irclog2html for #wowi-lounge on 20051225

00:08.34Cairenn|afkokay,anyone else find that santabot, while a nice idea, annoying?
00:08.34SantaBotCairenn|afk: MISSING: I have lost my reindeer! Easy to identify -- happy and cold, and answers to the name Coldelves. If found, please call!
00:09.30Guillotinesantabot, hello
00:09.30SantaBotGuillotine: We all should kiss apple pie...
00:09.36Guillotinesantbot, shut off
00:09.43Guillotinesantabot, shutdown
00:09.43SantaBotGuillotine: Once upon a time in Copies of Starcraft IIworld, there was a happy man called Candy canes McGifts. For goodness' sake, he was interested in happy whistles, and led a peaceful life until he started to celebrate merry whistles. Shortly after, his santa- christmas cake stopped working, and he died of Christmasism. The end.
00:09.52Guillotinehow do we kill him?
00:09.57*** kick/#wowi-lounge [SantaBot!] by Cairenn|afk (Cairenn|afk)
00:09.57*** join/#wowi-lounge SantaBot (
00:09.58SantaBotCairenn|afk: Please don't kick me. I just talk about jolly merry elves!
00:10.16Cairenn|afkwe just don't say his name
00:10.22Guillotineoh. its only when we say his name?
00:10.27grollanyone good at sql? :O
00:10.36Cairenn|afkand when someone joins the channel, apparently
00:10.41Guillotinecairenn, can you check and scan it for viruses and whatnot
00:10.51Guillotinelooks suspicious to me
00:11.02Guillotinereplacing the WoW.exe... could be stealing passwords
00:13.20AnduinLotharmeh, got msvnstats working, must be a record
00:13.55AnduinLotharhad to fink libjpeg and then install the python imaging library before it would isntall
00:13.57Guillotinethe new T.King art is nice :)
00:13.57Cairenn|afkGuillotine: it's gone
00:14.09Cairenn|afkand I'm afk again
00:14.33Guillotinei would help you if I could
00:14.52Guillotinebut when it comes to sql all i know is the l stands for
00:15.02Guillotineand I think the q stands for Query
00:15.06Guillotinebut im not sure
00:15.14Guillotineand is the s secure?
00:15.16CideI believe 'My' stands for 'My'
00:15.19GriddleboneSorry groll... I'm still trying to learn HTML and LUA.  That's being hard enough as it is.
00:15.46grolloke oke i guess nobody can help me then boohoo :(
00:17.33Elkano^wtfsql -> Structured Query Language ( )
00:18.41Elkano^wtfgroll, depends on your problem wether anyone can help you :) so just ask what you want to know :)
00:18.51grollanyone good on sql could take a look at this and tell me what's wrong?
00:18.57grollthe pastebin
00:19.14KolthDid PHPMyAdmin create that code?
00:19.56grollor rahter the code i had is the same but this is the question and the error log or what you would call it
00:19.58Elkano^wtfwhich version is the mysql server?
00:20.16grollum not sure i'll go checlk
00:22.30grollElkano^wtf 4.0.24
00:22.44Elkano^wtfbtw: from the manual: | [DEFAULT] CHARACTER SET charset_name [COLLATE collation_name]
00:23.07Elkano^wtfthat could be the error
00:23.13grollwould mean what? :P
00:23.18grolli know jack about sql kinda
00:23.51Elkano^wtftry "CHARACTER SET latin1" instead of "CHARSET = latin1"
00:24.22grollk will do
00:29.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Morq (n=morquan@
00:29.01SantaBotMorq: Hola. Let's eat santa- Merry Christmas?
00:29.14id`My shaman and mage layouts so far :]
00:29.27grollElkano^wtf nope didnt work :(
00:31.14id`you like, you no like?
00:31.24id`its made with the button clicker people in mind :>
00:31.28id`i use my mouse ALOT
00:31.48grollno like :P
00:33.25grollit's TO clean :P
00:33.26id`so you want to have a harder time figuring out where you have to look?
