irclog2html for #wowi-lounge on 20051214

00:00.53Cairmost of the things I can do via admin edit won't trigger the "updated", but iirc there are a couple things that will
00:05.07SP|Sorrenis there any way to make the minimap like show more of the map?
00:05.47pagefaulttime to fullfill my duty as taxi service
00:06.04LegorolAnyone here happens to speak simplified Chinese?
00:08.31SP|Sorreni speak a small amount of mandarin :P
00:08.34Natasemchop suie, chow mein, pork fried lice
00:09.01Cairsorry Legorol, the only Chinese I know is the name of our ChowChows
00:09.16AnduinLotharoo ChowChows rock
00:09.29Cairwe raised and showed them
00:09.45CairChowChow puppies are the absolute cutest puppies evah!
00:10.05SP|Sorrenchowchows are teh devil
00:10.13Cairare NOT
00:10.18SP|Sorrenmy dog is part chow
00:10.19SP|Sorrenhe is a devil
00:10.30Cairit's not the Chow part :p
00:10.33SP|Sorrenthey're like mean and stuff ;P
00:10.52SP|Sorrenyes it is, his other half is like belgium sheepdog or something, and those dogs just like to run around in circles and stuff
00:11.13Cairoh, yeah, ours were just vicious, I'm telling ya .... all the neighbourhood kids were always in incredible danger, they constantly got licked to death :p
00:11.17SP|Sorrenthe chow half is the half that makes him steal my socks and shred em
00:11.31Cairnoooo, that's bad ownership :p
00:11.48SP|Sorrenlies, all lies
00:11.53grollCair u wanna have some fun? blow up my isp plz :P
00:12.02Cairhehehehhee, problem exists between keyboard and chow
00:12.17Cairgroll:  ??
00:12.18AnduinLotharor chow and owner
00:12.24SP|Sorrenmy chow is 400 miles south of me :(
00:12.25Cairchows ROCK
00:12.27SP|Sorreni miss him
00:12.28grolli hate them :P that's reason enough lol
00:12.47SP|Sorrenim going home on sunday though
00:12.50Cairoookay, and you are asking for *my* help, why?
00:12.54SP|Sorrenmy chow can once again steal my socks
00:13.00grolli cant run a 17meg sql querry on their darn server :/
00:13.13grollcair cause i know ur a woman of fiery wrath when u want to :P
00:13.51Cairme? I'm a pussycat
00:13.58TemI'd say cair is a woman of fiery wrath when provoked not on command
00:14.25grolltem hmm maybe
00:14.51Cairgroll: !
00:15.17grollsorry! :P you made me do it :D but ok me stop now and go back to my copy past of 150k lines :S
00:16.19*** part/#wowi-lounge Ratbert_CP (n=KCummins@
00:17.56CairI miss our kennel some days ... was fun when we'd have like 18 Chows running around
00:17.57SP|Sorrencan i put a statusbar into a button?
00:24.12Legorolwow Cair, you guys are quick at approving pending files..
00:24.18Legorolis it done automatically, or is it just a virusscan?
00:24.24Legoroli mean
00:24.27Legorolis it automatical or manual
00:24.33Cairit's manual
00:24.37Legorolthen you are quick ;-)
00:24.42Legoroland sorry for spamming you with versions
00:24.47Cairno worries hun
00:24.48AnduinLotharwow... i broke the promotion system
00:25.28AnduinLothari somehow promoted someone to Leader.. there are two of us now and I can't demote him cause it says he's already at the lowest rank...
00:26.49AnduinLotharhow int he world does it thinkt here are two Guild Leaders O.o
00:27.59AnduinLothari dont even know how i caused it... something about repetely demoting or promtoing..
00:29.00grollcould just be lag too
00:29.09AnduinLotharwith 40ms latency?
00:29.14AnduinLotharfor 10 min
00:29.18grollsometimes it takes like a few minutes for the server to realise something changed
00:29.52grollyep could most likely take 10 minutes
00:29.56AnduinLotharah.. there we go... now it says the lowest rank
00:30.10AnduinLotharwas server lag..
00:30.27TemI'm now sad that I missed blizzcon... I do an amazing murloc impersonation
00:30.34grollit seems the guild stuff has quite a low priority on the servers
00:31.09AnduinLotharhad to pick something i spose
00:32.10TemAnduinLothar: yeah the guild stuff is pretty low
00:32.31Legorolnot sure it's just a question of priority, when you change someone's rank quite a few things need changing
00:32.38AnduinLotharok, well i have bulk guild whispering and bulk promotion/demotion working as well as possible given low priorety
00:32.40Legorole.g. ability to join officer channel, edit notes etc.
00:33.00Legorolthe person's client has to be notified of this, and probably some security checks are made too so that there is no chance to exploit some bug in the system
00:33.03Temjust to keep my roster up to date without opening the roster panel, I register for Chat_msg_system and do this
00:34.27Tembut that only works if the user has the guild alerts on
00:35.20TemI think what I'll end up doing is turning it on automatically but hiding it by hooking ChatFrame_OnEvent if the user doesn't explicitly turn them on
00:35.22grollhmmm 20,480KB is like 20 meg right?
00:35.31grollhm should be
00:35.40grollor am i to tired to get things right?
00:36.07AnduinLotharalmost, yes
00:37.02grollbah crap isp then they say i can max run a 20 meg sql query.. yeah right..i managed to run a 4.5meg one but that was it
00:37.22Temit's not exactly 1k kB per meg
00:37.26Tembut it's damn close
00:37.37kergothwoot, my rogue alt is finally 40.  thank god.
00:37.39kergothwalking sucks ass
00:37.41grollya well aprox 20 meg heh
00:38.40kergothanyone recall where the artisan cooking quest starts for horde?
00:40.15Temwhat's 'horde'?
00:40.17Irielsame place as alliance
00:41.34kergothah yeah, probably
00:41.40kergothnever done it before :)
00:43.24IrielI've never done it from the horde side, but I have a couple of times on alliance
00:44.12pagefaultcan't have too many shards
00:44.21pagefaultI emptied everything in my inventory and I am stocking up
00:44.35kremonteundead rogues stink
00:44.51kremonteand since kergoth is horde, i assume he is one!
00:44.59pagefaultthey are about the same as ne hunters
00:45.11kremontebut i'm not a NE hunter!
00:45.19CairI am
00:45.48kremonteyoure cair tho
00:46.35CairIriel is
00:46.36pagefaultnerf murlocs
00:46.49kremonteIriel is #1 british and #2 a genius
00:48.28pagefaultit's only annoying when 39 year old guys that live at home play them
00:48.49Cairmost people live at home ...
00:48.50kremonte39 year old guys wouldnt live at home?
00:48.51TainNerf Britian
00:48.53AnduinLothardon't most people live at home?
00:48.59pagefaultlive at home as in parent's house
00:49.13AnduinLothari mean, some people live at work i spose..
00:49.18AnduinLotharor work at home..
00:49.27TainI live in confusion most of the time.
00:49.31CairTain: that's been happening O.O
00:49.32TainOccasionally denial.
00:49.43AnduinLotharoo i like denial
00:49.46kergothkremonte: i'm a troll rogue, actually. prefer the troll racial attributes
00:49.50TainIt's not just a river in Egypt anymore
00:49.55kremontekergoth NO WAY
00:50.44kremonteno. every horde rogue is undead, its a fact
00:51.31pagefaultwhy are you a troll rogue
00:51.37TainI do have an undead Rogue on another server, but that's because I love the undead jokes.
00:51.38Cairhe said
00:51.56TainRoses are red, violets are blue, I'm dead... and I'm pissed off!
00:52.00pagefaultI know, nevermind
00:52.03kergothmainly for berserk :)
00:52.08pagefaulttroll racials are kinda useless now in 1.9
00:52.09kergoththough the boost to regen rate is nice
00:52.14kergothyeah, they're nerfing it :(
00:52.15AnduinLotharwish i could be troll undead..
00:52.36pagefaultI wonder why the undead forget what language they used to speak
00:52.36TainMy love for you is like a truck BERSERKER!
00:53.07AnduinLothardeath is quite a shock
00:53.28kremontepagefault, gutterspeak is the same as common
00:53.32kremonteyou just cant understand one another
00:53.50kremonte(Guards, Help me! in common is Goiben Uden lo, the same in gutterspeak)
00:53.58TainWhen character transfers go up I can move my Dwarf Warrior named 'Whatfor' to Draka
00:54.14TainThen I'll show you Whatfor!
00:54.18AnduinLotharwe could all move our 60's
00:54.26pagefaulti'd have to name my dwarf after some sort of beer if I rolled one
00:54.35TainYeah, I thought about it but I'd rather still actually play the game.
00:54.40CairAnduinLothar: what 60?
00:55.03AnduinLotharthe ones you have all winter to procure
00:55.04TainStill, if I moved my undead Mage over it would be free teleports.
00:55.39TainBecause I've come to the conclusion that WoW is the slowest travelling game of any to date.
00:56.08TainI guess it's too much to hope that they don't actually raise the level cap.
00:56.19pagefaultit's going to be a very fun game if we get 10 more talent points
00:56.19Cairit's in the expansion Tain
00:56.23AnduinLotharyou could totally become rich in wow gold by transfering after buying a ton of high lvl boes on an old server and sellign them on a new server
00:56.32TainI know it is, but I can still hope.
00:56.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Parak (
00:56.53pagefaultconflag/ruin/soul link
00:56.54pagefaulthow evil
00:57.11AnduinLotharconflag itself is pretty bad
00:57.49pagefaultit's great :)
00:58.23pagefaultafter the CoS/E nerf it will be one of the last DPS talents we have
00:58.50kremontepagefault, its not getting nerfed
00:58.50pagefaultbecause no more spanking a pally with a 1600 shadowbolt
00:58.57kremonte+10% based dmg now, heh
00:59.04kremontei spank pallies with 2.5k SB's^^
00:59.12pagefaultyeah but thats worse than negative resistance
00:59.21kremontenot always
00:59.26pagefaultfor the most part it is
00:59.28pagefaulti've already tested it
00:59.28kremonteyou dont ALWAYS get vuln bonus, and itsn ot always extraordinary
01:00.26pagefaultif it wasn't overpowered to begin with they wouldn't be changing it
01:02.42TainThat's not really a valid way to look at changes, always.
01:03.07pagefaultplus people can resist hellfire now
01:03.12TainThings do get changed that aren't "overpowered"
01:03.35TainIt's just the man trying to keep us down.
01:04.02pagefaultI still still enjoy releasing infernals in newbies areas though
01:04.09pagefaultif they nerf that it will only be better
01:04.21CairFight the system, don't give in to the man, down with PST! PSCP instead!
01:04.49TainThe sad part is it's people doing that that will get infernals neutered.
01:04.52*** join/#wowi-lounge zespri (
01:05.02kremontepacific standard central power?
01:05.07CairPlease send carrier pigeon!
01:05.20pagefaultwell it's not my fault blizzard designed the pets to attack anything in it's reach
01:05.27zespriHello there. Is Lineage 2 any good?
01:05.32TainNo, but it is your fault if you do it.
01:05.36pagefaultjust playing the game
01:05.51pagefaultfor all I know that was one of it's intended uses
01:06.04pagefaultbecause it's pretty much useless for anything else
01:06.18Cairzespri: no idea, never played it
01:06.21TainYou know it wasn't its intended use.  You do it because you enjoy watching people get killed and knowing you caused it, that's all.
01:06.23Gryphenl2 is grind grind grind
01:06.23TainJust admit it.
01:06.31pagefaultthats what being a warlock is about
01:06.41TainUh huh.
01:06.57pagefaultespecially an undead one
01:07.01pagefaultalways working on the next plague, etc
01:07.07TainWhatever you have to tell yourself.
01:07.50kremontecan you shapeshift whilep olied?
01:07.52zespriI mean in some countries l2 is much more popular then wow... and about almost any other mmorpg I've heard something bad. Haven't heard anything about L2 though...
01:08.28TainOh darnit I forgot I was going to start a Druid.
01:08.29pagefaultit will take you almost 2 years to reach 60 in china
01:08.51pagefaultwith that 3 hour limit and all
01:08.54TainDo all druid transformations have the same sound effect when you shift, or are they all different?
01:09.00TainThe actual shift itself.
01:10.04kremonteit sounds like mounting
01:10.21pagefaultis the shift instant cast?
