irclog2html for #wowi-lounge on 20051207

00:11.14IrielI wont know until I get home, but I dont think so, from the forum the pain seems to be that they cleaned up some realm names (or maybe just ONE realm name)
00:11.48CodayusCleaned up?
00:11.54GUIllotinealso, ppl aren't getting any marks of honor for BG losses
00:12.17AstrylEven when they're longer than 10 min?
00:12.39CodayusHeh, thats funny as hell.
00:12.39GUIllotinecaydium says its  known bug
00:12.51GUIllotineits sad that they let that go through to live...
00:12.58GUIllotineit would have taken 1 test to see it
00:13.19CodayusI wish I was more surprised.
00:14.07kergoththats sad
00:14.36GUIllotineand who know show long until its fixed
00:14.59CodayusHey!  I was thinking - maybe they should make some sort of public test realm where they can try out these changes before they go live!
00:15.16GUIllotinethough if instead it was giving DOUBLE marks, we all know servers would be down right now having it fixed
00:15.25CodayusIt's a radical idea, I know, but I think it could work!
00:16.40CodayusOn a more serious note, I wonder if there was some sort of wave of people farming Bgs for honor by trading 1min losses ror something?
00:17.23CodayusI didn't hear of anything like that, but I don't eally have sources in those kids of circles.
00:17.56Codayus(sorry for typos.  Using a pda on a train.)
00:18.11GUIllotinei heard it was mainly from ppl spending their time fishing in AB rather than fightin
00:18.45GUIllotinetheres a thread about it in the general forums
00:18.57Codayusbut....oh.  so they'd still get a token without work?
00:19.03GUIllotinethat hasn't been a problem on our server, but *shrug*
00:19.07Codayusand hey, free fish too.
00:19.10Codayusthats so sad.
00:19.11GUIllotinethey got to get a free token and free fish
00:19.18GUIllotineb/c BG actually have some really good fish
00:19.35Codayusand no, wasn't a problem on my realm.  But then, we never have a AB up.  :-/
00:20.59CodayusI could see it, almost, in a raid instance.
00:21.18CodayusMaybe +fire resist fish from MC?  Have to be cooked on the forge in BRD?  :-)
00:23.38kergoththatd be funny. the guild schedules fishing time a certain way through the run
00:28.32KolthIs there a CooldownCount-like addon written in Ace?
00:29.28Cairand that, Astryl, is a perfect example of why I'm *not* so sure I want to apply for that job, even if it comes open again in a year's time
00:31.38CodayusHeh, yeah.
00:32.03CodayusBeing a CM on the forums must be an awful job.
00:32.24Cairand that's what that position is, if I read it correctly
00:33.45Cairso on the one hand, while I'd love to work for Blizz, and I'm probably quite qualified for it, I don't know how well I'd deal with all the hate that goes along with all the love
00:34.26CairI'll admit it, I don't like it when people don't like me
00:34.34Cairit makes me really sad
00:34.44TainBut when Eric eats a banana he becomes... Bananaman!
00:34.59CairI don't think I could deal with it for an extended period of time
00:36.05GUIllotinebut nobody would hate you! you would be the most loved CM ever!
00:36.24TainNever underestimate the power of stupid people in large numbers.
00:36.51Osagasujust show them a picture of you
00:36.55OsagasuTHEN They'd love you
00:37.03Cairthen they'd run screaming
00:37.09GUIllotinethen she'd start getting stalkers for real
00:37.14Osagasunow now... that's not true...
00:37.22Osagasuthey'd either run or scream, NOT both
00:37.36Cairso meen
00:37.40OsagasuI know
00:37.47Osagasubut you love me anyways. ;)
00:38.06OsagasuGuillotine doesn't though
00:38.14CairI do?
00:38.17Cairoh right, I do
00:38.22TainHe should be GuilloMEAN
00:38.29Guillotineawwwww. Thats not true...
00:38.34Cair*rolls her eyes*
00:38.35Guillotinei love you as much as anyone else
00:38.55Guillotineat least anyone that knows nothing but your online name...
00:39.05OsagasuAny'one Els'e doesn't love me
00:39.08Guillotinefor all I know you could be a murderer
00:39.27TainThat doesn't necessarily make someone a bad person.
00:39.58OsagasuGearge Bush is a murderer, but he isn't-- oh nevermind, he's a bastard.
00:40.55OsagasuI can't think of a single murderer who was a really nice person
00:41.08Osagasuthe only one I can thing of is Teddy.
00:41.12Osagasuand he's dead.
00:41.13TainHow many do you know?
00:41.51OsagasuI know enough that I can not only find where you live, but I can track you every inch of your life till the last day of your life if I so choose.
00:42.01Osagasufor instance, someone in Sweden died a few days ago... :P
00:42.30Osagasuspeaking of that, where's Cide?
00:42.41AstrylYou sound kinda like the guy that stalked me across continents a few years ago...
00:42.52TainHow many continents?
00:43.10TainHe wasn't that comitted then.
00:43.23AstrylAustralia, NA, maybe Asia
00:43.48OsagasuAstryl, who are you?
00:44.11AstrylÅstro the Space Duck
00:44.23TainWhy, does that story sound a little too familiar, Osagasu?  What have you been doing the last few years?
00:44.38Osagasuthe last few years I've been in High School
00:44.57TainHigh School.. that's code for Austrialia, NA and Asia isn't it!
00:45.56OsagasuI want those skins
00:47.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine_ (n=Guilloti@
00:47.48Guillotinewtf natasem. where did you find that?
00:48.40Natasemi got the skilllz
00:50.39CairNatasem: next time, put a NSFW warning, hmmm?
00:50.53Guillotineyes plz
00:51.21Natasemit's not safe for work? i am at work
00:51.27Natasemand i even showed it to my boss
00:51.41Natasemand what are you doing on the IRC at work?  slackers get back to work
00:51.46OsagasuI want a boss like yours
00:51.47Cairsome offices wouldn't appreciate it
00:52.29CairI'm at home, I'm just saying, some folks could get in shit if they opened that at work as a supervisor walked past
00:52.34Natasemexactly cair some offices wouldn't appreciate that the workers are on IRC during bussiness hours and accessing IRC from the office
00:53.00OsagasuPorn =/= IRC
00:53.23Osagasusome offices allow IRC, but not porn
00:53.26Guillotinethen how about NSTLAWCIBPIFOYFGC. Not safe to look at when computer is being projected in front of your fifth grade class, hmmm? i'm going to get some letters tonight...
00:53.31kergothmost geeks i know irc while at work.  course most of hte geeks i know coordinate with open source developers that way.  i've had my boss tell me to get on irc :P
00:54.14CairNat, just take the request as intended please ... next time you want to link something like that, include the NSFW/nudity tag
00:54.29Cairreal simple
00:54.46Guillotinenobody believes i'm a fifth grade teacher? dam. i'm seriously not funny sometimes
00:55.12Guillotineok. im funny all the time
00:55.14Natasemthat wasn't porn
00:55.19Guillotineeven if you guys jsut don't get it...
00:55.26kergothNatasem: there is a great deal that isnt porn, and also isnt safe for work.
00:55.53Natasemdo i care? nope if ya get into trouble for being on IRC thats your issue not mine
00:56.05Guillotine:0 meany
00:56.07CairNatasem: it isn't about IRC
00:56.12Natasemya it is
00:56.19Guillotinei'm going to sue you if I get fired for something you post
00:56.29Guillotineits the american way
00:56.37Natasemif ya wern't on IRC then ya wouldn't have seen the link and if ya weren't on irc and didn't see the link then ya wouldn't have gone to that site
00:56.55TainOh I didn't realize he was even arguing the point.
00:57.04CairOkay, look, let me make it real simple here
00:57.06Natasembut i goin home now
00:57.31Cairgood thing he did, as he was about >< far from getting thrown out of channel
00:58.04Guillotinei dont see why he was arguing though. all he had to say was "oops. sry. will do next time"
00:58.11TainSee that's why you'd make a good CSR.  I would have banned him after the first comment.
00:58.24Cairto Guillotine's comment
00:58.35kergothhmm, is there an updated version of mobhealth2, or is that the latest such addon?
00:59.00Guillotinetheres mobhealth3, but it doesn't seem to be NEAR as good as mobhealth2
00:59.21CairAnyway, if *anyone* wants to link something like that, that may not be acceptable in some offices, please include the NSFW tag
01:00.43kergothguh, fontabulous is ugly as sin
01:01.59CodayusOkay, yeah, I'm with Tain on this one.  I'd have kicked him waaay earlier.
01:02.11CodayusThat's was just stupid.
01:02.54Guillotinegood thing I've never been close to being kicked <.<  >.>
01:03.22Guillotineexcept that time I tried posting a full sized o rly bird
01:03.31Guillotineor the time I asked for cair's admin password thinking she was drunk
01:03.48Guillotineor the time I told slouken I was going to hold the servers at ransom
01:04.17Guillotineyup. almost never been close to being kicked
01:05.04CairGuillotine dear, right now is not the time to push me, I'm still rather annoyed at Natasem and would hate to take it out on someone else because of it
01:05.34Guillotineok. sry >_<
01:06.28CairI'm a Celt ... I have a temper, and I lose it easily ... I usually calm down again fairly quickly, but it does still take some time
01:06.32CodayusSee, that's why you should have kicked Natasem before he left.  Lets you get the aggression out.  Besides, he deserved it.  :-|
01:07.54CairI also prefer to give people a chance to make good, Codayus, which is why he wasn't just immediately tossed
01:07.59CodayusAlso, on an unrelated note, I followed his link, and I would like to say that whomever actually went to the trouble to take multiple screenshots of nude female undead needs serious help.  oO
01:09.27CodayusNude NE and Human females?  Uh, okay, if thats your thing.  Nude orcs and trolls?  Getting a little creeped out here...  Nude undead?  Dude, NOT cool.  I mean, you can still see bones where there flesh has fallen off, and, like...not cool.
01:10.08GuillotineI'm just glad they didn't do the princess from maraudon...
01:10.29CodayusThat needed a NSFPWHRE tag.  Not Safe For People Who Have Recently Eaten.
01:19.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Parak (
01:26.55Guillotineill just keep pushing bash quotes until someone says something interesting.
01:30.38phil_something interesting
01:31.42*** join/#wowi-lounge zespri (n=andrews@
01:35.57Parakhmm, are there any action bars that include cooldown and range coloring aside from dab?
01:38.10kergothi use cooldowncount and redrange with the bliz bars, myself
01:38.18Guillotinedab is the best though...
01:38.21kergothmoved around with visor
01:38.29Cairthat's a matter of opinion Guillotine
01:38.35Guillotinei know :)
01:38.47Guillotinebut its MY opinion
01:39.20Cairto which you are entitled
01:39.24nomad_wandererhey everyone
01:39.32Cairhi nomad_wanderer
01:39.38nomad_wandererhere's a weird one.. Is there any lua implementations of Poker, or other cardgames?
01:40.57nomad_wandererOur guild has a "backup" character system for raids. I.e. if the raid is full, you can login and sit your character outside the instance, ready to zone in if someone disco's or has to leave.
01:41.02Guillotinenot yet
01:41.05nomad_wandererHowever, it's fairly boring.
01:41.05Guillotinethere are some other games though
01:41.11Guillotinelike tetris
01:41.19Guillotineand minesweeper
01:41.21Guillotineand tic-tac-toe
01:41.34GuillotineI don't think anyone has gone through the trouble of making a poker game though...
01:41.44nomad_wandererI was just thinking there are 5 of us here, I could be a Pokerserv, and the other 4 could play using whispers....
01:43.13Guillotinethat would work
01:43.20Guillotineif someone took the time to make the game
01:43.49kergothpagefault: do an svn up on the addon set.
01:47.28Guillotineanyone know what the exact character limit is on a chat message?
01:48.54pagefaultkergoth, ok
01:54.51Guillotineuh oh tem
01:54.55Guillotineyou crashed the WoW forums again
01:55.43nomad_wandererDoes anyone remember the URL for the Wow UI DES?
01:55.48nomad_wandererI lost it. :(
01:56.31nomad_wandererI was hoping something more specific... :)
01:57.04nomad_wandererYou know it :p
01:57.11nomad_wandererThanks cair
01:57.43Cairfor the "home" page, it's :p
01:58.26Cairnp, even
01:59.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine_ (n=Guilloti@
02:00.49Cairnot a probl Depherios
02:01.33Depheriosoh, I know
02:01.52DepheriosIt's just something I -personally- don't like to do ^_^
02:02.14Guillotinehave you seen me speak?
02:02.16Guillotineif not, hello
02:02.19Guillotinesee, I speak
02:02.21Depherioshello XD
02:02.42CairGuillotine: it'd be more a question of have we ever seen you shut up :p
02:02.49Cair~tease Guillotine
02:02.51purlACTION tickles Guillotine with a feather and makes Guillotine rotflmaopimp-ing
02:05.30Cairsorry, that wasn't nice
02:08.57LegorolAre there any EU players here who would like to have access to US server?
02:09.12LegorolI have received access to a US account, but would need to find a way to fund it
02:09.23LegorolI thought that if enough EU players are interested, we can throw the money together
02:09.48Legoroli guess i'm asking at wrong time, EU peeps are asleep
02:12.56CairI'd love to be able to say I could kick some in towards it Lego, but things are kinda tight right now =/
02:13.16Legoroli appreciate the sentiment Cair, that is enough for me :-)
02:13.46DepheriosIf you get it up and running, I can toss on a gamecard perhaps
02:13.54DepheriosI'm stocking up this weekend
02:13.59Depheriosget a 25% discount at work...
02:14.09Depheriosbut it all depends on how many we get in (i.e. I'm buying us out)
02:14.23ScytheBlade1Okay, this is ticking me off:
02:14.38ScytheBlade1No matter what I do, SBAssisting will stick on 1, regardless, and I can't seem to change it
02:16.00Depheriosright now we only have 4 gamecards I think >_<
02:17.01CodayusScytheBlade1: Hmm.
02:17.20ScytheBlade1Codayus, you can see the debug I've sets the target correctly, but SBAssisting is stuck on 1
02:17.28ScytheBlade1It starts as 0 (as defined), but will NEVER CHANGE.
02:17.39CodayusDoh, I was going to test it, but I forgot - I haven't patched yet.
02:17.57CodayusOkay, plan B.  I'll just STARE at the code until I see what's wrong with it.  :-P
02:18.03ScytheBlade1I tried that ;)
02:18.21ScytheBlade1I've mapped them to /setma, /setmt, /ma, /mt, and /mat
02:18.32ScytheBlade1It sets them, calling /ma or /mt will target the correct char
02:18.48ScytheBlade1But... the var never changes, and likewise /mat will just call /mt basically, regardless
02:19.04CodayusWhat's SBAssistMainAssist?
02:19.23ScytheBlade1Doh, I cut out two funcs
02:21.04CodayusOkay, right...
02:21.32ScytheBlade1Nothing complex
02:21.36ScytheBlade1Hence why it's driving me nuts :P
02:22.24CodayusOkay, so they only way SBAssisting changes is if you call SBSetMainAssist() or SBSetMainTank()?
02:22.54CodayusSo...what does toggle do?
02:23.00CodayusIt doesn't seem to actually toggle anything?
02:24.12ScytheBlade1Thanks, heh
02:24.18CodayusNo worries.
02:24.41CodayusI've wasted more hours than I really like to recall failing to see stuff like that.  :-)
02:25.00ScytheBlade1I just......blah :)
02:25.04Guillotineg2g guys. going to a ducks game :D
02:25.09ScytheBlade1Is there any way to re-bind the console key, btw?
02:25.21Guillotinedon't think so
02:25.52Codayusconsole key?
02:25.59ScytheBlade1well, ` or ~
02:26.02CodayusRebind it?
02:26.05ScytheBlade1To another key
02:26.06CodayusIn what, WoW?
02:26.18ScytheBlade1or prevent it from being toggled from opening when you hit `
02:26.20ScytheBlade1Yeah, wow
02:26.25CodayusWoW has a console?
02:26.35Depheriosyou have to enable it at command line, when you run WoW
02:26.38Depherios(before rather)
02:26.39Codayus....what does it do?
02:26.43ScytheBlade1I've done that ;)
02:26.45Depheriosnothing much
02:26.46ScytheBlade1-console ftw
02:26.47CodayusAnd why didn't I know that?  :-)
02:26.56ScytheBlade1WoW.exe -console
02:27.00ScytheBlade1No more /console reloadui
02:27.05ScytheBlade1Just ` (or ~), reloadui
02:27.20DepheriosI /script ReloadUI() personally, I'm that lame
02:27.28ScytheBlade1Each to their own ;)
02:27.34CodayusI've got a macro that reloads ui, a mod that makes /rlt reload the ui, and a mod that makes /reload reload the ui.
02:27.34Depheriosjust make a keybinding for ReloadUI() if you're that lazy XD
02:27.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Legorol (
02:27.59Depherios... I have /rl as reload, but I never use it
02:28.06CodayusActually, for a while, I had the macro on my action bar.
02:28.21Codayus(Note:  Don't do that.  You may think it'll save you time.  Don't do it.)
02:28.35Legoroli use /rl
02:28.38Legorolor /rui
02:28.48Legorol./rl comes with ReloadUI AddOn
02:29.02Legorolwhen i'm in minimal testing environ, i have a small set of utilities in an AddOn, that defines /rui
02:29.07DepheriosI ran the addon, but later just built it into a titanpanel addon I was already running
02:29.21Legorolyah whatever works for you... ;-)
02:29.30ScytheBlade1So no one knows of a way to rebind the WoW console?
02:29.35DepheriosI don't even remember what one
02:29.43DepheriosScythe -- lol
02:30.06Depheriosbut yeah
02:30.08Depheriosthat's external
02:30.12Depheriosbut I <3 it
02:30.14CodayusNot a clue.  I bind it to all sorts of things.
02:30.22CodayusBut then, I don't use the -console flag, so...
02:30.51ScytheBlade1Depherios, close, but not quite... if I enable -console, WoW will (as far as I can tell), perma-set ` and ~ to open the console
02:30.55Plorkyeran[Away]SB> You can manually change it using the function to set keybindings
02:30.59ScytheBlade1I'm not seeing how that app could redefind that
02:31.08ScytheBlade1KK> meh
02:31.14Codayus(` stealths on my rogue, shift-` unstealths.  Makes a nice key to hammer on.)
02:31.17ScytheBlade1...oh yeah, you're Plork here :P
02:31.36ScytheBlade1thanks though, time to go fix that :P
02:31.48Plorkyeran[Away]Rowne (iirc) was complaining about it recently and did something to fix it
02:32.02Tekkubanybody got a 40+ pally or warlock and can check something real quick?
02:32.13CodayusCan you do anything else with the console other than type reload?
02:32.30Plorkyeran[Away]there used to be a lot of useful things to do with it
02:32.38pagefaultI use similar ones for my soulstones and hehe
02:32.40Codayus30, and 29, respectively.  Nope, no mounts for j00.
02:32.41Plorkyeran[Away]I think they're all accessable in other ways now, though
02:33.00kergothpagefault: let me know if you need any warlock addons changed or added to the set.  i don't play one
02:33.00Plorkyeran[Away]hence why it was disabled by default
02:33.01ScytheBlade1I just like it better for some reason, plus it spits out random stuff at times
02:33.07kergothpagefault: have you updated since adding the hud?
02:33.14LegorolCodayus: you can do quite a few things with console actually
02:33.22pagefaultkergoth, yeah just playing with it now
02:33.30pagefaultit's going to take me a while to see if I like it or not
02:33.37Legorolsince it's been plugged now, i can tell you: there has been a hole that allowed you to use console commands to do real time reading in of data from file
02:33.40Plorkyeran[Away]apparently at some point you could turn off auto-afk with it
02:33.52DepheriosScythe: autohotkey is a massive scriptable key rebinder
02:34.00Depheriosso you could make ~ be something else entirely
02:34.05pagefaultfor one it doesn't look too good with the flightpath timer hehe
02:34.09Depheriosand move ~ to replace what you moved
02:34.14pagefaulttext is overlapping
02:34.47kergothpagefault: yeah.  eCastingBar supports FlightMap... it makes the timer show using its usual cast timer.  i'm working on doing that for efm as well
02:34.51kergothpagefault: should solve that issue
02:35.08ScytheBlade1Depherios, will it override WoW's input though?
02:35.19Depheriosit will goof up trying to type in text
02:35.21Depheriosif you remap
02:35.48Legorolall right people g'night
02:35.51Depheriosbut you can just make the normal press ` be ~ and ~ be ` and solve your problem
02:35.58pagefaultwhats with yatlas
02:36.20Depheriosyou'd have to press shift` to get console, and you'd get the shift state version (in wow) on normal press
02:36.55ScytheBlade1Both ` and ~ are mapped to console ;)
02:37.09Depherioswell then ^_^ you'd have to get a bit fancier...
02:37.16Depherioswill wow accept F13-F24?
02:37.25Plorkyeran[Away]I doubt it, due to how wow keybindings work :P
02:37.36Plorkyeran[Away]it's probably just ignoring the shift
02:37.50DepheriosAHK will actually send the seperate signal if you tell it to
02:37.58Depheriosyou can tell it to SEND Shift + ` or have it just send ~
02:38.33DepheriosI'm using AHK to make my "shift state" keys dual state... they're control+Fkey on one keypress
02:39.02Depheriosso I'm holding down control, to make my action keys function....
02:39.06DepheriosGod my interface is overly complex
02:40.00*** part/#wowi-lounge cladhaire (
02:40.07*** join/#wowi-lounge cladhaire (
02:40.36cladhaireyeah.. my bad =)
02:41.49ScytheBlade1Hmm, is there a list of the possible actions anywhere?
02:43.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphon (
02:44.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Stylpe (
02:45.33pagefaultkergoth, how do I center the cCastingBar again?
02:45.41ScytheBlade1yeah, the console is bound a little deeper than most of the UI can handle
02:46.03ScytheBlade1With -console, even when you're trying to set a keybinding, ` and ~ are ignored, and it instead opens the console
02:47.43ScytheBlade1Plorkyeran[Away], I'm still looking for a way to see if you're in a duel, if you have any suggestions :P
02:48.05ScytheBlade1As far as I can tell, if you challenge someone to a duel, there's no way to check
02:49.11nomad_wandererHmm.. I want to do something that could be abused... Does the API allow this?
02:49.34nomad_wandererI have the raidpoints for my guild in a lua file. Can I build a UI that whispers everyone in the raid what they're raidpoints are?
02:49.46nomad_wandererThat's 40 whipsers with 1 button press..
02:50.07nomad_wandererIs that allowed?
02:50.28IrielIt's "allowed".. but
02:50.40IrielYou run a decent chance of being disconnected by the flood prevention code
02:50.46DepheriosI know you can flood wow by TURNING too much
02:50.52Depherios... so I'd worry about flooding out
02:50.58IrielYou'd best off to use an OnUpdate handler to spread them out over time
02:51.22nomad_wandererWhat is a safe way to do that then Iriel? Hmm.. something easier, like a Pause()? :)
02:52.07*** join/#wowi-lounge RedcXe (
02:53.23nomad_wandererI just started understanding hooking..... An onUpdate handler used to spread out whispers over time sounds scary :)
02:53.44IrielWell, you wouldn't use a hook
02:53.48IrielYou'd use your own OnUpdate handler
02:54.00IrielOr you'd use Timex or Chronos or whatever else is out there to make it easier for you
02:54.06IrielThere IS no pause
02:54.10*** join/#wowi-lounge ForgottenLords (
02:54.46nomad_wandererIt would be fairly easy to write your own pause though right? getSystemTime, if systemTime = SystemTime+20, Send whisper, right?
02:55.01IrielIf you dont mind stalling your UI completely in the meantime, sure
02:55.12IrielGet "single thread of execution" in your head.
02:55.32IrielOne should never pause in an event driven UI
02:55.51IrielThe proper solution is always to schedule it to happen 'later' and then return control to the rest of the system.
02:56.04ScytheBlade1nomad_wanderer, the scripting language in WoW has been made so that you can't impliment a 'pause', 'wait', etc.
02:56.11IrielYou CAN implement one
02:56.13nomad_wandererYou can though
02:56.18IrielBut it's such a really bad idea you DONT
02:56.20kergothno, you should definately pause.  then we can all be entertained by you getting disconnected from the server on command
02:56.21nomad_wandererWhat I wrote would work. It's just that you DONT..
