irclog2html for #wowi-lounge on 20051120

00:09.56futrtrublok Cair, BEB is now ready to be put on your site, what catagory would an experience bar mod go in? General GUI mods?
00:10.19Cairbar mods
00:10.25Caira bar is a bar is a bar
00:10.43futrtrubltrue, but others have different defs of a bar ;']
00:12.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Trilian (
00:20.04AmicesterBars in terms of WoW UI to me is an action button mod, but I'd have to read the other categories at the same time to decide the context its used on wowi.
00:20.51AmicesterI can em buttons or panels but other people seem to call them action bars.
00:21.02Amicester-can +call
00:31.16kergothdamnit firefox, compile faster
00:32.49CodayusDoes yelling at it make it go faster?
00:34.06kergothif only
00:34.07kergothhad  tot ry
00:34.12CodayusSounds like  novel strategy...
00:34.26krem`bwlwhy are you compiling firefox =O
00:34.32kergothmaybe i should try being nicer to it
00:34.49kergothbecause the prebuilt firefox 1.5-rc3 for linux crashes and burns in ubuntu x86_64
00:34.56kergothdoing an x86_64 build
00:34.57krem`bwlpshhh boooom
00:37.13krem`bwllinux hates me
00:37.32krem`bwlmy linux hdd isnt even plugged in right now and its hot
00:40.40kergothhey, the firefox build finished
00:40.43kergothmaybe it worked after all ;)
01:14.26*** join/#wowi-lounge id` (
01:20.00Cairquiet tonight
01:23.35Cairyeah, apparently so
01:24.45kremonteim thinking, maybe it's possible using OnUpdate and time(); to make a pseudo-delay system
01:25.36Cairhope you aren't asking me ...
01:26.36kremontewhy not?
01:26.52Cairi r not smrt
01:27.09kremontedo you know how confused i got yesterday when they were talking about scoping or some hoohaa like that? :)
01:28.31CairI've never gotten the hang of the coding in WoW.  Every now and then I try to take a stab at it, but I always end up giving up after a while of banging my head on my desk.  I'm not a programmer, have never claimed to be, and I just can't get this stuff through my brain.
01:28.58Cairmeh, no big deal
01:29.08kremontebut you run wowi!
01:29.14Cairyeah? so?
01:30.29CairSo what?  You don't need to be a programmer to run a fan site.  You don't need to be a programmer to remember things you've seen various places and be able to point people to those things.  You don't need to be a programmer to do a lot of the stuff I do
01:31.17CairAnyone can do what I do, it's not like I'm anything special
01:41.23CodayusCair is special.  :-)
01:41.35Cairshort bus special? :p
01:41.38CodayusNow, being a coder...that's not anything special.  :-)
01:41.43kremonteagreed Codayus :P
01:47.09kremontehmm, i dont know if checking for time(); onUpdate for a pseudo delay would kill my performance
01:47.13kremonteand i'm too newbish to check
01:47.16futrtrublCair is awesome, that alone makes her special
01:47.34futrtrubland hot
01:49.33rallionI know awesome people that are NOT hot.
01:53.45kremonteyeesh, ive downed ragnaros a dozen times, downed bosses in BWL, but i'm not even keyed for onyxia ><
01:54.29Codayuskremonte: Got your UBRS key?
02:07.56kremontesorry, doing AB, no i dont :D
02:09.10CodayusOh well, that's not THAT bad then.  :-)
02:12.09kremontethe only keys i have are for strat dead and BRD
02:15.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Stylpe (
02:17.24id`is there something that returns the current xp/max xp/needed xp/rested xp?
02:18.20kremontewell i know of UnitXP(unit) UnitXPMax(unit)
02:18.28kremonteneeded xp is unitxpmax()-unitxp()...
02:19.30kremontetry looking at WoWWiki
02:19.37id`k gunna make a little macro
02:19.41id`who needs xp bars :>
02:26.23id`tis not on wowi
02:29.01Codayusid`: Huh?
02:35.14id`nm i suck
02:46.16Kiliekanyone know if you can cancel stoneform after casting it
02:46.18Kiliekwith a macro
02:51.17Osagasu[8:41pm] <Codayus> Now, being a coder...that's not anything special. :-) <--only when you're in a community where 95% of the participants are coders. :P
02:52.34CodayusWell, true, but why would you want to hang out anywhere else?  :-D
02:52.43Kiliek(i suppose that can be generaqlized cancel a buff after casting it)
02:56.17cladhaireEvening all
02:56.30Cairwb cladhaire
02:58.41cladhaireSo do I play WoW... code.. or go to sleep?
02:59.55purlit has been said that sleep is overrated, and a poor substitute for caffeine.
03:00.00kergoththere's your answer ;)
03:00.11purlupdatedb; locate; talk; date; cd; strip; look; touch; finger; unzip; uptime; gawk; head; apt-get install condom; mount; fsck; gasp; more; yes; yes; yes; more; umount; apt-get remove --purge condom; make clean; sleep, or super extractor,
03:00.19Cair*there* is your answer
03:00.33cladhaireI cannot have sex this evening.. unless I have it by myself..
03:00.41cladhairetomorrow will be different =)
03:07.06cladhaire(and then it got weird)
03:07.47rallionyes. it did.
03:07.50cladhaireThe new preview for 1.9 looks amazing.. the writing is reallyw ell done.
03:07.56rallionoh, yeah
03:08.01rallionI was impressed
03:09.36cladhairelots of lore revelead
03:09.44cladhaire<-- lore buff (i try to be)
03:10.20AmicesterAnd a real live example of how Staghelm is a jackass.
03:10.31AmicesterNot like we all didn't already know that.
03:10.52cladhairethe heir to the dragonflight are relatively important
03:11.02AmicesterI remember when they did a big rp thing on Feathermoon and Low Red Moon came and killed him and the Alliance people stood around and watched and applauded, haha. It was entertaining.
03:11.36AmicesterThats the same Staghelm right?
03:11.44AmicesterArch Jackass Staghelm?
03:12.01Amicester"Get out of my tree."
03:12.03rallionand I still don't feel bad for him
03:12.07rallionhe's still a jackass
03:12.41AmicesterBut good stories always have to have that role or it'd be bland.
03:14.07AmicesterSlouken mentioned something about setting frame levels in 1.9 does anyone recall exactly what thats pertaining to?
03:14.16cladhaireset them once
03:14.18cladhairepreferably in teh XML
03:14.21cladhaireand dont ever change them.
03:14.30cladhaireand don't change the strata of WorldFrame or UIParent
03:14.43Amicesterthis:SetFrameLevel(this:GetFrameLevel() - 1);
03:14.44Amicesterin an onload kinda thing?
03:15.04Amicesterthats what i use now usually.
03:15.18AmicesterJust to move it one down from where it is on load.
03:15.20cladhaireframelevels are different than strata.. levels you can change.. but there's not typically reasons since a bunch a patches ago
03:16.22AmicesterSo he wasn't talking about frame levels?
03:16.33cladhairenope.. just strata
03:33.54*** join/#wowi-lounge pfault (
03:41.46StylpeGah, why won't purl answer my pms? =(
03:41.59StylpeDoes anyone know if she can convert currency?
03:42.26cladhairejust google it
03:42.36StylpeI've tried that before
03:42.54StylpeOh, you mean the currency =P
03:43.28cladhaire100 dollars in yen
03:43.36cladhaire11915.0031 =)
03:46.29StylpeAll right, I've saved up $2,5k :D
03:46.50cladhaireooh nice.
03:46.55cladhairewhat currency are you under?
03:47.05StylpeNOK Norwegian Kroner
03:47.13Stylpe17k kroner
03:47.39cladhairewow fun
03:47.42Stylpe€ 2150
03:48.02Stylpe£ 1480
03:48.20StylpeI could buy another projector :D
04:04.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Damon (
04:05.05DamonAnyone know how ScrollFrameTemplates work?
04:05.16cladhairei can't say I do
04:07.04Damonwell i'm getting a UI error in the UIPanelTemplates.lua
04:07.12Damonapparently arg1 is nil
04:08.04DamonAnd I can't find any WoW XML tutorial :P
04:10.34Damonyeap gone through that one :)
04:10.51Damoni just had one of those duh moments and hit my head against a wall and figured it out :)
04:11.20Damonthx though
04:27.07DamonOk so anyone know how ScrollFrames in XML work for the UIs?
04:29.22Cairnot I, sorry
04:29.36Cairsee previous conversation about me being dumb
04:30.21DamonAnyone know of some XML tutorials for WoW besides Fara's and WoWWiki?
04:32.25Damonwell my bottom button of the scroll bar finally came back
04:46.36Parakhrm, anyone ever had an issue where they would get disconnected in a raid to login screen, and then be unable to login with the character that crashed until the raid moves out of the area?
04:47.54Parakdriving me nuts :(
05:09.12CodayusHmm, is anyone familiar with the mod TraceEvent?
05:13.56futrtrublnot I
05:19.28futrtrublanyone got a formula for the xp you would get for killing a mod of lower lvl than yourself?
05:23.23AmicesterI do.
05:23.30AmicesterLet me find it.
05:23.57Amicesterlocal function JX_AvgXP_MobXP(plevel, mlevel)
05:23.57Amicesterreturn (plevel * 5) + 45 + ( ( mlevel - plevel) * 17);
05:24.02Amicesterplayer level, mob level
05:24.58AmicesterThats pretty dated, but it should work for any solo situation.
05:25.29AmicesterI remember running around killing mobs and writing it down and graphing it =P
05:25.35Amicesterand then was like wow ...
05:25.37Amicesterits completely linear.
05:25.44AmicesterI was expecting it to be exponential.
05:26.18AmicesterI haven't had the opportunity to test it for groups to find out what it is.
05:26.25AmicesterAnd thats not including modifier. Some mobs have exp modifiers.
05:26.29AmicesterMainly named/elites do.
05:26.30AnduinLotharu should post that on the wiki
05:26.40AmicesterI don't know the named/elites modifier.
05:27.08AmicesterI dropped the avgxp project because ... frankly I got bored with knowing exactly everything about how I'm leveling.
05:27.10AnduinLotharperhaps make an addon that does the math for you and find out
05:27.21AmicesterI hated knowing every mob kill saying "You should be killing these, this is a lower average grind"
05:27.36Amicesterbut that was the first mod I ever made.
05:27.46AmicesterI still use it, though I haven't added anything to it.
05:28.17AmicesterAfter I figured out that the gains were pretty much static.
05:28.24Amicesterrecording all the values kind of became redundant.
05:29.13AmicesterBut it was enough to spark my interest in modding!
05:30.01AmicesterAfter that I realized there is a lot that ... I just don't want to know. So most of my mods exist around functionality and ease of use for myself now. I just make stuff to personal taste and try not to data mine too much.
05:31.35AmicesterSo anyway yeah there it is.
05:31.47AmicesterMaybe I will find out the modifiers sometime, that would actually be interesting to know.
05:32.05AnduinLothardont graph it by hand tho
05:32.44AmicesterI don't have to now.
05:32.53AnduinLotharmake an addon that stores all the data for you, grab a large enough sample and dtare at it for a while
05:33.00AmicesterThats what I have.
05:33.05AmicesterAvgXP records all gain to the monster.
05:33.25Amicesterit doesn't do level differences though so I'd have to add that.
05:33.50AmicesterIts so horribly written it makes me wanna cry haha.
05:34.42AmicesterYeah I'd have to add stuff to the history.
05:34.50AmicesterLike level and type
05:34.51Amicesterif its elite or not
05:35.00Amicesterthen I could just dump that into a spreadsheet.
05:36.46AmicesterI did it by hand back then because I had recorded it before I started tracking all monster history. It was just an overall average per kill and then how many kills to level.
05:37.06Amicestervery basic, but again was my first mod. Then it slowly evolved adding and recording more.
05:37.48AmicesterGood times =P
05:37.53kremontei managed to type lol as "slodlwol"
05:37.58kremontehow the heck ><
05:38.09AmicesterFew extra ... syllables in there.
05:38.25AmicesterSap beast hits Fatbird for 34.
05:38.31AmicesterI turn around figuring its some persons pet.
05:38.33Amicesterand its an orc.
05:49.02futrtrublthat formula for xp is not really correct
05:49.34futrtrublit's spot on for mobs of your own lvl, but is off for those above or below you
05:50.01futrtrublI have one for mobs higher but mobs lower seems odd
05:57.09AmicesterIt shouldn't be.
05:57.15AmicesterWhat are you fighting?
05:57.47futrtrublwant me to send you my spreadsheet with xp/mob?
05:57.59AmicesterYou should be showing even adjustment between mobs, if you're showing them as being "odd values" then you're probably killing something with a modifier.
05:58.10AmicesterIf you fight a 25 and then a 26
05:58.13Amicesterthe difference should be the same from 26 to 27
05:58.28AmicesterIt seems really stupid.
05:58.36futrtrublyeah, but for different player lvls there is no good progression
05:58.44AmicesterIts entirely linear.
05:59.04AmicesterWhen I was testing it anyway.
05:59.17AmicesterLet me test it now.
05:59.25futrtrublfor mob lvls at a certain player lvl yes, but no linearity between player lvls with mobs of lower lvl
05:59.28AmicesterSoon as I make myself not dead.
05:59.49AmicesterIf its not linear.
05:59.53AmicesterThen its exponential decay.
05:59.58AmicesterBut that would result in really weird exp values.
06:00.25futrtrublnot even exponential
06:00.36AmicesterIf its not linear and its not exponential what it is?
06:00.41Amicesteris it?
06:00.55futrtrublthat's my problem
06:02.48Amicesterheh I think I see the problem.
06:03.23AmicesterOne sec.
06:03.45AmicesterIts that modifier.
06:03.55Amicester( ( mlevel - plevel ) * 17 )
06:03.57Amicesterthe 17 is variable.
06:04.06AmicesterI don't think I ever figured that part out entirely.
06:04.09AmicesterAnd thats why I never used the formula.
06:04.15AmicesterIts even.
06:04.20AmicesterBut its differnet for each mob.
06:04.27futrtrublexactly, well for mobs of lower lvl, and the modifier changes almost randomly
06:05.13AmicesterNo its not random.
06:05.26futrtrublfor mobs of higher lvl it's a simple % increase
06:05.38AmicesterTry 16.333
06:05.54AmicesterYou can vary the modifier.
06:05.57AmicesterAnd eventually it'll match up.
06:05.59futrtrublbut for lower lvl... one lvl might have 16, the next will have 12
06:06.14AmicesterYeah that value is not random though its static.
06:06.17futrtrublI graphed the modifier in one of those graphs
06:06.20Amicesterfor the level value.
06:06.39AmicesterIt has to originate from somewhere.
06:06.40futrtrublyes, but I would have to table the modifier per char lvl
06:06.57AmicesterOnly need 3 levels of values.
06:07.02futrtrublthat's what I'm hoping but I haven't found the source yet
06:07.03AmicesterThats enough to make a sequence.
06:07.21futrtrublonly need 2 per char lvl
06:07.24AmicesterI'm not sure what level I was at when I figured out 17.
06:07.33AmicesterWell you'll want a third to confirm its linear.
06:07.52AmicesterBut right now at level 27 I'm showing a 16 1/3rd
06:07.59futrtrublit is, for every char lvl in that spreadsheet at least
06:08.22futrtrubllinear that is
06:08.36CodayusIs there an event thrown when your pet's happiness level changes?
06:10.21AmicesterShouldn't have to check the unit id. info in the wiki, but it sounds about right...
06:10.50AmicesterI don't think it passes any values.
06:11.06AmicesterSo you'd need to : local happiness, damagePercentage, loyaltyRate = GetPetHappiness();
06:12.44Amicesterfutrtrubl: Do you know what modifier fits your level?
06:13.06futrtrublonly for the lvls I have data for in the spreadsheet
06:14.44futrtrublsorry about the readability of the spreadsheet, didn't make it understandable for others
06:15.33Amicesterokay which axis is what?
06:15.51Amicesteroh nm I see.
06:16.15AnduinLotharanyone got any idea why is would get an onload <name> expected near '('  error?
06:16.45AnduinLotharapparently a lua error
06:17.02AnduinLothar<name> expected near `('
06:17.48futrtrublthis:GetParent()::SetText() type thing perhaps?
06:18.16kergoth,com_docman/task,cat_view/gid,30/Itemid,41/ .. hah
06:18.18AnduinLotharnot anywhere near one
06:18.25AnduinLotharthe nearby code is:
06:18.31AnduinLotharSea.util.Hooks[hookName] = {};
06:18.32AnduinLotharSea.util.Hooks[hookName].name = hookName;
06:18.32AnduinLotharSea.util.Hooks[hookName].before = {};
06:18.32AnduinLotharSea.util.Hooks[hookName].after = {};
06:18.32AnduinLotharSea.util.Hooks[hookName].hide = {};
06:18.33AnduinLotharSea.util.Hooks[hookName].replace = {};
06:18.48AnduinLotharsays the error's on the 'before' line
06:19.29AnduinLotharO.o it's the line endings i copied from a browser page..
06:19.42futrtrublah ;']
06:20.16AnduinLotharinvisible characters ftl
06:20.25AnduinLotharfind/replace ftw
06:21.03futrtrublcopy/paste ftd
06:26.32AmicesterIt looks like some form of sine function.
06:32.28futrtrublcould be
06:32.33futrtrublbut a wierd one ;']
06:32.57AmicesterWell how you have the data plotted with partial lines.
06:33.00AmicesterIt reminds me of a sound wave.
06:33.53futrtrublthat could be deceptive, I shouldn't have used smoothed lines
06:34.09AmicesterWell you can tell its not a smooth progression.
06:34.28AmicesterThere is no interlevel interpolation.
