irclog2html for #wowi-lounge on 20051127

00:00.08Legorol|WSGyour legacy remains ;-)
00:01.15krkai wish someone would take it off my hands
00:01.29krkai only like to make new stuff, maintaining is boring :)
00:02.05kergothhm, as expected, a tuple implemented with functions is much more efficient than via tables, gc wise, but is less efficient performance wise
00:02.08kergothgood to confirm
00:03.12Irielhow did you define your tables? [1][2] ?
00:03.19krkawhat's a tuple implemented with functions?
00:03.24krkacan you give an example?
00:03.29kergothyeah, numerically indexed, to be a fair comparison
00:03.32Irieltuple = function() return 3,5; end
00:03.49Irielfunction createTuple(x,y) return function() return x,y; end end
00:04.09kergothyep, can be useful.  a simple x,y tuple can be a workable linked list
00:04.15krkai don't get it
00:04.19IrielThey're non-serializable tho
00:04.28kergothyou call the new tuple you create to get at the values
00:04.28krkawhat's the use of this?
00:04.38*** join/#wowi-lounge ToastTheif (
00:04.54kergothIriel: yeah, definately advantages and disadvantages to the approach
00:05.41krkawhy do you need a function to create a tuple?
00:06.02Irielwell, if you want an arbitrary one (code generated)
00:06.04Irielyou can't do it inline
00:06.14Irielwell, you CAN, but it's essentially what I just did
00:06.24Irielif you're doing it from globals you can't
00:06.30Iriel(Unless you're very careful)
00:09.20krkai'd appreciate if anyone could point me to an example where these kind of tuples are used
00:09.21kergothooh, i didnt notice these items in the 5.1 changelog..
00:09.22kergothdamn, a tuple implemented with functions is much more efficient gc wise than t
00:09.29kergothdamn dual clipboards in linux
00:09.52krkayay, that sounds great
00:10.03krkathough, that doesn't mean that blizz will use 5.1
00:12.20Anduin|Workmmm, that was fun
00:12.57Anduin|Workwent to work, thought i was 1 min late. manager clocks me in, i go look at the schedule ont he other side of the store, see i'm nto on for another hour, and go clock out
00:13.20kergothkrka: yeah :(
00:13.22Anduin|Workget paid for 6 min of times for no good reason
00:15.23kergoth is interesting
00:24.05Legorol|WSGcan someone tell me how i can get to the 5.1 changenotes by just following links from
00:25.22krkawould be real nice if LUA would include real tuples
00:25.25krkalike Haskell!
00:25.25*** join/#wowi-lounge tyndral (
00:25.34tyndralstupid broken Forums of Brokenness.
00:25.40Anduin|Heremmm, this should be fun... runing loops on ADDON_LOADED to identify manual hooks by addon
00:25.46Cairennhi tyndral and yup
00:25.57tyndralhow can I procrastinate if the forums are down, eh?
00:26.03Anduin|Hereirc woot
00:26.06tyndralactually, i think the answer to that is lying right before my eyes.
00:26.11Cairenneasy, come here
00:26.29kergothkrka: indeed. check out this thread: in which rici proposes functional tuples as an alternative to the new ... stuff in 5.1, and is mostly shot down by roberto
00:26.36Iriela tuple is a set of N (typically simple) values
00:26.37krkai read it
00:26.39Anduin|Hereheh, tuple == non-maliable list/table
00:26.50IrielGenerally immutable, yes
00:26.56Irielso (1,2,3) is a 3-tuple
00:27.03Anduin|Hereimmutable, that's the word i was looking for
00:27.10tyndrala triple-truple, if you will.
00:27.11krkaimmutable in the same way that numbers are
00:27.20kergoth"My argument is that tuples-as-functions are more useful and while
00:27.20kergothpossibly not as efficient as ..., much more efficient than
00:27.20kergothvarargs-as-tables, which is probably efficient enough (imho)."
00:27.33Legorolso, can anyone tell me how i can get to the 5.1 change notes?
00:27.38krkatuples-as-functions seem kinda hackish
00:27.50kergothkrka: well, it avoids creating a new datatype
00:28.05kergothand lua already provides the mechanisms.. function closures
00:28.13Legorolhow much memory does creating a function closure take up?
00:28.13Legorolas opposed to creating a table say
00:28.15krkayes... but is that so efficient?
00:28.22krkacreating new functions whenever you need a new tuple
00:28.36Legoroldoesn't that need to save data about stuff like all upvalues?
00:28.39IrielI dont know if kergoth tested it in wow
00:28.40krka(that needs to be GC)
00:28.52krkaa normal tuple wouldn't need GC, I think
00:28.53IrielLegorol : No, only those that are referenced, and even then they're resolved already
00:29.11kergothkrka: well, its been argued that a string is a special case of a tuple
00:29.12IrielWell, a normal tuple would have to have GC unless it fit in a register
00:29.21kergothkrka: in which case you could consider a single cache for the values not unlike the string one
00:29.30Legorolehm, so if the function code doesn't reference any upvalues, it doesn't need any extra info stored when creating closure?
00:29.52IrielLegorol : Correct (Though I dont know if the WoW lua implementation stores debugging information)
00:29.57kergothLegorol: its the HISTORY file in the 5.1 sources
00:30.01kergothLegorol: download and take a look
00:30.16Legorolyou mean it's not on the Lua site?
00:30.18kergothLegorol: be warned that its quite minimal.  see the mailing list threads for any info about the motivations behind any of the changes, or implementation details
00:30.27kergoth5.1 isnt released.
00:30.38kergothif you cant be bothered to download the _beta_ release candidate to read the changes...
00:30.48Legorolwhich mailing list would that be?
00:30.53kergoththe lua-users one
00:30.55Legoroloh i am happy to download it
00:31.07Legoroli just didn't realise i need to download the full source to see change notes
00:31.13Legoroli thought it'd be up on the site somewhere
00:31.15kergothi find to be the best archive interface
00:31.16Legorolno wonder i couldn't find it
00:31.21IrielI'm sure once they release it it will be
00:31.32CairennLegorol: 1.3 - When is the next version due?Lua 5.1 (beta) is now available for testing.  We hope to release Lua 5.1 by the end of the year.    1.4 - What changes will the next version bring?If you're concerned with  incompatibilities, you shouldn't, because we make every effort to avoid  introducing any incompatibilities. When incompatibilities are unavoidable,  previous code is usually supported unmodified,
00:31.41kergoththere'a  5.1 version of the reference manual in the source tree, take a look
00:32.18kergoththanks cair :)
00:33.10Legorolty Ciar
00:33.19Cairennwelcome :)
00:33.32Cairennjust hope it actually helped :p
00:34.33Cairennso, Iriel
00:34.41Cairennwhat the hell did you do *this* time?
00:34.49kergoth , for those wondering about such things
00:34.54Cairennmust have been pretty good, given that he's out of town!
00:35.10IrielWhat? Me?
00:35.15Cairennyes, you
00:35.37IrielI certainly didn't break the forum, if that's what you mean
00:35.59Anduin|Herestealth bumping ftl
00:36.12CairennBlizz forums are broken, that means you pissed Slouken off, and it must have been a doozy to have pissed him off while he isn't even home to notice and thus take the forums down!
00:36.40IrielMaybe he didn't like my anchoring bug
00:37.08Cairennsorry, every time I yell at him because the forums are broken, he tells me that it's your fault, you pissed him off so he broke the forums to get back at you
00:37.18krkathat's a good description kergoth, thanks
00:37.22Cairennit's been an ongoing joke between us for a while now
00:37.45kergothkrka: np
00:38.28IrielIt's nice to know he blames me for something 8-)
00:38.34IrielI'll have to find some more bugs to send him
00:38.41IrielYou know, in payment
00:39.58Anduin|Heresend him the CLayoutFrame bug that yatlas throws me
00:40.33Irielmake a simple test case that reproduces it, and I will 8-)
00:40.44Anduin|Heremmm, load yatlas
00:40.54Anduin|Hereboom, error :P
00:41.01kergothhmmm... i wonder
00:41.06Endsupposedly it is fixed for 1.9
00:41.07Irielhas yatlas been updated post-1.9 for scaling changes?
00:41.19Endnot yet
00:41.38kergothoh, hey.  yatlas rocks :)
00:41.40Anduin|Hereheh. so end knows the error i speak of?
00:41.58kergothwhen are we getting party blips in it, btw? ;)
00:41.58Anduin|Hereglad to know im not crazy
00:42.12Endalthough, hmm, does that mean you run a mac?
00:42.30Anduin|Herei do
00:42.36Endhold on a sec
00:42.45EndI'll find the post
00:42.47Endif it is still up
00:43.46Endoh yeah, bah
00:43.52EndI forgot, forums are down
00:44.10kremonte3 epics this run, 6 epics last run... i love molten core :D
00:44.21ToastTheifwhat's Yatlas?
00:44.31ToastTheifI know of Atlas
00:44.39Endit's..kinda like Atlas
00:44.50ToastTheifwhat's different?
00:45.25Endbut it gets its textures from in game...and instead of instance only has the contintents (actually, it can show more, like battlegrounds, but I haven't enabled those)
00:45.28kergothToastTheif: its like a world map that looks the way the minimap looks.. more like the way the world really is
00:45.59Anduin|Herebe nice if it worked similar to alphamap
00:46.01Endthe problem with instances is most are just "buildings"
00:46.37EndAnduin: in time! I made it more...modular I guess you could call it.  so I have a big full screen map now too
00:46.48EndI just gotta make the different modes
00:46.55ToastTheifwhere's the lin to Yatlas?
00:47.09kergothi use it instead of alphamap today.  set transparency and add a line to the code to do a 'goto player' when the frame is shown
00:47.46Cairennsince we're talking about YAtlas, my turn to ask a question ... why isn't it up on WoWI?  *pout*
00:47.46EndI was gonna add a track player
00:47.46EndCairenn: next version
00:47.48Endnext version I will upload
00:47.50Cairenn*sulks* alright ....
00:48.13EndI was gonna do WoWI right after curse, but it never got on curse for some reason, then I kinda forgot about it
00:48.52Anduin|Heredid net ever confirm it?
00:49.15Endkergoth: anyways, I was gonna add a track player in addition to goto, but I ran out of room to put the button without making the frame itself bigger
00:49.25kergoththats cool
00:49.31EndI never heard anything after I submitted
00:49.56Anduin|Herecheck now. he confirmed a bunch recently
00:50.08Endok, checking
00:50.09ToastTheifYatals can do instance maps too?
00:50.09Anduin|Hereif not he's in #cosmostesters right now, u could go bug him
00:50.47EndI wonder if I should just resubmit.  I first submitted like two months ago.
00:51.06ToastTheifEnd, does Yatals also display instance maps?
00:51.31EndToastTheif: Not yet.
