaUhh... happy birthday Albert... who is he?
19:03.10TainKids today.
19:03.18TainHe is the inventor of LSD.
19:04.17MaldiviaAhh... old hoffy...
19:14.47[MoonWolf]All you want to do under a single button addon.
19:16.44Elkanowell almost everything.. doesn't do any damage ;)
19:19.20krkaSealJudge seems like something krkaButtons could easily do as a setup
19:19.49TainYeah but krkaButtons is harder to pronounce and sounds funny.
19:20.06krkaalso, it's not available yet
19:20.29TainI mean I'm not going to be out with some friends and say, "Hey have you tried kerkaa-buttons?"
19:20.58krkagood point!
19:21.31krkai need a catchier name.... hm
19:22.00Tainhmm how about CrakaButtons
19:22.11krkaKristoferButtons is slightly better
19:22.47krkaonly slightly however
19:23.22Tainhmm.. I think one too many syllables though.  How about KristoButtons
19:23.42krkano... I know! CoolButtons
19:23.44krkaor SuperButtons
19:24.06krkai kinda like it
19:24.10futrtrublerm, I mean CrackButt
19:24.29TainHowa bout CT_CosmoTitanButtons and confuse aeveryone.
19:25.04krkaYet Another Weird New Button
19:25.39krkadude, you missed the point.
19:25.44krkathe point was Yawn :P
19:26.06TainI know but I didn't like it. :(
19:26.17krkahow about this: BendButton?
19:26.21futrtrublwhat does the mod do btw?
19:26.27krkaBender - Flexo <-> BendBar - Flexbar
19:26.29[MoonWolf]make krka buttons.
19:26.40krkakinda flexbar-ish buttons
19:26.44krkaonly better
19:26.57futrtrublkrka buttons? like cookies?
19:26.57krkasee screens:
19:27.45[MoonWolf]what are those value's in the buttons
19:27.48[MoonWolf]the blueish ones
19:27.51krkalower left?
19:27.53krkaMana cost
19:28.31futrtrublShmoores* or however they're spelled
19:29.04krkasince I'm currently burning futurama dvds, I think I'll go with BenderButtons
19:29.16krkaBB... nothing else could possibly use that abbreviation!
19:29.41futrtrublSnap krka and Pop buttons
19:30.02krkawith such a retarded nickname, maybe I shouldn't use it for my addon name
19:30.35futrtrublwhat is krka anyway?
19:30.47TainKid Rock Kicks ASs
19:30.48krkashort for Kristofer Karlsson
19:31.04krkaand my user name in school
19:31.45futrtrublwhat's your main char's name?
19:31.48krkai know, really lame nickname :)
19:32.15krkano real reason, just mixed some letters together to make it sound like a name
19:32.34futrtrublhey, there's a Fizzwidget around ;']
19:32.48krkaooook.... bad idea to start unraring the next dvd while I burned the first one
19:33.27futrtrublso, what do you think special about your button mod?
19:33.59krkawell, fully customizable
19:34.17futrtrublhow is it moreso than DAB or flexbar?
19:34.28[MoonWolf]or visorbuttons ?
19:34.28krkayou can fully choose which spell or action to be used on a certain button
19:34.44krkayou can use any condition you can code a lua function for
19:34.44[MoonWolf]i can do that with default action buttons too.
19:35.02futrtrublso it's an autocaster?
19:35.08krkaexample: only show polymorph if target is humanoid or beast
19:35.16krkanot really, you have to hit the button
19:35.19[MoonWolf]futrtrubl, there is not such thing as an autocaster.
19:35.34krkabut it displays a button depending on conditions
19:35.49krkaapart from that, i like the cooldown and mana displays
19:35.54krkai think it looks clear
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19:36.05Shouryuufuck I am such a retart
19:36.05krkagonna add a range-thingy too I think
19:36.09futrtrublAdvanced Button Conditions
19:36.17ShouryuuI locked myself out of my house for 3 hours
19:36.28krkai don't like flexbar because it's weirdly coded
19:36.43krkaseems very limited, since it uses its own parser and its own little silly condition thingies
19:37.17krkaalso, it directly uses the actionbuttons if i'm not mistaken?
19:37.23krkai leave those alone
19:37.43futrtrublso, it's more like Group Buttons than DAB?
19:37.59krkawhat is group buttons?
19:38.30futrtrublanother Discord mod, has conditional button bars that can be attached to unit frames
19:39.17futrtrublbut only built in conditions, not like yours
19:39.29krkaconditions per spell or per bar?
19:39.57futrtrublloz is going to combine it with DAB soon, I think he was thinking of allowing you to code conditionals
19:40.01futrtrublper spell
19:41.12futrtrublhe's stopped supporting it though
19:43.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
19:45.18TainFlexbar uses its own button templates, it doesn't use the Blizzard ActionButtons directly.
19:47.10Shouryuu|Unthawiubuntu here I come! Rawr!
19:47.26futrtrublbut it still stores the actions in the ui's slots like DAB?
19:47.29Temwhat does Frame:GetWidth() return if you haven't set the width?
19:47.51IrielSomeone knew the answer to that, I think it may be 0
19:47.53futrtrublnil i think, I don't think it errors
19:47.56IrielIs Lego on?
