irclog2html for #wowi-lounge on 20051219

00:06.41LegorolCairenn|WoW, are you still in-game doing wallwalking?
00:06.56Legorolwhat server/faction/nick?
00:08.06Legorolwhat server is Tem on?
00:10.06*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower (
00:16.30Cairenn|WoWbleh, 269 in queue, be a few before I get back on Draka
00:17.51Cairenn|WoWLeg, will show everyone else on Draka, if they want
00:18.00Cairenn|WoWno one joined us on Tem's server
00:19.11Cairenn|WoWLegorol: see that?
00:21.48Temis anyone able to actually post with their draka toons?
00:22.58Cairenn|WoWnot I, Tem
00:23.42Cairenn|WoWooookay ... why did random person I don't know just tell me that they love me? o.O
00:24.26KremonteCairenn|WoW... i love you
00:25.00Cairenn|WoWKremonte: you aren't a random person and I know you :p
00:25.10pagefaultfeel the love
00:25.30Legorolso, are you logging in to Draka.A or Draka.H?
00:25.30Kremonteyes i am!
00:25.38KremonteLegorol - Draka.Q
00:26.26Cairenn|WoWand that's still freaky weird anyway
00:28.06Cairenn|WoWalliance side, if now is a convenient time for you Legorol
00:29.12Legorolnow is very convenient :-)
00:29.19Legorolcan i come with a human?
00:29.29Cairenn|WoWwhoever you want
00:30.01Cairenn|WoWmeet me outside the main gates of IF
00:35.08Cairenn|WoWI hope so
00:35.14norgs|Zzzisn't this supposed to be a new server?
00:35.17Legorolit's just the fresh server thing, i think
00:35.23Legorolyes norgs, exactly, lower cap on fresh servers
00:35.33Legorolthey are waiting for the people to disperse from starting areas
00:35.41norgs|Zzzi would have expected the opposite i guess
00:35.46Cairenn|WoWwe *hope*
00:35.53norgs|Zzzlower cap :)
00:35.56LegorolBlizzard has stated this in blue posts officially many times
00:35.58norgs|Zzzthat'd make sense
00:36.02Legorolwith almost every launch of new servers
00:36.46norgs|Zzzwell... time to go to work for me
00:36.49Cairenn|WoWhave they? I'd never noticed before, probably because I don't read any forums other than the UI forums
00:36.54clad|sleepIt works.. I rolled on Kael'thas when it was released... dont have any queues any more.. and the population is nice and stable
00:36.55Cairenn|WoWlater norgs :)
00:47.55[Matryx]nn all
00:48.07Cairenn|WoWnight [Matryx], sweet dreams
00:49.13MalivilAnyone know if rasmuskl's rogue mod is uploaded somewhere?
00:50.24Cairenn|WoWnot at WoWI
00:50.34MalivilYea, i checked the popular sites
00:51.05MalivilBO|Razag told me rasmuskl made a mod that switched to a dagger, did a move and then switched back
00:51.15MalivilLike doing backstab out of stealth
00:57.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (
00:59.15*** join/#wowi-lounge ScytheBlade1 (
01:03.34*** join/#wowi-lounge ScytheBlade1 (
01:25.22Cairenn|WoWhi ScytheBlade1
01:25.26ScytheBlade1Hiya you summon me and then go afk.
01:28.48Cairenn|WoWwasn't summoning you, was just saying hi :)
01:29.06ScytheBlade1Oh, haha
01:29.17ScytheBlade1See, whenever someone directly says my name like that, my client notifies me
01:29.47ScytheBlade1Hi ;)
01:57.07Legorolfor anyone that knows, what's the hall of champions?
01:58.04ScytheBlade1iirc it's the place where you can go if you obtain a certain PvP rank
01:58.08ScytheBlade1Though I'm likely wrong
01:58.22Legorolsounds like it
01:58.29Legorolas in does sound like that's what it is
01:58.57ScytheBlade1I grabbed 30DKs not long ago from rank 2.2 or so...
01:59.02ScytheBlade1I wouldn't know for sure :)
02:01.10Kremontehall of champions is yeah, the alliance rank6+ place
02:14.05AnduinLotharyay, done at albertsons
02:14.16AnduinLotharnow, to find a tech job..
02:14.55AnduinLothar4 months of min wage drudgery was enough for me
02:18.15Legorolwhat did you have to do?
02:19.00AnduinLotharcurtesy clerk, bagging, sweeping, cleaning, reshelving, cart reclaimation from the parking lot
02:20.33AnduinLotharmain reason i quit was because i didn't want to join the union. it's required, they take $100 to start and some percent each week. they wanted a total of $250 I didn't want to give them.  Didn't think min wage part time was worth a union, especially a required one
02:21.08Cairenn|WoWhey Bela
02:21.09AnduinLotharplus 24hrs a week was hurting my grades
02:21.29AnduinLotharwell, that and the fact that i hated my classes
02:21.40AnduinLotharand programmed the same amount i did w/o a job
02:21.43Bela|WOWugh 317 queue
02:22.14AnduinLotharoh, leg. there's a version of ArchRaid in my test folder if you wanna toy with it
02:22.38LegorolArchRaid O.o
02:22.59AnduinLotharArch style Default Raid UI mod
02:23.30OsagasuRandom comment: British people scare me.
02:23.31AnduinLotharreplaces Blizzard_RaidUI
02:24.02Bela|WOWCair, you on Draka?
02:24.14GenNMXWasn't slouken going to disable that in one of the upcomnig patches?