00:51.43Endinstance are a helluvalot more complicated
00:51.50Endfor the way I want to show at least
00:51.54ToastTheifI'll hold out til you finish that ;)
00:52.17ToastTheifit's very cool though
00:54.03Anduin|Herethere we go. I got a full hook tracker now. it loads first using the ! name method and tells you what addons hook what
00:54.17Anduin|Herewell, ok so it's not all that
00:54.31Anduin|Hereonly tracks functions hooked by Sea
00:54.51Anduin|Herebut one they're hooked it tracks any non sea hooks on top
00:57.26kergothIriel: having read a bit,
00:57.29kergothdamn enter key
00:58.05kergoth'...' in lua 5.1 is a statement, not a real object, and using it gives you near direct access to the elements of the stack, no heap allocations at all
00:58.08kergothwhich is good news
00:58.32IrielThat's what we figured
00:58.39kergothyeah, wanted to confirm though
00:58.40IrielExcept that you can't nest them
00:58.49Irielor is there a syntax for that?
00:59.09kergoththere isnt.  rici proposed adding a way to give a psuedo name to ..., but i dont think that went in
00:59.24tyndralso, Cair.. did Dolby think my suggestion sucked, or did you forget to pass it on? :p
00:59.26kergothsomething like function a(foo, [bar]) end would name '...' as 'bar'
00:59.30kergothor so
01:00.08*** join/#wowi-lounge id` (
01:04.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Plorkyeran (
01:20.25Irielack, mispaste
01:24.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Trilian (
01:51.26Jeebs|So|ZzZtrying to buy a wow cd key on ebay has proven to be quite troublesome.
01:52.02Cairennand you figure the people in this channel will care .... why?
01:52.33Jeebs|So|ZzZdunno, maybe someone knows an easier way to get one:)
01:52.45Cairenngo out and buy the game
01:53.09Cairenneasiest and most *legal* way I know :p
01:53.33Jeebs|So|ZzZis doing it the ebay way illegel?
01:54.24Irielpretty much, unless it's an unopened box
01:54.31IrielAccounts are non-transferrable
01:55.39Jeebs|So|ZzZi'm not interested in an account, heh. Well not directly.
01:56.03Irielthus my box comment
01:56.10Cairennso if you don't want an account, why would you need a cd key?
01:56.24Jeebs|So|ZzZto create one,
01:56.29Irielhe's after an UNUSED wow cd key
01:56.40CairennI know Iriel ...
01:56.43*** join/#wowi-lounge ToastTheif (
01:56.59Irielthat's going to be tricky to verify before sending payment
01:57.37CairennOkay, so you don't want an account, thus you won't buy the game, instead you want to buy just a CD key so you can create one .... none of that makes any sense, you realize
01:59.02Jeebs|So|ZzZno no, I want an account, but I want to creat my own with an unused cd key. I'm all for buying the box but that means I have to wait until monday.
01:59.34Cairennno stores around there open on Sundays? (Canadian here, used to Sunday shopping)
02:00.18Jeebs|So|ZzZoh, i'm canadian, just didn't think the mall would be open on sunday? shrug.
02:00.48CairennWhere are you? What province?
02:00.57Jeebs|So|ZzZNova scotia.
02:01.13CairennNS has Sunday shopping, last I was down there ...
02:01.44Cairennyou should be able to find an EB, Staples, Walmart, Future Shop open
02:01.55Cairennany of which carry it
02:02.00Jeebs|So|ZzZneat, I tend to avoid shopping at all costs. Last time Iwas out to walmart was to get my picture taken.
02:02.28CairennNaw, go hit up Walmart ... the one here is open until 11pm, and it's only 10 down there, so you'd still have time to get there
02:02.45Cairennplus a lot of stores are going to midnight shopping at this point, with christmas coming
02:02.58Cairenneither way, if you can't get there tonight, you should be able to go pick it up tomorrow
02:04.30Jeebs|So|ZzZaw, sappose. I'ma still see what ebay says tonight. ever sence my friend wanted his account back i've been mmoless. and it blows big time.
02:04.53Cairenneven if you do buy one over ebay, you won't get it tonight anyway
02:05.13Cairennyou'd have to wait for it to be sent to you, it'll actually take you longer
02:05.35id`the words "friend" and "account" dont mix
02:06.12purlsomebody said ugt was Universial Greeting Time. Created in #mipslinux, it is a rule that states that whenever somebody enters an IRC channel it is always morning, and it is always late when the person leaves. The local time of any other people in the channel, including the greeter, is irrelevant.
02:06.20id`(UGT) Good Night
02:06.32Cairennnight Indu
02:06.47id`3am getting hungry, bad to eat at night :E
02:06.49IrielDammit, now I need to go create a rogue
02:06.54id`so, sleepy time
02:06.55IrielStupid combo points
02:07.12Cairennheh, poor Iriel, it's a tough life :p
02:07.15Jeebs|So|ZzZhehe, I regret giving it back to him. hes one of them altaholics.
02:08.40Jeebs|So|ZzZyou know, get to 30 then ask some stupid question like, "how does the warlock teleport work?". Blah.
02:10.51Cidesomeone unbreak the forums so I have something to do
02:11.30IrielCide: What classes do you  have on the test server?
02:11.44Cidejust priest
02:11.53Cidejust copied over my main
02:11.58CideI have a 36 rogue I could copy
02:12.57IrielAnything would work really
02:13.16IrielI'd just like someone to try playing with the new stat rings (Once I finish one more thing) and see how much they hate it
02:13.36ToastTheifthe circle health/mana bars?
02:14.02IrielYes, the H.U.D style ones
02:14.14ToastTheifI hope those turn out good
02:14.17ToastTheifthey look fun
02:15.06kremontei'm a bar guy
02:15.26ToastTheifVertical Bars seemed like a cool idea
02:15.41ToastTheifno one ever really did anything about it though
02:16.44Jeebs|So|ZzZi tried playing with vertical health bars with discord, it seemed rather odd to play with.
02:19.28Jeebs|So|ZzZI just want a non-complicated group window. Maybe like everquest. Every group window I came up with always seem to have tons going on.
02:19.36kremonteCide, when in a raid does CTRA increase memory usage a good deal?
02:19.47kremontei was getting 15kb/s+ increasing rate during MC today
02:19.59IrielWell, if someone wants to be brave
02:20.00CideI haven't had that happen
02:20.09kremontebah. my game is broken then :(
02:20.12CodayusMmm, every time I start fiddling with unit frames, I always thing: "Hey, this bit of info would be kind of nice to have, and it won't take up TOO much screen space!"
02:20.35CideI get like 1kb/s when I raid usually
02:20.46kremonteyep. my game is broken. WoW hates me.
02:20.51IrielNote that REQUIRES 1.9
02:20.53CodayusThen I repeat that process 30 times, and end up with ugly cluttered mess.
02:20.55kremonteZul'Gurub hates me too, and i think that's related
02:21.53Jeebs|So|ZzZuh huh I feel your pain, sometimes it even extends to other areas of the UI:(
02:26.04ToastTheif J³®³мΨ
02:28.40Jeebs|So|ZzZdoes the unified LFG/trade channels mean the channels will span across IF/SW like one channel?
02:28.55IrielAnd Darnassus
02:29.01IrielEveryone hates the night elves for some reason
02:29.47Jeebs|So|ZzZI didn't mean to exclude:p my main was a 60 ne rogue.
02:33.18ToastTheifdoes 1.9 save keybindings per char?
02:33.25Irielif you want it to
02:33.31ToastTheifmmm cool
02:33.42CodayusMy first 60 was a NE rogue too.  And I've gone back to Darnassus all of...uh...a dozen times since I left the newbie zone...
02:34.12CodayusAnd I think all of those were to visit the alchemy trainer.  :-)
02:34.36ToastTheifno need for myBindings then I guess
02:34.38CodayusHonestly, apart from the alchemy and weapons trainers, whats the point of the place?
02:34.50IrielThere are some quests there
02:34.54Jeebs|So|ZzZneat background music.
02:35.40CodayusIriel: Heh, I guess.  Somehow, I've always managed to bypass them though.  I've been into the BFD instance a grand total times.  oO
02:35.52Jeebs|So|ZzZbetter place to hang then ironforge. I always hung out at southshore -.-
02:37.04CodayusWell, it *IS* the closest capital city to...hmm.  DM I guess.  Maybe Silithus, not sure..
02:37.15IrielThe BFD quests come out of auberdine anyway
02:37.16Jeebs|So|ZzZyou should. the last boss and some turtles almost owned a 60 rogue, lol.
02:37.57CodayusOnce it gets an AH, maybe it'll see more popularity.  Then again, IF is still closer to Strat/Scholo and the entire BRM set of instances, so...
02:38.56CodayusIriel: Oh?  I thought there was 1-2 given next to the alchemy trainer in Darnassus.  maybe from some...argent dawn guys?
02:39.10Irieloh yes
02:39.14IrielYou're righy
02:39.27Irielthe odd incomplete-feeling argent dawn quest givers
02:39.40CodayusHeh, at least they HAVE NPCs there.
02:39.57CodayusThe empty argent dawn building near the SW cathedral is just kinda freaky.
02:39.57IrielDid they add another mailbox, or do we still only have one?
02:39.59Jeebs|So|ZzZSW has a AD building but no NPCs;p
02:40.05CodayusMy theory is the scourge kidnapped them.  :-)
02:40.32CodayusWhere *IS* the Darnassus AH in 1.9?  Anyone know?
02:40.34Jeebs|So|ZzZI was hoping for a "gone for lunch" sign inside but none:(
02:40.42IrielThe merchant area
02:40.52Irielbottom floor of one of the existing buildings
02:41.26IrielCool, my mage is L4 now
02:41.31Irielwhat am I saying, rogue, not mage
02:41.47ToastTheifrogues lvl damn fast
02:48.19Irielit's a real shame I can't draw
02:48.31kremontehaha i started a big argument in my guild
02:48.37Irielstatrings would look much better with some artwork
02:49.05kremonteFun Fact: Tell your guild you're rolling on Perdition's next time it drops when you're a caster, and watch the ensuing fight. It's very funny!
02:49.50IrielThough normally for full health/mana it's faded
02:50.19MentalPower|PCwhat are the top circles for?
02:50.26ToastTheifso you can't have a full circle?
02:50.41IrielThe screenshot has everything on 'full'
02:50.49IrielPeople didn't seem to like the full circles as much
02:51.06ToastTheifI'd perfer full circles, personally
02:51.10MentalPower|PCwhat about target mana/hp?
02:51.12IrielAn earlier all circle version
02:51.24IrielTarget appears inside your ring
02:51.29Irielwith darker and thinner rings
02:51.45Iriel(Which need more opacity next time im in tehre because they're too dark)
02:52.07Jeebs|So|ZzZI think people are taking the whole circle thing a little to far. Neat though, iriel.
