irclog2html for #wowi-lounge on 20051221

00:07.51Guillotineback. sry. anduin: np. you helped as much as you can. I'll try to explain it a bit better: Panda is meant to work like Purl. "something is something" stores a fact. Now, the problem is when you try to do something like "what is your favorite food is <reply> pizza and cookies". While that should be storing the fact as "what is your favorite food" and the info as "<reply> pizza and cookies" it... storing the fact as "what" and the info as "your favorite food is <reply> pizza and cookies"
00:07.59GuillotineI want to rectify this
00:08.31GuillotineI figure that nobody would need facts titled "who, what, where, why, or how" so I want it to ignore any "is" preceded by one of those words
00:13.10*** join/#wowi-lounge NEF|Kaylera (n=simop@
00:17.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaylera|NEF (n=simop@
00:29.33*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaylera (n=simop@
00:30.59*** join/#wowi-lounge dukeku (
00:54.58AnduinLotharya, u lost me
00:55.37AnduinLothari got distracted by making christmas cookies too
00:55.48*** join/#wowi-lounge Nomad_Wanderer (
00:56.12Nomad_WandererHey Cair.. Is 1.9 going live this week? :p
00:56.28Nomad_WandererI was kidding... :)
00:56.36Nomad_Wandererit's in the channel title even.,
00:56.51AnduinLothardidn't even notice
00:58.33OsagasuTopic is '1.9 is **NOT** going live this week. This channel is for dev discussion only. Be respectful. No spamming the bot, and no bothering Slouken about work. Get along. Have fun.'
00:59.15AnduinLotharright, i see that now. it's on the top of my client. jsut hadn't looked
01:18.59AnduinLotharanyone have any idea how much faction the zg coins give u when u turn them in?
01:23.15AnduinLotharbah... why does cta store it's channel name locally... LAME
01:23.29cladhaireAnduin: its global in the last versino I saw.
01:24.02AnduinLotharoh ya. i never got the beta
01:24.14AnduinLothardid he finish it and make it non-beta?
01:24.30AnduinLotharno no not ctra
01:24.38cladhairei'm sorry =)
01:24.40cladhaireyeah i dunno then
01:25.15AnduinLotharCTA_DEFAULT_RAID_CHANNEL and CTA_CommunicationChannel both look to be local..
01:25.49AnduinLotharmm, i dont see them locally defined, but they're nil
01:26.09AnduinLothardumb, karl
01:26.19AnduinLotharmy bad. I unloaded the addon
01:26.24cladhairethat'll do it
01:26.42AnduinLotharthat's better
01:27.00AnduinLothari had all the code set up and i wondered why it wasn't hiding the channel
01:27.16AnduinLothari'm like... i know this worked b4..
01:27.49AnduinLotharspose i could hardcode the channels and hide them always, but i figure only hiding them when the addon is loaded is better
01:28.31AnduinLotharis beladona around to confirm me an addon if i upload it?
01:29.56Cairenn|afkif he isn't, I am
01:30.28AnduinLotharmmm, guess that means i should submit that google vid for publishing
01:34.19AnduinLotharcair. you have no Chat addon section
01:34.26Cairenn|afkI know
01:34.40Cairenn|afkI need to do stuff with the sections
01:35.06AnduinLotharso.. where should i put it?
01:35.18Cairenn|afkgeneral for now
01:35.24*** join/#wowi-lounge RedcXe (
01:36.38Cairenn|afkhey, I've asked before for input on what the cats should be :p
01:36.53Cairenn|afkno one ever responds
01:36.55AnduinLotharand i believe ive suggesed it b4
01:37.44Cairenn|afkchat, yeah, but what about all the rest
01:37.58AnduinLothari call um as i see um
01:38.46AnduinLotharbtw the verion # input box should be next to the zip file selection. cause they usually change at the same time while the name doesn't
01:39.34AnduinLotharmaybe lable the container "Latest Version"
01:40.09Cairenn|afkwill try to remember, to suggest to Dolby
01:43.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Malivil (
01:48.56MalivilEver sine i updated MobileFrames from... a really old verison to the newest i've noticed some FPS drops
01:48.59AnduinLotharO.o that's my 29th addon... I could make a compilation just outa them..
01:49.04MalivilAnd some lag when moving certain frames
01:49.27AnduinLotharwhat vers did u have b4?
01:49.33MalivilI have 100mb for the UI so i don't think that is affecting it
01:49.47Maliviloh.. i odnt know
01:50.05MalivilIt was from cosmos..
01:50.10Malivili stopped using cosmos a while ago
01:50.16Malivilso... september sometime
01:50.22MalivilWhatever version was new then
01:50.37AnduinLothar2.6 was 7/10
01:50.37Malivilbetween 2.6 and 2.9
01:50.49Malivilor it may have been 2.6
01:51.08AnduinLotharwell cosmos had 2.8 and the like
01:51.25AnduinLothartho i haven't really done anything since 2.6 that would cause any lag
01:51.33Malivilits weird
01:51.45AnduinLothar2.8 added a bunch of frames
01:51.54Malivilwhen did oyu add the tooltip?
01:51.55AnduinLothar2.7 was in sept
01:52.05AnduinLothar2.9 was tooltip
01:52.29AnduinLotharbut that's just onenter/onleave
01:52.34AnduinLotharnot too hard
01:52.39Malivilyea, i know
01:52.47MalivilI don't know, it may not be your addon. I have no idea
01:53.35AnduinLotharya, the only think i see mf doing is increasing loading time and active memory by loading the blizz ondemand addons
01:54.06AnduinLotharbut that's been that way since those were made
01:54.23MalivilAll i really want to be able to do is move my bags and the quest log without having to go into moveanything options
01:54.34Malivilnot quest log
01:54.36Malivilquest tracker
01:55.12AnduinLotharwell if u have all but bags and tracker disabled i don't see how it would get any fps loss
01:55.33Malivilyou can disable different parts?
01:55.47AnduinLotharheh, yes
01:55.54Malivilthat i did not know
01:56.06AnduinLotharjust disable everything and enable those two parts
01:56.22Cairenn|afkmade a chat category ;)
01:56.27Cairenn|afkmoved everything
01:56.32AnduinLothar:) thx cair
01:57.13AnduinLothar"/mfdisable" "/mfenable QuestWatchFrame" "/mfenable Containers"
01:57.20Malivilok, cool
01:58.06AnduinLotharya, the slash command system for mf is ancient
01:58.13AnduinLotharnot very intuitive
01:58.31Malivil./mfenable QuestWatchFrame isn't doing anything
01:58.34Malivilnor the other one
01:59.45AnduinLotharhmmm, ur right
02:01.15Malivildid I find a bug
02:02.13AnduinLotharodd no one else has reported it tho
02:02.22MalivilBut does it work for you?
02:03.19AnduinLotharlol. i know why too... and it's been that way for ages..
02:03.58Malivilmaybe it's time to fix it then?
02:03.59AnduinLotharlocal defined in an if statement
02:04.18KolthIs there any easy way to check if you've just scored a Killing Blow in a Battleground besides scoreboard checking?
02:06.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Maldivia (
02:06.31MalivilSo i need to wait till you release a fix for it before i can do what I want? lol
02:06.47AnduinLotharwell mail, it works fine with the khaos options
02:07.04AnduinLotharjust the slash commands dont work
02:07.28Malivilyea, but im not gonna download cosmos just for this one mod =-/.
02:07.42AnduinLothari can give u a script, just a sec
02:08.06Malivilk, cool
02:09.04Malivilok, ill try it
02:09.49Malivilthat worked
02:09.52Malivilwhat i notice though
02:10.00Malivilis whever i move a frame, it lags for just a second
02:10.07Malivilon small frames
02:10.16MalivilWhen i had it enabled and i moved the auction frame
02:10.22Malivil(rly big one) it lagged longer
02:10.28KolthThat's Blizzard's fault.
02:10.35*** join/#wowi-lounge stray`laptop (
02:10.50KolthThey didn't design their interface to be movable.
02:16.00Nomad_Wandererwow massive disconeccts
02:16.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
02:16.05Nomad_Wandereranyone get booted from wow?
02:16.17KolthNo sirrrr.
02:16.31AnduinLotharlot of my guild did
02:16.33Nomad_Wandererlothar just got sick :)
02:17.13AnduinLotharNewest Toy:
02:18.07Malivilthats cool
02:18.12Malivili wouldnt use it, but its still cool
02:18.30Malivilhow many of your mods you do use?
02:18.41AnduinLotharmost of um
02:18.53Malivili've made 1 and i don't use it =-P
02:19.34TainDamn the Lothar
02:19.42AnduinLothari dont use all the features i've made
02:19.55TainLet me into another server you rat bastards, I'm just trying to test.
02:24.48Malivili'll cyall later
02:25.20TainHow am I supposed to test changes when it won't let me log in?
02:25.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Fanook|Zzz (
02:27.11AnduinLotharu know what would be a cool option. User Submitted screenshots
02:28.00TainWe hatessss them yesssss
02:28.07AnduinLotharnot that anyone would sumbit any
02:28.19AnduinLothardon't get any comments either
02:28.38Gryphenyou smell
02:28.59Gryphencomment submitted
02:29.14TainGot in.  Disconnected again. :(
02:30.07TainI suspect Visor will have to go un-updated tonight since I can't test.
02:30.59TainI'll play CoV instead.  Hear that Blizzard?
02:36.19AnduinLotharmmm, mobileframes needs some love
02:44.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (n=Guilloti@
02:46.40Guillotineis the login server down?
02:46.53Gryphenreally slow
02:47.06TainSeems to be kicking a lot of people out.  Some people say they're fine.
02:49.21Tem|Onyyeah it's just taking a long time to log int
02:51.00Fanooklothar's being rebooted, dont know about the other servers
02:57.30TainIt took me a long time to log in, and then three times I got in and kicked out.
02:59.23KolthErm... The 6-char password I've been using for like 10 years turns out to be "strong"
03:05.21Tem|Onyjesus fighting ony is hard with no mods
03:09.21AnduinLotharwhat class?
03:12.26KolthTem: I wouldn't think so.
03:12.35KolthHer phases are easy to spot and predict.
03:15.04TainI think the most important question is, why are you playing with no mods?
03:16.14Cairenn|afkthat's what I've been wondering too, but I had a cat in my lap so couldn't get at my keyboard
03:16.15*** join/#wowi-lounge [WoWi]Kremonte (
03:16.29Kolthhah @ Cairenn
03:16.43AnduinLotharmods are for losers
03:17.16AnduinLotharvirgen UI ftw
03:17.23Cairenn|afk<== loser
03:17.34KolthCair' doesn't use mods?
03:17.34Tain<== virgin
03:17.38Kremonteonly losers have afk in their nick when they aren't
03:18.03Cairenn|afkAnduinLothar said that mods are for losers ... I use mods ... thus, I must be a loser :p
03:18.04AnduinLothari should make a char... <AFK>Me
03:18.19AnduinLothartoo bad i cant use <>
03:18.25AnduinLotharhmmm, maybe in eu
03:31.35Cairenn|afkgod I can't wait to try this:
03:35.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Legorol|alt (
03:35.50Cairenn|afkthat rum looks mighty fine too
03:35.58KolthAlcohol is bad!
03:36.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Legorol (
03:36.19TainLack of alcohol is bad.
03:36.31KolthOh yeah. That too :P
03:37.01Cairenn|afkI would disagree with that statement Kolth - for people who have problems with alcohol either through genetics or otherwise, alcohol is bad
03:37.58KolthI can live with that statement.
03:38.35Kremontegenetics ftl
03:38.41Kremonteeveryone in my family is an alcoholic ;_;
03:39.08Cairenn|afkthat's rough Kremonte
03:39.27Kremontei can't get drunk and have wild parties
03:41.54TainSure you can.  Just don't invite them. :)
03:42.53Kremontedon't invite who? o.O
03:43.37TainThe drunkards.
03:43.42TainJust because they are doesn't mean you have to be.
03:43.55Kremonteit's hereditary =/
03:45.24TainThat doesn't mean you're automatically an alcoholic.
03:45.35TainOn the other hand why am I encouraging someone to drink?  It's bad for you!
03:45.38Kremontebut it means i can't get drunk and have wild parties!
03:45.42Kremontelol Tain
03:49.13KolthDang. So you can't get Killing Blow info on event -- only on iterate through the score panel. :( *cry
03:52.04Tem|Onygod damn that last 1% takes forever
03:54.10Temrofl... whelps killed us after she died
03:54.36Temand a hunter with jumper cables rezed a priest
03:55.24*** part/#wowi-lounge cladhaire (
04:21.31AnduinLotharfor someone who was away from her keyboard, u sure are good at tping
04:21.50CairennI was afk as much as I was here, hence the tag :p
04:22.47AnduinLotharlol... guild merged.. new name is Agony
04:23.01AnduinLotharso aparently AnduinLothar is in Agony
04:24.01AnduinLotharimo most endgame guilds disolve in 3 months tho.. so im not holding ym breath
04:27.07TainI've almost never seen an endgame guild dissolve.
04:27.41Grypheni see em dissolve all the time
04:28.17TainWow.  Must just be the servers I've been on.
04:37.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Eraphine|Lab (
04:39.50Cairenncomments are now sortable by oldest or newest first
04:44.03Cairennand mentioned about moving the version # input box too, he'll look into doing it when he can :)
05:05.30Ktronhey everyone
05:05.37Cairennhey Ktron :)
05:08.33Ktronconclusions for the night: I should have done all of my shopping online in october, and I should make a mental note of that, and two, I have no idea how to deal with a girl who doesn't want to be comforted or treated... Long and short, I'd like to redefine my UI for my girl (and that's not her appearance)
05:08.45Ktronjust my ability to you know, do things heh
05:11.27KtronSorry for the commentary on life... heh, time to scroll back and see what's been up for hte night
05:13.03Cairennmeh, commentary on life is acceptable :)
05:14.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine_ (n=Guilloti@
05:18.04KtronGuillotine, just wanted to make sure you heard how ridiculous I think Panda is
05:18.24Guillotineno. i didnt hear
05:19.05KtronI think I mentioned it to Kremonte earlier, heh, moral of the story I think its great you ported purl to WoW
05:19.34Guillotinehave you tried it yet?
05:19.39Guillotineworks pretty well
05:20.05KtronI haven't yet
05:20.45KtronMaybe I'll do that
05:23.23*** join/#wowi-lounge SP|Sorren (
05:25.03Beladonato log in, or not to log in
05:26.06Cairennit's 12:30 ... not log on
05:26.52BeladonaI have already been sleeping for like 4 hours Cair
05:27.30Cairennwas wondering where you were
05:27.39BeladonaI went afk
05:27.43Beladonawife went to bed
05:27.53Beladonaso I did too thining I would be up again shortly
05:27.59Beladona4 hours later...
05:28.01Cairennand 4 hrs later ...
05:28.24Cairennso, why not just go back to bed? or am I being silly and suggesting "sensible" again? ;)
05:28.40Beladonacause now I am wired
05:28.55BeladonaI don't do well when I am wired and in bed
05:29.43Beladonamy brain and my body are on different timers
05:30.04Cairenngee, I can't *possibly* relate to that one!
05:30.25Beladonamy wife, like clockwork, will be in bed no later than 10
05:30.35CairennI used to be that way
05:31.18BeladonaI often get the most done between 8pm and 3am
05:31.58Cairennthen I started hanging out with this community, and, well, my schedule is so shot I don't know which end is up any more
05:33.20*** part/#wowi-lounge Ktron (
05:34.27Beladonathat is so funny
05:34.44Beladonamy laptop has had linux on it, but I need to dual boot windows xp while I am on my trip
05:35.03Beladonaon of the lines in the windows xp install is -- "Your Computer will be faster and more reliable"
05:35.13BeladonaI think not
05:35.48Beladonaif I could just get wow to play perfectly in linux I would be happy
05:36.42Cairennsupposedly it runs great under that
05:36.58BeladonaI tried
05:37.06BeladonaI didn't try wine though
05:37.08Cairenntalk to Kergoth
05:37.08Beladonamight later
05:37.16BeladonaI want at least the option
05:37.30Beladonato go windows xp, just in case something doesn't work while up there
05:37.32Cairennhe's running WoW on Linux, pretty sure it was ubuntu he said
05:37.47Beladonait should run on SimplyMEPIS too
05:37.55Cairennlike I'd know from adam?
05:38.08Beladonathey are all pretty similar
05:38.28Beladonathe only difference is the x windows, the packages, and the presentation
05:40.34Beladonawould switch everyone at work to linux if I could
05:45.26Beladona*finally* got around to uploading the updated version of my xp bar
05:46.56TainFinally sending up a new version of Visor
05:47.45Kremontehow well does WoW run on ubuntu? (cedega? wine?)