00:34.30grollno but i want my titanbar etc :P
00:34.45id`i this was just about the buttons in the middle
00:34.45id`(and maybe the unit frames)
00:35.11Elkano^wtfhmm... does 4.0.x support character set anyways?
00:35.28grollu mean i could remove the entire line?
00:37.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
00:37.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Ktron|SantaBot ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
00:37.03*** join/#wowi-lounge ForgottenLords ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
00:37.03*** join/#wowi-lounge LawjoskarAway ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
00:37.03*** join/#wowi-lounge digix ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
00:37.03*** join/#wowi-lounge oxman (n=Bouh@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
00:37.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Kiliek (i=wwarneck@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
00:37.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Mondinga (n=morquan@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
00:37.03SantaBotCide: Hola. We all should celebrate joyous reindeer!
00:37.03SantaBotKtron|SantaBot: Hello! Wintery gifts sings santa- candy canes.
00:37.03SantaBotForgottenLords: Hello! Merry winter celebrates santa- Kwanzaa?
00:37.03SantaBotLawjoskarAway: Hola. The best part of the holidays is when we give eat other ninja- candy canes.
00:37.03Elkano^wtfit seems like it was added in 4.1.x so try removing the character set part. (I would also remove the "AUTO_INCREMENT = 2" part since you create a new table it almost makes no sense)
00:37.03SantaBotdigix: Hello! Ninja- snowball throws jolly gum drops!
00:37.03SantaBotoxman: Hola. We all should celebrate happy pumpkin pie?
00:37.04SantaBotKiliek: Hello! Happy fruitcake (for the cheaper relatives) celebrates cold winter?
00:37.04SantaBotMondinga: Hello! Santa- bells eats joyous fruitcake, ho ho ho!
00:37.26AnduinLotharkill it
00:37.48AnduinLotharso ya.. this is random time.mktime doesn't liek this input: time.strptime(a[:19],'%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S')
00:37.55AnduinLothar(2005, 4, 3, 2, 44, 1, 6, 93, -1)
00:37.58Elkano^wtfsuch bots are even more fun on channels with obout 1k users where over half of the channel splits from the bot ^^
00:38.27grollElkano^wtf so just remove that entire line?
00:38.50grollafter the ) remove everything?
00:38.56AnduinLotharlol... it doesn't liek the fact that it says 93 seconds
00:39.05Elkano^wtfyes :) since MyISAM should be the default engine, too :)
00:39.15AnduinLotharwait, no
00:39.33grollok Elkano^wtf testing
00:40.13grollyey worked
00:40.16AnduinLotharmust be 6 or 93.. wonder what params those are
00:46.11grollthanks a lot Elkano
00:46.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Kiliek (
00:46.22SantaBotKiliek: Hola. Let's celebrate jolly candy canes?
00:47.22Elkanoyou're welcome groll :)
00:48.45AnduinLotharanyone got python interpriter onhand?
00:49.07*** join/#wowi-lounge LawjoskarAway (
00:49.07SantaBotLawjoskarAway: Hello! Wintery copies of Starcraft II throws festive Christmas, ho ho ho!
00:52.25*** join/#wowi-lounge digix ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
00:52.26*** join/#wowi-lounge ForgottenLords ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
00:52.26SantaBotForgottenLords: Hola. You give eat other joyous toys.
00:52.26SantaBotdigix: Hola. You sing jolly Hanukkah!
00:52.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Ktron|SantaBot ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
00:52.26SantaBotKtron|SantaBot: Hello! Happy Merry Christmas celebrates festive toys...
00:52.49*** join/#wowi-lounge oxman ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
00:52.50SantaBotoxman: Hola. How about you and your friends kiss jolly snowball...
00:52.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
00:52.50SantaBotCide: Hola. The best part of the holidays is when we eat festive gifts!