02:52.16MentalPower|PCjust a thought but you "could" out them below the standard rings (just like the pet bars but below instead of on-top)
02:52.45IrielYes, but I like the side-by-side because it's good for judging if I'm about to die
02:52.51Irielor if they'll die first
02:55.20MentalPower|PCso when will this version be out for public onsuption (on the test servers of course)
02:55.31IrielIt already is
02:56.34IrielI've been staring at it too long so I've lost objectivity, but i'd welcome feedback ( if i'm not paying attention here)
02:59.31MentalPower|PCwill do
03:07.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Legorol|alt (
03:49.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Legorol (
04:02.04Anduin|Workya, looks like they finally nuked ooz channels in 1.9
04:02.53Anduin|Worki assume they figure linked ah will make up for the trade channel
04:03.14Anduin|Workand whatever lfg they're coming up with in 1.10 with make up for lfg/den
04:04.58MentalPower|PCI guess that means the we'll have a skinnier Channel Manager
04:05.20Anduin|Workguess i finally gave them enough information via the wiki that they figured it was worth shutting down
04:07.28Anduin|Worklil skinier, ya.
04:07.42Anduin|Workless channel issues to debug tho
04:08.08Anduin|Workonce i finally had it all simplified down to the point anyone could use it :/
04:09.52CodayusHmm, no more OOZ channels?
04:10.21CairennFrankly ... *thank god*
04:10.39CairennOne less stupidity on the forums :p
04:10.52CodayusHmm, I kind of enjoyed hanging out in IF trade while farming out in Un'Goro or wherever...
04:11.00CodayusOh well, small loss.  :-)
04:11.10Anduin|Workwell, for guildies, that's fine. but it was a life saver when a pickup grp lost a member in the mid of a raid
04:11.32CodayusOh, yeah, I forgot that.
04:12.13Anduin|Workguess well have to get more people to use CTA
04:12.20CodayusI think my server may be odd, but pretty much all the lvl 60s on the Alliance side (not sure about horde) hangs out on a channel called endgame.
04:12.38Anduin|Workya, thats odd
04:13.08CodayusThat's where all pickup raids are advertised; most people will *also* advertise on IF LFG if they're around, but you pretty much never see an endgame raid advertised only in a LFG channel.
04:13.48kremonteendgame as in MC~?
04:13.52CodayusIt's really quite nice - not sure how it got started, nor why other servers don't use it.
04:14.29CodayusEndgame as in Baron runs onwards.  Pickup MC/Ony raids do get advertised there.  Sometimes people even look for Mauradon groups, but they usually get yelled at for that.
04:19.40Codayus2048x1536 is really kinda...fuzzy on this monitor.  I wonder why.  :-/
04:37.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Plorkyeran[Away] (
04:45.35Legorolnoobie question about Shaman's Ancestrall recall
04:45.49Legoroldoes it share the place that it's locked to with the Hearthstone?
04:45.56Legorolor can the two be set to two different places
04:49.10*** join/#wowi-lounge ToastTheif (
04:51.51CodayusThe former, I think.
04:51.58CodayusAnd you mean Astral Recall, I think.  :-)
04:52.32ToastTheifhey End, you still here?
04:53.01ToastTheifdoes that mean freenode is going down?
04:53.50ToastTheifhow the hell do I get timestamps on for Xchat dammit
04:54.01CodayusYou switch to irssi.
04:54.35ToastTheifno =P
04:54.57ToastTheifsomone just released a pwnage map mod
04:55.01CodayusSee, here I am, *trying* to help you.  But do you listen?  *sigh*
04:55.03ToastTheifit's omfg great
04:55.35CodayusHey, that doesn't look too bad.
04:55.57ToastTheiflike I said, it fing pwns
04:56.48ToastTheifit seems there are a few bugs with the initial release
04:57.04ToastTheifbut it *will* be *the* map mod I think anyway ;)
04:59.51CodayusHmm, the author needs better taste in addon sites to upload too.  :-)
05:01.47ToastTheifI hate worldofwar
05:01.58ToastTheifWoWI or at least CG
05:02.26ToastTheifI rarely check ui.worldofwar
05:02.33ToastTheifDevla pointed it out to me lol
05:02.58CodayusI *never* check it - the only reason I ever see it is if I've followed a link there.
05:03.29ToastTheifI need to get all my addons in order
05:03.38ToastTheifcomputer will be here on monday
05:08.46ToastTheif65 addons ><
05:11.26ToastTheifin 1.8
05:11.37ToastTheifthey took out cross-faction inspecting
05:11.54ToastTheifdid they also take out the ability yo increase inspect range?
05:13.41ToastTheif(especially Iriel)
05:13.43Cair|wowIriel, you there?
05:14.28Cair|wowto what?
05:14.44Cair|wowabout inspecting? I believe so on both, yes
05:14.53ToastTheifah damn
05:15.07ToastTheifwell, least it gets rid of another addon *shrugs*
05:15.25CodayusUh, no, actually.
05:15.25ToastTheifbyebye InspectorAce
05:15.35CodayusNot only did they not remove the ability to instpect at long distances...
05:15.44Codayus...I *THINK* they added the ability to the default UI.
05:16.19CodayusI use InspectorAce so that I can bind a key to inspecting, so I'm not 100% sure on whether the default UI can inspect at long ranges.
05:16.55CodayusBut you certainly can as of 1.8 using InspectorAce.  :-)
05:16.56ToastTheifI see nothing in the patch notes
05:17.46ToastTheifnothing in the patch notes
05:18.14Codayus(The cross-faction inspecting *is* dead, however.  Which is a pity; I never quite understood what the problem with it was.  Maybe if I PvPed more...)
05:18.28ToastTheifI liked it
05:18.31kergothi miss that.  it was nice
05:18.41kergoth"This is free software including free source code.  Install solely at your own risk.  Consult your attorney and/or chaplain regarding legality and/or morality in your locality."
05:19.34ToastTheifdo you know if they changed the inspect range in 1.8?
05:20.37kergothdon't know
05:21.07CodayusI'll test it for you in about 20 minutes.
05:21.19Codayus(If you haven't discovered the answer by then.)
05:22.19ToastTheifI still don't have WoW yet
05:22.26ToastTheifso I probally won't =P
05:25.07Cide for a CTRA usable on test
05:32.38ToastTheif54-55 addons depending on the whole inspect range thing
05:36.32ToastTheifsomone is very bad at the english language...
05:36.38ToastTheifat least they're informative
05:38.13ToastTheif55 addons, 54 when 1.9 goes live
05:40.32ToastTheifI totally missed the addons can now load per char thing in 1.9
05:40.37ToastTheifthere goes another addon
05:45.27ToastTheifwhat does that mean
05:46.52ToastTheifHey Kergoth
05:47.02ToastTheifwhich Visor is stable?
05:47.13ToastTheifer, which one should I use anyway
05:53.35kergothi'm using the most recent release
05:53.38kergothworks well
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05:58.53ToastTheifwhich would be the most current?
05:58.53ToastTheifor the person who took over?
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06:11.51CodayusToastTheif: Found your answer yet?
06:12.01Cairkergoth: you around?
06:12.35ToastTheifya, I need to know which version you meant, Ker =P
06:12.48ToastTheifer, Codayus
06:13.03Iriel(Not literally, mind)
06:13.10ToastTheifI found a forum that said they increased the inspect range in 1.9
06:13.11CodayusMmmm, hot chocalate = uber.
06:13.16ToastTheifis that true Iriel?
06:13.26Cairimo, the target ones need to have less opacity
06:13.33CodayusIncreased it?  Hmm, odd...
06:13.34CairI found it hard to see the target ones
06:13.54IrielCair; I noticed that too, I'll be changing it next time i'm in there.. thanks for giving it a try.
06:14.28IrielToastTheif : Hm,  I suspect it's just a result of some other change to the game mechanics.. The 'official' inspect range is unchanged
06:15.04ToastTheifI've seen reports that as long as the target is in sight, you can view the inspection panel for it
06:15.13IrielThat is I believe the case
06:15.15ToastTheifso I guess you'll have to test it Coday ;)
06:15.21IrielAs long as your client knows abotu it,you can inspect it
06:16.14Cairwhy does irc hate me?
06:16.27kergothwere you mean to it?
06:16.34Cairdon't think so
06:16.42ToastTheifKergoth, which version did you mean by 'the lastest'?
06:16.49CodayusLogged in with an alt I abandoned I while back with no addons...and...
06:16.49ToastTheifTain's or Rowne's?
06:16.53Cairbut chanserv won't let me set bela's level high enough to auto-op
06:16.56Codayus...dude, the default interface is teh ugly!
06:16.56kergothrowne isnt maintaining it anymore
06:16.59kergothits tains now
06:17.01CodayusI always manage to forget that...
06:17.04kergothso thats what i use
06:17.28kergothCodayus: me too.  once in a while i see it again and shudder
06:17.51kergothCair: hmm.. i've never had a problem with that.  you know that you can adjust the levels for things as well as adjust the level of users, righ?
06:18.00kergothso if you cant bring bela to the autoop, drop autoop to bela
06:18.11CodayusToastTheif: Okay, targeted someone miles away, right clicked on their portrait and inspect was greyed out.
06:18.16kergothgoing from memory here, its been a while since i messed with it, but i dont recall having any problems
06:18.18CodayusManually typed /inspect, and it worked though.
06:18.24ToastTheifaah, ok
06:18.37ToastTheifI'll have to update InspectorAce I guess
06:18.58ToastTheifmostly to get rid of all the extra crap
06:19.12ToastTheifand make it only un-grey + key binding
06:19.50CodayusHmm, that reminds me - speaking of visor, it doesn't have any ability to place artwork or backdrops, does it?
06:19.57Codayus(The way DART does.)
06:21.55*** join/#wowi-lounge BadMojo ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
06:22.40Cairennokay, *why* can't I set the access level higher than X ... I'm the owner of the channel, I've added people to the access list at level X+1 before ... why is it being stupid today?
06:22.53kergothCodayus: i'm pretty sure it does.  there's an example of usign it to texture the chat editbox to make confab unnecessary..
06:24.25CodayusI don't *THINK* that's what I want; it's not that I want to change the texture of an existing frame, I want to create my own (purely decorative) frame.  I think.
06:26.07kergothafaik visor doesnt include frames.  its the ultimate tool for manipulating frames, it doesnt provide a pile of fluff, that'd be against rowne's development style.  i'd think thatd be best off in a seperate addon, then use visor to move them around and parent them and stuff
06:26.27CodayusThat's more or less what I thought.
06:27.34CodayusAll I'm doing is creating a simple backdrop for a chunk of the screen where I stick all my action buttons and minimap.  I'm currently using DART, but it's a bit overkill.  :-)
06:29.57CairennI hadn't identified myself to chanserv, only to nickserv
06:42.16ToastTheifDNA is a lie
06:42.57Cairunh ... huh?
06:45.55Cairand what prompts that sudden declaration?
06:46.07kremontei agree.
06:46.12CodayusA paternity suit?
06:46.19kremontewhile 1 { message("DNA IS A LIE"); }
06:46.25Cairheh, that's what I was wondering, Codayus
06:48.02CairToastTheif ?