01:10.31kremontebut it shares global cooldown when you shift out
01:10.38kremontelol i kept beating this mage
01:10.46kremonte"grrrr you suck i want to level a druid now"
01:10.55pagefaultnot hard to do
01:10.58pagefaultthey are busted
01:11.01kremontedruid is slow :(
01:11.17pagefaultI think mages are next for an overhaul?
01:11.49IrielDruid goes pretty quickly if you have others to play with
01:12.02pagefaultthere are almost no druids on my server
01:12.04kremonteIriel - that's what i don't have ><
01:12.06kremonteor want, tbh
01:12.19pagefaultnot a widely played class
01:12.21pagefaultlike the warlock
01:12.32kremonteyup, the only 2 classes my guild is recruiting XD
01:12.39kremontebut shapeshifting is cool
01:12.52kremontehey look im a rogue now im a warrior now im a priest now im a...seal!
01:12.57kremonte*urf urf urf*
01:12.59kremontehey red
01:12.59RedcXekremonte stinks
01:13.01MentalPowerOn what server are the UI guilds?
01:13.22kremontedraka, MentalPower
01:13.23TainThe only reason I want to play a druid is ...
01:13.30MentalPowerthanks kremonte
01:13.40pagefaultI was wondering why drain soul wasn't working
01:13.40TainSo I can change the shifting sound effect to the Transformers sound effect.
01:13.43pagefaultmy inventory is full
01:13.46kremontegg pagefault
01:13.51kremonteLOL Tain
01:14.02TainThat will provide me with no end of amusement.
01:14.05pagefaultthats awesome
01:14.30TainI will release it as a mod too.
01:14.37kremontei want it
01:15.11RedcXekremonte is my friend.
01:15.26RedcXebrb BAGELBITES lolz
01:15.30kremontepurl is my friend
01:15.34kremontepurl, are you my friend?
01:15.42TainIf I knew which actual sound file it was I could do it now.
01:15.46kremontepurl sucks
01:15.59purlYou'd like that, wouldn't you?
01:15.59kergoth~emulate chris
01:16.01purlWhen I stick this army guy with the sharp bayonette up my nose, it tickles my brain. Hah hah hah ... ow. Oh, now I don't know math.
01:16.19pagefaultlbrs is a fun instance
01:16.25kremonteblackrock sucks
01:16.37pagefaultnah I like it
01:16.41pagefaultit's better than BRD
01:16.50TainI love that one.  "Now I don't know math."
01:17.29kremonte18 mage whispers: can u give me aquatic form buff?
01:18.24DepheriosI had a level 39 priest ask me how I levitated XD
01:19.20kremonteboo goblins BOO
01:19.32kremonteKOS with BB and ratchet, unfriendly with gadget
01:19.58pagefaultthe horde should be able to play them
01:20.13pagefaultwe need a midget race
01:20.50kremonteYOU LOSE
01:20.57kremontetrolls are the tallest race in thegame
01:21.54pagefaultgnomes need a sit in garden racial buff
01:22.14SP|Sorrencan you get the tooltips owner?
01:22.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
01:23.25pagefaultout MT is now a gnome
01:23.27pagefaulterr our
01:23.40kremontemy warrior is gnome female, its great
01:24.02kremonte*waves* *thank > How generous!* :) *stabs you in the balls with a giant axe*
01:25.22kremonteoh, and that crotch stab would have critted you for half your life, because thats what warriors do
01:26.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (
01:26.32pagefaultoh nice we have a ninja on our hands
01:26.42kremontewhat got ninjaed? ><
01:26.52pagefaultmagister's bindings
01:27.29RedcXelook on aim
01:27.36kremonteits BOE isnt it
01:27.44pagefaultyeah it is
01:27.48pagefaultbut he still ninjaed it
01:27.49kremonteeveryone in my guild loots BOEs then trades them
01:27.50pagefaultgot it back though
01:27.56kremontesince we all shift click for elemental fires ;p
01:28.25pagefaultthese will fetch a pretty penny for me
01:28.27pagefaultfrom some desperate mage
01:28.53kremonteyou sell them>? =/
01:29.01pagefaultthese yeah since no one needs it
01:29.07kremontemy guild banks them
01:29.07pagefaultteir 1 bleh
01:29.10kremontefor new recruits
01:29.41pagefaultwhat stops them from taking off with them after they have it
01:29.52kremontea bad rep :)
01:30.05kremonteits not really easy getting into a raiding guild ATM on my server, especially as a mage
01:30.07kremontehell, ask RedcXe
01:30.18pagefaultwe usually always require a mage, for the water
01:30.40kremontethats not it...heh
01:30.44kremontethere are a lot of mages
01:30.54kremontemy guild usually has 6 or so for MC/bwk
01:31.26RedcXeif they want me just for ZG im going to be pissed
01:32.24kremontelol what a tard
01:32.31kremontethis warrior charges and demo shouts and aggros 4 pigs
01:32.42kremonte"heal me plz" yea i wanna take hate
01:32.49TainThat's why I won't play my 60 mage anymore.
01:33.03LegorolSomethign hilarious: Compare the recommended level ranges for all instanced dungeons from the US site ( and the EU site (, and you will notice that the two pages are identical except that the US site has higher level ranges for every instance.
01:33.05TainAnd I don't have the 60 water summon.
01:33.22kremonteLegorol - lmao
01:33.32pagefaultsash of mercy
01:34.42pagefaultfor druid
01:38.25Guillotinethats wierd. why isn't ZF considered a world isntance?
01:39.07kremonteworld instance? huh
01:41.45RedcXeFOUR OH FOUR
01:42.03SP|Sorrenis there any way to tell if your character is silenced?
01:42.14SP|Sorrenor do i have to scan my debuffs for a silence dbuff?
01:43.02pagefaultwe have someone called ebolla, anthraxx and bacteria in our group
01:45.41KolthSP: When you are silenced you get an error message about it. You could probably do something with that.
01:46.52LegorolKolth, that requires you to attempt to cast something at least
01:47.04Legorolwhich you don't want to do just for checking if you are silenced or not
01:47.21KolthGranted :)
01:48.05SP|Sorrensurely theres an easy way to detect if you're silenced!
01:48.14KolthBuff tooltips sounds about the easiest.
01:48.19SP|Sorrenmy cooldown mod explodes when you're silenced :(
01:48.22KolthKind of like how there isn't a good way to detect if you're mounted.
01:48.37KolthSP, it messes up cooldown numbers?
01:48.48SP|Sorrenwell it shows a bunch of bars for every cooldown
01:48.50SP|Sorrenwhen you're silenced
01:48.55SP|Sorrenall cooldowns are set to 10 seconds
01:48.58SP|Sorrenevery single ability you have
01:49.01SP|Sorrentries to show up on my bars
01:49.05SP|Sorrenand it explodes
01:49.22SP|Sorrenits quite cool
01:49.23SP|Sorrenthe first time
01:49.29SP|Sorrenthen after that its annoying :P
01:50.15SP|Sorrenwhat silence debuffs are there? earth shock, silence, counterspell, spell lock...any more?
01:50.17Cairomg, you guys aren't actually talking *gasp* coding, are you?
01:50.19SP|Sorrendoes kick silence?
01:50.31TainDon't point it out Cair or they might stop
01:51.38KolthSP: Sort of.
01:52.11KolthKick silences per-school
01:52.16kergothso does earth shock
01:53.44SP|Sorreni dont have schools
01:53.47SP|Sorrenhow am i supposed to test this
01:54.00KolthRead CooldownCount's code? :)
01:54.02SP|Sorrenmust roll borrow friend's characters 8)
01:54.12Tem|Onyearth shock and kick don't have debuffs
01:54.12SP|Sorrenhey, thats a good idea.
01:54.55kergothTem|Ony: how can you tell if you've been prevented from casting by them, if they arent debuffs?
01:54.56Legorolnoone on Draka?
01:55.15MentalPower|PCI am (String on Alliance)
01:55.52SP|Sorrenbuttons are different though
01:56.25Tem|Onykergoth: you can't really
01:56.27Kolthkergoth: IsUsable() returns false.
01:56.50Tem|Onyall you can tell is that the spell is on cooldown
01:56.54KolthI don't think Cooldown AddOns deal with silence-type effects
01:57.08KolthAnd being prevented from casting spells in that school for x seconds isn't being silenced.
01:57.58SP|Sorrenas far as i can tell
01:58.59SP|Sorrenthey dont really need to deal with it because the action bar buttons dont
01:59.04CairLegorol: I'm on Alliance side
01:59.06SP|Sorrenbut since im grabbing spells from the spellbook
01:59.15Cairhey Bela ... sneak out of the party already, or not gone yet?
01:59.18SP|Sorrenand checking if they have cooldown there, it futzes up
01:59.22Beladonawe finished
01:59.31Beladonahad a few drinks, so all is well
02:00.02Beladonawho, where?
02:00.05Beladonahow much?
02:00.27Cairme, alliance, alone, how good you are determines price ;)
02:00.39Beladonayou may need a bank loan
02:00.54Legorolomg, Itemrack is soooo awesome!
02:01.03Legoroli'm just playing around with it, still getting the hang of it
02:01.10Cairgello is another author that rocks
02:01.11Beladonammm, 153 Queue
02:01.27Legorolif i'm not mistaken, it's intelligent bar mod, wardrobe mod, weaponbuttons mod all rolled into one
02:01.32Beladonaroxxor de soxxors
02:01.37Legoroli'm very impressed
02:02.00Cairrofl, you *have* been drinking, haven't you Bela!
02:02.07Beladonajust a llittle
02:02.12Beladonaveru mild buzz
02:02.23Beladonabut pleasant
02:02.35Beladonawill write a dissertation on it for everyone later
02:03.07Beladonathe bartender was pretty good
02:03.13Cairhehehe, will it look anything like the log I showed you?
02:03.33Beladonaunfortunately my private stash of rum and coke is empty
02:03.39Beladonaneed to go shopping
02:03.56BeladonaI do have to warn you
02:04.12BeladonaI have been told I get very punchy when liqoured up
02:04.30CairI liked the bartender I had at the concert at BlizzCon ... he liked the fact that a) I knew my drinks, b) I tip well ... he made me *very* yummy drinks
02:04.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
02:04.44Cairwas pouring very generously :)
02:05.05Beladonawe have 3 partners that run our company
02:05.08Beladonaone of their wives
02:05.11Beladonaran the party
02:05.18Beladonaanother guy and I were cracking up in the corner
02:05.32Beladonabecause she was really having fun with it, and would pause to sip her drink
02:05.42BeladonaI kept going "there she goes for another hit, oh, and again"
02:06.15Beladonawe had a chinese gift exchange too
02:06.20Beladonawas itneresting
02:06.46Beladonaanyway, sorry to blather on, I am still waiting on Draka
02:08.36Guillotineim waiting on BG que... this is my last week of pvp (hopefully). im going for rank 8, then I'm done
02:08.49Guillotinethen I can just pvp for fun rather than honor :)
02:09.01Guillotineactually, I love doing pvp. what I hate is the ques
02:09.25Beladonawhen they open up character moves I am gonna move my main char to Draka
02:09.38DepheriosI'll join, it'll take 2 hours, and it'll come up when I'm taking a leak, or almost done with a quest XD
02:09.43Beladonadon't really care about PvP anymore
02:09.49GuillotineDepherios: yup
02:09.56GuillotineI just want the 4 item set bonus
02:10.05DepheriosDoubt they'll let you Bela... probably only server type to server type
02:10.22Beladona$40? they better damn well let me choose
02:10.32Cairthat isn't confirmed yet
02:10.52Beladonachar select... what side?
02:10.53Depheriospersonally I hope its a bit more
02:11.05CairI'm on alliance, no idea if anyone on horde
02:11.06Beladona$40 is perfect
02:11.10Depheriosmaybe 50 or 60... I don't want idiots moving around, and I don't want farmers using the system
02:11.28Beladonaanything less than $40 will cause problems I agree
02:12.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaelten (
02:12.01*** mode/#WoWI-lounge [+o Kaelten] by ChanServ
02:12.13Legorolchar moves?
02:12.17Legorolwhere? how? why? when?
02:12.47DepheriosWow, somehow, to move them, eventually... maybe
02:13.06Legorolbut $40 is too specific to be just a rumour ;-)
02:13.16Legorolwhat stirred up the rumour?
02:13.35KtronIt's decided then, message Slouken and say that we've decided it will be 40$.
02:15.43TainI'd rather decide on a lesser amount.
02:15.46TainSay 40g
02:17.14Legorolok, someone clue me up..