05:48.20BeladonaI had issues getting cedega to run, but it mighta been me
05:48.31Beladonahaven't screwed with wine yet
05:48.35Cairenn*shrug* I'm not the person to talk to, kergoth could tell you though
05:48.46TainI usually stick to the hard stuff like whiskey.
05:49.09TainI'm all hopped up on sleep medicine trying to write release notes.
05:49.14Beladonacedega is based on wine, so I would think wine would be sufficient with some patches
05:49.36Kremontewhat i read on appdb, was WoW ran fine under wine with gentoo
05:49.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Ktron (
05:49.46Kremontebut i don't want to have the extra effort needed if necessary :P
05:49.49Beladonathe os shouldn't matter
05:49.59Kremonteit does
05:50.09Beladonahow so?
05:50.12Kremonteaccording to wine it does
05:50.16Kremontethey compile differently
05:51.43Beladonamay have to fire up ubuntu then
05:51.50Beladonaand try it out
05:51.57BeladonaI wasn't too pleased with the package manager in it though
05:54.09Beladonagentoo seems to have a better raiting with most games
05:54.23Kremontebut i break it too easily
05:54.57Kremontescorched3d is pretty fun
05:55.06TainScorch is always fun
05:55.11Kremontei never played it :P
05:55.18Kremontei love nukes
05:55.50TainScorched Earth is one of the classic top ten 1 on 1 games ever.
05:57.08Kremonteoh god, i got the last guy down to 11 health, then he friggin nuked me
05:58.29Beladonahey Kremonte, you a gnome or kde man?
05:58.34Kremontegnome ftw
05:58.38Beladonagood man
05:59.04Kremontekde is like, yuck
05:59.19Beladonamethinks they tried to replicate a window feel
05:59.26Beladonawindows rather
05:59.31Kremonteya, kde feels like windows, gnome feels more like mac
06:00.14Beladonaerr, now if I can find the download link for gentoo
06:01.05Beladonawhat would you go with? minimal?
06:01.19Kremonteuniversal imo
06:05.09Beladonadamn, my cable modem is on fire tonight
06:05.19Kremonteis that a good thing or a bad thing D;
06:05.23Beladonait is hitting some files at 1.5mbps
06:06.00Beladonathey offered to upgrade it to 10bmps for 5 more dollars a month
06:06.03Beladonaam VERY tempted
06:07.12TainI always liked KDE better.  Gnome always ws too cartoony for me.
06:07.31BeladonaI would think KDE would look more cartoony
06:07.34TainPlus Linus says to use KDE!
06:07.47Beladonawhat does he know
06:07.59TainI'm just glad there's options.
06:08.14Kremontethe linux mascot is a cartoon
06:08.26TainThe desktop doesn't have to be.
06:08.40TainBut that was just my feeling about it.
06:08.51TainSo now I don't run it.
06:08.54BeladonaKremonte, that gentoo wiki page rocks
06:08.59Beladonanice find
06:09.36Beladonathey forgot to put a pid on the side
06:09.42Beladonaof the carton
06:09.48Kremonteother side?
06:09.49TainHope you have a decent system, there the occasional updatess that will take quite a while to run.  But most are quick.
06:10.09Kremontegentoo pwns
06:10.15Kremonteit's just a pita to install if you're stupid
06:10.22Beladonamy laptop is a PM 2ghx with 1gb ram and a 6800Go
06:10.44Beladonadesktop is p4 3.2 with 2gb ram and a 6800
06:10.56Taingentoo doesn't powne anything.  It's simply a nice option.
06:11.02CairennROFL, I like the picture!
06:11.06BeladonaI prefer simple
06:11.10Beladonabut effective
06:11.19Kremontegentoo ain't really simple ;P but it's nice
06:11.38BeladonaI like some of the editors
06:11.40Beladonafor linux
06:11.47Beladonawill make doing lua more fun
06:12.41Kremonteout of 200 cd's in this spindle, 10 are free
06:12.57TainI think I was right when I wondered to myself if I was taking a second sleeping pill, but I didn't remember taking the first.
06:13.26TainI think I'm going to go to bed and hide from the hallucionations sneaking in.
06:14.39KremonteTain, watch out for the ghost behind you.
06:14.45Kremonteand good night :)
06:14.49Cairennnight Tain
06:16.16KremonteGentoo is really fun and cutting edge, but it isn't for the faint of heart. If you're looking for a quick'n'easy distro then you're in the wrong place
06:16.20Kremonteboo, my heart just fainted
06:16.48BeladonaI tried all the quick n easy distros
06:16.52Beladonathey just pissed me off
06:16.57krkamepis too?
06:17.07Kremontei got fedora a couple months ago, and thought it would be a nice start
06:17.08Beladonamepis isn't bad
06:17.11Cairennsleep time guys
06:17.13Kremonteit was like installing windows
06:17.14Cairennnight night
06:17.15Kremontenight Cairenn :)
06:17.35krkathat bad eh Kremonte?
06:17.47Beladonawell it is from the people that did RedHat
06:17.58Beladonahow commercial do you want?
06:18.01Kremonteafter locking up 3 times during install, i could swear i was running on my windows install with a blueish red theme
06:19.27krkaI haven't tried that many distros, only red hat a few years ago, then mandrake and I once tried a netinstall of debian, then I tried mepis and it worked perfectly
06:19.45Kremontehm, swsusp sounds interesting
06:19.46krkabeen on that same install ever since
06:19.49Beladonawindows is so friggin stupid
06:20.01BeladonaI went and installed windows again for the dual boot right?
06:20.16Beladonadeleted the first partition, formatted it
06:20.28Beladonaoh look, it is on partition 2!
06:20.37Beladonaso now my windows system drive is E:\
06:20.41Beladonafucking dumbasses
06:21.03Kremontemy friend sent me a "crack" for BF2 over aim this morning, to ask me to virus scan it
06:21.23Kremontewell windows freaked out as soon as it finished getting sent from aim, and totally locked down my computer
06:21.28Beladonaa crack for BF2?
06:21.38Kremonteno cd crack or something
06:21.38BeladonaI would never crack that game
06:21.44Kremontewell, anyway, lol
06:21.56Kremontei got DC'ed in the middle of 3 lava packs in the middle of MC since windows went into lockdown
06:22.09Kremonteit closed my photoshop and all my notepads (which i was working on Panda in)
06:22.16Beladonahere is my problem -- they are making Vista MORE user friendly?
06:22.17Kremonteand downloaded/installed "SpySheriff"
06:22.37Kremonteit scanned my HD's after 2 hours, found 2 instances of spyware...and said to remove it, i needed to buy it for like $60
06:22.41Beladonathat is the equivalent to more retarded and toyish
06:22.54Kremontewhy windows, why ;_;
06:23.11BeladonaSerarch and Destroy
06:23.12Kremontei had it installed
06:23.19Kremontei have spybot and adaware pro installed
06:23.25Cairenn|sleepHijack This
06:23.29Kremontewindows didn't let me do anything
06:23.30BeladonaSpybot is my fave
06:23.55Kremontei had to turn off my computer, boot off the windows cd just so i could make it run in safe mode
06:24.01Kremontethen i ran spybot and fixed it
06:24.03krkaso, you can actually play WoW with regular wine?
06:24.06Cairenn|sleepI've got all 3 on my system, only use Spybot & AdAware most of the time, just every now and then I'll run hijack this just to be sure
06:24.08krkai thought you needed cedega
06:24.15Kremontekrka, you can
06:24.59Kremontei run spybot weekly, i don't really need it often though, because the only places i DL things are WoW patches, crud off, and photoshop updates
06:25.35Beladonait has issues, but they can be fixed
06:25.46Beladonacedega has issues too that need fixes
06:25.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (
06:26.13Kremontethe pay-to-use issue? ;p
06:26.36krkathat's the one
06:26.42krkagood morning cair
06:26.52krkahad a good sleep?
06:26.56Beladonaand you tried to tell me to go to bed
06:27.00Cairennyou guys got talking ...
06:27.01Kremontei think that asking for money for ANYTHING on linux, save for ordering CD's, is a sin
06:27.04Kremonteand you will go to hell
06:27.17krkahey, you people on that other continent ALWAYS talk when I sleep :(
06:27.28Kremontemy continent owns your continent
06:27.32krkait's just that we are spoiled :/
06:27.42Beladonathat is like walking an old lady across the street, and then stealing her purse
06:27.45Cairennkrka: I'm usually awake all night (my night, that is)
06:30.18Kremontegrr linux and it's coincidences with acronyms and real words
06:30.56KremonteGN guill
06:30.56Beladonanight Guill
06:31.09*** topic/#WoWI-lounge by Cairenn -> This channel is for dev discussion only. Be respectful. No spamming the bot, and no bothering Slouken about work. Get along. Have fun.
06:31.44Beladonashould be TOPIC: Love, Love, Slap your neighbor
06:31.44Kremontenow, the question;
06:31.55Kremontelive*? :P
06:31.55BeladonaLive, Love, Slap your neighbor
06:31.56CairennI just took out the bit about 1.9, don't look for any hidden meaning
06:32.09Kremonteinstall gentoo tonight, or install gentoo tomorrow
06:32.16BeladonaI am
06:32.32Beladonaoh wait
06:32.37Kremonteoh, bela
06:32.38Beladonasame machine as you are talking to us on?
06:32.43Kremonteget the package cd too! :P
06:32.48Beladonatomorrow then
06:32.50Kremontei have another HD that i use for linux
06:32.52Kremontelol, k! :D
06:33.02Kremontehm, and on my laptop for christmas....linux or no linux
06:33.16Kremontei can bring it to school then amaze everyone with my console skillz
06:33.25Kremonteemerge social-life
06:33.45Beladonado it
06:34.02Beladonaonce I prove that I can play wow on linux reliably, I am going au-antural Linux style
06:34.24Kremontesame, bela
06:34.35Kremontethe only thiung that stopped me from using linux before was poor usability with FFXI
06:34.45Cairennokay, I don't want to know about you people playing WoW in the nude :p
06:35.22Cairennreada ma lips ... I donna wanna know
06:35.33BeladonaI say nothing
06:35.53Beladonasee no evil, hear no evil, wear no... oh
06:37.08Beladonagetting the package cd now while I load gentoo
06:37.38Kremontei wonder how different it is installing Gentoo on AMD 64
06:37.52krkahmm... I can't for my life find what cair what referring to... does that say something about her or me? O_o
06:38.33KolthShe's making light.
06:38.37KolthAnd it's wonderous!
06:42.47Cairenn"Beladona: once I prove that I can play wow on linux reliably, I am going au-antural Linux style"
06:45.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Eraphine|Disco (
07:18.04*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
07:29.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Depherios (n=Deph@
07:45.02Beladonayou there Kremonte?
07:50.04ElkanoBeladona, do you know of a safe way to propagate items from one client to another?
07:50.34*** join/#wowi-lounge krka|work (
07:51.18ElkanoI tryied sending links over a privet chanel but the server strips them :(
07:51.23KremonteBeladona; i'm here now
07:52.19KremonteElkano - propogate items?
07:52.55KolthElkano, whispers?
07:53.13Elkanowell, Kremonte, I don't know wether you know the addon I'm working on (you can find it in the beta addon part of wowi).
07:53.32Kremonteyeah, i do
07:54.41Elkanowell, I want to send 'new' items to all other addon users so a) their client caches them for personal use and b) the know that these are linkable for the session
07:55.26Elkanoso whispersw ouldn't do the trick since I would have to whisper everybody and I would have to cache who is online using the addon :/
07:55.44Elkanoand I think the server would kill me for sending that many whispers in a short time ;)
07:56.19Beladonathat would become somewhat slow
07:56.40KolthElkano, strip the data into plain text and send it that way?
07:56.45Beladonayou could do it be putting the links in a format that will not get stripped, and just have the addon reform it
07:56.58Beladonaor what Kolth said
07:57.09KolthBeladona's way is more complete!
07:57.13Kremonteturn | into : or something
07:57.40Beladonagentoo is a pain in the ass to install
07:57.45Kremonteyeah :P
07:57.47KolthUse Arch!
07:57.54Kremonteno ty?
07:57.57KolthArch-Linux ftw
07:57.59Kolth<3 it
07:58.04Kremontegentoo install pays off, IMO
07:58.16Kremonte@elkano - but you need a way so it can't be abused, ie someone sending something a fake link
07:58.27BeladonaI am following the guide, and am up to the part where I install the base system
07:58.55Beladonait wants me to do mirrorselect
07:59.05Beladonawhich I guess means I need to be online
07:59.07Elkanowell, the problem is that if I only send the itemid, which would be enough to shar the data, if so posts an invalid item reference all addon users will be disconnected. If I could send links (which are validated by the server) the one wo trys to interfere would be the one suffering)
07:59.11BeladonaI thought everything I ened is on the universal cd
07:59.38Kremonteno, Beladona
07:59.47Kremontein that case you need to compile it on an outside system
08:00.15Beladonawell shit
08:00.35Kremontei THINK there is a full you can DL
08:00.39Kremontebut i am not sure where/how
08:01.26Beladonanm I guess I am online
08:01.30Beladonait used my wireless
08:02.08Kremontelol nice
08:27.30*** join/#wowi-lounge oxman (
08:39.20Ktron|lesspurl, night
08:39.24purlG'night ktron|less, get out of here.
08:43.31*** join/#wowi-lounge id` (
08:49.12KolthWho was doing the Raid sub-group figuring stuff?
08:51.57oxmanI don't understand :]
08:51.59oxmangroup by class ?
08:52.12KolthSomeone was just writing up the code to figure out what group a raid members is in.
08:52.20oxmanoh ok
08:52.27oxmannot very difficult :)
08:52.51KolthNot at all.
08:52.57KolthBut Blizzard didn't make it simple.
08:53.23oxmanThere isn't a function, but one loop to do this, we can't say isn't simple ;)
08:57.53krka|workhow does it work?
08:58.10krka|workany connection between raid id and party id?
08:58.44oxmani loop since 1 to GetNumRaidMembers()
08:58.59oxmanthen, compare with UnitIsUnit('raid'..i, 'party'..j)
08:59.06oxmanif you want find the raidid == partyid
08:59.11Kolthlocal numRaidMembers = GetNumRaidMembers();
08:59.11Kolthfor i=1, MAX_RAID_MEMBERS do
08:59.11Kolthif ( i <= numRaidMembers ) then
08:59.11Kolthname, rank, subgroup = GetRaidRosterInfo(i);
08:59.11Kolth-- Set the player's group number indicator
08:59.12Kolthif ( name == UnitName("player") ) then
08:59.48krka|workok, so subgroup has no relation to raid id?
09:00.04oxmana little
09:00.43krka|workkolth, why not do: for i=1, numRaidMembers do, instead?
09:01.05KolthI just pasted Blizzard's code.
09:01.06oxmanhe likes useless code
09:01.22KolthI just pasted Blizzard's code. :P
09:06.08BeladonaBlizzard: where doing it both ways when you only need one is acceptable
09:06.40oxmanhum ? :p
09:09.16Beladonathat sounds like a plan
09:09.34Beladonagentoo is coming along nicely, I can finish up with it in the morning
09:13.41id`Ok i have a question. I want to modify the messages that go to the chat window. I'd like the original functions to work. But i'd like my own function to output it. This means that other addons will use the default functions to gather data for example, and i will show what i need on the screen instead of the default one.
09:14.01id`Is this possible at all?
09:14.16id`(Side note, i can't test it yet im at work...)
09:14.31oxmanthey're already an addon which doing that (for combat log)
09:14.49id`yes. but does it leave the other messages intact?
09:15.02Bela|SLEEPyou just want to get what is being output to the chat window?
09:15.05id`so the other addons dont stop functioning?
09:15.13oxmanNormally not.
09:15.19id`i want to get it and display it in my own format after i convert it
09:15.32oxmanYou get the data
09:15.33id`but i want other addons to be able to pick uup the message with the original functions
09:15.36oxmanthen select word in data
09:15.39oxmanthen print him
09:15.44oxmanso the original data is ok
09:15.54oxmanhim/them (i'm bad in english)
09:15.57Bela|SLEEPis the original message still getting output?
09:16.02id`i want:
09:16.51id`ChatWindow1SendMessage (or whatever its called that outputs a message)
09:16.51id`to work like it does
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09:16.51id`i want it to not display the data
09:16.51oxmanno problem i have said ;p
09:16.51id`then i want to make a copy of that function into my own addon
09:16.52oxmantry it
09:16.56id`and use that function to display it instead
09:16.59id`with my own format
09:17.06Bela|SLEEPyou can try hooking it, but that is a pretty destructive hack
09:17.14oxmanwhy hooking ?