06:48.05ToastTheifI 16
06:48.09ToastTheifIm 16*
06:48.15ToastTheifI don't have any kids
06:48.22Caira statement like that, out of the blue ... come on, you've got to tell us what the hell you are talking about
06:48.40ToastTheifI just decided it could all be a lie
06:48.40CairHAH! 16 doesn't mean you can't (biologically) be a father
06:49.01ToastTheifI mean, maybe the government made it all up
06:49.11ToastTheifand millions of people were wrongly convicted
06:49.41ToastTheifjust like the whole landing on the moon thing
06:49.56Cairbull ... DNA testing has actually gone a very long way to exonerating people who have been falsely imprisoned
06:50.54Cairand goes a long way to making sure that the wrong people *aren't* convicted unjustly
06:51.26ToastTheifI dunno man
06:51.33ToastTheifthe government is tricky like that
06:51.41Cairnow, landing on the moon?  I give you that that might have been made up :p
07:33.39*** join/#wowi-lounge futrtrubl (
07:37.15kergothooh, new beta of itemrack has switching on events, like rogue stealth and warrior stance
07:37.18kergothand it works, too
07:51.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (
07:51.23Temalright, so for the fastest progression of all time, my guild took down garr tonight
07:51.45Temso this is our second night in MC
07:51.52Tem(our first instance)
07:51.53kergothyay, grats
07:53.15Temand we've taken down luci, mag, gehennas and garr
07:53.30Cairrocking right along, aren't you?
07:53.35Temoh and we've taken down Ony too
07:56.11CairIt's really bizarre to me.  Back in EQ, I was GL of one of the top guilds on our server.  We were always right up at the front, pushing to figure out how to beat the high end encounters.  And the thrill of victory when we did ...
07:56.31Temnow you aren't even max level
07:56.36CairBut now, in WoW ... I'm (in effect) not even in a guild, and I care absolutely nothing about seeing the high end of the game
07:56.53Temwell to be honest, MC sucks
07:57.01kergothi'm pretty bored of playing
07:57.04TemZG is fun, but it's way hard compared to the loot it drops
07:57.07CairI don't have the ... bond ... with people that I had back in EQ
07:57.08kergothhave more fun coding for it than playing it
07:57.12TemMC is so much easier then ZG
07:57.23Temit's rediculous...
07:57.25CairI played EQ for 5+ years ... I've played WoW for what, 1.5?
07:57.28CairI'm SO bored
07:57.53CairIt just hasn't grabbed me the way EQ did
07:59.48CairAnyway, that was rather tangential, grats Tem, glad your guild is rocking along and you are having fun with it. :)
07:59.50IrielHow much of it is because your 'needs' are greater?
08:00.13CairWhom was that directed at, Iriel?
08:00.28Irielyou Cair
08:00.42TemH'ok I'm hella sleepy
08:00.43IrielThere are things I'd have put up with in game 2-3 years ago that I wouldn't bother with now
08:00.45*** part/#wowi-lounge Tem (
08:00.52CairAye, that may be
08:01.38CairI can't but help to admit, though, that I miss what I had back in EQ
08:02.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (
08:02.11TemIriel: I forgot to ask you this earlier
08:02.17CairI guess I'm starting to fall into the category of "old jaded gamer" or something
08:02.37CairKarl, hush :p
08:02.53Anduin|Worki didn't say it ;)
08:03.14Cairno, but you thought it loud enough that you may as well have said it
08:03.16Anduin|Worktho i did just get 20 Elemental Air for 4g..
08:03.55Anduin|Workand 4 Pristine Black Diamond for 10g
08:04.25Temin the table setup I was descripting earlier, We both agreed that the column anchors was the way to go.  However, I have to "fake" the text on the row moving down when the row is clicked.  How should I do that
08:04.26Anduin|Workand I've been stocking up on lesser cards for the rarity increase in 1.9
08:04.51Tem(that's the reason I had previously anchored by row)
08:05.43IrielHm.. adjusting the anchor pairs
08:05.44TemTemporarily re-anchor, or do a messy loop to hit all of them
08:05.49Iriel(above and below)
08:05.58Irielin a loop, yeah
08:06.13Temoh well, that will be fine I guess
08:06.19Temnow I need to go sleep
08:06.27Temlater guys
08:06.34Cairnight Tem
08:07.51*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
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08:10.57CairTain, what are you doing awake?  Go (back) to bed!
08:12.07*** join/#wowi-lounge cladhaire (
08:12.15Cairhey cladhaire
08:12.43Cairwhat's the deal guys? 3 am and you're logging in to channel *now*? go sleep already!
08:13.28Anduin|Worklooks like midnight to me
08:13.56Cairnot for tain & claid, they're both in the same timezone I am, eastern
08:14.00Cairwhich makes it 3am
08:16.00CairOkay, so since jaded gamers have come up ... what would you guys do if you were creating a MMORPG?
08:16.23Anduin|Workwell first of all. i wouldn't
08:16.49TainGive out heroin with each subscription.
08:17.25Anduin|Workcause it's lucritive.
08:18.43TainI wouldn't create one because I would create what I would want and would get annoyed at anyone who didn't like it.
08:19.00CairYou *wouldn't* make a MMORPG because it's lucritive?  That seems rather ... backwards
08:19.48futrtrublI would make mine crafting heavy, I like crafting
08:19.58Anduin|Worki only invest in sinking ships
08:20.55Cairalright, let me rephrase then ... what would be your ideal in an MMORPG?
08:21.18futrtrublI would also allow people to chat with those in the game from outside the game
08:21.25CairEQ did that
08:21.40TainNo, EQ did it half-assed.  Anarchy Online did it right.
08:22.04CairI didn't say they necessarily did it *well*, just that they *did* it
08:22.10Cairand it wasn't that bad :p
08:22.10TainActually, I shouldn't say that.  I don't know if EQIM ever improved.
08:22.20CairIt was pretty good by the time I left
08:22.24Tain(Darn I'm cranky when I wake up and can't sleep.)
08:22.35CairYeah, you are, go back to bed, grumpy :p
08:22.58TainI just remember that you could message individuals, but not participate in guildchat, or other channels.
08:23.13Cairyou could by the time I left
08:23.24TainThat's good then.
08:23.25CairWe were in channels
08:23.53Cairthat was how we kept tabs on raid target spawns
08:24.00TainMy ideal in a MMORPG would start with actual penalties for dying.
08:24.09Cairso that we could be doing other things while we waited for whatever to spawn
08:24.51TainExperience loss, but not level loss.
08:25.06TainKids today have it too easy.
08:25.51Anduin|Workhardcore ftw. one death = restart
08:26.16TainYeah, I personally wouldn't go that far. :)
08:27.26TainThere's little things that annoy me.  Like the fact that vendor bought equipment is useless, why even bother having it for sale.
08:27.43TainThe only thing it's good for is buying your weapons until oh level 10 or so
08:27.50CairOkay, heavy crafting, outside conversation, hard core death penalty, decent vendor gear
08:27.58Cairwhat else?
08:28.01TainAfter that no one ever buys weapons or armor from any vendor ever again.
08:29.25TainI like WoW's solo vs. group content balance.  Let people solo if they want to, but I do think better rewards at the same level should only come from things you need to group for.
08:29.48CodayusMmm, heavy crafting is pretty hard to do; if you make crafted items powerful relative to quests/drops/vendor then everyone piles into crafting and devalues it.  :-/
08:30.13TainVendor is already devalued to begin with though.
08:30.29CodayusThe normal response is to make recipes really rare, and often be drops from mobs - which promptly removes most of the benefits of crafting...
08:31.59TainThat's sort of a symptom of a bigger problem, I think.  Actually not necessarily a problem per se, but a situation.
08:32.01CodayusI hate to say it, but I think WoW's implementation of crafting is pretty decent.
08:32.36TainPeople will model towards what you can do at max level, for the most part the levels below that don't mean anything to many.
08:33.13TainThere's a lot of great crafting stuff in WoW at all levels, for example.  But you don't see a lot of it for sale across all levels.
08:34.53TainReally that becomes the biggest issue eventually for any MMORPG, what to do with your character once you reach the level cap.
08:35.39TainThat doesn't mean everyone, but I believe a majority of your paying customers are playing to get to max more than enjoying and experiencing the content.
08:35.44CodayusTain: Did you play AO?
08:36.07TainI did, Codayus.  At launch for about six months.  Missed all of the changes after that.
08:36.18CodayusAh, k.
08:36.53TainI went back in a few months ago after I saw the free access to the non-expansion stuff, or whatever it is.
08:37.10CodayusYeah, the AO answer to that question, post shadowlands, seemed to be: "Make sure people don't hit the level cap."  Now, I admit it, I'm not hardcore, but DUDE, that was a steep XP curve.
08:37.31TainMy 48 Enforcer was still there.  But I couldn't deal with it after all the games that have improved things.
08:38.13TainI actually think AO had the most new and original ideas of any MMORPG since EverQuest, but the implementation just didn't live up to the ideas.
08:38.19CodayusOh yeah.
08:38.48CodayusWoW coppied a lot of ideas from AO, I think.  But AO really badly bungled a lot...
08:39.08TainThat includes the current crop, as much as I enjoy WoW it's still an incremental update of everything previous more than brand new ideas.
08:39.10Codayus(The crafting system was just...broken.  And the SL expansion was wrong on so *many* levels...)
08:40.41TainI do think that anything new has a very difficult path.  If you go the swords and sorcery route you're just competing with everything.
08:40.43CodayusAyup.  I *THINK* AO actually invented instancing.  (Or was, at least, the first to implement it; not sure the idea is non-obvious enough to qualify as an invention.)  But WoW actually did it in a useful way. by instancing the bosses and "cool" content.
08:41.15TainIf you introduce a different genre though, you risk not drawing enough fans who would be interested.
08:41.42CodayusWhereas AO instanced the random boring grinding; the temple of the winds - which was crying out to be an instance - ended up as a freeking nasty 24/7 frenzy of ganking, griefing, training, and competing for spawns...  *sigh*
08:42.30TainSo really I still come back to, "I wouldn't start a new one."  :)
08:43.07CodayusIf nothing else, the barriers to entry are so high...
08:43.26CodayusIt takes a *LOT* to attract a critical mass of people away from their current fancy.
08:44.29TainActually, the one full "genre" that I do think could be tapped would be an implementation of the old Shadowrun pen and paper RPG.  Cyberpunk.
08:45.27TainBut Shadowrun, to me, could be made as an MMORPG.
08:45.55CairThe thing is, if you put RPG into the title, you basically have consigned yourself to running the basic Medieval High Fantasy, S&S
08:46.11TainThat's the challenge, and bar to entry.
08:46.55Cairthe instant you say "Role Play", that's what everyone thinks
08:47.12Anduin|Workmmm, Starcraft RPG
08:47.18TainThe reality is RPG doesn't mean swords and socery, the public perception has been that.  I'd be tempted to think that's changing with the success of City of Heroes, and to a lesser extent Star Wars Galaxies.
08:48.11TainHowever, that is the crux of it.  Enter into an already (in my opinion) saturated swords and sorcery market that you know has a user base.
08:48.39TainOr enter into an unknown quantity for higher risk and potentially higher reward, or massive failure.
08:48.55CairWell, and what genre *hasn't* already been exploited?
