irclog2html for #wowi-lounge on 20060106

00:00.49AnduinLothargrr.... wowi making take ss's....
00:01.32AnduinLotharshould be a program that automaticly takes pics on my mod in action and crops it to the right size and saves it as jpg
00:01.50Endif you write it
00:01.53AnduinLotharand another to read my mind and farm my sites and auto update all of the addon sites
00:02.10AnduinLotharand another to unlag ironforge
00:02.27Endmy, you are giving yourself a lot of programs to write!  better get started!
00:02.45AnduinLotharand another to automaticly fixx all addons for new patch changes
00:02.49Corrodiaswhat the heck is this guy trying to imply? "Can you fix Ace so that it stops extracting to Interface\AddOns\Ace? and make it just Simply .\Ace?"
00:03.11AnduinLotharhe hates the zip format, as do i
00:03.15Corrodiashe wants it ...\World of Warcraft\Ace? that's not going to work
00:03.20GuillotineCorrodias: I think he's asking you to make the top folder in the zip file be \Ace
00:03.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Fanook (
00:03.32Guillotinethen he personally extracts it into the addons folder
00:03.41Corrodiasthat's bot a bug, you just have to pay attention to the path.. jeez
00:03.42GuillotineI dunno... just a guess
00:03.48AnduinLotharwhich is what I do
00:03.53Corrodias1/4 to 1/3 the addons i get are packed that way
00:04.03Guillotineya. I really don't care which it is
00:04.08AnduinLotharya, still haven't found any good reason either
00:04.17Cairennit's actually about a 50/50 split which way it's packed
00:04.19Corrodiasnope, there isn't a good reason
00:04.44Corrodiasunless you pack framexml in with it, which someone said won't work in 1.10 anyway
00:04.49Natasemhey ya'll is this mod safe?   RTAQOpen
00:04.49Guillotinetell him that he can dl the "PEBKAC" version that is packed that way
00:04.54zeegshit shit
00:04.58zeegcan someone help me with something real fast
00:04.59Endzeeg: !!!?!?!?
00:05.04zeegi just need a tiny thing added to our LUA script
00:05.06zeegand the guy is offline
00:05.08Natasemi just don't like this part of it
00:05.10Maldiviahehe :)
00:05.16Natasem6. run the 'parse.exe' program
00:05.18Natasem7. enter your account name (this just figures out the directory where the lua data export resides)
00:05.19Maldiviazeeg: what's the problem ?
00:05.23zeegok so basically
00:05.24CorrodiasTOO MUCH TEXT ARGH
00:05.30zeegNatasem, im actually releasing ours in a second
00:05.39AnduinLotharit should ask for your password while it's at it
00:05.45zeegMaldivia, i need added to the script to change how the "special" data is added that i just uploaded
00:05.48zeegfor the aq world event
00:06.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
00:06.02zeegright now its
00:06.07zeeg[wg_data][special][collecting item name] = collected:needed:timestamp
00:06.08zeegand i need it
00:06.11AnduinLotharah, u recording which server is closer/open?
00:06.14zeeg[wg_data][special][realmName][collecting item name] = collected:needed:timestamp
00:06.21zeegya pretty much
00:06.32zeegi uploaded the latest to wowguru if you can help
00:07.20Guillotinewait- i missed some of it (was d/ced by peer I believe), but you're just looking to change the way data is stored in the savedvariables fiile?
00:07.29zeegya with the latest thing we added today
00:08.58Maldiviawg_data["special"] = {}  wg_data["special"][GetRealmName()] = {}   ---  wg_data["special"][GetRealmName()][colName] = numColled....
00:09.29zeegok where do i do that at
00:09.52Maldiviaafter "wg_data["special"] = {}" add "wg_data["special"][GetRealmName()] = {}"
00:09.57zeegahh nvm i see
00:10.13Maldiviaand on second to last line, add the GetRealmName()
00:10.17Natasemzeeg are you going to have a place that hosts the running totals?
00:10.21zeegNatasem, right
00:10.30zeegim setting it up now
00:10.37MaldiviaNatasem: zeeg runs wowguru :)
00:10.47Natasemo heheh i knew that
00:11.18zeegok uploaded new data collector
00:11.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
00:11.26zeegif anyone has a chance go run it and get me some test data
00:11.30zeegdont submit yet tho
00:11.35Natasemcuz curretnly i have a post on my forums about the running totals  but i don't want to post a mod that requires your user name and an exe to boot
00:11.45AnduinLotharFriendsFacts --> WoWI
00:12.07zeegNatasem, oh, just use wowguru, ill have XML
00:12.13zeegitll be up within the hour
00:12.19Natasemgood deal
00:12.22MaldiviaI have my own little mod, that collects for my realm :)
00:12.49Corrodiashaving all my addons, when i'm NOT doing anything, drops about 0.2 frames per second
00:13.37MaldiviaCorrodias: and perhaps 10 more people were running around you when the addons were on, causing the 0.2 fps loss :)
00:14.28Corrodias!! :o
00:14.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Eraphine|Disco2 (
00:15.12Corrodiasso my addons have negligible impact when i'm standing around doing nothing. that's good to know.
00:15.17zeegcan someone login and try submitting test data
00:15.27zeegjust login w/ new wgdc, find the npc, talk to him
00:15.29zeegand submit
00:15.36Corrodiasi'll test YOUR data, POW RIGHT IN THE KISSER
00:15.48*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine_ (
00:15.49zeegerr whoops
00:15.55Guillotine_ok... wth is wrong. I keep getting d/ced.
00:16.02Temand he was like "POW RIGHT IN THE KISSER!"
00:16.42Tem"heh heh, Right in the kisser"
00:17.18Templease tell me someone gets it
00:17.35zeegalright there
00:17.38GuillotineI do :D
00:17.38zeegall ready to go
00:17.41zeegonce i have data ill setup the page
00:17.41Guillotineyay family guy!
00:17.47CairennI get that you are obviously as tired as the rest of us :p
00:18.05Fanookpfft, honeymooners did it!
00:18.33Corrodiasphht, my grandfather did it. we didn't get to see him much. :(
00:18.40Corrodiasjust kidding! abuse if funny!
00:21.24AnduinLotharAH_Reset --> WoWI
00:21.39AnduinLothargot friends over, more later
00:22.16TemYay for family guy!
00:22.18Cairennhave fun
00:23.08zeegi need faction too Maldivia
00:23.10zeeghow do i get that
00:23.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine_ (
00:23.53Corrodiasthere was a slight error in the XML i sent futrtrubl...
00:24.55MaldiviaUnitFactionGroup("player") ?
00:25.48NatasemZeeg is it up and read for my server to grab and run with?
00:26.14GuillotineI want a function GetUnitSobriety(player)
00:26.21zeegNatasem, one sec
00:27.08zeegok here
00:29.24zeegwg_data["special"][GetRealmName()][wg_factionGamer][colName] = numCollected .. ":" .. numNeeded .. ":" .. curtime;
00:29.25zeegthats what im doing
00:29.32zeeg-- Init Player Faction
00:29.37zeegthats in the onplayerenterting world
00:30.10*** part/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (
00:30.16Natasem~purl die
00:31.02purlACTION takes two shots to the head and crumples to the ground, lifeless.
00:31.02zeegwg_data["special"][GetRealmName()]["1"] = {}
00:31.02zeegwg_data["special"][GetRealmName()]["2"] = {}
00:31.02Maldiviazeeg... looks right
00:31.02zeegand i added that
00:31.03zeegso what am I doing wrong?
00:31.03Maldiviajust a sec... downloading code
00:31.03zeegsys attempt to index a nil value on that one line
00:32.06Maldiviazeeg: table[1] is not the same as table["1"]
00:32.38zeegso just remove quotes?
00:36.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Parak (
00:36.18Natasemzegg you going to have a web page with server totals?
00:36.32Gryphenof course
00:36.56zeegNatasem, ya
00:36.57zeegHelp track AQ World Event status on your server! Read more:
00:37.06Maldiviazeeg: a few suggestions - unit "npc" refers to the npc you're Gossiping with - "target" and "npc" doesn't have to be the same unit neccesarily :)
00:37.31zeegi didnt do the LUA script
00:37.34zeegi have no clue what you're saying
00:38.07Maldiviajust looked at the OnGossipShow code :)
00:38.11GuillotineMaldivia is right
00:38.24Guillotinewith the current script, you will be getting some strange entries
00:38.27Maldiviait uses "target" instead of "npc"
00:38.30Guillotinelike that "Guillotine" gives quests
00:38.42zeegdont suppose you wanna fix it ? :D
00:39.05Maldiviajust replace "target" with "npc" in functions handling Gossip
00:39.06Guillotinebasically, if you start a gossip frame with an NPC, then change targets, it will regard it as if the target is the one talking
00:41.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (
00:41.53*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Cairenn] by ChanServ
00:42.12Maldiviazeeg: ohh, you're parsing data from the individual turn-in persons...
00:42.27Maldiviazeeg: and not just the general/marshal
00:42.47zeegis that bad
00:43.02Corrodiasi'll tell you what feature -i- want in wow... the ability to load new addon files inserted in this session
00:43.29MaldiviaCorrodias: that was removed :)
00:43.42Maldiviazeeg: naah
00:43.53Corrodiasmust have been a while ago.. it wasn't possible in 1.8 that i'm aware of
00:43.59Maldiviait was in 1.7
00:44.21TainThe good old days.
00:44.46Maldivia... yeah, when toc and new files were read on a reloadui
00:44.58Maldiviamade developpment so much easier
00:45.58Corrodiasi'm still somewhat shocked that they're removing the ability to override the framexml files in 1.10
00:46.31Corrodiasmaybe they don't care about the performance impact of having to hide their frames and make your own
00:47.42zeegwow are they really that far
00:48.39Corrodiaswow, ET is only a few percent of the way
00:49.21Ghentcan anyone tell me how to take an item id and use a /script command to make a tooltip appear of that item?
00:49.26GhentI swear I remember reading that it can be done
00:49.28zeegim not sure if this is right
00:49.29zeegbut ya
00:50.06MaldiviaSargeras is 9.4% for both sides... just updated :)
00:50.15TainNobody has completed the world event yet?
00:50.56Natasemis it gona look anything like that, so we can click on a server and get a list of everything that we need
00:51.07TainPeople are slacking.
00:51.26CodayusProudmoore is at 14% or so, I think they're thought to be the furthest advanced.
00:52.05CodayusI guess if someone was really interested they could start an alt, run to the capital, and check...
00:52.14Depherioswoo go spinebreaker... 88 XD
00:52.15Natasemaccording to the site i linked  55. Terenas  PVE 360680 / 3850000  9.37%
00:52.30CodayusThat sounds a lot closer.
00:52.36Natasemnot 91%
00:52.37CodayusTo reality.  :-)
00:52.40zeegone sec
00:52.52zeegi only have what i talked to in ironfroge
00:53.14Ghentno one knows? :\
00:53.21zeeg["Stranglekelp"] = "33000:4080:1136507780",
00:53.21zeeg["Spotted Yellowtail"] = "17000:2740:1136507789",
00:53.21zeeg["Purple Lotus"] = "2140:26000:1136507787",
00:53.22zeeggod damnit
00:53.28zeegwhy are some numbers backwards
00:53.54CodayusGhent - hmm, I might know that.  Let me check my notes.
00:53.59Depheriossorry, it's not funny... but...
00:54.38GhentCodayus: thanks :D
00:55.12MaldiviaGhent: something like GameTooltip:SetOwner(Minimap, "ANCHOR_BOTTOMLEFT"); GameTooltip:SetHyperlink("item:16914:0:0:0");
00:55.26CodayusI was just typing that...  :-)
00:55.27GhentMaldivia: type that in /script in game?
00:55.49Maldiviaand replace 16914 with the id (16914 = Netherwind Crown)
00:55.56CodayusI had some code that did it around here somewhere, but I seem to have mislaid it.
00:56.10CodayusThat should work though.
00:56.46IrielCorrodias : There really IS no meaningful performance impact of loading the standard frames and then disabling them.
00:56.47zeegi gotta make it list per horde/alliance and whatnot
00:56.49zeegbut its recording right
00:57.15IrielCorrodias : Certainly nothing that compares to the impact of a pig like lootlink
00:57.35IrielCorrodias : And several of the nastier UI elements are load on demand in the standard game, and you CAN always not load those
00:58.06Fanookhmmm has anyone heard of a bug where leatherworking skill isn't increasing?
00:58.10IrielYeah, today has been 'fun'.
00:58.14zeegok well there
00:58.15Cairennuh oh
00:58.15zeegit works
00:58.18zeeglets do faction now
00:58.35Ghentyou guys rock
00:58.35Ghentthank you
00:58.49Irielmeetings at 8-9,10-11,11-1,1:30-3,3-4:30(ish)
00:59.06Cairennpurl, give iriel a cookie
00:59.10purlACTION gives iriel a home-baked lemon cookie to cheer him up.
00:59.22IrielSince you're here now, apparently i've invaded.
00:59.33Cairennwondered if you'd noticed
00:59.56Cairenndo you want forums?
01:00.27IrielBela told me to check my addons this morning, I was worried they were horribly broken or something!
01:00.28*** part/#wowi-lounge Ratbert_CP (n=KCummins@
01:00.32Cairennand if you'd like a serious name, just let me know what,I'll change it
01:01.02Cairennplease tell me you got at least a chuckle out of it when you saw it
01:01.08CairennI figured you could use one
01:02.58Fanookyou mean we're all not figments of yer imagination?
01:03.45IrielI did indeed, yes.
01:03.52Cairenngood :)
01:04.51Depherioslots of skill bugs
01:05.02Depheriosall skils randomly don't go up
01:05.07Depheriosfrom fishing to engineering
01:05.13Depheriosalchemy... the works
01:05.45CodayusHmmm, I gained about 80 points of first aid yesterday...
01:05.59CodayusDidn't pay attention to it though.
01:06.17Fanookleatherworking's bugged
01:06.25CodayusYay for bugfree patches, eh?
01:06.52Fanooki'd settle for patches where they don't screw up stuff that wasn't supposed to be messed with :)
01:07.12CodayusIt's funny how many bugs and undocumented changes crept into this one.
01:07.48Fanookit seems more than usual
01:07.49zeegdont suppose anyone wants to add functionality to collect from the marshal for the data? :)
01:08.19CodayusOne I just ran across - they changed how +mana/5sec gear works.  It no longer ticks every 5 seconds, but every 2 seconds.  No biggie, but still...sometimes it seems like the patch notes match the patch more by coincidence than design.  :-)
01:09.37Natasemlookin good Zeeg
01:12.58Maldiviagrr.. have the "C Stack overflow" error message...
01:13.51Corrodiasstack overflow? haven't seen that one before. how hard to you have to try to make that happen?
01:14.10MaldiviaCairenn: in game pop up error message :)
01:14.27Maldiviaand have no idea why...
01:14.57Corrodiasi wonder how they managed to break the profession skillup system, though
01:15.10Corrodiasnot only was it working perfectly, but they weren't supposed to change anything related to it
01:16.11MaldiviaCairenn: well, I had it ealier, when I had a this:ClearFocus() in a OnEditLostFocus event... but that's not there anymore :)
01:16.11Fanookthey added the special fishing spots and screwed stuff up
01:16.38SP|Sorrenis curse down again, or is it just me? O.o
01:16.43CodayusBliz has said the fishing skillups are currently slower than intentded.
01:16.52CodayusHaven't seen them confirm any other tradeskill bugs.
01:17.08SP|Sorrenk, thx
01:18.17IrielStaqck overflow generally means you created an infinite code recursion
01:18.57MaldiviaIriel: yep... trying to find it :)
01:22.35futrtrublanyone use 1&1 for hosting? thinking of getting an account with them
01:22.57Codayusfutrtrubl: US or UK?
01:23.43futrtrublUS I guess, it's the closest country to me
01:25.26Codayusk.  1&1 runs their operations fairly seperatly, is why I asked.  The US operation has a better reputation for customer service.
01:25.57futrtrublbetter? is that good or only better?
01:27.02CodayusWell, they're pretty cheap, and their support reflects that.  OTOH, they're large and have been around for a while.  <shrug>
01:29.16futrtrublnot confidence inducing ;'] but I guess they are cheap enough for me to give them a trial
01:29.21CodayusDo you want cheap, reliable, fast, or good support?  :-)  1&1 is cheap and has a good network.  Their support is a bit mixed, but not awful.
01:29.49CodayusIncidentally, are you in the market for a dedicated server or a shared hosting package?
01:29.56Corrodiasfutrtrubl: i emailed you the modified XMl file to remove the experience bar
01:30.06Corrodiasthen i emailed you a version that works right
01:30.41Corrodiasi put large spaces where i removed things along with XML tags stating what was removed
01:31.03Corrodiasi hope you can determine how to do that with LUA
01:31.11futrtrublcool, thanks Corrodias
01:31.50futrtrublshared hosting is all I need, just a small personal site + BEB forum
01:32.55CodayusAh, k.  Out of my area.  :-)  Good luck with whomever you choose.
01:33.11futrtrublthanks Codayus ;']
01:35.44Corrodiashosting.. hosting.. who do i use?
01:36.05Corrodiasoh, my own computer ._. never mind
01:37.45futrtrublyeah, I did that while I was in the US, but my connection is not up to it down here
01:46.03IrielI use CIHost, for a dedicated server, it's not too awful.  I know a bunch of people who have sites hosted by pair, too (shared, rather than dedicated in those cases)
01:47.10Grypheni use ev1 for ded server
01:47.25futrtrublthat's on hell of an endorsement of CIHost there Iriel ;']
01:47.50Irielwell, their sales people are kind of annoyingly unenthusiastic
01:48.09Gryphenthey look like they got a revamp
01:48.10futrtrublI would sudgest people avoid Lozareth's current host ;']
01:48.16IrielI've had a stable host with them for several years though
01:48.26Grypheni left cihost a few years ago after hellish service
01:49.00IrielThey were one of the few hosting companies who agreed to a 'give me root and leave my server alone' approach
01:49.46Gryphenya that is how ev1 is
01:50.15Gryphencan blow up the machine if you like
01:52.54Corrodiasi wonder if there's a way to /script toggle the full screen glow pixel shader effect
01:54.24cladhairenight all
01:54.52futrtrublg'night cladhaire
01:55.03Cairennnight cladhaire
01:56.03SP|Sorrenwhat do you call it when you bash your head against your table multiple times for a stupid mistake? :o
01:56.19SP|Sorrenother than that
01:56.36Fanookpercussive debugging
01:56.58futrtrublI like that alot Fanook ;']
01:57.04IrielCorrodias : Yes there is
01:57.30IrielCorrodias : /script SetCVar("ffxGlow", 1)
01:57.32IrielCorrodias : /script SetCVar("ffxGlow", 0)
01:57.44Corrodiasthanks a bunch
01:57.54IrielI dont THINK it requires a gxrestart
01:59.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide- (
02:00.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Ktron_ (
02:01.05TainPercussive debugging... I must be the Neil Pert of coding then.
02:01.31SP|Sorrendoes lozareth have a temp site?
02:02.14IrielPeart, he has an a
02:02.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Kolth` (n=amoeba@
02:02.49TainHey Cairenn, if this version of Visor doesn't have any major issues I'm going to actually send it up to wowi. :)
02:03.04Corrodiaswhat is Visor? :D
02:03.09Corrodiassounds like star trek. pew pew
02:03.19TainWhat is Visor, you ask!
02:03.31TainWhy Visor is your complete frame and button management system.
02:03.46TainI don't have my PowerPoint presentation handy though.
02:03.48IrielDoes it let me dynamically create frames?
02:03.52TainCair, can you queue the projector?
02:04.07purlACTION smacks tain upside the head.
02:04.37TainYes it does, Iriel.  Unfortunatly it's a bit slow and they probably won't actually finish processing the creation until oh... around the 1.10 patch.
02:04.54IrielDelete them?
02:05.10TainAbsolutely!  After a reloadui.
02:05.40IrielI'm just debating the validity of the word "complete"
02:06.27TainNow now, complete does not mean, "more than possible."
02:07.06IrielI think you need "Complete*" and "[*] As complete as possible within the existing WoW API"
02:07.27TainI don't see such a * on Frosted Flakes which is part of your complete breakfast.
02:07.40IrielBut it's PART OF your complete breakfast
02:07.41Natasemzeeg, is your addon gona be abel to decipher EU and US?
02:07.45IrielNot "Your complete breakfast"
02:08.01TainWell, actually Frosted Flakes generally is my complete breakfast.
02:08.13Natasemmine is Starbucks
02:08.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Plorkyeran[Away] (
02:08.36IrielIt's your entire breakfast, perhaps
02:08.50DepheriosTain, is Visor Aced?
02:08.57Fanookmy breakfast is called lunch
02:08.58Natasemit's my entire meal all through out the day, till dinner and sometimes i eat dinner
02:09.00TainYes it is, Depherios.
02:09.09TainI had a steak and cheese sub for breakfast.
02:09.14TainWhich happened to be around 8pm
02:09.15Natasemshut it
02:09.24Natasemi r hungry
02:09.39SP|SorrenQQ new version of discord blew up my unit frames ;O
02:09.39Fanooki m weasel
02:09.44TainI forgot to eat today until then. heh
02:09.51Taini r baboon
02:09.51IrielI've had a bag of potato chips, and a couple of pieces of english candy all day. Hopefully I can think of something tasty for dinner.
02:09.59Natasem</=- ID theft Victim
02:10.13Natasemthe foker took all my money out of my bank so i eat Alpo now
02:10.23Tainmmm Alpo
02:10.53TainI'd like to see the surprised look on the person who steals my identity and tries to get anything but collection letters.
02:11.12*** join/#wowi-lounge zespri|home (
02:11.43Natasemmy ex-wife gave my info to her new boyfriend and he (or so the police think) is the one that did it.  but they can't find my ex or her b/f
02:12.01TainA reasonable suspicion.
02:12.02futrtrublBrunchinner is the best meal of the day. Well, it's my only meal of the day
02:12.12NatasemTip:   don't ever get married
02:12.20TainCaptain Morgan counts as a meal, right?
02:12.27Natasemok ya'll i outa here see ya'l later
02:12.34TainHave a good one, Natasem.
02:13.37Depherios <-- I am dissapointed
02:14.45SP|Sorrenwierd, in the new version of duf none of the bars show
02:14.48SP|Sorrendo i need the library now?
02:15.04Depherioshave to have discord library for everything but DFM currently
02:15.14SP|Sorreni must have an old version
02:15.31SP|Sorrenor is it brand new :o
02:15.50TainThat's because it's over here.
02:17.15futrtrubldiscord lib isn't new
02:31.24SP|Sorrennone of the bars are working for duf :/
02:42.12Depheriosfor some reason the bars are behind their own background
02:42.17Depheriosjust raise the strata for the bars
02:42.26Depheriosor disable the backgrounds to them
02:46.28SP|Sorrenah, thanks
02:50.29OsagasuAH HAHAHA
02:50.36OsagasuI killed Blackbeard!  En guarde!
02:59.14EndWoW just crashed
02:59.20EndI feel like Tem now
03:06.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Ktron__ (
03:11.51Guillotinedangit. I just reset the size of the DUF options window to 10%...
03:11.54Guillotinenow I can't see it at all
03:11.56Guillotineto change it back
03:12.03Guillotineand theres no slash command to switch it
03:12.32*** join/#wowi-lounge qwxyr (
03:13.06Guillotinewoohoo! I got lucky and clicked on the button to switch it back
03:13.17qwxyrI seem to have run into a problem with what I want my UI to do
03:13.28qwxyrcopy past incoming
03:13.29qwxyrI want to have TWO bars change dynamically after which shape I'm in and I want them to be accessed by SHIFT+1 and SHIFT+2. Say I'm in Battle Stance, SHIFT+1 should select the first bar of the Battle Stance bars, and SHIFT+2 should select the second bar. If I'm in Defensive Stance, SHIFT+1 should select the first bar in defensive stance and SHIFT+2 the other. I just can't figure out how to do this, any ideas?
03:14.02*** join/#wowi-lounge dukeku (
03:14.19qwxyrThis is a simplified example, I really want three bars for each stance, and I want my keybindings to change accordingly, so I can access the different bars with SHIFT+1 through 3
03:14.20pagefaultcan you use aoe spells to detect rogues?
03:14.29Guillotinepagefault: yes
03:14.37Guillotineqwxyr: are you using any mods, or just the default one?
03:14.43pagefaultah cool
03:14.46Guillotineqwxyr: for action bars I mean
03:14.54qwxyrGuillotine - I'm using DAB at the moment, but I've tried out Flexbar and Bib
03:15.14Guillotinegood. DAB is the best IMHO
03:15.22qwxyryeah, that's what I've come to believe too
03:15.38Guillotinedo you mind if you're creating a mod to do this?
03:15.49Guillotineb/c thats the only way I can think of to do it :/
03:15.56TainWell if you're going to create a mod for it...
03:16.09qwxyrHm. I'd have to learn LUA then
03:16.19Guillotineyou'll have to learn it anyway. lol
03:16.27Guillotineif you expect to do this yourself
03:16.45GuillotineI can make you a quick version
03:16.48qwxyrI had this running on the old DAB, just with one bar though
03:17.06Guillotineare you now using DAB 3.0?
03:17.17qwxyrtwo secs, let me write out how I did it
03:17.32Guillotineahhh. I have no idea then. I still use 2.5 :/
03:17.50qwxyryeah the new one is funky
03:18.25qwxyrI set the main bar as battle stance bar, then I set bar #2 as my defence stance bar. When I changed stances, it would hide bar #1 and replace it with bar #2, and the keybindings did as well. It was built into DAB.
03:19.44Guillotinemy suggestion: switch back to the nice old one :)
03:19.57qwxyrI'm a big fan of using keys for everything, I want to free up my mouse for targeting and such and don't have to click any buttons. That's why I'm using SHIFT+1 and buttons 1 through 6 to select spells / abilities on each bar. Normally this would suffice, but with a warrior, you have stuff that can be used on some two, some that can only be used in each stance and some that can be used in all stances. So I need to have alot of buttons for each sta
03:20.15Guillotinewith most mods, I will use the beta versions, but with Discord, I've found that its better to used the versions that are tried and true (unless you're having a major problem)
03:21.15qwxyrMaybe I could try and hardcode what I want as you suggest. But my code would be crappy and it would probably break after some use
03:21.44qwxyrhehe DAB is almost too advanced for its own good
03:22.51qwxyrAnd in the new DAB I can't even figure out how to make dynamic keybindings and make them follow the bar I'm currently using =/
03:28.16Depheriosyou can't qwxyr
03:28.24Depheriosit uses page flipping, like the default wow interface
03:28.52qwxyryeah noticed that, I've almost got it working now though
03:28.58qwxyrthe keybindings interface with the new DAB is pretty powerful
03:29.53Guillotinedoes anyone here use GIMP?
03:30.10TainI have used it, I don't use it a lot.
03:30.25GuillotineI think I need someone that is relatively good with it...
03:30.43Guillotinebut I'll ask anyway. do you know how to make a relatively good icey or fiery effect?