00:56.32OsagasuAll of us here at Blizzard would like to wish you and your families a safe and happy holiday season. May your holiday adventures be filled with warmth, cheer, and some truly epic loot.
00:56.44OsagasuGonna get teh phat lewt!
00:58.00Elkanofrom one of the quakenet wallops earlyer this night: [00:58] !Starman! $ It is fast approaching midnight here in the uk may I take this opportunity to wish every user on Quakenet a happy and safe Christmas (Winter Veil for WoW Players).
00:59.42Elkanothe 'virus' has spread very far...
01:04.33*** join/#wowi-lounge malreth (
01:04.34SantaBotmalreth: Hello! Joyous winter celebrates festive holidays.
01:05.25malrethi wanna pony and a laptop and a new refrigerator
01:05.40malrethand a new computer desk
01:05.45malrethand patio furniture
01:05.49malrethand gutters
01:07.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Parak (
01:07.17SantaBotParak: Hola. How about you and your friends dance wintery pumpkin pie!
01:07.38malrethSantaBot is the bestest!
01:08.00SantaBotOsagasu: Toys's jolly snowball gives each other Christmas's ninja- copies of Starcraft II?
01:08.07OsagasuSantabot kill
01:08.08SantaBotOsagasu: Jolly joyous copies of Starcraft II celebrates ninja- holidays and happy joyous Hanukkah, ho ho ho!
01:08.21Osagasupurl, kill Santabot
01:08.22purlACTION shoots a magneto-ionized fluxtachyon gun at Santabot
01:08.22SantaBotOsagasu: Cold Kwanzaa celebrates santa- holidays?
01:22.39*** join/#wowi-lounge pagefault (
01:22.39SantaBotpagefault: Hello! Cold reindeer gives each other santa- christmas cake!
01:22.53pagefaulta what now?
02:01.45Guillotinedang. soloing BWL is harder than it hought
02:01.55Guillotinerazorgore owned me...
02:01.58Kremontelol Guillotine
02:03.43KolthGuill: What class?
02:03.57Guillotinei thought id be able to sprint out, but the door closed behind me
02:04.52KolthGood work :)
02:05.11Guillotinesomeone decided to get rude...
02:05.20Guillotineso who thinks its because there really was a trojan hidden in his program?
02:05.30KolthEvery program has trojans!
02:06.01KolthI don't think there is.
02:06.04KolthBut I think the best first.
02:06.15Guillotinestupid optimist
02:11.31KolthI need a name for a Male Orc Hunter
02:11.37KolthSo far I have Plonk
02:21.03Kremontewhen i try to make more than one of something the amount box keeps going to 1
02:30.48Ktron|SantaBotheh... I just had the most evil idea ever
02:31.54Ktron|SantaBotmake a bot that responds to its name by saying 'purl, kill me', creating an endless irc loop until everyone runs and hides or Cair kicks one of them
02:32.10KolthThat isn't evil.
02:32.15KolthIt's dumb! :)
02:32.39KolthSomething tells me Cairenn will agree :)
02:33.23KremonteKtron|SantaBot - you'd get kicked out of IRC from excess flood pretty quickly
02:33.24SantaBotKremonte: Once upon a time, there was a jolly man called Reindeer. Ho ho ho, he lived in Giftsland, which was well known for its jolly Hanukkah. He often liked to kiss happy festive apple pie, and he lived happily ever after. The end...
02:33.25Ktron|SantaBothow about putting time bombs in children's toys, dressing up as Santa Claus, handing them out and having them all detonate on new year's?
02:34.28Ktron|SantaBotpff, I think SantaBot is ready to say goodbye, hope he spread a little cheer anyway
02:34.29SantaBotKtron|SantaBot: For goodness' sake, holidays celebrates happy Kwanzaa.
