irclog2html for #wowi-lounge on 20051121

00:00.16AnduinLothari come up with so many ideas.. so little time
00:00.49AnduinLotharcant wait till i'm a boss... and can delegate but code if i want
00:01.15AnduinLothartoo bad that means more politics..
00:01.28AnduinLotharbleh, code...
00:02.28AnduinLotharso hot in here. i have a 25" fan pointed at my computers..
00:05.03AnduinLotharug... with all these debugs in the hooks i'm wishing i could use lol
00:05.28AnduinLotharanother large chunk of code..
00:05.54AnduinLotharnormal prints are dandy to use DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage for...
00:06.14AnduinLotharbut when you have an unknown quantity of unknown type variables...
00:06.34AnduinLotharonly called when X var is defined.."SEA_HOOKS_DEBUG", "|cFFFF0000SeaHooks Error: detected ", numHideHooks, " 'hide' hooks for '", name, "', one of which has hidden another.")  would be a lot easier/cleaner than 8 lines of if statements
00:08.40AnduinLotharhmmm i could require a diff lib for debug...
00:09.06AnduinLotharso that people could distibute w/o debug
00:09.44AnduinLotharthat would make things cleaner..
00:10.42AnduinLotharand cut the function size in half..
00:11.00AnduinLotharsounds efficient to me... peopel will prolly complain tho
00:12.09futrtrublquite a monologue there ;']
00:12.35AnduinLothari do that a lot
00:12.45AnduinLotharhappens when u spend too much time by urself
00:14.56AnduinLothari can see her falling out of her chair..
00:14.58Cair*that* was amusing, Karl :p
00:26.11*** join/#wowi-lounge pfault (
00:31.53Kiliek(i suppose that can be generaqlized cancel a buff after casting it)
00:32.11Kiliekis it possible to cancel a buff right after you cast it
00:32.25Kiliek(specifically trying stoneform)
00:32.57CodayusHmm, that depends on whether cancelling a buff takes a hardware event, I'd guess.
00:33.07KiliekYeah that's what I was thinking too.
00:33.29CodayusIf it does, you could do something AutoBuff-ish...hook the movement keys.
00:33.39CodayusSort of an AutoUnBuff mod, I guess.  :-)
00:34.58Kiliekok !
00:35.02Kilieki'll cheeck that out
00:35.07Kiliekthat's a good lead at least <3
00:35.58CodayusWell, first step would probably be to test if removing buffs actually *does* take a hardware event, if you haven't tested...
00:36.22CodayusIn fact, I'll just test that...
00:41.43CodayusDoesn't look like it does, actually.
00:45.06AnduinLotharcanceling does not
00:45.40AnduinLotharcasting does
00:46.24AnduinLotharCancilUnitBuff("player", id)
00:46.27AnduinLotharsame thing
00:46.34AnduinLotharwith an 'e' anywya
01:02.42CairHow many "Lord of the Rings" fans here?
01:03.40CairIf you ever get the chance, pick up "Bord of the Rings" by the Harvard Lampoon ... I'm killing myself laughing here
01:03.43Cairwhat a roit
01:04.05Cairit's hilarious
01:05.45AnduinLotharhaven't watched, have no idea if funny
01:06.31AnduinLotharoh oops... who was asking about hyperlinks a while back..
01:06.40kergothdc'd and cant reconnect when we're about to kill wyrm in brs
01:06.42Kiliekthanks by the way
01:06.43Kiliekwas afk
01:06.46Kiliekappreciate that
01:06.50Kiliekyeah i got disconnected too
01:07.58kergothsuramar here
01:10.06Kiliekand again is down too, seemingly
01:10.28kergoth~bad blizzard
01:10.30purlBad blizzard, bad! No cookie for you!
01:11.02Kiliekmay not be their fault
01:11.06Kiliekcould be a data center level issue
01:11.19kergothi know, i just like blaming blizzard
01:12.30Kiliektraceroute to my server seems to die on a savvis link
01:12.47Kiliekdunno if that's a blocked reply though or an actual network issues =x
01:14.22kergothtraceroute to the us logon server from here times out around
01:14.53kergothguess i could .. *gasp* .. be productive or something
01:14.57kergothbut i'd at least like to finish this run :P
01:17.45Kiliekwe're in the middle of bwl
01:17.47Kiliekkinda lame
01:19.47AnduinLotharthere isn't a + to undead weapon damage is there?
01:21.50*** join/#wowi-lounge ToastTheif (
01:22.05ToastTheifhow do I make xchat auto join servers/channels upon start up?
01:24.12*** part/#wowi-lounge ToastTheif (
01:24.19*** join/#wowi-lounge ToastTheif (
01:24.26AnduinLotharadd them to the serverlist
01:24.38AnduinLotharand click the toggle button for autojoin
01:24.40*** join/#wowi-lounge ToastTheif (
01:25.05*** join/#wowi-lounge ToastTheif (
01:25.28kergothKiliek: mine's back up :)
01:25.34*** join/#wowi-lounge ToastTheif (
01:25.49ToastTheifI win
01:48.09kergoth3382ms lag
01:48.16kergothi didnt see anything until the entire group was dead
02:04.14Veight`its many servers! :(
02:06.43Cairlalala, bored
02:21.31Nomad_WandererI have a question about table.sort(), does it return anything? do I have to do:
02:21.53Nomad_Wandereror just table.sort(table);
02:22.18cladhaireJust table.sort(table)
02:22.22Nomad_WandererLooking at the lua docs, I think its the second./
02:22.26Nomad_Wandereryep.. thanks!
02:22.42cladhairesorry it took so long.. my laptop was closed =)
02:23.35AnduinLotharsorts in place by value
02:29.44Nomad_Wandererquestion about local vars, they only survive for the functions life right? once the function is done, the local dies?
02:29.56cladhairecorrect.. then it gets GC'd in the next cycle
02:30.48Nomad_WandererAnother question.. Do I have to worry about multiple threads (not the right word).. I have a program that responds to whispers after doing some calculations.. if two people whisper me at the same time...
02:31.01Nomad_WandererIs there a chance they interdere with each other?
02:31.34cladhaireNo its linear
02:31.47Nomad_WandererOkay.. thanks
02:31.54cladhaireYou can't predict what order events come in tho.. we just get them as they're delivered.
02:32.40Nomad_Wandererk.. thanks again!
02:32.43cladhairebut thats rather tangential =)
02:33.51StylpeYou said you are bored?
02:33.51Nomad_Wandererpurl, tangential?
02:34.05Nomad_WandererYep, me neither.
02:34.29Stylpeoops, nvm
02:35.22Stylpejust a typo =P
02:35.42StylpeHint: If he gets stuck, you can pull him around with the mouse
02:35.43cladhairepurl, tangential is "Adj. tan-gen-tal 1. Of, relating to, or moving along or in the direction of a tangent, 2. Merely touching or slightly connected, 3. Only superficially relevant, divergent: a tangential remark"
02:35.45purlokay, cladhaire
02:36.02StylpeAnd you might want to make your browser window smaller
02:36.46cladhaireomg is that your head?
02:36.48cladhairecause i love falling girl
02:36.52cladhairebut this is disturbing
02:36.54Cairooookay, that's rather terrifying
02:37.14cladhaireu can throw her.. thats the best part
02:38.54Cairwhat's even more terrifying is the fact that I'm so completely bored out of my tree, I'm actually playing with it
02:39.09cladhairehaha i've wasted so much time on it.
02:39.32Cairwhat's the falling girl one?
02:39.49StylpeI suspected there were other versions of this, could you point me to it?
02:39.53StylpeOh, and I have another one
02:40.26CairI've got stuff I should be doing, but I just don't feel like it :p
02:47.19Nomad_WandererHmm.. table.sort(unsortedTable) sorts the values right? It works on tables that have named keys right?
02:47.40cladhaireNomad_Wanderer: nope
02:47.46cladhaireNomad_Wanderer: It actually doesn't.
02:48.01cladhaireNomad_Wanderer: gimme a sec and i'll get you a link
02:48.28AnduinLotharjsut on indexed tables
02:48.37AnduinLotharand sorts values in place
02:48.44AnduinLothardefault alphabeticly
02:49.37cladhaireack.. gimme a sec and i'll toss some code together
02:49.46Nomad_WandererDont worry about making code..
02:50.05Nomad_WandererI have a table of Names, and DKP values.. I want to present the list of names in point order..
02:50.15Nomad_WandererI thought I could use table.sort for that.. sounds like I cant
02:50.21Nomad_WandererWhats another way to do that?
02:51.13cladhaireOoh perfect
02:51.17cladhairemy example is using DKp :P
02:51.25futrtrublwhose head is that?
02:51.39Nomad_Wandererpurl, beneficial coincidence?
02:51.48futrtrublon the falling chick's body, I mean
02:52.57kergothi'd construct an indexed table of the names, then use table.sort with a custom sort function to sort by teh dkp values from the other table
02:52.58kergothor similar
02:53.37Nomad_WandererHow would you keep the two tables connected?... oh wait...
02:53.50Nomad_WandererBoth tables would have the index as the key.
02:53.53Nomad_Wanderergot ya.
02:54.22kergothby name. in one table its the key, in the other its the value
02:55.10Nomad_WandererIf I do that, where 1 table is table[1]=45, style, can I use table.sort then, to sort by the values?
