irclog2html for #wowi-lounge on 20060104

00:00.00AnduinLothar2 use to be darnarsis
00:00.26IrielWell, you shoyuldn't count on the ID's being static
00:00.37AnduinLotharnot my addon, but it woulda been nice
00:00.38IrielThe faction API is entirely dynamic, if you want a specific faction, search by name
00:00.59IrielThat's "poorly written code" not anything else
00:03.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Tuatara (
00:03.54AnduinLotharhmmm, my macros weren't remembered in my action bars..
00:04.21AnduinLotharError: ...terface\AddOns\Blizzard_MacroUI\Blizzard_MacroUI.lua:75: attempt to perform arithmetic on field `selectedMacro' (a nil value)
00:04.33AnduinLotharvery odd
00:04.39GuillotineWould it cause any problems if an addon's name included "\n"?
00:04.46IrielDid you clean up your blizzard UI's?
00:04.53AnduinLotharpretty sure
00:05.21Irieldo you have any macro addons installed?
00:05.59AnduinLotharmmm, i didn't think so
00:06.01MalivilHey guys, are bindings per character now? like addons?
00:06.22IrielThey can be
00:06.27Irielyou set it on a per-character basis
00:06.52Malivildid they used to be?
00:07.04AnduinLotharouch, illumination got pushed higher in the tallent list
00:07.35Irielthey used to be global
00:08.09Malivilgood, then i can get rid of an addon that doesn't work any more
00:08.17AnduinLotharwow, i really dont remember these trees from teset server...
00:08.18IrielAnduinLothar : I think that may be a bug in the blizz code, actually.. checking some more.
00:08.28AnduinLotharsince when is repentance at the top of the ret tree?
00:08.52AnduinLotharand kings is mid prt tree
00:09.08futrtrublanyone got an 80 wire IDE cable I can borrow? ;']
00:09.39AnduinLotharso i can get holy aura, kings and consecration now...
00:09.39Sorren`quake4`inoh yah, sure. i'll email it to you!
00:10.25AnduinLotharmeh holy aura shoul dincrease healing too
00:11.09AnduinLothari'm so confused.. i have no idea what to spec now..
00:12.42Plorkyeran31/20 holy/ret :P
00:13.06AnduinLotharno kings, 2 auras?
00:13.52AnduinLothardid holy shock used to heal too?
00:16.51AnduinLothari'm still on the fence with Pursuit of justce
00:18.03Guillotineholy cow. my interface is totally messed up
00:18.30Plorkyeranit's 90 hp and a bit of gold for 2 talent points
00:19.10PlorkyeranI'm thinking it's good while leveling, but otherwise unimpressive
00:19.49AnduinLotharwhat? pursuit doesn't give hp
00:20.09Plorkyeranbut the stam enchant you can get on your boots instead of the speed enchant does
00:20.18Plorkyeranthey're the same boost, and don't stack
00:20.52AnduinLotharand i have more mount speed with 3 auto-equiped items
00:21.28AnduinLotharwait, run speed boot enchant is 8% too?
00:21.43AnduinLotharah ok, thought it was 4
00:21.49AnduinLotharwell that makes it easy
00:23.08AnduinLotharo, i like guardian's favor
00:23.28AnduinLotharincrease freedom time and decrease shield cooldown
00:23.56AnduinLotharI'm tempted to put 11 in prot tree
00:24.01Guillotineok. this is kind of wierd. why is it that titan panel, DUF, and DART are all extremely small while DAB is correct?
00:24.08Plorkyeranit's great for WSG
00:24.49AnduinLothari reall ylike rconing too
00:25.00SP|Sorrenwell for dart
00:25.22AnduinLotharnot to fond of holy shield tho
00:25.42pagefaultit's more of an annoyance than anything
00:25.48SP|Sorrenyou could theoretically do /script for i=1, 20 do DART_Settings["Default"][i]["scale"] = DART_Settings["Default"][i]["scale"] / UIParent:GetScale(); end
00:26.03SP|Sorrennot sure if there's an easy way to fix duf's scaling
00:26.16pagefaultthey should have given them more dps and got rid of the shield alltogether
00:26.16Guillotineso why did it do that?
00:26.35AnduinLotharI'm very sad illumination and divine favor are so high up the holy tree now
00:26.38Plorkyeranhow ui scale works was changed to what it originally should have been
00:26.48Plorkyeranand wowi seems to be down now :/
00:27.19SP|Sorrennot sure why DAB's scalling is correct
00:27.39SP|Sorrenbut for dart and duf it's because their parent is UIParent, and now children of UIParent correctly scale with UIParent ;P
00:29.24Guillotinewell that's annoying...
00:29.54Guillotinedangit. and it looks like lozareth is having server problems again. his account has been suspended :/
00:30.23SP|Sorrennoooooo i must get a fixed version of duf QQ
00:30.37AnduinLotharoh sweet, healing light does both flash and holy light +
00:30.38Guillotineyup. my thoughts exactly :/
00:30.57SP|Sorrenwell, i went into saved variables and replaced all the ["scale"] = to ["scale"] = 1/0.64*
00:31.05SP|Sorren(0.64 is my ui scale value)
00:31.07Guillotineand that fixed it?
00:31.13SP|Sorrenbut when you size things bigger'n 100%
00:31.15SP|Sorrenthe text goes wonky
00:31.22SP|Sorrenall the frame sizes are correct though
00:31.41SP|Sorrenand all the frames that have <100% scale look as they did before
00:31.48SP|Sorrenits only when i have frames >100% :/
00:33.27Irieltext scaling has always been a bit wonky hasn't it (going larger)
00:33.39Irielbecause the engine doesn't re-render all the font textures, it just stretches the existing ones
00:34.44SP|Sorreni dunno 8)
00:34.48Guillotine *cry* why do people have to always complain? Blizz is really doing a fine job when it comes to the UI if nothing else
00:34.53SP|Sorreni dont know what my previous values were
00:35.16SP|Sorreni think i had a frame over 100% and the text worked fine
00:35.45SP|Sorren(with DUF)
00:36.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Fanook|Zzz (
00:38.58Cairennoh! That's what I forgot!
00:39.04CairennPatch Stress Relief
00:39.05IrielYou saw my wowtoc post, didn't you?
00:39.10Cairennyeah, I did
00:40.15IrielOn the first hour of patch day my users gave to me, a screen shot of scale insanity.
00:40.45IrielOn the second hour of patch day my users gave to me, two missing font names and a screen-shot of scale insanity..
00:41.01AnduinLotharok, looks like i'm gonna try 18H/33R  tho that gives me no improved blessings
00:41.16*** part/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (
00:41.34OsagasuI wish Blizzard would slip WoWToc into the launcher as a bad program
00:42.11OsagasuSay its a trojan or something
00:42.39AnduinLotharspose i could get imp wis instead of illumination..
00:43.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (
00:43.46AnduinLotharya, i'll try that
00:44.24Guillotinedangit. I think I'm going to actually go through the Dart and Duf files and try to make a fix...
00:44.33Fanookjoy of joy, wowtoc no longer works!
00:45.56OsagasuA silly little addon
00:45.59Cideuh oh?
00:46.04Fanookwowtoc = a stupid "tool" that just edits the .toc files of addons to make them look up-to-date
00:46.04Gryphenwowtoc limited to 4 chars?
00:46.04TemCide: I dunno
00:46.12TemCide: someone else told me to
00:46.18Cidethanks /cry
00:46.22Osagasu. . .
00:46.29Osagasuprogram, spelling
00:46.38OsagasuI hate myself.
00:46.48TemWoWToc needs to die
00:46.48SP|Sorrenwasn't it defunct when you could check the "Load out of date addons" button?
00:46.58Gryphenya but noobs dont know that
00:47.01Temit's been pointless since like 1.5 anyway
00:47.40SP|Sorrenwowtoc is harder to figure out than clicking that stuipd button!
00:47.48futrtrublTrevion needs to be corrected on that thread, but I can't log on to the forums
00:47.52IrielI did
00:47.59TemCide: ah I found out.  Seems they were annoyed by there being no version number anywhere that they could find in the CT_Mod files
00:48.17TemCide: not a big deal I'm sure
00:48.18Cidethere are version numbers in the TOC files?
00:48.32futrtrublCide: yup
00:48.38Cideso what's the deal
00:48.43Temnow I get to make them feel dumb
00:49.18Cidein most mods at least
00:49.29Cidemight've missed it in one or two
00:49.34Flisher_CodingHello mighty Cide!
00:49.54Temoh I see now
00:50.10SP|Sorrenanyone here use dual monitors?
00:50.13Temhe was /really/ complaining about there being a lack of version number in the filename of the zip
00:50.15CideI do SP|Sorren
00:50.18AnduinLotharso blessing of wisdom rank 6 is a drop now or is it quest?
00:50.28Tembecause he overwrote something he wanted to keep or something
00:50.53SP|Sorrenwhat do you do when you have to use one monitor, and a program always launches offscreen where your other monitor used to be? :/
00:51.20pagefaultdelete the config files for that program I guess
00:51.22Cidethat's what I call user error :P
00:51.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Bela|SLEEP (
00:51.23*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Bela|SLEEP] by ChanServ
00:51.44Osagasuhey Bela
00:51.50TemCide: well the "user" is one of those guys that's obsessed with Code history
00:51.57pagefaultor load it and press alt-spacebar
00:51.58Beladonaso, how is 1.9 so far?
00:51.58pagefaultthen m
00:52.02Guillotineneed help. do I have anything wrong in "local IsItThere, blank, before, after = string.find(msg, "^(.*)%\n(.*)$");" ?
00:52.05pagefaultand use your arrowkeys to move it to the right monitor
00:52.19OsagasuLets put it this way
00:52.38IrielGuillotine : There doesn't appear to be
00:52.43OsagasuIf the PITA that is 1.9 was actual pain, I would be writing in it right now
00:52.45IrielThough that'll find the LAST \n, not the first
00:52.48Irielwhich is probably not what you wanted
00:52.59Guillotineok. how do I do the first?
00:53.07Guillotinewhere do I put the -?
00:53.08IrielUse .- instead of .* in the first ()
00:53.12Guillotineahh. ok
00:53.43Beladonawowinterface is slow for me
00:53.51Beladonamust be getting hammered
00:54.05Cairennwe are
00:54.18BeladonaCair, you know you are not oped?
00:54.25Guillotineso could someone check for me and let me know why it isn't working?
00:54.29Beladona<- is home now
00:54.31Cairennyeah, I know, what to toss it on me?
00:54.39*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Cairenn] by Beladona
00:54.45Cairenntrying to fuss with Trillian and it's being stupid :p
00:54.52Beladonause Gaim
00:54.58BeladonaI fell in love with it while I was away
00:55.04Guillotinei like Chatzilla...
00:55.09CairennI was using Gaim
00:55.17CairennI'm trying Trillian again :p
00:55.21Beladonaalthough the windows version of Gaim never seemed stable
00:55.30Beladonathe linux version simply roxxors
00:55.53CairennI can't figure out how to do video conferencing on Gaim, so that's why I'm back to Trillian
00:56.26Beladonastaying up really late tonight
00:56.34Beladonagonna try to get my compares up
00:56.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Corrodias (
00:56.48OsagasuHey Corr
00:56.53Corrodiasyes, hello
00:57.17OsagasuCorr is a newbie.  so shank him all you can get.
00:57.24Cairennhi Corrodias
00:57.35Corrodiasi hope none of the 55 or so addons i'm using breaks with this 1.9 patch :|
00:57.41OsagasuOh they will
00:57.43Osagasuthey will
00:57.47Guillotinethey will
00:57.48Guillotinefor sure
00:57.55OsagasuThis is also his first major patch. :P
00:58.06Guillotinehahahaha. i feel for you
00:58.11Corrodiasi joined at about 1.8.2
00:58.41Corrodiasfirst i have to clear enough drive space to install it
00:59.13OsagasuAnycase, I called him here because he's an old friend of mine that codes for NWN and am going to see if we can corrupt him into writing stuff for WoW. ;)
00:59.19Guillotinei need lozareth to fix Discord stuff...
00:59.48Corrodiasold? who are you, then?
01:00.13OsagasuFine, a friend
01:00.24Corrodiaswell, i mean, i don't recognize your name except from today..
01:00.57OsagasuKinji, Kyle, Toilet Goblin (Don't ask)
01:01.06Guillotine... that's itneresting... patch-2.mpq dissapeared
01:01.06Corrodiasah, kronus, yes
01:01.26Guillotinelooks like they've reconsolidated it into 1 mpq file
01:01.51TainThey do that periodically, Guillotine
01:01.54OsagasuThey need to go ahead and work all the patch stuff into the standard MPQ files again
01:02.08OsagasuUh oh
01:02.13SP|Sorreni think patch-2.mpq only comes out when the put out the 1.x.x patches
01:02.16Cairennstupid forums :p
01:02.27Irielpatch2 is only for the test server isn't it?
01:02.27BeladonaI stay away from forums on patch day
01:02.39Beladonait is akin to getting an amputation, without meds
01:02.46OsagasuThey're espically venemous today
01:02.52Cairenn"hey, these mods need updating" ... in my "Mods updated for 1.9" thread ....
01:03.06Cairennlike, no shit sherlock?
01:03.38Corrodiasyou know, bioware publishes changes that affect scripters and level builders with their patches
01:03.45Corrodiasi take it blizzard isn't so accomodating?
01:03.49BeladonaI just take solace in knowing only the idiots that can't code their way out of a paper bag ask why a mod isn't updated the minute the patch comes out
01:03.57SP|Sorreniriel does it for them
01:04.06OsagasuCair, you're going Valley Girl again
01:04.16BeladonaCorr, they tell us what changed, but sometimes not as specifically as we need
01:04.21OsagasuOh they do Corr
01:04.26Beladonait is left up to the community to fill in the blanks
01:04.39Corrodiasi must say i'm not looking forward to finding out what isn't working
01:04.40Osagasu[20:03] <@Cairenn> like, no shit sherlock?  <--sounds like Valley Girl to me
01:04.43BeladonaIriel's posts, and my wdn site help a lot
01:04.47Beladonaas does wowwiki
01:04.52TainThey also give you a nice note upon login, "DUe to the changes we suggest you remove all non-standard UI mods" or something to that effect
01:05.07AnduinLotharnow... nto get wardrobe working
01:05.09OsagasuNot anymore
01:05.30OsagasuCorr, sometimes its wise to just set Cair to ignore on patch day
01:05.32Corrodiashow did they manage to get wardrobe to stop working?
01:05.51AnduinLotharit's not finding any items in your bags anymore
01:05.53Beladonait is broke?
01:05.57Guillotinedoes anyone know of a program to edit/view .dbc files?
01:06.01OsagasuVery carefully
01:06.08Beladonathere is one on curse Guill
01:06.19IrielBlizzard tell us about the API changes, and they give us their UI code so we can look for other changes ourselves.
01:06.35IrielShort of giving us detailed API documentation (Which I'm sure they dont even have themselves)l, there's not much more they COULD do.
01:06.36OsagasuI <3 Everclear
01:06.43IrielExcept perhaps a 24/7 test server
01:06.44Guillotinety Beladona
01:06.46Beladonato be honest
01:06.51TainI have a question.
01:06.56BeladonaI kind of like the fact we have to help ourselves
01:07.02OsagasuSlouken sometimes gives us info
01:07.08Beladonait forces us to get more down and dirty with the ui
01:07.21Iriel*nod* @ Bela
01:07.31IrielI also am glad we're not given everything on a plate
01:07.44IrielSlouken tells us everything he's aware of, that's invaluable.
01:07.44TainIf you're looking at x,y coords on the screen, would you prefer to see them as x, y or see them as x/scale, y/scale ?
01:07.54Corrodiaswhere do they post API changes? :o
01:08.04Beladonaits like using linux and using windows
01:08.05SP|Sorrenperiodically on the ui forums
01:08.11IrielCorrodias : Look for my sticky threads on the forum, usually
01:08.12SP|Sorreniriel usually keeps tabs on them in a thread
01:08.17Beladonalinux, you gotta open terminal at least sometimes
01:08.19futrtrublwhat's that website with WoW player pictures of themselves? I want to show my ugly mug to the community
01:08.38SP|Sorrenmaybe its
01:08.46futrtrubltrying it
01:08.55TainWhat was the one posted in the thread on the Bliz forums?
01:09.05TainDon't think it was called anything like that, was it?
01:09.19IrielTain: it depends really, I'd imagine for frames that are children of UIParent, it'd be most intuitive to have screen pixels
01:09.23Tainthe one to see geographically where people ar.e
01:09.25BeladonaCair, will check the pm shortly, wowi is timing out on me
01:09.31IrielOh, the wru?