08:49.06CairFPS - covered (and then some)
08:49.17CairFantasy (S&S) - covered (and then some)
08:49.19TainCyberpunk, post-apocylptic earth
08:49.28TainLove me some Fallout RPG
08:49.32CairComic Book SuperHero - covered
08:49.59CairYou don't think Half Life pretty much covers that, Tain?
08:50.13CairWith the lovely mutants from outerspace and all?
08:50.13TainNot if we're talking MMORPGs.
08:50.24CairNo, it's a FPS
08:50.39CairBut how would you turn it into a RPG?
08:50.40TainI know that's what Half Life is, but you were asking about ideas for MMORPGs.
08:51.15Cair(btw, I'm just making random chit chat, since I'm bored :p )
08:51.35TainThings I would like to see still are MMORPGs based on Cyberpunk/Shadowrun, and then Fallout/Gamma World.
08:52.02*** join/#wowi-lounge RS (
08:52.19TainFallout/Gamma World being post-apocolyptic society, most of the world nuked itself to death, people surviving on primitive technology and whatever they scavange and figure out of the old stuff.
08:53.50Cairbut do you really think those could fit the RPG genre or would they do better to remain as they currently are, FPS
08:54.47Caircould they reasonably be expected to adapt themselves to the RPG genre of MMOs?
08:56.01TainNo, I'm looking at them in their original formas, as pen and paper RPGs.
08:56.20TainThose can be made.
08:58.31TainI think there are a lot of original pen and paper RPGs that could be made over somewhat easily.
08:58.36CairAre you saying make them pen & paper, or adapt them to MMO from the pen & paper?
08:59.03TainCreate the MMO from the pen & paper guidelines.
08:59.32TainLike what Dungeons and Dragons Online is trying to do now, but they'll fail since there's too much competition in the fantasy space.
09:00.04CairYet there are other S&S MMOs in the works
09:00.22CairThe most publicized being V:SoH
09:00.27TainActually in my opinion (I got lots of those) Dungeons and Dragons has the most to lose of any.
09:01.05TainThere's a huge fanbase out there still for the p&p games to tap.  However if you stray too far from those rules you'll lose that audience.
09:01.54TainD&D doesn't fit into the same realm as WoW.  It's just a different type of system entirely.  Peopl see max character level 20 and can't imagine it.
09:02.45CodayusI dunno, coming from AO with 220 levels to WoW with 60, going to a game with only 20 wouldn't be much of a jump.  :-)
09:03.12TainSo if you modify to use what they call "Epic" levels you can keep the generic game player happy, but run the risk of losing the built in fanbase of the true D&D players.
09:04.10TainSo there are three MMORPG "genres" that I would like to see without even discussing logistics.
09:04.26Tain1) Cyberpunk/Shadowrun
09:04.49Tain2) Fallout/Post-apocyliptic
09:05.02CodayusAO was a vaguely related riff on Cyberpunk.  They seemed to abandon most of it shortly after launch though.
09:05.19Tain3) White Wolf - Vampire the Masquerade.
09:05.19*** join/#wowi-lounge cladhaire (
09:05.56TainAO had some of those ideas, but they really focused more on .. actually I don't think anyone knew what they were focusing on.
09:06.13CairVtM would really be a variation on the S&S theme though, I'd think?
09:06.32CodayusTain: Everything!  And of the shadowlands expansion we will not speak.  Keepers...  *shudder*
09:07.03CodayusActually, what *I* want is a steampunk/gaslamp MMO, but that probably puts me in a pretty small minority.
09:07.09CairAnd if you're gonna go VtM, you could also go MtG
09:07.23kergothi remember playing a steampunk like rpg.. arcanum
09:07.25kergothnot mmo though
09:07.25TainNo, no MtG.
09:07.34Cairbut again, we're right back to S&S
09:07.46TainI'm talking more of the White Wolf RPG games than the card games.
09:08.12TainAlthough I loved Vampire The Masquerade card games.
09:08.23CodayusWoW has steampunk elements, but it sticks to them about as well as AO did to cyberpunk.  Bliz can't seem to decide how the gnomes/goblins should be treated.  Gnomregan completely messes up the overall steampunk "feel"...
09:08.27TainI still have my original decks from when they were called Jyhad.
09:09.06TainBut it would do best as a pure PVP games, Werewolves vs Vampires.
09:09.28TainWith each faction on each side also fighting amongsth themselves.
09:09.43CodayusOooh, that'd work.
09:09.54Cairthat could actually be a lot of fun
09:10.00TainIt would be... something. hehe I don't know that it would work well. :)
09:10.08CodayusOn a slightly related note, did those rumors about Diablo 3 ever pan out, or was that just people trolling and making stuff up?
09:10.19TainI don't know, but I'd play.
09:10.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Tain (
09:10.36CairLycans ...
09:10.51futrtrublg'night all
09:11.07Cairnight futrtrubl
09:11.15TainI miss the short-lived tv show they did based on Vampire: The Masquerade
09:11.29CairAye, scroll up through the conversation MoonWolf, you'll see where it came from
09:11.43TainI think after my bonus I'll hit up ebay and see if I can find it.
09:13.14TainReally though the worlds are already fully fleshed out in Shadowrun and Gamma World, they're both original pen and paper RPGs.
09:13.52TainAlthough if anyone were going to try to do a Gamma World/post-apocolyptic game they'd also better play Fallout, and Fallout2
09:14.05CairYou know, the more I think about that ... VtM could be a lot of fun
09:14.09TainThose are the bibles.
09:14.27TainI'd definitely enjoy a VtM type game.
09:14.40TainIn fact there was a single player game a bunch of years back called Bloodnet.
09:14.58MoonWolfwow, i had a gm response in 5 minutes flat. if even that.
09:15.06Cair*steals Tain's suggestion and goes to sell it to the highest bidder*
09:15.23TainYou were a vampire, and had to try to keep your bloodhunger down with syrums or else you'd go crazy and start murdering people on the street.
09:15.37TainBut you also had to go into "the net" as an avatar and get information.
09:17.57TainIt was fun.
09:18.23Cairand it would still appeal to all the kiddies, since they could play a sexy vamp
09:18.48Tainhaha you could draw in the entire emo and goth crowds
09:18.55Cairoh hell yes
09:19.14TainAdvertise on, instant paying memberbase
09:19.15CairYou'd get the indi crowd too
09:19.17kremontedidnt look it
09:19.23kremonteoops, mt
09:21.23TainThen there's an area that I have no desire to approach, but there is a possibility for fanbase.
09:22.43TainI don't even want to think about it actually.  But...
09:23.07Anduin|Workas in Star trek Furries?
09:23.42Anduin|Workwasn't there an episode in each seaon about the furries... except Enterprise..
09:24.05TainAs in the whole subculture of people who dress up in animal costumes and have sex.
09:24.28Cairthat's just weird :p
09:24.39Cairbut to each their own :)
09:24.39TainYou just look up furries
09:24.41TainYou'll see
09:28.30Cairanyway, time for this chick to go get some sleep, night all
09:31.13Cair|sleepHey Tain, before I forget again ... you are registered on Tom's site, right?
09:31.28TainYes I think so
09:32.06Cair|sleepIf you have access to the supporter's forum (I would imagine you do), you should check out the updated thread in there ... screenshot of one of the new pieces he is working on for EQ
09:32.22Tainaahh cool thanks :)
09:32.25Cair|sleepand on that note, I'm to bed ... night night
09:33.07Anduin|Workah, here we go.
09:35.59*** join/#wowi-lounge shouryuu (
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10:14.38*** join/#wowi-lounge AnduinLothar (
10:18.18AnduinLotharOk guys, here's the latest SeaHooks if you wanna play with it:
10:19.23AnduinLotharI figured I'd made enough changes already. I'll leave the auto-debugging non-sea hooks for next release.
10:20.12AnduinLotharStill, debugging potential conflicts works well
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13:09.31*** join/#wowi-lounge id` (
13:24.41id`im making water as much as my level, is this normal?
13:25.44id`e.g. im a lvl 6 mage and when i clikc make water i get a stack of 6
13:31.37CideI believe it's 2+(yourLevel-attainedLevel)
13:31.58Cideyou got it at level 2, so 2+(6-2)
13:33.04Cideor it might be 4+2*(yourLevel-attainedLevel), not sure actually
13:34.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Legorol|alt (
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13:57.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Trilian (
15:02.50id`AllInOneInventory vs Onebag
15:03.01id`I'm using OneBag now
15:03.06id`hmm.. wirks great..
15:10.45id`so using
15:10.53id`if i like this ill be converting/downsizing it :D
15:13.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Eraphine|Disco (
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17:06.21*** join/#wowi-lounge ToastTheif (
17:16.11ToastTheifWe will put a live version of BETA 1.5 tomorrow or the next day for testing on live servers.
17:16.39ToastTheifI wonder if Cide has inside info on when 1.9 is going live ^^
17:28.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Trilian41 (
17:28.50futrtrublmorning all
17:32.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
17:34.08Cidehi hi
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20:21.47futrtrublso, what's everyone up to?
20:24.29Industrialfirst steps in php5
20:24.41Industrialdecided i need a little cms
20:24.45Industrialfor my addons website
20:24.49Industrialbecause im lazy
20:30.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
20:35.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Rowne (
20:39.42IrielAfternoon all
20:41.12RowneHeya krka, haven't seen you around in an age and a half!  Good to know you're still around.
20:41.50krkai just hang around irc to annoy people, haven't played for a few months
20:42.04RowneI didn't play for a few months until I was offered a free account.
20:42.56krkaby who?
20:43.07RowneA friend in the UK
20:43.13RowneWho wanted me to code for them.  :p
20:43.17krkanot blizzard then
20:43.22RowneHahahaha, no.
20:43.50RowneThough Blizzard does seem nicer lately, I loved Caydiem's reactions to the Tigon stuff.
20:43.54RowneShe's such a tease.
20:44.13RowneOhhh yes, a wonderful thread that was.
20:44.15RowneI'll dig it out.
20:48.14krkai see
20:51.40RownePersonally, I really ... rillyrillyrilly would like to see Tigon's but it's like wishing for the moon, s'not going to happen.  Pandaren would be more likely but that's not going to happen.  I'm wondering who the Alliance will get.  Since the Horde got their 'beauty' race, I can only speculate that the Alliance will now get a beast race.
20:53.29krkaPandaren made it into War3...
20:53.47krkaalliance already have dwarves though
20:53.59IrielI'm voting for the Squirren, a race of mutated noble Squirrels.
20:54.25RowneI really, really hope so.
20:54.25krkaI think it's Fruitelves
20:54.52IrielA marteting tie in with Starburst and Keebler?
20:55.01RowneThat's scary.
20:55.14RowneOf course, they could just go with a little race of sentient robots, just for kicks.
20:55.20IrielOr perhaps with skittles - they get 'rainbow of fruit flavor' as a racial trait
20:55.31krkai want a Lost Vikings race for alliance
20:55.37RowneAugh ... millions of R2D2 and people with; "Warning, warning, DANGER $name!!" ... no, bad idea.