02:56.29ScytheBlade1You can't without making the UI useless :)
02:56.47nomad_wandererTimex and Chronos are "real" pauses?
02:56.53IrielBut, the essence of your 'pause' is what you do in your OnUpdate
02:57.03IrielTimex/Chronos are friendly "schedule until later" libraries
02:57.15nomad_wandererI guess I don't understand what you mean by the on Update handler.. I should have let you finish.
02:57.15IrielThey take the grunt work out of writing your own OnUpdate
02:57.23IrielBut to be honest OnUpdate is pretty easy
02:57.32kergotheasy to screw up, too :)
02:57.36kergothperformance wise, that is
02:57.46IrielOk.. an OnUpdate handler is called every time the screen is repainted, if the frame it belongs to is visible
02:57.51nomad_wandererYeah.. I'm not ready to pull out a profiler for example.
02:58.11nomad_wandererI think I'm okay with adding a timex or chronos dependency.
02:58.16IrielSo generally the solution to something like your problem is thta you have an invisible frame with the handler
02:58.30IrielYou :Show() the frame when you need its services, and it :Hide()'s itself when it's done
02:58.37Irieland inside the handler it's more or less
02:58.47Irielif (GetTime() < nextActionTime) then return end
02:58.54nomad_wandererThat's not so bad.
02:59.06Iriel<Code to figure out what to do next>
02:59.13Irielif (nothing to do) then this:Hide(); end
02:59.18Iriel<Do the next thing>
02:59.34nomad_wandererIt would have to be a conditional OnUpdate, I.e. toggable on or off, but that sounds doable.
02:59.40IrielYou can of course mix it up
02:59.45Irielbut that one tends to be pretty stable
02:59.55Irielbecause it self-hides if you accidently show it when you dont have any queued work
03:00.18IrielThere's a slightly more efficient approach if you're using fixed delays
03:00.29Irielthis.sleepTime = this.sleepTime - arg1;
03:00.35Irielif (this.sleepTime > 0) then return ; end
03:00.36nomad_wandererDoes it have to be in an invisible frame if I don't mind my UI being visible? The UI has to be visible for them to press the button to send each raid member their DKP points.
03:00.37Irielthis.sleepTime = 0.2;
03:00.42Iriel<Followed by the rest of the code>
03:00.50IrielIt doesn't HAVE to be an invisible frame, no
03:01.15IrielYou can use an always visible frame and then use :SetScript("OnUpdate", MYFrame_OnUpdate") and :SetScript("OnUpdate", nil) to toggle also
03:01.26Irielwith the right numbers of quotes 8-)
03:01.28ForgottenLords"Real men don't use backups, they post their stuff on a public ftp server and let the rest of the world make copies."
03:01.29*** join/#wowi-lounge sweede (
03:02.41nomad_wandererk. The setScript bits register for the onUpdate, I see that... Could you talk about your sleep time example? I thought you were going to write some recursive bits when you first started typng it, but you didn't.
03:03.03nomad_wandererIt just keeps decreasing?
03:03.45*** join/#wowi-lounge sweede (
03:03.47Irielwhenevr an OnUpdate is called, the arg1 global has the time in seconds (fractional, unless you're on a very slow system) since the last time OnUpdate handlers were called
03:03.55nomad_wandererThats the missing bit ;)
03:04.17IrielLook at blizzard's action bar code if you want some real examples
03:04.36IrielTheir code only checks for range a few times a second
03:04.37nomad_wandererAcutally the onUpdate stuff isn't that bad at all.. especially if you are using fixed delays..
03:04.56sweedei've got an issue with an addon that i modified, when an item is copied into say, guild chat, you cannot shift or ctrl click on it to re-paste the link or dressing room it. the addon that causes this is , anyone see anything that i'm doing wrong ?
03:04.57IrielIf you're careful and keep it lean and mean, I dont think it's bad at all
03:05.25IrielThe worst thing to do is 1) Not put an early exit in for time throttling when you have no reason not to
03:05.36Iriel2) Do work in the OnUpdate you could have done beforehand to prepare for it
03:05.47Iriel3) Keep them 'active' when you know you dont need them
03:06.14nomad_wandererYeah.. an inefficient onUpdate would kill you. Though I only plan on having it be registered after a button is pressed, until all members of the raid have been messaged. I will be unregistering it apon the 40th whisper.
03:06.43IrielYeah, I really like self-unregistering ones
03:07.06Irielsweede: Is the item actually being copied properly?
03:07.17nomad_wandererThats not bad if I register/deregister it multiple times like that.. say someone wanted to message the raid at the begining, and then at the end?
03:07.18Irielsweede: I.e. is the problem that NO items can be shift clicked, or that specific items cannot
03:07.42Irielnomad_wanderer : No, you can enable/disable as often as you want.. Bookworm uses the show/hide on a hidden frame to page through books, for example
03:07.55CairWoot, Lozareth just joined the guild :)
03:08.05nomad_wandererWhich one? Horde or alliance/
03:08.38Irielsmelly horde
03:08.47kergothyay horde
03:08.56TainFor the porn!
03:09.01TainI mean horde.
03:09.05kergothyay porn
03:10.45swede|lurkeririel, nothing happens. when you shift click it, the tooltip shows actually
03:11.27swede|lurkerbut, i gotts to go. if you do notice anything though, would you be kind enough to send me what you see wrong in a /msg ? thanks !!
03:14.01Tainheh heh!  A Something Awful timeline of WoW's development!
03:14.13*** join/#wowi-lounge malreth (
03:15.09nomad_wandererHEH! 12/10/2005 Other hotfixes include the long awaited fix to the mage spell Arcane Missiles.
03:15.10Malivil|AFKi teh noob, i know
03:15.27Malivil|AFKHow do i open a frame from within lua?
03:15.30*** join/#wowi-lounge zeeg (n=wguru@
03:15.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Ratbert_CP (
03:15.39*** part/#wowi-lounge Ratbert_CP (
03:16.40nomad_wandererI usually type this "Open URL:" :)
03:18.45Malivilthose are .xml
03:19.25malrethum... no
03:19.47Malivil"Widget API - (XML Functions)"
03:20.28CairOkay, the blurry screen is new (to me) when completely smashed
03:20.49nomad_wandererDamn.. I've been closing my frames the wrong way all this time.. I've been using the widget API!
03:20.58Cairthe witch doctor
03:21.08malreththe entire page is all lua functions
03:21.56Malivilthen the link is label wrong
03:22.02Malivillets see here...
03:22.42nomad_wandererWhat page are you looking at? doesn't have the word XML on it?
03:22.52malreththe main page
03:22.59Maliviloh wait
03:23.00Malivilim stupid
03:23.02Malivili already know how
03:23.32nomad_wandererOh.. sorry. I always bookmark the deep links :)
03:23.55IrielCair: the blurry screen has been there for a while
03:24.00Malivilmight wanna fix the main page so people like me stop getting confused
03:24.06Cairas I said, new to me
03:24.13Malivilits it cool those?
03:24.19Cairit wasn't here the last time I got drunk in game ;)
03:24.22MalivilAnd you stagger too
03:24.26kergoth<scanlime> +purple_cow: I saw the stupidest food item evar yesterday...
03:24.26kergoth<scanlime> +zero-carb pasta sauce
03:24.28Cairthat was
03:24.55IrielSadly they decided to make the wiki main page uneditable
03:25.02IrielSo you have to email them.
03:25.05TainI still maintain that the worst food item available is frozen microwavable grilled cheese.
03:25.19nomad_wandererThey make that?
03:25.29TainYes.  And it makes me weep for humanity.
03:25.48kergothmy god
03:25.50kergothi'm lazy
03:25.54kergothbut even i can do grilled cheese
03:26.00IrielWhoa, Slouken has an avatar!
03:26.01kergothand i've burned soup.
03:26.04Cairhe got his Pirate!
03:26.17nomad_wandererAre you a masochist or something?
03:30.30Irieloff home
03:33.00Cair? zeeg?
03:40.52Malivilwhat is Shouryuu's addon called again?
03:41.05CairGuildLotto, iirc
03:41.19MalivilIs it on WoWI?
03:41.36Caircan search by author name as well
03:41.43ForgottenLordsholas folks
03:41.51Cairhi ForgottenLords
03:41.53Malivili did, nothing showed up o.o
03:42.12Malivilfound it
03:42.20MalivilLeviathans Lottery is the name
03:43.30Cairso is no one else playing tonight?
03:43.54nomad_wandererThe WoW UI Xml is grinding me for XP.
03:43.58malrethi was on earlier...
03:44.01nomad_wanderersrry.. no play tonight.
03:44.08malrethwatching recorder daily show now
03:44.24malreththe jimmy carter one
03:46.39ForgottenLordsI WISH I was playing.  stupid Finals
03:46.56malrethmy new RAM and power supply arrived today
03:47.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Parak (
03:47.06malrethUPS delivered it to my neighbor, though
03:47.08CodayusMmm, I had a final earlier.
03:47.13malreththat's never happened before
03:47.37malrethgame runs much smoother now going from 768 MB to 1 GB
03:47.48nomad_wandererDo I ahve to build my own confirmation Dialogs?
03:47.54CodayusThere should be a sign over the gates of IF.
03:48.03Codayus"You must have 1gb ram to enter."
03:48.26malrethI didn't lag into the IF trench tonight
03:48.29malrethit was nice
03:48.44CodayusI lag into it even with 1gb...but pretty rarely.
03:48.53CodayusAnd I run a lot of stuff in the background, so, eh.
03:49.24malrethsoon, i get the new motherboard, cpu, and video card
03:49.24nomad_wandererWindow Mode?
03:49.39CodayusYeah, windowed and maximised.
03:49.52nomad_wandererI like window mode... nice for development
03:49.53CodayusOr whatever that borderless mode is called...
03:50.05nomad_wandererWhat is the borderless mode?
03:50.17malrethfull-screen windowed
03:50.18CodayusReading webcomics while on the dock waiting for a ship.  :-)
03:50.41nomad_wandererHow do you get full screen windowed?
03:50.50CodayusYeah, acts like windowed, looks like full-screen.  Can alt-tab to and from other apps instantly; pretty nice.
03:50.58CodayusIt's a tickbox in the video options in-game.
03:51.17malrethi always run in full-screen windowed. sometimes the game locks up when logging out and if i run it in actual full-screen mode, I won't be able to alt-tab out or alt-f4 to forcequit the game
03:51.20nomad_wandererHeh.. I never noiced it :)
03:51.25Codayusmalreth: That too.
03:51.53CodayusBut I mainly do it so I can chat on IRC, check alla for info, read webcomics, etc.  :-)
03:52.09malrethand since my hard drive is making the clicking noise of death, i am really trying to cut down the number of reboots that I do
03:52.18Codayus....not good...
03:52.23malrethvery bad
03:52.52malrethi half didn't want to install the new RAM today
03:53.06malrethnew HD is on the list
03:53.21malrethactually, its the entire reason why i'm upgrading
03:53.36malrethnew HD means I should switch from ATA to SATA drives
03:53.55malrethso I might as well get a new motherboard with onboard SATA
03:54.08CodayusI need to upgrade my computer one of these days.
03:54.20DepheriosRAM ON IT'S WAY ^_^
03:54.29Depheriosoops caps
03:54.35CodayusIt's really reaching the end of its useful gaming life, and I'm out of room to upgrade.
03:54.41malrethnew motherboard? time to buy a dual core athlon, a gig of low-latency ram, and a video card of teh GODS!
03:56.27ForgottenLordsor, you know... just a new Radeon will do the trick
03:57.08malrethnew Radeon? time to get a new motherboard with a PCIe slot.
03:57.25CodayusMmm, my current card was a video card of teh GODS when new...which was quite some time ago.  Radeon 9700 pro.  Given my experiences with that, I might go for an nvidia card next time.  :-(
03:57.29malrethsee... any upgrade that I do means tossing my entire rig for a new one
03:57.53ForgottenLordsI <3 my 9800 pro
03:58.02futrtrublWoot, BEB_0.7beta is now available
03:58.04malrethi'm switching from that same card to an nvidia, too... ATI really lacks in widescreen monitor support
03:58.05CodayusRadeon 9700 pro + linux = no WoW.  And from what I hear, that's pretty standard across the range.
03:58.27CodayusRadeon's linux support just isn't there, really.  I mean, nvidia's is poor, but at least it works.
03:59.50ScytheBlade1I have (had) a 9700P
03:59.54ScytheBlade1this box ==
03:59.58ScytheBlade1Linux cerberus 2.6.13 #13 SMP Sat Dec 3 11:19:46 MST 2005 i686 AMD Athlon(tm) MP 2600+ AuthenticAMD GNU/Linux
04:00.11ScytheBlade1my GF4MX440 out performed the 9700P in linux
04:00.51CodayusMind you, the 9700 pro was at a *great* price performance spot, was dirt cheap, and has done yeoman service - in windows - ever since.  But...just a pain.  Incompatible drivers, weird dependency loops, weird incompatability with random versions, complete inability to get it working with cedega...
04:01.10ScytheBlade1Mine burned out.
04:01.18ScytheBlade1Weird hardware issue
04:01.23ScytheBlade1Overheated and killed itself
04:01.32malrethi actually have the 9500 pro but it's softmodded to a 9700 pro
04:01.48CodayusI've got better uses for my weekends than to recompile my kernel repeatedly just so I can get it to barely run an X server.  :-/
04:02.05ScytheBlade1you don't need anything special at all for that
04:02.13ScytheBlade1I don't have AGP support, DRM, or framebuffer in kernel
04:02.19ScytheBlade1Yet, I have full hardware 3D accel
04:02.25nomad_wandererHmm.. Is there a way to press a button to push text to a focuses edit box?
04:02.38kergothi've not had any problems with my 9600xt
04:02.39ScytheBlade1(FX 5200)
04:02.49CodayusScytheBlade1: Yeah, but I was *trying* for cedega.  By the time I was done, I'd managed to break ALSA sound, and still didn't have cedega going.  :-/
04:03.40kergothCodayus: i play wow in linux with the ati radeon drivers, and get frame rates around double that of windows, latest drivers in both.
04:03.52CodayusReally?  What card?
04:03.58kergoth9600xt, iirc
04:04.11CodayusWonder how the core compares to mine...
04:04.20malrethtime for exercise
04:04.20kergoth/home/World of Warcraft/Interface/Addons$ lspci|grep ATI
04:04.20kergoth0000:01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc RV350 AR [Radeon 9600]
04:04.21kergoth0000:01:00.1 Display controller: ATI Technologies Inc RV350 AR [Radeon 9600] (Secondary)
04:04.40nomad_wandererFor example, I have a button that I want to press to generate a summary of that nights auctions.. I can do this easy by tying the button to sendChatMessage with the destination hardcoded.. But Can I have the user focus on the chatEditBox, type whatever channel they want, say /g or /ra and then press the button to generate the text string?
04:05.01Codayusnomad_wanderer: Yes, I've seen mods do it.
04:05.08CodayusI think...
04:05.10kergothrecap does that with its reports
04:05.11nomad_wandererWhich mods? that would help alot!
04:05.26Codayusrecap, yes
04:05.36nomad_wandererThanks.. I'll look into that
04:06.03CodayusAh, I've got an R300 core.
04:06.29kergothgods, i cant seem to wrap my head around rrdtool's need for linear interpolation
04:06.41CodayusThe question is, have the drivers finally improved enough to work?
04:06.51kergothyep, they work fine with cedega now
04:06.59kergothnow, if you're on amd64, you've got to do a couple extra things
04:07.02kergothbut its minor
04:07.20CodayusThat'd be nice.  Of course, I've wasted enough hours of my life when it was impossible to still feel a fair amount of bitterness, but...hmmm.
04:07.23kergothmainly exporting the opengl env var to ensure it points at the 64 bit Xorg modules
04:08.37zeegSave yourself some trouble, play it on windows
04:09.05kergothyeah, then you get much crappier framerates, worse reliability, a worthless development environment.. definately the way to go
04:09.25zeeghow is it not reliable? the dev environment is just fine, i cant comment on framerates
04:09.38zeegpeople bash windows way too much
04:09.40kergothmy linux box has over a year without a reboot
04:09.46kergoththats reliability.
04:09.51zeegyour linux box doesnt have to reboot for dlls/etc.
04:09.54zeegthats pointless
04:09.59zeegdoesnt mean its "reliable"
04:10.04zeegwindows xp is very "reliable"
04:10.08kergothmy linux box doesnt crash left and right either
04:10.11zeegi could easily keep it up for over a year
04:10.13zeegxp *doesnt* crash
04:10.18kergothnor does it get all fucked up by spyware
04:10.19kergothor virii
04:10.31zeegbecause spyware/virii aren't targeted as much to linux as they are to windows
04:10.33kergothhave you ever actually /used/ linux?
04:10.38zeegI use it every day.
04:10.45kergothwhy dont you go learn a thing or two, and come back when you've got some clue.
04:10.53kergoththis conversation will be much more interesting then.
04:11.06zeegBecause you can't state any reason why you should use linux over windows that's not bullshit?
04:11.23zeegSure before XP, Windows had it's problems.. since XP it hasn't
04:11.40zeegwell before 2k at least
04:11.50kergothhaha.  tell that to my mom, who's machine just got spammed and exploited within 20 minutes of installing it due to flaws in the messenger service
04:12.07zeegdisable messenger service, its not hard
04:12.16kergothits an example. worthless code.
04:12.17zeegif 80% of the popular used linux it'd have just as many people targetting it
04:12.24kergothyou're incorrect.
04:12.32kergothobviously ignorant of open source methodologies
04:12.54zeegobviously you dont pay attention to how many software exploits nix has had
04:13.10zeegI dont like people who think "linux is cool", nothing bothers me more
04:19.05nomad_wandererWait a minute.. did you just take a stance that Windows is more secure than *nix?
04:19.17TainDon't do it, nomad.
04:19.22kergothi'm no linux evangelist by any means, and generally get annoyed with those who are (stallman, et al), but I see the advantages of both operating systems, and use both.
04:19.25kergothThere's a reason Id software develops on linux and ports to windows.  Superior tools, even considering that gcc is far slower than visual c++'s compiler.
04:19.25ScytheBlade1haha, we're talking security, *nix vs windowx
04:19.29ScytheBlade1A hahahaha
04:20.08nomad_wandererIf you did, I have this great computer to sell you it has more memory than you'd ever need! Bill Gates even said so.
04:20.38ScytheBlade1Not trying to show off here - but I admin a good 40 windows boxes with 2k and 2k3 server in active directory, and I've built embedded linux devices
04:20.46ScytheBlade1They're as secure as you make them, and no one is better than the other
04:20.51kergothembedded linux you say... what devices? <-- pre-built, I just made up a small distro ;)
04:21.14kergothah, good stuff
04:21.22kergothopenembedded supports those, iirc
04:21.48ScytheBlade1It's rather nice
04:22.10kergothwhat did you use distro wise? custom? buildroot? openembedded? scratchbox?
04:22.33ScytheBlade1at it's core, gentoo + one freaking massive script to remove 90% of the base install and reconfigure it
04:22.57TainPoor kergoth gets the Gentoo shakes.
04:23.00ScytheBlade1`sbuild bs rebuild` and I have a 20MB image that's just been rebuilt from scratch and really really shrunk down :P
04:23.10kergothembedded distros are what i do.  openembedded is my project :)
04:23.14ScytheBlade1Ah :)
04:23.15ScytheBlade1Cool :)
04:23.35kergothwookey recently advised people attending the embedded debian presentation that if they need something that works today, to go get scratchbox or OE :D
04:23.45kergothgentoo is great for a lot of things
04:23.54kergoththe openembedded build tool is actually based on the portage codebase
04:23.58TainYeah so where's my embedded ssh term for my Logitech keyboard and lcd?
04:24.12ScytheBlade1Tain> on my 6MB 'jukebox' CD
04:24.20ScytheBlade1*wifi jukebox ;)
04:25.00ScytheBlade1kergoth, what is openembedded exactly? I'm poking on your homepage but..
04:25.21kergoththere are two main components
04:25.33kergothbitbake, which is a build tool you run on teh desktop to execute recipes (like .ebuild's)
04:25.53kergothopenembedded, which is a set of build classes and package metadata, highly granular, everything crosscompiling from your desktop
04:25.57*** join/#wowi-lounge phil___ (n=phil@
04:26.08ScytheBlade1heh @ cross compiling
04:26.12kergothcurrently around 2500-3000 buildable packages which emit over 8000 individual binary packages for installation onto the device
04:26.17ScytheBlade1actually, do you have an IRC channel here? this is a little off-topic...
04:26.21kergoth#elinux or #oe
04:26.25kergothelinux is general embedded linux
04:26.29kergothoe is openembedded specifically
04:29.19Cairhi Bela
04:32.21*** join/#wowi-lounge malreth (
04:33.17nomad_wandererHah.. One of our warlocks is new in MC.. We are up to Gar, and he asks. I've never been here..  What should I do? The raid leader says "Yikes, warlocks have the most complex part for this boss"... See that rock guy over there? (Points) Keep hitting your banish key until we tell you to stop. :)
04:40.25nomad_wandererFunnier still.. The next thing the raid leader says is ... "Don't Rebanish when we are killing it..".. the newbie says. Srry you didn't say to stop.
04:40.46nomad_wandererHeh.. Oops. Forgot to mention about the part when they die too
04:41.53pagefaulthahaha ok
04:41.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
04:46.22IrielWhat manual page do you want?
04:46.25pagefaultbliz messed up with that 10 minute thing
04:46.57nomad_wandererUm.. so theoretically, say you created a textbox, and forgot to un autofocus it. How exactly do you type reloadui?
04:47.01*** join/#wowi-lounge cladhaire (
04:47.13IrielYou probably dont
04:47.24Cairwb Iriel
04:47.26nomad_wandererSo uh you 3 finger?
04:47.32nomad_wandererWb Iriel :)
04:47.46IrielYeah, and then make a macro for /script ReloadUI() and put it on an action bar for next time 8-)
04:47.55IrielWell, you can PROBABLY click your way to logout
04:48.15nomad_wandererEscape doesn't produce the menu either ;(
04:48.21IrielPress the icon
04:48.27Irielwith your mouse
04:48.38kergoth:( i didnt get the job i interviewed in NC at
04:49.06nomad_wandererHeh.. I forgot that wasnt there :)
04:49.23ScytheBlade1nomad_wanderer, WoW.exe -console :)
04:49.24nomad_wandererI was using DAB and forgot about that bar
04:49.38ScytheBlade1The console key, as far as I can tell, overrides every other input event in WoW
04:49.39Cairkergoth: :(
04:49.47Cairsorry to hear that hun
04:52.51kergothif only it was that easy
04:53.38kergothi'm in deep shit now, i'm certain i'll lose my car
04:53.41*** join/#wowi-lounge cladhaire (
04:53.53cladhaireand so with my wireless cutting out for the 19th time this evening.. i'm going to sign off =)
04:54.52Cairnight cladhaire
04:54.56cladhaireBest wishes all!
04:56.34Beladonanight clahaire
04:56.55*** part/#wowi-lounge cladhaire (
04:58.05nomad_wandererWhats the best way to make a Multi-line select box? No Text entry, but a selectable list box of the ppl in the raid.. (10 lines, with scroll bars). Is that a Multi-line EditBox, with edit capability turned off? Or some weird hybrid component of 10 labels, and a scroll bar?
04:58.45Irielprobably the latter, and the FauxScrollFrame stuff blizzard provide
04:58.55Irielit's a bit wacky at first but you get the hang of it eventually
04:59.33nomad_wandererk. Was hoping it was the former :).. I'll figure it out.. are there any decent examples of this?
04:59.42IrielOr you could do something with 40 buttons and a scroll bar
05:00.00IrielAuction, Tradeskills, Social etc for the faux scroll frame stuff
05:00.00nomad_wandererInteresting.. the button backgrounds don't need to be red circles ;)
05:00.17IrielThe quest stuff for 40 buttons
05:01.01Iriel(They dont actually DO 40 buttons, but they have a bunch of content in a single scrollable region)
05:01.28nomad_wandererI think I'll look into the Social one.. That's the easiest of the type I'm looking for.
05:02.36nomad_wandererIt's too bad they don' have some sort of UI component that is designed to work with lua tables.. I.e. If you build your table this certain way, you can get a ItemSelectBox component.