03:31.12OsagasuSomeone on my server got ahold of a link spoofer
03:31.17qwxyrIf I just could make one button change the pages on multiple bars, I'd be done now
03:31.38OsagasuDon't tell me Holy Bologna: What the light won't tell you is an ACTUAL ITEM?
03:31.43Guillotineit is
03:31.55Guillotineyou're horde I take it?
03:32.01OsagasuNo, alliance.
03:32.10Guillotinewait- is that the paladin book or priest book?
03:35.38qwxyrDepherios - do you know if it's possible to see all the pages of a bar?
03:36.10Corrodias'link spoofer'.. heh
03:37.48*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
03:43.01Guillotineok then... does anyone know how to make a good icy/fiery effect in ANY program?
03:45.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine_ (
03:46.07Guillotine_umm... that probably won't help
03:46.24Guillotine_I'm trying to make an icy fire theme for WoW
03:46.30Bela|AFKyou can export the frames from a flash file
03:46.36Guillotine_but just can't render the ice!
03:46.42Guillotine_that might work
03:46.49Bela|AFKI have the source somewhere, so tell me if you need it
03:47.33Guillotine_umm... theres no link on that page to go anywhere
03:47.46Bela|AFKI was talking about the flame header
03:47.51Bela|AFKI have the source fla for it
03:48.01Guillotine_there is no flame header ;)
03:48.03Bela|AFKor heck, I have avi files that you can get frames from
03:48.30Bela|AFKdo you have Flash 8 installed?
03:48.33Guillotine_or is my browser just wacking out?
03:48.40Guillotine_i believe I do
03:48.41Guillotine_hold on
03:49.13Guillotine_ahhh. that could be the problem
03:50.24CodayusThe DM class books do tend to be amusing, yes.  During one of the turnins the quest giver mentions in passing that the rogue one keeps getting stolen.  :-)
03:51.43Bela|AFKGuillotine: are you just trying to make a static fire image, or will it be animated?
03:51.45Tem|ZGgood lord
03:51.55Tem|ZGThekal is a vindictive btich
03:52.00Guillotine_Bela: static
03:52.06CodayusIsn't he?
03:52.27Bela|AFKprobably easier to just get static images
03:52.44Bela|AFKexporting frames from my flash might be too much work for what you are doing
03:52.56CodayusTem|ZG: The DPS output from that guy is abolsutely absurd.
03:53.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine_ (
03:53.27Tem|ZGCodayus: agreed
03:55.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine__ (
03:56.12CodayusFirst he spams MS on the MT for 3.5k a pop, then he gets bored with that and starts firing off a 1k knockback AoE with a huge range.  Charming.
03:57.45Guillotineok. I think I found a good way to make an Icy effect
03:57.54GuillotineI'll post the image somewhere in a moment and you guys can let me know what you think
04:00.30CodayusWhat program are you using?
04:02.58CodayusHmm, I should probably get more 2D skills sometime.  Personally, I'd just do it in 3DS Max.  :-)
04:03.46Codayus(Note: I'm not recommending you try.  Max has a learning curve that looks like Mt Hyjal.)
04:06.23Guillotinehmm... not working too great
04:06.25Guillotinebut I'm getting closer
04:11.35Guillotineok. how is this for an icy effect? :
04:12.39qwxyrTake a look at this please: and see if you guys can see a solution to my problem
04:15.24futrtrublif you want all "pages" shown at once that you don't want to be using pages
04:15.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine__ (
04:18.00qwxyrI know, but the pages give me a functionality I didn't have with the old DAB
04:18.11qwxyrnow at least, I can change multiple bars at once when I shapeshift
04:18.28qwxyrhmmm maybe that's it..
04:18.32qwxyrno pages, lots of bars
04:19.05qwxyrhmm no.. I can't access each bar with SHIFT+1 through SHIFT+3 dynamically after what bars are shown =/
04:19.13futrtrublwhat about bars with lots of buttons, like 36
04:19.29GenNMXYou can change multiple bars pretty easily, once you detach one bar, it'll change with a call to CurrentActionPage()
04:19.31qwxyrI don't want lots of buttons, since I only use the keyboard
04:19.51GenNMXTo prevent it from changing, don't detatch it
04:20.03qwxyrare we talking about DAB?
04:20.17CodayusOkay, so you want multiple pages per stance?
04:20.18GenNMXWe are talking about the behavior of the default Blizzard bars
04:20.30qwxyryes, multiple pages per stance
04:20.40CodayusAnd you want all pages to be visible?
04:20.42futrtrublno, we are suposed to be talking about DAB ;']
04:20.46qwxyror multiple bars per stance. I just want a bunch of bars to appear that I can reference easily
04:21.13GenNMXAce's Visor can easily make multiple buttons appear upon shapeshifting...well, as easily as DAB anyway hehe
04:21.24zeegwhat should i add/change/etc.
04:21.39qwxyrGenNMX - can it change the keybindings also?
04:21.58futrtrublthen try 24 buttons per page, and only assign bindings to 12 of them
04:22.00Codayusqwxyr: Okay, why do you want pages?
04:22.07GenNMXqwxyr: Yes, those are changed automatically
04:22.10Depheriosyou can always do what I did, use alt, shift, and ctrl to "swap" bars/keybindings
04:22.14*** part/#wowi-lounge Bela|AFK (
04:22.36qwxyrI don't really want pages, but the pages provided a way of having many bars grouped into ONE shapeshift
04:22.37GenNMXAny button that changes with a page change has its key stay the same
04:23.21Codayusqwxyr: Okay, the way I do it is to have a two rows per bar.
04:23.41futrtrublexactly what Codayus said
04:23.47CodayusSo 1-6 is one row, and ctrl 1-6 is another row.  When I change stances, all 12 buttons swap to something else.
04:23.50GenNMXWhat do you need two bars for, anyway? Rogue?
04:24.13qwxyryou see, that setting is flawed Codayus
04:24.28CodayusHow doesn't it match what you want?
04:24.29qwxyrlet's say I have two rows of one bar
04:24.47qwxyrthen I want to referenc row #1 with SHIFT+1 and row #2 with shift+2
04:25.06futrtrublI don't understand that
04:25.13qwxyrand then I want to reference slot 1 with number 1 on my keyboard, independently of what row I currently have selected
04:25.42CodayusOkay, not sure I understand what your trying to do.
04:25.50qwxyrI know, I've tried to explain this many times, it's kind of hard to explain
04:25.52futrtrublyou want the 2 rows to be always visible, you just want the key bindings to move on SHIFT-1,2,3 etc?
04:26.14qwxyrbut the two rows have to change with what stance I'm in
04:26.24CodayusOh, hmm.  Okay, that sounds like a job for dynamic keybindings.
04:26.28futrtrublhow do you mean change?
04:26.30CodayusShouldn't be too hard.
04:26.35AnduinLotharBarOptions should do something similar
04:26.47Maldiviazeeg ?
04:26.50qwxyrIt's not that hard, but it's still not available
04:26.52CodayusYeah, that's trivial in DAB, now that I see what you want.
04:26.52TainI could do it with Visor.
04:27.06qwxyrin the new DAB?
04:27.13GenNMXI was just telling them that Tain, but they want to use DAB ;)
04:27.15CodayusYes.  I don't know how you'd do it in the old one.
04:27.25qwxyrI tried in the new one, didn't work
04:27.31MaldiviaZeeg: under Sargeras: Alliance Status:  No information available for the Horde
04:27.38futrtrubltrust us, it is trivial
04:27.57qwxyrhmm and you see what I want too?
04:27.57GenNMXSoooo much Anime I have queue'd up now, sheesh...
04:28.31futrtrublindeed, as long as your not trying to move the bars around too
04:28.35CodayusWhat you want is to bind shift-1 and shift-2 to changing the dynamic keybindings.
04:28.58qwxyryes, on different bars
04:30.41CodayusHmm, I don't seem to have a manual for DAB 3, and the website is still down...
04:30.51futrtrubland you want all the bars to change the buttons they contain on shapeshift?
04:30.51qwxyrwhen I change stance to battle, battlestance bar shows up with two rows. SHIFT+1 selects the first row. 1 would now select the first slot in that row. SHIFT+2 selects the second row. 1 would now select the first slot in row 2. When I change stance to defence stance, defence stance bar would show. SHIFT+1 would select row #1 in that bar, and 1 would select slot #1 in row #1
04:31.15futrtrublno I got you completely
04:31.31futrtrublset up 2 bars each with three pages
04:31.45qwxyralready done
04:31.49futrtrubleach bar changes page on shapeshift
04:32.18futrtrublthen set up dynamic keybinding to swap on SHIFT1/2
04:32.38qwxyrdifferent approach
04:32.55qwxyrI had one bar be the battlestance bar, and tried to shift pages with SHIFT+1 etc
04:33.05qwxyrooh this is great
04:33.26qwxyrhaha this will probably work
04:33.28qwxyr:-) :-)
04:34.02futrtrublI love it when I can help people, warm fuzzies ;'][
04:34.20qwxyrI've been at this for three hours :-) I love you
04:34.27qwxyrIF it works
04:34.41futrtrubltell us if it does
04:38.47qwxyrhaha it does!
04:38.50qwxyr:-) :-)
04:39.10qwxyrtotally awesome
04:39.34qwxyrjust throw a new brain at the task, and it solves itself eventually
04:39.46futrtrublnew brains help for sure
04:40.09DepheriosBrainstorming FTW
04:40.20Depheriossorry I wasn't in on it, I'm actually PLAYING wow for once
04:40.29futrtrublNOOO!! (incredulously)
04:40.43Depherioswell... it's kinda playing/testing
04:40.53futrtrublthat's better ;']
04:41.36futrtrubldamn, my photoshop cs2 copy wasn't on my ipod
04:44.46AnduinLotharanyone know if there's a way to get the wiki to not number the elements in the toc>?
04:59.18futrtrublanyone know how to photoshop up a square glassy button?
05:00.29GuillotineI can do it in GIMP...
05:00.48Guillotinefigured it out by accident while I was trying to get the icy effect working :/
05:00.58futrtrublcool, just got gimp
05:01.35GuillotineI just realized...
05:01.50Guillotinetextures for WoW have to have their dimensions in powers of 2, don't they?
05:02.03Guillotinehave to redo my textures...
05:02.11futrtrublmin of 8 and max of 512 for total compatability
05:02.37futrtrubl1024 works for most people, but not all, specially mac users
05:03.48Depheriosdepends on the video card
05:04.00Depherioswhat it'll cache I guess
05:04.06Depheriosor sumthun
05:04.50futrtrublthat's my thought
05:15.04Guillotineok. I'm having problems with the alpha channel of my textures
05:15.14Guillotineits not showing through clear
05:16.33Guillotinealso, its covering the actual minimap, but not the minimap border or anything else
05:17.58Guillotineanyone have any idea why?
05:18.00futrtrublyou made a new channel for alpha?
05:18.30futrtrubldamn, I wish I had my comp here, I have a tutorial for making WoW tgas
05:19.13Guillotineok. fixed the minimap problem
05:19.18Guillotinebut the alpha is showing as white
05:19.32GuillotineI just used GIMP's color to alpha option
05:20.17futrtrublbetter to do it manually
05:20.34AnduinLothari agree, meh
05:20.44futrtrublcreate an alpha channel, make it white where opaque and black where it should be transparent
05:21.02futrtrubland grey where translucent
05:21.33Guillotinety :D
05:21.50*** join/#wowi-lounge slouken (
05:22.04futrtrubldarker grey = more transparent
05:22.51futrtrublhey there slouken
05:23.53OsagasuHi slouken
05:23.57Osagasug'night everyone
05:24.26OsagasuI was productive tonight... I got my Half Elf Mage's description Updated on Twisting Nether
05:24.33slouken'night Osagasu. :)
05:24.33Guillotineheya Slouken
05:24.39sloukenHey Guillotine
05:25.20Guillotineits still not working >_<
05:25.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
05:25.47GuillotineI must not be making the alpha channel correctly
05:26.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (
05:27.09GuillotineSlouken, I know the holidays are over, but... any chance we could get a "GetPlayerMaturityLevel(unit)" function. I've been having problems with that recently
05:27.23GuillotineI just wish I could use a function to see how mature a player is...
05:27.25IrielThat would be GetUnitMaturityLevel
05:27.36IrielGetPlayerMaturityLevel would take no arguments and always return nil 8-)
05:27.51IrielSince obviously, if you have to ask you probably have issues
05:29.09zeeg@!shout WoW Guru is back :D
05:29.11zeeg@!global on
05:29.17zeegbots not here
05:29.32Guillotineyes it is
05:29.37Guillotineyou're just not using it correctly
05:29.38zeegmy bot is like
05:29.41Guillotineoh. your bot
05:29.41zeegthe most helpful thing ever
05:29.52zeegi dont plan on bringing in here..
05:29.58zeegits only where its requested
05:30.12GuillotineI request that you put it into random channels on public servers
05:30.18Guillotineand record the chaos that ensues
05:30.40zeegits in like 60 chans
05:32.31Guillotineput it in something like #Cybering. I can just imagine it "Slut69 moans" "WoWGuruBot: Oily Blackmouths may be fished at Ratchet"
05:38.23Guillotineworking with mine right now
05:38.35TainDuffman says oh yeah
05:38.39Guillotineactually, I'm workign with DART. jsut finished duf
05:39.01GuillotineI seriously need help with the transparency thing
05:39.11SP|Sorrenif you guys scale a frame over 100%
05:39.17SP|Sorrendoes the text go wonky for you?
05:39.26Guillotinedunno. I havn't done that
05:39.30SP|Sorreneverytime i scale a frame past 100% the text gets like 2x its size
05:39.33Guillotinebut I've heard that it does
05:39.37Depheriosno, but my fonts are all replaced
05:39.45Depheriosoh DART?
05:40.27Depheriosno... I have all my frames scaled up, since I have my UI scaled down, and I don't want them tiny XD
05:40.27futrtrublI never use scale with DUF
05:40.34DepheriosI didn't either
05:40.42Depheriosuntil this patch and my layout got all scaled down
05:40.59SP|Sorrensame, 100% used to be plenty big
05:41.04futrtrublI just fiddle with the actual size, less chance of pixel size artifacts
05:41.09SP|Sorrennow i cant read anything if it's at 100% :/
05:41.31DepheriosI have to completely rework my DUF tonight, so
05:42.38futrtrublput up the font size?
05:43.18TainYou know if you have to completely rework things it might be a good opportunity to look at other options.  ;)
05:43.38Depheriosshush Tain XD
05:43.57DepheriosVisor doesn't do what DUF does anyway, unless it makes another set of unit frames too
05:44.10Depheriosand I change mine too much to make MY OWN my own
05:44.13Depheriosor I would D:
05:44.19DepheriosDUF takes a long time to load
05:44.44Depheriosdon't think I haven't considered it though
05:44.49TainWell, DUF adds a bunch of frames to the xml when it loads.
05:44.59Depheriosa BUNCHA BUNCH
05:44.59TainThat's why you can apply textures anywhere.
05:45.06TainBut, it also adds that extra resource use.
05:45.18Depherioscan't wait for 1.10 when all the frames I'm not using won't exsist
05:47.29Depheriosbut yeah, I change my unitframes like.... every week D:
05:47.33CyraelIf anyone has been following the argument put forward by Gello that reducing the global namespace doesn't improve performance, I've just posted evidence that on 100K items, performance is improved by 20 times by using an OO approach.
05:47.46futrtrublyeah, and Loz is excited because the user can ADD frames ;']
05:48.29IrielI dont believe that number Cyrael
05:48.36IrielYou're changing something other than just global symbols
05:48.47IrielPost your argument somewhere, i'd love to read it
05:48.50CyraelLook at the code, nothing else is changed.
05:48.52TainUnfortunatly Cyrael even if that might be true it doesn't scale down as well.  And we can't change the Blizzard objects.
05:49.20CyraelWe can change our own objects, Tain. That's what the OO push was about, and the main argument against it is that it doesn't improve performance. It does.
05:49.20AnduinLotharArchaeologist --> WoWI
05:50.24IrielThat's a bad test
05:50.30IrielYou have a string append for every global entry
05:50.34Irieland none for your nested ones
05:50.42TainIt may improve performance at a high scale, but not at current scales.  Regardless I for one don't think it's the reason for people to move towards OO development.
05:50.47Irielso your argument is skewed
05:50.50CyraelAllow me to change it, then.
05:50.52TainOO isn't about performance in the least.
05:50.53Irielthat's a naming issue, not a performance issue
05:51.26Irielalso, localize getglobal
05:51.28Depheriosscrew performance... I hate OO
05:51.36Irielor you're including an extra unnecessary global symbol lookup
05:51.59CyraelJust added a superfluous string concatenation to the tabular test. No change in timing.
05:52.16Irielwhat about the getglobal function call
05:52.22IrielIt's not really necessary
05:52.28CyraelIt's absolutely required.
05:52.31Irielyou can use a local reference to getfenv(0)
05:52.35Irieland dereference that
05:52.36CyraelYou miss the point.
05:52.41TainCyrael, I actually agree with you on OO being a good way to go.  But touting performance isn't the way to convince people because it isn't necessarily true.
05:52.49Cyraelgetglobal is what indexes into the global namespace directly.
05:52.53IrielI haven't read the thread
05:52.57CyraelIt's required to prove the test.
05:53.08Irielso I'm just pointing out why your 'test' isn't really proving anything interesting
05:53.12CyraelThe test is tabular vs global. You can't test global if you don't index the global namespace.
05:53.15sloukenCyrael, your test is flawed
05:53.29sloukenyou're introducing a function call overhead in the getglobal() loop
05:53.35IrielYes, you can local globalenv = getfenv(0)
05:53.37TainThus spache slouken
05:53.40CyraelHow else do you reference dynamically named globals?
05:53.40sloukenthat's going to be a factor of magnitude slower.
05:53.41Irielthen use globalenv[whatever]
05:53.53CyraelOkay, I'll change that, Iriel. One moment.
05:54.04Irielspake, I think
05:54.22AnduinLotharthe baby
05:54.22Irielnow now
05:54.27CyraelSame results. Any other flaws?
05:54.29AnduinLotharno not u cair
05:54.41TainShock the monkey.
05:54.42IrielHave you re-posted your code?
05:54.44IrielI'd like to see it
05:54.54CyraelJust doing that now, one moment.
05:55.22CyraelOkay, take a look now.
05:55.33AnduinLotharmeh, mobile frames needs rewriting.... spose I'll wait till 1.10
05:55.43CyraelI added the superfluous string concatenation, and removed the getglobal() call. The results are identical.
05:55.49Tem|ZGhmm that appears to be a bug
05:55.51IrielBy the way, local variables are faster to access because there's no symbol lookup
05:55.52Tain1.10 could be a hundred years away!
05:55.58IrielAnd for 'simple values' they dont incur any GC overhead
05:56.02AnduinLotharcould write a Visor GUI if I were inspired
05:56.03IrielIt has nothing to do with how big tables are
05:56.09CyraelThere are no local variables referenced in the test.
05:56.21Tem|ZGAnduinLothar: Tain already wrote a VisorGUI
05:56.29sloukenwhere's the superflous .. operator?
05:56.30Irielthen it's flawed again
05:56.32TainWell, a limited one.
05:56.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (
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05:56.38Irielwell, maybe not
05:56.42Cyraeldummy1 = "ABC"; dummy2 = "ABC" .. "1";
05:56.44Tem|ZGAparently if you reloadui while in an instance your reputation tab doesn't show any faction info
05:56.45AnduinLotharit's not really what I'm looking for afaik, but I haven't tried it
05:56.47IrielI dont see your dummy string concat inside the loop
05:56.49TainI still want to write a Visor GUI for buttons.
05:56.59CyraelAh yes, sorry.
05:56.59Irielyou put it outside the loop
05:57.03CyraelJust a moment.
05:57.15sloukenAlso, instead of GetTime(), try debugprofilestart() and debugprofilestop()
05:57.25slouken(Iriel, is that right?)
05:57.26Irieland it needs to include one of the variables so it can't be optimized to a constant (if LUA is smart enough to do that)
05:57.44CyraelLua is a script, it doesn't optimise at runtime.
05:57.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Sokurai (
05:57.51sloukenWe actually run the Lua optimizer on code as it loads
05:58.02CyraelSo Blizzard added that to stock?
05:58.04Irielslouken: I think so, yes 8-)
05:58.06sloukenSo it will eliminate table lookups for local variables
05:58.09CyraelOkay. Just a moment.
05:58.14Ktronheh, just finished watching, with friends, all 3 extended edition LOTR movies
05:58.24sloukenImpressive. :)
05:58.25TainThat's quite a feat, Ktron
05:58.28AnduinLotharbrain, fizzle
05:58.33IrielSpelled correctly, mind you
05:58.45DepheriosI did all 6 star wars... and the two Clone Wars animated DVDs.... when we got the second clone wars
05:58.46IrielDid you watch them concurrently or consecutively? 8-)
05:59.03Tainhaha 3 screens showing all three.
05:59.04futrtrublwhat does the optimizer do slouken?
05:59.06Ktronstarted roughly at 12:00pm, they finished leaving around 12:30ish and I had a little clean up... consecutively
05:59.22Fanooksome theater did all the star wars movies concurrently, some of the synchs are amazing
05:59.26TainYou know I once had a party to watch all three Star Wars movies (the originals).
05:59.35sloukenOh, I know why your test is faster
05:59.40TainWe got into Jedi before people started losing all interest.
05:59.53sloukenYou're using indexed lookup in the first table, and hashed lookup in the second table.
06:00.04Ktronheh, Indiana Jones would make a good one I think
06:00.04TainPossibly because we all agreed that Jedi was the weakest of them all.
06:00.06sloukenIf you can convert your code to always use indexed lookup, yes, it'll be quite a bit faster.
06:00.10Depheriosdid that too
06:00.17Depherioswhen I got the box set, Indiana Jones XD
06:00.22KtronTain! really? I like Jedi the best, though people generally agree it was the best
06:00.26IrielJust use 1, .. 10000 as your indices in the 2nd loop
06:00.36Irielditch the string concats entirely
06:00.40KtronI watched 7 bond films in one day, I think that's my real record
06:00.52sloukenYeah, if you index the global environment via integer, it'll be just as fast
06:00.56TainAh of my friends and family we all liked Jedi the least, Ktron.
06:01.02sloukenfaster, actually, since it's only doing one indirect instead of 3
06:01.05Irielpossibly faster since it's just..
06:01.08Irieldamn you slouken!
06:01.25IrielYou have the power.
06:01.33CyraelOh yes, sorry.
06:01.35Ktronfor your eyes only, view to a kill, goldfinger, goldeneye, Dr. No, from russia with love, Her Majesty's Secret Service
06:01.35TainHowever, I still prefer Jedi to episodes 1 or 2.  Probably put 3 ahead, but it's still behind 4 and 5.
06:01.39CyraelI wasn't watching this screen.
06:01.46sloukenIf you want to really slow down that first loop, index it by string instead of integer. :)
06:01.56Iriela string at each level!
06:02.01IrielMake it work!
06:02.04TainWith Bond it's easy.  Connery > Moore > rest
06:02.04CyraelWait, how would I index it without a concat?
06:02.14IrielIt's just a table
06:02.18Irielthere's nothing special about the global environment
06:02.26CyraelI'd have to create entries in integer format for that, then.
06:02.26Irielnothing inherently special, anyway
06:02.49Irielyes, you'd have to do gns[i] = 5, etc
06:02.51Cyraelslouken, the top table IS indexed with strings.
06:02.59KtronI'm completely okay with Connery and Brosnan, the others don't bother me much
06:03.03Cyraeltable.a.b.c are all string indices.
06:03.07IrielCyrael : No they're not
06:03.14Irieli,j,k are all integers
06:03.16CyraelYes they are. table.a = table["a"]
06:03.23CyraelIt converts to a string in the index.
06:03.31IrielOh. actually
06:03.34Irielyour test is entirely flawed
06:03.41Irielyou're reading from ONE table index in the first test
06:03.47Irielevery time
06:03.49CyraelThat's correct.
06:03.52Irieland 10,000 different ones the 2nd time
06:03.57CyraelThat's correct.
06:04.06CyraelThat's not a flaw, that's intended.
06:04.26IrielThen the 2nd loop should be genv["i.j.k"]
06:04.39Irielsorry, gns["i.j.k"]
06:04.42CyraelIt shows that moving all your data into an OO format will net a faster result than all your data in global.
06:04.42AnduinLotharHaving looked at the AceGui ss I'm pretty sure it's not what I had in mind. That still requires you to know what the name of the frame is. I was thinking more of a dynamic solution similar to the way MobileFrames allows you to move things around easily whenever you want
06:04.48Irielbut you haven't got oo format
06:04.48*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower (
06:05.02CyraelYes I do.
06:05.03Irielyou have GNSTest={i={j={k=5}}}
06:05.25CyraelYes, which in C is the same as GNSTest[i][j][k]. It's nested tables. That's OO.
06:05.30IrielIt's not
06:05.41IrielIf you'd DONE GNSTest[i][j][k] it would be doing what you want
06:05.52IrielGNSTest.i == GNSTest["i"]
06:05.54KtronI've only seen Live and Let Die, The Spy Who Loved Me, and Moonraker haphazardly and once each... I don't think I've seen Octopussy, The Living Daylights, Licence to Kill, or Die Another Day
06:06.03CyraelPlease move it to PM.
06:06.04TainAnduinLothar: It requires you to know the name of the frame, or it be a frame you can "grab" with the cursor.
06:06.54*** join/#wowi-lounge dukeku (
06:06.58futrtrublGNSTest[i][j][k] ~= GNSTest["i"]["j"]["k"]
06:07.02CyraelI can't track the conversation among the other ones, and I can't respond to more than one person at once.
06:07.08AnduinLotharI assume that uses GetMouseFocus
06:07.27CyraelIt's got nothing to do with channel rules, it's got to do with my ability to keep up.
06:07.40AnduinLotharCyreal: consider it multitasking practice
06:07.51futrtrublthen make a chan, don't exclude the rest of us ;']
06:08.06AnduinLotharor preface all your msgs with your target;s name so they highlight
06:08.30TainPersonally I don't think any serious dev should use a gui for any frame names, using GetMouseFocus will only get you a small amount of them.
06:08.56*** join/#wowi-lounge weab (
06:09.12AnduinLotharTain: I was thinking more like "Oh, you're in the wrong place." *toggle mobility* *drag frame*
06:09.41AnduinLotharlike you can do with MF
06:09.49futrtrubldamn, they left. that conversation was interesting
06:09.56TainI've never used Mobility so I don't know.  Really I did VisorGUI as an exercise in learning how WoW's XML works more than making a useful addon.
06:10.15AnduinLotharWell you should continue and make it a usable addon
06:10.33IrielCyrael - You just got yourself auto-ignoerd by my client, please dont cut and paste me code 8-)
06:10.34TainNow that I know more about how the XML works I won't create anything more with it.
06:10.40DepheriosI agree, ForgottenLords
06:10.42Iriel10 mins and it'll reset unless I can remember the command
06:10.43DepheriosFORGOTTEN LORDS
06:10.47Depherios.... I agree futrtrubl
06:10.54sloukenAnyway, his test pointed out that integer index lookup is faster than string index lookup, which is correct.
