irclog2html for #wowi-lounge on 20060110

00:07.15CairennI just got a thank you!
00:11.54AnduinLotharfrom who?
00:12.20CairennJIM the Inventor
00:12.33Cairennjust the fact I got a thank you from *anyone*
00:12.45IrielHm, I'm sure i've said thank you to you before 8-)
00:13.34Cairennthere are some few that say it, but it isn't anything I'm used to by any stretch of the imagination
00:13.37AnduinLotharum, i swear i fixed that earth bug..
00:15.33IrielSo.. should I take the leap and go from Interface\AddOns\AddonName to AddonName in my build.xml file?
00:21.12TainAbsolutely yes.
00:21.48IrielOk.. I'll send anyone who gets confused to you two 8-)
00:22.45TainI have answers for them.
00:24.01Cairenn"grow a brain" isn't usually appreciated, Tain ;)
00:27.17IrielOoh, I just had an idea, I can write a boilerplate 'How to install' document, and have my build process search and replace the addon name when I make the zip file
00:27.59LegorolIriel, the dump function in DevTools, does it produce a dump that is compatible with the savedvariables format?
00:28.16IrielLegorol: No, it's intended for readability by humans.
00:28.27IrielLegorol: Though it wouldn't be too hard to change it.
00:28.32Legorolsavedvars are pretty readable too
00:28.37Legorolwhat are the differences?
00:28.52Irieltruncation of overly long things
00:29.02Irielfunctions are done differently
00:29.11IrielSelf-referential objects print properly
00:30.12AnduinLotharhow did u print self refrencial tables?
00:30.23Legorolhm, good point, what does savedvar do with self referential tables?
00:30.26Legoroldoes it crash?
00:30.33Legoroland how are functions output?
00:30.38Legorolyeah, i know i could just check, but... lazy
00:30.47AnduinLothari know i saw ChatFrame1 evaled in the ss
00:31.05IrielI suspect it crashes
00:31.16AnduinLotharframes are easy cause you can use GetName, but what if it's not a frame, then how do you get the name?
00:31.19Irielfunctions et al are output as nil with comments
00:31.33IrielAnduinLothar : I remember what name I see things as as I print it out
00:31.36Irielso if you output X
00:31.45Irieland X.Y.Z == X.Y
00:31.58Irielit'll use "X.Y" as the name
00:32.21AnduinLotharlol, duh. i did that too, silly me. now where did that code get to
00:32.44AnduinLotharLegorol do you have the patched version of Earth? I dont think it made it on svn and now i cant find it
00:33.52IrielI annotate functions also, if I've seen them in the global environment
00:33.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (
00:33.58*** mode/#WoWI-lounge [+o Cairenn] by ChanServ
00:36.08LegorolAnduinLothar, let me look around
00:36.13Legoroli thought we did commit to SVN
00:37.55AnduinLotharone i see still has the table.getn(parents) >= 4 crap i think
00:38.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Parak (
00:38.46AnduinLotharand i swear i rewrote that..
00:39.01Legorolyah we did rework that, hm, let me see if i've got it somewhere
00:39.27LegorolIs SVN working now?
00:40.10AnduinLotharsomeone needs to hound thott and get that shit fixed cause it's been down a week
00:41.30IrielWhile you're at him, mention that T is a poor choice for an important global variable in ThottBot
00:41.47AnduinLothar? we can just change that...
00:41.59Legorolwell, with that obfuscated crap, i wouldn't there..
00:42.11Legorolyou'd need to parse the code to make sure that references to T are not local in all places
00:42.19AnduinLotharor you can change it and ill diff to make sure ur not malicious and update it
00:42.33Legorol*there = dare
00:43.02AnduinLotharjust change the declaration to local and eval T in game
00:44.15IrielIt uses RegisterForSave too
00:44.26AnduinLotharhmm, apparently someone on my server has the Swift Zulian Tiger
00:44.34AnduinLotharim jealous
00:45.58AnduinLotharwell anyway, leg can we remember what we did to it?
00:48.22Legorolshall we take this to a cosmos channel?
00:49.22Cairennmeh, you are welcome to keep it here if you wish, although I also understand taking it to your own channel
00:51.47TainI'm glad I noticed this wasn't a microwavable pizza before I cooked it.
00:59.54IrielWas it (not microwaveable) or (not pizza) ?
01:01.00AnduinLotharor (tooBigForMicrowave)
01:01.45TainNot microwavable.
01:01.49TainThankfully I do have an oven.
01:07.10pagefaultmore like who doesn't have microwave
01:07.29TainAh but I even know how to use the oven.
01:07.37Cairennactually, you are more like to find someone without a microwave than you are to find someone without an oven
01:07.47Cairennyeah, well, that's a different matter completely Tain
01:07.48AnduinLotharmicrowaves are like $50 now
01:07.48pagefaulthaha I laugh at that, I have friends who have literally no idea how to use the oven
01:08.08IrielI had no microwave when I lived on my own
01:08.17LegorolI had no oven for a long time and lived on a microwave
01:08.24Cairennas I said, Iriel :)
01:08.29LegorolEspecially student accomodation at university has microwave but no oven
01:08.32pagefaultwell you can get away with the microwave for a lot these days
01:09.06IrielThough I did have a Toaster Oven for those 'smaller' meals
01:09.06TainWhen my family got our first microwave our stove broke entirely shortly after.
01:09.06TainWe cooked everything with the microwave for a while.
01:09.06pagefaultI love cooking though, so I use everything I can get my hands on
01:09.33TainWhen necessity forces it on you you learn how to cook things that people don't think you can cook with a microwave.
01:10.17pagefaultthose new microwaves are as good as an oven
01:10.42TainIt's the ones that are part microwave, part convection oven that are amazing.
01:10.44IrielI dont like what microwaving does to the texture of much food
01:11.10AnduinLothargood for soup
01:11.15pagefaultwell the newer ones are so good you can't tell the difference
01:11.17IrielI do enjoy their re-heating abilities, but I dont really like COOKING with them
01:11.20pagefaulti've seen people make bread in them before
01:11.31TainThere's an art to microwave cooking.
01:11.37Legoroli agree with Iriel, only use microwave for reheating
01:11.52Legorolcurrently, i don't have a microwave.. it took a bit of time to learn how to reheat stuff with the oven (which i do have)
01:12.05TainYou can make things that will taste excellent and have a good texture, you'll never get the browning though which is the biggest problem.
01:12.15TainBut just tossing something in on high for 10 minutes won't do it. :)
01:12.30Irielan 18lb turkey doesn't fit in my microwave either
01:12.32pagefaultyeah or you will get a burned outside and a frozen inside
01:12.35pagefaultturn the power down
01:12.48LegorolIt also took a while to figure out how to defrost stuff using the oven
01:12.55Legorolwithout starting to cook it
01:12.58IrielI've yet to have a baked potato from a microwave that I like
01:13.11TainI'm not saying I would only use the microwave, just that when necessity forces it on you you learn. :)
01:13.13IrielThough some hybrid potato attempts aren't bad
01:13.29LegorolI prefer ovenable pizza to microwaveable one
01:13.33Legorolvery different texture
01:13.48TainOf course, dough will alwyas be that way.
01:13.53Iriel*nod* @Lego
01:14.02pagefaultdough still rises in the oven thats why it has to be cooked slowly
01:14.17TainStill, there's a time and a place for both.
01:14.47TainIt takes me about.. hrm 12 hours minimum to make a good pizza dough to cook in the oven.
01:14.54pagefault12 hours?
01:14.57TainAnd five minutes to microwave a frozen.
01:15.03TainSo there's a lot of middleground. :)
01:15.14TainYeah, I always let my dough rise overnight in the refridgerator.  Slow rise.
01:15.28pagefaultI was thinking you were doing like 5 punchdowns
01:15.30pagefaultor something
01:15.38TainNo, just two.
01:15.50TainOne rise overnight, then the next day once you get it back to room temperature.
01:15.56TainThen it's ready to go!
01:16.10pagefaultI find making your own bread is very rewarding, as soon as it comes out of the oven, nothing can beat thayt
01:16.44TainI made some garlic rosemary bread to take over to my family for Thanksgiving.
01:16.54TainFrom the oven, to hte car, to their house. :)
01:17.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Flisher_Coding (
01:17.24Flisher_CodingHello, Anyone know how to change the alpha of a Backdrop (and not the whole frame) ?
01:17.42Cairennso, wait, are you guys trying to tell me that you are domesticated?
01:17.45AnduinLotharget the name of the frame
01:18.04IrielYou coul duse Frame:SetBackdropColor(r,g,b,a)
01:18.06TainI'm a hunter gatherer.
01:18.21IrielBut you'd need to know the original color
01:18.25TainHey Cairenn, why do women have such small feet?
01:18.46TainSo they can get closer to the damn oven!
01:18.55Cairenn|afkFU Tain
01:19.16Cairenn|afkanyway, I really am out for a bit, later guys
01:19.25pagefaultTain was probably the one who wanted +100 to cooking and tailoring for females in WoW
01:19.28pagefaultjust kidding :)
01:19.37TainWhen I get home from work my woman better have it ready and waiting on the table for me!   You know, the takeout menu for me to go pick up dinner.
01:19.46Flisher_Codingthank iriel, I didn't realized that the a is from 0.000000 to 1.000000, soo 50 is like 1 :)
01:20.20pagefaultwhats funny is some of the best chefs in the world are men though
01:20.28pagefaultso the stereotype really makes no sense
01:20.30TainOf course.
01:20.52TainWomen *could* be great chefs.  If they weren't crazy.
01:21.01pagefaultyeah they are crazy
01:21.05pagefaultbut we still love them
01:21.13TainAnd make them dinner.
01:22.13pagefaulti'm probably going to be the one cooking when I get married
01:22.18pagefaultmy gf can't cook a thing
01:22.40Tainhehe I'm more likely to just not let her in the kitchen.
01:23.14Flisher_Codinganyone know an addons using "/ra" as slashcmd?
01:23.51Tainerm Is there a RaidAssist addon?
01:24.18Tainoh ok and that uses ctra right?
01:24.19Flisher_CodingI got a /ra doing nothing but no trigerring an error
01:24.32Flisher_Codingctra is ct_raidassist :-P
01:24.34IrielIsn't /ra 'talk on raid channel' ?
01:24.43Flisher_CodingA cookie for Iriel :-P
01:24.58Flisher_CodingAny suggestion for RaidAwareness?
01:25.01TainOooh that's a good point
01:25.15Tainheheh geez, "Is there a RaidAssist addon?"  Wow.  That's bad.
01:25.25LegorolAnyone here uses QuestHistory?
01:25.27TainHow about /raw
01:25.50Flisher_CodingLegorol: stopped using all quest stuff due to alot of corruption, and saved variable of an awesome size :-P
01:26.32TainThat sounds like Scooby Doo giving a warning.
01:26.48TainRaggy!  rerare the rarewolf!
01:27.01IrielIs this a slash command that'd be used a lot?
01:27.07IrielLike, several times an hour?
01:27.12IrielOr just once or twice?
01:27.19Irielper session (or ever)
01:27.42Flisher_Codingto open the menu only
01:27.51IrielThen why not go with /raidaware
01:28.06Irielno sense using a short name for an infrequent thing
01:28.07Flisher_Codingwill open/close the panel, can be closed with a "x"
01:28.11AnduinLothardoes it cure raid viruses?
01:28.24AnduinLotharlike... auto-boot ninjas
01:28.34Flisher_Codingit's a pluging for ctraid, that track all class special cooldown / spell ability
01:28.37TainI'm not the only one who went off in the corner with some of those spectral citizens, huh
01:28.58Flisher_Codingie: Blessing of Kings ability, Fear ward ability/timer, Intimidating shout
01:29.00TainOh you mean a different kind of virus?
01:29.13AnduinLotharsweet, blew up  earthand got 328 error messages
01:29.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirtan|AFK (
01:29.49AnduinLotharall cause i left out 'then'
01:30.02Shirtan|AFKanyone ever worked with PLAYER_AURAS_CHANGED and tracking abbilities?
01:30.08AnduinLotharlol, yes
01:31.01Shirtanand noticed if 1.9 changed it into not firing when you stop tracking something?
01:31.46AnduinLotharno idea
01:32.00IrielI've noticed that the timing of PLAYER_AURAS_CHANGED appears to be different
01:32.16IrielWith respect to actions
01:32.27AnduinLotharit is. you can now equip automaticly when u lose the mount aura
01:32.29*** join/#wowi-lounge futrtrubl (
01:32.30IrielBut I haven't seen any tracking issues
01:32.42Shirtanwell it still fires nicely when you start tracking and also when you switch, but not when you stop
01:34.13IrielSo the icon by the minimap stays even when you have no aura?
01:34.45*** join/#wowi-lounge The-Real (
01:34.47Shirtanno it goes away as it should but before 1.9 it also gave PLAYER_AURAS_CHANGED when you canceled your tracking or died
01:35.07IrielSo that's what I'm asking
01:35.22Irielif you cancel your tracking using /script CancelTrackingBuff()...
01:35.33Iriel...does the minimap icon still say you're tracking?
01:35.41Shirtanno it goes away
01:36.11IrielThen you're doing something wrong
01:36.17IrielBecause it's just using PLAYER_AURAS_CHANGED
01:36.38Shirtanwell i didnt try using the function only rightclicking it
01:37.07Shirtani use it in flexbars to pop buttons depending on what you are tracking, and it worked fine pre 1.9
01:37.07IrielEither way, the code would imply it only needs PLAYER_AURAS_CHANGED
01:37.28IrielAh.. is flexbar looking at the skill activation state?
01:37.33IrielOr at GetTrackingTexture() ?
01:37.59Shirtani pop a GetTrackingTexture on PLAYER_AURAS_CHANGED and then check for nil value
01:39.16IrielThat's what the minimap does.
01:39.24IrielMaybe there's an issue elsewhere in flexbar?
01:40.56TemOh Noes!
01:41.14Tem(completely unrelated to what you are talking about)
01:41.38TemI just found out that my "favorite" officer in my guild quit the guild
01:42.24Shirtanhmm guess ill try to register the event outside fb as well and see if that one fires ok
01:42.52IrielShirtan : You could hook MiniMapTrackingFrame's OnEvent handler
01:43.06Shirtanhmm i could do that as well
01:43.13IrielThat sucks
01:43.15Iriel(to tem)
01:49.01pagefaultwhat the hell
01:49.17pagefaultI think it takes less time to fly to org from winterspring than it does to fly there
01:49.25pagefaultit's like 4:50 to fly to org
01:49.32pagefaultbut 5:something to fly to wintersprint
01:52.25Beladonanight all, gonna bug out a bit early. I have been at work during the midnight hours two nights in a row so kinda running on empty atm =)
01:53.21ShirtanIriel: yeah you are right, it does fire
01:57.30Cairenn|afknight Bela
02:06.51GenNMXIs anyone else having problems with the login server and getting onto their realm? I'm on Maelstrom.
02:07.17ShirtanIriel : guess the timer on the change made it work before
02:11.33*** join/#wowi-lounge Fanook|Zzz (
02:11.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
02:11.48Fanook|ZzzHey Guil
02:11.55Guillotinehello fanook
02:11.57Guillotinegood morning
02:12.11Natasemi know i know, OFN, but justfor thoes that don't know:   Linux/BSD still exposed to WMF exploit through WINE!
02:12.17Fanookdid 1.9 break comedictips?
02:12.30Guillotineno. 1.9 MADE comedictips
02:12.40Guillotinethere were no tips whatsoever before 1.9
02:12.59Guillotineis it not working for you?
02:13.00Fanookhmmm, my install doesn't seem to be working
02:13.17Guillotineare you windows or mac?
02:13.31Guillotineare you sure its in the right place?
02:13.35Guillotineyou installed it in the data folder?
02:13.39Fanookchecking that now :)
02:13.55Fanookyeah. GameTips.dbc is in the WoW/Data folder
02:14.10Fanookbut i only see the normal tips ingame
02:14.30Guillotineit shouldn't be ;) you were supposed to extract the zip folder into Data folder
02:14.36Guillotinethe path is already there
02:14.39Fanookah, that would be it then :)
02:15.08Fanooki extract my mods to the desktop :)
02:15.45Fanookdidn't even cross my mind the folder would be necessary
02:16.33Guillotineit wasn't before 1.9
02:16.44Guillotinenow the folders matter
02:17.02Fanookwhich is good
02:20.20Guillotinewow... a low population realm now has a 227 person que...
02:20.28GuillotineI joined a low population realm for a REASON
02:21.54GenNMXI think WoW's servers are having problems, I'm tracerouting fine to everything else.
02:22.38Guillotineyou shouldn't be able to traceroute/ping WoW servers
02:22.53Guillotinenot the game servers I mean
02:22.59Guillotineyou can do the webservers
02:23.20GenNMXGuillotine: I'm not tracerouting to the particular WoW server, I'm using the number they give to traceroute to on their website. I think it's one of their webservers.
02:23.36Guillotinethen I have no idea
02:23.54GenNMXGuillotine: I can't traceroute to their webservers, and I can't connect to WoW. But I ping fine with everything else, nice 20ms. I don't think it's me.
02:24.08Guillotinethat's wierd
02:24.47GuillotineI connected to the servers, but I AM getting a timeout when tracerouting
02:26.26Guillotinewell, it seems somethings wrong with their webservers
02:26.31Guillotinebut I am connected to WoW
02:26.42Guillotinethough it took 5 minutes to finish handshaking
02:27.07GenNMXYeah I got connected once, but the login was slooow. So it's probably their login servers.
02:27.20TainIt must be another DOS attack!  WOW IS DOOOOMED!
02:28.50Guillotineit could well be
02:29.00Guillotinethough it does seem like you're being sarcasit
02:29.06Guillotinesarcastic even
02:29.30TainYou are correct, sir.
02:34.00MaldiviaFanook: and which server is that?
02:34.08MaldiviaSargeras could use a kick aswell :)
02:34.51Fanookyay! my comedictips work now!
02:34.54MaldiviaWe just killed Onyxia... or well, half the raid sees her dead, the other half at healths varing from 6 to 40% :)
02:35.13Maldiviashe's standing there, turning to look at out MT all the time :)
02:35.13Fanookthat's new
02:36.37GenNMXIs it just me, or are the servers always especially flakey before Tuesday maintenance?