01:09.35Osagasu1.9 is right here
01:09.41Beladonaoh on here?
01:09.44BeladonaI didn't get it
01:09.54Beladonayou authenticatyed?
01:10.33OsagasuI wonder if there's a way to change the tips
01:10.42AnduinLotharWardrobe_GetItemNameAtInventorySlotNumber is failing
01:10.52IrielOsagasu : They're in one of the mpq's somewhere
01:11.00Osagasuah bugger
01:11.12OsagasuThat's no fun
01:11.27Beladonabrb, gottta finish unpacking
01:11.42OsagasuAddon Authors should be able to add stuff to that, but nooo
01:11.43TemTip: All of your action bars can have their hotkeys can have their bindings remapped in the keybinding interface.
01:12.26Fanookui.worldofwar refuses to load for me :(
01:12.49OsagasuTip: There is no cow level
01:14.07IrielMy favorite posts are the ones asking for working addons to use while their normal ones are broken from the patch.
01:15.03SP|Sorrenhey iriel did you put out a new statrings for the patch? ;p
01:15.07futrtrublFanook, are you registered at ui.worldofwar?
01:15.07OsagasuGotta love idiocy?
01:15.27IrielSP|Sorren - I uploaded my current development version
01:15.40IrielI dont remember what state it's in because the test servers went down before I got back from vacation
01:15.52futrtrublif so you can instead use
01:15.53SP|Sorrencool, must go play with it instead of fixing my ui mods woohoo
01:16.02Irielif it's busted, just go back a version 8-)
01:16.40SP|Sorrenhow hard would the math be to move the origin of the circle to places other than the right angles?
01:17.56AnduinLotharand there we have it. Wardobe is using a tooltip scan with ttext:IsVisible()
01:18.38Corrodiaswhy doesn't that work now, or what?
01:18.47AnduinLotharnope, needs to be IsShown
01:19.08AnduinLotharworks like a charm
01:19.15Corrodiasthat was a fast test :o
01:19.43AnduinLothari had it loaded, saved the lua, reloaded, changed outfits
01:20.33Corrodiasreloading.. probably looks like it takes longer than it actually does. staring at a non-changing screen is pretty boring.
01:22.40Corrodiasthat's why i was thinking that was so fast
01:22.47IrielSP|Sorren : I think you'll find the new version does that.
01:23.12AnduinLotharoh, i have a timer. takes about 30 sec currently
01:23.14futrtrublthis is me
01:23.17AnduinLotharto reload
01:23.52Corrodias30 seconds might be longer than it takes mine..
01:24.04Osagasuone time I had it take two minutes
01:24.08futrtrublignore that, they have a wierd system
01:24.11AnduinLothari have a bazillion addons loaded on a slow compy
01:24.12OsagasuCosmos caused it
01:24.47AnduinLotharya, mine was taking 2 min a while back, turned out to be a lot of errors and onload crap that wasn't very efficient
01:24.58AnduinLotharso I optimized um
01:25.09AnduinLotharnot i get 30 sec
01:25.13Beladonathere is a server transfer from draka, hopefully the draka queue will lighten
01:25.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Elessdy (
01:25.30Elessdyi believe my router just hiccupped
01:25.30AnduinLotharon a new server?
01:25.38Beladonawhile on vacation I was hitting queues of 500 or so
01:25.49Beladonagood 40 minute wait time
01:26.13Elessdyeldre'thalas doesn't get quite that long, from what i've heard. of course, nobody wants to be on ET.
01:26.23futrtrublwell, I'm up as Kellen on Azjol Nerub on
01:27.37IrielUntil someone uploads a picture with a name before yours, anyway
01:29.13Endgah, my freakin serve sucks
01:29.18Ender, server
01:29.34EndI can get character lists on others pretty quickly, on mine, not so fast
01:31.34pagefaultTip: being polite in a group will get you invited back!
01:31.36pagefaultbest tip ever
01:31.58Endso, politely ninja?
01:32.11pagefaultyeah I guess so
01:32.12futrtrublIriel, that one wasn't link to mine for me, it's dependent on what sort method you selected last
01:33.35*** join/#wowi-lounge somethinglese (
01:33.39Beladonasoo, the live version is actually a direct port of the last test version
01:33.43somethinglesefor some reason, it seems my newer router can't handle the traffic from the blizzard updater.. either that or it's my ISP. i'll find out in a minute.
01:33.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Plorkyeran (
01:33.59somethinglesethis network has a hell of a timeout, let me tell you!
01:34.14somethingleseCorrodias was disconnected 8 minutes ago
01:34.27Irielfutrtrubl : Freakish 8-)
01:34.42Irielfutrtrubl : though since I never selected a sort order, it may end up being the default
01:37.10futrtrublit's a stupid system, can't link direct to your post
01:40.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (
01:40.37*** part/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (
01:40.51Plorkyeranooh, pre-character addon enabling
01:40.56PlorkyeranI missed that in the patch notes
01:41.04AnduinLotharfixed friendsfacts, wardrobe, Titan_Wardrobe... on to earth
01:42.20somethinglesepre-character addon enabling? what's that?
01:43.17AnduinLotharoh, i bet that earth error is cause they removed # 14
01:43.29Flisher_CodingCide: Is CT safe to use or still need fixing?
01:43.53AnduinLotharguild button frame
01:44.20Cideit works just fine
01:44.25Cideit has some small bugs but it works
01:44.57somethingleseargh. i fear i am unfamiliar enough with the API and the game's frames that i'll just have to wait until authors update most of the ones i use >_<
01:46.01somethinglesethe wow updater must have ripped code directly from the first bittorrent release. i can't even browse the web.
01:46.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (
01:46.20*** part/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (
01:47.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (
01:48.25*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Cairenn] by ChanServ
01:48.34Fanookblizzard's updater sucks, it's a proven fact
01:48.40*** part/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (
01:50.33Guillotinecould someone tell me what's wrong with ?
01:51.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (
01:51.32*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Cairenn] by ChanServ
01:52.03AnduinLotharthere we have it:
01:52.03AnduinLothar<CheckButton name="$parentButton14" inherits="EarthFeatureButtonTemplate" id="14">
01:52.20somethingleseit took 15 minutes to timeout..
01:53.24somethinglesei dunno, syntax looks okay >_>
01:53.34AnduinLotharthere is no 14
01:54.40somethingleseyou seem pretty competent and familiar with the interface
01:54.41IrielGuillotine : It loops if there's no \n
01:54.50Guillotineno it doesnt
01:54.54Guillotineit works if theres no \n
01:54.59IrielOh. corretc, sorry
01:54.59Guillotinethe problem is when there IS an n
01:55.04IrielNiceOld and NiceNew
01:55.20IrielWhy does it call SendChatmessage and not NiceOldSendChat message for the 'before' part?
01:55.20Guillotineit still crashes when there is "\n" in the chat message
01:55.34Guillotinein case there is 2 \n in it
01:55.57IrielYou need \\n
01:56.05Irielthe % is unnecessary
01:56.08Guillotineahhh. its \\n now %\n?
01:56.20Guillotinetheres my problem :) ty
01:56.26IrielBut either way
01:56.31Irielyou know there's no \n in 'before'
01:56.37Irielthere might be one in 'after'
01:56.57IrielA cleaner approach may be as follows (Pastebin in a mo)
01:57.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (
01:57.26*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Cairenn] by ChanServ
01:58.04Cairennokay, think I'm done playing, at least for now ... sorry about the join/leave/join spam
01:58.23Beladonano worries
01:58.28Beladonadid it finally work?
01:58.37Cairennfor now
01:58.46CairennI'll bug you about optimizing it more later
01:59.46GuillotineIriel: what's "done"?
01:59.56Cairennlol Iriel!
02:00.39Guillotinedo you mean "end"?
02:01.18Irieldone is what happens when I write shell scripts before lua
02:01.23Irielit's end, yes
02:03.59Beladonawowinterface down?
02:04.41TemCide: what can I tell people who are asking about CT_BarMod problems?
02:04.42Cairennnope, just hit refresh
02:05.13Cidewhat problems are we talking about?
02:05.20Beladonagetting  a timeout
02:05.25Beladonaserver too busy
02:05.34EndWhat I do when titanbar keeps changing the scale on me: /script GameTooltip:SetScale(1.2) GameTooltip.SetScale = function() end
02:05.41TemCide: something about the bars not showing the cooldowns and some other random stuff
02:05.43Beladonawhich includes wdn, which is what I was working on =P
02:06.02TemCide: is that fixed with the 1.9 version?
02:06.08Cideit should be
02:06.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Parak (
02:06.14Cideneither ts nor I have that problem
02:06.25Beladonathink I am gonna wait till tomorrow and let the traffic slow down
02:06.31Temoh crap
02:06.42Cairenntomorrow it goes live in Europe, Bela
02:07.06GuillotineIriel: it still crashes
02:07.39GuillotineIriel: Should it be a problem that I'm calling the lua file directly from the ToC?
02:08.24somethingleseyou're not supposed to do that :o
02:08.30AnduinLotharno, in fact it's recomended
02:09.13Corrodiasrecommended? but i read on wowwiki how the toc files work and that wasn't in there..
02:09.18AnduinLotharcall all loading files from the toc unless you're doing fancy loading embedding and need to have an xml load subsequent files
02:09.34Guillotinesomethinglese: like Anduin said, its recommended unless you need an xml file. but I'm not doing anything OnLoad or on any events
02:09.43Guillotineso I don't need an xml file :)
02:09.57AnduinLotharno, even if you have an xml file you should still load from toc, it's cleaner
02:10.11Corrodias..see, i need more experience
02:10.12SP|Sorrentry %\%\n
02:10.31SP|Sorrendo you need to escape backslashes?
02:10.32Fanook"\" isn't a special character in lua regex
02:10.37SP|Sorrennevermind then
02:10.54AnduinLotharonly reasons i can think of to load from xml is if you filling a frame table's contents on eval and not onload. or embedding
02:11.27SP|Sorrenso then maybe it shoudl just be \n
02:11.32SP|Sorrenand not \\n? O.o
02:11.37SP|Sorrenor %\n?
02:11.37Corrodiaswhy do all of the addons i've looked at load their lua files within their xml then?
02:11.51SP|Sorrencuz thats how it was done before they let you use the toc to load lua
02:11.54AnduinLotharcause that's the old way you had to do it
02:12.02IrielGuillotine : Can you post your addon for me?
02:12.05SP|Sorrenand people like me are lazy, and dont bother changing their addons ;p
02:12.18IrielGuillotine : Or if it's just that one file, post it on the pastebin again
02:12.38Guillotinenm. got it to work :D
02:12.49OsagasuThey changed it in 1.8 metinks
02:12.53Osagasuor was it this patch?
02:12.58Irielit was a while back
02:13.00Iriel1.7 or 1.8
02:13.05IrielI think
02:13.07AnduinLothar1.7 is my vote
02:13.40IrielAnduinLothar : Regarding that macro issue you had, do you have any addons that run blizzards macro code ?
02:14.33AnduinLotharmmm, don't remember
02:14.49AnduinLotharnot really workign on that issues atm, still futzing with earht
02:15.05CodayusHmm.  Wow, my UI is toasted...
02:15.23Corrodiasi'm sure everyone's is
02:15.31Corrodiasexcept that guy that had only 4 addons
02:15.58CodayusHmm, looks like mostly scaling issues...
02:16.03AnduinLotharCosmos in nearly bug free atm
02:16.16AnduinLotharjust Census and Earth that I know of
02:16.22Corrodiasthat forum thread says to change GetScale calls to GetEffectiveScale
02:17.00AnduinLotharoh ok.. earth bug just got fixed. was a Meteorologist bug
02:17.22CodayusWonder how much a global find and replace would break...
02:17.44Corrodiasas long as you keep a copy of your addon folder untouched? can't hurt!
02:18.03*** part/#wowi-lounge Beladona (
02:18.39Guillotinelet me know how it works Codayus
02:18.56Guillotineif it works, you are my hero
02:19.06Corrodiasyeah. "* With 1.9 frame scales are calculated as frameEffectiveScale = frameScale * parentEffectiveScale, rather than being simply frameScale with parent scale changes actually changing child frame scale values.
02:19.06Corrodias* Added Frame:GetEffectiveScale() to return the new effective scale (Replace old calls to Frame:GetScale() with this for the 'old' result) "
02:19.23Corrodiasold result sounds like something good
02:20.10SP|Sorrenwell for most addons that have scaling issues
02:20.25Guillotinethats annoying. b/c of the new year, screenshots are being created at the begining of the folder
02:20.28SP|Sorrenits because they multiplied UIParent:GetScale() with their scales to make them scale w/ the UIParent
02:20.49Irielyeah, I had that problem last year
02:20.56IrielI wish they'd go with YYYYMMDD
02:21.21Guillotinetheres no way to change that, is there?
02:21.30Irielwrite a script to rename them all later?
02:21.48Guillotinena. I've just never looked at how the Screenshot() command worked
02:21.53Guillotinedidn't know if it let you input a file name
02:22.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Beladona (
02:22.05*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Beladona] by ChanServ
02:24.04Corrodiaswell, there's one plus to nobody's UI working right, at least: no queue on ET
02:24.36AnduinLotharbah zg guild run... gonna be horrable with all the ui's toasted
02:24.38Corrodiasjust the usual character loading delay
02:25.07Corrodiasi have never raided, but i recommend postponing that until it's all sorted out
02:25.14Corrodiaswipes get expensive at 60, don't they?
02:25.29futrtrublwhy'd they schedule a guild run on patch day?
02:25.33AnduinLotharmeh, more expensive for guild moral if we postpone it
02:26.01AnduinLotharthis is the 3rd guild half these guys have moved to in 2 weeks
02:26.26Corrodiasmy morale would be pretty low trying to fight through a hard instance with half my UI not working :o
02:26.54Corrodias...if my CHARACTERS EVER LOADED ANYWAY. taking its sweet time..
02:28.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Esamynn (
02:28.24CodayusHey, at least if you wipe a bunch, you can blame the UI...
02:28.24EsamynnEvening all, Have a happy patch day? :)
02:28.50Corrodiasi'll let you know when the server finally sends me my character list
02:28.51IrielOh yes, it's a joy as always
02:29.29futrtrublgreat patch day, greatr fun watching the whiners
02:29.39Esamynnquestion, did slouken say anything about removing the UI ability to query the grouped status of guild members, beyond the removal of the grouped return value and the additiono of the status return value?
02:30.12EsamynnI'm sort of annoyed because that status return value doesn't return anything more than <AFK> or <DND> :(
02:30.38Corrodiasoh boy, i'm loading!
02:30.55AnduinLotharlol, ya. i bet it's localized too
02:31.04Esamynnso did slouken tell us that was happening and I missed it or did that removal sort of go under the radar?
02:31.32IrielEsamynn : Well, the group thing was never supported by the stock UI
02:31.54Irielthat field position was used for the AFK thing tho, we found out about that when we saw the 1.9 UI
02:32.01Esamynntrue, but I was going to make use of it, and I would think that information would be more useful than the status field :(
02:32.20IrielI dunno, lots of folks have asked for AFK queries
02:32.44IrielI suspect they feel the LFG stuff will remove the need for the group flag?
02:32.47EsamynnI wish he hadn't removed it though, I sort of assumed that the status field would return grouped status as well :(
02:33.08EsamynnI was never able to get onto the test server to test this stuff :(
02:33.26Corrodiasit disabled all my addons >_> now i get to load my character list again
02:34.01Corrodiasah, it unchecked the 'load outdated' box
02:35.09IrielIt was in my 'Actual changes' thread
02:35.38Esamynnthe removal of the grouped flag was, but you never posted any info on status return values
02:36.36Guillotineso was there ever any announcment on wether WoW really was under a DoS attack or if it was just the influx of new players?
02:37.55IrielI got onto my server just fine and was able to play
02:37.58Irielso my money's on the latter
02:38.12IrielOf course, they'd never announce if it was the former anyway
02:38.26Guillotineis it possible to replace a .dbc file like you can model files? I'm trying to replace GameTips.dbc but it isn't working
02:38.41Endprobably can
02:38.44EndI've never tried it
02:38.50Esamynnoh well, I think I'll post and ask slouken if there is a chance of getting the grouped flag back, maybe he only removed it because he didn't think anyone used it
02:40.34Esamynnok, thanks for the info Iriel, later all
02:40.57Guillotinewait- it appears this patch you can no longer replace model files either
02:42.02Guillotineso Codayus, is the replace working?
02:42.29CodayusUm, I got distracted by something already.  :-(
02:42.48TainMy minimap replacement still works, it's the default xml and lua you can't replace.
