irclog2html for #wowi-lounge on 20051117

00:00.07Stylpe~emulate Shouryuu
00:00.08purlhehe. im shouryuu. hi. hehe. shouryuu
00:00.08ShouryuuLes pleures de mon coeur resonnent de douleur
00:00.20Shouryuuet souvent je l'entends lentement gemissant
00:00.30Shouryuudes cris de melancolie, ces cris incessant
00:00.31Stylpe~emulate Shouryuu
00:00.33purlI;m a loser
00:00.40Shouryuuqui craquent mon crane, le fele avec ardeur
00:00.51ShouryuuPuis mon sang se repands sur mes joues innocentes
00:00.57Tain~x fr en  qui craquent mon crane, le fele avec ardeur
00:01.06Shouryuuthat's off
00:01.16TainThta's awesome
00:01.22Tain~x fr en Puis mon sang se repands sur mes joues innocentes
00:01.30Shouryuuqui irrigue mon corps du desir incessant
00:01.40Shouryuud'enfin etre l'amant, de cette femme que j'aime
00:01.41Tain~x fr en qui irrigue mon corps du desir incessant
00:01.49Tain~fr en  d'enfin etre l'amant, de cette femme que j'aime
00:01.56ShouryuuLes echos de mes pleures, ecorchent mon coeur
00:02.03Tain~fr en  d'enfin etre l'amant, de cette femme que j'aime
00:02.04Shouryuuqui craque a chaque cris que gemit cette plus
00:02.14Shouryuupuis ma flamme se meurs, plus jamais ne s'allume
00:02.14Tain~x fr en  d'enfin etre l'amant, de cette femme que j'aime
00:02.17Shouryuuce n'est qu
00:02.29Tain~x fr en puis ma flamme se meurs, plus jamais ne s'allume
00:02.30Shouryuuune bougie qui rechauffe mon coeur
00:02.43Tain~x fr en une bougie qui rechauffe mon coeur
00:02.54Shouryuuet rejouis mon ame au projet d;etre vivant
00:02.59Shouryuuthat's one shit translation
00:03.10TainI like the irrigating your body
00:03.18Cairokay boys, ya'll are weird, give it a rest :p
00:03.29TainAlready did!  :D
00:03.32Shouryuumemories memories
00:03.45TainAll alone in the moonlight?
00:04.08Shouryuufar worst
00:04.12Shouryuuthan being alone
00:04.23TainWe're losing him
00:04.27ShouryuuSorry guys
00:05.07ShouryuuI'm just
00:05.07Shouryuuoff to bed
00:05.07Shouryuusee ya
00:05.07Shouryuusome time
00:05.07Cairnight Shouryuu
00:05.35TainHow are you feeling, Cair?
00:05.48CairBetter, I think ... hope ...
00:06.56StylpeWhat happened to you anyways?
00:07.08Tainthey turned her into a newt!
00:07.14CairI got betta!
00:07.34kergothyay, betta
00:07.48Cairbetter, you morons :p
00:07.58TainI'm not a mormon!
00:10.11Cairno, you're a weirdo
00:10.33TainI'm just drawn that way.
00:10.35StylpeAnd I'm hungry! brb
00:13.40Cairwb kremonte
00:13.53Guillotinewait a minute- when i hide a frame, does it become nil or is it just graphically hidden?
00:13.54kremontethanks :3
00:14.00kergothits just graphically hidden
00:14.12Guillotinethen why cant i access it to Show();?
00:14.13kremonteif it was nil you wouldnt be able to show it =O
00:14.19Guillotineand i cant show it
00:14.29Guillotineonce its hidden, its acting like nil
00:14.31kergothyou can, unless you're doing something else wrong
00:14.43Guillotinei do AmmoAlertFrame:Hide();
00:14.47Guillotineand its hidden
00:15.11kremonteif(AmmoAlertFrame == nil) then error("it's nil!") end?
00:15.19kremontei'm a dummy, but i can try ^_^
00:15.21Guillotinethen when i do AmmoAlertFrame:Show(); it says "attempt to index global AmmoAlertFrame (a nil)
00:19.20Guillotineits saying its nil even when its showing...
00:19.22Guillotineor was it netsplit?
00:19.23purlextra, extra, read all about it, netsplit is something that happens when two IRC servers lose their link, thus isolating the users on every side from each other.  a normal part of ALL irc networks, despite what some people bitching about larger networks may seem to think, or an orchestra of poips and thwoops, or something which occurs frequently on OPN
00:19.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Nulkris ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
00:19.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Stylpe ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
00:19.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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00:19.25Guillotinewoohoo! netsplit!
00:20.52TemWhat just happened?
00:20.53purlrumour has it, netsplit is something that happens when two IRC servers lose their link, thus isolating the users on every side from each other.  a normal part of ALL irc networks, despite what some people bitching about larger networks may seem to think, or an orchestra of poips and thwoops, or something which occurs frequently on OPN
00:20.53CairThat's what just happened, Tem
00:20.54GuillotineGODDAMMIT! theres my problem. its name is AmmoAlertForm, not AmmoAlertFrame...
00:20.54Guillotinethats the bug thats been causing all these problems for the past 1.5 hours
00:20.54Temlol Guillotine
00:20.54Temthat sucks
00:20.54TemI'm having a very strange issue myself
00:22.37TemI have a button that seems to be ignoring my attempts to set it's text
00:22.37TainHow are you setting it?
00:22.37Cair*fixes Tem's statement* "I am a very strange issue myself*
00:22.37TemWell I've tried Button:SetText
00:22.37TemI've tried directly setting it in the XML
00:22.38Temvial text="sometext"
00:22.38Tainis it an ActionButton?
00:22.38Temjust a button
00:22.38TainA button you created?
00:22.38TemI've tried giving the fontstring in it a name and FontString:SetText
00:22.38TainDoes it hurt when you pee?
00:22.38Temthat one gave me a "font not set" error
00:23.08GuillotineTain- thats if you have spinach
00:24.29kergoththe yatlas guy needs to add party/raid blips
00:24.41Guillotinekergoth: dont think its possible
00:24.45Guillotineyou cant get coords in instances
00:24.47StylpeWhat Guillotine said
00:25.01kergothi didnt say atlas
00:25.05kergothyatlas doesnt even have instance maps yet
00:26.07Guillotinewhats yatlas?
00:26.18StylpeOh, that looks hella cool!
00:26.21Guillotinei thought it was a typo...
00:26.41TemAnyone on my button issues?
00:27.42Guillotineyatlas looks sweet
00:27.51Guillotineand he says the backend is in for party/raid positions
00:27.55GuillotineTem: no idea. sry
00:28.25Guillotinewait, have you tried Button:SetValue("somethng");?
