irclog2html for #wowi-lounge on 20051126

00:00.01Legoroli suspect this has something to do with the new layout optimization
00:00.06AnduinLotharwhats i been missin?
00:00.09Legorolbecause you don't have to call SetOwner repeatedly, enough to call it once
00:00.09Irielalmost certainly
00:00.11zeeg11pm cst
00:00.12Legorolonce per login
00:00.16zeegthats cool ill be here if he can then Cair
00:00.31Legoroli will post about this for slouken, but i suspect it's going to stay as it is
00:01.20Legoroloh hum, let me correct myself
00:01.24Legorolnot enough to call it once per login session
00:01.37Legorolif you did tooltip:Hide(), you need to call SetOwner again before you can use Setxxxx
00:02.55IrielHm, did test just crash or did I idle off?
00:03.11zeegdid someone post about getLocale for me
00:03.21IrielWhat did you need posting?
00:03.32zeegIriel, can you go post on the forums for me, "Reminder for slouken" "getLocale returns enUS for enGB, need a way to tell if the client is enGB"
00:03.46IrielI'm pretty sure that's how it's supposed to be Zeeg
00:03.46zeegsomething along those lines
00:03.58zeegIriel, ya thats what he said, but he said post and he'd see what he couold do :P
00:04.04IrielSince getLocale is intended only to determine which language to display text in
00:04.05LegorolIriel, yes, but we should request that it be changed
00:04.13Legorolthat's not entirely true
00:04.17Legorolthe enGB client does have localization
00:04.19IrielI'll post something then.
00:04.25Legorole.g. URLs and things like that
00:04.45Legorolthere is a Localization.lua in FrameXML that is different between US and GB clients
00:05.16Legorolactually, zeeg, you could use that to detect client locale, couldn't you?
00:05.21zeegLegorol, i use the login server
00:05.27zeegbut it'd be easier if there was an *actual* method
00:05.33Legorolhow do you determine login server from Lua?
00:05.39zeegsec i forgot, sarf gave me the code
00:05.40zeeglet me look
00:05.49zeegits an ENV variable or w/e
00:06.07Industrialcan i do this? getglobal('ChatFrameMenuButton'):Hide()
00:06.17zeegif(wg_data["locale"] == "enUS"  and  GetCVar("realmList") == "") then
00:06.20Legorolwhy not do ChatFrameMenuButton:Hide()
00:06.31Legorolah, there is a CVar for realmlist?
00:06.32Legoroldidn't know
00:06.37IndustrialLegorol: for that one, yes but im going to loop thgough all those buttons for all frames
00:06.47Legorolsure, you can
00:06.58Industrialcan i do it ingame with /script ?
00:07.09Industrialyay works
00:07.16Legorolingame /script is identical (within very few exceptions) to AddOn's Lua codes
00:07.25Legorolsyntax wise its identical
00:07.34Legoroland even API-wise
00:07.42IrielDoes that cover your request adequately?
00:08.19zeegnow if you want to show even more love, go beta my patcher! :P
00:08.28IrielAll in good time
00:08.38IrielI'm in the middle of texture transformations at the moment
00:10.09CairROFL Iriel
00:10.33Cairbit of a Freudian slip in that post dear?
00:11.08IrielYou WOULD notice that
00:11.13Cairof course!
00:11.48IrielIs that a deck of blizzcon playing cards in my pocket or am I just pleased to see you?
00:11.48Guillotinecide: Kerund of Draenor says CTRA is awesome
00:12.08Cideglad someone likes it
00:13.43AnduinLotharok, so i started playing my ipod through itunes, switched screen names, ejected my ipod... and it kept playing music.  and it's still playing 30 min later... just hapilly shuffling and mixing through new songs as if it were plugged in..
00:14.12AnduinLotharit's like it buffered in the whole music list..
00:14.23tyndralsay... flightpath from IF -> Chillwind directly. is that a new thing?
00:14.28AnduinLotharyes, 1.9
00:14.37tyndralright, that explains why i never noticed it.
00:14.39IrielFor the ipod to play anything it has to be 'local' to the ipod
00:14.42tyndral[it's a Good Thing]
00:14.50TainiTunes will by default copy all of your music locally to your PC.
00:14.58TainOr Mac or what'er
00:15.11AnduinLotharsince when?
00:15.16IrielSince always AFAIK
00:15.18TainSince... always?
00:15.28TainUnless you tell it specifically not to.
00:15.28tyndralso that's a +2 for 1.9, then. +1 for linked AH. +1 for Multiple BG Queues +1 for new flightpath. -1 for naff fireworks on hunter shots.
00:15.29AnduinLotharit just copies the whole ipod to disk when u plug it in?
00:15.35IrielYes, pretty much
00:15.39TainWhen you use iTunes to play.
00:15.55Iriel+1 for 8-arg SetTexCoord
00:16.00AnduinLotharinteresting. then deletes it eventually i hope?
00:16.01Iriel+1 for fixing SetScale
00:16.06Iriel+1 for fixing UI rendering
00:16.15tyndralhaven't played with it yet, but i'll take your word for it being all good :)
00:16.18IrielAnduinLothar : Probably not, that's not the 'design' of iTunes/iPod
00:16.30TainNo, it keeps it there.
00:16.31AnduinLotharno, i mean there's no local copy on this computer
00:16.34Iriel+0,5 for fixing the SetBindings data leak
00:16.40TainAre you using a Mac or PC?
00:16.44AnduinLothari got this music from a different comp
00:16.53AnduinLotharit's not on auto update
00:16.55tyndral-2 for SaveBindings() causing a desktop exit.
00:16.59TainI don't know where it stores it then.  I know on the PC!
00:17.10AnduinLotharno, i mean it didn't copy..
00:17.24IrielThat one's a bug, it'll get fixed
00:17.33Irielhe just forgot to validate the (new required) argument
00:17.37AnduinLotharif u have auto-sync on it only syncs one way anyway, mac-ipod
00:17.52AnduinLotharthis music was Never On this computer
00:17.58tyndrali've only been barely following this, Anduin, but are you honestly proposing that there is no local copy of the music, but it's still playing, by some sort of phantom data-memory?
00:18.32AnduinLotharthis computer has no local copy of this music..
00:18.41tyndraleither it's on the computer or it's not. if the mac software chooses to hide that cache somewhere inaccessible, that's it's business. but it's still a local copy of the music.
00:18.44zeegwhere's net
00:18.57tyndral[or you're hearing things..]
00:18.59zeegCair, so what do you think the chances are ill convince worldofwar to implement my wgp stuff? :D
00:19.00AnduinLotharright, cache of buffer is the only thing i can think of
00:19.05Cairdunno, he left the channels yesterday and hasn't been back
00:19.09Cairno idea zeeg
00:19.13zeegi dont think they will
00:19.21zeegim sure I can get curse to do it as they're community oriented (for the most part)
00:19.25zeegworldofwar is out for blood tho :P
00:19.44CairWe just try to get along with everyone
00:19.54Cairand in general seem to be successful at it :p
00:19.54Mondingayou kids and your ui sites~
00:20.07Industrialmake mods not war
00:20.11Industrialaddons, even
00:20.16zeegwho be Mondinga, sounds familiar :|
00:20.17Mondingaadd-ons indeed
00:20.38Cairrofl zeeg
00:20.47cladhaire<3 Mondinga
00:20.59Cairever hear of a little mod called Gypsy?
00:21.03zeegOH YA
00:21.04zeegi remember you now
00:21.09zeegyou're the wowguru hater :(
00:21.18Mondingahey im just lazy
00:21.20zeegi forget why
00:21.25zeegnono i remember something
00:21.26Mondingaand dont need to support 8 bajillion sites
00:21.33zeegit was something that you didnt like about the site
00:21.38zeeg<3 gmail search
00:21.47LegorolAhhhh, it looks like the tooltip thing *is* an IsVisible/IsShown thing after all
00:21.56LegorolI have fallen victim to it, by the looks of it
00:21.58AnduinLotharwhat thing leg?
00:22.02zeegI was also slightly concerned that UUI, which contains GypsyMod, would
00:22.02zeegbe used for this data collection. I've no problem with mod packs
00:22.02zeegincluding GypsyMod, but if it's being used or affiliated with some
00:22.02zeegsort of money-making website, I can not approve. I will take this up
00:22.02zeegwith the packager of UUI as well. If this is all amazingly not for
00:22.04zeegmoney, which seems to me unlikely, please set me straight.
00:22.12TainPlease don't spam the channel.
00:22.14LegorolAnduinLothar: ShardTracker wasn't counting shards on test, so i looked why
00:22.20Cairzeeg hunny, take your crusades elsewhere ...
00:22.26Mondingayes, i remember
00:22.31Legoroli found it's not getting the item names correctly when using hidden tooltip parsing
00:22.34zeegi gave up on gypsy long ago :P
00:22.38AnduinLotharhave u had the can't click on ief of earth button issue too leg?
00:22.40Cairdon't go promoting your site, or bashing the others :p
00:22.42TainSo why bring it up now?
00:22.52zeegTain, why not? :P
00:22.56Legorolfrom my testing, it looked like that they changed behaviour of tooltips and now tooltip:SetOwner before a tooltip:Setxxx is mandatory
00:22.57CairI don't promote WoWI in this channel, and we're the ones hosting it for pity's sake
00:22.58TainBecaues you gave up on it.
00:23.00Legorolbut looks like i was wrong
00:23.12zeegCair, well it is called "WoWI-Lounge" besides.. not promoting anything :)
00:23.22TainBack on the ignore list.
00:23.23AnduinLotharso it just needs an isVis before checkign the line, eh?
00:23.31zeegi'm assuming tain is an ace dev?
00:23.32*** join/#wowi-lounge LiE-matt[m] (
00:23.33LegorolAnduinLothar, no not even that
00:23.40Legorolit doesn't need *anything*, works like it did in 1.8
00:23.45tyndralwell, this is beginning to look like something i don't want anything to do with.
00:23.58LiE-matt[m]pallys got pwned.
00:23.58Legorolwhat was wrong for ShardTracker is that it is using IsVisible on tooltipTextLeft1 (i have no idea why)
00:24.06Legorolwhich, seems like now returns false instead of true
00:24.20Legorolwhich is fair enough, since the tooltip is not actually rendered
00:24.25cladhaireclosing my laptop for a bit so i can eat diner.. brb
00:24.27Legorolit's a hidden tooltip that's never shown
00:24.32Cairlater cladhaire :)
00:24.34Legorolso it makes sense for IsVisible to return false
00:24.34AnduinLotharcyaz clad
00:24.46Legoroli don't know why it returns true in 1.8, but seems it does
00:24.55AnduinLotharmmm, isVis worked before on hidden ones
00:24.56IrielDoes IsShown return true in 1.9 ?
00:25.07IrielIt _should_
00:25.13LegorolIriel, did somethig change about isvisible/isshown?
00:25.18Legoroli mean i remember you saying something did
00:25.20Legorolwhat was it?
00:25.29IrielSlouken fixed a whole bunch of UI stuff related to frame rendering
00:25.29Flonne[Azgalor]who owns this chan
00:25.33IrielAND he added IsShown on FontStrings
00:25.35Flonne[Azgalor]aside from Cair
00:25.35Irielwhich wasn't tehre before
00:25.37AnduinLotharcair does
00:25.49Guillotinei like to say I do
00:25.51AnduinLotharthe channel is on a public server
00:25.53Guillotinebut i don't
00:26.05Flonne[Azgalor]why dont you guys use #wow on gaysurge
00:26.10Flonne[Azgalor]err gamesurge
00:26.27Cairbecause we are established here already, so why move?
00:26.31AnduinLotharcause we're anti-convention
00:26.32Flonne[Azgalor]here, do both, type /server -m -j #wow
00:26.35Flonne[Azgalor]k hold on
00:26.44Flonne[Azgalor]-ChanServ- Registered:          3 years and 4 weeks ago.
00:26.47Flonne[Azgalor]for #wow on gamesurge
00:27.05Flonne[Azgalor]lawl cair
00:27.13TainWhat the hell is a lawl?
00:27.14Cairwe're established here, everyone is used to being here at this point, why change?
00:27.14Flonne[Azgalor]just sayin, its been around for a long ass time
00:27.17Flonne[Azgalor]lawl = lol.
00:27.22Cairthat's fine, and good for it
00:27.23Flonne[Azgalor]im not saying change
00:27.30Flonne[Azgalor]im just saying, its another irc for chat
00:27.36Legorolahhh, i finally figured out what's going on
00:27.42AnduinLotharomg kids, stop squabling and askign stupid questions
00:27.44Flonne[Azgalor]and be in both, whats the harm, type /server -m -j #wow
00:27.47Legorolit looks like that since fontstrings now have IsShown,
00:27.58Legorolfontstring:IsShown and fontstring:IsVisible behaves like for frames
00:27.59TainGamesurge sounds like an energy drink for video gamers
00:28.10LegorolSo in 1.8 fontstring:IsVisible() would return true
00:28.14AnduinLotharso isVis wont work if the parent isn't vis?
00:28.25LegorolNow in 1.9 fontstring:IsVisible() returns false and fontsring:IsVisible() returns true instead
00:28.31Legorolbah, second one should be IsShown
00:28.42LegorolAnduinLothar: for fontstrings, not anymore
00:28.45IrielThat's what I thought was happing, nice to see it's verified
00:28.47Legorolfor frames, everything is same as before
00:28.51AnduinLotharso all the tooltip scanning mods have to update, eh?
00:29.05Legorolif you are using fontstring:IsVisible(), then it's borked
00:29.08IrielAll those which use IsVisible, anyway
00:29.15IndustrialTain: pm :D
00:29.19AnduinLotharwhich should be all of them..
00:29.29Legoroli don't see why you needed it in the first place :-)
00:29.38Legorolwhy is there a check for the visibility of the fontstring in a hidden tooltip?
00:29.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Parak (
00:29.41IrielOnly those which scan from the RIGHT hand side
00:29.54IrielLegorol : It's becasue ClearTooltip doesn't clear the RightX font strings, it only hides them
00:29.59Industriallo Parak
00:30.03zeegis Gypsy hosted on WoWI at least?
00:30.07AnduinLotharit doesn't clear the left either, does it?
00:30.12Legoroli don't know..
00:30.13Cairyes zeeg
00:30.14IrielI think it does clear the left
00:30.16zeegk good
00:30.20Irielbased on the wiki entry, anyway
00:30.24Cairone of our first FAs
00:30.26zeegCTMod is there also, and updated regularly, ya?
00:30.27Legorolwhen you say "clear", does it set the text to "", or to nil?
00:30.34zeegits on guru but not always up-to-date
00:30.37Legoroland does it hide the TextLeftX elements
00:30.40AnduinLothareven so i never cleared, just SetUnit... and it auto hides but doesn't change the old ones
00:30.40IrielI would hope "", but to be honest I never really checked 8-)
00:30.56Legorolok, i'm going to check
00:31.00Legorolboth 1.8 and 1.9
00:31.20IrielUpdate the wiki with your findings if you get a chance (The Widget API ClearTootlip entry)
00:31.27Cairyes zeeg, the other of our original FAs, and we're the ones that host their site as well
00:31.34AnduinLotharcheck if the setX clears or just hides too while ur at it
00:31.42IrielVery few of my addons care about tooltips so most of my knowledge of them is secondhand.
00:32.15zeegya i knew you hsoted em, just couldnt remember if they were updated on WoWI :)
00:32.21Cairthey are
00:32.33zeeghopefully curse will do an XML feed
00:32.38zeegwill help a lot
00:32.45zeegas i know there's a lot of addons on curse that aren't hosted elsewhere
00:33.17LegorolAnduinLothar, going to do it thoroughly ;-)
00:33.22AnduinLotharthx leg
00:33.24Legoroli am going to check Lefts first
00:33.47AnduinLothari hate running those tests, glad to know you can get them done
00:42.24IrielOh yes, +1 point for 1.9 adding Texture:GetTexture() too
00:42.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Krirken (
00:43.35LegorolResult of tests at
00:44.01LegorolConclusion: both in 1.8 and 1.9, Setxxx clears the TextLeftX element by setting its text to nil *and* by hiding it
00:44.26Cairhey Krirken :)
00:44.35IrielDoes Cleartooltip also do the same?
00:44.39KrirkenCan you hook the GameTooltipTextLeft1:ClearText() function?
00:44.42Legorolwhat's that?
00:44.55Legoroli don't think there is such a method, is there?
00:45.07KrirkenIts something like that, I'm not sure on the exact wording
00:45.15LegorolIriel, there is a OnClearTooltip event
00:45.26Legorolwhich gets triggered most of the time when you use Setxxxx on a tooltip
00:46.02IrielSorry, it's :ClearLines()
00:46.13Legorolok, can check
00:46.32IrielMy guess is that's the internal method the Setxxx's use when they run
00:46.50IrielThough I BELIEVE (I could be wrong) that if you call Setxxx for a bad xxx, then the tooltip is NOT cleared
00:46.56LegorolIriel, same
00:47.06Legorolthat is possible
00:47.13LegorolClearLines clears TextLeftX the same way
00:47.30Legoroli am just guessing here, but it could be that internally Setxxxx calls just call ClearLines first
00:47.37Legoroli can doublecheck on the bad Setxxx calls
00:47.37Irielthat's my guess
00:47.41KrirkenIt clears the whole thing and re-draws?
00:47.51Irielinternally it's something like if (args are good) then clearLines, populateTooltip end
00:47.52Legorolyes, clears and refills TextLeftXs
00:48.03Legoroli am yet to check the TextRightXs
00:48.10IrielIt's the only sane way to do it really
00:48.27KrirkenWhich 1.9 bug are you adressing with this?
00:48.51Iriel1.9 'fixes' :IsVisible on FontStrings
00:48.52Legorolit's not a bug
00:49.06IrielSo people have to change their code to use :IsShown(), Legorol is testing to see when (if) that is necessary
00:49.10LegorolI am just establishing clearing behaviour, because i have never thoroughly tested it before
00:49.35LegorolOk, for invalid calls, looks like it doesn't clear
00:49.39KrirkenI see.
00:49.43LegorolI have tested it with tooltip:SetBagItem(5,1)
00:49.49IrielCool, my memory is working today 8-)
00:49.50Legorolleft TextLeft2 intact
00:50.02IrielWhich is why paranoid people like me call ClearLines first 8-)
00:50.06Legoroli'm not going to iterate all Setxxx methods :p
00:50.15Legorolbut they are prolly the same
00:50.19*** join/#wowi-lounge jts (
00:50.20jtsanyone know the itemid for windblossom berries?
00:50.28Legorolok, now i will test TextRightX
00:50.29jtsor how i can obtain it
00:51.07KrirkenOne sec
00:51.11Gellodo you have any berries?
00:51.45Gelloif so put it in slot 0,1 and do /script local _,_,id = string.find(GetContainerItemLink(0,1),"item:(%d+)") message(id)
00:53.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine_ (n=Guilloti@
00:53.25KrirkenIs there a CT Raid optimized for 1.9 anywhere?
00:53.42AnduinLotharnot yet
00:53.47jtsyeah i have berries
00:54.40Cideyes there is.. just not public
00:55.05KrirkenTrying to raid AQ while getting lag spikes at each group change isn't fun :(
00:55.31Cidethat's not ctra
00:56.20KrirkenHm, maybe Perl frames then
00:56.32Cideit's not a mod as far as we can tell
00:56.47KrirkenAh, same for the target clearing thing?
00:56.51jtsty Gello
00:56.52Cidethat's the same thing
00:56.57Cideit lags and then target is cleared
00:57.06Cidebut it doesn't call ClearTarget()
00:57.20KrirkenYea i noticed that
00:57.37KrirkenI wiped out ClearTarget but still get the bug
00:57.45KrirkenI even wiped out TargetFrame_OnHide()
00:57.53AnduinLotharok, so I'm trying to think of a good way to pass return args to a function
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00:58.10Cairhey MentalPower :)
00:58.24AnduinLotharwithout breaking reverse compatibility
00:58.51AnduinLotharis there a way to make local variabled availible to a function defined elsewhere?
00:59.06KrirkenMake the variable global?
00:59.11AnduinLotharno good
00:59.25Cidepass it to the function :P
00:59.37AnduinLotharya, that's not reverse compatible
00:59.45LegorolIriel, done the tests on TextRightX
00:59.46Krirkenlocal x = "Hello"; globalVar = x; function(globalVar); globalVar = nil
00:59.46AnduinLotharunless i add it as a 21st arg
01:00.09LegorolConclusion: for TextRightX, clearing happens by only hiding the fontstring, text is unchanged
01:00.20Legorolconclusions for ClearLines() and invalid calls same as for TextLeftX
01:00.22IrielCool, so that's consistent with 1.8
01:00.32IrielThanks for doing the dreary test work on this one!
01:00.37Legorolhehe np
01:00.46AnduinLotharwhat about isVis and IsShown, any change?
01:00.50Legorolwell at least now i have covered all aspects of tooltip line setting in 1.8 and 1.9 :D
01:00.54LegorolAnduinLothar, yes
01:01.07AnduinLotharso, same as previosuly mentioned
01:01.12LegorolIn 1.8, fontstring:IsVisible() == true if the fontstring had :Show()
01:01.24LegorolIn 1.9, fontstring:IsShown() is true instead
01:01.37AnduinLothark, means i'll have to edit 3 or 4 addons then
01:01.38Legoroland fontstring:IsVisible() depends on whether the fontstring is actually visible or not, e.g. depends on parents
01:01.47LegorolIn other words, fontstrings now behave like frames
01:01.52Legorolwhereas before they didn't
01:01.54AnduinLotharwe also have to update Sea for that leg, u wanna do that?