02:43.11GuillotineI'm pretty sure you can only replace things in the interface.mpq folder now
02:43.15Guillotinethats what it appears to be at least
02:43.17CodayusThe tool I was going to use to do it didn't work, so I started looking for how to do it a different way, and sort of got distracted by a cool hack...
02:43.31CodayusEntirely unrelated to WoW.  Right, replacing GetScale calls...yeah...
02:43.54TainHave you tried replacing anything else, Guillotine?
02:44.19Guillotineso far none of it is working but Interface.mpq
02:44.21OsagasuHow long has it been since you've been on DI?
02:44.30TainMy minimap replacement graphics are working fine.  One file is under Textures and one file is under Interface
02:45.15TainSo they may have limited things, but it isn't everything.
02:45.16Corrodiaswhew, the nude mod still works. you had me worried.
02:45.16Guillotinethen maybe textures is working as well
02:45.24Guillotinecorrodias: ?
02:45.25OsagasuYes it does
02:45.28OsagasuI checked
02:45.31OsagasuTRUST ME
02:45.34Guillotineam I missing something?
02:45.38Corrodiassome of us have replacement textures in our data folder
02:45.44Guillotineoh... I think I get that
02:45.55Guillotineplz say you didn't replace the undead textures
02:46.02Corrodiashey, it came in the pack..
02:46.37Corrodiasi see blizzard added altcast, according to this "tip"
02:46.57Guillotineso where is the best place to put a file to be overriding a default one? just by itself in the WoW folder?
02:47.15Corrodiasyou have to put it in the data folder in proper subdirectories
02:47.19CodayusI seem to be rolling a critical failure on my attempt to replace GetScale().  Why is this so hard?
02:47.42CodayusI'm missing something very simple, clearly...
02:47.43Corrodiaslike J:\World of Warcraft\Data\Character\Dwarf\Female\DwarfFemaleSkin00_00.blp
02:47.46futrtrublbecause SetScale() will screw up a mod too
02:48.01Codayusfutrtrubl: Haha!  You overestimate my compitence.
02:48.05futrtrublif used improperly
02:48.10CodayusI'm failing to actually replace the text.
02:48.17CodayusIn the .lua files.  :-(
02:48.18Corrodiasuse search AND replace!
02:48.19futrtrublahhhh ;']
02:48.23Guillotineso C:\Program Files\World of Warcraft\Patch\DBFilesClient should be right for something in the Patch.mpq file, sub-directory DBFilesClient
02:48.24IrielOsagu: A little over 2 weeks, I was in another country over christmas though so I have an excuse
02:48.51Corrodiaslemme load a mpq viewer to check
02:49.26Fanookhrmm, looks like some item linking code got borked... or the game just hates me...
02:49.27IrielGuillotine : Wouldn't it be DBFilesClient ?
02:49.51Corrodiasthe name of the mpq file is irrelevant. it's not part of it.
02:49.53IrielGuillotine : The name of the MPQ file doesn't go in the path AFAIK, they're just used to define a search path and split up the files right.
02:50.16Endno, the name doesn't go in
02:50.31futrtrublanyone got a source for editplus lua syntax files?
02:50.32CodayusPerl ftw!
02:50.51Endonly Patch.mpq and all its patchy friends get changed, but the other mpqs don't
02:52.58Corrodiaswhat is the problem with Titan panel?
02:53.02Corrodiasit looks pretty normal to me
02:53.30CodayusHmm, well, that didn't break anything...
02:53.36Codayus...but didn't really fix much.  Hrmph.
02:54.23Corrodiasbut seriously, my titan panel looks normal. the text might be slightly smaller, but it might not
02:54.27Guillotineok, so i can't find a program to convert stuff TO .dbc or to make a usable .dbc file
02:55.03CodayusDiscord mods seem to have the biggest issues.
02:55.58Beladonadid they screw up the casting bar graphic?
02:56.05Beladonaor is that something with CTmod
02:56.27CodayusCtMod I think...
02:56.45Corrodiaswell, i use a replacement casting bar, but it looks normal
02:56.48Corrodiasi mean
02:56.49Codayus"- Fixed a bug with casting bar text" would appear to be part of the changelog for ctmod.
02:56.50Corrodiasit looks like it should.
02:57.22Fanookyay, updated bibmod!
03:00.09Corrodiasflightmap is broken a little..
03:03.00Flisher_Codingthere is an updated bersion of flightmap
03:04.43Corrodiashow convenient
03:06.40Corrodiasi see why titan looks a LITTLE different. i think the font has gotten a little smaller. same with my tipbuddy tooltips
03:06.59Beladonacooldown not working on the extra ctmod buttons
03:10.46Irieltime to go home, talk to you all later
03:11.04IrielHopefully cair's fingers will still up for update approving later tonight 8-)
03:12.51Cideya Cairenn, almost
03:13.41Cideit should be
03:13.53Cideya, thanks, you might have to upgrade it every so often
03:14.55Guillotineread it
03:14.59Guillotineits a real addon
03:15.01Guillotinedon't worry
03:15.06Guillotinegenuinely helpful
03:15.15Guillotinebasically, it fixes the \nice bug
03:15.20Guillotineand seperates it into sepearte messages
03:15.29Guillotinerather than sending the \n and getting you disconected
03:15.36Cidethanks Cairenn
03:15.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
03:15.55Guillotineso hello \nice would send two messages. "hello" and "ice"
03:17.06Fanookthat's not exactly a bug
03:18.17Guillotineno, it isn't
03:18.22Guillotinebut it fixes it anyway
03:19.09OsagasuSuperMacro is better since the last patch
03:19.09Osagasudespite the most important funcionality being forced out
03:19.09Gryphenno return smoogle script on this comp :p
03:19.16FanookGuill: I don't disagree that Nice is a good addon, but it'
03:19.24Endstupid patch
03:19.27Fanookit's inredibly abusable :/
03:19.33Endthe snake boss in ZG is insane
03:19.41Guillotinefanook: not really. it doesn't enable line breaks
03:19.43Endhe can hit anyone with his chain spell
03:19.50Guillotinefanook: it just seperates them into seperate messages
03:20.32Fanookactually, never mind my concern
03:20.33Endwe had him in the corner, and he hit a guy -all- the way in the other corner
03:21.02Fanookit's guaranteed to put your name in front of each msg, so it's not abusable
03:22.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Depherios (n=Deph@
03:23.03Fanookwhich, of course, is a nicer fix than what Bliz put in :P
03:24.45*** join/#wowi-lounge norganna (n=Ken@
03:25.03Guillotinethat was the idea :)
03:26.16Plorkyeranour entire ZG raid crashed when the MT used beserker rage
03:26.29Plorkyeranexcept him
03:27.10CodayusHmm, my guild is hitting Oni tomorrow.  This is starting to look like a suboptimal idea...
03:27.41Plorkyeranunless you have at least two dwarf priests :P
03:28.14CodayusWell, if it's crashing on beserker rage, there may be other problems.  :-)
03:29.11CodayusBanished elementals in MC retail all abilities while banished - yet remain invulnerable to alla ttacks and spells.
03:29.14Endso yeah
03:29.23CodayusOh boy, Garr is going to be so much *FUN*...
03:29.23Endhope they don't fear
03:29.34Endif they don't fear, you are fine
03:29.46Corrodiaseverybody but the MT crashing in ZG is not a good thing, is it?
03:29.53Corrodiasi'm no raiding expert but that sounds like a problem
03:29.54Endnot really
03:30.11Endwe tried the snake boss, got eaten by that chain spell
03:30.12CodayusCorrodias: I'd say that's even worse than banishing turning Garr's friends into invulnerable killing machines.  :-)
03:30.18CodayusChain spell?
03:30.22Corrodiasyes, quite
03:30.28Endthe chained holy spell if you get too close
03:30.33Endhe can do it from any range now
03:30.37CodayusOh, right.  Were you too close?
03:30.45CodayusOh, that's just swell.
03:31.06Endanother guild said they managed to get him down...and then he went into evade
03:33.00EndI heard about elementals in MC and onyxia being bugged too
03:33.08CodayusOnyxia is bugged?  How?
03:33.23Endsomething along the lines of not leaving phase 2 or something
03:33.29EndI dunno exactly
03:33.57AnduinLothardi you call cairenn?
03:34.03Cidecouple of changes just got live, Cairenn
03:34.57Cairennper our discussion earlier on
03:35.27AnduinLotharoh, u mean as to how it looks?
03:35.29Cidedid you reupload it?
03:35.36Cairennyes and yes
03:35.41Cideokay :)
03:35.44Cidethanks Cair
03:35.51AnduinLotharthe mac one doesn't show you the patch notes till after it patches
03:36.03Cairennthat's what the windows one looks like
03:36.09AnduinLotharnor does it show files being updated or a %age
03:36.13Cairennwhile it's patching, as you can see
03:36.47Cairennanyway, just thought you might like to see it, not any big deal
03:36.52AnduinLothari still wish you could copy from the notes page there. wont let u on mac and i try every time
03:37.06AnduinLotharyou can sellect, but not copy
03:37.11Cairennthat is where I usually copy from
03:37.46AnduinLothardoesn't work on mac
03:37.57AnduinLotharnot even the correct cmd-c
03:38.07Cairennthat sucks
03:38.21AnduinLotharyup, i just open the patch,txt usually
03:39.21AnduinLotharthink my wow just froze while loading
03:39.29AnduinLothargot o 100% and just stopped responding
03:41.27AnduinLotharYa, I'm kinda dreading going through all 30 of my addons and updating on 3 different addon sites..
03:41.41AnduinLotharthink i'll be lazy as usual and only update the toc if there were changes
03:41.41Corrodiasmost of them still work normally, i find
03:41.50Corrodiasor have only minor cosmetic flaws that i can easily live with until they're updated
03:41.59DepheriosOMG they actually FIXED (i hope) troll zerking XD
03:42.58TemThey fixed the bug where arcane missiles would work sometimes
03:43.13AnduinLotharI'm tempted to just put everything on wowi simply cause it saves me time on reading comments. but i stil like my downlaod counts at curse
03:43.34AnduinLotharand i like the guru installer
03:43.34Corrodiasthey fixed the bug where shamen would sometimes die in PvP
03:44.12Cairennwe're going to be supporting it
03:44.15AnduinLotharautomaticly adding the config files?
03:44.22Cairennoh, dunno about that
03:44.31Cairennmay be talking about 2 different things
03:44.34AnduinLotharthat's what makes guru good
03:45.20AnduinLotharcause i just upload my zip and it automaticly disects my zip, finds the data it needs and adds the xml config file to the zip and hosts what the latest version is
03:46.21AnduinLotharso that all i have to do is zip the addon folder and upload it and it automaticly works with both the installer and the browser based zip file viewer
03:47.41AnduinLotharright, understood
03:47.48Cairennhe so desperately needs someone to help him with coding
03:48.07AnduinLotharcosmos is lookign for coders too
03:48.24Cairennif people volunteer, that's one thing
03:48.27AnduinLotharwell, he also pays
03:48.42Cairennhe's paid you guys for all the work you've done for him?
03:49.09Grypheni dont know anyone that has done anything for him
03:49.21AnduinLotharI wasn't aware I'd done any work for him other than suggestions/troubleshooting and uploading my addons
03:49.26Gryphenextensive anyway
03:49.40AnduinLotharbut he gets paid and pays his coders
03:49.51Temoh god yay!
03:49.53AnduinLotharand does an extensive amount of coding himself
03:49.59TemMy frostbolts hit for more with CoE on
03:50.14Gryphenhe's young and excitable too hehe
03:50.22Cairennheh, just a bit
03:50.26AnduinLotharI admire him cause he's so completely addicted that I can suggest something and have it implimented nearly immediately
03:51.00AnduinLotharwhich Isn't something i can say about any of the other sites
03:51.22AnduinLotharyou guys are responsive and availible, but turnaround isn't as good, understandable so
03:51.32Corrodiasi've been staring at this loading screen for an awfully long time
03:51.34Corrodiasi think wow froze
03:51.42Corrodiasnope, there it goes
03:51.44AnduinLotharya, my wow froze, now i cant load characters
03:52.14AnduinLotharnow there's a full server warning?
03:52.57Fanooksnack run!
03:52.57Temgood lord ony phase 1 is uninteractive
03:53.44Corrodiaslol, auctioneer's forum is too busy and rejecting connections
03:54.02AnduinLotharold version still works doesn't it?
03:54.16Corrodiasthe tooltips are misplaced for items below the top half of the screen
03:54.26Corrodiasas if they anchor bottom to bottom instead of top to bottom
03:54.30AnduinLotharoh right, i reported that like 3 weeks ago
03:54.41AnduinLotharstill not fixed?
03:55.12Corrodiasi haven't tried a version in the last few weeks. it looks like they have their own problems with 1.9
03:57.23AnduinLotharbleh, looks liek i have to branch Wardrobe if i want to keep sea, chronos and the event driven equipment swaps
03:57.35AnduinLotharNemes is anti-lib
03:57.36Temoh wtf
03:57.38Temony is bugged
03:57.46Guillotinehaha. dwarves look hilarious in full dragonstalker
03:57.58Corrodiasi'm still using Auctioneer i guess
03:58.10Temthis is annoying as fuck.  She wont move once she lands for phase 3
03:58.22AnduinLotharah, curse is working now
03:58.27CodayusIs she killable?
03:58.32Corrodiasyou're talking to us as you fight onyxia? :o
03:58.51Temwell, yeah
03:58.53TemI'm a mage
03:59.03Temin phase 1 all I do is auto wand
03:59.24TemI went back for phase 2 and died very quickly into phase 3 because she bugged out
03:59.26CodayusGuild has a ony raid scheduled for tomorrow night...maybe we'd better resschedule.
03:59.36Temshe wouldn't move
03:59.43TemI wanted to die
04:00.41AnduinLotharis there a good way to get the name of an inventory item without tooltip scanning?
04:02.00AnduinLotharahh, item link
04:02.05CodayusThat grabs the itemType, but one of the other returns from GetItemInfo should be what you want.
04:02.10AnduinLotharwardrobe gets to use that then
04:06.50*** join/#wowi-lounge cladhaire (
04:07.36OsagasuCorr fits right in I see.
04:07.37DepheriosTip: A priest, a paladin, and Varimathras walk into a bar...
04:07.59Cairennidling ;)
04:08.11Corrodiasah, yes, i do that a lot
04:08.12Depherios... was it just me, or did WoW be a jerk, and not load any addon automatically? without asking the usual "load out of date addons?" question?
04:08.24Corrodiasi wonder why my modified damagemeters isn't using its saved variables like it should be...
04:08.31CodayusDepherios: It worked for me
04:08.33Corrodiasit was a jerk.
04:08.35cladhaireTHanks Cair.. good to be back =)  Got stuck in Puerto RIco last night
04:08.38CodayusBut it completely failed for my brother.
04:08.50CodayusApparently, it just hates random people and doesn't load their addons.
04:08.51Cairennhave a good time?
04:08.57AnduinLotharcorr, does ur realm have no space after it's name?
04:09.11Depheriosrandom people eh? lol
04:09.18Corrodiasthere is no space after the folder name
04:09.56AnduinLotharah, per char vars?
04:10.05*** join/#wowi-lounge dvorakkey (
04:10.14AnduinLotharim gnorant then haven't messed with them
04:10.22Corrodiasdid you write damagemeters?
04:10.48AnduinLotharnope, but it's in cosmos. so any improvement i'm interested in including
04:10.58Corrodiasthe original used registerforsave for all its variables. i didn't like that, so i changed it to use savedvariables instead
04:11.12Corrodiasit worked in 1.8, but now for some reason it isn't actually loading the saved variables any more
04:11.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Kolth (n=amoeba@
04:11.33AnduinLotharah, ya the cosmos vers has used SavedVariables for a while
04:11.38clad|sleepwell i need to reload.. catch up with you all later
04:11.39*** part/#wowi-lounge clad|sleep (
04:12.27Corrodiasit has? then perhaps i should rip it out of cosmos
04:14.16AnduinLotharoh wait
04:14.52AnduinLotharya, some are savedvars, lot are still registerforsave so ignore that. most vars are stored in khaos
04:15.10AnduinLotharit really needs to be converted to a table and stored that way
04:15.44AnduinLotharholy bajesus it has a million slash commands... it desperately needs to use some other stystem
04:16.28Corrodiasthsoe are optional, it has a nice GUI
04:16.41Depheriosugh, I hate those menus
04:16.49AnduinLotharright, i know. i use the gui. but you have to use /commands if it's hidden
04:17.18Corrodiastrue. /dmshow is one command i type pretty often
04:18.17AnduinLotharit should just make um all dm with subsets
04:18.32AnduinLotharw/e i dont have time to mess with that
04:18.50AnduinLotharthere we go, wardrobe no longer uses tooltip scannign
04:19.07AnduinLotharlocal id = GetInventorySlotInfo(Wardrobe_InventorySlots[slotNum]);
04:20.45AnduinLotharnow to do that with bag items
04:21.09Corrodiasi wonder if there's a limit to the number of savedvariables you can have
04:21.30AnduinLotharlimit of youu patiences on loading
04:21.57dvorakkeywould ^.*%[(.*)%].*$ be more efficient
04:22.33AnduinLotharnot likely it jsut grabs the first instance of the string
04:22.55AnduinLotharso as soon as it hits .* with nothing after it it stops checking
04:23.25Corrodiasit SEEMS to save the variables right, but then not LOAD them right
04:26.05Corrodiaser, okay, it loads -some- of them
04:26.37Flisher_Codingwhy not using the function that return the itemname?