02:17.18Legorolis there some substance to all this?
02:17.23Legorolsomething is in the air for sure..
02:17.32Legoroleven people on general forum are talking about $40 transfers
02:17.36Legorolwhere did all this suddenly come from?
02:19.08Guillotinehehe. someone nominated norganna's sigs as one of the best ever
02:19.22Guillotineoom =/= Out Of Mobs, plz get more
02:26.34CairLegorol: ?
02:26.40Legorolswapping to alliance
02:26.44Legoroltoo embarassed to play horde..
02:26.51Cairoh give me a break
02:26.54Legoroljust kidding!
02:26.58Legoroli got you there, didn't i :D
02:27.01CairI was *teasing*
02:27.04*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphon (
02:27.07Legoroli know i know :-)
02:27.08Cairyes, you did ... jerk :p
02:27.24Cair*snuggles Lego*
02:27.35Legoroli'm going to collect MentalPower from Alli side
02:27.46Cairhe logged out
02:27.52Legorolhm, seems so
02:27.54Legorolok, back to Horde
02:28.19KtronUsing GIMP, trying to remember if RLE compression should be on or off when saving a tga for WoW
02:28.29Legorolprobably off
02:28.30Ktronand whether origin in bottom left should be on or off
02:28.49Legorolagain probably off
02:28.50TainI always leave RLE off, but I don't know if it has to be or not.
02:28.58Legorolbetter play safe, i'd say
02:29.04Legorolit's not like disk-space is a problem nowadays
02:29.06KtronLegorol, Tain: thanks
02:29.06TainBe daring.
02:29.07Legoroland you zip it up anyway
02:29.09TainBe a rebel.
02:29.36KtronI need to find a good internet tutorial on drawing interface art
02:31.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Fanook (
02:34.06Cairhello Fanook
02:35.00Guillotinehello Fanook. Welcome to #WoWI-Lounge
02:42.07*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower (
02:42.18Guillotine*sigh* another post about Decursive being banned...
02:42.56Legorollink it, let me laugh
02:44.01Guillotinek, but remember to be mature about it >.>
02:44.18Fanookdo we HAVE to?
02:45.16Guillotineas of yesterday, yes :(
02:45.44CairGuillotine: don't make me hurt you
02:46.04Legorolme? mature? you know me, always!
02:51.41*** join/#wowi-lounge purl (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
02:51.41*** topic/#wowi-lounge is WoWI-Lounge. This is a *dev* channel. Don't spam the bot. No hassling Slouken about work. Get along or Get out. Beyond that, kick back, relax, have fun.
02:51.44kergoth*sniff* I miss you, cupcake. --Gir, from Invader Zim, after eating his cupcake.
02:52.20KtronThink it's time to build up my GIMP brushes and patterns
02:53.25FanookGir is the best sidekick ever
02:53.38kergoth~emulate gir
02:53.39purli need tacos! i need tacos or i'll explode.  that happens to me sometimes.
02:54.27Fanookmust...obey...taco man....
02:56.08kergothZim: You haven't touched it? Something is broken and it's not your fault?
02:56.08kergothGir: I know, I'm scared too!
02:56.55FanookZim: Gir, self-destruct.
02:56.59FanookGir: FINALLY!
02:57.32kergothi wish they were still making new episodes :((
02:58.36kergothgods, writing for that show mustve been the best job ever
02:59.32pagefaultsome desperate mage did buy those bracers
02:59.36pagefaultsold in like 20 min
03:03.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Stylpe (
03:23.26Cairnight Clad
03:39.45AnduinLotharwhat'd i miss?
03:41.26AnduinLotharwhee queue
03:42.34Cairnot much
03:56.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Tcl70 (
03:57.03Tcl70hello ppl
03:57.13Cairhi Tcl70
03:58.02Tcl70sry for stupid question but does any 1 know C++ ? or some thing
03:58.27TemIt's been a while but I was once quite good at c++
03:59.19Tcl70coz i want to make a small program and i dont know how to programm at all :P
04:00.22CairOkay, this is going to come across as extremely rude, but darned if I know how to say it politely
04:00.57Tcl70i understand :P i'm extremly stupid
04:00.59Cair1.  If you want some help, use proper English, not lazyass leet speak
04:01.19Cairsry any1 coz ... not acceptable when asking about programming
04:01.22Tcl70sry for that but it's the only english i know
04:01.34Cairyou know how to say "sorry"
04:01.36Cairand anyone
04:01.40Cairand because
04:02.05Cairif you can't write that in here, what on earth makes you think you'll be able to write code?
04:02.11Caircode won't accept crap like that
04:02.34Tcl70what you what then it's all i know :P
04:02.51Beladonait makes it hard to understand you
04:02.57CairYou don't know how to spell "sorry" or "because" or "anyone"?
04:02.59Tcl70iknow :-/
04:03.21Cairthen you need to go back to school, since those words are taught back in the elementary grades
04:03.51Tcl70PS: i di never learn english in school
04:04.46TemWhat /did/ you learn in school then?
04:05.14Tcl70Russina / Latvian
04:05.44Temdoesn't russian use a completely different alphabet?
04:06.15Temthat must be a pretty big adjustment
04:07.24SP|Sorrenwhich is worse, any1 or ne1?
04:07.38SP|Sorrenor my favorite, neone
04:07.48LegorolTcl70, where are you from?
04:08.02BeladonaI think the point is, most people find it extremely hard to help someone who can't get their meaning across in a legibile format
04:08.13CairTcl70: if you genuinely don't know English as your first language, I apologize
04:08.22TemSP|Sorren: doesn't matter, they all make my eyes bleed
04:08.38Tcl70Cair: it;s ok
04:08.39Cairbut the rest of your statements were written well enough to make me believe that you were merely being lazy on those particular words
04:08.54LegorolTcl70, please accept our apologies, it's just that a lot of people who speak English as a first language don't bother to spell properly
04:08.55AnduinLotharwoot lazy
04:09.06Cairand I apologize for jumping to conclusions
04:09.23Tcl70Legorol: it ok :P
04:09.36SP|Sorrenhow did you learn english then? learning it on your own is quite a feat :P
04:10.01Tcl70i did watch some time english tv :-/
04:10.34SP|Sorrenman if i could pick up languages like that i'd be watching foreign films all day :D
04:10.50AnduinLothari suck at languages other than english
04:11.06AnduinLotharcept for maybe computer languages
04:11.15AnduinLotharwhich i pick up easily
04:11.36Cairanyway, to get back on track, what were you asking for Tcl70?
04:11.56Fanookyes, what? i'm a comp-sci major :)
04:12.20Tcl70well i wanted to know where i can find good guides to C++ or some thing
04:13.15Fanooki've always been fond of
04:13.29Tcl70tnx u :D
04:14.53StylpeSpeaking of languages, can someone help me translate something into german?
04:15.08Tain~x en gr Hello
04:15.11zespriCair, being non-english speaker you not always percive certain words as slang even when they are slang. Many people whose native language is not english learn english here in interent as well. And when sry and cos is wide-spread they don't really have means to tell that they are not kosher in certain circumstances. Of course it all goes untill these people are explicitly told not to use certian expressions
04:15.21StylpeAnd purl doesn't qualify ;)
04:15.46TainYou don't like online translators?  But they're so fun.
04:15.50CairAye, which is why I apologized zespri
04:16.21StylpeFun, yes. Accurate, no.
04:17.45futrtrublcair, I'm about to uplaod a new version of BEB, with your framelevel options.
04:18.14Stylpepurl can't translate the word cooldown
04:18.19futrtrublanymore requests oh Cair?
04:18.23ScytheBlade1Despite telling WoW NOT to delete stuff it didn't create (or so I assumed)
04:18.26CairI'll let you know ;)
04:18.27ScytheBlade1It deleted all of my addons
04:18.54FanookWoW shouldn't delete addons...cosmos on the other hand :)
04:19.07zespriIt's ok Cair, I'm not attacking you, I'm just trying to explain background that I'm aware of =) Sorry if it sounded aggressively
04:19.30ScytheBlade1It did
04:19.33ScytheBlade1And it did a good job of it
04:19.39CairNo, I didn't take it that way zespri, I was simply agreeing with you, and saying that when I'm wrong I apologize :)
04:20.19Temdo buttons get NormalTexture, HighlightTexture, and DisabledTexture elements automatically?
04:20.53Fanookrunning diff on big files outputting to screen is a pretty stupid thing to do
04:21.16TemOh, also PushedTexture
04:23.41StylpeHey has anyone tried making a char on a german or french server to ask about translations? =P
04:23.57Beladonayou are trying to run a diff Fanook?
04:24.27Fanooki did run a diff, on very large files and let it output to screen, not very usefull in hindsight :)
04:24.50Beladonaif it was a wow file, I have diffs online
04:25.11Fanookno no, this is for a report i have due on thurs
04:25.30Beladonarunning a diff on your homework 0.o
04:25.53Fanookit's a simulation, comparing one set of results to another
04:26.15Beladonaare they requiring a specific format?
04:26.26Fanooki defined the output format
04:26.48StylpeOkay, does anyone know if/where I can find localised GlobalsStrings.lua?
04:27.20kergoth~remulate is <reply> see emulate stewie || <reply> see emulate chris || <reply> see emulate gir || <reply> see emulate ash || <reply> see emulate zim || <reply> see emulate fry
04:27.21purlokay, kergoth
04:27.25purlIt's like you said!  They try to end the hunger for sweetness.. in their.. RUMBLING.. UNDEAD.. _bellies_!
04:28.28purldooom doooom doom
04:34.49Cairfutrtrubl: beep me here when it's ready for approval
04:35.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Legorol|alt (
04:42.07AnduinLothardooom doom doom doom doooom
04:43.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Legorol|alt (
04:44.17Legoroli totally crashed over here
04:44.55Cairapproved futrtrubl
04:45.03Cairwe figured that Legorol :)
04:45.47kergoth~emulate gir
04:45.48purlto make room for the TUNA!
04:46.29TemTip: You can <Shift>Click on an item to send a link to that item into chat.
04:47.04kergothneed a job
04:48.21kergothsent my resume to a recruiter at
04:48.31kergoththought he had a position that was a good fit, but it had already been filled
04:51.29kergothhas another one that may be a possibility, though its less of a perfect fit than the other.. but its in new jersey, and i dunno if i want to move there
04:51.38kergothnot that i have a lot of room to be picky at this point
04:53.15Guillotineapply for a job at blizz
04:53.19Guillotineyou can come live near me :)
04:53.40kergothhehe. i could do the lua stuff, i know that well, but the ui positions tend to involve.. well.. UI stuff, which i suck at :)
04:55.27Guillotineyou could be the garbage collecter :D I heard their running low one those
05:01.01futrtrublthanks for your implicit support of my mod Cair. In a very legal and binding sense. ;']
05:19.03*** join/#wowi-lounge ScytheBlade1 (
05:22.37AnduinLotharBah... u said /gc was untaken... it's guildchat..
05:23.31purldo a little dance!
05:26.43AnduinLotharparty time
05:33.24Fanookwoot! the Chinpokomon episode of South Park!
05:33.48*** join/#wowi-lounge Nomad_Wanderer (
05:34.08Nomad_WandererCrap.. When did this become a "Dev" channel
05:34.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Stylpe (
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05:43.23CairNomad_Wanderer: when I got fed up with it being a 'leet bnet script kiddie, whine about classes, act like immature idiots, embarrassed to even be in channel, let alone associated with it
05:43.55Nomad_WandererSounds Like I missed some Drama! Did you get out the size 13's?
05:47.45CairI don't wear size 13's, but I do wear pointy-toed stilletos ...
05:49.44Beladonanight Cair
05:49.54Beladonanight all
05:49.56Cairnight Bela, night all
05:52.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Tcl70|AFM (
05:57.34Guillotineg2g guys. ttyl
05:57.58Guillotineand look at the ui forums cair. you'll be very proud of me. i made a bunch of *mature* posts
05:58.06Guillotineoh. unless she's really asleep
05:58.17Guillotineoh well. ttyl guys
06:13.27KolthI want to know when I get a Killing Blow in a Battleground. I haven't yet found a way to check this except by reading the Battleground Score Pane (which is useless for my goal). Anyone have any thoughts?
06:16.17Nomad_WandererWow.. those are nice boots.
06:16.29Nomad_WandererWalk over ya boots.
06:18.01Cair|sleepI usually try to avoid walking all over people
06:18.02KolthQuite the saucy boots.
