irclog2html for #wowi-lounge on 20051228

00:00.42krkayeah I know :)
00:00.46krkaI made one of those addons myself
00:00.48krkamy first one actually
00:01.16krkaof like... two total :P
00:05.22GenNMXI'm getting bored teaching myself WoW's XML API, so I think I'll go back to strict Lua. I was thinking of a mod which gives a combat summary during and after combat, and allows tracking of yourself and others. Possibly even syncing.
00:06.31GenNMXMyh plan is to greatly improve, and hopefully eliminate, the "Combat Log" window.
00:20.21krkahmm... can I hook into UIParent_OnUpdate or something similar?
00:20.26krkato avoid having to need XML
00:20.32TemIn the FAQ, you have a link to a thread that no longer exists
00:20.48Cairennwhich section, which thread
00:20.57TemYour like to "Is a ui mod ever considered a hack"
00:21.09Temsection 3
00:21.57Temyou lost your "A"
00:23.47krkacan anyone check for a blizzard-defined OnUpdate?
00:24.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Ktron (
00:26.48TemTheres one in WolrdFrame
00:29.01krkaheh, this addon is really slim, 56 lines
00:32.14Templease don't tell me you hooked an OnUpdate
00:32.57Tem~whaleslap krka
00:32.59purlI'll just grab a freakishly huge killer whale named Hugh and slap krka over the head with it.....
00:33.18Temthat is /very/ bad
00:33.37krkai think it's badness is overrated
00:33.38TemOnUpdates are bad enough, hooking makes it horrible
00:34.10Temhang on a sec, let me find cladhaire's profiling of hooks and how they affect the time to call a function
00:34.51GenNMXkrka: Sure, your action may add 50 milliseconds to the OnUpdate, but if there are 50 OnUpdate calls a second, that's an increase of 2500 milliseconds, or 2.5 seconds!
00:35.28TemPROFILE: Timing for Baseline took 12.324 seconds (0.049296 average) with 50500 KiB of memory usage
00:35.28TemPROFILE: Timing for StdSafe took 18.628 seconds (0.074512 average) with 50500 KiB of memory usage
00:35.40GenNMXOnUpdate is near the start of the dominos
00:35.44krkaexactly what is compared there?
00:35.55TemBaseline is the unhooked function
00:36.01Temand StdSafe is a normal hook
00:36.15krkaso it's faster if I define my own frame and use that OnUpdate?
00:36.29krkaI guess I'll do that then
00:36.43krkathanks for the benchmark
00:37.34Temlocal f = CreateFrame("Frame") f:SetScript("OnUpdate",myOnUpdate)
00:37.36Temgod I can't wait
00:37.55krkawhat happens when f goes out of scope though?
00:38.05krkaare frames garbage collected?
00:38.25krkaotherwise, lazy addon coders creating frames and forgetting them...
00:38.46TainNo, it would appear that frames are not garbage collected.
00:39.04Kiliekhe said they're not removable and it doesn't sound like they're gc'd so ...
00:39.12Kiliekscary !
00:39.24Tainheh heh
00:39.28Tainfor i=1,1000 do createframe("Boom"..i) end
00:39.36Kilieki'll do that for fun once 1.10 hits
00:39.41Kiliekjust to see what my computer does :/
00:39.59Tainoh no I just thought of something
00:40.09TainNow people can put pop-up ads in their addons!
00:40.46TainI'm going to start work on a WoW pop-up blocker addon now.
00:41.11Kiliekhooking create frame for an acceptable list of mods to allow pop ups !?
00:42.07krkaand pop ups isn't possible now?
00:42.25TainQuiet krka, you're ruining my funny.
00:42.37krkabtw, 1000 frames is nothing
00:42.43TainQuiet krka, you're ruining my funny.
00:42.52krkathat's how many points AutoTravel had access to
00:42.59krka(and lines)
00:43.09krka(and yes, i generated the xml with python :P)
00:45.02*** join/#wowi-lounge AnduinLothar (
00:54.13krkamorning? it's night
00:54.30AnduinLothari woke up an hour ago, that count?
00:55.32Cairennsounds like "morning" to me :)
00:56.01AnduinLotharlan party went till 10, then i bailed for sleep
00:56.05pagefaultthe guy did not apply the cheese to the center of the burger
00:57.26Depheriosthe cheese stands alone
01:03.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Parak (
01:03.39Cairennlol Depherios
01:05.57pagefaultI suppose so
01:06.11pagefaultthe cheese is now devoured
01:15.04futrtrublbehold the power of cheese
01:15.16pagefaultI have a slight cheese addiction
01:15.30futrtrublmy addiction is not so slight
01:15.31AnduinLotharcheese is good
01:15.45AnduinLotharso is my shift that says "more cowbell"
01:17.17purlrumour has it, cheese is stuff that grows in milk
01:17.49pagefaultI am sure the taurrens are responsible for most of the cheese in WoW
01:17.52pagefaulterr taurens
01:18.19pagefaultyet you can't buy any in TB
01:18.24futrtrublTime to make the <Tauren Milker> guild
01:18.50pagefaulttaurens are neat, I hope the alliance gets some kind of animalish type race
01:19.07krkait will be ogres
01:19.19pagefaultI thought ogres were on the horde's side
01:19.34DepheriosI'm hoping for Draeni, I like the way their legs work XD
01:19.44futrtrublMurlocs, why do you think babies were given out? They grow up to be Alliance mebers (yeah, there is some logic in there)
01:20.02Cairennmy money is on Draenei
01:20.04pagefaultdon't feed the murloc
01:20.19futrtrublafter midnight
01:20.29Cairenndon't let them get wet, either
01:20.47futrtrublwe are screwed then
01:21.09Cairenngetting screwed isn't such a bad thing, ya know ;)
01:21.26pagefaultit's all a matter of perspective
01:21.30AnduinLotharwho wants to screw me?
01:21.37futrtrubldepends in what fashion you are screwed ;']
01:21.37AnduinLotharwait.. no.. not this crowd
01:22.35futrtrublI would rather not be screwed by a pack of murloc Gremlins.
01:22.44GenNMXI'm still going with High Elves.
01:23.09GenNMXIRC makes you agree with things you'd rather not ;)
01:23.20futrtrublHigh Elves (Blood Elves) are horde
01:23.39GenNMXBlood Elves != High Elves. There are over 100,000 High Elves still part of the Alliance.
01:23.55pagefaultthey eat too many of those mushrooms
01:23.58pagefaultthats why they are high elves
01:24.20futrtrublwe must be reading diferent mythology GenNMX ;']
01:24.27GenNMXExactly pagefault, exactly. And if they overdose, they get "blood rage".
01:24.34Depherioshigh elves dislike the alliance now though
01:24.41Depherioswell some
01:25.03Depheriosthe only allies working with humans as far as I was aware, weren't party of the alliance
01:25.13futrtrublPansy Elves will be the new race
01:25.13pagefaultwhy can't everyone just get along
01:25.18pagefaultthat would be a great game
01:25.32DepheriosThe only high elves working with humans as far as I was aware. The humans weren't part of the alliance
01:25.34GenNMXWorld Of Friendcraft?
01:25.41DepheriosWorld of Peacecraft
01:25.47pagefaultyou level up by being friendly with eachother
01:25.52AnduinLotharWorld of Screwcraft
01:25.53pagefaultand you shoot hearts out of your belly
01:26.10GenNMXBut the Humans are the pinnacle of the Alliance. This could be some forgotten High Elf tribe that didn't turn into the Blood Elves.
01:26.18GenNMXMaybe they're the Hillbilly Elves
01:26.31Depheriosthere's a lot of high elves that aren't blood elves
01:26.33futrtrublWorld of Statecraft, it's all about the diplomacy. Granted Orc diplomacy is a spiked club
01:26.38Depheriosthey just dislike the alliance, after the alliance screwed them
01:26.56pagefaultI would dislike the alliance too if they tried to screw me
01:27.04DepheriosThat's troll diplomacy futrtrubl
01:27.22GenNMXDepherios -- I can't believe the Blood Elves will have good relations with the Undead, Orcs, or Trolls, yet they're joining the Horde
01:27.26Depheriosorcs are free from the demons, they're like humans now, weak and nice XD
01:27.38futrtrublTroll diplomacy is a footlong spliff
01:27.49DepheriosBlood Elves need to get to Outland... Orcs need to get to Outland, the Trolls will do anything the orcs want, and the Undead don't care
01:28.14pagefaultthe undead are just waiting for someone to slip up
01:28.19Depheriosthe Undead just allied with the Horde so they didn't get swamped from two sides, while they plan to destroy everything
01:28.19pagefaultthen it's party time
01:28.57krkathere a few high elves in hinterlands I believe
01:29.24pagefaultthere is a quest in org you can get
01:29.31pagefaultyou get revenge on a high elf that this one orc had an affair with
01:29.59Depheriosthere's a LOT of elves in the..... one of the fens... I think
01:30.04Depheriosby that one Human town
01:30.12Depheriosthey're all neutral cloaked all over
01:30.22krkawould be silly to have night elves, blood elves and high elves
01:30.25TainThe only good elf is a dead elf.
01:30.30Depheriosagreed tain
01:30.51pagefaultnude patch!
