irclog2html for #wowi-lounge on 20051205

00:00.43shouryuuel rawr
00:00.46shouryuuin spanish
00:00.47TainWell I know a lot more about textures and backdrop textures now.
00:01.09TainIronically enough I know enough to know I can't do what I wanted to learn more about it for in the first place.
00:01.24Guillotinewhat was that?
00:02.03TainPlace multiple arbitrary textures around the screen.
00:03.03IrielWell, for a sufficiently constrained definitionof 'multiple' you can
00:03.07Guillotinearbitrary- depending on individual discretion (as of a judge) and not fixed by law
00:03.21Guillotinewhat do you mean by arbitrary?
00:04.04TainI mean whatever texture I feel like placing wherever I feel like placing it.
00:04.14IrielAnd why do you think you cannot?
00:04.37TainDART creates a frame for every texture and places that.
00:04.41Guillotinei know
00:04.51Guillotinewhat were you trying to do?
00:04.56malrethyou want something like one frame with multiple textures?
00:04.57*** join/#wowi-lounge KronusOverlord (
00:05.19TainIdeally I thought I could place multiple textures around UIParent as backdrop files, but you can't.
00:05.35IrielBut why would you?
00:05.42TainBecause I just said I wanted to.
00:05.47Osagasupower flickered
00:06.05IrielYou can just create multiple Texture objects with UIParent as their parent, on the lowest strata, with BACKGROUND layer
00:06.49Iriel(To clarify, the Why would you was about the 'backdrop' part)
00:06.54TainYes if you create frames in xml beforehand. I didn't want to do that.
00:07.09IrielWell, that's a given
00:07.20malrethTextures don't have parent attribute
00:07.23IrielYou MUST have an XML object to represent anything on-screen
00:07.31TainWell, not completely.  Since you can place a backdrop on any existing window.
00:07.32Irielmalreth : True, but you have to put them in a frame, which does
00:08.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Gello (
00:08.01TainYou can't put more than one backdrop on a single window which is what I was trying to find out.
00:08.04TainSo now I know.
00:08.06IrielI guess, though backdrops are a property of the window, more than a thing that's in the window.
00:08.26TainI also know more about DART then I wanted to trying to see how he did it.
00:08.26IrielYou also can't do the same kinds of texcoord tricks with backdrops you can with textures, AFAIK
00:08.38TainYou sort of can.  It's different though.
00:08.55TainBut you can move a backdrop texture away from the frame it's attached to.
00:09.09TainIt'll still be attached, but you can move it around, and resize it independantly of the frame.
00:09.23TainNot the same way at all though.
00:09.58IrielSo is there a problem with just creating a handful of Texture objects and then using those?
00:10.42TainNo, it's just more overhead than the payoff, for me at least.
00:11.17TainBut that's how I learn more about how WoW works.
00:12.29IrielI guess you can fill in some holes in the wiki if you feel bored 8-)
00:13.19IrielHm, 1.9 breaks more of my addons than I expected.
00:13.29TainWell I did learn that I have to update Visor to handle backdrops properly.  Or I should say with full functionality.
00:13.43Iriel... and the test server's going down in 14 minutes
00:13.51malrethStopTheSpam still works! :D
00:18.24Nomad_WandererOkay.. Iriel helped me find the place where Shift-click items is. Unfortunately, it's in frameXML\ItemRef.lua, How horrible would it be to override this function? and add the check for my edit box?
00:18.38Nomad_WandererWhats the best way to do this? This is my first time overriding/super
00:18.43Nomad_Wanderer'ing blizz code.
00:19.14Nomad_WandererWill do. I was more referring to is there more than that? SeaHooks?
00:19.26IrielYou can use SeaHooks or Ace if you wish
00:20.31malrethI didn't get SeaHooks to work when I tried it last week.
00:20.51IrielYou COULD just hook ChatFrameEditBox:Insert when your frame is open
00:21.04Irielthat might make your code simpler
00:21.34IrielActually, you'd have to hook ChatFrameEditBox:IsVisible too
00:21.46IrielSo maybe it would be messier 8-)
00:21.55Nomad_WandererHmm. I'm understanding 43% of what you are saying..
00:22.15Nomad_WandererI think you mean I could have my editbox pretned to be the chatedit box.
00:22.26IrielWell, you only want to subvert about 10% of the SetItemRef function
00:22.35Nomad_WandererCorrect.. about 3 lines..
00:22.55Nomad_WandererRight smack in the middle too :(
00:23.00Irielso yes, you could replace edit boxes, but you'd only want that replacement DURING the SetItemRef call, by which point it'll be easier to just do it yourself
00:23.11IrielSo hooking will be the best bet
00:24.11Nomad_WandererButI need to edit the middle of the function... I'm not really "hooking", but rather overriding right?
00:24.19IrielNo, you would be hooking
00:24.57Irielyour version would probably check the args to see if it's a link you're interested in (your code active, an item link, shift held down), then if it is, do YOUR thing and then return, otherwise call the original
00:25.22Nomad_WandererYep. Thats right.
00:25.45Irielactually, it should be: Your code active AND an item link AND control NOT held down AND shift held down
00:26.21Nomad_WandererPretty much the same checks that happen in the itemref.lua down to the point I want to insert, with the additional bit of, is my code visible.
00:27.21Nomad_WandererThanks for the help.
00:28.57Nomad_WandererThe end of the Hooking how to (that sounds dirty), says that some of the UI has been moved to load on demand. This area ItemRef.lua is not LoD right?
00:30.34malrethStuff in the AddOns folder can be LoD. FrameXML files are always loaded.
00:30.39shouryuurawr people
00:32.37Nomad_WandererOny tonight.. Not able to play with UI XML :(
00:39.20TainIs there any way for me to find out if a specific method exists before I call it?
00:39.32cladhaireyou just test for its existance.
00:39.37cladhairewhat do you mean
00:39.48TainSome special frames don't have a GetScale() method
00:40.01TainBut I've been using a generic call for all frames until I hit it.
00:40.22cladhaireand i'm assuming if FrameName.GetScale doesn't work?
00:40.38TainNah, just tried.  Errors.
00:40.52cladhaireNot sure if we can get at those..
00:42.21TainAlternately I was trying to figure out if there was a way to find out from the Blizzard xml and lua what frames do have what methods, but there's just stuff that doesn't seem like it's in there.
00:42.55cladhaireI think Iriel and Legorol were working on some of that informatino
00:43.12cladhaireCan you compare the methods from the metatable?
00:43.15cladhaireconsidering that's where they are
00:43.28cladhairetry getmetatable(FrameName).GetScale ?
00:48.14TainI'll have to try playing with that, I don't have the full get metatable syntax down right.
00:57.11ScytheBlade1hmm - is there any event that triggers when the current target changes?
01:00.48TainYep!  All of the events should be listed on the WoW wiki, I always check there first.
01:01.05ScytheBlade1I looked for TARGET_
01:01.07ScytheBlade1not PLAYER_
01:01.16ScytheBlade1But thanks :)
01:01.43TainAh yeah, sometimes the naming seems not not be consistent.
01:02.34ScytheBlade1I get sick of it myself (and I'm sure my guild does also) when their chat log fills up with "Sheeping %t"
01:02.44ScytheBlade1So, add a little bit of logic to an addon and tada ;)
01:11.43ScytheBlade1huh, there's DUEL_FINISHED but not DUEL_STARTED?
01:14.26Guillotineguess so
01:14.51ScytheBlade1That's annoying, I don't want to be spamming that in a duel ;)
01:27.01Nomad_Wanderer<EditBox name="$parent_InputBox" inherits="InputBoxTemplate" id="15"> == FaraFrames12_InputBox, when $parent=FaraFrames12 right?
01:28.17Nomad_WandererIn Lua, I could Use  FaraFrames12_InputBox:Insert(text); to get at that input box
01:28.53*** join/#wowi-lounge kergoth (
01:29.04Nomad_WandererIs that right?
01:29.15*** join/#wowi-lounge RedcXe (
01:37.26IrielYes, that's right
01:39.00IrielArgh, I just got done with the change summary for the test server build and they're pushing ANOTHER one!
01:40.19Nomad_WandererI think the christmas content is tied to 1.9
01:40.42TainWhy do you think Slouken comes in, Iriel?  He needs to wait until you're done so he can have the next one pushed. ;)
01:40.44Nomad_WandererWe really appreciate the work Iriel. Please don't get frustrated.
01:41.39IrielWell, on the bright side, this one may have the GetFont methods
01:41.40IrielThat'd be nice
01:41.49Tainyeah definitely
01:49.14ScytheBlade1Is there a variable or function that'll return the current target's name? I've searched the API listing, but can't find it
01:51.04*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (
01:52.43cladhaireAnyone know the game of the group indicator that's attached to the PlayerFrame offhand?
01:53.03cladhaireI dont have the frameXML on my laptop.. and it looks like wdn took the snapshot downloads down
01:54.17cladhairewow.. shoot me please.
01:55.52IrielScytheBlade1 : UnitName("target")
01:56.30Nomad_WandererCladHaire.. Why the hell would they name it that. You'd think they'd want it to be some sort of intuitive name or something.
01:58.15Esamynnlol nomad
01:58.58Esamynneek, its Tem, come to crash the irc server? ;)
01:59.00ScytheBlade1Iriel, thanks... I guess it takes time to get used to their 'organized' API.... some functions exist, other's done ;)
01:59.11Nomad_WandererAnyway to detect that stupid dancing instrument? I.e. who is using it?
01:59.53Esamynnmaybe, maybe not, depends on what gets sent to the combat log when it is used
02:00.14Nomad_Wandererlooks like nothing is sent to the combat log
02:00.53Esamynnthen, no, I don't think it can be "detected"
02:02.25TainDoes the person playing it have an animation?  I forget.
02:05.31Beladona|AFKDamn, Kaeltan has been at walmart a long time
02:05.40Esamynnheh, no kidding
02:06.57kergothmm, the new KC_AutoRepair rocks
02:08.23Osagasutell that to Kael
02:08.31Osagasuwhen he gets back from... WALMART?
02:15.00purlsomebody said walmart was the giant box store of the Devil, beware all who shop there!
02:15.17purlthanks, kergoth
02:16.40*** join/#wowi-lounge SP|Sorren (
02:19.03kergothoooh, looks neat
02:19.19kergothits a code snippit pastebin, with tagging like to narrow down by language or whatever
02:19.37kergothconsidering how many little tidbits of code i have floating around..
02:19.41kergothi should make an account and put it all there :)
02:20.48Cair|afkbela, you there?
02:38.28Beladonawdn is updated with (current test build)
02:41.42Guillotine~emulate me
02:41.43purlwoohoo! spoofing links is fun!
02:41.59Guillotine~emulate me
02:42.02purlHey Cair, what's your admin password?
02:43.49Esamynn~lart guillotine
02:44.06Guillotine*cough* suckup
02:44.09Guillotinehehe :P
02:44.32kergoth :)
02:50.01Beladonais the Test Realm down?
02:53.59ScytheBlade1I feel like a complete idiot asking this, but: what's the lua equal to != in a comparison?
02:54.04ScytheBlade1ie, if (a != b) then
02:54.33ScytheBlade1That's what I'm using, hmm
02:54.51Beladonanot works also does it not?
02:55.04AnduinLothar(not a == b)
02:55.11ScytheBlade1I tried not, it didn't work with that if
02:55.12AnduinLotharjust more typing
02:55.13ScytheBlade1Or that
02:55.42AnduinLotharwell, actually it's if not (a == b) then
02:55.48AnduinLotharunless a's a boolean
02:56.11ScytheBlade1Oh, I just fail at basic programming
02:56.18ScytheBlade1The string was set to ""
02:56.19ScytheBlade1not nill
03:00.00kergothin some languages an empty string would be evaluated as false in boolean context
03:00.03kergothso dont feel too bad
03:00.29*** join/#wowi-lounge LedMirage (
03:00.33AnduinLotharsome janguages. but none of the good ones ;)
03:00.46ScytheBlade1I'm fluent in PHP ;)
03:00.50ScytheBlade1I'm used to random hack jobs ;)
03:00.51LedMiragehey everyone
03:00.52kergothgod i wish lua would get a boolean metamethod
03:01.06TainYeah everyone knows lua is a hack language.
03:01.13ScytheBlade1PHP: where "4" == 4
03:01.23kergothdamn trolls
03:01.25TainHey Led
03:01.25kergoth~herring Tain
03:01.26purlACTION whacks Tain on the side of the head with a large red herring named alfred
03:01.37AnduinLotharwell "4" == 4..""
03:01.45TainNot alfred. :(
03:01.55kergothbe glad it wasnt hugh
03:02.08AnduinLotharhugh's the killer whale
03:02.19ScytheBlade1wow @ AnduinLothar
03:02.46AnduinLotharwhat'd i miss?
03:02.56kergothi second that '?'
03:03.12AnduinLotharhugh or concatting the int?
03:03.13ScytheBlade1<AnduinLothar> well "4" == 4..""
03:04.51ScytheBlade1Concatting the int is just....scary
03:05.07AnduinLotharbasic typecasting
03:05.33AnduinLotharsame as (String) non-string-object in java
03:05.42ScytheBlade1It's just.......concatting an int with a string
03:05.48AnduinLotharor 4+""
03:05.55AnduinLotharin java should work
03:06.16AnduinLotharworks finie in all the good languages ;)
03:06.40AnduinLotharonly the stingy pain in the ass ones have no syntactic sugar and like shafting u on syntax
03:07.14AnduinLotharInteger.parseInt("4")  for example is a pain in the ass
03:07.32AnduinLothartonumber("4") is a lil better
03:08.04kergothoh, for those who dont know, in lua 5.1, types other than tables have metatables :D
03:08.07kergothnumbers, strings..
03:08.09kergothgood stuff.
03:08.11cladhaireoh jesus
03:08.22kergothits one common mt per type, so one for all numbers, one for all strings, etc
03:08.27cladhaireto we get a boolean comparison metamethod
03:08.53kergothno bool metamethod yet :(
03:08.59kergothno pairs metamethod yet :(
03:09.00cladhairedamn =(
03:09.07kergothat least there's a patch for the pairs one
03:09.09cladhaireso much magic can happen when we get there =)
03:09.31kergothyeah, i want objects that can pretend to be nil for the purposes of type() and boolean context
03:09.39cladhaireso sexy
03:09.39kergoth"yep, i'm nil!  really!"
03:10.41TainThat reminds me, kergoth do you know of any way to check if something (in this case a frame) actually has a specific method before you try to call it?
03:10.41TainIf you call it and it doesn't exist you get a nil error in WoW.
03:10.41kergothif then foo:bar() end
03:10.53TainDidn't work.  Errored on the if even
03:10.54cladhaireKergoth: the frames in WoW dont have methods, they're all handled through a metatable
03:11.11kergothcladhaire: it doesnt matter.
03:11.19kergothif i can call it, i can check if it exists.
03:11.21kergothan index is an index
03:11.22AnduinLotharif foo and then foo:bar() end
03:11.23cladhairekergoth: but Tain said it thew errors
03:11.26kergothregardless of what i do with it
03:11.34kergothhe didnt say what the error was.
03:11.36TainIt threw them at me, right in the face.
03:11.38*** join/#wowi-lounge malreth (
03:11.42kergothperhaps, like andiun thinks, foo was nil
03:11.58AnduinLotharif Type(foo)=="table" and then foo:bar() end
03:12.01kergoththe fact that they use a metatable isnt a factor for the purposes of checking if it exists
03:12.05cladhairethats what i told him to do a bit ago
03:12.10cladhairethought so, but wasn't sure
03:12.23TainI'll log in right now and report back the exacts specifics.
03:12.26kergothAnduinLothar: yeah, i've used that quite a bit.. looping over the global environment to find and reparent all the frames that have MainMenuBar as a parent, for example.  useful
03:13.58cladhaireThe new firefox timeout page is a REALLY bad idea.. i dont know how that made it into 1.5
03:15.06TainOh damnit it does work.  I just realized what I did when you suggested it earlier, cladhaire.  I was doing: if then
03:15.20cladhaireTain: Aaah.. thats why I was so confused.. cause I knew it worked =)
03:15.23cladhaireI use it all over my code.
03:15.34cladhaireThat firefox page looks like its spyware.. but its not.
03:15.45TainI thought it worked too. :/  And... it does.  heh
03:15.46cladhaireand it uses a freaking BUTTON to reload the page.. how horribly suspiscious
03:17.16Beladonathey are trying to dummy it up like MS did
03:17.31Beladonameaningless error pages ftw
03:17.57ScytheBlade1That's a DNS error
03:18.02cladhaireBut at least MS erro pages don't have sketchy buttons on them.. which you can't tell they're destination without looking at the source.
03:18.18cladhaireI just think its a bad idea =)
03:18.23cladhaireSay DNS error OMG your shit is teh broke.
03:18.32ScytheBlade1I personally enabled them
03:18.32cladhaireNow consider phishing schemes.
03:18.39cladhaireall you have to do now, is make a page that uses that HTML
03:18.42cladhaireand renders in that way.
03:18.46ScytheBlade1Too many times I'd open up a page, tab elsewhere and switch desktops
03:18.49cladhairesomeone clicks the "Reload" button.. and it does magic.
03:18.57ScytheBlade1Only to have it flash and get in my way when DNS failed
03:19.36cladhairei'm picky about security.. considering i have to deal with it all day long =)
03:21.52TainHey Cair. :)
03:22.03cladhaireWB Cair =)
03:22.35TainCair, I had an addon idea that well.. hehe
03:22.44Guillotinehey cair :)
03:22.54Guillotinehave you seen the new emulate of me with purl?
03:23.03Guillotineoh boy. another one :D what is it tain?
03:23.05LedMirageHow would you like to turn the light on inside your closet and find this inside!
03:23.23TainWoW plays cinematics for the opening of a new character, right?   Well... what if it were something else?  Say... For porn!
03:23.45Guillotinethe cinematics aren't real cinematics
03:23.51Guillotineits actually flying through the world
03:23.55Guillotineas if it were a flight path
03:24.02Guillotineand you had hidden the interface
03:24.10Tainblah blah blah you keep your "reality" to yourself.
03:24.26LedMirageIt's still a cinematic ;)
03:24.28Guillotineon the other hand though, did you know you could override the undergarments for characters?
03:24.36Guillotinemake them fully alpha layered...
03:25.00Nomad_WandererAm I hooking right?
03:25.00LedMirageI wouldn't think they're layers, i think it's just part of the base texture
03:25.15Guillotinenope. its not part of the base texture
03:25.17Guillotineits a layer
03:25.21TainDepends Nomad_Wanderer, are they leaving the money on the pillow afterwards?
03:25.31Guillotinethats why you can hide it in like WoWModelViewer
03:25.41Nomad_WandererI've used that one so much that its now unfunny :)
03:25.51TainIt's not unfunny until I stop laughing. :D
03:26.49TainBesides, if overriding WoW character undergarments is that interesting then I see no need to rise above prostitute jokes.  :)
03:27.26Nomad_WandererSeriously tho. I'm not able to link into my textbox as I thought I would be able too.
03:28.14LedMirageBring out your dead! Bring out your dead!
03:28.42LedMirageI'm not dead yet!
03:29.12LedMiragenobody? boooh!
03:29.28BeladonaMP: Holy Grail
03:29.46TainI'm not sure, Nomad.  I'm looking at it but I think my brain went to bed before the rest of me again.
03:30.38LedMiragehelp, help! I'm being repressed!
03:30.43Tainoh... it could be the sleeping pill I took.
03:31.01TainBloody peasant shut up!
03:31.23Esamynn|afk~monty python
03:31.25purlit has been said that monty python is horribly unfunny and yet somehow genius  I DON'T LIKE SPAM!
03:31.42LedMirageI just can't stop laughing at the bunny scene
03:32.03TainI soiled my armor I was so scared!
03:32.09LedMirageit depends to me some is hillarious and some just makes me stare at the screen with a big blank stare
03:32.09Esamynn|afkhmm, i wonder what un-funny person programmed that one :(
03:32.38TainI don't argue anymore, comedy is so subjective.
03:32.47LedMiragenod nod hehe
03:32.54Esamynn|afkLed, we should come up with our favorite lines from that movie and teach them to purl, msg me your favorites, i'll be back in a bit
03:32.57TainI find almost everything Monty Python has ever done to be brilliantly funny.
03:33.26CairOkay, sooooo ....
03:33.26LedMirageafk a min!
03:33.39Cairwho all is here?
03:33.42TainBut I'll see something that people tell me was the funniest thing ever, and don't understand why.
03:35.36LedMirageam back
03:35.40*** join/#wowi-lounge slouken (
03:35.53TainHey slouken
03:35.59sloukenHey Tain
03:36.05sloukenxchat rocks. :)
03:36.08Nomad_WandererHowdy :)
03:36.08CairYou guys say you want WoWI guilds, huh?
03:36.13LedMiragePlayed some CoV tain, got beat up so much but I guess I deserved it for playing a villain
03:36.15Cairif so, we need guild names
03:36.22Cairone for each side
03:36.33TainI hve a list!
03:36.34Cairhey Slouken :)
03:36.36LedMirage? you guys starting a guild? serious?
03:36.41LedMiragehola slouken
03:36.45TainI have a list of names for guilds I'd like to suggest.
03:36.46Cairfor mod testing and shit, yeah
03:37.11Guillotine"Legions of Slouken"
03:37.18LedMirageaww i was hoping to actually play :D well i guess you have to play to test
03:37.34Tain<General Exception>, <Upcoming Changes>, <Register For Save>, <ReloadUI>, <Beta>
03:37.45TainAnd my favorite, <Slouken's Heroes>
03:37.49LedMirageI got it! The Knights who say Ni! err, nvm
03:38.00Guillotinetheres actually a guild on my server called that >_<
03:38.34Guillotinehow about something witty. like <Legions of GUIllotine>
03:38.49BeladonaI thought you said witty
03:38.59LedMirage<Orcs Use IRC too>
03:39.42Beladonawe want people to know who we are when we make it though
03:39.46Stylpe<Kings of Convenience>
03:39.52Guillotine</script jump();>
03:40.02Beladona<Function Callers>
03:40.07Guillotine<whats this box fo>
03:40.16Stylpe<Script Kiddies>
03:40.24Beladona<Script Hooks>
03:40.26LedMirageI haven't been around here long enough, in fact I logged in here last night, so I don't feel like I have much say in your name, though I do hope i could join :D
03:40.36StylpeFunction Hookers
03:40.40Guillotinecome up with ideas led :)
03:40.44Beladonayou said hookers
03:40.44kergothhah, Function Hookers is awesome
03:40.48TainOh Led, I already forgot what CoV server you said you were on
03:40.48Guillotinethat is so awesome
03:40.59Guillotine<Function Hookers> FTW!!!'
03:41.08TainI wsa looking through the list about an hour ago and none of them looked right.  heh
03:41.08LedMiragethat's so bad
03:41.38Guillotinealthough I can just imagine an oblivious GM disbanding our guild for its name...
03:42.00TainThey leat <Miami Sound Machine> exist for almost a year.
03:42.04TainI'm not worried.
03:42.19Guillotineso what server are we doing this on?
03:42.27Guillotineif we do it on Draenor, ill provide all the funds :D
03:42.35kergothI used to run <Naked And Famous>
03:42.40kergoth(presidents of the usa song reference)
03:42.45LedMirageIf you want people to know it's wow interface then it has to be obvious no?
03:42.59Guillotineya, but it should be witty too
03:43.11Guillotineno, that will be Tem's rank
03:43.27TainThat was the other one.
03:43.31LedMirage<exception error>
03:43.33TainJust name the guild, <Tem>
03:43.42Guillotinebut thatll make the game crash taim...
03:43.47LedMirage<divide by zero>
03:43.55CairOkay, so here's the deal ... I've been afk all this time because I've been getting enough cash together on each side to buy the guild charters ... the server is **Draka** ... I've got Cairenn sitting at the newbie human area and Nneriac sitting at the troll/orc newbie area ... they each have a charter in hand with a placeholder name until we pick one
03:44.01kergoth<Nil Indexers>
03:44.19Guillotineis that a pvp server?
03:44.24Guillotineit should be a normal server
03:44.25CairNo, PVE
03:44.29Guillotineok. good
03:44.31LedMiragecoolness, i'm going to have a reason to play WoW :)
03:44.32Guillotinethis is US i assume?
03:44.44CairIt has to be PvE or we can't have characters on both sides
03:44.52Nomad_Wanderer<Nil Indexers> is not bad :)
03:44.53Cairyes, North American server, sorry EU folks
03:44.56Guillotinei wasn't sure if it was a binary or or logical or :)
03:45.04TainI like <Nil Index> better.
03:45.10TainOr even just <Nil>
03:45.11Guillotinei like <Function Hookers> the best
03:45.17Guillotineits just so funny...
03:45.27Guillotineill go make a char there after this WSG match cair
03:45.37BeladonaDraka = YAY FOR QUEUES
03:45.46Beladonaits a small one though
03:45.47CairYourMomsAnAddOn is amusing, but probably best to not ...
03:45.56Tain<Fatal Exception>, <Upcoming Changes>, <Register For Save>, <Reload>, <Beta>, <Slouken's Heroes>, <Tem>
03:45.59Beladonapersonally I think we should keep it simple
03:46.01CairDraka shouldn't have queues Bela, it's one of the new servers
03:46.10Beladonalike wowi horde, wowi alliance
03:46.17Guillotineit has to be funny
03:46.27CairWoWUIDevsA and WoWUIDevsH?
03:46.28Beladonasilence curr
03:46.45LedMirageWoWi Alliance sounds good and clear
03:46.46Guillotinecair: i dont think theill allow that b/c it kind of makes it sounds like we're WoW devs
03:46.58TainWoWi Alliance, WoWi Empire
03:47.03Guillotinealliance = <Function Hookers> horde = <YourMomsAnAddon>
03:47.11cladhaireyes pls.
03:47.25cladhaireI claim full responsibility for YourMomsAnAddon
03:47.29cladhairebut release it to WoWi :P
03:47.44LedMirageBeladone has my vote, <WoWi Alliance> and <WoWi Horde> sound good
03:47.49Guillotinenoooo. too boring
03:48.00Nomad_Wandererwe dont have to decide now ;)
03:48.06TainIf it weren't for the fact that it's already an addon name I'd love, <Lua Slingers>
03:48.18Guillotineplus, you have no vote. you just joined the channel yesterday. if you were supporting my side however...
03:48.19CodayusHmm, whats going on?
03:48.28LedMiragewell it isn't funny, but it is clear what it is
03:48.32LedMiragelmao @ guil heehhe
03:48.49CairMajority rules guys
03:49.08Guillotinei think theres a way to have purl run a vote
03:49.24Cairhey, input
03:49.28Beladonasounds like a table
03:49.45CairCan you use punctuation in the names?
03:49.51LedMiragei was thinking the same
03:49.55Guillotineyou can in guild names
03:49.57Cairhang on, lemme check, brb
03:50.01Guillotinebut not player names
03:50.04Nomad_WandererDont spell out horde or alliace..
03:50.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Esamynn (
03:50.35Cair" . " is an invalid character
03:50.47TainWell I still like these.  <Fatal Exception>, <Reload UI>, <Beta>, <Slouken's Heroes>
03:50.49Nomad_WandererCan someone look at my hook? I don;t think I'm doing it right..
03:51.01GuillotineNomad_Wanderer: then you probably aren't. link?
03:51.07LedMirageWhat are your names in Draka again? I can't really alt-tab out of WoW (SLI gets weird)
03:51.21CairFunction Hookers is amusing
03:51.31Cairbut again ...
03:52.06GuillotineFunction Hookers of WoWI
03:52.07Beladona1) I think both guilds should be similar in name. 2) we should be easily recognizable by name
03:52.08Cairlol @ Sloukens Heroes ... reminds me of the old TV series Hogans Heroes
03:52.09Guillotinethen its obvious and funny
03:52.20CairI see nottin, I know nottin!
03:52.22TainExactly, Cair. :)
03:52.31LedMiragebrt making characters
03:52.31Cairagreed Bela
03:52.34TemMCKaelten|Walmart: you sleeping there tonight?
03:52.42BeladonaReloadUI is neat
03:52.50Beladonabut then how do we apply that to both sides
03:52.53Codayus<Slouken's Heroes> and <Fatal Exception> are cool, if you want to avoid <Function Hookers>
03:53.02Guillotinewhy avoid Function Hookers?