09:17.17id`this way all other addons that use the original function still work
09:17.27oxmanjust listen the event
09:17.27oxmanif you hook it, you will break all addons use this function
09:17.27Bela|SLEEPthat doesn't prevent it from being output
09:17.30Bela|SLEEPwhich he wants to do
09:17.37Bela|SLEEPotherwise I would have suggested that
09:17.46oxman(in fact if you make a good hook it will not break other addon)
09:17.53oxmanbut, listen the event, is simple and clean
09:18.00id`i want idChat:Message() to output the message
09:18.11Bela|SLEEPregister the event
09:18.14id`not ChatFrame:MessageWhateverFunctio()
09:18.16Bela|SLEEPand then redirect the arg
09:18.37oxmanTRY IT it's simple.
09:18.41Bela|SLEEPI would recommend against disabling the message output
09:18.45SP|Sorrenyou want something like hitsmode?
09:18.50id`sort of
09:18.50oxmanIf it's not ok, we will find the solution
09:18.51SP|Sorrenbut for chat? o.O
09:18.53Bela|SLEEPno matter how you do it, you are breaking it
09:19.18id`I'm also going to add little functions like %t expanding into the current target
09:19.21SP|Sorrenwhat do you plan to do exactly?
09:19.25Bela|SLEEPnot sure I understand
09:19.30id`any addons ill be making that will use the chat will use my function instead
09:19.37Bela|SLEEPyou can already put combat text to another window
09:19.39SP|Sorrenthen you have to hook it
09:19.43SP|Sorrenif you do it that way
09:20.08SP|Sorrendo you want other people to see your location?
09:20.10SP|Sorrenor just you?
09:20.18SP|Sorrenon %t
09:20.21Bela|SLEEPwhat I would do is create a custom chat frame, and then register the events. Use a regex to get the hitsmode data
09:20.23id`other people ;)
09:20.36SP|Sorrenso you want to hook SendChatMessage() then
09:20.42SP|Sorrenand not AddMessage() :P
09:20.49id`w/e its name
09:20.55SP|Sorrenno, they're quite different :P
09:21.25id`thanks for the help. I know its easily doable now (though im very new to lua)
09:21.29Bela|SLEEPplay around with it and ask us as you go
09:21.31id`ill look at it tonight \o/
09:21.36Bela|SLEEPwhen you are home to test of course
09:21.44oxmantest at work ;)
09:21.48oxmani do this often :]
09:21.55Bela|SLEEPdepends on your work
09:22.17oxmanBela|SLEEP: sleep, gentoo sux ;)
09:22.23id`"More money!" "Bigger BMW!"
09:22.32oxmanYEAH !
09:22.36oxmanarch, that's good
09:22.43oxman(but american community sux :p)
09:23.03id`unfortunately i code ASP Jscript atm so im bound to WIN XP
09:23.18oxmanasp sux, ruby rox xD
09:23.23id`heh no shit :P
09:23.37id`school chose the company
09:24.04id`meh its easy though. all i do is design little databases and make templates for some big-ass CMS
09:24.33id`o well, back to work
09:24.56Bela|SLEEPgentoo doesn't suck
09:25.13Bela|SLEEPthe install is annoying, but honestly it grows on ya
09:25.21Bela|SLEEPI like having deep control over it
09:25.36oxmanwith archlinux you've a total control
09:25.49Bela|SLEEPwhat do you work for them or something?
09:27.02Bela|SLEEPwill test it out later
09:27.13Bela|SLEEPkinda late in the game to be switching gears now
09:27.14SP|Sorrenyou guys use linux often? :p
09:27.19Bela|SLEEPI prefer it
09:27.22SP|Sorreni see
09:27.33Bela|SLEEPif I can get wow going on it, I will be using it only on my laptop
09:27.44Bela|SLEEPfor now I dual boot
09:27.45SP|Sorrencool :P
09:28.11SP|Sorreni should use linux more often
09:28.15SP|Sorreni always forget the useful commands
09:28.46Bela|SLEEPok going to bed. I am emerge-ing, so it may take a while
09:28.55SP|Sorrennight 8)
09:29.30id`get a silly pentium 1 pc
09:29.42id`with a 4-8GB hard disk
09:29.52id`(of you can even get them that small these days)
09:30.00id`and slap linux on it
09:30.22id`leave it on and make it do stuff for you
09:30.34id`a webserver, interpret lua
09:30.44id`an irc bot is fun to write
09:31.01id`at that point youll be rolling :P
09:52.30*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
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11:28.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel_ (
11:29.46Iriel_Bah.. well, the other iriel should time out shortly, and i'm off anyway..
11:29.51Iriel_Have fun.
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13:31.45*** part/#wowi-lounge Bela|SLEEP (
14:05.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Lebannen (
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14:09.20Lebannenhello folks... question: is there an easier way to keep track of overhealing (statistically, not before-the-fact) than just trying to use UNIT_HEALTH semi-intelligently with the various CHAT_MSG_SPELL_foo messages?  I'm hoping there is... :)
14:10.26MatryxWrknot "better" (at least - I don't think it is) but you could use a timer to check their health every .1 seconds.
14:11.38Lebanneninteresting approach... UNIT_HEALTH gets fired far more than that I guess?
14:12.23MatryxWrkto be honest I don't know - I've never looked at the event.
14:12.45LebannenI'm normally against polling but think you might be on to something in this case...
14:13.18MatryxWrkI would assume you'd code it to only start polling when you're casting a spell with a duration ;)
14:13.25MatryxWrkand stop when you finish/interrupt
14:14.07MatryxWrkif possible - you might want to make allowances for how damaged the person is getting over the time specified.....
14:14.12MatryxWrkbut that's far more complex
14:14.32MatryxWrk(e.g. they're taking 40dps, casting time 1 second, they're on x health, if their health goes over Y I should stop....)
14:18.26Lebannenah, but if I want to record general overheals I also need to track heals by others... so can't just poll selectively, except for in-combat only :)
14:18.53MatryxWrktracking heals by others could run into range problems couldn't it?
14:19.09MatryxWrki.e. just outside the combat log range
14:19.17Lebannenbut it looks like UNIT_HEALTH gets called all the time - player health, target health, nearby monster healths, party and raid helths, so polling is probably actually cleaner!
14:19.35MatryxWrkthat's a scary thought ;)
14:19.58Lebannenyeah, there's always that - but as healing tend to be recorded by the receiving party, it's all-or-nothing anyway (I think)
14:20.17MatryxWrkoh - so it's to be run on the tank rather than the priest?
14:21.00Lebannenyeah, or someone near the tank - this is just for info purposes, for later analysis :)
14:21.08MatryxWrkah ok then :)
14:21.32krka|workif you already have onupdate-code, adding the polling is definitely cheaper
14:22.26LebannenPolling it is then!  Still an element of guesswork and fudgery, but hopefully not too much...
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14:41.38Osagasu <--Tseric rawks.
14:42.38malrethi like enya, too
14:43.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
14:44.51OsagasuHey Cide.
14:44.59OsagasuI have made it official. Tseric rawks.
14:45.14Cideyou made it official? uh oh!
14:46.16Osagasulern2spel, nub.
14:46.20OsagasuIts pedestal.
14:46.53malrethmy irc client has a built-in dictonary.
14:47.44MatryxWrkp.s. It's  <--- it is.. Its = belonging to it.
14:47.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Beladona (
14:48.08*** mode/#WoWI-lounge [+o Beladona] by ChanServ
14:48.22heffedoh Cairenn|sleep sleeping.. sob
14:48.30MatryxWrkCairenn|sleep rarely really sleeps
14:48.37MatryxWrksend a PM - you may get a response
14:48.42Beladonayou need something on the website?
14:48.43heffeor does anyone else know of a good webhost that run php safe mode in OFF?
14:48.55Cidewhy OFF?
14:49.04heffecause ndkp needs it to be off
14:49.12Cidemodify it so it works with on :P
14:49.26heffetell that to the nurfed ppl :P
14:49.34heffebut i'm not sure that is possible though
14:49.47CideI'm sure it is
14:50.05Cidebut I'm not sure if I can do it myself :P
14:50.14malrethyou know that line in Office Space that Michael Bolton says?
14:50.24malrethWhy should I change, he's the one that sucks!
14:50.32heffewell what it does(i think) is that it parses or recalulate all dkp values after each update and that can take a loooong time
14:50.49heffeand i think that is why the script needs it to be run in safe mode off somehow
14:51.48Beladonago there
14:51.48MatryxWrkwhat's the problem being caused - just the file restrictions on the scripts?
14:52.13heffedunno hehe i know no php :P
14:52.25MatryxWrkwhat error does it kick out that leads you to believe it's safe mode
14:54.34heffeWarning: set_time_limit(): Cannot set time limit in safe mode in /customers/ on line 8
14:54.34heffeWarning: set_time_limit(): Cannot set time limit in safe mode in /customers/ on line 2
14:54.43BeladonaI see nothing in their docs that say it requires safe mode off
14:54.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaylera (n=simop@
14:54.59MatryxWrkset_time_limit() just allows the script to run for longer than the default 30 seconds
14:55.00heffethere is no problem yet but there will be when i got a couple of hundred items in the db
14:55.30heffeit will take longer than 30 sec :P
14:55.31MatryxWrkheffe: my php scripts only exceed 30 seconds when I do hundreds of thousands of iterations on a large database
14:55.45MatryxWrka few hundred shouldn't really unless you've got massive processing going on
14:56.02heffeppl are already having problems with it aparantly
14:56.13Beladonathen nurfed needs to recode it
14:56.18Beladonabecause that is poorly written
14:56.31heffelol ok i'll tell em :P
14:56.42BeladonaI am sure they will take it well
14:57.00MatryxWrkbasically - the problem you have has no solution without them changing their base code, or you moving webhosts
14:57.07MatryxWrkare you on a shared server?
14:57.09Beladonajust ask them why they can't program using code that is ok for safe_mode off environments
14:57.26MatryxWrkactually - edit the file to include this at the start:
14:57.31Beladonamost sites try to use safe_mode on
14:57.34heffewell i want a new host anyway as this one such major...
14:57.43MatryxWrkif( ini_get('safe_mode') ){
14:57.54MatryxWrkmissed my !
14:58.02MatryxWrkif(!ini_get('safe_mode'')) {
14:58.13MatryxWrkthen the set execution time function line
14:58.15MatryxWrkthen }
14:58.49MatryxWrkthat'll stop the errors for now,and when you move to a host which doesn't have safe mode on it'll seamlessly switch back
14:59.12heffewell i'm switching as soon as i find one :P but i dont know of any one :P
14:59.26heffethings is installing nuke evo dont work eithe rbut have to chmod all files manually :S
14:59.27Beladonayou dont need the !
14:59.54heffe<Nastrand|wk> oh snap Beladona teliling Asia what is up!
14:59.54heffe<Nastrand|wk> code that shit better bitch! is what she said I think.
14:59.54heffe<sergio> cat fight
14:59.54heffe<sergio> pics plz
15:00.16MatryxWrkBeladona: without the ! it would only call the set_time_limit bit *in* safe mode - which is what's causing the error
15:00.52MatryxWrkor you could fudge it and suppress the error with an @ symbol in front of the line
15:00.54Beladonajust if (ini_get(safe_mode)) {
15:00.54MatryxWrkthat'd work too
15:01.13Beladonaheffe, where is that from?
15:01.29MatryxWrkBeladona: yes... as I said - that would cause the code in the block to run in safe mode only... which is the opposite of what would be wanted.
15:02.49heffeBeladona from nurfed's dkp stuff
15:02.56Beladonaan irc chat?
15:03.01Beladonatheir website?
15:03.06heffeurl comming
15:03.53MatryxWrkI see no catfight
15:04.13MatryxWrkI think Bel was referring to the quoted text you pasted.
15:04.16MatryxWrkcould be mistaken tho
15:04.22Beladonano you are correct
15:06.32heffeyou are :D
15:06.55Beladona<- confused
15:07.17Beladonaheffe: I was looking for the chat that you are referring to
15:07.24Beladonawhich you pasted
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15:07.58heffeah nurfed irc room
15:08.13heffei copy pasted from here and then they replied and i pasted that here :D
15:08.40BeladonaI told you they wouldn't take it well
15:08.40MatryxWrkyou know copy and pasting cross rooms can lead to all sorts of trouble due to omitted context and so forth
15:08.52Beladonaand I didn't mean it as a slight
15:08.53MatryxWrkI hope you included everything from the start of your initial query :P
15:09.19Beladonais the nurfed channel #nurfed?
15:09.27Beladonaand is it on this server?
15:09.37MatryxWrklooks like a different server
15:09.42MatryxWrkas heffe is only in this one on this server
15:09.50Beladonathat would be a no
15:10.04MatryxWrkunless heffe has multiple clients open, but that's less likely
15:10.39heffethey are a bit imature though i think :D
15:10.58BeladonaI just don't want them to think I was trying to put them down
15:11.06heffeno i dont think they do
15:11.11heffethink so i mean
15:11.16Beladonayou should never paste chat out of context
15:11.26heffei didnt kinda
15:11.32heffethey are just acting up
15:11.57heffeor whatever it is you say
15:12.30heffethey are quiet again now
15:12.53Beladonajust gonna leave it alone
15:12.59Beladonaif they are upset they can come talk to me
15:13.15heffei'm 99% sure they arnt upset but just being silly 15year olds :D
15:13.33MatryxWrkso they're planning a surgical strike
15:13.41BeladonaI was expecting something like "If Bela thinks he can do it better, let him try"
15:13.51Beladonawhich, time permitting, I would
15:14.01MatryxWrktime permitting is always the way :/
15:14.15TainTime is indeed a harsh mistress.
15:14.35BeladonaI made a pretty decent roster system for my guild wars guild. It would be easy to port it for wow, and add dkp features
15:15.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Parak (
15:16.36heffendkp is kinda umm
15:16.47heffeadvanced for other dkp systems
15:17.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaylera|NEF (
15:17.48Beladonacomparitively maybe
15:18.17heffeBeladona would that site u sent me to work with it?
15:18.26heffefuturequest i mean
15:18.29heffeok cool :D
15:18.31heffeu used them?
15:18.38BeladonaI host my own websites
15:19.22Beladonavirtual host here at work
15:20.13heffegah they werent cheap though :O
15:20.42Beladonajust do some searches
15:20.48Beladonaweb host safe_mode
15:20.55Beladonashould bring some stuff up
15:21.12MatryxWrkbut I think these are outside the scope most people would need
15:21.34MatryxWrkwell I can rattle you off al ist
15:21.37MatryxWrk*a list
15:21.41MatryxWrkbut they won't be cheap...
15:22.19Beladonacheck the major ones
15:22.23Beladonalike godaddy
15:22.53Beladonathey are usually inexpesive, and while I am not positive, they may provide php variable per domain
15:23.26MatryxWrkeven if they don't - it might run in non_safe_mode anyway
15:23.34MatryxWrkwith the condition that if you break it you can keep both pieces
15:25.38heffeweee "No, we do not run PHP  in safe mode on our Linux hosting servers. For more"
15:25.53heffeand they were cheeeeap :D
15:26.15heffeare they good though?
15:26.22Beladonahave heard good things
15:26.29Beladonadon't jump on them immediately though
15:26.37BeladonaI prefer to look around and get options first
15:26.49Beladonalemme get another one
15:26.55Beladonathere is one I HAVE used in the past
15:26.59heffeyes plz hehe cause i kinda dont fiiind any :P
15:27.53Beladonabear in mind
15:27.56Beladonayou need mysql also
15:28.05heffethey got it
15:28.16Beladonaby default, or you pay more for it?
15:28.53Beladonado them
15:29.02heffelol :P
15:29.09Beladonaeconomy plan is cheap, and supports 10 mysql dbs
15:29.12Beladonanot bad
15:29.22Beladonaand 5gb
15:29.29heffeand atleast they claim 99.9% uptime :p
15:29.30Beladona250 gb transfer
15:29.34MatryxWrkback to work for me :)
15:29.39heffesee ya
15:29.59Beladonathis for a guild?