06:34.45AmicesterBut you can see how it ladder steps.
06:34.58AmicesterThe difference between the two points becoming closer and closer
06:35.00Amicesteras they reach 60
06:35.04futrtrublyeah, I was hoping to be able the calc the xp gain for a mod via a formula, but it seems I won't be able to completely avoid a table of values
06:35.11Amicesterits an exponential with some form of sine adjustment.
06:35.32AmicesterIt kind of reminds me of an upside down physics plot
06:35.40Amicesterif you removed every other value it'd look like a ball drop.
06:35.49AmicesterBecause its higher, then lower, then lower then lower then lower.
06:35.54Amicestereventually settling.
06:35.56Osagasuerr, nini Cair.
06:36.05AmicesterIt appears that 1-7 are nil.
06:36.08AmicesterThey're not part of the standard formula.
06:36.15Amicester1-10 even.
06:36.20AmicesterCause 1-7 climb at a steady rate
06:36.37Amicesterand then it drops a given amount each time with a small gain every other.
06:36.44AmicesterThat amount it drops is nearly identical from 7 to 10
06:36.47Amicesteramd raoses
06:36.50Amicesterer and raises
06:37.00AmicesterThen it starts off from 11-60
06:37.04futrtrubli was hoping it was a steady climb with drops every 10 lvls, but I'm not so sure now
06:37.10AmicesterIts really weird though.
06:37.38Amicesterits totally reaching a limit though as it gets closer to 60.
06:37.47AmicesterWhich means there's some kind of division.
06:38.08futrtrublapproaching an asymptote perhaps
06:38.21AmicesterFrom this, it would appear that 60 to 70 will have to be a unique case as 1 to 10 are.
06:38.52AmicesterThe closer it reaches 60 the closer it gets to 20.
06:38.58Amicesteror possibly a little bit higher than 20?
06:39.16futrtrublall I can say for sure is that I need more data ;']
06:39.22Amicesterit looks like its reaching 20 at about 55 by your current data.
06:39.53AmicesterWhen I did it I had a very small sample, and I figured out the linear progression, but I never dug into the modifier because I knew something weird was going on.
06:39.54futrtrublit's like climate change ;']
06:40.10AmicesterI mean I can visually see a pattern.
06:40.16AmicesterI just can't correlate whats causing the pattern to be that way.
06:40.26futrtrublsame here
06:40.58AmicesterBut yeah if you throw out 1 to 10.
06:41.11AmicesterCause its like it starts at 10
06:41.21AnduinLotharwhere's iriel. he needs to come explain his suggestions..
06:41.29Amicesterand climbs 1  per level to 7.
06:41.52AmicesterHave to get that value to 3 digits though heh.
06:42.03futrtrublgot any chars that can fill in any gaps?
06:42.04AmicesterAre those rounded or just dropped?
06:42.26futrtrublshould be exact, didn't do any rounding
06:42.33AmicesterBecause with my character at 27 when I did 16.34 and 16.32 it wsa off.
06:43.30AmicesterIts gotta be simpler than this, heh.
06:43.39futrtrublI wish ;']
06:44.28AmicesterNo I just mean I think I'm looking to deep.
06:45.02AmicesterI'm going to go play I'll look back at it later with a fresh outlook and see.
06:45.27futrtrubldamn, I wish I had ms office right now (I just made a new comp and haven't downloaded a copy yet ;']  )
06:45.38futrtrublk, man
06:46.13AnduinLotharu haven't heard of it?
06:46.21futrtrublnope, not at all
06:47.21AnduinLotharu need to read slashdot too
06:47.40AnduinLotharrequirement to be a geek
06:48.20futrtrubldownloading now
06:54.08AnduinLotharholy crap SeaHooks Verbose is insane
06:54.44AnduinLothar.... esp with all those OnUpdate hooks O.o
06:55.03AnduinLothargood way to simulate 0.2 fps i spose..
06:56.10AnduinLotharneed to be able to specify which function hook to debug
06:58.56Amicesterhm now I got to thinking of something else.
06:59.09AmicesterDo you have to registerforclicks for onclick to process both buttons?
06:59.14Amicesteror does it by default?
06:59.36AnduinLothar<Button ?
06:59.41Amicesteror do I have to do mousedown mouseup?
06:59.56AmicesterThey'd be ... checkbuttons
06:59.57Amicesteraction buttons.
07:00.06AnduinLotharButton types should have both registered i think, use onclick
07:00.32kergothi used to read /. .. havent in months, and dont miss it.  fucking mass groups of idiots posting replies to news articles, "news" being reported multiple times, etc
07:00.33AmicesterOkay, but how do I tell which button was clicked does it pass it a parm?
07:00.54AnduinLothari dont read the comments usually
07:01.05AnduinLotharjust skim the news a few times a day
07:01.15AnduinLotharkeeps me somewhat uptodate
07:01.15Amicesteryeah to me its just news.
07:01.18AmicesterBut its usually more interesting news.
07:01.22Amicesterthat I'm interested in.
07:01.59Amicesterso is there like a button parm or something passed to onclick that I can use to tell which button it is?
07:02.21futrtrublthe button click source will be identified with "this"
07:03.31Amicesterthis would just be the object thats being clicked.
07:03.32futrtrubland any table vas assigned to it, like "this.index"
07:03.43AmicesterI'm talking what mouse button wsa presss
07:03.45Amicesterright left middle.
07:03.54futrtrublyes arg1
07:05.10futrtrubl"MiddleButton" etc
07:05.19Amicesterthe same as would be for RegisterForClicks?
07:05.35Amicester"LeftButton" "RightButton"
07:05.50Amicesterat least if I remember right, I have it here somewhere.
07:05.56Amicesterthat should help I think thanks.
07:08.52AmicesterThis is odd.
07:09.40futrtrublhow so?
07:09.42AmicesterI'm looking at PaperDollItemSlotButton_OnClick, the function thats called when you click on a slot on the character frame paper doll. It has an example of what I'm looking for.
07:09.49AmicesterThats great, but in looking at it I notice one thing.
07:09.58AmicesterIt has a condition for button left and right.
07:10.20AmicesterThe left button, checks ctrl  if so does dress up, checks shift, if so does item link, and if none of those it picks up the inventory item at that location.
07:10.27AmicesterRight button just uses the item.
07:10.31AmicesterEverything seems fine.
07:10.41AmicesterBut there's no logic to process if the cursor is holding something to equip it?
07:10.53AmicesterIf the cursor is holding something and you call pickupinventoryitem does it swap them?
07:11.05AmicesterIt would have to.
07:11.08Amicesteror the character slots wouldn't work =P
07:11.14kergothmmm, actionqueue and the aq_* addons are badass
07:11.15futrtrublmaybe if you pick something up while holding something the items swap place?
07:11.23Amicesterthat must be it...
07:11.26Amicesterand then it just works for nothing.
07:11.36AnduinLotharkergoth> def
07:11.38futrtrublyeah, that's my guess
07:11.39kergothAQ_BuffBot is my  new best friend in raids
07:11.58AnduinLotharsay me posting about it and went to find it, eh?
07:12.03kergothyep :)
07:12.13kergothi was using decursive and autobuff
07:12.17kergothbut i'm lazy
07:12.22Amicesterbut if you drop the item on the character paperdoll image itself
07:12.27Amicesterit actually does AutoEquipCursorItem
07:12.33Amicesterhuh interesting.
07:12.39AnduinLotharBuffBot needs some more sanity checks to limit the casting errors
07:12.45AmicesterI guess that saves a "is the cursor holding something if so equip" check.
07:13.27kergothAnduinLothar: agreed. the spam of the overhead with red gets annoying fast
07:13.37kergoththough errorredirect is useful for that, it shouldnt be necessary
07:14.12AnduinLotharright, tho i do like the x's buff is fading stuff
07:14.30AnduinLothar30 sec warning before they expire
07:14.38futrtrublopenoffice is nice
07:14.58AnduinLotharlook's like this is my 'recomend good software' day
07:15.59kergothchecked out AQ_AutoReactiveClass .. i'm lazy, but holy crap, thats above and beyond.. remains to be seen whether my laziness will win out over not wanting to use it on general principle :P
07:16.05futrtrublstrange jerkiness actually when scrolling in it though...
07:16.22AnduinLothardoes arc do anything useful for pallies?
07:16.44kergothdoesnt look like theres any pally code in it
07:16.52AnduinLotharya, didn't think so
07:17.10AnduinLotharonly thing i can think of would be conc on rogue vanish or stun on heal init
07:17.38AnduinLotharboth would be useless tho unless u were in melle range
07:17.58AnduinLotharso it would have to tyr to attack and then hook the 'too far away' msg
07:18.06kergothi love a good silence/earthshock pull
07:18.55AnduinLotharhe put in optimization for IsMounted if you have it installed fyi
07:20.27AnduinLotharneed to make that embedable too
07:21.18AnduinLotharok well i've upgraded SeaHooks, no more streamlined +  afew more options + debug
07:21.31AnduinLothara but more streamlined*
07:21.37AnduinLothara bit*
07:23.07AnduinLotharbastard in the apt next to me is trying to sleep at 11pm on a saturday night.. lame
07:30.34AnduinLotharthose dwarven door keyholes are awfully high..
07:35.15Amicesterfor pvp I'm pretty sure you can use CheckInteractDistance() but npcs will always return nil for that.
07:35.39Amicestera simple CheckInteractDistance("target",1) would return if they're roughly within 5yds.
07:35.45Amicesteror the "hump your leg" inspect range.
07:35.57Amicesterunless they disabled it.
07:36.01*** join/#wowi-lounge duke|ib (
07:36.14AnduinLotharthat works on hostile players and mobs?
07:36.20Amicesterit does not work on n[cs
07:36.26Amicesterbut it should work on all players I would assume.
07:36.30Amicesterit used to.
07:36.36Amicesterthey may have changed that when they changed the map funcs
07:36.46Amicesterbecause inspecting the opposite faction is legal.
07:37.00AnduinLotharthe self limitting inspect's gotta be using something to check..
07:37.19Amicesteryeh check interact goes for follow and duel and stuff
07:37.19AnduinLotharu can't inspect opp faction any more
07:37.30Amicesterinspect, trade, duel, follow.
07:37.41Amicesterah yeah I haven't tried recently.
07:37.44kergothi keep trying to select things in my text editor with alt held down, as though i'm inside of the wow editbox :P
07:37.50kergothdoesnt work so well
07:38.02AnduinLotharO.o ? can't get their items i know for a fact and i higly doubt stats
07:38.19AmicesterNot anymore.
07:38.31Amicesterif you say you can't, I haven't tried recently.
07:38.41AnduinLotharu cant
07:38.43AmicesterI always opened enemy faction in a dressing room window.
07:38.46Amicesterand npcs.
07:39.00Amicesteror an empty paperdoll before dressing room
07:39.11AmicesterI didn't like the idea that I couldn't inspect things, to me that doesn't make sense.
07:39.27AmicesterI mean at least visually see them
07:39.28AnduinLothari made a LevelEstimator that guessed hostile char lvl by loopign over their equip and grabbing the highest lvl req
07:39.45AnduinLotharbut doesn't work cross faction any more
07:40.06Amicesteraugh I hate the action button limitations.
07:40.08AnduinLotharso now it just estimates hostile mob lvl based of simplistic defence
07:40.24AmicesterYou can't even check if its an item on the button or a spell or anything.
07:40.32Amicesterits just ... an "action"
07:40.57AnduinLothar:) ya. we've done various nefarious hacks for that
07:41.19kergothAnduinLothar: nice, i loved the addons that did that.. there wer ea couple.. levelmatrix and that one iirc.  i always wanted to add support to the perl unitframes to use it.  hehe
07:41.25AnduinLotharu can easily check if it's a macro
07:41.34Amicesterwith getactiontext right.
07:41.39futrtrublhow does it know when to show the number of an item then?
07:41.48Amicesterthere's a count func
07:41.49AnduinLotharmaking perl unit frames use it would be liek a 1 line hack
07:41.56Amicesteryou can check count
07:41.57Amicesterfor 1!
07:41.59Amicesterbut not consumable!
07:42.03Amicesteryou're a genius fut!
07:42.09futrtrublI know
07:42.33Amicesterthen it'll just have to be a sick hidden tooltip to get the damn name of the item.
07:42.38AnduinLotharif u wanna see lots of action button surfing APB does some of it in the TargetGuessing algorithm
07:42.44AmicesterCan get a link.
07:42.47Amicesterand parse item name from link
07:42.52Amicesterthen pickup by name
07:43.03Amicesterno can't get a link.
07:43.08Amicesteraction buttons don't generate links.
07:43.10Amicesterthey should!
07:43.16futrtrublthis is fun to watch
07:43.17AnduinLotharline one of the tooltip
07:43.27AmicesterI already loop through and record all the mana costs
07:43.31Amicesterfor my mana cooldowns =P
07:43.37kergoth106 addons in my current addon set.  meh. time to trim
07:43.41Amicesterso I guess I already have it in there.
07:43.58AmicesterI have a lot of addons but no that many.
07:44.02AmicesterI only have a lot because of small ones.
07:44.06AnduinLothari have 110 enabled and liek 160 installed
07:44.08Amicestereach new thing is usually a new addon.
07:44.14kergothmost of mine are little ones
07:44.25kergothbut i'm an information junkie
07:44.29kergothneed lots of addons for that
07:44.30AnduinLothari have a plethora of MONSTER addons
07:44.32kergothrecap, accountant, etc
07:44.46AnduinLothari dont even have those two
07:44.51Amicesteryeah I removed all my data addons.
07:44.57AmicesterI used to have them all.
07:45.02AnduinLotharnor auctioneer,
07:45.02AmicesterI cut back about 20 addons when I did that
07:45.13kergothi'm torn between my need for excessive amounts of information and my love for efficient, minimal interfaces
07:45.27kergothauctioneer is a beast.  i use kci nowadays
07:45.31futrtrublyou all need my RememberMyGoddamnNameplates AddOn
07:45.47kergothnice name.
07:45.54Amicesterheh I have about an addon for every regular wow ui function
07:45.59Amicesterwhere I've provided my own custom tweak
07:46.10futrtrubl ;']
07:46.51futrtrublit's almost 2.5k unzipped ;']
07:47.12AnduinLotharmmm size...
07:47.30Amicesterthats just for recording and resetting the nameplates?
07:47.55AnduinLothararch with embeds is 788KB, only 140 of which are 2 images
07:48.22futrtrublyup, would be smaller, but I needed a frame for event catching so I made a gui config for it too ;']
07:48.42AnduinLotharthe arch code itself w/o embeds or pix is 252KB
07:49.17AnduinLotharmain lua is 3k lines
07:49.36AnduinLotharxml is 2k
07:49.56Amicesteryeah I think the reason I don't have anything that big is because of how often I split off into a new addon.
07:50.45futrtrublmy biggest is 120kb without textures
07:50.45AnduinLotharya, arch is a mini-compilation
07:50.45AnduinLothareven Sky is only 136kb
07:50.51AnduinLothar4k line lua
07:51.25AnduinLotharmobile frames is about that size too
07:51.49AnduinLotharChannelManager's about 100kb text
07:52.11kergothhmm, i should work on some of my twisted lua tricks
07:52.28AnduinLothari stopped counting total lines of addon code in the middle of summer at like 25,000 lines
07:54.55kergothlines of code is a pretty useless metric
07:55.24AnduinLotharya, just ego boosting
07:55.37kergothdamnit, i wish my memory would stop sucking
07:55.46kergothi cant remember what i was working on, code wise, last week
07:55.49futrtrublesp if you have lots of for loops
07:56.02AnduinLothari always uses for loops
07:56.10AnduinLotharArch for loops all of it's regs
07:56.35futrtrublme too, but loops make lines of code even more meaningless
07:57.21kergoththey're meaningless in general, regardless of loop usage.  i can make code small or huge on a whim.  doesnt imply anything about functionality, stability, performance, or any real factors of importance
07:57.33AnduinLotharregs for 104 options condensed to 600 lines + 300 lines of localization per lang
07:57.38kergothi should show you guys some of the fun twisted little bits of lua i've got floating around
07:58.47AnduinLotharand that's fully featured khaos options + cosmos + myaddons + slash commands + feedback + name/helpinfo
07:59.26AnduinLotharbut not including the callback functions themselves which make up 75% of the addon
07:59.52kergoth was my first experimentations with multiple inheritence in lua.  -extremely- limited.  thinking about implementing the algo rici pointed me to a paper on, for intelligent decisions based on the inheritence graph, one of these days
07:59.53AnduinLotharthen the rest is info tables and xml elements
08:02.08kergothsomewhere around here i've got a table traversal function that goes into all subtables, descending into tables within tables, but which doesnt use recursion, it uses iteration, so you'll never blow the stack, even traversing the entire global environment in wow
08:02.33AnduinLotharya, we did that in Fire
08:02.57kergoththen i wrote one as an iterator, which was fun and silly
08:03.12kergothfor t,k,v in traverse(getfenv(0)) do ... end
08:06.31AnduinLotharmmm, just enabling SeaHooks debug non-verbose drops me like 10 fps with all those OnUpdates hooked
08:09.36kergoth .. from the fun lua tricks department
08:17.28CodayusGrrr.  "You have entered too many instances recently."
08:18.10AnduinLotharmm 10 min AB wait time... not bad. pvp server on a weekend
08:18.18CodayusI wonder if bliz took the mob I'm looking for out last patch or something?
08:31.33*** join/#wowi-lounge embis|afk (
08:31.49embis|afkhi everyone =) anyone awake?
08:32.13TainAwake is a relative term.
08:32.35embis|afkhaha yeah it's 2:30am here in houston, tx
08:32.44embis|afkanyone working on wow ui mods?