03:53.05Guillotinei think thats fine
03:53.11Guillotineits not obscene
03:53.13Guillotinein that context
03:53.19CairSomething indicating UI stuff would be cool
03:53.22StylpeIt's just clever ;)
03:53.25Beladonacalm down Guillotine
03:53.31Nomad_WandererSlouken's Stuntmen?
03:53.39Beladonawe heard your suggestion, now let people decide
03:53.47Cairthank you Bela
03:53.52Guillotinewasn't my suggestion
03:53.57Guillotineim just an avid supporter :)
03:53.59CodayusWell, any reference to Slouken does that.  Hmmm, could have each side have some reference to him?
03:54.02Cairthat as may be, calm down :p
03:54.06StylpeI have a fan :D
03:54.10BeladonaCair: where is your current character logged in at?
03:54.13CairSlouken may not appreciate that
03:54.26TemMCI vote for Fatal Exception
03:54.34Cairmy current is Cairenn, Human starting area ... server is Draka
03:54.40Guillotine<Slouken's Minions> and <Slouken's Heroes>?
03:54.47Beladonahuman, Beladona
03:54.48CodayusMy favorite name is Function Hookers, but Fatal Exception is close.
03:55.00Nomad_WandererI like Script ReloadUI
03:55.02CairIf Slouken is okay with that, those could work Guil
03:55.08Esamynni'd log in now, but I have promised myself I'm not touching the game again until my exams are over
03:55.15Cairgood plan Esamynn
03:55.18CodayusNomad_Wanderer: Not funny enough, I don't think.
03:55.38CodayusHeh, I've got a final on tuesday.
03:55.39GuillotineI agree with Codayus
03:55.40Nomad_WandererI dont think it needs to be funny. Just identifiable.
03:55.50TainThe only reason it isn't funny i sbecause we all curse at the amount of time it takes to actually do a reloadui()
03:55.54GuillotineI think it should either be funny or straight forward. not in between
03:56.15Guillotinelike, not a vague reference thats not funny
03:56.25Cairinside jokes for the community are perfect :p
03:56.49Beladonafor the Horde
03:56.49Esamynnooh, I like it
03:56.54Beladonaand ReloadUI for the Alliance
03:56.54Guillotineno. then Iriel would refuse to com enear the guild
03:56.57cladhaireI love it too
03:57.10TainYeah I had that listed originally Beladona.  I was afriad it would be too inside. :)
03:57.19GuillotineI'd support it if Iriel would still join the guild...
03:57.23Beladonawell thats my vote
03:57.24Esamynnwe could use RegisterForSave for the horde and SavedVariables for the alliance ;)
03:57.26GuillotineI think she has RegisterForSavephobia though
03:57.34Esamynnor mabye the other way around, who are the good guys? :P
03:57.47Beladonagood one Esamynb
03:58.13BeladonaRegisterForSave, SavedVariables
03:58.23GuillotineI don't really like SavedVariables...
03:58.32GuillotineRegisterForSave is awesome though
03:58.37CairIriel, you here?
03:58.43cladhaireReloadUI for the other side
03:58.55GuillotineI don't really like ReloadUI personally either...
03:58.58Cairwhat is it *supposed* to be?
03:59.11Cairinstead of RegisterForSave?
04:00.12TemMCFatal Exception!
04:00.20Stylpe<Memory Leaks>
04:00.21Esamynnyou would go for that one Tem
04:00.45Esamynn~emulate tem
04:00.47purlDammit, that's it. I'm breaking a new [something]!
04:00.54Guillotine~emulate me
04:00.55purlHey Cair, what's your admin password?
04:00.57CairMy problem with YourMomsAnAddOn ... it sounds too much like YourMomsAStrapOn
04:01.22BeladonaI just don't like it
04:01.25Cairme either
04:01.26Guillotineneither do I really
04:01.27Beladonatoo l33t
04:01.29Nomad_WandererHeh.. word association huh cair?
04:01.41Guillotinebut I love <Function Hookers>
04:01.43Cairhanging out with you freaks? any wonder?
04:01.54TainHow about <Spoon!>
04:01.55Stylpe<Strapon Tables>
04:02.07Stylpeor Functions
04:02.13Guillotinemy personal favorites right now are <RegisterForSave> and <Function Hookers>
04:02.31Nomad_WandererHow about something nuaghty in lua?
04:03.34TainNever underestimate the power of the dark side.
04:04.06Cairbtw, need 7 more human newbies to sign the charter, so I can turn it in when we decide on the name
04:04.06Nulkris<XmlSux> <LuaLovers>
04:04.13ScytheBlade1Is there a way to determine if the player is in a duel at the moment?
04:04.19Esamynnthere is always <debugprofilestart> and <debugprofilestop> :P
04:04.21Nomad_WandererCair I will as soon as we are done with ony
04:04.25CairI don't like XMLSux, but LuaLovers is cute
04:05.12StylpeYou're all a bunck of <Mischief Makers>
04:05.24CairI'm actually kinda liking Sloukens Heroes and Sloukens Minions
04:05.32Beladonafunction Horde
04:05.53Cairbut I'm not sure whether he'd be okay with those or not
04:06.10Beladonathat one isn't bad Tain
04:06.13Cairand he isn't talking to us so ...
04:06.14Esamynntoo bad he is afk.....
04:06.19Caircan't use the () though
04:06.26Esamynn~emulate slouken
04:06.28purlACTION pokes some little piece of code.... "I wonder what this does?" ...fiddle fiddle.... *SNAP*
04:06.47Cairokay, I have to afk a couple minutes, brb
04:06.53TainI was hesitating on suggesting this next one but...
04:07.12Beladonalets come up with a decision before she gets back
04:09.29Cairso ...
04:09.46Stylpe<Flagrant Functions>
04:09.52Stylpe<Perky Programmers>
04:09.57Stylpe<Super Scripters>
04:10.25TemMCI'm still on fatal exception
04:10.37TemMCor "132 crash"
04:10.52CodayusYeah, Slouken's Heroes and Slouken's Minions would get my vote.  It's amusing, it's got a clear UI reference, and the two names mirror each other.
04:10.55CairI crashed WoW?
04:10.55TemMCor fatal exception 132
04:11.04TemMCCair:  /signed
04:11.14TainLike I said, just name the guild <Tem>
04:11.24Stylpe<local Horde>
04:11.27kergothgods, this reminds me of the guys arguing over the name in that movie, mystery men
04:11.28Stylpeand vice versa
04:11.43Esamynnit moves
04:11.48CodayusIt moves?
04:11.49Esamynndoes it speak?
04:12.03CodayusIt does speak!
04:12.04Esamynnit speaks!
04:12.26slouken[target acquired]
04:12.26CairKael, input
04:12.26Tain<Local Horde> <Global Alliance>
04:12.32Kaeltenon what?
04:12.34CairROFL Tain
04:12.40sloukenKaelten crumbles to ash
04:12.48LedMirageEcho Base this is Rogue Two, I found them. Repeat I found them.
04:12.48Beladonashould we ask what slouken things we should name ourselves?
04:12.59TainAlthough I'd still go for <Fatal Exception> and <Slouken's Heroes>
04:13.07CairOkay, so here's the deal ... I've been afk all this time because I've been getting enough cash together on each side to buy the guild charters ... the server is **Draka** ... I've got Cairenn sitting at the newbie human area and Nneriac sitting at the troll/orc newbie area ... they each have a charter in hand with a placeholder name until we pick one
04:13.12sloukenI don't care, some of the ones you've mentioned are cute
04:13.25LedMiragebe right back in the game just tweaking chat colors
04:13.33TemMC<Fatal Exception> !
04:13.34BeladonaI still prefer <RegisterForSave> and <SavedVariables>
04:13.36TainOh <Hack Language>
04:13.42TemMCTain:  ><
04:13.43Esamynnany input on <Sloukens Heros> and <Sloukens Minions>
04:13.49StylpeTain: LOFL
04:14.10Osagasua UI guild? =D
04:14.15sloukenMmmm, I don't know if I should be in the guild names...
04:14.23sloukenBut you guys make the call. :)
04:14.27sloukenIt's your guild...
04:14.28Esamynnslouken: thats why we wanted to ask you
04:14.35CairOsagasu: yes
04:14.36Tainslouken, would it be a cause of ridicule around the office?  :)
04:14.43CodayusIf he doesn't care, then that totally gets my vote.
04:14.50Kaeltenhmm, <Addon Conflict>
04:14.50sloukenProbably nobody would know. :)
04:15.02Cairoh, they'd know
04:15.08Beladona<FrameXML> <AddOns>
04:15.09TemMCI get the feeling they would find out
04:15.20Esamynnsounds like it
04:15.25sloukenTem, get back to crashing Molten Core. :)
04:15.35Cairremember dear, you aren't my only contact at BlizzHQ
04:16.02Esamynn~emulate cair
04:16.04purlACTION purrs
04:16.04Kaelten<Incorrect Version Number>
04:16.05sloukenIt's up to you guys, I don't care
04:16.24Cair<AddOns> <Macros>
04:16.29TemMCCair: no!
04:16.37Kaelten<Keypress Required>
04:16.40Esamynnsigh, well he isn't being very insteresting is he? :(
04:16.46TemMCMy votes are on <I crash WoW> and <Fatal Exception>
04:16.57Beladonawonder why
04:17.04Kaelten<Stack Overflow>
04:17.05sloukenYou could have WTF and WDB :)
04:17.16TemMCI like it
04:17.25sloukenkinda lame, but ...
04:17.27TemMC<WTF and WTB>
04:17.30Cairwell, except ... wtf ...
04:17.31TemMCno, I like it
04:17.32Beladonahome run by slouken, and the crowd cheers
04:17.44Esamynnyah, the wtf could be a problem
04:17.46TainYeah we might catch slack for the name WTF :)
04:17.56Kaelten<The damn code should work but all I get is a bad frameXML error>
04:18.09Caireven though YOU guys (points at Slouken) created the folder :p
04:18.11Osagasu<XML Junkies>
04:18.11slouken"In other news, newly formed UI community guild banned for name suggested by slouken"
04:18.19CairI still see us getting in shit for it
04:18.20CodayusSad but true.  No offence to slouken, but there are GMs around who'd disband a guild named WTF.  :-/  OTOH, what are the odds of meeting one?
04:18.32TemMCIt wouldn't make sense if it was separated from "WTB"
04:18.41Cairoh, there we go ... WTF and Bots
04:18.42TainWe need two guild names though, Tem.
04:18.45Osagasu<LUA Addicts>
04:18.49Cairtwo seperate names
04:18.55sloukenLua Whores is right out, yes?
04:18.56CodayusName one guild <WTF and WDB> and the other <WDB and WTF>?  A bit silly...
04:18.57IrielKOTW got disbanded on Dark Iron
04:19.03StylpeOr maybe <Botterz>
04:19.04IrielSo I think WTF would be likely to die
04:19.07CairI do too, Bela
04:19.15TainThere is some support for <Function Hookers> still, slouken
04:19.23EsamynnI like <SavedVariables> and <RegisterForSave> but the question is, which side gets the evil one? :)
04:19.25Caircan't use /
04:19.25Guillotinetain: ya! go Function Hookers!
04:19.25Osagasuno, Keepers of the Wang was disbanded
04:19.29OsagasuKOTW is fine
04:19.29StylpeOoh, slouken, wanna hear something neat?
04:19.31Codayus<Function Hookers> amuses me, but if we want a matched pair of names...
04:19.33IrielRegisterForSave is the horde,obviously
04:19.40StylpeI'm playing WoW with a game pad :D
04:19.41IrielSorry, you're right KOTW is fine 'Wang' was not fine.
04:19.46BeladonaIriel: opinion on <RegisterForSave> (horde) and <SavedVariables> (alliance)
04:19.49Guillotine<Function Hookers> and <Hookers of Functions>
04:19.51Cairand hello Iriel, bout time you got involved in the conversation
04:19.57IrielI was watching a movie, sorry
04:19.59TemMCI don't like SavedVariables
04:20.02Cairnot allowed!
04:20.04TemMCbut Register for save is cool
04:20.08CodayusGuillotine: Okay, that's just stretching.
04:20.12Beladonawell they kind of go together
04:20.24Cairoh god ....
04:20.31Tainno no on
04:20.31CodayusOh dear...
04:20.32GuillotineSILENCE! Slouken has spoken
04:20.32Esamynnthen come up with some thing else that is evil so we can match RegisterForSave Tem
04:20.37TemMCoh dear... they are pulling geddon...
04:20.38Esamynnuh oh
04:20.44Esamynn~emulate slouken
04:20.45purlACTION picks up a bug swatter ... *splat* ... *splat* ... Ewww, that was a big one...
04:20.45Endgeddon is fun
04:20.45TainI want to know if we're going to break the game by using a guildname that IS a function name
04:20.52sloukenGarbageCollectors and RegisterForSave
04:20.53Endespecially when someone isn't paying attention
04:20.58sloukenbut... they're both evil. :)
04:21.05Guillotinetain: haha. that would be hilarious
04:21.22slouken"Don't you wish you had a lua debugger"
04:21.28sloukena bit long? :)
04:21.42Stylpe<Bug Swatters>
04:22.03sloukenOkay, my ideas are lame. :)
04:22.06IrielUIParent would be vaguelly amusing
04:22.15Beladonaremember that button error we had a while back
04:22.15sloukenWorldFrame and UIParent?
04:22.16TemMCI like that
04:22.21Beladonatrying to remember it
04:22.24Cairthose could work
04:22.26Guillotine<My UIDaddy could beat up your UIParent>
04:22.34EndI like UIParent
04:22.46TainI'd support WorldFrame and UIParent
04:22.46Stylpe<MinimapCluster> too
04:23.00BeladonaI would go with WorldFrame / UiParent
04:23.05CairNil Function was cute
04:23.16Cairbut what would the other side be?
04:23.18GuillotineI like <Function Hookers> better, but I would go with WorldFrame/UIParent too
04:23.26Tain<Fatal Exception> and <Nil Function>
04:23.32CodayusI still like Slouken's Heroes/Minions
04:23.42Cairheheheh Bela
04:23.47Beladonagetfenv, gcinfo
04:23.48StylpeThis discussion will never end =P
04:23.48GuillotineI like Slouken's Heroes/Minions as well
04:23.50OsagasuI don't want something with Slouken in it
04:23.50sloukenC Stack Overflow
04:24.03cladhaireI still vote for YourMomIsAnAddon
04:24.12Cair<getfenv> <gcinfo> ?
04:24.13Osagasuare we really doing this?
04:24.17TainYeah but then you'll get to hear Tem say he crashed your mom
04:24.17CodayusI agree with Stylpe.
04:24.18EsamynnCair, you can only use letters and numbers right, no punctuation?
04:24.28Guillotinetain: ROFL
04:24.32Osagasuwhat server?
04:24.39EsamynnI was thinking WorldFrame:SetStrata ;)
04:24.40CairOsagasu:  Okay, so here's the deal ... I've been afk all this time because I've been getting enough cash together on each side to buy the guild charters ... the server is **Draka** ... I've got Cairenn sitting at the newbie human area and Nneriac sitting at the troll/orc newbie area ... they each have a charter in hand with a placeholder name until we pick one
04:24.59sloukenOkay, back to baby bedtime.  Have fun you guys. :)
04:25.05Nomad_WandererThanks slouken!
04:25.09Beladonaseeya slouky
04:25.10cladhairelater slouken
04:25.10Endcya slouken
04:25.15CodayusBye slouken
04:25.16Esamynnand UIParent:SetStrata, their both evil ;)
04:25.20Osagasucome back!
04:25.23CairSlouken ... you'd accept Slouken's Heroes, Slouken's Minions?
04:25.38OsagasuIf I had to choose between the two I'd say minions
04:25.49Esamynnwe are choosing 2
04:25.52sloukenCair, yes
04:26.02Nomad_WandererBela has a point
04:26.05Osagasu<XML Addicts> <LUA Junkies>
04:26.08CairI tend to agree
04:26.09CodayusWe need 1 for horde and 1 for alliance, and it would be nice to have them match.
04:26.20sloukenLua Lovers / Lua Haters. :)
04:26.23sloukenSorry, gotta run
04:26.26cladhaireRegisterForSave and ... something would be perfect
04:26.34Esamynnsomething else that is taboo
04:26.36Nomad_WandererwLua Lovers, XML Faters?
04:26.39CodayusOkay, Osagasu's idea is okay.
04:26.39Nomad_WandererXml Haters
04:26.53cladhairei like
04:26.54CodayusNomad's is better.
04:26.55IrielExcept spelled right
04:26.55TainOk here's some pairs I think we've had some positive reactions to.
04:26.57CairLoadOnDemand and ????
04:27.06IrielRegisterForSave and LoadOnDemand
04:27.06Tain<RegisterforSave> <LoadOnDemand>
04:27.08Stylpeand RegisterForSave
04:27.10Beladona<RegisterForSave> <LoadOnDemand>
04:27.13CodayusOooh!  Okay, LoadOnDemand and RegisterForSave!
04:27.13cladhaireTain: I agree
04:27.20Cairwe're agreed?
04:27.21TainOk let me list these out.
04:27.22Tain<UIParent> <WorldFrame>
04:27.23Tain<Fatal Exception> <Stack Overflow>  or <Nil Function>
04:27.23Tain<Slouken's Heroes> <Slouken's Minions>
04:27.23Tain<RegisterforSave> <LoadOnDemand>
04:27.39cladhaireWow.. I think this is the geekiest chat that's ever happened on freenode.. and thats saying a lot =)
04:27.39EsamynnLoadOnDemand isn't evil...
04:27.48Cair<getfenv> <gcinfo>
04:27.50CodayusSo that can be the alliance version.
04:27.54Beladonayeah but alliance isn't evil
04:27.54Stylpe<Function Hookers> <Table Iterators>
04:27.56kergothcladhaire: nope
04:27.58Beladonaso it works
04:27.58kergothcladhaire: it isnt :)
04:28.08Esamynntechnically, neither is horde :P
04:28.08cladhairekergoth: I knew of all people you'd have a counter =)
04:28.20CodayusI vote for RegisterForSave and LoadOnDemand, unless someone can think of something good to go with function hookers.
04:28.29StylpeI just did
04:28.38CodayusI said, something *good*.  :-P
04:28.41CairTain, relist again please, adding the last couple?
04:28.47Kaelten<Event Handlers>
04:28.53TainFar be it for me to try to pretend to be high-brow, but I don't think <Function Hookers> is a good one, realistically.
04:29.08Cairwho is acemaster?
04:29.22TainThat's me.. oh you said ace
04:29.34IrielThe only thing I can come up to go with Function Hookers would be <Keepers of the Wiki> but thats not all that good.
04:29.35BeladonaCodayus is with us FYI, Cair
04:29.41CodayusI signed already.
04:29.43Nomad_Wanderer<Stack Overflow> or <Nil Function> are my fav's.
04:29.57AnduinLotharwtf are u talkign about?
04:30.07kergothnil function doesnt make any sense.  thats two different lua types
04:30.10CairAnduinLothar:   Okay, so here's the deal ... I've been afk all this time because I've been getting enough cash together on each side to buy the guild charters ... the server is **Draka** ... I've got Cairenn sitting at the newbie human area and Nneriac sitting at the troll/orc newbie area ... they each have a charter in hand with a placeholder name until we pick one
04:30.11StylpeShh! Don't tell him!
04:30.18Guillotinewhoa. did you guys know that Slouken isn't in the name filter?
04:30.28Guillotinethink he'll mind that my char is named slouken?
04:30.36Guillotinei was sure it would be filtered...
04:30.40Esamynn~lart cair
04:30.40TainOk I'm going to post the list again.
04:30.47Beladonanot only that, but people will bother you
04:30.47Cairand if he won't mind, others will
04:30.47Esamynn~lart guillotine
04:30.48Beladonaa lot
04:30.50EndI'm not surprised...slouken isn't really a high profile name like the CMs are.
04:30.53Esamynn~sorry cair
04:30.54purlACTION apologizes to cair
04:30.54CodayusBliz doesn't have much in the way of name filters.
04:31.02Tain<UIParent> <WorldFrame>
04:31.02Tain<Fatal Exception> <Stack Overflow>
04:31.03Tain<Slouken's Heroes> <Slouken's Minions>
04:31.03Tain<RegisterforSave> <LoadOnDemand>
04:31.03Tain<getfenv> <gcinfo>
04:31.03Tain<Function Hookers> <Event Handlers>
04:31.18CodayusYou can have a GM change your name, then create a new char with the same name...silly.
04:31.24StylpeI give my vote to RFS and LOD
04:31.40Nomad_WandererHehe.. I was able to name my character Unit
04:31.43AnduinLotharso ur making horde and alliance guilds on the same server?
04:31.50CodayusAnduinLothar: Yeah
04:31.52Endit's a PVE server
04:31.53AnduinLotharwhat for?
04:31.57Beladonawe should name all our chars after ui elements
04:31.58CairUS server, PvE
04:32.07Cairwe can do that after if we want Bela
04:32.17AnduinLotharwhat, for us coders?
04:32.21CairAnduinLothar: yes
04:32.24AnduinLothara guild full of idlers?
04:33.02CodayusYou make it sound like a bad thing.  :-)
04:33.18Beladonawe can use it for other means than idling
04:33.20Beladonasuch as testing
04:33.21Kaeltenhuman and orc?
04:33.21AnduinLothar<Function Hookers> <Event Handlers>  sounds good to me. long as the hookers are alliance
04:33.25Esamynnsee I think <LoadOnDemand> goes better with <LoadWith>, but thats me
04:33.31BeladonaI may even actually play
04:33.36Beladonabeen wantng a new char
04:34.25Kaeltenare we doing humans and orcs?
04:34.37EndI kinda see one side ending up the side everyone uses, and the other side not getting used much at all.
04:34.42StylpeEven better: <Runaway Function Hookers> <Rabid Event Handlers>
04:34.43Cairto get the charters signed, yes
04:35.02Beladona<OnLoad> <OnUpdate>
04:35.18Kaeltenstylpe : lol
04:35.18Guillotinewhos the one on horde side?
04:35.27Cairno one right now
04:35.52CairI need 4 more human newbs to sign the charter on this side, and the name decided
04:36.04Cairthen I'll switch to horde side, rinse & repeat
04:36.12BeladonaCair, make me leader. I can invite while you are talking here
04:36.26Caircan't bela
04:36.30Guillotineok. ill make an alliance char then
04:36.40cladhairesigning onto alliance now.
04:37.07Legorolgimme access to US servers!
04:37.17Cair:( Legorol
04:37.40Cairpick names!
04:37.45Cairdecide already!
04:37.57Legorol<WorldFrame> and <UIParent>
04:37.57ScytheBlade1Is there any way I can tell if I'm in a duel currently? The only event listed is DUEL_FINISHED
04:38.08ScytheBlade1There's no DUEL_STARTED, nor can I find a function that'll tell me ;)
04:38.35IrielHook the AcceptDuel function ?
04:38.38LegorolHow'bout <XML> and <Lua>
04:38.51Cairwho is Yendor?
04:38.57Tain<UIParent> <WorldFrame>
04:38.57Tain<Fatal Exception> <Stack Overflow>
04:38.57Tain<Slouken's Heroes> <Slouken's Minions>
04:38.57Tain<RegisterforSave> <LoadOnDemand>
04:38.57Tain<getfenv> <gcinfo>
04:38.58Tain<Function Hookers> <Event Handlers>
04:38.58sloukenBack... that appeals to the programmer in me. :)
04:39.00CodayusThe simple for me, I suppose,
04:39.06Endwouldn't let me do End
04:39.12Legorolhi slouken
04:39.17Legorolhelp us pick a name!
04:39.19Endmaybe cuz it is a PVE server I'll create a horde character called Rodney
04:39.20sloukenAlthough I like RegisterForSave and LoadOnDemand, which is addon specific
04:39.21ScytheBlade1Heh, of course. Why exactly there's a DUEL_FINISHED but no DUEL_STARTED is beyond me, but that'll work. Thanks.
04:39.48TainI like <Fatal Exception> and <Stack Overflow> first,  <RegisterforSave> <LoadOnDemand> second
04:39.56Legorolslouken, I don't suppose you can get me access to US servers, I only have EU account :-)
04:39.58IrielThey can be Tem's special guild
04:40.14AnduinLotharheh <Fatal Exception> and <Stack Overflow> is pretty good
04:40.16Guillotineif you manually edit something in the WTF folder, do you have to restart WoW?
04:40.20CodayusYeah, the US/EU server split sucks.  :-
04:40.21IrielI can get you access.... for $19.95 and $15/month ?
04:40.24Codayus:-/, even
04:40.39LegorolIriel, where's your profit margin..
04:40.51Cairhi .. need 1 more sig, and a DECISION
04:40.52Legorolyou might be an awesome coder, but you'll never cut it on the stockmarket..
04:40.54IrielFor you, i'm doing it at cost
04:41.04cladhairealright folks.. i'm off.. got a long day of hooking in front of me tomorrow.
04:41.06Legorolthat's nice of you
04:41.10Kaeltensigning in cair
04:41.11Beladonawe need to vote on it
04:41.23Beladonano more suggestions, just votes
04:41.32Legorolwhich server is it btw?
04:41.33Cairhave sigs, just need decision
04:41.34EsamynnI think <Fatal Exception> and <Stack Overflow> go togeather better then  <RegisterforSave> <LoadOnDemand>
04:41.52Legorolfatal exception/stack overflow i don't like, they are not UI coding specific
04:41.58Legorolthey sound too much like C
04:41.59Esamynnbut the latter two are addon specific sooo....
04:42.06Beladonanice, who named themselves Getfenv
04:42.09TainNo, they're the results of our UI coding, Legorol . :)
04:42.11Cairlist again, please?
04:42.12Nomad_Wanderer<Fatal Exception> and <Stack Overflow>
04:42.13GuillotineI did :D
04:42.15AnduinLothari dont wanna be in a guild named RegisterforSave O.o
04:42.24Tain<UIParent> <WorldFrame>
04:42.24Tain<Fatal Exception> <Stack Overflow>
04:42.24Tain<Slouken's Heroes> <Slouken's Minions>
04:42.24Tain<RegisterforSave> <LoadOnDemand>
04:42.24Tain<getfenv> <gcinfo>
04:42.25Tain<Function Hookers> <Event Handlers>
04:42.27Beladonathen dont
04:42.33EsamynnRegisterForSave is one of the most popular ones Nomad
04:42.37Nomad_Wanderer<Fatal Exception> and <Stack Overflow>
04:42.40Legorolwhat about the getfenv/getsenv?
04:42.46Esamynnsorry i mean Anduin
04:42.46Guillotinehow about <Slouken's Hookers>?
04:42.53Guillotinecombine the two...
04:42.53Esamynn~lart guillotine
04:42.56OsagasuEven Handlers... no.
04:42.57kergothslouken the pimp
04:43.00TainHow about no more suggestions from Guillotine.
04:43.00AnduinLothar<Fatal Exception> and <Stack Overflow>
04:43.10Osagasu[11:42pm] <Tain> <Fatal Exception> <Stack Overflow> <--my vote.
04:43.15GuillotineI vote Function Hookers/Event Handlers
04:43.21TemMCFatal Exception!
04:43.25kergoth<Tain> <Fatal Exception> <Stack Overflow> <--my vote as well
04:43.30TemMCaaaand Geddon down
04:43.32Beladona<RegisterForSave> <LoadOnDemand>
04:43.32Guillotinelooks like thats it then
04:43.38TemMCthat's our first geddon pull :)
04:43.44CairRfS LoD
04:43.47End<Fatal Exception> and <Stack Overflow>
04:43.50GuillotineIll go RFS, LOD too then
04:43.51KaeltenFE SO
04:43.53Endthat's my vote
04:43.54Legorol<Function Hookers> <Event Handlers>
04:43.55Esamynn<RegisterForSave> <LoadOnDemand>, those fit us better than the crash ones I think
04:44.02Legorolthat was my vote
04:44.05IrielApart from Tem, anyway Esamynn
04:44.21Esamynntrue, i've managed to crash WoW a fair bit myself though
04:44.30ScytheBlade1<Guillotine> how about <Slouken's Hookers>? <-- just lol...
04:44.33IrielLikewise, but Tem is more, reliable.