02:38.02Maldiviawell, this week been worse than ever...
02:38.14GenNMXI can picture some BOFH network engineer switching the packet analyzer ON right before Tuesdays so he can keep arguing the "extended maintenance" (or "extended overtime") is worth it ;)
02:39.19*** part/#wowi-lounge Bela|AFK (
02:40.25Maldiviaor they just dont feed their mice on sundays :)
02:53.30Fanookthey use mice? i thought guinea pigs were Blizzard's rodent of choice...
02:54.00CodayusI heard it was hamsters.
02:54.10CodayusFrom a reliable source!
02:55.18TainThe mod authors are guinea pigs.
02:56.02Fanooki always thought we were the guinea pigs
02:57.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Esamynn (
02:57.50EsamynnEvening all
03:01.55Maldiviaok - the mice/guinea pigs stopped for Sargeras now...
03:02.38ForgottenLordsis 800G overpriced for Nexus Crystals?
03:02.49Esamynnfor a single Nexus Crystal?
03:03.06CodayusYou've got to be joking.
03:03.12Maldivia80g perhaps
03:03.13EsamynnI would say so
03:03.22CodayusThey're were like 70g a few days oago on my server.
03:03.29ForgottenLordson Icecrown, Alliance, there are 2 up there, each for 500G minimum, 800 BO
03:03.52Maldiviahehe... they are selling for 70-100g on Sargeras
03:04.03CodayusPeople are always spamming trade trying to sell them...prices started at 200g, but dropped below 100g within 36 hours of the patch.
03:04.19TainIf there's no competition put them up high.
03:04.32Maldiviawell, they might be up - but noone in their right state of mind would buy at those prices
03:04.38CodayusIt'll depend how new your server is, I guess.
03:04.52TainYou just never know.  People don't always know what things are worth.
03:05.31Maldiviawell, what does the cheapest level 51+ epics go for on that server
03:05.46Maldivianexus shards shouldn't be more expensive than that
03:05.47ForgottenLordsHmm, like what for example?
03:05.51CodayusRaiding guilds that have been hitting MC for a while will be DEing a *lot* of cenarion and felheart.
03:06.07ForgottenLords250G buyout max for lifestones
03:06.14CodayusThey'll use a lot on their own enchants, but that's still a steady supply of Nexus crystals hitting the AH.
03:06.21Maldivialifestones DE to nexus shards
03:06.37Maldivianotice - plural
03:06.45Maldivia1-2 shards from a lifestone
03:06.58Maldiviaso 800g is wastly overpriced
03:07.04TainLifestones?  Bought one a while back for 100g
03:07.36CodayusHmm.  If you want to gamble, buy a lifestone, DE it, then try undercutting.  :-)
03:08.06ForgottenLordsundercutting an 800G buyout is something I can probably do :)
03:08.28Maldiviaany epic, level 51 or above should disenchant to 1-2 nexus crystals
03:08.34CodayusThe tricky part will be in making the sale.  :-)
03:08.55Maldiviayeah - considering all the good nexus enchants arent available yet, since they drop in AQ20
03:09.05ForgottenLordsyeah, I am seeing Twigs of the World Tree on BO for 15G.  I got a nexus from one already, and even if I sell for 100G, then thats 85G profit
03:09.33GenNMXHello, 90% of the servers are "Full".
03:09.46ForgottenLordsyoud think Blizz would pick up on that
03:09.51ForgottenLordschristmas rush maybe?
03:10.03CodayusHmm, lvl 51 epic is 100% chance of a nexus crystal?
03:10.09GenNMXNo, login is also taking an inordinately long time. I think "Full" means "we're broken".
03:10.26ForgottenLordsI am not sure about that
03:10.34TainI got in.  But then I logged out because I didn't feel like playing.
03:10.42GenNMXI just tried one with "Low" and now I'm stuck at "Connected".
03:10.42Maldiviafrom patch notes:
03:10.47Maldivia- Epic items that are level 51 and above will now disenchant into a Nexus Crystal.
03:11.04Maldiviaso yes, all 51+ epics are 100%
03:11.30CodayusOkay, the real question is, whats the odds of getting one from a blue...
03:11.33GenNMXI just wanna test addons! Grrr.
03:12.04Maldiviapeople are talking about 1-2% from blues
03:12.18*** join/#wowi-lounge kremonte (
03:12.37Maldiviaso all those lifestones, destiny, axe of the deep woods, etc are now worth something... that is if you DE them
03:15.14Corrodiasa lot of web servers, including google, don't respond to pings
03:15.21Corrodiasat least, i've never managed to get a response from them
03:16.00TainI always get a ping response from
03:16.34Corrodiasyou suck
03:16.36GenNMXCorrodias: Perhaps your ISP blocks outgoing pings. A good number of broadband ISPs do that to prevent their customers commiting DoS attacks.
03:16.45Corrodiascould be that
03:17.02Corrodiasactually, for some reason, i'm getting a response right now
03:18.50Corrodiasdamn, this channel is busy. i've only been sleeping for 11 hours and boom, tons of stuff in my buffer
03:22.07Cairennsarcasm or serious, Corrodias?
03:22.31Corrodiaspretty serious. a lot of channels i'm in don't move a lot
03:22.50GenNMXI like this 24" Widescreen monitor, but I keep kicking myself on how I could have bought the Dell 24" for $900.
03:22.55Cairennfunny, given that it's actually been pretty quiet of late
03:23.51TainShhh!  Be vewwy vewwy quiet.
03:23.56TainI'm huntin wabbit
03:26.35GenNMXOh wait, this can't do HD.
03:26.39GenNMXI feel better.
03:31.03FanookHD is overrated, imoi
03:34.01*** join/#wowi-lounge SP|Sorren (
03:34.14GenNMXFanook: When you're getting a LCD-TV that can do 1900x1240, there's no reason not to also get HD.
03:35.16GenNMXUnless, of course, you feel you won't ever have access to any HD technology for the next 5 years.
03:35.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
03:35.49GenNMXI try to buy and build electronics which will last me around 3-5 years at least. It's more economical in the long run.
03:36.53*** part/#wowi-lounge cladhaire (
03:40.10Flisher_CodingRaidAwareness is uploaded at, will upload on more website once it's considered stable(it's should)
03:42.35Corrodiastoday, maybe i'll get to play WoW instead of screw around with my addons
03:46.37TainIf you can login. :)
03:46.43*** join/#wowi-lounge pagefault (i=pagefaul@
03:48.35*** join/#wowi-lounge RedcXe (
03:48.54Flisher_Codinggood luck
03:49.33Corrodiaswell, i got to the character list loading screen pretty quick..
03:49.38Corrodiasand now they're loaded
03:51.17GenNMXFlisher: For RaidAwareness to work, does everyone you want to track need to also have RaidAwareness?
03:53.27FanookGen: well, HD isn't a big priority for me. I've invested too much money in dvd's to get hardware that'll possibly make them look crappy
03:53.55Fanookplus there's the whole HD-DVD/Blu-Ray debacle that's coming
03:53.58TainMy DVDs look great on my HD tv.  Sure they're not HD DVDs, but widescreen beautiful.
03:54.08IrielIt's going to be a while before HD displays make DVD look crappy
03:54.15IrielMy DVD's also look great on an HD tc
03:54.18Irieltv even
03:54.44Fanookthat's promising
03:54.58TainI don't think there'll even be a mess, I think it'll just be Blu-Ray.
03:56.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
04:00.31GenNMXFanook: I play my DVDs on my PC, which is connected via DVI.
04:02.25GenNMXI found it more economical to buy a decent sound system for my PC. You can get great sound out of computer surround sound for low cost.
04:11.57Flisher_Codingzalman real 5.1 headphone (with 2 speaker on each side...)
04:12.23Flisher_Codingawesome sound with a sB audigy in WoW, but you get dazzed on hte begining due to sound positioning
04:12.27Tainyeah I need to get some good headphones
04:12.51GenNMXHeadphones won't do it for me, since I either listen to music or watch TV while playing WoW usually.
04:13.39GenNMXAlso, I have a physical problem which can be irritated by powerful headphones.
04:14.03GenNMXSo, maybe it's just a good thing for me and not a real audiophile.
04:23.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Oric (
04:25.06Guillotineanyone know who Eranikus, Tyrant of the Dream is? He just crashed our server :/
04:25.15Guillotineis that some guy for the silithus event?
04:25.28GuillotineI know hes in moonglade
04:25.33Fanookas far as i know, he's part of opening AQ
04:25.37GuillotineI teleported there to get to felwood quickly, and BOOM
04:25.48Fanookpretty sure it's a continuation of a sunken temple quest line
04:26.02ForgottenLordsIts the opening of AQ questline
04:27.00OricCould someone suggest a warlock talent template for a PvE server?
04:28.29CodayusOric - do what everyone else does, and go SM/Ruin.
04:29.02CodayusWell...what about half seem to, anyhow.
04:29.55Corrodiasi hope this quest can be done by more htan one person
04:29.59Ktronanyone else besides me use a open source or free program to watch TV with their tuner/
04:30.18CodayusOr go heavy demo that works great too.  Hell, it's hard to go wrong with warlock talent builds.  :-)  But SM/Ruin seems the most popular.
04:30.24Corrodiasi'd be a little miffed if just a small group of TFS members (largest alliance guild on ET) gets to talk to dragons
04:30.56CodayusI dunno, the chain may stop being doable when AQ opens..
04:31.43CodayusI haven't really got a strong feeling either way.  It'd make sense to me if it didn't deactivate, and so everyone could do it if they wanted to.  OTOH, what makes sense to me != what makese sense to Bliz.
04:31.55Corrodiasthat would be pretty sad, given the lack of interesting things to do at 60
04:36.48Guillotineblizz has already said that it will be doable, but not required to enter AQ
04:39.29Guillotinenot that anybody should do it
04:39.37Guillotineseeing as how it makes the server so laggy its unplayable
04:39.49Guillotinehorde just won AB before any of the alliance could get out of the starting area
04:39.52Guillotineour gate didn't open
04:40.48Guillotinerejuv is now a 20 second cast time
04:41.28Guillotinewith all the lag here, you'd think the big guy was giving out free krol blades...
04:43.28Guillotinebut on the plus side, I just got all the way through timbermaw hold on my mount
04:43.32Flisher_Codingare euro servers shitty as us one?
04:44.21Guillotinew00t. GM just logged all of kalimdor off
04:45.58Guillotinenow the world server is down
04:46.29Guillotineso... we doing alliance or horde on draka?
04:49.14CairennBela is likely on Horde side
04:53.06Maldiviaahh... Eranikus redeemed... :)
04:58.14Guillotinehaha! (after a 10 minute rollback) everyone logs back on and Eranikus dissapeared. somehow, everyone is activated for pvp. All hell breaks loose in moonglade. 80 alliance vs. 80 horde. about 5 mins of this. then the cenarion gaurds stop being bugged on start pwning everyone :D
04:58.34Fanookthat's great
05:03.22Corrodiasi wonder why people roll on multiple servers
05:03.42Corrodiasmy alt probably sucked up 15 gold before he started turning a profit
05:04.35Maldiviaonly 15?
05:07.59Corrodiasyes, i didn't bother to buy him very expensive things because he'd outgrow them in a couple of days if i did
05:08.18Corrodiasnot big on pvp
05:08.21Maldiviawell, was thinking more in the line of 90g at level 40 :)
05:08.54Corrodiaswell, my main is only ~40
05:09.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Parak (
05:11.33Maldiviaohh... hehe :)
05:20.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Parak (
05:24.47Guillotinecool! one of my screenshots got honorable mention in the WoW holiday contest :D
05:25.27Guillotinetoo bad theres no prize for honorable mention...
05:25.41Cairennstill, that's pretty neat
05:25.44Cairenngrats Guillotine
05:26.54Guillotineand it looks like one of my gfs is up there too
05:27.04Guillotinei just pointed it out to her and she's checking if its hers
05:29.11Corrodiasis there any way to determine what item an NPC is using?
05:29.18Corrodias(such as inspect*
05:29.30Fanookmind control, perhaps?
05:29.31IrielUsually the NPC's dont have real equipment
05:29.37Legorolwoot, the highest one of my many mains is 42
05:29.39Guillotinethey never do
05:29.45Corrodiasthey don't?
05:29.48Legoroloops, wrong window
05:30.08Corrodiasi saw an innkeeper with a broom that you can get yourself from a mob
05:30.47Irielyeah, but the innkeeper's model has that broom attached
05:30.56IrielIt's not like the innkeeper has an inventory
05:31.02Corrodiasi see
05:32.24Corrodiashow unfortunate
05:33.59Guillotineyou know what's interesting? one of the 5 screenshot winners was taken at the IF airport (you can be banned for going there). think they got a suspension along with their Blizz T-shirt?,winners/,4,5,
05:34.42Corrodiasyou *could if you repeatedly did it
05:34.46CodayusI'm not sure I fully believe that people have been banned for going there.  You see a lot of stuff on the forums...
05:35.22CodayusAnd to date, while I've seen some claims, they've always struck me as being a bit...weak.
05:35.23Corrodiasi read that, if you were found in a blocked area, you could be warned not to do it again and ported out, at least
05:35.38Corrodiasbut that's only as credible as the banning stories
05:35.56CodayusPft, my server had a tour guide that advertised on IF trade that he'd take people to the top for a small fee.
05:36.02Guillotineactually, I was warned by a GM for going there
05:36.08CodayusHe never got banned...
05:36.15GenNMXCorrodias: More like "I teleport hacked and got into a forbidden area and I got banned! WTF why is the content in there if they don't want people going in there?!?!?!"
05:36.25GuillotineI asked if the GM was going to port me. he said he didn't have porting powers so he told me to jump down :/
05:37.10*** join/#wowi-lounge a-stray-cat (
05:37.16Guillotineseriously, I wanted to be ported
05:37.17GenNMXGuillotine: "You can't be here. Go off and die."
05:37.27Guillotinena. I used another exploit to not die ;)
05:37.36Guillotineit was on my hunter so I used eagle eye to stop right before I hit the ground
05:38.08GenNMXI heard a GM once said to someone who was stuck, "I'm sorry Sir <NameForgotten>, but it seems you must now die."
05:39.05FanookMr. GM, do you expect me to talk?
05:39.08Guillotinethis happened to someone... GM:"You suck?" Player:"?" GM:"Stuck! I meant stuck!"
05:39.20Guillotinesry. its "You still suck"?
05:39.22CodayusI saw the screenshots for that one.
05:39.49Guillotinealso, have any of you seen the addon that replies to requests for a port with random chat messages?
05:40.11GuillotineI had that for a whie, and a gm whispered me and it responded with "Ride 'em cowboys! Yeeehah!"
05:40.12CodayusUh...quick question, will dual crusader stack the buff if they proc at the same time?
05:40.15GuillotineI have the screenshot of that
05:40.20GuillotineCodayus: not sure
05:41.00Guillotineg2g guys
05:42.17Legorolaaah, the pleasures of completing a piece of code and hammering out the bugs
05:42.20Legorolmakes you feel good
05:43.16AnduinLotharwhat'd u finish leg?
05:45.19LegorolQuestHistory data merging mod
05:45.28IrielI'm having a hell of a mental coding block today
05:45.33Irieland yesterday, for that matter
05:45.38LegorolI have complete quest history going back to level 1 for all my important characters
05:45.44IrielI dont seem to be able to write anything longer than about 5 lines
05:45.49Legorolbut i find myself playing on different comps sometimes, so need to include the data from there too
05:46.08Legorolah, Iriel, nice taht you are here
05:46.11Legoroli have question about bookworm
05:46.49LegorolCould you explain to me the difference in the 3 possible "store" options?
05:46.56LegorolAll, New and Unread
05:48.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Depherios (n=Deph@
05:48.36AnduinLotharleg, cant u just copy over savedvars to each compy?
05:48.52Legorolwell you could
05:48.55Legorolbut if i forget to,
05:48.57IrielAll - Store any page of any book which isn't already in the database
05:48.59Legorolthen i have to merge the data
05:49.21IrielNew - Store pages for any book that is newly discovered (but skip those which are in the database already)
05:49.31IrielUnread - Store pages for any book that isn't marked as read
05:49.43Legorolok then i'm confused a bit
05:49.46IrielThis only controls whether it'll save pages it just saw
05:49.49Legorolabout the difference in All and New
05:49.53Irielit has nothing to do with pages already IN the database
05:50.44Legorolfor the definition of "All", the part of the sentence that reads "isn't already in the database", does that refer to the book, or the page
05:50.57Irielthe page, sorry 8-)
05:51.05Legorolnot your fault, i am very tired at the moment
05:51.09Legorolbrain is slow
05:51.15IrielI was ambiguous tho 8-)
05:51.34Legorolcan you give me an example of what *wouldn't be* stored with New?
05:52.49Legoroland again, the "that is newly discovered", does that refer to the book or the page?
05:52.50IrielA book you only had the first page of (or for that matter, had no pages of)
05:52.55Irielnewly discovered == the book
05:53.15Legorolok, then i'm missing something..
05:53.23Legorolit's possible to have discovered a book but not have the pages for it?
05:54.35Legorolhow can that ever arise?
05:54.40Irielyou could have the automatic storing/page turning stuff turned off
05:54.45FanookIf I'm understanding this correctly, if you open a book, look at the first page, close it, then come back, New would not store the rest of the pages?
05:54.46Irielor you could have removed the book from the database
05:55.01IrielFanook is correct.
05:55.10Legorolhmmm that is a bit silly, isn't it?
05:55.13IrielI haven't made removing content very easy
05:55.19IrielI always meant to finish that off
05:55.25Irielbut that's really what it's intended for
05:55.35Irielto stop you re-capturing books you've removed the pages of
05:55.47Legorolhm, why would you want to do that?
05:55.58IrielSuppose they dont interest you, or you've read them
05:56.03Irieland you dont want to clutter your DB
05:56.13Legoroland a related question, when does Bookworm flag a book as having been "seen"?
05:56.18Legorole.g. let's say that i have set it to New
05:56.27Legoroli find a new book, i right-click it to open the first page
05:56.35Legoroli presume at this point if i turn to page 2, it still gets stored
05:56.50Legorolbut if i were to close the window, then right-click the book again,
05:56.52IrielThe new flag is set when you open the book
05:57.01Legoroland turn to subsequent pages, they wouldn't be stored?