19:48.07TemLego only knows the answer to that for fontstrings
19:48.20TemIt was he and I that figured all that out for them
19:48.45IrielIt shouldn't be too hard to tets
19:48.52Irieljust make sure the frame doesn't have any anchors
19:49.03TainIt returns the width of the frame in I believe its own scale.
19:49.14TemI with I could do CreateFrame right now
19:49.19IrielMe too
19:49.22Temit would make this so much easier
19:49.29IrielIt'd clean up a whole crapload of code in StatRings
19:49.29futrtrublit could still have 1 anchor couldn't it iriel?
19:49.49Irielfutrtrubl : I would imagine so, but i'd want to test it without any first
19:49.53krkayeah, no xml FTW!
19:51.09Temoh Iriel do you have a list of the frame methods that are shared/notshared?
19:51.27futrtrublis there a statring template ready for use in other mods Iriel? I was making my own circbar template for use in BEB and then statrings came out and I stopped developing it
19:52.50Temand it returns 0
19:53.30IrielSee the wiki
19:53.31Endthat way I can get rid of my twenty billion pre allocated textures :P
19:53.33TemFrame:CreateTexture good enough?
19:53.40Endthat's the one
19:53.41Irielfutrtrubl : yes, IrielRingTemplate
19:53.49TemIriel: for what?
19:53.55IrielTem: For the frame method lists
19:54.04Temright right
19:54.04IrielTem: Though 'layout frame' cheats a bit
19:54.11Temthat's what I was afraid of
19:54.20IrielTem: I have the source list tho, if you want it
19:54.32TemI'm trying to make my environment as close a simulation to the real thing as I can
19:54.35IrielTem: From which that page is generated (before cheating)
19:54.42Temsounds good
19:54.49Temthat would probably help a lot
19:54.52krkaif anyone figures out a way to do lines, let me know
19:54.59IrielI know how to do lines
19:55.10krkaperfect, like your rings?
19:55.32krkai considered the new SetTexCoord but proved to myself it couldn't be done that way
19:55.50IrielIt can be done that way
19:56.01krkadrawing a line from point A to point B with 90 degree angles
19:56.05Irielyou need out-of-texture coordinates (<0 or >1)
19:56.10krkawell... drawing a rotated rectangle would be a better description
19:56.36Irielsame trick
19:56.40krkairiel, do a rectangle drawing addon :)
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19:56.46krkathat would be awesome
19:56.50IrielI've got a texture spinning demo addon
19:56.52Irielto demonstrate how it's done
19:56.55Shouryuuubuntu has failed. Whoopy...
19:57.06krkayes, but it also needs to be able to stretch it
19:57.16krkathat's the part i couldn't figure out
19:57.29krkarotating a fixed rectangle is easy
19:57.36IrielThe real challenge with line drawing is the end points
19:58.04Irielfor the time being, just concentrate on cutting them off with a smooth horizontal or vertical line
19:58.07futrtrublweren't you going to draw circles over the ends krka?
19:58.09krkastupid dvds.... says 8x but I can only use 4x
19:58.38Irieland use a texture that's made up of 4 quadrants as follows
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19:59.06Irieltop left: 45 degree triangle; top right solid; bottom left solid; bottom right; 45 degree triangle
19:59.17IrielThe same shape statrings uses for it's slice texture
19:59.45Irielyou can play texcoord games to stretch that to a line of any width
20:00.10Iriel(I'd recommend having special cases in your code for vertical and horizontal lines that just use a solid subset)
20:00.11krkastill not convinced :)
20:00.21IrielYou dont have to be, I know it works 8-)
20:00.38Temsounds like krka wants to get someone to "prove" it to him
20:00.45krkawell, yeah
20:00.47Tem("prove" == "do it for")
20:01.02krkanah, I'll take an illustration of a solution too
20:01.41krkait's the middle part I am not sure how to do
20:01.41IrielStatRings already does
20:01.52krkait does rectangles too?
20:01.57Irielexcept I create a wedge rather than a line
20:02.14krkawould it be hard for you to mod StatRings to do rectangles?
20:02.32IrielWhat do you mean by 'do rectangles' though? You mean draw an arbitrarily angled rectangle?
20:03.09krkaof arbitrary scale
20:03.27Irieli'll do it when i'm done with this conference call (idle)
20:03.45krkahmm.. no wait, now I am imagining it
20:03.50krkathink it can be done with 3 textures
20:03.53krkaneed to draw a bit
20:04.07Irielit can be done with ONE texture
20:04.26krkao rly? :)
20:04.39Irielyou have to think backwards
20:04.51krkai am usually good at that!
20:04.58Temhmm is there no way to get the alpha set by LayoutFrame:SetAlpha?
20:05.20Irieldraw the rectangle shape you want on a piece of paper
20:05.44Irielthen draw the Texture object boundary around that
20:05.59Temoh nevermind each LayoutFrame derivative has it's own way to get it
20:06.19Irielso you'll end up with a boundary aligned with the axes, containing a rotated/scaled rectangle, right?