08:34.00TainIn general, a bunch. :)  Right now.. the only thing I'm working on is.. well actually nothing.
08:34.02embis|afki'm trying to find something that will open/edit .tga and .blp files
08:34.24embis|afki'm a noob to the ui stuff, but i'm gonna try my best.
08:34.34Cair|sleepfutrtrubl: approved and available now
08:34.42futrtrublthanks Cair
08:34.48embis|afkit's just that i'm starting to gear myself up and on down time i wanna do something creative
08:35.15TainHi sleepycair
08:35.31futrtrublany recomendations for anything I should have done differently when submitting it Cair?
08:35.47Cair|sleepno, why, did you have a problem?
08:35.49Cair|sleephi Tain
08:36.11futrtrublnone, but I'm pretty new to WoWI
08:36.16Cair|sleepnope, you did fine
08:36.33Cair|sleepand on that note, now I really am heading to bed
08:36.35Cair|sleepnight folks
08:36.54futrtrublg'night Cair
08:37.20futrtrubl"nite" hehe, how american ;']
08:38.35AnduinLotharor g'knight either way
08:39.16futrtrublI'll have to use g'pally
08:41.50embis|afkso does anyone know how to open and edit .mpq packages, .tga, and .blp files?
08:42.15AnduinLothar.tga can be openned in most graphic editors like photshop
08:42.50AnduinLothar.blp is bliiz proprietary format, ull have to look for a converter floating aroudn that does blp2 convertion
08:43.10AnduinLotharmpqs can be openned by WinMPQ or MPQ2K
08:44.47futrtrublany converter around that does tga straight to blp? not that I really need it, but the compression benefits of blp would be nice
08:44.52embis|afkoh i got winmpq so guess i'm ok.  so i need a .blp to .tga converter, and something that edits .tga files still.  anything like that out there?
08:45.14futrtrublget gimp, free image editor
08:46.17embis|afkwhere you dl that at?
08:47.14futrtrublalso look for wowimage for a blp converter
08:47.43embis|afkok i'll write those down.  know a place to dl em?  lol thanks =)
08:48.06futrtrubland I hate to say it here but wowimage is on curse gaming
08:48.24embis|afkwhy?  don't like curse?
08:48.39futrtrubl'cuz this is WoWInterface ;']
08:49.04AnduinLotharcair doesn't mind
08:49.29futrtrubldidn't think she would.... ;']
08:49.47embis|afkoh ok lol
08:52.47futrtrubland if you need info on making tgas that work with WoW there's a quick tutorial I amde for making them in photoshop (not quite the same as gimp but should have useful info) at
08:53.12embis|afkwow thanks a bunch
08:54.05AnduinLotharu should put that on the wiki
08:54.11futrtrubland now I shall follow Cair's excellent example and go to bed
08:54.15futrtrublwhich wiki?
08:54.27futrtrubland you think it is good enough?
08:54.30embis|afkit's a website for useful stuff
08:54.44futrtrublI spend a tonne of time there
08:55.11AnduinLotharhaven't read it, but any thing people ask that can be answered should have a wiki page so i can just link it..
08:55.15embis|afkoh ok haha i should have known lol maybe ya tired
08:55.20embis|afki know i am
08:55.21AnduinLotharput all the image stuff on the same page
08:56.23AnduinLotharmake a page
08:56.32futrtrublhmm... the only stuff I have done there so far is edit little bits, how would I go about adding it?
08:56.51AnduinLothargo the page and click edit
08:57.20AnduinLotharthen put all ur info on it, format it, then link it from somewhere useful
08:57.37futrtrublwhat about images?
08:58.41AnduinLotharor make a HOWTO:TGA
08:58.59futrtrublmy readme has a lot of images, would I link to them on my server or can I upload them to wowwiki?
08:59.03AnduinLotharand put the blp conversion info on the image page and link the howto
08:59.11AnduinLotharif they're small images u can
08:59.24AnduinLotharforgo tthe file size
08:59.52futrtrublnot really that small, about 700k all told
09:00.42futrtrublnot each, 256kb is the largest
09:00.49AnduinLotharshould be fine
09:00.55AnduinLothari think
09:03.02futrtrublthis is way beyond my capabilities with my current lack of sleep. I'm going to have to look at it again... today I guess, when I wake up
09:04.40futrtrublso later guys\
09:46.40*** join/#wowi-lounge shouryuu (
09:47.44shouryuuI'm sick :(
09:47.52AnduinLothar:( I slept through work
09:48.10AnduinLotharthey didn't even bother to call me
09:49.14AnduinLothardont spose most peopel sleep through 5-11pm shifts, they prolly wont believe me
09:57.20AnduinLothari need to make an auto sealing aq mod..
09:59.15shouryuuauto sealing aq?
10:00.05shouryuuman this really sucks
10:00.16AnduinLotharActionQueue plug-in that will do some logic to cast a seal if i dont have one on and autojudge one of my choice if my target doesn't have one
10:00.28shouryuuI just got the 600 songs from the beatles, without ANY names :(
10:00.42AnduinLotharlol, not tagged?
10:00.54shouryuuand I have no idea how to :(
10:01.30shouryuuI found a program called mp3tagger, buuutttt I just don't get neither... Life is hard..
10:01.55AnduinLotharthat queue an online database?
10:02.13AnduinLothari tag everything with itunes
10:02.25shouryuuyeah go ahead and tag 600 songs with Itunes
10:02.38shouryuuyeah it should do it online but it never works :(
10:02.39AnduinLotharnah, woudla just deleted those
10:02.51AnduinLotharbut i already have mosta the beatles stuff
10:03.29shouryuuI have all the names in a nice little file, and all the songs
10:03.44shouryuuI just have to make them "merge"
10:03.55shouryuuthe 5U><><0|2z
10:40.32shouryuuwell im off
10:40.33shouryuusee yar
10:45.46*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
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13:36.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Malivil (
13:36.12MalivilAnyone know the location of the disconnect portait?
13:37.11AnduinLotharcheck UnitFrame.lua
13:37.41Malivilthat in the interface.mpq?
13:39.36Malivilwouldn't it be in PartyMemberFrame?
13:40.49AnduinLotharah, ya proly
13:41.10MalivilBut it's not...
13:41.38Cidetry UnitFrame, because that has pretty general code
13:41.59Malivili looked in unitframeand idndt find it
13:45.17AnduinLotharwhy are u trying to find it, to use the tex?
13:45.27MalivilIt's for Rte
13:45.34MalivilHe needs it for CircuFrames
13:45.39MalivilReplacing the party frames
13:45.51Malivilneeds the portrait to show when a party member goes offline
13:46.19AnduinLotharya. i put Offline text on the unit frames in Arch way back
13:46.35Malivilyea, but there is no text on his frames
13:46.42MalivilSo hwne a parson goes offline you can't really tell
13:46.49Malivilwow i can't spell
13:49.22Malivilcan't find it
13:53.06AnduinLotharmaybe i can just hack BuffBot to use the Whispercast window...
13:53.36AnduinLotharhope he abstracted it
13:53.57Malivilit wouldnt be in texture.mpq would it?
13:55.55MalivilFOUND IT
13:56.14Malivilits in the PartyFrameTemplates.xml
13:56.19MalivilBut that's not in the interface.mpq
13:57.11Maliviland the file isn't in interface.mpq or i would have found it
13:57.17Cideyou should just extract the files with the blizzard interface extractor
13:57.26Malivili havethem
13:57.27Cideit doesn't update interface.mpq all the time
13:57.30Malivilthats how i found where it was
13:57.43Cidenewer files are in patch.mpq
13:57.49Malivili know
13:59.25Malivilfor future reference
13:59.29Malivilif anyone needed to know
14:03.03*** part/#wowi-lounge Malivil (
14:19.58*** join/#wowi-lounge shouryuu (
14:22.28shouryuuif I want to save a table in a saved variables, all I have to do is indicate the table's name in the TOC right?
14:25.23shouryuuok i think i found out where I'm overwritting my variables
14:25.27shouryuu*crosses fingers*
15:15.14AnduinLothar:-D just got my lgiht saber
15:36.19*** join/#wowi-lounge embis|afk (
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15:55.44embis|afkhey is anyone around by any chance?
15:56.09embis|afklol hey hows it going?
15:57.04embis|afkhave you used gimp before?  i can't get it to run.  yeah i hear ya, and i'm a rook with this stuff but i'll just say that it's cause i'm tired it won't work
15:58.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (
15:58.20AnduinLotharnah, i haven't used it
15:58.21embis|afki might be able to get wowimage to work, but i gotta shut down real quick to see if installing java helps
15:59.46embis|afkoh ok yeah i'm trying to get it to edit some wow and other game images
15:59.53embis|afkthen going to use them for my UI
16:01.00embis|afkdo you have any other software to view/edit .blp and .tga files?
16:01.17embis|afki might give up on figuring out this software for now
16:02.36AnduinLotharmmm not free
16:02.57embis|afkoh really what you use by the way?
16:06.53AnduinLothari got a cs vers cheep
16:07.12AnduinLotharcompared to 1k retail anyway
16:08.10embis|afkyeah thats expensive damn...i'll have to get a reduced version as well
16:10.47AnduinLotharcs isn't reduced, it's student
16:14.38embis|afkoh ok haha thats a relief i can buy it cheaper at my campus then :=)
16:15.36AnduinLotharit's $200 i think
16:15.48AnduinLotharmy parent's chipped in, my dad uses it at home
16:16.05AnduinLothari've been using ilelgal copies since jr high
16:17.26embis|afkwow nice parents do well but i've always had to do plenty on my own.  way they wanted me to grow up lol...lucky.  yeah those illegal copies work too.  =) i'll get me a "really long trial version"
16:18.19AnduinLotharya, they always told me to get off the computer... but i've been uta the house long enough
16:19.50embis|afkyeah same here i was out over two years, but i'm back for college.  i'm a little bit of a late starter but i was active duty air force so i had reason
16:20.27TainYou can also get Photoshop Elements which has a lot of the most common features of Photoshop, but not the more advanced stuff.  Under $100 new.
16:21.09embis|afkreally like what does it lack?
16:21.41AnduinLotharelements is actually meant for the makign of graphics as oppossed to photoshop which is geared towards editing
16:22.19AnduinLotharbut not apple also has a pirect photoshop cometition, which is actually better for editign pictures imo
16:22.21TainNo, that's Illustrator.
16:22.41AnduinLotharIllustrator is further, yes
16:22.43TainElements is a trimmed down version of Photoshop.
16:22.50AnduinLotharmeh, u surE?
16:23.07AnduinLotharthought is was diff... oh well, i dont use elements
16:23.24AnduinLotharhave a copy, cause it came with the cs suite but never used it
16:23.40AnduinLotharprolly cause i'm so used to PS
16:25.11embis|afkyeah i mainly need editing software as i want to use elements of some old favorite games and get the feeling
16:25.35embis|afkbut if they did both the'd be cool
16:29.07embis|afkso is everyone working on their 1st wow ui?  or been doing em a while?
16:29.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (
16:33.32AnduinLothari've been doing addons since january
16:35.23embis|afkwhat other programs have you used to make nice uis? and used any other games like starcraft for ui elements or something cool like that?
16:35.45AnduinLothari used to mod starcraft too, but no
16:36.05AnduinLotharthougth about a SC hud but decided against it for wow
16:36.22embis|afkoh ok yeah i wanna do one for diablo 2
16:36.36embis|afkgimme that old feeling =)
16:36.37AnduinLothardidn't someone do that already?
16:36.49AnduinLotharjust play d2 if u want the feeling :P
16:36.56embis|afksomeone did the orbs but not the whole thing
16:37.40embis|afki know i wanna do it mostly cause i'd be fun.  besides i'll have the boarders and buttons already made for me for my first ui
16:39.11cladhaireIs anyone here an artist?
16:39.34*** join/#wowi-lounge shouryuu (
16:39.36TainNot unless you consider my MS Paint stick figures to be art.
16:39.48shouryuuohhh art talk
16:39.49cladhairemmm sexy
16:39.51TainIf you do, I have some originals I'd like to sell.
16:40.01cladhaireTain: we could make a killing!
16:40.18cladhairemorning/afternoon all
16:40.22shouryuuthe usual modern art is not art debate?
16:40.23embis|afkif i was i wouldn't be trying to mod diablo 2 for fun.  i wish i could draw
16:40.55shouryuuugh I'm lobotomised
16:41.09shouryuusome evil spirit robed my brain last nigh
16:41.13Tain~lobotomize shouryuu
16:41.16purlACTION jams a rusty screw driver into shouryuu's head and swirls shouryuu's brain around
16:41.20TainNow you are.
16:41.29shouryuuand inserted some buggy snippets of code in my add-on I can't fine
16:41.41shouryuu~hug shouryuu
16:41.42purlACTION hugs shouryuu
16:41.42TainI like the swirling brain action.
16:41.45shouryuufeel the love
16:42.25TainYeah I got nothing in the way of artistic skills when it comes to creating, cladhaire.
16:42.34cladhaireYeah me neither
16:42.49Osagasu~slap shouryuu
16:42.51purlACTION slaps shouryuu, keep your grubby fingers to yourself!
16:42.52cladhaireI have a pimp idea for a logo for my Bishop frame.. but I need someone to draw it :P
16:43.08Osagasu~slap shouryuu
16:43.09purlACTION slaps shouryuu, keep your grubby fingers to yourself!
16:43.13cladhaire~lick shouryuu
16:43.14purlACTION licks shouryuu *SHLUUURRRRPPP*
16:43.18shouryuu<3 you
16:43.29Osagasu~kill shouryuu
16:43.30purlACTION shoots a excited graviton gun at shouryuu
16:43.43shouryuui thought there was a "no spamming the bot" thing going on
16:43.44Osagasu~literal shoot
16:43.46purl"shoot" is "<reply> bang!"
16:43.56cladhaireyou can't spam the bot when a conversatino is happening :P
16:44.09cladhairecair will kickban us later anyway =)
16:44.14Osagasuwe can make exceptions when it has to do with you
16:44.19Osagasu~literal kill
16:44.53shouryuuthanks osa
16:44.55Osagasu~literal kill
16:44.57shouryuudeep down
16:45.00shouryuuI feel special
16:45.05Osagasuyou are spechial
16:46.02embis|afkhey do any of you people that just arrived use gimp?
16:46.35cladhaireI use the gimp
16:47.17shouryuuok could anyone exlpain how a loop, can work for the two first indexes then return an error
16:47.52Osagasuof the indexes don't go above 1 or 2
16:47.55cladhaireshouryuu: paste the loop and i'll tell  ya :P
16:48.48shouryuuyeah when I debug the indexes do 1, then 2 and bug
16:48.59embis|afkclad i can't get gimp to work in all that mess exactly what do i dl?
16:49.41cladhairethen download GTK and the gimp.
16:49.46cladhaireinstall GTK, then the gimp
16:49.59shouryuufuck interenet is bugging
16:50.02shouryuugod hates me today
16:50.05shouryuumy add on screws up
16:50.08shouryuui fall sick
16:50.11shouryuuI have to work
16:50.14shouryuuand internet sucks
16:50.56embis|afkclad i love you!
16:51.03shouryuumind if I paste the 5 lines here?
16:51.12cladhaireifs its just five lines.. go ahead
16:51.16shouryuufor index=ListNumberStart, min(m,GetNumGuildMembers()) do
16:51.16shouryuuDEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("index" ..index);
16:51.16shouryuun = n + 1;
16:51.29shouryuuit says editbox[index] needs to be a number
16:51.59shouryuuthe exact error is something like error line XX Usage EditBox:SetNumber(number)
16:52.21cladhaireAnd what is editBox[]?
16:52.26shouryuua table
16:52.37shouryuuI'm sure there are values in there
16:52.52cladhaireand what is n?
16:52.58cladhairewhere does it come from?
16:53.09shouryuun is the edit box number
16:53.20shouryuuI have a list of 10 edit boxes, id from 1 to 10
16:53.44shouryuuand this loops should set their value to the value of editBox[index]
16:53.52cladhairebut where is n set.. you increment n.. but you never set it anywhere
16:54.03shouryuui define it before
16:54.06shouryuulocal n = 1;
16:54.42cladhairehave you /dumped editBox?
16:54.52cladhairesee whats in it?
16:55.12shouryuuim trying it right now
16:55.20shouryuuI've tried it before but I'm sure it returns values
16:55.59cladhairebut the important thing is _what_ values
16:57.12*** join/#wowi-lounge ToastTheif (
16:59.18shouryuuok so apparently, a function that should be setting all my values to 0 isn't working properly
17:00.46shouryuuyup that is the problem
17:00.59AnduinLotharyay bugs
17:01.24shouryuuw00t fixed
17:02.07shouryuumay I ask another dumb question?
17:02.17ToastTheifbrb, gonna try out xchat
17:02.22ToastTheifand yes, you may
17:03.57AnduinLotharxchat owns
17:04.13embis|afkohhh i've got a noob qutstion too
17:04.27embis|afkdoes anyone know why when i use "discord unit frames" my wow crashes?  i downloaded a ui someone had for reference to make my own, and when i put the files in their place, and did the /dab and the /dart commands to pull up load custom settings it worked.  /duf load custom settings crashes me.
17:04.56shouryuucrashes in what way?
17:05.06embis|afkmy wow turns off
17:05.12embis|afknope just quto exits
17:05.21*** join/#wowi-lounge ToastTheif (
17:05.40shouryuuhumm that's weird...
17:05.56ToastTheifmmm, I like xchat's look etter
17:06.07AnduinLotharxchat is better
17:06.21TainDunno, I don't use any of the Discord stuff.  Loading custom graphics shouldn't crash, wow just shows blank green stuff usually.