06:11.06IrielExcept it didn't
06:11.12Irielbecause he did GNSTest.i.j.k
06:11.15sloukenIf you can do all your OO via integer lookup, then sure, you rock
06:11.17IrielNot GNSTest[i][j][k]
06:11.23futrtrublGNSTest[i][j][k] ~= GNSTest["i"]["j"]["k"]
06:11.38CyraelI don't want to do GNSTest[i][j][k] Iriel, I want string indices.
06:11.46sloukenGNSTest.i is not a string index here
06:11.49TainI'll use AceGUI or whatever the options are for using frames through Lua.  But I for one can't deal with the way the XML works.
06:11.53CyraelNo, it's a table.
06:11.56Irielit's a literal string index
06:11.56sloukeni resolves to a local integer variable
06:12.05IrielNo, it doesnt
06:12.09CyraelYes, which when used with the . operator, resolves to a string.
06:12.10sloukenWanna bet? :)
06:12.10IrielNot in that form
06:12.19CyraelI will bet you my employment, slouken.
06:12.22IrielWhen I do Table1.Table2 I'm getting Table1["Table2"]
06:12.29sloukenRight, my bad
06:12.29IrielNot Table1[Table2]
06:12.37IrielYou're out of a job Cyrael
06:12.44CyraelNo I'm not, I was right.
06:12.51sloukenGood thing nobody took me up on that bet. :)
06:12.55IrielHere, do this
06:13.08IrielX={}; for i=1,10 X.i=3; end
06:13.15Irielthen return table.getn(X)
06:13.37sloukenwill return 1
06:13.38IrielThe answer is 0
06:13.47AnduinLotharTain: what do you mean you cant deal with it?
06:13.52CyraelI'm not familiar with getn
06:13.56Irielgetn counts integer indices
06:13.57Irieland it has one
06:14.00Irielit has one index "i"
06:14.33Irielif you did num=0; for k,v in pairs(X); do num=num+1; end
06:14.35IrielYou'd get num == 1
06:14.36futrtrublX={}; for i=1,10 X[i]=3; end will give a getn of 10 right
06:14.44Irielfutrtrubl : Correct
06:14.57TainAnduinLothar: I don't visualize it as simply as defining elements in single lines as you can in XML.
06:15.26AnduinLotharI wonder if you could store a table of Movable Frames, then use GetMouseFocus plus a recursive GetParent to grab the Movable one even if you hover over a child
06:15.30IrielSo, Cyrael, if you want string indexes, I suggest you start your code with this:
06:15.31sloukenWow, I would have failed that one. :)
06:15.42Irielstringindex={}; for i=1,10000 do stringindex[i] = "" .. i; end
06:15.54IrielYou're forgiven slouken, you'd beat me at C++ these days
06:16.19CyraelSorry, I can't follow this with three people talking at once.
06:16.20sloukentemplate<> static inline foo(bar &ack) { }
06:17.10CyraelI do want input so I can create an appropriate test, but please, one at a time. Perhaps another channel to avoid cross-conversation spam?
06:17.11futrtrublplease join #OOvsNamespace
06:17.31IrielI have no idea how to do that with IRC, it's not my native talk mechanism, sorry
06:17.42CyraelType /join <channel>
06:17.44IrielI'll simply shut up and write a test that DOES do what you wanted, and then post it.
06:17.51Depheriosor many lcients let you double click the channel name
06:17.56IrielAnd how do I switch between them?
06:18.06CyraelWhat client are you using?
06:18.07Ktronwhich client are you using Iriel ?
06:18.08Depheriosdepends on the client
06:18.14Ktronprobably tabs above or below the window
06:18.15Irielbitchx via an xterm -- no clicking.
06:18.20Ktronbut it could be a tree view on the side
06:18.20TainAnduinLothar: Possibly, but that's one of the things I didn't want to do is add tables that eat up resources.
06:18.22IrielI'm old school.
06:18.22GenNMXThis channel window is 8 lines long and has two channels bound to it. I guess I'm just young enough to have the multitasking skills, heh.\
06:18.43KtronI forget how to switch in an xterm
06:18.47AnduinLotharTain, that's what resources are for.... being used
06:18.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Legorol (
06:19.00GenNMXKtron: Switch to what?
06:19.03TainIriel, if you really want to do ctrl-w and then n and it will create a new BX "screen" for you to join a new channel.
06:19.12Tainctrl-w and c
06:19.33TainThen switch using ctrl-w <space>
06:19.56AnduinLotharsilly people. IRC IS multiconversational
06:20.11AnduinLotharyou need IRCTrack
06:20.37TainAnduinLothar: I disagree.  Too many addons use more resources then they need.  That's one of the things Visor tries very hard not to do.
06:20.44AnduinLothartracks your conversations in different windows, reads your thoughts and contributes automaticly
06:20.48GenNMXirssi for the win! I'm in about 35 channels across two networks, conversing in maybe 6 of them.
06:21.46sloukenAnyway, for those interested, I'll sum up the OOvsGlobal conclusion
06:21.56AnduinLotharright. so some can use the light version and some can use the Heavy/Easy to use one
06:22.04KtronI need to sleep, I just realized I need to be up and leaving the house in 6 hours at the most
06:22.15Legorolslouken, i'm interested
06:22.17Legoroli missed most of it
06:22.30sloukenlocal variables are faster than globals, since the local variable name lookup can be optimized away in many cases.
06:22.55TainAh that's the wonderful think, not caring if people can use an addon easily or not.  The ones who can use it will appreciate it. :)
06:23.29sloukenOO is not inherently faster than Globals, since a = foo is actually slower than a = bar.b, unless bar is a local table in which case the local case wins
06:23.35LegorolCairenn, i lost the link to the thread on the OOnamespace discussion... plz hlp!
06:23.41Tainthink = thing, of course.
06:24.03Legorolty, WTB [Bookmarks], 2g
06:24.14sloukener, a = foo is faster than a = bar.b, since a = foo requires two global lookups, and a = bar.b requires two global lookups and one table lookup
06:24.22futrtrublslouken, when can the local variable name lookup can be optimized away?
06:24.26sloukenhang on
06:24.49Legorolah, that saves me monies for my mount
06:24.55sloukenfinally, indexed lookup is always faster than global lookup, so if you can get your code organized that way, it'll be much faster.
06:25.00TainOO isn't faster.  It's just prettier.  ;)  (Disclaimer: This is my opinion of aesthetics and has no impact on real-world performance.  Contents may settle during shipping.)
06:25.01sloukenoh wait, a final finally
06:25.07Legorolslouken, so in your example, both "a" and "foo" are globals, i take it?
06:25.09AnduinLotharTain: If I can make it easier to use It makes it better for me as well, less time and thought required
06:25.28sloukengetglobal("foo") is an order of magnitude slower than foo, since it's thunking to C code to do the global symbol lookup.
06:25.42CyraelI removed that at your request. The results are still faster.
06:25.59Legorolslouken, what about a = foo (where a and foo are globals) vs. a = bar.b (where a is global, but bar is a local variable)
06:26.20TainAnduinLothar: Absolutely, I don't disagree.  It's just that the large lists of frame lookups is (in my opinion) what makes addons like flexbar much more resource intensive.  Easier yes, but slower.
06:26.20Legoroli.e. foo (global lookup) vs. bar.b (table lookup in local reference to a table)
06:26.48futrtrubl<slouken> OO is not inherently faster than Globals, since a = foo is actually slower than a = bar.b, unless bar is a local table in which case the local case wins
06:27.27Legorolfutrtrubl, i think you quoted the wrong one, didn't slouken correct that quote in his next quote?
06:27.40Tainbar is always better to be local. You don't want to travel far for your liquor.
06:27.45sloukenOh, Cyrael's point is valid, in that doing a hash lookup in a large hashtable is usually slower than doing a hash lookup in a smaller hashtable.  If the smaller hashtable didn't require a name lookup in the global namespace in the first place. :)
06:28.24TainWait, you mean doing a lookup in a large table is slower than doing a lookup in a small table?
06:28.37TainMy world is shattered.
06:28.42LegorolSo that means that bar.b (local bar) can win over foo (global)
06:28.50Legoroldo i understand that correctly?
06:30.08sloukenIt's the classic memory vs speed tradeoff
06:30.24sloukenAnyway, I'll shut up now. :)
06:30.42AnduinLotharsame reason tain doesn't like tables of frame names
06:30.59sloukenUse tables of frames instead
06:31.06sloukentables of frame names is inefficient
06:31.41sloukenOh, right
06:31.44sloukenmisread. :)
06:31.44AnduinLotharright right, irrelevent
06:31.51TainIt's user-friendly for an addon that needs to know frame names.  But it is inefficient.
06:32.12TainThankfully for me I hate users.  :D
06:32.28AnduinLotharyou hate yourself? Or you dont use your software?
06:32.39TainAnduin, that's mean. :(
06:33.06AnduinLotharyou're the hater
06:33.21Legorolwho made slouken shut up? we want to hear him!
06:33.28AnduinLotharhe vollenteered
06:33.34TainYou're rubber and I'm glue.  Whatever you say bounces off me and sticks to you.
06:34.26AnduinLotharah, jr high... those were the days
06:34.26Ktron|sleepIn Soviet Russa, World curses YOU!
06:34.37TainI'm going to see my friend Captain Morgan.  He still loves me.
06:34.40FanookSimultaneous Star Wars:
06:36.29futrtrubllime to make BEB use file locals, pity it means I need to combine it into one big lua
06:37.32LegorolI'd put a bit of time into testing how anchoring and scaling work together
06:38.01Legorolif you call frame:SetAnchor(blah, offset x, offset y), the offset's are measured in the frame's coordinate system
06:38.09Legorolindependent of who you are anchoring to, and who the frame's parent is
06:38.12IrielHm, that worked!
06:38.19Legorolso it does what we thought it does
06:38.43Legorola consequence of this is the (expected) behaviour that if you have a frame, and say a button within,
06:39.01Legorolif you do button:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", frame, 10, -10),
06:39.23Legorolassuming frame is button's parent, if you now do frame:SetScale(2) the gap grows from 10 points to 20,
06:39.41Legoroland if you further do button:SetScale(2), the gap grows by another factor of 2 from 20 to 40
06:40.15Legorolin other words, anchor offsets are measured in the object's coordinate system that is being anchored
06:40.31Legorolthat's for all those who followed the scaling discussion earlier this week
06:42.07futrtrublhmmm, is this a possible use for registerforsave() (please don't kill me)? local mysavedvars; RegisterForSave("mysavedvars")
06:42.28IrielYou're registering the NAME, not the value.
06:42.40IrielSo it HAS to be global, or the engine can't see it.
06:42.46futrtrublahh, k
06:44.19AnduinLotharmmm iriel sounds like me last night
06:45.41Tem|ZGso getglobal is at least a C function
06:45.44futrtrublyou already do dear ;']
06:46.39AnduinLothargetglobal i would assume
06:47.01Temthe first time
06:47.55AnduinLotharspose you could assign local globalTable = getfenv(0)
06:48.15IrielIf you're doing massive scans of global space, that's quite effective
06:48.21AnduinLotharthen each would be faster than getglobal("foo")
06:48.49IrielThough at that point you really should be using a subtable 8-)
06:48.50AnduinLotharotherwise for single calls getglobal("foo") is most likely faster
06:50.47futrtrublis there a way to make several files act as one for file local stuff?
06:51.03Temor is you prefer more options
06:51.13Temfutrtrubl: yes and no
06:51.23Temfutrtrubl: but mostly no
06:51.41TemUNLESS, we could get lua 5.1 stuff
06:52.19futrtrubldid 5.1 get the incremental gc stuff too?
06:52.36TemI don't recall
06:52.49LegorolDoes anyone know if Blizzard has considered adding 5.1 to WoW?
06:52.50TemI mostly just want direct-ish access to the stack
06:53.02LegorolI know i'm not allowed to ask slouken work stuff, so i'm asking everyone else ;-)
06:53.09futrtrublso what's the partial yes answer?
06:53.23TemLegorol: I think the standing answer for that type of thing is "if it's needed then sure, but until then, sorry"
06:53.39futrtrublofficial slouken answer was only if given a good reason to ;']
06:54.07Temfutrtrubl: you could do some creative setfenvs to make each file's "global" namespace be the same table
06:54.29Temfutrtrubl: but there really is no way to make them share the same scope for locals
06:55.30SP|Sorrennight cair
06:55.34Temnight cair
06:55.37futrtrublk, thanks again tem, back to making one uber .lua
06:55.40SP|Sorrenanyone here know a lot about duf 8)
06:55.44Temnp futrtrubl
06:55.46*** part/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (
06:55.53AnduinLotharuber.lua ftw
06:56.40futrtrublI do(ish) SP|Sorren
06:56.54AnduinLothari dont
06:57.05Temanyway I have work in the morning.  Later everyone
06:57.06sloukenGood night everyone, reading time + bedtime for me. :)
06:57.14sloukenNight Tem
06:57.18Tem|Sleepnn slouken
06:57.23futrtrublg'night Tem|Sleep
06:57.42SP|Sorrennite tem, nite slouken
06:57.43AnduinLotharsleep-reading, yay
06:57.47*** part/#wowi-lounge slouken (
06:59.34futrtrublI'm going to copycat slouken, later guys
07:01.36AnduinLotharwow... why in the world does Visor have so many files and sub folders O.o
07:04.21AnduinLotharwhy does it take a reload to restore settings? I guess it doesn't store the orig settings of frames?
07:06.02AnduinLotharmeh, it should use ScaleInPlace
07:06.31SP|Sorrenthere's a ScaleInPlace?
07:06.41AnduinLotharjust some simple math
07:07.03SP|Sorrenwell, does it scale towards its center?
07:07.09SP|Sorrenor towards one of its corners?
07:07.46futr-sleepif we could find the anchor point we could scale to that point ;']
07:08.01AnduinLotharya, GetPoint would be nice
07:08.25futr-sleepGetPoint would be very helpful
07:08.51Depheriosvisor is designed so you can cut out the parts you don't want to use.... too many folders for me
07:09.25SP|Sorrenrawr, anyone know how to make the mana bar stop changing color based on how much its filled?
07:09.33Depheriosin DUF?
07:09.41Depheriosthere's pulldowns
07:09.45AnduinLotharVisor desprately needs a live reset button for individual frames if you ask me
07:09.56Depheriosto the right of each objects control panel... the top three are "Color Contexts:"
07:09.59SP|Sorrenoh i see it
07:10.02SP|Sorrenjust set it to none
07:10.09SP|Sorreni had it set to mana because it was mana :X
07:10.18Depheriosall health bars are reaction
07:10.21Depheriosand all mana bars are class
07:10.25Depherios.. it's a bit buggy though :P
07:10.29Depheriosuntil you clean up the code in DUF
07:10.47Depheriosoh....... hell D: I need to modify that again DOH........ hope I remembered to back it up this time
07:11.04Depheriosmaybe it works right in DUF now *tries it and hopes*
07:11.04SP|Sorrenlol whats wrong w/ it
07:11.14Depherioswell it works okay for health bars, but not for mana
07:11.31Depheriosit keeps trying to change the color of the mana bar whenever you change from energy/rage/mana
07:11.36Depheriosand you don't get the class color anymore
07:12.11Depheriosso I just cut out the code that changes the bar's color based on type XD
07:14.53DepheriosI pointed out the problem, but I don't know if he fixed it, lets look
07:15.01Depherios*hearths to OG*
07:15.35SP|Sorrenthats what i was having trouble with
07:15.43SP|Sorrenit works if you set its color context to none
07:15.43Depheriosnope... still goofy
07:16.58SP|Sorrenbah i hate zg
07:17.04SP|Sorren14g repair bill
07:17.04SP|Sorrenno loot
07:17.15SP|Sorrenplenty of dead time to work on my unit frames though
07:19.53DepheriosJUST so I can use the health/mana bars that change width based on max amount
07:19.56SP|Sorrenmost of my interface survived the scaling issues of 1.9
07:19.59SP|Sorrenso im happy with it
07:20.04Depherioslol, it's not 1.9
07:20.10Depherios1.9 didn't mess mine up much at all
07:20.16SP|Sorrenjust want something new then?
07:20.20Depheriosbut I got a Nostromo
07:20.25DepheriosAND I want something new
07:20.37SP|Sorrenah, one of those funky pad things ;P
07:20.42SP|Sorrenhows it working for you?
07:20.42DepheriosI went from my Ergodex DX1 to Nostromo
07:20.51Depheriossame basic controls, but different enough that I needed to entirely change
07:20.58DepheriosRogue/Warrior and stuff is PLAYABLE for me now
07:21.14Depheriossince I have the Dpad to move, and 14 buttons I can hit while moving using the Dpad XD
07:21.23DepheriosI was using
07:21.35Depheriosno Dpad on that... move+spells = oh noes
07:22.21Depheriosyay, instant class recognition, for target of target
07:23.00Depheriosthe day DUF let me give my pet a target of target bar... I danced and sang, and it was great fun
07:23.25Depheriosgod I rant when I'm bored
07:23.30Depherios... semi bored
07:23.40AnduinLotharwhee, DotA time
07:24.48Depheriosever going to put Target of Target in Arch, Karl? ^_^
07:25.59DepheriosTime to go to my usual coding area... THE BARRENS, where it's wonderful chat will keep me amused (and distract me way too much)
07:29.28SP|Sorrenwhy do you need to comment lines again?
07:29.58Fanookso you remember why you wrote the code wrong in the first place
07:30.01Depheriosto fix the mana bars, so I can color them by class, rather than type (which kinda sucks for quickly telling what form a druid is in, but that's all)
07:30.17SP|Sorrenit already does that o.O
07:30.30Depheriosif you color mana bars in DUF by class, instead of type
07:30.34Depheriosit keeps coloring by type
07:30.40Depherioswhen you switch from one type to another
07:31.28SP|Sorrenoh, you dont want it to swap to rage if a druid goes bear?
07:31.31DepheriosSo I remove all the code that colors by type, since I don't need it anymore (mages are still blue, and rogues are still yellow! warriors are brown now though)
07:31.34Depheriosnot just that
07:32.05Depheriosif I select a mage, and it's blue, then I select a priest, it's white... but then if I select a rogue, it's yellow, then if I select the priest again... it's blue... it went back to TYPE since I had it change
07:32.24SP|Sorrenahhh i see
07:32.53Depheriospardon my sucky-ness at explaining things XD
07:33.15Depheriosblind people, and textual communication...... they don't get it D:
07:45.10Depheriosbut now that I see gatherer on there :P
07:45.39Endit's had gatherer for a while now :P
07:45.48Endit understands ctmapmod now too
07:46.35EndI just think Dun Morogh looks cool there. :P
07:47.17DepheriosI love just browsing around on Cartographe... lots of places look really neat
07:47.32Depheriosis one of my faves
07:49.47Fanookdeph: UIErrorsFrame, i believe
07:51.38Depheriosyay! thanks
07:52.03Fanooknp, looked it up in sct's code :)
07:54.04Fanookand with that, I really need to get to bed
07:54.27Fanookleaving for Ohayocon (anime convention) tomorrow morning
08:07.40Kolth`Anyone using BGAssist and/or BGBuddy in 1.9?
08:10.13CyraelOkay. Unless Iriel points out any leftover problems to me, the OO vs global performance test code and results have been uploaded to the forum. The results are that reducing global namespace clutter CAN and oftentimes WILL show a performance improvement. A tiny plus for the cause of OO, I suppose.
08:11.23*** join/#wowi-lounge id` (
08:13.06Kolth`Cyrael: That's neat to hear!
08:15.46*** join/#wowi-lounge duke|ib (
08:23.12KalrothCyrael: now you just have to armwrestle developers into using the technique :)
08:23.40CyraelThe performance differences are actually pretty small. I rely on percentages for my point =)
08:24.00Depheriospercentages as in 1% or as .0001%? XD
08:24.19Kolth`What kind of situations?
08:24.24IrielThat's 12% on the cost of TABLE LOOKUPS
08:24.34CyraelBut in literal, it's the difference between 5ms and 6ms to process 100,000 operations.
08:24.34IrielBear in mind they take less than a microsecond each
08:24.41CyraelYes, correct.
08:24.50IrielSo, if you'er doing a lot of them, read his post
08:24.54Irielbecause it's valid.
08:24.54CyraelIt is one of many optimisations that people can do.
08:25.19CyraelThank you, Iriel. I've been racking my brain all day to make sure my theory was valid, albeit tiny =)
08:28.45*** join/#wowi-lounge id` (
08:30.50IrielWell folks, time for bed.
08:30.52IrielHave fun.
08:37.03Kolth`Cyrael, that seems like a lot of work for 12% :)
08:37.08zeegwe're official
08:37.09zeegWoW Guru Patcher - Site Profiles and UI Updates -
08:37.25CyraelThe work in the first post, or in the 9th?
08:37.54*** join/#wowi-lounge somethinglese (
08:38.00CyraelThe only work is correct naming. It's hell doing it to an existing addon, but it's perfect for a new one.
08:44.18*** join/#wowi-lounge purl (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
08:44.18*** topic/#wowi-lounge is 1.9 is Live! New TOC # is 10900
08:48.41KalrothOO in ASM sucks though :)
08:48.58Kalrothhi purl!
08:49.06CyraelI leave that to the assembly maniacs. I don't like it, period.
08:49.21KalrothCyrael: OO or ASM? :P
08:49.40Kalroth~o rly
08:49.41purlACTION slaps kalroth several times across the face before kidney punching them and pulling out a shotgun to blow their brains out: "Ya rly!"
08:51.12Fanook|Zzzyou enjoy that too much :)
08:51.38CyraelASM, Kal =)
08:51.55CyraelOO is a godsend for big projects.
08:51.56KalrothI'm a "beat me up and take me out" kinda man!
08:52.21KalrothCyrael: I know, I'm just saying there's things where OO can be more of a curse than a blessing :)
08:52.24Kolth`Damn, Gello is an arse in your thread, Cyr.
08:52.52CyraelYeah, I didn't much appreciate his tone.
08:53.04KalrothCan I trashtalk him? pleeeeeeease!
08:53.21KalrothI promise I'll turn the thread into a flame thread! Oh wait, that's a bad thing, no?
08:53.30Kolth`Kal's the man!
08:53.41CyraelIt's your forum account if Cairenn gets stabby =)
08:54.07CyraelHe wanted proof, I gave him proof.
08:54.28KalrothOh I don't have one yet, I need to make "KiLLaFaZe" first, need mixed case names for best trolling
08:54.55Depheriosin all online games
08:55.07DepheriosI make it a point to kill people with mix case names
08:55.20CyraelEven Hello Kitty Online?
08:55.27Depherios.... which is why I get booted from many a counterstrike game
08:55.29KalrothEven Hello Kitty Online.
08:55.45CyraelHKO scares me.
08:55.53DepheriosHKO scares everybody
08:56.20KalrothHello Kitty and friends welcome you to the exciting and fantastic Hello Kitty World!
08:56.45DepheriosI just contracted a horrible headache after reading that line
08:57.06*** join/#wowi-lounge zeetg (n=wguru@
08:57.36Kalrothif you're a male playing Hello Kitty Online, then you might also have posters of David Hasselhoff on your wall.
08:57.56id`haha, that goes into my quotes
08:58.26CyraelWould it be a particular poster, perhaps? The one where he's naked with pug dogs sitting in his lap? That image is burned into the back of my eyes.
08:58.30apterror: you do not have enough flags for that. (o required)
08:59.09DepheriosI only HEARD about that poster... and ALREADY i want to shoot myself
08:59.27Depherios~kill me
08:59.28purlACTION shoots a hyper-charged  tachyon gun at depherios
09:00.31CyraelYou want to die? Write an SSH FTP client using raw sockets, and don't use any external dependencies.
09:00.49CyraelYou're guaranteed to die before you're finished.
09:01.18Kalroththe FTP part would be easy, but the SSH part .. *shivers*
09:01.29CyraelEver dealt with raw sockets?
09:01.36zeetgEveryone go submit your servers status
09:01.42zeetgI got a few servers
09:01.46KalrothYup, Cyrael
09:01.51zeetgKalroth, you too!
09:01.53CyraelImagine doing it without API
09:01.56KalrothSir, yes sir!
09:02.19CyraelNo external dependencies. Need to interface with the NIC? Good luck with that.
09:02.33KalrothThat's a bit extreme :)
09:03.00CyraelRaw sockets are right down at the bottom end of socketed networking.
09:03.29CyraelA sends B a SYN packet. B replies with SYN/ACK. A sends SYN/RTN because someone didn't write it properly. Connection closed.
09:03.37Depherios.... so they're the internet's hell?
09:04.05CyraelThey're IP hell.
09:04.08CyraelSo yeah.
09:05.46CyraelI can't even remember what day it is, most of the time. I forgot today was Friday.
09:05.53CyraelGood with code, though.
09:05.54Depherios... today was friday?
09:05.56KalrothIt is?
09:06.00purlFriday sucks, because it should be the weekend, but you're stuck working anyway.
09:06.01CyraelIt was here, yes.
09:06.05Kolth`Depherios: Purl deathed
09:06.16purlhmm... purl is not a bot
09:06.49Depheriosthree days off in a row... whew
09:07.16Kalrothooh, online encrypting!
09:07.26purlerror: you do not have enough flags for that. (o required)
09:07.26Kalroth~rot13 Super secret sentence!
09:07.26purlFhcre frperg fragrapr!
09:07.51DepheriosI got the flags thing when I msged him to see if ~kill me would work too XD
09:08.13Kalroth~wtf wtf
09:08.34End~wtf --help
09:08.46Depherios~wtf htf
09:08.55Kolth`~wtf stfu
09:09.03Kalroth~wtf roflmao
09:09.06purlerror: you do not have enough flags for that. (o required)
09:09.06id`~emulate Industrial
09:09.07purlI suck at LUA and rip othe people's code.
09:09.13Depherios~wtf atm
09:09.14purlerror: you do not have enough flags for that. (o required)
09:09.14Kolth`purl has a dirty mouth
09:09.23id`~emulate Industrial
09:09.24purlI suck at LUA and rip othe people's code.
09:09.33purlerror: you do not have enough flags for that. (o required)
09:09.33id`~literal emulate Industrial
09:09.35purl"emulate industrial" is "<reply>I suck at LUA and rip othe people's code. || <reply><id`>\o. FOR THE HORDE  <id`> I'm a horde nazi"
09:09.44id`hihi ^^
09:09.55DepheriosFOR THE HORDE INDEED
09:10.05id`note the \o and the collowing comment
09:11.26CyraelI got reported for telling someone to stop pretending they were stupid.
09:11.39CyraelApparently that equates to telling them they're stupid.
09:12.05Depheriosthat's great XD
09:12.17CyraelHe tried the whole "doku ^_^ !!!1/?" and when I didn't fall for it, he told me to f- off in lengthy and perfect English, and reported me.
09:15.02Depheriosw00t! Loz finally made it so if maxhealth=100 the bar should be full sized ^_^
09:15.14DepheriosI don't have to do that myself.... *stops making a big deal*
09:16.39Depheriosor it's just not working right O_o
09:18.50Kalroth~seen purl
09:18.59purlpurl is currently on #casualti (34m 41s) #botpark (34m 41s) #linuxfund (34m 41s) #wowi-lounge (34m 41s) # (34m 41s) #edev (34m 41s) ##ace (34m 41s) #fossfund (34m 41s) #classiccmp (34m 41s) #creativeforum (34m 41s) #ud (34m 41s) #dub (34m 41s) #teleconf (34m 41s) #bz-inc (34m 41s) (34m 41s) ...
