irclog2html for #wowi-lounge on 20051209

00:00.19OsagasuPart crazy, part mangy, all rabid, you're the pirate all the others fear might just snap soon. Even though you're not always the traditional swaggering gallant, your steadiness and planning make you a fine, reliable pirate. Arr!
00:00.22Iriel2 tuesdays will be.. interesting.. for me
00:00.41Beladonathere have been several test builds
00:00.52BeladonaI would be surprised if it goes another week past tuesday
00:01.14Legorolwell i just noticed that slouken stopped adding stuff to 1.9 and started adding them to 1.10
00:01.28Beladonathats another good indication
00:01.29Irielyeah, he fliped back to 1.9 today tho
00:01.29Legoroli think that's indicative that they had to internally sign off on 1.9 feature changes at least
00:01.38LegorolIriel, did he?
00:01.41Beladonaalso my compares show changes have slowed considerably for the UI files
00:01.52Legorolyah, virtually no change in the last update
00:02.00Beladonaonly 4 total
00:02.07IrielLegorol ; Check the forum
00:02.14CairI have a feeling we're going to see 1.9 next week, but don't hold me to that
00:02.21Legorolyou mean the debugstack thing?
00:02.34Irieland a bunch of 1.9 bug fixes
00:02.41Mondingaill certainly plan for next week, but still holding two 2 weeks~
00:02.48Mondingaerr to 2, rather
00:02.50BeladonaI bet there will be another minipatch on test tomorrow
00:02.55IrielIt COULD just mean he was in the 1.9code and fixed some things
00:02.59Beladonamaybe saturday at leatest
00:03.35Legoroljust found post from slouken about some simplehtml fixes for next 1.9 update
00:03.46Irielthere are editbox fixes too
00:03.48Legorolso maybe there will be another 1.9 update before it hits, in which case this tuesday is unlikely
00:04.24Legoroli wish we had access to other parts of WoW dev team to judge their progress ;-)
00:04.32CairBeladona: *purr* nice pirate description!  I stick with my pirates are sexy stance!
00:05.10Beladonaanyone else think GlobalStrings.lua is getting rather large?
00:05.16Osagasuyou know, I would stop complaining about anything and everything if they would just fix the forums
00:05.52IrielOsagasu : You may think so, but you wouldn't
00:05.58CairOsagasu: the day you stop complaining is the day we see ice skating in hell
00:06.01IrielBut a fixed forum would be nice
00:06.08IrielI'd be happy with the [pre] bug getting fixed
00:06.09OsagasuI've done that
00:06.15OsagasuIce skated in hell, I mean
00:06.21OsagasuSatan is a close friend of my mother's
00:06.25Beladonayeah, its rather nice in Fall
00:06.35Beladonaoh I meant Hell, MI
00:07.22Osagasumy biggest gripe is not being able to have my sig proper
00:07.37IrielThat's IT?
00:07.39IrielThat's your gripe?
00:07.52Iriel(biggest gripe, anyway)
00:07.59Mondingawhat if i said i didnt have any gripes?
00:08.10Mondingawould that just be too wierd?
00:08.11Osagasuyou'd by lying
00:08.12cladhaireIriel: From what I understand, the reason we rolled back to 1.8.4 is because they didn't think they'd have 1.9 finished in time for the Winter's Veil content.. so they had to backpedal and drop 1.8.4 out, WHich means there isn't as much of a push for 1.9 now.
00:08.27IrielI didn't ask that question, btu I agree with your synopsis
00:09.06Beladonawhat exactly got backed out from it into 1.8.4 though?
00:09.11BeladonaI didn't see anything
00:09.17cladhaireyeah i'm coming into the conversatino really late
00:09.18Irielwinter veil, as far as we can tell
00:09.32cladhaireIriel: I'm actually 6ft 1", not 5ft 10
00:10.13Cairgd it, why can I never find device mangler under WinXP
00:10.27Mondingathey move it every service pack
00:10.30Mondingato fuck with you
00:10.35LegorolOk, I now potentially have the means to sign up to US
00:10.45Legorolquestion is, if i pay the $$$, will there be anyone to play with on Draka? ;-)
00:10.53BeladonaCair: right click my computer, and click on manage
00:11.17IrielLegorol : it's hit and miss at the moment, I suspect the holiday period will either be really active or really barren
00:11.20Cairyeah, I know, just always annoys me, I'm still used to where it used to be
00:11.21Irieldepending on whether folks are traveling
00:11.33Guillotinelegorol: maybe...
00:11.38Beladonait was somewhere else?
00:12.33Beladonammm, dinner time. Be back later tonight
00:13.22Cairlater Bela|AFK
00:14.05IrielI guess the Dec 7 PTR patch removed the cat carpet
00:15.09Legorolit did
00:15.22LegorolHortus acknowledged it
00:20.16Plorkyeranaww, it was funny
00:23.12malreththe cat carpet seemed just so... odd
00:23.23malrethsome artist was bothered by those cats not having those carpets
00:23.32malrethso he/she added it
00:23.46malrethpossibly even blackmailed someone to get them in
00:23.55malrethgah... artists!
00:26.20KolthAny uber Java dudes here?
00:26.39kremonteif by, uber Java dude, you mean, not uber Java dude, then yes, i am
00:26.51Caircat carpet?  *blink*
00:26.57Guillotinei know some java
00:26.59kergoth_damnit!  i just killed this troll and he killed me at the same time
00:27.01Guillotineand javascript
00:27.05Guillotinenot quite uber though...
00:27.08KolthGuillotine: Generics?
00:27.25KolthRoger that :P
00:29.05Guillotinewow. you eat quickly
00:31.43kremontethat was a good pizza ;)
00:31.57OsagasuCair, in the last few PTR patches there has been a pack on the Nelf mounts
00:32.11Cairokay ...
00:42.36Guillotineand they removed it
00:42.38Guillotinethank god
00:44.28CodayusThey did?
00:44.55Guillotinecould anyone explain how this works?:
00:44.57Guillotinelocal iStart, iEnd, sColor, sItemName, sName = string.find(sItem, "|c(%x+)|Hitem:(%d+:%d+:%d+:%d+)|h%[(.-)%]|h|r");
00:45.09Iriellet's see
00:45.30Guillotinei thought string.find only returned 2 values... start and end
00:46.02kremonteyay! all sit for another Iriel Presentation
00:46.18kremontewell it's using pattern matching, all i don't get is the istart and iend
00:46.27IrielMatch a pipe then c followed by (captured) any number of hex digits, then |Hitem: followed by (captured) the digit colon pattern of a link then the |h[, a non-greedy (captured) sequence of anything, followed by ]|h|r
00:46.45Irielstring.find returns 2 values always, but then also returns any captures from the pattern
00:46.50Irielthose are the bits in ()'s
00:47.06Guillotinei didn't know about captures...
00:47.09kremontehow is it capturing start and end though?
00:47.17Guillotinethose are returned by default
00:47.21Irielstart is where the first character in the pattern is
00:47.23CairIriel, did you update the 1.9 changes thread with the last couple things slouken added?
00:47.23Codayusthose aren't captures
00:47.24Irieland end wil be the last
00:47.28IrielCair: Yes
00:47.32kremonteoh, i didnt know those were the first 2 values
00:47.44kremontecould that be changed to
00:47.53kremontelocal _, _, sColor, sItemName, sName = string.find(sItem, "|c(%x+)|Hitem:(%d+:%d+:%d+:%d+)|h%[(.-)%]|h|r"); then?
00:48.07Iriellikely, if you didn't care about the positions
00:48.10Codayussure, assuming you aren't using them.  which you probably aren't.
00:48.12Guillotineya. since my code doesnt actually use start or end
00:48.15Guillotinethe source did though
00:48.40Guillotinetnx for the explanation iriel :D captures will help alot with GuilBot
00:48.47Guillotinei think
00:48.47Cairgd it, it's getting too long for a single post at WoWI :p
00:49.16IrielI've been trying not to be overly verbose too, imagine how bad it COULD be!
00:49.26IrielYou may want to just drop the last part (notes and recommendations)
00:49.34Guillotinewhats %d?
00:49.38Irielany digit
00:49.43Cairhaving to move the "INVTYPE_" list of Slouken's down to a response
00:49.47Irielsee the lua manual regexp bit for all the % things it understands
00:50.26Guillotineanyone happen to have the link to the lua manual handy?
00:51.40Cairnaw, not removing notes & recommendations, just made the stuff of slouken's re the eighth return value as a response
00:51.58IrielI'd forgotten you had all that stuff in the same post
00:52.01TainYou can also download the full manual in PDF, or a full copy of it in html format to store locally.
00:52.21Cairit's nice to have it all readily avail :)
00:52.31IrielMozilla pet peeve #1234 - That I can't link to local content with a file:// url from the sidebar
00:52.41TainI'm having ice cream for dinner.
00:53.06IrielI finished my ice cream yesterday 8-(
00:53.14TainIt's yummilicious
00:53.30Guillotineok... whats regexp? theres nothing about it that I can find in the lua manual
00:53.33IrielI could partake of the mint cookie chip (or whatever it is) stuff that's left but someone might kill me
00:53.51TainIt's the matching stuff in the string manipulation section.
00:53.52IrielGuillotine : Look for section 5.3 -- patterns
00:53.52Guillotinenm. found it
00:54.55Cairbtw, I'm on Draka, on alliance side, if anyone is looking for someone to talk to ingame
00:55.21TainIsn't that what Fozzie used to say?  Draka Draka!
00:56.03CairWakka wakka
00:56.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Parak (
00:57.11Guillotinecair: isnt it horde day?
00:57.26kremonteallies > horde
00:57.29Cairwe were on horde yesterday, so I thought I'd play some alliance today
00:57.39Cairbesides, I'm trying out a new class
00:57.42Guillotinelol. ok
00:58.07Guillotinepallys are the most boring class ever. you can right click then alt-tab and have a conversation then come back and the enemy is dead
00:58.10CairWarlock ... tried pally, couldn't get into it
00:58.34TainThat is a very boring way to play a Paladin.
00:58.44TainThankfully, there's more interesting ways as well.
00:58.49kremontewarlock ftw ;)
00:58.54IrielYay warlock
00:58.59IrielToc (my horde char) is a 'lock
00:59.07IrielWarlock is a lot of fun
00:59.20Irielmore more 'dynamic' than i'd initially expected in a fight
00:59.28IrielI spend a lot of time transferring health around
00:59.30CairI thought I *might* like warlock, since I enjoy hunter & mage, and warlock (at least on the surface) seems like kind of a mix of the two
00:59.31Irielwhich is fun
00:59.35Cairso, I'm trying
00:59.46IrielI suspect you'll like it Cair
00:59.54Guillotineya. locks are fun
00:59.59IrielI'm a big fan of Hunter and mage too (and dont like Pally either)
01:00.10malrethi love playing my mage
01:00.17Irieland I enjoy warlock, I have a 27ish one on Silver Hand
01:00.18malrethi'm trying out a warrior now,though
01:00.20TainI loved my mage until I started doing big raids iwth him.
01:00.35TainNow I haven't played him in months.  Level 60 stagnating away in Ogrimmar.
01:00.36Cairmage was my first char, actually
01:00.49Tekkubdidn't like people shoving coins up your nose for water?
01:00.52Cairsince when I started playing, hunters weren't even in game yet
01:00.57malrethrogue was my first character
01:01.19Tekkubdruid was my fist, but that's cause I like bears
01:01.23zespri_workgood think is people are different. Pally was a bore for me but so was mage. Rogue was fun untill level 60, after this I wanted to get rid of it real fast. My personal favorite probably will be priest or druid or shaman
01:01.26TainRogue was my second character to 60.   heh I love the Rogue.
01:01.43Cairtried rogue too, again, just didn't enjoy ... nor warriors
01:01.58kergoth_i love my shammy.  my first (and only) char i've gotten to 60
01:02.05kergoth_working on a rogue atm
01:02.17TekkubI've yet to hit 60 with anything
01:02.19TainOnce I got the rogue to mid 20s I really started flying.
01:02.31TainIt was just fun.  For me anyway.  Stabbity stab stab!
01:02.53kergoth_yeah :) i love getting up in there and fucking shit up
01:03.58TainI remeber I was doing some of the quests in Strangethorn, Maury's club foot and those, and a guy in my guild asked if I needed any help.   So I said sure if you're around, anytime.
01:04.03IrielI enjoy my rogue a lot also
01:04.04TainAnd he asked how many people were in my group.
01:04.11Cairsuch an obvious comment that could be made, kergoth_, but I just won't
01:04.11TainSo I told him, none.  It was just me.
01:04.18IrielShe's my only >40 <60 character
01:04.19TainAnd he says, you can't solo those!
01:04.37TainAnd I was like... uh..  I don't have to solo all of them.
01:04.41CodayusI like my rogue a lot...but also my priestt, despite te
01:04.53TainJust sneak in, jack someone up, and Vanish. :)
01:04.53Codayusthe fairly different playstyles
01:04.57CairTain .. ummm, I solo those with my hunters all the time
01:05.01Codayusas was going to say.
01:05.15TainYeah, some people just don't know how to solo.  not that I only solo, I love grouping more.
01:05.18TainBut yeesh.
01:05.19TekkubOMG gmail1s down!  I want free playtime for this unscheduled maintenance!
01:05.21kergoth_Cair: hah
01:05.41TainStupid gmail.
01:06.03kergoth_i enjoy both soloing and grouping.  good aspects to each
01:06.23Tekkubguess I'll get my two new mods wrapped up and post them
01:06.34Tekkubwhat site should I post em to..........
01:06.45TainThere can be only one.
01:06.57malrethhmm... everytime i wear a new piece of equipment, i get disconnected...
01:07.13Tekkubthat'll learn you for upgrading
01:07.34malrethit's the last addon that I added
01:07.35zespri_workWell the classes that I played to 20 include rogue, priest, shaman, mage, druid. palladin I leveled to 10 and this was enough for me as paladin goes. Warrior and Hunter and warlock was classes my wife played, i never tried them myself.
01:07.51zespri_workand as for gmail it seems pretty up for me right noe
01:08.04IrielI have every class to 20 except for pally, shaman, priest
01:08.19TainI have ice cream.
01:09.01CairI should get ice cream
01:09.19TainI scream you scream, we all scream for ice cream!
01:09.29CairI have a valid excu, errr, reason ... kiddo with strep throat
01:09.48Codayuseww, no fun
01:10.00Tainuh huh, going to get some of that anti-biotic flavored ice cream?  ;)
01:10.57Cairand besides which, I weighed myself while we were at the doctor's office today, and I've dropped some, so not like I need to worry about the calories
01:13.23MalivilGo indulge =-P
01:14.49*** join/#wowi-lounge philr (n=phil@
01:16.00Tekkubhey NICE LADY! go approve my mod ^^
01:16.32Tekkuband why doesn't WoWI have a field for dependancies?  hmmmmmm?
01:17.03malrethbecause if you list them, no one will download your addon
01:17.15Tekkubwhat it's just Ace :P
01:17.17Cairdamnit, *that* was the other thing I was supposed to bug Dolby about .. thank you
01:17.35Guillotinecair: has anyone ever tried to upload anything like a teleporter hack to WoWI?
01:17.42Guillotineor anything blatantly illegal?
01:17.47Cairnot that I recall Guillotine
01:18.17Guillotinei remember fora  while thottbot had problems with ppl emailing thott with suggestions for the game rather than the website
01:18.23Guillotinesome people are just so... stupid
01:18.47Cairbesides which, wouldn't matter if they did, it would get deleted from the approval queue, wouldn't even end up on the site
01:19.04Guillotinei was just wondering if anyone was stupid enough to try uploading it
01:19.24Cairnot so far that I've ever seen
01:19.54Guillotinecan you make a "Wall of Shame" where you post all the stupid addons people try to upload? I'm sure there are at least a couple
01:19.58Cairtheoretically possible that some have been and one of the other admins/moderators saw and deleted
01:21.09Tekkubyou should accept em, but replace the file with a mod that draws a big "pwn'd" frame over your UI
01:21.31Tekkubfreak the cheaters out
01:21.44CairHey Mondinga, you there hun?
01:22.16*** join/#wowi-lounge pedropenguin (
01:23.03pedropenguinguys you think you could get me on the right track...i want to write an addon/macro to print all the blacksmithing things i can make to a text file
01:23.08*** join/#wowi-lounge End (
01:23.50Guillotinenot possible
01:24.52pedropenguinwhy is it not possible?
01:25.13Irielnot possible directly
01:25.15Guillotinecant touch outside files
01:25.29Irielit's fairly easy in 2 steps tho
01:25.53Iriel(Well, sorta fairly easy, assuming your client has all the skill data in cache)
01:26.09IrielTo do 'properly' requires a bit more work
01:26.24pedropenguinhmm...what folder is that located in
01:26.44Irielit'd be in WDB, but you wouldn't be able to tell by looking
01:27.04IrielEasiest way to ensure it's all loaded is scroll through the list in game, skill by skill, and make sure they all load
01:27.31Guillotinei figured out how to communicate cross-faction
01:27.34Guillotineyou jump in morse code
01:27.46Guillotineor run around forming the letters
01:27.48IrielHm, how slow is that?
01:28.03Guillotinei just said lol to someone. i don't htink they understood though
01:28.05Irielor do you use directionality to differentiate . and -
01:28.19pedropenguinive tried running around to spell FU once
01:28.22pedropenguinbut he didnt get it
01:28.23IrielThat's not really automatable though, since we can't get the location of enemy players
01:28.43Guillotinewho said it was automatable? just use the space bar
01:28.55Guillotinenow they need to disable jumping
01:29.04Guillotinei can also buff in morse code
01:29.08Guillotineso they have to disable buffs
01:29.17GuillotineMoTW=. Thorns=dash
01:29.38Irielthat could work
01:29.38pedropenguinwouldnt u have to press a key to be able to jump
01:29.53Irielit wasn't the key press part I meant by 'automatable'
01:30.02Irielit was encoding/decoding, or more specifically, decoding
01:30.43malrethi thought of a way to decode other languages...
01:31.23IrielYou can't decode other languages reliably, though you coul dmake a statistical guess
01:31.34malrethyep, that's what I was gonna do
01:32.21IrielI'd be curious to know how well that worked
01:32.23*** part/#wowi-lounge Ratbert_CP (n=KCummins@
01:32.31malrethprobably not very
01:32.45malrethbut for grammatically correct sentences, it might
01:32.51malrethproblem is...
01:33.01Guillotineit isn't 1to1 translation though
01:33.33Guillotinethis site has done *some* translation.
01:33.50malrethGuillotine: i know. but statistically, certain words follow other words in common usage
01:33.53CairGuillotine: can I remind you of one little thing?
01:34.07Cairsec, lemme find it
01:34.41Guillotineuh oh. is that site considred bad?
01:34.43kremonteGuillotine is a TOS breaker!
01:34.59Guillotinehey, you gave me the site in the first place kremonte
01:35.12GuillotineI thought that type of translation was ok...
01:35.17Guillotinefrom cair's reaction i guess not htough
01:35.55Codayuswell, she might be looking for a cookie recipe or something, and not a copy of the TOS...
01:36.05CodayusYou never know!
01:36.12IrielWell, arguably you wouldn't be trying to communicate, you'd only be trying to understand 8-)
01:36.29IrielIt might be fun for an offline-analyzer rather than an in-game addon
01:36.42IrielFind out what the other side were saying during the BG
01:37.03Cairquote:  C. You agree that you will not (i) modify or cause to be modified any files that  are a part of a World of Warcraft installation; (ii) create or use cheats,  "mods", and/or hacks, or any other third-party software designed to modify the  World of Warcraft experience; (iii) use any third-party software that  intercepts, "mines", or otherwise collects information from or through World of  Warcraft; or *** (
01:37.22Guillotinecair: what does that have to do with it?
01:37.24Cairnote the part I have between the ***s
01:37.45Cairyou aren't allowed to talk to the other side, perios
01:37.46Guillotinea (?
01:38.16CodayusIt cut off at "or *** ("
01:38.28Cair*** (iv) allows players who are playing characters aligned with the  "Alliance" faction to chat or otherwise communicate directly with players who  are playing characters aligned with the "Horde" faction, or vice versa.  ***
01:39.06Guillotinehmmm. isn't it not communicating with them though? its just trying to understand what they say
01:39.12Guillotinealhtough i guess that is semantics...
01:39.19Guillotineok. sry cair. won't link that again :)
01:39.36kremontelol Guillotine, there is a portion on partial translations to understand, and a portion on communicating with them,
01:39.45kremontethe latter is really the main use of the site tbh
01:39.50Cairjust pointing out that it is against Blizz's TOU
01:40.16kremonteits possible to call people the butt of a cigarette in gnomish ;p
01:41.59malrethaw... nothing on there allows you to order the horde to "Dance or die!"
01:42.08kremonteyou cant even order them to dance
01:42.13kremontewhat works for me though, is
01:42.31kremonte*melee attack x1* /dance (wait) *melee attack x1* /point /dance
01:43.46kremonteas a warlock, it works well, since i melee for about 90 a hit ;p
01:44.25malrethwhat do you do if they do dance? laugh? clap?
01:45.05kremontegiggle clap hug bye
01:45.19kremontei'm a gnome, it fits ;)
01:45.40zespri_workfemale gnome? =)
01:46.18kremontemale ( x_x)=3
01:46.40malrethkonami is coming out with a TokiMemo MMO. I always knew that the real money was in making a MMO dating-sim game
01:47.19malrethapparently, they are going to have paid employees play as the women
01:47.35malrethimagine that job description!
01:47.39zespri_workanybody here knows a great deal about virtual economies and how they work?
01:47.50kremontehow so, zespri?
01:47.54Guillotinei know some...
01:47.59Guillotinelike theres major inflation
01:48.04Guillotineand farmers rule the AH
01:48.26zespri_workI mean I've always been interested in such stuff but there is not mush to reasd on the subject
01:48.37kremonteinflation on a virtuak game is definitely commonplace, and very fast obviously
01:48.52kremontewhat do you mean though?
01:49.01kremontelike, coding an AH?
01:51.24Irielkremonte : It does depend on the game
01:51.42kremontewell, assuming an MMO of WoW's size
01:51.59IrielGames where resources are infinte and created on demand, yeah
01:52.05kremontelike, from my experience, eq, ffxi, and wow
01:52.22zespri_workwell, I never played any other mmorpg, but I know that in all cases econmy always go down the drain. it's bound to. But in case of warcraft it quite seem to prosper
01:53.01zespri_workSo what interesting to me is that they have really bright matematitian that developed super-duper effective economy model that would work...
01:53.18zespri_workhow did they decide which items to price how and such...
01:53.35kremonteon WoW?
01:53.50kremonteWoW is a playing-developed economy, for the most part
01:53.59zespri_workbecuase I think if an amateur decide to implement mmorpg economy is a problem he is going to face in a few starting months
01:54.14kremontesupply&demand you mean? drop rates of items?
01:54.26zespri_workmostly inflation, yes
01:55.17TainThe game creators don't set prices on much.  The vast majority of items are sold from player to player, so it's all a matter of how much you can get.
01:55.27zespri_workin most games gold became wrothless real quick. it hasn't happend in wow for last yeat
01:55.54zespri_workSo if it's not dev regualted where is the inflation?
01:56.02kremontethe players
01:56.03zespri_workwhy don;t we observe it?
01:56.12TainWoW is a relatively new game.
01:57.13kremonte4 months in FFXI farming kirin for nobles tunic, had a bad streak of luck and i quit the game. half a year later, they are a dime a dozen ;(
01:57.52IrielWow is a relatively new game AND there's a constant influx of new servers
01:57.56zespri_workabsolutely. this can happen in a few months. and still in wow it hasn't happened in a whole year
01:58.05kremonteyeah that too Iriel, good point
01:58.21Plorkyeranthe fact that money flows out of the game at an incredibly fast rate helps keep inflation down
01:58.23kremontea year really isnt a long life for an MMO
01:58.25IrielThere's a SIGNIFICANT difference in the economy of a fresh server and an old one
01:58.35zespri_worknew servers don;t affect this at the least because economies are compeltely disconnected because there is virtually no server transfers
01:58.49kremontebut it controls the supply and the demand
01:59.01Tekkubequipment binding has a huge effect too
01:59.15Tekkubin FFXI nothing ever goes away
01:59.19kremonteless people = less supply and less demand, which keeps the value of gold, higher, longer
01:59.22IrielYeah, binding was an excellent solution to a problem.
01:59.25kremonteyup =/
01:59.25Tekkubthere's no drain on items
01:59.29kremontevery few items are EX
01:59.45zespri_workfresh server becomes an old one quite qucly in terms of economy say in 3 months. The only differenc in prices is for high level items that is not that accessible yet. there is no much other differences
01:59.46Tekkubthe new NMs with EX drops rocked
01:59.47Plorkyeranitems in wow tend to go up in value rather than down
01:59.49kremonteand to obtain those, was like farming for a random world epic, ffs
02:00.06kremontei quit a month after sea came out, got access the last week
02:00.08TekkubI played for a year and never did an NM once... went back and camped an NM the first week
02:00.18Tekkubactually felt good earning the item
02:00.31kremontewell, i had experiences kinda like i do on wow
02:00.40kremontea toon on warsong and one on archimonde; a toon on ragnarok and on midgardsormr
02:00.43TekkubFFXI made me a sad panda
02:00.46kremontehigh population, more competition
02:00.51TekkubI never even did Shadow Lord
02:00.56kremontethats something great with WoW, low competition
02:00.58Tekkubpoor Raogrimm /cry
02:01.00kremontei soloed him =D
02:01.08TainPlus you have two completely separate economies on each server with WoW.
02:01.10kremontegogo whm/nin gogo
02:01.18TainThe Horde economy is vastly different than the Alliance economy.
02:01.26Tekkub<--- Galka WHM42 / BLM42
02:01.38kremontegaruka garuka hai hai haiyoooooo
02:01.45Tain<--- WTF43 / RTM98
02:01.46kremonte*taru clap*...
02:02.00kremontei was a misura, though ;)
02:02.08kremontemithra 75whm 56nin
02:02.24TekkubGalka are what got me into MMO's
02:02.56kremontelack of instances and pvp made me sadface
02:03.01Tekkubroomie brought the game home.. I saw one in the vid... go "who's that sexy bitch" he says "you can play them"
02:03.11TekkubI didn't see the end of the video I was gone
02:03.12kremontebut killing the best galka mnk on the server made me feel good
02:03.30Tekkubmeh I hate PvP in any and all games
02:03.34kremonte657 hexa when he was at 15% hp!
02:03.38kremontewow pvp is great
02:03.51kremontebut not organized pvp, it takes the excitement away
02:04.05kremontemass world pvp was so great, but with BG rewards, meh
02:04.07kremonteno more of that
02:04.16kremonteno more raiding because of lack of rewards and civilians
02:04.31Tekkubmeh on all of it, I don't enjoy fighting against other people
02:06.02TainI'm a lover, not a fight.. oh wait, not online.
02:06.04kremontewell, raiding really stops being fun after a while. farm, raid, farm, raid, oh look an epic, farm, raid -.-zzz
02:07.00Tekkubremix of an old song
02:07.26TekkubChemical Brothers - Surface to Air, and the remix of the remix
02:07.47TainOh, I thought you were going to say Alien Ant Farm covering, "Smooth Criminal"
02:08.44Tekkubnope, and it's even a goddamn beetles song too....
02:09.25Tekkubit was weird when this came out I worked at wally and there was this song on the TV every 6 min... we tried to figger out it's lyrics but it was too short and hard to make out...
02:09.50Tekkubthen this CD comes out and it's the same damn song!  so I look a bit and it's the fucking Beetles!
02:10.00TekkubI hate the Beetles ><
02:10.14Tekkubbut it's such a good song/mix, I'm torn
02:10.51TainWhat?  How can you hate the Beatles?
02:12.26KolthAnyone use Macromatic?
02:12.40TekkubI just... do...
02:13.00TekkubI dunno, I like a wide variety of music, but beetles ain't one of em
02:15.04KolthI'm with Tekkub. Not a big fan. It's technically good music -- just don't like the sound.
02:15.41TainThere's a difference between not being a fan and hating them.
02:15.53sweedeanyone know of a good place to read up on how to use channels for an addon to communicate between characters ?
02:15.53krem`brblolwait what? hate the beetles?
02:16.17Kolthsweede: Cosmos :)
02:16.24sweedewithout using cosmos as a dep.
02:16.26kremontenot nearly nessesary
02:16.28KolthDidn't say dep.
02:16.30*** part/#wowi-lounge Cera (
02:16.33KolthCosmos just has code that communicates.
02:16.34sweedewithout using cosmos then :)
02:16.35kremontejust use the event
02:16.47KolthAnd their code is of great quality!
02:17.11kremontebut to look through something that big is not necessary
02:17.38kremontecommunicating through channels is as simple as checking if the CHAT_MSG_CHANNEL channel is the one you want, then parsing from the text
02:17.39kremonteand/or user
02:17.56sweedeits just a simple addon that like, Joe will send a tell to Harry to be added to a list of people waiting to get into the raid. but it also shows up on Bobs UI addon, who is the raid leader.
02:18.18kremonteif you want to do whispers, its a bit easier kinda
02:18.24kremonteit triggers less too
02:18.26sweedeno whispers
02:18.33kremontewell, say you want to do that
02:18.38sweedei've used addons that send whispers and they suck.
02:19.00kremontethats the coding on their part
02:19.27sweedewhen there's like, 5-6 people that use the addon, sending tells to everyone is inefficient.
02:19.27kremonteif youre only communicating with a couple people, whispers is fine
02:19.36kremonte5-6 is different than 3
02:19.52sweedeplus it wont always be the same people.
02:19.54kremonteso yeah. CHAT_MSG_CHANNEL is fine
02:19.58sweedenormally it is, but it does change.
02:20.00kremontewell that doesnt really matter
02:20.07sweededoes the person have to join that channel then ?
02:20.15kremonteyou can make the addon do that too ;)
02:20.27sweedebut how do you hide it like ct raid does ?
02:20.34kremontehook the chat functions
02:20.47sweedei have liek, 30 addons that hook chat.
02:21.06kremonteopen up CT_RaidAssist.lua
02:21.12kremonteican get the line for you if you want
02:21.14kremontebut for now
02:21.23kremontejust work on chat_msg_channel and parsing it
02:22.40kremontehaha. a 35 warlock duels me, i 1 shot him, then a level 39 mob spawns and 1shots him
02:24.00*** part/#wowi-lounge Malivil (
02:24.32sweedei guess the other thing would be making sure not to process your own msgs
02:24.52futrtrublthere's a queue on Draka, damns
02:25.25kremontethat would be simple. one of the args to CHAT_MSG_CHANNEL is the name of the user, so you could do if(arg# == UnitName("player")) then return end
02:25.32sweedetheres no easy way to test that without another account is there ?
02:25.44kremontejust get a guildie to sit in the channel and help test it :)
02:25.50Irielwell, you can just join a channel that is normally active
02:25.54sweedekremonte, simple to do, easier to forget :)
02:25.55Irieland perfect your code there
02:26.04*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphon (
02:26.17kremontemeh. i did it with my friend while we were out farming
02:26.35sweedei have an idea of how to get things sync'd, but thats not normally my problem. its the XML side of things that i dont fully understand yet
02:26.54Irielwell, kremonte , farming does get boring, I suppose that's one way to spend your time
02:27.11kremontelol, was farming essence of waters with him to help him get his epic
02:27.18IrielWhich side are we going to be on Draka today?
02:27.30kremontejust go into the water, and put pet on aggressive /snooze
02:28.01Irielthat doesn't work, does it?
02:28.12kremontewhy wouldn't it? unending breath ftw!
02:28.16Iriel'cos if I dont do damage with my hunter pet, I dont get to loot
02:28.30Irielpet-only kills yield no XP nor do they yield loot
02:28.31kremonteworks fine for me, lol, i do it all the time
02:28.48kremonteput my imp on aggresive in barrens farming ratchet rep, but all the mobs were lootable
02:28.49CairI'm currently on Alliance, but I don't care which side
02:29.19IrielHm, i'm going to have to test that
02:29.23IrielThat's HUGELY broken if it works
02:29.33kremonteit's hugely convenient! :P
02:29.36CairIriel, never works for me with hunter either
02:29.48kremontehey, i guess thats proof that warlocks > hunters! ;)
02:29.49Irielit USED to but they fixed it sometime not that far after launch
02:29.53sweedei need a case for my other computer.
02:29.59IrielIt's proof that warlocks are about to get nerfed 8-)
02:30.20sweedenow here's one for you.
02:30.41sweedeif say, harry sends you a tell with a keyword, is there an easy way to get his info? like class, from that ?
02:30.53kremontewarlocks are fine now, imo. we have great damage capabilities, which is getting nerfed in 1.9, but besides HP and deathcoil , no defenses...alliance side at least -_-"
02:31.02kremontesweede - yes
02:31.10kremonteyou can perform a who
02:32.13sweedei'm also going to have to figure between offline chars, chars that are offline but on an alt...
