irclog2html for #wowi-lounge on 20051231

00:09.52krkaomg I just saw Borat with "Throw the jew down the well", i hope not all americans are like in that audience O_o
01:08.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Maldivia (
01:26.46KolthMe too!
01:26.55KolthLet's plot to take over the world!
01:27.03Maldiviabeen there, done that
01:34.19id`i just watched akira
01:45.01id`yamero! i mean, stop it!
01:45.15id`more.. anime.. must.. watch.. *die*
01:45.29Kremonte_anime wa warui desu ne~
01:47.07id`the dictionary tells me nothing, Kremonte_
01:47.48Kremonte_anime is bad!
01:48.07Kremonte_anata wa nihongo ga hanase masu ka?
01:48.11Kremonte_it poisons your brain
01:49.43id`Kremonte_: do i think i think what you asked me?
01:50.58Kremonte_you japanese speak?
01:51.09Kremonte_yay lit translations
01:51.09id`i not japanese speak
01:51.18id`okok wait
01:51.19Kremonte_anata wa nihongo ga hanasemasen. D:
01:51.37id`it had to do something with the japanese language, me and fapping
01:51.43id`do the math
01:51.56Kremonte_hentai hurray
01:52.05TainBaa weet grana weet ba ninni gran
01:52.17id`hah, you made me laugh out loud
01:52.26id`but its 3 am
01:52.36Kremonte_i got that shirt for christmas
01:52.45Tain3am in the morning, on the boulevard.
01:53.15id`haha gg
01:54.52Kremonte_LFJPGF PST
02:08.26pagefaultto the battleground
02:30.27*** join/#wowi-lounge futrtrubl (
02:30.36Cairennhey futrtrubl
02:30.56futrtrublhey Cairenn
02:31.09futrtrublwhat's up?
02:32.10Cairennnot much, you?
02:34.25futrtrubljust ate Chinese
02:35.59futrtrublit was
02:40.25*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower (
02:55.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
02:56.14Cairennhey Iriel :)
02:57.18IrielHow is everyone this evening?
02:58.25CairennPretty well, and yourself Iriel?
02:58.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Depherios (n=Deph@
03:01.01IrielGood here, got most of the post-vacation pending tasks taken care of now
03:01.17IrielI'm bitter we dont have any 1.9 test servers tho
03:07.58CairennIt's likely going live on Tuesday
03:09.03IrielI suspected as much, which is even worse really
03:16.43Cidethey went down way too fast
03:16.57CideI wish we could get 24/7 test servers like in other mmorpgs, that would be sweet
03:18.35CodayusYes, it would...
03:18.46CodayusDon't really see why they don't, actually.
03:24.40Cidecosts money? heh
03:25.27CodayusI suspect the incremental cost would be pretty low, and it would have some benefits.
03:26.04IrielI suspect that the real problem is that the test servers are driven by 'game design' and not UI concerns, and they feel 1.9 is done.. They're not really taking us into consideration
03:28.27Maldiviacan only agree
03:28.54ScytheBlade1The test servers aren't up?
03:29.31ScytheBlade1Yup, they're down
03:29.33ScytheBlade1That's depressing
04:04.59Cairenn|afkmmmm, Friday night, mudslide!
04:05.33KolthIce cream?
04:06.00Cairenn|afkKahlua, Baileys, Vodka
04:07.36Cairenn|afkoff to watch a movie with hubby, later
04:07.53geometrixstrait up like that? ... wow, I usualy dose it with cream atleast
04:08.06geometrixif not some Icecream ... mmmm frozen mudslide
04:41.27ScytheBlade1What's the command to cancel a duel?
05:13.43*** join/#wowi-lounge Shouryuu (
05:38.20Shouryuurawr out I gues
06:07.34KolthI'm going to write an AddOn to implement a class of type Rawr
06:07.43KolthAnyone want it to do something?