20:07.19krka(sorry for being a pain, but in my defense I am hoping I'll learn something from this)
20:08.03Irielok, now, rotate your picture so that your rectangle is now 'straight'
20:08.10TemIriel: How much does LayoutFrame cheat?  Does it cheat enough to mess up  my simulation's accuracy?
20:09.09futrtrublIriel, slouken just added a fix for 1.10
20:10.03krkaso, the new rotated borders is my SetTexCoords+
20:10.12IrielTem: All 'layout frame' is there in the wiki for is because there are N different functions with identical behaviors
20:10.28Irielkrka: yes
20:10.43Irielkrka: scaled obviously to normalize the rectangle back down to a square
20:10.43krkabut then I still need one rectangle for each thickness?
20:10.54TemIriel: well I noticed a "LayoutFrame" definition in the shema
20:11.02IrielTem: yes, that's why we picked that name.
20:11.05krkabut can you scale before rotating?
20:11.10Temwell that makes sense
20:11.14krkai have only figured out how to stretch it afterwards
20:11.43futrtrublIriel, you saw the fix?
20:12.14Irielfutrtrubl : not yet, on a conf. call
20:12.19Irielkrka: It's just a matter of setting the coordinates
20:12.46krkanot seeing how you can do that
20:13.02krkahmm... or maybe I do
20:13.08Irielkrka: think about it a bit
20:13.18IrielLogically it's a 2d transformation matrix
20:13.26Temcurses! I saw slouken post again in the item cache thread
20:13.32Temso I thought it was good news
20:13.58krkanot sure I am clever enough to actually implement this math though
20:15.31Temwhat happens if you do Frame:SetPoint("CENTER") on a frame with no parent?
20:15.49IrielI think there's an implied parent
20:15.58Irielbut I could be wrong
20:16.00krkayes, all frames have a parent I think
20:16.13Temwell GetParent still returns nil for them
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20:17.49Endremember, WorldFrame and UIParented don't have parents either... ;P
20:18.01EndUIParent even
20:18.09Temand while I'm thinking about it though it's completely off topic, Does anyone know of a free / opensource XML editor similar to Altova XML Spy?
20:18.41krkano, and let me know if you find one!
20:18.48IrielI use emacs for my xml (nxml-mode)
20:19.12IrielAnd I've created a .rnc file for validation from the UI.xsd
20:20.04IrielThat gets me indentation, validation, tab completion, and syntax coloring
20:20.08krkahmm... if I need to fsck my /home/, I should probably stop all user apps first right?
20:20.24Irielgenerally if you're fsck'ing a drive you should unmount it
20:20.28pagefaultand wear protection
20:20.30krkayeah, obviously
20:20.44Irielso yes, you'd want to stop all user apps, otherwise you wont be able to unmount the drive
20:20.53krkaannoying :)
20:21.16Irielfutrtrubl : Added that change to the 1.10 thread
20:21.26Shouryuufsck a drive?
20:21.31Endfilesystem check
20:21.43Shouryuuoh ok
20:22.49Endincidently, bad things happen if you force /usr to be dismounted
20:22.55Endif the system is running
20:23.17*** join/#wowi-lounge krka (
20:23.40krkadamn it... any way to check which processes are using a partition?
20:23.50IrielBad things happen if you unmount pretty much any drive containing executables or libraries
20:23.52Irielkrka: lsof?
20:24.27Irielthere are other variations of that tool
20:24.35Endif the exutable or libraries are running, yeah :P
20:24.35Irielin case your system doesn't have lsof
20:24.39krkalsof | grep home should be enough I hope?
20:24.40krkayeah I have it
20:24.41IrielEnd: Well, yes 8-)
20:24.51Irielcan't you give it a filesystem to check?
20:24.51krkaoff to try again then
20:25.01krkait doesn't want to do it if it's mounted
20:25.10krkawell, I can force it, but linux generally give me good advice
20:25.22krkaah.... you meant lsof
20:25.38Irielyes, I meant lsof 8-)
20:26.31krkalsof /dev/hda5 seems to work
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20:30.59TemWell theres a surprize
20:31.25Temcalling Frame:SetPoint("CENTER") on a frame with no parent gives you a usage error
20:32.32futrtrublprobalby calls GetParent or something internally to get the default frame for attachment, then does the usage check
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20:32.58Temoh wait
20:33.01Temno it doesn't
20:33.10TemI must be doing something wrong
20:33.23TemI get a usage error even with a parent
20:33.33Endwhat's the error message?
20:33.36TemFrame:SetPoint("CENTER") gives me an error
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20:35.23Tem[string "frame:SetPoint("CENTER")"]:!: Usage: SetPoint("point"[, frame] [, "relativePoint"] [, offsetX,  offsetY])
20:35.57Temalthought I'm pretty sure Frame:SetPoint("CENTER") is a valid way to call it
20:36.09EndI...think so too
20:36.22IrielI seem to recall we had problems with this last week
20:36.29Irielthis being set point lying in its usage info
20:37.40SP|Sorrenmy school library clearly spared no expense at building their wireless infastructure. I'm sitting about 30 feet from the blasted WAP, with no obstructions and getting virtually no signal
20:38.28AnduinLotharget a giant antenna
20:38.53Irielis the wap you're sitting next to turned on?