04:44.43TainI'm going with <Fatal Exception> <Stack Overflow>
04:44.57EsamynnTem can reproduce it more often, agreed
04:45.03Guillotinelooks like its either FE/SO or RFS/LOD
04:45.19TainBrilliant deduction, why not count 'em up.
04:45.23Esamynnok, so lets get a final vote on those 2
04:45.25Legorolthen let's ahve a 2nd round
04:45.26CairRfS LoD is more wow specific
04:45.28Esamynnand only those 2
04:45.40LegorolLoD is a recent term...
04:45.49Kaeltenok I have an idea
04:45.52Legorolif it's between those too, I'm for RFS/LOD
04:45.53Cairthe count is about equal on each
04:45.54Kaelteneveryone PM me with their vote
04:46.00KaeltenI'll add em up and post the scores
04:46.05Guillotineya. letes do a silent ballet
04:46.11Guillotinei think cair should be counter though...
04:46.14Legoroli'd rather do one with music
04:46.17Guillotinenot that I don't trust you kael
04:46.18Cairnope, send to Kael
04:46.20Esamynnhmm, do we trust Kaelten... :P
04:46.25CairI've already sent mine
04:46.42Guillotinecan i change my nick and vote again?
04:46.52Esamynn~cheeseslap guillotine
04:46.53purlACTION slaps guillotine around with a piece of swiss
04:47.04CairI'm running to SW so I can turn this in when we get the decision
04:47.05Legorolbtw, which server is this?
04:47.06Beladonait would have been a lot easier without the extra spam
04:47.07Guillotinewow. ive been getting lots of ~lart s recently. and the similar
04:47.11Legoroli'll go pilfer a US account
04:47.36Beladonaso are we sending pms or what?
04:47.40EsamynnI did
04:47.41OsagasuCair, can you even change the guild name before turning in the charter?
04:47.57Tainerm what server is it again?
04:48.03Kaeltenok I've goten 11 votes any more?
04:48.34StylpeReminds me of the sound Pacman makes
04:48.36Kaeltengoing once
04:48.45Endgoing twice, with rice?
04:48.52kergothmm, rice
04:48.52Kaeltengoing twice with rice
04:49.01Kaeltengoing thrice with mice
04:49.18Kaeltentotals are:
04:49.18KaeltenRFS/LOD : 9
04:49.18KaeltenSO/FE : 2
04:49.37CairOkay, which is which?
04:49.38TainDewey Defeats Truman!
04:49.42Osagasusomeone changed their votes. :P
04:49.46TainREgister for Save is Horde
04:49.53Legorolplease someone enlighten me which server it is..
04:49.54Kaeltenwant to vote for that too?
04:49.57CairLoadOnDemand for Alliance?
04:49.58CodayusLegorol: For the 3rd time, Draka
04:50.00Kaeltenlegorol : Draka
04:50.05Esamynnpoor Horde, they aren't evil, just misunderstood
04:50.10Beladonayes LOD for alliance
04:50.12kergothEsamynn: indeed
04:50.14TainSo is Register for Save.
04:50.18Guillotinecair, can you set the guild info as channel topic?
04:50.22Nomad_WandererWait a minute who counted the votes?
04:50.24IrielWhat Tain said 8-)
04:50.27EsamynnTain: good point
04:50.29GuillotineKaelten did
04:50.34Nomad_WandererFE/SO got more tha 2 votes ... Scroll back :)
04:50.35Esamynn~comfort temMc
04:50.36purlThere, there, temMc.  It's OK.  I'm here for you.
04:50.48CodayusNomad_Wanderer: We did a 2nd round of private voting.
04:50.50TainYeah so people changed their votes, that's why a silent ballot is fine.
04:50.51CodayusA runoff.
04:50.52Legorollol sorry i missed the last time you guys said it
04:50.58AnduinLothari voted for it so it got atleast 3
04:51.19AnduinLotharwait, i missed private voting..
04:51.19Guillotineoh. theres the problem. Legorol didn't vote in the silent ballot round...
04:51.25Guillotineso did Anduin. lol
04:51.29LegorolGuillotine, i did
04:51.37Guillotineoh. then just Anduin missed it
04:51.39CodayusThat's not enough to change the result...
04:51.55Nomad_WandererOh.. Sorry I was leveling up TargetByName("Unit").. He's now level 2! Whatever you guys decide is fine with me
04:51.56TemMCWe all know how I voted :)
04:52.03CairOkay, who else wants an invite right now to the alliance side of the guild?
04:52.05AnduinLotharRecount! i'm sure there musta been a chad here somewhere..
04:52.11Esamynnpurl, Draka is the WoWI-lounge WoW server where their two guilds <RegisterForSave> and <LoadOnDemand> play with with the WoW UI
04:52.12purlEsamynn: okay
04:52.13TemMCWe can't change that alliance side?
04:52.32EsamynnLoD is you're friend
04:52.33kergothi'll be playing horde
04:52.35Legorolabout character names: are they suposed to be funny?
04:52.44purli guess draka is the WoWI-lounge WoW server where their two guilds <RegisterForSave> and <LoadOnDemand> play with with the WoW UI
04:52.58KaeltenI have kaelten as my alliance I'm probably going to be something else on horde
04:52.59TemMCyeah, I think I'm gonn ahve to roll horde even though I strongly prefer alliance
04:53.02Esamynnhmm, that doesn't read quite right
04:53.04Beladonachar names = anything you want, but things pertaining to actual code is always funny
04:53.16TainThe idea is that we have characters in both guilds for testing on bothsides
04:53.37TemMCNOONE is to take fatalexception as a character name
04:53.40CodayusHeh, I've already got a char called tooltip on another server I was using for testing some code...  :-)
04:53.45Cairokay, switching sides, need 9 orcs or trolls to sign
04:53.46Esamynnpurl, no, Draka is the WoW server where the WoWI-lounge regulars have their two guilds <RegisterForSave> and <LoadOnDemand>
04:53.47purlEsamynn: okay
04:53.48TemMCI repeat
04:53.50TemMCNO ONE!
04:53.52Cairname is Nneriac
04:54.03Kaeltenmaking char for horde real quick cair
04:54.20Guillotinetem: it wont fit anywya
04:54.23Guillotinei tried
04:54.32CodayusYou would.  :-)
04:54.35Irielcair - which race?
04:54.39Endthere.  I have a human warlock named Yendor and a orc rogue named Rodney
04:54.40CairOrc or Troll
04:54.43IrielAh, you answered already
04:54.48CairThat's the newbie area I'm sitting in
04:54.53Esamynn~comfort Tem
04:54.54purlThere, there, Tem.  It's OK.  I'm here for you.
04:54.57Guillotinewait. i need invite into guild on alliance!
04:55.00Beladonadamn, I made an undead
04:55.15Endat least you didn't make a tauren...just take the zepp
04:55.17IrielGuillotine I can do it
04:55.17TainCan you create the same name on Horde and Alliance?  If they're both avial?
04:55.19IrielWhat name?
04:55.20Esamynnthat works, take the zepp
04:55.22IrielSend a tell to Lua
04:55.24OsagasuStackoverflow is too long
04:55.27Endif you made a tauren you'd have to crawl across the barrens
04:55.28EsamynnI don't think so Tain
04:55.30Osagasuit turns out as stackoverflo
04:55.36Beladonamy undeads name is Beladonah
04:55.43Beladonabrb on her
04:55.46CairI can invite other races after
04:56.11Cairfirst sig, need 8 more
04:56.45KaeltenI'm infiniteloop
04:56.54OsagasuI'm stackoverflo
04:57.00EndU'm Rodney
04:57.02EndI am
04:57.26Cair2 sigs
04:58.01BeladonaI can make a troll if you need sigs
04:58.06Cairneed sigs
04:58.11Cair7 more
04:58.28CairI have to go to Og to turn it in though
04:58.43Endoh, duh, I'm an idiot.  nneriac is Cairenn backwards
04:59.00CodayusA name, a name...need a name...
04:59.26LegorolI seriously don't understand why they haven't sorted out EU->US transfers yet and vice versa
04:59.34Legorolthey have promised a solution will be provided after launch
04:59.42Legorolit's been 10 months since launch in EU and over a year in US
05:00.02Legorolimagine the poor guy who bought EU account thinking that soon he will be able to play with his US guild mates
05:00.10CodayusLegorol: That'd suck.
05:00.17Legoroli am sure lot of people are in that boat
05:00.24Legoroli know of a number of guilds that are split at the moment
05:00.42TemMCmine is one
05:01.01LegorolBlizzard made the mistake of promising that there would be a transfer solution before they launched in EU
05:01.07Legoroland they still haven't implemented it
05:01.18TainOk ... who's on the Human side to sign up?  Or is anyone?
05:01.42Esamynnall on horde side now I think
05:01.59Legorolneed more sigs on horde side?
05:02.01BeladonaI am in
05:02.18Esamynnlast I heard they did
05:02.41Cairstill need 4 more
05:02.52IrielAlmost there - Toc, orc warlock
05:02.59IrielSomeone had taken Exemel
05:03.03ScytheBlade1Okay, I've hooked AcceptDuel() - but I have no way to determine if I've initiated a duel (and it was accepted) or not
05:03.19TemMChook Duel?
05:03.29IrielScytheBlade1 The DUEL_REQUESTED event may help
05:03.44IrielAnd the Duel functionif you're the Initiator
05:03.44ScytheBlade1Iriel, yes, but that's not DUEL_ACCEPTED or DUEL_STARTED (neither of which exist)
05:03.48Cairneed 1 more
05:03.58TemMCwhat is the duel function?
05:04.01TemMCI'm unable to guess it
05:04.03ScytheBlade1Duel() sure, but if the other player declines?
05:04.15TemMCit's not Duel()
05:04.39Cairwe have 1 more inc?
05:04.40CodayusMeh, I'll just go with a placeholder name.  Killfar, troll hunter.
05:04.55TainI can log another, Cair.  Or does it have to be separate accounts?
05:04.57Esamynnwhat are the events that trigger the duel countdown in the chat log, you could watch for those
05:04.57LegorolTroll priest named Interface here
05:05.06Legorollogging in now
05:05.07Cairokay, have sigs, running to turn in now, then will promote and get others invited
05:05.11ScytheBlade1Esamynn, :/
05:05.14Cairafk from this channel
05:05.18Legorolmah, too late
05:05.32CodayusI hate thinking up names.  :-/
05:05.35Legoroli'm surprised Interface wasn't taken yet
05:05.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Deph (n=Depherio@
05:05.46Esamynnyou don't like that idea Scythe?
05:05.56IrielI was amazed I got Lua
05:06.13Legorolwhat's Cair's name?
05:06.32TemMC(cairenn backwards)
05:06.33Esamynneveryone should put aka <irc name> in their guild note
05:06.43Esamynnso we can figure out who ppl are
05:06.53Legorolis XML taken already?
05:06.57ScytheBlade1Esamynn, no, mostly because I've never done it.... and compared to just having a DUEL_STARTED event, it's horribly....well, it's just horrible ;)
05:07.01CodayusOops, I crashed wow!
05:07.09Cairheh, tempted to make one of my names Milf :p
05:07.10Esamynnbut I don't think there is one Scythe
05:07.19EsamynnI can't think of any other option
05:07.21ScytheBlade1That's the problem
05:07.24DephMilf has sexual context, it's against the ToS XD
05:07.37Esamynnexcept asking slouken for a DUEL_STARTED event
05:07.43Cairno, really? lol
05:08.00CodayusHmm, an access violation.  I haven't crashed WoW that way in a while...
05:08.01DepheriosWell, come on, so many people don't know the naming rules XD
05:08.10ScytheBlade1slouken has already?
05:08.13DepheriosI.E. just about everybody XD
05:08.18ScytheBlade1(is slouken a boy or a girl, btw? :P)
05:08.31ScytheBlade1'k, better safe than sorry though ;)
05:08.38Esamynnyou could ask him in the forums, but I wouldn't hold my breath
05:08.44Cairslouken is very definitely male
05:08.47ScytheBlade1ty all... four of you for answering that one ;)
05:08.56EsamynnI think the count down would be quite reliable actually
05:08.59LegorolCair, keep running, or i'll catch up ;-)
05:09.11Esamynnyou just need to monitor the chant event and watch for 3, 2, 1 in a row
05:09.13ScytheBlade1I'll pose the question on fhe forums though, see if anyone else can solve it
05:09.18ScytheBlade1Yeah, but.... eww
05:09.24Guillotinecair, can we join a channel in
05:09.28GuillotineWoW until the guild is made
05:09.30Guillotineim bored
05:09.33Legorolyou can party up
05:09.35Esamynnwelcome to the world of WoW AddOns Scythe
05:09.36Depherios... guild? XD
05:09.36Legorolwhat's your nick?
05:09.44ScytheBlade1I've noticed ;)
05:09.54Legoroli can form a raid
05:09.57ScytheBlade1I may be a PHP dev, but....compared to lua, PHP is C
05:10.09Depherioslol LUA is fantastic
05:10.19CairLegorol: nneriac
05:10.30kergothTemMC: :)
05:10.30ScytheBlade1It's not bad
05:10.30Caircair backwards ;)
05:10.49ScytheBlade1It's just not .... well
05:10.51ScytheBlade1lua itself is fine
05:10.54EsamynnScytheBlade1: for the purpose, its extremely well done
05:10.56Legorolanyone else?
05:11.00Legorolwhat's everyone's nick?
05:11.01ScytheBlade1the WoW implemtnation is a little....lacking in some areas though ;)
05:11.09Legoroli'm making a raid
05:11.14DepheriosI've used mIRC's scripting language, Javascript, PHP, CGI, and other stuff, and WoW's XML/LUA combo is something I can actually work with
05:11.19ScytheBlade1Namely consistency and completness
05:11.20Depherios... what server is this on? XD
05:11.23Legorolanyone else wants a raid invite, whisper Interface
05:11.23Esamynnonly in the API, and thats because they don't put stuff in unless it has a purpose
05:11.27ScytheBlade1mIRC is nasty
05:11.31LegorolDepherios: Draka, Horde side
05:11.36DepheriosI did a LOT of mIRC scripting
05:11.40ScytheBlade1Eh, I'll make a char
05:11.44ScytheBlade1I used to do mIRC scripting also
05:11.53ScytheBlade1Then I moved to linux and dropped that trash ;)
05:11.58Esamynnit's called healthy paranoia
05:11.58kergothScytheBlade1: you're probably thinking more of blizzard's lua code and apis than the lua interpreter embedded in wow.
05:12.10DepheriosI was so mad, my mIRC was so packed with crap, that I had a memory leak, and mIRC would crash my comp after a period of time
05:12.34ScytheBlade1kergoth, yeah, that's what I'm talking about when I say consistency and 'completness'
05:13.28ScytheBlade1Only spelled correctly, heh
05:13.33kergothScytheBlade1: nod, just making sure, since saying the "wow implementation" of lua is misleading.  its wow's lua code, not wow's implementation of lua
05:13.38EsamynnLegorol: how did you get onto US servers btw?
05:13.44ScytheBlade1Yeah :)
05:13.47Cairdamnit, people with names I don't know ... Kael, what as your name?
05:13.58Kaelteninfinite loop
05:14.02Kaeltenon horde side
05:14.04Esamynnas I said, put your irc name in your guild note please
05:14.15Kaeltenoh I logged out already, sorry.
05:14.25Depheriosjust made a Troll Priest, name "Deph" XD
05:14.25Kaeltenhad an engagement on my main character to attend to
05:14.26ScytheBlade1Cair, I just made a char.... Sbo is the name
05:14.29Legorol<= renamed to XML
05:14.59DepheriosI couldn't think of anything funny, so I kept it simple...
05:16.10Depherios*tries to think of something good*
05:16.22TemMCI want Crash
05:16.25Depherioseww... too much wow, and aim... if I'm not using /me
05:16.26TemMCbut it's probably taken
05:17.00Esamynni'll catch you all later
05:17.03ScytheBlade1kergoth, wow's api that's done in lua is a little lacking ;)
05:17.24Depheriosthe guid name made me crack up btw
05:17.37kergoth :)
05:17.39kergothi love this site
05:17.44Cairokay, I am so completely confused now, I can't handle this window *plus* WoW
05:17.55Cairtalk to me in one or the other, but make up your damn minds
05:17.59Depherioslol, I do it every night
05:18.01Depheriosoh, lol
05:18.43Depheriosslash is probably already taken
05:18.48TainI just didn't catch, did we sign up the alliance side yet?
05:19.50Guillotineg2g guys
05:19.50Cairswitching back to alliance now Tain
05:19.58Cairso I can invite over there
05:20.10CairI'm sure at least one of the horde side officers will remain on for a while
05:20.13Guillotinesomeone post about this on the WoWI/official WoW boards
05:20.28CairI will, hang on ;)
05:20.35DepheriosBuah! Clearallpoints is too long XD
05:20.38CairTain, logging in Cair
05:20.45Guillotineok. ttyl guys
05:20.55Cairanyone wanting an Alliance side invite, msg Cairenn now, please
05:23.15Legorolwho's on on the horde side that can invite?
05:23.19Legoroli recreated my char :D
05:23.25Legorolfor the 3rd time, this time it stays
05:23.35IrielI am, Toc
05:23.39Depherioslol, I'm sticking as well -- I dislike being myself
05:24.26Depheriosargh... stuff... not setup *starts with titan panel*
05:24.39Cairokay, anyone else want an alliance side invite?
05:25.23CairCairthas was .. Clad, wasn't it?
05:26.04Cairwho was Unit?
05:26.42LedMirage== LedMirage (alliance) and Zumlin (Horde)
05:27.04LedMirageafk for a few, nuking some pizzzza!
05:27.13LedMiragehmm is there an afk command here on IRC?
05:27.48ScytheBlade1Okay, time to sleep...
05:28.05CodayusDoh, I crashed WoW again.
05:28.08ScytheBlade1Thank you all for your help, depending on how my post goes I may be asking for help on how to catch combat log events :/
05:30.28SP|Sorrenwhat event do i use to pickup "Chromaggus begins to cast Time Lapse"?
05:31.50Legorolshould get slouken to join the guild..
05:34.58*** join/#wowi-lounge pagefault (
05:37.05*** part/#wowi-lounge pagefault (
05:39.14TemMCholy cow sulfuron is easy
05:39.24*** join/#wowi-lounge pagefault (
05:40.18TemMCrofl... so um Sulfuron died on our first pull
05:41.28TemMC(this is our thrid MC instance - 9 days total)
05:55.38CairSo, the problem I see with the guild(s) is the same one I saw before we ever made them ... the members of this channel are now split up, some being on one side, some on the other at any given time, and *this* channel now dies again ...
05:55.56AnduinLotharyup yup
05:56.05pagefaultit was a chuck norris pull
05:56.11pagefaultanything pulled by him is automatically defeated
05:56.18AnduinLotharwhy'd u make one on each side anyway, couldn't decide?
05:56.27IrielWell, some of us can be in 2 places at once
05:56.35Irielas it is, i'm the ONLY one on the alliance side right now
05:56.42Cairbecause some mods need pallys, some need shamans
05:56.47AnduinLothari'd join u but im doing hw
05:57.42Osagasuchannel isn't exactly dead
05:57.43AnduinLotharsounds logical i spose. u should just joined stormscale i have my main test char there with like a week of idle time logged before lvl 10
05:57.58Osagasupeople were playing WoW before... and they're still playing WoW, but now they're playing together
05:58.08Cairwe'll see ...
05:58.22OsagasuI always comment on this channel when I'm not busy
05:58.33OsagasuI never linger long, really
05:58.45LegorolCair, come and party up with us ;-)
05:58.47Cair*do* we want to consider a TS or Vent channel?
05:58.50Legorolabout to start a lvl 1 on alliance side
05:58.59AnduinLotharnaah vent sucks for coding
05:59.00OsagasuVent costs money. ><
05:59.57Irielthere would be little point
06:00.14IrielThis channel works because it's asynchronous, to an extent.. We can talk when we have a chance, and the like
06:00.17OsagasuTS is always good for parties and raids
06:00.20Osagasuor just chatting
06:00.20IrielSomething like TS/Vent demands immediate attention
06:00.24Cairaye Iriel
06:00.52CairI don't think I, personally, could deal with TS/Vent, but if enough want it ...
06:01.08AnduinLothari wont use it
06:01.18OsagasuI would
06:01.56Osagasuokay, I'm off for the night
06:02.03Cairnight Osagasu
06:06.28*** join/#wowi-lounge ScytheBlade1 (
06:06.29kergothpagefault: heh, we should probably talk about such things ove rhere
06:06.43pagefaultthey aren't as hooked as we are
06:06.49pagefaultthis is the rehab clinic sort of
06:08.26pagefaultah man
06:08.32pagefaultdemonology is the only way to play warlock in pvp
06:08.36pagefaulti'm having so much fun
06:09.18kergothi need to figure out how to spec my rogue long term
06:09.27pagefaultyou can get stun locked by a rogue and stay alive!
06:09.30pagefaultit's like a whole new game for me
06:09.43kergothmostly combat, some assassination atm for grinding to 60, but what after that..
06:09.44kergothhehe, nice
06:10.16pagefaultplus it's nice having more hp than the MT in groups
06:10.19pagefaultit looks funny
06:13.34TemMCFirst Attempt Golemagg down
06:13.38pagefaultugh people with star trek names in WoW
06:13.41TemMC(first attempt ever)
06:13.56pagefaultnight elf called spock
06:14.18kergothslaughter him more just for that
06:18.07Cairposted the threads re the guilds
06:18.10pagefaultI should an update on the wowbits
06:18.31kergothpagefault: added KC_AutoRepair to the set, its very nice.
06:18.47kergothpagefault: prompts to repair what you're wearing, and whats in your inventory, when going to a vendor that can repair
06:18.56kergoth~praise Kaelten
06:18.57purlAll hail Kaelten!
06:19.02purlkergoth: :)
06:19.11pagefaultah niced
06:19.18pagefaultI think I am gonna keep xraid out again though
06:19.25pagefaultit really gets slow as hell on my system for some reason
06:20.11kergothalso added the arathi and warsong commanders for the time being, since the battlefield minimap keybinding doesnt seem to do anything
06:21.19pagefaultI hate having to switch to map mode to see which wankers are all at the farm while one guy solo's the BS
06:22.11pagefaultusually always goes group 1 to lm and 2 and 3 to bs
06:22.16pagefaultwhere there is a huge zerg fight
06:22.22sloukenGood night all!
06:22.54Stylpeninight, slouken
06:23.14*** part/#wowi-lounge slouken (
06:30.24pagefaulti've got too many damn buffs when I respawn
06:31.00pagefaultthey need one uber buff
06:31.06pagefaultlike mark of the wild
06:31.11pagefaultbut something for warlocks
06:32.00AnduinLotharImprint of the Uber
06:32.31AnduinLothar+ God Mode Chest Enchant
06:32.35pagefaultI always thought it was funny when you put talent points into your succubus
06:32.39pagefaultshe doesn't really get any sexier
06:32.44pagefaulthow can her seduce be better
06:32.50AnduinLotharlol, less clothes
06:33.00AnduinLotharmore levels = less clothes
06:33.07AnduinLotharstarts fully clothed
06:33.19AnduinLotharnah, that wouldn't fly...
06:33.25AnduinLotharPheromones.. ya
06:33.32AnduinLotharand beer
06:33.39AnduinLotharshe throws beer at the enemy
06:33.48AnduinLotharlike the panda
06:34.03pagefaultI guess she just has more seduction techniques she learns
06:34.37*** part/#wowi-lounge Beladona (
06:34.39TainShe slaps her ass harder.
06:34.39*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
06:36.09pagefaultthat would explain why it's so pink
06:40.05pagefaultso why aren't you in WoW kergoth
06:40.06pagefaultor are you
06:40.09kergothi am
06:40.17kergothwith my rogue
06:40.17pagefaultah yeah
06:40.31pagefaultI am whoring the honor
06:40.33kergothgrinding in 1k needles
06:40.49kergothmy main got his coil of elements the other day. yummy
06:40.53pagefaultwhat is there to grind for there
06:40.55kergothshould play him more
06:41.27kergothgrinding, not farming.  tons of level 28-29 skinnable guys
06:42.44pagefaultstupid druids
06:43.02pagefaultbut I love the moonkin dance
06:43.30Stylpe I can't stop laughing
06:47.33*** join/#wowi-lounge Eraphine|Disco (
06:48.49pagefaultgreat quote
06:53.01TemMCthe test server is down
06:53.11pagefaultno test for you
06:55.32TemI wanted to see the new SoD art
06:55.55pagefaultarmor set
06:56.17TemStaff of Dominance
06:57.06pagefaultthat staff is pretty sexy
06:58.06pagefaultI want the ironbark staff
06:58.52Temme too
06:59.02pagefaulti'm about half way there
06:59.59IrielSleep time, bye all
07:00.10pagefaultthat will have to due for now
07:01.11Cairnight Iriel
07:08.36TemI'm gonna go take lots of meds
07:08.39Temand go to sleep
07:08.55Temhopefully I can breathe tomorrow
07:09.01Cairnight Tem
07:09.05Cairhope you feel better
07:09.09TemSleeplater everyone
07:14.20pagefaultwe need BGinvite kergoth
07:15.18pagefaultno on invites
07:15.23pagefaultI wish the stupid BG would do it automatically
07:16.07Kaeltennight everyone
07:16.20Cairnight Kael
07:16.49Mondingaui dev guilds eh
07:17.04Mondingahave to say im surprised that hadnt been done already, though i wouldnt have thought of it
07:17.05Cairjoining us?
07:17.10Mondingaoh sure
07:17.19Cairwhich side first? alliance or horde?
07:17.24CairI'll log in to invite you
07:17.28Mondingago gnome or go home
07:17.43Cairokay, logging in Cairenn
07:18.01Cairsend tell to me when you are created and in
07:18.10Cairserver is Draka
07:23.49StylpeExam, back in 4 hours =) wish me luck
07:23.55Cairgood luck
07:24.13Stylpe(I'm so gonna flunk this one =( )
07:25.10kergothmeh, note to self: dont try taking down the level 33 scorps in the shimmering flats when you're 28
07:25.39kergothcan grind on the 30-32s no problem, but that 33.. owie
07:27.07Legorolhey Strata ;-)
07:27.14Legorolforgot who you were in here :D
07:27.47Legorolah, Depherios, of course
07:27.52Legorolanyways, looks like i'm off the server
07:27.57DepheriosI see that
07:28.02Legorolso have fun etc.
07:28.35DepheriosI'm just extremely glad you guys warned me about the cheap mats
07:28.50Legorolyah dual gathering isn't that great on new server
07:28.56Legorolit's great for alts on old ones
07:29.04Legorolor new chars on old ones i mean
07:29.40Depherioswonder how well mats nobody likes to gether sell
07:29.48Depherioslike swifthistle and stranglekelp
07:30.04Legorolstranglekelp sells ok
07:30.13Depheriosyah... but I'm not a druid *sigh* XD
07:30.13Legorolbut the thing is, at the prices that it's worth selling at,
07:30.17Legorolpeople can't afford to buy
07:30.28Depherioshadn't thought of it that way
07:30.45Legoroli'm currently playing on a server that what, started about 2 weeks ago?
07:30.51Legorolmaybe 2 and a half
07:30.59Depheriosisn't that what we're on?
07:30.59Legorolstranglekelp goes for maybe 1g50s
07:31.05Legoroland it's not bought half the time
07:31.12Legorolnah, Draka started 3 days ago or something
07:31.19Depheriosoh goodness
07:31.20Legorolthey started a few fresh ones in EU a few weeks back
07:31.37Depheriosaiee drowning
07:31.47Legorolrighty, have fun
07:33.23Legorolanother test server update :(
07:33.24Legoroland we just had one
07:34.27Depheriosthat's why I'm not on test much... my WoW compy's network card sucks, and can't do peer to peer for the download >_<
07:35.13Cairokay, sleep time for me, night night all
07:35.18Depheriosso I have to DL it on the laptop, and then run the install over the network, and... *sigh*
08:15.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Industrial (
08:16.01KolthGnight Cair
08:24.48Keedy|IFNTdoes anybody havev a good resource for events? im looking mostly for what the args represent
08:25.15Keedy|IFNTwikipedia says what events are, and when they're called, but doesnt talk about the args fed afterwords
08:25.35Keedy|IFNTnot wikipedia wowwiki*
08:26.27AnduinLotharthe args should be on the wiki
08:26.34AnduinLotharif not they shhould be added
08:31.37Keedy|IFNThey.. o.O im dumb. ;x
08:45.54*** join/#wowi-lounge duke|ib (
08:46.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Ktron (
08:48.52KtronSunday-- sleep early night for WoWI I suppose... makes sense, think I'll poke WoWI then sleep... night
09:30.34*** join/#wowi-lounge AnduinLothar (
10:47.29pagefaultkergoth, still awake?