09:19.29Depherios#botpark? hmmm
09:21.06Depheriosboo... Resize Based on Max Amount isn't working currently... *sigh*
09:21.56id`Your double-match has sent you a note!
09:22.05id`To see who sent you the note and reply, visit this link:
09:22.21id`Hey cutie,
09:22.21id`Looks like we matched!  I clicked Yes to you because you seem cool. I
09:22.21id`am sending this note because I think we could be friends and I'm just
09:22.22id`crazy like that.
09:23.01id`err i mean this link:
09:26.38id`im gunna send some money to my paypal account and pay for membership :O
09:26.46id`because we live in the same city
09:27.08Kalrothfake picture!
09:28.55KalrothWhen you meer her, she'll be all; "ooops, I didn't mention that picture was from summer 95' and that I've gained 200 pounds since?"
09:29.36id`hey, ill let you know first ok? :)
09:31.02id`code now, being an e-thug later
09:51.08zeetgsoooo anyone know vb .net?
09:51.43zeetgyou worry me
09:53.26somethinglesei found a solution to winamp being a crappy shoutcast client
09:53.33zeetgdont use it? :P
09:53.42Corrodiasi use a gta tool that streams shoutcast into mp3 files, and i play those in winamp
09:54.13Corrodiasits original intent was to provide shoutcast in the GTA games under the 'mp3' station
09:54.22*** join/#wowi-lounge stray`laptop (
09:55.29CyraelBelatedly, I know .NET. Does it have to be VB?
09:56.08zeetgthats what the app is written in :(
09:56.13zeetgbasically i need help refining it :p
09:56.20zeetgand by help, i mean.. i dont know anything
09:56.24zeetgexcept what i want it to do
09:56.26CyraelI have fundamentals then. What's the problem?
09:57.46zeetgit needs.. well somewhat of a makeover
09:57.50zeetgand a few minor changes :|
09:57.56*** join/#wowi-lounge AnduinLothar (
09:59.15CyraelIs it an application?
10:00.49zeetgsee how it's.. kind of ugly? :P
10:01.00CyraelMakeovers are easy enough. VB.NET has a visual form designer.
10:01.59zeetgya i can do some of it
10:02.20zeetgwowguru is so insanely fast now its awesome
10:03.45CyraelThe frame borders on the settings form should be brought in about 8px each side it touches the edge. Microsoft has a document on Windows aesthetics that's good to read.
10:04.19CyraelThe rest of it looks fine.
10:05.16id`10:51:42 <zeetg> id`
10:05.16id`10:51:44 <zeetg> you worry me
10:05.30zeetgi met a girl once off the internet
10:05.32zeetgtrust me, bad idea
10:05.38id`lets not start counting the number of people you worry
10:05.43CyraelDoes this application retrieve data from the running WoW process?
10:05.52zeegCyrael, nope
10:06.04zeegit closes when you launch wow
10:06.30CyraelThe text says "is collecting various data from World of Warcraft and submitting it to the site". Does this use an addon, then?
10:06.44zeeg+ uploads cache files
10:06.55zeegugh i cant wait til monday
10:06.57zeegnew laptop comes
10:07.16CyraelSo you parse the saved data Lua file for information after logout?
10:08.18zeegno it uploads it when they start the patcher
10:08.25zeegnothings done client-side :)
10:08.29zeegeverythings uploaded
10:08.37CyraelThe whole savedvariables?
10:08.44zeegjust for WOWGuru.lua
10:09.10CyraelDitto, Depherios. 7 years ago.
10:10.23Depheriosthen again though
10:10.33DepheriosI got to know her ONLINE for 2 years before actually meeting her
10:11.14zeegi tend to be a dick to epople i dont know in real life
10:11.17zeegbasically because i dont care
10:11.19Depheriosit wasn't a personals or anything XD
10:11.22Depheriosditto Zeeg XD
10:11.24Depheriosbut she's even worse than me
10:11.25id`who says im out for 'gf'
10:11.43id`im a man, and im 18, waddaya expect
10:11.58zeegim 20
10:12.01Depherios... when I was 18 I didn't want anything but more video games
10:12.12id`psh, hormones man :P
10:12.17id`cant help it :D
10:12.19CyraelWhen I was 18 I went to New Zealand to chase tail. I know the feeling.
10:13.51CyraelI remember 22...wait, no I don't. But I do remember that I was 22 at some point. Probably.
10:14.04CyraelMight have skipped a few years in there, not sure.
10:26.01AnduinLotharCyrael: was attempting to utilize your code, had a question
10:26.10AnduinLotharwhy are you using two gsubs?
10:26.25CyraelOne substitutes the 'prefix', the other substitutes the remaining underscores.
10:26.43CyraelIt's in case you want a MyMod_* to go into something other than MyMod.*
10:26.59AnduinLotharah, ok. so for sub tables
10:27.16CyraelYep. It overrides the automatic structuring, basically.
10:27.24AnduinLotharsounds superfluous unless you're makign a million frames
10:27.43CyraelIt's useful if you want your frames in a different table to MyMod.
10:27.59CyraelIt's there for proof of concept, it can be removed if you want.
10:28.39AnduinLotharwould it be faster to do a strfind and then concat with the remaining portion of the string?
10:29.12CyraelThey'd be the same, I'd think.
10:29.50AnduinLotharwell i know strfind is faster than gsub because it doesn't use regex
10:30.08AnduinLotharonly really question is if the concat nullifies that
10:30.18CyraelI think gsub doesn't either, unless you delimit the string with it. I'm not up on Lua string function efficiency.
10:31.03AnduinLotharah, yes. there's a fourth argument i believe you can pass gsub to stop regex
10:32.28AnduinLotharwhen do you suggest calling the code, onload or do i need to wait for addonloaded?
10:32.51CyraelOnLoad is fine.
10:33.08AnduinLothardon't the frames need to be fully defined first?
10:33.20CyraelThey are, by the time OnLoad is called.
10:33.27AnduinLotharor are the onloads called after the xml
10:34.29AnduinLotharso, if i have two xml frames in the same file the onload of the first frame is after the second xml frame is defined?
10:34.41CyraelThe full XML structure is read by the time ANY events are triggered. It's required for cross dependency of XML objects.
10:34.59AnduinLotharfor that file anyway
10:35.32CyraelYep, but everything that file depends on is read in beforehand, thanks to Blizzard.
10:41.55AnduinLotharwont dest be a string?
10:42.40CyraelIt gets evaluated by being passed through the function.
10:43.51AnduinLotharwhy is one GNS caps and another gns ?
10:44.10CyraelMistake during extracting it out of my existing mod and into MyMod.
10:44.34CyraelShould be lowercase.
10:45.10CyraelThe dest part might be a mistake, I'll need to check it later.
10:45.39CyraelIn fact it is. It's another result of the conversion process.
10:46.11AnduinLotharyou have it doing a sort on the getfenv(0) ... isn't that increadably slow?
10:46.29CyraelA little, but it's required.
10:46.40CyraelIt only sorts the keys, not the data.
10:46.46AnduinLotharso you're duplicating and sorting the global namespace O.o
10:46.54AnduinLotharnames of*
10:47.30CyraelYes. It's necessary. It must be sorted and tables don't do it automatically.
10:47.40AnduinLotharwhy must it be sorted?
10:48.07CyraelBecause if MyMod.Frame1 is written after MyMod.Frame1.Blah, the latter will be erased.
10:48.32AnduinLotharok, so only if you have embeded frame tables
10:48.34CyraelThat should be self.gns[dest], by the way.
10:49.36AnduinLotharso if i'm only having a table addon deep (one level) then I don't need to copy or sort the global namespace
10:50.15CyraelCorrect. You'll need to change the gsub lines, so your variables come through as MyMod.Frame1_Blah, instead of MyMod.Frame1.Blah
10:51.34AnduinLotharok, and what about the strfind. is there a way to specify not catching Wardrobe_ anywhere but the beginning of the string w/o regex?
10:52.05AnduinLotharspose "MyAddon_%s" would work?
10:52.09CyraelHmm, there is an error in there.
10:52.14CyraelThe dest thing is wrong.
10:53.43CyraelI deleted my original code from my own mod by mistake. I'll have to remember how I did it, now.
10:54.03AnduinLotharhmm, and if i nuke the copy i need a while loop rather than a for loop, cause you cant delete from a table you're for looping
10:54.30CyraelIs that in the code somewhere?
10:55.23AnduinLotharnot your way
10:55.44AnduinLotharyou're loopign the copy and deleting from the global namespace
10:55.49CyraelThe method in the code there does work. Remember, you're iterating the key array, not the GNS.
10:56.00AnduinLotharyou are
10:56.14CyraelAh right, you used the unsorted version.
10:56.15AnduinLotharI'm bypassing the creation of the name table
10:57.26AnduinLotharran into the deleting problem with Chronos. if you delete something from a table you're looping often times you get an "Unable to find 'next'." error
10:58.39AnduinLotharlocal k,v = next(ChronosData.byName);
10:58.40AnduinLotharlocal newK, newV;
10:58.40AnduinLotharwhile (k ~= nil) do
10:58.40AnduinLotharnewK,newV = next(ChronosData.byName, k);
10:58.50AnduinLothark,v = newK,newV;
10:59.12AnduinLotharnow to apply it
11:01.49*** join/#wowi-lounge stray`laptop (
11:02.23LegorolAnduinLothar, how is that different from:
11:02.48Legorolwhile (k ~= nil) do
11:02.48Legorolk, v = next(ChronosData.byName, k);
11:03.59AnduinLotharfigured it out, now i have to think. i know there was a reason
11:04.29Legoroladmittedly i just got into the conversation, so what i am about to say can be safely ignored if it's irrelevant, but:
11:04.46Legorolafaik, if you delete from a table you are for-ing through using next, then you get undefined behaviour
11:05.04AnduinLotharok, well you need it defined before the while loop
11:05.25AnduinLotharand you also need to not overwrite k before you use it
11:05.48CyraelFor the dest problem, I used string substitution. Let me fix that for you.
11:05.53AnduinLotharand you need to do the next before that k index no longer exists
11:06.23AnduinLotharso you have to store it to a temp variable
11:06.48LegorolI don't think it's 100% safe to delete from a table you are looping through using next, whether you are using for or while for the loop
11:06.58Legorolor have i misunderstood something
11:07.00AnduinLotharno, the while way works
11:07.14AnduinLotharit's what chronos has been using since we solved the 'next' bug
11:07.14Legorolin practice, or in theory ;-)
11:07.39AnduinLotharit grabs the next values before it deletes the previous one
11:08.01Legoroli wouldn't bet my life on it, if it works in practice it's great, but i beleive that's just a lucky coincidence if it does
11:08.39AnduinLotharnah, it's simple progression
11:09.09AnduinLotharnext simply looks for the second argument passed in the table using hashing
11:09.27AnduinLotharas long as it's not nil and exists in the table you're fine
11:09.36AnduinLotharno matter what the rest of the table looks like
11:10.11Legorolyeah i understand that
11:10.16Legorolwhat i am not sure about is this though:
11:10.29Legorolafaik, the behaviour of next is undefined if you alter the keys of the table whilst looping it, so
11:10.53AnduinLotharnah, only for for loops and standard while loops
11:10.55Legorolit's possible that, if you go through some keys, then delete one, then carry on going through the keys, you will receive a key again that you have already traversed once
11:11.09AnduinLotharnot unless you renamed it
11:11.18AnduinLotharor sorted the table in the for loop
11:11.37Legorolare you sure? because the way i read the Lua manual, there is no guarantee that next will only go through the remaining keys
11:11.53Legoroland from what i read, it is possible in theory for it to re-visit a key, if you have altered the table
11:12.14Legorolbut i'm not sure i read this correctly
11:12.30AnduinLotharright, if you alter a value any other way than niling
11:12.44AnduinLotharthen it must relocate the value in memory
11:13.20AnduinLotharbut a nil simply nils the refrence and tells the gc it can write over that memory
11:14.07AnduinLotharhmmm, ok. well for the chronos case my way works
11:14.53Legorolso what you are saying is that the behaviour of next is undefined only if you add keys to the table in the middle of the enumeration, but if you remove keys from the table, then the behaviour is defined
11:15.03AnduinLotharand it should work in this case too because we're not redefining any refrences, only nilling and making new table indexes
11:15.31AnduinLotharyes to what you said. my last statement i'm not sure about
11:15.52Legorolif you are making new indices, i.e. adding new entries to the table, then the behaviour of next is undefined, that i'm sure about
11:15.57AnduinLotharbecause we're adding refrences i spose they could theorheticly be placed earlier in memory
11:16.16Legorolfrom the Lua man: The behavior of next is undefined if, during the traversal, you assign any value to a non-existent field in the table.
11:16.34AnduinLotharso yes, there's a possibility of duplication
11:16.47zeegfuck its friday
11:16.49zeegi need to sleep
11:17.02Legorolduplication, or skipping over some of the remaining keys, or anything, including cosmic events :-)
11:17.17AnduinLotharmmm, but i can assign them all to a temp table and assign them after the loop
11:17.35Legorolit really all depends on how next is implemented
11:17.41Legorolnever looked at Lua source, so have no idea
11:17.59Legoroldumb way of implementing would be to construct a linked list of the keys on first call to next
11:18.14AnduinLothardoesn't really matter, this way will work and will be faster than the copy keys and sort method, even if it loops
11:18.37Legorolthat's true
11:18.41AnduinLotharbut i can fix that by using a temp table too
11:19.07AnduinLotharthen it's just a guerenteed 1 + size of addon table xml
11:19.20AnduinLotharrather than an unspecified behavior
11:19.53AnduinLotharand definitely better than looping the global name space twice + a sort in place
11:21.43AnduinLotharplus if it's all in one function i can make the global namespace local
11:24.09AnduinLotharok leg. is there a way to use strfind to find "MyAddon_", but only at the beginning of a string?
11:26.06zeegis it regex?
11:26.19zeegisnt there a regex search?
11:26.22AnduinLotharregex woul;d be easy
11:26.24zeegor something similar
11:26.31AnduinLotharregex is also slower
11:26.40zeegnot enough that it should matter
11:27.01AnduinLotharnah, spose not
11:27.29AnduinLothar^ is beg of string?
11:30.36AnduinLotharyes, it is
11:30.39CyraelI think I'm going to have to change this code to strip the tabular format from XML. I can't remember how I got dynamic table allocations.
11:31.45CyraelThe problem is I need to be able to alter MyMod.Frame1.Object1, but that entire string has to be dynamic. You can't use getglobal on it, and I can't find an evaluation function.
11:32.34Corrodiasstill tweaking your GNS-cleaner?
11:33.00CyraelNo, trying to fix an error in the original source. I broke it when I converted it from my own addon to MyMod, and I lost the original source in my addon too, so I can't fix it.
11:33.11CyraelSorry, yes. the GNS cleaner.
11:33.30CyraelIs there a way to turn "a.b.c" into a pointer to a.b.c?
11:34.07AnduinLotharheh. Sea.util.setValue
11:34.19Corrodiasif it's in the GNS, can you do the MyMod.gns["a.b.c"]?
11:34.23AnduinLotharor Sea.util.getValue
11:34.31CyraelUnfortunately no, Corrodias.
11:34.43Corrodiasah, only 'a' is in there
11:34.47AnduinLotharwe highly optimized those two
11:35.19Corrodiasdo not fear a Sea dependency. Sea, Sky, and Chronos are pretty commong now, and Sky and Ace are gaining
11:35.26CyraelAnduin, does that do what I need? Evaluate a string into an existing reference?
11:35.43AnduinLothaririel, legorol, krka, and I spent a few days going over and over our set/getValue code for speed and minimal gc
11:35.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Tuatara (
11:36.27AnduinLothar-- Sea.util.getValue( string variableName )
11:36.27AnduinLothar-- Obtains the value of a variable given its name.
11:36.27AnduinLothar-- Examples:
11:36.28AnduinLothar-- Sea.util.getValue("ChatFrame_OnLoad");
11:36.30AnduinLothar-- Sea.util.getValue("Class.subclass.element");
11:36.49CyraelSounds like what I need. What's the source?
11:36.57AnduinLothar-- Sea.util.setValue( string variableName, value )
11:36.57AnduinLothar-- Sets the value of a variable given its name.
11:36.57AnduinLothar-- Examples:
11:36.57AnduinLothar-- Sea.util.setValue("ChatFrame_OnLoad", MyChatFrame_OnLoad);
11:36.59AnduinLothar-- Sea.util.setValue("Class.subclass.element", 5);
11:37.01AnduinLothar-- Sea.util.setValue("Class.subclass.function", function() dostuff; end);
11:37.39AnduinLothargo grab the latest Sea from curse of wowi
11:37.46CyraelYeah, looking now.
11:37.50AnduinLotharit's in the Sea.util file
11:38.06AnduinLotharalso in SeaHooks if you want it embedable
11:38.46CyraelThat's very similar to my current code.
11:39.22CyraelI used string.gfind instead of strfind, though.
11:39.33AnduinLotharmore gc
11:39.43Corrodiasi checked my memory usage during combat
11:39.49Corrodiasit was increasing by 28KB/s
11:39.54AnduinLotharstrfind doesn't create a table
11:42.48AnduinLotharHow's this look:
11:43.44AnduinLotharactually, It'll make my addon blow up, i'll have to throw in an exception
11:44.14CyraelSorry, my focus is all over the place at the moment.
11:44.48AnduinLotharspose i could throw in an if (globalNameSpace[globalName].GetName) then to check if it's a frame
11:45.06AnduinLotharprolyl a good idea
11:45.57Corrodiasdid i hear somebody mention a "fire" library?
11:46.08AnduinLotharya, it evaluates tables
11:46.12AnduinLotharina  tree
11:46.29AnduinLotharit's in the Cosmos DevTools distro
11:46.48AnduinLotharvery handy
11:47.53AnduinLotharnot esp good for long names due to the size, but you can just print the sub element if you want to see a long string
11:48.05AnduinLotharit gives you a preview
11:53.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Legorol (
11:57.09Kalrothhi Leg!
12:05.47AnduinLotharnow, to see if it works
12:06.01AnduinLotharwith that many finnd/replaces there's bound to be trouble..
12:08.20Corrodiasattempting to localize your frames?
12:08.35AnduinLotharor at least table insert them
12:08.45Corrodiashmm, in wow, that's not a word to use in such a way
12:08.55Corrodiasde-gns them? :)
12:10.01AnduinLotharit occurs to me that since the parent tabl eisn't local it will actually take longer to call all of these
12:10.25AnduinLotharand the only benifit would be the removal of them from the global table
12:10.37AnduinLotharand the speeding up that that would do to hashing
12:10.54AnduinLotharbut it's already emensly slow with the bazillion entries
12:11.38CyraelThe advantage lies in the smaller namespace, not in the fact that you don't use it.
12:12.01AnduinLotharit'll still take longer to access my frames
12:12.11CyraelIt should never take longer.
12:12.16AnduinLothardue to the default size of the global table
12:12.39AnduinLotharWardrobe_X is faster than Wardrobe.X
12:12.58CyraelDo you only have one thing in the Wardrobe table?
12:13.09AnduinLotharcouple hundred
12:13.23Corrodiasone 30k+400 lookup compared to one 30k+1 lookup and one 400 lookup
12:13.59AnduinLotharstill faster
12:14.00CyraelAt that scale, you won't be able to calculate a processing difference. You need a few thousand objects to make a difference. This change takes effect best when the majority of addons use it.
12:14.23AnduinLotharbut i wont be able to tell the difference if i get it working
12:14.47CyraelIt should never be slower.
12:14.59CyraelTable overhead isn't that big.
12:16.38AnduinLothar...I'm fairly sure it's faster
12:16.52AnduinLotharunless the global name space is small
12:19.15Legorolwhat's faster than what?
12:20.12AnduinLotharWardrobe_X is faster than Wardrobe.X
12:20.20Corrodiasthe rabbit is faster than the hare
12:20.21Legorolwhich of these is a global?
12:20.30Legorolis Wardrobe_X and/or Wardrobe a global?
12:20.50Legorolyarr, then Wardrobe_X should be faster
12:20.54Legorolslouken said so yesterday
12:21.13CyraelYou're looking at microseconds for the second table index, and only on very small addons.
12:21.40AnduinLotharmicro > nil
12:21.55CyraelIt applies to a very specific case.
12:22.15Corrodiasi agree that it probably ought to be faster for significantly large numbers of variables you have in the addon compared to the number in the GNS. but someone who is only looking at the impact of one with a couple hundred cannot be convinced.
12:22.17CyraelPut GetTime() functions in and find out how long it takes. Do you have the old source?
12:23.57Corrodiasi'd better go to bed; i have work tomorrow. 'ni, [away]
12:24.26AnduinLotharnow wh would i go and save my source before tinkering ;)
12:24.52CyraelIf there are artifacts at low levels, I'll need to investigate it further.
12:24.56LegorolFrom the discussions yesterday/this morning/whenever (depending on timezone), my understanding is that there are two competing effects
12:25.23LegorolIn general, if the GNS has a reasonably fixed size, than a global lookup is faster than a global+table lookup. That was slouken's point
12:25.56LegorolOTH, i think Iriel + Cyrael demonstrated that if the global space is huge, then breaking it up into tables will improve speed
12:26.14CyraelBlizzard uses 30,000 entries. If your mod uses even 1000, it's big enough to impact. The bigger the impact, the bigger the performance difference.
12:26.33Legorolso that lookup in huge global table, vs. lookup in small global table + extra table lookup, in this case the 2nd one can win
12:27.04LegorolThere must be some break-even point somewhere where the two competing effects are comparable
12:27.31CyraelAt the point where the table overhead matches the GNS size in processing.
12:28.00AnduinLotharwell, depends on how good the hash is
12:28.02Legorolyes, the question is what kind of numbers need to be in the GNS for this break-even point
12:28.11Legorol10,000? 100,000? 1,000,000 entries in GNS?
12:29.04CyraelAt 10,000 entries, the performance change is 15%
12:29.06LegorolThe only real way to test the impact of de-GNS-ificaction is to compare having all AddOns in GNS vs. all AddOns using a table
12:29.10CyraelI didn't test lower.
12:29.21Legorol15% change, compared to what?
12:29.31CyraelCompared to all 10,000 entries in the global table.
12:29.46Legorolso you had 10,000 entries in gns, and which one won?
12:30.14Legorolthe big gns, or the nested tables? which one was faster at 10k entries?
12:30.15CyraelNo, with 10,000 test entries, the difference is between 30K and 40K lookup in the GNS. The difference was 15%
12:30.18AnduinLothari have my fist clas sin 5 hrs, why am i up. damn it you got you hooked again... leg this always happens to me. i need to stop being on irc after 10pm
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12:30.46Legorolpress the reset button on your PC ;_0
12:30.57Legorolactually, i have a good solution for you:
12:31.01Legorolpress alt+f4 right here right now
12:31.06Legoroli know it's tough, but you can do it
12:31.10AnduinLotharit's a mac, i'd have to hold it down for 6sec for it to shutdoen
12:31.18AnduinLotharand alt-f4 does nothing
12:31.24Legorolthat's what i do when i get to this state
12:31.26Legorolok, the equivalent
12:31.27Depherioscommand q command q!
12:31.38LegorolMac+Apple+Pear+Q or whatever you need to press
12:31.52AnduinLotharError: Interface\AddOns\Wardrobe\Wardrobe.lua:184: bad argument #1 to `next' (table expected, got nil)
12:32.12Legorolanother thing to reassure you: the error won't go away and will still be there tomorrow ;-)
12:32.17Legorolg'night Depherios
12:32.26*** part/#wowi-lounge Depherios (n=Deph@
12:32.34AnduinLotharno it wont. it's already fixed :P
12:32.43LegorolCyrael: sorry i didn't fully understand your statement about the results
12:32.55Legorolat 10k, the difference was 15%, which one was faster?
12:33.34CyraelWith 30K entries, it takes X time to index 10K variables. With 40K entries, it takes X+15% time to index 10K variables.
12:33.40CyraelThat's in the global namespace.
12:34.04LegorolAnduinLothar, you are skipping the very first entry in the global table
12:34.30AnduinLotharam not
12:34.52AnduinLotharoh. needs to be globalName i spose
12:34.59AnduinLotharnewName, newValue = next(globalNameSpace, globalName);
12:35.00Legorolehm... what's newName?
12:35.09Legorolshouldn't it be using newK and newV?
12:35.21AnduinLotharsame thing, just logner
12:35.44AnduinLothari do need to check that newName is a sting tho, cause aparently they aren't all
12:36.14AnduinLotharwasn't aware getfenv(0) had non string indexe
12:36.25Legorolright, i finally understood what you are doing
12:36.34Legorolyou are using newName, a global var, you need to start it at nil
12:36.41Legorolyou are implicitly assuming it isn't
12:36.45AnduinLotharlol, oops
12:36.57Legorol*implicitly asusming it is
12:37.49Legorollol, same thing as mine
12:37.52Legorolyeah that's what i meant
12:38.16AnduinLotharcept newName needed to be globalName in the next
12:38.25AnduinLotharand i added the strign check
12:39.17AnduinLotharotherwise it does the first element twice
12:39.29AnduinLotharcause newName starts nil
12:40.01AnduinLotharand other various issues
12:40.17AnduinLotharError: Interface\AddOns\Wardrobe\Wardrobe.lua:188: bad argument #1 to `gsub' (string expected, got table)
12:40.22Legoroli poked around in Lua source and found out why you get an error if you nil out a key in a for loop you are looping with "next"
12:40.52AnduinLotharlol, v is a table, oops
12:41.05AnduinLotharshould be globalName
12:41.14Legorolthe implementation of next starts by looking up the key you are on in the table, and then looks for the next key. However it first does a check to make sure the key you are on isn't nil
12:41.44Legoroli presume this is so that you can't do next(table, somekeythatactuallydoesn'texist)
12:42.09AnduinLotharsome key anyway
12:42.13AnduinLotharnon nil
12:42.19AnduinLotharwith a nil value
12:43.01AnduinLotharError: [string "Wardrobe_MainMenuFrame:OnLoad"]:2: attempt to index field `MainMenuFrameButton' (a nil value)
12:43.56AnduinLotharodd... that should be defined by a previous onload
12:44.45AnduinLotharoh, it doesn't exist O.o
12:44.47LegorolI was just thinking, couldn't you use this construct to delete entries whilst looping:
12:45.06Legorolor something like that
12:45.54AnduinLotharfor removing the last element?
12:46.21Legorolwell the idea is you loop throug the table, and when you get to a key, you don't delete it immediately, but mark it (in lastKey) and only delete it in the next iteration
12:46.39Legorolthe last key needs special handling, hence the extra if
12:46.42AnduinLotharyou could copy all the elements you want to modify into a temp table and then for loop the temp table to modify them
12:46.58Legorolsounds like it generates gc
12:47.04AnduinLotharjust one table
12:47.16AnduinLotharin this case
12:47.19Legoroltrue, for this application
12:47.28AnduinLotharprovided you're not calling it frequently
12:48.41AnduinLotharwtf... WardrobeMainMenuFrameButton doesn't exist
12:48.51AnduinLotharwhy didn't it error b4..
