irclog2html for #wowi-lounge on 20051130

00:00.13LegorolOk Tem, you are absolutely right
00:00.22Legorolseems like Fontstrings have two modes for setting their width
00:00.26Legorolsoft and hard, as you put it
00:00.27Tempretty gayness eh?
00:00.40Legoroli did the following:
00:00.52Legoroldo a bunch of getwidth interspaced with settext and setwidth
00:01.03Legorolwhen it's in soft mode, getwidth returns value bsaed on the last settext
00:01.11Legorolwhen in hard mode, it returns value based on the last setwidth
00:01.29Legorolcalling setwidth forces it into hard mode
00:01.41Legorolnow if i can find a way to force it back to soft mode, then we have completely udnerstood fontstrings
00:01.55LegorolThis seems very similar to the SetWidth+GetWidth vs. Anchoring behaviour
00:02.18LegorolA question i encountered before was: what value will a GetWidth on a frame return, depending on:
00:02.23Legorolif it's anchored or if it has a size
00:03.04Legoroland the answer there was: if you set it's width to 0, either by omitting <Size> from XML or explicitly calling SetWidth(0), then GetWidth works in "soft" mode and returns width calculated from the anchors
00:03.20Legorolif you call SetWidth(non-0), then from there on, GetWidth always returns that value
00:03.24Legoroleven if you reanchor the frame
00:03.54Legorolso if you want to know the width of an anchored frame, what you need to do is: frame:SetWidth(0), and then frame:GetWidth() returns the width based on anchors
00:04.10Legorolseems like fontstrings  have something similar going
00:04.28Legorolwhich makes me think: maybe a fontstring:SetWidth(0) forces it back to "soft" mode
00:04.35Temwe need to pool all of this together and see if slouken can either make them behave more nicely or give us access to some of the "hidden" methods
00:05.51Legorolno no it works!
00:05.59Legorolcalling fontstring:SetWidth(0) changes it back to soft mode
00:06.25Legoroli'd say the pseudo-code for GetWidth is this:
00:06.56Legorolfor a fontstring: if (myWidth == 0) then return textWidth else return myWidth end
00:07.06Legorolfontstring:SetWidth(x) is myWidth = x
00:07.23Legorolsimilarly, for a frame: if (myWidth ==) then return calculated width from anchors else return myWidth end
00:07.31Legoroloops, that should be myWidth == 0
00:07.36LegorolDoes that make sense?
00:07.53LegorolSo we do have access to almost all the data/behaviour,
00:08.17Legorolthe only thing you don't know is, if you call GetWidth, whether the internal myWidth is 0 or not
00:08.20Legorolbut you can test it:
00:09.09Legorollocal w = object:GetWidth(); object:SetWidth(0); if (w ~= object:GetWidth()) then internal width is non-0; object:SetWidth(w) else internal width is 0; end
00:10.03LegorolI know it's not 100%, because it could be that the hard width and the soft width happen to be the same
00:10.11Legorolbut it is very rare that that'd matter
00:11.06LegorolSo the question that now remains for me: are those fontstrings in the tooltip that are wrapping long text, because of a Setxxx call, have a soft or a hard width?
00:11.26Legorolif it's a soft width, then the Setxxx call is cheating and we can't replicate its behaviour from Lua
00:11.45Legorolpurl, legorol
00:11.46purlSomeone claimed that Legorol doesn't stop talking to himself
00:14.45*** part/#wowi-lounge Cair|sleep (
00:15.12LegorolTam, good news!
00:15.25LegorolSeems like the Setxxx methods don't cheat
00:15.36LegorolThose fontstrings in a tooltip that have wrapped the text have a hard width
00:16.18Temsorry, I need to catch up
00:16.32Temthis is what I get for trying to have a discussion and do UBRS at the same time
00:17.05Legorolright i will let you do UBRS ;-)
00:17.56TemDon't worry... we own ubrs
00:18.01Temjust a blood run for the noobs
00:18.05TemI'll be back shortly
00:18.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Cair|sleep (
00:18.06*** mode/#WoWI-lounge [+o Cair|sleep] by ChanServ
00:19.23CairMoved the mod for you Tain
00:20.31Legorolhi Cair!
00:20.36Legorolg'morning, did you sleep well?
00:20.40Cairhey Legorol :)
00:21.06CairWell? I'm not so sure.  Slept?  Some.  Need more?  Definitely ;)
00:21.17LegorolSeems like thanks to Tem's inspirational ideas and my relentless attempt to understand/categorize everything systematically, we have finally bugged one of the 7 mysteries of WoW UI coding that has been around since day 1
00:21.27Legoroli mean solved, not bugged
00:21.46Legorolwell it's thanks mostly to Tem's trial and error, code example etc.
00:22.00CairI saw *part* of it before I accidentally closed the irc window
00:22.10LegorolJust so you don't need to scroll back, letme summarise:
00:22.12Cairtrust you guys are gonna post it for Slouken?
00:22.19Legorolwell it's not a bug
00:22.32Legorolit's just a behaviour of tooltips that has hitherto not been completely understood, by anyone, i think
00:22.39Legoroli will try to type it up and post it on wiki probably
00:22.50Caircool :)
00:22.50Legorolin summary:
00:23.01Legorolit's been observed that tooltips have some lines that wrap text
00:23.18Legorole.g. green "Use" type text
00:23.32Legorolthese are actually just one XML object, but the text is wrapped on multiple lines
00:23.53Legorolnow, it has been known that it's possible to add additional lines to the tooltip, and specify whether the additional lines should be wrapped or not
00:24.14Legorolbut it hasn't been clear until now what "magic" it is that makes some of the existing lines wrap the text, but not others
00:24.28Legorolthis is important when you try to shift all the lines down by 1 say, to insert a new line
00:24.34Cairyup, would be
00:24.41Legorolyou'd do that by copying all lines down by 1
00:24.52Legorolbut unless you make sure you copy this magical wrapping status too, it won't work
00:25.21Legorolso the big mystery has been: how to tell, from existing lines, whether a line is wrapping text or not, and how to copy this state
00:25.53Legoroland we solved it, I think!
00:26.25TainSo if the tooltip weighs the same as a duck, it's made of wood.
00:26.33Cairburn it! witch!
00:26.35Legorolok Tem has discovered that a fonstring can have its width set in what we started calling "soft" and "hard" mode
00:26.39TainA witch!
00:26.49Cairokay ...
00:26.56Tainhehehhe he said hard
00:26.58Legorolif a fontstring is in soft mode, then its width grows and shrinks to accomodate the text put into it, and never wraps
00:27.08Legorolso immature
00:27.17Tainheheh he said grows and shrinks
00:27.30Legorolif the fontstring is in hard mode, it always stays the same width, and if you put in text that is longer, it wraps it
00:27.34CairROFL, stop it, I haven't had near enough sleep, this is hysterical :p
00:27.45Cairvery cool Legorol
00:27.52Legorolthat was Tem's discovery essentially
00:28.05Legorolso what i did was to figure out how to tell and how to set if a fontstring is in soft or hard mode
00:28.05Cairwell, that is *very* cool, nice work guys :)
00:28.34Legorolit's simple actually: calling fontstring:SetWidth(0) puts it in soft mode, and fontstring:SetWidth(x) puts it in hard mode with a width of x
00:28.34tekkubnow he said soft and hard *giggle*
00:29.07Cairmog! see what happens when people work *together* instead of sniping at each other?!?!!11!1one!!
00:29.40tekkubcaffine works better
00:29.41CairSeriously though Leg, that's good work you guys did :)
00:30.06Cairso setwidth(0) == unlimited (basically)
00:30.20Legorolif you do setwidth(0) and then do a getwidth(),
00:30.20Cairwhereas setwidth(x) == hard limit
00:30.45Legorolwith soft limit, a call to getwidth() returns a width calculated based on the text inside the fontstring
00:30.51Cairwild that no one figured it out before this, cause once it's pointed out to you, it's so very obvious, hey?
00:31.13Legorolgetwidth() never returns 0 either way
00:31.24Legorolyeah it is one of those why didn't i think of it before things
00:31.37Legorolso it's actually quite tricky to establish if a fontstring is in soft or hard mode
00:31.46Legorolthere is a way, but it's not 100%
00:31.55Cairand that is?
00:32.00Legorolyou do a getwidth(), then a setwidth(0) then another getwidth()
00:32.02Legorolcompare the two results
00:32.05Cairah ha
00:32.09Cairthat makes sense
00:32.11Legorolif they are different, the fontstring was in hard mode before you meddled
00:32.19TainNow is the fontstring just the "box" as it were that the text is in, or does the text itself grow and shrink?
00:32.23Legorolif they are the same, then it's likely they are in soft mode
00:32.30LegorolTain, it's just the box
00:32.37Legorolthe text doesn't grow or shrink,it's size is set by the font
00:33.00Legorolto determine soft mode on the other hand, you'd do:
00:33.19Legoroltext = fs:GetText(); fs:SetText(text.."a");
00:33.27Legorolif getwidth() changes value, then it's in soft mode
00:33.33TainOk that's what I didn't know that there really was a complete seperation between the text/font and the fontstring.
00:33.43Legorolit's not obvious at all
00:33.49Legoroland you would think there isn't
00:33.54TainYes, yes I would.
00:33.56Cairfs == "fontstring"
00:34.14Legorolthere is some tying of the text and fontstring in that
00:34.25Legorolif the fontstring is in soft mode, getwidth() result depends on the text in it
00:34.52Legorolbtw, I figured this out because there is similar thing going on with Frames' sizes vs. anchors
00:35.03Cairokay, hang on a sec here, can we back up for a min, please?
00:35.50CairLegorol: you do a getwidth(), then a setwidth(0) then another getwidth()   Legorol: if they are different, the fontstring was in hard mode before you meddled   Legorol: text = fs:GetText(); fs:SetText(text.."a");  Legorol: if getwidth() changes value, then it's in soft mode
00:36.16Cairin one you are saying "getwidth" in the other you are saying "gettext"
00:36.29Cairwhy are they different?
00:36.34Legoroluhm ok the 2nd example was a bit compacted, i should have said:
00:36.48Cairshouldn't it be getwidth and setwidth in both?
00:37.17LegorolTo determine soft mode: text = fs:GetText(); width1 = fs:GetWidth(); fs:SetText(text.."a"); width2 = fs:GetWidth();
00:37.26Legorolif (width1 ~= width2) then it's in soft mode end
00:37.39LegorolYou need 2 separate types of tests
00:37.47Cairor is it that you are doing
00:38.04Cairyeah, that's what I was wondering, although I don't *quite* follow the coding
00:38.24LegorolOk, you need 2 tests because:
00:38.35Legorol1 test can give the answer: you are in hard mode, or unknown
00:38.45Legorolthe other test can give the answer: you are in soft mode, or unknown
00:39.06Cairso what, we are suggesting that there is the potential for a 3rd mode?
00:39.14Cairotherwise, why bother with the 2nd test
00:39.37Cair1 test gives you hard mode or "unknown"
00:39.38Legorollet me think about how to explain this
00:39.44DjaneeLegorol, prolly showing newbness here, but would what you're seeing with SetWidth also apply to SetHeight?  I've been boggling over some CT_PartyFrame changes, wonder if this is related
00:39.45Cairyet if there are only 2 modes possible ...
00:40.00LegorolDjanee, for frames and size/anchor situation yes
00:40.08Legorolfor fontstrings, i don't know
00:40.24LegorolOk Cair, i think i got it how to explain it:
00:40.28CairDjanee: lol, compare what you are asking to what I am asking ... trust me, *you* aren't appearing to be a newb
00:40.38LegorolThere are only 2 modes, soft and hard
00:40.49DjaneeI"m seeing some weirdness with a fontstring use of guess I'll play with your tests
00:40.55Cairso if it isn't one, then it must be the other
00:40.57LegorolOne test, when you do it, will give either the reply: "you are in soft mode for sure!" or "i can't tell which one"
00:41.06Legorolif you get the 2nd answer, you are stuck, if you get the first, you are happy
00:41.16Legorolyeah, exactly
00:41.38LegorolThe other test, on the other hand, can also give two replies: "you are in soft mode for sure!" or "i can't tell which one"
00:42.13Legoroli mean the 2nd one is hard mode
00:42.22TainOh nice, I found a situation where a mail attachment can be just... lost.
00:42.54Djaneethe "I can't tell which one" is the important part for clarity.  At first I was with Cair and think if it isn't one it must be the other
00:42.55LegorolBut by doing both tests, Cair, you can tell for sure which mode it is in, because one of the two tests will give the "sure" answer, and the other will give the "unknown" answer
00:43.08Legorolright, Djanee
00:43.20Legorolok sorry probably should've made that clearer
00:43.24Cairno, it's okay
00:43.51Legorolit's a test that has a "positive or unknown" result, not a "positive or negative" result
00:44.02Cairboth of them
00:44.03Legoroli agree that such tests are confusing
00:44.04Djaneejust use "I can't tell which one" or "could be either" instead of "unknown" to prevent newbs from going into headspins
00:44.07Legorolyes, both of them are like that
00:44.13Legorolbut fortunately, they are complementary
00:44.20Cairokay, that makes sense, more or less, now
00:44.21Legoroland if one is positive, the other is unknown and vice versa
00:44.31LegorolDjanee, that's a good idea
00:44.50LegorolHey, i thought of a good way to explain it, at last!
00:44.51CairI agree
00:44.55LegorolNow that you guys got it :-)
00:45.00LegorolHow about I type it up like this:
00:45.06Djaneeas fun as headspins can be...I've been in lua code learning by trial and error all day.  I've had my fill of headspins :P
00:45.07Legorolyou come to a junction, where you can go left or right
00:45.14LegorolThere are 2 guys standing there, Bob and Joe
00:45.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Parak (
00:45.23LegorolYou want to know which way is the road to Orgrimmar
00:45.35LegorolIf you ask Bob, he could either tell you it's to the right, or that he doesn't know
00:45.45LegorolIf you ask Joe, he could either tell you it's to the left, or that he doesn't know
00:45.54LegorolBut you are guaranteed that one of them does know
00:46.07Cairnot if they're both drunk :p
00:46.10LegorolSo you can find out which way Orgrimmar is
00:46.15Cairhehehe, sorry
00:46.19Cairyeah, it makes sense now
00:46.19Legorolnp, that was funny
00:46.41tem`ubrsI might be behind on this, but calls to fs:SetHeight aren't reset out of hard mode but the SetXXX tooltip functions
00:47.45CairLegorol: Now, think about *this* conversation, and then think about the question you asked me yesterday, about how I can *not* be bored silly sitting in this channel when I don't actually code, myself.  This should have explained it quite nicely for you
00:48.36*** part/#wowi-lounge Ratbert_CP (n=KCummins@
00:48.54TainNow that that's all settled, anyone know if there's a way to set a frame to pass mouse clicks through to the frame behind it?
00:48.57CairI'm not stupid, I did follow some of it to a degree before I got confused, and I was able to then understand the rest after someone took the time to explain it to me in ways I can understand
00:49.23tem`ubrsTain: do you know what frame is behind you?
00:49.42Cairanyway, I have to afk a few, having just woken up, be back momentarily
00:49.51LegorolTain: yes
00:49.59Legorolcall frame:EnableMouse(0)
00:50.13Legoroluntil you call frame:EnableMouse(1) again, all mouse events "pass through" the frame
00:50.24Legorolyou can't set this on individual event basis, it's all or nothing
00:50.24tem`ubrswell there's that
00:50.48tem`ubrsI assumed he needed to get the click events too
00:50.59Legorolthen you are in trouble
00:51.10tem`ubrscall GetScript
00:51.25TainI don't need the event on the frame itself, just to ignore it and let it pass through.
00:51.46LegorolTain, does your frame have any mouse event handlers in its XML?
00:51.52Legorolbecuase that automatically flags EnableMouse to 1
00:52.11Legorolwhich is why it wouldn't pass them through to the frame below it
00:52.23Legorolalternatively, if it has an enableMouse="true" attribute
00:52.24TainYes it does, it has mouse events
00:52.35Legorolhm, in that case, why do you want to pass them through?
00:52.41Legorolor do you want to do what Tem said?
00:52.42TainAnd enablemouse="true" in the XML.
00:52.47Legorolboth process *and* pass them through?
00:52.51TainI need to temporarily let them pass through.  No process.
00:53.03TainPass through, then set it back to normal.
00:53.05Legorolif it's a temporary thing then EnableMouse(0) is the way to go
00:53.19LegorolI am not sure, but I think Tem might be right too
00:53.32Legorolif you do a SetScript(nil) on the appropriate handler, it probably passes them through as well
00:53.46tem`ubrsLegorol: no
00:54.09tem`ubrsbut it's not a big deal to call MouseDown or OnClick event handlers
00:54.33TainYeh trying again, when I EnableMouse(0) it just ignores all clicks.
00:54.34tem`ubrs(if you need to get the events)
00:55.08Legorolbut Tem the problem is you don't know which frame is below you
00:55.11Legorolso which one's handlers to call
00:55.15Legorolhow would you solve that?
00:55.38Tainoh blah it's already set at Background strata to begin with.
00:56.34LegorolTem you are right, niling a mouse handler doesn't allow it to pass through
00:56.49Legorolok Tain, i thought you wanted to pass mouse events through temporarily
00:56.55Legorolto whatever is beneath your frame
00:57.12Legorolthat coudl be the WorldFrame, or could be any other frame that happens to be under yours
00:57.29TainYes, that is correct.  WorldFrame is really what I want to pass to.
00:57.43Legorolso what is the intended behaviour if there is a frame between yours and WorldFrame?
00:58.08tem`ubrsto know what frames are below you....
00:58.23tem`ubrsAssuming everything is eventually partented to UIParent
00:58.34tem`ubrsstart a recursive search
00:58.38TainThere shouldn't be any other frames inbetween.
00:58.42tem`ubrswith GetChildren
00:58.46LegorolActually, you can do: myframe:EnableMouse(0); GetMouseFocus();
00:58.48tem`ubrsand MouseIsOver
00:58.57Legorolthat getmousefocus returns the frame that is below yours that does have mouse events enabled
00:59.00TainIt should be frame, temporarily pass to WorldFrame.
00:59.08tem`ubrsoh yeah
00:59.13LegorolTain, that is not possible, if there is a frame between yours and worldframe
00:59.14tem`ubrsmuch better solution
00:59.38TainAs I said, there shouldn't be a situation where that occurs.
00:59.39Legorolso what you need to do is:
00:59.44LegorolTain, why not?
00:59.48Legorolyou never know what other addons others write
00:59.54Legorolyou can't just rely on Blizz code + yours
00:59.56Legorolmake your code robust
01:00.01LegorolHere is what I would do:
01:00.30TainActually, you're right I forget some people place buttons and HUDs right in the center of the screen.
01:01.00Legorolmyframe:EnableMouse(0); while (GetMouseFocus() ~= "WorldFrame") do f = GetMouseFocus(); table.insert(framesBelowMe, f); f:EnableMouse(0); end
01:01.02*** join/#wowi-lounge ToastTheif (
01:01.06Legorolnow mouse events pass to worldframe
01:01.09Legorolwhen you are done, you do:
01:01.26Legorolfor i, f in ipairs(framesBelowMe) do f:EnableMouse(1) end
01:01.28ToastTheifhow would I go about
01:01.30ToastTheif1) Update your system BIOS from your motherboard manufacturers website.
01:01.30ToastTheif2) Update your network cards drivers.
01:01.30ToastTheif3) Update your sound and video card drivers.
01:01.36ToastTheifthose things
01:01.45TainThe problem is setting EnableMouse(0) with nothing behind it doesn't pass to WorldFrame
01:01.46tekkubHoly UNIT_MANA batman!
01:01.57LegorolTain, it should
01:01.58tekkubUNIT_MANA fired 3652 times
01:02.01TainIt does not.
01:02.12TainI'm in game testing right now.
01:02.12Legorolit does for me
01:02.18tekkubanother to add to the list of crap to ignore during a zone
01:02.41Legorolare you calling EnableMouse(0) on the right object?
01:02.50Legorolfor example, if you have a window, with some buttons in it,
01:03.05Legoroland you call EnableMouse(0) on the buttons, the mouse events might still be captured by the window
01:03.34Legorolthis is why you need to do EnableMouse(0) on your frame and everything beneath it, all the way to world frame
01:03.37Legorolhence the loop i posted up there
01:03.52Legorolyou can verify this in-game easily:
01:04.09Legoroljust print GetMouseFocus():GetName() after your EnableMouse(0)
01:04.24Legorolif it's worldframe, you are through, if it's something else, you need to EnableMouse(0) that too
01:04.42TainIt does it for some frames.
01:05.38Legorolwhat does what for some frames?
01:05.44LegorolToastTheif, sorry for ignoring you,
01:05.55LegorolUI coding problems > basic computer troubleshooting ;-)
01:05.56TainPasses through.
01:06.00ToastTheifIm totally lost
01:06.33ToastTheifI found the page for my nVida chipset driver mabobber
01:06.40Legorolyou'd need to download the network, sound and video drivers from the manufacturer of your computer, if it's a brand name like Dell or Compaq
01:06.41ToastTheifbut I can't find the right one dammit
01:06.42Legoroland install them
01:06.49ToastTheifit's not
01:07.05Legorolif it's custom built, go to the maker of the network, sound and video cards
01:07.15ToastTheifmhmm*, I did that
01:07.19Legorolnote that the chipset (nVidia) is not the same as the video card maker, necessarily
01:07.38OsagasunVidia doesn't make video cards
01:07.40Legorolalthough with ATI and nVidia they release reference drivers that should work on all cards using that particular chipset
01:07.51LegorolOsagasu, exactly
01:08.08ToastTheifwell I thought updating my system bios for my motherboard meant nVida4 chipset mabobber
01:08.11Legorolas for BIOS, you need to go to your motherboard's manufacturer
01:08.31Legorolok, there are differnt types of chipsets: video chipsets, motherboard chipsets etc.
01:08.44Legorolwhat motherboard have you got?
01:08.47Legoroland what's your video card?
01:08.53Legorolor do you have "on-board" graphics?
01:13.14ToastTheifI have a 6600gt card
01:13.20ToastTheifIm not that stupid :)
01:13.38ToastTheifI know what is good, just not anything more about it
01:13.53Legorolright, so to update BIOS, you go to motherboard manufacturer's site,
01:13.58TainHo ho was two different frames handling mouse events, disabled both and works fine, reenabled both and works fine.
01:14.00Legorolto update video drivers, go to nVidia's site
01:15.14ToastTheifI think nvidia made my motherboard too
01:15.17ToastTheifIm not sure though...
01:15.52Osagasummmh, Firefox 1.5 has been released:
01:15.57ToastTheifCPU Type                                          AMD Athlon 64  Motherboard Chipset                               nVIDIA nForce4
01:16.55TainYeah so get the nVidia nForce4 drivers from nvidia's website, that's your motherboard.
01:17.17ToastTheifI went to their "Download Drivers" part
01:17.24ToastTheifbut I just can't find anything that looks like mine
01:17.35ToastTheiffor my motherboard or graphics card
01:17.40Osagasuyou aren't looking in the right spot
01:18.00Osagasu <-- "
01:18.02TainYou're only looking for your motherboard at nVidia, the nForce4 driver set.
01:18.07OsagasuPlatform/nForce Drivers"
01:18.30Osagasuclock that, then nForce4 AMD
01:18.42ToastTheifmhmm, I went to nForce4AMD
01:18.54ToastTheifThen I guess I would go to Windows XP
01:19.06TainWow they have Vista drivers already.