02:32.17Irielbut you shouldn't be able to get loot unattended
02:32.21IrielNOBODY should be able to
02:32.29kremontewell, for the most part
02:32.30Irielif you (the warlock) dont participate, you shouldn' get a thing
02:32.34sweedewe give dkp for those who are not in raid but online during raid time.
02:32.35kremontethings my pet can solo are level 20 grays
02:32.51kremontewhat i said before, as in pet aggressive in the lake in EPL, my friend was farming, i just added DPS :)
02:35.53sweedeso do the who thing.. alts.. hmm..
02:51.24Guillotinedang... i just crashed WoW somehow
02:52.03kremontehow do you make a button? do you need <Frame><Frames><Button>? (the <Frames> is confusing me)
02:55.24sweedethats what i'm all like wtf about too
02:55.41sweedeor having the button inside a frame so when you hide the frame the button goes too, i've had that before
02:56.01kremontefor now im thinking of just making the button outside the frame, but making the frame its parent
02:56.53IrielAnother first class moron in the UI thread
02:57.10Guillotinelink iriel?
02:57.21Guillotinei like seeing first class morons
02:57.47Guillotineahh. just saw that
02:58.28kremontehe physically removed data from his computer =O
02:58.37kremontehe is of the 1337est breed of haxorz
02:58.48Guillotineread my response :D
03:00.41kremonteresist the urge Cair! D:
03:00.47Cairtoo late
03:01.35Cairbut, since Guillotine went with PEBKAC, I went for eye dee ten tee
03:01.48Gryphonthink he was the dude that was in here looking to try and automatically cast a spell when he took damage, same wording as that in his previous (and only) post
03:02.20kremontethere, had to reply
03:02.25Cairokay,I need to stop hanging out with you guys
03:02.43Tem"You are very much mistaken. Thank you for playing."
03:02.46CairI used to be such a sweetie, you guys are turning me into a 1st class, grade a bitch
03:02.58kremontehere i was thinking women were since birth!
03:03.10Temkremonte: that's a quick way to get the boot
03:03.14Cairkremonte: ><
03:08.56Gryphondidnt take long for that thread to dissapear
03:10.09Cairthe author poofed it?
03:13.21Legorolok, whoever it was that mentioned MtG yesterday, i am going to have to spank you
03:13.35Legorolyou made me redownload MTGO to see if my collection even existed still...
03:13.43Legorolwith obvious consequences..
03:13.56Legoroli haven't touched that thing in like 2 years
03:14.10Legorolso i log in today, just to find out they have released some really old sets online
03:14.17Legoroland the release party is just going on for the next few days
03:15.39Cairokay, seriously though, Imma have to stop hanging out with you guys, you're completely ruining my "saint Cairenn" rep
03:17.30Legorolthere was such a thing?
03:18.17*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower (
03:18.24Cairhey, you guys were the one that pinned that tag on me to begin with :p
03:18.54Anduin|Whoi never said nothin
03:19.45Cair*points at Iriel, amongst others
03:20.19CodayusWow, a real blast from the past...
03:21.17TainMirage?  A blast from the past?
03:21.26Codayus(Un?)Fortunatly, I'm much too poor to be interested.
03:21.37IrielSimply proof that even Cair is human
03:21.45Irieland that the morons are getting more moronic
03:22.02CodayusTain: It did go OOP a fair while ago.
03:23.06CodayusDear god!
03:23.09CodayusNow *I* feel old.
03:23.22TainI quit before Mirage even came out.
03:23.49TainAntiquities, Legends.. that's whenI was playing.
03:23.52CodayusI quit a month or two later.  It was a step in the right direction after homelands, but frankly, what wouldn't have been.
03:24.08CodayusI started with Dark.  <---  Newbie!
03:24.44TainActually.. I just remembered.  I have a whole bunch of unopend erm... I think fifth edition boosters.
03:27.31CodayusKind of a fun hobby...but way too expensive.
03:27.50CodayusFor a student, anyhow.
03:28.20CodayusWhich reminds me, I wonder when the WoW CCG is coming out?
03:28.46futrtrublI need to dump my Betas, need the cash for my new hobbies ;']
03:29.33CodayusThat's one of the nice things about WoW - not a cash sink.  Of course, it is a major TIME sink, but what the hell...  :-P
03:30.44philrtime is money, friend
03:34.31futrtrublwhy is curse having so many problems?
03:36.43Guillotineb/c its curse
03:36.52Guillotinecursed rather
03:37.22futrtrublmakes sense
03:38.59Guillotinegn clad
03:39.51Guillotineim going to play pong
03:39.53Guillotine|    .
03:40.03Guillotine| .
03:41.32Tekkubbest way to tell if player is in an instance, not including checking coords?
03:41.47Anduin|Whoask them
03:42.09TekkubI though I just did :P
03:42.20Anduin|Whoask the player
03:42.31Tekkubno.. I mean the unit "player"
03:42.44Tekkubnot "another player"
03:42.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Goutetsu (
03:43.08Anduin|Whou open ur eyes and look :P
03:43.24Anduin|Whonah, i dunno. what's wrong with coords?
03:45.23Legorolwhat about getzone()?
03:45.34Legorolif it's not in the list of zones that the worldmap knows about, it's an instance
03:45.36Anduin|Whohave to parse it
03:45.47Anduin|Whothatd work too
03:45.48Legorolmaybe the function is not called getzone, whatever it is that returns your current zone
03:45.58Tekkubthe prob is I wanna differenciate from being outside and statitonary, and being in an instance
03:46.30Legorolyah so the worldmap has a list of zones, and you have GetZoneName()
03:46.38Tekkubhow do you check that the zone name is known by the worldmap?
03:46.39Legorolyou set up a list from the worldmap, and then just check the list
03:47.59Legorolok first of all, you need GetRealZoneText()
03:48.51LegorolGetMapZones(continentIndex) returns a list of the zones known by the worldmap for continentIndex
03:49.11Tekkubah, thanks
03:49.15Legoroli think continent is 1 or 2
03:49.22Legorolso at the start, the addon should jsut make one big list from the two
03:49.24TekkubI'll poke and find out
03:49.25*** join/#wowi-lounge GenNMX (
03:49.44LegorolZoneList = { GetMapZones(1), GetMapZones(2) } might work
03:49.46Legorolmaybe not
03:49.50Legorolhm no it doesn't
03:49.55Legorolanyway, something like that
03:50.05Legorolthen the last thing you have to be careful with is names of capital cities
03:50.12Legoroli don't remember which way round it goes, but
03:50.27Legoroleither GetZoneText() or GetRealZoneText() returns the entry you get from GetMapZones()
03:50.31TekkubI just needed the funcs and a kick in the right direction
03:50.38Legorolone of the two getzone functions doens't quite correspond to it
03:50.47Legorolso i'm just warning you about capitals
03:50.53Legorolyou have to play with it a bit
03:50.59sweedeman that totally sucks. the 10  channel limit.
03:51.02Anduin|Whostrlower ftw
03:51.03Tekkubyea, I intentd to :)
03:51.18Tekkubwhy's that suck?
03:51.40sweedebecause i need another channel.
03:51.43Anduin|Whocause it does
03:51.48Anduin|Whoit needs to die
03:51.49sweedehowever, i wonder why i dont have channel 1 in my list anymore
03:52.03Anduin|Whowas it trade?
03:52.17sweedeits nothing /2 is general
03:52.39Legorolsweede, logout and back in and it should be sorted
03:52.45Legorolprovided you are not using an addon that messes with channels
03:52.47sweedeits been like that for a very long time
03:52.49GenNMXsweede: Some addons, like GathererShare, will somehow grab a channel before General gets a chance to kick in
03:52.55sweededont use it.
03:52.55Legoroland provided you don't have some stuck out of zone channels
03:53.14Legorolthen try this:
03:53.16GenNMXDo you use any addons which use Sky or Sea?
03:53.19*** part/#wowi-lounge Tekkub (
03:53.23Legorollogout, disable all addons, log back in
03:53.25Legorolsee if it's sorted or not
03:53.26sweedei use sea
03:53.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Tekkub (
03:53.34Legorolif it is, then reenable addons and see what happens
03:53.43Tekkubgod damnit bobby
03:53.45Anduin|Whosea doens't do anythign with channels
03:53.48Legorolif it's still not sorted even after disabling addons, you need to go into chat-cache.txt
03:53.57Tekkubstupid habit of hitting ESC to clear editbox
03:53.58sweedeno addons, its like that
03:54.00Anduin|Wholeg, just link him the faq
03:54.07sweedeeven if i remove my wtf folder, general is still #2
03:54.22GenNMXTekkub: Why does ESC make you log off?
03:54.29TekkubGetMapZones() returns one zone, guess I gotta iterate it ><
03:54.38Anduin|Whoread up:
03:55.41Osagasudo you use Sky?
03:56.23Tekkubwewt I just infinate looped WoW ^^
03:57.11futrtrublwhat mods out there have good xp rate data gathering? I want to add that feature to BEB but I want to see what an efficient way of doing it is.
03:57.19LegorolTekkub: GetMapZones(2) returns a list
03:57.38Legorolas if it had "return zone1, zone2, zone3, zone4... zone20" as its last line
03:57.41Legorolso you need to do:
03:57.47LegorolZones = { GetMapZones(2) }
03:57.49Tekkubhrm... GetMapZones(1) returned "Ashenvale"
03:57.51Legorolthat shows it in a table
03:57.53sweedei'll have to look through that anduin
03:58.00Legorolit's a function with 20 return values
03:58.08Tekkuboh.. { } would help
03:58.10Legorol*shows => shoves
03:58.41Legorolthe thing with capital cities is that GetMapZones(2) just has the entry Ironforge
03:58.59Legoroli can't remember which, but either GetZoneText() or GetRealZoneText() will return "City of Ironforge" if you are in IF
03:59.17TekkubI'm right by IF so I'll test that out
03:59.25Legorolplease let me know too ;-)
03:59.25GenNMXSounds like it's prudent to do a string.find on that then
03:59.32Legorolno, not a string find
03:59.33Tekkubwheel dew
03:59.41Legoroljust make sure you use the right one
04:00.19Legorolthe difference between GetZoneText and GetRealZoneText is supposed to be that if you are in an instance,
04:00.28Legorolone returns the instance name, the other returns the name of the zone the instance is in
04:00.31Legoroldon't remember which one is which
04:00.40GenNMXWait, so he's not comparing the zone list to the GetZoneText()?
04:00.44Legorolif you are not in an instance, then they mostly return the same thing
04:01.03LegorolGenNMX, he should compare the zone list to GetZoneText or GetRealZoneText, whichever is appropriate to use
04:01.09GenNMXs/to the/to the output/
04:01.26Tekkub:P I'm still on the "making list" part gimme a min :P
04:02.24GenNMXLegorol: So if the zone list returns "Ironforge" as part of its list instead of "City of Ironforge", wouldn't it be better to use a string.find comparison?
04:02.49Legorolno because one of the two getzone function does return the entry that corresponds to the entry in the zone list
04:02.56Legoroli just don't remember which one
04:02.59GenNMXAhhh, OK
04:03.05Legorolplus, IF might be a special case
04:03.11Legorolwhere one is a substring of another
04:03.18Legorolnot sure if it holds for all zones that have this issue
04:03.54GenNMXLegorol: Now what does this have to do with telling if someone is stationary outside or in an instance?
04:04.15Legorolwell you tell if someone is in an instance or not by querying for the zone name
04:04.22Legorolif the zone name is on the worldmap list, you are not in an instance
04:04.56Legorolbtw, just tried: in IF, GetZoneText() returns "City of Ironforge", GetRealZoneText() returns "Ironforge"
04:05.27Legorolthere is something similar with "Stormwind City" and "City of Stormwind" if i recall
04:05.29GenNMXLegorol: What's wrong with doing x,y=GetPlayerMapPosition("player") and checking if x and y are 0?
04:05.52Tekkubboth funcs work in Dun Morogh...
04:06.03Legoroladd to that additional complications with localization ;-)
04:06.11IrielGenNMX : You do have to change the map zone to the current one first 8-)
04:06.27Tekkubboth work just inside IF....
04:06.31GenNMXOh yeah, I see that now, heh
04:06.47Tekkublil further in only "Real" works
04:07.01Tekkubby "works" I mean matches the big list
04:07.31GenNMXTekkub: But wait, what's wrong with doing SetMapToCurrentZone();?
04:08.15Tekkub*shrug* I have no clue
04:08.45IrielWell, if the player has the world map open, quite a lot\
04:08.57IrielPlus you can get in fights with other addons 8-)
04:09.22LegorolGenNMX, using SetMapToCurrentZone() is a Bad Idea (TM)
04:09.27Legorolpeople did that in the past and lots of complications arose
04:09.35GenNMXIs there a SetMapToZone() function?
04:09.39Tekkubyea in Tram neither func watches up
04:09.41Legorolyes there is
04:09.49LegorolSetMapZone(continentid, zoneid) i think
04:09.50Tekkublooks like the "real" name is the one to watch
04:09.58Legorolsorry, SetMapZoom
04:10.09Legoroltekkub, now try in an instance
04:10.20Legoroli will also try it for you on DE client to see what happens with localizaiton
04:10.34Tekkubtram is an instance
04:11.04GenNMXWell if you do it "real quick", call GetCurrentMapContinent(), GetCurrentMapZone(), SetMapToCurrentZone(), DoStuff(), SetMapZoom()
04:11.47Tekkubthat looks like a lot of crap to do
04:11.59LegorolTekkub, tram won't do
04:12.03Legoroltram is not inside a zone per se
04:12.22Legoroli tried tram already, both funcs returned Deeprun Tram
04:12.28GenNMXNo localization required on that though, but it has problems with lots of WORLD_MAP_UPDATE events firing
04:12.40Tekkubyea but it didn't match up to the world list
04:13.18TekkubI'm putting a InInstance() func into SpecialEvents
04:13.22Legorolyeah but afaik, in some instances, one of the two functions will match up
04:13.28Tekkubyou'll see, it's easy to find out :)
04:14.03Legorolugh, in stockades: GetZoneText => "Stormwind Stockades", GetRealZoneText => "The Stockades"
04:14.12Legorolwell in this case both work
04:17.52TainThe first parts of the Visor GUI configuration systems is forming up nicely.
04:19.47GenNMXTain: Is your GUI just what the slash commands provide, or is it more detailed? I'm already working on stuff like trying to emulate GroupButtons with Visor.
04:20.46TainThe first phase of the gui is for the frame moving, scaling, height/width, etc.  of existing frames.
04:21.14TainThat's the easier parts to implement in a gui.  It's just calling the Visor commands from button presse.
04:21.37GenNMXYeah, but that'll blow MoveAnything out of the water.
04:21.50TainOnce I got more familiar with the XML I was going to try to put together a full button/bar config system.
04:22.12TainI haven't used MoveAnything since I started with Visor, so I don't really even know what it does and doesn't do.
04:22.41GenNMXI never used it either, but MoveAnything allows you to hide, show, scale, etc. pretty much any frame
04:22.59GenNMXMuch like Visor, except with less options, a nice GUI already, lots of bugs, and lots of overhead
04:23.21TainYeah, that's how Visor started out, all of that functionalityis there, but people are having trouble finding the right ways to do it.
04:23.54TainVisor is really more of a framework to create bigger scripts or addons with.
04:24.14GenNMXYeah, I was going to make a GUI of my own for guild, but if you're already doing one, I'll wait for yours.
04:24.32GenNMXVisor is the perfect cornerstone to making a REAL UI Pack.
04:24.38TainThis one will be first and I should have finished this weekend.
04:24.54TainIt'll just be moving, sizing type stuff.
04:25.27kergoth_parenting, relative parenting?
04:25.35TainThe button and bars gui config will be much more involved.
04:25.58GenNMXI'll just focus on event catching then.
04:26.11TainNot yet, kergoth.  That will probably be in the next step.
04:27.14TainSo far I've just got arrows for nudging the current frame, a slider to set the nudge amount.  A textbox to enter a frame name by hand, or if you select a frame with grabbing under the cursor it'll put that in the window for you.
04:27.48GenNMXIs there an easy way to force a spell to target a unit without changing your current target? I can only think of saving the current target, changing it, then retargetting. But I fear TargetLastHostile() will be buggy if it's a NPC.
04:28.21GenNMXSpellTargetUnit() only works when you don't already have a valid target.
04:28.23TainI think for this one I want to just add scaling, and then setting height and width adjusting.
04:28.49IrielGenNMX : No, you could try ClearTarget in the middle
04:28.53Irieland TargetLastTarget
04:29.05Irielnot sure if that actually works tho 8-)
04:29.09GenNMXIriel: Ooo, is that new?
04:29.18Irielnew as in, months, yes
04:29.26Cairlol Iriel
04:29.31GenNMXWell my logic is still back in 1.6 ;)
04:29.32Cairsorry GenNMX
04:29.51GenNMXI haven't coded in a while, heh
04:30.06IrielLots of goodies since 1.6
04:30.15GenNMXSo I'm catching up
04:30.24Tekkubsweets... it works....
04:31.01Tekkubif outside and stationary, mount.  if outside and moving, aspect.... if in instance spam both whatever works will work
04:32.02Tekkubso this should restrict those "anothe action" errors to only in insatnce
04:32.14GenNMXgvim == best lua editor!
04:32.14Tekkuband it's rare you'll even mount in an instance anyway
04:32.39Tekkubactually... aside from ZF can you mount in any other instances?
04:32.47malreth~/o na na na na na na na na where da hoo-o-o-od at. where da hoo-o-o-o-od. whe-ere da hoo-o-o-od. o/~
04:32.58GenNMXTekkub: ZF, Mara, ZG
04:33.00Tekkubwail you can mount in tram... bah
04:33.10Tekkubokey forget it :P
04:33.25Tekkubthe users can deal with error spam in instances
04:33.28GenNMXTekkub: But there's a function you can call to check if you're inside or outside
04:33.29EndMara?  why/how can you mount in mara?
04:33.49Tekkubyea but I can't tell if the player's moving in an instance
04:33.51GuillotineGenNMX: no there isn't
04:34.06GenNMXGuillotine: I thought there was, lemme double-check
04:34.08Tekkuband I need to know if they're moving
04:34.16TekkubGen I just wrote one
04:34.16GenNMXEnd: Maybe I'm thinking that Hibernate isn't worthless in Mara
04:34.37Tekkubthere isn't a built in one... this is what I asked about like half an hour ago :P
04:35.38Guillotinewait- how could you write one? i was under the impression that info wasn't available to the AI
04:36.00Tekkubgrab "real" zone name
04:36.12Tekkubsee if it's on the worldmap's list
04:36.16Guillotinestill can't check inside or outside
04:36.19Tekkubif not, you're in an instance
04:36.21Guillotinethat just checks in/out of instance
04:36.30GenNMXGuillotine: Ah sorry, I was looking at the name "Zone_Changed_Indoors" without reading its description
04:36.33TekkubI don't care about inside/outside
04:36.41Guillotinewell I do :P
04:36.46TekkubI care about instance/world
04:36.50GenNMXSince not all citys are "indoors", but it looks like the event only fires for cities, and has nothing to do with actually being "indoors"
04:37.02Tekkubwell poopie on you, my mod is working as best I can get it
04:37.13Guillotineand theres places indoors that aren't in cities
04:37.20Tekkubuntil someone finds a way to detect movement in an instance
04:37.38GenNMXGuillotine: According to WOW Wiki this event fires only for cities.\
04:37.51Guillotineright. that's why its useless :)
04:38.30Tekkuboh wait, I can write a player enter/leave instance event, sweets
04:40.08Guillotineyou can't right your own events, can you?
04:40.52IrielNo, you can't
04:41.05TekkubAce :P
04:41.20GenNMXYou can if there's only one event handler, like Ace
04:41.48TekkubI'm working on a Ace mod that fires better events
04:41.52Legorolyou still have to code up the logic that detects the entering/leaving the instance
04:42.01Tekkublike a bagupdate that gives the SLOT too
04:42.14TekkubLeg, I already got it in
04:42.15LegorolTekkub, what if more than 1 slots got updated ;-)
04:42.30Tekkubone event fires for each slot
04:42.51Legoroland how will you code that?
04:42.57TekkubI already did
04:42.58Legorolyou will have a snapshot of the bag and detect changes?
04:43.12Legorolisn't that extremely resource consuming?
04:43.21Legorolyou ahve to tooltip scan each item in the bag on every bag_update
04:43.23TekkubBAG_UPDATE passes the bag, so I only have to compare a bag
04:43.30Tekkubhell no
04:43.40Legorolso how do you do it?
04:43.43Tekkuball it compares is itemlink and stack count
04:43.49Legorolah good point
04:43.50Tekkubno tooltip needed
04:44.27Tekkubthe idea is to have one mod finding the slot and all the dependacies only updating one slot
04:44.42Tekkubinstead of all the mods scanning the bag, or worse the whole inventory
04:44.51IrielAre you goiung to have a slot registration scheme?
04:45.00GenNMXYeah, I was looking at Wardobe and thought it was weird it used a custom tooltip to get an item's name from its link...I guess it does that to avoid the problems when an item is enchanted
04:45.03Tekkubit's painful on my hunter with full bags when a BAG_UPDATE fires
04:45.03Irielso you only CALL those things interested in a specific slot
04:45.30Tekkubno iriel...
04:45.39Tekkubit fires the event and passes bag and slot
04:45.46Irielso everyone still gets called
04:45.53Irieland most handlers just return?
04:45.53Tekkubit's up to the event handler to decide if it cares about that slot
04:46.21Irielyou should pass a 2nd arg..
04:46.29Irielhow many more events there are after this one
04:46.37Irielso that bulk-updates can defer working until the end
04:46.42TekkubI'm doing more than just bagupdate, also that evil unit_auras
04:46.58Irieli.e. if 3 slots change, it  has values 2, 1, and 0 on the 3 events
04:46.58Tekkubwhat bulk updates?
04:47.05Tekkubat most two slots will change
04:47.11Tekkubwhen you swap two items
04:47.28Tekkuboh yea...
04:47.29IrielYou can change a hell of a lot more than 2 slots
04:47.44Tekkubwell look at it this way....
04:47.52Tekkubcurrent sceme, one bag
04:47.59Tekkubyou effect 4 slots...
04:48.09TekkubBAG_UPDATE fires 4 times
04:48.19Tekkubevery mod scans that bag 4 times
04:48.26Tekkubmy way...
04:48.41TekkubSPECIAL_BAGSLOT_UPDATE fires four times...
04:48.54Irieli'm not saying your way is bad, i'm just suggesting an improvement
04:48.55Tekkubevery mod scans one slot on each fire
04:49.19Irielnamely that when you send a run of SPECIAL_BAGSLOT_UPDATE events, a consumer could know that more are coming
04:49.39Tekkubhow does that help though?
04:49.55Tekkubthey're still gonna check 4 slots for 4 changes
04:49.57kremonteis it possible to get the model a weapon uses? they are all named non-specifically
04:50.13LegorolOk just double-checked how the zone text is being localized in DE client
04:50.20LegorolGetMapZones(2) does return localized zone names
04:50.22Irielsuppose it's doing calculations on how many trade items can be made
04:50.28LegorolGetZoneText and GetRealZoneText are also both localized
04:50.29IrielI know which slots have items i care about in
04:50.36Legoroland have the same behaviour as in EN client
04:50.41Irielbut i'd risk having to do lots of recalculations for runs of events
04:50.51GenNMXAh, that makes sense
04:50.53kremonteand uh, i have in my XML $parent_Title for example, how would i access that with getglobal?
04:51.08Irielkremonte : What is the paren'ts name?
04:51.19IrielThen SpooferFrame_Title
04:51.26kremontei do getglobal?
04:51.36Legorolyou don't even need getglobal
04:51.38IrielWell, you can access it directly, as SpooferFrame_Title
04:51.46Irielor you can do getglobal("SpooferFrame_Title")
04:51.49kremontewell i think thats the parent
04:51.49TekkubI see your point now Iriel... that mean you're planning on using my event firer? ^^
04:52.07kremonte<frame spooferframe> <layers> <layer> <fontstring name="$parent_Title">
04:52.13Irielno, I dont have anything that needs it, but I was giving you an example of an addon that could use it 8-)
04:52.24Tekkubproblem is tho, if two diff bags change I won't know how many events will fire
04:52.25Legorolthen you have a global object named SpooferFrame and SpooferFrame_Title
04:52.31Legorolboth which are available in Lua as
04:52.32Irieleven without it, it's an improvement
04:52.38Tekkubcause I only scan the changed bag
04:52.55LegorolSpooferFrame or SpooferFrame_Title, or as getglobal("SpooferFrame") and getglobal("SpooferFrame_Title") respectively
04:52.56Irielthe count could be per bag.. chances are it's an overcomplication, but it was worth a thought
04:53.02Irielkremonte : Yes.
04:53.03Legorolyes kremonte, that'd wokr
04:53.49TekkubI can see how it'd help tho... just update slot until all slots updated, then run your compounding functions
04:53.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Eraphine|Disco (
04:53.58Guillotinesee kremonte, things made with WoW UI Developer may be extremely bloated, but their much faster to make
04:54.24kremontefaster isnt always better
04:54.25Tekkubeven if we only spare a few runs of the compounding func it's still freed resources
04:54.36kremontefaster to make < faster using
04:54.52IrielYes, however, as an addon writer I could achieve the same by using a dirty flag and an OnUpdate handler to do deferred updates.
04:55.06IrielSo it's probably not worth burdenning your event dispatcher unless you already had the data handy.
04:55.16TainI changed my mind on the WoW UI Developer.  I still think it's a great idea, but it creates too overloaded XML
04:55.18TekkubI don't ><
04:55.35TainXML that works, mind you.
04:55.37TekkubI iterate thru the table and fire an event when a changed slot is found
04:56.00TainBut I cut an XMl file that was 15k from the UI Designer down to 5k by doing it by hand.
04:56.20kremonteexactly Tain
04:56.24kremontethat's what i'm doing rigtht now
04:56.43Tainbut it is a nice tool to get things laid out
04:57.12TekkubI'm hungry...
04:57.24Tekkubbaked potatoe sounds damn good....
04:59.28kergoth_Tain: heh, thats pretty common among such tools
04:59.32kergoth_Qt Designer is the same way
04:59.33sweedeif i add a new frame for a whole new window to an existing xml file, i dont need an onload event in that one do i ?
04:59.47kergoth_good for doing the initial layout, but you shoudl take what it emits and run with it from there, strip out the crap
05:00.07IrielYou dont ever NEED an OnLoad anyway
05:00.10sweedeor would it be better to put the onload and onevent in its own <frame> seperate from the other two actual windows
05:00.14IrielI mean, tehre's no implicit need
05:00.26IrielIf you need to DO something that has to be done on load, then use one
05:00.31Irielotherwise, done bother.
05:00.35sweedelike register events ?
05:00.59IrielIf you have a multi-frame addon, sometimes it's better to put all the events on a single frame
05:01.03Irielwhich may be what you're asking
05:01.29IrielIt just depends how tightly coupled the frames are
05:01.33sweedeso get rid of the onLoad from the existing frame and make a whole new frame (with no frames or
05:01.40sweedethey're independant of each other
05:01.40Irielif one is entirely independent, then giving it its own frame can be a good idea.
05:01.53sweedei'd make a whole new file, but i dont want to restart wow.
05:01.59IrielI mean, it's own Event handler
05:02.08sweedethe existing frame doesnt have onEvent,
05:02.15sweedeonly onLoad and onShow
05:02.44IrielAll this XML talk is driving me back to the test server to work on my statrings gui
05:02.45Irieldamn you all
05:06.48IrielTip: A priest, a paladin, and Varimathras walk into a bar...
05:11.53MaldiviaIt's better than the: Tip: There's no cow-level...
05:12.10IrielThat one is at least helpful
05:12.24Maldiviawhat do you call Mulgore then ? :)
05:12.50Irielcow zone?
05:12.59TekkubTip: I saw that
05:13.23TekkubTip: I wouldn't do that if I were you...
05:13.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaelten (
05:14.04TekkubTip: Your login is important to us... please hold...
05:14.20*** mode/#WoWI-lounge [+o Kaelten] by ChanServ
05:14.49TekkubTip: Noone is amused, I'll shut up now
05:15.12Tekkubhey K
05:15.56Kaeltenhows it going Tek
05:16.36TekkubWell, I was just making up Tips and everyone was pretending I wasn't talking
05:16.44Tekkubso same ol shit I guess
05:16.53IrielI wasn't sure if yours were real or invented
05:17.03IrielI was staring at LUA and wondering how to do something tho
05:17.23TekkubTip: Log on to Test more often and you'd know
05:17.25Kaeltenok we'll trade, you first iriel
05:17.57Irielheh, do I want to put the configuration objects for StatRings into subtables of my unit frames, or into the frames themselves
05:17.57*** join/#wowi-lounge slouken (
05:17.58TainOoh Ooh I have one too
05:18.05IrielI think I have it answered now anyway
05:18.26TainActually mine's Ace related.
05:18.44Tekkub"Tip: Use Ace or you're gimp" ??
05:18.44Kaelteniriel: would it actually have a functional difference?
05:19.09Legorolexperienced folks, i have question about hyperlinks
05:19.14Legorolspecifically, about the special | character
05:19.18IrielIf I use subtables then I can share one between many frames
05:19.22Irielso i'm going to go that route
05:19.24IrielYes Lego?
05:19.28Tekkubpipe is your friend
05:19.34TainPut the pipe down.
05:19.37Legorolam i able to use | in addon code or have to escape it as \124?
05:19.43IrielYou acn use | in addon code
05:19.47Legoroli found some strange behviour though:
05:19.52Irielit's only the EditBox that messes with you
05:20.00Legoroli did string.find(text, "|", "<>") and it didn't work
05:20.03Tekkuband evil clowns
05:20.08Tekkubbut they mess with everyone
05:20.09Kaeltendon't try to print |XXX|XXX|XXX|XXX
05:20.13Legorolstring.find(text, "\124", "<>") did
05:20.22Irielwhere did you type that?
05:20.26Irielin code? or in the edit box?
05:20.27Legorolthis is not in editbox, nor in addon code
05:20.33Legorolin phoenix
05:20.37Legoroli guess that is using an editbox..
05:20.51Legorolphoenix devpad, addon coders' best friend :-)
05:21.03IrielAh. Yes, that'd be an editbox
05:21.09Irieland thus, you get the funky behaviour
05:21.16Legorolso, what does an editbox do?
05:21.18Irielwell, it's not funky, unless you're a developer
05:21.20Legorolit parses its input?
05:21.28IrielThe edit box treats | as ||
05:21.32Irielwhen you type a |, it puts in a ||
05:21.38Irielwhen you remove a | it removes ||
05:21.45Tekkubso much pipe...
05:21.48IrielAnd it removes hyperlinks as a single entity
05:21.58Legoroli didn't get that last statement
05:22.04Guillotinehyperlinks. like item links
05:22.06Irieltry linking an item
05:22.08Irielthen hitting delete
05:22.13Irielthe whole link goes away
05:22.26Legorolhola slouken
05:22.27sloukenThat was hard to do, too
05:22.28Guillotinehey! slouken is here! slouken, i have a question
05:22.47Cairhey Slouken
05:22.50LegorolIriel, then explain this:
05:22.51GuillotineI was going to make a chat bot much like our friend purl here
05:22.54IrielI'm sure |'s drove you slightly mad 8-)
05:22.58Guillotinewould that be considered botting?
05:23.04Legoroli put string.find(text, "[|]", "<>") and it did work
05:23.10Legoroloh, ohhh
05:23.14Legoroli think i get it
05:23.17Legorol| becomes ||
05:23.23Legorolbut inside a [] in a regex that's just redundant
05:23.26Guillotineit would pretty much just store data from chat and output it when requested
05:23.29IrielBecause that was [||] which is equivalent to [|], yeah
05:23.40Tekkub(  |  )
05:23.54Legorolok, i will confess:
05:24.00Legoroli am a total noob about links and itemids
05:24.12Legorolif someone (e.g. Iriel) has a minute, could you walk me through a few things?
05:24.12Guillotinekremonte have been having fun with those :)
05:24.19Tekkubitemids/links aren't as bad as they seem at first
05:24.21Legorole.g. allowed forms of expressions with pipes in them
05:24.28Guillotinejust figured out how to spoof any enchantment on any item today
05:24.32Legoroli'm sure they aren't, i just never, ever touched them
05:24.41IrielI can try
05:24.45Guillotinesloukens going to hate our addon. luckily, were never going to release it
05:24.53Legorollol Guillotine
05:25.13Guillotineif we did, they'd have to have complete checking on each and every part of an item link
05:25.19Endhmm, I use math.floor a lot
05:25.29Legorolso, what happens if i mess with slouken a bit, and do a SetText on an editbox, but with some invalid syntax hyperlink expression?
05:25.32Legorolthen i try to hit delete..