17:06.43embis|afkyeah no kidding...i put the 8 files in their places too...the dab_custom in dab the duf in duf and dart in the art folder then the .tga and .blp went in their places.
17:06.58TainOne thing that will cause an instant WoW exit is if you move frames around in a certain way.
17:07.26embis|afkwell if goes black for a sec like you know when your doing some screen adjustments? well does that and then no more wow
17:07.53*** join/#wowi-lounge ToastTheif (
17:07.57embis|afki wish lozareth was online lol
17:08.16ToastTheifI don't like Discord mods, they lag my old computer
17:08.33ToastTheifIm sure they won't lag my new one when I get it... but I still don't like them =P
17:08.35embis|afkthey lag me too but i'm gonna buy some ram soon so just suffering a little
17:08.53embis|afkreally?  interesting you got a better one you using?
17:09.06ToastTheifI just bought a new comp
17:09.12ToastTheifwaiting for it to get here
17:09.25embis|afkoh i mean editor what you using if not discord
17:09.44ToastTheifdiscord editor?
17:10.06embis|afkyeah you said i don't like discord mods was wondering what you using instead
17:10.18ToastTheifI use lots of addons
17:10.36ToastTheiffor unit frames, Im not sure what I'll use yet
17:10.43cladhaireXchat + WatchDog == teh sexy
17:10.48embis|afkreally?  what other good ones out there?  i use plenty but i'm looking for addons that are good and help my edit my ui
17:11.00ToastTheifyou should check out this thread...
17:11.05ToastTheiflet me find the link quick =P
17:11.10embis|afkclad what does xchat and watchdog do?
17:11.14embis|afkthanks bud =)
17:11.18cladhaireI meant xraid not xchat
17:11.24ToastTheifxraid is nice
17:11.25cladhaireXRaid is my raid UI.. sexy as hell and very efficient
17:11.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
17:11.35AnduinLotharu tried arch i take it?
17:11.37ToastTheifwatch dog, is eh... I don't like it really
17:11.45cladhaireWatchDog is a set of replacement unit frames that provides click-casting on frames
17:11.55cladhaireToastTheif: What don't you lik e(i'm always looking to improve)
17:12.38ToastTheifthat's the link, Embis
17:12.55embis|afkthanks again :)
17:13.09ToastTheiffor one, I don't like click casting, which isn't really a problem
17:13.18shouryuuarrrrggghh why aren't my variables saving... gooiiid reeaallllyy hates me
17:13.22ToastTheifbut mostly, I just don't like the look and feel
17:13.52embis|afkwhat click-casting do?
17:14.05ToastTheifclick on a frame, it does something
17:14.15ToastTheifright click on a frame, it does something else
17:14.23ToastTheifI perfer something like Benecast my self
17:14.47embis|afkoh so buttons are multi assigned?  interesting but i agree bene is ez to use
17:15.25embis|afkso what kinda cool things xraid have over discord?
17:15.48ToastTheifI'd use CTRA for raiding, personally
17:16.03ToastTheifjust because it's what everyone else uses
17:16.16ToastTheifand it makes it easier for the raid leader
17:17.04shouryuuI use CTRA with perl nyumbia;'s frames
17:17.06cladhaireToastTheif: I'm working on a mini-ctra that gives the "extra" functinoality (/rs messages, read checks, etc).. essentially just the COMM sectino of it.. for my own personal use to use with XRaid
17:17.31cladhaireBut thats mostly cause I do a lot of raid frame dev on my own.. and i'd like to make it easy for the raid leaders, even if my raid frames are fooked =)
17:17.46ToastTheifif somone made something that listend to the chat channels for CTRA stuff, and worked better than CTRA, I'd use it
17:18.08cladhairebrb afk.. need to go get my car
17:18.34ToastTheifI like these unit frames...
17:20.39embis|afkit's clean but too dry for me
17:20.56embis|afki wanna do something cool while not take up too much room
17:21.07Cidewhat's wrong with CTRA per se, ToastTheif?
17:21.10ToastTheifI like my interface small, easy to look at and functional
17:21.13*** part/#wowi-lounge Dypfryst (
17:21.22AnduinLotharnot pretty enough :)
17:21.23ToastTheifit's really slow on my old comp =P
17:21.27shouryuuif I do local TableName = {} at the start of my add-on, will it override the TableName I saved from my last session?
17:21.35ToastTheifbut I saw the thread
17:21.37AnduinLotharit's good for displaying lots of units, but borring just for party
17:21.42shouryuuit shou;dn't right
17:21.43ToastTheifabout how you and blizz are working on that
17:21.46shouryuuagreed anduin
17:22.07Cideshouryuu: If it's a saved variable, that will work just fine, saved variables are initialized later
17:22.20ToastTheifthe rest of CTRA, I love
17:22.23CideI don't mind people not using CTRA of course, don't get me wrong
17:22.27Cidebut I want to improve things
17:22.31embis|afkwhy can't discord work with ctra?
17:22.35ToastTheifmhmm, I still use it though, Cide
17:23.25Cideembis|afk: "work", as in?
17:23.30shouryuuok. So if i want to save a variable, I only have to put it's name in the TOC and voila right?
17:23.38Cideshouryuu: yep
17:24.09ToastTheifI sorta like CTRA for partys even, heh
17:24.17embis|afkor is it that titan don't work with ctra
17:24.27AnduinLothartitan works fine with ctra
17:24.34ToastTheifyeah, I like the compactness
17:24.44embis|afkreally wonder whats just then i'll get on that
17:24.53AnduinLothari'm not really a minimalist
17:24.59ToastTheifI don't need much in a party frame, just need to know the health so I can go on heal botting
17:25.49AnduinLotharya, i'm actually more of a maximalist, fit the most info in the smallest space while still being visually appealing
17:26.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Dypfryst (
17:26.16AnduinLotharand intuitive is high on my priorety list
17:26.29shouryuuI agree anduin
17:26.32shouryuusmall is not always good
17:26.34ToastTheifI wish somone would finished AcePanel
17:26.43shouryuuI'd rather have something a bit bigger, but clear and easy to see
17:27.06TainI like the minimum amount of information I need.
17:27.08shouryuuthan some some small frame squished in the botom left side of the bottom left side of my screenn
17:27.46AnduinLotharya, i liek having large party and small raid frames just cause my party is usually more important to pay attention to
17:28.19AnduinLotharbut it would be cool to beable to export selected raid units to full unit frames
17:28.41shouryuucan't that be done?
17:29.01AnduinLotharlike right click a ctra person and click a menu option to make it into another PartyFrame style display
17:29.13ToastTheifthat'd be cool
17:29.14shouryuuyeah that would be nice
17:29.22AnduinLotharcourse, then i'd want all my Archeaologist data on it too..
17:29.48AnduinLotharbut that actually isn't too hard to do cause arch is liek super abstracted
17:31.11AnduinLotharjust duplicate the party functions, and cofig options, name it soemthing else and redirect the info tables to the correct functions
17:31.46AnduinLotharlike, long as CTRALargeUnitFrame.unit = "raidx"
17:32.19ToastTheifI wsih tehre was soemtinhg to do rihgt now, I cna't wiat for my new compuetr to get here alradey
17:33.00shouryuutoast - explain to me why my variables aren't saving
17:34.28ToastTheifmsot liekly, becuase you did soemtihng wrnog...
17:34.53shouryuubut what?!
17:35.08shouryuui've put the names in the toc
17:35.34ToastTheifMmm, yes taht is a quetsoin for the aeges I wolud hve to say
17:35.35shouryuuwhat could be messing it up?
17:36.38shouryuu~shoot me
17:36.40purlACTION shoots shouryuu in the head with a glue gun!
17:36.46ToastTheifI just do what ever the person did in the addon that Im editing
17:36.46shouryuu~kill shouryuu
17:36.48purlACTION shoots a   tachyon gun at shouryuu
17:36.55shouryuu~hang me
17:37.03ToastTheifusually works for me
17:37.04shouryuuwe have to teach him that one
17:37.39ToastTheif~hang Shouryuu, he doesn't even have enough self confidence to capitalize his own same!
17:38.16shouryuuwe still need to teach him that one
17:39.01ToastTheifOooh, only 8% more to go until season 3 of RvB is done downloading
17:39.17ToastTheifRed vs Blue
17:39.53ToastTheifit's the secret code word!
17:40.28ToastTheifit means, "duh"
17:41.15shouryuujust checking if you new it
17:41.27ToastTheifhave any of you heard the "I Can be Your Healer" WoW parody?
17:41.37ToastTheifhaha, that was a good one Shour
17:41.52shouryuuyeah I'm brain dead
17:41.53ToastTheifseriously lol
17:42.11ToastTheifmmm, but you should listen to that song
17:42.13ToastTheifit's hillarious
17:42.17shouryuuwhere can I find it
17:42.23shouryuuim beatles addicted right npow
17:42.59shouryuubut meh
17:43.11ToastTheifI can't find the link... one sec
17:50.31*** join/#wowi-lounge embis|afk (
17:50.45AnduinLotharbah, i hate worldofwar file names..
17:52.55shouryuuI just hate savedVariables
17:53.19AnduinLotharu haven't even tried to make them diff per char yet ;)
17:54.23shouryuuI feel so uterly stupid, I just can't save them
17:55.18omgsavedvarssuckIf I really was as smart as I sound and everyone thinks I am, I could possibly be able to help you
17:55.33omgsavedvarssuckunfortunetly, Im not all that smart
17:56.00omgsavedvarssuckI know, I know, it seems like I am, but Im just really good at type-acting
17:57.58whyI can't change back to ToastTheif?
17:59.17ToastTheifWhy is it I can't find anywhere to download the hi res versions of RvB
18:01.10ToastTheifSo, are you guys all sleeping?
18:01.17ToastTheifor just like... coding
18:01.24ToastTheifoh, Cide is sleeping
18:01.37AnduinLothari'm sleep coding
18:01.43*** join/#wowi-lounge Verlaine (
18:02.01Toast|AFKI've always wanted to have a " | " in my name!
18:02.50embis|afknow you are cool
18:02.56Toast|AFKWell anyway, who saw the USC game last night?
18:03.02Toast|AFKbecause I know I did
18:03.10embis|afkmissed it was it sick?
18:03.24Toast|AFKand my conclusion is Reggie Bush is fing AMAZING
18:03.29AnduinLotharstill dont know how to change my name w/o going into the options..
18:03.44Toast|AFK./nick nameyouwantgoeshere
18:03.55AnduinLothar:) thx
18:04.05AnduinLothari didn't look to hard
18:04.09Tain500 yards is absurd.
18:04.30Verlaineregie bush
18:04.33Verlaine500 yards
18:04.49Lern2Tainhe got like 523 yards last night
18:05.09Lern2TainFresno State
18:05.14Verlainewhat sport
18:05.16Verlaineyou *******
18:05.21Lern2TainFootball, silly
18:05.24Verlainelol silly
18:05.30VerlaineI'm a frenchman
18:05.35Verlainewe don't watch football
18:05.41Lern2Tainwell, American Football then!
18:05.50Lern2Tainyou should, Reggie Bush is amazing
18:06.04VerlaineI don't have a TV
18:06.07Lern2Tainevery freaking tome he touches the ball
18:06.19UI|Intelligence|damn too long
18:06.20VerlaineFUCK this add-on is going to KILL me
18:07.02Verlaine~kill Shouryuu's add-on
18:07.04purlACTION shoots a ionized neutrino gun at Shouryuu's add-on
18:07.04isuckatuii tried to do |UI|Intelligence|Upload|Failed
18:07.55Toast|Edgogogo DA BEARS
18:14.21rallion...ionized neutrino...that doesn't even make sense...
18:16.42Osagasu~literal kill
18:16.53OsagasuI dun get it
18:17.04Toast|Ed~kill Osagasu
18:17.05purlACTION shoots a super-inverse  proton gun at Osagasu
18:17.22Toast|Edu lose
18:17.36Toast|Ed~Win Toast|Ed
18:17.38purlCongratulations, Toast|Ed! You have won a one way ticket to baghdad!
18:17.40I_Iunfortunately, we all do
18:17.51I_IReverse protons are antimatter.
18:18.12Toast|Ed~win Toast|Ed
18:18.13purlCongratulations, Toast|Ed! You have won a lifetime supply of spam!
18:18.43AnduinLotharmove to hawaii, ur be very popular
18:19.29Toast|EdI wish I lived in Hawaii, with... Keira Knightley
18:20.08I_Iantimatter, when they come in contact with normal matter, completely transform into energy.
18:20.25I_IBIG boom.
18:20.28I_Iwe'd ALL be dead. :X
18:20.28Toast|Edor Charlize Theron, that'd work too
18:21.16I_IJewel Staite. *purrrrrr*
18:22.25Toast|Edwho is Jewel Staite?
18:24.58AnduinLotharSHOWER CLEAN YAY!
18:25.15Osagasuplays Kaylee in Firefly
18:25.24Toast|Edpfft, I googled her
18:25.35Toast|EdCharlize Theron > her
18:25.42futr-sleepmmmm... Kaylee
18:25.42Toast|EdKeira Knightley > her
18:25.54AnduinLotharme > her
18:26.42Toast|EdI agree with futr, mmm Kaylee Horwood
18:26.56Osagasuthink what you want
18:27.06futr-sleepno, Kaylee Downer
18:27.18Toast|Edno no, Kaylee Horwood is amazing =P
18:27.33futr-sleepyou'll have to fight me for her
18:28.44futr-sleepperhaps also my girlfriend
18:30.41OsagasuAnduin, you know the offset of Archaeologist for Pet and party frames is off, right? the bottom part of the text is over the frame, so I can't see it
18:37.47Osagasuthank god.
18:42.38AnduinLotharbottom part of what text?
18:43.03Osagasuthe HP and MP/Focus text
18:43.09Osagasuon pet frame, at least
18:43.38AnduinLothartake a ss
18:45.42AnduinLotharyay for english "organizationally"
18:47.05*** join/#wowi-lounge EraphineDisco (
18:52.30AnduinLotharya osa, what size do u have the text at?
18:54.47Osagasu9, why
18:55.36AnduinLotharcause the frame doesn't move, but the text size changes. i think they're centered but with a standard offset
18:55.51OsagasuI got it as close to CT_UF as I could
18:56.24AnduinLotharcause at the time i didn't want to loop through all the bars and reanchor them
18:56.40AnduinLotharand all the fonts are a lil diff..
18:57.08OsagasuWell if you aren't gonna chance it just say so so I can suck it up
18:57.30*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
18:58.26AnduinLothari might, just have to know how to make it easy, intuitive and msot compatible
19:07.35AnduinLotharso like telltrack only diff tabs
19:14.49Industrialim scouting all websites
19:14.52Industrialall categories
19:14.56Industrialfor nice addons
19:22.40Industrialthey have histograms now o_O
19:23.56AnduinLothartelltack is yummy, the description is rather lacking tho
19:25.43AnduinLotharsome math major/comp had fun makign that
19:26.26Industrial## OptionalDeps: Khaos, Cosmos, VisibilityOptions, PopNUI, TransNUI, Earth, Sky, ChatTimeStamps, Clock
19:28.24futr-sleepcheck out   ;']
19:28.37AnduinLotharthus, optional
19:28.51AnduinLothar:) tho it is fun to see how many things i can make optional
19:28.57AnduinLotharand still have zero reqs
19:30.13AnduinLotharSea wasn't in that list?
19:30.17AnduinLotharit should be
19:32.38Industrialhowmuch ram would i save if i'd rip all optional deps code out? (no offense)
19:33.17Industrialhm gunna test to use instead of nymbias perl unit frames (still the best atm)
19:35.24AnduinLotharram? a few k maybe
19:35.45futr-sleephow do I send memos on this thing?
19:36.15AnduinLothartho i need to make the earth menu code a new embedable addon cause the telltrack menu is goodness but i dont wanna code it using the regular menu code
19:37.19Industriali dont see the use of adding earth/sea as a dependency to these kinds of things, or things at all.
19:37.29Industrial(or ace, for that matter)
19:37.48Industrialif you arent making it with it, why add an option to do the same thing with the library
19:39.29AnduinLotharum... cause it's better with the lib
19:39.37Industrialid say make the whole thing with a library, thus the use of the library
19:39.39Industrialor not at all
19:39.51AnduinLotharno no no
19:41.08Industrialwhat do function libraries add to an addon that works without them? doing the exact same thing but then with library functions? see my last statement :>
19:41.11AnduinLothareither u make it req the lib and people complain about the lib, or u make it w/o the lib and the people complain about bloat, or you make it less functional w/o the lib so they can still use basic functionality but have more features if they get the lib
19:41.28Industrialfeatures like?
19:41.34AnduinLotharlike the menu
19:41.38AnduinLotharand gui options
19:41.48AnduinLotharand visibility options
19:41.57Industrialhmm ok, i get your point
19:41.59AnduinLotharand time stamping compatibility
19:42.34AnduinLotharit works fine standalone, it works better with libs
19:42.37TainOf course it does also add to the false idea that some people have that dependancies are a bad thing.
19:43.29Industrialalthough i am against compilations, i feel like making a compilation.
19:43.42Industrial"Doing it the right way", but ofcource there isnt a right way
19:44.02Industrialand it only means a lot of work - time, wich i dont have :|
19:44.17TainYeah, there's no "right way."  There's just the, "right way" for me.  And you, and the other guy, and that other girl over there and...
19:44.45Industriali could also just add a thing here, remove some options there...
19:44.51TainThen there's that other guy who thinks his way is the right way, but he's just wrong.