06:09.25Kremonte_something? hum
06:09.27Kremonte_hi cair
06:13.19Cairennif rawr==true, then rawr
06:31.25*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower_ (
06:36.01futrtrublit's not quite ToRawr(), but still check out my tofunction() function at
06:38.55futrtrublcorrection, it's at now
06:43.46futrtrublCairenn, looking forward to Underworld 2 (Evolution I think)
06:44.57Cairennhaven't seen the trailers for it yet, futrtrubl ... does it look any good, or is it going to be typical of most sequels? sucky
06:46.00futrtrubltrailer unfortunately doesn't show enough, but they sure left the end of the original wide open for a sequel
06:46.13Cairennaye, they certainly did
06:46.44Cairennit's just, you'd think the movie industry would learn after all these years ... sequels never turn out as well as the original, and it usually just cheeses everyone off for ruining it
06:48.16futrtrublindeed, I've only seen maybe three that had better sequels or a sequel that at least matched the original. And I can only remember one right now Terminator 2
06:50.33futrtrublI hope the movie isn't as overblown and pretentious as the website...
06:51.14Kremonte_gah i hate movie websites
06:51.25Kremonte_it goes against anything on the internet should ever be
06:52.19Kremonte_here's a 5 minute long flash sequence with no option to skip! <Play?>
06:55.16futrtrublthis is worce, it's full screan only
06:57.52Kremonte_against anything anything on the internet should ever be
07:01.06Kremonte_is there any API function to find if you have a pet, and if you have a target?
07:01.18Kremonte_or should i just do if not unitname("target")
07:02.13IrielNote your pet has to be OUT to count
07:02.36Kremonte_i always forget about unitexists >_<
07:30.08Cairennnight all
07:32.44IrielAnyone on Draka this evening?
07:36.29Kremonte_would [^abc$] match a string that only consists of abc?
07:36.58Cairenn|sleepoh! hey! just checked ... my Draka characters are showing up now to post under!
07:37.06Kremonte_ah i got it. no []'s
07:38.06Cairenn|sleepand by choosing the one with the same name, even though it's a different server ... I can edit my existing posts! HAH!
07:38.16Kremonte_lol cair
07:39.10Kremonte_^abc$ worked, actually
07:39.17Kremonte_(just editing my script to let me be lazy)
07:39.21IrielIndeed, ^abc$ is correct
07:40.17Iriel^[abc]+$ is one or more of a,b,c, such as aaaa b abbccaababac
07:40.42Kremonte_i'm adding aliases in chat so i can do <pos> for my position, replace thank you with thanks etc.. yay laziness
07:41.04IrielAnd [^abc$] matches any string with one of the characters ^ a b c or $ in it
07:41.17Kremonte_ah i see
07:41.42IrielOh, no, actually I'm lying 8-)
07:41.49dvorakkeyuse my ASF addon for aliases
07:42.00Iriel[^abc$] matches any string with at least one character that is NOT a, b, c, or $
07:42.04Kremonte_dvorakkey - with lua scripting in 'em. no worries, already done
07:42.13dvorakkeyhas many default aliases , including pos, and ty
07:42.27Kremonte_don't really want to use a full blown addon for this, heh
07:42.28dvorakkeyyep you can get results from lua too
07:42.48dvorakkeyi just finished a GUI for it
07:42.56Kremonte_ew gui! =p
07:43.08dvorakkeyi'm playing around and talking nonsense in IF
07:45.16dvorakkeynest aliases too
07:45.38dvorakkeymy greeting is /s Good ;day ;title ;target
07:46.01Kremonte_good monday!
07:46.28dvorakkeyit says /s Good Evening Mr. Kremonte
07:46.42dvorakkey;day is morning , afternoon, or evening, it checks time
07:46.53IrielWouldn't ;time have been a better name?
07:47.07Cairenn|sleeplocal time or server time or blizzard time?
07:47.14dvorakkey;time should return hh:mm
07:47.49dvorakkeygui lets you right click on it so you can try it out without typing it in chat
07:48.38Kremonte_well i think ;timeofday or something would be more appropriate , personally =x
07:48.41Cairenn|sleepand btw, I've been meaning to ask ... do we know you by a different name on the forums, dvorakkey?