01:30.56krkabetter than naked taurens
01:31.06futrtrubl;'] nude murlocs
01:32.00pagefaulthe likes the big mouths
01:32.04pagefaultoops did I say that?
01:33.48GenNMXDo the nude Taurens have udders?
01:33.49pagefaultit was the wind
01:34.10pagefaultI don't think so
01:34.21pagefaultor they wouldn't be wearing a bikini
01:34.43Depheriosyes... they'd have a.... something
01:34.45GenNMXI don't think Tauren women wear a bikini, it looked like granny pants to me
01:34.50AnduinLotharudders aren't sexy
01:34.56Depheriosudder pouch thing
01:35.35pagefaultthey have custom underwear for their tails
01:35.36GenNMXThey don't need udders, just multiple nipples
01:35.38krkathey are udderly hot!
01:36.03krkathey take hotness to a whole udder level
01:36.14TainThat's bull
01:36.19pagefaultthis channel's score: 0/10
01:36.24GenNMXYou can say their anthromorphism allows for human-like nipples, but still they should have 3 per breast
01:36.31Depheriosthey have multiple nipples really close together? XD
01:36.36Depheriosyes! you have it GenNMX
01:36.51pagefaultwhy would they need more than what they have
01:36.57TainThey just get them removed at birth.
01:37.00pagefaulthow many babies does a tauren have at once?
01:37.03GenNMXHow do you know what they have, pagefault?
01:37.05TainIt's like circumcision.
01:37.28pagefaultGenNMX, I don't know, I don't want to know :)
01:37.55krkamy characters never even knew their parents :(
01:38.14pagefaultoh wow
01:38.18pagefaultI have a present under the tree
01:39.04pagefaultit would be nice if you got clothes for xmas in WoW
01:39.08pagefaultthen they would be useful
01:39.12futrtrublanyone know anyone that's won a gfx card from Blizz?
01:55.31geometrixwheres Iriel to start the 1.10 Upcomming Changes thread
01:56.01futrtrublin England
01:56.27geometrixthats no excuse!
01:56.30pagefaultthe queen should play WoW
01:56.44DepheriosEngland has the intarweb! ^_^
01:56.56futrtrublmmmm... dynamic frames
01:57.01pagefaultweb is good
01:57.18futrtrublnot that I'd use them in my mods... but still very nice
01:57.20Depheriosweb is civilization
01:57.32pagefaultI wonder how fast
01:57.38futrtrublTEH intarweb
01:57.55pagefaultI hope it doesn't add more loading time
01:59.11TainHow could it?
01:59.13Cairenngeometrix: Iriel had already started the 1.10 thread, and a bunch of alskjdflkjadskflaskleriu7q309487134 decided to turn it into something other than the intended, so Slouken deleted it
01:59.18TainThey don't exist when you load.
01:59.22futrtrublif it's happening OnLoad then they shouldn't be dynamic. If it's happening after savedvar load then it may cause a lag spike right after you get in the game
01:59.32geometrixCairenn, damn them!
01:59.44pagefaultthats what I meant, futrtrubl
02:00.21futrtrublfortunately it won't cause you to disconect on load though
02:00.23TainOnly one way to find out!
02:00.38futrtrublwhere's the 1.10 test server!?!
02:00.39pagefaultthat drives me nuts
02:01.12pagefaultI guess it means 1.9 is stable pretty much now
02:01.17pagefaultif they are working on 1.10 already
02:01.46futrtrublall I want in an upcoming patch is the PLAYER_LEVEL_UP event to be moved to after the player levels up
02:01.55pagefaultI want to try fighting the new pally
02:03.33futrtrublwow, that addon control pannel thread is hostile
02:03.36geometrix1.9 next week I bet...
02:03.46pagefaultI get my shard bag#@$@#$
02:03.47geometrixonly reason it wasnt last or this week is the holiday
02:31.36grollhmms anyone know anything about php nuke?
02:44.49pagefaultI know of it
02:45.02pagefaulta lot of people are using phpBB2 now though
02:45.12pagefaultso they can have forums too
02:45.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaelten (
02:45.32*** mode/#WoWI-lounge [+o Kaelten] by ChanServ
02:45.52KolthHeyas, Kaelten!
02:46.11Kaeltenanyone here fairly familar with linux?
02:46.21pagefaultI am
02:46.31Kaeltenok.  I know what I need to do, I juujst don't know how to do it.
02:47.02Kaeltenwhat I need to do is to uninstall the current copy of BerkeleyDB4 and then recompile it so it doesn't need Posix Locking support from the kernal
02:47.05Kaeltenthen reinstall
02:47.24Kaeltenany ideas?
02:47.31pagefaultok usually to uninstall it you can run make uninstall
02:47.48pagefaultnot all programs support that though
02:47.51Kaeltenok, I do have root access within bash on this vps
02:48.05pagefaultif it doesn't have remove facilities it's hard to remove it
02:48.08KaeltenI think this one does. I juujst have to figure out where to run the program from.
02:48.21KaeltenI saw some info about that command in the documentation.
02:50.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Griddlebone (
02:50.09Kaeltenhmm says no rule to make target uninstall
02:50.45pagefaultyou might have to overwrite the old one
02:51.10pagefaultif it's the same program you are recompiling and installing
02:51.11pagefaultit will be fine
02:51.26pagefaultjust make sure all of it's processes are stopped
02:51.58Kaeltenk, can you tell me how to do that?
02:52.10pagefaulttype ps aux
02:52.14KaeltenI'm a linux noob
02:52.22pagefaultand kill -9 the PID number of the db
02:52.23Cairennhey Kaelten :)
02:52.25pagefaultif it's running
02:52.36pagefaultI am not familiar with that DB so I have no idea what the process if any is
02:52.46pagefaultI only know mysql myself
02:53.03KaeltenI don't see it running.
02:53.09Kaeltenhey Cair.
02:53.13pagefaultok then
02:53.19pagefaultthen it should be safe to compile it
02:53.32GriddleboneEvening all.
02:53.34Kaeltenbig question is how am I going to make it compile without that other thing.
02:53.52pagefaultthe documentation should have an option you pass to configure
02:53.54pagefaultthat will disable it
02:54.11Kaeltenhmm, I'll see if I can find it.
02:54.24Kaeltenya this is some kinda of native xml database program
02:55.07Kaeltenis the group that makes it.
02:55.14pagefaulti'll try to find some docs
02:55.44pagefaultthats it?
02:55.47Kaeltendo those two commands make sense?
02:55.57Kaeltenwell its the instructions on a standard build
02:55.58pagefaultbut that will configure and make with default options
02:56.07pagefaultwhich probably you don't want?
02:56.16pagefaultPOSIX locking support may be enabled by default?
02:56.17Kaeltennot sure
02:56.19pagefaultdid you compile the original one?
02:56.25Kaeltenno it was included by redhat
02:56.34Kaeltenproblem is my host uses a non standard redhat kernel
02:56.35pagefaultyou are running redhat?
02:56.42KaeltenI think its based off of redhat.
02:56.43pagefaultthis changes things
02:56.54purli heard timriker is my owner maintainer of BZFlag, member of a ton of open source projects the guy who GPL'd SCO's ABI files, giving every Linux user the right to use them ;-), or a very cool guy.
02:56.54pagefaultif it is installed from a package then we can just remove it
02:56.57pagefaultand add a new package
02:56.58pagefaultRPM files
02:57.04CairennMentalPower|ZZzz:  TimRiker on freenode, or one of those email addresses
02:57.11Kaeltenif I can find a package without the posix locking support
02:57.57MentalPower|ZZzzthanks Cairenn!
02:58.13Kaeltenok how do I remove rpm?  rpm --remove db4?
02:58.15Kaeltenor is it harder?
02:58.21pagefaultthats all
02:58.41pagefaultor just get the source package
02:58.43pagefaultand use rpm --rebuild
02:58.46pagefaultit will compile from source
02:58.49pagefaultand make a binary package
02:59.09pagefaultthat should compile it for your kernel
02:59.17Kaeltensays --remove is an unknown option
02:59.26pagefaultmaybe --uninstall
02:59.31pagefaulti'm a debian user :)
02:59.47pagefaultI think you need to use --remove and db4<version>
03:00.03Kaeltenno uninstall option
03:00.27pagefaultor try wildcard
03:01.08Endok, I gotta say, I'm excited about userdata. :)
03:01.13Enddynamic frames
03:01.26Endok, I gotta say, I'm excited about dynamic frames. :)
03:04.02KaeltenI still can't find the option to uninstall
03:04.24pagefaultwe need to figure out the rpm package name so we can remove it
03:04.57Kaeltenthats the name
03:05.05Tainrpm -e pkgname
03:05.15pagefaultah yay someone who knows how to use rpm
03:05.38Tainoh and do uh -v for verbose so you can see what's goin on just in case
03:06.43Kaeltenok now I found 67 different rpms
03:06.54EndI always do rm -rfv so I can panic and see my system be destroyed before my eyes (assuming I'm root, otherwise just all my important data)
03:07.18TainTo install from oh  That place is confusing.  Useful, but confusing.
03:07.40Endhmm, Draka appears to have a large queue
03:07.59Kaeltenok now if I grab one for the wrong core will it blow up too bad?