01:02.03Legorolnah, i want to go to WSG now :D
01:02.10Legorolhad enough of tooltips
01:02.17Legoroli can do it later
01:02.25LegorolWarsong Gulch
01:02.30Legoroli want to blast some Horde to pieces
01:02.42Legoroli have just gotten a lvl 60 in full epic to play with, can't miss this ;-)
01:02.47AnduinLotharah, ok. i'm still trying to figure out how to pas smore args to a function without actually passing them
01:02.53KrirkenIf they behave like frames, do they have functions like Frame is their parent?
01:02.57LegorolAnduinLothar: uh?
01:03.15AnduinLotharlike locals for the calling function that aren't global
01:03.17LegorolKrirken, only in the sense of IsVisible and IsShown
01:03.34AnduinLothardont think it's gonna work tho
01:03.38Legorolhm, interesting
01:03.42IrielAnduinLothar : You can't.
01:03.55Legorolwell, what about getfenv?
01:03.57AnduinLotharright, i figured. but that doesn't usualy stop me from trying
01:04.07Legoroloh nvm, getfenv is different thing
01:04.15Legorolhm actually
01:04.23LegorolYeah, what about this:
01:04.27IrielI dont think for THIS example it'd work
01:04.32IrielBut in general you COULD do that
01:04.36Legoroluse setfenv in calling function to establish your own global space for that function only
01:04.43Legorolthen use getfenv in the called function to get access
01:04.54Legorolthen restore the global environment in calling function once the call returns
01:05.09AnduinLotharnot easy, but doable
01:05.16Legorolthat should work, but lot of headache
01:05.18IrielThat wouldn't be re-entrant in this case
01:05.20Legoroland plenty of bug possibilities :-)
01:05.33LegorolIriel, don't see why not..
01:05.42Legoroli thought that setfenv/getfenv work on closure basis
01:05.43AnduinLothari stil dont know what that means
01:05.43IrielHe's using it for hooking
01:06.09IrielIt means, you call a function from within itself (or a child of itself)
01:06.16AnduinLotharright, the adodn lcoal didn't work cause the hooker function is defined in a diff addon
01:06.18Legoroli beleive it would still work
01:06.27KrirkenHow could blizzard screw this up, did they forget to tell each other they are making this change or something?
01:06.35Legorolkremonte, which one?
01:06.40Legoroli mean Krirken
01:06.41IrielKrirken : Screw WHAT up?
01:06.55LegorolIriel, btw, you read slouken's post about the MouseIsOver comment I made?
01:07.23KrirkenScrew up the fame hiding
01:07.27AnduinLotharso, how would i dynamicly make/get a new fenv?
01:07.31IrielThey didn't screw anything up
01:07.36LegorolKrirken, screwed up what hiding?
01:07.41IrielSome bugs got fixed, none of the standard UI is affected
01:07.44KrirkenFrame hiding on group changes
01:07.56KrirkenThen it is an addon causing target loss?
01:08.01IrielLegorol : I did't -- Somehow I must have missed it!
01:08.14Legorolit's towards the last page of 1.9 change thread
01:08.15Legoroljust to give you heads up
01:08.40IrielOh.. THAT one.. yes
01:08.43IrielI did see that one
01:08.57IrielI figured we had some pain until getEffectiveScale shows up
01:09.07LegorolAnduinLothar, i am throwing together an example that uses setfenv/getfenv for what i beleive you want to do
01:09.22AnduinLotharthx leg
01:11.15AnduinLotharanother option is to set an addon local set of variables and somehoe beable to call a get function from within the hook to get the return args for that specific call. but i would still have to be able to know what itteration of the call it was
01:12.14IrielBut you still acn't do it
01:12.20IrielUnless you're willing to allocate from a table
01:12.34IrielThis is a fundamental 'information loss' problem
01:12.41LegorolAnduinLothar, i beleive something like this should work:
01:12.48IrielYou want to have something that acts like a 'per call' variable, but you dont want to pass it
01:12.52Legoroli haven't tested this and thrown it together off the top of my head, try it
01:13.05AnduinLotharok, well if i set a global right before the function was called the function could grab it linearly
01:13.25Legorolyes, but then it's not recursive
01:13.31Legorolthe example i posted should be recursive
01:13.34Legorolre-entrant then
01:13.54AnduinLotharok, so ud have to grab it before calling any other functions in the hook function
01:14.10Legorolin the called function? no
01:14.20Legorolyou are not altering the global environment for the called function
01:14.24Legorolonly in the calling one
01:14.33Legorolso you can grab the environment using getfenv(2) whenever you like
01:14.47Legorolor at least that's how i understand environments
01:15.03IrielI can't see how you can guarantee that that particular piece of code is not invoked in the meantime
01:15.16LegorolIriel, even if it is, it works
01:15.31Legoroli am assuming non-multithreaded
01:15.52Legorolbut single-threaded, with arbitrary number of calls to the functions in question
01:15.54IrielBut this is for hooking, you dotn have control oevr what you call
01:16.08AnduinLotharmmm, que?
01:16.10KrirkenWell, I'm off to do AQ!
01:16.11IrielI could hook X, and the hook code could call X a dozen more times with different parameters and return values during its work
01:16.18Irieland then return
01:16.47Legorolok i really would need to know *what* you are trying to do here with this hooking
01:16.59Legoroli have just given a simple example for passing local data without passing it as args
01:17.07Legoroli don't know what you are trying to do
01:17.09IrielI have to admit i'm guessing a bit here, but I believe it's for Sea:Hooks
01:17.13Irielor some version thereof
01:17.27LegorolAnduinLothar, what is it you are trying to do?
01:17.47Legorolhowever, as far as i understand Lua functions and their environments,
01:17.57Legorolif you call a function 10 times, you have 10 different environments
01:17.59AnduinLotharyes. i need a simple way for the 'after' hook to have availible the current return args, without passing them
01:18.00Legorolwhich can be set independenty
01:18.25Legoroli see
01:18.49AnduinLotharproblem happens if the after hook calls another hooked function
01:18.55Legorolwell the code i linked will work for this, the only problem is that it will generate garbage
01:19.06Legorolbecause you have to stuff the return args into a table to be able to use it in setfenv
01:19.29Legorolyou have 20 local variables
01:19.35Legorolsetfenv takes a table as argument
01:19.55Legoroland sets that table to be the global environment for that particular function at that point of execution
01:19.58AnduinLotharanyway to preserve a channel?
01:20.03Legorolinstead of what the actual global environment is
01:20.06AnduinLotharer table*
01:20.22TainDamn.  I was thwarted by a newline char.
01:20.27Legorolyou should have a Sea.util.returnargs table
01:20.33Legorolfill it up with 20 elements to start with
01:20.39Legoroland just shove the return args in there
01:20.47AnduinLotharright, thats what i have atm
01:20.54Legorolthis way you don't even need this whole environment business :-)
01:21.12Legoroleither way you can't get away from putting the returns in a table, or at least i don't see how
01:21.20AnduinLotharright, only problem is u have to grab the args before callign any potentially hooked functions
01:21.58AnduinLotharor there's a posibility that it might be replaced by an after hook on the called function
01:22.21Legorolyou lost me
01:22.39AnduinLotharif called() calls another function
01:22.48AnduinLotharand that function is hooked with an after hook
01:22.59AnduinLotharthen it will change the global return args
01:23.19Legorolehm.. no
01:23.24Legoroloh i see
01:23.31Legorolright, i get you at last
01:23.46Legorolso that's why Sea.util.returnargs wouldn't work
01:24.26Legorolwell in that case, let's look at it in an abstract way
01:24.29AnduinLotharwell it would work. i just have to specify the user to extract the args immediately
01:24.37Legorolsince you are considering nested after hooks,
01:24.47Legorolwhat this means you potentially have multiple sets of return args
01:24.55Legorolwhich means multiple tables
01:24.55IrielYou can avoid the general GC issue by managing a pool of return arg tables
01:25.02Legorolso no matter what you do, you can't avoid creating tables
01:25.14IrielYou can just avoid giving them back to the GC engine
01:25.16LegorolIriel, then you have an upper limit on the depth of calls
01:25.24IrielAllocate if you dont have enough
01:25.28Irielreturn unused ones to the 'free pool'
01:25.34Legorolnow you are talking about writing your own memory manager
01:25.34Irielmemory usage increased, but no churn
01:25.42Irielmore or less, yes
01:25.51Legorolthat's been discussed endlessly, i think
01:26.00Legoroland the conclusion everytime is that WoW's GC sucks :D
01:26.03IrielBut you guys seem set on constructing enormous structures of overengineering to avoid a design change to fix a design defect 8-)
01:26.16Legorolseveral people have seriously considered writing memory managers to get around the crappy GC we have
01:26.29Legorolwhich on the other hand ddefeats the purpose of a GC entirely
01:26.29IrielI still feel there's nothing wrong with WoW's GC
01:26.47Legoroli agree with you on that one
01:26.56Legorolthe problem is, that it does have an effect
01:27.03Legorolit does have a noticable effect i'd say
01:27.05IrielIf you need to make a structural change to Sea hooks to handle return values better
01:27.13Irielyou have to deal with incompatibility with older code
01:27.20Legoroli am not against that
01:27.29Legorolthe problem is that AnduinLothar is right
01:27.35Legorolmultiple nested calls are possible
01:27.36AnduinLothari hate being right ;)
01:27.43Legoroland you need to save the return args for each call
01:27.46Legorolwhich means multiple tables
01:27.51Legoroli don't see a way around it.. :(
01:28.06Irielwell, if you'er willing to make the existing assumptions
01:28.07AnduinLothari'll just do it with global args
01:28.14Irieli.e. that you never get more than X values
01:28.20Irielthen you can just pass them, as AnduinLothar suggested
01:28.29Irielbut then you're not backward compatible
01:28.58Legorolhm, hold on
01:29.07Legorolwhat exactly is wrong with just passing them to the after hooks?
01:29.16Legorolwhy does that break backwards compatibility?
01:29.20Legoroli am lost on that one
01:29.25AnduinLotharwould have to pass as a 22nd arg
01:29.35IrielIt was AnduinLothar's claim - I figured he had a reason 8-)
01:29.49Legorolyou mean pass it as arguments 21 to 40?
01:29.55AnduinLothari could do it, it'd jsut be rediculous to use
01:30.16Legorolwell it would only affect after hooks that specifically need that data
01:30.21Legoroland those can cater for it
01:30.26IrielI still think the pooled table idea has some merit
01:30.29AnduinLotharright, but who wants to define 24 vars jsut to use 3
01:30.31Legorolit's an ugly looking function definition, but it wouldn't be used often
01:30.53IrielWhat's the runtime impact of constantly passing a zillion parameters you dont need?
01:30.58Legorolwe already define functions which have 20 args and return 20 args
01:31.00AnduinLotharwho knows..
01:31.05Legorolthat's ugly enough as it is ;-)
01:31.07AnduinLotharno way to test
01:31.16IrielSure there is
01:31.23Irieljust experiment in lua outside of wow
01:31.26LegorolIriel, i beleive very little compared to constantly creating tables
01:31.50Legorolit's a slight overhead in terms of filling in the stack with references
01:31.54kremontequestion: #1 how do i just make a floating picture (XML-wise)? and #2 how do i change that picture in lua?
01:31.54Legoroland then removing them when returning
01:32.07Legorolkremonte: create a frame that has a texture
01:32.15Legorolspecify the file path for the texture as being the picture
01:32.17kremonteis it just <Texture>?
01:32.21IrielAnd Texture:SetTexture("path\\to\\texture")
01:32.34IrielIt's <Frame><Layers><Layer><Texture>
01:32.36IrielI think
01:32.41IrielThat's what I always do anyway
01:32.45Legorolwith all the necessary attributes e.g. size, anchor etc.
01:32.55kremontethen what would i put as Texture in texture:settexture()?
01:32.55AnduinLotharlooks right
01:33.05kremontethe name of the frame?
01:33.06AnduinLotharthe path
01:33.11kremontenot that
01:33.12AnduinLotharof the tex file
01:33.12Legorolthe path to the file that has your picture
01:33.14IrielLook at ArcadiaLogos if you want some examples
01:33.20IrielIts texture code is pretty simple
01:33.31kremonteArcadiaLogos? thanks, i'll check that out :)
01:33.32Irielthe XML anyway
01:33.40kremontei mean, what do i put as the xxx
01:33.49Irielthe xxx is the name of your Texture object
01:33.55Irielfrom the XML
01:34.05AnduinLotharleg, would ur setfenv way have the same issues as the globals with embedded hooks?
01:34.09kremonte<Texture name="boobaa">?
01:34.23Irielthough you would of course pick a better name 8-)
01:40.52Legorolwhat are embedded hooks?
01:41.41Legorolif you mean multiple nested calls, then no, they wouldn't have that issue
01:41.53Legorolthe issue with my way is that you need to create a table to be able to use setfenv
01:41.58Legorolwhich means you create garbage
01:42.44AnduinLothar- Added Feature: current return values from a hooked function are availible to 'after' hooks via global return variables: Sea.util.returnArgs[1-20]
01:42.44AnduinLotharNote: these arguments are only availible for the durration of the 'after' hook call. Also, if you call any function within the 'after' hook that would lead to the call of another 'after' hook call then the global Sea.util.returnArgs would most likely change.  Thus it is highly recommend you grab whatever return arguments you need at the beginning of the function call and assign them to local variables.  This method pre
01:42.44AnduinLotharserves reverse compatibility as well as avoids table creation and thus does not effect GC.
01:43.13Legorolsounds good to me
01:44.09Legorolyou know, i wish this whole GC issue never came up
01:44.11AnduinLotharmaybe make a wrapper Sea.util.getReturnArgs() that does an unpack for you to save space
01:44.16Legorolwe could write nice, compact and simple code :(
01:44.28IrielSo pool tables
01:44.31Legoroli may start an anti-GC campaign :D
01:44.31Irielit's notthat tricky
01:44.43Legoroli really do like WoW's GC, it's just that it's noticable :(
01:44.45Irielsome simple monitoring of allocated count and high water mark, a bit of timing code
01:44.47AnduinLotharit' salso not neccissary
01:44.56Irieland of course, remembering to nil out some entries, and you'd be done
01:44.59IrielWhat's not necessary? GC?
01:45.17AnduinLotharno no, pooling for my purpose. if u wanted to make a global solution then yes
01:45.29LegorolIriel, it's not so simple as you think
01:45.36Legorolif you hav ea pool of tables, that you always keep increasing,
01:45.40Legorolthen you have a memory leak
01:45.41IrielI'm worried about the overhead involved in constantly re-setting global entries.
01:45.52Legorolin the sense that you constantly consume memory that you never release via the GC
01:46.01Legoroleventually you fill up the Lua memory
01:46.01IrielWell, the implication of monitoring the HWM is thatyou release if people aren't using them
01:46.16Irieli.e. if you have 100 allocated, but it's been a while since more than 10 were used, you release the other 90
01:46.22Irielyes, you're doing GC of your own, of a sort
01:46.29Legorolok, there is another issue
01:46.35Irielbut it's very controlled and uunderstandable and it's within reason
01:46.40Legorolby allocating more memory this way, you bring the total used to WoW's hard limit
01:46.50Legorolwhich, in turn, forces the actual GC to run more frequently
01:46.53IrielNow, you DO need to nil out the entries INSIDE those tables when they're released to the pool
01:47.00IrielNo, other way around
01:47.09IrielFor most peop,e, anyway
01:47.10Legorolok, let's say the hard limit set in the addons screen is 48 Mb
01:47.19IrielMOST people should be below half their hard limit
01:47.35AnduinLothari'm at 48 atm idling
01:47.36Legorolif you keep allocating, you may bring memory use up to say 45 instead of 30
01:47.47Legorolin that case, GC will run more often
01:47.48IrielWhat's yoru hard limit set to AnduinLothar
01:47.59AnduinLotharwas 256, i downed it to 64
01:48.09Legorolmine is 96 I think
01:48.09AnduinLotharshould just set to 0 and let os x handle it
01:48.12Legorolfor Auctioneer :D
01:48.27IrielIf you set your UI memory limit below twice your 'resting state' thenyou'er ASKING for frequent GC
01:48.36IrielNow, having said that
01:48.41IrielThis depends on how much GC churn you have
01:48.46AnduinLothari have low fps
01:48.56Legoroland setting a high limit in turn may consume your physical memory
01:48.59AnduinLotharand dont churn much usually
01:49.01IrielGiven the size of tables, I will claim that pooled tables are less of a system hit than most other techniques
01:49.02Legoroland cause lots of disk activity, causing lag
01:49.23Legoroli think it would have to be tuned to individual situation, via some clever algorithm
01:49.33Legorole.g. the HWM should depend on current memory usage pattern
01:49.39IrielI really dont think it has to be THAT clever
01:49.49Legorolnow we are talking about writing an intelligent incremental GC :D
01:49.51Irielother than, of course, responding to the low memory event and purging the list
01:49.59kremonteOnUpdate = every frame?
01:50.14Irielwe're talking about writing a small frequently-used-object manager within the context of a garbage collected environment
01:50.20Legorolif you do lot of Lua processing OnUpdate, you have a noticable impact on your FPS
01:50.38LegorolIriel, why would one need to nil the entries of released tables?
01:50.41kremonte1 if statement and a SetTexture()
01:50.41Legorolthe GC would do that for you..
01:50.51Legorolkremonte, sounds like a bad idea
01:50.54IrielReleased into the free pool
01:50.56Legorolwhy do you need to do SetTexture every frame?
01:50.59kremontenot always on
01:51.04Legorolis the picture changing every frame?
01:51.05kremonteit has an on/off switch ;p
01:51.10Legorolah right
01:51.11kremonteits looping
01:51.12Legorolin that case..
01:51.13IrielNot released to GC
01:51.26Legorolright, i get you
01:51.31Legorolboth of you ;_)
01:52.07Legorolin that case the question is: how much garbage you generate by releasing the tables contents?
01:52.22Legoroli mean that if you do use this system, people will start creating tables
01:52.34Irielno more than you generate from the standard return values
01:52.35Legoroland table allocation is only part of the garbage generation, the table entries are the other part
01:52.40Legorolthat's not true
01:52.48Legorolif you put something in a table entry, you allocate memory
01:52.50Irielit SO is true.
01:52.55AnduinLothar--You can also use Sea.util.getReturnArgs() to unpack them for you.  Ex: local arg1, arg2 = Sea.util.getReturnArgs();
01:52.59Legorollocal variables go on stack and are released as soon as you return from the function
01:53.14LegorolAnduinLothar, that's a neat idea!
01:53.31IrielYou're misunderstanding how table/local memory allocation works
01:53.38LegorolIriel, example: function bla() local v1, v2, v3 = someFunc(); end
01:53.45Legoroli don't think i do
01:53.47Legorolcompare that with
01:53.48IrielAnything that can fit in a local register (no stack in LUA) can fit in a table entry WITHIN the table
01:53.58Irielso nilling it from the table has no effect on memory usage
01:54.21IrielAnything else (tables, functions) has standard GC behaviour, the local variable was just a reference, as is the table entry
01:54.30Legoroli know that locals are just references
01:54.32Irielnilling it from the table allows the object to be collected if it's unreferenced
01:54.35Legoroli don't understand what you mean by no stack in Lua
01:54.43Legorolif i have defined 100 local vars, there aren't that many registers
01:54.47Legorolthere must be some stack mechanism
01:55.01kergoth"register" doesnt imply _physical_ register
01:55.02IrielI agree it's just not "the stack", they have some other term for it
01:55.06IrielIt's a LUA thing
01:55.07Legoroli understand the difference between local variables that contain references as opposed to the object that they refer to
01:55.15kergothit implies a numerically indexed table.  numeric.  once compiled, the names are meaningless
01:55.17LegorolIriel, ok
01:55.20kergothhence a fast lookup
01:55.25kergothno GETGLOBAL operation in the VM
01:55.28Legorolso it is essentially a stack
01:55.38IrielBut do you understand that (ASSUMING your table is pre-allocated) there is no difference between a table entry and a local variable
01:55.44Irielfrom a memory perspectiev
01:56.02LegorolIriel, that's the bit i am not sure about
01:56.07Legorollet's say i want to store the number 1
01:56.08Iriel(That is, if you nil it afterwards)
01:56.18Legorolif i put it in a local, it goes into one of these "registers" or whatever
01:56.24kergothnumbers are not affected by gc regardless
01:56.25kergothnor are bools
01:56.34Legorolkergoth: i know, that's why i am using that as an example
01:56.36Irielnow you store it into your pre-allocated table
01:56.39Legorolnow let's take a pre-allocated table
01:56.45Legorolyou put it in there as an entry
01:56.51Irielthe cell is there, so the table just puts a 1 in there, it doesn't grow
01:57.00Legorolwell how big is a table to start with?
01:57.06Legoroland does it grow if you add more entries?
01:57.13Legoroland does it shrink if you nil entries
01:57.15kergothtable size is dynamic.  i dont recall the algorithm
01:57.17Irielwell, 'pre-allocated' means 'big enough to hold the value we're discussing'
01:57.19Irielyes / no
01:57.29IrielTables grow to hold new values, and never shrink
01:57.49Legorolso in other words, if the table is already big enough, it will not cost you to store "1"
01:57.56Legorolbut you will not gain back anything either by niling it
01:58.33Iriel(The nilling is for collectable object references)
01:58.45Legorolnow, consider this:
01:58.51Legoroli want to define 20 local variables
01:58.57Legoroli could define them as locals
01:59.04Legorolor i could grab a table from the manager and put them in there
01:59.15Legorolif the table wasn't big enough to hold 20 entires, it would have to grow
01:59.21Legorolthat allocates mem
01:59.28IrielCorrect, but we can assume you pre-allocate your tables
01:59.28Legorolthat mem is not released, even if i nil the entries
01:59.33Irieland that the 'free pool' had one from earlier
01:59.36Legorolthis is just an example
01:59.37kergothIriel: wouldnt the algorithm by which it grows/shrinks vary depending on whether its numerically indexed or not?  the implementation under the hood is completely different.  the former is an array, the latter is a hash table
01:59.45Irielkergoth : It doesn't appear to be
01:59.48kergothat least in lua 5.0 and higher
01:59.49Legorollet's say you had a table in the free pool, but one that has only grown to size 10 so far
01:59.53kergothpreviously it didnt do that optimization
01:59.56IrielWell, let me rephraset that
02:00.07Legorolcan i finish my exmaple please?