07:49.10dvorakkeyya but aliases supposes to be short
07:49.28dvorakkeymy mods go by Aquendyn
07:50.02dvorakkeyjust type ;x to greet
07:50.34Kremonte_i use ;x as a face sometimes =P
07:51.01Cairenn|sleepanyway, now I really am out ... night folks
07:51.03dvorakkeyyou can change to your taste
07:51.32dvorakkeyyou're asleep already, no
07:51.59*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
07:52.10Cairenn|sleepheh, nope, I usually change my nick a few minutes before I pass out, take a last swing past the forums to check and make sure everything is set for the night, then crash
07:52.16Cairenn|sleephey MoonWolf :)
07:52.20MoonWolfhey Cairenn|sleep
07:52.43Cairenn|sleepnight night all, sweet dreams to those sleeping soon, have a good one to those just waking up or still awake
07:52.55MoonWolfhappy new year i case i dont see you before that time.
07:53.05Cairenn|sleepand to you hun :)
08:22.08futrtrublthe underworld webgame is pretty fun
08:30.49dvorakkeyjust give me the spoilers
08:44.14*** part/#wowi-lounge dvorakkey (
09:40.14*** join/#wowi-lounge dukeku_ (
10:01.03*** join/#wowi-lounge AnduinLothar (
10:16.32KolthNice find.
10:17.02AnduinLothar"With a little help from my friends."
10:17.51*** join/#wowi-lounge kremonte (
11:15.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
11:35.41*** join/#wowi-lounge id` (
13:36.59*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
13:37.34MoonWolfyay suse 10.1
13:48.23kremonteUbuntu ate my notebook
14:39.28MoonWolfid`, stop pluggin arch
14:39.48id`<MoonWolf> yay suse 10.1
14:39.56MoonWolfwish my cedega download would speed up.
14:40.06id`i see nu difference
14:40.14MoonWolfi dont mention suse every day.
14:40.31id`i dont mention arch every day
14:41.06MoonWolfyes you do :P or at least almost every day.
14:41.15id`no i don't
14:41.22id`and now im off playing wow
14:41.37MoonWolfstupid cedega download
15:07.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
15:33.44ElkanoI finaly build a working way to safely transfer item data from one client to another :) (only thing o do is hide the whispers...)
15:34.56MoonWolfwith whispers
15:35.00MoonWolfnow that is something
15:35.58Elkanowell, the problem is that I've got one client offering information and unknown others that want this information
15:37.19Elkanoand since linking to private channels doesn't work I now simply say "I got information on item item:x:0:0:0" resulting in a whisper "I want info on item item:x:0:0:0" followed by a whisper containing the link
15:37.36Elkanothx goes to Iriel for talking with me about that way :)
15:38.16*** join/#wowi-lounge krka (
15:48.02id`how do i check my coordinates?
15:48.34id`it'd be nice to have a map addon where you enter coordinates and it blinks on the map
16:00.44futrtrublit's not quite ToRawr(), but still check out my tofunction() function at
16:16.13krkacool, I have done something almost identical
16:16.26krkado local oldFunc = func
16:16.33krkaerr... let me just show how I do it
16:17.23krkathat converts condition from string to function
16:21.05krkathe main thing is to not overwrite an existing func
16:29.47futrtrublyup, that's why I use local func in the function
16:40.33krkayeah, but RunScript always runs from global scope
16:42.55krka... I think :)
16:45.08krkaaccording to wowwiki atleast
16:45.25krkaif I am right, your function always returns nul
16:54.37*** join/#wowi-lounge dvorakkey (
17:24.47krkadid it?
17:54.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Parak (
18:01.22kremonteLua broke my computer! "No player named 'Mountaineer Gwarth' is currently playing."