02:55.26Nomad_Wandererwhere 45 is DKP
02:55.30kergothyou dont want the new table to sort the dkps
02:55.36kergothyou wnt it to sort the names, by the dkp in the other table
02:55.44Nomad_Wandererand then in the other table names[1]=George
02:55.45kergothtable.sort can accept an alternate sort function
02:55.47kergothrather than the default
02:56.18kergothso table one is table["George"] = 45 .. table 2 is table[1] = "George", then you do a table.sort on table 2 with a custom function
02:56.22kergoththats how i'd do it, anyway
02:56.43Nomad_WandererWhich table would be sorted?
02:57.01Nomad_Wandereroh.. wait I want to numerically sort, not alphabetical.
02:57.05kergothyes, i know.
02:57.09kergothyou're missing the point
02:57.16kergothhere, let me just give you the code
02:57.17Nomad_WandererI am! I'm pretty new at this.
02:58.11kergothtable.sort(table2, function(a,b) return table1[a] < table1[b] end)
02:58.20kergothtable1 = {["George"] = 45}
02:58.33kergothtable2 = {[1] = "George"}
02:58.38kergoththere, thats what you want
02:58.59kergothtable2 will then be the names, in order of the dkp values
02:59.29Nomad_WandererHold on, I'm only on my 5th time reading that line.. I need about 10 :)
02:59.53cladhairedamn pastebin is broked.
03:00.01cladhairei had a nice example
03:00.08AnduinLotharok guys. A use for IsMounted:
03:00.44AnduinLotharwithout requiring hardware trigger
03:00.52AnduinLotharthus allowing cast after
03:01.14Cairclad, you are always welcome to post a message at WoWI and drop code examples in there
03:01.40CairI know, not as convenient as pastebin, but an option when needed
03:01.52Nomad_Wandererheh :) Thats exactly that Ker just said, except he embedded the function :)
03:02.11cladhaireyeah yeah yeah
03:02.19cladhairei just comment and don't embed =)
03:02.26Nomad_WandererI appreciate the effort tho.
03:02.28cladhairei embed in my own code.. just not for shared code
03:02.30cladhaireyeah yeah
03:02.30Nomad_WandererThanks again.
03:02.45cladhaireLUA likes me better!
03:03.31Nomad_WandererWait aminute.. did anduin just say that mod allows you to Dismount cast mount?
03:03.42Nomad_WandererThat would take drive by buffing to a new level
03:04.53cladhaireAnduinLothar: I'm assuming you just CancelBuff(), which doesn't active the global cooldown
03:05.22cladhaireSo its not dismount/cast/mount.. its just Dismount/cast
03:05.39Nomad_WandererBut if you wanted to remount...
03:06.04cladhaireremounting would require a keypress
03:06.06cladhairesince 1.6
03:06.18Nomad_WandererIs there a way to hook that cancelbuff into spellcast event?
03:06.38cladhaireNomad_Wanderer: You can accomplish most anything.. what would you try to do?
03:06.59cladhaireDismounting, buffing and then remounting would require two presses (imo)
03:07.10AnduinLotharhold asec. not sure it'll do it all
03:07.15Nomad_WandererThat would be neat thats all. I'm a priest (on lothar too BTW :) ), and I run out of innerfire all the tme
03:07.17AnduinLotharmight have to init a hold
03:07.32Nomad_WandererThat would allow me to cast innerfire again, and not get the stupid "your mounted" message.
03:10.07Nomad_WandererThat might be abused.
03:10.25kergothi could use rici's simple lua preprocessor to have /my/ version of my addon have a bunch of debug and asserts
03:10.28Nomad_WandererIn WSG, or another BG, I would get a half second jump on people..
03:10.30kergothbut for releases, itd all be removed
03:10.33kergoththatd be slick
03:10.46Nomad_WandererI could run in mounted and fear faster than someone without that addon
03:11.04AnduinLotharif i can get it to work
03:11.18Nomad_WandererThough Priests need the help imo :)
03:11.23AnduinLotharit dismounts fine
03:11.29AnduinLotharjust testign recasting
03:11.42AnduinLothari think it takes time to dismount
03:12.08Nomad_WandererStill if its auto, its faster than someone finding the mount key, and then finding the spell key.
03:12.38kergothi like that little wandcancel addon, that disables the autowand when you hit another spell key
03:12.44kergothnot that i use the wand often, but even so
03:12.58AnduinLotharCastOptiosn does that too i think
03:13.10AnduinLotharoh no
03:13.28AnduinLotharit has something to stop automaticly when u try to cast a spell
03:13.39AnduinLotharrather than erroring
03:13.54AnduinLotharright, lol... that
03:14.13Nomad_WandererYeah.. the only time I use a wand it seems is when the pally thing is on the mob
03:14.51Nomad_Wandererthe one that regens mana ;)
03:15.20cladhairejudgement of wisdom is gaining range.. which rocks.
03:15.45cladhairealright folks.. well i think i'm going to head to bed.
03:15.46AnduinLotharya, that would make it actually useful for anyone other than the pally
03:16.01cladhaireAnduinLothar: no.. casting judgement is now ranged
03:16.05cladhaireits not melee range
03:16.13Nomad_WandererGood night cladhaire thanks for the help!
03:16.16cladhaireso they can judge from farther away
03:16.18AnduinLotharoh right
03:16.24cladhaireyeah.. the 1.9 tidbits =)
03:16.59AnduinLotharwhere's that /lag macro..
03:19.02AnduinLotharlol bye
03:19.07clad|sleepsomeone find me a perl/php web interface for the web that works..
03:19.09Cairnight Clad :)
03:19.10clad|sleepfor irc
03:19.17clad|sleepso i can participate all day long
03:19.25Nomad_Wandererpurl, slack?
03:19.30purl[slack] the man. damn cool
03:19.40Nomad_Wandererpurl, slacking?
03:20.56clad|sleepAnduinLothar: Proxy web connection.. need the server to handle all comms
03:20.59AnduinLotharjust have to make sure it's alright with ur virus scan
03:21.09AnduinLotharah, right
03:21.13AnduinLotharnot java
03:21.21clad|sleepAnduinLothar: All traffic at work is routed through a slurp proxy in St. Louis
03:21.37Nomad_WandererMe too.. I can't play catan at work :(
03:21.49AnduinLotharheh, for good reason
03:22.11Nomad_Wanderertho probably same reason clad can't get to IRC :)
03:22.15AnduinLotharlove the lightsaber cit effect/sound
03:22.50Cairinteresting ... 102 gigs traffic at WoWI alone last week, not counting CTMod, WDN, WoWUIDes, EQI, EQ2I, EQ2Maps, GoBeserker, or any of our personal pages .. and there was no patch or anything
03:23.10Cairor VGI
03:23.29Cairnot bad
03:23.29StylpeI'm done now =)
03:23.30Cairslow week
03:28.29Codayus...ouch, impressive.
03:34.02AnduinLotharmmmm if u have DefendYourself and you hold down a rotate button whiel reloading u can rotate the whole time and successfully fend of week attackers..
03:34.21AnduinLotharmmm, nm. DefendYourself doesn't work if ui isn't loaded
03:39.29AnduinLotharoh wow... my reload time is tremendously long with a see error and it trying to auto correct w/o crashing
03:39.44AnduinLotharlike on the order of 3 mintues
03:40.12AnduinLotharenough to disc me
03:42.02AnduinLothari love how the pally in the loading screen has an epic offhanded book in his hand..
03:43.33AnduinLotharheh... i made a /lag macro
03:44.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Geometrix (
03:44.54AnduinLotharit works!
03:45.11AnduinLotharlost control of my game tho..
03:45.28Cairmaking an /unlag macro would probably be a better seller ... ;)
03:45.56AnduinLotharnah, one i get it right, this will be able to lag in a macro for a sellected time period
03:46.24AnduinLotharhopefully sacrificing ui control for a sec to be able to cast after a dismount or walk through mobs
03:47.07Cairnow you wouldn't be telling me that you are figuring out a way to get around Blizzard's "one action for one key press" would you? *sticks her fingers in her ears ... lalala, can't hear you" .. ;)
03:47.20AnduinLotharnope, cant do that
03:47.48AnduinLotharbut a dismount isn't a cast, it artificially inflates the time waiting fro an event
03:48.21AnduinLotharif i run a loop that waits for the macro..
03:48.40AnduinLotharbut atm i broke wow :P
03:48.45AnduinLotharso maybe it wont work
03:49.11AnduinLotharmeans i get to load my reload timer tho and see how long my reloads actually are
03:49.44AnduinLotharlol, server still thinks im on..
03:49.50AnduinLotharafter 3 min of lag
03:52.51AnduinLotharsweet, my lag function works
03:53.06kergothgod i love QC
03:53.10AnduinLothari thought it was in miliseconds so i was multiplying by 1000
03:53.21AnduinLotharbut it was in seconds, lol
03:54.51AnduinLotharLOL, my char i lagged for 1000 seconds on is still unavailible..
03:58.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Greywind (
03:58.06AnduinLothar:) teleport macro
03:58.26Greywindlol dont spam the damn bot, nice one :P
03:59.10kergothi havent read these in too long
04:00.58Greywindoh, i found out im addicted to the internet and multiplayer gaming...I lost internet connectivity because of some cable "upgrades" in my area for 2 days, I went through withdrawal :P
04:02.12Greywind*hugs cable modem*
04:06.11Greywindgood lord could they have made the world of warcraft installer any slower? I have ripped it to my hardrive and its still been 20 minutes and counting and not even half done 0.0
04:07.01AnduinLothargg compression and 1 gig files
04:10.02AnduinLotharwhy not just duplicate the install and then dont use the 2nd one, or compress it with zip or somehting
04:10.36AnduinLotharmm zip compression would take just as long i think
04:10.44GreywindI was too happy when i got my new hardrives and forgot to back it up like i usually do >.<
04:11.25Greywindat least i backed up my addons and my wtf folder
04:23.41kergothlol, i love those
04:28.29AnduinLotharlooks liek GetTime is your Gaming time in seconds or something
04:34.33kergoth* hardwire is choking now and making funny wheezing noises.