05:57.24Irielthey wouldn't be stored
05:57.32Irielbecause a new ITEM_TEXT_BEGIN would fire when you re-opened it
05:57.32Legorolright, so i better not have that setting :-)
05:57.40IrielIt's not really a useful setting
05:57.42Irielat present
05:57.53IrielI'd just go with storing everything, or unread
05:57.55Legorolit sounds like a dangerous setting, at least the way i use it
05:58.00Irielsince you manually toggle the read/unread flag
05:58.40Legorolhm, so you can mark a book as read with pages missing, i take it
05:58.51Legorolok, thanks for that explanation
05:58.56Legorola different question about bookworm then:
05:58.56IrielYup, It's your choice when it's marked as read
05:59.40Legorolwhenever i open up a book in my inventory to carry on reading it,
05:59.49Legorolif i happen to do so in a different zone than i first starting reading it,
06:00.00IrielIt marks it as found in that zone
06:00.02Legorolbookworm thinks that this is a book in a different zone
06:00.06Legorolis that a bug or a feature?
06:00.08IrielIt's not ideal, but I can't figure out a solution to it
06:00.19Irielit's a consequence of the blizzard events
06:00.40Legorolit's quite funny, i like to read on flights, especially long books
06:00.50Legorolso i have some books that have been "seen" in about 10 different zones
06:01.03IrielWell, if you read the book in bookworm instead...
06:01.07Irielthen you wont have the problem.
06:01.13Legorolhm, true
06:01.40Legorolthing is, i'm an idealist, or RP-er,whatever you want to call it
06:01.50Legorolwhen i'm reading something the first time, i like to read the original item
06:02.07Legorolthen i discard the item when i'm finished, and keep the text in bookworm for historical reference
06:02.15Legorolanyway, it's no big deal
06:02.20Legorolthanks for the great addon :-)
06:02.28Legorolhelps a lot when rushing through instances with a PuG
06:03.45IrielThe 1.9 version may have fixed the cache corruption issue with page 2 or 3 of some books
06:04.00Irielor should I say, should compensate for blizzard's cache corruption issue better
06:04.22Legorolwhat issue would that be?
06:04.39IrielSometimes (when it's set to auto-flip pages) it gets a bit ahead of the game's API's
06:04.52Irieland the game messes up its cache and denies the existance of a page in the middle
06:05.17IrielSo you hit next page on page 1, and nothing happens, hit it again, and get page 3
06:05.28IrielIt's hard to reproduce reliably against a clean cache tho
06:05.28Legorolbtw, i'm getting a display bug when looking at page 2 of bookworm's help
06:05.38Legoroli don't know if this is due to my other addons
06:05.49IrielNo, it's probably a real bug 8-)
06:06.12IrielSlouken breaks and fixes SimpleHTML in subtly different ways every patch. It's become almost a game now to find out how bookworm broke so I can get it fixed
06:06.21IrielI dont test the help pages as well as I should.
06:06.42Legorolwhat i have is this:
06:06.51Legorolwhen looking at page 2 of hte help, and only page 2 (out of the 9 or so),
06:07.01IrielIf you would be so kind as to throw me an email ( I'll check it out when i'm in the code next
06:07.07Legorolall the text is correctly there, but there is an ugly black splodge pattern of some sort
06:07.15Legoroli'll try to take a screenie
06:09.26Legorolwant it attached to the email?
06:09.44Legorolyou can see it at
06:12.49IrielEww.. that's nasty looking isn't it. 8-)
06:12.58Irielit's the scrollbar
06:13.03IrielI didn't update it properly for 1.9 8-(
06:13.28Fanooksomething similar happened with the Properties mod
06:13.51Flisher_CodingRaidAwareness is uploaded at, will upload on more website once it's considered stable(it's should), havbe a good night!
06:15.02LegorolI never noticed this before, maybe it's new, but there is a bucket and mop on the Menethil->Auberdine ship now
06:15.27GenNMXSomeone didn't understand what "poop deck" means.
06:15.38Cairennsleep time for me (I hope)
06:16.27Cairenn|sleepnight guys
06:20.58*** part/#wowi-lounge Cairenn|sleep (
06:32.32LegorolDoes anyone know if there is an Ahn'Qiraj war effort quest giver in Darnassus?
06:32.41LegorolOne that mayheps sends you on to Stormwind
06:33.08Fanookthere is/was one, that just points you towards IF. same thing in SW
06:33.25AnduinLotharone sends u to if
06:33.37Fanookhave no idea where, someone in my guild asked about it
06:37.10Legorolok, the one that sends me to IF
06:37.13Legorolany idea where he/she is?
06:37.48Irielby the bank?
06:40.06Fanooki know the one in SW is by the AH
06:40.55LegorolIriel, she was indeed by the bank
06:41.06IrielI thought I saw her there yesterday
06:43.04Legorolok, with that i have finished finding all 3
07:10.51futrtrublI met the woman of my dreams tonight. Unfortunately she's going out with a friend of my best friend and lives abroad. Typical.
07:17.25*** part/#wowi-lounge Tem (
07:22.00*** join/#wowi-lounge [MoonWolf] (
07:25.04*** join/#wowi-lounge stray`laptop (
07:29.14*** join/#wowi-lounge zeetg (n=wguru@
07:36.48DepheriosBGs crashing randomly FTL
07:40.02stray`laptopwhat does "
07:40.02stray`laptopConfigure this mod through the /cdt menu command
07:40.08stray`laptopimply to you?
07:40.16stray`laptopcurse irc for nto eating my newlines
07:45.09IrielIt implies you type /cdt to configure it
08:01.49*** join/#wowi-lounge id` (
08:14.01Depheriosmenu command sounds silly, but yes
08:14.13Depheriosit implies you use the slash command: /cdt
08:14.24Depherioshalf an hour later
08:14.24Depheriosgo me
08:16.56Depheriosanybody made an addon to force all the blizz tooltips to stay on screen if you move something? (i.e. the way I moved my buffs to the bottom of the screen?)
08:18.12shouryuuwhat do you mean by forces?
08:18.32id`Depherios, certainly
08:18.40id`Depherios, turan made one, tipster
08:18.46shouryuuoh well he go it
08:19.20Depheriosyay! now lets hope it gets along with tipbuddy
08:27.38shouryuuI'm out girls
08:27.51KtronHow hard would it be to make an addon that changes the color of all the names of your friends/guildmates when you see in them in chats? so you could pick them out of general, or pick your friends out of /guild
08:27.51id`bai bai SHouryu|school
08:27.56Ktronthat is the thought for the night
08:28.07SHouryu|schoolI am the teh paris
08:28.11SHouryu|schoolit is teh early
08:28.18Ktronpurl, ktron_asks is How hard would it be to make an addon that changes the color of all the names of your friends/guildmates when you see in them in chats? so you could pick them out of general, or pick your friends out of /guild
08:28.19purlKtron: okay
08:28.24id`it it the 09:28 here and i am at work
08:28.25Ktronpurl, thanks
08:28.25purlKtron: sure thing
08:28.27Ktronpurl, night
08:28.28purlG'night ktron, get out of here.
08:28.45id`nn Ktron|sleep
08:28.53Ktron|sleep3:29AM here and I have a dentist appt at 9:10AM
08:31.41IrielKtron|sleep : not that hard, really
08:41.36id`bitchx \o/
08:52.09Depheriosoh... Ktron... Cleanchat
08:52.31Depherioscan custom color for friends, guild members, party members, and raid members (as well as yourself)
08:52.44Depherioscan also use class colors for raid members
09:07.52*** join/#wowi-lounge qwxyr^ (
09:23.48id`cute MS paint headers!
09:24.31id`i should make a little alphabet of 5x5px characterd and a little php script to cache them all and then load the page with all content characters replaces
09:25.18*** join/#wowi-lounge [MoonWolf] (
09:26.33*** join/#wowi-lounge [MoonWolf] (
09:26.39id`you likey
09:26.40id`eh, eh?
09:26.52id`ill make the text smaller!
09:27.25id`bah, it doesnt go smaller :(
09:47.30*** join/#wowi-lounge zeeg (n=wguru@
09:47.44zeegYAY :D
09:47.46zeegCPU: (1 CPU - AMDion 64 Mobilehnology ML-37, 2.00 GHz, L1: 64KB L2: 1024KB (44% Load)) VidCard: (ATi MOBILITY Radeon X700) Mem: (Usage: 396/1023MB (38.71%)) Sound: (Realtek AC97 Audio)
09:51.48*** join/#wowi-lounge id`` (
09:53.57DepheriosHow's Realtek working out for you zeeg?
09:54.11Depheriosmy GFs new mobo had integrated Realtek audio... never run across it before
09:54.17zeegworks fine
09:54.23zeegmy desktop has it too
09:54.25zeegno complaints
09:54.37Depheriosgood, cause I'm thinking of getting the same mobo xD
09:54.45zeeggranted this is a notebook, so it sucks :P
10:02.35krkaquick q: which event tells us when we know the characters name?
10:05.39KalrothI'm using a Realtek AC97 based chip too, works just fine too
10:07.56id``intel AC97 here
10:13.05KalrothAC97 is an Intel standard, realtek etc are just licensing it
10:14.11Depheriosbah... so I circumvently gave money to intel? buah
10:15.27Depheriosoh well... AMD is actually holding their own now... so I guess it's okay
10:15.34zeegintel is good
10:16.51Depheriosand for years
10:17.02DepheriosAMD didn't even make money, and when they did, it wasn't much XD
10:17.23zeegthats cuz they sucked :P
10:17.28Depheriosbut yeah... AMD is doing well now... so... I guess I can stop bothering
10:17.53Depherioslol, true zeeg...
10:17.59Depheriosbut they were competition XD
10:19.37zeeg]i feel sorry for apple and their stupidity in the early years :P
10:19.56DepheriosI stopped using apple back with the later G3s... they were just crappy
10:20.05Depherioslike... as soon as they made the Imac they sucked, lol
10:20.11Depheriosand I haven't gone back D:
10:20.22zeegthis resolution is really hard to adjust too :|
10:20.23zeegthey're good now
10:20.28zeegthey sucked before, now they're good
10:20.31DepheriosI know...
10:20.40DepheriosNow it's just a matter of $$$
10:20.42id``im gunna BUY a mac
10:20.51Depheriosif I had the money, I would
10:21.02id``maybe im getting a mini
10:21.06DepheriosI'm going to set up a linux box soon... looking at cases for it now actually
10:21.08id``but i fear its too suck for wow
10:21.13zeegi could have, but didnt
10:21.16id``wow barely runs on my laptop
10:21.21id``iu want a desktop :(
10:21.22zeegwhy a nix box
10:21.24zeegnix is worthless :|
10:21.27id``why a nix box?
10:21.36zeegwow would probably run good on this notebook
10:21.53id``good to see you are joking
10:21.59zeegim not
10:22.00zeegi hate linux
10:22.04zeegas a desktop at least
10:22.08Depheriosheh... I have 3 computers here already... and the leftover peices from my GFs upgrade are a 2ghz machine and I've yet to use linux
10:22.08zeegi respect it as a server
10:22.11id``pff ;p
10:22.33Depheriosand I'm not a GUI person
10:22.33zeegguess thats a good enough reason
10:22.53krkaI have had no problem with linux as a desktop
10:23.09zeegim not saying it has problems
10:23.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Tuatara (
10:23.12zeegim just saying.. why
10:23.16zeeggotta restart
10:23.56Depheriosbecause legally I already have windows installed on all the machines they'll let me, and I'm not getting anotehr copy or another liscence just so I can have another compy sitting around... and I'd rather not put an illegal install on it... and I want to try linux... and uh..... did I forget something? XD
10:24.49id``that it will probably run alot of software more stable
10:25.06id``and you can move all your irc and filesharing on that
10:25.10id``and leave it on 24/7
10:25.17Depheriosthe only problem I have with windows right now, as far as stability... is firefox randomly crashing
10:25.40id``my explorer crashes randomly when working in a remote folder (every day, 8 hours)
10:25.52Depheriosmy "main" machine has all my drives in it... and stays on constantly...
10:25.57Depheriosall my large drives anyway
10:26.07id``i have only 40GB
10:26.15id``<poor student />
10:26.22Depheriosthat's what's in that compy... a 40.... and a 160 XD
10:26.30Depheriosalmost full D:
10:26.45Depheriosthe 40 is nothing but the windows install, and wow pretty much though, lol
10:27.04DepheriosI've stipped down the windows so the machine isn't good for much but gaming
10:27.15Depheriosand serving everything out to the other two machines XD
10:27.30*** join/#wowi-lounge stray`laptop (
10:28.21*** join/#wowi-lounge zeeg (n=wguru@
10:28.23Depheriosbut after I throw together a linux box, I'll be able to actually keep the laptop mobile, as it is it just lives on my desk XD
10:29.18zeegi had fun runing around with mine tonight
10:29.21zeegstealing internet from people :P
10:30.28zeegi have to replace the nics in the home pcs tho
10:30.34zeegas im running 2 routers atm :|
10:30.37zeegwired and wireless
10:31.17zeegwowguru's got some fucked up fonts on this too
10:31.19zeegscreen[1680x1050 32bit 60Hz]
10:31.49KalrothSame resolution as my laptop :p
10:32.06zeegi like it :)
10:32.28Depheriosdidn't have the $$$ XD
10:32.41zeegits widescreen
10:32.42Depherios <-- it looks cheap... but it's so... orange XD
10:34.12zeegmy network's named "I see you <racial slur>" muahah
10:34.27Depheriosmine is "room"
10:37.06zeegi got free internet from "Your Mom" tonight :P
10:38.00Depheriosmy friends network and all his computers are named different words for garbage
10:38.42Depherioswell.... garbage/shit XD -- Flup, Dreck, Junk, and the network is The Dump
10:39.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
10:39.28Depheriosmine aren't themed... my animism makes me give my compies actual names all too often
10:39.53DepheriosLeo, Jack, Donkey (well donkey was Ass... but yeah) Delphi XD
10:40.15Depherioshave fun *goes back to trying to figure out where to put everything in his UI*
10:43.56DepheriosLeo is the laptop... it's my GFs, she named him... her computer at home is Avenger... as he matches the windowblinds theme named Avenger XD
10:44.22Depheriosthe xbox is named Odin (so of course, when I get a 360, it'll be named Raiden)
10:45.22Depherios.... server shutdown? -- it's monday?
10:45.28DepheriosIT WAS MONDAY
10:45.30Depheriosawww boo D:
10:47.50Elkano1.9.1 coming? ;)
10:51.37Depherioslets hope
10:51.54DepheriosI'm just bummed because I'm not going to be tired for like, another 2 hours
10:56.12Elkanobtw: what is announced for 1.9.1?
10:57.00Corrodiasmore bugs
10:57.22DepheriosROFL... I logged out on the zep... and I have no zone text under my name on the login screen
10:57.33Kalroth1.9.1 - fixed: 1.9.0 wasn't buggy enough, added a few hundreds.
10:57.38Corrodiasnah, i think they've been working on the major bugs. i haven't heard any more complaints about the mail or people being in the wrong battlegrounds
10:57.58Depheriosyeah, but I got dumped from 3 battlegrounds... twice in one of them...
10:58.16Depheriosand "won" an AB match because half the allies in the match crashed out
10:58.18Corrodiastrue, they haven't done much about that one, yet
11:05.43Corrodiasknow why druids rule?
11:05.57Depheriostanks with healing spells?
11:05.59Corrodiasthey can go with a group of rogues and heal
11:06.04Corrodiasand sneak around like ninjas
11:06.08Depheriosthat too
11:09.21Corrodiasbut only taurens. night elves don't know how to be good druids.
11:21.59CodayusMmm, one of my guilds druids is a secondary tank in MC and ZG sometimes.  :-)
11:22.17Depheriosmy GF has 3 Tauren Druids XD
11:22.32Depheriosmost ally druids are just moonfire spammers...... or feral specs who don't ever use forms
11:22.49CodayusHe's tanked core hounds and one of Thekals friends so far.  He does a pretty good job...
11:23.42CodayusWhat lvls?
11:23.45Corrodiasi don't think i'll be rolling on multiple realms
11:23.50Depheriosone is PvE, one is only level 30, and the last is her main...
11:23.53Corrodiashaving three on one would be kinda weird
11:23.58Depheriosnot on one XD
11:24.49Depherioslike I said, one is PvE (forget the level, high, but not 60) the other two are PvP... her first PvP druid was female and she disliked it, so she made another male one XD
11:25.25Depheriosshe still plays the 30 one though... well.. did... she was doing 29 BGs with it XD
11:28.01Corrodiasmy male tauren druid is the pinnacle of masculine sexiness, in his white swashbuckler's shirt
11:29.03DepheriosI like the male tauren, I just dislike PLAYING them... too huge... bear form's big arse is bad enough without my humanoid form blocking everything too XD
11:30.03Corrodiastrue, true, they are big
11:30.20Corrodiasi back my camera out two notches to play him, although in tight spaces he's still a little annoying
11:31.10Corrodiasi wonder if i should try a pvp server. then i think about what it would be like to have a pvp flag on all the time. then i stop wondering.
11:31.42DepheriosI find them more fun
11:31.48Depheriosnormally I hate PvP
11:31.50Depheriosbut when they can't talk shit
11:31.51DepheriosI love it
11:32.23Depheriosand years of diablo on b-net, and other games where you get ganked all the time, have me used to that part of it
11:32.49Corrodiasi might start leaving my pvp flag on sometimes when running around
11:32.57Corrodiaswell, i'd like to, except that i'll always lose any fight
11:33.12Depherioswhyso? aren't you a druid? druids don't lose, they just run away!
11:42.02Corrodiasseems /b/ has gotten a jump on friday
11:43.35Corrodias4chan's random board
11:43.50Corrodiasapparently fridays have some reputation for getting a lot of furry posted there
11:43.55Elkanook, just wanted to make sure ^^
11:44.55zeegOperating System: (WinXP Professional 5.1 Service Pack 2 (Build #2600)) Installed: (XP was installed 41mins 53secs ago) Uptime: (1h 21m 17s)
11:45.07zeeghow would I check?
