irclog2html for #wowi-lounge on 20051124

00:11.54Guillotinedoes dismounting activate the global cooldown?
00:11.54IrielI doubt it, it's just a buff cancel
00:11.54TainDamn, I almost got through an entire addon without transplacing = for ==
00:15.14AnduinLotharit's not global cooldown but u can't cast anythign for about 2 seconds
00:18.49AnduinLotharif u feel like playing with it u can grab IsMoutned and use /dismount in a macro
00:18.49Guillotinetain: haha. that cost me an hour of debugging one time...
00:18.51Guillotineso it pretty much is a global cooldown
00:18.51Guillotineyou cant debuff + cast bear form in the same macro
00:18.52AnduinLotharmm, not mounting anyway
00:18.52AnduinLotharu can only use the spells u can normally cast on a mount, like aura change
00:18.55AnduinLotharnew seal of command is definitely an improvement
00:18.56AnduinLotharlower crits, but procs more often and the judgement does instant holy damage + debuff for damage on stun
00:18.57AnduinLotharjust did a 400 damage command judgement
00:18.57Guillotinehmmm. i didnt see anything in the patch notes about it, but key bindings are only saved on logour/ui reload now?
00:18.57IrielIt's in my 1.9 changes thread
00:21.03IrielAll I need is a ocuple of spare hours this weekend and I can finish the next release of StatRings
00:30.50kergothooh, statrings looks neat. havent tried that :)
00:36.49AnduinLotharanyone know anythign about the actionbar glow/highlight or cooldown spinner?
00:39.57Legorolok, ehm, am i the only one or is the test interface number 10900? according to framexml.toc at least..
00:40.54Cairit is
00:41.44Legorolhm.... suspicious new message on login
00:41.52Legoroli couldn't catch it all, something like "submitting non-personal data"
00:42.15Legoroli guess i better extract GlueXML too!
00:42.28Cair  Post 206
00:42.28AnduinLotharSW AH is directly accross fromt he entrance
00:44.29AnduinLotharthink they added mailbox out front too
00:56.59*** join/#wowi-lounge End (
00:58.22LegorolCan anyone confirm that the AddOns button still doesn't show up for them on a fresh install under 0.9 test?
00:58.33LegorolI am going to have to bug slouken..
00:58.52Endhe has been bugged, although I don't remember whether he heard us
00:59.13Cairit's posted on US forums, but he is away most of the day so won't see it till later
00:59.19Endthere is a thread by Tem
01:01.06Legorolah you guys beat me again..
01:01.15Legorolthanks for clarifying :-)
01:01.26Legoroli really should check forum first, ts ts
01:02.11Legorolwell looks like anything i ask here has been answered there already
01:02.26Cairor it gets answered here first, then posted there
01:02.31Legorolok, how about this one:
01:02.47Legorolwhen you mouse over an AddOn on the new shiny addons list, if it's been enabled only for some characters, it says:
01:02.55Legorol"this *mod* has only been enabled for some characters"
01:02.59Legorol(emphasis on mod is mine)
01:03.07Legorolthat is just bad style..
01:04.23Legorolthey are called AddOns officially, not mods
01:04.29Legorollet's be consistent
01:04.35AnduinLotharpicky picky
01:04.44Legorolyes, picky, but i don't like to use the word mod
01:04.44Cairtrue enough, but to me I actually prefer mod
01:04.46Mondingacertainly not all are mods
01:04.50EndI've heard a lot of names
01:04.56Legorolok, it's a preference whether you like mod or addon
01:04.57Cairbut not all are addons, either
01:05.00AnduinLothargo complain about something worth fixing
01:05.00Endplugin, mod, addons, etc etc
01:05.02Legorolbut the game interface uses the term "addon"
01:05.11Legorolit just wouldn't pass QA on my end if it wasn't consistent ;-)
01:05.19MondingaAddOn is more of a proprietary term int his case, theyre all AddOns~
01:05.22AnduinLotharQA prolly never saw it
01:05.49TainTrackAlert v0.1, now open for business.
01:05.51Legoroleverything's worth fixing, and this wasn't a complaint but a question whether someone posted it yet, so i don't double-post ;-)
01:06.05AnduinLotharuse the search feature leg :P
01:06.11Legorolif it was working!
01:06.22AnduinLothargoogle: site...
01:06.24Legoroland yes, that was a complaint
01:06.35CairTain ... :p
01:06.50Legorolhm, google is my friend, true
01:06.53TainYes Cair
01:07.15TainIt's going up on the wowi beta area as well. :)
01:07.40CairI'd actually say that all AddOns are, indeed, Mods, but not all Mods are Addons
01:07.44AnduinLothardid u shrink the scale of the ui to like a cm wide?
01:07.54AnduinLotharscale of the minimap*
01:08.25TainSet scale of the Minimap to 0.05
01:09.00OsagasuI always thought of mods as things that modified current architecture
01:09.06Osagasunot all addons do that
01:09.17TainAh *grumble* no screenshot
01:09.33CairYou do realize that Sam is gonna yell at you guys for it, right?
01:09.35kergothmeh, statrings 0.4 goes boom on /ring :)
01:09.43TainWho for at what?
01:09.44AnduinLotharsome addons are just glorified macros
01:10.02AnduinLotharsome modify existing sturcture
01:10.03CairI know we figured out a way to do it that doesn't technically break the rules, but you just know that they aren't gonna like it
01:10.17AnduinLotharsome make wrappers to simulate existing structure more intuitively
01:10.38CairI'd say that all modify the current existing UI as provided by Blizz, but not all *add on to* it
01:10.46Cairhence, they are all mods, but not all addons
01:10.48AnduinLotharsome emulate logic to expediate decision making
01:11.05AnduinLotharand some are deliberate hacks
01:11.13Osagasuthings like that are done to see how far they can be pushed
01:11.14LegorolCair, what about those that just add on to it, but not modify anything?
01:11.25Legoroli'd say some are AddOns, some are mods, and there should be a more generic term ;-)
01:11.26Cairyet they *are* modifying something
01:11.29TainOh of course, Cair.  I know that, and I'll get rid of it without a question if anyone wants.
01:11.37Legorollet's say i write tic-tac-toe
01:11.37Cairas soon as you've added something to it, you've modified it
01:11.46Legorolok, i guess in that sense they are mods to WoW
01:11.55Legorolnot necessarily to the UI
01:12.10Cairthe only way it isn't modified in any form is if you have done *nothing* to it
01:12.16Legorolpersonally, to me the word "mod" sounds a bit hackish
01:12.21CairI agree
01:12.23LegorolAddOn sounds more stylish, but that's just personal preference
01:12.32Legoroldon't like AddOn too much either
01:12.51TainIn fact I'd send it direct to Slouken and say, "Hey look!  Neat huh?  Can we keep it?"
01:12.51CairI'm just having fun explaining why, to me, Mod is actually more correct of the terms they use
01:12.57Legorolso, about the use of "mod", do i make a new thread on US UI forum or post in 1.9 changes thread?
01:13.05Legoroli see your point, Cair
01:13.16Legorolfrom a logical point of view, mod makes more sense
01:13.22Legoroli like the word addon better ;-)
01:13.27Cairme too
01:13.31IrielI'd mention it in the 1.9 thread
01:13.37Legorolyah, thought so
01:13.42Irielit's not really worthy of 'discussion', and it's a 1.9 bug
01:13.59Legorolso, is the 1.9 changes thread also considered a 1.9 bug report thread?
01:14.19Legorolwould it be more constructive to open a 1.9 bug report thread where we can collect confirmed bugs, especially minor ones?
01:14.24IrielIf one of the 1.9 changes is broken, then yes.
01:14.29IrielWell, there usually aren't THAT many
01:14.30CairTain, you *know* I'm going to be bringing it to his attention, if for no other reason to point out to him that he needs to hang out in this channel more so that when we are busy figuring out ways around things, he can nip it in the bud ;)
01:14.50IrielThe test realm forum is more appropriate for general bugs
01:14.57OsagasuI just someone started downloading from the fileplanet subscriber servers
01:15.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Parak (
01:15.30TainI hope he looks at it right away!  :)  And I'll be happy to explain exactly what I did if he has any questions to easier make it not work in the future.
01:16.23AnduinLotharthen i can tell him i'll rewrite his chat system if he lets me
01:16.38CairI haven't heard from him at all since the note that he was going to be out most of the day, so I'd say he isn't back yet, or else is heading straight home :p
01:16.39Osagasufor the betterment of Sky, no doubt.
01:16.53Cair? Legorol?
01:16.59Legorolprops to Cair for organising/setting it up and bringing it to the attention of all relevant people
01:17.12Caireh, I should have done it ages back
01:17.15Legorolit seems to have brought together the different communities out there
01:17.24Osagasuorganizing? in this channel?
01:17.25AnduinLotharOsagasu> betterment of Sky would be betterment for the community would it not?
01:17.28Legorolany major groups not represented here?
01:17.37Legorolwhat about CT, is it represented?
01:17.45AnduinLotharcide's been around
01:17.46Cairaye, Cide is usually in
01:17.49OsagasuHe's normally in here
01:17.52IrielI'm still trying to mitigate the damage it causes to my work. (The channel, that is)
01:18.03AnduinLotharclad's the closest we have to an ace rep tho
01:18.10LegorolIriel, you must be getting no work done as it is, with the amount you post on UI forum ;-)
01:18.11Cairerrr, no
01:18.28CairKael is frequently in here too
01:18.32Legoroli wouldn't really want to think of people as "reps"
01:18.34IrielHeh, my activity there tends to be pretty bursty
01:18.37AnduinLotharonly seen him once or twice
01:18.38Legorolit's just nice to see a big warm hub
01:18.48Cairyup :)
01:18.54CairI'm glad folks are using it, it was needed
01:19.02Cairneutral territory
01:19.03Irielthis is more of a constant presence
01:19.05AnduinLotharnever sticks around long enough for me to talk to him
01:19.06Irielso it's, kinda, bad
01:19.15Cairheh, sorry sweetie
01:19.27Legoroli just wish my IRC client at work wasn't so bad and i could set up multiple servers/channel to autojoin
01:19.30Cairwant me to ban you from the channel during work hours?
01:19.44Irielnono, I can take care of myself. 8-)
01:19.47AnduinLotharor school hours.. i might actually pass my classes
01:19.58Cairhere I was looking forward to picking on you
01:20.03Cairand you take away all my fun
01:20.08IrielThat's easier to do when i'm HERE tho
01:20.32Legorolhm, this per-character AddOns list is neat
01:20.40OsagasuI'm going to pass one class this semester
01:20.41Legorollooks like it doesn't even save a global list, only per-character ones
01:20.52AnduinLotharhow's that gonna work with khaos leg?
01:21.03Legorolwe have to think about that
01:21.12AnduinLotharalex hasn't gotten on yet so he doesn't have changes in
01:21.13Legorolyou would have to have Khaos enabled for all characters
01:21.23OsagasuWho ARE you, anyways?
01:21.28Legorolme? ehm...
01:21.38AnduinLotharhe's part of the cosmos team if he'll admit to it
01:21.53AnduinLotharbut labels are bad, eh
01:22.00Osagasuno, its okay, I use Cosmos when it suits me, myself. :P
01:22.28Legorolok, so i don't have an illustrious resume
01:22.37Legorolon Cosmos team yes, generally bugging others to fix bugs :-)
01:22.40AnduinLotharhe wrote EquipCompare
01:23.05AnduinLotharwhich btw seems to have no test realm issues btw
01:23.18OsagasuIEF has issues.
01:23.20AnduinLothartho i have an outstanding one u haven't been around to fix
01:23.23Osagasuit won't open!
01:23.23LegorolI occasionally post on the US UI forums, does that count?
01:23.27AnduinLotharya, ief button doesn;t work
01:23.40AnduinLotharull have to manually open the frame
01:23.43CairYeah, I was trying to help get Alex on, too, neither one of us could get through to get him copied over before they shut down for the day though =/
01:23.58Legorolin EU we have it good, we get to copy lvl 60s
01:24.05Legorolit is my understanding this time we have epic gear
01:24.18AnduinLotharwe just copy our own units
01:24.20Legorolyou have to understand that i don't actually have a lvl 60 char yet :-)
01:24.25Legorolso it's fun
01:24.31Cairfunny, neither do I
01:24.40AnduinLotharleg, there's an issue with EQ that sometimes shows an item when i mouse over a player ingame
01:24.53AnduinLotharnot sure what causes it
01:25.10AnduinLotharbut it basicly pops up just liek a random item
01:25.42IrielI'd blame Weevils
01:26.02Cairoh noes!
01:26.06AnduinLotharworks fine when i'm mousing over a frame or item, just ingame messes up occationally
01:26.51IrielOoh! Patch for Civ 4!
01:27.01pagefault1.9 sucks
01:27.03CodayusInteresting; I've never seen that behaviour.  Using...hmm, EquipCompare 2.9.4.
01:27.09AnduinLothar1.9 is uber :)
01:27.22pagefaultif you are a paladain
01:27.26pagefaulterr paladin
01:27.33pagefaultbut they nerfed warlocks again
01:27.47EndI can't get the test patch to patch :(
01:27.49AnduinLothari have 2.9.4... maybe an addon hook conflict?
01:28.06pagefaultthey better nerf someone real bad in 1.10
01:28.07AnduinLothardoes EQ use Sea leg?
01:28.10pagefaultor I will be pissed
01:28.32Endyeah, they will nerf warlocks
01:28.36AnduinLothar1.10 should be priest buff i believe
01:28.49pagefaultlike they need one
01:29.09IrielOh, in case anyone here doesn't read the 1.9 change thread on the forum, do note that the UI version numbering system changed, 1.9 is 109000
01:29.15IrielI mean 10900 8-)
01:29.33pagefaultbut I have my shard bag!@#$@!#
01:29.36pagefaulteverything is forgiven
01:29.43IrielThough I suspect you're all capable of reading the FrameXML.toc
01:29.57CairUh oh, I know this sound
01:30.14Cairthis is the sound of Iriel getting ready to log out and head home
01:30.21IrielI'm already home 8-)
01:30.30IrielI didn't quite make it to the office today
01:30.31CairOh, well, cool then, you don't have to log out then
01:30.32LegorolIriel, did you get my respone to your PM?
01:30.38pagefaultdid the pally sheild get nerfed or what
01:30.54IrielLegorol : no
01:30.55TainOk, also put the dependancies in big bright orange on WoWI, and listed them twice, so people hopefully won't miss it. :)
01:30.56AnduinLothartho there's a debuff from the epl mobs that neutrilizes it
01:31.08pagefaultthis sucksj
01:31.17pagefault1.9 WORST PATCH EVAR
01:31.20pagefaultI go cancel now
01:31.24Endneutralizes how?
01:31.40AnduinLothardoesn't make u invulnerable
01:31.42LegorolIriel, should've gotten it now?
01:31.57AnduinLotharu can cast but if u have the curse on it doens't do anythign
01:32.01pagefaultsoul pouch is a pos
01:32.06AnduinLotharexcept makes u slower
01:32.15AnduinLotharor unable to attack melle
01:32.15pagefaultmmm fruit
01:32.19Legoroldoes the soul bag take the place of a normal bag like the hunters ammo pouch?
01:32.27pagefaultthere is almost no point in having it
01:32.36Cairhunters would scream if it didn't
01:32.50Legoroli wouldn't personally..
01:32.51pagefaultit took them 1 year to figure this out
01:32.55pagefaultway to go blue
01:32.55Legoroli don't mind if someone has it good, just because i don't
01:33.06Legorolthe more people happier the better
01:33.18Legorolunless someone's having it good at my expense!
01:33.27pagefaultI think all warlocks should just summon their infernal and let them go wild in the auction house tor protest :)
01:34.16Endwhich action house?
01:34.27Cairbleh, I really should run out to the store before the storm starts, but it's cold out there! *whines*
01:34.31pagefaultoh well
01:34.42pagefaultthe CoS "nerf" I guess is a big deal
01:34.50pagefaultbut to be honest I never used CoS that much anyway
01:34.52LegorolAnduinLothar, in response to your earlier question about EQ: it doesn't use Sea, and it doesn't hook any functions
01:35.04Legorolthe only hooking it does it does temporarily for 3 lines then unhooks
01:35.06TainIt's cooooold
01:35.17IrielDoes it unhook safely?
01:35.17Legoroland even that is obsolete and i should remove it if i wasn't so lazy
01:35.18pagefaultI guess warlock funtime is over though
01:35.22pagefaultand it's now pally funtime
01:35.25LegorolIriel, should do
01:35.27pagefaultuntil the next patch when they get nerfed
01:35.29IrielThat's one of my pet peeves at the moment
01:35.31pagefaultand it's some other class funtime
01:35.46Legorolit uses standard oldfunc = currentfunc; currentfunc = bla...; somestuff; currentfunc = oldfunc
01:36.03IrielHm, no currentfunc == oldfunc check?
01:36.18Legorolit doesn't check, although i don't see what could change inbetween
01:36.21IrielIf you only do it for a tiny moment, you'er PROBABLY safe
01:36.22Legorolsomestuff is about 3 lines of my own code
01:36.32AnduinLotharsounds unsafe
01:36.33Legorolanyways, it's just archaic toolitp money protection code
01:36.38Legoroli should've removed it ages ago
01:36.49AnduinLothardo so, it migth fix tooltip issues
01:36.55pagefaultoh well
01:37.02pagefaultmaybe I should roll a pally now :)
01:37.09LegorolIriel, looks like you don't get the responses i am sending in a PM
01:37.25AnduinLotharu have to enable pms
01:37.26Legoroli typed the response in the query window that popped up when you messaged me, using mIRC here
01:37.50IrielHm, can someone /msg me to see if my IRC is busted?
01:37.59CodayusLegorol: You haven't registered your nick, have you...
01:38.08AnduinLotharthen u cant pm
01:38.08IrielThat worked
01:38.17IrielHm, just /msg me lego -- /msg iriel Whatever
01:38.24CodayusThat's the issue, you can't send PMs unles your registered...
01:38.33Legoroli can't send queries without registering? oh well, ok
01:38.48TainYou should register.  All the cool kids are doing it.
01:38.51TainYou know you want to do it.
01:39.10IrielDamn, I havent checked my spam quarantine in a while, 4500 messages
01:39.21Legorolright, let me try again, Iriel
01:39.33CairLegorol: then do /msg nickserv secure on
01:39.41CairI believe that's the right message
01:39.48Legorolwhat does that do?
01:39.49Cairprevents anyone from stealing your name
01:40.03TainPlus if someone steals your computer it hunts them down.
01:40.21TainI might be making that part up.
01:40.23CairAnd makes sure that your plants are watered, too
01:40.31Legorolhm, /msg nickserv help secure claims there is no such command
01:40.43Taindo "set secure on"
01:40.49IrielOh for crying out load, bitchx has the most retarded auto-ignore
01:41.05pagefaultirssi ftw
01:41.05TainYeah Iriel, the default is stupidly low.
01:41.29TainYou have to up the lines / seconds it'll ignore on, or turn it off.
01:42.13Cairhey, wb cladhaire
01:42.21AnduinLotharclad, u get my email?
01:42.22cladhaireyeah i'm kinda here
01:42.26cladhairewe're doing MC with a low amount of people
01:42.38cladhaireAnduinLothar: Yeah.. but this week was rough at work.. i only briefly looked at it.
01:42.43AnduinLotharno worries
01:42.49LegorolIriel, did you get the PM this time?
01:43.04cladhaireAnduinLothar: Suffice it to say you use a signifigantly different method than I.. so I'm trying to look at you rcode without my thought process in the back of my head =)
01:43.16AnduinLotharof course
01:43.36AnduinLothari wouldn't want to be boring and unoriginal ;)
01:43.43cladhaireheheh =)
01:43.49cladhaireworse coms to worse, we give each other some fun ideas =)
01:43.50LegorolAnduinLothar, with EQ, do you have either Ctrl or Alt key mode enabled?
01:43.52AnduinLotharj/k the method's been around for ages, i just amplified it
01:43.56AnduinLotharno leg
01:44.17Legorolany tooltip mods that modify the text of GameTooltip when mouseovering players?
01:44.37AnduinLotharkhaos tooltips and mobinfo2
01:44.47cladhaireAnduinLothar: if you'd like to take a look at my prelim method
01:44.50AnduinLotharand the lib for auctioneer
01:44.59Legorolwhen the bug occurs next time, could you please make a note of the exact text in GameTooltip?
01:45.09Legorolthe way EQ works it scans GameTooltip to see if it's an item
01:45.15Legorolit could be beleiving it is when it shouldn't
01:45.15AnduinLothark, it's pretty random afaik
01:45.31AnduinLotharwhat exactly does it check?
01:45.39LegorolTextLeft2 to TextLeft5
01:45.46AnduinLotharfor what?
01:45.48Legoroland tries to see if any one of them is a known item slot
01:46.03Legorole.g. Shoulder, Hands, Wrist etc.
01:46.20AnduinLotharglobal strings?
01:46.29IrielCould that accidently pick up someone's guild name?
01:46.32Legorolt = TextLeftX
01:46.38AnduinLotharmight iriel
01:46.39Legorolif EQTable[t] then bla
01:46.46IrielSo a guild called 'Hand of God' might set it off?
01:46.47Legorolit has to be an exact match
01:46.49AnduinLotharwhere's the qtable?
01:46.51Legorolyes it could
01:46.59Legorolno it coulnd't
01:46.59AnduinLotharthat could be it then
01:47.13Legorolit has to be "Hands", "Hands of God" won't trigger it
01:47.18Legorolit uses the full text as an index into the table
01:47.39AnduinLotharif u used sea u could make sure it was called before the guild was added
01:47.41Legorolthe table in question is global, called EquipCompare_ItemTypes
01:48.13Legorolhm actually i lied, i do do some hooking
01:48.30Legoroli forgot i added a minor bugfix a while back that involved a conflict with FlightPaths or some such
01:48.34AnduinLotharok well i got work so i gtg
01:48.56AnduinLotharprolly wont be on much next few days, going home
01:49.03Cairhave fun Karl :)
01:49.09IrielTake care and enjoy.
01:49.10CairHappy Thanksgiving
01:50.07IrielI'll be on and off also over the next few days, especially tomorrow since I have to cook.
01:51.48Guillotineg2g as well guys. ttyl
01:51.56Cairlater Guillotine :)
01:51.56Guillotineand happy thanksgiving for those of you in the U.S. :)
01:55.27Cairafk a few, back shortly
01:58.17LegorolInteresting new Global functions:
01:58.18Legorol> GetLFGResults> GetLFGTypeEntries> GetLFGTypes
01:58.23Legorol> GetNumLFGResults
01:58.27Legorol> LFGQuery
01:58.44LegorolIriel, have you posted your usual changenotes yet?
01:58.47IrielI haven't had a chance to try them out yet.
01:58.57Legoroljust finished scanning globals..
01:59.08IrielI haven't done the "Actual" summary yet, but I did do all my scans this morning
01:59.33IrielSo I have most of the data i need, though I still have to update my parser to count return values on functions
01:59.38TainNew Lost!
01:59.41Irielsince it misses those
01:59.56Iriel(GetRaidRosterInfo and the friend list equivalent have a new last arg)
02:00.15Legorolany way to check for that except for looking at Blizz Lua code? i suppose not
02:01.00IrielNot that I know of, though maybe it's discernable by scanning the executable.. I dont get beyond scanning for strings there, not really all that familar with x86 code
02:02.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Gello (
02:03.09IrielHey there
02:03.10Gelloanyone here play a druid? no druid guildmates online and have a question about forms and gear? specifically any timing considerations for swapping gear when you change forms
02:03.27IrielHm, I dont play one high enough to have to care
02:03.41EndI do
02:03.58Gelloi heard when you go bear form you're in combat mode for a while, like a warrior's bloodlust. is that true and if so how long?
02:04.08Endonly if you have the talent
02:04.16EndI -think- only if you have the talent
02:04.35EndI have the gives rage or energy on shift
02:04.42Gellocool looking it up
02:04.45Endand I think it is 10 or 20 seconds
02:04.51Endbefore I leave combat
02:05.01Gelloah cool thanks! and that's just as you change into any form?
02:05.05Endthe only reason it puts you in combat is so you don't lose rage
02:05.15EndI think only bear
02:05.28Endsince bear has rage, and rage decays out of combat
02:06.45End(It's the Furor talent in case you wondered.)
02:08.24Gellooh in restoration tree thanks
02:08.47Endand I just checked, it's only bear that gets put in combat
02:08.59Gellocool that makes it easy
02:09.21Gelloare there any other combat-mode or timing considerations for druids swapping gear?
02:09.35EndI can't think of any
02:13.43IrielAnyone know where 1.9 stores the addon on/off settings?