00:29.28TemI didn't know buttons had that
00:30.01kergothyatlas is really nice, and getting better
00:30.04IrielHm, did I miss anything fun?
00:30.11Temyeah they don't have that method guilllo
00:30.18TemIriel, perhaps you can help
00:30.22Guillotineo. nm
00:30.33Temis there anything wrong with that button?
00:30.43Temit's ignoring all my attempts at setting it's text
00:31.17TainI think you do need a fontstring still in the xml.
00:31.43TainI know the way we did it with Visor buttons was:
00:31.45TemI have 4 other buttons defined in almost the exact same way and they aren't having issues
00:32.18IrielDo your other buttons inherit from a template with a FontString?
00:32.40TemAnd it's been my understanding that NormalText is a "derivative" of FontString
00:32.47Tem is my button Iriel
00:33.07IrielI see THIS one, but you said you have othr ones that are 'almost the exact same'
00:33.39TemI'll post more of the context
00:35.33TemSubClass, Quantity, and Type are working perfectly
00:35.42Temonly Name is misbehaving
00:35.55IrielAnd how is it misbehaving (Sorry I wasn't here earlier)
00:36.13IrielYou typoed the font name
00:36.14IrielThat's all
00:36.16IrielYou're missing an l
00:36.18Irielat the end
00:36.19kergothhmm, wonder if thisterhall knows about this aceperl bug
00:36.30Guillotine<3 iriel
00:36.56IrielI wonder if that shows up in the FrameXML.log
00:37.15Temlol thanks
00:37.49TemIt probably does
00:38.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (
00:39.02Temflood disconnects are fun
00:40.12TemHow many of those reached you guys before I disconnected?
00:40.28Cairlol thanks
00:40.31Cairit probably does
00:40.36Cairthen you poofed
00:40.47Temwelll... the one line version
00:41.01Tem11/16 18:16:34.328  Couldn't find inherited node: GameFontNormalSmal
00:41.12TemThere was about 19 more
00:41.26Guillotinewtf. someone just walked up to me on WoW and handed me 5g for no reason...
00:41.36Temdont complain
00:42.01TainOh that was mine, I lost it.  Can you give it back?
00:42.36IrielWhile I was driving back from the store there was a story on NPR (Marketplace) about virtual economies
00:42.39Guillotinelol. this person is handing 5g to everyone they see...
00:43.17IrielThey were talking about EQ at the moment I left tho, didn't get to WoW (Though there was a story about the WoW 'Plague' some weeks ago)
00:43.44AnduinLotharanyone wanna write a summary for my TellTrack page?
00:43.56AnduinLotharIt's been a one line summery for like 10 months..
00:44.09Guillotinesure "tell track tracks tells"
00:44.19Guillotineoh ya. and it stores whispers too
00:44.20AnduinLotharit's actually longer than that atm
00:44.22IrielAdd 'and it hasn't changed much' after that? 8-)
00:44.48AnduinLotharit has, actually. i'm assuming that was sarcasm
00:45.23Irielsomewhat, I was trying to come up with appropriate filler - if a one line description has been good enough for 10 months 8-)
00:46.14AnduinLotharwell the latest revision has only had a few hundred downloads, i was thinking maybe something a little more descriptive and some screenshots would make it more apatizing to the newb
00:46.20TainNow with less fat?
00:46.39Irieland the great taste of beef?
00:46.57Cairmmmm, beef
00:47.00*** join/#wowi-lounge ToastTheif (
00:47.06Cairwb ToastTheif
00:47.06TemWow TRADE_SKILL_UPDATE fires all the #$@%ing time
00:47.12AnduinLotharnot helping..
00:47.32ToastTheifDoes anyone know if there are .m4a codecs for windows media player or musicmatch?
00:47.54IrielOkay... AnduinL. Imagine that someone has just sent you an email asking you what your addon DOES.. Write the reply, then post THAT.
00:47.55Guillotinesomeone does know
00:48.08ToastTheifdoes anyone *here* know?
00:48.26IrielI dont, Windows is the devil, and all that.
00:49.08AnduinLothari know _I_ could write it... I wanted _someone else_ to write it
00:49.31TainThere are m4a for windows media player.
00:49.32IrielAh, so you're fighting laziness rather than writers' block?
00:49.36Temwtb on the fly image creation for WoW
00:49.48TainI don't know where.  But there are.
00:49.49AnduinLotharwinamp plays m4a but they're right windows sucks. buy a mac
00:49.52TemI *hate* making texture
00:52.05ToastTheifwell google hasen't revealed anytihng yet
00:52.21ToastTheifI would buy a mac if I had
00:52.22Guillotineok guys, for everyone who plays hunters, when would you want an addon to remind you to buy arrows?
00:52.33TainConfigurable when you tell it to.
00:52.38TainAt x arrows/bullets.
00:52.49Guillotinei have it do that
00:52.50ToastTheifI don't need an addon to tell me to buy bullets/arrows
00:52.54ToastTheifI always remember lol
00:52.55Guillotinebut also it should remind you when you enter a city or anything
00:53.06Guillotineim thinking of having it remind you before you take a flight path
00:53.18Guillotineif you dont have enough
00:53.19TainEntering a city, visiting a vendor
00:53.23AnduinLotharit wouldn't be worth spending money on if you could afford it, duh
00:53.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Malivil (
00:53.40Guillotineok. is there an event for entering a city though?
00:53.48Malivilzone change...
00:53.51Guillotineor just zone change?
00:53.52Malivilnot city-specific
00:54.01Guillotineproblem is zone change doesnt have any args
00:54.06Guillotineso i cant tell wether its entering STV or IF
00:54.13Guillotinenm. i could just check the zone. duh
00:54.14AnduinLotharthere's localizations for the city names in Sky
00:54.25AnduinLotharor the wiki
00:54.39TainThen you have to list out all the cities you're going to check somewhere.
00:54.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Parak (
00:54.44Guillotineim not localizing my addon. someone wants to, THEY can localize it
00:54.48Malivilthere's only 6
00:54.58AnduinLotharif it's readily availible, why not
00:55.09AnduinLotharjust cut and paste 3 or 4 tables
00:55.09Malivilwhat do they want to do?
00:55.14IrielI'd want to be told when I'm thinking about leaving for a mission, but i'm not sure there's an API call to read my mind
00:55.20Guillotinei also want it to warn ppl when they enter any friendly town... can anyone think of any way to do that? short of compiling a list of every town with a vendor?
00:55.26TainThat's really not useful in my mind.  Only the 3 main cities?
00:55.28cladhaireAnyone intersted in making a CTRA lite .. just for parsing and displaying /rs messages and piggybacking on the channel?