02:00.08Irielthe impact of adding entries depends on which KIND of entry you add
02:00.15Legorolthen you guys can explain to me whether it would matter or not
02:00.17IrielSorry, yes,.. i'll finish my diversion later
02:00.32Legorolso lets say the manager gave you a table that had size 10 so to speak
02:00.38Legoroland because you add 20 entries, it has to grow
02:00.48Legoroland now that table will stay size 20
02:00.56Legoroli don't know if this way of lookign at it makes sense or not, you tell me
02:01.02Legorolas opposed to that, if i allocate locals,
02:01.11Legorolwhen i return from the function, the memory associated with them is immediately freed
02:01.12IrielI think we're arguing slightly different points.
02:01.14Legorolafaik at least
02:01.30IrielIt is true that a table pool implementation will have an impact on GC memory, up to the size of the pooled tables.
02:01.32Legorolthe above example was for the case of trying to put the numbers 1 to 20 say in variables
02:01.45IrielHOWEVER, once in steady state, it's going to be identical
02:01.56Irieland steady state would be achieved very quickly
02:02.24Legorolisn't there a danger of the pooled tables growing?
02:02.33Irielthere's a danger of having too many
02:02.35Legoroli mean they would tend to grow to the largest table use
02:02.43Irielthat depends
02:02.51IrielSea already assumes you only have 20 return values
02:02.55Irielso You can limit it there
02:02.56Legorolwell assuming that the sequence of requests for tables is random
02:03.24Legorolok i think i see what you mean by the steady state
02:03.25Irielwell, i'm talking about for THIS example
02:03.36Irielthe most tables you need is the deepest stack of hooked funciton calls
02:03.41Legorolthere'd be a typical table size usage
02:03.43Irielit's by definition a finite depth
02:04.00Legorolwait, wait
02:04.06Legorolwhat does it have to do with depth of calls?
02:04.14Irielwell, for THIS application
02:04.19Legorolthat'd determine the number of tables used
02:04.26Legorolnot the size of the tables, those would be 20
02:04.28AnduinLotharok, well thx guys. i gtg now. off to see harry potter. still got more seahooks work to be done before it rdy.  gonna see if i can make some functions addon local so they don't get hacked
02:04.31Irielthat's how many sets of return values you have 'in play'
02:04.34kergothhonestly, i dont see the point of any of this
02:04.34LegorolAnduinLothar, have fun
02:04.38LegorolIriel, yes
02:04.47Legorolkergoth: theoretical discussion, exercise for the mind ;-)
02:04.47kergoththe overhead of creating a single table is minimal compared to the elements in the table
02:04.54Legorolif any of you guys had enough, don't let me hold you up!
02:05.05Legorolkergoth: no not true
02:05.11kergoththe table overhead is 32 bytes, the overhead of each key/value pair in the hash table is 28 bytes (32 on g4)
02:05.18Legorolempricial evidence over the past several months shows that is definitely not the case
02:05.21Irielstandalone LUA or WoW?
02:05.36Legorolmany AddOns have significantly improved their GC generation when converted from table allocation to something else
02:05.42kergothwell, i'm telling you what the folks i know who code on the lua core have told me about the overhead, adn what i've read in the sources myself
02:05.44IrielWoW in x86 is
02:05.54IrielSlouken re-wrote the memory manager
02:05.55Irielfor wow
02:06.05Iriel(Not the GC, just the underlying memory manager)
02:06.32Irielstandalone LUA is very different.
02:06.34Legorolcorrect me if i am wrong, but no matter whether it's the actual table creation, or the addition of elements into the table that consumes memory,
02:06.36IrielLegorol : Yes, that doesn't surprise me
02:06.46Irielthe problem isn't the creation, the problem is that people create and then release tables all the time
02:06.47Legoroleither way, creation of tables in OnUpdates say caused lot of memory use
02:06.56IrielConverting your code to re-use tables has a HUGE improvement
02:07.04Legorolyes that's what we found too
02:07.16IrielTables are quite large (relatively)
02:07.20Iriel32 bytes for an empty table
02:07.23LegorolIriel, in what way did slouken alter the memory manager?
02:07.56IrielLegorol : I dont know, I just know that he did (probably to make it work properly within the wow client, and to implement the hard limit)
02:08.14Iriel16 bytes per 'array' entry (Allocated in exponentially increasing numbers)
02:08.23Iriel80 (Yes EIGHTY) bytes per 'name' entry
02:08.52kergothwhat evidence is there of that?
02:08.56IrielOf what?
02:09.00kergothi hardly think they screwed up the core that much
02:09.00IrielThose numbers, or the slouken thing?
02:09.04kergoththose numbers
02:09.10IrielI spent a long time testing
02:09.12kergothit isn't 80 in lua 5.0 proper
02:09.12Irieland wrote it up
02:09.17Irielso I believe those numbers
02:09.26Legorolwell the actual numbers are not that important
02:09.29IrielI know, I tested it in both
02:09.30kergothi didnt ask whether you believed it
02:09.36Legorolthrowing away tables is a Bad Thing, full stop ;-)
02:09.36kergothi asked where the evidence was
02:09.38IrielI measured it in both environments 8-)
02:10.07LegorolIriel, thanks for this discussion
02:10.15Legoroli now understand better why reusing tables has such a huge impact
02:10.27Legorolpreviously i was surprised because i thought all you save on is the memory for the table itself
02:10.33Legorolbut now i see you save memory per entry too
02:10.39Irielkergoth : The numbers I got out of stock 5.0 were more consistent with the numbers you listed earlier
02:10.48kergothokay, that's what i was wondering
02:10.50kergoththat's unfortunate
02:11.17IrielI'm sure tehre's a good reason for it
02:12.00Legorolwe have a function for splitting text at delimiters
02:12.08Legorolthe result was previously put into a table
02:12.11Guillotine_ttyl guys. bye
02:12.14IrielUnderstanding how table allocation (and re-allocation) works can make you write far more memory efficient code.
02:12.18Legorolwe had huge performance increase when we reused the table that the result was put into
02:12.21Cairlater Guillotine_
02:12.38IrielLegorol : I have a very similar function in some of my code, with the same result
02:12.45Guillotine_is cair really here or does she have a bot that says "later $nick" when someone says ttyl or bye/
02:12.55kergothit's also worth noting that while lua resizes tables to power of 2 sizes, it creates to the exact size when values are set in the constructor.  i.e. {1,2,3,4,5} will in fact only be 5 elements.
02:12.57Cairduh, bot of course :p
02:12.59Legorolwe kept backwards compatibility by having a table as an optional extra argument to the splitter
02:13.00Guillotine_or maybe cair is just a robot...
02:13.08Legorolif no argument, the splitter creates new  table
02:13.11Cairand if you believe that, I've got a bridge for sale ...
02:13.12Guillotine_bye Mrs. Robot
02:13.17Legorolhowever, if passed an argument, it uses that table to fill up
02:13.24kergoth~emulate stewie
02:13.26purlHa ha. Oh, this is so good it just HAS to be fattening.
02:13.36Legorolso it's the callers decision/responsibility to reuse his tables used for splitting
02:14.12IrielKnowing whcih functions use getn and which use first-index-with-nil-value can allow you to avoid even having to empty tables in some situations
02:14.42Legorolyou can always avoid emptying by calling setn, can't you?
02:14.52Legorolas long as your code is "well behaved" in the sense of relying on getn
02:14.58Irielsometimes you need to put a terminating nil in there
02:15.00Legoroland not an iterator
02:15.08Irielif you're using the standard functions (like ipairs)
02:15.10Legorolwell relying on the nil thing is dangerous
02:15.23kergoththe lua standard library code often relies on nil termination.
02:15.25IrielI've found terminating-nil-and-setn to be the pragmatic approach
02:15.29Legorolbecause the standard Lua functions have two difrerent behaviour depending on whether setn was called or not
02:15.41IrielWell, yes and no
02:15.42kergothsetn doesn't even exist in 5.1, interestingly enough
02:15.43Legorolthere is a "hidden" n
02:15.59Legorolexample: table.remove
02:16.06IrielI dont like the fact that lots of cosmos code uses a visible n by the way
02:16.08Legorolthat will rely on the n set by setn if it was set before
02:16.13Legorolotherwise it relies on nil termination
02:16.15Legorolor something like that
02:16.25Irielbut it's well described in the documentation whcih things do which
02:16.39Legoroli agree that using visible n is not useful
02:16.46Legorolbut all that setn does is create an "n" anyway, afaik
02:16.54Legorolinsert/remove use an invisible "n"
02:16.56Irielit's stored 'out of sight'
02:17.01Legorolif a "visible" one is not present
02:17.04LegorolIriel, not afaik
02:17.09Legorolif you call setn, you should have a table.n available
02:17.11kergothit never uses a visible n
02:17.17Legorolthat's why it gets complicated
02:17.43Legorolok, it's even more complicated than i thought:
02:17.47Legorolnt see the point of any of this
02:17.47Legorol[02:04] <Legorol> Iriel, yes
02:17.52Legoroltable.setn (table, n)
02:17.52LegorolUpdates the size of a table. If the table has a field "n" with a numerical value, that value is changed to the given n. Otherwise, it updates an internal state so that subsequent calls to table.getn(table) return n.
02:17.52kergoth~/.ctrlproxy/logs/Freenode$ lua
02:17.53kergothLua 5.0.2  Copyright (C) 1994-2004 Tecgraf, PUC-Rio
02:17.53kergoth> t = {}
02:17.53kergoth> table.setn(t, 5)
02:17.53kergoth> print(t.n)
02:18.10IrielX.n = 3
02:18.16Irielreturn table.getn(X)
02:18.28Legorolso if there isn't an n, it uses internal
02:18.32Legorolotherwise it uses the visible one
02:18.42Legorollet me remember what the example was that has thrown someone off
02:18.49kergothi expect that's for compatibility with old lua code
02:18.55IrielI'm guessing that's for backwards compatibility with the pre-getn arg code
02:18.56kergothsince it wasnt always invisible, afaik
02:19.05IrielEither way
02:19.07Legoroloh, i remember
02:19.11Irielone should never use .n directly in modern code
02:19.36Legorolgetn will return nil-based element if the hidden "n" wasn't set before, but returns the hidden "n" if it was set, or the visible "n" if it exists
02:19.43kergothif you need metadata on a table, it isnt hard to stuff it into the metatable if appropriate, or use a weak keyed table.  putting such things in the table itself and thereby polluting its namspace is bad
02:20.09Legorolso someone wrote a code like this that was obviously buggy as a result:
02:20.17LegorolX = { 1, 2, 3 }
02:20.23Legorolgetn(X) => 3
02:20.28IrielThis reminds me, do you know who on the cosmos team decided that table.remove and table.insert caused garbage?
02:20.34LegorolX[3] = 3
02:20.38Legorolgetn(X) => 2
02:20.46Legoroland the guy expected getn(X) to be 3
02:20.50tyndralbeans + bacon + chili + cheese + corn chips 4tw.
02:21.02LegorolIriel: sorry, don't know, it was done before i joined
02:21.13Legoroli beleive it has been established that the Sea push/pop is more efficient
02:21.17IrielWell, thats' the general rule, dont mix manual addressing and insert/remove unless you actually know what you're doing
02:21.18Legoroli am not sure how true that is
02:21.18IrielIt's not
02:21.34IrielWell, EXCEPT that sea's pop doesn't release the entry
02:21.47Irielso can use up all your memory with trash
02:21.53Legorolthat sounds bad...
02:21.57Legoroli never looked there :-)
02:22.34IrielI blame poor testing methodology and a lack of understanding of LUA tables and memory, but nobody is confessing to having done the original test
02:22.35LegorolI think you will find that there are many things in Cosmos that could be done better
02:22.43Irielso I can't find out if I'm just missing something
02:22.45Legorolit is based on lots of code that's been around since Betas
02:22.50Legoroland we have all learnt a lot since
02:22.51Legorolat least i did
02:23.13IrielOptimizing OnUpdate handlers taught me more about memory management than anything else 8-)
02:23.14tyndralas much as it's an absolutely snormous undertaken, has the team or anyone on it considered rewriting the basis of cosmos?
02:23.26tyndralfrom scratch, not rejigging existing code.
02:23.27Legorolwhat do you mean by "basis"?
02:23.40Legorolat the moment, Cosmos's core is a few libraries
02:23.43LegorolSea, Sky, Earth, Khaos
02:23.51Legorolsome of those have old code, some old and new, some only new ;-)
02:24.00tyndralbasis was a bad choice of word. sorry. :)
02:24.06Legorolnp at all
02:24.09Legoroli am open to any suggestions
02:24.20Legorolas long as its constructive and not anti-Cosmos and open hatred ;-)
02:24.21tyndralwhat i'm talking about is a rewrite from the ground up of anything that is suspected, or known, to have been inefficient.
02:24.45Legorolit could be possible
02:24.52Legorolunfortunately noone is motivated, i don't think :-)
02:24.56Legorolmuch more interesting to write new stuff
02:25.00tyndralthat is to say, if it's beginnings predate a particular time, it gets rewritten.
02:25.11zeegwhats with all the strange colors in the addon management screen
02:25.13Legoroli don't mean to be bashing anyone, but i sometimes feel that some of the criticism against Cosmos is unfair
02:25.30Irielzeeg : enabled for all, enabled for some
02:25.35tyndralfunctionally identical, but 'correct' by todays understanding of what is right, rather than the often misguided understanding from beta times.
02:25.36zeeg"some" ?
02:25.45Legorolbecause Cosmos, having lots of old code, is often compared with codes that are written with the "modern" knowledge we have about WoW Lua
02:25.48zeegtheres some red, green, gray
02:25.55zeeg"UUI -" is blue, then the words after are gray
02:25.56Legoroltyndral, it would be a good thing if it happened
02:25.57IrielLike, 2 of your characters have it enabled, but others dont
02:26.02tyndralmy suggestion would fix that problem, Legorol.
02:26.04zeegyou can specify per character in-game now?
02:26.07Legoroltry to motivate people though ;-)
02:26.15zeegdamnit blizzard
02:26.15Legorolwe are all dedicating our free time for a hobby
02:26.15zeegi hate you
02:26.16zeegwith a passion
02:26.23IrielThere are mouseovers on many of the checkboxes and things with some helpful text
02:26.29zeegper character or per account?
02:26.37IrielPer (realm,character)
02:26.56Irielthat is a tuple, indicating both are matrixed for the answer
02:26.57zeeghrmm strange
02:27.02zeegis that in 1.9 Iriel?
02:27.04IrielThough on THAT screen you only see your current ralm
02:27.08Irielrealm, even
02:27.09Irielyes, 1.9
02:27.10tyndralsure, i know - the joy of volunteer workers. everyone loves doing something new. no one wants to fix what already 'kinda works' - i know it myself from doing my own web development for my business - and given the volunteer status of the cosmos team, you can't just create a sub-team to do it. they'll just leave.
02:27.17zeegi havent tested 1.9
02:27.21zeegalthough that upsets me a bit
02:27.25tyndralbut the benefits of doing so would be quite large.
02:27.27zeegas i had to dev take extra time to add that feature in
02:27.31zeegmakes profiles more or less useless now :P
02:27.32IrielI figured you were referring to 1.9 8-)
02:27.43*** join/#wowi-lounge Legorol|alt (
02:27.43TainIt's still only going to matter if someone enjoys doing it, tyndral.
02:28.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Legorol|alt (
02:28.13IrielI think AnduinLothar has been 'fixing' bits of the cosmos infrastructure, but I dont know if he's feeding stuff back into the core repository
02:28.32Legorol|althe is
02:28.40tyndrali don't think 'fixing' is good enough. personal opinion, obviously. but nothing fixes code like an entire rewrite.
02:28.44Legorol|alt(what's he doing here)
02:28.49*** kick/#wowi-lounge [Legorol!] by Cair (Cair)
02:28.53Legorol|altty, Cair
02:28.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Legorol|alt (
02:29.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Legorol|alt (
02:29.16Cairyou need to /ghost
02:29.25tyndralit doesn't need to be done all at once, obviously. identify key problem areas, and start there.
02:29.40tyndralbut really, with you having clear connection problems right now, this probably isn't the right time ;)
02:29.42kergothLegorol|alt: /msg nickserv help
02:30.19Legorolright, sorted
02:30.26Legorolyes Anduin has been rewriting some stuff
02:30.30Legorolwhenever that happens, of course it goes in
02:30.39Legorolto be honest, i think some of the problem is that Cosmos is very old in its roots
02:31.00Legorolunfortunately people rather than appreciating some of the stuff it contributed to the community, bash it for what it does/is :(
02:31.01tyndraland I agree with you, Legorol, Cosmos does cop more than it's fair share of stick. It's a lot better than some people say.
02:31.03Legorolbut that's just my opinion
02:31.07kergothmmm, mudslide
02:31.07Mondingaheh, ive been rewriting various pieces of gypsymod since release
02:31.16Legoroli know of many problems that is our fault
02:31.20Mondingalearn something new, go back and implement/fix things, endless cycle
02:31.22Legoroland we are trying to change those things
02:31.29Cairwe've been through this one, haven't we Legorol :)
02:31.46tyndralthe fact that it's "old in its roots" is exactly what I'm talking about. that is certainly a lot of the problem. none of the team, back in beta, knows what they do now. and, i imagine, the team is alot bigger now.
02:31.52Legorolanyway, this isn't the Cosmos channel, so i will leave the topic ;-)
02:32.02Cairnaw, it's okay, within limits
02:32.12Cairbash another mod, I get annoyed
02:32.17tyndral*shrug* it's a ui channel, we're talking code practices, not cosmos specifically.
02:32.17Legorolcan i bash my own?
02:32.24Cairdiscuss ways to improve your own, with input from the channel, that's fine
02:32.32TainCair don't like it... Rock the cosmos, Rock the cosmos
02:32.37Cairthat's why the channel is here
02:32.57LegorolI would also say that Cosmos being there as a "black sheep" actually created lot of competition/innovation which is a good thing
02:33.02TainI don't know anymore words to the song. :(
02:33.02CairI wish SOMEONE would rock my cosmos :p
02:33.30tyndraland I'm certainly not bashing Cosmos. I just beleive that a lot of the bashing it does get could be alleviated by doing some serious finetuning.
02:33.46Cairgetting rid of "nopatch"
02:33.50LegorolThe only time i get sad is when people attack Cosmos people personally, or at least the team and its practices
02:33.51tyndrala lot of the bashing is undeserved. that which is deserved is often blown entirely out of proportion.
02:33.53TainUnfortunatly that's not entirely true, tyndral.
02:33.58Legorolnow 110% admittedly i have done the same to others
02:34.07Legorolfor which i am very sorry and am trying to never do that again
02:34.08TainThe majority of people don't have any technical understanding of Cosmos at all.
02:34.13TainThey bash because other people bash.
02:34.27TainIt's a pure sheep herd reaction.
02:34.32LegorolCair, i so much wish we could get rid of "nopatch"
02:34.38CairI know
02:34.41tyndralknow, but they "heard this" and "heard that" and it baloons out. Yes, people bash Cosmos coz it's htere, but it does come from somewhere.
02:34.44TainI delete nopatch from any AddOn I install.
02:34.50Legorolok, this is "off the record", i am saying this in a capacity in which i don't represent Cosmos:
02:34.50Cairas I said, I acknowledge that you and I have been over this already
02:34.56Legoroli think we should get rid of the patcher :D
02:35.07tyndrali'll agree with you 100% there, Legorol
02:35.07Legorolok i won't rehash it
02:35.11CairI've seen that you guys are already starting to put a lot of what I suggested into play, which is good
02:35.11TainI agree!
02:35.17Cairno no, rehash all you want
02:35.26Legorolon the record: the patcher is good, the patcher is your friend :p
02:35.50tyndralit is pointless. it serves no purpose. and it's responible for a million "how do I use cosmos on my mac?" "will i get a virus from cosmos?" "is cosmos a 3rd party app?" threads in the forums.
02:36.27Legorolit used to have a point, and it still does serve some purposes
02:36.31Legorolbut it's very antiquated
02:36.32TainI heard cosmos kicks puppies.  :/
02:36.38CairI damn near fell over when I saw Gryphon put Cosmos up on WoWI
02:36.38Legorolit eats them, not kicks them!
02:36.50LegorolCair, was it the exe or the zip?
02:36.54Cairthe exe
02:36.54Legoroland is that a bad or good thing?
02:36.56Legoroloh i see
02:37.00Cairit's a GOOD thing
02:37.07tyndralthe only purpose I see it serving is giving people who are more than capable of learning how to use their computer a good excuse not to bother.
02:37.27Legorolwell it's intended purpose is to avoid having to download a large zip to update your addons
02:37.31Legorolwhich is a good thing in principle
02:37.33Cairno, the reason for the patcher is the same reason zeeg is getting his going
02:37.46Cairit's to scoop data to upload to the site :p
02:37.48kremonteanyone mind telling me why this wont show anything:
02:37.50tyndralit certainly is, in principle. but how big is the entire cosmos distribution?
02:37.59Legorol5-10 Mb, i think
02:38.01tyndralcair: no comment :)
02:38.04Legorolcan't remember, but it's the order of Mbs
02:38.12Legorolcertainly not something you want to download on a 56K
02:38.27tyndraland would I be being too presumptive to say that 10mb in todays world amounts to less than a pile of beans?
02:38.29Irielkremonte : Did you check Logs/FrameXML.log ?
02:38.32CairNone of the sites created a patcher just for the sake of making it easier for the community
02:38.37Legoroltyndral: yes
02:38.41tyndrali wouldn't want to play wow over 56k either. though I know people do.