02:13.54Gelloheya cair
02:15.25Gellothere's a new AddOns.txt in each character folder that lists enabled addons. i don't see one for "all" but it could be when "all" is chosen it just writes the same file for all characters
02:16.10IrielAha, there it is.. it doesn't create it by default
02:18.39IrielSo the character list you get on the addon panel is just the realm you're on
02:18.53Irielso if you have the same name on several realms they can have different addon setups
02:19.06Gelloyeah it's a neat setup
02:19.53IrielI'm happy they moved the chat cache to be realm+charName
02:20.52IrielWell, time to head off to get dinner.. See you all later (Happy thanksgiving for tomorrow in case I dont make it back on tonight)
02:21.10CairNight Iriel, Happy Thanksgiving and have a good few days :)
02:21.38cladhaireEvening Iriel, Happy Thanksgiving!
02:24.42StylpeIs there an event similar to OnUpdate?
02:25.21Gelloin what way?
02:25.46Gellothat gets run all the time? or that stops when frame is hidden? hmm not really
02:26.56StylpeJust that runs every frame
02:27.10Gellooh event. i don't think there is
02:27.17StylpeIt's for testing a script in LuaSlinger
02:27.53Gelloyou could hook an existing OnUpdate, like WorldFrame_OnUpdate
02:28.02*** join/#wowi-lounge net (
02:28.48Cairnet as in net of curse gaming?
02:28.52netyep :)
02:28.57Cairrarr! welcome
02:29.10netWas reading your forums and saw this channel :)
02:29.22Cairyou're more than welcome :)
02:33.50ToastTheifI was bored
02:37.05Cairshould put that time and energy to your class work
02:37.22ToastTheifscrew class work
02:37.47ToastTheifand that only look 2.5-3ish hours to do
02:38.07ToastTheifthe long part was finding which words placed where =P
02:48.04Gelloanyone on test now? if so can you do this: /script message(MouseIsOver(GetMouseFocus())) -- it should say 1
02:48.05netJust thinking about the old school time make me sick :)
02:48.36netGello-> tested and worked
02:49.02netit just crashed my bsplayer tho, not just if their is something linked to this :)
02:49.04Gellocool thanks. i get nothing it's very odd
02:49.38LegorolGello: that doesn't always work
02:49.49LegorolGetMouseFocus() can return nil on very few occasions
02:50.00Legoroli had problems with that in the past and never tracked down why
02:50.43Gellowell MouseIsOver(nil) gives an error
02:51.13Legorolok i don't remember exactly what the problem was or how it was reproduced
02:51.49Gelloi'm using direct frame names, also. MouseIsOver(WorldFrame)
02:52.04Gellooh that one returns 1. PlayerFrame and others return nil for me hmm
02:52.33neti did around 20 times, no error
02:52.52LegorolGello: here too
02:52.57Legoroli tried with PlayerFrame and getting nil
02:53.12Gellooh i believe you. trying to track down why I'm getting that
02:53.38LegorolMouseIsOver is a Lua defined thing in UIParent.lua
02:53.45Legorolit could be an issue with scaling calculation
02:53.55Gelloyou both use UIScale?
02:54.37Gellowhen i turn on UIScale it starts to work all of a sudden (message(MouseIsOver(GetMouseFocus())) that is
02:54.53neti installed the testclient and modified nothing
02:54.59netso just default setup
02:55.48LegorolGello, i think i know what the problem is, it looks like a Blizz bug
02:55.55LegorolMouseIsOver is using
02:55.55Legorolx = x / frame:GetScale();
02:55.55Legoroly = y / frame:GetScale();
02:56.09Legorolbecause of the changes to the frame scaling code, GetScale() now returns relative scale or somesuch
02:56.12Legorolits behaviour has changed
02:56.21Legoroland MouseIsOver doesn't seem to have been recoded to take that into account
02:57.17Gelloi think you may be on to something. seeing if i can isolate when it works and when it doesn't
02:57.25LegorolMouseIsOver should be using GetEffectiveScale
02:57.33Legorolwhich i beleive is not available in the current test version yet
02:57.43Legoroli can predict when it should work/shouldn't
02:57.49Legorolit should work when you have UIScale on and set to 1,
02:57.58Legorolor if your resolution is one of those that sets the UI scale to 1
02:58.03Legorol(i think 800x600 is one of those)
02:58.13Legorolat other resolutions, it will be borked, e.g. at 1280x1024
02:58.22Legorollet me know if you observe otherwise
02:59.17Gelloyeah 1152x864 is my standard resolution. just killed all addons and MouseIsOver works on worldframe and action bar but not minimap or playerframe
03:01.14Legorolit works over worldframe because it has a scale of 1
03:01.25Legoroleven over playerframe it will work if you position the mouse just right
03:01.29Legorolbut you have to hit the spot
03:01.36Legorolthe calculation is a bit off because of the scaling
03:03.23Gelloah yep
03:03.32Legorole.g. if you position near the top left of playerframe, it works
03:03.34Legorolbut not near bottom right
03:03.49Gelloi made a macro to print MouseIsOver(PlayerFrame) and i get nil on playerframe but 1 in very topleft
03:05.39Gelloin windowed non-maximized it seems to work reliably (1 always on all parts of PlayerFrame)
03:06.40Gellooh just for lower resolutions 800x600 and 1024x768
03:08.24Legorolok, so it is as i thought:
03:08.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Esamynn (
03:08.40LegorolGetBottom and GetTop for PlayerFrame correctly returns 750/850 respectively,
03:08.42Legorolindependent of scale
03:09.07Legorolhowever, CursorPosition().y/GetScale() may not fall into this, because GetScale() always returns 1
03:09.36Legoroli meant PlayerFrame:GetScale()
03:09.58Gelloscales always confuse me heh. i usually end up just multiplying or dividing by UIParent:GetScale until it works
03:11.26LegorolOk here is how scales work: imagine a ruler attached to your screen
03:11.43Legorolthis ruler has tickmarks indicating say 100, 200, 300 pixels
03:11.53Legorolwhen you increase the scale of an object, imagine streching the ruler out
03:12.03Legoroland when you decrease the scale of something, you compress the ruler
03:12.28Legorolmethods such as GetLeft, GetRight, GetTop etc. return values relative to this ruler
03:12.43Legorolas a result, they are usually scale independent
03:13.03Legorole.g. if you have a look at PlayerFrame:GetRight(), it's always the same number (212) independent of the UI scale you set in options
03:13.34Legorolon the other hand, GetCursorPosition() returns a pair of values that are absolute
03:13.47Legoroland are dependent on where the mouse is relative to your screen
03:13.57Gelloso you'd divide by the UIParent scale?
03:14.17Legorolwhich is exactly what MosueIsOver is doing
03:14.20Gellohehe that was a guess. i would've tried either multiply or divide. but i understand the concept a little better thanks
03:14.27Legorolthe only reason why it's getting it wrong is that the behaviour of :GetScale() has changed in 1.9
03:14.38Legorolthe reason for dividing is this:
03:14.38EsamynnI was under the impression that GetRight, GetTop, etc. returned absolute values relative to the screen as well
03:14.46Legoroleasier to understand if you imagine increasing the scale to 2
03:14.52Legorolthat streches the ruler out
03:15.04Gellooh yeah so it's half the screen
03:15.07Gelloer half the ruler
03:15.08Legorolso if the mouse is at position 100 according to GetCursorPos,
03:15.17Legorolit would be at 50 according to the ruler
03:15.23Legorolso you have to divide by the scale
03:15.32Legorolthat's how i always remember it, by thinking about a scale of 2
03:15.39Legoroland yes, i still confuse it sometimes :D
03:16.00Legorolanyways i will post for slouken
03:16.41Gelloah cool. i'll let you post since you can explain it better
03:16.58Gellohe appears to be on forums now, he's making a flurry of posts on the 1.9 thread
03:17.57Legorolwell i haven't explained it too well, if he wants clarification i will make it
03:18.01Legoroltoo sleepy to explain stuff
03:18.08Legorolat least in a coherent forum post ;-)
03:19.41GelloPlayerPortrait:GetTexture() returns "Portrait1". wondered what that would be
03:25.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaelten (
03:26.14*** mode/#WoWI-lounge [+o Kaelten] by ChanServ
03:27.03Cairhey Kael :)
03:27.25Esamynntap, tap, is this thing on <-- irc noob
03:27.33Gelloah i see your post legorol thanks :)
03:27.53Gelloheya. i'm off to get stuff done before visiting family tommorow. see you guys
03:27.59Cairhi Esamynn
03:28.04Cairnight Gello
03:29.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (n=Guilloti@
03:29.52Guillotinetain: you implemented my idea! yay!
03:29.59Guillotinejust saw trackalert
03:30.13Guillotineso far i see 3 addons that were thought of during discussions here
03:30.23Kaeltenthats cool
03:30.42Cairfunny how that works, hey?
03:30.50Guillotineyup :)
03:30.57Cairyou just missed Gello
03:31.03Guillotinewhos that?
03:31.35Guillotineso whos gello?
03:32.20CairThat help?
03:32.21Esamynnowned :P
03:32.28Legorolwhat is TrackerAlert?
03:32.33Guillotinekind of. i still don't know who that is
03:32.57Legorolthanks Cair
03:33.06LegorolGuillotine, let's start with you. Who are you? ;-)
03:33.13Guillotinean annoying guy
03:33.24Guillotinewho likes calling cair a stealth bumper
03:33.29Esamynnthat much is obvious ;)
03:33.41CairGuillotine: he's a long time member of the * sites, and the author of some well known mods for both wow and eq
03:33.55Guillotineahhhh. ok
03:34.04Guillotinei still don't know any of his mods. though i have heard of recap
03:34.12Mondingawhatd gello do for eq?
03:34.26Mondingatoo long ago to remember
03:34.49netHello mr Guillotine
03:35.08Guillotinehello net. do i know you?
03:35.09Legorolehm.. where can I find this Visor? doesn't show up on WoWI's search
03:35.21Guillotineit was a bad move by taim. its only up at wowace im pretty sure
03:35.34Guillotinehe should have said that in his post...
03:35.46Guillotinesince pretty much only authors know of visor right now
03:37.04netI only know you from our forums ( curse ) , since you have a french name i didn t miss it =)
03:37.16Guillotineohhh. your net from curse? awesome!
03:37.21Kaeltenhi net
03:37.30Legorolok i must admit this is a blatant failure of my net skills, but having gone to wowace, and found the thread for Visor, all i see is some post about what the latest version will break and a link to the download
03:37.34Legorolnot much explanation on what it is :(
03:37.43Guillotineits pretty much a development library
03:37.47Guillotinemakes some functions easier
03:37.58Kaeltenits a complicated way to customize your interface
03:38.06purlhmm... visor is palm done right, or cheaper and faster, and fully compatible, or supported by linux 2.3.40+ (STABLIZED!) visist
03:38.13Guillotinedang. they changed it back. lol
03:38.36Kaeltenwith a little skill you can do a lot of things similar to flexbar or move anything.  Its just more focused at the coding inclined.
03:39.40Guillotineso cair, has there been any final decision on wether spoofing item links is ok? i kind of want to release my addon, but not if its considered an exploit
03:39.53Guillotinethen i just have to keep using it myself ;)
03:40.24CairThis was the response I got, verbatim:
03:40.25CairYeah, I figured making sure  the name matched exactly wasn't worth the processing power on the server  validation.  The color still needs to be right, and the name still needs to  start with the actual item name, and it needs to be an item that's been seen  since server up, so that's fine.  I can completely validate the name if it  becomes necessary... :)
03:40.37CairSo, I'd say ... no, don't go there
03:41.14Cairbecause if you do, they will just force the complete validation requirement
03:41.15Guillotineso basically, dont release it and make it necessary for slouken to change stuff
03:41.26Cairyup, exactly
03:41.56Guillotinehey, i could put up a ransom. ppl on my server have to give me gold or ill release the addon, causing them to require validation which will cause more server lag. muhahaha!
03:42.41Guillotinelegorol: i forgot to mention. im evil too
03:42.50CairOnly ransoming allowed around here is mine on the ocassions when I kidnap Slouken
03:42.56Esamynnfeelling a little poor there are we Guill?
03:43.20Esamynnnoooo, don't steal our Slouken!!! ;)
03:44.06Guillotinei thought of making an addon thats pretty much a WoW version of purl. not sure if it would really be useful though
03:44.25Guillotinetheres also the problem that it will let other people control what you say in chat which could be bad if something goes against the TOS
03:44.42Guillotineeven though it would precede everything with ~~ to let them know its the bot talking
03:45.27Cairummm, I could see that making the devs oh so happy ...
03:45.34Esamynnand purl is what exactly?
03:45.42Cairpurl, purl?
03:45.43purlmethinks purl is the same blootbot as apt, ibot, and jbot, or at
03:45.50Cairthat's purl
03:45.54Guillotinepurl, emulate me
03:45.55purlwoohoo! spoofing links is fun!
03:45.55purlthanks, Cair
03:46.20Guillotinepurl, tell Esamynn about help
03:47.03Guillotinefrom what i can see, it wouldn't really be too hard to make. just a little text parsing
03:47.04Cairpurl is our bot
03:47.11Esamynnahh ok
03:47.20Esamynn<-- irc noob, as I said before ;)
03:47.24Cairno worries
03:47.50purlDon't bother telling us you're a "newb" or a "n00b".  We can tell.
03:48.01Guillotinepurl, noob is just what someone is before their a pro
03:48.04purl...but noob is already something else...
03:48.20Cairpurl just hates you Guillotine
03:48.26Guillotinepurl, no, noob is just what someone is before their a pro
03:48.27purlokay, Guillotine
03:48.33purlextra, extra, read all about it, noob is just what someone is before their a pro
03:48.43Guillotinepurl, thank you
03:48.43purlpas de quoi, Guillotine
03:48.48Guillotinewtf. lol
03:48.58Esamynnso much for not spamming the bot :P
03:49.12Cairbtw, that should be "before they're", not "their"
03:49.12Guillotine~factinfo thank you
03:49.12purlGuillotine: there's no such factoid as thank you
03:49.13Guillotinewere not spamming it
03:49.32Guillotinemy english isnt too good
03:49.35Cairtrust me Esamynn, this isn't spamming from these guys
03:49.47Cairif they really start in on it, you'll know ...
03:49.59Esamynnoh I'm sure, I just couldn't come up with a milder word on the spot :P
03:50.00Guillotinewe start asking purl for stocks and weather and stuff...
03:50.11Cairexcept, they know better, because when they do, I yell at them
03:50.55*** topic/#WoWI-lounge by Cair -> WoWI-Lounge. Kick back, relax, hang out. More signal, less noise. Don't spam the damn bot. Get along or get out.
03:51.18Esamynnso, about that new WoW patch huh? ;)
03:51.35Guillotinenerf pallys
03:51.47Guillotinein fact, nerf everyone but druids
03:53.02EsamynnI got excited once I hit the bottom of the patch notes and saw the mount sounds are in :)
03:53.24Guillotinereally? what mount sounds?
03:53.51TainYou mean like Debbie Does Dallas mount sounds?
03:53.54Esamynnfrom the patch Notes:  All mount sounds, when standing still and pressing spacebar are now all in place.
03:54.41Esamynnthis patch is like Christmas come early, there is sooo much in it
03:56.29Osagasujust wait until December/Early Janurary's Patch
03:56.54pagefaultwhats a PP
03:56.58EsamynnF Priests :P
03:57.11TainWell pagefault, boys have a pp and girls don't.
03:59.12pagefaultapparently we are losing in AB to PP's
03:59.31EsamynnWhen I first saw the patch notes on the web I thought they were fake for sure, I never saw the Tranquil Air totem coming
04:00.53Esamynnanyone else see the class spell books yet?
04:00.53pagefaultah PP is a guild
04:00.53pagefaultI hate them
04:00.53pagefaultstupid all epic gear
04:01.52Esamynn and  I want to know what the Druid one is
04:06.40Esamynn*drops pin*
04:06.51Esamynnmaybe I should go back to my HW :P
04:07.40CairI'm not sure which is the druid one, Esamynn
04:08.12Esamynnfrom the pattern I'd guess a Healing Touch Rank 11, but maybe they will surprise me
04:11.15Esamynnahh well, could be worse, at least the Cenarion changes make it a decent Balance set now, but enough of me griping, what classes are your favorites? (no one be shy)
04:11.52Cair<== always a hunter/ranger in any of the games, with bard being preferred secondary
04:13.22Osagasumy favorite classes... heh, I don't really have one. I like my priest the most, but that's more the character, not the class.
04:14.03EsamynnI've been a Druid since my first day of WoW, I have one highly neglected alt
04:15.01OsagasuI've played 30 to every class, past 30 in 2, and past 40 in 1
04:15.24cladhaire60 priest, 60 rogue, 30 mage, 40 druid
04:15.30cladhaireand various level 10 alts :P
04:15.47Parakwhat the... that's a new crash error... Not enough storage is available to process this command.
04:15.48OsagasuI still can't believe they aren't giving vet rewards
04:16.30ParakFile:C:\build\buildWoW\WoW\Source\Game\GameClient\WardenClient.cpp <---rofl
04:18.31EsamynnI was on Test for a little bit earlier and ran into some crash bug, didn't have time to track it down though
04:19.12Osagasuso Cair what's your next MMO gonna---aww talk about great timing
04:19.27Cair|readingwhat's my next MMO what?
04:19.41Osagasugomma be
04:19.45Osagasu*gonna be
04:19.52Mondingaonly been a year~
04:20.00EsamynnWoW is all!
04:20.02Mondingammo hopping is sadistic
04:20.03Cair|readingwill be looking into V:SoH, obviously
04:20.27Cair|readingsince we've got a UI site for it, as well
04:20.49Cair|readingbut I don't know, really
04:21.20Cair|readingstill waiting on the DDO beta, too
04:22.16Osagasuthen she can be a Bard.
04:22.51Cair|readingIt's always a toss up for me Ranger vs Bard
04:22.54Osagasuthough no monks or Druids in Stormreach...
04:23.02OsagasuCair, in DnD you can multiclass
04:23.07Cair|readingI know
04:23.09Osagasuyou can be BOTH! =D
04:23.13Cair|readingI know :p
04:23.37Cair|readingAlthough I prefer the classic bard
04:23.53Cair|reading15 lvl druid, 15 lvl rogue *then* start working up bard
04:23.59Osagasumy favorite no PrC build - Cleric (Travel/Trickery) + Bard + Ranger
04:24.10Osagasuno druids in DDO
04:24.28Cair|readinganyway, back to my book ;)
04:27.10EsamynnI'll catch you guys later, I need to get something useful achomplished
04:27.43Cair|readinglater Esamynn
04:28.49Cair|readingokay, now, where do I know Esamynn's name from?
04:29.36OsagasuI dunno
04:30.32Osagasufinally bloody got around to registering for the beta
04:30.53Cair|readingwhich beta?
04:55.41StylpeDoes anyone know the best way to ensure the player has Attack active?
05:09.21*** join/#wowi-lounge ToastTheif (
05:18.36Kaelten\t is the tab character right?
05:19.36OsagasuI dunno
05:26.17Osagasuuh oh.
05:26.28*** join/#wowi-lounge zeeg (n=wguru@
05:26.34Cair|readingyo zeeg
05:26.41OsagasuGuess who I dragged in?
05:26.44zeegwhats the bot do
05:26.46zeegwant my bot?
05:26.51zeegya cair told me about the chan
05:26.53Osagasuwho said we have a bot?
05:26.53zeegim just lazy
05:27.03Osagasu~stab zeeg
05:27.05purlACTION runs at zeeg with an origami Swiss Army knife, and inflicts a nasty paper cut.
05:27.06zeegCair|reading, i have an irc bot that looks up items/ranks/etc.
05:27.37Osagasuhe does, its really nifty.
05:28.04zeegdoes US realm status too
05:28.11zeeg(doesnt work on EU til they implement the XML feed, as im lazy)
05:28.12Cair|readingnot really, unless a lot of the channel members ask for it
05:28.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Legorol|alt (
05:28.21Cair|readingwb Legorol
05:29.42Osagasuwe have people from all corners of the comminuty now.
05:30.13Cair|readingI told zeeg about the channel ages back, we weren't good enough for him
05:30.26zeegi just didnt wanna add it to autojoin
05:30.30zeegim in toooo many chans the way it is
05:30.45TainIt's hard living the life of a movie star!
05:30.53zeegIt is
05:30.57zeegi would assume
05:31.03Osagasuyou should see my channel list
05:31.13OsagasuI have two servers I've joined just for one channel
05:31.21TainNow now, it's not the size of the channel list that matters.
05:31.27Osagasusure it is.
05:31.38Osagasuits like a pissing contest for geeks.
05:31.51Cair|readingI'm only in 3
05:31.59TainWell, you piss over there and I'll stay here where we use bathrooms.
05:32.08zeegwell cosmos thinks they need their own irc network
05:32.14zeegbut norganna has his chan there too so im in two now
05:32.17zeegim on 8 now
05:32.19zeegcept im banned from one
05:32.27zeegdue to their "clone" thing kicking in when my pc locke dup and i reconnected
05:32.51Cair|readingThat's okay, I've never particularly worried about dick measuring contests, since I don't actually have one
05:33.34zeeglotsa more pics from 1.9 up btw
05:33.45*** join/#wowi-lounge slouken (
05:33.59zeegill join just to harass slouken
05:34.03Cair|readingyo Slouken :)
05:34.06zeegslouken, you should get me unbanned from the forums
05:34.14Cair|readingyou harass Slouken, you get kicked and banned
05:34.17TainHey Slouk
05:34.21sloukenhey Tain
05:34.28Guillotinesloukens my hero :D
05:34.30sloukenzeeg, I have no forum power.
05:34.33zeegpatchers getting close to completion cair
05:34.36Cair|readingseriously, stfu and leave him alone, it's a known fact in this channel
05:34.37sloukenI can't even change my avatar. :)
05:34.41zeegslouken, give me the home address of whoever's in charge :D
05:34.47zeegill go knock on their door
05:35.10sloukenHi Guillotine. :)
05:35.15slouken<business mode on>
05:35.26Endbut Tem can change your avatar! ;P
05:35.30zeegThe last blizz-staff I saw online
05:35.33zeegTried saying wowguru distributed trojans
05:35.36zeegthat didnt turn out to be a fun day for him
05:35.54sloukenHey, anyone taken a look at how 1.9 does with addons?
05:36.10Guillotinenope. im afraid
05:36.11TainLots have been on and off all day, addons seem to have been doing pretty well
05:36.14EndI still haven't gotten the patch to apply...keeps complaining about goldshire for me :X
05:36.15zeegOoo i'm curious, the secure/unsecure crap, I've read about the ability to ban addons and what not
05:36.20zeegbut couldn't you just change the addons name to bypass it?
05:36.23Guillotinethats not in 1.9 is it?
05:36.36TainI haven't gone in yet, but I've heard a lot of reports of no errors logging in
05:37.01Guillotineme as well
05:37.05CairYeah, the little bit that's been discovered so far has already been reported on the forum for you
05:37.30slouken|UIhatGreat, with the exception of scrollbars and GetScale(), most things should work.
05:37.36Guillotineonly thing that I've heard with errors has to do with known things (namely the changing of the 8th param of GetItemInfo)
05:37.47zeeghey slouken|UIhat
05:37.50zeegcan you fix getLocale() ?
05:37.53zeegit doesnt work for enGB
05:38.09zeegit made us add extra code just to validate the EU client :(
05:38.14TainWas that an illegal macro?
05:38.25Endslouken = thistle tea?
05:38.29Guillotineslouken must be a combat rogue... no other rogues could do backstab backstab and evisc without waiting
05:38.38Endor that
05:38.47EndI don't know rogue skills -all- that well
05:38.57Cairbuncha nuts, the lot of ya!
05:39.04TainSometimes you feel like a nut.
05:39.07Osagasuthank you Cair.
05:39.09Guillotineand proud of it too :D
05:39.29slouken|UIhatzeeg, it returns the in-game locale.  enGB is the same as enUS, with slight UI differences.  The actual locale is the same.
05:39.40zeegmeh :(
05:39.42slouken|UIhatI think there's something set that allows you to differentiate between the two, but I'm not sure.
05:39.50zeegyou can check login server
05:39.52zeegwhich is what we did
05:40.08Guillotineso slouken, i had an idea. I'm going to hold by server at ransom. Unless I get a certain amount of gold, i'm going to release my addon that lets ppl spoof item links. then, youll have to put in the full checking which will increase server lag. muhahaha!
05:40.09slouken|UIhatRequest it on the 1.9 thread, and I'll look into it.
05:40.13zeegim banned..
05:40.19zeegsomeone request it for me
05:40.23zeegim not buying another account
05:40.28Guillotinelol zeeg. what did you do?
05:40.36zeegsupposable, i linked unreleased content
05:40.42Guillotinetsk tsk
05:40.48zeeg(technically, it wasnt unreleased, a gm had it on test so it had been "seen")
05:40.51slouken|UIhatGuillotine, go ahead.   We'll put in the checking and when people complain about server lag, I'll give them your account name. ;-)
05:41.05Osagasuyou won't need to.