19:44.56Industriali was thinking.. why have 3 addons for the chatting
19:45.03AnduinLotharor there's God's way, but then people start getting offended
19:45.18IndustrialAnduinLothar: oooooo no no no no no
19:45.22IndustrialAnduinLothar: exactly
19:45.44AnduinLothari'm a pally, can't i fight for what's right?
19:45.55TainThere's also gods' ways, and there's lots of differences there.
19:45.55Industriali could make the timestamp addon i have without the options. i just want one! 24 hour format.
19:46.12IndustrialAnduinLothar: well my shaman god > yours
19:46.14TainBut but.. why not use chatscroll?
19:46.18TainChatscroll is the best!
19:46.37AnduinLotharmine is better
19:47.20TainYes yes, of course it is.
19:47.55AnduinLotharglad be agree
19:48.10AnduinLothari dont have to smite you with holy wrath now
19:48.47AnduinLotharthat's focussed holy wrath btw, not this weak aoe junk
19:49.04TainNope, no smiting will go on here.  Unless I installed some of your addons, then my system would be smited thoroughly. ;)
19:49.04AnduinLothar2k damage right on ur head
19:49.38AnduinLotharactually most of them play nice with ace. tho timex isn't compatible with my new chronos
19:50.11TainOh probably, it's just a personal choice.
19:50.34AnduinLotharya, people often decide they hate me and thus wont use my addons
19:51.56AnduinLotharO.o and then there's those that use my addons and then they decide they hate me
19:53.20TainOh, although I would allow such a thing to pursuade me, I actually just don't like your coding style.  Which is not to say I think it's wrong, I just don't like the way certain things are done so I use things that I think work more to my liking.
19:53.20AnduinLotharoh, and dont forget the, "Uh oh, he writes for Cosmos doesn't he?  His addons must suck." stigma
19:53.20AnduinLotharfunctionality isn't always dependant on coding style
19:53.34AnduinLotharand i doubt u care much about the coding style actually, prolly just the functionality
19:53.43TainActually I don't have anything against Cosmos other than the fact that I don't use it because of the way it's coded as well.
19:54.11TainI also don't evangalize about Ace, I just choose to use it myself.
19:54.13AnduinLotharmmm, you're using those phrases interchangably
19:54.25TainWhich phrases?
19:54.30AnduinLotharI do not think that phrase means what you think it means
19:54.49AnduinLothar"coding style" and "functionality"
19:54.59TainYou are using them interchangably
19:55.05TainI never said anything about funtionality.
19:55.29AnduinLotharno, but i dont think u mean coding style, by your usage
19:55.44TainOk, but that is what I mean.
19:56.08AnduinLothar"things that I think work more to my liking
19:56.13AnduinLothar= functionality
19:56.17TainIn code.
19:56.28TainNot the end result of the functionality.
19:56.50AnduinLotharmmm, have you ever suggested a change?
19:58.31AnduinLotharwell then i dont think it's a very good reason to say u dont like my style
19:58.57TainI'm not sure why you say that.  I can not like something without wishing to change it.
19:59.13TainThat's personal preference.
19:59.15AnduinLotharyou use other things with similar functionality?
19:59.32TainIt's not my place to try to force someone else to change simply to suit my likings.  That's just wrong.
19:59.51AnduinLothari never asked u to force me
20:00.02AnduinLotharbut i do take suggestions
20:00.39TainTo be honest you've argued with people about suggestions (in this channel) more than considering whether or not they have merit.
20:01.02AnduinLotharthat's usually how i filter them out for merit
20:01.12AnduinLothargranted, it's rather agressive
20:01.37IndustrialTain: why not chatscroll? because i want to make idChat that has one timestamp by default in militairy format (2101) and uses some sort of hitsmode display, but also only one. there will be no options and it will be SMALL and to MY liking.
20:01.42TainThe amount of time and effort it takes to try to get something through isn't worth it when there are simply other options.
20:02.11IndustrialTain: see my point?
20:02.14TainYeah Industrial, that makes sense.
20:02.34Industrialim a programmer, so i dont need usability. usability is what you make
20:02.36TainI've done the same in some cases, just paring down things to my specific settings.
20:03.13TainBut I still like pretty much every function of Chatscroll. :D
20:03.25Industrialsure sure, im not going to rewrite things :>
20:03.37Industrialreinventing the wheel = bad
20:04.09Industrialyeah, sometimes.. depends ont he project
20:04.17AnduinLothari like attackign the wheel with various tools actually
20:04.21Industrialbut first i have to get to learn this lua / wow xml thing
20:04.32AnduinLotharbut not actually makign the wheel from scratch
20:05.15TainWoW xml makes me cry.
20:05.43TainJust because Blizzard didn't do things the same way throughout.
20:05.52AnduinLotharwhat was the last argument here i had about a feature in one of my addons tain. i'm currious what sticks in your mind to define my personality
20:05.57IndustrialTain: try using an application that takes blizzards xml schema files and intellisenses for you
20:06.19IndustrialTain: any idea on my little ace problem?
20:10.00CairKarl: what was the last argument here i had about a feature in one of my addons tain. i'm currious what sticks in your mind to define my personality
20:10.19CairRemember, if you ask a question like that, then you need to be prepared to hear the answer
20:10.51AnduinLotharwell i have some holy wrath around here somewhere...
20:11.31AnduinLotharlemme find some restraining straps..
20:11.31AnduinLothara finger puzzle or tow..
20:12.53AnduinLothari wouldn't have asked if i didn't want to know
20:13.05AnduinLotharif i'm an ass, tell me i'm an ass
20:13.33AnduinLotharif i don't take critisizm well, tell me i don't take critisizm well
20:13.34TainIndustrial: I think you still need a idFrameUnit:Initialize() function defined.  I could be wrong, but I know Ace looks for it when it loads an addon.
20:13.52AnduinLotharif i cant' spell. don't tell me. i know that already
20:14.36Cairafk a few, back shortly
20:15.05TainThe days worth of hooking discussions were, in my opinion, mostly consisting of various people trying to explain their views, and you telling them you were already doing it better without even understanding what was being said.
20:15.33TainAnd I say that because later on in the conversations you would change your statements as you seemed to understand more, instead of the initial dismissals out of hand.
20:16.51AnduinLotharso i assumed i knew what they were talking about in order to tell them I had already done that in order to show off?
20:17.06TainThat's a pretty succint explaintion.
20:17.31kergothseems typical.  this isnt the first time
20:17.52TainThere's really very few ideas that get brought up without you saying you've already handled that with x or y.
20:17.54IndustrialTain: do'h, i'm calling it enable..
20:18.03TainEven when they're not directed at you.
20:18.16Industrialis there also some "destruct" function ace looks for?
20:18.24AnduinLotharso you think i'm an arrogant prick who thinks he knows everything?
20:18.26Nomad_WandererActually, I'm looking for someone to say "Yep, I've done that before".
20:18.48TainInd: By default there are :Enable() and :Disable() functions, but I don't know if they're required or not.
20:18.52kergothAnduinLothar: thats how you appear, yep.
20:18.59IndustrialTain: i have those =(
20:19.01Nomad_WandererI'm trying to return some data, when someone whispers me a command that has an item link in it. "/w malt raidpoints item [The Eye of Divinity]"
20:19.06AnduinLotharthat' sno good
20:19.33AnduinLothari'll have to stop being an arrogant prick then, eh?>
20:19.44TainActually I don't think you come across as if you know everything.  But you do come across as feeling like you know more about specific topics.
20:20.02TainI think I have actually seen you say you don't know about something specific, so that wouldn't be fair to say everything. :)
20:20.05Nomad_WandererBut I can't seem to find the item in the whisper... I can't get "local sName, sLink, iQuality, iLevel, sType, sSubType, iCount = GetItemInfo(trimmedWhisper);"
20:20.09Nomad_Wandererto work.
20:20.15AnduinLotharmmk, and even if i do actually know more you think i should be more humble about it
20:21.01TainI think you should participate in the discussions about it without assuming right off the bat that you do know more.  Or actually in most cases it's not about knowing more or knowing best, it's acknowledging there are multiple wasy to do things.
20:21.12TainAnd that one was is not necessarily "better" than another.
20:21.26AnduinLotharsometimes it is
20:21.32Nomad_WandererHas anyone done any work with Itemlinks and chat?
20:21.39TainNot I, Nomad. :(
20:21.51kergoththen back it up with facts.  dont sit and try to feel better about yourself
20:22.09TainDespite the fact that coding is technical, there's a lot of room for objectivity.  Especially in an interpreted language.
20:22.09Nomad_WandererI've started reading Lootlink.lua, but it's humongous. I thought I found what i needed, but i was wrong.
20:22.22AnduinLotharwhat kind of facts would you like, and how would i go about spewing them?
20:22.27Nomad_WandererYep.. I'm a tab indenter myself.
20:22.35Nomad_Wandererall you 3 and 5 spacers are horrible!
20:22.52AnduinLothartab is 'better' ;)
20:22.53Tainhaha we had that discussion with some people a few weeks back.
20:23.15kergoththats an opinion, not a fact
20:23.20kergothperhaps you should learn the difference.
20:23.32TainOf course I'm a tab person, and a firm believer in not using semi-colons in Lua.
20:23.36AnduinLotharif it came out of a human then it is an oppinion
20:24.09AnduinLotharthat's how they taught to read at whatever school i went to
20:24.23TainBut that goes directly against your earlier statement that someone doing something a certain way in code is better than another way.
20:24.31TainOr, "can be."
20:24.33AnduinLotharthey taught to write as if u know and read as if it's not proven
20:24.34IndustrialTain Of course I'm a tab person, and a firm believer in not using semi-colons in Lua.
20:25.09Nomad_WandererHeretics! All of you!
20:25.26AmicesterI think the fact that it doesn't matter, makes you all crazy.
20:25.30AnduinLotharso if anythign i'm a prduct of my education and environment, which obviously you all dont share
20:25.46kergothi like how he blames everything rather than accepting any responsibility
20:25.47kergothits amusing
20:25.52IndustrialAmicester: correct, if it would matter no-one would care because there was no option
20:25.58AnduinLothar:) learned that too
20:26.16Amicesterkergoth: I love how you call other people arrogant pricks when 90% of the stuff out of your mouth is snarky =P
20:26.19TainAnduin: That's an example of arrogance.
20:26.32kergothAmicester: i never claimed to be anything but an asshole.  i am. absolutely.
20:26.33IndustrialAmicester, kergoth ooooo jerry jerry
20:26.52AnduinLotharnever said i wasn't arrogant, but thx for poiting it out. which part exactly?
20:27.13AnduinLotharya ker, where do u live?
20:27.19AmicesterIf you know you're an asshole opening your mouth with criticism, opinion, or fact, is just a blatant point of your own ignorance. Nobody wants to listen to an asshole.
20:27.26AmicesterSurely not me.
20:27.42AnduinLotharif i were an asshole i'd tell u to close your ears
20:28.13kergothAmicester: hm?  being an asshole and speaking doesnt imply ignorance.
20:28.25AnduinLotharcould be gassy
20:28.31kergothmy dad's an asshole, and knows a fair bit about some things, and not about others
20:28.37AmicesterSure it does, when you confirm the fact that you know that you are an asshole, it means what you're saying is coming from a non reputable source.
20:28.37kergoththe same is true for me
20:28.55AmicesterIt wastes time and energy listening to it.
20:29.02kergoththat isn't the case.  you're the one assuming that being an asshole means what you have to say is incorrect
20:29.04TainExcept when it's amusing.
20:29.09kergothwhich is a rather large assumption
20:29.12AmicesterI'm not assuming its incorrect at all.
20:29.20AmicesterI'm assuming that nobody wants to hear it because of the way that its said.
20:29.24AnduinLotharhearing and listening are tow different things, requiring different amounts of energy
20:29.26futrtrublwhat will Cair say to this conversation?
20:29.36AnduinLotharshe left, have at it
20:29.40kergothno offense, but if you don't want to hear what i say because of how I say it, dont.
20:29.42AmicesterI don't know, if this was in #Feathermoon I'd have kicked both of us.
20:29.58AmicesterIndeed it is.
20:30.11AnduinLotharkergoth> where do u live?
20:30.13TainAh see, I think people are too itchy to kick people on irc in general.
20:30.16AnduinLotharand u tain?
20:30.27AmicesterWe went 6 months without kicking anyone.
20:30.36AmicesterBecause people weren't being assholes.
20:30.37AnduinLothari'm currious if i can blame u on ur environment
20:30.41TainThere's still healthy discussion going on, this is a community and no community has everyone loving each other.
20:30.58AnduinLotharit might make me more tollerant
20:31.11AnduinLotharhaving something other than u to blame for u
20:31.16kergothit wont make you any less arrogant.
20:31.23AnduinLotharno prolly not
20:31.24TainThe fact that you feel the need to, "blame" me for anything is really the issue.
20:31.41kergothblame me for me. dont seek other solutions.  i'm an asshole for my own reasons.
20:31.54kergothand the fact is, i'm an incredibly nice guy to people i respect.  respect is earned.
20:32.00AnduinLotharhmmm, i doubt it, but then i enjoy being contrary
20:32.01kergothfor everyone else.. well.. sorry
20:32.11AmicesterJust please stop criticizing someone else for something when you yourself have obvious flaws you don't care to correct, I mean it just doesn't make any sense. If you want other people to be a better person, just become on yourself. Eventually if everyone concentrated more on themselves we'd all be better people.
20:32.27AnduinLotharwho was that to?
20:32.29kergothEveryone has flaws.
20:32.39TainAmicester: I agree that is probably the case, but it wouldn't be possible.
20:32.40kergothsome are more troublesome than others
20:33.03kergothI rather like my flaws, myself.
20:33.06AnduinLotharif i concenttrate more on me i think i'll kill myself
20:33.08TainPeople are inherently flawed.  You can try your best to improve yourself, but no one will ever be perfect, so there will always be conflict.
20:33.53AmicesterWell right. So someone that knows they're an asshole should just continue to be an asshole and not attempt to not be an asshole, the whole time tearing down other people for having flaws.
20:34.04TainSee now if you tout your education and upbringing as some of the reasons for the way you are today, I'd instantly question them because of your use of, 'u' and 'ur'.
20:34.12AmicesterShouldn't they themselves try not to be an asshole, then attempt to assist someone else in homing in on their flaws.
20:34.22AnduinLothari liek to pretend i dont care about death, but i don't want to hurt my friends and family. it keeps me warm at night and alive
20:34.29TainMy own education taught me those are not words, and despite what millions of people think they will never be acceptible to me.
20:34.34kergothWhich is what we're doing here.  Now anduin is aware that he comes off as arrogant.
20:34.41kergothI'm not tearing him down for it
20:34.44AnduinLotharso now who's arrogant?
20:34.47kergothi'm an ass, he's arrogant.  there it is.
20:35.36AnduinLothari use u cause i'm a slow typer and never bothered to learn to touch type.
20:36.25AnduinLotharwhich, last time i read was a large percentage of computer users (not touch typing). tho i'm sure not all of them use u
20:36.38AnduinLotharso maybe it's not the only reason
20:36.41AnduinLotharor excuse
20:36.45AnduinLotharas the case may be
20:36.59OsagasuI think I was drugged earlier...
20:37.11OsagasuI'm downloading SWG right now. O.o
20:37.12AnduinLotharwith what? got any more?
20:37.30AnduinLothari need to do some drugs..
20:37.36TainIt would take something really strong to make me play SWG agian.
20:37.43Nomad_WandererOkay... finally found this in Lootlink.lua if anyone else asks, |for color, item, name in string.gfind(text, "|c(%x+)|Hitem:(%d+:%d+:%d+:%d+)|h%[(.-)%]|h|r") do|  that will get you Item info from Itemlinks in chat.
20:37.47AnduinLotharmaybe i'll go get my 6th can of mt dew for the day
20:38.03AnduinLotharoh ya.... um... sorry
20:38.17AnduinLothar<-- shuts up
20:41.18Industrialmt dew wots that
20:41.34Industrialbull-it energy drink ftw
20:41.59AnduinLothari just wanted to point out that i have no desire to be an arrogant prick and that if you indeed point it out to me in a kind way i like to think i will take it into account
20:43.05AnduinLotharalthough that is not meant to imply that it is your obligation ro responsibility. it is merely a request to help improve my personality if possible
20:44.02kergothwell, that's awfully considerate.  thanks.  i doubt i'll stop being an asshole, but feel free to call me on it, it might help
20:44.03AnduinLotharadmission of a problem, and if not fault, at least responsibility
20:44.55AnduinLothari need to get out more and see 'real' people..
20:45.15AnduinLotharcept i piss them off too :/
20:45.20IndustrialI just want to say that unless you are attacking eachother this topic shouldnt be. I know no-one dislikes me, because i dont dislike anyone, i always back my opinions up with reasons (preference may be one too) and im never offensive.
20:45.48kergothAnduinLothar: unfortunately people tend to suck no matter how you interface with them :\
20:46.04kergothand naturally i'm no exception :P
20:46.08AnduinLotharseems to be the case
20:46.26kergothanyway... so how about that lua?
20:46.34Tain~hug lua
20:46.36purlACTION hugs lua
20:46.36AnduinLothari was just sad that ace and ct and cosmos peeps couldn't just all get along
20:46.57AnduinLotharand all contribute to my project ;)
20:47.03kergothimho healthy competition is good.  folks have different development styles and methodologies
20:47.10IndustrialQ: if i delete a folder of an addon thats loaded into memory and reload the ui will it be gone or will wow crash
20:47.13kergoththey should find what best suits them
20:47.17TainI think people get along ok, there's too much emphasis put on Ace vs Cosmos vs etc. etc. etc.
20:47.23AnduinLotharmm, should eb gone
20:47.45AnduinLotharor used to be anyway, last time i did it which was before they started checkign toc's
20:47.56Industrialactually im thinking of not even using ace...