02:38.41CairNot Curse's, not Cosmos's, not Guru's
02:38.43Legorolespecially if you wanted to download daily
02:38.50kergothimho: first, addons arent generally that large.  second, there are known well accepted tools for managing changes to files for source control systems.  reinventing the wheel in a "patcher" is just silly.
02:39.01Legorolheck, i played WoW over 10 Kbs connection, and it worked
02:39.02kremontewow, i never knew a logs folder existed
02:39.04Legoroli only had a 1000 ms ping time
02:39.08CairWe don't have one, because our coder didn't follow through
02:39.18IrielAFAIK Zeeg's tool STARTED as a pure downloader
02:39.29tyndralit did start that way yes.
02:39.30Legorolkergoth, the patcher is a user front end for the players
02:39.39Legorolit isn't reinventing the wheel, it is based on a version control system
02:39.39kremonteIriel, nothing there ><
02:39.50kergothah, good good. didnt realize
02:39.57Legorolwell sort of
02:40.01Legorolit's a dumb system thoguh :(
02:40.20TainI actually think an auto downloader for AddOn updates is a bad idea.   Well, a good theoretical idea.  But is more likely to lead to trouble in practice.
02:40.22Irielkremonte : There is no layer called HIGH
02:40.23Tain(In my opinion.)
02:40.31Legorolthere is, Iriel
02:40.35Irielkremonte : Use ARTWORK or OVERLAY or HIGHLIGHT
02:40.37kremonteoh yea, thats a frame strata... geegee
02:40.44Legoroloops, yeah you are right
02:41.49Legoroldarn, the connection dropping kicked me out of test
02:41.51Mondingasince were on the topic of patchers, gyspypatcher was made just for my retarded roomates~
02:41.57Legorolfortunatley the queue is only 45 minutes and not 4 hours like earlier :D
02:42.01kremontehaha, and on top of that i forgot <Layers> ><
02:43.16zeegthe patcher originally was designed as a downloader/data collector, we didnt want just a generic data collector, we wanted to help the community at the same time they help us
02:43.23zeegdata collection is always optional in it of course :)
02:44.26CairI tend to *not* talk about ours, since the programmer that was supposed to make it and didn't is a friend and he really really let us down
02:44.43kergothon another note: <- awfully cool
02:44.54zeegthe guy who made ours just.. disappeared
02:45.01zeegit was the guy who made uhh, that RP Quest thing
02:45.04zeegplayer made quest system
02:45.56Cairshame he left, that player made quest looked like it had real potential
02:46.02Cairfolks would have loved it
02:46.25zeegya i know
02:46.45zeeghe was just about to graduate from school (CS) when he was working on ours and was getting his life situated, cool guy dont know what happened to him
02:46.56zeeghe only wanted like $25 for our old one
02:47.00zeegi gave him more, but jeez
02:47.06zeegcompared to 5,000 for this one :(
02:50.27Cairsome people are just tstl
02:50.27Legorolit's crazy, innit
02:50.46Cairtoo stupid to live
02:50.53Legorolis that directed at zeeg?
02:50.58Cairthat's it, out of the gene pool, turn in your thumbs
02:51.06Cairblizz ui forum
02:51.12Legorolthen i misunderstood something
02:51.18Legorolsorry zeeg
02:51.21zeegLegorol, zeeg's a genius :P
02:51.36Legoroli will let that pass
02:51.50Cairnaw, if I were talking about zeeg, I'd just tell him to go fuck himself, that's a known quantity :p ;)
02:52.13Legoroldon't even want to start imaginign, scary!
02:52.20Cairif it was, men would never leave their homes
02:52.31zeegi dont leave enough anyways
02:52.32Legorolnow that was so under-handed
02:52.34zeegim actually home this friday :|
02:52.48Cairand you love me anyway, don't you Legorol ;)
02:53.09Legorolyou implying that my missus has only one use
02:53.16Legorolwhat about the support, care and attention she gives me
02:53.20zeegshe can cook too
02:53.22zeegcant she?
02:53.29Legorolactually, i do the cooking, at least half the time
02:53.36zeegthen yes, that's what Cair was implying
02:54.07Legoroli'm a very domestificated animal, as far as male standards go
02:54.11Legorolor so i like to tell myself
02:54.16Cairbeing female, I actually recognize that we women are a whole hell of a lot smarter than you males give us credit for
02:54.32Legoroli don't dispute the clever bit, i dispute the credit bit ;-)
02:54.40Mondingaactually cair? omg~
02:55.11LegorolMondinga is in shock
02:55.16Mondingayes, shock
02:55.35Legorolabout the truth you told him
02:55.38Mondingawoulda never guessed females thought like that!
02:55.39Legorolthat women are actually smart
02:55.48zeegot smarter than you males give us credit for
02:55.50Legoroli knew it a long time, but it must be a first for Mondinga
02:55.52zeegnot smarter than us tho!
02:55.59Legoroli'm not so sure..
02:56.16Legoroli have seen women wrap man around their fingers, not many the other way around
02:56.27zeegthats just manipulation, not intelligence
02:56.29CairI thought maybe it was the fact that it's friday night, you guys have stopped talking code, I've started drinking ... let the flirting and partying begin
02:56.34TainThankfully I'm brilliant.
02:56.38Legorolwhilst women can do all the same jobs and learn all the same skills as men,
02:56.40Cairmanipulation *is* intelligence, hello?
02:56.46Legorolthey are hell of a lot better at manipulating the other sex
02:56.49zeegi get this strange vibe that there's more women then men in this discussion :P
02:56.50Cairlike, duh
02:57.07CairI'm the only female in the channel
02:57.08Legorolso that means women are one step ahead
02:57.11TainThat's really more a function of guys being easier to manipulate than women being better at it.
02:57.17Cairjust a bunch of the others are married, thus they know better
02:57.27Legoroloh it definitely takes skill to manipulate me, and it happens
02:57.44TainWhen you only have enough blood in your body to fuel one of two organs, manipulation gets quite easy.
02:57.46Legorolthis is not an ego thing
02:57.53Legoroli am just very simpleminded and selfcentred
02:58.14Legorolno you have..... ehm... wait
02:58.25zeegim very selfcentered!
02:58.28CairYou're in this channel, aren't you? Point, set & match
02:58.41zeegI am on 8 network(s) in 41 channel(s) harassing 3929 user(s)
02:58.54Legorolare you attributing that fact to personal charms, as opposed to the allure of the UI community present here? ;-)
02:59.16Legorolyou take me to be less of a geek than i am
02:59.18zeegthat doesnt work when you live in an igloo
02:59.25TainYeah, I'm going with the charms.
02:59.35Cairzeeg: go fuck yourself :p ;)
02:59.46IrielI liked that one
02:59.50Tainzeeg is just jealous because he's not one of the cool people.
02:59.58zeegdefine cool people
03:00.07zeegTain, are you on the Ace team
03:00.09Legoroltemperature below 36 degrees Celsius
03:00.14Cairliked which one, Iriel?
03:00.57Legoroli have just taken up herb/alch on my latest char, never done it before, so far i am loving it
03:01.01Cairmmmmm, you guys need to get busy, I've got my first drink almost 1/2 gone now ...
03:01.05Mondingacool people? didnt know there were other gnomes in here
03:01.07Legorolat around 200 in alchemy, i am starting to get serious money rolling in
03:01.10IrielThe igloo comment
03:01.16Cairbah, hush you
03:01.16zeegits true is it not? :P
03:01.51Tainheh damnit people keep looting the herbs I'm testing with.
03:01.52Cairor I'll tell your fiancee that you were in my hotel room taking pictures of me
03:01.55zeegi dont get how blizzard can hate me so for unreleased content, yet they hired someone who's done the same stuff as me (less competition, but still!)
03:02.15Legorolwho'd that be?
03:02.15zeegif i was a woman, id clame sexist ><
03:02.22zeegLegorol, cant really say the name
03:02.32Legorolyou know the saying:
03:02.38Legorolkeep your friends close, keep your enemies even closer
03:02.45Legorolmaybe you are a friend, and he was an enemy?
03:02.51zeegoh ya, friend my ass
03:03.03zeegi cant even get on the fansite list
03:03.06zeegwownorge hates me
03:03.08zeegworldofwar hates me
03:03.10zeegnet wants me to "die irl"
03:03.20Legoroli wonder why..
03:03.26zeegidk, i was nice to net before he said that
03:03.31Cairwhereas I just tell you to go fuck yourself :p
03:03.32zeegthen again, i was nice to everyone before they were pricks
03:03.42Mondingafunny how that becomes everyone~
03:03.44zeegfor the most part
03:04.01*** join/#wowi-lounge ToastTheif (
03:04.01Cairzeeg ... /sigh
03:04.10Legorolbtw cair, that n00b you linked to on UI forum, did you read his sig?
03:04.18Legoroli'd have to answer... YES!
03:04.26Mondingavery key quote
03:05.18Legorolthis channel is a great invention for queuing :-)
03:05.30Legoroli can talk to myself ...
03:05.33Cairokay, zeeg, since I'm drinking and thus feeling generous, you want to know what your problem is, why folks don't like you?  I'm offering to answer in all seriousness, but if you don't want to hear the gods honest truth then say so and I won't bother
03:05.49TainHow am I supposed to update the greatest AddOn yet created if people keep looting my herbs. :(
03:06.00Cairyou aren't
03:06.02LegorolTain, you can at least get on the server :p
03:06.09zeegi know why people dont like me :)
03:06.10Cairyou're supposed to keep me entertained
03:06.14TainOh I don't deal with those silly queueues
03:06.16zeegI'm arogant
03:06.21Legoroli will do that Cair, let poor Tain work
03:06.21zeegbut its not like I dont have reason
03:06.58Legorolonce upon a time, in a galaxy far far away
03:07.04Legorolouch, that hurt!
03:07.39Cairah well, was worth a shot ... you guys saw it, I tried to help
03:07.51zeegi like being me
03:07.59zeeghasnt ever really hurt me sooo
03:08.00TainThat's what you get, helping never got anyone anywhere.
03:08.12ToastTheifwhere's Industrial? =(\
03:08.18TainHe went to bed, Toast
03:10.13ToastTheifah damn
03:10.18ToastTheifwhat time is it where he lives
03:10.22ToastTheifit's only 10 here..
03:11.54Cairlater zeeg
03:12.43zeegoh maybe not
03:12.44zeegno answer
03:12.56zeegguess you're out of luck ;)
03:13.56Cairbtw, I trust you aren't taking it serious, right?
03:14.51Cairme telling you to go ...
03:15.02zeegno if i was youd know
03:15.36zeegactually im gonna go play my pirates game
03:15.42zeegtil the damn phone rings ><
03:15.46Cairpirate vs ninja!
03:16.00TainNinja Pirate!
03:16.03Cairokay, I have NO idea where the hell that came from
03:16.15TainNinja Pirate Robot Monkey!
03:16.30Cairmagnet beats lobster!
03:17.03Cairor is it lobster beats magnet?
03:17.06Caircan't remember
03:17.08TainBanana donkey leather glove.
03:17.31Cairpeanut butter jelly time!
03:17.35TainDid you know that Donkey Punch is a banned name in WoW?
03:17.51Caircopywrite, I'd imagine
03:17.54TainOr I suppose Donkeypunch
03:22.54Cairwow, everyone ran away
03:23.14TainThey fear my Donkey Punch.
03:24.59IrielI'm still here
03:25.02Irieland I fear no donkey
03:28.26kergothlook at the poster in the bathroom
03:28.54Cairthat's gross sells that poster
03:29.25Parakreminds me sorta of the writings on the stall website
03:29.54Parak(the text of which is nsfw)
03:30.06Parak(yet very funny)
03:30.41Cairdrop a link
03:30.58Cairyou've warned that it's nsfw
03:31.48kergothi think my gf should get this shirt: :)
03:32.40Parak <--again, no images, but most text is very nsfw
03:36.49*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower|PC (
03:37.06Cairlol, I like this one
03:37.15CairSticks and stones may break my bones,
03:37.15Cairbut whips and chains excite me,
03:37.15CairSo... throw me down,
03:37.15Cairand tie me up and show me that you like me
03:37.50CairI've seen it before, but I still like it
03:38.23kergothWritten on tank next to handle:
03:38.24kergothWritten below it:
03:49.39CairI'm actually starting to understand wmn :p
03:56.17LegorolI see that Darkhands guy got annoyed it was too complicated to install CT :-)
03:56.27Legorolwhat was that guy venting at anyway?
03:56.29Cairyup, that's what I'm referring to
03:56.46Cairwho knows
03:57.00Cairhe can't figure out how to install
03:57.09Cairlike, hello, it's not that fucking hard
03:57.56Cairif my mom can figure out how to do it, anyone can
03:57.57Cairshe's almost 60, and forgetful ... she knows how to install mods
04:07.31kergothi love
04:07.35kergothjust great
04:07.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (n=Guilloti@
04:08.31Guillotinewhat was the name of the guy that owns purl? i want to ask him if its ok with him if i try porting purl to WoW...
04:08.55kergothits blootbot.
04:08.58purli guess ibot is a blootbot written in perl run by TimRiker on his server. logs on<chan>/ , ibot, jbot, apt are all the same process. It uses sqlite, but mysql or other SQL storage is also supported.
04:09.05Cairand Blizz will be pissed
04:09.07purlit has been said that blootbot is an IRC bot written in perl descended from infobot. Hosted on SF. Patches welcome, submit on SF or, or,.  I am a blootbot
04:09.18Guillotinewhy would blizz be pissed?
04:09.23kremontewoot, i finished my /trevor!
04:09.27Guillotinelol krem
04:09.30Cairput a bot in game?
04:09.32kergothCair: could be chat only. not a play bot, just one for a chat channel
04:09.35Cairyeah, they'll love that
04:09.39Guillotineits chat only
04:09.40kergothwhich wouldnt be bad, i wouldnt think
04:09.49kremonteyeah, trevor dances (5 frames looping) and moves up and down as the song plays
04:10.03Guillotinei wouldn't think anything would be wrong with a chat bot that could, say, store info on raid times and info on places
04:10.08Cairmeh, maybe they'd be fine with it
04:10.38Guillotineive always got the idea that the type of bot they didn't like was the ones that either made it possible to do something AFK or something that would make decisions for the player
04:10.57ToastTheifAoE3 > War3
04:11.21IrielHm even
04:11.51kremontebah, still dont get how to hook the chat frame... will my game go kaboom if i break it?
04:12.00IrielThe only problem with AoE3 is that it's a bit buggy
04:12.05Irielkremonte : It depends what you do with it.
04:12.17kremontei want to hide all input from a channel
04:12.17Legorolkremonte: the game won't go kaboom, or eat pizzas
04:12.19Legorolat worst it crashes
04:12.26kremonteit wont eat pizzas? :(
04:12.27kergothCair: check out this chick's reply to a lame comeon:
04:12.32MentalPower|PCas blizzard says, if you break it you get to keep both pieces :)
04:12.34IrielAt worst it locks up solidly and you have to ctrl-alt-del it
04:12.36Legorolkremonte: why not untick the channel in the appropriate list in the tab for that chat pane?
04:12.40ToastTheifyea the server can only hold 4k atm
04:12.40IrielSecond worst is a client crash
04:13.14Guillotinekremonte: you need to upload that addon to WoWI!
04:13.18kremonteLegorol- it's for a mod
04:13.18IrielSo.. I have my stat ring template drawing a 0.2 degree circle segment now, yay
04:13.21Cair"what's your sign" ... "stop, do not enter"
04:13.26kergothIriel: nice!
04:13.27kremonteGuillotine - i need to hide chat in the channel first ><
04:13.39ToastTheifWoW, the addiction just killed my friend last week
04:13.40Guillotinewhy? doesnt it just play the trevor thing?
04:13.43TainUg I was just rubbing my eyes trying to clear out whatever was making things go fuzzy until I realized it was my monitor. :(
04:13.46MentalPower|PCIriel: Very Nice\
04:13.49kremonteuses a channel to turn it on and off
04:13.50ToastTheifkilled himself, his comp crashed
04:14.05kremontei could make it easier, but i want a thing where your friend could do it to ya when youre int hemiddle of MC
04:14.06Guillotineooo. are you going to be able to like turn it on for the whole raid?
04:14.08CairToastTheif: you're kidding, I hope
04:14.25Cairor I missed part of the conversation
04:14.26kremontewoot, mage in my guild just got ZHC on top of his TOEP
04:14.28Cairor something
04:14.31kremontehe is so gonna 1 shot my ass
04:15.20ToastTheifall that stuff about AoE3 owning WoW and somone dying wasen't ne
04:15.28ToastTheifit was my friend
04:15.57Cairwhat I'm saying though is that you are kidding about him killing himself, right?
04:16.07ToastTheifhe was kidding, yes
04:16.13Cairthank you
04:16.13ToastTheifI don't even know what he was talking about
04:16.23ToastTheifhe had the computer
04:17.16Cidenigh everyone
04:17.24Cairnight Cide :)
04:24.28ToastTheifI don't understand the linux one
04:24.44kergothi suggest you learn more about linux
04:24.52kergothand open source in general
04:25.18ToastTheifIm trying =/
04:25.19Cairthey're constantly playing with it, adding bits and pieces and rearranging things, trying to "improve" it
04:25.41ToastTheifIm installing Linux as you know, when I can
04:25.48MentalPowersounds like the WoW addons :)
04:25.51ToastTheifah, ic cair
04:26.12kergoththe wow addon community still hasnt learned 90% of the lessons the open source community has already learned.  though that seems to be improving somewhat
04:32.21Legorolsuch as?
04:41.27Guillotineread before you post
04:41.33Guillotinethey never seem to do that
04:44.01IrielAnyone run into some strange anchor problems after using SetScale on a frame
04:44.05IrielIn 1.9
04:44.52ToastTheifnot I...
04:47.15Guillotinenot yet...
04:47.33LegorolIriel, possibly
04:47.39Legorolyou know about the scaling changes, i presume
04:47.45Legorolcould that have an effect here?
04:48.02IrielNo, it appears that when you :SetScale on a frame, it forgets its anchors
04:48.16Legorolhaven't really fiddled with that
04:48.23Legoroland you are sure it's not just a scaling issue?
04:48.29Legorolwhat do you mean by "forget"
04:49.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Vizir (
04:49.20IrielThe frame stays where it is, but no longer knows its location
04:49.30IrielAttemts to set anchors relative to it have no effect
04:49.37IrielUntil you do a :SetPoint on it again
04:49.37ToastTheif - I like that menu
04:50.30Legorolomg, that last bash is too funny
04:50.50ToastTheifwrong irc windowy thingy
04:50.51zeegpretty ugly imo
04:50.57zeegfor starters
04:50.58zeegits nix
04:50.59LegorolIriel, no comment
04:51.04Legorolsounds buggish
04:51.14ToastTheifI like the way it's categorized
04:51.26ToastTheifbrowers, editors, etc..
04:51.57GuillotineThe problem with America is stupidity. I'm not saying there should be a capital punishment for stupidity, but why don't we just take the safety labels off of everything and let the problem solve itself?
04:52.43Legorolbecause preserveation of species is, after all, more important than elimination of stupidity
04:52.48Legorolit's the ultimate calling
04:53.07zeegselective breeding
04:53.08zeegdo your part!
04:54.49kremontethats old! zomg
04:54.54kremontebut still hilarious
04:56.03kremonteHe bent down and pulled his wang out of the troll's nose. It was covered in what looked like lumpy gray glue.
04:56.17kremonteSomething silver-white, something enormous, erupted from the end of his wang
04:56.19kremonteoh god
04:56.50zeegCair, closing in on completeion of the app, had programmer completely remove the profile controls (since they're useless now), she's just gotta change a few forms (removing checkbox from addons for one) and fix data collection and I think its ready
04:56.57zeegi gotta test the "update to latest beta version" part yet though
04:59.43zeegwheres Dolby at :|
05:00.04Cairit's only just coming on 11pm cst now, give him time to get home for pity's sake :p
05:00.11Guillotinelets play ping pong
05:00.15Guillotine|    .
05:00.29kremonte. |
05:00.33zeeg| .
05:00.37Guillotine|    .
05:00.39kremonte' |
05:00.45zeeg| .
05:00.46ToastTheifhey Ker
05:00.48zeeg. |
05:00.50zeegi can play by myself
05:00.52zeegi dont need you!
05:00.54Guillotine|     .
05:00.59ToastTheifwhat's the difference between DEs and WMs?
05:01.04kremontehow would i get this.language in an addon?
05:01.13kremontesaid its nil (it's in a function
05:01.43zeegactually im just gonna go make the thread so i can go to bed
05:01.52kremontehelp meeee T_T
05:02.35Guillotine<jeebus> the "bishop" came to our church today
05:02.43Guillotine<jeebus> he was a fucken impostor
05:02.49Guillotine<jeebus> never once moved diagonally
05:07.02GuillotineIRC is just multiplayer notepad
05:08.18Guillotineawww. why don't i have permission to access that page?
05:08.23Cairlooks good zeeg, I'll make sure he looks at it
05:08.43CairGuillotine: that's the private multi-site forum I set up for admins at the various sites
05:08.55Cairso we can mock you mod authors without you knowing about it
05:09.01Guillotinei have a website
05:09.09kergoth--> guest (~SportsCar@ has joined #lgl
05:09.10kergoth* guest ´ó½Ð£º¾ÈÃü°¡£¡ ¾ÈÃü°¡£¡
05:09.10kergoth<khalek> you seem to be a little mixed up
05:09.10kergoth<khalek> this is not #perl
05:09.10Guillotinedoes that count?
05:09.27Guillotinei dont get it
05:09.32zeegdont worry Guillotine
05:09.35zeegill happily mock you to your face
05:09.41Cairthe major mod hosting sites :p Curse,, guru, wowi
05:09.58kergothsorry, geek joke, cant get the one i just pasted unless you know perl
05:10.14Guillotinei know purl... does that count?