05:41.09Osagasujust give me his address.
05:41.12slouken|UIhatzeeg, that was dumb. :)
05:41.17zeegit wasnt unreleased!!! :P
05:41.21Guillotineslouken could kill me himself. im sure i live within 5 minutes
05:41.32Osagasuwhat, the dragon?
05:41.45Cairgive me a break zeeg, you post unreleased shit all the time, we all know it :p
05:41.46slouken|UIhatgm's aren't supposed to show content, but if they do, on a test server, keep it to yourself. :)
05:41.51Guillotinei posted unreleased content on WoWI. i revealed to everyone (along with screenshots) that the new alliance race was the O RLY bird!
05:41.52zeegCair, only like twice though
05:41.56zeegand i got banned like 8 times
05:42.14slouken|UIhatGuillotine, you're slightly off...
05:42.17zeegslouken|UIhat, foror's fabled steed :P
05:42.21slouken|UIhatIt's really the YA RLY bird. ;-)
05:42.33End-crazyhatit all makes sense now
05:42.34TainSo Slouken, what do you think of my Tracking Auto Alert AddOn. :)
05:42.45CairI haven't shown it to him yet Tain
05:42.51Guillotinelol. we thought of it in a discussion here. its a neat idea, isnt it?
05:42.57slouken|UIhatOkay, with any other 1.9 issues, hit the forums.
05:43.20Cairnow, leave him be guys, at least on "official" stuff
05:43.28EndI know I shouldn't have taken off my hat
05:43.31TainHah!  Too late.
05:43.33zeegi was already naked
05:43.34zeegno problems there
05:43.37Endor my pants
05:43.44zeegi like my bear suit
05:43.51Guillotinehaha! tricked you cair! im not wearing any pants!
05:44.00OsagasuHe's wearing a skirt.
05:44.01sloukenOhhh things I didn't need to imagine...
05:44.13Osagasuyou came in here, Slouken
05:44.16Osagasuoh, btw...
05:44.17zeeganyways cair
05:44.24purli guess slouken is an amazing WoW dev, or a close friend of God.
05:44.24TainI'm wearing Furblog pajamas
05:44.24netis this a cyber sex channel ? =)
05:44.38Guillotinelol. <3 purl
05:44.38Osagasunoone changed it?
05:44.40Cairit is by times, net ;)
05:45.58GuillotineHappy Thanksgiving!
05:46.16purl"This must be Thursday.  I could never get the hang of Thursdays." (Arthur Dent)
05:46.16CairYeah, Happy Thanksgiving to the Americans in channel :p
05:46.27Guillotineblizz should have done a thanksgiving event. They put turkey critters everywhere that you can kill and they drop food.
05:46.42TainI always celebrate the beginning of our enslavement of the rest of the free world.
05:46.51Guillotineor a contest to see who can kill the most turkeys in an hour or something
05:46.53OsagasuBlizz should have VET REWARDS!
05:46.54Kaeltenis it DoScript() that executes some lua?
05:47.05sloukenAnyone seen Iriel?
05:47.20TainIriel has been around all night.  I think.
05:47.22CairHe was on earlier
05:47.24Osagasu~seen iriel
05:47.28purliriel <> was last seen on IRC in channel #wowi-lounge, 3h 26m 36s ago, saying: 'Well, time to head off to get dinner.. See you all later (Happy thanksgiving for tomorrow in case I dont make it back on tonight)'.
05:47.28Enda few hours ago
05:47.39Guillotineyay purl!
05:47.43cladhaire~seen cladhaire
05:47.44purlcladhaire is currently on #wowi-lounge (6d 5h 37m 19s) ##ace (6d 5h 37m 19s).  Has said a total of 397 messages.  Is idling for 1s
05:47.52Kaeltenlol, thats convienent.
05:48.09Endsee, I learn to live without purl!
05:48.18sloukenI was hoping to see his official "what changed" list. :)
05:48.28netSlouken one question, i may have to re write it since it won t be very english :o , how is the progress with the addons check that blizzard is going to valid if they are good or bad ? :x
05:48.30sloukenIt's always entertaining.
05:48.33Tain~seen My youthful enthusiasm
05:48.35purli haven't seen 'my youthful enthusiasm', Tain
05:48.50Guillotinethey havn't released that info net
05:48.54Guillotineand i don't think slouken can even here
05:49.23Guillotinebut i hear it has something to do with the O RLY bird...
05:49.27TainIt's ok net, through secret means I found out that you can get past any such checking with encryption.  They are vulnerable to ROT13.
05:49.31Cairaye, no asking the dev to give away seekrets!
05:49.45zeegsimple enough?
05:49.55sloukendammit, they found out our algorithm!
05:50.05zeegthats what shows in the app btw Cair
05:50.07sloukenrot13 looked so good too... so efficient!
05:50.08Cair~whaleslap zeeg
05:50.10purlI'll just grab a freakishly huge killer whale named Hugh and slap zeeg over the head with it.....
05:50.13zeegso resize it to like 600px;
05:50.40Tainslouken: You could just ROT13 it twice, make it twice as secure.
05:51.09EndROT13 it 4 times for maximum security!
05:51.14Osagasu~literal whaleslap
05:51.15purl"whaleslap" is "your mom"
05:51.21Legorol|altslouken, is that *the* slouken?
05:51.25Cairhey Legorol|alt :)
05:51.28Endno, it's the other one
05:51.31Legorol|altit's my pleasure!
05:51.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (n=Guilloti@
05:51.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Legorol (
05:51.35Endwe had slouken cloned
05:51.36CairNO bugging the dev!
05:51.42Legorolwon't do, promise
05:51.46TainNo cloning the dev, either.
05:51.58Endbut we already cloned the dev!
05:52.03TainHe's multiplying!
05:52.16TainAsexual multiplication seen in the wild!
05:52.18slouken|sloukenNo cloning the devs!
05:52.20Legorolslouken, the cloning rule applies to you too, doesn't it? ;-) you are not supposed to self-replicate!
05:52.29Endoh noes, there are so many of them!
05:52.34slouken|sloukenOh right...
05:52.35Legorolmore slouken, more bugfixes
05:52.36Cairnaw, he can self replicate
05:52.45Cairmeans I can steal one all for myself ;)
05:52.50Legorolthat's handy
05:52.53Guillotinelook at all the pirates!
05:52.57TainYour loyal sloukenites are ready to serve!
05:53.13Legorolnow this is a big dilemma i have..
05:53.19Endsloukenitis would be a funny name for a disease
05:53.22Legorolhang around and chat with slouken, or play WSG that just came up
05:53.22Guillotinelol end
05:53.38netplay wsg
05:53.41EndI'm not sure what exactly it would entail though
05:53.51Legorolall hail the test servers!
05:54.04nethow can you call this a test server
05:54.05Cair~hail Test Server
05:54.06purlACTION bows down to Test Server and chants, "I'M NOT WORTHY!!"
05:54.06Guillotineearlier today i alt-tabbed out of WSG to read a thread on while holding the flag. my group wasn't too happy
05:54.21cladhairelol cair
05:54.27netAhn'Qiraj is closed
05:54.32netin our euro test server
05:54.37netgg blizzard
05:54.45Guillotinei heard the euro test servers got free level 60s though
05:54.49Osagasuit's not open at server up
05:54.52Guillotineor was that the chinese ones?
05:54.53TainThey have to wash and buff the floors.
05:54.55OsagasuIts only accelerated open!
05:54.57TainIt's not ready yet.
05:54.58netwith gimped gear
05:55.07netstill gimped
05:55.19Legorolbtw lots of nice changes for UI in patch 1.9, thanks slouken!
05:55.25Cairbitch bitch bitch, geez guys :p
05:55.27TainWait, are you complaining about things not ready yet in a test environment?
05:55.28OsagasuSlouken, we need free level 60s!
05:55.31Legorol(yes i am dead and waiting for res)
05:55.40LegorolOsagasu: we get that in EU on test :p
05:55.49Osagasuand gimped gear though
05:55.52cladhaireslouken: All of my mods appear to be working.. I just need to back the ##SavedVariablesPerCharacter out, and go back to a ##SavedVariables for WatchDog.
05:55.52neteuro is considered as trash =)
05:55.56OsagasuI want the Blizzcon 60s!
05:56.03Legorolnet: i much prefer to have AQ closed than open
05:56.08Legorolat least this way we have fun opening it
05:56.12Legorolthe US missed out on it ;-)
05:56.24netthe point is, none is going ot open it
05:56.25Osagasulegorol, it was closed at server up
05:56.32Osagasuwe just opened it REAL quickly
05:56.33Legorolnet: why not?
05:56.38Endthey "accelerated" the opening process
05:56.43Legorolthere are people going around trying to open it
05:56.48netIt take 2-3 weeks to open it on a hight pop server
05:56.56Osagasu~kill net
05:56.57purlACTION shoots a inverse  electron gun at net
05:56.57Legorolthe process is accelerated
05:57.02Legorolat least on test
05:57.23TainI changed all of my mods to RegisterForSave() is that ok?
05:57.26netIf you read the post in the test forums, it should be open :)
05:57.41Guillotinelol tain
05:57.47Guillotineyou have to ask that when Iriel is here
05:57.49Kaeltenafk guys.
05:57.53Kaeltensee you later.
05:57.56Cairlater Kael :)
05:57.59TainSee ya Kael
05:58.33netanyway i m a bit pissed today, the blizzard guy who make the itemisation is full of crap and should be fired
05:58.46Guillotine:( why do you say that?
05:58.54TainBecause the first day of the test server isn't... up to your standards?
05:59.15netI m full tier 2 priest, i have been raiding nearly everynight since 9 month
05:59.18Guillotinei actually like most of the new item designs. i jsut don't like how the druid helmet makes you look like a moose
05:59.23netand still my gear is useless
05:59.44TainThere is a train of thought, and I know this is a crazy idea but hear me out, that a test server is for testing these things to see what works and what doesn't.
05:59.57neti m not complaining about test come on =)
05:59.59Guillotinetain: no, hes talking about itemization in general
06:00.06TainOh well piss off then.
06:00.52netDecursive is broken ?
06:00.53TainIf you're not a meleer you're not getting as much use out of any gear.
06:02.27Guillotinehey slouken, just wondering, have you ever REALLY had anyone try to stalk you from the WoW boards?
06:02.39Guillotinei know cair had some problems after blizzcon...
06:02.52TainCair had some problems trying to stalk slouken?
06:03.15Cairwhat? huh?
06:03.21Endwell, slouken is unstalkable
06:03.22Guillotinei just mean the wierd messages
06:03.26Endso no duh she had problems
06:03.30cladhairepurl, stalking?
06:03.41purlupdatedb; locate; talk; date; cd; strip; look; touch; finger; unzip; uptime; gawk; head; apt-get install condom; mount; fsck; gasp; more; yes; yes; yes; more; umount; apt-get remove --purge condom; make clean; sleep, or super extractor,
06:03.45purlmake waffles && make syrup && fork(waffles)
06:04.11Endwait a sec
06:04.17Endthere is an sf project called sex?
06:04.27Guillotinelol. guess so
06:04.53Guillotineis slouken gone? i cant see into his window. too much of a glare
06:05.14cladhaireits tinted :P
06:05.25Guillotinewe need to make a UI modding guild called <Legion of Slouken>
06:05.25Tain~8ball Is slouken gone?
06:05.26purlI'm sure of it.
06:05.33Tainpurl is wise
06:05.54cladhaireGuillotine: Mondinga and I wanted to do that.. but it didn't seem to have any support.
06:06.05Guillotineill support it!
06:06.06slouken(catching up)  Legorol, you're welcome!  ... cladhaire, glad to hear it ... Guilllotine, no, I'm not as cute as Cair ...
06:06.07cladhaireGuillotine: At least then the /played time on my new druid wouldn't be inflated
06:06.39Legorolslouken, if it's not a secret: are you off duty now and home, playing WoW like the rest of us?
06:06.45sloukenyep. :)
06:06.54Legorolwhat's your favourite class
06:06.55sloukenactually too tired to play wow, but I can't go to bed yet
06:07.08Legoroli know the feeling.. happens way too often
06:07.14TainOooh you should try out my new addon then, slouken. ;)
06:07.17Legorolbut test servers are open, yay!
06:07.19sloukenI actually really enjoy every class I've played.
06:07.21Legorolhad to check all the new stuff
06:07.37cladhaireI got stuck helping my old guild through Molten Core tonight, when I really just wanted to level my drood some more.
06:07.46cladhaireLost a good 5 hours of coding/leveling.
06:07.51Legoroli think the only one i didn't enjoy was warrior, until i got to about lvl 30-40 where some of the nicer abilities appeared
06:07.59Guillotinei just don't like paladins
06:08.01Legorolhaven't played a rogue yet
06:08.06Legorolor not very long at least
06:08.10Guillotineon the plus side though, its really easy to play pallys and alt-tab midbattle to talk on irc
06:08.17Guillotinerogues are sooo fun
06:08.17rallionI like everything but locks
06:08.26LegorolGuillotine, if some of my pali friends heard that, they'd be outraged
06:08.29cladhaireI love my rogue.. and my priest.. and my druid is the perfect comprimise
06:08.35Guillotineits so true though. at least at lower levels
06:08.37sloukenI started playing a Warrior and kept trying to stealth, and then I tried playing a Druid and kept trying to charge (lol)
06:08.42Legoroli have a friend playing pali main who complains that it's a misconception that palis are click and forget
06:08.48rallionlol I've left to get snacks while fighting with pallies
06:08.52Guillotinethey are below level 15
06:08.55Guillotineim  not sure about after that though
06:08.56Endslouken: you can get feral charge at least :X
06:09.01TainIt's not even a matter of click and forget.
06:09.05rallionup to about 40, actually
06:09.09Endit's more like intercept
06:09.16cladhaireSo i'm buyin the $379.00 laptop from best buy on friday morning, I wonder how insanely slow WoW will be =(
06:09.24Endand you gotta spec for it
06:09.25TainIt's just a matter of never being at risk from anything you can fight as a Paladin.
06:09.27Endbut still!
06:09.38Guillotine<3 being feral
06:09.43Legorolehm.. semi-business question to slouken (slap me if this is out of bounds): do anything that people post on the EU UI forums ever get filtered through to you?
06:09.44Endferal is awesome now
06:10.13sloukenLegorol, not unless reposted on the US forums.  I don't even catch all the US forum posts... I have to work too. :)
06:10.24Legoroli understand, thanks
06:10.26rallionmy 60 pally couldn't solo SM monestery for a while...he probably can now, but before he couldn't handle two Scarlet Abbots at the same time, they outhealed his DPS
06:10.30Legorolso you don't mind if we cross-post it?
06:10.36sloukenNot at all
06:10.43TainStun stun stun
06:10.49Legoroli was hoping the EU CMs forward the issues raised on the EU UI forums, but probably not :(
06:10.50sloukenEspecially if you cross-post replies.
06:10.55Legorolanyway thanks for answering
06:11.22EndI've had instances with my druid where there were battles I just couldn't win.  I couldn't lose either.
06:11.25TainI don't know you were into that cross-posting, that's kind of kinky
06:11.26Legorolhow does that saying go? if you are slapped, stroke back or something
06:11.32Guillotinelol. i know what thats like end
06:11.33Endthat was when I was resto though
06:11.44Guillotinei hate duels against pallies
06:11.49Endthat's part of why I stopped being resto...healing wasn't my problem
06:11.57Guillotineferal is so much more fun
06:11.58Legoroldarn, too much chatting, i have AFKd out of WSG :(
06:12.00Guillotineespecially in pvp
06:12.18EndI had a 30 minute duel against another druid back in my resto days too
06:12.19Guillotineso does reload ui still stop you from going auto-afk?
06:12.21Endthat was annoying
06:13.10Endheart of the wild though, is freakin feral talent imo
06:13.18cladhaireIts amazing
06:13.21cladhaireI can't wait to get to it
06:13.32Guillotineslouken, do you ever just want to post on the forums for ppl to just "RTFM"?
06:13.45sloukennope, I let you guys do it. :)
06:13.47Guillotineb/c i'm trying hard to restrain myself right now...
06:13.49cladhairehaha i was just gonna say that =)
06:14.31TainI can't deal with the forums most of the time.
06:14.49cladhaireTain: I try to be helpful in the morning.. but sometimes Its so damn difficult.
06:15.01TainMy natural tendancies to show people how absurd their questions are.
06:15.07cladhaireSome days I just lose faith =)
06:15.20Guillotinewell, i g2g guys. happy thanksgiving :)
06:15.22TainAs a wise man once said, "There are no stupid questions.  There are only stupid people who ask questions."
06:15.23sloukennever lose faith, just take breaks. :)
06:15.23Legorolslouken, since you are around, I can ask all the crucial questions i ever needed to know: your favourite blend of tea?
06:15.35Guillotinelol. i was about to say that
06:15.45cladhaireLove it.
06:15.47Legoroli tried it before, it hurts
06:15.53Guillotinetheres such thing?
06:15.58Legorolyou didn't know?
06:16.04Cairnight Guillotine :)
06:16.12netahh this thread made my week
06:16.13netCasual players deserve Nexus Crystals
06:16.17TainTea. Ear Grey. Hot.
06:16.18netWith the leaked patch notes suggesting that disenchanted epics will yield Nexus Crystals for powerful enchants, Blizzard is giving all casual players ANOTHER slap in the face.
06:16.19netI'm a casual player and proud of it. I work 74 hours a week, I have a wife and 14 children, I have 3 mistresses and on most weeknights I volunteer at the local orphanage for the children of crack-addicted war widows. I spend most of my weekends coaching a hockey team filled with a rag-tag bunch of kids with almost all possible sterotypes of children accounted for.
06:16.22netHow am I supposed to get these Nexus Crystals if I cannot spend 18 hours a day in MC like all hardcore guilds do? I spend my $13.50 a month just like everyone else (I have a 10% discount since I served in WW2, the Korean, Vietnam and both Gulf Wars) and therefore am entitled to the same enchants as everyone else.
06:16.30cladhairehello paste-friend
06:16.35cladhaireNext time just give us the link =)
06:16.37TainAh, a bit too much spam.
06:16.56Guillotinei love the part about the 14 children and 3 mistresses...
06:17.17TainIt's important.
06:17.25cladhaire*cheer*.. When did they add the "Disable Error Speech" button?  I feel like I compoletely missed that.
06:17.25TainYou should never cheat on your mistress.
06:17.28Legorolthere is an element of truth in it though..
06:17.29TainExcept with your wife.
06:17.55Legoroldo you think that people who are willing to dedicate 20 hours on a particular goal, but can only spend 1 hour a day working towards it, shouldn't be rewarded?
06:18.10Legorolwhat's everyone's opinion?
06:18.26Endmy professional opinion is...waffles
06:18.28Legoroli beleive there should be some way for people who are currently classed "casual" simply because of the amount of time they play
06:18.29cladhaireThe new interface options UI is sexy
06:18.35Endgood thing I'm not a professional
06:18.38TainIf you can't meet the requirements for a specific goal then you can't have it.
06:18.49Guillotinenerf shamans
06:18.58Legorolso it seems that some of the goals are that you are able to spend X hours nonstop playing WoW
06:19.05Legorolwhy is that this can't be broken up into bits?
06:19.15Legorolheck i would even be willing to spend 2X hours broken to pieces
06:19.17Guillotinei think it should be able to be broken into bits
06:19.23Guillotineand it pretty much is
06:19.30Endno, that's a prereq to some goals.
06:19.38TainThere are smaller goals.  If you want the bigger ones you have to invest that time with 39 other people.
06:19.42Legoroli guess what i am trying to say is, currently players are classed as hardcore or casual, based on time they play
06:19.48Legorolbut i would put players in 3 classes
06:20.00Legorol1 hardcore that can and do play a lot, in a single sitting too, and takes game seriously
06:20.16Legorol2 casual who doesn't care, or just wants fun, or doesn't want to work hard on it etc.
06:20.27Guillotineand 3 thats 12 year old kids that try to tank on a priest
06:20.39Guillotinei actually had a priest try to tank today :/
06:20.51Guillotinehe had "all stamina gear. im built to tank"
06:20.52Legorol3 wannabe hardcore who does want to take it seriously, cranks the numbers, willing to put in lot of time over time for a single goal, but doesn't have the ability to spend consecutively a large amount of time
06:21.05LegorolGuillotine, that's category 12 ;-)
06:21.35TainThat's more or less what the battlegrounds are for, Legorol .  The cat 3 peopl.
06:21.44Legorolnot true i'm afraid
06:21.49Legorolwith the huge queues on the BGs
06:22.00LegorolBGs are definitely not friendly to those who have a short time to log in for
06:22.08Guillotinethey are at level 10-19 :D
06:22.11Legorolbecause the queueing time is totally unreliable
06:22.12Guillotinewhich is why i have so many alts
06:22.13Endon my realm I can get into a game in about 10 minutes
06:22.18Endof AB
06:22.28TainIf you don't have time to spent then you can't expedct to get to certain things.
06:22.31Guillotineits around an hour and a half on my realm
06:22.32Endand that's like worst case
06:22.32Legorolok, if they said: you have to wait 3 hours exactly then you can play it, i would be fine
06:22.36TainIt's not a punishment, it's a game mechanic.
06:22.38EndI'm horde though
06:22.45Legorolthe problem is that it could be 5 miinutes, could be 3 hours
06:22.45Endless of us
06:23.13Legorolanyways, that's just my opinion, don't know what you all think
06:23.17TainWell with 1.9 supposedly you'll get to join mltiple queus and get in whichever is first.
06:23.25Endthat's a good thing
06:23.29Guillotineso... everyone have fun engorging on deheaded fouls tommorrow :D
06:23.29Legoroli beleive that even the "big" instances should be doable somehow broken into bits
06:23.45TainI don't believe the biggest instances should be doable broken down.
06:23.46LegorolTain: all that means is you can be queued to all 3 BGs simultaneously
06:23.53TainThere's a reason to have a 40 man raid.
06:23.55Endyou'll get people leaving AB or whatever to play AV when it finally opens.
06:23.58Legorolbye Guillotine
06:23.58Endwhich might suck
06:24.02LegorolTain, let me propose a scenario:
06:24.09Endcya Guillotine
06:24.14Legorol40 people in a similar situation agree that they will spend 1 hour each day on a particular instance
06:24.17Cairnight Guillotine :)
06:24.22Legorolwhen they finish for the day, they log out of the instance
06:24.27Legorolthey log back in at the same place next day
06:24.40Legorolwould this be detrimental to game balance or effect hardcore guilds in any way? i don't really think so
06:24.50Legorolif those 40 people are willing to organise the timing,
06:24.59Legoroland are willing to be "stuck" in the instance for say 2 weeks,
06:25.02Legorolwhy not let them do it?
06:25.17TainFine with me.
06:25.45cladhaireslouken: The UnitDebuff/Buff changes are amazing.. I can't thank you enough =)
06:25.52Legorolwhat are those changes?
06:25.59cladhairedebuff = UnitBuff(unit, i, SHOW_CASTABLE_BUFFS);
06:26.17Tainslouken: the flowers and chocolates you sent were beautiful, I can't think you enough.
06:26.19cladhairethird argument can be SHOW_CASTABLE_BUFFS, SHOW_DISPELLABLE_BUFFS
06:26.46cladhaireTain: you are a genuine PITA.. I <3 it tho.. don't stop
06:27.09cladhairethat's actually SHOW_DISPELLABLE_DEBUFFS, but you get the idea
06:27.18cladhaireGets rid of all the custom parsing thats been going on.
06:27.42TainI am a Person Into TnA
06:27.43ToastTheif-k +l
06:27.43Legorolbut don't you still need to iterate them to see if a particular one is on or not?
06:28.12Legoroli can see hwo this is a bit better than before, but you still have to iterate, just not over the whole set, but only half of the buffs
06:28.15cladhaireLegorol: no.. it returns the first index that matches the category
06:28.18Legorolcorrect me if i am wrong
06:28.36Legorolso what is the 2nd argument?
06:28.38Legorolthe "i"?
06:28.45cladhaireerr.. you're correct
06:28.48cladhaireYou iterate the entire list
06:28.53cladhaireup to MAX_PARTY_DEBUFFS
06:29.10Legorolso will you get nil returned for some "i"?
06:29.16Legorolor how does it work?
06:29.18cladhairebut you can avoid filtering now, and just include options to filter buffs out to only those you can cast, or to only show those debuffs you can dispel
06:29.35Legorolehm... ok i still don't quite get it
06:29.38Legorollet's say you do this:
06:29.40Legoroldebuff = UnitBuff(unit, i, SHOW_CASTABLE_BUFFS);
06:29.51Legorolwill the values of "i" you need to iterate over be consecutive?
06:29.55Legorole.g. i = 1 to 10?