00:55.37IrielI buy most of my ammo in Theramore
00:55.46IrielWhich is silly really, since there's no faction bonus there
00:55.51Irielbut that's where my hearthstone is
00:55.59AnduinLotharwhat for clad?
00:56.04AnduinLotharjust the channel comm?
00:56.27TainWell, I'd just say the most I'd see it personally is when actually visiting a vendor, and hitting a flightguy.
00:56.43Guillotineok. now is there any easy way to put up a confirm dialog?
00:56.46Irieland AFTER hearthing
00:56.59cladhaireAnduinLothar: Yeah basically..
00:57.02AnduinLotharI've actually been thinking of writing a RaidOptions that would just augment the bultin raid frames rather than making new ones. it might benifit from a companion addon to hijack the channels
00:57.07IrielUse the technique the standard confirm dialogs use, the UIParent managed ones
00:57.13MalivilI need to get that mod that adds a confirm, dialogue to the FPs
00:57.21cladhaireAnduinLothar: For teh /rs messages, perhaps the ready check, and for addons that already use CTRA as a comm channel
00:57.30Guillotineand what techinique is that Iriel?
00:57.30Malivilanyone know whatit's cakked
00:58.03AnduinLothari personally dont like the current ctra chat methods, but it would be useful to be compatible
00:58.17IrielStaticPopup_Show, even
00:59.17AnduinLotharI tried to suggest to cide an option to use the SkyRaid<LeaderName> channel standard, but he refused
00:59.22IrielLook in FrameXML\StaticPopup.lua
01:00.15AnduinLotharwhat exactly is sent in the /rs msgs?
01:00.19Guillotinetnx iriel
01:00.39*** part/#wowi-lounge Malivil (
01:01.28cladhaireAnduinLothar: Its just "MS Message..."
01:01.51cladhaireAnduinLothar: But i'd recreate CT_RA_ParseEvent, and the channel variable, etc.
01:02.24AnduinLotharright, but what does it send, for what purpose
01:02.33AnduinLothari know main tank is one thing..
01:02.36cladhaireThey're raid instructions from the promoted members
01:02.49cladhairedisplayed in teh UIErrors frame
01:04.48AnduinLotharok, i remember those. that it?
01:05.10AnduinLotharjust trying to piece it out, into what's useful and what hould go together
01:05.13cladhaireyeah its more of a personal thing tho.. i dont mind raids using it.. or even requiring it.. but i use XRaid.. and won't use anything else.. because everything else pales in comparison
01:05.29cladhaireit wouldn't really be useful for anyone but me.. unless it was made uber general and implemented a decent chunk of their comm package
01:05.30AnduinLotharwhat's so special about XRaid?
01:05.37cladhairejust teh way its written
01:05.47AnduinLotharhow so?
01:05.49cladhairehaven't seen a raid UI that looks as clean, and has such low overhead
01:06.12AnduinLotharok, so it's jsut go stuff u can get from the ui tho
01:06.34AnduinLotharand u want the non gui ctra things sepperate
01:07.17cladhairei'll probably work on it at some point.. its just a lot of addons use the ctrai channel to piggyback ..
01:07.35StylpeHey, do any of you know about any Messenger-type addons? (other than  WoW Instant Messenger)
01:07.43AnduinLotharok, that makes sence. but i dunno if i'm the one to write it. if i were gonna write it i'd write it from scratch with each function a diff addon, using sky
01:08.13cladhaire*nod*.. it was more of a general statement than a request
01:08.20cladhaireI'm capable of writing it.. i just need to get bored enough
01:09.11cladhaireAnduinLothar: Any particular reason you didn't make your IsUnitMounted an embedded library-type deal?  I didn't look to see what you used Chronos and Sea for tbh.. but I was curious-- given all the discussio going on, and the limited scope of the addon
01:09.18AnduinLothari got lots i want to do, but since my simple request was shot down by cide i was actually debating forking ctra, but starting over sounds better
01:09.32cladhaireWhat was you request?
01:09.56AnduinLotharI could make IsMounted Embedable easily, i just haven't because I'm generally against them in ideology
01:10.23AnduinLotharbut for something that specific and unlikely to be frequently updated it's a viable option
01:10.44cladhaireAnduinLothar: *nod* Understandable.  I happen to disagree (especially in this case) =)
01:10.51AnduinLotharbasicly a giant if statement wrapping the addon
01:11.13cladhaireI know I've shied away from download some addons because of dependency chains (not dependencies.. but the list of 4 you need to get it working) =)
01:11.25cladhairebut its all personal preference.
01:11.36AnduinLotharas for my request it was simply to add an option to have CTRA use the SkyRaid<LeaderName> as it's channel with an autojoin.
01:12.35AnduinLotharbasicly it would reduce the number of channels, promote standardization and you wouldn't have to announce them
01:12.57cladhaireBut it would require sky?
01:13.07AnduinLotharnot even optionally
01:13.11cladhaireJust changing the default you mean?
01:13.27cladhaireRather than have it be CTRAGuildName.. it would always be CTRaidLeaderName?
01:13.29AnduinLotharjust have it be a checkbox in ctra to use the same standard channel
01:13.32StylpeWould it interfere with Sky communication?
01:13.52AnduinLotharnot CTRaidLeaderName, SkyRaidLeaderName
01:14.07AnduinLotharso it would be auto-hidden if u had sky and also be on the same channel
01:14.17cladhaireAaaah... ok.
01:14.30AnduinLotharbut since the messages dont start with <Sky the sky addon would ignore them, but hide them
01:14.31cladhaireI didn't get what the Sky at the beginning would do-- didnkt know it hid all sky channels.
01:15.18AnduinLothari figured it'd be better for everyone, especially if it was default but u could still pick a diff channel name
01:15.39AnduinLotharthen it would also work for pickupraids
01:18.14OsagasuI don't see anyone actually using sky, even if they have it. Well, aside from the standard Sky channel
01:18.25StylpeAnduinLothar: How much do you know about Sky? I'm curious about how it works
01:19.12AnduinLotharI wrote half of it
01:19.22AnduinLotharmore than half
01:19.32Stylpeoh, good, now I know who to talk to =)
01:19.34TemI'm very interested in writing a comm library
01:19.43StylpeTem: Me too
01:19.44Guillotinewoohoo! i butchered flight paths! they are now unusable for me :/
01:19.44AnduinLotharsky IS a comm lib
01:19.55TemHopefully this one would not be pushed aside like Sky was
01:19.59TainYeah but Sky is old and busted.  We need a new hotness!
01:20.09AnduinLotharSky is neither
01:20.13AnduinLotharI rewrote it
01:20.15StylpeI think Sky has too much of a bad reputation =/
01:20.25AnduinLotharalex wrote it and over the summer i rewrote it
01:20.35StylpeThat's why I asked about it now, because I don't care about reputation
01:20.56AnduinLotharneither do i. in fact i usually side with the underdog
01:20.57StylpeHow big is it?