05:25.35TainHey I haven't gotten any complaints on my auto alerting tracking addon.
05:25.38Legoroli wonder if the editbox can cope with it :D
05:25.59Guillotinetain: ya, but we've already been told theill put in checking if we release an addon that enables easy spoofing
05:26.17TainYeah, because that's just mean.
05:26.21TainAnd ripe for abuse.
05:26.22LegorolGuillotine: i take it you send item links with fake itemids?
05:26.35Legorolbut when it comes to actual trading, doesn't the tooltip still show correct data?
05:26.42sloukenLegorol, you're welcome to do it, but if it crashes, don't come crying to me. ;-)
05:26.53Legorolno, i will give it to Tem to post it :-)
05:27.00Guillotinepretty much legorol
05:27.11Legorolso you can't really spoof too much with this
05:27.17Legorolor am i wrong?
05:27.24Guillotineyou can just spoof words onto the end of item names
05:27.27Guillotineand spoof enchantments
05:27.32Guillotineand spoof "of the monkey" ect.
05:27.41Guillotinecan't make completely new items
05:27.49Legorolbut that doesn't do much good if it only appears spoofed in chat
05:27.51Anduin|Whoyou can only spoof the item name in chat
05:27.56Legorolit gives you bragpower, that's all
05:27.59Guillotineright. we don't want to abuse it. just have fun
05:28.13Legorolit doesn't sound like you can abuse it..
05:28.19Temsomeone said my name
05:28.27TekkubI just want ta make [Wang] have the epic color /cry
05:28.28Guillotinei like showing ppl my [Hearthstone of Fiery Wrath] with +15 agility on it
05:28.32Anduin|WhoI've jsut whipped up a linker for urls in chat only to find there's an addont hat already does it
05:28.34Legoroli thought of something that *might* crash an editbox
05:28.39Endcrashed WoW yet Tem?
05:28.44Temeditboxes are dirty
05:28.50Temthey crash all the time
05:29.03Legorolanyways, can someone cover some basics for me:
05:29.16Legorolwhat are the allowed forms of hyperlinks?
05:29.20Legorolwhat is the role of a |?
05:29.30Legoroland what's the connection between a link, hyperlink and itemid?
05:29.32Iriel| is the escape character for special symbols
05:29.40Irielthe thing that comes after it is what's important
05:29.40Tekkubyou don't roll a pipe, you roll if you have papers
05:29.48Iriel|c = change color (|cAARRGGBB)
05:29.52Iriel|r = Restore color
05:29.55Anduin|Whoplayer links and item links are the only valid links afaik
05:30.06Tekkubenchant links in 1.9
05:30.11Anduin|Whousing |H |h |h
05:30.14LegorolIriel, is there something like an open and close tag for the colors?
05:30.24Legorolor is |c on its own valid?
05:30.25Iriel|H<link>|h<body>|h is a hyperlink
05:30.26Anduin|Who|c is open |r is close
05:30.28Tem|c open
05:30.30Tem|r close
05:30.36Iriel|cAARRGGBB is open, |r is close, yes
05:30.43Legorolcan you have just the |c part?
05:30.46Anduin|Who|c is valid alone too
05:30.52TekkubAARRGGBB is hex of course
05:30.58Irielyou mean |c without the |r ?
05:31.14IrielI'm not sure if that's 'legal' but it works
05:31.18Guillotinettyl guys :) gn
05:31.27Irielcya Guillotine
05:31.31Cairlater Guillotine
05:31.42Legorolok, so <Iriel> |H<link>|h<body>|h is a hyperlink
05:31.45Guillotinestop harassing slouken tekkub
05:31.53Legorolis that the distinction between hyperlink and link?
05:32.01Legorollink is something that's a part of a hyperlink?
05:32.05Legorolso what's an itemid?
05:32.06Irielthe <link>is what the OnHyperlinkClick gets passed
05:32.19Irielan itemID is a specific kind of link
05:32.20Anduin|Who|Hitem or |Hplayer
05:32.21Irielstarting with item:
05:32.38Irielyou can happily create your own
05:32.44Legorolas for API functions, the ones like GetContainerItemLink,
05:32.45Anduin|Whoi just did: url
05:32.49Legoroldo they get a hyperlink, or a plain link?
05:32.55IrielThey get the whole link
05:33.00Legorolwhole link?
05:33.01Irielcolor code and all
05:33.02Legorolthat's a new term
05:33.15Irielcolor + hyperlink + reset color
05:33.21Anduin|Whohyperlink = link
05:33.26LegorolAnduin|Who, no
05:33.32Legorollink is a part of a hpyerlink
05:33.32Legorolthe first part
05:33.36Legorolthat's how Iriel defined it for me
05:33.40Anduin|Whothat's item id or name
05:33.44Legorol<Iriel> |H<link>|h<body>|h is a hyperlink
05:33.52IrielI referred to it as the link
05:33.53Anduin|Whoit's only link to SetItemRef(link, text, button)
05:34.02IrielIt's link in all my code too
05:34.06Irielso i'm going to call it link
05:34.08Anduin|Whobah, fine
05:34.08Legorolok, then what's the accepted terminology in UI coding community
05:34.14Legorolwhen you say "link", what do people normally mean?
05:34.15Anduin|Whothere isn't one
05:34.22malreththere is no accepted terminology
05:34.30Anduin|Whomake some up and post it on the wiki
05:34.35malrethyou're just supposed to know what we mean
05:34.42Irielactually, I correct myself, I called it the href
05:34.52TekkubI like to refer to links as sausages and itemids as biscuits
05:34.53Anduin|Whohref is more accurate
05:34.56Irielwhich is more HTML consistent
05:34.59Irielso let's go with
05:35.02Tekkubthe colorcode is gravy, of course
05:35.08Legorolok, so for example, GameTooltip:SetHyperlink(link)
05:35.13Anduin|Who~stab Tekkub
05:35.15purlACTION runs at Tekkub with an origami Swiss Army knife, and inflicts a nasty paper cut.
05:35.28Anduin|Whothat's the whole link
05:35.30Legorolthe argument in there, should that be just "item:x:y:z:o" or the whole thing
05:35.30Tekkubow, my index finger
05:35.40Legorolincluding the "|H etc."?
05:36.06Irielno, just the href
05:36.13Anduin|Whoit's everything between |H and |h
05:36.14Irielso the item:x:y:z:o
05:36.33Anduin|Whoso the href
05:36.47Anduin|Whoand onyl accepts player and item hrefs
05:37.12IrielUnless you hook it and add your own
05:37.49Legorolso although the function is called SetHyperlink, calling the argument "link" is consistent with the previous definition
05:37.54IrielUnless you're sending them around inchat, the game pretty much doesn't care WHAT you put as the href or body of a link.
05:38.09Legoroldarn, booted myself... just called it with item:1:0:0:0
05:38.13Irielyes, pretty much..
05:38.17futrtrublso it could run arbitrary code?
05:38.20Irieldont call it with invalid links.
05:38.38Irielfutrtrubl ; You can invent your own link types, and hook in support for them, yes
05:38.41Legorolthis can potentially be used to disconnect others:
05:38.50Legorolwhat if you send an invalid hyperlink in chat, where the itemid is wrong?
05:38.54IrielWell, not unless they're runinng a badly coded addon
05:38.56Legorolwhen others click it, they go boom?
05:38.57Irielthen YOU get disconnected
05:39.02Irielno, it doesn't reach them
05:39.19Irielmost channels dont allow linking, period.
05:39.20Legorolso SendChatMessage("somespoofedlink", SAY) will boot me?
05:39.23IrielAnd those that do, will disconnect you
05:39.42Irielyes, i would imagine so
05:39.52Legorolok, what about this local cache business?
05:39.58Legorolcan you explain that as well whilst we are at it?
05:40.03Legorolwhat are the links that are "safe"
05:40.06Legoroland what is "safe" about them
05:40.11Irielokay.. so there are two sets of links we'll talk abotu
05:40.18IrielSlouken can slap me if I go astray
05:40.35IrielThere's the server's cache, which holds all of the item id's that have been obtained from teh server since it started
05:40.56Anduin|Whoooo,t hat sounds liek as much fun as a root cannal
05:41.00Legorolwoot! working on WoW?
05:41.01IrielThen there's your local cache which holds item id's that you've seen recently.
05:41.04malrethwhat are you assembling, slouken? a desk? ooh, a robot?
05:41.11malrethi hope it's a desk, though
05:41.13Legorolslouken, are you at work, or you using your freetie for that?
05:41.22Anduin|Whoinline = rollerblades
05:41.53IrielWhen you call GetItemInfo, the game queries ONLY your local cache
05:41.55LegorolIriel, ok
05:42.05Legorolthis local cache is in WDB?
05:42.13malrethoh, no. it can't be skates. it must be a desk. is it from ikea? those manuals always give me headaches. I can understand you burying yours.
05:42.15sloukenfree time, just trying to wrap my head around gas's inline assembly so I can get my asm optimized by the compiler.
05:42.17IrielGetItemInfo will never do a server lookup
05:42.21Legorolso its always safe to pass any link to GetItemInfo?
05:42.41Legorolbut its not safe to call gametooltip:sethyperlink with any link?
05:42.46Irielthere are 2 limitations of it, which you will need to understand, but i'll explain them later
05:42.53Legorolis it always safe to call gametooltip's function with a link that is in local cache but not in server cache?
05:42.54IrielOkay.. next.. GameTooltips and the like
05:43.01Legorolsorry i jumped ahead
05:43.04Legoroldo take your time
05:43.06IrielThose will look in the local cache first, and if they find it there, you get that
05:43.12IrielIf it's not there, it'll do a server query for the item
05:43.22IrielAt that point, if it's not in the server's cache, you get disconnected.
05:43.29IrielIf it is there, you're given the item.
05:43.40Irieland it gets stuck in your local cache for a while
05:43.55IrielFinally, sending links to others
05:44.06IrielThey are ALWAYS validated against the server's cache
05:44.14Irielif they're not there, you get disconnected
05:44.16Legorolso server parses the text sent
05:44.19IrielWith me so far?
05:44.28IrielYes, it doesn't do a particularly strong check, btu it's good enough
05:44.36Irielyou can fiddle with the name somewhat and get away with it
05:44.47IrielOk.. back to GetitemInfo
05:44.56IrielThe 2 limitations are these:
05:45.22Iriel1) GetitemInfo cannot be used to check if an item link is 'safe' for transmission, because it doesn't flush when the server restarts.
05:45.37Legorolright, that's cause it only checks local cache?
05:45.46Iriel2) Just because GetItemInfo returns nil doesn't mean the item is bad, just that it's not in your ache.
05:46.04Legorolso even if something is safe according to getiteminfo, it's unsafe for messaging
05:46.06IrielWhan you CAN rely on is that if you get anon-nil result from GetItemInfo, you CAN query it locally with a tooltip
05:46.22Legorolok, that makes sense following from all the thing you said
05:46.28IrielBut whenit comes to messaging, you can only safely use items you've obtained from the server during THAT play session.
05:46.46Legorolok, i just tried this:
05:46.54Legorol./script SendChatMessage("\124Hitem:1:0:0:0\124h[ho]\124h", "SAY")
05:47.00Legoroland i got a rather strange error message
05:47.07LegorolString: SendChatMessage("\124Hitem:1:0:0:0\124h[ho]...Line: 1Count: 2Error:  Invalid escape code in chat message
05:47.24IrielIt may be expecting the color code and |r
05:47.43Irieltry sticking \124cffffffff in front and \124r at the end
05:48.00Legorolyep you were right
05:48.04Legorolit promptly booted me :D
05:48.20Legorolso the only valid syntax is
05:48.36Legoroli cant reverse order of things it seems
05:48.49Legoroli will see if i canmake only part of the name colour
05:49.32futrtrublare varnames that start with _ special? eg _somevarofmine
05:49.42Irielonly by convention
05:49.48Irieli.e. no. 8-)
05:50.32Legorolok, how do i get a link for an item in the container?
05:50.39futrtrublso the person who has the global _ui_loaded in his mod is being messy?
05:50.40IrielGetContainerItemLink I think
05:50.43Legoroldo i have to use GetContainerItemLink and parse it to extract the link part?
05:51.11Legorolso it seems that, unintuitively, i can't do:
05:51.48Irielpossibly not.
05:52.10IrielBut extracting the href is a simple string.find call, so writing an ExtractLinKHREF function would be easy
05:52.20IrielWhat's wrong with Graphics Cair?
05:52.35Cairlvl 1 - 10 ... not enjoying ... bye bye
05:52.50Cairif I'm not enjoying a class by lvl 10, I'm not going to enjoy
05:52.58Irielwow, you're a hard taskmistress
05:53.06Cairyou're just discovering this?
05:53.13IrielI guess not
05:53.24malrethwhat class, Cair?
05:53.58Cairseriously though, if I don't enjoy by level 10, what on earth is going to inspire me to keep playing the class, obviously I'm not going to enjoy it
05:54.05Cairwas trying out a warlock
05:54.18Anduin|Whoya. i have 2 warlocks at lvl 10..
05:54.19IrielI have a similar experience, but I tend not to delete cahracters unless I run out of space
05:54.21Cairanyway, wasn't trying to interrupt the conversation
05:54.32Cairback to embedded hookers
05:54.39Anduin|Whonah, that was yesterday cair
05:54.48Anduin|Whokeep up!
05:54.55IrielToday is "how many ways can Legorol disconnect himself from the server"
05:54.56Cairyesterday? that's constantly with you lot :P
05:55.06Cairbuncha pervs
05:55.16Iriellook who's talking
05:55.22Anduin|Whomeh. I pushed Sea 1.07 i dont want to look at it for a while
05:55.29Cairoh, I forgot, sorry, silly me, today is Iriel and Slouken being kinky in trees
05:56.02LegorolIriel, that's right
05:56.12Legoroli just sendchatmessaged in Say a hyperlink that had wrong name
05:56.15Legorolseems it was enough to boot me
05:56.24Irielyou can change stuff after the 'base' item name
05:56.37IrielSo I think you can do things like Hanzo Sword of Legorol
05:56.51IrielBut i've never actually tested that, i'm just repeating what others have said
05:57.03Anduin|WhoZulian Stone Axe of the Leet
05:57.25malrethnight all
05:57.53Cairnight Mal
05:58.37Legorolwhy, why why??
05:58.42Legoroli sent the right link!
05:58.44Legoroland still, kaboom
05:58.51sweedeis the event for chat channels just CHAT_MSG ?
05:59.20Legoroli bet slouken is sniggering over his assembly book now..
05:59.29Legoroloh well, all coders must go through understanding links
05:59.44Legoroli beleive getting disconnected a couple of times is part of the learning process :-)
05:59.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Ktron (
06:01.09Anduin|Whogonan make an addon that makes skift-clicking a name while the edit box is open insert the player name
06:02.19Anduin|Whothen maybe an autocomplete typing addon..
06:03.05Anduin|Whomaybe make a dictionary for SpellChecker2 whil ei'm at it
06:03.25sloukenCan't you shift-click a name already?
06:03.38Anduin|Whodoes a who
06:03.41Legorolwait Anduin|Who
06:03.43Legorolyou can
06:04.10Legorolalthough if editbox is open.. it makes more sense that it inserts it
06:04.19sloukenDoesn't it?
06:04.28LegorolAnduin|Who, you should combine it with AH_QuickSearch and AltInvite
06:04.34Legoroland other stuff like that
06:04.36Legoroland make one addon
06:04.42Anduin|Whowhat, UberLinks?
06:04.47Legorolsomething like that
06:04.54Irielit always does the who
06:05.10Anduin|Whoright. i know. you should impliment my who tooltip too
06:05.21Legorolslouken, tell someone at EU Blizz so that the server doesn't disc me... i am experimenting with links :-p
06:06.11sloukenAnduin, that's not fair, I have to do it myself! :)
06:06.14Anduin|Whomakes it so you can shift-click-who on other chatframes and still see the info
06:06.40Anduin|Whoso dont look at the code..
06:06.42Legorolbtw slouken, are you familiar with EquipCompare per chance? (bit of self promotion here,
06:06.49Anduin|Whobut it has a pretty picture
06:06.53LegorolI beleive it might be worthwhile to consider adding it to the default UI
06:07.01Legorolof course i knwo your time is limited
06:07.01Anduin|Whonah leg. it's overkill
06:07.20kergoth_heh, i wouldnt know what to do without equipcompare
06:07.39Legorolalso i don't expect you to check out every single addon out there and spend your time incorporating them or whatnot
06:07.42Legoroli know your time is limited
06:07.50Anduin|Whoit's good, but it's one of those 'better as an addon' things
06:08.04Legorolwhat if it's an option in Interface Options?
06:08.09Legorolmaybe you are right, Anduin|Who
06:08.30LegorolBlizz did add buff timers, extra bars etc.
06:08.33Legorolso i am still hoping.
06:08.41Anduin|Whowell the problem is your code run on all ingame mouseovers too and that slows the engine down a bit
06:08.51kremonteany idea why this won't work?;
06:08.53kremontelocal _, _, sColor, sItemID, sItemEnchant, sItemStats, _, sName = string.find(sItem, "|c(%x+)|Hitem:(%d+):(%d+):(%d+):(%d+)|h%[(.-)%]|h|r");
06:09.02Legorolslouken, all that EquipCompare does is display comparison tooltips like the ShoppingTooltips you get at the auction house and merchant,
06:09.18Legorolbut does it everywhere in the game where you can hover over items, e.g. bags, quest reward, loot window etc.
06:09.28Legorolso you can quickly judge how good the item is compared to what youa re wearing
06:09.40Irielkremonte : That should work. Are you sure your test data is good?
06:09.49Legorolok, self-promotion off
06:09.50Irielkremonte : And can you validate you didn't type that into an editbox
06:10.04Anduin|Wholeg, u need stricter find params, i still get tooltip replacement all the time
06:10.06kremontei just added thei itemenchant and itemstats
06:10.18kremonteand changed it from (%d+:%d+:%d+:%d+)
06:10.20LegorolAnduin|Who, Blizz could do it much better than I ;-)
06:10.27Legorolcan you get me a screenshot?
06:10.33Legoroli still can't reproduce it :(
06:10.36Anduin|Whothere's nothing to ss
06:10.52Legoroldon't you get comparisons when you shoudn't?
06:10.53Anduin|Whoit's just a tooltip of an item when it should be of a unit
06:11.16Legorolyou mean you hover on a unit, and EC shows an item tooltip?
06:11.20futrtrublso, what's the most efficient way to monitor how much time you've been playing this session? a timer in an OnUpdate or what?
06:11.22Legorolplease get me an SS, it would help so much
06:11.35GenNMXAllllright, what are the names of the buttons switched to when you shapeshift? I thought they were BonusActionBarFrame inherits, but I guess not...
06:11.41Irielfutrtrubl : Capture GetTime() when you start playing, subtract that from GetTime() when you want to know
06:11.41BeladonaLegorol, is EquipCompare not at wowi?
06:11.50Legoroli beleive it isn't
06:12.00Legoroli beleive it should be
06:12.04Legoroli beleive it will be
06:12.13Legoroli beleive i can fly...
06:12.15futrtrublthanks Iriel, that's efficient enough to run a couple times a second?
06:12.25GenNMXOoo, new version of EquipCompare coming out?
06:12.33Tekkubbah, screw Wootbeer, today woot's got wine
06:12.35IrielIt's as fast as anything else you'd come up with
06:12.47IrielWhy would you need to do it that often?
06:12.58Legorolonly problem is the extensive docs currently on curse
06:13.03Legoroli wouldn't want to have to maintain two pages :(
06:13.04Legoroloh well
06:13.12Irielput the docs into a readme in the code
06:13.14Irieland reference them
06:13.15futrtrubladding xp rate info to BEB, but want to do it efficiently
06:13.18Anduin|Wholeg, do what i did with Sea
06:13.21Beladonawhat Iriel said
06:13.26Anduin|Whochangelog and docs on the wiki
06:13.32LegorolCair would strangle me if i just put up a link to the curse page :-)
06:13.46Beladonanot a link to the Curse page lol
06:13.57Legoroli will upload the file, but for usage info...
06:14.00Legorolyeah maybe Anduin|Who is right
06:14.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Stylpe (
06:14.15futrtrubl~welcome stylpe
06:14.16purlWelcome to the party, stylpe!
06:14.43CairLegorol: why would I?
06:14.45kremonteare links getting, er, "fixed" in 1.9?
06:14.53Legoroli don't know, would you?
06:15.01Beladonano worries Leg if you don't want to put it on wowi. But I know EquipCompare is one of those staples that many people download. I typically use wowi for all my addons, not curse
06:15.04Cair*I* link to curse, or, or guru, or ... if they have something WoWI doesn't
06:15.06sweedelinks ?
06:15.12Beladona(wonder why)
06:15.17LegorolBeladona, i do want to put it up
06:15.25Legoroli don't mind uploading it to two places, doesn't take too much effort
06:15.29Legorolit's maintaing the description
06:15.39Legorolwell, that shouldn't take too much effort either
06:15.41Legorolmight as well
06:15.44Legorolwhat category?
06:15.47Beladonacopy / paste FTW
06:16.04Cairwhat Bela said
06:16.05Anduin|Whooh slouken, i had someone suggest to me an option for WhoTop that would show a tooltip whenever you mouseover the name of a player in chat. but there's no way to easily get the mouseover code for the links is there?
06:16.17BeladonaStandalone / General Gui
06:16.46Beladonasay when, I will approve
06:17.01LegorolIs it possible to host two simultaneous versions of the same AddOn on wowi?
06:17.04TemH'ok, so
06:17.08Legoroli have a loadondemand and a normal version
06:17.16Tem(dis is de earth...)
06:17.17Legorolsounds overkill to create two separate submisions for that
06:17.20Beladonaadd it as a patch to the first one
06:17.41TemI'm looking for suggestions on the fastest way to search a list of names for a match
06:17.55Irielnames are keys in table
06:17.57Cairanswering all the questions, making me redundant
06:18.02TemFuzzy match
06:18.11Irielhow fuzzy?
06:18.14Temnot very
06:18.19TemPartial names
06:18.21Beladonanot redundant, just less, overwhelmed
06:18.35Tem(I'm writing a tab complete for friends / guild / part / raid)
06:18.38Irielhow volatile is the list?
06:18.41Temer party
06:18.45IrielAh, so it's prefix only
06:18.45Temnot very
06:18.55IrielIterate, like the mail frame does
06:19.12Irielif it's tab completion speed isn't really THAT important
06:19.17Temthat's so easy
06:19.17Anduin|Wholist the names alphabeticly and itterate
06:19.22IrielI know 8-)
06:19.28Irielalpha doesn't help you
06:19.42Irielunless you want to do a binary search, but even then that's a pain to code.
06:19.53Temsuppose I want a pain to code
06:19.57IrielIf you want to be slightly advanced
06:20.05Irieltehn you could just maintain the names in a table
06:20.13Irieland then iterate over your table, rather than the base query functions
06:20.22Cairof *course* Tem wants a pain to code, Tem is masochistic
06:20.30TemI'm not masochistic
06:20.35BeladonaLegorol: if you can, make sure you post a thread in the Released Interfaces forum, that way people can post bugs, etc...
06:20.47Tembut if it's too easy it won't keep my attention long enough for me to finish it
06:21.14Irielif you want to be really silly, you could maintain a lookup table with all the name prefixes mapping to a name
06:21.18Tem(just like the 8ish half written addons I have sitting un released)
06:21.31Irieli.e. "i" "ir" "iri" "irie" "iriel" all map to "iriel"
06:21.39TemI like that
06:21.39Irielwell, map to "Iriel"
06:22.00Irielthat generates a lot of silly strings
06:22.06Irielbut if the list isn't that volatile you probaly dont care
06:22.15Temthe other thought I had was maintaining one really silly long string
06:22.27Temlike "#name1#name2#...""
06:22.37Temand using string.gfind("#("..txt.."[^#]*)#")
06:23.24Irielthat'd work too, but you'd generate a lot of garbage whenever the list changed
06:23.52Temit would need to make  a new string every time a name is added
06:23.55Irieldo both and benchmark them
06:24.12kremonteish slouken afk?
06:24.17Irielyou at least have concat to make building the string relatively efficient
06:24.23Legorolhow long to accept the submission?
06:24.29Irielkremonte : Who knows, but we try not to bug him with work stuff anyway 8-)
06:24.54IrielHe's probably assembling, or compiling, or compassembling -- whatever the term is for compiling inline assembly
06:24.55TemIriel: table.concat works to prevent what I just said?
06:25.13IrielTem: No, but it stops you creating a zillion intermediate strings while you build the long one
06:25.19Irielat least, I think it does
06:25.47kremontewell, it's just a question on if my guildies could use this
06:25.55GenNMXWhy is it that I set the parent of the MainMenuExpBar to UIParent, then do MainMenuExpBar:Hide(), and that hides the entire MenuBar?
06:26.13Beladonayou submitted it Legorol? I don't see it
06:26.21IrielBecause the rest of the menubar has MainMenuExpBar as a parent?
06:26.29Beladonaahh Cair got it
06:26.45GenNMXIriel: I'm looking in MainMenuBar.xml and I don't see it...lemme look again
06:26.53Legoroli just got it, after about 5 disconnects, what i was doing wrong
06:27.04Legoroli was creating link for Whirlwind Sword and named it Whirlwind Axe
06:27.15Cairbtw, Legorol? Thank you
06:27.24IrielMainMenuBarArtFrame is a subframe of MainMenuExpBar
06:27.35Irielas are many others
06:27.37Irielodd as that is
06:27.40Cairnow I *never* need to try to use CG ever again!  That was the last mod that I use that wasn't hosted at WoWI
06:27.47Cairthank GOD
06:27.50GenNMXAhhh you're rigth
06:27.55kremontelol Cair
06:28.00GenNMXWonder why they did that?
06:28.25kremonteso uh , if me guildies and i played around in guild chat with , would we get kerboot?
06:28.33Legorolwell, i think that, as painful as it may be, i will seriously consider abandoning CG and moving my hosting to WoWi only
06:28.49Legoroli do not agree with the fact that CG has gold ads
06:29.05Legoroli know that they can't help it, filtering the googleads is probably difficult
06:29.07Legoroland they do need cash
06:29.13Legorolso i was sticking with them
06:29.21Cairoh bullshit it is hard to filter the ads
06:29.28Legorolis it easy?
06:29.30Legorolwell i have no idea
06:29.47Cairit is easy
06:29.50CairCT does it
06:30.26Cairif they really gave a damn, they could filter easily enough
06:30.37Cairsorry, but that argument just doesn't fly
06:30.45Cairaaaanyway, shutting up now
06:31.20Anduin|Whowell ReURL works now
06:33.14Legoroldang, changing colour in item link boots me..
06:33.48Legorolslouken really must have enabled strict checking on my account :D
06:33.53Legorolcan't fake a grey as an epic
06:35.40Legoroloh, approved already! sweet
06:35.57LegorolCair, the version string seems to have gotten truncated
06:36.02CairROFL, welcome to 5 minutes ago Legorol
06:37.02Cairyeah, seeing that ... will ask Dolby to increase the length of it in the DB
06:37.28Legoroldon't worry, i changed it to 1.8.x
06:37.55Cairwell fine then!
06:38.08BeladonaI still think that should be a default feature
06:38.15Beladonanot to take your addon away or anything
06:38.43Legoroli'd be more than happy if it was!
06:38.51kremonteLegorol - you can never do that
06:39.02Legoroli wrote it because i thought this feature *should be* in the game, not because i thought it *shouldn't be* :-)
06:39.06kremonte yayyy
06:39.14BeladonaI can't live without it
06:39.15kremontethat was a crash course in XML
06:39.32sweedein CHAT_MSG_CHANNEL, whats arg 10 ?
06:39.33Legorolso what forum did you want me to post in ?
06:39.42Cairkremonte !!
06:39.42BeladonaReleased Interfaces
06:40.00Anduin|Whois no arg10
06:40.19kremonteCair, it's not released or anything
06:40.22Cairbad doobie, kremonte, no biscuit
06:40.33CairI know,but I'm still allowed to pick on you :p
06:40.43kremonte./leave #wowi-lounge
06:40.59Cairdon't let the door hit you on the ass on the way out
06:41.00kremonteif i typed what i muttered, youd kick me
06:41.19Cairor cry
06:41.22Cairone of the two
06:41.30kremonteguillotine made it, but it was a 22kb file made in wowuides
06:41.40kremonteso i made it down to a 2kb file, and learned how along the way
06:41.46Legorolis there a way to link the mod to the thread and vice versa?
06:42.01Cairyup, put the link in :p
06:42.20Legorolbtw thanks for the instant customer support :-)
06:42.22BeladonaI am still dissapointed that the wow ui designer can't display default files in real-time
06:42.28Legorolnothing better than asking in IRC
06:42.30Beladonathat is really all I would use it for
06:42.46kremonteit bloats it like hell too, like a.. WOW frontpage
06:42.54Cairso come on kremonte, what did you mutter?
06:43.02Legorolehm, one more question, when someone clicks the "add a comment", where do those go?
06:43.15Irielwrong window, sorry
06:43.19kremontedidn't mutter "bitch", sure didn't
06:43.27BeladonaLegorol: bottom of the download page
06:43.34Beladonacheck another download for an example
06:43.38kremontei didn't curse you, *whistle*
06:43.42CairLegorol: as an example, scroll down ...
06:43.45Legorolso why have a separate forum thread?
06:43.55IrielOk.. UI question for anyone who cares
06:44.00Beladonabecause it is more efficient to do support via forum
06:44.14Anduin|Whopain in the ass for lookign in one lace tho..
06:44.26Cair(personally, I hate the "comments" and wish we'd never turned them on)
06:44.31IrielSuppose a configuratoin GUI has a slider to change the way the UI behaves under certain circumstances....
06:44.48CairIriel:  okay ..
06:44.49Iriel... and the GUI is going to preview you those circumstances while you move the slider...
06:45.00Iriel... should it go into preview mode when you mouse over the slider, or only when you click on it?
06:45.03Beladonalike a texture change via slider?
06:45.14IrielLet's say it's an alpha change
06:45.31Beladonahover would be more intuitive
06:45.44Irielok, i'll try it that way first. thanks.
06:45.58Legoroli think it shoudl preview only i fyou have dragged the slider to new place
06:46.11Beladonathat wouldn't be a preview then
06:46.12Legorolif you just hover, with the slider still at its previous value, why preview?
06:46.15Beladonayou are setting it
06:46.26Legorolthen we have two different definition of "hover"
06:46.39Cairdepends whether or not the GUI has an accept/cancel button or not
06:46.48Legoroli was going to say that the way i see it,
06:46.53Legorolif you drag the slider, it should preview it
06:46.58Legorolif you click Ok, it makes the change permanent
06:46.59BeladonaI agree that moving the slider may be sifficient for testing different settings
06:47.02Legorolif you hit cancel, it reverts
06:47.07Cairif it does, then moving the slider just previews it, until you hit accept
06:47.08Beladonaunless you NEED to see preview
06:47.15Legorolthat's what i'd expect from a configuration gui
06:47.24Legorolyeah, as Cair says
06:47.49IrielI need a preview
06:47.54Irielthere are 3 sliders
06:47.58Cairif the gui doesn't have said button, then yeah, would have to go with your way Bela, but in that case, I'd rather see it as a click than a hover
06:48.01Irielfor the alpha in different states
06:48.15IrielI need to make the display pretend it's in the desired state
06:48.16Cairerrr, mouseover
06:48.27Beladonaand you can't always simulate each state on the fly, so you need to see a rpeview
06:48.28Irielwhile you slide, and possibly before
06:48.38CairIriel: for your circles?
06:48.46Irielwell, I can do it while you slide, I just wanted to know if I should do it on hover
06:48.47IrielCair: Yes
06:49.04TemIriel: that sounds guilicious
06:49.16CairTem: it is
06:49.17Temmake it fade
06:49.23CairI've played with them, it's sweet
06:49.29Beladonathats tough to determine Iriel. I think all you can do is try both ways to see which you prefer
06:49.47Beladonafrom a gui design standpoint, hover previews are sexy, but maybe not practical
06:50.29IrielImplementation wise I dont think it's that hard.
06:50.40Beladonaneither would be
06:50.43Irielbut who knows 8-)
06:50.52LegorolIriel, no matter how you do it, you need two separate states
06:50.55Legorolthe preview and the actual
06:51.05Legorolall you need to decide is what user action controls which
06:51.10Legoroland when do you copy the preview to the actual
06:51.12Beladonaits the same feature either way, you are just changing what triggers them
06:51.21TemIriel: to perform conversation necromancy, you think just pulling the names on the fly and iterating would be fine? (not even maintaining a table of them)
06:51.37kremonteCair, i upload spoofer mod ok???
06:51.54Cairkremonte: so? I've been calling *myself* a bitch for days now, what's your point?
06:51.58IrielTem: You've lost me a bit, are you changing your main entirely?