12:50.00AnduinLotharor not..
12:51.03AnduinLotharya... doesn't exist
12:51.57AnduinLotharWardrobeColorPickFrameButton either
12:52.18AnduinLotharwell... no more onlaod errors..
12:52.59Legorolhm, was Wardrobe always in Cosmos?
12:53.05Legorolooops, nvm
12:53.17AnduinLotharnope, it's in cragmore's old test folder
12:53.22AnduinLotharbut he retired
12:53.34AnduinLotharand mira picked it up
12:53.43AnduinLotharand then mira quit wow
12:53.49AnduinLotharthen i revamped it
12:53.53AnduinLotharthen mira came back
12:53.58AnduinLotharbut im still toying
12:53.58Legorolhe is back?
12:54.13AnduinLotharhe was back yesterday and fixed wardrobe
12:54.36AnduinLotharbut i fixed it too, and began improving (what i do best)
12:55.51Legorollol, i love these kind of entries in the patch notes:
12:55.52Legorol* UIParent:SetFrameStrata("TOOLTIP") no longer crashes the client.
12:55.58Legorolyou can see Tem's handiwork
12:56.05Legorolwho else would be mad enough to try that kind of thing
12:56.45Legoroli tell you what, this community is designers, implementers, testers, QA assurance and users of WoW's UI :D
12:56.52LegorolBlizz doesn't even have to work on it
12:57.25AnduinLotharthey do if they want to make millions?
12:57.56CyraelOkay. FINALLY.
12:58.02CyraelFixed it, Anduin =)
12:58.40CyraelI modified the getValue code to cut out structure that wasn't needed for this particular operation.
12:59.39AnduinLotharrather than using the lib of course
12:59.43Legorolmy point is AnduinLothar, at least as far as UI is concerned, we are making the millions for them ;-)
12:59.49CyraelDon't need the rest of it for this =)
13:00.07AnduinLothari should get me some millions
13:00.20LegorolI think since WoW's launch, or even beta, the Ui community has added so much manhours to WoW it's insane to even think about it
13:01.15CyraelThe RegisterXML function has blown out to quite a few more lines, of course,
13:02.15AnduinLotharso like triple?
13:02.29AnduinLotharor pentuple?
13:02.43CyraelIt was 2, it's now 32.
13:02.47AnduinLotharya, ew
13:02.59CyraelHeh, it's your code, not mine =P
13:03.17AnduinLothari didn't recomend it. you're the one that wants embeded tables
13:03.27AnduinLothari chopped yours up to make it just one
13:03.38AnduinLotharand mines faster :P neener neener
13:03.41CyraelI wanted evaluated text references. Your function does that.
13:04.41AnduinLotharlol, apparently my while loop only found one instance
13:04.47AnduinLotharthat's no good
13:05.28pagefaultthat was a fast restart
13:06.51CyraelI changed your returns in getValue to breaks. Not at first though, so I ended up getting an infinite loop because I forgot to put the break in.
13:07.18AnduinLotharwhy look. Fire can evaluate getfenv(0) for me
13:08.01AnduinLotharnot much in it... that can't be right..
13:08.38CyraelBlizzard's stuff alone adds up to somewhere between 20K - 30K.
13:08.50AnduinLotharya, something went wrong somewhere
13:09.17AnduinLotharmight be a max # of elements hard coded to fire
13:09.23AnduinLotharbut i didn't think so
13:09.43AnduinLotharoh, lol
13:09.48AnduinLothari had the filter on
13:10.35AnduinLotharya, it doesn't show anything w/o a filter
13:11.12AnduinLothara fairly specific filter
13:11.23CyraelHeh. Gello seems to have done an about-face now that I've provided a working proof of concept for performance improvement =)
13:11.40AnduinLothari told u
13:12.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Eraphine|Disco (
13:12.34AnduinLotharwhee, i crashed wow
13:12.45CyraelI did that before. Infinite loop.
13:13.05AnduinLotharwasn't technically infinite
13:13.24AnduinLotharbut apparently it took too long and tripped some timer
13:13.26CyraelMine was. It was a 'while true do' loop without a break =P
13:13.40AnduinLotharthat shouldn't crash
13:13.49CyraelIt didn't, it froze. I had to kill the process.
13:14.05AnduinLotharcept that's not technically crashing
13:14.28Cyrael'Application failure to function as intended'.
13:15.07AnduinLotharcept that it intends to freeze when you inf loop the script code
13:15.23Cyrael-I- didn't intend to leave out the break statement =P
13:15.31AnduinLotharthink the mac version should tell you to stop inf looping and throw an eero and keep chugging
13:15.46AnduinLotharcould test i spose
13:15.55CyraelMac is a whole different kettle of fish.
13:16.31CyraelAll the power of a Unix core.......restricted so you can't use it. And when you figure out how, you might as well have installed Unix to begin with.
13:16.59AnduinLotharah, but it's a great way to ease into unix ;)
13:17.17CyraelDid you hear Linus Torvalds went to town on the GNOME folks?
13:17.30AnduinLotharLinus is an ass
13:17.30CyraelCalled them interface nazis.
13:18.15AnduinLotharnot sure what that means, but ok
13:18.17CyraelAll great men are assholes =P
13:18.27CyraelJust look at Gates.
13:18.34AnduinLotharhe's Great?
13:18.49CyraelHe's the richest person on the planet. That's pretty great.
13:18.59AnduinLothardepends on your definition
13:19.14AnduinLotharand i thought it was 3rd richest
13:19.31CyraelI don't carry the semantics game across from code to English. Language is ambiguous =)
13:19.50AnduinLotharyours is ;)
13:19.58CyraelEnglish is, yes.
13:20.03AnduinLotharmine is Very ambiguous
13:20.20AnduinLotharand there's a diff between language and Language
13:20.45CyraelJapanese have their caveats too, of course. Double negatives are common in Japanese. "What does not cause this to not happen?"
13:21.00AnduinLotharhowever, it's ambiguous because you used it at the beginning of a sentance which should always be capitolized
13:23.52CyraelCan anyone recommend a mailblocker for Outlook 2003 that works by blocking all mail not from an authorised source? I want one of those ones that auto-sends a reply to an untrusted source asking them to reply back again to confirm they're a real person.
13:24.17futr-sleep"What does not cause this to not happen?" is valid logically
13:24.30CyraelCertainly, futr. I didn't say it was wrong. Just a caveat.
13:24.37futr-sleepahhh ;']
13:24.57AnduinLotharcyreal, wont that make you send out a lot of email?
13:25.19AnduinLotharand wont that verify your address for spammerS?>
13:25.25CyraelI'm just trying to block spam, and most filters don't really do a very good job.
13:26.01AnduinLotharah, well i dont use outlook. the OS X Mail app does a wonderful job once you train it
13:26.21CyraelWhich one is that?
13:26.34AnduinLotharout of about 3k spam emails a day maybe 1 slips through
13:26.38pagefaultwhats the name of the minimap frame?
13:26.47CyraelMinimapFrame, I think.
13:26.49AnduinLothar"Mail" is the name of the app
13:27.24CyraelNo, it's just Minimap
13:27.39AnduinLotharMinimap or MinimapCluster
13:27.43CyraelOr MinimapCluster, yeah.
13:27.45CyraelBeat me to it.
13:27.47AnduinLothardepending on what u need
13:31.07AnduinLotharoh btw, you're prolly gonna want to make sure ( type(globalName) == "string" ) and ( type(globalValue) == "table" ) for your xml
13:31.21CyraelAll XML elements are tables, though.
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13:31.37AnduinLothari mean when scanning through the global namespace
13:32.07CyraelIt just locates any table whose name starts with MyMod_*
13:32.13AnduinLotharok, well the function works, however it does not work onload
13:32.37CyraelI've got mine in OnLoad.
13:33.15AnduinLotharwell I have mine onload and it is only finding the frame it is defined within and not other frame defined after it in the same xml
13:34.46AnduinLotharwhich in this case is fine because I can just move the script frame to the end of the file, but that wouldn't work if I wanted to define things in the xml parented or child of the same frame the script is onload in
13:35.17CyraelIt should ideally be in your highest level frame OnLoad
13:35.38AnduinLotharyou didn't say that
13:35.51AnduinLotharand i never put my event driver in my highest frame
13:35.55CyraelIf you want to run it once, yes. I run mine separately for each frame.
13:36.12AnduinLotharstop making all these exceptiosn
13:36.35AnduinLotharif you're gonna run it in every frame you may as well template it
13:37.02CyraelNot like that. Each high level frame, I let it manage itself and all its children.
13:37.29AnduinLotharwow, so you're sorting the whole global namespace on every frame creation?
13:37.51CyraelNo, that's done once.
13:38.04AnduinLotharok,w /e i cease to care
13:38.24zeeg - good enough to beat Thottbot, no? :)
13:39.07AnduinLotharloots need icons
13:39.43AnduinLotharand their linsk need to work
13:41.02futr-sleepzeeg, mousing over Fang of the Faceless and it doesn't say what class of wepaon it is
13:41.25futr-sleepcorrection, any weapon
13:42.25futr-sleepplus I got an error when clicking on an item
13:43.18futr-sleepbut this looks very cool
13:43.57zeegk ya one sec
13:44.07zeegmy item db just corrupted
13:44.32futr-sleepI didn't do it!
13:49.52AnduinLotharyou've got to be kidding me...
13:50.06AnduinLotharyou pass ColorCycle a global string..
13:51.33AnduinLotharso what happens when you get the name of a frame that's been modified?
13:52.18AnduinLotharso that it's name is no longer in the global name space
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13:53.08AnduinLotharya, it returns the old name
13:56.16AnduinLotharWardrobe.MainMenuFrame:getName() == "Wardrobe_MainMenuFrame"
13:56.22zeeggood, no?
13:57.23AnduinLotharhakkar does concecration?
13:57.43zeegbug in LUA script it seems
13:57.50zeegsome of it's still beta
13:58.11AnduinLotharCause Insanity
13:58.11AnduinLotharRequires Level 1
13:58.11AnduinLothar30 yd range
13:58.41AnduinLotharmight pick up the aoe attacks of nearby friends
13:58.55zeeghrmm that could be it..
13:59.02AnduinLotharand attribute them to the mob
13:59.16zeegill have him check that, that could be it though
13:59.23zeegif it is, i just wont worry about it
14:02.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Beladona (
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14:02.47Legorolsomeone who is knowledgable about inventory types, slots, localization etc.
14:03.04Legorolis it just me or INVTYPE_AMMO, INVTYPE_RANGEDRIGHT and possibly others are missing from GlobalStrings.lua?
14:05.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Ktron_ (
14:06.48*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (
14:07.03TemI feel bad
14:07.11[MoonWolf]howso ?
14:07.11TemI just called in sick to work
14:07.17Tem(I'm not really sick)
14:07.32[MoonWolf]something else the matter?
14:07.42TemI dunno
14:07.47TemI just really don't wanna go
14:08.06futr-sleepand now you feel guilty?
14:08.06[MoonWolf]Ah, worksick.
14:08.09TemI think I'll go back to sleep for a while
14:08.18Temoh yes, the guilt is flowing
14:09.01TemOk, I'm gonna go take a nap
14:10.04AnduinLotharCyrael, your system reaks havok on tempates that use: getglobal(this:GetName().."Outfit");
14:11.27CyraelYep. That was mentioned as the only limitation.
14:11.55CyraelThat method (obviously) requires global XML elements.
14:12.15AnduinLothareither that or i have to parse the name
14:12.18CyraelYou can work around it, but it takes a few steps.
14:12.37CyraelThen getValue the result.
14:12.57AnduinLotharfor multi lvls yeah
14:13.04CyraelMight even be faster than a getglobal
14:13.10Legorolwhy not just use: getValue("MyAddOnTable."..this:GetName().."Outfit") etc.
14:13.43AnduinLotharcause the name is what it was named in xml with the "MyAddOnTable_Blah"
14:13.43LegorolAnduinLothar, you messed with INVTYPES at some point, didn't you? I have a question:
14:13.49CyraelThe middle part is slightly different to the XML schema unless you keep the original naming. Not hard to edit the result, though.
14:13.52Legorolhow do i go about converting an INVTYPE to an inventory slot id?
14:14.09AnduinLotharnot sure what u mean by INVTYPE
14:14.27Legorolsay i have the string INVTYPE_CLOAK
14:14.37Legorolfor example, as returned by GetItemInfo
14:14.51Legorolhow do i figure out what is the inventory slot id that this item goes into?
14:15.11AnduinLotharhonestly dont know off the top of my head
14:15.47Legorolbecause I don't see a whay to connect the INVTYPE_XXX strings and the XXXSLOT strings
14:15.52Legorolit's not even a 1-to-1 map :(
14:16.08AnduinLotharlocal foundString, number = string.gsub(this:GetName(), "^Wardrobe_", "")
14:16.50Legorolhold on a second
14:16.59Legorolif you have properly moved all Wardrobe_ references to a table,
14:17.12Legorolthere shouldn't be a Wardrobe_ at the start of this:GetName()
14:17.17AnduinLotharthere is
14:17.24CyraelIt's a seemingly innocuous concept that you bounce between 'this is cool' and 'this sucks' a lot, eh Anduin? =P
14:17.27AnduinLotharthe name is store, not evaluated
14:17.30Legoroloh 'cause that is its frame name, not its Lua name
14:17.42Legorolmy bad
14:18.07AnduinLotharwhat's innocuous cyreal?
14:18.15CyraelThe concept. The implementation.
14:18.27TemLegorol: getglobal(INVTYPE_*) == translated string of the slot
14:18.31AnduinLotharit's more effort than it's worth
14:18.40AnduinLotharand it's confusing to code and read
14:18.50*** join/#wowi-lounge id` (
14:19.04Legorolquote from US UI forum: " I cannot buy anything from the auction house or create a aution because this is telling me my ui id outdated. I am to a point were i would appreciate it if i can get a response from your tech people regarding this matter. everytime a patch comes in this big we have problems. Please respond ASAP thank you."
14:19.05CyraelIt's closer to a C++ standard of OO, so it's less confusing if that's what you're used to.
14:19.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Ktron (
14:19.21Legorolthis are the times when i wish i could strangle people over the Internet
14:19.40TemFor example: getglobal(INVTYPE_CLOAK) == "Cloak" on a US client
14:19.50LegorolTem, i'm afraid that doesn't help me
14:19.53Temor maybe it's "Back" I don't remember
14:19.55AnduinLotharno. i understand the functions and variables. extending it to xml is more effort than it's worth tho
14:20.13Legorolthe global strings such as INVTYPE_CLOAK etc. resolve to the type of item it is
14:20.18CyraelIf you write from scratch, it's easy.
14:20.22Legorolwhich is not entirely the same as the type of slot it goes into
14:20.39TemLegorol: can you give me an example?
14:20.42id`Legorol: depends on wich forum but i'd tell them where to stick that stuck up comment because we do these things in our spare time for fun.
14:20.52AnduinLothareasy to write, hard to read
14:20.58Legorolsure, Tem:
14:21.04LegorolINVTYPE_2HWEAPON = "Two-Hand"
14:21.21AnduinLotharshould be a table in wardrobe somewhere
14:21.23Legorolgoes into the main hand slot, i.e. goes into MAINHANDSLOT = "Main Hand"
14:21.25CyraelOnly harder to distinguish what's XML and what's not. Otherwise it's just dots vs underscores, for readability.
14:21.40*** join/#wowi-lounge qwxyr (
14:21.43Legorolthose two declarations are from GlobalStrings.lua
14:21.51Legorolwhat makes it worse is that the map is not 1-to-1
14:21.55Temyeah you can't
14:22.06Legorolbecause 2H, Main hand and one-hand items all go into Main hand slot
14:22.08Temyou have to associate them in a table ot something
14:22.17Temgimme a sec I'll pastebin mine from ItemCompare
14:22.22Legorolbah, i was hoping that with all the recent API changes i can do something
14:22.27Legorolnah dont' worry bout it, i have the table myself
14:22.31Legoroli was trying to get rid of the table
14:23.04Legorolhowever, i have a problem
14:23.22Legorolslouken said that GetItemInfo can return, among other things, these strings:
14:23.27qwxyranyone thought about making a mod distribution system, kind of like steam? All the mods got a "repository.txt" file with them or something where the app. could check where to look for updates? Would be awesome
14:23.28Legorolthese are not declared in GlobalStrings.lua
14:23.39Tain"Today at the Consumer Electronics Show, Dell and NVIDIA announced a new XPS system coming later this year that will sport not one, not two, but FOUR GeForce 7800 GTX 512 GPUs running in a quad-SLI configuration."
14:23.45Legorolqwxyr, there are about 4 different competing systems already
14:24.14qwxyrWhich one is regarded most developed?
14:24.23Legorolthat depends on who you ask
14:24.25AnduinLotharZeeg's pushing his
14:24.28Legorolnone works too well
14:24.32Legorolincluding Cosmos :D
14:24.38Temthe cosmos one doesn't count
14:24.42Temyou don't get to pick your mods
14:24.48TainI'd not put too much faith into using one really.
14:24.52Legoroli said it's not developed
14:25.00Legorolso it counts as a non-developed mod ;-)
14:25.06Temlol Legorol
14:25.14AnduinLotharCosmos's new mac patcher is very useful, but it downlaods everything and then moves it around if you disable or nopatch it
14:25.28TemLegorol: I'd say the cosmos one works damn well, but only if you want cosmos
14:25.34TainYeah Tem.
14:25.34qwxyrI got another idea too, but I'll share it when I come back.
14:25.35zeegmy mod distro system is the most developed, besides cosmos, but its not something im really showing off yet as i want more done
14:25.40LegorolTem: you wish, that's what we tell people
14:25.51Temoh? It has issues?
14:26.08Legorolone word: nopatch
14:26.11zeegits just not "complete" imo, needs more stuff
14:26.23Tainheh heh I delete nopatch files as soon as I see them.
14:26.27zeegnopatch is a crappy decision imo
14:26.32Temoh right Legorol I forgot about that
14:26.39zeegwgp makes a XML that lists all the dirs from the mod it downloaded
14:26.44zeegso if they uninstall, it deletes those dirs
14:27.14TemA year ago when I used cosmos I just unchecked that "clean up" checkbox
14:27.30Legoroland if you do, then you are screwed when addons are removed from the package
14:27.36zeegLegorol, how so?
14:27.44id`i dont want anything movieng deleting etc files in my addon folder
14:27.44Legorolbecause the patcher doesn't remove them
14:27.47zeegto update, it simply removes all old folds, downloads new version, extracts
14:27.48TemLegorol: that happened to me, and it was the reason I dumped cosmos
14:27.51zeeg*old files
14:27.56Legorolzeeg, i am not talking about wgp
14:27.56Tembecause I didn't know what was going on
14:27.59Legoroli am talking about Cosmos
14:28.02zeegmy bad
14:28.10Legorolsee Tem, cosmos's patcher does have issues :D
14:28.13Legoroli told you
14:28.21zeegthats the only thing i dont like about cosmos is the nopatch stuff
14:28.21TainThat's why I dumped all compilations.  Downloading your own individually is the way to go.
14:28.31id`Tain: correct
14:28.36id`compilations suck
14:28.36zeegbut wowguru makes it easy for users to include it so its no biggy
14:28.39id`worst thing ever
14:28.41Legorolcompilations are not bad
14:28.41TemOh, no I remember why I stopped using cosmos
14:28.50CyraelA good system would be like Windows Update. CVS style 'only download changes within files' methodology usually nets the best result, as long as the user doesn't mess with the files. CVS, it's essentially like.
14:28.50AnduinLotharActually the new Patcher has a single NoPatch.nopatch file config system
14:28.51id`every joe slaps two addons together and calls it JoeUI
14:28.53TemPopbar was removed and MooBuff was removed
14:28.58Legorolthey are good in that: a) save you time b) if the person is responsible, they test incompatibilities etc.
14:28.59TainI do still think that downloading your updates when you want to is a better idea for stability, even though it might be convenient.
14:29.03Temthose were the only 2 Cosmos mods I really used
14:29.17AnduinLotharit also has prepatch files for restoring the previous files
14:29.23id`Legorol: they shouldnt save you time, because you are interested in addons you should INVEST time
14:29.28id`its all based on LAZYNESS
14:29.30id`and USERS
14:29.36TainJust wait until the first time an addon with a problem is distributed to hundreds of people automatically. :)
14:29.50Legorollike... cosmos?
14:29.54TainActually though, I'm wondering about the legal ramifications.
14:29.58AnduinLotharthe first time? u mean the hunderds of times i've done it?
14:30.01Temyeah it was horrible on patch days with cosmos
14:30.08Temgod it was miserable
14:30.19zeegit still is horrible
14:30.21zeegon patch days
14:30.22zeegfor most things
14:30.23Legorolok, let's bash Cosmos a bit mroe, it helps my self-esteem
14:30.28zeegevery ui site dies for the most part
14:30.30id`compilations and packs and auto-anything is a BAD THING (TM)
14:30.32zeegworldofwar becomes pay-only
14:30.40zeegwowinterface and wowguru are off and on (although next patch day i should be stable)
14:30.42TainI used Cosmos, then something, then Insomniax, then... my own!
14:30.42CyraelLegorol: Cosmos is the suck. God told me so.
14:30.51zeeginsomniax wasnt bad
14:30.55AnduinLotharah, well u missed a few days ago. i think we had 5 errors, none critical, all fixed within the day.
14:30.55zeegcosmos was my first as well
14:30.56Legorolbtw, the biggest problem is exactly this: people think that cosmos is a compilation. it's not :(
14:31.12zeegLegorol, it's become one more or less though..
14:31.13Temit isn't?
14:31.16zeegI like the idea of C2
14:31.17id`its a pack
14:31.19zeegif it ever happens
14:31.23Legorolsee? even zeeg thinks so, and Tem's surprised too
14:31.34Legorolthat's why we have so much trouble :(
14:31.36zeegi do like Khaos though
14:31.47Temwell I haven't exactly been watching cosmos for like a year to know any better
14:31.48Legorolok, in a nutshell, my view on What Is Cosmos?:
14:31.59CyraelBloatware? =P
14:32.02LegorolCosmos is an onion, it has 3 layers
14:32.08id`do i get to choose what addons i want in my ram? if not its trash for me.
14:32.39id`do i get to choose if i want configuration with UI? same thing
14:32.47LegorolLayer 1) Function libraries and GUI development framework, a platform if you like, supposed to be targeted by 3rd party devs (example: Sea, Sky, Chronos, Khaos)
14:33.02LegorolLayer 2) AddOns developed by the Cosmos team that target the framework in layer 1
14:33.23LegorolLayer 3) Third party AddOns that have been converted to fit in with the GUI aspects of the framework in layer 1
14:33.48LegorolThe problem is that most people only see/consider layer 3
14:33.48Legoroland to them, it's just a compilation
14:33.49id`make it so that anyone can chooise what to have and mix and match with addons from layer 2 and 3 and i will be happy
14:33.54zeegLegorol, IMO that's more of what Cosmos originally was, and now it's become more of a compilation. Although the direction it's heading in is better
14:34.11Legorolzeeg, the sheer fact you think that means we have bad PR
14:34.31zeegLegorol, doesnt help that you guys are sponsored by you know who and that it's public knowledge though :(
14:34.38Legorolthe problem Cosmos has is that, in a way, it's not like anything else out there. I don't mean this in a good or bad way, just a neutral way
14:34.45CyraelA compilation that shares a common dependency is still a compilation, in my opinion. If you can switch off layer 2/3 elements, I don't see the difference.
14:35.04LegorolLet me try to illustrate with analogies:
14:35.18zeegzeeg's going zzz
14:35.20Legorola) there are frameworks out there, that are supposed to be targeted by 3rd parties. Examples: Titan, Ace
14:35.40Legorolb) there are packages out there, which are all mods developed together, and tested together. Example: CT
14:35.45TainLegorol: The other issue Cosmos ran into is being popular.  That causes a backlash eventually and can create a public opinion that isn't based on fact.
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14:35.57Legorolc) there are compilations out there, which is Joe bob's favourite addons in one zip
14:36.00AnduinLotharCyreal: btw your method also makes using the scrollbar templates nearly impossible cause they use this:GetName()
14:36.04Legorolunfortunately, Cosmos has all 3 of these
14:36.19id`stop releasing cosmos as one download
14:36.23id`make it so that every package
14:36.25Serachtguys in this picture -
14:36.28id`is separately downloadable
14:36.31Serachthow do i get the exp bar like that
14:36.36CyraelTerminology debate. A compilation is a collection of addons. Nothing more should be read into the nature of it.
14:36.38Legorolid, that is kind of happening already, but it's not the point
14:36.44id`it is the point
14:36.45zeegid`, that's what the addon screen is for :P
14:36.56id`its bad to meet users and asking them what addons they use
14:36.58id`and they tell you
14:37.02id`'oh just cosmos'
14:37.07AnduinLotharid` there's no good way to efficiently do that with our current svn settup on thott's servers
14:37.08id`not knowing anything about how addons work
14:37.10id`as i said
14:37.16id`based on lazyness and users
14:37.25Legorolthe distribution method is a technical point
14:37.33Legoroli was discussing philosophical/design/overall poitns
14:37.38TainCyrael: Sometimes compilations contain modified versions of mods to work better together.
14:38.02CyraelA compilation is a very broad term, it shouldn't be restricted to just mean 'X, Y and Z in one download'.
14:38.02Legorolthe only point i was trying to make is that cosmos is different from other "stuff" whatever that may be that people can find out there
14:38.06AnduinLotharand actually the patcher allows you to disable addons you dont want with a gui
14:38.08Legorolhence it is usually misunderstood
14:38.17AnduinLotharas does the built in wow addon menu
14:38.30id`Legorol: im not saying cosmos is a bad thing tohugh. many hours have been put into it
14:38.53Legoroli didn't make any quality statements, didn't say if it's good or bad ;-)
14:39.02Legoroli am just trying to explain what it is and why it's different from most things out there
14:39.19Legorolso you can't label it as a compilation, or a framework, or a package, or anything, becauuse it has elements of all of them
14:39.27LegorolIf I asked you what Ace is, what would you say?
14:39.50Legorolassuming you know what it is
14:39.58id`a framework
14:39.58TainAce is a community, a philosophy, and a framework.
14:39.59Legorolor if i ask you what Titan is?
14:40.05id`an addon
14:40.05Legorolright, Tain
14:40.19CyraelI would call Ace a library, personally.
14:40.27LegorolAce isn't, by itself, an AddOn as such, it has no functionality by itself, but it's point is for 3rd parties to target it
14:40.33Temthats because you don't know what you are talking about
14:40.44CyraelI know exactly what I'm talking about.
14:40.46Legorolcorrect me Tem if i'm wrong
14:40.51Legoroli don't want to get it wrong
14:40.53TainYou can call it whatever you want.  I call Ace my friend.
14:40.58id`Legorol: that was for Cyrael
14:41.08LegorolAce is good, Ace is a solid framework
14:41.12Legorolit has lot of 3rd party support
14:41.21TemCyrael: I'd rather not have an argument today since I've already seen how you refuse to accept when you are wrong
14:41.22Legorolnow look at cosmos, at it's core, at Layer 1, it has the same thing
14:41.30CyraelDo you know what a library is, Tem?