01:21.00Osagasunow all that needs to be done is for someone to rewrite Sea. :P
01:21.03TemEven if it's been rewritten for effiecient goodness, it has a pretty bad rep and isn't being used except by people who wrote it
01:21.15AnduinLotharya, i dont have the motivation to rewrite sea, but it could use it
01:21.43StylpeLet's rewrite it and call it Joker :D
01:22.09Stylpe(Sky, that is =P)
01:22.17TemI've got a "Satellite" in the works
01:22.19AnduinLotharmmm, CTA's adding optional sky support (which is kinda silly, but useful) and a few external addons used it but the authors have seemed to drop off the face of the earth
01:22.43Temmostly just a bare skeleton at the moment
01:23.04StylpeTem: I don't think it should have any reference to Sky at all
01:23.11TemWell it doesn't
01:23.17AnduinLotharsee.. that's no good
01:23.28TainOut with the old, in with the new!
01:23.31TemIt's name is a reference to what it does
01:23.44StylpeHmm, yeah, I guess
01:23.44Osagasuwill it be Ace? ;)
01:24.07Temwell, yes
01:24.13TainIs it bigger than a breadbox?
01:24.20TemI can't bring myself to write nonace addons anymore
01:24.22AnduinLothar... does no one see the point in improving existing addons rather than reinventign the wheel everytime u have a new idea..
01:24.27TemI'm so used to the structure
01:24.28OsagasuGoooo Tem
01:24.28kergothat times its necessary to scrape a codebase and start back from ground zero again.  just the nature of things.
01:24.43Temhehe I'm in the middle of my 4th rewrite of FilterTradeSkill
01:24.46kergothcode evolves, and it tends to collect cruft along the way
01:24.46StylpeAnduinLothar: That's why I wanted to ask you about Sky =)
01:24.47Temit needs it very badly
01:24.49TainYeah sometimes it's better to improve, sometimes it's better to start over.
01:24.52cladhaireAnduinLothar: There are some fundamental stylistic differences between Sky and Satellite
01:24.59OsagasuAnduin, a lot of times the person can't properly visualize the project without remaking it from scratch
01:25.34AnduinLothar... so ur just gonna throw reverse compatibility to the wind and make me rewite all the Sky addons?
01:25.50StylpeNo, I figured we could do it together :D
01:25.53TemI didn't say you had to do anything
01:26.37AnduinLotharok look, you're starting the seeds of 'you do what you want, i don't care'  if that's the direction you're gonna go i can't work with u
01:26.54TemAnd sometimes breaking backwards compatibility is the only way you can improve things
01:27.01StylpeAugh, it's happening again! Noone can hear me!
01:27.04Guillotinewoohoo! my addon works!
01:27.26Guillotinenow its time to make it pretty
01:28.14Guillotinenm. doesnt quite work yet
01:28.36AnduinLothari have no problem working with you to improve Sky, Sytlpe.  even rewrite portions... but I don't really want to abandon it. tho i agree it's reputation is regretable
01:28.45kergothcompatibility is well and good, but if the interface sucks, or if retaining compatibility results in a pile of extra code, it just isnt worthwhile
01:29.03AnduinLotharit would require neither kergoth
01:29.11IrielIt's reputation was somewhat deserved, though I believe it's much better now
01:29.11kergothnot saying thats the case here, just in general
01:29.26TemAnduinLothar: I hadn't really planned to make it compatible with sky
01:29.37AnduinLotharright, no one ever does
01:29.47Temdoing that seemed like it would create more problems than I had hoped to solve
01:29.53kergothif hardly any addons use it, retaining compatibility gains you nothing.
01:30.07kergothno offense, but thats how it is
01:30.15AnduinLotharok, hardly any addons YOU use..
01:30.32OsagasuI think I've seen 2 non-cosmos addons use it
01:30.48AnduinLotharand do u know how many cosmos addons use it?
01:31.06TemHowever, a compatibilty module could easily be made
01:31.12Osagasuhalf of them. but that's not the point.
01:31.16Temthat would be fairly easy to write I think
01:31.22AnduinLotharnot your point obviously
01:32.09AnduinLotharit is my point however. I think the ideology, if not the methodology, behind Sky is solid
01:32.42TemOh, I was wondering, does Sky have any throttling code?
01:32.49Temto prevent flood disconnects
01:33.15Osagasunot once you have 9 channels and can only afford one of those nifty Sky channels.
01:33.17AnduinLotharmail is throttled, alerts are not
01:33.48AnduinLotharOsagasu> thus why you need standardized channel names for specific purposes, which is what sky does
01:33.49TemI'm having trouble wrapping my brain around how to do because I'd like to avoid a timing addon dependency
01:33.54Guillotineguys, how do you make something happen when you change the value of a slider?
01:34.14AnduinLotharright tem, Sky reqs Chronos for good reason
01:34.38Guillotinei tried that but its not working
01:34.57AnduinLothardo you have the slider updating the value?
01:35.26Guillotineno. how do you do that?
01:35.33Osagasuthe problem is Anduin, that I have 4 seperate CHAT channels. not addon -made channels.
01:35.41Guillotinei was just doing AmmoAlert_LowValue = AmmoAlert_LowSlider:GetValue();
01:36.18AnduinLotharthat would be a limitation for any comm addon
01:36.32AnduinLotharand isn't sky specific
01:36.52Osagasumetinks Blizzard needs to allow more channels
01:37.02Guillotinewhat blizz needs is a real way for clients to communicate
01:37.06AnduinLotharthat's not an option, they dont liek channel comm
01:37.08Guillotineso we dont have to use chat channels
01:37.39AnduinLotharis your slider setting the value when u move it?
01:38.40Guillotinethats the problem
01:38.49Guillotineit isnt calling the function its supposed to with OnValueChanged
01:39.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Te1 (
01:39.18Guillotinewait- the Value is set to 1000. should it be a variable?
01:39.32Te1The only change I would make is combining the party and raid channels
01:40.47TemBecause I'd like to cut down on how many channels I hog
01:41.20Temyay fun
01:41.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Nulkris ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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01:41.21AnduinLotharwell then u have the issues of ArcanePartyBars. which only needs to be communicated to the party because having 40 people's casting bars is not useful
01:42.08TemWell it's pretty easy to determine what players are in your party and only pass on their messages to an addon that only want info from party members
01:42.08AnduinLotharthat's possible
01:42.08Guillotineheres the script for the one slider
01:42.21Guillotinewould you mind checking it?