06:52.12IrielChanging your MIND, sorry
06:52.16IrielI cannot type today
06:52.17kremontethat you're openly a bitch, and you make people want to strangle your entire family!
06:52.51TemIriel: well no, I'm just wondering
06:52.52krkatem: you want a suffixarray
06:53.05kremonteand yeah, that wans't serious
06:53.11kremontebut me upload spoof mod now to your site ok??
06:53.11Cairstrangle me, fine, strangle my daughter and you'll wish your parents had never even met each other, let alone considered conceiving you :P
06:53.20Temkrka: a suffixarray sounds pointless because I'm working with prefixes
06:53.27kremontemy parents both divorced twice >:O
06:53.27Cairummm, lemme think here ... no
06:53.32kremonteok i upload now
06:53.36IrielTem: It's probably fast enough to just loop over each source set
06:53.37Temkrka: unless I don't understand what you mean?
06:53.43krkathat's probably more likely
06:53.43IrielTem: And check each one in turn
06:53.58TemI think I'll just get my concept working that way
06:54.04Cairwell, talk about a way to make me feel like a complete and utter ass!
06:54.06Temand then I'll play around with fancy searching methods
06:54.07krkasuffixarrays are probably overkill if you have a small amount of names
06:54.12LegorolIriel, thanks a lot for your explanation on the links, itemids etc.
06:54.20Legorolhow does a player link look like?
06:54.23Legoroljust player:name ?
06:54.39IrielI think so
06:54.49TemI'm thinking of a worse case scenario of a guild of a few hundred members which really isn't that big
06:55.00IrielIt's all client cached anyway
06:55.09kremonteis it possible to put them in chat?
06:55.13krkajust do a loop through search
06:55.47Anduin|Whoeditbox:insert(text) then update the highlight
06:55.53IrielAmusing krka, we started that way, but Tem felt it was 'too simple' 8-)
06:56.08Temwell it is 'too simple'
06:56.36krkafor 100 of members, i don't think you can beat it
06:56.52Cairhey Mondinga, you here?
06:56.56Tembut it's getting later, and my desire to be convoluted is getting sleepy
06:57.04krkasuffix array are faster to lookup but harder to code and maintain
06:57.56Temoh, I see what you are talking about
06:58.06TemIriel: suggested something very similar earlier
06:58.21Temsilly tab complete putting a ':' there
06:59.22Tembut anyway.. I need to get moving.  I'm tired of being in game and typing "Pon"<tab><tab> "... wtf?"
06:59.46BeladonaIriel, you think should post links to my compares in your changes thread when test patches come out?
07:00.22IrielIt'd be cool if you posted them in my 'Actual changes' thread
07:00.43TemBeladona: something should be done about your compares; the xml is unreadable
07:00.45IrielThat way the sticky doesn't get out of hand, but the folks who care get to see them
07:00.54Legorolkrka: i read that page on what a suffix array is
07:00.59Legorolwhy are they useful?
07:01.02Legorolwhat can you do with them?
07:01.07TemLegorol: tab completion
07:01.32BeladonaTem: why are you looking at the xml?
07:01.36TemI'm sure there are other more useful applications, but that's what my tired mind came up with
07:01.38Legorolthe page also claims that it allows you to do a binary search for any substring
07:01.46Legorolhow does this work?
07:01.53Legoroland how does the tab completion work?
07:02.09TemBeladona: because I'm too lazy to extract the framexml or download your file snapshots
07:02.30BeladonaI am confused though, my xml files are transformed via xsl
07:02.39Beladonaare you saying your browser shows you straight xml?
07:02.45Temno no
07:02.47Kaeltengnight everyone.
07:02.56Cairnight Kael, sweet dreams
07:02.57TemI'm saying my browser shows me horribly wrapped lines
07:03.10Temand it makes my eyes hurt
07:03.14Beladonatake a screenshot and send it to me
07:03.20Temit's really not a big issue
07:03.33Temjust me trying to use your diff for something I shouldn't
07:03.36Beladonawell if there is something I can do to fix it, I will
07:04.31Temwhen the nesting goes pretty deep, the lines get too long to view since the diff has them split up the middle to show both
07:04.41Legorolah, i think i am starting to get this
07:04.45Temin this case, it wraps the lines making it crazy hard to read
07:05.11Legorolam i right in thinking that with a suffix table, you can do a binary search and come up with *all* positions of a substring in a given string with a single search?
07:05.12Tembut like I said, I shouldn't be trying to read it anyway.  That's not what diffs are for
07:05.18krkaLegorol, they allow for extremely fast substring searches in long text strings
07:05.20BeladonaI don't seem to have that problem. So either your browser isn't displaying it right, or /shrug
07:05.39TemI've got FF
07:05.44Legorolkrka: if i understand correctly, you can get all occurences in one pass, is that correct?
07:05.58Beladonalink me an example
07:06.07Legoroland how does tab completion work?
07:06.10krkaall occurences will be next to each other in an array
07:06.17Legorolthat's what i thought
07:06.30Legoroland since the array is alphabetical, you only need binary search, right?
07:06.31krkamaybe I should code up suffix arrays in lua
07:06.33krkathat would be cool
07:07.39TemBeladona: check DressUpFrame.xml line 78
07:07.40krkasuffix arrays would eat up tons of memory in lua though, I think
07:07.48Temdoes it need to
07:08.00Temignore that
07:08.22Tem(that was a half sentence that I hit enter instead of delete on)
07:08.39Legorolkrka: why? i thought the suffix table is just an array of integers
07:08.58krkahmm... true
07:08.58krkasorry, my bad
07:09.15krkai think creating it might be mem consuming though
07:09.20krkanot sure, I will have to do it :)
07:09.21Legoroli still don't understand how to use it for tab completion..
07:09.28Legorolbut that would get GCd
07:09.31Tembtw, Beladona, I think the changes you have made to wdn lately are awesome
07:09.46krkayes, GC is bad =)
07:09.55Legorolonly need to do it once..
07:10.09krkaonce for every time you update the thing to search through
07:10.10Beladonathank Tem
07:10.15Beladonaerr, Thanks
07:10.48BeladonaI see what you mean about the wrapping Tem
07:11.03Beladonait was either that or allow it to span past the frame
07:11.08Beladonaor table
07:11.17Beladonain which case the code would overlap each other
07:12.02Beladonanot the best solution, but the only one I could come up with for now. I am looking into a method of putting the code into two iframes with scrollbars
07:12.15Beladonahopefully that will help
07:12.54Legorolkrka, however, depending on how you do it, you may not need to create the substrings?
07:13.00TemiFrame == Bad
07:13.04Temkeep it the way it is now
07:13.09BeladonaI didn't mean an actual iframe mind you
07:13.15LegorolTem, didn't you and Irieal discuss his
07:13.23Beladonajust the easiest way to describe it
07:13.29Legoroli am about to drop off from chair, better go sleep
07:13.30krkaLegorol, true
07:13.43krkasleep? it's 8 am :P
07:13.48Legorolthat's why
07:13.52Legorol'cause it's 8am
07:13.54TemLegorol: hmm?
07:13.57krkayou haven't slept yet? O_o
07:14.08TemBeladona: where are the other diffs?
07:14.13Temtheres only like 2 there
07:14.14Legoroldon't worry, i woke up veyr late anywya
07:14.49*** join/#wowi-lounge saysur|afk (
07:15.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Depherios (n=Depherio@
07:15.05Temok this statement doesn't seem to make any sense: " Some O(n2) construction algorithms are faster than the Θ(n) algorithms in practise."
07:15.09TemIs that even possible?
07:15.41Beladona(wdn) patch notes will be up tomorrow
07:16.19krkasure it is tem
07:16.24krkaup to some value of n
07:16.35Temkrka: wow
07:16.40Temkrka: that's so simple
07:16.48Temkrka: must be time for me to go to sleepp
07:16.50krkaread about suffix arrays now?
07:17.00Irielsuppose that the O(n2) algorithm is 20n2
07:17.04krkai prefer the O(n log n) version myself
07:17.08Irieland the O(n) algorithm is 10000(n)
07:17.09krkait's easiest to understand
07:17.21krkai implemented an O(n) algorithm of suffix arrays once... damn that was hard!
07:17.35krkamost painful thing to understand I've ever seen
07:18.18Temsuffix arrays would help me, but I think it would be major overkill
07:18.28krkayes it would
07:18.39krkaa four-liner search would be sufficient
07:19.13Temespecially when my list probably won't go above 500 even in the "worst" cases
07:19.49krkai'll see if I can code up a simple working suffix array implementation some time :)
07:20.41krkajust for the fun of it
07:20.43TemBeladona: but, what about all those old diffs? they were there before
07:20.59Beladonawhich ones
07:21.18Beladonawith the recent version split in 1.8.4 I had to rerun all my diffs
07:22.24Beladonaeverything should be there now though
07:22.33Beladonayou may need to refresh your browser to get the links
07:23.40CairTem: hit refresh, as Bela suggested ... the links weren't showing up for me, either, until I did
07:24.11Temah there we go
07:24.21TemI've got Live changes all the way down now
07:26.16Temok well theres one to scratch your head about
07:26.19BeladonaI hid some versions.  can unhide them if anyone would rather see them there, but I figured they were unnecessary. Like version 1.8.2 which was GB only
07:26.44Temthere was no change to Blizzard_CraftUI.lua
07:26.56Beladonawhich version?
07:27.03Tembut... there had to have been /some/ change to accomidate the new enchanting links
07:27.09Temthe first test server build
07:27.35Beladonawhat changed with the enchanting links?
07:27.58Temthere weren't any before
07:28.26Anduin|Whowhat's the syntax?
07:28.29IrielWas the change in the XML?
07:28.31Irielor in another file?
07:28.37BeladonaI see a change in teh XML
07:28.45Beladonajust not lua
07:29.12Beladonaand ignore that, because the xml change was just the schemlocation
07:30.03Temmaybe those weren't in the first test server build?
07:30.17BeladonaI don't see it in any
07:30.24Beladonaunless it is a backend thing only
07:30.42Beladonaahh crap hang on
07:30.53Beladonadamn dirty apes
07:30.59Beladonaprobably mispelled something
07:31.41BeladonaI see it
07:31.47Anduin|Who:( no one <3's sea.. poor post lost 2 pages..
07:31.48Beladona4979 should be 4879
07:32.19TemThe hell is QATests
07:32.33Beladonabeats me
07:32.38Beladonabut it was there, so I included it
07:32.57Beladonasomething internal that got out to live apparently
07:33.02Beladonafor Quality Assurance
07:33.16CairAnduin|Who: ?
07:33.19Beladonathat link is fixed now if you refresh
07:33.22Anduin|Whoanyway to tell if you're an officer of your guild?
07:33.33Caircheck guild roster?
07:33.47KolthKarl: When you try to do /o it says you can't do that.
07:33.59Anduin|Whook, well before doing /o
07:34.10Anduin|Whohave to surf the guild list for my name then?
07:34.11Beladonayou mean a way via scripting?
07:34.26Anduin|Whois there an officer argumetn?
07:34.33Anduin|Whoyes code... guh!
07:34.48Beladonaif not there should be
07:34.57Anduin|Whoud think
07:35.32pagefaultkergoth_, wow BGinvite is awesome
07:35.36Beladonayou can do CanGuildInvite()
07:35.45Beladonaif that returns true, you are an officer
07:35.56Beladonaas for querying someone ELSES status
07:37.53Anduin|Whoisn't there an option to disallow officer inviting?
07:38.14Beladonanot sure, its been a while since I was in a position to check that
07:38.32IrielIf I wasn't on test I could answer that
07:39.57Temwow my post got deleted
07:40.10Beladonalocal guildName, guildRankName, guildRankIndex = GetGuildInfo("player");
07:40.11Temnever had that happen before
07:40.18Beladonathat might be useful also
07:40.20Irielwhat post where?
07:40.31Cairhuh Tem?
07:40.33Temthe one about stack traces in the 1.10 thread
07:40.44IrielAh, that's just slouken tidying up
07:40.47Irielhe's done that to me a few times
07:40.55Irielit's disconcerting
07:41.14Temwell did you see the 1.9 thread?
07:41.20Temhe added them for 1.9
07:41.22Cairnight Beladona
07:41.31purlG'night beladona, get out of here.
07:41.31IrielDid you see that I'
07:41.31Temso I understand the deletion :)
07:41.39IrielI'd already updated the first post in that thread 8-)
07:41.50Cairand I've already copied it over to WoWI
07:41.53Temsee I no tha' smert
07:41.57IrielWe're good 8-)
07:42.10Bela|Sleepwill get on putting linkbacks to the comapres tomorrow
07:43.12TemBela|Sleep: what's the difference between Live Changes and Test Changes on a Test Build?
07:43.43Bela|Sleepcompares to the previous test, and the current live
07:44.16Bela|Sleepand I see another report that shows missing
07:44.21Bela|Sleepfixing it now
07:44.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Trilian (
07:45.16CairBela ... tomorrow ... fix it tomorrow ... go sleep
07:45.22Cairyou're as bad as I am
07:45.53Bela|SleepI am gonna have to fix it tomorrow
07:45.59Cairthe world will not end if it isn't fixed tonight
07:46.01Bela|Sleepthe compare script is on my laptop
07:46.02Cairgot to bed
07:46.08TemBela|Sleep: I don't think you understand my question
07:46.10Cairgo to*
07:46.43TemWhat's the difference between "Live Changes" and "Test Changes" on a  >>TEST<< Build
07:46.52Bela|SleepI answered that
07:47.10Bela|SleepLive Changes compares that version with the current live client at the time of the test release
07:47.11Tempurl slap me
07:47.12purlACTION slaps tem, keep your grubby fingers to yourself!
07:47.30Bela|SleepTest Compare compares that test version, with the previous test version, if any
07:47.40Anduin|Whoanyone know the CTRA variable for the current ctra channel name off the top of their head?
07:47.53Temnope, sorry
07:48.11Bela|Sleeptomorrow I may stick a small explanation thing at the bottom to explain what each one is
07:49.48IrielI wonder if I should make the stat rings GUI a load on demand addon
07:49.59Iriellike, the config part
07:50.02Irielnot the actualrings
07:54.02TemAnduin|Who: shocking
07:54.33TemIriel: I don't know about LoD stuff... but I think the GUI should be circular
07:55.03IrielTem: maybe one day, but not today
07:55.22IrielThough CircularSlider would be pretty damn cool
07:55.34Cairoi vey
07:55.42Temthat'd be pretty easy too
07:56.09Temit would just be an extension of the rings you already have
07:56.24IrielWell, i'd need to move my rotation code across for the thumb
07:56.28Irielbut that's nto that hard either
07:56.37IrielThe first UI will be more conventional
08:00.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Kalroth (n=kalroth@
08:01.08Anduin|WhoI struggle with this constantly... should i post a beta version to let people use or should I just wait and see if i can get bigger "ooh, ahh" when it has all the features..
08:01.32Gryphontest folder so i can oooh ahh
08:01.34Gryphonwhat you makin?
08:02.01Anduin|Whomm atm workin a lil on ChatBar you've already seen
08:02.16Anduin|Whotho I made a ReURL too
08:02.18Gryphonahh oh
08:02.38Anduin|Whothx gryph
08:07.09Tembah, I'm going to sleep
08:07.14TemI'm getting nowhere
08:07.17Cairnight Tem
08:07.22Temsleeplater everyone
08:19.54Cairthanks Iriel
08:20.12Cairbtw, do me a favour Iriel?
08:20.31Irielwhat's that?
08:23.52Kalrothuse softer feathers in next pillow!
08:25.43Cairamongst other things, aye
08:29.17*** join/#wowi-lounge krka|work (
08:37.58Anduin|Whoya, basicly
08:38.36krka|worko rly?
08:38.41Cairsomeone talk, I'm bored and have to stay awake for another 2 hrs yet
08:38.56Anduin|Whobreak started today and im already bored. that's not a good sign
08:39.10CairO  rly?
08:39.13Kalrothya rly!
08:39.18Valleriusno wai!
08:39.19Depherios-12, N, Orbit
08:40.14Cairage? old enough to know better, young enough to still go ahead.  sex? yes please, as often as possible.  location?  anywhere and everywhere
08:40.45grollcair ur being naughty again :P
08:41.13KtronCareful, you never know whose logging
08:41.13grollmorning btw
08:41.22Cairmorning groll :)
08:41.23Anduin|Whospank me, spank me!
08:41.29KtronI'm sure purl would oblige
08:41.33grollAnduin|Who u get no spanking! :P
08:42.02Anduin|Whoi'll just watch holy grail again for the tower of virgens i spose
08:42.29Kalrothmmm, tower of virgins
08:42.43krka|worki am always logging
08:43.13KtronAt worst, you could always say someone else was on IRC with your name
08:43.20KtronAlright, I'm done trouble making
08:43.23krka|workmm... tower
08:43.36krka|work(a tower is a shape that can catch donuts!)
08:43.52Valleriusmmm, donuts.
08:44.00Ktron(a virgin is one too!)
08:44.02Anduin|Whoand other genaric things with holes
08:44.42CairDingo: Oh, wicked, bad, *naughty* Zoot!  She has been setting a light to              our beacon, which, I've just  remembered, is grail-shaped.  It's              not the first time we've had this problem...      Galahad: (incredibly disappointed) It's not the real Grail????!        Dingo: Oh, wicked, bad, naughty, *evil* Zoot!  (leading him back into              the room with all the women in it)  She is a *na
08:44.46krka|workgood donuts are hard to find in sweden :(
08:45.19Kalrothhaha Cair
08:46.23Cairnot that I have things like monty python script sites bookmarked or anything
08:46.35KtronWhat's good for at least a few minutes of drabble... If could have Blizzard add any one class for both sides or two classes, one per side, what would it/they be?
08:46.51Cairshammy to alliance!
08:47.05Cairor do you mean *new* classes?
08:47.05Valleriusthat would be so broken  :p
08:47.22Ktronyeah, new
08:47.27Ktronnew to WoW anyway
08:47.34Ktronnew to WoW players anyway
08:47.40Valleriuspeons. WoW totally needs playable peons. and peasants.
08:48.04Kalrothme no like work
08:48.06Cairactually, iirc, there is a new class coming
08:48.06Depherios... oh wait... wrong universe
08:48.14krka|workthere are peons in WoW already though
08:48.20krka|worklazy bastards
08:48.29KtronPersonally, I think Blizzard should allow people to install/play 'free' accounts, with a maximum level of like 10 or 15, which can only be peons or peasants
08:48.35Ktronlike spawns almost
08:48.54Valleriusthat would be spiffy, but imagine the abuse
08:48.58krka|workyeah, that'll never be abused...
08:49.00kergoth_~emulate stewie
08:49.03purlNo Sprinkles. For every sprinkle I find, I shall kill you.
08:49.03KalrothI'd make me a ton of free accounts then, just to have an army of peons
08:49.15Cairkinda like when EQ let you be mobs for a while?
08:49.17Valleriusit'd be worse than pink-haired gnome invasions
08:49.32KtronKalroth: Or maybe you can have a peon account if you buy the game, but aren't/don't pay the monthly fee?
08:49.39IrielWhee, my first UIDropDownMenu
08:49.51KalrothThen I'd buy 20-30 copies of the game :p
08:50.19Anduin|Whooh yeah? grats
08:50.33Anduin|Whothey're a pain till u get used to um
08:50.48IrielI'm trying to find out why everyone doesn't like them
08:50.49krka|workwould be awesome if you could log on and be a random low level mob
08:50.53IrielThey seem quite easy
08:50.54krka|workand choose its strategy
08:50.58krka|workthat would rock!
08:51.04*** join/#wowi-lounge Industrial (
08:51.08krka|workgrats Iriel
08:51.14Anduin|Whothey are easy, just not intuitive
08:51.17Depherioscustom drop-downs?
08:51.18KtronYeah, I think almost more 'mission' based BGs might be fun
08:51.23krka|workeveryone dislikes them because they get screwed up when you change zones
08:51.26Cairkrka|work: that's what EQ did for a little while
08:51.40Cairit was a blast
08:51.41Ktronthink 20 man raids for horde, with 10 alliance players on the defending side
08:51.45Ktronor vice versa
08:52.04Valleriusoh noes, murlocs with humans at the keyboard... *shudder*
08:52.14KtronI'm sure it'd rock
08:52.24Depheriostough to balance
08:52.26Irielwhat kind of zone change would that require?
08:53.26Anduin|Whoany zone change while the menu is open i think
08:53.35krka|workyes, I think anduin is right
08:53.46krka|workwas so long since i played, i don't really remember
08:53.46Anduin|Whomight just be with the default menu xml
08:53.59krka|workyes, that seems likely
08:54.04Industrialgo, work!
08:54.09Anduin|Whohavent actually seen that bug recently
08:54.13purlFriday sucks, because it should be the weekend, but you're stuck working anyway.
08:54.17Cairhi Industrial
08:54.21Industrialmorning Cair
08:54.34krka|workhm, perhaps you can make your own dropdown menu instead of using the builtin one
08:54.46Industrialalready done
08:55.27IrielI'm trying to use the built in ones
08:55.38IrielI guess we'll see what they do.
08:55.46Industrialtheres an ace addon that fixes the dropdowns
08:55.52Industrialthink it shipped with aceGUI
08:57.03krka|workthe code looks correct Cair
08:57.14Cairnot my post :p
08:57.34Cairjust pointing it out to you guys, since you're all, like, smrt and shit
08:57.43krka|workyeah, I know it wasn't yours
08:57.47KalrothWe are?
08:57.54Anduin|Who,,, i cant duplicate that old zone menu bug, maybe they fized it
08:57.56krka|workthe problem most likely is that some addon is calling that function
08:57.57IrielI got it
08:57.58IndustrialI hate how forum searches list only the thread, wich might have 30 pages, as result for the search
08:58.04Industriali want the posts! >_<
08:58.04Iriel(the forum post, that is)
08:58.14krka|workit should only be called from a certain event I think
08:58.17Cairfigured you would Iriel ;)
08:58.22krka|workthat defines arg1 to something reasonable
08:58.34krka|workOnVerticalScroll perhaps
08:58.56Irielyes, it should be called from an OnVerticalScroll handler
08:58.59Irielthus the name 8-)
08:59.03CairIndustrial: if you know the author, you can do a search on their name, then you can get the "jump to" for whichever particlar post
08:59.10IndustrialCair: i dont :|
08:59.13Cairif you are talking about Blizz, that is
08:59.14KtronI think my classes would be bloodmages for alliance as seen in Warcraft III, and a necromancer-esque class for Horde-- two new cloth wearers, necromancer minions would be based upon they're kill (kind of hunters and warlocks mixed), and I'd give them talent trees of necromancy, shadow damage (I'd love to see reincarnations of bone wall and bone shield), and vampiric effects.... And for...
08:59.15Ktron...bloodmages, talents of elemental damage (I'd keep their damage mixed, like most their spells do X fire and Y nature), sacrifice (stuff like turning health into mana, maybe sacrificing your own health to heal others and so on), and ... who knows for the third
08:59.20IndustrialCair: no wowace
08:59.26Ktronheh, now that we're well beyond that
08:59.27krka|workforum searches are horribly broken :/
08:59.46Industrialwowace forum is a bit screwed in that it marks posts as read when your session ends
08:59.55CairIndustrial, search topic and forum?
09:00.16krka|worki think the new class is brewmaster
09:00.22Industrialmeh back to work
09:00.38grollIndustrial i did too last night.. guildwebsite got hacked :P
09:01.35CairIndustrial ?
09:02.03Cairnm, missed that he was going back to work
09:02.37PlorkyeranThe code for Nymbia's Perl unitframes makes me cry
09:02.46Plorkyeranit does the exact same thing several times in a row
09:02.49Plorkyeranfor everything
09:03.05Kalrothyay, lets talk procedural code vs oo code!
09:03.17Plorkyeranit sets the scale on something, does something else, sets the scale to something different, then sets it back to the original value
09:03.25Plorkyeranall within about 30 lines
09:03.28Industrialoo ftw
09:03.41Plorkyerancode that does something ftw
09:03.46Industrialthat too
09:03.48Plorkyeranno wonder this takes a minute to load
09:03.59Industrialive seen oo code that was all thought out, but it did nothing lol
09:04.13Industrial"look they work together" "but it doesnt do anything" "yeah, so?"
09:04.15KalrothYou leave my code alone, Indy!
09:04.26Anduin|Whoonly scale trick that should be used for is for correcting font size
09:04.58Industrialall frames made at 100%, and scale the whole ui.
09:05.09Industrialor use something independent to change things
09:05.09Plorkyeranit changes the scale on the player frames five times
09:05.13Plorkyeranthat I've found so far
09:05.19Cair... why?
09:05.23Industrialyay for ace unit frames
09:05.37IndustrialCair: because macro makers aren't programmers
09:05.41Plorkyeranone appears to be a copy and paste error
09:05.47Plorkyeranthe rest are in different files
09:06.07Plorkyeranit sets it in one place, then calls a function that sets it again in the middle of it
09:06.24PlorkyeranI'm thinking of just nuking the entire thing and just using Visor to configure it
09:06.37Industrialbet the guy was like "yay lah lah" *jump throught the code as if though a field of flowers* sprinkling the code with more code
09:07.11IndustrialPlorkyeran: check out aceBarFrames
09:07.32krka|workPlorkyeran, yeah i read nymbias code once too, it hurt my eyes
09:07.36krka|workthe goggles, they did nothing
09:08.15krka|workmostly because it did everything so damn inefficently
09:08.28Plorkyeranis there any possible reason to call Perl_Player_Frame:Show() onload?
09:08.32Plorkyeranfour times, in fact
09:08.43CairIndustrial: are you actually like here atm?
09:08.54IndustrialCair: on and off
09:09.04IndustrialCair: whenever the boss looks in my direction, or doesnt
09:09.20Industrialyay for desktop switcher
09:09.42Cairokay, wanted to point out to you that you can get search results by post instead of thread at Ace forum
09:09.44Irielok.. maybe i'm about to start hating dropdowns
09:09.55Industrialokay, cool. how? :D
09:09.59krka|workwhy Iriel?
09:10.03Cairdown at the bottom there is a spot to choose which way you want the results
09:10.09Cairon the search window
09:10.25Cairthat's like old news
09:10.30Irielif I try and change the value in one dropdown from the click handler of another, it doesn't seem to like it.
09:10.33Cairmost boards I go to have that option
09:10.59krka|workoh yeah, i remember I had lots of troubles trying to do anything
09:11.08krka|worki had to hide / reshow whenever i changed something
09:11.31Cair - see the "Display results as" just above the search button?
09:13.47Industrialyeah got it
09:14.00Cairlike I said, most forums have that option
09:16.32Cairas everyone shuts up again and leaves me going lalalala some more
09:16.34krka|work(object oriented!)
09:17.31IndustrialCair: life isnt 24/7 :P
09:17.40IndustrialCair: i'm dead half of the time
09:17.49Industrialeither asleep in bed
09:17.57Industrialor behind the desk
09:17.59Cairdead sounds like a plan
09:18.09CairI could go for dead
09:18.33Depheriosit's too late to be debating SAC
09:18.59Industrial"woman jumps off building screaming: double you ohh double you eff teee double youuuuuuuuuu....."
09:19.21Industrialoh, needs an I in there
09:19.39Plorkyeranit's a bad sign when I comment out the OnUpdate func and nothing breaks, right?
09:19.48krka|worknot necessarily
09:20.01CairIndustrial: *boggle*
09:20.08IndustrialCair: lol just kidding
09:20.35Industrialless drugs for me
09:20.39Industrialmore work!
09:20.57CairI'm trying to figure out what the hell that was supposed to spell ... or something ... o.O
09:22.51IrielI think I figured out the bug
09:23.08IndustrialCair: WOWI FTW
09:24.49sweedeis there an easy quick way to draw a frame or line around like a button element so i can view where it is (its hidden until mouseover)
09:26.05IrielStick a frame with a backdrop border over it
09:26.28sweedei'm having a problem getting these two frames to lay on top of each other :|
09:26.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Cair (
09:26.45*** mode/#WoWI-lounge [+o Cair] by ChanServ
09:26.49sweedeor, i should say a button to line up with a frame.
09:28.57Anduin|Whowow needs to quit faster
09:30.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Deph (n=deph@
09:30.40Irielit quits quite quickly if you dont have a crapload of saved variables
09:31.13Cairjust how much *is* a "crapload", anyway?
09:32.08Irielquite a lot
09:33.43Cairit's one of those questions you just have to wonder about, you know?  It's like, why is it that some awe is good, but full awe is bad?
09:37.33krka|workexample of crapload of saved variables would be stuff from auctioneer, lootlink or autotravel
09:40.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Cair (
09:40.45*** mode/#WoWI-lounge [+o Cair] by ChanServ
09:40.58Cairnm, you guys are all busy taking me literally when I was being facetious
09:41.47sweedeanyone got an addon taht shows me the name of the frame the mouse is over, and other info like that ?
09:42.09IrielIsn't there one called FrameFinder?
09:42.38sweedefor some reason i cannot get these frames to line up properly, and then there are extra frames it appears
09:43.09sweedei swear, if i ever won the lotterly, who ever runs that server and site,
09:43.15sweedei'd buy them dinner..
09:44.43Industrialsweede: use visor?
09:45.10DephFrameFinder is built into Discord Frame Modifier
09:45.18Industrialsweede: Discord Frame Modifier has what you seek, but
09:45.29Dephit's nice :P
09:45.30Industrialbut thats horrible
09:45.49Depheh... DFM is nice if you're always tweaking with stuff, but it can do weird things too
09:45.49sweedewhen building addons, i found it good to have a quick reloadui, and having any discord mods loaded negates that :)
09:46.00Dephthey're a LOT better now
09:46.01IndustrialDeph: its WAY WAY WAY too big
09:46.11Dephnaw, DFM is the smallest I think
09:46.19Ktrondoes Loz do much for optimization?
09:46.26Industrialhe says so, dunno
09:46.29Dephhe is
09:46.30Dephhe didn't
09:46.34Dephbut he's doing it now
09:46.38sweedewell, quick reload i'm talking its almost instant on my computer.
09:46.49Dephmy comp has a slow processor so it's slow no matter what
09:46.50Depheven bare
09:47.05sweedeathon 64x2 ftw
09:47.37DephDFM takes a half second to load... but even little things like... say..ChatScroll, takes almost 1/10th of a second lol
09:48.13IndustrialDeph: gg
09:48.26IndustrialDeph: im doing it even smaller. 14kb --> 3kb
09:48.58IrielDoes that look vaguelly sane
09:49.01Irielbefore I head off to bed
09:49.29sweedebah, i give up.
09:50.16Dephyeah, but Ind, I love my alt scroll, and hold down shift for other things, so that would bug me... don't want chat timestamps, move my editbox myself...
09:50.33Cairyes Iriel
09:51.08IrielThe "Select ring type..." dropdown (which I'll rename at some point) switches which group of rings the sub-panel changes
09:51.20Dephlooks sane to me
09:51.29IndustrialDeph: ofcource, but thats the geniousity of making your own addons. do things how YOU want them
09:51.49sweedewhat i have is a big parent frame thats got some text ( a title), and two buttons (To close and minimize). then i have another slightly smaller frame inside that contains the rest of the data to be displayed (using <button>) however, the text displays from the button is not centered, or even close to where you'd think it would be from its parent frame (the inner frame)
09:52.28DephI have plenty of RAM, and have a seperate wow install for developing junk (for faster reload time) -- so it's just not worth a lot of the work for me Industrial... I'll ditch a lot of the discord stuff once I have things more concrete though (probably never)
09:52.36IrielHave you tried setting a backdrop color on your frame?
09:52.42Irieljust to see where it's ended up?
09:52.52sweedeya, that in the right spot !!
09:52.56sweedethats what confusing me..
09:53.07sweedeso then you'd ask whats my anchor settings right ?
09:53.07IrielHow about the FontString
09:53.08krka|worksomeone should make a sane dropdown
09:53.10Irielis it anchored right?
09:53.23sweede<Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="RaidBenchInfo" relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT">
09:53.29sweede<AbsDimension x="0" y="0" />
09:53.36Irielkrka|work : I'm tempted to re-write the blizz ones so they work sanely
09:53.44Dephlol, I just don't use them
09:53.45sweedeto get it in the correct location, i have it x= -60, and y is like, 25
09:53.57IrielHow is your text justified?
09:54.06Irielis it' centered? left? right? top? middle? bottom?
09:54.08DephI do all my XML implementation myself... so far... haven't tried scroll windows yet though... those scare me
09:54.22sweedeall of the sizes of the frame are the same, i shouldnt have any justification problems.
09:54.23krka|workIriel, one feature request would be scrollable dropdowns
09:54.28sweedeall the X dimentions anyways.
09:54.34krka|workso you can an arbitrarily amount of items
09:54.48IrielOne thing to try is anchoring the BOTTOMRIGHT corner as well
09:54.59Irielso your font string is bound tightly to your frame
09:55.15krka|worki implemented my own scroll frame using settexcoord and stuff :P
09:55.16IrielSome of the elements will re-size themselves if you dont anchor them
09:55.25sweedei see that.