11:45.11Corrodiasi'd have to say no
11:45.22Corrodiasthe 64-bit edition doesn't have a service pack 2 yet
11:45.31Corrodiasas far as i know
11:45.35Depheriosand it doesn't run WoW XD
11:45.45Corrodiasand it doesn't shave
11:47.02Corrodiasmy "interesting pictures that i didn't save for their erotic value" folders are getting pretty large and entertaining
11:47.12AnduinLotharwhy look.. realms are down.... that's not fun
11:47.41Corrodiastuesdays suck
11:48.13Depherioswell no... not ALL
11:48.40Depheriosbut many are large enough they have a second folder for the same thing XD or have to be devided into subfolders
11:50.08AnduinLotharspeakin gof errotic. i need to do my latin hw
11:50.19Depherioshumorous pics, screenshots from stuff, pictures I've taken, tons of stuff just nabbed for graphic design, or other artistic purposes... tons of *.psd files of all sorts of things, web graphics, more funny pictures
11:50.27zeegoh ya, that's today
11:50.33zeegim getting a mac today AnduinLothar
11:50.39AnduinLotharlol, laptop?
11:51.13zeegdesktop, gonna use it as a fileserver
11:51.24AnduinLotharwhat'd u get?
11:52.29AnduinLotharthe duels are great for file servers, esp when you get the scoop for a few terrabites of extra hd space
11:53.14zeegmy friends old one, not sure exactyl what it is
11:53.20zeegim swapping him pieces of my dieing desktop for his mac :P
11:53.42AnduinLotharahh, ya i have a 3.5 yr old 1.6ghz powermac
11:53.56zeegim liking my new laptop
11:54.00Fanook|ZzzJobs's macworld expo keynote's today, could be interesting
11:54.09zeegi was gonna get a powerbook but its a bit too pricey for me
11:59.22zeegi wonder how many of these people sending me resumse actually took the time to read the post and the part where it say "we lied, this is a volunteer position"
11:59.40zeegi have like 50 applications, like 15-20 have resumes and a good 10-15 are for graphics design
12:03.12Fanook|Zzzyou'd think they could have the main system up on the first day or 2 of classes :(
12:13.16Corrodiasmaybe i should change my planned class-race combinations
12:14.13Corrodiasi don't know how significant a difference of, say, 5 to a stat is at 60.. i know at 40 it's getting pretty small
12:15.26Corrodiasmaybe i should take the popular advice and truly not concern myself with the stats
12:15.35*** join/#wowi-lounge qwxyr (
12:18.34Corrodiasthen, a gnome warrior has 10 less strength than a tauren warrior >_> it's just so hard to ignore that
12:18.56*** join/#wowi-lounge zeeg (n=wguru@
12:20.03Corrodiaszeeg, the man
12:20.58Corrodiasare you up for discussion?
12:23.27Corrodiasabout race stats
12:23.58Corrodiassee, the usual advice is to not be concerned about the racial stats and to just choose what you think looks the best (and note the racial abilities)
12:24.50Corrodiasi am not sure.. the difference between a gnome warrior and a tauren warrior is 10 strength. i don't know how significant that is at level 60. even at 40 it's starting to dwindle in significance.
12:25.56zeegi dont play wow :(
12:26.12Corrodiasdamn, i guess you aren't really the one to talk to, then
12:27.54zeegi just make websites
12:27.58zeegi get bored w/ games
12:27.59zeegi have to sa
12:28.01zeegfor having no sleep
12:28.02zeegat all today
12:28.04zeegi look damn good
12:28.54Fanooki am thoroughly convinced that 8AM classes were created by satan
12:30.46zeegi only have to last til noonish so im fine
12:32.09zeegi really dont see the point of speakers on notebooks
12:32.11zeegthey all blow
12:32.47Fanookmine don't
12:32.51Fanookmine suck
12:34.26zeegeither im tired
12:34.28zeegor mmofiles is purple
12:34.33zeegthe bars
12:34.38zeegfor most downloaded files for example
12:34.40zeegis that brown to you?
12:34.59zeegok its just the light level
12:35.02zeegscared myself for a sec
12:38.15Corrodiasi wonder how a dwarf priest looks...
12:39.04Fanooktaller than a gnome mage
12:40.04Corrodiasi'm not interested in playing a paladin, and i'm not sure if i want to have a warrior, see, though i know i want to try a priest some time
12:40.17Corrodiasand i'm not sure i want to play a night elf but i'm pretty sure i want a dwarf some time
12:40.47Corrodiasand hmm, WoW Model Viewer is messing up the animations a bit, now
12:42.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Corrodias (
12:49.30Corrodiasyes, a quick download of a new version fixed that
12:59.48*** join/#wowi-lounge gnom (n=smirnoff@
13:01.23Corrodiasi suppose i don't really need to make my decision just yet
13:01.36Corrodiasi have my three characters so far, and i won't be starting another for a while
13:01.59*** part/#wowi-lounge gnom (n=smirnoff@
13:11.28krkanight elf start location is pretty fun though
13:18.06TainThree?  That's barely enough to get started. ;)
13:23.27Corrodiastheir starting location is fun, you say.. oh, i just don't know
13:23.37Corrodiasit seems so stereotypical to have a dwarf warrior. then again, it sounds so fitting
13:24.35Corrodiaswell, we'll see, maybe i will go that way
13:24.59Corrodiasand yes, it'll be a while, because my current three are levels 40, 29, and 1
13:25.33Corrodiasdid you know a level one character doesn't get a full 3/4-level rest experience bonus?
13:25.53Corrodiasor maybe i just didn't have it in the right place, maybe i didn't check that one before i deleted it
13:26.43Corrodiasby the way, why do rogues often switch between swords and daggers?
13:27.21TainInstant attacks like Sinister Strike and Eviscerate (your bread and butter) do more damage with a higher base damage weapon.
13:27.50TainBut your big stealth attacks (Ambush) requires dagger.
13:28.12TainSo most Rogues will switch into dagger on stealth, and then switch to swords in melee.
13:28.26TainWell I shouldn't say most.  I don't know that it's most.  But a lot.
13:29.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
13:30.10Corrodiasi see
13:31.07Corrodiasi'm going to have to make a mule character.
13:32.23Corrodiasbut my poor hunter is collecting pets (soulbound) and he needs quick access to his tradeskill supplies so they can't be mailed around..
13:40.23Ktron|sleeppurl, ktron_asks
13:40.27purlwell, ktron_asks is How hard would it be to make an addon that changes the color of all the names of your friends/guildmates when you see in them in chats? so you could pick them out of general, or pick your friends out of /guild
13:48.07Corrodiasdamn. i want to check the auction house but it's maintenance time
13:48.40CorrodiasI DONT KNOW OMG LOL
13:49.04Corrodiasbut you picked the right place to ask! oh, well. maybe you can ask in a few hours and someone will be here. i'm going to bed, so 'ni all
13:56.24*** join/#wowi-lounge qwxyr (
14:17.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Beladona (
14:17.12*** mode/#WoWI-lounge [+o Beladona] by ChanServ
14:18.37Kalrothhi Bela
14:45.43*** join/#wowi-lounge Legorol (
14:53.09Kalrothhej Leg!
15:06.17krkawould it be a good idea to set the OnEvent handler upon OnLoad?
15:06.24krkato minimize global functions
15:06.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (
15:07.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (
15:21.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Maldivia (
15:23.58krkahmm... this will work, I can probably avoid global functions alltogether
15:25.02MaldiviaHmm, anyone got a link to Iriels "actual 1.9 api changes" thread?
16:02.12Legoroloh dear, oh dear, you can't underestimate people's stupidity :(
16:02.13*** join/#wowi-lounge futrtrubl (
16:02.33Legorolsomeone made a post where he calculated the man-hours necessary in crafting all the various materials needed for the AQ war effort
16:02.46Legoroland someone responded, quote: "That math is flawed because it assumes that only 1 person on each side will be doing the crafting, which we all know isnt true."
16:11.29futrtrublwth, is the responder touched in the head?
16:12.55LegorolCan someone knowledgable about things Acey clue me up on this:
16:13.05LegorolThere is an Ace 1.3 download available on various mod sites, bu
16:13.17Legorolbut the official Ace page says 1.3 is in development
16:13.27Legorolalso there is no download for 1.3 on
16:13.48LegorolIs this 1.3 up on mod sites just a fix for 1.9? How is it related to the upcoming "official" release?
16:15.53Maldiviano idea :)
16:16.54Maldiviaprobably the development version of 1.3 that's availble - one that might previously have been listed under the bete/prerelease section on
16:17.27Maldiviasince they are listed on "These have been removed for the time being. You can still find links blah blah"
16:24.38Ktron|AFKwait until Kaelten appears, he'll know
16:29.57*** join/#wowi-lounge [MoonWolf] (
16:30.37[MoonWolf]Tip : Do one thing every day, that scares the person you are stalking.
16:33.36KtronFor example, remind them when they need to buy new shampoo or shower soap.
16:34.01LegorolIs there a site or page that lists which races can get which other races' mounts?
16:34.24Ktronum... I'm not sure, but
16:34.34[MoonWolf]Everybody can get every other mount from their side, except for the taurens
16:34.36[MoonWolf]they cant.
16:34.54Ktrondwarf and gnomes can get all alliance, humans and night elves can get all but mechanostriders
16:35.05[MoonWolf]did not know that.
16:35.08Ktronand the tauren thing
16:35.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Shouryuu (
16:35.18Ktronand I think that's all of the limitations
16:35.51Ktroney Shouryuu
16:36.00Shouryuuhey :p
16:36.02*** join/#wowi-lounge ForgottenLords (
16:41.05*** join/#wowi-lounge id` (
16:51.32Beladonaback soon
16:52.55id`<Beladona> I am taking ninja monkey classes
16:52.55id`<Tain> Do you fling poo and disappear in a cloud of smoke?
16:54.14Endhmm, it really wouldn't surprise me if 1.9.1 was today
16:55.39Endoh, heh
16:55.53Endguess I was right
17:00.52Endall these people posting about the /split command
17:02.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Ratbert_CP (n=KCummins@
17:06.33ForgottenLordswhats the interface number we are supposed to have in our .toc?
17:07.14ForgottenLordskk, cool
17:12.56Shouryuurawr out
17:14.28*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower (
17:20.58MaldiviaEnd: about /split - for some reason, I doubt any of them have actually used it :)
17:21.37Maldivia... and it looks as if it's the actual API call that's been disabled, since the slash command is still present
17:24.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
17:27.27*** join/#wowi-lounge malreth (
17:39.21TainProbably be 10910 after today
17:40.12Elkanowas 1.9.1 released?
17:40.41kremontewhat is /split?
17:40.53Maldiviasplits money between party members
17:41.10TainIf you want o quit a group while doing a disco boogie at the same time you can /split
17:41.18kremontei was hoping it split an array
17:41.28kremonteor rather
17:41.31kremontea string into an array
17:41.49kremonte..or rather, a string into a table
17:42.04Maldiviayou want "abc" > {"a", "b", "c"} ?
17:42.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
17:42.38TainWell, that's not likely smething that would be a slash command
17:42.39kremonteno, split by  regex
17:42.50kremonteTain:  shh :[
17:43.20kremonteMaldivia: like split(":", "a:b:c") => {"a", "b", "c"}
17:43.22Elkanoare the patch notes live, yet?
17:43.33Maldiviakremonte: ohh, that should be easy :
17:44.10MaldiviaElkano: yes
17:44.13kremontewhaaaa why wasn't i linked to that before T_T
17:44.19kremonteme and guillotine spent hours
17:44.42Lebannengoogle found it pretty easily when I was looking for it a week or two ago :)
17:44.43Maldiviakremonte: google lua split :)
17:45.00Maldiviaand it's the 3rd link
17:45.11kremontegrr wtf
17:45.36kremontecan i teleport you into the channel 3 weeks ago =D
17:45.49MaldiviaI was in the channel 3 weeks ago.. probably afk though :)
17:46.01kremonteyea you were afk ;_:
17:46.21Maldiviabtw, new API function with 1.9.1
17:46.35Maldiviar, g, b, hex = GetItemQualityColor(quality)
17:46.54kremontei just keep getting rammed now
17:46.54futrtrublMaldivia, you have lost your afk privilidges now ;']
17:47.05Maldiviaohh ?
17:47.08kremontenow i gotta redo GetLink
17:47.46Maldiviawell, just say my name - and it'll highlight - should draw my attention :)
17:48.17kremonteno Maldivia, you're not allowed to go afk
17:48.25Maldiviakremonte: well, it's the way ITEM_QUALITY_COLOR table was fixed :)
17:48.40kremonteMaldivia: in getlink i made ITEM_QUALITY_HEXCOLOR ><
17:48.53Maldiviahex was added in 1.9.0
17:49.03LebannenI get a returned value of MORE_CASH_REQUIRED when I try that, kremonte
17:49.09Maldiviato the ITEM_QUALITY_COLOR table... all the values were wrong though.. hehe
17:49.12kremonteLebannen: !!!
17:49.40kremonte./notice Lebannen Kremonte wants to trade with you. =P
17:49.49futrtrublwhy didn't they just have ITEM_QUALITY_COLOR[quality] = {r,g,b,hex} would have been easier
17:49.49Elkanokremonte, thx 4 this addon btw :) it made me start reworking on mine :)
17:50.14kremontefutrtrubl: that wouldn't make sense
17:50.28Maldiviafutrtrubl: they still have
17:50.29Elkanobtw: do you know mine? it sth like he bigger bother of yours ^^
17:50.39kremonteyeah, Elkano :)
17:50.58Maldiviafutrtrubl: now it's just initialized like ITEM_QUALITY_COLOR[i].r, ITEM_QUALITY_COLOR[i].g, ITEM_QUALITY_COLOR[i].b, ITEM_QUALITY_COLOR[i].hex = GetItemQualityColor(i);
17:50.59kremonteoh, and i learned that some returns are invalid..but only very rare ones
17:51.17kremonteonly 1 (or 2, i'm not sure) people on my server have the epic mace drop off emporer in BRD
17:51.31kremonteand since they quit it's in my cache but not linkable (dc)
17:51.53MaldiviaALL the colors (except Common / white) were wrong
17:52.28Elkanokremonte, getiteminfo ~= NIL doesn't mean it's linkable ^^
17:52.36kremonteyup =(
17:52.42kremontenever happened to me before
17:52.50kremontedamn cache
17:52.51Maldiviawell, it's the best way to test :)
17:53.04Elkanowell, that's why my addon shares valid links between users :)
17:53.16kremontesynergs -c synergy.conf -f
17:53.26krkaany nice way of stopping autoshot with wand+
17:53.35krkait's very annoyign that i can't cast spells while shooting with wand
17:53.43Maldiviatoo bad we're not allowed to send custom-hyperlinks
17:53.53kremonteMaldivia:  ;)
17:54.19MaldiviaCastSpellByName("Shoot"); SpellStopCasting()
17:54.32Maldivia= 1 wand cast
17:54.44Elkanobtw Maldivia, where can I find the patchlog for 1.9.1? it's not on the us page (or I missed it)
17:55.04MaldiviaElkano: hmm, patch.html / patch.txt files in the wow folder :)
17:55.21kremonteMaldivia: wooh that's a macro
17:55.26Elkanoim not US, so I've to wait until tomorrow ^^
17:55.29kremontei didnt think of spellstopcasting
17:55.53krkaah... spellstopcasting of course
17:57.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (
17:57.42kremontehey tem
17:57.48MaldiviaMorning Tem
17:58.05Tem"morning" people
17:58.22purlMornings MUST be destroyed! (see also
17:59.01purlwell, ugt is Universial Greeting Time. Created in #mipslinux, it is a rule that states that whenever somebody enters an IRC channel it is always morning, and it is always late when the person leaves. The local time of any other people in the channel, including the greeter, is irrelevant.
17:59.01Maldiviait's morning when you feel like it... for instance, right now it's 7pm here :)
17:59.11kremontewhenever somebody enters an IRC channel it is always morning
17:59.13LebannenMaldivia: there is a way to send custom hyperlinks... at least for changing the text, although it still has to link to the same item...
17:59.28kremonte =P
17:59.36MaldiviaLebannen: yeah, I know - but people who dont have that mod sees "weird" text
17:59.42kremonteMaldivia: nope
17:59.48kremontecheck the link
18:01.02Maldiviaohh, I'm not talking about suffixes - I'm talking about sending something not |Hitem:xx or |Henchant:xx
18:01.13kremontei can do prefixes too =p
18:01.20MaldiviaI know about the suffix spoofing - it's annoying
18:01.24kremonte =P
18:02.46Maldiviaand people go beserk when you send them a link of thunderfury with +22int :)
18:02.54Maldiviaor +spell power
18:03.54Temso that is still possible?
18:04.02TemI thought they had fixed that in 1.9
18:04.02Lebannenis that how Rockbiter ended up on those mail leggings of sorcery?
18:04.11kremonteLebannen: no, that's not an enchant;
18:04.16MaldiviaLebannen: nope - that's a bug :)
18:04.20kremonteit's enchant ID#1
18:11.34*** join/#wowi-lounge purl (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
18:11.34*** topic/#wowi-lounge is Happy Coding!
18:12.11purlMasochist : MASS ` O ` KIST : <see also sendmail>
18:12.13TainWell you know what they say.
18:12.21kremontesendmail LOL
18:12.24TainThat's awesome.
18:12.53TainA masochist says, "Whip me!"  A sadist says, "No."
18:13.37Ktronwhat did the /split command used to do?
18:13.45kremontesplit money w/ party
18:13.48kremontestupid command
18:13.51TainYou would do a Moonwalk while leaving a group.
18:13.54Maldivia_very_ stupif
18:13.57[MoonWolf]Tain good one
18:14.14kremontewith a pattern, how would i just match what's between ()'s
18:14.16Ktroni was expecting like
18:14.19kremonteabc (defg
18:14.28kremonteabc (defg) i want to match defg
18:14.50TainHey some of us used to actually have to do that in order to have heat in the winter, Ktron. :)
18:15.09kremontesplit firewood? how primitive.
18:15.25MaldiviaI just turn on the computer...
18:15.47TainThankfully we got a coal stove after that, a lot easier.
18:15.56Elkanobtw: how about changing "Okay" to "Damn..." in this error message?
18:16.13Ktronheh, so, splitting wood is normal, I wasn't suggesting otherwise
18:16.35KtronI bet some of your /flirt and /dance, so no surprise if /split was a ingame and out of game thing
18:16.58Elkanokremont "%((.+)%)" ?