11:20.46IndustrialDon't think so. He's us. about 1-7AM there
11:20.58Industrial12:20 here :]
11:23.29StylpeMesa back!
11:24.13pagefaultsome guy is pissed off at me because I told everyone to give up in WSG
11:24.29pagefaultonly because we are against the best guild on the server which is using ventrilo and they all have BWL gear
11:24.39pagefaultand they -always- win
11:25.08Industrialdoestn that make them geeks? :D
11:25.17pagefaultI don't know
11:25.24pagefaultbut he got really offended after I said that
11:25.38Depheriosmany hardcore gamers are just jocks with a new hobby
11:25.39pagefaultand after we got our asses handed to us 0-3
11:25.44pagefaulthe had nothing to say for himself
11:25.59Depheriosthe same idiots who used to play sports 24-7 play Halo and WoW
11:26.45DepheriosYou wouldn't think so, but I get an up close, and personal view of these morons working at GameStop
11:27.12DepheriosPeople like them, are why games like True Crime sell well... *sigh*
11:27.38pagefaultit was just funny the way he said it
11:27.47pagefaultI will remember you
11:27.58pagefaultlike I totally offended him
11:28.12pagefaultbut I was only trying to save his time :)
11:29.04Depherios"you sir, are an insult to <insert faction>"
11:29.20Depherioserr "the <insert faction>"
11:29.30pagefaultyeah I think he was on the wrong server
11:29.32pagefaultthis wasn't RP
11:30.15Depherioslol, or he's just somebody who should be playing counterstrike or everquest with the rest of the serious people
11:30.47DepheriosCounterstrike people are scary
11:31.49Depheriosplayer on my team insults me, and not an offhand comment, I mean, a true offense to my personal dignity... I shoot him... he dies... *I* am booted from game...
11:32.12pagefaultoh well silly people
11:32.16Depherioslol, yeah
11:32.40pagefaultI am having fun with the game until they fix this bug though
11:32.42pagefaultI sac a VW
11:32.51pagefaultso I have an insane health regen rate
11:32.53pagefaultthen summon an infernal
11:32.56pagefaultand soul link
11:33.03pagefaultthey fixed it in 1.9 :P
11:33.52pagefaultkinda sucks though
11:33.59pagefaultthose pets will be useless again
11:34.02DepheriosWarlocks are so bugged
11:34.12Depheriosmy GFs voidwalker was afraid of bridges
11:34.23pagefaultwhen he was soul linked he wouldn't go after you randomly
11:34.27Depheriosdidn't matter what computer she used, what time of day...
11:34.45Depheriosthe voidwalker would NOT cross a bridge
11:34.59Depheriosmine? crossed just fine
11:35.08Depheriosher's... would stop right at the edge
11:35.16pagefaultthe only bug really left in the class is the shards
11:35.18pagefaultthey are stupid
11:35.31Depherioswell, sucks for you, they're not getting rid of them
11:35.34pagefaultI don't mind them as much as trying to collect them
11:35.40pagefaultlike flying 10 minutes from org
11:35.46pagefaultjust so I can find a level 48 mob to drain it from
11:35.53Depheriosuh huh
11:35.57pagefaultwhy does a level 1 critter not have a soul
11:36.17Depheriossoul is too weak for the amount of power you need?
11:36.28pagefaultyeah but if I obtain a shard at level 5
11:36.30Depheriosimagine if you summoned a demon equivalent to the level of the soul you drained XD
11:36.32pagefaultand don't use it until level 60
11:36.38pagefaultit still works the same way
11:36.47Depheriosyou wouldn't want that
11:36.50Depheriosor maybe you would O-o
11:37.00pagefaultthe drain soul spell is stupid too
11:37.02pagefaultit has different ranks
11:37.03Depherioslol, go kill crap with a huge party tons of levels higher XD
11:37.08pagefaultthe only difference is the amount of damage it does per tick
11:37.16pagefaultbut no one in their right mind uses anything higher than rank 1
11:37.21pagefaultbecause rank 1 only uses 50 mana
11:37.27Depherioswhat else would change?
11:37.27pagefaultand you get a shard either way
11:37.32Depheriostrue, but it DOES have to die
11:37.46pagefaultyeah I usually have my pet or DoT's or something doing that for me
11:37.58DepheriosI guess I've played too much priest... I think of it too much like Mind Flay XD
11:38.23Depheriosa really pathetic mind flay I want to finish the enemy off with
11:38.25pagefaultit's just goofy
11:38.33pagefaultwhy use 260 mana when you can do the same for 50
11:38.34Depherios... it's a face sucker instead of a face melter
11:38.51Depheriosdunno, I've not leveled a 'lock high enough to know how pathetic the damage is
11:39.12Depheriosmy highest lock is 22 or thereabouts I think
11:39.13Depheriosmaybe 24
11:39.22pagefaultI kick ass since 1.8
11:39.29pagefaultthe deathcoil change was what we needed
11:39.33Depheriosyeah, I haven't played my lock since 1.7
11:39.44Depheriosafter they were hyped I didn't feel like playing it, lol
11:39.51pagefaultactually works like a death coil now
11:39.54DepheriosI'll make another one soon, now that the WAVE died down
11:40.06DepheriosI abandoned my druid when they fixed them
11:40.09Depheriosmy lock when they fixed them
11:40.16Depheriosi'll probably abandon my priest when they fix them, lol
11:40.20Depheriosif they fix them
11:40.21pagefaultpally's got fixed :(
11:40.23pagefaultI liked them broken
11:40.53DepheriosI like how they "buff" pally's by nerfing the PvE capabilties of other classes... WTF?
11:41.22DepheriosI'm going to dispel just as many pally's in 1.10 as before... it's too cheap not to O_o even when it costs twice as much
11:41.46CodayusHeh, what I love is the threat reducing totem.
11:42.05CodayusThat's going to be so insanely useful 5 man...
11:42.07pagefaultI wish that sheild was dispellable
11:42.08pagefaultI hate that thing
11:42.10pagefaultit's so pointless
11:42.12Depheriosanyway I'm a priest... I only live like... a half a second in a PvP match...
11:42.16pagefaultit just makes them last longer to die again anyway
11:42.19pagefaultjust get it over with
11:42.20Depheriosoh god. I know, what's it for? just so they can hearth?
11:42.24CodayusI mean, reducing the threat generated by the tank is great!  Really!
11:42.58pagefaultyeah it's lame
11:43.00pagefaultyou duel them
11:43.03pagefaultthey are going to lose
11:43.07pagefaultand they go hearth out
11:43.29DepheriosI've never played an ally character long enough to get "intimate" with the workings of pallys
11:43.31DepheriosI just know them from PvP
11:43.37Depherioshearthing mother!@#$@#@
11:44.00CodayusI saw someone suggest that druids should have been the alliance-only class, shamans stay the horde-only class, and paladins should have been saved for the hero classes.
11:44.09Depherios..... wow
11:44.15Depherioseasy mode as a HERO CLASS?
11:44.18CodayusThat makes so *much* sense.
11:44.35CodayusCould balance pallies with death knights when they do it.
11:44.50Depheriosyeah, too bad Druids aren't an even balance to shammys
11:44.59Depheriosnot that pallys are, but druids are even worse
11:45.00Codayus<shrug>  And pallies are?
11:45.09DepheriosShammy is the "do it all" class that really isn't at all
11:45.14CodayusAt least they're a mostly functional class these days.
11:45.18Depherioswheras Druids are the "do it all" class that actually can
11:45.28Depheriosjust not as well as a specialist
11:45.41Depheriosor AS well if they're uber specced and geared for one thing
11:45.42CodayusAnd pallies are the "do it all" class that can't do anything.  Except bubble+hearth.  :-/
11:45.50Depheriospally's are easy mode
11:45.57DepheriosBlizz admitted as much
11:46.13Industrialis for kids
11:46.18CodayusOh yeah, you just sit there, and watch it swing.
11:46.22Depheriosit's easy mode
11:46.22Industrialthat should stick to their fifa2099
11:46.33Industrialinstead of ROLE playing games
11:46.37CodayusAnd the free mount is nice.  Of course, being able to kill things would ALSO be nice.
11:46.43IndustrialRPG is for adults, period
11:46.51Depheriosthe day WoW is an RPG, is the day Zelda is again
11:47.09Industrialit is the community you hang out with and make it an RP game
11:47.14Industrialthat decides
11:47.16Depheriosi've never liked the term "RPG" because RPGs have never been RPGs XD
11:47.24Industrialsome are
11:47.28Depheriosvery few
11:47.39Industriali enjoy Rp'ing
11:47.46Depherioslinear = not RP
11:47.52Industriale.g. not howdy m8 wor r'ye doin
11:48.03Industrialbut really 'going on a mission" etc
11:48.06pagefaultimp sucks for soul link
11:50.18Depheriosoh sorry, it's yards in WoW isn't it?
11:50.41Depheriosor did they actually localize the distances? XD
11:52.52pagefaultI hate turtle crap
11:53.04DepheriosO_o in actuality?
11:53.12pagefaultin WSG
11:53.14Depherioswhy so? -- or is it a water turtle?
11:53.21pagefaultwhen the alliance goes and hides somewhere with the flag if they can't get their own flag back
11:53.30Depheriosdon't you do the same thing?
11:53.45Depherioswhat do you do? just let the flag carrier get zerged?
11:54.01pagefaultFUCKING HUNTERS
11:54.10DepheriosI'm so glad their getting nerfed
11:54.25Depheriosthey sick their pets on us cloth wearers and then just IGNORE us
11:54.30Depheriosand we're just fscked
11:54.31pagefaultyes it's stupid
11:54.41DepheriosI've had 3 or 4 on me at a time once
11:54.50pagefaultI just hate it when I have zero chance from escaping from it
11:54.51pagefaultthey just leave it
11:54.52Depheriosmore than once
11:55.01Depheriosleave you to deal with it
11:55.06Depheriosand fighting it is useless
11:55.07pagefaultthey run at like 200% speed
11:55.10Depheriosand they resist fear way too much
11:55.16DepheriosI hate how fast they SWIM
11:55.18pagefaultand you can't fear them half the time if you are lucky enough to get the 1.5 cast off if you are a warlock
11:55.20Depheriosif you're in water vs a hunter, you lose
11:55.36DepheriosI play priests.... I have 30 seconds
11:55.47Depherios... every.... 30...... seconds
11:56.41Depherioswell... 26 seconds
11:56.49Depherioswith talents
11:57.42pagefaultit just pisses me off
11:57.54pagefaultI want a warlock pet that can do that
11:58.00pagefaultthen I will shut up about it :)
11:59.42pagefaultwow that was an easy pally killl
11:59.54pagefaultdidn't even use his shield
12:03.01Depherioslol @ server shutdown on new realm
12:03.11Depheriosthe minutes are counting down about every 30-40 seconds
12:03.14Depheriosor faster O_o
12:10.58IndustrialHmm, i love how i can annoy people on irc help channels like #windows with questions about power using and being more efficient behind the pc (using shortcuts and not the mouse for example) that they have no real answer to
12:11.04Industriali should log this ke ke ke
12:11.45DepheriosI used to sit in those channels constantly XD
12:11.50Depheriosback before the stupefation of the internet
12:12.57DepheriosI really should change my hotkeys to the default blizz ones so when people ask I can tell them how to do stuff
12:13.22Depherios... but mine make sense... Talents..... T... bags I (inventory, too much diablo) c is character... oooh
12:13.29DepheriosF is FRENDS OMG
12:13.35DepheriosS for spellbook? no
12:13.51Depheriosblizz' are all crazy XD
12:20.22*** join/#wowi-lounge id` (
12:41.47KalrothI like N for talents!
12:42.41Depheriosoh... and Q for quests
12:42.45Depheriosdefinitely Q for quests
12:42.55KalrothL makes more sense!
12:43.06DepheriosI mean, it does if you're using WASD
12:43.10Depheriosbut I'm not
12:43.11KalrothDunno, I just like arguing
12:43.20DepheriosI understand Q and S
12:43.29Kalrothoh, I use WASD
12:43.29Depheriossince the default controls are QWEASD
12:43.42DepheriosI don't use wasd, because you can't use WASD while you type
12:44.03KalrothI don't need to be typing while moving around
12:44.06Depherios... well... and because I'm an input device junkie
12:44.11Kalrothotherwise I just activate autorun :)
12:44.31Depheriosautorun + mouse control = my friend
12:44.39Depheriosbut I have strafe and jump keys on my mouse, lol
12:44.45Depherioserr buttons
12:45.00Kalrothoh, I prefer not having to use more tham 5 buttons :p
12:45.29Depherios <-- my buttons
12:45.47Depherioswell... my buttons awhile ago, it looks a tad different now
12:45.55Kalrothyour keyboard is broken
12:47.22Depherios<3 that comic
12:51.52pagefaultthat was a long WSG match
12:51.55pagefaultan hour
12:51.57pagefaultbut it was fun
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13:07.33Kalrothpagefault: that's 45 mins too long :p
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13:12.05*** mode/#WoWI-lounge [-oo Cair|sleep Kaelten|Sleeping] by ChanServ
13:18.55KalrothChanServ took this channel over, omg!
13:19.02pagefaultI love this
13:19.13pagefaultpeople think the warlock's 2 minute cooldown deathcoil is overpowered
13:19.22pagefaultomg 3 second fear
13:19.32pagefaultsilly people
13:23.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Industrial (
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14:02.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Nomad_Wanderer (
14:08.01Nomad_WandererAnyone here?
14:08.12CodayusNot me though.
14:08.22Nomad_Wandereranyone here able to look at my hook? It's not working as I thought it would.
14:08.27CodayusI've got to be up in about 6 hours.  :-(
14:08.45Nomad_WandererThen /nick sleep, and go!
14:08.51CodayusAlso, hooking is really something of a mystery to me...
14:08.52LegorolNomad_Wanderer, did you apply some bait to it?
14:09.01Nomad_WandererNot enough it seems :)
14:09.12Legorolyou also remembered to cast your line?
14:09.51Legorollastly, there are fish in that pond, right, otherwise nothing will catch
14:09.54Nomad_WandererI'm trying to hook Interface\FrameXML\ItemRef.lua (SetItemRef).
14:10.03Legorolone of the nastiest ones
14:10.08Legorolpastebin it
14:10.41Legorolfor future reference, use instead ;-|)
14:11.14*** join/#wowi-lounge sarf|sleep ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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14:11.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Kolth (n=amoeba@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
14:11.32Nomad_WandererThey are cycling servers left and right.
14:11.50Nomad_WandererI was told hobert (the server I was on) needed a restart.. Looks like there were a few others too.
14:12.19Legorolhm, nothing obviously wrong with that hook
14:12.25Legorolhow does it go bad?
14:12.47Nomad_WandererYeah... I'm getting a nill on ChatFrame 1494.
14:12.55Nomad_WandererWhich is just a normal call to SetItemRef
14:13.20Nomad_Wandererfunction ChatFrame_OnHyperlinkShow(link, text, button)
14:13.22Nomad_WandererSetItemRef(link, text, button);
14:13.28Nomad_WandererIt's weird
14:14.09Nomad_WandererIs there more to the hook than what I pastebinned?
14:14.16Nomad_WandererDo I need to do sometthing on load or somehing?
14:16.31Nomad_WandererJust for giggles I moved it to
14:16.44Nomad_Wanderersame content as before tho
14:17.11Nomad_WandererHmm. I wasn't privledged with a previous message ;(
14:21.03Nomad_WandererYeah, that was my response too. I'm stuck :(
14:24.06sarf|sleepNomad_Wanderer> Yo
14:24.13sarf|sleepYou are doing SetItemRef = FaraFrames_SetItemRef;
14:24.17sarf|sleepfunction  FaraFrames_SetItemRef
14:24.31sarf|sleepFaraFrames_SetItemRef is nil when you do the assignment to SetItemRef
14:25.09sarf|shoppingThat's why it is better (most times) to do hooking in an OnLoad function.
14:25.26sarf|shopping(or in a seperate lua file which is executed last of all files)
14:25.50Nomad_WandererSarfness How are you?There was another hooking example on the wiki.. Not HOWTO:.. I think  I just followed that one.
14:26.12sarf|shoppingI'll fix that
14:26.23Nomad_WandererFirst example
14:26.26sarf|shoppingBut if you do the hooking after the function declaration it works
14:26.37Nomad_WandererThanks for your help. I did not know that
14:30.44sarf|shoppingThanks for the Wiki reference - it has been updated and a note has been adding.
14:30.49sarf|shoppingTime to shop.
14:34.16Nomad_WandererSarf, Are you still there
14:35.16Nomad_WandererDarn.. That worked great, but didn't cover all the bases. It seems that SetItemRef is good for chatting item links, but not Icon based item links.
14:35.27Nomad_WandererIn other words, I shift click an item in chat, and it works great.
14:35.40Nomad_WandererI shift click an Item's icon, and nothing happens.
14:35.54Nomad_WandererI assume I have to hook another function.. Was hoping for a hint on where it was.
14:40.55sarf|shoppingChatFrameEditBox:Insert(GetContainerItemLink(this:GetParent():GetID(), this:GetID()));
14:40.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Eraphine|Lab (
14:41.53Nomad_WandererHmm. weird. I must not have all the mpq's extracted or something.
14:42.02Nomad_WandererIs that in intreface/framexml?
14:42.48Nomad_WandererNevermind Found it./
14:43.55Nomad_WandererThis one looks like it's more fun to hook than itemRef :(
14:45.19sarf|wetoutsideNo worries mate
14:46.01Nomad_Wandererhehe.. It's not hard.. I just don't like attaching myself to this code like this.. How often does this stuff change? (Never being the answer I'm hoping for)
14:46.31sarf|wetoutsidefunction MyAddOn_ContainerFrameItemButton_OnClick(button, ignoreModifiers, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5)
14:46.31sarf|wetoutsideif ( button == "LeftButton" ) and ( IsShiftKeyDown() and not ignoreModifiers ) then
14:46.31sarf|wetoutside-- do your thing
14:46.31sarf|wetoutsidereturn MyAddOn_Saved_ContainerFrameItemButton_OnClick(button, ignoreModifiers, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5);
14:46.36sarf|wetoutsideMyAddOn_Saved_ContainerFrameItemButton_OnClick = ContainerFrameItemButton_OnClick;
14:46.38sarf|wetoutsideContainerFrameItemButton_OnClick = MyAddOn_ContainerFrameItemButton_OnClick;
14:46.56sarf|wetoutsideIt changed with the dress window thingy
14:47.03sarf|wetoutsideSo doing it this way is your best bet
14:47.20Nomad_Wandererwhoa.. this is not what I was thinking of doing.. let me digest that for a sec :)
14:47.28Nomad_WandererI can see tis better tho
14:48.50Nomad_Wandererwow.. much cleaner. I was planning on replicating most of the if / then structure, and passing on to the original inside of most of the if's.. That was a dumb idea. This is much better!
14:49.15Nomad_WandererI don't even have extra args... so no p1-p5 :)
14:49.58Nomad_WandererI love how scite has column select
14:50.21Nomad_WandererI was able to column select out your name ;)
14:50.24Nomad_Wandererall good
14:50.50sarf|wetoutsideYes, making a small specific patch is better
14:51.02sarf|wetoutsidewhile it can break, it seldom breaks the entire UI just a small portion of it
14:51.12sarf|wetoutside(and is easier to maintain, but requires more knowledge... as usual )
14:51.37Nomad_WandererCan you quickly take a look at my itemRef hook? and see If I can do what you just did for that?
14:51.41pagefaultgmail seems to be down
14:53.27sarf|wetoutsideThere it is
14:53.36Kalrothwet outside? actually nm, I don't want to know!
14:53.47Nomad_WandererCool.. I didn't quite understand if doing that would upset the substring bits. Thanks!!!
14:53.48sarf|wetoutsideIt's wet outside
14:53.51sarf|wetoutsideairborne water
14:53.53sarf|wetoutside(aka rain)
14:54.06Kalrothoh, outside in that way
14:54.35sarf|wetoutsideNomad_Wanderer> You may need to check for player tag... but shift-clicking peoples names may be useful :/
14:55.22Nomad_WandererNah.. I'm building a DKP auction mod. I've got it wired into our website (via a lua file extract) and have the addon working nicely through complex slash commands.. I'm now creating a UI.
14:55.37Nomad_WandererI want people to be able to shift link items into a UI textbox.
14:55.43Nomad_WandererThen hit the start auction button.
14:56.31Nomad_WandererSo I only want item links... or else it would be.. Now Up for Auction [NOMAD_WANDERER]... Place your bids!
14:58.04Nomad_WandererI'm so mad..
14:58.31Nomad_Wanderer(at myself) I'm waiting for a GM.. I accidentally deleted my 60 priest.
14:58.49*** join/#wowi-lounge malreth (
14:59.10Nomad_WandererI needed to clean up some altspace for my RegisterForSave guild character.. thought I had an alt selected. and whammo.
14:59.56Nomad_WandererNo more priest
15:01.06pagefaultanother test patch
15:01.10pagefaultI am behind a bit
15:01.12Nomad_WandererYour kidding.
15:01.24pagefaultI just patched then it asked me to patch again
15:01.31Nomad_WandererThey pushed one last night.. Just as Iriel finished this just in changes thread
15:01.40pagefaultI hope they didn't bust my stuff
15:03.24malrethi shoulda patched while i was at home... i'll have to wait until this evening to test then... bleh
15:03.30pagefaultseems good
15:05.48*** join/#wowi-lounge shouryuu (
15:09.16pagefaultyou can have 3 secondary talents?
15:09.20pagefaultis that new?
15:09.38pagefaultI have first aid/cooking and fishing
15:09.41malrethyou can have unlimited secondary talents
15:09.51malrethprimary are limited to 2
15:09.53Nomad_WandererHmm... this hook doesn't work when I shift click on an equipped item.
15:09.55pagefaultI would have trained first aid long ago
15:10.06Nomad_WandererYeah.. that's been that way for a long time
15:10.07pagefaultI read the manual when it came out and it said 2
15:10.13pagefaultbut that is long outdated
15:10.20Nomad_WandererThe manual for an MMORPG is never accurate.
15:10.26malrethi never read a manual for a MMO.
15:10.28Nomad_WandererIt was outdated the day after it was printed.
15:10.36malrethno... week before
15:11.05malrethby the time the game goes GM, they're still making changes on the server and with patches that will be downloaded as soon as you install
15:11.17malrethwatch what happens when Burning Crusade comes out
15:11.29Nomad_WandererArrgh.. GM response time is horrible.
15:11.32malreththey'll announce GM, and there'll be like 7 patches
15:12.44Nomad_WandererDoes anyone know if ContainerFrameItemButton_OnClick covers all Icon Items?
15:13.00Nomad_WandererLike a loot window, an inventory item, an equipped item = ContainerFrameItemButton_OnClick
15:13.09pagefaultis GM time slow in all MMORPGs
15:13.12pagefaultWoW is my first one
15:13.33malrethDAoC I'd usually wait about a day or so... depends on how busy the queue is
15:13.49malrethafter a weekend, they may still be clearing out the backlog
15:13.55Nomad_WandererI'm worried that It's been too long.. Last night To make space for a RefisterForSave character, I accidentally deleted my 60 priest!
15:14.12Nomad_WandererI'm concerned that they are going to come back and say.. If only you contacted us last night!
15:14.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Trilian (n=Miranda@
15:14.40malrethkeep your appeal in the queue and hope for the best.
15:15.07Nomad_WandererThe whole editing your ticket erases it bug is gone right?
15:15.39malrethdunno. i never send tickets in this game. it's pointless.
15:15.54malrethmuah ha ha ha ha ha!@#!@#
15:16.12LegorolNomad_Wanderer, sorry for not replying further to your hooking woes
15:16.34Nomad_WandererNo problem.. the furst one turned out to be a piece of bad documentation..
15:16.56LegorolSarf was comletely right about the nil thing..
15:17.04Legoroli just didn't think that you had those two lines actually right before the function
15:17.06Nomad_WandererSarf was able to help me a little. But I'm stuck again.. Think I'm doing everything right. but it's no good.
15:17.16LegorolI automatically assumed you copy/pasted the hooking and the function definition together :D
15:17.40sarf|wetoutsidelocal FaraFrames_SavedContainerFrameItemButton_onClick
15:17.54sarf|wetoutsideThat may prevent FaraFrames_ContainerFrameItemButton_OnClick from accessing that one
15:17.57sarf|wetoutside(but I am not sure)
15:17.57Legorolbtw, a word of warning on catching shift+lclicks
15:18.12LegorolNomad_Wanderer, as far as i can tell, you want to catch ALL shift+lclicks everyone in the game, right?
15:18.29LegorolThe problem is, that in every single interface element where that is possible, there is a separate function implemented for that interface elemenet
15:18.32Nomad_WandererOnly item based ones, when the Auction Ui is up.
15:18.45Legorolseparate code for bags, for questlog, for character sheet, for everything
15:19.01Nomad_Wandererheh.. I was about to ask what was different ;)
15:19.14sarf|wetoutsideYou didn't allow shift-right-clicks to go thru
15:19.17sarf|wetoutsidethis is bad.
15:19.18Legorolif you want to be able to handle shift+lclick on item icons in many places in the UI, you have to hook a lot of functions unfortunately
15:19.33Legorolyou might want to look at the AH_QuickSearch addon
15:19.42Legorolup on curse, by AnduinLothar
15:19.59sarf|rainwhat is the quality level of green items?
15:20.09Nomad_WandererDoes that ... Hmm. that must have alot of hooks if it allows input in tothe auction box by clicking.
15:20.12Nomad_WandererI think 1
15:20.17Nomad_Wanderer0 is gret?
15:20.39Legoroli just looked, actually AH_QuickSearch only handles chat links and items in bags
15:20.41sarf|rain-1 is used
15:20.46Legorolit doesn't handle anything else, it seems
15:20.50Legorolno code for it
15:21.06Legorolso i'm afraid you have to collect all the instances in the blizz UI where you need it :(
15:21.12Legorolthere is no centralized shift+lclick code
15:21.19Nomad_WandererSo what you are saying is that ContainerFrameItemButton_OnClick doesn't cover PaperDoll Items, or loot window Items?
15:21.26Legorolthat's right
15:21.26Nomad_WandererOnly inventory items?
15:21.52Legorolso if someone makes an addon, let's say call it AllInOneInventory, that displays its own item icons etc.,
15:21.59Nomad_WandererLoot Window, Inventory, and Chat are the important ones..
15:22.02Legorolthen it won't work if you shift+lclick on the items in that one
15:22.16shouryuuIf I do TableName = {} , then (not TableName) should return as true right?
15:22.27Legorolit will return false
15:22.32Nomad_WandererI like AIOI. :)  I'm starting to like engInventory better though ;)
15:22.43LegorolTableName is non-nil therefore TableName is a true value
15:22.51shouryuuok I see
15:22.53kergothenginventory is nice.  i'd be happier if itd stop getting confused and rearranging my items into other categories
15:22.59malrethdo you want to know if the table is just empty or not?
15:23.00LegorolThe *only* things thare are false are *false* and *nil*, nothing else
15:23.05kergothno ei, my weapons with poisons applied are NOT in the rogue poisons category
15:23.10shouryuumal -yeah
15:23.19shouryuuI can do it the ugly way, but I want a pretty way :P
15:23.27kergothshouryuu: function isempty(t) return next(t) == nil end
15:23.27Nomad_WandererHmm. I dont have that problem.. once I assign something manually it stays there.. I've only been using it for a week or so though.
15:23.28LegorolThe way to test for table emptiness: if (next(TableName)) then *it's not empty* else *it's empty* end
15:23.36shouryuuthanks ker
15:23.40Legoroldamn, kergoth beat me to it ;-)
15:23.47Legoroland his solution is better
15:23.49sarf|rainand made a function out of it ^^
15:23.51Nomad_WandererNo hard feelings Sarf ;)
15:23.54kergothLegorol: thatll fail if the first value is 'false' :)
15:23.55sarf|rainhehe, no no :)
15:23.59Legoroli was just about to say that my code is not correct if the value is false
15:24.01sarf|rainAIOI was one of my first and most popular addons
15:24.03Legoroldamn! beat me again
15:24.21sarf|rainI have fond feelings for it, but I am considering making AIOI two
15:24.33LegorolSarf, speaking of AIOI, it does have its own container_onclick functions, right?