20:56.10krkawhat would really rock though is Protoss
20:56.11RowneI have a feeling it's going to be Worgen related though.
20:56.22RowneI mean ... Caydiem said they have to have a link to the Outland.
20:56.32RowneAnd the undead say that the Worgen are from another dimension/World.
20:56.38RowneElsedimension/World == Outland?
20:56.57RowneSo that's another silent hope.
20:57.00IrielChris Metzen's comment at blizzcon was something aong the lines of : "When you find out you're going to go "Oh!" and then you're going to go "Wow."
20:57.33IrielHe also more or less said it wouldn't be pandaren, but he could have been lying
20:57.34RowneIt's probably going to be something rare from Warcraft I or II that they've built a lot of lore on that's also a beast race ...
20:57.44RowneThey probably were.
20:57.56krkaWater elementals!
20:57.56RowneThey swore the Horde would never get Elves, frequently, often and with vigour.
20:58.30krkaor Gryphons!
20:58.47krkaRacial trait: can carry dwarves
20:58.52RowneI could definitely play the Alliance for a little while as an anthro-Gryphon.  :p
20:59.27krkathe two headed ogre thing would be both "Oh!" and "Wow."
20:59.35krka(played by two people)
21:00.38RowneGods, he's right.
21:00.38krkahmm.. blizzards april 1 jokes are usually correct, so that would make sense
21:00.45RowneIt would take two heads to go Oh! and Wow.
21:00.46krkathey did one with 0.9~ = 1
21:00.55krkathus, it's ogrs
21:01.03RowneTwo-headed Ogres!
21:01.05krkaaren't they from outland too? i can't remember
21:01.38RowneAnd they're a part of Venture Co!  So they do have Alliance-ish links whilst still being neutral at Goblin-Dwarf-Gnome gatherings.
21:01.47RowneThen again, this theory blows up at one point ...
21:01.52RowneThe Horde have a friendly Ogre town.
21:01.58krkathey're from outland
21:02.17krkaso? there can be different clans of ogres
21:02.27krkathere are evil versions of all races, I think
21:02.50RowneTrue enough.
21:03.03RowneLike the Grimtotem Taurens versus the normal Taurens who're treehuggers.
21:03.12RowneIn fact, the treehuggingness is getting appreciably silly.
21:03.15krkaevil humans... check, evil dwarves...  check (dark iron)
21:03.20Rowne1.9 will introduce a flower-seller into Thunder Bluff.
21:03.23krkatrolls.... plenty of them
21:03.25RowneI wholly support this.
21:03.39RowneActually ...
21:03.47RowneThe Adventurer's Guild can be downright evil too.
21:04.02Rowne"Please don't dig on our land?  It's not nice.", "RAR!!!  Kill the Taurens!", "Eep."
21:04.35RowneSo I think they throw in hostile everything, regardless.
21:04.49RowneI don't think it has to do with tribe or anything.  Some are hostile just to give the players something to kill.
21:05.22RowneStill, Ogres would be interesting ...
21:05.32RowneBut why would Ogres choose to take up arms with the Alliance?
21:05.35RowneAren't they anarchists?
21:05.53RowneMy lore on them is a little spotty but I think usually they are.
21:06.18krkamaybe ogres are PO:d at orcs
21:06.26krkathey weren't allied at all in Warcraft 3
21:06.46RowneThat's entirely possible.
21:06.59RowneBut I think they'd be just as likely to give the boy King a wedgie as the Orcs would.
21:07.24RowneStill, you definitely have a sound and solid theory.
21:07.27IrielWell, the're a lot of stuff been going on in Outland, stuff which might make some seek out the alliance for help.
21:07.29RowneI wouldn't be surprised at all if you were right.
21:07.35RowneThat's very true.
21:07.40RowneIt's a good theory, very sound.
21:07.45IrielI suspect they can brew up a reason for ANY outland race to want to join forces.
21:07.51krkamost likely it will be one-headed ogres though
21:08.06Irielor semi-decapitated two headed ones.
21:08.07RowneAnd pass up the oppurtunity for two-headed emotes?
21:08.09krkaif NE and tauren can be enemies, why can't ogres be friends with alliance?
21:08.15krkaalso, tauren and undead are allied?
21:08.17krkaWTF is that?
21:08.24RowneAh, there's good reason for that.
21:08.30RowneThe undead are ... frankly, very insideous.
21:08.43Rowne"Help us make the Goblins all friendly and nice?", "Sure, we'll allies, we'll aid you in doing that!"
21:08.45RowneAnd they do.
21:08.58RowneEr, by the Goblins I refer to those of Venture Co.
21:09.08RowneThey make a kind of 'plague-variant' to make them tame.
21:09.37RowneI think Thrall is just secretly hoping there's good in the Undead and that by showing compassion, they'll eventually cool down and stop wanting to kill everything.
21:09.41RowneThrall is idealistic like that.
21:09.49RowneAnd his idealism rubs off on Cairne, a lot.
21:10.19RowneOf course, the Trolls can't say anything because they're indebted to the Orcs, so they probably know what's going on but they can't do a damned thing about it.  :p
21:10.26RowneThrall is wholly the Xavier of the Warcraft Universe.
21:10.50krkaisn't it cairne that is most indebted?
21:11.04RowneNope, that was mutual.
21:11.06krkathe orcs saved the taurens in War3 if i'm not mistaken
21:11.11RowneNot exactly.
21:12.15RowneThe Orcs were lost and without a place, the Taurens helped them and guided them, provided for them and then, when the Taurens were on the verge of extinction with the Centaurs, the Orcs had respect for their new Tauren brothers and rose up and fought for them.  The Taurens and the Orcs fought together and beat back the Centaurs and took Mulgore for their own.  Without the Orcs, the Taurens would've died.
21:12.23RowneSo it was very much a mutual saving.
21:12.47RowneBecause the Taurens are very giving, "All that is ours is yours." and that.  The Orcs are very honourbound and loyal.
21:13.06RowneSo they kinda just bounced well off each other.
21:13.14RowneNope, it's the Trolls who're most indebted.
21:13.18RowneBecasue the Orcs outright saved them.
21:13.34krkai see
21:13.48RowneThat's why the Chieftain of the Darkspear Tribe swore allegiance.
21:13.55RownePurely because of their humility to the Orcs.
21:14.20RowneSo I get most of what's going on with the Horde.
21:14.38RowneI'm wondering how long it'll be thought before the Undead go batshit and everyone has to try to oust them.  :p
21:15.35RowneOf course, I'm not convinced that all undead are evil myself.  I played a rather pleasant one myself, not a very happy one but a pleasant one.  He was kind of like HitchHiker's Marvin.  He was a butler in his past life, name of Jeeves.  A very eccentric fellow too, to boot.
21:15.44RowneThough he did have his moments of pure evil.
21:16.09krkatoo bad blizzard can't really change alliances so easily
21:16.32RowneYeah, the Horde could use a new race.
21:16.37RowneThe Undead do seem kind of out of place.
21:16.43krkapeople would get angry if they got split up from their friends
21:16.55RowneBecause the Trolls are picking up on the family stuff and the Orcs/Taurens are wholly into this "Brothers of the Horde!" stuff.
21:17.19RowneThen again, the Undead could botch up the plague and actually regain their emotions.
21:17.21RowneNow that'd be funny.
21:17.55*** join/#wowi-lounge shouryuu (
21:18.00Rowne"Well, that was a hilarious failiure.  Ha.  Hahahaha.  Hahahahaha.", "What's wrong with you?", "I ... think I was laughing.", "OMG?!  WTF?!  KAAAAHN!"
21:18.02IrielAnyone know any _return value_ API changes for 1.9 not covered in the 1.9 changes thread yet? I'm working on my usual API changes thread
21:19.33shouryuumy back is killing me
21:20.16shouryuuI had to sleep on the floor last night
21:20.18shouryuubad experience
21:20.24shouryuunot to be tried again'
21:20.25krkakill it right back!
21:20.44futrtrubl"beauty" race?
21:21.21krkaaka a race that doesn't have rotting flesh or huge teeth
21:21.32krkaor udders
21:22.25futrtrublhe said "udders"  he, hehehe ;']
21:22.37Rowne... but I like the udders.
21:22.54RowneThey're udderly fantastic, don'cha know.
21:23.21futrtrublhow Troll.
21:23.48RowneJust milking it for all it's worth.
21:26.37krkacan Taurens drink milk btw?
21:26.42krkathat would be weird, I think
21:26.49cladhairei' have two stacks of milk in my bags atm
21:26.56krkaor eat beef?
21:27.01cladhairemmmm beef.
21:27.02krkaand can undead eat at all?
21:30.04RowneYes, they can.
21:30.09RowneThey can even devour corpses for food.
21:30.28RowneI've seen one knock down an Alliance NPC then feast on his flesh.
21:30.32RowneI think it only works for humanoids, too.
21:35.27shouryuuman my internet is so jumpy
21:35.30shouryuuthis is killing me
21:36.31shouryuuit goes from fast to slow to on to off left right up down RAWR
21:36.52RowneI'm suddenly reminded of the Capcom cheat.
21:37.02shouryuuI'm not even sure you can hear me
21:37.14TainUp Up Down Down Left Right Left Right B A
21:37.35shouryuumaybe my messages are being dumped in syber-space
21:38.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Verlaine (
21:41.10Industrialif i define a local in an if will it stay in the if?
21:41.59Industriallocal bla='lol1' if 1 then local bla='lol2' print(bla) end print(bla)
21:42.05TemsleepIriel: for return value changes, you might want to look up the friends api.  I suspect it may have undergone a similar change to the GetGuildRosterInfo
21:42.06Industrialwill output lol2 lol1 ?
21:42.18VerlaineI'd say it does
21:42.22Verlainebut I'm no expert
21:42.35TemsleepIndustrial: yes it should
21:42.42IndustrialTemsleep: yay for lua!
21:42.47Verlaineshe can talk and sleep!
21:42.54IrielYeah, I got the friend/guild ones
21:42.58Verlainecan you debug my add-on as well when your sleeping?
21:43.13IrielIndustrial : yes, it does
21:43.41Industrialshe? tem's a she? :)
21:43.46TemI'm afraid I'm not very good at dubugging
21:43.48Verlaineno idea
21:43.53Tem(no, Tem is not a she)
21:44.01Verlainemy bad
21:44.01Industrialits a she-tem!
21:44.07Industrialoh.. not.. hehe ok
21:44.21TemUnderstandable, the avatar I use on the forums in a "she."
21:44.24Verlaineyour avatar is a she so I just consider you as a lvl 8 female night elf, not a human being
21:44.42Temlol... I don't even know what level that character is
21:44.56TemI made it when my realm was down like 2 weeks after release
21:45.05Temand I haven't played it since
21:45.24VerlaineI have tons of toons like that
21:46.25Temthen of course the forums were busted for a long time so I couldn't post with my main
21:46.54Temby the time I could use my actual character, people already knew me as "tem"
21:48.36VerlaineI'm shouryuu, and have always been :P
21:48.43RallionExcept right now.
21:50.06TainSure you are
21:50.17RowneSounds like Tooska.