05:10.34Caireq1, eq2i, gucomics, etc
05:10.55zeeggucomics hosts mods?
05:11.16Cairthey are one of the major sites that we allow to have access to that forum if they want it :p
05:11.21Cairwoody is a friend of ours
05:11.32zeegblizzplanet isnt included on those sites is it?
05:11.37zeegspecifically medievaldragon
05:11.42Cairdid I list it?
05:12.00zeegno :P
05:12.02zeegjust checking!
05:12.43Cairexcept those I don't
05:13.01zeegif you see ne
05:13.03zeegpoint him to that threat
05:13.17Cairnight zeeg
05:13.37Cairand I thought I was the one getting drunk :p
05:14.32Guillotinekremonte made the most awesome addon ever...
05:14.35kremonteyay, i'm a modder! i made something
05:14.58Cairso, get it posted :p
05:15.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Deph (n=Depherio@
05:15.09kremonteslash command doesnt work yet
05:15.14*** part/#wowi-lounge Deph (n=Depherio@
05:15.14kremonteGuillotine is "beta" testing it lol
05:15.28Guillotineit is the most freaking awesome addon ever
05:15.45GuillotineCide has to include it in the next version of CTRA
05:15.53Guillotineor Slouken needs to include it in the default UI
05:15.57ToastTheifwhat addon?
05:16.04kremontei think maybe i'll sabotage it secretly
05:16.06jtswhat is it?
05:16.10kremonte"hey guildies new version of ctra out"
05:16.17kremonte<link to ctra + addon in a zip>
05:16.19Cairah, purl, right
05:16.45Cairwasn't that what we were discussing? or is it something else?
05:17.09Cairmeh, whatever
05:20.00Guillotinekremonte, can i tell them what the addon is?
05:21.48Guillotine|    .
05:21.57Guillotine| .
05:21.59kremonte. |
05:22.08Guillotineits magical trevor for WoW!
05:22.13kremontehit it back to me!
05:22.21Guillotineyou type /trevor <playername> and trevor appears and the song starts playing
05:22.26kremonte* |
05:22.26Cair.  |
05:22.31kremonte| .
05:22.42IrielI thought someone had done that before in ctra?
05:22.47krem`leftside| .
05:22.49Cair.  |
05:22.52Guillotinewell he did it as a standalone
05:22.58Cair.  |
05:23.01krem`leftsideLegorol, I'M the left side
05:23.02krem`leftside| .
05:23.05Cair.  |
05:23.11krem`leftsidei missed
05:23.51Guillotineg2g guys
05:23.55krem`leftsidecya :)
05:23.59Guillotineupload the addon to WoWI krem!!!
05:24.00Cairlater Guillotine
05:24.14krem`leftsidewhen i'm done!
05:25.27kremonteargh, this is driving me insane
05:25.36kremontehow the hell do you get the player's language in an addon
05:25.39Cairno drive necessary, merely a short putt
05:25.41kremontethis.language isn't working ><
05:25.51kremonteargh, this is putting me insane
05:26.33IrielI think
05:27.40kremonteyep, that worked, thanks
05:29.01CairIriel gives Dolby a run for the money on who is "The Man!"
05:29.25kremontei don't know dolby, so i think my biased opinion would be that Iriel is, in fact, The Man
05:29.41CairAs I said, gives Dolby a run for the title
05:29.46Cairsince I know both of them
05:29.49kremontehow do you just *know* DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME.editBox.language off the top of your head?
05:29.53kremontethat's shenanigans
05:30.05Cairoh noes! not more shenanigans!
05:30.18kremontehow does savedvariables work? i just put them in my toc and poof they are set once my addon is loaded?
05:30.41Legorolkremonte, because it's often used
05:30.49LegorolDEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME pops up in so many places
05:30.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Depherios (n=deph@
05:30.53Legorolso does editBox
05:31.00kremontewelll....well nini!
05:31.11IrielEvery global variable you have mentioned in your .toc gets written out when you quit
05:31.11Legoroland yes, that's how savedvariables work
05:31.14Irieland loaded back in when you log in
05:31.28kremonteso when you logout they save too?
05:31.30kremontecool! :D
05:31.41Legorolthey wouldn't be much use if they didn't save
05:31.45Depheriosthey save when you reloadui as well
05:31.46Legorolbtw, the best thing to use is a table
05:32.02Legorolspecify a single table as a saved variable, and stuff all your data in htere that you need saving
05:32.06Legorolsuch as configuration settings
05:32.20kremonteyeah, i did that with a mod i made a month ago... but hey i don't remember things well
05:35.20ToastTheifffrom what I see, I vote KDE
05:35.32ToastTheifbut ya never know til you try it I guess
05:36.05ToastTheifKonqueror sounds cool
05:36.51kremontefirefox > konqueror
05:37.01ToastTheifI would assume so, yes
05:37.13ToastTheifbecause of the community, flexibility, all that
05:37.23cladhairei'm just not a fan of kde.
05:37.28cladhairebut i can't explain why =)
05:37.29kremontegnome ftw
05:37.50cladhaireinstalkling freebsd 6.0 with gnome as we speak :P
05:38.05cladhaireon my delicious new $379.00 laptop =)
05:38.21ToastTheifI think I'll try Ubuntu or Fedora with KDE first
05:38.37ToastTheifthen mess around and try some other distros
05:39.00cladhairelinux has always been too trendy for me.. i prefer the straight unix based systems
05:39.20TainYou know what they say, Linux is for people who hate Microsoft, BSD is for people who like Unix.  ;)
05:39.32cladhaireNever heard that.. but that's completely true.
05:39.44cladhairenot that i have any love for microsoft.
05:39.52cladhairebut i suppose i can be a unix lover, and hate ms as well =)
05:39.57TainOf course they also say there's only two good things to ever come out of Berkely.  LSD and BSD.
05:41.51CairGod, I haven't used any form of Unix since it was Zenix/Unix (for those of you old enough to realize how far back that is)
05:42.08kergothi worked tech support for digi international, aka digiboard
05:42.15kergothi got calls from people with 8-10 year old openserver boxes
05:42.18kergothand xenix, too
05:42.19kergothfun stuff
05:42.20cladhaireteh farthest back i go is the educational end-of-life of VAX
05:42.23CairWe've been through this one kergoth ;)
05:42.37TainI started out on the Internet on a VAX/VMS system.
05:42.44cladhairegopher ftw
05:42.46kergothvax is.. weird.
05:42.55TainWay back in... damn I don't even know.
05:45.27TainDamn I'm trying to figure out when I was first on the net.  It was 91 I think.  91/92
05:45.51cladhairemine wasn't until.. 92 i believe
05:46.12TainSoon after I ran a Waffle BBS and provide free Usenet. :)
05:46.14Irielsummer of 91 here
05:46.15Cairchrist, I was teaching people how to use computers at that point :p
05:46.41IrielBut there was JANET before that (Joint Academic NETwork)
05:46.46Cairmoving companies over from paper based accounting to computer based
05:46.49TainBack when you had bang paths for email.
05:47.43Tainjoe!stetson!smith!   and the like
05:47.48Cairgod, if you said bang now, people would look at you like you lost your mind
05:47.58TainOr like you were asking for a date.
05:48.12Cairyeah, that too
05:48.18TainShe bang!  She bang!
05:51.01cladhaireThere is nothing on television.
05:51.17Cairyou say this like it's something new, cladhaire
05:51.22TainI'm frustrated by tooltips.
05:52.04TainActually that's not true.  I'm annoyed at Hunter tracking tooltips.
05:53.07TainBecause they don't give any information.
05:53.17TainNo, that's not true.
05:53.43TainI'm annoyed because some tooltips give the name and mob type (beast, undead, etc.) and level.
05:53.50TainAnd some only give the name.
05:56.03IrielAll of the TRACKING tooltips give just name
05:57.26*** join/#wowi-lounge AnduinLothar (
05:57.32Cairwb AnduinLothar
05:58.27AnduinLotharhow's the kitty onight?
05:58.48Cairbored and working on getting more than a tad tipsy
05:58.54AnduinLotharkeeping the boys in check?
05:59.13Cairthey seem to be doing well enough on their own, damnit
05:59.17Cairno one to play with
05:59.47AnduinLothardo you always play with your food?
06:00.20AnduinLotharperhaps you should let it win sometimes
06:00.31CairI sometimes do that, too
06:01.25Cairjust losing my touch I guess
06:02.02AnduinLotharlong as you land on your feet
06:02.16kremonteany idea why this wont work?:
06:02.17kremonteSlashCmdList["TREVORTRIGGER"] = function(trigger) if(not trigger) then return; end; trevTrigger = trigger; end
06:02.17kremonteSLASH_TREVORTRIGGER = "/trevortrigger";
06:02.26kremontei answered my own question
06:02.34kremontei need to look to the left more
06:03.46TainI'm just annoyed that it appears the only way to get more info from the tooltips is to TargetByName() and I don't like the idea of changing someone's target on them, even if they're not in combat.
06:04.23AnduinLotharneither do I. Only good way to combat that is to use TargetLastTarget()
06:04.32AnduinLotharproblem is then the user cant
06:04.45AnduinLotharbut no one really complains
06:05.50TainYeah, I guess it can't hurt *that* much if they're not in combat.   I think.
06:06.11TainThere's already another Tracker Assist AddOn that does just that.
06:06.17Depheriosthe only problems that arise are LAG
06:06.26Depheriosif you get a low framerate you can notice the target changing lol
06:07.10Depheriosor at least, I've had it occur, never managed to accidentally cast a spell on the wrong thing or anything
06:08.40TainI just don't like the idea of it.  But, I don't see any other choise.
06:10.36TainDamn Hunters have to throw everything off.
06:10.49kremonteagreeed. damn hunters.
06:10.55IrielHey now
06:11.00Cairpardon me?
06:11.04IrielDont make me set my pet on you
06:11.13kremontedon't make me send MY pet on you ;)
06:11.15Cairdon't make me set me on you :p
06:11.30Cairdamn right!
06:11.31kremontewait aren't you like level 52 :P
06:11.47kremontehaven't been stalking you on official wow forums lately
06:11.55Cair52, yup
06:11.57IrielWho? Me?
06:11.59IrielOh, Cair
06:12.06kremontewhat level are you Iriel?
06:12.06Cairyour point?
06:12.10AnduinLotharcan i pet you?
06:12.13kremontei'll eat you! :p
06:12.21kremontewah, AnduinLothar?
06:12.22IrielIriel(Silver Hand) is 60
06:12.50ToastTheifhey Ker
06:12.50kremontehunters own me, most of the time :(
06:12.57ToastTheifwhat's a good editor for Linux?
06:12.58IrielMy rogue is 43 now
06:13.02IrielToastTheif : Emacs!
06:13.07kremontex.x warrior 32
06:13.33CodayusAlso a good editor for Windows.
06:13.45CodayusRuns really nicely, actually.
06:14.03ToastTheifI've got most of my Linux things sorted out now
06:14.12ToastTheifall the programs I need, and what not
06:14.12cladhaireI'm fighting with my network card
06:14.20ToastTheifI think I'll use GAIM for IMing
06:14.24cladhairewell, my wireless card specifically
06:14.26cladhairedownload TnT.
06:14.30cladhaireuse AiM in emacs =)
06:14.33AnduinLotharclads back
06:14.43cladhairebest software i've ever written =)
06:15.08cladhaireyeah i'm going back and forth between my two laptops and my Druid =)
06:15.10cladhairealmost 38
06:15.38AnduinLotharso i take it u haven't looked any more...
06:16.02Cairgod I wish I lived in the US, would have loved to have a shot at one of those laptops today
06:16.10Cairsince I don't have one and need one desperately
06:16.13TainThere's still laptops to go around.
06:16.18zeegaddicted to ddr
06:16.27Cairyeah, and I'm not in the US, so your point?
06:16.30kremonteat 1am zeeg?
06:16.33cladhaireAnduinLothar: No I haven't.. I was in line at best buy for 8 hours yesterday.. and I've spent most of the day getting my officer straightened around
06:16.46TainMy point is that you're missing out on a nice laptop. :)
06:16.55Cairyeah, I know =/
06:17.06TainMy brother waited 16 hours, in the rain, to get a 360.
06:17.07cladhaireCair: OMG>. i would have bought you one, and delivered it to you..
06:17.14Cairit's okay
06:17.34Depherios...and now they're being recalled...
06:17.44CairI just am going to have to get one if I"m going to be doing more travelling to cons and stuff for the sites
06:18.00Cairbeing completely out of touch with the sites for 5 days is rough
06:18.13TainI let my ex keep my laptop since I had a newer one from work.
06:18.14AnduinLotharwhat laptop is in refrence here?
06:18.16CairDepherios: recalled?
06:18.24TainNot thinking that I'd have to give it back if I got another job.
06:18.37zeeg12:20am actually!
06:19.15CairI thought the whole ddr fad was over?
06:19.23AnduinLotharit keeps coming back
06:19.30Cairzeeg, did you still want to talk to Dolby?
06:19.33Depherioswell, not a total recall, but I guess a lot of the 360's are having problems with over heating and powering down randomly
06:19.34Tainzeeg don't you have more unreleased content to put up?  You haven't quite gotten banned from EVERY site yet.
06:19.52Cairtain! not nice
06:20.00DepheriosI haven't looked it up yet, they were talking about it at work (customers, co-workers) -- I work at a GameStop
06:20.13zeegCair, idc
06:20.16zeegif he has questions
06:20.18zeegTain, if i did i would
06:20.24zeegbut as I've gotten 2 dmca's in the last 2 months
06:20.25zeegi think not
06:20.30zeegi had full maps for ahn'qiraj two weeks ago though
06:20.54TainYOU ARE TOO 'L33T FOR WORDS!
06:21.01zeegTain, you're too annoying for words
06:21.18CairTain: dial it back a couple notches
06:21.22TainPerhaps, but at least I can still post my words. :D
06:21.22AnduinLotharyou two match perfectly
06:21.26zeegTain, as can I
06:21.49Cairokay you two, right now, that's *enough*
06:22.15Cairtake it private, no one in the channel wants to listen to it
06:22.25zeegi dont want to listen to it in private either
06:24.34ToastTheifwe have a DDR club at my school
06:24.35Cairso yeah, anyway
06:24.48TainNew version of TrackAlert going up now!
06:25.02zeegToastTheif, seriously?
06:25.35kremontecan i join? :D
06:25.44kremontei AAAed max 300 on maniac
06:26.30Cairso cladhaire, you still looking at coming up this way soon-ish?
06:26.30zeegis that the same as challenge?
06:26.39TainHe's a maniac, maniac on the floor.
06:26.44TainAnd he's dancing like he never dance before.
06:26.47zeegi havent gotten an AAA on anything, i'm struggling to beat the hard levels
06:27.00zeegkremonte, mine only lists beginner->challenge for difficulty
06:27.07kremonteoh yea
06:27.12kremontemaniac is same as heavy
06:27.20zeegim on the heavy levels right now
06:27.23kremonteand challenge is oni i think
06:27.36zeegbeaten like 15 and im stuck and cant seem to win now
06:27.45zeegi think im getting a blister on my foot
06:28.18kremontedo you play barefoot? =o
06:29.15kremontei dont know if i should release this
06:30.02zeegwooden floor tho
06:30.18kremontemetal pad + sneakers FTW
06:30.41zeegi might buy one
06:30.43zeeghow much do they run?
06:31.35zeegholy shit
06:32.46kremontethats what i have
06:33.08zeegima buy that
06:33.11zeegit work good?
06:33.46AnduinLothar'does it work well' corrected the grammer nazi
06:34.26zeegmaybe ill get that one, my buddy says its better
06:34.40zeeghe had a redoctane and it died on him
06:40.44kremonteredoctane has a "reputation" for dying, but cobalt flux isnt good IMO
06:41.12kremontereally unresponsive
06:42.44zeego well
07:10.41ToastTheifIm tired
07:13.26*** join/#wowi-lounge AnduinLothar (
07:31.42IrielOooh, Floating Wreckage
07:34.48IrielNot entirely productive fishing tho
07:34.51CodayusHmm.  Press the button, WoW vanishes.
07:34.56CodayusI wonder how the hell I causes that.
07:35.18CodayusVanishes as in - instant crash to desktop.  No error message or anything...
07:36.20kremontethat happens to me all the time in bwl
07:38.52CodayusDude, that would suck.
07:39.20kremontei DCed when razorgore was at 2% on my guilds first razorgore kill
07:39.45kremonte400 queue
07:41.29kremontebahahaha. i just sent my trevor mod to my friend and he woke up everyone in his house by laughing so hard
07:45.24kergothkremonte: url? :)
07:46.03kremontethen you can do: /trevor to toggle trevor dancing/music playing for you
07:46.17kremonteor /trevor <name> to toggle it for someone with the mod installed
07:46.17*** join/#wowi-lounge a_thing (
07:46.38kremontei gotta stealth hijack it into CTRA and do it in MC... *cough*
07:46.49*** part/#wowi-lounge a_thing (
07:51.16*** join/#wowi-lounge RedcXe (
08:05.24*** join/#wowi-lounge KarlKFI (
08:06.59KarlKFIall the UnitFrames I can find that actually replace the orig art just look amature too me... all photoshop on bars and flat elements, nothing 3d rendered or crafted...
08:07.19KarlKFII want some original artwork
08:07.44Depheriosmake it?
08:07.52DepheriosI did
08:07.55Depheriosmade my own
08:08.03Depheriosoh.. ONLY the ART....
08:08.59KarlKFIya, i've seen that undead. it's ok... still just variations on a theme and not truely original
08:09.30KarlKFIgranted he has art talent
08:09.42Cairand as he said himself, that was a rush job
08:09.54KarlKFIya, lots of cut ant paste
08:10.10Cairhave you seen his other work?
08:10.21KarlKFII want to see some art that's either handdrawn and then digitized or 3d rendered
08:10.40kremonte3d rendered in a case like this is more often than not a bad thing :S
08:10.44Cairoh, that was all hand done, trust me
08:10.58KarlKFIsomething done my an artist and not just a graphic designer
08:11.12Cairas I said, have you seen his other work
08:11.14Cairgo look
08:11.21KarlKFIim looking
08:12.01Cairhe *apologizes* for the undead being such a poor example
08:12.06KarlKFIhe does good work, i'm not denying that
08:12.12Cairbut he was on a deadline to have it out by halloween
08:12.19Cairit'll be fixed up, I've no doubt
08:12.30KarlKFImeh, i'm not hot on the undead myself
08:12.41KarlKFItoo diablo2
08:12.42Cairthe others that he's working on aren't under the same time constraints
08:13.49KarlKFIok, u see his Wizard Ice and Fire ani's near the bottom?
08:14.01KarlKFIit's be cool to have a gui on that theme
08:14.11Depheriosthe only thing he's done I really like, is steamworks...
08:14.14KarlKFImagic and crystal
08:14.37Depheriosbut I wouldn't use it... too...... obtrusive
08:15.38KarlKFIi think it's be cool to crystal unit frames with fire or ice highlights that animated depending on certain triggers
08:16.11KarlKFIlike maybe a burning back ground that engulfed the unit frame when casting
08:16.19Depherioseh, every time I add graphics to my UI, I end up taking them out
08:16.24Depherioswell no
08:16.31Depheriosthe D2 health and mana orbs I've kept
08:16.50Depheriosbecause they REALLY help me tell if I'm dying/oom
08:16.54KarlKFIor like animated hp/mp bars that sparkle or burn
08:17.17KarlKFIsomething truely awe inspiring
08:17.34KarlKFIand not just all this variables on bars and portraits
08:18.31Cairif I could figure out the coding, I'd be working on stuff like that myself Karl
08:18.35KarlKFIbut i dont have that kind of art skill
08:18.48CairI just ... can't get it through my thick skull, and it makes me insane
08:18.54KarlKFIi could do the coding if someone would do the art
08:19.01KarlKFIthat's what i did with ChatBar
08:19.17Depherioslol, yeah, I can do artsy fartsy crap
08:19.19Cairbecause Tom and I have worked together in the past, and it's heartbreaking for me that I can't help him out now
08:19.38Cairand frustrating, that I can't do my own, either
08:19.55Cairbut oh well =/
08:19.56KarlKFIya, well basicly what he did with the undead was just replace textures
08:20.46KarlKFIi want to replace frames.  I figure either A) just add on or B) replace the _whole_ thing with new concept and not just art and overlays
08:21.18Cairwe were doing some pretty frigging neat things back in eq, like the animated steamworks and stuff
08:21.52Depheriosanybody know why battlegrounds is doing that Message! line?
08:21.55Cairwith the ability to change *code* in WoW ... it could be phenomenal
08:21.55KarlKFIu know what would be really cool for a casting bar would be a flame spiral that wraps around the unit frame like a sideways barber poll
08:23.13KarlKFIor like a reverse arcanebar that engulfs the portrait when it flashes
08:23.49Cairgood ideas
08:23.50KarlKFIsomething that actually looks magical and not just liek a bar keeping time..
08:23.55Cairpost 'em:
08:24.07Cairif anyone can do them, it'd be Tom
08:24.37KarlKFIwell that 2nd one might be possible. that first one i have no idea how to code it...
08:24.51Cairmy dragon back in EQ changed colours depending on the target con, its eyes flashed when in combat, etc, etc
08:24.58KarlKFImaybe 2 animations that occlude bellow and above the frame
08:25.36Cairbtw, if you don't post the suggestions, I will :p
08:25.43KarlKFIgo ahead
08:26.00DepheriosI wanted to do a PLAIN radial casting bar, but that's FAR beyond my coding abilities ATM
08:26.01CairIriel lives!
08:26.03KarlKFIthat's descriptive iriel
08:27.52KarlKFIhard as hell to test anythign at 2fps on this compy..
08:30.06Irielheh, sorry
08:36.17Cairso what *was* that, Iriel?
08:37.11CairKarl, hope you realize I was serious about posting it ...