18:02.11id`haha cool
18:02.48kremonteoh. Bad regex broke my Lua. :-(
18:05.02*** join/#wowi-lounge ScytheBlade1 (n=Death@about/pxe/ScytheBlade1)
19:18.11id`morning Cairenn
19:41.41futrtrublkrka, you are right, I'll have to make it make a global, pity that it means leaving around an unused function
19:44.34TainAnyone use Flexbar to hotswap bars?
19:53.29KolthTain: Like on stance change?
19:54.29TainYeah, I found what I was looking for though.  Thanks. :)
19:56.04KolthFlexBar rules.
19:57.26TainIt has a lot of great functionality.  It's very slow.
20:00.02KolthBy slow you mean processor wise?
20:02.43TainDoing things, switching, I thought it was broken trying to set up buttons/bars because it takes so long.
20:06.29ScytheBlade1I <3 flexbar
20:08.46futrtrublI prefer DAB
20:08.55id`How do locations work, i need ot be able to know my own location and navigate to move to other locations
20:08.58CodayusI <3 DAB.  :-)
20:09.02id`viswor ftw
20:09.34id`hunter weapon!
20:09.38ScytheBlade1DAB is teh bloat though
20:09.48ScytheBlade1I tried them, then switched to flexbar
20:10.05id`wich isnt bloat?
20:10.16ScytheBlade1Compared to DAB? Nope
20:10.18TainI don't use either DAB or Flexbar.
20:10.35ScytheBlade1What do you use?
20:10.38TainJust seeing how Flex switches.
20:10.39id`dab's only bloat lies in the config gui
20:10.45CodayusScytheBlade1: A.)  It's under heavy development, and is vastly better than it was.  B.)  It's still a very heavy addon, but not bad any more.
20:11.07CodayusOh, and C.) The config gui is now load on demand, which helps even more.
20:11.11ScytheBlade1I just started abusing flexbar within the week
20:11.50ScytheBlade1well, few weeks
20:11.58id`If DAB was an ace addon and featured a commandline interface for setting it up, alongside with a function to set up one command silently (not printing it to the screen) THEN i would be happy
20:12.29id`because i'd ise TinyPad to write down a little script and i'd be set, forever
20:13.01TainI'm glad I tried TinyPad.  Just the perfect thing.
20:13.09id`/script makeBarMatrixLinear('some, options, size, alpha, etc')
20:13.22id`ow syntax wrong :<
20:13.49ScytheBlade1I just timed it
20:13.55ScytheBlade1I have an 11 second ReloadUI()
20:14.01ScytheBlade1DAB was 20+
20:14.23pagefaultI wonder if they will ever offer a 64-bit binary
20:14.25id`mine is 5
20:14.33CodayusIf you like checking that stuff, use Warmup.  :-)
20:14.49ScytheBlade1I really should
20:15.01futrtrublwhen did you use DAB ScytheBlade1? I think most of that load was from the gui config, which is now load on demand
20:15.08ScytheBlade1Just before flexbar
20:15.15ScytheBlade1Well within a month
20:15.20ScytheBlade1few weeks ago
20:15.31CodayusHmm, vaguely tempted to download flexbar to check how it compares these days...
20:15.36id`cant find the friggin enchater trainer in SW
20:15.40futrtrublthen you may have used a pre-loadondemand version
20:15.43id`How do locations work, i need ot be able to know my own location and navigate to move to other locations
20:15.46CodayusI'd be somewhat surprised if it wasn't comparable to DAB...
20:16.20id`you know what, i'm going to try dab
20:16.27ScytheBlade1If nothing else, I'm obsessed with the flexbar config
20:16.39ScytheBlade1(the commandline interface)
20:16.55id`cause im fair like that
20:18.01id`there we go
20:22.36Cairenn|afkgood I love breaking my daughter's mind
20:23.07TainI thought women only did that to guys.
20:23.17Cairennshe's currently bleaching the kitchen table ...
20:24.04Cairennshe has such a hard time dealing with the fact that her parents have sex, lol
20:24.26ScytheBlade1How old is she?
20:24.27TainPoor thing.
