irclog2html for #wowi-lounge on 20051206

00:00.10CodayusThere's always a first time.  But...yeah, not going to happen.
00:01.16KtronThe patch coming out tomorrow is a probability 0 event.
00:01.34shouryuuit's kinda like me having a good mark on that math test I passed 2 weeks ago
00:02.04Esamynni'm going to sign off guys, catch you all later
00:02.26Plorkyeran[Away]we didn't have free repairs until about two months ago
00:02.41Plorkyeran[Away]but then we realized we had 6000g in the guild bank and nothing to spend it on
00:05.18KtronI need to write my own function to explode a string, right? there's no explode() function hiding under a rock somewhere, right?
00:05.52Guillotinehehe. explode("target");
00:06.00Guillotinebye bye ragnaros
00:06.42TemPlorkyeran[Away]: we had a lot of gold in the guild bank... then we bought our to MTs Compendiums...
00:06.45Ktronexplode as in take 'strings like this' and return, probably as a table, {'strings', 'like', 'this'}
00:07.06Guillotinei like the other thing better
00:07.59KtronGuillotine: question is, does your explode("target") have an AOE? and is the damage variable? and if it is, what is it based upon?
00:08.10Guillotineit is based one ggs
00:09.45GuillotinePythagorean theorem: 24 words.
00:09.46GuillotineThe Lord's prayer: 66 words.
00:09.48GuillotineArchimedes' Principle: 67 words.
00:09.49GuillotineThe 10 Commandments: 179 words.
00:09.51GuillotineThe Gettysburg address: 286 words.
00:09.52GuillotineThe Declaration of Independence: 1,300 words.
00:09.53Plorkyeran[Away]Compendiums are 5000g on my server
00:09.54GuillotineU.S. Government regulations on cabbage sales: 26,911 words.
00:10.00Plorkyeran[Away]not a good use of money
00:10.26shouryuuwhat do they do anyways?
00:10.45shouryuuoh nice
00:12.14Gryphenono i esceared of teh rawr! i need a huggle.
00:12.45shouryuuthat's one weak rawrr my friend
00:12.52Gryphenono i esceared of teh rawr! i need a huggle.
00:13.00shouryuuthat's how you do it!
00:13.33Gryphenono i esceared of teh rawr! i need a huggle.
00:13.35shouryuuDo you think I succesfully killed the CTRA thread?
00:13.40Guillotinelet me check
00:13.43shouryuuyou've learnt from the best
00:13.51Guillotinewhich one? there are 2
00:14.21shouryuudidn't see the second one
00:14.50Guillotinenah. that won't kill it
00:15.37AstrylAny Pallies here?
00:15.53Guillotinei have a level 8 pally...
00:16.12Guillotinewith full judjement set
00:16.16AstrylUh huh...
00:19.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine_ (n=Guilloti@
00:19.50shouryuuan imposter!
00:20.06shouryuu~shoot Guillotine_
00:20.08purlACTION shoots Guillotine_ in the eye with a phase pistol!
00:20.28CodayusI've got a lvl 30 pally, and know a little bit of endgame pally stuff.  <srug>
00:20.36Codayusor shrug, even
00:21.22Cairthat's my name
00:21.44AstrylI don't have a Paladin at all, but am interested to know if the 1.9 changes are as bad as so many people are making them out to be.
00:22.06Cairshouryuu: BAD author, BAD
00:22.08CodayusWell, yes and no.
00:22.20shouryuuwhat Did I do?
00:22.21Cairshouryuu: re-submit, as a ZIP file, not a RAR
00:22.33CodayusImean, it isn't the end of the world, but paladins were promised a fix.  And it isn't.
00:22.47shouryuulol sorry
00:22.49Cairedit the upload, then I'll approve
00:22.54shouryuuwhy is that bad?
00:23.09Beladonabecause zip is more widely accepted
00:23.17Guillotineyes shouryuu. zip = good
00:23.21Guillotinerar = bad
00:23.24Guillotinerawr = good
00:23.36Beladonaalthough I use rars for most stuff
00:23.37AstrylSince... What was it, 1.4? they've been revamping one class every patch, and I like that...
00:23.45CodayusAn since once 1.9 goes live pallies probably wont get any more fixes for a while, if I had a 60 pally I'd be mad as hell.
00:24.08CodayusI was going to lvl my pally to 60 if the changes were good.  They aren't.  And I'm not unless that changes.
00:24.42LegorolAstryl, i have a "professional" paladin friend
00:24.46shouryuulol sorry :(
00:24.53LegorolI have asked his opinion on the Pali changes, and here is what I was told:
00:25.08LegorolThe main issue is the changes to Seal of Crusader.
00:25.31LegorolIt procs more often, but provides only a 70% dmg bonus when procced.
00:25.37LegorolSo the question is if this is good or bad.
00:26.05AstrylRight, but I've seen some posts where people tested this and found that it didn't actually proc more often at all, or it was only a tiny bit more or something.
00:26.06LegorolSince players, like all normal human beings have selective memory/observation, they perceive the damage reduction as a bad thing, even if the expectation value of the damage boost from SoC is the same as before
00:26.19LegorolThat is possible, but that would be a bug
00:26.32Legorolas far as i know Blizzard has stated that they did not intend to change the expected value of the dmg boost
00:26.34GuillotineQUESTION: How do I add a subject header to a key binding if I'm not using an lua file
00:26.37TainNo Paladin ha sany reason to complain about anything.
00:26.38Legorolonly the way it's distributed
00:26.44Legorolwell there is a tiny issue
00:26.48CodayusMana use is increasing, mana efficiency is going away, itemization is looking broken.  There's very little +int plate outside of endgame.  DPS is only barely increasing, and at the cost of more mana and effort.
00:27.01CodayusAnd yeah, SoC proc rate seems to be about the same as before.
00:27.07LegorolI asked this Pali if he thinks the increased proc/reduced damage is better than the increased damage/fewer proc
00:27.24Legorolon a purely theoretical basis, assuming expected dmg is the same
00:27.30Guillotineanyone know?
00:27.31CodayusTGhey claim it was supposed to go from 5 ppm to 7 ppm.  It seems to be going from 6 6ppm.  NOT good.
00:27.43LegorolCodayus, that'd be a bug me thinks
00:27.48CodayusProbably a bug, but it needs to be fixed.  BA.
00:27.52CodayusBAD, even
00:27.59LegorolAnyway i was explained that for PvE the increased procrate is better, for PvP the increased damage is
00:28.01Codayus(Well, okay, pretty much has to be a bug.)
00:28.09AstrylLego, things being a bug doen't mean they're not part of how the class plays, even in release.
00:28.23LegorolI do beleive that Blizz would fix any proc-rate bugs before releasing the pali talent
00:28.25shouryuupeople say a lot of things...
00:28.31Legoroli mean pali changes
00:28.32shouryuuagreed logorol
00:28.33AstrylMany classes have major gameplay changing 'bugs'.
00:28.36CodayusLegorol: Ah, if only I had your faith.
00:28.56Guillotinepplz! i asked a question :'(
00:28.57Legorolas for the current situation, there are two issues: if proc rate is higher or bugged, that's one thing,
00:29.06Legorolthe other is the psychological factor:
00:29.17Legorolplayers will perceive the lower damage as being worse, on purely psychological basis too
00:29.19Guillotine<<<How do I add a subject header to a key binding if I'm not using an lua file>>>
00:29.26LegorolGuillotine, you can't
00:29.29Legoroli mean you can,
00:29.38Legorolbut you just add the text you want to appear in the XML attribute
00:29.40AstrylRight, the psycological thing is a good point.
00:29.54LegorolAlso, there is a source of bias in players attitudes:
00:29.56TainThat's the problem, Paladins are so used to being at a certain level ability-wise they don't see how some of it needs to be tuned down, not the other way around.
00:29.57GuillotineI did. its taking them as variables though
00:29.58Guillotine<Binding name="Backflip" description="Turn 180 degrees" header="Backflip">
00:30.01CodayusMeh, I'm okay with a 70% nerf to proc damage, so long as they REALLY boost proc rate to compensate.
00:30.17Legorolthe people who mostly care about exact numbers are correlated with those playing PvP
00:30.36Legorolsince the changes are less beneficial to PvP (or even detrimental to a small extent), you will get more complaints on the boards then happinesses
00:30.47AstrylSo far, warlocks, warriors, hunters, and druids have received revamps... I've got a hunter and a druid, and my gf has a warrior.
00:30.50shouryuuCair- Done
00:30.50Legorolthis, coupled with the general you-only-hear-complaints on a typical forum,
00:30.54CodayusPalladin DPS is just low.  If they nerf the random spikes but boost average long term DPS, I'm okay with that.  And they sem to be intending that...
00:30.55Legorolis what's giving the current situation, i think
00:31.15Legorolyes Codayus, that'd be the benefit
00:31.15TainThat's true Legorol, but I think Blizzard understands that the amount of people who post on the boards are a tiny amount of the people who actually play the game.
00:31.25Legorolyes Tain, i think so too
00:31.42Legoroli think it depends on situation and person which one feels better to you: the high procrate or high damage
00:31.47shouryuuand they are a huge manjority of whinners
00:31.48AstrylRight, I think alot of the complaining paladins simply don't like that lowDPS/highSurvavability role.
00:31.56TainAnd in my opinion and observation of games the pvp people are some of the loudest, always.
00:32.02Legorolsince there was a change, the *more visible* effect of which is to reduce damage, players will react negatively
00:32.07TainEven though they're usually in the smallest minority.
00:32.22shouryuuI <3 joo!
00:32.22LegorolGuillotine: sorry you are right
00:32.28Legorolthere is no way to get the bindings without Lua
00:32.29AstrylThey like the class in general, but wish they could spec more in dps, even at a loss of survivability.
00:32.29TainI approve of your approval, Cair!
00:32.38GuillotineI don't
00:32.42Guillotineyou should have banned shouryuu
00:32.46LegorolGuillotine: i think that's because the engine appends BINDING_ before the stuff you put in the quotes, then looks for a global of that name
00:32.49CodayusAlso, the pally trees are STILL a bizarre mess.
00:33.00TainI think every class wants more dps, but not everyone can have it. :)
00:33.05shouryuuBULLY :'(
00:33.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Stylpe (
00:33.17Guillotineshouryuu: i meant banned in a good way
00:33.29Guillotinelike banned from being banned
00:33.35Legoroldisclaimer: what i have laid out above is an analysis based on a very skilled and otherwise intelligent/mathematically minded paladin, as explained to me, then blended with my personal opinion
00:33.37shouryuuthat's what they all say :P
00:33.40Legorolso take it as you wish
00:33.45Legoroli never played a pala beyond lv 12
00:34.02TainIt's ok shouryuu, we can form an alliance and vote Guillotine off the island.
00:34.35LegorolFrom what I understand, the increased proc rate/reduced damage is supposed to give consistency/control.
00:34.45LegorolThe reason why in PvP the burst damage is better is because it catches the opponent off guard
00:34.47TainI quite mine at 40 Legorol.  I was rather... ah how do I say this delicately.. unsatisfied with how easy I felt it was to kill things without any risk to myself as a Paladin.
00:34.47shouryuuwell Im off to bed
00:35.01Legoroland more battles are won in PvP due to crits/off-guard things than consistent things
00:35.07Gryphenono i esceared of teh rawr! i need a huggle.
00:35.12shouryuusee yo guys!
00:35.35CodayusTain: I stopped at 30; I was unsatisified at how SLOW it was to kill things.  Hell, my priest lvled faster than that.  I died more, but who cares, repair bills are low...
00:36.03LegorolI am surprised at that Codays, my friend told me he can level pretty fast with Pali
00:36.24TainYeah you can.
00:36.45TainI can see feeling like a dropoff as you get closer to 30 if you don't get a really good weapon upgrade.
00:36.53Legorolalso i have seen live demonstrations of him winning duels vs. all clases except rogue with average skill players 4 levels above him, around lvl 52
00:36.57TainBecause the level 20 Paladin quest hammer is absurdly powerful for its lefe.
00:37.24CodayusI might just be a bad pally player.  And yeah, I was right at 30.  And yeah, I can kill almost anything eventually.  But dude!  So...slow.  XP/hour just sucks.
00:37.30AstrylI think Blizz's model of specialization works pretty well. I think they're missing the boat with Paladins though. With almost any other class, you can spec for damage.
00:38.03LegorolThis may or may not apply Codayus, but i heard that for pali to be effective you've got to use a *lot* of your skills constantly
00:38.03Legorollike aura-switching, seals/judgements all the time etc.
00:38.10CodayusEven priests can spec shadow.
00:38.14AstrylWith Palys, you can spec for damage, but it just isn't that damaging. They can't really make palys do that much damage, because they're naturally so defensive in nature.
00:38.20CodayusAnd yeah, pallies can be pretty high maintance.
00:38.29TainIt's a tradeoff.
00:38.31CodayusIn terms of button mashing. Not like rogues. :-)
00:38.54AstrylHeh, talk about button mashing... My feral druid, in cat form, has 2 buttons.
00:38.58Ktronyou shouldn't play a paladin for damage, you play a paladin for survivability
00:39.10Legorolwhat happens when you solo level though?
00:39.10CodayusI've got a macro that SSes until I hvae 5 combo points, then eviscerates.  Weee!
00:39.13Legorolyou need to go for damage ;-)
00:39.29TainI mean I could kill anything wiht my Rogue within seconds.  But two casters at once will tear me up if I don't get them right away.
00:39.29AstrylCoda, that's quite simple of a macro.
00:40.00AstrylMy feral druid (effectively a rogue) has 2 buttons in cat form, and they're one for being in front of the target, and another for being behind.
00:40.01Ktronyour survivability is higher, so you should spend less time dead/corpse retrieving
00:40.01CodayusYes.  But it brings the rogue controls down to 1 button for day-to-day playing.  I was contrasting with pallies.  :-)
00:40.06LegorolDunno, i heard that to maximise pali DPS you got to do the right seals in the right order and judge them all the time
00:40.08AstrylWhen soloing, I mash a single button, over and over.
00:40.28TainOf course you're not supposed to be able to do a single macro that does multiple attacks like that.
00:40.36Legoroli don't remember the details of what was the max DPS, but it was something like one type of seal, judge it, another type, judge it asap, then again or something
00:40.40TainWith Paladins you can use your seals and judgement to do awesome stuff.
00:40.47TainAnd get a lot more dps.
00:41.18TainAnd help other people in your group at the same time, if you happen to actually group with people.
00:41.34LegorolTain, what about aura-shifting?
00:41.45Legorole.g. if you see a caster starting to cast fire, you switch to fire resist, then back once he finished
00:41.51Legorolthis is just to reduce dmg taken etc.
00:42.02Legorolafaik most people just leave it on devotion when soloing
00:42.11ScytheBlade1There's always the chance that the caster is just messing with you though ;) (PvP)
00:42.16TainYeah, if you want to actually pay attention and do more then a Paladin can be a lot more.
00:42.21LegorolScytheBlade1, true but unlikely
00:42.28Legorolplus you can see that if they do, and aura switch is free afaik
00:42.45ScytheBlade1I enjoy doing that...starting a frostbolt, then moving forward just a tad and PoM Pyro
00:42.49ScytheBlade1Messes with people... :)
00:43.01Legorolif you don't get a counter+silence in the middle :p
00:43.03TainI suspect that a lot of people who want more think of Paladins as weaker fighters with weaker healing spells.
00:43.08ScytheBlade1Fait enough
00:43.31LegorolI do beleive that most average players who pick Pali expect a tough warrior with some minor healing
00:43.35Legoroland they get something very different
00:43.41Legorolbut i sohuldn't be talking, i have no direct experience
00:44.03AstrylAny other feral druids here?
00:44.12TainThat's the thing though, I guess I don't see why anyone would think a Paladin would be competing for high dps in the first place.
00:44.17CodayusWell, that was sorrt of what bliz said they'd be.
00:44.21Legoroli have a friend who is a skilled one, so i am happy to butt in with my unasked-for opinion, Astryl ;_)
00:44.22CodayusAnd what they were in lore.
00:44.35Legorolyes thats' true
00:44.42Legoroli think the main problem with Palis is not what they can do,
00:44.46Legorolbut what people perceive them to be
00:44.49CodayusBut frankly, not a lot of classes are close to lore.
00:44.51TainIt's what they are.  They are simply not the top dps dealing class.
00:45.05AstrylLego, I just have a bunch of macros I've made, thinking of sharing em somehow.
00:45.19KtronIf you want Paladins to be strong at dps and healing, then they should take away mail
00:45.19Legorolah, i don't know any feral macros, soz
00:45.25Ktron*take away plate and mail
00:45.30CodayusTain - nor even a midrange dps dealing class.  :-)
00:45.33Ktronand then you'd have... SHAMANS!
00:45.38Legoroltalking of shamans
00:45.46Legoroli have recently rolled one, played to lvl 35 so far
00:45.50Astryl1 button for frontal attack, 1 button for rear attack, 1 button for shifting to any form or mounting...
00:45.50Legorolquite interesting i must say
00:46.04CodayusThey don't need to be good at healing.  Certainly not when they spec for DPS.
00:46.04TainSee I disagree with that, Codayus.
00:46.11Legoroli wasn't surprised to see, just like with other classes, that a typical player doesn't use their class to the max potential at all
00:46.27LegorolAstryl, i had a chat with a randoom shammy the other day
00:46.36TainSomeone using a Paladin to just autoattack and heal isn't going to do any damage.
00:46.38Legorolhe was asking me why i bothered getting Flame Shock at low level, it's a waste of money
00:46.53Legorolso i said: two reasons, 1) i will be doing instances a lot 2)i can get higher dps with it
00:46.55AstrylI wouldn't agree with him.
00:47.01Legorolhe raised his eyebrow at 2)
00:47.05Ktronpaladins are healer tanks.
00:47.22Legorolso i tried to explain to him why, if i cast Flame Shock then Earth Shock then Flame Shock etc. alternating every 6 seconds, i get higher DPS overall
00:47.26Legorolhe didn't get it, so i gave up
00:47.34AstrylYeah, I totally get that.
00:47.38AstrylMost people don't.
00:47.40TainThat's becaues people only like to see a big number. :)
00:47.47Legorolbut that was a typical example of how most people think/work
00:47.47AstrylThey want to spam flame shock.
00:47.52Legorolyou mean earth
00:48.13AstrylErr, whichever shock. My point is they want to use only one shock, not mix em.
00:48.20Legorolmost average players seem to get a set pattern, a "core" set of spells they can use
00:48.24Legorolthen they learn a pattern
00:48.25Legoroland stick to it
00:48.30Legorolno variation or adaptation
00:48.37Legoroli was also laughed at for getting strength of earth
00:48.57Legoroli explained that i beleive it's often better for soloing then stoneskin, and definitely better in instances
00:48.58KtronI use whatever shock makes the most sense at the moment
00:49.04AstrylShaman shocks are very opposite to that... They're elemental, but unlike mages, you don't specialize in a single shock.
00:49.16TainI got laughed at for taking up Blacksmithing with my mage!
00:49.19Legorolyeah so you should really use all of them as necessary
00:49.25TainActually.. no that was pretty justified laughing.
00:49.32Legorolthe strength?
00:49.35*** join/#wowi-lounge RedcXe (
00:49.37KtronI've a 25 shaman, and frost shock when they're coming towards me or they might run, fire for dps over time with frost, and earth if they're casting
00:49.41Legorolok, let's discuss strength, it's interesting i think
00:49.58LegorolKtron, at 25 for max DPS i do flame/earth/flame/earth
00:50.03Legoroli didn't find need for frost
00:50.12Legorolslowing their running down didn't seem to improve my dps
00:50.15AstrylWhich shocks I use, and in which order, usually depends on my level. You get a new one of one shock every 4 levels or so.
00:50.22Legorolsince the extra time i get would be for casting a low DPS spell: lighting
00:50.28AstrylWhich one you get every 4 levels just rotates.
00:50.31KtronLegorol: flame/frost/flame/frost definitely should get you a higher dps
00:50.41AstrylNeither of you or correct.
00:50.45AstrylIt depends on level.
00:50.46Ktronfrost does more damage than earth, no matter how you look at it
00:50.47TainThat sends mixed signals.
00:50.49LegorolAstryl: true
00:50.54TainI know girls like that.
00:50.57Legoroli don't remember if your frost or earth is better at 25
00:51.05KtronFrost is at this level
00:51.08AstrylWhichever shock you upgraded last provides the highest dps on its own.
00:51.08LegorolKtron: you sure?
00:51.13Legorolok at 25, possibly
00:51.21Legorolin which case i'm sorry
00:51.24Ktronunless I haven't bought spells.... frost is...
00:51.25Legorolat the moment, for my best earth/frost,
00:51.29Legorolearth does more dmg than frost
00:51.39Astrylie, frost may do more dmg than earth if frost was upgraded at 24.
00:51.41Legorolthat's at 33 i think
00:51.45Ktronactually I lose legorol
00:51.47LegorolAstryl, i see
00:51.55KtronEarth shock was lower until 24
00:52.04Ktronat 24 you get the next rank of earth shock and its higher again
00:52.14Legorolwell anyway, which one is better right now doesn't matter too much
00:52.20Legorolpoint is, most players will not consider things like this
00:52.36Legorolso another pet peeve of mine is strength of earth
00:52.39Legorolfor which i get laughed at
00:52.53Legorolbecause often it's better than stoneskin
00:53.04Ktronheh, and actually, at the moment the dot of flameshock is lower than the total damage of earth
00:53.11Legorolin group, if the group is properly tanking, then earth gives bonus to all offense, whereas stoneskin only benefits the tank
00:53.20Natasemanyone in here work on the Auctioneer mod?
00:53.27kergothi use strength of earth most often as well
00:53.28Legorolif i am soloing one on one, then increasing my dps vs. damage reduction seems a clear win
00:53.39Legorolsince i can get lot of Hp back with very little mana with heals after fight
00:53.50Natasemhow is Auctioneer  gona handle the multiple AH in the next patch?
00:53.51AstrylLego, what spec are you?
00:53.51Legorolcertainly the hp/mana ratio of a heal seems better than on stoneskin totem
00:54.03Legorolenhancement 20, elemental 3 or so
00:54.24Legorolif i am fighting more than 1 mob, then i pull stoneskin out
00:54.24AstrylOKie. Yeah, I used both str and stoneskin, depending on the situation.
00:54.39AstrylYep, multiple mobs is a definite call for stoneskin.
00:54.49AstrylOr dualweilding mobs is a definite call for stoneskin.
00:54.49Legoroli consider stoneskin an 1vsMany spell
00:55.04Legoroldualweild is borderline, but you are probably right
00:55.13Legoroli am not too bothered about taking damage normally
00:55.30Astryldualweild, because stoneskin knocks off a specific # of dmg from each hit.
00:55.46Legorolmy strategy is usually (and do suggest something else if you know better): is to frontload as much spells as i can (totems etc.), then go into melee
00:55.51Legorolif i get damage, so be it
00:56.00Legorolby the end of battle, i hopefully regened a fair bit of mana
00:56.01Legorolso then just heal
00:56.08Legorolwell not quite so clearcut
00:56.16LegorolAstryl: right
00:56.23Legorolthat's what i figured too
00:56.27AstrylAgainst a 2h mob, 100..100..1000 becomes 80..80..80.
00:56.40Legorolyep i see what you are saying
00:56.59AstrylAgainst a dual weild mob, becomes, much bigger reduction.
00:57.23Legorolcopy/paste ftw ;-)
00:57.37Legorol50. => copy/paste
00:57.59AstrylFor an enhancement shaman, that sounds right.
00:58.16Legorolanother thing that tends to bother me:
00:58.20AstrylFrontload a bunch of damage, then melee it to death while not casting for a while so your mana regens....
00:58.36Legorolin a group, if there is another shaman (and more often then not there is) i always try to get them so that we agree on which one of us casts which totems
00:58.44Legorolit's near impossible in practice to agree/synchronize :(
00:58.50Legorolam i right in that stoneskin doesn't stack?
00:58.55Legorolor strength
00:58.57AstrylI'm elemental, so I usually just end up dumping all my dmg into each mob, killing it twice as fast, then resting longer between mobs.
00:59.00kergothcorrect, they dont stack
00:59.01Legorolso we are better off casting one each?
00:59.14kergothusually the agreement is implicit.  i pay attention to what other shamans are casting and cast accordingly
00:59.32Legorolthat puts the strain on you
00:59.39Legoroland the other shaman at around lvl 30 is usually pretty rnadom :-)
00:59.47Legoroli mean, they cast earthbind... why?
00:59.53Legorollet the hunter and mage slow/snare the runners
01:00.04AstrylI usually do like kergoth, watch what they're casting, and then confirm it after a couple min.
01:00.06Legorolwe have enough range, we can deal with them
01:00.22Legorolok maybe you are right
01:00.26Legoroli should take that approach too in the future
01:00.32Legorolbe the "silently adaptive"
01:00.41Legorolrather than trying to agree before hand
01:00.54Ktronyou know what tremor is way underrated when you have two or more shamans?
01:01.15Astrylie, if I see em casting stoneskin and windfury alot, i whisper em, 'I'll use strength of earth and grace of air, you do stoneskin and windfury'
01:01.28AstrylKind of a combo of your two ways.
01:01.28Legorolmakes sense
01:01.42AstrylI don't just try to agree on it before hand because people are stupid and won't stick to it.
01:01.57Ktrontremor/earthbind is a vicious attacking combination for WSG
01:01.57AstrylI watch what they do first, so that what they get assigned to do is what they're used to anyway.
01:01.58Legorolalso i think i need to be more assertive
01:02.08Legoroli usually just ask them which one they prefer
01:02.13Legorolso i get no answer or something random
01:02.37LegorolOk, what about the policy of not getting spells that are "unneeded" at low levels?
01:02.39AstrylYeah, it's kind of a hard coordination.
01:02.42Legoroldo you think there is any merit to it?
01:02.46Legorolapart from saving cash
01:02.51AstrylDepends on the spell.
01:03.00Legorole.g. what about flametongue weapon
01:03.05Legoroli don't mean the totem
01:03.19kergothflametongue weapon is a useless spell in general
01:03.21Legorolthat is probably a waste of money, unless you group a lot without being tank
01:03.25*** part/#wowi-lounge Ratbert_CP (n=KCummins@
01:03.32AstrylWhich weapon buff you use, to get the most dps, should actually do the same as you do with shocks.
01:03.42AstrylWhichever weapon buff was upgraded last will do the most dps.
01:03.44Legoroli like the fact that i can put *something* on my weapon that is not rockbiter/windfury so that i don't get aggro
01:03.52AstrylEven frost.
01:04.01kergothAstryl: once you have windfury, that isnt generally the case
01:04.05AstrylThat's until you get windfury.
01:04.05Legorolok, i have another question, this one is a tough one
01:04.15AstrylYeah, like I was about to say. Once you get windfury... That's the one.
01:04.16Legorolit's rockbiter vs. windfury actually
01:04.22Legoroli do not that numberwise, windfury is better
01:04.37Legoroli worked through it and i think for me atm windfury is a 40% damage increase, wherease rockbiter is 33%
01:04.48Legorolat least that's the expected value for the two
01:04.48kergothrockbiter is useful when you're main tank, thats about it
01:05.00Legorolok, so here is what i was thinking:
01:05.10Legorolthe problem with windfury is that it will sometimes proc when you are about to kill the mob
01:05.13Ktronyou can use a windfury totem though, and rockbiter
01:05.18Temthey let shamen tank?
01:05.21Legorolso the amount of dmg you waste on overkills is more with windfury
01:05.26AstrylKtron, that's incorrect.
01:05.27LegorolKtron: that's true
01:05.31AstrylNo, it's not.
01:05.43AstrylTotem buffs do *not* stack with shaman weapon buffs.
01:05.45Legorolyou mean windfury totem doesn't proc if you have rockbiter on?
01:06.02Legoroli couldn't afford the totem buffs yet, maybe i won't bother at all then :D
01:06.03KtronAstryl: that's weird
01:06.09AstrylThere is only one temporary weapon buff slot on each weapon.
01:06.20Cair(completely offtopic ... damn I wish I could even consider moving to CA now ...
01:06.25Legorolbut the totems aren't actually weapon buffs, are they?
01:06.33Legoroldo they show up as an icon?
01:06.34AstrylAll the shaman buffs, feedback, rogue poisons, sharpening stones... They all use up that one slot.
01:06.40AstrylYep, they do.
01:06.42Legorole.g. lets say you put the windfury totem down, with no buff on your weapon
01:06.45Legorolthey do? is ee
01:06.55Ktronso rogue poisons don't stack with windfuryeither
01:07.02CladhaireCair: <3.. For you they'd be smart to make an exception =)
01:07.11KtronAnd sharpening stones don't either
01:07.19AstrylMy gf has a warrior that leveled with my shaman. She constantly had to choose between windfury from my totem, or a sharpening stone, not both.
01:07.40Legoroloki that's good to know
01:07.49Legorolso right now i don't have totem buff yet
01:07.56Legoroli have a choice between rockbiter/windfury
01:07.59AstrylBesides, the totem version of the buffs are all much lower dps than the casted buff.
01:08.02Legoroli presume you will tell me to go windfury
01:08.08Legorolbut is that necessarily correct?
01:08.14CladhaireThats Fangtooth's position.. any final word on what part of the team he headed to?
01:08.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Parak (
01:08.28Legorolwith a 2H weapon, i have a feeling the damage wasted from overkill is more with windfury
01:08.34AstrylYeah, overkill damage is higher with windfury, to be sure.
01:08.48Legorolso although in theory it's 40% for windfury, 33% for rockbiter, in practice they are probably closer
01:08.52Legorolso i wonder how much closer
01:09.12Legoroli also vary it based on PvP opponent
01:09.14AstrylAye, in practice, they're much closer, probably more like 33% and 35%.
01:09.22AstrylIn PvP, always windfury.
01:09.30AstrylBurst damage is just so much more useful in PvP.
01:09.35Legorolfor the burst potential?
01:09.43Legoroli agree most of the time
01:09.54Legoroli had one exception, which is if i am fighting someone i want to keep at a range
01:10.00Legorole.g. warrior
01:10.07Legorolthen i switch to 1h+shield+rockbiter
01:10.12Legoroldunno if that makes sense
01:10.26Legoroli thought that i will hit him very rarely
01:10.35Legorolwhen i do, i want all of those hits to count
01:10.46Legorolaye, true :D
01:10.56AstrylOr flame.
01:11.05AstrylFlametongue's damage is often underrated.
01:11.11AstrylIt bypasses armor.
01:11.23Legorolthat's a very good point
01:11.25AstrylAgainst plate, flame will do more dmg than windfury.
01:11.28Legoroli will have to do some calculations on that :-)
01:11.37kergothgoddamnit eCastingBar
01:11.45Legoroldo you happen to know how damage reduction is calculated from armor?
01:11.48kergoththeres a bug in the mirror bar, it didnt show that i was about to drown :(
01:11.48Legoroli am dying to know the formula..
01:12.01Tekkubthat's not a bug
01:12.04AstrylWhatcha mean?
01:12.08Tekkubit's an enemy feature
01:12.15AstrylIt shows the % on the character screen.
01:12.28AstrylOr are you asking how armor number translates to that %?
01:12.47AstrylAh... There's a graph of it on *shrug*
01:13.01Legorola graph is about as useful as checking on the sheet
01:13.08Legoroli wonder *how* it's calculated
01:13.11AstrylI think it probably has the formula with it too.
01:13.25Legorolspecifically, i often need to make choice between +sta and +ar
01:13.39Legorolso to know which one's better, i need to know how much dmg reduction the +ar translates to
01:13.57AstrylHeh. I always base that choice on item level.
01:14.21Astryl(And consider monetary value of the items in question as well)
01:15.35Astrylie, if I've got ilvl 30 pants with 200 armor 10sta, and find ilvl 32 pants with 190armor 15sta, I'll decide the 2nd ones are better.
01:16.59AstrylBut I won't put on the 2nd ones. Instead I'll sell them on the AH for 5g, because the difference in performance between the two is not worth the difference in value of the two.
01:17.23Legorolunless it's BoP ;-)
01:17.24Astrylie, I can sell the 2nd ones at the AH for 5g, but can only sell the first ones to a vendor since they're soulbound, for 50s.
01:17.30AstrylRight, unless it's BoP.
01:17.40Legorolthat's a good point i haven't considered
01:17.46Legoroli always put on any equip that is an upgrade
01:17.50Legoroli worry about getting money later
01:17.58Astryl+5sta -10ar is definitely not worth 4g50s.
01:17.58Legorolbut i like to have the best possible gear
01:18.10Legorolhowever, what i do *not* do is go to AH and spend money on getting an upgrade
01:18.26Legorolso that i have a small, but +ve income and constant item upgrades
01:18.31Legoroli guess your solution might be nicer
01:18.35AstrylYou think that's the more expensive way, don't you? :)
01:19.25AstrylI would contend that it would be more expensive to equip any upgrades you find on your own, than it would to go buying happy on the AH.
01:20.02AstrylA wonderful example of that is tradeskills.
01:20.20Legorolhm, you might be right, i never thought about it that way
01:20.35AstrylObviously if you had only leatherworking, not skinning, your only source of leather would be the AH.
01:20.37LegorolAH-ing all items and buying an occasional upgrade might indeed come out better
01:20.47Legorolthe question here is:
01:20.57Legoroldo you want to have more money and "burst" improvements of equipment,
01:21.05Legorolor a smaller income but a constant improvement of equipment
01:21.06TemIriel or anyone who read PiL: once you have a file that looks very similar to wow's SV.lua files, whats the easiest way to load the table in that file?  I remeber PiL using loadstring or something like that, but I can't find an example...
01:21.09Legorolor did i misunderstand you?
01:21.32LegorolTem, you can't load stuff in WoW's implementation
01:21.37AstrylWell, suppose buying leather at the AH to support your Leatherworking costs Xg per day.
01:21.38Legorolor are you talking about outside WoW?
01:21.59LegorolTem, might try "dofile"
01:22.10Legorolthat will load and execute the file as a chunk
01:22.27AstrylAnd if you have skinning, you're skinning Xg worth of leather per day, which makes Skinning and Leatherworking a good match, right?
01:22.27TemI am talking outside of wow
01:22.30Legorolloadstring would require you to first load the contents of the file into a string first using io methods, i think
01:22.33Temand I think dofile is exactly what I want
01:22.54LegorolAstryl: yes
01:22.57Temamong other things, I'm writing some WoW Simulation code
01:23.02Legoroli am still listening, desptie answering random questsions
01:23.06Temand SV are needed...
01:23.09AstrylThough you may not realize it, you are in effect spending Xg per day, to get [Items You Leatherwork]
01:23.10LegorolTem, that'd be awesome
01:23.29LegorolAstryl: i do follow that point
01:23.30AstrylAsk yourself, is [Items You Leatherwork] worth Xg per day?
01:23.31TemLegorol: it's turning out to be pretty impossible except when tailored to each case
01:23.32Legorolplease carry on
01:23.47AstrylThe answer, at least for me, is hell no. Not even close.
01:24.02Legorolwhich is why those people make lot more money who get dual gathering profs
01:24.09Legoroli am not surprised at that conclusion
01:24.16AstrylEver had a dual gathering character?
01:24.25Legorolthere is an exception though
01:24.44AstrylSingle-gathering character people assume that you'll make more money with dual-gathering, but they really don't realize just how much more.