18:17.08TainDisco Stu says let's boogie
18:17.22Fanook|Schoolthat should work assuming no
18:17.33Fanook|Schoolassuming no () in defg
18:17.46MaldiviaElkano: hmm, what about /sob ?
18:20.07MaldiviaElkano: for the Okay button :)
18:20.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
18:20.59MaldiviaIriel: new API command for your list: r, g, b, hex = GetItemQualityColor(quality) -- new as of 1.9.1
18:21.44Elkanohiho Iriel :)
18:21.51Maldiviaohh... and morning :)
18:23.05IrielMaldivia : Which thread is that in?
18:23.20IrielOr is it just in today's patch (assuming we have one?)
18:23.22Maldiviait's in UIParent.lua :)
18:23.28Maldiviatodays patch
18:23.43IrielAh, it's not technically an API function then
18:23.48Maldiviait is
18:23.55IrielOh, it's REFERENCED in UIParent.lua?
18:24.04IrielGotcha, cool.
18:24.10MaldiviaITEM_QUALITY_COLOR is now build in UIParent.lua - from that function
18:24.13Elkanoso ITEM_QUALITY_COLORS[i].hex will work now, too?
18:24.21MaldiviaElkano: shoud work, yes
18:25.03Elkanobtw: is it _COLOR or _COLORs?
18:25.25kremontegrr cmon, servers arent up yet -.-
18:25.35Elkanook :) just wondered since you've all written color before ^^
18:25.39Maldivialol... someone forgot something: GameTooltip_AddNewbieTip(FIXME, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, NEWBIE_TOOLTIP_GUILDREMOVE, 1);
18:26.01ElkanoFIXME? ^^ nice :)
18:27.14kremonteITEM_QUALITY_COLORS[4].hex would = ffa335ee?
18:27.22kremonte(for example)
18:27.26kremontebefore i break my mod =P
18:27.35ElkanoBTW: Since post 1.9 has mostly settled in the forums and I can't post in the US forums: would so be so kind to request a way to obtain the itemid from a tooltip if it's based upon an item?
18:27.40Maldiviawould be "|cffa335ee"
18:27.51kremonte-_-" cmon
18:27.52Maldiviaif it follows the 1.9.0 format
18:29.17IrielElkano : I believe that's been asked for already, but I could be misremembering
18:29.41Maldiviakremonte: a 1.9.0 entry looked like: [0] = { r = 0.8, g = 0.8, b = 0.8, hex = "|cffcccccc" };
18:29.45IrielWhat is with WoWInterface this morning!
18:30.14Maldiviakremonte: and the files that use ITEM_QUALITY_COLORS haven't been changed, so I assume the hex parameter contains the |c in 1.9.1
18:32.50Elkanohmm would be nice since it would remove the need for hooking almost every function showing an item tooltip (I still wonder why my addon only sometimes works for loot items :/ )
18:33.23kremontethe item cache is like the windows registry. nobody knows how it works
18:34.03Elkanowell, I'm not having any problems with the cache up to now :)
18:35.54MaldiviaElkano: the number of tooltip calls is limited... so it's only a few function to hook :)
18:36.53krkayay, my flexbar ripoff is kinda working and kinda looking ok:ish
18:37.18Elkanowell, atm I'm hooking 7 of them ^^ but somehow I sometimes seem to miss GameTooltip.SetLootItem since when I put debug code there it isn't called :/
18:38.50MaldiviaSetLootItem is when you hover over the item in the loot window, right?
18:39.44Elkanoshould be.
18:40.13IrielI think our understanding of the item cache is pretty good.
18:40.39Maldiviaconsidering the number of item-database sites - yeah :)
18:40.46IrielThe recent 'mystery' was more a symptom of lack of observation than anything else.
18:41.48kremonteit's still a mystery!
18:41.58kremonteevil things happen when you mess with the item cache
18:42.18Maldiviadepends on how you mess with it
18:43.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Plorkyeran (
18:43.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Shouryuu (
18:43.39Gryphenono i esceared of teh rawr! i need a huggle.
18:45.32Maldiviaohh... servers are up...
18:46.43MaldiviaI hate that the game disables all mods when it patches, and doesn't asks anymore if it should load out-of-date
18:46.45krkahow do I check if I'm currently auto-wanding?
18:47.17Maldiviahave wand in an action slot, and check IsCurrentAction ?
18:47.28krkathat's what I'm doing... hmm
18:48.04Maldiviakremonte: confirmed, the hex has |c in front of it :)
18:48.26krkamaybe I'm doing something else wrnog :)
18:49.04Maldiviahaven't actually tried it with wand - but works with normal melee auto-attack
18:49.36krkashould be the same thing
18:50.14Shouryuudo it the hardcore way
18:50.24kremonteMaldivia:  yup
18:50.28kremonteit still works though thank god
18:51.14krkaok, any way to check if a spell is in progress?
18:51.30Shouryuusomeone asked that the other day on the forums
18:51.32Shouryuunever saw an answer
18:52.03krkaexcept the evens
18:52.25Shouryuuyou could always parse the combat log for "you do X damage with wand"
18:52.50Shouryuuif your wand's attack speed is Y, if after Y seconds you don't see that again then you're not wanding
18:52.54Shouryuubut that would be HIGHLY inacurate
18:53.00ShouryuuI guess =p
18:53.34krkaSpellStopCasting doesn't stop wand
18:53.51Maldiviakrka: ehh, it does for me :)
18:55.05Shouryuudoes ToastThief come aroud here anymore?
18:55.19krkahow annoying that it doesn't work for me
18:55.20Fanook!@#$$! Why does Bib Action Bars insist on resetting to the defaults everytime i patch...
18:55.28krkacould it be cause I'm doing it from RunScript?
18:55.56krkai see it now
18:56.09krkai first convert the string to a function, and then run that through RunScript
18:56.26krkano wonder it didn't run
18:59.25krkalocal function isShooting()
18:59.27krkawhy doesn't that work?
19:01.31IrielIsn't it "Shoot Wand" ?
19:01.46Iriel(No game access, wild guess)
19:01.48krkasays shoot in my spell book
19:01.51kremontethe spell cast name is Shoot, but the attack is called Shoot Wand
19:01.59krkait finds the slot ok, so that's not the problem
19:02.07kremonteie CastSpellByName("Shoot"); Your Shoot Wand hits Rabbit for 85.
19:02.20IrielAh, that'd explain the confusion then.
19:02.42krkafixed it!
19:02.49IrielTry IsAutoRepeatAction
19:02.50krkait was IsAutoRepeatAction I needed
19:03.28krkai'll get some screens of my new addon
19:04.39kremontegrr i cant find gnash
19:04.42kremonteand it wont compile
19:04.52[MoonWolf]kremonte, same here.
19:05.02BeladonaI wish that custom interface kit had a command line option to make it extract
19:05.08TainYeah Bel
19:05.10kremontepagefault: tiny one
19:05.12Beladonacan't get it to run under cedega
19:05.19kremonteboo cedega
19:05.24kremonteyay synergy ^^
19:05.36Beladonaso I am stuck remoting into my windows box at home to get the patch files =(
19:06.46kremonteyea why the hell do they do that again?
19:07.08pagefaultI just noticed that
19:07.17Beladonabecause they are tired of people posting support questions to the effect of "Why doesn't XYZ work anymore"
19:07.29BeladonaI like it
19:07.32Shouryuuwe are answering them
19:07.36IrielIt takes you what, 10 seconds, to fix that
19:07.37Beladonaforces stupid users to look
19:07.52TainYeah, after I try to figure out why I'm getting errors on login.
19:08.09Beladonaunless your addon uses the global Saved Vars
19:08.14Beladonathen you lose it
19:08.25IrielAn in that case, you deserved to lose it. (If you wrote the addon)
19:08.31IrielOr you shouldn't use the addon (If someone else did)
19:08.34TainSo wait they didn't change the toc number
19:08.41Beladonaof course not
19:08.52kremonteIriel:  im lazy
19:08.57kremontei dont wanna recheck it!
19:09.14TainIf I checked it, leave it checked.
19:09.19BeladonaI have a request
19:09.24Beladonahopefully someone can help me
19:09.26*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower (
19:09.33Beladonaanyone have the wow-patch file for this patch?
19:09.33TainAnd don't change my deskto shortcut back to running the luancher, either.
19:09.35krkahmm... 1 meg pics
19:09.35krkadamn it
19:09.36IrielI guess an optimization would be 'dont uncheck it unless the toc version number changes"
19:09.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Natasem (n=Natasem@
19:09.57BeladonaI can't run wow via RDP obviously, but I need to trigger the patch
19:09.58TainHow about popping up a window the first time after a patch asking you.
19:10.28IrielBeladona : Are you sure you can't get it to the patch point via RDP?
19:10.44BeladonaI can try, but it won't run dx programs
19:11.03IrielBeladona : Oh.
19:11.15TainBeladona: I just logged in but I don't see any patch exe
19:11.26Beladonait is only there when you download it
19:11.33BeladonaBNUpdate deletes it when it is done patching
19:11.52Beladonaso the enxt question is, anyone here NOT run the aptcher yet?
19:11.57IrielI haven't
19:12.06IrielBut I wont be doing it until I get home
19:12.07Beladonayou are at work tho right?
19:13.02IrielYeah, at least 8-9 hours before i'm patching anything
19:13.22IrielUnless I get really bored later and set up VPN routing for my work machine
19:13.47Beladonasee now
19:13.58Beladonathis is why I think they should move the patch checking mechanism to the launcher
19:14.22Beladonaleave the check in the exe as well, just in case someone bypasses the launcher, but
19:14.27Shouryuucheck if it's uploaded on internet?
19:14.34Beladonatoo new
19:15.03Beladonamaybe I can fool my cedega install into thinking it needs the patch
19:15.07krkaif anyone want to check out my new actionbutton-thingy
19:16.01krkagreen borders = castable, red = uncastable, big number in center = cooldown, lower left blue number = mana
19:16.12TainAlright, no errors on login with my addons, I'm done.
19:16.14Beladonacan opnly blame myself, I forgot to copy the wow-patch file out before it finished patching
19:16.19krkaand icons swap depending on circumstances
19:17.08TainI don't want screenshots, where's the addon!
19:17.15krkanot ready for release yet
19:17.27krkayou DONT want to know how you customize it
19:17.38Beladonawith jedi mind tricks?
19:17.41TainI do, I just want to see if there's anything I can rip out. :)
19:17.54Shouryuuthat's really nice krka
19:18.46krkaactually, if anyone could code up a gui for setting it up, that would be sweet :)
19:18.53TainNo gui
19:18.56krkathere is my current setup code
19:18.58TainGUIs are ameturish
19:19.10krkayes, the settings are made by writing lua :P
19:19.12Shouryuulol I just use WoW UI designer
19:19.14krkalike it should be
19:19.35TainI tried WoW UI designer.  It does make things easy to do simple GUIs.
19:19.41Shouryuuyeah :P
19:19.44TainBut the xml it generated made me cry.
19:19.49Shouryuuall the XML for my add on is done with it
19:20.02kremontedelete addon plz
19:20.03Shouryuutook me, 10 mins
19:20.07Shouryuulol I know
19:20.10kremonteyou're using up 4mb of space ^^
19:20.12krkaif anyone claims to understand how the settings work, I can send an alpha of the addon
19:20.22kremontekrka: i'm good with GUI
19:20.22Beladonagonna try opengl via RDP
19:20.24id`(havent even looked)
19:20.30id`my god the screenshots
19:20.43Shouryuubut most of my add-on was XML and I had better things to do than kill myself over it
19:20.51kremontewait krka
19:20.55kremontethose are settings?
19:20.57krkathe settings will have to have input fields for code or something
19:21.01krkathe Settings.lua yes
19:21.27kremonteoh, krkaButtons_Settings?
19:21.27krkathey specify which actions go into which buttons, and when they should be available
19:21.33id`kremonte, boo
19:21.37Beladonaerr opengl
19:21.41kremonteid`: wah?
19:21.54IrielTry VNC instead of RDP?
19:22.03kremontefunction krkaButtons_Settings(characterName, realmName)
19:22.24id`krkaButtons = {settings={}}
19:22.30krkaif you understand that line, you're basically good to go
19:22.32kremontei didn't write it
19:22.43id`krka, i understand
19:22.52kremontei do too =X
19:23.05id`kind of, because i dont know all args obviously
19:23.13krkaok, if anyone actually wants to try this out and give me feedback that would be great :)
19:23.17krkazipping it up
19:23.20kremontetoCast, toSwitch, border/color/icon?
19:23.39kremonteoh icon is newCustom
19:24.00id`Tain, make sure you rip this into visor, (thats a compliment krka)
19:24.11kremonteace stinks
19:24.16TainWell, I have to look at it first.
19:24.26id`how does it stink
19:24.30kremontesmells bad
19:24.32id`i mean, why
19:24.39TainThe way functions are added to buttons there is... well let's just say it's incompatible with Visor.
19:24.46id`i know
19:24.47TainOr, more to the point would overwrite normal functionality.
19:24.55krkano help from me with that version, it's completely unfriendly and alpha
19:25.02id`but the button templates themselves are sexyyyy
19:25.04Shouryuuanyone here ver get logged on the forums as Anonymous or Beta Tester?
19:25.29krkabutton templates? those are copied from ActionButton.xml O_O
19:25.33TainReally I've just been thinking of adding a Visor module to do button coloring like that but let you specify only the buttons you want checked (or all)
19:26.06krkaI _think_ I can differentiate between energy, mana and rage too... showing different colors for mana cost
19:26.12krka(rage is red, energy is yellow)
19:26.55krkanot tested that though
19:28.34kremonteShouryuu: it's because you're french
19:28.51Shouryuufine pick on me
19:28.54Fanooki get anonymous when the login server goes wonky during patch days
19:29.00kremontecause anonymous sounds funny w/ a french accent
19:29.00ShouryuuI always get it
19:29.18IrielI also get the old beta anon thing when the login server is having issues
19:29.22kremonteor behta testaire
19:30.26krkagonna have to add Inventory and Container support too... hm
19:30.40Shouryuuor kraimonteuh?
19:31.33kremonteShouryuu: it was originally crémonte
19:31.42krkawhich one of you actually downloaded it? :)
19:31.51kremontethe last euh is not pronounced =P
19:31.56id`i know
19:31.59kremonteit's like kruh mont
19:32.03Shouryuubut in french it is :P
19:32.10kremontein german maybe
19:32.15id`i had french in school too you know :|
19:32.21id`but i dropped it :>
19:32.27id`and i dropped german too :>
19:32.52Beladonagood call iriel, VNC works
19:32.54kremonte'kremont' doesn't look right
19:33.13kremontelike an incomplete name :}
19:33.18id`Aber Ich spreche noch ein betchen Deutch. Et eun petit peu Francais :|.
19:33.30Shouryuubut if you say it with the poetic voice, it's kremonteuh
19:33.36Shouryuuor if you want to sound corny
19:33.39id`ill stick to dutch and english ;D
19:33.40kremonteand what are you?
19:33.42Shouryuuit's kraimonteuh
19:33.42kremonteshoe dragon?
19:34.00Shouryuuhahah that made me laugh real hard =D
19:34.03id`me 2
19:34.30Gryphenono i esceared of teh rawr! i need a huggle.
19:34.39id`<-- Industrial
19:34.42Kremontei know
19:34.48Kremontewhat kind of name is that? that's a friggin adjective
19:34.48id`at least my name is normal
19:34.59id`its a genre
19:35.10id`(of music)
19:35.12Kremonteoh right, so i'll make my name Mister E and be like you
19:35.35id`you, you'd have to name yourself mr_badass_gangster_yo
19:35.42Kremonterap sucks
19:35.49Kremontekrypton sucks
19:36.04futrtrublvacuums suck
19:36.14id`futrtrubl, ...
19:36.28id`futrtrubl, that just isnt cool
19:36.34Shouryuuthat's untypable
19:36.46Kremontewhat is untypable
19:36.57Shouryuuand unpronoucable as well
19:36.58Kremontefuture trouble?
19:37.16purlmethinks futrtrubl is the author of BasicExperienceBar, which can be found on WoWI.
19:37.16Kremontefoo turr troo bul
19:37.23futrtrublexactly Kremonte
19:37.25Kremonteso, we have
19:37.26Shouryuulol self publicity
19:37.41futrtrubl~emulate me
19:37.52purlwhat DOES my name mean anyway? the world may never know
19:37.52id`~literal me Industrial
19:37.58Kremontea pastry, a shoe dragon, footurrtroobul, and an adjective
19:38.06id`~emulate Industrial
19:38.09purlI suck at LUA and rip othe people's code.
19:38.27Kremonte~emulate me
19:38.28purlI'm stiring up trouble like usual.
19:38.35Kremonte! cmon thats not even spelled right
19:38.40Kremonte~factinfo emulate kremonte
19:38.40purlemulate kremonte -- last modified at Sat Dec  3 03:08:32 2005 by futrtrubl!; it has been requested 2 times, last by Kremonte, 12s ago.
19:38.49id`Kremonte stirs futrtrubl
19:38.55id`ha ha, :-)
19:39.29Kremonte~literal emulate futrtrubl
19:39.31purl"emulate futrtrubl" is "<reply> what DOES my name mean anyway? the world may never know"
19:39.58Kremonte~no, emulate futrtrubl ~= s/never know/never know, and i can't spell!/
19:40.07Kremonteoops, did i mess that up
19:40.12Kremonte~no, emulate futrtrubl =~ s/never know/never know, and i can't spell!/
19:41.08*** join/#wowi-lounge ForgottenLords (
19:43.19[MoonWolf]kermonte forget emulate futrtrubl
19:43.24[MoonWolf]purl forget emulate futrtrubl
19:43.24purli forgot emulate futrtrubl, [MoonWolf]
19:43.46Irielcan't you use /msg to talk to purl and spare us all?
19:43.47krkafound anything useful in it+
19:43.50Kremonte[MoonWolf]: grglgrlrlgl?
19:44.12pagefaulthahaha maked me rofl
19:44.27pagefault"what is an intel chip doing in a mac? A whole lot more than it's ever done in a PC"
19:45.28NatasemYaY!!!       * Mind Control - Now functions properly. Previously, the person who was charmed did not appear to be moving on their screen or any other local clients.
19:45.45Natasemnow i can make ppl go splat again off the lumber mill cliff
19:46.23ForgottenLordsis the composition of the item link string protected information?