03:08.01pagefaultyeah but get a source rpm
03:08.08pagefaultso you can rebuild it
03:08.25TainNot necessarily.  Most of the time there's just a bunch of different versions of rpms for different versions of RedHat.
03:08.40pagefaultthe issue was though he has a different kernel and he is running redhat
03:08.47pagefaultand he needs to recompile with some kernel option off
03:09.08Kaeltenok where do I get the source rpm?
03:09.11pagefaultthose binary packages might have the same problem
03:09.30Kaeltenones that say src in the title?
03:09.40TainI know, pagefault.  But there's still 40 different versions on rpmfind
03:09.51TainYes Kaelten.
03:10.15pagefaultjust trying to be thoughtful
03:10.17Kaeltenok question, is there a way to get it to transfer directly from the server or juujst have rpm install it?
03:10.20TainIf you think it's RedHat my best guess would be, "Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 sources for i386"
03:10.36pagefaultI don't know
03:10.40Kaeltenwell its redhat but nto a redhat kernel
03:10.40pagefaultI think they are usually downloaded firt
03:10.42pagefaulterr first
03:11.21TainYeah what will happen is RPM will download and install the source files.
03:11.27TainIt won't compile for you (I don't think.)
03:11.40TainIt's actually been years since I used rpm.
03:11.42pagefaultrpm --rebuild
03:11.50pagefaultit will compile a src package
03:11.51pagefaultand make a binary
03:11.57TainThere you go! :)
03:12.19Kaeltenok what command do I give it to?
03:12.26Kaeltenget the rpm from this other webstie?
03:12.34pagefaultrpm --rebuild blah.rpm
03:12.47Kaeltenjust give it the full directory on the other site?
03:12.55Cairenngrrrrrrrrrrr, lol
03:13.10pagefaultKaelten, I think so I don't know if RPM downloads, try
03:14.27Kaeltenok it worked but it failed to build dependencies
03:14.39pagefaultthat means you need additional stuff to compile it
03:15.00pagefaultyou have to install all those packages that are missing
03:15.12pagefaultyou would have needed them if you compiled from a tarball as well
03:15.40Kaeltenhmm needs java weird.
03:15.41GriddleboneAnyone have a moment to help me with a WoW addon problem?  I've a mistake somewhere that is (likely) so incredibly simple/silly that I can't spot it.
03:16.37KolthYou can always let us have a go at it :)
03:16.49GriddleboneThank you Kolth.  ^_^
03:17.17GriddleboneThe error on game load that I get is: <eof> expected near 'end'
03:17.35GriddleboneAnd I'm getting it in a file that only contains the following:
03:17.53Endtry adding a function
03:17.55Kolthrewrite line 1
03:18.00Kolthfunction MyMenubarOnLoad()
03:18.04Endlike function MyMenubarOnLoad()
03:18.18KolthFunny that <End> is here to help :)
03:18.24Kolth(being the error he was getting)
03:18.31Griddlebone........ I feel really stupid now.  TOTALLY missed the 'function' statement.  -_-;;
03:18.42KolthGrid: I've done it, most of us have.
03:18.54KolthFeel... Part of the club :)
03:18.57Endit -thinks- you are saying: call MyMenubarOnLoad(), now call MainMenuBar:Hide();, end wtf? :P
03:19.40GriddleboneThank you all.  ^_^;
03:19.42Kaeltenwhat does -devel stand for?
03:19.44KolthSure thang.
03:19.48KolthThat's what this channel is for!
03:19.57EndKaelton: in this case probably headers for a library
03:20.09Endand whatnot
03:20.27Endso you can compile stuff that uses it
03:20.29TainYeah, generally if you were developing your own programs from scratch to modify the program.
03:20.37TainOr to interact with it
03:22.26Kaeltenthis is a pain in the ass, lol
03:23.45Kaeltennot to mention I can't paste into this horrible ssh client cpanel makes me use
03:24.04Kaeltenhow can I check what version of tcl is installed?
03:25.10pagefaulttcl --version
03:27.32Kaeltenwhy does --version never work for me
03:27.47pagefaultmaybe it's -v
03:28.14Kaeltennope nope and nope...
03:28.22Endtry running tclsh and typing: echo $tcl_patchLevel
03:28.34TainYou can also try rpm -q tcl*  which should tell you everything rpm has installed.
03:29.02Kaeltenwoot thanks end
03:29.24pagefaultthunderbird 1.5 is out
03:29.33pagefaultat least I auto-updated
03:29.36pagefaultthe site isn't updated yet
03:32.12Kaeltenarg now a dependency's dependency isn't there  arg!
03:32.39Endwelcome to dependency hell?
03:33.14Kaeltendamnit why can't they automatically grab dependency
03:33.27Kaeltenif I Coiuld copy and paste it would be a lot easier
03:33.42Endwas it yum?
03:34.52Endyou were running fedora right? see if you have the yum command installed
03:35.13Kaeltenno yum
03:35.15Kaeltenwhats yum?
03:35.20EndI -think- that's what fedora has been having lately...or maybe not
03:36.47Kaeltenwhats up2date?
03:39.44Tem|Dinnerup2date is one of the linux update apps
03:39.56Tem|DinnerI think it's the one fedora uses
03:40.03Kaeltenhow do I use it?
03:40.11Tem|Dinnerat a terminal
03:40.19Tem|Dinnerthen walk away
03:40.28EndI know fedora used to use it exclusively, but apparently you can somehow use apt and yum now (although I've only heard about people using yum)
03:40.47End(it just says you can use apt, which hmmm....)
03:41.39Tem|DinnerI have used yum on fedora before
03:54.38KaeltenI'm in hell
03:57.01KaeltenI'm like 5 dependency layers deep
04:00.21pagefaultthats why I like debian
04:00.24pagefaultit gets everything you need
04:00.49KaeltenI'm about to start hitting things
04:00.56Kaeltenit wouldn't be nearly as bad if I Could just copy and paste
04:02.16pagefaultyeah that must be tedious
04:03.25Kaeltenya typing out hella long file names sucks
04:10.33*** join/#wowi-lounge Esamynn (
04:10.46EsamynnEvening all
04:11.59Kaeltendoes linux have the equivelent of a batch file?
04:12.26pagefaultyeah a shell script
04:12.33pagefaultjust put the commands you want in a file
04:12.36pagefaultand run sh file
04:12.37KolthShell scripts are much more powerful, eh?
04:12.38pagefaultsh file
04:12.44pagefaultwell you can do more in them
04:12.53pagefaultbut if you want to just batch things you can do that
04:12.55Ktronshell scripts are way fun :)
04:12.56Esamynnoooohhh, I just spotted Sloukens newest present on the UI forums!!!!!! :)
04:13.01KolthI also seen tons of really sweet Perl scripts.
04:13.06KtronEsamynn: for 1.10?
04:13.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Parak (
04:13.20KolthDarn good present :)
04:13.35Kaeltenso I can write a file on my local machine and upload it and then run it by typing sh rpms
04:13.45KtronHeh, I'm hoping someone makes a 'design your own ui' program that takes advantage of that, and I'm wondering if we could get a way to delete frames too
04:14.23Esamynndeleting frames would involve a lot more work
04:14.33Kaeltenand also not be 100% useful.
04:14.41Esamynnyou would need to check if anything was anchored to them, what would you do with children, etc, etc
04:14.54KaeltenI imagine you'd have a lto of overhead in createing and deleting frames
04:14.58KtronI was thinking it'd be useful to cut away unecessary frames
04:15.12Ktronheh, a way to save memory
04:15.20Esamynnjust disable said frames, the memory they take up isn't that significant
04:15.25Ktronrather than just hide them if you aren't going to use them again
04:15.32Esamynnthat too Tem
04:15.44Tem|DinnerI bet that would give the rendering system fits
04:16.01Esamynnhaha, I'm sure you could have fun with that one :)
04:16.13Tem|Dinneranyway, I don't think we're going to get it
04:16.15Ktronso, it's simple to disable us from destroying anything with children
04:16.30Ktronperhaps not
04:17.02Esamynnquestion, has anyone else run accross a problem with using the [] method of referencing a table in XML script tags?
04:17.45EsamynnI was writing a short script in a <Script> tag in my xml and I discovered it was choking on the [] brackets
04:18.03Esamynnthat I was using to reference keys in a table
04:18.16Tem|Dinnerit also doesn't like lua comments
04:18.35Esamynnyes it was, Firefox's parser was complaining about it too, and WoW just whined at me
04:18.58Tem|DinnerOh I bet it didn't like my multi-line comment because of the "[[" in it
04:19.40EsamynnI have a few items to test in a closed situation including a crash bug, then i'm going to post for slouken
04:19.54Kaeltenoh god I love the sh command
04:19.58KaeltenI can copy paste now!
04:20.06Kaeltensorry I just had a personal moment <smiles>
04:20.16Esamynnthe following call in a <OnLoad> tag crashes wow to the desktop without even an error message: this:SetPoint("BOTTOM", this:GetName().."Character10", "BOTTOM");
04:20.38Esamynnand yes there is a frame named $parentCharacter10
04:21.04Endwhat is $parentCharacter10 attached to?