01:43.15AnduinLotharit jsut means more filtering, but  it might be a reasonable change
01:43.35Temyou have to do lots of filtering anyway
01:43.43Temit seems like a trivial filter to add
01:44.06TemGuillotine: I don't think you get OnDragStop events
01:44.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Eraphine|Disco (
01:44.14AnduinLothardepends on whether i want to add that to sky or make the addons do it
01:44.20Guillotineok, but why isnt the OnValueChanged working?
01:44.27Guillotinewhy isnt the value changing when i move the slider?
01:44.31futrtrublfinally, BEB 0.6beta is finished.
01:45.32Guillotinenm. the value is changing, but OnValueChanged isn't being called
01:45.43TemIn my head the comm app should be in charge of ALL filtering
01:46.26TemIn satellite, an addon registers for messages from another addon by a unique id
01:46.30AnduinLotharbut i mean, do i need to pass that it's from a party member as an additional key in the table or allow them to check
01:46.41AnduinLotharsame with sky tem
01:46.55TemIn the registration you give where that info would be coming from
01:47.11Temie party member, raid member, guild member, anyone on the server, ect
01:47.19AnduinLothari think efficiently i don't need to check if it's apartymember since it passes the name of the sender already
01:48.19AnduinLotharso, ur using one global channel with a parser to have who it's from?
01:48.42TemI figured the global channel would be a needed evil, but should be avoided whenever possible
01:49.00TemI had 3 channels in my notes
01:49.04Tema global channel
01:49.13Tema guild channel, and a raid/party channel
01:49.43AnduinLotharright, sky has Sky (global), SkyParty, SkyRaid, SkyGuild and SkyZone
01:49.56AnduinLotharbut atm SkyZone isn't being used by anything
01:50.01AnduinLotharso it's never joined
01:50.12Temdump it altogether
01:51.05AnduinLotharif i use ur method of who it's from i could include that in the msg, the only problem is that means every msg needs to be shorter and the 255 char limit is something else we have to content with
01:51.20Guillotinewait a minute- do I have to do this:RegisterEvent("OnValueChanged")?
01:51.45Temyou only have to register for events that go the the "OnEvent" handler
01:51.45Guillotinethen why isnt it activating?
01:51.50Guillotinethats what i thought
01:52.17Guillotinei can confirm that the value is being changed, but OnValueChanged is not being called
01:52.44TemI have no idea
01:53.39TemAnduinLothar: there is no need to do that
01:53.47AnduinLothary not?
01:53.51Temthe sender is obvious in the chat_msg event
01:54.15AnduinLothari knwo that, i mean what channel he should be on by location
01:54.41AnduinLotharprobably could drop the zone and make anyone who wants to use the global Sky
01:54.43Temyou mean to eliminate the per zone channel?
01:55.12TemI can't think of a purpose for a perzone channel other than pvp
01:55.22AnduinLotharwhich was the intent
01:55.24Temand in that case I would say go with local defence
01:55.27kergothgods, i jsut tried to /shrug on irc
01:55.50AnduinLothark, but not useful for addon comm
01:55.52Tembut there are cases where you can't send your stuff over a user visible channel
01:55.54AnduinLotharonly for announcing
01:56.29Tem~emulate slouken
01:56.31purlACTION pokes some little piece of code.... "I wonder what this does?" ...fiddle fiddle.... *SNAP*
01:56.46Temit doesn't "Yarg!" anymore
01:56.54OsagasuI bloody deleted it
01:57.07Guillotinelets see...
01:57.11Guillotine~factinfo emulate slouken
01:57.11purlemulate slouken -- created by Osagasu <> 9h 8m 28s ago; it has been requested once, last by Tem, 40s ago.
01:57.23Guillotineno, you were the one who added it osagasu :P
01:57.27OsagasuI know
01:57.34TemExcuse me sir, you have some red on your hands
01:57.44OsagasuIts about to be YOUR BLOOD
01:58.06OsagasuGuillotine, I hate you. :P
01:58.29Guillotinedon thate me just because im smart
01:58.41TemAnyway, I think the usefulness of a per zone comm is significantly reduced by BGs
01:58.57AnduinLotharright, it origonated before them
01:59.07Teminside the BG is where 99% of pvp goes on and everyone is in a group anyway
01:59.42AnduinLotharbut u could make a collaborative addon for things liek AV
01:59.50AnduinLotharwhere there are often multiple grp
02:00.12TemThere's always one monster group when I do AV
02:00.38AnduinLotharin my experience there's always small grp cause in a large grp u dont get as much rep
02:00.51Temmust be a difference between the servers.. I just assumed that it was the same everywhere else
02:00.52Guillotineok guys, check out . lets see if any of you can find the problem
02:00.57Guillotinelooks to me that it may be a bug
02:01.08AnduinLothardoubt it's a bug
02:01.17AnduinLotharlots of addons use sliders
02:01.20Guillotinei know. prove me wrong
02:01.29Guillotinei was just trying to get you to find my bug for me
02:01.34Guillotineit IS a bug. just its my bug
02:01.36AnduinLothardont have the time at the present, work starts soon
02:01.46Guillotinesomeone else want to look?
02:01.57TemI already looked and I can't see what the problem is
02:02.52AnduinLotharanyway, there's no need to remove the zone channel option just cause no one's using it yet
02:03.12AnduinLotharunless we're condensing into one channel total, which imo is bad
02:03.26Osagasutoo much traffic
02:03.30AnduinLothartho there is a possibility of condensing party and raid
02:04.05AnduinLotharwould also be implicit then that PartyQuests would work for any raid member
02:04.18AnduinLotharwhich isn't necissarily useful
02:04.21AnduinLotharbut nifty
02:04.42AnduinLotharand would require some rewrite
02:05.48AnduinLotharanyway, did u have any other differences in mind?
02:06.07Guillotineanyone have a quick example of an addon that uses sliders successfuly?
02:06.15AnduinLotharKhaos does
02:06.20Guillotinesomething more simple
02:06.26Guillotinethat i can just look at the code of
02:06.34Guillotineb/c neither tem nor i can find the problem in this one...
02:06.39AnduinLothari skinned a slider in iTunesSkin
02:06.52AnduinLotharbut it's largely modified in the xml
02:07.00Guillotinethats where mine i modified pretty much
02:07.00AnduinLotharstill he same principle tho
02:08.17AnduinLotharnote that wTunes no longer works, but the GUI is still intact
02:08.34TemAnduinLothar: the reason I don't want to include the zone channel and to consolidate the party and raid channels is because I want to cut down on the number of channels it uses
02:09.30AnduinLotharright, i understand the party/raid consolodation, what i'm saying is if you needed a zone channel you couldn't do it easily through a global channel
02:10.17AnduinLotharso as long as no one's using it it does no harm, and the additional code is negligable, only another key in a table.