19:47.08[MoonWolf]let me ask somebody
19:47.21ForgottenLordsK, cool
19:50.18KremonteNatasem:  some guy MC'ed me off LM cliff, and i snowmanned like 2cm off the ground =P
19:50.22[MoonWolf]where item is the name the first number is the itemid
19:50.29[MoonWolf]the other numbers not a clue
19:50.33ForgottenLordsOk, thanks
19:50.38Natasemya you can't snowman anymore
19:50.56KremonteNatasem: yes you c an, just can't buy snowballs
19:50.58Kremonteitem: is always there, itemid:enchantid:of the whatever:item source
19:51.15Kremonteand i have 2 alts with full bags of snowballs =P
19:51.34NatasemThe Winter Veil Disguise Kit now has a short casting time and can only be used when not in combat.
19:51.50Kremonteoh? ;_;
19:51.59Kremontejeez i havent played in a while
19:52.05Kremontethat sucks
19:52.40Kremonteyea i havent played in 2 weeks
19:52.59Kremontesaw snowmen in IF this morning, so i didnt think
19:53.00Natasemeh i got 2 bank alts that are 100% full on Snowballs,  i gona start selling them around July
19:53.34Natasemahhh i should have known your one of them slowwwww people (alliance)
19:53.53krkaid` find anything useful?
19:53.54Kremonteand you play an undead priest, how cliche
19:54.53Natasemlol i started off as a Dorf Hunter back in week one of retail made it to 60 in like the first monnth then got sick of the kids (attitudes and maturity levels) of the Alliance and went Horde
19:55.14BeladonaI think it would be funny as hell if those snowballs started to melt around spring
19:55.20Kremonteso you're judging me by that?
19:55.23Lebannenoh dear... anyone else get a blizzard_inspectui out of date message?  Ooooops :)
19:55.30KremonteBeladona: banks have refridgerators!
19:55.48id`krka, yep :D
19:55.51Kremontei still have 3 stacks of halloween candy in the bank
19:55.58Kremontehasnt stuck to my runecloth yet
19:56.00BeladonaLebannen, run the repair.exe
19:56.17Natasemnow my holloween candy disapeared, i think some rogue Ninjaed it, but i still have my wands
19:56.20BeladonaMac doesn't have a repair utility?
19:56.22krkalike what?
19:56.30Lebannennot that I've seen
19:56.36LebannenWhat does the repair utility do?
19:57.01Natasemwell thats what ya get lebannen for useing a mac, go *NIX instead
19:57.46TainThat is sort of a funny statement.
19:58.09Beladonaisn't Mac based on unix?
19:58.16TainYes Beladona.
19:58.20Kremontesure is
19:58.37id`krka, I'm trying to make it OO to practise :O
19:58.39Beladonaand Mac is supported by blizzard to boot
19:58.41Natasemi know thats why i said it
19:58.44Beladona*nix isn't
19:58.54Lebannenhmm, repair utility does sound handy... the current mac corruption advice is to go reinstall the game
19:58.59KremonteNote: The utility is currently only available for Windows systems
19:59.04krkathe Spell and Custom objects already are
19:59.07Beladonathats kinda sad
19:59.23Kremontenative WoW, NOW!
19:59.27Beladonarun linux
19:59.37Kremontehuh, Beladona ?
19:59.45Natasemi wonder what kind of box blizzard uses to run their wow,  you think it is a nix server?
19:59.48BeladonaI can make repair.exe work
20:00.04KremonteNatasem: likely
20:00.13Beladonathought I read or heard somewhere it was a custom linux distro
20:00.15Kremontectcp version
20:00.36Natasemwell if so then they shouldn't be haveing so many dam problems and they should support Linux / BSD
20:01.00Beladonablizzard has historically only supported win/mac
20:01.02TainThere's a huge difference betwen client and server.
20:01.05KremonteWoW on PPC! =D =D =D
20:01.16Kremontehay dude wat u doin on ur pda? grinding!
20:01.26Natasemlol ^^
20:02.01Kremontei can imagine someone jumping up in history going "DING! 60!"
20:02.05NatasemNix users shouldn't have to port of a game that is run off a nix based system, it just doesn't make sence
20:02.16id`lua tables have indices right?
20:02.22id`how do i push something into the table?
20:02.24TainWhat makes you think that the client is developed on a unix based system?
20:02.26IrielLua tables have keys
20:02.36IrielYou can use them as 'arrays' or as 'associative arrays'
20:02.45NatasemBeladonathought I read or heard somewhere it was a custom linux distro
20:02.47id`Iriel, was looking for that
20:02.51IrielIf you're using numeric integer keys starting at 1, then you can use table.insert
20:02.53id`Kremonte, thanks
20:03.00Irieltable.insert(tableName, newValue)
20:03.30IrielJust note you can't screw around with the contents yourself if you're using table.insert and table.remove (Unless you're willing to pay attention and use table.setn properly as well)
20:03.43IrielFor arbitrary keys you just do tableName[keyValue] = value
20:04.00KremonteFurthermore, a Blizzard Employee just said in their forums at that World of Warcraft Server has a Dual-processor and runs on .... Linux OS ^_^
20:04.04TainThe WoW servers might run on linux (I have no idea) but that has nothing at all to do with what the clients are capable of running. There's no corrolation whatsoever.
20:04.05krka(unless you never use getn in the first place)
20:04.12id`they are supposed to take care of themselves, Iriel :-]
20:04.41Irieltables in lua do "just work"
20:04.49Lebannensupporting linux might be a bit of a beast
20:04.52Irielit's just that table.insert/remove/setn/getn all work together
20:05.35Kremonteit shouldn't be THAT much work, if they just port the osx ver
20:05.45Irielthe linux problem is that there are so many versions/distros
20:05.55Irieltech support is more or less impossible
20:06.05Lebannenand fast opengl on different cards is a bit tricky iirc
20:06.10krkauhm... the distros don't differ THAT much
20:06.18krkayou can pretty much use the same binary everywhere
20:06.25TainYou can't just port the osx version to linux.
20:06.34KremonteTain: ?
20:06.35Tainkrka but there's different gl drivers, different gl cards, etc.
20:06.45krkaso what? same thing with windows
20:06.48TainOSX has a graphic layer that is alwys the same.
20:06.54TainThere's an extraction layer tha thandles it.
20:07.05krkaOpenGL? SDL?
20:07.07TainThere's no unified gl exraction layer for "linux" in general.
20:07.46Tain*could* it be done?  Yes.  It isn't as simple as people seem to think just because OSX is BSD based.
20:08.34TainIt also wouldn't be a Linux version.  It would be a Linux version as long as you're running a specific type of gl implementation.
20:08.40Natasemit's not like blizz doesn't have enough money to do it though
20:08.53krkai don't follow about the gl implementation
20:08.56Beladonathey could require a minimum version for x, the glx libs, and require Direct Rendering
20:08.56TainWhy should they throw money at something that won't make them money?
20:09.00krkaisn't opengl a good enough layer?
20:09.07Beladonaother games have done it successfully
20:09.15BeladonaUnreal Tournament comes to mind
20:09.17TainOf course they have.  It can be done.
20:09.18Natasemi am sure it would make alot more money
20:09.26TainWhy do you say that, Natasem?
20:09.36KremonteTain: they wouldn't make money?
20:09.39Kremontewhy wouldn't they?
20:09.40Natasemthey would be able to *tap* more of the market, they
20:09.52TainThe amount of linux desktops able to run WoW isn't large comparatively speaking.
20:09.53BeladonaI have heard a LOT of linux users who claim they ONLY keep windows around now for wow
20:09.59Natasemwould be able to be played on all OS's basicly
20:11.30MaldiviaLinux is still a very small niche marked, especially when it comes to gaming
20:11.30krkaI don't keep it around even for that :)
20:11.30BeladonaI doubt it would be "un-profitable" to port it
20:11.30TainA lot of linux users isn't squat compared to millions of subscribers.
20:11.30Kremonte22080 people
20:11.30Kremontethat doesn't = $?
20:11.30TainOnline petitions are hardly reliable.
20:11.30BeladonaTain, that millions of subscribers is already split between windows and mac
20:11.31TainYes, 90% Windows.
20:11.31Maldiviawell, considering the 22k, that probably 21.5k are already subscribers, and playing on their Wine or Windows - not a real profit
20:11.31NatasemTain write a letter to Linux or BSD mag's and see if you get a responce
20:11.32BeladonaI bet at least 20% of that 90% is linux capable and would like the port
20:11.32Kremontebuying the game again, Maldivia
20:11.40Beladonaefinitely at least 10
20:11.40TainIt doesn't really matter what you or I think, do you think that Blizzard didn't do market research to find out if it would be profitible?
20:11.44Beladonathat alone warrants as much attention as Mac
20:11.56MaldiviaKremonte: why should I buy the game again, I already own it?
20:12.05Beladonayou wouldn't
20:12.10TainYou wouldn't?
20:12.11Beladonathey would provide a linux installer
20:12.22TainWhy would they provide you something for free that cost them extra money to develop?
20:12.26BeladonaDoom3 recently released theirs
20:12.27Maldiviayeah - so no profit from retail sales
20:12.33Natasemit's not the buying the game that brings in the money it's the monthly subscription
20:12.34KremonteTain: you don't realize the boom in linux gaming?
20:12.46Kremonteif you really think linux is a small minority that's far from true
20:12.47TainFrom an overall gaming industry standpoint, nope.
20:13.08TainLook at overall game sales.
20:13.09CelandroI'd like a way to make a boot cd that loaded linux and ran WoW + a browser so I could just put the cd and restart my computer
20:13.16Maldiviathe linux gaming marked is smaller than the Mac market
20:13.18TainThen look at installed Linux base period.
20:13.21KremonteTain: game scales are skewed
20:13.22Beladonapersonally I think wow would be easy to port
20:13.26Kremontebecause the games don't exist for linux
20:13.28TainNever mind ones capabile of actually running games.
20:13.45TainThat might be true Kremonte but it doesn't dismiss the sales numbers.
20:14.01Beladonathe linux install base is a lot bigger than you think
20:14.09TainRemember people can run Linux on systems much less powerful than Windows, especially graphics-wise.
20:14.13TainNo it isn't, Beladona.
20:14.15Beladonathe problem is that most linux users also use windows at least in limited form
20:14.18Kremonteyes it is, Tain
20:14.20krkadon't underestimate the value of keeping customers happy
20:14.21Lebannenbut a good proportion of that linux install base already run WoW, so the advantage of a port is lessened
20:14.33Kremonteyup. that's why so many linux users have a windows install. to play games
20:14.35GeometrixCel, theroeticly thats posible to do
20:14.52Lebannenor use Wine or whatever the gaming equivalent is (cedega?)
20:14.55Kremonteyou can't really get an actual # of linux users who have windows to play games on
20:14.59Beladonathe problem isn't the size of the market
20:15.33Kremontehmm i wonder if i should order some ubuntu CDs
20:15.35BeladonaLebannen, that argument is pretty baseless
20:15.50LebannenBeladona: how come?
20:15.50Beladonait is the same argument that many companies use to get out of doing things
20:16.07Beladonathey can do it with a hack, so why bother?
20:16.07TainWhen it makes companies money to do Linux versions, they will.
20:16.21CelandroGeo: I know its possible.. would be a nice way to give people a very safe guaranteed no-trojan WoW
20:16.26KremonteTain: money won't be made if nobody makes the games for linux
20:16.43BeladonaUT makes plenty of money simply by making their installs cross-platform
20:16.46TainI don't disagree with that statement at all, Kremonte.
20:16.53Maldiviawell, there's Quake, Unreal Tournament, Bioware games etc
20:16.54TainBut it doesn't make any difference.
20:17.01Geometrixthe Only issue I see with it ... is that a CD is ROM, and wow might have issues on logout with savedvars/WTF/WDB ...
20:17.09LebannenBeladona: but it's a valid argument... businesses are driven by RoI.  The return is greater if you pick up customers after performing a task.  If the task isn't really necessary because your customers are doing it another way, the RoI is significantly decreased
20:17.31Celandrogeo: I would still install WoW onto your regular hard disk partition
20:17.35Celandroand patches would got here too
20:17.37TainQuake I think is a special case only because they're a smaller development house (compared to Blizzard for example) with people who want to make Linux versions because of their love of it.
20:17.39Celandrogo there
20:17.43LebannenUT and other games of that ilk have the advantage of linux-supporting members on their coding teams
20:17.45Beladonaa linux port would be pretty easy to perform
20:17.50LebannenLook at Loki...
20:18.01Geometrixnah, just have wow/WTF wow/WDB symlinked to your regular drive... ;)
20:18.09TainLoki is a good, and bad example.  Loki was too soon.
20:18.11Kremontein a matter of figures, how much money would it actually be just to port the game?
20:18.11MaldiviaTain: what about Neverwinter Nights, from Bioware - although it took then nearly a year to get the promised Linux version out
20:18.13Celandrothen you need a new CD after each patch
20:18.22Lebannentrue Tain
20:18.23Celandroand I dont think all of WoW would fit on a single cd anyhow
20:18.24Geometrixheh ... CD's are cheap
20:18.31Geometrixit wouldnt...
20:18.41TainDid Bioware publish numbers on how many linux clients ran Neverwinter Nights?
20:18.41Geometrixwould have to be a DVD
20:18.53Tain(I'm actually curious, I did play and tried beta clients.)
20:19.05LebannenI believe WoW *did* have a linux version at one point, actually
20:19.13BeladonaI know linux wouldn't match windows for client base
20:19.16Beladonanot evne close
20:19.19Beladonabut it would match mac
20:19.42TainI don't think so Beladona.  But I can't qualify it with numbers so it doesn't matter.
20:20.05Geometrixall I know is that a portion of my guild runs WoW on linux boxes and swears by it ...
20:20.09BeladonaI think too many people play down the numbers
20:20.13TainI'm thinking actual install base that would/could run WoW.
20:20.16Beladonaeveryone thinks it is less than it is
20:20.32Celandrothe whole idea is to have an iso blizzard could provide that you burn and it would let you load a very stripped down "blizzard linux distro" which would only play blizzard games + a file browser
20:20.36GeometrixLinux + Cedega + WoW ... you can strip the OS down to the barebones needed to run and have a screamin fast WoW Machien ...
20:20.39Kremontei think too many people are under the pretense that linux has the same userbase as 3 years ago
20:21.05Kremontelinux gaming is a catch 22 imo
20:21.15TainYou're assuming a lot though, Beladona.  I don't think the Linux install base is less than it is.  I am very much active in Linux communities and have been running Linux of one form or another since around 2004
20:21.25Kremontefor companies to make games they want the playerbase, but the playerbase will never form if nobody makes games
20:21.25Beladonait will take someone big promoting linux games to make it mainstream
20:21.41krkalinux gaming wont happen before linux becomes mainstream
20:21.48Kremontekrka: linux is mainstream
20:21.56Celandrohonestly there is 0 reason to make linux games if linux + cedega works
20:22.01TainMainstream isn't really the right word.
20:22.01Kremonteif blizzard ports a big game such as WoW to linux, more games in the future would be able to profit more; ie games by blizzard
20:22.06BeladonaI disagree
20:22.07KremonteCelandro: there isn't?
20:22.11Celandroits extra coding effort
20:22.15Celandroand extra QA
20:22.20Beladonacedega was made BECAUSE linux games weren't being made
20:22.38Beladonaand it doesn't work with 70% of the games out there
20:22.57GeometrixBeladona, and that in its self will stop the linux games from being made ... because now if theres demand for a game to run on linux, the company making it doesnt have to pay a cent to get support
20:23.04Celandrosure.. but now its here and works so please tell me how to convince Blizzard to spend $1M on a Linux port when you can already run WoW on linux
20:23.23KremonteCelandro: cedega doesn't run WoW on my computer well
20:23.35KremonteCelandro: cedega doesn't run steam on my notebook well
20:23.35BeladonaSOME can
20:23.38Beladonanot all
20:23.41Kremontecedega isn't perfect. a port would be
20:23.58Beladonaand $1M seems abit large
20:24.06Kremonte$1m for a linux port?
20:24.08Celandrofor development, qa and support?
20:24.09Kremontethat seems farfetched
20:24.15CelandroI dont think its farfetched
20:24.17Kremontewhy would support be different?
20:24.27Beladonait would be the same it is now
20:24.30Kremontemost of the support for WoW comes from the playerbase
20:24.35Celandrotheyd need people who could handle linux questions
20:24.43Kremonteie the playerbase
20:24.44GeometrixKremonte, no it wouldnt, the issue with Linux, is that its not ... static ... theres no way to know which kernelversion which for of which video drivers ect people will make, so a port would never be perfect ...
20:24.47Beladonayou are forgetting something
20:24.47Celandroits not the same.. it would be additional hires
20:24.55KremonteGeometrix: make a requirement
20:24.55krkai bet bliz could get some genius hacker volunteer to port it
20:25.05Beladonamost people that run linux are 10 times smarter than point and click windows users
20:25.06Geometrixgames are a whole diffrent beast from office apps ...
20:25.06TainYou still have to look at how many WoW capable Linux systems there are, and how of those how many of those people would actually buy WoW. (or game X)
20:25.13Beladonathe support requirements wouldn't be hard
20:25.27Kremontesupport would be a non-issue imo
20:25.33Kremonteas is cedega, wine, etc
20:25.36TainRemember that one of the core reasons that people run Linux is for free (as in beer and as in speech) software.
20:25.43TainWhich commercial games are neither.
20:25.49Kremonteas is cedega
20:25.55Kremonteand people DO buy things for linux
20:25.59Beladonathat doesn't mean they won't run commercial products
20:26.01Gryphenono i esceared of teh rawr! i need a huggle.
20:26.06KremonteShouryuu: shoe dragon!
20:26.19CelandroI still think the best way to go about it is to get a free ISO boot disk that you would burn to a disk, restart your computer and it would automatically find all the games installed on your windows partition that it could support and give you a list of them to choose from
20:26.27Beladonai run linux because I prefer it. I would buy it if it cost money
20:26.33Celandroand a web browser
20:26.38KremonteCelandro: windows partition?
20:26.46TainI wouldn't, Beladona.  I'd run FreeBSD. :)
20:26.48Kremontei think that's the issue we're pointing at =)
20:26.53Celandrosure.. which for 99% of the userbase would be the entire C drive
20:27.14Kremontei don't get what you're talking about
20:27.16ShouryuuI run windows because it's the only thing I know!