08:37.26IrielSorry, old habits die hard.. <space><enter> stops me from idling off a number of programs
08:37.36KarlKFIlong as u creditted me cair
08:37.51Caircopy paste from this window :p
08:38.01KarlKFIthats fine then
08:38.11CairIriel: ahhh
08:40.55IrielIt's funny you're talking about unit frame customizations
08:41.00IrielI'm trying something odd with stat rings
08:41.26Depheriosplease tell me you're running them around the portrait XD
08:42.18IrielNot at present but that'd be fairly easy
08:42.30DepheriosFirst thing I did after getting stat rings, was raise they're opacity and drop them around my minimap
08:42.41Depheriosyeah, I'd do it, if not for the fact that I like the numbers showing constantly
08:43.26KarlKFIya so iriel, while I was polishing the global return args function i cam up with another wrapper function to make the SeaHooks returns cleaner. instead of returning/passing 20 args I can pass them to a table and then just unpack them, so that it doesn't pass/return all the nils
08:44.16KarlKFIand of course it'd be the same tabel, never destroyed
08:46.43IrielHow does that handle cases where a sea hook calls another function that is sea hooked?
08:47.46KarlKFIoh, well this is sepperate. but in the case of the return args it just means you have to extract them before you call any other functions. Ex: local arg1, arg2 = Sea.util.getReturnArgs();
08:48.26KarlKFIit also means if you dont want them you dont need to make namespace for them
08:48.49IrielSo what if I've hooked function XYZ, and so has someone else
08:49.07IrielBoth of ours run 'after' the original function
08:49.21Irielbut theirs calls something else which has a sea hook
08:49.40Irielwhat happens to my return values?
08:49.48Irieli.e. the ones from the original I want to see
08:49.53KarlKFIthe variables are set individually for each hook. it's inside, rather than outside the for loop
08:50.16Irielhm, ok..
08:50.41KarlKFIso the local variables store the current return args for the next hook, even if the globals are changed
08:50.42Irielso it's "cooperatively safe", so to speak
08:51.26KarlKFIright. It's read only and then replaced/overwritten if another hook is called
08:52.05KarlKFIso changing the globals at any time does nothing unless u hook the hook function. in which case you would be changing them deliberately anyway
08:54.18KarlKFIi assume if i assign a global empty table to a local variable and then fill the local table A) the global table remains unchanged and B) no GC is incurred
08:55.05IrielA) no, B) yes
08:55.22KarlKFImmm, well let's just test then, shall we
08:55.52Irielif yo uhave a global table X, assign it to a local Y, and do Y.hello="Bonjour"
08:55.57Irielthen X.hello will == "Bonjour"
08:56.29KarlKFIright. that's what i used to think too. but i don't believe myself sometimes so i'll just prove it to myself and feel better
09:04.53KarlKFIya, i'm not seeing that behavior
09:06.14*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
09:06.38KarlKFIif so then a is in tableOne
09:06.39MoonWolfGood morning
09:07.07KarlKFIgar... now it works..
09:07.18KarlKFIwhy didn't it work in the other test..
09:07.32MoonWolfGoblins did it.
09:08.26Cairhey MoonWolf :)
09:09.16MoonWolfThis weekend I'm updating slash, according to my calculations this will have a total of 15 (give or take) extra downloads. Will WoWI be able to take that :P
09:09.55Cairgah, I don't know, I think you'll be straining the capacity of our servers to their utmost
09:10.29CairI'll talk to Dolby, get him to set the site to low-bandwidth settings in an attempt to keep it running
09:10.55MoonWolfOkay, thanks.
09:11.03CairGlad to be of service!
09:11.06KarlKFIthere's seems to be some conflict with if u used table.insert or table[#]= iriel
09:14.09IrielThe only 'conflict' is if you dont properly manage your table size
09:15.18KarlKFImmm, ok, maybe fir'es playing tricks with my mind by caching stuff..
09:16.15KarlKFIheh... i cant seem to change the value of this table..
09:16.24KarlKFIit's liek i broke it
09:17.09IrielTry installing DevTools and using /dump
09:17.12IrielUnless it's a very big table
09:17.45KarlKFIi doubt that's the problem, AddMessage was returning the same thing
09:18.04KarlKFIi'm reloading to see if i can repro
09:19.40KarlKFIya... i just tried to change a global table and it didn't change :/
09:20.58IrielThen you're doing something else odd
09:21.17KarlKFImust be..
09:21.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Flonne[Azgalor] (
09:21.25KarlKFIworked that time... how odd
09:21.27IrielAny of you lot on the test server right now?
09:21.39IrielThe PVE one, that is
09:22.18KarlKFIheh... nope
09:22.25KarlKFIok this is whack
09:22.29DepheriosI can hop on, if nobody else is.. not doing anything but reading up on stuff...
09:22.51KarlKFIprints "Eclispe" (orig value) then "a"
09:23.06KarlKFIoh wait..
09:23.12KarlKFIOnUpdate hook
09:23.33KarlKFI*smacks head*
09:23.52Flonne[Azgalor]*smacks KarlKFI's head*
09:24.11KarlKFIok.. so unpack stops at the first nil argument?
09:24.36Depheriosreplace the nils in the table?
09:24.54Depheriosbefore they're put in?
09:25.01KarlKFInah, defeats the purpose
09:25.27Irielunpack will go to table.getn
09:25.30Irielif it's set
09:25.42IrielWell,, it goes there anyway, btu the standard definition stops at the first nil
09:25.47KarlKFIand if it's not?
09:25.58Irielfirst nil if it's not
09:26.06Irielwhy blah?
09:26.11IrielYou know how many results you have
09:26.47IrielYou can COUNT them 8-)
09:27.05KarlKFIright, but that defetes the purpose of a one line fix :P
09:27.22Irielyou can count them in one line
09:27.30Irielif you know the MOST you could have
09:29.19Iriellocal n=0;for i=1,20 if tableName[i] then n=i; end end
09:29.29Irielfollowed by table.setn(tableName,n)
09:34.28KarlKFIok, now it works. and yes. i was going crazy with the local no changing the global because i was using a table currently being used for getValue in an OnUpdate hook :/
09:34.55KarlKFIyay for non sterile testing environs
09:35.12KarlKFIcouldn't do it in lua terminal on this compy :/
09:37.14KarlKFIthx for helping me through my arogant stupidity iriel
09:38.45KarlKFIhow's this look:
09:40.28Irielugly but it should work 8-)
09:40.29KarlKFIi dunno if it's really worth all that...
09:41.04Flonne[Azgalor]ok its 5asdfa
09:41.43KarlKFIjust to get "a","b","c", nil, "e" rather than a","b","c", nil, "e" nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil
09:47.38Irielwhat do you think?
09:48.04KarlKFIvery... round
09:48.42Irielyes, they are definitely round
09:49.08IrielYou'd never actually see THAT screen
09:49.21Irielsince I have them fade to invisibility when the unit is at full health and mana
09:49.41Iriel(I still need to code for rage)
09:49.46KarlKFIthen how do u click on them?
09:50.07Irielyou dont
09:50.15Depheriosit looks... like a teddy bear footprint
09:50.26Irielthe idea is so you know how your party is doing wihtout moving your eyes from the battle too much
09:50.33Depheriosor a stuffed gorilla footprint or something
09:51.07IrielIt doesn't have party pets at present, I do need to fix that
09:51.11Depherioscould you cut the party up into segments each a small part of the circle? and space them around the circle?
09:51.12KarlKFIso u use them _with_ the unit frames of your choice, then?
09:51.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Eraphine|DiscoDo (
09:51.28Irielthis particular idea, yes
09:51.46DepheriosI need to run stat rings again, that was helpful... but with SCT, it was just too much
09:52.14IrielI also have the target health in the middle of the player ring at the moment
09:52.18Irielso you can tell who is going to die first
09:52.27Depherioson the party memebers too?
09:52.28IrielI'm not sure how I feel abotu that yet
09:52.33Irielnot presently
09:52.35Irielbut it's possible
09:52.42IrielA bit more overhead involved in that mind you
09:52.56DepheriosI love being able to see the ToT health for my party members..
09:53.04Depherioswell... actually my pet, I care about more
09:54.38Depheriosanybody thought about trying to do something with the tips Blizz has displaying on the load screen? -- oh wait.. duh, UI hasn't loaded yet, can't exactly do much
09:54.48IrielSo, since I run widescreen I've been thinking about sliding the pary members down to the left
09:54.56Irieland pet more to the right
09:55.04IrielDepherios : I looked for them for a bit in GlueXML and couldn't find them
09:55.10IrielDepherios : I didn't look all that hard tho
09:55.20Depheriosyeah, I glanced around, didn't try hard either
09:57.58IrielWell, i;m off to bed
09:58.16DepheriosI thought it was kinda sad though, that the first tip I saw
09:58.17IrielI've uploaded the current dev statrings if you get bored
09:58.21Depherioswas a question I couldn't get answered
09:58.28Cairnight Iriel
09:58.43DepheriosHow to stop casting a spell when you can't move
09:58.54Depherioswithout needing a macro button
09:58.58IrielI can't promiseit'll fit your screen
09:59.10Depherioslol, I run a TRULY bizzare screen, so I'd have to move it anyway
09:59.21Depheriosi have my world frame bumped up big gap at the bottom
09:59.31IrielThere's a single master cluster frame
09:59.41Irielso you can relocate it easily if you're not XML averse
09:59.50Depheriosor just lazy!
10:03.34KarlKFIi keep getting the feeling avoiding gc is killing way too much processing time..
10:18.56Cairsleep time for me
10:19.35KarlKFIya, sounds liek about that time
10:19.41KarlKFInight all
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13:51.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Legorol (
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14:29.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Stylpe (
15:31.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
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17:02.24purlMornings MUST be destroyed! (see also
17:13.48*** join/#wowi-lounge Irishbruin (
17:25.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Trilian (
18:03.27purlMornings MUST be destroyed! (see also
18:03.34kremontetrue that
18:09.45kergothfarming perfect deviate scales is certainly boring and time consuming
18:11.16*** join/#wowi-lounge ToastTheif (
18:12.28kremontewhere do you farm perfect defiate scales?
18:12.40Vizirwailing caverns
18:12.52kremontei don't go there. that place is tainted
18:13.23Vizirquick wow lua question
18:13.48Viziris there a way to find out if a target uses mana or not
18:14.17krkacheck the wowwiki
18:31.39kremontewee bwl time, as i set up my UI
19:01.07*** join/#wowi-lounge age (
19:01.57agecan you use player locations in your UI as an anchor point?
19:02.29kremonteas in your position on the screen? no
19:02.32kremontejust make it middle
19:03.03agenot my position on the screen, the position on the screen of targets
19:03.14agesimilar to nameplates
19:03.46kremontethats the 3d environment
19:07.13krkano access to 3d allowed whatsoever
19:07.56krkadamn it's nice when you notice major improvements in wine
19:08.04krkai managed to get starcraft running quite nicely
19:08.22agecan you determine x/y coordinates of players to simulate it then?
19:08.45kremontenot unless they are in your raid group
19:08.58kremontebut then you still can't get the camera pitch direction and angle
19:09.03kremonteso you really couldnt simulate it either way
19:11.12agei'd like to work on an add-on that would extend nameplates
19:12.29kremonteyou can _not_ interact with the 3d environment
19:14.04ToastTheifanyway, Im out
19:15.27*** join/#wowi-lounge AnduinLothar (
19:17.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (
19:18.14Temdoes anyone know the character code for the "|" character?
19:18.27TemI wanna say it's \125 but that's not quite right
19:18.40AnduinLotharnope, what'da need it for?
19:19.32Temso I can send item links without writing a function to do it
19:19.54Temoh lol
19:20.08kremonteyay, got my onyxia scale cloak
19:25.56Temeasiest way to convert 0-1 color codes into 0-ff hex codes?
19:29.35kremontedo you have photoshop/paintshop Tem?
19:29.59kremonteyou can probably do it with a script, but i just multiplied 255 by the 0-1 number
19:30.11kremontethen put it in photoshop (.5 rounds up)
19:30.15kremonteare you looking for quality colours?
19:30.44Temwell I've got it down to some pretty simple 0-255 hex conversion now
19:30.49Temand that's fairly basic
19:30.54kremonteare you looking for quality colors tho?
19:30.56Temso what I've got is fine
19:31.03TemWell I'm using to get them
19:31.17Tembut I don't feel like storing the or detecting them
19:31.18kremontethat has ITEM_QUALITY_HEXCOLOR
19:31.29TemI'm just using the first line of a hidden tooltip
19:31.35Tem(the color of the line)
19:31.58kremonteugh wtf
19:32.01kremontethis lag is unbearable
19:32.07kremontemy game locks up when we engage vael
19:32.12kremonteliterally 1 frame every 10 seconds...
19:32.17Temthat's awefl
19:33.58kremontemy onupdate blew up...
19:35.25TemI'm scared to ask
19:35.50kremontei had an addon off that i didnt list as a dependency for my mod
19:35.57kremonteso onupdate it was li
19:35.59kremontelike, kaboom
19:36.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Jeebs|So|ZzZ (
19:41.43kremontegotta leave vael
19:41.53kremonteno addons on, all settings minimum
19:41.58kremonteFPS: 0.1
19:45.59kremontehmm, does WoW run well on wine?
19:55.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Sir-Tez (
19:58.40Beladonai have returned
19:59.27Sir-Tezand I've arrived
20:01.33*** join/#wowi-lounge krka (
20:09.41Cideanyone able to help me with a regular expression? :)
20:10.20Mondingaheh, depends on what it is:P
20:10.44Cidedo you know regexps outside of lua string captures?
20:11.18Cideah, won't be able to help then hehe
20:11.31Cidethanks anyways though
20:11.43*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
20:12.09Cideevening here :) do you feel like helping out with a regular expression?
20:12.38Cide(text)? will match text as an optional capture, right?
20:13.52Iriellua's RE's dont have that level of complexity
20:13.59CideI don't mean LUA :)
20:14.23IrielOh, which language are you in then
20:14.27Irielit varies greatly 8-)
20:14.34CidePHP, which I believe uses a perl engine
20:15.01kremontePHP uses POSIX
20:17.47CideI'm trying to match three different types of strings in one regexp, one being "$/[0-9]+;[sxtdhom]", the second one being "$[0-9]*[sxtdhom][0-9]*", the third one being "$L([^:]+):([^;]);"
20:17.51IrielSo yes, according to the posix RE documentation, that expressoin does what you want
20:19.30Irielso '$24;x'  '$m7' and '$LStrange Stuff Indeed:Random other stuff;' ?
20:20.04Cide'$24x', not '$24;x'
20:20.23Cidebut yeah, prety much
20:20.27IrielSorry, I meant $/24;x
20:20.33Iriel(The first pattern)
20:20.33Cideyeah, that would be correct
20:20.53Cideright now I have
20:22.27IrielAre you trying to just match, or are you trying to match AND capture?
20:22.32Cidematch and capture
20:22.51IrielWhat are the captures for the first 2?
20:23.07Cidefirst capture is for the / in '/24x'
20:23.43Cideerr, second capture was supposed to be ([0-9]+|L[^;]+)
20:24.08Cidesecond is for either numbers ('24x' or '31241d') or for the L up to behind the semicolon
20:24.41Cidethen use the third capture to finish off if it was Lstr:str; or to get the letter and any ending numbers otherwise
20:29.32Vizirwhen i use UnitBuff("target",1) i get Interface\Icons\Spell_Nature_Regeneration, is that buff-texture accurate and unique for MotW?
20:30.42Cidegotw has it too
20:31.00Viziris there a list of what textures match which buffs?
20:31.28CideI have a listing of all the ones CTRA uses, but other than that, I don't think so
20:31.50Viziris that in ctra code?
20:31.57Viziror do you have it seperately
20:31.59CideCT_RASets.lua I believe
20:32.05CideCT_RA_BuffTextures (a table)
20:32.13Vizirthat helps a lot
20:32.20Vizira lot less testing :P
20:34.19Viziri see that ctra also has the time associated with that spell
20:34.56Viziris it possible to see which spell has been case just by the texture?
20:35.09Viziror maybe another function call
20:37.33Cidewhat do you mean?
20:37.56IrielHere: [\$](?:(?:/([0-9]+);([sxtdhom]))|([0-9]*)([sxtdhom])([0-9]*)|(?:L([^:]+):([^;]);))
20:38.04IrielPretty isn't it?
20:38.13Cidelet me try it
20:38.38IrielCaptures 1&2 are the first case, 3,4&5 are the 2nd, and 6&7 are the 3rd case
20:38.52Irielso just check which of 1,3 or 6 is defiend
20:38.55Irieldefined, even
20:39.10Cidedoesn't seem to work with PHP
20:39.33IrielHm, there's a bug actually in what I just copied, one moment
20:40.19CideUnknown modifier '('
20:42.00IrielLet me test it in php
20:42.09Iriel(Works in perl)
20:42.17CideI'm using preg_match_all
20:42.35Cidepreg_match_all("/[\$](?:(?:/([0-9]+);([sxtdhom]))|(?:([0-9]*)([sxtdhom])([0-9]*))|(?:L([^:]+):([^;]);))/", $str, $arr);
20:42.48Cide$str holding the string to parse
20:44.55*** join/#wowi-lounge RasmusKL (
20:46.13IrielHm, helpful error message that
20:46.24Cideyeah, really
20:48.01Cideyou have ?:/
20:48.15Cidechanged to (\\/ and it works
20:49.05IrielDoes it match everything right?
20:50.51Cideseems like it
20:51.12Cideactually, not quite
20:51.30Cideit matched "$/24;h" out of "$/24;h3"
20:52.15IrielYou didn't give me numbers after the semicolon then letter
20:52.29IrielIn your list of RE's earlier
20:52.39*** join/#wowi-lounge RedcXe (
20:52.43Cidetrue, sorry
20:52.48IrielJust stick a ([0-9]*) in the appropriate place
20:53.10Irielie. ...hom])([0-9]*))|(?:...
20:54.45Cidedidn't match $Labc:def; at all
20:56.13kremontewhich zep at gromgol goes to org?
20:56.18kremonteim taking the zep on my 60 gnome
20:56.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Trilian (
20:56.34Cidethe one to the south
20:56.56kremontetheyre east and west o_o
20:57.02kremontethe once facing the ocean?
20:57.21Cideare you sure?
20:57.22kremonteoh, that is south
20:57.25RedcXehi kremonte
20:57.27kremontedamn horde!
20:57.29kremontehi alex :o
20:57.45kremontecot just downed vael and guess who wasnt there, just like razorgore
20:57.52RedcXepwned B)
20:58.08RedcXedid you get any water essence?
20:58.26kremontei have 2, but i need 6 for my trinket
20:58.34kremontewoot, zeppelin taking off for org
20:58.47Cidegot it to work Iriel, thanks a lot
20:58.57kremontei need you to put my trevor mod in ctra
20:58.57Cideya kremonte
20:59.04Sir-Tezwhat server are you folks on?
20:59.09Cide<- Alleria
20:59.18RedcXeshould i just buy the essence?
20:59.23Cideheh, ratrevor is scary
20:59.32kremonteisnt ratrevor not in it anymore?
20:59.48kremontewait, is that a no its not in it, or no it is not not in it
21:00.10*** join/#wowi-lounge AnduinLothar (
21:00.13RedcXegive me your essence of water
21:00.18kremontehi hi karl
21:00.27RedcXei dont wanna buy it if im gonna buy the felcloth
21:00.27kremontealex, DL
21:00.33RedcXei did yesterday
21:01.12kremonteall the guards aggroed me
21:01.28kremontedid you test it?
21:01.32RedcXedid felcloth go down?
21:01.38kremontehavent been to the AH
21:01.44RedcXehello i was here yesterday foo
21:01.45kremontebeen killing people naked in BB after i left from vael
21:01.47IrielCide : Yay 8-)
21:01.47RedcXewith the dancing trevor
21:01.52kremonteoh yeah
21:01.55kremonteohhh yeah
21:02.07IrielAny of you logged into the PVE test server?
21:02.08kremontelol free flight to orgrimmar
21:02.18RedcXeyoure gonna die
21:02.25RedcXethe second you zone in some shaman is gonna pwn you
21:02.33kremonteim running around in durotar
21:02.47Iriellet me rephrase that question actually
21:02.47kremonteKil mog Throm'ka
21:02.51IrielAny of you logged into the PVE test server as alliance
21:02.53AnduinLotharwow... i leave for 2 days and now i have 5000 emails..
21:02.59RedcXekrem is the drop rate on felcloth really bad?
21:03.15CideIriel: horde, sorry :)
21:03.28kremontenot too bad, alex
21:03.34kremontejust pull like 3 at a time in jaedenar
21:03.36RedcXe12 is still a lot though
21:03.38RedcXeid rather buy it
21:03.46RedcXehello i dont aoe anymore
21:03.59RedcXeand id die with 3
21:04.01kremontepull 3 at a time, FN do your CoC crit thing, silly mage
21:04.04RedcXeits not like the mobs are low lvl
21:04.14kremontein jaedenar? theyre like 45 or something
21:04.16RedcXeill just buy it
21:04.18kremontelike 50
21:04.32RedcXei can spare 20g
21:05.43IrielI do like running into people I known on test
21:05.53IrielIt's got a great 'converging' effect
21:06.27IrielOk, StatRings question for you all
21:06.36IrielRight now I have the health and mana rings fading independently
21:06.42kremonteomg, i just got DCed as i was dequipping my stormrager, and now it's gone
21:06.46IrielWould it be less confusing if the rings faded together?
21:06.49kremontefading, iriel?
21:06.53Iriel(i.e. both or neither are visible)
21:07.06IrielWhen you get to full health or mana, they fade away so they dont get in the way
21:07.34kremontei'd say it'd be less confusing for them to fade together, but i'm not completely sure (i don't use statrings)
21:07.41CideI as a priest would like them to fade away independently
21:08.05Cideon raid bosses where I have full health all the time (I don't get hit), I still want to be aware of my mana
21:08.24IrielBut would you midn seeing your health ring too?