01:24.58Legoroli do intend to try :-)
01:25.06Legorolthe point i was going to bring up is fresh server
01:25.08AstrylTry it. You'll love it.
01:25.10Legoroli am playig my shaman on a new server
01:25.15Legorolthe dual gathering doesn't work there at all
01:25.24AstrylAh, fresh server... Well, yeah, true, it doesn't.
01:25.24Legoroli am making more money than guildies who went dual gathering
01:25.33Legoroli did the "essential" ingredients at the right time
01:25.45Legorole.g. 2xElixir of Def with my alchemy for the blue LW gloves
01:26.06AstrylAye, I agree, fresh servers are an exception.
01:26.13Legorola lot of fun though ;-)
01:26.26Legorolif i were to start a new char on an existing server where i don't have a high level main to fund me, i would go dual gather
01:26.37Legorolat the moment, i have low lvls on fresh server,
01:26.39AstrylBut if you make any more characters, keep dual-gathering in mind. Take how much more money you'd expect to have with dual-gathering... and triple it.
01:26.42Legoroland main/alt on old server
01:26.54Legoroli will bear it in mind
01:27.08Legoroli have one point left i'd like to ask
01:27.15Legorollet's forget about professions for hte moment
01:27.20Legorolsince we covered that pretty well
01:27.34Legorollet's say you are out questing and looting greens that are upgrades
01:27.42Legorolif you do AH them, you get more money, we established that
01:27.48Legorolbut then your upgrades come in bursts
01:27.56Legorolwhen you do decide it's time to buy an upgrade
01:28.07Legorol(or equivalently to equip a looted item, which is the same thing)
01:28.24LegorolSo, is more income worth the "burstiness" of upgrades?
01:28.31LegorolLet me rephrase it:
01:28.40Legorolit costs more to have up-to-date gear all the time
01:28.44Legorolwhich is kinda stating the obvious
01:28.48Legorolbut that's pretty much what you are saying
01:28.50AstrylExample: Never had a character on Kilrogg before... My druid there is now lvl43. I've given my gf a total of 237g, and have about 208g on me. That's after buying a mount as well.
01:28.58AstrylAh, ok, burstiness vs constant upgrades.
01:29.08Legorolwhether it's in the form of buying on AH, or simply equipping what you looted (the two being effectively equivalent, by your argument, with which i agree)
01:29.11AstrylI would contend that I get constant upgrades as well.
01:29.32AstrylI just don't settle for very marginal upgrades.
01:29.44Legorolok so let's phrase it this way:
01:29.48AstrylFor example, I have two sets of armor.
01:29.57Legorolyou can set a cost vs. peak efficiency threshold
01:30.17Legorolprobably the closer you are to peak efficiency at all times, the cost becomes exponentially higher
01:30.27Legorolit would be interesting to find some sort of optimal point
01:30.38AstrylRight, you'd think it works that way, but it doesn't, at least for me.
01:30.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Tekkub_ (
01:31.10AstrylThe AH is my main source of new equipment.
01:31.16Legorolwhich is fine
01:31.29AstrylI just only get perfect items.
01:31.31Legorolwhether you get it from AH or equip looted items occasionally, is equivalent, we agree on that, right?
01:31.51AstrylNope, you can get better items at the AH.
01:32.00Legorolok, then let's discuss this point
01:32.03AstrylUnless you're really lucky.
01:32.16Legorolmy criteria for equipping an item would be, under your scheme:
01:32.24Legoroli'd only equip it if i'd otherwise buy it from AH
01:32.42Legorolso if it has a +stat for something i don't want, it doesn't count
01:32.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Stylpe (
01:32.44Legoroli don't equip it
01:32.52Legoroland even "perfect" items i only equip occasionally
01:32.59Legorolnot every time it gives +2 ar and +1 int, say
01:33.08Legorolthat's what you are suggesting, right?
01:33.26LegorolOk, so in that case, it's the same as saying: "i will AH all items i loot,a nd i will only buy stuff on AH"
01:33.39AstrylRight, pretty much.
01:33.42Legorolyou just replace the occasional AH bought stuff with a looted item
01:33.50Legorolwhich, costwise, is the same
01:33.59Legorolso now we established that:
01:34.04Legorolhow often do you upgrade at the AH?
01:34.20AstrylIf not every single visit to the AH.
01:34.20Legorolthat doesn't mean much if i don't know how much you play your char ;-)
01:34.30AstrylOK... 1-2 times per day.
01:34.41AstrylAnd I play most every day.
01:34.57Legoroldaily sounded like a lot, but if you play 4-6 hours a day then it's not that much
01:34.58AstrylIn terms of hours played... Probably once every 3 hours played.
01:35.14Legorolthat is pretty frequent
01:35.30Legorolabout as frequent as i get equippable items dropping, probably
01:35.38Legoroland you are making more money this way?
01:35.41Legorolworth considering, hm
01:35.42AstrylHeh, tons.
01:35.53Legorolwell the thing that i don't get then:
01:35.57AstrylIt's probably not that much difference, except with blues and purples.
01:36.04Legorolif the frequency of your upgrades is about the same as mine,
01:36.05Astryl(Well, purples being very rare, it's mostly blues)
01:36.24Legorolwell i guess i have to try
01:36.25AstrylIf you find a blue, and it's a reasonable upgrade for you, you'd probably equip it.
01:36.33AstrylI will almost never equip a non-bop blue.
01:36.49Legorolok, let me ask a question: let's say you go to AH and you find a perfect upgrade, which gives say +2 stat and a bit of armor
01:36.58Legorolbut that difference is clearly not worth the cost of the item
01:37.02AstrylIt's almost always worth dozens of gold at the AH, which is almost always worth more.
01:37.02Legoroldo you buy it or not?
01:37.36AstrylMy threshold would probably be...
01:37.43Legorolin which case you must be buying stuff at the AH at a lower rate than I'm equipping upgrades
01:37.59AstrylNah, there's a much bigger selection at the AH.
01:38.00Legorolbecause if i get an upgrade that falls under the "perfect" category, i always equip it
01:38.20Legorolok i think i know what i'm surprsied at
01:38.28Legorolthat you say that you get an upgrade every 3 hours played or so
01:38.31AstrylI think one of the big differences is just how often I check the AH.
01:38.37Legorolyet you only get an upgrade if it's a big difference in improvement
01:38.42AstrylI probably check the AH every hour or two that I'm playing.
01:38.54AstrylBut it's quick, I have favorites setup in it.
01:39.06Legorolok then i'm confused
01:39.16Legorolif you check that often, and you only buy upgrades that are worth the cost,
01:39.20Astryl1) of the Tiger gear, greater than level 35, and usable
01:39.24Legoroli am surprised you are able to buy something every 3 hours played or so
01:39.31Astryl1) of Defense, greater than level 35, and usable
01:39.33AstrylErr, 2)
01:40.01Legoroli am not surprised at the frequency you check the AH at
01:40.15Astryl*shrug* I do have 1.5 sets of armor, if that helps.
01:40.20Legorolunless i misunderstood something, i'm surprised at the frequencey with which you seem to be able to buy significant upgrades
01:40.23AstrylBeing a druid.
01:40.24TainIf I'm playing Alliance then it's worth checking the AH that often.
01:40.35AstrylAh right, this is an alliance druid.
01:40.44TainIf playing Horde... it's just an exercise in frustration checking the AH.
01:40.49Legorolthe point is, if i haven't misunderstood, Astryl effectively says:
01:41.01AstrylI've got a full set of Tigerish gear, and a half set of +defense gear.
01:41.02Legorolhe can check the AH and every 3 hours or so, find a significant upgrade at reasonable cost
01:41.22AstrylSo I do effectively have more slots of gear to upgrade.
01:41.33AstrylWell, calculate how often that is in terms of levels.
01:41.44AstrylThere are what, 14 slots of armor/weapons?
01:41.46Legoroli think the key here is how much levelling you can do in 3 hours
01:41.50TainWell, one piece at a time that can happen.
01:41.56Legorolyou probably level lot more in 3 hours than i do
01:42.00Legorolwhich would explain my confusion
01:42.05TainNot entirely Legorol, since you almost never get all of your equipment to be the same level.
01:42.14Legorolthat's true
01:42.28Legorolone piece at a time every 3 hours played means 30+ hours for complete gear upgrade
01:42.29TainSo you're still looking to replace things that you might not have found an upgrade for in a couple of levels.
01:42.39AstrylSuppose I have 18 slots worth of armor, due to my extra defense stuff.
01:42.45Legorolyeah i think i see now
01:42.59Legoroli forgot to factor in that 1 upgrade per 3 hours would apply not to the same item but to different ones
01:43.13TainAnd I know when I check the AH if I see something that's substantially worth it a few levels above me I always buy it and bank it.
01:43.21AstrylThat's a full new set of armor every 54 hours.
01:43.28TainOr 10 levels above me for that matter. :)
01:43.36AstrylRight that too, I do do that.
01:43.42AstrylAnyway, i gotta run soon.
01:43.49Legoroli have a last question:
01:43.53Legorolwhat stats to go for with my shammy
01:43.55TainIn fact on my Horde Rogue I'll just scan the AH for all daggers Rare and above, every single time.
01:43.57Legorolso far i found i would like everythign :D
01:44.14AstrylShaman stats... For an enhancement shaman... Hmmm...
01:44.15TainUsually anywhere from 0-3 show up. :(
01:44.24Legoroli think i need more +agi than i have now..
01:44.33Legorolbut i need +int, +sta, +str too
01:44.44Legoroland the +spi is nice for in-fight regen so that i don't have that much downtime
01:44.46AstrylYou don't get attack power bonus from agility, only from strength.
01:44.55Legorol+agi for the crits? or is that stupid
01:45.00Legorolprobably stupid
01:45.10Legorolsince i have flurry
01:45.14AstrylSo unless you wanna go very heavily into agi, in order to crit all the time, stick to str
01:45.17Legorolor whatever it's called
01:45.29Legorolfair enough
01:45.49Legorolwhat about the int/sta/spi balance
01:47.37AstrylSta is always useful... Int is usually useful to a point.
01:48.17AstrylBeing enhanced, you're mainly going to use mana on shocks and totems.
01:48.49AstrylSo a good bit of int won't hurt, but certainly not worth concentrating on.
01:49.20Astryland spirit... If you like to shock every time the cooldown is up, don't get much spr. If you like to shock at the start then melee for the rest of the fight, get spr.
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01:49.51AstrylIn other words... In order, str-sta-int/agi/spr
01:50.02Astrylint/agi/spr are by preference.
01:50.28Legorolok thanks for the advice
01:50.42AstrylSince you're not heavily into a single stat, I'd suggest staying away from 'of stat' gear.
01:51.00AstrylYou may see a nice 'chestpiece of strength', but I'd skip it.
01:51.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Te1 (
01:52.01AstrylJust cause of the higher item point cost of being all in one stat.
01:52.24Astrylie +10str is equal to +7str+7sta
01:52.37Astrylgtg, later
01:57.54CairTom King released his second interface, Elfwood ... details on front page of WoWI
02:00.04KolthHope it was nicer than his last :P
02:00.19Cairmatter of taste
02:01.29KolthWell, his last theme was incomplete.
02:01.37KolthThat, or he just didn't feel like fixing some of the errors.
02:02.02KolthAh, Elfwood does looke pretty nice.
02:02.03Cairif you find errors, post em:
02:07.52Tekkub_I'd like to play with some Elfwood
02:07.59Tekkub_but only if he's a Druid
02:09.24Tekkub_I like better than undead, too bad the Minimap is my only "default" ui element really
02:09.35Tekkub_well there's the gosip panes too
02:18.37KtronVery nice, T.King is good at this... though the bags feel a little busy
02:20.00kergothLegorol: if you're going with an enh shammy, by all means get all the agi you can.  the more you crit, the more you flurry. the more you flurry, the more you hit...
02:21.23LegorolCair, the TKing interfaces are absolutely aweinspiring
02:21.31Cairhe's amazing
02:21.38Legoroli have seen some very nice "total conversion" type stuff with artwork/skins,
02:21.46Legorolbut this is the first thing that is not just someone's private UI
02:22.07Legorolactually the main reason why i am so happy with this is that this is what the UI modding was really meant for:
02:22.11Legorolchanging the interface experience
02:22.19Legorolwe had to wait about 1 year for this type of stuff to start appearing
02:22.29Legoroluntil now, it was all about addons: computer geeks coding functionality into the interface
02:22.41Legorolso i am glad this type of stuff is finally emerging
02:22.53Legorolbig thumbs up
02:23.05AnduinLotharthat's because they require artists and a large time investment
02:23.18CairVanguard's loss is our gain, I'm so very very glad to be working with Tom again
02:23.51Legorolcan you just explain me one thing: what does the "exclusive" bit mean?
02:26.16Beladonait is only on wowi
02:26.38CairONLY the * sites get his UIs
02:26.49Beladonagoing into wow
02:27.00CairIf anyone else is hosting them, they will get their asses sued
02:28.14LegorolCair, i am not sure about this, but i think the install instructions/zip file structure is incorrect
02:28.24Cairno it isn't
02:28.28Legoroli am going to test if it works as per given on the site..
02:28.41AnduinLotharwell, it looks like clad's hook speed testing has merrit. It I disable all my 75 OnUpdate SeaHooks I get +10 fps
02:29.05Cairsorry, go ahead
02:29.35CladhaireAnduin: eh?
02:29.38AnduinLotharI guess I'll be revamming SeaHooks for speed next now that it's fully robust and GC efficient
02:29.54Beladona|Playinggrrr, no one is on alliance side
02:30.13CladhaireAnduin: You don't need to use clearArgs.. thats the lastest I've seen.. its a lot of your speed issues.
02:30.33AnduinLotharpossbily, but not all of them
02:30.44Cladhaireno certainly not.
02:30.46AnduinLothari was just testing it live to see if it was worth it
02:30.48Beladona|Playinghey Cladhaire, I added the file downloads back into wdn
02:30.49Cladhairebut its a linera search through 20 elements.
02:30.54CladhaireBela: thanks.
02:31.12Cladhairemy profiling code up there is old and isn't as accurate..
02:31.16AnduinLotharright. it's not neccissary and looks like it's price is too steep, so i will be removing it
02:31.23Cladhairemy newer results are a bit more drastic.
02:31.24*** join/#wowi-lounge phil_ (
02:31.47AnduinLothar14 fps is much more playable than 4..
02:31.52Cladhairehaha very much so
02:31.58CladhaireI'm very happy with where I've gotten AceHooks
02:32.26AnduinLothardisable VisibilityOptions, BarOptions and MobileMinimapButtons and that's 99% of the OnUpdate hooks
02:32.42AnduinLotharoh and BuffOptiosn
02:32.53Cladhairewhy are you hooking so many onupdates?
02:33.02Cladhaire(onupdates should NEVER be done through a library.. period)
02:33.21Cladhairethe smallest library incurs a 1.7 speed penalty minimum
02:33.28AnduinLotharwell the idea is that the lib should be efficient enough to allow it, obviously it is not
02:33.34CladhaireNo lib will be
02:33.37Cladhaireby nature of the language.
02:33.39AnduinLotharnot perfectly
02:33.45IrielI'm curious to know why anyone would rationally hook an OnUpdate directly.
02:34.07TemIriel: the only time I've ever seen it done rationally is in Timex
02:34.08AnduinLotharyou would have to look at the addons. VisOpts is ludicrous in nature
02:34.26AnduinLotharMMB does is for good reason
02:34.50IrielAnd you need to hook one rather than use your own for that?
02:34.50AnduinLotharVO does it for MouseIsOver... which eats processing time
02:34.59AnduinLothari dont have my own frame
02:35.08IrielMouseIsOver is fairly evil
02:35.09Irielin general
02:35.20AnduinLotharI'm hooking frame scripts of the buttons themselves in MMB
02:35.38CladhaireTem: I never agreed with hooking OnUpdate for Timex instead of having our own.. but thats just personal preference..
02:35.45IrielWell, you should create your own frame
02:35.51AnduinLotharbut if you're not dragging it's onyl change is the hook function plus one if statement
02:36.15Temok seriously... wtf my LUA_PATH is "?;?.lua;E:\LUA\stdlib\?.lua" and requiring something in the same directory is giving an error
02:36.18AnduinLotharno, making my own would be worse
02:36.19IrielBut that's on an ALWAYS VISIBLE frame
02:36.27AnduinLotharit would require an if statement for each frame
02:36.28CairKnown problem with the T.King skins ... if you have the graphics pack from the Blizz UI Customization kit installed, the T.King skins don't show ...
02:36.30IrielOh, I want to hear this.. WHY would that be worse?
02:36.52AnduinLotharbecause it would incurr more execution even if the frame isn't visible
02:37.03AnduinLotharplus i have to check if its visible
02:37.05IrielYou can only drag one button at a time
02:37.16Beladona|Playingpeople keep the UI Costumization files in their game directory?
02:37.36IrielI generally have them around some of the time.
02:37.49AnduinLotharnot in my game dir
02:37.52Beladona|PlayingI always copy them out upon extract
02:37.57LegorolCair: about the TKing skins
02:38.00IrielSo do I, but I COPY them 8-)
02:38.04Legorolthey *are* packaged wrong
02:38.06Legorolyes they do work
02:38.09Cairno, they aren't
02:38.13Legorolbut they install files in unapproved place
02:38.18IrielI'm not always super-vigilant about removing them
02:38.19kergothTain: did you reboot after changing hte env? i dont trust windows :P
02:38.21Legorolthe right place for the files is in the WoW\Interface folder directly
02:38.30Beladona|PlayingI am just anal about stuff like that
02:38.31Legorol*not* in the Data\Interface folder
02:38.38kergothTain: do a print(LUA_PATH) in the interpreter to confirm its what you think it is
02:38.47Legorolwhich is the reason why it conflicts with stuff extracted using the Blizz custom int. tool
02:39.19LegorolBlizzard wants us to put *all* UI modifications in the WoW\Interface folder, including skins
02:39.34Beladona|Playingso why are you telling us
02:39.45Legorolthe correct folder structure is as follows: WoW\Interface\Addons, WoW\Interface\FrameXML, WoW\Interface\BankFrame etc.
02:39.55LegorolBeladona|Playing, i am telling Cair
02:40.05Legoroli am respectfully asking that she reconsiders and repackages
02:40.05Beladona|Playingin the Tking thread
02:40.09Legorolwill do
02:40.10Beladona|PlayingCair isn't the one that fixes it
02:40.12Cairno no
02:40.15Legorolfair enough
02:40.16Cairhang on, it's all good
02:40.19Legoroli will go and post
02:40.21Beladona|Playingjust post as info
02:40.30CairI'm sorting it out more discretely
02:40.54Beladona|PlayingTKing could do with more collaboration from people that have been doing this stuff
02:40.56Legorolthere are reasons why Blizz recommends putting stuff in WoW\interface, one reason is that for an average user you can then tell them to troubleshoot by deleting the interface folder
02:41.00Beladona|Playingnot that he can't figure it out
02:41.01AnduinLotharcladhaire, would you post the 'new' profiling method ur using? perhaps with test functiosn that dont use ... and unpack
02:41.02LegorolBeladona|Playing: sure
02:41.15Legorolso i will go explain it in a post
02:41.58CladhaireANduin: thats the profiler I'm using at the moment.
02:42.09CairOkay, do it that way then
02:42.34Beladona|Playingsorry to counter what you were doing
02:42.54TemI've set my LUA_PATH environment variable but a print(LUA_PATH) gives nil
02:44.21IrielTem: If the global variable LUA_PATH is a string, this string is the path. Otherwise, require tries the environment variable LUA_PATH. As a last resort, it uses the predefined path "?;?.lua".
02:44.31IrielNotice the word 'Otherwise'
02:44.46Legorolok i am confused now
02:44.50Legorolshall i or shall i not post this?
02:45.01Legoroli also just notice dyou already have a post along these lines
02:45.10Beladona|Playingremember, he is a fellow developer
02:45.14Beladona|Playingpost as such
02:45.14Cairnot *quite* the same thing
02:45.32Temwell then why is my current environment variable failing to find files in the current directory?  "?;?.lua;E:\LUA\stdlib\?.lua"
02:45.41Cairyou can add yours as a supplement to mine, if you want
02:45.45Cairor separately
02:46.07IrielWhat is your 'require' statement?
02:46.11Beladona|Playingdidn't Tom say Tem or someone was helping him?
02:46.13IrielAnd what is your file called?
02:46.24Beladona|Playingthats right
02:46.40Cairand there seems to be some confusion there atm, that they need to sort out
02:47.08AnduinLotharVisoptiosn is rather evil. because of it's counter on all the frames it hooks it drops about 2 fps then spikes every so often and drops 6
02:47.20Temrequire "devtools"
02:47.30Temand devtools.lua is in the current directory
02:47.54CladhaireAnduin: what does Visopt do?
02:48.25AnduinLotharoffers you about 20 different options for every frame it can think off
02:48.59IrielTem: (1) Does your code change directory anywhere (2) did you remember to export the environment variable (Assuming you're on unix)
02:49.05Cladhaireanyplace i can look at it.. i'd love to see why you need to hook the updates
02:49.11AnduinLotharalpha, hide, always show, hide until moused over, mouse over display on delay...
02:49.43TemIriel: I'm not even doing it in code atm; I'm using iteractive mode
02:49.49TemIriel: I'm on windows
02:49.51CladhaireCan't you just hook the scripts for that... instead of monitoring with OnUpdate?
02:49.54AnduinLotharthe visible on mouse over can only be achieved with OnUpdate + MouseIsOver
02:50.20AnduinLotharbecause if the frame is hiden the mouse OnEnter and OnLeave dont fire
02:50.27Cladhairethese are the last profiles I've run
02:50.28CladhairePROFILE: Timing for NewHooks took 11.44 seconds (0.04576 average) with 48750 KiB of memory usage
02:50.28CladhairePROFILE: Timing for Standard took 7.735 seconds (0.03094 average) with 48750 KiB of memory usage
02:50.28CladhairePROFILE: Timing for SeaHooks took 105.051 seconds (0.420204 average) with 49250 KiB of memory usage
02:50.34AnduinLotharand if it's alpha is 0 you cant click through it
02:50.43MalivilCan someone please look at my code and see if they can figure out why the if else statement on the bottom is not working? I tried everything i could think of...
02:51.10Beladona|Playingwhat error are you getting, if any?
02:51.14MalivilNo error
02:51.21MalivilBut it supposed to disable the sound
02:51.25Malivilor the message one at a time
02:51.29Nomad_WandererYou need to add debug to your code
02:51.31MalivilBut when i do the command it shuts off both
02:51.34Nomad_Wandererso you know what is happening
02:51.42IrielYour first and 2nd clauses are identical
02:51.55Beladona|Playingbeat me to it
02:51.55CladhaireASAs and ASAm
02:51.59Cladhairethere is a difference.
02:52.02Plorkyeran[Away]couldn't you just set alpha to 0 and disable enablemouse to not catch clicks?
02:52.05MalivilASAs is the sound
02:52.07IrielOh.. there is..
02:52.10Maliviland ASAm is the message
02:52.11IrielHorrible naming convention
02:52.25MalivilWasn't meant to have anyone else look at it, lol
02:52.43Beladona|Playingcode should always be meant as if someone else might look at it
02:52.44Malivilwant me to change it?
02:52.50CladhaireSelf documenting code helps other people learn =)
02:52.50Beladona|Playingthat keeps me honest
02:53.04MalivilWell, i'm sitll learning myself
02:53.11AnduinLotharif you disable the mouse you disable the OnEnter and OnLeave. we've been over this
02:53.14LegorolCould someone please read and tell me if the language is ok?
02:53.18IrielWell, as far as I can tell it'd never reach the last piece
02:53.22Legoroli will edit the post if you think it's worded wrong
02:53.26IrielBecause ASA.on can be 1 or 0
02:53.38IrielOh, I see, ignore me
02:53.59Nomad_WandererThis is weird too "elseif ( ASA.on == 0 ) then else" usually you put something in the middle of then and else :)
02:54.10IrielThis is presumably when ASA.on is 1, and BOTH ASAs.on and ASAm.on are true?
02:54.15Cairnicely worded Legorol, thank you
02:54.48MalivilNomad, that supposed ot be do nothing if ASA is false
02:55.04IrielWhy you dont just have 2 if's is a bit of a mystery
02:55.09*** part/#wowi-lounge Tem (
02:55.10Beladona|Playingcan't you combine ASA_Parse and ASA_OnEvent
02:55.17MalivilIf ASA == 1 and ASAs == 0 then only do message
02:55.19Beladona|Playingthey both react to events
02:55.25MalivilIf ASA == 1 and ASAm == 0 then only do sound
02:55.30MalivilIf ASA == 0 then do neither
02:55.32Malivilelse do both
02:55.44MalivilIts for organiztion beladona
02:56.06Beladona|Playingjust didn't see a need for two namespaces for something that can use one
02:57.39MalivilI changed ASAs to ASAsound
02:57.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (
02:57.41Maliviland ASAm
02:57.42Nomad_WandererAdd debug see where your code is going.
02:57.44Malivilto ASAmessage
02:58.40LegorolCair, I also have problems with the Licence Agreement that comes with the TKing skins
02:59.02Cairserious question, what is your objection?
02:59.02IrielI think the question is "why ASA.on ASAsound.on and ASAmessage.on" not "ASA.on ASA.soundOn ASA.messageOn"
02:59.04Beladona|Playingthere are a few things that are redundant in lines 20-30
02:59.10LegorolMy interpretation of the licence is that i am not allowed to copy it over to my friends' machines from my machine, but i have to redownload a separate copy to those machines from wowi site
02:59.58Beladona|Playingwait wrong lines, hold on
02:59.58Cair*technically*, correct
02:59.58Cairreality, gimme a break
02:59.58Legoroli also am not permitted to let anyone else using my machine to play WoW with this skin installed
02:59.58Beladona|Playingugh, I saw it, missed it, and now can't find it again
02:59.59Cairagain, *technically* correct
02:59.59Legorolof course i am giving reality a break here ;-)
03:00.01CladhaireLegorol: then like every other EULA, you can choose not to use it.
03:00.03Cairand again, gimme a break ;)
03:00.17Legoroli am talking unrealistically here
03:00.38CodayusLegorol: Aren't you in Europe anyhow?
03:00.42Legorolfinally, and this one is just to add a funny touch:
03:00.43Cairthe real purpose behind it is to warn you that if you start distributing it all over the place, we can sue your ass, because it's exclusive to our sites
03:00.45Beladona|Playingok, lines 143 - 165
03:00.59Legorolit's only allowed for "internal use"... does it mean i have to ingest it and am not allowed to apply it on my skin?
03:00.59Beladona|Playingyour first if sets ASA.on to 1
03:01.13Beladona|Playinghold on
03:01.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (n=Guilloti@
03:01.22Legorolof course Cair, i do understand the licence's purpose ;-)
03:01.35purlguillotine is probably really cool. And he makes avatars
03:01.40Legoroloh and i forgot the "binary executable" bit..
03:01.47Guillotine~emulate me
03:01.49purlwoohoo! spoofing links is fun!
03:01.50Legorolexecutable binary? scary...
03:01.51Cairso do you *actually* have a problem with it, or are you just being a pita?
03:02.03Beladona|Playingkeep going Malivil
03:02.05Legoroltake a guess, it's 3am, i had little sleep and am bored..
03:02.06Guillotinehey cair, i posted a work around for your problem
03:02.07Beladona|PlayingI am lost in your code
03:02.09CairI'm going with option b
03:02.22Legorolok i apologise for wasting your time :( i'm sorry
03:03.15LegorolOn an actually serious note though:
03:03.16CodayusJust got home and finally got a chance to look at the theme.  The minimap frame in particular is nice...
03:03.23Legorolare the skins really Copyright OGaming?
03:03.31Legorolor does Tom own the rights to them
03:03.41Legorolhas he ever released the rights to the skins to Ogaming?
03:04.03Beladona|Playinganyone gonna log into wow and go alliance with me?
03:04.13Beladona|Playingtis very lonely
03:04.24LegorolCodayus: yes i'm in Europe, the licence agreement still binds me too
03:04.25MalivilOk, i re-wrote my code a little bit
03:04.33Guillotinebeladona: ill go on for a bit
03:04.37Guillotineon Draka, right?
03:04.49Beladona|Playingyup, Northshire
03:04.58CodayusBeladona|Playing: Tempted, but I should probably study for a final I have tomorrow...
03:05.10LegorolBeladona|Playing: very tempting, probably should be sleeping..
03:05.35CairLeg, you aren't wasting our time, and yes these particular skins belong to OGaming, he is creating them under contract to OG
03:05.50Beladona|PlayingMalivil, not to be a pain, but would you mind using
03:06.01Legorolall righty
03:06.02Beladona|Playingwe can reply with changes and additions that way
03:06.17Legoroli thought that bit might actually be from an error due to just copy/pasting a standard text
03:06.41CairTom has a contract with OG to provide custom UI skins for all the sites run by *
03:06.46Malivilalright, ill do that
03:07.30Cairand that is going to sit a few people in the gaming industry  on their ears :p
03:08.18Caira certain company that shall remain nameless in this channel really screwed the pooch on this one
03:08.34Beladona|Playinglike we don't know
03:08.51Cairoh, in more ways than just one Bela
03:08.57Cairbut I'm*not* getting into it
03:10.27Maliviloops, found a problem
03:11.20ScytheBlade1Random question: is there a multi-line comment in lua?
03:11.48ScytheBlade1Ah, cool
03:12.01Beladonadon't need the last 2 dashes I don't believe
03:12.12ScytheBlade1Eh, can't really hurt
03:12.24ScytheBlade1I'm not prone to programming that badly to the point where it would matter ;)
03:13.35MalivilNo, you dont't need the last 2 dashes
03:13.45MalivilBut i put them there because it includes that line of code
03:13.55Legorolyou don't need the last 2 dashes, and it can matter, so don't include it ;-)
03:14.02Beladonaword to the wise
03:14.26Beladonatable.key = 1, is the same as table = {[key] = 1;}; long as I don't have code on the end of that line, post the ]]-- and pre the
03:14.38LegorolBeladona: careful
03:14.41ScytheBlade1\n (stupid enter), it won't matter, right?
03:14.53Legoroltable.key = 1 is same as table = {["key"] = 1;};
03:14.56CladhaireBela: not exactly.. table.key is the same as table = {["key"] = 1;};
03:15.03CladhaireDamn.. beat me to it =)
03:15.09Beladonayeah I meant to say that
03:15.11Nomad_W|Sleepclose table.key is the same as table = {["key"] = 1;};
03:15.15Legoroltable[key] = 1 is the same as table = {[key] = 1;};
03:15.18Nomad_W|SleepDAMNIT you all type to fast.
03:15.18Beladonamy god!
03:15.45Malivilso that part is redundant?
03:15.49Malivilok, thanks
03:15.57Beladonaand your code is strewn with it
03:16.02Nomad_W|SleepPurl, redundant?
03:16.03purli heard redundant is found at the Department of Redundancy Department
03:16.06MalivilYea, because i thought they were different
03:16.07Legoroli hated it at the time, but since have grown to love it
03:16.21Legoroli can't be thankful enough to my school that forced me to learn touchtyping at a young age
03:18.29BeladonaI posted some tweaks to your code Malivil
03:21.56Irielmsg tem it's 'only' 23", but it's very nice.. HP L2335
03:22.52Irielheh, MT, but the recipient got it anyway 8-)
03:23.05IrielOk, i'm fed up of work so i'm going home.
03:23.13Cair*hugs Iriel*
03:23.14Cairlater hun
03:24.36TemAnyone know of a way to propagate environment variable changes in windows without a relog?
03:25.08Beladonawindows xp?
03:25.13Beladonashould be immediate
03:25.17Temyeah well it's not
03:25.19Beladonahow did you set them?
03:25.23Temvia the gui
03:25.33Tembecause I think I'm using the wrong syntax with set
03:25.47Endrestart the application or whatever
03:25.59Beladonayeah did you close and reopen the app?
03:26.14Endif you set via gui, and are using dos prompt, restart the dos prompt
03:26.19TemI guess the command line counts as an app
03:27.09Temyep, that did it lol
03:27.22TemI feel so dumb
03:27.42BeladonaEinstien has problems tying his shoes
03:33.08*** join/#wowi-lounge malreth (
03:34.14TemAnd that's when I said "malreth" is such a noob
03:34.19Temoh damnit!
03:34.33malrethU_U *sob*
03:34.54Guillotine:0 cair, malreth just called you a "sob"
03:34.59Guillotinesee ^
03:35.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphon (
03:35.16Gryphenono i esceared of teh rawr! i need a huggle.
03:35.16Cairthat's not very nice, my mom isn't a bitch, and I'm not a son
03:35.24Guillotineyaaaa malreth
03:35.40Guillotinewhat about me? :')
03:35.42malrethif i wanted abuse like this, i'd call my mom
03:36.04Guillotinesorry, but friendly abuse is a mandatory part of this channel
03:36.15Cairyup yup
03:36.16malrethit's like that everywhere
03:36.23Guillotineif you can't handle the heat,
03:36.26Guillotineget a fire extinguisher
03:36.28MalivilI haven't been friendily abused
03:36.38MalivilOnly... abused
03:36.48MalivilBut it was sorta my fault ,so whatever
03:37.11malreth~/o i'm gonna cook ya little chicken o/~
03:37.48MalivilThere we go
03:39.01Cairnight Malvil|Sleeping
03:39.10Malivil|SleepingI can spell my own name, i swear
03:39.14malrethslouken keeps adding stuff to 1.9. i somehow don't think it's gonna be released tomorrow
03:39.20Malivil|SleepingIt isn't
03:39.22Malivil|Sleeping1.8.4 is
03:39.47Malivil|Sleepingok, im leaving
03:39.48malrethah... well, that would confirm that suspicion
03:40.06TemIs Gryphen a bot?
03:40.22Cairyes and no
03:40.46Guillotinebasically, he has certain commands
03:40.49Gryphonguess my comp at work didnt shut down when i left
03:40.50Guillotinelike responding to rawr
03:41.01CairGryp has some things botted, but is an actual person as ell
03:41.14malrethoh, paladin talents... oh wait, i didn't care
03:43.08LegorolNE skin is very nice :-)
03:43.22Legoroland i am talking about the TKing mod, you pervy little scums...
03:43.35Cairthat too
03:43.42Plorkyeran[Away]it almost makes me wish I had anything it changes
03:43.54Legorolcharacter sheet, quest log?
03:43.59Cairyou don't have a single window that is default?
03:44.13Plorkyeran[Away]char sheet I guess, but I almost never look at that
03:44.20Legorolbank, auction frame?
03:44.38Plorkyeran[Away]bank no, auction yes
03:44.50Legorolmail frame
03:45.50Legorolyou know, i'm surprised we can change image files in Interface\Glues
03:45.56Legoroli'm wondering if this could be exploited..
03:46.10Guillotinehow so?
03:46.20Legorolnot sure yet..
03:46.32Legorolmaybe change the textures of UI elements so that the password and login box get confused somehow?
03:46.44Legorolif you happen to be standing behind someone they might type password in wrong box and you can read it...
03:46.49Legoroljust a conspiracy theory :-)
03:46.52Guillotinenot really...
03:47.00Legorolprolly not, is it..
04:00.57LegorolHmm... from the ToU: "Corporations, Limited Liability Companies, partnerships, or any other form of legal entity other than that of a "natural person" may not establish an account, and by accepting this Agreement, you hereby represent and warrant that you meet these eligibility requirements."