20:48.03Industrialwith my addons
20:48.57AnduinLotharproblem is i spend a LOT of time developing for cosmos... if becomes like a part of me and i feel hurt when it is disliked or insulted
20:49.12AnduinLothari need a new hobby..
20:49.13kergothAnduinLothar: yeah, i think thats part of the problem.  people tend to start taking things too personally
20:49.19CairWhich is why I created this channel, in no small part, so that the folks from the various "school of thought" could get together in a "neutral" place and actually try to learn from each other, so that the entire community is better as a whole ........ and, I don't have a problem with the conversation that just went on, as evidenced by the fact that I allowed it to happen in the first place by making sure that And
20:49.43kergoth'making sure that And' .. i think you got cut off, cair
20:49.46*** join/#wowi-lounge ToastTheif (
20:49.46AnduinLotharwoot, truncation
20:49.56kergothhey ToastTheif
20:49.58Cairmaking sure that AnduinLothar realized what he was asking and was prepared to deal with the answer
20:50.17ToastTheifwhat's going on
20:50.20AnduinLothari like askign questions... one of the good things i learnign in school
20:50.38AnduinLothardamn... my n and g need to be swapped on the keyboard..
20:50.53CairWe can all be assholes by times, I know I certainly can be
20:51.10IndustrialCair: hah
20:51.32CairBut if we can accept the fact that when someone calls us an asshole, maybe we need to take a step back and look at our own behaviour, we may see that they are in fact correct and we are acting like an asshole
20:51.44AnduinLotharya, but ur a pretty asshole so people forgive u more *blatent sexist excuse*
20:52.02CairWe can all be arrogant, self-righteous, pompous
20:52.25CairThe thing is, to not belittle someone else for their opinion, but to try to understand it
20:52.39Cairand at the very least, to agree to disagree, without putting them down for it
20:52.58IndustrialI know no-one dislikes me, because i dont dislike anyone, i always back my opinions up with reasons (preference may be one too) and im never offensive.
20:52.59CairSo sayeth the Cairenn
20:53.05AnduinLotharwhich is kinda what i have been trying to do with SeaHooks by getting everyone i can to look at it and critique
20:53.37AnduinLotharur repeating urself.. how offensive..
20:53.39kergothAnduinLothar: did you get those suggested changes by iriel in?
20:53.53AnduinLotharsome of them. couldn't get the other to work right
20:53.55CairExcept, Karl, that frequently your "requests" for critique and your response to said, comes across as dismissive
20:54.00kergothi'll review the code if you like, havent done so yet
20:54.35AnduinLothark, i need to get iriel in to fix his part, but i can send u what i got, need to send clad a copy too
20:54.47ToastTheifI don't like you Tain, you don't talk to me enough =(
20:54.52CairI am not saying you intend it to come across that way, I've no idea what you "intend", but it frequently *does* come across that way
20:55.22AnduinLotharprolly a habitual way to avoid explaination
20:55.29IndustrialToastTheif: hah!
20:55.41TainThere's only so much of me to go around!
20:55.57ToastTheifso wait, if I think somone needs to step back and look at what their doing, I call them an asshole?
20:56.06AnduinLotharcept i'm working on movifying my lightsaber atm..
20:56.09kergothAnduinLothar: send the current code to or and i'll take a look
20:56.31AnduinLotharlol, why give em options... i don't need them ;)
20:56.35CairYet, if you really want (positive) criticism, then you need to accept it, not dismiss it out of hand
20:56.41kergothmy knowledge of the wow apis is pretty weak, but i do know lua fairly well
20:57.50AnduinLotharmmm, possibly cair. it may not be a good thing, but i'd like u to know that often times i will consider slowly things i have critisized and change my mind about them
20:58.09AnduinLotharfor example, i'm writting an embedded addon
20:58.28AmicesterThats constructive.
20:58.29AnduinLotharwhich i have openly criticized before
20:58.40TainThat is the case sometimes, but it's the inital responses that people will remember most.
20:59.05AmicesterPeople care too much.
20:59.07ToastTheif~kick somone
20:59.08purlbugger off sod!
20:59.15AnduinLotharit's always been how i work, not really sure why or if it even needs changing
20:59.26ToastTheif~shoot me
20:59.27purlACTION shoots toasttheif in the foot with a quantum singularity weapon!
20:59.44TainIt doesn't *need* changing, just know what the consequences are.
20:59.47AnduinLotharoo, i wan tone
20:59.59AnduinLotharthus, why i asked
21:00.23AmicesterWell when it comes to code criticism. Pretend its their baby. You wouldn't tell them they had an ugly baby would you? =P
21:00.32AnduinLotharif i can't be perfect i'll at least try to balence things out a bit
21:00.45AnduinLotharright amic
21:00.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (
21:00.59AnduinLotharmy babies get criticized a lot
21:01.15ToastTheifThe All Mighty Tem is here
21:01.26ToastTheifAll Mighy Tem, USC owns you.
21:01.45AnduinLotharwhat was i doing..
21:01.48CairAnd people can understand that.  *BUT*, if the creator of the baby *asks* for critique, then they should bloody well be ready to accept said critique, otherwise they shouldn't have asked in the first place
21:01.51AnduinLotharu guys are distracting
21:01.54ToastTheifReggie bush is God!
21:02.05AmicesterYeah I prefer it straight up.
21:02.11TainI'v etold people their babies are ugly, actually.
21:02.13AmicesterIf it makes you vomit on your shoes, by all means.
21:02.15AmicesterVomit away.
21:02.31kergothIf they're going to be defensive about their code and not accept criticism, then their code won't improve based on people's suggestions..  It's their choice to keep development closed rather than open.
21:02.33kergothimho of course
21:02.34AnduinLotharoh, writing down email
21:02.50TemReggie Bush is graduating
21:03.00Tem(our good players aren't)
21:03.04ToastTheifroflcopters, da bears defnese onws all, carlonia is uncoool
21:03.05Tembye bye USC
21:03.14ToastTheifumm no, USC is DEEP
21:03.22ToastTheifthey have the talent to stay aliiiiiive
21:03.28TemWe'll see
21:03.33kergothdid you just write roflcopters?  that makes me want to stab out my eyes
21:03.34ToastTheifmaybe not win another national championship
21:03.35AmicesterThis is the same mechanic that defines certain roleplayers as elitists, because others cannot their accept criticism, yet beg for it.
21:03.49ToastTheifYes Ker, I did
21:03.49AmicesterAnd then when its not all positive, they label them.
21:04.04TainThere are certain roleplayers who are elitist.
21:04.22TainThere are certain people in anything who are elitist.
21:04.32AnduinLothar~stab kergoth
21:04.34purlACTION runs at kergoth with an origami Swiss Army knife, and inflicts a nasty paper cut.
21:04.39AnduinLotharno, no.. in the eyes
21:04.47kergoththat stings
21:04.54Nomad_Wandererpurl, why?
21:04.57TainI got a papercut on my knuckle yesterday. :(
21:05.01purlkergoth: thanks
21:05.19kergothTain: :(
21:05.53ToastTheifI loved that game last night Tem
21:06.13ToastTheif523 all purpose hards by Reggie
21:06.27ToastTheifEraphineDisco, 513
21:06.34ToastTheifwtf lol
21:06.39ToastTheifstupid auto name complete
21:06.40TainNot as impressive as Al "Crazy Legs" bundy
21:06.57ToastTheif513 is the record for one game Tain =P
21:07.16ToastTheifoh and Tem, Bush is a senior
21:07.19ToastTheifEraphineDisco, junior
21:07.29ToastTheifEraphineDisco, senior*
21:07.37AnduinLotharlol auto complete
21:07.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Trilian (
21:07.44ToastTheifevery time I type "ER"
21:07.53ToastTheiflet me start over
21:07.59ToastTheifReggie Bush is a junior
21:08.10ToastTheifthe only way he will leave is because of the draft ;)
21:08.14TainYou think he won't?
21:08.36ToastTheifI hope he wont :(
21:08.40TainHe'll go 2 behind Leinart if he just finishes the season half decent.
21:08.56TemI hope he won't either, I hate the little bastard
21:09.18Temthe longer it takes him to make millions of dollars for playing a GAME the better
21:11.06ToastTheifnext year Texas is gonna own =(
21:11.23TemOh and that's part of what I hate about the big 10
21:11.27Temno defence all offence
21:11.31TemSEC is all about defence
21:11.53ToastTheifblah, ALL Michigan teams got DOMINATED yesterday
21:12.21ToastTheifMich St got killed by Penn ST, Mich lost on the last drive of the game to fucking Ohio ST...
21:12.36ToastTheifMich ST basketball lost to FREAKING HAWAII
21:13.00ToastTheifand Detriot Pistons had their first loss of the season to dallas... 89-119......
21:13.04AnduinLotharnot really a sportz guy
21:13.24ToastTheifI just hope the Lions can beat Dallas... but that won't happen
21:13.42kergoththe only sport i'll watch is boxing, really
21:14.23ToastTheifoh wait, the Lions already lost 20-7...
21:15.23ToastTheifleast Da Bears owned the panthers
21:18.57AnduinLotharwow.. i like mpeg4...
21:19.17ToastTheiffor audio? or video? or all around?
21:19.23AnduinLotharvideo atm
21:19.36kergothi'm an xvid fan, myself
21:19.38ToastTheifmm, I've been trying to find a good program to use, what are you using?
21:19.48AnduinLothar44 meg mov animation file is now 1 meg
21:20.02ToastTheifwhat did u use to convert it?
21:20.46AnduinLotharoh i just was using the options in my  screen capture util. but usually i would use command line... mmmm the mplayer twin
21:20.53AnduinLotharforgot the name
21:21.19AnduinLotharthat's what ive used in the past
21:21.25kergothyeah, that works well.  i've often used transcode, which iirc is just a shell script around mencoder
21:21.27AnduinLotharthere's a mac gui for it
21:21.55*** join/#wowi-lounge dukeku (
21:22.00ToastTheif~wtf iirc
21:22.24ToastTheifI found this cool site
21:22.42ToastTheifwell, the program is cool anyway
21:23.10ToastTheifbut it's only for mac and linux
21:23.26Nomad_WandererHey.. can keys in a bag have spaces in their names?
21:23.57kergothin a lua table? keys can be any lua variable.  any lua string, regardless of content, functions, tables, whatever
21:24.13kergothmytable["this is a test"] = "whee"
21:24.22Nomad_Wandererpurl, whee?
21:24.24purlACTION sticks its fingers up its nose and goes "Wheeeeee!"
21:25.12*** join/#wowi-lounge shouryuu (
21:25.30AnduinLothari swear that's an auto-join msg..
21:25.41shouryuuI just type it each time
21:25.54shouryuuit's 3 different letters :P
21:25.54AnduinLotharleast ur predictable
21:26.08shouryuusometimes I type it rwar
21:26.13AnduinLotharmoo is 2
21:26.38kergothever seen what the 'apt get moo' command does in a debian linux box?
21:26.45AnduinLothar. . .. .   .   .
21:26.50futrtrublshouryuu, did you get my memo?
21:26.50shouryuuand why does everyone say my name is hard to type when you see anduin's...
21:26.51Nomad_WandererIs earth really on the brink of abandoness? Someone said that afew days ago.
21:27.11shouryuufur - nope
21:27.19ToastTheifwhat should I use to convert movies to better formats? and what better format should I use? =/
21:27.19kergothis pastebin down?
21:27.26shouryuui can't connect either
21:27.49AnduinLothari have a short name in rl that no one has successfully been able to nickname me. so i wanted to make a long one to see what it was like
21:28.06shouryuuhow do I type my password already, to identify myself?
21:28.17AnduinLotharmpeg4 or xvid, mencoder
21:28.21futrtrublyour nickname is now "And?"
21:28.25ToastTheifI can't figure that out either Sho
21:28.39AnduinLotharor andy or anduin or hey u
21:28.49AnduinLotharlong as i respond it doens't really matter
21:28.58AnduinLotharand and is kinda humerous
21:29.03kergothi dont really care about nick length, thanks to tab completion :)
21:29.11futrtrublhey, you, you little !@#$%^&*()!@#$%^&*()
21:29.24Cairyou called?
21:29.30kergoththat reminds me of sam & max
21:29.33kergothdid anyone else play that game?
21:29.38AnduinLothardoesn't the ! go at the end?
21:29.39shouryuuhow do i read a memo?
21:29.49AnduinLothara guild player memo?
21:29.57shouryuuno IRC memo
21:30.00futrtrubl./msg memoserv read
21:30.21ToastTheifis mencoder only for mac os?
21:30.23kergothSam: Percent sign, ampersand, dollar sign.
21:30.23kergothMax: And colon, semicolon too!
21:30.23kergothPsychic: What are you [bleep]ing doing?
21:30.23kergothSam: Swearing in longhand, asterisk-mouth.
21:31.04Cairthat's amusing
21:31.41AnduinLotharmencoder is unix command line app
21:31.44Industriali say "ess tee eff you" alot
21:32.11kergothmy little brother says rofffle
21:32.12Industrialwell, when it applies ofc :>
21:32.32ToastTheifI don't understand any of this video stuff
21:32.40ToastTheifsomone should make a tutorial for newbies
21:33.09ToastTheifI have tried
21:33.19ToastTheifeverything I find doesn't make sense..
21:33.27futrtrublvideo stuff?
21:33.29kergoththe info is out there, but yeah, there's no good summary
21:33.32shouryuuthat's what happens when your a newbie
21:33.32kergothToastTheif: did you get my message?
21:33.42shouryuuI ate it
21:33.46ToastTheifI said something back to u
21:33.54kergothi didnt get it
21:33.58kergothcause you arent identified with nickserv :P
21:35.04futrtrublwow, performing DNS lookups on 75k ips takes a while
21:35.30ToastTheifwell I tried to indentify my self
21:35.31kergothheh, i hope you're issueing more than one at a time :)
21:35.35ToastTheifbut it's confusing!
21:35.45kergothi gave you the command to type..
21:36.48kergoth<kergoth>  /msg nickserv identify whateveryourpasswordis
21:36.53kergothtry that
21:37.12futrtrublor even easier, /ns identify yourpassword
21:37.24kergothoh good point
21:37.44Osagasueven EASIER
21:37.51kergothset up your irc client to do it automatically?
21:37.54Osagasu./ns is <password>
21:38.05kergothoh :)
21:38.25Osagasuoh yea, set your client to do it at connect
21:38.26futrtrublthat just crazy talk Osagasu
21:41.08TainJust remember /ns doesn't work with all clients.  If it does work for you it's easier of course.
21:41.51ToastTheifI figured out how to convert to mpeg4 using the Videora iPod Converter
21:42.06ToastTheifbut the quality gets dimminished badly
21:42.20AnduinLotharand size changed
21:42.20Industrialjust made some documentation, might need a hand on the ideas...
21:42.37ToastTheifmhmm, I get it down to 6.6mb from 15mb
21:42.58Industrialoops i see lots of errors already
21:43.01ToastTheifis there anyway to keep the quality but have the file size go down?
21:43.25TainYou have to lose some quality in order to reduce the file size.  You have to find the balance of what quality is good enough for you.
21:43.37AnduinLotharif u have the right converter and it's the right kind of file
21:43.44AnduinLotharand u use the right codec
21:44.12Industrialsuggestions anyone ? :>
21:44.12AnduinLotharor if u make ur own codec for tha single file
21:44.53TainIt depends on what the source file is more than anything.  Like a DVD can go from say 4gb to 700mb (for the sake of argument) because the source video is so clean.
21:45.26AnduinLotharcept that's deff not the same quality
21:45.35AnduinLotharbut good enough usually
21:45.59TainLike I already said.
21:46.02TainYou have to lose some quality in order to reduce the file size.  You have to find the balance of what quality is good enough for you.
21:46.14AnduinLotharthere's a high level of tollerance above 20fps with a nicely scalable resolution
21:46.18kergotha 700mb dvd ripped using the right codecs is still damn high quality, more than you'd expect
21:46.31TainThat's how I watch many, kergoth. ;)
21:46.31kergotherm, that sentence was odd, but you get what i tried to say
21:46.35AnduinLotharright, i know. i have 70 or so
21:46.42TainYay for dvd players that play vcds!
21:46.56AnduinLotharyay for giant computer monitors
21:46.59kergothi need a home entertainment pc
21:47.13TainI'm thinking of turning mine into one when I can get a new game pc.
21:47.37AnduinLotharmin eis right now minus a tape deck and a vcr
21:48.30kergothwhen i say home entertainment pc, i mean running good software to navigate with just a remote or whatever, no keyboard, usually connected to a tv rather than a monitor, and able to come back up directly into that software on reboot
21:48.33AnduinLothargot an analogue radio, 7.1 surround, tv card with inputs, 20" widescreen, dvd player.... been adding to this sucker for years
21:48.34kergothwhich would be nice.
21:48.35futrtrublDVDShrink is the business
21:48.42kergothAnduinLothar: 2005fpw?
21:48.57kergothor is that an apple lcd?
21:49.03AnduinLotharnah i got the apple one cause i felt like wasting more money
21:49.10AnduinLotharit's damn sexy
21:49.18Industrialjust made some documentation, might need a hand on the ideas...
21:49.20kergothi like my dell lcd
21:49.20TainIt's nice to have all of that on the PC, definitely.  I'm just looking forward to having it all on my 42" widescreen hidef tv.
21:49.39AnduinLotharif i could afford a 42" hidef...
21:49.43TainFor me, couch is more comfortable than computer chair for movies, although I've absolutely sat here and watched them too.
21:49.47AnduinLothari wouldn't have bought one
21:50.01AnduinLothari have a couch 4 feet behind my chair
21:50.06TainHow much was the LCD?