15:24.36sarf|rain(a bag framework thingy, actually, with a default "look" of AIOI)
15:24.48LegorolI always was meaning to ask this: why does AIOI start off with huge scale?
15:25.10LegorolI mean on a default setup 1280x1024 resolution UI, AIOI starts off very large
15:25.17malrethbeen liking MyBags and OneBag lately...
15:25.21Legorolis this for the visually impaired, or that you are not inheriting the UIParent scale
15:25.42sarf|rainLegorol> Ehm... it works on 1024x768
15:25.54Legorolyes because on 1024x768 the UIParent default scale is 1
15:26.05Legorolon the 1280x1024 resolution the scale is 0.89 or something
15:26.11sarf|rainscale is also avaiable as an option
15:26.14Legoroldo oyu manually reset scale to 1 somwhere?
15:26.20sarf|rainwhich means you will have to set up scale in the Khaos options
15:26.20Legorolyeah i found the scale option :-)
15:26.33Legorolah that'd explain why..
15:26.37Legorolif the default is 1 for the Khaos option
15:26.51Legoroland AIOI is just using that value..
15:27.09Legorolit's not a big issue, it's just that the scaling is an advanced option in Khaos,
15:27.10kergothsounds like it should be checking for ~= 1 before running setscale :P
15:27.31sarf|rainif ( scale <= ALLINONEINVENTORY_SCALE_MIN ) then
15:27.31kergothor rather, ~= the uiparent scale
15:27.32Legorolso possibly a number of users are getting large AIOI bags on 1280x1024
15:27.37sarf|rainit sends in 0
15:27.42sarf|rain(if it is not set)
15:27.46Legoroland what is the MIN scale?
15:27.48sarf|rainif ( UIParent ) and ( UIParent.GetScale ) then
15:27.48sarf|rainparentScale = UIParent:GetScale();
15:28.14sarf|rain( scale <= ALLINONEINVENTORY_SCALE_MIN )
15:28.18sarf|rainSo it's OK
15:28.28Legorolanyways, not a big issue
15:28.38Legorolwas just wondering if it's on purpose or not, that's all
15:28.43sarf|rainBut scale was patched in
15:28.51Legorolfairy nuff
15:29.08Nomad_WandererYay! Chat and inventory hooks work! I just found LootFrameItem_OnClick too :)
15:29.31Nomad_WandererI will have to add another hook for engInventory support tho.. my container hook doesn't work in engInventory.. or AIOI probably.
15:29.50Nomad_WandererAs was said..
15:30.38Nomad_WandererIt's too bad that there isn't a middle layer somewhere that can handle the shift clicking bits. Everyone place an item shows up has to have it's own shift click handling..
15:31.26sarf|rainFrustrated at Khaos bug
15:32.12*** part/#wowi-lounge malreth (
15:32.14Legorolthat must be the most benign swearword ever i have heard
15:32.14Nomad_WandererIs a GM ticket the way to go to get a character restored?
15:32.26*** join/#wowi-lounge malreth (
15:32.38Industrialsarf|rain Frustrated at Khaos bug
15:32.42Legorolguildmate of mine has accidentally deleted his lvl 60 main once.. you can imagine his shock
15:32.42Industrialthe bug is you using it
15:32.59Nomad_WandererHaving my character exist only outside of the Realm harddisk is upsetting.
15:33.19IndustrialNomad_Wanderer: lol roll a new RL char plz
15:33.23Legorolhe messaged a GM in-game, and miraculously, within a few hours he got a reply and they restored his char
15:33.51Nomad_WandererYeah.. I use thotts forum shredder, and remember reading about a thread where they finally cut someone off from restores.. He deleted his character 7 times.
15:34.01Nomad_WandererThe 8th time, they said sorry can't help you.
15:34.02sarf|rainIndustrial> I'm the one that coded it :)
15:34.09Industrialsarf|rain: >_<
15:34.40Industrialsarf|rain: cmdlins ftw!
15:34.50Industrial*poof* gone
15:34.53sarf|rainOK :)
15:35.02Nomad_WandererThis is my first AND LAST restore, so I should be okay ;)
15:35.03Legoroltry playing WoW with commandline only ;-)
15:35.13KalrothThat'd be fun
15:35.19IndustrialLegorol: i fully configure my ui with commandline and raw Lua
15:35.24Legorolback to the good 'ol text-based RPGS
15:35.26Nomad_WandererDidn't you see Cay's thread about that?
15:35.29Industrialexept for keybindings though
15:35.31Legorolwith just a fluffy picture in front of you
15:35.49LegorolIndustrial: you are confusing "configuration" with "use"
15:35.55Legorolconfiguring via commandline is fine..
15:36.00IndustrialLegorol: am i?
15:36.10Industrialisnt khaos configuring?
15:36.11Legorolthe hwole idea of having a UI is so you have visual (non-commandline) representation and interaction with the world
15:36.21sarf|raina GUI
15:36.31Industrialbut interaction with tuit UI doesnt have to be the UI itself
15:36.31Kalrothmaybe you could render the UI config dialog in ASCII and show that in the commandline!
15:36.33sarf|raincmdline is an UI :)
15:36.35Industrialbut interaction with tuit UI doesnt have to be the UI itself
15:36.39Industrialthe UI*
15:36.41sarf|rainGUI => Graphical... User Interface :)
15:36.44Legorolyes, and ia greed with you on that one
15:36.54Legoroli just said that saying "commandline ftw" in general is not enough
15:37.04Legorolyo uhave to limit it to "commandline *for configuration*" is sufficient
15:37.12sarf|rainEspecially not if you yourself is not going to be the whole userbase.
15:37.17Legoroland then i can smack you for it, because then it'd actually make sense ;-)
15:37.21sarf|rain(inversions for the win)
15:37.39Kalrothsarf|rain: I do not not agree with you on that!
15:37.47Industrialno config + 3kb files instead of 200kb
15:38.19Industriali have to say though
15:38.27sarf|rainMy own addons have three configuration stages : 1. Concept. 2. Configurable thru option variable. 3. Integration with Khaos.
15:39.03Industrialmy "user base" isnt normal users. I target the more "smart" people. Power users and developers.
15:39.13Industriala such i will have a smaller user base
15:39.18Legoroloh right, the famous PM bug..
15:39.21Nomad_WandererCommand Line WoW:
15:39.23Legorolsarf, can you try /msg Legorol whatever
15:39.26Industrialbut also less problems
15:39.32Legoroli just did /msg Sarf testing123
15:39.37sarf|rainI am sarf|rain
15:39.47sarf|rainResistance is futile! oooh... cookies!
15:39.54Legoroli just did /msg sarf|rain testing123
15:40.05sarf|rainSeen that
15:40.12Legoroli didn't see yours in case you tried
15:40.18Legorolis your nick registered?
15:40.23Legorolif not, then you can't PM
15:40.34sarf|rainHow do I register it?
15:40.34Kalrothanti spam thingy
15:40.35Legorolprobably spam protection
15:40.41Legorolusual /nickserv thingies
15:40.44KalrothPrivate messages from unregistered users are currently blocked due to spam problems, but you can always message a staffer. Please register! ( )
15:40.50Legoroltry /nickserv register help
15:41.11Legorolthat wouldn't explain though why you didn't receive my messages, hm
15:41.15Legorolwell nvm
15:42.08Industrialmy "user base" isnt normal users. I target the more "smart" people. Power users and developers.
15:42.09Industriala such i will have a smaller user base
15:42.10Industrialbut also less problems
15:42.13Industrialas such*
15:42.37KalrothWouldn't it be easier to say that you develop for yourself and noone else? :)
15:42.55malreththat's what I do. it's great!
15:43.06Legorolmalreth, do you get a lot of complaints from your users then ;-)
15:43.18malrethno one sends in any bug reports and all of the features RAWCK!@#
15:43.20Kalrothmalreth: end-user base is much easier to satisfy too! :)
15:43.37Kalrothmalreth: not to mention that the code is always flawless!
15:43.57Nomad_Wandererhold on.. is sarf registered?
15:43.58Legorollol @
15:44.00IndustrialI'd put it more like "If there ever is a problem with something i made or ripped, i require the person to have more brin cells then one that's able to produce only "your addon broke addon X FIX IT !!!""
15:44.06malrethI actually have like three other addons that I wrote besides StopTheSpam that are release ready... I'm just too lazy to post them up anywhere. :p
15:44.15sarfThere we go
15:44.40sarfStop the Spam?
15:44.50Industrialsee, if i dont want spam
15:44.54Industriali wreck it out
15:45.01Industrialinstead of allocationg more memory
15:45.04malrethYeah... it blocks all of that "so and so's addon has loaded" stuff
15:45.14shouryuuMan people are so fucking unhelpfull
15:45.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
15:45.34Industrialsarf: see my last comment.
15:45.39sarfThought it was something that would prevent IF Spam... but I guess that was too much to ask ^^
15:45.43shouryuucould anyone help me out test my add-on? I need like 5 minutes of your time.
15:45.50Industrialima t work sorry shouryuu
15:45.56shouryuunp :P
15:46.10Kalrothsame, it's the only place I have time to chat
15:46.29Industrialthe daily life of an intern :]\
15:46.36malrethand i just got paged. a laptop and a lab machine are down. Labtechman away!
15:46.41shouryuuI just need someone to make an alliance toon on Durotan and accept my guild invite, nothing more... Whisper Elche if you want to help
15:47.55KalrothIndustrial: actually I'm a software developer, but close :P
15:48.17KalrothI got uhhhm, long compile times, yeah, that's it
15:48.32IndustrialKalroth: i get to make squishy ASP Jscript (no .net) websites
15:48.39Industrialno OO, its forbidden
15:48.48sarfI get to loaf while "studying" ^^
15:49.02sarfIndustrial> Remember, goto is your friend.
15:49.06KalrothI do everything from ASM, Pascal (Delphi) to C# and C/C++
15:49.17Legorolgoto used to be my friend.... until they killed him! the bastards..
15:49.22Legorolthey have taken him away... no more goto :(
15:49.41IndustrialKalroth: cool
15:49.50Industrialgoto? btw
15:50.04LegorolSo, for any of you that have a proper education in computer science or whatnot, is it really true that you can prove that
15:50.04Kalroth10 print "Kalroth rules!"
15:50.06Kalroth20 goto 10
15:50.09Industrialoh, hehe
15:50.14Industrial_that_ goto
15:50.15Legorolany code which is written using "goto" statements can be rewritten to one without?
15:50.24KalrothYup Lego
15:50.30Legorolusing only conditionals/loops etc.
15:50.47KalrothIn theory, yes :) but I bet there's some code you'll have a hard time doing
15:50.50Nomad_WandererWTF? You can't change your email address in the account management screen?
15:51.00Kalrothespecially if you begin doing messy jumps :p
15:51.10Legoroli will take your word for it, i'm just having trouble imagining how you'd do something that has criss-crossing gotos, gotos jumping into middles of loops etc.
15:51.18Industrialfunction printlol() print('lol') end for 1 do printlol() end
15:51.32Kalrothwell that's the main purpose of object oriented code, Legorol
15:51.32kergothgoto can be quite useful
15:51.37Kalrothto avoid such situations
15:51.41kergothparticularly for error handling in initialization code in C
15:51.46*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
15:51.53sarfKalroth> Exiting a deeply nested for statement is what goto is useful for
15:52.15Legorolthere is something like that though in C, isnt there? "break" or somesuch
15:52.18Legorolor maybe i'm thinking Java here
15:52.19Industrialtrue dat
15:52.27sarfthere was break <label>
15:52.39sarfthen you could have a label outside your nested fors
15:52.48sarfBut it's not present in Java
15:52.50Legorolat any rate, if i were to look for the proff, where would i find it?
15:52.52sarfI think they do have goto
15:53.15sarffor what?
15:53.26Legorolthat any code with gotos can be rewritten to one without
15:53.30Legorolusing only conditionals/loops
15:53.39Kalroththat all code using goto can be rewritten using checks/loops
15:54.00Legorolhm, is htat "any code" or "all code"
15:54.20Legorolwhy does it have to be the world language of choice
15:54.35Kalrothyeah, curse the brits!
15:54.45Legorolactually, it's the americans fault me thinks ;-)
15:54.57Legorolif it wasn't for their economic influence, the chinese and russian might have won by now
15:55.06Kalroth'all code' wins over 'any code', thanks google!
15:55.11Legoroland then we would all be speaking cantonese and/or russian
15:55.19LegorolKalroth, i never doubted you for a second
15:55.24sarfAnd using weird alphabets!
15:55.25KalrothI did :)
15:55.27Legoroli don't trust my English
15:55.42KalrothI don't speak/write english that well since it's not my native language
15:55.48Legorolweird alphabets are fun!
15:56.05Legorolthen Unicode wouldn't be something that is a painful "must" for English developers, but a natural thing for all
15:56.08Kalrothæøå ÆØÅ
15:56.08sarfMe neither, Kalroth.
15:56.26LegorolEnglish isn't my native language either
15:56.33shouryuume neither
15:56.36Legorolhm.. seems like it's more of the case in this channel than the opposite :-)
15:56.38shouryuubut I really love it :P
15:56.46KalrothYet we all speak english
15:56.50LegorolI love the accessibility it provides
15:56.54KalrothWe should all speak in our native language
15:57.17Legorolthe fact that i feel i can communicate with all the people around the world that matter to me
15:57.33Legorolmaybe not all, since i don't talk to parents in English
15:57.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Ratbert_CP (
15:57.48LegorolActually, that's a great idea, shouryuu!
15:58.00shouryuuwell actualy kal proposed that idea :P
15:58.02LegorolWhy don't we organise a "bring your own language" hour or something
15:58.08Legoroleveryone should speak a bit their native language
15:58.13Legoroland only that
15:58.18KalrothAnd everyone else has to learn it
15:58.31Legoroljust to see what kind of languages we get in here
15:58.33shouryuuwe should teach Purl our native language
15:58.40Kalroth"Hello, I come from Lua land, you all have to speak lua now!"
15:58.50shouryuuwe should do "Enrich your Englsih" hours as well
15:59.04Legorolthat'd be "Enlich your Engrish"
15:59.31KalrothI love that site, hours of fun to be had!
15:59.38Legorolthere's a site
16:00.18*** join/#wowi-lounge ToastTheif (i=ToastThe@
16:00.24Legoroltook me a while to figure out the one on at the moment..
16:00.27Legorol"French Flies", lol
16:10.21Nomad_WandererI'm pretty mad that the only way to change your email address is call blizzard between 12:00 and 8pm est weekdays?
16:10.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
16:10.53Cairhi, bye
16:11.03Cidehi, bye
16:12.25Cair|afkhi because I just woke up, bye because I have to run out the door
16:13.53Nomad_WandererIs your cooldown on sprint up?
16:18.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (
16:18.50Gryphenono i esceared of teh rawr! i need a huggle.
16:20.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Beladona (
16:20.22*** mode/#WoWI-lounge [+o Beladona] by ChanServ
16:22.05Nomad_WandererYay! I've got all three hooks working. Is the master looter loot window the same as lootframe.lua?
16:22.56kergothhehe ->
16:23.09kergothwhile my enemies laugh at my funny looking hat, i keeeeel them
16:23.25kergoth(not many decent leather helms available at this level, had to go cloth :\)
16:25.00ToastTheifLSU lost
16:25.11ToastTheifand Kael, did u see my comment?
16:25.16ToastTheifcuz I haven't checked the forums yet
16:25.24Kaeltenon which?
16:26.40kergothKaelten: nice work on the new autorepair btw, its great
16:26.47TemToastTheif: I swear to god if you continue where you are going, I will hunt you down and remove your testicles with a pair of pliers.
16:27.05ToastTheifI was sad they lost =/
16:27.22Kaeltentem's a little touchy this morning, lol
16:27.27Temyou have no idea how much I hate Georgia
16:28.01Kaeltentoast: I saw it, but I'm not sure what could be causing it, check your framexml log
16:28.14shouryuuargrhrghagrheagrhsrgdsj fbdhsjgfbsg
16:28.25shouryuuthis add-on is going to kill me
16:28.33ToastTheifI'll try dling ace gui again
16:28.39ToastTheifI thought I had the latest ver tho
16:28.52KaeltenI put out a new one right before I put out the other.
16:28.55ToastTheifat least we know USC is going to win it all...
16:29.07ToastTheifI probally haven't grabbed that one
16:29.18ToastTheifI'll check when I get out of this evil school
16:29.36TemI hope texas slaughters them
16:29.56ToastTheifnot gonna happen
16:30.10ToastTheifand Reggie Bush is gonna win the Heisman
16:30.28*** part/#wowi-lounge Beladona (
16:30.48TemReggie bush is the only descent player on the team
16:31.01Tem(and don't give me that matt leinheart crap)
16:31.23Tem(I regret sharing a name with such a huge douche bag)
16:31.47ToastTheiflendel or whatever his first name is ;)
16:31.57Nomad_WandererDoes anyone know if the Master looter bits use LootFrame.lua?
16:32.23Temnever been the ML... my bags are always full with extra gear and herbs
16:32.25Nomad_WandererNever mind I see it
16:33.40shouryuueveryone join the fun!
16:34.25TemToastTheif: ItemCompare is waiting on the next Ace release
16:34.41ToastTheifmy level 14 gnome warrior will soon be lvl 19 and own the BGs
16:34.47Temwhich will be this or next week we hope
16:34.59ToastTheifalready have 3 of the best items for a lvl 19 warr
16:35.02KaeltenI'm shooting for sunday
16:35.24Nomad_WandererHow often is the level 1 bg up anyway?
16:35.35ToastTheifthere isn't one? lol
16:36.00KaeltenHoping for a quick beta by sunday and a final version out mid next week
16:36.36ToastTheif*bang* *bang*
16:37.48Nomad_WandererI was unclear.. THe first BG level set
16:38.28Kaeltennomad: depends on the bg
16:39.33LegorolBG frequency is function of (bg type, server type, faction, level)
16:39.48Legorolcorrect that, should be server rather than server type
16:40.24Nomad_WandererToast was talking about his levle 19 owning in BG
16:40.36Legorolthat'd be Warsong Gulch then
16:40.46Legorolthe 10-19 range is up pretty often on the EU servers I play on
16:40.57Legorolduring the day, there is always a game in progress
16:41.16Legorolit seems pretty popular, good decision from Blizzard to allow 10-19 to play WSG
16:41.31Legorolit means you can have an alt for a quick BG play that doesn't need a lot of time to get it to a state where it can play
16:41.33shouryuuit seems sad to my eyes
16:41.35shouryuujust sad
16:41.54Legorolhow so? In my opinion the BGs are mini-games of their own right
16:42.11LegorolBlizzard took the FPS multiplayer genre, added a twist, and implemented it as a sub-game in WoW
16:42.36LegorolIt is nice to be able to get into this sub-game quickly
16:42.48shouryuuyeah I agree
16:43.02shouryuubut it seems worthless to BG when you have half your skills
16:43.14shouryuuyou either fight overpowered twinks
16:43.23shouryuuwith 2 crusader enchants on their weapons
16:43.28LegorolYou do have a point about the twinks, about the skillset i am not so sure
16:43.46Legorolalthough admittedly the classes weren't balanced in low levels, they were balanced with l60 in mind
16:43.48shouryuuor play a lvl 10 hunter that has 3 skills, concusive shot, the dot, and a pet
16:43.57Legorolso there are some unbalances in 10-19 range, even without weapon dependence
16:44.13shouryuuwhich is another reason not to BG in lvl 10-19
16:44.15Legorolshouryuu, i think that the 10-19 WSGs are pretty much: "bring your own 19" type games
16:44.46Legorolit is inevitable in any level range that people will park a char at the top of the range
16:45.11shouryuuyeah it's normal that people have better items/stats than other, but the twinks are usualy just a joke
16:45.58shouryuuat lvl 10 yo only have one talent point... It's pvping with 1% of your character, it seems like a waste of time to me
16:50.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Industrial (
17:03.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Verlaine (
17:05.25Verlainewould this set NamesTable is Specialtable's keys, and ValueTable SpecialTable's values
17:07.36*** join/#wowi-lounge elema (
17:12.31Verlaineyes? no?
17:14.08LegorolVerlaine, let me look
17:15.10Legorolnope, it wouldn't work i'm afraid
17:15.40Legoroli will correct it, give me a sec..
17:15.45Legoroli will also explain what you are doing wrong
17:16.00VerlaineAnd I'm shouryu btw :P
17:16.12Legoroloh right! ok the key (pun intended) to understanding what's going on is to ask yourself the question:
17:16.17Legorolwhat do the variables "k" and "v" contain?
17:16.30grollmwaaa guildleading sucks!!! :( all our core players are leaving for other guilds *sob*
17:16.36Verlainekeys values?
17:16.43Verlainelol been then groll
17:16.57Verlainefor every key in NamesTalbe, get it's value?
17:17.05Legorolyep, the way you have set up the for loop, "k" and "v" contains the keys and values respectively of the NamesTable table
17:17.14Legorolthe keys of NamesTable are the integers 1 to X
17:17.20Legoroli mean 1 to Y
17:17.33Legorolthe values of NamesTable are the actual names
17:17.48LegorolSo "k" is 1, 2, 3, etc. whilst "v" is "name1", "name2" etc.
17:18.23LegorolFurthermore, any construct of the form SomeTable[i] means the element of SomeTable with key "i"
17:18.32Legorolwhere i can be any type of value, integer, string, whatever
17:18.47LegorolSo what your code is doing is this:
17:19.09LegorolFirstly, NamesTable[v] doesn't exist (or technically nil)
17:19.21Legorolbecause NamesTable has no entry whose key is "name1" etc.
17:19.49LegorolSecondly, it assign the value of NamesTable[v] (which is nil) to MySpecialTable[k]
17:20.00Legorolnow remember that "k" is an integer
17:20.10Legorolso it's putting nil into MySpecialTable[1] etc.
17:20.36Legorolthis in and of itself has nothing to do with the next line
17:20.37LegorolMySpecialTable[v] = ValueTable[v]
17:20.41Legorolthat is almost what you want
17:20.50Verlaineas usual :P
17:21.00LegorolYou want to use the names as keys, so the left hand side is correct
17:21.06grollgaaah another one leaving.. i wanna shot something :S
17:21.15Legorolsince "v" contains the names in turn
17:21.21Legorolthe incorrect one is the right hand side
17:21.21Verlainei want the key
17:21.35Legorolok, tables work like this:
17:21.41Legorolwhen you write table[key] = value
17:21.48Legorolit assigns the value to key
17:21.56Verlaineyeah that I understand :P
17:22.02Verlainetook me some time but I understand
17:22.20Legorolso you wnat SpecialTable to have the names as keys, and the values as the values, right?
17:22.31Legorolthen have this: MySpecialTable[v] = ValueTable[k]
17:22.34Legorolput that in the loop, on its own
17:22.52Legorolyou only need one assignment, because you don't set the key and value of a table entry separately
17:23.04Verlaineahh indead
17:23.12Verlainesmart :p
17:23.16Verlainethanks a lot man
17:23.31Legorolnp, i hope you learnt from it ;-)
17:23.33VerlaineI've been having trouble understanding the for k,v parts :P
17:23.37Verlaineyeah :D
17:23.53Legorolit needs some thinking, but i think once you get it its not too bad
17:24.20Legorolas i said, remember that table[key] = value; simultaneously creates an entry in the table with key and value respectively
17:24.46Legorolthere is no such thing in Lua as "let's take entry #5 in the table, what is it's key and what is it's value"?
17:25.09Legorolin that sense it's not like a line of a spreadsheet with two columns
17:25.27Legorolok i will try not to confuse you further
17:25.48Legoroli'm just guessing that you might be thinking about tables as something like a spreadsheet,
17:25.55Verlainelol I am :D
17:26.00Legorolif you are used to that kind of thing, or databases with entries with keys and values
17:26.29LegorolOk, in that case, a Lua table is not a two column spreadsheet with line numbers down the left hand signs and keys/values in the two columns,
17:26.39Legorol*signs => side
17:26.48VerlaineBut i'm guessing they work more like "ensembles" or however you call them in Maths
17:27.14LegorolBut rather a Lua table is something where you have the keys down the left hand side and there is a single column containing the values
17:27.27Legorolyeah set is what you are thinking of, i think
17:27.30LegorolDoes this analogy make sense?
17:27.59Verlaineyeah I think I got it
17:28.13LegorolBecause of this, unless the keys you use in a table are integer numbers, there is no sense in which to order the elements of the table
17:28.31Legoroli could use apple, orange, banana as keys
17:28.42Legorolok enough of me rambling
17:28.54Verlainehehe no it's making sens
17:29.00VerlaineI'm just reading to make sure I get it :p
17:29.19Legorolwell ok in that case, the thing i was trying to say with the fruits is that if i use the fruits as keys, and say their colour as the values
17:29.26Legorolall i have is a big bag of fruits
17:29.31Legoroland no sense to order them in ;-)
17:29.46VerlaineThat I can understand
17:30.02Legorolthen you could do: for fruit, colour in FruitBag do ... end
17:30.16Legorolthat'd go through each fruit in the bag, in an arbitrary order
17:30.28Legorolyou don't know what th order will be, but you are guaranteed that each fruit will occur once in the loop
17:30.35Verlaineyeah I get it
17:30.44Verlainethanks :P
17:30.47Legorolgood, now i can go get a snakck :-)
17:30.59Legorolnp, i know i am longwinded sometimes, thanks for putting up with me little lesson ;-)
17:31.08Verlainewell thanks for giving it to me :D
17:31.22Legoroltaken out of context, that line is so wrong!
17:31.56Verlaineshe's afk :p
17:32.17Legorolbetter safe than sorry
17:34.01Nomad_WandererIt sure is spooky hooking the Lootframe.lua stuff
17:34.21Nomad_WandererI'm on hold and while doing it the darkshire/brill music is playing..
17:36.54Nomad_WandererOne little mistake, and the lootframe doesn't work.... No lewt for you..
17:41.13Kiliekwell you could go test it Nomad_Wanderer before ya know, looting epix with it :)
17:43.15Nomad_WandererWhy do you think I'm actual;ly picking up [rotting bear carcass]
17:59.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Beladona (n=Beladona@
17:59.58*** mode/#WoWI-lounge [+o Beladona] by ChanServ
18:01.28Ktronhey, [Rotting Bear Carcass] is worth like 2s, and that's a lot to some people
18:01.38KtronI love it when 1 bear drops 2 of them too
18:03.05kergothyeah, thats actually some of the better vendor trash at low levels, when you dont have much income
18:03.11Nomad_WandererOKay... so I've made a UI that has a textbox in it. I've clicked in that textbox, and typed in some stuff. Now I recieve a tell, and I want to respond to the tell, I click on the chatFrame, and can't focus/get the chatframe textbox to show up...
18:03.30Nomad_WandererDo you have to do something special to get two text boxes in two different frames to be friendly?
18:04.03Nomad_WandererMy Textbox won't give up focus when I click on the chat frame?
18:09.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Astryl (n=Astryl@
18:10.58AstrylAnyone familiar with the GM functions?
18:11.12AstrylSpecifically, what are the 'types' of GM Tickets?
18:11.34LegorolNomad_Wanderer: yes
18:11.55LegorolNomad_Wanderer: you need to set autoFocus="false" as an XML attrib for your textbox in its XML definition
18:11.56Nomad_WandererWhat special jump through flaming hoops do I have to do?
18:12.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Bensa (
18:12.11Nomad_Wandererbeat me on the draw.
18:12.11Legorolunfortunately the default is "true"
18:12.23Nomad_WandererIt's an attribute of the editbox element?
18:12.26Legorolwhich has caused endless pains to endless number of editbox authors
18:12.34Verlaineyeah Tem I'm waiting as well :(
18:12.44Nomad_WandererI'm definitely being repressed by it as well
18:12.45*** part/#wowi-lounge Beladona (n=Beladona@
18:12.47Legorol<EditBox name="somebox" autofocus="false"> ... </EditBox>
18:13.12Astrylie, I'd like to macro   NewGMTicket(GMTICKETTYPES_HARASSMENT_VERBAL,"At "..time..", server time, ""whispered me a gold selling advertisement.")