04:01.30Legorolban any gold selling companies that own accounts ;-)
04:02.15Beladonathat isn't how they work
04:02.38Beladonathe gold farmers are considered "contracted" by the corporation selling it
04:02.49Beladonatherefore it is an individual, not the company owning the account
04:03.13zeegoh em gee
04:03.15zeegi just almost died
04:03.16Legorolas long as the farmer establishes an account in his own name using his own credit card, that's true
04:03.23Legorolzeeg: ingame or RL?
04:03.28zeegwent into a ditch
04:03.31Legorolthat is scary
04:03.31zeegthe roads are so icy here
04:03.33Cairyou okay?
04:03.33zeegwe almost hit a deer
04:03.35zeeg(a pack of deers)
04:04.42Cairhow bad is the car?
04:06.20Cairand where are you, anyway?
04:07.38zeegcars somewhat fine, i think something happened w/ the front axle or something
04:07.42zeegcuz it was driving funny the rest of the way
04:08.01kergoth"What do we want?" "Fry's dog!!"  "When do we want it?" "Fry's dog!!"
04:08.04kergothyay futurama
04:10.10TainCan't get good help these days.
04:11.31Cair*bonk Tain*
04:21.20*** join/#wowi-lounge KManh (i=kmdnak@
04:21.52OsagasuSO has anyone played their characters yet? :P
04:21.53Cairhi KManh
04:22.05BeladonaCair and I are playing right now
04:22.27KManhis it possible to make those 3d unit models round?
04:22.47KManhim trying to replace the default pictures for me and targets with animated models
04:24.45Cairyes, there is, trying to remember where I saw the post ...
04:25.48malrethi haven't played around with textures much with xml but might it be possible to use a mask?
04:26.20KManhthats what i was thinking if its not possible to make the viewport thing rounded
04:27.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine_ (n=Guilloti@
04:31.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
04:32.28Cairwb Iriel
04:32.43Beladonatime to play durnit!
04:33.23malrethtime to play... good idea...
04:34.53IrielPlay? is this a summons to the <RFS> and/or <LOD> ?
04:37.08IrielCan you ginvite Iriel, before I bring Lua on?
04:37.15Cairsure, which side?
04:37.28Cairnm, duh
04:41.49*** join/#wowi-lounge slouken (
04:42.01KaeltenHiya guys
04:42.12TainHey kael
04:42.25TainHey did anyone tell slouken what our guildnames ended up being?
04:42.26Kaeltenhey slouken
04:42.39TemI think he was here when we "voted"
04:42.58Temwell then ended up as "RegisterForSave" and "LoadOnDemand"
04:43.16TemI had to settle for a shaman named "Crasher" in RegisterForSave
04:43.23Cairit's posted, I'm sure he's seen anyway
04:43.27Cairand hi Sloluken
04:43.35Tem(I'm still scared of LoD stuff...)
04:43.47Beladonawe have quite a few members named after functions, etc...
04:43.55Guillotine_no i didnt
04:44.49TainI'm still waiting for something to crash because of someone's name being the same as a function.
04:44.56Guillotinei tried
04:44.57Guillotineit doesnt work
04:45.10TainI'm still a teeny bit surprised I was able to create a character named 'Nil'
04:45.15Guillotinei have gcinfo and getfenv
04:45.24Guillotineneither crashed anything
04:46.14IrielI created one called Tem and then I got a critical error
04:46.23Temhah, beet you to it
04:46.37TemI made a new "Tem" to post with on the forums
04:46.40IrielBy the way, someone needs to make us some logos so I can make a UI developers logo pack for Arcadia Logos
04:46.49Temoh yeah, that's such a cool mod
04:47.43IrielI was made up at Blizzcon when I found out that Gabe and Tycho use it
04:48.19Tem"made up"?
04:48.36Iriel"very happy"
04:48.38IrielMust be a brit thing
04:48.43Temyeah, must be
04:49.17kergothPeter: *turns on a police radio*  Brian: *walks in, hears it* Is it me, or is rap getting lazier?
04:52.40TainHey Maureen Dowd is kinda cute.
04:56.17Guillotinettyl guys
04:57.45Temyay I finally got the formatting on my raid signup  thing working
04:59.28KolthRaid signup thing?
04:59.51Temnot really
05:00.03Temit just turns a table in a file into a phpbb formatted list
05:00.23TemI did it in lua as an exercise in using the io library
05:00.27Temand because I'm a lazy officer
05:01.52Kaeltenerr.... doesn't make sense
05:02.15pagefaultdueling for life
05:02.20pagefaultdueling is fun as heck
05:02.51TemLewis Black
05:02.59Kaeltenok, why would hooking PickupContainerItem break KCAR
05:03.21*** part/#wowi-lounge Cair (
05:03.22Tembecause the container functions were written while drunk?
05:03.36Kaeltenwell that makes about as much sense as anything else.
05:04.10*** part/#wowi-lounge Beladona (
05:04.21Kaeltenbasically CT_ExpenseHistory and Pi's Warrior Tools both hook it and in doing so somehow prevents me from being able to repair inventory items
05:05.15Kaeltenanyone have any idea?
05:08.33IrielDoes it return something?
05:08.42IrielOr have more args than the hook passes
05:09.00Kaeltenhere is pi's hook
05:09.02Kaeltenlocal Warrior_PickedupItem = nil
05:09.02Kaeltenlocal Warrior_Save_PickupContainerItem = PickupContainerItem
05:09.02KaeltenPickupContainerItem = function (bag,slot)
05:09.02KaeltenWarrior_PickedupItem = { }
05:09.03KaeltenWarrior_PickedupItem.bag = bag
05:09.03KaeltenWarrior_PickedupItem.slot = slot
05:09.05Kaeltenreturn Warrior_Save_PickupContainerItem(bag,slot)
05:09.09Kaeltensorry for the spam
05:09.13Kaeltendoes any of that look add to anyone?
05:11.34IrielDoesn't look odd to me
05:13.47Kaeltenme either
05:14.02Kaeltenbut for some reason it stops the thing from repairing
05:14.08Irieland removing that one hook fixes it?
05:15.14Kaeltenuser tells me that turning off that addon fixes it
05:15.51KaeltenCT_EH has a innocent hook too, but he says that was causing issues as well.
05:17.00Kaeltenall I do is enter repair mode, pick up all damaged items and exit repair mode.
05:19.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Cair (
05:19.29*** mode/#WoWI-lounge [+o Cair] by ChanServ
05:26.54Cairit's okay, I'm the one that needs to apologize
05:28.38Temsince lua is a scripting language that is normally embeded, there isn't a way to compile it into an exe is there?
05:29.12*** join/#wowi-lounge malreth (
05:30.23IrielI dont believe so, though in theory you could probably make a lua interpreter and the code all bundled into one exe
05:30.34Legorolyou can distribute the Lua.exe interpreter with it
05:30.45Legoroland if you want to obfuscate your code, you can first pass it through Luac, the lua compiler
05:30.53Legorolthat generates Lua bytecode from the source
05:30.59Legorolthe interpreter can runt hat too
05:31.18Temoh, I don't care about that
05:31.29TemI just want my user to be able to run it without any trouble
05:31.37Legorolthen best solution is: Lua.exe+*.lua in one zip
05:31.50Legorolmaybe with a readme saying run it with "Lua main.lua"
05:32.22LegorolYou know, now that i come to think about it, the Lua interpreter is the smallest i have ever seen in terms of a run-time environment for an interpreted programming language
05:32.23Temyeah, I can explain it to them
05:32.33Tembut an exe would be simplest
05:32.40Temoh well.. not that big of a deal
05:32.44Legoroltake the Lua source,
05:32.54Legoroladd your Lua code as a string or some sort of data,
05:32.57Legoroland recompile the exe
05:33.13Legorolit shouldn't be too hard to change the interpreter to load the data instead of the files specified as arguments
05:33.48Temwow.. way more work than is needed
05:34.05Tembut an interesting idea for when I'm bored
05:34.37*** join/#wowi-lounge RedcXe (
05:36.37LegorolTem, what about creating a self-extracting archive using e.g. winzip which runs "Lua main.lua" when completed extraction?
05:36.49Legorolyou should be able to make selfextracting archives that run a command on completion
05:40.30KtronHey, has anyone asked for animated graphics support yet?
05:40.46Ktronlike, animated gif support
05:41.17Irielanimated graphics where?
05:41.35Ktronas textures, frame decorations etc.
05:41.46KtronOr is it already possible?
05:41.50IrielYou can simulate them with texture flipping or texture coord changing
05:42.08malrethi think you could use an OnUpdate handler to change a texture
05:42.37IrielIt'd be visually distracting if overdone tho
05:42.41Ktronhow often does OnUpdate fire?
05:42.45malrethonce per frame
05:43.12Ktronhm... it sounds like an interesting project anyway
05:43.17malrethand it gets passed an argument of the number of seconds that have passed since the last frame
05:43.39malreththe number is usually fractional... unless you're running WoW on my computer
05:45.31malrethanyways, with the elapsed time and a constant for your frames per second, you can do smooth animation, skipping frames as necessary whenever the game lags on slower systems
05:49.57Ktronyeah, you're right... a little more complicated than supporting gifs, but decent... what about a way tp specify different transparencies for different parts of a texture?
05:50.25malreth.blps and .tgas have alpha channels
05:50.38malreth8-bit transparency
05:50.50malrethor something like that
05:50.52Ktronso you can have various levels of transparency in one tga?
05:50.55*** join/#wowi-lounge kremonte (
05:51.05KtronI thought only pngs, psds, and xcfs did that
05:51.11Ktronaight, thanks malreth
05:51.46malreththe Targa image format is mighty
05:52.32kremontehow do you iterate a for-loop through a table? for i in tablename do ?
05:52.44malrethfor k,v in tablename do
05:52.49kremonteah thanks
05:53.00malrethor, more correct... for k,v in pairs(tablename) do
05:53.14kremontewhat would pairs change?
05:53.18Irielfor i in tablename do actually works also, as does for i in pairs(tablename) do or for i in ipairs(tablename) do
05:53.19malrethreplace pairs with ipairs if the table is an array instead of a dictionary
05:53.31Cairwell, we had animated graphics in EQ, I see no reason why WoW couldn't do it
05:53.43malrethdepends if he wanted to loop over the keys or the values in the table
05:53.49Irielpairs is 'proper' usage, the for k,v in tableName do syntax is deprecated
05:54.53malreththey compile to different opcodes, though... *boggle*
05:56.59IrielSupposedly in 5.1 the non-pairs variant is gone.
05:57.02*** join/#wowi-lounge futrtrubl (
05:57.52futrtrublevening. or for those of you elsewhere, good morning
05:58.33IrielHm.. new events.. Interesting. PARTY_MEMBER_ENABLE PARTY_MEMBER_DISABLE
05:59.21malrethoh... i hope there's a way to shut people up in a group
05:59.44malreththat'll teach those lv 40 druids from telling me how to play *my* class
05:59.49malrethbap... disabled
06:01.21malrethi'm dreaming
06:02.22malrethi'm also distracted by the new George Foreman grill... Five in one? That's *not* possible!
06:02.38IrielI've only HEARD that commercial, but it was bad even then
06:03.24malreththere's a heavy feeling on my chest, above my heart, left from that commercial. oh, my left shoulder is sore and tingling. why am i sweating?
06:04.52IrielCall 911.. Or toll-free and order YOUR new George Foreman grill TODAY!
06:06.38Ktron I'm trying to write a function (like php's explode) to break apart a string str using the separator character sep, storing each new string in the table broken, and return it... Can anyone tell me if this looks right?
06:06.59malreththere was a thread that I just posted on...
06:07.02KolthKtron: Check Sea, I think it has that function.
06:07.43LegorolKtron: it's worth writing it yourself, just to learn how to use it,
06:08.05Legorolbut i have to warn you that your implementation is likely to be very inefficient and generate a lot of garbage (impacting WoW performance) at first
06:08.23LegorolSea does have an advanced (albeit complicated) example of how to do it with minimal performance impact
06:09.47KtronLegorol: I'll download Sea and look, End's link also looks good, though I'm not sure if that has as little impact... Heh, believe it or not, I took some math courses in minimizing overhead in C/C++, so I may have some clue about what I shouldn't do
06:09.49malrethi cry when i look at that implode function on that page
06:10.03IrielNote that if you're writingit for parsing slash command args, dont worry about performance overly
06:10.28Irielthe slash command parser itself will almost certainly have significantly more overhead than your code
06:10.30KtronIriel: yep, right now its just to parse slash commands
06:10.37LegorolKtron: i do think you should think about how to make yours work
06:10.40Legorolit's a good exercise
06:10.44Legorolbtw, your code has some flaws :(
06:10.55Legorolfirst of all, you never define variables k and plain
06:11.08futrtrublWoWI guild officers on?
06:11.09Legorolalso, you are using broken as a table, but you never initialize it
06:11.10Ktronplain isn't a variable
06:11.18Legorolyou need something like broken = {} before the loop
06:11.27Legorolplain *is* a variable, the way you are using it
06:11.33Legorolyou misunderstood the Lua manual, i think
06:11.43malrethif you're separating on spaces there's a thread on the forums for just this thing
06:11.44Legorolwhere it says "plain" in the argument, you are supposed to have something that is true or false
06:12.00IrielCool! We DID get GetFont in the Dec 4 test server patch
06:12.10Legorolthis argument is called plain so that the manualit tells you what i
06:12.37Legorolright, that's better
06:12.45Legorolbut since the 3rd and 4th args to find are optional,
06:12.48Legorolyou might as well leave them off
06:12.54Legorolyou are using the default values after all
06:12.57Ktronheh, it's weird coding 1/3 C, 1/3 PHP and 1/3 who knows what
06:13.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Ratbert_CP (
06:13.23malrethNotdead's reply has something to look at
06:13.38Legoroland the last problem is your use of j in string.sub
06:13.55malrethit can be done using an iterator. no explicit loop
06:13.56Legorolthe way you have written it, string.sub(str,1,j) will put the first segment+separator into broken[i]
06:14.08Legorolmalreth, these are all good links
06:14.10IrielLegorol : Why on earth does Sea use Sea.math.hexFromInt instead of using format and %x ?
06:14.14Legorolit is worth for Ktron to think about his own code
06:14.22LegorolIriel, no idea
06:14.26IrielAnd use a bunch of concatenations instead of a single printf
06:14.30Legorolcould it be performance reasons?
06:14.39Legoroldunno then
06:14.42Legorolprobably could improve a lot of Sea
06:14.55Legorolit's very ancient, some bits are from times when noone knew Lua ;-)
06:15.03Legoroli thinkt hat the use of format wasn't well understood at the time
06:15.47IrielGiven how much some of the sea people seem to claim they understand GC, i'm fairly surprised at how little format is used
06:16.19KtronLegorol: looked better?
06:16.28Legorolyep, that should work
06:16.40LegorolIriel, you are probably absolutely right
06:16.48Legorolany new stuff we add is based on the knowledge we have
06:17.01Legoroland old stuff gets rewritten, albeit very slowly
06:17.33Legoroli think with Sea at the moment it's "if it works, don't touch it"
06:17.45Legorolsince it's used in so many places and is a proven stable library
06:17.52malrethwhile (j = string.find(str,sep)) do <-- does that work?
06:17.53Legorolthat is no excuse for having bad code of course
06:18.00Legorolof course ;-)
06:18.05Legorolmaybe not
06:18.15Cairand the last time you guys messed with it, it got completely and utterly fucked up? :p *tease*
06:18.27malrethmy lua interpreter complained on it
06:18.50malreththat works in C/C++
06:18.52malrethbut not lua
06:19.08malreththere are many times that I really want that to work, but it doesn't
06:19.14Plorkyeran[Away]it's kind of hard to claim there aren't problems with your code when you're afraid to try to clean it up
06:19.58LegorolMalivil|Sleeping you are write, that's not valid code
06:20.06Legoroli meant malreth
06:20.18LegorolPlorkyeran[Away], i think you misunderstood
06:20.26Legoroli never said the code is problem free in performance sense
06:20.32Legoroland noone is afraid but simply lazy
06:20.47Legorolit is problem free in stability sense, for the most part
06:21.39Ktron it seems to complain about this line... does LUA not like having assignment as a condition?
06:21.52malrethscroll up, ktron
06:21.55IrielKtron : Correct, you can't do the old C/C++/java trick
06:22.22Ktronyeah, I see it, you caught it malreth
06:22.32Ktronheh, damn
06:22.35malrethassignment doesn't return a value
06:22.57malrethso assignment and the expression evaluation must be done separately
06:23.29Irielif it's a local variable there's no "cost" to doing them separately
06:24.50Ktron alright, another version... heh, I think the most vicious part of lua is that it isn't c or php, but it looks like it
06:26.30Ktrontable.insert definitely makes sense, I can use that
06:29.53KtronAlright, cleaned up further: -- Are j ~= nil comparisons legal?
06:30.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Ghent (
06:30.21malrethyes, and totally unnecessary
06:30.34malrethjust do "while (j)"
06:30.45Ktronheh, I was just going to say that
06:32.22Ktronso the only real things left I could do, is I could rewrite to keep track of the 'back' of the string, and just by storing an extra integer I could save on string.sub a cycle, which probably is worth it, but the other example makes me curious about gsub, so maybe I'll look at that
06:33.02malrethI'd recommend reading the Programming in Lua book... I think chapter 7 does iterators
06:33.26KtronIs it online? or is this a library/paperback thing?
06:33.42malrethif you don't know closures, start there, then move on to iterators
06:33.50malrethit's all online... it's great!
06:34.25KtronThis looks like better reading than the LUA manual itself heh
06:34.40KtronAlright, that'll keep me busy for a while
06:35.08malrethif you've ever done lamba calculus or stared at Lisp/Scheme, then it's easy to pick up
06:35.59Ktronthanks malreth, heh, I'll give you a special sneak peek of my first real addon when its nearing completion... lambda calculus as in linear algebra?
06:36.03malrethlamba calculus is the math of italian four-legged farm animals
06:36.04Ktronor numerical methods?
06:36.55malrethi dunno... i couldn't stand computer science... i'm actually really dumb
06:37.02CairKaelten: you still there?
06:37.54Ktronmalreth: heh, I'm a math major with a hobby of programming and a hobby of WoW... thought it was well past time that I started integrating them better
06:38.28malrethooh... the lady beckons... i go now. she commands and i obey.
06:38.48Ktronheh, after Iriel tricked WoW into allowing circular indicators, I concluded that I need to show off that I could be mildly clever anyway, if not that clever
06:38.59Ktronmalreth: later malreth
06:39.06malrethwell, programming is a great hobby for math-people
06:39.17malrethcomputer science, specifically...
06:39.18Cairlater malreth
06:39.32malrethanyways... catch you all later
06:39.35Ktronyeah, we use it enough
06:39.44Ktronpurl, wave malreth
06:39.46purlBye, malreth
06:44.22Osagasug'night guys
06:44.41Osagasuas one final note, as I told Cair:
06:45.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Depherios (n=Depherio@
06:45.50OsagasuDraka is both the luckiest and unluckiest shard in all of WoW
06:46.45OsagasuThey're unlucky because the UI Community (as a whole) is stuck up, over-achieving, proud, obnoxious, and stuck up in some regards.
06:47.17Depherioswe're smart though!
06:47.27OsagasuBut they're lucky because once word gets out that those are the guilds for an interface site, the entire damn server will have its own geek squad.
06:47.40Depheriosanother Dark Iron?
06:48.00Depheriosthey're also lucky because anybody asking a macro question in general will get answered XD
06:48.15Osagasuand they have PA /CAD
06:48.36CairDepherios: Dark Iron? that a major geek server?
06:48.39IrielI've updated the API changes thread again for yesterday's PTR build
06:50.20Cairthanks Iriel :)
06:51.05IrielAnd I've restoerd the 1.9 pending cahnges thread after accidently messing up the first post - WoWI is out of date too, so you'll want to grab it 8-)
06:51.23Cairdanke bien
07:06.10Cairupdated at WoWI
07:06.46kergoth~emulate chris
07:06.47purlIt's partially an expression of my teenage angst...but mostly, it's a moo cow!
07:08.09IrielOoh, patch 1.8.4 tomorrow
07:08.22IrielAnd I see they finally posted the pally talents
07:08.26Irieltook them long enough
07:08.27Ktronyep and yep
07:10.33futrtrublCair, any officers for the Alliance WoWI guild on?
07:10.42Cairyup, I'm on right now
07:10.46Cairas Cairenn
07:10.50Cairjust send me a tell
07:11.17futrtrublI'm Charcoal if you could invite me please, with suger AND cherries on top
07:11.33Depheriosand I'm the only Hordie on *sigh* XD
07:11.52Cairsorry =/
07:12.00DepheriosI'm used to it on other servers XD
07:12.07Depheriosall my friends 'cept a few play allies
07:12.08KtronI made a character on the Alliance and Horde sides of draka earlier, but no one was on
07:12.26CairWell, I'm on now Ktron, I can guild on both sides
07:12.40Cairif you want to pop on, tht is
07:12.59KtronI'm debating, or whether I'll roll my shaman on Lightninghoof more
07:14.16KtronYeah, I'll be on in a moment on the alliance side
07:15.55sarf|sleepDraka => US server?
07:16.06Cairaye, sorry sarf =/
07:16.59Cairif I could figure out some way to make it so we could *all* be on the same servers, I'd do it in a heartbeat
07:22.47futrtrubldamn this texture
07:22.52sarf|breakfastSame thing that made our guild a bit sad :/
07:23.59Cairif they'd ever get the wholetransfer thing figured out
07:24.38KtronCair, T.King say anything about his plans with themes? like if he's doing one per race, or anything about his next?
07:25.24Kaeltennight everyone
07:26.57Caireasier to let him answer you :)
07:27.00Ktronnice, thanks a bunch
07:27.16Cairin short, yes ;)
07:27.25KolthHas anyone here used SCT's custom_events config to do some extra events?
07:27.44Cairnot I
07:28.03KolthI tried to set some up but I think my patterns are just wrong.
07:28.09IrielYay, all is well in the world, I found a SimpleHTML bug in 1.9
07:28.23IrielI was beginning to get a bit too comfortable
07:29.40IrielOoh, Age of Empires finally patched
07:33.58Legorolg'morning sarf
07:34.25futrtrublanyone up for helping me debug my mod?
07:34.54Depherioswhat's it do?
07:35.07futrtrublIt's an experience bar
07:35.29DepheriosI'll debug it LATER if you'd like... I'm not gaining experience right now, so... lol
07:35.43IrielOff to sleep for me, have fun all
07:35.47Cairnight Iriel
07:36.05futrtrublnp, It's got a rather specific problem atm that I can't fix.
07:36.36*** join/#wowi-lounge zespri (i=neffa@
07:36.49futrtrublone frame refuses to show, though both IsVisible and IsShown are true
07:36.58Cairhehehe, hi zespri
07:37.05Legorolwelcome zespri
07:37.23Depherioscan you get it to show if you load the graphic seperately? -- WoW gets really weird with graphics
07:37.38Legorolfutrtrubl, have you got anchors/size/parents etc. right?
07:37.47futrtrublhow do you mean seperately?
07:37.49Legoroladd a texture to it that has just a color (say blue) to see where and how is the frame placed
07:38.25*** part/#wowi-lounge Depherios (n=Depherio@
07:38.27futrtrublI believe so, it's one of a bunch of frames that all inherit the same template, they all have the same actions done to them, and they all show.... except this one
07:38.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Depherios (n=Depherio@
07:38.42DepheriosESC KEY... ME HATE
07:38.54Cair~comfort Depherios
07:38.56purlThere, there, Depherios.  It's OK.  I'm here for you.
07:38.59DepheriosMe good at graphics... me no so good at scripting /nosepick
07:39.15futrtrublDid that Legorol, even a plain white texture doesn't show
07:39.44zespriHello everybody. My problem is that in mirc you can't really set different default channels for siferent servers. so every time I log in to irc.freenode #cosmostesters got opended. Maybe I should ditch datavertex alltogether then =)
07:39.51futrtrublDepherios, I need some alternate graphics for my mod ;']
07:39.56Depheriosyou can, use the pulldown in perform
07:40.18Cairslouken in the guild
07:40.27Depheriosally side I take it?
07:40.33Cairaye, making horde side now
07:40.41Depherioswoo I won't be alone, for a few moments
07:41.14Depheriosfutrtrubl: ones that look like WoW? or CUSTOM custom?
07:41.14Legorolohooo, is slouken on right now?
07:41.19Legoroli want to quest with him!
07:41.29Cairjust guilded alliance, switching to horde side now
07:41.40Legorolwoot! i'm loggin on..
07:42.08futrtrublI have it looking like the WoW exp bar currently, but some nice alternate textures for my users would be nice
07:42.33Depheriosahh just bar textures? -- overlay with sections too? or just BAR BAR
07:42.59Legoroli really really so wish i could have a US account to play on regularly :(
07:43.19Legorolhm, maybe if they finally did the promised EU->US transfers
07:43.39Cairsarf and I were just talking about that, lego
07:44.08futrtrublbars with overlay
07:44.45Cairaaaaand, he's already gone
07:44.46DepheriosI'll think about it
07:44.53DepheriosI'm doing a somewhat techie theme right now, for myself
07:45.04Depheriosdecided to give up code for a few days, and let my brain stop melting for awhile XD
07:45.11Depheriosand do some photoshopping
07:45.35Depheriosso I'll make a version of that for it
07:45.37Legorolok, no point in me trying to log to US then?
07:46.22DepheriosI have a crazy idea for a party status .... bar/graph thing as well... but I need to do lots of code for that, so that's a later thing XD
07:53.45Depherios...okay fine *makes a stinking ally*
07:54.27Depheriosgrr need a name *thinks*
07:55.33futrtrublcould anchoring a frame1 at TOPLEFT and at BOTTOMRIGHT to another frame2 that isn't sized or anchored, and then sizing and anchoring that frame2 cause problems later?
07:55.57DepheriosI would but it'd be Stinkingally
07:55.57futrtrublStally for short
07:56.12sarf|contentStally => STally => Nightelf
07:56.29futrtrublof, course he would have to be a paladin with a name like that
07:56.47DepheriosAlly side is already too easy (at low levels anyway)
07:56.54Depheriosdon't know high levels
07:56.56sarf|contentToo easy?
07:57.12Depherioswell... WoW is easy period, but the ally side is easier to level in
07:57.19sarf|contentOh, you're one of those masochists I've been hearing about.
07:57.40DepheriosI'm the kind of person that gets irritated I can't get higher level quests earlier in the game, in the beginning
07:57.45futrtrublNE low level leveling can be a pain, not that I play NEs....
07:57.48Depheriosthe later quests are great
07:58.11sarf|contentWe often summon Nelfs from their home to Stormwind on my server.
07:58.14Depherioseh... Durotar you get the zalazane quest like... right off the bat, and mulgore you get that one.... thorn area...
07:58.20sarf|content(My L20 Warlockess is stationed there)
07:58.32sarf|contentDone both
07:58.36sarf|contentHard quests :/
07:58.42Ktronheh, I've never liked night elf areas, and heh, I generally don't like night elf players
07:58.45Depheriosundead goes right to that spider cave!
07:58.57Depherioshumans I've never made, and won't make XD
07:59.03DepheriosI'm a human every day TYVM
07:59.09Ktronno offense, but the majority of jerks seem to go with night elves, at least on the servers I'vme been
07:59.16DepheriosI agree
07:59.20Depheriosthat's why I don't want blood elves on horde side
07:59.22futrtrublmy gf is pretty much ONLY playing in NE areas, and she's a gnome. She really wants a nightsaber mount ;']
07:59.45Depheriosthe only NE I have, is because I wanted an ally druid, because I think they have cuter moonkin XD
07:59.52Ktronheh... blood elves may become the jerks of the horde
08:00.07Depheriosright now all the pretty boy jerks are on ally side XD
08:00.22Depheriosall the pretty boys, many of the jerks, and most of the kiddies
08:00.27futrtrubl"oh, your an elf... *shun*"
08:00.39Depherioscome expansion I want to make a "NoBE" guild
08:00.57futrtrublxept you Cair
08:00.59Depheriosoh, I like them
08:01.02DepheriosI like the lore
08:01.04DepheriosI like the look
08:01.07DepheriosI like their areas
08:01.11Depherios... I hate the people that will play them
08:01.21Ktronyeah, BEs look like fun, cool even
08:01.36CodayusHeh, I'm thinking of rolling a BE.
08:01.39Ktronbut that means the crappiest players will play them
08:01.44DepheriosI hope allies get Draeni, than I'll finally level an alliance XD
08:01.55DepheriosDraeni are so cute XD
08:02.07DepheriosI love the way their legs are... and how they walk
08:02.08zespriwhy do you think that if a char look good only the crapiest player will play them?
08:02.30Depherioswell humans are also the kiddies
08:02.37Ktronpicture you are 12
08:02.46Cairyou are making generalizations you realize ...
08:02.47Ktronare you going to pick the 'cool' race, or one of hte others?
08:02.54KtronOf course we are
08:02.54Depherios... I ran my troll priest to the human starting area one night at 1am pacific on a pacific server.... NOBODY playing
08:03.05Depherios(pvp server)
08:03.14Depheriosnot a single human leveling
08:03.31KtronI'm personally hoping for Worgen
08:03.34zesprii think it only means that *more* ppl will be playing them, not that these people are worse players
08:03.36CodayusMeh, there's never anybody in the newbie areas these days it seems.  <shrug>
08:03.37Depheriosran around for 45 mintes avoiding gaurds... one finally showed up
08:03.41Ktronand I hope they make them look too vicious to be cool
08:03.56Depheriosnaw... horde starting areas always have at least a half dozen people leveling
08:03.58Depheriosusually more
08:04.03Ktronwell, too vicious to draw too many of the 'I'm soo cool' players
08:04.09CodayusMaybe it's different on your server.  :-)
08:04.14Depherioslol, that's true
08:04.17Depheriosit is server dependant
08:04.20Depheriosbut still
08:04.41Depheriosyou have to admit, as a stereotype (meaning it's not always true, but many times/often is) kiddies and jerks tend to play ally side XD
08:04.58Depherioshorde has jerks too, I'll admit
08:05.00CodayusSays the primarily horde player, right?  :-)
08:05.02Depheriossome of the worst kind too
08:05.15DepheriosI hear endgame is MUCH better as well
08:05.17kremontewhoa, as if spoofing links wasnt surprising enough
08:05.22kremontei found how to spoof enchants on items
08:05.49kremonteuploading SS XD
08:05.52CodayusDoes this help explain why some abyssal leggings show up in *links* as having rockbiter on them?
08:05.58zesprii thinks generalizations about ppl especialy those that you don't know in person is a bad thing
08:06.02CodayusOr is that a completely unrelated bliz bug?
08:06.04kremonteconsidering enchant ID#1 is rockbiter
08:06.14CodayusHa.  Interesting.
08:06.18kremonteso instead of :0:, it became :1:
08:06.36kremontedo they show up as "Rockbiter 3" Codayus?
08:06.40CodayusYes, they do.
08:06.41kremontethat's enchant ID1
08:06.51DepheriosCodayus: it was proven to me when nobody was leveling humans, the 2nd most popular race on the server... at 1am -- even taking into account that the horde side has many aussies... SOMEBODY should be leveling them... it's a 3 to 1 ratio... somebody is always leveling horde, why not humans?
08:06.54CodayusI was about to mention that, it's always Rockbiter 3.  Hmm.
08:06.55kremontenow, make that into 1900 and itll be crusader :P
08:08.31DepheriosI've checked in again, at that starting area (I run over that direction to get grave moss easily) -- a few times late at night since then... usually one or two, but still too few
08:08.56Depherioskremonte: I'll take it!
08:09.11CodayusHeh, funny.
08:09.17kremontehaha. i linked a quick strike ring with 15AGI on it to someone who asked, 10 minutes later it was being spammed in Trade
08:09.27kremonte"omg" "wtf?" "omg u can enchant rings?!"
08:09.28*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
08:09.50Ktronthe question is, how?
08:10.04CodayusI believe I know how.
08:10.07kremontesame way you can edit link names(spoofing them)
08:10.11kremontejust a different part of the link
08:10.15Codayuslink is just a string.  So, edit the string.
08:10.40kremontei wrote a function to do it, but as with spoofing, i doubt Cair would want me posting it
08:10.45kremontenor anyone, really
08:11.00Ktronyeah, I'm sure that's probably not exactly kosher
08:11.05CodayusWhat's the point?
08:11.18Cairmeh, post, who cares :p
08:11.33kremonte./script spoofenchant = function(itemname, itemid, itemcolor, itemenchant) DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("\124cff"..itemcolor.."\124Hitem:"..itemid..":"..itemenchant..":0:0\124h[".. itemname .."]\124h\124r"); end
08:11.39CodayusDoesn't seem very game breaking.
08:11.47kremonteyou need the item name, item ID, item color in hex,a nd the enchant (lol)
08:11.55kremonteall that does is make typing it less irritating
08:12.17kremonteso i use iriel's devtools to dump the links of those w/ the enchant, and the item i want to spoof an enchant on
08:12.43kremonte./script spoofenchant("The Unstoppable Force", 19323, "a335ee", 2504);
08:12.52kremontemakes a TUF with spell power enchant
08:12.59CodayusOh?  How do you use iriels devtools to do that?
08:13.11kremonte./dump "[link]"
08:13.28CodayusHeh, didn't know it could do that.
08:13.33kremontepretty much, once there is |Hitem:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx
08:13.42kremontethe first xxxx is the itemID, the second is the enchant ID
08:13.46CodayusDamnit, that would have made something I was hacking a couple of days ago a lot easier to write.  :-/
08:13.52Depherioscursed naming conventions... want to violate and name priest "Notapally"
08:13.58kremonte(3rd i have no idea, 4th seems to be it's source, as it only shows up on crafted or quest items)
08:14.02Depheriosor just notpally
08:14.08CodayusI was doing it a much uglier way.  :-)
08:14.10Depherioswait... Notpally doesn't violate O_o
08:14.27kremontemeh, pvp servers ftw
08:15.15Depheriosanybody ever play Dark Colony?
08:15.45kremontewell, as a reference as far as enchant ID's go: 1900=crusader, 2504=spell power, 2564=agi+15
08:16.17*** join/#wowi-lounge shouryuu (
08:16.36kremonte911=minor speed increase, 1886=sta+9, 930=mount speed increase
08:17.08kremontehihi shouryuu
08:17.14CodayusHmm, what's strfind?  Is that the same thing as string.find or not?
08:17.33kremonterofl, linking my shirt with pally ZG enchant made a huge stir up
08:17.51shouryuuthere an ZG enchant on shirts?
08:17.58kremontenope :P
08:18.03kremonteneither is crusader on my wand ;)
08:18.19Plorkyeran[Away]I love the item linking system
08:18.42kremontewow, i feel really evil
08:18.49shouryuuthat' good
08:18.56kremontei'm just putting random enchants on shirts/necks/trinkets/fingers and saying them in /say
08:19.00kremonteand people are freaking out
08:19.02Depherioskremonte: does it show on inspects?