06:30.03sloukencladhaire, I can't take credit for those, but thanks. :)
06:30.05Legorolor will you have to iterate i = 1 to MAX_PARTY_DEBUFFS anyway?
06:30.05ToastTheifHey Slouken, did you know when you type /nice or /anythingthatstartswithan"n" it crashes the game?
06:30.17cladhaireYou'll need to go to MAX_PARTY_DEBUFFS anyway
06:30.22cladhaireIt basically helps unitframes and raidframes
06:30.31ToastTheifI would've posted that on the bug forum, but I don't have an account atm
06:30.33slouken... /nuts
06:30.45End.. oh /noes?
06:30.50cladhairejust check out RaidPulloutButton_UpdateBuffs in Blizzard_RaidUI.lua
06:31.15Legoroli gotta try this crash :D
06:31.25Legoroldidn't crash :(
06:32.14ToastTheiflast time I played... which was 3 months ago it did, and I remember seeing a post about how /nice still does it
06:32.24ToastTheifthat's what reminded me =P
06:33.02cladhaireAnyone on Test PVE that can group with me for a minute
06:33.22ToastTheifnever fear, I get my new computer soon
06:33.27ToastTheifit shipped today!
06:33.49cladhairewhat did you get?
06:34.21ToastTheifa case, with some stuff inside ;)
06:34.40Endlame, you should have gotten a case, and then some other stuff
06:34.40OsagasuI wonder...
06:34.45Osagasu~seen slouken
06:34.48purlslouken is currently on #wowi-lounge (1h 1m 3s).  Has said a total of 30 messages.  Is idling for 4m 15s
06:34.51Endso that you put the stuff in yourself
06:35.01ToastTheifgig of ram, amd someting or another ####+ processor
06:35.16ToastTheifone of them 6600gt cards
06:35.17cladhaireYou're so damn informative tonight =)
06:35.33Osagasuthose 6600 gt cards are nice
06:35.38Osagasulemme tell ya, I jsut got one
06:35.46ToastTheifa new perfect flat monitor
06:35.47EndI got one over the summer
06:35.53EndI got one of those too
06:35.54ToastTheifand umm...
06:36.07ToastTheifI'd have to look to remember the rest =P
06:36.10OsagasuI got my 4400 when Geforce 4 was new
06:36.17ToastTheifI ordered it on the freakin 3rd
06:36.26Endoh dear
06:36.27ToastTheif20 days later it ships
06:36.35Endfrom what, dell or something?
06:36.47Osagasunever heard of em
06:36.59ToastTheifapparently one of the parts was on back-order
06:37.02Enddell can be absurdly slow sometimes.  not that I care, cuz I've never bought from them
06:37.13ToastTheifmy first PC was from dell
06:37.19Osagasunever have, never will buy from gell or gateway
06:37.26OsagasuI went dumpster diving for my monitor
06:37.36TainI love Dell's refurbs.
06:37.39ToastTheifthat's why I won't get another from dell
06:37.42TainSome fantastic deals.
06:37.57Enda friend of mine ordered a computer from dell...3 and a half months later, it still hadn't shipped
06:38.18TainYeah mine too, then it showed up, and they still send a nother one.
06:38.19Endhe canceled his order
06:38.24TainSo he got 2
06:38.27Endand got one from somewhere else
06:38.33Osagasusue em!
06:38.59Endall my stuff I've been getting from newegg
06:39.06Endhell, even my WoW gamecards come from there
06:39.37OsagasuI get my parts from both newegg and tigerdirect
06:39.39*** join/#wowi-lounge ToastTheif2 (
06:39.47Osagasu[1:37am] <ToastTheif> that's why I won't get another from dell
06:39.47Osagasu[1:37am] <Tain> Some fantastic deals.
06:39.48Osagasu[1:37am] <End> a friend of mine ordered a computer from dell...3 and a half months later, it still hadn't shipped
06:39.48Osagasu[1:38am] <Osagasu> hehe
06:39.48Osagasu[1:38am] <Osagasu> owned
06:39.49Osagasu[1:38am] <Tain> Yeah mine too, then it showed up, and they still send a nother one.
06:39.51Osagasu[1:38am] <End> he canceled his order
06:39.53Osagasu[1:38am] <Tain> So he got 2
06:39.55Osagasu[1:38am] <End> and got one from somewhere else
06:39.57Osagasu[1:38am] <Osagasu> sue em!
06:39.59Osagasu[1:38am] <End> all my stuff I've been getting from newegg
06:40.01Osagasu[1:39am] <End> hell, even my WoW gamecards come from there
06:40.02ToastTheif2xchat isn't liking me atm
06:40.03Osagasu[1:39am] <Osagasu> I get my parts from both newegg and tigerdirect
06:40.03CairOsagasu hello?
06:40.13LegorolI am still confused about the new UnitBuff/Debuff thing
06:40.18Osagasusorry, it's supposed to go into PM
06:40.19Legoroli just bandaged myself, then tried:
06:40.27Legorol./script message(UnitDebuff("player",1,SHOW_DISPELLABLE_DEBUFFS))
06:40.36TainI pay underage kids in korea to put together PCs for me and send them over for $14.95
06:40.38Legorolnad it showed the recently bandaged thing
06:40.47Legoroli didn't think that was dispellable?
06:40.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaelten|afk (
06:40.51cladhaireI know it works.. i just have to figure out how =)
06:40.57ToastTheif2so how am I connected twice?
06:41.03ToastTheif2so confused
06:41.16TainYou have more than one side don't you.
06:41.24Osagasubbs, showering
06:41.24Endhe got cloned!
06:41.27Endlike slouken!
06:41.38ToastTheif2anyway, Im going to sleep
06:41.51Endexcept ToastTheif's clone split off into a seperate entity
06:41.55ToastTheif2tomorrow is thanksgiving, and then next week my computer should be here
06:42.19Cairnight ToastTheif
06:42.23ToastTheif2oh and on sat, texas A&M is going to upset Texas
06:42.36purlTomorrow will probably suck too.
06:43.40Endhaha.  I was like where did my putty window go?  except...-this- is my putty window
06:43.59cladhaireLegorol: use 0 and 1.. instead of the constants.
06:44.03TainI tout I taw a putty tat
06:44.06cladhaireLog: those are just the values of the new options in the UI menu
06:44.11Endnot that kinda putty
06:44.14ToastTheif2Estimated delivery  
06:44.14ToastTheif2Nov 29, 2005 4:30 PM
06:44.21Endmore like the PuTTY sort of putty
06:44.35cladhaireI have AI and PW:F on me.. UnitBuff("player",1,1) returns nil
06:44.36ToastTheif2what the hell
06:44.46ToastTheif2I don't want to get my computer on server maitence day
06:45.01ToastTheif2I want to plaaaaaaaaaay
06:45.09ToastTheif2oh well
06:45.11Endwon't you have to install WoW?
06:45.59End(I mean jeez, wow will probably take a day.  and yes, I know he D/C'd..I just like hearing myself talk.  don't you?  so, did you hear about them raisens?  they were grapes once...)
06:46.24TainI like silly putty.
06:50.19Endso, I think Cairenn might think I'm weird
06:52.22cladhaireWell I do.
06:52.30cladhaireso its a safe bet that she does :P
06:55.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Deph (n=Depherio@
06:55.36TainGlad I'm normal.
06:55.44cladhairei never said that
06:55.57Cairyer *all* weirdos :p
06:57.23TainCan't I just be known as, "eccentric?"
06:58.13Endwell, I'm not known as s'mores, so no
06:58.45DepheriosWho wants to be normal?
06:59.35Cairnormal is boring
07:00.15kremonteevening all
07:00.26Cairwb kremonte
07:00.36EndI mean
07:00.49DepheriosUgh, I need to get mIRC again... Trillian just doesn't cut it
07:00.51kremontehaving those immortal moments End?
07:03.23TainI want turkey.
07:06.30CairDepherios: check out Gaim
07:06.58DepheriosI love Trillian, and I love mIRC, I just love mIRC more than Trillian when it comes to a chat
07:07.25DepheriosI've used everything I think... even had Odigo way back when... I miss when it was just ICQ
07:07.27Osa|Clean|Shaventhis has got to be the best shave I've ever given myself
07:08.31TainDid you use a straight edge razor?
07:10.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Depherios (n=Depherio@
07:10.15*** part/#wowi-lounge Deph (n=Depherio@
07:10.24DepheriosMuch better
07:10.46Depheriosnow I just have 1 billion preferences I have to change to get it running the way I like..... >_<
07:14.24TainThta's a lot of preferences.
07:15.18Depherioseh... a few aliases, changing the nicklist so idle people get lighter nicks, chat/editbox settings locations of things, removing the toolbar, sounds visual display stuff... uh...
07:15.46DepheriosThere's a reason I customize my UI in WoW, I know how I like things, and I'd rather them be that way XD
07:16.25TainI know how I like things, and if it isn't too complicated I go after them.
07:16.37TainBut really if it's too much work then I probably didn't want it in the first place.
07:16.48DepheriosSometimes I'm that way
07:16.59Depheriosfor awhile I ran litestep... then I realized how crazy I was and stopped
07:17.21Tainhaha yeah I think a lot of poeple have a fling with Litestep
07:17.31Tainit seems like it'll be a great fun thing.
07:17.46DepheriosWell, my windows interface has always been very minimalistic, so I didn't have much of a need XD
07:18.12TainBut really after a great experience you wake up the next morning and look over and say, "What have I done?"
07:18.12DepheriosI set up hotkeys using WinKey or Autohotkey and then I just... uh... don't use much of the default interface, lol
07:18.19DepheriosI LOVE Windowblinds though
07:18.57TainI did try Windowblinds, but I just didn't do anything with it.  So off it went.
07:19.03DepheriosYeah, all that work just to realize it wasn't worth it. and no, not EVERYBODY has a fling with litestep, just cool people
07:19.03TainSame with Konfabulator
07:19.18DepheriosI love windowblinds, lol... I actually went and bought it
07:20.24Depheriosat first I made my own skins, but then I realized that's kinda like cooking YOURSELF a big meal, it's satisfying, but not nearso as when somebody else does all the work
07:20.57DepheriosI still do winamp skins sometimes though, the 2.0 skins are just too easy not to use
07:24.51TainIt's like trying to find a female with good looks who cooks and cleans.
07:25.12Cair~slap Paul
07:25.14purlACTION slaps Paul, keep your grubby fingers to yourself!
07:25.19TainHi Cair!  Wanted to see i you were still paying attention. :)
07:25.26CairUh hun
07:27.14TainOne of these days I'll clean up around here.
07:27.37TainAnd then maybe I'll have a girl over.
07:29.28Cairoh noes!
07:29.34Cairnot a ... girl?!?!
07:30.06TainShe may never make it out again.
07:30.23DepheriosI lost my GF in my room once... she wasn't even hiding.. she just went to sleep
07:32.03Depheriosat the time, the crap on my floor was knee deep
07:32.33*** join/#wowi-lounge Morq (n=morquan@
07:42.35*** mode/#WoWI-lounge [+o Kaelten] by ChanServ
07:42.57Cairwb Kael :)
07:43.17zeeganyone know php/gd?
07:43.26kremontei know a bit of gd
07:43.27KaeltenI know php but not gd
07:43.29kremontebut php indeed
07:44.02zeegi need advice
07:44.30zeegwhen boxes "connect" (thats just do rectangles drawn per box) i wanna kill the borders, which I'm assuming i cant just draw on top of a transparent image, so im going to need to figure out how know when there's a connecting box
07:53.28Cairokay folks, time for me to go sleep
07:53.46Cairzeeg, don't spam my channel too much, you've got your own :p
07:53.54zeegi spam everyones channel
07:54.03Cair|sleepwell, please don't do it here :p
07:54.55kremontesleeping again, cair? :o
07:55.27Cair|sleephoping to, yup :p
07:55.44Cair|sleepwas up until 7 this morning then back up around 1, so sleep would be nice
07:55.51kremontewell, good luck! :P
07:55.56Cair|sleepheh, thanks
08:00.05OsagasuI'm away too
08:00.39Cair|sleepslouken: email
08:06.58*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
08:09.51DepheriosCouldn't sleep Cair?
08:10.28Depheriosoh wait, it's been 3 minutes... go sense of time
08:12.30zeegfor anyone who has a DBC -> CSV parser.. that doesnt handle floats/etc.
08:12.32zeeghere's ours:
08:12.38zeegExact same thing.. just works correctly
08:30.15Kaeltennight guys
08:40.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Stylpe (
08:56.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Industrial (
09:02.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Stylpe (
09:18.18StylpeiI have to repeat my question from earlier tonight, since I lost my net connection right after I asked it
09:18.52StylpeDoes anyone know a reliable way to make sure the player is hitting the target?
09:19.04Stylpei.e. Attack is on
09:19.26Depheriosdiscord macro functions
09:19.55DepheriosParameters: none
09:19.55DepheriosReturns: true or nil
09:19.55DepheriosDesc: Returns true only if you have auto-attack turned on.  This function is accurate
09:19.55Depherioswhether a mod has disabled PlayerFrame or not.
09:19.55DepheriosAlias: DMF_IA
09:20.33Depheriosmight be a better way, but that's an easy way... and there's a bunch of other good macro functions in there as well
09:21.35StylpeSweet, thanks =)
09:21.47StylpeMy Gamepad mod will now be complete!
09:26.02StylpeHeh, pretty smart implementation
09:26.28StylpeForgive me for ripping it out =P
09:26.31Depheriosyeah at first I was just nabbing the code out of the addon
09:26.42Depheriosbut then I started using enough of the functions that I don't bother anymore XD
09:27.03Depheriosit's not mine, I just use it...
09:27.24Stylpeoh, okay =P
09:27.51StylpeGetting hard to remember who everyone is. I just had to go by assumption
09:28.03StylpeAnd your name sounded familiar
09:28.19StylpeThen again, I haven't slept for 20 hours...
09:28.30Depherioslol, I'm mostly a graphics guy... Complex scripting i too much work for me usually, I do little things
09:28.34Stylpeand don't plan to do that for another 10
09:28.46Depherioslol, I understand
09:29.28DepheriosCheckForStatus, CorrectBuff, GetActionID XD uh... GetCurrentShapeshiftForm, HealthLost, IsPetAttacking, IsValidTarget, ManaLost, RunMacro, SmartChat, and TargetLowestHealthPlayer O_o -- wow, I'm using a LOT of those
09:31.33Depherioswell... I "used" TLHPlayer's code actually it's the only one I needed to modify
09:31.58Industrials'been a while since i last css'ed
09:32.00Depherioslol, what's the problem? CSS I can do XD
09:32.07Industrialheh, let me pastebin
09:32.11Depherios... could O_o crap, I might be in the same position
09:33.11Industrialdoesnt even work >_<
09:33.18Industriali feel so noob
09:33.40Industrialand i should stop using tabs
09:33.55DepheriosSTRICT XHMTL
09:34.01DepheriosKUDOS POINTS
09:34.09Depherioswhoop caps, got excited
09:35.11Industrialwell ofcource
09:35.25Depheriossorry, I'm too used to helping nooblets do web design
09:35.27Industrialim a man of no crap and standards \o/
09:35.43Industrialheh, im a webdev
09:35.43DepheriosEven on other pages and forums and things I use <img src="" />
09:35.52Industrialgraphics is my weakest point :\
09:36.07Depheriosheh, I was a graphic design junkie for a few years
09:36.51Depherioscrap, too many webpages open
09:37.39Industrialhmm i should prolly not call them row1-4 but header menu content footer or something
09:37.57Stylpe*snicker* This is sooooo cool, silly and funny all at the same time
09:38.00Depheriosget it working first, worry about naming conventions later... I just comment stuff
09:38.07StylpeI'm playing WoW with a game pad
09:38.19Industrialhow do you clock/aim
09:38.21Industrialuse tab?
09:38.29StylpeHere's the setup
09:38.46StylpeI have a gamepad almost identical to a PS2 gamepad
09:38.48Industrialtell me, im all about setups :] i love itnerfaces :] but thats prolly why we are all here
09:39.02DepheriosI use tab for targetting anyway...... well... he TargetNearestEnemy() function anyway
09:39.06StylpeI have my Dpad arrows set to movement back and forward, and turning
09:39.21DepheriosI'd hate to lose mouselook
09:39.22StylpeI have the lower pair of shoulder buttons set to strafing
09:39.38DepheriosBAH CSS okay back to checking this XD
09:39.40StylpeI have my upper left shoulde button set to TargetNearestEnemy()
09:39.43IndustrialStylpe: that actually works with a gamepad ;)
09:39.47IndustrialDepherios: lmao
09:40.02StylpeI have my upper right shoulder button set to shift+right click (loot all)
09:40.15StylpeAnd here's the cool part:
09:41.20StylpeI made a mod that uses an ability/spell based on the situation, and I have set up four such 'logics', one for single target, one for two targets, one for more than two targets, and one for gaining aggro
09:41.31Depheriosstyle tags!
09:42.24StylpeSo far I've only tested it on soloing mobs on a cauldron in WPL, and it's suh-weet!
09:44.38Depherios... the style works fine with style tags
09:44.41Depherios..... so...
09:46.01Depheriosmust be with the <link> tag(s)
09:46.05StylpeFuck, I died =/
09:46.50Depheriosor how the CSS is put into the.css files
09:46.56Depheriosand I don't even remember how that works
09:47.11StylpeHmm, I have to setup a 'Survive' logic
09:47.13DepheriosGod. I forgot how to do everything lol
09:47.26DepheriosWhat class?
09:47.58Stylpei.e. not alot of options =(
09:48.23Depheriosahh, of course... why do the four classes I know the least about, have to be the four most common...
09:49.03DepheriosIf I ever make a warrior, I'll have to do something like that, my current Interface is terrible for non spellcasters
09:49.34Depheriosthe same keys I use for movement, are he same keys I use for my action buttons
09:49.49Depherios... my T key is wearing out I think
09:50.26*** join/#wowi-lounge duke|ib (
09:51.21Depheriosbtw, I've never seen pastebin before (I haven't been social online in about 3 years) -- so wow...
09:52.00duke|ibnifty, innit?
09:52.07Depheriosoh god yes
09:52.22Depherioslol, I used to run a cgi script off my own server that did basically the same thing
09:52.26Depheriosbut yeah
09:52.38Depheriosthat was dial up... and... man I wish that was around back then has the most languages to color
09:53.02Industrialtheres also wich is pretty good
09:53.18Industrialbut at you can have your own pastebin
09:53.22DepheriosI used to hang out in web design chats, back before the stupefaction of the internet,
09:53.44IndustrialDepherios: the css is working now
09:54.18Industrialit's current state:
09:54.30Industriali legally have nothing to do today at work
09:54.37Industrialso i thought, why not make a website for my wow mods
09:54.51Industrialnot that they are anything special..
09:55.01Depheriosyeah, I completely understand that sentiment
09:55.31DepheriosCrap, I don't even have any seperate Addons for mine, mine are just series of data in Flexbar, I really should seperate them out, lol
09:55.46Depheriosthey'd all work fine on their own, I was just lazy
09:56.02IndustrialDepherios: maybe you can explain this to me
09:56.20Industrialwhy is the padding and border calculated in with the size of the box element
09:56.22IndustrialI HATE THAT
09:56.46Depherioslol... I have no idea... I think even the W3C has it set up that way
09:56.50Industriali always have to make the width smaller then i want to
09:56.58Industrialbecause i substract the apdding and border
09:57.04Industrialthats rediculous
09:57.08Depherioswhat's worst is when you do DHTML
09:57.19Industrialmm thats IE
09:57.21Depheriosand if you want to show/hide borders, you have to change the size of the box to do it
09:57.24Depheriosyeah :P
09:57.36Industriali have IE inside FF
09:57.38DepheriosI did most of my stuff before anybody was using firefox (used firefox though!)
09:57.49Depheriosmozilla before that
09:57.55Depheriostabbed browsing = :F
09:58.08Depheriosbut you can make things really pretty in IE, lol
09:58.16Depheriosalpha = my friend
09:59.01Industrialalpha doenst work in ff?
09:59.04Depheriosmost silly normal people thought my webpage used flash
09:59.16DepheriosDon't know, it didn't back then
09:59.19Depheriosbut that was ages ago
09:59.28DepheriosI STILL don't know the Mozilla DOM so
10:00.06DepheriosI remember I was taliking to this girl who did web design for a LIVING, and I told her that I could handle more than the basics, but I didn't know the Mozilla DOM... and she had no clue what I was talking about...
10:01.03Industrialits just that people are scared by code
10:01.09Depherioslol yeah
10:01.16Industrialthey dont know cleanliness on the PC
10:01.25Industrialusing this XP pro install for 2 years on this laptop
10:01.29Industrialits till clean
10:01.46DepheriosI suck at coding, it takes me 5 tries to do what people who know as much as me, do in 1 lol
10:01.49Industrialnever had a virus, never had adware, spyware, whatever
10:01.58Depheriosbut I can do hex color code in my head!
10:02.08DepheriosRGB color code... right here *points to head*
10:02.20Industriali can do it somewhat
10:02.27Industrialbut.. only colors i use..
10:02.35DepheriosI was a teacher's assistant for a web design class for 2 years, the students weren't allowed to use ANY references online
10:02.41Industriali love anything + grey \o/
10:02.54Depheriosnothing but a text editor and a browser to try it in
10:02.55Industrialblue-grey, reg-grey, green-grey, go go color schemes
10:03.00Depheriosso they had no color references XD
10:03.22Industrialwhat school did u do?
10:03.29Industrialim now doing IT-Mediaproduction
10:03.30Depheriosso I'd have them point to a color, and I'd give them the code for it... I used to almost always get it first try, but now I get it within 3, this was High School
10:04.14DepheriosI never went in for any advanced schooling, I got a desk job right out of school, HATED sitting down all day...
10:04.22Depheriosand all my plans for life went down the crapper
10:04.40Depheriosmy HOBBIES have me on my butt all day, I can't do it at work/school as well
10:05.14Depherioswhich sucks
10:05.30Industrialhm, i live in the netherlands.. kinda complicated school system
10:05.37Industrialcould go look for a graph
10:06.06DepheriosI had the misfortune of being trapped in the American public school system
10:06.52Industrialright so after the first 8 years you get to go to one of the 4
10:06.57Depheriosreally nice
10:07.05Industriali could have easily done VWO
10:07.07Industrialbut i was lazy
10:07.11Industrialso i did VMBO
10:07.18Industrialnow im at MBO
10:07.20Industrialyear 3/4
10:07.27Industrialinternship all year >_>
10:07.39Industrialif i finish this im going to do HBO
10:07.47Industrialeventually university maybe..
10:07.54Industrialbut its taking me so long..
10:08.08Industriali could have gone to university next year, but insted i now need at least 6 years
10:08.53Depherioslol, I graduated at 19
10:09.03Depheriosmy last two years of High School consisted of showing up
10:09.15Depherioshence all the teacher's assistant positions
10:09.30Industrialyeah my last 2 years here was exactly that.. they tought me what a variable is !!! og noes!!!111eleventy-one
10:09.33Depheriosworked in the library, did video production (as a teacher's assitant) took science classes...
10:09.46Depherioswas a nerd
10:09.55Industrialheh, thats good :P
10:10.08Industrialnerd ~= geek
10:10.17Depheriosnow if only I didn't suck at math
10:10.17Industrialnerd gets you somewhere
10:10.23Industrialword, heh
10:10.40Depheriosproblem is, I don't want to do NERD for a living, lol
10:10.44Industrialso im stuck a year making ASP *twitch* Jscript websites
10:10.58Depheriosright now, I'm working at a video game store, lol
10:11.13Industrialif it pays the bill
10:11.16Depherioscan't wait for employee appreciation!
10:11.41Depheriosgoing to buy a bunch of WoW gamecards on uber discount, lol
10:12.34Industrialman, cant u slip those things into your pocket anyway?
10:12.53Depheriosyeah, they want us to do "checks" as we close
10:12.55Industrial"ther goes a year of wow"
10:13.00Industrialoh ic
10:13.01Depheriosto see if our co-workers are stealing...
10:13.05Depherios... we laugh
10:13.11Depheriosreally... have you seen the size of a DS game?
10:13.20Depheriosthey're smaller than a quarter
10:13.26kremontethats small
10:13.41Industrial"what have you got today" "i have game X" "oh cool i have game Y today" .. "well see you tomorrow"
10:13.57Depherioslol, we can check any game out for 4 days heh
10:14.06Industrialo thats nice
10:15.48Depherios <-- size comparison
10:15.55Depheriosjust to the regular GBA games if you know those
10:16.08DepheriosI'm about to just take out a quarter and take a pic myself
10:16.13IndustrialWOW thats smapp
10:16.16DepheriosI can never find a good pic
10:16.19Depheriosthey're FLAT too XD
10:16.53StylpeGood lord, how do you not lose them?