04:27.31AnduinLothardoes one exist?
04:27.39Flisher_Codingsure, give me 1 sec
04:27.44CodayusOne exists?
04:28.02AnduinLotharnews to me, it's not used in default ui that i know of
04:28.15Flisher_Codinglocal name,_,quality = GetItemInfo(link);
04:28.20Flisher_Codingthere is alot of other parameter
04:28.32Flisher_Codingthe downside, it return nil if the item isn;t in the local cache
04:28.40Flisher_Codingwas introduced in 1.7 or something like that
04:28.56CodayusFlisher_Coding: Heh, right.  But you have to get a LINK to pass it.
04:29.14CodayusWhich is what the code AnduinLothar pasted does.  :-)
04:29.22CodayusI think.
04:29.30AnduinLotharso, it's basicly the same as my grep
04:29.33Flisher_Codingyou can use the item id witrhout the link
04:30.18Flisher_Codingnot sure if it's faster than gsubtechnique if you wanna retrive the item name
04:30.42AnduinLotharlol, so i'd have to parse out the link id and send it rather than the name, that'd be just silly
04:31.28Flisher_Codingdon't play stupid
04:31.35Flisher_Codingchange the _,_,_, ting to get the name
04:31.35Corrodiascan i play? :D
04:31.45Flisher_Codingthe quest is: is gsub faster than findstring
04:32.47AnduinLotharno no, I mean your way i have to parse the itemlink to get the linkid and send that to GetItemInfo
04:33.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
04:35.15AnduinLotharso the question would be is strfind+GetItemInfo faster than gsub, wouldn't it?
04:35.46Irieldepends what you're doing 8-)
04:36.02AnduinLotharlocal linktext = GetContainerItemLink(bagNum, slotNum)
04:36.02AnduinLotharif (linktext) then
04:36.42AnduinLotharor flisher recommended using strfind to get the item id and passing it to GetItemInfo to get the name
04:36.46IrielI would imagine that is faster (strfind alone on the link would probably be faster still)
04:37.36AnduinLotharguess i have to know exact syntax of the linktext to do that
04:37.43Flisher_Codingyou do this for what exactly?
04:37.52Codayus*nod*  If all you want is the name, then why would you call GetItemInfo?
04:38.03CodayusSince you have to know the name, essentially, to *call* GetItemInfo?
04:38.29AnduinLotharall i need is the name of an inventory or  bag item, two diff functions with similar methods
04:38.31Temgod damnit!
04:38.37TemOnyixia needs to stop bugging
04:38.39Codayus(In the code I pasted a couple of minutes ago, I called GetItemInfo() to find the item type, which isn't in the link.)
04:38.59Flisher_Codinggetiteminfo return everything edxcept the link
04:39.00AnduinLotharright, i dont need the type in this case
04:39.04Temthis is annoying me very much
04:39.57AnduinLotharsimply the name, the one in the link is sufficient since it's the same as the tooltip and name field returned from GetItemInfo
04:43.44dvorakkeywould GetItemInfo ask the server for the data
04:44.29AnduinLotharflisher said it was just for cached items
04:44.41IrielGetItemInfo is cached only
04:44.42AnduinLotharwhich your bag and inv will always be
04:44.44Irieleven if the item link is valid
04:44.50Irielif it's not in your cache, you get nil
04:45.40AnduinLotharum, ya string.find(linktext,"|h%[(.-)%]|h") isn't right
04:45.59IrielI couldn't remember the exact syntax 8-)
04:46.15AnduinLotharright, neither can i :P
04:46.19IrielThough I THOUGHT that was it, one mo
04:46.29dvorakkeythen cache would mean accessing tables, and aint strings faster?
04:46.32IrielYou're not typing that into an editbox, right?
04:46.43AnduinLotharno sir
04:47.11IrielHm.. that should be right
04:47.13AnduinLothari know betetr than that, silly
04:47.28Iriellinks are |cffxxxxxx|Hitem:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx|h[Item Name]|h|r
04:48.10AnduinLotharwhat's (.-)% do?
04:48.24IrielCapture zero or more of anything (minimally)
04:49.10IrielThe %'s are for the [ and ]
04:49.18AnduinLotharright, k
04:51.12Corrodiasi've found the enhtooltip code that places the tooltip.. now to fix it
04:51.30Corrodiasreading the auctioneer forum i see people still have the problem with version 3.2
04:51.36AnduinLotharwhat's the code for | i can use in chat?
04:51.53Iriel\147 I think, let me verify
04:52.15Iriel124 even
04:52.44AnduinLotharok, that looks like it works
04:53.12Irielyou may want to stick an 'or ""' after the get container item link, if your real code will look like that
04:53.16AnduinLotharah ok, silly me. was using local itemName = strfind
04:53.23Irielthough I see from your earlier code you have an if around it
04:53.46AnduinLotharforgot about _ing the beg and end indexes
04:55.01AnduinLotharalways the stupid mistakes
04:55.56dvorakkeyever thought of Print(...)
04:56.17Depherioswow... lots of random stupid places in UC still make you dismount >_<
04:56.41AnduinLotharPrint in the lua command interpriter?
04:57.34dvorakkeyin addon
04:57.55IrielDevtools has Devtools_Dump
04:58.01Irielwhich works sort of like that
04:58.03dvorakkeythats what i use in SuperMacro
04:58.11AnduinLotharright, neither of which i have
04:58.30dvorakkeyits just a simple function, take arg.n and display for each
04:58.41AnduinLotharSky has /print and sea has  or and Fire has /eval
04:59.09dvorakkeyi just do Print(strfind. . .), and it will print all results
04:59.30AnduinLotharw/e works
04:59.40AnduinLotharsame as
04:59.51dvorakkeydont have sky or sea
05:01.57AnduinLotharit's all the same, unless you have something you prefer or use more often due to simplified syntax
05:03.05AnduinLotharor if you're evaling tables in which case presentation might be more important
05:03.07Corrodiasthis line ain't doing its job: currentTooltip:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", "EnhancedTooltip", "TOPLEFT", 0,0)
05:03.50AnduinLotharWARDROBE_ITEM_NAME_FROM_LINK = "|h%[(.-)%]|h";
05:03.50AnduinLotharlocal id = GetInventorySlotInfo(Wardrobe_InventorySlots[slotNum]);
05:03.53TemCide: does the agro gain warning work with PTs?
05:04.08Temoh nevermind
05:04.57IrielYou should local the pattern
05:05.17Irielotherwise you just added an unnecessary global symbol lookup
05:05.38Fanook|FoodCorr: is EnhancedTooltip a frame name? also, the 0's aren't needed it'll default to that
05:06.05AnduinLotharaddon lcoal, since i use it in two places
05:06.36Corrodiasyeah, it is. i'm changing it a little, though. we'll find out how to make it work
05:06.36CideTem: no
05:06.44Corrodiasi'll try EnhancedTooltip:GetName()
05:07.58AnduinLothareither way works
05:08.09MentalPowerGnight guys
05:08.55AnduinLotharmm, anything else in wardrobe need workin gon?
05:08.58Cairennnight MentalPower|ZZzz
05:09.07AnduinLotharAlready got it using IsMounted
05:09.19AnduinLotharSpose i could write my MountMe addon
05:10.25AnduinLotharspose I can nuek the Sea req too
05:11.04Corrodiasi can't make it attach to the top of the frame >:o
05:11.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Parak (
05:11.38Depherioshey Anduin, ever going to embed Sea into MObileFrames? -- not that I care, I have Sea -- it's just that I know you made it embed-able, and that's the only req. MF has
05:11.43Fanookwhere is it going?
05:12.04Corrodiasi assume it's the default location
05:12.29AnduinLotharmmm, i forget what part of sea mf uses. MF needs major rewrite I've bene avoiding. If i only use hooks and prints i'll write print code and embed SeaHooks
05:13.00AnduinLotharisn't there a tooltip:Clear() now?
05:13.18AnduinLotharguess not
05:13.21dvorakkeyGameTooltip:SetOwner(owner, anchor[, +x, +y]);
05:13.56dvorakkeyanchor you want is TOPLEFT
05:14.17AnduinLotharmarvy, thx iriel
05:14.55GuillotineCairenn: I just made a replacement for GameTips.dbc that adds more comedic tips for those that are not new to the game... should I upload it to WoWI or is it somehow not good?
05:15.42Corrodiasi'll keep tinkering
05:15.42AnduinLotharhow many u add guil?
05:16.07Depheriosdoes anybody ever try to make a list of broken addons on patch day?
05:16.30AnduinLotharnah, just fixed one
05:16.56Depheriosbut lots of old ones don't break
05:17.00IrielA list of broken addons spends omst of its life un-usefully broken (Since working addons are on the list)
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05:17.23IrielIf old ones dont break, add them to the working list
05:17.28DepheriosI don't mean to keep it maintained, I just mean a list of ones you NEED to update if you haven't already
05:17.47Kaeltenhey anyone have a problem with GameTooltip:SetPoint?
05:18.34CorrodiasKaelten: funny you should mention that
05:18.43Corrodiasthat's what broke EnhTooltip's tooltips
05:18.50Kaeltenbroke mine too.
05:18.54Corrodiasi'm trying to fix the damn thing
05:19.13KaeltenCan we encasulate them in a Frame?
05:19.26Corrodiashey, i'm just a wow API noob, don't look at me :o
05:19.46Kaeltenany imput iriel?  Can you put a gametooltip inside a frame?
05:19.54DepheriosCair: broke means doesn't work as intended
05:19.56Corrodiasfunny, currentTooltip:SetOwner(EnhancedTooltip, "ANCHOR_TOPLEFT", 0, 0); makes both frames disappear :P
05:20.06IrielKaelten : I've honestly never tried it
05:20.14IrielIs EnhancedTooltip visible?
05:20.20Corrodiasit was until it disappeared
05:20.21IrielAnd what is IT owned by ?
05:20.52DepheriosCair: it worked "that" way yesterday, today it works "this" way = needs to be fixed
05:21.16Depheriosbut if (that way = this way) then don't fix
05:23.24DepheriosCair: you just posted a link to what I was looking for, thanks dunno how I missed it D:
05:23.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Eraphine|Disco2 (
05:23.50Guillotine30 secs
05:23.52Guillotinetyping in description
05:24.43IrielOne down, 7 to go
05:25.18Temthat makes 8 raids with no mage loot
05:25.38Depheriosoh wow, short topic... oh well, back to fixing my own
05:25.46Irieladdons I have left to update
05:25.57Iriel2 down, 6 to go 8-)
05:26.04DepheriosI have 6 left after doing flexbar
05:26.14Depheriosthat I know of... titan next
05:26.22KaeltenI think the anchor things for SetPoint are horrible combinations we need about 4 more options
05:26.42Guillotinek Cairenn. its uploaded
05:26.58Corrodiasall attempts to move currentTooltip with setpoint fail silently
05:27.08futrtrublwhat options Kaelten?
05:27.25KaeltenANCHOR_RIGHT for example
05:27.30KaeltenI want an ANCHOR_BOTTOM
05:28.29CorrodiasSetPoint uses much better stuff than SetOwner :o
05:29.00Guillotineyay :D
05:29.25Irielme even
05:29.27Corrodiasthat's strange.. i don't see setpoint under the " GameTooltip" heading in wowwiki
05:29.29FanookKael: unless the Wiki is wrong, those already exist.
05:29.36Fanookcorr: it's under layoutframe
05:30.07Corrodiasoh, good. i hope that inherits.
05:30.12IrielCairenn: I'm working on them now, hopefully wont be too long
05:30.40futrtrublmy mods will be ready to upload in...... 4 hours
05:30.56Fanookcorr: it does, through frame
05:31.22futrtrublj/k, g'night Cairenn et al, I'm heading in for the night
05:31.37Kaeltenhmm let me check something
05:32.15Flisher_Codinghey karl, where will you put the fixedversion of wardrobe?
05:34.35Kaeltenwhat was that new shortcut on setpoint?
05:35.14IrielYou can omit frame and relativepoint
05:35.16Irielor either one
05:35.19Irielframe defaults to parent
05:35.24Irielrelativepoint defaults to be the same as point
05:35.28Corrodiaswhich in this case is the item's icon in the inventory
05:35.53Kaeltengives me an usage error
05:35.57Kaeltenis BOTTOM not valid?
05:36.09IrielIt should be
05:36.22Fanookno, that should set the bottom of ctooltip to the bottom of it's parent
05:36.39dvorakkeyis currentTooltip==EnhancedTooltip
05:36.43IrielIt's possible that slouken's documentation isn't actually correct 8-)
05:37.04Fanookand it's possible that sarf's docs are out of date :)
05:37.21Iriel:SetPoint ("point" [, frame] [, "relativePoint"] [, offsetX, offsetY])
05:37.26IrielThat's what I answered based on
05:37.30Irielwhich docs are you referring to?
05:37.35Fanookthe wiki
05:38.08Irielsarf's docs match how the usage info is written
05:39.04Kaeltenya, although its not working.
05:39.16TainI haven't been paying attention but I've been using SetPoint for other stuff all night and it's working the way it always has there.
05:39.22Corrodiasthe game tooltip simply refuses to move for some reason
05:39.26Corrodiasi wonder how tipbuddy manages to do it
05:39.37Fanookhmmm, zonelevel's tooltip is working correctly
05:39.49Kaeltenis it tooltips that have an owner?
05:39.53Fanookcourse i use GameToolTip
05:39.56TainTipster is working also.
05:39.57Kaeltenis that the issue?
05:40.32Fanookmight be
05:40.50IrielAre you using ClearAllPoints first?
05:40.58Corrodiasi believe so
05:41.01IrielAnd are you mixing SetOwner and SetPoint (i.e. calling both)?
05:41.02KaeltenI am.
05:41.27Kaeltenctooltip:SetOwner(tooltip, "ANCHOR_LEFT");
05:41.28Kaeltenctooltip:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", tooltip:GetName(), "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, 0);
05:41.34Kaeltenthat was my code but it no longer works
05:41.45IrielIf you take off the owner, does it work?
05:42.21Kaeltenno longer shows up at all.
05:42.22Fanookwhat happens if setpoint moves the top of the frame below the bottom
05:42.24IrielI wish we could see the innards of the tooltips
05:42.29Irielthey're kind of funky.
05:42.34Temkind of?
05:42.37IrielWhat's ctooltip's parent, by the way?
05:42.56Irielfanook you get no frame, or a crash, depending on whether your name is Tem
05:43.33KaeltenShould I just change it to GameTooltip?
05:44.14CorrodiasGameToolTip is a nil value. i'll try without the capitalized Tip
05:44.26dvorakkeyyou don't need setpoint after setowner
05:44.47Temdvorakkey: you do if you need to move the tooltip to a location that SetOwner doesn't let you pick
05:45.06CorrodiasGameTooltip:SetPoint doesn't move it
05:45.12Fanookhere's the code ZoneLevel uses, it's simple, just sets a corner, but it does work
05:45.24dvorakkeyyou can +x, +y with set owner
05:45.54Corrodiasframe, anchor? that's against the api, but i'll try it
05:46.34Kaeltenx, y with set owner doesn't work  for somereason
05:46.37Kaeltenor at least didnt' for me
05:47.33Corrodiasjust makes it disappear.. argh
05:48.26Fanookshould I be using my own tooltip instead of GameTooltip?
05:49.28KaeltenI am using my own tooltip still won't work
05:50.40Fanookok, ctooltip is your tooltip, tooltip is some frame that you want to attach your tooltip to the left of
05:51.17Kaeltenwell actually I want it directly below it
05:52.17Fanookshould be using one of the ANCHOR_BOTTOM constants then
05:52.28TemDo Frames get OnHide events when they are hidden by their parent being hidden?