18:13.22BensaQuick question, I was going to post on the forum asking about a set of macros I'm working on, most appropriate subforum?
18:13.39Legorolofficial WoW forums, or WoWI?
18:14.00BensaNo response on WoW forums to my question
18:14.01Legorolsorry, i have no idea there
18:14.07Nomad_WandererHeh Astryl.. That would be funny.
18:14.13LegorolAstryl: you tried the wiki?
18:14.29AstrylBlank for all the GM functions.
18:14.35Legorolunfortunately i'm not much wiser either
18:14.45Legoroli have long since given up using GM tickets
18:14.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
18:14.51Legoroli probably only used it once, ever
18:15.05AstrylAh, Iriel has arrived. I'm saved!
18:15.09IrielMorning all.
18:15.09LegorolHey Iriel, want to code in VBA rather than Lua today? ;-)
18:15.21Legorolthat was one funny thread
18:15.24Nomad_Wanderershh you.
18:15.26IrielI wish it would die!
18:15.36AstrylIriel! What are the 'types' of GM Tickets?
18:15.36Legorolthe morning, the thread or me ;-)
18:15.37IrielThe thread, not VBA, but who knows.
18:15.57Astrylie, I'd like to macro   NewGMTicket(GMTICKETTYPES_HARASSMENT_VERBAL,"At "..time..", server time, ""whispered me a gold selling advertisement.")
18:16.24krkathat thread was genious! i wish I had come up with the OP
18:16.35Legorolyou reckon its troll?
18:16.38Nomad_WandererYou'll need a full addon for that.. You need the capability of running the macro again, to add another instance to the ticket :)
18:16.38Legoroldidn't smell like it
18:16.43AstrylExcept, I just made up GMTICKETTYPES_HARASSMENT_VERBAL. What should It be?
18:17.17LegorolNomad_Wanderer, are you saying there can only be one GM ticket at a time? a la Highlander?
18:17.32IrielAstryl : Let me look, one moment.
18:17.33Nomad_WandererNo, Just that you want 1 ticket to report 4 ppl
18:17.33Temoh no, I wish VBA would die too
18:18.20AstrylYes, there can be only one GM Ticket at a time, so the script would need to append a new one to the old one if the old one still exists.
18:18.41Astryl(However, these tickets usually get responded to in less than half an hour)
18:19.04Ktronfyi, purl knows about [Netherwind] and the Netherwind items now, I'll probably try to add at least the items of interest to purl's knowledge slowly, for whatever its worth
18:19.42MoonWolf~purl netherwind
18:19.50Legorolmm, does purl know WoW items?
18:20.04IrielAstryl : I believe you want TICKET_TYPE1 TICKET_TYPE2, etc
18:20.04Legorolpurl, [Arcanite Reaper]
18:20.08KtronI'm thinking of programming some in when I get bored
18:20.14Legorolpurl, Arcanite Reaper
18:20.15Ktronpurl, [Netherwind Pants]
18:20.17purlfrom memory, [netherwind pants] is BoP cloth legs for 60 mages, 101 AC, +27 INT, +17 SPI, +16 STA, +10 FR, +10 AR, Passive: Increases damage and healing done by magical spells and effects by up to 30.
18:20.29Ktronpurl, [Netherwind]
18:20.31purlit has been said that [netherwind] is a Tier 2 Epic set for mages. See [Netherwind Belt], [Netherwind Bindings], [Netherwind Boots], [Netherwind Crown], [Netherwind Mantle], [Netherwind Gloves], [Netherwind Pants], [Netherwind Robes]. 3 Piece bonus: Reduces the threat generated by your Arcane Missiles, Fireball, and Frostbolt spells. 5 piece bonus: Increases the ...
18:20.46*** join/#wowi-lounge malreth (
18:20.54IrielGuys, do that in PRIVATE MESSAGES please
18:21.22KtronIriel: just demonstrating so he can do it on his own, sorry to offend
18:21.22Legorolhow is Mr. Lua and Mr. Toc?
18:21.25krkaLegorol, exactly! it seemed genuine, which makes it even better
18:21.40Legorollol @ "seemed genuine", i think it was
18:21.48Legorolit's the kind of thing that VB advocates can come up with
18:22.03krkamight have been real, might not have been
18:22.05Legorolbtw, i don't have anything against VB, i have coded a few windows scripts in VB, i find it handy for that
18:22.11IrielMs Lua and Mr Toc both hit level 4 and retired to their respective inns to accumulate rest
18:22.14krkaso the author is either a genius or an idiot
18:22.14Legorolbut wouldn't try to code and app
18:22.28IrielI think he was genuine, and seriously believes half of what he says.
18:22.30LegorolMr. Xml is lvl 5 now i think, no counterpart yet on alliance
18:23.01LegorolI would give him one valid point: using VB as a language would've lowered the entry barrier to *some* existing profesional coders
18:23.13Legorolbut not everyone who wants to code WoW UI is in the IT industry
18:23.19AstrylAh, OK. thanks, Iriel. I guess I'll just have to manually make a new gm ticket of the proper type and try to figure out what type it is? Or do you happen to know which type is harssasment-verbal?
18:23.22Nomad_WandererIt's not even worth discussing.
18:23.32Nomad_Wanderer^^^ Lego
18:23.51IrielAstryl : I dont know offhand, it'd be relatively easy to figure out in-game, but I cant run it here right now.
18:23.56Legorole.g. let's take me for example (just so that i can boost my ego) i program stuff purely out of hobby, i never had any formal training in computer science, heck the only programming course i ever went to was a 30 minute course on Fortran
18:24.01AstrylAye, right, same here.
18:24.02KtronLegorol: Nomad_Wanderer: Tcltk FTW
18:24.06Legorolbut it was a lot of fun learning Lua
18:24.21krkathose people who can't pick up basic LUA in a few hours won't be able to make anything good anyway
18:24.36krkait's mostly the xml that is the hard part
18:24.48Nomad_WandererYeah the xml is the tough part.
18:24.50Verlainenot with the UI designer :P
18:24.51Legoroldid i mention i only came across Lua because of WoW?
18:24.57AstrylLegorol, or take me for example (cause I love boosting my ego too, ya know), I program stuff for a living, but I do it in C#, so I look down on VB as a 'newbieish' language.
18:25.01krkasame here Legorol
18:25.10krkaactually, Freecraft also uses Lua so I had seen some of it before
18:25.12Legorolbut when i saw that it was implemented in previous games, i went back to those games
18:25.14Legorole.g. Baldur's Gate
18:25.23Legoroli called up its script prompt and started experimenting, was a lot of fun
18:25.29IrielAstryl : But looking at it from the code perspective, I think it really IS just "Harassment", though the rest may get embedded into the text.
18:25.34Legoroli have mapped out the API exposed to their Lua engine :-)
18:26.03Legorolwell when I saw Lua etc. was during US betas
18:26.04malrethThere's a lua game api that someone ported to the PSP
18:26.09krkaLegorol, you seem like one of those (imo few) people who are both self taught and have a good theoretical understanding
18:26.10Legoroli didn't have WoW back then, but i got started on the language
18:26.34Cair|afkxml is easy, lua confuses the hell out of me
18:26.40Legorolkrka: i guess my formal training in physics and endless discussions with computer scientist friends during university years helps there
18:26.42krkareally cair?
18:26.44AstrylMorning, Cair.
18:26.51Cairhi again
18:26.55Cairkrka: yes, really
18:26.55Verlainebye again?
18:26.57Legorolevening Cair
18:27.04Cairhey Legorol :)
18:27.09AstrylOpposite for me; I understand xml as a language, but how wow uses it, I don't get.
18:27.17AstrylAnd the lua is easy for me.
18:27.20krkaah i see. physics students (atleast engineers in my experience) seem to learn programming easily
18:27.24malrethafter staring at the xsd for hours, i finally figured it out
18:27.27CairI'm not a programmer, so that's probably why
18:27.31TemCair: can you do some invites for a few of my characters in the guild?
18:27.33Legoroli always programmed as a hobby
18:27.35Verlainesame here
18:27.38CairTem, yup
18:27.38Temme too
18:27.43Verlainelua and XML just get my head spinning
18:27.43krkayeah, xml as a language is really simple
18:27.44Legorolstarted at age 6 or 7 when we got a Commmoder 64
18:27.46Temlogging them back in
18:27.49Legorolso i definitely had an early start
18:27.59Verlaineohhh pick me pick me as well
18:28.05Legorolwhen entering university, i had a choice bbetween computer science and physics
18:28.06Temalliance first I guess
18:28.14malrethwhat also helps is if you make a skeleton UI in XML that you can reuse for multiple projects
18:28.20CairYes, I find XML easy:
18:28.26Legorolwent with physicsis on th grounds that I will end up having to learn about computers and programming anyway, but not the other way around
18:28.26krkai started programming at 12-13, but i didn't really get it until I started my formal training
18:28.30Legorolseems to have worked out ;-)
18:28.35krkaalgorithms and datastructures is where its at
18:28.41krkawell, mostly datastructures
18:28.48Legorolyeah that's something i envy
18:28.57Legoroli have little "formal" knowledge of algorithms and datastructures
18:29.17Legorolsome friends of mine tried to explain Dejkstra's algorithm (sp?) to me at some point...
18:29.30krkaunderstanding the basic types of structures is the most important thing, imo
18:29.43Legorolall we need is one: tables ftw!
18:29.46krkalinked lists, arrays, trees
18:29.58malrethhe used to teach here at UT
18:30.03krkathen the more abstract types: queues, stacks, heaps
18:30.04TemCair: Tem awaits an invite on the alliance side
18:30.16krkaUT = Utrecht?
18:30.18Legorolkrka, you can pick thos up from a book, i'd say
18:30.23malrethimpossible to get into that class... by the time i got that far in CS, he retired
18:30.26Legoroli did read some books
18:30.27krkayeah, most stuff can be picked up from a book
18:30.29malrethUniversity of Texas
18:30.40krkaah, I assumed dijkstra was dutch
18:30.41IrielIdling for a bit.
18:30.41Legorolplus one thing i did used to do that was a lot of fun is go to programming competitions
18:30.47Legorolused to do them when i was at school
18:30.58krkaprogramming competions rocks
18:31.04TemYeah, I enjoyed that
18:31.04krkaspelling ftwe
18:31.13Temwe always got second for stupid reasons
18:31.13krkaI went to two regional finals :)
18:31.26Temlike typoing the number as 0.001 isntead of 0.0001
18:31.28CairTem: Nneriac
18:31.28Legoroli even have a little book with assorted easy to hard programming tasks and challenges
18:31.37krka(northwestern europe region)
18:31.40Legorolstarting with basic stuff for your 12 year olds to advanced problems
18:31.46Temyeah I had to wait to log out
18:31.56Cairjust telling you so you can send a tell
18:32.09LegorolCair, what's your ame on Alliance side?
18:32.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Ratbert_CP (n=KCummins@
18:32.55krkaLua tables are really cool, you can use them as both arrays, maps, trees, et.c.
18:33.00CairCairenn, actually
18:33.09Legorolyeah i like Lua's ultimate simplicity, yet depth
18:33.12Legorolreally appealing to me
18:33.13Cairbut I'm on Horde side atm ... need me to log her back in?
18:33.27Legoroljust for future reference
18:33.37LegorolI'll have to make a Ms. Interface at some point
18:33.40Legorolbefore name is taken
18:34.11Legoroli'm just sad i won't be able to play with you gals and guys :(
18:34.21Legorolhey i had an idea!
18:34.31LegorolI'm going to organise an EU branch of the guilds
18:35.06krkawhen you know some data structures, a couple of algorithms/problems are good to be familiar with since they appear very often: some types of sorting, graph searching (BFS, DFS, A*), exhaustive search
18:35.53krkathough I suppose with sorting you could just go with quicksort, heapsort or mergesort for everything, since they are all fast
18:36.04krkafor some special cases you can go even faster!
18:36.34Temlunch time
18:36.47krka(only integer values, only values within a certain range, only a distinct set of values, et.c.)
18:38.12*** part/#wowi-lounge Bensa (
18:38.25krkasorry, you have to stop me when I go ranting to myself
18:39.10Legorolno problem krka, you can't top me anyway ;-)
18:39.13Legorolpurl, Legorol
18:39.14purlSomeone claimed that Legorol doesn't stop talking to himself
18:39.23krkaok, so another thing I forgot to mention
18:39.30krkaOrdo analysis is really useful in programming
18:39.37KtronI think making an 'extended emote' list for WoW might be a good addon to start with, to make sure I understand something heh
18:39.38Cair(btw, apologies in advance if I'm a cranky bitch today, don't take anything I say today personally)
18:39.48krkato look at code and seeing its "speed"
18:40.00AstrylWhy, Cair? Hung over?
18:40.23CairJust not a good day and we'll leave it at that, okay?
18:40.23Legoroli tried to make a joke with taking out a pad and starting to scribble
18:40.29krkaO(n) means that the time it takes for a piece of code is roughly proportional to n, where n is the size of the input
18:40.29Legorolthen i figured Notepad is more appropriate
18:40.31AstrylAh, I see.
18:40.48LegorolI use SciTe ofc
18:41.11Legorolin-built Lua interpreter means hit F5 to syntax and to some extent semantics check your WoW files ;-)
18:41.16krkathis probably explains it better than I could:
18:41.26krkait's really something I think you all should look at if you haven't heard of it
18:41.59Legoroli have a very rough idea of what scaling and O(n) means, so i will definitely look
18:42.01Legorolthanks for the link
18:42.11Legoroli have to write code on a daily basis that has to scale well
18:42.28krkamight want to look at that one too
18:42.31CairSo, Legorol, are you or aren't you going to be able to play with us on the US server? *confused*
18:42.40LegorolCair: i won't :(
18:42.48AstrylIn what language lego?
18:42.51CairThen how were you on last night?
18:42.52Legorolat least i won't be able to log in, just to say hi occasionally
18:43.03Legorol*cough* account borrowing for a few minutes *cough*
18:43.05AstrylCair, what are you talking about?
18:43.18Legorolthe owner does use the account, so i can't actually use it to play
18:43.20AstrylThere some UI Modders Guild now or something?
18:43.25Legoroli use it for posting on the US UI forums
18:43.36krkagood thing slouken isn't here to see that Legorol
18:43.47Legorolkrka: say what?
18:43.51Legoroldid i say anythign?
18:43.53Legorolyou didn't hear anything..
18:43.53krka<Legorol> *cough* account borrowing for a few minutes *cough*
18:43.58CairI didn't see anything
18:44.00Legorolthat wasn't me
18:44.01Legorolthat's a fake
18:44.01Cairdid you see anything?
18:44.07CairI don't think you saw anything
18:44.08Legorolsomeone stole my nick
18:44.12krkaok, so I don't even have an account... :P
18:44.33krkayour jedi mind tricks won't work on me!
18:44.39AstrylCair, are people going to actually play on this server much?
18:44.48AstrylBeen thinking of starting a new character...
18:44.51Legorolbtw, in all honesty: i wouldn't mind it if slouken knew
18:45.08Legorolto be honest, if slouken, knowing that i am using someone else account so that I can constructively post on the US UI forums,
18:45.14Legoroltook steps to ban that account,
18:45.18Legoroli would be disappointed in him
18:45.21Cairbah, slouken wouldn't care
18:45.49Cairhe can't "officially" know, for obvious reasons
18:46.07Legorolkrka, i never answered your question
18:46.16krkai had a question? :)
18:46.39Legoroli think you did
18:46.45Legoroli am trying to scroll back and find it
18:47.14Legorolok maybe it wasn't you
18:47.24Kaeltenhey krka!  didn't know you where still around.
18:47.51krkaaround on irc, not playing or coding anymore
18:47.58Kaeltenthats cool.
18:48.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Stylp1 (
18:48.04*** join/#wowi-lounge Esamynn (
18:48.11Kaeltenstill, thanks for saving my fingers when you could.
18:48.12Legorolthat's the best part, IRC of UI community ;-)
18:48.13EsamynnHi all
18:48.24Legorolhi Esamynn
18:48.25Cairhey Esamynn
18:48.35krkaanyone can feel free to implement Hitchhiker
18:48.38Legorolthis channel is great to fill in idle time at work (if only i had any)
18:48.47krkaI can't really do it since I don't have any way to test what I code
18:48.49Esamynnhey Cair, mind approving the updated version of GroupHeal I just uploaded?
18:48.49Legorolat the moment its filling in work-time ;-)
18:48.58Kaeltenkrka, lol that never stops rowne
18:48.59Esamynnif you're not busy
18:49.00krkausing FollowUnit to move
18:49.21Legorollol i guessed that much
18:49.30Legorolso if you see someone heading the same way, you follow or what?
18:49.40Kaeltendamn she got it first
18:49.41CairI object strenuously, Esamynn
18:49.50Cairbesides which, it's already approved :p
18:50.03Esamynnlol, thank you :)
18:50.23Cairwelcome ;)
18:50.27krkayes Legorol
18:50.42Legorolthis channel effectively killed #cosmostesters
18:50.44krkashould work in theory
18:50.47Cairkael, you gotta be quicker than that
18:50.48Nomad_WandererHmm.. My textbox is focus grabby.. it won't let go, even if i use autoFocus="false" on the editbox element.... I have a textbox, that I want to have open, give it focus, I type some stuff, than I click the chatframe and give focus to the chatframetextbox... Can't seem to do it :(
18:51.03Legorolquestion is, are there enough people headed same way as you are, often enough?
18:51.27Legorolplus, you have to allow for the fact that the person will follow a semi-random path
18:51.35Legorolso you have to be lenient with judging if you are "on track"
18:51.39Legorolwould be hard to code, i think
18:52.08LegorolNomad_Wanderer: pastebin the XML
18:52.17krkaI would have to continue the follow only if it takes me closer to the next waypoint
18:52.21Legorolincluding the frame in which you have the editbox
18:52.35Nomad_WandererYikes.. the whole frame.. okay.
18:52.38Ktronheh, anyone want to spare 3 minutes-ish (tops, as I need to leave in 3 minutes) to look over my second-ever-lua code and help me figure out why it isn't working?
18:52.41krkait would also mean that you would have to stick mostly to the roads
18:52.42Legorolyou could do that krka, but then you'd probably miss a lot of "opportunities"
18:52.52LegorolKtron: sure, pastebin it
18:53.03krkaI don't even know if you _can_ followunit without keypress
18:53.07LegorolI mean about the waypoint thing
18:53.14Legorolthat's a good quesiton, i think you can though
18:53.15krkahard to know :/&
18:53.19Legorolsince it works from /follow
18:53.32krkaand target nearby friendly people automatically?
18:53.37krkaand cycle through them preferably
18:53.46Legorolyep, new API function added just recently for that purpose :-)
18:53.54LegorolTargetNearestFriendly() or some such
18:54.05Legorolyou'd have to ask others, i'm not good with targeting
18:54.14EsamynnTargetNearestFriendly has been in for a while
18:54.21LegorolKtron, for future reference, use
18:54.27Legorolthat's the one used here usually ;-)
18:54.30KtronLegorol: aight
18:54.35krkadoes it matter which pastebin is used?
18:54.52Nomad_WandererYes. You will not get a cookie if you dont use
18:55.12TemI think all the TargetNearest require keypresses
18:55.14Nomad_Wandereras in chocolate chip :)
18:55.30Ktron there
18:55.37EsamynnI would expect it too
18:55.44Legorolkrka: no it doesn't, but this collects all the pastes from this channel in one list
18:55.55EsamynnI know target nearestenemy does, and it would make sense that targetnearest friendly does too
18:55.56Legorolkinda nice to see the activity
18:56.03LegorolKtron: nothing wrong on the face of it
18:56.13Legoroldo you get the "Loaded" chat message?
18:56.24KtronLegorol: or whomever else, I'd expect to see "Emote Plus Alpha-1 loaded." when I start up the game, and I'd expect to be able to get messages to appear when I type /emp, but I'm not getting either
18:56.26Legorol(although your registration for VARS_LOADED is superfluous at this point)
18:56.44Legorolok, let's first check for the obvious:
18:56.59Legorolyou have a correctly set up .toc file, that has your .xml file in it listed
18:57.24Legorolyour .xml has a frame that has an <OnLoad> handler that is calling your EmotePlus_OnLoad function
18:57.30KtronLegorol: since I don't have variables-- a quick thing to look at would be to double check line 25... I don't have an xml file, since I don't have/want any frames, I'll pastebin the toc
18:57.40Legorolright, there is the problem
18:57.42krkaanyway, even if I made hitchhiker work to some extent, blizzard would kill it off very easily
18:57.44Legorolyour OnLoad is not getting called
18:57.55Legorolno function gets called just because it's named OnLoad
18:58.01Legorolthat's just a conventional way of naming them
18:58.15KtronLegorol: I need an xml file with a <onload> thing
18:58.22Legorolyou have to have a frame, with a <Scripts> tag, that has an <OnLoad> tag that has a one line code in it that calls your OnLoad function
18:58.24EsamynnKtron: probably
18:58.29Legoroli will pastebin an example
18:58.33Legorollet me switch comps, brb
18:58.37Ktronheh, that generally makes sense
18:59.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Legorol^ (
18:59.54krkathey're multiplying!
18:59.54Esamynneeek, Legorol is cloning himself!
18:59.54Nomad_WandererQuick Kill it before it makes another!
18:59.54*** kick/#wowi-lounge [Legorol!] by Cair (Cair)
18:59.54Esamynn~cheeseslap Legorol^
18:59.55purlACTION slaps Legorol^ around with a wheel of gouda
19:00.13Esamynn~applaude Cair
19:00.19Nomad_Wanderer~fishslap Legorol^
19:00.21purlACTION slaps Legorol^ up side the head with a wet fish.
19:00.34Esamynnwhat!!, no applaude command :(
19:00.44Cair~cheer Esamynn
19:00.50Legorol^why did i get kicked on the other acc?
19:00.58Cairlol, joking around
19:00.59Esamynnthis situation must be rectified
19:01.03Legorol^is using 2 accs to log in not allowed :(
19:01.11Legorol^no seriously
19:01.12Cairpreventing you from cloning
19:01.14EsamynnCair was messing with you
19:01.15Legorol^do let me know if i'm breaking some rules
19:01.23Nomad_WandererJust kidding!
19:01.23Legorol^ok, then can i log Legorol back in?
19:01.24Cair~bonk Legorol^
19:01.27purlACTION bonks Legorol^ over the head
19:01.27KtronI should only need that, right?
19:01.27Legorol^all right
19:01.42Ktronthen I have to run to my reading course
19:01.49Cairof course you can hun, I was just picking on you
19:02.08Esamynnpurl, cheer $1 is <action> cheers $1 on
19:02.09purlEsamynn: okay
19:02.12Cairsorry, my sense of what is funny is obviously lacking today
19:02.27Legorol^yep Ktron, that's correct
19:02.31*** mode/#WoWI-lounge [+o Kaelten] by Cair
19:02.34Legorol^make sure to remove the .lua file from the .toc then
19:02.53KtronLegorol^: yep did that, testing time take3
19:03.38Legorol^just one minor correction for sake of completeness: the schemalocation attribute you have in the <Ui> tag is incorrect
19:03.59KtronLegorol^: first-addon-from-scratch ftw... oh?
19:04.06Legorol^schemaLocation=" ..\..\FrameXML\UI.xsd"
19:04.10Esamynn~applaud me
19:04.12purlACTION gives esamynn a standing ovation
19:04.22Legorol^that's the correct path definition you need if you are writing an AddOn
19:04.24Esamynnoh ok, i missspelled it
19:04.33Legorol^this is of very little consequence, but you might as well write it like that for future reference
19:04.36Legorol^saves you trouble later
19:04.50KtronLegorol^: it's a good thing to know
19:04.59Legorol^there is a space between the "/" in "ui/" and the first "." in "..\"
19:05.10Ktronyeah, I caught that
19:05.18KtronAight, thanks Legorol^, I'll catch you later, and the rest of the channel
19:05.24Legorol^see ya
19:05.30Ktronpurl, later
19:05.33purllater is, like, now
19:06.33Cairlater Ktron|classes
19:06.33*** join/#wowi-lounge Legorol (
19:06.47krkanow kick the other one!
19:06.52krkafor great fun
19:07.04TemGello updated ItemRack
19:07.09TemI can dump Equipmanager
19:07.30Legorol^if you kick me or my evil twin, i will be ... ehm.. i will be!
19:08.04kergothTem: hehe, the betas have been out for a bit now.  i /love/ the new set switching on event. its great
19:08.36EsamynnTem: the beta version?
19:08.39TemI'm seeing that you can edit the events
19:08.41Legorol^we had two back-to-back test realm patches yesterday, right?
19:08.44Temwhich looks awesome
19:09.04CairLegorol yes
19:09.10Legorol^are you guys talking Ace?
19:09.23Legorol^i always wondered, in case anyone can enlighten me
19:09.36Legorol^(and if kelroth was here, he'd go mental right now, i haven't done the research when i couldv'e)
19:09.42Legorol^i heard Ace has its own event system
19:09.57Cairis what they are talking about Legorol
19:10.08krkaif the channel is relatively dead, i see no harm in asking questions
19:10.11Legorol^thanks Cair
19:10.23krkaif there's a heated debate going on, then I might consider it better to research yourself
19:10.24Legorol^krka, you missed the big argument on this :D
19:10.30Cairwe aren't going to rehash that, please
19:10.31krkaI am not sure I did
19:10.40Kaeltenwhat argument?
19:10.42krkai'm pretty sure I recall something like that
19:11.09krka"I already payed you for the argument!" - "No you didn't!" - "Aha! So why are you arguing with me then?"
19:11.26Legorol^that is an awesome looking mod
19:11.35krka"Arguing isn't just taking the other side!" - "Yes it is!"
19:11.39Legorol^in fact it's just an idea i had for a while now, for something else
19:11.47Legorol^I was thinking, it would be very nice to have this for action buttons:
19:11.54Kaeltenlegorol, Ace has its own abstracted event system that allows an addon to register events without having any xml.
19:12.03Legorol^you can define a "set" of actions, which you drop in an actionbutton slot
19:12.13Legorol^if you click, it casts the one that is displayed
19:12.21Temit also has the ability for addons to fire events
19:12.24Legorol^but if you hold for a moment, it unrolls to show other actions in the set
19:12.26VerlaineHey cair can you throw me an invite to the Darka Horde-Server?
19:12.27Temso that other ace addons can get them
19:12.29krkathat's a cool addon
19:12.41Legorol^i was thinking of doing something like that for e.g. totems for shamans, or especially for lower rank heals
19:12.47Legorol^most of the time you just wanna quickly cast your heal
19:12.49Cairname, Verlaine?
19:12.54Legorol^but sometimes you want quick access to lower rank versions
19:12.54VerlaineI'm shouryuu
19:13.04krkahm, question: what happens if you have two xml entities with the same name?
19:13.06Verlainegimme a sec i'm logging on :p
19:13.15Legorol^krka: the 2nd one doesn't get created afaik
19:13.15Cair... :p
19:13.17Kaeltenanother nice thing is a lot of times you can reduce the number of events registered because you don't have to register them for multiple xml objects, like blizzard did in the unit frames.
19:13.22Legorol^you should see an error message in the FrameXML log
19:13.24krkaso it's safe then?
19:13.29Kaeltenkrka only first one gets loaded
19:14.11krkathen addons could all make an object with a static name "XYZLibrary", and only one would get loaded
19:14.27krkathat object could handle all events
19:14.27Legorol^not so simple
19:14.32krkabut perhaps that's how Ace already does it?
19:14.42Verlainelol thanks Cair
19:14.47Temkrka: pretty close
19:14.47Legorol^this was discussed endlessly when discussing how to "embed" libraries with AddOns
19:14.52*** join/#wowi-lounge shouryuu (
19:15.03Legorol^the main problem is versioning
19:15.05krkaonly problem would be versions
19:15.27krkayou could call the embedded thingy XYZLibrary1.0
19:15.30Legorol^ha! faster typing ftw
19:16.00krkadamn it, i knew i shouldn't have thought before typing
19:16.02krkathat's never a good idea
19:16.03Legorol^in general, the majority of people are of the opinion that a single dependency is better than the trouble of making version compatibility checks etc.