10:16.58DepheriosSo ever snce those came out, nobody even TRIES to do checks anymore
10:17.10Depheriosyou could steal every DS game we have used and nobody could tell
10:17.38Depheriosvery carefully
10:17.46Depheriosthey come in a case, thank god, unlike the GBA games
10:17.55Depheriosand MOST people are intelligent enough to keep the case
10:18.08Depheriosthe few we have without a case... well we've gotten 3 traded in... we lost one
10:18.20DepheriosI lost one at home for a few days
10:18.27DepheriosI lost my Gameboy Micro for almost a week
10:18.31Depheriosthat had me scared
10:19.03Depheriosif you haven't seen those things, they're REALLY small
10:19.10Depheriosnow I have a big lanyard on it, so I don't lose it XD
10:19.49IndustrialDepherios: uploaindg a screenshot, if you dont have this ff addon im going to slapz0r you :D
10:20.58Depheriosahh.. FF has EXTENSIONS XD
10:21.12Industrialim so confusing addon extension module etc
10:21.27Depheriosadblock and tabbrowser extensions are all I'm using right now... I haven't been doing web design, lol
10:21.30Industrialyes thats my visual style
10:21.32Industrialno its not mac
10:21.43Depheriosremember, I use windowblinds? XD
10:21.46Industrialno/? :X
10:21.51DepheriosI had my own custom windowblinds skin for YEARS with no buttons at the top of windows
10:21.59Industriali use visual styles ;) i dont like stardock products
10:22.03Depheriosand I had no taskbar either, I should point out
10:22.19Depheriosheh, I've been using windowblinds since well.... a long time
10:22.44Industrialwmii ftw
10:22.52Industrialthats what i use on *nix
10:23.18Industrialbasicall it manages windows for you
10:23.33Industrialwich is a cool idea
10:23.38Industrialand does a good job at it
10:24.07DepheriosI remember wimp
10:24.27Industrialwimp: Windows, Icons, Menus and Pointing device.
10:24.36Depheriosthere was an old interface for.......... god what was it
10:24.39Industrialwimp is outdated
10:24.44Depheriosnot litestep
10:24.53Industrialwimp is so 1992
10:24.58Depherios... I use my own keyboard shortcuts to do a lot... is my FRIEND
10:25.06DepheriosI'm even deader than WIMP XD
10:25.17DepheriosI use WIN+R more than I browse my folder tree
10:25.29IndustrialWIN+R ?
10:25.37Depherioswindows key + R = Run window
10:26.04DepheriosI'm not a pointing device guy
10:26.15StylpeI'm going out
10:26.21StylpeHave to try to stay awake =P
10:27.00Depheriosso yeah... I don't even have desktop icons
10:27.07Depheriosand I use direct hotkeys to most of my programs using autohotkey
10:27.41Depherioswin+X = FF; win+1 = quick folder (with actual icons, but I still type in the start of the icon I want and hit enter rather than clicking on them)
10:28.34Depheriosthe keyboard is mightier than the mouse?
10:29.53Depherios... so it's probably not a surprise if I say that's mostly what I change about WoW, make things less click, more press heh
10:31.59Depherios...yeah, I get a lot of this functionality already lol
10:32.25Industrialhehe, my current layout
10:32.30Industrialfor wow:
10:32.43Depheriosmine has no screen as of yet... well... then again, there's not much to see lol
10:32.49Industrialwasd: move
10:33.07Industrialq: attach, S-q: pet attack
10:33.07Depheriossee mine is hard to explain
10:33.54Industrialz: walk, x:sit (need to make this sleep, sit sucks)
10:34.03Industrialc: assist
10:34.08Industriale: bag
10:34.18Industrialr, personal window/skills etc
10:34.20Depherios <-- my controls
10:34.40IndustrialS-r, guild/friends
10:34.47Industrialf, skills
10:34.51IndustrialS-f, talents
10:34.57Industrialv, quests
10:35.02Depherioslol, yeah, that's like me everything RIGHT THERE
10:35.05Industrialg, map
10:35.11IndustrialS-g minimap toggle
10:35.19IndustrialC-g Yatlas toggle
10:35.25Industrialthats it
10:35.40IndustrialEVERYTHING in qwerasdfzxcv
10:35.42Depheriosthe four arrows are move... when a thumb key (across the bottom) is pressed those 12 main buttons (two clumps of 6) become action keys XD
10:35.57Depherios <-- they show up in that... or did until a few days ago
10:36.18Industrialhmm howmuch is that keyboard?
10:36.39Depheriosthe buttons around the arrows are all basically what you listed... the pinkie key (it sticks out) is ALT, and changes the function of many of the buttons, and shift is how over there as well
10:36.43Depherios(that's an old picture)
10:36.46Industriali want to move to tfgh for moving though
10:36.50Depheriosergodex is my friend..... it's expensive...
10:37.17Industrialwhat i want on my keyboard is
10:37.23Industrialspace to be a normal key
10:37.24DepheriosI saw it, saved up, and bought it as soon as possible... it's 150 bucks
10:37.34Industrialalt, meta, shitf, control to be at the thump position
10:37.52Depheriosyou can bind space then a keypress to be different than just space
10:38.09DepheriosI couldn't do gaming without autohotkey
10:38.18DepheriosI Have pedals under my desk for move foreward and backward as well
10:38.40Depheriosand the thumb keys on my mouse, are strafe left and right, and jump and the scroll up and down BUTTONS are backward
10:38.53DepheriosI alternate between methods of control depending on the situation, lol
10:39.05Industriali press mouse2 for strafing
10:39.10Depheriosbut yeah, my WASD goes away when I press a thumb key... so it's a BAD layout for non spellcasters
10:39.11Industrialand looking
10:40.12Depheriosmy WASD changes so when I hold down the alt key (that little pinkie button) left and right are turn, and up is autorun
10:40.29Depheriosbut I only use them to go up spiral rams
10:40.32Industrialflexbar = evil btw
10:40.46Depheriosflexbar is the only way I can get those shift states to remap without a TON of work
10:40.53Industrialyeah i know
10:41.07Industriali use LuaSlinger and Visor for my buttons
10:41.17Industrialits not that bad
10:41.19Depherios... HmmMMMmm?
10:41.24Industrial*digs up little script*
10:41.52Depherioslike I said, I've done my own digging around, but haven't really ENTERED the community until uh...
10:42.09Depherios[02:42] -NickServ-          Registered: 3 hours 45 minutes 53 seconds ago
10:42.48Industrialdo you know about ace?
10:42.53DepheriosI surfed around reading and replying on a few forums, and commented to a few addons on curse...
10:43.01Depheriosyeah... I HAVE ace, although it's disabled ATM
10:43.13Depheriosdon't know much about it though
10:43.21Industrialim an ace nethousiast, 70% of my addons (not much) are ace
10:43.33Industriali have 512MB ram so i have to be minimalistic
10:43.55Depheriosyeah... I have 1 gig right now, I just got a nother 512 stick, but it was defective so I sent it back waiting for it to get back to me
10:44.08Depheriosis Visor a default function I don't know about?
10:44.30Industrialno, visor is an addon wich lets you change anything on a frame
10:44.33Industrialsize, width height
10:44.39Depheriosahh... fantastic
10:44.42Industrialrelative position
10:44.44DepheriosFAN tastic
10:44.48Industrialit also (my own addition/idea)
10:44.53Industrialgives you 80 buttons
10:45.15IndustrialVisor:Do('f=MainMenuBarBackpackButton h=FALSE p=UIParent pr=UIParent p1=BOTTOMRIGHT p2=BOTTOMRIGHT x=0 y=0')
10:45.18DepheriosI'll stick with flexbar for now, more because all my scripting is in it than anything else
10:45.29DepheriosI'm using the HIGHLY resource sucking Discord Frame Modifier right now actually
10:45.55Industrialtake the backpack button, show it, parent it to the UIParent, and make it cling its bottomright point to the bottomright of the uiparent with offset 0, 0
10:46.12Depheriosall my stuff is docked around the worldframe
10:46.24Industrialthat means if you hide the MainMenuBar, the buton wint hide, because the parent is changed to UIParent
10:46.26Depheriosbecause I keep changing my mind about how much extra space I need at the bottom
10:46.34Industrial(wich is the 2d layer wow paints the UI on)
10:46.39DepheriosI know XD
10:46.43Industrialk heh
10:46.46DepheriosI know all the default stuff, lol
10:46.49Depherioswell not ALL
10:46.50Depheriosbut the basics
10:46.53Industrialand that script
10:46.56Industrialwith the matrix
10:46.59Industriali made that myself
10:47.14Industrialwhat it does is in that pastebin example give me a matrix of 3 bars on top of eachother
10:47.18Depheriosbut yeah... I have the PARENT set to UI parent, but I have everything "clinging" to the underside of the world frame
10:47.21Industrial10 buttons wide
10:47.56Industrialbet i can rezise the world frame with visor too
10:48.01Depheriosyou can
10:48.08Depheriosyou can resize it using default functions
10:48.09Industrialremoving yet another addon ViewPort
10:48.34DepheriosI like viewport for ONE reason.....
10:48.38DepheriosI change it CONSTANTLY
10:48.43Depheriosand it doesn't save settings per character
10:48.45IndustrialDepherios: the addon luaSlinger can execute LUA ingame on the press of the button or on an event you set on it
10:48.50Industrialyou get 40 possible scripts
10:48.56Industriali have my visor setup in it
10:48.59Depherios...... dude.... I need to get that
10:49.32Depheriosright now though, all I have showing when nothing is pressed is chatframes the minimap
10:49.34Industriali decided im going to make my site for the addons as bare as i can make it
10:49.34Depheriosand my health bars
10:49.38Depheriosoh... and titan panel
10:49.46Depheriossweet sweet titan panel
10:49.46Industrialif someone complains ill just tell them they havent configged their browser correctly
10:49.51Industriali dont like titan panel
10:50.04DepheriosI modify almost everything on titan panel
10:50.07DepheriosI hate how colorful it is
10:50.29Depheriosit has a black background (no worldframe under it) all the headings are yellow all the text is white, it's all made more minimalistic XD
10:50.36Industrialbasically all thats in my screen is 10 buttons or so, my minimap and the bags buttons wich i dont need anyway (but they are small, 50%)
10:50.51Industrialim aminimalistic freak
10:50.58Depherioslol, the only time I need my bag buttons are when I get a new bag
10:51.04Depheriosand need to swap
10:51.06IndustrialDepherios: yeah
10:51.11DepheriosI'm a minimalistic freak too
10:51.18Industrialstick around then
10:51.21Industrialand, ##ace
10:51.36DepheriosI had it set up so it was like an RTS interface
10:51.42Depherioswhere EVERYTHING was across the bottom
10:51.54Depheriosleft botom was 12 buttons, right bottom was minimap
10:52.00Industriali have a littel project
10:52.02Depherioshealth bars, in the middle, along with other info
10:52.19Industrialim going to rip alot of good code and stuff it into one part
10:52.32Industriali already stripped chatscroll from 14KB to 2kb
10:52.46Depheriosmake sure you put that on that page, lol
10:52.52DepheriosI actually run Khaos though >_<
10:52.52Industrialtimestamp, scrolling, arrow movement throught the chat without alt
10:53.02DepheriosNOO I LOVE MY ALT
10:53.04Industrialthats it, no config
10:53.13Industrialgunna replace alot of things
10:53.14Industrialin time...
10:53.43Industrialfor example i have this idea
10:53.48Industriali use OneBag for my bags
10:53.55Industrialwhat if you wouldnt need a key for your bag
10:54.06Industrialand it resided along the side of your screen
10:54.11Industrialwith a little mouseover or click tab
10:54.14Industrialand it pops out
10:54.27DepheriosI had a bunch of stuff set up that way
10:54.36Depheriosbut I kept making it show on accident and got pissed and stopped
10:54.44Industrialit takes time
10:54.48DepheriosYou know what discord unit frames is true?
10:54.54Depherioserr yeah?
10:55.24Industrialalso going to maky my own unit frames some time
10:55.24Depheriosit makes WoW load about 20 times slower, but it's worth it
10:55.32Industrialisnt tbh
10:55.50Depheriosonce I finally decide on a look, I'll probably make my own
10:55.55IndustrialIndustrial | 12 HUM WLK F1 {hpbar} {manabar}
10:55.58Depheriosbut I keep changing my mind
10:56.16Depheriosso DUF is great... change my mind, I can change my whole look in 10 minutes
10:56.25Depheriosbut my current setup is only HALF nice
10:56.33DepheriosI have every buff set to show on a keypress, lol
10:56.35Industriali hate how wow does the scaling thing
10:56.43Industrialin dif, when you bump some frame up/down
10:56.54Industrialits border becomes 2px 1ppx 2px 1px 2px etc
10:57.13Depherioslol yeah
10:57.21Industrialsorry for the typos, i want to tye faster then i can
10:57.34DepheriosI have my own art on them... whenever I end up with a style I like for awhile
10:57.37Depheriosyeah, I'm the same way, lol
11:00.30Depheriosmy interface is so screwy right now
11:01.09DepheriosI need to find a better way to do "oh shit" buttons
11:02.03Industrialset them to the frame "cursor"
11:02.17Depheriosbut the thing is, they have to show constantly
11:02.24Depherioshabit from the belt on diablo
11:02.31Depherioswhen I FREAK I start looking for buttons
11:02.33Depheriosto click XD
11:02.38Depherioseven though I never click anything
11:02.42Depherioswhen I freak out, I want to click
11:02.54IndustrialPOT POT POT
11:03.25Depheriosso I have six+ buttons showing with trinket, pots, bandages and other attrition 3 of which have hotkeys
11:06.35Industrial---^ !!!111eleventy-one
11:07.01kremontewow Industrial. wow =/
11:08.14*** join/#wowi-lounge AnduinLothar (
11:08.26Depheriosstupid ohshit buttons... WHERE DO I PUT YOU
11:09.04kremontemiddle of your screen works :p
11:09.09DepheriosI finally realized that since my buttons don't show up until I press a shift key... they don't need to be at the bottom of the screen... it only took 3 months
11:09.23Depherios3 days ago
11:09.47Depheriosthey WERE popping up on top of my minimap, which is..... better than them having their OWN space (they did pop up on top of my buffs)
11:09.49Depheriosbut yeah
11:09.56Depheriosso now they pop up in the middle
11:10.00Depheriosthe thing is I like my screen CLEAR
11:10.09Depherioshence why EVERYTHING is at the bottom
11:10.16Depheriosmy game looked like an RTS for months XD
11:10.49Depheriosalthough for awhile, I put the D2 health and mana bars into WoW... that was fun for about a week and a half
11:12.19Depherios <-- woo!
11:12.40kremontei LOVE my screen clear but
11:12.45kremontei need so many buttons
11:12.50Depheriosthat's why I love the shift keys
11:13.03kremontei'm the kinda guy that when i clean something, i make it completely blank
11:13.09kremontebut then it's a shithole within 5mins
11:13.11Depheriosthe same 12 keys, and the same on screen 12 buttons do all my commands... I have five bars, but they're just one 3x4 section of buttons
11:13.14Depheriosditto XD
11:13.28DepheriosI just cleaned off my desk, it's already covered in crap
11:13.29kremontelike, ill make my screen have 10 buttons total visible
11:13.34kremontesame haha
11:13.40kremontethe next day i;ll have 55 buttons
11:13.53AnduinLotharonly ur desk?
11:13.54DepheriosI just made my buff frames hide until I press a key and hold it down
11:14.00AnduinLotharmy who apt is covered in crap..
11:14.01Depheriosyeah, the rest of my room is knee deep with crap
11:14.06DepheriosI didn't clean that
11:14.16DepheriosI got a new monitor though
11:14.24AnduinLotharwhich one?
11:14.55Depheriosnice 17 inch Sony flatpanel HS75P
11:15.19kremonteDepherios, i think thats the same exact monitor as the main one i use
11:15.19Depheriosit's so bright, I actually have to flinch at the sun in game, lol
11:15.25AnduinLothari got myself a new one too but i'll let u enjoy urs
11:15.26kremonteyay for crappy CRT on the side for irc
11:15.37Depherioswell no
11:15.52DepheriosI have my old CRT plugged into my laptop IT has two monitors
11:15.56DepheriosWoW has dedicated computer
11:15.56AnduinLotharya, got my 19" crt running irc at 800x600
11:16.21DepheriosI'm so happy to hear I'm not the only person with more than one monitor on his desk
11:16.25kremonteboth of mine are in 1280x1024
11:16.34Depheriosthis is fantastic, I love this place
11:16.35AnduinLothari got 3 atm
11:16.37kremontelol it was great last xmas when i got my monitor
11:16.50Depheriosthe laptop the monitor plugged into that, my monitor and TV
11:16.51kremontei brought it to my room and in 5mins had it set up with dual monitors
11:16.55kremonteand my family was so confused
11:17.01DepheriosI had 3 at once
11:17.03kremontei cant stand using TV out
11:17.03Depherioson one computer
11:17.08Depheriosplaying Quake 3
11:17.12AnduinLothar5min? i just plugged mine in..
11:17.23kremontehad to install drivers =/
11:17.29DepheriosI'm SOOOO happy to hear other people do this crap
11:17.33Depheriosand sad
11:17.35Depheriosas yeah
11:17.39Depheriosbut lol
11:18.06kremonteugh i really wanna do my UI
11:18.10kremontebut i can never get it right :(
11:18.24kremonteall i have are perl unitframes and sct
11:18.24DepheriosI spend more time on my UI than I do playing
11:18.27Depheriosmakes my GF so mad
11:18.34DepheriosI have SO MANY ADDONS right now
11:18.39Depheriosalways turning them on and off
11:18.41kremontei'm getting endgameitus already
11:18.44AnduinLothar110 atm here
11:18.52kremontein ffxi i would run up and down jeuno
11:18.57kremontenow i run circles around IF
11:19.00Depheriosmy highest level is only *looks* 33
11:19.18DepheriosI've been level 33 for...
11:19.31kremontei dont get why i still play MMOs
11:19.34Depherios1 day 1 hour... that's not bad... but I've played this character 15 days
11:19.45Depheriosone of my characters was level 14 for over a week
11:20.08AnduinLotharmy main has 51 days 19 hours on him
11:20.28AnduinLotharmy test char has 20 and she's lvl 10
11:20.31kremontei farm to get money to buy gear to run mc to farm mc to get gear to run bwl to farm bwl to get gear to show off to people outside ironforge so i can lose duels and go back to mc to get gear to run bwl to get gear to show off to people in IF
11:20.52AnduinLothari code addons
11:20.57AnduinLotharand play wow on the side
11:21.12kremontei'm learning to code addons. and cry because i can never make my ui look pretty /cry
11:21.24Industriali spend 80% on my ui
11:21.30Industriali have 5 lvl 15 chars
11:21.34DepheriosI'm learning code
11:21.36DepheriosI LOVE LUA
11:21.42kremontei've made one mod that isn't really a "mod
11:21.46DepheriosI tried Javascript, I tried basic scripting languages of all sorts
11:21.52Depherioseven did mirc scripting
11:21.56Depheriosthey all baffled me at some point
11:22.02Depherios... but LUA makes more sense to me
11:22.47kremontemeh. i learned php, now lua is just a matter of making sense of tables as to arrays
11:22.49Depheriosso, I'm seeing more progres, lol
11:23.06kremontec++ is out of my league
11:23.09DepheriosI haven't gotten that far, I learned PHP... then forgot it two weeks later... wanted to cry
11:23.40kremontebyte 64 is blablabla i don't care i just want things to look pretty ><
11:23.48Depheriosthe biggest things I've ever done code-wise are make people think webpages were flash, when they weren't
11:23.55DepheriosI don't want things to be pretty
11:24.03DepheriosI want them to be minimalistic, and exactly how I want them
11:24.19Depherios... I'm running something of yours AL...
11:24.40Depherios*goes to his favorites list on curse to figure out which*
11:24.48Depheriosoh wait... no name shown there...
11:26.06Depheriosahh! I'm running a few XD
11:26.16kremonteare people always so discouraging :(
11:26.25kremonte"hmm i want a new mount. maybe a winterspring tiger"
11:26.45kremonte"its worthless!" "baron mount?" "too much work!" "exalted with av?" "its worthless!"
11:27.07DepheriosI tend to go for different goals than other people XD
11:27.16AnduinLotharOn my desk:  +  + (20")
11:27.20kremontemeh, i have nothing to go for
11:27.28kremontefelheart?yay i have something 50% of all level 60 warlocks have
11:27.47Depherioslol yeah
11:28.21DepheriosI'm so bad though, in games like WoW I usually have a second set of gear for looks... I even did it in D2, lol
11:28.32kremontei do too, i have a pirate suit
11:28.40kremontecause i got first mate hat in STV
11:28.55kremonte+ black swashbuckler's shirt + tuxedo pants
11:29.01kremonte+ any red sash
11:29.12DepheriosI used to be a mac guy Anduin, then they made the iMac and the second gen G3s sucked, and I wanted to play Diablo and Starcraft and they still weren't out on Mac... and yeah...
11:29.37kremontewhy am i still a windows guy
11:29.44Depheriosnow I don't even have a powermac..... I want to play Marathon D:
11:29.58AnduinLotharthe imac was free when i my parents upgraded. i use it for server and irc
11:30.31Depheriosoh, btw, BetterItemCount, ChatScroll, FriendsFacts, MinimapZoom, MobileFrames
11:30.52DepheriosSea, earth, IEF... lol
11:30.56AnduinLotharglad to hear it
11:31.00Depherios... I think everybody has IEF
11:31.09Depherioseverybody SHOULD have IEF... blizz should just put it in WoW
11:31.13AnduinLotharall the smart people anyway
11:31.36AnduinLothartest server breaks it, i need to fix that..
11:31.40DepheriosI want to try ArcanePartyBars... but my interface is bogging me down as it is...
11:32.23Stylpemesa back
11:32.58kremontehmm i think i know what i'll do
11:33.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Trilian (
11:33.02AnduinLotharjar jar, is that u?
11:33.11kremontei'll level a rogue to 60 using only worn daggers
11:33.28kremonteand no equips
11:33.30DepheriosWoW too easy for you?
11:33.33kremontejust the level 1 stuff
11:33.43kremontei dont see how an MMO can be "hard" tbh =/
11:33.50AnduinLothari got a warlock to 30 naked, just using a dagger
11:33.54Depheriosyeah... my friends all want to make it even easier
11:34.02DepheriosI tend to do quests I can barely GET
11:34.09Depheriosthey're doing green quests
11:34.09kremonteyou know what would be awesome
11:34.12kremonteduels using only rank 1 spells
11:34.19DepheriosI wish you could choose to get quests at an earlier level
11:34.22AnduinLotharpally wins
11:34.45Depherioswhat about talents? XD
11:34.50AnduinLotharoh btw, there's finally a reason to use higher rank command seal now
11:34.57kremontetalents meh
11:34.59Depheriosrespec to 0 to do it?
11:35.00kremontestill rank 1 spells
11:35.04AnduinLotharlvl 5 can judge crit for 1k
11:35.20AnduinLotharplus debuff for damage on stun
11:36.03AnduinLothar+ more if u have spell damage items
11:36.12Depheriosrank 1 spells would be nice in a way, lol... it'd take forever to die, but you'd regen mana faster than you'd really use it XD
11:36.23AnduinLothar+ more if u have holy + aura + more with holy tallent
11:36.43Depherioswell... I would, and I'm at level 33 (priest though, with way too much spirit gear :P)
11:37.03AnduinLothari bet fully specced and itemed for command i could get it to crit 2k
11:37.16Depheriosthey really need to make the estimated wait time base it on something other than how long it took the last game to start
11:37.33Depheriosbeen in queue now for 3 hours 13 minutes... estimated wait time... less than one minute
11:38.15Depheriosany of you guys know if there's a Kalented update?
11:38.38AnduinLotharu know where to find it
11:39.20Depherioswell it hasn't popped up on my updated favs on Curse...
11:39.34Depheriosand I dont' remember what the last version I had was
11:39.41kremontei got to an unmade part of the world again
11:39.54DepheriosI haven't cared recently, because I haven't been leveling lol
11:50.20DepheriosAnybody know of an addon that'll display the player's class in raid chat? -- I just suddenly remembered seeing it in some WoW video a friend showed me, and hunting for it, and now here's people who might know
11:50.45StylpeSorry, no
11:51.02AnduinLotharmmm, was thinking of setting up WhoTip for memory and raid/Party info
11:51.08AnduinLotharbut not quite the same
11:51.10DepheriosYeah it was weird XD I looked all over for it.. .and I don't know how to hook the chat stuff yet... need to
11:51.35AnduinLotharit would be an ChatFrame_OnEvent hook
11:51.50Depherioslol, it takes me awhile still at this point, to do ANYTHING
11:52.02DepheriosI wouldn't usually want it on, but in BGs and in random PvP raids... I have a terrible memory
11:52.25Depherioswait a minute... cleanchat can color nicks by class I think...