08:19.07Depherios... I take it that's a yes
08:19.12kremonteDepherios - no
08:19.16kremonteit's not CHANGING what you have
08:19.21kremonteit's jus tlike when you link an item
08:19.30Depheriosoooh you're just spoofing the link output
08:19.33Depheriosnot visual data
08:19.35Plorkyeran[Away]it's that when you link items a huge amount of info is in the link itself :P
08:19.36kremontethere is no 1 specific link for 1 specific item, that's how you 'exploit' it
08:19.41DepheriosI was only half paying attention
08:19.52kremonteso you can have itemid:differentenchant:something:differentmaker
08:19.54Plorkyeran[Away]item name, item quality, enchants, etc
08:20.08kremontemoonberry juice with spell power
08:20.53shouryuuwell im off to school
08:21.19kremonte[Runecloth of Power] Runecloth +48 Attack Power
08:22.01DepheriosI should pay more attention in here... then again I guess if I can ask and get an answer, I'm still learning something new every day
08:22.04kremonteoh wow, 3:30AM already. i think i'll scurry to bed
08:22.14kremontenn :)
08:22.56krem`zzzmeh, comp too loud
08:27.08futrtrublok, got my mod issue resolved, so I am going to bed
08:27.52Cairnight futrtrubl
08:34.36KtronI wonder how much people would react if I just upped a green into a blue, or a blue into a purple
08:39.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Stylpe (
08:46.45Stylpe~kill me
08:46.47purlACTION shoots a hyper-charged fluxgraviton gun at stylpe
08:50.07KtronI wonder if blizzard would look down on making things like [WTS] links that link to the item for sale
08:55.27Ktronthe answer: yes
08:55.38Ktronyou get booted immediately
08:55.53Ktronmy guess is that the name needs to match the item id
08:57.21*** join/#wowi-lounge GoutetsuII (
09:01.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Deph (n=Depherio@
09:01.49Depheriosyay for ghosting
09:02.06Depherioserr well boo to ghosting, yay for being able to remove them via server services
09:03.00DepheriosYay My new RAM is on it's way MORE ADDONS FOR ME
09:04.01Kalrothspeaking of which, does 1.9 change the addon api a lot? I read that it should be much faster
09:09.32Anduin|Workanyone know how to get getglobal to work in lua commandline?
09:10.06Legorolgetglobal is not a builtin function
09:10.10Legorolit was added by Blizz
09:10.29Legorolinstead, do globals = getfenv(0)
09:10.55Legoroland for setglobal obviously globals[name] = value
09:10.57Anduin|Workor i could assign the function
09:11.11Legorolyou could
09:11.33Anduin|Workfunction getglobal(name) return getfenv(0)[name] end
09:11.50DepheriosWoo! yay I know what to name my Alliance char now XD
09:12.01Legoroli don't think that's valid syntax, Anduin|Work
09:12.09Anduin|Worky not?
09:12.28Anduin|Workdoes getfenv have more than one return arg?
09:13.53Anduin|Workloosk liek ti works
09:14.03Legorolyeah was just checking Lua syntax, it's actually valid
09:14.17Legorolfor some reason in WoW if something returns a list, this didn't work:
09:14.34Legorolso i thought maybe getfenv(0)[name] wont work either
09:15.01Anduin|Workfunction getglobal(name) return getfenv(0)[name] end
09:15.01Anduin|Workfunction setglobal(name, value) return getfenv(0)[name] = value end
09:15.14Anduin|Workwell, scrap the 2nd return if u want
09:16.52Legorolthe 2nd one is definitely not valid Lua, is it?
09:17.00Legoroli don't think you can have assignment as a value
09:17.02Legorolnot like C
09:17.11Legorolassignment is a statement on its own
09:19.05Depherios...wait... crap... I think my new name... *asks* is Rgb a valid name? ... I just realized I don't belive it is...
09:19.28Depheriosas there's no way on earth.. or azeroth for that matter, it can be pronounced
09:20.00Depherioseven XML could kinda be prounounced XD
09:20.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Industrial (
09:20.23Cairtry it, if the game will accept it, then go for it!
09:20.41Depheriosdone, Rgb, Dwarf priest, created
09:20.41Anduin|Workright leg, toss the 2nd return
09:21.12Cairlogged in?
09:21.30Cairon Draka server?
09:21.33Depherioslogging, my load time is still slow (1.58 gig processor)  despite all else
09:21.36Cairnot finding you
09:21.40Depherios... same one as my hordie
09:21.42KalrothCair: thanks :)
09:21.43Cairsend me a tell? Cairenn
09:21.44Depherioslogged in now
09:21.49CairKalroth: for?
09:21.54Kalroththe link
09:21.58Cairah, right
09:22.01Cairhehehe, sorry
09:22.41Cairit's getting (for me) late
09:23.29Kalroth10:25am here :)
09:24.20Cair4:25am here ;)
09:24.23Kalrothit's just that I remember reading something about CT team and Blizzard working together on optimizing the event system, so it performs better
09:24.52Kalrothso I'm interested in any performance tests made
09:25.46TekkubI tossed one up for slou
09:25.47Kalrothtoo bad we can't attach a lua debugger or even some proofing software ;)
09:26.08Tekkubmake BAG_UPDATE pass a slot too so we only have to update one stol not a whole bag
09:26.40Tekkubgranted it seems everyone updates the whole inventory....
09:27.56Ktronpurl, stol is slot
09:27.58purlKtron: okay
09:28.04Ktronjust helping him out ;)
09:28.15Tekkubdon't waste your time
09:28.23TekkubI typo all over the place
09:28.27Anduin|Worki find it odd that ur cpu stayed at 50% the whole time u were running those tests cladhaire..  my box cranks up to 100% immediately
09:28.38Tekkubyou're better of becoming dyslexic so you read the right thing
09:28.40DepheriosMy biggest, slowest, laggiest, longest loading addon... is also my inventory one, and I don't want to live without it XD
09:28.58Tekkubwhat mod deph?
09:29.13TekkubEngInv here ^^
09:29.20Tekkubslightly tweaked
09:29.27IndustrialOneBag here
09:29.48DepheriosI like how it scales by the amount of crap you have in it, and you can only open half your crap (i.e. leaving regents, quest items, extra equipment, and so on, on a second hotkey)
09:29.49TekkubI'd go OB but I'm hooked on the sorting without moving items
09:30.14AnduinLothari just use the default bags, tho i've been meaning to write a TitanBagList addon that you can sort however you want
09:30.18IndustrialTekkub: HMM ILL HAVE TO CHECK IT OUT THEN
09:30.19CodayusI used Advanced Bags Plus for a while, but eventually decided a unified bag was better than vritual bags.  Just...simpler.
09:30.20Industrialoosp caps
09:30.33TekkubEngInventory Indie
09:30.39MoonWolfCodayus, same here.
09:30.44CodayusDiscord Mini Inventory is somewhat interesting though; I've been playing with it recently.
09:30.48Tekkubget the "tweaked" one on Auctioneer's site
09:30.51Industrialwork first wow later =(
09:30.55Tekkubthey fixed a few issues
09:31.01Depheriosyeah, I have discord mini inventory running as well just to goof
09:31.07DepheriosI LOVE the mini spellbook though
09:31.10MoonWolfAdvanced bag bars is a great idea. but slow has a few bugs and sometimes less then pratical
09:31.12CodayusSame.  :-)
09:31.12Tekkuband fix the BAG_UPDATE during zoning, you'll be glad you did
09:31.22DepheriosI was actually (sadly) running Group Buttons for awhile
09:31.27DepheriosJUST for the minispellbook
09:31.33CodayusMini spellbook is great, and a 100% replacement/upgrade on standard spellbook.
09:31.35Depherioswhen I was goofing with bars
09:31.38TekkubGB is a nice mod.....
09:31.42CodayusThe Mini inventory still has some quirks.
09:31.47Tekkub...till you open the config panel....
09:31.53Tekkub... grrrrrrrrrriiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnndddddddddddddddd.........
09:31.55Depheriosthe new Discord Action Bars can do everything GB can actually, which made me happy
09:32.39DepheriosI don't run DAB either though
09:32.44Depherioswell no, I am now, to goof
09:32.46CodayusI used GB for a while, but it could stand to be redone to his current coding style (profiles, load on demand config guis, etc.)
09:32.53DepheriosI stole DAB's new code to trim buttons though XD
09:32.57Depheriosand moved it into flexbar
09:33.00Tekkubhe needs to stop storing false's and defalts in the savevars tho *glare*
09:33.26Depheriosthat's why I dislike DFM
09:33.50Depheriosoh, you want to move one thing? you're going to lock all this other crap into position then...
09:33.54Ktronheh, is it just me, or do Discord mods generally have a high load time too?
09:34.08Depheriosthat's why the load on demand configs were great Ktron
09:34.18CodayusKtron: Try the latest versions.  He cut load time by like...50%+ in the most recent version of DUF.
09:34.20Depheriosget Tekkub's Warmup, also... lol
09:34.22Tekkubyea KT
09:34.28Tekkubheh yea
09:34.41Tekkubyou'll be going OMG DELETE DELETE!!!!
09:34.44CodayusThey're still long, but they're only a tiny fraction of my overall load time now.
09:35.00DepheriosI have a 1.58 gig processor btw
09:35.05KtronI know flexbar is pretty vicious too, Unless I'm way mistaken
09:35.06Depheriosso my loadtime is likely slower than yours
09:35.13Depheriosflexbar is 1.365 secs
09:35.21Depheriosaccording to warmup
09:35.22TekkubI'm trying to devise a new debug/timing/optomizing mod but I can't figure out how to...
09:35.35CodayusMy loadtime is eh, 30s or so.  Worst mod is a hair over a second.  I can live with that.
09:35.43TekkubI want to track OnEvent times for mods...
09:35.48DepheriosAdvanced bags plus and regent data are 2 secs together
09:36.00DepheriosEarth and Khaos come out to 1.5-3 secs together
09:36.02Tekkub20s avg zone/reload here ^^
09:36.09Depherios(don't know why they fluctuate so much)
09:36.14CodayusOne day I'll recode my DUF profile into a AUF setup...
09:36.29DepheriosI change my layout too much currently to not use DUF
09:36.41Depheriosbut when I get something more concrete, I'll ditch DUF probably
09:36.44CodayusBut DAB is way to nice these days to replace, even though I could.  And DART isn't really replacable right now AFAIK.
09:36.52TekkubI try to be minimalistic, only show what I care about
09:36.55DepheriosDiscord Action Bars is a half a second is all
09:36.56TekkubWD is plenty fermi
09:36.59DepheriosI run flexbar
09:37.05Depheriosbecause DAB can't do what I do in flexbar
09:37.12CodayusOh?  What do you do in flexbar?
09:37.18Depherios3 can... but then I can't drag buttons
09:37.25Tekkubflexbar needs some opto too, they got the features down
09:37.27Depherios...... *inhales deeply*
09:37.46Tekkubmy flexbar was easy...
09:37.48DepheriosI use the same buttons for spells, as I do for movement/bags/targetting/other windows
09:37.49CodayusI haven't run across much DAB3.0 can't do.
09:38.01Tekkubbutton one remapped to every conditional spell I had
09:38.05Ktronwhat site is warmup on?
09:38.14Depheriosso... 12 keys are move and all that
09:38.18Depheriosthen when I press a shift key
09:38.27Tekkubif I get unlazy (not likly) I'll get it posted on WoWI
09:38.30DepheriosPOP 12 buttons appear on screen... and htose 12 keys become my spells
09:38.38Plorkyeran[Away]<>Anduin|Work<> i find it odd that ur cpu stayed at 50% the whole time u were running those tests cladhaire.. my box cranks up to 100% immediately
09:38.49Depheriospress a different shift key, and they're different spells
09:38.52TekkubDeph, you do shiftbars... got that
09:38.58Tekkubwhat else?
09:38.58Plorkyeran[Away]that means hyperthreading or two processors is involved
09:39.02Depheriosproblem is... in order to work this
09:39.04Plorkyeran[Away]bleh, now he leaves...
09:39.10CodayusThat's...a totally unplayable interface from my POV.  :-D
09:39.11Ktronthank you Tekkub
09:39.15Depheriosthe "shift" key is CTRL+NUM1 and such
09:39.32CodayusI don't even use the 7 through = keys.  :-)
09:39.37Depherios(I have pedals for forewards and backward under my desk, and shift/jump keys as thumb keys on my mouse)
09:39.52Depheriosshift? strafe
09:39.55Tekkubgot a wheel for steering too?
09:39.55Depheriosstrafe/jump keys
09:40.02Depheriosit's in my basement
09:40.06DepheriosI have a joystick for mouselook though
09:40.06Plorkyeran[Away]I use every key on my keyboard
09:40.13CodayusBut yeah, I can see where flexbar would be better than DAB for that.
09:40.21Depherioswell in DAB, there's three problems
09:40.23Plorkyeran[Away]and every key does at least two things depending on modifier keys
09:40.23TekkubI only use the keyboard to chat ^^
09:40.28Depheriosall because they hide when no key is pressed
09:40.29TekkubNostromo FTFW!
09:40.40Depherios1: when they're hidden, cooldown count stops
09:40.50Depheriosuntil they're shown again
09:40.57Depherioswhere it resumes as though it was never gone XD
09:40.58CodayusDepherios: I believe the latest DAB beta fixes that.
09:41.03Cairbtw, for those of you that weren't in channel earlier ... Slouken now has characters in both guilds ;)
09:41.33CodayusHeh, cool.
09:41.38Depherios2: when I'm holding CTRL+KEY to make them show, I cannot drag a button off the bars, and move it to another bar
09:41.40Tekkubhe gonna give us 60's to "test" on?
09:41.55Depheriosnot because the control key moves them, I commented out that line)
09:41.56CodayusOh, BTW - interesting interface here:
09:41.58Tekkubcause I need to do some serious "testing"
09:42.02Tekkubon every class
09:42.10Tekkubin full tier 2...
09:42.17Depherioslol just wait Codayus
09:42.26Plorkyeran[Away]pretty, but doesn't look usable
09:42.28Depheriosthat's what I'm doing now, but techie, using graphics from the old Dark Colony interface
09:42.33CodayusPeople who like pretty total conversions may find it interesting.  (I'm more into minimalistic ones myself, soo...)
09:42.36Ktronlet's see, Visor is my worst addon for loadtime
09:42.38Depheriosand mine isn't so....... obtrusive
09:42.40Tekkubso are we gonna start posting on the forums with our guilded test alts?
09:42.49Caircan if you want to
09:42.54CodayusStripped down one here:
09:42.56Tekkubjust as an identifier to each other that we're all spedly
09:43.04Ktronthen... flexbar then lootlink
09:43.05CodayusAlthough still way too busy for me.
09:43.11DepheriosI should just delete Strata and make a char named Depherios
09:43.12Plorkyeran[Away]most of the discord stuff I've seen looks great until you actually try to use it
09:43.23DepheriosI really like DUF
09:43.25DepheriosREALLY like DUF
09:43.32Depheriosand Dart is great for testing graphics
09:43.38Depheriosor simple stuff
09:43.45Tekkubdiscord are great mods.. .but damn heavy on the resources
09:43.45Depherios(i.e. I did my D2 health and mana bars in it)
09:43.56DepheriosDart isn't
09:43.59Depheriosthank god
09:44.20Ktronheh, I'm using Diivskins/Flexbar/MoveAnything!
09:44.21Depherios(I wouldn't run it if it was, I can do all that myself no problem... it's just easier having it be so configurable in game)
09:44.24Plorkyeran[Away]I have DART installed but disabled except when I'm fiddling with stuff
09:44.31CodayusDART and DUF are great for customizing and prototyping stuff.
09:44.44Plorkyeran[Away]and then I manually apply the changes once I figure out what it should be
09:44.46Depheriosmy interface changes too much to ditch Dart and Duf yet
09:44.54CodayusAnd DAB, in the latest version, is just too easy and functional.  And pretty light on resource usage.
09:44.58Depheriosbut I've only been at this 6 months
09:45.05*** join/#wowi-lounge AnduinLothar (
09:45.14Depheriosthe new DAB I have running IN THE BACKGROUND, just because I like the collapsable hiding buttons
09:45.35StylpeCollapsable hiding buttons?
09:45.42Depheriosyou can make buttons hide on events
09:45.47CodayusFlexbar can do everything I'm using DAB for, but DAB is so much easier/faster to setup...
09:45.57Depheriosand set it so when they hide, they collapse out of the bar they're in (the bar shrinks and the buttons move to fill it's space)
09:46.01KtronI haven't really spent enough time with DAB I don't htink
09:46.14KtronI learned all of the flexbar commands, and I'm comfortable with most of flexbar
09:46.20StylpeI made a Visor script that does that :D
09:46.28Depheriosmy first WoW screenshot
09:46.32Depherioshas flexbar running
09:46.35Depherios... first day
09:46.38DepheriosI played wow XD
09:47.19Depheriosproblem is, my current interface sucks for non-spellcasters
09:47.30StylpeWait, that's a lie, I made a Visor script that hides/shows buttons OnEnter and OnLeave
09:47.41KtronI played a few days w/o any addons, then went to CTMod, then flexbar, then Gypsymod and flexbar, and I've stuck with those two
09:47.42Depherioswhich is great for me (I hate playing rogues, warriors, and pallys) until I play a Druid in PvP and need to hop around in bear/cat form in a fight
09:48.26Depherioshopping with pedals/mouse is a trick I need to get down XD
09:48.55KtronI like gypsymods player frames better than any other player frames I've seen
09:48.57Depheriosanybody seen the way Loz trimmed the edge off buttons in DAB?
09:49.16DepheriosKtron, get DUF, you can make that, then tweak it how you like, lol
09:49.18Ktronand I think my favorite mods these days is LoadIT
09:49.19CodayusYeah, cool, isn't it?
09:49.23Depheriosmy problem is... I want target of target bars
09:49.55DepheriosCodayus: I did that in Flexbar, then modified the out of range/mana coloring in flexbar... then stopped running DAB for my main buttons XD
09:50.09StylpeMy favorite mod these days is the mod I made to play WoW with a gamepad =P
09:50.18Depherioshow's that working out?
09:50.18KtronDUF is a pain to make look just right, plus, after all, I'm mostly happy with gypsy's frames, don't really think I'd need to tweak much if anything
09:50.30Depherioshave you used the newer DUF's with nudge?
09:50.47Depheriosnudge and the ability to attach made DUF so much better
09:50.55TemI liked that duf let me create my own unitframe
09:50.55CodayusYeah, the last revision of DUF with nudge and attachment made it SOOO much easier to configure.
09:51.01KtronI'll admit, the FrameFinder in the newer discord mods is _very_ nice
09:51.12Tembut in the end it ate too much of my performance
09:51.24TemI noticed a 10fps increase from disabling DUF
09:51.29Depheriosouch O_o
09:51.35Temreally really
09:51.37CodayusThe only thing missing is the ability to attack DUF frames to arbitrary UI elements.  But that's an easy hack.
09:51.57Temso I hacked together an AUF setup for myself
09:52.01CodayusTem: Hmm, pretty sure I don't get much of a hit at all.  I should check that sometime...
09:52.15Temit looks exactly like my old duf setup only without the lag
09:52.22CodayusI really should code an AUF setup, but heh, you think DUF is a pain to get exactly how you like?
09:52.25Depheriosmy big FPS sucker is SCT... SCT and Combat Sentry Gizmo
09:52.38CodayusIt'd take hours.  :-(
09:52.39Temand without the overuse of red and yellow in the config
09:52.40Cairif I hadn't known the Tom had his new skin coming out, I might have been tempted to stick with DUF/DAB/DArt, but I also couldn't stand how much overhead Discord* had
09:52.46StylpeHehe, I recently ditched SCT
09:52.58DepheriosMy biggest thing
09:53.01Depheriosis I make my own graphics
09:53.02Cairas it is, I was just as happy to get rid of Discord
09:53.12Depheriosso I make a unit frame
09:53.15CairI'm *loving* the new skin Tom put out
09:53.16Depheriosthen make graphics to go over it
09:53.29Depheriosso, Discord is fun for me that way
09:53.32CodayusHmm, I'd show a screenshot of my UI, but I don't seem to have one right now.
09:53.47Temseriously, Loz needs to get over his fetish with red and yellow... I can't stand to look at his site
09:53.48CodayusI think WoW eats my screenshots when I'm not looking.
09:53.53DepheriosMy UI is all goofy because I accidentally whiped my DUF setup
09:53.55Temand the config panels in game are worse
09:54.02DepheriosI know XD
09:54.18DepheriosI want to kill him for making Minispellbook have his default colors
09:54.20Depheriosbut it's just so nice
09:54.30Depherioswhen it's out of beta, I'll just modify the code and recolor it myself
09:55.12TemCair: I'd love to use one of those tking mods but I wouldn't see a damn thing change
09:55.19DepheriosI'm just glad for one thing: He refuses to make minimap buttons
09:55.25CodayusI'd see my minimap border change...
09:55.29Temall of the "standard" parts of the interface that he changes are gone for me
09:55.42Cairhe replaces *everything* though
09:55.53Temhmm.. I guess I replace everything too ><
09:55.54Cairplayer window, bank, mail, ah
09:55.58Cairallllll of them
09:55.58Depheriosyeah he replaces character frames
09:56.00Depheriosand all that
09:56.08Cairevery single frame
09:56.10CodayusHmm, I guess the player window and mail would change...
09:56.12Depheriostell him to include titan panel skins!
09:56.19Temwell I'd see a change on player, and bank
09:56.19CodayusBut I don't use the default bank frame, for example.
09:56.39CodayusDon't use the spellbook.
09:56.43DepheriosI'm talking to them
09:56.52Temhmm.. maybe I'll disable everything for a while and see what his thing looks like
09:57.03Depheriosnot a copy paste person?
09:57.43Cairmore will be coming, give it time ;)
09:57.43CodayusThe minimap frame looks pretty cool though.
09:57.49CairDepherios: not I, sorry
09:57.59TekkubFaster damnit!
09:58.05CodayusI might have seen a demo once.  Don't think I played it.  Was it an RTS?
09:58.23CodayusYeah, I saw the demo.
09:58.45Depheriosyeah, I'm making my interface look like that one... literally copy pasting some of the elements (which sadly, means I can't distribute it I think)
09:58.51Depheriosalthough since I'm not charging, I don't know
09:59.03DepheriosI'll be doing 1/3 of it by hand
09:59.41Depheriosat least, since it has no round elements... and I don't know how much I'll skin
09:59.51Depherios(not near everything)
10:00.20Depheriosbut yeah, it won't be of much use to anybody
10:01.06DepheriosI wasn't expecting many people to say "yes" btw... it was a crappy RTS game that came out in '97, when i was desperate for a new RTS game that was playable on Mac
10:01.51Depheriosthe game sucked, but I've loved the look of the interface forever, and used it to make a webpage, a winamp skin, an old odigo skin, and a couple desktops for myself XD
10:02.25Plorkyeran[Away]I played the demo of that
10:02.35Plorkyeran[Away]I think I remember it being decent
10:02.48Depheriosit was pretty average for it's time
10:03.04Depherioswhich makes it horrid now XD
10:03.13Depherioseven back then though, most people didn't like it much
10:03.22Ktron ?
10:03.27Depheriosit controlled well, but had no maps, big balance issues, problems in multiplayer
10:03.36Depheriosnot that one
10:03.37Depheriosthe menus
10:03.44DepheriosI'm uploading now
10:03.58Depheriosthat stuff
10:04.08Depheriosbut take all that glowing crap off of it XD
10:05.23Depheriosit's not a look many people go for, especially in a fantasy game
10:05.54Depheriosbut the nature of the design makes it great for pixpainting/copy-pasting it to match different things quickly, and easily, and it's minimalistic
10:06.32Depherios(it's minimalistic how I use it)
10:06.50DepheriosI'm goofing in photoshop now, just cutting and pasting and moving around to see what I can get
10:06.51Ktronkind of nice
10:06.59Depheriosyeah, it has it's own style
10:07.18DepheriosI've always loved it... I've imitated it, but more commonly just JACKED it
10:07.26Ktronheh, you'd almost want to go through the WoW icons event and grey scale them at least for that, or something of that nature
10:07.31Ktron'flatten' the icons anyway
10:07.33DepheriosI will XD
10:07.37Depheriosthey'll be grayscale
10:08.04Depheriosor just a single color
10:08.20Depheriosbut the way my interface is set up
10:08.24DepheriosEVERYTHING but titan panel
10:08.28Depheriosis mushed into the bottom of the screen
10:08.32Depherioslike a perverted RTS interface
10:08.44Depherios(my buttons pop up in the middle when I hold down a shift key)
10:09.09Depheriosit looked JUST like an RTS interface at first
10:09.23Depheriosminimap bottom right corner
10:09.28Depheriosbuttons bottom left corner
10:09.37Depheriosinfo in the middle
10:14.47Depherioseww irfanview does a terrible job saving to jpg
10:15.06Depherios <-- 2 months after I started, before everything got all ugly
10:15.55Depherioswait, what month is 7?
10:16.19Depheriosso yeah, 2 months
10:18.34StylpeBut most RTS games have the minimap to the left ant the buttons to the right...
10:18.44Depheriosyeah, but I always hated that
10:19.42KolthWhere can I get ?
10:19.45DepheriosI used AutoIt to set up keyboard keys to hit the same action keys in RTS games based on a numberkeypad (seperate 10key) for my left hand, and later got addicted to strategic commander (where I picked up my thumb shift key obsession) has the info somewhere on the forum
10:20.07KolthThanks Deph.
10:20.20Depheriosit's all in DART as far as I know
10:20.35Depheriosthere's a light version too
10:20.38Depherioswhich is MUCH nicer
10:20.41StylpeI use AutoHotkey myself to do some fancy stuff with my gamepad
10:20.49DepheriosAutoHotKey is my ultimate friend
10:21.03Depherioscouldn't do the pedals thing without it
10:21.13DepheriosAHK lets me do checks for when the pedals are down XD
10:21.26Depheriosso pedal down followed by button up doesn't stop me
10:21.37Depheriospedals for foreward backwards!
10:21.45Depheriosmy mouse has thumb buttons for jump and strafe too XD
10:22.20DepheriosI've been using pedals for move forewards/backwards for years in FPS games XD
10:22.40StylpeI use my thumb buttons for autorun and TargetNearestEnemy() and attack
10:22.44Depherioslets me free up my left hand to change a gun or type or something without stopping and dying
10:22.57StylpeWhat about strafing
10:23.20Depherioswell, before my newer mice... I still had to use the keyboard
10:23.24DepheriosI tend to use the keyboard for backwards anyway
10:23.34Depheriosthe pedals are just so I'm not a sitting duck
10:24.03Depheriosnow I have jump/strafe as the three thumb keys on my mouse, lol
10:25.30StylpeHaha, I saw that crazy keybosr thing earlier =)
10:25.49Stylpe(Too long without sleep and my typing gets messed up)
10:27.04Depheriosmy pedals are too old to find a picture of LMAO
10:27.43Depheriosthere we go
10:27.47Depherios... they're ancient
10:28.08StylpeI can tell =P
10:28.16Depheriosthe wheel is so old it's back when joysticks could only have 2 axis 4 button layouts XD
10:28.31DepheriosI've had it forever
10:29.38Depheriosoh here we go, an old pic of my desk from just before I started playing WoW
10:29.50StylpeHmm, I need a good FFB racing equipment set to go with my projector
10:30.58Depheriosold mouse, strategic commander still worked (doesn't with XP SP2)
10:32.05Depheriosand pedals (not shown)
10:32.08StylpeWe have the same keyboard :D
10:32.14DepheriosI'm not using that one now
10:32.35Depherios <--
10:32.44Depheriosgot it for 9.99 at goodwill
10:32.54Depheriosit's like... 170 new XD
10:32.57DepheriosI was pleased
10:33.10StylpeWhat currency?
10:33.30Depheriosalthough I've seen it higher, that's as cheap as I could find it
10:33.45Depheriosthey've dropped now
10:33.54DepheriosI see you can find them at 120 just about everywhere now
10:33.56Depherios... but yeah
10:34.59DepheriosI had that keyboard because at the time, I only had one computer up and running, so I needed media keys pretty bad since I needed my bizzare keys for gaming and junk
10:35.36Depheriosnow i have the laptop here, so I don't need media keys anymore, and my desktop is crowded
10:36.20StylpeHey, got any tips for staying awake?
10:36.46Depherios150% speed
10:37.03StylpeAnything that won't make my eyes pop out? =P
10:37.10Depherioscaffiene? XD
10:37.36StylpeWoW grinding is too soothing =P
10:37.50StylpeAlthough we're having a ZG run later today
10:38.19StylpeLike reading for my exams? Pffft
10:39.25StylpeAre you a girl? =P
10:39.30KtronAlright kids, its 5:40 AM here, definitely time to sleep
10:39.31Depheriosno, just girly
10:39.42Stylpeninight, Ktron
10:40.49Ktronheh, I fought with discord mods, in particular DUF and concluded I couldn't make something as nice as gypsymod's frames w/o borrowing their textures, which seemed to be defeating the point... heh, and Ktron will fight discord until he dies heh
10:40.53Stylpeoh noes
10:40.57Ktronpurl, night
10:40.59purlG'night ktron, get out of here.
10:41.42StylpeI like Watchdog, it's so minimalistic
10:43.23IndustrialI like watchdog too. But i dont like that the text is ON the bars themselves
10:43.28Industriali'd prefer it outside of the bars
10:43.35DepheriosI do both
10:43.49Cairnight Depherios :)
10:43.51Depheriosbut I keep the only numbers on the bars (usually) as min/max and/or damage taken
10:44.08Industriale.g. Industrial | 60 M HUM WLK | F1 {healthbar} {powerbar}
10:44.32Industrialwith the bars having the absolute values of healt/max and power/max alighned to right
10:44.50Depheriospretty much ditto Industrial
10:44.55Industrialand the colors flowing from green to yellow to red (heaqlth) and blue to grey to red(power)
10:44.56Depheriosbut I take out most of the information
10:45.00Depheriosand get it from the tooltip when I need it
10:45.17DepheriosI'm currently coloring mana bar by class, and health bar by reaction
10:45.22IndustrialDepherios: you have an addon out that does this?
10:45.30Depherioscolor the bars?
10:45.32DepheriosI'm using DUF
10:45.35Industrialoh ic
10:45.49Industrialits on my to do list
10:46.01DepheriosI don't like them changing colors as they take damage
10:46.11Industrialfirst things first. i'm gunna rip/dedo QuickCalc
10:46.14Industrialan ingame calculator
10:46.29DepheriosI love... I forget his name... Dsanai?
10:46.35DepheriosI think he's the one that made /calc
10:46.35IndustrialDepherios: i do, makes you decide the situation on a flash
10:46.53DepheriosIndustrial: I have health lost showing on the bars
10:46.55Cairokay, there you go folks, you can't accuse me of stealth bumping, I overtly bumped! hah!
10:47.07DepheriosIndustrial: I play priests
10:47.29Depheriosmy interface is dead D:
10:47.35DepheriosI need to FINISH SOMETHING and take screens XD
10:47.38Depheriosjust to have a screen
10:47.42AnduinLotharok, so I ran clad's tests again and these are the times i get for 10,000 executions of a very simple function being hooked using various methods: OrigFunc - 21s, ManualHook - 27, NewAceHook - 39, NewSeaHook - 52
10:47.44Industrialyeah lol
10:47.47StylpeCair: It's not like that will make up for your past actions =P
10:48.16Depheriosoh, I know
10:48.41Industriallet me go fetch a screenshot :E
10:48.46AnduinLotharso that's how it goes comparitavely, but I don't think that's quite a thourough comparison seing as the function does new to nothing...
10:48.55AnduinLotharnext to*
10:48.55Depherioshere's the last unit frame I was using... it failed misurably... but it's the most warcraft-ish looking frame I've made yet
10:49.03Depheriosi.e. it's copy pasted
10:49.12AnduinLotharnot that anyone's caring atm
10:49.30Cairnight Karl
10:49.37Depheriosit goes over my head Anduin :P
10:49.53Industrialthe unitframes are AceBarFrames
10:50.12DepheriosWorldFrame FTW
10:50.19Industriali also mean to relocate the minimap to the bottom
10:50.24Depheriosmove your minimap down there posthaste
10:50.26Depheriosokay... nevermind
10:50.28Industrialand remove the buff buttons and move them to my own unit frame
10:50.38Depheriossadly, that's about what mine looks like right now, but with no buttons XD
10:50.38Industriale.g. a FULLE CLEAR UI
10:50.52DepheriosI have the same look, with titan panel across the top
10:51.02IndustrialDepherios: but im doing it with 10-15MB usage
10:51.25Industrialand thats WITH alot of addons you dont see like goldenrun uberquest etc
10:51.46Industrialanyway, i need to work
10:51.56Industrial(boss with whip feeling >_>)
10:53.43Depherios <-- last one... can't find the middle one, that still had the ring for the portrait in it
10:54.04Depherioshonestly, I don't even remember how the bars worked
10:54.16Depherios... or wtf I was thinking
10:55.44Temwow.. it's 5 am
10:55.56Temnight everyone
10:56.03Cairnight Tem
10:56.08Cair6 am here ;)
10:56.13Depheriosoh crap, I have to get up at 9:30am tomorrow
10:56.45Cairthat a combination occult and cursed, Depherios?
10:57.06Depheriosmy fingers like to type things the way they like
10:57.15Depherioshence I say things like magic and jiant a lot
10:57.19Depherioserr majic
10:57.23Cairoh lordy, how to stay awake for the next 2 hours
10:57.53Cairservers just shut down, so no more WoW
10:58.06Depherios...photoshop? XD
10:58.10Cairgot Cair to lvl 11 though
10:58.20Cairyeah, could do that, need to work on my next avatar
10:58.32Cairexcept, well, I can't see straight :p
10:58.39Depheriosyeah, that's why I've mostly stopped
10:58.45Depheriosi finish an idea
10:58.51Depheriosand look at it and abruptly go "WTF IS THAT?"
10:58.54Cairlol, hey, maybe it'd actually look good then
10:59.03Cair*opens PS*
10:59.06DepheriosI'm saving the ideas anyway XD
10:59.09Depheriosjust in case
10:59.21Kalroth<Cair> except, well, I can't see straight :p <- Are you drunk again?!
10:59.28CairI'd go crawl in, but I have to make sure the kiddo wakes up
10:59.58CairKalroth: no, although that might have been a good idea yesterday/last night, I might not have been in such a pissy mood
11:00.26KalrothYup, beer can fix any mood!
11:00.34Kalrothoi, lunch time ;)
11:00.37Cairheh, I got all the *cough* important *cough* threads bumped on the Blizz UI forum before shut down
11:00.44Cairewwww, no, beer just makes me puke
11:00.59purlsingle-malt, 18 years old or better, for those having a refined palate, a much more serious drink than beer which is drunk by pussies
11:01.52Cairhrm, maybe new comics are up
11:09.23Cairoh yeah, if you haven't already .... Map yourself!
11:13.25Caircool :)
11:14.03StylpeHmm, they should let us put precise lat/lon values =P
11:14.36Depheriosheh, I'd rather not let people be able to find my precise lat/long to the S/N I use online for EVERYTHING XD
11:17.00Cairwhich topic?
11:17.29Cairah well, respond anyway :)
11:17.39Industrialadded myself Cair
11:17.48Caircool Indu :)
11:17.51Depherioslol, no thanks ^_^ I'm willing to bet he found what he was looking for by now.... he/she
11:18.10Cairawww, and you even used one of the pics I like!