20:40.14SP|Sorrenits little lights are blinking, i can see them
20:40.36SP|Sorrendespite the fact that i forgot my contats :(
20:40.37Irielso, krka, have you figured out your rectangle yet?
20:40.46TemCan someone else try SetPoint to see if they can reproduce what I'm seeing?
20:40.58TemIn the meantime, I'm going to make a post about it
20:41.03IrielTem: I'm fairly sure someone ran into this last week
20:41.20IrielTem: That, despite what the usage says, you can't just do: Frame:SetPoint("ANCHOR")
20:41.35IrielBut post about it anyway
20:41.46Temeither way, something needs to be changed
20:42.15Maldiviahmm, does it have anything to do with the frame having a parent or not ?
20:42.32SP|Sorren^sounds like a good theory
20:43.36TainWhich Tem already said doesn't matter if it's parented or not.
20:44.03Maldiviahmm, ok - missed that :)
20:44.03Temit doesn't.  I tried both ways
20:44.16AnduinLothari missed the discussion, what's the problem?
20:44.29TainTem has syphillis. :(
20:44.31AnduinLotharusage error?
20:44.44MaldiviaAnduinLothar: <Tem> [string "frame:SetPoint("CENTER")"]:!: Usage: SetPoint("point"[, frame] [, "relativePoint"] [, offsetX,  offsetY])
20:44.57AnduinLotharthat's silly... lemme try
20:45.55Maldiviait appears that the frame parameter is needed, even though the usage-string suggests otherwise
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20:46.32AnduinLotharor maybe the hampsters took a lunch break
20:46.48Maldiviaohh, they replaces the mice with hamsters?
20:47.00AnduinLotharthey live longer
20:47.06TainI thought they were using squirrels
20:47.12SP|Sorrensquirrels are too wiley
20:47.17AnduinLotharmechenical squirels are inefficient
20:47.26IrielCan you omit frame, but give the offsets?
20:47.38Irieli.e. Frame:SetPoint("CENTER",0,0)
20:48.08Maldivia:SetPoint("CENTER",0,0) doesn't return an error
20:48.43IrielHow about :SetPoint("CENTER","CENTER",0,0)
20:48.51TainThat should error
20:48.53AnduinLotharError: [string "TargetFrame:SetPoint("CENTER")"]:1: Usage: SetPoint("point" [, frame] [, "relativePoint"] [, offsetX, offsetY])
20:49.06Maldiviadoesn't work - looks for a frame named "CENTER" to link to :)
20:49.29AnduinLotharSetPoint("CENTER",0,0) works
20:50.00Irielso it's really an issue of poorly written usage
20:50.03Natasemhey ya'll anyone know anything about this UI Manager?
20:50.17Endthat's really strange
20:50.46AnduinLotharthat UIManager requires a static zip file url
20:50.53IrielNatasem : I dont like it because it makes assumptions about the zip locations
20:50.54AnduinLotharlike a
20:51.05IrielNatasem : And uses a poor choice of .toc entry to store it
20:51.35TemAnd it looks like Frame:SetPoint("CENTER",0,0) on an orphan frame uses UIParent
20:51.35Maldiviathe following works, is seems: SetPoint(point, x, y) -- SetPoint(point, frame, x, y) -- SetPoint(point, frame, point2, x, y)
20:51.42AnduinLotharso if you're hosting your own files it's file, but if you're using one of the common sites it wont work unless the site has redirects
20:52.17MaldiviaActually, SetPoint(point, x) works aswell
20:52.21Natasemok thannks, i like to ask here first ya know mane a census, expecially since the trojan scare
20:52.39Natasemmane= make
20:53.11Maldiviahmm, no - SetPoint(point, x) -- ignores the x parameter, and centers it
20:53.23Maldivia(if point = "CENTER" it centers :)
20:54.16*** join/#wowi-lounge stray`laptop (
20:55.08stray`laptopcurse you WAP
20:55.21MaldiviaWAP... ouch...
20:55.29Maldiviatime to CTCP flood... :)
20:56.40AnduinLotharahh, i see wowi does actually have redirects trhough php
20:57.00AnduinLotharex: always links to the latest Sea zip
20:57.35AnduinLotharso it might work with wowi, but it wont work with curse
20:58.16AnduinLotharthat and there's no mac version, so I wont use it :P
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21:06.30Beladonawe need an apt-get style update system (repositories) for interfaces
21:07.30Beladonahell, the same could hold true for blizzard updates
21:12.55MaldiviaTem: it's not UIParent, it's the screen  -- otherwise UIParent:SetPoint wouldn't work :)
21:13.16Temthe "screen"?
21:13.29Maldiviawell, don't know how else to put it :)
21:13.56Maldiviathe WoW-window
21:14.02Maldiviacall it what ever you want :)
21:14.22Iriel"Mysterious nil-Root"
21:14.43Tembah it's 3:15 and I haven't had lunch yet
21:15.20MaldiviaIriel: that works aswell :)
21:15.27ToastTheifdef 4:15
21:15.44Tem|foodok, I think I understand now
21:15.55Tem|foodI'll make my SetPoint implementation work when I get back
21:16.09Tem|foodand I'll even make GetRight ect work too!