21:50.21TainIt was a very bad attempt at word play humor.
21:50.27Verlainerawr :P
21:50.38TainBut it was funny in my head when I typed it.
21:50.41RowneI'll have to get linguistics guy to add that one to the Tooska Tak dictionary.
21:50.59Verlainelisten to this song
21:51.56RowneIt's ... so eeee, no.
21:52.46RallionTain, I laughed.
21:53.13Verlainebe prejudiced
21:53.15Verlainesee if I care
21:54.03RallionI like how whoever set it up managed to misspell 'hearth'
21:54.25RowneThey did?
21:54.40Rallionnot in the URL
21:54.55RowneReason #2 not to click that link.  ;p
21:55.07Rallionthe graphic says "Shield Heath FTW"
21:56.06VerlaineMagical trevooorrrrr
21:56.10RowneHokay, so I think I'm going to head out of IRC and actually go and ... er, do ... something.  Something that's something.
21:56.39RowneMaybe code, maybe Anachronox, maybe City of Villains, maybe Warcraft but I have the urge to dooo something.  So off I go.
21:56.58RowneOh no.
21:57.03RowneIt's Leeroy all over again.
21:57.04RowneIsn't it?
21:57.11Verlainewhere is the cow? Hidden right noe!
21:57.28Verlainei r gut spelerz
21:57.38VerlaineI think magical trevor reduces my IQ
21:57.46*** part/#wowi-lounge Rowne (
21:58.18Verlainewell I'm off as well
21:58.22Verlainemy back hurst
21:58.30TainThat's right, you better run.
21:58.45Verlainei don't want to go to school tomorow
21:58.49VerlaineI'm tired
21:58.54Verlaineand god hates me
21:58.56Verlaineand tain is mean
21:59.03Verlaineto you all
21:59.06TainMe too. :(
21:59.12TainExcept I don't have to to go school.
21:59.25RallionOooh, Rowne's playing Anachronox
21:59.28RallionExcellent game
22:00.06IrielThese new LFG API's are quite detailed
22:00.57IrielAll the Dungeons, Raids, Zones, Battlegrounds, and many Quests
22:01.32IrielUnfortunately that's as far as I can get since there's no UI code to figure out the workings of the rest (and nobody else LFG that way, obviously)
22:03.30cladhaireWell at least they show promise.
22:05.47*** join/#wowi-lounge krem`afk (
22:06.21Rallioni bought a whole new N64 on ebay because my power supply stopped working....because it was cheaper
22:07.07*** join/#wowi-lounge mrch0mp3rs (
22:14.19IrielThe API changes thread, please let me know if I missed anything
22:14.46cladhaireSlouken was in here a few nights ago looking for it.. so he'll be happy to see it :P
22:15.49IrielI can't tell if you're joking 8-)
22:19.03IrielThere are unfortunately 7 or 8 not-backward-compatible API changes, NOT including the scale stuff
22:22.42cladhaireNO he was here asking for you
22:22.54cladhairein all seriousness =)
22:23.05TainIs there anything that's really positive about the scale changes?  It seems like it's just going to make things a lot more difficult.  But I guess more flexible.
22:23.22IrielIt's a really good change
22:23.45cladhaireIt makes it work like it always should have
22:23.56IrielIf you build complex frame structures, the 'innards' dont need to constantly work out what their effective scales are
22:26.02IrielDamn, I missed some frame methods in my post
22:26.14IrielAnd getItemInfo
22:27.16TainI fear what I don't understand.
22:30.01kremontethey changed getiteminfo?
22:30.18Irielarg 8 is no longer localized
22:30.28IrielThere's a new arg 9 which is the inventory texture for the item
22:31.34cladhaireI love the Buff/Debuff changes.. rips a lot of code out of a few mods =)
22:31.56krkabuff/debuff changes?
22:32.00krkado elaborate!
22:32.30IrielI predict a couple of posts on the forum from people who changed their calls to UnitBuff/UnitDebuff, but forgot to change their tooltip SetUnitBuff/SetUnitdebuff calls to match
22:32.32cladhairekrka: the game will filter castable/dispellable debuffs for you
22:33.45krkashould reduce overhead a bit
22:35.17IrielOk, filled in all the holes i'm aware of now
22:36.18IrielGameTooltip:GetAnchorType() is new and wasn't announced
22:36.20IrielFor anyone who carea
22:37.43IrielOh, and he did add bitlib, as promised.
22:41.56Irielbitwise operators
22:43.00kremonteyea. i dont know what that is. wikitime!
22:43.13kergoththatll be nice for doing a decent checksumming algo
22:43.15kergothsh4 or something
22:43.46IrielI've added all of the bitlib functions to my API changes post
22:43.53LegorolIriel, i noticed GetAnchorType too, any idea what it does?
22:43.56kergothmuahah, i love this mod to the original quake, running in a superior engine.  chopping each others limbs off and beating each other to death with them
22:43.59kergothso much fun
22:44.02krkawill be interesting to see if anything useful comes from it
22:45.02Legorolare the bitlib functions in a table like bitlib. or something?
22:45.40IrielGetAnchorType tells you which direction the frame is anchored from its parent, I believe
22:47.52IrielI dont really use visible tooltips for anything though, so i'm guessing
22:49.17MoonWolfyeah, the only tooltip i ever used was invisible simply so i could dump an item in it and read it.
22:49.20MoonWolfstupid system.
22:50.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Auzhia_ (
22:50.39IrielAnyone know who Flisher on the forum is?
22:50.47IrielThey claim to be part of the cosmos dev team
22:52.44IrielBut they also claimed blizzaed change stuff between test and live, but haven't been back to give examples of any
22:54.13LegorolIriel, have you got a few minutes? I need someone to explain to me what the UnitBuff function is, how it used to work, and what are the new changes to it
22:54.38Legorolin particular, what is the 2nd "index" parameter of UnitBuff?
22:55.00Legoroland yes i did look at the wowwiki :-)
22:55.49IrielUnitBuff returns the texture to display for the buffs on a unit.. You basically iterate over the buffs until you get a new value
22:56.00Legoroliterate over them?
22:56.04IrielUnitBuff("party1", 1) UnitBuff("party1", 2) etc
22:56.11Irielloop through the indices
22:56.18Legorolso those refer to the buffs that are currently on that unit
22:56.27IrielThat you know about yes
22:56.37Iriel(i.e. enemy units without detect magic have none)
22:56.43Legorolmakes sense
22:56.52Irielthe new flag simply means that it ignores those you can't cast yourself
22:56.53Legorola question here: if a buff expires from a unit,
22:57.03Legoroldoes the corresponding UnitBuff(unit, 2) say return nil?
22:57.09Legorolor what happens?
22:57.13IrielThey all slide down to fill the gap
22:57.20Irielit's always 1..N with no gaps
22:57.39Legorolso the indices are in one-to-one correspondence with the actual visible buff icons on the screen
22:57.42Irielso if you have 3 buffs, you'll have 1, 2, 3
22:57.55Irielthen if 1 expires, you'll have 1, 2 but they'll be the old 2.3
22:57.57Irielyes, 1:1
22:58.02Legorolright, makes sense
22:58.04IrielThe UNIT buffs
22:58.06Legoroland this new flag?
22:58.06IrielNot PLAYER buffs
22:58.09Irielthey are different.
22:58.18Legorolwhat's the difference? :-)
22:58.20IrielSo the ones on the target and party frame
22:58.24Irielthey're the unit ones
22:58.27Legorolah right
22:58.32Irielthe ones on the right by your minimap are player ones
22:58.37IrielPlayer ones are categorized and have more info
22:58.39Legorolok, thanks for explaining that
22:58.49IrielIt's not that important, but some dont show up on both lists
22:58.50Legoroldoes indexing of player buffs work the same way though?
22:58.51IrielOkay.. so the new flag
22:59.01Legoroli.e. sliding down to fill gaps
22:59.17IrielIf "party1" had 3 buffs before, 1, 2, and 3 , and say the 2nd one is mark of the wild, and you're a druid
22:59.26Iriel(Re: player buffs, Yes, pretty much)
22:59.42Legorolok, please do carry on
22:59.45Legorolsorry for the diversion
22:59.56IrielAssuming buffs 1 and 3 are from say, food, then if you passed in the new flag to UnitBuff, i.e. UnitBuff("party1", i, 1)
23:00.07IrielThen you'd only get a hit on index 1, which would be mark of the wild
23:00.15Legoroland not on index 2?
23:00.21Legorolso it also compacts the list.
23:00.41Irielwhich is why it's terribly important you ALSO pass the flag to GameToolip:SetUnitBuff
23:00.41Legorolhm, so it is potentially difficult to match buffs to one another in the two lists
23:00.56Legorolright, i see what you mean
23:01.05Irielwell, it'd only be tricky if you had two buffs with the same texture
23:01.12Irielbut one was and one wasn't filtered
23:01.21IrielIn that case you'd need to use a tooltip to differentiate
23:01.29Legorolwell i mean
23:01.34Legoroleven if the textures are unique,
23:01.37IrielI suspect most (all?) of the time it'd be enough to compare textures
23:01.43Legorolyou have to do some iterations etc. to match them up
23:01.51Irielwell yes, you'd a have to iterate
23:01.57IrielThough I suspect they remain in the same order
23:01.59Legorole.g. let's say i want to find out the ids (in the full, unfiltered list) of all castable buffs
23:02.03Legorolthat'd be hard?
23:02.10IrielI dont think it'd be that hard
23:02.17Legorolor rather, involve a double loop of sorts..
23:02.30Irieljust get the first castable one, loop through the unfiltered listuntil you findit
23:02.38Legorolyeah that'd work
23:02.42IrielYou would need a double loop BUT
23:02.42Legorolthen it's only one loop
23:02.45krkawhat would be the point of that?
23:02.59IrielYou could always start your inner search after the previous result
23:03.04Legorolwell let's say i wanted to display the full list, but display castable ones in a different place or soemthing like that
23:03.18Legorolthat was just a random idea
23:03.23IrielSo the search is O(2N) rather than O(N^2)
23:03.29krkabest thing would be to make a table of which buffs are castable
23:03.39Legoroli guess with maximum 16 buffs that's not too much of a difference
23:03.41Irielkrka: But then you'd have to maintain that
23:03.45krkawhich is O(N) :P
23:04.03krkaisn't that pretty static though?
23:04.06Irielkrka: Whereas Legorol's suggestion is blizzard-maintained
23:04.18Legorolso Iriel, do you think the ordering match between the two lists guaranteed?
23:04.19IrielI certainly wouldn't want to do it
23:04.20krkalet the addon generate the table automatically
23:04.31IrielLegorol : I'm almost certain it is.
23:04.48Legoroli also have a related question since you brought up player buffs
23:04.48IrielI still think using the built in function would be faster, given the cases where you have multiple buffs with the same icon
23:04.54krkathe ordering should be display order for both
23:04.56Legoroli see there is a GetPlayerBuff function etc.
23:05.10Legorolhow are the ids for teh player buffs related to the ids of UnitBuff("player"..)?