01:19.35ToastTheifbut I was thinking it should be Windows XP x64? since I have an AMD processor? but they don't have a home editon x64 thing
01:19.51Legoroli'm not surprised, nVidia would work hard to release drivers since Vista is already in quite a wide beta
01:20.12TainWell actually do you have XP 64 installed?
01:20.37ToastTheifI have Windows XP Home Edition
01:20.45Osagasuthen no
01:20.59ToastTheifbut apparently Windows XP x64 is only available in the pro ed.
01:20.59TainThat's Windows XP then, not 64.  Which isn't anything wrong with your system.
01:21.10ToastTheifso I guess nForce4 AMD Edition - Windows XP/2000 (32-Bit) would be the right driver?
01:21.39Legorolwhat's in the nForce4 chipset, if it's not an onboard graphics chipset?
01:21.53ToastTheifI have no clue what that means :)
01:21.58Legoroli'm asking Tain
01:22.02Legorolmaybe he knows
01:22.09TainAudio, Ethernet, IDE, IDE RAID
01:22.16TainAre all onboard the nForce4 chipset.
01:22.23ToastTheifwell, when I go to the Graphics Drivers, it doesn't show the 6600gt
01:22.34LegorolTain, what about the core bridges?
01:22.36TainAnd the equivelent of northbridge/southbridge, but it's a different implementation.
01:22.38Legorolwould those be covered too?
01:22.41Legoroloh right
01:22.52Legoroli didn't realise AMD had different architecture from Intel
01:22.56Legorolthought it also has north/south bridge
01:23.41TainNo, it doesn't show because they do one driver package and handle all the types.
01:23.55TainDownload the Geforce and TNT2 driver for Windows XP
01:24.15TainThat's not very clear there at all, but that is the case.
01:24.48ToastTheifalright, cool, what about the network driver? I assume the audio one was in the nForce driver
01:25.11TainThe network driver is also in the nForce if it's on on-board network card.
01:25.25ToastTheifok, thanks Tain
01:25.30TainWhich it probably is, I can't see anyone putting a separate network card in when it's already there.
01:25.32ToastTheifthat should be all I need then I guess
01:26.05TainI mean no, your system is all messed up now, you should send it to me and I'll fix it.  Yeah.
01:28.18ToastTheifso, I should just close everything and run those 2 things I downloaded while following the intructions it gives me, right?
01:29.09ToastTheifor do I have to uninstall the old ones first, then run the updates?
01:29.54tekkubI WIN!
01:30.43tekkubJust put a writeup up with Eventful on how to optimize your mod to ignore the OMGSPAM! events during zoning (aka stargate travel)
01:31.17TainI've always had fine luck installing the chipset drivers on top of the others, but I usually uninstall the video drivers, reboot, then install the new video.
01:31.20ToastTheifI assume I don't have to uninstall first, because that's what my other friend told me
01:31.42ToastTheifwell, long as it's okay to install on top, Im doing that
01:31.47TainYou don't necessarily have to uninstall the video drivers first, it's really a holdover from when the drivers were crappy.
01:31.50ToastTheifI don't wanna mess anything up :)
01:32.10ToastTheifalright, cya'll in a few minutes or whenever hopefully
01:32.52TainOh, and I now remember the other reason why EnableMouse(0) won't work for me.  I only want to pass mouse clicks through, I still want mouseover tooltips to function. heh
01:33.24Djaneetekkub: do you have a link to that write up?
01:35.15TainI wonder if Toast will ever come back.
01:35.48tekkubperhaps if you'd have buttered him he would have been faster
01:36.35TainThat was very cheeesy
01:37.14tekkubcheese toast is good too
01:37.23Tainmmm grilled cheese
01:38.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Parak (
01:39.46*** join/#wowi-lounge ToastTheif (
01:39.54ToastTheifnothing broke
01:39.58ToastTheifI don't think anyway
01:40.02ToastTheiftime to try WoW
01:40.05tekkubsee he came back without a buttering
01:40.22ToastTheifwhat's a buttering? =/
01:40.30tekkubno comment
01:40.40tekkubwe weren't talking about you while you were gone
01:40.52tekkubwe were talking about... uh... grilled cheese
01:41.20ToastTheifanyway, WoW time
01:42.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Parakie (
01:42.43Djaneetekkub: wow...just wow at the improvements in load time
01:43.05ToastTheifit works
01:43.07ToastTheifso far...
01:47.50ToastTheifIm about to join my first BG as a lvl 16 Lock...
01:58.01LegorolQuestion: what use is EquipCursorItem, as opposed to PickupInventoryItem? Under what circumstances would I use EquipCursorItem instead?
01:58.33Cairsomething you looted but are still holding on your mouse pointer, hasn't gone into invetory yet?
02:08.33LegorolHey, i have a challenge to the coders in this channel
02:08.55cladhairei'll look for 15 seconds until i get bored
02:08.57LegorolOne of the most popular requests for a macro is a 2H<->1H+shield (or dual weild) swap macro
02:09.02Legorolthat works both ways
02:09.20tekkubmacros suck
02:09.26LegorolI challenge the people here to come up with the shortest macro that does that, with arbitrary two inventory slots for the items
02:09.31tekkuball my macros are this:
02:09.45LegorolBy shortest i mean character count
02:09.47tekkub./script Tekkub:SwapWeaps()
02:09.51Legorolthat doesn't count
02:09.57*** part/#wowi-lounge tekkub (
02:09.58Legorolit has to be purely Blizzard UI
02:10.04Legorolbye tekkub ;-)
02:10.14Legoroli see a number of variations on that macro,
02:10.27Legoroland i was wondering what's the simplest, or most minimal macro that can do it
02:10.32*** join/#wowi-lounge tekkub (
02:10.50tekkubstupid esc key
02:10.51Legorolhey tekkub
02:11.02Legorolit has to be purely Blizz, i am wondering about the simplest/minimal macro
02:11.04tekkubI'm too used to mashing it in WoW... it makes trill close windows
02:11.27tekkub*shrug* I don't do the 255 limit, it's crap
02:11.39tekkubI have a lil mod I put all my macros in
02:11.42Legorolwell it's a challenge, you don't have to use it
02:11.46Legorolit's all done in Lua anyway
02:11.50Legorolso consider it a Lua challenge
02:12.01Legorolcome up with a Lua function that does the 2-way swap in the least number of characters ;-)
02:12.04tekkubthat's like obfuscated code
02:12.11tekkubamusing but a waste of time
02:12.14Legorolconsider it code obfuscation challenge if you like
02:12.25Legorolwell at the moment i'm on a macro with 117 characters, including the /script
02:12.28Legorolsee if you can beat that
02:12.35tekkubI need a function... Blizzard:GFY()
02:12.35TainA lua lua... oh no.. me gotta go
02:12.43TainAye yi yi yi yi
02:12.53Legorolok well if noone's interested, then that's that
02:13.02tekkubcalm down zena
02:13.15tekkubI say put it in a function :)
02:13.16Cairso tekkub, you never do anything for the hell of it, simply because it is amusing, even if it is a waste of time?
02:13.29Legorollike... ehm.. let me see... playing WoW?
02:13.34TainAmusing is never a waste of time. :)
02:13.40CairTain: I hated those damn rats in DN!
02:13.42tekkubyou want to know what I do in wow?
02:13.50Legorolaha, you do log in!
02:13.50tekkubsit on my ass all but 2hr a night
02:13.52Legorolcaught ya
02:14.05tekkubplaying alone is boring
02:14.09TainWith two monkey butts.
02:14.17tekkuband my duo partner is only on 2hr a night
02:14.33tekkubso I spend all my time futzing with mods
02:15.15tekkubplus that whole UseItemByAStupidSlotNumber... uge
02:15.26tekkubwhy not UseItemByName blizzy?
02:15.44tekkubye gave us UseSpellByName
02:15.55TainWhat if you have two items with the same name?
02:16.09tekkubhow often does that matter?
02:16.23tekkubonly would matter if they bind
02:16.29TainWell, let's say you have two items that have charges and you want to use the one that has less.
02:16.30TainOr more.
02:16.48tekkubin that case use the other func
02:16.59TainOr if you have two items and one is soulbound and the other is bound for the auction house.
02:17.00tekkubI'm not saying replace, just add another
02:17.04Legorolactually, they didn't really give us CastSpellByName
02:17.08Legorolonly works in a macro, not in AddOns
02:17.12Legorolwhich is reallllly annoying
02:17.18tekkubit works in addons
02:17.26tekkubif called from a macro :)
02:17.28Legorolhow does it work in an addon
02:17.32Legorolwell yeah
02:17.43tekkubI just told you, all my macros are in a addon
02:17.44Legorolbut not in response to a keybinding say
02:17.57tekkubwell yea
02:18.04tekkubsame goes for item use
02:18.09tekkubwhat's your point?
02:18.19Legorolmy point is, you can't cast spells by name in general
02:18.24Legorolunless you are executing a macro
02:18.34Legorolsame with item use, except there you can't do it by name even in a macro
02:18.37tekkubyea, but we knew that :P
02:18.53tekkubyou can if you have a by-name function
02:18.59Legorolyour point was, why not UseItemByName, since they gave us CastSpellByName
02:19.14tekkubwhich has been around for a long time, I just think blizzy should give us one
02:19.17Legoroli'm saying they haven't really given us CastSpellByName, just some crap that occasionally works for some uses but not the best ones
02:19.33tekkubit works conditionally
02:19.40tekkubso would use item by name
02:20.04tekkubit's not like the whole hardware event is unknown :P
02:20.05Legorolanyways, go solve my puzzle instead ;-)
02:20.13tekkubor their function is buggy
02:20.23Legorolthere is one problem with useitembyname
02:20.29Legorolwhich is you can have multiple items of the same name
02:20.32Legorolbut not spells
02:20.40tekkubmy solution: /script Tekkub:SwapWeapon()
02:20.50Legoroli told you tekkub, using no addons
02:21.05Legoroljust pure Blizz macro-age
02:21.09tekkubthen I say, you're a fool for conltraining yourself to 255 chars
02:21.21Legorolthat wasn't the challenge!
02:21.26Legorolbha, why am i letting you wind me up ;-)
02:21.41tekkubI don't see a challange I see an unnessasry limitation
02:21.56Legorolwell I just gave you a challenge
02:22.05Legorolthe challenge wasn't to do it in 255 chars, it has nothing to do with the limit
02:22.08tekkub*shrug* people that try to do everything in macros piss me off
02:22.11Legorolthe challenge was to do it in as little as possible
02:22.21Legoroli could've said, write the4 shortest Lua function that does it
02:22.22Legorolhow about that?
02:22.28Legorolit's the same challenge
02:22.30tekkubbut you didn't
02:22.34tekkubit's too late now :P
02:22.37Legorolok, then i withdraw my original challenge
02:22.40Legoroland i pose a new one:
02:22.41tekkubno takebacksies
02:22.49Legorolwrite the shortest Lua function that does it :-)
02:23.10tekkubI'm not a warrior/pally/chamois how will I test?
02:23.24Legoroldo you have any characters that can hold a main and an off-hand item?
02:23.27Legorolas well as a 2-handed one?
02:23.34Legoroli beleive every character can
02:24.02tekkubI do have my hunter with his dual-wield and his 2H... wait you tricked me!
02:24.15TainIf someone can hold a main and an off-hand and a 2H... he has a lot of arms.
02:24.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Beladona (
02:24.41*** mode/#WoWI-lounge [+o Beladona] by ChanServ
02:24.57TainI think really, really strong characters should be able to dual wield 2h weapons.
02:25.25tekkubwell I guess the big Q is, we going with set slots or "use by name"?
02:28.05Tainuse by named slot set?
02:28.23tekkubyou know what I say...
02:28.32tekkubgo install EquipManager :P
02:28.45tekkubit'll do it
02:28.56Osagasuthat DAMN SONG
02:28.58TainOk, so EnableMouse(0) won't work for my needs.  Can I hook the OnClick handler for that frame and mmm do what with it.
02:29.49Cairhey Bela :)
02:30.07tekkubah music, I knew something was missing
02:30.14TainI can hook it but then I have to tell it to pass clicks through to whatever is below.  Can I tell it that?  Or if I just ignore the original click handler will it work?
02:30.19tekkubgood ol Ambient Nights ^^
02:30.33tekkubI got no clue Tain
02:30.44AnduinLotharwhata re u trying to do?
02:30.45tekkubwhen it comes to XML frames I'm a total noob
02:31.06TainOr uh.. can I force a tooltip to appear without mouseover?
02:31.12TainNo, can't do that I'm pretty sure.
02:31.23BeladonaTain: that is worth exploring, although at first guess I would say no
02:31.23AnduinLotharwhat're u trying to do?
02:31.36cladhaireWhich fires reliably before you enter the game (or on reload, or on zoning).. are we using PLAYER_LOGIN for that?
02:31.44TainI want to temporarily make a frame pass mouse-clicks through itself to whatever's behind (most likely UIParent).
02:32.01TainBut not disable the mouse entirely so I can still get a tooltip on that frame when I need to.
02:32.33AnduinLotharso you want to have OnEnter and OnLeave work but pass the clicks?
02:32.45Tainmmm yes!
02:33.08tekkubclad.. ol load events...
02:33.13TainThank you, I think I am.
02:33.49tekkubin that order
02:34.13tekkubzoning is a leaving and an entering
02:34.20cladhairethats what i thought
02:34.31TainSometimes TEM_ENTERING_WORLD so it knows when to crash.
02:34.39BeladonaIriel not around?
02:34.56Cairsaid he was in all day meetings today, last night
02:35.08Cairso may still be there, or is on the way home
02:35.10Cairis my guess
02:35.18Beladonameetings = le suck
02:36.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Nomad_Wanderer (
02:36.17cladhaireTekkub: PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD isn't firing for me on reload
02:36.31TainNo, I don't think it does on reload.
02:36.38Cairhi Nomad_Wanderer
02:36.38cladhaireor.. maybe
02:36.40cladhairehold please =)
02:36.43TainIf you change zones I think it does though.
02:36.46tekkubbr phone
02:37.13LegorolAnduinLothar, Tain's question about the mouse events is interesting
02:37.22Legoroli've been pondering it all this time but i don't see a solution..
02:37.27Beladonaas am I
02:37.40TainMe neither!  And I've been trying different things too.
02:37.42LegorolEnableMouse(0) is not a solution as it disables onleave too
02:37.42AnduinLotharwhy is it necissary? what are u coving?
02:37.49Legorolhe wants to handle onenter/onleave,
02:37.53Beladonayou need mouse enabled, but you don't want clicks
02:37.54Legorolbut allow the click to go through to the worldframe
02:38.03AnduinLotharon what frame?
02:38.04Legorolso you can e.g. turn the character and interact with game world
02:38.08Legorolon one of his own frames
02:38.30TainWell it's actually a game frame.
02:38.32AnduinLotharwell, what VisOpts does is have a MouseIsOver every x frames
02:38.39Legorolthat's an ugly hack
02:38.44Legorolisn't there something better?
02:38.50Beladonamaybe not
02:39.07Legoroli wasn't going to mention MouseIsOver checks OnUpdate until as a last resort
02:39.29AnduinLothardo it twice a second and ur fine
02:39.46TainYeah but how does that trigger the tooltip?
02:40.03LegorolTain: the idea is that every OnUpdate, you check if the mouse is over your frame or not
02:40.11Legorolif it is, you show the tooltip, if not, you hide it
02:40.17AnduinLotharwell, not every onupdate, that's wasteful
02:40.31Legorolwell yeah, as AnduinLothar says, do it twice a second or so
02:40.37Legorolbut i don't like this solution at all :(
02:40.57Legorolit'd be nice to ahve a way to pass through arbitrary set of events of your choice
02:40.57Beladonawonder if you could disable mouse input on a click and still have it pass through
02:40.59cladhaireHoly shit..
02:41.06LegorolHm, i think i have an idea
02:41.08LegorolHow about this:
02:41.13Legorolyou register for all mouse events
02:41.21Caircladhaire: ?
02:41.22Legorolfor the ones you don't want to handle, you do this:
02:41.27cladhaireSetting all your frames to hidden absolutely drops your loadtime for a mod (And your memory usage) to almost nothing.
02:41.44Nomad_WandererI'm loading a table with numbers in it, and then updating the numbers... I'm doing a reloadui, and the right values are showing up in my savedVariables, though in memory, they are not It's really weird. Whats weirder is that in a reload ui situation the newly changed values, the ones that were just updated aren't whats used ... The original premodified numbers are.
02:41.46Legorolyou call EnableMouse(0) on your own frame, you do GetMouseFocus() to get the frame below you, and you do GetScript to get its event handler
02:41.48cladhaireI went from 0.152 with 800 KiB... to 0.015 and 22 KiB for WatchDog
02:41.50Legorolthen you call it if it exists
02:42.16cladhaireCair: I was just really quite shocked at the difference.
02:42.17Nomad_WandererI'm sure its some stupid mistake I'm making.. I'm now infamous for them :)
02:42.20AnduinLotharleg, that's just as much a hack
02:42.31Beladonaand may not be reliable
02:42.37Legorolwell it's basically a Lua based event dispatcher
02:42.49Legorolwhy wouldn't it be reliable?
02:42.55zeeglook good Cair?
02:43.18Legoroli feel that it's more robust than the twice a second check..
02:43.18zeeg(you cant download it yet, just fyi :P)
02:43.26Legorolit can handle arbitrary set of events, not just OnEnter/OnLeave
02:43.40Cairzeeg: yeah
02:43.40Legorolsay you wanted to pass OnMouseDown through but not OnMouseUp (for whatever reason)
02:43.44Legorolthis allows you to do it
02:43.46TainWhich may still be necesary, if I can ever get in the login queue I can test.
02:44.14Beladonatry both hacks to see which is better
02:44.22Tainhehe yes indeed
02:44.24Beladonathere HAS to be a cleaner way to do it though
02:44.31Nomad_WandererAre there any limitations on reloadui? Like You have to logout to beable pull fresh data?
02:44.31Beladonawish Iriel was here
02:44.54Nomad_WandererLike how you can't change a toc without loggin out?
02:46.02AnduinLotharu could easily call Chronos.scheduleRepeating OnShow of ur frame and then Chronos.unscheduleByName OnHide  if you want to do the MouseIsOver way. I'm sure you could do the same with timex. or u could impliment your own with an OnUpdate counter
02:46.38LegorolAnduinLothar, as i said, this is not just about whether the mouse is over you or not
02:46.49Legorolbut passing through an arbitrary subset of the mouseevents whilst handling the rest
02:46.52Legorolin a completely generic way
02:47.23AnduinLotharnah, that's not what the problem is, that's just the challenge your making for yourself
02:47.39LegorolYou are right about that, Tain's problem made me consider the more general problem
02:47.47Legorolbecause it will be useful to find a solution to the general case
02:48.17TainYeah I'm fine with using a hack myself, but I think it could be a beneficial overall general thing.
02:48.32LegorolI like to generalise from problems, so that I have a set of methods or tools to draw on if necessary
02:48.39LegorolRather than just finding particular solution to particular problem
02:48.47AnduinLotharright, we know
02:48.52Beladonamind if I ask what this is for? Sometimes seeing the overall problem brings about other solutions
02:48.56TainI usually do as well, except when I get frustrated by working on a single one long enough to just hack away.
02:49.02LegorolI know you know, but most people in this channel don't know how infamous i'm yet ;-)
02:49.30Cairsome of us do ;)
02:49.58Legorolbtw AnduinLothar, you missed an exciting discussion about tooltip lines
02:50.10LegorolTem and I figured out how to determine/set if a tooltip fontstring should wrap text or not
02:50.19TainBy the way, EnableMouse(0) and doing GameTooltip:Show() while over the frame that should be showing a tooltip doesn't show the tooltip
02:50.20Legorolbesides AddLine's optional param
02:50.28AnduinLothardont think u can use I'm to replace I am in a prepositional phrase..
02:50.53Legorollol, you are probably right
02:51.08kremontestill understandable :P
02:51.22CairKarl: dont think u can use I'm to replace I am in a prepositional phrase..     funny, when you consider the use of "u" in the statement
02:51.22TainDon't think you can correct other people's grammar when you use 'u' instead of 'you.' :P
02:51.34Legorolrofl @ Cair
02:51.36AnduinLotharstupid syntax class... what does it think it is... actually teaching me things..
02:51.46Legoroland Tain
02:52.14AnduinLotharsure i can, it just makes me look like an ass
02:52.36Legorolbut we knew that already ;-)
02:52.48Cair*whistles a little tune*
02:53.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (n=Guilloti@
02:53.17Guillotinewhos Beladona?
02:53.29IrielOk.. i'm off to bed
02:53.35LegorolGuillotine, that was for you
02:53.36Irielheh, I guess I didn't log out.
02:53.41Legorolhi Iriel
02:53.42Cairpurl, Beladona?
02:53.45Legorolyou missed some fun chats
02:53.47AnduinLotharmy guess if he doesn't need to even use a hack, but can prolly use a different frame, but i dont hav eall th einfo so i dunno
02:53.47IrielBut I had that in my edit buffer.
02:54.07IrielI had the fun of an all day meeting, joy
02:54.25CairGuillotine: one of the moderators at WoWI, owner/creator of and all around cool guy
02:54.35Guillotineok :)
02:54.43Guillotinewell, hi Beladona. nice to meet you :)
02:54.45TainI'm using the Minimap.
02:54.52TainAnd MinimapCluster
02:54.58Cairpurl, Beladona is <reply>  one of the moderators at WoWI, owner/creator of and all around cool guy
02:54.59purlokay, Cair
02:55.06Cairpurl, Beladona?
02:55.08purlone of the moderators at WoWI, owner/creator of and all around cool guy
02:55.27Cairsorry, ignore me again
02:55.28Guillotineso have you guys heard about the CRAZY pally bug on the test servers?
02:55.35Cairdone interrupting for now
02:55.38Legorolwhich one of the many would that be ;-)
02:55.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Stylpe (
02:56.12Guillotineget 4/5 imp. seal of right., cast seal of right. rank 6, use judgement, and BOOM ur on an epic kodo mount
02:56.29Beladonasorry, helping someone, so missed the Q
02:56.47Guillotinefree cross-racial, cross-faction, epic, pvp mount at level 42+
02:56.49Beladonanext time smack me with a dead fish, that always gets my attention
02:56.52tekkubarg I hate lhones
02:57.09Guillotineso is that a crazy bug or what :/
02:57.11Guillotineso random
02:57.24Guillotinebut its awesome riding a kodo mount...
02:57.35IrielThey have some very odd bugs on test this time around, some of which I guess are character copy related
02:57.39AnduinLotharso 4 of 5 tallent points into imp seal?
02:57.47IrielI had aspect of the hawk and aspect of the cheetah active a while back
02:57.48Guillotinethats all that matters
02:57.53Guillotineya. my gf did that too
02:57.57Guillotineshe could stack aspects
02:58.07AnduinLothardoesn't work with all 5 tallent pts?
02:58.18Legorolit's surprising how short the official blue "known-bugs" list is
02:58.35Legoroleven though there are many bugs that have been verified by many players
02:58.40Tain"known-bugs" are just the ones they want you to know about.
02:58.46IrielI'm a little surprised there hasnt been a new patch yet
02:59.05tem`onypatch to the test realm?
02:59.15BeladonaIriel, you have a minute to tackle the mouse click issue Tain is having? or did he already ask?