05:02.44nomad_wandererI shudder to say this.. But like it is in VB...
05:02.47nomad_wandererJUST KIDDING
05:02.54IrielYou could always write one 8-)
05:03.30nomad_wandererI'm not a reusable component person or a librarian just yet.
05:04.12nomad_wandererPurl, Nomad_Wanderer?
05:04.13purlhmm... nomad_wanderer is a lua Noob, but trying!
05:08.31nomad_wandererThanks for the help tonight Iriel! I was able to make some serious progress.. My Biggest Hurdle is going to be the Raid Leader.. No matter what I can't make it easy to push data from the website into wow. He just can't get placing a file in the savedVars directory for some reason.
05:09.00IrielIs having him put the file in the addon directory any easier?
05:09.16nomad_wandererBut then I can't update it.
05:09.22nomad_wandererI.e. if he logs out.
05:09.50nomad_wandererEventually I'll pull out the limited PHP I know, and build a php lua parser for Addon->Website
05:10.12nomad_wandererSomeone built one in php for website->addon already
05:10.25IrielWell, the idea is the one he downloads goes into the addon directory, and the one you create is in SavedVariables, and by using some kind of numbering scheme on the data, you can tell which is most recent
05:10.47IrielI never really liked the idea of editing saved variables, BUT, with the newer per-addon SV's It's not really an issue anymore
05:10.59nomad_wandererBut the numbers DO get edited within the raid.. I.e. the saved Vars file is the one I want to send up.
05:11.10Irielah, so you have problems in both directions
05:11.15nomad_wandererIf he has to pick that file to upload eventually...
05:11.31nomad_wandererHe might as well replace that one prior to the raid with the pull from the website.
05:11.33Irielteach him how to make a desktop shortcut to the SavedVariables directory
05:11.44nomad_wandererHehehe. Seriously. I know.
05:12.11nomad_wandererThanks again. Just wanted to mention that with your help, the easy part is the lua and the XML.. the hardpart is the people :)
05:14.38IrielAnyone else having a hard time logging in to wow tonight?
05:14.53Cairnope, but may be because I've been logged in for a while
05:15.03Depheriostrue... ditto
05:15.09TemYay! ony down again
05:15.32Cairgrats Tem
05:16.52TemShe's farmable now
05:38.05Tekkubhrm... what all items effect mount speed?  Carrot on Stick, glove enchant, spurs on boots... anything else?
05:42.23KolthTekkub: Nope.
05:47.21kergothhahaha, god i love irc.  spam incoming:
05:47.25kergoth<darth_mall> everyone wants kergoth
05:47.25kergoth<darth_mall> I mean... uh... someone with kergoth's skills
05:47.25kergoth<kergoth> lol
05:47.25kergoth<kergoth> for the last time darth_mall, i'm not becoming a manwhore
05:47.25kergoth<nullpuppy> rofl
05:47.26kergoth<darth_mall> too bad
05:47.28kergoth<darth_mall> good money in that
05:48.10Tekkubgood money? not that I know of
05:48.21kergothjust need the right clientele
05:48.23Tekkubbut then, with my people I'm competing with free so...
05:48.53TekkubI'd have to do nekkid massages or somethin
05:49.05Tekkuband even then, the demand is like nada here
05:49.23kergothit worries me that you've given it this much thought
05:49.40Tekkubno, my hubby's one for the massages
05:49.57Tekkubcause his back hurts from too much time spnt in shitty chairs
05:50.15Tekkuband he'd have to drive to Little Rock to get one
05:50.27kergothi love giving massages, to the delight of my gf, whomever that is at the time
05:50.36TekkubI suck at massages
05:50.52Tekkuband instead of teaching me he just bitches that I can't do em
05:51.13kergoththats silly
05:55.36malrethmy girlfriend is getting schooled in acupuncture and tui na. i'll get massage everyday.
05:56.06Depherioslol, mine just studied muscular anatomae
05:57.06Irielmalreth : I assume a risk is she'll also want to stick needles in you?
05:57.17malrethit's not a risk. it's a certainty
05:57.33malrethbut i've had acupuncture before. i'm used to it
05:57.35kergoth~spell anatomy
05:57.40purlkergoth: aw, gee
05:57.47Depherios~spell anatomae
05:58.36Irielpurl isn't too smart, is it?
05:58.38purlokay, Iriel
05:58.46malrethoh no
05:59.14Irielpurl, isn't too smart?
05:59.20kergoth~forget isn't too smart,
05:59.20purlkergoth: i forgot isn't too smart,
05:59.21malrethpurl, purl?
05:59.22purli guess purl is the same blootbot as apt, ibot, and jbot, or at, or dashingly handsome
05:59.24kergothIriel: you forgot the , :)
05:59.52Irielah, I wasn't certain how it would parse it
06:00.04*** join/#wowi-lounge Cair (
06:00.04*** mode/#WoWI-lounge [+o Cair] by ChanServ
06:00.47malrethpurl, malreth?
06:01.02malreth*blink blink*
06:01.07kergoth~emulate me
06:01.08purlkergoth: Why don't you leave, and come back when you've got some clue?
06:11.57malrethcuter than baby jesus... in up to XXXXXL
06:12.00malreththat's not cute
06:12.01Cairwhat's YOUR pirate name?
06:12.08kergothmalreth: haha
06:12.17malreththat's big enough to cause people to be caught in your gravity well
06:12.33Cairoh, OW, that one is just COLD
06:12.34malrethyou'd be so big, you could bend space-time
06:13.19kergothhehe, "Reminder: Buy More Beer" in reverse so you can read it when you look at yourself in the mirror the next morning
06:13.26malrethkergoth: bwah ha ha... good one
06:14.30malrethwhen i have a kid, i'm getting this one:
06:14.54kergothmalreth: did you see the baby shirt that says "My IQ is higher than the president's."?
06:14.58kergothits great :)
06:15.56malrethi'm partial to the "they shake me" shirt
06:16.08kergothhave you seen teh worsethanhell section?
06:16.11Cairthey shake me?
06:16.13kergoththats some seriously unpc shit
06:16.31kergothi like the baby shirts: "All mommy wanted was a backrub." and "All daddy wanted was a blowjob."
06:16.59Depheriosmy favorites tehy took away
06:17.04Depheriosclit R' us
06:17.13Depheriosin the toys r us font
06:17.21Depheriosand "I'm keeping my baby" with a fetus in a jar
06:17.25malrethomg... that page is awful
06:18.16kergothhahaha, panties that say "Where the fuck are my pants?"
06:19.15kergothi need to get this one for a friend of mine thats ina wheelchair:
06:19.40malrethi had a friend that got a d-tag just to park
06:20.23kergothi /need/ to buy and
06:22.23malrethheh... i am totally that second shirt
06:22.46malrethhuh? whazzat hon? nothing dear, i'm just chatting on irc.
06:23.10malrethok... s/am/was/
06:31.38malrethlater all...
06:55.44StylpeHmm, aren't there global strings containing localised names for tradeskills? =(
07:04.10IrielNo, but you can probably find them in the player's spell book by their icons?
07:04.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Eraphine|Disco2 (
07:37.35*** join/#wowi-lounge duke|ib (
07:54.31*** join/#wowi-lounge krka|work (
08:00.20*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
08:55.31StylpeWhat the hell does %1$s mean in a string to be formatted with string.format?
09:02.11Stylpe"You create %s" is for german clients "Ihr erschafft %1$s.". Why? It doesn't even work in the standard Lua interpreter
09:22.52Anduin|Studyya, we've noticed. It's sposed to be for order of format arguments, but I dont know how to handle it
09:46.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Vallerius (
09:47.10Valleriusevenin' all
09:47.16Cairhi Vallerius
09:47.37StylpeAnduin|Study: How nice of Bliz to document taht 'feature' =P
09:48.02Valleriuswow, people are still awake! i guess i'm not the only one up all night coding  :p
09:48.21StylpeIt's 10:48 AM here
09:48.26Anduin|Studyya, kinda liek the 'flags' on SetFont
09:48.37Cairlol, some of us are EU, some are US, some are Aussie
09:48.48Anduin|Studyand ur none of the above
09:48.58Cairnope, I'm not
09:48.58Valleriusgood point  :)
09:49.10KolthNeither am I!
09:49.18Anduin|Studywell at least she's somewhat selfless, i can't complain
09:49.40Anduin|Studyif i had wrote it US woulda been frist ;)
09:49.57Anduin|Studybut then that's the nature of us spoiled, arogant american, eh?
09:50.15Anduin|Studyok. i didn't mean to start anythign there. i'm gonan shutup now
09:50.34Anduin|Studymeh <-- good response
09:50.38Cair*giggles at Anduin|Study*
09:50.52Anduin|Studyok, this is me not shutting up
09:51.07Cairreally? we'd never noticed! ;)
09:51.12Cair~tease Anduin|Study
09:51.14purlACTION tickles Anduin|Study with a feather and makes Anduin|Study rotflmaopimp-ing
09:51.16Anduin|Studyi said meh at work today and a coworker started cracking up
09:51.36Anduin|Studyshe said it was like saying 'lol' in public
09:51.43Cairno it's not!
09:51.47Anduin|Studythat's what i said
09:51.53Cairit's *nothing* like it
09:52.10Anduin|Study'meh' is inherently verbal, whereas lol is an acronym always typed
09:52.13Cairyour coworker is weird :p
09:52.37Valleriusdid you say 'roffle' in response?
09:52.39Anduin|Studyya, she's quitting and going to be a model...
09:53.02Cairwell, and "meh" is a ... non-commital, "whatever" type of noise
09:53.02Anduin|Studyheh, tempting. but i was trying to avoid exherting more of my nerdiness
09:53.08Anduin|Studyi agree cair
09:53.22Anduin|Studyi say meh all the time
09:53.36Cairlol is an acronym
09:53.42Cairthey are *nothing* alike
09:53.48Anduin|Studyright. i said that :P
09:53.51Cairyour coworker is weird :p
09:54.22Anduin|Studyok, well i'm done failing 2 finals today... got another to fail tomorrow
09:54.32Anduin|Studyand then another on thursday
09:54.37Cairoh ugh, not good Anduin|Study :(
09:54.55Anduin|Studyya. that's study's not really happening
09:55.12CairI'm gonna start banning you from the channel
09:55.24Cairjust so you have nothing better to do than study
09:55.45Cairand don't think I won't, either
09:55.46Anduin|Failingthere's always something better to do than what you dont want to do
09:56.05Anduin|Failingfor isntance, i just bought fantastic 4..
09:56.13KolthKarl, I can do some work for you, undoubtedly.
09:56.27CairKarl, NO, BAD programmer, no cookie!
09:56.35Anduin|Failingur gonna read my texts for me and memorize my vocab?
09:56.58Anduin|Failingaleady did all the operating systems stuff. that class is over
09:57.24Anduin|Failingjust gender studies: pop culture, and linguistics: syntax
09:57.42KolthI know pop culture!
09:57.56KalrothDuran Duran ftw!
09:58.05KolthSee? Kal' knows1
09:58.05Cairlol Kalroth!
09:58.22Kolthoh, btw, Kal.... Did AC go free (if you commit to seeing ingame advertisements?)
09:58.50KalrothNopes, I haven't looked into AC for quite a while
09:58.51KolthA friend insists they did but I can't find any hints to back it up.
10:04.27Anduin|Failingpeople just suck... all of them. they all suck at communicating, living, loving, helping, being good, being content, being purposeful... meh
10:05.23KolthKarl: Go take a break or something!
10:05.37Anduin|Failingit's finals week. there is no break
10:05.53Anduin|Failingbreak is after finals
10:06.06Anduin|Failingnow == hell
10:07.35CairAnduin|Comotose: I agree, people suck. Luckily, person(s) don't
10:08.19Anduin|Comatosei used to be a person. now i'm just a people
10:09.44Cair*comfort Karl*
10:09.52Anduin|Comatosebeing what you hate sucks too
10:10.22Anduin|Comatoseok. i'm done. someone say something happy. i'm gonna go try to sleep
10:10.32Cairsweetie, you really gotta get laid
10:10.43Anduin|Comatoseit's been suggested
10:11.08Cairget some sleep
10:16.36Cairmorning zeeg
10:17.04zeeghopefully not for long
10:17.09zeegi dont get why i keep waking up at 3am :|
10:21.29CodayusDude, bogus!
10:22.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Industrial (
10:22.42Cairmorning Industrial
10:24.40IndustrialI threatened to stop with my driving lessons yesterday (towards my parents)
10:25.07IndustrialI work my butt off 40 hours a week and "fetch" 250 euro's per month for it
10:25.19Industrialwich *drum roll* all goes to the driving lessons
10:25.56IndustrialI have um, 2 friends. i see them once a week for about an hour
10:25.58zeeghow old are you?
10:26.14zeegjust taking driving lessons?
10:26.16zeeg(i dont know how europe works)
10:26.25IndustrialYou can when you are 18 here ;)
10:26.28zeegwe take em at 15 here
10:26.33Kolth14 here
10:26.35IndustrialBut we also dont have automatic transmissions etc
10:26.36zeegi hear ya tho
10:26.49Industrial(in the cars)
10:26.51zeegjust started taking morning classes this week
10:26.52zeegand now i got no time
10:26.59zeegand im awake and its 4:30 in the morning
10:27.01zeegfor some fucking reason
10:27.17zeegi got priorites straight tho, no worries... it goes socialize -> work -> school :P
10:27.23Industrial08:00 - 19:00 work
10:27.30Industrial(including travel times)
10:27.34zeegbtw Kolth, im gonna build the spider for mmotheatre this weekend problem
10:27.42Industrial19:00 - 19:30 eat
10:27.53Industrial19:30 - 20:00 go to wherever i need to go
10:28.05Industrial20:00 - 22:00 sport or driving lessons
10:28.09zeegIndustrial, my work is just website stuff, doesnt take up a lot of time unless I let it, but I have classes 3 hours a day + sleep, but i also try to start up new projects which add to the time
10:28.13Industrial22:00 - 22:30 go back home
10:28.31Industrial22:30 - 23:00/24:00 HOMEWORK
10:28.34zeegif id stop waking up in the middle of the night i could probably do it, i fell asleep at like 2pm yesterday :|
10:28.36Industrialgg life sucks
10:28.59Industrialzeeg: I have an internship this year, thats work :P
10:29.07Industriali make websites
10:29.11zeego rly
10:29.12zeegwant a job?
10:29.29Industrialthings like
10:29.45Industrialform generators
10:29.54Industrialwich link to like.. umm. a vacancy
10:30.00zeegi jneed designers
10:30.04Industrialand the client can do things like
10:30.18Industriallink "rules" to form items
10:30.28zeegim working on an ajax form validator thing
10:30.32zeegwhen im not lazy
10:30.34zeegill probably never finish it
10:30.38Industrialand the applicant complies he gets thrown into the "passed" bunch
10:30.43IndustrialCMS mocules
10:31.07Industrialbut its in ASP Jscript and i hate it
10:31.11Industriali also hate PHP
10:31.18Industrialand im too lazy to learn ruby on rails
10:31.26zeegyour internship isnt using .NET?
10:31.29zeegThat's hint to get the fuck out :)
10:31.39Industrialthe cms itself is .net
10:31.44Industrialthe different websites arent
10:31.48Industrialease of deployment
10:32.03Industrialaso jscript (no ,net) looks alot like php
10:32.10zeegcms doesnt make any real money anyways :|
10:32.14Industrialno :(
10:32.26Industrialthe trouble is people think too lightly of it as a product
10:32.27zeegtoday's wedsneday
10:32.31zeegsomeone remind me to update honor rankings tonight
10:32.35Industrialbut its top notch wtfomg technical shit
10:32.48zeegcms' aren't all too complex
10:32.59Industrialthey can get very complex :)
10:33.18zeeglarge projects usually, ya
10:33.52Industrialgot a nice cluster of transact SQL (MS SQL) servers running for the live server :P
10:34.17Industrialman, i need to pass all these things for my internship
10:34.17zeegall mine run off one server yet :|
10:34.20Industrial16 different items
10:34.42Industriali finished like 50% on 25% of my time
10:35.15Industriali work my butt off, so i can go to my next school :O
10:35.38zeegim going to class to get my High School Diploma vs the GED I have :P so I can attend school next fall
10:35.45zeegit started monday, ill probably be out of there by next week
10:35.48Industrial*fetches dutch educational system chart picture*
10:35.52zeegidk if i can last that long.. so tired
10:36.26Industrialright, what i did is
10:36.38Industrialpromary education
10:36.39Industrialthen mavo
10:36.41Industrialnow MBO
10:36.46Industriali was lazy
10:37.03Industrialcould have done VWO and go right to university after
10:37.15Industrialwhere im standing now,  (MBO) that would take me at least 5-6 years
10:37.28zeegim going to a uni
10:37.54Industrialthis MBO is pieca cake. especially because its Mediatechnology i'm doing
10:38.01Industrialwich is my hobby
10:38.06zeegi dont really need the school stuff i just want to go
10:38.10zeegto socialize :P
10:38.10Industrialme 2
10:38.29Industrialo well
10:38.31Industrialback to work
10:38.53Industrialbefore the boss stands behind me with a whip >_>
10:39.01Industrialwirst thing is
10:39.06Industriali work for his BMW
10:39.53Industrialman, i can stand still and do nothing and he wont feel it (in finance)
10:40.14Industrialbut on the other hand, the work i do does pay for his BMW so he does feel it
10:40.16zeegthats the car im getting in jan
10:40.17Cairokay, sleep time, back in a few hours
10:40.18zeegw/ the kit
10:40.21Industrialwich means HE NEED TO PAY ME MORE :@:@:@:@
10:40.26Industrialnn Cair|sleep
10:42.23Tekkubshouldn't that be IndustryWork?
10:44.17id`wrktkb`wrk ?
10:44.40id`wrkI like to release addons with idName
10:44.50id`wrkso um
10:44.55id`wrk<---- link ---^
10:46.04id`wrk(pirate) YARL!@
11:28.47zeegthis is such a pain in the ass
11:29.12zeegblizzard didn't put faction data inside the questcache.wdb, so vs doing how alla does it (manually saying this quest goes w/ this npc/this faction) i have to make it "smart" :|
11:29.43id`wrkAnyone use the SciTE editor?
11:29.57id`wrkim poking at it (on windows) but the fonts are HORRIBLE
11:30.07id`wrkit uses COMIC SANS for CODE!
11:30.13id`wrkso.. i need to change that
11:30.16id`wrkbut how :>
11:30.23TekkubI like comic sans /cry
11:30.29Tekkuband I use UltraEdit
11:30.50TekkubI like WoW UI Designer... but OI! it's heavy on the resources
11:30.50Kolthid: Scite does not by default use Comic Sans.
11:32.07zeegi like scite
11:32.18zeegat least the LUA one i have
11:32.34zeegbut i like editplus for everything else
11:32.39zeegi probably only use scite because it's default for .lua files
11:35.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Malivil (
11:38.15id`wrkKolth: ill make a screenshot :p
11:38.54Kolthid: If it's using Comic Sans you have 1) A custom copy or 2) Set something funky in Windows
11:39.10KolthYou can change its font by opening its Global Configuration
11:41.01KolthDoesn' tload.
11:41.14KolthThat's crazy.
11:43.28Malivil<# WoW UI Designer
11:43.41Malivil300+ lines of xml without writing ANY
11:44.21zeegkill her for me
11:45.20KolthI will do no such thing!
11:45.33zeegi hope this works
11:45.56id`wrkKolth: default windows install
11:46.09Kolthid: Then Custom copy.
11:46.19id`wrkwha? -_^
11:46.47Kolthof SciTE
11:47.38id`wrkfont.comment=font:Comic Sans MS,size:9
11:47.49id`wrkbaaaaka's :P
11:48.35id`wrkcan i use font.* = ?
11:48.40id`wrki want only 1 font
11:53.48zeegok i THINK i got it working :D
11:54.00zeegshould update an entire line of quests w/ their correct faction as soon as it sees one.. hopefully
11:57.54zeegugh this is getting too tedious
11:58.16zeegprobably would be easier if i just built a query, but that's too much thinking at 6am
12:23.48Valleriushmm.. can textures be sized multiples of any power of two, or are they limited (other than the max 256 limit)?
12:27.10Valleriusn/m... just had to reload the game to get it to recognize them
12:36.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Legorol^ (
12:36.48krka|workand thus i conclude the lecture
12:37.23krka|workVallerius, yeah it sucks that textures aren't reloaded upon ReloadUI() :/
12:56.16KolthIs there an Ace #chan?
13:15.52swede|lurkeranyone have an Athlon 64 X2  ?
13:23.43*** join/#wowi-lounge sarf|WoW (
13:26.39swede|lurkerno athlon X2 users in the house ?
13:28.06*** part/#wowi-lounge Beladona|Sleep (
13:29.17Valleriusadded a drag handle to the corner of the BF minimap and made it resizable
13:29.58Kalrothswede|lurker: soon I hope, is there a problem with X"?
13:30.04Legorol^Vallerius: if you don't mind me asking, what solution are you using for dragging?
13:30.12swede|lurkerhow do you know if teh dual processor part is working ?
13:30.13Legorol^Are you using the <OnDragStart> etc. handlers?
13:30.14sarf|WoWAnyone have the enGB downloader?
13:30.18Legorol^sarf: yes
13:30.23Legorol^what do you need?
13:30.23sarf|WoWDCC ?
13:30.31sarf|WoWDownloading update: 0% bug
13:30.32Legorol^oh for the 1.8.4 patch?
13:30.35sarf|WoWYes please.
13:30.44Legorol^oh humm... em... i might not have that one yet, let me check
13:31.02Valleriusslouken actually had this half-implemented already
13:31.23Valleriussets a flag on the frame, then calls StartSizing()
13:31.38Legorol^ok the reason why i am asking,
13:31.53Valleriusduring the OnUpdate handler, check the flag. if set, resize everything inside
13:31.55Legorol^are you handling the actual mouse clicks using an <OnDragStart> or an <OnMouseDown> and <OnMouseUp> pair
13:32.23Legorol^because OnDragStart is the easier and intentded solution, but it is buggy
13:32.33Legorol^OnMouseDown/OnMouseUp is the harder but it gives correct behaviour
13:32.39Legorol^so just asking ;_)
13:33.07Valleriusi should also note that this is a complete replacement for the battlefield minimap and it will probably only work with 1.9
13:33.18*** join/#wowi-lounge BO|Razag (
13:33.31Valleriushad to do too many XML changes
13:33.34Kalrothswede|lurker: is working? easy, heh, go into task manager and view the cpu part
13:33.45Kalrothswede|lurker: if there's two cpu monitors, then it works
13:34.11Kalrothswede|lurker: you can also right click processes and see if you got 'set affinity' option (basically which cpu the process should use)
13:34.52Kalrothbesides that, there's a lot of different system utilities that can tell you
13:34.58KalrothCPU-Z, AIDA 32, etc
13:35.26krka|workyeah, i tried the ondrag-stuff but it sucked, it felt like it didn't react directly
13:35.42swede|lurkerwell.. i dont see none of that.. but my motherboard reconigizes it as an X2 dual core proc
13:37.17sarf|WoWGot it Legorol :)
13:51.05swede|lurkerin my device manager, i have two processor devices, for the dual core, but in task manager i only see one cpu perf window and no way to change the affinity
13:53.27*** part/#wowi-lounge phil___ (n=phil@
14:02.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Plorkyeran (
14:03.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (
14:15.23RasmusKLUh, any graphics card gurus online? :-)
14:15.31RasmusKLNeed a bit of help choosing my new gfx card.
14:15.36KalrothGood luck :)
14:19.12Osagasuwhat's up?
14:19.26Osagasuand what's your price range?
14:20.41OsagasuGah, just PM me with the imfo, I'll get back to you when I get home
14:20.51*** join/#wowi-lounge swede|lurker (
14:21.41swede|lurkerso, here's my problem, CPU-Z says i have a athlon 64 X2 dual core proc. however the processor selection box is grayed out, like its not running dual.
14:22.18Osagasudual core =/= two processors.
14:22.36RasmusKLWell, Osagasu, it's just an 8x AGP card I'm looking for.
14:22.56RasmusKLAnd not too pricey :-)
14:22.58swede|lurkerdual core is two processors on the same die.