11:52.27AnduinLothari just have all thei rct frames visible
11:52.51Depheriosyeah, ditto, but cross checking takes time
11:53.01DepheriosI run clean chat anyway, I'd forgotten about it
11:53.29Depherios(the colored nicks help me out immensely, I'll have highlights set up in mIRC in a few days for here, lol)
11:53.42DepheriosI've already gotten who was saying what mixed up a few times
11:54.05Depheriosfor raid chat?
11:54.12AnduinLotharnah, just whispers
11:54.29AnduinLothari go by namelength in chat mostly
11:54.36Depheriosyeah, whispers I don't have problems with since I have to reply, and cycling with tabs reminds me what's going on
11:54.48DepheriosI had a problem for awhile though
11:55.11Depheriosbecause my Priest is named Dvorak, and some guy was named Dorvak
11:55.39Depheriosand even cleanchat colors them the same, since... I forget the word because it's 4am... but yeah, alphanumerics to get the colors
11:55.51Industrialdone ;)
11:56.04Depheriosyes! that!
11:56.21Industrialthat will be my whole site
11:56.25Depherioslynx lol
11:56.26AnduinLotharhashes suck unless ur hashing into some other structure
11:56.32Industriallynx, links and elinks
11:56.52DepheriosI make my webpages scale down just fine, even to using link tags
11:56.53IndustrialAnduinLothar: care to copy that XHTML put it in a .html document and viewing it with some mac browsers?
11:57.00Industrialoso i can enlist them as working?
11:57.54Industrialhad to remove the XML line
11:57.57Industrialcause IE sucks
11:58.52Industrialhm, need to fix some stuff
11:58.55Industrialnot valid
11:58.56AnduinLotharwhat do u want me to check on it?
11:59.07IndustrialAnduinLothar: is it accesible, readable?
11:59.18AnduinLotharit's a web page..
11:59.25IndustrialAnduinLothar: thus my concern
11:59.34AnduinLothartop two links dont work
11:59.42Industrialyes, its just one document
11:59.53Industrialbut does it look right?
11:59.57AnduinLotharthen yes, it looks like it works
12:00.01Industrialok, cool
12:00.05Industrialwhat browser(s)?
12:00.19AnduinLotharit' sjust text in a centered box
12:00.37AnduinLotharcould do that with tables if u were old school
12:00.39Industrialwith a CC license *dance*
12:00.48IndustrialAnduinLothar: *twitch*
12:01.45AnduinLothari haven't done any web page stuff since css was just becoming usable
12:01.45Depheriostables and frames = last refuge of the incompetant
12:01.45AnduinLotharmy expertise was mostly python and javascript
12:02.03AnduinLotharand my web site is huge and takes forever to load, thus
12:02.11Depheriosgod... in like... the 60,000 files...
12:02.15DepheriosI can't find my old webpage
12:02.19Depheriosthis is so sad
12:02.26Industrialoops forgot an encoding
12:02.54Depherioswell... my old FRONT page... I lost most of the rest
12:03.26AnduinLotharlast thing i designed, 3 yrs ago
12:04.11DepheriosI need to get a no-ip account again
12:04.32AnduinLotharthey dont do .com anymore unless u pay, i got in before that happened and grabbed a few
12:07.23DepheriosI know lol... my account should still be there
12:08.56DepheriosWOO I found my 404
12:15.24Depheriosokay wtf XD why does ipconfig open and then close itself automatically?
12:15.31Depheriosit's hard for me to see this crap when the window won't stay open
12:15.56Depheriosis windows trying to play some sort of joke on me? lol... skip it
12:16.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
12:16.44Depheriosthere we go
12:16.57AnduinLotharjust run it in the prompt, not form 'run'
12:17.02AnduinLotharwb cide
12:17.15Depheriosnever used to close from Run.... must've done something, or had something or.... something
12:17.39AnduinLothartest server's up if u missed th enews
12:20.17Depherioshow... was I doing that... Oh well *shrugs* maybe I was using command first, but I just did it the other day...
12:20.25DepheriosI wish I didn't have the memory of a goldfish
12:20.34Depheriosit makes all this crap so much harder
12:20.50AnduinLotharwhy are u even going into the config?
12:20.58Depherioswhen I reorganized my desk
12:21.08DepheriosI unplugged everything from my router and plugged it all in
12:21.25Depheriostoo lazy to change all that, so I'm just changing the filters in the router now XD
12:23.40DepheriosOMG opened IE on new monitor... about:blank... killing retinas
12:23.59AnduinLotharturn down the brightness at night silly
12:24.11AnduinLotharor tunr on some lights
12:26.33Depheriosmy webpage won't even work in the new IE anymore
12:26.39Depheriosit's broken to everything T-T
12:26.51AnduinLotharie suxors
12:26.56Depheriosyeah I know
12:26.59Depherioseven back then I didn't use it
12:27.08Depheriosbut I made my pages for it, since that's all ANYBODY used back then
12:27.32Depherioseven I had to use it a lot, since like... 1 in 4 pages wouldn't display right in Mozilla
12:28.12Depheriosoh nevermind, this is an old WORKING version... apparently not my upload folder
12:28.14Depherioshere it is
12:28.21DepheriosTHAT ISN'T OFF THE SERVER
12:29.51Depheriosnope, broken in IE as well actually
12:29.59Depheriosit won't run the stuff off the 'net, only locally...
12:30.29Depheriosoh nevermind
12:30.42Depheriosyes, I have MORE THAN ONE INDEX in there
12:31.07DepheriosI think... I just got sick of it, and tossed a whole bunch of my work in progress stuff... into one folder
12:31.57Depheriosthat is so broken in FF
12:32.46Depherioscrap... I should have been in bed 3 hours ago... that's what happens when you say One more BG before bed... in queue 4 hours 8 minutes
12:34.29Depheriosouch, no wonder I'm lagging poor laptop 37 tabs open in Firefox
12:37.20Depheriosbtw, that page is from before I went all strict XHTML nuts, and still used tables for some positioning, lol (although not on that page)
12:38.02Depheriosisn't it sad? -- that's too much time on your hands right there
12:38.24Depheriosnothing dynamically moves on that though, but it's all I can find that's in any state near finished, lol
12:39.22Depheriosexcept for REALLY old things
12:39.47Depheriosoh... and my 404
12:40.22Depherioshttp:// <-- this, was the last thing I ever did web design-wise lol
12:40.33Depheriosagain, totally broken in firefox
12:43.52DepheriosI've never finished a project in my life... I hate it when this fact suddenly dawns on me
12:44.12DepheriosHey Anduin, what's it like to finish something?
12:45.21DepheriosI wish I was kidding
12:45.43Depherioswell... I finished a couple starcraft use maps settings maps, but I never finished any of my good ones, lol
12:45.45AnduinLotharfeels good. I finish most of my stuff, i just get distracted and start 3 or 4 other things before I go back and finish the 1st
12:45.54DepheriosI never finish anything
12:46.11AnduinLotharusually either takes me 2 days of a month to make an addon
12:46.34DepheriosI finished cleaning my room
12:46.35Depherios.... once
12:46.37Depheriosit was perfect
12:46.56Depheriosfor like 4 hours... until I realized I didn't remember where I put something when I cleaned and had to tear it up to find it lol
12:46.59AnduinLotharnothing i finish is perfect
12:47.16DepheriosI don't even unperfectly finish anything XD
12:47.29Depheriosmy MP3s are half organized
12:47.34AnduinLotharafter i publish i always see somehting i forget and have to fix it in the 1st 10 min
12:47.47Depheriosevery video game I play, it seems like I stop right before the last boss
12:47.50Depheriosespecially with RPGs
12:48.06AnduinLothari've never beated mc or been to bwl
12:48.38AnduinLotharbut i rape through 5mans liek a pro
12:48.44DepheriosI've had wow for like... 7 months, and my highest level character is 33, and yet it's my primary source of entertainment
12:49.00Depheriosand I don't do much else XD
12:49.20DepheriosI started off on PvE though... as soon as I made a char to PvP I made it to 33 lol
12:49.27Depherios-to +on
12:49.42DepheriosI was on PvE though, beause I kept STOPPING to work on my interface lol
12:50.00Depheriosnot such a good thing on PvP
12:51.15zeegwhat do you guys think:
12:51.53Industrialcut off the overlappings
12:51.59Depheriosnice subtle use of gradients need to fix the margins though
12:52.04AnduinLotharall i see is a border and banner
12:52.08DepheriosI like the top unerhang
12:52.13DepheriosI'm assuming we're previewing a layout XD
12:52.18Depheriosis that all one image?
12:52.20zeegwell the idea for the "overlapping" is the page is centered, fixed width at like 1000px;
12:52.26zeegand the overlapping is 100%
12:52.28zeegya thats just an image
12:52.31AnduinLothari hate fixed width
12:52.45Depheriosuse positioning so it's not fixed width
12:52.48Depherioswouldn't be hard
12:52.53zeegit looks too.. boring w/o the overlappings
12:53.03Industrialcan anyone helo me with a non tripod like host for 10 html files max?
12:53.03zeegi *want* it fixed width, trust me
12:53.04AnduinLotharwrong, it makes programming 10x harder to have dynamic sizing
12:53.11zeegyes, it does :)
12:53.13Industrialprobably some zip/rar files and some images too
12:53.20AnduinLotharwhich is why it's better
12:53.23zeegbut the overalpping gives it a "unique" design
12:53.27Depheriosphp was all the more complex my scripting got
12:53.30zeegAnduinLothar, but in some cases, not needed, and this case it wouldnt be :p
12:54.01Industrialanyone? :<
12:54.18Industrialread up, i typed stuff
12:54.38Depheriosmy domain = gone ... I'm using my comcast webspace right now, lol
12:55.02Industrialthe whole content will be less then 1MB
12:55.06Industrialanyone? :<
12:55.13Industrialwell.. 1mb... make that 10
12:55.34Industrialroom for expansion
12:57.15Industrialno-one? :<
12:57.20Industrialill make a post then
12:57.39Depheriosjust run a webserver and no-ip it lol
12:57.45Depheriosfor that little content
12:58.13Depheriosget what you're paying for when it comes to broadband
12:59.01Depheriosfirst thing I did when I got broadband was start running a little server box... problem is... all my DATA is still on THE computer, so that didn't work out so well
12:59.34Depheriosonly thing it's any good for recently, is if I need to do something using teamspeak
12:59.42Depherios... and I can just use the laptop for that *sigh*
12:59.56DepheriosI need to just put linux onto it to play with
13:00.49AnduinLotharwhats wrong with data on the comp?
13:01.12Depherioswell... the biggest thing I use the server for is linking to just... the STUFF on my computer
13:01.31Depheriosmy graphics folder is so large if I run a generalized find on it I crash explorer
13:02.14DepheriosI can pull all that over the network, but THE computer actually gets turned off suspended because it makes a ton of noise... without that, the server has well... uh... an empty folder
13:02.26DepheriosI might as well just host it on THE computer
13:03.39DepheriosI need to organize all this stuff I have... I have nearly 10 years of files just laying around
13:15.37AnduinLotharomg the updated atlas minimouse frame pisses me off
13:15.59AnduinLotharhe has an embedded frame handle the clicks and a parent frame always visible..
13:16.11AnduinLotharmakes me want to stab him
13:18.32DepheriosCTA does that too doesn't it?
13:18.33AnduinLothari'm gonna fuxor it with a SetAllPoints
13:18.42AnduinLotharit's dumbest thing ever
13:18.55AnduinLotharif u want an event frame jsut make an invisible one with size 0
13:19.13DepheriosI hide all that crap anyway, slash commands are my friend
13:19.23AnduinLotharcide, u around?
13:19.27Depheriosbut yeah... that's just annoying
13:20.12AnduinLotharya, I got an invisible CT_RASetsFrame obscuring the right side of my minimap invibibly
13:20.32Depheriosyeah, THAT'S what it was
13:20.45AnduinLotharit's busting my balls
13:20.47Depheriosthat went away fast
13:21.22Cidethat's the minimap button
13:21.32AnduinLotharya, no. the minimap button is moved
13:21.39Depherioslol, or in my case GONE COMPLETELY
13:21.52Industrialplease submit anything yo might no
13:22.00AnduinLotharbutton says CT_RASets_Button
13:22.08Industrialbut no MyAddonsUIFrameWithContentDodgyButtonText
13:22.10AnduinLotharthey are not attached
13:22.34zeegwtb Cide
13:22.38AnduinLotharand personally i prefer a single minimap button frame if ur gonna use one
13:23.02AnduinLotharmakes life simpler to move it myself
13:23.13zeeghey, you'd be goood for comments, give me your 2 cents on our new UI section layout/whatnot:
13:23.13Depheriosor hide them
13:23.57AnduinLothargood, u fixed the layout issue
13:24.08Cidethink I fixed it AnduinLothar
13:24.30AnduinLotharat home or ina  release i dont have?
13:24.38Cidethe latter
13:25.33AnduinLotharwell, while ur at it it'd be nice to have you set a MobileMinimapButtons 1 line insert.
13:25.43Cidewhat for?
13:25.56AnduinLotharso i can drag it w/o a control panel
13:26.14Cidethere is already a slider :P
13:26.43Depherioswhat if you're like me, and you've moved your minimap inside the minimapcluster?
13:26.46AnduinLotharu obviously haven't tried it
13:26.54Cideno, I haven't
13:27.06Industrialzeeg: yatlas ftw
13:27.12AnduinLotharif (MobileMinimapButtons_MakeMobile) then MobileMinimapButtons_MakeMobile("CT_RASetsFrame","CT Raid Assist Button"); end
13:27.13Industrialalthough its not really comparable yet
13:27.14CideDepherios: ctra is hooked to the minimap and not the cluster
13:27.32Depheriosgood XD
13:27.36Cidezeeg: looks good, I like the tab layout
13:27.44AnduinLotharonload if u want an opt dep, else onvarsloaded
13:27.47Cideonly thing was that it loaded slow, but that might just as well be my slowass host
13:28.01zeegya we're getting hammered atm
13:28.08DepheriosI hid that button though... I just use the tab
13:28.10zeegwe're like the only site that covers patch stuff right off the bat
13:28.24AnduinLotharif u wanna try cide:
13:29.18AnduinLotharif u don't add it i'll jsut add it in, but i'd rather keep code in the addon it belongs too just outa principle
13:30.26AnduinLotharplus as you know i like standards. shift-drag and ahift-right-click for reset menu is pretty damn easy to find/remember
13:31.24AnduinLotharand ya. yatlas is nifty
13:31.28Cidelibraries you mean
13:31.40Depheriosam I the only person out there who does nothing but hide minimap buttons? XD
13:31.55CideI only have 2
13:32.06Depheriosthe few I can't "hide" I make my own titan panel stuff for, lol
13:32.14AnduinLotharw/e it's just one line. it's ur call
13:33.19AnduinLotharif u want you could incorporate the code urself, plety of other people have stolen it since i put it in MF in like april
13:33.39DepheriosI should really seperate that out and make it it's own addon... tracking icon in titan panel right side...
13:33.46AnduinLotharso i just exported it to a mini addon to save them the time and MF conflicts
13:36.06AnduinLothari can understand not wanting deps. i just dont get not having optionally enhanced features :/
13:36.38AnduinLotharbut i dont wanna get on your case, so i'll jsut shutup
13:36.53DepheriosJust do what I do, shut up, and modify it yourself, lol
13:37.17DepheriosI've harrassed so many titan panel devs to PLEASE put in the "Show colored text" option
13:37.19Depherios... nobody listens
13:37.33DepheriosI have to go in and add it, or more likely, just strip the color codes out/modify them
13:37.47*** join/#wowi-lounge zeeg (n=wguru@
13:37.48Depheriosand thankfully adding the "Show icon" option is like... 3 lines
13:38.08Depheriosbut yeah...
13:38.43zeegTURKEY DAY
13:38.58Depheriosugh, quit reminding me, if today is turkey day, tomorrow is black fiday
13:39.11zeegblack friday is one of those religious days, ya?
13:39.38AnduinLothari have a feelign cide thinks i only talk to him to harass him into using my libs :/
13:39.50zeegi only talk to him to harass him into hosting on wowguru
13:39.51zeegerr i mean
13:40.31Depheriosbiggest shopping day of the year, most suicides in one day... and I work tomorrow... retail, at a video games store, where only 3 employees aren't holiday hires and know how to use the registers (including myself) and the 360 just came out, and nobody can get one...
13:40.49zeegi wish i got paid today or something so i could go shopping tomorrow
13:40.57AnduinLotharheh, the frame is called: TheYatlasButton
13:41.11zeegive never gotten to go shopping "the day after"
13:41.14Depheriosif I didn't work I wouldn't leave the house on black friday
13:41.18zeeghey AnduinLothar
13:41.27zeegis it possible to detect attacks made on players within raid/party
13:41.30zeegsay a boss does X to X player
13:41.32zeegcan i get that info
13:41.43AnduinLotharcombat log maybe
13:41.45Depheriosdon't you have to parse that crap out of the combat log?
13:43.28AnduinLotharCT_RASetsFrame:SetAllPoints(CT_RASets_Button); ftw
13:44.04DepheriosI just got rid of them both
13:44.26DepheriosI got rid of them ALLLLLL
13:44.54AnduinLotharsome people liek /commads, some liek gui
13:45.17DepheriosI know XD
13:46.06Depheriosif I was going to keep them though, I'd just find the Function() for them all, and make my own titan pulldown or popup menu in flexbar or something, but I'm weird
13:46.23Depherioswas it buttonhole that tries to put them all in one menu
13:46.26AnduinLotharwhere do u put all the pulldowns?
13:46.46Depheriosmy titan panel doesn't have much drop an icon on the right side is what I'd do
13:46.56Depheriosright click it for the little pulldown...
13:47.02AnduinLotharya, for somethings u dont mind 2 clicks, need my 1 click for wardrobe
13:47.15AnduinLotharand CTA
13:47.19AnduinLotharand IEF
13:47.25Depheriosthen put an icon on the right side of titan XD
13:47.49Depheriosyeah... IEF still shows, but it actually shows up on the far left side over my deposit box button ON titan panel, lol
13:47.51AnduinLotharEarth Feature frame needs 1 too since else it's 3 clicks to what it's page holds
13:48.06DepheriosI have NEVER used the earth button
13:48.19AnduinLotharya, i usually just bind those
13:48.30AnduinLotharMF anchors
13:48.34Depherios... /bkb what else is in there?
13:48.44DepheriosI don't need those, all those frames are gone
13:49.12AnduinLotharcrap.. yatlas uses the same evil button format
13:49.14DepheriosI use mobile frames mostly so I can have my character window open at the auction house
13:49.49DepheriosOH GOD
13:50.08AnduinLotharlooks like they all copied ur format cide
13:50.31DepheriosI don't want to sound rude, but really XD
13:50.33AnduinLotharwell, yatlas prolly copied atlas
13:50.41AnduinLotharand atlas copied ct
13:51.24AnduinLothari'd make a gui for adding button on MMF but all these frames have exceptions :/
13:51.47DepheriosI don't use yatlas, I just have WoW Cartographe on the laptop
13:51.55AnduinLotharhow's that?
13:53.33zeegi cant find the wow font
13:53.34zeeganyone got it
13:54.13DepheriosI hate that font XD
13:54.22Depheriosbut there you go
13:55.07zeegfailed :(
13:55.12Depheriosmoving it now
13:56.05zeegis that really the wow font?
13:56.19Depheriosright out of the fonts folder
13:56.20AnduinLotharthere we go, added 8 new buttons
13:56.35Depheriosof my install, from the old custom ui unpackager
13:56.41zeegoh i meant the wow logo :D
13:57.11zeegthis will work though i guess
13:57.14zeegbetter than nothin
13:57.23DepheriosI think I have the STARCRAFT one
13:57.47zeegnah its cool
13:58.00Depheriosfoklard is what you're looking for? or the actual WoW font?
13:58.03Depheriosfolkard rather
13:58.22zeegdoes Folkard look similar to "Warcraft 3" title font?
13:58.28zeegi want the closest i can get :)
13:58.37Depheriosseems like everybody who has anything to do with WoW loves Folkard, but no, it's not the WARCRAFT font
13:59.05zeegor that one they use on all their images
13:59.32Depheriosthat's folkard
14:00.26zeegthall work
14:00.26Depheriosnot free though, I'm sure you can find it somewhere
14:00.52zeegthat page let me download it..
14:01.11Depheriosthink it's a demo... not sure though you'll find out if it's missig the E or something XD
14:02.10zeegwell it gave me all the letters i needed
14:02.11zeegso no worries
14:02.31AnduinLotharnew MFF:
14:04.41zeegalright time to cut up my design
14:08.49Depheriosis for the weak!
14:09.51Depheriosbuah... so they NERF the troll racials? -- that better add a lot of spell damage
14:10.14Depherios... oh so they make it so they get a bow bonus
14:12.48Depherios... I've been listening to Unreal, Unreal Tournament, UT2k3/4's soundtracks for a week now O_o
14:13.20Depheriosso hey, downloading the test realm patch, you have to drop that on a seperate install?
14:14.02zeeghow do i save an image in photoshop
14:14.09zeegand make it so the gradient doesnt go all.. fugly on me
14:14.40Depherioswhat are you saving it as? gif? jpg? tga?
14:15.59zeeggif and jpeg
14:16.03zeegboth suck
14:16.30Depheriosgif you're usually screwed, if your gradient is bigger than 256 pixels long, or has things on top, you need to layer them on the page gradient seperate from the actual image
14:16.50Depheriosdo what I do
14:16.57Depherioscut it up into lots of seperate images XD
14:17.04Depheriosuse slices in imageready
14:17.16CideI like png
14:17.27Depheriosyes png is nice, but doesn't display at all in older browsers
14:17.30Cidebut I guess separate gif images works
14:17.34Cidewho cares, it's 2005 :P
14:17.42Depheriosso? scalability is good
14:17.52Depherioswhat about people on notebook PCs or trying to browse on their PSP?
14:18.02Cidesorry for trying to joke, apparently I failed :P
14:18.08DepheriosI laughed
14:18.09Depherioshence the XD
14:18.28zeegDepherios, i know hwo to slice
14:18.36zeegmaybe png will work
14:18.45zeegim tired
14:18.48Depheriossorry... I'm too used to talking to people who don't know what they're doing
14:18.48zeegi cant even get my bg to display
14:18.55zeegDepherios, ya i sadly get paid to do this shit
14:19.02zeegalthough mmotheatre = my own thing
14:21.14zeeghrmm png dont work either
14:21.15zeegits still ugly
14:21.44Depheriosyou using save for web?
14:21.56Depheriosnot saving it as a higher color depth than your own monitor?
14:22.11Depheriossorry if I'm saying obvoius things, like I said
14:22.12Depherios... lol
14:22.21zeegsave for web
14:22.30Depheriosnot using save for web = dumb
14:22.34Depheriosthat's why
14:22.49zeegi dont wanna slice it
14:22.59Depheriosgradients are just plain hard, I gave up on them years ago layer it if you don't want to slice it
14:23.10Depheriosmake the gradient a seperate image, and just drop the logo on top
14:23.19zeegi cropped it out
14:23.20zeegsaved it
14:23.22zeegand it become ugly
14:23.34Depheriosyou have to keep the edge gradient a little bit
14:23.37Depherioswhen you crop it
14:23.37zeegill try slicing
14:23.55Depheriosjust select the COMPLETE 100%transparent part of the overlay
14:24.00Depheriosand then delete all that out of the background
14:24.09Depheriosand save that as a transparent gif and drop that on top
14:24.28Depheriosthen the ugly gradient edge around the image won't stand out, but you won't get an ugly edge on it...
14:25.14zeegmaybe it just needs to be a bigger image
14:25.25zeegcuz the logo gif i mad elooks fine
14:25.46Depherios... gradients suck down memory, since each line has to be a seperate color
14:25.51Depheriosyour images will be HUGE
14:25.59Depheriosor ugly
14:25.59Depheriosor both
14:26.22DepheriosI gave up on gradients unless I was using flash, or a 1x256 tiled bg
14:26.34Depherios1x256 tiled bg GIF
14:26.49zeegnow i just broke it
14:35.41DepheriosThey're dropping like flies!
14:39.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Stylpe (
14:45.46Cideis it just me or is MouseIsOver() broken on test?