02:59.22Guillotinekremonte: you there?
02:59.31LegorolIriel, this might interest you too, in case you have missed it: Tem and I figured out how to determine/set wrapping of text in tooltip lines
02:59.33IrielYes, and no. in that order
02:59.40Legorolon any line, not just when adding using AddLine
02:59.50BeladonaTain can explain better than I can
02:59.56IrielIs it a height check?
03:00.00Irielthat was to Legorol
03:00.11TainIs it bigger than a breadbox?
03:00.13Legorolok i'll let Tain tell his problem first
03:00.29TainIt all started when I was four.  I had this uncle you see and...
03:00.33TainOh wait.  Wrong problem.
03:00.35LegorolIriel, if yo have this channel logged, you can scroll up to read it
03:00.50IrielMy scroll buffer isn't that big unfortunately, my irc config sucks.
03:01.09Legorolconversation about 3 hours ago to 2 hours ago
03:01.09IrielOne of these days i'll read the bitchx documentation
03:01.14TainI'm just trying to temporarily make a frame pass-through mouse clicks to whatever is beneath it, but still be able to display the tooltip for that frame.
03:01.31TainEnableMouse(0) passes the clicks through, but you can't get the tooltip.
03:01.37LegorolTain's specific problem is: he wants to handle OnEnter/OnLeave but let the underlying frame handle the rest of the mouse events
03:01.52AnduinLotharwhy not just hook the OnEnter and OnLeave of the frame behind?
03:01.55LegorolMy generalised problem is: how to selectively handle an arbitrary subset of mouse events
03:02.02LegorolAnduinLothar: because the frame behind can change
03:02.05IrielHm, Catch OnEnter, disable mouse when you enter, and then use an OnUpdate to detect leaving
03:02.22Legorolthat solves the specific problem, as does any number of hacks
03:02.52Cair(*laughs at the question in the Cosmos channel*)
03:03.06Legorolthat's what others have suggested too, essentially do a MouseIsOver test twice every second or so
03:03.07TainActually no, that won't fully solve it.  I don't think.
03:03.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (n=Guilloti@
03:03.20TainBecause I'm working with the Minimap.
03:03.21IrielI think that's the best we get
03:03.28LegorolCair, this one? :  <Kadish> anyone here familiar with Cosmos?
03:03.41LegorolIriel, i did have an idea, which was this:
03:03.51Cairlike, hello? I would think that the ops in the Cosmos channel would know about Cosmos :p
03:03.51Legorollet your frame have a handler for all mouse events
03:04.14Legorolso you take a mouse event handler, and if it's one you want to pass through, you do:
03:04.35LegorolEnableMouse(0), GetMouseFocus() (to get frame underneath you), GetScript on that for the handler in question, and call it if it's non-nil
03:04.48Legorolit's like function hooking, allows it to go through multiple frames
03:04.50IrielWell you wouldnt' even have to EnableMouse(0) I dont think
03:04.57IrielI think you could just call it's OnClick function
03:05.04Legorolhow else do you find out what's below you?
03:05.15Legorolyou have to find out what frame is underneath yours that would get the mouse event if you didn't
03:05.19IrielI figured in this case he knew
03:05.23IrielBut maybe not.
03:05.30Legoroli am talking completely general here
03:05.37LegorolTain might know in his case
03:05.50TainYeah you can't really count on knowing.  I mean I could for my own uses. :)  But it wouldn't necessarily be in all cases.
03:05.57TainEspecially since I'm actually moving the frame around.
03:05.57IrielYour general approach wont (I dont think) work for LootButtons, but for many other things it would
03:06.08LegorolMy generalised problem is to solve it for the case when you have a frame that wants to selectively handle events, and pass the rest to whatever is underneath it
03:06.23IrielAnd I believe that cannot be done satisfactorally for all cases
03:06.24Legorolok LootButtons are nasty though
03:06.38Legorolbut we know that
03:06.42Legorolwhat other case is there?
03:06.54IrielThe world frame?
03:06.58Legorolany frame that has a mouse event should respond to GetMouseFocus()
03:07.09TainI especially don't care about LootButtons since I disable functionality during looting as it is.
03:07.13Beladonathat is what I meant when I said it wouldn't be reliable
03:07.14Legorolwell if you find GetMouseFocus():GetName() == "WorldFrame", you have reached the bottom
03:07.19Tainand I need WorldFrame
03:07.32TainClick WorldFrame to move around.
03:07.41Legorolhm, you are right Iriel
03:07.45IrielYes, but I dont think you can pass a click to it
03:07.47Legorolyou can't pass the clicks through to worldframe :(
03:07.56IrielAnother option is the opposite
03:07.58Irielit's ugly tho
03:08.08Irielnamely, dont register for any mouse events, but watch the mouse in an OnUpdate
03:08.30Legorolhow do you catch clicks with that?
03:08.59Legorolok i don't think my general problem is solvable :(
03:09.14IrielWell, if you WANT clicks, then these problems go away
03:09.22Legorolnot really
03:09.24Irielthe problem si when you want the clicks to pass through
03:09.26Legorollet's say you want clicks, but not OnEnter
03:09.34IrielYou can simulate OnEnter
03:09.44Legorolbut that's a special case..
03:09.52Legoroli mean, you can write code for any particular special case
03:10.05Legoroli was just trying to see if you could solve it in general
03:10.28Legorolin a hypothetical example, you might want to catch OnClick but let OnDragStart through
03:10.50Legoroli think it's too general and therefore not possible to solve in a general way :(
03:11.23IrielYes, I agree there isn't a single simple solution
03:11.39AnduinLothargiving up already leg? it's not even tomorrow yet?
03:11.45IrielThe frame model supports "mouse, or no mouse" rather than shades of capability 8-)
03:11.48Legorolyeah i am giving up..
03:12.45Legorolwhat also gets me are keyboard events, specifically if a widget of type frame has keyboard enabled, then it will grab keyboard events even if there are say editboxes around and one of those editboxes has the focus
03:13.22Legorolenabling keyboard events on a frame can be very dangerous
03:14.10Legorolanyways, Iriel what I wanted to mention to you is:
03:14.25LegorolTem and I found that fontstrings can have their width defined in two ways
03:14.34Legorolwe called it "soft" and "hard" mode (don't laugh)
03:14.52Beladona<enter crude joke here>
03:14.54Legorolin "soft" mode, a fontstring's width depends on the text you set to it
03:14.59LegorolBeladona, others have done it already
03:15.16Legorolso fs:GetWidth() returns a value which changes with fs:SetText("...")
03:15.27Legorolalso, in soft mode the fontstring doesn't wrap
03:15.42Legorolin hard mode, the fontstring has a fixed width, fs:GetWidth() returns this width
03:15.56Legorolany SetText has no effect on this width, and if you set a text that is too long, it wraps it
03:16.27LegorolTransitioning between the modes is straightforward: fs:SetWidth(0) puts it into soft, fs:SetWidth(X) puts it into hard with the width fixed at X
03:16.35Legorolso this is how you can control whether it shoudl wrap or not
03:16.51Legorolas for detecting if a fontstring is in soft or hard mode, that's trickier
03:17.23Legorolyou can however do: w1 = fs:GetWidth(); fs:SetText(fs:GetText().."a"); if (fs:GetWidth() == w1) then in hard mode else in soft mode end
03:17.42LegorolThat's the gist of the discussion
03:18.07TainAh damnit someone came along and looted the herb I was testing with.
03:18.08LegorolThis behaviour mirrors the behaviour of how frames handle explicit sizing vs. anchors
03:18.28AnduinLotharwikified it yet?
03:19.31AnduinLotharsounds like it needs a Sea entry too EnableWrapping and IsWrapping
03:19.32IrielA non-invasive method of detection would be ncie, wonder if we can come up with one
03:19.45Legorolwell you can restore the text
03:19.50Legorolthere is an alternate method too:
03:20.13Legorolw = fs:GetWidth(); fs:SetWidth(0); if (w ~= fs:GetWidth()) then in hard mode end
03:20.53Legorolunfortunately, w == fs:GetWidth() doesn't guarantee that you are in soft mode
03:21.10Legorolit could be that you are in hard mode with a width that happens to match the width the fontstring would adjust to for that particular text in soft mode
03:21.48IrielThat's still invasive, but less noticably so
03:21.50Legorolagain, this is somewhat invasive
03:21.59IrielIt could be a less abusive first test
03:22.09IrielBut I suspect not that useful.
03:22.26LegorolWell it can give a definite answer, or indicate a further test is needed
03:22.30Nomad_WandererIs anyone familiar with /dump?
03:22.31IrielHm, what does GetStringWidth() do
03:22.35IrielHeh, I wrote it, so yes
03:22.44Legorolgood point, haven't fiddled with GetStringWidth() yet
03:22.48Legorolmaybe that's usable here
03:22.57Legorolcompare it with fontstring:GetWidth() or some such
03:23.01Legorolagain, this isn't 100% though
03:23.07tem`onyGetStringWidth returns the actual length of the text
03:23.09Legoroli will have a look at that at some point
03:23.14tem`ony(if it wasn
03:23.18tem`ony't wrapped)
03:23.19Nomad_WandererI have a multi-field table..It's got many entries.. too many to see in a chat log.. can I get individual sub tables using /dump?
03:23.29IrielNo, btu if we could do a non-invasive first test, then you could save the invasive one for the 50% of the cases
03:23.38LegorolI also wanted to point out the parallel between this and frames
03:23.39IrielNomad_Wanderer : Just do /dump table.subname.whatever
03:23.40tem`onyso if GetTextWidth > GetWidth then it's wrapped
03:24.02IrielActually, it'd be a lot less than 50%
03:24.08Legoroltem`ony, does GetStrinWidth return characters or pixels?
03:24.10Irielbecause you'd have to have a string EXACTLY the width of the frame
03:24.19IrielI mean, FontString, not frame
03:24.26Legorolmaybe there are some insets, but that can be included
03:24.29tem`onyLegorol: it returts pixels
03:24.34IrielNomad_Wanderer : You can pass /dump any expression, including function calls
03:24.48Nomad_Wandererwow.. That;s a little too past my speed limit for me now.
03:25.22IrielWell, if there's a particular bit of your structure you want to see while developing, you just have to add a function to your code, like getMyDebugInfo() that returns it, then you can do /dump getMyDebugInfo()
03:25.31LegorolIn case you guys aren't familiar with it, here is how SetWidth/GetWidth works for frames with anchors
03:25.33IrielYou can also call DevTools_Dump from inside your own code, but that can be a bit spammy
03:25.55LegorolIf you call SetWidth(X) on a frame, GetWidth() will always return that value
03:26.19Legorolif you however call SetWidth(0) on a frame, GetWidth() returns the actual width, calculated from the fact that the frame is anchored
03:26.49Legorolyou need to be careful though, because the scaling of the two cases differs
03:27.02LegorolI beleive in the first case, the return value is scaled according to the frame's scale
03:27.07IrielSo if you've called SetWidth, then GetWidth returns the desired width right, but you can override it with anchors
03:27.12Legorolwhereas in the second it's with an absolute scale
03:27.19LegorolIriel, that's right
03:27.32Legorolif you call SetWidth(X) and also have anchors, the anchors take precedence
03:27.34IrielHave you tested the scaling values in 1.9 ?
03:27.50Legorolnope, only vaguely remember that in 1.8 they differ slightly
03:27.59Legoroli mean they differ
03:28.09Legoroli will test in 1.9 at some point, wasn't too interested to be honest :-)
03:28.15Legoroljust wanted to note the parallel with the fontstring here
03:28.27Legorolbasically, seems liek XML objects can have an internal width variable
03:28.30LegorolSetWidth sets that
03:28.35IrielIs the logout event PLAYER_LOGOUT ?
03:28.37Legorolif it's non-0, GetWidth returns that
03:28.51Legorolif it's 0, then GetWidth() returns something calculated that is appropriate for that widget
03:28.57Iriel*nod @ Legorol
03:29.05tem`onyOh, I have a really good test for soft/hard
03:29.15tem`onyif GetStringWidth == GetWidth
03:29.23tem`onyelse hard
03:29.23Legorolnot 100% guaranteed
03:29.30Legorolif they are equal, coudl be either
03:29.32Legorolelse hard
03:29.34tem`onysure but that's a very small corner case
03:29.43Legorolyes, this is what Iriel and I discussed earlier
03:29.57Legorolthen you can do a more invasive test
03:30.01IrielIf they're equal you have to do an invasive test and change the value
03:30.03Legorolif it's necessary for your addon
03:30.17tem`onyah yes, that's a good point
03:30.25Legorolbtw, could there be some insets that alter this equality?
03:30.35Legorolthat would need to be taken into account
03:30.50zeeganyone got an email address for that one guy at curse-gaming who runs the site (it's not NeT)
03:30.51Legoroli don't remember if fontstrings allow insets
03:31.03tem`onyI don't think they do
03:31.30tem`onyInsets only apply on layers I think
03:31.47tem`onybut I'm no xml guru
03:32.21AnduinLotharpoor ... servers are nuked from Firefow 1.5 downloads + being slashdotted
03:32.40zeegi want slashdotted
03:32.41zeegi can handle it
03:32.50AnduinLothardoubt it
03:32.53IrielNo insets on FontString in the XSD
03:32.53zeegtrust me :)
03:32.57Legorolwhat does the nonspacewrap attribute of FontString do?
03:32.57AnduinLotharguru was craling last night
03:33.12zeegAnduinLothar, ya i wiped cache was fixing some things
03:33.16zeegif i wipe cache it has to regenerate pages
03:33.17IrielLegorol : it means "ThisIsAVeryLongStringWithNoSpaces" gets wrapped
03:33.18zeegwhich puts a lot of loa
03:33.22IrielInstead of being "ThisIsAVeryLo..."
03:33.23tem`onyFF 1.5 is out?
03:33.23zeegit does quite well for one server though
03:33.37Legorolah right
03:33.42AnduinLotharyes tem, gl finding a dl
03:33.53Beladona|sleepnight guys
03:34.04Cairnight Bela :)
03:34.08Legorolwhat about "bytes" and "spacing"?
03:35.36Nomad_WandererWhat about stray lua files in the addons folder...They only get loaded IF they are called by another file right?
03:35.43IrielNomad_Wanderer : Yes
03:35.46Nomad_WandererLike in an XML <script> tag..
03:35.51Nomad_Wandererk.. thats what I thought.
03:35.53IrielIf it's not in a .toc or .xml it wont get touched
03:36.07LegorolIriel, do you know what the bytes and spacing attribs do?
03:36.08CodayusOr in a .toc.  Or you could do what I did last week, and use both a <script> tag AND put them in the .tco!
03:36.12CodayusHint:  Don't do that.
03:36.22Legorolhm, i think the XML part of wowwiki needs serious work
03:36.23IrielLegorol : Nope, I'd imagine Bytes sets a size limit, but that'd be a guess.
03:36.27IrielYes it does
03:36.32Legorolwe are good on documenting functions, but not much info on attributes etc.,
03:36.39Legoroland on UI behaviour like the ones we discusssed here
03:37.37IrielI dont know if there are that many folks who use the wiki who build complex XML
03:38.01IrielWe need a couple of those to impart their wisdom
03:38.46Legoroli'd been gradually making notes on various XML arcana like these, i really should put them up..
03:38.48Legoroli'm too lazy
03:39.14Legorolbtw, "spacing" seems to control line spacing
03:39.28Legorolseems the amount, in pixels, that a multiline fontstring should place between lines
03:40.44IrielLegorol : Makes sense, that's the one thing you can't do yourself in an enclosing frame
03:43.25Cairnight clad|sleep
03:44.39AnduinLotharthx for your input on SeaHook btw clad
03:45.31TainOoh I crashed WoW.
03:45.45TainPlaying with the Minimap.
03:45.48Cairlol, that should get Tem's attention
03:46.00TainGotta see if I can recreate it.
03:46.09Nomad_WandererUh.. srry for my comment in the seahooks thread.. it was pretty unfunny.
03:46.12AnduinLotharlemme guess, you moved it off the screen
03:46.42IrielThe minimap has very little sense of humor
03:46.44AnduinLotharhaven't read it yet nomad, there's still time to delete it..
03:46.48TainOh no, I was actually moving the MiniMapTrackingFrame around
03:46.57Nomad_WandererIt was from my priest.. From malt..
03:47.00Codayus...and THAT crashed it?
03:47.05TainWhich is also funny to me that some of the Minimap frames are Minimap, and some are MiniMap
03:47.32IrielYou should try putting 2 of them on your screen
03:47.35Irielat different sizes
03:47.37Irielit's quite amusing
03:47.51Irielthe MiniMap can handle it, the tracking frame, not so much
03:48.02TainYeah I couldn't get two minimaps up really, I was trying.
03:48.10AnduinLotharthat the bug that blows um up to full screen?
03:49.18AnduinLotharah, _that_ joke. w/e
03:49.36Nomad_WandererYeah.. unfunny..
03:50.41Legoroluhm, just to verify that i understand correctly: the fact that fontstrings are displaying ... at the end rather than displaying the whole text is a bug, right?
03:50.50Legoroland is supposed to be fixed in 1.9?
03:51.59tem`onyThey are adding an option to wrap those instead of truncating
03:52.22AnduinLotharno leg
03:52.32AnduinLotharit's a feature
03:52.34TainI'm also tomorrow going to see if I can reliably recreate a mail attachment "poof" bug. :/
03:53.48IrielLegorol : The bug that was fixed was the same thing regarding edit boxes, I believe
03:54.03AnduinLothari use it for truncation in ChannelManager, it's pretty much a pain tho cause in order to make them truncate at the right pcae I have to update the width of the frame whenever the parent frame is resized
03:54.18IrielAnyone want to test a bug demonstration for me on 1.9 before I send it off to slouken?
03:54.50Nomad_WandererCan it be tomorrow?
03:55.04Legorolehm ok so why is that, if i have a fontstring, with a string that has spaces in it, it's truncating with ... after line 4, whereas it should have about 20 lines?
03:55.09LegorolIriel, i can try
03:55.30AnduinLotharmake it taller
03:55.32Legorolthat is still the case in 1.9 btw
03:55.34Legorolit doesn't have a height
03:55.48ToastTheifwsg is fun ^^
03:55.50AnduinLotharmax chars default on the fontstring prolly
03:56.22Legorolfonstring has no maxchar, only bytes
03:56.26Legoroland no, i am not exceeding it
03:56.46Legorolbasically what i have is some text with spaces, i have set the fontstring's width (so there is a hard width),
03:56.52Legoroland it's wrapping the text, up to line 4
03:56.57Legorolat the end of line 4, it's ...
03:57.02Legorolboth 1.8 and 1.9
03:57.08LegorolIriel, what's the test?
03:57.13Legoroli can do it for you
03:57.17IrielI'll post the URL for it in a sec
03:57.22IrielIt's small
03:57.28Legorolchanging hight of fontstring had no effect
03:57.29IrielI'm just finishing the readme
03:57.56AnduinLotharno idea, never tried to make a fonttring that size. ur sposed to use a multiline editbox or SimpleHTML frame for that
04:00.24AnduinLotharquestion about some globalstrings
04:01.00AnduinLotharTOOLTIP_TALENT_RANK on german client is "Rang %$1d/%$2d" any idea why that is?
04:01.13AnduinLotharenglish vers: TOOLTIP_TALENT_RANK = "Rank %d/%d";
04:01.16Legorolok i found out what's happening
04:01.24Legoroli do think multiline fontstrings are good,
04:01.32Legoroli mean fontstrings in general,
04:01.36Legorolthey are your basic non-fancy text labels
04:02.02Legorolanwyays, what was happening is that on line 5, i had some text that wouldn't fit the width i set, so it truncated that with ...
04:02.08Legoroland that stopped it from rendering the remaining lines
04:02.21IrielTry calling the new wrap method
04:02.24Irieland trying it again?
04:02.48AnduinLotharany idea what those $1 and $2 are for?
04:03.20AnduinLotharit fuxors formatting
04:03.42tekkubthe DE strings are all wacky
04:03.54AnduinLotharare all of them like that?
04:04.01tekkubI ran into that with Titan [Mail]
04:04.10tekkubthe auction ones are
04:04.17Legorolyou are right, Iriel
04:04.18tekkubdamn weird germans
04:04.27AnduinLotharhas it been reported?
04:04.37Legorolsetting nonspacewrap="true" in XML attribute or calling SetNonSpaceWrap ingame caused it to wrap the too long line,
04:04.45Legoroland it then rendered the remaining lines too
04:05.15tekkubI think it's intentional
04:05.30tekkubI havn't looked at the german code to see how it's used
04:05.30Legorolcould be
04:05.43tekkubI just had to adjust my regex to remove em
04:05.44AnduinLotharwhat could it possibly be used for?
04:06.03tekkubI don't know, maybe umlauts are a special case :P
04:07.39tekkubare you generating a regex by replacing the %d or something?
04:07.51tekkuband then doing a stirng.find
04:08.15AnduinLotharthat's what i generally do
04:08.25TainIf I get returned, "attempt to concatenate local 'v' (a function value)" is there a way for me to see what that function is?  (I'm inside game, not my own addon somewhere.)
04:08.29AnduinLotharr gsub
04:08.33tekkubone sec I'll get you my stuff from Titan {Mail]
04:08.40AnduinLothari dont need it
04:08.48AnduinLothari need it fixed
04:08.52IrielThe $'s are positional replacement AnduinLothar
04:09.15AnduinLotharwhat are they used for tho iriel?
04:09.23IrielYou could do "Max %$2d Cur %$1d"
04:09.27Legorolpositional replacement?
04:09.41Legoroli thought the strings in globalstrings are used in string.format() calls
04:09.45IrielThey are
04:09.53AnduinLothari get it
04:09.54Irielsring.format in wow is special.
04:09.56tekkubthat changes em to a (.+)
04:10.01AnduinLotharit's for swaping the order of the input vars
04:10.02Legorolwhich should take the same as printf in C
04:10.05Legorolit's special?
04:10.50LegorolIriel, out of curiousity, how did you find this out, did slouken post ;-)
04:11.06Legorolare there other features of WoW's format that standard Lua doesn't have?
04:11.21IrielHm, actually it's not appearing to be special right now, but someone (I dont recall who) had tested it at one point
04:11.27AnduinLothartekkub, what's that regex do?
04:11.42tekkubone sec
04:12.34IrielMaybe it only works on the EU versions
04:12.44tekkubI use that on Globalstrings like..
04:12.45tekkub"You won an auction for %s"
04:12.54AnduinLotharthe possibility of them being in a diff order dramaticly increased the difficulty of scanning based on format strings..
04:12.54Legorolwell, string.format("%$2s %$1s", "a", "b") in enGB client just threw an "invalid option in format"
04:12.55tekkubto cange it to "You won an auction for (.+)"
04:13.09tekkuband then plug it back to string.find
04:13.19tekkuband it works with the wacky german strings
04:13.34tekkubyou'll prolly need to change the 's' to a 'd'
04:13.46IrielNo, doesn't work with a d for me
04:13.59IrielBut there IS a function that handles it, damn, I can't remember what it was
04:14.11Legoroli could install deDE client...