05:52.46Kaeltenthat doesn't exist
05:52.48Temie: <OnHide> assert(this:IsShown()) </OnHide>
05:52.52Kaeltenthere is no ANCHOR_BOTTOM
05:53.04Fanookgood point
05:53.06Kaeltendo frames have setowner?
05:53.10Fanookthat's rather stupid
05:53.17Kaeltenits missing 4 possible combinations
05:53.30Fanookframes dont, only tooltips and tooltip derivatives do
05:53.53dvorakkeyGameTooltip:SetOwner(this,"ANCHOR_BOTTOMRIGHT", -(this:GetWidth()));
05:53.59Corrodiasusing setowner on the game tooltip seems to make it disappear >:P
05:54.11Fanookwhat call are you doing?
05:54.23dvorakkeyya it must be hidden first
05:54.31Corrodiasmust be hidden first..
05:54.46Fanookoh, right, need to call Show() after you're done moving it
05:55.20IrielTem: I believe so
05:55.38IrielTem: I can test it for sure if you want
05:55.44TemI'm about to test it
05:55.50Temso you don't have to worry about it
05:55.54Irielok 8-)
05:56.14TemTip: On your character sheet is a reputation tab that tells you your status with different groups.
05:57.37Fanookbleh, why is there no ANCHOR_CENTER?
05:57.57Irieldoes it erally make sense
05:58.02Depheriosanybody elses' macro page displaying "CURRENT_MACROS" as a subtitle?
05:58.05Irielplopping a tooltip down over the top of something else?
05:58.22IrielDepherios : No
05:58.22Fanookright now? yes
05:58.25Corrodiasmine too
05:58.26IrielDepherios : You have old code
05:58.49Corrodiasthe blizzard ui addon things
05:58.56Depheriosoh lordy
05:58.56IrielDid you extract the blizzard code at any point?
05:59.02Corrodiasjust delete them
05:59.04IrielAnd did you remember to remove the blizzard ui things?
05:59.31IrielIt should have "Create Macros" as the title
05:59.35DepheriosI didn't remove the blizz ones... too much of a hurry... got distracted and cleaned MINE up, without removing theirs XD
05:59.49FanookTHEY should clean up theirs :/
05:59.54Depheriosvery true :P
06:00.00Irieland then "General Macros" and "<Charactername> Specific Macros" as subtitles
06:00.18Depheriosyeah, ATM I don't even have buttons to change to character specific macros...
06:03.27*** join/#wowi-lounge pagefault (i=pagefaul@
06:04.42*** part/#wowi-lounge Tem (
06:04.43Corrodiaswell, i'm about to give up on moving the game tooltip. i don't think it's possible right now. However, maybe you can make your own tooltip frame and copy the text over..
06:04.48*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (
06:05.00pagefaulthey Cairenn
06:05.19Guillotinegn guys
06:05.22pagefaultI think I almost have everything working right on 1.9 :P
06:05.41IrielCairenn : Starting to upload now, i'll let you know when i'm done
06:05.53Fanookcorr: what are you trying to do, specifically i mean?
06:06.19Corrodiasauctioneer uses a helper addon, EnhTooltip, to add another tooltip next to the regular one for items in your inventory, the auction screen, and such
06:06.57Corrodiaswhen the item is in the bottom half of the screen, it puts the new tooltip in the regular place and moves the regular one on top of it, so it doesn't go off the bottom of the screen
06:07.19Corrodiashowever, in 1.9, the setpoint command is no longer moving the regular tooltip, so you get overlapping
06:08.40Corrodiasgood job
06:10.32Beladonanight all
06:10.35Kaeltenalmost got it
06:10.52Depheriosyay Cair ^_^ thanks -- I suck at this stuff, that's a big help
06:10.55*** part/#wowi-lounge Beladona (
06:11.03Kaeltentem figured it out
06:11.17Temactually dvorakkey did
06:11.21Temjust no one noticed
06:11.42Temalthough dvorakkey forgot one parameter
06:11.48Corrodiasfigured out..?
06:12.11Kaeltenah althought its not quite wide enough for some reason...
06:13.02Corrodiaswhat? are we all talking about the scale thing?
06:13.09*** join/#wowi-lounge slouken (
06:13.33sloukenHello. :)
06:13.42sloukenDid I mention I hate patch day? :)
06:13.46Depherios.... ^_^ thanks Slouken XD -- Cair just posted it.
06:13.48Fanookoh, you too?
06:14.15Fanookanyways, Tem, you were saying? dvorak figured it out...
06:14.28Corrodiasfigured what out? the scale thing? or are we talking about tooltips again?
06:14.32Temthe tooltips
06:14.36sloukenDoes the stuff in that post make sense?  Does it work?
06:14.40Temoh hey slouken
06:14.52Kaeltenhey slouken
06:14.53sloukenHi Tem
06:14.54Corrodiasokay, may i have the solution? :(
06:15.08DepheriosGoing to try it out now Slouken
06:15.09Corrodiasslouken: it certainly makes sense, at least
06:15.16Fanookit made sense to me in the patch notes :)
06:15.38Corrodiaswhat is "tooltip"?
06:15.49Fanookwhatever you want to attach ctooltip to
06:15.58Corrodiasokay, i'll try it..
06:15.58Kaeltenfor me its either GameTooltip or ItemRefTooltip
06:16.45Fanookis it better coding practice to use your own tooltip rather than GameTooltip?
06:16.45Temslouken: my one question is why you suggest suggesting replacing frame:GetScale with GetEffectiveScale(frame).  Why not just replace frame:GetScale to frame:GetEffectiveScale?
06:17.02Temother than that, makes total sense
06:17.11sloukenI'm anal.  I like the symmetry of it
06:17.14Kaeltenoh and Slouken GameTooltip:SetPoint is broke.
06:17.16Irielhey slouken, sorry for not including you in the 12 hours of patch day, it was only after i'd posted it that I realized your 2 syllable name would have been perfect 8-)
06:17.35Corrodiasi wanna move the gametooltip >:o
06:17.49sloukenDid GameTooltip:SetPoint ever work?
06:17.56CorrodiasTem: unfortunately, that thing still doesn't move the gametooltip properly
06:18.05sloukenMaybe the anchors changed?
06:18.10sloukenCan you get the anchors in 1.9?
06:18.32Corrodiasi can move the EnhTooltip custom tooltip around just fine, but the default item tooltip stays put no matter what i do
06:18.42TemI wonder if tooltip:SetXXXItem functions would work if you gave them a normal frame with fontstring elements of the correct name
06:18.51Corrodias(unless i try setowner, in which case it just disappears and takes the new owner with it)
06:19.05TemIE GameTooltip.SetInventoryItem(myFakeTooltip,"player",5)
06:19.17Irielslouken : you mean tooltip:GetAnchorType() ??
06:19.48KaeltenSetOwner() works, but there aren't all the possible locations. for it.
06:19.53Fanookneed to add info about that one to the wiki
06:20.04IrielCairenn : All uploaded now (2 new ones for WoWI)
06:20.18sloukenNo, I'm thinking ahead.  I was thinking about adding a way to get and set the anchors of a frame for 1.10.
06:20.37IrielOoh, cool 8-)
06:20.41TemTip: You can use the tab key to select enemies near you.
06:20.45CorrodiasTem: interesting idea
06:20.59Corrodiasi don't know exactly what you said but you gave me an interesting idea
06:21.17Tem"Why not 2.0?"
06:21.27Fanook2.0 is for the expansion?
06:21.49Corrodiasblizzard has never done a 2.0, have they?
06:21.56Temsomething of that size would warrant a "major version change" IMO
06:22.10Tembut Corrodias is right, they have never done a 2.0 before
06:22.31Fanookthe d2 expansion was still a 1.x version, wasn't it...
06:22.31Depherios... weren't expacs 2.0?
06:22.48Corrodiasthe latest diablo 2 patch, if it isn't 1.10, is 1.11, even with the expansion
06:23.02IrielCairenn : Thanks dear 8-)
06:23.04Fanookmaybe one of the warcraft's
06:23.08DepheriosSC maybe
06:23.11Fanookcan't remember back that far
06:23.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Eraphine|Disco2 (
06:24.42Fanooklast SC was 1.13e with the expansion
06:25.13AnduinLotharmm, not sure why you wanted to move the gametooltip, but You might want to check Gynast's code. I think it replaces SetPoint or adjusts onshow or something, cause it's position is updated by just about everything and it's hard to move simply
06:25.23Fanookah hah! warcraft 2 had a 2.0 release
06:25.39Corrodiasand what is his code?
06:25.51AnduinLotharit's an addon
06:26.10AnduinLotharmine, which I wrote like 10 months ago
06:26.19Depheriosoh yeah... 3
06:26.21Irieldoes it still work in 1.9?
06:26.22Depherioserr e
06:26.26AnduinLotharbut afaik it hasn't gotten any easier to move
06:26.33AnduinLotharya, definitely
06:26.44Temdo tooltips get OnSizeChanged events?
06:26.48Temanyone know offhand?
06:26.53Corrodiasthe tooltip we're referring to is when you mouseover an item in your inventory
06:26.59Corrodiasis that the one it moves?
06:27.09AnduinLotharif it's GameTooltip it gets moved
06:27.17Corrodiasi don't know if that's the gametooltip or not.. ._.
06:27.40AnduinLotharmight just use the SetDefault location function, i honestly dont remember
06:27.50AnduinLotharbut it still works
06:28.12AnduinLotharwhich is saying something for a 10 month old addon that messes with frames
06:28.22AnduinLotharit's in better shape than MobileFrames too
06:28.49AnduinLotharInfact I've almost completely ignored it for 6 months with only liek 1 update and one bug fix
06:29.23IrielTem: hasScript says yes
06:29.31Temoh badass
06:29.38TemI forgot about HasScript
06:29.42Temthanks Iriel
06:29.48AnduinLotharyay for HasScript. glad i requested that one... saves my ass all the time
06:30.10AnduinLotharyay for looped script element hooking
06:30.38AnduinLotharcant wait for dynamic frames
06:31.05AnduinLotharI'll make MF a whole lot cleaner
06:31.33Corrodiasi have tipbuddy making a tooltip in the corner. i wonder what happens if i disable enhtooltip.
06:31.51IrielGymnast's approach is ANCHOR_NONE then SetPoint
06:32.05AnduinLotharsounds right
06:32.42TemTip: If you are having trouble finding someone in a capital city, try asking a guard for directions.
06:32.51KolthI said that because I love it.
06:32.57AnduinLothari can't find my guild members ;)
06:33.27KolthI like it for an odd reason I can't figure out.
06:34.47AnduinLotharis there a 'latest addon updates' and 'latest addons' list on wowi that i don't know of?
06:35.34AnduinLotharoh, good stuff
06:35.49Corrodiasrunning WoW with gymnast...
06:35.49AnduinLothari use that all the time on curse to feed my addiction
06:36.04Depheriosditto Anduin XD
06:36.10Depheriosbut I do it on wowi too XD
06:36.26Corrodiasi hadn't even heard of wowi before today
06:36.26AnduinLotharoo, latest comments on mod page too, good
06:36.30IrielHm, does gatherer work on 1.9?
06:36.37Depheriosworking for me
06:36.41AnduinLotharll, loaded ? iriel
06:36.50AnduinLotharoh, thought u said 'how'
06:36.58AnduinLotharya, mine works
06:37.57IrielDamn, it's almost certainly going to break
06:38.03IrielSince it uses GetScale
06:38.47TemI only had one addon to update today
06:38.50Corrodiaswell, it's not the GameTooltip
06:38.53CodayusApparently, Bliz managed to break Deadmines as well as all the raid instances.  :-)
06:39.04Temhey we managed to kill Ony
06:39.09Temeven though she was bugged as hell
06:39.10IrielHm, oddly enough it uses GetScale and still works, I wonder if that's happy accident
06:39.23CodayusVan Cleef either doesn't spawn, or crashes deadmines as 20%.
06:39.46KolthHow's Onyxia bugged?
06:40.19Corrodiasshe won't move during the third phase, i hear
06:41.18KolthSo when she moves to Phase 3 she just drops to the ground and you are forced to start tanking her there?
06:41.19IrielDamn, pockethelper is broken still
06:41.35Corrodiasi guess so
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06:42.48AnduinLotharanyone know the Titan 2.09 link?
06:43.05Corrodiastitan version two? wow, i'm still using 1.24
06:43.06TemKolth: she gets stuck at the begining of phase 3
06:43.17TemKolth: she won't move for like 30 or so seconds
06:44.49AnduinLotharah, hjere we are:
06:45.02TemTip: you can perform many fun actions with the emote system. For example, you can type /dance to dance.
06:46.09AnduinLothartry again
06:46.22Depherioscurse is.... well... Curse on patch day
06:46.27AnduinLotharnot my error, i test clicked it and it works fine
06:46.34AnduinLotharfast even
06:46.47Depheriosyeah, just keep trying, you'll get through... :P
06:46.55Fanook*sigh* I hate debugging in WoW
06:46.55AnduinLothari'm not getting any curse slow down at all any more
06:47.15AnduinLotharwas down earlier today, but for the past 6 hours it's been as speedy as ever
06:47.18Depheriosbecause nobody else can get in Anduin XD
06:47.32DepheriosI was browsing around just fine about an hour ago, now I'm back to 404
06:47.38AnduinLotharpossibly... maybe they know i have 30 addons there and log my ip as prefrencial
06:49.01Fanookhmm, do i need to reset BibMod before it'll work correctly? I'd really rather not...
06:50.02Fanookgetting a nil error that someone reported back in november
06:50.15Fanookyeah, making sure it's not me first :)
06:51.50IrielWhat event would one expect to get after pick pocket became usable?
06:52.42AnduinLotharisn't one afaik
06:52.58Fanooki wouldn't expect there to be one
06:53.06AnduinLotharyou could check interact distance or the isInRange of the action button
06:53.13IrielI thought UNIT_AURASTATE used to do it, perhaps.
06:54.04Fanookpickpocket's not a buff, afaik
06:54.25IrielNo, but stealth is
06:54.34Irielthis is odd, it worked fine in 1.8
06:55.22Fanooktry UNIT_AURA
06:55.26Corrodiassomething doesn't work in 1.9 that did in 1.8? how did that happen? :D
06:56.39IrielAha, even
06:56.44IrielACTIONBAR_UPDATE_USABLE does the trick
06:57.48AnduinLotharya, that'd work
06:57.55IrielThat means a nwe update for you cair 8-)
06:57.59Irielone mo while I upload
06:58.55TemTip: You can turn off the slow scrolling of quest text in the interface options menu.
06:59.22TemTip: Spend your talent points carefully as once your talents are chosen, you must spend gold to reset them.
06:59.36Fanookor wait for them to figure out the class needs a rework
06:59.50TemTtip: A mail icon next to the minimap means that you have new mail.  Visit a mailbox to retrieve it.
06:59.58IrielShouldBeTip: Be extra careful as selecting talents has no confirmation box.
07:02.18Corrodiasgot burned by lootlink?
07:02.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Ktron (
07:03.48TemI got burned by me calling SetItemRef on an item the server hasn't seen yet
07:04.08dvorakkeytem: thats not how crafting works
07:04.14KtronHey Cairenn, how goes it? And the rest of the channel too...
07:04.29TemI'm trying to test just how long after a SetItemRef call it takes for GetItemInfo to return good values
07:04.50IrielCairenn : Updated now
07:05.08Temso far it looks to be about .23 seconds
07:05.20Tembut I'm thinking that it's heavily effected by latency
07:05.21KtronI haven't been able to stay connected for more than 3 minutes since patch
07:05.42Corrodias230ms soudns about right
07:05.49IrielThat notion still bothers me, based on how I thought the item cache works
07:05.53IrielCairenn : Thanks.
07:06.09TemIriel: me too, but it's true
07:06.36IrielBe sure to post a thread about it once the patch hysterics have calmed down, hopefully slouken can pop by with an explanation
07:07.03Temjust when you think you have something figured out in your head, bam! right out of left field
07:07.40KtronSo what kind of bug is it when whenever you log on, most (but not all) players are naked, and a few players are named "Sergeant Unknown Entity" or such, and if you try to cast spells, WoW boots you?
07:07.47TemI shall call it "Slouken: Item Cache Crashed my head"
07:08.05IrielKtron : Often it's "Your network card or router is busted"
07:08.19DepheriosKtron: Lots of people have been reporting that on the bugs forum already
07:08.32Fanookcan we name it after Tem anyways?