11:18.20IndustrialIndustrial Amsterdam, Noord-Holland (Netherlands)
11:18.53Depheriosall my pics are unsorted, as my webpage is down, and that's where I kept the sorted ones XD -- so I didn't post one
11:19.05Depheriosand I don't think it wanted a gif
11:19.11Cairiirc, you can go back and post one after
11:19.26Depheriosif I couldn't I'd drop myself on myself anyway (or try to) XD
11:19.35Depheriosand be like "this time I'm pretty"
11:19.35Cairlalala, okay, that's 15 mins of the 2 hrs I need to stay awake ... now what?
11:20.01Depheriosanybody played with replacing the Mp3s built into wow, rather than just listening to external music?
11:20.07Cair*gets out the toothpicks for her eyelids*
11:20.36Depheriosthose hurt, use qtips
11:21.39IndustrialCair: want me to upload some noise music? that'l keep you awake :D
11:21.43Industrial(and the whole house)
11:21.59Cairkiddo needs sleep
11:22.04Depheriostwo words, Ultra Relax
11:22.13Industrialtwo words
11:22.14Depheriosbest song ever for staying awake
11:22.23IndustrialBoss's BMW
11:22.34Depheriosit's the happiest, funkiest japanese pop song ever
11:22.41Industrial<more work />
11:22.43Depheriosit has a BANJO in it
11:23.33Cairshe pulled an all nighter Sunday night/Monday morning, was up until 1 am this morning before I told her she *had* to go sleep, she's got a cold, strep throat and laryngitis, and has an ISU that *has* to be handed in today that isn't finished yet
11:23.55Cair(Independant Study Unit)
11:23.56StylpeHaha, Cair, I have to stay up for another 10 hours, and I'm dozing off =P I know how you feel
11:24.08IndustrialStylpe: why?
11:24.13DepheriosI need to be in bed, but I'm not tired in the slightest, want to trade?
11:24.15Industrial10 hours = st your alarm + sleep
11:24.24StylpeBecause I have to correct my sleep pattern
11:24.29Cairsoooo, Mom is staying up until I wake her in another 2 hrs
11:24.31Industriali had that too
11:24.39Depheriosbeen there, done that :P
11:24.45Caircorrect sleep pattern? hahahahhahaha, wtf is that?
11:24.52DepheriosI gave up XD
11:24.58DepheriosI just sleep whenever I'm tired and can now
11:25.05Industriali have that after every holiday
11:25.07StylpeRight now, my body wants to sleep from 12 pm to 9 pm =(
11:25.09Industrialthen tis just 9 to 5 again
11:25.40Stylpeoh, and I'm on the map now
11:27.09Cairhey Malivil
11:28.31CairStylpe: your image always scares the hell out of me
11:29.06StylpeThat's me saying WEEEEEE
11:30.15Cairwell, it's skeery
11:31.03StylpeAhaha, that reminds me, I have a hilarious pic of one of my younger brothers with a *very* similar looking expression :D Hold on lemme upload it
11:33.34*** join/#wowi-lounge zeeg (n=wguru@
11:35.55DepheriosOMG AT PICTURE
11:37.13Depherioslol, I never get any email... all I have is bills, and things I've ordered online's statements XD
11:37.32StylpeYou mean you don't get spam? HOW?
11:37.35Depheriosoh, and Xbox Live, and Blizzard Entertainment "spam"
11:37.44Depheriosnot a lick of spam on Gmail
11:37.53Depheriosnot one
11:37.56Depherios... well no, I got ONE
11:38.10Depheriosbut that was after I gave my Email to comcast XD
11:38.14Depherios... and I never got one again
11:38.20Stylpewell, true, I don't have it on my gmail either, but I blame that on my being careful
11:38.31Depheriosnaw, I'm not very careful
11:38.42StylpeNow, my Hotmail account.....
11:38.49Depherioshotmail sells the info
11:38.50Depheriosthey have to
11:39.42DepheriosNOBODY is going to spam "" let alone "" or ""
11:40.03Depheriosand yes... I DID make
11:40.13DepheriosJUST to see if it would get spam
11:40.15Depherios.... second day
11:40.33StylpeAren't email addies case-insensitive?
11:40.42Depheriosyeah, but that's how I think of it XD
11:41.18CairStylpe, that's utterly terrifying
11:41.19StylpeMy brother? =P
11:41.35Cairoh my god
11:41.48StylpeHaha, maybe I can make money on that pic :D
11:42.17StylpeLol, what if it became a new fad, like the o rly owl and the likes?
11:42.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Rowne (
11:42.27CairI would KILL you
11:42.32Stylpecept there's already been a weeee fad
11:42.33*** part/#wowi-lounge Rowne (
11:42.45StylpeHaha, you scared Rowne :D
11:43.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Rowne (
11:45.07CairDepherios: *boggle*
11:45.12Cairokay, my eyes didn't need that
11:46.08RowneI shall have nightmares for the rest of the week.
11:46.09RowneThank you.
11:46.26*** join/#wowi-lounge krka_ (
11:46.38StylpeYou're welcome
11:46.47StylpeThat's my younger brother fyi
11:48.08Depheriosgod, I have so many animated avatars
11:48.21Depheriosnot like that one XD good ones
11:50.07DepheriosTHERE IT IS
11:50.40Depheriosmy favorite animated avatar
11:51.15Cairam I going to have to kill you if I click that link, Dep?
11:51.20Depheriosnot at all
11:51.23Depheriosit's work safe, and not of me
11:51.32Depheriosand funny
11:51.52Cairokay, it's ... weird :p
11:51.56Cairbut then, I'm tired
11:52.12StylpeI think weird about covers it
11:52.16DepheriosIt's not funny if you don't recognize Mr. Smith, or you're not a fan XD
11:52.29Cairoh, I recognized it
11:53.40Cairnow THAT is funny!
11:53.53DepheriosTetris Yaoi, never gets old XD
11:54.49RowneThat makes my brain NURR.
12:00.13zeegBeta 2 of the patcher is available, the author managed to make the addons management uglier, which will be fixed, but its got some more bug fixes in it
12:01.02Depherios\ <-- last one... I couldn't find it, it's in the wrong folder XD
12:03.35Depherios... that second to the last one reminds me *reads Perry Bible Felowship*
12:07.39Cairokay, mass tired just hit, this has now gone from amusing to completely hysterical:
12:07.58Cair~for porn
12:08.41Kalrothoh man, Cair you must be really tired!
12:08.55Cairwheeeeeeeeee *falls over*
12:10.06Depherioswow... just wow
12:10.09Depherios... oh hell
12:10.16DepheriosCair we need to trade!
12:10.23zeegcairenn-mmorpg? O.o
12:10.34Depherioshow big was that file, because I DLed it instantly O_o was taken :p
12:11.11zeegim gonna go buy my dot com name from this guy
12:11.14zeeghes not cool enough for it :D
12:11.15Kalrothyeah zeeg, there's also ad
12:11.32zeeglook at that guy!
12:11.38CairI was completely shocked to find someone else using Cairenn, it's the first time I've *ever* seen it used by anyone other than me
12:11.40zeegall those people could be seeing me!
12:11.44zeegtheres like
12:11.47zeeg80 chinese zeeg's
12:11.50DepheriosI saw a guy with Depherius once
12:11.58Depherios... closest I've ever seen... I almost died
12:12.32CairDepherios: only 2.71 mb
12:12.40Cairnot a big file at all
12:12.44Depherioslol, I saw
12:12.47Depherioshence why I didn't comment
12:12.57zeegugh im gonna be so tired
12:13.02zeegi keep randomly waking up at 3 in the morning
12:13.02DepheriosI thought my connection and your host were like... touching somewhere or something XD
12:13.05zeegand i have class at 8 :(
12:13.16StylpeCair: Want a crazy flash-game involving cute little characters that requires very little interaction but that is amusing to watch?
12:13.29Cairoh lord .... probably not :p
12:13.47StylpeSure you do!
12:14.27RowneI'll pass.  After the Badgers and the Lions of Kenya, I've developed a chronic phobia of flash-things, they eat up my life and brain-cycles.
12:14.53Cairbadger badger badger badger badger mushroom mushroom
12:14.55RowneHow you people manage to get anything done with that kinda stuff running around in your brains I'll never know.
12:14.56StylpeIt's not one of those =P
12:15.17Kalrothlol Rowne
12:15.22zeegring ring ring ring
12:15.25Cairalready saw it Stylpe, can't remember what my high score was though
12:15.30zeegbananaphone will go down in history!
12:15.32Kalrothzeeg :D
12:15.33CairNOOOOOO, not the banananananananana phone
12:15.43zeeglook at that stud
12:15.50Kalrotha collegue at work got it as his ringtone
12:16.01Cairlol Stylpe
12:16.01zeegi want that ringtone
12:16.08zeegi have "last christmas" by jimmy eat world as my ringtone :P
12:16.43Cairthis is so not good guys, just about everything is funny now, and I have this incredible urge to go watch badgers
12:16.50Cairbadger badger badger badger badger mushroom mushroom
12:18.19Depheriosoh, my, god'
12:18.51RowneThat's it.
12:18.54RowneYou've asked for this.
12:18.59RowneYou've inflicted it on yourselves!
12:19.23CairI know kenya, you can't trick me!
12:19.25Depherioshaha! I have no quicktime! I cannot be corrupted by your evils!
12:19.41RowneLucky bugger.
12:21.39RowneThat's a shame, Cair.  Try this instead:
12:21.56Depheriosonce again, I can not be fooled!
12:22.26RowneWhat to inflict, what to inflict ...
12:22.28RowneOh, I know!
12:22.32Rowne*Runs off to hunt for ...*
12:22.57Kalrothred bicycles?
12:23.42Cairfrom the length of time it is taking him ... a virgin in NYC
12:23.51KalrothCair: a what? :)
12:23.59Kalrothoh, you mean the record company!
12:24.02RowneI couldn't find the link, Orisinal is a strangely odd word to remember.
12:24.21RowneEspecially this:
12:26.13StylpeWell, you trapped me =P
12:26.27Kalroth.. fooor porn!
12:26.43Kalrothit's actually stolen from a musical ><
12:26.54Kalrothavenue q!
12:27.31Kalrothhrm, it doesn't seem to work in fireforx?
12:27.38Kalrothfirefox, rather
12:28.01RowneStylpe, the Train game has you?
12:28.02RowneMe too.
12:28.09RowneMust ... get on ... high score table again ... augh.
12:28.29RowneI actually managed to score some 6000-odd on that once in an incredible fluke.
12:29.15Cairomg so cute puppies!
12:29.28Cairkalroth, yeah, I know
12:33.28*** join/#wowi-lounge pHuzi0n (
12:33.41Depherios.... need... to be... tired
12:34.51RowneNURR!  HATE TRAIN!  *Coughs.*  Sorry.
12:35.04*** join/#wowi-lounge Parak (
12:37.15Depherioswell, I'm off to go play some Time Crisis 3... holding that bloody light gun up should help tire me out
12:37.18DepheriosG'night all
12:37.40Cairnight Depherios
13:06.48KolthI'm a bad PvE raider... Been playing opposite faction on another server this week.
13:06.53KolthJust installed GuildWars again.
13:12.32CairParak: I like , especially the top 30 stuff for each category :o
13:12.32CairParak: (wording of which is potentially nsfw)
13:12.50Cair*in danger of wetting herself from laughing so hard*
13:15.41CairMr. T can resurrect fictional characters and objects from movies.  He demonstrated this when team player/front man Bono from U2 asked Mr. T to help  him cure world poverty by 2015. Mr. T went on to resurrect the death star from  the star wars films and destroy the whole of Africa, problem solved
13:17.14CairWhen Mr. T has sex with your mother she becomes pregnant with YOU.  No one knows how this happens but rest assured Mr. T IS your daddy.
13:17.31CairMr. T once tore down the Berlin guessed it...out of  pity.
13:17.47Cairokay, sorry, Imma go sleep now ...
13:18.10krka|workyou sleep at odd times
13:19.16CairMr. T used to play around with other phrases before discovering,  "I pity da fool." The one that led to this awesome motto was, "I sympathize with  da fool," but he quickly changed it after consulting with the remaining pair of  the holy trinity (Chuck Norris and Vin Diesel) who told him it was a bit  gay.
13:19.19Cair*falls over*
13:20.34Cairthis is what happens when Cair hasn't had any sleep in much too long
13:21.26krka|workget into bed already
13:25.13krka|workhmm... that might be a good pick up line *makes mental note*
13:27.47futr-sleepMr. T has beat the shit out of so many people over his brilliant life that most medical journals now classify him as a laxative.
13:33.33*** join/#wowi-lounge Legorol (
13:36.26*** join/#wowi-lounge RasmusKL (
13:52.27LegorolIriel not on I see
13:54.41krka|workvery perceptive, it's probably sleep time for americans
14:15.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Trilian (
14:23.34*** join/#wowi-lounge sweede (
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14:27.44*** join/#wowi-lounge id` (
14:29.44futr-sleepespecially East Coast ones
14:36.38sweedeso, this is full of would be lua/wow interface programmers ?
14:37.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Beladona (
14:37.36*** mode/#WoWI-lounge [+o Beladona] by ChanServ
14:37.48id`omg like ops n stuff
14:37.54id`hai Beladona
14:37.59id`and hai sweede
14:38.13sweedehmm... apparently not today on the mystical morning off wow...
14:38.58id`sweede: its a wow discussion channels
14:39.06id`sweede: yes there are programmers
14:39.09sweedewow ui !
14:39.14id`sweede: dont ask to ask :)
14:39.23sweedei'm having a problem trying to use the load on demand stuff
14:39.38sweedewhen i enable it, and try to use the addon, i get massive SetFont errors and whatnot
14:39.50Paraknot all addons can be loaded on demand
14:39.53id`sweede: no guarantee I will help you, however. I'm at work and noob :>
14:40.02id`him him!
14:40.14sweedeso i'm like "wtf", and since the blizz has left us with tons of usefull docu on how to make addons and what works and what doesnt..
14:40.21sweedeo wait.. they didnt!
14:40.31sweedeparak, so addons with GUI parts cant be load on demand ?
14:41.05Parakafaik, if the addon has any xml, it's rather difficult to load on demand unless you specifically code for it
14:41.17id`how gay
14:41.48sweedethe basic problem is the fontstrings and that they cant find like, GameFontNormal or whatever,
14:42.01sweedeso i'd just copy the template from a normal font.xml file and that should do it ?
14:42.18Beladonawhat exacltly do you need from fonts?
14:42.37Beladonaa lot can be done with simple GetFont and SetFont calls
14:43.10sweedesetting the font in the lua code itself huh..
14:43.22Beladonayou have your own frame?
14:43.37Beladonaand you are trying to set the font of something in that frame?
14:43.55Beladonajust get the name of whatever the fontstring is
14:44.02Beladonaand do FontString:SetFont()
14:45.35sweedereading ftw? heh
14:45.51sweedeso, i put that before i try to SetText() of course  ?
14:46.56sweedeif i do that, i wont need the  inherits="GameFontNormalSmall"  in my xml will i ?
14:47.10sweedebecause that's the problem to begin with..
14:47.19sweedeoo and i can use my own fonts :D
14:47.28Beladonain fact, once 1.9 comes out, it is best to leave your xml pretty bare, and set a lot of stuff in the lua
14:47.36Parakthere's also something called acegui, if you swing that way...:o
14:47.37Beladonasaves on memory that way
14:47.39Beladonaand loading time
14:48.25sweedethe problem that i have, is that when this addon is enabled, FPS drops from 20-30 to like, 10-15 in BWL, where if its not loaded it stays at 20-30..
14:48.54sweedei'm not sure where it's coming from, but it does read from a rather large array that's contained in a lua file thats roughly 200k in size.
14:49.08Beladonacan you post your code?
14:49.26sweedeyou ever see the dkp_System ?  its loosly based off of that.
14:49.52*** join/#wowi-lounge BO|Razag (
14:50.31sweedehowever, here's the single XML file that the addon uses
14:50.49sweedemost of the lag (like fps) is from gui type addons then ?
14:50.59Beladonanot really
14:51.21Beladonamost of it is from <ON***> scripts and RegisterEvents
14:51.30Beladonadepending on what you do and how often it fires
14:52.03sweedethe onload doesnt really do anything, the events though, mainly monitors whispers (only event loaded i think)
14:52.19Beladonaany reason you don't just load the lua files via the toc?
14:52.27Beladonanot that it matters, just asking
14:52.45sweede<-- copy&paste coder
14:53.01sweedewell, copy and paste learning bliz xml+lua maddness coder
14:53.13BeladonaI am pretty good at optimizing code, so I will take a peek
14:53.23sweedelet me add the other lua files then.
14:53.37sweedeand dont laugh at my code :( , its not realy mine anyways..
14:53.46Beladonano worries
14:53.53BeladonaI have seen some seriously bad code in my time
14:54.07Beladonasome from released addons
14:54.13Beladonaalthough I won't name names
14:54.15sweede , the main Lua file (the handlers for GUI related events is another file)
14:54.45sweedei was checking out the EqDKP code (i like php), and i was like "wow this is nicely formated and layed out, etc"
14:54.52sweedeuntil i really started following the code....
14:55.27sweede , the GUI stuff
14:55.38Beladonaanything can be tweaked
14:55.43Beladonato be better
14:56.06Beladoname for instance. Every addon I have ever installed, I have ripped apart and rewritten in some way
14:56.15Beladonasct is a perfect example
14:56.18BeladonaI use it
14:56.19sweedei was planning on re-coding the entire thing to be a bit more abstract, but since i know as much about optimziing wow addons as i do mexican cookin, i'm screwed..
14:56.25Beladonabut I converted it to be 1/3 the size
14:57.27Beladonaand actually your code isn't bad
14:57.39BeladonaI haven't found any real problems yet
14:57.46sweedethe addon, what it does is the raid leader or the person doin loot, does  /ai [item link],price,price
14:58.00sweedeand it puts in chat "send tells for item for xx yy prices"
14:58.17sweedesomeone sends the word "bid" or upgrade or whatever, and it puts them in the list, sorted by their DKP.
14:58.35sweedei get the DKP from EqDKP, which i followed from DKP_System
14:59.06sweedethen magic happens and the loot handler clicks the name on the list and a box pops up says "omg are you sure", and yes/no says i win.
14:59.12sweedethats the short version :)
15:00.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (
15:00.44sweedebut, as i said, with this enabled there is a mad drop in FPS.
15:01.56id`~lart Osagasu
15:01.56BeladonaI do have a question
15:01.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Eraphine|Disco (
15:01.57Beladonayou have a button template with 5 fontstrings
15:02.11id`g0t lag?
15:02.15Beladonatrying to figure out what they are for
15:02.31sweedeit turns out to be like..
15:02.44Beladona$parentName, $parentPrice, $parentClass, etc...
15:03.05sweedecharname    class  U 12.44 dkp
15:03.11sweedeso, like if i bid it'd be
15:03.27sweedeazrael      mage F 28.5 DKP    and one other thing i forget..
15:03.45Beladonaand these are organized how?
15:03.52Beladonain columns and rows?
15:03.58sweedeoh, rows
15:04.55sweedei guess i could put them all in the same fontstring... heh
15:05.21Beladonanot without possibly having alignment issues
15:05.26sweedebut i wanted them to be in a table like format, since there are char names that are coup
15:05.28Beladonahang on looking into something
15:05.34sweededamn irc v.s. wow chat boxxes
15:06.48Beladonayou need a layout like the actionFrame
15:07.09sweedethat'd be sweet! , cept thats like. way over my head atm..
15:07.19sweedebecause i had a WHOle cool idea..
15:07.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Astryl (n=Astryl@
15:07.49AstrylCair|sleep awake?
15:08.08Astryl~poke Cair|sleep
15:08.10purlbut then who will poke the pokers, astryl? groll?
15:08.18AstrylYes, groll will.
15:08.26sweedeit'd be a "client - server" type addon, everyone would have it, but only like one person would be the "looter" , and when he looted the corpse, a loot window would open on every chars screen with the loot, the current DKP prices for such loot, and an option to bid/pass on loot
15:08.53sweedeit'd show the details of it, icons, etc.. look just like your normal lootbox frame
15:10.21sweedebtw, i claim intellectual property rights on above idea ;) hehe
15:12.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Astryl (n=Astryl@
15:12.38sweedeastryl, you cant rejoin channel yet, there's a queue of 340..
15:13.47sweedebtw, i also was wondering if anyone knew wtf i could do to get my game to be over 20fps with an Athlon X2 3800, a geforce 7800 and 2g of ram.
15:13.53futr-sleepanyone had that happen to them, going further down in the queue?
15:14.29futr-sleepI don't know wtf you could have done to get it below 20fps ;']
15:14.48*** join/#wowi-lounge Ratbert_CP (
15:14.53sweedefirst one to say either "dont use windows" or "get linux", i'll haxor irc and k-line you.
15:15.37Ratbert_CPHow about "Get the penguin"?
15:15.43krka|workget mepis!
15:15.49Kalrothsweede: get unix!
15:15.53krka|workhm, i should read the question first
15:15.54Ratbert_CPGet Minix!
15:15.58sweedei did buy cedega..
15:16.06sweedei probably should cancel my subscription sometime
15:16.24sweederatbert, even then you'd only get 5fps on vael
15:16.27Kalrothsweede: if you remove all addons, do you still have that framelag?
15:16.31krka|workyou bought cedega??? wow
15:16.42sweedeheh, it was 15$.
15:16.43AstrylPfft, get a mac.
15:16.51sweedekalroth, dunno.. havent tried :)
15:16.59krka|worki wonder if wine will ever be 100% compatible with windows
15:17.09krka|workexcept more stable :P
15:17.52Kalrothsweede: There's a problem with hidden/invisible addon windows causing a huge fps drop, so if the addons you use don't remove their ui (only set visible to false) then it might affect fps
15:18.19krka|workwhat is an addon window?
15:18.32Kalrothany UI an addon might make :)
15:18.44krka|worki have made addons that defined well over 1000 hidden points and lines
15:18.56krka|workdidn't experience any slowdown from that
15:19.09Kalrothit doesn't happen to all setups for some reason
15:19.27sweedekalroth, so MyFrame:hide()  ftl ?
15:19.30krka|worki didn't get any report at all about AutoTravel slowing things down
15:19.48krka|workand it did have a couple of 100 (or 1000?) users
15:20.34Kalrothnot all users report in bugs, they either live with it or don't use it :)
15:20.45sweede<-- one of them
15:20.46Kalrothsecondly, like I said, it doesn't happen on all platforms
15:21.22Kalrothbut I've read several posts of people with highend hardware that gets odd framelag from various addons
15:22.05Kalrothaddons that work fine on other systems.
15:22.09sweedeone guy in our guild, bought a pair of athlon x2's with a dual capable, SLI motherboard and runs a pair of 7800s, he gets like, 80fps on vael, except when he uses my addon :(
15:22.22Kalrothif only I knew what the specific issue is (I'm having that problem as well)
15:22.38Kalrothsweede: but yes, try destroying your frames rather than hiding them
15:22.54krka|workyou can destroy frames?
15:22.59krka|workhow long have you been able to do that?
15:23.07krka|workcan you also create frames on the fly?
15:23.12Kalrothwell unload them?
15:23.35Beladonayou have to have a frame defined somewhere to be able top use it
15:23.48Beladonayou can't create a frame from striaght lua
15:24.09sweedebeladona, so thats the "create more of the frame from Lua instead of xml" part ?
15:24.09krka|workcan do you unload frames?
15:24.28Beladonayou can modify and define attributes of the frame yes
15:24.30sweedeso i can have like <Frame name="foomanchu"> </frame> and do the rest from lua  ?
15:24.32Beladonaand unset them as well
15:24.38RowneHm.  Theoretically it might be possible but even then you'd need a base frame with the metatable to do it.  kergoth was screwing around with using the ChatFrame to spawn virtual frames of all kinds.
15:24.45OsagasuIf I could kill a video game character...
15:24.53OsagasuCream the Rabbit would be what I killed.
15:25.02Kalrothyou can't create a frame entirely from source? my bad, I thought they added that, sorry :(
15:25.39sweedewell, i'd imagine that you couldnt add frame elements, only modify their attributes.
15:25.47RowneTheoretically you could with one of Blizzard's frame templates but it'd be really, REALLY hard and the code you'd have to use to do it would make it kinda pointless.
15:25.51Beladonaand some of the features you are referring to are 1.9 stuff
15:26.01Beladonawhich of course won't work till it goes live
15:26.29sweedeso.. in reality, you'd have what XML is sopposed to be then, XML was just a basic "outline" of what you want, then you have the XSL sheet to actually define what it does. in Bliz's case though, the Lua file is the XSL sheet for XML
15:26.38RowneI think the best way to deal with frames at the moment is to unregister all events tied to them and wipe all functions from the frame before you hide it.
15:27.33RowneI've been tempted to create a framework to do just that actually.  Sort of an uber-hide that would keep a base-network of functions from frames and then nuke the functions from them on hide and restore them on show.
15:27.48RowneThe reason for this is that you wouldn't get overhead from something trying to SetAlpha or whatnot on a hidden frame.
15:27.49Beladonahiding is supposed to take care of that for you, but in practice it seems to sometimes cause the lag Kalroth mentioned
15:27.55RowneBecause it'd be basically calling function() end.
15:28.14KalrothBeladona: Yeah, it looks like it's an error in the client though :/
15:28.54sweedeSo then, in my MyFrame_Hide() function, i'd have it unregister events tied to the frame, but how do i "unload" a script event to it ?
15:29.05Kalrothyou can't unload the frame, my bad
15:29.14Kalrothbest you can do right now is to unregister events
15:29.48Kalrothwell those events needed for updating/redrawing the frame(s) anyways, if you want background processing then you obviously still need some events
15:29.53RowneYou'd have to document all the functions tied to it, swede.
15:30.01RowneThen nil those functions with blank stubs.
15:30.12RowneLike, blah.SetAlpha = function() end - before the Blizzard code has a chance to butcher it.
15:30.16RowneIt may STILL butcher it.
15:30.22RowneBut it's something I'm tempted to play with.
15:30.24krka|worki don't see how getting some events should slow anything down significantly
15:30.36RowneIt's down to the events, krka.
15:30.42Beladonadepends on the event
15:30.43RowneSome events fire far, far too often.
15:30.44krka|workno one is actually performing time critical code upon catching those, right?
15:30.47Beladonahow often it fires
15:30.50RowneLike, BAG_UPDATE fires 125 times on login.
15:30.59RowneI mean, using FireShow ...
15:31.02RowneI've seen some scary shit.
15:31.07sweedethe only major event that hte addon uses is the CHAT_MSG_WHISPER and CHAT_MSG_WHISPER_INFORM
15:31.08KalrothAnd it gets a lot worse in high-end instance raids
15:31.10RowneSKILL_LINES_UPDATE fires once every .5 seconds.
15:31.13krka|workthat's only on login though, shouldn't affect the rest of the game
15:31.22KalrothVael creates a _lot_ of events, I dare not log how many
15:31.27RowneYeah but you don't know when it'll go 'wonky'.
15:31.30RowneFor example ...
15:31.32RowneWhen you die ...
15:31.45RowneI shit you not.
15:31.58krka|workwhen you get an event, all you do is set a flag and possibly add relevant data to a table
15:32.03krka|workit should be _fast_
15:32.04RowneNow I just check for death via PLAYER_ALIVE only.
15:32.15RowneIt's not that, krka.
15:32.21RowneIt's not -your- code is the problem.
15:32.25krka|workyes, i noticed some oddities when writing AutoTravelCorpse
15:32.31RowneIt's that Blizzard event code is highly unotpimized.
15:32.36KalrothThe wow client calls some events waaaay too much
15:32.37RowneOr, unoptimized.
15:32.43sweedepff... buggy bliz code!!! never !
15:33.01krka|workbut you can't do anything about blizzard code anyway
15:33.03KalrothThey're supposedly working on the event system for 1.9 though
15:33.04RowneThe events code isn't just buggy.  It's just plain bad.
15:33.21RowneYeah but you can do something about how you manage your events.
15:33.24RowneTo minimalize their use.
15:33.48RowneBecause some events are almost as bad as onUpdates.
15:34.12KalrothOnUpdate is bad, bad bad bad!
15:34.13krka|workhas anyone done any benchmarks?
15:34.13RowneEven when they're not doing anything.  FireShow causes a considerable framerate hit on times and it doesn't really do anything with the events other than print the event/arg info.
15:34.25RowneKalroth: Agreed.
15:34.28krka|workprinting is not non-trivial
15:34.29Rownekrka: I think they need to be done.
15:34.34Beladonabenchmarks are hard to run
15:34.38KalrothIt's like the Windows OnPaint message :p
15:34.50Beladonamost people that do benchmarks use addons that do the benchmarking
15:34.57Beladonawhich of course effects the results
15:35.14krka|workjust have an addon do minimal computation
15:35.17krka|worksuch as:
15:35.19KalrothYou'd need a real QA tool to do proper testing of addons in the wow client
15:35.32krka|worklocal x = 0 function catchevent() x = x + 1 end
15:35.34KalrothSome kind of proofing tool that can keep track of all your stuff
15:35.36BeladonaI am not a fan of that method
15:36.01Kalrothkrka: it doesn't say much though, other than how many times the specific event was called
15:36.07sweedeRowne, line 230  is my event function ,  its only realy needed when the gui frame is showing
15:36.09krka|worksee how much the framerate drops with events on and with off
15:36.15krka|workand count the number of event calls
15:36.29Kalrothwhat you're really interested in (from a module viewpoint) is how long time it spends in a specific event
15:36.36Kalrothmodule = addon, sorry :)
15:36.54krka|workyou can't access those times from lua
15:37.02krka|workthat's before even entering lua
15:37.23krka|workbut with my method you can atleast see how the fps is affected
15:37.43Beladonawow, so annoying: downloaded UI Designer to view some default frames for inspection purposes. Only to realize it can't display anything except what was created with it
15:37.53krka|workframerate difference / number of events fired = framerate penalty per event
15:37.56Beladonakind of defeats the purpose for me
15:38.18Kalrothkrka: yeah, but there's different circumstance for the events
15:38.27krka|worksuch as?
15:38.44Kalrotheg. you get one kind of events in Ironforge and another kind when getting spanked by Vael in BWL :)
15:38.52sweedevael ftw
15:39.04krka|workof course you need to measure a specific happening
15:40.06KalrothI agree it would be a nice point to begin with though
15:40.10RowneOh and sweede, if you're going to be listening to anything I'm saying, tables for the win, over procedural.  ... ... ... *Flees.*
15:40.31Kalrothkrka: And it's probably the best we can do as far as benchmarking/proofing addons
15:41.03RowneI'm really hoping the OO initiative picks up though. ... but regardless, sweede, read what I've said on OO on the WoWI forums.
15:41.19sweedeoo.. object, not tables.. that confused me :)
15:41.19KalrothOO ftw!
15:41.25RowneHopefully if people start to understand what I'm talking about there, people won't think I'm such an Ace nut anymore.  I just love OO, dammit.  ;p  Procedural pollution is bad, bad, bad.
15:41.36krka|worki heard that bliz will optimize events in 1.9 anyway
15:41.38sweedei've been getting into OO, i did a LOT of php well before they had an ok object interface.
15:41.42RowneOO object > table > procedural.
15:41.42KalrothLearn to code C# first, then do LUA :P
15:42.02krka|workOO in lua is pretty hard to do
15:42.12RowneOO objects and tables are very similar.
15:42.16Rownekrka, nah, nah it's not.
15:42.29RowneIt really isn't.
15:42.47krka|workthen show me some example code
15:42.48RowneObj = {val = "Blah"} function Obj:Print() DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(self.val) end
15:42.54krka|workclass definitions, inheritance, et.c.
15:43.06RowneI just did.  It's as simple as that.
15:43.13RowneLua OO is -very- simple.
15:43.32RowneAnd it saves from procedural pollution, for example ...
15:43.36RowneWith procedural, you have ...
15:43.42RowneMyAddOn_* ... perhaps, 50 times?
15:43.54RownePolluting the hell out of the namespace.
15:43.58RowneWith OO, you just have your object.  Done.  One entry.
15:44.03krka|worki guess inheritance would be to first make a copy of the table and then change some of it?
15:44.38RowneAnd in Lua, it's obnoxiously easy to do that, too.
15:44.50RowneThey made it painfully obvious that OO is what they (the Lua creators) prefer.
15:44.54RowneBecause they made OO so easy.
15:45.27RowneI mean, local a = Obj self.obj = a will create a new definition of Obj.
15:45.39RowneInheriting everything from it, in the process.
15:45.42sweedei'm gonna have to look again at the code of some addons...
15:45.49BeladonaOO is one of things that no one can prove the benefits of definitively
15:45.51sweedebecaue at first i was like "Wtf"? not realizing it was oo
15:45.55RowneSo let me do that with two objects ...
15:45.56Beladonabut everyone that uses it agrees
15:46.32krka|workencapsulation and abstraction is good
15:46.34RowneIt's just kinder.  To the environment and to the community in general.
15:46.34RowneIt's easier to work 'with' an OO AddOn.
15:46.40sweedebeladona, i really bet i can find someone who can prove that :)
15:46.45RowneTo provide submodularity across numerous AddOns.
15:47.20krka|worki haven't really seen any addon that takes advantage of inheritance though
15:47.39krka|workor even uses objects to store data
15:47.41AstrylKalroth, you do C#?
15:47.41KalrothThe main problem with OO is that you need to think your addon through from the beginning :)
15:47.41RowneAnyway ... for that example.  Obj1 = {} local a = Obj2 self.Obj = a (where self is Obj2).
15:47.44KalrothAstryl: Yessir
15:47.51RowneThat'd create a sub-object with the same properties as the main object Obj2.
15:48.03KalrothC#, C/C++, Pascal and ASM (680x0 + x86)
15:48.09KalrothYup, C# at work
15:48.11RowneJust so that previous example of inheritance makes more sense.
15:48.21KalrothI prefer Delphi at home, it's a much simpler language :p
15:48.27AstrylAh, nice. I'm not so broad, just C# here.
15:48.30Rownekrka: Every Ace AddOn does.
15:48.33RowneLike, every.
15:48.38RowneEspecially those with modularity.
15:48.43RowneLike KC_Items, Visor and so on.
15:48.53RowneVisor chucks variables back and forth between modules like crazy.
15:48.57KalrothAstryl: Well I've only been programming with C# for about uhmm, well less than 2 years
15:49.13Kalrothso I'm still a newbie to it :)
15:49.19AstrylBeen... Hmm... Almost 4 years for me.
15:49.24RowneAlso, Timex and TimexBars is another good example.
15:49.29RowneTimexBars is a completely optional module.
15:49.34RowneYet it and Timex can talk and share things.
15:49.43KalrothSome programs I still make in Delphi because I can more easily make "hacks" there :p
15:50.00AstrylAh, what do you do?
15:50.07RowneI really -hate- to toot Ace's horn because like I said, it makes me look like an Ace-nut but really, anyone could do this with just OO.  Ace just makes it easier.  *Shrug.*
15:50.12*** join/#wowi-lounge malreth (
15:50.18KalrothSomething as boring as business systems :)
15:50.29AstrylHeh, no much different here...
15:50.50malrethi... live... ... again!
15:50.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Legorol^ (
15:51.03krka|workpersonally I don't think OO is automatically better than another style
15:51.08KalrothFrontends for SAP and Navision, SQL server etc
15:51.17krka|workyou can avoid polluting the global namespace without resorting to OO
15:51.33sweedeif you're smart about your variables and naming.