04:14.15IrielWell, perhaps it's not actually LUA that's doing it
04:14.31IrielI think some of those strings get used by the C++ engine, which is likely using printf, which DOES parse them
04:14.43tekkubcats are such a hinderance to typing
04:14.54LegorolIriel, the C++ printf definition i just looked at doesn't mention the $ character
04:14.54IrielBut anyway, that's what they mean
04:14.54AnduinLotharleg, if ur gonna install it, upload the german GlobalStrigns to the svn while ur at it
04:14.58tekkubthe plop their fat ass in your lap and act cute
04:15.13tekkuband they KNOW it's making it hard to do what you were doing
04:15.20IrielWell, it may not be printf per se, btu it's one of the features of string libraries with internationalization support
04:15.34IrielIt/s been far too long sinceI played in C/C++
04:16.08Legorolwell it's not standard Lua, but since afaik format just passes it on to some underlying C function,
04:16.13Legorolit could be the underlying funciton
04:16.16Legorolprobably not printf
04:16.36AnduinLothardid whats his face ever finish that conversion lib for converting format strings to regex strings?
04:17.01AnduinLotharwas it docvangoh that was working on it?
04:17.06AnduinLotharthat was liek 6 months ago
04:17.09LegorolIriel, how is that test coming ;-)
04:17.38Legorolnow i can fuel WoW addiction 24/7/168
04:18.10AnduinLotharcant login to us servers..
04:18.28IrielHeh, fine, i'm just adding some more detailed tests, sorry, got a bit carried away
04:18.30Nomad_WandererI had one of those over heard wow at lunch stories today..
04:18.30Legoroli can log in to the EU test realms which are actually located in the US in the data center there
04:18.58tekkubjust put a new version of Warmup up, integrated Eventful into it :)
04:19.06Nomad_WandererI was sitting there eating my lunch when the table next to me starts saying. "Of course it's a server memory leak. Why would they need to bring the realms down for 8 hours every week.."
04:19.06LegorolAnduinLothar, anything else you need on SVN from deDE client?
04:19.51Legorolmind you, i might not be able to patch, with realms down to maintenance
04:19.51AnduinLothardont think much else is different
04:19.56Legorolin which case it'll have to wait till tomorrow
04:20.21Nomad_WandererI laughed and asked what they were talking about and yep they play on a pvp server :)
04:20.51Legorolhm, that made me realises: you can get live client, german client with language pack, and test client, but you can't install german test client on an enGB installation
04:23.05Nomad_WandererI'm starting to get frustrated with my priest... I only have a 4 button UI.. I can code addons and run a MajorDomo kill at the same time
04:23.40Nomad_WandererMaybe priest is the addon developer friendly class ;)
04:24.13AnduinLotharya, it's the one most dependant on simple decision logic
04:25.02Nomad_WandererJust spam Flash heal, Fade, Prayer of Healing, and Renew.
04:25.15Nomad_WandererWrite code while you do the above..
04:25.32tekkubhealbot :)
04:25.39AnduinLotharw/o addons you have to be good at processing information and making snap decisions. as oppossed to other classes which may prize quick reflexes and order of opperations more
04:26.19AnduinLotharwhen i'm healing i dont actually use my brain much
04:26.27tekkubstupid cat... now my leg's asleep
04:26.47Nomad_Wanderertekkub = bukket?
04:26.58tekkubgah! no!
04:27.02AnduinLotharit's more engaging on my pally when i have to decide weather it's more important to kill the monster fast or heal my ally
04:27.05Nomad_Wanderer:) j/k
04:27.06tekkubI name a taru that once
04:27.22Irielif someone wants to repeat my test (on 1.9)
04:27.25tem`onygetting off IRC because gaim uses a buttload of memory
04:27.29Irielthe readme.txt has the details
04:27.34tem`onyand I'm getting terrible FPS for ony
04:27.37*** part/#wowi-lounge tem`ony (
04:27.49Nomad_WandererWindow Mode :)
04:28.12AnduinLotharneed to be productive
04:28.52LegorolIriel, you *had to* make the readme file have UNIX style line endings :-p
04:29.17Nomad_Wanderer^m's suck plain and simple
04:30.08IrielI'm on linux, so yes  8-)
04:31.02LegorolIriel, it seems to me that this isn't really a bug,
04:31.12Legorolmore like a limitation of the current layout saving system
04:31.22Irielyeah, but it's counter-intuitive
04:31.24Legorolyou really shouldn't change the scale to something different before restoring the saved pos
04:31.27Irielit may not be a NEW bug
04:31.46Legorolwell i guess we can argue if it's a bug or not..
04:32.04IrielIf the saved coords were normalized to the parents then it wouldn't happen
04:32.22Legorolit would still happen if the parent's scale is set onload
04:32.28CodayusI'm finding out weapon type by using GameTooltip:SetInventoryItem() and GameTooltipTextRight3:GetText()...
04:32.32IrielI'll note this wasn't MY bug
04:32.40IrielI was just reproducing it for someone else
04:32.40CodayusBut actually, GetItemInfo() would be a lot easier wouldn't it?
04:32.47IrielCodayus : yes
04:32.56Legorolwell this should be an issue under 1.8 too, i beleive
04:32.56CodayusWhy didn't I think of that before?
04:33.05Legorolsince frame position is restored after OnLoad processing
04:33.08CodayusOh yeah, because I forgot GetItemInfo() existed.  Grrr.
04:33.08Nomad_WandererI'd love it if GetItemInfo() would give back the class restrictions for an item.
04:33.48CodayusWell, THAT lets me get rid of a lot of ugly code.  (Among other things, weapon type is on different lines on different items...)
04:37.07LegorolIriel, i ran through your test on 1.9
04:37.12Legoroldid exactly as you describe in readme
04:38.12Irielcool, thank you.
04:41.37Irieland now.. Princess Must Die!
04:42.26CairDie foul pig, die!
04:42.29Legoroli'm not sure what you want slouken to do about this though
04:42.40Legorolbasing it on parent's scale isn't correct either
04:43.11IrielWell, I believe the saved positions are intended to be 'screen relative'
04:43.49Legorolthey aren't
04:43.56Legorolthey are in the scaled coordinates of the frame at the time of saving
04:44.09IrielYes, I know that
04:44.20Irielbut are they relative to the actual parent, or the UIParent?
04:45.19Legorolthey are relative to the frame's own coordinate system
04:45.22Legorolwhich depends on its scale
04:45.32IrielI think their being stored in scale form is an artifact of the way anchors are managed, and isn't 'deliberate'
04:45.46IrielOkay, let me be more pedantic
04:45.51Legorolok, maybe we have a different way of interpreting "scales"
04:46.14IrielWhere is the origin of the stored frame's coordinate system, is it the top left corner of the screen, or the top left corner of the frame's current Parent at the time of saving
04:46.32Legoroli don't know that one
04:46.36Legoroli beleive it's screen
04:46.41IrielI do too
04:46.42Legoroli can try and test it
04:47.33IrielSo normalizing the stored coordinate so that, regardless of its scale at time of restoration, the window is still at the same place on the screen, would, to me, be better than what it does now
04:47.56Legoroli agree
04:48.02Legorolso it should save scale independent position
04:48.14IrielSo that's what I'm hoping slouken does with it 8-)
04:48.34Legoroldo you know why they did the scale changes in 1.9 that they did?
04:48.44Legorolwith effectivescale = getscale * parent:getscale
04:49.10Legorolwhat was wrong with the previous system?
04:50.19IrielThe other system was trying to work that way, sorta
04:50.45IrielIt mutated mid-implementation into the somewhat hacky pre-1.9 system
04:51.05tekkubBlizzy code "somewhat-hacky"?  nevar!
04:51.06Irielwhere calling X:SetScale ALSO updated the scales of all the children, so it sort of behaved like it was properly nested
04:51.17IrielSo he just clened it up
04:51.26tekkub<3 slouken
04:51.31tekkuband he's cute to boot
04:51.31IrielI like the new system much better
04:52.16tekkubI love how every time I've submitted some issue the reply is always a one-line "oh crap, I'll fix that"
04:52.43tekkubit makes one feel like a real beta tester
04:53.01tekkuband yea.. I know the game's been out a damn year, but at times the UI still feels beta
04:53.32CodayusAt least they fix stuff.
04:53.54tekkubBlizz rules cause they're open to constructive criticism
04:54.31tekkubSqueenix? "we can't let you get to your desktop cause you cousd bot"  guess what? bots work fine without stealing focus!
04:55.51CodayusHeh, on a vaguely related note...  I love the windowed+maximized mode
04:56.15CodayusThe *only* thing that'd make it better is if WoW sounds would still play while the game doesn't have focus...
04:56.15tekkubyea see, that's another "we want it so they did it"
04:56.26tekkubyea why can't we have sounds?
04:56.36tekkubWoW is so rarely in focus on my box :)
04:56.36CodayusI didn't even know I wanted it until they did it.  But I did.  :-)
04:56.42LegorolIriel, frame's saved position is absolute in frame's coordinate system
04:56.45Legorolit's not relative to parent
04:56.46CodayusIt'd be nice for BG queues.
04:56.53TainI just wanted to see what was out there.
04:56.58tekkubthere's a mod for that now
04:57.04tekkubit's funny how they did it
04:57.14Tainfor k,v in getfenv() do print(k,v) end
04:57.20TainIs not a good idea. :/
04:57.20tekkubyou get queue notice it saves a var and reloads ui
04:57.36tekkubthen it's client catches the SV file and makes noise
04:58.26tekkubwell hey, if you're AFK anway who cares about the 20sec to reloadui
04:58.32tekkubyou get your alert
04:58.50tekkuband the guy put up the client's code for independant review
04:58.59IrielLegorol : Cool, then the fix is fairly easy
04:59.08LegorolIriel, there is a workaround for now: on logout, the frame should set its scale to 1 before exiting
04:59.09tekkubmaybe Blue will get the hit that we need sound when it's not in focus
04:59.22Legorolthen after it's been positioned, it should move itself if its scale was changed OnLoad
04:59.29CodayusHmm, uh, silly question - I haven't played much with XML files before - if I make a change and /reloadui will it update?
04:59.50tekkubonly TOC files are on load only
05:00.02tekkuband that only changed cause of load on demand
05:00.19Legorolnot true, not because of load on demend
05:00.21IrielWell, some files can't be added
05:00.29Legorolalso because of optimizations, and the Enable/Disable AddOn API
05:00.29tekkubactually you don't have to completly exit, they're read on acct login
05:00.30IrielYou can't add textures and stuff wihtout a client restart
05:00.48Legoroltextures as in files, right?
05:00.54Legoroli coudl add a texture that is a colored box
05:00.58IrielYes, as in files
05:01.07Legorolwhat about <script> tags?
05:01.14tekkubah, see I never deal in textures I didn't know that
05:01.17Legorolwell anyway, let's hope slouken does something to the scale thing
05:01.36Legorolshould be easy, just save coordinate*geteffectivescale instead of coordinate
05:01.39tekkuband the enable/disable thing happenend same time as on-demand so I lump it together :P
05:01.47Legoroland on loading, restore to position loaded coordinate/geteffectivescale
05:02.38Legorolbtw is it just me or do scales give others headache too?
05:02.54IrielOnce you get used to them they're ok
05:02.58Legorolsometimes i don't know if to divide or multiply ;-) i can work it out if i think hard about it, but it's confusing occasionally
05:03.10IrielAnchors being in the child scale is all that messes me up when i'm not thinking
05:03.25Legorolthey are?
05:03.30Legorolyou mean e.g. offsets?
05:03.37tekkubI avoid scales... I just add a 2nd monitor to get more UI space
05:03.51tekkubbut then again, scaled frames look like crap on my panels
05:04.39tekkubif I ran CRT I'd prolly love scaled frames
05:04.53Legorolwhy is frame:SetPoint("TOPLEFT") invalid? i thought that is valid..
05:04.55TainI was fine with scales once I just started using Visor for everything.  But I'll have to rewrite things with 1.9 I'm sure.  I should probably log into test.
05:05.13tekkubyou should yes
05:05.23tekkubI went to toy with the enchanter links :)
05:05.37tekkuband made Enchanter Ad Shrinker shorten them too
05:05.55tekkub[Enchant Chest - Minor Health] is just too wordy
05:06.13tekkub[Chest HP+5] FTW!
05:06.45TainThat should work Legorol, unless maybe the frame doesn't have a parent defined?
05:07.53tekkuboh yea I need to post up those frame Visor doesn't work with
05:08.20Legorolthe virtual template used for the frame does have UIParent as parent
05:08.23Taintekkub: Inconceivable!
05:08.50tekkub./vz f=ActionButton1Border wh=20
05:08.52tekkubtry it
05:08.54Legorolok, the frame itself has a parent="UIParent" in XML
05:08.55IrielTOPLEFT is valid
05:08.59Legorolyet SetPoint complains
05:09.24IrielWhat;s your exact call?
05:09.47Legorol./script frame:SetPoint("TOPLEFT")
05:09.56Legorolwhere frame is a frame that has UIParent as parent
05:10.01Legorolwhat i get is the Usage text for SetPoint
05:10.04futrtrublis it already anchored?
05:10.17Legorolthat shouldn't matter, but to be save i ClearAllPoints first
05:10.35IrielThere's no single-arg use of SetPoint
05:10.44IrielYou have to set it TO something
05:10.44TainAccording to wowwiki there is.
05:10.46Anduin|Studyingholy crap. Cable at peak hours in suburbia....  I am so switching back to dsl.
05:10.47Legorolbut the usage text says it does
05:10.55IrielSetPoint("TOPLEFT", 0, 0) should work
05:10.55Legoroland slouken said he implemented single-arg use
05:11.31LegorolError: [string "tf2:SetPoint("TOPLEFT")"]:1: Usage: SetPoint("point" [, frame] [, "relativePoint"] [, offsetX, offsetY])
05:11.40IrielHm.. true
05:12.03futrtrublcould the "self" be the issue?
05:12.12Anduin|Studyingcan someone look up the Linked List on the docs and tell me what the remove command syntax is?
05:14.01LegorolIriel, one thing that confuses me about scales is GetWidth()
05:14.43Legorolif the frame has a width defined via SetWidth, it returns that, and that width is consistent with GetRight()-GetLeft()
05:14.49Legorolwhich are scaled values
05:15.40Taintekkub: Looks like the ActionButton??Border frames don't have methods to adjust them on their own.
05:15.48LegorolHowever, if you instead anchor the frame and call SetWidth(0),
05:15.57Legorolthen GetWidth() returns size in absolute screen coordinates
05:16.05Legorolnot the parent's scale, not the child's scale, but absolute
05:16.25Legorolso it's not equal to GetRight-GetLeft
05:16.34tekkubYou can set width
05:16.39tekkubthat's all I want
05:16.50IrielTo be honest I almost never use width/height
05:17.06tekkubyou don't have the bad aspect ratio I do
05:17.24tekkubI have to adjust everything if I don't want to lok at stretchy
05:17.54tekkubbut I can't compensate for my tauren's fat ass /cry
05:18.12tekkubI hope they get the dual-mon resolutions in pronto post 1.9
05:18.16Nomad_WandererAre you familiar with the /chatlog command
05:18.21Anduin|Studyingwhat resolution are u playign at that stretches?
05:18.29futrtrublnow we need SetXScale() and SetYScale() ;']
05:18.33tekkub1360x768 fitted into 2048x768
05:18.41tekkubsince there is no 2048x768
05:18.45TainThat's what you get.
05:18.47Legorolthe problem is the 1360
05:18.51tekkuband WoW won't accept custom res's
05:18.54Legorolset it to 1024x768 in WoW
05:19.06Legoroli think
05:19.11IrielWell, Princess apparently has decided to save her life by not actually spawning
05:19.14tekkubthen I get 2x stretch
05:19.25Legorolyes, but then you can rescale the worldframe
05:19.29Legorolso you have worldframe on one monitor
05:19.36futrtrublpigs are one of the smartest animals around
05:19.42Nomad_WandererPeople are saying the /chatlog command writes to disk in realtime, i.e. if you disco, it saves up to the disco..
05:19.42TainHave you tried entering 2048x768 manually in the
05:19.44tekkubyea but it doesn't correct aspect
05:19.46Nomad_Wandereris that right?
05:19.59Legorolaspect ratios, resolutions and clipping of the viewport are very complicated
05:20.01tekkubthe issue isn't moking worldframe
05:20.08Legoroli tried to research all aspects of it and got a headache :-)
05:20.16tekkubit's that everything becomes d o u b l e w i d e
05:20.26TainLike a trailer home.
05:20.29Legorolok what are you trying to achieve
05:20.35Legorolto show the gameworld across the two monitors?
05:20.36tekkubdual monitor
05:20.41Legorolwhilst having right aspect ratio?
05:20.47tekkubno, WorldFrame on left
05:20.57tekkubin proper aspect
05:20.58Legoroland UI on right?
05:21.05tekkubmost UI on right yes
05:21.11Legorolok, then as i suggested, set resolution to 1024x768 in WoW,
05:21.15tekkubno, I do it script-wise
05:21.18futrtrublthere is no way yet to have a double monitor settup without stretching
05:21.20Legoroland set the WorldFrame to occupy only left-hand screen
05:21.27Legoroldoes that not work?
05:21.29tekkubone sec
05:21.42tekkubI think I have to post a pic for you to understand
05:22.49Legorolhm ok i think i see your problem
05:23.04tekkubyou get it now?
05:23.16tekkubthe aspect stretches to the new frame
05:23.31tekkubI can adjust frames fine with :SetWidth()
05:23.45tekkubthe issue is that my tauren's ass is still fat :P
05:23.58tekkuband a few think can't adjust, like minimap
05:24.02Legorolif you do WorldFrame:SetWidth(), it does a combination of stretching, clipping and aspect ratio changing
05:24.05Legorolso it's not straightforward
05:24.22tekkubaspect never changes
05:24.33tekkubit's always 1360:768
05:24.49tekkubeven if the frame's, say, 8:3
05:24.59Legorolok hm
05:25.12Legorolok so let me get this straight
05:25.18Legorolyou set whatever res you want in WoW,
05:25.18tekkubslou's said they're gonna fix it someday
05:25.25Legorolbut it stretches across 2 screens, right?
05:25.28Legorolyour computer does
05:25.31tekkubwow accepts only 19 res's
05:25.36Legorolyes i know that
05:25.44Legorolwhat i am saying is, let's say you set 1024x768 in wow
05:25.56tekkubso it stretches everything to fit
05:25.59Legorolthen the game divides your two monitor's worth of space into 1204 pixels by 768, right?
05:26.06Legorolyeah so it stretches to double, visually
05:26.19tekkubyes, it fits 4:3 to 8:3
05:26.31Legorolnow if you set worldframe's width to 512,
05:26.36Legorolwhat happens?
05:26.38tekkubinstead of changing the visual aspect to 8:3
05:26.47tekkubsame aspect
05:27.09tekkubif Worldframe is 12x768 it's still the 4:3 aspect
05:27.18TainYou mean changing the viewport, Legorol ?
05:27.28tekkubthe viewable area might change, but the visual aspect never does
05:27.38Legorolwell, technically changing worldframe's width and changing viewport is not the same thing
05:27.51TainNo it's not, that's why I was trying to clarify.
05:27.53tekkubit's like, you can make it look like letterboxed 16:9
05:28.11Legorolyeah but WoW clips and stretches, not changing aspect
05:28.17Legorolok i see the problem, hm
05:28.18tekkubbut the worldframe's aspect is 4:3, same as the UIParent dimensions
05:28.41tekkubsoo my conundrum
05:28.49Legorolsomehow oncei managed to change aspect with setwidth/setheight
05:28.52Legoroltrying to remember how
05:29.07tekkubit's so bad I get on my hubby's box and go "elves aren't THAT tall and lankey...
05:29.55tekkubI see true-aspect photos of tauren and think they're underfed
05:30.01StylpeThis isn't right
05:30.49StylpeI didn't think it was possible for more girls to come into this community
05:31.09StylpeUnpossible! The world is becoming a better place to live in!
05:31.10TainWho says tekkub is a girl?
05:31.21futrtrublGIRLZZ ON TEH INTERWEB!?!?!!!!!11!one
05:31.25StylpeOh, he could be gay, too
05:31.54Cairmeh, who cares
05:32.01Cairtekkub is tekkub is tekkub
05:32.01TainSetting the width on WorldFrame doesn't appear to do anything.
05:32.10Cairmale, female - doesn't matter
05:32.23StylpeFor every girl nerd I meet, I cheer for a week.
05:32.39Cairwe aren't *nerds* thank you very much, we are *geeks*
05:32.42Cairget it right
05:32.44tekkubtrue.. it don't matter.... random poll who thinks slouken's beard in secksy?
05:32.48StylpeI know, it totally slipped
05:33.13zeegdoes silver come in here yet Cair?
05:33.14futrtrublbetter than a troll I saw on some forum somewhere. 15 page conversation, with every 4th post being fim saying variations of "NEKKID PICS!!!?"
05:34.52Cairtekkub - private window :p
05:35.03Cairor are you not registered?
05:35.16tekkubuh, I replied
05:35.26Tainheh oh I did shrink the WorldFrame
05:35.44tekkubreh jis turd?
05:35.46Stylpetekkub: Don't believe a word Cair says ab out me!
05:36.06Cairstill nadda tekkub ... are you registered?
05:36.18Cairif you aren't, your responses won't come through
05:36.27tekkubreh jis turd?
05:36.50tekkubsplain how then :P
05:37.26futrtrubl./ns register thepasswordyouwanthere
05:37.49futrtrublthen /ns identify thepasswordyouset
05:37.55futrtrublanytime you come on
05:39.42StylpeI wish there was a good nor-eng dictionary online, because then it wouldn't take so long to look up stupid words
05:40.30StylpeAnyway, what I wanted to say earlier was, it just makes me so warm and fuzzy inside when I know that the old gender roles are being destroyed =)
05:41.03tekkubmmm fuzzzy
05:41.17Stylpeif that made any sense =P
05:41.47tekkubI like fuzzy
05:43.39tekkubso yea... to regress like half an hour
05:43.47tekkubI've gotten used to the bad aspect
05:44.03tekkubthe issue is Visor doesn't like to set width on textures
05:44.26tekkubI currently do it with a lil script, but I'd rather Visor handle it
05:44.43futrtrublwb kerg
05:45.34Stylpeyay! /cheer kergoth
05:46.52TainPost up specifics tekkub and it will get looked at.
05:46.57TainThis I swear!
05:46.59kergothinterview(s) went pretty well, methinks, though i couldnt answer a couple questions well, mostly because of a lack of information from them about the positions
05:47.09kergothtalked to like 6 or 7 people at hte company
05:47.17TainThey hiring more, kergoth?  Where do I have to move to?
05:47.21tekkubmake ActionButton1Border work and it should fix em all
05:48.51Cair*crosses her fingers for kergoth*
05:48.59TainWell you can use Visor to change the size of the WorldFrame
05:49.03TainAnd move it around
05:49.17kergoththanks cair, i've got mine crossed too :)
05:49.20TainYou just have to set the parent and relative parent of WorldFrame to UIParent
05:49.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (
05:49.46Temwe just wiped on ony at 2%
05:49.54Tembecause someone zoned in
05:50.01Temand we got 2349815712 warders on our ass
05:50.10tekkubeh?  I wasn't talking about WorldFrame
05:50.26tekkubstop raiding and pay attention!
05:50.57kergothTem: :(
05:51.06Legorolyou shouldn't set the parent of WorldFrame to UIParent
05:51.10Legorolif you do, game goes blank
05:51.17Legorolyou can anchor it to UIParent, that's fine
05:51.27Legorolbut WorldFrame:SetParent(UIParent) is a nono
05:52.19TainWorks fine for me!