04:36.44kergothhmm, looks neat
04:38.03Greywindyum cheetos and red bull, food for the gods
04:38.13Greywindwell geek gods anyway
04:44.25AnduinLotharsleep time. just fell alseep while grinding..
04:44.39Cairnight AnduinLothar
04:44.43Greywindhehe i do that a lot :P
04:44.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Parak (
04:56.18*** join/#wowi-lounge RasmusKL (
05:30.56Greywind*note to self, get cane with mirror on bottom*
05:33.03Greywindyou know, if they actually made that game i would probably play it :P
05:37.33Nomad_Wandererheh.. that was good.. I like full frontal nerdity too.
05:38.36Nomad_Wandererlater everyone thanks for the help!
05:53.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Cair ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
05:53.52*** join/#wowi-lounge RasmusKL ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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05:53.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Kiliek ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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05:53.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Codayus ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
05:53.52*** join/#wowi-lounge kergoth ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
05:53.52*** mode/#WoWI-lounge [+o Cair] by
05:59.22pfaulthey kergoth
05:59.36pfaulthow do I reposition my stuff in the new UI frames in your pack
06:02.58kergothiirc you can do a /aceperl unlock or /aceperl lock to be able to drag them around
06:03.03kergothor you can use visor
06:03.38pfaulthow does that work hehe
06:03.53kergothvisor lets you do just about anything to frames
06:04.02kergothresize, scale, hide, mess with events, set alpha, textures, etc
06:07.54Anduin|IsMountedthat's a lot of power. it it user friendly, intuitive and easy to use?
06:12.32kergothoh hell no :) its purely commandline driven.  the commands make sense, but only once you know how it works.  as far as i know, no one has written a ui for it
06:12.56Anduin|IsMountedi'll stick to MobileFrames then
06:13.08kergothcheck out
06:13.20kergothhas syntax examples
06:13.43OsagasuAnduin, that new version of Archaeologist is supposed to take the HP off the bar when a person goes offline, right?
06:14.27Anduin|IsMountedright, feature, not bug
06:14.38Osagasuits NOT taking it off
06:14.40Anduin|IsMounteddoesn't work?
06:14.48Anduin|IsMountedwhen dead or ghost?
06:15.17Osagasudunno about dead or ghost
06:15.30Anduin|IsMountedit should say
06:15.35Osagasubut one of my party members is offline witht he little text and the lightning bolt
06:15.40Anduin|IsMountedand i assume that's party frame
06:15.42Osagasuand he still has his HP/mana text
06:16.02Anduin|IsMountedok, well offline is diff, i didn't get a good chance to test enough
06:16.36Anduin|IsMountedif u wanna help me test i could fix it..
06:18.02Anduin|IsMountedoo, this is an evil macro
06:18.47Osagasuof course I'll help, just tell me what I gotta do
06:18.59Anduin|IsMountedmade a lag macro that will allow me to not only stop mobs from following me (still get hit tho) and also delay casting. so i can cast a spell where i was x seconds ago
06:20.18Anduin|IsMountedrun past... /lag 3 Consecration(Rank 4)  ...  3 seconds later i'm 10 feet away but concecration is being cast where i started
06:20.58Anduin|IsMountedlose control of the ui for 3 seconds tho
06:21.30Anduin|IsMountedmmm, ok. need u to come on my server basicly and party me, then force quit
06:22.47Anduin|IsMountedKil'jaeden, alliance
06:26.18OsagasuAnduin, I can't find it in the realm list
06:27.29Osagasugoes from Khaz'goroth to Kilrogg
06:27.38Anduin|IsMountedsort by name
06:27.45OsagasuI am
06:29.25Osagasunight Cair
06:30.25OsagasuWell, if I can't get in the least I can do is describe it...
06:30.45Anduin|IsMountedstormscale there?
06:31.26Anduin|IsMountedmake a human
06:31.35Anduin|IsMountedill meet u there, name Toelicker
06:35.37Anduin|IsMountedwow froze brb
06:40.22Osagasuwhat am I always?
06:44.33Osagasuokay, I'm out
06:44.35Anduin|IsMountedit went away
06:44.43Osagasuit was the second party member
06:44.49Anduin|IsMountedlog in again
06:44.59Anduin|IsMountedtry in range
06:54.34Osagasuright near that rogue too
06:54.47Anduin|IsMountedworked as intended
06:55.11Osagasuwell I dunno then
06:55.23OsagasuI just know what I saw and I saw the text was still there
06:55.37Anduin|IsMountedthe offline text or the hp text?
06:55.43OsagasuHP text
06:56.02Anduin|IsMountedtake a ss next time u see it
06:57.34Osagasuon another note, Sky has a bug in it in the latest alpha... lemme see if I can get it to show me the error
06:57.42OsagasuIEF really should save these things
06:57.58Anduin|IsMountedsounds like a good option
06:58.10kergothiirc bugsack does save them
06:58.15kergoth(alternative to ief)
06:58.26Anduin|IsMountedief used to to submit
06:58.38Anduin|IsMountedbut then they disabled urls
07:10.11Osagasuwell, its time I went nini
07:10.21Osagasuso, uhm... night
07:13.46pfaultI got recipe for robe of the void
07:24.53kergothpfault: did you get your addons all configured happily?  I can send you my Visor.lua from my savedvariables if you'd like, it includes aceperl and xraid frame positioning
07:36.59pfaultyeah pretty much
07:37.06pfaultI hate having to move all my frames though
07:37.15pfaultthey should automatically know where to go
07:55.03*** join/#wowi-lounge pagefault (
07:58.53pagefaultmy action bar is stuck a weird spot
07:58.57pagefaultthe progress bar for actions
07:59.36Anduin|IsMountedcastign bar?
08:02.34kergothpagefault: /vz set f=eCastingBar pr=UIParent p1=CENTER p2=CENTER x=0 y=0
08:03.11Anduin|IsMountedthat's almost as complicated as just calling the function O.o
08:03.35kergothpagefault: /vz set f=eCastingBarMirror pr=eCastingBar p1=BOTTOMLEFT p2=TOPLEFT x=0 y=0
08:04.01kergothgives a great deal of raw power. doesnt mean you have to use it..
08:04.18Anduin|IsMountedright-click -> Menu -> "Reset Casting Bar" ftw
08:05.05kergothyeah, since what i need is more ui ram taken up by xml frames
08:05.10kergothno thanks
08:05.15pagefaultnow it's stuck in the middle of the screen
08:05.28pagefaultit's center in the screen
08:05.38kergothwhich is where it should be
08:05.41Anduin|IsMountedactually it's a one line inherit of the orig menu frame
08:05.49Anduin|IsMountedsame menu used for everyhting
08:05.53pagefaultI liked it where it was in the original UI
08:06.03kergoththen put it there.
08:06.16pagefaultwith that crazy script stuff?
08:06.44kergothyes, since x/y coordinates are 'crazy'
08:06.49kergothotherwise just tell me what you want and i'll do it
08:06.53Anduin|IsMountedu could always change to use the competition if u don't like using Visor
08:07.11Anduin|IsMountedor ker could just tell u how to do it with visor
08:07.18kergothindeed, either way
08:07.23kergothshould use what suits you
08:07.31kergothvisor meets my needs
08:07.46pagefaultyeah I fixed it
08:08.09pagefaultchanged the y
08:08.15Anduin|IsMountedsome crazy stuff ;)
08:08.36Anduin|IsMountedker, btw this is the xml for the menu:
08:08.37Anduin|IsMounted<GameTooltip name="MobileFramesTooltip" frameStrata="TOOLTIP" hidden="true" inherits="GameTooltipTemplate" parent="UIParent" />
08:08.56kergothyes.. and?
08:09.30kergothi dont need a ui, i'm not coding one.  if he wants one, he's free to.  otherwise he can use eCastingBar's built in positioning stuff
08:09.35kergothit has all of that, i just dont use it
08:09.44kergothpagefault: iirc, /eCastingBar config
08:10.09kergothand if you're gonna do it that way, make sure you /vz del eCastingBar
08:10.15Anduin|IsMountedi was just saying it's not the huge memory sink u make it out to be
08:10.16kergothso it doesnt take control of the frame's positioning
08:11.00kergothtrue enough, but little things add up
08:11.39Anduin|IsMountedthey do, but i value intuitive usage a lot more than some small bit of memory
08:12.06kergothi dont :)  differing philosophies.  i like commandline interfaces.  in linux, i often dont even go into X.
08:12.09Anduin|IsMountednot saying it's for everyone
08:12.50Anduin|IsMountedthere's a reason why memcoder and mplayer are the best at what they do
08:13.59kergothhave you ever seen the attempts at an mplayer gui?
08:14.03kergoththey're /all/ horrid
08:14.06Anduin|IsMountedi have one
08:14.08kergothand xine isnt much better
08:14.16kergothtotem is nice though, if you're using gnome
08:14.18Anduin|IsMountedit's not horrably, but it's not fabulous
08:14.44Anduin|IsMountedone i have uses coaco for OS X
08:14.57kergothah, cool
08:20.13futrtrublanyone uploaded addons to curse? I've "submitted" something to them, but I'm not sure what I should wait for or what exactly I submitted, the idea behind my mod or an idea for a mod. It's an unintuitive place
08:21.00Anduin|IsMountedu submitted ur main page. once confirmed u add pix and files
08:21.30futrtrubland how do they notify me of acceptance? email or PM?