15:31.50Beladonayou can even give officers ther own email addresses
15:42.28heffeand thanks for finding it Beladona :D
15:51.38*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
16:03.51LebannenHmm.  Very simple lua "table" question: any simple way of adding an element to the end of the table (what would be $table[] = foo in C), or to get the number of elements in a table (count($foo))?  All I can find is foo.getn(), which seems just wrong
16:05.12MatryxWrk1 sec
16:05.34Lebannenah, that's right
16:05.40Lebannenthen supply no position
16:05.45Lebannenperfect, thanks :)
16:05.46MatryxWrktable.getn too
16:05.53MatryxWrkis correct
16:10.09Beladonagetn only returns if the indexes use a number
16:10.19Beladonaotherwise it will return a cals count
16:10.53Beladonaso for example, table = {first, second, third) will not return 3 indexes
16:11.01Beladonabut table = {1, 2, 3) will
16:11.28Beladonathe way that getn actually works is it looks for the first numbered index, and then subtracts 1
16:11.39Beladonafirst numbered that is not used rather
16:12.26Beladonaso if I have table[1], table[2], table[3] all set to a variable, but table[4] is nil (because I didn't set it) then table.getn will see 4 as the first nil index, and then sutract 1
16:12.32Beladonawhich means it returns a valid 3
16:12.41Beladonathe issue comes when you skip an index
16:12.51TainSo if you know you have only a numeric sequenced index table you can use getn.
16:13.07Beladonatable[1], table[2], table[4] are set, but table[3] is  nil
16:13.18Beladonagetn will see 3 as the first nil entry
16:13.22Beladonaand subtract 1
16:13.25Beladonawhich returns 2
16:13.28Beladonawhich is false
16:13.36Beladonasee what I mean?
16:13.43Beladonagetn has it's uses, but isn't perfect
16:13.53MatryxWrkReturns the size of a table, when seen as a list. If the table has an n field with a numeric value, this value is the size of the table. Otherwise, if there was a previous call to table.setn over this table, the respective value is returned. Otherwise, the size is one less the first integer index with a nil value.
16:14.06MatryxWrkso you could keep careful track with setn too
16:14.12MatryxWrkif you needed associative indexes
16:14.15Beladonayes, you can alternatively setn to set specific sizes
16:14.21Lebannenassuming you never unset an index...
16:14.34Beladonaif you use named indexes, or if you have a habit of setting indexes nil
16:15.02MatryxWrkif you need an accurate count over a table of an unspecified size with unspecified indexes I'd suggest doing a foreach over it and incrementing a counter :/
16:15.04Beladonait gets hairy from there
16:15.15Beladonathat is the best way
16:15.24Beladonayou can even create a function simply for that purpose
16:15.32BeladonaI am surprised Blizz hasn't done that already
16:16.58TainI think getn gets maligned a lot, unfairly.  It has a specific purpose.
16:17.13Tain(I'm not saying you are, Beladona)
16:17.19TainJust in general.
16:17.39Beladonano I agree
16:17.55Beladonagetn is useful, but you usually want to use setn as well
16:18.09Beladonaor just make your own count funtion
16:18.30Beladonaor both
16:22.50*** join/#wowi-lounge id` (
16:34.46need_reg_id`exept that its taken
16:34.48need_reg_id`and not used
16:34.50need_reg_id`for a year
16:34.51Beladonahaving trouble getting gentoo to compile well. I may just wimp out and go with ubuntu
16:34.59need_reg_id`and they wont voice me in #freenode
16:35.03Osagasuor /ns register <pw> and /ns id <pw>
16:35.04need_reg_id`so i need thair attention
16:35.09need_reg_id`cause i cant speek
16:35.17need_reg_id`Beladona: boo!
16:35.26need_reg_id`just try it once
16:35.37need_reg_id`and, #archlinux ofcource :>
16:35.39Beladonayeah maybe
16:56.06Ktron|zzzGentoo is definitely worth the trouble, but if you have certain motherboards, certain types of ethernet cards, certain LCD monitors, or are trying to compile 64-bit architexture it can be near impossible, you really need to search the forums for every piece of your hardware to make sure all of it is kosher
16:57.30Ktron|zzzBeladona: I know you don't need one more person making recommendations, but I'd tell you to try ubuntu or knoppix depending on what you're hoping to use linux for
16:58.37Ktron|zzzBeladona: knoppix probably has the easiest install process (knoppix is now for great detection) and ubunt seems to be the up-and-coming distribution. (in case you didn't know that about either)
16:59.37TainAnd Ubuntu has a cool name to say outloud.
17:02.40Ktron|afkI think both have reasonable userbases too... who knows, I need to run, I was supposed to be somewhere an hour ago, good luck Beladona with whatever you pick/try
17:03.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Ratbert_CP (n=KCummins@
17:03.51Ktron|afkAnd if you're going to run WoW through Wine or vmware or something, let me know what and how well it works, because if it works reasonably, then I might reconsider whether I could use a linux distribution instead of windows xp on my main machine
17:04.13TainTem runs through Wine.
17:04.24krkaUbuntu is a bit extreme for me, only using pure free stuff
17:04.30Tainer or was that kergoth
17:04.35TainNow I forget!
17:04.43krkaMepis is very easy to setup and is slightly more liberal
17:04.59TainMepis?  mmmm no, that's no good.  Sounds like a Muppet.
17:08.49id`i used to use slackware but arch is way cooler and ieaier :<
17:08.59id`ah! demon! get away from me!
17:09.37lonit's almost as bad as ratpoison, but actually configurable.
17:10.12id`anyway, i liek to use wmii :)
17:10.18lonI used to use wmii
17:10.23loner, wmi
17:10.32id`never tried ion3 :<
17:10.35lonbut wmii was t3h sux, imho, so I switched back to ion :)
17:10.37id`heard its powered by lua
17:10.49lonit is...
17:11.11TainYou all obviously have no idea what goes into making a good distribution.  You can't say, "I use wmi" outloud and have it sound good.
17:11.13id`gunna have to persuade kergoth to take a looka t it then :<
17:11.32TainI use wimmie.  Yeesh. that's terrible.
17:11.38Beladonacrash, kaboom, time to install another distro
17:11.38LebannenThis is odd... I thought lua did automatic type conversion/coercion?  I have a numeric value from a string.gfind - verified by echoing it as a string - and yet when I try to compare it to an integer, I get "attempt to compare number with string".  Does more than/less than not trigger coercion?
17:12.03Beladonasimple answer lol
17:12.18id`Tain: wmii and ion3 are window managers. not distributions
17:12.27krkagnome FTW
17:12.47Lebannenhah, I like simple answers, means I'm not doing anything stupid :)
17:12.49id`and i like archlinux, the distribution, because it allows me to start with nothing but still have everything working
17:13.03id`at also features one of the nices if not the nicest package managers arount
17:13.03TainYes yes
17:13.15krkanicer than debians?
17:13.26id`equal i think
17:13.27TainWhat doesn't let you start with nothing but still have everything working?
17:13.51TainWhat exactly is your definition of, "start with nothing"?
17:13.59id`e.g. no packages but "base"
17:14.08id`stuff needed for compiling and installing other things
17:14.19id`stuff everyone needs because its the base of the rest
17:14.31TainWhy do you think the others don't let you do that?
17:14.45id`becaus.. they dont?
17:14.47lonWhat's "base" is 100% subjective.  You can boot a system with a kernel image and "init=/bin/bash".
17:14.48krkadebian most certainly lets you choose what you want
17:14.55id`lon: yah
17:15.03id`krka: i agree on debian
17:15.10TainYou can absolutely install whatever you want with both Ubuntu and Fedora.
17:15.10lonstatic-compiled bash, and you've technically got a working operating system.
17:15.16TainFedora tries to spoonfeed you everything, but you don't have to let it.
17:15.24Beladonahate to cause a disruption
17:15.29TainGo Beladona!
17:15.30Beladonabut the very fact that you are using a distro
17:15.34Beladonameans it isn't "base"
17:15.39krkasucks that ubuntu can't use the live-cd as an install-cd
17:15.39id`please do
17:15.39digix_i think gentoo is as flexible, if not more-so, than debian
17:15.41krkathat's really what rocks about mepis
17:15.47TainThird base.
17:15.51lonTain: indeed.
17:16.02krkais this just my prejudice or doesn't gentoo almost force you to compile everything?
17:16.05id`Beladona: that i use it means that i use what i want. not what someone else decided that was good for "joe" to have
17:16.15BeladonaI like how gentoo makes you compile
17:16.21id`me too
17:16.21Beladonait just sucks when you don't get it right
17:16.34digixwell, gentoo is more focused on performance, so compiling everything is necessary
17:16.38TainMostly, krka.  You technically can get precomiled binaries but Gentoo was created with compiling in mind.
17:16.53krkaI want a system where I first download the binary and use that, and then download the source and compile in the background and exchange when it's done
17:16.55digixits a highly customizable distro for whatever system you put it on
17:16.57krkatotally transparent
17:17.00krkathat would be awesome
17:17.34digixheh, a transparent compile in the background for the entire system would take weeks
17:17.40krkayes, so?
17:17.58krkathose are weeks you can spend doing stuff too :P
17:18.06TainI run Gentoo, but there are the occasional annoyances.  For example I did a wipe of kde to install the newer meta-kde packages.  It took about 18 hours to compile (and not the entire kde set of packages.)
17:18.14digixmeh, get it all done in a day with gentoo and have full performance benefits from the specific compile
17:18.29krkaso spend one day without using your computer basically?
17:18.34krkathat's what I don't really like about gentoo
17:18.44TainGentoo isn't for everyone, absolutely.
17:18.49krkaor the gentoo-philosophy to be exact
17:18.54TainIt's not the end-all be all by any means.
17:19.06londigix: an interesting tidbit - from things I've read, you'll die of old age before a system-specific recompile performance gain actually saves you cpu cycles ;)
17:19.10digixno, of course it isnt
17:19.14krkait think my logical extension of gentoo should be the next step
17:19.18id`well sonce none of you actually even looked at archlinux why dont you ;)
17:19.58digixi beg to differ, lon
17:19.58TainIt's the Gentoo evangelists (any evangelists of course) that annoy me.
17:19.58TainIt depends entirely on the system, lon.
17:20.17krkarecompiling kde and x may boost performance, recompiling xchat may not :P
17:20.20TainBut I for one don't run Gentoo because of the purported performance.  I just like the idea of a more granular level of control over how things install.
17:20.25krkacan you choose which packages to compile?
17:20.28digixi am by no means an evangelist of gentoo (or anything), but it definitely has advantages over most other distros for what i use it for
17:20.34BeladonaI would prefer it if Arch had a live cd I could mess with
17:20.46TainOn the other hand I'd rather switch back to FreeBSD.
17:20.53id`basically arch is what you make it
17:21.09lonThe performance gain typically results from not linking in certain things, though, not from code-level optimization.
17:21.16TainArchlinux... sounds like a bad comic book villain.
17:21.38id`ofcource it comes with what gnme and kde etc. but there are newer version anyway so youll download them anyway IF you want to
17:21.38Beladonayou can say that about a lot of distros id
17:21.38Beladonaespecially gentoo
17:21.38TainNamely, all distros.
17:21.50id`arch is a bit like gento but only in that it has binary packages
17:21.51lone.g. GCC is going to optimize for i686 the same way it optimizes for i686.  If you, however, no longer link against a resource-hogging library, your application will run faster.
17:21.59digixlon: ive seen a video encode shaved by a few hours because of a recompile with the proper cpu flags
17:22.13id`and it has only i686 packages btw
17:22.43londigix: what was the original system, and what was the target system?
17:22.51id`its really easy to make a package yourself though
17:23.07lonI mean, if you compile for a 486 and run it on a 686, it's not going to be as good vs. building on a 686 from the get-go.
17:24.04digixit was a vanilla i686 compile originally, then recompiled with specific pentium 4 flags to take advantage of the media pipelines
17:24.15BeladonaI keep looking at arch, and I have to be honest
17:24.25Beladonait isn't compelling
17:24.37Beladonaat least to me
17:25.41londigix: Fair enough, then.  So, the distribution provider should buy a P4 and offer a P4-specific optimized compile if they're worried about saving CPU cycles.
17:26.11lonYou shouldn't be forced to do the rebuild (of course, it should be your option if you so choose ;) )
17:26.19TainYou aren't forced.
17:26.27digixno, you arent forced at all
17:26.42digixif you dont like the compiling, then dont use gentoo
17:26.54lonRight, but if they built it on a similar system, rebuilding it ought not have much of performance impact, right?
17:26.59digixthere are 5489723498 other distros out there :P
17:27.33lonOk, I'll stop trolling ;)
17:27.36Tainlon, the idea is you use Gentoo if you WANT that control.
17:27.39digixwell, there are specific hardware compenents unique to every users machine that you compile for
17:27.46id`lon: :P
17:27.49lonTain: I know, I was just poking people's nerves.
17:27.53digixexactly Tain
17:28.02digixand yes, ill stop now too :P
17:28.16lonRemember that Mandrake was originally an optimized Red Hat Linux build, right?
17:28.32digixthat was before it became the windows of linux
17:28.35lonbuilt optimized for P5
17:28.36Beladonawhat do you use lon
17:28.47TainIt was a modified Redhat build.
17:28.50lonBeladona: Fedora Core, right now.  It's not without its fair share of problems.
17:29.04lonand ... it was probably faster, but I don't remember :)
17:29.14lonthat was a long time ago
17:31.18lonso.... here's the real question -- how many of you are using Wine to run World of Warcrack?
17:31.40TainIt's being done.
17:31.44digixi tried, but couldnt get to it working
17:31.47TainMy linux system isn't powerful enough.
17:32.02id`my system isnt powerful enough
17:32.05lonTain: I'm pretty sure Transgaming has it working.
17:32.10CodayusI got it sorta working, but performance wasn't particularly good.
17:32.12id`on windows i have 10 fps
17:32.23digixcedega seems to crap out for me too..... -_-
17:32.24TainYeah Transgaming does.
17:32.24id`i close any apps i have running
17:32.29lonbut I haven't tried it -- I have an x86_64 laptop running a 64-bit os... so I'm scared ;)
17:32.31id`and i have 20MB ram left
17:32.38CodayusAnd yeah, using cedega/transgaming.
17:32.57BeladonaI am planning to do it on wine
17:33.05Beladonaif I can get a distro loaded first
17:33.13digixCodayus: do you have/seen the minimap bug?
17:33.29digixhmmm, good, glad they fixed that
17:33.31Beladonathere is supposed to be a fix for it
17:33.35TainI'm at 90% mem utilization in Windows while playing WoW.  :(
17:33.53digixsame here
17:34.01lonI have 1GB in my notebook, and it's still bad sometimes. :(
17:34.25lonI haven't check mem utilization
17:34.50TainIt's almost all memory and GPU.  CPU utilization is tiny while playing.
17:35.02lonthis is going to sound funny, but I don't know how to do that anyway in windowxp.  It's the first installation of Windows I've had in like 4 years.
17:35.17lonI forgot all my windows-fu once I graduated college.
17:35.38TainI just display it on my LCD.  :)
17:35.46Beladonayou want the task manager I believe
17:35.54Beladonaright click the start bar, task manager
17:36.03lon'k.  ;)
17:36.10Beladonaprocesses to see wow.exe usage
17:36.12digixor you can get the logitech G15 :D
17:36.42TainBest $70 I ever spent on a keyboard.  Even though you can get them for under $50 already.
17:36.54digixi really need to get back into c++ and start poking around with their sdk
17:36.59lonI have a Happy Hacking Lite 2 keyboard ;)
17:37.04lonit's like the size of my hand.
17:37.05Beladonathat will be my birthday present
17:37.07Beladonato myself
17:37.11Tainthe sdk is ugly.
17:37.12digixlol, nice lon
17:37.45lonwoot! my motorcycle cover came in.
17:37.53CodayusI prefer my IBM Model M.  :-)
17:37.55krkaI played wow under cedega when I played
17:38.13TainI use LCD Studio with it, which uses a wee bit more memory than I'd like, but it's fantastic for displaying things on the LCD.
17:38.22krkaperformance was better than in windows
17:38.24BeladonaI need a) to play wow, and b) to have remote desktop capability
17:38.33Beladonato windows systems
17:38.35TainPlay WoW remotely?
17:38.40Beladonano lol
17:38.43Beladonayou cant do that
17:38.49MatryxWrkI tried
17:38.52MatryxWrkyou can
17:38.56krkaI played Doom3 remotely once
17:38.56MatryxWrkif you count 0.1fps
17:38.57Beladonardp doesn't allow directx
17:38.58krkait sucked :(
17:39.07MatryxWrkbel: use a software rendered emulation thingy
17:39.14Beladonayeah, no thanks
17:39.23lonI tried to play quake using xquake over a 10mbit LAN.  it was like 3fps.