04:21.17Esamynnits a child of the frame who's onload script is running
04:21.32EndI think this is a known bug then
04:21.57Endand I doubt you have to reproduce it in the OnLoad handler
04:22.10EndI wish test was still up though
04:22.16Esamynnlets see here, through a chain, $parentCharacter10 is anchored to the TOP of its parent (the frame that is doing the call)
04:22.19Endso I could test to see if it was fixed
04:22.28Esamynnyes, I don't understand why they didn't just leave it up
04:22.35EndI dunno
04:22.39Esamynneven if it was out of date
04:22.49Endmaybe they don't want to take player feedback currently?
04:22.51Kaeltenwoot something is working!
04:22.52EndI dunno
04:22.55EndI'm just guessing
04:23.05Esamynnbut the mod developers.... :(
04:23.19Endyeah, I wanted to get on test earlier to test some code
04:23.22KaeltenI think I'm escaping from depdenency hell
04:23.35EndKaelten: woot!
04:23.41Esamynnsame, it closed the day my exams ended, so I was never able to make use of it :(
04:24.18Esamynnoooh, just checked test forums, heres a thread topic: Test Realms Back Online 12/21 (PLEASE READ)
04:24.51EsamynnI wonder if it is still up
04:25.01Endthat was for the first time they shut it down
04:25.09Endthis is the second time
04:25.20Esamynnoh crap, I MISSED THEM AGAIN! :(
04:25.43Esamynnwhy can't they just leave them up :(
04:25.46Endanyways, you'll notice they posted more recently "Public Test Realms Closed"
04:25.57Esamynnyah, I just spotted that one
04:25.59End(today in fact)
04:26.13Kaeltenthey where up earlier, I was coding on them during the downtime we had earlier
04:26.16Esamynnyah :(
04:26.27Esamynn.............. %$#@^@&%$@&%$@&@*$@)$@(*&%$)(@^*%$)@^*(@)^*$#()@^()$@*%$@(&)^$@)&^$@*&^*@^*()@
04:26.58EsamynnI can't believe I missed them again
04:27.00Kolthis bad.
04:27.07KolthCharlie Brown :)
04:27.18Endwell, if it makes you feel any better, it looks like 1.9 might go live next week
04:27.27Endor maybe that'll make you feel worse
04:27.37Endcause that means you didn't get to test your code :P
04:27.54EsamynnI'm not worried about my one public addon
04:28.31EsamynnI wish I could have checked on the new return values from GetGuildRosterInfo though
04:28.45EsamynnI want to know what values status can take
04:28.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Ktron (
04:28.58Endmine works with 1.9, but unfortunately I have to finish a ton of features too
04:29.16Endor else branch it
04:29.46EsamynnI've got an addon i'm working on right now for my guild that depends on some 1.9 stuff, but its minor
04:30.00End(well, it runs "fine" with 1.9 with the currently release version, but I have a fix for a mouse scale dragging inconsistancy)
04:32.08Kaeltenok if it says a file conflicts with another should I tell it to force the install?
04:32.35Endtry deinstalling the other one if possible?  I dunno...
04:33.13Kaeltenwill it let you uninstall tcl
04:33.36Endit's tcl that's conflicting?
04:33.42Kaeltenold version with new
04:33.50End8.3 with 8.4 or something?
04:34.05KaeltenI need 8.4.5-7 and it has 8.3. somthing
04:34.29Endeck. that bad news is, there are some decently signficant changes from 8.3 to 8.4 :-/  ..hopefully you can just deinstall 8.3 because hopefully nothing important depends on it...
04:34.53EndI've never written any tcl, but I've used programs that worked fine with 8.3, but had troubles with 8.4
04:35.52End(unfortunately, I have no idea how to make rpm tell you what depends on an rpm)
04:37.39Esamynnanyone here done any testing on the new status return from GetGuildRosterInfo?
04:39.15Kaeltenoh it told me and errored out alot when I tried.
04:39.41Endwell, I dunno then
04:42.05Esamynnanyone mind checking some XML for me?
04:42.29EsamynnI'm having a problem with the game not respecting the x and y values for one of my anchors
04:42.32KolthPastbin away!
04:42.52Esamynn  the game is not respecting the x and y values I put in the highlighted line
04:44.00EsamynnI had to resort to a SetPoint call in the parents <OnLoad> script (the frame is a template btw)
04:45.54Esamynnsorry, for clarity, the parent of the frames I pasted is a virtual template
04:47.25KolthI'm not super-sure.
04:49.58EsamynnEnd: that crash bug from earlier, is that call supposed to be valid or do you recall the fix being to generate an error?
04:50.52EsamynnKolth: does that mean you have a guess?
04:51.30KolthI've not spent much time with XML
04:51.52Esamynnoh well, the onload loop might be better anyways, as there is a series of 10 frames like that which should all get the same spacing, doing it in a loop means I can change the spacing in one place
04:53.00TainWhat exactly are you trying to set with that line, Esamynn?  The AbsDimension of what?
04:53.49*** part/#wowi-lounge Tem|Dinner (
04:53.53Esamynnit is supposed to anchor Character2 to the bottom of character 1, but if I use non-zero values for x and y, the frame is still positioned as if I had used zero for x and y
04:54.56EsamynnI've been getting similar problems of anchors ignoring their <AbsDimension x="0" y="0"/> in a number of places while i've been writing this Addon
04:55.12TainOh.  enclosing those in <Offset> </Offset>
04:55.17TainTry enclosing I mean
04:55.43Esamynnof course
04:55.47Esamynn~lart Esamynn
04:57.17Esamynnhmm, I may stick with the onload loop anyways, makes it easier to adjust the spacing for them all at once
04:58.12Tainhehe yeah that is true
04:59.22Esamynnsigh, thanks for catching that, i've been swearing at that for a while
04:59.50TainI only saw it because I've spent so much time swearing at xml lately myself.
05:00.40TainI'm never creating any kind of anything using it again.
05:01.22TainI'll either use AceGUI which lets you define just the frame name and type basically in XML, and then set everything else in Lua, or just wait for the dynamic frames in 1.10
05:03.35EsamynnI don't like the idea of libraries for WoW Addons myself, besides, whats wrong with XML?
05:03.38End"You should probably just say instead that creating circular layout dependencies will generate a Lua error instead of crashing. :)"
05:03.51Endaccording to slouken...I think that describes it
05:04.12Esamynnits not circular, I want the frame to auto-size around its children
05:04.42Endwell, because you are attaching your frame to its children makes it circular I think
05:05.28EndI dunno
05:05.29Esamynneeeeeh, I get what you mean, but I don't think you actually said what you mean
05:08.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (n=Guilloti@
05:08.39TainI wouldn't be coding addons today without Ace.
05:09.16EsamynnI perfer my AddOns be standalone
05:09.18TainWhat's wrong with XML?  I think I'd get flood disconnected if I tried listing everything I dislike about it.
05:09.33Esamynnwell just name a few then
05:10.11Esamynncorrection, standalone meaning no library dependencies beyond the one I can count on (ie, the build in one)
05:10.15TainVisualizing a layout is a supreme pian in the ass.
05:10.29Esamynnsame could be said for doing the layout in lua
05:11.03TainYes, the difference is the way you can see the settings.
05:11.45TainScrolling through a large XML file to find something you're looking for is more difficult because of the common tags everywhere.
05:12.15EsamynnI can't think of a better way of storing such layouts in a text file
05:12.31TainThen you have to figure out if you're in the right section, under the right subheading, putting your tags in the right place.
05:13.17Esamynnyou dislike the consistant structure?
05:14.51TainNo, I dislike the structure itself.  The fact that it's consistent (for some definitions of consistent) isn't one of my issues.
05:15.31Esamynnahh ok, so you don't like the way it is structured
05:15.53TainJust as a quick example to me this makes more sense. (Small snippet)
05:16.17TainIt treats frames more like the rest of Lua's objects.
05:17.27Esamynnahh ok
05:17.51TainI know people seem to like the XML format of frames.  I don't, that's all.  I'll be glad when I never have to touch it again.
05:18.54TainThe elements and settings are all the same, just differnet formats.  I guess it really just comes down to me being able to read it as a Lua object easier.
05:19.48*** join/#wowi-lounge slouken (
05:20.26TainHey ya slouken, happy Tues.. err.. Wednesday to you.
05:20.31purlWednesday sucks, because it is only half way through the week.
05:20.31Cairennhey Slouken
05:21.01sloukenTain, you sure you're not Tem in disguise? :)
05:21.21CairennTain, still Tuesday where he his
05:21.48TainI am going to be taking odds on how long it takes for a Tem, "I crashed dynamic frames.." post after 1.10 is out there.
05:22.06sloukenabout an hour, not doubt
05:22.13Cairennif that long
05:23.29Cairennand that's an hour after it hitting Test server, that is
05:24.24Esamynnhey slouken :)
05:25.10Esamynnhave a good holiday?
05:27.49KolthEvening, Mr. Slouken.
05:31.11Ktronpurl, slouken song!
05:31.12purl[slouken song] Hey hey its slouken, which might rhyme with 'who can', or it could be that slouken, rhymes with 'just jokin'! I guess that we will never no, exactly how to prounce the 'slou', or how to pronouce the 'ken'.
05:32.06Esamynnslouken seems to have fallen asleep or something, or did I scare him off? ;)
05:35.41Esamynn~emulate slouken
05:35.42purlACTION picks up a bug swatter ... *splat* ... *splat* ... Ewww, that was a big one...