06:20.52Cair|sleepanyway, done approving mods and stuff, I'm out ... night all
06:40.23TemTip: When you learn a profession or secondary skill the button that allows you to perform that skill is found in the general tab of your spellbook.
06:42.57Nomad_WandererWow.. what a nice tip.
06:43.54KolthOrly, Tem? :P
06:44.27TemI think I'm going to write an irc bot
06:44.42Temjust to slap people when they say "orly" "no rly" or "ya rly"
06:44.43Nomad_WandererYou could write XML UI Code..
06:44.45Depheriosdo not blow dry your hair in the bathtub... do not be stupid... your head, sits on your shoulders...
06:44.45krkafor porn?
06:45.10Temoh and /me points at topic
06:45.14Nomad_WandererSo I have this button that I want to make two lines.. How do I force a word Wrap in the button text?
06:45.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Eraphine|Disco (
06:45.25Nomad_Wanderer\n isn't it
06:45.35Temwhat do you mean?
06:45.52Tem\n would do it
06:46.05Nomad_WandererI have a button called "Remove Bidder". Instead of having that button text be a long narrow wide button, I want to make it a 2 line fat button.
06:46.29Nomad_Wanderer"remove\nBidder" = Remove\nBidder
06:46.47Nomad_WandererDo I have to escape the slash? \\n?
06:47.37Nomad_WandererIt's writing out the \n as text... not seeing it as a line wrap instruction.
06:48.30*** join/#wowi-lounge sarf|sleep (
06:48.48Temwhere are you writing this?
06:48.55Temin the chat frame?
06:48.56Nomad_WandererInthe XML.. the Button Text
06:49.36Temtext = "Remove Bidder"
06:49.47TemIn your lua
06:49.57Temer, ignore that last thing
06:50.22TemSet your Fontstring to have an explicit width so it will wrap
06:51.15Nomad_WandererGot ya. I think
06:52.06Tem<NormalText> <Size> <AbsDimension x="40" y="0"/> </Size> </NormalText>
06:52.26TemI'm just guessing at the width you'll need to play with that
06:54.34Nomad_WandererHmmm. There is this attribute wraponspaces="false" for fontstring
06:54.52TainThat's a 1.9 function, isn't it?
06:55.07Nomad_WandererI don't believe so.. I got it from wowUIDes
06:58.11TemThere is a 1.9 feature being added to allow that
06:58.16TemI'm not sure if it was there before
06:58.24Temas an xml attrib only
06:58.34TemHowever, that's not what you want
06:59.07TemFontStrings automatically wrap text as long as they have space to do so
06:59.09Nomad_Wandererokay.. shortening the normal text just added a .... to the non rollover text
06:59.24Nomad_WandererSo I need to add more y space then right?
06:59.47Temif you set it's y dimension to 0 it will auto adjust
07:00.19Tem(unless it has 2 or more anchors and "derives" it's height)
07:00.38Tem<NormalText> <Size> <AbsDimension x="40" y="0"/> </Size> </NormalText>
07:01.03Nomad_WandererIdid that.. and it made a single line, 3 letter with 3 dots textstring
07:01.45Nomad_Wanderer<Size> <AbsDimension x="0" y="24"/> </Size>?
07:01.50Nomad_WandererX=0 means no limit?
07:02.20TainYou want y=0, set x to a valid width
07:02.32Temif you set a font string's width or height to 0 it will adjust itself for however large it needs to be to fit the text
07:03.01Temhowever, if you set it to an explicit number it will not and it will attempt to wrap
07:03.17Nomad_WandererHmmm.. I must not be understanding you then... Because I started with doing that.. I used <AbsDimension x="40" y="0"/>
07:03.22Nomad_WandererOh are you saying <AbsDimension x="0" y="0"/>
07:05.39purlAm I going MAD, or did the word "think" escape your lips?
07:05.48TemLet me splain
07:05.55Nomad_Wandererplease do
07:05.56Temno there is to much
07:06.19purlyou are, like, a lua Noob, but trying!
07:06.19TemI will sum up
07:06.19Temthat's not quite it
07:06.19Nomad_Wandererpurl, Nomad_Wanderer?
07:06.22purlrumour has it, nomad_wanderer is a lua Noob, but trying!
07:06.24purlHe's right on top of us. I wonder if he is using the same wind we are using.
07:06.36Tem~literal inigo
07:06.37purl"inigo" is "<reply>Hello, my name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father; prepare to die.||<reply>He's right on top of us. I wonder if he is using the same wind we are using.||<reply>You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.||<reply>Let me 'splain. No, there is too much. Let me sum up.||<reply>Fezzik, tear his arms off."
07:06.50TemI was right
07:06.54Nomad_Wandererhehehe :)
07:07.42Temx="40" y="0" should work IF "40" is wide enough to fit the first word
07:07.50Temif not then you need to widen
07:07.58TainThis sucks, I found out today what my year end bonus will be, but not when I'm getting it.
07:08.03Nomad_Wanderer40 is wide enough to fit both words.
07:08.15Temthen shorten just a little bit
07:08.17Nomad_Wandererit's wider than the actual button.
07:08.24Nomad_Wanderergot ya
07:08.33Temso it's long enough to fit "Remove" but not enough to fit the rest
07:12.19Nomad_Wanderer:) How much fun is this.. reload ui.. try a new number.. not enough.. reload ui, try a new number..
07:13.39Nomad_Wanderereventually found a hppy number... worked liked a charm! thanks!
07:14.48TemI suppose I could have told you that you could have programatically found the number you needed
07:15.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Eraphine|Lab (
07:15.29Temer, FontSting:SetText("Remove Bidder")
07:15.43TainTem, will the fontstring layout update itself automatically in game if you were to change the size of that button with Visor, or anything else?
07:16.26Temit depends if the font string's size is directly related to the button's size
07:16.39Temif it is, then yes
07:17.10Temif it isn't, then no and you would need to change the fontstring specifically in addition to the button
07:21.37Nomad_Wandererk.. I understand that..
07:22.13Nomad_Wandererhow about changing gears, and asking about an update handler?
07:22.34Nomad_WandererI have a UI that has a button that I want to whisper each member of the raid.
07:23.22Nomad_WandererI understand that I need to write an onUpdate Handler. Can I attach the onUpdate handler registration to the button press, and disable the button, then after the 40th whisper, unregister the onUpdate handler, and enable the button?
07:25.11sarf|stuffOnUpdate is run every frame
07:25.17sarf|stuffYou can do OnClick
07:25.40Nomad_WandererYes.. I was told I probably need one, as I'm sending out a lot of whispers (~40).
07:25.48Nomad_WandererI might get booted for flooding.
07:25.58Tem40 isn't too much
07:26.01TemI did it today
07:26.20Temafter we kill ony I always do this for helping with giving out the backpack
07:26.22Nomad_WandererI would prefer not having to write an onupdate handler at all.
07:27.12Tem/script for i=1,40 do SendChatMessage(i..": "..UnitName("raid"..i),"RAID") end
07:27.32Nomad_WandererSo 'cept you need to tie in the raidlist.. but I get the point.
07:27.59Temwhy do you need to tie in the raidlist?
07:28.12Nomad_WandererWhat is UnitName ("raid"..i) doing?
07:29.50Nomad_WandererI'm guessing it gets you the raidnames.. I jsut dont understand how.. I've always been using the getNumRaiders, etc.
07:30.00sarf|stuffraid1 = first raid person
07:30.08sarf|stuff(added in a patch ... 1.7? 1.6?)
07:30.14Nomad_Wanderername, rank, subgroup, level, class, fileName, zone, online = GetRaidRosterInfo(i);
07:30.22Nomad_WandererWow. So I don't need that anymore.
07:30.23sarf|stuffjust like party1 = first person in party
07:30.46Nomad_WandererThat's pretty slick
07:32.07Nomad_WandererYou can use that as a reference into other functions right? like to look at a guild name, of raid index 7...
07:34.40sarf|stuffIt works like any other "unit"
07:34.47sarf|stuffsuch as "player", "pet", "target" and so on
07:35.08sarf|stuffWhich is how CT_RAs Main Tank window can do "raid5target" ^^
07:36.09Nomad_WandererReally cool.. so is GetRaidRosterInfo Pretty much deprecated?
07:38.02Nomad_WandererSomething that functon provides that no other does then..
07:38.03sarf|stuffIt gives you a lot of info with only one method call
07:38.16sarf|stuffrank, for instance
07:38.20Nomad_WandererSure.. but doesn't that also make it heavy?
07:38.41sarf|stuffI think all names and stuff are stored internally
07:38.47sarf|stuffand it just retrieves info from a table
07:39.21Nomad_WandererGotcha.. Then the inverse of what I said is what I believe to be true...Use GetRaidRo
07:39.30Nomad_WanderersterInfo all the teim.. :)
07:39.31sarf|stuffIf you need that info, sure
07:39.53sarf|stuffhowever, for just sending tells, raidX may be better
07:40.39Nomad_WandererCrap.. Just pulled Wife aggro.. Have to go :(
07:40.44Nomad_WandererThanks for the help
07:42.12sarf|stuffGnrf. EU servers down for "maintenence".
07:46.15sarf|stuffOh well
08:06.02futrtrublI'm not not licking toads... if anyone is interested
08:09.21*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
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10:46.33Cair|sleeplol, sawing logs are we sarf|lumberjacki?
10:48.44Kalrothactually it's because he's putting on his white lingerie
10:48.55Kalroth(all lumberjacks does that)
10:48.55Cair|sleepI just wasn't going there ;)
10:49.21Cair|sleepsome things are just over-sharing ;)
10:51.03KalrothI'm of the sharing kind!
11:03.56Cair|sleepokay, seeing if I can pass out again
11:20.56*** join/#wowi-lounge AnduinLothar (
11:21.30AnduinLotharbleh 1:20 min -sm DotA O.o
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16:10.49OsagasuAlex's Macro of the Week: I hate %$@!ing Shaman (for Druids) <-- </3 Alex
16:11.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
16:23.01OsagasuDoes anyone else find it wrong that a druid can set Cenarion Circle to "at war"?
16:50.01Cairkergoth: you there hun?
16:50.51Beladonaquiet channel
16:55.33TainShhh.. be vewwy vewwy quiet.
16:55.38TainI'm huntin wabbit
16:55.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Ratbert_CP (n=kcummins@
17:06.16*** topic/#WoWI-lounge by Beladona -> This channel is meant for Dev discussions only. Off-Topic conversation is tolerated but *WILL* be policed if it gets out of hand. Show each other respect, don't spam the bot, and don't bother Slouken about work. Otherwise have fun and relax!
17:17.00kergothCair: am now.  just woke up
17:17.10Cairno worries, figured it out :)
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17:59.21OsagasuWow, Forgotten Chat breaks Sky's Whisper hiding stuff
17:59.57Beladonasky? whats that?
18:05.22Cair~whaleslap Beladona
18:05.24purlI'll just grab a freakishly huge killer whale named Hugh and slap Beladona over the head with it.....
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18:05.38Osagasuas far as I can tell it still WORKS, but it shows PMs you send under Sky
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18:07.56Cairyo pagefault
18:08.35pagefaultwhat up
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18:09.38Cairhey Iriel!
18:12.55Osagasuwhere has Anduin been anyways
18:13.40Cairhe's been around, you must just keep missing him
18:13.41Cideanyone has an idea of how you could detect if a warrior uses for example sunder armor? It's a stackable debuff, so you only get the combat log message the first time, and it doesn't even say who used it... Reason I'm asking is because someone claims he managed to do it, which sounds doubtful to me
18:15.45Beladonabut he refuses to share how?
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18:16.05Beladonasee now, that is just assinine
18:16.06IrielFor an enemy ?
18:16.27TainDoes it show the warrior on his screen how many times it has stacked?
18:16.40Cideit shows in the tooltip
18:16.55futrtrublthe more I delve into EngInventory's code the more I go "wtf?"
18:17.02IrielOn-screen too right? GetPlayerBuffApplications(buffIndex)
18:17.10TainWell.. heh give the warrior a mod that whispers it to you each time.
18:17.16Cidethat's easy
18:17.25Cidebut he said he does it without requiring the warriors to do anything
18:17.26Beladonayou can't make every warrior do it
18:17.37TainYes I know, i was being somewhat facetious.
18:17.44TainBecause I don't see how you could do it.