17:39.23MatryxWrkthat's the conclusion I came to after trying
17:39.34lone.g. setting remote display... it was bad ;)
17:39.41krkasince I only have 100kb/s upstream, letting my computer run doom3 and stream data worked really crappy
17:49.13MoonWolfsomeone should port zork to mobile phones.
17:50.51lonMoonWolf: <-- Related - maybe a Java-enabled phone can run it?
17:51.12lonspecifically ZPlet.
17:51.24MatryxWrkas in the adventure game?
17:51.32MoonWolfit would need adapting to the phone screen size.
17:51.37MoonWolfyes as in Text adventure game.
17:51.40MatryxWrknot necessarily. I have a simpler solution
17:51.44MatryxWrkyou need:
17:52.01MatryxWrkThe original game Zork - on any machine that will play it
17:52.03MatryxWrk2 people
17:52.05MatryxWrk2 phones
17:52.13MatryxWrka common language between the people
17:52.21lonI have a *really* simple solution.  Get a hammer and beat yourself in the head with it.  It's less painful, and more fun! :)
17:52.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
17:54.09MoonWolfbut i want to play it on my phone wihout other people
17:54.21lonI can't imagine using 9 digits to type input to a text adventure game...
17:54.22MatryxWrktext to speech engine?
17:54.27TainYeah other people suck
17:54.28MoonWolflon, you have not played zork back in the old day's have you.
17:54.28CairennI have the easiest solution of all ... why not use an operating system that has a dedicated team working on it and they can agree on one release (Mac, Win), instead of having multiple multiple various "distros" and stuff because no two people can agree so the support for it is insane
17:54.28Cairenn/me ducks and runs
17:54.54MoonWolfare you dissing linux  ?
17:54.57lonMoonWolf: I played, I think, Zork 1 and Zork 3 back on an apple 2, but I never got too far, and was too young to appreciate them.
17:55.10TainHave you ever tried getting support from Microsoft for Windows, Cair?  ;)
17:55.31MatryxWrkscroll down to where Zork is hilighted
17:56.07MatryxWrknot knowing which phone you have is kinda hard to find a solution
17:56.13MatryxWrkbut if nokia communicator is good enough ;)
17:56.35Cairennredhat, archlinux, ubuntu, wine, cediga, transgaming, fedora, mandrake, gentoo ...............
17:56.55CairennI mean, hello, they can't even agree on which way it should be going, sheesh
17:57.07TainAnd that's the beauty of it. :D
17:57.14Cairennnightmare you mean
17:57.31MoonWolfthat is the brilliance Cairenn instead of going one way , We go ALL of the way's
17:57.46CairennTain: oh, and for the record, yes I have, had no problems whatsoever with the support, it was great
17:57.52MatryxWrkever seen a person try to walk in more than one direction at once?
17:58.40MoonWolfnope, but i have seen a group of people splitting in two or three or four or etc.
17:59.08TainMaybe MS outsources their support to non-incompetant people in Canada.  You're lucky.
17:59.44Beladonaactually there is only one linux core
17:59.51lonCairenn: Ugh, we cleaned the house yesterday.  I hate doing that.  Please, troll on - I think we mostly can agree that trolling is way more fun than cleaning :)
17:59.53Beladonathe difference between teh distros is presentation
18:00.17Beladonayou could actually build your own distro if you wanted
18:00.50TainThere can be only one.
18:00.57lonBeladona: not always, cite: a few distributions using NGTL in some of their releases, where the rest of the community / distros used NPTL
18:01.06digixthe main difference i see in most distros is the package management system
18:01.16Beladonalon, that is few
18:01.19lonthat's not the norm
18:01.20digixone of the things that drew me to gentoo
18:01.25lonBeladona: most of the time, you're right =)
18:01.36Cairennokay, antagonist aside, I do sit here as a "slightly more knowledgeable than your average joe six-pack end user, but not a complete geek like most of you" user and go ... "riiiiiggggghhhhtttt, and as a basic user I'm going to try to figure Linux out, why?"
18:01.41lone.g. Oracle 10g runs on many current Linux distributions.
18:02.04Cairennit's waaaaay too confusing for most people
18:02.09Beladonathe biggest draw to linux is the aspect of the GNU and free software rights
18:02.22Beladonathere are a lot of ditros now that are easy enough for anyone to get
18:02.36CairennI mean, look at the listing of "distros" that has been tossed around in this channel and any wonder why the masses don't use Linux?
18:02.42TainMaking toast is too confusing for some people.
18:02.43Cairennhow is anyone supposed to know what to get
18:02.49Beladonaby asking
18:02.59CairennBeladona: asking who?
18:03.12digixthats what the big intertron is for
18:03.18Beladonaif you don't know who to ask, then you should probably stick to windows
18:03.30MoonWolfCairenn, look at the huge amounts of dvd players out there, how is anyone going to be using dvd players when you cant even decide wich dvd player to get.
18:03.30Cairennyou're missing my point though
18:03.38BeladonaI know your point
18:03.58BeladonaLinux wasn't originally designed with end-stupid-users in mind
18:04.02Cairennwithin this channel, how many different opinions are there on which distro is the best?
18:04.23Beladonait is the same as if we were discussing soft drinks
18:04.29MoonWolfor dvd player brands.
18:04.31Beladonalots of different kinds
18:04.38digixooooo, dr pepper all the way!!
18:04.42Beladonadoens't mean any is less valid
18:04.46krkayes, at this point you probably should only get linux if you're either a geek or recommended some linux distro by a friendly geek
18:04.55Beladonathat is what makes linux so nice though, you can have coke
18:05.00Beladonaor you can have rum and coke
18:05.09krkaI think debian and its forks are generally best
18:05.18digixor a hawaiian screw!
18:05.33Cairennbtw, I"m *not* dissing Linux, nor am I actually trying to start an *argument*, I'm trying to make for debate and discussion
18:05.39digixthose are awesome with the right vodka
18:05.52MoonWolfor you can have cola and pepsi and rum and alternate between drinks.
18:05.59krkai could go for a screw in hawaii
18:06.25krkainteresting that people tend to see the diversion in linux as a drawback though
18:06.32Beladonams, and apple, by marketing and closed development are targetting the people who don't want to or can't figure out how to put together their own system and software
18:06.55Beladonawhich unfortunately has the added downside of perpetuating that mentality
18:07.18krkaif I'm not mistaken, there are a few professional distros aimed at n00bs and companies
18:07.20krkared hat and mandriva are the biggest I think
18:07.22krkasuse is big too
18:07.49BeladonaSuse, and Mandriva are perfect examples of free, almost stupid proof installs
18:07.53MoonWolfi like suse
18:08.09heffeBeladona message from asia :P
18:08.11heffe<Asia> next time beladona says anything
18:08.12heffe<Asia> please tell him/her that the source is free, get on it :)
18:08.13Cairennyet right there, you just made three different suggestions ... how am I, stupid end user, supposed to know what to get
18:08.22TainLindows.  Or whatever they're calling it now.
18:08.27lonTain: linspire
18:08.31digixthe enterprise and "release" distros are much like a carefully balanced economy however..... screw one thing up and the whole thing crashes on you
18:08.55Beladonaheffe: my only problem with that is taking someone elses source, modifying / rewriting it, and re-releasing it is sometimes seen as a rip
18:09.04lonLinspire has a great story for end-users -- the C-n-R warehouse is a cool idea.
18:09.06Beladonawould rather give them the option of doing it
18:09.09Beladonaand then if not, fine
18:09.34Beladonasee this is why you should not paste chat into other channels out of context
18:09.42Beladonapeople make assumptions
18:10.11krkawell cairenn, how do you choose between apple or microsoft or sun or ibm or whatever?
18:10.28Cairenncopy-paste from other channels without known context is a bad plan
18:10.30krkait's just that you are so unused to choices for this particular thing
18:10.41krkafor everything else you are comfortable with choices
18:10.47MoonWolfyou don't you get microsoft and perhaps when you really want to you switch to mac.
18:11.26TainIt's not only a bad plan, it's rather rude in my opinion.
18:11.40Beladonanow the nurfed people think I am dissing them
18:11.47Beladonawhich in turn makes them upset with me
18:11.56Beladonano matter how you candy coat it
18:11.59digixkrka: thats one of the points of the discussion i think, the fact that most end-users just dont know that they do have a choice, but that choice requires research and learing of their own
18:12.39lonI suspect that habits cause learning curve problems.  I.e. a person who has never used a computer will probably do just as well using GNOME/KDE/CDE/Windows/etc., but old habits die hard.
18:12.40krkasame thing with everything though... choosing clothes, mp3-players, cars, food, restaurants... etc
18:12.55Beladonathat is one of the reasons I completely support apples decision to move to the xb6 architecture
18:12.57krkahow do I know if I want to get a volvo or a saab or a ford or a mercedes or a honda or a ....?
18:13.02Beladonait will give people more of a choice over ms
18:13.11krkayou read reviews and compare prices and stuff, same as with everything
18:13.14lonFor example, I said I don't know how to find free RAM in Windows XP -- because I've never learned how, and it's significantly different from "ps auwwx"
18:13.17Beladonaand hopefully make them aware that it isn't the only choice
18:13.18lonor "free"
18:13.54Beladonanext is the issue of software not being ported to other OS'
18:14.05BeladonaI still think WOW needs a linux port
18:14.17krkathat's not an issue
18:14.18krkathe problem is closed protocols and formats
18:14.29digixWell, now that it seems that we have reached the conclusion that the end-user is the issue, then I motion to form a coalition
18:14.36lonwell, compare Blizzard to id Software.
18:15.09digixand yes, WoW needs a linux port
18:15.15lonid Software writes their stuff inherently platform-independent, so does Epic - (Unreal Tournament)
18:15.20krkablizzard is just lazy, if they can maintain a windows and a mac-client, it wouldn't be much work at all to make *nix-client
18:15.21lonBlizzard doesn't.
18:15.23TainMoney money money
18:15.27digixsupposedly, the GM's run linux clients, but that was just rumor methinks
18:15.42Cairennheffe: server and channel name for the nurfed channel, please?
18:15.44londigix: I would bet it's based on someone's wishful thinking...
18:15.44krkadon't they? isn't mac and windows basically the same code?
18:16.12digixwell, there was also the talk of the linux client from beta (ie. development for the GM client)
18:16.26digixkrka: ummm, no
18:16.42MoonWolfmac and linux are a lot closer then windows mac.
18:16.45digixOSX is based heavily upon the BSD kernel
18:16.46krkaso they have been writing two game engines? O_o
18:17.24krkahmm... isn't there a wine that does MacOSX btw?
18:17.29krkathat should be better than using cedega
18:17.31MoonWolfno, you create platform independant code and you then write a client for different platforms
18:18.22digixkrka: not sure about that OSX wine.... but its worth looking into methinks
18:18.25TainYes, but platform independant code won't be as optimized, which sometimes is an issue.
18:18.38digixsince the codebase is so similar to OSX in most linux systems, then it shouldnt be hard at all to have a lean emulator
18:18.47TainI don't know about in WoW.  I think it's more GPU than anything.
18:19.46krkatain, that's not really a problem, you just write platform dependant code for the stuff that needs to be optimized
18:20.06krkaI am actually doing a project atm where I am coding for 10+ platforms
18:20.47krkahmm, i forgot that OSX isn't running x86 :/
18:20.51krkacedega would be better then
18:21.03TainYeah, but for something like an mmorpg the things that really need to be optimized might be a lot more than not.
18:21.22TainPeople are always complaining about performance, you really do need to do the best you can to make things work across lesser hardware.
18:21.42TainObviously I don't kow specifics about the WoW client, but it is one of the reasons that were given in other games in the past.
18:22.06krkayou code in layers, and separate the system close stuff from the rest
18:22.12MoonWolfwow is one of the primary reasons i still have a windows install
18:22.20krkathe system stuff is hopefully much smaller than the rest
18:22.29krkaand only the system stuff needs to be separately optimized
18:22.29TainPlus it's still a matter of money.  It costs more for them to develop platform independant code than to code for specific known things.
18:23.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Kiliek ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
18:23.19digixWoW is the ONLY reason i have a windows install atm
18:23.19TainThe return on investment of the amount of paying customers who will buy alternate OS versions isn't there yet.
18:24.07digixactually, i take that back.... WoW and BF2
18:24.07*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (i=Sorvarh@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
18:24.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Eraphine ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
18:24.08digixthe only thing i use widows for is gaming.... heh
18:24.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
18:24.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Kolth (n=amoeba@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
18:24.42krkai think blizzard would gain from making a *nix-version
18:24.55krkamostly from good will from geeks
18:25.04MatryxWrkI think they see the trouble they'd have in the support areas outweighs the benefit
18:25.06krkathat's something they haven't really been careful about
18:25.10TainGood will doesn't pay coders.
18:25.10MoonWolfi would put down 30 to 40 euros for a linux client again.
18:25.25MatryxWrkGood will doesn't necessarily have to pay coders
18:25.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Legorol (
18:25.37MatryxWrkyou know there are people who would happily work on one for free given half a chance
18:25.55MoonWolfI WILL PAY FOR IT
18:25.55krkai for one :)
18:26.11Legorolsounds interesting
18:26.20krkai for one welcome or new wow linux porting overlords
18:26.47LegorolWoW? Linux? port?
18:26.47TainI'd love to see Linux (and anything else) versions of anything.  It won't happen until the company accountants decide it's worth the invenstment though.
18:26.55Legorolam i hearing things wrong?
18:26.59krkawe're discussing the lack of it
18:27.16krkai wonder why Id does it
18:27.29Legoroli think Blizz has enough customers as it is..
18:27.29krkaare they stupid? or better coders? or nicer people?
18:27.33TainId was run by geeks originally, not accountants.
18:27.37krkaor are they actually getting money from it?
18:27.39Legorolgiven the success of WoW, even linux peeps are happy to boot Windows to play it
18:27.42Legorolor run cedega
18:27.49Legorolas long as that's the case, Blizz won't bother with a port
18:27.49krkanot all linux peeps are
18:28.05krkaclose down all my apps and reboot twice just to play WoW?
18:28.07TainYeah, I don't know if people are happy to boot Windows, they do it out of necessity.
18:28.13Legorolkrka: hell yeah!
18:28.15digixi know some that have gone out and bought an Apple G5 to play instead of installing windows
18:28.33krkai may go as far as pirate cedega but that's it
18:28.34Legorolmy point is, as long as people do do it anyway, Blizz has no incentive to bother
18:28.46krkaexcept good will basically
18:29.07krkawould be cool to arrange a protest though
18:29.17digixindeed, they could make a linux port instead of turning the other cheek to the majority
18:29.28digixerr, majority of geeks
18:29.31krkalike: if you don't make a linux port, N amount of players won't renew for a month
18:29.47krkaif a lot of people went on a sympathy strike, that might work :P
18:30.12digixi dont think we could go without WoW long enough to make the strike effective though :P
18:30.18krkathat loss of income for a month times the number of people may be more than the cost of developing it
18:30.29krkai could!
18:30.55BeladonaI heard a pretty bad rumor that they were looking at the viability of porting to playstation and xbox
18:31.15Beladonait was in an EBgames, so I am not sure how true it is
18:31.28Beladonabut if they can do that, surely they can do linux
18:31.58digixthat was false
18:32.06Beladonayeah I figured
18:32.12BeladonaI stopped short of saying something
18:32.21Beladonato the eb guy I mean
18:32.22digixsupposedly, it was gonna be on the 360, but that was nixed cuz of the high dependence on the mouse
18:32.28krkalays are a pretty big chips company in usa, right?
18:32.43digixyes krka
18:33.03krkaanyone know the story behind "heinz tomato ketchup" flavour?
18:33.06krkaworst idea ever
18:33.10TainXbox is a MS os alreadey
18:33.31krkawould still be a bigger port than linux
18:33.38krkawould have to redesign input
18:33.39TainNo it wouldn't.
18:33.46digixlol krka. and Tain, the Xbox OS is actually a linux variant
18:33.54TainThat's why there are so many game developers on the Xbox.
18:33.59TainIt's easy to port between PC and Xbox.
18:34.10krkawow is keyboard and mouse dependent
18:34.11TainThe Xbox OS is not a linux variant.  Where on Earth did you hear that?
18:34.27digixfrom people that develop software for it....
18:34.32TainUh huh.
18:35.15digixits a heavily locked down MS version, but yes, the Xbox OS is based upon linux
18:35.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Natasem (n=Natasem@
18:35.28Beladonathe XBOX os is a windows 2000 variant
18:35.32Beladonanot linux
18:35.58TainIt's based on Linux as much as Windows 2000 is based on Linux.