05:52.27TainI'm playing with it right now.
05:52.29Legorolcaused mine to go blank
05:52.58TainShrunk WorldFrame down to 400x300 and had a litle window in the middle of my screen.
05:53.31TainI'm just offering you other options, tekkub.
05:54.07TainSet your WorldFrame to a more suitable display resolution so you can see it all normally, and keep your other UI stuff completely out of the view of the world.
05:54.16IrielNight all
05:54.28Cairnight Iriel
05:54.30Stylpeninight Iriel
05:59.02Legorolhm, Blizzard's custom interface kit doesn't extract interface files from german client under enGB client using language pack
06:00.08futrtrublyeah, don't set it's parent to UIParent. if you do, any time UIParent hides it will too, like when you take screenshots or use alt-H.
06:07.22futrtrublI hate doing translations
06:19.12*** join/#wowi-lounge RasmusKL (
06:23.55Temare you still here?
06:24.11TemYou just solved my crash condition from a long time ago that I could never figure out
06:28.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Esamynn (
06:29.19Esamynnwow, it's quiet in here
06:29.49KolthRoughly speaking.
06:31.26StylpeWell, I have an exam in one and a half hour, and am currently having a minor nervous breakdown
06:31.39KolthGo get drunk.
06:31.44KolthOr move to America.
06:32.05tekkubmy old college roomie did better at calc when he was drunk
06:32.15tekkubevery test he drank mare and did better
06:33.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Esamynn (
06:34.32Esamynnok, wtf, I have registered this host with nickserv, yet its still demanding I Identify myself :(
06:35.07kergothyes, so identify yourself.
06:35.09kergothidentify != register
06:35.19kergother, oh, it helps if i read what you say
06:35.22kergothcorrectly, even
06:35.40EsamynnI thought the point of the access list was so you didn't have to identify yourself each time
06:35.41kergothsure that hostmask is correct? :)
06:37.37Esamynnand it doesn't add another entry to the list when I identify myself, and automask is on
06:38.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Tain (
06:39.38Esamynnany bright ideas or am I wrong about the point of the access list?
06:40.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Esamynn (
06:49.50*** join/#wowi-lounge slouken (
06:50.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Esamynn (
06:50.20sloukengood topic. :)
06:50.41Esamynnhey, its the man himself :)
06:50.52sloukenHowdy. :)
06:50.53tekkubI didn't know he came here
06:51.16tekkub<-- bear on the forums, that annoying homo that thinks your beard is cute
06:51.36tekkub<-- and keeps bitching about dual-monitor aspect ratios
06:51.43slouken~punt tekkub
06:51.45purlACTION sends tekkub into a new timezone
06:52.12Esamynn./comfort tekkup
06:52.15sloukenActually, as I said, it's on our TODO list, but it's pretty low priority
06:52.34tekkubI know slou, I'm glad it is
06:52.49kergothooh, looks interesting
06:52.56tekkubit seems there used to be a console command to set the res
06:53.07tekkubwhy we limited to the list now?
06:53.11Cair*reminds everyone that bugging Slouken about work isn't allowed in here.  That's what the forums are for*
06:53.20tekkubcouldn't ya just turn that back on ^^
06:53.49CodayusOooh, itsa a slouken!
06:54.03CodayusActually, the a is redundant, isn't it?
06:54.10tekkubbah, ruin my fun... can I at least play with his beard
06:54.22Cairfor that, you'd have to ask him
06:54.23Esamynnyes, yes it is Codayus
06:54.28Cairbut leave him alone about work
06:54.31tekkubI have to ask?
06:54.38tekkubtaht's no fun
06:55.04Cair*boots Esamynn*
06:55.34tekkubyou know you create two more bugs every time you swat one...
06:55.44sloukenyeah, it's a frustrating fact
06:55.45tekkubit's the law of programming!
06:56.06Esamynnnah, all my programs are bug free! ;)
06:56.15Esamynn*I wish*
06:56.15tekkubyou're lucky then
06:56.28tekkubfirst ya start with only one bug...
06:56.39tekkubthen suddenly snowballefect!
06:56.41kergothif you run it for the first time and it seems bug free, be very afraid
06:56.47Esamynnand then you ahve a million, they breed faster than rabbits
06:57.10tekkub*ponder* we need a BUG_UPDATE event...
06:58.09sloukenEvery frame that listens to the event generates another one
06:58.17sloukenI like it. :)
06:58.32tekkubHe likes me!
06:59.00TainThere's no question.
06:59.11tekkubI'm perfectly sanitary TYVM
06:59.14Esamynnit doesn't exist, I know, I was trying to be nice
06:59.43TainWoah we're going to need pop-up blockers in WoW now.
06:59.45kergothhmm, i like rici's proposed possible change to lua's iteration protocol
06:59.52TainFrames will be doing pop-unders
07:00.00futrtrublWe need Iriel to add the BUG_UPDATE event to 1.9 changes. Or is that for 1.10 Slouken?
07:00.01tekkubwhat'? I've never seen one of the Blue Man Group before... I'll be poking him all night just to see if he's real
07:00.27TainHey the Blue Man Group is a great show!
07:00.28sloukenOkay, good night everyone, have fun!
07:00.35Tembye slouken
07:00.38Cair*beats futrtrubl over the head*
07:00.42TemOH! Slouken! Before you go
07:00.43TainHave a good one slouken .
07:00.44Cairnight Slouken :)
07:00.55Esamynnnight slouken
07:01.00TainA bread grope?
07:01.12tekkubso I can't type shut up!
07:01.12TainYou can't steal slouken's sandwich
07:01.17TemTake a look at the 1.9 Changes thread when you get a Chance, Legorol figured out what was the real cause of my frame Strata crashes
07:01.25Cairno asking slouken to do work stuff!
07:01.29tekkubstop making fun of my handicap /cry
07:01.30sloukenYeah, I fixed it already. :)
07:01.33*** part/#wowi-lounge slouken (
07:01.35TemIt was Mousewheel enabledness
07:02.08TainJust like a guy, big build up and then just leave you hanging without any satisfaction.
07:02.12tekkubI think he likes me
07:02.32Cairtekkub, sweetie, hate to break this to you, but
07:02.36Cairhe's straight
07:02.39Cairand married
07:02.50tekkubso I can still play with his beard
07:03.02futrtrublremember, purl is logging all of this ;']
07:03.26tekkubwill she hurt me?
07:03.29Esamynnpoor purl, the things she has seen
07:03.34purlCair: aw, gee
07:04.08Temwe really need a Mega HAL in here
07:04.08TemI would really like to see how quickly it would be corrupted
07:04.18Cairoh lord no :p
07:04.21futrtrubl~emulate Hal
07:05.12purlLet me 'splain. No, there is too much. Let me sum up.
07:05.24Cairlove the inigo quotes
07:05.33purlAm I going MAD, or did the word "think" escape your lips?
07:06.07purlHello, my name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father: prepare to die.
07:06.23kergothmawwaige, mawwaige is what bwings us togevah today
07:06.24TemThat's the first time I've gotten it to say that
07:06.29purlTem: :)
07:06.39Cairlol kergoth!
07:07.15futrtrubl~fix Esamynn
07:07.16purlACTION takes Esamynn to the vet for a "special" visit.
07:07.28futrtrublnot quite what I had in mind ;']
07:09.25Esamynnplease be nice to me, i'm an irc n00bie :P
07:09.32EsamynnI can't fight back
07:09.53tekkubjust /angry at them
07:09.56futrtrublEsamynn, say "~slap futrtrubl"
07:10.23Esamynn~slap futrtrubl
07:10.25purlACTION slaps futrtrubl, keep your grubby fingers to yourself!
07:10.39tekkubyou know... I try to say that and I think I sprained my mouth
07:11.13Esamynnsome nicknames just weren't meant to pass the tounge
07:11.28tekkubyea, I'll just call him furbie
07:11.55purli heard futrtrubl is the author of BasicExperienceBar, which can't yet be found on WoWI.
07:12.16futrtrublI need to update that
07:12.22Cairyes, yes you do
07:12.29Cairtekkub, it has to be programed
07:12.42futrtrubl~no, futrtrubl is the author of BasicExperienceBar, which can be found on WoWI.
07:12.49tekkubI know I was wondering if it had random "I don't know him" ones
07:12.58futrtrublpurl, no, futrtrubl is the author of BasicExperienceBar, which can be found on WoWI.
07:13.00purlfutrtrubl: okay
07:13.04*** join/#wowi-lounge Tuatara (
07:13.16kergoththats an annoying blootbot bug.  you cant use non-nickname addressing with 'no, '
07:13.30Cairbtw, what is so hard about futrtrubl's name?
07:13.40Esamynnwhere can I find info on how to use the bot btw?
07:13.42Cair"Future Trouble"
07:13.43StylpeWell, I guess I should go to my exam *cry* See you in about 4 hours
07:13.49Cairgood luck Stylpe
07:13.54Esamynngl Styple
07:14.12purlextra, extra, read all about it, ibot is a blootbot written in perl run by TimRiker on his server. logs on<chan>/ , ibot, jbot, apt are all the same process. It uses sqlite, but mysql or other SQL storage is also supported.
07:14.17purlsomebody said blootbot was an IRC bot written in perl descended from infobot. Hosted on SF. Patches welcome, submit on SF or, or,.  I am a blootbot
07:14.20Cairfutrtrubl == future trouble, doesn't it?
07:14.22Stylpethanks ;)
07:14.30futrtrublyup Cair
07:14.38Cairthat's what I thought
07:14.40futrtrublfrom my old script kiddie days
07:14.45tekkubah now I see it
07:15.05tekkubthat's like good ol Cmmolthr
07:15.11futrtrublI dropped the l33t capitalization though, futRtrubL
07:15.18Esamynnhmm, someone should tell purl her links are broken
07:15.47Esamynnhmm, I think we scared Tuatara off
07:15.48futrtrubloops, we ran Tuatara
07:16.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Tuatara (
07:16.37futrtrubl~emulate tem
07:16.40purlDammit, that's it. I'm breaking a new [something]!
07:16.45kergothEsamynn: hm?
07:17.06kergothi dont see a 404 there
07:17.25kergothlooks like the blootbot sf site may be having some database issues, but that doesnt have anything to do with the bot
07:17.44EsamynnI'm getting a 404 from the<chan link
07:17.58Esamynnoh, wait, I see the problem
07:18.21Esamynnor I thought I did
07:18.29kergoth<chan> isnt literal
07:18.34kergothbut does require proper html encoding
07:21.09tekkubmy duo partner's been pushed to 12-hr shifts
07:21.21tekkubanyone wanna duo with me on a PvE server?
07:21.25tekkubor RP, I like RP
07:23.34Esamynncommands to the bot can be msg'd as well correct?
07:24.59futrtrublesamynn do "/msg purl help"
07:25.03*** join/#wowi-lounge MUDCoder (
07:25.11Cairhi MUDCoder
07:25.24Cairor Xiphoris
07:25.36Esamynnhehe, silly me, never thought of trying help :P
07:26.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Trilian (
07:27.20futrtrubldamns, 250gig drive for $60
07:27.48Xiphorishard drives are cheaper every day
07:28.07futrtrublahh, after mail in rebate
07:28.22Xiphorisso what is "wowi"?
07:28.45Esamynnwowi is
07:28.59futrtrublpurl, wowi?
07:30.01Cairpurl, wowi is
07:30.02purlokay, Cair
07:30.10Cairpurl, wowi?
07:30.11purlhmm... wowi is
07:30.38Xiphorispurl, version?
07:30.39purlversion is, like, woody 3.0
07:30.39Cairpurl, wowguru is
07:30.41purlokay, Cair
07:31.09Xiphorispurl, what is cosmos?
07:31.11purlXiphoris: I think you lost me on that one
07:31.26Xiphorispurl, Cosmos?
07:31.27purlsomebody said cosmos was The Cosmos is all that is or ever was or ever will be. -Carl Sagan
07:31.27Cairpurl, is
07:31.29purlCair: okay
07:31.50Cairpurl, cg is
07:31.52purl...but cg is already something else...
07:31.52kergothXiphoris: purl is blootbot, not supybot.  I much prefer the supybot codebase and flexibility of embedded commands and the like, but the ibot/jbot/purl/apt bot instance has been collecting factoids for years on freenode.
07:31.59Cairpurl, cg?
07:32.01purlhmm... cg is Congo (Rep.)
07:32.09Cairpurl, curse?
07:32.59futrtrubl~curse me
07:33.00purlMay you be reincarnated as a Windows XP administrator, futrtrubl !
07:33.16Cairpurl, curse-gaming is
07:33.18purlCair: okay
07:33.32Xiphorispurl, alexyoshi?
07:34.03Esamynnpurl, ctmod is
07:34.04purlokay, Esamynn
07:35.07purli heard beb is BasicExperienceBar, a highly configurable XP bar addon. Find it at your favorite addon site.
07:35.20kergothchange that to specifically address _wow_ addon
07:35.22Esamynnlol, having fun huh? :P
07:35.24Esamynnpurl, slouken?
07:35.25purlslouken is, like, an amazing WoW dev, or a close friend of God.
07:35.55Xiphorispurl, Xiphoris?
07:36.15CairXiphoris: you have to program it yet
07:36.40Xiphorispurl, Xiphoris was the founder of Cosmos from WoW's alpha days
07:37.03Esamynnits purl, no, <description>
07:37.39futrtrubland you have to use "is" not "was" I believe
07:38.50Cairpurl, xiphoris is the founder of Cosmos from WoW's alpha days
07:38.51purl...but xiphoris is already something else...
07:38.58Cairpurl, xiphoris?
07:39.00purlextra, extra, read all about it, xiphoris is strange
07:39.05Xiphorislol, what
07:39.13Xiphorispwned by supylikebot
07:39.25Esamynnquestion, why does the bot always de-capitalize the first word in those notes?
07:39.32Cairno idea
07:39.41Mondingacause caps are evil in irc i think
07:39.57Mondinganearly to the level of punctuation
07:39.57Cairpurl, no, xiphoris is the founder of Cosmos from WoW's alpha days
07:39.58purlCair: okay
07:40.03Xiphoristhanks :P
07:40.06Cairheh, np
07:40.37Cairpurl, Cosmos UI is
07:40.39purlCair: okay
07:41.03futrtrublpurl, Discord is
07:41.04purl...but discord is already something else...
07:41.08kergothXiphoris: heh, more correctly, supybot would be said to be like this.  as far as i know, blootbot/infobot has been around for quite a bit longer :P
07:41.15kergothblootbot is an infobot descendent
07:41.29Xiphorisinfobot before or after eggdrop?
07:41.41kergothnot sure, i suspect after
07:41.46kergothat least, i never heard of it until after
07:43.14purl[groupheal] the most ammazing healing AddOn ever written!
07:43.25Esamynnok, I think I have inflated my ego enough for tonight :)
07:43.36kergothEsamynn: change that.
07:43.40kergothEsamynn: WoW addon, not addon
07:43.51Esamynngood point
07:43.51kergoththis bot is in nearly a hundred channels, most of which have absolutely nothing to do with wow :P
07:44.12Esamynnyes, that was a minor slip on my part
07:44.44futrtrubl~wtf gbh
07:45.02Esamynnpurl, GroupHeal is the most amazing WoW healing AddOn ever written!
07:45.04purl...but groupheal is already something else...
07:45.22futrtrublpurl, no, GroupHeal is the most amazing WoW healing AddOn ever written!
07:45.23purlfutrtrubl: okay
07:45.30Esamynnahh ty
07:45.45Esamynnpurl, no, GroupHeal is the most amazing WoW healing AddOn ever written!
07:45.47purlEsamynn: i already had it that way
07:45.50futrtrubl~wtf bbq
07:46.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Darksideofthesch (
07:46.36Cairhi Darksideofthesch
07:50.01*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
07:50.14Esamynnlater all
08:16.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Tuatara (
08:18.05zeegpurl, zeeg is god
08:18.06purl...but zeeg is already something else...
08:18.11zeegwho is zeeg
08:18.16zeegpurl, zeeg?
08:18.19purlrumour has it, zeeg is at the bottom of the food-chain.
08:18.26zeegpurl, forget zeeg
08:18.26purlzeeg: i forgot zeeg
08:18.29zeegpurl, zeeg is god
08:18.30purlokay, zeeg
08:18.33zeegall good
08:18.45Cairpurl, no, zeeg is one of the admins at wowguru
08:18.47purlokay, Cair
08:18.55zeeginfobot for the lose :)
08:18.58zeegi coded one of those back in the day
08:19.09zeegwhy does the bot respond to random requests?
08:19.11zeegits more fun
08:19.12kergothWarmup is useless when running under cedega
08:19.17zeegpurl, Blizzard is the devil
08:19.18purl...but blizzard is already something else...
08:19.33zeegpurl, I am the devil
08:19.34purlit is my pleasure to meet you, the devil
08:19.42kergoth! isnt sorted before A-Z
08:19.51zeegi really hate javascript
08:19.58zeegi should just go steal vb's
08:19.58tekkubso change it back to AAA
08:20.03zeegnot like i dont have a license
08:20.25Cairnot like you'd let that stop you anyway :p
08:22.11Cair~abuse zeeg
08:22.12purlACTION smacks zeeg across the face. "Take that, sucker!"
08:22.36zeegi dont steal shit
08:22.49zeegwowguru = 100% me
08:22.59zeegive gotten like 8 billion job offers just from wowguru as a ref too :D
08:23.32Cairzeeg, stop being so defensive, part of the price of hanging out in this channel is getting abused :p
08:27.31kergothheh, Warmup doesnt like me
08:27.39kergothonly two addons load before it now :P
08:27.42kergothout of 100 or so
08:30.13zeegWGP is gonna be sooo much fun
08:30.18zeegits going to be my new toy to play with C#
08:30.45tekkubwhat two ker?
08:31.00tekkubyou could hack em and make Warmup an optional dep
08:31.17kergotherm, i mis-said
08:31.23kergothonly two load _after_ :P
08:31.26kergotheverything else loads before
08:31.34tekkubmake it opdep on the highest one
08:31.49tekkubthat'd force it first
08:32.46kergothmethinks the load order is dependent on the os's filesystem... in windows defaulting to alphabetical, in linux defaulting to file creation (or is it modification? i dont recall) date
08:33.02kergothguess such a hack as you suggest is the best way at the moment
08:33.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Industrial (
08:34.20kergothwarmup seems great otherwise :)
08:35.42Cairhey Industrial :)
08:36.19Industrialmind if i spam my lame site again for ker? :>
08:37.02IndustrialIt needs gfx, but im horrible at that
08:37.32kergothits cair's channel, ask her :P
08:37.51Cairnot a problem by me :p
08:39.45tekkubOMG spam how lame!
08:59.13KalrothYou moved the edit box to the top of the frame? :)
09:06.03Industrialyes sar
09:09.06*** join/#wowi-lounge krka (
09:09.38krkawhoa, I just read that Iriel suggested that you could implement autotravel by doing autofollow
09:09.41krkathat's genious!
09:09.48krkahas anyone tested that?
09:10.00krkacan you turn on and off autofollow?
09:10.32tekkubI don't see how that'd work
09:12.34Cair*growls at all the stupid people*
09:12.45Cair" In the trickily hidden, ambiguously titled thread "Hi, Read This 1st, Ask Questions 2nd", check out Sections 3 and 10. "
09:12.53kergothheh, i was gonna say..
09:12.58kergothstupid people.. you're gonna have to be a lot more specific
09:13.21krkadon't see?
09:13.25Cairhow do I install, what do I do ... hi, rtfm!
09:13.30krkayou choose a random person, do autofollow
09:13.41krkasee if your movement takes you in the right direction
09:13.44krkaif not, abort
09:13.51krka(and chose a new random person)
09:18.26krkasilly people across the big pond being all asleep and stuff
09:19.34tekkubwow that sounds like a neat yet highly inaccurate way of doing it :)
09:20.23kergothhaha, thatd be amusing.  i can just see your character waiting an intersection in the barrens for an hour for a character to come by going in the right direction
09:20.24krkacan someone verify that FollowUnit or FollowByName works without hardware event?
09:20.29kergothsticking his thumb out like a hitchhiker
09:20.34krkayeah :)
09:20.56krkayou could even make the addon do /say I'm going to X, can I follow you?
09:21.53tekkuboh that's a great name for it
09:21.53krkaalso, would FollowUnit(nil) make you stop?
09:22.01tekkubI want to write it just for the name
09:22.07krkaor FollowUnit("player")
09:22.17krkayeah go ahead!
09:22.47tekkubnah I'm too lazy
09:23.00tekkubbut whoever does it needs to name it Hitchhiker
09:23.05krkayou could probably reuse most of AutoTravel, only the actual movement function would need to be redone
09:23.13tekkubI'd love to try to get to Orgrimmar with it
09:23.19tekkubsee how long it takes
09:23.34kergothmake it do a random /bored and stuff while its waiting, just because
09:23.34krkait would work pretty nice for getting around major cities I think
09:23.55krkacan't you do /thumbforlift ?
09:23.58tekkubheck if we got it working slip it into a mod...
09:24.10tekkubthen you go AFK in org and come back at SM
09:24.14tekkubthat'd rock
09:24.16krkahmm... could even include payment-code
09:24.25tekkubundocumented features FTFW!
09:24.41krkaif the player actually does it, give N silver upon arrival
09:24.49kergothhehe.  when bored, instead of farming, be a taxi driver
09:24.58krkathat would be awesome
09:25.09kergothyou culd have like 42 guys following you :D
09:25.32tekkubWTS Autofollow guide to barrens!
09:25.36Kalrothawesome idea, I really like it
09:25.43tekkuboh new mod idea!
09:26.07Kalrothnow Blizzard just needs to remove windriders and win!
09:26.38kergothi know, lets make it a congo line.  if the guy you're following dances, you dance.  then alternate between walking to the destination and dancing
09:26.45tekkuboh ye gods... my husband just said the funniest thing
09:26.50tekkuband he doesn't know he did
09:26.51krkathe only problem is if blizzard makes FollowUnit require hardware event
09:26.57tekkubsee if you guys get it...
09:27.06tekkub[03:16] trey251977: or we can have baked popato's if you want
09:27.06kergothkrka: probably would :\
09:27.22krkamy goal in life is to make all functions require hardware events
09:27.45Cairso, was that supposed to be potato, or ?
09:27.50krkait's misspelled?
09:28.00tekkubyes but there's something funny about that spelling
09:28.15krkayeah it's wrong
09:28.17krkathat's funny
09:28.21tekkubyou'd know if you ever leveled Cooking in FFXI
09:28.22krkaI always laugh at people who are wrong
09:28.35tekkubI did Baked Popotoes for like 9 levels
09:28.45tekkubblasted selbina butter!
09:28.48krkathat's not what he wrote
09:29.08tekkubya it is :P
09:29.29krkapopato ~= popotoes
09:29.44tekkub*grumles* noone was a tradeskill junkie in FFXI like Me I guess
09:29.58tekkubI don't type well either so sue me
09:30.01IndustrialFF? whats that? firefox?
09:30.10tekkuband I'm not sure I spelled the FFXI name right
09:30.32krkaff is white
09:30.53krkaso FFXI would be white eleven
09:30.55Cair*pokes people*  Worthy Cause thread:
09:30.57krkathat makes no sense
09:30.59tekkubI now feel like a nerd in a big group of nerd
09:31.08tekkubI'm pathetic
09:31.10krkaa nerd herd!