02:10.54AnduinLotharbut if someone wanted to use it they would be able to without writing their own comm system
02:11.06TemI spose
02:11.26TemWhichever method it's better than every other mod making their own comm channel
02:11.46AnduinLotharthus itsn't better to be inclusive
02:12.06AnduinLotharbecause it's less efficient otherwise
02:12.29AnduinLotharand if they made their own system it would need another channel anyway
02:13.14AnduinLotharbut i'll be honest, i rewrote sky before i knew half of the optimization methods i know now
02:13.40AnduinLotharso it could be revamped, but i don't think it needs a complete rewrite
02:14.18AnduinLotharthe ONLY good reason i can think of for a rewrite would be to avoid the stigma and reputation of the name 'Sky'
02:14.41AnduinLotharif you agrue for efficiency, I say, just optimize the current code
02:15.20Guillotinemy god, why wont this stupid thing work?!??!??!?!?
02:16.06AnduinLotharit has all the required elements already, it's only fine tuning that people complaine about. but uve never tried to use it, so you've been basicly reinventing what we've already figured out
02:16.24TemWell my reasons for making Satellite are 2 fold
02:16.43TemPrimarily I want to avoid the stigma associated with Sky
02:17.12TemAnd secondarily I'm interested in it, and I'd like to write it from scratch
02:17.37Guillotineiriel, are you there?
02:17.51CodayusReinventing code is half the fun anyhow.  :-)
02:17.51Temnot because I want to throw out all the work that has been done before, but because I would enjoy it
02:18.18GuillotineHEY EVERYONE: plz plz plz plz plz check out . I need your help desperately!
02:18.38Guillotineill even /grovel if you find the problem
02:19.10AnduinLotharok, i don't want to make u not enjoy it, but yyou wouldn't enjoy figuring out how Sky works and making it work more efficiently? You'd rather do the designing?
02:19.58AnduinLotharI personally, much prefer improving upon existing code, rather than writing from scratch, but i get the feeling not many people do
02:20.44AnduinLotharAnd so I would love to harness your strengths, but i also want it to benifit the community
02:20.55CodayusDepends on what your tying to do, and on how different a coding style the older code base has...
02:21.09CodayusSometimes reinventing the wheel IS faster...
02:21.21AnduinLothari never said anythign about speed
02:21.34AnduinLotharspeed is a non issue imo
02:21.49TainReally it all comes down to what someone wants to do.
02:21.54AnduinLotharrushing good programming is a good way to make it bad programming
02:22.42AnduinLothari understand that
02:23.04TainErr.. okay.
02:23.30AnduinLotharif you want to write your onw, more power to you. i just wont be helping much, as i'd rather improve upon what we have already
02:23.50AnduinLotharand what ive already invested a lot of time into
02:24.18AnduinLotharright. which is what i resonded to
02:24.38AnduinLothari have to go to work, bya
02:24.40Cairwe're learning from each other and helping each other in this channel, not belittling or condescending
02:24.46Cairright all?
02:25.23CodayusSorry, my commend got delayed by about 2-3 minutes.  Lost signal temporarily.
02:25.25kergothof course! would we belittle?
02:25.26Codayuser, comment
02:30.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaelten (
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02:30.55OsagasuOf COURSE we're condescending, we aren't utopian, you know! ;)
02:31.13Cairhey Kael :)
02:31.24OsagasuIts only human nature to look down upon your peers.
02:31.31CodayusHow does not being utopian make you automatically confescending?
02:33.04Kaeltenhow you been doing Cair?
02:33.24Caireh, I think I've beat the worst of this migraine, finally, will know better tomorrow
02:33.30Osagasuas humans, we are all condescending to different degrees. even the act of "Oh, I can do that better than him" is, in itself, condescending.
02:33.53Osagasuregardless of wether you can or not
02:34.31CodayusSo are you assuming that a perfect world would entail complete equaity of ability?
02:35.08Osagasuin a perfect world we wouldn't need differences of ability
02:35.54OsagasuEither that, or we wouldn't seek recognition of our abilities, and just do our jobs to the best of our abilities
02:36.56kergothperfection sounds awfully boring
02:37.00kergothscrew perfection!
02:37.12TainI think all we're looking for is civility, and just a wee bit of courtesy.
02:37.24CodayusI'm with kergoth on this one.  That doesn't sound like *my* idea of a perfect world.
02:37.24Osagasumaybe a little less death
02:37.41TainYou can be smarter, faster, stronger than everyone else.  Just don't tell them. :)
02:40.32TemTime for me to get some food
02:41.02TemBtw, if I've never told you, Iriel, /dump is my favorite thing for developing
03:12.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Grumpey (
03:13.24Cairhi Grumpey
03:16.55Grumpeypretty loud in here tonight
03:16.55futrtrublthere is going to be a 1.8.4 patch...
03:20.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Nomad_Wanderer (
03:20.14Cairhi Nomad_Wanderer
03:20.20Cairhey, I wanted to ask you something Nomad
03:20.25Cairare you Canadian?
03:20.41Nomad_WandererI'm near canada :)
03:20.51Nomad_Wandererbut no, not canadian.. Been there lots of times
03:21.16CairJust wondering ... the Nomad_Wanderer I knew was from Nova Scotia
03:21.32Nomad_WandererPurl's going to start associating me with noobish lua questions..
03:21.38Nomad_WandererCan I ask one?
03:21.54Cairof course
03:21.56Cairwhether you get an answer or not /shrug
03:22.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Greywind (
03:22.13Cairwb Greywind
03:22.33Nomad_WandererI have a multiple layered Lua table, with DKP points in it.
03:22.44Nomad_WandererIt has this format. gdkp.players[Name].dkp
03:23.01Nomad_WandererNot all people are listed.. So I'm trying to see if a key is there, and checking for nill...
03:23.13Greywind*yawn* i cant believe i slept for 10 hours, hurray for days off :P
03:23.25Nomad_Wandererif (gdkp.players[name].dkp ~= nil ) then do something else do something else
03:23.37Cairheh, I slept (off and on) for 15 ...
03:23.58Irielthat's not really going to help you
03:24.02Nomad_WandererHowever, Wow is complaining about a nill in that line. I can confirm that Name has a value, just not a value that is that player table
03:24.08Irielbecause most likely it's the player that's missing
03:24.26Irieltry if (gdkp.players[name] and gdkp.players[name].dkp) then do ...
03:24.46Iriellocal playerData = gdkp.players[name]; if (playerData and playerData.dkp) then ...
03:24.46Nomad_WandererI see it now.
03:25.13Nomad_WandererI can't ask for the .dkp, I need to ask for the previous layer.