18:36.21Beladonathe Xbox 360 is a further development of the xbox os
18:36.28Natasemno XBox is based on Lindows
18:36.34Beladonawhich makes it a variant of the variant
18:37.52TainThe 360 OS is bound to be different because of the hardware platform change, but I haven't followed it much.  I remember reading early on that they were going to do almost a full rewrite of the OS.
18:37.55TainBut that was like 2 years ago.
18:39.14Beladonathey did
18:39.21Beladonait is still based in the same core that made the xbos
18:39.36Beladonait is just ported and changed drastically for the new architecture
18:40.29krkaif it was based on linux, then MS would have to release the source to all the buyers
18:40.59Beladonathey also needed to make it work with their media center os
18:41.24Beladonamuch easier to do that with a window api
18:45.30Beladonabbs, gotta reboot
18:48.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Beladona (n=beladona@
18:48.29*** mode/#WoWI-lounge [+o Beladona] by ChanServ
18:48.49purlit has been said that wave is no
18:49.09Beladonasomeone has been screwing with purl
18:49.16MatryxWrkpurl forget ~wave
18:49.16purlMatryxWrk: i didn't have anything called '~wave' to forget
18:49.16Cairennlucky purl ;)
18:49.21MatryxWrkpurl forget wave
18:49.22purlMatryxWrk: i forgot wave
18:49.55Beladonapurl, wave is <action> waves to everyone
18:49.57purlBye, is <action> waves to everyone
18:50.29purlbye bye
18:50.36purlHowdy Bub
18:50.59*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower (
18:51.02BeladonaI don't remember half this stuff being set this way
18:51.12Beladonaits like his db has been reloaded
18:51.20purlsomebody said cairenn was one of the administrators of, also EQInterface, EQ2Interface and VGInterface
18:51.20Beladonaor someone has been resettings stuff
18:51.28Cairenn~emulate Cairenn
18:51.30purlACTION purrs
18:51.36MoonWolf~emulate me
18:51.38purlACTION Howls to the moon
18:51.38Cairennokay, not completely reset
18:51.44MoonWolfits been reset.
18:51.47purlone of the moderators at WoWI, owner/creator of and all around cool guy
18:51.48MoonWolfto some point
18:51.53lonpurl: bark at the moon, whippersnapper.
18:51.54MoonWolf~emulate zeeg
18:51.56purlthe only way you could make me like any of you is with $
18:52.10MoonWolfthat one still works :D
18:52.44Beladona~factinfo emulate zeeg
18:52.44purlemulate zeeg -- last modified at Sun Dec 11 19:34:04 2005 by Tekkub!; it has been requested 3 times, last by MoonWolf, 48s ago.
18:53.17MoonWolfI made it but tekkub edited it so it doesnt show my name.
18:53.20MoonWolfi case it would piss of zeeg
18:53.27MoonWolfbut zeeg isnt here so.
18:53.42Cairennreally though, that isn't nice :p
18:53.56MoonWolfhey, its a direct qoute and i have logs to prove it.
18:54.02Cairenneven if it is a direct ... LOL
18:54.08MatryxWrkmmm lack of context > *
18:54.13TainSpeaking of direct quotes.
18:54.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Lozareth (
18:54.25CairennI was there when he said that
18:54.27Cairennhey Loz!
18:54.40TainOops I always forget that.
18:54.44Tain~emulate saien
18:54.45purlI could have helped you, but I won't.
18:55.06Natasem~emulate Tain
18:55.08purlWhy the hell am I still sober?
18:55.26Beladona~emulate Beladona
18:55.28purlACTION wants a cookie
18:55.28TainIt's the middle of the day, purl!
18:55.31TainYou know I can't do that.
18:55.49Beladonathought there was another one
18:55.53Beladona~emulate Beladona
18:55.54purlmy head hurts from looking at code all day
18:55.54purlMoonWolf: :)
18:55.55Cairennpurl, give Beladona a cookie
18:55.57purlACTION gives Beladona a home-baked lemon cookie to cheer him up.
18:56.02Tain~8ball Will Beladona get a cookie?
18:56.03purlSure. Yeah, exactly.
18:56.21MoonWolfBeladona, is a guy ?
18:56.26BeladonaI want to play
18:56.27longuess so
18:56.28Beladonaso bad
18:56.43lonI mean, if purl says it, it must be so.
18:56.44Beladonacan't you?
18:56.46Cairenndamnitall, get home hubby!
18:56.48MoonWolfgo play then.
18:56.55Beladonaoh that kind of play
18:56.56Cairennsee 2nd half ;)
18:57.16Tainpurl, when will hubby get home?
18:57.35TainNo comment I guess.
18:58.07Beladona~8ball When will Cairenn's hubby get home?
18:58.23Cairennpurl, you're useless :p
18:58.26Tain~8ball Will we hear a peep out of Cairenn while he's there?
18:58.27purlPlease ask again.
18:58.31Beladonasounds like something I would say
18:58.53CairennTain: depends on how close to my bedroom you are ;)
18:58.54krkamaybe I should stop ignoring purl if you keep using it so much
18:59.06TainOooh better relocate the hidden camera
18:59.18MatryxWrkkrka: he never says anything useful :)
18:59.24MatryxWrkbut it might make the conversations less odd
18:59.26Cairennbut he's amusing
18:59.32MatryxWrkyes, that too
18:59.36Cairennwhen not over used
18:59.37MatryxWrkwho owns purl?
18:59.47lonpurl: who's your daddy?
18:59.49purlYOU are, Mr Sexy Pants!
19:00.05Cairennpurl: who's your momma?
19:00.08lonI didn't quite expect that.
19:00.16Cairennbah, dumb purl
19:00.17MoonWolfO RLY?
19:00.19lonCairenn: you crashed it.
19:00.30CairennMoonWolf: do it with a ~ in front of it
19:00.38MoonWolf~O RLY?
19:00.40purlACTION slaps moonwolf several times across the face before kidney punching them and pulling out a shotgun to blow their brains out: "Ya rly!"
19:00.40Cairennand serve you right, too :p
19:01.08MoonWolf~Ya RLY!
19:01.49Lozarethwe're sitting in a chat room talking to a bot...
19:02.03MatryxWrkI'm sat at work trying to find distractions
19:02.09Cairennit happens by times Loz ;)
19:02.17lonI'm just waiting for feedback so I can go home..
19:02.35lonand call 2005 a year as far as work's concerned ;)
19:02.36Cairennwe've been through Linux distros once already today
19:02.42MatryxWrkIon: any particular kind of feedback? or will me saying "Very good, carry on" do?
19:02.57lonMatryxWrk: Lon.  ion is way too cool to be me.
19:03.20krkai thought you wanted to be more serious :/
19:03.37lonMatryxWrk: unfortunately, I need to get specific feedback from someone specific -- but thank you for the generous offer.  On other days, it might have been enough :)
19:03.43MatryxWrkheh =)
19:03.43Lozarethsomeone make this stack of invoices go away
19:03.50Tain~praise lon
19:03.52purlAll hail lon!
19:04.00MatryxWrkLoz: I have a shredder just for that exact purpose.....
19:04.15lonMoonWolf: they're high in fiber.
19:04.21TainDepends, do you work at Enron?
19:04.43Beladonanice one Tain
19:04.50Tain~praise me
19:04.51purlAll hail tain!
19:04.58LozarethI'm gonna go stick them in the litter box
19:05.12TainJust make sure you take the staples out first.
19:05.30Cairennsee? we're all such nice people here, we're willing to help out with all kinds of stuff ... disposing of invoices, procrastinating from house cleaning, distractions from work ...
19:05.47Beladonado you need anyone killed?
19:05.48TainYeah, but no one offered to make me lunch so I'm going to find some.
19:05.56lonBeladona: no, but I'll keep you in mind.
19:05.59Beladonanot that I would do it for you, but I would offer
19:06.02lonthat came out wrong.
19:06.14lonBeladona: no, but I'll keep you in mind should the need arise :)
19:06.36MatryxWrkTain: if you can get to London Bridge I have a pack of haribo going spare.
19:07.21Beladonawe get all these cards from coworkers
19:07.24Cairenna needle pulling thread
19:07.26Beladonausually have candy
19:07.29Beladonaor something
19:07.37Beladonathen I get this one today
19:07.42Beladonawith a candle
19:07.55Beladonaa guy with a candle
19:08.01BeladonaI was like, ok what do I do with this?
19:08.27Cairennyou don't know what to do with a candle?
19:08.42Cairennhey Tem :)
19:08.45BeladonaI just have no use for them
19:09.08Beladonanow a match....
19:09.08MoonWolfcandles and doing stuff with them, oooh the implications.
19:09.16NatasemRole Playing room is that way ===/>
19:09.19MatryxWrkMoonWolf: behave :P
19:09.36MoonWolfI never said anything.
19:09.42CairennBeladona: here, I'll be kind
19:09.45Cairennwhat you do is this
19:09.48MatryxWrksurely wolf + wax = bad fur day anyway?
19:10.00Cairennyou take the pretty candle home and hand it to your wife
19:10.03Lozarethcards go in the litter box with the shredded invoices
19:10.09Beladonayeah like she needs more
19:10.11Cairennlol Lozareth
19:10.14Natasemno worse than Tar + Feathers
19:10.20CairennBeladona: you *always* need more candles, duh :p
19:10.38Beladonaif we ever lost power, our house would look like nothing happened
19:11.00Cairennhmmmm, candles ... incense ... *digs around on her desk, papers scattering every which way*
19:11.14Lozarethexcept you'd be staring a black computer monitor waiting for it to come back
19:11.29Beladonano, like last hurricane season, I would stay at work
19:12.10Cairennvanilla or sandlewood today guys?
19:12.16LozarethI would be anyway, sadly pressing keys and whimpering
19:12.23Cairennor lavendar
19:12.40CairennLozareth: shush you :p
19:12.50Lozarethtar pits
19:12.51MatryxWrkor Patchouli
19:12.58MatryxWrk- possible spelling errors
19:13.07Lozarethdiesel exhaust
19:13.11CairennI need to restock, I'm just down to those three options atm
19:13.18Beladonaare you burning it, or eating it?
19:13.18MatryxWrkvanilla then
19:13.18Lozarethdamn, none of my favs
19:13.28Cairenngoing for vanilla, make it smell like I've been baking or something
19:13.39MatryxWrkmakes me think of white chocolate
19:13.42MoonWolfeat the vanilla burn the sandlewood
19:13.44MatryxWrkwhich is always good
19:13.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Maldivia (
19:13.49Cairennsave the sandlewood for when hubby is home ;)
19:14.09MatryxWrkok - back to the grind
19:15.56Beladonathose go on the floor!
19:16.17Beladonayou should see my office
19:16.28Beladonaif you dont trip over a server first
19:16.53Beladonawhich mind you would be fatal
19:16.58Beladonaas you fell on the others
19:17.39krkawhat is sandlewood and why would a hubby like it?
19:17.42Lozarethsounds like my back porch
19:18.22Lozarethbecause she tells him to
19:18.44Cairennsandlewood is a type of wood with a very pleasant scent
19:19.30Beladonaok I almost said something in reference to that sentence
19:19.37Beladonabut I think I will ignore it
19:19.43Cairennnaw, go for it :p
19:19.51Beladonayou know what I was thiking anyway
19:20.00Cairennactually, nope
19:20.22Lozarethis it a um, a uh, polished wood?
19:20.29Beladonasomething along those lines
19:21.02MoonWolfis is "cadle"shaped ?
19:21.14krkahmm... i guess I shouldn't have nuked the entire package of 500g rice pudding stuff
19:21.15BeladonaI was gonna say, that will be a night full of wood then
19:21.33CairennBeladona: ;)
19:23.41CodayusWhat does it say about me that it took me a while to stop wondering what on earth would be so great about a package of rice pudding that it would cost 500 gold?
19:24.21krkait would definitely not be worth 500 gold
19:24.41Cairennrice pudding ... yum
19:24.46CodayusWell, maybe if it gave a really amazing buff?
19:24.59CodayusIt's have to be way stronger than a flask though...
19:25.11Lozarethit's not too much WoW until you refuse to eat the pudding because it'll just drop an old boot or a slimy bone
19:25.32Beladonaor if you refuse to cook it because it wouldn't give a skillup
19:25.50CodayusMmm, apparenlty slimes are dropping better loot in 1.9?  I saw the patchnote but haven't checked it out.  Anyone know the details?
19:26.15CodayusJust higher value junk?  Or a chance at greens?  Or what?
19:26.15Beladonabut I have been getting small chests from slimes lately
19:26.40Beladonanothing good in those chests mind you, but maybe that will change
19:27.08krkayou should see the loot before you kill the slime
19:27.14krkaafter all, where would it hide it?
19:27.27CodayusWell, they are pretty opaque...
19:27.30Beladonasame place it hides the skulls and rotting hide
19:27.41Beladonawhich means not at all
19:27.44CodayusSo for small loot, it's probably internal.
19:27.57krkayou should be able to just punch through the slime and grab the loot before you kill it then
19:28.07CodayusOTOH, whats up with killing bears and looting a rotting bear carcass?
19:28.18Kremontethey are cannibals?
19:28.19BeladonaI know right
19:28.34CodayusWas the bear carrying it?  Or was it THAT bears carcass?  And if so, why is it still on the ground?  And why did it rot so fast?
19:28.56krkait's fine, learn2play
19:29.09Cairennand you are wondering these things ... why?
19:29.12CodayusMaybe it was carrying it to a previously unknown bear graveyard...
19:29.17CodayusCairenn: Oh, that's easy!
19:29.30CodayusToo much caffiene, not enough sleep.
19:29.36Kremontehey Beladona, how did gentoo install go?
19:29.52Beladonatried twice
19:29.59Beladonasomething on my laptop was giving it problems
19:30.02Lozarethhow does a bear carcass fit in my backpack?
19:30.13Beladonafinishing up ubuntu right now
19:30.22Beladonawill screw with gentoo on a spare system later
19:30.27Beladonatill I perfect it
19:30.44CodayusWell, maybe it was a very small bear carcass?  Like of a baby bear?  Which is even more disturbing if you think about it.
19:30.45digixand how do we carry 5 backpacks at once?
19:30.50Natasemanyone one want to see the next item that is gona get me banned from the WoW forums?
19:31.07Natasemseeing how my Santa post did already
19:32.00NatasemYa’ll remember my SANTA CLAUS: an Engineer's Perspective post well here is the follow up story this is the actual Blue Prints for X-Mass. Although you will need a PDF reader to view it seeing how it is in PDF format.
19:32.01krkaand in some games where items have weight and can slow you down, why does it weigh less if you put it in your backpack?
19:32.35digixlol, very true krka
19:32.49MoonWolfhow do 60 stacks of 20 pieces of runecloth go in my backpack.
19:33.06MoonWolfim assuming these pieces of cloth are big enough to makes something decent out of it.
19:33.11MoonWolflike a robe.
19:33.23CodayusMeh, just think about the number of gold bars you can fit in there.
19:33.33CodayusOr, ponder why a gold bar is worth less than a gold coin...
19:33.41MoonWolfor the shear weight of 60 plate chests
19:33.46CodayusJust how big ARE these bars?  And yet, a gold coin takes up no room at all!
19:34.12MaldiviaOr the fact, than you can fit a 16 slot backpack in a 6 slot backpack
19:34.17CodayusI think we need to reverse engineer the coinpurses.
19:34.23MoonWolfMaldivia, folding.
19:34.37CodayusIf we could harness this coinpurse technology to make packs, we'd never run out of room!
19:34.45digixso true.....
19:34.52MoonWolfthe coinpurses are actually bags of holding.
19:35.09Lozarethsome WoW dev is gonna pop in real quick, see that, and make coins take up bag slots
19:35.33digixonly stacks up to 10g
19:35.42MoonWolfthat would create diable 1 scenes
19:35.50MoonWolfwhere half your inventory would be gold at one point.
19:35.51Maldiviaohh no...
19:36.01digixthen in the next patch, they introduce an actual "coin purse" bag
19:36.17digixonly holds 1000g then you need to get another
19:36.27digixor 500g
19:36.37MoonWolfi would love to see like some extra bag slots that are for specific bags
19:36.39krkamore realistic in diablo, where money took backpack space
19:36.49digixand then they start charging interest for the bank
19:36.52Cairennneed to reboot, brb
19:36.52krkawow... did I just call diablo realistic? O_O
19:37.04*** part/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (
19:37.09MoonWolf3 extra bag slots for sould plouches or quivers or ammopouches or yet to be invented jewelboxes
19:37.24digixi always wondered though why you couldnt place money in the bank so savings.....