08:22.07Anduin|IsMountedu can set to email i think
08:33.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Industrial (
09:06.25Anduin|IsMountedseems my ace is now throwing up randomly.. w/o any ace addons loaded
09:06.43Anduin|IsMountedjust the line 144 nil index
11:17.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Rowne (
11:17.17*** part/#wowi-lounge Rowne (
12:25.36*** join/#wowi-lounge [1]Nulkris (
13:42.18Anduin|IsMountedit's liek 6am and my sever's down from overloaded/wont appear in realm list to just 'Full' like it always is.... crazy
13:46.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
13:56.31Anduin|IsMountedbroke my silly project and spent all night making it even function..
14:09.31Anduin|IsMountedwow. someone sent me a chinese localozation of TellTrack
14:10.02Cidehehe yeah
14:10.08CideI've gotten a couple of those
14:18.29Anduin|IsMountedthere a 1.9 test server up yet?
14:18.38Cair|sleepnot that I've seen
14:19.39Anduin|IsMountedmorning cair
14:19.48Cair|sleephi hi
14:19.55Anduin|IsMountedposting in ut sleep?
14:20.19Cair|sleepjust here for a few, 4 hrs sleep isn't enough, going to crawl back in shortly to snag a couple more
14:21.14Anduin|IsMountedi should go grab 2 or 3 before class
14:21.29Anduin|IsMountedjust wanted to get SeaHooks pretty enough to send out for reviewing
14:22.02Cair|sleepThis is pretty much what I do every day, these days ... go to bed somewhere around 3am my time, get back up at 7 to see kiddo out the door to school, check the sites, approve any mods sitting around, answer any questions that can't wait, then crawl back in until somewhere between noon and 2pm
14:22.46Anduin|IsMountedhaven't slept yet... i should have. im gonna regret it on my closing shift tonight
14:22.55Cair|sleepit's kinda odd, but it seems to work well enough
14:23.50Anduin|IsMountedi kinda lost mosta my friends when i left my home town to come back down here after summer.  1h by car is an eternity when u have no car
14:24.00Cair|sleepyeah =/
14:24.11Anduin|IsMountedand my ex is up there too
14:24.29Anduin|IsMountedstill haven't seen her since she broke up with me..
14:24.43Anduin|IsMountednot much social life here.
14:24.58Anduin|IsMountedrl social anyway
14:25.24Cair|sleepwhat's this "social life" thing of which you speak?
14:26.07Cair|sleepyou been doing that wacky tobaccy again?
14:27.01Anduin|IsMountedgsub(MyLife, "(Social Life)", "No %1")
14:31.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Parak (n=utterly_@
14:35.50Anduin|IsMountedyay for random crazy scoping tests
14:36.00Anduin|IsMountedi really have no idea if this will work or not
14:36.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Stylpe (
15:07.20StylpeCan anyone point me to a good memory cleaning app?
15:07.31StylpeActually, I'll ask that in #lua
15:19.54Cair|sleepOkay, back to sleep for a few more hours.  Back later.
15:22.07Anduin|IsMountedcyas... in that time i think it's time for me to finally download auctioneer
15:24.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Nomad_Wanderer (
15:25.15Nomad_Wandererdoes toNumber(String) automatically trim leading trailing spaces?
15:25.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (
15:26.06Osagasuhows them seckes?
15:26.22Osagasunice response.
15:34.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Trilian (
15:35.07Anduin|IsMountedi need to close my broswer completely everyso often
15:35.16Anduin|IsMountedit pages up mymemory to full
15:39.22Anduin|IsMountedwow... OS X is using nearly 5 gigs of virtual memory..
15:39.37Anduin|IsMountedand says it has 400 mb real memory free
15:39.47Anduin|IsMountedout of 1.5 gb
15:39.54*** join/#wowi-lounge shouryuu (
15:40.11Anduin|IsMountedok.. i'm just gonna be glad i havne't figured out what it's doing then and get on with ym life
15:40.50Anduin|IsMountedmy os is using 5gigs of VM and a gig of ram
15:41.16shouryuuthat's kinda too much
15:41.31Anduin|IsMountedwhich isn't really a problem with 1.5 gb ram and liek 35gb free on my boot drive
15:41.43Anduin|IsMountedbut is was surprising
15:41.49Anduin|IsMountedcause iw as getting slow down
15:41.58Anduin|IsMountedprolly nothing a logout/in wouldn't wix
15:42.13Nomad_WandererThat is a lof of VM tho.
15:42.46Anduin|IsMountedright, OS X has very advanced memery management tho so i'm not gonna bother guessign what it's doing
15:43.12Anduin|IsMountedbut it's been running non stop this week end and i haven't logged out in a month or so
15:43.26Anduin|IsMountedso i'm gonna just do that
15:43.32Nomad_WandererYeah.. but either have I on my windows XP box.
15:44.01Nomad_WandererTiger is better than XP... Something aint kosher with your system methinkgs
15:44.06Anduin|IsMountedif winxp was using that much i'd hit it with a fire extinguister
15:44.39Anduin|IsMountedim on pather still tho, haven't had $ to upgrade yet
15:44.44Anduin|IsMountedmaybe for xmas
15:45.27Anduin|IsMountedi take that back... 8 bg
15:46.01Anduin|IsMountedi think it's just the cpu
15:46.18Anduin|IsMountedit's hot and been runnign 100% non stop for a long time
15:49.24Anduin|IsMountedok... there's something wrong when my computer will fully boot up faster than wow takes to reloadui
15:49.40ParakU.S.S O.S. has sprung a memory leak! Man the debug boats!
15:50.24Anduin|IsMountedah ok.. i get it. it just parcels out the vm so that you cant overwrite it
15:50.43Anduin|IsMountedgrabs 5.5 gb vm on boot up
15:52.09Anduin|IsMountedmuch more responsiv enow
15:52.28shouryuuwowow, this pally has an The Hand of ragnaros, an 80dps, 220-320 dmg mace
15:53.04Anduin|IsMountedya, an alliance guild on my server just picked one of those uup yesterday
15:53.36Anduin|IsMountedok, time to test run auctioneer and see if it lives up to the hype
15:53.53Anduin|IsMountedmaybe i can make some $ while coding
15:53.58ParakOur server has about 5 now... Granted, some of those were obtained more easily back when you could do MC daily. *cough*
15:54.15Anduin|IsMountedwhen coudl u do it daily?
15:54.20shouryuua while ago
15:54.57Anduin|IsMountedyes. now i'm getting my normal 20 fps in wow, much better than the 7 i was getting before logging out
15:55.06Anduin|IsMountedooo hit 30
15:55.18Anduin|IsMountedshoulda done this a while ago
15:55.52Anduin|IsMountedodd... i installed 4 addons, logged out of the OS and back in and now i've tripled my fps
15:56.33*** join/#wowi-lounge ToastTheif (
15:57.04ToastTheif~nickometer Geramfanam
15:57.16Malt_LotharWhich addons?
15:57.34ToastTheifpurl_, capitilize my name please
15:58.01Nomad_Wanderer~nickometer Nomad_Wanderer
15:58.01Anduin|IsMountedaautioneer, itemized deductions,AQ_ARC, and soemthing i forgot..
15:58.02ToastTheifpurl_, commands?
15:58.09Nomad_WandererSounds right :)
15:58.21Anduin|IsMounted~nickometer AnduinLothar
15:58.32Nomad_WandererWhat is AQ_ARC?
15:58.50Anduin|IsMountedaction queue auto ractive class
15:58.52ToastTheif~shoot Anduin
15:58.54purlACTION shoots Anduin in the eye with a phase pistol!
15:59.02Nomad_WandererUh oh.. Phase pistol infection..
15:59.55Nomad_WandererIs AQ-ARC not on Curse?
16:00.04Anduin|IsMountednah it's on sarf's svn
16:00.12purlToasttheif ninjas toast then logs off
16:00.29ToastTheifpurl_, ToastTheif is also a nice guy
16:00.48Nomad_WandererHmm.. what would purl say about me?
16:00.57purlyou are, like, an annoying forum troll
16:01.03shouryuuthat's me!
16:01.39Nomad_Wandererpurl_, Nomad_Wanderer is a lua Noob, but trying!
16:01.58ToastTheifpurl, ToastTheif is also a cool guy
16:01.59purlokay, ToastTheif
16:02.12Nomad_Wandererpurl, Nomad_Wanderer is a lua Noob, but trying!
16:02.13purlokay, Nomad_Wanderer
16:02.46*** join/#wowi-lounge [1]Nulkris (
16:03.34shouryuuwhat reason COULD prevent my variables from saving?
16:03.45*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
16:04.00MoonWolfthe other white meat
16:04.46shouryuugnomes ftl...
16:04.57shouryuuthis really is killing m
16:05.16shouryuuMy add on is fully functional except for the bloody varaibles who won't save
16:05.35Anduin|IsMounteddid u log out after u changed the toc?