14:23.00Osagasuno breakfast for me today. >.<
14:23.01RasmusKLBut better than my old Ti-4200
14:23.13Osagasuthey still count as one when it comes down to it
14:23.17swede|lurkeri know others with this CPU and they have all the same "features" of a dual, single proc system
14:23.21Osagasuanything's better than that
14:23.25swede|lurkeri.e. can mutli-thread CPUs
14:23.46swede|lurkerhave wow run on one cpu process, and something else on another.
14:23.52RasmusKLWell, what'd you recommend then Osagasu? :-P
14:24.11RasmusKLWe can talk later if you're busy with stuff though :-) Not that much rush.
14:25.01Osagasugo with the 6600GT or the 6800/6800 GT
14:25.07Osagasulook at newegg for the prices
14:26.06sarf|WoWGood luck Osa|XAM!
14:26.46Kalrothswede|lurker: you can't change affinity of the wow process
14:27.06Kalrothswede|lurker: Blizzards "anti-hacking" stuff makes sure of that
14:28.17Kalrothand X2 is two processors and it's shown in Windows as 2
14:28.24swede|lurkernot in mine :(
14:28.33KalrothAre you using Windows 95? :P
14:28.34swede|lurkermy motherboard says it supports it too.
14:29.03Kalrothyou did a full reinstall?
14:29.10sarf|noWoWKalroth> Only if you allow Blizzard to do what it want. Run it as a user process and then tell it what to do.. at least I've heard that works
14:29.15Legorol^sarf, what's with the noWOW bit ;)
14:29.17Legorol^servers not up?
14:29.30swede|lurkeri'll have to re-install it to see if i can get dual proc running then.
14:29.48swede|lurkerthe problem is that this copy of windows has had several mb changes on its key and calling MS to re-activate it sucks.
14:29.56sarf|noWoWLegorol^> Server sare up. Realm list is not. Auth server is up.
14:30.03swede|lurker"omg repeat this 45 char string into phone "
14:30.26sarf|noWoWCan't login to servers but can connect to auth server
14:30.32Legorol^In case WoW is giving you troubles in terms of not allowing you to change priority and/or affinity (because of the anti-cheat system), i know a little about how to go around that
14:30.44Legorol^let me know if you need help there
14:30.56swede|lurkerlet me get windows see'in two processors first :
14:30.59Legorol^and NO, i do not run cheats, hacks or bot!
14:31.05swede|lurkerit shows two processors in the hardware manager too
14:31.12Legorol^that doesn't say much..
14:31.24Legorol^i have a single process with HT technology and it shows up as 2 entries in device manager
14:31.38sarf|noWoWA process with HT? Cool ^^
14:31.59Kalrothswede|lurker: have you checked,,30_182_871_13118,00.html?
14:32.05Kalroththere might be something of use
14:32.39KalrothWindows XP Sp2 should have fixed most of the problems, but still ..
14:32.51Legorol^sarf, i meant processor
14:33.17sarf|noWoWCan anyone get to
14:33.38Kalrothnopes sarfy, EU is hosed once more
14:33.48Legorol^nope, dead for me too
14:33.58KalrothI wish Blizzard would get a clue about those servers, we've been having crappy servers for months now
14:34.28sarf|noWoWAnd every patch it's like "WOW! People are like... logging in! And stuff!"
14:34.30Legorol^i don't think it's that simple, Kalroth
14:34.32KalrothVael in BWL is really hard with 10-20 lag spikes
14:34.35KalrothLegorol^: it's not
14:34.43swede|lurkerkal, the AMD clock that shows the speed of each core, is only showing one cpu too :(
14:34.45swede|lurkeror core
14:34.50Kalrothit's their infrastructure that's fucked, they got interconnected datacenters in France and Germany
14:34.55Legorol^the issue is not the servers or blizzard's knowledge about them
14:35.03Legorol^the issue is the low supply of hamster-food
14:35.04sarf|noWoWThe issue is $$$ ?
14:35.10sarf|noWoWThat'd explain it
14:35.17sarf|noWoWGood luck in your mission swede|lurker
14:35.18Legorol^they have to import high-quality fine grain material from abroad
14:35.29Legorol^to achieve peek hamster efficiency
14:35.39sarf|noWoWNah, I think they're sticking to Euroshopper hamster food :/
14:35.48Legorol^which would explain the outages..
14:35.53sarf|noWoWall filled with genetically enlarged moisturizers.
14:36.01Kalrothand extreme server lag
14:36.09Kalrothtrying to kill Vael with 10-20 second lagspikes ><
14:36.11sarf|noWoWThat's just the Hamsters slowing down
14:36.20Legorol^Kalroth: which server?
14:36.36Legorol^you are EU too? i didn't know
14:36.41KalrothYeah, I am :)
14:36.45Legorol^let's have a show of hands, who else is EU ;-)
14:36.49sarf|noWoW"Gir! Your filthy human food has made me sick to my stomach. Fetch me the BUCKET!"
14:37.14KalrothKolth wishes he was EU, but he's on the wrong side of earth!
14:37.29sarf|noWoWThat doesn't stop our canadian player :9
14:37.31Legorol^i wish they finally did EU-US transfers
14:37.47Legorol^i actually think taht Blizz was a bit dodgy on that
14:37.49Kalrothsarf, haha, I've got a canadian friend that plays on EU too
14:37.52Legorol^i know they didn't promise a specific timeline
14:38.01Legorol^but they did say they will have some solution after launch
14:38.20Legorol^i am sure that a lot of people went along and bought EU copies for the time being, hoping that pretty soon they will be able to move to US
14:38.22KolthKal: You are right, sadly.
14:38.42sarf|noWoWYeah... well, our canadian friend is actually a Brit that had to move there for work
14:39.10Legorol^so I think Blizzard wasn't quite fair on this one, and i would even go as far as saying that their marketing department could have possibly pulled one on the consumers to entice them to buy the game with false promises
14:39.53Legorol^i normally am sympathetic with Blizz and don't agree with complainers about server stability etc., but on this one i have to wonder what the various business bureaues/oversight thingies would say
14:40.38Legorol^it's bordering on false advertising, although admittedly a grey area
14:40.54Legorol^Sarf, realm status page now up
14:45.06*** join/#wowi-lounge ForgottenLords (
14:45.32Legorol^zomg, Blizz gets their version control/parallel development of code wrong! Read this:
14:45.39ForgottenLordsquestion: is it possible to iterate a table that is indexed by strings?
14:45.48Legorol^ForgottenLords: yes
14:45.50krka|workForgottenLords, yes
14:45.52krka|workdamn nit
14:46.02krka|worksame was as with number keys
14:46.03Legorol^for index, entry in pairs(yourTable) do ... end
14:46.08Legorol^not quite, krka
14:46.17krka|workyou won't get them in any specific order btw
14:46.22Legorol^i assume that ForgottenLords means iterating an "array" in the form of for i=1, 10 do table[i] .. end
14:46.36ForgottenLordsyeah, like that
14:46.47ForgottenLordsbut not using i, but a string variable
14:46.52Legorol^the generic iterator construct is this:
14:46.52Legorol^for index, entry in pairs(yourTable) do ... end
14:46.53krka|worktechnically i wouldn't call that iterating over a table
14:47.01Legorol^yes, you wouldn't
14:47.13Legorol^but i read the minds of beginner coders and try to understand what they mean ;-)
14:47.36krka|workyeah, I suck at understanding how other people think
14:47.37ForgottenLordsOk, I'll try that, thanks
14:47.45Legorol^ForgottenLords: the iterator construct i gave you will iterate any table with any type of keys, without any guarantees at the order you get the entries in
14:48.08Legorol^if you for example iterated a table which has only integer indices (i.e. is like an array), there is no guarantee that you iterate them in the order 1, 2, 3, ...
14:48.29Legorol^krka: i don't think you do
14:48.44krka|workno guarantee even for integer keys?
14:48.53sarf|noWoWI don't think so either
14:48.53ForgottenLordsOrder doesnt really matter in my case
14:49.01sarf|noWoWtho it may be the case 99% of the implementations of Lua
14:49.11krka|workyeah, that would be the natural way to implement it
14:49.15sarf|noWoWThen you're home free :)
14:49.15Legorol^i am pretty sure if you did some table.insert in the middle it would screw the order
14:49.25ForgottenLordsI just want to avoid a set of parralel tables to hold data
14:49.52Legorol^krka: i have teaching experience, and part of it is trying to think with the (confused) student's head
14:50.03Legorol^and see what they were trying to think, and where there thinking is wrong
14:50.19krka|worki have tried being a lab assistant for a programming course and I sucked at it :/
14:50.20Legorol^let me tell you, it's not easy..
14:50.22krka|worknever again!
14:50.43Legorol^then again, sometimes you get some surprises
14:50.52krka|workof course, that was in Haskell, which I didn't even fully master myself
14:50.55sarf|noWoWThe way people think about things are amazing
14:51.08krka|workthey way people can avoid thinking is even more amazing
14:51.09Legorol^after having taught the same course for 3 years in a row, in the 4th year one of my students came up with an original, and simpler solution to an otherwise text book question
14:51.12sarf|noWoW(and totally wrong compared to the Real Ultimate Sarf way ^^ )
14:51.36krka|worksuch students rock
14:51.37sarf|noWoWYeah... guess that's one of the benefits of teaching
14:51.46Legorol^that was exciting, i was like gosh, yeah, that actually works
14:51.58krka|worksome teachers are very bad at handling that though
14:51.58Legorol^had to spend some time understanding why it works and making sure the student didn't just get lucky
14:52.04krka|work(i was like that kinda)
14:52.25Legorol^btw Sarf, i am confused about RageGenerator
14:52.33Legorol^i have now read the code too, and am none the wiser
14:52.38Legorol^what is it supposed to do?
14:52.43sarf|noWoWYou press G.
14:52.48sarf|noWoW(or anything it's bound to)
14:52.59krka|workthat's not so hard!
14:53.01sarf|noWoWIt targets a critter, charges it and generates rage.
14:53.15Legorol^right, that's what it looked like to me.. but when i actually press the binding, nothing happens
14:53.19Industrialit targets a critter? how?
14:53.20Legorol^it complains that it couldn't find a target
14:53.34sarf|noWoWIs there a critter in the neighbourhood?
14:53.36Legorol^oh, when you say critter, you actually mean CRITTER
14:53.38krka|workyou targetbyname all possible critters? :)
14:53.39sarf|noWoWcritter Yep
14:53.42Legorol^as in the type of mob
14:53.43sarf|noWoWkrka|work> Yep
14:53.49Legorol^aaaaaah, i get it now!
14:53.49krka|workcool idea
14:54.00krka|workwhat if you get something that's behind you?
14:54.02Legorol^i assumed you used the term critter in the more generic "anything that moves" sense
14:54.04krka|workyou don't want to charge that
14:54.05Legorol^my bad
14:54.08Legorol^erroneous thinking ;-)
14:54.11sarf|noWoWHeck no, those things fight back :)
14:54.12Industrialdunno seems kinda obsolete to make code for and put it all into ram..
14:54.16sarf|noWoWGo to Southshore sometime
14:54.35sarf|noWoWyou can get all the way to 100 there easily on the critters behind the blacksmith
14:54.43sarf|noWoW(Alliance village obviously)
14:54.46ForgottenLordsThanks Legorol^, it works perfectly
14:54.50Legorol^so, am i right in my reading of the code that it's enough to do a quick mouseover with the mouse to scan the area?
14:54.55Legorol^np, ForgottenLords
14:55.03sarf|noWoWMouse-over => getting new critter name yes
14:55.21sarf|noWoWI am considering making each area have its own critter list to decrease lag
14:55.32Legorol^lag? because of targetbyname?
14:55.43Legorol^with only a couple of entries i don't think it's a big issue, is it?
14:55.43krka|worki listened to a lecture a few days ago about Sumbers, an algebra for dealing with finite games theory. really weird stuff. among things there was a number > 0 but also smaller than all positive numbers
14:55.49sarf|noWoWTry to honk that key 5-10 times real fast
14:55.52sarf|noWoWgame locks up
14:56.12Legorol^ok i got confused by the auto-charge-on-click stuff
14:56.13sarf|noWoWkrka|work> really advanced math tends to make me go "guh?"
14:56.22krka|workyeah, this was it :/
14:56.24Legorol^since i noticed the option for that, i enabled it, and was like ehm... is this what it does?
14:56.27sarf|noWoWlocks up temporarily that is
14:56.34krka|workintroduced all sorts of weird objects
14:57.22Legorol^i just noticed you are talking in #costest too
14:57.36sarf|noWoWOf course :)
14:57.40Legorol^i can't pay attention to more than 1 channel at a time usually
14:57.47sarf|noWoWI'm not happy unless I do 3 things at the same time
14:57.54sarf|noWoWUnfortunately, I always try to do more
14:57.54Legorol^which is why i moved my spamming to this one instead of #costest, more fun place
14:57.56Industrialhave more desktops
14:57.58sarf|noWoWand I get frustrated at 5+ things
14:58.02krka|workmultitasking isn't so hard, you just have to keep track of which window contains which conversation
14:58.11krka|workyes mom, i will do the dishes when I get home
14:58.16Legorol^it's not the computer that's the issue, it's my brain..
14:58.18sarf|noWoWOn IRC?!
14:58.23Legorol^i know my computer can multitask, i can't
14:58.30sarf|noWoWSure you can
14:58.36sarf|noWoWDo what your computer does
14:58.45Legorol^split my attention, i know... i hate doing that ;-)
14:58.47krka|workhumans are turing complete
14:58.49sarf|noWoWand do several things in sequence really really fast and switch between them
14:58.52Legorol^i like to intensely focus on on ething
14:58.54krka|workeverything a computer can do, you can do!
14:58.56Valleriuscontext switch overhead sucks though  : /
14:59.02sarf|noWoWYeah :)
14:59.09Legorol^krka: that makes me feel good
14:59.23Legorol^now, i will just take this 100x100 table and try to invert it in 0.0001 second
14:59.29Legorol^damn, it didn't work..
14:59.42krka|workdidn't say you could do it with equal speed
14:59.51Legorol^but one thing a computer can do is to be quick ;-)
14:59.52sarf|noWoWGive a picture to a computer and make it recognize all objects in it
14:59.57Legorol^so i can't do everything that the computer can do :p
15:00.02sarf|noWoWOf course you can
15:00.14sarf|noWoWYou just have different performance :)
15:00.17Legorol^not if one of the definitions of the computer's abilities includes performance
15:00.30Legorol^i'd put performance under ability
15:00.30krka|workit appears we have different definitions of "capability"
15:00.40sarf|noWoWComputers make very fast, very accurate mistakes.
15:00.49Legorol^haha, good one, although heard it before
15:00.55sarf|noWoWI'm capable of everything.
15:01.04sarf|noWoWI'm just a bit slow at accomplishing anything. :)
15:01.09Legorol^i don't think society generally agrees with you, krka
15:01.15krka|work(I have realized that most arguments is just an attempt to figure out which basic definition there is disagreement on)
15:01.17Legorol^in fact society in general includes performance in capability
15:01.23Legorol^which is why an olimpic runner is famous and i'm not
15:01.28Legorol^even thoguh i can run the same distance too ;-)
15:01.43Legorol^krka, you are probably right
15:01.56Legorol^i agree to agree that disagreeing about definitions is often the cause of arguments
15:02.02sarf|noWoWI've got a quote for you, Lego :)
15:02.03sarf|noWoWPro'-gram 1) n. A magical spell cast over a computer which transforms user input into error messages.  2) vt. An activity similar to banging one's head against a wall, but with less opportunity for relief.
15:02.10KalrothI disagree with both of you though
15:02.12krka|worksome of the time people can have the same definitions but some of the people have reached false conclusions
15:02.23Industrialsarf|noWoW: hah
15:02.26krka|worklol sarf
15:02.45sarf|noWoWKalroth> Yes, but you're a heathen, so we'll burn you at the stake and ignore your false beliefs.
15:03.10sarf|noWoWDon't worry, the Almighty Bureaucracy is processing our application.
15:03.27krka|workperhaps your definition is better. I'll rephrase myself: anything a computer can compute, you can compute
15:03.35sarf|noWoWWe'll check back in 100 years to see if there's been any progress in your case... or if we forgot to dot the ts and cross the fingers.
15:04.02sarf|noWoW"Computers are like the Old Testament God -- lots of rules and no mercy"
15:04.02krka|workooh... major new feature in FF 1.6
15:04.23krka|workinstead of popup upon bad page, there's a popup-like page shown instead
15:04.37krka|workit's a web browser
15:04.58sarf|noWoWYes... but I usually doesn't abbreviate it to FF
15:04.59krka|workdamn my explanation of that sucked :P
15:05.12krka|workwhat do you abbreviate it to then?
15:05.27*** join/#wowi-lounge shouryuu (
15:05.44sarf|noWoWWrong! Drop down and give us fifty!
15:05.44krka|workthat's a pretty bad abbreviation
15:05.48Legorol^so people are turing complete, are they..
15:05.50Legorol^i have to ponder that one
15:05.51sarf|noWoW(Euro preferred)
15:06.01Legorol^some people i beleive are not :-)
15:06.11KalrothLegorol^: Yes we are! Do you like the colour red? I'm happy.
15:06.13krka|workwell, given that they get an infinite supply of pencil and paper
15:06.13sarf|noWoWYou disbelieve people?
15:06.15krka|workand food
15:06.22krka|workand bodies that don't grow older
15:06.33sarf|noWoWThanks, shouryuu :)
15:06.34Legorol^no sarf, i disbeleive that some people are
15:07.06Legorol^i beleive that some people aren't
15:07.06Legorol^as in they do not perform being
15:07.06shouryuuwhat did I step in?
15:07.07KalrothI think therefor I am!
15:07.09sarf|noWoWA free-wheeling discussion on IRC
15:07.10Legorol^pile of dung, shouryuu? depends on if it smells
15:07.11krka|workdon't look, just wipe it off
15:07.34Kalrothshouryuu: we're all busy disagreeing with Legorol btw
15:07.41shouryuulol what did he say>
15:07.51KalrothDunno, I didn't read it
15:08.02Legorol^there, i multitasked!
15:08.11sarf|noWoWI have my suspicions about that Bush person. I expect to crack up sometime and go "Gotcha! We're gonna roll over you like a Whale shrugging off a lifeboat! Bwwahahahahahaaaa!"
15:08.12Legorol^ha, take that, i'm turing complete and can multitask sequentially
15:08.18Legorol^now that made my day
15:08.19sarf|noWoWOr that he's an actor.
15:08.23krka|workMan: No it isn't, an argument is an intellectual process -- contradiction is just the automatic gainsaying of anything the other person says.
15:08.23krka|workMr Barnard: No it isn't.
15:08.23krka|workMan: Yes it is.
15:08.32KalrothLegorol^: The human body multitasks, no cpu can do that yet :)
15:08.46sarf|noWoWI can walk and chew chewing gum at the same time!
15:08.52krka|worki can't :/
15:08.53Legorol^Kalroth: CPU does multitask on a low level
15:08.59shouryuucomparing man to machine?
15:09.03KalrothThat parrot is dead! No it isn't. Yes it is. No it isn't.
15:09.03Legorol^you ok sarf?
15:09.08sarf|noWoWYeah :)
15:09.20shouryuuToo much GITS imo
15:09.25Industrialhaha again!
15:09.25Legorol^careful with that chewing gum
15:09.44Legorol^was about to say, a CPU has electrical impulses running through it in several places at once
15:09.49krka|workMan: Yes I have -- if you're arguing I must have paid.
15:09.49krka|workMr Barnard: Not necessarily. I could be arguing in my spare time.
15:09.55sarf|noWoWshouryuu> isn't that "too *many* gits?"
15:10.05Legorol^it also does prefetching in parallel with instruction evaluation, if i'm not mistaken
15:10.08shouryuuno had too much of Ghost In The shell
15:10.15Legorol^afaik that process is truly parallel
15:10.20krka|workphilosophical question: is it possible AT ALL for two things to occur at once?
15:10.24KalrothLegorol^: yeah, but it only processes one anyways
15:10.38Legorol^krka: depends if you work with classical mechanics or special relativity ;-)
15:11.04Legorol^and btw yes, two things can occur at once
15:11.05KalrothLegorol^: the problem with current technology is that it's too advanced to be as advanced as a human body :)
15:11.10krka|workI mean at the very foundation of universal laws
15:11.31Legorol^"at the same time" is a mathematical definition, and therefore can exist, i beleive
15:11.33krka|workmight be possible that the universe only updates things one at the time :P
15:11.42Legorol^that is possible
15:11.42KalrothWhat if I believe that I don't exist?
15:11.43sarf|noWoWThe universal laws are changed with time. Or rather, our understanding of them is changed.
15:11.51IndustrialKalroth: haha retard
15:11.55Industriali'd say
15:11.58sarf|noWoWKalroth> Then you get a free Buddhist icecream.
15:12.06Kalrothicecream > *
15:12.23Legorol^there are some pretty screwy stuff in quantum mechanics that seriously messes your head if you try to think too hard about it
15:12.56Legorol^the most notable one is that the currently accepted set of founding axioms for quantum mechanics are in fact self-contradictory
15:13.09Kalrothno it isn't!
15:13.15krka|workYes it is!
15:13.17Legorol^yet physicists go around happily applying quantum mechanics every day
15:13.33Legorol^and get great results out of it, like building semicondcutor devices (which your CPU is)
15:13.48sarf|noWoWIf it ain
15:13.49krka|workwhich just goes to show that understanding is greatly overrated
15:13.51Legorol^so it screws your head in principle but works in practice, woot
15:13.53sarf|noWoW*ain't broke, don't fix it
15:14.02sarf|noWoWexactly krka|work
15:14.11krka|workif it's broke, start complaining to blizzards dev team
15:14.13Legorol^it is useful sometimes
15:14.16sarf|noWoWso let's grab some beers and watch reality soap opera until our heads implode
15:14.31sarf|noWoWor until we reach nirvana
15:14.34Legorol^understanding more about the way fontstrings work helped us solve one of the 7 mysteries of WoW UI coding:
15:14.50krka|workdidn't someone prove the existance of negative information with quantum mechanics?
15:14.50Industrialsarf|noWoW: "wow billy did do it with <name>"
15:14.53Legorol^how do tooltip lines decide to wrap or not to wrap, or more specifically, how to query/set that property
15:14.54krka|workthat was some weird shit
15:14.56sarf|noWoWwith the current lack of intelligence / awareness in those, most of the participants should have ascended a long time ago
15:15.18sarf|noWoWIndustrial> "No, you don't say? How could he, so short a while after being with <name2>?!"
15:15.32Industrialtv, i dont have one..
15:15.40Legorol^who needs one..
15:15.41krka|work"<name2>, I am your father!"
15:15.42Legorol^this channel is better
15:15.49sarf|noWoWDon't worry, you're still keeping up pretty well :)
15:16.07Industrial"<name1>, nooooooooooo" "<name1>, no eh oops wrong script"
15:16.10KalrothI utterly lost track of the topic! :(
15:16.20Industrialkrka|work: :D:D
15:16.21sarf|noWoWWe have a topic?
15:16.44Kalrothwell someone does!
15:16.45StylpeWhat's a topic
15:16.46Legorol^yes we do, it is in fact: WoWI-Lounge. Don't spam the damn bot.  No hassling Slouken about work.  Get along or Get out.  Beyond that, kick back, relax, have fun.
15:16.54krka|worki think it was something about iterating over table with strings as keys originally...
15:16.56Kalrothcurrent conversation subject then, sheesh!
15:16.59sarf|noWoWCheck, check and check.
15:17.13sarf|noWoWkrka|work> Yeah, but ForgottenLords got that straightened out
15:17.54sarf|noWoWOh and :
15:18.04krka|worktoo long address. didn't read
15:18.15sarf|noWoWThou shalt not read, thou shalt *click*!
15:18.28krka|worktoo lazy to move mouse. didn't click
15:18.31Kalroth(For poooorn)
15:18.43shouryuuyou should see Jin Roh
15:19.01sarf|noWoWAmen, Kalroth!
15:19.16sarf|noWoWkrka|work> You'll fit right in at work then :)
15:19.21sarf|noWoWKålrot :)
15:19.28sarf|noWoWHaha, made my day, krka ^^
15:19.46krka|worki don't get it... fit on?
15:20.07sarf|noWoWwell, being too lazy to move your mouse...