21:08.52Irielif I faded them together they'd only be visible if BOTH were full
21:09.02Irielinvisible, even
21:09.03CideI wouldn't mind, but it wouldn't matter much
21:09.10Cidesince that just tells me I don't have to worry about it
21:09.24TemIriel, you on test atm?
21:09.36IrielTest PVE, yes
21:09.39Cideif it's fully visible all the time I would have to make sure it stays full, otherwise I just have to see a change in opacity to have to begin to worry
21:09.45kremonteIriel - make it changeable?
21:10.07Temheh that's my solution to things I can't decide about, I make it an option
21:10.16kremonteRedcXe, you see that server message?
21:10.24kremontethats why i got DCed and teleported to STV
21:10.34TemTip: If you enjoyed playing with someone, put them on your friends list!
21:10.35kremonte[SERVER] Restarting to recover Kalimdor
21:11.17RedcXei was just about to go farm
21:11.28RedcXew/e ill farm the felcloth
21:12.45Temmental note: don't make a lot of fundamental changes to an addon while sitting in traffic, it's hell to debug
21:13.01AnduinLotharsitting in traffic?
21:13.04Irielversion control can save the day, sometimes
21:15.07TemWell last night I got stuck in traffic on the interstate
21:15.10*** mode/#WoWI-lounge [+o Beladona] by Cair|sleep
21:15.15Temer, two nights ago
21:15.36Temtraffic wasn't moving, so I pulled out my laptop and started hacking away
21:15.48Temnow I have to go check my FrameXML log...
21:21.18kremonteomg hahahah
21:21.26kremontei was in org for a full 2 minutes
21:22.19*** join/#wowi-lounge ToastTheif (
21:25.13RedcXeWARSONG DIED
21:25.26kremonterestarting, nub
21:25.32kremonteomg that was great
21:25.38kremonte1min45s in org
21:28.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Industrial (
21:30.28kremonteestarted me back at razor hill
21:30.35kremonteand i was in org getting to me body
21:30.42RedcXeserver back?
21:31.13RedcXexfire is cool
21:31.19RedcXethey have a thing now that lets you take screenshots
21:31.24RedcXeand auto upload them to their servers
21:31.30RedcXeunder your profile
21:31.52RedcXei like it
21:33.54AnduinLothareep. up to 60mb... while auction scanning
21:34.09Temthat's a bit much
21:34.58AnduinLotharincreasing rate at 190kps lol
21:35.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Flonne[Azgalor] (
21:35.27Industrial15MB here
21:35.41Industrialim using perl unit frames =[
21:35.46Industrialn ymbias..
21:37.23krkai forgot, which one is the badly coded one?
21:37.30*** part/#wowi-lounge Beladona (
21:39.16kremontewe need a cs mapper to make de_ironforge
21:39.27kremonteT's (horde) plant the bomb in kings room, and magni is a hostage =O
21:40.51TemI dunno about poorly coded because I've never looked at any UF's code (excluding Watchdog's), but I rather like my own hacked up version of Watchdog
21:43.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Beladona (
21:43.58*** mode/#WoWI-lounge [+o Beladona] by Cair
21:50.29kremonteanyone have a horde toon on warsong
21:50.38kremonteor can make one :P
21:50.45BeladonaI am tempted
21:50.49kremontei need someone to tell these guys outside org not to kill me
21:50.52Beladonabeen in the mood to make a new toon lately
21:51.20kremontei was sitting outside org you know, chatting
21:51.26kremontethe whole language barrier thing is behind us
21:51.30CairennBela, do me a favour, please? drop out of channel then rejoin, please?
21:51.35kremonteand then this one guy rudely comes up and kills me
21:51.38Cairenntrying to get you set up for auto-op
21:51.40*** part/#wowi-lounge Beladona (
21:51.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Beladona (
21:52.09Cairennkergoth:  you there?
21:52.13*** mode/#WoWI-lounge [+o Beladona] by Cairenn
21:52.59BeladonaI saw the message that I was added to the access list, so it should have worked
21:53.15Cairennnaw, it's being stupid
21:53.24AnduinLotharif i turn on Sea debugging with about 200 OnUpdate hooks it rocks the kb/s up to 300
21:54.55AnduinLotharsorry 20* hooks
21:58.45*** part/#wowi-lounge Beladona (
21:59.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Beladona (
21:59.52*** part/#wowi-lounge Beladona (
22:00.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Beladona (
22:00.49ToastTheif --
22:00.56ToastTheifi want that *
22:00.59*** mode/#WoWI-lounge [+o Beladona] by Cairenn
22:01.02ToastTheiffucking laptop
22:01.14ToastTheifIm getting my computer monday :)
22:01.30ToastTheifit arrived at the local FedEx today, but they closed already =/
22:01.43kremonteif youre on mirc you can do on 1:join:#wowi-lounge:{ if $nick == "Beladona" { mode #wowi-lounge +o beladona } } i think
22:01.53kremontehavent scripted in a while thugh, and cs should work ;(
22:04.31Beladonawas trying to auto-op but it isn't behaving
22:04.41Beladonathat or it doesn't like me
22:13.11Industriali just made a mage
22:13.15Industrialso, let me get this straight
22:13.38Industrialyou can use a skill that costs mana to make an item that gives you back 7 time sthe mana that the skill costs?
22:14.27Industrialhah hows that for almost no downtime o_O
22:15.00IrielIndustrial : Cooldowns
22:15.01kremonteand mages make water.. but wah wah i dont wanna make water because im making 8 stacks of water for a 40 man raid
22:20.56kremonteHow much I own Orgrimmar: 6 guards killed, 3 60's killed, more than a dozen 50+'s killed, and countless level 1-40's killed, longest stay: 6 minutes 23 seconds
22:21.19AnduinLotharum... why
22:21.29AnduinLotharif u say so
22:21.38Beladonapushing the boundaries
22:21.48kremontefor half of that my equip consisted of:
22:21.58kremontefirst mate hat, black swashbuckler's shirt, mining pick
22:27.10Temkremonte: really, as a mage, making water @$!%ing sucks
22:29.18kremontei know it sucks
22:29.24kremontebut to mages have to whine about it so much?
22:29.36Temseriously, yes
22:29.41kremontei know, 4 water per cast sucks, but you're not making 300 stacks every raid are you?
22:29.48Temyes I am
22:29.53kremonte300 stacks?
22:29.58Tem300 waters
22:30.02Temtakes 20 minutes
22:30.10AnduinLotharjust make an ActionQueue for it and spin in circles
22:30.29Beladonait sucks, but would you rather your raid be without water, and ultimatley suck?
22:30.33TemAnd that's with 2 druids innervating me when their timers come up
22:31.03kremontethe only reason to come to a raid with 0 water would be you just logged on, alsoyou have until everyone gets summoned and buffed
22:31.25TemBecause water is such a pain to make I make it as I need it
22:31.33Temso I rarely have more than 5-6 waters on me
22:31.40kremonteit's not fun but neither is going out and farming for an hour before a raid to summon people and make stones
22:31.56kremontei think everyone can agree that 4 water per cast sucks, theyre making it 10 in 1.9 right?
22:32.05Temyeah that sucks too, but that's why people should just get off their lazy asses and running themselves
22:32.21kremonteexactly, thats why people should get off their lazy asses and buy some water
22:32.40Temyou can't buy anything as good as the mage water
22:32.53Tem(excluding the expensive Argent Dawn water)
22:32.54kremontemoonberry juice is good enough imo /shrug
22:32.59kremontemaybe not for healers
22:33.01Temyou must be a hunter
22:33.11Temclose enough, you can eat your health
22:33.31kremonteyeah but that means you only really need to make water for a couple healers and yourself
22:33.52TemI wish
22:34.07Beladonaneed to wait and see how increasing to 10 per cast will affect it
22:34.07Temanyway, the 10 per cast next patch will probably be fine
22:34.13Beladonamight not be as bad
22:34.20kremonte300 waters still takes awhile
22:34.34kremontebut it cuts it in more than half
22:34.45Temthey also reduced the casting cose
22:34.52Beladona74 casts down to 30
22:35.14Beladonaerr 75 casts, my bad
22:35.17kremontei think the *hardcore* whiners is what pisses me off
22:35.21Tem"Time is money, friend"
22:35.28kremonteposting "1.9 wont change it" yada yada
22:35.37TemI hadn't seen those
22:35.45TemI typically ignore the forums
22:35.51Beladonaall you can do is ignore those fools
22:36.06Beladonathey will not be happy until they can summon 300 waters in 2 seconds using 4 mana
22:36.33TemI still visit the UI forums only because there are still a few non-retarded people left there
22:37.00Beladonabecause most ui developers tend to think of solutions to problems more than just the problems
22:37.11kremontethe forums are whats really bad, and i think a lot of thojse people give classes a bad name
22:37.33Beladonaand a lot of people that read the forums jump on the bandwagon
22:37.36Temalthough the UI forums has become a hotbed of people going "kun joo tel wut MOD 2 use?"
22:37.40Beladonawithout really having their own opinion
22:37.49kremontethats so true, Beladona
22:38.04kremontein stockades at 27 a mage was whining when the priest asked for water
22:38.08BeladonaI prefer the people that take the time to post hard numbers
22:38.09kremonte"omg what you think im a vending machine?"
22:38.25TemNo mage should whine about making water until they are 60
22:38.30Beladonathe priest should say, ok fine, but I will wine when you need healing
22:38.44Temit wasn't a problem while leveling because could get it to make more than 2 per cast
22:39.05Temwow my typing is terrible today
22:39.48Tembtw you should watch the video I posted... I find it most humorous
22:40.08kremonteive seen a lot of those water videos
22:40.17Temthere are more?
22:40.20kremontelike the one with the mage running around making water in the middle of scholo
22:40.23kremontewas that that one?
22:40.32BeladonaI see it this way. Constructive complaints in the forums are the only way to get things changed
22:40.33Temthis is one a flash animation
22:40.44Temit's a PSA parody
22:40.45Beladonanot whining for hours to people that really could care less
22:40.46kremontea lot of mage think theyre making constructive posts though
22:40.49kremonteand make 2 page whines
22:41.18Beladonafew people nowadays understand how to "test" a problem
22:41.25kremonteNo other class has ANY problems! Mages have too many. For one, make all cassts uninteruptable, and let us move while casting our fireballs. Rogues can hit us and interrupt it, it's lame.
22:41.27Beladonaand post feedback
22:41.57Beladonamages come across pretty powerful
22:42.01Beladonato some classes
22:42.09BeladonaI can speak from experience as a warrior
22:42.23kremontegood mages can kick my ass
22:42.23TemI don't think mages specifically have any real problems
22:42.32TemCasters in general have some problems
22:42.34kremontei was surprised when my friend specced frost, he crits more often than me for more damage
22:42.40kremonteyeah, mages post like
22:42.49kremonte"Mages have so many problems that priests don't!" what about me :(
22:43.07TemThose are the posts you need to ignore
22:43.18kremontehard though since almost all of the posts are :P
22:43.20Beladonait is missing all of the details
22:43.33kremontelike, the itemization thing
22:43.46BeladonaI can't stand the people that compare classes on a flat plane
22:43.49kremontei was talking to a warrior in my guild, he had a little more STR than i did spell damage, but he has better gear
22:43.52TemPart of the itemization problem seems to target mages
22:44.03Tem(well some fire mages anyway)
22:44.05Beladonanot taking into account the class specific roles and needs
22:44.06kremonteso assuming str == +spell damage... well he also has 22% crit and a crapload of AP
22:44.15kremonteTem - destruction locks :P
22:44.32Temis that fire damage?
22:44.39kremontedestruction is our "fire" tree
22:44.58Temthe point was that significant fire damage mitigation could be obtained without sacrificing stats at all
22:45.18kremontebut resists are an entirely different thing than itemization IMO
22:45.21Temthat FR was spread a little too liberally on the end game gear
22:45.33BeladonaI wonder how socketed items will affect that
22:45.47kremontea weapon upgrade can significantly increases a warriors DPS, if I want a weapon to do that i'd have to get a mageblade with spell power, or that new AQ warlock dagger
22:45.55Temthe real itemization problem comes from just that
22:46.17Temmelee can increase their dps by stacking stats
22:46.37Temcasters must stack spell damage (and give up a significant amount of stats) to increase dps
22:46.48kremontebut like, if they made it so for example, INT increases spell damage, then priests and mages benefit but warlocks dont (int is worthless for warlocks)
22:46.51IrielOpinion question from you all:
22:47.06TemBTW if you are a lock and you like to stack spell damage, get a hold of some Flarecore Leggings
22:47.18Beladonamelee tend to have less mitigation to spell dmg than melee though
22:47.28kremontei'm working on mats for those right now, tem :P
22:47.50TemI'm getting a pair for my mage asap
22:48.05TemI'll put +120 mana on em or something
22:48.18kremontei got my onyxia scale cloak today
22:48.24Beladonaso when comparing melee dmg to spell dmg, you have to take into account mitigation values
22:48.45TemBeladona: that's a good point too
22:49.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Plorkyeran (
22:49.14kergothIriel: looks pretty nice.  though for some reason my mind expects health on the left, not sure why, and thats my problem :)
22:49.17Temoh and they need to fix the frostspells being bugged asap
22:49.38kremontesame as kergoth, health on left is more logical
22:49.40Temall frost spells are binary
22:49.46Plorkyeranthat would require that they care about fixing mages
22:49.49kremontei didnt know that was a bug
22:49.51Irielkergoth : Flipping them would be easy, so I can make that an option
22:49.58Plorkyeranit isn't a bug
22:49.59TemIriel: yeah, health on the left.
22:50.07Cairennoooo, Iriel, I *like*
22:50.09Plorkyeranjust very stupid design
22:50.25kremontesaying "blizzard doesnt care about mages" doesnt solve anything
22:50.32Beladonathey care
22:50.40Beladonalook at it from a prject management standpoint
22:50.40kremontei think the fact that all frost spells have a snare could attribute to why they are binary
22:50.47kremontei wish all my fire spells had a snare
22:51.04kremontelol, i wish i had any snare that didnt require a talent 3/4 down a tree, but ill live
22:51.04Beladonafocusing on one or two classes per major class makes more sense from that standpoint
22:51.10Plorkyeranthat's exactly why they're binary
22:51.11Beladonaper major patch I mean
22:51.26Temthat makes no sence
22:51.39kremontewell, you have to ask
22:51.39Tem(the binary because of snare)
22:51.46PlorkyeranI wish I had a snare that didn't force me to stand in one spot
22:51.46kremonteif you got a partial resist, do they get the full snare?
22:52.06kremontesee that wouldnt be 100% fair IMO
22:52.07Plorkyeranthe problem is that the snare is considered the primary effect
22:52.12Plorkyeranand the damage a side effect
22:52.15kremontenah it's not
22:52.25kremonteif it was then you wouldnt have those crit%+ and crit dmg+ talents
22:52.28Beladonasnare should never be aprt of a side affect
22:52.54TemI'd just as soon do away with the snare
22:52.56kremontesee now since resista re 25% 50% 75% 100% then imo that should be how much it snares, but that would be harder
22:53.00Plorkyeranwhy can't those effect side affects?
22:53.02kremonte(to code)
22:53.30TemI'm only speced frost for the mana efficiency
22:53.32Beladonanot really. If they set snare to a hard number, and then do the percentage off of that
22:53.45Beladonapercentage of mitigation would correlate directly to the snare
22:53.48kremontebut then
22:53.51kremonteif you hit a 50% fb
22:54.01kremontethen a 25% one, they keep the 50% snare? does the snare timer reset?
22:54.08Beladonagood point
22:54.16Temin that case I think it should stack
22:54.30kremontethen you could snre frostbolts and get an insta root
22:54.40kremontebecause if youre frost thats all youre mainly casting
22:54.57Beladonastack to a maximum of 100% the original snare value of the spell
22:55.01Beladonanever over
22:55.08kremontethat works
22:55.13kremontebut then how would the timer work/
22:55.25Temsame way the timer works with sunder armor
22:55.32kremonte(dont know how that works)
22:55.40kremonteall i really play is my lock
22:55.41Beladonastacks to a maximum
22:55.50kremonteduration-wise, i mean
22:56.01Plorkyeranit resets to full duration every time you add another sunder
22:56.14Plorkyeranand the entire effect wears off at once
22:56.31kremontedoes it reset right now?
22:56.36Beladonasunder is a perfect example of how it should be modeled
22:56.54TemAnother thing that really peeves me is my CoC snare is stronger than my frostbolt snare
22:57.13Temso if I hit with CoC then hit with a frostbolt it ignores the frostbolt's snare
22:57.16Beladonamakes it a tradeoff to use one of the other
22:57.28Temso I have no way to reset that cooldown
22:57.37Tem(excluding amazing timing)
22:57.54Beladonasome blizz decisions seem weird
22:58.05BeladonaI am sure they have a deep down reason
22:58.19TemIMO the buffs should stack but the effects shouldn't
22:58.37Temdebuffs rather
22:58.42Beladonafrostbolt was one of those that other classes hated for a long time
22:58.46kremontejust got a
22:59.00Beladonastacking might bring that back
22:59.05Temnot going for a mageblade?
22:59.18kremontei have -300 DKP or something
22:59.40AnduinLotharthink yatlas likes throwing CLayoutFrame errors int he wow client..
22:59.48kremonteyeah, -560 DKP
23:00.14TemI have like 25
23:00.22Tem(we just started using it)
23:00.36kremontelook how long it took me to get felheart
23:01.09TemI got a the other day... I'm still in the "new toy" phase with it
23:01.29IrielHow about this:
23:01.29kremontenice o_o
23:01.37kremontelove it, Iriel
23:02.03kergothreally nice
23:02.24AnduinLotharthose for target or pet?
23:02.28krkarings suck, squares RULE!
23:02.40TemIriel: I like it
23:02.41IrielI'm probably going to put a bar along the edge of the health bar for 'target'
23:02.55IrielI'm torn on whether I care about target mana
23:03.07Iriel(I mean, I DO care, but how much)
23:03.11kergothme too.  either hide it or cut the alpha to some low value when not in combat... use a combo point counter addon..
23:03.17kergothwould be nice
23:03.38AnduinLotharI've been toying with an overlay idea on the normal unit frames
23:03.44kremonteluci and magmadar down in 35 minutes o_O
23:03.49krkasorry if this is a question that would be real easy to answer just by googling, but do your circle thingies have a friendly dev API?
23:03.55AnduinLotharoverlay target hp/mp on to of the unit's hp/mp with an alpha
23:04.12AnduinLotharit has no api yet afaik krka
23:04.16BeladonaI hate to take ideas and modify, but I was thinking of applying the rings idea around unit pictures, and removing their bars
23:04.18IrielShould I rotate the party member frames?
23:04.22krkalike just making an xml-thingy inheriting a ring, and then using object:SetRadius() and stuff like that?
23:04.30Irielkrka: yes, they have an API (And always have had actually)
23:04.35IrielThat's the main reason I wrote it 8-)
23:04.42IrielFor the circle rendering, that is
23:04.50AnduinLotharir, make um user rotatable
23:04.50IrielAssuming that's what you meant
23:05.17krkawell, for making circle handling as easy as any frame handling
23:05.19Irielkrka : Well, you have to create a frame (You can inherit my template) and gie it textures...
23:05.25AnduinLothargrab my minimap button rotation trig and use it to calculate dynamic radius and angle of display iriel
23:05.26IrielThen you just call :SetAngle(270)
23:05.30krkasetting size, offset, value, et.c.
23:05.31Irielor :SetAngle(135, 27)
23:05.39Irielor :SetAngle(0.2, 7)
23:05.40Irielor whatever
23:06.00IrielAnduinLothar : This would eat your minimap trig for breakfast already 8-)
23:06.01kergothBeladona: an addon that does that already exists :)
23:06.14AnduinLotharright, i know
23:06.24IrielThe inspiration for my ring API was so Rte could re-do the unit frames with rings
23:06.27AnduinLothari meant mak it adjustable by dragging
23:06.41IrielHm, that'd be interesting, dragging
23:06.45AnduinLotharradius and rotation
23:06.56IrielI'd just have to add the code
23:06.59krkatrig is seriously overused, though in this case I can see the benefits
23:07.01Irielradius would have to be 'scaling'
23:07.04TemOk time to go
23:07.09TemI'll see everyone later
23:07.13AnduinLotharmmm, u could do scaling or distance
23:07.26Irielyou can't go distance,because of the textures, you have to scale
23:07.26AnduinLotharif u use scalign than the bars increase in width
23:07.39Irielunless I want to supply an infinite number of bars
23:07.48krkado that!
23:07.49IrielI have 2 widths right now
23:08.16kremonteTOEP just dropped O_O
23:08.24TemOff who?
23:08.36kremontelol second drop for our guild, 4 months of MC
23:09.01krkatotem of evil primenumber?
23:09.02Temsounds like I will be hoarding DKP to get that the first time it drops for us
23:09.12kremontetalisman of ephemeral power
23:09.14TemTalisman of Ephemeral Power
23:09.19krkaclose enough
23:09.22TemOnly the best mage trinket in the game
23:09.25kremontespell damage+175 for 15sec
23:09.29kremonteWARLOCK TRINKET TOO sdfjnkljfn
23:09.34Temexcuse me... s/mage/caster/
23:09.59TemIt's my opinion that the "dps" warlocks are just wannbe mages
23:10.11AnduinLothaririel, the trig is unimportant. i just meant ull have to enable an onupdate updater that grabs the mouse location and stores a relative position and then apply the change from that position to the initial orientation data and then apply new orientation data
23:10.13Tembut that's another issue
23:10.15kremontewarlock just got toep :p
23:10.17krkaand dps mages are just wannabe hunters
23:10.24Legorolhi krka
23:10.28krkahi Legorol
23:10.32Legoroli see you stumbled onto this channel too ;-)
23:10.42krkahm, I even think I got here before you :P
23:10.43Temkrka: rofl... I've NEVER been out dpsed by a hunter
23:10.55Temanyway, time to go eat
23:10.57kremonteid cry if i was outdpsed by a hunter
23:10.57Tembye everyone
23:11.03Cideour GL is #1 on DPS every fight (hunter) pretty much
23:11.05Temkremonte: yeah me too
23:11.14kremontewell it depends
23:11.22krkawhich is sad, since hunters is designed for that :/
23:11.23Temwell in MC I don't care that's different
23:11.28kremontehunter loot NEVER drops
23:11.35kremonteim serious
23:11.38Tembah! distractions!