02:24.32AnduinLothardisable the default replacements? I doubt it
02:24.33Bela|WOWdisable what
02:24.47GenNMXMaybe I'm thinking of just FrameXML overrides
02:24.54AnduinLotharIt'll just say it's not secure, indicating it's a replacement and not the default one
02:24.59Bela|WOWthat is a future consideration
02:25.33AnduinLotharto not be able to replace them would defeat half the purpose of making them addons
02:25.48Bela|WOWnot the addons
02:25.52Bela|WOWFrameXML overrides
02:26.13GenNMXWell, addons are in conjuction with the default frames. They can be "hidden", but are usually still active...just not doing anything.
02:26.26AnduinLotharmeh, w/e Haven't used those since jan of last yr
02:26.58Bela|WOWa hidden frame doesn't recieve updates
02:27.25AnduinLotharnot true
02:27.39AnduinLotharevents still happen, just not mouse or onupdate ones
02:27.55Bela|WOWread my sentence again
02:28.01Bela|WOWdid I say it doesn't recieve anything?
02:28.20Cairenn|WoWBela|WOW: yeah, on alliance side atm
02:28.31AnduinLotharyour diction was ambiguous
02:28.34GenNMXYeah Bela, I know that's not the case...and also all its variables are still loaded into memory. Blizzard's Raid UI gives 2MB of extra use, even though I use CTRA
02:28.47Bela|WOWyou just needed something to disagree with
02:28.52Bela|WOWyou knew well what I was talking about
02:28.53AnduinLotharprolly true
02:29.15AnduinLotharOk, I'll shutup
02:30.21Bela|WOWnah it is probably me that needs to shutup
02:31.39Kremontedraka A?
02:32.03Bela|WOWbelieve Cair is over there
02:32.07Bela|WOWI am still sitting in the queue
02:33.16KremonteCairenn|WoW, can you ginv Kremonte?
02:33.34Cairenn|WoWI can if given a name
02:33.38KremonteKremonte :P
02:40.05clad|bleghNight all
02:41.58Cairenn|WoWnight Clad
03:04.17*** join/#wowi-lounge norganna (n=Ken@
03:07.30AnduinLotharmeh.. like arch needed more options... you can now hide the max value
03:07.42clad|bleghi hate our country
03:07.50AnduinLotharlol, which one?
03:07.56clad|bleghthe damn president just had the nerve to interrupt a desperate housewives re-run
03:07.59clad|bleghthat's.. unacceptable.,
03:08.50clad|bleghnot to mention, he did it to support his uber-spying on all americans policy thats' been uber secret
03:08.57AnduinLotharhe say anything exciting other than that wiretaps are crucial to espionage/homeland defence?
03:09.38clad|bleghi dont know.. i fast-forwarded as soon as possible.
03:11.01clad|bleghi might have strep
03:11.08clad|bleghand i've already had my tonsils out.
03:11.12clad|bleghwhich would.. suck.
03:12.35AnduinLothari've had strep all of once and my tonsels are and have always been huge..
03:13.21AnduinLothari haven't been inspired to remove them for no good reason
03:13.46AnduinLotharonce i think i had trouble eating cause they were inflamed and almost closed off my throat tho
03:14.15Bela|WOWstill have mine too
03:26.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Depherios (n=Deph@
03:33.24*** part/#wowi-lounge Bela|WOW (
03:59.02Guillotinewow. blizz isn't being very proactive at stopping hackers. theres a level 29 priest on my server that has been going above epic mount speed for about 2 weeks and still isn't banned
03:59.17Cairenn|WoWbeen reported?
03:59.26Guillotinei reported him
03:59.30Guillotineand im sure other people have too
03:59.36Guillotineits like all that everyone talks about in IF
03:59.42Guillotinehow Mistwalk is still hacking
03:59.53Cairenn|WoWsend it to WoWHacks or whatever the email addy is
04:00.23AnduinLotharyay for eliminating 200 lines of localization for abstractions
04:00.45Cairenn|WoWAnduinLothar: removing unnecessary code always equals good
04:01.30Guillotineat first I fought on his side and told everyone it was the Spirit of the Wind buff from the repeatable horde quest that did it (i've been reported a couple of times for 'hacking' because I would get that quest reward moments before you start BG), but it only lasts for 5 mins and Mistwalk goes this fast for 50 minute long WSG games
04:01.46AnduinLotharesp localization that needs to be update by other people. problem is i still need localizers to update to my abstracted version :/
04:04.13*** join/#wowi-lounge natebc (
04:05.17Kremontein ffxi, people get banned for speedhacks within 30 minutes
04:05.18norgannaAnduinLothar: have you seen what auctioneer uses for localization?
04:05.32AnduinLotharhaven't looked
04:05.36AnduinLotharis it good or bad?
04:05.42AnduinLothari know it has a million langs
04:05.45norgannaI have built a php website for the localizers to use
04:05.50norgannait seems to work well
04:05.57AnduinLotharoh, u mean for the files
04:06.12AnduinLotharthought u meant the code method
04:07.10AnduinLotharoo, that is nifty
04:07.24Guillotinegreat. now that ppl have seen that mistwalk can hack for so long without getting banned, other people are starting to ask where they can dl hacks. and mistwalk is answering them
04:07.26AnduinLothardo you have it abstracted neough that you can just drop a file in?
04:07.41KremonteGuillotine - wow
04:07.53Kremontemsg guillotine so do you know where i can get the speedhacks?^^
04:07.58Kremonteomg mt!