21:50.23TainI only ask because the TV was only $1100.
21:50.23ToastTheifright, so Im just gonna start changing settings in Videora and see what looks best
21:50.27AnduinLothar$700 + tax
21:50.34kergothmine was around $650 at the time.  its come down a fair bit.  now you can get a 24" dell lcd for like $800-900
21:50.35ToastTheifgotta get everything ready for my new iPod and all
21:50.39kergothTain: nice, thats not bad at all
21:50.49*** join/#wowi-lounge RasmusKL (
21:50.51AnduinLotharif i had $1k i woulda gotten the dell 24"
21:50.52TainIt's not a lcd/plasma widescreen of course.
21:51.15AnduinLotharya, now That is sexy
21:51.29AnduinLotharand something u take to lan parties and become insta-god
21:51.30kergothnod.  the difference between tv and a computer lcd when watching a dvd is way noticable.  more than i expected, years ago.  so much more crisp
21:51.49kergothi'll probably just get a second 20"'er
21:52.07AnduinLothari'm using my old crappy crt as 2nd monitor atm
21:52.22AnduinLothardoesn't focus well so i keep it at 800x600
21:52.27AnduinLothareven tho it's 19"
21:53.10kergothbetter than nothing
21:53.23AnduinLotharright, good for 2nd
21:53.33ToastTheifIm going to try H264/320x240/640kbps Stereo/128kbps with two passes
21:53.38AnduinLotharand i'm typing here on an old 400mhz imac
21:53.40ToastTheifbecause that sounds good...
21:54.10AnduinLotharso i got a 3 screen gheto Swordfish thing goin on
21:54.11kergothi've got a cute little shuttle xpc with an athlon 64 hooked up to my dell lcd.  nice setup
21:54.22kergothnot expandable, which sucks.  only like one pci slot :P
21:54.36TainDell Dell has their 1905 LCD for a little over $300 all th etime now. :(
21:54.57kergoththere's always deals at sb and home to cut the costs by a %, too
21:55.19AnduinLotharya, i wanted the power to expand yet still be mac so i bought a G5, but it's 3.5 yrs old now
21:55.19ToastTheifyou guys so confuse me
21:55.40kergothswordfish.. i havent watched that in too long
21:55.41kergothshould fix that
21:55.42TainYeah.  When I actually feel like I have some money I check which aggregates a ton of those sites that put up coupons and deals.
21:56.17AnduinLotharya, i did that when i got my monitor, no one puts apple stuff on sale tho, ever more than $20
21:56.31AnduinLotharstudent discount is best bet
21:56.35AnduinLothar$100 off
21:56.35ToastTheifIm gonna start a fire
21:56.37kergothit amuses me that apple is switching to x86
21:56.44kergothcourse i've never been much of an apple fan
21:56.53AnduinLotharthey have to
21:57.17AnduinLotharthey dont have a choice, so they made it seem like a plan and not a requirement
21:57.21kergothppc cant keep up, at least on the high end
21:57.30kergothlow end ppc is still useful in the embedded space
21:57.42AnduinLothari can appreciate that kind of marketting/business turn around
21:58.37AnduinLotharppc is great for floating point calcs
21:58.39kergothmeh, converting this code to 5.1 is time consuming
21:58.41ToastTheifconversion complete, I will now compare size and quality
21:59.43ToastTheifwell that didn't work
21:59.49AnduinLotharso, if i were doing all the math for dynamicly rendering the wow WorldFrame... then i would want a mac
21:59.50ToastTheifwent from 17.7mb to 25mb...
22:00.05AnduinLotharbut instead i'm stacking prerendered images
22:00.13AnduinLotharwhich just needs thuroughput
22:00.48AnduinLotharand playing layered prerendered video
22:00.49ToastTheifhow did it get bigger and even lose quality?! lol
22:01.15kergothToastTheif: do not convert an already converted video to the new format.  you need to convert from the original
22:01.23kergothits like decoding an mp3 to encode as ogg
22:01.33kergothlossy format -> lossy format = more loss
22:01.47ToastTheifhow do I know if it was already converted...?
22:01.49cladhaire<3 ogg btw
22:02.01kergothi need to play with ogg theora
22:02.04kergoth(the video codec)
22:02.13cladhairei've heard good things
22:02.36kergothlast time i tried it was so beta the library didnt even compile :)
22:02.45ToastTheifso how do I tell if the movie is the original?
22:02.56kergothis it currently encoded in a lossy format?
22:02.59AnduinLothari hear they got a porche with full color, 1600 res with full shaders, mirroring and lighting effects to render dynamicly at 20 fps on the top of the line mac with the latest unreleased radeon video card...
22:03.02ToastTheifI dunno
22:03.19AnduinLotharforget where i read that
22:03.26ToastTheifit's Condemnation.wmv
22:03.27AnduinLotharmighta been slash dot..
22:03.35kergothyou guys might get a kick out of how lua 5.1 manages packages/modules
22:03.36ToastTheifit's one of the winning blizzard videos
22:03.37kergothcheck this
22:03.44kergothat the top of your module/package, you do:
22:03.56kergothmodule("a.b.c.d", package.seeall)
22:04.00kergothnow, anythingi you define below that
22:04.04kergothis automatically inside of a.b.c.d
22:04.05kergothno global
22:04.18kergothit changes your current environment to be inside of the module's namespace
22:04.20Tainkergoth, would this get you to change to Apple? :)
22:05.08kergothhaha, cute
22:06.33ToastTheifIm gonna go start a fire
22:06.41kergothmmm, fire
22:07.55kergothwoo, someone bought this 60s recipe i bought off of a vendor for 5g
22:07.58kergoththats what i like to see
22:08.14AnduinLothargg buyout
22:10.16kergothand once again i forget to repair before heading to the AH.  i should load up that kc autorepair addon
22:10.49AnduinLotharya, i was gonna make an auto sell gray items thing once... should add that to the list
22:10.50TainI really like autorepair
22:11.13AnduinLotharO.o my wow todo list is 2 pages long
22:12.14AnduinLothargonna have it list things liek TOM and auto sell them if u add them to the list
22:13.01AnduinLotharmmm, and shift-rightclick is still open on container items to make a menu
22:13.02kergothi like autoprofit
22:13.07kergothjust click the button to sell all the greys
22:13.11AnduinLotharya, similar to that
22:13.35AnduinLotharcept make it a button on the frame
22:13.38kergothi should try trashomatic
22:13.40kergothlooks nice
22:13.42AnduinLotharand an option to sell automaticly
22:13.48kergothautoprofit is a button on the merchant frame
22:13.53kergothdont think it has automatic though
22:14.17AnduinLotharTOM is pretty good. i cut out the one line timex use and made it use chronos tho
22:14.20kergothyou should just send a patch to add that to him, rather than reinventing the wheel
22:14.57AnduinLothari personally don't think TOM needs either for just a single 3 second timer, but i spose if u already have it installed it's fine
22:15.31kergothwhat's it have to use the timer for?
22:15.31AnduinLotharbut timex was making my new chronos go boom
22:15.31AnduinLotharmmm, 3 sec after loot
22:15.37AnduinLotharto account for server lag
22:15.45AnduinLotharcause on event doesn't work
22:15.49kergothno event that could .. oh
22:15.49TainI haven't found good ways to do timer type delays without using something like Timex.
22:15.58Tain(Or OnEvent of course)
22:16.20AnduinLotharit's simple actually, but then i wrote the func so i spose i spent time learning too
22:17.00AnduinLotharjust a simple onupdate with a counter, adding up the arg1. maybe checking against GetTime
22:17.02TainActually I don't like adding a static delay on looting type functions.  It doesn't fully account for lag, just in most cases.
22:17.42TainI'd prefer selling something, and checking that slot to see when it's gone from your inventory.
22:17.49TainJust for safety, even though it would be slower.
22:18.19AnduinLotharwell, if u first check when u open the loot, so u know ur gonna pick it up (shift-looting) then you can set a timer and if it doesn't find it reset the same timer
22:18.34Nomad_WandererHey.. could I talk something through with you guys? see if you see a problem? I'm stumped.
22:18.38AnduinLotharmaybe a max of 3 tiems
22:18.47TainOr doing them in groups, sell 3 things at a time, check when they're gone, then go on to the next group.
22:19.03AnduinLothar3 loots?
22:19.09AnduinLotharor 3 loot items
22:19.21Tain3 items from your inventory that you're auto-selling.
22:19.23AnduinLothar(don't ask to ask a question, jsut ask)
22:19.35TainSure Nomad, go ahead.  I'm about to walk away from the computer. :)
22:19.42AnduinLotharjust dont be offeded if no one answers
22:20.05AnduinLotharunually means either no one's paying attention or they dont know
22:20.09Nomad_WandererI have a bag of MC Itemnames, with sub bags for what classes are okay to bid on that item..
22:20.47Nomad_WandererSomeone messages me the item name, I pattern out the item name to be just text, then see if it's a key in the MC itemnames TABLE>
22:21.24Nomad_WandererI have debug in place, and the pattern match is outputting the EXACT NAME, of a key in the table, but I'm still getting nill when I go after it.
22:21.34Nomad_Wandererif (Items[ItemName]~=nil) then
22:21.50Nomad_WandererItemName is an exact string of something in the table..
22:21.55Nomad_Wandererbut I can't match.. :(
22:22.08StylpeDoes the name have any |'s?
22:22.16Nomad_WandererThe table is there, cause I can iterate and print through it..
22:22.26cladhaireDevTools_Dump() is you friend =)
22:22.29Nomad_Wandererno the Names are real english names. :)
22:22.31cladhaireSee what the state is at that exact moment
22:22.38cladhairethen do some /dumps to test it out
22:23.02Nomad_WandererI;ve been using addmessage's to see that it's the same..
22:23.30AnduinLotharput '' aroudn the text
22:23.39AnduinLotharto check for spaces
22:23.48Nomad_WandererWhich text?
22:23.53cladhaireeither.. or both
22:24.04cladhaireuse anything on either side of the text to make sure you didn't parse trailing spaces
22:24.04Nomad_WandererAh.. wait a minute.
22:24.07AnduinLotharwell u know the tables so try the link grab
22:24.13cladhaireAnduinLothar: damn beat me to it :P
22:24.18AnduinLotharmight be u grabbed a |r
22:24.48Nomad_WandererNope, I thought of that.. I have this as my debug.. GenAH_Debug("ItemName=|"..ItemName.."|");
22:25.05Nomad_WandererI thought I had a trailing space that was throwing the match off.
22:25.11cladhairebut an |r wouldn't show
22:25.19AnduinLotharnot in chat, no
22:25.27cladhaireit shoudl show in a /dump
22:25.36Nomad_WandererHmm.. how would you see it then? would it be in a message?
22:25.55AnduinLotharit defines the color
22:25.56Nomad_WandererI've never used DevTools_Dump() is that in the wiki?
22:26.05cladhaireNope.. download Devtools
22:26.09cladhaireits on iriel's website, curse, etc.
22:26.13Nomad_Wandereraddon k.
22:26.16cladhaireand then you can use /dump as a chat
22:26.22cladhaireand it gives you the functino devtools_dump
22:26.24cladhaireits a godsend
22:27.04cladhaireAnduinLothar: Any tool that properly escapes and iterates is a help.
22:27.10cladhaireDoesn't matter who wrote it =)O
22:27.31AnduinLothari have nothign wrong with iriels tools :)
22:27.44AnduinLotharthey're better for most peopel actually
22:27.48cladhaireThen what's your comment you're keeping to yourself =)
22:27.54AnduinLotharno say
22:28.10cladhairei use it for tables.. but its quick and dirty easier to give to someone else
22:28.13Nomad_WandererOk.. have the addon.. How does it help me? Dump the variable name?
22:28.28cladhaireyou can also /dump as a slash command
22:28.36cladhaireyou can use it like /script and it'll give you the return values, etc.
22:28.37AnduinLotharright, it's easier to hand out, that's what matters at this junction which is why i am silent
22:30.57cladhairehaven't seen it
22:31.25ParakI'd rather see WD 2.0 though :D
22:33.45ToastTheif~purl, ludicrousness?
22:33.48futrtrublhow so parak?
22:34.05futrtrublpurl ludicrousness?
22:34.17Nomad_WandererHmm... I thought I could add addons and just to a reloadui to get access to the new ones..
22:34.25AnduinLotharno, cant any more
22:34.28ToastTheifthey changed that
22:34.39Nomad_Wandererthought i went a little nutty there
22:34.51Nomad_Wandererhow far "out" do I have to go?
22:34.57AnduinLotharexit game
22:36.50TainWoo go 8500k upload speed.
22:37.01Industrialjust made some documentation, might need a hand on the ideas...
22:37.07AmicesterYou can change realm.
22:37.19Industrialideas ideas, ideas for my unit frames
22:37.23TainYeah, click Change Realm and go right back to your realm.
22:37.24AnduinLotharu can?
22:37.26AmicesterI've had it reload tocs without going all the way out.
22:37.33AnduinLotharah, good to know
22:37.49futrtrublvery good to know
22:37.56Nomad_WandererWow. Fire looks slick
22:37.58AmicesterThat also gets around the current thing about the addon disappearing when you logout.
22:38.07AmicesterLike it only displays on first login, or on change realm.
22:38.17AnduinLothari never use that button anymore
22:38.17Amicesterbut Slouken said he has fixed that.
22:38.28AnduinLotharjust toggle um ingame
22:38.34AmicesterI do, just to verify that my toc is loaded =P
22:38.47AnduinLotharthat works :)
22:39.03Industrial<industrial:attention-whore topic="unit frames" url="" />
22:39.16AnduinLotharcant test opt deps that way can u?
22:39.52Nomad_WandererHmm... When I dumped my Items Table, some ['s didn't show, while others did.
22:39.55AmicesterProblably not opt deps.
22:40.02Amicesterthe addon screen doesn't check opt deps. just deps
22:40.07AmicesterI think.
22:40.12AnduinLothar;) just being contrary
22:40.24AmicesterDoes anything check opt deps? =P
22:40.30AnduinLotharloading does
22:40.35AmicesterI've never used opt deps.
22:40.40AmicesterOh wait yeah I do.
22:40.46AnduinLotharur missing out
22:40.51Nomad_WandererIs there anything wrong with this format? it's hand built..
22:40.52Nomad_WandererItems = {
22:40.54Nomad_Wanderer["Aged Core Leather Gloves"] = { ["Rogue"]=1,},
22:40.55Nomad_Wanderer["Ancient Petrified Leaf"] = { ["Hunter"]=1,},
22:40.57Nomad_Wanderer["Aurastone Hammer"] = { ["Priest"]=1,["Druid"]=1,["Paladin"]=1,},
22:40.57AnduinLotharit's fun getting load loops
22:40.59Nomad_Wanderer["Azuresong Mageblade"] = { ["Paladin"]=1,["Mage"]=1,["Warlock"]=1,},
22:41.06ToastTheifPASTE BIN, hurrrrrrrrrry
22:41.08AmicesterNo I've never used opt deps =P
22:41.14ToastTheifb4 Ker sees!
22:41.16Amicesternone of my stuff is integrated.
22:41.23AnduinLothar["Aged Core Leather Gloves"] = { Rogue=1,},  etc is identical
22:41.29Nomad_WandererWhats pastebin
22:41.32AmicesterYou have a trailing command?
22:41.51AnduinLothar["Aged Core Leather Gloves"] = { Rogue=1} *
22:42.06AmicesterDoes that matter?
22:42.13AmicesterI've never done it I don't think.
22:42.14Nomad_WandererThere shouldn't be commas between the items?
22:42.15AnduinLotharsingle word strings can be simply stated was the intent
22:42.44AnduinLothar["Aged Core Leather Gloves"] = {Rogue=1},
22:42.49AmicesterRogue as opposed to ["Rogue"]
22:42.57Amicestersince its a single word no space or special
22:43.07AmicesterI guess I never thought about that.
22:43.11AmicesterI always " it =P
22:43.16AmicesterI guess maybe just for readability to me.
22:43.17Nomad_WandererDoes ["Rogue"] matter? Could that be it?
22:43.22AnduinLotharw/e is easier for your to read
22:43.24AmicesterI've never seen []'s
22:43.42AmicesterSo I'm not sure what that means, heh.
22:43.42AnduinLothareither of the 3 ways works
22:43.52Industrial*attention whore, me me memememememem*
22:44.03Industrialno offense tho
22:44.08AmicesterSo I'm going to guess the error is the trailing comma?
22:44.13Nomad_Wandererpurl, some dude?
22:44.34Nomad_WandererYep, Purl didn't know him either
22:44.38futrtrubland make sure it's ["Aged Core Leather Gloves"] = { ["Rogue"]=1}, not ["Aged Core Leather Gloves"] = { ["Rogue"]=1,},  (remove a comma)
22:44.49AmicesterDump me your url =P
22:44.58AnduinLotharcomma dont matter
22:45.13AnduinLotharlua reads both ways, ignores followign commas
22:45.17AmicesterThats what I figured.
22:45.30AmicesterI never include them, but lua is pretty ... lenient.
22:45.37AmicesterIt just assumes next, its nil, skip it.
22:45.39Nomad_Wandererlenient :)
22:45.41AnduinLotharin the manual it says u can leave it for auto-generated code simplicity
22:46.05AnduinLothar;) yes, i read parts of the manual
22:46.15AmicesterI only reference the manual.
22:46.19AmicesterI never sat down and read it =P
22:46.19AnduinLothari have it bookmarked
22:46.30AnduinLothari did when i started 10 months ago
22:46.37AmicesterIndustrial: What am I looking at?