14:41.37Legorolexcept that 3rd parties don't target it, because most 3rd parties think it's a compilation
14:41.47Temsomeone let me know when it's safe
14:41.49*** part/#wowi-lounge Tem (
14:41.55CyraelDidn't think so.
14:42.08id`Cyrael: you judge too fast
14:42.25TainYes and no, Legorol.  Well in my opinion at least, I think third parties don't target Cosmos because they see it as a closed system.  Whether that's reality or not.
14:42.39CyraelA library is a collection of functions and structures designed to facilitate further development. That's precisely what the Ace core is.
14:42.39Legorolbut what gives this impression?
14:43.05id`Cyrael: so by defenition any framework is a library?
14:43.11AnduinLotharit's not really a closed system. we absorb most anyone who writes compatible software
14:43.22CyraelYes, but not all libraries are frameworks.
14:43.27CyraelOne contains the other.
14:43.28TainLegorol: I think the fact that from the outside looking in it's just, "Cosmos."  People don't necessarily view it as just a compilation of addons.
14:43.31Legorolas it hapens we do have a "core" download with only the framework or whatnot
14:43.33id`Cyrael: i can agree with that
14:43.45LegorolTain, because it isn't just a compilation
14:43.46id`Legorol: i will look at it tonight
14:43.56Legorolafk, brb
14:44.25TainAnduinLothar: I don't disagree at all.  I think it's the perception of at least some.  Well I know it is of at least some.
14:44.49TainIt may not be reality at all, but that's really what half the discussion is about.  Perception verses reality.
14:45.01TainSometimes perception is harder to change than reality. :)
14:45.03id`Cyrael: however you must agnowledge the difference between a full packed library for making blueberry waffles and ace
14:45.18id`Cyrael: people are making spell checkers in game for gods sake
14:45.27TainAce Ace Baby.. dum dum de dum dum
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14:45.37AnduinLotharwhats a spellcheck have to do with anything?
14:45.38*** part/#wowi-lounge Tem (
14:45.56id`AnduinLothar: the length people go to without realizing ram is a precious thing
14:46.23zeegi know what i could do to add to the patcher
14:46.28zeegit'd be hot so say for example
14:46.31id`my god with my 1GB ram, xp no apps whatsoever + world of warcraft i have 20MB ram feee
14:46.31zeegyou could have asy..
14:46.35zeegyou click install
14:46.36id`thats 1 gygabyte people
14:46.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (
14:46.41zeegit pops up another box with another list of checkboxes
14:46.44zeegcore files checked and disabled
14:46.50zeegthen optional files there that you can install
14:46.57zeeggah im gonna go find me a dev again
14:47.21TainYou know zeeg, you have some great ideas for this patcher system.  In fact there's so much to discuss about it I bet you could even make an irc channel just for it.
14:47.28AnduinLotharyour ram maybe
14:47.34AnduinLotharmy ram is cheep
14:47.45zeegTain, remember what we discussed earlier?
14:47.46AnduinLotharmy proc is at a premium
14:47.47id`AnduinLothar: its 1GB, it being full is rediculous
14:47.53zeegTain, it still applies.
14:47.54AnduinLothari have 2gb
14:47.59id`AnduinLothar: not hte point
14:48.05TainWe discussed something?  I'm making suggestions.
14:48.17id`AnduinLothar: whats the minimum wow needs?
14:48.25Temoh wtf
14:48.27id`_no_ _way_
14:48.30Temhow do you ignore people in IRC?
14:48.40Temyeah that's what I thought
14:48.44Tem/ignore cyreal
14:48.51CyraelIgnoring me won't change the nature of Ace, Tem. It's a library.
14:49.24Temgaim has a gui for it
14:49.30CyraelWhy you'd want to have a childish fit over something as simple as terminology is beyond me.
14:49.39TainYou can call it whatever you want, Cyrael.  That doesn't make it true.
14:49.48TainOr relevant.
14:49.58CyraelI call it what the definition of the word is. Programming has standardised terms.
14:50.27TainStandardised terms that vary from language to language, from implementation to implementation.
14:50.42CyraelStandardised means standardised - across the board.
14:51.43CyraelAPI doesn't mean anything but application programming interface, in the context of programming. It's a standardised term. You can redefine it how you like, but nobody else will understand you.
14:52.19TainAnyhoo I actually keep forgetting to bring up to people that they should really stay away from using the SetEffectiveScale() function Slouken posted, except as a short term fix while making real fixes.
14:52.37TainBut I think people want to just use it and be done.
14:53.01CyraelSomeone was testing anchors in scaled UI elements. I'm curious to know what the result of that was.
14:53.19Legoroli did that
14:53.25CyraelHow did it go?
14:53.30Legorolpretty well, thanks
14:53.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (
14:53.38TemWhat was tain?
14:53.38Legorolcaused mild headaches, nothing a cup of tea couldn't cure
14:53.45Temmy client crashed
14:53.59Legorolon the technical side:
14:54.03Temer, What was that Tain?
14:54.03CyraelDoes the anchor scale before or after the parent does?
14:54.06TainI don't know.
14:54.17LegorolCyrael, that question doesn't really make sense i don't think
14:54.26Legorolwell different people like to look at scaling in different ways
14:54.31Legorolthe way i like to look at it is this:
14:54.33TainI generally forget what I'm saying a minute after it passes.
14:54.42CyraelThe problem I vaguely recall you mentioning was that the anchor offsets were based on pre-scaled dimensions?
14:54.55Temyou said something that started with "I keep meaning to bring it up ... "
14:55.06TainAnyhoo I actually keep forgetting to bring up to people that they should really stay away from using the SetEffectiveScale() function Slouken posted, except as a short term fix while making real fixes.
14:55.10Legorolyou can phrase it like that i fyou like..
14:55.19Legorolthe way i think it's most useful to look at it is like this:
14:55.22TemTain: why?
14:55.27Legorolevery UI element carries a coordinate system with it
14:55.35Tembecause that doesn't change when the parent changes?
14:55.42Legorolon top of that, there is an underlying "screen" coordinate system
14:55.59CyraelRelative and absolute positioning, right.
14:56.11Legoroland you can say whether a particular distance is with respect to the screen coordinates, or the element coordinates
14:56.13TainIt's going to, in my opinion, cause confusion because people won't understand it.
14:56.25TainSo a few months down the road they won't evne think about how the scaling really works.
14:56.28Legorolthis isn't just about relative or absolute, but also the "size" of the coordinate system
14:56.38TemTain: that's a good point
14:56.57TainIt's not a technical reason to do it, it's doing the same calculations (mostly) that you'd do anyway.  Just in a different way.
14:56.58Legorolthe screen coordinates are such that (for the moment, for simplicity) 1 point is 1 pixel
14:57.15id`Good Thing (tm)
14:57.15Legorolin a UI elements coordinate system, 1 point might mean more or less than 1 pixel
14:57.26TainBut if people start to use the scaling the way it is there'll be less confusion when someone tries to set a scale and it doesn't work the way they think it should.
14:57.27Legoroleach UI element has an effective scale
14:57.30CyraelI think initially that's based on screen resolution.
14:57.38CyraelUnless that's a different factor altogether.
14:57.43Legorolforget about resolution and aspect ratio for the moment
14:57.59Legorolthe coordinate system of an element is its effective scale
14:58.07LegorolExamples will illustrate better than 100 words:
14:58.21LegorolConverting from element scale to screen scale:
14:58.35Legorollength (e.g. 10) * element:GetEffectiveScale()
14:59.04Legorolwhat this means is that if an element has e.g. element:GetWidth() = 10 and it has an effective scale of 2, it will occupy 20 pixels on screen
14:59.24CyraelMy last research on this showed coordinates in the interface are based on a 1024x768 default, though. So if you define something as 50x50 pixels, it's only ACTUALLY 50x50 pixels at 1024x768. At other resolutions it scales to maintain the same screen percentage. Is that still the case?
14:59.39CyraelIf it's still true, is that defined by EffectiveScale?
14:59.39Legorolmore or less
14:59.48Legoroleffectivescale has nothing to do with it
14:59.51CyraelSo that's separate again?
14:59.56Legorolthere are 3 things:
14:59.57EndCyrael: that is correct.  take a look at the WorldMapFrame, which gets no scaling at all ;P
14:59.57TainIt's based on current resolution.
15:00.07Legorolphysical pixel to UI "screen" pixels
15:00.15Legoroland UI "screen" pixels to element scale
15:00.27EndI mean correct for the first part
15:00.42Legorolfrom the UI engine's point of view, for any resolution that is a multiple of 1024x768, the size of the "screen" is 1024x768
15:01.18Legorolthis is what i call screen size, it's (most of the time) 1024x768. whether that's physicially that many pixels or not is irrelevant, the UI engine doesn't know about that
15:01.33Legorolif UIParent has a scale of 1,
15:01.40Legorolthen UIParent:GetWidth() returns 1024
15:01.59Legorolfor resolutions such as 800x600, 1024x768 and 1280x960
15:02.16[MoonWolf]Legorol, for any 4:3 resolution you mean.
15:02.28Legorolso that's a separate issue entirely
15:02.35Legorolthat's got nothing to do with scaling and API
15:02.56CyraelSo your workspace is 1024x768 at any 4:3 resolution, essentially.
15:02.57Legorolthere is no way, in Lua, to determine what the actual resolution is, except to look at the setting in video options
15:03.02Legorolcorrect, Cyrael
15:03.06Legorolworkspace is a good word
15:03.10Legoroli like it
15:03.16Legorolthat's the base coordinate system
15:03.31Legorola UI element's coordinate system is scaled relative to that, by the element's effective scale
15:04.02Legorolif an element has an effective scale of 1, and has a size of 100x100 say, it appears as a 100x100 box on the workspace
15:04.35Legorolif you scale the element so it has an effective scale of 2, it appears as a 200x200 box on the workspace, if you have say <Size x=100, y=100> in its XML
15:04.44Legorolnow on to anchors
15:05.13CyraelAnchors pose an interesting dilemma.
15:05.34TainWhy do they?
15:05.41Legorolwhen you anchor something and use an offset, the offset is considered to have been specified in the object's coordinate system that is being anchored
15:05.57Legorolso it behaves exactly the same way as the size attribute of the object, for example
15:06.00CyraelEven top level objects are anchored to a relative point on UIParent. If anchor offsets are scaled, then their effective position in the workspace will also change.
15:06.08Legorolthat's correct
15:06.15TainIt uses the "child object's" scale for offset.
15:06.25Legorolframe:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", 10, -10)
15:06.46Legorolwhether this frame appears at 10, 20 or 40 points away from the edge depends on the effective scale of frame
15:06.56Legorolindependent of whether it's anchored to its parent or not
15:07.34CyraelMmm. So as long as elements that are meant to stay together are all scaled equally, they should all maintain their correct relative positions.
15:07.36Legorolif the frame's effectively scale is 1, 2 or 4, then it's 10, 20 or 40 points (in terms of workspace area) away from the edge of whatever it's being anchored to
15:08.00Legorolthat's correct
15:08.08Legoroland you best achieve that by only scaling the parent of the elements
15:08.25CyraelThe scale inherits down to its children?
15:08.26Legorolas long as you don't change their relative scale to the parent, they all scale together when you scale the parent
15:08.35CyraelAh, scale is relative too. Okay.
15:08.42Legorolyes, that's new in 1.9
15:08.50Legoroleffective scale = parent's scale * scale relative to parent
15:08.57Legorolthe SetScale() method only sets scale relative to parent
15:09.02LegorolGetScale() returns scale relative to parent
15:09.11CyraelI figured scale was absolute to the workspace dimensions.
15:09.13LegorolGetEffectiveScale() returns scale relative to workspace
15:09.21TainWell parents always scaled children down, the change is just the numbers you use for children object scales now.
15:09.39LegorolTain's statement should be rephrased slightly
15:09.42id`Legorol: if you have time you should write a paper on this, it will help lots and lots of people. Use this log as a start! good thing! :P
15:09.57Legorolscales used to be absolute, every element had a scale independent of the rest
15:10.00EndTain: isn't more like scales stack instead of overriding?
15:10.03CyraelI agree, you've done well with this research =)
15:10.12Legorolit's just that when you changed the scale of an element, it forcibly changed the scale of all its children to the same value
15:10.15Legorolbut that's pre-1.9
15:10.16CyraelRelative scaling is a great thing.
15:10.30Legoroli have a very simple example to illustrate all this
15:10.38Legorollet's have a frame A, and another one, B, that is a child
15:10.52Legorollet's assume UIParent's scale is 1
15:11.05Legoroland let's say i do: frameB:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", UIParent, 10, 0)
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15:11.17Legorolinitially, B is 10 points (in workspace) away from the edge of UIParent
15:11.41Legorolif i now do frameA:SetScale(2), this makes the effective scale of A 2 and, B as well
15:11.55Legorolso now frameB:GetScale() returns 1, but frameB:GetEffectiveScale() returns 2
15:12.09Legorolas End said, they stack
15:12.23Legorolat this point, B will be 20 points (in workspace) away from the edge
15:12.29TainWell, multiply.
15:12.41Legorolthis makes sense if you think about it: we made A (and with it B) bigger, so all "gaps" got bigger too
15:12.54CyraelNicely done, Legorol.
15:13.03Legorolif i now call frameB:SetScale(2), we now have:
15:13.18LegorolframeB:GetScale() is 2, frameB:GetEffectiveScale() is 4
15:13.26Legorolnow B will be 40 points away from the edge
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15:13.41Legorolagain, the way to remember is that B is even larger than A, so the gap should be even larger too
15:13.44TainHey Kael
15:13.52CyraelGlad to see well implemented relative scaling, finally.
15:14.14LegorolTo summarise: when you specify an anchor offset, it is interpreted in the child's coordinate system
15:14.22Legorolto convert a distance in child coordinate system to workspace:
15:14.27TainI believe that children are our future.
15:14.28Legoroldistance * effectivescale
15:14.41Legoroland vice versa, to convert a disatnce in workspace coordinate system to child:
15:14.43Endyeah, the new scaling system is more "right", and if you don
15:14.43CyraelThat's what the OO forefathers said, Tain =)
15:14.45Legoroldistance / effectivescale
15:14.56Enddon't think about it too much and just do it, it'll do what you think
15:15.04Legoroli like to think about it :D
15:15.06Endstupid enter key jumped out at me!
15:15.15Legorolbut yeah it should be better for people who havne't tried scaling before 1.9
15:15.16TainYeah it's pretty simple, just different than before.
15:15.24CyraelIt's more correct, I agree.
15:15.42Legorolusually the thing to watch out for is mouse cursor position
15:15.56LegorolGetCursorPosition() returns the x, y coordinates in workspace coordinate system
15:16.16Legorolexample: you want to determin if mouse is inside your box or not
15:16.19Legorolyou have available:
15:16.23TainWhich is a greatly useful thing when thinking about placing things.
15:16.25Legorolcx, cy = GetCursorPosition()
15:16.32Legoroland also
15:16.43Legorolleft, right = myframe:GetLeft(), myframe:GetRight()
15:16.54Legorolthe sticking point is that cx, cy are in workspace coordinates,
15:17.05Legorolwhereas left, right are in myframe's coordinate system
15:17.30Legorolso you can either do cx, cy / myframe:GetEffectiveScale(), or conversely left, right * myframe:GetEffectiveScale()
15:17.58Legorolwhether to divide or multiply, you can either just memorise it, or if you understand how it works, yo ucan work it out
15:18.01Legorolok, i'm afraid i gotta go
15:18.04Legorolbye bye
15:18.11CyraelTake care, Legorol.
15:18.42AnduinLotharya ok.. not being about to use this:GetName is a major drag
15:18.59CyraelYou can still use that in events.
15:19.01AnduinLothardisables scrollframes without major hacks
15:19.54CyraelThat function will still be available in event code. 'this' is still valid.
15:20.10AnduinLotharlocal scrollChildFrame = getglobal( frameName.."ScrollChildFrame" );
15:20.13AnduinLotharis not
15:20.13Temwhen did you get bela?
15:20.25Beladonawhen did I join?
15:20.30Temyeah I never saw you join
15:20.30AnduinLotharbecause that frame name no longer exists
15:20.35*** join/#wowi-lounge kremonte (
15:20.41Beladona1.5 hours ago
15:20.43TainStealth-join, learning from Cair
15:20.58Temmust have been not paying attn
15:20.58TainThey are like unto the ninja.
15:21.00BeladonaI think it was when no one was looking
15:21.04Cyrael'this' is the address to the caller. The caller still exists. First level Lua objects are anonymous.
15:21.06kremonteBeladona: with the dual monitors on linux, wierd; didn't work when it was listed under the card device listing, had to be under screen
15:21.09BeladonaI am taking ninja monkey classes
15:21.31TainDo you fling poo and disappear in a cloud of smoke?
15:21.33Beladonakremonte: not sure I understand
15:22.01Beladonaoh your dual monitors aren't listed in the nvidia applet?
15:22.10kremontehuh? in xorg.conf
15:22.24kremonteall the tutorials and what you gave me have twinview and whatnot in "Device" for the card, not under "Screen"
15:22.33Beladonait doesn't list them in xorg unless you actually initilize both I though
15:22.39Beladonawhich you do via the applet
15:23.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
15:23.35kremontedunno. works perfectly now though =D (except the gdm startup appears on my crt)
15:24.48TainI think (and could be wrong) that you can change that if you want to. I think the full desktop resolution isn't set until after you log in, gdm is sort of a separate window manager almost.  Sort of.
15:27.18zeegKolth` ?
15:28.14zeegAnduinLothar, have you tried out the current patcher?
15:28.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Legorol (
15:28.39kremonteTain: gdm has my full resolution (sort of); my desktop shows on my lcd while gdm is on my other one, but for example, before it was all set up, my screen would be on the crt by default
15:29.36AnduinLothardoes it work on mac?
15:30.06zeegoh, no
15:31.17AnduinLotharthen no
15:31.41zeegnot sure if you know much about how it works then but
15:31.50kremonteblizzard only likes windows :-(
15:31.53zeegitd go from what it is now, to 3 screens (those two and a settings dialog)
15:32.50zeegaww i missed an L in installed
15:32.51zeego well
15:33.06kremontewhy dont mods show version?
15:33.13zeegin that?
15:33.13AnduinLotharHA. Blizzard is the only game company with it's own in house PC AND MAC development teams
15:33.27[MoonWolf]now only if they got a linux department too.
15:33.29kremontemac smells though
15:33.38zeeglinux doesnt need games
15:33.41[MoonWolf]kremonte, mac is a very good system
15:33.41kremontetoo much money for me :-(
15:33.45zeegits desktop is crap :|
15:33.53[MoonWolf]zeeg, tell that to my computer.
15:33.54kremontei know, i'd love a mac, but expensive
15:33.58kremontelol zeeg
15:34.03kremontemy desktop is beautiful :')
15:34.06zeegim stealing my friends old mac
15:34.15zeegturning it into a fileserver tho
15:35.04TemThere is nothing wrong with linux
15:35.12TemI wish I was running a linux box
15:35.18TemI just don't have an extra system
15:35.24kremontei installed linux on my notebook last night^^
15:35.34kremonteTem: dual boot!
15:35.34TemI used to dual boot
15:35.37Temthat was a nightmare
15:35.49kremonte'least on ubuntu, sets grub up all for you nice
15:36.10Temwell let me 'splain.  No there is too much.  I will sum up
15:36.14TainThat's the great thing about Linux, if you're not looking to play games on it you can run a pretty low powered system hardware wise.
15:36.14EndI still have my system set up for dual booting, but I haven't booted into anything but windows in such a long time :-/
15:36.22TemMy only system is a laptop
15:36.27purlLet me 'splain. No, there is too much. Let me sum up.
15:36.37Temlinux doesn't play nice with a lot of my hardware
15:36.52kremontewot ye got?
15:36.53Temvideo card is an ATI so I have some drivers that /kinda/ work
15:36.58kremonteoh, ouch =x
15:37.08kremonteyar, nvidia has much nicer linux support
15:37.12Temwireless card is Broadcom so I have to use ndiswrapper to attempt to make it work
15:37.13TainLinux laptop support is still touchy depending on what you have.  Some are flawless.  Others, not so much.
15:37.30[MoonWolf]linux is great now i got cedega set up and working correctly
15:37.33Temevery time I try with ndiswrapper I get invalid driver problems
15:37.41[MoonWolf]games were the only reason i was not using linux for a long time.
15:37.50Temeven though I'm 110% sure BCMWL5E.inf is the file I need
15:38.15TainI use both!  yay for two computers.
15:38.48TainI don't even have a monitor on my linux system right now.
15:38.51TemI need to keep my wintendo around
15:38.59Tembut I'd much prefer to be running linux
15:39.26TainTem: Get a used Xbox for under $100 and install Linux. :)
15:39.53kremonteget a $300 computer (just got one, its beautiful) and run linux on it
15:39.57[MoonWolf]getting microsoft console to put up a very non micro system os
15:40.03TainYes!  haha
15:40.19Tainkremonte: I'm so poor I can't even pay attention!
15:40.52TainThey got me all excited at work and then dashed my hopes upon the jagged rocks of reality.
15:41.02TainI got an email that they were replacing my work lapto with a brand new model.
15:41.07TainThen another email retrcting it. :(
15:41.23[MoonWolf]email was intended for manager.
15:42.09Tain"We're reviwing the current budget for PC refresh plans blah blah blah"
15:43.16[MoonWolf]why is there a shift ?
15:43.50kremontebut but
15:43.53kremontethere should be an A =/
15:43.55kremonteand a Y
15:44.06kremonteRrrrr rrrr RRR rrr
15:44.08TainI did make a pirate in City of Villains named Arrr
15:44.13kremonteAvast RRRRRR
15:46.33TainA pirate walks into a bar and the bartender says, "Do you know you have a steering wheel on your crotch?"
15:46.39TainAnd the pirate says, "Yarr!  It's driving me nuts!"
15:46.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
15:47.44kremontewhat did that have to do with pirates!
15:48.13futr-sleep"the pirate says"
15:48.14TainWas Sid Meiers there?
15:49.17kremonteA pirate's life is haaarrrrrrrd
15:50.10BeladonaI got Warcraft 3 and Starcraft installed under Ubuntu
15:50.15BeladonaWarcraft 3 was a real biotch
15:50.27Beladonayou HAVE to use a nocd crack to make it work
15:50.37Beladonabecause the cd check always fails
15:50.55TainAhhh.. Starcraft, how do I love thee.  Let me count the ways.
15:51.01Beladonanow I need to figure out a way to get Starcraft to go to a alrger res
15:51.13kremontei still cannot get WoW running /cry
15:51.17Beladonabecause 640x480 is absolutely tiny on my 1900x1200 desktop
15:51.27kremonteomg, email me your .cedega folder1!1111
15:51.38Beladonait would be big
15:51.45Beladonaunless you want it minus the games
15:51.52kremontelol =P
15:51.56kremontedamn WoW
15:52.17ElkanoIs there a way to show the setboni in the tooltip?
15:52.20Beladonapatch 1.9 fixed a couple things that used to require hacks in cedega to make work
15:52.34kremontei doubt it was the intention =p
15:52.46[MoonWolf]Beladona, like what ?
15:52.56BeladonaI wish they would just make a damn linux installer
15:52.59[MoonWolf]did it fix the mouse/sound things ?
15:53.04kremonteBeladona: same
15:53.09Beladonathey fixed the selection ring issue
15:53.15kremontei just want more fking fps
15:53.21[MoonWolf]oh , never had it.
15:53.29Beladoname neither, but some people did
15:53.54BeladonaI got WC3 to run in d3d mode, which is weird
15:54.04[MoonWolf]i now have make sure the video plays to be able to start wow under cedega now.
15:54.04Beladonapeople reported needing to force it to opengl
15:54.10BeladonaI was thinking about trying wow in d3d too
15:54.14[MoonWolf]so i set video to true and then read only'd the
15:54.27[MoonWolf]i am doing wow in d3d , no problems at all.
15:54.37kremonteim so jealous :'(
15:54.41ElkanoBeladona, I noticed the thing with the rings, to yesterday :) but now there are sometimes two rings :/
15:54.43Beladonathe video issue doesn't happen for opengl
15:54.52[MoonWolf]it doesnt
15:54.59[MoonWolf]is there a downside to opgengl ?
15:55.06BeladonaI havwe the movie turned off
15:55.13BeladonaI haven't noticed any downsides
15:55.22[MoonWolf]ill try that someday
15:55.24Beladonaruns hella fast
15:55.29Beladonaat least for me
15:55.32[MoonWolf]not now, have no need to go and kill xserver again.
15:55.32kremontei wish i could run WoW right now and try to fix it more
15:55.34Beladonakremonte's is slow
15:55.36kremontebut im ripping a dvd
15:55.46kremonteyea, but my D3D isn't much faster
15:55.48TainIt's running hella good so I'll just keep on WoWin
15:56.00Elkanowell, 've got a bit less fps, but with d3d WoW sometimes froze my whole PC :/ very annoying since it froce again if relogging to this chara :/
15:56.45futr-sleepjust found a spare GF4 MX400 in my spare parts box ;'] it may even be better than my integrated S3 ProSavageDDR ;']
15:57.08[MoonWolf]integrated is always beaten by external
15:57.11[MoonWolf]its in the shared ram.
15:57.22TainUnless your external is really crap. :)
15:57.29[MoonWolf]well, yeah!
15:57.33futr-sleepyeah, and this comp only have 500mb ram ;']
15:57.46TainI still have my original GeForce DDR here, I just took it out of my Linux box about 6 months ago.
15:58.25BeladonaI tried a composite manager yesterday
15:58.29futr-sleepwell, I consider a MX400 pretty crappy, but it may be (not crappy) enough
15:58.33Beladonawasn't overly pleased with xcompmgr
15:58.49[MoonWolf]what does that do ?
15:59.09Beladonadesktop acceleration, shadows under windows and menus, and fading
15:59.15Beladonakinda like what windows xp has
15:59.17Beladonaand vista
15:59.37Beladonathere is a new one though that is going to seriously kick ass when it is released
15:59.50Beladonaand when I say kick ass, I mean it blows vista and Mac OS outta the water
16:00.02[MoonWolf]i think
16:00.21[MoonWolf]is it skinnable and extendable like Litestep ?
16:00.28TainI don't like menu fading and animation stuff. :/
16:00.46[MoonWolf]But that is why linux is good
16:01.02[MoonWolf]you can have your lack of non animation and i can have it and everybody can be happy.
16:01.18BeladonaI only have ONE complaint of the current desktop environment in ubuntu
16:01.26Beladonawhich is why I tried a composite manager
16:02.55Beladonawhen you minimize windows, there is a black rectangular outline of that window that hangs on your desktop temporarily
16:03.07Beladonait appears to me like a graphical glitch
16:03.11Beladonabut it might be intentional
16:03.30Beladonaminor annoyance, but annoying nonetheless
16:04.16TainYeah that sounds like a glitch to me.