03:26.03Irielmy local trick is nice if you're accessing lots of things in a single player, because you avoid multiply finding the player in the main table
03:28.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Greywind (
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03:28.59Greywindoh woot my auto sign in script works
03:29.10Greywind*hugs self*
03:31.50Greywindmy new hard drives come in tomorow woot! hooray for 600GB of goodness
03:35.03futrtrublpurl, hug Greywind
03:35.04purlACTION hugs Greywind
03:36.53Greywindat least its some good news since my old 160GB seagate finally bit the dust after almost 3 years of heavy use, whats really sad is im getting both of these drives for $20 less than i got the seagate one :P
03:37.52Greywindand wow, i really need to do some wire management in my case *feels ashamed of his comps airflow*
03:41.45Kaeltenpurl, hug Cair
03:41.47purlACTION hugs Cair
03:43.33Nomad_WandererThat worked great Iriel Thanks!
03:45.21Irielyay 8-)
03:45.45IrielWires are the eternal evil, and yet we need so many of them 8-(
03:45.57IrielThat's one of the things I really like about SATA
04:05.03CairNulkris has updated WoWUIDes
04:05.40Cairsnag the latest beta update from his main site
04:10.10Nomad_WandererThat looks like a good program.. But I was hoping I could use it to understand other ppl's XML.. Ya know visualize their work.. It seems you can only "View" WoWUIDes XML.
04:10.12Osagasugooo Nulkris!
04:10.32Nomad_WandererYou have to build it inside of UIDes to be able to get the XML layout gui..
04:10.38Nomad_WandererStill excellent work tho.
04:10.48Nomad_WandererHe needs to setup a paypal link :)
04:11.33CairThat is his choice.  His hosting and what not is all covered, same as with CTMod
04:11.41Cairand WDN
04:11.44Greywindaye, im such a gui n00b but playing with creating mockup codes has really helped(well a little anyways) about understanding layouts
04:12.37Greywindi guess I'm such a *nix geek that i never really think about a gui *sigh*
04:13.24Nomad_WandererOkay.. Can I use table.insert to create a bag in code? The example in the PIL talks about a static bag...  do I just use TableName[keyName]=true; TableName[keyname2]=true;
04:15.46Greywindok im out for awhile, time to tackle my dog and drag her to the tub for her monthly bath :P, wish me luck hehe
04:17.16IrielNomad_Wanderer: only use table.insert for tables you're using as lists/arrays
04:17.34IrielNomad_Wanderer: if your keys are strings, just create them with an assignment
04:30.53Cairhey guys? what was that command to make sure someone can't steal your nick?
04:31.09CairAnyone remember off the top of their head?
04:34.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Nulkris (
04:41.23TemIriel: are you around?
04:50.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Eraphine|Disco (
04:57.46Cair*flirts with the channel in general*
04:59.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Eraphine|Lab (
05:01.49IrielWith the channel, or the people contained herein?
05:02.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Krirken (
05:03.29CairOkay, the people contained herin ;)
05:03.41Cairmost especially you, Iriel
05:03.50IrielAwwww.. I feel special!
05:04.37IrielTime to idle some more before it gets too late tho, wednesday is trash night
05:04.37CairHey, I know what it's like to flirt with you, I did it at BlizzCon :)
05:05.00CairAnd it's fun :)
05:06.20Nomad_WandererHowdy again.. :) Is there an easy environment Var that has the current players name?
05:06.52Nomad_WandererLike $Playername or something silly like that?
05:08.44KrirkenIs that good enough?
05:08.57Nomad_WandererCool... So If I want to tell people to tell me, it's as simple as SendChatMessage("Use /w "..UnitName("player") .." to speak to me", "WHISPER", "Common", currentBidder);
05:09.20Nomad_WandererI'll try that.. Thanks!
05:09.29KrirkenThat sounds like it would work.
05:09.38Krirkenyou should use this.language though
05:09.48KrirkenTo add cross-faction compliance for your addon
05:10.30Nomad_WandererVery good idea.
05:15.16Greywindlol whoops
05:15.37IrielWell, it'd be DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME.editBox.language, right?
05:15.52Irielrather than 'this' - which might have any value at the time that's called.
05:17.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Eraphine|Disco (
05:19.29TemIriel: how much of a performance impact do you think a newindex metamethod on the global enviroment (for tracking hooks) would have?
05:19.54IrielI think it'd be painful enough you would NOT want to do it for 'regular use'
05:20.01Irielthough it's likely good for a diagnostic tool
05:20.31IrielWould it actually WORK?
05:20.42IrielSince most hooks are updates rather than new symbols
05:20.55Irieland my reading of the LUA manual says __newindex only gets called for new symbols
05:21.01Temnewindex effects updates
05:21.14Irielare you sure about that?
05:21.21Iriel(For normal tables, that is)
05:21.27Iriel(I know if you're doing virtual tables they work)
05:21.44Temlemme put together a test
05:21.45Nomad_WandererWow you guys wait until late at night to talk about the cool stuff huh?
05:21.47Temand I'll get back to you
05:22.03IrielGo look at the newindex bit of the metatables section of the manual
05:22.05Nomad_WandererThat sounds like it's neat, though I only undestand half of what Tem is talking about ;)
05:22.08IrielSpecifically this bit:
05:22.26IrielFollowed by
05:22.39kergothboth newindex and index are only called for nonexistant elements
05:22.49Iriel*nod @ kergoth*
05:25.14Temit won't work
05:25.36Temhowever, a intermediary table could be set up to make it work
05:25.48Tembut that would just further complicate the system
05:25.52Irielalso yes 8-)
05:27.59IrielI dont like how the new launcher has no clue if there IS a public test going on, and get confused ifyou have an old test install around
05:28.49Temyeah it got me all excited
05:29.25IrielI had visions of an idyllic world in which I could work on StatRings in 1.9
05:29.46TemI can't wait for the test realm
05:29.56CodayusI <3 test realms...
05:30.04Temfinally can escape ppl bugging me while trying to work
05:30.23Tembut at the same time, I'm still not caught up from 1.8 so...
05:47.33*** join/#wowi-lounge Eraphine|Lab (
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06:05.26Greywind1.8, when i stopped playing WoW it was still using the old versioning system >.<, I have a lot of catching up to do since coming back
06:06.18Greywindone thing i have noticed is that the client is a lot more stable...which is probably because of Tem :P
06:06.29Greywindpurl, hug Tem
06:06.30purlACTION hugs Tem
06:06.58IrielTem makes it developer-proof
06:07.07IrielI believe the crash feedback system is responsible for general stability 8-)
06:08.15Greywindhmm that really works then? i thought it was like microsofts error reporting thing :P
06:09.09IrielI asked at Blizzcon, yes, they really do use it
06:09.27IrielWhat on earth is a 'Shiny Dinglehopper' ?