04:08.00norgannai've been thinking that it would be good to have this kind of technology available (perhaps on a site like wowi))
04:08.30AnduinLotharya, norg. that'd be a major boon if we coders could just add our own addons
04:08.31norgannaAnduin, almost... i have scripts that i used to reverse my data
04:09.26Cairenn|WoWTem: gave your "I crashed WoW" a nudge for you
04:09.27AnduinLotharonly thing i can think off that might be an issue is localizing tables. would mean you'd either have to cusomize each editor or abstract everythign to strings
04:09.38norgannathe good thing with this method is the localizers don't have to worry about utf8, or escape codes etc
04:09.47Cairenn|WoWsince he actually responded to a couple threads this evening
04:09.48AnduinLotharya, that's awsome
04:09.59*** join/#wowi-lounge natebc_ (
04:10.50norgannaAnduinLothar: i don't understand your previous statement...
04:11.06AnduinLotharyou'd have to see some of the things i've localized
04:11.08norganna"localizing tables"
04:11.35AnduinLotharlike tables used for ddropdown menu options fead directly to khaos
04:11.36norgannayes, this only really extends to simple strings
04:12.19AnduinLotharlike this:
04:12.21norgannaanyway, i'd be more than pleased to donate the code if someone wanted to take it and run with it
04:12.39AnduinLotharthe keys need to be localized but not the values
04:13.00*** part/#wowi-lounge natebc (
04:13.03AnduinLotharI'd have to make them into strings
04:13.28*** join/#wowi-lounge natebc (
04:13.43norgannayes, either that or pre-process the localizations somehow
04:15.16AnduinLotharanyway. it's still possible and would be worth it if I had some way to simply submit a localization file in one language, have it construct a database and then also allow submission of additional files, specify a language and it inserts those values into the database
04:15.31norgannaanyhow, if anyone wants to take a peek at the auctioneer localizer, you can go to and use the username/password: testuser/testpass
04:15.44AnduinLothari registered
04:16.08Cairenn|WoWthanks norganna, generous of you to offer the code up for everyone :)
04:16.39norgannait'd need a bit more work to make it multi-project capable
04:16.47AnduinLotharit just needs some way to download the whole localization in one language and then submit files with a subset localized
04:17.07norgannabut all the input and editing framework is there
04:17.46TemCairenn|WoW: I was going to wait until tommorow morning
04:17.50TemBut thanks
04:17.51AnduinLotharso like download the file in english, edit it in your own text editor and upload it. it would grab the availible strings and put them in the database
04:18.13Cairenn|WoW*nod* I just thought I would since I saw him respond to a couple other threads this evening
04:18.44norgannathe reason why i made it web-editable was so the localizers don't keep messing up the files... :)
04:19.04norgannathey'd do stuff like put in non-utf8 characters etc
04:19.32AnduinLotharspose that work. just need a way to submit my current files w/o copy/pastign them all into the browser
04:20.53AnduinLotharit would be VERY cool to have that on the wiki or at least on a site where you could add your own addon and have it localized and just download the files
04:21.40AnduinLotharwould be very popular i bet
04:21.53AnduinLotharwould love to get cosmos on that system
04:22.20AnduinLotharwe have french and german, but no real way to get other dedicated localizers
04:22.35AnduinLotharand this allows people just to drop in and contribute
04:22.51norgannai find that localizers tend to have a high turnover rate as well
04:23.19AnduinLotharit's not exciting work
04:23.20norgannathey come in because one or more localization entries is wrong... they fix it, then you never see them again
04:24.22AnduinLotharalso need to have some master author control to revert entries just in case of misbehavior. not completely wiki style
04:24.40norgannathis has version-control
04:24.45AnduinLotharthat works
04:25.00norganna(or rather a history of edits)
04:25.05AnduinLotharI'm jealous I didn't think of it first
04:29.43AnduinLotharanyone on aliance draka?
04:31.59OsagasuAnduin, Wikis have revert points.
04:32.08Osagasuwell, at least the Wikimedia ones.
04:32.47Depherioswith how much Anduin has done on wowwiki, I think he knows... oh btw, anduin... your profile page only lists the cosmos channel, not this one XD
04:41.22norgannaanhow, if anyone wants to either: (a) use the localizer for themselves, or (b) make it bigger and better, please feel free. The source is available here:
04:43.34AnduinLotharmeh, haven't done much with php
04:44.26norgannaaww, gee
04:46.40AnduinLotharomg, my neighbor needs to die..
04:46.59Guillotineuh oh. I found an exploit with the snowman disguise item >_<
04:47.02AnduinLothari basicly have to have headphones on after 11pm..
04:47.16Guillotineits really helping in AB though
04:47.18Cairenn|WoWGuillotine: ?
04:47.49Cairenn|WoWAnduinLothar: ?
04:47.50Guillotineeveryone knows that it lets you float (eveyone in IF is floating 10 feet above the ground as a snowman). well, it can also be used to avoid all falling damage
04:48.00Guillotinewhich isn't too much of an exploit
04:48.17Guillotinebut is pretty bad in AB. it helps to be able to jump off of the LM or into the mine without getting any damage
04:48.42Cairenn|WoWbut, you can't move while in snowman, so ... huh?
04:48.55Guillotineyou can use it, then right click the buff quckly to avoid falling damage
04:49.06KremonteGuillotine - everyone knows that
04:49.11Kremontewell, in my guild :P
04:49.12Guillotinewell i jsut found it out
04:49.17Kremontewe all did it going to MC
04:49.25Kremontewe'd drop and snowman 2in from the ground
04:49.41Guillotineoh. well, ppl are using it in AB
04:49.44Guillotineand by ppl, i mean me :)
04:50.28Guillotineive lost my faith in the blizz GM system though. everytime I've reported anything, they say theres nothing they can do or suspend me for finding it
04:50.44Guillotineor say its working as intended then later suspend me for using it
04:52.49Guillotinethe sad thing is the latter two have happened more than the first one >_<
04:53.14Guillotinebut I havn't moved up the suspension ladder b/c every time after the suspension is done they realize they were wrong - yet again
04:53.41Guillotineyup. thats my story
04:57.06Cairenn|WoWhi Tain
04:57.15Cairenn|WoWwelcome back to the land of the living
04:57.40Guillotineyou know what annoys me? that an addon that I spend minutes on (less than 10) gets more downloads in the first 10 minutes than panda (which I've spent days on) does. And the 10 minute addon is completely pointless. It makes you yell something and plays an audio sound...