09:31.19tekkubI can outnerd the nerdiest
09:31.40tekkubstop agreeing with me!
09:31.59tekkubnow he's claiming he wrote that on purpose
09:32.15krkaworthy cause?
09:32.17Cairgo agree with each other in figuring out how to help the guy in that thread :p
09:32.54krkaautotravel was always a good thing for disabled people, or so my feedback told me
09:33.19krkaironic that it broke basic movement functions
09:33.36krkaotherwise the mouseover stuff would have worked
09:34.39CairI'll spam the link again tomorrow when others are awake as well
09:34.55Industrialtoday is tomorrow
09:35.00Cairwell, later today
09:35.04Cairlol Industrial ;)
09:35.04krkayesterday is today?
09:35.17Industrialkrka: no, im gmt+1 :P
09:35.22Cairsee, today is still today and tomorrow isn't here yet, because I haven't slept
09:35.28Cairso until I sleep, it's still today
09:35.34Caireven if it's actually yesterday
09:35.35krkaso am I
09:35.43tekkubexactly what I say Cair
09:35.44krkaI think
09:36.25Industrialk work time
09:36.33Industrial"first i space out for about an hour"
09:40.01krkano one willing to test out how the follow functions work?
09:40.32tekkubwilling, sure, motivated...meh...
09:41.47krkathink of the children! will noone think of the children???
09:42.58Industrial"i just stare at my desk... but it *looks* like i'm working"
10:25.54Cairnight night
10:33.43Industrialnn Cair|sleep
11:29.31krkayay, activity
11:29.48tekkub(Run away!)
11:30.10tekkuboh I can do colors in IRC.. I need ta make a translator alias
11:34.30Industrialno! no colors! please!
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15:23.57Beladonaanyone know what version wow was at when it was released to retail?
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15:40.58sarf|sleepNono, Parak. This is how it works:
15:41.00sarf|sleepAlpha test version: too buggy to release   Beta test version: still too buggy to release   Release 1.0: alternate pronounciation of beta test version
15:42.41*** join/#wowi-lounge BO|Razag (
15:43.29BO|Razagany1 here who could help out a noob?
15:43.42Beladonadepends, what with?
15:44.02BO|Razagi got not much addon xp, so its a very basic question
15:44.21BO|Razagi use string.find on a combat message event
15:44.37BO|Razagand it tells me "malformed pattern (ends with ')
15:44.53Cidegive us the line
15:44.56BO|Razagi use nearly the exact function on a different event and it works fine
15:45.01Beladonamay need to see the actual code
15:45.11BO|Razagfunction AceThreatMeter:ThreatReset()
15:45.19Cidewrong way
15:45.25Cide(.+) dies%.")
15:45.30kremontezomg threadmeter
15:45.31Cidenot (.+) dies.%")
15:45.48BO|Razagwhoops thnx :P
15:45.56BO|Razagyeah im trying to build one... lets see how far i come
15:46.06kremontehard #'s? :P
15:46.10BO|Razagrasmus is helping :P
15:46.21BO|Razagwell its more of a structure to test really
15:46.36LegorolBeladona, to answer your question. I beleive WoW was version 1.0.0 in the US when it was released, and it was 1.1.2 in EU when it was released.
15:46.42BO|Razagthnx anyway
15:47.30Beladonathanks Legorol
15:47.56Legorollet me doublecheck the US release, i don't know if they applied 1.1 to it before the relesae or not
15:48.18kremontei think it was 1.0.0
15:48.28Legorolyou can look at the patch notes, the date on which 1.1 was released and see if it's before or after US release date
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15:49.36kremonteyou should be able to attack orgrimmar as an undead!
15:49.58sarf|stuffBO|Razag> I would recommend that you translate strings from GlobalStrings.lua
15:50.04Legorolwhat day was WoW released in US?
15:50.17Legorolah, North America on Tuesday, November 23
15:50.17sarf|stuffThat way you don't have to localize as much when you adapt it for German, French, Korean and Chinese WoW
15:50.33Legorolthe first client patch occured before that, 2004-11-07 according to patch notes
15:50.44LegorolSo it depends on how you look at it.
15:51.10LegorolI'd imagine the retail boxes contain 1.0.0, (i don't own a US copy so I don't know), but as soon as players logged in on day 1 they'd be patched up
15:51.24Legorol- World of Warcraft Client Patch 1.1.1 (2004-11-17)
15:51.33Legorolthat'd be the one they'd be patched up to
15:51.57Beladonasome posts I read on forums in various places suggest that 1.1.1 was an open beta to retail patch
15:52.05Beladonabut its pretty vague
15:52.09LegorolThe EU retail box contains version 1.1.2 (I do own this one), and we were patched up as soon as logging in, to 1.2.1
15:52.32Beladonayeah my cd has 1.1.2 (US)
15:52.49Beladonabut I didn't get it on release day
15:53.13Legorolthat's definitely not the original release, since
15:53.14Legorol- World of Warcraft Client Patch 1.1.2 (2004-12-6)
15:54.20LegorolThe forum posts that say 1.1.1 is open beta to retail patch are right after a fashion
15:54.36LegorolThose who played in open beta would get to download 1.0.0, the same as in the retail box (I am guessing).
15:55.13LegorolSo if you didn't reinstall after buying the box, you'd be patched up to 1.1.1
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16:09.27Eraphine|Labi updated my wowbeta to retail - but in the patch to test 1.9, there was a problem with one of files, one of the textures in goldshire farm, so I had to reinstall.
16:09.38Eraphine|Laberr goldshire inn.
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16:58.20Anduin|StudyingI have "WoW 1.0.1 to 1.1.0 enUS patch" dated Nov 9, 2004 and "WoW 1.1.2 to 1.2.1 patch enUS" dated Dec 21, 2004
16:58.36Anduin|Studyingthe game came out on Nov 23, 2004
16:59.07Anduin|Studyingwhich suggests US Retail started at 1.1.0
16:59.45Anduin|Studyingtho i prolly managed to delete the 1.1.1 patch
17:00.29Anduin|Studyingand 1.1.2 it seems
17:05.06Beladonathere is no 1.1.2
17:05.10Beladonafrom what I can tell
17:05.32Anduin|Studyingmy paatch says there was, else what would it be updating from?
17:06.09Anduin|Studyingthere was prolly no patch
17:06.31Beladonafrom what I have read there was a jump from the beta client to the actual retail client. The retail client seems to start at 1.1.2 officially
17:06.32Anduin|Studyingit was probably just one that downloads w/o a downloader and installs automaticly
17:07.13BeladonaI have found beta patches, but none taht actually bring the beta client up to 1.1.2
17:07.31Beladonaofficial aptches start from 1.1.2 and go up
17:07.50MentalPower|PCbut you can (still) install the beta client and it will be updated to retail
17:08.12Beladonathere is a pre-1.1.2 to 1.2.1 patch
17:08.18Beladonawhich applies to betas
17:09.10BeladonaI have managed to download every single incremental update with the exception of 1.1.2 (which doesn't seem to exist as my cd starts there), 1.2.0, and 1.2.2
17:09.19Anduin|Studyingis it possible to tell the version on the cd w/o installing?
17:09.27Beladonanot that I can see
17:09.42Anduin|Studyingis the version in the mpq files somewhere?
17:09.56BeladonaI am looking at that now
17:11.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
17:11.34Beladonanot that it matters
17:11.39BeladonaI am reinstalling wow as we speak
17:11.47Beladonaso can tell you what version it is at install
17:12.09Anduin|Studyingwell i have my copy i bought at the midnight openning, was gonna check it
17:12.32Beladonagood idea
17:12.46Beladonausing WinMPQ to open the Installer Tome mpq works
17:13.02Anduin|Studyingmmm, it wouldn't let me with MPQ2K
17:13.07Beladonajust trying to find a file I can use to get the version
17:13.42Eraphine|Labwhy are you reinstalling btw
17:13.51Eraphine|LabI had to because the 1.9 test patch kept failing at goldshire
17:14.08Beladonaso that I can incrementally update and get the FrameXML files from each version
17:14.15Beladonain order to rebuild my compare archive
17:14.22Eraphine|Labbut.. but..
17:14.28Eraphine|Laboh ok.
17:14.33Eraphine|Labyou have the actual patches don't you.
17:14.43Beladonaminus 3
17:14.46Eraphine|Labthat's funny
17:15.04Eraphine|Labwhen I reinstalled I was praying they made a huge comprehensive cd-> current patch
17:15.12Eraphine|Laband you actually want the incrementals
17:15.31Eraphine|Laboh NEAT
17:15.33Beladonawell hopefully I will never need to do this again
17:15.49Beladonathis time I am burning the source files to a non-rewriteable cd
17:15.54Eraphine|Laboh holy crap
17:16.41Eraphine|LabDang you got all the files compared.
17:16.54Eraphine|Labthat's really useful for gauging the impact a patch is going to have your addon
17:16.57Beladonaworking on a better output though
17:17.15Beladonait helps
17:17.23Beladonathere are some things that normal compares can't show
17:17.27Eraphine|Labbtw.. is there a frame in the UI whose scale is always 1?
17:17.31Beladonalike API changes internal to the executable
17:17.33Eraphine|Labdespite what the uiscale is set at?
17:17.35Beladonabut Iriel handles that
17:17.54Anduin|StudyingWorldFrame is by default
17:17.56Beladonanot sure, would need to research it
17:18.24Eraphine|Laban the uiscale doesn't change it?
17:18.42Eraphine|Labcan you parent anything to worldframe that you did to uiparent?
17:18.43Anduin|Studyinguiscale only scales the UIParent
17:19.03*** join/#wowi-lounge shouryuu (
17:19.05Eraphine|Labbut mods like viewport will screw up the axis
17:19.10Gryphenono i esceared of teh rawr! i need a huggle.
17:19.13Eraphine|Labthe pixels per axis
17:19.19Eraphine|Labso. not a great reference frame
17:19.35Anduin|Studyingaren't any other ones. no master frame
17:19.42Eraphine|LabI guess mods that used to use UI parent and don't want their stuff scaling at the same will need to create their own frame
17:20.03Anduin|Studyingjust make a new frame that doesn't have a parent
17:20.23Eraphine|LabDoes UIParent have a parent?
17:20.37Anduin|Studyingunless they decoupled those
17:20.40Eraphine|Labit's probably anchored in the center then.
17:20.50Eraphine|Labsince viewport doesn't affect it
17:21.11Anduin|Studying<Frame name="UIParent" setAllPoints="true" frameStrata="MEDIUM">
17:21.15Anduin|Studyingnope, no parent
17:21.44Eraphine|LabI guess people who wanted the old way uiparent worked could just replace the frame.
17:21.48Eraphine|Labhook it
17:22.37Eraphine|Labwith the new cascading scales, a lot of mods are going to look different.
17:23.02BeladonaAnduin, you still interested in ripping the version info from your cd?
17:23.19Anduin|Studyingsure, if i can get an editor to open it
17:23.34Beladonadownload WinMPQ from wowinterface
17:23.39Beladonait opened it for me
17:23.44Eraphine|Labthe libraries are stored in mpq on the CD?
17:23.45Anduin|Studyingon a mac, i would have to boot up vpc
17:24.10Beladonayeah, all install files, minus DirectX are unpacked from an MPQ on the cd
17:24.15Anduin|Studyingbut i have class soon, i'll do it later
17:24.23Anduin|Studyingwhat's the file with the vers #?
17:24.41IndustrialAnduin|Studying: its the .toc
17:24.41Beladonaone sec, verifying it
17:24.51Beladonathat is only a toc number
17:25.00Beladonaluckily I have some of them listed per version
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17:26.04BeladonaFrameXML.toc is on cd2 btw
17:26.12Beladonain the mpq located on that cd anyway
17:26.43Beladonait didn't extract correctly though
17:27.12Eraphine|Labyou probably have to span them.
17:27.16Eraphine|Laberr glue them
17:27.22Beladonaits harder than that
17:27.23shouryuuw00t my add-on is on WoWI! thank you beladona, or cair, or any admin who put it up there :D
17:27.34Eraphine|Lablink please
17:27.47Beladonait appears to be embedded inside an MPQ, that is embedded inside an MPQ
17:27.50Eraphine|Laboh .. wow.. a way to replace viewport with one line of code yaya
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17:28.10Eraphine|Labnot that CT_viewport isn't great
17:28.14Anduin|Studyingya, viewport is just for the gui
17:29.38Beladonamy cd isntalls frameXML.toc with toc version 3975
17:30.05Beladonawhich is 1.1.1
17:30.44Beladonathere has to be a 1.1.2 patch somewhere durnit
17:31.24Anduin|Studyingi think it was just a download-instal prolly with a temp patch that got deleted
17:37.03TainThere was a patch 1.1.2 that existed, at least.   2004-12-6  According to the patch notes it only removed time zone tabs from the real lists
17:38.13Beladonafound a reference
17:38.25Beladonaits a mini patch in the form of a wow-patch.mpg file
17:38.32Beladonampq I mean
17:38.38Beladonatrying to find it but having trouble
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17:40.59Beladonamaybe I shouldn't evne bother
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17:41.20Beladonait was a mini patch, so any changes would be minimal
17:46.18MentalPowermorning Cair
17:46.25Cairmorning :)
17:53.06Cairbtw, linked this during the middle of the night last night, but wanted to link it again today, so others would see it and maybe be able to help:
18:04.48Eraphine|LabI wonder if goldenrun would work for him.
18:04.53Eraphine|Labhe has the button to move foward
18:04.59Eraphine|Labgolden run makes so you can tap it twice
18:05.03Eraphine|Laband it turns on autorun
18:05.13Eraphine|Labwhat do you think cair?
18:05.29Cairthat might work
18:05.34Eraphine|Labi'll make a post
18:06.09Beladonathat is rather - unique
18:06.18Eraphine|Labhis circumstance?
18:07.41CairAstryl: Maybe I'm just paranoid and have a cold heart, but I am always suspicious of people with 'disabled friends'; they sound too much like someone trying to bot to me.
18:07.41CairCair: You may be right.  I'm probably just being a naive, soft-hearted, gullible moron, but it comes across as real to me.  *shrug*
18:07.41CairAstryl: Aye, we're probably on both extremes of the scale, neither of which is exactly good.
18:07.41CairCair: ;)
18:07.42CairCair: The reason I'm tempted to believe this one is for real is in the details.  Someone trying to bot wouldn't bother taking the time and effort to concoct such an elaborate story, would they?
18:07.43Beladonawonder if he could manipulate a joystick with his feet
18:07.49Beladonaand use it for movement
18:08.24CairAstryl: Heh, sure they would.
18:08.24CairAstryl: It'd be fun to em.
18:08.32Beladonaat first glance I thought he might be either joking or fishing too, but I can't help but wonder if maybe he is for real
18:08.44CairSo ... you guys think Astryl is right and I'm just being a guillible fool?
18:09.29Beladonathats a hard call
18:10.21CodayusSounds real to me...
18:11.05CairIt seems real to me too, but: Astryl: Lying can be quite fun, thinking up further lies to explain your previous lies, quickly.
18:11.05CairAstryl: It's practically another Trade Skill: Believable Bullshit Crafting. ;)
18:11.35Eraphine|Labhrm i'm getting an already posted error?
18:11.42Eraphine|Labis there a delay between post?
18:11.46Cairif you can think of things that might help, and think it's for real, go ahead and post
18:11.51Beladonawhat I would do?
18:11.54CodayusTrue.  But it idn't sound like it'd really be a lot of help in botting...
18:12.08CodayusEraphine|Lab: It's because the WoW forums suck.
18:12.17Beladonaask Slouken what he thinks about it. I know he has better things to do, but he can say from a better standpoint whether he thinks we should help him, or assume he wants to bot
18:12.39CodayusIn particular, you previewed, and then went back, instead of hitting the edit button, didn't you?
18:12.55CairEraphine|Lab: put an extra . at the end, then hit submit again
18:13.14Eraphine|Labthanks for letting us know blizzard
18:13.14CodayusDon't do that.  :-/  And yes, make any change and t should go through.
18:13.24Eraphine|Laband thanks cair
18:13.28CodayusBliz forums = "special"
18:13.54Beladonamy Firefox has a delay in making the edit box usable on the wowi forums
18:14.09Beladonaand actually disables it completely if you hit back
18:23.08Beladonaconfirmed, my cd installs 1.1.2 according to the actual executable version
18:23.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
18:23.45Cairhey Iriel :)
18:24.03Gryphenono i esceared of teh rawr! i need a huggle.
18:24.10shouryuuwe just took down kazzak!
18:33.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Legorol|alt (
18:34.25shouryuuhummm legorol...
18:34.31shouryuuisn't that someone in Trigun>
18:35.24IrielYou're thinking of a different name, but it's just at the tip of my tongue and I can't remember it
18:37.41shouryuuhappy to see I;m not the only geek here :P
18:39.27shouryuuoh noez!
18:39.31IrielGiven the location, and subject matter, I would have thought that a given?
18:39.55shouryuuono i esceared of teh geek! i need a huggle.
18:40.08Gryphenhuggles shouryuu
18:40.17Gryphenono i esceared of teh rawr! i need a huggle.
18:40.24Cairhuggles Gryphen
18:41.14shouryuuw00t I even have the cool "Author" tag in my name at WoWI
18:41.18shouryuuI am the roxx0rz
18:42.00shouryuuman I'm going to be talking about that mod for like, a month
18:42.09Cairokay, who's been fiddling with the settings at WoWI?  shouryuu appearing as cool simply isn't kosher
18:42.54shouryuucome on
18:42.57shouryuuI'm cool!
18:42.58Beladonait was me, I wanted to allow him his moment of glory before we shoved him back into solitary confinement
18:43.00shouryuuadmit it!
18:43.47shouryuuI don't care! I'm famous! I got like, FIVE downloads! raw r
18:43.48CairAlright Bela, I'll forgive you this time, since that's deliciously nasty, but don't let it happen again
18:44.15Beladonaerr /salute even
18:45.22TemWhat's the correct syntax for SetBinding?
18:46.11TemI could swear it was SetBinding("BINDINGNAME","KEY")
18:47.37Temaha... I had it backwards
18:47.44IrielSetBinding ("KEY"[, "COMMAND"]) - API
18:49.21Temdoes that save?
18:49.44TemOr will that only set the binding for this session without some other call
18:50.45IrielYou have to call SaveBindings to make it save
18:51.03IrielOr, more correctly
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18:53.55Eraphine|Labdoes wow save keybindings per char by default now?
18:54.00Eraphine|LabI haven't even bothered to check
18:54.10tekkubit can is 1.9
18:54.20tekkubdunno if it's default tho
18:57.47IrielIt's not the default
18:57.54IrielBut you can toggle it, I believe on a per-character basis
18:58.15IrielI should rephrase that
18:58.27IrielYou can toggle it, and I believe it remembers which set you want on a per-character basis
18:59.33kremontewow, faster mob kill ever.2239 crit, 1809 crit, dead
19:19.34Anduin|StudyingLookLock seems like it would be useful for the disabled. u could make the binding shift-tab or something
19:20.39IrielShift tab doesn't sound like a very handy binding for someone with disabilities
19:21.00Anduin|Studyingwell, he said he could only reach 4 or 5 buttons
19:21.05Anduin|Studyingone being shift
19:21.12kremonteand one being tab!
19:21.16tekkubI stand by my nostromo recommendation
19:21.36Beladona|AFKnostromo would be ideal
19:21.39Anduin|Studyingi would prolly combine GoldenRun with LookLock
19:21.48IrielNostromo, yeah
19:21.51IrielOr an Ergodex DX1
19:21.52Beladona|AFKwould give him more buttons to work with
19:21.52tekkubI don't know the full details of the guy's hand's mobility, but it'd probably give him more keys than the left side of the keyboard
19:22.09Anduin|Studyingcould also use a frogpad
19:22.10tekkuband it'd be more ergonomic
19:23.03Cairthat's presuming that he has functional ability of multiple fingers on his left hand
19:23.27Anduin|Studyingdoesn't say
19:23.29Cairthe keys the guy said he can use could all be done with a single finger
19:23.46tekkubvery true
19:24.01Cairif he rests his left hand on the edge of the keyboard, those 4 keys are all ones in a nice little row that you could hit with any finger
19:24.15tekkubor they can be done with thumb index middle without moving your hand
19:24.17Cairso it may be that he only has mobility/function in one
19:24.20Anduin|Studyingif u have your pointer finger u can hold control with your palm and hit tab at the same time
19:24.44Cairhard to know without more detail though
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19:26.03Beladonamaybe he only has one finger
19:26.33tekkubmight be no seperation between the fingers
19:26.44tekkubI've seen that before, not fully formed hand
19:26.53TainI have one finger that I use a lot more than the others.
19:26.53Cairjust glad you guys are willing to give the benefit of the doubt that it's for real
19:27.00Anduin|Studyingmmm, wonder if it would be useful to have an AQ_PallyShield that auto casts when ur below a certain amount of hp..
19:27.01Cairaye, that's true tekkub
19:27.07tekkubnot that tain arg
19:27.31tekkub"giving the finger" has a whole different meaning for this guy!
19:27.41tekkubokey that sounded mean, wasn't intended that way
19:27.51TainIt's probably best to just go on on the information that he posted and try not to assume anything more.  If he says he can only reach those keys, then try to work with those keys.
19:28.16IrielIt probably is worth asking if he has any chording abilities on those keys (i.e. more than one at once)
19:28.28tekkubI think the fact that all the replies have been positive the guy will post more details
19:28.32IrielAlso, what sort of mobility he has between them
19:28.48IrielI.e can key sequences be used.
19:28.54Anduin|Studyingcould always make an addon that uses a timer and if walk forward for a second or more it enables autorun
19:29.01tekkubpople are iffy with forums full of children, the "retard" comments can fly easily
19:29.27tekkubhopefully we've proven the UI forum isn't general ^^
19:29.27Beladonaor maybe an addon that enables autorun if you double tap forward?
19:29.39Anduin|Studyingthat already exists
19:29.47tekkuballready been recommended
19:29.53tekkuband seconded
19:30.36shouryuutalking of the nostronomos, is it true that it can execute macros that do more than one action?
19:30.39tekkubhrm... interesting
19:30.45Anduin|Studyingwow, AH_QuickSearch got 2k dl... how did that happen..
19:30.46Irielshouryuu : Yes
19:30.49kremonteAnduin|Studying - link to actionqueue?
19:30.50tekkubyes, but I fell no need to
19:31.01IrielSame with any keyboard controller that has in-driver macroing capabilities
19:31.02tekkubanyone notice the guy's posting name?
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19:31.31shouryuuMaybe I can hit 10 downloads on my mod before the end of 2005 :P
19:31.38tekkubI love that domain name ^^
19:31.46Beladonathere is a new logitech keyboard I have my eye on that has extra macro keys with in-driver macro-ing
19:31.57tekkubthe one with the LCD?
19:32.03shouryuuisn't thatjust wrong?
19:32.06IrielPersonally I dont use my ergodex for wow at all
19:32.06Anduin|Studyingsounds expensive
19:32.08tekkubtha advertises use with games like WoW
19:32.19tekkubyet WoW can't pull info out for it :P
19:32.21IrielIt's a godsend for BF2 tho
19:32.21Beladonayeah but I don't just play wow
19:33.54tekkubyup that's the one
19:34.10tekkubhad a few questions on em already
19:34.20shouryuuzomg they are talking of singapore in Cowboy Bebop!