14:47.22CideMouseIsOver(GetMouseFocus()) seems to always return nil
14:47.36Cideor not... weird
14:48.34Cideit returns 1 for MouseIsOver(WorldFrame) all the time, but seems to never return true for anything else
14:58.44Depheriosjust installing test server junk now
14:58.49Depheriosso... can't help you out just yet XD
15:02.03Depheriosbroken... the MMO Theatre Act 1 thing, is up what looks like two pixels too many to me
15:02.44zeegwhat browser
15:03.21DepheriosMozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.7.12) Gecko/20050915 Firefox/1.0.7
15:03.42zeegi see it now
15:05.58Depheriosoh god my WoW is so much smoother on the test realm with the no UI and all
15:06.19Depheriosfixed btw zeeg
15:06.59zeegidk what to do w/ the design
15:07.02zeegill find a designer to play w/ it
15:07.10zeegi SOO want to sleep right now
15:07.12zeegbut i have to wake up in 2 hours
15:07.27Depherios... no... I have to wake up in 2 and a half to 3 hours
15:07.54zeegmaybe ill zzz for 2 hours
15:09.13Depherioswhat's a print function IN wow
15:09.24Depheriosfor testing I always use Sea.IO.print
15:09.33Depheriosand... yeah... no addons moved over yet
15:09.39Cide/script ChatFrame1:AddMessage(msg)
15:10.49zeegzzz for 2 hours I go
15:17.29*** part/#wowi-lounge Stylpe (
15:22.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (
15:22.56DepheriosCide: MouseIsOver is working fine for me, on worldframe and mainmenubar anyway
15:23.50Industriali want snow!
15:25.36TainYeah it's snowing here.
15:26.06Depheriosit never snows here, if it does, 2 hours later it freezes on top of it.. stupid freezing rain
15:26.56CideDepherios: try FriendsFrame
15:27.22DepheriosI DON'T KNOW HOW XD ...... s is social? no... O! O
15:27.24Depheriosthere we go
15:27.44Cideworks after FriendsFrame:EnableMouse(1)
15:28.01Depheriosworks fine for me period
15:28.34Depheriosjust using /script OMFG = MouseIsOver(FriendsFrame); ChatFrame1:AddMessage(OMFG)
15:29.43Cidedoesn't for me
15:30.09Cidetry /script OMFG = MouseIsOver(GetMouseFocus()); ChatFrame1:AddMessage(OMFG)
15:30.12Cidedoes it always work?
15:30.49Depheriosnil return not over the frame, 1 over the frame
15:30.57Cidethat should always return 1
15:31.25Cidereturns nil for me like all the time
15:32.12Depheriosnil return for me on PlayerFrame, MinimapCluster, and Minimap O_o
15:32.48Depheriosand the target frame
15:33.13DepheriosChatFrame1 works
15:33.37DepheriosGameTimeFrame does not though
15:34.05Cidechatframe1 works for me as well
15:46.30Depheriosoh yay, just respecced, and didn't get my talent points lol
15:46.59DepheriosI'm sad
15:47.02Depheriosnew troll racials are awesome
15:47.06Depherios.... unless you want to heal with zerk
15:47.12Depheriosyou used to be able to, get that haste bonus on heals
15:47.16Depherios... now it' a damage bonus
15:47.55Depheriosoh well... it'll do me good until endgame
15:48.34Industrialnow serving my first addon release
15:48.50*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
15:52.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaelten (
15:52.41Industrialnow serving my first addon release
15:52.41*** mode/#WoWI-lounge [+o Kaelten] by ChanServ
15:52.51Industrial@ Kaelten & MoonWolf
15:53.13Kaeltenwhy not upload it to wowI?
15:54.58Industrialheh, i will
15:55.39Kaeltenthis ICCAN Verisign settlement blows
16:04.44*** join/#wowi-lounge RasmusKL (
16:05.45*** join/#wowi-lounge ToastTheif (
16:06.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Stylpe (
16:07.43Osagasugood morning good morning my mildly annoying compatriots.
16:08.11Kaeltenhello osagasu
16:08.45OsagasuHow's KCI coming along? I wanna play with the advanced search function! ;___;
16:10.04Kaeltenhehe, its coming, I've gotten distracted trying to make a development tool for AceGUI, but its turning out harder that I thought.
16:10.17KaeltenI found and fixed the orange item link bug
16:11.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Parak (
16:11.24Kaeltenalthough if I can ever get the dev tool for AceGUI working it'd rock.
16:11.39Industrialwhat will it do?
16:11.56Kaeltenallow in the game on the fly designing of xml frames
16:12.29OsagasuI didn't think that was possible
16:12.32Kaeltenand at the end you just copy/paste some code to your .lua file.
16:12.39Osagasuthen again, Stat Rings are too
16:12.47Osagasuand so is spoofing item links
16:13.14Osagasuand turning yourself around 360 degrees qickly with only the push of a button
16:13.18Kaeltenhehe, its turning out to be a little more complicated than I thought.
16:13.29KaeltenEver looked at my xml files in KCI?
16:13.35IndustrialKaelten: i love you
16:13.40OsagasuI tried, damn near burned my eyes out
16:13.53Kaeltendoesn't make sense does it?
16:14.35Kaeltenits because AceGUI uses a lua config block to setup everything.
16:14.44Kaeltenwhich to people like me is perferable.
16:14.49IndustrialToastTheif: pm
16:14.55ToastTheifdo u see that mace?
16:14.58ToastTheifnew in 1.9
16:15.19Industrialno way
16:15.24OsagasuI'll roll a druid for that mace
16:15.25Industrialthats just sad man
16:15.34Industrialdruids > * now
16:15.36Industrialwith that mace
16:15.44Osagasuheh, but its only 1-h
16:15.45Kaeltendamn wowguru is running slow
16:16.23Kaeltenthats just a freaky mace
16:16.51Kaeltenoh shit now I know whats causing that bug
16:17.06Kaeltenhave I ever mentioned that I hate Stack Overflows.
16:17.10ToastTheifOsagasu, the one handedness makes it EVEN CRAZIER
16:17.41IndustrialKaelten: ;\
16:18.01IndustrialToastTheif: this will single handedly make druids > *
16:18.24Industrialthey already have the most armour... (right?)
16:18.44ToastTheifthey *can*
16:18.55ToastTheifdepends on how you are specc'd
16:20.32Osagasudid anyone try that 180 turn macro Masennus posted on the forums?
16:21.14Kaeltennope, did you?
16:21.23OsagasuI can't get it to work
16:23.44ToastTheifmy druid shall own all
16:23.53Osagasuoh, I got it
16:23.59Osagasuforgot to do /script SaveView(1);
16:24.10Osagasuit works and is damn cool
16:24.14ToastTheif too :)
16:24.38ToastTheifpwnage bracers
16:24.57TainOh no, the inventer of Stove Top Stuffing died last week. :(
16:26.12TainThere's no way my bread is going ot be ready in time.  What to do what to do.
16:26.57ToastTheifoooh, I heard they had new mounts
16:27.01ToastTheifnever saw a SS of one tho
16:27.29ToastTheifhow does a lvl one have it?
16:27.44ToastTheifhave the link anyway
16:28.02TainI'm guessing from the macro.
16:28.28ToastTheifoh u  can do that?
16:28.32TainPure guess on my part, but that may be the item ID of that item and a macro is popping up the ToolTip from it.
16:28.42ToastTheifthat's cool
16:28.49TainI don't think on the curent server, but if I'm right it's that way in test.
16:28.53ToastTheifhow do you get the ID?
16:28.57TainBut I am completely guessing just based on what's in the picture.
16:29.06TainProbably just putting numbers in to see what comes up.
16:29.15ToastTheifwell isn't there like
16:29.24ToastTheifa getItemID()
16:29.41CideGetItemInfo(21176) returns nil on test
16:30.06Kaeltencide: Then its not in the servers cache
16:30.10TainWell could just be a Photoshop job for all I know. :)
16:30.40ToastTheiftry /script itemid=21176
16:31.00Cidethat just sets a var
16:31.03Kaeltenwhat is item 21176 anyway ?
16:31.05TainWell just see if you can recreate what's in the picture.
16:31.18TainJust guessing based on this picture, Kaelten.
16:31.35TainPure conjecture.
16:31.43TainWhich I say trump facts every time.
16:32.11Cideseems fake really
16:32.19ToastTheifsomone try /script itemid=21176 =P
16:32.22Kaeltenthats a neat looking item but i'll believe it when I see it
16:32.23Cidenothing happens
16:32.25MoonWolfwhy is a warlock wearing that.
16:32.26Cideit just sets a global variable
16:32.32Cidewe had like 20 mounts drop in AQ last night
16:32.40CideGreen/Yellow Qiraji Resonating Crystal
16:32.49Kaeltenwhat do those do?
16:32.52Cidenot sure why the black one would be legendary, they were all blue
16:32.57Cidesummons a mount usable inside AQ
16:33.05MoonWolfare the mounts 200 or 160 ?
16:33.20Cidethey were bugged, couldn't use any of them
16:33.25TainOnly usable inside AQ?  Why?
16:33.29Cidebut I guess 200, they were req level 60
16:33.36Cidebecause you get a free epic mount otherwise?
16:33.40Cidewe had 20 of them drop within an hour
16:33.45Cidegot 4 of them after 2 pulls
16:33.57TainThen I'd think the problem is itemization drop rates.
16:34.09TainI just really don't like the idea of going down that slope of area specific items.
16:34.24Cideyou can't use your own epic in there I believe
16:34.34Cidebut AQ is HUGE so you will need a mount
16:34.42ToastTheifthere are flying mounts in outlands only Tain =P
16:34.47CideUse: Emits a high frequency sound, forcing a silithid tank to burrow out from its home beneath the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj.Any hostile action towards the rider forces the tank underground.
16:34.57Cideunique, binds when picked up, req level 60
16:35.06TainThat's a different thing, Toast.  I can see flying mounts being availble only outside.
16:35.20TainWEll, I could see it if it weren't for the fact that all Taxi mounts go inside cities.
16:35.50Cidewhat do you mean?
16:35.51Osagasucan't get in the server atm
16:36.13TainFlying mounts only allowed outside in the wilderness, I could see.
16:36.25TainExcept flying mounts fly into cities for taxis, so it doesn't make sense anyway.
16:36.38ToastTheif now that looks fake
16:36.38*** join/#wowi-lounge kremonte (
16:37.20TainWell, I'm just saying I don't like the idea of creating artificial limitations to force people to have to get new loot that only works in specific places.
16:37.49Cidewell, be glad you can use any mount at all :P
16:37.59CideI mean, your entire raid will be equipped with one before you get past the first boss
16:38.05TainThat isn't the point.
16:38.19CideI didn't say that
16:38.49CideI bet they did it like that because of the "Any hostile action towards the rider forces the tank underground"
16:38.50TainNext up, "Special Sack of Mounts" to hold all of the different mounts you'll need.
16:39.04Cidethey needed it because otherwise you could train through to new places
16:39.08TainOh damn which one do I need to ride in Arathi.  Nope, not that one.  Click.. nope.. click.. no..
16:39.22Cideand they couldn't add the same thing to the normal mounts
16:39.56TainIt isn't a big deal for AQ, it's a big deal for setting precident for doing the same thing in the future.
16:40.09Cideit's a technical limitation
16:40.34TainThat may be true, but if so then it's a cheap hack to get around a technical limitation.
16:40.48Kaeltenno its also a gameplay limitation
16:40.56TainWhich is disguised from the players by showing them shiny objects.
16:40.56Cidenot really
16:41.03Tain'ooooh battle tank'
16:41.04KaeltenTain you would you be happy if your mount suddenly ran off every time you got attacked?
16:41.19Cidethey could hardcode in if ( area == AQ ) then dismount() end in the getting hit code, but I'm sure they didn't want to
16:41.41Kaeltenya Cide they probably could.
16:41.44TainNo, but they could code in a table of areas.
16:42.03TainTo actually plan for the future.
16:42.13KaeltenTain: whats wrong with giving players new toys, since thats what most of the players want?
16:42.46TainNew toys are great.  New toys to replace old toys to disguise your issues is not.
16:43.48TainIt's like introducing a new area saying, "Oh by the way... swords don't work here.  But!  If you find our new glass swords you can use them instead!"
16:44.06KaeltenWhat issue are they hiding ?
16:44.09TainSure, no problem!
16:44.17Cideexcept, you're overexaggerating then
16:44.18TainUntil they start doing that over and over and over again.
16:44.30TainLike I said, it's an issue of starting down a slippery slope.
16:44.35Osagasuwell, the quiraji mounts aren't really fake limitations
16:44.44Osagasubbl, thanksgiving dinner... at noon. >.<
16:44.47kremontew'ore ya tokin' about?
16:44.53kremonteAQ mounts? wh're those?
16:45.09TainShiny baubles to give players since you can use your norma mount there.
16:45.27Kaeltenbut there is a valid reason for not wanting to have normal mount use in there
16:46.16TainYou know it could very well be that this is the only time they do something like this and my fears are completely unfounded.
16:46.26Kaelten1) its too big not to have a mount, 2) They don't want you to be able to just run through the earlier encounters to get to the newer stuff.
16:46.49Kaeltenso what choices they have are 1) screw with current mounts 2) have alternitives
16:46.59TainI like 1.
16:47.12TainIt keeps things consistent instead of adding hacks after the fact.
16:47.24ToastTheifI like Pi
16:47.25TainThis isn't about mounts in AQ.
16:47.27kremontewhat're you guys talking about? lol
16:47.30Kaeltenare you sure that its consistant that in this one zone your mount suddenly acts different?
16:47.31Industrialif the upgrade the mount speed hackers can speedhack faster unnoticed
16:47.32TainIt's about every single time they have to do this again.
16:47.39Industrialbut lets not worry about tha
16:47.41Cidetest server restarting in 15
16:47.46Cidewonder what they're changing
16:47.56TainYes Kaelten, things are scarier in that zone. :P
16:48.28kremonteCide- wrath i hope! :P
16:48.33Kaeltenlol, your average horse is so stupid that a loud sound should scare it off.
16:49.14Kaeltenso that logic doesn't stand up. :)
16:49.29Kaeltenand why would a mechnostrider worry about anything?
16:50.42Kaeltenso to keep things consistent they had to either a) not allow mounts or b) give you special ones
16:51.03Cidebelieve me
16:51.12Cideyou don't want to run through AQ
16:51.21Kaeltenok so open b sounds more than reasonable.
16:51.24kremontewhat's wrong with AQ?! im so confused!
16:52.30ToastTheifthe druid spell?
16:52.35kremontewrath, the set
16:52.41kremonteHELLO. I AM TRON WARRIOR
16:52.44ToastTheifok idc then
16:52.46kremonteand tron mages
16:52.50StylpeAugh! Wrath! I don't wanna look like a rhino!
16:52.57kremonteseriously, i thing the artists were watching terminator and tron the wh ole time
16:53.14ToastTheifH E L L O    H E H   H E H
16:53.26kremonteG E T M O R E H A T E
16:53.34kremonteT H E H E A L E R S A R E A G G R O I N G
16:53.46Kaeltento quote the devs at blizzcon, "Sometimes it looks coolor on concept art than on 3d models"
16:53.50Kaeltener cooler
16:54.01kremontethe concept art looked like tron too =|
16:55.53ToastTheifAs of 11:27 PM EST, my computer has arrived at the FedEx location in LOS ANGELES, CA. Score!
16:56.20kremonteare you in EST? lol
16:56.21kremonteor CA?
16:56.28rallionIt sucks seeing that when you live in NY :P
16:56.47kremonteeverything i buy starts in NJ
16:56.59kremontethen goes to PA, then NY, then NJ, then NY for the last time
16:57.17ToastTheifIm in mich, yes
16:57.24ToastTheifso mich is EST
16:58.20Kaeltenthats it lets put AceGUIDev on hold and owrk on something I can make progress on
16:58.33ToastTheifFedEx should put GPS devices on their packages so I can get real time tracking dammit
16:58.49KaeltenYep in game dev tool for AceGUI
16:58.58kremonteagegui? :x
16:59.08Kaeltenits just giving me a headache because when Turan designed AceGUI the stuff I want to do was never intended.
16:59.32ToastTheifLl U
17:00.40kremontewow slam is really good
17:00.51kremontemuch faster than my weapon speed
17:01.18ToastTheifI think I'll have to get my hunter to lvl 60 when my computer gets here
17:01.29ToastTheifthen get my druid to 60
17:01.31ToastTheifthen have some fun
17:01.40ToastTheifthat's 7 levels
17:01.44ToastTheifshouldn't be too hard
17:02.14ToastTheifHunter = 6 // Druid = 1
17:02.51kremontefun? what?
17:03.57ToastTheiflvl 19 twinked rogue in the BGs
17:04.00ToastTheifthat's fun =P
17:06.09kremonteit is fun
17:06.16kremontewe have guild 19 wsg
17:06.25kremonteso twinked out
17:06.31kremonteran ragefire chasm for one guy lol
17:08.29kremonteyay i love the horde, 2 60's could have a: killed me (lv31), or b: saved a 20 priest from 2 level 30 mobs as he got killed
17:08.35kremontegogo decisions
17:13.14Industriali so want to be different!
17:13.34IndustrialME SO USEH HYDR0RZ LALALAL!!!!11eleventy-one
17:14.21kremontebahahaha rofl moment
17:14.41*** join/#wowi-lounge shouryuu (
17:14.45kremontea 60 mage ganks me while i'm grinding. a few minutes later, i get a whisper from a level 1 alt saying "sorry, i meant to kill someone else"
17:14.54shouryuuhaha lol
17:15.20shouryuumy exams are over
17:15.20shouryuufow now
17:20.19*** join/#wowi-lounge help (
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17:21.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Irishbruin (
17:51.39Industrialpizza 4 me
17:56.20rallionhydraIRC actually looks pretty nice lol
18:01.01Industriallook too corporate m$ blah for m
18:03.51rallionmIRC has a crappy interface, really
18:07.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Rallion (
18:15.02purlACTION becomes steve ballmer
18:17.04kremonte~emulate kremonte
18:17.05purlhmm... emulate kremonte is "<reply> i'm so confused..."
18:19.07Stylpe~literal emulate kremonte
18:19.09purl"emulate kremonte" is ""<reply> i'm so confused...""
18:19.24Stylpe~no, emulate kremonte is <reply> i'm so confused...
18:19.34Stylpepurl, no, emulate kremonte is <reply> i'm so confused...
18:19.35purlokay, Stylpe
18:19.42Stylpe~emulate kremonte
18:19.43purli'm so confused...
18:19.54Stylpe~emulate me
18:19.56purlAugh! I need candy!
18:22.59MoonWolf~emulate me
18:23.00purlI hate you, I Hate you, I HATE you, Call me
18:25.59Rallionokay...i'm an idiot...where do you learn Horse Riding?
18:28.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
18:32.25IrielMorning Cair
18:32.30Cairhey :)
18:34.06Industrialsigh, this morning... on the subway
18:34.39MoonWolfgo on
18:34.58Industrialthis _angel_ steps into the (dont know the word, compartiment?)
18:35.18Industriali was like... *drool drool*
18:35.55Industrialdon't you like that game you play where someone looks at you, then you quickly torn your head towards them and they quickly look somewhere else? repeast repeat repeat
18:36.07Industrialso we were playing that game right?
18:36.26Industrialand she stands up and exits
18:36.40Industrialand im like... well i gotta go to work...
18:36.44Industrialso i stay
18:36.57Industrialand she waves, and i wave, and we smile...
18:37.11Industrialnext stop i exit the sub and conclude last stop was my stop
18:37.26IndustrialBWAAAAHhhhhhhh :'(
18:38.03IrielThe moral of this story is, never forget that a pretty girl makes you stupid 8-)
18:38.14Industrialbut she smiled at me
18:38.19Industrialand waved at me while exiting
18:38.22Industrialand i waved back
18:38.29Industrialso not fair
18:39.09Industrialim girl-less for like 1.5 years and this happens to me
18:39.15Industrialwell, back to work
18:44.10CairRallion: The logging camp down towards RedRidge
19:03.03CairQuiet.  Everyone must be getting ready to stuff themselves on turkey.
19:03.29netor not
19:03.54CairWell, referring to the American members of the channel. ;)
19:03.57CideI'm just too lazy to write stuff
19:06.38IrielI'll be getting ours ready to be cooked in about 30 minutes
19:09.21IrielThen I kill time for about 1 1/2 hours before starting on the rest (Mashed potato, corn, green beans, bread rolls, etc)
19:09.38IrielHungry yet?
19:10.15OsagasuI already have
19:11.29CairAh well, I knew I was going to be getting this payback after last month
19:11.43Cairwhen I tormented everyone with my thanksgiving feast
19:12.16OsagasuSomeone asking about what a GM in WoW can do on the forums...
19:12.26CairYeah, thought that was funny
19:13.03*** join/#wowi-lounge shouryuu (
19:13.20zeegwhy aren't you all eating turkey!
19:13.26OsagasuI've already eaten
19:13.35zeegexcuses excuses!
19:13.44OsagasuTell that to my gut.
19:15.19netany url where i could read about this turkey thing ?
19:15.32Cairit's Thanksgiving in the US, net
19:15.54RallionI ate me some fine turkey corpse.
19:15.56Cairand turkey is the *typical* main dish
19:15.58netI don't know either about it~
19:16.11netgoogle will be my friend
19:16.23RallionIt goes back to when we Americans hadn't yet started screwing the natives over.
19:16.28zeegnet, go eat turkey!
19:16.41OsagasuI wanna be a GM. ;_____;
19:16.49zeegturkey day is the day when all the fat americans get fatter :P
19:16.58Osagasu~kill zeeg
19:16.59purlACTION shoots a excited electron gun at zeeg
19:17.00Rallionand thanks, I just need 12 more gold, no problem
19:17.13CairHistorically, it is when they celebrate the successful harvest etc and so on, giving thanks for their bounty over the year, preparing for the winter to come, etc
19:17.41Osagasunow its just used as a chance for family to get together and watch American Football.
19:17.51CairAnd gorge on turkey
19:17.55Osagasuand ham.
19:18.04Osagasuand twice baked potatos...
19:18.09CairAye, ham being the second most common after turkey
19:18.10Osagasuand green beans...
19:18.17RallionMy friends are all pretty into the whole giving thanks part this year. Which is good. I guess. I like turkey.
19:18.22Osagasuand macaroni and cheese...
19:18.27Osagasuand Pumpkin Pie...
19:18.33Osagasuand... well, you get the idea
19:18.37CairMac & cheese for Thanksgiving?
19:18.47Rallionmac&cheese is good ALL the time.
19:18.59OsagasuThat's just cause you're Canuck, Cair.
19:19.06zeegwe have a traditional thanksgiving meal
19:19.23zeegturkey stuffing potatoes corn biscuits, then some fancy fruit desert
19:19.26CairWell, I enjoyed my thanksgiving dinner last month
19:20.17zeegyou're a canadain!?
19:20.36Rallionmy gf has a pound or so of leftover baked ziti from a birthday party last night, so...uh, yeah, I didn't actually eat that much, because that was some seriously good ziti
19:20.50Rallionand I will consume it.
19:21.15zeegwhats.. ziti
19:21.31zeegim running off like an hour of sleep
19:21.50Rallionwe've all been there.
19:22.13CairTurkey, bread stuffing, maple ginger glazed baby carrots, potatoes, sweet potatoes (yams), rolls, green beans, corn, gravy, lemon meringue pie, pumpkin pie, apple pie, fresh banana bread, pickles, cranberry sauce with a double shot of grand marnier ...
19:22.26zeegRallion, this is turning into my normal day though
19:22.27RallionI want me some lemon meringue.
19:22.36zeegive puti n like 12-15 hours of work a day for like the past 2 weeks :|
19:22.43Rallionoh that's rough
19:22.57RallionI also wouldn't mind banana bread...mmm
19:22.58Cairand yes zeeg, I'm Canadian
19:23.00zeegwhat should a "zone map" show?
19:23.04zeegbanana bread is yuummy
19:23.09*** join/#wowi-lounge AnduinLothar (
19:23.19zeegspecifically, this map
19:23.21Rallionwe have some pumpkin pie here, but I'm really not a fan
19:23.31zeegi like pumpkin pie
19:24.35RallionI want everybody to know that if it wasn't Thanksgiving week, I'd likely have a new version of SVEdit out by next Wednesday or so. But it is. So, oh well.
19:25.41Cairexcuses excuses
19:26.01RallionOh, if you knew me, you won't be surprised by an endless chain of excuses
19:26.42CairDev tool
19:26.57Rallionbut within a few weeks or so I should hopefully have something that has a couple less bugs, a search feature, and works nicely with the many SV files that now exist instead of just loading one at a time
19:27.07zeegi like SCiTe
19:27.13zeeghowever youd o it
19:31.13Osagasulove how there's more marks at the Alliance graveyard than the Logging Camp.
19:32.17IrielOk.. off to do some kitchen stuff.. idle until later.
19:32.26Cairlater Iriel :)
19:40.07Cairwb End
19:48.32kremonteugh thanksgiving woes
19:48.42kremontethe house smells SO GOOD but i can't eat for 2 hours
19:48.45Cairate too much, did you?