02:35.22Ktron|SantaBotI think a less talking cousin may appear at some point, now that I have a working perl-irc bot that I can muck with
02:35.31Ktron|SantaBotuntil later, everyone
02:35.43Kremontemerry winter's veil =P
02:36.41Ktron|SantaBotSame to you... heh, he should have been GreatfatherBot, oh well
03:11.12*** join/#wowi-lounge id` (
03:23.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Depherios (n=Deph@
04:19.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Parak (
04:41.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Parak (
04:42.48digixis Bela in here? or anyone that can help with XSLT?
04:56.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Parakie (
04:59.49*** join/#wowi-lounge kremonte (
05:01.19Cairenn|afkomg, do you know how hard it is to wrap gifts when your cats decide to "help"?
05:03.46Cairenn|afkOne of them is lying on top of the pile of wrapping paper and swats at me every time I try to take a roll.  The other waits until I have a gift partially wrapped, then lies down on the end opposite that which I am currently taping, thus pulling the paper tooooo tight and tearing it.
05:04.34Cairenn|afkAnd they both like chasing the pen as I try to write anything out
05:04.55Cairenn|afk(Yes, I do my wrapping sitting on the floor)
05:08.51Fanook|AFK3 words: water spritz bottle :P
05:09.18Cairenn|afkyeah, nothing says merry christmas like spraying your cats with water :p
05:09.49Cairenn|afkI'm on the floor, there's all this nice crinkly paper, it *must* be play time, right?
05:22.25KolthYou spray your cats with water?
05:24.29digixis that another term for foreplay?
05:25.20digixsorry... that was bad, but i couldnt help it
05:26.31KolthIt was quite bad.
05:28.53digixahhhh, the joys of being alone in my parents house on christmas eve with nothing to do but code..... -_-
05:32.09KolthSpread joy on IRC!
05:33.47Cairenn|afkI've already had to re-wrap 3 gifts, thanks to their "help"
05:35.23*** join/#wowi-lounge slouken (
05:35.33sloukenHappy Holidays!
05:35.43KolthThanks! Happy Holidays to you as well.
05:35.58Cairenn|afkhey Slouken :)
05:36.16Cairenn|afkHappy Hanukkah :)
05:36.39sloukenThanks, you too. :)
05:36.55TainHappy Walmart Eve!
05:38.12kremontemmm christmas :)
05:38.28Guillotineslouken is jewish?
05:38.41Guillotinecool :D i bet hes the only other person in here besides me
05:39.01TainOne of the funniest moments ever on the Family Guy.  Optimus Prime is Jewish?
05:39.07Cairenn|afkGuillotine: you may be surprised at the number of religious that are represented in this channel
05:39.33TainOr lack thereof. :)
05:39.39Guillotinelol. or that
05:39.41Cairenn|afkthat too Tain
05:40.34TainI think most people spend these days worshipping at the retail altar. ;)
05:41.27Guillotineslouken, i had a question. How did they come up with NamesProfanity.dbc? Did they just hire someone to sit down and think of all of the naughty disgusting things they could think of and put it into a list?
05:42.23Guillotineim actually half serious :/ i mean, some of those...
05:42.32TainI could see some people sitting around a conference room table.
05:42.33kremontei actually haven
05:42.37kremonte't seen it*
05:42.37Tain"Ok, how about butthead?"
05:42.45kremontegrr i will never get this enter key right on my laptop
05:43.34Guillotineseriously though, they have tons of not so nice words and every variation of: blowjob, lilblowjob, blowjobian, blowjobby, blowjobber, ect.
05:43.55kremontewhat the?
05:44.02Guillotinelol. im looking through the list right now
05:44.26TainThat was rumoured to be the new Alliance race, but I hear it got ruled out.
05:44.48TainI wanted to play a Blowjobian Paladin. :(
05:45.52kremontemmm amd 64 is nicce
05:47.03TainYeah, I was hoping I'd be able to upgrade with my holiday bonus, but it ended up being pretty much just enough to get me just caught up on bills/etc.