16:05.49shouryuuabout 1000 times
16:07.35Anduin|IsMountedthat is one phatty pally hammer
16:07.54Anduin|IsMountedlooks liek the ones the paladins used in Warcraft 2 from their horses
16:08.00Anduin|IsMountedth ejudgment one
16:11.22shouryuuahhh my god
16:11.32shouryuuthis priest has a trinket that does +16mana/5sec
16:11.52CideShard of the Scale
16:11.55Cidedrops from Onyxia
16:12.01Cidenot cast, no
16:12.16Cideshouryuu: look up Rejuvenating Gem
16:13.01shouryuushe has a total of +60mana/5 sec
16:13.07shouryuuill check that out
16:13.44Parakthe gem is nice, but I wouldn't use it over a mindtap or the beasts deck trinket
16:14.13Cidethe gem is like
16:14.19Cidethe best priest trinket in the game
16:14.23Cidein my opinion of course
16:14.42shouryuuI sure as hell share it
16:15.40Paraktypically those who go for mana regen gear (like me) don't care for +healing as the benefit to flash heal is miniscule
16:16.03Cide+healing gives flash heal a bigger increase than it gives gheal in terms of hp/s
16:16.04Parakit's definitely the uber trinket of choice for +healing build priests that spam renews
16:16.50CideI never run oom on any fight pretty much
16:16.57Cideso why have even more mana regen? :)
16:17.21shouryuuand even, mind tap is 11/5sec that one is 9/5sec with +66healing
16:17.43shouryuu+66healing is a lot of healing, I'd bet it compensates for the 2 mana you don't regen every 5 sec
16:17.44Anduin|IsMountedstill need my tintap for my pally
16:17.54Osagasuy'know, the more I think about Blizzard adding for-pay server transfers in the coming months, the more I begin to think it shouldn't happen
16:18.04Parakwell, again, it's not straight +66 :p
16:18.09Parakit depends on the spell
16:18.16Cidedoesn't really matter
16:18.29Cideover the 4 seconds you cast one gheal, you get 100%
16:18.34Anduin|IsMountedi have +240 heal i think with healing gear on
16:19.03Anduin|IsMountedtwo mail pieces, rest plate
16:19.08Parakalso I wonder if this trinket would be better than the zandalarian badge or the priest quest trinket
16:20.25Cideyou get 114% from casting flash heal for 4 sec, so you get more over time, just not as much on every spell
16:20.45Cideor did I do that math correctly
16:22.20Cidenot sure actually, I'm too tired.. anyway, you get 126% over 4.5 sec, which ends up with a little more than 100% over 4 sec
16:22.45shouryuumeh don't talk of being tired
16:22.47Cideah, ya, 114% is right
16:23.09shouryuuI just came out of 4hours of philosophy written a paper on "The God of Philosphers" 0_o
16:23.12CideI was raiding last night shouryuu, and I live in sweden (raiding with an american guild) :P
16:23.19shouryuuhehe I hear ya
16:23.25shouryuu3am -7am
16:23.27shouryuuI'm in paris
16:23.31shouryuuI feel the pain
16:23.39Cidehehe yep
16:23.56CideI really should move to the US, so much easier hehe
16:24.54Parakin either case, I'd rather spend my hard earned points on definite upgrades, like the pendant, the gatherer, the geta, the shroud, etc :p
16:25.30shouryuuyeah I agree
16:26.02Cideyou're inside 5 second rule 50% of the time
16:26.38Cideyou only get full benefit from mana/5sec when inside it (well not really, but it makes the best use there)
16:27.15CideI'm not going to start another discussion about gear as that happens every day in another channel I'm in hehe, but I really think you shouldn't focus on only one attribute
16:27.39CideI try to get +healing and +spirit (3 piece transcendence bonus is sweet), int and mana/5 if I can
16:27.58Parakwho said I focus on +mana regen? :p
16:28.01CideI'm not saying that I'm right and you're wrong of course, that's just how I value it
16:28.05Cideyou did
16:28.29Cide"typically those who go for mana regen gear (like me)"
16:28.58Parakyou got me there :p
16:29.51Parakthough I don't do that in practice anymore, as I have done the math and such on a per item basis
16:30.03shouryuuyou both priests?
16:30.38CideI am, ya
16:30.45Parakfor instance, I'm using will of arlokk instead of anything else, as I get about a 1:2 spirit:mana regen ratio on raids
16:30.57Parak(monitored using spiritversusintellect addon)
16:31.22Nomad_WandererCide is wrong.. Mana 5/sec runs all the time.. even inside the 5 sec rule.
16:31.34Cideread the parenthesis
16:31.56Nomad_Wandererheh.. contradicted yourself almost :)
16:31.56shouryuuim not sure nomad
16:32.05Cideno, you just misinterpreted it
16:32.12Cideyou're inside 5 second rule 50% of the time -- you only get full benefit from mana/5sec when inside it (well not really, but it makes the best use there)
16:32.47Cideyou get the same benefit from it both inside and outside of the 5 sec rule, but it makes the best use while inside it because outside, it will be overshadowed by your spirit regen
16:32.58ParakSo aye, +mana regen is definitely not the be all end all type of gear. Case in point, prophecy legs are actually better than manastorm
16:33.39Nomad_WandererPersonally, I'd like to max my mana regen inside the 5 sec rule. In combat, I'm going to be casting at least once every 5 secs.
16:33.53Cidenot really
16:34.04Cideyou're inside it 50% of the time by average
16:34.50Cidethat was the general opinion two months ago as far as I know
16:35.11purlToasttheif ninjas toast then logs off, or a cool guy
16:35.11Nomad_WandererUse MUSE to prove your assumption.
16:35.55CideI did
16:36.00Anduin|IsMountedwow, i just bought 4xPristine Black Diamonds for 24g
16:36.02Cidebut it spammed my combat log so I disabled it
16:36.18ParakSvI monitors that too for me, and it's typically higher, or at least for me. It really depends on the fight, your role in the fight, and how one casts
16:36.41Nomad_Wanderercool... I agree its different for everyone, just use data to modify your behavior..
16:36.50Nomad_Wanderernot "everyone says" :)
16:37.07CideI said general opinion, I asked around
16:37.20Cideand i read 50% on the forums several times, and I checked my own data as well :)
16:37.33Nomad_WandererThe last part is the important bit :)
16:39.24Anduin|IsMountedi'm really gonna have to merge together buffbot, whispercast and divineblessing. they would be uber combined to work together
16:40.23CideNomad_Wanderer: yeah, I was just backing up my "general opinion" statement.. but I guess "general opinion" might be the wrong word to use as well, my apologies
16:40.29CideAnduin|IsMounted: that would be pretty sweet
16:40.49Anduin|IsMountedbeing able to use DB's drag and drop to define settings for BuffBot rather than slash commands and beign able to see a queue in the whisper cast window of what it'll cast next.  Then having it allow people to whisper in to set their buff choice
16:41.29Anduin|IsMountedthen run it with AQ_BuffBot and the WC cast button/binding
16:43.51Anduin|IsMountedi like my reload timer :)
16:45.10Nomad_WandererApologies for what :)?
16:46.30shouryuuI think this add-on wants me to die
16:46.38*** join/#wowi-lounge RasmusKL (
16:46.51shouryuuwell I mean, kill myself for the least
16:50.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaelten (
16:51.04*** mode/#WoWI-lounge [+o Kaelten] by ChanServ
16:51.14CideNomad_Wanderer: for stating that it was general opinion
16:51.37Kaeltenhows it going
16:51.56Nomad_Wandererhehehe.. Sure.
16:52.44Anduin|IsMountedsup keal
16:56.15*** join/#wowi-lounge End (
16:57.10shouryuuomg there's another decursive thread...
16:57.15shouryuuit's the end of the world
16:57.45Nomad_WandererSick em Shouryuu!
16:59.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Amicester (
16:59.38shouryuuI;ve just abandoned the forums
16:59.49shouryuudon't post there anymore :(
17:09.04Nomad_Wanderer1 action per click only means in game actions right?
17:09.28AmicesterIt only means actions that required a hardware request.
17:09.29Nomad_WandererI.e. if I wanted to make a macro that after AB kicks non guildies from the raid
17:09.42Nomad_WandererIs that 1 click per kick?
17:09.47AmicesterYeah you should be able to automate that.
17:10.01Cideyep, you can do that in a macro
17:10.02Nomad_WandererCool. Not every difficult either
17:13.26TainAlways remember, " Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum sonatur."
17:17.20Tain- Whatever is said in Latin sounds profound.
17:18.12Anduin|IsMountedi'm taking latin
17:18.17Anduin|IsMountedi still dunno what he said
17:19.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Verlaine (
17:23.32TainThe world is my oyster.
17:23.37TainToo bad I don't like oysters.
17:23.52futrtrublmmm, oysters
17:23.59futrtrublI'll have yours then
17:24.04Anduin|IsMountedi'm not a huge fan
17:24.07Anduin|IsMountedi like clams
17:24.13Anduin|IsMountedcrab is delectable
17:24.25Anduin|IsMountedlobster is tasty but too expensive
17:24.57Verlainethat's all I have to say
17:25.00Anduin|IsMountedsteak is just right in the disposible income zone before i have to start paying for housing
17:25.21futrtrublwith my special blue cheese butter..... heaven
17:25.22VerlaineI just love steak
17:25.34Anduin|IsMountedwe cook out own steaks here
17:25.51Anduin|IsMountedI have a place in my heart for saugases too tho
17:25.59Anduin|IsMountedkielbassa esp
17:26.06Anduin|IsMountedand hot links
17:26.11Anduin|IsMountedcheep and fast
17:26.17futrtrublway do you insist on making me hungry?
17:26.18TainYeah, I do like a nice spicy or hot sausage.