04:58.26TainThat's the way the cookie crumbles.
04:58.54Cairenn|WoWGuillotine: part of that is because panda is still in the beta section, and people don't download betas
04:59.03TainI actually went *gasp* out tonight in the outside world.
04:59.18Cairenn|WoWeveryone wants mods that work, but very few are willing to help *make* them work
04:59.23Cairenn|WoWTain: *gasp*
04:59.33TainPlus not everyone sees the need for Panda in their game.
05:01.43KremonteGuillotine - what mod?
05:02.24norgannawho knows what end users want... they are weird... i gave up trying to anticipate their actions long ago
05:02.42Cairenn|WoWnorganna: ain't that the truth!
05:05.04TainThat's why I do stuff that I like, and if anyone else uses it that's great too.
05:06.41Cairenn|WoWTain: that was my key to not burning out on modding back in EQ ... I modded *for myself* ... then if others liked it, cool, but if not, /shrug
05:06.55Cairenn|WoWI made it for my own enjoyment first and foremost
05:08.06Cairenn|WoWthis community ... we have to do it for ourselves first, for everyone else second, because we are volunteers, not being paid for it
05:08.07TainThat's the most important thing to me.
05:08.21TainIf I'm not enjoying it then there's not a lot of reason for me to do it.
05:09.08Cairenn|WoWyes, we are doing it for the community as well ... but if it means nothing to us, personally, then ....
05:09.20Depheriosthen we probably don't distribute (like me XD)
05:09.23Depheriossorry :P
05:10.02TainYou never know, Depherios. :)
05:10.25Depherioswell... most the things I've done are mods of what I already run
05:10.29Depheriosmodify the way flexbar looks
05:10.45Cairenn|WoWDepherios: you might be surprised ... the oddest things are loved by the community, and things we'd all think they'd like, they hate
05:10.50TainMy first addon was something I wanted for me and I was shocked at the positive feedback I got from so many people who found it useful.
05:10.50Depheriosactually I should publish my More Movement Keys mod XD
05:11.00Osagasuall I do is give suggestions to the mod authors and send in bug reports.
05:11.05Depheriosit just adds more bindings for move, jump, and such
05:11.11Cairenn|WoWOsagasu: and that helps too
05:11.12Osagasualso I'm here when an author needs to call on someone to test something
05:11.18TainAt the time it was only on Curse, so positive feedback is even more shocking there. ;)
05:11.26Kremontewell, i make mods for guildies :P
05:12.18Kremontemake me AutoTravel
05:12.18Kremonteand ill give you a twix bar
05:12.44TainSee I never got to see AutoTravel when it was being used.
05:12.53TainSo I don't even know exactly how it worked.
05:12.57Cairenn|WoW~smack Kremonte
05:12.59purlACTION smacks Kremonte upside the head.
05:13.15Cairenn|WoWautotravel = bad, per Blizz :p
05:13.36Kremontewallwalking = bad, per blizz, and you're doing up
05:13.37Osagasu <--I still get a kick out of the fact that they gave Slouken his own icon. ^^
05:13.54Guillotinethanks to us :)
05:14.00Cairenn|WoWI LOVE that they finally gave him his own icon
05:14.08norgannaautotravel = bad == lol
05:14.11Osagasuhey, I found Fangtooth's icon
05:14.28Guillotinecair or whoever asked: the other mod (10 minute one) was /Leeroy. It added a /leeory command that, when used, yelled LEEEEEROOOY JEEEENKIINS and played the sound from the movie
05:14.37Kremonteyou made that? lmaop
05:14.38Guillotinetotally useless
05:14.47Guillotineand got over 1k downloads in the first week
05:14.51Guillotinenow has over 20k
05:15.00Osagasuand Cay's...
05:15.39Cairenn|WoWOsagasu: where?
05:16.29Osagasuchance out slouken with the name of another blizzard poster that has an icon
05:19.00Guillotinewhoa. they secretly made me an icon. plug in guillotine
05:19.42Guillotineok. maybe not. but for some reason a download box pops up when you do o.0
05:19.46AnduinLothari wanna use my KarlKFI blizz avitar
05:21.04Guillotinewhenever I make myself a cool avatar its always to big to host anywhere...
05:43.19*** join/#wowi-lounge pagefault (i=pagefaul@pdpc/supporter/active/pagefault) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
05:55.01AnduinLotharBah.. not only are the raid units not static, but you can have duplicates O.o
05:58.45*** join/#wowi-lounge ForgottenLords (
06:22.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Red`Gone (
06:37.50*** join/#wowi-lounge norganna (n=Ken@
07:21.08Cairenn|WoWnight folks
07:21.27KolthNight, Cairennnnnn!
07:22.32norgannanite :)
07:30.23Kolthnight, night
07:31.47Cairenn|sleepTo sleep! perchance to dream:--ay, there's the rub; For in that sleep of death what dreams may come, When we have shuffled off this mortal coil, Must give us pause
07:35.27TemCairenn|sleep: Quoting shakespear doesn't make you sophisticated
07:35.34KolthOh snap.
07:35.42DepheriosDoes smoking?