05:36.35slouken(just helping my baby go to sleep)
05:37.01Kaeltenyou know I've never had this much problems getting a program to run
05:39.44Kaeltencan anyone tell me how to get around this error "-bash: ../dist/configure: Permission denied"
05:39.59sloukensh ../dist/configure
05:40.24Kaeltenoh hey slouken
05:40.45Kaeltenoh on another note anyone know how for me to tell BerkeleyDB4 not to use Posix locking?
05:41.33Cairennhey MentalPower|ZZzz, did you ever get hold of Tim/get your question answered?
05:43.35Esamynnslouken: I know I'm not supposed to ask you work questions, but would you be willing to answer a quick yes/no question? (I promise not to bug you here again until next year...) ;)
05:46.26KolthEsamynn: THe answer is yesno.
05:46.58Esamynn~cheeseslap Kolth
05:47.00purlACTION slaps Kolth around with a slice of rocquefort
05:48.07TainKaelten: just found this
05:48.08Tain> 1) Download the DB4 source RPM. Edit the spec. file and remove the --enable-threads piece and rebuild the RPM.
05:49.12Kaeltenhmm.  well I've got the actuall source code up there compiling atm, if this build fails to fix it I'll see if I can make that change anywhere and then try it.
05:51.08TainI'm not sure where that file is, or what it's called exactly.  Hopefully in the source somewhere.
05:51.22CairennKaelten: it just hates you
05:52.00EsamynnGuild Officer notes hate me.... ;)
05:53.07EsamynnI'm in a now you see them now you don't sort of situation with the officer notes in my guild, its really quite annoying (its not just me either)
05:59.22Kaeltenya I can't find that fine either.
06:00.08pagefaultme either
06:00.10pagefaultI am looking at the source
06:00.15pagefaultI can only find --enable-pthreads
06:01.57pagefaultno clue
06:02.02Kaeltenwhat file is that in?
06:03.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine_ (n=Guilloti@
06:07.43Esamynnevening Guillotine
06:07.57Esamynnlol, I scared him off
06:08.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine_ (n=Guilloti@
06:08.51Esamynnevening Guillotine
06:11.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine__ (n=Guilloti@
06:16.11Guillotine__replicating guillotines...
06:16.40Esamynnhaving problems Guill?
06:17.23Esamynnyes, I noticed you seem to be cloning yourself
06:17.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine__ (n=Guilloti@
06:17.56Esamynnproblems Guil?
06:20.21Kaeltenon a file does -- denote a command or a comment?
06:20.51Kaeltenok I read in a post that this line is the issue
06:21.01Kaeltenso if I change it to --disable-posixmutexes
06:21.03Kaeltenit should work
06:21.11Esamynnnice theory
06:21.24Esamynn*evil laugh*
06:21.49Kaeltenabout to test it
06:31.13AnduinLotharwhee queue
06:33.21Cairennwhich server?
06:35.00AnduinLotharonly liek 30
06:35.10Cairennbah, that's not a queue :p
06:35.27AnduinLotharfor a tuesday at 10:30pm...
06:35.47AnduinLothartho it is KJ, the oldest server, all 60's
06:35.58*** join/#wowi-lounge futrtrubl (
06:42.55Esamynnnight all
06:43.02Cairennnight Esamynn
07:05.22AnduinLotharhmm, $15 at itunes isn't ever enough..
07:06.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (
07:06.23AnduinLothari'm so bad at deciding what music to actually pay $ for..
07:07.08pagefaultbleh I don't give money to those thieves
07:07.15Tempeople still pay money for music?
07:07.17AnduinLothargift certificate
07:07.48AnduinLotharand yes, people still pay $ for music
07:08.17DepheriosI get soundtracks for free with some DVDs and Games.... does that count?
07:08.29AnduinLotharI've stolen enough music in my lifetime, i like to buy it legally occationally just to apease my over developed conscience
07:08.49Depherios(as I download corpse bride)
07:09.02Depheriosof course, I'm going to buy it when it comes out, but the buggers keep pushing it back
07:09.18AnduinLotharthat and being a musician and artist myself, i wish people would give me $
07:10.00AnduinLothari figure i'm helping to stimulate the economy by spending $
07:10.37AnduinLothari think i'll buy some electronica
07:10.56AnduinLotharthat way i can zone out and bask in my lack of motivation
07:11.50AnduinLotharsomething in a minor key with a female vocalist
07:12.46AnduinLotharwonder if i can find any electronica mixed with classical instrumentation
07:14.32AnduinLotharhmm, a 'chilled' norah jones remix
07:14.38AnduinLotharof Angels
07:32.56pagefaultgood idea
07:33.00pagefaultI am streaming corpse bride now
07:41.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine_ (n=Guilloti@
07:43.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine__ (n=Guilloti@
07:43.57AnduinLotharya, so i'm lookign at BT stereo headphones. doesn't seem to be much in the way of options
07:44.26AnduinLotharbest i've come up with is the BT450Rx
07:45.21AnduinLotharwhich are pretty awsome cause they'rs only like $90 and have a mic and multi-pairing so you can take a call and resume music from a diffeent source after
07:46.03AnduinLotharhowever, I'm not seeing mac softawre compatibility, which Is what i'd really like. So I can use it on vent and skype and itunes
07:46.25pagefaultwow the animation is amazing
07:46.53AnduinLothartho their BT450TX is pretty sexy too, bluetooth control of your ipod from the BT450Rx headphones
07:54.06Guillotine__gn guys
07:54.25Guillotine__you guys like my new leave message? hehe
07:54.37*** part/#wowi-lounge Guillotine__ (n=Guilloti@
07:59.54KtronJames Bond is ridiculous
08:01.27Cairennyeah, but he always gets the girl in the end
08:01.45AnduinLotharcant keep um tho
08:01.53KtronI wish bond moves worked
08:02.08Cairennnaw, he does tend to get them killed off, doesn't he?
08:02.34KtronCairenn: only the ones he marries, or the bad guy ones
08:03.27Ktronif you're a bad guy bond chick, you've got two nights to make it count and then you are probably good as dead
08:34.23*** join/#wowi-lounge kremonte (
08:44.27*** join/#wowi-lounge id` (
08:47.01Cairennnight all
08:49.32KolthNight, Cair!
08:49.39kremontenight cair =P
08:49.43AnduinLotharsweet dreams
08:51.09Ktronoff to sleep for me
08:52.12kremontewhy was cosmos' /in removed?
08:52.24AnduinLotharit's part of Chronos
08:52.30kremonteoh, it's still there?
08:52.38kremonteah, i heard otherwise. thanks
08:59.26id`listen, even
09:03.27kremontecomments on sites mean something? i read mac sites more than pc magazine/msn crud =/
09:04.04AnduinLotharit's just a fun exersize with Style. nothing conclusive
09:04.33kremontesilly article tho
09:05.00AnduinLothari would say mac users care more and don't flame as much, thus more intellegent discussion
09:05.25kremontewell, i would say as well that i doubt the majority of peoples' first computer are mac, as opposed to windows
09:05.43kremonteie, more 10 year olds would use windows over mac because of more exposure to it
09:06.09AnduinLotharthat's not saying much considering the distrobution
09:06.40AnduinLotharbut, yes. You mean the average age of the pc user is younger
09:07.14AnduinLotharwhich is debatable
09:07.47AnduinLotharmy first computer was a mac, but that was before windows existed...
09:09.10kremonteregardless, taking it from forum comments and whatnot is also a debatable method =^)
09:09.53AnduinLotharright, well any other method would require funding and sampling, which no one will get considering the uselessness of the context
09:10.24kremontelol, yup
09:11.15kremonteunless you get the age of each post of the user from their profile (also debatable because people can put in fake ages), and record their OS along with each post..which is a bit of overkill imho
09:11.58kremontewhy are we talking about this again? heh.
09:12.44AnduinLotharcause i linked it after attempting to google for reviews of the BT450Rx and whether it works with macs
09:12.56kremontegoogle ftw
09:13.09AnduinLotharftl in this case, tho it was entertaining
09:13.30kremonteftw as in, google loves to spit out entertaining topics of discussion
09:14.02AnduinLotharchatbar's fighting me
09:15.22*** join/#wowi-lounge dukeku_ (
09:17.09kremontewhat's that quote, the laziest of people go through great lengths to make things to make doing something easier?
09:17.22dukekuhaha :P
09:17.33kremontei went to search WoWI for chatbar, and i realized how lazy i am, so i'm making a firefox search plugin for WoWi
09:17.47AnduinLotharisn't there one already?
09:17.51kremontei dunno
09:17.57kremontei'm too lazy to search for it
09:18.11dukekujust make a quicksearch
09:18.18kremontetoo lazy
09:18.24dukekueasier than a search plugin
09:18.37kremonteim used to using the little thing
09:18.39kremontefrom thottbot
09:19.09AnduinLotharnope no wowi that i see. one for the following wow sites:
09:19.10AnduinLothar- WoW.Allakhazam
09:19.30dukekuthe wowi search is wierd
09:19.36dukekuweird, even
09:19.46kremontehow so?