17:26.37Anduin|IsMountedbut steak or pasta with sausage when i have time
17:26.39TainKielbasa is so fast and easy to cook, and tastes so good.
17:26.47futrtrublone of the things I miss from England, Chipolatas
17:26.48Anduin|IsMountedi know
17:27.22TainOf course I have a gas grill right outside my front door and use it year-round.  Even in the snow.
17:27.37Anduin|IsMountedya, i'm sad, we have no grill
17:27.43Anduin|IsMountedwe do um in the skillet
17:27.59TainWhile it's certainly no charcoal grill, it is great to have handy.
17:28.14Anduin|IsMountedcharcol grills need lots of air
17:28.24TainYeah, I do also either cook them up stovetop, or broil in the oven.
17:28.28TainYeah, and lots of time to heat up.
17:28.41TainIt's just one of those things I'll only do if it's going to be an all-day affair.
17:29.00Anduin|IsMountedmmm, i love shieskibabs tooo
17:29.10Anduin|IsMountedesp with warm pineapple
17:30.01TainMy uncle took a 50 gallon steel drum and had it sliced in half length-wise and made a grill out of it.  When he throws a BBQ he can cook everything at once.
17:30.08TainIt's just an amazing thing.
17:30.13Anduin|IsMounted:) seen those
17:30.41Anduin|IsMountedmore charcole to cook alla t once tho
17:32.26Anduin|IsMountedheh.. my commented and self debugging hook function is 100 lines long
17:32.45Cidenot sure what the longest function I've written is
17:32.47Verlaineok this is killing me
17:32.56Anduin|IsMountedoh, it's def not the longest
17:33.02Verlainecould someone take a look at my add on and explain why my varaibles aren't saving?
17:33.06Anduin|IsMountedwas just thinking of my poor OnUpdate hooks
17:33.07CideI'm just saying
17:33.44CideVerlaine == shouryuu?
17:33.56Anduin|IsMountedprolly my longest is either the config function in arch or ChatFrame_OnEvent in Sky
17:34.11Verlainei need to kick myself again
17:34.29Verlainebut I always forget how
17:34.39CideCTRA's parse message function is 513 lines
17:34.46Cidenot sure if that's the longest one
17:34.59Cide/ns ghost <nick> <password>
17:35.34*** join/#wowi-lounge shouryuu (
17:35.37TainIf anyone's looking for a job, Burger King in New Orleans is offering a $6000 bonus due to lack of workers.
17:38.28Anduin|IsMountedya, the table alone that feeds the arch config registration is 100 lines, and each one is a sub table with 4 or 5 entries
17:38.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Parak (
17:39.31Anduin|IsMountedand the mcom registration func itself in arch is 650 line
17:40.18Anduin|IsMountedand has like 5 50 line for loops in it
17:44.47Kaeltendamn thats one hell of a bonus
17:44.54Kaeltenhehe, I could buy the laptop I want, hehe
17:55.06futrtrublrawr yourself ;']
17:58.01KaeltenI'm just glad memory prices are down, the one I was looking at a few months ago was like 450 now its down to 250
17:59.05TainI'm so broke I can't even afford to pay attention.
17:59.39KaeltenI know what you mean
17:59.39shouryuuhey furt, I've translated most of your add-on I just need to find out how to translated Rested, fully rested, unrested, and pet.
17:59.58Kaeltenla bete
18:00.04TainTo what language?
18:01.47TainI'm so sad, my Tracking Auto Alert addon works from a technical standpoint, but I don't think it'll realistically be usable by most.
18:02.55shouryuutain- to hindu
18:05.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Eraphine|Lab (
18:06.19TainThere's Hindu localization in WoW?
18:08.28shouryuuno it's in french
18:09.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Natasem (
18:09.49End-workingI wanted to do pretendingtowork, but that didn'
18:09.50End-workingt fit
18:10.04End-workingand dammit, I need to not hit enter on accident
18:10.46Eraphine|LabCan someone point me to a link where I can decipher what patthern,  for name in string.gfind(msg, "%(%a+)%") do
18:10.55Eraphine|Labis looking for?
18:10.55TainThere's French localization in WoW?!
18:10.57shouryuucould someone look at my add on and jsut explain why my varaibles won't save?
18:11.06TainLua 5.0 Handbook, on
18:11.20TainIt explains all the pattern matching.
18:11.37TainUnder the mmmm String Manipulateion setting I think
18:12.10Eraphine|Labsorry is the handbook different from the reference manual?
18:12.11shouryuuand yes tain there is a french localization in WoW
18:12.25shouryuuI didn't translate the localisation, only the add on text though...
18:12.46Eraphine|Labnm I found it - thanks tain
18:16.23shouryuuso no volunteers?
18:16.25TainReference manual is the same thing, I was probably mixing the naems anyway.
18:16.46Tain~x en fr rested
18:19.14Eraphine|LabI don't understand what "%(%a+)%" corresponds to after reading that.
18:19.28Eraphine|LabI understand that %a is a word
18:19.36Eraphine|Labsorry a letter
18:20.04Eraphine|Labactually.. it's not even coming out right as I type it.
18:20.35Eraphine|Labfor some reason it is dropping a % off the beginning and end of the what I type.
18:20.54MoonWolfwhat are u using as an editor ?
18:21.05Eraphine|LabI'm typing it directly into the xchat edit box
18:21.31Eraphine|Laband when I press enter, and the message appears in the channel, it's missing % from the beginning and end of the string I just typed
18:21.52MoonWolfhmm let me try
18:22.36MoonWolfworking fine over here i think.
18:22.46Eraphine|Labtry typing %
18:22.52Eraphine|Labtype two % in a row and press enter
18:23.04MoonWolfworks good.
18:23.15Eraphine|LabI guess my editbox is donig something screwy
18:23.34Eraphine|Labanyway - I don't understand what %%(%a+)%% means.
18:23.52kergoth%% is a real %, escaped, iirc
18:27.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Eraphine|Disco (
18:28.10Eraphine|Labsorry about that.
18:29.07TainYeah so it's look for a text pattern beginning and ending with a percent sign.
18:30.33*** join/#wowi-lounge Stylpe (
18:38.04CairAnduin|Class: you there?
18:38.07TainMorning Cair!
18:38.12Cairhey Tain
18:41.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Stylpe (
18:47.43*** join/#wowi-lounge Parak_ (
19:09.06*** join/#wowi-lounge shouryuu (
19:09.13shouryuuwoops caps
19:10.06shouryuuSo how's life been lately?
19:10.35Cairdamn sight better since I got rid of the blasted migraine
19:11.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Stylpe (
19:12.13shouryuumy life juuust started sucking a bit more
19:13.08shouryuua *bit* more
19:13.18shouryuubut meh
19:13.26Cairwhat happened?
19:13.28shouryuulife goes on
19:13.46shouryuuloooooonnnnggggggg story
19:13.53shouryuu(emphasise on long here)
19:13.55shouryuubut it sucked
19:14.26Cairsorry to hear it
19:16.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Stylpe (
19:17.02EndI'll just stop pretending
19:21.27Anduin|Classi'm here now
19:21.37shouryuuman I saw a warrior with a +1 crit chance on spells and +11mana/5sec sword
19:21.40shouryuumade me cry
19:21.43Eraphine|Labboy i'm retarded
19:21.44shouryuumy eyebalss out
19:21.50Cairalready dealt with what I was going to ask you, so no worries
19:21.53Eraphine|Labarg2 of event chat_msg_whisper is the name of the whisperer
19:21.54Anduin|Classfor a while anyway
19:21.59Eraphine|Labwho needs to even parse!
19:22.17Anduin|Classmusta been important
19:22.44Cairwasn't either important or unimportant, just something I was curious about
19:23.06AnduinLotharanyone got an email on iriel?
19:23.45shouryuualways happy to help
19:24.40shouryuunot THAT far away
19:24.53shouryuuthere was the vigil which was correct
19:24.55AnduinLotharblah, i dont like this format... is there an official lua-doc format or should i just use the 'alex-standard' format
19:25.15shouryuuformat of what?
19:25.30AnduinLotharhode header comments for output of documentation
19:25.45AnduinLotharthx eraph
19:26.00kergoththere is a luadoc project.
19:26.08AnduinLotharit any good?
19:26.22AnduinLotharout of alpha?
19:26.27kergothnot bad. the markup format is quite good, and can always enhance it to produce pertier html
19:26.38kergothso i always markup my code
19:26.42AnduinLotharsweet, got a link?
19:26.51kergothyeah, give me a second to find it..
19:26.56shouryuufor us chinese lovers
19:27.12kergothokay, here's the main one ->
19:27.21AnduinLothari play with chinese people now with my west coast really late/early hours
19:27.21kergoththeres no release, but you can check out its code from cvs
19:27.36kergothor you can use the teeny one included with teh code for hte lua standard libraries effort
19:28.05kergoth ... ldoc in there
19:28.21shouryuuwell learn chinese now Anduin!
19:29.34AnduinLothari'll just feed it through bablefish
19:29.57AnduinLothari actually get chinese email spam
19:30.03AnduinLotharis that usual?
19:31.07Cairout for a couple hours guys, have fun
19:31.15shouryuusee yar
19:31.20kergothi have a seperate rule in my email filtering that stuffs chinese or other asian character mail into a seperate spam box by default :P
19:31.21AnduinLothar... i keep trying to shift-mousewheel-scroll to top/bottom in my various computer apps
19:31.49shouryuui always alt-left keyboard...