07:35.53Cairenn|sleepwho was trying to be sophisticated? it just came to mind
07:35.53Temno, that just makes you dead.
07:39.14Temyes, pwnt
07:47.02norgannathe work day is over, it's time to go home for me
07:48.56*** join/#wowi-lounge krka|work (
08:16.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
08:20.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Kalroth (n=kalroth@
08:27.12*** join/#wowi-lounge dukeku (
08:36.06*** join/#wowi-lounge MatryxWrk (
08:46.50*** part/#wowi-lounge Anduin|ZzZz (
10:34.08*** part/#wowi-lounge Gunslinger (
11:33.56*** join/#wowi-lounge MatryxWrk (
11:34.42*** join/#wowi-lounge SP|Sorren (
11:52.11MatryxWrkoh my
11:52.17MatryxWrkthat had me laughing :)
12:09.59*** join/#wowi-lounge BO|Razag (
12:28.02SP|Sorreni wish i had thought of the hunterloot mod
12:28.22SP|Sorrenit woulda been useful to try to argue for that cht 8)
12:28.29SP|Sorrendespite my clear lack of dkp!
12:29.57krka|workwould be more evil to hide it in some other addon, and let everyone in your guild use it. but the text would only show up when you see an item that you want to have
12:30.09MatryxWrksneak it into CTRA
12:30.12SP|Sorrenmy guild uses my dkp addon :(
12:30.19SP|Sorreni coulda snuck it into there
12:32.04SP|Sorrendoes anyone know of a mod that automatically dismounts you if you try to do an action while mounted?
12:35.32MatryxWrkSorren: you still could ;) for future runs
12:35.39MatryxWrktell them it's code optimisations or something ;)
12:40.07krka|worknote to self, don't use sorrens dkp-addon
12:42.12SP|Sorrenbah i wish i had a monitor for my main computer :(
12:42.29SP|Sorrencurse me for being too lazy to bring one back from school :(
12:45.37SP|Sorrenanyone here use modwatch?
13:00.31SP|Sorrenwould a mod like this be crossing the line? I just thought of a mod that works like spell alert, but instead of giving an alert it will create a button on your screen with your interrupt skill and if you click it it'll target the caster, interrupt, target last target
13:00.41SP|Sorrenor is there already one that does that :P
13:01.42krka|workshould have the same status as decursive
13:02.19SP|Sorrendunno if ill bother writing it then
13:02.24SP|Sorrenif it'll only get banned eventually :P
13:03.17krka|workwriting stuff that gets banned is fun
13:03.30Elkanowould only be usefull in PvP I think since you may run into problems targeting a mob by name
13:03.42SP|Sorrenwho writes mods for pve omigah :P
13:05.18SP|Sorrenbah, sounds like a fun mod to write. ill write it anyway
13:06.41Elkanohey, my main only got 10 levels in 9 month, ther will be a lot of time passing before I'll PvP ;)
13:20.46krka|work<simpsons stonecutter music>Who writes mods for pve? Interrupts the enemy. We do, we do!</simpsons stonecutter music>
13:53.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Beladona (
13:53.05*** mode/#WoWI-lounge [+o Beladona] by ChanServ
13:58.09*** join/#wowi-lounge NEF|Kaylera (
14:28.55*** join/#wowi-lounge nicksap (
14:29.10*** part/#wowi-lounge nicksap (
14:36.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Parak (
14:52.53Kalrothshame on you, Tain
14:57.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
15:01.38KalrothBad Parak, bad!
15:03.06MatryxWrkdoes anyone play a warlock here?
15:03.21MatryxWrkI was curious as to how the +shadow damage items might interact with Drain Life
15:03.36MatryxWrki.e. 1. does nothing.  2. increases damage done, but not life leached.  3. increases both.
15:07.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Ratbert_CP (
15:12.01*** join/#wowi-lounge digix (
15:14.24CodayusI'll check that if I remember next time I'm on my 'lock.
15:14.29CodayusBut I don't know offhand.  :-(
15:15.08CodayusAFAIK, the application of +damage items to spells, effects, and abilities tends to be inconsistent and variable.
15:17.45MatryxWrkit lists drain life in the list
15:17.54MatryxWrkgood enough for me
15:18.00MatryxWrkuntil disproven anyway :)
15:18.07MatryxWrkbut yes, I find +damage to be vague at best
15:18.39CodayusI know priests have had issues with Vampiric Embrace, and after much complaining, I think it was changed recently.
15:18.50MatryxWrkhmm - will have to test just in case
15:45.51TainDamn I'm tired.
15:46.01MatryxWrkjoin the club :/
15:46.14MatryxWrkI always get this way in the last few weeks of the dark-season
15:46.26MatryxWrkhibernation ftw
15:49.44MatryxWrkor at least I would if I wasn't at work
15:50.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Eraphine|Lab (
16:01.59TainYou know one of these days I'm going to do some Christmas shoppoing.
16:02.07MatryxWrkI should do that too
16:02.23MatryxWrkmight even do it tonight, if debennhams/bhs is open when I go home
16:08.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
16:08.29ElkanoTadaima :)
16:19.20ElkanoBeladona, any chance that wdn will compare global namespace, too, so we could check for new/removed functions and constants?
16:23.10Beladonain a future version perhaps
16:23.28Beladonawas working with Iriel on that, but there is some question as to how accurate the compares would be
16:23.52Beladonait is difficult to get the symbols into a readable file that is always the same (or similar) between versions
16:29.28Elkanobtw: ItemDB is processing smoothly :) today I've added a lot of scanning functions (inspect, bank, ...) to fill the list of valid links and added support for prices from KC_Items (untested). I think the distribution chat system will be next :)
16:32.21*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
16:44.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (
16:54.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Legorol (
17:43.17*** part/#wowi-lounge Cairenn|sleep (
17:43.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairenn|sleep (
17:43.36*** mode/#WoWI-lounge [+o Cairenn|sleep] by ChanServ
17:47.22ElkanoGood 'whatever' and goodbye Cairenn :)
17:47.31Cairennhi, and later
17:48.36Cideomg Cairenn is here
17:48.52Cairennlol, hi
17:52.41Cairennhah! gotta love questionable content!