20:27.23CelandroIf I cant give it to my wife and have her do it, its useless
20:27.27Kremontewe, or i, have been arguing that windows should NOT be a requirement
20:27.33Shouryuuactualy, running linux could be a good idea
20:27.38BeladonaCelandro, Live CD distributions aren't nearly fast enough to play games effectively
20:27.48ShouryuuI could get to the net, IRC and all, without the fear of wasting my time playing games...
20:27.52GeometrixI run windows, because I'm a lazy american slob who doesnt feel like dicking around with his linux box enough to get Cedega working... ;)
20:27.56KremonteShouryuu: ;)
20:28.11Shouryuuno seriously
20:28.15Kremontei know
20:28.22ShouryuuI'm such a computer addict it's saddening :P
20:28.24Kremontethat's why i support linux so much
20:28.33Celandroif you want people to try linux you need to make it very fast, very simple and fool proof
20:28.39TainI just use the right tool for the job.  Or, the right tool I have for the job.
20:28.42ShouryuuI'm 18, in paris and I spent ALL my holiday doing what? playing WoW or CS...
20:28.42KremonteCelandro:  why?
20:28.52Celandrobecause they wont bother otherwise
20:28.57KremonteCelandro:  why not?
20:28.58Shouryuutrue dat
20:29.02Shouryuuwe are lazy
20:29.04Kremontelinux isn't windows
20:29.08Celandroeveryone is lazy
20:29.15Kremontei am not lazy when it comes to my computer
20:29.34Beladonathere are purchaseable linux distros that have that Celandro
20:29.35Kremonteyou're making a judged assumption of everyone, because you use windows, and you know a guy who uses cedega?
20:29.37Shouryuupeople don't like change
20:29.43Shouryuuwe are slaves to our nesting instincts
20:29.44Celandrowhat I want is a boot cd that turns a computer into the equivalent of an XBOX with a browser
20:29.53KremonteCelandro: that's not a linux port of WoW....
20:30.03Beladonathere are Live CDs that you can download for that
20:30.08Celandrostill wow running on linux though
20:30.11Kremonteso that defeats the purpose completely
20:30.15KremonteCelandro: it eliminates the purpose
20:30.19Beladonabut again, running an OS from a CD isn't going to be as fast as the installed version
20:30.23Kremontei keep windows around because i have to boot it up to play games
20:30.31Kremonteso a livecd of linux that can play WoW
20:30.34Celandroit can install to the hard drive at first boot
20:30.34Kremontemakes me..boot it up to play games...
20:30.43Kremontewhich completely defeats the purpose!
20:30.55Kremontethat's not a linux port of WoW at all. that's even more farfetched, as it would cost even MORE money to do that
20:31.09Kremontebecause it would not only be making a WoW port, but making an entire distrobution on that concept
20:31.21Beladonayou are basically talking about creating an environment capable of gaming, that anyone can use
20:31.24Celandrono, I think it would be faster to make a good user friendly cedega live cd
20:31.27Beladonaisn't that what cedega already does?
20:31.38Kremontefaster? i havent been talking about speed here
20:31.53Kremonteive been talking about the code of the game, modified so it can run on my computer
20:31.55Celandropeoples computers have a ton of spyware and other crap on them
20:31.56Kremontewithout the need to reboot
20:32.10Kremontepeoples? i haven't had spyware or a virus in more than a year
20:32.20Celandroonce people are running off of live cd type things then you can convince the developers to code a native port
20:32.31Kremontei think this judgement you are doing on everyubodies part is rather rude
20:32.32Beladonapeople want computers so that they can do a wide variety of things on them
20:32.36TainIt hasn't worked that way yet though, Celandro
20:32.41Shouryuukraimonteuh - You know how to use your computer, most don't
20:32.43Beladonaif they wanted a gaming box, they would go and buy and xbox or a ps2
20:32.46TainIt is a good theory, but it doesn' tmean it will happen.
20:32.54Shouryuuagreed tain
20:32.58KremonteShouryuu: so i get penalized?
20:33.15Shouryuuno, you don't get spyware or viruses, which is a good thing :p
20:33.16TainWhat it also can say is, "Look they're running on Linux anyway and we didn't have to spend any extra money to do it.  Cool."
20:33.24Kremonteall i want is an iso, a cd, or an installer, that i could buy or download
20:33.32Kremonteto play WoW on my ubuntu install
20:33.51Beladonathat is the same argument ATI has ussed for years to explain why their drivers still fail to support much of the features people have wanted for so long
20:33.57Celandrothe userbase for linux isnt high enough to justify it
20:33.59KremonteBeladona: lol
20:34.02Beladonayou can do it now, you just need hacks
20:34.02KremonteCelandro: yes it is
20:34.11Celandroyou think it is, they think it isnt
20:34.16Celandrothey are the ones spending the money
20:34.17Beladonaall that does is make the developer look like an ass, and sends the person to another vendor
20:34.18KremonteCelandro: and you know this?
20:34.25KremonteBeladona: cedega doesn't run WoW well, wine doesn't run WoW well (for me) =/
20:34.29Celandrobecause if they thought it was worth it, it would exist
20:34.43Kremonteugh... we've already said this
20:34.44Tainyeah, but ATI also won't work with other Linux developers to give them information to make drivers.  So they're just asses.
20:35.23Kremontebiggest catch 22 i've seen...
20:35.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Depherios (n=Deph@
20:35.33BeladonaI still say a linux port would be pretty damn easy to do, and patches equally so
20:35.47MaldiviaTain: yeah, ATi is annoying for that...
20:35.57Maldiviaespecially since it would mean FreeBSD drivers aswell
20:36.08Beladonalua would run easily
20:36.16TainA linux port *might* be easy to do for the code, I do think it's still the graphics system that's the problem.
20:36.23Beladonathe only issue they see is the graphics engine
20:36.26krkai dont see why
20:36.28Beladonawhich would probably need to be opengl
20:36.29Kremonteyup, as far as ati users =/
20:36.33krkadont wow already use opengl?
20:36.36Beladonabut then they would need to fix opengl in wow
20:36.41Beladonait can
20:36.46Beladonawow.exe -opengl
20:36.48Shouryuuman I'm seriously considering going to linux
20:36.52Beladonabut it has bugs even in windows
20:36.53Maldiviayeah, the Mac OpenGL implementation should be somewhat easy to port to Linux
20:37.05KremonteShouryuu: do it =) you can dual boot (resize ntfs partition) and you have the whole world to help you
20:37.16TainBut that still means that you have to have Linux systems that are already configured to use OpenGL with graphics cards that can use OpenGL.
20:37.21Maldiviafrom my understanding of the mac opengl interface, that is
20:37.25Beladonapersonally I think ubuntu is a very easy to setup starter distro
20:37.32ShouryuuI think I am going to, my PC needs a clean up anyways :P
20:37.40Beladonaand you can try a live cd if you are afraid to dual boot at first
20:37.41KremonteTain: you can't run WoW on windows with no 3d accel either...
20:37.54MaldiviaTain: well, most "dummy instalation" dists already have opengl installed/activated by defaull
20:37.59IrielI dont understand where this idea of live boot linux + wow came in?
20:38.03IrielThat's just silly
20:38.07KremonteIriel: yea lol
20:38.17IrielThat's running wow in linux for the sake of running wow in linux.
20:38.28Maldiviahehe, yeah
20:38.46TainKremonte, yes and let's say for sake of argument that the percentage of Windows install base without opengl capable cards is the same as the percentage of installed Linux base for the same.
20:38.49Celandroyou havent had to fix your relatives computers much Im guessing
20:38.52Tain(Which I personally think is a stretch.)
20:38.52Kremonteonce i can play WoW on linux all nice and well, i'll have 190gb more to use =D
20:38.58KremonteCelandro: i have. that's all i do for money
20:39.00id`krka, krkaUtilsTooltip, where is this? :P
20:39.01Beladonaand the performance would be akin to running a marathon with a dwarf punching your balls
20:39.03Kremontei fix computers
20:39.11Celandrooh god no wonder you are so crabby :P (jk)
20:39.18TainYou're cutting down even more on the ones that even CAN run it.
20:39.23Kremonteoh, it gets me sure cranky Celandro. lol
20:39.29BeladonaKremonte, what kind of issues have you had?
20:39.35Kremonteas far as?
20:39.40Beladonawow + linux
20:39.55krkaid` a tooltip used for looking up spells and buffs
20:39.57Kremontesmoothly running = 2fps, with spikes of 3's and 4's
20:40.07TainIf you were to take full Linux home desktop install base then you could make an argument.  But you're talking about a percentage of those that would even run WoW.
20:40.15Beladonamine runs as fast as windows
20:40.17Kremontemac OSX is based on BSD, right?
20:40.23id`krka, yes i know, but where is it :>
20:40.30Geometrixkrem, yes it is
20:40.32krkain krkaUtils.xml
20:40.34IrielOnce intel based macs take off
20:40.44TainYes it is, based on BSD with uniform hardware.
20:40.44id`ah ok
20:40.47TainWhich is the key.
20:40.56Kremontethen it's not possible to port it to another BSD platform and make OS-dependant parts open source?
20:40.56IrielI think there's more hope for a cedega equiv for mac software
20:41.24Kremontethe reason i don't like cedega, is that SOME applications work, for SOME users, SOME of the time
20:41.55Geometrixkrem, welcome to the world of opensource ... if your hardwares not the same as the development hardware you might have issues ...
20:42.03KremonteGeometrix: wha?
20:42.08Beladonawell cedega wasn't designed to be a fullproof solution
20:42.19KremonteBeladona: that's my point =) i can't rely on cedega to run WoW
20:42.29IrielSo pay for windows 8-)
20:42.34BeladonaI like cedega, but in a way it hurts linux
20:42.40Geometrixthats my experiance with opensource stuff like Cedega ... if your system isnt setup the same as the development box, you might run into issues...
20:42.40Kremontei have windows, but that means i have to constantly reboot
20:42.45Kremonteand when i'm playing WoW, i can do nothing else
20:42.55Beladonathat is when you compile it yourself Geo
20:42.59KremonteGeometrix: beladona has almost the same exact PC as i do
20:43.03IrielEventually you'll reach the point when you can afford to just buy 2 pc's
20:43.04Beladonaso that it IS compiled for your box
20:43.05MaldiviaTain: Mac OS isn't based on uniform hardware support... Apple is VERY strict with what hardware they choose to support
20:43.07Kremonteand the same configuration -_-
20:43.17Tainerm That was my point, Maldivia
20:43.19KremonteIriel: not enough desk space =P
20:43.27MaldiviaTain: hmm, ok - then I misunderstood you :)
20:43.37IrielKremonte : Buy smaller cases
20:43.42KremonteIriel: 2 monitors
20:43.48Kremontenot a very big case
20:43.49pagefaultcedega will be obsolete pretty soon
20:43.52pagefaultwine has caught up a lot
20:43.59Beladonalets hope
20:44.16IrielA/B input switches on monitors, or differently stacked monitors!
20:44.17pagefaultI run WoW in wine, I find it runs faster than cedega
20:44.28BeladonaI find wine works less often than cedega
20:44.28IrielWindows above, linux below, or whatever
20:44.32TainWell maybe someone will do a fully .NET game soon and you can run it with Mono or DotGNU. :)
20:44.32Beladonafor running wow
20:44.34Kremontestack monitors? yeek that's a pain waiting to happen
20:44.39Kremonteand i base my system around 2 monitors =P
20:44.48MaldiviaTain: please, no!
20:44.57Kremontebut still, i have a windows notebook (and i have synergy set up to use it) but that's still not a 'solution' imo
20:44.58pagefaultwell there is a bug in WoW that prevents it from working in wine without a patch
20:45.07Kremontei want it to run with everything else
20:45.11pagefaultbut if you patch your wine to work around it, it will run good
20:45.16Beladonacedega doesn't need that patch
20:45.24pagefaultwell cedega has the patch
20:45.27pagefaultit's just hardcoded into it
20:45.33Beladonaand that patch causes problems for other things you try to run in wine
20:45.49BeladonaI use wine for normal applications
20:45.55Beladonacedega for gaming
20:45.57Beladonaits a good combo
20:46.07krkatheres only one yeti place in hillsbrad right?
20:46.18Beladonafar as I recall
20:46.26Kremontebest place for grinding
20:46.32Beladonaits a good place to get jumped if you are on a pvp server
20:46.34Kremonte30-31 in an hour and a half on warrior ^^
20:46.43Kremonteheh, i log my lock there
20:47.39Beladonaanyway, I know Blizz will likely never do a linux port. If anything wine and cedega will develop to the point where it just works regardless
20:47.59Kremontecouldnt hurt to try for one though
20:48.19Kremontetill then im stuck switching USB cables every 5 minutes to play WoW on my notebook
20:48.27BeladonaI would be itnerested to know how many of the dev have tried, or do play wow on linux
20:48.41BeladonaUSB cables?
20:48.50Beladonabuy new ones?
20:48.52Kremontemouse doesnt work right with synergy
20:48.57Kremontethey don't fit on the same desk, heh
20:49.10Beladonasee I can fit 10 computers in my room
20:49.19Kremontei can fit about 1 more tshirt into my room
20:49.21Kremontethen i run out of air
20:49.46BeladonaI used to run lan parties, and I need to start again
20:49.50IrielI do know slouken used to work for loki
20:50.00Irielso i'm sure he'd love to see a linux port.
20:50.10BeladonaI bet a lot of dev would
20:50.11IrielBut I think he's more of a server guy than a client guy, most of the time.
20:50.18Kremonteslouken needs to be a covert op programmer/server/ui dude
20:50.33KremonteBeladona: where do you live? =P
20:50.40IrielKremonte : get a USB A/B switch
20:50.44Beladonamy guess is a linux port has been brought up, and like Tain said, management felt it wasn't worth the effort
20:50.54KremonteIriel: i would, but i have a total of $6 right now =P
20:50.56IrielKremonte : I have 6 desktops in my room, 5 of which share the same USB keyboard and mouce
20:51.01Irielmouse, even
20:51.15Beladona<-- Beverly Hills, FL
20:51.15id`you rich people
20:51.17Kremontegrr i never should have let my brother get the bigger room. it's huge
20:51.31id`i repeat
20:51.32id`you rich people
20:51.34Kremontei live in a suburb in NY
20:51.37IrielIt's partly amount of time, more than wealth
20:51.44TainI hope everything supports Linux some day.  It just won't happen until it makes money for someone.
20:51.46id`i have 1 laptop wich barely plays wow gg
20:51.50Kremontethe biggest LAN party in 20 miles in the last year was
20:51.51BeladonaI am not rich
20:51.55BeladonaI am just comfortable
20:51.55Kremontea 5man halo tournet
20:51.59IrielI rarely get rid of machines
20:52.06IrielThey just get re-tasked to something else
20:52.08TainOr actually there's one sure way for linux to jump into real contention.
20:52.20Beladonapeople always ask why I have so many computers doing so many things
20:52.21TainThe one thing that has truly driven technology in the last 20 years.
20:52.24krkaanyone here remember where Helculars rod is?
20:52.27Beladonaand I always say "Because I can?"
20:52.46TainPut out some sort of killer porn "something" that requires Linux and watch the sales.
20:52.47Shouryuuhelculars is on the top part of the cavern krka
20:52.59Shouryuuyou enter and you go up
20:53.01ShouryuuI think
20:53.04Shouryuuor it drops
20:53.07Shouryuuone or the other
20:53.13Kremontei just got on WoW, and my sister calls
20:53.18Beladonagive Linux 2 yearrs
20:53.21Kremonte"my computer wont turn on, come help"
20:53.21Tainis that the one that drops randomly?
20:53.35Beladonayou know what one of the top selling points of an OS right now is?
20:53.36TainFor the raise the dead quest thing?
20:53.40Iriel2 years?
20:53.47BeladonaEye Candy
20:53.53TainLIke I said. :)
20:54.06id`krka, im going mad
20:54.14id`programming 8 ours every day is bad
20:54.18IrielI dont see why 2 years would make a difference without some huge investment from someone like google.
20:54.20Beladonacomposite managers are coming a long way for linux right now
20:54.25id`well, mixing 3-4 languages after that is bad
20:54.34Beladonaand in 2 years may outshine if not directly compete with the eye candy in Mac and Windows
20:54.41krkai didn't really aim for readable code
20:54.49id`haha np
20:54.53Natasemare we still argueing over the NIX thing?    /me hangs head in shame and says "look what i started"
20:54.55IrielBut there's still the usability issue
20:54.56krkaseems efficient enough though
20:55.04id`yeah i started reading at the wrong end too
20:55.09id`mm spell...
20:55.15KremonteNatasem: it calmed down ;)
20:55.16IrielAnd (occasional exceptions aside) lots of the linux code isn't real good at that
20:55.27Natasemwhat was this /split command?
20:55.33BeladonaI am just quoting things I have read. They are saying it may be 2 years before the current highend eye candy features become "enabled by default" in release distributions
20:55.34Irielit split money between group members
20:55.37Kremontesplits all your $ with your group
20:55.56Natasemall the money in my inventory?
20:56.00id`WIMP IS DEAD
20:56.02Beladonaluminosity is one I  can't wait to see released
20:56.09MaldiviaNatasem: if used incorrectly, yes
20:56.22Natasemglad they took that out
20:56.23krkait has been pissing people off forever
20:56.36id`wimp is dead
20:57.16IrielAhh.. plan 9
20:57.22IrielI remember seeing that demoed when it was 'new'
20:57.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Tain (
20:57.34id`hah thats a long time ago then
20:57.40Beladonathe latest x server has a native compositor
20:57.53Beladonathat supposedly almost works with ati drivers
20:58.00id`actually wmii is a *nix window managers but it has strong influences of plan9 (read, some plan9 enthousiasts)
20:58.14Tainheh which one, Beladona?
20:58.28Beladonacan't remember the official name
20:58.34Kremonteor 6.9
20:58.36BeladonaI mean the name of the compositor
20:58.37Tainxorg, xr11
20:58.52Beladonait isn't enabled by default though
20:59.13Beladonait is supposedly more stable tthan xcompmgr though
20:59.15krkaseems pretty sweet, but I haven't tried it
21:00.38Kremontemy 8 year old little sister just installed ubuntu, haha
21:01.10BeladonaDapper drake looks good
21:01.21BeladonaI installed it under vmware and it was actually pretty fast
21:01.30Beladonaeven on limited emulated hardware
21:01.45Kremontei think im gonna wait till stable
21:01.49Beladoname 2
21:02.01krkaid` I had a right end? O_o
21:02.02BeladonaI almost did a dist-upgrade ysterday, but I was afraid it would break wow
21:02.06Kremontehm, what wm do you use Beladona ?