23:11.40kremontei havent seen one GS drop
23:11.40CideI mean in BWL
23:11.40Temfood time!
23:11.42*** part/#wowi-lounge Tem (
23:11.43krkaall loot is hunter loot!
23:11.44Cideno Tem! stay!
23:12.26Legorolhe probably tried IRClient:GetParent():GetChild():getfenv():index(nil) or some such nonsense and crashed it ;-)
23:12.39Cideprobably :P
23:13.00Cairennkrka: yes, you were here before Legorol, since he was being lame and not logging on for a while there :p
23:13.00kremontea pally could have gotten toep. tats funny
23:13.23kremontetome of ephemeral power
23:13.27LegorolCairenn, i resent those allegations! I logged in as soon as you PM-d me
23:13.29kremontespell damage+175 for 15 sec, 90sec cooldown
23:13.32LegorolI know, i know
23:13.35krkamaybe I shouldn't be here though, since I don't have any clue anymore about current wow status
23:13.59Legorolif that was a requirement, lot of people shouldn't be here ... i wouldn't worry about it
23:14.13Cairennbah, stay krka :)
23:14.22LegorolThis channel is going to make #cosmostesters deserted :(
23:14.23CairennI almost never play any more myself
23:14.50Cairenncosmos and ace channels will still be around for those things specific to them
23:14.57Cairennthis is just nice for generic
23:14.59AnduinLotharstill have just as many people, they're just all idle
23:15.06krkaah, I'm not the only one not playing then?
23:15.08krkagood good
23:15.22Cairennkrka: heck no
23:15.24krkaanyone know anything about this whitelist/blacklist I've been seeing?
23:15.33Legorolonly speculations..
23:15.35kremontehow do you ont play wow but admin a site for it o_o
23:15.38Cairennre Blizz?
23:16.05Legoroli am sure we will find out soon enough
23:16.14Legoroli fear for the worst though :(
23:16.14Cairennit's all speculation so far on how blizz is going to impliment their whitelist/blacklist
23:16.26Cairennthey are keeping it tight to their chests
23:16.31Legorolblacklist can never work... so they can only go for whitelist if they are desperate, which will kill development
23:16.41Legorolunless they come up with a way to develop without the need for whitelisting
23:16.47Cairenn*I* can't even get a whiff of it, that's how tight they are holding it
23:16.54krkathe idea that some functions are blacklisted and some are whitelisted may work though
23:17.14Irielkrka : not really
23:17.26IrielNot without some complex blessing mechanism based on code entrypoints and execution path
23:17.33Irielwhich LUA doesn't have the capability to do
23:17.35Cairennlol Legorol
23:18.01CairennOne thing I *can* see them doing is authorizing certain *sites*
23:18.06krkathey could make sure an addon can't both cast spells and gather data
23:18.11krkaand make sure addons can't communicate
23:18.28Legorolwell one thing they can do is require whitelisting for some restricted set of API and have the rest neutral
23:18.33Beladonaits all conjecture from here
23:18.34Legorolthat would allow a degree of testing
23:18.47Cairennyup, it's completely conjecture until they bring it out
23:18.48IrielCome on though, how is that workable
23:18.52Beladonamy guess
23:18.56Irielwe'd just hook the innards of a 'blessed' addon adn be off
23:19.05Beladonais that they will implement something like the phpbb developers have
23:19.06LegorolI don't think any form of blacklisting ever works though, can you guys/gals see a way?
23:19.12krkaor, they could make special dev-servers (kinda like test) where everything is legal
23:19.18Beladonamod validation
23:19.26IrielThis is how I see it..
23:19.27Legorolkrka, that'd be a good thign actually
23:19.32Legorolactually it wouldn't :D
23:19.35AnduinLotharany way they do it it'll be a pain and a half for us..
23:20.02kremonteincreasing rate is 56kb/s
23:20.08krkaIriel: they could totally make sure addons can't reach eachother
23:20.09Beladonaanyone looked at the pub files in the detault blizzard addons
23:20.16kremontewhat the hell is lagging me so much
23:20.17IrielYou can't do it at the 'addon level' without forcing all addons to go through certification, which woulkdn't happen
23:20.23Legorolkrka, only if they separated the global namespace
23:20.29Legoroland that would mess up so many things
23:20.47LegorolBeladona: looked, yes, deciphered, no :-)
23:20.50kergothtoo drastic a change, i couldnt see them doing that at this point
23:20.54krkaindeed, everything would break
23:21.01Cairennobviously there is going to be that list that they have been talking about for a while
23:21.08krkatoo drastic? blizzard won't be afraid to break all current addons
23:21.09Beladonamy guess is that the pub files are signature files specific to those addons
23:21.11Cairenn"this is okay" "that isn't"
23:21.13kremontewhat gives me a much higher memory usage (as far as UI goes)? what could?
23:21.16AnduinLotharany way to compare a function to see if it's the same funciton i assigned it to?
23:21.18Beladonaand will be required for future approved addons
23:21.23Legorolwell we have strings in GlueXML with "this addon is banned" or some such already, right?
23:21.25krkaf1 == f2?
23:21.28Legorolso that points that something is coming
23:21.38Cairennkremonte: you've tried TraceEvent, right?
23:21.41AnduinLotharya kra, it's not working for dynamicly defined functions
23:21.52krkacan you pastebin an example?
23:21.57IrielAnduinLothar : It works perfectly for all functions
23:21.58LegorolAnduinLothar, what's a dynamicaly defined function?
23:21.59AnduinLotharya sec
23:22.04kremontei cant really install a mod right now, i'm in MC and my server has a big queue
23:22.12IrielAnduinLothar : Just remember that x= function() end and y=function() end are different objects
23:22.19Cairennwell, when you can, try that
23:22.23IrielAnduinLothar  x=function() end; y=x; however, are the same
23:22.31kremontei get like 30fps, but as soon as we enter battle i get HUGE lag
23:22.37krkaindeed, you can't except to check if two functions are functionally equivalent
23:22.44Legorolkremonte, any AddOns you have that parse the combat log?
23:22.48krkathat would be to solve the halting problem or something :
23:23.00kremontedoes SCT do that?
23:23.05kremontei jsut disabled it
23:23.12Legorolit does, but SCT is well-behaved afaik
23:23.13kremonteit just started happening today though
23:23.24Cairennwhat did you install new? :p
23:23.42Beladonadinner, bbs
23:23.44Legorolbah, this channel is taking me away from levelling my latest char :-)
23:24.02CodayusIf I had to make a blind guess, I'd blame unit frames.  Or failing that, action bars.  :-)
23:24.20Legorolspeaking of bars, anyone aware of any problems with bar mods in 1.9?
23:24.25kremontei turned off everything, increasing rate is really low now... hope it stays that way (all i have on now is ctra and titan)
23:24.39kremontewtf, increasing rate went up to 10kb/s again
23:24.42Legoroli don't have anything definite yet but our BarOptions seems to have some issues
23:24.51LegorolI was just wondering if anyone encountered anything with the bars
23:25.11AnduinLotharleg, there's issues with the highlighting getting stuck and cooldown count not working
23:25.12IrielAnduinLothar : You create a new function every time you call that
23:25.24IrielAnduinLothar You'd need to cache them by database ID
23:25.32krkathus, they can never be equal
23:25.34IrielSince that's the only thing that changes
23:26.09AnduinLotharso i'd have to make a database and assign the hook to the database function and then check the function against the database?
23:26.39LegorolAnduinLothar, that code you pasted, will always evaluate to "false" at the comparison
23:26.46AnduinLotharright, i've noticed
23:27.37Legoroland yes, the highlight/CC are the issues i was thinking of
23:27.44krkaI think Iriel means something like that
23:27.57krka(pastebin is like the greatest thing ever!)
23:28.18LegorolAnduinLothar, what are you trying to achieve?
23:28.43AnduinLotharcheck if the function has been hooked since i hooked it
23:29.23Legorolsince Sea uses the same handler for all hooks,
23:29.36Legorolyou can just do: if ( someFunction == Sea.util.hookHandler ) then ...
23:29.47AnduinLotharit embeds the function name
23:29.57AnduinLotharso it can grab it from the database
23:30.20Legorolyes but when you are hooking, you assign hookHandler to the function
23:30.33AnduinLotharu assign a lamba function
23:30.46Legoroloh, then you must've changed it recently :-)
23:30.55AnduinLotharalways been liek that
23:31.11AnduinLotharthere's no way to get the current function name from within a function
23:31.22Legoroloh i see
23:31.39Legorolwhy do you need to create a closure when you are hooking?
23:31.48Legorolwhy can't you just directly assign hookHandler to the function in question?
23:31.53LegorolSea.util.setValue(orig,function(a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,a7,a8,a9,a10,a11,a12,a13,a14,a15,a16,a17,a18,a19,a20) return Sea.util.hookHandler(orig,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,a7,a8,a9,a10,a11,a12,a13,a14,a15,a16,a17,a18,a19,a20); end);
23:31.59Legorolwhy not instead
23:32.29AnduinLothari'm not sure what u posted but i believe that's what it was doing b4
23:32.39AnduinLotharcant do that
23:32.50Legorolyou must have a reason why not, can you elaborate?
23:32.50IrielI did indeed mean exactly what krka posted
23:33.05Irielthough the db would likely be enclosed within Sea.util
23:33.09AnduinLotharhookhandler needs a database
23:33.31Irielis the database a table?
23:33.39Irielthen it's even easier
23:33.40Legoroloh right, i think i see
23:33.46AnduinLothardatabase is global
23:33.51Legoroli see why you are creating the closure on assignment
23:33.59krkapersonally I don't see the point of sea style hooking, it should be extremely rare that something unhooks
23:34.09AnduinLotharno krka, it's not
23:34.16Legorolkrka, the advantage of Sea style hooking is not just the ability to unhook
23:34.27Legorolalthough that's a big part, and it does happen often
23:34.27AnduinLotharif you can do it safely it's very useful
23:34.31IrielYou just look up the previous function for that database ID, if it' not there, create one, and store it in the database
23:34.38AnduinLotharright iriel
23:34.59Irielyou create less garbage that way too 8-)
23:35.13AnduinLotharpossibly, cept it only ever defines once
23:35.19krkabtw, would this be valid code?
23:35.25AnduinLotharonly need to store them to check like i want to do
23:35.39krkafunction f(a, b, c, ...) return g(d, e, f, ...) end end
23:35.49Irielkrka Yes, but 'f' isn't what you think it is
23:35.50Legorolkrka, if f is a global, then yes
23:36.02Irielf is whateve was in the enclosing scope (global, or upvalue)
23:36.03krkaoops, my miostake
23:36.11krkathe two f:s aren't meant to be the same
23:36.29krkalet's say g(x, y, z, ...) instead
23:36.38Irielyes, that's entirely valid
23:36.43Legorolare you using ... in the Lua ellipsis sense, or just as a placehodler?
23:36.47Legorolin the Lua sense, it's not valid
23:36.50krkalua ellipsis
23:36.53kergothnot if he's asking if he can use '...' literally like that
23:36.55IrielLegorol is correct
23:37.01Legorolyou can't use ... on calling, only in definition
23:37.02kergoththat woudl be valid lua 5.1
23:37.02Irielah, no, yo uneed unpack(...) on the call to g
23:37.06kergothin 5.0, you need to unpack arg
23:37.08krkai see
23:37.12Irielsorry, yes, unpack arg
23:37.17Irielmy mind is going
23:37.18Legorolkergoth: really? didn't know they are changing that
23:37.30krkaslightly prettier than a1, a2, ...., but more gc creating :/
23:37.32kergothLegorol: yeah, vararg handling was revamped. its much nicer, though has quirks
23:37.40Legorolthat's something handy, if Blizz did include 5.1, it might allow us to start using ellpises again
23:37.41krkamust be a point where tables are prefered though
23:38.31krkai mean, I imagine that each argument must get pushed on the stack
23:38.37Irielkrka : Nobody's convinced me the 'new' lua 5.1 approach solves the 'storage' problem, so as far as I know you do still need tables
23:38.45Irielif you want to keep them around
23:38.52AnduinLotharhow bout Sea.util.Hooks[databaseID].hookFunction
23:38.54krkaif you define a function with N arguments, then it must take O(N) to push it all on the stack
23:39.01AnduinLotharthat fits it nicely in the same database
23:39.06krkafor some large value of N, arg should be better
23:39.35IrielWhy, arg has to do exactly the same amount of work
23:39.40Irieltables dont create themselves
23:40.13krkayeah, but let's say you call the function with 2 parameters, but the function is defined for 1000?
23:40.27krkawouldn't it still need to push a lot of nils?
23:40.31IrielAs far as I can see it, the new ... idiom is simply a mechanism by which one can acess those 'magic' stack entries
23:40.53IrielWell, that wouldn't be a ... function now, would it?
23:41.14Irielbut yes, lua would have to nil out all of those registers
23:41.20krkafunction f(a1, a2, ...., a1000)
23:41.27Legorolhmm. in Booty Bay, the bruisers can attack me but i can't attack back? that is so unfair
23:41.33Legorolit is hitting me and i just have to stand there
23:41.39krkaso in that case, "..." would be better if calling by just 2 arguments?
23:41.45Irieltables are great for data with any kind of reasonable lifetime
23:42.03IrielI personally dont think that ... is bad
23:42.09IrielUNLESS you call it 100 times a second
23:42.17krkai made a SERIOUS mistaken when I used tables to store 2d-vectors
23:42.28krkaman did that eat memory fast :)
23:42.34Irieldid you use .x and .y instead of [1] and [2] ?
23:42.44krkayeah, that too :P
23:42.58kergoththe latter would be more efficient, since the latter uses an array internally rather than a hash table.  less overhead, as well
23:43.01kergothyou'd be better off using some sort of immutable tuple for that, i'd think.
23:43.34IrielIf you're storing paths then you'd just use a single 'array' table
23:43.41Irielwith alternate x/y coords
23:44.03kergothyeah, thatd do, rather than a ton of individual tables
23:44.29krkai changed it from function add(v1, v2) return { x = v1.x + v2.x, y = v1.y + v2.y} end to function add(v1x, v1y, v2x, v2y) return v1x + v2x, v1y + v2y end
23:44.37krkait was much better
23:44.56Irielamazingly so I'd imagine
23:45.03krkayou'd imagine correct
23:45.33Irielthough you may have found function add(v1, v2, ret) ret.x=v1.x+v2.x;ret.y=v1.y+v2.y;return ret; end
23:45.41Irielto work rather well
23:45.43krkai'd be nice if lua got a decent GC-implementation
23:45.51Legoroli think 5.1 is getting a better one
23:45.54Legorolactually the current one is fine
23:45.57IrielThere's nothing wrong with lua's GC
23:46.01Legorolit's just it's not designed for real-time games
23:46.07krkaIriel, yeah but I wanted to be able to combine functions easily
23:46.20Irielit works fine for real time games also
23:46.25krkait's fine??
23:46.27Legoroli really feel sorry that we are forced to not use the current GC, very often
23:46.29Irielbut it reqiures that the developers know what they're doing
23:46.30krkait's a simple mark and sweep
23:46.44IrielYou cannot have both dynamic memory management and developers who dont have to think about those things
23:46.45krkai want generational one with a background thread continously checking
23:46.46LegorolIriel, unfortunately it means we can't do simple-looking, easy to understand code sometimes
23:48.00IrielLegorol : In MOST cases you can avoid GC problems and retain simple-looking easy to understand code
23:48.06krkayes, i blame the GC for the thottbot code
23:48.22LegorolHm, Blizzard didn't think (again). Background: in EU, we get to create lvl 60 chars in full epic gear on test realms instead of copying our own. History: warriors complained that the created chars don't have weapons to do dual-weilding.
23:48.24IrielUnless you dont really know what you're doing, and stumble around trying to 'fix' problems
23:48.38LegorolSo this time around, they gave warriors some weapons so they can test dual-weilding.. except that those weapons are useless!
23:48.56Legorolfurthermore, it's impossible to test the dual-weild Fury spec because the rest of the equipment is not designed for it
23:48.59krkain most cases yes. I've had to reuse my search queue by clearing its element and stuff, and it became quite messy instead
23:49.30Legorolhow about the f(a1, a2, ... a20) thing
23:49.36Legoroli want to be able to use ellipses, but we can't :(
23:49.55IrielHooking arbitrary functions in a generalized library setting is NOT a simple problem, I dont think it's a problem to not have a simple solution
23:50.10LegorolI am not thinking Sea here and hooking
23:50.14IrielAs long as the USER of Sea has a simple experience you've succeeded
23:50.23IrielThat's the only place i've seen that ugliness
23:50.25IrielAre there others?
23:50.27Legorolthis has nothing to do with sea, this is more general:
23:50.34krkahooking is not a problem at all, imo
23:50.35Legorolyou can't use ellipses in any Lua code that executes OnUpdate
23:50.38Legorolthat's the gist of it
23:50.50krkai firmly believe that unhooking is unnecessary
23:50.50IrielYes, but do you really NEED to?
23:50.55LegorolIriel, yes
23:50.59Legorolwould love to be able to
23:51.02Irielunhooking IS unnecessary and everybody gets it wrong
23:51.14Irielteh first time, at any rate
23:51.17Legorolunhooking can be necessary
23:51.25krkafunction newhook(...) if addon_active do_stuff; end oldhook(args) end
23:51.27Legorolwhat if you only want to hook for an initial period, but once you are done, you want to unhook forever?
23:51.33Legorolif you leave the hook in there, you leave overhead in there
23:51.46IrielIt's "desirable" but not "necessary" 8-)
23:51.57krkathe overhead really is minimal
23:52.02Legorolexample: let's say i hook a function with this code: if ( timesincelogin < 10 ) then do some special processing else call original function end
23:52.11Legoroli would love to remove that by unhooking
23:52.40IrielBut how many of those cases have a 'better' solution now?
23:52.47krkaalso, if you only need to hook for a short period of time, chances are that nothing else hooks it in between
23:52.49IrielHooking is overused
23:52.50krkaso you can safely unhook
23:52.53Legorolwhat you are saying is almost like saying that UnregisterEvent is unnecessary
23:53.12IrielI realize in the old days it was more necessary , but now it's used more than it needs to be.
23:53.19Legorolkrka, i would never want a solution that depends on "chances"
23:53.23krkawell, it kinda is. but it's not _wrong_ because there's no drawback to using unregistedevent
23:53.24Legoroli want code that is absolute
23:54.19krkait's not really a chance
23:54.20Legorolwell i don't know.. let me give you an example:
23:54.20IrielThen you always have to cope with the case that you might not be able to unhook
23:54.20krkait's just that you get a slight performance boost in most cases
23:54.20Legorolthere used to be a bug where SetMapToCurrentZone() or something like that didn't work correctly
23:54.20IrielSo you have to code it both ways (unhook if you can, deactivate if you cant)
23:54.20Legoroluntil you walked across a zone boundary
23:54.20Legorolso i used to have code that would hook it and correct its mistake
23:54.30Legorolbut once the zone crossing happened so that it wasn't necessary anymore to fix it for the rest of the playing session, i wanted to unhook
23:54.35Legorolthat's just one example
23:54.38IrielBut that's not really my point.. my point is that I think MOST short-term hooks are workarounds for problems, that can be solved another way, or fixed.
23:54.47krkadidn't that only apply after a ReloadUI btw? :)
23:54.57krka(only developers reload ui :P)
23:55.16Legorolas far as i remember, it used to apply in general in some cases, then they "fixed" it so it only applied to realodui
23:55.23krkaalso, nothing else hooks that function afaik
23:55.39AnduinLotharI like hijacking UIParent_OnEvent with a hook to call a function on VARIABLES_LOADED and then unhook so i dont need xml
23:55.41LegorolIriel, you are probably right about the short-term hooks
23:55.52Legorolthe question is, what about long-term hooks that become unnecessary?
23:55.55IrielAnduinLothar : That's a hack though, really.
23:55.56Legoroland yes, there are codes like that
23:56.16LegorolIt's a necessary solution if you want to embed code in other addons
23:56.20AnduinLotharhooks, ARE hacks
23:56.22Legorolin which case you can't have XMl of your own
23:56.26krkawhat kind of functions are you hooking? if it's something that's called extremely often, then yes, it might matter
23:56.38krkaSetMapToCurrentZone should NOT be called extremely often
23:56.42IrielLegorol : Then make the user of your embedded code call yours at the right time
23:56.54Legorolkrka: guess who was calling it way too often? MapLibrary :p ;-)
23:57.02IrielAll of my embeddable code has an initialization
23:57.15krkahm... it does?
23:57.26Legoroluntil you improved it..
23:57.38Legorolit used to call it too often, but then at some point you put in some caching i think
23:57.46Legorolor checks that it doesn't excessively call it
23:57.51Legorolor something like that, i forget
23:57.54Legorolhappened a while ago ;-)
23:58.07Legoroloh, WSG
23:58.17krkayeah, the old version might have been crappy
23:58.18Anduin|Workanyway. Sea now debugs hook conflicts :)
23:58.27krkathe new version seems to only use it on zone changing
23:59.03krkadon't think any addon uses MapLibrary anymore in any case
23:59.12Anduin|WorkAQ does
23:59.34krkareally? but MapLibrary hasn't even been updated since 1.5 I think

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