18:17.54Cideyou "could" check rage usage, but several abilities cost 15 rage
18:18.00Beladonawell, if he can do it (and he is being honest) then there must be a way
18:18.12IrielAre they claiming they can see when it's CAST, or when it's USED?
18:18.13Beladonaand we will find it !
18:18.16CideI'm sure he is
18:18.24Cidewhat do you mean Iriel?
18:18.27Cideit's instant cast
18:18.27TainBeing honest?
18:18.29IrielBecause i'd imagine monitoring the armor on the warrior's target might be a clue to the latter
18:18.31Cideyes Tain
18:18.52Cidewhat's the difference between cast and used?
18:19.01Iriel(I dont play a warrior much so i'm not remembering how it works)
18:19.12Cideya, it's instant cast
18:19.16IrielDoes it affect the target, or just allow the warrior to bypass parts of the target's armor
18:19.25Cideaffects the target
18:19.37Beladonabasically their armor is reduved by 450 for each time ir is stacked, upt to 5
18:19.47Irielso you could mointor the target's armor
18:19.49Cidedecreases its armor temporarily for everyone
18:19.52Irieland watch it change
18:19.56Cidecan you get armor for enemies?
18:20.01IrielI think so
18:20.25Beladonaone of the Unit functions
18:20.28Beladonalooking for it
18:20.38IrielUnitArmor I think
18:20.47Cidebase, effectiveArmor, armor, posBuff, negBuff = UnitArmor(unit);
18:20.58Beladonaso you would need to get the target of the warrior
18:21.01Cidetested it on a skeleton, just returned zero... let me try it on some more mobs
18:21.04Beladonaand then get the armor of that target
18:21.40CideUnitArmor("target") returns zero even with sunder on it
18:21.54Beladonanot I gotta try
18:22.37Cideeven does on friendly players
18:22.51Beladonadamnit, another test update
18:22.57IrielAre you checking all 5 results?
18:23.13Cidechecked first four
18:23.25CairBeladona: another test update?
18:23.33Cidelet me check negBuff too since I guess that would be the one that matters, hehe
18:23.44Cairthis one new today?
18:24.08IrielDoes armor affect defense at all, or is it unrelated?
18:24.36IrielI notice I dont have a UnitArmor check in TargetCensus, so that tends to support the idea that UnitArmor is useless
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18:24.37Cideall 5 args return 0 on npcs
18:24.48IrielHow about PC's ?
18:24.53Beladonamust only work on players
18:25.02Cidewell, it works on myself
18:25.10Cidedidn't work on a friendly player
18:25.28IrielCan you 'derive' armor if you know how much damage you're doing?
18:25.45Cidedoubt it
18:25.50krkasays at the wiki:(Only seems to work for "player" and "pet")
18:25.51Cideit wouldn't be a very accurate representation
18:26.04Irielit only has to be accurate within 225
18:26.19Cide225 armor isn't a lot though
18:26.34Cideand you want it to work right off the bat for it to log sunder
18:26.59Beladonawhat about getting the buff on a target
18:27.05Beladonaor debuff rather
18:27.11Beladonaby texture
18:27.20Beladonasunder is the only one that uses that one right
18:27.23IrielThat's a good question...
18:27.32IrielDoesn't show up as an application count?
18:27.33krkadidn't that one only work for the warrior?
18:27.40Irieldebuff, debuffApplications = UnitDebuff("target",i)
18:27.41Cidenot sure
18:27.49Beladonaanyone can see debuffs on a target
18:27.56Beladonathe question is the stack count
18:28.06IrielI'd assumed that, given the discussion, sunder didn't show up that way
18:28.16Beladonatrying it now
18:28.16Irielbut again, I dont play a warrior often
18:28.24Cidewell, you can track the times it has stacked
18:28.37Beladonawhat we really need to test
18:28.37krkatrying it how? wouldn't you need a warrior to party with + a mob?
18:28.46TainHey Cair I've been meaning to ask you, what are some of what you think are "must-have" Ranger addons?
18:28.47Cidebut say you have 3 warriors, you want to know which one used it and when
18:28.52Beladonais a warrior doing the sunder, and somone else dump the function
18:29.09krkawon't all attacks and spells show up in the combat log btW?
18:29.11Beladonaanyone on test? I have a warrior in Wetlands atm
18:29.25Cideand he got it to measure it correctly even when it's stacked to 5/5 he said
18:29.27IrielCan you correlate warrior's rage drops with increases in the stack count?
18:29.30krkayou might wanna specify server too
18:29.52pagefaultit just had to be done eventually
18:29.53CideIriel: you might, but they aren't instant
18:29.54IrielAnd he's not using a packet sniffer?
18:29.56krkalol "mmorgy"
18:30.04Cideit's an addon
18:30.22CideIriel: I tried to do an overheal meter that checked health gained versus combat log message
18:30.28IrielSome people really need to get out more 8-)
18:30.34Cideand during a raid, the hp changed too much for it to be accurate
18:30.39Beladonatest server uses its own login system doesn't it?
18:30.45IrielBeladona : yes
18:30.50Beladonabecause I changed my password recently, and test is using the old password
18:30.53Tainmmm he has a visial graphic scanner that can identify the warrior sunder?
18:30.57IrielBeladona : it's duped from the main one when test goes active
18:31.01Irieland then separate from then on
18:31.19IrielThat's even in the test server FAQ 8-)
18:31.38IrielOr one of the sticky threads (if not the FAQ itself, I dont recall)
18:31.47Cideheh, it's an addon according to him
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18:33.27Beladonayeah sorry I vaguely remember that, but it wasn't a concern for me at the time so I kinda ignored it
18:33.41IrielThis smells like those 'We have a working IM addon that doesn't break the TOS, We'll release it soon" people.
18:33.54Irielwho, i'll note, we haven't heard from in months.
18:34.32Cidewell, it could be possible with a huge hack
18:34.46Cidelike I coded CT_PetHealth.. that was fun
18:35.54BeladonaUnitArmor is only used once in the ui files
18:36.03Beladonaand that is to set the armor on your paperdoll frame
18:36.17krkayou could make IM by msg a certain char that was always online, and that char was running a custom client, that just passed it along to IM
18:36.44krkathat char would breaking the TOS though
18:37.13IrielSo that's a TOS violation, this was claimed to be TOS-clean
18:37.30krkawouldn't be a TOS violation for the users though
18:37.40IrielYou ran a relay program on your desktop, but then WoW client I/O was claimed to be something that didn't violate.
18:41.01Cide"my way is accurate :p", "combat log way isnt, since it doesnt give the info", "I'm the only one that runs the mod now", "as long as everyone's in range it's pretty much accurate"
18:41.08CairTain: sorry, was afk, huh?
18:41.24Cideassuming he isn't lying of course, but I don't think he is
18:41.47krkaand it's not UnitDebuff?
18:42.08Cidecan't tell who did it
18:42.22Cideand you can't tell if you do it when it's already stacked 5/5
18:42.23krkahm, right
18:42.28kergoth<nullpuppy> -Funny Quote of the Day - Douglas Adams - "I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by."
18:43.23TainCair: Are there any addons that you use that you think really help Rangers?
18:43.34BeladonaI think I figured out your sunder armor thing Cide
18:43.34CairHunters ;)
18:43.42Beladonajust tested it myself
18:44.07Cairbc_Aspect, bc_Tracking, SmartPet
18:44.13krkado share
18:44.23Cairask Iriel, he's played high end hunter though, I haven't
18:44.25Beladonafirst you get the target of the warrior
18:44.29IrielOh, what?
18:44.35Beladonathen you do a UnitDebuff on it
18:44.39krkaI liked RangeMelee, but now there are more powerful variants
18:44.43Beladonaiterate through a few idenxes
18:44.47krka(changing action bar based on range)
18:44.49Beladonatill you match the texture for sunder
18:44.54TainWell seeing as my hunter is only level 9 I'm not tooo worried about a high level hunter yet. :)
18:45.02Beladonathe buff application returns
18:45.18IrielOh, I've never seen the point in that, sorry... I can fit all my actions between the main bar and the blizz extra bar above it
18:45.42Irielthough bc_TrackingMenu keeps those out of the way, and I put aspects on a blizz side bar
18:45.50CideBeladona: doesn't help much though :/
18:46.26krkanot for everyone, was useful for me when I played
18:46.31IrielI wonder if it's an event thing...
18:46.34krka(before I made HunterPriority though)
18:46.39krkahunterpriority is the shit
18:46.51TainAnd what does HunterPriority do?
18:46.52IrielI wonder if UNIT_DEBUFF fires for the spurious sunders
18:47.05krkait allows you to map several spells to one key
18:47.31krkaand it chooses the first castable from a priority list
18:47.46krkacompletely customizable
18:48.03IrielMaybe that's the one 8-)
18:48.11krkahere is my settings for it
18:48.14IrielWhichever one causes a buff update
18:48.42Cideya, unit_aura
18:49.04Cideit doesn't fire for raidXtarget though
18:49.07Cideonly for your own target
18:49.27IrielSo this guy is tracking all sunders on all units?
18:49.33IrielNot just his target?
18:49.53Cideonly on raid bosses, but I assume he does it on the mob even if it isn't his target
18:50.04IrielThat may be worth asking
18:51.16Beladonamy method would work, it would just be sloppy
18:51.26Beladonaand I am betting that may be what he is doing
18:51.36IrielHow does yours catch overflows?
18:51.44IrielHe claims to know after 5
18:51.52Cideand who did it, as well
18:51.55Beladonathe fact that he refuses to share how he is doing it tells me he is sloppy about it anyway
18:51.57Cidein a raid you have 5-10 warriors
18:52.37Beladonahe knows after 5?
18:52.37Cide"of course by telling you trade secrets, I'd have no edge over the competition :p"
18:52.37Beladonaand why would you care about after 5, except to update the timer?
18:52.38krkamust be catching some event from nearby player
18:52.38Cidebecause they still generate threat
18:52.38krkacompetition? O_o
18:52.39*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
18:52.42Cidehe's trying to do a threat meter...
18:52.46Beladonai JUST DONT SEE THE POINT
18:52.46IrielOh dear
18:52.56Cidewhich I seriously doubt he'll succeed with, but still, I'm very curious as to HOW he does it
18:53.11TemI hope all the people that try to make threat meters have their faces melted
18:53.13IrielWell, if he thinks that's possible, maybe his method is deeply flawed, but since it's not available for scrutiny, nobody will be able to show him that?
18:53.17Beladonaso he is tracking sunder to log threat, AND armor reduction?
18:53.20Temthose threads annoy the pee outta me
18:53.20krkathreat meter would be insanely useful but insanely difficult to do
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18:53.29Beladonahey Cide, is HE the warrior?
18:53.34CideBeladona: to log threat through monitoring the number of sunders
18:53.45IrielDo you have any past experience with this guy to imply he'd be inclined to be believable?
18:53.52CideI talk to him often
18:53.53Beladonathere is a lot more involved in threat than sunders though
18:53.56Cidehe's made his own raid mod
18:53.59Beladonait wouldn't be very accurate
18:54.04Cideyes, but sunders are the hardest to track
18:54.08krkacan anyone try to register for _all_ events and do a test?
18:54.11Cidethe rest is cake
18:54.11MoonWolfha, one change on blizzards side an the thread meters are useless
18:54.14krkaperhaps something useful will show up
18:54.23TemA thread meter is not meant to be, and IMO it would hurt the game.
18:54.37IrielMoonWolf : They'd have to be useFUL to begin with, which I have doubts theyre not.
18:54.38Beladonagranted it would be useful as hell but
18:54.43TemIf someone ever does succeed in making one, I hope blizzard bans the crap out of it asap
18:54.50Cide"(Cide): do you track it for your target, or any warrior's target?"
18:54.57Cidehis reply, "any mob"
18:55.10IrielEven untargetted ones with the same name?
18:55.14Beladonawould love to see how efficient that is
18:55.16IrielHis reply is impossible
18:55.21MoonWolfSunders agro formula has been changed.. bye bye addon.
18:55.31Cidejust raid bosses with unique names
18:55.37IrielThat's not "any mob"
18:55.50Cidewell, I guess he means that it doesn't have to be your own target
18:55.56TemMoonWolf: that would screw with warriors.  I would hope they could come up with a better solution
18:56.02IrielDid HE say "raid bosses with unique names" or did you infer that?