21:02.12krkawhat were you looking at btw, krkaUtils or krkaButtons?
21:02.12id`krka, haha :D:D
21:02.15Beladonametacity for now
21:02.18krkakrkaButtons should be easier to understand
21:02.21id`buttons first
21:02.22BeladonaI wasn't happy with the others
21:02.27Kremontei think im gonna install enlightenment
21:02.32krkaGnome ftw!
21:02.32Beladonaeach one has something small I didn't care for
21:02.42BeladonaGnome isn't a wm
21:02.43IrielMetacity has its share of issues also, sadly
21:02.45krkaah sorry
21:02.53id`theres an AceTooltip so i was thinking to use that to grab the tooltip data
21:02.55krkaI use gnu/linux/gnome/metacity then
21:02.59id`i use wmii as my wm
21:03.01id`else screen
21:03.04BeladonaI absolutely hate the "black line" shit it does
21:03.07Irielincluding my favorite gripes of poor event handling under load
21:03.27Kremontekrka: metacity comes before gnome ;)
21:03.39krkai cant get anything right today :(
21:03.48Kremonteit's okay, i'm always wrong
21:03.55Kremontein fact, i was wrong just now
21:03.59IrielBeladona : You mean with cursors on ATI?
21:04.00Maldiviaid, you mentioned wimp before... around the same time, someone posted this link in another channel:
21:04.21BeladonaI like xfwm4
21:04.30Beladonabut I don't like the theme handling
21:05.28BeladonaIriel: no, when you minimize a window, it leaves the outline of the window on your desktop, and draws it minimizing
21:05.39Beladonalooks liek crap imho
21:05.45IrielBeladona : You can turn that off
21:05.53IrielBeladona : I'm 99% sure you can, anyway
21:05.57IrielBeladona : One mo
21:06.06Beladonaif so that would rock
21:06.14Beladonaalthough xfwm4 is a faster wm
21:06.33Kremontee17 or e16
21:06.44Beladonae17 is still development
21:06.49Beladonaand crashes
21:06.50Kremonteunstable rocks though
21:07.03Kremontei made a beta version airplane, and it crashed
21:07.11Kremontethe lighting effects on the fire were so realistic! it pwned!!!
21:07.52krkacould anyone here make a GUI for something if I wrote down how I wanted it?
21:07.56BeladonaI would be happy with a small, fast wm, with native composite extension, with window acceleration, and shadows
21:08.02Beladonanothing else
21:08.22Beladonaxfwm4 almost gets there, but alas the themes suck big time
21:08.24id`Maldivia, hahahahhahah
21:08.29KremonteBeladona: mine translating something to layman for me? =D
21:08.32Kremontethe nautilus desktop draws over the E17 tools, and E17 lacks virtual desktops or task switching that is compatible with Gnome
21:08.57Beladonaalso wow under cedega doesn't like composite features
21:08.59EndNET_WM? :P at least, I think that's what it is called
21:09.18Kremontethe nautilus desktop=? =X
21:09.34Kremonteoh hell, i can always undo it
21:09.35id`Beladona, try ion3 its even powered by lua
21:09.36TainI installed one distro once that had fvwm95 active by default.
21:09.39Kremonteeye candy here i go
21:09.41TainIt make me weep.
21:09.42id`though i prefer wmii
21:11.02krkaI looove eye candy on my desktop
21:11.03Beladonano /apps on mine, but I will hunt around
21:11.33Beladonaalthough gconf editor would work too...
21:12.47Beladonathe minimize thing is fixed, but the wireframe outline is weird
21:13.26IrielYeah - it does more than one thing, which is mildly annoying
21:13.48Beladonawould be itneresting to see what it changes with that setting
21:15.21Beladonahot damn
21:15.26BeladonaI fixed it
21:15.54Beladonawith assistive technology on, and that reduced resources feature enabled, the wireframe thing is gone
21:17.43BeladonaIriel, you rock, I don't care what Kremonte says about you
21:21.37Beladonafyi, I found a way to do online compares on the fly, complete with syntax highlighting, but now I am looking at ways to store the files
21:21.45MentalPowerwhat did /spilt do (pre 1.9.1)?
21:21.48Shouryuuanyone have any advice as to which linux distro I should use?
21:21.56Shouryuusplited all your money to your party members
21:21.59BeladonaI like ubuntu
21:22.18ShouryuuI took  a test and that what the result =P
21:22.23Shouryuuso I guess ubuntu it is
21:22.39Beladonaits easy for newbies, and still good for people that want o get their hands dirty
21:22.42Fanookand if you prefer kde, there's kubuntu
21:22.58Beladonagnome is better /hides
21:23.24*** join/#wowi-lounge kremonte (
21:23.31ShouryuuI have no idea what gnome or kde are
21:23.31kremontewell that was fun
21:23.39kremonteenlightenment freaked out
21:23.46kremonteand it took me 15 minutes to find out how to log out
21:25.15kremontei finally went afk, and a little bubble popped up showing how to show enlightenment menu
21:25.47TainYou have to concentrate really hard and it reads your mind.
21:26.05ShouryuuI guess he doesn't like us :P
21:27.06ShouryuuUbuntu does look cool =P
21:27.25*** join/#wowi-lounge kremonte (
21:27.43Beladonahey Shouryuu
21:27.50Shouryuuit's because Cair isn't here to stapple you
21:27.55Beladona = kde (kubuntu)
21:28.10Shouryuuthanks :p
21:28.24Beladona = gnome (ubuntu)
21:28.35Shouryuuit just looks like a cleaner windows to me =P
21:28.54Shouryuuthey're basicly user interfaces right?
21:29.30kremonteTo normal users, Metacity is the thing that “draws all of that black shit all over my desktop when I minimize apps.” Enlightenment is a Window Manager like Metacity, but it is not connected to Gnome
21:29.57BeladonaI like the cleanness of Gnome
21:30.02Beladonaif that is a word
21:30.19kremontecleanliness, Beladona
21:30.30Beladonathat too
21:32.34kremontegrr hell with enlightenment
21:33.28Tainheh Enlightenment has been in development for like 10 yeras.
21:33.55kremontei have to use the bottom bar to switch windows or click at the very top
21:34.06kremontewindows keep flashing
21:34.44Beladonayeah I didn't care for it
21:35.17kremontei cant even maximize windows
21:35.26kremonteits cascading them >.>
21:38.28*** join/#wowi-lounge kremonte (
21:38.46Shouryuuwell I'm going to sleep
21:38.51kremontebon nuit
21:38.56kremonte...shoe dragon
21:39.00Shouryuumerci kraimonteuh
21:39.05Shouryuu(connard =P)
21:40.24kremonteomg =(
21:40.55kremontecalled me a jerk
21:41.13pagefaultrofl more bugs in this patch
21:41.20pagefaultthe instances never reset
21:41.54futrtrublthat sounds like a server side bug
21:42.27*** join/#wowi-lounge ToastTheif (
21:45.26futrtrublare there image file formats other than gif that have transparency in most browsers? the 256 color thing is killing me
21:45.46Tainpng, tga
21:45.50futrtrublI'll try it. This is my first attempt at web design
21:46.10Irieltga's not widely supported tho
21:46.34Beladonapng, with crappy support by IE
21:46.43Beladonasupposed to be fixed in IE 7
21:46.45futrtrublfor png how do I do its transparency? alpha channel/transparent color/what?
21:46.52Beladonaalpha channel
21:47.06BeladonaIE doesn't support the alpha channel though
21:47.09Beladonaso be warned
21:47.16Beladonathe background will show gray
21:47.26futrtrublbugger. scrap that idea then
21:47.29Gryphenthere are work arounds though
21:47.42Beladonashameless hacks mainly
21:47.51futrtrublyeah, blend the edges to my pages background
21:47.59Gryphenwe use one on
21:48.15Beladonayou can do CSS on png images that applies a microsoft filter that makes it work
21:48.32Beladonaor just apply the filter to that image if you only have one or two images
21:49.02Beladonait runs slow if you have lots of png images though
21:49.17Beladonathe java hack does I mean
21:49.24futrtrublI could do that Beladona, only a few images. how do I go about it?
21:49.32Gryphenthat link
21:49.36Beladonagive your png images a sctyle
21:49.39Beladonastyle rather
21:49.43kremontewhen i go about web design, i just use transparent PNGs
21:49.51Beladonalemme find the ms transform
21:49.59kremonteGIF is too much of a hassle, and i can generate png on the fly... not my fault IE stinks =)
21:50.12Beladonathats fine for personal sites
21:50.20kremonteme? business? hah.
21:50.26Beladonabut sometimes you have to make a site that is accessible by all
21:50.33IrielThat's for IE5 anyway, doesn't IE6 work properly?
21:50.48futrtrublI'm suprized a universal gif replacement is around yet
21:50.50Gryphenie7 works fine
21:50.52BeladonaIE6 still suffers from alpha degradation
21:50.56Beladonaie7 does
21:51.00kremontefutrtrubl: there's lots of solutions
21:51.06kremonteIE doesnt use any , though
21:51.16futrtrublnot very universal then ;']
21:51.23kremonteIE is quite the opposite
21:51.29kremontepngs are most definitely universal
21:51.49futrtrublnot if ie still has problems
21:51.56krkapngs truly rock
21:52.10kremontefutrtrubl, ie has never supported PNG, it doesn't even support HTML correctly
21:52.10futrtrublthanks Beladona
21:52.12Beladonaas soon as ie7 becomes mainstream, png is the way to go
21:52.15kremonteare you going to say html isn't universal? hah
21:53.27futrtrublhtml still mostly works. png does not work as a gif replacement in ie without work arounds (that's when I'm picking up from this conversation at least)
21:53.34Beladonaload the following pages in ie, and firefox respectively
21:53.43Beladonaand you can see the shitty png support in ie
21:53.46krkadont have IE :(
21:53.50kremonteboo IE
21:54.00Grypheni dont have ie without png support
22:01.40Natasemkermonte:  IE blowz period.   FF FTW
22:02.00kremonteany gecko based browser > IE heh
22:02.18kremonteim not going to say standards compliant because w3c does do some asinine things very often
22:02.23Gryphenie > ff
22:02.27Gryphenall opinion
22:02.29kremonteGryphen: lol.
22:02.31Natasemfirefox *
22:03.02Natasemgryphen why u no like firefox?  it's 200% faster
22:03.22Natasemi hate typeing in latex gloves
22:03.35BeladonaI have complaints with the memory footprint of firefox, among other things, but it still beats ie in my mind
22:03.37kremonterofl Natasem, why?
22:03.43kremonteBeladona: yeah
22:03.49kremontei restart ff every 30 mins or so
22:03.56Natasemcuz i can't feel the keys
22:04.11Natasemi leave FF runing all week
22:04.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Sokol (
22:04.43Grypheni dont like the way it scrolls, form elements and menus look like average amateur applications
22:05.18Natasemi listen to 98 rock  KRXQ  while at work, and the night shift listens to it too,  it's the only music we can get in here
22:05.47Gryphenthough i did change the css for the menu bar to make it more windows'ish which helps
22:06.53Grypheni only use it just to make sure stuff works in ff
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22:14.05Celandro404 404 404
22:14.46Beladonaso according to that, the embedded mozilla engine experiences memory consumption growth over the course of use per url loaded
22:14.57Beladonaif you don't close it
22:22.43*** join/#wowi-lounge Mango (
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22:45.07OsagasuHA!  Take THIS, ID people!
22:53.02id`what where? i didnt do it!
23:09.48*** join/#wowi-lounge Tuatara (
23:22.17MaldiviaCairenn: nothing... just my own stupidity :)
23:22.48Maldiviahmm... or...
23:23.35id`im hovering my cursor over the close button
23:23.44id`i dont want to
23:24.03id`i want to be on irc all night and tinker with my interface and find new addons
23:24.06id`and code my own
23:24.10Cairenngood night id`
23:24.12id`and laugh on irc
23:24.17Maldiviagiid night id`
23:24.31Maldiviaweas about to suggest :)
23:24.40id`im so addicted
23:24.45Cairenngo sleep, it'll all be here tomorrow
23:24.48id`I LOVE YOU GUYS
23:24.55Maldiviaarghh.... ok, my typing right now might suggest why I can't get this to work :)
23:25.13ForgottenLordsgah... how does a 12 vs 7 AB match start?
23:25.38Maldivia3 and 8 chicken out?
23:25.49id`Cairenn, i know but theres 8 hours of anoying work that goes first, and when im done programming 8 hours in a crap language that twists my mind i dont feel like coding - like today =(
23:26.59Maldiviahmm, there's no arg variable for OnEvent handlers -- only arg1, arg2 etc?
23:29.01OsagasuI don't get why there are like 4 different reskins for the hunter set
23:29.16id`People always say the glass is half full, but they dont say of what.
23:29.34Osagasubut nothing for the craptacular mage suit
23:31.24*** part/#wowi-lounge Celandro (n=Celandro@
23:33.09Osagasu# It is now possible to use the dressing room UI to model items that are being rolled for in the Group Lood/Need Before Greed Popup window.
23:33.15OsagasuBlue typos FTW!
23:33.39TainBy the way I'm insulted by the fact that they call it "need" and "greed" rolling.
23:34.22Maldivia"but as an enchanter, I need everything for mats" "but I'm poor, I need the gold" ?
23:34.40OsagasuYou know, it doesn't take much to send the document through a spellchecker.
23:34.49Osagasuand I don't think Lood is a word
23:36.40*** part/#wowi-lounge Ratbert_CP (n=KCummins@
23:39.19Cairennnight id`
23:41.51AnduinLotharmmm, looks like GameSpy wants to distribute an addon pack including Cosmos, nifty
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23:43.45Cairennfileplanet too
23:44.05TainBig advertising for cosmos
23:44.38Plorkyeranwow, that's an old screenshot
23:44.47PlorkyeranI don't even remember what mage hand was anymore
23:45.05Osagasurearranged items
23:46.00OsagasuThe most useless addon EVER!
23:46.02AnduinLotharlooks like the one still on the wiki
23:46.15Gryphenits current cosmos
23:46.22Gryphenoutdated description
23:48.51OsagasuI miss Mage Hand
23:48.56OsagasuWhy was it removed? :(
23:49.12AnduinLotharWhatd it do?
23:49.26Cairennauto arrange your bag contents
23:49.28OsagasuIt rearranged your inventory
23:49.29PlorkyeranI seem to recall it never actually successfully doing anything
23:49.51Cairennbut when I last saw it (back during CB) it was buggy as all hell :p
23:50.05AnduinLotharheh, there are a bunch of other addons to do that. MageHand broke and no one wanted to fix it so it was dropped
23:50.13Corrodiaswhat is cosmos, all, exactly? a compilation plus customized layout?
23:50.13Plorkyeranit managed to generate a lot of script errors
23:50.47Cairennthat's a simplistic description Corrodias (from a 3rd party point of view)
23:50.51Plorkyerannowadays it's a compilation that has a lot of stuff made specifically for it
23:51.07Plorkyeranalthough most of them can be seperated from it
23:51.08Corrodiaswell, that's all i know about it. is there something more?
23:51.11Gryphenmost the addons make use of khaos for configuration
23:51.25Plorkyeranat some point it was supposed to be a mod framework, but I'm not sure how much they pursued that
23:51.34Gryphenthere isnt much for layout changes
23:51.43Gryphenother than making things mobile
23:52.11Corrodiasi hear it messes with your other addons if you don't have a "nopatch" file for them
23:52.19Gryphenonly if you choose to
23:52.22AnduinLotharit has a Developer Distrobustion of libraries you can use for a framework, but it's not as all encomassing as Ace as to a framework of programming style
23:53.11Plorkyeranone of the problems I had with cosmos for a long time is it hadn't really adjusted to the addon system
23:53.24AnduinLotharya... back in march...
23:53.47Plorkyeranfor a long time it felt like the expectation was that you would use cosmos, and nothing else
23:53.57AnduinLotharI came on in february and personally converted 90% of the framexml mods to Addons
23:54.23AnduinLotharyeah, the patcher was written in beta when there wasn't anythign else
23:54.39AnduinLotharit's being rewritten now, we didn't have a programmer before
23:54.57Cairennand you guys are getting rid of the .nopatch thing, right?
23:55.00Gryphenassuming it gets the ok
23:55.51AnduinLotharI wont be releaseing the specs till we have it written
23:55.52Plorkyeranthe patcher isn't the problem as much as the confusion about why the patcher had problems
23:55.52CairennThott does tend to be a bit obstinate, doesn't he?
23:56.07Cairennthat isn't a slam, merely an observation :p
23:56.24Gryphenno, just he doesnt actually do much with the cosmos team
23:56.29Corrodiasi don't want to use cosmos because i like putting together my own list of addons
23:56.44Corrodiaswill khaos work outside the context of.. well, whatever else is in there?
23:56.51Grypheni put together my own list of addons and cosmos
23:57.04Plorkyerankhaos doesn't do anything by itself
23:57.05Grypheni have 37 additional addons
23:57.08Cairennheh, my addon list changes on a daily basis
23:57.11Plorkyeranit's the thing other addons rely on :P
23:57.12AnduinLotharI think 50% of cosmos users or more add addons to Cosmos
23:57.39AnduinLotharWhich is fine, that is expected not
23:58.33Plorkyeranyeah, things have improved a lot
23:58.33AnduinLotharPro users like to tailor their collection, we don't do it for them. We just make a base to build from.
23:59.09PlorkyeranI stopped using cosmos somewhere around march because half the time I tried to add an addon something broke
23:59.15AnduinLotharIn fact I've been debating cutting a few outdated on unkept addons from cosmos
23:59.20Plorkyeranbut now my friends who have it don't have any real issues
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23:59.30Gryphenthat was when framexml was at its peak for breaking things in cosmos
23:59.43Plorkyeranand when sky was horribly broken
23:59.50Corrodiasi see libraries... chronos, sea, earth, and sky. and i see khaos, whatever it is.

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