15:51.37Kalrothkrka: Trust me, once you've got a project that goes over 3 years with 5-8 different programmers .. OO is the only way :)
15:52.00KalrothOO isn't just about the code, it's the whole mentality of the project
15:52.04Beladonathere is no documented proof that OO saves on memory, increases speed, or really has any other benefit in lua than the basics such as reducing namespace collision, allowing inheritence, and a few other things
15:52.08krka|workI use OO most of the time and I like it. I'm just saying that for wow addon writing, it's not always necessary
15:52.08sweedeplease, i just look at something like, php-nuke, as to why procedural programming blows
15:52.29malrethOO never happens in the Real World. Code Reuse is something they talk about in college but it's like Bigfoot. All talk, no substance.
15:52.41malrethand blurry pictures
15:52.44Kalrothcode reuse is hard, very hard
15:52.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Lozareth (
15:52.45Beladonain fact there are benchmarks that show it has a tiny increase in speed and memory usage initially,although I would be willing to bet it uses less in the long run
15:52.58Beladonadecrease in speed is what I meant
15:53.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Maldivia (
15:53.13krka|workRowne, would you consider this OO?
15:53.18Beladonabut I use it for the benefits
15:53.18KalrothTo put it technical, procedural code will _always_ be faster and smaller than OO code.
15:53.26RowneBela: That's what I think because not many people do rolling average tests.
15:53.27Beladonanot to mention the logical orginazation
15:53.27malretheasy. wait 1.5 years. your code will run faster
15:53.28krka|workonly one global table ("object") defined :)
15:53.33*** join/#wowi-lounge kergoth (
15:53.46KalrothBut try managing 50000 lines of code in a procedural environment, it's hell :)
15:53.50krka|workmalreth, we reuse code where I work today
15:53.56krka|workhave for quite some time
15:54.02BeladonaI totally agree
15:54.04Kalrothkrka: yeah, but he means total reuse
15:54.15krka|worktotal reuse?
15:54.17RowneThe problem is that all your functions are procedural, krka.
15:54.20Beladonamy point is, you can't prove that definitively to someone that is still doing procedural
15:54.25RowneIf you put all your functions inside your object, it'd be OO.
15:54.32Beladonathat is why the OO initiative is slow moving
15:54.37malrethWhen I have a kid, I'm giving him a red-black tree and a linked-list for his birthday
15:54.39sweederowne, how do you define a class in lua ?
15:54.39RowneLike, MapLibrary:SomeFunc().
15:54.44KalrothThere's always some twist to a code segment, there's always something different that needs to be done and sometimes it's easier to rewrite rather than reuse
15:54.45RowneYou don't.
15:54.50RowneYou don't define classes, you define objects.
15:54.55RowneClasses don't really exist in Lua.
15:54.56KalrothProgrammers are lazy by nature, so they take the easy way out ;)
15:54.57sweedeoh, so its like java then ?
15:55.03sweedeno wait..
15:55.05RowneI think so, from what I know of Java.
15:55.13BeladonaKalroth, replace programmers with people
15:55.15RowneBasically you have a table, which is an object, then you put things in the table.
15:55.16sweedejava is half like that...
15:55.21RowneIt's like ...
15:55.22BeladonaPEOPLE are lazy by nature
15:55.27RowneHow did I explain it in the Ace classrooms ...
15:55.30RownePotatoes in a sack!
15:55.34KalrothBeladona: Nono, people are stupid, programmers are lazy :P
15:55.36RowneYour object is your sack and your vars and functions are potatoes.
15:55.38Osagasuprogrammers aren't people though
15:55.47Osagasueveryone knows that
15:55.58KalrothOsagasu: Bow to your overlords!
15:56.09krka|workRowne, all my functions are inside a table (an object)
15:56.19TainI only recognize one overlord.
15:56.35OsagasuI, for one, welcome our new robot overlords!
15:56.53Beladonathere is a difference between sticking everything in a table and calling it OO, and actually using them as OO
15:56.54RowneAnd that's just at one glance, krka.  I'm not seeing where you're tablifying.
15:56.58KalrothProgrammers have it easy today, you don't have to worry about pushing/popping the stack, worry about too many global variables eating up the global stack, etc :)
15:56.59malrethi can agree with vars being potatoes, but should functions be something like a ricer or maybe a knife?
15:57.05RowneAck, going too fast, can't keep up.
15:57.06krka|worki just define the functions outside before putting them in the table
15:57.26RowneBela speaks truth.
15:57.30RowneIn the difference between tables and OO.
15:57.34sweedeheh.. i dont think thats OO :)
15:57.37RowneI was trying to explain that in the OO initiative.
15:57.40AstrylAlright, time for mashed potatoes.
15:57.43krka|workanyway, lua is just as much a functiona language as an oo language
15:58.08krka|workin fact, lua couldn't support OO if it didn't support functional programming :)
15:58.11sweedein php, i wrote a lot of classes and logic in objects, but to display them in HTML on webpages, i wrote procedual wrappers around them.
15:58.12RowneYeah but it's actually preferred to use OO.
15:58.21malrethi wouldn't call it oo... but you are essentially creating your own namespace and putting your functions in that
15:58.21RowneEven the people who created Lua say so.
15:58.27RowneProgramming in Lua tells me to use OO aswell.
15:58.35RowneSo there must be a reason for it.
15:58.42malrethyou have to consider the pathos, rowne
15:58.51malreththe author may have a bias and that comes through in the writing
15:58.54TainUnfortunatly the people who use Lua at Blizzard didn't think the same way, so AddOn authors followed their example not knowing any differently.
15:58.55Beladonasweede, a perfect example of OO in php would be setting up a class for doing database functions
15:58.59sweedekrka, there are object languages that have no functional programming.
15:59.01krka|workseems like it's very hard to define if something in Lua is OO or not
15:59.05Beladonalike db->mysql_connect
15:59.22sweedebeladona, i wrote a CMS system all in OO with php 4..
15:59.30TainIt really isn't, krka.  It's probably more of understanding better about what OO is.
15:59.32Beladonajust checking
15:59.37malrethbut I tend to agree, make a namespace for your functions/methods and live inside that. the global namespace in WoW has like 30000 names in it already... don't need anymore
15:59.42RowneOkay, here's the difference.
15:59.43sweedeif anyone knows php4, php 4's object interface blew goats
15:59.45RowneBetween tabled and OO.
15:59.52RowneI did go over this on WoWI but I'll go over it again here.
15:59.55Kalrothsweede: indeed :)
15:59.59RowneOkay, the way you setup a table is the same every time, regardless.
16:00.01RowneObj = {}.
16:00.06KalrothPHP5 handles OO much more graceful
16:00.06RowneIt's how you actually -use- it is different.
16:00.09Beladonaphp4s object interface is better than luas
16:00.12RowneLike Bella says.
16:00.16TainOH yeah sweede, well I wrote a terminal program for the Commodore 64 in BASIC!  ;)
16:00.19sweedebela, thats sad...
16:00.26RowneSo Obj.Func() Obj.var = blah end is not OO.
16:00.26sweedetain, never learned basic :(
16:00.35RowneObj:Func() self.var = blah end is OO.
16:00.52RowneAlso, Obj.Func(self) ... inheritance, yes.
16:01.01RowneInheritance is all the difference.
16:01.06RowneAnd makes all the difference, too.
16:01.13RowneThat's what leads to greater modularity and granularity.
16:01.21Beladonaand less code
16:01.33TainAnd it looks prettier.
16:01.41RowneNo shi... am I allowed to swear here?
16:01.44krka|worki actually prefer first-order functions :)
16:01.45sweedeso, all i have to do is replace _ with : in all my IAS_SomeFunc() functions and bam! insta-OO w00t
16:02.05malrethnot OO... that's a namespace, sweede
16:02.07RowneBut you'd want to redefine all your vars too.
16:02.13malrethbut i'm mincing terminology
16:02.20krka|worknot all things even need inheritance though
16:02.25sweedewell, ya then theres that :)
16:02.27krka|worksome things are meant to live alone
16:02.32AstrylThis is a pointless conversation, heh.
16:02.37krka|workthen there's no point to make it OO
16:02.39RowneWell, actually, everything I've seen benefits from inheritance.
16:02.41TainYeah, crazy ladies with 30 cats.
16:02.55RowneA99 per cent of non-Ace AddOns (I'm gunna get killed for this) have horrible amounts of repeated code.
16:03.00RowneLike, cut and paste blocks.
16:03.03RowneThat annoys the hell out of me.
16:03.10RowneNow if you look at my code, that just doesn't happen.
16:03.14krka|workyes, i agree
16:03.17sweederowne, so everything in lua is basicly an object, you just need to reference it specific ways ?
16:03.17krka|workflexbar does that
16:03.20RowneI have one block of code and I pass that around in an inherited way.
16:03.25Beladonaregardless, all code should be organized like OO in my opinion
16:03.28krka|workbut that's not something that just OO solves
16:03.34krka|workfunctional programming also solves it
16:03.35Beladonafor the collision reduction benefit
16:03.39RowneKrka, you're right.
16:03.41RowneBut OO is a start.
16:03.46Beladonaregardless if you can make use of inheritence
16:03.48RowneOO is a good launching base for good coding habits.
16:03.55RowneBecause the very nature of OO teaches good coding habits.
16:04.02Beladonafor instance
16:04.05RowneI mean, look at Ace-coded AddOns versus non-Ace coded AddOns.
16:04.08krka|workdamn it, gotta run
16:04.09BeladonaALL my addons go into a common table
16:04.09RowneIt's not just Ace doing that.
16:04.13RowneIt's the very nature of OO.
16:04.17Beladonaregardless which are installed
16:04.45Beladonait also makes it easier to find things
16:05.25RowneIt's a new technology, we don't claim it's perfect over on ... but damn, is it slick.
16:05.42RowneWe're always working on improving it though, we're nuts about that.
16:05.50sweedei get a c-stack overflow from MyBank when leaving the banker.
16:05.50RowneGive us a new bone ... an API function, a new way of thinking ...
16:05.57RowneWe jump on it like rabid dogs.
16:05.58Beladonalua wasn't designed to be an OO language. But thankfully it is bendable enough to be forced into a limited OO style
16:05.59sweedeplus closing the bank frame doesnt actually close the bank frame.
16:06.00RowneI use OneBag.
16:06.34RowneMyBag has its problems, Ramble knows that, he's currently rewriting it from the ground up.
16:06.36*** join/#wowi-lounge PiYu (
16:06.38RowneThat's why he hasn't bugfixed.
16:06.45RowneHe's doing a sort of ... AdvancedBags kinda thing.
16:06.48RowneIn OO.  *Cheer.*
16:06.58RowneUntil then, I'll just use OneBag.
16:07.10RowneI <3 OneBag.  Even though it was one of the earliest, it's still very clean.
16:07.13PiYuim not good with times can any1 tell me how many more hrs the svr is down?
16:07.30sweedeyou use -- {{{  }}} --  to comment out blocks right ?
16:07.31BeladonaI think
16:07.31Kalroth*anyone *hours *server
16:07.41Plorkyeran[Away]--[[ ]]
16:07.42RowneSweede, yes.
16:07.45RowneOr you can use ...
16:07.45Beladonawhat was it, 6 hours or 8?
16:07.49RowneDamn you, Plorky!  ;p
16:07.50PiYuerm ok thanks
16:08.03RowneOr you can use what Plorky stated.
16:08.04sweedewhy would you comment out contents of a function definition ?
16:08.16Astryl3 more hours til servers are up.
16:08.22RowneYou wouldn't.  Why would you?  o.O
16:08.25Beladonaahh musta been 8 then
16:08.38Beladonathey aren't pushing 1.9 to the live servers are they?
16:08.39TainUnless there are delays.
16:08.39sweedeim lookng at MyBags/MyBank/MyBank.lua
16:08.52Beladonathank god
16:08.53RowneWhat was that for?
16:09.02KalrothRowne: your 'Ace Addon Collection' link on the about page is buggy!
16:09.10Tain~lart Kalroth
16:09.11AstrylYes, 1.8.4 is today.
16:09.13RowneThat's not mine!
16:09.22sweedethis is whats in there (line breaks removed)
16:09.22RowneWhy does everyone assume Rowne == Ace?
16:09.22sweedefunction MyBankClass:RegisterEvents() -- {{{MyBagsCoreClass.RegisterEvents(self)self:RegisterEvent("BANKFRAME_OPENED")self:RegisterEvent("BANKFRAME_CLOSED")end -- }}}
16:09.26RowneI'm just an Ace coder.
16:09.29Beladonathey are screwing up the version timeline!
16:09.31RowneKaelten is God of all things Ace.
16:09.34RowneI just code with Ace.
16:09.38KalrothRowne: oh, you just pasted the link, I no nuttin!
16:09.42AstrylWhy, Bela?
16:09.53Beladonalook at my wdn site
16:10.01RowneKalroth, no worries.
16:10.11Beladonait will look stupid to put 1.8.4 after the 1.9 builds
16:10.13RowneI think he's talking about when I said 'we at'.
16:10.29RowneThat's yours?
16:10.32RowneThat thing is awesome.
16:10.43RowneI frequently snag the latest XML from there.
16:10.48TainYeah wdn is wonderful.
16:10.54RowneAnd look over the latest Blizzard code to see what perverted things I can find.
16:11.05RowneBecasue you never know what dirty little secrets Blizzard has lying aorund in their FrameXML.
16:11.16BeladonaI am doing some pretty heavy changes to it over the next week
16:11.23PiYuerm what does "melt faces" mean?
16:11.24TainThat's because looking through FrameXML for too long will cause insanity.
16:11.25Beladonamostly adding stuff
16:11.33Astryl...what's with the Â's all over?
16:11.53RowneMy mind just went into a NURR state.
16:11.58RowneAfter those past few lines of text.
16:12.25RowneNow I'm merrily clueless and I have no idea what anyone's talking about.
16:12.30PiYuwhats melt faces?
16:12.31OsagasuMElting faces is what Priests do.
16:12.38PiYui entered this shadow priest thread in the forum
16:12.41PiYuand i c liens of that
16:12.42TainOr LCD
16:12.54PiYuwhat excatly is that?
16:12.55RowneI'm thinking more LSD.
16:12.57PiYua skill?
16:12.58RowneThis is like a bad trip.
16:13.04OsagasuIts a figure of speech
16:13.05malrethRay has gone bye-bye, Egon
16:13.07Beladonamaybe I can get away with the 1.8.4 thing if I stick it in before the 1.9 builds
16:13.10AstrylBela, there are "Â"s all over wdn. Why?
16:13.12TainHow the heck to I mispell a three letter acronym
16:13.22Beladonathey better not screw up the minor version though
16:13.33RowneAugh, my poor thinkybox.
16:13.41PiYumy lvl26 shadow priest sux-_-
16:13.44PiYui get pwned by warrs
16:13.54Osagasuyou just don't know how to play
16:14.01PiYuteach me then^^
16:14.02malrethSorry Venkman, I'm terrified beyond the capitiy for rational thought.
16:14.28RowneMust ... derail ...
16:14.28OsagasuI learned myself over a year of play time
16:14.34RowneI'm wholly SO desiring this:
16:14.45OsagasuI'm not about to go tell my secrets to someone I don't know
16:14.47RowneI can't wait until my rep with the furblog fellows is high enough.
16:14.51RowneThe exalted reward, that is.
16:14.54RowneI want it, so very badly.
16:15.03PiYuu dont hafta phrase it that way u know-_-
16:15.09malrethoh, that? I have two of those.
16:15.19malrethyes, it's-a very nice!
16:15.27RowneI hate you, so much.
16:15.32TainFetchez la vache.
16:15.47OsagasuGotta catch em all!
16:15.52malrethhate makes you strong
16:16.09TainI choose you Gyrados.
16:16.12RowneReally though, that'd be pretty damned awesome to have following me around.
16:16.21Tain~shoot Beladona
16:16.22purlACTION shoots Beladona in the head with a spitwad!
16:16.35RowneThat's not how you do it, Tain!
16:16.40Rowne~lart Beladona
16:16.55RowneNow THAT will kill a person.
16:17.04BeladonaOutlook Express?
16:17.10RowneOh yes.
16:17.13TainThat's beyond evil.
16:17.16Beladonais that a train?
16:17.19RowneI'd rather dodge a bullet any day of the week.
16:17.25Osagasu~sith code
16:17.29sweededare i ask, what kind of bot is purl ?
16:17.33RowneI wonder ...
16:17.35Rowne~earthworm jim
16:17.37purlNever in my years....Have I seen SUCH GLORY!!! Even my T-Shirt pays homage!
16:17.38Osagasupurl, Sith Code is There is no fear, there is power. / There is no death, there is immortality. / There is no weakness, there is the Dark Side. / I am the Heart of Darkness. / I know no fear, / But rather I instill it in my enemies. / I am the destroyer of worlds. / I know the power of the Dark Side. / I am the fire of hate. / All the Universe bows before me. / I pledge myself to the Darkness. / For I have found true life, / In the death
16:17.40purlokay, Osagasu
16:17.40RowneAww, dammit.
16:17.44purli guess purl is the same blootbot as apt, ibot, and jbot, or at, or dashingly handsome
16:17.46RowneHe doesn't have my teachings from ##ace.
16:17.49purlFezzik, tear his arms off.
16:17.56purlGads, my melon!
16:17.56Osagasu~sith code
16:17.58purlrumour has it, sith code is There is no fear, there is power. / There is no death, there is immortality. / There is no weakness, there is the Dark Side. / I am the Heart of Darkness. / I know no fear, / But rather I instill it in my enemies. / I am the destroyer of worlds. / I know the power of the Dark Side. / I am the fire of hate. / All the Universe bows before ...
16:18.03sweedeblootbot  is the worst..
16:18.31Rowne... how did Tem do it, now?
16:18.35purlhere's a llama there's a llama and another little llama fuzzy llama funny llama, llama llama duck. llama llama cheesecake llama tablet brick potato llama, llama llama mushroom llama, llama llama duck. i was once a treehouse i lived in a cake but i never saw the way the orange slayed the rake i was only three years dead but it told a tale and now listen, little ...
16:18.54RowneI blame Tem, Tem corrupted it!  *Hides.*
16:19.11malrethI've allowed genetic research in my nation... now i'll have to see what the repercussions are... muah ha ha ha!
16:19.16Maldiviahmm, can it sing the doom song aswell ? :)
16:19.24Rowne~emulate gir
16:19.26purlmust obey the taco man!
16:19.30Osagasu~sith code
16:19.31purlfrom memory, sith code is There is no fear, there is power. / There is no death, there is immortality. / There is no weakness, there is the Dark Side. / I am the Heart of Darkness. / I know no fear, / But rather I instill it in my enemies. / I am the destroyer of worlds. / I know the power of the Dark Side. / I am the fire of hate. / All the Universe bows before me
16:19.33Osagasu~sith code2
16:19.34purlsith code2 is probably I pledge myself to the Darkness. / For I have found true life, / In the death of the light.
16:20.07purlACTION stalks rowne, chanting doom on you, doom on you!
16:20.49Rownepurl: Bad bot!
16:20.50purlBad bot!, bad! No cookie for you!
16:21.04purlaw, gee, malreth
16:21.12sweedehere's another question i have.. one of morals..  1) last night our guild took nef to 20%, be the first horde kill on our server. 2) my current job forces me to leave at 9pm, however i am quiting friday.. the question is, how late do i go to work tonight ?
16:21.45RowneYou don't.  You 'accidentally' catch a nasty strain of the blue flu.
16:21.53Osagasugo to work at your normal time
16:21.54malrethoh, i had that, too...
16:21.58sweedeheh, the black flu :)
16:22.03Osagasuif you leave at a bad note they'll rmemeber it
16:22.03Beladonathe question is, do you need a good review from this job for any future jobs?
16:22.04malrethon thanksgiving night, no less
16:22.08sweedebela, no
16:22.14Osagasuthen just don't go
16:22.31Maldivianeed the money you would get from the hours you miss at work?
16:22.34sweedei used this job to get another job i start monday.
16:22.38Beladonayou parakeet died, because your aunt swallowed it. Who also died
16:22.42sweedemaldivia, define need :)
16:22.47malrethif you ask me, and you really didn't, but i'll tell you anyways. responsibility first. WoW is just a game.
16:22.50Beladonayou have to go to a funeral for the parakeet
16:23.10AstrylWon't anyone think of the parakeet!?
16:23.22malrethno... parakeets are noisy and annoying.
16:23.36malreththey never stop squawking and you can't kill them for anything
16:23.42malrethdamn immortal birds
16:23.50Maldiviasweede: well, if the money you would earn for the 2 hours you missed made you unable to pay for next months WoW subscription....
16:24.20sweedemaldivia, then i dont need :)
16:24.22sweede"Several people on the test server have reported seeing the following global emote: "Erankius, Tyrant of the Dream, has entered our world". Could this be a foreshadow of things to come in the Emerald Dream?"
16:24.47Maldiviasweede:are there any other needs ?
16:24.50malrethresponsibility first... priorities.
16:25.08sweedemaldivia, the need of being in the raid of the first nef kill, horde hellscream ?
16:25.35Maldiviasweede: well put :)
16:25.35malreththat's not a need. it's a want
16:25.50*** join/#wowi-lounge kergoth (
16:25.54sweedeand on a lesser note, to once again out-do a "group" of people who most happen to be x-guild members.
16:26.01sweede, who are also on nef.
16:26.11malrethalways annoyed me the people who quit two or three days before their last day at work
16:26.25Maldiviamalreth: yeah, but it might be his only chance -- better go, then know that you missed this pivital moment in history...
16:26.26sweedei was just going to stop going all together.
16:26.35sweedeserver history :)
16:26.52AstrylWhat class, Sweede?
16:27.06sweedei was on the first horde vael, broodlord, firemaw ebonroc flamegor and chrommy kill..
16:27.08sweedemage ftw
16:27.24AstrylGot lots of DKP saved up?
16:27.55sweedehowever, netherwind has been dropping in BWL like cenerian does in mc.
16:27.58MaldiviaNinja!... And it'll be your last kill aswell :)
16:28.05sweedeso all the mages will be 7/8 soon :)
16:28.31sweedei already get to ninja from rag :) i'm the last mage in the guild that needs netherwind pants
16:28.40malrethand you'll look like the spawn of Barney and Tron!
16:28.47sweedeperditions blade is also up for ninja-rights too
16:29.16Beladoname want
16:29.24Beladonawhat server is this again?
16:29.28sweedehellscream :)
16:29.50sweedea mage bought brutality blade last MC raid.
16:30.30Maldiviawell, it's looks a lot better than mageblade :)
16:30.48sweedehey, that reminds me, i'm the last mage without a SoD too !
16:30.56sweedesweet! there goes all my dkp !
16:33.30sweedepff. noob.
16:33.57sweedei should go to bed..
16:34.19malrethBarney and Tron...
16:34.28Maldiviago to bed... isn't that a bit early+
16:34.29sweede3rd shift ftl
16:35.12Maldiviait's like 10.30am or so in the US right now, right?
16:35.23sweedecst ya
16:35.24malreth10:30 central, yes
16:35.26Astryl8:35 on west coast.
16:35.30Astryl(Blizz time)
16:36.31Maldiviahmm, anyone know what the "Various preparations added to the client for Patch 1.9." part of todays patch contains?
16:36.42sweedestarting the quests for aq ?
16:37.34AstrylMald, my guess is just files.
16:37.36sweedethere's a guy in the guild who we all think is a GM or works for bliz, so that patchnote will give us something to bother him about for a week or so :)
16:37.37malrethadding new npcs? or at least new graphics and models to the client
16:37.55AstrylNot actually visible, just transfering some graphics stuff to the client.
16:38.00AstrylIt is like a 40mb patch today.
16:38.08malrethyeah, must be
16:38.12AstrylOnly maybe 5mb of it is actually visible yet.
16:38.12Legorol^sweede, what's your guess based on?
16:38.17Maldiviahmm, perhaps I should actually download the patch instead of trolling around on test
16:38.30Legorol^nah test is more fun
16:38.32malrethsplitting up the content between this patch and 1.9 so that we don't wtfpwn the patch server
16:38.34Legorol^BGs fire regularly
16:38.43sweedehe's online 24/7 rarely actually logs off. lives in irving, cali.
16:38.44MaldiviaLegolol, hehe, exactly
16:38.48sweedenever has ever spoke about his work.
16:39.06Legorol^he can't be a blizz employee if he is on 24/7
16:39.12sweedeand has said before , without being asked if he worked for blizzard " i dont work for blizzard"
16:39.14Maldiviahmm, guess I'll just download the patch while trolling around...
16:39.17malrethomg... maybe he's a phone porn operator
16:39.23Legorol^since he would be logged in with his GM or whatever account when he is at work
16:39.29sweedemalreth, we brought that up too
16:39.30AstrylI met a few designers at blizzcon that played on the servers I play on.
16:39.55sweedeno, im not joking ;) , and thats a reason to as why he doesnt have a mic for vent :)
16:40.18malrethoh baby, you touch my Core Marksman Rifle
16:41.57malrethI wield my Hammer of the Titans and bring it down upon your head, crushing it and killing your outright
16:42.10malrethon second thought, he'd be an awful phone porn operator
16:42.17malrethtell him to quit
16:42.43sweedeno, you'd just make a bad one..
16:42.56sweedeunless you put on your robe and wizards hat...
16:43.05malrethi love those
16:43.20futr-sleepwow, 5mins and I still haven't gotten a byte of the patch yet
16:43.35sweedeomg it was SUPER slow today
16:43.44Maldiviafutr, same here
16:43.45AstrylYeah, was that way for me too, had to turn off like every firewall thing on my poor comp.
16:43.51sweedei downloaded a 250 meg por.. i mean.. wow movie today before i got the patch.
16:44.11Astryl...for porn!
16:44.21futr-sleepI don't have a firewall and my router is set to forward me ALL ports... :(
16:44.23sweedefunny, i downloaded that movie too
16:44.26sweedethat was great
16:44.35malrethgah... can't patch until i go home. the spooks here track bit-torrent traffic and discipline immediately. I'll get like 5 memos
16:44.35AstrylAye :)
16:45.01futr-sleepahhh, there tracker is down
16:45.09sweedethere's a queue
16:45.24futr-sleepI get "tracker not responding"
16:45.25Maldiviahmm, mirrored on fileplanet yet?
16:45.43sweedei'm gonna upload it to filefront
16:46.37malrethi should set up a VPN... hmm... then i could patch
16:46.54malrethactually, i could just do it with a ssh tunnel
16:47.17Beladonafileplanet usually doesn't host sub versions
16:47.22Beladonaonly the major ones
16:47.34Beladonalike 1.8, 1.9, but not 1.8.1, etc...
16:47.49Maldiviathink they do when the sub version are of this size
16:47.56sweede13 minutes to upload patch.
16:48.18sweedemy upload speed with comcast is 350kb/sec
16:48.18futr-sleepMr. T was originally cast to play "Wolverine" in the movie "X-Men". However, when the director disagreed with his request to change the title to "Mr.T Hates France", razor blades shot out of his knuckles and he killed everyone on set.
16:48.39malrethVin Diesel!
16:49.01futr-sleep~Mr. T
16:49.29futr-sleep~Mister T
16:49.46futr-sleeppurl, you're fat.
16:49.47purlNo I'm not! I'm just big boned.
16:50.10sweedeoh right, i downloaded star wars galaxies 10 day trial.
16:50.22sweedealthough the Call of Duty 2 demo > *
16:50.26malreththat was a great crafting simulator
16:50.57malrethit was a full-time job running my harvesters and cranking out weapons
16:50.57futr-sleepSWG craftign was fun.. 'till they nurfed it ;']
16:51.03sweedeok, so i cant install star wars galaxies 1- day trial..
16:51.06sweedethe installer crashes
16:51.10Maldiviabtw, isn't this the first time Blizzard has said before time they are putting out a patch ?
16:51.13malrethi'm glad i quit then
16:52.06malrethi would grind day and night on crafting... the only marksman skills that i had were the ones i gained clearing out the space to put down a new harvester
16:52.28futr-sleepsame here malreth
16:52.35malretheven had a macro that would manually harvest while i slept or was at work/school
16:52.48futr-sleepsame here malreth
16:52.57Maldiviadidn't everyone ?
16:53.02sweedei didnt.
16:53.12sweedehad i played sw:g though, i would have.
16:53.19malrethSunstriker weapons were awesome. Efficient and very damaging..
16:53.22futr-sleepthat was a good botting game
16:53.31Maldiviaor for trinding medic, have someone run a tumble macro, while you ran a heal macro...
16:53.54*** part/#wowi-lounge Ratbert_CP (
16:54.30futr-sleeppity one of my Jedi class reqs was Master Image Designer, and I found out AFTER they stopped you being able to bot it
16:55.24malrethI quit three months after launch.
16:55.33sweedewait, did anyone ever answer my question about Frame:hide() v.s. the other way of doing it ?
16:55.37malrethwent back to DAoC
16:55.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Stylpe (
16:56.03Maldiviasweede, no idea, didn't see the question :)
16:56.30sweedesomeone said that there is problems with the interface that causes framerate lag on hidden windows
16:56.50malrethi hope not
16:57.13futr-sleepother way?
16:57.14Maldiviaso worse framerate from having the fram hidden then shown ?
16:57.47futr-sleepshould be worse framerate with frames shown, if they have OnUpdate handlers
16:58.01sweedeoh wait, now i remember.  it was to unregister the event when hiding the window..
16:58.42malrethyeah. events still fire even on hidden windows
16:58.46sweedebecasue the onevent isnt started until the frame is shown, but once you do hide(), its still active processing in the background.
16:59.07malrethOnEvent is always active, whether you've shown your frame for the first time or not
16:59.14MaldiviaOnEvent should fire on hidden frames, even if they are never shown
16:59.59sweedeall i know is that i get vael FPS anywhere in wow when i have this one addon loaded.
17:00.51Maldiviasweede: and it's not because it's doing a lot of parsing ?
17:01.02Maldiviaeither event parsing, or in an OnUpdate
17:01.03sweedeit only looks for chat_msg_whisper
17:01.18sweedethats the only event (and chat msg whisper inform)
17:01.49MaldiviaBeladona: because it looks more WoW'ish with the getglobal :)
17:02.00*** join/#wowi-lounge RootbeerFloatClo (
17:02.13sweedethats my problem too malreth.. i posted a msg on a forum about "omg why lik wtf does thisnt this work!" and someone was like "omg its spelled like this" and i was like, OMGOMG WTF!!!!
17:02.16Beladonaperforms an extra function that doesn't need to be done! Bad coder! bad
17:02.24futr-sleepmalreth, Maldivia = nil,nil;
17:03.10sweedeyou know whats more ownage ?
17:03.28sweedemy netflix queue of family guy is up.. and i have a dual layer dvd-r ...
17:03.29Maldiviaattempt to index 'Maldivia' (a nil value)
17:03.30Taishia fat chick ganking your twinkie?
17:03.43futr-sleepbut... I thought garbage wasn't marked, I thought it was the stuff you want to keep that's marked
17:04.54sweedew00t, patch finished uploading
17:05.00MaldiviaDepends on the garbage collection routine
17:05.02sweede;4436436;;/fileinfo.html for the speed-impared (i.e. blizzard)
17:05.19MaldiviaThank you
17:05.24Taishisweede| now we wait for servers to get up
17:05.51Maldiviaor extract the UI code, and run diff, to see if anything has changed
17:06.36sweedeiwanna know the macro's people have used to look at new items on the test server.
17:07.21MaldiviaGameTooltip:SetHyperlink("item:" .. id .. ":0:0:0");
17:07.34Beladonathey fucked up the minor versions
17:07.42sweederight, but the id, do you just pick random numbers?
17:07.52sweedebecause if an item doesnt exist bam crash ftl
17:07.57Maldiviatrial and error :)
17:08.09*** join/#wowi-lounge JaslaAngelkin (n=JaslaAng@
17:08.15Beladonatheir cvs is so screwed up
17:08.51sweedenow when you say cvs, do yoiu mean cvs, or do you mean some form of versioning system like cvs ?
17:09.04BeladonaI doubt they actually use cvs
17:09.12BeladonaI just mean whatever versioning they are using
17:09.16Beladonatheir trunk is out of synch
17:09.54Beladonathe last 4 digits of their version matches the build number
17:10.14Beladona4878 is after the second test patch
17:10.21Beladonabut before the 3rd and 4th
17:10.38AstrylRight, it's time-based.
17:10.40Beladonawhich means they are merging part of teh test server changes into the 1.8 branch
17:10.53AstrylAye, some data, I assume.
17:10.58Beladonawhich screws up my versioning completely
17:11.02Maldiviasweede: as for item ids, if the current patch follows the same pattern as the previous, the new items in 1.9 have item id above items in 1.8
17:11.46sweedeso.. just find out where current one ends, then start from that number +1 ?
17:11.57Anduin|Sleepand they prolly just put it on loop with a screenshot call after showing each tooltip
17:12.03MaldiviaBeladona, have you looked at the build date for 1.8.4 - might fint into your timeline :)
17:12.20Beladonait will still be out of synch
17:12.24Maldiviasweede: something like that :)
17:12.28Beladonawhether I sort by date, build, or version
17:12.30TaishiI like how they tweaked Execute for Warriors, extra rage into DMG
17:12.36*** join/#wowi-lounge elema (
17:13.17BeladonaI am just gonna do it by date
17:13.24Beladonascrew how the versions come out
17:13.34Beladonano that wont work either
17:13.39Beladonathen my compares will be off
17:13.47BeladonaI have to do it by major version
17:13.51Maldiviasweede: 1.9 items start around 20725 (that's nexus crystal)
17:14.31sweedei need to figure out a way to make a box pop up on another players screen (wth the same addon) and have it look similar to the loot frame window..
17:14.40Beladonathis is the first time I have seen them release a live mini-patch after test patches, but before test was released
17:15.03Beladonaand my compares are based completely on that previous method
17:15.06sweedei would imagine we're going to have another before 1.9 too
17:15.10Maldiviawell, it probably indicates that the patch wont be out before christmas, since they are releasing the christmas stuff now
17:15.27sweedesince the test realm patch was almost 270 megs they where probably like "we should break it up over several minor patches..."
17:15.28Beladonaso now I either have to rerun the test patch compares
17:15.52Beladonaor place the 1.8.4 between the 1.9 patches
17:16.07MaldiviaBeladona: I'd play it between the 1.9 patches if I were you
17:16.28Beladonayeah, but then the sates aren't in order
17:16.34Beladonaand neither are the versions
17:17.05Beladonacurse blizz and their illogical patch practices
17:17.08Anduin|Sleepcompare it with the numerical version before it and mark the inconsistancy
17:18.04Anduin|Sleepthen compare it with the last test version for good measure if you want
17:18.06MaldiviaOk, a lot of AQ models/textures are in the patch
17:18.12BeladonaI may have to split my version branches
17:18.18Beladonalike they apparently did
17:18.38Maldiviawell, it would only be logical for them to branch out after every release
17:18.47BeladonaI don't agree
17:19.08Beladonait indicates that they are going on internal build number and NOT the external version
17:19.12Maldiviayou have the release branch, for minor changes, and the development branch for next release...