17:52.51Cidelike what?
17:53.08Cairennthe web comic ;)
17:53.37Cideseemed like an odd thing for you to say :)
17:54.30*** join/#wowi-lounge futrtrubl (
17:58.58CairennSo, where is everyone lately, anyway?  Holiday absence?  We've been running about 20 people short lately.
17:59.43KalrothI can make up for all those!
17:59.58TainWe needed some holiday dinner buffet options...
18:00.00Cairennspeaking of a name that has been missing of late - hi Kalroth :)
18:00.23KalrothWell christmas lunches have been hard on poor me
18:01.50TainI'm disappointed, they're having a dessert fest this afternoon where people are bringing in desserts to share.
18:01.59TainAnd I missed the announcement last week because I was out.
18:06.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Suntiger (
18:07.45futrtrublI'm currently trying to move back to Jamaica before Christmas. However, I lost my passport and for the last week haven'tt been able to get responce out of my embassy about getting emergency travel docs, the international shippers won't tell me where to ship to, and I can't sell my car. All in all very frustrating
18:08.45Cairenn=/ futrtrubl
18:09.31TainThat sucks.
18:09.41MoonWolfCairenn, we lost a lot of lurkers due to the freenode main login thingy
18:09.49futrtrublbut, if I dissapear for a week or so it's becomes I managed to leave. Just so you know
18:09.51Cairennthat could be
18:12.59Cairennfutrtrubl: I hope you can get it sorted out so you can get home. :)
18:14.36Beladonayay for screwups!
18:15.03Beladonalol no not you
18:15.18Beladonajust spent the last 3 hours playing phone tag
18:15.34Beladonamorons sent me a 1U rack mount system for a 2U server
18:15.48Beladonaand I need the right one last week
18:17.33Beladonaunder normal circumstances it wouldn't be so bad
18:17.49Beladonabut being forced to get paperless done in a month kinda makes me anxious to get all the hardware
18:17.55Beladonabefore christmas 0.o
18:18.25Beladonaanyway, so whatd I miss? everyone having fun?
18:18.54Cairennwhat is this nor .. nor m .... normal? of which you speak?
18:20.53Cairennhah! made you smile!
18:21.31Beladonayou played on Draka lately?
18:21.42Cairennwe were on last night, on Alliance side
18:22.03BeladonaI was on horde
18:22.06Cairennwe toldedededed you!
18:22.17Beladonawell lets put it this way
18:22.26Beladona25 shaman in one hand, 6 priest in the other
18:22.32Beladonayeah, shaman
18:22.46*** join/#wowi-lounge ForgottenLords (
18:23.07BeladonaI went with a raid and pwnd some NE's last night too
18:23.10Cairennwell let's put it this way ... 25 shaman on one hand, 6 priest on the other ... which needs playing, in order to get caught up? hmm? hmm?
18:23.12Beladonawas fun
18:23.28Cairennbesides which, we was explorin'
18:23.52BeladonaI need help getting leather
18:23.59BeladonaI am at about 120 leather skill
18:24.04Cairenn25?! You're leaving me behind!
18:24.09Beladonalittle more and I can make you armor upgrades
18:24.41Cairennno no, that's fine, I understand, it's okay, you don't have to explain .... you just don't love me any more
18:24.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
18:25.54Cairennand on that silly note ... 6 days to Christmas ... hark, I hear the malls calling me ... away!
18:26.15Osagasubye Cair
18:26.19Osagasuhave fun
18:35.04Cidehmm, anyone knows where ValidateFramePosition is defined?
18:35.50Beladonanot a global?
18:35.56BeladonaI can do a search real fast, one sec
18:36.15CideI've only seen it used in Blizzard_RaidUI, but it's not defined there
18:37.18Beladonaalso used in ItemRef.xml
18:37.33Beladonadeclared in UIParent.lua
18:37.36LegorolCair, if you need a levelling partner, i'm only 20 ;-)
18:37.39Legoroland that's not my age
18:37.59Beladona25 isn't that far aherad
18:38.03BeladonaI can join you guys
18:38.19BeladonaI have been purposefully taking my time on quests too
18:38.43BeladonaCide: line 1469 of UIParent
18:38.46Cideah, sweet
18:39.08Beladonanice function too
18:39.27Cideyeah, I like it
18:39.47BeladonaI might have to employ it in some of my addons
18:42.30Legorolwhat about my line 1469? ;-)
18:49.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (
18:49.19Temsomeone keeps bumping my thread...
18:54.51*** part/#wowi-lounge Ratbert_CP (
19:16.10Temit's too.... quiet in here
19:18.49MoonWolftalky talky talky
19:19.03MoonWolfwhat thread tem ?
19:26.07Temthe one that I posted last week about a crash bug I found.
19:26.21Temit's been pretty much ignored so far.
19:31.14TemIt's that time of the year again...
19:31.19TemI just can't make myself start
19:31.26TemFormat Time!
19:46.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Depherios (n=Deph@
19:51.40OsagasuHey, Cair missed Boxing Day on her holiday greetings, I think
19:54.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Malivil|School (
20:07.37*** join/#wowi-lounge krem`ZZ (
20:07.51Kremonteevening all.