18:56.24Cide"what else you planning on adding to the mod", his reply: " multi-mob, talent/gear inspection, synchronization, small database for +/- threat"
18:56.24Beladonahe can't be using the UnitDebuff trick then, at least not alone
18:57.05Irielif NAME is important, then it HAS to be either combat log based, or messaging from raid members based
18:57.08KiliekHe's full of shit and just tyring to get attention.
18:57.11Beladonawonder how Blizz will feel about that addon
18:57.16IrielHave you asked him if this requires all the warriors to be running his raid addon?
18:57.30CideI'm sure he has a mod working decently
18:57.35krkaalso, does it work if the warrior is an NPC?
18:57.46Cide"my mod currently only picks up feigns in-group right now", anything you can think of that would work with that only?
18:58.09Kiliekwhy don't you just ask for a copy?
18:58.29*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
18:58.30Beladonawell if he is really after competing with you, he has to release it
18:58.39Beladonaand when he does, we can easily see how he did it
18:58.44Cidehe refuses to give me one, I tried
18:58.48KiliekOh, you're talking about vulture... hahaha.
18:58.49CideI'm not competing with him :P
18:58.51KiliekThat dude is so full of shit cide.
18:58.53krkaunless he's a kickass obfuscator :)
18:59.09Irielkrka: Nobody could obfuscate it enough
18:59.09CideKiliek: I doubt he's lying
18:59.16Cideobfuscation is useless
18:59.18BeladonaI wouldn't worry about, there are so many holes in his theory I have doubts as to how stable it is
18:59.19IrielCide: I'm not sure he's lying BUT
18:59.19MoonWolfkrka, with enough time someone will find it out.
18:59.22Kiliekuh, vulture has lied about 1000 things in the priest channel
18:59.33Kiliekhe's totally full of shit
18:59.44IrielCide: I have a suspicion that he's either poorly wording his claims, or possibly mistaken about the efficacy. he may believe what he says, but it may not be true
18:59.45CideKiliek: we'll see if he releases it, I would still be interested in finding a way to do what he claims he did
18:59.51KiliekHe may be trying, but if you saw it you'd likely be unimpressed.
18:59.52Beladonano I believe he is working on it, and may have a halfway usable addon
19:00.53kremontezomg, UnitThreat(UnitA, UnitB)
19:00.54CideI mean, I can't think of any way to do it, and I'd say most people in here knows more than I do as well
19:00.59Beladonait just suprises me that he could come up with a clean, reliable, and non violating way to do this, when we can't seem to
19:01.30KiliekHe'll end up never releasing anything and saying he got too busy
19:01.39Kilieklike the 4000 other mod devs who said they were trying
19:02.43Cidewe'll see
19:02.58krkadid anyone use an event monitor to test what kind of info you could get when a nearby warrior did sunder?
19:03.01BeladonaI am picturing a combat stats style addon that tracks all attacks that generate threat
19:03.03Kiliekand in cases of even the most sensitive aggro situations, good playing will do more than any mod would.  even though it's a cool concept from a developer standpoint, the reality of it is tediously testing for values to put in for attacks.
19:03.18krkamaybe a set of events was generated that could be spotted
19:03.21Cideonly way I can think of
19:03.27Cideis checking if warrior rage decreased by 15
19:03.38Cideand then check to see if it generated any combat log message
19:03.44Beladonathats not very reliable though
19:03.59krkaKiliek, you could collect a lot of data and determine them automatically
19:04.00Cideif not, sunder, if there was one, it was either execute or heroic strike or whatever else takes 15 rage
19:04.10Kiliekkrka, same idea though.
19:04.18krkaexcept less manual work
19:04.19Kiliekit starts out a cool project and ends up data collection
19:04.38Beladonaor track all debuff casts on the target, and then do a check on the ones that are likely to be threat generators
19:04.49krkado the other 15-rage spells generate a visible trace?
19:04.56Cideyes, I believe so
19:05.00krka15 rage decrease + no event = sunder
19:05.02KiliekI'm pretty sure you see "X is afflicted by sunder armor."
19:05.04Kiliekin the combat log
19:05.06Kiliekand that's it
19:05.09CideKiliek: one time, yes
19:05.12Cideit stacks 5 times
19:05.15Beladonaonly the first time
19:05.23Kiliekok i see what you guys were talking about before then
19:05.25Beladonastacks only show to the warrior I think
19:05.35Cidenah, it shows in the tooltip
19:05.41Cidebut it doesn't even show as a combat log message for the warrior
19:05.54krkais there any list of warrior spells and their rage consumption?
19:06.13KiliekBy far the easiest is requiring your melee (and anyone else in a similar predicament) to use a ui mod.
19:06.28Cideheroic strike, sunder, slam, execute
19:06.35CideKiliek: yes
19:07.02Kilieknot the most ideal of course
19:07.05krkaok, on execute you can check that the rage goes up afterwards
19:07.14Cideno need
19:07.21krkaon heroic strike, you can check if the targets hp went down
19:07.22Cideexecute gives a chat message
19:07.25krkathere you go
19:07.30Cidekrka: not reliable on raid bosses
19:07.36Kiliekdoes execute have a static hate addition?
19:07.38Cideyou won't do 1% with heroic strike :P
19:07.46CideKiliek: most likely it's linear to the damage caused
19:07.54Kilieklike any other attack
19:07.56krkacan you check stance of a warrior?
19:08.13Kiliekcan use it in two stances anyway
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19:08.27kremonteCair has a clone!
19:08.37krkaok, so the only confusion should be between slam, heroic strike and sunder armor
19:08.49Kiliekand heroic strike is also significant threat
19:09.20Kiliekcould instead ignore the values of your tanks, and only track hate of the rest of your raid
19:09.38Kiliekand once someone who is being tracked pulls aggro
19:09.46Kiliekuse that to float a value that is the preceived hate threshold
19:09.58krkaexactly, that's how you'd gather data
19:10.34Cidefunny how everyone says it's impossible, and now it's being discussed in here
19:10.47Kilieki never said impossible !
19:10.57Kilieki said vulture is full of shit, and it'd be a pain in the ass ;)
19:11.08Kilieki know delheru had something that worked ok for ascent too
19:11.11CideI mean generally
19:11.21Kiliekbut my raid guessing works "ok" too
19:11.23Kiliekah ok cide
19:11.28Irielwhat, threat measurement?
19:11.28Cidesee any "looking for threat meter mod" thread
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19:11.51IrielInfeasible, is the general phrase.. You can make approximations that work in certain controlled circumstances
19:11.54Kiliekwell, since any mod that is feasible has basically been done people are on the if it doesn't exist it's not possible thought
19:12.05IrielBut Not in general cases amongst general groups with large numbers of targets
19:12.16Irielor even for that matter, mixes of classes, levels and skills
19:12.31KiliekAnd when you start to talk scripted events, raid encounters, etc
19:12.35IrielI dont doubt that a workable approximation can be made for the highly choreographed raid boss encounters
19:12.38Kiliekyou can throw out whatever data collection you're doing
19:12.39Cideit would have to be regulated to unique mob names and level 60s most likely
19:13.13krkathe only problem would be if different mobs reacted differently to different attacks
19:14.01krkaI think that's true though... when I played, I noticed that some mobs immediately came for me if I applied Serpent String
19:14.22krkaif I just attacked and avoided that, it stayed on my pet
19:14.36Kiliekwell something like molten core, except for ragnaros the bosses aren't really special.
19:14.44Kiliekwhen you hit bwl, they're all scripted
19:14.52Cidenot really
19:15.01krkaya rly
19:15.02Kiliekeven like vaels ba has a -70% threat mod so your tank switches are more dynamic
19:15.04Kiliekya rly
19:15.24Kiliekin bwl almost every single boss has something that varies from a run of the mill mob
19:15.25Cidethat's still easily walked around
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19:15.46Kilieknot really easily
19:15.51IrielBut even so, that's not a 'threat meter' in the general sense
19:15.56Kiliekby time you had the mod working right (or right enough) it wouldn't work
19:16.03Kiliekor rather wouldn't matter
19:16.04Cidethreat[unit] = threat[unit]*0.3
19:16.13IrielThe people who are crazy are those who think they can generate a meaningful 'number' to represent threat in all cases
19:16.14Cidenot very hard to reduce threat by X% after an event
19:16.28kremontewing buffer! threat[unit]*0.5
19:16.45kremontedamn dragons and their buffets, giving me hate and shadowflaming me for 5000
19:16.50krkaIriel, well if blizzard can do it, why can't we?
19:17.00Cidebwl bosses aren't really that scripted
19:17.01IrielBecause it's on the server
19:17.01krkaunless it's random
19:17.09IrielAnd they dont give us all the information they have
19:17.16IrielWe just get to see the RESULT
19:17.18krkabut we have the ability to work it out
19:17.19krkain theory
19:17.26Temspeaking of not giving all the information they have...
19:17.33IrielYou assume that things like LOCATION are not important
19:17.37TemFontStrings and Textures got the shaft again
19:17.46IrielTem: Eh?
19:17.47Cidenefarian is, vael is, chrom is
19:18.02TemNo way to get their type
19:18.13TemGetFrameType is only on Frames and derivatives
19:18.20IrielWell, they have unique methods
19:18.24Irielso they're not that hard to identify
19:18.24krkalocation would be problematic in instances, yes
19:18.27Kiliekthen you have to deal with: , , ,
19:18.27IrielSetTexCoord == Texture
19:18.34Temyeah but any table can have those methods
19:18.47Irielnot from the core blizzard __index method tho
19:19.08krkawhen would you need to detect that? O_o
19:19.10TemThat true you could check the method against a known texture
19:19.17CideKiliek: they are triggered by an event
19:19.22Cidejust multiply the threat by the percentage
19:19.24IrielYou just have to obtain the method at the start
19:19.30Kiliekcide, if you know the event
19:19.40Kiliekthat's just stuff that they do triggered by events
19:19.43Irielif (BlizzardFrame__index(queryFrame, "SetTexCoord"))
19:19.46Kiliekimagine all the server side scripting shit
19:20.02Cidethey don't randomly reduce your threat by X%
19:20.04Kiliekyou'd be making a mod that guessed whos gonna have hate based on what you learned about an encounter
19:20.08Kilieknot a threat mod
19:20.12Cideit's always triggered by an ability
19:20.15krkawouldn't BlizzardFrame.SetTexCoord work too?
19:20.25Cidewell I shouldn't say walways
19:20.28krkaor am I misunderstanding metatables again
19:20.28Irielkrka: because someone could add that method
19:20.41krkatrue... but that doesn't seem very likely :P
19:20.50IrielSomeFrameThatIsNotATexture.SetTexCoord = function() return "No soup for you" ; end
19:21.24krkaI like to assume that I am not playing with malicious mods
19:21.30IrielTem: Request those methods in the 1.9 thread, i'm sure slouken's bored and has plenty of time.
19:21.35Irielkrka: it may not be malicious
19:21.42TemIriel: hah
19:21.53Irielkrka: Imagine it's a frame that uses a bunch of subtextures to simulate a single texture with some kind of effect
19:22.02Irielkrka: It might implement a usable SetTexCoord
19:22.10TemI seem to have dicovered that FontStrings and Textures don't have parents
19:22.20krkathen why not let your own mod think it's a texture?
19:22.37Irielkrka: well, that is an option, but I assumed there was some reason you'd WANT to know
19:22.46Temkrka: Last night I was working on adding better FontString and Texture support to AceGUI and I needed to "frame" the fontstrings, but I needed the lua class to be able to work with an actual font string and a frame with a fontstring on it
19:22.46IrielTem: I think they're lightweight objects, compared to 'frames'
19:23.02Temthey aren't returned by Frame:GetChildren
19:23.11Temand they don't have GetParent/SetParent methods
19:23.21IrielThey are part OF their 'parent'
19:23.31krkakinda like jesus / god?
19:23.32IrielRather than being separate entities
19:23.35TemExactly what I was linking
19:23.41Irielkrka: not really no 8-)
19:23.50IrielLike your arms and your legs, compared to you
19:23.52Tainso they're the Holy Ghost
19:24.13Temit just makes it annoying to encapsulate their use
19:24.17krkaso jesus is an arm of god?
19:24.27krkastop being so weird! ;)
19:24.53IrielHeh, satrina hopped in with an observation on threat models on the forum
19:24.57Beladonawhere did Cair go?