09:20.12AnduinLotharand a wowwiki one:
09:20.18*** join/#wowi-lounge krka (
09:22.30kremonteyup, boo blizzard
09:23.07kremonteoh, wait
09:23.10kremontei didn't read your post
09:23.10kremonteboo you
09:23.44dukekui played wow to explore, but when the devs say somethings off limits i respect that
09:23.58kremontethey said they remove it because people exploit it..
09:24.02kremonteokay, remove it from BGs
09:24.08dukekusux tho because i've seen everything but AQ now :|
09:24.22kremonteand have the same policy on that as mages slow fallking onto roofes and attacking from them
09:24.57krkadamn it my server is down
09:25.05krkai wanted to try my addon :(
09:25.08kremonteit's a bloody game, as you say id`, but exploring is fun for some people =/
09:25.19AnduinLothargetting to bwl is looking like an impossibility before the expansion
09:25.29AnduinLotharfor me anyway
09:25.31kremonteAnduinLothar - uninstanced bwl?
09:25.51AnduinLotharblack wing lair
09:25.53kremontegetting to bwl is looking like an impossibility before the expansion
09:25.55kremontei know
09:26.00kremontewhat do you mean about it =x
09:26.05AnduinLotharwhat do u mean uninstanced
09:26.22kremonteyou can climb from searing gorge into uninstanced BWL
09:26.42AnduinLotharwasn't talking about wall walking at all
09:26.49kremonteah, otay. misunderstood
09:27.14dukekui used to be a pretty hard core raider, i don't really care anymore though
09:27.21kremontedukeku - same, sort of
09:27.29kremontemy guilds almost up to nef..i only log on now to raid tho
09:27.42AnduinLotharall the established guilds on my server seem to have requirements to join which i dont fulfill
09:28.03dukekulike what?
09:28.37AnduinLotharepic count, bwl key, 20hrs/week
09:28.53KolthThey list epic mount? hah
09:28.54kremonte20hrs/week...what the hell?
09:28.58krkano, epic count
09:29.00kremonteepic count, Kolth
09:29.03krkalike... 100000?
09:29.07KolthStop all correcting me!
09:29.10dukekui joined my guild when UBRS was hardcore
09:29.15kremontelol dukeku
09:29.20kremonteDRAK DOWN
09:29.23kremonteDRAKK DOWN! WOOOT
09:29.26dukekuwe got the first kills in everything in MC on the server
09:29.34krkathere is no hardcore in wow, but i wish there was!
09:29.39dukekufell behind in BWL, but we have phase 2 on nef
09:29.41dukekualthough i don't raid anymore
09:29.42kremontekrka - heh?
09:29.45dukekubecause it's boring as hel
09:29.46dukekuhell, even
09:29.49AnduinLotharright, i've been playing since day one, but i've only ever downed 2 mc bosses and ony 2ce
09:29.51krkadiablo style hardcore
09:30.01dukekuwhat server?
09:30.17AnduinLotharand only epic is mount and hide of the wild
09:30.23dukekuclass? :p
09:30.29AnduinLotharpally, kil'jaeden
09:30.33dukekuahhh paladins
09:30.41dukekube glad you're not raiding
09:31.05AnduinLotharmost established server. 95% are 60 or have 60 mains
09:31.07dukekuheh, i tried hard to get a hide of the wild until i saw a green cloak on the AH with more int/sta for 2g buyout
09:31.43dukekui was dumb enough to take blizzard's suggestion on day 1 for a server
09:31.56dukekuso i've been on a tiny low pop (maybe medium on really peak days) server
09:32.08AnduinLothar1 in 10 60's has epic pvp loot
09:32.17dukekujeez :p
09:32.26dukekumy guild fell behind because of the honor system
09:32.39dukekuoh hey i might get field marshal next week who needs to raid!
09:33.05AnduinLothari royally suck pvp
09:33.13dukekuyou're a paladin, what can you expect
09:33.48AnduinLothari don't. i prefer pve
09:34.13dukekui can't do more than 1 or 2 ab games a week before it's just boring as all hell
09:34.21AnduinLotharbut because of the pvp on the pvp server causual pve endgame is near impossible
09:34.22dukekubut man i love alts :p
09:34.38dukekuof course there's always people who will say "go to pve"
09:34.44dukekulike there aren't battlegrounds on pve servers @_@
09:35.13AnduinLothari cant get another alt past 20... get bored, wish i could staart at 40
09:35.29dukekufunny, i have trouble getting them past 40
09:35.32dukekuthe leveling gets slow
09:35.57AnduinLothar5man instances
09:36.11*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower|ZZzz (
09:36.15AnduinLothari want more 5 man instances that i can do casually
09:36.32dukekuthe problem with being on a low pop server...everyone is 60, barely any lowbies
09:39.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Goutetsu (
09:51.19AnduinLotharaha! the 16th button had a typo so it didn't have a text element
10:50.07AnduinLotharoh, no tgetn it's just getn global == table.getn
11:15.47AnduinLotharwow, 2nd level dropdowns is easier than i thought
11:40.15AnduinLotharis there an easier way to do this? gsub(var, "%s+.*", "")
11:40.37AnduinLotharto grab the first word from both "hi" and "hi - mom"
11:41.43AnduinLotharand also "h๎ - mom"
11:43.37id`anime radio \o/
11:44.51id`hmm nice song
11:46.00id`AnduinLothar: can't you put the word part inside an atom () and use that atom?
11:46.04id`dont know how it works in lua
11:46.17id`so you dont have to delete everything other then what you need
11:46.25id`a bit lighter i think
11:53.17AnduinLotharyes, you can, but i don't know how to get just a word, including special characters but not including spaces
11:53.44AnduinLotharactually... "[^%s]*.*" might work
11:54.14AnduinLotharer gsub(var, "([^%s])*.*", "%1")
11:54.29AnduinLotharbut that prolyl takes just as long
11:54.36id`i'd ask in #lua too
11:55.41AnduinLothargsub("h??i - ", "([^%s]*).*", "%1") works
12:54.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
12:56.00AnduinLotharmorning ir
12:56.31AnduinLothargot any ide which of these is faster: gsub(var, "%s+.*", "") or gsub(var, "([^%s]*).*", "%1")
12:57.56IrielI'd imagine the first one is.
12:58.09AnduinLotharthat was my thought
12:58.35IrielYou should do %s.* tho
12:58.39AnduinLothartho it's kinda unconventional since the count will be misleading
12:58.54AnduinLotharum no
12:59.02AnduinLotharthat would match the last string
12:59.17Iriel"%s+.*" - One or more spaces followed by everything else
12:59.24Iriel"%s.*" - One space, followed by everything else
12:59.39IrielThey will both match the same thing
12:59.48AnduinLotharunfortunetly, no
13:00.26AnduinLotharhi, 1 = gsub("hi - mom", "%s+.*", "")
13:00.43AnduinLothar"hi -", 1 = gsub("hi - mom", "%s.*", "")
13:00.53AnduinLotharmm2nd one might be 2
13:00.58IrielYou're wrong
13:01.17IrielRegexps match as early, and as much, as possible.
13:01.52Iriel> return string.gsub("hi - mom", "%s.*", "")
13:01.55Irielhi      1
13:01.58Iriel> return string.gsub("hi - mom", "%s+.*", "")
13:02.00Irielhi      1
13:02.05AnduinLotharright. i see it in lua. I'm nto seeing it in wow
13:02.15AnduinLotharill try again
13:02.19IrielThen you did something else different 8-)
13:02.36kremontehm Iriel, awhile back you posted a snippet with LTK hoohaa that i didnt get a bit, to toggle through tracking
13:02.40kremontehappen to remember it? =x
13:03.06AnduinLotharthere's a binding for that in TrackerToggle
13:03.29kremontehuh? not for use i mean, i wanted to examine it a bit tbh
13:03.31Irielkremonte : Hm, I dont, no.
13:03.45kremontebut it has that concept in trackertoggle?
13:03.50AnduinLotharwell, the codes on curse
13:06.45AnduinLotharuses GetTrackingTexture with a table of usable tracking types
13:07.09kremontewas more or less interested in you hit it once you get A
13:07.14kremontehit it again, B, then C, then D, then A
13:07.27AnduinLotharok iriel, you are right. i musta tried something else
13:07.40AnduinLotharyes krem, that's what it does
13:08.53IrielHm, was the snippet of mine you remember something like X=math.mod(X or 0, 10)+1
13:09.12IrielI do remember a discussion of the mod operator resulting from code like that
13:09.38AnduinLotharthat works for any numericly indexed table
13:09.47kremonteIriel - yes
13:10.28AnduinLotharproblem is jsut tracking X if you change the tracking method with another method
13:10.54IrielThe scan and advance approach is best for something like tracking
13:10.57Irielbut doesn't fit in a macro
13:11.03AnduinLothartracker toggle doesn't bother to keep track of what's active. it just surfs your buffs for the texture
13:17.48*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
13:22.45AnduinLotharnew ChatBar:
13:23.49AnduinLotharand with that it's coma time
13:31.15kremonteTry not to die. New amp'd mobile is coming out
13:56.43*** join/#wowi-lounge id`_ (
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16:38.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Ratbert_CP (n=KCummins@
16:39.33purlMornings MUST be destroyed! (see also
16:43.07MoonWolfmorning. afternoon actually.