21:19.05Maldiviahmm... GetWidth and GetTop on frames do not update with scale / anchors?
21:19.43AnduinLothartop does, width doesn't
21:21.09Maldiviayeah ok - it was GetWidth and GetHeight I meant... but I guess height doesn't either
21:21.24IrielWidth should be scale invariant
21:21.45Irielunless the width is caused by anchors
21:22.45Maldiviafor instance frame:ClearAllPoints(); frame:SetPoint("LEFT", UIParent); frame:SetPoint("RIGHT", UIParent);
21:23.24Maldiviathe frame is now as wide as UIParent... but GetWidth() return the XML defined width (or what SetWidth is set to, I guess)
21:23.59Irielannoying, font strings work that way too
21:24.27Irielgetwidth returns desired width if set, actual width otherwise
21:24.34AnduinLotharright, which makes resizable lists of strings very annoying
21:24.43AnduinLotharliek trees
21:24.54Maldiviathe same with UIParent:GetWidth() => 960 - even though it's around 1200 with my scaling
21:24.55Irielcan you subtract right and left?
21:25.13Irielso GetActualWidth can at least be implemented
21:25.34AnduinLotharas long as GetRight isn't nil...
21:25.49Maldiviaframe:SetWidth(0); message(frame:GetWidth())
21:25.56Maldiviareturns the actual width
21:26.25Maldiviaor well, the width, without scaling
21:26.28AnduinLotharso reset width to 0 after anchoring perhaps..
21:26.57AnduinLothardoes it work if it's anchored to something movable and it moves, changing the size?
21:27.34Maldiviahmm, tricky... lets see if I have anything like that :)
21:27.56AnduinLotharhave to anchor two sides or cornors
21:28.02AnduinLotharso that it streches
21:28.35AnduinLotharlike anchor a frame to two minimap buttons and move the buttons
21:29.10Maldiviayep - GetWidth returns actual width, even if parent is resized
21:29.40Maldiviaif SetWidth(0) is called, that is
21:29.55AnduinLothareach time u resize?
21:30.06IrielJust once, I would imagine
21:30.07MaldiviaI've just called SetWidth(0) once
21:30.37Shouryuurawr out
21:30.43Maldiviaanchored a frame to LEFT and RIGHT of UIParent, and reanchored UIParent, and the frame:GetWidth() changed, when I reanchored UIParent
21:43.58MaldiviaIriel: :)
21:45.21GenNMXToastTheif: That might be a while, try Onenon until then.
21:49.04MaldiviaIriel: about the wiki - looking over the Widget API, shouldn't there be a IsShown() on LayoutFrame now, instead of on FontString and on Frame ?
21:49.39*** join/#wowi-lounge [MoonWolf] (
21:49.41Tem|foodOh rofl!
21:50.22IrielMaldivia : Probably, let me see why I didn't add it.
21:50.49MaldiviaIriel: I figured it wasn't there prior to 1.9, because fontstring didn't have a IsShown before 1.9
21:51.17ToastTheifWHAT IS Onenon?
21:51.19IrielLayoutFrame is an 'invention' in one of my scripts (as far as that page is concerned) so it does have to be manually maintained, it's quite possible I just forgot
21:51.41Maldiviawould just make sense, since the IsVisible description refers to IsShown
21:52.38Maldiviasame with Texture, also has a IsShown now
21:56.38Maldiviaalthough, FontString.IsShown is not the same "physical" function as Frame.IsShown, they have the same behavior
21:56.57Irielyes, that's why my script has the list
21:58.00Maldiviabut Frame.IsVisible is not the same "physical function" as FontString.IsVisible - but listed as such on the wiki
21:58.33Maldiviaso there's an inconsistency there
21:59.10IrielThe only inconsistency is that I forgot to add 'IsShown' to my layout frame methods array 8-)
22:00.29Maldiviahmm... ok :)
22:01.09Iriel*mutters* about people screwing with the wiki who dont know what they're doing (Someone mixed up the two AddMessage functions)
22:03.12IrielMessageFrame / ScrollingMessageFrame
22:03.14MaldiviaScrollingMessageFrame and MessageFrame
22:03.15Irielthey have different parameters
22:04.25AnduinLotharnews to me, but then i dont think i've ever tried for anything but the chat frames
22:05.27IrielMessageFrame has fade time
22:05.34IrielScrollingMessageFrame has the color ID
22:05.37id`Anyone know the parameter for using opengl and windowed mode? or a place where i can find it?
22:05.46IrielIsn't it a command line param
22:05.59AnduinLotharoh right, the ErrorFrame is a message frame not a scrolling one, right?
22:06.04Temand I'd guess -w for windowed
22:06.18Iriel(to AnduinLothar )
22:06.22id`i want it permanently
22:06.38Fanook[12:43] <[MoonWolf]> SET gxApi "opengl"
22:06.39Fanook[12:43] <[MoonWolf]> SET gxColorBits "24"
22:06.39Fanook[12:43] <[MoonWolf]> SET gxDepthBits "24"
22:06.39Fanook[12:43] <[MoonWolf]> SET gxResolution "1280x1024"
22:06.41id`ah thanks
22:06.56id`Fanook, it went out of my chat buffer and forgot to write it down :<
22:07.52ToastTheifwhat is Onenon?