16:04.45Beladonaeverything else runs great
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16:05.08BeladonaI even customized the cpufreq applet so that I can force it to run at full performance when on AC Power
16:05.19Beladonait helps other things, but sadly not that
16:05.56AnduinLotharOk, I have 'sucessfully' converted the entirety of Wardrobe to use Cyreal's Tables XML methodology
16:07.04BeladonaXorg 7 has an integrated composite manager though, so I am hoping it runs better than xcompmgr
16:08.14AnduinLotharIt took aproximately 5 hours to convert a 5000 line addon from non-OO to OO + Tabled XML
16:08.34AnduinLotharand was a massive headache
16:08.55[MoonWolf]AnduinLothar, good, now go sleep or something you deserve it. plus it helps headaches.
16:10.44kremontewow @ AnduinLothar
16:11.22kremonteoh, @ Beladona - i don't have a black outlin when i minimize windows =X
16:11.32kremontemaybe it's your theme?
16:11.50Tainhaha was just talking about it in the other channel so when I glanced up I thought Anduin said he converted Wardrobe to scientology.
16:12.02kremontewardrobe science
16:12.36Beladonacustom theme, controls = Clearlooks-Fonky, border=Clearlooks2-Squared, Icons=Crystal Clear for GNome 1.0
16:13.07kremontei'ma usin
16:13.19Beladonait does it even with the default Human theme though
16:13.44kremontecontrols = T-ish-Brushed-shaded-bright-blue, border=Clearlooks2-Squared, icons=Tango
16:13.57BeladonaI love the Crystal icons
16:14.00kremonteguess it's not your theme
16:14.03Beladonathey look like vista icons
16:14.14Beladonalike folders that are glassy and stand on their side, etc...
16:18.21kremontegah i need a good new desktop
16:18.24TainOh damnit I forgot I still have to update Visor with the new SetFont and SetTexCoords options.
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16:18.33kremontedual monitor desktop backgrounds are all landscapes
16:18.45kremonteand most are just barren crap made with than terrain gen thing
16:18.54TainI use, "blue"
16:19.04BeladonaI don't evne have a background
16:19.07kremontei love multicoloured backgrounds
16:19.11sharkhathow leeet..
16:19.13kremonteblue monotonous =/
16:19.33sharkhati have the apple, 'out of focus blue squares'
16:19.52TainAh deviantart has so much amazing things.
16:20.00[MoonWolf]in between the crap that is
16:20.05TainI'm so envious of people who have that much artistic talent.
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16:20.11TainYep, in between the crap there are gems.
16:20.14kremonteyou rather have something like
16:20.17TainLike unto pristine kernels of corn.
16:20.18kremontesomeone made a polygon in 3ds
16:20.24kremonteextruded a bunch of sides
16:20.29sharkhatholy shit
16:20.31kremontemade it all low saturation blue in photoshop
16:20.43kremontethen wrote a bunch of size 1 arial text
16:20.44sharkhatwhat is whith the words and japanese charectors on it?
16:20.50kremontedownloaded some 'grunge' brushes
16:20.58kremonteput some crap all over it, and called it a desktop?
16:21.10TainSounds about right, kremonte.
16:21.12kremonteso much of that on DA :-(
16:21.47sharkhatis there better places?
16:22.01kremontei'm just saying, thjere's so much of that =/
16:22.11kremontejeez bela
16:22.23kremonteyou could put such a beautiful desktop on that
16:22.30Beladona<- minimalist
16:22.36Beladonawithin reason
16:22.43kremontei cannot live with minimal :-P
16:22.54kremonteright now i have...
16:23.03kremonte19 windows open
16:23.08Beladonaever checked out vlad studios?
16:23.47Beladonahe has some nice high res widescreen wallpapers
16:23.53TainWhat's fun is to take a screenshot of your desktop and make that your wallpaper.
16:23.55Beladonaif you have an account
16:24.03kremontelol Tain
16:24.12[MoonWolf]tain, fool people into click non existant icons
16:24.14kremontei did something like that when i first got my 2nd monitor
16:24.20kremontei took out both monitors
16:24.21TainI swear that never gets old to me.
16:24.23Beladonaat a place I used to work, I crashed one of our major programs, and then took a screenshot of the error
16:24.25kremontetook some photos of what was behind it
16:24.31Beladonaand put that as my background
16:24.32kremontethen made that the desktop
16:24.37kremonteit was a see through monitor
16:24.38Tainhaha that'f great, kremonte.
16:24.42Beladonasupport staff kept asking me, you need help?
16:24.43TainI never thought of that.
16:24.46kremontehaha Beladona
16:24.51Taingreat Beladona!
16:24.54futr-sleepwow, ordered a 1and1 account 12hours ago and I haven't even got a confirmation email
16:25.35TainI'm going to take a picture at work of the cube wall behind my monitor and do that.
16:25.37kremontemy mom/little sister got a $300 dell laptop the other day, i gave them a cute desktop.. i'd use it if it was bigger =P
16:26.05kremontelol Tain , take a picture of the cube wall, then take an SS of an error of swomething crashing, and superimpose it XD
16:26.09Beladonaanother good wallpaper source
16:26.23kremontei'm not too into landscapes
16:26.51TainI almost got into trouble at work for putting a screensaver onto someone's computer that was a copy of the "blue screen of death"
16:27.18TainHe kept hitting the power button on his computer to turn it off.
16:27.49TainFunny stuff though. :)  It's on if I remember right.
16:30.31sharkhatthis looks like a fun battle,images/shiftingsands/,4,33,
16:31.02BeladonaI kind of want to recompile my Ubuntu with Xorg 7
16:31.07Beladonabut I kinda dont
16:31.07kremontemeh, probably a bunch of nonelites that 7 mages could take out =P
16:31.11kremonteXorg 7?
16:31.18Beladonalatest release
16:31.28Beladonafirst major release in a decade
16:31.36Beladonaincludes a natice compisitor
16:31.44kremontecompisitor? =x
16:31.52kremontecompositer? =x
16:31.57kremontecompositor? =x
16:32.17Beladonawindow acceleration, shadows, transparency (variable), fading
16:32.35kremontewindow acceleration?
16:33.20Beladonahang on
16:33.25Beladonawill find an article for you
16:34.40futr-sleepdamn, blizz charged me twice for this months subscription...
16:35.56EndI last paid late november and won't pay again until almost March :)
16:36.22TainNo no futr, that's part of the new scaling features.  Your monthly fees are now scaled since 1.9.
16:36.23Endit's actually just a gamecard + that free month for getting someone else addicted :P
16:36.29EndTain: lol
16:38.03kremontemplayer pwns =P
16:38.08kremonteembedded in mozilla!
16:38.23kremontewb moon
16:38.26sharkhatvlc pns
16:38.33AnduinLotharvlc ftw
16:38.33kremonteif then
16:38.42kremontedid i annoy end?
16:38.53sharkhatwhat does 'ftw' mean again?
16:40.47TainIt's slang for, "I don't speak English."
16:41.28TainIt means, "For the win"
16:41.49TainA praise for whatever it being talked about.
16:41.54kremontetain ftw :-)
16:42.02TainOne that I have great disdain for.
16:42.06kremontealright, i'm going to break my xorg updating. thanks for the link Beladona :-)
16:42.09purlrumour has it, ftw is wtf backwards
16:43.35BeladonaI prefer totem for movie playing, but mplayer is cool for firefox
16:44.00EndI like mplayer
16:44.07Endunfortunately, it doesn't support dvd menus
16:44.17Beladonahence why I prefer totem
16:44.55BeladonaDVD playback is so much better in linux than in windows
16:46.47EndI don't think I really used anythiong but mplayer
16:46.54Ender, anything
16:47.18Endone nice thing is not having to wait through the fbi warning, the don't piratezorz, and all the advertising
16:48.06Endsince you had to specify the "track" with mplayer I always just went straight to the movie or whatever
16:50.05*** join/#wowi-lounge kremonte (
16:50.14kremontethis is beautiful :-O
16:51.32kremontethe link Beladona gave me
16:51.45kremonteeverything has fading and shadows and omg its cool X-)
16:52.21Endoh is that the Xcomposite extension?
17:01.00kremontejesus this is amazing
17:02.07Beladonayou can customize it too
17:02.17Beladonashadow radius, opacity, etc...
17:02.22Beladonathere is a graphical tool to do it
17:04.48kremontethis is so beautifullll
17:05.06Beladonaright now I am looking at other window manage3rs
17:05.19BeladonaI think metacity is slower than it should be
17:11.52*** join/#wowi-lounge elema (
17:12.05elemagod evening
17:12.29elemajust a simple question:
17:12.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Ratbert_CP (n=KCummins@
17:12.47elemais it possible to uncheck a checked checkbutton ?
17:15.37kremonteBeladona:  metacity? =x
17:16.33Beladonait is the window manager that ubuntu uses by default
17:18.13elemawhen I call a checked button again with :setcheked, it will be unchecked? oh so easy..
17:23.49Beladonait is metacity that does that gay outline thing
17:23.54Beladonaxfwm4 doesn't
17:23.59EndI don't like metacity
17:24.10kremontei still dont know what metacity is. meh
17:24.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
17:24.37kremontehaha sweet
17:24.43kremontei am so doing this on my dad's laptop
17:27.51Serachtcan someone show me some of their UIs heh
17:27.57Serachtthat they made using DAB or something?
17:28.22kremonteim designing a UI using dart =P
17:28.25*** part/#wowi-lounge Beladona (
17:29.15kremonteSeracht: =P
17:29.55Serachtany hunter uis?
17:30.06kremonteyou ccould find something at the site
17:30.10Serachtnice kremonte
17:30.44Serachtkremonte i meant hunter UIs with DAB or something
17:33.12Serachtwhat is dart?
17:34.01*** join/#wowi-lounge id` (
17:35.56kremontediscord art...
17:41.21id`kremonte: no swearing
17:42.01kremontehuh, id`?
17:42.10id`<kremonte> discord art...
17:42.17kremonteyea i dont like using it
17:42.22kremontememory hog
17:42.33id`might as well make your own frames
17:42.35kremontei wanna make a dart compiler mod
17:42.39id`and use viros to give them a texture
17:42.43id`and width hiehgt etc
17:42.49kremontewhere once youre done it generates the xml file
17:42.55kremonteso you can run that and not use dart XD
17:42.56id`kremonte: nice
17:43.00id`nice nice
17:43.04id`like th eidea
17:43.04kremontepain in the ass tho
17:43.12kremontecoz like
17:43.15kremontei cant play WoW =P
17:43.28kremontecant get it running nice on linux
17:44.51id`have you bought cedega?
17:45.00id`bitch at their irc
17:45.03id`all day long
17:45.16id`till it works
17:45.19kremontetheir irc is so inactive
17:45.19id`no really
17:45.40kremontebeladona has helped me quite a bit but i still get like, 5 fps
17:46.30kremontehell if i know how frames work to that extent
17:46.40kremontethe panda gui is enough of a pain inthe ass =o=
17:46.48id`panda gui? :):)
17:48.40kremontechatbot, like purl =p
17:51.05id`well its nice you know for just one client
17:51.18id`but not for everyone :\
17:51.22kremontehm lemme see if purl is like this\
17:51.23id`I am a strong supporter of no-bloat
17:51.28kremontepurl, tell me about ugt
17:51.37id`purl: ugt?
17:51.39purlextra, extra, read all about it, ugt is Universial Greeting Time. Created in #mipslinux, it is a rule that states that whenever somebody enters an IRC channel it is always morning, and it is always late when the person leaves. The local time of any other people in the channel, including the greeter, is irrelevant.
17:51.47kremonteit's not bloated? o.O
17:52.00id`well i mean now everyone can download and use his own bot
17:52.05kremonteactually, working on events to make it use 0 memory when its not enabled in any channels
17:52.17kremontewel lyea, but you expect an entire guild to have it? =p
17:52.23id`yea but how about all the things it learns
17:52.36kremontewell, we were thinking that
17:52.41kremontehad a few suggestions come in
17:52.48kremontebut i'm not sure how we could centralize it
17:53.06kremontea PandaDatabase channel where they share info? but then what about conflicting info?
17:53.57kremontewould love some suggestions ;-) would be interesting to have data compiled
17:54.34kremontehm, maybe an enabled-alert for guilds? so if one bot is enabled in a guild, another bot couldnt be
17:54.49id`but i mean
17:54.53id`lets say i download and use it
17:55.05id`anything my bot leanrs will go into my savedvars, right?
17:55.13id`and that gets loaded every time
17:55.16id`and gets bigger
17:55.19id`and bigger
17:55.23id`and bigger
17:55.23kremontebut then, how else would i store the data?
17:55.31id`well thats my poiny
17:55.39id`<id`> I am a strong supporter of no-bloat
17:55.52id`it might be fun for one client to have
17:55.52kremontea loadondemand thing could work..but
17:55.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (
17:55.58id`but not for everione o_O
17:55.59kremontei'm not really too sure how to do that efficiently
17:57.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Maldivia (
18:06.26futr-sleepok, time to install some new hardware, later guys
18:16.23*** join/#wowi-lounge subsonic (n=SubSonic@
18:17.06subsonicHey Gryphen, where can I find the FramesXML?
18:17.11subsonichaha, j/k
18:17.31subsonicSeriously though, is there not xml for the frames in that Download?
18:17.38subsonicI'm only finding the lua
18:17.50subsonicmaybe if I scrolled down
18:21.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
18:25.35subsonicuh oh, I see a new xml tag of <model>  what's that?
18:27.41TainTyra Banks shows up at your house.
18:30.56kremontesubsonic: <Model> is not new;
18:31.06[MoonWolf]<model name"My_Tyra_Banks" implements"Tyra_banks_template">
18:31.23kremonteinherit =p
18:31.42kremontebut uh
18:31.49kremonteMy_Tyra_Banks:AdvanceTime() =P
18:32.13[MoonWolf]kremonte, i blame java
18:32.20kremontei blame canada
18:33.21subsonickremonte: I mean new to me
18:33.28subsonicI'm a beginner
18:33.32subsonicvery beginner
18:33.39kremontewiki ftw :-)
18:33.44kremontebookmark it!
18:34.18subsonicI'm having trouble understanding the wiki.
18:34.44kremontesay you see Model, for example, go onto XML widgets and search it =)
18:34.52kremonteor an api function, on the api page
18:34.58subsonicThe API vs XML Api,
18:35.23kremonteXML api modifies XML widgets (the things that are in the .xml), the API is the lua
18:35.37kremontethe xml api is used in lua though. for the xml itself, not on the wiki unfortunately
18:36.04subsonicokay, that makes more sense now.
18:36.22subsonicAnd looking in the .xml helps as well now.
18:39.32kremontei thought setting itemref for a nil item made the game crash
18:39.35kremonteor, dc even
18:40.08Temkremonte: it will dc you if the server hasn't seen that item
18:40.27kremonteyea item cache crashed my brain too :-(
18:41.06subsonicWhich frame is the action bars?
18:41.17Temhowever, it's possible (and this happens a lot) for you to see links in chat that GetItemInfo will return nil for)
18:41.38kremontehuh? why =X
18:41.44kremonteive never had that happen to me
18:42.36subsonicI'm looking to make a mod that looks like bib bars.  Basically removing the art, Config(show/hide), bags(show/hide)
18:43.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Beladona (
18:43.26*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Beladona] by ChanServ
18:43.32kremontewb Beladona
18:43.45BeladonaI dont like the themes that come with xfwm
18:43.55kremontegibberish to me! =P
18:43.56Beladonaoh well, it does run hella fast
18:44.02kremontethere is something between gnome and x?
18:44.03Beladonait is a replacement for metacity
18:44.05kremonteor is xfwm like gnome
18:44.16Beladonagnome is the desktop environment
18:44.34kremonteso then what is the other theme youre talking about lol
18:45.03Temkremonte: the local item cache is updated when you see the tooltip of an item
18:45.31kremontehm. i think i get it
18:45.32Osagasu. . .
18:45.34Temkremonte: so it is possible for you to see a link in chat that you have never seen the tooltip for
18:45.41kremonteitem's i've seen before but not since the last restart are still in my cache
18:45.45OsagasuWhere the HELL is a mushroom vendor alliance side?
18:45.49Temkremonte:  exactly
18:45.52OsagasuBeen lookin for two days!
18:46.08kremontea guy is in the corner of one of the houses
18:46.11OsagasuThe last place I'd ever look
18:46.31*** join/#wowi-lounge gravos (
18:47.17OsagasuI thought they were going to disable the PvP flag turning off when you got on a gryphon?
18:47.53kremontehey look there's kremonte
18:47.55kremontelet's throw rocks at him
18:49.42OsagasuTo somewhat lessen getting on a gryphon to run away from a fight
18:49.55kremontewould break a lot of FPs
18:49.57OsagasuAlways a chance where you land will be under attack too
18:50.22kremontea lot of FPs fly over enemy territory, and some very close to land
18:51.16OsagasuThen disable it while you're on the gryphon
18:51.17kremontetakes 5 minutes? lol
18:51.40OsagasuArathi to Southshore
18:51.48Osagasu2 tops
18:51.55kremontei'm talkinga bout the pvp flag
18:52.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Plorkyeran (
18:52.10kremontewhen you /pvp it off no matter what kind of server youre on, it takes 5 minutes to turn it off
18:52.18kremonteASSUMING being on a gryphon always = friendly territory
18:52.25OsagasuUnless you get on a flight path
18:52.38kremonteyea.. which is what youre asking to be removed?
18:53.12OsagasuWhen you take off, for your PvP flag to not automatically be cleared
18:53.38kremontethered just be mods to do it for you
18:54.08OsagasuBut that's player choice
18:54.21kremontewho would WANT to be attacked when they can't fight back?
18:54.28Osagasu. . .
18:54.39IrielTem: See your thread (and my question at the end)
18:54.41OsagasuLike I said, disable them being able to attack you on a FP
18:54.47OsagasuThey CAN do that, you know
18:54.50Osagasuthey do it with the imp
18:54.53TemI saw his reply
18:54.59Temoh did you post?
18:55.01kremontei dont even get what youre talking about now =/
18:55.02IrielDid you see my question after?
18:55.15gravosyou can get attacked in mid-air?
18:55.26Temwow.. that's some ninja posting
18:55.59Irielheh so it is
18:56.05IrielI didn't see your post 8-)
18:56.21Temand no, I didn't verify that tooltip wasn't empty
18:56.32TemIt never crossed my mind that that would even be possible
18:56.50subsonicdoes SetMovable(true) have to be in a onload?
18:57.01Temsubsonic: no
18:57.10IrielWouldn't an OnSizeChanged handler on the tooltip solve your event problem?
18:57.26IrielOr an OnUpdate check
18:57.37Irielif it's blank afterwards, attach an OnUpdate
18:57.37TemAn OnUpdate check is what I'm currently using
18:57.44Tembut I hate it
18:58.03*** join/#wowi-lounge id` (
18:58.14Temit's not a huge deal since the OnUpdate only gets run like twice
18:58.19subsonicSo, SetMovable(true) could just be in a OnMouseDown with StartMoving()
18:58.31Temsubsonic: I don't see why not
18:58.38Temsubsonic: actually, yes I've done it that way before
18:58.47subsonicone of those, more than one way to skin a cat thing
18:59.41subsonicWhat would happen is you did an onload of StartMoving and the on your onmouseDown/Up do SetMovable(true/false)
19:00.06Temit would give you a "frame is not movable" error in your onload
19:00.15*** join/#wowi-lounge stray`laptop (
19:00.16TemIriel: The main problem I'm having with the OnUpdate is that there may be a /rare/ case where I would be waiting on updates from multiple tooltips
19:00.49IrielTem: Yeah, I figure you'd actually write a little helper object in your addon to manage the pending waits
19:01.00IrielTem: I do agree an event would be nice
19:01.05IrielTem: But I dont think we'll get one
19:01.11Temsadly, I fear the same thing
19:01.14IrielTem: An OnTooltipChanged handler, on the other hand, maybe?
19:01.20IrielTem: That could be worth asking for
19:01.23TemI like that better
19:01.45TemI'll delete my extraneous post
19:02.01TemCould you post that request please?
19:04.05Temthough, I can't imagine an empty tooltip, I've never seen one before
19:04.30kremonteit's possinle
19:04.42kremontei believe when i was toying with sea, i could set the text on itemref to be blank =P
19:04.59IrielTem: Done
19:05.15Temwell I've been looking at tooltips that the client doesn't have info for yet quite a bit over the last few days and I haven't seen on eyet
19:05.15IrielTem: It's quite possible it doesn't :Show() until it's ready
19:05.25TemIriel: that's a good point
19:05.37Temor maybe my eyes are just too slow
19:05.56Temin most cases is was 0.20 seconds for GII to return valid
19:09.09Temgood lord
19:11.04kremontehe replied again
19:12.06TemThere should be something to keep the "normies" out of our forum
19:12.20TainOk I just read this again and I'm still drooling.
19:12.22Tain"Today at the Consumer Electronics Show, Dell and NVIDIA announced a new XPS system coming later this year that will sport not one, not two, but FOUR GeForce 7800 GTX 512 GPUs running in a quad-SLI configuration."
19:12.34kremonteyou mean idioties?
19:12.40EndTain: NERF!
19:12.45kremonteTain: omg
19:12.49kremontei gotta start saving
19:12.54kremontethat should be about...
19:13.02TemWhat are we going to do tonight brain?
19:13.13kremonte$3500? =P
19:13.17Endthe same thing we do every night pinky
19:13.35kremontemmm $3600
19:13.36Tem3600 is how much XPSs were 2 years ago when I bought mine
19:13.38kremonteyeaill start saving
19:13.49Temthankfully I got HUGE discounts
19:13.59TemI paid 2200 for it total
19:14.02Endby the time I have that much money on hand it'll be something else instead :P
19:14.33Temnow the next time I get $800 to spend, I'm buying a 24in widescreen lcd
19:14.54TainYeah I wouldn't spend the money ona system like that.
19:15.00kremontei want a new graphics card :-(
19:15.04TainBut big monitor... oh yeah.
19:15.06*** join/#wowi-lounge _aLF (
19:15.11IrielThey're down to $800 ?
19:15.18TainI have a 17" widescreen, 1280x768 and I absolutely love it.
19:15.36IrielI think my $23" widescreen (1920x1200) was $1300 or so
19:15.37TemIriel: I've seen them go that far down from dell with discounts and mail in rebates and such
19:15.56TemI think retail they are still about 1100
19:16.03TainYep, Dell's go down real cheap every few weeks.  Even without mailin rebates.
19:16.24subsonicClearAllPoints - Clear all attachment points for this object.  Does that mean anchor Points?
19:16.30Irielsubsonic : Yes
19:16.48IrielI.e. all of the :SetPoint's that it's done
19:16.51Temthey made a 30" panel
19:16.55subsonicDell's coming out with a 30"
19:17.03kremonte30" omg D:
19:17.03subsonicI have the 2001FP
19:17.11TemPrices starting at $2,199 
19:17.12IrielNot those from other frames with that frame as the anchor
19:17.13EndI wish you could find out what points are set
19:17.13kremontei dont even have 30" on my desk
19:17.13subsonicI can't imagine 30"
19:17.14TainTo compete with the Apple Cinema display
19:17.18IrielHm.. That maybe TOO big
19:17.23IrielEnd: That may be coming in 1.10
19:17.24kremonteyea, Iriel
19:17.31TainYou say that until you try it. :)
19:17.32TemRequires a dual-link DVI-D graphics card that supports WQXGA (2560x1600) resolution.
19:17.35IrielThe 23" is pretty much my field of view
19:17.42EndIriel: I hope so... :)
19:17.49subsonicIs setPoint different than an <anchor> then?
19:17.59Irielsubsonic : They're equivalent
19:18.09TemELLUltraSharp 2405FPW 24-inch Wide Aspect Flat Panel LCD Monitor with Height Adjustable Stand and 3-Year Warranty
19:18.09subsonicone is made with script, one is made with XML
19:18.14Tem879 right now
19:18.20subsonicSorry for all the questions.
19:18.23IrielSetPoint is the script equivalent of <Anchor>
19:18.28kremonte30" is too big, imo
19:18.31Temsubsonic: not at all that's what this channel is for
19:18.36Endquestions are fine.  we seek to enlighten
19:18.37kremonteon my desk i barely have 28"
19:18.39GenNMXI like my Samsung 242MP 24" Widescreen. I got it for around $1500 off
19:18.46TemIriel: Dell's 24" is down to 879 right now
19:18.54subsonicI'm an OP in #css on efnet.  I know we get upset with super basic questions :)
19:19.17GenNMXTem: Is that the one which can do TV too?
19:19.23TemI don't think so Ge
19:19.28subsonicSo ClearAllPoints removes the anchors made in XML as well?
19:19.44Temfunny part is, the frame stays where it is when you do that
19:20.01TemI'd expect it to go adrift with no anchors
19:20.05subsonicOkay, I just didn't want to confuse it with how css/javascript works.
19:20.05Endhrm, I'm not sure where it -would- put it?
19:20.08GenNMXYeah, I bought the 242MP because I wanted a LCD TV which can still do 1900x1024
19:20.39Enddoes it respond to changes to frames it was attached to?
19:20.54Endthat's good then
19:20.55Temat least I don't think so
19:20.59GenNMXNothing like quest grinding and watching TV in the PiP ;)
19:21.11IrielEnd: No, it doesn't
19:21.18IrielEnd: It's just sitting there with no attachment points
19:21.23Endok, I can understand it just sitting there then
19:21.43Endif it continued to follow the old frames it was attached to, well, that would seem wrong :P
19:21.54subsonicHow hard do you guys think it is to remove the main menu and replace it with an action bar that looks like the 2nd action bar. (Just the actions, no graphics)
19:22.23IrielProbably not all that hard, really
19:22.33subsonicIt's damn hard for me so far.
19:22.40IrielAction buttons are just normal buttons that call UseAction when clicked
19:22.50subsonicI figured out how to remove the main bar and such.
19:22.51Endsounds very bib/dab/flexish :P
19:22.52Iriel(though they have a lot of visual crap to display thei rvarious states)
19:22.59Endexcept flexbar doesn't hide the mainbar
19:23.12subsonicEnd: yes, I'm totally trying to make it like bib.  I don't know what dab is.
19:23.21subsonicbut less configurable than bib
19:23.30GenNMXsubsonic: Are you trying to make NEW action buttons, or just hide the main menu bar without hiding the action and bonus action buttons?
19:23.34Endbib is on the low end of configurable
19:23.42subsonichaha :)
19:23.44subsonicWhat's Dab?
19:23.49Enddiscord action bars
19:24.06Enda lot more configurable than bib, but also harder to set up too
19:24.17subsonicGenNMX: Basically what you said, but to look like the 2nd bar.
19:25.15GenNMX"Look like the second bar"? OK, what about MultiBarBottomLeft? That is anchored right on top of the main ActionButtons.
19:26.36subsonicYes, that one.
19:26.46subsonicWhere it just has the boxes
19:26.46GenNMXOK, what do you want to do with it?
19:27.10subsonicI want the menu to go away and just show the main action bar to look like the MultiBarBottomLeft
19:27.18subsonicThe menu takes up too much space.
19:27.40subsonicBut, I also want the ability to show/hide the config/bags buttons.  (but that's the next step)
19:28.24GenNMXsubsonic: OK, the easy way to do that is to set the parent of ActionButton1 as UIParent, and then set each ActionButton to have ActionButton1 as its parent.