19:37.35TainNo, no interest in the bank. I already owe rent for my base in City of Villains.
19:39.37TainAww I didn't realize Asheron's Call 2 was shutting down the servers.
19:39.52NatasemAC 2 was a bomb
19:39.56Natasemmeaning it suxed
19:40.09TainIt was a bomb, but it's still too bad.
19:40.31Natasemalthough AC1 is comeing out with a Sequl(sp)
19:40.44TainFor the simple fact that the original Asheron's Call started with a good base until MS got involved (in my opinion.)
19:41.20TainReally though anytime a game shuts down I think it's too bad, just because of the effort that goes into it by the devs.
19:43.56Kiliekac1 is getting a sequel?
19:45.19MoonWolfac1 has a sequal and it bombed already
19:45.19Kiliekthat's fucken hot
19:45.19Kiliekac1 wtfowned
19:46.18TainI thought it was an expansion to AC1.
19:46.21TainThrone of Destiny
19:46.56TainI thought AC1 had some great ideas, it just was pushed out for Christmas so a lot of them weren't fully implemented right off the bat.
19:47.12TainAnd when stuff is missing right away, most people aren't going to stick around to see if it shows up.
19:48.11*** join/#wowi-lounge cladhaire (
19:48.53Kremonteuhm, what's the name of the default tooltip frame? =X
19:50.15MoonWolfnot a clue
19:50.19MoonWolfwowtooltip ?
19:51.17Kiliekac2 was fun for like a month
19:51.17Kiliekuntil i hit cap
19:51.17Kiliekgame was so broken at retail
19:51.17Kiliekmob pathing was all sorts of fucked up
19:51.36TainI think it's GameTooltip
19:52.01Kremonteyeah it is, thanks Tain
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19:53.01Beladonawelcome back
19:53.03Beladonaor not
19:53.15Kremontegr i cant type
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19:53.21Beladona0 o
19:53.21Kremontewb again
19:54.13Cairennlittle flakes, big snow
19:54.39Lozarethsnowing here too
19:54.55Kremonteno snow here :'( it's just really cold
19:55.24CairennIt's surprisingly cold here too, given that it's snowing ... usually it's warmer when it's snowing
19:55.42Kremontethe outdoors suck
19:55.51LozarethI drove into a ditch for the 2nd time already last Fri.
19:56.04CairennO.O Loz
19:56.06Lozarethcomplete white-out, couldn't see the road
19:56.15Kremonteloz pays his entire salary in car insurance
19:56.17Eraphine|Discowhere do you live.
19:56.22MoonWolfi wish we had snow
19:56.26Cairennbeen there, done that Lozareth
19:56.28MoonWolfalas no white chrismas for me.
19:56.34Eraphine|DiscoYou wish until you have it
19:56.34Lozarethand once a 1974 Cadillac is in a ditch, it's not getting back out :)
19:56.44Eraphine|DiscoThen you wish it didn't snow all the time.
19:56.51Cairennnot without a tow-truck, at least
19:56.56Eraphine|DiscoSnow would be great if it fell, and then dissolved into nothing within 24 hours
19:57.03KremonteI just saved a bunch of money on my epic mount by getting Exalted with Geico.
19:57.15Eraphine|DiscoWhat is the exalted discount?
19:57.18OsagasuKrem, owned.
19:57.20Osagasuoh oh
19:57.32KremonteOsagasu, old :(
19:57.43OsagasuForgive me
19:58.00KremonteYou can save up to 200 gold with just a 15 minute phone call
19:58.06Lebannenhrm... not having a warrior... does PLAYER_AURAS_CHANGED get fired when a warrior changes stances?
19:58.07OsagasuI have a fever of 100+, mild vertigo, and I just took a 3 hour nap.
19:58.09Cairennoh Krem, stop, lol
19:58.22KremonteCairenn, 15 minutes or less!
19:58.23OsagasuI'm not in my right mind, kay?
19:58.26TainThat's true, Kremonte.  A lot of online gold sellers say they'll deliver in 15 minutes. ;)
19:58.34Kremonterofl, Tain
19:58.44lonheh.  World of warcraft gold sellers.
19:58.55lon <-- not sure if it's serious, but it's seriously funny.
20:01.21Beladonawine, here I come
20:01.23KremonteEnjoyWoW's Motto: We exist so you can spend your time the way you want
20:01.51lonwhat gets me is that if you punch "world of warcraft" into google, it has tons of sponsored links from gold sellers :(  I thought Google researched their advertisers.  heh.
20:03.52Kremonteheh, my estimate at level 40 was correct
20:04.00Kremonte1g is sold for the same as 10k gil (ffxi)
20:05.58lonWoW gold rules to <-- entire in-game economy is based on real money
20:07.21lonThat and Second Life seem to attempt Neal Stephenson's Metaverse, except without the puny 2^16 address space ;)
20:07.57CairennOkay, take this in context ... is it any wonder that the Asian cultures thinks so poorly of the North American/European cultures?  We're so lazy, we pay someone else to play our games for us ...
20:08.36Beladonawe aspire to pay someone else to drive for us
20:08.43Beladonait extends beyond games
20:08.48Cairennoh, I know
20:09.17Cairennbut my point is ... these are *games* ... and we are paying others to *play* them for us ... we are so lazy we can't even *play* for ourselves
20:09.41krkafor some it's a *contest*
20:09.48Cairenn"we" being used in context here, please, not necessarily any person in this channel
20:09.57TainA lot of people don't see it as lazy so much as being cheaper in "time" for what they want to get out of it.
20:10.16krkaactually, can grinding for gold really be considered playing?
20:10.23krkait's mindboggingly boring
20:10.38Beladonais it wrong of me to actually like installing an app via command line in linux instead of using it's package manager? 0.o
20:10.40krkanothing wrong with wanting to do the fun parts of the game
20:10.52Cairennno, for them I believe it truly is a "job" ...
20:10.53TainIf someone doesn't enjoy playing level 1-20 for example, but does enjoy playing higher level, then it's not a very fun game for them to get there.
20:11.10Beladonayeah but it takes what, 1 day to get there?
20:11.19TainIt depends on the person.
20:11.23krkai played that for a week or so
20:11.25TainDont' get me wrong, I think a lot of people are simply lazy.
20:11.28Beladonapeople don't want to put the effort into attaining long term benefits
20:11.41krkaI am a slow player I think
20:11.47Cairennmy point being, is it any wonder that the NA/Euro communities are scoffed at by the Asain communities?
20:12.06TainOh I think there's lots of reasons for that. :)
20:12.10Beladonahey, I scoff at us
20:12.14CairennI do too
20:12.17Beladonaforget the asians
20:12.47Cairennbut tis no wonder that "they" feel like they are better than us - remember, take what I am saying in context
20:12.54Beladonathe US is like Microsoft. Everyone knows there is a problem, but no one wants to fix it
20:13.06krkathat's how it is with no-skill games, people can get "better" by letting others play
20:13.12TainOr possibly more to the point Beladona, no one has the power to fix it.
20:13.22krkacan you imagine anyone paying someone else to play warcraft 3 for you?
20:13.26Beladonaoh there are people who have the power
20:13.36TainThe Illuminati!  shhh
20:13.37Beladonathey just happen to be the ones that use the system as it is for personal gain
20:14.04Cairennand those that would like to actually change things, will never get the opportunity to do so, because what it will take won't be "popular"
20:14.28krkawhat is the problem in this casE?
20:15.06Cairennwell, we've gone from games to society, so I'm not sure what we're talking about at this point ;)
20:15.22Beladonaninja monkeys to be exact
20:15.26krkawe've gone to society?
20:15.31krkaI missed the transition
20:15.31Cairennpirate monkeys ftw!
20:15.39BeladonaI think krka fell off the train about a mile back
20:16.00krkaso, how about that bear carcass?
20:16.09krkahow did it get there?
20:16.33CairennCairenn: but tis no wonder that "they" feel like they are better than us - remember, take what I am saying in context
20:16.33CairennBeladona: the US is like Microsoft. Everyone knows there is a problem, but no one wants to fix it
20:16.33CairennTain: Or possibly more to the point Beladona, no one has the power to fix it.
20:16.33CairennBeladona: oh there are people who have the power
20:16.33CairennBeladona: they just happen to be the ones that use the system as it is for personal gain
20:16.34CairennCairenn: and those that would like to actually change things, will never get the opportunity to do so, because what it will take won't be "popular"
20:17.13krkai figured that was still about wow
20:17.43Lozarethwhat happened to the pirate ninja monkeys?
20:17.59Cairennpirates secksay!
20:18.19Lozareth*contrives to look as non-pirate as possible*
20:18.52digixi concur... what did happen to said pirate ninja monkeys?
20:20.11*** join/#wowi-lounge pagefault (i=pagefaul@pdpc/supporter/active/pagefault)
20:20.28CairennSOE Marketing 1, Hardcore Gamer 0
20:20.56digixwow, todays comic there is nice and true
20:21.24CairennWoody usually does a good job of being right on top of things
20:21.35Cairennlike the whole Pokemon causes cancer thing yesterday
20:21.39Cairennthat was good too
20:22.07TainI choose you, Lung Cancer!
20:23.11Cairennyou do have to wonder if the scientist in question was having some fun with it
20:24.28Osagasu <--That looks familiar
20:32.04OsagasuI don't know why I never put GU Comics in my webcomic bookmark folder.
20:39.47krkaheh, does the chat in #cosmostesters seem familiar cair?
20:40.31Cairenntalk about your perfect example :p
20:40.33krkai'll take that as a yes
20:41.04Cairennbuddy in #cosmostesters bitching about the fact that he has to hold down the shift key while clicking in order to loot everything
20:41.21Cairennlike, omg
20:42.44CairennI always try to behave over there, it's not my channel, it isn't my place to tell someone they are being idiots, but  gah
20:44.46Beladonahe could always make an addon that changes that couldn't he?
20:45.10Beladonawhy not?
20:45.58Beladonayou could simply make a script that loots evderything if the loot window pops up
20:46.29Cairenncan you?
20:46.51TainPretty sure, you can do it for other things, like the mailbox.
20:47.09Cairennhaven't people been trying to do that for ages now? and no one has had any luck? or has no one actually attempted it?
20:47.10TainI've never actually looked at doing it though.  Sounds like an opportunity!
20:47.18lonBeladona: uh, I just shift-right click to loot everything
20:47.23lonmaybe it's a cosmos thing?
20:47.41BeladonaI do too
20:47.43TainThe person is complaing about having to shift.
20:47.49BeladonaI was responding to the someone bitching they had to do that
20:47.58Beladona= lazy
20:48.00Beladonabut whatever
20:48.18Cairennlon: 10 sec rule
20:48.31Beladonanot like we have room to talk. many addons are created out of a need to be lazy
20:48.45lontrue, dat.
20:49.04Lebannennothing in WoWWiki about loot functions, may not be possible
20:49.43Beladonaall you need to do is set the loot window to do an onshow
20:49.48BeladonaI would think
20:50.02Beladonamight have to try it to prove it can be done, but hell if I will release something so useless
20:50.04LebannenI mean to actually loot the item
20:50.09Lebannento pick it up
20:50.24TainBeladona: People would useit.  I bet you would get tens of thousands of downloads.
20:50.37TainI'm not saying that's a good reason to do it. :)
20:51.10LebannenThere's a LOOT_OPEN event which would tell you when the loot action has started, but I can't see any meothd of actually picking up the items presented
20:51.28Beladonasame way you pick up an item from your back
20:52.15LebannenPickupContainerItem?  What, slot 6 is the loot window?  Not convinced :)
20:53.04MaldiviaCairenn: cute :)
20:53.17MaldiviaCairenn: that seems to be the right word
20:53.51TainCute?  Try this. ;)
20:54.25BeladonaLebannen: instead of naysaying it, prove it wrong or allow someone to prove it right
20:54.34Maldiviaok, that's verload...
20:54.45lonoh dear god
20:55.01lonTain: wow, what an appropriately named site
20:58.01LebannenBeladona: apologies, I did say "Not convinced" - but I am also testing it
20:59.03BeladonaI will screw with it later, I am still playing with wine
21:01.57TainAh she said it!~
21:01.59krkadon't say it!!!
21:02.00TainAhh she said it again!
21:02.03TainNow I'm saying it!
21:02.03krkano, now I said it
21:04.10Lebannenunless PickupContainerItem uses some odd index, I can now confirm it doesn't work - indexes 5 to 15, anyway.  PickupMerchantItem also doesn't seem to correspond to the loot window.
21:05.13krkaheh, didn't think you'd actually test what's already so obvious
21:05.28Gryphenim sure its not possible
21:05.47LebannenWell, Beladona shot me down for not testing what I thoguht was obvious... so :p
21:06.04Gryphenits been requested so many times and so many talented coders and never has there been one
21:06.51krkathey said the same thing about multiple spells on the same keypress though :)
21:07.00Cairennthe question was whether anyone has ever actually tried or not, or whether we've all just assumed that someone else tried it
21:07.35BeladonaI highly doubt it is a purely embedded function. There has to be a way to utilize the loot process
21:08.09krkais the loot frame even accessible in any way at all?
21:08.21TainBesides, never before in the history of Warcraftkind have so many talented coders been assembled in one place.
21:08.28krkadoes it show up in FrameXML?
21:08.36CairennTain: :p
21:08.43krkaand so many hacks :P
21:09.11Gryphenya cosmostesters has no talent :p
21:09.25TainYou shouldn't say things like that, Gryphen.  That's rude.
21:09.42Cairennyer all nuts, the lot of you
21:09.43krkaalso quite untrue
21:09.45Beladonayeah, and it could get [pasted]
21:09.59Cairennmind you, what does that make me, for hanging out with you :p
21:10.08TainThe nutcracker!
21:10.16Cairennlol tain
21:10.55TainYou can do things with the loot window, Pocket Helper does for Rogues.  Adds a single window for pickpocketing.
21:12.12KremonteTain, Pocket Helper?
21:14.51krkaisn't there one mod that automatically moves the loot window so the mouse is always over one of the items?
21:15.03TainYeah there's a few like that.
21:15.17krkacould also make it smart so it only hovers over items that you want to pick up
21:15.29Legoroladmittedly i haven't read the whole log on the discussion on looting,
21:15.36Legorolbut someone was asking if you could "auto-loot"
21:15.44Legorolthe answer is no, impossible with the current scripting API
21:15.44Kremonteaka shift click?
21:15.54Legorolnot even once the loot window is visible
21:16.05krkacould make a third party program that holds down shift :P
21:16.11Legorolthat you could
21:16.12krkabut that would fuck up everything else...
21:16.19Legorolbut you could do 3rd party progs for anything, krka
21:16.24Legorolwe are talking Lua here
21:16.34krkai could make it in Lua! =)
21:16.56krkadid you mean wow-sandbox-lua? :)
21:17.04Legorolyou damn well know i did!
21:17.17Legoroland i know you know and are just pulling my leg
21:17.31Legorolanyways, lootbuttons are evil things
21:17.33krkai always knew you knew that I knew
21:17.42Legorolthey are special UI widgets which handle the left and right-click internally
21:18.05Legorolthe event, although is properly delivered to the XML/Lua handlers, is also handled in C code specially to handle the actual looting
21:18.26Legorolif you look at the Lua handler assigned to the OnClick of a lootbutton, it has absolutely nothing in it that has anything to do with looting
21:18.58MoonWolfOne thing i alway's wonder.
21:19.10MoonWolfwhen is a mobs loot determened ?
21:19.20krkawhen it dies, I think
21:19.22MoonWolfwhen it spawns, when it dies, when you attack it, when you tag is ?
21:19.29Legorolwhen it dies
21:19.44krkais there any way we could verify that btw?
21:19.52Legorolyou can tag it then untag it
21:19.55KremonteGetMobLoots("target"); w00t perditions blade is dropping today!
21:20.01Legorolactually, no way to verify
21:20.19MoonWolfbecause you are only seeing the loot when it dies.
21:20.19Legorolbut because it's possible for a mob to get untagged, it's silly for it to be determined on tagging
21:20.25krkaexcept bother slouken about work when he gets here
21:20.26Legorolthere are some indications though
21:20.32Beladonanot without checking the loot, and somehow rezzing the mob, then checking it again
21:20.45KremonteAV, Beladona? :P
21:20.46Legorole.g. if a person joins a party *after* you tagged a mob already, they can still get the quest item loot
21:20.54Legorolprovided they join before the mob dies
21:20.59krkain any case, the client shouldn't get any info until it dies
21:21.18Legorolif i were blizz, not even until you right-click to loot
21:21.22krkaalso, some quest drops are definitely decided on the first mob that dies
21:21.22MoonWolfLegorol, but that is because he participated in the kill for the quest, not because of the loot i think.