07:08.34IrielThough it may be a cache issue
07:09.00Temno! naked bugs are not my doing
07:09.12pagefaultTip: there is no cow level
07:09.20TemI remember that one from the test server
07:09.22Temgood stuff
07:09.32KtronDamn naked bugs
07:10.33Depherios"a few issues" they crack me up
07:12.56Fanookwell, there prolly are only a few issues causing all the trouble, it's just they're pretty major issues
07:13.48pagefaultI love that word brief too
07:13.52pagefault2 hours is breif for them
07:16.03Ktronhopefully I'll be able to play tomorrow
07:16.04Corrodiaswell, the restarts are brief, and the whole cycle for all the servers total will be 2 hours
07:16.40pagefaultwell we shall see :)
07:16.52pagefaultprovided the new fix doesn't cause more problems
07:16.52Corrodiaswell, auctioneer is at least usable with yAnchor = "BOTTOM"
07:17.08AnduinLotharwhy in the world did wardrobe make it's own color picker..
07:17.29pagefaultI am quite satisfied with the CoS/CoE "fix"
07:19.03IrielOk.. sleep time!
07:19.58AnduinLotharmmm, I should make an 'efficient' IsInBags/IsInInventory addon
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07:29.12Temnight Cair
07:34.51Depheriosdoes anybody know why my scale is "off" -- lowering it just a few notches produces no result -- seems odd...
07:35.36Corrodiasmaybe you gained weight?
07:35.49Corrodias<- funny
07:36.46Ktronbtw, I came up with the greatest mod idea ever for 1.9
07:37.28Ktronthe mod makes, on particular word queues, all the UI elements spin around
07:37.37Kaeltenfound the last bit of my tooltip issue
07:40.25Temspin around?
07:41.19Ktronas in | to \ to -- to / to | to...
07:41.32Ktronsince we can rotate UI in 1.9, right?
07:42.24Depheriosrotate textures is all afaik, and as far as it's been explained to me by people far wiser than I in these matters
07:43.12Ktronfrom my understanding of setpoint as it was explained to me, it's doable without a lot of work
07:43.28Ktronactual rotating objects would be more work
07:43.52Temwell, there is a slight problem with that
07:43.53Ktronas you need to specify coordinates in a circle, not amounts of rotation
07:44.11Temyou would need to predefine which textures to rotate
07:44.19Temsince it's only doable with SetTexCoords
07:44.31Temand since GetChildren doesn't return textures
07:44.40Temwell scratch that
07:44.50Ktronhm... I thought setpoint could be used to pick corners for a frame
07:45.00Temuntil 1.10 it's safe to assume that all frame's are global objects
07:45.01Ktronand change the frame itself
07:45.25Temso you could iterate through the global env looking for tables with SetTextCoord fields
07:45.34TemKtron: I don't think so
07:46.05Ktronmaybe I'm wrong
07:46.06Ktronoh well
07:46.23Ktronpurl, lart purl.
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08:36.44Kaeltennight guys
08:51.47*** join/#wowi-lounge id`` (
09:20.28AnduinLotharok issues... why does OnMouseUp get called when you aren't over the Frame on most frames, but not for Wardrobe_IconFrame
09:20.48AnduinLothar<Button name="Wardrobe_IconFrame" hidden="false" enableMouse="true" movable="true" parent="Minimap" toplevel="true">
09:21.51AnduinLotharI'm sooo confused
09:21.58AnduinLotharit works for every other frame
09:22.16AnduinLothari simply added a print statement definition and it simply isn't called
09:22.33KolthThe only solution is to re-write Wardrobe!
09:22.56AnduinLotharI'm already doing that
09:23.02KolthI love you.
09:23.35AnduinLotharbut the damn button just fuxors when i try to stop dragging it with MobileMinimapButtons
09:23.56*** join/#wowi-lounge stray`laptop (
09:24.11KolthThe Battleground minimap icon changed to Shift-LMB
09:24.30AnduinLotharthat's the way it should be with MMB
09:24.45KolthWasn't it Shift+RMB?
09:24.55AnduinLotharalways been LMB
09:25.06AnduinLotharshift+RMB is reset menu
09:25.13KolthEither way, I can't see my BG map. Will fiddle more.
09:25.36AnduinLotharya, that's typical crap. something blizz fuxored
09:25.47KolthI just assume it's hidden somewhere.
09:25.55AnduinLotharI WIN!
09:26.15AnduinLotharmakes OnMouseUp not work if you're not over the frame
09:26.17KolthThat method bypasses XML decs?
09:26.54AnduinLotharstupid exceptions... is there an Unregister for drag?
09:27.14Kolth...Asks the wise man of the apprentice.
09:27.45AnduinLothardamn. there isn't
09:27.59KolthIs RegisterForDrag 1.9 API?
09:28.43AnduinLotharrequired to enable the OnDrag and OnDragStop
09:29.18KolthI want to write my popup lib.
09:29.33KolthEnable animations and user styles.
09:29.45KolthAuto-accept, delayed-accept, denials.
09:29.53AnduinLotharI WIN! /z Wardrobe_IconFrame:RegisterForDrag(); unregisters the buttons
09:30.32KolthSvelt. I'm zonking. Good luck :)
10:57.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
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11:35.38Elkanoaccording to some posts in the us forums I think I'll have some fun today with 1.9 :/
11:36.42Elkanobut I 'love' Blizzard for their 'delete all addons' solution :/
11:39.36Elkanobtw: is it true that the qorld event is farming? Oo
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12:58.35OsagasuHey, there's an error in the patch notes! It also says when a person is DnD in the Guild list
13:03.43OsagasuAnd it seems ui.worldofwar is down
13:03.56somethingleseheheh, from what i hear in the game, 1.9 is causing some major headaches
13:04.24Osagasuquite literally
13:04.39Osagasuthe new scaling is hard on my eyes
13:04.49Corrodiaspeople falling through the floor, level 60 people in 10-19 battlegrounds, invalid target NPCs, crashes, sound problems (sound problems always change with every patch), slightly smaller text that's very annoying
13:05.45OsagasuITs not slightly smaller to me
13:05.58OsagasuHalf of my addons use standard frames
13:06.12Corrodiasso what effect do you experience?
13:06.24OsagasuThey're about 1/4 their old size
13:06.27Osagasuso I can't see them
13:06.35Corrodiasmy Titan panel and tooltips have slightly smaller text. 1/4 is way too small. :P
13:06.51OsagasuWell you can make Titan panel larger
13:07.29Corrodiasi don't want to have to do work
13:07.42Corrodiasthis is WoW. we deal with our problems by whining, right?
13:08.24OsagasuAnd this is WoWI-Lounge.  Where we whine about the whiners and actually work to fix the problems. :P
13:09.16Corrodiaswell, all of my addons except bgbuddy and bginvite work now
13:11.44CodayusI hacked together some code to manually rescale a bunch of my interface.
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13:14.05CodayusEspecially for discord mods; I took one look at that code and decided I wasn't touching it.  :-)  But it was pretty easy to just call SetScale() on anything that looked wrong.  Only thing still a bit off is titan panel, but it's always been pretty flaky.
13:15.24Corrodiasi got pretty lucky, that few of my addons had problems
13:15.26Osagasuagreed there
13:16.01OsagasuThere's a new version of the panel out
13:16.09Osagasuon ui.worldofwar
13:16.14Osagasuso you can't get to it
13:16.44OsagasuThe only site running properly right now is WoWI
13:16.59OsagasuAnd even then it's a little slow
13:17.47Corrodiaslots of traffic i take it
13:18.28OsagasuDon't you love patch week?
13:19.02Corrodiasit's quite a ride
13:19.44OsagasuI'm kind of afraid of the patch week that will happen for BC
13:19.57OsagasuAnd 1.10 too
13:20.50OsagasuEven before our ritual changes for 1.10 thread went up, Slouken was telling us things he was changing
13:20.59OsagasuBIG changes
13:21.08Osagasugood changes, but still big changes
13:22.02Corrodiasi just pray the bug fix patch will come soon
13:22.14OsagasuMost of it is hot-fixable
13:22.45OsagasuThe mail errors and BG Errors just scream server side
13:25.37OsagasuOkay, off to the warzone that is known as the local college.
13:26.54Corrodiaswell, i'm going to bed, so 'ni
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14:44.19Corrodiashere's a pretty good list of 1.9 bugs:
14:44.33Corrodiasblizzard also posted a list of known issues that doesn't seem to intersect that one much
14:46.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
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15:25.42MoonWolfdid anything cool happen yet ?
15:25.42MoonWolflike some serve already opening the gates ?
15:25.42Corrodiaslightning's blade or lightning blade or whatever it is MIGHT have
15:25.42Corrodiassome twat from there posted in an ET thread saying they did
15:26.45MoonWolfmust have been preparing on it then
15:27.18Corrodiasor he's also lying, which is possible
15:27.37MoonWolfi was mostly joking when is said that.
15:27.56Corrodiasah. frankly, the list of 1.9 bugs is too long for me to think much about AQ
15:28.06Corrodias and
15:28.14Corrodiastwo threads there
15:28.21MoonWolfo great
15:28.29MoonWolfwhy do they even put up test servers to begin with
15:28.32Corrodiasi know it's hard to see two huge strings of text with a little space like that
15:28.55Corrodiaswell, either they just didn't bother to fix a bunch, or maybe not enough people participated
15:30.01MoonWolfpeople showing up in other bg's should be obvious
15:30.29Corrodiasfunny how they didn't notice, eh?
15:32.09MoonWolfthey even made the little fake items trick a default feature
15:32.19Corrodiasit's quite something of a mess in the game right now, if you believe the forums and people talking in the game
15:32.23Corrodiasfake items trick?
15:33.06MoonWolfsome people know a way to create sulfuras hand of ragnaros of the boar.
15:33.09MoonWolfor other such items
15:33.18MoonWolfsimply trick really
15:33.42MoonWolfwe had some fun with that for a day or two and then decided that because of possible exploiting we should stop.
15:34.50Corrodiasso what do you mean that it's a default feature now?
15:36.11MoonWolfread your second link
15:36.29MoonWolfsometimes linking items in chat causes them to have additional postfix names
15:37.16Corrodiaswhere are you reading this? o.o
15:38.34MoonWolf[Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker of Arcane Wrath]
15:38.35MoonWolf[Guild Tabard of Critical Strike]
15:38.35MoonWolfUpon inspection of somebody, these items show up as normal. But, when linked they show up as "of <random enchantment>"
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15:38.57Corrodiasi'm very unobservant, yeah
15:49.36TainWoah I'm in no frame of mind to read the UI forum toady.  I read one post and wanted to strangle someone.
15:55.47Corrodiasi'm going to bed. 'ni
15:56.09MoonWolfTain, i have that every time
15:56.24MoonWolfand i even avoid threads with are addons illegal
15:56.40MoonWolfthere is a damn forum on the official site about it, what do you think!
15:56.49MoonWolfsorry </mini rant>
15:57.38Elkanook, they seem to have done sth to GetItemInfo that I don't like :/
15:58.30ElkanoI don't know what it is, maybe a 'cooldown' between calls, but it seems to have broken my addon :(
15:58.46MoonWolfwait, that is not good.
15:58.53MoonWolfthat is going to brake more then your mod.
16:01.16ElkanoI also got some strange texture errors, but I hope I'll find a way to fix them...
16:09.01Parakoooh, naked bug
16:10.28CideI know how you feel Ktron, it sucks
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16:13.20Corrodiasi'm supposed to be in bed now, but i want to say do not fear, most addons can be easily fixed or have updates
16:13.37Cideit's my own addon :P
16:14.13Corrodiasthen.. probably not the latter!
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16:14.41Cairennmorning Bela
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16:14.50Elkanook, it seems it only was a bug in my addon *puh*
16:15.17KtronAnyway, time to obliterate my computer, bbiab
16:16.04Ktron"omg nerf paladins! omg they nerfed warriors! omgomgomgomg agg agg agg!"
16:17.21KtronCairenn, do you know if they took actions against links that aren't from the current session?
16:17.31Cairennwould imagine
16:17.36Cairennthey said they were going to
16:18.02ElkanoBela, if I may ask, is there a date when 1.9.0 will be on wdn?
16:18.21Beladonahopefully today
16:18.29MoonWolfconfirm/deny decursive broken ?
16:18.34BeladonaI had it last night, but couldn't get connected to wowinterface to put it up
16:18.48Cairennwell, don't hold your breath ... we're down again =/
16:18.59Beladonayeah I noticed
16:19.05Ktronaight, later everyone, time to wipe my computers slate clean heh
16:19.09MoonWolfcurse is 530
16:19.11Beladonawonder when 1.9.1 will be out
16:19.17MoonWolf(service unavailable)
16:19.22MoonWolfsoon i hope.
16:19.28CairennI've got a message in to Dolby, but he might be trying to actually *gasp* sleep
16:19.38Beladonano worries
16:19.51BeladonaI am looking into some nifty changes to wdn anyway, and testing it on my own server
16:19.54MoonWolfand is members only.
16:20.05Cairennoh, I'm not worried about the folks in this channel, people here have enough common sense and decency to understand
16:20.32MoonWolfits a huge hit this time
16:20.45Elkanook, it WAS a bug with my addon :) now got to fix the scroll bars
16:21.03MoonWolfput my servers up damnit blizzard.
16:21.12MoonWolf3 servers i play on are down.
16:21.14Elkanoand have to look into the new way GetItemInfo returns the loation.
16:21.31Elkano@Beladona: icons are working :)
16:25.08Beladonanice, thanks Elkano
16:48.43Elkanogot to fix those two remaining 'bugs' and then I'm ready for the next beta :)
16:53.40Elkanook, bug 1 fixed thanks to wdn :) (just took over the changes to the ah's xml for the scrollbars :) )
16:58.24TemTip: If you like playing with someone, put them on your friends list
17:01.06Beladonamy god
17:01.45BeladonaTip: read the manual before playing, so that you don't need these tips
17:04.19Elkano/cheer working :)
17:04.50Elkanois there a way to reset the position of a fauxscrollframe?
17:05.33id`Tip: It's not a hunters weapon
17:06.45id`Cairenn: why do i want to help people so much that i enforce them to listen to or use software that i use/wrote/like?
17:07.02id`i was about to upload this mp3 and spam it all over irc
17:07.17id`shortly after i uploaded a program for someone who didnt need it
17:08.00*** join/#wowi-lounge mikasaari (
17:14.33*** part/#wowi-lounge mikasaari (
17:15.52Elkanoah :) FauxScrollFrame_SetOffset(frame, offset)
17:21.55*** join/#wowi-lounge ForgottenLords (
17:24.01Elkanook, isn't working the way I want it :(
17:25.01Eraphine|DiscoHas anyone noticed some odd behavior with savedvaraibles not showing up in the right directories?
17:25.09Eraphine|Discoonly the .bak's show up
17:26.04Elkanothey've change percharacter to be also per realm... at least they now should be...
17:26.45Eraphine|Discoright I forgot
17:28.41futrtrublhmmm, forum not found error for the UI forum
17:29.10futrtrublsomebody stole it?
17:29.17futrtrublor they just misplaced it?
17:29.24Cairenntactical nuke
17:30.13futrtrubldamn, so no chance of getting it back. Oh no, Slouken was in there!! Slouuuukkkkeeeennn!!!
17:30.39Cairennnaw, he's fine, was just talking to him
17:30.43MoonWolfI love it when a plan comes togheter.
17:31.15MoonWolfmaybe techlead thought all the UI idiots were getting to much.
17:31.36MoonWolfDoes the US have a techlead ?
17:32.48Temwell crap
17:32.52Temthe forums are down
17:32.59Temand I don't think the wiki has been updated
17:33.01MoonWolfwe noticed.
17:33.14TainI need to hire a PR person to interact with people for me.
17:33.17TemWoWI is down too
17:33.27Temno patch notes for me
17:33.38futrtrublwhat do you need to know?
17:33.49TemAnyone know the order of the new GetGuildRosterInfo returns?
17:33.52MoonWolfCairenn, didn't  you have a rtf of the patch notes ?
17:34.31Cairennyeah, I do still have it
17:34.38futrtrubllet me check my log
17:34.46CairennI've still got it futrtrubl
17:34.57futrtrublk Cairenn
17:35.42Temaparently I hadn't id'd myself yet today
17:35.55Temso you didn't get my PM
17:36.05Tembut now you did :)
17:36.36MoonWolfokay,i have had enough of not having a id'd name
17:36.40Cairennand actually, I'm stupid, I've got the patch text file
17:36.44MoonWolfchanging my name a bit so i can id it.
17:36.50Cairennsince I patched it yesterday
17:37.10TemCairenn: d'oh! that's not what I need
17:37.24futrtrubljesus I hate this computer, 7fps max with all settings on lowest, 800*600 and only BEB loaded
17:37.35Cairennwhat did you need?
17:37.46TainThat's low fps for irc!