22:46.48Industrialidea for unit frames
22:46.49AnduinLotharlike i read all the table and string and number pages
22:47.08AnduinLotharand function page
22:47.30AnduinLotharvar = function(arg1) blah ed ftw
22:48.06AmicesterIndustrial: The Idea looks sound.
22:48.16purlfrom memory, function is in which file ?
22:48.16AnduinLotharwhat kind of comments are u looking for?
22:48.45Industrialwell, wether to include/exclude stuff (sex for example)
22:48.57Industrialand wich race/class gets colored what color :>
22:49.09AmicesterEh. Well if you want opinion. What I do is, include stuff, and just make an option to turn it off =P
22:49.10AnduinLothari was gonna do sex and race in arch but never bothered
22:49.30AmicesterLots of times I include things and disable them by default.
22:49.36AnduinLotharcouldn't get a good male/female sign made
22:49.48Nomad_WandererUm, does that matter tho?
22:49.49TainI don't think sex is important at all.  ... as a display item in game.
22:49.50AnduinLotharspeaking of which... where's vynn
22:49.59AmicesterThat depends.
22:50.04AmicesterFor me I don't use portraits.
22:50.04TainI don't think Race is important either, BUT I think other people would.
22:50.10AmicesterSo sex to me would be a neat thing to turn on.
22:50.12AmicesterI never thought about it really.
22:50.16AnduinLothari use class portraits atm
22:50.23AmicesterSometimes a troll name of "Barijda" comes across kind of neutral
22:50.25TainYes, sex is a neat turn on, you are right.
22:50.32Amicesterand without a portrait its tough.
22:50.54Industrialyou wouldnt want to /whistle a tauren o_O
22:51.01TainFor unit frames I say include every possible option and just let people turn them on or off.
22:51.06AnduinLotharcan usually get sex and race from portrait easily
22:51.10TainThat's what I look for at least.  That's why I like WatchDog.
22:51.21IndustrialTain: k
22:51.23TainLots of options, and lots of options of how to place the information you want.
22:51.24Amicesteryeah people are picky with unitframes.
22:51.26AnduinLotharthat's why arch has 100 options :/
22:51.31AmicesterI usually grab something I like, and just modify it to my taste.
22:51.42Industrialill include a switch to switch between those little class/race icons and 3 letter text
22:51.52TainThat's what I've been doing with unitframes lately, Amicester.
22:52.05Industrialthis i like
22:52.09Industrialits going to be like that
22:52.14Industrialjsut with extra info
22:52.17Industrialand bars
22:52.18TainWhat, no gui config!  ;)
22:52.31Industrialhah, config.. who needs config
22:52.41AnduinLotharstarted with a few options, people wanted more, so i split um up and added more, then people got confused to i renamed and catigorized, they then couldn't ever find the options they were lookign for, so i made 6 preset buttons
22:52.43AmicesterNo gui config is fine.
22:52.44AmicesterBut ...
22:52.51Amicesterplease parse parameters on a single command
22:52.57Amicesterand don't make 500 separate commands.
22:53.09Industrialhah lol i will smack anyone that does
22:53.15TainBetter include parsebyname. ;)
22:53.20AnduinLotharif u dont want to write gui i highly recommend mcom
22:53.37AnduinLotharit auto generates most of the code for you
22:53.57TainIf you don't have a lot of options in an addon I don't mind single toggle switches.
22:54.10Nomad_WandererAny reason why when I dump that item table I showed you some of the square braces are there for some items, and some of the squre braces are NOT?
22:54.17Nomad_WandererIt's for the whole item..
22:54.21AnduinLotharlike feedback, toggles, a help screen, optional gui options for khaos..
22:54.39Nomad_WandererI.e. Seal of the archmagus has braces, but Deathbringer doesn't..
22:54.41Industrialhmm, i need 3 letters for each class :>
22:54.50StylpeNomad_Wanderer: Spaces?
22:54.59AnduinLotharno u dont, only if u start with the same letter
22:55.21IndustrialAnduinLothar: ?
22:55.22Nomad_WandererI don't think it's spaces.. Cause it's also inconsistently happening with The class names too.
22:55.26shouryuuim off
22:55.31*** part/#wowi-lounge shouryuu (
22:56.38AmicesterIts a tab.
22:56.48AnduinLotharY=Pally )yes i know it's not in paladin), K=Warlock
22:57.04Industrialmeh :|
22:57.05AmicesterWait a minute, what?
22:57.09AmicesterThats the most confusing thing I've ever seen.
22:57.10TainThe 3 letters could be good for easy identification though.
22:57.11IndustrialAmicester: the classes
22:57.25TainPeople will know instantly War, Rog, Pal, etc.
22:57.25AnduinLotharpics are er
22:57.32AnduinLotharpics are better
22:57.39Industrialhow do i get pics
22:57.42Nomad_WandererLittle Icons
22:57.45futrtrublit's because Paladins are of the lYght you see
22:57.45Industriali need those pics form the char creation thing
22:57.49AnduinLotharfeel free to steal the ones i made/edited from arch
22:57.50Industrialthe icons yea
22:57.57Nomad_WandererIt could even be weapons
22:58.02IndustrialAnduinLothar: where? >:)
22:58.10AmicesterAren't there already class images you can use?
22:58.16AnduinLotharArch has Class Icons and CLass portraits (optional)
22:58.19TainIndustrial: Have you used Warcraft Studio?  You can look at the images inside the MPQs and just reference those.
22:58.36IndustrialTain: o? :) url
22:58.48Cairor you can snag the ones from WoWI
22:59.04Cairthe avatars are the various class icons etc
22:59.31TainI've only looked at MyWarCraftStudio, I downloaded it a long time ago from curse.
23:00.00Cairall there, indu
23:00.22TainPersonally (in my opinion only!) I'd do HNT.  :)
23:01.23Nomad_Wandererpurl, 404?
23:01.25purlextra, extra, read all about it, 404 is not found
23:01.25Cairall ten racial crests, 24 of races, 9 classes, 10 professions
23:01.37TainDarnit I hate when I try to open a url and it reuses a window I didn't want it to use.
23:01.57Nomad_WandererLooks like a DNS issue
23:02.02AnduinLothartry again
23:02.12Cairnadda Karl
23:02.41Tain~8ball Will my roommate give in and go get take out so I don't have to?
23:02.43purlI'm sure of it.
23:04.12AnduinLotharif u want them already in tga grab um from the arch zip:
23:04.27Nomad_Wandererdo I have to put quotes in the key names?  Instead of ["Flamewaker Legplates"] = { ["Warrior"]=1}, can I write [Flamewaker Legplates] = { [Warrior]=1},
23:04.46Cideeither ["Key"] = 1 or Key = 1
23:04.53AnduinLotharnot with spaces
23:05.04AnduinLotharand not in []
23:05.04Nomad_WandererIf it has spaces, you have to have quotes?
23:05.20AnduinLotharand if u have quotes u need []
23:05.43AnduinLotharbut if u dont have "" dont use []
23:05.57Nomad_WandererInteresting.. I'll pull them from the class names then
23:05.58AnduinLotharor use both
23:05.58CideI always use [] so it's consistant
23:06.11Cide["Key"] = value
23:06.11AnduinLotharright, personal prefrence
23:06.14Nomad_WandererHmm. should I ?
23:06.24AnduinLotharif u think it makes it easier to read
23:06.26Cideit's easier for me to remembe
23:06.40StylpeHey, are there any other timer mods besides Timex and Chronos?
23:06.44AnduinLotharit's just syntactic candy
23:06.54AnduinLotharwhy do u need another?
23:07.01AnduinLothar(not that i know of)
23:07.17StylpeI just got a mad idea to make KeepItCool support more than one timer library =P
23:07.29StylpeSo that you'd have a choice
23:07.35StylpeShouldn't be too hard
23:07.50AnduinLotharno, it wouldn't be problem is if u want to require it
23:08.01AnduinLotharcant use both in req
23:08.19AnduinLotharif both on opt u cant guerentee either's there
23:08.33AnduinLotharso u have to spit an error ingame
23:08.39AnduinLotharif u cant find one
23:08.58AnduinLotharand then dissable ur addon prolly
23:09.50AnduinLothari was actually thinkign about doing that with Ace Sea hooks
23:10.05AnduinLotharbut decided just to make Sea embeddable
23:10.31AnduinLotharrequired-optional dependancy
23:10.42AnduinLotharshould ask slouken for it
23:11.08AnduinLothar##reqdep: (Timex, Chronos)
23:11.14TainThat's not a bad idea.  Require X or Y or Z
23:11.28AnduinLotharor ##reqdep: Timex or Chronos, other addon
23:11.37StylpeI'd suggest "Ace, Timex OR Chronos"
23:11.41StylpeRight =)
23:11.58AnduinLotharcomma is more linguisticly ambivalent tho
23:12.09AnduinLotharthe lua is more an english deriv
23:12.19StylpeBut comma in this case means 'and'
23:12.21AnduinLotharas most lang's are
23:12.26Stylpe*already means
23:12.41TainIt shouldn't need to say Ace and Timex though, if you have Timex it's already going to show as lacking a dependancy without Ace.
23:12.44Industrialah ha!
23:12.44AnduinLotharright, u could just make it a space
23:12.45Industrial<Texture name="$parent_ClassTexture" file="Interface\Glues\CharacterCreate\UI-CharacterCreate-Classes"><Size><AbsDimension x="22" y="22"/></Size>
23:12.51Industrialthanks nymbias perl unit frames
23:12.59StylpeTain: KIC needs Ace =P
23:13.03AnduinLothar##reqdep: Timex Chronos, other addon
23:13.15TainI see what you're saying!
23:13.30Industrialim so going to be ripping xml from perl
23:13.35TainScrew it, we need regex matching in Dependancies.
23:13.36Industriale.g. these things
23:13.39StylpeAnduinLothar: What if there's a mod called 'Timex Chronos' then? =P
23:13.40TainThat's tehw ay to do it, Industrial.
23:13.55AnduinLotharcant have space?
23:13.55TainThen someone's just out to screw with you, Stylpe. :)
23:14.10Nomad_WandererIs it possible to dump variables using /dump?  I can dump tables just fine, but not a single variable..
23:14.13Industrialwell then, its time for me to go. work at 9 *sigh*
23:14.21AnduinLotharaddon file names cant have spaces, can they?
23:14.33Nomad_Wandererwait a minute
23:14.48Nomad_WandererVariables in for loops, only survive for the life of the for?
23:15.00Nomad_Wandererthats it.. two hours for a stupid error! argh
23:15.09Industriallocal ones
23:15.11Industrialthat is
23:15.20AnduinLotharthe ones in the for declaration
23:15.24Industrialya ok
23:15.33Nomad_Wandereras in for color, item, ItemName in string.gfind(arg1, "|c(%x+)|Hitem:(%d+:%d+:%d+:%d+)|h%[(.-)%]|h|r") do
23:15.34AnduinLotharfor key, value in table do
23:15.48AnduinLotharkey and value are derefrenced after the for loop
23:15.52Nomad_Wandererhehehehe (Maniacal crazy laughter)
23:15.53AnduinLotharscoping ftw
23:16.00Nomad_Wandererscoping FTL :)
23:16.05Industrialscoping ftw
23:16.13AnduinLothari spent all last night fighting with scoping
23:16.14StylpeNomad_Wanderer ftl >:)
23:16.19TainScooping for the ice cream.
23:16.24AnduinLotharonly to discover it was a hidden character..
23:19.33AnduinLotharplease someone tell me there's a lua capitolization function that works on latin special characters and chinese characters...
23:20.55Osagasuwell, chinese characters are ideas, not letters as we think of them
23:21.26AnduinLothardoes chinese even have capitolization?
23:21.36OsagasuI don't know if they do
23:21.47AnduinLotharor do i have to use my func and detect chinese and disable it
23:23.03Nomad_WandererHmm. for this table: Items = { ["Aurastone Hammer"] = { ["Priest"]=1,["Druid"]=1,["Paladin"]=1} } , could I use this? if (Items[name].class~=nil) then (where class is a variable)
23:23.32Osagasu <--- O.o
23:23.37Nomad_Wandereror would it be Items[name].[class]?
23:23.38AnduinLotharif class is a var it needs to be Items[name][class]
23:24.01Nomad_WandererBut isn't that 2d?
23:24.08Osagasulooks like something Cide would put in as an easter in CTRA
23:24.19Cideput what in?
23:24.27AnduinLothar2d? you already made it 2d
23:24.38Cideyeah, /rarly is in
23:24.45Nomad_WandererClass isn't in the same dimension as the Item name tho
23:25.22AnduinLotharItems[name] is a table
23:25.37AnduinLotharu index tables with [var] or .string
23:25.59Nomad_WandererReally? so Items["Paladin Hammer of Justice"]["Paladin"] would work for the above table?
23:26.17Nomad_WandererWeird.. Ok.
23:26.41AnduinLotharif (Items[name][class]) then blah end
23:27.57AnduinLotharw/o an opperator in the if statement it assumes (var~=nil) and (var~=false)
23:31.04Cidenight everyone
23:31.09AnduinLotharnight cide
23:31.30Cairnight Cide
23:31.39AnduinLotharis there any way to have table.insert return the index it just inserted at?
23:33.17Nomad_Wandererwouldn't that be Table.getn-1?
23:33.50AnduinLothargetn would work yes, just wondering if i can declare and set variable in same line
23:34.04cladhairehook table.insert =)
23:34.19AnduinLotharright, but it doesn't return the index it used
23:34.48AnduinLotharbesides, i cant hook it from the hook function unless i do it manually :P
23:34.54cladhaireno it doesn't
23:35.05cladhairesure you can.. use an anonymous function -)
23:35.25AnduinLotharthen i'm still calling getn...
23:35.29cladhaireyep =)
23:35.35AnduinLotharsame length.
23:35.44AnduinLothari dont care about linage, just efficiency
23:35.47cladhaire*nod*.. but it would return the index it inserted at =)
23:36.03AnduinLotharforget i asked
23:36.16AnduinLotharGO DEMAND IT FROM LUA!
23:36.21cladhairek k brb
23:36.46AnduinLotharjust wanted to condense this:
23:36.48AnduinLotharif (this) and (this:GetName()) then
23:36.48AnduinLotharSea.util.Hooks[orig][hooktype][table.getn(Sea.util.Hooks[orig][hooktype])..""] = this:GetName();
23:36.49AnduinLotharSea.util.Hooks[orig][hooktype][table.getn(Sea.util.Hooks[orig][hooktype])..""] = 'unknown';
23:37.12AnduinLotharpretty ugly :/
23:37.14cladhaireaye.. it defeintely has practical purposes
23:37.18AnduinLotharevil trick too ;)
23:37.23cladhairebut.. there's no way to do it without hurting table.insert
23:37.40cladhaireconsidering any old joe can throw off the sequence of a table.. and then getn has bad data
23:37.51cladhairehence why LUA left it out.
23:38.19AnduinLotharwell u would only return it if u didn't specify ur own index
23:38.28cladhaireNo, you're misunderstanding
23:39.03cladhaireSince you can mix keyed and non-keyed values and LUA gets thrown off on occasion (based on how you insert elements) table.insert wouldn't ever know whether getn() was valid information or not.
23:39.16cladhaireits the whole mixing table.insert with table[key] = value nonsense
23:39.19AnduinLotharno, i understand what u mean. i just want a way to know what it picks to set the value to
23:39.43AnduinLotharit will use getn+1
23:39.54AnduinLotharand then setn to that #
23:39.57cladhaire*nod* that makes sense, so we should be safe to return it.
23:40.51AnduinLotharso i can easily get the number... but it has it already, no need to call getn again if the func can just return it at no cost
23:41.14cladhairetrue.. but you won't get that in WOW land without a hook =(
23:41.28cladhaireor at least a wrapper =)
23:41.32AnduinLothari'll just getn myself and pass it
23:42.50AnduinLotharu like my evil trick of overloading the table with alternate info w/o a table tho
23:43.18AnduinLotharby concatting the indexed key to a string
23:43.29AnduinLotharwhich doesn't update setn
23:43.43AnduinLothar;) can do that with any number of spaces too
23:45.53AnduinLothar{1="hi", ["1"]="bye"} getn==1
23:46.13cladhaire*nod* but to what end?
23:46.26AnduinLotharto preserve reverse compatibility
23:46.43AnduinLotharand insert the name of the defining frame for debug
23:47.03cladhairei've just never seen a need for something like that.. lol
23:47.15AnduinLothargg embedding
23:47.41AnduinLotharaddons can call the old func before the new lib is loaded
23:47.51AnduinLotharand it preserves the database
23:48.06AnduinLotharthe old ones just wont have the extra data
23:49.05AnduinLotharu have no idea how hard it is to optimize and preserve RC .... O.o
23:49.12AnduinLothardriving me crazy
23:49.47AnduinLotharsometimes u just have to trow debug and make the authors update
23:51.17rallionI was going to work on stuff today...and then, I didn't
23:52.09cladhairei agree.. i feel like crap and i'm on call
23:52.15cladhaireso much coding to get done tho =(
23:56.23cladhaireWere you going to send the hook code over?  i'll probably have a chance to look at it tomorrow at work
23:56.46AnduinLotharya, sry still making changes, lol
23:57.05AnduinLotharill send it before tomorrow
23:57.40AnduinLothari love drinking out of the carton..
23:57.49AnduinLotharand 2-liter
23:58.32AnduinLotharwish i'd made an addon to time how much time ingame i'm not actually doing anything but coding
23:58.57AnduinLotharmaybe count the number of times i use each slash command..
23:59.03cladhaireHahah that would be nice
23:59.06AnduinLotharthat'd be kinda cool actually
23:59.22AnduinLothari'll add it to my todo list O.o

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