05:49.34Guillotinehaha. chatprofanity.dbc is hilarious
05:49.39TainThere's always next year.
05:49.49kremonteupload a text ver guil :P
05:50.01kremontei dont have WoW on this comp
05:50.16Guillotineid have to go through and remove all the non-text entries though
05:50.21Guillotineplus find a way to convert it to a text file
05:50.25kremontejust upload it then
05:50.39Guillotinehaha. kobebryant is profanity
05:51.08Guillotineso is mygod
05:51.18kremontewhat the fuuuuuuuuuuuuuu?
05:52.08Guillotinethats wierd. its  not being filtered in-game
05:52.18Guillotineoh. i bet theres an update in patch.mpq that fixes some of the wierd one
05:59.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Valek (
06:16.46*** part/#wowi-lounge cladhaire (
07:11.28*** join/#wowi-lounge RedcXe (
07:14.23*** part/#wowi-lounge slouken (
07:26.54*** join/#wowi-lounge dukeku (
07:47.51*** join/#wowi-lounge kremonte (
08:01.21Temmerry christmas everyone
08:01.35Temand goodnight
08:05.27KolthGood night.
08:07.31Cairenn|afkMerry Christmas to those celebrating it.  I'll be out most of tomorrow, spending the day at my parents' house.  Night all.
08:26.53*** part/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (n=Guilloti@
08:48.46CodayusHow would you rank the difficuly of 5-man LBRS vs 5-man Baron run?
08:49.06kremontei would think baron is easier
08:49.17kremonte(but i could lead a baron run with my eyes closed)
08:50.06kremontei only can because ive run it so much
08:50.11CodayusI'm about to try a 5-man LBRS with a lvl 57 mage...  Should I be worried?  :-/
08:50.26kremonteif you dont suck, then no =P
08:50.28kremonteyou as in the group
08:50.38CodayusShould be fine, I hope.
08:57.19CodayusHmm, the mage has a fiery weapon enchant, a masons fraternity ring, and a blackstone ring.  ....melee mage?
09:04.08*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
09:06.00MoonWolfcurse is down
09:11.25*** join/#wowi-lounge krka (
09:23.24*** join/#wowi-lounge duke|ib (
09:54.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
10:43.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (
10:43.27OsagasuITS TOO DAMN EARLY
12:17.49*** join/#wowi-lounge id` (
13:11.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
13:14.12*** join/#wowi-lounge id` (
13:14.53*** join/#wowi-lounge pfault (
13:18.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Kiliek ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
13:19.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Kolth (n=amoeba@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
13:43.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (
15:00.59TainHappy Walmart Day!
15:19.39*** part/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (
16:00.08pfaultWoW is on sale tomorrow for $29.99
16:00.17pfaultwith rebate from bliz
16:00.19pfaultthats like $5
16:29.26*** join/#wowi-lounge cladhaire (
16:34.32*** part/#wowi-lounge cladhaire (
16:41.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaylera (
16:54.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Ktron (
16:55.13*** join/#wowi-lounge SantaBot (
16:55.24KtronMerry Winter's Veil everyone
16:56.27*** join/#wowi-lounge SantaBot (
17:53.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Ktron|alt (
18:57.45*** join/#wowi-lounge ForgottenLords (
18:59.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
19:00.22ForgottenLordsmerry christmas
19:01.40Cidemerry christmas
19:19.29*** join/#wowi-lounge dukeku_ (
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20:42.50*** join/#wowi-lounge kremonte (
20:42.55kremontegah DCC ftl
20:43.03kremonte~slap kremonte_
20:43.05purlACTION slaps kremonte_, keep your grubby fingers to yourself!
20:45.13kremonte_~slap kremonte
20:45.14purlACTION slaps kremonte, keep your grubby fingers to yourself!
20:54.28kremonteno u
21:28.00Enduh oh, infinite loop!
21:33.15*** join/#wowi-lounge krka (
22:27.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Valek (

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.