17:37.57Eraphine|DiscoI have trouble measuring fps for ic
17:38.06futrtrublthat's WoW fps ;']
17:38.23[MoonWolf]going to reconnect
17:38.37*** join/#wowi-lounge [MoonWolf] (
17:38.51Temthe changes thread that iriel did
17:39.08TemWoWI is down so I can't see your copy of it
17:39.18TainNite Cairenn
17:39.18Cairennsorry =/
17:39.19Temthe blizz forums are down so I can't see that copy of it
17:39.29Cairennactually ...
17:39.35[MoonWolf]good, it picked up the change without problems
17:39.59futrtrubldamn, hadn't set mirc to log chat, I could have your info tem if I had
17:40.28Tempurl: keeps logs of this chat
17:40.44Temwhat day should I look in?
17:40.45[MoonWolf]Awesome song!
17:40.49futrtrublcan you search through it for the info?
17:41.01futrtrublno more than 2 days
17:41.09futrtrublI think it was yesterday
17:41.25Cairennincoming again Tem
17:41.33Temoh sweet!
17:41.39Temthanks cair
17:41.39CairennI'm still at the front page of the site
17:41.52Cairennso I just copy pasted
17:42.25Temguess what
17:42.35Cairennnot there, either?
17:42.36TemI just found the front page of your site too
17:42.41Temgoogle cache
17:42.47Temit's not there
17:42.56Temit was in the Actual Changes thread
17:42.58ElkanoCairenn, what was the max. length for versions on wowi? 15?
17:43.28Temit's probably there in FrameXML
17:43.59Elkanowhen you upload a zip file you've got to name the version, but this versions tring is trunkated after x chars.
17:44.16Cairenndunno what Dolby has it set to, sorry
17:45.12Elkanobut I hope the site will be up again soon, can't wait for more feedback :) going to upload as soon as I can :)
17:45.23Cairennsorry =/
17:45.58Tem>< lol that was WAY easier than trying to track down those posts
17:46.15Temgrep for GetGuildRosterInfo
17:46.17Temname, rank, rankIndex, level, class, zone, note, officernote, online = GetGuildRosterInfo
17:46.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Ratbert_CP (n=KCummins@
17:47.21Elkanonot your fault :)
17:48.33Elkanobtw: sending a whisper every second or every two seconds? which would be better? I don't know when the server will dc you for spamming :/
17:48.34TainYou're only getting name, rank and serial number out of me!
17:49.32TemElkano: I don't think the server will ever disconnect you for spamming if it's only once a second
17:49.33[MoonWolf]tain serial please
17:49.55TainOk, Count Chocula
17:49.55[MoonWolf]pass and account name too.
17:52.25[MoonWolf]Cairenn, any news on wowi ?
17:52.44Cairennyeah, it's down
17:53.33[MoonWolf]i ment, when its going to be not down
17:54.07CideCairenn: I just fixed the CT_BarMod bug and uploaded it to our site
17:54.25CideI can upload it on wowi if you want me to, or if you can do it I'll just go back to fix bugs
17:55.02Elkanocan so help me think about if this 'algorithem' is good? I've got information offers, information requests from other players as results from the offers and answers to this request. I send out one of the three every 2sec (or 1sec, will try). If I have recieved an offer from so else I will send a request if the last request was more then 6sec before. if not and I have open requests from other people, I'll send them answers. If there are n
17:55.02Cideokay :)
17:55.23Elkanowill this have a good benefit if all players using the addon use this strategie?
17:56.05futrtrublyou are more frustrated Cairenn|sleep
17:56.12Cidewrong window >P
17:57.39Cideyou deserve it, don't worry!
18:00.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Natasem (n=Natasem@
18:03.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Valek (
18:04.58Temwhat events fire when you join a guild?
18:05.44CideI know CHAT_MSG_SYSTEM does
18:06.11CideTem: that actionbar bug was fixed recently btw
18:06.22Natasemok who broke the forums this time?
18:06.30TemCide: thanks so I should tell people to update CT_Mod?
18:06.31[MoonWolf]is bound to go
18:06.44ElkanoCHAT_MSG_GUILD does, too, doesn't it? "x joined the guild."
18:06.55ElkanoI think it was green, too
18:07.00Cidethat's SYSTEM
18:07.16Tem[MoonWolf]:  GUILD_ROSTER_UPDATE on happens when someone calls GuildRoster
18:07.48[MoonWolf]But to your client it has to look like 50 people are being added to it
18:07.50[MoonWolf]right ?
18:08.09Cideit doesn't have to know before you open the guild roster frame
18:09.11[MoonWolf]well, then it has to be the chat event.
18:13.10TemI think I'll use CHAT_MSG_GMOTD
18:13.22Temor CHAT_MSG_GUILD_MOTD whatever it is
18:14.22[MoonWolf]gmotd gets shown when you join a guild ?
18:14.53Eraphine|Discois there a way to a frame's setpoint parent?
18:15.42Eraphine|Discobetter yet, the anchors too?
18:20.15[MoonWolf]great my wow in cedega is crashing after the patch
18:24.37futrtrublEraphine|Disco to find out what the frame is anchored to? not that I know of
18:44.31*** join/#wowi-lounge sharkhat (
18:44.42sharkhathey hey hey 1.9 is LIVE
18:45.12sharkhatanyone on Uther or azul'nerub?
18:45.54futrtrublI can be on azjol if you need to test something, but I'm getting 7fps on this comp
18:45.59Natasemsome of my friends have cedega also and they say that wow usually crashes after every major patch
18:46.23sharkhatwhoa they run WoW thru linux? intnese... over open gl?
18:47.06[MoonWolf]in cedega
18:47.08futrtrublno, they use ascii art to diplay the world ;']
18:47.20[MoonWolf]wich is heavily modified winex
18:47.25[MoonWolf]wine i mean
18:49.30sharkhathaha i would LOVE to see that futrirubl
18:52.53TainThere is a streaming video to ascii lib.
18:52.59TainI tried it once, it was funky as hell.
18:57.50TemTip: There are a number of different loot options when in a group. The leader can right-click their own portrait to change these options.
18:58.33sharkhatwhat guild is everyone in?
18:59.47CideTip: A priest, a paladin and Varimathras walked into a bar...
19:01.04[MoonWolf]reinstalling wow it is.
19:01.47Cidehaha, we're so nerdy
19:01.56Cidewe're running around in silithus and calling the whole place bugged!
19:02.08sharkhatspeak for yourself!
19:02.10Cideand when I said "respawn here" in vent, someone called it a bug report
19:02.43Cideby "we" I mean my guild, btw!
19:03.09BeladonaI haven't tried wow  in linux yet since 1.9
19:03.14Beladonaso not sure how stable it is
19:03.24sharkhatruns really well on os x after the update...
19:03.33sharkhatwhy not just boot into windows beladon
19:03.39sharkhatprobaly runs better
19:04.07NatasemTip: there is no cow level...
19:04.14sharkhati like that one
19:08.17Beladonait runs just as fast under cedega
19:08.21Beladonaand I prefer linux
19:08.32*** join/#wowi-lounge [MoonWolf] (
19:09.15[MoonWolf]great that fixed wow
19:09.28[MoonWolf]now authenticate bitch
19:10.02[MoonWolf]woohoo handshaking
19:10.32[MoonWolf]and my server is down!
19:13.10TainNothing says, "I love you." like plus 1-5 frost damage.
19:13.56Beladonanothing says I love you like a fire nova totem up your ....
19:14.22*** join/#wowi-lounge stray`laptop (
19:15.11ElkanoNothing says, "I love you." like a murderous debuff being taken to Ogrimmar ;)
19:16.01*** join/#wowi-lounge [MoonWolf] (
19:20.15ElkanoBeladona, are you able to aprove addons?
19:20.34Beladonaon it
19:20.47Beladonawhen the site opens...
19:20.56Elkanowell, I just uploaded :)
19:21.09Elkanoso it's not 100% gone ^^
19:28.30Temthey didn't fix the mage dampen magic animation
19:28.34Temlazy bastards
19:31.47[MoonWolf]what is wrong with it ?
19:32.33Temit plays the wrong animation
19:33.09*** join/#wowi-lounge pagefault (
19:49.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
19:49.30Fanook|Zzzdoes anyone have the moveanything beta version for 1.9?'s being janky :(
19:49.49KolthEvery UI site is dead.
19:50.39Tain1.9 patch nerfed ui sites.
19:51.02IrielMine isn't 8-)
19:51.17IrielBut it's not very useful unless it's one of my addons you need
19:52.03Fanook|Zzzworldofwar seems to be working for me
19:52.07ElkanoIriel /hug
19:52.50TemIriel: do you know how chat links work?
19:53.15IrielTem: That depends on what you mean by that 8-)
19:53.20ElkanoI followed your advice regarding the item propagation code :) and it works nice :) (after I hid the WHISPER, WHISPER_INFORM, AFK, DND and IGNORE spam ^^)
19:53.30TemIriel: I'm about to start work on a buff addon that lets you link buffs
19:54.08IrielAh, so you want to be able to insert custom links?
19:54.25IrielElkano : Excellent!
19:54.55TemIriel: exactly
19:55.16IrielTem: Basically you can just create your own link ID prefix, and then use it for your links, say |Htem:buff:CoolBuffName|h[Cool Buff]|h
19:55.19TemIriel: what item probapagation code?
19:55.47IrielTem: And then you hook the href handling code (I forgot the function name, just look for what OnHyperlinkClick calls) and add a test for your prefix
19:56.04IrielTem: The only think i'm not sure of is whether they make it across the server unmolested.
19:56.08Temso as long as it starts with Hitem it will let me send it in chat?
19:56.25Elkanonot on al channels :(
19:56.27IrielThat's |htem, i.e. a prefix unique to you and your addons
19:56.33IrielI dont know if non-item links propagate
19:56.45BeladonaElkano, wowinterface is being super flaky for me
19:56.50Beladonaso no approval yet
19:56.55IrielI've done a LOT with hyperlinks, but only locally
19:57.09Beladonain fact wowinterface appears down atm
19:57.26IrielAs for the item propagation, it was a scheme to safely send item links across any chat channel
19:57.46IrielI'd suggested it in the forum months ago, but Elkano's actually implemented it
19:58.11Temso I'll have to send it as a plain text with a tag or something and parse it back into a link on the other side
19:58.21IrielTem: I dont know, try it 8-)
19:59.09IrielThough if they dont go unmolested, then yes, you'd have to tag them somehow, and re-encode, but it should be relatively easy to code
19:59.40ElkanoTem, my problem was that I wanted the server to validate links, but instead of doing so hi simply striped them from private channels :/ so now I offer the oportunity to get a link and the rest is done via whispers since these are validated
20:00.08*** join/#wowi-lounge id` (
20:00.29TemIriel: didn't we request a custom hyperlink type a while back?
20:01.38TemOk another thing I'm slightly worried about is I want to send the buff texture
20:01.46IrielTem: You can make as many hyperlink types as you want, and just hook things
20:01.49IrielHm.. That gets trickier
20:01.54Irielthough you can encode it in the link ID I suppose
20:01.59Irieland people wont see it
20:02.36TemI'm going to be uploading a mod in a bit when the mod sites come back that adds item textures to ItemRefTooltip
20:03.19TemI was wondering if you could thing of anyway to shorten the texture name
20:03.26ElkanoIriel, could you ask slouken if we could get a way to obtain itemids from tooltips?
20:03.27Temand just as I was typing that I did
20:03.39TemElkano: I've tried, multiple times
20:03.52TemElkano: you can get the ID for /almost/ every tooltip
20:04.14Elkanohooking every function showing a tooltip is kind of annoying :/ and may be broken by other addons :/
20:04.21futrtrublwhat's a good bitorrent client?
20:04.36Elkanohmmm... azureus?
20:05.07IrielElkano : You should make a thread on the forum about it once the patch mess is done, at worst you'll get suggestions from the peanut gallery
20:05.08Fanook|Zzzi use azureus, bitcomet's another good one
20:05.26TemElkano: you can't get it for: SetAuctionSellItme,SetBuyBackItem,SetInboxItem, and SetSendMailItem
20:05.34Temall the rest are available
20:06.00Fanook|Zzzbascially, pretty much anything BUT the "official" BT client :)
20:06.04Elkanowell, I can't... I'm stuck to the European forums and even worse mainly the German one, which has almost no mods checking :/
20:06.22futrtrublthanks guys
20:06.52pagefaultutorrent rules
20:06.54TainI only use uTorrent anymore.  Il ike Azureus a lot, but it's a bit of a system hog.
20:07.07pagefaultit's so tiny
20:07.31TainiTorrent, uTorrent, weallTorrent
20:07.40futrtrublBEBTorrent ;']
20:08.53TemIriel: /script SendChatMessage("\124Hitem:buffname:type:duration:text\124h[Test Buff]\124h") went nowhere
20:09.03Tembut at least it didn't disconect me
20:09.22ElkanoWell, I would be fine with a (Tooltip).itemID which is item:x:x:x:x for item tooltips and nil for everything else. shouldn't be that hard for them to implement
20:10.10Temthat would be wonderful
20:10.15Tembut it's probably not going to happen
20:10.26ElkanoTem: |Hitem:a:b:c:d|h[(name)|h is an item link, so be happy that you haven't been disconnected ;)
20:10.36TemI know
20:11.14Temwhich is exactly why I'm happy that I'm still connected
20:11.47Fanook|Zzzwait, wait, so Tem tried something and DIDN'T crash WoW? amazing
20:13.57Temanyone happen to know I could count on all the buff textures being of the following form: "Interface\\Icons\\Spell_"?
20:14.55Temok small nevermind on that
20:15.24Temof THIS form: "Iterface\\Icons\"
20:23.50pagefaultI so love the multiple BG queue
20:26.51Temoh bastards!
20:27.06Temwhy doesn't UnitBuff and GetPlayerBuff use the same indexing system?
20:27.12Temwould that be so hard?
20:29.46*** join/#wowi-lounge kremonte_ (
20:30.44*** join/#wowi-lounge kremonte_ (
20:31.30kremontewth? damn clone
20:31.35id`wow updater
20:31.37kremontestop rejoining i don't even know what computer you're on
20:31.39id`400kbps down
20:31.42id`doop dee doop
20:32.05kremontewtf? no irc client is running on any computer in my house
20:32.28id`hah reminds me of
20:32.40id`the guy that lost his PC int he house but it replied to pings
20:32.46kremonteoh, yea
20:32.49kremonte"i lost a server"
20:33.08kremontemy notebook isn't even ON
20:33.48id`tam tam TAM!!
20:34.08kremonteooh i think i know
20:35.10*** join/#wowi-lounge kremonte (
20:35.21id`pulled one plug too many?
20:35.33kremontethere was a ghost xchat running on my box :ninja:
20:35.37kremontekillall ftw
20:36.00TemI could swear I've seen radio buttons in the default UI
20:36.17kremontethere are, aren't there?
20:36.40TemI can't find em
20:36.59Natasemsorry for being late, but i have to second the motion for Azerus i love Azerus, but ya it's a bit of a hog
20:38.05Natasemis uTorrent a BT client too?
20:39.16Natasemwtf is with the forums today
20:41.44Beladonahey kremonte
20:41.47Beladonaneed your help
20:42.19Beladonaremember the config file crap I gave you yesterday?
20:42.26Beladonafor the cedega config gile
20:42.29Beladonanot the
20:42.34kremonteyup yup
20:42.37Beladonacould you pastebin it for me?
20:44.05Beladonathats it? I thought there was more
20:44.26kremonteleast, you didnt give me more =P
20:45.07Beladonahave you tried it with 1.9 yet?
20:45.18kremontenope, still wondering why i get poo fpsa
20:45.31Beladonastill slow even in opengl?
20:45.35kremonteyeah =/
20:45.39kremonteavg 6fps running through dun morogh
20:45.46Beladonamine runs like a champ
20:45.47kremonteall settings min, 1024x768
20:45.56kremontei think my comp is tired =/
20:46.12kremontesure, i've changed parts around
20:46.23kremontebut it's the same system at heart for 4 years
20:46.30kremontethat's like, more than 3 years
20:47.19Beladonamine is fariyl new
20:47.51kremonteis pcie getting great now?
20:48.07Beladonait has been good to me
20:48.08kremonteonly reason i didn't get a new pcie mobo when it was released is because reviews said things ran slower with it
20:48.28Beladonathat was mostly hearsay
20:48.35Beladonamost modern cards run faster on it now
20:48.44kremontebuddy of mine got the first card released on it and said it was like poo =P
20:48.47Beladonait isn't a huge increase
20:48.56Beladonabut PCIx16 is nice
20:49.25Beladonaif you shell the money out, get a system that supports SLI
20:49.36Beladonaso that you can go SLI later if you decide to
20:49.47kremontewell my funds aren't the greatest, considering i also got a notebook recently =P
20:50.03kremontemy dedicated windows system now
20:50.15Beladonamy laptop is my dedicated linux machine
20:50.42kremonteamd64 on it, and i'd rather wait until it's a bit more usable
20:50.51kremontesince most things are based for 32bit
20:51.19kremontehey Beladona, what manufacturer card do you have?