15:20.22Legorol^bah, i have to actually do some work now... colleague of mine emailed me with question
15:20.25Legorol^see ya later folks
15:20.28sarf|noWoWLater lego!
15:20.39Stylpekrka: Scandinavian?
15:20.42krka|workisn't it kinda funny if someone who isn't a swede calls himself kålrot?
15:20.43sarf|noWoWWoW up!
15:20.49sarf|noWoWYeah, it is :)
15:21.06krka|workStylpe: you could say that
15:21.17Stylpekrka|work: Actually, it makes perfect sense in norwegian too ;)
15:21.46krka|workexcept that kålrot in english isn't "norwegian"
15:23.26krka|worktranslate kålrot to english and you get "swede"
15:24.58KalrothI'm danish, not norwegian!
15:25.10Kalrothgoddamn fjeldaber! :)
15:25.49StylpeReally? That's either a completely new term for a swede, or you're translating from a srange language
15:27.11krka|workkålrot (swedish) = swede (english)
15:27.50StylpeI never knew swedish was so different from norwegian =P
15:28.22StylpeWe usually just call you stupid =P
15:28.34krka|workis it?
15:28.42krka|workkålrot is a vegetable in both languages, yes?
15:28.55krka|workso, not different
15:29.22StylpeThere must be some strange logic or pun here I'm not getting >_>
15:29.48krka|workwe usually just think of norway as our younger, annoying brother :P
15:30.05krka|workyou're norwegian, it's not expected that you understand it =)
15:30.07StylpeWe think of you as our sweet brother ;)
15:30.49krka|workthe english word swede can mean both a person from sweden and the vegetable known to us as kålrot
15:31.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Trilian (
15:31.19StylpeThere's nothing more to it than that?
15:32.12Stylpeheh, that's odd
15:32.14*** join/#wowi-lounge digix (
15:33.31Industrialwhats a kålrot?
15:33.37Industrial(dont tell me a swede)
15:34.41krka|workhmm... I need to start scheming to make "swede" refer to something other than a turnip
15:34.58krka|workit should mean "a really cool person" instead
15:35.05krka|work"man, that guy is such a swede"
15:36.24Industrial"pass the dutch"
15:36.26Industrialke ke ke
15:36.35Industrial(I'm dutch)
15:39.15krka|workdutch = joint right?
15:40.14krka|workwtf this sucks:
15:40.27Industrialin that context, a very strong type of weed rolled into a joint
15:42.06Industriala very fat joint, too
15:42.29Industrial(cigar with weed)
15:44.13Industrialkrka|work: beat you to it
15:44.16Industrial10. Dutch   link  send  redefine   14 up, 11 down
15:44.16IndustrialA word used to convey the unbelievable coolness of anything, i.e. an object, person, place etc. etc.
15:47.11krka|workdidn't you read the top entry for swede?
15:49.21Industrialshh :>
15:50.50*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
16:00.35OsagasuWell it'll be noon before I find out
16:00.53OsagasuRasmus, you look at the cards I mentioned?
16:01.21*** join/#wowi-lounge ToastTheif (
16:01.43OsagasuI was eating that toast!
16:08.07IndustrialOMG HI2U LALALAL!!!!!1111one-hundred-eleventy-one
16:08.47ToastTheifso anyway
16:09.07ToastTheifyou should make the idChat page black background and white text
16:09.26ToastTheifbut besides that, how's idChat going?
16:09.45MoonWolfi think idChat is basically done.... imho
16:10.21Industriallike that?
16:10.26Industrialyeah uhm
16:10.30IndustrialidMap is coming up next
16:10.36Industrialalmost finished
16:11.33ToastTheifwhat about shift+scroll down?
16:11.58Industrialon idChat?
16:12.14ToastTheifah, didn't see it as a feature
16:12.20ToastTheifis there a shift + scroll up too?
16:12.37Industrialnot as a feature? HMMM
16:12.41Industriallet me go and edit that
16:12.57ToastTheifand is white background black text too..
16:13.06Industrialno it isnt
16:13.15Industrialits black bagkreound white text
16:13.45shouryuuman rhymes in english are so hard
16:13.58ToastTheifshows up as black on white to me
16:14.37Industrialand dont use IE
16:14.55ToastTheifpeople still use that?
16:15.01IndustrialAdded Shift+mousewheel scrolling (scrolls to top and bottom).
16:15.18ToastTheifgood :)
16:15.35ToastTheifI might as well start using idChat =P
16:15.47IndustrialidMap is next
16:15.54ToastTheifdoes it have thtat pesky arrow feature that you like?
16:16.07ToastTheifI don't see it as a feature
16:16.10Industrialarrow? which arrows?
16:16.20Industrialtheres no arrows on my chat frames
16:16.26ToastTheifthe arrow keys to get to the chat history
16:16.34Industrial2005-11-26  0.2  
16:16.38ToastTheifinstead of alt + arrows
16:16.40ToastTheifor whatever it was
16:16.48Industrialoh that, yes
16:16.57Industrialforgot that too hmmmm
16:17.02ToastTheifyou odn't have that listed =P
16:17.10ToastTheifI'll have to comment that part out ;)
16:18.23ToastTheifI like the hh:mm btw
16:18.32ToastTheifno one likes :ss
16:19.49MoonWolfI do, so i put them back in.
16:19.57Industrialyour choice
16:20.01Legorol^Controversial question of the day for discussion: Should users who don't want to run AddOns be excluded from guild raids when the guild requires CTRA/Decursive? discuss...
16:20.04Industrialwich i ancourage!
16:20.14Legorol^actually let me rephrase
16:20.16Industrialencourage, even
16:20.23Legorol^or rather, expound my opinion
16:20.43Legorol^as an avid AddOn developer i recognise the wish of players to play with the default UI and nothing else, and i totally respect that
16:20.54Legorol^if a guild chooses to set policies, it can set whatever it likes..
16:21.00ToastTheifI agree with Lego-man
16:21.03Legorol^it's not wrong for a guild to require the use of CTRA/Decursive
16:21.12Legorol^guilds have so many policies anyway
16:21.21Industrialits like a job
16:21.24MoonWolfThey shouldnot  be thrown out, rather not be allowed to run or take a hit in DKP
16:21.25Industrialbeing a member of a guild
16:21.26ToastTheifbut anyway, add the pesky arrow feature to ur site Indus!
16:21.37Legorol^however, i like to beleive that there are guilds/players out there who don't want to use addons
16:21.41IndustrialLegorol^: omg i did!
16:21.51Industrialerr, ToastTheif
16:21.53shouryuuI don't like decursive but I have to use it :(
16:21.55Legorol^and that anyone who doesn't want to use addons can find a place for themselves
16:22.04shouryuuwell have to...
16:22.09shouryuuI should be
16:22.25IndustrialToastTheif: im considering putting everything in <pre>
16:22.30Legorol^basically, i will confess: i love coding addons (addon related stuff takes up over 60% of my WoW time)
16:22.36Legorol^but i play with stock UI very often
16:22.38shouryuuthey can't check if I am, but it's consider as mandatory
16:22.44IndustrialToastTheif: as the ultimate purpose is it to be "pre formatted"
16:22.51Legorol^the other interesting question is:
16:23.05MoonWolfinterface is 50% of my wow experience.
16:23.08IndustrialToastTheif: sets the font to monospaced
16:23.08Legorol^is it a good/bad thing that the current tendency is that CTRA/Decursive are on mandatory status in serious guilds?
16:23.13ToastTheifoh ok
16:23.16IndustrialToastTheif: along with some margins and stuffs
16:23.23Industrialjust watch :D
16:23.31Industrialill make it wrap at 80 chars :D
16:23.34shouryuudepends for whom :P
16:23.36ToastTheifzomg slouken has an avatar!
16:23.42MoonWolfwhat is it ?
16:23.53Legorol^In other words: is it the default Blizz interface that sucks and Blizz should do a better job, or is it players trying to make the game easier for themselves?
16:24.05shouryuugame easier
16:24.09shouryuuno questions asked
16:24.19Legorol^I like to beleive Blizz has tested the content with stock UI, and it is an adequate challenge/fun to play with stock UI
16:24.21ToastTheiffor me it's that the default sucks
16:24.30shouryuuI strongly believe that lego
16:24.40ToastTheifI don't use decursive
16:24.43ToastTheifor anything like thats
16:24.44shouryuuMe neither
16:24.46Legorol^i think i also generalised too much
16:24.46shouryuuI  hate it
16:24.49Legorol^yeah that's a good point too
16:24.59ToastTheifI just like to make my interface small and pretty :)
16:24.59Legorol^UI modifications for accessibility/ease of use is a good thing
16:25.06Legorol^UI mods for making game easier sucks, in my opinion
16:25.20Legorol^ToastTheif: agreed completely
16:25.32Legorol^i do think that addons broadly fall in two categories:
16:25.36MoonWolfUI mods of any kind excluding the automasations ones (decursive/cursive/autobuff0 are fine
16:25.47Legorol^those that are true interface modifications, and those that have processing logic, thereby making the game easier for you
16:26.02TainOr those that have both.
16:26.03shouryuutake an example SCT, having a big dodge appear when a mob dodges is just great for a warrior
16:26.22Legorol^Tain, well ok i guess i shouldn't say addons, i should say addon capabilities
16:26.22MoonWolfor spellalert
16:26.33shouryuuof course I could just watch the mob's screen and wait for dodge to show up, but that would be just a pain
16:26.42shouryuuspellalert is bad
16:26.49shouryuuI strongly dislike it :p
16:26.50Legorol^i think that visual aids are good
16:26.54ToastTheif"What UI's are you? Post a pix!" ...
16:26.55Legorol^stuff that does it for you in response to that are bad
16:27.12MoonWolfyou could make a single chat window place it above your char head and only show enemy dodges or some other chat line like that.
16:27.18Legorol^i however completely respect players wishes to use those things
16:27.23Legorol^it's their choice to make game easier for them
16:27.29shouryuuYeah but SCT does that but prettier :P
16:27.32Legorol^it's like, if someone wants to cheat in their singleplayer game, good for them
16:27.54Legorol^however, if someone tells me i *have to* use Decursive, i would object on the grounds it takes away from my fun of the game
16:28.07Legorol^others will tell you it adds to their fun
16:28.25MoonWolfmy UI
16:28.26Legorol^so i guess it comes down to personal preference
16:28.28shouryuuthe problem is if you don't decurse porperly, well you're running other peoples fun
16:28.34Legorol^yeah exactly
16:28.38Legorol^in a 40-man raid that's the problem
16:28.44Legorol^that other people's idea of fun will not coincide with mine
16:28.59MoonWolfwhat do you people think of it ?
16:29.03Legorol^that's why i am hoping that there are other like-minded people for whom "fun" = challenge, not "fun" = as easy as poss
16:29.03shouryuuBut you end up having two choices
16:29.14shouryuuruin one mans fun, or ruin 39 persons fun...
16:29.23Legorol^if you are in that kind of guild, yes
16:29.27Legorol^so you end up complying
16:29.33shouryuuYeah pretty much
16:29.40MoonWolffun is balance between Challenge and Easy
16:29.49Legorol^i haven't got a lvl 60 yet, so i haven't been in this situatino yet
16:30.06Legorol^i am hoping that my guild will be tolerant when i don't install decursive or use the automatic features of CTRA
16:30.08shouryuuMoon - I think blizzard did a great job balaning that
16:30.15Legorol^ToastTheif: your WSG char?
16:30.33Legorol^there will always be people who want the easiest possible mode
16:30.39ToastTheifhe's looking pretty tough so far
16:30.45Legorol^tell me what he got
16:30.54shouryuuHonestly, the mana conserve is good. Not because it does shit for you, but I have 400 ping, try interupting in due time a 1.5 sec heal...
16:31.01ToastTheifI need 2 moss agate tho dammit
16:31.14MoonWolfah if you really need it that bad.
16:31.20shouryuuI don't NEED it
16:31.26shouryuuI've played till 60 without
16:31.34shouryuuran Lucifron without it
16:31.41shouryuubut it's just usefull
16:32.19shouryuuand when you ahve 5 priest healing 2 tanks, well you're going to overheal someplace... If my ping doesn't allow me to make the right decision at the right time, well...
16:33.42MoonWolfHands in the air, who likes my UI ?
16:33.42TainEhn, I've played mmorpgs for too many years, I'll simplify the tedious tasks as much as I can.
16:34.51shouryuuHands in the air, who likes my poem?
16:35.23IndustrialNew website version up!
16:35.29shouryuuthat's nice
16:35.39ToastTheifwhat does that mean Industrial lol
16:36.01IndustrialToastTheif: it means smaller size
16:36.05Industrialgg xD
16:36.12ToastTheifah, ic
16:36.14ToastTheifI like it
16:36.24IndustrialI know you would, i like it too
16:36.28ToastTheifyour headings are too small
16:36.56ToastTheif:O and the CC liscense part is the gonez0rz
16:37.04ToastTheifI enjoyed that part...
16:37.59ToastTheifpesky no arrows, damn thee
16:38.14ToastTheifpesky no alt+arrows, damn thee!
16:38.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Parak (
16:39.34Industriallook at the headings
16:39.45Industrialyou can clearly differentieat my by heading and content
16:39.52Industrialnow, i shall go home.
16:40.00ToastTheifidChat, id World of Warcraft Addons, Industrial
16:40.08ToastTheifthose are all too small of headings dammit
16:40.28ToastTheifbecause I think so
16:40.38ToastTheifthey should be a tad bigger
16:47.57*** join/#wowi-lounge swede|lurker (
16:48.40swede|lurkeromfg, the 1.8.0 patch is 250 megs..
16:49.25swede|lurkeralthough i got windows to see and use both Cores :D
16:49.30swede|lurkeri had to reinstall though
16:53.57Legorol^All those people who are using ViewPort to change their viewport to a cinematic style (with black are above and/or below for UI elements), i have a question
16:54.20Legorol^afaik the aspect ratio is maintained on worldframe resize, so this must mean you are losing portion of the viewable area of the world
16:54.26Legorol^is that a problem?
16:54.45Legorol^as in, you get less view, how much more difficult it is making gameplay?
16:54.48swede|lurkerthe space you "lose" is already lost to UI elements
16:54.50MoonWolfi took a part of the frame out below and never seen a difference.
16:55.08Legorol^not quite, lot of ui elements are small icony things etc.
16:55.13MoonWolfi can see more screen now since the buttons dont take up that space anymore
16:55.22swede|lurkerdepends on your UI setup i guess
16:55.28Legorol^ehm... MoonWolf, they still do
16:55.36Legorol^you just blackened out a region of your viewable area
16:55.50swede|lurkerbut for me, i prefer it so when i fraps kills the mob shot is clean and not full of crap in view
16:55.55TainNo, you shrink the actual World.
16:56.02TainYou don't overlay black bars.
16:56.06Legorol^afaik it's a combination of shrink and clip
16:56.12TainIt's like a widescreen movie.
16:56.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
16:56.19MoonWolfits simply renderingin the space you assign it instead of the whole screen.
16:56.26Legorol^ok, let's say i take a default worldframe, and i reduce only the hight
16:56.41TainWhich is what I do.
16:56.42Legorol^as far as i know the render engine will both clip, and shrink the viewable area
16:56.47Legorol^you will not "gain" information
16:56.50Legorol^but you will lose some
16:57.02TainWhy are you saying as far as you know?  What information are you going on?
16:57.10Legorol^from my testing/playing around
16:57.10TainBecause I've never seen that posted or said.
16:57.23Legorol^i have lined my character up with world objects
16:57.35Legorol^then did resizes and see if said object's edge is still within the viewable area
16:58.02Legorol^i am pretty sure Blizz was careful so you can't gain extra information by doing worldframe resize
16:58.35Legorol^and my impression was that in order to maintain aspect ratio, it achieves that by having both clipping and shrinking
16:58.48Legorol^that's just the result of my poking, if you have different experience, do share
16:59.03Legorol^e.g. let's say you run in 1024x768, and resize worldframe to 1024x960
16:59.18Legorol^from what i could tell, for those sets of numbers, it purely clips
16:59.33swede|lurkeryou mean,
16:59.39Legorol^i mean
16:59.45Legorol^1280x1024 => 1280x960
16:59.52Legorol^i am not sure what i mean anymore
16:59.53swede|lurkeroh, hehe
16:59.55swede|lurkerthats different :)
16:59.59Legorol^hold on, let me try and remember
17:00.03swede|lurkerit'd be hard to clip soemthing when you make it bigger
17:00.07Legorol^yep :D
17:00.19TainYeah, but what do you mean by giving someone more information?
17:00.30swede|lurkerbut my viewpoint rounds in around 1.70, and it looks exactly the same, objects are the same size etc, but its clipped off
17:00.32TainBeing able to view more of the world at once?
17:00.32Legorol^giving more information is if you can see more of the world around you then you could before
17:00.37Legorol^that's an advantage in PvP
17:00.49swede|lurkerit doesnt overlay black bars across the UI though, it just doesnt draw data there relevant to the game
17:01.05TainThat exists today.
17:01.06Legorol^the "black bar" thing was figure of speach
17:01.32TainSomeone who runs in 640x480 doesn't see as much of the world as someone running in 1280/1024.
17:02.10swede|lurkerman, patch 1.8.3 was the worst one yet..
17:02.15swede|lurkerits super slow to update.
17:02.35Legorol^all patches are slow, and will get slower
17:02.47Legorol^Tain, that is correct
17:02.50swede|lurkerthe 1.8.4 updated quickly
17:02.51Legorol^that's because they have different aspect ratios
17:03.04Legorol^then they might be using the patch2.mpq file in 1.8.4
17:03.09Legorol^i haven't updated to 1.8.4 yet so i don't know
17:03.10swede|lurker1.8.3 started out going real slow, then the migrating is super faster.
17:03.24TainI also see more of the world with my widescreen LCD running at 1280x768 than someone else.
17:03.26Legorol^a "regular" patch involves making an entire copy of the 1+ gig big patch.mpq
17:03.39Legorol^unless they use a technique where they just add a second patch2.mpq
17:03.44TainSo anyone who has a video card that can run higher resolutions has an advantage in pvp, I guess.
17:03.46Legorol^in which case the patcher doesn't have to copy patch.mpq
17:03.59Legorol^Tain, not exactly
17:04.02swede|lurkertain, yep : less lag ftw
17:04.07Legorol^as far as i can tell, the game engine has two render modes:
17:04.10Legorol^1.3 aspect and 1.25
17:04.21swede|lurkeri was going to say  "normal" and bwl...
17:04.22Legorol^it uses the 1.3 aspect for any resolution that is a multiple of 1024x768
17:04.27Legorol^e.g. 800x600
17:04.39Legorol^it uses the 1.25 aspect for the 1280x1024
17:04.45Legorol^you get slightly different view in those two cases
17:05.07Legorol^afaik, the 1280x768 resolution is a clipped version of the 1.25 aspect 1280x1024
17:05.14Eraphine|Disco2yeah it is.
17:05.21Legorol^which therefore will contain slightly different view than the 1024x768
17:05.23Eraphine|Disco2you lose info
17:05.49Legorol^it will have slightly more around the edges, and a lot lost at top/bottom with widescreen, compared to 1024x768
17:06.08Eraphine|Disco2the thing is, with viewport, I was finding that I didn't gain information at all
17:06.20TainYou don't gain information.
17:06.20Legorol^Eraphine|Disco2: that's exactly what i was discussing earlier
17:06.25Legorol^the render engine is very complicated
17:06.39swede|lurkerwhy would you gain anything, if you could ?
17:06.41Legorol^when you resize worldframe, it seems to do all of: maintain aspect ratio, shrink and clip
17:06.42Eraphine|Disco2I ended up losing info off the top and bottom and gaining none on the sides.
17:06.46Legorol^to get the desired endresult
17:06.50Eraphine|Disco2swede|lurker, think of it as zooming out.
17:06.57TainIt's very easy to see the difference in how much you can see in different resolutions.
17:07.05swede|lurkereraph, so zoom out :)
17:07.13TainChange yours to 640x480 and see how much you can see on your screen.
17:07.43Eraphine|Disco2ok swede, bad analogy.
17:07.50Eraphine|Disco2think of it as gaining peripherial vision
17:08.20swede|lurkerbut your vision is 180 deg in front of you anyways.
17:08.36swede|lurkerare you going to be using special hax on your eyes to see behind you?
17:08.36Legorol^when i was testing, (assuming worldframe stays full screen), 640x480, 800x600 and 1024x768 all gave same result
17:08.39Eraphine|Disco2your characters vision
17:08.42Eraphine|Disco2no swede..
17:08.44Legorol^except for pixel quality
17:09.18Eraphine|Disco2it's the same reason you have more info when you're watching a letterbox film vs a fullscreen edit.
17:09.19CairIt's actually easier than you guys are making it out to be ... if your resolution is 640x480, your aspect ratio is 4:3.  When you use viewport, if you maintain your aspect ratio of 4:3, your view shrinks.  If you do *not* maintain your aspect ratio of 4:3, your view is clipped.
17:09.30Legorol^Cair, almost
17:09.31Cairor rather, is scaled, not "shrinks"
17:09.39swede|lurkergiving the ability to "add information" to the world as its rendered would serve no purpose .  the effective result is simply zooming out.
17:09.42swede|lurkerif that makes sense
17:09.44Legorol^if you don't maintain the aspect, it does a combination of scale and clip
17:09.56Legorol^swede, it would serve a lot of purpose
17:09.59Legorol^it would allow you to look around you
17:10.06Legorol^ok, think of it like this:
17:10.16Legorol^you are standing in a place, and you turn 360 degrees to look all around you
17:10.24Legorol^you record what you see on a long, narrow strip of paper
17:10.32Legorol^if you were to fold this paper in a ring, that's the view around you
17:10.43Legorol^what WoW renders is a section of this ring
17:10.44swede|lurkerpanaramic ftw
17:10.48swede|lurkerspelling ftl
17:10.57Legorol^if you could make it display a larger section of this ring, you gain information
17:11.18swede|lurkerbut you couldnt see it without moving the viewpoint
17:11.32Legorol^that's the whole point! that you could, if WoW alowed you to make this change
17:11.52TainBut evidently WoW doesn't, so it's moot. :)
17:11.54Legorol^if wow allowed you to view a larger section of the ring at once on your screen, that's an advantage to you
17:11.59Legorol^Tain, yes
17:12.12Legorol^i am just trying to explain to swede why the WoW devs have to be careful about how they implement it
17:12.14swede|lurkerits not an advantage to anyone when everyone can do it.
17:12.20Eraphine|Disco2anyway, I do gain info with viewport.
17:12.26Eraphine|Disco2the stuff I couldn't see under my ui before
17:12.28Legorol^Eraphine|Disco2: you do?
17:12.29Eraphine|Disco2so it's worth it.
17:12.39Legorol^depend on what you are doing..
17:12.42Legorol^are you scaling your viewport?
17:12.51Legorol^whilst maintaingin aspect
17:12.53Eraphine|Disco2I'm just reducing the bottom.
17:13.01Legorol^then you shouldn't be gaining anything
17:13.02swede|lurkermy viewpoint is scaled so that the chat boxes and ct raid boxes all have black backgrounds :)
17:13.18Eraphine|Disco2You're right in that the actual render area loses info
17:13.26Eraphine|Disco2but my point is, before my bars were ontop of my render
17:13.27Legorol^if you take a worldframe in 1024x768 resolution, and change worldframe size to 1024x300,
17:13.28Eraphine|Disco2now they're not.
17:13.33TainLegorol^: He's saying he gains information in the sense that he sees the part of the world clearly that UI elements used to cover.
17:13.38TainNot that the game is sending him more informatino.
17:13.43Legorol^all you get is large black areas and the view clipped at top/bottom, whilst maintaing scale and aspect
17:13.53Eraphine|Disco2what tain siad.
17:14.05TainWhich is exactly why I do it.  It's aesthetic.
17:14.06Legorol^Tain: and i am disagreeing with that part
17:14.12Legorol^i understand what Eraphine is saying
17:14.17TainYou're wrong.
17:14.27Legorol^i am saying that if you reduce the WF height, you clip out the part that was previously covered by UI
17:14.31Legorol^ok, then do this test:
17:14.36Eraphine|Disco2Actually, it's a function of how obstructive your ui was before.
17:14.41Legorol^go back to full-screen WorldFrame, turn off UI using Alt+Z
17:14.42Eraphine|Disco2no leg.