19:16.20Legorol^some people have gone ahead and done embeddable versions of libraries
19:16.29Legorol^the solutions i have seen do that by not having any XML
19:16.45Legorol^and the Lua code can do version check and only load itself if its a newer version
19:16.48krkaxml would only be needed for xml stuff
19:16.53krkaevent stuff
19:17.04krkaand that should never need any updating if it's kept simple enough
19:17.08Legorol^one solution i have seen registers events for UIParent
19:17.21Legorol^and using the new SetScript method redirects it to the library
19:17.37Legorol^you have to be very careful with the "should"
19:17.50Legorol^if you ever, *ever* need to change it, and there is an older version around, you can be seriously screwed
19:17.52krkaand then a table look up to see which addons are registered for a certain event?
19:17.53Kaeltengot to go afk
19:18.13Legorol^if you are writing an event dispatcher, then yes
19:18.26Legorol^the particular case i saw was just using the events registered for UIParent for its own aims
19:18.42Legorol^btw i'm talking about MCom
19:18.46Legorol^by Mugendai
19:18.48krkai see
19:19.18Legorol^that lib is fully embeddable and versioning aware
19:19.51Legorol^and afaik uses little to no resources if a version doesn't have to load
19:20.20Legorol^becuase you can have an: if (myVersion >= currentVersion) then load myself end; construct directly in the .lua file
19:20.36Legorol^where in the "load myself" bit you have all the definitions of all functions etc.
19:21.01Legorol^sorry, should be myVersion > currentVersion
19:21.12Legorol^so that if you don't need to load, you don't even define the functions
19:21.39Legorol^right, i'm off have fun everyone
19:21.40*** part/#wowi-lounge Legorol^ (
19:21.58purlLa ... lalalala ... beer!
19:22.02purlEsamynn: :)
19:24.15purlsomebody said capslock was "dumpkeys | sed 's/58 = Caps_Lock/58 = Control/' | loadkeys" turns capslock into control for all vc's.  MY REDHAT KEY SEEMS TO BE STUCK
19:24.15CairKael, too long as a PM, sent it as email
19:25.23Esamynnhmm, I think someone programmed that capslock one badly
19:25.29Esamynn~factinfo capslock
19:25.29purlcapslock -- created by lazarus <> at Fri Oct 12 20:24:57 2001 (1514 days); last modified at Wed May  1 13:22:26 2002 by cafuego!; it has been requested 10 times, last by Tem, 1m 14s ago.
19:25.47AstrylMmm... Pepperoni Flavored Sausage Substitute Extract....
19:25.47Esamynn~literal capslock
19:25.49purl"capslock" is ""dumpkeys | sed 's/58 = Caps_Lock/58 = Control/' | loadkeys" turns capslock into control for all vc's.  MY REDHAT KEY SEEMS TO BE STUCK"
19:27.38Esamynnhmm, I can't even make enough sense of it to correct it, oh well
19:28.38Esamynnpurl, tem is <reply> I wonder what Tem is breaking now?
19:28.40purlokay, Esamynn
19:29.05purlI wonder what Tem is breaking now?
19:29.20Esamynnpurl, no, tem is <reply> I wonder what Tem is breaking now...
19:29.22purlEsamynn: okay
19:29.41Caircan I make a request of the channel in general?  most of the time, please do queries and programming of purl in a Private window?
19:29.49EsamynnI do for the most part
19:29.58Cairwasn't a nag, was just a request
19:30.15Esamynn~cheer cair
19:30.16purlThree cheers for cair!  Hip hip Hurray! Hip hip Hurray! Hip hip Hurray!
19:30.25shouryuu~poke cair
19:30.26purlbut then who will poke the pokers, shouryuu? Ktron|classes?
19:30.39malrethinfobots were just made to suffer
19:30.44shouryuupoking pokers ruuun
19:30.53Nomad_WandererIt's their lot in life
19:31.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Beladona (
19:31.01purlCair: aw, gee
19:31.01*** mode/#WoWI-lounge [+o Beladona] by ChanServ
19:31.05Cairhey Bela
19:31.27Beladonamy head hurts from looking at code all day lol
19:31.30EsamynnHi Bela
19:31.40Cairso you join *this* channel, why?
19:31.42malrethi realized i haven't used irc in years... used to run #anime-manga on Efnet... back when there was an Efnet
19:31.42Esamynnpft, weakling! :P
19:32.06Beladonabecause comapred to what I WAS doing, irc is relaxing
19:32.13Nomad_WandererCan someone take a look at my editbox? I can't get it to give up focus to my chatframe box.. :(
19:32.15malrethwell, i guess efnet still exists...
19:32.21Esamynn~comfort beladona
19:32.22purlThere, there, beladona.  It's OK.  I'm here for you.
19:32.32Cairthat and the fact that you're a masochist?
19:32.38Cairhey! that's my line!
19:32.39Beladonathat helps
19:32.52Beladonais Iriel here?
19:33.12Esamynn~emulate beladona
19:33.23Esamynnwell, we can't have that!
19:33.47Beladonayeah but what do I say ALL the time that he cna emulate?
19:33.54Beladonabesides, give me a cookie
19:33.59Nomad_WandererCan we reiterate the channel topic occasionally? Particularly the second line? :p
19:34.01kergoth~emulate me
19:34.02purlACTION hmmms.
19:34.05Nomad_Wanderersecond sentence :)
19:34.08Cair~give Beladona a cookie
19:34.09purlACTION gives Beladona a home-baked oatmeal raisin cookie to cheer him up.
19:34.26Esamynnpurl, emulate beladona is <reply> my head hurts from looking at code all day
19:34.27purlEsamynn: okay
19:34.29CairNo hassling Slouken about work?  There, re-iterated
19:34.42Cairhappy now Nomad_Wanderer?
19:35.14Nomad_WandererOkay.. I counted WoWI-lounge as the first sentence.. let me restate :) Can we reiterate the channel topic occasionally? Particularly the first sentence? :)
19:35.22malrethi just totally screwed this laptop up... time to reimage. :p
19:35.36Esamynnactually, that should be
19:35.37Esamynnpurl, no, emulate beladona is <reply> my head hurts from looking at code all day || <action> wants a cookie
19:35.38purlEsamynn: okay
19:35.54Beladonapurl, reiterate is <reply> stop spamming me, DAMNIT!
19:35.55purlBeladona: okay
19:36.02purlstop spamming me, DAMNIT!
19:36.09Esamynn~emulate beladona
19:36.11purlmy head hurts from looking at code all day
19:36.28shouryuudo we have an emulate purl?
19:36.38Esamynn~emulate purl
19:36.39purlACTION tries to look like itself
19:39.41Nomad_WandererAnyone with editbox experience? I'm still not able to have this stupid editbox give up focus..
19:39.54shouryuuw00t I fixed a bug
19:39.59shouryuuthat;s not normal
19:40.11shouryuuI usualy go around creating bugs and spend time fixing them!
19:40.20Esamynn~give shouryuu a cookie
19:40.21purlACTION gives shouryuu a home-baked fortune cookie to cheer him up.
19:40.38kergothi want a non-electronic cookie, damnit
19:41.01shouryuuI'm starrrviiinng
19:41.18Esamynnpft, go make your own non-electronic cookie then
19:42.06kergothyou and your crazy ideas
19:42.22Esamynn~emulate me
19:42.23purlWhat?! The bot doesn't have <insert command here> learned yet?!! I must show it the light.
19:42.32kergoth~emulate me
19:42.34purlACTION hacks on bitbake, OpenEmbedded, OpenZaurus, and other projects
19:43.03Cairlol Esamynn
19:44.22purlaw, gee, Esamynn
19:46.47Temneed a way to determine when the player stops swimming
19:47.41IrielI haven't been able to think of one to date
19:47.56IrielThere is no 'PlayerIsWet()' function, sadly
19:48.05Temthe only thing I can think of is to use the breath bar
19:48.18IrielYeah, breath only tells you they're no longer drowning
19:48.18Esamynnwhat are you trying to do btw?
19:48.23Beladonayou know what I need for wdn? the same thing pastebin has
19:48.30Tembut that doesn't work if they are using some thing that cancels the need for breathing
19:48.43Nomad_Wandereroops MT.
19:49.02IrielHow can you stealth-ask anyway 8-)
19:49.03shouryuuwell you could try and get the speed at which is his moving
19:49.03Nomad_WandererSo, yeah. I have this question about editboxes.
19:49.03Esamynn~lart Nomad_Wanderer
19:49.22kergothew, nomad guts on the floor
19:49.25Temlike the warlock buff or an item that gives you the same or a druid in sea cow form
19:49.39Nomad_WandererSo I have this stupid freaking editbox that won't give up focus..
19:49.59Nomad_WandererOnce i start typing in it, I can't get focus back to the chatFrameEditBox.
19:50.11Temshouryuu: yeah, but that's ugly
19:50.33shouryuuI like ugly
19:50.35TemEsamynn: I want to equip my underwater breathing staff when I start swimming
19:50.38IrielNomad_Wanderer : Do you call ClearFocus on it?
19:50.49Nomad_Wandererno.. I didn't know I needed to.
19:50.57Nomad_WandererWhen should I do that?
19:50.58kergothshouryuu: <insert smartass comment about your significant other here>
19:51.16Esamynnwell if you only need it when under the water, is there any reason the breath bar doesn't work for both?
19:51.23Nomad_WandererI thought the attribute autoFocus="false" was all i needed.
19:51.23IrielNomad_Wanderer : I'm not sure if it is, but the standard UI does a number of places
19:51.39TemEsamynn: well the breath bar disappears when you put on the staff
19:51.47Esamynnoh right, duh!
19:51.53Nomad_WandererI'm willing to try anything at this point (well except squid)
19:51.53Temso there is no reliable way to know when you aren't swimming anymore
19:51.55IrielGenerally they do it in <OnEscapePressed>
19:52.02Nomad_WandererWhere should I shove a clearfous()?
19:52.09Nomad_Wandererokay :)
19:52.32TemEditBox:SetScript("OnEscapePressed",function() this:ClearFocus() end)
19:53.22Nomad_WandererIntresting.. I was going to add a script tag event into the xml... Where would that lua bit go you jsut posted Tem? early? onload?
19:53.59Tembut adding the script tag is probably better
19:54.03Temfor readabiliyt
19:54.22TemI just hate ex em ell
19:54.30Cairokay, forgive me if this is a stupid suggestion, but ... there are 4 animations when you are swimming ... actively swimming, swimming in place, drowning and drowned ... so if one of those 4 animations isn't happening, then they aren't swimming ... thus, shouldn't there be some sort of command to call/end those animations?
19:54.32malrethhate makes you strong
19:54.49malrethcair: not from the ui
19:55.00Temsadly we can't tell what unit animations are playing
19:55.04purlDo or do not. There is no try.
19:55.11Cairokie dokie, was just a thought
19:55.19Cair<== freely admits her stupidity
19:55.28malrethno... not stupid
19:55.38malrethno stupid ideas when brainstorming
19:55.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Malivil (
19:56.06Esamynnexcept the ones that ment to be stupid ;)
19:56.14shouryuuI stil think getting the speed at which your moving is the only way...
19:56.15malrethyeah, those are dumb
19:56.16CairI'd disagree
19:56.39malrethwhat about swim speed altering items and effects?
19:56.49IrielWhat about someone who leaves the water and stops?
19:56.51Temshouryuu: but that won't always work either
19:57.03Temswim speed potions
19:57.09Temdruid sea cow form
19:57.11shouryuujust compare
19:57.22shouryuuis druid sea cow form = rnormal running speed?
19:57.22Temleaving the water at a walk instead of run
19:57.23Cairanyone with a basic knowledge would have known that, and thus wouldn't have even bothered making the suggestion, thus making the suggestion indicates stupidity due to fact that the person making the suggestion shouldn't even be trying to help since they've no concept :p
19:57.30EsamynnTem: what you don't like the Druid Aqua form? :P
19:57.36shouryuuwalk speed ~= swim speed
19:57.43Temthe druid aqua form is awesome
19:57.44IrielCair: I think you're describing ignorance rather than stupidity.
19:57.47Tembut the model is hideous
19:57.50Enddude, water form is ugly
19:58.01EsamynnCair: Ignorance can be cured. Stupidity is TERMINAL!
19:58.01EndI like it, but I don't like to look -at- it
19:58.19kergothEsamynn: well said
19:58.24shouryuuSo an idiot may never know he is an idiot?
19:58.30TemBeauty fades; stupid is forever.
19:58.53shouryuunvm the will the sentence makes sens
19:58.55shouryuuI'm just
19:59.16purlIgnorance can be cured. Stupidity is TERMINAL!!
19:59.18Tempurl: no, ignorance is bliss!
19:59.19purlTem: okay
19:59.37purli guess ignorance is bliss!
19:59.38EsamynnI like mine better Tem
19:59.48Temwell that's not what I was going for...
19:59.55Temsomeone fix it
19:59.57Esamynnpurl, no, ignorance is <reply> Ignorance can be cured. Stupidity is TERMINAL!!
19:59.58purlEsamynn: okay
20:00.19Esamynnpurl, no, ignorance is <reply> Ignorance can be cured. Stupidity is TERMINAL!! || <reply> Ignorance is bliss!
20:00.20purlEsamynn: okay
20:00.24Esamynnthere we go
20:01.12purlIgnorance is bliss!
20:01.18EndI bet it is
20:01.58EsamynnEnd: I agree, druid aqua form is ugly :(
20:02.46Esamynnand I want a non-placeholder travel form skin, and I want Dire Bear to at least be bigger than normal Bear......etc.
20:02.49CairAnduinLothar: you there?
20:02.50shouryuuif Mytable[1] has no value, is it nil? For example if I do MyTable = {}; is MyTable[1] == nil?
20:02.58kergothshouryuu: yes
20:02.59Irielshouryuu : Yes
20:03.05shouryuuwow ytou guys read fast
20:03.26shouryuuthanks :P
20:03.44Esamynnshouryuu: Lua returns nil whenever you try to reference a variable that hasn't been defined
20:04.05shouryuuok cool
20:04.19kergothwell, lua returns nil for nonexistant values in tables.  the global environment is a table. :)
20:04.26Esamynnbut don't feed nil into a table as an index, that it complains about
20:04.36Cairwho else was bitching about how non-intuitive it is to find how to upload at WoWI, besides AnduinLothar?
20:04.38shouryuuthat I know
20:04.40Esamynnkergoth: yah, yah, we know
20:04.57Nomad_WandererYou can upload @ WoWI?
20:05.09Cair~smack Nomad_Wanderer
20:05.11purlACTION smacks Nomad_Wanderer upside the head.
20:05.23TemCair: I agree, it's kinda hard
20:05.32Esamynnlast time I did a new upload was like January, I can't remember how it used to be done even ;)
20:05.42IrielCair: I was a bit, it can be confusing sometimes.. The 'replace old version versus add new one' thing is a bit wacky
20:05.42kergothEsamynn: i didnt expect otherwise, but there are almost always those reading who arent speaking, who dont, and i like to clarify for them :)
20:05.45Cairokay, check out front page now, left hand side, on the menu
20:05.53IrielI've accidently removed an old version ebfore
20:05.55Irielbefore, even
20:05.56Cairtell me what you guys think
20:05.58Tembut the one that's the hardest for me to find is the search for the addons
20:06.10shouryuuthe search is fine imo
20:06.40TemI'd like to be able to search addons from the front page
20:06.41EsamynnCair: while we are on the topic, have you ever considered added an option to upload a beta of the next version of a current interface?
20:06.45Cairyou can, Tem
20:06.54TemI can't figure it out
20:06.59Cairtop menu bar
20:07.00kergothTem: click search. click in the text box to search downloads. click the search downloads button
20:07.09Temok that's been changed recently
20:07.17CairNope, been there all along
20:07.22Esamynn~comfort Kaelten
20:07.23purlThere, there, Kaelten.  It's OK.  I'm here for you.
20:07.31Cairlater Kaelten|Work
20:07.39CairEsamynn: you can
20:07.45Cairwe have a beta section
20:07.52Esamynnas an AddOn right?
20:08.04Esamynnbut then you have to enable uploading of addons for everyone for that mod
20:08.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Natasem (n=Natasem@
20:08.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (
20:08.38Cair*is obviously missing something here*
20:08.45Temsorry gaim crashed
20:08.49Esamynnhow to explain...
20:08.56Cairtem, it's always been there
20:09.11Temrecently when I would click the search thing I *would not* get that drop down
20:09.17Temit brought me to a page to search the forums
20:09.25Cairnaw, it's been that way forever
20:09.25Temwhich annoyed me to no end
20:09.26shouryuuyeah that happens sometimes
20:09.30shouryuuI have that as well
20:09.41Cairhard refresh your browser then
20:09.46shouryuuthat's happen like twice or thrice to me
20:09.48Nomad_WandererHmm. maybe it's my hook? I was able to remove focus from my editbox (using Clearfous()), but I can't give focus to the chatframe anymore. The part about if you click on the chatframe and start typing it automatically opens the chatframe editbox and puts what you type in there isn't working... :(
20:10.09shouryuuw00t I added code without breaking my add-on! I maybe even FIXED it! rrawrrr!!
20:10.19Cairthere was a *very* brief period of time when that search dropdown was only for the forums
20:10.39Cairbut it wasn't for long, and it was way back when we first re-opened the site
20:11.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Plorkyeran[Away] (
20:11.23CairEsamynn: figured out a different way to ask, that I might get this time?
20:12.23EsamynnCair: I know you can upload into the beta section, but what I'd like is to be able to upload a beta of my next version, and link it to the current release, then when I release the version, I want to have the beta download go away until I've got the beta for the next version ready
20:12.54Cairhrm, okay, I think I understand a bit better now
20:13.04Cairsuggestion ... do it the way Gello is for ItemRack
20:13.22Esamynnthats a posibility, can you delete an upload?
20:13.33Cairoh yeah
20:13.46Cairhere, look at what Gello is doing
20:13.58Cairhe's got his "beta" as a "patch"
20:14.00Esamynnyes, I have seen that
20:14.37Esamynnalthough, that invovles allowing anyone to upload a patch/addon to your mod, which may not be a bad thing
20:14.44shouryuuMC cap is just so overpowered...
20:15.20Tembecause it can use player abilities
20:15.21Cairif you want for *you* to be able to upload a beta version, then why does anyone else need access?
20:15.28Cairthat's the part I keep missing
20:15.39shouryuuI think she was talking to esamynn :P
20:15.57Esamynnwhen you turn on uploading of Addons,/Patches that turns it on for everyone, if its off, no one can do it
20:16.15MalivilHe wants to be able to upload patched without letting anyone else do it
20:16.17Cairhrm ...
20:16.19Malivilonly letting him
20:16.23Cairokay, right, gotcha now
20:16.25Esamynnyou could turn it on and then back off, but that seems like more work then should be required
20:16.26Cairyeah, got it
20:16.38Esamynnjust a thought
20:16.47MalivilI agree with you Esamynn
20:16.47Cairwill talk it over with Dolby, see what we can come up with
20:17.09Esamynn~cheer Cair
20:17.11purlACTION cheers Cair on
20:17.22Malivil~cookie Esamynn
20:17.36purlMalivil: thanks
20:17.40Esamynn~give Malivil a cookie
20:17.41purlACTION gives Malivil a home-baked macadamia nut cookie to cheer him up.
20:17.43Cairmind you, I know something we are already working on that will solve the problem, but I can't tell you about it because of the spies in channel ;) :p
20:18.05Esamynn............, DAMNIT, TELL ME! ;)
20:19.07Cairso aaaanyway ... you guys didn't tell me what you think of the new bit added to the left side menu on the front page
20:19.28EsamynnI think it makes sense, although I don't even remember the old way of doing it
20:19.31Malivilwhich part?
20:19.59Cairre uploading mods :p
20:20.21MalivilThank you for adding tha
20:20.26Cairis that better?
20:20.31MalivilNow i wont get lost looking for the button
20:20.33MalivilYea, much
20:20.42MalivilYou had to go into the seciton you wanted to upload to
20:20.48Maliviland click the upload button
20:21.06Esamynni've only uploaded a new addon once, and that was in like January
20:21.45MalivilI uploaded my first addon yesterday
20:21.53MalivilTook me like... 4 hours to get a screenshot for it
20:22.10Esamynnwhat addon?
20:22.14MalivilAimedShot Alert
20:24.11TemMalivil: can I suggest you change that to "Your Aimed Shot crit for X!"?
20:24.23Tem"critted" looks silly to me
20:24.52Malivilill change that for .06
20:25.20MalivilI also want to add the target name and damage done if possible
20:25.29MalivilBut i have to research how first
20:25.53Temparse the combat log
20:26.07TemCHAT_MSG_SPELL_DAMAGE or something like that
20:26.24Tem(I don't have a hunter so I have no idea what event aimed shot triggers)
20:26.24MalivilI already have a parse to identify that Aimed Shot is going off and is critting
20:26.31Temshow me
20:26.36Malivilbut i dont know how to extract the target and damage
20:26.42TemThat's not very hard
20:26.49Temit's just a little extra in the regex
20:26.52EsamynnIriel: have you ever considered adding a feature to DevTools to allow the user to register for events and have it notify you when they fire and with what arguments?
20:27.28shouryuuaww FFS these people are such FUCKING ass holes
20:27.41shouryuuI ask politely for someone to help me test my add-on
20:27.47shouryuuit takes 5 second of his free time
20:28.08shouryuuand now half of STV is ignoring me
20:28.34CairStrangleThorn Vale
20:28.40Esamynnbah, their just unelightened b00s anyways shouryuu
20:28.43Ktronlol... what sort of addon is it?
20:30.58KtronDoes LUA/WoW API have some kind of way to open files? or is that a no-go?
20:31.20Xiphorisif it did you could probably take over the user's computer :)
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20:32.29KtronXiphoris: heh, that'd be entertaining... I guess that's true, so I guess if I want to have a saved set of pairs I either need to use SavedVariables or write it out in lua
20:32.55EsamynnKrtron: no I/O in WoW other than saved variables
20:33.06Esamynncurrently you can do it with key bindings, but thats gone in 1.9
20:33.53Malivilwhat does your addon do?
20:34.28MalivilIf it has anything pertaining to high level rogues or low level warlocks and warriors then i can test it
20:34.44Malivil(high level being 48) (low level being <= 11)
20:35.10Malivilor a 46 hunter...
20:35.51KtronEsamynn: aight
20:38.40shouryuuhumm cair could you give me inviting privileges on the guild on Darka? I need to see how my add-on reacts when a player joins the guild. Spamming for help in STV and getting insulted for 15 mins isn't the best way of doing stuff...
20:40.49Beladonajust have someone make a char, and then one of the officers can invite them
20:42.02shouryuuyeah but I need to test it often
20:42.24shouryuuI don't really know what's wrong and how to solve it so I'm debugging
20:43.34shouryuuKinda feeling my way around
20:43.46Temdoes lua have a "binary" file mode?
20:43.55TemI really don't feel like serializing my table
20:44.54IrielYou're talking about an out-of-WoW thing, I take it?
20:45.20IrielIf so: The mode string may also have a b at the end, which is needed in some systems to open the file in binary mode. This string is exactly what is used in the standard C function fopen.
20:46.30IrielYou still have to serialize your table though, I dont see a table output method, though i'm sure others have written them and you can just use one of theirs
20:49.40Temsorry.. I tabbed out for a bit
20:49.56Temyes I'm writing a forum thing and lua is my language of choice atm
20:51.38Tembah... I was hoping I'd be able to just dump my table to the file
20:53.32shouryuuah meh I'll make this add-on work someother day
20:56.29shouryuuIf a tree falls in the middle of the Amazonian forest, and no one is anywhere near it, does the falling tree make a sound?
20:57.40Irielshouryuu : Yes
20:58.37Cairand sorry shouryuu, I was afk, didn't see your request
20:58.51CairI suppose so
20:59.00shouryuumeh nvm my brother is downloading stuff my ping is at 2000 so no WoW for me
20:59.00Cairwhich side?
20:59.06Cairah, okay
20:59.14Cairwell, another time then
20:59.20shouryuuyeah :P
20:59.38Beladonaare you just inviting random people?
20:59.41shouryuuI've had the joy of discussing that dumb question with my Philosophy teacher for 1h30 mins today
20:59.44Beladonato test it
21:00.08shouryuuwell if no here is willing to spend time testing it (which I perfectly understand) then yes
21:00.11shouryuuI pick a guy
21:00.16shouryuuask him to join and leave
21:00.19shouryuurepeat :P
21:00.57Beladonajust think it would work better to have someone to help test
21:01.14shouryuuYeah it would but I live in paris
21:01.22shouryuuI work on my add-on when you sleep or are at work
21:01.25shouryuuand vice versa
21:01.33shouryuuso finding people is tough
21:02.43shouryuuif it bothers you that I invite random people I can always create a guild with an alt on my main server
21:02.50shouryuuI just don't have the courage tonight :P
21:03.17Malivilwhat does ur addon do shouryuu?
21:03.57shouryuu lazy too explain :P
21:04.42Temshouryuu: to get rid of the get num guild members stuff
21:04.46Temyou GuildRoster
21:05.00shouryuuYeah I am
21:05.01Temthat will force a GUILD_ROSTER_UPDATE event
21:05.10shouryuubut the guild roster update takes time
21:05.14shouryuuit isn't imediate
21:05.17Temvery very little time
21:05.25shouryuudepends on your ping :P
21:05.25Tem< 1 second usually
21:05.40Temyou don't need to do it very often
21:05.49shouryuui've had times where i could /loto and press the button before the event had been fired
21:05.58Esamynnit only actually updates max every 10 seconds as well I think
21:06.14shouryuumy main problem is just keeping the names stable
21:06.41shouryuuI don't want people joining the guild while a loto is taking place to be able to join it
21:06.53shouryuuI'll change it later but for now I just want that
21:07.00shouryuumy code is just
21:07.23shouryuuI don't think ugly even starts defining how bad it is
21:08.18shouryuuI'm just brain dead tonight
21:08.26shouryuuI'll think about it tomorow
21:08.33shouryuufor now, I'm going to buy a crepe :P
21:08.55Cair|afkmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, that's a good idea for supper!
21:09.08shouryuuit's desert here :P
21:09.21Cair|afkdepends on which you make, doesn't it?
21:09.29Cair|afkie what you have it filled with ;)
21:09.34IrielIt depends what you put in it, yeah
21:09.41shouryuuit's called nutela
21:09.46IrielTry baileys and softened ice-cream
21:10.02shouryuunutela and bannana FTW
21:10.15Cair|afkokay, now I'm hungry, damnit
21:10.25TemIriel: so what did you mean you still have to serialize a table if the file is in binary mode?
21:10.28Cair|afkafk, back later
21:11.02Ktronpurl, Cair|afk
21:11.04purlI don't think Cair is really afk...
21:11.09IrielTem:  I meant that it's still your responsibility to write the data to the stream
21:11.39Cair|afklol Ktron
21:11.40Temso you can't just io.write(table)?
21:12.53IrielNot as far as I can tell
21:13.00Temoh well
21:13.09TemI'll just use PiL's code
21:13.18TemI remember it having one
21:13.40Irielfrom file:write's documentation: Writes the value of each of its arguments to the filehandle file. The arguments must be strings or numbers. To write other values, use tostring or string.format before write.
21:14.04KtronSo if I was trying to learn how to use SavedVariables, anyone know of any good site to look at? or do you think I should just try referencing the never-so-wonderful-example squidmod again?
21:15.35KtronTem, ftw
21:16.33Temthat's actually Iriel's article.. So all credit goes to him
21:19.20IrielUnless you can't follow it, in which case, I'll give it to Tem 8-)
21:19.28IrielActually, if you can't follow it, tell me why and i'll try and fix it
21:21.34Ktronheh, alright
21:22.03Ktronmy guess Iriel is that if I have trouble, it'll be because I didn't read all the material you probably expected me to have read/know beforehand
21:24.01Temanyone have the class colors in hex handy?
21:24.47IrielIn hex, no.
21:25.09IrielThey're in decimal in RAID_CLASS_COLORS, you could convert them.
21:25.45Temthat's easy enough
21:26.07Temwhat file is that in?
21:28.48shouryuuhhhhhuumm crepe
21:30.38Astrylmmmm, crepes...