20:19.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Natasem (n=Natasem@
20:20.30Ktronheh, I just slept from 4am until 3:15pm
20:20.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Natasem_ (n=Natasem@
20:21.47Natasemnice new Topic.. what i miss this weekend?
20:22.41*** join/#wowi-lounge jasjuas (n=giam@
20:27.22jasjuassomeone kwnos what happend with blizzhackers forum?
20:28.14Beladonaaren't they the ones that were working on the emu wow server?
20:29.23BeladonaBlizz went after them if I recall
20:29.23Kremonteblizzhackers ftl
20:29.41Kremonte"hey, let's post a speedhack for WoW lmaolol!"
20:31.30jasjuasare u ppl workingn in a new emulator ?
20:31.42Kremonteplease don't ask that
20:31.59Beladonathis channel is meant for addon developers
20:32.05Beladonafor the retail version of the game
20:32.16Kremonteif you're looking for cheats, play d2 :P
20:32.19jasjuasis my first visit to this channel, ahhh ok :)
20:32.35jasjuasno cheats... searching for new emu
20:32.43Beladonaanyone know of a good tutorial / example for dropdown menu usage?
20:32.43Kremonteemulated servers are bad ><
20:32.46Natasememu = cheat
20:32.52jasjuasblizzhackers y down, last wow emu have no more dev.
20:32.54KremonteBeladona - it's a pain in the ass
20:33.05Beladonahow so?
20:33.35Kremonteit's not just <Dropdown inherits="UIDropDownMenuTemplate"> like i wished ;_;
20:34.36Natasemdon't ya hate it when ya eat snake and you think you got all the bones out, and you bite down and hit one
20:34.47Kremonteeat snake?
20:34.55Kremontei'm way too american for that
20:35.20Natasemcan't be much more american than i am
20:35.30Kremontethat may be so
20:35.33Kremontebut i dont eat snake ;p
20:35.57Natasemsnake the original Twisler
20:36.19Osagasublizzhackers is still around IIRC
20:36.37Osagasuthey changed their name though
20:36.44Natasemya know twislers the candy... well snake was the original "snack food"
20:36.59Kremontesnake like the animal? o.O
20:37.03Natasemand if ya get em real freash they stil flop around in your mouth just like Live GoldFish
20:50.55TainHours to go.  This day will never end.
20:53.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Kremonte (
20:54.03*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower|ZZzz (n=void@
20:55.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Viperb0y (
21:00.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Maldivia (
21:04.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Maldivia (
21:08.45Tem|BackupTimeI think I've gotten everything...
21:08.53Kremonteeverything of what? =X
21:08.58Tem|BackupTimeAnyone have any suggestions on stuff I might have forgotten?
21:09.19Kremontei dunno ><
21:09.40Kremontei cram everything i use on one HD, so all i need are driversw hen i reformat
21:10.10TainI have a good 20 or so QIC-40 and QIC-80 tapes in a box somewhere.
21:10.33Kremontei've never heard of that, so it sounds old.
21:11.40*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
21:11.54TainQIC-40 was 20 megs of storage tape, but with compression could get 40.  Unless you were backing up already compressed files (like zip)
21:12.10Tem|BackupTimeI'm just trying to make sure I have copies of everything that is unique to my harddrive
21:12.23Tain~for porn
21:12.28Tem|BackupTimeso I don't get a week down the road and say, now where is that file...
21:12.42TainI use purl as my backup medium.
21:13.05Kremonte"purl, upload PSD" *dcc sends*
21:14.39MoonWolfA byte walks into a bar and orders a pint. The bartender asks him,
21:14.39MoonWolf"What's wrong?" and the byte replies "Parity error".
21:14.39MoonWolfThe bartender nods and says "Yeah, I thought you looked a bit off."
21:15.04MoonWolfokay, maybe that was a bit to geeky.
21:15.16Tem|BackupTime*try to sing to this*: "Up on the network, packets fly... bits of data passing by..."
21:15.33*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
21:16.11Kremontewtf, there is no druid trainer in IF
21:16.17Kremontethank god i didn't set my hearth outside of SW yet.
21:16.18Tem|BackupTimeno, there isn't
21:16.28Tem|BackupTimeand there is no mage trainer in Darnassus
21:16.34Kremontemages are stinky.
21:16.39Kremontenobody goes to darnassus though
21:16.44Tem|BackupTimemages do
21:16.50Kremonteno you dont
21:16.55Tem|BackupTimeYes, yes I do
21:17.00TainDarnassus sucks
21:17.03Kremonteno you don't, because i said so!
21:17.05Tem|BackupTimeI avoid IF as much as possible
21:17.09TainWorst pos city to get to for the civilized.
21:17.12Tem|BackupTimeI hang out in Sw and Darn
21:17.24Kremontesw is nice
21:17.26Kremontebut. .darnassus wtf
21:17.30Kremontewhat a stupid city
21:17.34TainI did Alchemy, I had no choice but to keep going back there.
21:17.43Kremontereasons i go to darnassus :
21:17.46Kremontelearning bows on new alts
21:18.00Kremonteand neither of those are all too common
21:18.57Tem|BackupTimeyou get less "can you port me to X", "can you make me water" when you don't hang out in IF
21:19.10Tem|BackupTimeso I hang out in SW and Darn
21:21.20Tainhaha best nightstand I've ever seen!
21:21.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
21:22.57Natasemeh well soon when they have the linked AH's you can do your work on all the major cities
21:23.18Natasemi can't wait to do that.   farm rep in WPL or EPL and sell stuff in UC at the same time
21:23.25MoonWolfand then i finally can be ic and go to darnassus on my rp server instead of if.