09:55.45sweedebut i think im still left with an extra frame..
09:57.41IrielOk, bedtime for me, i'm already 2 hours past when I should have been asleep
09:57.45IndustrialKnights of ace, join our campaign. To venture through darkness, rise up over the slain. We shall conquer their lands, redo all their code. Preserve much more RAM and take less time to load.!
09:57.55Industriali have too much time
09:58.15Cairnight Iriel
09:58.23Industrialand play too many medieval games..
09:58.32Irielsee y'all tomorrow sometime
09:58.36Industrialbye Iriel
10:00.33sweedenow my text has changed sizes from the parent frame :(
10:00.45Deph... scale size?
10:00.46Industrialnah im just kidding about this btw, i have too much time
10:00.53IndustrialDeph: de-ace.. dunno :X
10:01.26sweedewell, i have nothing that sets the scale in XML, or in lua. and all of my frame size attributes have X at the same width
10:02.17DephI mean to UI scale
10:02.26sweedehavent changed any of that.
10:02.33Dephlucky :P
10:02.45sweedethe parent or main frame.
10:03.01sweede<Frame name="RaidBench_Frame_Main" hidden="false" frameStrata="BACKGROUND" toplevel="true" enableMouse="true" movable="true" parent="UIParent">
10:03.15sweedethe next frame..
10:03.17sweede<Frame name="RaidBench_Frame_List" frameStrata="HIGH" movable="true" enableMouse="true" parent="RaidList_Frame_Main">
10:03.34sweedeboth of the absDimensions are the same.
10:04.41sweedesee what my problem was yet ?
10:05.36Dephhuh? I just did a quick check
10:05.45sweede" parent="RaidList_Frame_Main">
10:05.45Dephfor pytos and the like...
10:05.49sweedei have no frame like that..
10:06.14Ktronyou know what would be nice? a WYSIWYG editor for the xml
10:06.20DephI gave up checking stuff like that, because whenever I ask
10:06.22Dephsomebody made one
10:06.29Deph... I saw one... somewhere
10:06.52Deph..whenever I ask, it's just something they didn't include
10:09.34CairKtron|WoW: you've seen Wow UI Designer, correct?
10:09.48Ktron|WoWhave I? I'm not sure
10:10.29Ktron|WoWthat... pretty much rocks
10:10.39DephI knew I saw one somewhere!
10:11.26Ktron|WoWCair, you win at the game of knowing things at the moment
10:11.35Cairthat's my job
10:11.44Cairquote unquote
10:11.49DephCair knows all and sees all... *makes mentok the mind taker noises*
10:12.04Cairnope, I certainly don't
10:12.16Dephof course not... who'd WANT to?
10:12.35Cairbut I frequently can point you in the right direction to find someone/thing that can provide you with what you need
10:14.51DephCair how much do you really know about all this stuff... I mean, I'm lost a good majority of the time in here, but even then, I've learned a lot just sitting in here... How much have you picked up over the time you've been around here?
10:15.10Cairenough to know that I don't know jack shit
10:15.17Dephlol, that's about where I stand
10:15.23Cairbut, again, I know who/where to send you
10:15.28Deph... I've no formal training in any sort of coding excepting the most basic of web design... back when web design sucked
10:15.45CairI have *zero* formal training in coding
10:15.57Depheverything else is just from me going "I want to make this do this" -- and trying to do it, lol
10:16.21KalrothCair knows nothing, neener neener!
10:16.29CairKalroth is correct
10:16.37DephI bet you know more than me ^_^
10:16.41KalrothSo I know something and you dont!
10:16.56CairDeph, nope
10:17.43Cairseriously ... I've been trying to wrap my head around this stuff for, what, 2 years now?  Getting no where
10:17.53DephScripting and coding requires too much "if this happens do this, if this is this.." and after a few minutes of that, I have to get out a pen and pencil and a big peice of paper and chart it all out... then making it takes me 4 days... it doesn't work, I give up... and try to forget I even tried...
10:17.55sweedeis something like this valid, <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relative="$parentName" relativePoint="TOPRIGHT">
10:17.55KalrothCair is just being modest, soon she'll teach us vtable hax0ring, code injection hax0ring and ring0 driver hax0ring!
10:18.16Kalrothoh wait, wrong channel! Can you hax with lua? :P
10:18.29Deph...what would you hax?
10:18.51Dephsweede: never tried it
10:18.56KalrothWell I could set a variable to "hehe" when it's supposed to be a numeric value!
10:18.58Ktron|WoWI got an idea
10:19.08Cairoh noes
10:19.19Dephdid the world just end, and I don't know it?
10:19.33Cair~tease Ktron|WoW
10:19.34purlACTION tickles Ktron|WoW with a feather and makes Ktron|WoW rotflmaopimp-ing
10:19.42sweedeits not lining up the $parentClass Fontstring with the $parentName one :(
10:19.55Ktron|WoWfigure out what alliance sees when you say some code words like 'panakes ninja!!!' in orcish
10:20.11DephI've been doing that Ktron
10:20.15krka|workthe first step to learning to code is reading other peoples (simple!) code and understanding what it does and how
10:20.20Ktron|WoWthen make an AWESOME mod and slip in an event that rebinds all of their keys to sit down when they see that string
10:20.36Ktron|WoWand a channel that they announce themselves on
10:20.55Ktron|WoWa "Hi! I'm going into Hillsbrad now! come and get me!"
10:21.06Cairkrka|work: I've tried, trust me.  It just doesn't make sense to me.  I open up a mod (*any* mod) and go "unhhhhh"
10:21.27KalrothCair: not your fault that people can't code!
10:21.27krka|workstart with simple macros, not mods
10:21.27Ktron|WoWSquidmod is my reference
10:21.42DephLUA took me like 15 minutes of staring... at well commented code to get the way variables are all..... fluid
10:21.46Ktron|WoWwhomever made Squidmod might not realize it, but their mod is a pwning example
10:22.01Cairseriously, if you want to know how pathetic I am at this ... ask Kaelten some time ... he tried to teach me
10:22.06DephI made the mistake of trying to use flexbar first
10:22.22Dephit's well commented...... but..... >_<
10:22.23KalrothSquidMod - The most useless UI-mod in history.
10:22.33DephI have one more useless
10:22.41Dephdoesn't even change graphic elements... just adds
10:23.04krka|workcair could you read something like that? if UnitMana("player") > UnitManaMax("player") / 2 then CastSpell("Some spell") end
10:23.31krka|workflexbar is a piece of crap
10:23.42Cairsee, that doesn't make sense to me ... how the hell can your mana be greater than your max mana
10:24.03DephMaxMana / 2
10:24.19Cairbut yes
10:24.51Cairif you have X mana which is greater than max mana/2, then go ahead and cast (whatever) spell
10:25.06krka|worksee! there is hope :
10:25.09Kalrothif (UnitMana("player") > (UnitManaMax("player") / 2)) then CastSpell("Some spell")
10:25.11Kalrothmuch better!
10:25.31DephLUA is too fluid sometimes damnit XD
10:25.50Industrial(a() b()) or a()
10:25.55Dephwhen people use FunctionName function() -- I want to shoot myself
10:26.22Industriala={b=function(self)} a:b()
10:26.26Industrialnothing wrong with that
10:26.57KalrothWhy can't it be: if PlayerSelf.Mana > PlayerSelf.MaxMana / 2 then CastSpell("Some spell");
10:27.17IndustrialKalroth: because blizzard didnt code OO
10:27.23krka|workyou could make that yourself
10:27.37DephHi Cair, I'm lost too
10:27.38KalrothThat's the first thing I'd make, a Self object
10:27.54Dephalthough I'm glad for the lack of OO
10:27.56KolthGoogle WebClips? *gasps
10:28.10Dephas I've never used it... and don't want to
10:28.19krka|workbad Industrial, scaring cair off
10:28.35IndustrialDeph: boo! :P
10:28.38Dephlol, She would have been scared off..... years? ago?
10:28.42IndustrialDeph: its really ease, and fun
10:28.56DephLUA is the easiest scripting language I've ever used
10:28.59Dephand I still have trouble with it
10:29.03krka|workoo is neither better or worse than pure api functions in this case, imo
10:29.15Dephwell I hate flash scripting
10:29.18krka|workthe benefits mostly come when you write stuff yourself
10:29.25Industrial"the file sends a request to the printer, the printer sends back the options, the file prints itself"
10:29.26Dephbecause the stupid thing seperates numerics and booleans
10:29.27Industrialgo oo!
10:29.47Dephand that, alone, is enough to make me want to blow off my head
10:30.25krka|workblow... head... nah, I am not going to go there
10:30.33Industrialif the file and the printer were two computer programe, how would it not be logic?
10:31.24CairDeph: honestly though, there are enough folks around that *do* know how to do this stuff, so meh that I can't, it's no big deal, not like the community suffers any because I can't.  Otoh, my contribution is in helping to bring the community together, supporting said community, and knowing where to point people to find the mod/help that they need
10:31.53Cairplay to your strengths and all that jazz
10:32.07Dephlol, yeah
10:32.08Industrialand being great at it Cair !:P
10:32.34Dephwhich is why I'm sticking to making things look pretty, and letting Discord do all my hard work for now
10:32.56krka|workyeah, but coding is fun!
10:33.13Industrialgod.. pretty... girl..... oh.. my... wow.. just wow....
10:33.22krka|worki would have made a lot more addons if I didn't have to bother with GUIs
10:33.45IndustrialCair: clicky :P
10:33.45Dephget somebody else to do that GUI work, or use slash commands
10:33.57CairI did Indu
10:34.01Cairthe first one is pretty
10:34.02DephUrge to play Oceania servers...
10:34.07Dephso I can get into BGs
10:34.09krka|workfirst cute, second ok, third... weird
10:34.36krka|work"get someone else to do"... that's just impossible!
10:35.25DephKrka which is why I'm learning it... slowly, so when I'm ready I can do some of the ideas floating in my head
10:35.57Dephbut my current ideas, somebody else has already made possible without my needing to get in there and code (much)
10:36.51Cairaaaand ... there goes my daughter's alarm clock ... time to see her out the door to school then pass out for a few hours ... later all
10:37.20krka|workit would feel weird if my parents played more games than me
10:37.20Industrialbye cair
10:37.38DephMy mom did when I was a kid
10:37.46Dephthen newer video games "got too many buttons"
10:38.09krka|worktake cair!
10:38.16Cair|sleephahaha :p
10:38.28Dephoh... god
10:38.30Dephthat was so bad
10:38.41krka|worki know
10:38.47Cair|sleepno, bad is when someone calls me Cairbear
10:38.58Cair|sleep*that* tends to get people smacked
10:39.12krka|worki don't cair for such lame puns
10:39.16Cair|sleepand on that note, I'm gone ... not only that, I'm leaving
10:39.24Cair|sleepkrka ...
10:39.29DephI just get "are you deph?" "huh? yeah." "THEN SHOULD I TALK LOUDER?"
10:39.30Cair|sleep~bonk krka
10:39.31purlACTION bonks krka over the head
10:39.31Industrialke ke ke
10:40.04Dephand I do turn to look/respond to people using "deaf"
10:42.03Dephthe simultanious best/worst pun ever though... was "Da phast and Depherios"
10:42.40Dephwhich reminds me
11:00.15Ktronbleh, it's 6am, and I didn't do the sleeping thing yet
11:00.16Ktronah well
11:00.23KtronI guess I should get started with that
11:05.23KtronI've got a strange question
11:06.03Ktronso I reinstalled windows xp on my computer, but I saved a lot of the files, including my entire WoW installation (I've discovered in the past that WoW doesn't actually need to have anything set in the windows installation to run properly)
11:06.30KtronApparently, WoW UI Designer crashes, I'm going on the assumption because WoW isn't registered as an installed program
11:06.49KtronAny idea about how I might, you know, 'register' WoW with windows?
11:07.46Industrialreinstall it
11:07.51Industrialthats wnat an installer does
11:08.04Industrialplace files and edit the registry
11:08.28Industrialgo registry and not something like uhm.. i dunno.. config giles? :p
11:08.47Ktronheh, I really don't want to have to reinstall WoW, that's be a pain to do... I'm think registry editting is the solution, I'll have to hit up one of you people tomorrow  for what sort of stuff I need to add to the registry
11:08.57Depheriosuh... I'll check my registry, see what I find
11:09.45Ktronnot tonight for me Deph, it's fine
11:09.47KtronI need to sleep
11:09.48Industriallet met tell you it takes way longer and might fuck.. your system
11:09.50DepheriosI had the same problem with running WoW UI editing stuff over the network on the laptop... so I just reinstalled wow over the other wow's location over the network XD
11:10.28Depheriosyou never know industrial... it could be the simplest key ever
11:10.31Ktronhm... I wonder, if I installed WoW to some directory, then copied the current installation over it whether it would 'patch' itself up
11:11.07KtronI'll look into the process tomorrow... I don't even have all the patches... heh, maybe as a backup I should set most recent major patch to download
11:11.35Depheriosit's simple
11:11.48Depheriosone key
11:11.57Depherios4 values
11:12.01Depherioswell 3
11:12.11Depheriosinstall path, uninstall path, and game path
11:12.31Ktronhere, I'll try it real quick then
11:12.40Ktronwhat's the path/info?
11:13.12DepheriosMy Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARBlizzard Entertainment\World of Warcraft
11:13.23DepheriosSOFTWARE\Blizzard Entertainment <--
11:13.26KtronI just reinstalled this system anyway Industrial, so nothing bad can happen if I lose the installation...
11:14.00Depherios3 keys... all strings
11:14.04KtronI have the directory, and I have the InstallPath already
11:14.10Ktronmissing the others
11:14.12Depherios... huh
11:14.24Ktronwe'll try filling in the missing ones
11:14.25Depheriosgame path is likely all you need then
11:14.33DepheriosGamePath and the path to the exe
11:14.50Depheriosand UninstallPath C:\Program Files\Common Files\Blizzard Entertainment\World of Warcraft\Uninstall.exe
11:15.01Depherios(that's where mine points)
11:16.39Depheriosnot it?
11:16.48Industrialbit young though
11:16.49KtronDepherios: GamePath is Drive:\Path\To\something.exe ?
11:16.53Ktronor just the path?
11:17.01DepheriosGamePath is right to the WoW.exe
11:17.29KtronDepherios: thanks
11:17.29Depheriosi.e. C:\Games\World of Warcraft\WoW.exe <-- ala my computer
11:18.18Ktronheh, I don't have the uninstall stuff, so hopefully and most likely I don't need it
11:18.36Ktronhmph, still not looking good for WoW UI Designer
11:19.44Ktronheh, I don't think I have .NET Framework
11:19.53Depherioslol a default install won't
11:21.41DepheriosI just updated mine to run it on the other computer, lol
11:22.04Ktronhm, now only to find the updated version of WinMPQ to handle the huge patches
11:22.24Depheriosheh is this...
11:23.22Depheriosoh, just uninstall information
11:23.22DepheriosWOAH i still have URU on here
11:23.22DepheriosI need to play that
11:24.08Depherios... oh yay, wants the custom interface kit to extract all the files...
11:24.12Depherios... THEY ARE EXTRACTED
11:24.18Depheriosthey're just in a different spot silly thing
11:25.23DepheriosI wonder what this program would do if I fired it up with the network down....
11:25.57Depheriosmy custom interface kit crap is all in OldWoW
11:26.07Depherios... the 4th bastard child of my WoW installs
11:26.21Depheriosthe MPQless remnant of past data and past mistakes
11:30.44Ktronwoah, got WoW UI Designer to at least look like its working
11:31.04Ktronamazing what reading instructions does.... granted, 'Release.html' is not what I'd expect to contain install info
11:31.20Ktronuh up
11:33.24Ktronapparently if you have Discord unit frames and perl unit frames both in your addons dir, WoW UI designer crashes
11:35.06Depherios...... lol
11:35.58KtronThat's what I get for stashing a billion addons in my folder, and then just using LoadIT to enable what I want and ignore the rest
11:36.46Ktronheh... I have perl unit frames, Discord unit frames, Ace player frames, XRaid, Gypsy mod's addon for unit frames.... I think that's all of them
11:37.06Ktronall disabled except for gyspy
11:37.12KtronI lost another hour of sleeep
11:38.01DepheriosI should go as well actually *sigh*
12:03.55Industrialmirc, eww
12:33.27*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
12:33.57MoonWolfgreetings and salutations oh wonderfull people of the channel
12:35.39CodayusSo you aren't going to greet the rest of us?
12:35.43CodayusThat's pretty rude!
12:35.53CodayusAlso, in other knews...ding!  Level 30.
12:36.19Industrialgz yo
12:36.37CodayusI should really pick one to focus on.  :-/
12:37.01krka|workhmm... how useful would it be to have an addon that just contained a bunch of algorithms and datastructures?
12:37.24krka|workkinda like C++ STL
12:39.08MoonWolfhow usefull is sea/ace/chrones/timex/earth/etc
12:40.22krka|workgood question
12:41.56Industriali dont think writing a small library for yourself is a bad thing
12:42.08Industrialgiven that you will make addons that ALl use the library extensively
12:42.38Industrialand eachother, even
12:42.56Industrialfor example, and addon that does things to the chat frame, and other addons that use parts of it
12:43.04Industrialexpanding variables for example
12:43.15Industrial"I'm sapping %t"
12:47.54krka|worki didn't mean for myself
12:48.04krka|worki meant for the general coder community
12:59.20Industrialkrka|work: well, wow is too big for that
12:59.32Industrialthe only thing you can do is form littel groups and say "we're using this"
12:59.45Industrialand eventually look what else is there and add it
13:00.07Industrialthe downside is youll end up with conglomo RAM usage
13:04.27krka|worknah, it won't use much RAM
13:16.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Suntiger (
13:24.41zeegdoes that look right
13:24.46zeegignoring the required skill level
13:24.53zeeg(as I cant seem to get that to work :P)
13:38.00krka|workyay, I have built a queue class and a bfs function
13:38.09krka|work(and binary search)
13:42.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
13:50.29krka|workBreadth first search
13:50.49CodayusOh, right.
13:55.57krka|workare you oh right because you know what it is?
13:56.05krka|worki hate it when i forget words
13:56.56krka|workhm... if I implement stacks and priority queues, I can use the same function to do DFS and PFS
13:57.41krka|workPriority First Search
13:57.47krka|workmaybe that's not an actual term :)
13:57.49CodayusHmm, not familiar with that one.
14:00.00krka|workit's basically just a sorted queue
14:02.37CodayusFair enough.
14:02.43CodayusAny particular language?
14:03.26CodayusOh, right.
14:03.38CodayusI'm sorry, I read your first comment as "I have to build a..."
14:03.44CodayusSorry, it's the middle of finals here.
14:04.00CodayusAnd I just kinda got confused.  :-)
14:04.02krka|worki see :)
14:05.40CodayusBesides, it just SOUNDED like the sort of random thing a professor might decide to hand out.  :-)
14:06.36krka|workheh, true
14:13.27*** join/#wowi-lounge BO|Razag (
14:29.02zeegwhat time is it in europe land?
14:29.13Cide3:29pm here
14:30.34zeegso i best wait to run rankings update
14:30.47zeegCide, what would you say is the best way to track raid progress
14:31.00zeeglike "This raid did this instance, killed these bosses, got this loot"
14:31.04zeegctra doesnt do that does it?
14:33.05*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
14:35.20Cideum, to track boss deaths, combat log message should do ("Broodlord Lashlayer dies." or "Broodlord Lashlayer is slain by Player!")
14:35.33zeegis there a msg for when you enter an instance?
14:35.41Cidethere will be next patch
14:36.01Cidenotifying you how long until the instance resets
14:36.25Cideyou can just check player_entering_world and wait a bit, and check the minimap text... that's what I do
14:37.25zeegi wanna integrate a big dkp system into wowguru, as well as tracking what bosses guilds have killed etc.
14:37.55zeegi'm thinking for that, i can just check (as i have to watch for outdoor raid bosses) the health of the boss when its first engaged, and the raid to see if there's say 90% of the members are in the guild
14:38.20Cideit will be very easy to fibble with the data if you use an addon
14:38.35Cidedon't think there are other ways to do it, though
14:38.54zeegCide, well the idea is that the guild leader/officers/whoever he assigns would be in charge of overseeing stuff, but also it would verify data from more than one user if it was submitted by more than one user
14:39.30Cidewell, I mean, I could easily trick it into thinking we have killed nefarian when we are still learning lucifron, I bet
14:39.58Cidedepending on the intent of the system, that might or might not matter though
14:43.09zeegwell it'd look silly for a guild to actually try and trick it into thinking they've beaten a boss
14:43.25zeegits going to be used on the guilds info page to show their progress in instances/outdoor raid bosses
14:43.52Cideah, ok
14:58.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Legorol (
15:00.43krka|workhey lego
15:06.08zeeglego my eggo!
15:33.14*** part/#wowi-lounge Beladona (
15:34.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Beladona (n=Beladona@
15:34.24*** mode/#WoWI-lounge [+o Beladona] by ChanServ
15:40.18TainOk, I can't figure out how to make Lua only display up to x decimal places instead of the long string you can get returned now.
15:42.10Beladonayou doing this in the interpreter?
15:42.13Beladonaor in-game?
15:42.23TainIn game.
15:42.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Maldivia (
15:43.34Beladonawell you could do a pattern match and then do a strin.len minus what you don't need
15:43.41Beladonastring.len rather
15:45.46futrtrublIs there a way of knowing for sure which frame will get an event first?
15:46.01TainWow, I didn't know there was just no "rounding" or precision specifying.
15:46.14Beladonathere may be, I am looking for it now
15:46.31Beladonathere has to be a way to truncate numerical values to a set length
15:47.20*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower (
15:47.21futrtrublyou can specify number of places before and after the decimal
15:47.31Beladonais the math.round function available in wow?
15:47.48TainThere isn't.
15:48.01futrtrublI agree, I've just been using math.floor
15:48.01TainThere's functions people have wrote to get around it.
15:48.03Beladonafutr, that works with strings
15:48.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (
15:48.08Beladonanot numbers
15:48.19Beladonahe would have to vonert it to a string, and then back again, I guess
15:48.23Beladonaconvert* rather
15:48.29futrtrublit coerces the number, lua does that automatically
15:49.03Beladonayou know that would be a good funtion to add to a library
15:49.07Beladonaa math.round function
15:49.18TainYeah but math.floor only returns an integer
15:49.30TainThankfully Ace has a round function.
15:49.39TainI just found it!
15:55.23TainYeah that second one is nice and simple.
15:57.12futrtrublbut which is more efficient? tonumber(string.format) or a power, math.floor and simple math?
15:58.31futrtrublplus the first one can round to 10s, 100s etc not just decimal places
15:58.31TainI don't know.
15:58.51BeladonaI would go with the first one
15:59.06Kalrothdepends on what you mean by efficient
15:59.23futrtrublprocess time and garbage creation
15:59.26Beladonapure math should have a slight speed advantage over string conversions, although it wouldn't be enough to really count as noticeable
15:59.28Kalrothpure numbers will always be faster than strings
15:59.51Kalrothyeah, it's only if it's in a large loop or often called event you should even bother with it
16:00.39Beladonaand since the first one just uses a local, the garbace collection should be minimal
16:00.42TainOf course if I'm printing out the result anyway it's going to make it a string.
16:00.54futrtrublthere's no point using ineficient code if an eficient alternative exists that is just as good or better
16:01.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Eraphine|Disco2 (
16:01.10Beladonayeah but you need it a number to do the rounding, before you make the string
16:01.39Beladonalook at it this way. You can go string->number->string, or number->string
16:03.15TainActually I guess it would really be number->string->number->string  Since I'm starting with a number in the first place.
16:03.42futrtrublwith the first it would be number->number->string
16:04.24Beladonano conversion on the first number->number though
16:04.33Beladonajhust math
16:08.11CideFOR PORN
16:08.22digixhot damn that just doesnt seem to get old, rofl
16:10.41Beladonamaking Cenarians the new race would give alliance a larger model like the Taurens
16:11.07Beladonabut part of me thinks the guy that wrote that is just doing wishful thinking
16:12.56zeegBeladona, he titles it "A Tribute" so thats more or less what I gather
16:13.01zeegthe problem is what would they use for moutns?
16:13.41Beladonagood point zeeg
16:13.53Beladonaunless they get "wind boots" that make them run as fast as horses
16:18.14zeegi guess hes talking specifically about "Children of the Cenarian" there
16:18.50Beladonatoo many holes in his thinking
16:18.58Beladonabut a good read anyway
16:19.17Beladonapersonally I like the Drenai
16:20.52MaldiviaA quadpedal species could be interesting
16:21.13zeeghey its Maldivia!
16:21.15zeegerr wait
16:21.22MaldiviaHeya zeeg  :)
16:21.22zeegMaldiva = Maldivia?
16:21.44zeego wait
16:21.55zeegthats you!
16:21.58zeegthere's an i, never noticed that
16:22.11MaldiviaThe one with all the new items :)
16:22.28zeegof which get zeeg perma-banned on for linking to :D
16:22.40zeegno worries
16:22.45zeegif it wasnt that they woulda found something else :)
16:23.01MaldiviaBut it was a nice item to be banned for :)
16:23.33zeeghaha ya
16:23.35Maldiviabtw, is your spell parser not working properly at the moment ?
16:23.50MaldiviaI see a lot of "wrong" data for spells
16:24.07zeegi know of two bugs
16:24.22zeegfood/drink is a known/unknown fix bug ive had.. since launch :(
16:25.46zeeganything else, should work
16:26.59Maldiviahmm, searcg for dragonstalker, and look at the set bonuses
16:27.12Maldiviaduration on 8-piece bonus
16:27.15zeegoh i also have a bug w/ required skill on stuff
16:27.39zeeglikely thats the same problem im having w/ food/drink
16:28.03zeegdid you see the tradeskill calc thing ?
16:28.21Maldiviano ?
16:28.43zeeg(ignore skill required, known bug :P)
16:29.16Maldivianice :)
16:29.48Maldiviaalthough, I would probably not list requirements for making things that drops
16:30.05Maldiviasuch as Essence of Air/Water/Fire/Earth/Undead, Rugged Leather etc
16:30.33MaldiviaRaw materials:
16:30.33MaldiviaRuined Leather Scraps: 70560
16:30.35Maldiviainstead of:
16:30.39MaldiviaRugged Leather: 6
16:30.59zeegnot sure i get what you mean
16:31.15zeegyou mean show rugged leather vs leather scraps
16:31.31MaldiviaCheck Flarecore Wraps for instance
16:31.53Maldiviarequires Enchanted Leather, which requires Rugged Leather, which can be obtained by skinning
16:32.28Maldiviabut instead of stopping the tree with Rugged Leather, you path down to Thick Leather, since 3x Thick Leather = 1 Rugged Leather, etc
16:32.29zeegnot sure how id know which items to stop at is the prob
16:33.41Maldiviaif a mob drops it, dont go further ?
16:34.41zeegthat could work
16:34.47zeegalthough that'd have to wait til the db was fully active
16:34.54Maldiviaalso, there seems to be some bugs there, with calculating the mats?
16:34.55zeegand id have to cache results vs generating on demand as that'd get sql heavy
16:35.03zeegreally? like what
16:35.08zeegthought i had em all worked out
16:35.17MaldiviaFlarecore Wraps
16:35.24Maldiviarequires 6 Mooncloth
16:35.33Maldiviain Raw MAterials, 18 Felcloth is listed
16:36.17MaldiviaAlso, lists 16 Essence of Undeath - where only 2 would be needed, if it's transmuted all the way to fire
16:37.04TainOooh CoV holiday jetpacks
16:37.46futrtrublWoW holiday Goblin rocket packs
16:38.15zeeggrr wth
16:38.30Maldiviayou have an off-by-one error ?
16:38.52Maldiviathat would explain it
16:39.59zeegtrying to figure out how its getting off-by-one :P
16:40.15zeegthe loop is a bit complex to say the least
16:40.53Maldivia6 x (2 + 1) = 18, for the mmoncloth->felcloth, and 2 x (1 + 1) x (1 + 1) x (1 + 1) = 16, for the essences
16:41.17Maldiviaif that helps
16:41.29zeeg2x2x2x2 = 16 though
16:41.30zeegwhich is right
16:41.36zeegit takes 2 air to make 1 fire
16:41.40zeegtakes 2 water to make one air
16:41.44zeeg2 undeath t omake 1 water
16:41.47zeegtwo air
16:41.49zeegyou get what i mean
16:42.18MaldiviaNo, transmutes are 1 to 1
16:42.28zeegno i mean tho
16:42.37Maldiviaand 2 to 2
16:42.39zeegoh wait
16:43.57MaldiviaAlso, it lists as requiring "1 Lesser Eternal Essence" - but it need 6 Enchanted Leather, each requiring 1 Lesser Eternal Essence
16:45.04zeegya im gonna have to change how it works
16:45.47Maldiviabtw - what's the bug you mentioned with the food/drinks ?
16:45.58zeeggah it looks fine tho
16:46.05zeegthe amount healed isnt working or w/e
16:46.08zeegi think duration might be broken too
16:46.09zeeg$tcount += ($spell['reagent_count_'.$n]*($tcount > 1 ? $tcount : 1));
16:46.10zeeglooks fine ><
16:46.58Maldiviahmm, yeah
16:47.18MaldiviaI see the problem with drinks - have the same problem
16:48.15zeeghrmm i gotta think of a better way to get the raw materials in the end
16:50.44zeegdumb bugs!
16:51.18Maldiviasorry :|
16:51.55zeeghaha better to have known about it now than later
16:54.22Maldiviahmm, the drink/food data is weird now...
16:54.45Maldiviaor has it always been like that?
16:59.35zeegalways has been
17:00.05zeegI'm not sure what to do to the left menu
17:00.08zeegto make it christmassy
17:01.59Maldiviahmm, it's not all food that has this problem
17:07.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
17:13.49zeegchristmas :P
17:15.27Maldiviabtw, while you're editing your site, the "Logged in as [name]" isn't showing on all pages - for instance not the front page
17:15.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Ratbert_CP (n=KCummins@
17:15.57zeegya not much I can do about that
17:16.04zeegit only shows on pages where SQL is in use
17:16.13Maldiviaahh, ok
17:16.18zeegid have to go hack at vb to make it store more in the session to do it elseewhere
17:16.36Ratbert_CPVB rulzz!
17:16.42*** join/#wowi-lounge ForgottenLords (
17:16.46zeegalright reloading spell dbc
17:16.50zeeglets see if this works
17:19.57Maldiviabtw, have you noticed how the cache on test holds a lot less items than the cache on live servers?
17:20.24zeegno i hadnt :)
17:21.08Maldiviaon live servers, my cache normally holds over 7000 items... on test, normally only 1/4th or so
17:21.25zeegalright, refreshing cache after it processes the queue
17:21.28zeeglets see if that fixes all those
17:23.46Maldiviamade a nice little mod to list the contens of the cache ingame, but for some reason, I loose items from the cache a lot faster on test than on live
17:24.07zeegMaldivia, i can give you access so you can do it on wowguru
17:24.12zeegtheres no way to do it in-game i dont think tho
17:24.37Maldiviafor i = 1, 25000 do if GetItemInfo(i) then IsInCache(i); end end
17:25.20Maldiviait's VERY easy :)
17:25.31zeegtake forever?
17:25.41Maldiviahmm... about 0.01sec
17:26.02zeegdo you know 1.8.4's version #?
17:26.07zeegits in the .exe name
17:27.05Maldiviawell, I dont work with the itemcache file directly, I go through the GetItemInfo for all my item info :)
17:27.20Maldiviaactually, my database is currently larger than yours :)
17:27.29zeegyou sure?
17:27.35Maldiviahave 13 more items
17:27.59zeeglootlink db or an sql db?
17:28.11Maldiviamy own mod - and sql
17:28.26Maldiviasql, from parsing saved variables
17:28.51zeegi think my db is actually more automated than thottbot right now
17:28.56zeegin a way
17:29.06zeegthott is soo bloated because he stores everything in LUA
17:29.22Maldivianot anymore
17:29.24Maldiviahe did
17:29.25zeegoh really?
17:29.28zeegi didnt know he changed
17:29.39zeegcache is wiped
17:29.42zeegGryphen = gryphon?
17:29.54zeegmaybe it's not amplitude
17:30.03Gryphensome already regged the name here :/
17:30.17zeegthe variable you use in $o for that field, which one is it in the formula
17:30.20zeeg$str .= @(($r['duration_base'] / $r['effect_'.$exprData[0].'_amplitude']) * $base.($spell['effect_'.$exprData[0].'_die_sides'] > 1 ? '-'.($base+$spell['effect_'.$exprData[0].'_die_sides']) : ''));
17:30.22zeegthats mine
17:30.28zeegand i was setting amp to 5k if it was 0
17:30.45zeegduration or base points?
17:31.08Maldiviafor $o, yoo have base point, durating and divider... it's the divider
17:31.15zeegso amplitude?