17:14.46Eraphine|Disco2it doesn't just clip from the bottom
17:14.52Eraphine|Disco2I know for a fact it clips from the top and bottom.
17:14.54Legorol^compare that picture with one obtained when you look at the render area when you change height
17:15.06Legorol^Eraphine|Disco2: yes it clips from both places, that's true
17:15.20Eraphine|Disco2So I split the difference.
17:15.24Legorol^so you are saying that the amount you get to see at the bottom is worth more than the amount you lose at the top?
17:15.25Eraphine|Disco2To me it's worth it.
17:15.27Legorol^right, that makes sense
17:15.36Eraphine|Disco2Yes.. it's true for me.
17:15.41Eraphine|Disco2at the bottom is where my mobs are.. i'm a warrior
17:15.59TainOi I need to learn to stop arguing with people who argue for the sake of arguing.
17:16.00Legorol^i understand your point now
17:16.06OsagasuI need to get some auto reply code and make it automatically ":3" when Cair comes on from afk, reading, or sleep
17:16.07Eraphine|Disco2Tain -
17:16.09Eraphine|Disco2Leg is a good guy
17:16.18Eraphine|Disco2Give him the benefit of a doubt please
17:16.20Legorol^i was trying to understand Eraphine's point, and i finally did
17:16.25Legorol^i don't see what your problem was, Tain
17:16.27Eraphine|Disco2you're a good guy too.
17:16.51Legorol^it was a misunderstanding, and we resolved it, that's gotta be good
17:17.35swede|lurkerso, wheres the guy that can set my wow process affinity..
17:17.50shouryuuI am so tired
17:17.52TainI'm not a good guy.
17:18.10shouryuuwe all are
17:18.12Legorol^swede, that'd be potentially be me
17:18.12CairTain dear
17:18.18Legorol^unfortunately i might have to go soon
17:18.35Legorol^double "be" ftw
17:18.56swede|lurkerthis dual proc thing just wtf pwns now..
17:18.56shouryuuGood and bad are overated anyways
17:19.08swede|lurkerrunning two windows of wow is a butt-load easier than it was before
17:19.14Eraphine|Disco2anyone have a link to the wdm?
17:19.24Eraphine|Disco2I keep forgetting to bookmark it
17:19.45shouryuubeat me to it
17:19.45Eraphine|Disco2that thing taht beladona has
17:19.59Eraphine|Disco2oh yes :)
17:20.01Eraphine|Disco2ty ty
17:20.27Legorol^swede|lurker: what was the reason that windows didn't show you the two proces in task manager?
17:20.38Legorol^btw if yo uare trying to set the process affinity, first try this little tool:
17:21.27swede|lurkerThe windows HAL was set to a single processor system. changing the motherboard and adding another CPu doesnt change the hAL (i.e. the kernel and its abstraction layer).
17:21.36swede|lurkerthe only way to safely change it is to reinstall
17:21.47swede|lurkerat least, that i found
17:21.54Eraphine|Disco2that's what windows suggests
17:22.18Legorol^that's odd, because when i toggle HyperThreading in BIOS, Windows switches between single/dual processor mode on next boot
17:22.21Eraphine|Disco2my motherboard manual said if I disable or enable hyperthreading I should reinstall the os lol
17:22.28Eraphine|Disco2maybe windows has gotten better.
17:22.33Legorol^i have xp pro
17:22.55swede|lurkerit depends on your motherboard.
17:23.03Eraphine|Disco2hey leg, do you find hyperthreading helps for gaming? I saw benchmarks that don't show an improvement.
17:23.10Eraphine|Disco2or dual core for that matter.
17:23.10Legorol^i never tested it
17:23.29Legorol^i am not convinced it's supposed to help in any way
17:23.31Eraphine|Disco2It'd be nice if wow could do all the lua on one chip
17:23.33swede|lurkerwell, let me add my UI back to wow and i'll tell you.]
17:23.36Eraphine|Disco2and render with the other
17:23.42Legorol^my understanding was it helps most with ordinary windowsy things, like running several apps at once
17:23.43krkawhat is hyperthreading precisely?
17:23.58krkatwo or more processors?
17:24.04TainXP sees hyperthreading CPUs automatically.
17:24.06Eraphine|Disco2precisely? idk, but in laymans terms, it's virtual mulit-procesor support
17:24.06Legorol^it's some kind of kinky stuff in the CPU that allows two pipelines going into the core, i think
17:24.07TainAnd Windows 2003.
17:24.22Legorol^it's not entirely virtual, there is partial hardware support
17:24.29Legorol^some elements of the CPU are present twice
17:24.31krkaah, one processor that can use all parts of it at the same time?
17:24.54swede|lurkerbut amds dual core isnt virtual at all, and the new pentium dual core chips.
17:25.05swede|lurkerhyperthreading like onboard raid controllers
17:25.11Legorol^very laymanish: it's something like a single executor core, but there are two sets of pipelining chips
17:25.12swede|lurkerits hardware, but some software too :)
17:25.36Eraphine|Disco2yeah can split its pipelines in two
17:25.58krkakinda neat I suppose
17:26.11Eraphine|Disco2It's only faster for multithreaded applications
17:26.18Eraphine|Disco2that written very well.
17:26.40swede|lurkerso, before reinstall (which how it was single processor was i installed windows Xp on another nforce MB machine, and moved the HD to this dual core one),  i was getting around 15-25fps in kargath.
17:26.55swede|lurkernow, reinstall, mostly the same active background processes running (need to install fraps),
17:26.59swede|lurkeri get 50fps
17:27.05swede|lurkerdual core ftw
17:27.29Eraphine|Disco2that change seems a little bit too dramatic to be attributing entirely to dual processor
17:27.38swede|lurkernothing else has changed.
17:27.41krkawouldn't it also be faster if you ran two or more applications at once?
17:27.47Eraphine|Disco2yep krka of course
17:27.57swede|lurkerlet me start up another wow :)
17:28.09Legorol^swede has dual-core though
17:28.10krkagood, then my course of parallell programming wasn't completely wasted
17:28.23Legorol^my impression was that if i have HT on and have pretty much only WoW running, that's a waste
17:28.35krkai would imagine that WoW is running a few threads at once atleast though
17:28.38swede|lurkerhyperthreading is not dual core though
17:28.41Legorol^but if i am doing windowze-y things like several explorers, notepads, browsing irc, then it has some advantage
17:28.51krkagraphics thread, input thread, possibly also a lua thread
17:28.52Eraphine|Disco2no, but swede moved all his background apps to another processor
17:29.08Legorol^so for him it's probably good
17:29.13Eraphine|Disco2krka, initial benchmarks I saw with wow and dual core showed no improvements
17:29.17swede|lurkerwindows does that huh ?
17:29.18Eraphine|Disco2but - things change
17:29.21Legorol^someone asked me earlier if HT gave me performance boost in WoW
17:29.27Legorol^and i answered saying pretty much no
17:29.34Legorol^i close almost all apps before running WoW, usually
17:29.51krkanot exactly sure what properties the threads would need to have to benefit from HP
17:29.59Legorol^don't know either
17:30.09*** join/#wowi-lounge kremonte (
17:30.26Legorol^well, gotta go
17:30.28krkaprobably use as many components of the processor as possible, so that it's possible to do many things at the same time
17:30.40*** part/#wowi-lounge Legorol^ (
17:30.55krkaone interesting thing would be to see if there were improvements in WoW with HT and linux
17:31.05swede|lurkeri need to get more ram now.
17:31.22krkaif there were any improvements there, it would mean that windows sucks at HT
17:31.34TainIt does depend on a lot more than just the HT cpu.
17:31.42Eraphine|Disco2Large cities are difficult to do fps benchmarks in
17:31.49Eraphine|Disco2the population fluctuates too much throughout the day
17:31.54swede|lurkerdo vael :)
17:31.56Eraphine|Disco2sometimes in if I get 12 fps, sometimes 60
17:32.06Eraphine|Disco2I think vael kills all computers
17:32.17Eraphine|Disco2I don't know anyone who gets consistently 20+ fps during the vael fight
17:32.17TainFor example if your CPU isn't a bottleneck today then you won't see as dramatic a change doing the exact same things with a HT CPU.
17:32.27krkagood point
17:32.46swede|lurkerone of our officers in the guild gets 60fps solid in vael.
17:32.49swede|lurkerand all of bwl.
17:32.49Eraphine|Disco2yeah - I think my vid and cpu are pretty well matched
17:32.50krkaI think the bus speed and memory speed is the biggest issue
17:33.06swede|lurkerthats what he says.
17:33.08TainMoving to a HT CPU can also show other bottlenecks, memory amount, possibly memory speed but I really never bought into that much.
17:33.14swede|lurkerhe's got like, the most uber computer ever.
17:33.24swede|lurkeri'm only at one 7800, i need to get a second
17:33.26TainDefinitely video card.
17:33.32Eraphine|Disco2yeah - I'd say sli vid cards
17:33.37Eraphine|Disco2biggest improvement
17:33.41Eraphine|Disco2provided you have a 3+ ghz chip
17:33.49swede|lurkerhe's got two 7800 gtx's, and a pair of intel dual core processors, not sure which ones though
17:34.01Eraphine|Disco2pair of dual cores?
17:34.09Eraphine|Disco24 cores + HT = 8 pipelines?
17:34.10swede|lurkerthats what he said.. i think.
17:34.46swede|lurkeranyways, one char in org, the other char in ironforge, and the  main window gets~30fps
17:34.51swede|lurkerregardless of which im in.
17:37.34Eraphine|Disco2that's nice.
17:37.39Eraphine|Disco2crap.. now I want dual core
17:38.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (
17:38.36swede|lurkernext sunday when we do vael, i'll see what happens
17:43.58ParakDC won't do anything for just WoW performance, though it will be noticeable if you try recording with fraps or running some encoding app in the background as well
17:44.54*** join/#wowi-lounge elema (
17:46.16Cair|wow|sickkidentertaining my kiddo who is home sick for the 3rd day in a row
17:46.34elemayour kiddo?
17:46.41Cair|wow|sickkidyeah, my daughter
17:46.53Cair|wow|sickkidI think her strep is back =/
17:47.04elemaso you're a (happy) father
17:47.21ParakYou must be new here :D
17:47.29Cair|wow|sickkidno no, wait
17:48.03elemais it one of the world old info's ?
17:48.13Cair|wow|sickkiddo I *really* look like a guy to you?
17:48.47Parak(IT'S A TRAP)
17:49.28Cair|wow|sickkidyes real
17:49.33*** join/#wowi-lounge Trilian (
17:50.00Cair|wow|sickkidand to answer your other question, yes I'm a happy mother, except when she's sick
17:50.44Kolthhah @ |wow|sickkid
17:50.45elemaso I'm really sorry (for the wrong thoughts), and please don't kick my ass of the chan ;)
17:51.01Cair|wow|sickkidnot a problem ;)
17:52.01swede|lurkeryou know you play warcraft too much when you go to shut down windows and you hit the esc key.
17:52.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Industrial (
17:52.30elemahey kolth, do not laugh please, I really blush
17:53.18Cair|wow|sickkidelema: it's okay :)
17:53.43Industrialwhat are we laughing about?
17:53.52elemahmm so I change my minds topic....
17:54.08Temwhat do you add to a texture element to set it's default color?
17:54.30elemais it possible to highlight a texture (tex1) when I enter another texture (tex2) ?
17:54.50elemahighlight is meant like the minimap button highlighting
18:01.38futrtrublmake tex1 a button
18:01.59kergothmornings evil
18:02.06futrtrubland set the mousover code for tex2 to LockHighlight() on tex1
18:02.23futrtrubland the mouseout code to UnlockHighlight
18:02.51futrtrublthat means tex2 will have to be a frame or similar, not just a texture
18:02.58elemaay ? didn't understood
18:03.19elemai define them as buttons/frames
18:03.54futrtrublset tex1's NormalTexture and HighlightTexture to be how you want the button to look in each case
18:05.04elemaat wowwiki I found a function called HighlightTexture(Texture); this doesn't work or?
18:05.43futrtrublwidget functions page? let me check it
18:05.49purlWednesday sucks, because it is only half way through the week.
18:07.27futrtrublyeah, that doesn't highlight the element, it tells it what it should look like when highlighted
18:07.51futrtrublit's the lua method of giving a button a HighlightTexture element
18:09.09elemamy problem is I wanna make a special flightmap addon, in this addon, I enter the texture for the IF flightmaster and it should highlight all the locations connected
18:09.31elemaso I can't define every texture as frame (or it would be real... big)
18:11.00futrtrublnot that big, 40 frames max for all flightpaths in the game? but since you are doing the flightmap, all the destinations should already be buttons if you can click on them
18:11.36elemaI do it not in the normal taxi frame
18:11.55elemai add a frame with flightpath's costs and durations
18:13.02futrtrublyou'l have to define textures for each location then. make a template frame that has the texture in it, then just make frames that inherit it instead of textures
18:13.50elemathink I got what you mean
18:14.40futrtrublthough, if you still want it just be textures, have the mousover code SetTexture() on the textures you want highlighted, then SetTexture() back on mousout
18:15.19elemaahh, thinkl that's easier
18:15.28futrtrublyour current location will still need to be a frame to get mouseover events
18:16.05futrtrubland if you want to be able to mousover other locations to see their connections then they will need to be frames
18:19.09elemadoes anyone knows, whats the thing with curse? I don't get there, always too much connections
18:19.39elemabut I think big patchday isn't yet
18:24.17Temwhat's the funny make it moveable hack?
18:24.39Tem<TitleRegion SetAllPoints="true"/> ?
18:29.11*** join/#wowi-lounge saysur|afk (
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18:30.26MalivilHome again =-P
18:31.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Eraphine|Lab (
18:35.35kergothoooh, would be fun
18:35.41kergothdoubt i'd get in on that without a degree though
18:40.21Malivilthat, that looks cool
18:41.23Parakew, 25% travel
18:41.39kergothstill, hacking on embedded stuff in an unmanned aircraft would be just fun
18:42.13Parakand possibly drustrating when the aircraft decides to fire a rocket at someone instead of photographing them
18:42.25TainTen reasons to drink during the holidays:
18:43.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Maldivia (
18:43.25MalivilBeer goggles -- who said the holidays have to be lonely?
18:45.59Malivilcan someone look at my if else statement and tell me what they think it will do?
18:46.02MalivilI want to see if it makes sense
18:46.07Malivilto anyoen other than me, haha
18:50.38TainGah I'm so bad at writing project plans before the project.
18:50.43TainI don't see why I can't write them after I'm done.
18:51.11kergoththe problem with writing designs is that they arent very fluid.  adapting them as the design changes is a pain
18:54.57TainThis is a very stupid one to begin with.  Practically, "busy work."
19:00.04Tembah I'm at a loss
19:01.28MalivilMy mod works 100% now
19:02.13kergothmm, metamap is pretty cool
19:02.25krkawhat's that?
19:02.28kergothits like atlas and alphamap and the world map combined
19:03.40Temok, so if you have a font for a fontstring in the same folder as the xml
19:03.45Temand it's name is "font.ttf"
19:03.51Temwhy would this not work
19:04.04Tem<FontString name="$parentHealth" font="Font.ttf" justifyH="RIGHT" justifyV="MIDDLE">
19:04.11Tem(font not set error)
19:04.34kergothi dont think that path is correct.  dont you need Interface/foo/bar/my.ttf?
19:04.38kergoththe way you do for images?
19:04.54krkais metamap zoomable?
19:05.11krkathough I suppose that's not really useful in all cases
19:05.32shouryuujust took a 2 hour nap
19:05.48Temkergoth wins
19:05.49kergothkrka: not really, the zoom behaves like the world map, just changing from world to continent to zone
19:05.57Tem~give kergoth a cookie
19:05.59purlACTION gives kergoth a home-baked fortune cookie to cheer him up.
19:06.18purlextra, extra, read all about it, fortune is a kickass app available for Linux.  Packages are in OZ and lets you use fortune over the web.
19:06.18purlCair|wow|sickkid: aw, gee
19:06.31TainI wanted a fortune. :(
19:06.44kergoththeres your fortune
19:07.20krkahmm... is it clickable like the original map?
19:07.27krkai never did figure out how to do that in a good way
19:07.43kergothseems to be.  looks like you can make mapnotes and things
19:08.45krkai meant click on an area to zoom in
19:08.56krkaand see the name of that area when hovering
19:09.00shouryuuIs it possible to get the X and Y of you mouse?
19:09.12shouryuuon screen X and Y
19:09.22krkaalso, can you view a certain map without actually changing the current map view?
19:09.44shouryuuIs there a function?
19:09.55krkadon't remember it though
19:10.04shouryuucan't find it on WoWWIKI
19:10.19krkahey! great idea! why don't someone make a mouse gesture addon? :)
19:11.19shouryuuthanks :P
19:11.19shouryuuI think someone did that already
19:11.19MoonWolfyay n52
19:12.01shouryuuahhh I was looking for something like GetMousePosition :P
19:12.53shouryuudidn't someone make a mod where if you moused over a player it would display a bar with his health over the mouse?
19:13.50shouryuuthat could be doable
19:16.02Malivilis curse down for anyone else?
19:16.32Malivilcool, then it's not just me
19:19.03Cair|wow|sickkidforgive me for being catty, but isn't it an easier question to ask "is curse up today?"
19:19.15Cair|wow|sickkidor , if not easier, at least more appropriate/applicable?
19:19.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Natasem (n=Natasem@
19:19.52KolthBetter yet, "Is Curse acting up as usual for anyone else?" :P
19:19.59KolthCurse hasn't been "up" in months.
19:20.10KolthRather, in a constant state of uselesssness.
19:20.23TainTrinity University in San Antonio offers a course in online games.
19:20.33TainRequirements include buying World of Warcraft.
19:20.35MalivilCair, it was up like 10 minutes ago
19:20.41Cair|wow|sickkidhello Natasem
19:21.02Malivilor at least accesable
19:21.08MalivilIf not to get the server limit screen
19:21.42MalivilBut now (for the first time in my FF usage history) i got a screen in Firefox that says it can't connect to the server
19:21.57MalivilI think it's new in 1.5 or something, haha
19:22.27krkayes, i noticed that too recently
19:23.57Tainhaha awesome, one of the students did her undergrad term paper on, "Customer Service in Massively Multiplayer Online Games"
19:24.16Malivilor lack there of
19:24.19Malivilin some cases
19:24.43Natasemwow the T.King's Elfwood for World of Warcraft looks pretty cool, hopefully he does one for every race
19:26.08MalivilIf i used the deafult interface, i'd so get it
19:26.14Cair|wow|sickkidhe's already said he is going to
19:26.32MalivilCool =-)
19:26.47Malivilholy crap
19:26.51Malivilcurse is actually working again
19:27.01Cair|wow|sickkidNatasem: are you there?
19:27.52krkathe gnome one will be interesting
19:28.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Beladona (
19:28.28*** mode/#WoWI-lounge [+o Beladona] by ChanServ
19:28.28krkawhoa... i must be tired or something, I read cairs nick as nekkid
19:28.54Cair|wow|sickkidhi Bela
19:31.01*** join/#wowi-lounge MatryxWrk (
19:31.16Malivillol, krka
19:31.18MatryxWrkNatasem: you about?
19:31.25MalivilThere is a kid in my guild named nekkid
19:32.26*** join/#wowi-lounge malreth (
19:33.10MatryxWrkhmmm, maybe later then - gotta go!
19:33.12*** part/#wowi-lounge MatryxWrk (
19:37.02malrethyay. university is closing early today and opening late tomorrow
19:39.10NatasemNew IM worm chats with intended victims
19:40.38malrethAAAARG!~ i'm 20 min from leaving early from work and a client calls in with an urgent problem
19:40.50malrethprinter needs service... complete other side of the campus
19:41.24malrethsomeone say something so that I can swear at them
19:42.52malrethyour self abuse is delicious
19:43.58malrethi'm currently working hard to pass this ticket off onto someone else. who do i blame?
19:44.05malrethit's gotta be someone outside of my team
19:44.10Malivil...your assistant
19:44.19MalivilThe guy down the hall
19:44.27malrethi'm too low on the ladder to have an assistant
19:45.06malrethi gave my client the name of the server tech contact for that building. muah ha ha!
19:45.43Malivilwow Cair
19:45.46malrethsee, the beauty part of this is that i never said that he could do it or that it is even his job to do it
19:45.51MalivilYou've been level 51 for a long time
19:46.04malrethjust saying his name caused her to immediately /assume/ that he could fix it
19:47.12Malivilalways a good way to get outta work
19:47.21malrethhe'll hate me, but he's two managers away from me. i'm untouchable!
19:48.41malrethnow, to duck out 10 minutes early. not early enough to get in trouble but just enough to avoid the inevitable phone call from him.
19:51.15MoonWolfmalreth is the type of person i hate when trying to get something done
19:52.14MalivilYou know
19:52.22MalivilI can't think of ANYTHING useful to add to my mod.
19:52.37krkathen it's done!
19:52.40krkanicely done
19:52.50ParakAdd the ability to skin it.
19:52.55MalivilOnly too like... 3 days
19:53.01krkaseriously, a mod shouldn't do too much
19:53.03Malivil4 days
19:53.13krkathe old unix motto: do one thing, and do it well
19:53.14MalivilThe last thing i did was make each part of it toggleable
19:53.20Maliviland added a GUI
19:53.47MalivilAnd it's only 18kb
19:54.01Malivil.01 was 14
19:54.04Malivil.06 is 18
19:54.08Maliviland i added so much, haha
19:54.40MalivilIs it weird that i kept every version of the mod i made?
19:54.44krkait's not the size of the addon, it's how you use it!
19:54.47Malivilall 7
19:54.51Maliviloo, good one =-P
19:55.10Malivil.01, .02, .03, .04, .05, .05b, .06
19:59.19*** join/#wowi-lounge RasmusKL (
20:00.49*** part/#wowi-lounge Tem (
20:01.28kergothMalivil: thats a very good thing.  always keep old versions around.  there's a reason people use source control.  history is critical to efficient development
20:01.36kergothnothing worse than breaking the code and not having the known working one to go back to
20:01.55MalivilVery true
20:11.25kergothmm, eCastingBar is so perty.
20:17.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (
20:17.20Temanyone here know much about the model elements?
20:18.10krkawell, models usually consist of the following elements: legs, butt, feet, ...
20:18.31OsagasuI thought it was Base, Torso, and Waist?
20:18.34TemOsagasu: et tu, brute?
20:18.55Osagasuthen whatever else. :P
20:19.18Osagasulike head, arms, hancs, feet, legs
20:20.05Temfor the record, that joke wasn't funny to begin with... dragging it out this long is even worse
20:21.16Osagasuwhat joke?
20:21.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Te1 (
20:21.23Osagasuwhat joke?
20:21.28OsagasuI was being serious
20:21.41Te1I'm talking about WoW models
20:21.45Osagasuyou got stabbed and the model parts coincide with the body partsa
20:22.09Te1like the ones used in myModel and similar mods
20:22.36Te1nick Tem
20:22.56Temwell that was fun
20:23.10*** join/#wowi-lounge kremonte (
20:23.13TemThis is what I'm thinking of
20:24.07Tema mod that scans the inventory of people you mouseover and allows you to view them later
20:24.23kremonteyou can do that?
20:24.26Osagasuthere's one that does that for equipment
20:24.30kremonteor by inventory, do you mean equip
20:24.31MalivilHow can you see other people's inventory though?
20:24.39Temby inventory I mean equip
20:24.45Osagasuone already does that
20:24.56Temyeah but I refuse to use anything Saien-made
20:25.04Temoh and I have ideas to make it better
20:25.15kremontewots wrong with saien?
20:25.16Tembecause he's an elitist asshole at best
20:25.21kremonteoh, ok
20:25.24Osagasuwe all are
20:25.31MalivilI'm not..
20:25.36Temme either
20:25.37MalivilI'm just an asshole
20:25.38Osagasudid you not hear my speech about the modding community and Draka?
20:25.41kremontei'm not elitist
20:25.47krkai'm pretty elitist
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20:25.55krkabut that's only because I AM better than everyone else
20:25.58MalivilYou and I said the same thing but differently, kergoth =-P
20:26.09Malivillol kremonte
20:26.12TemWell I'm an elitist asshole, but I don't let everyone else see that part of me
20:26.19Malivilstupid tab
20:26.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Depherios (n=Depherio@
20:26.44TemI hated that mod
20:26.45Malivilandi i meant kremonte the first time, not kergoth
20:26.49Temhe did a lousy job on that one
20:26.51Maliviltoo many k names!