17:19.24Beladonayou are missing the problem
17:19.30MaldiviaNo, I see your problem
17:19.47Beladonathe test patch started from internal build 4807
17:20.00MaldiviaBut the build number just reflects which development files where merged back in "stable" branch
17:20.14Beladona1.8.4 is based on internal build number 4878
17:20.59Maldivia1.8.4, build number 4878, build date: December 1st
17:21.18Beladonaand that is where I will have to stick it
17:21.46Beladonahopefully no code reversions show up
17:21.48*** part/#wowi-lounge PiYu (
17:21.48JaslaAngelkinI can't log into the forums on wow, can I ask a coding question? or is that no no?
17:21.48*** join/#wowi-lounge PiYu (
17:21.51Beladonait will make the compares confusing
17:22.24JaslaAngelkinoh wait, nvm it's an lua question not really related to WoW functions
17:22.24MaldiviaBeladona: do you have the revision history public somewhere?
17:22.37Beladonaonly what you see on wdn
17:22.42MaldiviaJaslaAngelkin: what's the question?
17:22.47Beladonabut I store everything on my system
17:22.54Beladonawith histories, etc...
17:23.11JaslaAngelkinis there a command to exit a function? example in vb I could put EXIT in and it would leave that function.
17:23.26Beladonathat too
17:23.35TainBut return has to be right before an end.
17:23.35AstrylErr, can you have multiple ends for one function?
17:23.53JaslaAngelkinwell end can only be used at the end of the function. return doesn't exit the function tho
17:23.58Beladonaend is to close the function
17:24.02Beladonaor if statement
17:24.16AstrylSo I think the answer to his question is... No.
17:24.21Beladonareturn does exit the function
17:24.35JaslaAngelkinhmmm it wouldn't work on mine
17:24.39kergoth"wouldn't work"?
17:24.43JaslaAngelkinI'll just have to keep messing with it
17:25.01JaslaAngelkinProbably just have to make an if else statement
17:25.06Beladonapaste some code on pastebin and we might spot the issue
17:25.24Legorol^To clarify the confusion going on around here:
17:25.27Legorol^1) return does exit the function
17:25.48sweedei tried to use return to exit a function, it didnt work.
17:25.50Legorol^2) the keyword "end" can appear in many places, to end a function or if statement or anything, techincally "end" is used to finish any block
17:25.53Maldiviaif you want to exit a function at a specific place (for instance for debug purpose), and you have code below it, you can do something like:
17:25.57Maldiviaif true then return; end
17:26.08kergothMaldivia: do return end
17:26.13Legorol^3) the keyword "return" may only appear before the keyword "end" <= that is a rule of Lua syntax
17:26.13kergothis valid
17:26.35Maldiviakergoth, yeah - that too :) I just usually use  "if true"
17:26.47JaslaAngelkinokay :) Thank you all so much
17:26.54*** part/#wowi-lounge Rowne (
17:27.23AstrylHmmmmm... My random shuffle isn't very random today... I've heard songs from SaGa Frontier 2 dozens of times today, more than everything else combined... And that's only one of hundreds of albums I've got.
17:28.10Astrylpurl, Kwak is Kwak!
17:28.12purlAstryl: okay
17:28.18purlhmm... kwak is Kwak!
17:28.20MaldiviaAstryl: and after seeing 100 cenarion drops in MC, you haven't notice how "non-random" random numbers are ? :)
17:28.21purlit has been said that kwak is Kwak!
17:28.33Legorol^purl, astryl
17:28.48AstrylMald: A) I'm a druid lately. :) B) Never gone farther than Magmadar.
17:28.57Legorol^purl, Astryl is <reply> someone who likes to kwak
17:28.58purlLegorol^: okay
17:28.58*** join/#wowi-lounge jadsafar (n=sosutou@
17:29.11Legorol^purl, astryl
17:29.12purlsomeone who likes to kwak
17:29.19MaldiviaAstryl: hehe, ok - well, you've probably heard how people always complain that this-or-that set alwats drop ?
17:29.24AstrylYep. :)
17:29.28*** part/#wowi-lounge JaslaAngelkin (n=JaslaAng@
17:29.32jadsafarHey everyone...
17:29.34kergothfun random lua thing: just "return" is not the same as "return nil", though in most (not all) contexts they behave similarly.  and you cant write a function in lua that can tell the difference, only C functions can.  tostring() for example chokes on a "no value" return, whereas it works fine with nil
17:30.21AstrylHey look, another SaGa song...
17:30.24Legorol^kergoth: if tostring() "chokes" (although i'm not sure what you mean by chokes) then you *can* tell the difference
17:30.25MaldiviaAstryl: for instance, in my old guild, we have 5x as many pally drops than rogue
17:30.32Legorol^just make a call to tostring with a pcall or xpcall
17:30.57Legorol^however, afaik, tostring() and tostring(nil) should return the same thing
17:31.04sweedesuck! im out of nitrite tester !
17:31.06kergothi think we miscommunicated here
17:31.10kergothi know pcall quite well
17:31.25Legorol^hm, ok you are right, tostring() causes an error
17:31.27kergoththe point was you cant tell if its passed to a lua function as an argument.  i.e. foo(otherfunc())
17:31.35kergothwithout wrapping it in pcall there
17:31.42kergothand parsing the error, since you dont know which error occurred
17:31.46kergothunpleasant at beset
17:31.48kergothbest, even
17:32.02kergothwonder if they'll fix tostring in 5.1, thatd be nice
17:32.16Legorol^what do you mean?
17:32.19Legorol^what's broken about it?
17:32.39kergothi'm pretty sure we just covered this.
17:32.44AstrylThe only thing I can't get used to in lua is multiple return values.
17:32.48Legorol^i'm still not sure i got your point
17:33.24kergothtostring is the only lua api function that makes the difference obvious, afaik.  it is inconsistent, and should be fixed.
17:33.40Legorol^string.format too
17:33.42AstrylIt just doesn't make logical sense to me. I totally see the usefulness of it, and understand how it works, but it doesn't make sense to me, naturally.
17:34.10Legorol^Astryl, multiple return values are extremely important, for example for WoW addons that want to avoid garbage collection hits
17:34.24Legorol^returning a list of values doesn't create a table
17:34.31kergothdidnt he just say that he saw the usefulness of it?
17:34.34kergothi'm pretty sure he did
17:34.36Legorol^whereas if you did return {1, 2, 3}
17:34.47Legorol^ok, i am blind today..
17:35.02Legorol^i could've sworn Astryl said "i totally not see the usefullnes of it"
17:35.32Astrylpurl, Cairo is a cute kitten who likes pistachios.
17:35.34purl...but cairo is already something else...
17:35.39Legorol^anyways, string.format is also "broken" in the tostring() sense
17:35.44purli heard cairo is a vector graphics library designed to provide high-quality display and print output.  see for details.
17:35.55Legorol^replace it!
17:36.04kergothLegorol: anyway, the point was that either lua should have a way to check for a "no return", or the apis should be fixed to handle it as nil
17:36.12kergothi dont particularly care which
17:36.17Legorol^purl, no, Cairo is a cute kitten who likes pistachios.
17:36.18purlokay, Legorol^
17:36.19kergothdo NOT replace it
17:36.22Astrylpurl, Cairo REALLY is a cute kitten who likes pistachios
17:36.23purlAstryl: okay
17:36.29kergothleg, this is not the only fucking channel purl is in
17:36.35purlrumour has it, cairo is a cute kitten who likes pistachios.
17:36.37kergothits in like 80
17:36.45kergothand most of which know cairo as the vector graphics library
17:36.52Legorol^i htought we have a private WoWI purl
17:37.04sweedekergoth ftw !
17:37.17kergothpurl: no, cairo is a vector graphics library designed to provide high-quality display and print output.  see for details.
17:37.18purlkergoth: okay
17:37.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
17:37.30Legorol^kergoth don't tell me that this stupid bot can't have channel specific content?
17:37.31kergoth~factinfo herring
17:37.31purlthere's no such factoid as herring, kergoth
17:37.39kergothLegorol: it can, but i dont recall the syntax
17:37.40Astrylpurl, Shiro is a cute kitten that is really cute.
17:37.41purlAstryl: okay
17:37.43Legorol^then why have we been assigning stuff to it that is wowi specific all the time..
17:37.47kergothand i'd advise that you not call things stupid due to your ignorance
17:38.08Legorol^fair enough
17:38.12Legorol^it's a very intelligent bot
17:38.13Legorol^purl, purl
17:38.15purlrumour has it, purl is the same blootbot as apt, ibot, and jbot, or at, or dashingly handsome
17:38.44sweedepurl is horrible.. should use supybot instead
17:38.55kergothi agree wholeheartedly
17:38.57Legorol^From past experience on what people have been doing with it in this channel, i got the definite impression that it was wowi specific
17:39.01kergothbut supybot's factoid plugins suck
17:39.07kergothevery last one of them is crap compared to blootbot
17:39.19Legorol^Since this is the first time i met purl, yes i was ignorant about the fact that it's in other channels too
17:39.22kergothand i'm way too lazy to write a new one
17:39.47kergothLegorol: adding channel specific or context specific factoids is fine.  blowing away other people's information is not.
17:39.57sweedekergoth, dont like any of the other factoid plugins ?
17:39.58Legorol^and kergoth, /whois purl returns saying it's on wowi-lounge only
17:40.01Legorol^or am i mistaken there?
17:40.14kergothyes, thats what whois shows, due to the user modes
17:40.23TainIt will only show other channels purl is in, here, if you're in those channels with purl.
17:40.27kergothindeed, tain
17:40.32futr-sleepplus it should be on other networks right?
17:40.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Forgotten (
17:40.57kergothpurl is one of 4 bots using a shared factoid database, all of which only connect to freenode
17:41.02purlsomebody said purl was the same blootbot as apt, ibot, and jbot, or at, or dashingly handsome
17:41.08purli guess ibot is a blootbot written in perl run by TimRiker on his server. logs on<chan>/ , ibot, jbot, apt are all the same process. It uses sqlite, but mysql or other SQL storage is also supported.
17:41.08sweedehey kergoth, one wants to know why you say that "supybot's factoid plugins sucks"
17:41.10purlhmm... jbot is only marginally useful at best
17:41.39kergothsweede: one of them, i dont remember which, doesnt let you create or manipulate factoids without authenticating with the bot.  no anonymous whatsoever.
17:41.46kergothsweede: the other had other issues i dont recall
17:41.50kergothbeen too long since i've played with it
17:41.55kergothi pester the devs once in a while
17:42.05kergoth#supybot and all
17:42.09sweedei dont think any of the addons would not let you do anonymouse what so ever..
17:42.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Forgotten (
17:42.30*** part/#wowi-lounge Legorol^ (
17:42.33kergothwell, i'm telling you how it was when i looked at it last, about 6 months ago
17:42.37kergothand that was the case
17:42.44kergothi argued against it with the developers
17:43.29kergothmeh, i'm all out of caffinated beverages
17:43.32kergothi should fix that
17:43.32TainDarn, a torrent created six months ago isn't still being seeded.  heh.. It was worth a try.
17:43.44sweedekergoth, i hosted supybot for them when they where writing it :)
17:44.06AstrylSo, interestingly...
17:44.15sweedeno, i hated jemfinch.
17:44.16Astryl...I made my WoWI account today.
17:44.20AstrylNever had one before.
17:44.20kergothah, i recall
17:44.26kergothi'm not a fan of jemfinch either
17:44.30sweedeno one is.
17:44.37kergothsweede: "factoids" is deprecated, and "moobotfactoids" required authentication
17:44.45kergoththats what i was
17:45.04sweedeit never used too, now i got the two devs in an argument about how to "fix" that :)
17:45.19sweedenot jemfinch though.
17:46.02sweedei didnt like him because once i had a bug. a repeatable bug that even after a re-install of the OS, it was still produced. he called me a liar and there cannot be any bugs in his software because its flawless.
17:46.10sweedei deleted his account on my server.
17:46.13kergothno software is without bugs
17:46.17kergothsilly people
17:46.33AstrylWho's jemfinch?
17:46.55sweedekergoth, jamessan is the nicer of them :)
17:47.23sweedestrikes answers > *
17:48.19Tainheh heh according to a survey, "Over half of those who used Wi-fi had used it in the bathroom."
17:48.35AstrylI certainly have.
17:48.48AstrylNot like I'm going to run ethernet in there.
17:48.53Maldiviahopefully not for video conference
17:49.15kergothsweede: heh, if they could only do one or the other, that sounds a rather silly design limitation :)
17:49.21AstrylI used to live in WA, and my gf lives in CA (I've since moved there)
17:49.32AstrylWe used to have webcams active nearly 24/7.
17:49.32kergothyou could cheat and make it auto-add users it encounters without passwords, if they dont exist already
17:49.33kergothi suppose
17:49.37AstrylSleeping, showering, etc.
17:50.13sweedekergoth, they say that they had another factoid plugin in planning.
17:50.33kergothi have lots of things in planning.. most of which will  probably never see the light of day
17:50.35sweedejamessan says he uses listauth for factoid auth
17:52.02AstrylDamn, I don't get even a "ewww ur gross!" or a "aww thats sweet" out of my webcam stories?
17:52.42kergothi was more leaning towards a "That's cool.  I wouldn't be caught dead doing that."
17:52.50kergothbut those other ones are good too
17:52.52AstrylSound right.
17:53.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Saysur (
17:53.25sweedeyou know, had i come hoome and went right to bed, wow servers would be up.
17:53.33*** join/#wowi-lounge Lozareth (
17:53.35kergothfor those coders who havent yet checked it out, rocks
17:53.46sweedeooooo i got one..
17:54.27sweedei made a simple addon that displays the classes that need the various items from ZG, in the tooltip.
17:54.41sweedehowever with the addon loaded, i cannot shift click or ctrl click items in the chat window
17:55.06kergothi'm pretty sure one of the GFW addons does that already, i noticed it in my tooltips the other day
17:55.10kergothi think it might be adspace
17:55.19kergoththat behavior is odd
17:55.33kergothgot the code somewhere?
17:55.39sweedeya sec
17:56.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphon (
17:56.29sweedei'm guessing its in arouind line 60-70
17:56.34Saysuranyone know a MIRC registration bot?
17:56.50AstrylGryphon! Gryphon==Gryphen?
17:57.02sweedefyi, i copied that code from an older version of Nurfed DKP
17:57.04futr-sleephey there Loz
17:57.11Lozarethhey, futr :)
17:57.28Lozareth<-- first time using mIRC, shhh
17:57.33sweedeha !
17:57.41GryphonAstryl yes
17:57.45sweede^-- mirc ftw
17:57.53futr-sleep~welcome Lozareth
17:57.54purlHey, Lozareth! Glad you could join us.
17:57.57sweedeloz, just way you'll be like "wtf, /bored doesnt work?! "
17:58.15elema-/bow LOZ
17:58.24AstrylHeh, Loz, I use Cosmos' web-based irc client. :)
17:58.25Gryphonsomeone already had gryphon on freenode :/
17:59.09kergothregister the nick if you havent already
17:59.26Gryphenthis one is
17:59.58sweedeso what do you think kergoth, pretty messed up ?
18:00.02kergoththen you can use ghost to boot anyone else on that nick
18:00.54Saysurbeen awhile since ive been on MIRC... whats the command "regnick/____"
18:01.10futr-sleep./ns register <password>
18:01.12sweedealt-f4  ?
18:01.30AstrylWhat's with all these lurkers coming out of their holes all of a sudden?
18:01.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (n=Matt@
18:01.34Gryphensomeone had already regged gryphon here
18:01.34futr-sleepor, in full /msg nickserv register <passward>
18:01.39purlkwak is, like, Kwak!
18:01.41sweedef-u man! i just joined this channel today !!
18:01.54sweedemy lurker status doesnt start for at least another hour yet.
18:01.58Saysur./ns register mismissy
18:02.09Saysur....not like dos :(
18:02.10Gryphentake out the "."
18:02.15Gryphenand change your pass now :D
18:02.21futr-sleepand use a different password now ;']
18:02.40Gryphen/ns register <password>
18:02.45AstrylWasn't talking about you, sweede :)
18:03.27Saysur..ha thanks
18:03.35futr-sleepoh, he left. I had code for him
18:06.00TainPatch switches my desktop shortcut back to launcher.exe from wow.exe.
18:06.40sweedehellscream is up
18:06.42TemI broke the lua interpreter
18:06.42futr-sleepput a shortcut in you quicklaunch area, doesn't see them there
18:06.52Tem"error in error handling"
18:06.57futr-sleephow'd you do it this time Tem?
18:07.00MaldiviaTain, change the name of the shortcut (for instance add an extra space between the words)
18:07.07TainYeah I know, I don't put much in my quicklaunch.
18:07.11TemI set the global enviroment
18:07.17Temit didn't like me after that
18:07.18TainI know how to get around it, it just annoys me.
18:07.28Maldiviame too
18:07.52ForgottenLordsQuick Interface question: is the  ColorPickerFrame an independant frame? or just the circular color wheel?
18:08.03futr-sleepI'm probably missing out on so much usefull info by bypassing the launcher ;']
18:08.17futr-sleepit's the complete frame
18:08.49Cair|sleepastryl, what's up?
18:09.18futr-sleepdon't forget to set ColorPickerFrame.hasOpacity = nil if you don't want it handling opacity
18:09.49Maldiviafutr, hehe - well, I'd rather have my custom shortcut, to start wow in windows, maximized mode, running in below normal priority, than to see the launcher :)
18:09.57ForgottenLordsthanks futr
18:11.24AstrylSo what UI changes are in 1.8.4, if any?
18:11.55futr-sleepnone visible I believe
18:12.04*** join/#wowi-lounge Natasem (n=Natasem@
18:12.20Maldiviaonly thing I found was an extra check for the "has the load out of date addons button been checked"
18:12.24AstrylServers are up, btw
18:12.42kergothnot mine :( but lots
18:13.26kergothmy framerate in windows is terrible
18:13.29kergothin linux, it kicks ass
18:13.34kergothin emulation
18:13.36kergoththats just sad
18:13.39kergoth~stab microsoft
18:13.40purlACTION runs at microsoft with an origami Swiss Army knife, and inflicts a nasty paper cut.
18:14.07AstrylKerg, did I mention where I work?
18:14.27TemI need help
18:14.29kergothnope, where?
18:14.33kergothTem: okay, with what?
18:14.35Temhow do you do the voodoo with the glocal env
18:14.45kergothoh :)
18:15.04AstrylDon't hate me though, I'm typing this on a PowerBook :)
18:15.05kergothcould be ati's drivers that are the problem, but historically their linux drivers have sucked, so *shrug*
18:15.14TemI need to create a table, stick a metatable on it then set it as the global env
18:15.30kergothhere, i have code for you
18:15.34TemTHEN I need to put the global env back and have my old table to play with
18:15.38CairAstryl: what did you need me for? Just checking on UI changes?
18:15.55AstrylSeeing if I had a WoWI account already Cair
18:16.00kergothTem: that has everything you need
18:16.06AstrylI wanted to download something today.
18:16.17AstrylDon't think I've ever made a WoWI account, but wasn't sure.
18:16.26Astryl(Making people register to download, that's nasty)
18:16.39CairThe only thing you have to register to download are the T.King skins
18:16.55CairEvery other mod on the site, you don't have to be a member
18:16.56AstrylAh. Well that's what I tried to download.
18:17.01AstrylOKie, cool.
18:17.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Trilian (
18:17.15Cairand that's the *only* thing that requires membership, and that's due to the exclusivity
18:17.22Cairthere's a EULA you have to agree to
18:17.35Temoh perfect kergoth
18:17.45AstrylAstryl + Trilian = Astrylian, which is the name of my druid on Kilrogg.
18:18.25Temkergoth: so after I set the global env  back, I can refernce my temp env via the local var it used to be?
18:18.48kergothTem: yeah, in that example code it just lets it go out of scope, but you'd of course be free to do whatever you want with it
18:18.51Cairthere is an astryl registered on the site
18:19.05AstrylRight, I ended up registering.
18:19.12Cairah, okay
18:19.20AstrylI wasn't sure if I had registered before, wanted to check.
18:19.27Astrylis there an Astro or Astro_tSD?
18:19.31Cairsorry, needed sleep
18:19.36AstrylOr Astrotsd?
18:20.08Cairastrocanis, astrocat, astrologoth, astronamus :p
18:20.21AstrylOKie, must not have ever registered til now.
18:21.51Temmmm.. this is going to be fun
18:22.43Temkergoth: I'm making a raid roster that remembers the order the associative elements were added to it (in order to preserve priority)
18:24.09kergothTem: oh, there's an ordered table on's wiki
18:24.25kergothTem: it records the order elements were added on, and lets you iterate over them in that order
18:24.28kergothif that would help
18:25.38ForgottenLordsdoes anyone know of a UI mod offhand that has a ColorPickerFrame example i could erm, Borrow?
18:25.58krkacan't you just do that by having an additional table?
18:26.02krkathat maps from index -> key
18:27.49ForgottenLordsoh, I dont have to... NvM
18:29.16futrtrublForgotten: Grab BasicExperienceBar, I have colorpickerframe code that you can grab, and it should be easy enough to understand
18:30.00Anduin|SleepArcaneBar has one too
18:31.45kergothmmm, luajit looks neat
18:32.29kergothkrka: thats basically how it works, yeah.  iirc it stores the secondary table inside the table's metatable, so its invisible, and provides an iterator that uses it.  not much toi t.
18:33.21Anduin|StudyO.o they moved the sanctity aura to ret tree ! that's ausome..
18:35.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Ratbert_CP (
18:36.12Anduin|Studyand swapped it with consecration.. which is in the holy tree now
18:39.12Anduin|Studyi like both trees now.. bummer i have to choose. a hybrid wouldn't be as effective
18:39.43*** join/#wowi-lounge pagefault (
18:40.40krkai really need to have a look at metatables
18:41.46kergothyes, you do :)
18:41.48kergoththey're wonderful
18:43.32pagefaultpatch is not dling
18:44.57pagefaultI wish they didn't cheap out on the way they distribute patches
18:45.09pagefaultthey make so much money they could afford dedicated bandwidth
18:45.13Anduin|Studywhat, dont like efficiency?
18:45.31pagefaultnothing efficient about waiting 10 minutes to connect to peers
18:45.40pagefaultI could have downloaded it 5 times already
18:45.54Anduin|Studynot efficient for you
18:46.04Anduin|Studyefficient for the company
18:46.14pagefaultcheap for the company
18:46.17pagefaultthats all they are thinking about
18:46.21pagefaultnot efficiency
18:46.23Anduin|Studyonly takes me 30 sec to connect anyway
18:46.27kergothgood for you
18:46.44TainI just download it from elsewhere and avoid the whole thing.  :D
18:47.19pagefaultthe client is stupid too
18:47.26pagefaultthey should at least let you configure what ports it uses
18:48.06TainPeople would break it, not be able to connect, and complain complain complain.
18:48.17Anduin|Studybah, 2nd test server is down
18:48.37pagefaultbut since most ISP's are now port capping the BT ports I am sure lots of people would prefer to use different ones
18:48.43TainThe best way to do tech support is not let the customer change anything in the first place.
18:48.52Tainerr.. "easiest" not "best"
18:49.04pagefaultthats true
18:49.04Anduin|Studywow, they trimmed the main site... wonder if they were using too much bandwidth on it..
18:49.15pagefaultbut I wish they would put an "expert" mode in for people who know what they are doing
18:49.18TainRemember, the client is in the hands of the enemy. ;)
18:49.35kergothpagefault: it works a lot better if you just use wowtorrentex to extract the torrent from the .exe, and download it with a client that doesnt suck ass
18:50.08pagefaultthats a plan
18:50.08Anduin|Studyi dunno, the updated mac client since last patch works pretty well
18:50.12pagefaultutorrent to to rescue
18:50.22Anduin|Studydid they update the pc one too?
18:51.23pagefaultreal torrent client
18:52.10krkawhy is torrents cheap? blizzard is also one of the seeds, so they will spend the same amount of bandwidth
18:52.21krkait's just that it will be more efficient
18:52.41pagefaultblizzard is just cheap they want to get the maximum amount of return on their money
18:52.53pagefaultthey won't pay for dedicated update servers if they can get away with it
18:53.04Anduin|Studydude.. they added knight rider to itunes tv listing O.o
18:53.43pagefaultshouldn't have to rely on 3rd party bandwidth to push your own product updates
18:53.49pagefaultthats just my beef
18:54.03Anduin|Studysounds like unnecissary whining on this end
18:54.18TainActually torrents would be the best way to go if it continued to seed after you were done downloading.
18:54.27Anduin|Studybut no one does
18:54.39TainI don't think you even can with the normal patcher.
18:54.48Anduin|Studymmm, the mac one does
18:54.56Anduin|Studyit just sits open till u tell it to patch
18:54.57pagefaultgood for the mac
18:55.08krkaactually, torrents is better even if just a few people seed for a short bit
18:55.09TainThat doesn't help any.
18:55.19krkait's still less bandwidth for blizzard to serve
18:55.24TainWho is going to sit there waiting to patch?
18:55.45Anduin|Studywell considerign 99% of the patching happens on 1 day it's prolly plenty efficient
18:55.53krkagood point, blizzard should let you continue seeding without interference
18:55.56Anduin|Studyblizz doesn't need all that bandwidth the rest of the time
18:56.00TainYes it is krka, it just *could* be a much better system if it continued to seed.
18:56.21krkabut also remember that peers send between eachother during download
18:56.21TainBut, it's not.
18:56.24krkathats seeding too
18:56.34TainYeah, but only for that amount of time.
18:56.38TainSo it does do something, of course.
18:56.49Anduin|Studymmm, knight rider season 1 at ipod video (crappy) quality is $2 an episode... tempting
18:57.09pagefaultthat video on demand pay for thing will never catch on
18:57.17pagefaultat least until it's as good quality as the free stuff
18:57.38pagefaultwhy would I pay $3 or whatever it is for a crappy low-res version of a tv show
18:57.39Anduin|Studywhen was the last time u saw a good knightrider seed on bt?
18:57.43pagefaultwhen I can get a HDTV rip of it for free
18:57.55TainPeople said the same thing about iTunes.
18:58.00krkayes, it needs to be 1) easily downloaded / stored, 2) easily payed for 3) not too expensive
18:58.13pagefaultand NO DRM
18:58.23Anduin|Studyno drm aint gonna happen
18:59.04pagefaultif I buy something I want to do whatever the hell I feel like with it
18:59.04TainI think it would be hard to say that iTunes pay for music, "didn't catch on."
18:59.04Anduin|Studywhat ur gonna get is stricter drm and cheeper more availible
18:59.04TainYou can buy the CD then.
18:59.19Anduin|Studyright. it's also about convieniece factor
18:59.22pagefaultthe only reason itunes is so popular is because the ipod is so mainstream, and since you can only buy songs from itunes they have you locked in
18:59.26Anduin|Studyi can dl and listen to it Now
18:59.40Anduin|Studyas oppossed to go to a store or wait for shipping
19:00.43TainIt's not a very solid argument though.  You could say the same thing about Microsoft, the only reason their softwrae is so popular is because it's so mainstream and they have you locked in.
19:01.03pagefaultbut that is the reason
19:01.04TainThe fact is they created a market and people bought into it.
19:01.23pagefaultapple is just very good at marketing
19:01.29pagefaultthey could sell shit on a stick
19:01.30pagefaultand people would buy it
19:01.50TainThat doesn't really say anything though.
19:01.55sweedepage, you mean ipod right?
19:01.58TainPeople vote with their money.
19:02.20TainIf enough people want shit on a stick then shit on a stick will be popular and make money for a company.
19:02.26TainThat's the bottom line.
19:02.29pagefaultwell it's probably a valid point that people buy whatever is popular too
19:02.32TainIf people don't want shit on a stick, they won't buy it.
19:02.35pagefaultand ipod is more of a fashion statement than anything now
19:02.43Beladonacan anyone else get to wowinterface?
19:02.54Anduin|Studymmm, if u say so. I still listen to music on it...
19:02.56TainThe iPod is still to this day arguably the best portable music player out there.
19:03.00Anduin|Studybtu then mines' 3 yrs old
19:03.07krkamusic is a fad
19:03.20krkai think people will get tired of it in a year or two
19:03.25krkavideo is the next big thing
19:03.31Anduin|Studyha. maybe. but only if something replaces it
19:03.42TainYeah, that's why no one ever bought Walkmans and portable CD players.
19:03.49pagefaultthe major flaw that prevents me from buying an ipod is lack of support for other formats like ogg vorbis and WMA and no removable battery
19:04.00pagefaultbut thats just my opinion
19:04.00krkayou want WMA? O_o
19:04.07Anduin|Studywma == crap
19:04.10Anduin|Studyona  stick
19:04.14TainThat's fine, pagefault.  Other people share that opinion and don't buy iPod.
19:04.24TainThe point is many more HAVE bought it, which makes it successful.
19:04.30pagefaultlossless WMA is fine
19:04.37TainReally it doesn't even matter why something is successful.
19:04.39Anduin|Study+ itunes can convert non drm wma to whatever u want
19:04.40pagefaultand at least you wouldn't be locked into itunes
19:04.53pagefaulti'm not saying WMA is a wonderful format
19:04.57pagefaultbut many content providers use it
19:05.17Anduin|Studythen get a better provider
19:05.19TainYes, and I for one wouldn't use those providers to get music for a portable player.
19:05.19krkaclosed formats is a dying thing, I think
19:05.28krka(and hope)
19:05.37Anduin|Studydoubt it krka
19:05.57TainIt isn't because of the success of iTunes and the fact that Microsoft has convinced a lot of places to use WMA.
19:06.14pagefaultI don't support any formats
19:06.18TainMost iPod owners don't even know what format their music is in.
19:06.22TainAnd they don't care.
19:06.23pagefaultI am just wanting the ability to play them if I so do wish to
19:06.27krkagif is dying, png, opendocument, xhtml, xvid and ogg are growing
19:06.35TainThat's what CDs are for. Currently.
19:06.50Anduin|Studympg4 > xvid imo
19:07.00TainWhether or not CDs stay DRM free is another story.
19:07.01krkajpg is probably gonna stay for a while, but that's because nothing bad has come out of it yet
19:07.06pagefaultyou are a tool Anduin|Study
19:07.11Anduin|Studyjpg2 didn't catch on
19:07.12pagefaultxvid is mpeg4
19:07.27TainDon't insult people here pagefault.
19:07.27Anduin|Studynot identical, but very similar yes
19:07.43krkatool isn't insulting
19:07.45Beladonapersonally I think png could replace jpg too, but not as soon as gif
19:07.47pagefaultvery similar in the fact they are both 100% compatible with eachother
19:07.51krkai find tools to be very useful!
19:08.04krkapng sucks for lossy compression
19:08.05TainSee, that would be saying that Anduin is very useful!
19:08.15TainOk ok that was a joke, not an insult.
19:08.36pagefaultit is like saying you like zlib compressed PNG's over uncompressed PNG's because you think it looks better
19:08.40krkaXviD is an ISO MPEG-4 compliant video codec, so designed to compress/decompress digital video. It's a open source project, which is developed and maintained by a handful of skilled and interested engineers from all over the world.
19:09.19krkamaybe he meant ms-mpeg4
19:09.29krkawhich apparently isn't strictly mpeg4
19:09.35pagefaultthat old hacked to hell divx codec? hehe
19:09.38krka(who would have thunk it?
19:11.03futrtrublwere there any changes in the frequency of OnUpdates in 1.8.4?
19:11.28TemOnUpdates are every frame
19:12.37futrtrublI know, but I'm wondering if there are any changes between 1.8.3 and 1.8.4 as I have a flashing animation (like the player frame when resting) and it's chop0py now in 1.8.4
19:13.15futrtrublit used to smothly brighten and fade, but now it flashes on/off non-smoothly
19:13.23TainSo actually mpg4 is a set of standards that other codecs use.  XviD uses mpg4, as does DivX, and MS-MPEG4.
19:13.35Anduin|Studywell, apparently I'm an uninformed tool. have fun with your pointless arguments. btw i was refering to h.264 not the parent mpeg4.  anyway, I'm gone
19:13.36krkaexcept MS-MPEG4 doesn't follow it
19:14.38Temfutrtrubl: I doubt very strongly that the frequency of onupdates would have changed... you must be running into some other trouble
19:14.39grollkrka come up with a guildname!! :P
19:14.51*** join/#wowi-lounge malreth (
19:15.19krkakrka fanclub
19:15.38pagefaultI am in the officer's barracks now
19:15.41pagefaultit's so boring
19:15.51pagefaultfinally got stone guard
19:17.05malrethhow do i maek a marco that does a jumshot and maeks my druid bear look liek a troll plzzzzz help!!!!!
19:17.31TemI hate people that post like that on the forums
19:17.46kergothhaha, yay jon stewart
19:17.52malrethit's like the extra z's will help
19:17.53kergoth"(to jimmy carter) I have to ask.. why are you busier.. why do you work harder.. than our actual president?"
19:18.00TainThat rules, kergoth.
19:18.06TainI watched that last night.
19:18.16malrethi recorded that episode... need to watch it
19:18.18TainAnd Jimmy Carter responds with, "Well it's because..."
19:18.23TainI was laughing so hard.
19:19.18TainI like the Colbert Report too, but I liked him better in smaller doses on The Daily Show.
19:20.57malrethalthough Rob Corddry doing This Week in God is pretty good. at least as good if not better than when Colbert did it
19:21.08TainAnyone tell me the Interface version offhand?
19:22.05TainLooks like it!  Thankis.
19:22.22malrethi always laugh when someone asks for a macro that strips their armor off
19:22.52malrethi wanna add, "Don't go straight for nekkid. You gotta do some play first, ya know."
19:25.07MalivilHome sweet home
19:27.44Natasemanyone have the FTP for the new patch?
19:32.56TainNot I.
19:33.15TainDid they remove changing armor in the middle of combat?
19:33.24malrethlong time ago, yeah
19:33.30TainThat's what I thought.
19:33.50TainBut it was so long ago I couldn't remember if there had been a change since then. heh
19:34.13malreththe recent change was the cool down on weapon switching during combat
19:34.17TainIf we had thought of it when you could still do it it would have saved some time on those first MC runs.
19:34.29TainYeah and really I didn't notice the weapon switching cooldown much at all.
19:34.47TainSure it was noticable, but I felt like I missed just a couple of swings.
19:35.30TainWhich was still not comparible to the damage I did as a Rogue when I was switching weapons for a specific attack.
19:35.38TainNot sure if it was different for any other classes, though.
19:35.53malrethgotta move locations... bbl
19:37.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (
19:39.55*** join/#wowi-lounge ToastTheif (
19:40.11ToastTheifI forget where WoW stores the addon list
19:40.15ToastTheifanyone care to remind me?
19:41.07ToastTheiftotally checked there
19:41.07MalivilThat's a list with enabled/disabled
19:41.13ToastTheifno addons.txt
19:41.28Temis there a standard lua function that works similarly to the date function that is in WoW?
19:41.31MalivilDo you have any addons installed?
19:42.13Tem(for anyone who cares)
19:42.30MalivilAnswered your own question?
19:42.32ToastTheifI have 50 some addons installed
19:42.38MalivilUhhh... then i dunno ToastTheif
19:42.38kergothTem: heh, i hate that bliz makes such things globals.  format, etc
19:42.38TemMalivil: yes
19:42.58MalivilWhy there is no AddOns.txt in that folder
19:44.02ToastTheifno clue
19:44.13ToastTheifmaybe it has something to do with the fact that Im updating WoW
19:48.09TainI didn't know there was an addons.txt.  I only ever saw the disabled addons, I thought.