16:43.18Elkanodepends... ^^
16:44.00purlwell, ugt is Universial Greeting Time. Created in #mipslinux, it is a rule that states that whenever somebody enters an IRC channel it is always morning, and it is always late when the person leaves. The local time of any other people in the channel, including the greeter, is irrelevant.
16:46.47MoonWolfcant beat that.
16:54.24Elkanothat could be discriminating to people who try to establish a night/day rithem (in contrast to a day/night rithem) ;)
16:55.45TainI try, but it doesn't work the way I want.
16:57.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (
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17:12.00id`Tain: life cheats :P
17:14.02IrielFor anyone who cares, or bookmarks such things
17:14.10Cidethanks Iriel
17:14.54IrielThough I guess at this point it's little more than a summary of the first posts of the 2 blue threads on the first page of the forum, but i'm sure in a week's time it'll be more useful!
17:15.02Cidehaha, yep
17:15.30Elkanooh, first time I don't miss Iriel, so I've got to use this chance: Big thanks for everything you've done for us so far! /hug
17:16.41IrielThanks 8-) I was in another country for a couple of weeks and hard to catch.
17:17.18TainWe do not tolerate such petty excuses!
17:17.28Tainerrr... I mean thank you very much for your hard work and dedication, Iriel.
17:18.02IrielI will note I endured dialup and windows Internet Connection Sharing to check in a few times!
17:18.05TainDid you have a nice holiday?
17:18.39Irielyes, except for getting a cold
17:18.43Elkanowell, I had to endure that until a few months ago ^^
17:19.03Elkanohope you're fine again (or at least getting better)
17:19.49Irielrecovering quickly from that, and jetlag
17:21.23Elkanowhere have you been?
17:21.36IrielEngland (and wales, briefly)
17:23.10Elkanohope you enjoyed Europe :)
17:23.35Elkano(or at least that small unrepresentating island called England ;) )
17:24.15IrielWell, I was born and grew up there, so for me it was more of a 'see the family' thing, my fiancee on the other hand had never been, so much more of an experience there.
17:32.25Lebannenhmmmm... is there a way to detect the loss of a stance or shapeshift?  I can pick up gaining it easily enough, but CHAT_MSG_SPELL_AURA_GONE_SELF only seems to pick up the aura loss randomly, and not half the time or more...
17:32.44IrielUm, does UNIT_AURA work?
17:33.21IrielIt should fire reliably, though it doesn't tell you WHAT changed
17:35.46TainI believe so.
17:36.15Elkanobtw: Iriel, did slouken ever say sth about adding item links to private channels? (I need a way to transmit links from one client to unspecified others using an addon and I want to have them checked in order to prevent abuse)
17:36.26TainIt seems like the only way is to scan your current buffs when UNIT_AURA fires.  Which is a little un-elegant.
17:36.47IrielTain: yeah, you can at least check for arg1 == "player"
17:36.51KtronLebannen: you could look at flexbar code, I know flexbar has a reliable method of detecting aura chances
17:37.22IrielElkano: No, the restriction appears to be quite deliberate
17:37.48Lebannenmm, yes, UNIT_AURA does catch every buff change, following which I guess I can check for previous stances... ick, was hoping there was one just for auras/stances, not for all buffs :)
17:37.48IrielElkano : I did write up an amusing little protocol for doing it once, if you're interested
17:38.41Elkanowould be nice :) (I only need to make sure that I can link a recived itemid without being disconnected)
17:38.44IrielElkano : Basically -- Sender encodes link, recipient decodes link and tests with GetItemInfo, if item not in recipient's cache, recipient's addon sends message to sender (via tell) asking for link, sender sends link to recipient via tell.
17:39.00IrielElkano : The tell parts are done behind the scenes by the addon(s)
17:39.28IrielIn theory "most of the time" the item is in the recipient's cache anyway
17:39.50Elkanohmm... but I would have to cache the tells in order to prevent disconnects if a 'rare' item is posted, don't I?
17:40.07IrielIf you mean to prevent throttling disconnects, I'd imagine so
17:40.21Irielthough that depends how many people you're posting to at once!
17:40.41IrielIt's probably worth putting throttling in anyway to prevent malicious denial of service.
17:41.11Elkanothe main thing I'm working on is the following:
17:41.46LebannenKtron: looks like Flexbar uses UNIT_AURA as well, then scanning all buffs... with a note next to it saying it doesn't seem to get fired for all forms.  D'oh!
17:42.24IrielI wonder how old that note is
17:42.36IrielElkano : The problem with 'linksafeness' is that someone has to get disconnected if the links is bad 8-)
17:42.49KtronI've never noticed a problem with them... heh, Iriel's probably right, that note could be over a year old even
17:43.01Elkanoso I want to maintain a session list of items safe for linking and I want to have clients cache items other users have seen. The later would be possible with your way, the first wouldn't since I having the item in cache doesn't mean it's linksafe ^^'
17:43.17ElkanoIriel, that's the problem I'm working on ^^
17:43.29IrielWell, if you have a 'safe to send' list in-session
17:43.45Irieland you use the tell protocol I described, you wont disconnect anyone
17:43.49*** join/#wowi-lounge futrtrubl (
17:44.32Irieland you build up the 'safe to send' list, because item links in tells/channels are safe for re-sending
17:45.01IrielJust make sure that if a user recieves a 'please send this link' erquest, that the link being requested is in that user's "safe to send" cache
17:45.18Elkanoyes, the tell protocol will help a lot but in order to help getting a list as large as possible I'll have to ask for every item not seen this session, yet. Will result in a lot of tells, but should work.
17:45.48Elkanohandshakes, I'm coming... ;)
17:46.01LebannenWell, just ran a few tests... CHAT_MSG_SPELL_AURA_GONE_SELF fired 7/10 times, UNIT_AURA fired several times each time :)  So I'll use that  :)  Thanks all!
17:46.07IrielYeah, you can't make a comprehensive list without a LOT of communication.
17:46.59Elkanowil a client be dc if he recives a large number of whispers at the same time?
17:47.09IrielI dont believe so
17:47.28IrielAFAIK the disconnect is based on data going from client to server, not the other way around
17:47.29KtronHeh, I want to make or modify a link db that stores items more compactly... like, store the different sets of endings, and just store what type of endings a particular item can get, so in the db it'd say like 'Green Lens of ...' or such... Maybe do a tree view, and maybe make the tree view work for 'sets' of items too-- like, all the actual sets grouped together, and things like all the green leather armor or scorpid leather armor
17:48.13Irielktron the challenge there is comiung up with a compact representation of the viable endings, though a string of ordered endings might work out okay
17:48.21Irieltables are pretty 'large', unfortunately
17:48.47KtronBut to store one index to a set of endings has to be smaller
17:49.06Ktronstoring item sets would definitely take more
17:49.50Irielwell, strings are intened, so if you used a string lua would do that for you
17:49.54IrielinteRned, even
17:50.16Elkanohow about only storing the parts of the id and using getiteminfo to obtain the names? (as long as the cache isn't pruned this should work since afaik the prefixes are all stored in the client anyway)
17:51.32Ktron...only parts of the id?
17:52.25KtronAlso, here's another question/thought-- is there a way to see an enchant on a weapon without enchanting it?
17:53.09IrielThe problem is that you can create item links that never really showup in reality
17:53.30KtronIriel: oh, I know
17:53.34Irieldue to that very problem (The base item ID's and 'specializations' are combined on the fly)
17:54.12Elkanowell, the id is sth like item:a:b:c:d, where a is the base item, b is an enchantment/armour patch, c is the suffix (sorry for prefix abouve) and d is sth like a unique id
17:55.18KtronColor is in there somewhere, I think the only 'unique' id is a
17:55.34Elkano(I wonder if we will ever reveal the magic behind 'd' ;) )
17:55.59Ktronanyway, I need to go, almost forgot my appointment heh... Elk, I think there's no magic behind anything except for the item id
17:56.11IrielI suspect it's an internally generated key and thus not magic at all
17:56.11Irieljust inherently undecypherable without access to the server's database
17:56.35ElkanoIriel, that's what I mean ^^
17:56.47KtronGuillotine and kremonte are the people to ask about item links... anyway, since the attributes are separate, seems like storing them separately would make sense
17:57.52Ktronand Iriel, I've forged links of weapons with weapon buffs on them, but trying them on heh disconnected me... I wonder if there's a way to get them to show up in the dressing room, it'd be very slick to be able to see your weapons with enchants on them beforehand
17:57.58Ktronanyway, got to run
18:00.13*** join/#wowi-lounge ToastTheif (
18:00.46TainAny of those fake links should be non-functional in one of the upcoming patches anyway.
18:01.35TainI think in 1.9, but I don't remember if that's what was said for sure.
18:01.50IrielHm, i'm not sure anything official was said, was it?
18:03.07TainNo, not officially.  But the information was passed on, and it was passed back that it would be fixed.
18:04.04Irielah, good to know.
18:04.15IrielOk.. out for a while, back later!
18:05.54Elkanoas long as tooltips and dressing room keep working on local cache im 100% fine with it ^^
18:06.35TainI hope so.