22:08.27BeladonaSET gxWindow "1"
22:08.32id`woot thanks
22:08.33Beladonafor windowed mode
22:08.43id`was just going to google for it :<
22:08.44Beladonasetting yours up on linux?
22:08.48id`no, windows
22:08.56Beladonawhy opengl?
22:08.57id`but i just logged in with -opengl
22:09.05id`in the middle of IF
22:09.06IrielMaldivia : Wiki updated
22:09.15IrielMaldivia : Thanks for pointing that out
22:09.26id`Beladona, i have 15fps normally when theres no action, going to see what opengl does for me
22:09.31id`i dont care if its butt ugly
22:09.35Beladonaits not
22:09.42id`im used to playing Quake 1 and Half-life:TFC
22:09.43Beladonalooks fine to me
22:09.56ToastTheifhey Industrial
22:09.58MaldiviaIriel: move Frame:IsShown to LayoutFrame:IsShown ?
22:10.12ToastTheifoccasionally with my lvl 5 char, idChat fails
22:10.19ToastTheifthe buttons randomly show up
22:10.19id`any error?
22:10.24IrielBeladona Beladona Beladona , you're the editor who messed up AddMessage!
22:10.25id`thats a bug :(
22:10.29ToastTheifjust randomly showing up =/
22:10.36IrielMaldivia : yes, I cleaned up some othr stuff too
22:10.40id`when you click a tab ToastTheif
22:10.40ToastTheifwhats up with that?
22:10.56IrielBeladona : On the widget API, "Beladona" is the name on the edits I jusyt had to un-do
22:10.59id`dunno :| couldnt get firshow to get an event or something
22:11.09Beladonaok was wrong with it?
22:11.21ToastTheifwell did you hide the buttons for all the frames?
22:11.22MaldiviaIriel: it wasn't Beladona...
22:11.33Maldivia(cur) (last)  00:52, 7 Feb 2005 Lego (API MessageFrame AddMessage moved to API ScrollingMessageFrame AddMessage)
22:11.53id`ToastTheif, yes it does that, but somehow they get reshown
22:11.55IrielThe change i'm looking at wsa
22:12.01IrielI dont know about the actual pages themselves
22:12.14id`hmm indeed
22:12.18IrielThis was more recent than lego's change
22:12.23IrielDec 16th
22:12.51Beladonawould love to know what was wrong with it
22:13.02Maldiviafrom what I can see from Beladonas changes, they are mearly grammar and rewritings... not changes of meaning/parameters
22:13.16*** join/#wowi-lounge stray`laptop (
22:13.25Irielsomeone swapped 'id' and 'holdTime'
22:13.25BeladonaI changed ScrollingMessageFrame:AddMessage
22:13.31BeladonaholdTime is valid
22:13.32Irielbetween the two instances
22:13.36Beladonaon ScrollingMessageFrames
22:13.37IrielIt's valid for Message Frame
22:13.38ToastTheifChatFrameMenuButton:Hide() theres only one MenuButton, right?
22:13.40IrielNOT for ScrollingMessageFrame
22:13.50BeladonaI beg to differ
22:13.50id`thats the little menu thingy yes
22:13.54id`the balloon
22:14.00IrielScollingMessageFrame (the chat windows) uses an id number, for color changing en-masse
22:14.03id`ots the other three that reappear
22:14.07Beladonaholdtime sets the length of time before the text fades out from the frame
22:14.39Beladonaso did I get it backwards or something?
22:14.45IrielScrollingMessageFrame:SetTimeVisible(seconds) - Sets how long lines remain visible.
22:14.51MaldiviaBeladona: ScrollingMessageFrame, for instance ChatFrames - doesn't have a hold time
22:14.51ToastTheifdoes ChatScroll do that?
22:15.15Irielso yes, you got it backwards (it was right, you reversed it)
22:15.18ToastTheifwe should check..
22:15.20IrielAnyway, it's fixed now.
22:15.27id`yes but in a sec
22:15.30id`im testing cosmos
22:15.34MaldiviaIriel: and yes, was looking at the wrong change :)
22:15.46Irielfor ScrollingMessageFrames, the fade time is set for the whole window
22:15.47ToastTheiftesting Cosmos?
22:15.52id`but that needs me to be logged in first
22:15.54Maldiviaor well
22:15.59id`ToastTheif, yes i might rip some things from it
22:16.06ToastTheiflol like what?
22:16.14id`dunno, thats the problem!
22:16.28Beladonaso ti just needs to be swapped
22:16.31Beladonawant me to do it?