20:24.55TainYou'll scar her for life!
20:24.56Cairennbut no one wants to think about their parents having sex :p
20:25.05Cairennespecially not on the kitchen table
20:25.10ScytheBlade1. . .
20:25.18ScytheBlade1k, that classifies as too much information
20:25.33Cairennthat's what she said too
20:25.57ScytheBlade1I'd be rather disturbed myself :P
20:26.16TainIt's really not that big of a deal, but did you have to do it while she was trying to make a sandwich?
20:26.23CairennROFL Tain
20:26.36geometrixhehe, you have the same goals as my mother dont you ... to make sure your children are in therapy by the tiem they're 25
20:28.07ScytheBlade1... kitchen table?
20:28.15ScytheBlade1Come on, you could have at least made it to the bedroom
20:29.21id`hahahaha Cairenn xD
20:29.46id`Ok i have to admit they did a very good joob on DAB and i'm tempted to stick with it
20:30.26pagefaultthis channel seems to talk about sex an awful lot
20:30.27id`mainly because the buttons look crisp, have keybindings on them and color when out of range/mana/usability and it took me 2 minutes to set up
20:30.49id`But i'm still using visor for like ALOT :P
20:30.56ScytheBlade1link to visor?
20:32.33TainWhat?  Keybindings?  Bah two seconds to set up with Visor, what are you talking about
20:32.45Cairennpagefault: only when I'm around
20:32.59pagefaultCairenn, not that there is anything wrong with that
20:33.43id`Tain: no they show on the buttons
20:34.08TainExactly.  There's a script up on the Trac Wiki to do it.
20:34.09id`Tain: i made that for visor too no biggie :p
20:34.16ScytheBlade1I dunno. 1) We're on IRC 2) We're in a computer related channel 3) We're on freenode, the open source IRC capitol of the world.. talking about how you did it on the table.
20:34.33id`ScytheBlade1: added to my quotes list
20:37.13Cairennokay guys, I'm sorry I over-shared :p
20:38.04ScytheBlade1Yes, yes you did :P
20:38.38CairennI was just laughing about breaking my kiddo's mind :p
20:38.38ScytheBlade1oh trust me, you did that (I'm 17 myself)
20:38.42ScytheBlade1But.... table?
20:38.43ScytheBlade1I mean..
20:38.46TainWe'll see how the tables turn (hah!) when she does the same thing.  ;)
20:38.48*** join/#wowi-lounge AnduinLothar (
20:38.55CairennTain: ><
20:39.15TainOf course, no parents want to think about their children having sex.  :D
20:39.21ScytheBlade1Haha, owned
20:40.07Cairennactually, you'd be surprised, but again, that would be over-sharing, so I'll just leave it alone
20:40.07TainNo owned. :P Just funnin'
20:40.16TainWell that's good that you two have a good healthy relationship and can talk about it.
20:40.17krkafutrtrubl, didn't you see my example on how to make it not create a global unused function?
20:43.00CodayusHmmm.  A full functioning DAB install takes .6514 seconds to load, and 4.3mb of ram.  Flexbar isn't setup yet, but took 1.156 and 4.6mb.  That makes Flexbar my single slowest addon.  I think I might just stick with DAB's bloat...
20:43.25CodayusI admit, 0.6s isn't exactly much of a worry, but still...
20:44.39ScytheBlade1I'll take my elitist CLI thanks.  -.-
20:49.10ScytheBlade1was that a fresh install of flexbar?
20:49.19ScytheBlade1do /flexbar hide button=1-120
20:49.24ScytheBlade1and reload, I'm curious
20:50.52CodayusDAB took 0.654 and 4.3mb.  Flexbar took 1.193 and 4.691mb.  No real change...not surprised, since all the buttons were already hidden...
20:51.13CodayusThis is Flexbar 1.5.3, btw.