21:21.43Legorolthink about it, MoonWolf
21:21.56Legorolwhether to include the quest item in the loot or not has to be decided at some point
21:22.07BeladonaI think it has more to do with the client recieving the data, as well as permissions for the loot
21:22.09Legorolclearly this decision is made when the mob dies
21:22.13Beladonaupon mob death
21:23.02Beladonawhich would also explain why another person gets the you do not have permission to loot that
21:23.02krkaor upon deciding to loot!
21:23.02TainI know in EverQuest it was on mob spawn.  Which has nothing to do with it, I just wanted to contribute something. :(
21:23.02krkaphilosophical question: if you don't loot a corpse, has it ever even had some loot?
21:23.09MoonWolfkrka, we will never know.
21:23.12Legorolkrka, or if there is noone to witness its death ;-)
21:23.17TainIf a tree falls on a murloc in a forest, and there's no one to see it...
21:23.25Legorolexactly my thoughts
21:23.29Beladonawas the murloc even there...
21:23.32krkaif some loot falls by itself, and no one is there to pick it up....
21:23.35Legorolor the forest?
21:23.37TainThere is no spoon.
21:23.40Beladonaor the tree
21:23.45Legorolor the spoon
21:23.59purlEating kittens is just plain wrong! And no-one should do it, ever!
21:24.11Kiliekthe bigger question is, does it matter
21:24.18TainWhat is matter?
21:24.21MoonWolfthings are only determined when they are whitnessed in science so, there is no murloc no wood and no tree, only a possiblilty of them existing.
21:24.40LegorolTain: matter = energy
21:24.51krkaif we figure out how they generate randomness, we could figure out what would drop later
21:24.51MoonWolfwhat is energy ?
21:24.54krkaif we knew when it was decided
21:25.06LegorolMoonWolf: it's even worse, even if a scientist witnesses something, that doesn't necessarily determine the outcome
21:25.06TainThe less energy you have the more matter you'll get. ;)
21:25.12Kiliekthe hurdle there is figuring out how they generate randomness
21:25.18krkaand we had access to all the wow-traffic to all connected users
21:25.25Kremonteprobably on time() or something
21:25.28Kiliekbut, seriously, it probably happens when it's most efficient
21:25.43krkaand that random generator is pseudo-random and it's not used for anything else
21:25.49Legoroli beleive they do it on death, because that's when the decision about quest items needs to be made
21:25.50MoonWolfnothing is truely random
21:25.52Kremontewhen the mob dies, it uses something with time() and math.random() for teh lewts?
21:26.02krkaor everything is truely random
21:26.07Legorolso in all likelihood they make all the other loottable decisions then too
21:26.10MoonWolfits only affected by so many variables that doing it exactly like that again is very small
21:26.20Beladonait would make sense
21:26.31Beladonaa mob has access to specific tables in the loot db
21:26.32krkathe lootable loottable?
21:26.32TainI dont know how much time() is used, but in EverQuest someone figured how how the forumula for /rand rolling worked, and spoofed their local time everytime the call was made.
21:26.41TainThey could roll specific numbers whenever they wanted.
21:26.42Beladonaand a function does a random on those available tables
21:26.42Legorolwe know they have to decide on quest item inclusion on death and not lootwindow opening,
21:26.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Cleft (
21:26.53Legorolbecause it has to decide whether to show the tingling lights to 1 or more players
21:27.13KremonteTain - i'd have reason to believe it would be based on a server calculation of time() when the function is called to make the loot table
21:27.19krkagood point
21:27.20MoonWolftain, blizzard has multple random generators at server side an can switch then around when they want to should there be a need.
21:27.23Legorole.g. if two people kill a mob, one which has a quest for an item that mob drops and another doesn't,
21:27.24krkaso it must be death
21:27.27krkagood reasoning
21:27.32Legoroland it's the other's turn to loot,
21:27.37Legorolthey both need to see the glow
21:27.50TainYep. It's solid logicicity.
21:27.57Legorolso quest items must be decided at death at the latest
21:28.02Legorolwe still don't know about the other items
21:28.17Kiliekmob spawn, death, and on loot are three plausible times
21:28.20TainSo you're saying it was Professor Plumb, with the lead pipe, in the kitchen?
21:28.26KremonteKiliek - mob spawn wouldn't work
21:28.27Legorolyes Tain
21:28.36Kiliekkremonte, quest loot could be added later
21:28.37Legorolmob spawn would work too,
21:28.41Kiliekor as a seperate process
21:28.41Legorolwith quest loot added later
21:28.52Kilieklike i said, it's likely whatever is most efficient
21:29.00MoonWolfor quest loot is simply handles different
21:29.07MoonWolfif a mob drops per say a head
21:29.11Kremontewell then on spawn wouldnt be efficient
21:29.14TainPossibly all possible loot is loaded at spawn, and displayed only to who neds it.
21:29.21MoonWolfthat head can be looted by anybody with the quest and participated in the kills
21:29.31Kremonteit would be in memory for every alive mob on the server
21:29.37TainI very much doubt that would be the case.
21:29.40TainBut it's possible. :)
21:29.45Legorolif i were coding it, i think the most efficient would be to do it on death
21:29.54KiliekI'd do it on loot.
21:29.59Kremontebut, mobs dropping no loot still have sparkles
21:30.04MoonWolfLegorol, yes death or loot would be most efficient.
21:30.11Legorolreason for death instead of loot:
21:30.18Legorolthat way you gain some processing time
21:30.24Legorola user may take some time to get to the mob
21:30.29Legorolso it's better player experience
21:30.38krkaalso, because of the glow
21:30.46krkahmm... no wait, even lootless glows
21:30.48Legorolwell the glow just shows whose turn it is to loot
21:30.59MoonWolfeverybody hog up the blizz servers by killing stuff looking at the loot and not looting the corpse.
21:31.03Legorolyou can in principle make quest drop decision on death,
21:31.07Legoroland loottable decision on loot
21:31.11Legorolbut that sounds like a silly way of doing it
21:31.24Kremonteyeah, on death does seem more plausible
21:31.29Kiliekwell, and certain quest items are limited
21:31.35Kiliekblood off drakkisath
21:31.40Kremonteif its group loot and not your turn, you have no sparkles, but if you can loot the quest item it does have sparkles
21:31.42Kiliekin that case, first person with quest to loot shows that item
21:31.44Kiliekperhaps unlocks it?
21:31.51Kiliekmaybe quest item is decided at deasth
21:31.53LegorolKremonte, we mentioned that earlier, yes
21:31.56Kiliekbut not shown until a quest person unlocks it
21:32.11Kiliekthe most telling example is non-itemized mobs
21:32.13Kilieklike silithus
21:32.17Kiliekthey'd be "lootable"
21:32.20Kiliekbut not have loot
21:32.21Legorolwhat do you mean by "not sowing"?
21:32.21MoonWolfi think certain quest items are pre determined like arugals head.
21:32.25Kiliekthat says it's determined at loot time
21:32.29Legorolonce the quest item has been assigned to the mob, it's as good as shown
21:32.37MoonWolfand wether or not you can GET it is determined on loot
21:33.04Legorolno, it's determined on death
21:33.06Kilieknaw, quest items are player specific
21:33.13Legorolentitlement to 100% sure quest drops are assigned on death
21:33.15Legorolnot on loot
21:33.15Kilieki don't see quest items on a mob i don't have quest for
21:33.34krkanope, not player specific
21:33.45LegorolKiliek, that's correct
21:33.45krkaonly one in the party can get it sometimes
21:33.52Legoroldepends on the type of quest
21:34.04Legorolusually with those quests that require a single item, everyone can loot it
21:34.10krkaboss heads are typically one per quest haver in party
21:34.13Legorolthe decision on who is entitled to loot that item is decided on death
21:34.23Legorolexactly, as krka says
21:34.34Legorolif say the mob dies, and only then someone in your party shares the quest with you,.
21:34.38Legorolyou won't be able to loot it
21:34.52Kremontebut hm, what about mobs that drop items that start quests?
21:34.52krkakill 20 trolls and get ears are typically for just one person in the party
21:34.58Kiliekright, but in silithus you'd kill an unitemized mob and it'd be lootable
21:35.00Kremontesome only one person can get, some everyone in the party can get
21:35.12Kiliekuntil you opened the corpse and found no loot
21:35.18Kiliekand this differs from sometimes not getting a drop
21:35.20Kiliekwhich happens
21:35.41Legorolwhat's an "unitemized mob"
21:35.48Kiliekmobs with no loot table
21:35.49Kremontea mob that never drops loot
21:35.56Kilieksilithus before it was finished
21:35.58Legorolthat's interesting
21:36.09Legorolbut you can have quests to loot stuff off these guys?
21:36.17Kremontewhat mobs, Kiliek?
21:36.17Kiliekthis is long ago
21:36.20Kiliekbefore quests and such
21:36.28Legoroldon't unitemized mobs still show glow when killed?
21:36.30krkain a land before quests
21:36.37Kremontedo critters?
21:36.44Kilieknope critters aremm
21:36.47Kilieknope they don't
21:36.54Legorolgood point
21:37.08Legorolso, are there unitemized mobs that have a percentage chance to drop quest loot?
21:37.12Kiliekentitlement is probably on death with a certain amount of generation on open
21:37.38Kilieki've heard if you have a mob you kill, but can't loot the corpse
21:37.42Kiliek(open the corpse)
21:37.46Kiliekgm won't be able to get items back for you
21:37.57Kiliekbut as long as you could open it, even if the world crashed and you didn't take any items
21:37.59Kiliekthey can get them back
21:38.02Cleftwould RestedBonus = string.gfind(arg1,"(%d+) exp Rested bonus") error if there was not rested bonus? or would RestedBonus just be nil by the next line?
21:38.04Kiliekthat says a bit about when loot generation happens
21:39.11krkajust be nil
21:40.03Cleftthanks krka
21:44.17Kremontewow o_O i got killed by a mob before i fell through the world, when i released my corpse kept falling then my ghost died a few secs later
21:44.47krkayour ghost died?
21:44.52MoonWolfdying ghosts FTW
21:44.56Kremontelike when you die from fatigue
21:44.57krkawhat are you on? or am I missing out on wow?
21:45.06Kremontehuh? i'm on WoW
21:45.27krkathat has never happened to me
21:45.30Kremontesomeone feared me off the elevator in thousand needles, their DoT killed me but i got glitched and fell through the world
21:45.42Kremontei died so my corpse stopped falling..then i released and it fell again
21:45.56Kremontethen my ghost took 1 damage and died ;_;
21:46.17krkaghosts are that weak?
21:46.27Kremonteghosts/wisps have 1hp
21:46.35Kremontebefore you release you have 0
21:46.50Kremontethat way you can't run out through the ocean, because your ghost/wisp will die of fatigue
21:46.58krkaso ghosts can take damage from falling?
21:47.07krkawhat happens then? do you get a meta-ghost?
21:47.12Kremontei fell through the world
21:47.27Kremontewhen you fall infinitely you die
21:48.16krkawhat happens if you die from fatique then?
21:48.40Kremonteyou go back to spirit healer as a new ghost
21:48.54MoonWolfcorpse in the original place though.
21:49.05Kremonteyeah, i had to spirit res
21:49.50krkaah right
21:50.00krkawhen the boats were bugged and people fell off, they couldn't get to their corpse :P
21:50.39Kremontei still get bugged boats..but differently
21:50.46Kremontesometimes they pull in cockeyed and i can't move
21:50.55Kremontebut the game considers me moving so i cant hearth or unstuck
21:51.00Kremontei just gotta kinda wait for zone/luck
21:53.32Beladonaback soon, going home
21:53.36*** part/#wowi-lounge Beladona (n=beladona@
21:54.15KremonteXP/hr this session : 363
22:13.10TemI'm pretty far behind and far too lazy to read up, but auto looting stuff is impossible afaik because the loot buttons require a keypress event
22:17.23Kiliekthere are a couple ways wisps can die
22:17.29Kiliekcertain mobs (GoB) can see you as a wisp too
22:17.32Kiliekand can kill you if they want
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22:28.00Kremontei'm gonna make IRCBoop for WoW
22:28.08Kremonteif someone says your name in party/guild chat it does "boop" like irc does
22:28.42EndI considered making it so WoW would discolor the line slightly...and my irc client doesn't boop
22:28.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Bela|SLEEP (
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22:28.50Kremonteyou can make it boop.
22:28.53EndI think it just makes their name yellow
22:29.02Kremontebut uh
22:29.04Endbut I doubt I use the same irc client
22:29.10Endas you do
22:29.13Kremontei'm talking for when i'm afking before rag or something
22:29.21Kremonte"say my name when ready" and i go watch tv
22:29.38Endyeah, that'd probably be more useful than just changing the color then I suppose :P
22:29.47Endyeah, you should definitely make that :P
22:30.03Kremonte./boop party on
22:30.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
22:31.00Kremontehihi cide
22:31.42Endho ho ho?
22:32.10Cideho ho hoh rly?
22:34.23Endha ha ya rly
22:35.29Kremonteho ho ho...
22:35.38Kremontethis is a crappy christmas week
22:36.05Cidehow so?
22:36.15CideI'm finishing my last paper, I'm happy :P
22:36.27Kremontei'm sick as all hell, have 2 months of schoolwork to finish by friday, and i owe someone 700g
22:36.36Kremontei think santa has it out for me
22:37.06EndI had my last exam last friday, so now I'm "working my ass off"
22:37.20Endyou know, during break
22:37.24Kremonteand i have to retake an entire years worth of maths now >.>
22:37.24Cidethat sucks Kremonte
22:37.32Cidemath is fun!
22:37.34Kremontethey forgot to put me in the right class
22:38.20Kremontebut eh, i get a laptop for christmas so it's not all bad :P
22:38.26Kremontei get to play WoW in math class now!
22:38.42Cidewtf math is fun!
22:38.57Kremonteit's not when you missed the first semester of it and you don't understand any of it ;_;
22:39.14Enddon't go that route, you'll just get more and more confused
22:39.30Kremontethey put me in the wrong bloody class, and they're just telling me halfway through the year
22:39.37Kremonteand i'm sitting here thinking "no wonder i was getting D's"
22:40.02Kremontemath isn't fun though anyway, cide >:O
22:40.27Cideit is :)
22:40.41Kremontei learned all the math i'll ever need to know by 4th grade
22:41.32CideI probably have too, but that doesn't make it boring :)
22:41.50Kremonteit is to me ;_;
22:42.03CideI know I am rather special :P
22:42.47Endin math classes, it was always the homework that they would get me on.  I just don't do homework.
22:43.01Kremontesame, End ><
22:43.26Endit was lucky I passed my BC calc test so I don't have to worry about calc in college
22:44.33Kremontecalculus isn't mandatory o.O
22:44.40Endit is for my major
22:44.41Kremonte(thank god)
22:45.29Kremontelol, what are you majoring in?
22:45.29EndI still have other math to worry about though
22:45.29Kremontecalculus is mandatory for comp sci? T_T
22:45.33Kremonteguess i better start liking math. lol
22:46.01Endwell, where I go it is at least.... a lot of the foundations of computer science is math
22:46.17Endthe second part is in general, not in reference to where I go ;P
22:46.23Kremontelol, i know
23:00.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Beladona ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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23:01.46TemI have to take 4 calcs
23:01.59Tem+ diff equ
23:08.26Cleftanyone have the localized (for French and or German) chat text given when gain xp from killing a mob?
23:10.12MaldiviaIsn't there a site that has the localized GlobalString.lua files? If so, you can find it there
23:11.35TainDo you have to use the localized text?  You might be able to use the global variable instead that gets localized automatically.
23:21.14Beladonawow is installing under wine
23:22.17KremonteBeladona - OS?
23:22.26Kremontetell me how it runs :)
23:22.29BeladonaI will
23:22.41Beladonaif it runs good, bye bye windows
23:22.52Beladonaat least on my laptop
23:33.38CleftAnyone have the site with the localized GlobalString.lua? Tain, I don't know of any global variable, or rather I'm using the global variable arg1 and searching within it...
23:33.59Cleftlike so... local xp = string.gfind(arg1, "dies, you gain (%d+) experience.")
23:34.14TainThere's a bunch of different globals for combat.
23:35.18Cleftthere is CHAT_MSG_COMBAT_XP_GAIN, but that looks like the event, not a var itself

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