22:16.41id`ok opengl doesnt work :|
22:16.48id`one frame update every minute
22:16.53Maldiviaid`: OpenGL is fubar on Windoes :)
22:16.59id`not on halflife 1
22:17.00id`it isnt
22:17.05Maldiviawell, in WoW it is :)
22:17.10id`yeah :(
22:17.21*** join/#wowi-lounge krka (
22:17.25id`hi krka
22:17.37krkaI am pissed off at my cd-burner now :/
22:17.53krkaeither my filesystem is being weird, my burner is being weird or the media is bad
22:18.03ToastTheifok Indy
22:18.05TemI'm pissed off at the forum software
22:18.14ToastTheifIm about 90% sure I know what the prob is
22:18.17Temit constantly bugs and doesn't log which threads I've seen
22:18.28Temso it shows threads as having new content when it shouldn't
22:18.33Temand that annoys the poo out of me
22:18.37id`ToastTheif, pm
22:19.48krkaif anyone is good with debugging burning-problems in linux, let me know
22:20.18ToastTheiflook in the PM
22:24.22TemWhat widget type is UIParent?
22:25.14Maldivia/dump UIParent:GetFrameType()
22:25.36Temand is the WolrdFrame type basically just a LayoutFrame?
22:25.53Tema frame
22:26.28MaldiviaWorldFrame:GetFrameType() returns "Frame"
22:26.31ToastTheifyar ok
22:26.35ToastTheifnow that idChat is fixed
22:26.46ToastTheifwhen is onebag getting it's fix :(
22:29.06*** join/#wowi-lounge cladhaire (
22:35.42Beladonaback shortly, going home
22:36.05*** part/#wowi-lounge Beladona (n=sluster@
23:02.52TemSuppose a frame is anchored on it's topright point to some arbitrary point, lets say (0,0) for now
23:03.12Temthen Frame:GetRight() would return 0
23:03.35Temnow assume another anchor is applied to the same frame
23:03.41Temat it's bottomright anchor
23:03.53Tema point (10,0)
23:03.58Temat* point
23:04.06Temwhat does GetRight now return?
23:07.06*** join/#wowi-lounge krka (
23:09.34MaldiviaTem: doesn't GetLeft/Right always return "screen coordinates" ?
23:09.55Tembut what would be the screen coord of it now
23:10.02Temwhich anchor takes precedence?
23:10.14Temor does it average or some other goofy method
23:10.29Maldiviahmm, I think first anchor takes precedence... let me check
23:10.54krkawhat'cha talking about? overspecifying anchors?
23:10.57IrielOr do you get a constraint violation and the window disappears?
23:11.46Irielkrka: Overspecifying CONFLICTING anchors
23:11.53krkathat's what I meant
23:12.07AnduinLotharwhat'd u try to conflict?
23:12.11krkaeasy enough to test, isn't it?
23:12.17AnduinLotharI've made negative width frames before
23:12.41AnduinLotharthe border corers still show but the sides and bg don't
23:12.42IrielAnduinLothar : Topright and bottom right anchors with different X coordinates
23:12.50Irielnot negative width tho
23:13.08AnduinLotharmy guess is that the most recently called anchor wins
23:13.08Irielsay, x at 0, and top right with x=100 and bottom right with x=110
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23:13.27krkai would guess that the first anchor keeps control
23:13.34krkaor the latest does
23:13.41AnduinLotharunless it actually decided to make non rectangular frames all fo a sudden
23:13.46krkaor wow dies in a flaming crash
23:13.58MaldiviaTem: m:ClearAllPoints(); m:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", UIParent, 0, 0); m:GetRight => 1170.73; m:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", UIParent, 10, 0); m:GetRight() => 1170.73
23:14.17AnduinLotharwell i know if you reanchor the same corner the most recent call wins
23:14.39Temthank Maldivia
23:15.03krkathat test shows that the first call wins, right?
23:15.12Irielyeah, that's how I read it
23:15.36AnduinLothartry it negative, it might be that the larger size wins
23:15.53AnduinLotharer, backwards not negative
23:16.18krkamaybe it's completely random who wins :)
23:16.43krkato get an uncertainty of 2^-n, set it n times
23:16.47krkaor something
23:16.51IrielWell, re-anchoring the same corner doesn't introduce a conflict (To AnduinLothar's point)
23:16.53AnduinLotharok krka, to play the game you can't predict nebulous catch alls, that's my job
23:17.45Maldiviam:ClearAllPoints();m:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", UIParent, -25, -25); m:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", UIParent, 0, 0);
23:18.00MaldiviaTOPRIGHT wins on x-offset
23:18.25AnduinLotharso, second call that time
23:18.28krkamaybe it's closest to 0 that wins
23:18.38AnduinLothari still vote for largest
23:19.08Maldiviam:ClearAllPoints(); m:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", UIParent, -100, -100); m:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", UIParent, -25, -25); <-- -100 wins
23:19.12krkalarger isn't always better!
23:19.24Temkrka: that's a lie
23:19.27IrielI think if Tem posted a 'I'm trying to simulate frame placement and want to know what the conflict resolution rules are'...
23:19.38Iriel.. then slouken may well be interested enough to answer
23:19.54Temhonestly, the frame placement stuff is fluff
23:20.07TemI'm just a perfectionist
23:20.11IrielThough if you're writing a test framework
23:20.11MaldiviaTOPRIGHT seems to have precedence over BOTTOMRIGHT when it comes to the RIGHT x-offset
23:20.21krkawhen would we ever need to know how this is handled btw?