21:32.10TemI love that in paris (and most other large french cities) you can go get those ANYWHERE for like 3 euro
21:32.17*** part/#wowi-lounge Malivil (
21:32.25Temso much unneeded sugar in my system
21:33.20purlI wonder what Tem is breaking now...
21:34.33shouryuuyeah :P
21:34.45shouryuuThere are like 3 people selling crepes at my doorstep
21:34.51purlwell, esamynn is the author of GroupHeal which can be found on WoWI
21:35.10purlyou are, like, an annoying forum troll
21:35.27shouryuuthere should be "why am I a troll priest" as well
21:37.41Temtime for me to go get some food
21:37.51Temand get a few errands done
21:37.58shouryuufood is overrated
21:37.59Temhopefully I can avoid the bulk of the traffic
21:38.03Temfood is overrated
21:38.08Tembut I need it to live sometimes
21:38.11Temso... you know
21:40.14purlfrom memory, ktron is dangerous. He doesn't really know what he is doing. Stop him.
21:40.18Esamynn~emulate ktron
21:41.28Esamynn~lart ktron
21:41.42Esamynnpurl says you are dangerous so...
21:41.44purlokay, Esamynn
21:41.53Esamynnumm, oops
21:42.04Ktronpurl, says you
21:42.05purlsays you are dangerous so...
21:42.05Esamynnwtf did I just program in
21:42.13Ktronforget says you
21:42.25Esamynn~forget says you
21:42.25purli forgot says you, Esamynn
21:42.51purlthanks, Esamynn
21:42.58Ktronyou need to be careful starting with 'purl'
21:42.58shouryuuhow do I just delete a table
21:43.05shouryuuI want not Table to be true
21:43.06Esamynnset it to nil
21:43.18shouryuuhummm how would I do that?
21:43.28shouryuutable[] = nil?
21:43.31EsamynnTable = nil
21:43.40shouryuuok cool
21:44.05shouryuuI might have my problem soulved
21:44.26Esamynnwhen there are no references left to a table, the GC takes care of it
21:44.47Esamynnnot counting weak references of course ;)
21:45.04shouryuuI ahve no idea what that meant but I'll just *nod*
21:45.14shouryuuI know GC = garbage collection
21:45.18shouryuubut that's taht
21:45.52Esamynnyou can setup a table so that it only has "weak" references, weak references aren't counted by the GC when deciding when you GC something
21:47.09shouryuuso weak reference can never e set to nil?
21:47.19shouryuumeh nvm
21:47.19Nomad_WandererWait a minute did you just say weak references AREN'T looked at by the GC?
21:47.30shouryuuthat's what I understood
21:48.33Nomad_WandererHehe.. I guess I don't understand. I see these two sentences as contradictory. "A weak reference is ignored by the garbage collector. In other words, if the only references to an object are weak references, then the garbage collector will collect that object."
21:48.43IrielThey are ignored AS REFERENCES
21:48.53Irieli..e the GC doesn't count them when doing a reference check
21:49.22Nomad_Wandererreference has too many meanings :)
21:55.34IrielYou know, I keep forgetting that capability exists
21:56.00Esamynnmetatables FTW :)
21:56.43Esamynnwhat the lua documentation needs is a list of all the metatable entries and what they do, all in one place
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22:07.48Industriallets start with full blizzard docs mmkay? xD
22:08.08IrielI'm pretty sure they dont have any
22:08.13Irielafterall, they have the code
22:08.33Industriallousy coders then
22:08.44Industrialwell at least for work i document everything that i make
22:08.50IrielThat's a bad assumption
22:08.55Irielit may be brilliantly commented and named
22:09.05Industrialcommenting is also documenting
22:09.09Irielof course, it may not.
22:09.14IrielYes, but it's not PUBLISHABLE documentation
22:09.30Industrialyeah :[
22:10.05krkaalso, documentation tends to get outdated quickly
22:11.25CladhaireEvening all
22:12.14AstrylAye, I comment but never externally document any code I write for work.
22:12.46krkathough documenting the interface to the outside world is a good ida
22:13.07AstrylIt's simply a waste of time. A good programmer can understand what code does by looking at it. Comments help fill in the blanks like *why* it works the way it does, but usually aren't even necessary.
22:13.29krkayes, but sometimes you don't want to read all of the code to understand how to talk to it
22:13.32IrielThat's overly simplistic also
22:13.42KtronIriel: I'm about to turn on the fan, and we'll see what hits it, and if I followed your SavedVariables doc
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22:14.02IrielDocumenting external interfaces for an external user DOES require time/energy you wouldn't otherwise HAVE to spend.
22:14.08Gryphenono i esceared of teh rawr! i need a huggle.
22:14.11AstrylOverly simplistic is the best way when you move as fast as we do.
22:14.37IrielSo it is often unnecessary, for closed development communities (or unsupported external ones)
22:14.39AstrylAye, I agree, full documentation of external interfaces is a good idea, but I don't have any of those in any of the code I write.
22:15.46shouryuucould someone be my idol for life and create a char on Durotan an accept my guild invite? If someone did that, I'd just, love you very much
22:16.01KtronIriel: does ## SavedVariables: in the .toc mark variables to be saved as global variables, or per addon?
22:16.09Osagasu~for porn
22:16.29IrielYes, and yes 8-)
22:16.41IrielSaved variables always come from (and go into) the global namespace
22:16.56IrielBut they're saved in the addon-specific saved variables file
22:17.04Iriel(So they dont load if the addon doesn't)
22:17.36AstrylHeh... I've got 3 main characters... one didn't join a guild until level 60. One is in a guild of two people, (and is level 60 as well), and the other is in a guild of one person (me), currently level 43.
22:17.55AstrylSo yeah, sure Shouryuu.
22:18.17KtronYou mentioned 3 different places variables are saved-- in \Account\SavedVariables.lua , SavedVariables\AddOnName.lua, and the Account\Realm\Char\AddOnName.lua... Do coders differentiate between the first two?
22:18.23shouryuulol I like the solo guild
22:18.28Astryl(The guild of two people is my gf and me, "Just the Two of Us")
22:18.32shouryuuit's not for the guild it's just for the add on :P
22:18.34shouryuuhaha nice name
22:18.39IrielWelll, you only worry about the first if you use RegisterForSave, which you shouldn't 8-)
22:19.00Astryl(The guild of one person is "Raena's Pet". That's my Feral Druid. Raena is my gf's character on that server)
22:19.18KtronIriel: Yeah, I'm trying to avoid the first, and I was worried that using ## SavedVariables: would specify the first and not hte second
22:19.28IrielAh.. no, it goes into the 2nd
22:20.05AstrylSo... Durotan server, right?
22:20.42shouryuuthanks you so much
22:20.44shouryuualliance side
22:20.47shouryuuwhisper elche
22:20.54shouryuuyou really are a cool person :P
22:21.56CodayusHmmm, it drops caps?
22:22.15shouryuuDon't think so
22:22.20shouryuuMy name isn't caped
22:22.22MoonWolfthis is silly
22:22.25MoonWolfstop it.
22:22.38Ktronstupid question-- handler refers to the <tag></tag> or to the function designed to run at that time?
22:22.46Ktron(ie, handle the events, handle loading...)
22:22.50IrielCan you give some context?
22:22.55CodayusThen why did it drop the A in "an" do you suppose?
22:23.35KtronIriel: in your HOWTO, you mention adding code to 'your OnLoad handler' and 'your OnEvent handler'
22:23.38GryphenCause we had a bot in our chan once that would kick on all caps and people would get me kicked by typing all caps
22:23.39shouryuuI've never heard gryphen actualy talk
22:23.43GryphenA was common
22:23.44shouryuutake that back
22:23.50IrielAh, then I mean whatever is run by the <OnLoad> / <OnEvent>
22:24.00CodayusAh.  Right.
22:24.01KtronIriel: alright, that's what I thought
22:24.09IrielBe it code in the XML file in the tag, or in the function(s) called by them
22:24.18CodayusMakes sense.
22:26.29KtronAnd ';' are unecessary, right?
22:27.00krkathis wouldn't work in the xml would it? <OnLoad> DEFAULT_CHATFRAME:AddMessage("</OnLoad>") </OnLoad>
22:28.12MoonWolfWho would it not work ?
22:28.21IrielIt should work
22:28.47Iriel;'s are usually unnecessary, that is correct
22:28.55Irielthough (outside of macros) I recommend you use them anyway
22:29.21Irielit helps spot some syntax issues
22:29.28MoonWolfDamn, i yust wrote an entire addon without them :P
22:29.38kergothbah, skip the semicolons and use a decent editor with syntax highlighting.
22:29.48MoonWolfPersonal preference really.
22:29.58MoonWolfYou can do both, pick what you want.
22:30.05KtronI'm used to php, so I've been using them
22:30.14MoonWolfBut the code between the onload's should work fine.
22:30.17MoonWolfI think.
22:30.32Irielkergoth: the problem with that is when you ask someone else to debug it.
22:30.59krkajust wondering how blizzards xml parser works
22:31.11krkathey can't be running a generic xml parser then
22:31.41kergotheveryone i'd work with developing my code uses a sane editor.
22:31.52krkamust be switching to a LUA parser after seeing <OnLoad> and such tags
22:32.21krkaand then switching back to xml mode when they see </OnLoad> as the next token
22:32.22IrielYes, it does
22:32.34Irielit feeds the content of the <OnXXX> element to lua
22:32.54IrielThere's no such thing (really) as a 'generic XML parser'
22:32.55krkabut I thought it first built a nice parse tree from the xml
22:33.00krkaand then fed the content to LUA
22:33.14MoonWolfIn a way. i think it parses the xml creates the objects defined in it and assings the code to the objects where it should be. and then lua activly kicks in.
22:33.16Irielwhich is to say, there IS a generic XMl parser, but the real magic is always with what the reading application DOES with that
22:33.34krkageneric xml -> parse tree is pretty common I think
22:33.43IrielNow, when it passes it to lua, it does wrap a function() end around it.
22:33.56IrielThey're using expat, so it does the parse (stream or tree) however that works
22:34.18MoonWolfI care little for how they do it. if i put the code there it works. thats enough for me.
22:34.20krkamy question was, put it more simply, won't the xml parser choke on something like this? <OnLoad> s = "</X>" </OnLoad>
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22:34.32Irielkrka : Yes
22:34.35MoonWolfnot if its a decent parser......
22:34.37MoonWolfyes ?
22:34.41IrielThat's invalid XML
22:34.46Irielif it's a decent parser it'll choke
22:35.08krkathat's not what you said before :)
22:35.10MoonWolfbut its a string. everything in the string is simply part of the string. not part of the xml file.
22:35.18IrielNo, the file is an XML file
22:35.24Irielonly after you're parsed the XMl can you talk about the content
22:35.42AstrylYou're supposed to use some weird xml tag to include raw string text like that in Xml...
22:35.43Iriel(So I mis-answered the earlier DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME question, Since I thought you were askng about whether you coul call AddMessage, sorry)
22:35.53IrielYou can use the CDATA tag, yeah
22:35.57Irielor you can just escape the <
22:36.04Astrylit's like <:CDATA>Blah</sdfe></:CDATA>
22:36.04krkayou think I would ask such a trivial question? I'm insulted! =)
22:36.35krkaah, blizzar allows escaping of "/"?
22:36.37IrielI didn't pay attention to WHO was asking, sorry 8-)
22:36.50MoonWolfLearn something new everyday i guess.
22:37.06Irielthe cdata think looks a bit different than that
22:37.15krkaoh well, as long as you do all your work in .lua files this will never be an issue
22:37.33krkadoing all your code in xml, some error like this is bound to come up sooner or later
22:37.48IrielIf you use an XML aware editor, you'd be fine anyway
22:37.53Beladonaguess I missed the fun
22:37.58IrielAnd XML errors generally show up in FrameXML.log
22:38.04Beladonawho are we flogging?
22:38.18krkait's not a biggie, realy
22:38.21Beladonawe don't flog you
22:38.23Beladonayou like it
22:38.35MoonWolfstill flogging if he like it.
22:38.53krkanight sarf|sleep
22:39.03krkapansy, it's not even tomorrow yet
22:39.09shouryuuhow can I be getting an error stating that NamesTable[index] is nil on the second line?
22:39.16krkaalso, it's conan on tv4+ :P
22:39.20Beladonafinally I can sit down and export 4886
22:40.42krkait says that?
22:41.07krkait's not index that is nil?
22:41.16krkano wait, that would choke on line 1
22:41.42Beladonawhere is namestoad defined?
22:41.44AstrylAnd it's not that namestoadd is null? Gotta init that as "" or something.
22:41.54Beladonabecause I dont see it
22:42.08krkathat would be my guess to
22:42.21MoonWolfLets start with. paste the real total error.
22:42.44MoonWolfor type it over.
22:42.45Beladonanah, if that is all his code, then that is his error, on line 2
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22:44.42KtronIriel: you still kicking around?
22:45.27shouryuu is all the concerning code
22:45.55shouryuuI get an error on line 6 saying that it tried to index NamesTable a nil value
22:46.21IrielYou dont actually create NamesTable anywhere
22:46.27shouryuuI do before
22:46.43IrielThen this isn't "all the concerning code" is it? 8-)
22:46.48KtronIriel: so, still working on your howto, My addon isn't doing what I think it should... Let's see, clarifying question, when you say local initDemo_foo = Demo_foo; you're copying the 'default' value (stored in Demo_foo) into the variable initDemo_foo, right?
22:46.55shouryuuwell if you want the 250 lines of it :P
22:47.08Beladonathat would go a lot further for finding your error
22:47.24shouryuuI get this error qfter I call NamesTable = nil;
22:47.46shouryuumaybe I should if not NamesTable instead
22:48.02Beladonayou are setting NamesTable = nil; ?
22:48.04IrielKtron : Yes, I believe in my example it's a table
22:48.17shouryuujust before calling the if
22:48.30Beladonaso wouldn't that be why it is telling you it is nil?
22:48.48shouryuuyeah but why is it bypassing the if?
22:49.02KtronIriel: so the rest of the addon should work with initDemo_foo, not Demo_foo, right?
22:49.27shouryuushouldn't I get an error stating that I'm trying to compare a nil value with something?
22:49.31Beladonabecause you need to set NamesTable as a table
22:49.34Beladonanot nil
22:49.51IrielKtron : The bit of code you're talking about is, if I recall correctly, only required if you need to handle both your 'defaults' AND the loaded variables AND know that variables were loaded.
22:50.00shouryuuahhh very true
22:50.36shouryuubut still, why am I not getting an error on the if?
22:50.41IrielKtron : The addon should work with Demo_food, EXCEPT that during the ADDON_LOADED processing you can do if (initDemo_foo ~= Demo_foo) then <Put code that deals with loaded settings here> end
22:51.01IrielKtron : Most of the time, you dont need that code though
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22:53.16Beladonashouryuu: not sure, but set NamesTable = {}; first and then we can debug further if you still get an error
22:53.26Irielshouryuu : if your if is "if (NamesTable) " then it's fine, because you're not dereferencing the table
22:53.38shouryuuyeah that's what I put
22:53.46shouryuuit's basiacly what I wanted
22:53.58shouryuuthanks :P
22:54.14IrielBy the way, why do you do .. "\n" .. "\n" .. "\n"
22:54.19IrielInstead of .. "\n\n\n"
22:54.30shouryuubecause I didn't know we could do that :P
22:55.54Irielfair enough -- you can do that 8-)
22:58.24KtronIriel: This is my LUA-- -- it loads, however it tells me it loaded Saved stuff _even_ on the first run of the addon, and after trying to use '/emp clear'... I can show you my xml and toc if you'd like too... And from what you've just said and since I haven't used initEmotePlusSettings, I think the highlighted line is superfluous
22:59.45Ktronhm, looks like I might have an extra end
22:59.54IrielYou do need to check arg1 is equal to your addon's name when you get ADDON_LOADED
22:59.54Ktronno, nvm
23:00.05IrielAnd yes, that line is superfluous, given where you put it
23:01.14IrielIF you'd put local initEmotePlusSettings; at the top of your file, AND changed the highlighted line to remove the word local AND added (if EmotePlusSettings == initEmotePlusSettings) in your ADDON_LOADED handler, you'd get the result you expect
23:02.41IrielLet me edit the pastebin
23:03.04KtronI follow anyway
23:04.14IrielKtron :
23:05.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Verlaine (
23:05.21Verlaineokkk my pc just restarted on its own
23:05.48*** join/#wowi-lounge shouryuu (
23:05.57Gryphenono i esceared of teh rawr! i need a huggle.
23:07.03KtronIriel: I tried your changes, and now I'm not getting any messages about the saved variables at all
23:10.08shouryuuw00t my add on is fixed
23:10.17shouryuuI am a happy monkey!
23:10.54KtronIriel: Also, the event handler is firing twice on startup, not once
23:11.35KtronIriel: hm, I've got an idea
23:12.03Osagasuand Cair was afraid the channel would be dead
23:12.10KtronIriel: got it, thanks
23:12.23CodayusWas she?  Heh.
23:12.41Osagasucause of the guilds
23:12.48Osagasushe was talking bout it last night
23:12.50KtronOsagasu: heh, if anything, the reason this channel is ginormous is that it was relatively quickly announced
23:13.06shouryuua new word!
23:13.33CodayusBecause of the guilds?
23:13.55CodayusAh, on Draka?
23:13.58Ktronpurl, ginormous
23:13.59purlwell, ginormous is somewhere between gigantic and enormous.
23:14.21Ktronbah, to talk on guild channels would be a pain, especially reloading mods all of the time
23:14.40shouryuuyeah :P
23:15.05CodayusWell, for my part, I'm chatting on a PDA in a classroom over a GPRS link.  There's no wayI could run WoW...
23:15.25OsagasuI told her that the only things that's changed is now the UI community is playing together, rather than apart.
23:15.41Ktronbah, it still isn't working
23:17.13shouryuuvery true osa :p
23:18.22CodayusHmm, not sure if I'll play much on Draka.  The attraction of lvling up a new char on a fresh server is attractive, but...
23:18.46shouryuuI want to get a pally to 60
23:18.51shouryuubut I don't want to lvl him :P
23:19.04CodayusI'm sort of in the middle lf lvlling up a char already.
23:19.18shouryuuI'm going to lvl a druid during christmas
23:19.23shouryuuI asked myself
23:19.40shouryuuhummm, should I reroll a warrior, a rogue or a mage?
23:19.46shouryuuthen I said, he ill do all three
23:19.53shouryuuand ended up with a druid :P
23:20.00CodayusI've got, hmm, a 29 'lock, a 30 mage, and a 32 hunter. I really want to get 1 of those to 60...
23:20.03shouryuuand I forgot to add priest
23:20.12shouryuu39 war, 60 priest for now
23:20.16shouryuuand a few lvl 10ish alts
23:20.34CodayusWell, and I've got a 60 priest and rogue, of course.
23:20.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Malivil (
23:21.13OsagasuI have a 43 Priest I swore I was gonna get to 60
23:21.14shouryuuI just want the pally for it's PvP healling power
23:21.17CodayusPlus, I want to lvl a char up on a pvp server to see what its like...
23:21.24Osagasumeh, I'll just do it over XMas break
23:21.27shouryuuno difference at all
23:21.30OsagasuFriday is the last day of classes
23:21.33shouryuuwith BG it's the same
23:21.35CodayusI've got a lvl...hmm, 30 palladin too, I forgot.
23:21.39shouryuuI still got a week
23:21.50shouryuubut lvling a pally sounds so boring
23:21.59CodayusBut he's on hold until bliz fixes pallies. If they ever do; 1.9 isnt looking good.
23:22.21shouryuupriests are soon enough :P
23:22.46shouryuuthey are revamping priest sometime soon
23:23.05CodayusAre they?  Hmm.
23:23.10OsagasuThis includes Priest raciale
23:23.17shouryuuthink so
23:23.22CodayusThat might be nice.  If they do to priests what they did to hunters, I'm happy.
23:23.34shouryuuI like priests as they are
23:23.37CodayusIf they do to priests what they seem to be doing to pallies, I'll be very unhappy.  :-(
23:23.47CodayusWell, the holy tree is a badjoke right now.
23:23.47shouryuuall three trees are viable imo
23:24.01shouryuuholy is nice for 5-10 mans
23:24.18shouryuudisc is 40 man and pvp-healing
23:24.23shouryuuwhile shadow is just pvp dmg
23:24.26CodayusNot THAT nice.  For 10-man, disc still pwns.  And the 31 point talent is just retarded.
23:24.30shouryuuthat's how I see it :p
23:24.37shouryuuin disc or holy?
23:24.45CodayusIn holy
23:24.47Ktronpurl, eureka
23:24.49purlACTION does a victory dance for ktron!
23:25.01shouryuuholy nova in 5 mans is great
23:25.11CodayusI mean, whens the last time you ghealed in DM?
23:25.11shouryuuit's like 20% of my healing when I 5 man
23:25.19shouryuuyeah gheal just sucks
23:25.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (n=Guilloti@
23:25.39Guillotineyou wish
23:25.48shouryuuimp gheal is good till you hit 50-55ish
23:25.56shouryuuSpirit of redemption is nice in pvP
23:26.05CodayusYeah, but until you hit 55, you should be shadow anyhow...
23:26.13shouryuuhehe I hit holy at 39
23:26.18shouryuuI enjoy healing
23:26.24shouryuuso I just hit holy
23:26.40shouryuuinstanced my way to lvl 60 :P
23:27.17Guillotine~emulate shouryuu
23:27.18purlhi. im shouryuu. hehe. shouryuu
23:27.26Guillotine^ thats why
23:27.27Guillotinehes shouryuu
23:27.33Guillotinethe crazy
23:28.20CodayusAnd holy nova is just...I dunno, it doesn't seem to reallyhelp, even in 5-man.  I never seem to run into a situation where holy nova saves a group, but flash/PoH would have wiped us.
23:28.44shouryuuit doesn't save a group but i heals efficiently
23:28.59CodayusEspecially since if I give up holy nova, I can get some VERY tasty talents in disc.
23:29.16shouryuuI still ove holy nova :P
23:29.28*** join/#wowi-lounge groll (n=hoho@
23:29.34CodayusHmm, I'm glad someone does.  :-)
23:29.36shouryuuit's  an instant, aggro free heal which cause dmg
23:29.37shouryuunno bad in that
23:29.39Guillotinethe new protection ultimate talent seems kind of... sucky
23:29.52shouryuufor pallys?
23:29.55shouryuuhey groll
23:30.00shouryuuhow's your guild going?
23:30.02Guillotinewell, just that it shouldn't be an ultimate
23:30.06Guillotinealthough itll be awesome in pvp
23:30.38shouryuuI need to check it out :p
23:30.38CodayusWhats the protection ultimate?
23:30.52grollbohoo my guild is no more :(
23:31.03shouryuuaww man I'm sorry to hear that...
23:31.12shouryuueveryone left for the uber MC raiding guild?
23:32.39Guillotinecodayus: puts them into 'meditation' for 6 seconds
23:32.45Guillotineany damage breaks the effect
23:32.49Guillotineonly works on humanoids
23:32.53Guillotineso i guess its good for pvp
23:33.00Guillotine1 minute cooldown
23:33.19CodayusWasn't that always the ultimate?
23:33.49Beladonagreat, I apparently found a bug in firefox 1.5
23:34.16KolthBela: Apparently one of many.
23:34.31Beladonathe background-image css attribute doesn't apply on transformed xml
23:34.46grollshouryuu well kinda.. they took the easy way and didnt want to work for it.. lootwhores so to speak
23:34.47shouryuuok this is  scary
23:34.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Tekkub (
23:35.01shouryuusame happened to my old guild
23:35.16shouryuueveryone left once we had to start to organise stuff to get somewhere
23:35.34Guillotinethats why i stay away from raiding guilds...
23:35.40GuillotineI get invites to MC anyway
23:35.51GuillotineI'd rather just be in a friendy guilds
23:35.58OsagasuBela, 1.5 is glitchier than 1.0.7
23:36.05shouryuuwell the one I am in right now is kinda both
23:36.09OsagasuI've crashed 5 times since final was released
23:36.19BeladonaI am beginning to seriously hate the biotch
23:36.24OsagasuThat's 5 more times than I've crashed since 1.0.7 was released
23:36.29Beladonaat this point, IE almost works better
23:36.48Beladonamy xml transofmr shows right in IE
23:37.26Guillotinei just keep 1.0.7. still works :)
23:37.26grollthings with the guild is we did so awesome progress in mc and such in the beginning.. like downed ragnar in 4 weeks and most ppl had never been to mc before we started.. but as they got more eq they just got lazier and lazier
23:37.31Beladonaback to php I guess
23:37.57shouryuuwow rag in 4 weeks, that's nice
23:38.38Beladonaits a really weird bug too, because I can right click and select view background image, and it comes right up
23:38.43Beladonait just doens't render initially
23:45.53Temgroll: same with my guild
23:46.01TemLast night was our second week in MC
23:46.09Temwe took out golemagg
23:46.26Temwe don't have enough people with the water to summon domo yet
23:46.32Esamynngnoll: my guild does that sometimes too, we've had MC on farm for months and sometimes the effort just isn't there :(
23:47.13Esamynnthough I think we're finally starting to snap people out of it most of the time
23:49.02Guillotineoh boy. another round of "why do you need CTRA to be effective!?!!!11one!1oneone"
23:49.23CodayusUI forums?
23:49.31Guillotine2 posts there about it...
23:49.58Plorkyeran[Away]it took us 2 months to go from Domo -> Rag
23:50.00shouryuuill be there gimme a sec
23:50.09Plorkyeran[Away]and we killed Rag the first time we had over 35 people there
23:50.48OsagasuAnduin, did Thott finally allow someone to modify the cosmos launcher, or did he get off his fat arse and update it himself?
23:51.09Osagasuthe modified date has changed
23:51.09Plorkyeran[Away]it's funny how we'd have 50 people online through domo, then suddenly 20 people would have to leave
23:51.43Esamynnlazy bums didn't want to pay the repair bills
23:52.00Ktronfunction TestFunction() return 3; end;    could be called like var = TestFunction();    right?
23:52.30shouryuuthat's sad
23:52.36shouryuudon't want to pay the repair bill...
23:53.44Esamynni'm only making an assumption
23:53.54Plorkyeran[Away]they didn't even have to
23:53.57GuillotineROFL the WoW General boards can just be so wierd...
23:54.06GuillotineQ: how many canadians does it take to screw in a light bulb?
23:54.08Plorkyeran[Away]the guild covers repairs bills on all bosses we haven't killed
23:54.18GuillotineA: who cares, their canadians, they live in igloos
23:54.23Plorkyeran[Away]people just don't want to show up to content that isn't free loot
23:54.28Esamynn~lart Guillotine
23:54.42Guillotinetaken directly from WoW general forum
23:55.14Esamynnthats when you have to start booting people...
23:55.54shouryuuwow that is a good idea
23:55.59shouryuuthe repair bill cost
23:56.03shouryuuthat's great
23:56.11Esamynnmy guild has never...ever paid my repair bill, even when we spent 5 hours wiping to Vael because we needed another rogue and the execution just wasn't there most of the time either
23:56.36shouryuulol the longest I've spent on a boss is panther in ZG
23:56.40shouryuuwe didn't know how to
23:56.50shouryuuso we were just doing stuff by trial and error
23:56.53shouryuuspent like 3hoursther
23:58.02KtronAnd I assume local declarations are just like every other language and only last as long as the function they are in is called
23:58.08Esamynnoh and did I mention we'd beaten Vael in the weeks before that 5 hour event?
23:58.28Esamynnyes, local declaration last to the end of the block they are declared in
23:58.47MentalPowerso... what are the probabilities of 1.9 going live tomorrow?
23:58.56Esamynnwhether that be and IF block, a Function block, or the entire file
23:59.00shouryuunone mental
23:59.02Esamynnslim to nil Mentalpower
23:59.05IrielBear in mind locals are lexically scoped, so they're resolved at COMPILE time, but they do behave how you think they will.
23:59.06GuillotineMentalPower: i%
23:59.13Codayus5%?  Or less...
23:59.20Guillotineits i%!!!
23:59.25EsamynnI wouldn't give it that much of a chance
23:59.27shouryuucomplexe percent?
23:59.36Guillotinei dunno. it looked cool
23:59.39CodayusYeah, a lot less, thinking about it
23:59.40Esamynnslouken NEVER adds new stuff in the week before a patch is released

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