18:06.52TainAnd if not blame the people who spoofed links all over the place. :)
18:06.58Elkanowell, if not it would turn my addon to dust :(
18:07.33Elkanoluckily I don't know anything about that spoofing ^^
18:10.56TainOh whew glad I looked.  I almost went to wowguru
18:12.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Codayus_ (
18:20.07MoonWolfToastTheif, TWINK
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18:36.32Ktron|afkSCORE! found my wc3tft case and cdkey, so I can install it again ;)
18:37.57Elkanohf :)
18:38.07Ktron|afkheh, twidge is just a little tweaked ;)
18:38.28ToastTheifwhats wrong with wowguru?
18:38.34ToastTheifand my twink =P
18:39.22id`havent seen you in a while, have i?
18:39.42id`how are you?
18:39.46ToastTheifgood, you?
18:39.57id`yea im ok, been sick all christmas but im slowly getting better
18:40.08ToastTheifwell that's not fun
18:40.24ToastTheifI've been busy with =P
18:40.32id`hah that _is_ fun
18:40.45id`but.. dont you gwet Xp from BG's ?
18:41.26ToastTheifonly if u turn in the thingues
18:41.33ForgottenLordsthats one hell of a twinked charachter
18:41.44id`ah cool then
18:41.49Ktron|afkI like the +7 weapon dmg the most ;)
18:41.49ToastTheifeh, he's got some work to go
18:41.59ToastTheifIm trying to get a Firery enchant on it
18:49.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Ktron (
18:49.48Ktronbah, the disc must be scratched :(
19:11.33ToastTheifgod I love this
19:11.46ToastTheifI can run iTunes, MSN, Aim, WoW ALL AT ONCE!
19:11.55KolthThat's a feat!
19:13.01TainThat reminds me, I need to install Exceed on my laptop.  I'll do it now!
19:14.04ToastTheifcould I change...
19:14.07ToastTheifstring.format('%s %s',date('%H:%M'),arg[1])
19:14.23ToastTheifstring.format('%s %s',[date('%H:%M')],arg[1])
19:14.34ToastTheifand would that have []'s around it?
19:15.16TainNo, you'd do:
19:15.18Tainstring.format('[%s] %s',date('%H:%M'),arg[1])
19:15.24TainIf you wanted the brackets to show up around the date
19:15.36ToastTheifwhat about the other %s?
19:15.37KolthDo you have to escape brackets?
19:15.42Kolth\[%s\] ?
19:15.46TainI was just trying to remember that, Kolth.
19:15.49TainIt's possible!
19:15.57KolthYou have to escape parenthesis.
19:16.13KolthAnd pattern syntax uses brackets for sub-classes
19:16.21ToastTheifI shall try string.format('[%s] %s',date('%H:%M'),arg[1])
19:16.32TainThe second %s will show whatever arg[1] is.
19:16.56TainYeah I'd escape the brackets anyway.  \[%s\]
19:20.04ToastTheifok it worked
19:20.17ToastTheifbah, damn Industrial and his arrow chat box thingy
19:20.43ToastTheifwhats the reload script?
19:21.04ToastTheif./script ReloadUI();?
19:22.00ToastTheif./script ReloadUI(); works
19:22.50ToastTheifFlightPath.lua:1425: attempt to call global `KeyBindingFrame_GetLocalizedName' (a nil value)
19:23.06ToastTheifmmm, I need to download EditPlus on this computer
19:23.21ToastTheifno line counts in Notepad :(
19:25.45KolthYou can use something simple like SciTE
19:26.23ToastTheifI like EditPlus
19:26.43KolthI was assuming you aren't on your home computer.
19:27.08KolthAnd SciTE can be run from SciTE.exe, anywhere, with no other files.
19:32.25ToastTheifIm on my home computer
19:32.36ToastTheifit's new tho
19:34.18ToastTheifoh hey
19:34.27ToastTheifhow do I change the time stamps from 24 to 12?
19:34.42Kolthread the date syntax?
19:35.14ToastTheifI guess
19:35.56MoonWolfKtron, what disc ?
19:37.15id`ToastTheif: why would you want that
19:37.32ToastTheifbecause I don't like millitary time
19:38.19id`but if you add AM/PM you have 3 more characters
19:38.45ToastTheifjust I know if it's night or day
19:38.56ToastTheifbecause I know*
19:39.02id`then i dont understand
19:39.23ToastTheif16 o clock doesn't make sense to me
19:39.29id`it doesnt?
19:39.33ToastTheifI like to see 4 o clokc instead
19:39.44id`well, 16:00 makes sense to me
19:39.51ToastTheifwell it does, but it makes me think
19:39.51id`16 o clock doesnt
19:40.00id`should it?
19:40.05ToastTheif16 - 12... ya it's 4 right?
19:40.25ToastTheifno! I like to think very little amounts of things
19:40.26KtronMoonWolf: from a bit back, wc3tft
19:40.26id`16 is 16, dont care about 4
19:40.46ToastTheiftft <3
19:41.05id`morning Cairenn
19:41.15ToastTheifgrrr why can't WoWWiki just be like "here, this is how you make stuff regular time"
19:41.45id`ToastTheif: cause its not wow, its a lua thing
19:41.50Cairennpretty well, yourself?
19:42.58ToastTheifwell WoWWiki has that too
19:43.03ToastTheifso I found it now heh
19:44.31ToastTheifwell that didn't help
19:45.18ToastTheifmaybe '\[%r\] %s' ?
19:45.34id`its a lua thing
19:45.36id`look it up
19:46.02ToastTheifIm trying
19:46.32ToastTheifI followed the link on the WoWWiki site
19:46.38ToastTheifbut that didn't help
19:46.42ToastTheifso now Im googling =P
19:48.25*** join/#wowi-lounge ForgottenLords (
19:48.58ToastTheifIf format starts with `!ยด, then the date is formatted in Coordinated Universal Time
19:49.10ToastTheifoh I will read that link
19:49.12*** join/#wowi-lounge ForgottenLords (
19:49.15ToastTheifI was close, I was on!
19:50.24ToastTheif%Ihour, using a 12-hour clock (11) [01-12]
19:54.13ToastTheifyay I win
19:56.01ToastTheifoi CG sucks
19:56.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Malivil (
20:19.05TainI've read the whole Internet.
20:19.08TainNow what do I do?
20:19.40TainHey Cairenn :)
20:19.58ForgottenLordsI have a question about keybindings and edit boxes... anyone know why if I use a keybinding to show and give focus to an edit box, it puts the key binding inside the edit box?
20:20.48TainWhat do you mean?  The text of what the keybinding is?  (ALT-R, etc.?)
20:22.32ForgottenLordsyeah, if I put the binding as r
20:22.37ForgottenLordsit puts an r in the edit box
20:25.29ToastTheifyou have to use ALT+key binding
20:27.33pagefaultmysteriously my spam filters on gmail are better after asking when they would be improving them
20:28.47SP|Sorrenso time() is a function in lua?
20:29.00SP|Sorrenwould it be bad if i used a local time as my time variables for wow mods? O.o
20:30.09ForgottenLordsso you suggest use a differant key binding?
20:33.35TainWait a keybinding for an editbox?
20:33.46ToastTheifyou have to use ALT+key binding
20:33.48TainI was thinking you meant a button.
20:33.56ToastTheifso if your key binding is r
20:34.04ToastTheifthen press alt+r
20:38.05id`SP|Sorren: date()
20:38.46TainSure you can use local time as your variables.
20:38.52TainJust don't run them two days in a row at the same time.
20:39.02*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower|PC (
20:39.08id`how would one use time as a variable?
20:39.17id`i mean, .. arr never mind..
20:39.33TainWell use current time as a key at least
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21:31.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (
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21:31.17*** part/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (
21:31.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (
21:31.24*** mode/#WoWI-lounge [+o Cairenn] by ChanServ
21:40.53Endheheh, on thottbot's bliz post thingy, it lists slouken as "Client Feature Santa"
22:14.43*** join/#wowi-lounge Beladona (
22:14.43*** mode/#WoWI-lounge [+o Beladona] by ChanServ
22:18.14Cairennhey Bela :)
22:18.52Beladonaanyone have access to the test server?
22:19.47Cairennwon't come up for me
22:19.59Cairenn(just checked)
22:20.11Beladonayou are patched to the latest test version though right
22:20.17Cairennshould be, yeah
22:20.42Beladonawould you mind terribly running the custom interface kit, and sending me the default files from the test server?
22:21.07Cairenndata only, I'm presuming
22:21.28Beladonaeverything in the interface folder basically
22:21.57Beladonathe stupid test patcher won't run under wine
22:21.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (n=Guilloti@
22:26.17Beladonabetter yet, Cair, you there?
22:33.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Kiliek ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
23:20.42*** join/#wowi-lounge ForgottenLords (
23:22.39*** join/#wowi-lounge futrtrubl (
23:23.36futrtrublanyone have any feature requests for BEB?
23:23.51*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower (
23:24.20purlextra, extra, read all about it, beb is BasicExperienceBar, a highly configurable WoW XP bar addon. Find it at your favorite WoW addon site.
23:26.40Anduin|Comahow is it basic if it's highly configurable?
23:28.45futrtrublit once was basic, but has become highly configurable (bloat)
23:31.46*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower (
23:52.28Anduin|Headachewhee bloat ftw

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.