19:31.59kergothi keep using alt to try to select things in vim
19:32.03kergothits annoying indeed
19:32.08AnduinLothardamn... so much time spent with the wow chatscroll where i can just change anything i want..
19:32.29AnduinLotharhell, i bet i could make it scroll horazontally
19:32.41*** join/#wowi-lounge ToastTheif (
19:33.10shouryuuI've discovered something interesting
19:33.24AnduinLotharwould have to make my own scroll bar with rotated images... and then figure out how to oclude frames..
19:33.29kergothi keep forgetting to enable the thing wher eyou dont need to hold alt in chatscroll
19:33.47shouryuuif an error message is more than 3 lines long when you print it in your chat frame, it goes ...something/hyayafa/error/haha/usuck....
19:33.50AnduinLothardoesn't that make it hard to move?
19:34.52AnduinLotharbah SVN >> CVS
19:35.01AnduinLotharnow i have to install another client...
19:35.01kergothindeed, svn is wonderful
19:35.18kergothi converted the upstream lua standard libraries code from cvs to svn for my own use, including history :D
19:35.52AnduinLotharso u have the luadoc on private svn?
19:36.39kergoththat stdlib one, yeah.  the upstream luadoc, not yet, but i can
19:36.42kergothcheck out svk sometime
19:36.52kergothit lets you take an upstream svn or cvs repo and bring it into a local mirror, including all history
19:37.01kergothso you can check things into and out of it without a net connection.. you can go offline
19:37.07kergothpeer to peer development with svn/cvs
19:37.47AnduinLotharright, heard u evangelizing it earlier
19:38.13AnduinLotharbut then i dont have a laptop so im always online
19:43.58kergothyeah, me neither :(
19:46.54*** join/#wowi-lounge kremonte (
19:47.21kremonteis everyone afk? =O
19:48.07AnduinLotharya, i'm actually filling out an email interview for a phd student that emailed me..
19:49.08Endof course I'm afk
19:49.08kremonteyou're famous! ^_^
19:49.08EndI wouldn't be a good ircer if I was actually here.
19:49.11kremonteno no, to be a good irc'er you don't go afk, you "idle"
19:49.18AnduinLotharya, i was kinda surprised
19:49.18Endtrue true
19:50.02AnduinLotharshe's doing her phd on education technology and is doing her thesis on MMO's
19:54.28pagefaulthey kergoth
19:55.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
19:55.55kremontehihi iriel
19:56.30kremonteit's only morning in like 2 timezones :o
19:56.36AnduinLotharhey, its just the man i wanted to see
19:57.14AnduinLothari couldn't get ur method to work persay, and i made a ton of other changes so how bout i show u what i got iriel?
19:57.52pagefaultinternation greeting time states it's always morning when you first see a person
19:57.56pagefaulterr international
19:58.02pagefaultor universal greeting time
19:58.16kremontewhat about "g'day"
19:58.17AnduinLothari just say morning in person, all the time
19:58.48AnduinLotharonline i use whatever greating tickles my fancy, usually non greatings
19:58.51kremontewell, time-ly speaking, i usually say good afternoon after 2pm EST to people i know, and good afternoon in general after 5 EST
19:59.07kremontebecause then the only time zone before noon is hawaii's? i think
19:59.16IrielWell, this was the borderline, 11:56am pacific
19:59.28IrielSo I figured i'd hedge my bets against people with poorly set clocks
19:59.32kremonteyeah, what time zone is alaska in anyway?
19:59.32Irielor living east of me
19:59.33AnduinLothari saw good morning to my manager when i go in for night shifts at 7pm
19:59.56kremontenoone does that around here
20:00.30IrielAnduinLothar: Sure, I take it the version I uploaded had some 'issues' ?
20:02.08AnduinLotharhow do u want it?
20:04.29IrielSomething I can download is easiest
20:11.16IrielGot it, i'll take a look in a bit..
20:12.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Parak (n=utterly_@
20:18.09End"You found it! ... Wait... There's nothing here.."
20:18.53Nomad_WandererSo Lua doesn't have strong types.. The way to tell the difference between a float and an Int is string.find(".") right?
20:19.14IrielThere is no int type
20:19.18Irieleverything is a floating point number
20:19.41Nomad_Wandererhmm... How do I make sure that someone is using whole numbers?
20:19.52Irielmath.floor(number) == number
20:20.09Nomad_WandererI'll look into the math library thanks
20:22.35Nomad_WandererHmm.. the docs say "Same as the C library", and the pil doesn't really cover it..  Taking Iriel's statement a little further if (math.floor(number) == number) then numberIsWhole=true; else numberIsWhole=false; end ?
20:23.54Irielfunction isInteger(number) return number and math.floor(number)==number end
20:24.07Nomad_WandererI'm not that elegant yet :)
20:24.40AnduinLotharfunction is exsessive unless ur callign a lot
20:24.56IrielI dunno, it aids readability
20:25.03IrielI would make it a local function though
20:25.06Nomad_WandererMore functions! Less Filling!
20:25.11Nomad_WandererMore Functions!
20:25.24Nomad_WandererLess filling? :)
20:26.19Nomad_Wandererpurl, unfunny?
20:27.27Endpie has more filling?
20:31.48Nomad_WandererCan someone answer a highlevel cosmos question?
20:32.15kremonteask the question first :p
20:32.34Nomad_Wanderer:) It's about earth.. Is there a cosmos library that helps making Tree lists? Is that earth?
20:34.06Nomad_WandererI just found the questlog tutorial in the wiki...
20:34.08Nomad_Wanderernever mind
20:34.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Astryl (
20:35.04AnduinLotharEarth has Trees
20:35.22AnduinLotharthat's what PartyQuests and Khaos and ChannelManager and Fire use
20:35.43TainAnd down in this corner let's paint a happy little tree.
20:36.02Nomad_WandererI haven't seen fire before.. Where can I learn about that?
20:36.32AnduinLotharit should be in the developer package availible on the site or by exe
20:36.49AnduinLotharremember to enable it, cause it's disabled by default
20:36.56AnduinLotharand is really only half complete
20:37.03kremontewhat's fire do?
20:37.32AnduinLotharbasicly it's graphical variable representation in trees
20:38.45AnduinLotharthe system manager tab does nothing atm
20:38.53AnduinLotharit's just a debugging tool
20:39.03AnduinLotharbut i use it all the time
20:40.22purlextra, extra, read all about it, flexbar is a button creation/manipulation addon. You can find its forums at
20:40.29kremontethere we go
20:40.32kremontei don't have to google now
20:50.25purl[cosmos] The Cosmos is all that is or ever was or ever will be. -Carl Sagan
20:52.19shouryuuwhat would time do?
20:53.03purl2005.11.21 20:53:03 GMT
20:53.06kremonteare there any mods where you can get shapeshift form name?
20:53.19shouryuuno idea
20:53.32kremontebah time t'make one
20:53.53purlwell, infinity is ibot: message for ibot: infinity
20:54.23shouryuuI might have gotten that one but meh
20:54.29kremonteif you do something like, local a,b,c = abc(); are all a, b, and c local?
20:54.45Nomad_WandererI think so yes.
20:54.58Nomad_Wandererthen again tho..
20:55.03purlwell, nomad_wanderer is a lua Noob, but trying!
20:55.56purlyou are, like, an annoying forum troll
20:56.03shouryuupurl is so cool
20:56.12purlNomad_Wanderer: :)
20:56.28kremonte~emulate shouryuu
20:56.29purlwhy am i a troll priest?"
20:56.35purlaw, gee, kremonte
20:56.48kremonte~feed purl
20:56.49purloffers purl some
20:57.04Nomad_WandererDo you have to have an emulate entry to be emulated?
20:57.20kremonte~literal emulate kremonte
20:57.30kremonte~emulate me
20:57.35kremonteguess not ;p
20:57.41Nomad_Wanderer~emulate Nomad_Wanderer
20:58.00Nomad_WandererYep.. :)
20:58.15kremontei don't have enough of a personality to be emulated
20:58.17shouryuuwell im off
20:58.27kremontei think the best i could do is
20:58.43kremonte~emulate kremonte is "<reply> i'm so confused..."
20:58.44purlokay, kremonte
20:59.17*** join/#wowi-lounge ToastTheif (
21:01.46kremontelua for loops are for i=#,conditions for break[,interval] right?
21:03.29Irielerr.. no
21:03.41Irielfor i=start,end[,step] do stuff end
21:03.51kremonteso end can't be another condition? ><
21:04.12kremontei want to do for i=1,isActive do foo() end
21:04.27Irieluse a while loop
21:04.53kremonteso while not isActive do foo() end?
21:05.03Irielsomething like that, yes
21:05.15Irielor you could write an iterator function, but that is probably overkill for your needs
21:05.24IrielAll the gory details about 'for'
21:05.32kremontei just want to go through it 3 times, but i wanna do it the lazy way
21:05.41Irielwell, you could do
21:05.43kremontedon't like copy/pastes in my code ><
21:05.53Irielfor i=1,3 do if (isActive) then break; end stuff end
21:06.25AnduinLotharor just make it a while
21:06.36kremontestop making fun of me
21:06.45AnduinLothari wasn't
21:06.53kremontei know, i just say that often
21:06.56AnduinLothara while loop
21:07.01kremontethis is probably already done anyway
21:07.16kremontei'm just iterating through getshapeshiftform() to see what stance i'm in
21:07.24Endwhen I convert a for loop to a while loop I always forget to make it increment :X
21:07.27Irielmake  afunction with the loop
21:07.49AnduinLotharlocal i=1; while ((i <=3) and (not isActive)) do  blah  i=i+1; end
21:08.13kremontelol, i am definitely overcomplicating this X)
21:08.16Irielfunction getCurrentForm() for i=1,GetNumShapeshiftForms() do local _,_,isActive = GetShapeshiftFormInfo(i); if isActive return i end end end
21:08.21Irielreturns the form number, or nil
21:08.34kremonteoh! i didn't know GetNumShapeshiftForms() existed
21:08.46kremonte_ = fake value?