19:34.30tekkubif I remember right the bugger is HEAVY too
19:34.33*** join/#wowi-lounge Plorkyeran (
19:34.52BeladonaI hate regular backlit keyboards. I wanted one with the backlight showing through the letters, not the whole key like most. Thank god Logitech did it right
19:34.52CairI'm asking, btw ...
19:35.24tekkublogi's always been great
19:35.36tekkubheck, the first mouse I ever owned was a logi
19:35.39BeladonaI have their MX1000 mouse
19:35.43Cairyou guys okay with being quoted?
19:35.44Beladonabest mouse I ever owned
19:35.44tekkubit had _3_ buttons!
19:35.50Anduin|Studyingthe powerbooks do that too, it's nifty
19:35.50PlorkyeranI love that mouse
19:35.56tekkubdepends on the qute
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19:36.05tekkubdon't quote my finger comment :P
19:36.10CairI'm not
19:36.11Anduin|Studying(letter glowing)
19:36.31Beladona(finger waving) oh sorry
19:37.02BeladonaI am seriously interested in discovering if that disabled macro guy is for real
19:37.18Anduin|Studyingheh, find something productive to do
19:37.29tekkubfine... I'll slip in my bad joke... tho it makes no sense if I can't show you it....
19:37.41tekkubDo you know why gay men can't fight?
19:37.41IrielI have the G5 laser mouse, and one of the rechargable wireless ones.. both are awesome
19:37.54Cairwell, I just quoted a large portion of this conversation, to try to get more info
19:38.00Beladonaruh roh
19:38.08tekkubCause we were taght that a fist was shaped somewhat differently
19:38.19CairROFL tekkub!
19:38.22Beladonatime to change my name
19:38.27tekkubit's funnier when one can demonstrate...
19:38.29Beladonaew, tekkub
19:38.44tekkubsorry I had to, the finger thing made me think of that
19:39.58ToastTheifI so own WSG with my lvl 16 gnome lock
19:40.21Cairif any of you want me to remove some portion of your quote in the thread, tell me and I'll edit it out
19:40.39ToastTheifand I get 60fps in IF and Org!
19:40.44ToastTheifIm happy
19:40.56ToastTheifused to be 1-5fps in IF an Org
19:41.00Beladonalink it
19:41.01kremontebah how ToastTheif
19:41.03kremontemy FPS sucks
19:41.09Anduin|Studyingi get 60 fps if i disable the ui and stare at the sky while flying..
19:41.24Beladonaguess I could scroll up, but I am lazy
19:41.30kremonte20fps farming in EPL =/
19:41.34kremontethen again 1200 MS
19:41.42kremonteso i cant really tell
19:41.48tekkubeh, hopefully my comment at the end won't cause strife, I meant it in a totally non-offensive way
19:42.21Cairjust changed it
19:42.22tekkubI grew up in a CO mtn town, birth defects were very common
19:42.24ToastTheifI spent about $1062 on a new computer ;)
19:42.24Anduin|Studyingcair, replace my name with ym full nick
19:42.45Cairtekkub: I changed it to say "rude comments can fly"
19:42.52tekkubI had a kid, K-12, that was always in my class, only thing he could say was his name and "no"
19:42.58tekkubthanks Cair
19:43.00BeladonaI hope he doesn't take offense to my "Maybe he only has one finger" comment
19:43.22tekkubit was actually rather disruptive to the rest of the class having him there
19:43.24AnduinLotharstop worrying
19:43.49*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
19:43.50tekkubhe would have been better off with a specialized teacher, not just a nanny that drug him from class to class
19:44.05tekkubnah the finger is okey
19:44.12MoonWolfWhat the hell did I come into ?
19:44.16tekkubI mean, hand deformations are a common thing
19:44.24CairBela, I'm figuring that it is okay, given the context of the statement
19:44.28tekkubnothing bad moon
19:44.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaelten (
19:44.41MoonWolftekkub he would have been better off with a specialized teacher, not just a nanny that drug him from class to class <-- sounds pretty fucked up.
19:44.43CairI took out the comments that might be misconstrued
19:44.45tekkuband we're just trying to understand the disability
19:44.50*** mode/#WoWI-lounge [+o Kaelten] by ChanServ
19:44.56Kaeltenhey guys
19:45.05Cairlike Tain's "I have one finger I use more than the rest"
19:45.06tekkubit's not like you said "oeew I bet he's got one finger... gross!"
19:45.09CairI chopped that :p
19:45.09BeladonaI figured it would be ok, I am jsut oversensitive to the possibility of statements being mos-construed sometimes
19:45.27Beladonadon't like people to think I am an ass
19:45.31tekkubwe're trying to understand and help
19:45.35Beladonanot that I'm not or anything
19:45.44tekkubif offense is taken to that he can forget the help :P
19:45.49MoonWolfalso, my realm has been down the whole day now. THE WHOLE DAT. I want to play.
19:46.03tekkubdamn those DATs
19:46.29Endtest server is down
19:46.31Beladonathis chat is making me laugh too loud
19:46.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
19:46.46AnduinLotharso stop breathing
19:46.50tekkubtest is down? THE END IS NEAR!
19:46.55tekkubget it... end...
19:46.56EndYES I AM NEAR
19:46.59MoonWolfno, my rp-pvp is down.
19:47.36Cairhey Kael
19:47.51BeladonaKaeltan, the other white meat
19:47.59MoonWolfUp, the other down.
19:48.03tekkubno that's knomes
19:48.27tekkubAlliance, the other other OTHER white meat
19:48.28Beladonahickory smoked gnome links
19:49.04Beladonalol, remember all the gnome jokes in EQ?
19:49.31tekkubI remember Taru jokes in FFXI
19:49.37Eraphine|LabIriel, does aftercast accept /script after /aftercast ?
19:49.40tekkubI was a galka WHM/BLM I made many
19:50.08tekkubmost involved "equipping" a taru in some means to gain some 400 MP... it was rarely pleasant for the taru
19:50.09IrielEraphine|Lab : Yes
19:50.11Eraphine|LabI was a human bard/whm.
19:50.16Eraphine|Labthanks :)
19:50.39Eraphine|Labso /aftercast /script if blah blah then blah blah end.
19:50.53IrielEraphine|Lab : It just passes whatever you give it to the parser
19:51.12Eraphine|Labwas worried i'd have to escape the /
19:51.17Beladonayou know, when you patch your client incrementally, you really begin to appreciate their recent "launcher" in the last patch
19:51.26Eraphine|Labo ryl?
19:51.30Beladonathe game loads after every patch, and its very annoying
19:51.31MoonWolfhow so ?
19:51.39MoonWolfoh, that is cool indeed
19:51.42Eraphine|Labnad now?
19:51.52Eraphine|Labplease excuse my dylexia
19:53.04tekkubdyslexics have more fnu
19:53.16tekkubdyslexics of the world untie!
19:53.27Eraphine|LabI didn't used to be dyslexic.
19:53.38tekkubI had a dyslexic calc teacher
19:53.46tekkubwe messed with her all the time
19:53.55tekkubwrote crap like that on the board
19:54.04AnduinLotharluapad needs tabstops
19:54.08tekkubshe'd walk in, look at it, and go "yea so?"
19:54.26tekkubshe had this waky ability too
19:54.28Beladonasounds like she had a good sense of humor though
19:55.03tekkubif she wrote a big block of numbers she'd write the first like left to right, second R to L, tird L to R
19:55.11tekkubnever messed it up either
19:55.27BeladonaIriel, do you have a second?
19:55.47Beladonayou know how I do those compares of the xml, lua, and toc files?
19:55.48tekkubsometimes she'd write math sybols wrong and we'd laugh and she couldn't tell why
19:56.14IrielBeladona : Yup?
19:56.22Beladonahow useful would it be to do the same thing with the symbols output from each executable?
19:56.28IrielBeladona : At least, I know THAT you do them, not necessarily HOW 8-)
19:56.30AnduinLotharit also needs a way to deselect mouse focus without closing the frame..
19:56.46Beladonareason I ask is my comapres can only get changes at the file level
19:56.55Beladonanot api, like what you post in your changelogs
19:57.01IrielBeladona : I'd say 'probably not very' unless you've got a really good filtering mechanism.
19:57.19Irielmost of the 'viable symbols' in the EXE are junk
19:57.30Beladonayeah I noteiced last time I tried to get them out
19:57.34Eraphine|Labi'm not sitting at a wow terminal right now, can someone remind me if using /5 in a macro outputs text to channel 5?
19:57.48BeladonaI am saving the executable from each patch anyway just in case I can figure out a way
19:58.08IrielIt's PROBABLY viable to find the event list
19:58.15Irielthat would be worth comparing
19:58.35Beladonawe should talk more later, I am still not totally understanding of how you do it
19:59.01IrielSimilarly you apparently CAN find the function names, by looking at the bytes around them, but I decided my way was easier (Get all those which match lua symbol names, stick them in a big table, and see if they exist in the environment)
19:59.09IrielThese days getfenv makes that easier 8-)
19:59.41Beladonayou would think Blizz would clue in on what we do and just provide a full changelog themselves
19:59.51IrielI dont believe they have a coherent one
19:59.57IrielOther than a version control diff
20:00.32Beladonaand they sure as hell won't open their CVS up to us
20:00.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Legorol (
20:01.15Eraphine|LabIriel, it shouldn't matter if functions that are not related to spellcasting appear between /aftercast and the actual /cast function right?
20:01.26Eraphine|Lablike a targetting function.
20:01.35IrielEraphine|Lab : Correct
20:01.46IrielEraphine|Lab : You can even leave the /cast off and it'll act on the next one that happens
20:01.52Eraphine|LabOk :) i'm teaching someone to use it, didn't want to lead them down the wrong path.
20:01.59IrielEraphine|Lab : It's a fairly 'stupid' addon
20:02.09Eraphine|LabYeah but it cuts down on spam
20:02.22IrielOh yes 'stupid' in the sense it doesn't have a lot of brains.. It's USEFUL
20:02.23Eraphine|LabOn the Nef fight our dwarf priests keep spamming, Casting Fear Ward on MT!
20:05.10tekkubtime to go get the hubby's check so we can order our aniversary gifts
20:05.30Cairhow many years?
20:05.32Beladonagifts, ftw
20:06.06Caircongrats :)
20:06.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Ratbert_CP (
20:06.12tekkubgetting the stuff we can't do at his parrents for xmas ^^
20:08.51AnduinLotharmmm needs to be mobile too
20:09.34tekkuboh they're portable
20:09.45tekkuboh wait we're not talking about me anymore
20:09.52AnduinLotharirel, u know of a way to detect mouse focus in an editbox?
20:10.07Eraphine|LabIriel, I think the answer to this is no, looking at the code, there isn't a way to have 2 chatlines outputed after /aftercast is there? not without using a custom /script ?
20:10.37Eraphine|Labcan't use onenter?
20:11.05AnduinLotharu can have focus without having ur mouse over the editbox
20:11.24Eraphine|Labbut mouse focus?
20:11.25kremontehm how stupid would it be to get full hated with BB?
20:11.40AnduinLotharok, i mean focus, as in 'typing mode'
20:13.36Eraphine|Labif (ChatFrameEditBox:IsVisible() ) then
20:13.43IrielEraphine|Lab : Correct, at present. (re: Aftercast)
20:13.56IrielEraphine|Lab : Would that be a useful feature? I could add it
20:14.02AnduinLotharnot that editbox, any editbox
20:14.31AnduinLotharfor example there are multiple visible editboxes on the auctionframe
20:14.41AnduinLotharonly one ever has focus at one time
20:14.46Eraphine|LabIt would be useful if I wanted to say something to both raid and party for instance
20:14.50IrielAnduinLothar : I imagine you'd need to hook GetFocus, or add OnFocusGained/OnFocusLost handlers
20:15.43AnduinLotharspose i'll add handler hooks to define a frame variable
20:15.55Plorkyerankremonte: Very stupid, due to that you'd kill your rep with all of the goblin cities in the process
20:17.34kremontePlorkyeran - but i never really go to them. the only time would be a. if i'm ganking in BB, or b. when i teleport to gaget (which is only when i farm silithus)
20:17.45kremonteis there anything else they are really good for?
20:18.06AnduinLotharbs quests
20:18.12Irielsome trainers
20:18.13kremonteengineering. =o
20:18.16Irielneutral AH's
20:18.18kremontegnomish, i can go to IF
20:18.22kremontehmm neutral AH's.
20:18.43Eraphine|LabAnduinLothar, could you use <OnCursorChanged> ?
20:22.06AnduinLotharisn't that just when it moves?
20:25.06*** join/#wowi-lounge ToastTheif_ (
20:30.12AnduinLotharmmm ace code makes my head hurt to look at..
20:30.22Eraphine|Labme too actually
20:30.22Eraphine|Laband I code in ace
20:30.25Eraphine|Labbut i'm still learning
20:30.31kergothAnduinLothar: what code?
20:30.51TainIt's almost over, Cair!  It'll be Spring before you know it.
20:30.51Tem^^ same question
20:30.51Eraphine|LabI'm not at Kerg's level where code looks like the matrix to me.
20:30.51AnduinLotharwas looking at the GoldenRun code
20:30.57kergothEraphine|Lab: haha
20:31.00Eraphine|Labeh.. that's mostly rowne and ternary
20:31.05Temoh I thought you mean the internals of Ace
20:31.06Eraphine|Labrowne has a ternary fetish.
20:31.09Cairyou know winter is here when after you've done something outside and come in to wash your hands and the *cold* water feels hot
20:31.15Eraphine|Lablol cair
20:31.19AnduinLotharno, i mean code that impliments ace
20:31.25kergothwell, goldenrun is rowne, and rowne loves teeeeny variables.  which is only comprehensible after you've read it in its entirety and let it sink in
20:31.32kergoththe code in ace itself is pretty straightforward
20:31.36Eraphine|Laboh the actual ace part I can do.
20:31.43AnduinLotharright, goldenrun is painful to read
20:31.44Eraphine|Labit's just a system of setting up your addon
20:32.21Kaeltenyes I'll never switch ace over to the rowne style variable names.
20:33.27AnduinLothari condensed it into a 20 line addon
20:33.40AnduinLotharnothing 20 for the options
20:34.12OsagasuThis room is starting to fill up
20:34.17Osagasu45 people
20:34.45OsagasuDAMN THE MAN!
20:34.46AnduinLothardeja vu
20:34.47Eraphine|LabThe benefits of ace don't start to kick in until you use mostly ace addons.
20:35.06Eraphine|Labrather.. like all dependencies, the more dependents, the more efficient.
20:35.08AnduinLothari still dont see it benifitting gc wise. ace is chock full of ...
20:35.28Osagasujust kidding. *hides*
20:35.29Eraphine|LabLet's work together here.
20:35.51AnduinLothar... = dynamic table creation everytime you call an ace function
20:36.01Eraphine|Lab0 gc increase
20:36.20Eraphine|Labi shouldn't say 0
20:36.22AnduinLothardoubt it
20:36.22Eraphine|Labit's small.
20:36.39AnduinLotharit's small till u do it a lot
20:36.41IrielTables are only problems when you throw them away later
20:37.29IrielIm going to have to back out of the 'Why Lua?" thread, Kinain annoys me
20:37.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Trilian (
20:38.32Beladonais it just me or do blizzard patchers seem horribly innefficient
20:39.04Osagasuthey are
20:39.15Temhonestly, I HATE vb
20:39.40TemI don't think anyone who calls themself a programmer has business coding with it
20:39.51Kaeltenhehe, I started with vb but havn't touched it in years.
20:40.06tekkubIstarted with TI-BASIC
20:40.10kergothi started with vb too, but it didnt corrupt me, i swear
20:40.10tekkubthen Java :)
20:40.21IrielBeladona : I think the patcher is optimized for 'simplicity/reliability' rather than performance.
20:40.26AnduinLotharthe one thing i do like about ace is the global event driver. so u dont need xml
20:40.27tekkubtried TI-ASM but ye gods that was confusing at the time
20:41.22KaeltenAnduin: It also attempts to encourage addons to place nice with hooks and scripts.
20:41.46TemI started with TI-BASIC also
20:41.50IrielBasic, Logo, Forth, 6502 Assembly, 68000 Assembly, Pascal, C, Miranda, Troff, C++, Perl, ColdFusion, Java, Lua
20:41.52Temthen I moved to z80ASM
20:42.00OsagasuVB is good for two things: Ease of use, and ease of teaching; and even that is only VB before .net
20:42.05Temthen on to C++
20:42.16IrielI'm sure I missed some languages in there tho
20:42.38IrielPostScript should be in there around about the same time as C++
20:42.42Legorolgood evening
20:43.07TainVB.NET is a big upgrade over VB.  I still wouldn't encourage using either, but VB is so embedded in the industry that you can't just get rid of it.
20:43.23Legorolthe Blizz patchers are apparently inefficient when they are patching the game,
20:43.32Legorolbut the actual result is something that is very efficient in terms of access
20:43.39OsagasuI find much harder to learn and teach than VB6
20:43.42TainOf course I also actually like C# .NET, if you have to program on a MS OS it's great.
20:43.43KaeltenTain: yep that thats all thanks to Bill's love of it.  Its in many ways his baby.
20:43.53KaeltenOsagasu: thats because .net removed many of 6's limitations.
20:43.58TainIt is harder to learn and teach, Osagasu.  Because you're teaching .NET
20:44.06Cairhey Legorol :)
20:44.12LegorolScripting Windows in assorted languages ftw
20:44.12OsagasuBut it is good for programming basics, VB is
20:44.13TainBut once someone learns .NET you can easily move them to C#. :)
20:44.14Legorolespecially in Lua!
20:44.26Legorolin case anyone's interested, i have a Lua-language plugin for Windows Script Host
20:44.35TainI say teaching should begin with Pascal. :)
20:44.39TemI never did learn C# ... it just felt like a cheap clone of Java
20:44.42Legorolquite fun, you get access to the COM object model, and do all your windows scripting in Lua instead of VB or JS
20:45.10TainIt's similiar to Java, but not just a cheap clone, Tem.  But if you're not programming for Windows there's really no point.
20:45.29Legorol<Tain> But once someone learns .NET you can easily move them to C#. :)   <= i'm puzzled??
20:45.32TainI don't really see Mono, et all having much impact.
20:45.39Legorolisn't .NET a platform/framework, whereas C# a language?
20:45.54IrielThey're intimately entwined tho
20:45.56IrielOn windows
20:46.01Kaeltenyes but both and c# sit ontop of the .net framework
20:46.12IrielIn the traditional microsoft 'couple everything' scheme of things
20:46.17Legoroli guess
20:46.34Legorolbut i'd say only to the extent that Java as a language is coupled to the standard Java libs and Swing
20:46.34TainIf you look at a C# and a VB.NET program side by side they look almost identical.
20:46.45TainJust different ways to call the .NET functions.
20:46.51IrielI almost never use Swing
20:46.55Legorolthat just strengthens my point, Tain
20:46.59IrielBut the java standard libs, I'll have to give you 8-)
20:47.07TainNo, I'm just not explaining it well enough I suppose.
20:47.09Legorolthat means that C# and VB are languages (and such interchangable) whereas .NET is a platform
20:47.17TainErm ok.
20:47.21TainThen... what?
20:47.30Legorolehm.. i dunno
20:47.34Legoroli lost the point
20:47.55Beladonaposted a reply
20:48.01TainOnce you know the framework it doesn't matter what langugae you use, the only difference is in how you call the framework functions.
20:48.01Beladonamy first and last on that thread of course
20:48.06TainAnd that's barely a difference.
20:48.10LegorolIriel, did slouken reply to your scaling thing by any chance?
20:48.31IrielLegorol : not yet
20:54.04*** join/#wowi-lounge cilo (
21:04.01Eraphine|LabIriel, AfterCast works fine with instant spells right?
21:04.15IrielEraphine|Lab : I believe so
21:04.35IrielEraphine|Lab : though I dont think it'd know what to do about the two-spell-trick
21:04.37sarf|stuffAfterCast? Works how?
21:04.50Irielsarf|stuff : It just watches for SPELLCAST_* events
21:05.04Eraphine|LabInstant spells only generaget STOPCASTS though.
21:05.08Eraphine|Laband no arg1
21:05.14Irielsarf|stuff : basically it's to make those 'Say something if I successfully cast X' macros easy
21:05.19IrielEraphine|Lab : I believe I coded for that 8-)
21:05.22IrielEraphine|Lab : test it 8-)
21:05.26Eraphine|Labyep I see it.
21:05.34sarf|stuffThought it was one of those "piggy-back spells on other thingies"
21:05.45Eraphine|LabI'm just wondering if STOPCAST events are fired even if you are out of range, and if you don't have the mana.
21:06.08Eraphine|LabThat only works for a few spells sarf.
21:06.16Eraphine|LabBut .. it's a good few spells :) PoM :)
21:06.22sarf|stuffMost buffs ^^
21:06.53IrielEraphine|Lab : I believe I tested instant casts when I was writing it. But I only play limited spell casting classes so it's possible something doesn't work - Nobody's reported a bug about one to me yet tho 8-)
21:07.05Beladonaits been like 4 hours and I still have 5 patches to go
21:07.29Eraphine|Labyeah - I've used it for 4 months now with the warrior AE Taunt skill with no problems
21:07.40Eraphine|Labbut someone in by guild just posted that a long time ago it didn't work for instants.
21:07.43Cair|PS(If you need me specifically for some bizarre reason, please say my name so it'll beep at me.  Otherwise I won't notice as this window isn't currently the focus)
21:11.52Cair|PSwoo, Iriel's getting testy!
21:12.15IrielThis guys is a retard
21:12.22IrielOr, more likely, fairly junior
21:12.29kergothor both
21:12.34Iriel(not necessarily with age, just ability)
21:12.52Cair|PS*listens to Iriel's rant before going back to PS*
21:12.53Beladonatalking about that why lua thread?
21:13.04kergothmeh, i hope i find out whether i'm getting this job soon
21:13.06IrielHe just claimed learning API's was easier than languages
21:13.11BeladonaI don't believe he is a programmer
21:13.21Beladonaany real programmer would welcome the learning experience
21:13.21IrielI'm sure he is, but in the 'Business programmer' sense
21:13.22kergothIriel: haha
21:13.30IrielI doubt he's got "the progammer gene"
21:13.32Cair|PS"An API is trivial to learn by contrast to the syntax, intricacies, pitfalls, and  other miscellaneous overhead that goes into picking up a new language"
21:13.48tekkub"learn" an API?
21:13.55tekkubI just look up it's args...
21:14.05tekkuband functions..
21:14.07Beladonait still begs the question
21:14.10IrielWell, you generally learn how an API is structured
21:14.10Beladonawho cares?
21:14.15Beladonahe can either learn it, or not
21:14.17Cair|PSlol Beladona ;)
21:14.19Beladonahis loss
21:14.22IrielBeladona : That is true
21:14.30IrielBeladona : But his reason for not learning it is irrational
21:14.37tekkubyea I didn't even open that thread... my ursine sense was all tingley
21:14.50Beladonabut in my experience, reasoning with an irrational person is futile
21:15.24tekkubbut bela, why don't you want to learn new forms of logic?
21:15.32tekkubI mean, your loss...
21:15.37Beladonaits like saying, why did God make the sky blue? white or black would be more neutral and therefore easier to handle
21:15.54Beladonachange it, omg wtf!
21:16.06tekkubbecause the elements in the upper atmosphere scatter that wavelength best...