20:51.35Beladonanvidia Go 6800
20:51.39Tem"When you're lying in bed and you head thunder outside and you get up to look, you have an expectation, and it's not snow with light /behind/ it!  That's. Not. Right!  They didn't even write about that kind of weather in the BIBLE!"
20:51.55Beladonanot sure, its a dell
20:51.55kremontelike evga?
20:52.09kremontecoz that might have something to do with it
20:52.19kremonteati radeon ran so much faster than same model made by sapphire e_e
20:52.48Beladonamy desktop machine uses a BFG 6800
20:53.00Beladonabut haven't tried wow under linux on it
20:53.16EndBFG 9000
20:53.31kremonteBeladona: again though, my fps in general is much lower
20:53.40Beladonayeah and that is weird
20:53.47BeladonaI don't get how it can be THAT slower
20:53.47kremontewhat's the cmd to show fps in glxgears?
20:53.59Enddoesn't it just spit it out to stdout?
20:54.12kremontenope, it varies so much lol
20:54.51Endbtw, if you maximize glxgears, your framerate will go down a lot :P
20:54.57Beladonaglxgears -printfps
20:54.59kremonteduh =P
20:55.20kremontelol, ill make it uber small!
20:55.54kremonteno fps change, still 5k
20:56.12Beladonatry this kremonte
20:56.17Beladonaglxinfo | grep direct
20:56.37Beladonadoes it return yes?
20:56.40kremonteyup yup
20:56.51Endwhat was your video card again?
20:57.02kremontegeforce 6800 (evga)
20:57.08Beladonaand what driver version are you using?
20:57.34BeladonaI had good performance under 7667, but recently upgraded to 8178
20:57.38Endisn't there newer than 7667?
20:57.42Beladonaand it got a tiny bit better
20:57.50Beladonabut upgrading is a pain
20:57.55Beladonayou ahve to recompile your kernel
20:58.06Beladonathere is a tutorial
20:58.11EndI wonder why you'd have to recompile o_O
20:58.12Beladonalemme get it
20:58.24kremontecompiling things makes me sad
20:58.33kremonte300kb program taking 5 minutes to compile
20:58.49Beladonabecause nvidia provides it as an run script and makes you comiple the driver into your kernel
20:58.53Endwhat do you mean, "300kb" program?
20:59.04kremontea program whose binary is 300kB
20:59.21Endok, just curious
20:59.28Endcompile with symbols
20:59.37Endit'll make it a lot bigger :P
21:00.57Beladonayou want method 2 to install 8178
21:01.03id`found youuu
21:02.09Beladonathat script is for what?
21:02.32Beladonaoh I see
21:05.26kremontecan't you just apt-get all this
21:05.32kremontei don't like using synaptic
21:08.28Beladonayou can to remove
21:09.09Beladonathey have you use synaptic mainly to find out what you are removing
21:09.18TemIriel: is there a way to force to create a directory structure?
21:09.18sharkhatkremonte does the 6800 have 256 bit memory interface?
21:09.20Beladonabecause it varies depending on which kernel is installed
21:09.24sharkhator is it 128-bit?
21:09.42Beladonadon't bother with the new driver until you are sure you want to
21:09.53BeladonaI have X fail a couple times till I fixed it manually
21:10.00Beladonaits annoying
21:16.23kremonteinstalling driver now
21:16.25kremonteand i'm unafk :-)
21:17.00kremontewierd. i can't tell if my card is 256bit
21:17.15kremontestupid lspci
21:18.33*** join/#wowi-lounge ToastTheif (
21:18.51ToastTheifwho's ready for the game?
21:25.47*** join/#wowi-lounge kremonte (
21:25.49kremontejeez Beladona
21:25.50pagefaulttime to kill balinda
21:25.56kremontethat was a lot less painful than you made it seem :-)
21:26.06Beladonaits not hard
21:26.10Beladonaunless you have issues
21:26.18Beladonalike X failing
21:26.19kremontestopped gdm, ran the sh script, rebooted, and i was done XD
21:26.21Beladonawhich mine did
21:26.31Beladonarun nvidia-settings
21:26.31kremontex is annoying
21:26.35kremonteit's installed ;)
21:26.37Beladonaand make sure it reports 8178
21:26.52Beladonain cedega
21:26.55Beladonarun the tests
21:27.05kremonteone sec
21:27.10kremontegoing to solder my broken glasses
21:27.13kremontecoz i'm sooo blind right now
21:27.16Beladonaat one point I had mine installed and it failed glx
21:27.39Beladonaand get thizx
21:27.46Beladonaat one point it was all installed
21:27.48Beladonaand working
21:27.49Temfor multiple deps, do you need commas?
21:27.53Beladonathen after a reboot X failed
21:28.01Temie #RequiredDeps: Dep1, Dep2
21:28.10kremontewhat tests in cedega?
21:28.13TemOR #RequiredDeps: Dep1 Dep2?
21:28.28kremontei would think commas, only because it's like that for variables
21:28.39Beladonakremonte: tools > system tests > Run All
21:28.58kremontepassed all
21:29.34kremonte44290 frames in 5.0 seconds = 8857.887 FPS
21:29.34kremonte31089 frames in 5.0 seconds = 6217.707 FPS
21:29.34kremonte29419 frames in 5.0 seconds = 5881.638 FPS
21:30.12kremontegah, titanium is unsolderable
21:30.13Natasemlol this is old i know but still funny non the less (yes this is a humour site that parodies Christian Fundamentalism
21:30.23Natasemoops wrong room
21:31.12kremontewb cair
21:31.27kremontewb fanook
21:33.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
21:33.34kremonteho ho ho guil
21:33.45Guillotinehi :)
21:34.32GuillotineCair, you know that WoWI is messed up?
21:34.39IrielI think wowI needs to harness a fresh moose to the server
21:34.49Guillotinelol Iriel
21:35.37purlI'll just grab a freakishly huge killer whale named Hugh and slap Iriel over the head with it.....
21:35.55kremontepurl, convert 1 light year to mile
21:36.09kremonteo noes, e
21:36.21Irielpurl, convert 1 km to cord
21:36.38Irieldamn, wrong unit
21:36.48kremonteconvert 3 miles to angstroms
21:36.55kremonte~convert 3 miles to angstroms
21:36.55Irielpurl convert 27 m mile light year to cord
21:37.15kremontem mile light year?
21:37.18IrielAh well, purl failed
21:37.24Irielmeter mile light years
21:37.27Iriela measure of volume
21:37.28kremontea metermilelightyear?
21:37.32Iriela rather strange one, I just invented
21:37.35Irielbut it's valid
21:37.55IrielThere are 4.2006713e+18 cord in a m mile lightyear
21:37.58kremontepurl , convert 12 ells to inches
21:39.14purlsomebody said ugt was Universial Greeting Time. Created in #mipslinux, it is a rule that states that whenever somebody enters an IRC channel it is always morning, and it is always late when the person leaves. The local time of any other people in the channel, including the greeter, is irrelevant.
21:39.45Fanookugh, why did BibMod need to put the action bars in reverse order...
21:41.08Tain~convert 1 meter to rod
21:41.48GuillotineCairenn: no, the problem is its messed up. the side bars are all blank
21:42.04IrielI actually ran into a set of plans with units written in chains over christmas
21:42.13Iriel(1 chain == 4 rods)
21:42.27kremontewhat was, Iriel
21:42.28Guillotineok :)
21:42.31kremontewho would use such an obscure measurement
21:42.36Beladonaless db queries
21:42.41IrielThey were plans for a rather old railway line
21:42.41Beladona= faster browsing
21:42.46Tain~convert liter hogshead
21:42.54Guillotinehas anyone dled my Comedic Tips yet?
21:43.02Tain~convert 1 liter to hogshead
21:43.28Iriel~convert 1 usgallon to brgallon
21:44.01Tem~convert 1 gallon to litre
21:44.06Iriel(For those who care, 1 british gallon is 1.2009499 us gallons)
21:44.10TainOf course it is.
21:44.17Temyay for typos
21:44.20Tem~convert 1 gallon to liter
21:44.34TainOh yeah well
21:44.39kremonteGuillotine: comedic tips?
21:44.40IrielSimilarly 1 british pint is 1.2009499 us pints
21:44.40Tain~convert 1.9 patch to workign
21:44.47Irielwhich is why the british can usually out-drink americans
21:44.53kremontecute, Iriel
21:45.09IrielHint: never import a cookbook from england unless you know these things
21:45.18Irielthough most of them are metric these days
21:45.20Fanookspeaking from experience? :P
21:45.27TainNah, the British can usually out-drink Americans because most Americans drink liquid closer to water than beer or ale.
21:45.31Guillotinekremonte: replaces the tips on loading screen with mroe interesting ones
21:45.47IrielFanook: Somewhat, but only from the annoyance of conversion
21:46.35kremontei've never had beer :-D
21:46.47kremonteso all beer sucks to me ;)
21:47.46[MoonWolf]Cairenn, made a beer joke!
21:47.59TainAh, most Canadian beers that I've had aren't much better tasting, just more alcohol.
21:48.20kremontebah alcohol
21:48.27pagefaultthis sucks
21:48.30pagefaultserver went down in the middle of AV
21:49.03kremontepurl, convert 3 ells to chains
21:49.16kremonteinfinite amusement
21:49.35kremontean ell sounds like a bastard farm animal and a chain is not a measurement
21:49.36[MoonWolf]chains ?
21:49.44TainSure it is
21:49.53Tain~convert 1 chain to hand
21:50.06[MoonWolf]purl, convert 3 liters to miles
21:50.16Tainpurl outsmarted you!
21:50.37[MoonWolf]i was proving that chains had to be a distance or purl would have told us.
21:51.01Irielchains are "Survey Chains"
21:51.05Irielan old imperial unit
21:52.41pagefaultthis is great
21:52.44pagefaultserver screws up
21:52.47pagefaultwe get booted from AV
21:52.50pagefaultwe are now all deserters
21:52.53pagefaultnow we can't get in
21:53.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Depherios (n=Deph@
21:53.30DepheriosYou guys ever figure out those tooltip problems?
21:53.30Guillotinehaha. that sucks
21:53.36ForgottenLordspurl, convert 6 pounds into kilometers
21:53.54ForgottenLordsdarn :)
21:54.36Depheriosbeacuse I just noticed this...
21:56.50[MoonWolf]is it just me or is half that comparison missing ?
21:56.57Depheriosit's all new
21:57.13Depheriosso, yes, half is missing ^_^
21:57.40DepheriosBut they were having problems with GameTooltip last night
21:58.15OsagasuAnyone in here have Animal Crossing: WW or Mario Kart DS?
21:58.25DepheriosYay DS ^_^
21:58.44OsagasuI just got my Wifi connector setup
21:58.58[MoonWolf]no friend code traiding in here
21:59.16OsagasuIf all else fails...
21:59.48IrielOsagasu : Flicky in Smallble : 4510 3271 7752
21:59.52Beladonalol Moonwolf
22:00.03Irielthough my DS is at home, an di'm at work, and all that jazz
22:00.14Depheriosthanks for the link Osagasu
22:00.32OsagasuI'm about to setup my AC friend code now
22:01.10TemLaziness ftw! I wrote a script to make addons for me
22:01.23[MoonWolf]tem, source~
22:01.25[MoonWolf]tem, source!
22:01.26Endabout tooltip problems...I traced mine down to kept changing the scale "for" me every time I moused over it
22:01.26Osagasu O.O
22:01.31purlLAZINESS: The quality that makes you go to great effort to reduce overall energy expenditure. It makes you write labor-saving programs that other people will find useful, and document what you wrote so you don't have to answer so many questions about it. Hence, the first great virtue of a programmer.
22:01.42IrielDoes it pick from a collection of known ways to crash wow and assemble a tem addon using them?
22:01.44Tem(or at least the framework for 99% of my addons)
22:02.08OsagasuI miss the Police station
22:02.20[MoonWolf]i bet it creates addons based on a neural network that are most likely to crash wow in a new way and then document it.
22:02.49DepheriosI do too Osagasu, but the gate is okay too
22:03.14[MoonWolf]i want wowi back
22:03.20[MoonWolf]i have an addon to update for the new toc
22:03.27Beladonaback soon, home time
22:03.29*** part/#wowi-lounge Beladona (n=sluster@
22:03.55[MoonWolf]and curse gaming for that matter.
22:04.12OsagasuOsagasu at Freedom - 2663 5072 1271
22:05.09[MoonWolf]hey, that xml should be optional.
22:05.19Temwell if it is, I delete it later
22:05.27Temdeleting isn't an issue
22:05.32TemI just hate creating files
22:05.44OsagasuIriel...  Smallble, right?  no typos?
22:06.05Depheriosthat's right, it caught me offgaurd too Osagasu XD
22:06.54OsagasuI have about 4 cups of coffee left till I have to leave
22:09.18OsagasuDeph, who are you?
22:10.22IrielOsagasu : Right.
22:10.37IrielOsagasu : My gamecube town was Smirble, the DS one is Smallble
22:15.24OsagasuI'd love to visit with the other AC freaks, but I gotta get out of here for a bit
22:15.32[MoonWolf]Slash, if i could get on the site.
22:15.39[MoonWolf]tested it, only needs a toc update.
22:16.20[MoonWolf]im hanging for 10 more mins and then its bed.
22:16.29Depherioswell... at least you're running
22:17.08[MoonWolf]still have to turn up even one page here
22:18.11OsagasuI'll be back probably about 9 or 10
22:21.40[MoonWolf]crawling to next page
22:24.33Elkanowhoever was it ( Cairenn or Beladona ): thx for approving :) Iriel, if you want to have a look (and having some luck ;) ):
22:30.31*** join/#wowi-lounge cladhaire (
22:32.55[MoonWolf]updating now.
22:35.07[MoonWolf]you noticed before i did
22:41.03*** join/#wowi-lounge AnduinLothar (
22:45.34Gryphenono i esceared of teh rawr! i need a huggle.
22:46.50AnduinLotharis there a max size on table indexes?
22:47.09AnduinLotharI keep getting reports that telltrack stops working after playing for hours
22:48.08Guillotinecall it a 'feature' that forces people to get out and do something
22:48.18Guillotineif you're playing enough that telltrack breaks- somethings wrong
22:48.56IrielI dont believe so AnduinLothar
22:49.55*** join/#wowi-lounge zespri (i=neffa@
22:50.19IrielYou'd probably run out of memory before reaching any kind of theoretical limit
22:50.30Irielwhat do they mean by "stops working" anyway
22:50.44AnduinLotharindescript. that's why I've been ignoring it
22:50.55AnduinLotharit stops displaying whispers or something
22:51.59ElkanoAnduin, how large would that telltrack table be?
22:52.41AnduinLotharnot a clue, it uses tinsert to add a table to the end of the whisper table including the message, sender and timestamp
22:52.45Guillotineso does anyone have any idea what's up with
22:53.53Depheriosconsidering the link at the top reads /suspended/?page=1
22:54.32futrtrublI had some luck earlier today, a got routed to an error on his site, not his hosters site
22:55.49Depheriosoh... fun
23:05.21Cairenn"Apparently, it has long sleeves, a hood, and is made out of cashmere. But put it on wrong and it fucks up all of your teeth."
23:07.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine_ (
23:07.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Beladona (
23:07.41*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Beladona] by ChanServ
23:12.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Tuatara (
23:13.19futrtrublthanks for adding BEB to your "mods updated for 1.9" thread Cair
23:13.29Cairennwelcome :)
23:15.39id`dat made me laff
23:16.47Cairennsometimes offensive
23:16.50Cairennbut usually funny
23:17.33Depherioscurse you for linking me there
23:18.07DepheriosI think they're ALL funny... but I have no soul
23:18.10Depherios"WHEN SOLDIER #3000 DIES, I GET
23:18.10DepheriosA FREE JUICER!"
23:37.47cladhaireIt is taking me 2 minutes to do anything on Stormrage
23:41.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Fanook (
23:47.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Red`Gone (
23:51.51AnduinLotharmmm, Mt. DewBawls  good stuff
23:54.30Fanookanyone know the level ranges for the Ahn'Quiraj dungeons?
23:55.26Natasem60-65 *
23:57.00pagefaultthe horde is finally ahead of the alliance on my server for supplies
23:57.30pagefaultall the resources are like 5x expensive though
23:59.58futrtrubltime for me start selling ;']

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