19:25.17TemI think Cair is poorly imitating someone with a stable connection today
19:25.36Irielok, off to get last minute pre-trip shopping done
19:25.37Irielback later
19:26.49kergothsomeone should make bumper stickers with a small wow logo, and "I'd rather be farming." or "I'd rather be fishing." or "I'd rather be grinding." after it
19:27.02*** mode/#WoWI-lounge [+o Cairenn] by ChanServ
19:27.05Temaha! cair returns
19:27.25krkajust waiting for iriel to leave I suppose
19:27.32Cairennlike it isn't already bloody cold enough, now we get to have power outages as well?
19:27.36krkadon't really know why cair hates iriel so much :(
19:31.10BeladonaI have a better idea
19:31.18Beladonaa wow bumbper sticker that says "Aggro This"
19:32.54krkaa damage meter combined with a counter for each type of aggro generation would work to some extent though
19:32.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
19:33.21Gryphenono i esceared of teh rawr! i need a huggle.
19:33.36Tain"My other car is a Gryphon."
19:33.47Parak"I overnuked Broodlord, and all I got was this crappy t-shirt."
19:34.08kremontei overnuked broodlord, and promptly got 1 shotted by an 8.5k MS
19:34.09TemSo, someone in my guild just said "naga please!"
19:34.15TemI think I'm going to die now
19:34.21kremontenaga stole my bike
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19:35.17MoonWolfbix n00ds
19:35.38*** join/#wowi-lounge RedcXe (
19:37.00BeladonaI so need to go home
19:37.14Beladonathis is one of those days wher epeople are just overly stupid
19:37.20Beladonaand I have to help them
19:37.27kremonteyou a tech support? lol
19:37.36Beladonano, IT Director
19:37.41kremontejust as bad
19:37.41Beladonabut they all ask me shit anyway
19:37.53Beladonaget this
19:37.58Beladonaone of our clients has dialup
19:38.05Beladonaand he uses outlook express
19:38.10Beladonaso he calls asking for help
19:38.13RedcXei hope kremonte dies in a forest fire
19:38.15Beladonaits not really my obligation
19:38.18Beladonato help him
19:38.24Beladonawe don't provide it services to the public
19:38.31Beladonabut I figured what the hell
19:38.44Beladonahe says he keeps getting disconnected when he sends an email
19:38.52Beladonaso I check all the usual junk
19:38.55Beladonaeverything is fine
19:39.04Beladonatalk to him some more, and come to find out
19:39.12kremonteinstead of hitting send, he hit close? :p
19:39.25Beladonather eis an area on the bottom right of the status bar that tells you when it is sending, reciving, connecting, etc...
19:39.33Beladonahe thinks that should always be htere
19:39.39Beladonaeven when the program is idle
19:39.57BeladonaI tried to explain it to him, but he is insistent that it used to always be there
19:40.16kremontelol public ftl
19:40.31Beladonamy favorite is when people tell you something broke
19:40.36Beladonaand then ask why it broke
19:40.36kremontewhy do people call tech support/IT and always act all stubborn
19:40.45Beladonamy answer is always "because they do that sometimes"
19:41.03Kilieki say "because you touch yourself at night"
19:41.05Beladonamy hard drive crashed! it was fine last week! what happened?
19:41.15Beladonahard drives aren't immortal dear
19:41.25krkamine is!
19:41.29krkano wait, that's immoral
19:41.31krkanever mind
19:41.33kremontewell, are they mortal? :O
19:41.36kremontelmao krka
19:42.11Beladonageneral people have this misconception that if taken care of all aprts on a computer should ALWAYS work
19:42.19Beladonathey NEVEr wear out
19:42.26krkastuff with moving parts break. end of story.
19:42.36kremontewell, i suppose there is a uh, somewhat valid reason to think that
19:42.42krkaeven stuff without moving parts tend to break
19:42.46kremonte"but if i didnt screw with it how'd it break"
19:42.52Beladonanot really
19:42.58Beladonano valid reason I can see
19:43.18Beladonayou can take care of yourself, always eat right, and never act recklessly
19:43.27Beladonabut you still eventually die of old age
19:43.36krkaover my dead body
19:43.40kremontebut they rent alieve!!
19:43.51MoonWolfkrka, that is the point.
19:44.12krkagood point
19:45.26BeladonaI need you guys to give me your opinion on something
19:46.11Beladonado you think it would be worthwhile to extend that same design to all the player bars
19:46.17Beladonaseparately draggable
19:46.30kremontethat looks like the nameplates o_O
19:46.34Beladonait is
19:46.53kremontei like it
19:47.03kremontehow big is it like, relative to the current playerframes?
19:47.11Beladonaexact fit to the bars
19:47.12kremonte(ive been thinking of making a minimalistic UI for my warlock)
19:47.19kremonteooh! i like that
19:47.32Beladonacan show you a screeny of it above my player frame if you want
19:47.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Trilian7 (
19:47.41kremontesure, if you can
19:48.09Beladonait will have animation when I am done with it
19:48.16Beladonasimilar to the casting bar
19:49.57*** part/#wowi-lounge Ratbert_CP (n=kcummins@
19:51.42LegorolBeladona, very sexy
19:51.46Legorolonly one problem though:
19:52.02Legorollot of AddOns + the default Blizz UI use that space around the PlayerFrame to display information
19:52.14Beladonalike what
19:52.16Legorolthe default Blizz UI puts your group label there when in a raid
19:52.24Beladonathe only thing that shows near there is the crown for group leadership
19:52.28LegorolDPS AddOns traditionally put their label there too
19:52.47Beladonabear in mind
19:52.48Legorolno, since 1.8 the default UI puts a label like "Group X" there when you are in a raid
19:52.50Beladonaits draggable
19:52.58Legorolthen it's very sweet!
19:53.00Beladonacan be moved anywhere
19:53.03Legorolthen i can put it under the PlayerFrame ;-)
19:53.45Beladonamy question was if anyone though it would be worthwhile to make other bars like it for health and pwoer
19:53.54Beladonaand disable the player frame completely
19:54.00Beladonaobviously moving the icons that attach to it
19:54.37Legorolehm.. what advantage would it have over the default health/mana?
19:54.45Beladonayou could move them
19:54.51Beladonaeven separately
19:55.02Legorolwell some people might like that,
19:55.15Legorolbut to be honest there are gazillion player frame mods out there that only display health/mana bars and make them mobile
19:55.22Legorolso i don't think it'd be worth your time and effort
19:55.29Beladonaits pretty easy
19:55.57Beladonajust a matter of moving the current bar to a template and then replicating it for each bar
19:56.20BeladonaI might do a proof of concept just to see how it looks
19:56.54Beladonamy ultimate goal with this is to completely shrink down the space used by the default ui
19:57.59Legorolalt+z ftw
19:58.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Malivil (
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20:13.35kremontei'm sure people have said about this before, but would it be possible to make a somewhat re-creation ofthe tradeskills window, and be able to view other guild members or misc. friends' tradeskills, what they can make, and the materials?
20:14.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Depherios (n=Deph@
20:16.52SP|Sorrenhow would i ensure that one texture shows up on top of another texture?
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20:22.45OsagasuHmm. Do tradeskills even need hardware interaction, kremonte?
20:22.53Osagasuyou know?
20:23.08kremonteno idea ._.
20:27.49BeladonaCorren, put them on separate layers
20:27.52Beladonaerr Sorren
20:32.36OsagasuI know kaell is putting in Recursive Digdown in KCAH, and with Queueing he might be able to automatically queue up all the items up to and get the item you want provided you have base mats...
20:38.49*** join/#wowi-lounge zespri (n=andrews@
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21:09.25*** join/#wowi-lounge kremonte_ (
21:09.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
21:10.42TainI was just reading an article about stem-cell research pioneer, Woo Suk Hwang.
21:11.00TainI'm probably too old to be giggling at someone's name.
21:11.03TainBut I can't help myself.
21:11.47krkawith a name like that, you're only hope of reproducing is through stem cell research
21:12.40krkaDAMN IT
21:12.45krkaWHY DID I WRITE "you're"
21:12.47krkaI KNOW BETTER
21:14.04KolthBut you aren't even from an English-speaking country.
21:14.35IrielNeither are most americans 8-)
21:14.56*** part/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (
21:15.14KolthOops, I kicked Cairenn.
21:17.04Beladonais there an event that just fires when the players hp has changed?
21:17.08krkaKolth, exactly, I should know better :P
21:17.17Kolthkrka, hah
21:17.20KolthBela: Yes?
21:17.21IrielNo, you just have to deal with UNIT_HEALTH
21:17.33Parakand the joys of onupdate
21:17.42Irieland UNIT_MAXHEALTH
21:17.52Irieleh, you dont need OnUpdate
21:18.06KolthI could've sworn there was a _CHANGED event.
21:18.10IrielBut I figured the word 'just' applied to both 'players' and 'hp'
21:18.19Beladonaits for an hp bar
21:18.28IrielUNIT_HEALTH and arg1 == 'player'
21:18.36Irielditto UNIT_MAXHEALTH
21:19.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Eraphine|Lab (
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21:31.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (
21:31.26*** mode/#WoWI-lounge [+o Cairenn] by ChanServ
21:32.14Beladonathe squirrels are getting hungry and have taken to chewing lines
21:35.36CairennJust shoot me now and put me out of my misery
21:36.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Trilian10 (
21:36.16Beladona~shoot Cairenn
21:36.18purlACTION shoots Cairenn in the foot with a phase pistol!
21:36.18Cairennanother 5 cm of snow tomorrow ... and 25-30 on Friday
21:36.24KolthSnow is great!
21:36.55IrielI remember snow, it's that white stuff isn't it?
21:37.26CairennI HATE winter!
21:37.55Irielanother plus for southern california then
21:38.12Cairenncome up with a job for me :p
21:38.36Cairennor more likely to be possible ... one for hubby
21:40.27zespriSnow is what you see when you go high on mountains, like when you want to ski or snowboard...
21:40.43KolthOr telemark
21:41.42futrtrublSnow is what I see when I leave my country
21:43.28zespriCairenn, you are lucky, you can play snowballs =) Even with your kids if they are grown up enough!
21:44.24TainLucky to play with snowballs is when it snows once a year.  Maybe two.
21:44.54Beladonawhere Cairenn is, snowballs is when you get too much up your pant leg
21:45.11zespriLike when it snows once a year from november till february and then it stops snowing? =)
21:45.34CairennOct - end of March, more like
21:46.03Cairennhate, loathe, despise
21:46.04zespriMind you, some of us live in alaska
21:46.42Cairennugh, no thanks
21:46.54KolthSomeone besides me lives in Alaska here?
21:46.57CairennOntario is bad enough, not interested in any further north
21:47.00zespriI meant you
21:47.03Kolthoh :(
21:47.05zespriKolth =)
21:47.10TainYeah, but what part of Alaska?  Saying you live in Alaska is like saying you live in France.
21:47.25KolthI live latitudinally with London.
21:47.45Cairennbesides, at least Ontario, while having to deal with winter, is still Canada ... Alaska is not only winter, it's also US ... blech
21:47.49*** join/#wowi-lounge kremonte (
21:47.56KolthAlaska is not part of the US.
21:48.03KolthWe're still faithful to The Motherland.
21:48.04TainAlaska doesn't really count as part of the US.
21:48.05MoonWolfsnow is cool
21:48.18KolthThe Motherland protects us from America.
21:48.18zespriI've heard this story already about alaska not beiong part of us =)
21:48.23TainThey'r eall different out there.
21:48.38KolthOur Governor's name is 'Murkowski'
21:48.44KolthHow American is that?
21:48.47zespriKolth, the Mothership? =)
21:48.57CairennKolth: which motherland?
21:49.02KolthTHE Motherland :P
21:49.30zespriChina is close enough I think =)
21:49.34KolthNo, no, no, no! Mars!
21:49.57zespriLook, He almost guessed it right!
21:50.04KolthI, like.. have finals today. Ick.