21:16.07KiliekI dunno, 90% of the forum is trash
21:16.15Kiliekwhich fits with 90% of the rest of the internet
21:16.44tekkubyea... the one most useful thing any forum needs and none seem to have... a blacklist
21:16.56Kiliekignore list is hot on forums
21:16.58tekkuboh noes Cair...
21:17.04Kiliektoo bad you can't add anyone under 30
21:17.05IrielI've got pretty reliable built in flamewar avoidance logic 8-)
21:17.11tekkubI'm going to duck after saying this...
21:17.16Beladonadon't get me wrong. I love a good foaming myself once in a while. I have been known to foam myself
21:17.24tekkubI thought Iriel was female
21:17.25Cair|PSLOL, really?!
21:17.33IrielIriel is female, but i'm not, if that makes sense 8-)
21:17.35Cair|PSto Bela, not tekkub
21:17.40Kiliekoh shit more iriel gender convos
21:17.48tekkubyea it's the female NE that did it
21:17.49IrielI'll answer to either gender
21:17.55Irielwhich generally makes it annoying for people 8-)
21:17.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Nomad_Wanderer (
21:17.57Beladonayeah, but not often
21:18.04Cair|PSthere is *one* female in this channel, so far as I am aware
21:18.21tekkubwell ane and a half
21:18.37Cair|PSone and 2 halves
21:18.54BeladonaI had someone argue with me in wow once that I wasn't male
21:18.55tekkubokey who else is family?
21:18.58Cair|PS(that I know for sure, possibly others)
21:19.12Cair|PSthat is their business tekkub, I won't say
21:19.12Beladonabecause I was "too nice" or some creap
21:19.12tekkubBela, best response:
21:19.14OsagasuI've had that happen to me too, Bela
21:19.19Cair|PSif they want you to know, they'll tell you
21:19.23tekkub"Let me check... yup still there"
21:19.37Osagasutekkub, that's awfully vague
21:19.49tekkubfine.. /checkspants
21:19.52tekkubthat better?
21:19.58Beladonamost people upon meeting me though bring up the porn star angle, which I assure you I didn't know about when choosing my name
21:20.15Osagasupoor Bela.
21:20.23Cair|PSlol tekkub
21:20.31tekkubLOL, I though wican/stevienicks/practicalmagic
21:20.51tekkubI'm not wearing pants
21:20.54BeladonaI hehe
21:21.04BeladonaIm not wearing any pants, film at eleven
21:21.08Cair|PSthen the channel just got flashed, Osagasu
21:21.23tekkubI'm so excited, I've got wood!
21:21.24OsagasuI am COMMANDO!
21:21.38Cair|PSah, but are you regimental?
21:21.46tekkuband attached to this wood is a piece of paper
21:21.51Cair|PS(sorry, Scottish humor)
21:21.59Kaeltenbbl guys
21:22.02OsagasuHi, my name is Kyle, and THIS is RAMBO. *hides*
21:22.10Cair|PSwhoops, scared Kael away
21:22.31Beladonalol, we go from talking about UI matters to only having one finger, to pants. Who says we are not multi-disciplined?
21:22.35tekkubRambone? now we're back to the porn thing
21:22.43Cair|PSokay, back to PS for me, since I now have everyone's pants and Iriel is done foaming at the mouth for now
21:22.53tekkubI only have one finger... in my pants
21:23.08OsagasuI am a mix between Rambo, Largo, and Piro.
21:23.09tekkubwait that's not a finger, sorry nevermind
21:23.12OsagasuNo WONDER I'm fucked up
21:24.23Cair|PSthat was my outside voice again, wasn't it?
21:24.48tekkuboh crap I said the loud part quiet and the quiet part loud
21:24.49Cair|PSoh good!
21:25.48Nomad_WandererOh.. Is Iriel here? I need to apologize.. Wasted like 10 minutes of his time yesterday with a weird I'm seeing wrong data issue.. Turned out the person I was helping, had multiple versions of the same addon in the addons folder running concurrently  ("I thought it would be best to Name the first version you gave me 1.0, then the second 2.0, etc.")...
21:25.53Osagasuscrew directions, I just want to get some. >.>
21:25.54Cair|PSglad that wasn't my outside voice, or it would have been very embarrassing
21:25.56Nomad_WandererTook me forever to figure that one out.
21:26.27IrielNomad_Wanderer : No worries 8-)
21:26.32shouryuuYou will shed red tears
21:26.39shouryuuwhat a beautiful phrase :P
21:26.46Nomad_WandererI said huh? You did what? Why do you have all three versions in the same folder?
21:27.00Nomad_WandererQuickly resolved that one, after pulling my hair out for a while ;)
21:27.41Nomad_Wandererhey shouryou, how do you say that in orcish.. that is a good line.
21:29.06tekkub[Common] bur
21:29.14Industrial"Have at thee, fiend!"
21:29.16shouryuuhummm anyone here an anime geek?
21:29.28Industrialdark age of camelot nostalgy :<
21:29.36OsagasuI have several otaku friends. *shudder*
21:29.37Industrialshouryuu: sort of, havent watched alot lately
21:29.55kergothmeh, i'm tempted to do an actionqueue/keyminder based automatic poison applier
21:30.04Nomad_WandererGIT:SAC rules.
21:30.12shouryuuseen it too amny times
21:30.17kergothwith the ability to also apply them to any weapons in your inventory that are in current itemrack item sets
21:30.18Nomad_WandererEvangelion sucks
21:30.21shouryuujust finished Cowboy bebop
21:30.25IrielGood, isn't it/.
21:30.27Nomad_WandererCB good :)
21:30.30shouryuuknow Samurai Champloo by heart
21:30.30IrielSeries? Or Movie?
21:30.43shouryuuI like both
21:30.48IrielI'm a half-anime-geek
21:30.52shouryuuGIT:Innocence is just badass
21:30.58shouryuuby heart as well
21:30.58IrielI have the full set of Trigun, Cowboy Bebop, and Lain
21:31.05shouryuuOk lain sounds cool
21:31.06IrielAnd most of GiTS
21:31.09IrielLain is.. odd.
21:31.09Osagasu"Oh, you were in that tub buck naked" "No, that was a dream"
21:31.16shouryuuodd is good
21:31.22Nomad_WandererHaven't seen trigun b4... was thinking of buying it unseen..
21:31.33IrielNomad_Wanderer : Trigun is good BUT
21:31.38IrielDont judge it on the first episode
21:31.39shouryuuIs the guy who did samurai champloo the same as the one who did Bebop?
21:31.43Irielshouryuu : yes
21:31.55Nomad_WandererYou think they going to Adult Swim Trigun? Like they did evangelion and gitsac?
21:31.59IrielEvangelion started well but got stupid.
21:32.12shouryuuit's funny how he builds his characters around a music theme
21:32.48Nomad_WandererHow about old stuff? Macross plus? Ninja Scroll? Akira?
21:32.48shouryuuanyone here know berserk?
21:32.54shouryuuAkira <3
21:33.02shouryuuThe music in akira rocks
21:33.08IrielAnother series I like is Big O
21:33.09shouryuuI looooovvveee Kenji Kawai
21:33.13Nomad_WandererEverything in Akira rocks :)
21:33.21shouryuuhis music rocks
21:33.23Nomad_Wanderermaybe thats nostalgai talking tho
21:33.27Industrialgundam wing ftw
21:33.30IrielAnd Blue Submarine was very fun (5.1 audio and nice CG)
21:33.34Cair|PSoh my, now *I
21:33.34Industrialseed and destiny suck
21:33.35shouryuuMononoke :P
21:33.38Cair|PSI'm in the thread, too
21:33.43shouryuuseed is just sad
21:33.50shouryuuthat;s like meh
21:33.54Nomad_WandererI thought you were busy doing something to the pants Cair
21:33.56shouryuuI cried on how bad it was
21:34.06Industrialme too it was way to "power power huh"
21:34.24shouryuuI hate the graphics
21:34.25Industrialgolden boy, now thats a good one :E
21:35.10shouryuuMiyazaki is just my idol
21:35.16shouryuuI love every single of his movies
21:35.35shouryuuMonoke, shishiro...
21:35.36Nomad_Wandererah... well Some of them are cool IMO.
21:35.48Nomad_Wanderersome just dont come out right for me
21:35.59shouryuusome are just weird
21:36.05shouryuuthe one with the cats is just
21:36.06Cair|PSI just stole all the pants.  I'm not *doing* anything with them.
21:36.28Nomad_WandererAnyone using chatzilla?
21:37.10IndustrialBe strong ride on, carry on through the war. Come along carry on, living for ever more.
21:37.38IndustrialOn the wings of death, by the hands of doom. By the darkest light, from the darkest moon. Crossing silent seas, over mountains high. For we stand as one tonight
21:37.53Industrial\m/ >_< \m<
21:38.01shouryuuand that might be?
21:38.24shouryuuI trust you
21:38.56Cair|PSweirdo :p
21:39.07Industrialgreat music for wow...
21:39.35tekkubhey Cair... pvt come thru or not?
21:39.55Nomad_WandererETN Radio on Shoutcast <-- good for wow :)
21:40.02tekkubI hate this IRC server and it's pvt blockage
21:40.11Nomad_WandererThen register for pete's sake
21:40.16tekkubI did
21:40.30tekkubI was talking with someone else in PVT just a min ago
21:41.13Cair|PSdid you identify when you logged on?
21:41.24tekkubI thought I did....
21:41.27Industrialauto do it
21:41.36tekkubI'll just throw it in my login script
21:41.54shouryuuthis is just weird... my DvD-rom reads this DVD as having only 750Mb of free space...
21:42.19IrielI want to reply to this thread, but I'm going to pass.
21:42.23Nomad_WandererThe other amount is the new sony rootkit
21:42.28Cair|PSthe same one Iriel?
21:42.46BeladonaCair: you wanted foaming? Read my reply to that Why Lua thread. And yes this time I am done posting :-I
21:43.02Cair|PSI saw it Bela
21:43.11Cair|PSand yeah, I've done my bit too, Imma ignore it now
21:43.22IrielYes, same one.
21:43.52IrielI was going to do a 'just because there's more of you doesn't mean your way is better' post but I figured it'd come off as Eliteist (even if, i suppose, it is)
21:44.01tekkubI'm already identified so :P on you all that harassed me over pvt
21:44.28Cair|PShe didn't just suggest that the *modding* community is an "old boys club" as well, did he?!
21:44.38Irielthe game industry, I think
21:44.40Irielnot the community
21:44.52IrielBut I could have misread
21:44.56Cair|PSno, in *addition* to the gaming industry
21:45.16Cair|PSI read it that he is saying our particular little corner of the world
21:45.39Cair|PS"The addon development world could have been opened up to a much broader audience"
21:46.02tekkubwe have a club?
21:46.06tekkubam I in it?
21:46.26BeladonaLUA didn't just happen a year ago
21:46.33Cair|PSdo you <3 me?
21:46.38Beladonaits been around, and has been used in many applications
21:46.45tekkubcause if I am I didn't get my toaster oven
21:46.53Cair|PStekkub: do you <3 me?
21:46.59Nomad_WandererHehe thats agood thread.. I just responded :)
21:47.05tekkubin a totally non-herte way ^^
21:47.08BeladonaVB is far from an "open platform"
21:47.19Cair|PScool, then yes you are in the club
21:47.34tekkubwewt! now where's my damn toasteroven?
21:47.35Cair|PSYou can send your membership dues to K. Hobson, 341 ...
21:48.16tekkubI pay my dues to blizzy monthly
21:48.16Legorolwhat's with the |PS? (too lazy to scroll back)
21:48.24tekkubwell, my husband does... but yea
21:48.36tekkubshe's playing playstation
21:48.51Cair|PSbut I hadn't defined it earlier
21:48.55tekkubdamnit that was supposed to be sarcastic
21:49.10BeladonaI am gonna make a picture of Kanain with vb fanboi attire
21:49.16Beladonaor maybe not
21:49.22tekkubyou went and ruined good sarcasm by making it truth!
21:49.37Cair|PSgotta be quicker than that tekkub ;)
21:49.49tekkubit's a good thing I'm not good with photoshop
21:49.51Cair|PSanyway, gonna actually get back to that now ...
21:50.02tekkubthere'd be all sorts of sick tauren furry porn on my box
21:50.30*** join/#wowi-lounge RedcXe (
21:51.07Beladonatauren standing with a gnomer in front of him. The tauren has a look of pleasure upon his face... sorry I couldn't resist
21:51.52Beladonamaybe the Tauren is a priest?
21:51.54*** join/#wowi-lounge zeeg (n=wguru@
21:51.54Beladonaoh wait
21:52.09tekkuboh no, I would only deal in tauren-on-tauren action
21:52.45IrielBack in 2 hours, I'll see where the "Why Lua?" thread is there by then.
21:52.48OsagasuTauren Druid on Night Elf Druid
21:52.57Nomad_Wandereranyone understand the EQDKP SQL table structure?
21:52.58IrielSomeone should suggest Tk/Tcl while i'm gone
21:53.10tekkubbear form only
21:53.19Nomad_WandererHow about ada?
21:53.30Nomad_Wandererwith comments solely in Haiku...
21:53.34tekkub"Tauren druids == furries YIFF YIFF YIFF" <--- best siggie evar!
21:53.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Nulkris (
21:53.52IrielStay away from /. !
21:54.02Nomad_Wandereryou too then :p
21:54.34*** join/#wowi-lounge ToastTheif (
21:54.44tekkubyou know what we need
21:54.48tekkubaddon levels...
21:54.57tekkubI feel so gimp having no 60 toons
21:55.07tekkubbut I'd say I've got a few Lv.60 addons
21:55.23Osagasuwhat's wrong with /. ?
21:55.29Beladonamaybe we can put that into effect at wowi
21:55.37Beladonabased on download count
21:55.40Osagasuhmph. better than Digg, in any case.
21:55.47Beladonawould be funny
21:56.02tekkubreputation makes more sense to me
21:56.04BeladonaLevel 60 Developer Utility
21:56.15Beladonaor Level 45 Compilation
21:56.16tekkub"oh I gotta go grind WoWI rep"
21:56.36tekkubMy unitframs are exhalted!
21:56.58Beladonalets go raid curse-gaming
21:57.02tekkubMaybe have PvP ranks for number of addons published
21:57.15tekkubLets gank curse noobies!
21:57.33tekkubdon't catch the mod-giver or you'll get DKs!
21:57.44Cair|PSyou guys are nuts, have I mentioned that lately?
21:57.53tekkubwatch the AoE!
21:57.54BeladonaOMG! That guy just ninja looted my function call!
21:58.01Nomad_WandererUm.. yeah.. what was that about the Pants again Cair? :)
21:58.02tekkubtotems! kill the totems!
21:58.15tekkuboh no.. I gotta dig up the Grayrage soundboard
21:58.21tekkubanyone from Ilidan?
21:58.41shouryuubeladona don't put the add-on level on WoWI I'll just feel humiliated
21:58.42tekkubdo you have my left socks too?
21:58.55shouryuuI don't want to be a lvl 1 modder for the next ten years
21:59.28Tekkub|kiltI need to get one... /cry
21:59.30Beladona|Nopantsthat brings some interesting thoughts to mind....
21:59.38Tekkub|kiltxmas gift to sefl perhaps
22:00.20Beladona|Nopantsit slices, it dices, it makes curley fries in half the time! Keep out of reach of children! Harmful if swallowed! Batteries not included! May explode if you stand too close!
22:01.02Nomad_Wandererhehehe " Because if women had an appendage hanging between their legs we guarantee you they wouldn’t be wearing pants."
22:01.11shouryuuhow do you call the instrument that guy is playing?
22:02.04Beladona|NopantsKilted Astronomy -- now thats funny
22:02.11shouryuunope that big piano linked to the big tubes
22:02.18Beladona|Nopantsyou know I am like half scottish
22:02.42shouryuuit's called an organ?
22:02.43Tekkub|kiltI always get scottish and irish accents messed up
22:02.54Tekkub|kiltbest I can do is 'sackapatatas"
22:02.54shouryuuthere's a difference?
22:03.07Beladona|NopantsOMG, kilts with two white stripes down the side! They look like jogging pants, but they are in kilt form!
22:03.14Beladona|Nopantsso wrong
22:03.37Tekkub|kiltI must get me one
22:04.58Tekkub|kiltokey that was... interesting..
22:05.12Tekkub|kiltrandom oddity for you:
22:05.29Beladona|Nopantshas anyone just randomly typed web addresses into their browser?
22:05.31Tekkub|kiltthey just called me to tell me the black one's on backorder....
22:05.40Tekkub|kiltso I'm getting a flesh colored one...
22:05.58Tekkub|kiltshe offered a larger one for like $1.20 more..
22:06.17Nomad_WandererYou guys haven't heard about stumbleapon?
22:06.33Tekkub|kiltyet she didn't offer a smaller one...
22:06.41Tekkub|kiltokey bedtime
22:06.48Cair|PSnight Tekkub|kilt
22:11.31*** part/#wowi-lounge Ratbert_CP (
22:21.28shouryuuslouken ftw
22:21.31Gryphenono i esceared of teh rawr! i need a huggle.
22:22.00shouryuuare you even there?
22:23.28shouryuucool the auto message doesn't work now :P
22:23.54Gryphendoesn't work with the ! ;p
22:24.20Gryphenono i esceared of teh rawr! i need a huggle.
22:26.33shouryuuwe need a gryphen in there
22:26.55shouryuunice nice
22:28.11Beladonayay, time to go home, seeya all in a bit
22:28.26*** part/#wowi-lounge Beladona (n=Beladona@
22:28.37OsagasuWell that settles that question.
22:28.47Osagasuor does it
22:29.25Osagasuthank you, Cair.
22:29.37Gryphenw00t for being weird
22:30.00OsagasuIts like a cyborg.
22:30.05Osagasuhalf bot, half player.
22:30.07Cair|PSSlouken responded to the moron
22:30.18Cair|PSTo actually answer the question in the topic...
22:30.18Cair|PSWhy Lua?
22:30.18Cair|PS* It's small
22:30.18Cair|PS* It's fast
22:30.18Cair|PS* It's secure
22:30.18Cair|PS* It's flexible
22:30.20Cair|PS* It's free
22:30.22Cair|PS* It's cross-platform
22:30.24Cair|PS* It integrates easily with C and C++
22:30.26Cair|PSThere are many other scripting languages, even many which meet some or all of those criteria, but Lua met our needs admirably in all those areas.
22:30.31Cair|PSbite me
22:32.00Cair|PSto respond or not to respond (on the thread) ...
22:32.08Cair|PSOsagasu: where?  pick a spot ;)
22:33.15shouryuuIs that automated as well?
22:33.29Cair|PSI type everything out
22:33.47shouryuurawr means so many things
22:33.52shouryuuI just love those kind of words
22:34.02Osagasu"Its only spelled Akinori. Its PRONOUNCED Throatwobblermangrove. Its Welsh."
22:34.08Cair|PSwhen you get a response from me, it's the real genuine article, not some cheap imitation script
22:34.34Gryphencheap imitation script's are the devils playground!
22:34.45OsagasuWell in any case call me when you aren't married.
22:34.48Gryphenono i esceared of teh rawr! i need a huggle.
22:35.10Cair|PSlol Osagasu
22:35.21Osagasusad thing is /spoon is actually a command in game
22:35.38shouryuulol what does it do?
22:35.59Cair|PSit's the same as /cuddle
22:36.22OsagasuO.o -- Wikipedia search isn't working
22:36.28shouryuuw00t i got 7 downloads on my mod! I'm fammmmouuussssss
22:36.52shouryuuman Cair you will have to kill beladona for accepting my mod
22:37.08shouryuuI've added it to my favorites and I'm just spamming refresh in the hope of a download
22:38.02Osagasuand if you don't know what a spooning is, lay two female humans or female Nelfs together IG and that's a spooning. ;)
22:38.32OsagasuI feel sorry for anybody below 14 in this channel.
22:40.25Osagasuthis is definitely not a channel for children... or anyone with overprotective parents... or anyone naive... well, you get the picture
22:40.41OsagasuSpeaking of which, Shouryuu, why are you in here?
22:40.56shouryuusmartass :P
22:41.44shouryuui think you won't be even thinking of saying that if you even remotly thought the things that I think, at least I think so
22:42.51Osagasugood child, I think of worse things at school than pornstars think of on the set.
22:44.10NulkrisHey shoryuu, just wondering why you thought it necessary to add a script tag to the XML when its already included in the lua?
22:44.12shouryuuI think I would've liked to know Sade
22:44.36shouryuuI really don't care how ugly my code is
22:44.39shouryuuas long as it works
22:48.29shouryuuI guess I'm open to suggestion on how to making it less uglier, but I ain't changing it now :p
22:48.37shouryuuMan I love Poe
22:48.47shouryuuI should read more of his stuff
22:49.08NulkrisWasn't calling it ugly, just wondering on the redundant use of the script tag.
22:49.22*** join/#wowi-lounge BO|Razag (
22:51.16BO|Razagheyho how do i put the %s and %d from a Globalstring into variables? any1 got some sample code?
22:52.00BO|RazagCOMBATHITCRITSCHOOLSELFOTHER = "You crit %s for %d %s damage.";
22:52.45kergothformat(COMBATHITCRITSCHOOLSELFOTHER, "An Angry Bunny", 82.3, "Mushy")
22:53.37*** join/#wowi-lounge RasmusKL (
22:53.48BO|Razagthat would fill COMBAT... wouldnt it? i want to extract smth from that string
22:53.53clad|sleepHoly crap.. if you disable the blizzard raidUI and then unregister all the events from CTRA.. your life is happy =)
22:54.39cladhaireEvening all
22:55.09AnduinLotharhow do u mean ur life if happy?
22:55.10shouryuuBO you need to use string.find
22:55.20shouryuuwhat do you mean nregister events?
22:55.33cladhairejust unregister all teh combat events.. it makes it a CTRALite
22:55.51shouryuui still don't :(
22:56.49IrielI like that Kinain's solution to the sandboxing problem was to "Write a sandboxing interpreter"
22:58.42shouryuuold english is just so much more beautiful than modern english
22:58.42cladhaireIriel: I lost it at work.. I just about died laughing.
22:59.03KolthIriel: That thread is hilarious.
23:01.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Beladona (
23:01.00*** mode/#WoWI-lounge [+o Beladona] by ChanServ
23:02.30shouryuu"And the silken sad uncertain rustling of each purple curtain" rawr for alliterations in 's'
23:06.40shouryuuQuoth the raven "Nevermore"!
23:06.43shouryuusee yarz
23:06.47Gryphenono i esceared of teh rawr! i need a huggle.
23:06.51*** part/#wowi-lounge shouryuu (
23:19.24AnduinLotharmmm i feel like industrial... just hacked GoldenRun into GoldenRunLight
23:23.27AnduinLothar50 lines, no req, no config except two booleans and a delay number
23:25.05AnduinLotharoptional use of SeaHooks if it's installed
23:25.15Industrialhehe j/
23:25.32Industrialgotta go :(
23:25.38Industrial00:25 sigh
23:44.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (n=Guilloti@
23:45.03Gryphenono i esceared of teh rawr! i need a huggle.
23:46.30Guillotineoooo. cair put some pretty red text on the wowi front page...
23:53.14*** part/#wowi-lounge Beladona (
23:58.40MentalPoweris there any way to know the calling function in WoW Lua?
23:59.45Guillotinewell, you could just assign the calling function to a variable (assuming you have access to it) before calling the function

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