21:25.19TainThe more people that go to Darnassus the better
21:36.59Elkanowell, I think the situation in IF and Ogri will get better with 1.9
21:38.11MoonWolfI really do hope so.
21:39.55Tem|BackupTimeme too
21:40.58Tem|BackupTimeI only go to IF when I need to take a flight from there or visit the AH.  In 1.9 I'll only need to go for flights.  Hopefully the latency will get better so it won't take 5 minutes to run from the mystic ward to the flight mater
21:41.07*** join/#wowi-lounge RedcXe (
21:48.50*** join/#wowi-lounge AnduinLothar (
21:55.38Natasemwhats the code to register a nic?
21:55.54Natasemum    /msg nickserv ..
21:56.04RedcXe./ns register
21:56.19Natasemeh thanks
21:56.26Natasemi doin a a senio moment
21:56.52MoonWolftry forming that sentence from scratch again.
21:56.53Elkanois it save to join chat channels as a reaction to  PLAYER_LOGIN?
21:57.15AnduinLotharmmm, believe channels arn't joined till after that
21:57.25AnduinLotharnot positive tho
21:57.40MalivilWhen are addons loaded?
21:57.47MalivilIt happens while they are being loaded
21:57.53Malivilor rather
21:57.53AnduinLotharmmm, dont think so
21:57.59Malivilwhen the welcome displays are shown
21:58.06Malivilnot when they are actually loaded
21:58.18AnduinLotharactually i know a good way to detect it
21:58.55Maliviloh cool
21:58.59Malivil9pm tonight
22:00.25AnduinLothari think the best time to join your channel is to detect the UPDATE_CHAT_COLOR spam and join after it ceases
22:00.47AnduinLotharit fires once for every channel and chat type some time after load
22:01.26Elkanowell, I'll try the login, maybe it works
22:01.31AnduinLotharit will fire later in the game so after joining just unreg that event
22:01.54Natasemif cair was on i would have her slap it on the front page of UI site, and since my ban isn't lifted on the Official forums i can't post in the UI forums
22:03.56Tsuranieh sorry have to change names to gain my OP is the other room
22:04.26Tsuranieh theres like 360 ppl in our room
22:08.36Elkanosprintf does not work in lua? Oo
22:09.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Kremonte (
22:09.53Endtry format
22:09.58Endinstead of sprintf
22:11.57TsuraniDeveloper Chat Monday at 9PM EST here in irc://  (6 PM Blizzard time -> 6 PM Pacific -> 9 PM Eastern -> 2 AM GMT)
22:12.08Tsuraniooops wrong room
22:12.18Tsuranidarn it
22:12.23Tsuranistupid fat fingers
22:20.04Enddidn't mean to paste that
22:20.44norgannai love you guys
22:20.56norgannawhoops - sorry, mistell.. :)
22:21.11Beladonayou don't love us?
22:25.40norgannawell, time for work for me (again)
22:26.52*** part/#wowi-lounge Beladona (
22:27.12norgs|homepcbel couldn't handle the lack of love...
22:30.06[Matryx]awww =)
22:31.17[Matryx]like a red headed stepchild
22:31.38[Matryx]oh wait - that's shunning isn't it ;)
22:32.23Elkanohmm... player_login works, but its way to early so all channels get pushed up by 1 :/
22:34.46Elkanois fired just after player_login, so no use :/
22:37.58Osagasuhow about what everyone else does? check for action on a normal channel then join
22:39.06Tsuranihey no makin fun of me
22:41.33Elkanohmm.. couldn't that lead to a race condition when there is activity on a channel before the other ones are joint properly?
22:53.48*** join/#wowi-lounge Bela|WOW (
22:53.48*** mode/#WoWI-lounge [+o Bela|WOW] by ChanServ
22:54.07Bela|WOWCair is still shopping?
22:54.12Nat_Tsu|afkFYI:  The chat will be logged and posted to the site following the chat
22:54.42Beladonasomething going on I should know about?
22:55.11KolthI think he was just talking about the Blizz chat.
22:55.26Beladonawhen is it?
22:55.35KolthDeveloper Chat Monday at 9PM EST
22:57.27Osagasuyea, I'm reading it
22:58.12Osagasuas for the Dev chat... I plan to attend with I<3Caydiem as my nickname. :P
22:58.16norgs|homepcso, it''s like 16:00 est now?
22:58.26Elkano9PM EST ist what in GMT+1? 5AM?
22:58.27Osagasu6 PM now
22:58.39Beladonaalmost 18:00
22:58.39Beladonaor that
22:58.44Kolth9PM EST is GMT-5
22:59.00Osagasuso three hours from now
22:59.21KolthIt's in 3 Hours for me. So yeah :P
22:59.43norgs|homepcmy watch is now set to est...
23:00.50Nat_Tsu|afkya but we are on the PSAT
23:00.56Nat_Tsu|afkerr PST
23:02.16Nat_Tsu|afkeh my room is crowed we got like 500 poeple in it,  and it's still 3 hrs from show time
23:08.15Osagasuoh man, I gotta make another character. gotta fill in the gap of Osagasu that is Gul'dan
23:08.46Beladonaanyone up for some wow playin?
23:09.18Osagasuyou wanna help me level some? ^^
23:09.26Beladonaon Draka?
23:09.57BeladonaHorde side?
23:10.42OsagasuI still haven't hit 17 I think
23:10.45Osagasumight still be 15
23:11.17Beladonameet ya on, just waiting for the queue atm
23:16.33*** join/#wowi-lounge ScytheBlade1 (
23:19.50*** join/#wowi-lounge cladhaire (
23:24.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Nat_Tsu|afk (n=Natasem@
23:28.29cladhaireEvening all

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.