20:51.28ScytheBlade1I remove it spamming the version, lemme check what I have
20:52.06ScytheBlade1Hmm, 1.5b
20:52.28CodayusHeh, the on-load spam claims it's Flexbar v1.500; I just grabbed the latest current release which I happen to see is 1.5.3
20:52.50ScytheBlade1I just looked in the .toc
20:53.06CodayusMine claims to be....  1.5b
20:53.10CodayusIn the .toc
20:56.39TainMy Visor config took .407 seconds and 1194kb
21:24.07Ktronflexbar is fun
21:24.13Ktronthey did a lot right with flexbar
21:24.44KtronI'm working on an extension for flexbar to add other 'shapes' and improve the circle thing
21:24.56Ktronmake octogons, triangles, right triangles...
21:25.06Ktronheh, a 'keyboard' layout one
21:26.18KtronI want to see the 'double-digit' thing catch on or be improved more too (like the double-digit spammer bar)... I never got their 2-digit spammer bar to work unfortunately... Anyway, happy Annual reset
21:27.11Ktron|2007purl, new year is 2007 = new year();
21:27.16purlbotAbusers<Loser *>.push_back(new year is 2007 = new year(););
21:27.41Ktron|2007~new year
21:27.42purlbotAbusers<Loser *>.push_back(new year);
21:27.55Ktron|2007purl, botsnack
21:27.55purlthanks, Ktron|2007
21:53.09KolthWho did the Honor ranking percentages graph? I need it!
22:10.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
22:21.06id`where is the enchanter trainer in SW
22:21.09id`i neeeeeed it
22:21.14id`cant fiiiiind it
22:21.18KolthFind a guard.
22:21.19CodayusWhich one?
22:21.25CodayusAnd yeah, find a guard.  :-)
22:28.43id`what does a greater magic want cost?
22:28.48id`someone wants to sell me for 55S
22:28.55id`(all i have tbh)
22:29.24id`fast fast
22:31.48id`too late bought it
22:32.14KolthCan anyone recommend a good download manager?
22:37.24TainI tried a couple but didn't like them.
22:37.38TainSupposedly FlashGot is good.
22:45.05id`thats a firefox plugin not the actual download manager
22:47.40TainOh.  FlashGet is it.
22:48.05TainBut heck if I know, I didn't like any of them.
22:50.56id`happy new year in 10 mins im going outside now
22:52.07Cairennhappy new years id`:)
22:54.54Tain10 minutes?  Oh.. yeah he's far away. heh
23:04.59pagefaultit's a gankfest!
23:22.15Sorren`quake4`inwho here is good at math and understands statrings :P
23:24.13KolthIriel ? :)
23:24.33CodayusYes to the former, but not the latter.  :-)
23:25.15pagefaultI love WSG holidays
23:26.27KolthI'm getting tons of Honor
23:41.10id`how do i check if i am on a mount?
23:42.34KolthOwn one?
23:42.35KolthOr are on one?
23:42.47CodayusI believe you'll need to do tooltip scanning of your buffs.
23:42.56CodayusFor example:
23:43.00id`are on one
23:43.46KolthYeah, AnduinLothar's method is about the best
23:43.49id`isMounted() how hard is that
23:44.04KolthSlouken knows.
23:44.28id`im making a very simple AddOn that attacks on criteria
23:44.43id`(you are not in combar, are able to atttack and have aggro)
23:44.54id`but now it also attacks on aggro if you are mounted
23:45.11CodayusHow can you be not in combat but have aggro?
23:45.32id`combat==meele activated
23:45.34CodayusOh, wait, I see what you mean.
23:46.04CodayusThat's not *quite* the same thing, but fair enough.  A version of DefendYourself?
23:46.24id`in 1.5kb
23:46.53id`ill add support for IsMounted
23:52.08id`self.playerIsMounted = nil
23:52.10id`if IsMounted then
23:52.10id`if UnitIsMounted('player') then
23:52.10id`self.playerIsMounted = TRUE
23:53.36id`wow error
23:53.45id`one more end :<
23:59.38ScytheBlade1Hmm - is there a ring that does +100 spell damage for 10s?

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.