23:05.25Legorolis UnitBuff("player", x) even a valid call?
23:05.33IrielSince not all of the player buffs show up in UnitBuff, I think it's a similar issue
23:05.38Irielyes, you can use UnitBuff on player
23:05.51IrielA common mistake is for people to mix UnitBuff and CancelPlayerBuff
23:06.00Legorolcan you give me some example of what doesn't occur in UnitBuff?
23:06.07Legorolouch, that would cause problem :-)
23:06.11Legorolcancelling the wrong buff..
23:06.13IrielI think 'Mounted' may be one
23:06.19Irielbut I'm not certain offhand
23:06.24Irielit's that kind of thing, tho
23:06.25krkamaybe fishing rod
23:06.36Legorolso from this, am i right in that the Blizz UI code doesn't use UnitBuff("player") anywhere?
23:06.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (
23:07.10IrielNot explicitly
23:07.11Legoroli can't think of any other UI element that displays the player's buffs except for the stuff in top right
23:07.14Irielthough UnitFrames might
23:07.23IrielI dont think 'player' has a debuff rollover tho
23:07.29Iriel(Everything we said for buffs applies for debuffs)
23:07.44Legorolso UnitDebuff("player") doesn't work?
23:07.51IrielNo, it works
23:07.58Irielit just doesn't match the 'PlayerDebuff' versions
23:08.15Legorolso let's say i target myself
23:08.20IrielI believe it's true to say that if UnitIsUnit(X,Y) then UnitBuff(X, i) == UnitBuff(Y, i)
23:08.26Irielto answer your next questio preemptiveluy
23:08.38Legoroli was going to ask, with myself targeted,
23:08.48Legoroli get a list of buffs on the target frame as well as my own player buffs
23:09.01Legoroli take it the ones on the target frame are just obtained using UnitBuff("target") in Blizz code
23:09.03Iriellet me go test that with mounted right now
23:09.13Legoroldon't worry about testing
23:09.19Legoroli probably shouldn't try to understand all at once
23:09.26IrielI want to know for future reference 8-)
23:09.26Legorolit's just that i never ever looked at any buff related code ;-)
23:09.39Legoroli am also not sure i got the terminology right 100%
23:09.41futrtrublcan I use a false boolean as a key in a table? and if so how would I define that?
23:09.45IrielAnd I have 2 machines 8-)
23:09.46Legorola "buff" is something beneficial, right?
23:09.50Irielfutrtrubl : yes you can use [false]
23:10.02futrtrublthanks iriel
23:10.03Legorolif I cast a beneficial spell on me, that's a buff i take it
23:10.15Legorolif an enemy casts a beneficial spell on themselves, is that also called a buff?
23:10.42Legorolif i cast a non-beneficial spell on enemy, or if i receive a non-beneficial spell from an enemy, that's a debuff
23:10.46Osagasuthey're buffing themselves
23:10.48Legorolis that correct?
23:11.02Legorolthis did confuse me for a while :-)
23:11.04Osagasuhehe, noob. :P
23:11.12Legorolwell i thought that "buff" is something that's good for me
23:11.15Legoroland "debuff" is bad for me
23:11.28Legorolso if i cast something that does damage to the enemy, that'd be a buff :-)
23:11.38IrielIt's relatiev to the 'recipient'
23:11.43IrielDamn I can't type today
23:11.46Legorolyeah i understand now
23:11.56Legoroli just wanted to make sure as i was confused about it for a while
23:12.04IrielMounted and eating and the cheese bonus all show up on both lists by the way
23:12.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaelten (
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23:12.49Legoroli also had something else about terminology, trying to remember what
23:13.01Legorolsomething relating to decursing
23:13.12Legorolwhat would you say the word "decurse" means?
23:13.17Kaeltenhello guys
23:13.21Legorolhi Kaelten
23:13.25Irieldecurse means removing debuffs from your friends
23:13.42Legorolso when i cast Purge on an enemy to remove a buff they cast on themselves,
23:13.44Legorolwhat's that called?
23:14.04IrielI dont know if there's a terminology there 8-)
23:14.16Irielbeyond 'Purging'
23:14.30Legoroloh i remember now.. i used to think that's called "debuff"
23:14.37Legorolanalogous to "decurse"
23:14.40Legorolthat's what was confusing me!
23:15.10IrielAh yes, that would be confusing
23:15.16Legorolbah, why can't these games use some sensible terminology..
23:15.25Legorolwhy is "debuff" a noun and "decurse" a verb
23:15.44IrielI think debuff is both
23:15.53Legorolanalogous to "to buff"?
23:15.58Irielthough unbuff would be a verb only
23:16.45Irielespecially since 'buff' and 'debuff' are verbs used as nouns, really.. Since they apply to active 'things'
23:17.22Legorolfair enough
23:17.31Irieldecurse = dedebuff
23:17.34Legorolso removing a debuff from yourself is to "decurse"
23:17.44Legorolno wonder i was confused in the past :-)
23:18.17Legorolso what shall one call buff removal ;-)
23:19.00Irielbuff purging or buff removal would be fine, and unambiguous, though not necessarily catchy
23:19.19Irielunbuff would be fairly unambiguous too
23:19.39Legoroli propose: if (de-debuff == decurse) then (de-buff == curse) end
23:19.54Legorolalthough applying is a curse puts a debuff on :/
23:19.58Legorolmeh, i give up
23:20.06kremontebut not all debuffs are curses!
23:20.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Parak (
23:20.27Legorolhm, now that i think about it, buff removal *is* a form of debuff
23:20.32Irielyes you can't put those hyphens where you did
23:20.46Iriel(de-debuff = de-dcurse --> debuff = curse)
23:20.46Legoroland in fact matches more with what i'd expect the word "debuff" to stand for
23:20.50Irielwhich is more or less how it's used
23:21.15Legorolok thanks for the pointless but fun discussion :-)
23:25.02*** join/#wowi-lounge phil_ (
23:25.06CodayusI can't login to the official forums.
23:25.11Codayus"Login failure"  :-/
23:25.20IrielIs today your account renewal day?
23:25.32CodayusI...have no idea
23:25.54IrielCheck the account management page
23:25.59futrtrublI get login failures far too often for it to be happening only on my renewal days
23:26.39IrielThere's a specific flavor of failure (which implies your account doesn't exist) which you get on renewal day
23:26.49IrielAs opposed to the more general broken-login-server ones
23:26.51CodayusNext bill date is...  Yeah, Nov 27th.
23:27.02IrielWelcome to billing purgatory
23:27.06IrielIt's a most unpleasant time
23:28.09CodayusHmm, I see my todays payment is listed as "pending"...
23:28.26futrtrublmaybe I should pay every three months then, less down time on the forums ;']
23:28.41CodayusHmm, I bet that's there plan...
23:28.45CodayusIT'S A PLOT!
23:29.36futrtrublbut they should change that, if you can log in to the game you should be able to log in to the forums.
23:29.58Irielthey dont seem to care
23:30.03CodayusA.)  Their forum authentication sucks.
23:30.25IrielI submitted it to their support folks when it happened to me and the response was basically "yes, that's how it works"
23:30.29CodayusB.)  They probably shouldn't change it.  If they did, the probabale result would be that you could log into the game either.  :-)
23:30.47Codayus...  And C.) Their forum software sucks in general, really.
23:30.53futrtrublprobably Codayus
23:31.54IrielThe best workaround is to use the 6 month subscription plan
23:32.01IrielI only have to suffer twice a year
23:32.06Iriel(less, given the number of free days)
23:32.26CodayusHmm, I've been paying monthly since launch.
23:32.36IrielSo far my next day of pain is scheduled to be the 19th
23:32.42Irielof january
23:33.11CodayusI mostly don't notice it though, because I don't post on the official forums very often.
23:33.24IrielAssuming they dont give us any more credits between now and then
23:33.36futrtrublIriel, I'll laugh if Jan 19th ends up being a patch day ;']
23:34.01Iriel25 free days so far
23:34.11TemdoingworkI disagree
23:34.13IrielIt's a wednesday
23:34.20TemdoingworkDecurse is to remove a CURSE
23:34.35futrtrubldamn, we need 6 more free days then Iriel ;']
23:35.59Irielheh, free days tend to imply earlier suffering
23:35.59CodayusDammit, it's COLD.
23:36.06Irielso i'd rather have the game work 8-)
23:37.11TemdoingworkSorry, I'm about an hour behind in the conversation
23:37.50Temdoingworkanyway, It's time for me to get on the road.. Gotta go to bestbuy and replace my headset again, and MC at 8
23:38.00futrtrublis table.insert table.getn friendly?
23:38.38futrtrublthanks again Iriel
23:38.43Temdoingworkfutrtrubl: BEWARE: table.inserts will break a for i=1 to table.getn .. loop
23:38.52IrielNo they will not
23:39.15Irieltable.getn/table.insert/table.remove all play well together
23:39.17TemdoingworkWell, I guess I had another bug in that...
23:39.33Irielit's people who insist on changing the tables themselves and NOT updating table.setn who have problems
23:40.02IrielOnce you've used table.insert or table.remove on a table, NEVER play with it yourself unless you know what you're doing (i.e. unless you manage getn/setn)
23:40.07TemdoingworkBut I thought a for loop evaluated it's conditions only once
23:40.23IrielOh.. you mean if you do inserts in the middle?
23:40.27Temdoingworklike the table.getn call would resolve into a number that it would check
23:40.29IrielOn, yes, that'd break 8-)
23:40.35futrtrublthat would be... painful
23:41.03IrielI thought you were accusing them of being more fundamentally broken 8-)
23:41.04TemdoingworkHowever, an iterator won't break
23:41.10Temdoingworkoh, no
23:41.50IrielI think you should have specified that doing table.inserts in the MIDDLE of a for i=1, table.getn loop leads to unexpected issues 8-)
23:42.04Temdoingworkyou should have read my mind
23:42.11IrielI'd rather not
23:42.22IrielI might crash
23:42.45Temdoingworkaww my brain isn't that confusing
23:42.47IrielOk.. i'm off for a while.
23:42.50Temdoingworkok well maybe it is
23:43.08Irielkeep my thread updated with any changes i've missed
23:43.16IrielBut I think I got all the known ones now
23:43.24TemdoingworkAnyway, I'm out too... I need to go make BestBuy regret that they sold me a replacement plan for only 5 dollars
23:43.27*** part/#wowi-lounge Cide (
23:43.56Temdoingwork(I've broken my headset twice in the last month)
23:44.00futrtrublTem, your mind is a looped table
23:44.22TemdoingworkIt just has cycles
23:44.36Temdoingworkand sometimes uses itself as a key
23:44.47TemdoingworkTemBrain = {}
23:44.55TemdoingworkTemBrain[TemBrain] = TemBrain
23:44.56futrtrublthat's what I was trying to say, just badly
23:45.08*** join/#wowi-lounge ToastTheif (
23:45.36Temdoingworkwow that's pretty damn confusing
23:45.43Temdoingworkmust go before I hurt myself
23:45.46TemdoingworkLater guys

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