21:08.52Irieljust a dummy local
21:09.01Irielidiomatic convention, rather than a language feature
21:09.11kremontei might actually know a reasonable amount of lua by the time WoW 3 comes out
21:09.12Iriel(I believe the mysterious lua 5.1 provides a better way to do ti)
21:09.13AnduinLotharstill saves it, u just dont use it
21:09.35Endit makes it clear which you are using though
21:09.36AnduinLotharya 5.1 has a way to grab a return value of your choice
21:10.18kremontelike isActive = GetShapeshiftFormInfo(i)[3]?
21:12.01kremontehrm, would if(form == 1) be true always?
21:12.13AnduinLothardid wow come out a year ago tonight, guys?
21:12.18kremonte(best way to make sure i'm getting the number one, not true/false)?
21:12.18AnduinLotharor do i have th edate wrong
21:12.19TainSlouken says no Lua 5.1 plans. :(
21:16.41AnduinLothark, so tomorrow night
21:16.45AnduinLothar1 Year of Live WoW
21:17.11pagefaultI started a priest
21:18.18kergothTain: aw :(
21:21.13kremontewhat order are the druid shapeshift buttons in?
21:21.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Trilian (
21:31.30kremontethanks Astryl, their names are Bear Form, Aquatic Form, Cat Form, and Travel Form - right?
21:35.59futrtrublwhat are the normal clicks a button is registered for? I believe it's LeftButton but I'm not sure if it's Up or Down.
21:55.54AnduinLotharhad any chance to look at it iriel?
21:59.23IrielNot yet.. monday, and all that 8-) Though I just got a fresh cold coke so maybe now 8-)
21:59.52AnduinLotharmmm. i've imbibed WAY too much mt dew this weekend...
21:59.58AnduinLotharneed something solid
22:00.08IrielI take it it's SeaHooksObj I want to be looking at?
22:00.30AnduinLotharnot really
22:01.06AnduinLotharrun an open diff on um and see what i changed
22:01.16AnduinLotharniether is directly urse
22:01.50AnduinLotharit seemed that after i would make local duplicates i would always have to back them up after i modified them
22:02.04AnduinLotharwhich is what i did in the SeaHooks.lua
22:02.32AnduinLotharSeaHooksObj is just a duplicate of an older revision that was closer to yours but not working
22:03.00IrielThe local object stuff looks good.
22:03.19AnduinLotharI have found that passing local vars to lamdba functions generally defines them at the time the function is defined
22:03.21IrielI'm still not sure why unhook creates a hook object if there isn't a hook there yet, instead of just returning
22:03.35Irielyes, they're bound at function creation time
22:03.55Irielwhich can either be a cool trick, or a devilishly tricky thing to debug, depending on whether you meant to do it 8-)
22:04.39AnduinLotharvarious reasons, the main one is which you always want the orig grabbed as soon as possible but if u dont want to actually have it hooked to onvars loaded u might want to unhook onload so that the orig is as close to the real orig as possible
22:05.03Irielsounds like a hack to me 8-)
22:05.09AnduinLotharit is
22:05.10IrielMaybe add a 'prepForHook' function
22:05.49AnduinLotharit'be be identical minus the end code portion
22:06.08IrielThe one thing I dont see here which I did in my code (I half see it, tho) is to pass the object rather than the name in the hook function
22:06.30AnduinLotharya, i couldn't get that to work relyably
22:06.46Irielthough I made my version work both ways
22:07.03AnduinLotharit would always define the table and then it wouldn't be updated after the first hook as far as i could tell
22:07.29AnduinLothari spent all last nigh debugging it
22:07.53IrielThat sounds like a problem where the hook info table was being 'lost'
22:08.43IrielYou forgot to assign Sea.util.Hooks[compoundOrig] = hookObj in the hook init function
22:09.20AnduinLotharmmm, it's before the return
22:09.29AnduinLotharof the successful hook
22:10.16IrielHm, let me look again
22:11.04IrielOh, so it is.. odd place for it tho
22:11.52AnduinLotharneeds to be after the ones just before it and before the return and doesn't need to call at all if no hook is defined
22:12.43IrielThe problem is, once you've called hookInit, you've installed the hook
22:12.49Irielso you should be remembering the object RIGHT THERE
22:12.55Irielregardless of whether you DO anything with it
22:13.12AnduinLotharmmm, good point
22:13.35AnduinLotharok well that's the way it works :P
22:13.48AnduinLotharthere's one outside the loop
22:13.55Irielwell, there's a reasonable chance it NOT doing it that way is part of why passing the object doesn't work.
22:14.04Irielor doesn't always work anyway
22:14.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Natasem (
22:14.42AnduinLotharu lookign at hook or unhhok atm?
22:14.51IrielI've been hopping between both
22:15.28AnduinLotharwell i can easily define it in the init
22:15.40AnduinLotharand redefine at the end of a workign function
22:15.47Irielbut unhook is the one that can return BEFORE that assignment
22:15.57IrielWell, why would you redefine?
22:16.21IrielYou never redefine, the whole reason that the object-not-name binding would work is that you always keep the same table
22:16.27IrielYou simply change its contents to change the hook
22:16.33*** join/#wowi-lounge Tsurani (
22:16.44Nomad_WandererWow.. Where did this parental control stuff come from?
22:17.19AnduinLotharnot convinced that works irriel
22:18.43Nomad_WandererBetter set this up for my account before my wife comes home and sets it up for me ;)
22:20.27IrielHeh, spousal control?
22:20.47AstrylHey Iriel, I don't get your last comment on the thread about the 'Banned' addons... What do you mean?
22:22.20Nomad_WandererOn the new splash page, there is an entry in the news about new Wow Parental Controls
22:23.34IrielAstryl: The reason that Lozareth couldn't find the addon code was that all of the 'recent' GlueXML code is in patch.mpq
22:23.47AstrylRight, its your 2nd line that I don't get.
22:24.00AstrylHow do addons being banned relate to accounts being banned>?
22:24.04IrielAstryl: Or, if you meant the other bit, an earlier comment led me to suspect that the player in question had been banned from the game, so perhaps the 'banned' return code was coming from that
22:24.40IrielAstryl: I'm not disputing that in the end things like decursive would come out that way, just hypothesising as to why someone saw it NOW.
22:25.31AstrylSo you're saying that this code to mark some addons as banned is always there, it's just inactive unless the account you're logging in on is banned?
22:25.54IrielThe code to report a 'banned' addon if the client returns that code is there already.
22:26.46IrielI'm just wondering if perhaps the reason it chose to return that code could have been due to a banned account, rather than some strange accidental enabling of something addon specific
22:27.08Nomad_WandererWhat lua editors are you all using? I'm using scite. It has good ending parenthesis, and reserved word highlighting, but doesn't help me with Ends. I have an extra end, and I don't know where :( Is there an editor that has more features?
22:27.09AstrylIs GetAddonInfo defined in Lua, or in the C?
22:27.15Irielemacs + lua-mode
22:27.19IrielIt's defined in the C
22:27.22Irielwell C++
22:27.44Nomad_Wandereremacs.... How about something less ascii :)
22:28.17Nomad_Wanderer(everyone knows VI is better anyway... :P)
22:28.31Irielemacs supports unicode, so it's hardly ASCII anymore
22:28.42IrielI get full syntax coloring as well
22:28.58Nomad_WandererAre using an Xemacs? or a regular?
22:29.14Iriel'regular' gnu emacs
22:29.19IrielI never could get the hang of xemacs
22:29.25cladhaireI can't stand xemacs =(
22:29.26Irielthe interface bugs me
22:30.45Nomad_WandererUgh.. Whats a better way to find a missing or extra end?
22:31.01cladhairecompile the code and see where the loose function starts =)
22:31.19cladhaireerr.. interpret.. compiling isn't really necessary
22:32.16IrielDownload and install a standalone lua environment and run the file in there
22:32.28cladhaireyeah, what he said
22:33.26Nomad_WandererDoes Error: Interface\AddOns\GenAH\GenAH.lua:293: <eof> expected near `end' typically mean an extra one? or too many?
22:33.36Nomad_WandererWhere can I get a standalone lua environment?
22:34.00Irielthat message means 'I got an end when I expected to see the end of the file'
22:34.11kergothNomad_Wanderer: has links to the lua binaries project
22:34.14Irielmore or less, anyway
22:38.49AnduinLotharmmm, fell asleep there, that's no good
22:39.52Tsuraniwhat letters are imprented on your forehead ?
22:40.37AnduinLotharactually i have my comforter with e adn it's liek 85 degrees in here
22:43.49AnduinLotharok, well i'm gonna go. i'll ttyl. if u find anyhting else u think could be done difforently better i me up
22:52.18IrielTake care
22:58.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Suntiger (
23:01.29CairSome of you may be interested in that ...
23:03.29IrielThey should be hiring testers and developers first
23:03.35Iriel*mutter mutter mutter*
23:03.56Irielbah, meeting time, bbiab
23:04.13Cairlater Iriel
23:48.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Rown1 (
23:51.22Rown1... Cair actually allowed a bot?

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