20:26.57MalivilWhat would oyu add to it?
20:27.11Temit's buggy as hell and it's crazy hard to find people in the list
20:27.22TemI want to make it look like you are inspecting them right now
20:27.32Temincluding the model in the middle
20:27.34MalivilThat's a cool idea
20:27.44MalivilYou would have to store thier model
20:27.46MalivilIs that possible?
20:28.05MalivilOr would it be your char with thier equips on
20:28.23Tembut I'm thinking it may be possible for me to load the right race and gender and give it their gear
20:28.24kremonteyou could make a playermodel, let the user save a target as the model
20:28.27kremonteand keep the frame hidden
20:28.55krkawhy can't you store model?
20:29.01krkaisn't it just texture and stuff?
20:29.06TemI don't know jack about the model stuff
20:29.08krkahmm, or maybe it's 3d stuff
20:29.10kremontetexture and stuff..and the 3d model lol
20:29.11Temwhich is why I asked here
20:29.21kremonteyou CAN do race/gender, but i dont thin kyou can save the features
20:29.30Temthat's what I feared
20:29.33kremonteyou could do something like make 5 playermodels, keep them hidden, and let you save them
20:30.09Temrace / gender would be easier
20:30.22kremonteyea, but more complicated code-wise
20:30.26kremonteyou'd need to use a dressupmodel
20:30.28Temif I feel inventive, I'll add feature toggles at the bottom
20:30.35Temyes, I know
20:30.44Tembecause I'm planning on putting their gear on it
20:30.51Temthat would be a dressupmodel right?
20:31.15kremonteyou'd have to save all their gear in memory though.. not sure if that would cause overhead
20:31.26kremontebut then you still have the problem with multiple people, if you intend on keeping that
20:31.32Temthat's where it's not that hard
20:31.37Temyou only save item links
20:31.51Temand if done right it doesn't take up a lot of memory
20:32.10TemFor example, KCI with 72,000 items in it uses LESS memory than DUF
20:33.12Temand I'll probably add options to only save players of a certain level or class beyond the current session
20:33.14kremonteyeah, but unless you actually want to have a mess-with dressupmodel, i still think it could be simpler with just a playermodel
20:33.27kremonteun;ess you plan on saving equip sets or something?
20:33.45Malivili gotta go for now
20:33.46Malivilcyall later
20:33.47Temkremonte: do you even know what I'm talkinb about?
20:33.54kremontesorta? lol
20:34.06kremonte[ 03:23 ] [Tem] This is what I'm thinking of
20:34.07kremonte[ 03:24 ] [Tem] a mod that scans the inventory of people you mouseover and allows you to view them later
20:34.16Temok good you were here for that part
20:34.21kremontethats when i joined
20:34.36Temyeah I saw you join in the middle so I wasn't sure if you were here for the important part
20:34.41TemI guess I wasn't very clear then
20:35.07kremonteso you mean like, ["name of server"] [level] = 60 [race] = orc [gender] = f [head] = blah etc?
20:37.11Tem[Server][Character] = {level = level, gender = gender, race = race, head = headitemID, neck = neckitemID, ect...}
20:37.25Temoh and also class
20:37.37kremontewell yar. didnt really mean exact code, just concept really
20:37.59Temwell pretty much like that
20:38.07kremontethen later you can bring up the equivalent to the inspect window
20:38.16kremonteexcept with some options at the bottom to change whats shown/hidden etc?
20:38.41TemI want it to look like you are inspecting them
20:38.42krkatem, don't forget to include a timestamp of last scan
20:38.55Temkrka: that's a good idea
20:39.10kremontecall it Stalker :P
20:39.17krkaor peepshow
20:39.27TemI like stalker ><
20:39.53krkaor PhotographicMemory
20:39.54krkaa bit long though
20:40.00Temanyway, the main issue is I don't know how to do the Model stuff
20:40.03kremontestalker, short simple and... something
20:40.16Temshort, simple, and creepy
20:40.22krkaskip the model stuff
20:40.27krkadon't think there's a good way to do it
20:40.33kremonteyou can probably just dl lozarerth's targetmodel for the xml
20:40.35Temwell I want to do it
20:40.42kremonteand *look* at saien's mod for finding out what they ahve equipped?
20:40.47krkaunless you want to take a screenshot of every piece of equip and displaying that
20:40.49Temoh that's easy
20:41.08Temit's just GetInventoryItemLink("mouseover",slotID)
20:41.15kremontelol wow
20:42.03Temit's really quite simple to mine their gear info on mouseover
20:42.15Temjust just react to the UPDATE_MOUSEOVER_UNIT event
20:42.32kremonteYour food stamps will be stopped effective March 1992 because we
20:42.33kremontereceived notice that you passed away. May God bless you. You may reapply
20:42.33kremonteif there is a change in your circumstances.
20:42.41krkamake sure to first check if the timestamp is old enough
20:42.47krkayou don't want to scan _too_ often
20:43.00kremontecouldnt *really* hurt
20:43.05kremontemaybe a history of their old equip? :b
20:43.11krkamight slow things down
20:43.17TemI think that might be an issue
20:43.31kremontemaybe on gaining a target, instead of mouseover?
20:43.32krkaa history might be interesting :)
20:43.50futrtrubllike lootlink kremonte?
20:43.51Temkrka: yes it could be interesting, but it would rack up memory FAST
20:43.59kremontehuh, futrtrubl?
20:44.16futrtrubloops, I meant thottbot
20:44.19Temespecially when they change gear because they mounted up
20:44.43Temkremonte: he means only scan on gain target like thottbot does
20:44.52futrtrublthottbot get a targets gear info etc when you target them
20:44.53kremonteoh, never used that =X
20:44.56Anduin|Comatosewhat're we talkign about? mining id's for lootlink?
20:44.59kremontebut yeah, that would make sense
20:45.23kremonteAnduin|Comatose- Tem is being a stalker
20:45.38Temthrowing a mod concept
20:45.43Anduin|Comatoseconsulting people about their equip?
20:45.56Temsimilar to inspect memory but not shitty
20:46.09Anduin|Comatoseya, I wrote a mod to compute raid member fire resist nce..
20:46.11Tem(or whatever he named it)
20:46.22TemAnduin|Comatose: that sounds interesting
20:46.28Anduin|Comatosedidn't work too well
20:46.30kremontedoesnt CTRA have that?
20:46.42Temkremonte: no I don't think so
20:46.47kremonteif itemQuality == 0 SendChatMessage("your equip sucks", "whisper", this.language, "target") end
20:46.56Anduin|Comatosehave to account for buffs and equipment, i didn't put enough time into it to be effective
20:47.02krkaEquipTaunt would be a great addon
20:47.16krka"Lol, you still have green boots at level 59?"
20:47.28kremontei have 2 greens :(
20:47.31krkaperhaps with customizable texts:
20:47.45kremontehey! 1.8.4 fixed the addon button!
20:47.54krka"Lol, you still have %s at level %s?"
20:47.55Anduin|Comatoseuh huh, sure
20:48.13Temanyway, Anduin|Comatose, what I'm  thinking of does is writing a mod that scans players gear on mouseover and lets you view it later
20:48.44Temwhen you view it later it tries is hardest to make it look like you are inspecting them now
20:48.45Anduin|Comatosehow is that useful?
20:48.59Anduin|Comatosejust for out of range inspecting?
20:49.09kremonteCTRA does have it
20:49.13Temwell, no
20:49.24Anduin|Comatosectra just transmits it on the channel i think
20:49.39Anduin|Comatosethat's not detection
20:49.43Temit's good for people who are just curious
20:50.03Temhey, trust me, scanning item tooltips sucks
20:50.05Anduin|Comatosedetection is infinitely harder than just askign for it... duh
20:50.07Temit sucks a lot!
20:50.17krkai think tooltips are kinda easy to work with
20:50.22kremontei'm using that for me crappy mod
20:50.27kremontefor finding enchant IDs
20:50.48TemScanning itself is easy
20:50.54Temis the parsing that's a bitch
20:50.56Anduin|Comatosenote that if u know the line u want it's more efficient to use the single like Sea scan
20:50.59kremontehow do you split a string into a table by a character? (item:d+:d+:d+:d+)
20:51.31kremontebah, lua doesnt have anything like that built in?
20:51.37kremontewell, yay sea
20:51.41Temno but this is better anyway
20:51.46krkagsub would work, right?
20:51.56Anduin|Comatosegsub works fine
20:52.04Temand gsub would be more efficient
20:52.23Anduin|Comatoseif you know how many times it repeats
20:52.39Temwell if you don't then use gfing
20:52.43Temuse the iterator
20:53.05Anduin|Comatoselong as you dont want it in an easily indexable table
20:53.15Anduin|Comatoseor are worried about gc
20:53.23Temand that's what I was getting at
20:53.39Temtables get nasty when you start to use them too liberally
20:53.52Anduin|Comatosemeh, i onyl have issues with them onupdate
20:54.15Anduin|Comatosethe rest of the time i'd rather use whatever's faster
20:55.02Temyou don't need that first %
20:55.13Anduin|Comatosewould grab the 4th #, correct
20:55.18Temit won't break anything, but it's unneeded
20:55.28kremontei'm just kinda making something to use a few times, but not really actively
20:55.35kremontewho cares about garbage collection?
20:55.44Anduin|Comatosetoo many people, aparently
20:56.00Anduin|Comatosewrite it now, optimize later
20:56.20Anduin|Comatoseis the traditional approach
20:56.40kremontewell, in my case, since me is the only one using it, kre doesnt care =D
20:56.41Temoptimizations can often leave code unreadable
20:57.05Anduin|Comatoseoptimizations make u have to comment every other line
20:57.17kremonteso wait, just to get the second #
20:57.22krkawould that work?
20:57.30krkai think it creates a minimum amount of strings
20:57.37kremontewould that work?
20:57.47Temfor the second one
20:57.49krkamight also be faster than gsub
20:58.01Anduin|Comatoseor if u know it's a link: string.gsub(itemlink,"item:%d+:(%d+).*","%1")
20:58.09kremonteoh, that works
20:58.18kremontei wont get anything after that #, right?
20:58.21krkalook at my link damn it :P
20:58.27kremonte(i dont know anything about patterns =D)
20:58.51Anduin|Comatosekrka, isn't that basicly Sea.util.split?
20:58.56Temoh wait
20:59.44kergothkrka: that wont be faster than gsub.
20:59.57Temgsub is in C
21:00.01Temit's blinding
21:00.02krkano wait, that misses the last element...
21:00.08kergothTem: right
21:00.11krkaAnduin|Comatose, don't know didn't look at sea
21:00.13shouryuuso would it be possible to create an add-on that displays a health bar over the mouse when you mouse over a player?
21:00.27Beladonashould be pretty easy
21:00.36TemI think it's been done before
21:00.41krkastill, gsub is a regex match, mine is just a plain string search
21:00.42shouryuuthink so too
21:01.02kremontezomg not regex!!!!
21:01.03Beladonait is the same idea as the mouse following tooltips people have done
21:01.06shouryuujust need to get X,Y of mouse, parse the tooltip, if there's a player, get it's health and then that's done
21:01.18Beladonaand I believe some of them even have health bars
21:01.25Anduin|Comatosekrka, Sea.util.split used string.find and allows you to pass a table so it doesn't create a new one
21:01.32shouryuuI'll have to look for one of those mods
21:01.39krkai see
21:01.50krkaanywhere I can browse through sea code online?
21:01.57krkaor do I have to download and unzip and stuff
21:02.10Temkrka: you do know that string.find is regex too right?
21:02.15Anduin|Comatoseno, yes. but i can post the split code if u want
21:02.24krkanot if you set the fourth parameter to 1 tem
21:02.33krka(or not nil, to be more exact)
21:02.37krkasure Anduin|Comatose
21:03.04Temkrka: really?
21:03.26Anduin|Comatosewe'd make our svn read only but Thott wont let people have public access to those servers
21:03.36krkaoptional argument plain turns off the pattern matching facilities, so the function does a plain "find substring" operation, with no characters in pattern being considered "magic".
21:04.01Beladonayou would have to create a frontend that gets the data and displays it in a way that you need
21:04.19Anduin|Comatosethat's ur area bel
21:04.27Beladonasvn is great for backend work, but it isn't so great for public presentation methinks
21:04.51Beladonawill see if I can set something up though
21:04.55Anduin|Comatosewell, make an app that does a conversion from svn versioning to a web gui and ill use it
21:04.57Beladonaafter I finish tweaking my site =\
21:05.17Anduin|Comatosethere's a web gui for svn, but u still need access
21:05.43Anduin|Comatosekrka  can you think of any way of making that more efficient?
21:08.52Anduin|Comatoseif so whisper my a link.  I have a final to fail
21:09.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
21:09.32Anduin|Comatoseask iriel too
21:09.35krkamstart, mend, value = string.find(text, "([^"..separator.."]+)", init);
21:09.39krkastrong concatenation inside?
21:09.47krkaalso no plain search
21:09.56IrielAsk me what?
21:10.04Anduin|Comatosetry and optimize
21:10.21krkai have something that should be faster already. though it doesn't purge tables yet
21:10.25krkathat code is pretty clever actually
21:10.39IrielThe line krka just mentioned is an obvious problem
21:10.41shouryuuOk someone just stealth bumped like 3 threads on the forums
21:10.44kremonterepeat until = do while?
21:10.45shouryuuwho was it :@
21:10.48Anduin|Comatosebut i have to go so i cant answer ?'s  just whisper me results.  Legorol wrote it
21:11.04shouryuukrem- with repeat until you will repeat at least once
21:11.08krkaI'd be happy to write an optimal variant
21:11.10Irielbut otherwise it's pretty good.
21:11.12Beladonanot a bad idea
21:11.12shouryuunot with do while that's all
21:11.13krkashouldn't take long
21:11.22Beladonastring to table, good move
21:11.26Irielif you want to be super paranoid, resolve string.find, table.getn, and table.insert into locals
21:11.30*** join/#wowi-lounge RedcXe (
21:11.34kremontenah shouryuu, same as do while it seems. you thinking of while do
21:11.47Irieldefinitely move the pattern construction into a local before the loop
21:12.09shouryuukrem- true :P
21:12.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Trilian (
21:12.21Iriel(And add code to % escape the separator if it's a metacharacter)
21:12.22krkai don't see why a pattern is needed at all
21:13.15Irielpresumably because find works on patterns 8-)
21:13.31krkanot necessarily
21:13.33Anduin|Comatosespose u could make the sepperator a regex..
21:13.44krkait can be used as a plain string search
21:13.54Irielbut that makes the loop MUCH messier
21:13.59krkanot raelly
21:14.01Irielyou have to detect runs of separators yourself, etc
21:14.11krkadid you see my pastebin link?
21:14.12IrielI bet it's at least double its current size
21:14.24krkanot very messy at all
21:14.38krkathat has a slight bug in it, but mostly it works
21:14.45IrielYours doesn't work though, not the same way
21:15.02IrielThough PERSONALLY I like the behaviour of yours better for general use
21:15.19IrielInput "   This is    an oddly        spaced result  "
21:15.28IrielWill not generate the same results between the two
21:15.46IrielSo technically you've not optimized Anduin's - you've created a new one that does something else 8-)
21:16.22krkahm, true
21:16.27krkai will get a lot of 0 length strings
21:16.32krkaif that is what you eman
21:16.36krkaeasily fixed though
21:16.41Irielthough again, in many cases, you WANT those 0 length strings
21:16.55Irielbut not for the 'command parsing' case which is where I believe this is intended for use
21:17.06Irieltrue, it is easily fixed, but it complicates the loop
21:17.11krkanot really
21:17.20Irieli'd be curious to see a good rigorous timing test between the two approaches
21:17.23krkaI just have to check the length of the string before adding it
21:17.32krkaI intend to do that
21:17.39Temand that complicates the loop
21:17.41Irieldont check the length of the string directly
21:17.44Irielthat's very wasteful
21:17.52Temcheck if it's ""
21:17.57Irielcheck the index pairs
21:18.01IrielDont even call string.sub at all
21:18.09Iriel(Because that creates objects and is thus bad)
21:18.30IrielAnd I assume your 'bug' is that you miss the last string
21:18.42krkawell duh :P
21:18.47krkaI'm not a complete moron... always =)
21:19.02krkayes iriel, that is correct :)
21:19.04IrielYou missed the last string in your loop, so you'er not perfect either 8-)
21:19.05krkagood find
21:19.12krkayeah I know
21:19.21krkamy first test run showed that
21:19.26krkahooray for posting code before testing =)
21:19.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Natasem_ (n=Natasem@
21:20.18TainI always post code before testing!  Oh wait, you don't mean post for public download do you.
21:22.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Legorol (
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21:23.27Irieldo you have an updated one krka?
21:24.42zeegi hate regexp
21:24.45krkasoon i have
21:24.53krkait got a little messy now though :P
21:24.58zeegim tired, maybe someone can help it
21:25.00zeeg/<a href="?download.php\?mirror=(.*?)"? target="?mirror"?>(.+)<\/a>/i
21:25.03zeegtrying to match..
21:25.10zeeg<A HREF=download.php? target=mirror>Filefront (wmv)</a>
21:25.28zeegblame the site :p
21:25.48Irielescape your .'s for a start 8-)
21:26.03*** join/#wowi-lounge ForgottenLords (
21:26.06krkanot very extensively tested but should work
21:26.13krkagonna do some performance comparisons now
21:26.22Irielzeeg: good habit, and style
21:26.41IrielYou made your .+ greedy too
21:26.42zeegno need to
21:26.43zeegi use single quotes
21:26.48IrielYou might need (.+?)
21:26.53IrielWhat do you mean zeeg
21:26.57zeegahh so * means greedy?
21:27.01Iriel. matches any one character, but you're using it to match literal .
21:27.12IrielNo, you got (.*?) right
21:27.17IrielYou got (.+) wrong
21:27.31IrielAssuming this is perl syntax
21:27.36zeegi thought + meant one char min
21:27.39zeegand * meant any num
21:27.44Iriel+ means 1 or more
21:27.49Iriel* means 0 or more
21:27.54Irielbut they'er both greedy by default
21:27.56futrtrublhmm, WoW's error reporter has failed me, just got an error saying "attempt to call a nil value"
21:28.03futrtrublnothing else
21:28.18zeegwell im getting 0 matches
21:28.26IrielHm, well, that isn't it then
21:28.39Irieldo you need to stick an 's' next to the 'i' at the end in case it wraps lines
21:28.54zeegits not wrapping tho
21:29.12IrielIt wrapped when you pasted it, so I wasn't sure
21:29.30zeegi know why
21:30.17zeegahh there we go
21:30.54zeegi had a bug in the php
21:31.02zeeg/<a href="?download.php\?mirror=(.*?)"? target="?mirror"?>(.*?)<\/a>/i
21:31.03zeegworks :)
21:31.05futrtrublanyone know in what circumstances I would get an error that only says "attempt to call a nil value"?
21:31.30Irielwhen you try and call a function that doesn't exist
21:31.42krkaIriel: my version is about twice as fast
21:32.21IrielIs it result-compatible?
21:32.34krkahaven't really verified
21:32.50futrtrublI'm not trying to call a function, all my code is in an <OnClick> script area of a button, in the xml
21:32.55IrielYou have a bug again
21:33.06Industrial--^ bug
21:33.07krkahmm, if i have many empty results, i'm only slightly faster
21:33.10krkawhat is it+
21:33.17Irielyou have a return t at the end of the loop
21:33.20zeegchecking for mirrors on movieview.php?id=3133 - This is a short pvp movie where Me and Adrul go around pvping in darkshire and some in tanaris. this is my first WoW movie so be nice to me. Enjoy !  - Grall and Adrul do azeroth
21:33.23Irielbut then table fixing code afterwards
21:33.29zeegnow to just make it list the mirrors right
21:33.34zeegthen find a host thats not ghetto
21:34.00krkai don't see it Iriel
21:34.17Irielkrka: Maybe it's not a bug, just igly code.
21:34.22krkahey! =)
21:34.42Irieloh.. ignore me 8-) it's not bad at all, t wasn't the bit I thought it was 8-)
21:34.57TainUgly code needs love too.
21:35.37IrielYou can make it faster by looking up string.len(text) ONCE at the start, I suspect
21:35.58TainOh boy, McDonalds is going to start using Windows XP embedded systems at their registers.
21:36.51krkait's only called once total
21:36.59kergothneat!  do we get a discount when it blue screens?
21:38.01krkayes, seems to result compatible too
21:38.34zeegk there we go
21:38.35krkaok, my code is slower if the amount of separators is larger than the amount of catches
21:39.35TemIriel: did you see how they were making strings oop in 5.1?
21:41.17krkaof course, I do one string.find call per separator, Sea does one per caught value
21:44.58krkai wonder if it's even possible to code a split that's fastest for all cases
21:45.52kergothwhy dont you just profile it?  it isnt difficult.  stop the speculating and get numbers
21:46.37krkai am profiling it
21:47.08Irielkrka: Code to figure out which one to use would be worse would almost certainly outweigh the time difference between the two approaches
21:47.49krkathe current version is never slower then a factor 2 than mine
21:47.58krkaand that could also be optimized a bit
21:48.05krkaI'll optimize that approach and see what I come up with
21:48.25Irielkrka: Any reason why you dont use table.insert?
21:48.45krkai don't need to
21:48.50krkawhy, should I?
21:49.01Irielwell, you're essentially simulating it
21:49.24krkai thought t[i] was more primitive than table.insert
21:49.46IrielIt could well be, but you're also incrementing a counter at the same time
21:50.02krkahmm... true
21:50.08krkagood point, will have to test it
21:50.20krkathere is current code + profiling stuff
21:51.58krkanope, that really slowed it down
21:52.54zeegim sol
21:52.56zeeggotta find a new host
21:53.24Cair|afkI thought you *are* a host
21:53.30zeegerr for dif site
21:53.34zeegnot a guru site
21:53.39IrielAre you localizing your table.x lookups?
21:53.45Irieli.e. local tinsert = table.insert
21:54.30Cair|afkso why can't guru host it?
21:54.58krkanope, i didn't do that
21:55.01krkagood idea though
21:55.04Irielit helps
21:55.15krkabut there really was a huge difference with it
21:55.20krkadoubled the total time
21:56.01IrielAre you re-using a work table or creating a new table each time?
21:56.25Irielbecause if you're using a work table, you'd need table.setn(0)
21:56.48krkai do?
21:56.59Irielwith table.insert
21:57.03Irielotherwise your table will keep growing
21:57.12krkahm, not using table.insert thuogh
21:57.24Irielyou just profiled it with table.insert
21:57.28*** join/#wowi-lounge malreth (
21:57.30IrielI just told you why I think your profiling was wrong
21:57.34Irielbecause you dont do table.setn
21:57.43krkai can redo it I suppose... *sigh* :)
21:57.50malrethyow! this salsa is hott!
21:58.00IrielI actually decided to benchmark the two without the table stuff
21:58.30Irielthey're extremely close
21:58.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Ktron (
21:58.41sarf|WoWahhh... 3 hour grinding session in Silithus
21:58.43sarf|WoWtime to sleep
21:58.46krka2.05 before -- 3.31 after
21:58.50krkatable.insert sucks
21:58.56Cair|afknight sarf|sleep, sweet dreams
21:58.58KtronAh, finally back
21:59.12Ktronreformatting/reinstalling takes a way
21:59.28krkayes Iriel, very clsoe
21:59.30Ktronthankfully WoW runs as long as you have all the files
21:59.54krkathe sea version is almost as good as mine when I had optimized both
22:00.10krkasea version is better where there are a lot of seperators
22:00.44Irieltheirs can handle multi separators too
22:01.06malrethooh, optimizing? what's the problem?
22:01.11krkaso... when do I have to do table.setn?
22:01.16krkaafter I fiddle with it manually?
22:01.27krkaso I should set it to the correct value after I'm done?
22:02.53krkasetn really slowed me down :/
22:02.54krkadamn it
22:03.04Irielyou only need it once at the end don't you?