21:51.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Beladona (
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21:52.10zespriThere is a noval by heinlein "Door to the summer", or something, I read it in translation, so I don't know the exact name. Very uplifting =) The cat trying to find summer behind every door in the house in spite that it's winter outside. but the cat hopes that there is a door that would lead to summer
21:52.49DepheriosA door into summer
21:52.52DepheriosI love that book
21:53.01Depheriosown all his major publications ^_^
21:53.07DepheriosALL of them BWAHAHAHAHA
21:53.12Depheriossadly, I've read every one of his books D:
21:53.20Depheriosso I never get to read a new one ever again T_T
21:53.47DepheriosThe Door Into Summer rather
21:53.54zespriyeah, I know what you mean Depherious. I'm not as big fun, but I think that I read every book of him too. at least every major
21:54.10Depheriosthere's a few obscure ones
21:54.16Depheriosand a few under aliases
21:54.51DepheriosI don't have most of his aliased works, because they're almost all short stories in magazines
21:57.14zespriWhen I was 16 I read something that called 'I'll fear no evil' or at least that's what the translator did with the name. Now I think it's not the best his novel not even close, but when I was 16 it influenced me alot =) back that time I nick-named my girlfriend after the name of the main character =) it was 15 years ago
21:57.41Depheriossecond to the worst novel he wrote I think XD
21:57.53DepheriosIMHO that and stranger were his two worst works XD
21:57.58Depheriosstill good
21:58.08Depherios"worst" being better than good XD
21:59.03TainI've read a lot of his stuff, certainly not everything, but Stranger in a Strange Land is still my favorite.
22:01.22DepheriosActually, I've yet to read the unabridged For Us, The Living release they just recently published
22:01.35zespriOh, I just noticed the new channel topic, Cairenn we are not supposed to caht about heinlein here only about lua and UIPArent and alike?
22:02.07Depheriosbah... I'm on
22:02.21Depheriosthe servernames of this place decree we should be allowed to talk about scifi XD
22:02.21Beladonatime to go home, yay
22:02.53Beladonayou can tak about anything you want
22:03.01TainI liked Ringworld a lot, but not as much some of the others.
22:03.07Beladonaas long as it doesn't become disrespectful, or immature
22:03.12TainEr I mean not so much some of the others
22:03.26DepheriosI like most of his works
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22:03.33Depheriossome of his cooperative novels though >:P
22:03.34Beladonaanyway, back in a few
22:03.38*** part/#wowi-lounge Beladona (
22:03.39DepheriosI keep trying to read Footfall and can't finish it
22:03.56DepheriosI have ALMOST all of Niven's novels...
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22:19.36Beladonaso has anyone written up an article on frame optimizations in 1.9?
22:24.22kremonteis there any way to make a new chatframe, but make the text highlightable/copy-able?
22:24.47Beladonahiya Cladhaire
22:29.01Irielkremonte : I'm not sure, but you might have to simulate a chat frame with an editbox
22:29.25kremonteis there a way to make an edit box readonly?
22:29.42kremonteis that how IEF does it?
22:30.00IrielI'm really not sure, I dont tend to deal with editable text 8-(
22:32.47cladhaireHeyas Bela, evening all
22:34.27cladhaireI'm level 43 horde druid.. I need 3 gold.. where do I go?
22:34.45Depheriosprofs are my answer
22:34.57kremonteyou roll alliance^^;
22:35.02Kolthclad: Are you a female Druid?
22:35.03cladhaireboo =)
22:35.09cladhaireKolth: nope.. male
22:35.12kremontecladhaire- you can farm elementals near kargath
22:35.13KolthOh, nevermind :P
22:35.24cladhairemy only females are my NE priest and my paladin
22:35.28kremonteall their trash drops stack up very fast and vendor for nice prices, and elemental earth is a nice bonus
22:35.39kremonte+ some xp tob oot :P
22:35.50krkastone elementals in badlands FTW
22:36.02kremontethat town you smelly people have int he badlands :o
22:36.10cladhairelol haven't been there yet
22:36.13cladhairemaube wy it didn't click
22:36.21Depheriosit's worth running there then
22:36.26Depheriosget the FP for Uld
22:36.39cladhaireI need to go to Theuadadasdn the Lost too while I'm down there, for princess quest
22:36.43Depheriosso when somebody goes "want to come to Uld?" you don't have to spend 10 minutes running there
22:37.07cladhaireoooh its gonna be a long run from Hammerfall =/
22:37.09cladhairek k
22:37.19Depheriosyeah, you have to run from arathi :P
22:37.28Depheriosit's easy at your level though
22:37.30DepheriosI did it at 33
22:37.30kremontehm how DO horde get there?
22:37.35kremontethrough dun morogh/loch modan?
22:37.40Depherioshave to go the same way you do
22:37.45Depheriosthrough all those tunnels
22:37.52Depheriosand all those dwarves ^_^
22:38.00kremontelol, good point
22:38.01cladhairewatch.. i get right near the FP.. and the WSG queue will pop
22:38.04kremonteyay ironforge mountaineers
22:38.19kremonteooh nice, 3 swifftthisle from a briarthorn
22:38.25krkalong runs are when you go and make a cup of tea
22:38.42kremontekrka - can't do that now without autotravel :(
22:38.51Depherioslol... the FP from Moonglade to TB
22:38.57Depheriosis 9 and something minutes XD
22:38.58cladhaireh8 that FP
22:39.05kremontewow Depherios.. wow o_o
22:39.18Depheriosthe one from UC to badlands is 8 and something
22:39.24krkasure you can :)
22:39.26krkaatleast I can ;)
22:39.34kremontehow? ><
22:39.40kremontemy kitchen is 2 halls away
22:39.55krkaprivate version, not really ToS compliant
22:40.17krkahaven't tested it since 1.6 or 1.7 though, I really stopped playing
22:40.33kremontegnome cry makes me really, really sad
22:40.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
22:40.46kremontehey Guillotine
22:41.02Guillotinehello :)
22:41.15kremonteI got GM'ed today, i spoofed a link fooling around with my friend in guild chat, then some dumbass guildie linked it in STV
22:41.33kremonte2 minutes later i'm at the IF AH and 20 people whisper me almost simultaneously how to do it
22:41.44Guillotinewhat did the gm say?
22:41.46kremontethen i get a GM call saying i was reported for using cheats -_-
22:42.04Guillotinebut you wern't. did he understand what DID happen?
22:42.05kremontei sait it's just an addon, GM said it was fine
22:42.16Guillotinenow we have official proof that its ok
22:42.22kremontewell, not really =/
22:42.31Cairennglad you think so, but whatever
22:42.32kremontei was, intentionally, really vague *cough*
22:42.32Guillotinewell, we can blame it on the GM if we get in trouble
22:42.45kremontethe GM just kinda dismissed it when i said it was just an addon
22:42.58Guillotinemaybe we should stop then...
22:43.05Guillotinenot sure
22:43.15DepheriosI don't see anything wrong with it, so long as you don't go pretending to SELL them XD
22:43.18kremontewell, no saying for it, no saying against it
22:43.36Depheriosif you say "WTS [link]" lol
22:43.48Kilieki seriously want that autotravel
22:43.51Depheriosbut just going LOOKIE WHAT I GOT [link]
22:43.51kremonteall i did was, after a guildie told me to die in a fire ( :( ) i said [well forseti will never get The Untamed Blade bwahhahhahahaha]
22:43.51Kiliek... :/
22:43.53Depheriosisn't cheating
22:43.55Kilieki miss it.
22:44.09kremontethen some dumbarse linked it in STV, people whispered him, he told them that i did it q_q
22:45.42kremonteugh...2k xp/hr grinding, why oh why did i roll a druid
22:45.53Kiliekwhat level?
22:46.01kremontegiven 90% of the time i'm running around looking for herbs and chatting on IRC =X
22:46.14kremontei did every quest i can in human lands, and i only wanna quest here for human rep
22:46.55kremontethat guy got so burned... haha...
22:47.07kremonte(avatar was the first 60 on warsong, and he's uh, stuck up i guess you can say? :P)
22:50.34krkaKiliek, if blizzard doesn't like it, i won't argue with them, so I won't spread it... someone made an AutoTravel resurrection though, but I haven't tried it so I can't say how good it works
22:51.38Guillotineit doesnt work well at all. I tried
22:51.58Guillotineeven bashing the key as fast as you can (manuall) it takes about 20 times as long to get anywhere
22:52.21Guillotineand I *know* you wouldn't thinka bout using a program to bash it for you
22:52.36TainNo, it's people who use Nostromo's and the like.
22:53.29zespriof course we would never think of using a program, but Tain is right, Nostromo is nice
22:54.14zesprikremnote: gamepad
22:54.21TainThey're going to be simple enough to find when they want to get rid of them.
22:54.54*** join/#wowi-lounge pfault (
22:55.05zespriI was considering buying before I left wow
22:58.17*** join/#wowi-lounge kremonte_ (
23:04.17Guillotinehey! i got an email from curse-gaming wishing me a happy birthday. how come I didn't get one from WoWI?
23:04.39kremontehappy birthday!
23:04.51krkawowi are heartless bastards?
23:05.10kremonte[#wowi-lounge [47] [+cnt]]
23:05.21kremonteremember where you are! ^^
23:06.33krkaI'm sure no one will take me seriously
23:06.37ScytheBlade1Hmm, how can I just turn off the blizzard bottom action bar?
23:06.38krkait has never happened before
23:06.49krkaflash it!
23:06.50ScytheBlade1I've got flexbar installed, and I want the blizz stuff gone :D
23:07.08GuillotineI was actually just saying i think its really wierd when a site like that spends the resources to send out birthday emails...
23:07.14Guillotinescythe: use MoveAnything
23:07.14krkai only get taken seriously when I don't want to then :/
23:07.23kremonteGuillotine - some forum systems to it automatically
23:07.54CairennScytheBlade1: go to that link, that's the main flexbar support forums, they've got a script you can type in that will hide the bar, I just don't remember it off the top of my head
23:08.05ScytheBlade1Oh, hot, thanks
23:08.06Guillotineoh well. I don't want them to wish me happy birthday. its a dam computer. it shouldn't be wishing me happy anything
23:08.35kremonte<? mail(); // lol computers have feelings too! ?>
23:08.39kremonteleet hax birthday script^
23:08.48Beladonaisn't it /script MainMenuBar:Hide();
23:08.53CairennGuillotine: I don't know that we've got the calendar enabled on our site, and as you say, it'd just be an automated message
23:09.02kremonteBeladona - yes
23:09.15ScytheBlade1Sure enough it is
23:09.21Cairennmay be Bela, this is me, I'm stupid when it comes to that stuff, remember? I just know where to tell people to look :p
23:09.37GuillotineI just don't like a computer wishing me happy anything...
23:09.44Beladonachannel full of addon developers
23:09.52Beladonathats where you look
23:09.56Cairennso, do we gather that today is your birthday Guillotine?
23:09.59krkaI'm sorry dave, but i can't let you age another year
23:10.02kremonteThis is an automated message. Happy death.
23:10.11Guillotinecair: tomorow
23:10.22Guillotineso today in some places by now
23:10.25CairennWell, in case I forget tomorrow ... Happy Birthday :)
23:10.28Guillotinety :)
23:10.33Cairennand I'm afk a bit, back later
23:10.40kremonteyea, that server is probably eastern EU, and just hit midnight
23:10.45kremontesee ya, Cair|afk
23:10.59krkahey, if I traveled against the timezone direction, would I age 24 years in one day?
23:11.17kremontewah, krka? lol
23:11.19kremonte24 years?
23:11.39Cair|afklol, theoretically krka
23:13.03krkasince I'd get one year old everytime the day changed
23:13.05Guillotineooo. pizza
23:13.30kremonteso that would be 24 years in 24 days o_O
23:13.53krkano, the day would change 24 times if I flew around the world
23:13.58Irielthe problem is as you travel around the globe to cross it a 2nd time, you youthen
23:14.06krkayou can't youthen!
23:14.26Irielif you can age 24 hours by crossing the IDL, then you can youthen by 24 by crossing it in the opposite direction
23:14.47krkaexcept that ageing is possible and youthening is now
23:15.46Irielwell, obviously in reality, age is dependent on the fixed reference of the time at your place of birth
23:16.41krkameh, you ruined the fun :/(
23:17.39Beladonanot if you slingshot around the earth and go back in time to steal a whale!
23:17.43Beladonaoh wait
23:17.58kremontethis room is not safe
23:20.23Irielbut in your 'age relative to your location' world, you CAN get younger by travelling rapidly west
23:20.46IrielIt's just a limited effect,because the moment you cross the IDL you age it back
23:20.52Beladonahey, the Harvard Medical School reported that keyboards do NOT cause carpal tunnel directly
23:21.01kremontewhat does?
23:21.09kremontehand positioning or whatever?
23:21.47Beladonanow I can get my wife off my back
23:22.19kremontelol, harvard ftw? :p
23:23.02Beladonaoh boy -- ms is testing exchange server 12
23:23.13Beladonabut it will only run on 64bit
23:52.57purlWords. Nothing but sweet, sweet words that turn into bitter orange wax in my ears.
23:53.05*** join/#wowi-lounge philr (

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