19:49.01kremonteturkey is one of my favorite foods =X
19:49.31Cidehmm, anyone has a rgb to hex function around? I deleted mine
19:50.04kremontephotoshop FTW
19:50.11kremontei convert the rgb to 255
19:50.17kremontethen let photoshop make it to hex =D
19:50.32Cide... :P
19:50.33*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (n=Guilloti@
19:50.38CideI mean in lua
19:50.41Guillotinehi hi :)
19:50.49Cairhey Guillotine :)
19:51.01CideI think it was like letterTable[floor(val/16)] .. letterTable[mod(val, 16)]
19:51.04Cidebut I'm not sure
19:54.24zeegugh sites so slow
19:57.45kremontehihi Guillotine
19:59.01AnduinLotharthere's one in sea ;)
20:00.33Cidedoesn't help me :)
20:01.42zeegdid you see this two headed beast?
20:03.30*** join/#wowi-lounge AnduinLothar (
20:03.41AnduinLotharchange color.opacity to just a single color
20:05.04*** join/#wowi-lounge Industrial (
20:06.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Industrial (
20:07.00*** join/#wowi-lounge KarlKFI (
20:09.28KarlKFIfunction rgbToHex(c) return format("%x",math.floor(255*c)); end; rgbToHex(color.a)..rgbToHex(color.r)..rgbToHex(color.g)..rgbToHex(color.b)
20:09.50Industrialevil semicolons!
20:11.49AnduinLotharanyway, now i'm gone
20:25.57IrielYou actually need "%.2x"
20:26.09Iriel"%x" will screw you up if your color is < 16
20:28.00Irielreturn string.format("%.2x%.2x%.2x%.2x", 255*color.a, 255*color.r, 255*color.g, 255*color.b);
20:28.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Trilian (
20:29.52Cidethanks Iriel
20:30.00CideI did it the long way but I changed
20:31.06Irielif you want to be really paranoid you should do
20:31.37Iriellocal function clipRGBA(x) return math.min(255, math.max(0, 255*x)) end
20:32.07Irielthen use string.format("%.2x%.2x%.2x%.2x", clipRGBA(color.a), clipRGBA(color.r), clipRGBA(color.g), clipRGBA(color.b))
20:32.08Cidenah, I know the value range
20:32.39Industrial<cheer />
20:36.07Cair~trout Industrial
20:36.58Cairpurl, trout is <action> slaps %name upside the head with a trout!
20:36.59purl...but trout is already something else...
20:37.12Cairpurl, trout?
20:37.13purlACTION fills cair's pants with day-old trout
20:37.33Cairpurl, no trout is <action> slaps %name upside the head with a trout!
20:37.35purlCair: okay
20:37.42Cair~trout Industrial
20:38.05Guillotinepurl doesnt like you today... yesterday it was me
20:38.10Cairso it seems
20:39.12Osagasupurl, no trout is <action> slaps %randnick around a bit with a large trout!
20:39.14purlokay, Osagasu
20:39.20purlACTION slaps %randnick around a bit with a large trout!
20:39.24kergothfirst, it isnt %, its $
20:39.32Cairduh, thanks kergoth
20:39.32kergothsecond, commands a slightly different than normal factoids
20:39.48kergothpurl: trout $nick is <action> slaps $nick around a bit with a large trout!
20:39.50purlkergoth: okay
20:39.56kergothpurl: literal trout (.*?)
20:39.58purlACTION slaps kergoth around a bit with a large trout!
20:40.02kergothpurl: literal CMD: trout (.*?)
20:40.04purl"cmd: trout (.*?)" is "($nick): <action> slaps $nick around a bit with a large trout!"
20:40.10kergothsee, thats the name of the factoid now
20:40.12kergotha command
20:40.15kergothwith a regex
20:40.20kergoth"trout" wasnt affected
20:40.25purlACTION slaps %randnick around a bit with a large trout!
20:40.29Osagasupurl, no trout is <action> slaps $randnick around a bit with a large trout!
20:40.31purlokay, Osagasu
20:40.31kergoth~trout purl
20:40.32purlACTION slaps kergoth around a bit with a large trout!
20:40.39purlACTION slaps dukeku around a bit with a large trout!
20:40.45kergoth~trout Osagasu
20:40.47purlACTION slaps kergoth around a bit with a large trout!
20:40.51Osagasu~trout me
20:40.53purlACTION slaps osagasu around a bit with a large trout!
20:41.05Osagasuj00 got PWNT!
20:41.06kergothpurl: trout $foo is <action> slaps $foo around a bit with a large trout!
20:41.07purlACTION slaps kergoth around a bit with a large trout!
20:41.19kergothpurl: no, CMD: trout (.*?) is <action> slaps $1 around a bit with a large trout!
20:41.20purlokay, kergoth
20:41.23kergoth~trout Osagasu
20:41.24purlACTION slaps $1 around a bit with a large trout!
20:41.33kergothcant remember how to access the capture
20:41.37kergothpurl: no, CMD: trout (.*?) is <action> slaps \1 around a bit with a large trout!
20:41.38purlkergoth: okay
20:41.40kergoth~trout Osagasu
20:41.42purlACTION slaps 1 around a bit with a large trout!
20:41.45kergothi'll have to pester tim
20:41.48Guillotineits $nick
20:41.56kergoth$nick ist he person typing the command
20:41.59kergothnot the person i'm asking it to trout
20:42.05Guillotinei know ;)
20:42.18kergoth~literal CMD: whaleslap (.*?)
20:42.19purl"cmd: whaleslap (.*?)" is "($tensai): I'll just grab a freakishly huge killer whale named Hugh and slap $tensai over the head with it....."
20:42.24Osagasupurl, literal CMD: kill
20:42.32kergothtensai? wtf
20:42.37Osagasupurl, literal CMD: kill (.*?)
20:42.38purl"cmd: kill (.*?)" is "($1): <action> shoots a (hyper-charged|charged|super-inverse|inverse|excited|magneto-ionized|ionized| |) (flux|anti-|pseudo| |)(neutron|meson|neutrino|quark|proton|electron|tachyon|graviton|photon|positrino) gun at $1"
20:42.49Osagasuits $1...
20:42.53kergothno, it isnt
20:42.55kergothi just tried that
20:42.59kergothand whaleslap works too, with $tensai
20:43.01Osagasuit says $1 right there!
20:43.09kergothyes, and it says otherwise a few lines above it.
20:43.11Guillotineyes it is. if you do ($1): first
20:43.48Cairdoesn't matter guys, I was just goofing around
20:43.52Guillotinepurl: no, CMD: trout (.*?) is ($1): <action> slaps($1) around a bit with a large trout!
20:43.54purlGuillotine: okay
20:44.02Guillotine~trout Kergoth
20:44.04purlACTION slaps(Kergoth) around a bit with a large trout!
20:44.11kergothright, thats what i was thinking
20:44.13kergothit isnt $1
20:44.14Osagasu•purl• no, CMD: trout (.*?) is ($1): <action> slaps ($1 around a bit with a large trout!
20:44.17kergothits whatever you prefix the command with
20:44.20Osagasupurl, no, CMD: trout (.*?) is ($1): <action> slaps $1 around a bit with a large trout!
20:44.21purlokay, Osagasu
20:44.27Osagasu~slap kergoth
20:44.28purlACTION slaps kergoth, keep your grubby fingers to yourself!
20:44.31Cidehmm, trying to replace the player name in chat.. using this: string.gsub(msg, "|Hplayer:.-|h%[([%w]+)%]", "|c00" .. CT_RGBToHex(0.3, 0.3, 1) .. "%1|r")
20:44.35Osagasu~trout kergoth
20:44.36purlACTION slaps kergoth around a bit with a large trout!
20:44.40kergothpurl: no, CMD: trout (.*?) is ($foo): <action> slaps $foo around a bit with a large trout!
20:44.42purlkergoth: okay
20:44.45kergoth~trout Osagasu
20:44.47purlACTION slaps Osagasu around a bit with a large trout!
20:44.50Cidefor some reason, it removes the [] around the name.. any idea why?
20:44.53Osagasu~trout cair
20:44.54purlACTION slaps cair around a bit with a large trout!
20:44.54kergothsorry, cair, no more spam
20:45.10Cairno problem, thanks for fixing it for me guys
20:45.22Guillotineso guys, i have a real question. If im watching the chat log for a failed cast (due to facing the wrong way) how would i tell what spell it is that failed?
20:45.29OsagasuIts a wonderful thing., geeks and their toys
20:45.53Cideany ideas as to why that happens?
20:46.21Cideoh, nvm
20:46.21CideI suck
20:48.03Guillotinesry. too tempting
20:48.32CairYou figured it out Cide?
20:50.49Guillotineare their any params in SPELLCAST_FAILED event? like why it failed?
20:50.59Guillotineor what spell failed?
20:51.25Cidenot sure, don't think so though
20:52.06Guillotineso how can I catch a spell that failed due to facing the wrong direction?
20:54.24Cairdon't face the wrong way :p
20:54.46Guillotineok. heres what i want to do: When you cast a spell and it fails with the message "Target needs to be in front of you" it ques that spell. Then, you can press the bound key to do a 180 and cast that spell
20:55.14Guillotineall i need help doing is catching the "Target needs to be in front of you" and telling WHICH spell failed
20:55.38Guillotinebut the only way I can figure out to do that is to take over the CastSpell function which doesn't sound too good
20:57.56Guillotineanyone have any ideas?
21:03.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Flameseeker (
21:05.28Cairhi Flameseeker
21:06.06IndustrialFlameseeker: you should meet this ragnaros dude
21:06.12Flameseekerjust saw this on the forums, thought I'd dropin ;)
21:06.25CairYou're more than welcome to hang out :)
21:06.56CairIt's pretty quiet today, with it being Thanksgiving in the US and all
21:07.19Flameseekerya, I'm canadian so had my turkey last month
21:07.25Cairsame here
21:07.53Cairwhere are you?
21:08.09Osagasupoor canucks...
21:08.52Flameseekerottawa, and its snowing out today :( darn winter...
21:09.27Cairabout your location that is, not the weather
21:09.54Flameseekerof course ;)
21:10.05CairI'm out in Kanata
21:10.31GuillotineI'm in Cali. its hot outside
21:10.42Cair~trout Guillotine
21:10.43purlACTION slaps Guillotine around a bit with a large trout!
21:10.51Flameseekeroh nice, I'm just down from Carleton ;)
21:10.52Guillotine~thank Cair
21:10.52purlsure thing, Guillotine
21:11.41CairIt's been interesting since I started the channel up, discovering there are a fair few that are close, which is unusual
21:11.48CairSatrina is here in Ottawa too
21:12.02GuillotineI went to ottowa once...
21:12.13Guillotinewhen I was 9
21:12.20Cairand cladhaire is just across the border in Syracus
21:12.38Flameseekerah neat lol, maybe its a blizzard conspiracy where only a select few see the post :)
21:12.56Guillotinena. theres lots of people here
21:13.41Guillotinebut im the best of them
21:14.51Guillotinemy doctor says I'm half crazy
21:14.55Guillotinei like to think I'm half sane
21:15.16CairI think it'd be safe to say you are a half-wit :p
21:15.31Guillotinebetter than a no-wit...
21:15.45Cairoh yeah ... we abuse each other a lot around here, so if you can't take it, don't dish it out
21:16.14Cairjust a friendly forewarning
21:16.47Flameseekernp, keeps chat more interesting anywya
21:16.49GuillotineI'll give you a cookie if you type ~trout Cair
21:17.16Cair~whale Guillotine
21:17.23Guillotine~whaleslap Cair
21:17.24purlI'll just grab a freakishly huge killer whale named Hugh and slap Cair over the head with it.....
21:17.34Cairgd it purl hates me today!
21:25.07Guillotinewhat does ^%s mean?
21:25.17Guillotinei see it in tons of addons
21:25.29Guillotinelike local s,e,etype,event = string.find(msg, "^%s*[+]([^%s]+)%s+(.*)$");
21:25.48Iriel^ - beginning of string
21:25.53Iriel%s - whitespace
21:26.15IrielSo ^%s* is at the start of the string, with any amount of whitespace
21:26.32Guillotinety iriel :)
21:28.18Guillotineiriel, maybe you can help me with this as it is kind of like one of your addons (aftercast): all i need help doing is catching the "Target needs to be in front of you" and telling WHICH spell failed
21:28.58Guillotinei couldnt find any events that returned that as an arg
21:29.41IrielThey dont
21:29.44IrielYou need this...
21:32.20Guillotinety :D
21:37.06Guillotinehmm... thats not exactly what I need. That still does not return the reason the spell failed. I ONLY want to take action if the spell failed due to facing the wrong direction
21:37.15purlmethinks sheep is at #tuxboxproject
21:39.05IrielHm, I have to say Aftercast doesn't really care that much about the reason for failure
21:39.28IrielI take it SPELLCAST_FAILED didn't help?
21:39.35Guillotineso you don't know how to do it? :(
21:39.47GuillotineSPELLCAST_FAILED returns no args
21:39.50Irieli know 90% of the pieces you'd need
21:39.59IrielWe just have to find the last one
21:40.36IrielMy guess is it's one of SYSMSG or UI_ERROR_MESSAGE
21:40.38Guillotinemy idea was basically to hook all the spellcast functions and add the spell cast to a variable. When i recieve that error message, itll just look at the last spell cast and assume that is the one
21:40.57Irielprobably the latter
21:41.14Irielthe message is arg1
21:41.55Guillotineya, but then we don't know what spell it is that caused that error message
21:42.40IrielIt was the last one cast
21:42.47Guillotineright. but how do we find that?
21:43.01Guillotinebesides hooking every spellcast function?
21:43.06IrielYou're going to have to keep track of (1) The spell cast fuctions (See the HOWTO), spell status (like AfterCast) and then that message
21:43.14Irielyou have to hook them
21:43.18Irielugly I know
21:43.40Guillotineug. ok
21:43.45zeegsteady at 139 load :D
21:43.45zeegtop - 13:43:32 up 43 days,  5:43,  9 users,  load average: 137.90, 139.26, 127.71
21:43.45zeegTasks: 420 total,   1 running, 419 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie
21:44.00Cairokay ...
21:44.05Irielwhat are you doing to that poor machine?
21:44.11IrielDisk/NFS failure?
21:44.13zeegIriel, thats wowguru's main box :|
21:44.41zeeg2nd server's online, we were originaly just going to put files on it (patches/movies) but we may completely movie ui/movie sections to it to reduce httpd stress on the main machine
21:45.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Irish (
21:45.27Cairhi Irish
21:46.50IrielLooks like it's got plenty of work to do.
21:47.09IrielWhat's the CPU utilization like?
21:47.16Irielis it mostly CPU or I/O bound?
21:47.33*** part/#wowi-lounge Irish (
21:49.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Irishbruin (
21:49.58Cairhi again, Irishbruin
21:50.57IrishbruinHiya Cair..Hope you dont mind me hanging :P
21:50.58zeegya mostly cpu
21:51.06Cairnope, not at all :)
21:56.43CairSo remind me, since I can't remember ... which games are on today?
21:56.55CairSuper Bowl & Rose Bowl?  or??
21:57.13Cair<== not a big football fan
21:58.55IrishbruinJust Thanksgiving Classics NFL games Atlanta vs Detroit and Dallas vs Denver
21:59.09Cairoh, okay
22:00.18zeegisnt Super Bowl like.. next year? :|
22:02.45IrishbruinSuperbowl XL Februaru 5 2006 (72 days 6 hrs 57 min ) but I'm not counting :P
22:03.01zeegi should go to the superbowl
22:03.07zeegthat'd be fun
22:03.12zeegtickets wouldnt be sold out yet would they? :P
22:03.16zeegif you can order em yet..
22:04.02Irishbruinhard to say Ill bet you could find them somewhere they may cost a penny or two
22:04.52zeegHOLY SHIT
22:05.09zeegi dont like football enough to do that
22:05.44Irishbruinhaha..yea not when you can watch the same game on TV or a local bar
22:06.12CairYou serious?!?!  2k for a ticket to a football game?
22:06.50Cairhahahahhahahahahaha, I knew americans were all nuts, but that just confirms it beyond any shadow of a doubt
22:09.41zeegcanadians are more nuts!
22:09.44zeegthey live in igloos!
22:10.11zeegIGLOOS I SAY
22:10.13zeegmy boss lives in canada
22:10.18zeegin an igloo i bert
22:10.52zeegGuillotine, you live in an igloo too?
22:10.55zeegor are you american?
22:11.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Eraphine|Disco (
22:11.03IrishbruinNuts "A"...If you say so "A"...Like lets play more hockey "A"....and "A" Drink more Beer "A"...LOL jk jk jk
22:11.31zeegCanadians live in igloos, Africans live in Tree houses, South Americans live in.. teepee's.. uhh europe people live in boats, china people live in cardboard boxes, and then there's u
22:11.59zeegoh and scottish people, they have the castles
22:12.30Cairzeeg: yeah, and I'm connected to the intraweb using the electricity I'm generating from my fire that is using whale blubber as fuel while I sew my clothes out of seal skin
22:12.49zeegdoes africa have electiricity?
22:12.59zeeg(serious question)
22:13.06zeegdont they all live in the rian forest or something tho
22:13.17zeegive never seen any african people on the internet.. that are in africa
22:13.25Guillotinezeeg: generalizing, one country at a time
22:13.31Guillotinethat should be your sig :D
22:13.31zeegI want to move to Europe
22:13.35zeegUS is full of fat people
22:13.47Guillotineexcept me
22:13.50zeegalthough my lady friend is like a twig
22:13.54zeegi play ddr, im skinny
22:14.01zeegCair, its a proven fact..
22:14.09zeegi saw it on tv, and tv doesnt lie
22:14.16Cairuh huh
22:14.52Guillotinewell i read it on the intraweb
22:16.10zeegsee its true
22:16.12zeegand uhh
22:16.22zeegIgloos come from snow, and Canada has snow, so you MUST live in an igloo
22:16.45CairI do hope you are joking around and aren't *actually* as stupid as you sometimes act in the channels :p
22:16.52zeegI'm a genius
22:16.56zeegIRC is an escape
22:17.12zeegits a break from the "serious" work stuff I have to do + drama in life
22:18.47*** join/#wowi-lounge ReignStorm (
22:19.10Cairhi Vizir
22:19.35Vizirjust came across this in the interface forums :)
22:20.01Cairyou're more than welcome to hang out.  it's quiet today though, US thanksgiving and all
22:20.08Viziryep. and ty
22:21.34zeegTURKEY DAY
22:21.44zeegi wish i wasnt banned from the forums
22:21.59Guillotinei don't
22:22.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Nulkris (
22:22.09Cairstop breaking the rules and you wouldn't be banned all the time
22:22.13Guillotinethe forums are bad enough without you zeeg
22:22.32zeegim perma banned cair
22:22.34zeegi didnt break a rule
22:22.35CairI'm sorry zeeg, but I can't find it in myself to feel sorry for you when you bring it on yourself all the time
22:22.42zeegi broke a rule like twice
22:22.45zeegthe rest were bs bans
22:22.54Vizirwhat rule was it?
22:22.54Cairuh hih
22:22.54zeegthe rest being like 6 more bans
22:23.03zeegunreleased content posting
22:23.10zeeg4th of july was the last time i did that, that one relaly pissed em off though
22:23.30Vizirwhat did you post?
22:23.57zeegBWL map/items.. when BWL wasnt available on test
22:23.57Cairand as I said, I can't feel sorry for you, much as you whine and bemoan, since you bring (brought) it on yourself
22:24.01Vizirdire maul or something which is out already?
22:24.05zeeghonestly if i wanted to post i could
22:24.08zeegi have more than one account
22:24.22zeegVizir, after that though anything i linked to was "released" technically
22:24.24OsagasuVIVE LE ZEEG!
22:24.27zeegas GMs had them in game
22:24.29zeegand people saw them
22:24.34zeegso they cant blame anyone but themselves
22:24.42zeeghere's the thing that got me perma banned
22:25.28zeegCair, i had ahn'qiraj maps up 2 weeks ago if its any conselation
22:26.10Guillotineomg! they unveiled the new Alliance race! go to the expansion page and go to townhall. you'll notice that there are now 2 races listed there. You'll never guess who won out!
22:26.40zeegyou best not be lieing
22:26.55Guillotinedid you see it?
22:26.59zeegits not there..
22:27.22Guillotinenew racial abilities: Inquire, Query, Ask
22:27.26Cairwell, I think you need to make up your mind ... you always go on about how you don't care what Blizz says or does, because you "beat them", yadda yadda ... then you turn around and cry when they ban you from the forums and send you letters telling you to take unreleased content back off your sites ... if you want to play with their blessing then you need to play by their rules, the same as we do ... if you don't
22:27.54zeegCair, I have been playing by their rules
22:28.02zeegsince july 4th i played by their rules
22:28.06zeegcept the ahn'qiraj maps
22:28.20zeegbut that was after they perma banned me and they had already released a map sketch at blizzcon
22:28.52zeegwho the fuck is Farzan?
22:30.01Osagasuno idea.
22:34.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (
22:35.12TemWhat happens if you have an anonymous frame with child elements defined with name="$parentName"?
22:35.34Cairhey Tem :)
22:35.50Temhey cair
22:35.57Temhow is everyone today?
22:39.03Cairdoing pretty well here, Tem, yourself?
22:39.58Temvery full
22:40.12Tembut it's a good full :)
22:59.44*** join/#wowi-lounge PsychicMasta (i=PsychicM@
23:00.15PsychicMastaHey can anyone help me out with some macro scripts? I'm having a bit of trouble...
23:00.47Cairyou can try asking your question, but most folks aren't actually here, they are just kinda idling in the channel
23:00.54Cairmost are off eating turkey dinner, etc
23:01.17Cairgo ahead and ask though
23:01.17PsychicMastaWould you be able to help me?
23:01.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Deph (n=Depherio@
23:01.27Cairnope this chickie, sorry
23:01.41PsychicMastaAlright well...
23:01.42Cairtry asking though, someone will probably help you sooner or later
23:01.46OsagasuI'm no coder, sorry
23:01.50*** part/#wowi-lounge Deph (n=Depherio@
23:02.19PsychicMastaI've been trying to create a macro to switch from any shapeshifting form back to human form, and I've been having some trouble accessing an array value...
23:02.25PsychicMastaThe script is: /script i=GetShapeshiftFormInfo; l={Bear,Aquatic,Cat}; CastSpellByName("l[i] Form")
23:02.40PsychicMastaIs today Thanksgiving in the US, by the way?
23:02.46Cairaye it is
23:03.26Cairhence the warning that most are idle
23:03.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Depherios (n=deph@
23:29.00DepheriosLol! on Gamespot, the Warcraft II demo posted ion Aug 1, 1997 is one of their most popular current demos
23:33.48Osagasuwhatever works
23:33.57pagefaulttime to test out the test realm
23:34.07Depheriosjust logging onto the test realm now
23:34.08pagefaultI thought of a good build I want to try :)
23:34.33DepheriosXD -- I actually want to TEST a few things
23:34.50pagefaultI use it to test builds free of charge
23:34.59DepheriosI.E mainly I want to find out how much is going to break, and see about bugging these people XD
23:35.00pagefaultsince they mess with the talents
23:35.02LegorolEU test realm queue is not as bad as yesterday.. only 40 minutes instead of 60 :D
23:35.13Depheriosyeah I will when I'm actually sixty
23:35.31Depheriosas it is, my highest level is 33
23:35.44DepheriosI'll still probably respec for kicks though
23:35.45Legorolso? on the EU PvE test server we get level 1s :-)
23:35.50Depherioscan't beat free
23:35.56Legorolit's really good, the masses avoid that server..
23:36.01pagefaultwarlocks got a buff I didn't see
23:36.01Legorolno queue or anything, i can log in there to test addons
23:36.05pagefaultsearing pain got dmg increased
23:36.06Depheriosyeah, the PvE server is being avoided XD
23:36.24Depheriosoh yay......... WoW crashed, that's gotta be a good sign
23:36.34Legorolit's a really neat idea, i think they won't admit it but they did the EU PvE server for AddOn coders ;-) normal players avoid it like a plague
23:36.58pagefaultusing the US one here
23:38.43Depheriosjust made a level one to drop onto the PvE for testing, since the PvP crashed, lol
23:38.55Depherios... hope my addons aren't making wow THAT bad XD
23:39.05LegorolDepherios, you in EU too?
23:39.18pagefaulthaha nice
23:39.22pagefaultdreadstead is only 100 mana
23:39.27Depheriosjust sleep like I am, lol
23:39.50Depheriosnow that I dropped my addons into the Test Realm, the game won't even load
23:40.06Endmy ui for the most part works
23:40.41EndI need the test realm to update though so I can fix some GetScale calls though :P
23:41.01DepheriosOH GOD NO WONDER
23:41.07End(well, I suppose that's really client, but same idea)
23:41.25Endyou have a lot or something?
23:42.48Cairhey PsychicMasta ... try asking now, since some folks are here atm
23:44.20Depheriosokay, yeah, WoW runs fine if I kill everything, lol
23:44.43Depheriosnot everything, but... make it so I'm not RUNNING... EVERYTHING
23:50.13DepheriosWhoop BetterKeyBindings is definitely broken

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