17:31.25Maldiviayou seem to have the right data
17:31.36Maldiviaor parsed it correctly
17:31.36zeegif ($r['effect_'.$exprData[0].'_amplitude'] <= 0) $r['effect_'.$exprData[0].'_amplitude'] = 5000;
17:31.37zeegdidnt fix it
17:31.53MaldiviaCrystal water shows: Restores 4200 mana over 30 sec. Must remain seated while drinking.
17:32.02zeegoh it fixed it on some?
17:32.24zeegdidnt fix for example
17:32.43Grypheni like the red links, you should keep em :)
17:32.54Grypheneasier to see
17:33.04zeegGryphen, ya i was fiddling w/ em earlier and they just happened to come up to match xmas colors
17:33.13zeegthe other links were too similar to the text to make em stand out
17:33.20Maldiviamy parsing works fine for it , with the 5000 if 0
17:33.26zeegMaldivia, for the food?
17:34.46zeegi think i know why
17:35.04zeegare you using the duration off that spell
17:35.10zeegerr i should say, the spell you're parsing
17:35.12zeegor the spell its calling?
17:35.19zeegif you get what im saying
17:35.42Maldivia$25695o1 => using $25695d for duration
17:36.12zeegthat spell
17:36.37Maldiviabut that spell is weird...
17:37.18MaldiviaThe buff description doesn't link to the other spell
17:37.45zeegok fixed that too
17:37.50zeegi havent eve bothered with buff descriptions
17:37.53zeegi probably should
17:38.11zeegall my thing does right now is process the spell description itself, as thats all i show/use
17:38.23zeegbuff desc wouldnt need to link to the other spell tho
17:38.27zeegit could link to a dif one
17:40.27Maldiviabut what puzzles me with that spell, is the $d in the description, but no duration is specified in the spell, only in the spells it links to
17:42.23MaldiviaDo you know, if the spell db file actually use by the client, or if it fetches the data from the server when it needs them?
17:42.26zeegUse: Restores 2148 health and 4410 mana over 0 sec. Must remain seated while eating. Usable only inside Arathi Basin.
17:42.39zeegits a start!
17:42.40zeegMaldivia, its only used for showing info locally
17:42.53Maldiviahow do you explain mage spells then?
17:43.00zeegin what sense?
17:43.36Maldiviaalmost all mage damage spell have a different damage in tooltips than parsed from the dbc file
17:44.08MaldiviaFor instance, the base damage (without talents) for Arcane Missiles Rank 7, is "195 to 197" - not the fixed 192 listed in the files
17:44.37zeegthere's die :)
17:44.59zeegwhy dont i have that spell
17:45.58zeegare you adding in the die sides though
17:46.04zeeg$s is damage, ya?
17:46.14zeeg$base = $spell['effect_'.$exprData[0].'_base_points']+1; $str .= $base.($spell['effect_'.$exprData[0].'_die_sides'] > 1 ? '-'.($base+$spell['effect_'.$exprData[0].'_die_sides']) : '');
17:46.24Maldivia <-- your parsing
17:46.44MaldiviaI get the same result
17:46.52zeego well
17:46.57zeegdo you know what the $ is for the 0 secs in the food?
17:47.02Maldiviabut ingame tooltip reads causes 195 to 197 ARcane damage
17:47.03zeego that one
17:47.11zeegi might be parsing it wrong
17:47.24Maldiviathott parses it the same way, I get the same result...
17:47.41zeeganyways, is this $d
17:47.44zeegthe 0 sec on that link
17:47.57zeeg(when i parse descriptions i simple overwrite the old w/ the new currently)
17:48.03Maldiviaas for the food/drink duration - I would say the $d in the description is for the spell itself, not for any linked spells
17:48.26zeegits just listed as "$d" then?
17:48.32Maldivia"Restores $25695o1 health and $25696o2 mana over $d. Must remain seated while eating. Usable only inside Arathi Basin."
17:48.49zeegdoes the spell not have a duration set?
17:48.58zeegis that what you were talking about?
17:49.06Maldiviait's references to duration[0]
17:49.39zeegwell what im asking, is am I just parsing it wrong, or is the duration different for this spell
17:50.19Maldiviawe're talking Arathi Basin food now, right?
17:50.32zeegzeeg, you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:
17:50.35zeegim the god damn super admin
17:50.37zeegi do too have perms
17:50.50zeegya arathi basin food
17:51.01zeegsomethings broken
17:51.41MaldiviaArathi Basin food, in description it reads $d, but the spell has no duration, so unless the game automatically selects the duration from the first linked spell...?
17:52.08zeegcan you grab the first spells duration?
17:52.13zeegwe'll see if that's what it is
17:52.14Maldiviathat's 30s
17:52.26zeegknow off hand if it is 30s?
17:52.31Gryphenzeeg cosmos usergroup cant view attachments
17:52.57zeegGryphen, k
17:52.58zeegill go fix
17:53.52zeegMaldivia, if it's not 30s I'm guessing there's another default value for this
17:54.58zeegfixed cosmos groups perms Gryphen
17:55.06zeegyou couldnt make threads either i dont think
17:55.11Gryphenya i could
17:55.17Gryphencouldnt view my own attachment though
17:55.24zeegso sexy :)
17:56.07MaldiviaI'll take the English version, thank you :)
17:56.47Maldiviahehe, I click the English version and notices my name for First Seen and Last Updated :)
17:57.51MaldiviaYou need to list the number of "First seen" items on the profile pages :)
17:58.06zeegthats.. tough
17:58.08zeegquery heavy
17:58.18zeegwell sql heavy
17:58.19Maldiviadepends how you save that data :)
17:58.49Maldiviaselect count(*) from items where firstseen = $userid;
17:59.07zeegok got mine setup
17:59.14zeegya there's no "firstseen" thing
17:59.19zeegits simple got a "live" data and a history data
17:59.24Maldiviaohh... ouch
17:59.25zeeghistory always holds a copy of live data as well
17:59.32zeegwe plan to show the history soon
18:00.35Maldiviabtw, about the duration of the foods... the Arathi Basin and the Warsong Gulch foods are affected by this
18:01.04Maldiviaand 7 npc spells
18:01.58zeegim just using lastduration used
18:02.01zeegwe'll see if that breaks anything
18:02.26Maldiviaif duration = 0 then use last duration, I take it ?
18:02.35zeegjust use lastduration period :P
18:02.47zeeglastduration defaults to duration
18:03.06zeegmy spell desc parser = uber fast :D
18:03.56Maldiviahave you updated it ?
18:04.32zeegnope its still processing
18:04.38zeeggot one more major problem with dbcs after this
18:04.59kremonte'lo all
18:04.59Maldiviaand that is ?
18:05.05Ktronhey kremonte
18:05.20zeegrequired skill levels :)
18:05.24zeegi cant figure out the formula
18:05.42MaldiviaHaven't looked at that yet :)
18:05.55zeegthey're all off
18:05.59zeegthat page is doing -20 on each
18:06.11zeegthe highest they go is 320
18:06.17zeegthe lowest seems to be 25
18:06.21zeegi think thats the lowest ive seen
18:06.24zeegthere may be 15's etc.
18:06.30MaldiviaSulfuron is listed as 305 - so that would be 325 if -20
18:06.44zeegok 325
18:07.05zeegthere *has* to be a way to get the actual skill level from the dbc w/o having the item in the db
18:07.38Maldiviadon't see why?
18:07.50Maldiviawhen you get the spell, you automatically load the item aswell
18:08.09zeegya but i dont always have the items right away :|
18:08.18zeegso if there's a way, i wanna find it
18:08.25zeegok its updating descriptions
18:08.29zeegit takes a while to reload the spell db from dbc
18:08.42Maldiviawhy does it take so long ?
18:09.01zeegok done
18:09.14zeegdont know
18:09.26zeegcache is wiped
18:09.43Maldiviawhy not generate spell descriptions on demand ?
18:09.52zeegspell descs take like 10 secs
18:09.58zeegand they require extra queries
18:09.59kremonte zomg
18:10.03zeegi seriously broke somethin this time
18:10.04kremonteyay kya!
18:10.13Maldiviano kidding :)
18:10.19MaldiviaI told you, you couldn't do it that way !
18:10.29zeegthere it is
18:10.33zeeg$lastduration = $DB_site->query_first("SELECT * FROM `db_spell_duration` WHERE `duration_id` = '$spell[duration_id]' AND `lang` = '$r[lang]'");
18:10.37zeegi had $r vs $spell in duration id
18:10.57zeegim going to go add a field
18:10.59zeeg"rawdescription" :P
18:11.04zeegso i can simple update the description field
18:11.19zeegand i wont have to reload the dbc just to fix a description
18:11.32kremontedbc files suck =/
18:11.39kremontei don't understaaand them
18:11.39zeegbut ya the $134123s etc. have to make an extra query
18:11.44zeegso not doing that = helping the server
18:12.11zeegare euros in bed yet?
18:12.20Maldiviait's 7.12pm here
18:12.40zeegneed to update honor rankings, i was missing like 35 eu servers
18:12.51zeegbut i cant do it while you're all awake as the official site is too slow
18:13.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (
18:14.09Maldiviadepending on how long it takes, it's around dinner time now
18:14.14Maldiviaor raid time :)
18:14.21zeegtakes hours for EU
18:14.25zeegi can update US in 15 minutes
18:14.34Maldiviawhy so much longer?
18:14.47zeegassuming EU servers respond slower + they have more servers i have to query for
18:15.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Parak (
18:15.45Maldiviahmm, ok
18:16.07zeegbasically my thing first loads the DBC from templates, into the SQL db
18:16.19zeegi then have a maintenance thing which has the description processing in it
18:17.34TemDamn you know you need to update your mod when someone else has already made one just to make it work ><
18:18.29Beladonadreamweaver sucks ass when it comes to regular expressions
18:19.13zeegit evaluates them for you?
18:19.15MaldiviaI don't see the connection...
18:19.34Beladonatrying to update my plugin to recognize comments corerctly (--, --[[) and the stupid codeColoring api allows regex for the commentStart and End tags, but not the enfofLineComment tag
18:19.46TemBeladona: Dreamweaver isn't long for this world
18:20.00TemAdobe bought Macromedia
18:20.03zeegya dreamweaver isnt so great as it was 5 years ago
18:20.12Beladonathats old news
18:20.23BeladonaDreamweaver is one of the products they intend to keep
18:20.23zeegAdobe is very good, what are you trying to say?
18:20.32BeladonaGolive is going away
18:20.39Maldiviahmm, reminds me of the problem I have getting UltraEdit to recognise multiline comments
18:20.48Beladonasame issue Mal
18:20.52TemI heard they were taking everything out of dreamweaver they didn't have in golive and dumping dreamweaver
18:20.53Beladonasame exact issue
18:20.57zeeguse editplus!
18:21.03Beladonathe problem is, -- takes precedence over --[[
18:21.13Maldiviaannoying as hell
18:21.14Temyep I have the same issue with Context
18:21.25Temannoys the crap out of me
18:21.34BeladonaI tried --[^\[] amd tjat should fix it
18:21.40Beladonabut it won't accept it
18:22.05Beladonait should tell it to match -- only when [ doesn't follow
18:22.16MaldiviaI've just stopped using multiline comments, and used columnedit for commenting out a lot of lines at the same time :)
18:22.39BeladonaI made it work by doing -- with a space at the end
18:22.50Beladonaand most people use a space
18:22.52Beladonabut not always
18:23.16Beladonaits one of those little bugs that will annoy the hell out of me forever
18:24.10Beladonaunless I can do a <commentStart><commentEnd> pair that ends at newlines
18:26.06zeegoh hey Maldivia
18:26.11zeegany idea why some new descriptions are coming out to be --?
18:26.17zeegits probably something im doing im just not sure what
18:26.28Maldiviaany examples?
18:26.36zeegya sec
18:27.50zeegdragonstalker is still broken
18:28.04Maldiviaahh ,you mean instances where the base value is negative, and the description contains -$s ?
18:28.10zeegthat might be it
18:28.32Temdamnit... Context doesn't use a regex for the comments so putting --[^\[] doesn't work
18:28.35MaldiviaI abs() the values before adding the to the description .9
18:29.47Maldiviaabout the dragonstalker, probably your newly implemented $d parsing :)
18:30.10zeegit didnt work before though, remember?
18:30.28MaldiviaI dont see why - the description contains $23577d, and $d in 23577 is 7 sec
18:30.49zeegok thats why
18:32.14MaldiviaAnything else you want me to debug, while we're at it :)
18:32.45zeegyou can help me see if we cant make our own version of the "rating" shown on :)
18:32.48zeegif you're up for it, haha
18:33.39Maldiviahow "rating"
18:33.52zeegits uhh
18:33.55zeegyou know the pvp honor ranks?
18:35.10zeegthe rating there, i wanna do it on my own
18:35.12zeegi dont think i can though
18:35.33zeegin fact, waste of time, im 99% sure i cant as I cant figure out who's at what standing
18:37.42Maldiviahehe, ok
18:38.05zeegi think everything else is just waiting on other people
18:38.07zeegand me
18:38.14zeegill go make tradeskills lookup the recipe item and use that
18:38.21zeegbut everything else = other people :)
18:38.24zeeglike the patcher developer
18:39.00Gryphenoh yeah day22
18:39.31Maldiviahmm, your current honor ranking is a bit weird..
18:39.39Gryphenthe too many irc network curse
18:39.52zeegMaldivia, how so
18:39.55zeegI am on 8 network(s) in 44 channel(s) harassing 4335 user(s)
18:40.16zeegalright descs updated
18:40.44Maldiviathe ranking for the individual server seems to have way too many pages
18:41.04MaldiviaFor instance Sargeras (US) has 48 pages, but nothing on page 21 and forth
18:41.15zeegthose are kinda borked
18:41.18zeegi have to redo em
18:41.34zeegi still need to finish up guild pages
18:42.39zeegdragonstalker works now
18:42.44zeegdb should be fixed! :D
18:42.55Maldiviawohoo... off to find the next bug *cough*
18:43.02Gryphenguild pages show people in the guild when the arent
18:43.03zeegthe --bug is fixed too
18:43.09Gryphenerr, are no longer in the guild
18:43.21zeegthats gonna be a pain to fix
18:43.26zeegi didnt think about that
18:43.42Gryphenwhy dont you scan the guildroster?
18:43.45zeegi guess i can just wipe all characters from the guild
18:43.50zeegwhen a guild roster is submitted
18:43.50zeegi do
18:43.54zeegwhen they manually do it
18:43.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
18:44.04Gryphenmanually do it?
18:44.08zeegya /wg in game
18:44.10zeegyou have to click a button
18:44.31Gryphenwhy not when the fram opens?
18:44.43zeeggood idea!
18:44.56zeegill have LUA guy add that tonight
18:45.15zeegand when guild info is submitted I'll have it remove all chars from the guild before it updates them
18:45.17Gryphenim used to profiling being done without interaction
18:45.36zeegi guess recipe list could be done the same way
18:45.43zeegill have him do that too
18:45.48Gryphentis how charprofiler does it
18:46.38zeegi did manage to get it recording bank info, object data and quest data
18:46.39Gryphenwowprofiler updates all members and then deletes the ones that didnt get updated
18:46.44zeegand i can do the quest log now too
18:47.08zeegya that'd prob be best,
18:47.11zeegso there's no gap in data
18:47.27zeegall thats left for profiles is quest log, recipes, and talents
18:47.43zeeghad to wait on ques tlog, didnt do recipes cuz i didnt have sample data, and havent done talents because they're complex
18:56.35Maldiviabtw, zeeg?
19:01.09Maldiviathe items in your database, 55501, 55511 and 55512 - what are those?
19:02.20zeegi think those might be fake
19:02.21zeegill go delete em
19:02.43zeegthey got in before i put in the latest procedures
19:02.48zeegits damn near impossible to submit fake data atm
19:02.52zeegwell not impossible
19:02.54zeegbut not something easily done
19:03.05*** part/#wowi-lounge philr (n=phil@
19:04.03Maldiviawouldn't it just require a good insight into how the cache files works?
19:04.30Maldiviaanyway, afk - dinner time
19:04.42zeegvery good insight + editing them carefully :P
19:06.18zeegi could do it quite easily myself, but only because i know exactly how my stuff works :P
19:09.39*** join/#wowi-lounge RedcXe (
19:19.35TemI got "Chubs" for a d0rf priest name
19:23.29kergoth_chubs, wasnt that the name of the guy missing an arm from happy gilmore?
19:24.17kremontewhat chat event would it be for "Your polymorph was removed from target"
19:25.41Ktronkergoth_: think you're right
19:29.21zeeg/usr/bin/wget -r -np -A "index.php*, index.html, movieview.php*, viewcategory.php*, viewclass.php*, latest.php, rec.php, topten.php, hot.php" -R "movied.php?downid=*" -U "MMOTheatre Spider" -P "/home/zeeg/spidercache/"
19:29.24zeegwhy isnt that working
19:29.43TainProbably because of something you did.
19:33.34*** join/#wowi-lounge malreth (
19:38.50*** join/#wowi-lounge malreth_ (
19:39.00*** join/#wowi-lounge ToastTheif (
19:39.16ToastTheifdoes anyone play on Spirestone horde side?
19:43.00TemTip: Killing guards gives no honor.
19:43.12kremonteno shards off guards, world pvp FTL!
19:44.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Trilian (
19:44.44TemTip: You can hide your iterface with <Alt>Z and take screenshots with <Print Screen>/
19:45.54KtronI want everyone who ganks anyone, say, grey to them, what's that, 8 levels? grey loses like a 100 rep with everyone, and a extra 10 rep for each level below the threshold
19:45.59malreth_i wrote an addon that auto-hides the UI and the names then takes a screenshot
19:46.21kremonteKtron - what?
19:46.39kremonte#1 at lv60 green starts at 48. #2 so noone can take revenge now?
19:46.43KtronI wish dishonor was worse
19:46.52kremonteyou do not get dishonor for killing players.
19:47.05Ktronlike it lowered that player s reputations, and I wish that you got dishonor for killing much lower level players
19:47.07kremonteokay, so if someone 6 levels higher than me is camping my alt in desolace
19:47.22kremonteoh dang, i can't camp them on my main
19:47.54Ktronat least level 60's wouldn't run around in hillsbrad ganking everyone
19:48.04kremonteyeah, level 40's do
19:48.12Ktronwhich is still too high
19:48.22Ktronthey've have to be in their 30's
19:48.24kremonteyou know, reds will still gank you and camp you
19:48.38kremontenow if someone 5 levels higher camps my alt, i can't play anymore
19:48.55Ktronkremonte: fine, make it closer
19:49.04Ktronwithin like 3 or 4 levels
19:49.09kremontethat's even worse
19:49.28kremonteso i'm farming in winterspring, and 6 level 55's come and attack me.. OH DANG, CAN'T DO ANYTHING
19:49.55kremonteif you don't want to be ganked, play on a PVE server
19:50.16Ktronfind level 58s or 59s, or get a group to gank them, makes more sense
19:50.36Ktronganking is pretty much the worst part of their current PvP system
19:50.37kremontethe fact that a group of 3 can come and kill me because i CANT FIGHT BACK is ridiculous
19:50.42kremonteganking is part of pvp
19:50.48kremonteagain, roll on a pve server.
19:51.13Ktronoh, sorry, I'll allow you to kill in defense, ie if they attack you, you don't get dishonor for owning them
19:51.15kremontei got ganked so much. i lived with it, and now those who ganked me are getting owned by karma
19:51.24kremontestill stupid
19:51.29kremonteyou can't help guildies
19:51.32kremonteyou can't help yourself
19:52.06Ktronganking is lame, anyone who enjoys ganking is lamer
19:52.18Ktronand it makes WoW suck
19:52.18kremontei enjoy karma, i enjoy getting revenge
19:52.22KtronI want fair PvP fights
19:52.25kremonteroll on pve then ffs
19:52.31kremontego in BG then whine because 59's kill your 51
19:53.04kremontewhat's fair about this? a 36 rogue ganks my 33 warrior. i get on my 60 warlock, and he sits there /rofling at me because i can't do anything
19:53.30kremontewhat's fair about this, i'm running level 19 alts through wailing caverns, and some horde come by and own him up, i can't aid him because i'll get dishonor and lower rep
19:53.33Ktronsee, that's why I was thinking like allowing +- 7 or 8 levels, it'd be just slightly more liberal in level range than the battlegrounds are, and the battlegrounds don't let 60's stomp 20s
19:53.49Ktronkremonte: perhaps you can assist party members
19:53.50kremontebattlegrounds is controlled, if you want controlled, fair pvp, go to the battlegrounds
19:53.57kremontethe idea is just stupid
19:54.04kremonteit's WAR. a PVP server. player versus player
19:54.13kremonteif a 60 player attacks my 33, it's still player versus player
19:54.29Ktronyeah, but in a real war, you wouldn't let that happen
19:54.32kremontehorde isn't meant to be nice to alliance, and vice versa. why do you think we can't talk?
19:54.45kremontethen roll on a pve server, seriously that simple
19:54.49kremonteonly flag when you want to
19:55.07KtronI want the option to engage and be engaged in fair PvP
19:55.15Ktronand not have to be ganking for that
19:55.15kremontethen roll on a normal server
19:55.25Ktronif I flag PvP, I'll still be gankable
19:55.26kremontei don't gank, only in revenge
19:56.12TemTip: typing /macro will bring up the interface to create macros.
19:56.28kremontehey Tem, that tip helped me 3 months ago :(
19:57.11kremonteKtron - level to 60 in instances only, then at 60 run around finding fair PVP. Tip: You still won't find it
19:58.11KtronI am disatisfied with their current system, lack of motivation prevents high level characters for ever being defensive, so any PvPing occurs offensively, mostly against much lower characters, and there's no real drive for anyone to show up to do anything about it
19:58.28kremonteum? so you want no world pvp unless you want to engage in it
19:58.37kremontethen level to 60 on a pve server without flagging, then flag yourself full time
19:58.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Eraphine|Lab (
19:58.51kremonteif you don't want free roam PVP, why did you choose a PVP server?
19:59.02KtronI want PvP to be allowed between loosely comparable players
19:59.18Beladonathe battleground system needs to be expanded to the world
19:59.28Beladonai.e. controllable outposts
19:59.33kremonteyeah that would own
19:59.36KtronI want to be able to be 25, see a level 27 alliance, and try to kill them if I want, and I want to have to deal with similar attacks
19:59.38GenNMXGuard Spawners should also teleport a random Level 60 to fight for them. MooKing: "WTF?!?!!!! Rag was at 2% =((("
19:59.40Beladonathat would get people to defend
19:59.58Beladonaespecially if controlling outposts gives all alliance or horde players a benefit of some kind
20:00.00KtronBeladona: it would certainly help
20:00.11Beladonaand a negative without
20:00.13kremontebut asking for controllable pvp on a pvp server is stupid
20:00.32kremonteit's a fact of life. in war, women are raped, children executed
20:00.50GenNMXSeriously now, one problem with making outposts give benefits for holding would be ripping even MORE off DAoC
20:00.52kremonteso children (level 30's) get executed by the opposing faction (60s)
20:01.01GenNMXkremonte: People play games to get AWAY from those harsh realities ;)
20:01.08kremonteGenNMX - it's not like daoc came up with the concept
20:01.16Beladonathe fact of the matter is, it works
20:01.17kremonteGenNMX - then they should roll on PVE servers...
20:01.17KtronGenNMX: /agree, just because real war is nasty doesn't mean a game should be
20:01.21Beladonano ripping about it
20:01.33kremonteyou can't get everything
20:01.44GenNMXkremonte: True, but most people see things in black and white
20:01.48kremonteif you want to pvp when you want to, flag when you want to on a pve server. you stand the chance of getting ganked, oh well? for 5 minutes.
20:01.58kremonteand now i should get penalized for that?
20:02.00Eraphine|LabAnyone have an idea of how to detect buff refreshes?
20:02.03kremontethere has been no mention of what i said about alts
20:02.07Beladonahow does DAOC handle high level ganking?
20:02.11kremontei get ganked all the time on my warrior, and defend myself with my 60 lock
20:02.12Beladonaanyone anyone?
20:02.16Eraphine|LabBeladona, there are pvp zones
20:02.19GenNMXEraphine|Lab: Parse the chat log, if the player is close enough
20:02.22kremontenow i can't? now i just have to log off and do nothing
20:02.29Eraphine|LabGenNMX, it doesn't show when a buff is refreshed though
20:02.32kremonteEraphine|Lab - there are pvp zones in wow. and friendly ones.
20:02.42KtronI'd be happy to say, allow some rule that if some npc, like a town leader goes down, then the entire town's npc get replaced by a handful of the opposing factions npcs guards for a while
20:02.45kremontepvp zone where you go if you dont mind pvp. aka, battlegrounds
20:02.53Beladonathe problem is, a 60 can visit a lowbie village and own
20:02.57Eraphine|Labin daoc there wasn't a waiting line for pvp
20:03.05kremontethere isn't in WoW =)
20:03.05Eraphine|Labif you wanted to pvp, you went to the frontiers.
20:03.23Eraphine|LabThere is though, people wait in BG's instead of going out to zones.
20:03.24Ktronand once the town is under attack, high level characters can talk to the town leader and accept a 'defend the town' quest, and based on their PvPing, get bonus honor or cash or something
20:03.27kremonteif youre in a contested zone, you accept that you can get ganked
20:03.43kremontelevel to 60 in elwynn forest then. -_-
20:03.49BeladonaI just think BG was a neat idea. But not as a replacement for pvp
20:03.52GenNMXEraphine|Lab: There were times where "good pvp" was impossible in THEIR version of Battlegrounds
20:03.52Eraphine|Labin daoc, you got more xp for fighting in the frontier though
20:03.56kremonteyeah, BG killed world pvp
20:04.13GenNMXYeah, DAoC was cool because you could level characters off PvP
20:04.28Eraphine|LabGenNMX, there was no optional pvp in the frontier.
20:04.41Eraphine|Labif you were in the frontier, you could get ganked - that's it.
20:04.43BeladonaI fully support punishment for ganking
20:04.44GenNMXEraphine|Lab: I said their Battlegrounds, not the Frontiers
20:04.47kremonteoptional = pve server
20:04.52KtronSounds like how the outlands will be
20:04.53Beladonait will be the only way to fully prevent it
20:04.57kremonteyou can't "define" ganking
20:04.58Eraphine|LabNobody did BG after they capped levels
20:05.08Beladonasure you can
20:05.11kremonteganking is when a 60 kills my 33 warrior,
20:05.17kremontebut ganking is also when 15 level 50's kill my 60 warlock
20:05.24GenNMXPvP isn't all about Level 60
20:05.25Beladonaall they need is to define a maximum level difference
20:05.29Eraphine|LabIt was in daoc
20:05.32Beladonathe system is already in place in other areas of the game
20:05.36GenNMXIf it was, we wouldn't be having this discussion in the first place
20:05.45kremontelevel 33 warrior gets killed by 2 level 35 rogues
20:05.50kremontenow i have to log off while they camp me
20:05.52Ktronkremonte: if 15 level 50's kill your 60 warlock, I don't see that as nearly as much of a problem
20:05.53GenNMXEraphine|Lab: Hell no, that's what I LIKED about DAoC...I could level a character through PvP 1-60
20:05.55kremontebecause i can't drive them away on my 60 warlock
20:06.19GenNMXEraphine|Lab: Or, before they added XP, I could engage in nice, structured PvP before Level 60
20:06.31Ktron1) how often will 15 level 50's work together in PvP? 2) how many other level 60s would you need to find to drive them off?
20:06.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Lozareth (
20:06.35Eraphine|Lablevel through pvp?
20:06.36kremonteif you want controlled PVP, then you can control it on a PVE server. if those 5 minutes of being flagged is too much, then play another game?
20:06.42Eraphine|LabIt was so much faster to just quest it
20:06.45Eraphine|Labplus you can start at L40 now
20:06.50Beladonanow if they made it so dishonorable kills literally wiped your rank faster than you can grow it, then people would be more careful
20:07.05kremonteyou still have said absolutely nothing about my example with alts
20:07.07Beladonait is the same concept as TK-punishment in fps games
20:07.15Eraphine|Labin daoc there was realm vs realm and a real sense of defending your own.
20:07.17kremontebut TK is vs your own team
20:07.25kremonteof course i cant kill other alliance
20:07.27Beladonayou arne't seeing my point
20:07.35kremontesure am not.
20:07.38GenNMXYeah, DAoC's Realm vs Realm was awesome
20:07.51kremontenow i reiterate
20:07.52Beladonamost people TK because they either aren't careful enough, or don't know any better
20:07.56Eraphine|LabBeladona, what are you vying for.
20:08.05Beladonawhen punished they learn quickly
20:08.06kremonteif 2 35 rogues camp my 33 warrior, i can't do anything from my 60 lock. i have to log off my warrior and not play.
20:08.10GenNMXI would say WoW has worse PvP then DAoC but far better PvE
20:08.13Beladonathe same holds true for ganks
20:08.21Eraphine|LabI agree there Gen.
20:08.23kremontehow is it a gank if you're defending yourself
20:08.27kremonteor defending a guildie, or a friend
20:08.30Ktronkremonte: or go somewhere else?
20:08.35Beladonathat is where the problem comes in
20:08.38Ktronkremonte: or you can call for help
20:08.45kremonteKtron - why do i need to
20:08.48kremontei have the capabilities to kill them
20:08.55kremontebut i'm not allowed, even though they are doing the SAME EXACT THING
20:09.00Eraphine|LabI think WoW PVE servers should have zone contested zones
20:09.01Ktronkremonte: no you don't have the capabilities
20:09.08kremontewhat if you're not grouped and you see another alliance getting ganked
20:09.12kremonteyou can't help them
20:09.15Eraphine|Labwith some nice high level quests.
20:09.28Eraphine|Laband maybe some keeps.
20:09.38Eraphine|Labthat increased overall stats for your realm.
20:09.42Eraphine|Laboh wait.. that's daoc.
20:09.44kremonteso you're pretty much saying, since you get ganked and YOU don't want to leave the zone
20:09.49Beladonathe problem is, any severe punishment against high levels ganking lowbies would have to be reciprocated in the reverse
20:09.57kremontei'm not allowed to use the 60 that i levelled to help myself
20:10.02Beladonawhich has its own problems
20:10.04KtronBeladona: I don't think so
20:10.12kremontehell, i might as well make all my toons on different servers, because i could barely interact
20:10.17Eraphine|LabBeladona, I don't see the problem with 10 50's killing higher players
20:10.20KtronBeladona: if 40 level 40's start killing level 60's, I think they deserve credit
20:10.27kremonteKtron- and?
20:10.35kremontethey deserve credit for an undefendable zerg
20:10.40Beladonagranted, the instances of lowbies ganging up and owning high levels is MUCH less than high levels on lowbies
20:10.42kremontethe 60 can't defend himself, that's fair pvp?
20:10.45Ktronand shouldn't be penalized, unlike 1 level 60 killing 40 level 40's
20:10.50Beladonaand is easily rectified
20:10.52Eraphine|Labbela you're talking on pvp servers ?
20:10.53Ktronkremonte: I said defending yourself was okay already
20:10.54kremontea level 40 can fight back
20:10.57kremonteyou know how many times
20:11.02kremonteive been rooted by a level 40
20:11.20kremonteagain, Ktron you have said NOTHING about the other circumstances
20:11.27kremontei can't help guildies friends other alliance getting camped
20:11.36kremontei can't help my alts
20:11.45kremontewhat's the point of factions then?
20:11.48Ktronkremonte: you can if they group them, we allowed grouping
20:11.52Beladonaand that is the primary reason why Blizz hasn't done it yet
20:11.54Ktronkremonte: and no, you CANNOT help your alts
20:12.05Beladonathere are benefits, and drawbacks to both ways
20:12.12kremonte"hey, in the 3 seconds you have until he kills you, invite me so i can fear him"
20:12.13Eraphine|LabWe are talking strictly PvP servers right?
20:12.17kremonteyes Eraphine|Lab
20:12.25GenNMXWhat about a "Lowbie" flag that can be turned on/off before you're level 60? If it's ON, you can be killed by enemies of any level and kill them. If it's ON, you are protected except from enemies 5 levels higher/10 levels lower then you.
20:12.27kremontecontrolled pvp is not on a pvp server though. i don't understand wtf you're whining about
20:12.29Eraphine|LabPvP servers comprise what percentage of the playerbase?
20:12.37GenNMXErrr, turn that first ON to OFF, heh
20:12.54Beladonano one is whining
20:12.56kremonte5 levels is harsh.
20:13.02kremontethats like, the exact same thing as a pvp flag
20:13.08Eraphine|LabI don't think anything needs to be done with the PvP servers
20:13.10BeladonaI personally haven't had serious issues with being ganked
20:13.16kremonte5 levels is still a big difference
20:13.18Eraphine|LabI think the PvE servers need to have autoflag pvp zones
20:13.19Beladonabut then again most people know me on my pvp server
20:13.35kremonteso because you're one of the MINORITY that don't want to gank when you're 60, you want EVERYONE to be the same? too bad
20:13.36GenNMXkremonte: This would mainly be for a PvP server though
20:13.54Eraphine|LabBeladona, why do you play on a pvp server?