19:48.43TainHeeeey I DO have an AddOns.txt
19:48.43Malivili have an addons.txt in my accountname folder
19:48.48Malivilyea -0O
19:49.47ToastTheifno addons.txt =/
19:50.50kergothmy addon set.. i wrote a python script to parse the .toc files for enabled addons and include the names and descriptions in the readme.txt :)
19:51.09TainWhy didn't you do it in Lua?  Sheesh.  ;)
19:51.32TainI keep all my addons indexed in a metatable.
19:51.51ToastTheifC:\Program Files\World of Warcraft\WTF\Account\TWISTEDSHAMAN\Konker
19:51.57ToastTheifno addons.txt
19:52.31TainShould be in the TWISTEDSHAMAN directory.
19:52.34kergothit isnt character specific, its account specific
19:52.41ToastTheifah ic
19:52.44ToastTheifjust saw that ;)
19:53.15Malivil...i said that before =-P
19:53.19Tainhmm.. now what do you think ToastTheif would use as a password...
19:53.24TainNow that we all have his account name.
19:53.40Malivillooks like a twisted sister reference to me
19:53.41MalivilSo 80s rock
19:53.47Malivilsomething around there possibl
19:53.52ToastTheifnot even close
19:53.58MalivilLogic FTL
19:54.00TainHmm.. bet it's "motleycrue"
19:54.21ToastTheifIm not to into all that 80s hair rock/metal
19:54.25MalivilAnyone wanna take a look at my addon code and show me where i message up?
19:54.32MalivilIt works fine
19:54.40MalivilBut two of the options keep flunking
19:54.43TainI don't know, I'm trying to mess up my own code.  heh
19:54.58MalivilOoo, ooo
19:55.13MalivilI can help! I'm good at messing up code
19:55.20Malivilthat took too long to write
19:55.39Ktron|afkeasiest way I can think of to really mess up code
19:55.59Ktron|afkreplace all 'e' with '' and all 'i' with ''
19:56.43*** join/#wowi-lounge Trilian (
19:58.43ToastTheif18 more to go
19:59.27TainNah, replace all '1' with 'l'
19:59.29ToastTheif9...8...7...6...5..4...3...2...1... go check
19:59.35ToastTheifdamn off by 4
19:59.43TainDepending on the font they are very similar.
20:00.07Ktron|afkheh that would be somewhat fun... I know a lot of programmers who use Smallcaps fonts to avoid that
20:00.57CodayusA good programming font should make Ili1| and 0O very distinct...
20:00.57Beladonadid anyone manage to get the patch downloaded and upped somewhere?
20:01.26MalivilI got it down, but not upped
20:01.35Maliviltook me like 5 minutes to download
20:01.53Beladonanm, allakhazam has it
20:02.01TainYeah, took me a good 30 minutes from Alla
20:02.02Ktron|afksomeone linked in here to the filefront download too
20:02.04Ktron|afkheh, aight
20:02.05kergothmm, i like this nurfed combat hud
20:02.39KtronI wonder if I can set chatzilla to automatically identify
20:02.46Beladonasorry I missed the link. I was too busy ganking my website
20:03.21BeladonaI just stick the /msg NickServ into my starting commands
20:03.36CodayusYay, 350 KB/s.
20:03.59*** join/#wowi-lounge malreth (
20:04.01ToastTheifanyone play on Smolderthorn?
20:04.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Depherios (n=Depherio@
20:05.16malrethfinally found the patch for download... yay...
20:05.29ForgottenLordsafraid of the BlizTorrent client?
20:05.47malrethcan't use it... BT is banned for employees here
20:05.57CodayusForgottenLords: The bliz DL client is just awful in my experience.  :-/
20:06.04DepheriosMy network card = ancient.... so, I either have to DL it, or run it on the Mac
20:06.11Depherioswhere's the patch? XD
20:06.25malrethworks great at home. i've no problems with the bliz DL client
20:06.42ForgottenLordsw00t.  2s for a stack of peacebloom!
20:06.47Depheriosworks great on all my other DLs
20:06.56Depherioson the mac? O_o that's a flashback
20:06.59Depherioson the Laptop XD
20:07.08CodayusI have no problems with regular torrents (although I don't get 350 KB/s as a rule either), but the bliz client seems quite broken.  Might be my router.  <shrug>
20:07.57TainYou can extract the torrent file out yourself and run whatever torrent client you like, also.
20:08.13CodayusTain: Really?  Hmm, I didn't know that.
20:08.18Depherios.... SPLAIN HOW
20:08.44DepheriosYour search - wowtorrentx - did not match any documents.
20:09.59kergothits wowtorrentex
20:09.59Anduin|Studyok so studying is boring... fyi I just ran the mac patcher and it stays open when it's down and continues to seed, automaticly launching the patcher
20:10.11*** join/#wowi-lounge ToastTheif (
20:10.26ToastTheifanyone have a alli char on smolderthorn?
20:10.55Beladonaanyone have ideas on what I should compare the new patch to?
20:11.37Anduin|Studyi recommend both the last public patch and the latest test patch bel
20:11.58Beladonathe built puts it before the latest test patch though
20:12.51Anduin|Studyso list the 2nd compare under the test server
20:13.45Anduin|Studybasicly there's nothing that's gonna be perfect unless you branch your compares...
20:14.56Beladonawill take a lot of changes. Which I will probably do, but not today
20:15.06BeladonaI think I am just gonna stick it in at the build point
20:15.19Anduin|Studywhy is oceanic now listed above United States in the 'choose prefered location' ..
20:16.00pagefaultbecause O comes before U?
20:16.30Anduin|Studyjust wondering why they changed it
20:16.50Anduin|Studysince I'm on a US client anyway...
20:19.41TainOceanic flight 815?
20:22.39Ktronheh, my DVD drive refuses to open
20:22.45Ktronthink it's time for a reboot
20:22.48Ktronlater everyone
20:23.31ToastTheifhow do u join channels from other zones again??
20:24.24Anduin|Studyenjoy it while u can. disabled in 1.9
20:25.50ForgottenLordsw00t, my UI mod is ~nearing~ release stage!
20:26.00MaldiviaAnduin, are you sure ?
20:26.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (
20:26.17Beladonahe is
20:26.27Beladonaand it is
20:27.03Anduin|StudyI wrote the book. I'm sure.
20:27.03CodayusPart of them merging the trade/LFG channels.
20:27.27Maldiviaok, I just saw it mentioned in the known issues bug list
20:27.33Maldiviaso figured it was a bug
20:27.40CodayusWe'll see.  :-(
20:27.53Anduin|Studyit's also in the changelist thread
20:27.57Beladonapersonally I think it is a good diea
20:28.09Beladonaless potential spam in channels
20:28.13Anduin|Studygood idea, needs a non-existant replacement
20:28.25CodayusIt doesn't bother me much, because all the endgame stuff goes on in a channel called endgame.
20:28.33pagefaultooh two green drops in a row off random mobs
20:28.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Industrial (
20:28.39TainI would very much like if people used the trade and lfg channels instead of shouting.
20:28.39Anduin|Studyon your server... we'll ahve to start one on mine..
20:28.59CodayusSo if you're guild Ony raid finds itself short a couple hunters, you just ask endgame.  No biggie.  But for other servers, well...ouch.  :-)
20:31.32Anduin|Studyok.. so i could have sworn i openned the regular client... i log in to my regular server... and i have the speed tallent glow from the test realm...
20:31.47Anduin|Studyand i get disc
20:32.39Anduin|Studyi did do a test server copy durring downtime.... wonder if it copied backwards..
20:32.53Anduin|Studythat's so absurd..
20:37.49Anduin|Studyomg... it's still here..
20:38.09Anduin|StudyI'm on a live realm and I have the glow from pursuit of justice
20:38.27Beladonamaybe that was something that slipped in from this build
20:38.38Anduin|StudyO.o but there's no tallent to get..
20:38.48Beladonathe build number puts it just before the 12/02 test patch
20:38.57Beladonaso some changes may have slipped through
20:39.14Beladonathat is why I think the build branching was stupid
20:39.41Anduin|StudyO.o i still dont understand how i have the tallent glow and not the tallent
20:39.56Beladonathey are going to have to patch 1.8.4 to get rid of shit that isn't supposed to be there, I guarantee it
20:41.21Anduin|Studywonder if i have the tallent's effects..
20:44.11Beladonathere is a coding bug present in the build 4879, I wonder if it is present here too
20:44.21Beladonawouldn't that just be a shocker
20:44.37malretha patch to fix the patch
20:44.45Industriallike windows
20:49.04AstrylSeems like you're making a much bigger deal of this than it really is, Bela.
20:49.13AstrylBeing all Doomsayey
20:49.54Anduin|Studyshe is, but then her main contribution is a database of diff files, so it's high on her priorety list
20:50.13CodayusIt's poor practice, and it'll screw something up eventually.
20:50.19End-sleepwell, some of it is time sensitive like the holiday is, so they tried to split that part out
20:50.33Ender, like the holiday stuff even
20:50.40Endanyways, I got class
20:50.43Anduin|Studyright, I'm sure someone weighed the pros and cons
20:50.54BeladonaI just don't agree with it. I am confident they will fix it, but I already see issues that shouldn't have slipped through
20:51.07CodayusThat should have ben prepackaged and relatively atomic.
20:51.17Anduin|Studysomeone more interested in beaurocracy than practices prolly
20:51.22Beladonawhich tells me their commits are not atomic
20:52.01Anduin|Studywell, for example if they used some of the test changes to impliment holiday effects...
20:52.08CodayusBesides, if bliz started to follow good coding practices, we'd probably all suffer some serious shock and mental distress...  :-P
20:52.22Anduin|Studynot all of the test changes are ballence changes
20:52.40Anduin|Studyno reason not to push a few bugfixes while they're at it
20:53.03BeladonaI am looking at my compare right now
20:53.19Beladonabuild 4878 shouldn't be called that build at all
20:53.35Beladonawhat they did was take 4878, and make tons of modifications to it
20:53.43Beladonato make it ready for live
20:53.58Beladonathey had to revert tons of test changes they already made in previous builds
20:54.45CodayusClassic bliz.  :-P
20:54.54Beladonanow if I run a report
20:55.00Beladonafrom 4878 to 4879
20:55.05Beladonathat is only one increment
20:55.09Beladonashould be pretty minor changes
20:55.17Beladonabut its just as huge as that one I just linked
20:55.25Beladonabecause of the reversions they made
20:56.12CodayusYeah, they should have backported bugfixes to the old live version then pushed that live.
20:56.32AstrylIt seems to me that they just branched their tree. Their build number is simply coordinated between the two branches.
20:56.50CodayusTrying to roll back the test version to emulate the old live version plus bugfixes is asking for trouble.  As Anduin's glowing fet show.
20:56.51Astryl(Or just time-based)
20:57.08AstrylI don't think they did that at all.
20:57.16AstrylI doubt they 'rolled back' anything at all.
20:57.38CodayusI dunno, they did something odd.
20:57.48CodayusMeh, got a final in a couple hours.
20:57.59CodayusProbably shouldn't be fiddling with this now.  :-)
20:58.59Beladonathey didn't roll it back
20:59.08Beladonathey split a new branch from 4878
20:59.12Beladonaor earlier
20:59.34Beladonathen performed changes
21:00.00Beladonalikely that branch will not be used ever again
21:00.12Beladonabecause the test branch will contain those fixes
21:00.40*** join/#wowi-lounge RedcXe (
21:00.44Astryl4878 = which?
21:01.15CodayusYeah, but that doesn't explain the...hmm. Actually, nevermind.
21:01.35Beladonaits confusing
21:01.44Beladonaand none of us really know without seeing their version control structure
21:01.50AstrylNot really. Maybe it's not for me because I've actually done all this.
21:01.50CodayusI shouldn't try and o understand this stuff while distracted and not near my wow install.
21:02.07BeladonaI have too Astryl
21:02.25AstrylI work on a certain big app that runs on the .NET framework.
21:02.37BeladonaI just don't like seeing versions branch to dead ends
21:02.43Beladonait means someone was in a hurry
21:02.47Beladonato get something released
21:02.48Astrylv5.3 was the last version that ran on .NET 1.1. Then the beta of .NET 2.0 came out.
21:02.57CodayusAs have I, although not on anything like this scale.  :-)
21:03.03AstrylSo, everything up to 6.0 was released on .NET 2.0b
21:03.29Beladonathats a bit different
21:03.34AstrylThen, we were working on 6.5, to be on .NET 2.0(final), and weren't done when .NET 2.0 final came out.
21:03.59AstrylSo we branched the 6.0 tree off, made it compatible with .NET 2.0final, and released it as 6.1
21:04.04Beladonabut did you release 6.5 for test?
21:04.08AstrylAll the while we're still working on 6.5 final.
21:04.16Beladonathen it isn't the same thing
21:04.24AstrylSure it is.
21:04.37Astryl6.0 -> 6.5 and 6.0 -> 6.1
21:04.39Anduin|StudyOk, I'm seeing other pallies with the glow, they musta slapped it on all pally epics
21:04.52Astryl1.8.3 -> 1.9 and 1.8.3 -> 1.8.4
21:05.00Beladonadid you continue development on both branches?
21:05.04Anduin|Studyalso not seeing any speed increase w/o the items on so the tallent itself isn't effetcing
21:05.43kergothBeladona: normally you'd do bugfixes on one of the branches and active development on the other, or the trunk.
21:05.55AstrylYes, we did.
21:05.57BeladonaI agree
21:05.58Anduin|Studyand with all 3 speed items on I'm clocking 223% speed
21:06.22Codayusawww, how boring
21:06.34Beladonait doesn't really matter. What is done is done. And I have a lot of work to do now to get my compares reflecting it
21:07.02Anduin|Studylooks like the runnign boots enchant is about 109% speed
21:07.14Beladonabe back in a bit, gotta run to the store
21:07.20*** part/#wowi-lounge Beladona (
21:09.35Astryl8% is what I recorded for that, Anduin
21:09.49Anduin|Studyya, my testing was too erratic to be sure
21:09.51Astrylunfortunately, it doesn't stack with feline swiftness. :(
21:10.04AstrylNor mount, of course.
21:27.32*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
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21:34.05pagefaultkergoth, how did you do your action bars
21:38.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
21:40.13AstrylAfternoon, Iriel.
21:40.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Beladona (
21:40.28*** mode/#WoWI-lounge [+o Beladona] by ChanServ
21:41.41AstrylCair around?
21:42.00Beladonawent afk some time ago
21:42.11AstrylAye, she might be lurking. ;)
21:42.17kergothpagefault: used visor to move things around and hide things and stuff
21:42.26kergothpagefault: i can send you my Visor.lua from savedvariables if you'd like
21:43.09Beladonasad = the blizzard patch downloader can't even handle windows firewall
21:44.23Plorkyeran[Away]I just grabbed it off filefront
21:44.31Plorkyeran[Away]I gave up on the blizz downloader about a year ago
21:44.58IndustrialBeladona: It's bittorrent
21:45.02Industriali believe
21:45.34krkaI have noticed that gamers in general dislike bittorrent and I can't figure out why
21:45.45Industrialdub dub dub dub dub dub dub dub
21:45.46AstrylI don't dislike it...
21:45.50Plorkyeran[Away]I normally have no problems with bittorrent
21:46.08Plorkyeran[Away]blizz's downloader just manages to be remarkably bad somehow
21:46.22krkaand i don't classify you people as just gamers, you're coder-gamers (or gamer-coders)
21:46.30Beladonanothing wrong with bittorrent
21:46.35IndustrialIt (the blizz thing) probably has too many peers so it goes a bit wrong :>
21:46.41Beladonabut there IS something wrong with that downloader
21:46.46Industriale.g. over 5000
21:46.54malrethwith the ports mapped properly on my router, i've no problems with it either... what i do have a problem with is that blizzard's client doesn't allow you to set a port number
21:46.54krkathat I don't doubt
21:47.13malrethand there's no uplink limiting built in
21:47.15ScytheBlade1Eh, it's fine for me...
21:47.37IndustrialScytheBlade1: uhm
21:47.38Industrialwhats that?
21:47.40malrethso I can download the patches just fine, but my girlfriend's computer on the same network can't
21:47.40Industriallol :p
21:47.50ScytheBlade1Industrial, screenshot of the blizz BT client
21:47.57Industrialthats not how mine looks
21:48.04ScytheBlade1I clicked into the advanced view
21:48.09ScytheBlade1Or whatever it's called
21:48.12Beladonathat is also a screenshot of you downloading the test client
21:48.12krkablizzard should just supply a plain torrent too
21:48.23krkawhat do they have to lose by letting people choose client themselves?
21:48.46malreththey'd have to support it then
21:48.51AstrylWhat do they have to lose? Support time.
21:49.03malrethpeople would call in asking how to configure Azureus
21:49.14krkathey give no support for custom UIs
21:49.26krkaI don't mean they should remove the standard client
21:49.26AstrylThey could though also provide a plain, unspported. torrent link.
21:49.30krkaeven if it sucks
21:49.39krkajust make it an _option_ to handle the torrent as you please
21:49.42malrethcalls cost time and money, even if all you say is "sorry, we don't support that configuration"
21:49.58krkai doubt it
21:49.58Beladonathere is an option
21:50.00malrethif you give an option, you'll have to support that option... some how
21:50.02Beladonarip the torrent
21:50.05Industriallike they dont make enough money anyway
21:50.10Industrialfuckers, the lot of them
21:51.17malrethblizzard isn't a publicly traded company, are they?
21:51.25TainMake a suggestion on the forums, krka.
21:51.35krkai don't even have an account :)
21:51.37TainIt's not like anyone there is going to know if no one asks for it.
21:51.44malretheven if they aren't... someone would have to justify the cost expense
21:51.47TainYou don't have a WoW account?
21:52.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Trilian41 (
21:52.21TainThat's an awful lot of complaining for something that doesn't affect you then.
21:52.58krkahey, complaining is as much fun you can have without paying
21:53.18malrethactually, it'd be more sad if he were complaining *and* paying
21:53.36Industriallike um, us?
21:53.50Beladonapersonally I like complaining
21:53.51malrethme nodnod
21:53.56Beladonait gets things done
21:54.07TainYeah, just complain to someone who can do something about it.
21:54.29AstrylHmmm... What do YOU do when you find a beautiful mineral node that you want to mine, and there's a basalisk squatting on it that is 7 levels higher than you?
21:54.42TainFind another node. :)
21:54.43krkasorry if you read it as a complaining, i was just trying to discuss it in general
21:54.49Beladonathrow a steak and hope he goes after it?
21:55.06Beladonafind a gnome and tell him that basilisk has a rare item?
21:55.14krkacall it a day, go home and play some WoW instead Astryl?
21:55.47AstrylHe walked away!
21:58.59BeladonaAnduin, you there?
22:03.38clad|workEvening all
22:03.57Beladonahiya Clad
22:06.19AstrylAnyone have any idea how Blizz gauges customer art satisfaction?
22:06.57Astrylie, what's the most effective way for me to let Blizz know that this new kitty butt warmers are the stupidest thing ever, and should be removed?
22:08.36TainOfficial forums somewhere. :)
22:10.35AstrylBlizz is smart enough not to listen to that cesspool.
22:11.30TainMany, many UI changes have been made thanks to thta cesspool.
22:11.56AstrylOK, true, there's like 1 forum that isn't a total cesspool.
22:12.25TainIn that case I don't know who you complain to.  Try calling customer service.  *shrug*
22:13.11AstrylI think they changed the mining requirement for small thorium. It's 245 now.
22:13.19AstrylIt was 250 yesterday.
22:21.43Plorkyeran[Away]eh, the butt warmers aren't too bad
22:21.55Plorkyeran[Away]of course, I don't have to stare at it all day
22:22.19malrethit'll grow on ya... like mildew
22:22.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Ktron (
22:23.13KtronHey everyone
22:24.29*** join/#wowi-lounge cladhair1 (
22:24.57Iriel... and Osagasu gets himself an auto ignore from Bitchx
22:25.17Irielfirst time it's actually done it usefully!
22:25.49OsagasuGood, I can make fun of iriel as much as I want now
22:26.11Ktronwoot, new version of chatzilla, be back in a flash
22:26.13malreththe bots don't provide flood protection here?
22:26.39cladhaireAnyone here have invite privs in <RegisterForSave>?
22:26.40malrethyou're useless, you know that
22:26.59BeladonaI do
22:27.15cladhaireif you happen to wander by i'd love an invite
22:27.47Beladonaonline now
22:27.49malrethoh well... later everyone.
22:28.02*** part/#wowi-lounge malreth (
22:28.35Malivilscrew it
22:28.44Malivillol, that was clever
22:28.47Malivili'm done.
22:30.17*** join/#wowi-lounge shouryuu (
22:30.52Malivilrawr at you too
22:31.56MalivilWhy is it that it's been 3 days since i submitted my mod to curse, and it hasn't been aproved
22:32.06MalivilAnd if its been denied, i haven't been notified
22:32.11AstrylThey hate you.
22:32.24shouryuugod hates you
22:32.28MalivilApparently, the person who clears new addons is busy
22:32.29shouryuuthey just don't care :P
22:32.32MalivilHe should, im atheist
22:33.01OsagasuIriel is the son of ogre strumpet and a badly coded "hello world" message
22:33.18IrielI am listening you know.
22:33.24IrielThe ignore isn't permanent
22:33.38Osagasugood, I ran out of them anyways
22:34.31MalivilHelloWorldMessageFrame:AddMessage("Hello world!", 1, 1, 1, 1, 3);
22:35.07MalivilIt's ok, you can tell me i suck at teh life =-P
22:35.15OsagasuI more meant a 500 line program that just shows "Hello world!"
22:35.32Malivili couldnt even do that!
22:35.36MalivilThat's HARD
22:35.48MalivilI'm REALLY good at screwing things up too
22:36.03ForgottenLordswhat did you fill the other 499 lines with? recursivley building the "Hello World" string?
22:36.19Osagasuthat would be an amazaing challenge
22:36.22Malivilmaking each letter its own variable
22:36.34Osagasu500 lines of non-useless code where all it does is make "Hello World!"
22:36.41Maliviland then somehow extracting each letter by parsing the combat log or something
22:36.55MoonWolfWrite a hello world program with EXACTLY 500 lines of code. white lines and comments do not count.
22:37.09Malivilmy way would be like 200 lines
22:37.26ForgottenLordsit would be a very interesting Hello World program
22:37.30Osagasuhell, even 400+ lines would be hard as hell IMO
22:38.30Malivilmy mod is 146 lines long
22:38.35Malivilit HAD it at 215
22:38.38kergothi'd start with a 400 character array of random bytes, then a small block of code to search it until it gets all the characters it needs to output Hello, World :P
22:38.51shouryuuwell my mod is 200 of lua
22:38.53shouryuuit's a loto
22:38.56ForgottenLordsthats Childplay ;)
22:38.58shouryuuthat's like sad
22:39.03MalivilBut that was because i entered the same thing into a table two different ways
22:39.04ForgottenLordsmy XML is 1467 lines
22:39.11MalivilMy mod is really basic
22:39.15MalivilAnd it's my first mod
22:39.20shouryuusame :P
22:39.35Malivilbut oyurs does more than mine shouryuu
22:39.38ForgottenLordswhat are you building?
22:40.03Malivilthis is my code right here:
22:40.04shouryuumy XML is 880 lines
22:40.09shouryuuI didn't type one like
22:40.12shouryuuWoW UI designer FTW
22:40.13Malivilmy xml is like... 20 at the most
22:40.31shouryuuyour mod is way cleaner than mine
22:40.34Malivili can't figure out how to get WoW ui Designer to do that for me
22:40.40Malivilea, im a neat freak
22:40.52shouryuuI'm like you opposite
22:40.53MalivilI even seperated the parsing from the oputput into two functions
22:41.45Malivilyou made that?
22:42.03shouryuumade what?
22:42.13Malivilshouryuu, how do you get WoW UI Designer to do the xml for you?
22:42.18Malivilthe private pastebin
22:42.36shouryuuthe wow pastebin site? no that wasn't me
22:42.46shouryuuis me
22:43.03MalivilI was saying that to Osagasu
22:43.18Malivilthats not TOO messy
22:43.31Malivilbut still
22:43.37MalivilHow do you get WoW UI Designer to do the xml for you?
22:43.48Osagasuoh, all I did was register the subdomain
22:43.56shouryuucan you go
22:44.03Malivili tried double clicking
22:44.07Malivili tried dragging and dropping
22:44.21Malivilokie dokie
22:44.26shouryuuthen I just tinkered
22:44.51Maliviloh sweet
22:45.00shouryuuit's rather intuitive
22:45.32Astrylmmm, FRGT/10
22:45.59Malivilremix of Forgotten by Linkin Part
22:46.04Malivil*Linkin Park
22:46.07Malivilfrom Reanimation
22:46.29shouryuuhhatteee linkin park
22:47.00Astryllikes a very wide variety of music, though...
22:47.14shouryuuI just hate it
22:47.19Malivili like it
22:47.20shouryuutheir first song was ok
22:47.23shouryuubut then
22:47.45shouryuui really hate it
22:48.43shouryuuand don't get me mistaken
22:48.50shouryuuI like a wide variety of music as well
22:49.21*** part/#wowi-lounge ForgottenLords (
22:50.45Malivilhow do i get a render of the frame
22:50.50Malivilill find it
22:52.41AstrylLinkin Park, Eminem, Limp Bizkit, Weird Al, Aqua, Britney Spears, Daft Punk, Juno Reactor, Peter Gabriel, No Doubt, Minibosses... Very wide variety.
22:52.57Malivili have the renderer opened
22:53.05Malivilbut when i click the file it doesn't open
22:53.18AstrylFind Eminem, Britney Spears, Peter Gabreil, and Weird Al, all in the same playlist. :)
22:53.36shouryuulol Eminem is a smart guy but just no my styl
22:53.41shouryuuI hate you for britney
22:53.54TainYeah it could at least be Christina Aguilera
22:54.07shouryuuweird al is ok, I don't listen to it but I used to love it when I was a kid so I just can't forget it :P
22:55.26shouryuuI just like everything going from psychedelyc trance to Carmina Burana, while passing by Brassens (french guy from the 60's), Brel (French guy from the 60's), jazz, ambiance or pretty much anything that isn't rap/pop
22:55.53Cair|afk~for porn
22:56.14TainThat's what Cair has on her music all day. :)
22:56.38grollfor pooooooooooooooorn :D
22:56.42Cairno, I was asked for the link, and that's the quickest way I know to get it, so bite me, jerk :p
22:57.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (n=Guilloti@
22:57.20shouryuuCair IS the tauren female singing imo
22:57.30CairEXCUSE ME?!
22:57.36Guillotinelol. that was a funny thing to come into...
22:57.39shouryuuI don't know you cair but that's how I imagine you
22:57.46shouryuualways seeing the bright side of things :P
22:57.51shouryuulol go away guillotine
22:57.58Cairseeing the bright side, maybe
22:58.06Cairbut not believing in porn? HAH!
22:59.08TainThere's no place like porn.
22:59.08Guillotineat least i know its really you guys
22:59.10Guillotinenobody else could act like this...
22:59.42GuillotineCair: is there any chance you could get T.King onto irc?
23:00.07Guillotinewould you mind just asking him?
23:00.11Cairpossibly, but the chance that I'd submit him to you guys is, like, nil
23:00.22Osagasu~sith code
23:00.23purlit has been said that sith code is There is no fear, there is power. / There is no death, there is immortality. / There is no weakness, there is the Dark Side. / I am the Heart of Darkness. / I know no fear, / But rather I instill it in my enemies. / I am the destroyer of worlds. / I know the power of the Dark Side. / I am the fire of hate. / All the Universe bows ...
23:00.23Osagasu~sith code2
23:00.25purlsith code2 is, like, I pledge myself to the Darkness. / For I have found true life, / In the death of the light.
23:01.37Guillotinenice to meet you jealous and releaved
23:02.01Beladona|AFKback in a bit
23:02.18Guillotinei dont know if I'm actually going to level on my Draka chars...
23:02.28shouryuume neither
23:02.36shouryuufor christmas <=== druid on boulderfirst
23:02.39shouryuuif anyone wants to join
23:02.42Guillotineits just so much easier on an old server where I can give my level 2 fiery enchantment...
23:03.03TainPorkchops and tater tots.  Again.
23:04.11Guillotineseriously, leveling is SO easy when you have fiery enchantment at low levels...
23:04.18Guillotineits like proc, that elite guy is dead
23:04.50Guillotineim thinking about springing for life stealing enchant for my 39 rogue
23:04.55Guillotinemake him pwn even more in BG
23:04.56CairI was thinking, if you guys agree, that maybe the way to deal with the fact that we have 2 guilds is to play one side on Even numbered days and the other side on Odd numbered days?
23:05.07Guillotinecair: sounds good to me
23:05.09AstrylI can't remember why I wanted to talk to you!
23:05.14AstrylNow I remembered!
23:05.17CairWell damn!
23:05.21Guillotineunless someone specifically needs pally or something
23:05.29Guillotinefangtooth is gone :(
23:05.33Osagasuwhat happened to him?
23:05.38CairWhat about him Astryl?
23:05.55Astryl...What Osagasu said.
23:06.13CairYeah, we've had this discussion already, I thought there was something new
23:06.19Tekkubsuick stupid question... is it ever possible for a unit to have the same buff/aura applied two (not talking "stacked" stuff like sunder, two buff icons here)
23:06.30Astrylfuck afk a min
23:06.32Cairah, you're hoping I know and will tell you?
23:06.48CairI'd rather fuck someONE instead of afk,but hey, whatever raises your flag
23:07.04Tekkubafk a sex
23:07.17Osagasufreudian slip?
23:07.46Guillotineso cair, do you know what happened?
23:07.55Guillotinehas he moved to WoW2?
23:07.57Cairlateral move within the company
23:08.04Guillotineso he wasn't fired :)
23:08.13Guillotinehe was my favorite CM...
23:08.30Cairor so I've heard
23:08.44kergothguh, put windows 2k on my mom's box
23:08.49kergothforgot to disable the messenger service
23:08.51kergothspam galore
23:08.53kergoththanks ms!
23:10.32shouryuuman I'm hesitating... Should I roll a pally or a druid...
23:10.36kergoth~stab ms
23:10.37purlACTION runs at ms with an origami Swiss Army knife, and inflicts a nasty paper cut.
23:10.59Astrylstill afk
23:11.06Astrylwhered he move cair?
23:11.37shouryuuwell g'night girls
23:11.59Guillotineg'night girl
23:12.12CairI heard through the grape vine that he did a lateral move within the company, beyond that I don't know, and even that I can't say *for sure*
23:12.33Cairsince I don't actually work there :p
23:13.08OsagasuI wanna work there... ;_:
23:13.35OsagasuMaybe I'll get lucky and they'll need a network admin when I'm done with college
23:14.33Osagasuthe only problem is I'll never be able to use my handle on the forums anymore
23:14.46kergothwhats a good buff frame/bar addon?  optimally, an addon that doesnt do its own frames, but just makes the original ones movable and adds options to grow in directions other than left
23:15.01CairI'd *so* love to be applying for the CRS position, but it's about a year too early for me
23:15.11CairCSR, even
23:15.53Guillotinekergoth: I use improved buffbars. its nice...
23:16.28Guillotinecair: whast csr?
23:16.38Guillotinecross something reprasentative?
23:16.42CairCustomer Service Rep
23:16.48Guillotineclose enough
23:16.58TainYou'd want to deal with crazies like us for a living?
23:17.01Guillotinegot the rep part...
23:17.16Guillotinecair: you should apply to run the website
23:17.22TainI mean it's one thing doing it in your free time, but if you HAD to be nice to us?  :)
23:18.17Cairdamnit, wrong one
23:18.25Cairthis one:
23:18.30CairI always do that, click the wrong one
23:18.37Cairthe first one is GM :p
23:18.59kergothdamn, that one would be a good fit for you
23:19.10Cairthe 2nd? yeah
23:19.11Guillotinenice. you should do that...
23:19.15Guillotineya. the 2nd
23:19.20Cairas I said, I'd love to be applying, but it's a year too soon
23:19.22CairI can't move yet
23:19.33Guillotinehopefully theill still have openings
23:19.44Guillotinebut would you still be allowed to run WoWI?
23:19.46Guillotineprobably now
23:19.53OsagasuFor you Cair they might make an exception
23:20.01Cairnot likely Osagasu
23:20.14cladhairethey'd be dumb not to
23:20.17CairI'm not that well known, only in the UI community
23:20.28Cairnot like the rest of the forums know me from Adam
23:20.42Osagasuwho's Adam?
23:20.49purlextra, extra, read all about it, adam is Coleco's ill-fated attempt to enter the personal computer market in the mid-80's--an attempt so ill-fated that it single-handedly brought Coleco to its knees.  You do remember ColecoVision, right?
23:21.27GuillotineI still don't know who adam is
23:21.30TainI wanted an Adam. :(  Of course I didn't know at the time how bad they were.
23:22.04Cairanyway, my point is, I'd love to try for it, but I'm not even putting in an app
23:22.34Caircladhaire: you here?
23:23.47purlkergoth: aw, gee
23:23.51kergoth~emulate fry
23:23.53purlWords. Nothing but sweet, sweet words that turn into bitter orange wax in my ears.
23:24.05AstrylGod damn, my Intuos3 even TASTES good!
23:24.07TainAw I don't see anyone from Blizzard listed for the Game Developers Conference.
23:24.18cladhairehow can someone find a wiki confusing?
23:24.18OsagasuClad is in WoW not leveling
23:24.22CairBlizz forums dying for anyone else?
23:24.42Caircladhaire: I didn't even read the post, just saw the title so snagged the link for you
23:24.48cladhairethanks =)
23:25.30Cairnight Sarf :)
23:26.57Guillotinebye sarfy
23:27.20Cairsarfy?!  *gags*
23:27.59Guillotinecair?! *gags*
23:28.12Cairas in gag, retch, puke
23:28.12Astrylastryl?! *gags*
23:28.19*** join/#wowi-lounge BadMojo (
23:28.36sarf|sleepTekkub> About your buff icon question: Yes, the same unit can have two buff icons with the same, exact texture (rend and gouge, for example, or rend and Ripsaws on hit effect et cetera)
23:28.38Cairnot as in ball and latex
23:28.48sarf|sleepNow, true sleep.
23:29.09OsagasuI didn't think it was
23:29.12sarf|sleep(or concussion shot and the improved concussion shot)
23:33.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine_ (n=Guilloti@
23:34.55GUIllotineim back!
23:35.03GUIllotinewith my new and improved capitalization
23:35.05Astrylohnoes working for anyone?
23:37.37cladhaireits been flaky as crap for me
23:38.05GUIllotinestarted getting wierd a couple mins ago for me
23:38.17*** join/#wowi-lounge phil_ (
23:39.01pagefaultkergoth, you got that hud working?
23:41.41kergoththe hud works fine, didnt have to do anything
23:42.04kergothjust need to update efm a bit so it doesnt step on it
23:47.49Osagasu"Poisonous and Venomous arachnids, insects, animals, trees, shrubs, fish and sheep of Australia, volumes 1-42"
23:50.55Cairso Even days = Horde and Odd days = Alliance, unless needing a specific class for testing on any given day, yes?
23:51.55GUIllotinesounds good
23:52.09GUIllotineyou can remember that because the Alliance is Odd
23:53.48Cairthat's a matter of opinion :p
23:54.02GUIllotinewere there any API changes that may ruin addons this little patch?
23:58.42OsagasuI don't think so

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