23:20.26TemIriel: that's exactly what I'm doing
23:20.31Irielmaybe detecting conflicting anchors and emitting diagnostics owuld be better
23:20.35Iriel(I figured)
23:21.08IrielBecause it'll be inherently unsafe to rely on how it could handle that case, In my opnion.
23:21.36krkawell, who rights code like that? :)
23:21.49IrielLike what? Conflicting anchors?
23:21.52krkaI can't WRITE at all :(
23:22.02krkausually a sign of needed sleep
23:22.08TemAnd I also have a far off goal of writing a way to render frames
23:22.13IrielI'm sure it's all over the place, not necessarily deliberately, but throw in a couple of users with moveanything and voila!
23:22.16Tembecause the wow ui designer isn't enough for me
23:22.51IrielTem: Are you writing your framework in lua?
23:22.55TemIriel: yes
23:23.07AnduinLotharno one in their right mind. I'd be satisfied if i could easily make FontStrings re-evaluate their text size based on width of the FontString using anchors and without having to redeclare the width
23:23.18MaldiviaTem, just some minor tests - it seems, for the RIGHT side, TOPRIGHT > RIGHT > BOTTOMRIGHT, when determining who sets the x-offset
23:23.36IrielRegardless of values?
23:23.42Maldiviaso it seems
23:24.07krkawhat if you give a nil value? :)
23:24.10TemI think I'll just leave GetRight, ect methods are noops for now
23:24.23Temlet me try that again
23:24.41IrielThat'll be easier than implementing an anchor constraint solver anyway
23:24.42TemI think I'll just leave the GetRight, GetTop, ect... method as no-ops for now
23:26.02krkatem, what are you working on exactly?
23:26.22TemA framework for 1.10 frames
23:26.31krkaa framework that does what?
23:26.40Temsimulates Frames
23:26.41krkagenerally handles frames?
23:26.46krkaah... simulates
23:26.50Maldiviahmm, go GetWidth() returns width, but without scale-modification, where as GetLeft() and GetRight() returns with scale modification
23:26.53krkahm... why? :)
23:27.04Tembecause I'm impatient
23:27.13TemI want CreateFrame now
23:27.23Temso I'm writing an environment that I can use it in
23:28.02AnduinLothar...that sounds like lots of extra work
23:28.22IrielI dunno, I think it sounds like a ton of fun
23:29.16krkayou have weird ways of entertaining yourself :)
23:29.52Temfunny, I agree
23:29.57TemI am enjoying it
23:30.01Tema lot
23:30.41IrielHopefully you'll be able to fill in lots of wiki gaps while you go (*hint hint*)
23:31.17AnduinLotharoh, i don't doubt it would be fun
23:31.41AnduinLotharAnd if it means i can make frames w/o launching wow, more power to ya
23:31.56AnduinLotharjust write it in something cross platform
23:32.10AnduinLotharbrowser based would be even cooler
23:32.19Temit's lua
23:32.35Temand it's not meant for rendering frames
23:32.47AnduinLothar? so it's just for debugging?
23:32.51Temit's meant for me to play with CreateFrame
23:34.18Tembut I'm convinced that a CSS file could be written to allow rendering of frames in a browser
23:34.44Tema little JS might be needed for some of the anchoring nonsense
23:34.57Tembut they seem to work pretty well together
23:35.01AnduinLotharthey do
23:36.02AnduinLotharbe cool if you could combine it with an editor my paste-bin
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23:41.03krkahmm... maybe my memory is bad
23:41.08krkahave to run a memtest I think
23:41.40krkadoes anyone have any ideas on why a dvd-burner could fail randomly while burning?
23:42.30Irielbad media
23:42.31Irielbad power
23:42.33Irielbad burner
23:42.36Irielpoor buffering
23:42.40Iriellousy I/O on source device
23:42.51Irielbusy CPU while burning (coupled with buffering)
23:42.54krkathe burner worked on other media before
23:43.09krkadon't think it's my harddrive io or cpu
23:43.17krkatried it with nothing else running
23:43.28IrielBuffer underruns are a bitch, though I would have imagined your burning software would check for those
23:43.41IrielAre you burning too fast for the media you're using?
23:43.49krkanot really
23:43.52krkaburning as slow as I can
23:43.58AnduinLotharmy roomie's burner was doing that
23:44.04AnduinLotharhe replaced it
23:44.13krkathough i don't seem to be in much control of it, growisofs seems to choose itself
23:44.34AnduinLothardvd burners are cheep now, think he paid $50
23:44.42IrielI always try and buy burners with large onboard buffers
23:45.41krkathat's what this cost :P
23:45.56krkai think this is 2 meg
23:54.06Corrodiasbuffer underrun? that shouldn't happen with any drive made in the last few years
23:54.29IrielCorrodias : unless your cpu is off doing something else
23:54.44Corrodiasthey pause the burning and resume when the buffer is full again
23:54.51Irielor you're doing an optical-optical copy with a less than ideal source media
23:54.58IrielI'm not sure that works does it for DAO burns?
23:55.05Corrodiasat least, CD burners do. i can't be sure about DVD burners.
23:56.01krkathis sux, i have wasted like 7 dvds now

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