20:14.03kremonteGenNMX - 3 level 35 rogues camp a level 30 priest
20:14.07Beladonabecause I like it
20:14.10kremontenormally, i'd kill them to save him
20:14.17kremontenope, can't help my own goddam faction
20:14.47kremontesaying i need an invite to help someone is lame
20:14.47Ktronkremonte: party with him, and you can
20:14.55Eraphine|LabOk, some of my friends play on PvP servers specifically for the reason that if they are having a bad day, they can go out and just gank lowbies.
20:14.57GenNMXkremonte: And what about those Level 35 Rogues? Is it fair they're getting attacked by a Level 60?
20:14.59kremonteif i'm in a raid going to MC and i see a 45 getting camped by 50's. what do i do?
20:15.01Eraphine|LabI know it's sad, but that's one of their reasons.
20:15.05kremonteGenNMX - they want to fight
20:15.10BeladonaI dont't gank lowbies
20:15.15Eraphine|LabI understand that
20:15.18kremontejust because you don't gank doesn't mean noone should be allowed to
20:15.19Beladonabut I dont get mad if someone else does
20:15.24kremonteit's not 100% ganking
20:15.24Eraphine|LabWhat i'm saying is that the changes you are asking for would hurt them.
20:15.32kremontedefending another alliance is not ganking
20:15.36kremontegetting revenge for your alt is not ganking
20:15.36Beladonakremonte, no one is arguiing with you
20:15.39Eraphine|Labin daoc if you were being ganked you just asked for help from highbies.
20:15.40GenNMXMaybe there can be a new PvP ruleset -- "Griefest"
20:15.45Eraphine|Laband some group would come out and kill them.
20:15.52Beladonathis is just a discussion on what we think COULD maybe be done
20:16.00Eraphine|LabWhy do anything at all?
20:16.02kremonteand i am saying
20:16.08kremonteif you want controlled pvp, roll on a pve server
20:16.13Eraphine|LabExactly Kremote
20:16.27Eraphine|LabPvP is for people who are ok with never being safe, and with no rules at all.
20:16.31GenNMXkremonte: I mostly got ganked by Levels 10+ then me when trying to flag myself as long as possible on a PvE server
20:16.45kremontethen don't flag yourself
20:16.54kremonteyou want to fight but not get fought back
20:17.06GenNMXkremonte: You're missing the point of PvP
20:17.06TainThat's nonsense, kremonte.
20:17.19GenNMXPeople keep arguing stuff like "but then I can't get revenge", etc., etc.
20:17.30GenNMXPvP isn't suppose to be about get ganked, then gank back!
20:17.32Eraphine|LabGet revenge later when you're bigger.
20:17.38kremonteyou fight me and it is impossible for me to kill you, i'm going to get on my main and kick your bloody ass
20:17.52kremontedon't have a main? then zone out. don't make me ignore my 60 warlock that i have 100days of playtime on
20:17.54GenNMXIt's suppose to be about at least semi-fair fights
20:18.00Eraphine|LabNah Gen
20:18.01kremontethats what battlegrounds are.
20:18.18BeladonaI agree pvp servers are not meant to be safe, but at the same time I don't think people should be encouraged to gank
20:18.19Eraphine|LabPeople should know what they are getting into when they roll PvP
20:18.19GenNMXSure 3 Level 35 Rogues can jump you, so you get your Level 35 friends
20:18.26kremontei don't have level 35 friends
20:18.28Beladonait is a form of griefing, pure and simple
20:18.31kremontei'm in a raiding guild, we all have 60's
20:18.35Eraphine|LabWhat's wrong with griefing?
20:18.47kremontegriefing is what happens on a PVP server
20:18.51Eraphine|LabReally - what is wrong with griefing on a pvp server?
20:18.51GenNMXEraphine|Lab: But what you ask for is akin to the PvP days of EQ
20:18.53kremonteagain, you want fair fights, do battlegrounds. you see someone you want to kill, flag yourself
20:19.09kremontethere shouldnt be barely any risk on a pvp server
20:19.10KtronI'm getting busy now, frankly, I think ganking is poor, I'd be happy with setting maybe a +-7 level limit of PvP, allowing lower level character to engage higher level characters over this range, allowing higher level characters to defend themselves, and if one person in a group is being attacked by someone, than the group can all attack the attacker
20:19.12Beladonaguess its my personality
20:19.12kremontepvp server is about risks
20:19.22Beladonawhen I get mad, i don't go outside and kick the dog
20:19.25kremonteKtron - others don't, thats why they roll on pvp servers
20:19.30Eraphine|LabThat's you Beladona
20:19.35GenNMXkremonte: You're making this black and white when I say it shouldn't be. Why should World PvP be solely about ganking?
20:19.37Eraphine|LabLots of people play pvp to grief.
20:19.49Ktronthat's the wrong reason to PvP
20:19.51kremonteGenNMX - i didn't say that, you're saying it should never have 0 ganks
20:19.58kremonteright and wrong reasons is an opinion
20:19.58Eraphine|LabYou can say their reason is wrong Ktron.
20:20.00Beladonawhy does everyone think I am trying to argue a point?
20:20.01TainI'd argue that the majority do, Eraphine.  But I know others here won't agree.
20:20.02kremonteopinion ~= fact
20:20.16Beladonano shit
20:20.19Eraphine|LabThe truth is - people pay for the game, just like we do
20:20.25Ktronif you want to feel better and kill things easily, play a FPS
20:20.28GenNMXkremonte: Don't use Lua syntax at me! I have ~=, what's so damn wrong with !=
20:20.29Eraphine|Laband they roll pvp servers it can be for whatever reason they want.
20:20.33kremonteKtron - again, opinion
20:20.35GenNMXI hate ~=, I mean
20:20.44kremonteGenNMX, because i'm coding in lua now :(
20:20.52GenNMX~= mathmatically means "approximately" for goodness sake
20:21.02Beladonalet me reiterate. I said I like PvP. I don't gank. But I dont get mad at people that do. I fail to see where the argument is
20:21.03kremontelua ~= mathematics! lol
20:21.12kremonteBeladona - it's not directed at you
20:21.12GenNMXAll coding is based on mathmatics
20:21.18GenNMXAnyway, I digress
20:21.22kremontebased on ~= is
20:21.25Eraphine|LabThen there is no argument.
20:21.40Eraphine|LabI thought people were asking for restrictions on pvp servers
20:21.40TainAnd WoW PVP is approximately one method of PVP amongst many.
20:21.55kremonteyea Eraphine|Lab, theere were :p
20:21.59Beladonayou came in late in the conversation
20:22.01kremontebasing defense on groups anyway is dumb in itself
20:22.10Eraphine|LabSorry - i'll just sit back and watch
20:22.17kremontei think Ktron is AFK now
20:22.24Beladonathe original topic of conversation was actually about encouraging more world pvp
20:22.27GenNMXkremonte: DAoC's Realm vs Realm system for World PvP rocks. WoW needs a similiar system. When you go out to Frontiers, you are making a CHOICE. You don't have that type of choice with WoW's current rulesets. Either you open yourself to ganking after Level 20, or you don't. PvP flagging doesn't really help.
20:22.30Beladonanot just BG
20:22.31Eraphine|LabOh - btw - anyway to check for buff refreshes? the combat log doesn't spit out a new message if you refresh a buff before it expires.
20:22.45kremonteGenNMX - yes you do, PVE and PVP servers
20:22.56kremonteit's one-or-the-other. they arent going to redo it
20:22.59Eraphine|LabRight now I'm actally comparing onupdate times to check if the time since the last update is outside of a certain range.
20:23.04Eraphine|Labbut I don't think it's very efficient.
20:23.11GenNMXkremonte: But it SUCKS and everyone knows that.
20:23.14kremonteonupdate makes me lag so much
20:23.21kremonteGenNMX - in ways it does, in ways it doesn't
20:23.26GenNMXkremonte: Then go Ace ;)
20:23.29Eraphine|LabThere are good ways to use onupdate.
20:23.32BeladonaI get bored on PvE
20:23.37BeladonaPvP keeps you on your toes
20:23.39Eraphine|LabYeah, I use timex
20:23.51KtronKtron is playing WoW too heh
20:23.59kremontei'm XPing and i saw two 35 shammies on my 33 warrior
20:23.59Eraphine|LabReally - blizzard uses the globaltooltip refresh time to throttle onupdates - it's not that bad.
20:24.03kremontegogo aoe fear
20:24.07Eraphine|Labbut - anyone have any suggestions?
20:25.26Ktronkremonte: by any chance, do you play a night elf?
20:25.33kremontegnome warlock..
20:25.39kremontegnome warrior too, and gnome mage! =D
20:25.52GenNMXWhat about this scenario -- You get into a good fight with someone of equal level, but lose. So you get mad and go grab a friend of your same level, and kill your attacker. That guy gets mad and does the same thing, and it keeps escalating...
20:26.02kremontewhat about it?
20:26.06kremontehappens all the time, heh
20:26.11kremontesouthshore and TM are great examples
20:26.13GenNMXThe problem is that with the current PvP ruleset, that scenario isn't very possible because there's a very good chance a Level 60 will come around to WTFPWN everyone
20:26.24kremontethen another level 60 will come around and its balanced
20:26.32Beladonaanyone remember the regex for finding duplicate lines?
20:26.40kremonteif war was balanced, then we would always be at war
20:26.49GenNMXLevel 60s take time to kill, while those Level 60s are fighting, they can easily kill the Level 20s in the meantime
20:27.09kremonteif a level 60 stops fighting the other 60 to kill a 20, he has made a mistake, and will likely lose the fight
20:27.26Ktronkremonte: we are always at war, and another level 60 doesn't come around for a WHILE
20:27.36GenNMXBut even more so, in a Level 20-25 zone, you have assured chances of a Level 20-25 of the same faction there
20:27.37kremontesometimes yes, sometimes no
20:27.39BeladonaI have seen and been a part of raid parties with all 40ish or so members, who WTFPWND 60s
20:27.51GenNMXYou don't have assured chances a Level 60 of the same faction will be there, or be inclined to help
20:28.01kremonteand neither does the other side
20:28.04GenNMXThis is why XR can get locked down so often, because the Level 60s can just not care
20:28.16kremontetheir loss then
20:28.21GenNMXkremonte: But if it DOES happen, the other side is 100% screwed and will just need to stop questing
20:28.25kremonteall people are different, you cant expect everyone to dislike ganking or like ganking
20:28.36GenNMXBut who wins in that scenario? Where's the FUN? You can't fight a level 60!!
20:28.40kremontein xroads, horde are not flagged
20:28.42BeladonaSTV is a good example
20:28.50kremontestv yes, but =thats why i rarely level there
20:28.55GenNMXYeah, STV is a better example then XR
20:28.58KtronOh, one last point kremonte-- I wasn't preventing people from ganking, I was just saying there should be a nasty reputation penalty-- that way, gankers would end up kind of 'outlaw'ish, which is appropriate
20:28.59kremonteand now, if i am there, ande get ganked
20:29.00BeladonaI dont mind it
20:29.03kremontei kill them on my main
20:29.17kremontenot all "gankers" are what you think, Ktron
20:29.24BeladonaI remember owning a 60 rogue once. Man that was fun. He came back for revenge 4 times, and died each time
20:29.30kremontei gank sometimes. i don't go out of my way too, but sometimes i do
20:29.36Beladonathen he brought another rogue
20:29.41Beladonaand I killed them both
20:29.42kremonteso i should be an "outlaw"? lose the rep i earned hard for my faction in arathi basin or AV
20:29.45Ktronif you only gank in revenge once and while, it wouldn't matter too much, but if you do it frequently, you should pay for it a little
20:29.48Beladonafinally he brought a full group
20:29.51GenNMXkremonte: But that's not organized World PvP. That's revenge.
20:29.53BeladonaI had to leave at that point
20:29.53kremonteKtron - yes it would
20:30.02kremonteis all world pvp organized? is all revenge?
20:30.17GenNMXBefore Level 60, it pretty much IS all revenge.
20:30.17Eraphine|Labin lineage, I think you would be worth more honor if you had a lot of dishonorable kills
20:30.29kremonteyou lose honor by getting DKs
20:30.30Eraphine|Labso if you ganked someone, you were likely to be ganked a lot
20:30.48Eraphine|LabRight, but you are also worth more honor when killed
20:30.50kremontehow about this
20:30.53Eraphine|Labin lineage
20:31.00Beladonathats a decent system
20:31.00kremontewait, nevermind, lol
20:31.16kremontewell, by what we have right now, it'd be iffy
20:31.26kremontei have 300 something DKs from killing NPCs in brill when iw as bored
20:31.35Eraphine|Labit'd be interesting if having lots of DK autoflagged you for pvp on pve servers.
20:31.36Beladonano punishment, except that others want to kill you more
20:31.49Ktronthat might work
20:31.58kremontebut still
20:32.02Eraphine|LabYep Bela - it encourges the playerbase to self correct
20:32.09kremontegetting DKs for killing players would be horrible imo
20:32.12GenNMXEraphine|Lab: They should seperate "Civilian DKs" from "Player DKs" before they implement something like that then
20:32.18kremontedo you know what the difference is between an HK and DK?
20:32.31kremonteone DK was worth more than 50HKs
20:32.41Eraphine|Labin lineage if you didn't fight back, you would get a dk
20:32.48Eraphine|Labif the person you were attacking
20:32.55Eraphine|Labso you would stop attacking
20:33.14kremontewell then some mechanics would have to be fixed
20:33.21kremontelike, searing totems
20:33.41Beladonahow so
20:33.50kremontethey autoattack, even if the shammy is afdk
20:34.07Beladonashould still count
20:34.22Eraphine|Labif a shammy is going to go afk and doesn't want to be ganked, he should put away his totems.
20:34.27kremonteoh wait
20:34.30kremontedont totems only last like 30s
20:34.34Beladonano dk for killing a shammy who decided to put a totem up and go afk in pvp territory
20:34.41Eraphine|Labyeah lol
20:34.42Beladonais a moron anyway
20:34.46GenNMXHow about this -- instead of a "Player DK" making you lose honour, you transfer a small amount of honour to someone who kills you, based on how many PDKs you have. So when you are killed, the killing player gets a base bonus from the number of PDKs modified by how much honour is taken away from you.
20:35.16BeladonaI like the idea of not getting punished at all, but being worth more honor
20:35.21kremontehonor should not be lost for ganking period, though i do agree wit hthe idea of not-attacked=dk
20:35.25kremonteyeah thats the best
20:35.32kremontecause now the other made me think
20:35.40Eraphine|LabOnly problem with being worth more honor - is that it can be exploited in a ranking system like wow
20:35.43kremontea rogue could /rofl spam me for 5mins until i kill him, and he dont fight back
20:35.52Beladonabut you would also need some indicator of players with higher dks
20:35.53GenNMXBeladona: I'm just trying to make it less exploitable, so someone who has 100000000 PDKs isn't worth a bazillion honour
20:35.55Eraphine|LabPeople become worth a lot of honor by dking, then have people farm them.
20:36.13Eraphine|Labyeh bel in lineage there were colors of nameplates
20:36.17Eraphine|Labfrom green to red
20:36.24kremontewell, still if you ask me, there should not be a penalty, because all is fair in love and war
20:36.24Eraphine|Labanything past yellow was worth more honor
20:36.26Beladonajust put a limit Gen
20:36.33Beladonamaximum honor worth from dks
20:36.40TainMeridian 59 had it so that you could kill anyone you wanted, but if you did you were flagged as a playerkiller.  Anyone could kill a playerkiller without penalty.
20:37.05TainPeople became paid bounty hunters, basically.
20:37.07GenNMXTain: That's the current PvE PvP flag
20:37.15kremonteon pvp servers, everyone is a playerkiller
20:37.17Eraphine|Labactually in lineage, the npc's would put bounties on your head
20:37.25kremonterofl that would own
20:37.30Eraphine|Labpeople could also get gold for kiling you and bringing your ear/head
20:37.40kremontethe AV drops
20:37.45GenNMXAnd Merdidian 59 had straight PvP servers too
20:38.02TainSo did every game.
20:38.07TainAnd they all implemented it in different ways.
20:38.16kremonteffxi :'(
20:38.20kremonteballista ftl
20:38.52GenNMXInstead of a bounty system, we could just have a "Hall of Infamy" which lists the players with the highest PDKs every week along with the players with the highest honour
20:39.05kremontepvp ranking on the site, lol
20:39.06Eraphine|Labthere are some serious shortcomings of the buff frame
20:39.15Eraphine|Labit's completely onupdate driven.
20:39.33GenNMXkremonte: Yeah, I don't think they have the code to do it in-game yet
20:39.55kremontereally no reason to have it in game though imo
20:39.59TainFFXI was pvp.. People who made the game vs players.
20:40.07kremontelol MPK MPK MPK MPK
20:40.12TainIt was painful enough without being attacked by other players.
20:40.19kremontenot sure if i still have the SS of when my group was MPKed on frigging kirin
20:40.29TemTip: Enemy payers whose names appear in gray are much lower level than you are will not give honor when killed.
20:40.48kremonte>>Horii : why the hell did you MPK us Horii>> y o u m o b l o l
20:41.05kremonteHorii>> o w n d wwwwwwwwwwwwwww
20:41.41Beladonammm, lua debug.sethook and debug.gethook ---- we need those =\
20:42.04GenNMXOne thing I would worry about asking Blizzard to implement something like PDKs is having groups of Level 1 attack a Shaman/Druid and die to their Lightning Shield/Thorns in 1 hit, making them suffer a PDK
20:42.23GenNMXThat shouldn't happen, but knowing Blizzard, they might release PDK before they fix that =(
20:42.28kremontei dont think PDK should be seen as something bad
20:42.29TemTipL When you are in a raid you can drag a group of class type from the raid window to your game field so you can see their health and mana bars.
20:42.37kremonteNO WAY TEM, NO WAY
20:43.12GenNMXTem: Yep, that's why my memory usage jumps up by 2MB everytime I'm in a raid using CTRA -_-
20:43.23kremontewah, gen?
20:43.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Natasem (n=Natasem@
20:43.30kremontethat tip is about the default blizzard UI
20:43.40KtronPS to everyone not part of the PvP talk, I'm sorry to have brought it up
20:43.41GenNMXI know
20:44.11Natasemplease sign that
20:44.51GenNMXNatasem: Last time I tried to sign an online petition, I got pen marks all over my LCD
20:45.18Beladonakremonte, is that new in 1.9?
20:45.19TainI don't go in any forum but the UI forum.
20:45.22Beladonaor 1.10?
20:45.30kremonteno. wao.
20:45.31Natasemanyone know if there is a mod that will automaticly logs ya into a bg when ya get the prompt?  i hate sitting infront of my screen for 2 hrs waiting for a "join" popup
20:45.46kremonteBGassist i think?
20:45.55GenNMXNatasem: BGAssist by Saien, google it
20:46.11Tain~emulate Saien
20:46.13purlYou are of course, wrong, and I invite you to prove it to yourself.
20:46.26kremontel o l
20:46.34kremonte~emulate Tain
20:46.35purlWhy the hell am I still sober?
20:46.43GenNMXbur bur bur!
20:46.54kremontegoiben uden lo goiben uden lo goiben uden lo
20:47.29Natasemooo that's cool
20:47.41Natasemjust what i was lookin for
20:47.52GenNMXEveryone in WSG or Arathi Basin should have BGInvite if yo're doing PUGs
20:48.04kremontepugs suck
20:48.06GenNMXWell technically, only one person needs it, heh
20:48.40GenNMXkremonte: True, but you don't have much choice pre-50 or so, unless your guild is BG fanatical
20:48.56GenNMXOr you're a member of a twinking group
20:48.57kremonteRiddle me this: Guess how a duel would go, with a rank 12 BWL-equipped druid, and a pally with thunderfury
20:49.24kremonte<Chuck Norris Experience> Level 19 WSG Guild, Alliance Warsong 8)
20:49.36GenNMXTwinker Of The Day: Level 29 Rogue with 1900 Base Health and Dual Fierys
20:49.44kremontebase? no
20:49.45GenNMXkremonte: God I hate you people -_-
20:49.50kremontehealth with equipped =)
20:49.54GenNMXBase meaning before Buffs
20:50.00kremonteyeah. base is what you have naked.
20:50.06kremonte1900 unbuffed hp :P
20:50.13kremonte1100 HP on my dorf hunter
20:50.15*** part/#wowi-lounge Cair|sleep (
20:50.22GenNMXFine, unbuffed
20:50.46GenNMXAnyway, twinkers are like bringing a Level 10+ into the WSG match
20:51.18kremontesta+9 on bracers, speed on boots, wailing caverns bow, etc
20:51.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Ktron|WSG (
20:51.30kremonteour tabard is pink with a white cat on it
20:51.49GenNMXIf one side has too many twinkers, there's really no way the other side will win. Especially since twinkers come with great knowledge of how to play the game.
20:51.57kremonteyup =D
20:52.01kremontewe got our first rank 3 last tues
20:52.17kremonterogue with 1400 hp, lol
20:53.00GenNMXThe real problem with twinkers is that they turn new people off to the game who want PvP as well as PvE -- they see the problems with PvP, and quit because just PvE is too boring. The number of people who would quit if twinking was removed pales in comparison to this negative publicity.
20:53.10GenNMXRemoved/heavily nerfed
20:53.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Cair|sleep (
20:53.31Natasemahh but (BG Invite) hasn't been updated in a few patchs
20:53.32Beladonaanyone know if they are providing the full bitlib functions, or only part of them?
20:53.32kremontefew people do low level BGs...
20:53.35*** mode/#WoWI-lounge [+o Cair] by ChanServ
20:53.42kremonte'lo Cair
20:53.51GenNMXI think we will see Enchanting requiring a specific Item Level minimum in the future
20:54.05kremontethat would suck imo
20:54.13GenNMXkremonte: Yeah, that must be why 10-19 and 20-29 always has 3 instances open on Maelstorm -_-
20:54.26kremontelosing general purpose things like speed enchant
20:54.42kremonteGenNMX - one every 3 hours on warsong, and we're really overpopulated
20:54.44GenNMXSpeed Enchant could be a special case
20:54.47kremonte(600 queues on a weekday afternoon)
20:55.04kremontei venture to ask, youre horde?
20:55.31GenNMXAlliance, if I was Horde there would be a longer wait since Horde outpopulates us on Maelstorm
20:55.38kremontewtf youre so backwards
20:55.44kremontehorde has 0wait, alliance has 3hr wait
20:56.07GenNMXUhhh no, not on Maelstorm -- it's one of the few servers where Horde outpopulates Alliance
20:56.21kremonteyeah, thats why i said backwards
20:56.28kremontehorde has 0 wait on my server, not yours lol
20:56.35GenNMXOh, right
20:58.03GenNMXBut with 10-19 and 20-29 alliance, we're already at a disadvantage because we usually start off 8 vs 10, 9 vs 10, etc. Add in that there are more Horde twinkers on our server, 9/10 those Horde are waiting because people said "What the hell I can't fight a 1900 health Shaman" and just quit
20:59.07kremontelol, i hate someo f the horde twinks on my server
20:59.10kremontethis guy Datz pots so much
20:59.15GenNMXIf you could actually organize new players together I wouldn't see a problem with twinking, but most of the time they're running around like chickens with their heads cut off. And they get frustrated easily because they don't know what they're doing. Yet these are the people Blizzard really needs to cater to.
20:59.26kremontei almost think he farms NBGs in felwood on his 19 rogue ;(
20:59.46kremontewell, GenNMX, the horde have a lot of twinks, but my guild usually goes with 5+ too
21:00.05GenNMXkremonte: twinkers on their offtime on Maelstorm go to Contested territorities with a Level 60 friend and wander around killing people
21:00.16GenNMXAt least, that's where I normally see them
21:00.27kremontehard imo
21:00.38kremonteexplore XP = level up XD
21:01.00GenNMXkremonte: 5 is about the maximum amount of twinkage I see in Maelstorm games, yeah
21:01.13kergothlow level pvp bores me.  my current alt i'm rapid leveling to 60 and going from there
21:01.50GenNMXEh, twinks aside, I still have a heck of a lot of fun in WSG pre-60
21:02.16kremonteheh kergoth, i already pvp alot on my 60
21:02.19GenNMXThe problem with high-level games is that people do know what they're doing, so you can start to plan ahead and predict what will happen. You don't have that luxury in low-level games
21:02.49GenNMXI should say "people generally know what they're doing", or actually follow a leader who does
21:03.39GenNMXBut another reason Level 60 PvP is bad is that people are there to farm honour and reputation hardcore, and many can throw the idea of "fun" right out the widnow
21:03.51pagefaulthow can a hunter's pet be resistant to fear?
21:03.55pagefaultis there some skill for it?
21:04.24GenNMXpagefault: BW Hunters can remove Magic, Disease, and Poison effects with their heal pet skill I think
21:04.46kremontefear is not a magic effect
21:04.47kremonteit's a fear effect
21:04.56kremonteanyway, bestial wrath, pagefault
21:05.01kremontethe 31pt BM talent
21:05.08GenNMXAh yes
21:05.11kremonteit lasts 15sec, 2m cd
21:05.14GenNMXBW Hunters will be nerfed in the future
21:05.24kremonte1.9 longer duration, less dmg
21:05.29kremontebut they are still fear immune
21:05.36kremontewhich means more interrupts
21:06.04pagefaultI just want some way of escaping their cats that run at like 250%
21:06.27kremontenope! %)
21:06.31GenNMXpagefault: in 1.9, Pets will no longer gain enough speed to catch up with their target unless they Dash/Dive/etc.
21:06.45kremonteand 90% of pets at level 60 have dash *cough*
21:07.04GenNMXkremonte: Yes, but that can't be used 100% of the time
21:07.08kremontein 1.9, warlocks will lose their pets even more than pre-1.7
21:07.22pagefaultthen it will be time to bitch again
21:07.23GenNMXUnlike right now, where I can be running around in Travel Form and have a pet stick on me
21:07.32kremonteand time for blizzard not to do anything lol
21:07.52pagefaultI usually don't travel with a pet anyway though
21:07.55pagefaultunless I am in BG
21:08.05kremonteyeah, thats one of the reasons i specced demonic sac lol
21:08.30pagefaultaffliction tree needs to be redone
21:08.42kremonte7/21/23 is great IMO
21:08.48*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
21:08.56pagefaulti'm 0/31/19
21:08.58kremontei dont use pets enough to warrant MD, so i have demonic sac, imp lifetap and ruin
21:09.08kremontei was 0/31/19, then 19/31/0
21:09.18kremonteGuillotine - get my memo?
21:09.25Guillotinebut i dont know how to view it...
21:09.30Guillotineall i see is "memo from kremonte"
21:09.31kremonte./ms list
21:09.40pagefault1.8 just made soul link too sweet for me
21:09.43kremontethen you can do /ms read
21:09.48Guillotineahh. ty
21:09.50kremontei liked it better when it was 50% :(
21:10.16pagefaultyour pet would die too often if it was 505
21:10.24Guillotinewoohoo! ty kremonte!
21:10.29kremontevw, 3/3 fel stam, 3/3 imp vw
21:10.44kremontebut now i only cast my blueberry to sac him, the regen is awesome
21:10.51pagefaultwell you can still get 40% with VW
21:11.11kremonteGuillotine - Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker of the Gorilla, enchant id 2564, addedstat id 1002 :P
21:11.39Guillotinenobody has thunderfury on my server, so I can't try that :(
21:11.42kremonteyeah, but i eventually realized, that when a wrarior charges me and is MSing me for 1500, takes too long
21:11.46Guillotineill try it on a different weapon though
21:11.48kremontelog on warsong alliance :P
21:11.57kremontei'm writing a mod on my mage right noiw
21:12.52Guillotinewhy 2 xml files?
21:13.09kremontehuh, which ones
21:13.29kremontetheres a lua, a toc, and an xml.. oh
21:13.32kremontei renamed your old one
21:13.35kremonte22kb to 1.2kb :P
21:15.03Guillotinek. whisper me. name is Getfenv
21:15.45Guillotinewhats your char name?
21:16.42kergothhaha, south park refernece in my guild's motd
21:16.46kergothZG run tonight.  punch & pie
21:17.06Cairbtw, someone was asking about battle ground mods: , ,
21:17.16Cair(3 seperate links there)
21:17.22kergothi like bgbuddy
21:17.41Cairthat's the first link, Kerg ;)
21:17.51kergothi figured it was one of em
21:17.57kergothi'm too lazy to click them
21:17.57Cairyup yup
21:17.59kergothbut.. :)
21:18.05Cair2 are Titan Panel plugins
21:18.20Cairand at least 2, if not all 3, have auto-join BG
21:18.29Cair(can't remember descriptions)
21:18.57kergothdoes the in game battlefield minimap actually work? it never seems to come up for me
21:19.09kergothi used to use warsong/alterac/arathi commander addons, and miss that
21:19.22Cideit works for the ones it works for :P
21:19.34Cidethere is some issue with it showing up off screen though
21:20.38Cairmay or may not be applicable to your question
21:21.31Guillotinekremonte: what is your char name that your logged into right now?
21:24.01Guillotinei thought of something interesting this morning (cair, let me know if this goes into illegal ground). Remember that guy posted on WoWI about addons being dissalowed then it ended up that he was on a emu server? Doesn't that mean that the WoW client currently has in place code to dissalow certain addons?
21:24.20Guillotineahhhh. i want that item kremonte... *drools*
21:28.00Cairnet split!
21:28.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Beladona (n=Beladona@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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21:28.04*** mode/#WoWI-lounge [+o Beladona] by
21:28.09Cairgeez, I haven't seen so *few* people in the channel since I created it
21:28.10Cairwelcome back splitters
21:29.20Guillotineid rather have int + 22
21:29.21kremonteflametongue is shammy only thou, and shammies cant even obtain the weapon
21:29.23purlextra, extra, read all about it, netsplit is something that happens when two IRC servers lose their link, thus isolating the users on every side from each other.  a normal part of ALL irc networks, despite what some people bitching about larger networks may seem to think, or an orchestra of poips and thwoops, or something which occurs frequently on OPN
21:29.23Guillotineoh. net split
21:29.25Ktron|WSGi lose
21:29.26Beladonamaking me hungry
21:29.26Guillotineomg! it was him!
21:29.27kremontekb that haxor
21:29.27Guillotinewow. a fire truck and ambulance just pulled up next door :/
21:29.27Guillotineif I leave all of a sudden, its because my house caught on fire
21:29.27*** join/#wowi-lounge digix_ (
21:29.28kremontei'm making a mod right now that alerts you when your last polymorphed target un-polies. is it possible to make it so it only pops up for the mob i did?
21:29.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Natasem (n=Natasem@
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21:29.28Parakdon't think so ;o
21:29.29Parakyou can't really detect the difference between two mobs of a same name
21:29.29Guillotineyou could make it only do it for a mob with the same name as the one you did
21:29.29Guillotineya. what parak said
21:29.29kremonteyea =/ orz
21:30.53Guillotinewow. that took a while...
21:30.53Guillotinepurl is laggy
21:30.54kremontewhat i was kinda thinking of doing, when it detects a poly fade
21:30.55kremonteit targetslasttarget, if target doesnt have poly debuff and has the same name? =X
21:32.04kremontethere's no way to keep track of 2 targets is there? lol ;p
21:32.04Guillotinenot really
21:32.04Ktron|WSGheh, you know what would make a weird mod/script? One that let you 'set' two or more targets, and you'd automatically switch target to target after successful hits
21:32.05Ktron|WSGfor holding aggro mostly I'd imagine
21:32.52Guillotinewould be interesting
21:32.53Guillotinebut would bug out if one was pulled out of reach
21:32.53Guillotinewho is this "peer" and what is he doing running around the internet resetting connections?
21:33.42*** join/#wowi-lounge GenNMX_ (
21:33.42Guillotinecurse is going. very. slowly
21:34.03*** part/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
21:34.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
21:34.03Guillotineyou reset my connection krmeonte!
21:34.03kremontethat was a /leave, not a /quit :(
21:34.28kremontea /hop would have been cooler
21:34.28Guillotinewhats /hop?
21:34.28*** part/#wowi-lounge kremonte (
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21:34.28kremontethat is
21:34.55Guillotinewhats the difference?
21:34.55kremontejust try it
21:34.55Guillotinei did. it says <issin grequired paramater nickname
21:34.55kremontewhat are you using lol
21:35.40kremontewell thats what it is then lol
21:35.40kremonteinstead of typing /leave /join #wowi-lounge, you can do /hop
21:35.40kremonteits pretty much what you use when you're setting up a channel and making sure things like aop work
21:35.40Guillotineisn't htat the same as /rejoin?