19:28.47GenNMXsubsonic: I made some code to work with Visor to do just that. Look in the Visor modules/script thread on
19:29.52subsonicThanks.  I'm looking now
19:30.18subsonicThere's also aHorizontalMultiBarTemplate
19:31.06subsonicGenNMX: This one?
19:33.32subsonicI'm seeing visor and visor r34
19:34.13GenNMX <-- look at my last post in this thread
19:34.54GenNMXIgnore the code for CombatBar_OnEvent and ScaleBarGroup, those don't apply to your situation
19:35.26subsonicAre you Thrae on there?
19:36.38Eraphine|LabVisor 34 is a little problematic at the moment.
19:36.46GenNMXWith 1.9 the BonusActionBarFrame code is a little buggy, but it still works. Just if you do /console reloadui, it'll pull up the wrong page.
19:37.01GenNMXNeed to stealth / unstealth or shapeshift to fix it.
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19:42.14IrielGenNMX: Are you saying the standard code is buggy? And have you posted the why (and a fix) on the forum?
19:42.18subsonicGenNMX: I'm confused again.  Do I have to use Visor?
19:42.33IrielGenNMX : Or ar eyou referring to an addon?
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19:45.57GenNMXIriel: It's my own code, not Visor's. And I'm not sure yet. It's only /console reloadui which messes it up because UPDATE_BONUS_ACTIONBAR is fired. That was originally fixed by using a local boolean which is only set once, so I need to check why that's not working anymore.
19:46.45GenNMXsubsonic: Visor is a very basic addon, what I'm doing could easily be replicated in straight Lua code, except for the shapeshift event catching.
19:49.27IrielGenNMX : Ah, ok.. the frame name is a standard blizz frame, I was worried 1.9 broke something that slouken wasn't aware of
19:49.37TemWait, ^ can escape things in regexen?
19:50.14subsonicHehe, I'm about to test DAB and all of this might not be necessary :)
19:50.14GenNMXIriel: Nope, this quirk has always been there, it just acts differently now ;)
19:50.55GenNMXDAB is nice, but it takes up 5-10MB of addon memory for me. I like to try to keep my memory below 40MB.
19:52.55IrielTem: Not on its own, but inside a [] there's an implied "something that follows it"
19:53.08Temoh I see
19:57.11GenNMXWhat's with all the tooltip changes, by the way? I've noticed a good deal of tooltip parsing addons are now broken.
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20:02.48IrielGenNMX : There's one change, IsShown versus IsVisible
20:03.43GenNMXAh. But shouldn't that throw an error if IsVisible is called?
20:04.13IrielBoth methods exist
20:04.19Irielthe meaning of IsVisible changed
20:04.27GenNMXAhhh, gotcha.
20:04.34GenNMXSneaky, very sneaky.
20:04.35Irielfrom 'has it had :Show called on it' to 'is it visible on the screen'
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20:13.26AnduinLotharWho Dares to Highlight ME!? Elkano, no, I am Not here.
20:13.47Elkanook :(
20:13.47EndPrepare to be highlighted!
20:14.43Elkanowell, I've posted the question to curse since you didn't answer after a minute ;)
20:15.35AnduinLotharwhat addon?
20:16.53AnduinLotharabout it not including SeaHooks and MCom in the latest zip?
20:18.22subsonicWhy would Blizzard remove functions which results in broken scripts?
20:18.44Elkanowell, I hadn't updated it for a while, so I don't know how it was for the past releases, but I think that's it.
20:19.13Elkanoso you simply included the addons directories into your zip?
20:19.14GryphenThey dont have much concern for addons, default functionality is their primary concern
20:20.16IrielThey dont generally 'remove functions'
20:20.19AnduinLotharThey're embedable so I put them in my Folder and load them with my toc
20:20.26Irielunless you mean 'functions from the standard UI implementation'
20:20.36Irielin which case, caveat mutator, or whatever it would be
20:21.02AnduinLotharhowever you can simply add Sea and MCom to your AddOns folder and it will work just as well
20:21.30Elkanowell, they weren't in the latest zip, so I did exactly that :)
20:21.54Elkanoso the latest release simply wasn't stand alone ^^
20:22.18AnduinLotharI'm correcting the problem now
20:25.41AnduinLotharAre you still having problems?
20:28.24Elkanowell, since I could fix it myself by installing mcom and sea standalone, I didn't test the new version. I was just wondering :)
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20:41.44Kolth`Anduin: CTRaid messes with channel indexes. Does ChannelManager help keep coloring on the right channels?
20:42.17AnduinLotharmmm, no
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20:42.38AnduinLotharI was gonna make a color-by-name addon but haven't gotten around to it
20:42.44Gryphendo it!
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20:42.58AnduinLotharit's more fun rewriting Wardrobe
20:43.20GryphenWardrobe Mod #347
20:43.22Kolth`AnduinLothar: I would love that. CTRaid is a bull in a china shop with chans
20:43.22cladhairenoobish question but what do i do if i need to inherit from GameFontNormalSmall in a LoadOnDemand Addon?
20:44.35AnduinLotharload Font.xml in the toc
20:45.09IrielSpecifically ..\..\FrameXML\Fonts.xml
20:45.13IrielNote path, and spelling
20:45.19IrielAlso note that in 1.10 it changes so you dont need to.
20:45.33cladhaire*nod*.. knew that part, just hadn't had to do it up until now
20:47.02subsonicIs there anyway to reload what scripts are in the directory without reloading the game?
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21:12.45TemIriel: I had an idea for the OnTooltipUpdate script.  Arg1 should be the itemID :)
21:13.01kremonteall tooltips arent itemrefs though?
21:13.17Temno they aren't
21:13.23Tembut that handler would only fire for items
21:13.34kremonteso then OnItemRefUpdate? =P
21:13.36Temif it fired for other things arg1 could be nil
21:15.57Temhowever, kremonte, I don't think the event is needed for any other type of tool
21:16.23TemI think only item links are effected by this "lag" if you will
21:16.44kremontei guess
21:21.05IrielTem: Post it then 8-)
21:21.16IrielTem: That probably complicates it more than necessary tho
21:21.26Tembut it would help me a lot
21:21.27IrielTem: I was going to suggest OnShow, but that doesn't fire for hidden tooltips
21:21.52TemOnShow fires after the data arrives
21:21.56Temer, before
21:22.36IrielAre you sure?
21:22.51TemI haven't personally tested it, but I'm fairly sure
21:23.26Corrodiasi don't suppose there's a "ping server" API command
21:23.49Temwell you could use the latency and assume that that is how long the server takes to respond
21:24.03Temor do you just want something to call so it doesn't disconnect you for non-communication?
21:25.27Corrodiasnah, i was hoping you could delay until you're sure the server has sent the data
21:25.42Corrodiasbut even guessing might cause a problem in a lag spike
21:26.00TemStill, delaying sucks
21:26.43IrielWhy would you need to delay something?
21:26.51IrielI dont understand
21:27.19Temto delay trying GetItemInfo
21:27.24TemI think is what he's getting at
21:27.37IrielWell, Onupdate and some code would manage that
21:28.18Corrodiasi wonder why flightmap and SCT have annoying features in the new version that you can't turn off
21:28.29cladhaireCorrod: Such as?
21:28.30Corrodias*versions, i guess
21:28.59CorrodiasSCT has its low health/mana warnings as usual, but now it puts numbers next to them to show how much you have left, which tends to distract me more than help
21:29.26Corrodiasand flightmap refuses to allow you to take a direct path if it believes there's a more efficient one available using 2 hops
21:29.27IrielYou can always comment them out 8-)
21:29.30Corrodiasi'll have to
21:30.05Corrodiassometimes i -want- to be able to take the 5 minute flight instead of two 2 minute flights. maybe i want to make a sandwich.
21:30.22IrielThat would bug me immensely
21:31.01cladhairei think the best addon i ever wrote is the one that turns off unit tooltips when in combat.. i played without it and i cried.
21:32.20cladhaireThanks =)
21:32.28Corrodiaswhy is that? do they get in the way or distract or something?
21:34.07cladhaire*nod* the way I play they do
21:34.21cladhairejust the way i happen to like it :P
21:34.28Temyou put unit tooltips on your cursor don't you?
21:34.50Tempersonally, I did away with unit tooltips altogether
21:34.50AnduinLotharmine are off in the corner.
21:35.00TemI have a "mouseover" unitframe
21:35.03cladhairemy tooltips are all anchored to the parent
21:35.06AnduinLothartop right bellow the minimap and next to the bars
21:35.35AnduinLotharah, he likes UberTooltip Relocation as it used to be called
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21:35.59Corrodiasi use tipbuddy, but i keep them in the corner where they go by default. i like them there. ;o
21:36.15Temyeah, I keep my other tips in the corner where they belong
21:36.29AnduinLotharI prefer all ym tooltips in one place, so that I just train my eyes to go to that corner rather than follow the mouse
21:36.48AnduinLotharbut to each hit own
21:36.56cladhaireyep =)
21:37.03AnduinLotharI spose you could make them Mouse Anchored except in combat
21:37.32AnduinLotharsimple if statement and event handler in Gymnast
21:38.26AnduinLotharso I keep trying to publish my Wardrobe, but Mira hasn't come back and it's his addon, i don't really want it for good, i just wanted to futz with it
21:38.59IrielI just misread 'Fury Macro' as 'Furry Macro'
21:40.28Corrodias[away] @ work
21:40.34AnduinLotharso if anyone wants to read my cosmos rant, here it it:
21:41.06AnduinLotharit's a funny forum too, group of guys, we've been 'together' since MacDiablo2 days
21:41.14Tainhaha wow, I just read that Samsung sells an 80 inch plasma TV.  For about $130,000.
21:41.27AnduinLotharused to be the hub of Mac Starcraft Mods
21:41.56AnduinLotharno one really got into the wc3 mods, other than the custom maps and i'm the only one there that does much adodn programming
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21:42.52AnduinLotharthat's a classic thread too, InfernoBlade being the anal know it all forum host and BahamutZero being the knowing programmer always availible to insert his expertise
21:43.25Kolth`"Hell, you dont even include CTRA."  .... Is he a complete dimwit?
21:43.46Kolth`"Sorry, Cosmos is dead." ... Then why does thousands of people use it?
21:44.08Kolth`"Oh and getting your memory usage down to less than 50 MB would be a good start too. "
21:44.14AnduinLotharHe is very knowledgable about many things. however he's also very biassed and insultes everyone
21:44.15Kolth`Cosmos barely uses any UI memory.
21:44.23TainSorry Kolth, if someone says it on a message board on the Internet then it's true.
21:44.24IrielAnduinLothar : Why does cosmos still insist on cleaning up addons that dont have a file, rather than making all the cosmos addons include an 'I'm a cosmos addon file' and removing those that Do have the file?
21:44.31Kolth`Tain: *gasp! :P
21:44.47AnduinLotharIriel, for a few reasons
21:45.22GryphenIriel because Thott holds the key to Cosmos.exe and I believe he is more concerned with thottbot upload that the cosmos addon side.
21:45.24TainOH yeah, that was the thing that made me uninstall Cosmos.  That last thing.
21:45.30TainI forgot about that.
21:45.39AnduinLotharfirstly we cannot do a serverside difference between your install and the current disto
21:46.08IrielAnduinLothar : That is irrelevant.
21:46.16AnduinLotharbut often times extra obsolete files contribute to mass panic ass addons break onmass
21:46.40AnduinLotharbecause they are updated but old files are left
21:46.41GryphenIt also doesnt insist on cleaning, it is user choice
21:46.44IrielI dont see how that's an issue, unless your philosophy is "Delete everything that isn't cosmos"
21:46.53IrielIsn't it the DEFAULT option tho?
21:47.05IrielAnduinLothar  Just went to great lengths to explain it would remove things in his post
21:47.07Kolth`Gogo CosmosHelpers!
21:47.16IrielWhy would that even be necessary?
21:47.21AnduinLotharif enabled, which is recommended
21:47.28Kolth`It was super-useful back in the old \FrameXML days
21:47.32IrielAnd to that end, what does .nopatch get you, other than removing everyone else's addons
21:47.38IrielFrameXML is irrelevant
21:47.42Kolth`Of course it is.
21:47.48Kolth`But then the argument goes back to Thott writing the patcher.
21:47.52IrielMy point is why isn't it .cosmos
21:47.56Irielin the cosmos addons
21:48.01Irielinstead of .nopatch in other people's
21:48.09IrielThat's just backwards
21:48.10Kolth`Why do files even have to exist?
21:48.12GryphenAt the time there weren't 'other peoples'
21:48.15Kolth`The patcher should just know.
21:48.18IrielYou see, I can accept "Thott wrote the patcher and we can't change it"
21:48.24IrielBut AnduinLothar  is defending it as still valuable
21:48.31Kolth`It is.
21:48.33GryphenIt is
21:48.38AnduinLotharit is ;)
21:48.53GryphenI install a new addon and nopatch it once
21:48.57Gryphenno problems
21:48.57IrielOkay.. let me rephrase the question...
21:48.57AnduinLotharfor example, when i changed the name of IEF
21:49.05subsonicWhat quest mod do you guys use?  I really like Quest-I-on, but it's not being updated any more.
21:49.08AnduinLotharto !IEF
21:49.09IrielIs .nopatch to help cosmos clean up ITS old crap
21:49.15IrielOr to make cosmos remove everyone elses?
21:49.18Kolth`subsonic: I use UberQuest and MonkeyQuest
21:49.28AnduinLotharto clean up it's old crap
21:49.33IrielSo IEF woul dhave had a .cosmos file
21:49.36IrielBecause it was part of cosmos
21:49.39Irielso it would have been removed
21:49.42TainI do think it would make more sense for Cosmos to identify which addons are its own, rather than which ones aren't.
21:49.44AnduinLotharso would the outdated one
21:49.44IrielI dont see how .nopath helps there
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21:49.56subsonicKolth: at the same time?
21:49.58IrielSo, neither would have .nopatch files.
21:50.01Kolth`subsonic: Yep!
21:50.10IrielI think you're arguing an absurd point
21:50.11subsonicI'll need to look up uberquest
21:50.17AnduinLotharbut if you went with .cosmos files the outdated addons would still ahve them
21:50.28IrielDo the outdated addons have .nopath files?
21:50.32Iriel.nopatch, even
21:50.37TainI just know that the last time I did run Cosmos, updated and it removed my other addons, it became the last time I ran Cosmos.
21:50.40IrielThen what's the problem?
21:50.59IrielFileExists(".nopatch") becomes (not FileExists(".cosmos"))
21:50.59AnduinLothar.... your way if it have .cosmos it wouldn't be deleted
21:51.01Irieland vice versa
21:51.08Iriel.cosmos WOULD be deleted
21:51.12IrielNOT having one would not
21:51.19IrielThat's the whole point, you;re marking your files
21:51.20AnduinLotharok, so what if i rename a file
21:51.21GryphenThe debate is not useful here really
21:51.21Irielwhich you have control over
21:51.34Irielrather than expecting that everyone else has to know about your retarded patcher
21:51.39AnduinLotharshould i .cosmos each cosmos file?
21:51.43Kolth`Let us all just agree that the patcher needs to be re-thought from the ground up. :)
21:51.48subsonicKolth: have you looked at Quest-I-on?
21:51.54Kolth`subsonic: Yeah, I hate it./
21:51.59IrielIf we CAN alla gree on that, i'm happy
21:52.11IrielI've just always wanted to ask the cosmos team why their patcvher was so presumptuous and riude
21:52.13Irielrude, even
21:52.19TainI went on a quest addon search a few weeks ago, but still went back to Monkey Quest.
21:52.27Kolth`That's not really a good question to ask.
21:52.31AnduinLotharbecause no one's come up with and implimented a better way
21:52.34GryphenIt has all been suggested before. I'm sure thott is aware that there are better ways, however the current sustem works if you understand what you are doing when you check the option.
21:52.37IrielI just came up with a better way
21:52.45AnduinLotharno you didn't it's incomplete
21:52.46Kolth`So get to work, Iriel!
21:53.04TainGryphen:  That's exactly the point.  At the time at least the clean up option was not clear in the least that it was going to delete other things.
21:53.09TainI don't know what it says today.
21:53.23AnduinLotharright, the new patcher has a popup warning when you click that option
21:53.28IrielAnd, since it's not the default, but is the RECOMMENDED configuration, it's still dangerous.
21:53.29Kolth`Tain: Keep Interface Directory clean is a very unclear statement, true.
21:53.51GryphenIt says nothing different, but when it was created I don't think thott had thought that people would just check options without knowing what they do
21:53.51AnduinLotharit says to go to the addon manager and protect your non-cosmos addons. it's a utton
21:53.53TainI'll go with understatement.
21:54.32IrielAnyway, my rant is over.
21:54.49AnduinLotharand the no single file method doen't use nopatch files anymore unless you insist
21:54.49TainYeah actually there's no way I can see that behavior as being acceptable.  Protect your non-Cosmos addons?  That is just wrong.
21:55.17AnduinLotharthen come up with a robust way that works and i'll suggest it to the programmer
21:55.36TainI actually agree with what Iriel suggested.
21:55.39AnduinLotharIriel's has flaws. they might be overcome, but we haven't elaborated
21:55.49GryphenIt is protect them if you choose to delete non-cosmos files
21:55.50Irielwhat are the flaws?
21:55.56IrielCosmos is responsible for marking cosmos addons as cosmos addons
21:56.00IrielYou guys CAN manage that, right?
21:56.03AnduinLotharindividual files
21:56.05TainCosmos shouldn't even need knowledge of whether or not there's anything else installed.
21:56.22Irielok, so your .cosmos files contain lists of files
21:56.37Irielthe general notion is that cosmos knows what it installed
21:56.39AnduinLotharthat would have to be compiled serverside
21:56.41Irielso it knows what it can remove later
21:56.48IrielYou can do it in the client at install time
21:56.59GryphenYou guys are looking at Cosmos.exe today, try looking at it when it was in beta and the only addon
21:57.00Irieldoesn't matter really
21:57.02AnduinLotharfor current installations i spose
21:57.03TainYou can just include a pre-packaged file with each addon.
21:57.12IrielPre-packaging on the server is easier tho
21:57.14TainGryphen: The behavior is bad.
21:57.27TainWhen you update to a new version, you update the file.
21:57.46AnduinLotharso we should keep version numbers of all the files?
21:58.07AnduinLotharand all previous files that no longer exist
21:58.17IrielIf its a cosmos directory
21:58.24Irieland contains files you dont know, that's probably ok to remove
21:58.34IrielFrameXML is irrelevant these days, so dont dredge it up
21:58.42TainWhy not just remove everything in a cosmos install folder, and install the new stuff.
21:58.56TainIt's always better to do a clean install. I never overwrite addons with new versions.
21:59.01IrielLast time I checked cosmos had nice clean folders
21:59.09IrielA given folder either IS or IS NOT a cosmos addon
21:59.15IrielIt's not half cosmos and half something else
21:59.40IrielAnd, EVEN IF IT WAS, it wouldn't matter, because your .toc wouldn't reference the unused files (Bindings.xml as the one exception)
21:59.51GryphenThott the one to do all of this and his appearances are like bigfoot
22:00.07AnduinLotharwell i can get the mac programmer to do it probably
22:00.22GryphenBut then you have to get Bigfoot to sign off on it
22:00.24AnduinLotharif i have a good idea of what to tell him
22:00.35TainSo flesh it out.
22:00.47AnduinLotharnah. only need bigfoot for the thottbot uploading permission
22:01.08IrielWhich reminds me, is enchanting information still totally screwed?
22:01.15IrielI was finding it rather amusing
22:01.25IrielBut ocasionally I want to disenchant something
22:03.17OsagasuI think its about time I cut some addons out.
22:03.57IrielI see not..
22:04.06IrielDisenchants into: Thick leather
22:07.54IrielThis one's even better:
22:08.06AnduinLotharI need sleep. night guys
22:08.30IrielDisenchants into: Truesilver Transformer, Star Ruby, Firebloom, Thorium Widget, Traveler's Backpack, and Kingsblood
22:09.00TainThere's some awesome pictures up at for Photoshop Phriday.  Video game and movie hyrids.
22:09.11AnduinLotharsounds like someone's bee mass feeding it incorrect data
22:09.25AnduinLotharor the database corrupted
22:09.27IrielAnduinLothar : It's been busted for at least a month
22:09.35IrielI'm just surprised nobody's tried to clean it up
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22:09.45AnduinLotharnot my site
22:12.22CodayusThottbot?  Haven't they claimed everything DEs into clam meat for about a year now?
22:12.56kremontetender wolf meat also
22:12.59kremonteand malachite
22:13.10CodayusApart from clam meat, which DEs into pearls.
22:13.28CodayusHeh, look at the list of "DEed from" for Clam meat:
22:13.39Temit's serious pita to find items to try to link
22:13.46Temthat aren't in my cache
22:13.47CodayusAnd that's *NOT* new in any way, it's been like that forever.
22:14.04kremonteTem: logout, back up your cache
22:14.08kremontethen delete it
22:14.14TemI spose
22:14.24CodayusUse an alt on draka
22:14.50Tain"Judgements that place a debuff on their victim will auto-trigger a /laugh or /sigh emote from the effected target"
22:14.53CodayusI use the server for testing mods so I don't get begged to tag along on raids; it's new enough it's missing a *LOT* of sutff.
22:15.34Natasemya back in beta all items were disenchantable and they would turn into random things
22:15.44Natasemthottbot needs to remove that crap
22:16.22kremontejeez that sounds real profitable
22:16.26kremontefarm greys and get level 60 greens
22:19.20TainMan, has an awesomely funny writeup of the 1.9 patchnotes.
22:20.16TainI mean seriously laugh out loud funny.
22:23.45OsagasuYou around?
22:23.56Osagasuhe's gone to bed
22:26.32CodayusIt gets pretty boring about 2/3 of the way through, but the first chunk makes up for it.  :-)
22:26.50sharkhatu guys are in SA?
22:26.53TainAh I thought the last 1/3 was the funniest.
22:26.55IrielI like the Tithe system
22:27.01CodayusTakes all kinds I guess.  :-)
22:27.25CodayusOkay, look at it this way - there's something in there everyone will find hilarious, even if it isn't the same thing.  :-)
22:28.15TainPoor Shamans.  hah
22:29.42sharkhatnot is good as this one..
22:31.35gravix_is that the frost shock movie?
22:31.58sharkhaterrr no
22:32.13EndI kan two spel!
22:32.28gravix_i kan no ;(
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22:42.37Endhaha "The Tauren Icebreaker is now in fact, a Tauren."
22:42.53End(after "The Fiery War Axe is now in fact, Fiery.")O
22:45.01*** join/#wowi-lounge futr-sleep (
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22:55.56bakawho else is bored at work? :P
23:04.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
23:08.49GuillotineI'm having a problem with DAB :/  For some reason, my shapeshift bar for cat form only works every couple times
23:09.40Kolth`Seems everyone's having shapeshift problems with 3.0
23:10.03TainMy Visor bar shifts work.  :X
23:10.55IrielIs it hooking UNIT_AURASTATE
23:11.09Irielregistering for, even
23:11.30IrielThat event seems to have stopped working
23:11.40IrielI had to change PocketHelper to use something else to detect stealth
23:11.50IrielPLAYER_AURAS_CHANGED, I hope
23:11.58TainOh yeah whatever.
23:12.06IrielOr maybe that's my typo, I should check
23:12.19IrielPhew, it does have an S
23:12.24Natasemsee ya'll monday have a good weekend
23:12.31Irielafk for a while
23:12.47GuillotineKolth: I'm not even using 3.0
23:13.11*** join/#wowi-lounge id`` (
23:13.14GuillotineI'm using 2.36
23:13.15Kolth`Guillotine: Oops!
23:14.56GuillotineIriel: It's hooking UPDATE_SHAPESHIFT_FORMS. is that having a problem too?
23:16.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
23:21.53Guillotinemy question is why it would be working perfectly with bear form, but not at all with cat
23:22.30Guillotineit seems to be switching every time I switch OUT of cat form, but not when I switch into it
23:26.06*** join/#wowi-lounge qwxyr (
23:26.31qwxyrIs there a way to reverse the order in which the stances show in the stance bar?
23:27.29qwxyreasy way :P
23:29.28[MoonWolf]The upcomming Mendeleev addon: Screenies
23:30.26qwxyrI like the theme :P
23:31.01[MoonWolf]The colours took a long time
23:31.15[MoonWolf]basically hey this combo sounds like fun.. hey it actually doesnt look crappy
23:31.17[MoonWolf]ill take it.
23:32.05*** join/#wowi-lounge kremonte (
23:33.22qwxyrhow does it look when it's a yellow, green, grey or epic item?
23:37.36[MoonWolf]qwxyr, the colours never change
23:37.40[MoonWolf]only for category
23:43.17qwxyryeah, but combined with the rest. Now you have items that are all white in the game. I was thinking how the theme fits when you're looking at the tooltip of for i.e. an epic item
23:44.06qwxyroh by the way, have you seen that the tooltip for auctioneer overlays the normal tooltip on some items, trade items specifically?
23:45.14Temyeah that's an issue with EnhTooltip
23:45.32Temapparently, some things changed about how tooltips anchor
23:45.52qwxyryeah, that's what I figured too. No fixes available now?
23:46.54TemI dunno
23:47.14TemKaelten was in here a few nights ago fixing KC_Items' tooltip because of the same issue
23:48.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Ratbert_C1 (
23:48.43qwxyrgoing to try and disable it. I've lost track of what exactly EnhTooltip does :P
23:49.34qwxyrIt might also be a problem with the Informant mod
23:49.41qwxyrnot sure which one it is that is causing the anchor problem
23:50.19qwxyrlooks like enhTooltip
23:50.23gravix_there are some partial fixes on the website guys
23:50.40gravix_had to change a line in allinoneinventory to get it to work with that also
23:51.00qwxyroh, on that note
23:51.09qwxyrI got an idea the other day. Tried to work out the logic, but couldn't
23:51.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Beladona (
23:51.11*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Beladona] by ChanServ
23:52.24qwxyrWhat about a bag mod that semi-sorts everything after category in an AllInOneInventory frame? You don't physically sort the items, since that would take too much time, but move the bag slots around. Items would be clustered together in four columns of one type?
23:52.56gravix_any kind of sort functionality would be nice
23:53.06qwxyror less. Depending on what you have in your inventory and how many slots you have available. That was the logic part I couldn't quite wrap my head around
23:53.14qwxyrthere's a few mods out that does it, but they're very very crude
23:53.14*** part/#wowi-lounge Tem (
23:54.04qwxyrThey make four or more "bags" with each type of item in them. But I'd like to have it all in one big frame like AllInOneInventory
23:55.22qwxyrI'll mspaint an example together :-)
23:55.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (
23:55.56*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Cairenn] by ChanServ
23:57.12BeladonaTip: All Your Base Are Belong To Us
23:57.34Guillotinethats not one of mine, is it?
23:57.43Beladonaone of yours?
23:57.52Guillotinefrom ComedicTips
23:58.09gravix_There is no cow level
23:58.48qwxyrhehe I got that one the other day

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