22:03.17krkaeven so
22:03.40krkaok, they're about the same now... I give up :)
22:04.24malrethooh, i'm dying to know. i have to know
22:04.29krkathat should be a better version of the original sea split anyway:
22:04.56krkahmm.. I have more error checking than that one though
22:05.37*** part/#wowi-lounge Beladona (
22:05.43krkadidn't do much difference
22:11.10*** join/#wowi-lounge shouryuu (
22:12.42*** join/#wowi-lounge clad|work (
22:12.48*** join/#wowi-lounge Astryl (n=Astryl@
22:13.53krkawho is gfind bad btw?
22:14.06Irielit creates an iterator function
22:14.11Irielwhich then gets GC'ed at the end
22:14.24IrielLego is pathologically anti-GC 8-)
22:15.51krkaah, yes
22:16.11krkaonly slightly faster with gfind though
22:16.16kergoththat's a bit excessive.  in most cases i prefer the code clarity that comes with using an iterator, unless you're in a critcial path
22:17.24krkahave I understood this correctly: the value of getn doesn't change unless I use table.insert / remove?
22:19.34TainMostly, yes.
22:20.27TainI believe really the only other time it would change without doing table.insert is if you are incrementing the numeric keys yourself, in order, and don't leave any gaps.
22:21.01krkai see
22:21.39krkaok, this should be the fastest split that creates minimal garbage:
22:21.42krkafeel free to correct me
22:22.11TainAt least that's my udnerstanding that getn just count the numeric index.  Any non-numeric, or non-sequential index throws it off.
22:24.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Beladona|Sleep (
22:24.48*** mode/#WoWI-lounge [+o Beladona] by ChanServ
22:25.09Beladonahi guys
22:25.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Malivil (
22:25.21Beladonaanybody playing wow?
22:30.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Eraphine|Lab (
22:31.41PlorkyeranI'm sitting in an AB queue at the moment
22:34.29KtronI did a little earlier Beladona, though on Lightninghoof
22:34.42KolthKtron: I'm on Lhoof :P
22:34.55Ktronhorde or alliance, guild?
22:35.14KolthI play Bloodhoof Horde and my guildmates are just goofing around on Lhoof.
22:35.18cladhaireif anyone stops by kael'thas or stormrage.. lemme know
22:35.18Ktronheh, I'm horde, 'Steel and Flame'
22:35.33MalivilI play on Staghelm
22:35.38MalivilBut my old hunter is on Hellscream
22:35.43MalivilI plan on moving him ASAP
22:35.54KtronEredar, Lhoof, Zul'jin
22:36.21cladhaireI'm lucky enough to have another modder in my guild.. Satrina and I ended up in the same guild on Stormrage =) so its fun
22:36.31Malivilby chance?
22:36.43MalivilI'm the only programmer in my guild, and i'm a novice at best
22:38.04Cair|afkI can log in shortly Bela
22:43.59TainI have my 60 Alliance Rogue on Stormrage, but haven't logged him in in probably a couple of months now.
22:45.25cladhairewhats his name?
22:45.37TainI know this one.
22:46.04TainThat's it.
22:46.08MoonWolfi know all my char names.
22:46.12MalivilMe too
22:46.25MoonWolfnot hard with 4 chars and 2 mules. but hey.
22:46.38TainYou'd think I'd remember one I got to 60.
22:46.41Malivili have 2 chars over 45
22:46.48Malivilthe other ones are mules and bordum chars
22:46.53Maliviland thats only 3 others
22:47.00Malivilthat i never play
22:47.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (
22:47.08MalivilHey Tem
22:47.11MalivilOH, BTW
22:47.15TainBut I have like 4 characters I've played randomly as alts recently, not to mention the six or so I made in City of Villians.
22:47.20MalivilTo anyone that helped me with my mod, like... directly
22:47.28MalivilI gave you credit in my changelog
22:47.36Temoh cool
22:47.41TainThanks, Malivil!  Was glad to help!
22:47.50TainWhat's your mod?
22:48.23MalivilAimedShot Alert
22:49.07MoonWolfRight, i might use that the moment i actually have a hunter.
22:49.31MalivilI don't play my hunter any more
22:49.32MoonWolfif i ever roll a hunter
22:49.35MalivilBut i tested it on him
22:49.46MoonWolfchance for that 1 in 1000000
22:49.48*** join/#wowi-lounge Vallerius (
22:49.55MalivilThen there is at least that 1 chance
22:50.28Beladona|DrakaHodamn character limit
22:50.43Malivilyou could do
22:50.54Beladona|DrakaHowas just typing that lol
22:51.04TainI rolled one hunter.
22:51.09TainHis name is Huntain.
22:51.49IrielAren't we supposed to be on alliance today, being an odd number and all?
22:52.03TainOh my bad.
22:52.05TainI went to work instead.
22:52.05Bela|DrakaHordenews to me
22:52.08Cairwe can be on whatever we want
22:52.08MalivilUhoh Bela, you're going against hte grain!
22:52.09Bela|DrakaHordebut I can switch
22:52.13Cairit was just a suggestion
22:52.20IrielI really dont care, it was Cair's suggestion 8-)
22:52.28Bela|DrakaHordeI am having fun on my shaman tho
22:52.31CairIt was a *suggestion*, that's all :)
22:52.34Cairso, stay there :)
22:52.46MalivilIf i wasn't so intent on getting my rogue to 60, id join you guys
22:52.55Bela|DrakaHordeno preference. Log in, and I will go where you are
22:53.01Bela|DrakaHordeits boring alone
22:53.19Cairjust trying to get some food
22:53.40MalivilIf you look at the code i based my Addon on
22:53.44Bela|DrakaHordeis it running?
22:53.48Bela|DrakaHordebeat it down
22:53.51MalivilAnd then look at my code... there are very few similarities anymore
22:54.25Temlol Iriel, you're getting started early on the 1.10 thread
22:54.44IrielSlouken just posted a "done for 1.10"
22:54.47Bela|DrakaHordeas information comes, so it shall be
22:55.31Temwell if 1.9 is frozen
22:55.33MalivilWho here is Slouken?
22:55.37TemI guess it's next tuesday then
22:55.41IrielSlouken is slouken, when he's here
22:55.46Maliviloh, ok
22:56.01Bela|DrakaHordehas there been another test update yet?
22:56.10Bela|DrakaHordesince 4886 I mean
22:56.15*** join/#wowi-lounge ToastTheif (
22:59.49cladhairewe're horde today?
23:00.11KolthHorde every day.
23:00.18Cairwe're whoever the hell we feel like being
23:00.35cladhaireLogging on clad
23:00.37krkaI am slouken! And so is my wife
23:00.47Cairbela was first one on, and she wanted to play her shammy, sooooo ...
23:01.01Bela|DrakaHordeLozareth is on too
23:01.03Bela|DrakaHordeHorde side
23:01.19Cairyeah, he doesn't have (and won't) an alliance side
23:02.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Cera (
23:02.25cladhaireoh i need to get food
23:02.40IrielI just got done eating lunch (Pizza)
23:02.55krkatime for bed!
23:02.56cladhairemmm.. sounds delivious
23:03.04cladhairewe talk about food a LOT in this channel =)
23:03.09Cairfunny that
23:03.37Cairso, Natasem__ are you actually here or what?
23:04.50Cairhey cladhaire, speaking of your partner in crime, and noticing that he's busy updating all his mods at WoWI right now ... tell him to get his lazy ass into channel
23:05.01cladhairek k =)
23:05.45Natasemya just poppin in for a second, whats up cair
23:06.26cladhaireCair: He's updating his mods cause today he uploaded old code as "new release" =)
23:07.05ForgottenLordsPoll: why thinks the default wow Whisper system is well done?
23:07.16Cairthat's it, Bela, please note, Natasem is no longer welcome in this channel
23:07.22Cairhe logs in, kick him
23:07.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Natasem__ (n=Natasem@
23:07.44*** kick/#wowi-lounge [Natasem!] by Cair (Cair)
23:07.45*** join/#wowi-lounge shouryuu (
23:07.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Natasem (n=Natasem@
23:07.57Gryphenono i esceared of teh rawr! i need a huggle.
23:07.58*** kick/#wowi-lounge [Natasem!] by Cair (Cair)
23:08.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Natasem (n=Natasem@
23:08.04cladhaireSatrina: You can tell Cair I am downloading mIRC while I fuss anyway
23:08.12Caircladhaire: cool
23:08.40Natasemcair can't handle someone haveing their own mind and that doesn't bow down to her
23:08.44CairNatasem: get the hint, if you want to argue with me like that again, you will *not* be welcome in this channel any longer
23:09.14Natasemi will argue with who ever i feel like it's called freadom of speech
23:09.15IrielCair handles that just fine, i dont know what the hell you two were doing but please do it somewhere else.
23:09.16CairNO one appreciated the way you behaved yesterday
23:09.29Natasemand how is that cair
23:09.36Natasemi wan't even on yesterday
23:09.58Cairlet me guess it was your brother?
23:10.01Natasemhell i was about 300 miles from anything electrical
23:10.24Natasemmy brother is floating off the coast of Kawaaitt
23:10.32*** kick/#WoWI-lounge [Natasem!] by Bela|DrakaHorde (I don't really care)
23:10.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Natasem (n=Natasem@
23:10.51Natasemwow the maturity of this room
23:11.08IrielAll of you, chill, please.
23:11.08Cairwho here remembers the fiasco from yesterday involving Natasem?
23:11.11Bela|DrakaHordeuse respect, otherwise use absence
23:11.21Natasemhow did i disrespect?
23:11.28IrielWhat happened yesterday Cair?
23:11.37Natasemi would like to know to cair
23:12.19Natasemgive me link to webpage too
23:12.21purlapt/ibot/jbot/purl all log to<channelname>/ where channelname is html encoded ie: %23debian | lines that start with a space are not shown | some channels have stats at<channelname>.html.gz, or updated "nightly"
23:12.23Natasemi would like to see what i supposidly did
23:12.35Natasemeven thopugh i wan't near anything electrical yesterday
23:13.15Natasemi got proof i have orders showing that i was up in the hills doing some training
23:13.23Bela|DrakaHordelook. I don't really care who did what, what drug they were under the influence of, and how often it happens. If I am here, and someone acts like a total tard, expecially to Cair, I hit the kick button.
23:13.51Natasemeven if the person didn't do anything wrong... humm very once sided if you ask me
23:14.01kergothgood thing we didnt ask you, isnt it?
23:14.13Bela|DrakaHordeI am going by your behavior in this channel at this very moment
23:14.16Natasemso basicly cair couls say that beladona (you) did something then it must be true
23:14.21Bela|DrakaHordeI have no clue what happened yesterday
23:14.37kergothlogs dont lie, nat.  spout whatever nonsense you like
23:14.40Natasemya cuz i been kicked what 6 times for no reason and told not to argue with someone who i didn't argue with inthe first place...
23:14.44CairI am willing to allow Natasem to have an opportunity to explain yesterday
23:14.54Natasemi wasn't fucking hear yesterday
23:15.08Cairwell, *someone* was, using your nick
23:15.18IrielCair - wwhat time in the log?
23:15.29purlapt/ibot/jbot/purl all log to<channelname>/ where channelname is html encoded ie: %23debian | lines that start with a space are not shown | some channels have stats at<channelname>.html.gz, or updated "nightly"
23:15.29Natasemyou want me to scan my fucking orders (yes us army) showing that i wasn't here and i was doing some traing in NTC
23:15.31IrielI only see Natasem say 3 things yesterday, but maybe i'm reading it wrong
23:16.09Cairokay, hang on a sec guys, please?
23:16.12KolthIriel: I can confirm your findings :P
23:16.39KolthThat's the spirit!
23:17.03kergothmm, pie
23:17.19pagefaulti've got the breath status bar stuck on my screen
23:17.27NatasemNot Found
23:17.28NatasemThe requested URL /WoWI-lounge was not found on this server.
23:17.37IrielIt's %23wowi-lounge
23:17.41Ktronpurl, serve refreshments
23:17.43purlACTION hastens to serve refreshments to everyone.
23:17.46purlcladhaire: :)
23:17.56cladhaire~emulate me
23:17.58purlGood code is something to appreciate like a work of art.
23:18.17cladhaireI want to know who put that in there =)  I went to change it last night, and it yelled at me
23:18.31kergoth~factinfo emulate cladhaire
23:18.31purlemulate cladhaire -- last modified 18h 21m 55s ago  by cladhaire!; it has been requested 2 times, last by cladhaire, 33s ago.
23:18.37Bela|DrakaHordeI have full logs from yesterday
23:18.38kergothcouldve done that
23:18.46cladhairedamn.. that was the command
23:18.49Bela|DrakaHordein timeline format, checking it now
23:19.08malrethi'm not seeing anything from yesterday. what's the drama again?
23:19.12KtronI wasn't online at all yesterday, heh
23:19.30Bela|DrakaHordesomething about nude Undead?
23:20.58Natasemi see my named logged in to irc, no it wasn't me, i use Firefox's chatzilla, anyone can log in to here, but needless to say i dont' see a dam thing that would be grounds to kick me multi times and accuse me of argueing
23:21.25KtronNatasem: is 'natasem' registered?
23:21.35Bela|DrakaHordewhoever was using your nick, argued with Cair about NSFW warnings when you posted your link to the nude WOW characters
23:22.07IrielKtron : No, natasem is not registered
23:22.10Natasemyes but i also have it on auto preform /msg NickServ IDENTIFY
23:22.21Bela|DrakaHordeand you WERE using Chatzilla
23:22.23kergothIriel: uh?
23:22.24Bela|DrakaHordeat that time
23:22.25kergoth<kergoth> info natasem
23:22.25kergoth-NickServ- +           Nickname: Natasem
23:22.25kergoth-NickServ- +         Registered: 4 days (19h 13m 1s) ago
23:22.38kergothlooks registered to me
23:22.45Natasemyes i have used chatzilla since the 0.35 days
23:22.56IrielHm, why does /whois natasem say otherwise?
23:23.14Bela|DrakaHordeit doesn't really matter. The point is, someone was using your computer yesterday, and was very rude
23:23.25Bela|DrakaHordeplease take steps to prevent that person from having access
23:23.28Natasemya this is a work computer
23:23.32Bela|DrakaHordeand don't be rude if it was you
23:23.51Natasemhow many times do i have to freakin say it
23:23.52Bela|DrakaHordeeither way lets drop it
23:23.53IrielIwould suggest you take the auto-login out, and change your password
23:23.54kergothIriel: because he probably hasnt _identified_
23:24.03kergoththe nick is reg'd
23:24.12CairOkay, let's solve this real easy
23:24.22CairNatasem: if it wasn't actually you, I apologize
23:24.31Natasemapology accepted
23:24.32CairI shouldn't have kicked you repeatedly
23:24.48Cair*someone*, using *your* nick, posted a NSFW link
23:25.01Cairwhen asked to kindly in the future remember to use the NSFW tag
23:25.16Cairthat was all it was about, a request to use the tag, as it hadn't been
23:25.27Natasemas i stated above i use chatzilla a plug in for the browser called firefox in chat zilla it has an auto-preform feature that i put in /msg NickServ IDENTIFY (and my PW)
23:25.33Cairsaid person decided to be *exceptionally* rude, not only to myself but to everyone in channel
23:25.45cladhaireNatasem: You should remove that feature, is what people are saying.
23:25.59Cairand *that* is why I was upset today
23:25.59KtronOr find some other way to prevent this
23:26.04Bela|DrakaHordeNatasem, easy solution. Take out the auto-register, and type it manually from now on. I would also change your password
23:26.14Natasempeople is plurl meaning more than one only one person said remove it and after they told me i should i have
23:26.15Bela|DrakaHordeas I believe Iriel suggested
23:26.51Cairanyway, I will take you at your word that it was not in fact you, I apologize
23:27.04Cairand I apologize to the rest of the channel in general for the drama
23:28.47shouryuudoes anyone know how you can create a divide function using only addition and substractions?
23:28.52DepheriosSo, anybody here heard of Express Cards for laptops?
23:29.03shouryuunot I
23:29.08Irielshouryuu : yes, but I refuse to answer on basic principles
23:29.11Depheriosor rather "notebooks"
23:29.25shouryuuok cool
23:29.32shouryuuI'll find out for myself then :P
23:29.40shouryuuI just always though it was impossible
23:29.51Bela|DrakaHordesome laptops allow interchangeable graphics cards. Current laptops employ a form of PCIe
23:30.10*** join/#wowi-lounge cilo (
23:30.14Depherios...Express Cards are the new form of PC Card using PCI Express BUS technology
23:30.20Depherios... I hadn't heard of it until today
23:30.28Depherios... when I went to go stick a PC Card into my mom's new laptop
23:30.39Bela|DrakaHordeand had the wrong kind?
23:30.40Depheriosmuch to my surprise
23:30.45Depherioslol, yeah
23:30.47cladhaireWB Anduin
23:30.57Depheriosnot that it matters... it was just weird, I guess they're really new
23:31.08Bela|DrakaHordenot really
23:31.14Depheriosfunnier yet, my mom doesn't want me putting in a mini PCI card (doesn't want me opening it)
23:31.25Depheriosso I tried to find a wifi card for it...
23:31.29Depheriosnobody makes them yet
23:31.56Depheriosso I call dell tech support (mom's laptop is a dell) and the techie's hadn't even heard of the card either
23:32.00AnduinLotharisn't express what Apple G5's have been using?
23:32.13Bela|DrakaHordeDepherios, this is a laptop?
23:32.19AnduinLotharthx clad
23:32.20Depheriosnot PCI Express
23:32.24DepheriosExpress Card
23:32.34AnduinLotharoh.. how is that different
23:32.46shouryuuok I'm an idiot, the division is easy :p
23:33.22AnduinLothar"Supports USB 2.0 and PCI Express Applications" ?
23:33.30Bela|DrakaHordethey make wifi cards that plug into usb
23:33.35Bela|DrakaHordeshould look into that
23:34.37AnduinLotharso it's a 'new' form of laptop i/o conversion or a new card type? and how is that different from what they have now?
23:35.39AnduinLotharit's smaller it seems
23:35.56AnduinLothar3/5 as wide
23:36.03AnduinLotharis that the only difference?
23:36.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Satrina (
23:36.48*** join/#wowi-lounge phil_ (n=phil@
23:36.51Cairhey hey Satrina!
23:36.54AnduinLotharlooks like it. wonder if that means we'll be seeing 2 express slots on some laptops
23:37.06AnduinLotharthat'd eb nifty
23:37.19Cairif you haven't already /msg nickserv register <password>
23:37.44Bela|DrakaHordeI keep getting disconnected from the server immediately upon login
23:38.02IrielBela : That kept happening to me yesterday
23:38.10IrielI edited my and removed the realm line
23:38.16Bela|DrakaHordetrying now
23:38.18Irieland then logged in via the realm select list and it worked
23:38.23AnduinLothaririel, did you guys come up with any final optimized version of Sea.util.split or was it just dropped after i left?
23:38.32Bela|DrakaHordesounds like a client bug
23:38.41cladhaireHeyas Sat
23:38.42Depheriosyup, a new tiny card
23:38.45Depheriosit's a great format
23:38.55IrielWe carried on for a bit, but couldn't come up with a GENERALLY better solution
23:38.58Depheriosit's just not so funny when I go to put a PC Card into it XD
23:39.03Depheriosand call dell
23:39.08Depheriosand they haven't heard of it either
23:39.10IrielHowever, I do have 2 optimization for you
23:39.19AnduinLotharwhich general cases were holding you back?
23:39.24IrielAnduinLothar : (1) put the pattern creation into a local variable
23:39.40AnduinLotharoh duh, ok
23:39.51IrielAnduinLothar : (2) bind string.find, etc, into local variables: local sfind = string.find, etc
23:40.07AnduinLothardont they already have wow globals strfind?
23:40.21malreththat would be a global
23:40.24IrielAnduinLothar : basically krka's implementation is faster when there are few replacements, and Sea's is faster for long multi-replacements
23:40.29Irielthe key word was 'local'
23:40.48AnduinLotharright right, jsut wondering. strfind would still eb faster than string.find
23:40.58IrielYes, it would
23:41.05Irielbut local strfind = strfind would be even faster
23:41.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (n=Guilloti@
23:41.25AnduinLothartinsert as well prolly
23:41.31Bela|DrakaHordeok this isn't funny
23:41.53cladhaireBela: slouken's on to you =)
23:42.23AnduinLotharcan i do local tinsert = tinsert; ?
23:42.24shouryuuMan no one like my poem
23:42.33IrielAnduinLothar : Yes
23:42.34Guillotineomg! slouken actually has an avatar!!!!!
23:42.39Bela|DrakaHordeI can't even get to the character select to change server
23:43.03IrielBela : Did you remove the set realmName="Draka" from your
23:43.04GuillotineBela, why are you on horde? today is alliance day (the 7)
23:43.06shouryuumaybe Poe is a bad thing for me
23:43.15Bela|DrakaHordeit wasn't in there
23:43.24Irieli bet it was, just hiding
23:43.32Irieltook me ages to find it, near the middle somewhere
23:43.40Bela|DrakaHordeor maybe I am just blind
23:43.42Bela|DrakaHordenow I see it
23:44.33AnduinLotharso, is there any merit to his sugegstion to disable regex using the 4th param boolean?
23:45.04Bela|DrakaHordeok it let me select server this time, but then when I selected Draka it died
23:45.29Bela|DrakaHordegonna try another server
23:45.36IrielAnduinLothar ; No, because you have to re-write the whole loop then
23:46.17AnduinLotharshould i do the table.getn in a local before th for loop initialization or does it not matter?
23:46.33AnduinLotharfor i = table.getn(t)+1, oldn do
23:46.33AnduinLothart[i] = nil;
23:46.36Irieldo you call it more than once?
23:46.43AnduinLotharjust in initialization
23:46.53Irielyou call it earlier too, dont you?
23:47.07AnduinLotharoldn = table.getn(t);
23:47.08AnduinLothartable.setn(t, 0);
23:47.28Irielso in total twice, so if you want to be super tidy, you would make a local copy
23:47.38shouryuunight people
23:47.55AnduinLotharwouldn't setting it to a local take just as much time as finding it in cached memory?
23:48.10Irielsetting it to a local takes as much time as looking it up
23:48.40AnduinLotharso is two lookups slower than a lookup and two local lookups?
23:48.44Irielthere's likely a small overhead in puttingsomething in a local versus immediate direct use, but I haven't studied the pseudocode
23:48.52Irielyes, remember, locals aren't lookups at runtime
23:49.04Irielthey're instantaneous
23:49.20AnduinLotharright, but theorheticly shouldn't the lookup be cached?
23:49.29Irielhow could it be?
23:49.37CairBela|DrakaHorde: I was able to log in to Draka just fine, just now
23:49.45IrielFor all it knows, string.find could change the definition of table.getn
23:49.53AnduinLotharguess it depends on how the compiler is implimented
23:50.05Irielyou get what you ask for, which is how all compilers should work 8-)
23:50.32AnduinLotharso i have to cache it myself with a local
23:50.43Irielyes, but I have a feeling that there IS no difference between:
23:50.53Iriellocal getn = table.getn; x=getn(tableName)
23:51.11AnduinLotharprolly not
23:51.23Bela|DrakaHordeCair: running a repair, it happens to me on all servers
23:51.29AnduinLotharso it would only be faster if no table is passed
23:51.40AnduinLotharwhich is the only time it's called twice
23:51.45Bela|DrakaHordeand I already deleted my WTF, WDB, and ADDONS so I know that isn't it
23:51.48Irielexcept that in the first case, there's a name by which you can refer to the register the resolved value went in
23:52.01IrielYes, that's correct.
23:52.32AnduinLotharok. so I'll assign it, tho it will only make a difference 50% of the time
23:53.00AnduinLothardoes wow have a tgetn ?
23:54.47Irieli dont believe so
23:54.53cladhaireIriel: you can just compile it to bytecode and see what it gets ya
23:55.08cladhaireluac -l -p
23:55.14Irieltinsert etc are only there for compatibility with pre-5.0 lua, and I dont think that HAD getn/setn
23:55.28Irielcladhaire : Yeah, I wasn't sure I wanted to make the effort 8-)
23:56.19AnduinLotharso, make two files, one with a getn and one with it assigned to a local and see which has longer bitcode?
23:56.33cladhaireyou could just make it one file, two functinos
23:56.52AnduinLotharnever used that feature, does it spit out byte code for each function?
23:56.57Irielit's one more operation

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