21:35.40*** part/#wowi-lounge kremonte (
21:36.07*** join/#wowi-lounge kremonte (
21:36.07kremonte./rejoin doesn't autojoin you back
21:36.07kremonte./hop doesn't close the tab, at least on mirc
21:36.32*** part/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
21:36.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
21:36.32Guillotinedidnt it just auto-join me back?
21:36.33kremontechatzilla ~= mirc lol
21:36.33*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
21:37.02Gryphenono i esceared of teh rawr! i need a huggle.
21:37.26Ktron|WSGanyone using chatzilla know if there's a way to make it auto-identify?
21:37.26Guillotinei havn't figured it out yet
21:37.53Guillotineyou can add a command alias though
21:37.55Guillotineso you just type /identify and it does it
21:38.31kremontelol cool
21:38.37kremonte./script EMOTE155_CMD2 = "/choochoo";
21:38.41kremontethen do /choochoo XD
21:38.51Guillotinethats the same as /train
21:39.04kremonteyou can change the globalstrings though, thats cool
21:39.49kremonte./script FACTION_STANDING_LABEL4 = "noob";
21:39.55kremonteim a noob with 4 factions
21:40.20*** join/#wowi-lounge krka_ (
21:40.46Guillotinei love gryphen's bot functionalities
21:40.59*** join/#wowi-lounge BadMojo (
21:41.10Guillotinewas that peer again?
21:41.23kremonteis Gryphen your bot?
21:41.23Guillotinenot mine
21:41.30Guillotinehes not really a bot either
21:41.30kremonteGuillotine - no, it was Connection
21:41.30kremontethat fucker.
21:41.36Guillotineat least not really
21:41.41Gryphennot really
21:41.44Guillotinehes only half bot
21:41.48Guillotinelike a cyborg
21:41.53Ktron|WSGI think Gryphen is just a user with a few botted reaction
21:41.56kremontehe hates me
21:42.07kremontewait, he just lags
21:42.31Ktron|WSGpurl is the one true bot
21:42.42kergoth~emulate chris
21:42.43purlWhen I stick this army guy with the sharp bayonette up my nose, it tickles my brain. Hah hah hah ... ow. Oh, now I don't know math.
21:42.47Gryphendelayed to avoid abuse
21:42.53kremonteGuillotine - what'd happen if i linked that thunderfury of the gorilla in IF trade?
21:42.59Guillotinedo it!
21:43.16Guillotinesay WTS [Thunderfury of the Gorilla] 2 copper
21:43.21Guillotineand see how many whispers you get
21:43.29kremonteits [thunderfury, blessed blade of the windseeker of the gorilla] lol
21:43.36Guillotineclose enough
21:43.41Guillotineyou know what i mean
21:43.47Ktron|WSGno no, find a BoE weapon
21:43.55kremontehas to be thunderfury ;)
21:44.07kremontel m a o
21:44.11kremontethe first reply was
21:44.13kremonte"its bop"
21:44.19kremonte[Zhaane] whispers: how much ?
21:44.34Guillotinesay 2 copper if you jump up and down 393749 times
21:44.44kremonte"lol hes showing it off" "its bop noob" "wtf" "where duz that drop"
21:44.46Ktron|WSGyeah, find the best BoE item you can
21:44.49Ktron|WSGlike the staff
21:45.00Anduin|Whou guys are horrable
21:45.03Guillotineglowing brightwood staff of the owl
21:45.05Ktron|WSGI might even have the number for you
21:45.08Guillotineno. we're horrible
21:45.12Ktron|WSGI've a lootlink db
21:45.14kremonteWTS [Arcane Crystal of the Gorilla]
21:45.23kremontelootlink sucks
21:45.25kremontegetlink ftw!
21:45.27GuillotineI like linking ppl my Hearthstone of Fiery Wrath
21:45.39kremonteguillotine - do that with enchant ID of 2564 :P
21:45.45Guillotinewhats that enchant?
21:45.51Anduin|Whomake it Uber Mining Pick of teh Pwnage
21:46.03kremonteyou can only add to the end
21:46.05kremonte2564 is agi+15
21:46.08Guillotinecan you change the color or will it disconect you?
21:46.18kremontenope, DCs
21:46.26Ktron|WSGuse destiny
21:46.29kremonte[Argo] whispers: how much ? ?
21:46.40Ktron|WSGdo you have the number, or do you want me to get it for you?
21:46.47Guillotinehe can get it off of the AH
21:46.49kremontei dont need the
21:46.52kremontegetlink owns
21:46.57Guillotineso does the spoofer
21:46.59kremontei have almost every item in the game, and use 0 memory
21:47.07kremontethey work together =D
21:47.10Guillotineyup :)
21:47.20kremonteis on WoWI
21:47.21Guillotinehe made it. with my idea
21:47.29kremonteyou didnt give me the idea for getlink o_O
21:47.33kremontewait, did you?
21:47.44Guillotineyou asked if it was possible to do a search
21:47.54kremontethats not giving me the idea ;p
21:48.08kremontei got it awhile ago, someonje posted a /script to get the itemid, i expandedon it
21:48.09GuillotineAFTER we were talking about my spoofer
21:48.14Guillotinethat was me
21:48.26kremontegetlink jlets you /getlink name, which returns all of the links that have that, that the server & you have ever seen
21:48.36kremonteso /getlink nemesis gives me links to all 8 pc's
21:48.48Guillotineyou mean neato
21:49.27Ktron|WSGvery nice
21:49.34zeegi just told my boss
21:49.36zeegto make his software suck less
21:49.43zeegi think i deserve a raise
21:49.53kremontelol zeeg. nice
21:50.39Ktron|WSGsounds like at least a nice complement to Lootlink... I wonder if lootlink will grab the links that getlink returns and add them to the db
21:51.21kremonteit will, but getlink is more or less a replacement
21:51.45kremonteany item lootlink has in its DB, getlink has, but if your savedvariables get corrupted, getlink still hast he links
21:51.58kergothwell, i still want an item db for sell values and things
21:52.14kremontewell, i'm not sure how lightweight sellvalue is
21:52.24kremonteall i know is, lootlink + raid = -fps ;(
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21:52.48CairKCItems is a lot lighterweight than LootLink
21:53.11Ktron|WSGkremonte: that's why you run LoadIT, and when its time to raid, you disable lootlink and rl, and when you win against a boss, just turn LL on and off again
21:53.33kremontestill doesn't mean it's lightweight =P
21:53.49kremontelootlink manually stores all the links
21:53.52Ktron|WSGI know, but it lets you manage
21:54.00Beladonaupdated my dreamweaver plugin to support the 1.9 API
21:54.08Cairyay Bela
21:54.12kremontenice bela
21:54.27Beladonacomplete with bitlib function, which loko super sexy
21:55.02kremontethe difference between the databases of links (LL, KC_Items) and GetLink is that they store links explicitly
21:55.21Ktron|WSGI've thought about trying to edit lootlink to make it work 'better'-- little things, like LL stores shield of the monkey and shield of the bear differently, I'd like it to have one entry 'shield of...' and then the  all the endings together... just to cut down room
21:55.30kremontelike, of the Wolf, of the Eagle etc. For example, you can get Councillor's Mantle of Stamina in LL, but only Councillor's Mantle in GL
21:55.39kremontelol Ktron|WSG o_O
21:55.42*** part/#wowi-lounge Beladona (n=Beladona@
21:56.57Ktron|WSGplus, you might be able to save more space by storing the 'type' of endings
21:57.01Cair~slap Osagasu
21:57.03purlACTION slaps Osagasu, keep your grubby fingers to yourself!
21:57.15kremonteKtron|WSG - but with that, it'd essentially be the same as GetLink
21:57.26kremonteit would all return the same links
21:57.39kremonteGetLink maybe more, because it has links you've never seen, like items you've only seen the model of
21:57.45Ktron|WSGheh... I'll look at GetLink in a moment... I do like having a LL frame though
21:57.46kremonteLL only stores links themselves
21:57.55kremonteGUI-less ftw :O
21:57.56Ktron|WSGand I do like the search capabilities of LL
21:58.12kremontesearch capabilities?
21:58.48Ktron|WSGlike, I want to see all the BoE weapons between level 40--60
21:58.49Anduin|Whogui ftw
21:59.06kremontegui ftl
21:59.19Anduin|Whothe gui isn't what makes it slow
21:59.25Ktron|WSGor all of the blue 2h maces between level 20-35
21:59.33Cair - lighter than LL
21:59.35kremontei know, Anduin|Who
22:00.47*** join/#wowi-lounge zespri (
22:06.36sweedeanyone know if there is a working auctioneer like addon ?
22:06.42kergothkci works well
22:06.59sweedelike how auctioneer scaned the ah and auto-filled in prices ?
22:07.06kergothyes, kci does that
22:07.13kergothand colors items in the ah by whether or not they're a good deal
22:07.14kergothand stuff
22:07.15OsagasuKCI is awesome
22:08.10sweedetaht going to replace lootlink too isnt it ?
22:08.32sweedewhat about items in ll that arent in kci yet?
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22:08.52Cairand even though it's replacing both LL and Auctioneer, it still has a smaller overhead than either one solo
22:10.07sweededamn, need ace gui too
22:10.10Cairsweede: run that once before you uninstall LL, it'll transfer everything over
22:10.16zeegi dont see it replacing auctioneer
22:10.23kergoththen look again
22:10.36zeegdo you have any idea how well marketed auctioneer is?
22:10.46kergothdo you have any idea how little i give a shit about marketing?
22:10.52zeegkergoth, then dont comment
22:10.58zeegthis is why i hate the Ace team
22:11.01zeegyou're all bigheaded fucks
22:11.04kergothi'm not on the ace team
22:11.10kergothwhy not get a clue before spouting more nonsense
22:11.19Cairboth of you
22:11.23zeegdont both of me
22:11.24Cairback down now
22:11.26zeegi didnt start this bullshit
22:11.28zeegi never do
22:11.35sweedeas neither an ace team or someone who does anything else.
22:11.37MoonWolfyou started cursing though
22:11.43Guillotineguys, may I remind you "Get along or Get out"
22:11.45sweedeAuctioneer oesnt work, so it sucks regardless of ace
22:11.47zeegMoonWolf, i didnt realize this was raged G?
22:11.57zeegauctioneer works fine
22:12.01*** join/#wowi-lounge ForgottenLords (
22:12.03sweedeno it doesnt.
22:12.04Cairzeeg, I've asked you once nicely to chill
22:12.22Guillotineguys, can we forget about auctioneer? we can all have our own opinions
22:12.51sweedeeven with no other addons than whats needed for auctioneer, it wont fill in items automaticly in the AH, the scan button is missing along with thecheckboxes to scan/not scan catagories.
22:13.07zeegsweede, report the bugs then
22:13.10zeegso they can get fixed
22:13.25sweedetheres no lua errors or auctineer related info in framexml.
22:13.42zeegframexml was deprecated ages ago I thought?
22:13.51sweedeFrameXML.log ?
22:14.05zeegwell if they're not working they'd still be bugs
22:14.09zeegeven if they dont actually report errors
22:14.34*** mode/#WoWI-lounge [+v Cair] by ChanServ
22:14.40sweedei've done my share of coding and bug reporting. i'm not goign to report a bug thats simple "it doesnt work, but there are no lua error or errors in framexml.log"
22:14.42Anduin|WhoFrameXML.log prints aren't always bugs, just things that can usually be done better
22:15.28sweedethen bliz needs to get lookin through that file :X
22:15.42MoonWolfsweede then simply say, this does not work in this and this situation. I cannot give you anything else. hope that is enough information
22:16.10MoonWolfyou can't get information out of thin air.
22:16.20Anduin|Whofor example it always prints when you load on demand template files that are already loaded
22:16.24sweedewhere is the most up-to date auctioneer? the one i downloaded from sf is still way to old.
22:17.08sweedeNorganna - Fri, 09 Dec 2005 15:40:47 GMT
22:17.08sweedeI am pleased to announce the release of Auctioneer 3.2.0.
22:17.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Malivil (
22:17.30sweedethe one i had was 3.0.11 or something, latest i could find downloaded a few days ago
22:17.35Gryphenya and there has been a working gamma version before today
22:17.50*** topic/#WoWI-lounge by Cair -> WoWI-Lounge. Don't spam the bot. No hassling Slouken about work. Get along or Get out. Beyond that, kick back, relax, have fun.
22:18.09Guil_awayhow is that any different?
22:18.14Guil_awaylooks the same as before to me
22:18.22kremontereiteration of it? :)
22:18.27Guil_awayok :)
22:18.52Osagasume, I'd kick em with the message "read the topic"
22:19.15Guil_awayme, I'd kick em with the message "i need 25$. send it through paypal if you want to rejoin"
22:19.25Guil_awayin fact, I'd kick all of you with that message!
22:19.26Osagasuthat too
22:19.33Guil_awaywhich is why I am not a channel moderator
22:20.04Osagasuunfortunately all it would take me to join another way is hook my laptop to the phone line
22:20.07Osagasuthen to the other
22:20.12Osagasuthen to me cell phone...
22:20.22kremonteirc proxies ;p
22:20.25Guil_awaythen I'd kick you again with the same message
22:20.34Osagasuyou'd get tired of it
22:20.44Guil_awayand you'd die when you saw your phone bill
22:21.02Osagasunot really
22:21.09Guil_awayok. maybe not
22:21.10Osagasukind of hard with unlimited calling. :P
22:21.24Guil_awayi could just set up a script to kick anyone that joined with that message
22:21.27Guil_awaythen i wouldnt get tired
22:21.44OsagasuIRC scripts are more confusing than PURL
22:21.58kremonteon 1:join:#wowi-lounge:{ if $nick != $me { kick #wowi-lounge $nick } }
22:21.59Ktron|WSGperl isn't confusing
22:21.59MoonWolfokay, but what motication would we have to enter a now empty channel ?
22:22.04kremontemirc isnt confusing o_O
22:22.10kergothmany irc scripts are written in perl :P
22:22.14GenNMX_Alright, how about this for the ideas we were talking about earlier -- and
22:22.19Guil_awaythen it wouldn't be empty
22:22.29GenNMX_I should have Tiny'd those, heh
22:23.29kremontewhat is wrong with pvp alts? =/
22:23.46GenNMX_ and
22:24.02kremontei'd still have my equips from every instance i could run
22:24.08GenNMX_kremonte: For which, the PDK or Enchants?
22:24.09kremonteand they cant remove what we have now
22:24.28GenNMX_Sure they can, it's a matter of find-and-replace in their databases
22:24.31kremonteas in, what, i payed 20g for a sta+2enchant?
22:24.41kremontethat would be such bs
22:24.59GenNMX_kremonte: WHY would you pay 20g for a Str+2 enchant?
22:25.17kremontei already paid 20g for sta+9 on my bracers..
22:25.25Osagasu- PvP Twinkers probably wouldn't like it. HOW IS THAT C AON?
22:25.29Osagasu*A CON
22:25.43kremonteso with this proposed change, oh, bye bye illusion dust!
22:25.45GenNMX_Osagasu: If you're a PvP Twinker like kremonte ;)
22:26.13GenNMX_My pros and cons also address what Blizzard would feel are pros and cons...twinkers are paying customers too
22:26.30sweedeman.. kc_items is slow scanning.. :x
22:26.32Guil_awaymy rogue is kind of twinked...
22:26.34Guil_awayhe had a fiery at 33
22:26.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Beladona (
22:26.34*** mode/#WoWI-lounge [+o Beladona] by ChanServ
22:26.44Osagasutwinkers, however, ruin the game for others.
22:26.45kremonteall the rogues in my group either have dual lifestealing or fiery
22:26.49GenNMX_kremonte: Blizzard has already shown that they won't refund after they nerf an item, their stance is "too bad"
22:26.49kremonteno they don't..
22:26.50Osagasunon-twinkers don't in that regard
22:26.57Anduin|Whoheh, Norganna forked EndInv i see
22:26.58kremonteGenNMX_ - that's not what i was saying.
22:27.05kremonteit's not nerfing an item, it's nerfing an ENTIRE ENCHANT
22:27.11kremontedifferent materials
22:27.14sweedenerf, what nerf.
22:27.16Osagasuyou fight someone with a fiery enchant at level 20 in Stonetalon
22:27.18kremontesta+7 is like, 3g
22:27.22kremontesta+9 is 20g
22:27.26sweedei like nerfs
22:27.27kremonteand theyre both giving me 2sta now
22:27.35kremonteits not like its the same item
22:27.41sweedewait, im a mage.. i dont like nerfs..
22:27.43Guil_awaydont worry kremonte. blizz has already said their not doing that
22:27.52kremontewell then
22:28.00GenNMX_kremonte: People payed lots and lots of gold to get Invulernable Mail before it was nerfed, and many did so to have its unfair advantage
22:28.00Guil_awayi think its a good idea though
22:28.03kremonteWTS [Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker of the Gorilla] 50c
22:28.16kremonteGenNMX_ - that's still not my point. Invulnerable Mail is the same item through and through
22:28.19GenNMX_You shouldn't get your gold back if you're trying to get an unfair advantage to start with!
22:28.22Guil_awaymy gf found an exploit and unbinded her invulnerable mail :D
22:28.25kremontesta+9 and sta+2 are different enchants, different materials
22:28.28kremontedifferent enchant
22:28.29sweedepeople are complaining that theres a bunch of lvl 19 rogues running around with lifestealing ?
22:28.43kremonteto make it capped IN THE FUTURE would be fine
22:28.49kremontejust do an "Item Level too low"
22:28.57kremontelike casting a level 60 buff on a level 1
22:29.00GenNMX_kremonte: Right, and the new system would make a Str+9 enchant cap down to Str+2 on certain items
22:29.07kremonteit's not the same thing, GenNMX_.
22:29.09sweedekc_items doesnt fill in ah prices also :(
22:29.23kremonteinvulnerable mail mats are the same as pre-nerf
22:29.25GenNMX_sweede: Does for me, also saves what price I usually use
22:29.29kremontesta+2 and sta+9 are horridly different.
22:29.42sweedenope.. wtf.
22:29.46kremontethat's like saying, you can cast a rank 9 spell, but it will only cast the rank 2 spell
22:29.55kremontebut it will use the same cooldown and same mana as the rank 9
22:30.31kremontewhat does a sentry totem do? =X
22:30.49GenNMX_kremonte: If you're a 250 level Enchanter, all you can do is Str+9 enchants anyway. Doing Str+2 enchants doesn't get you any skill points. So it needs to be capped, not restricted. As for the mats involved, well that was part of the Con if you look in it. Yes, the Enchanters would have less items at higher levels.
22:30.52sweedeallows shamans leet hax
22:31.01kremonteGenNMX_ - so?
22:31.03GenNMX_kremonte: Well, less chance of charging money for it anyway
22:31.15kremonteokay, let me restate
22:31.31kremontearcanite bars pre, and post nerf of invulnerable mail are the same, will always be, have always been
22:31.39kremonteillusion dust is not the same as a small radiant shard.
22:31.41GenNMX_kremonte: Are you arguing that people who payed 1000 gold to twink out their level 19 characters would find that money now wasted?
22:32.07sweedei think the fact that those people spent 1k to twink out their lvl 19 rogue already money wasted
22:32.26ForgottenLordsI found it almost impossible to GIVE AWAY enchants at ~250s?
22:32.27kremontewouldnt it be "flames"
22:32.30sweedehorde ftw !!
22:32.35Beladonadidn't want to go that far
22:32.39GenNMX_kremonte: OK, then are you arguing it would cost more money to raise enchanting because enchanters can no longer sell high-level enchants to low-level characters?
22:32.44Cairno Bela, you missed the flames
22:32.52Beladonathere were flames?
22:32.55kremontewhat i am saying is
22:33.00GenNMX_Then I'm not sure what you're aruging
22:33.03kremonteinvuln mail was nerfed
22:33.11kremontethey dont get refunded, because its the same mats
22:33.20kremontenow superior stamina and lesser stamina arent the same item, spell, or enchant
22:33.27kremontethey have different reqs
22:33.30kremonteuse different mats
22:33.34GenNMX_OK, so?
22:33.47Anduin|Whoi could use a drink
22:33.49kremonteso superior stamina should never, ever have the same effect as lesser stamina.
22:34.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (
22:34.17kremonteagain, as i said, if it ever would get implemented, which i doubt, tbh
22:34.25kremonte"Item Level Too Low" would be appropriate.
22:34.28GenNMX_kremonte: Well it would either be "Item Level Too Low" as you suggested, or the effect would be capped.
22:34.35Beladonaanyone familliar with setting up AJAX?
22:34.49kremontehaving it cast, using your mats, and giving you 5% of what you paid for, is bullcrap
22:34.50GenNMX_I think the effect should be capped, this allows high-level enchanters to still enchant low-level items for skill points.
22:34.59kremonteit also allows
22:35.02kremonte#1 people to be ripped off
22:35.15kremonte#2 less money for enchanters
22:35.31GenNMX_kremonte: Yes, less money for enchanters was part of the Con, as it said
22:35.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (
22:35.59kremonteso level 19's who barely WSG would be less inclined to afk out?
22:36.15GenNMX_kremonte: As for being ripped off, in the trade window, it'll say the amount you are getting
22:36.19kremonteevery server is different. on warsong, jusit about every 10-19 game is half twinked vs half twinked
22:36.29CairBeladona: pm at wowi
22:36.29GenNMX_kremonte: No, that's not the point at all.
22:36.40kremontewhat is it?
22:36.41GenNMX_Read the post again and see where it mentions WSG
22:36.56kremontei'm talking about the intent. you talked about low level PVP twinks
22:37.05kremontethere is 0 else that would apply.
22:37.36GenNMX_kremonte: Twinking is dangerous, regardless. All MMORPG designers know this.
22:37.59GenNMX_kremonte: I remember in EQ where new players couldn't get groups over highly-twinked alts, this happened a LOT
22:38.15kremontewill always happen
22:38.18GenNMX_WoW tried to solve this by making items BoP and with level requirements
22:38.33Osagasuthey failed at enchanting though
22:38.49GenNMX_kremonte: That doesn't mean it's good! If my ass farts fire all the time, that doesn't mean it's a GOOD thing
22:38.49kremontewhat i'm saying is, they are different spells for different reagents
22:38.59kremontewhy should my 15 illusion dust become the same as what, 2 strangedust?
22:39.23Osagasudon't use it on a lowbie weapon.
22:39.24kremonteand as far as grouping, gear is not the reason
22:39.27GenNMX_kremonte: Because otherwise the enchanters would only be able to enchant high-level items to gain SKILL POINTS (not just gold)
22:39.28Osagasuwon't have that problem
22:39.41kremontethe reason is if youre twinked, that means youve played the game more than an hour
22:39.49kremontewhat about the 50g i've al;ready spent?
22:39.50GenNMX_I know a lot of 200+ Enchanters who have enough troule just GIVING away their enchants
22:40.00GenNMX_kremonte: Too bad, so sad
22:40.02OsagasuIMO you shouldn't have spent it
22:40.12kremontedon't like fighting twinked alts? too bad, so sad
22:40.28GenNMX_Twinking gives an unfair advantage in a game where these unfair advantages shouldn't exist.
22:40.33Gryphenwhere did that dumb term come from anyway?
22:40.47kremontedo you know how many unfair advantages there are?
22:40.55kremonteif you balance one, another comes unbalanced
22:41.18kremonteit takes time and effort to make money to get these enchants
22:41.20GenNMX_kremonte: What unfair advantage does someone gain by having less powerful enchants?
22:41.36kremontemore gear-dependant.
22:42.03Osagasunot to the point where you can kill someone your level in one hit
22:42.06GenNMX_kremonte: But your gear choices from 1-50 are already pretty much crap anyway
22:42.10kremonteenchants don't do that
22:42.16kremonteno, they aren't
22:42.23ForgottenLordsunless your a shaman
22:42.34kremontei ran wailing caverns, ready? fourty- two times. and my character is alliance
22:42.40kremontejust to get my gear
22:42.40OsagasuI know people that have mid-30s to 40s at 60
22:42.46GenNMX_kremonte: I beg to differ. A Level 29 Rogue with Dual Fieries and +15 Agility enchants CAN kill me in 1 second
22:42.54kremonte1 second isn't one hit
22:43.03kremonteand how do you have 2xfiery and 2x15agi?
22:43.06GenNMX_But 1 second is also absurd when I'm in BEAR FORM
22:43.27OsagasuKremonte, weapons aren't the only thing that have enchants you know
22:43.29kremontethats really an issue with the level 19 WSGs
22:43.33GenNMX_Well, +9 Agility or whatever the highest level is for non-weapons
22:43.37kremontethere is a huge difference between level 10, and level 19
22:43.43kremonteOsagasu - nothing else has 15agi afaik.
22:43.44GenNMX_kremonte: I said Level 29
22:44.02kremontethen get more sta gear? lol
22:44.06GenNMX_kremonte, please stop arguing red herrings.
22:44.17GenNMX_How can a new player (new to the server) get Stamina gear? herrings?
22:44.31kremonteby farming. anyone who farms over just jumping into BG has an advantage
22:44.34kremonteand that is not unfair in the least
22:44.50kremontei spent hours farming for the enchant mats and my equips, and i have an advantage that isn't really unfair
22:44.51kergoththey invested that time, and get a return on it.  i dont see what the issue is
22:44.56GenNMX_kremonte: The average new player isn't going to farm before they play BGs
22:45.03kremonteand why do i get penalized that?
22:45.13kremontesince i'm level 19, i HAVE to be a noob that doesn't farm?
22:45.19GenNMX_kremonte: A nerf is not a penalty. A nerf is a BALANCING factor.
22:45.28kremonteand that's not balancing
22:45.36Anduin|Whoomg guys, give ti a rest
22:45.46kremontelol, alright, ill stop bugging
22:45.51kremontetime to farm demons
22:45.56GenNMX_I didn't say it made it 100% balanced. I said it was a balancing factor.
22:46.25GenNMX_Alright...this discussion was becoming rather circular anyway
22:46.57digix_i want to have an octogonal discussion....
22:47.11kremonte*brings in 6 clones*
22:47.32Anduin|Whou argue with yourself?
22:47.37kremonteyes. no.
22:48.03digix_all the voices in my head speak different languages, so im not sure
22:50.05Osagasu <--- O.o
22:50.16OsagasuWhat good is an MD5 hash in WoW
22:50.28Osagasuquite serious here
22:53.08digixperhaps for the upcoming digital signatures for the addons?
22:55.41kergothhashing is useful for all sorts of things.  addon communication on channels, psuedo random assignment in tables, etc
22:56.18Anduin|Whospeaking of which, has anyone actually made a good chat comm hasher?
22:56.54OsagasuI think the ability to make hashes goes in next patch
22:57.20BeladonaIriel has somehing that generates a limited hash now. But I believe a builtin function is being looked into
22:57.38BeladonaI haven't seen anything from slouken yet as to if they are going to yet
22:58.06GenNMX_The beta version of Ace has some nice hash routines...
22:58.51Beladonait would be handy for doing some password functions in addons
22:59.12GenNMX_Heh, I remember doing some heavy, extremely weird hashing in Warcraft 3's scripting engine to make a "random maze" (using teleporters)
22:59.47GenNMX_Of course, my random maze algorithm in Starcraft's scripting engine was 1000% messier
22:59.57Ktron|WSGI remeber the slouken post... "I don't want to know what you're going to use it for..."
23:00.59TemGenNMX_: hash routines?
23:01.03TemWhat hash routines
23:02.00Tem(I 99% sure ace doesn't have any)
23:03.23Anduin|Whobe nifty if auctioneer had progressbars that showed up over the tabs on the left behind the name of the section it was searching..
23:16.19Guillotinei have a question. i could look for it myself, but I'm too lazy. How does lootlink store links? Are our spoofed links being put into people's lootlink tables?
23:16.28kremonteyes gul
23:16.34kremonteit stores link NAMES explicity
23:16.51kremontemy guildies are such retards
23:16.52Guillotineand will our links be uploaded to thottbot?
23:17.01kremonte"omg stop linking u fucking noob"
23:17.07kremonte"u lag my lootlink"
23:17.30Guillotinethey should just use getlink... i'm pretty sure getlink won't be fooled by spoofs
23:17.47kremontesure won't
23:17.49kremontethey arnet in cache
23:18.14Guillotineso next patch, are we going to see a bunch of spoofed items on thottbot from us?
23:18.40Beladonalets hope
23:18.41kremontei'd lol :)
23:19.02kremontemy arcane crystal of arcane wrath with +52 arcane damage owned
23:20.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine_ (
23:20.45Guillotine_did peer reset my connection?
23:21.32kremonteGuillotine[] has quit . [Nick collision from services.]
23:21.46Guillotinewow. my domain name is pretty
23:21.51Guillotineso much better than all of yours ect.
23:22.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Kolth (n=amoeba@
23:22.24Guillotinehehe. amoeba
23:22.28Cairhey Kolth :)
23:22.40Guillotineanyone know where to dl Iriel's Devtools? I can't find it on WoWI. or any other site
23:23.19kremonte !
23:23.25CodayusI fail!
23:23.26Guillotinelol. ty
23:24.24Guillotinemake mine cheese
23:24.37Guillotinedont like none of those vegee tables
23:29.36CideHAIL, GEEKS OF WOW!
23:29.47Anduin|Whowho, where?
23:29.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Natasem (n=Natasem@
23:30.04TemCide, I had a question for you, but now I've forgotten
23:30.04Cide<-- among others
23:30.16Natasemalso probably gona get banned for the weekend on how many forums i posted it  in
23:31.33Temoh! This may have been fixed because I'm using an old CT_Buff but there is a bug where it will spam you about decaying buffs
23:32.03Anduin|Whommm, ham and tuna melt
23:32.54*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower_ (
23:33.25CideTem: not really.. only happens if you have two buffs of the same name, it's kinda hard to fix with the way it works now
23:34.42Cideit stores the buffs in a table by buff name, and then when it issues the warning, it removes it from the table.. and then the other buff, which has more than the warning time left, adds it back again, so then the mod thinks it hasn't been flagged as expiring
23:35.06Cideit's easier to store them that way because of the varying buff indexes when buffs are added/removed
23:36.30TemCide: yep that's what it was 2 buffs of the same name
23:36.47Temannoys the crap out of me
23:36.56TemI'll probably stick in a hack for that buff name
23:37.04Temit's with the Argent Dawn water
23:37.28Temgives you a 10 minute spirit buff with the same name as the expiring drinking buff
23:38.03Temoh dear.. ForceQuit always locks up wow
23:42.01TemCide: you could have a check for double buffs
23:42.21Temwouldn't be difficult and I don't think it would hurt performance
23:42.24CideI barely understand how the mod works
23:42.28Cidebecause it's a fucking hack
23:42.49Temwrote it a longass time ago?
23:42.53Temwhen UI was new to you
23:42.55Cideya, in beta
23:42.59Cidewas the first ct mod I wrote
23:43.15Anduin|Whoheh, what's it do?
23:43.34Guillotinehelp guys! whats the easiest way to get the item info for an item? i get an LUA error when I try to dump GetItemInfo(itemlink);
23:43.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
23:43.51Anduin|Whowb ir
23:43.53Cairhey Iriel :)
23:45.06CideTem: ct_bagmod is the same thing... but that code needs to be kinda hacky... also wrote that in beta
23:47.55Anduin|Whoah, buffoptions does the same thing as ct_buffs then i spose
23:48.02Anduin|Whoand was written more recently
23:48.54Anduin|Whobagmod the one that u can edit bag names?
23:50.23Anduin|Whoi love incubus.... they need a new album...
23:50.40TemI like bits of their stuff
23:50.47Tembut for the most part it annoys me
23:50.58Anduin|Whotheir old school tripped out stuff wasn't so hot
23:51.06Temannoys me in the way all of chilly peppers stiff does
23:51.35Anduin|Whoi like more incubus than peppers
23:51.43TemI /hate/ them
23:52.02Anduin|Whonah, they aren't _that_ bad
23:52.12Anduin|Whoi reserve my hate for worse bands
23:52.15Guillotineiriel, i need help. I'm trying to use your DevTools (/dump) to get item info, but its giving me an error for GetItemInfo(itemlink)
23:52.44Guillotineerror: Unexpected symbol near '|'
23:54.01Anduin|Whowho was workign on that friend/guild name autocompletion last night?
23:55.29Guillotineis my chat not showing?
23:55.29CairProbably Tem
23:55.51Anduin|Whodunno guil i dont use devtools
23:56.18Guillotineat least you can see my chat :)
23:58.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Nomad_W|Sleep (
23:58.43Guillotineso does anyone know how to get an itemlink info?
23:58.46IrielSorry, was AFK
23:58.50Irielwhat did you type, exactly?
23:59.12Nomad_WandererWhat do you mean itemlink info?
23:59.30Guillotinelike to get the |cItem...|h thing
23:59.40IrielWhat did you type on the /dump command line
23:59.46Guillotinei figured out my problem
23:59.57GuillotineI'm used to my own version of GetItemInfo where you can just link the item

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