06:10.03CodayusI've got one!
06:10.04Greywindsounds like something from a Harry Potter book :P
06:10.22CodayusAt least.  Hell, I probably have a couple...
06:11.12CodayusOh, well, nobody's perfect.
06:12.14Greywindmaybe im just weird :P, im also the only male in my family that actually reads the instructions for things too :D
06:14.14IrielI read instructions too, it's good for you!
06:14.48kergothi read them too..
06:14.53kergothafter i've spent an hour trying to get it working
06:16.02kergothhmm, i feel like coding.. but what
06:16.16kergothi could finish an addon for once. all of mine get started, then i lose interest, so they never release
06:16.55AnduinLothari love releasing, but i usually start 2 or 3 addons at a time and one of them always takes a month or two
06:17.11EndI have a whole bunch of unreleased addons.
06:17.17kergothlike that one that estimates table sizes in the global env (not including userdata or functions, so only useful for data), and the more generically useful chunked, descending, non-recursive table iterator
06:17.37AnduinLotharI believe i only have 2 non public addons
06:17.45EndMost of them were me trying to learn how to do things incorrectly.
06:18.05kergothi spend more time writing tiny bits of test code to do perverse things in lua to learn it better than i do anything else
06:18.08AnduinLothar1 i called SpeedHack, but it's really onlyl useful for dynamicly delaying OnUpdates for testing purposes
06:18.11kergoththe /home/kergoth/code/luabits dir is huge
06:18.24AnduinLotharback to work..
06:18.47EndI just overwrite tmp.lua over and over.
06:19.42kergothi like to keep the bits around so i can copy/paste them into other things, or look at them for reference
06:19.46kergothshould really put it all in svn though
06:20.02IrielI have all my wow stuff in an svn repository
06:20.17IrielFigured it was a decent enough experimental project to see how I like it compared to cvs
06:20.23Endall my wow stuff is too..except of course tmp.lua
06:20.30EndI like svn
06:20.53Endsomething I prefer about cvs, but I've mostly forgotten what those were
06:21.01Ender, some things...plural
06:21.12kergothi've lost count of the number of things i hate about cvs
06:21.25kergothhaving acted as the configuration managemetn person on a number of open source and commerical projects
06:21.46EndI think the things I actually liked were just me being used to my version control acting in a certain way
06:22.05Endof course I hated the lack of true directory revisioning though
06:22.29IrielI've managed to get svn stuck a couple of times with work files, though not lately, i'm hoping that was a bug they fixed
06:22.30Greywindoh since ace is going "open source" is it up on svn yet?
06:22.33kergothand no renames/moves, and shitty branching/merging, and ..
06:22.40kergothGreywind: look at that url
06:22.48Greywindoh sorry >.<
06:22.50Endmost projects would make do with "repocopying" which isn't really...very clean
06:22.54Endkergoth: exactly
06:23.05kergothsvk is -awesome-
06:23.19Greywindwell ill be darned, svn of a ton of ace addons
06:23.19kergothit lets you do peer to peer with svn.  mirror a remote svn repo locally, including all history
06:23.28kergothcheck in and out locally, then merge back up
06:23.31EndI've heard about it
06:23.33kergothso you can go offline, on a plane, whatever
06:23.38kergothplus, what i /really/ love
06:23.43kergothcherry picking support
06:23.56kergothand it tracks merge points
06:23.56kergothso you dont have to remember them yourself
06:24.03Endwell, hell, svn is better on a plane than svn, since diffs don't require repo access :P
06:24.17Endbetter than cvs
06:24.19IrielHow does it handle commit conflicts?
06:24.46Endwhich?  svk?  that's a good question.
06:24.55kergothbetter than svn, afaik, but honestly i've never had a problem with svn's conflict handling
06:25.08IrielI meant in terms of revision numbering
06:25.23Irielif you and a peer both create revision X+1, what happens after you sync back up?
06:25.56kergothone is X + 1, one is X + 2.  it automatically handles that
06:26.06kergothbk automatically did as well, though i never liked its method
06:26.14IrielHow does it know?
06:26.27kergothit knows when we split off
06:26.31kergothso it knows the common ancestor
06:26.39kergothnothing to it
06:26.54IrielAre you saying that it renumbers one to X+2 AFTER the resync?
06:27.01IrielOr that it knows what to do pre-sync?
06:27.21kergothit figures it out when i push my changes upstream
06:27.29kergothcheck this out.. and
06:27.33kergothmy entire addon set is in svn
06:27.34Irielso you don thave stable version numbers before that point?
06:27.44kergotheach and every addon is a vendor branch
06:27.52kergothevery version of each addon i've ever used is there
06:28.03kergoththanks to svk, the merges and branching is all transparent and painless
06:28.05Irielthat's always been my problem with distributed source control.
06:28.18kergothi dont see why you'd need them
06:28.42kergothi never have in my use of it with bk, svk, darcs, or monotone
06:29.47IrielWell, I've done a number of systems where I create a version manifest during a build
06:30.04IrielIt's nice when you know that everyone's idea of revision X means the same thing
06:30.22IrielRather than 'oh, it's revision X now but then later it'll be revision X+3 because of conflicts'
06:30.30kergothno, it isnt that way.
06:30.34kergothits always revision X in _my_ repository
06:30.40kergothit just isnt necessarily revision X in _yours_
06:30.46IrielThat's just as bad though
06:30.50kergothif all you do official builds against is the upstream repo, you're fine
06:31.23IrielHm.. I'm not convinced that would be painful, but it's the only way I can see this thing work right without restricting commits to online-only
06:31.33Irielwouldn't be painful, I mean
06:31.43kergothmonotone solves it.
06:31.50kergothit doesnt have numeric revisions
06:31.58kergothevery change is recorded as a checksum
06:32.02kergothmd5 iirc
06:32.07kergothso its the same, wherever it is
06:32.16kergothits ugly as sin
06:32.21kergothbut it solves the issue you're concerned with
06:32.25Irielamusingly enough I wrote a revision control system that did something like that some time ago (Like, 10 years)
06:32.30Irielnever finished it mind you
06:32.44IrielI agree, the revisions become unusable, but it does 'solve' the problem, to an extent 8-)
06:33.12kergothreminds me of ipv6.. unweidly addresses
06:33.17kergothall we need is dns for your changes!
06:34.24Irielthat's essentially what tagging is anyway
06:35.03kergothhave you guys looked at the lua standard libraries effort?
06:35.06IrielDoes SVK propagate tags, or do you all get your own sets?
06:35.07kergothsome good code to be had there
06:35.24kergothyou must be new to svn :)
06:35.31kergothtags/branches arent the way they are in other systems
06:35.36kergothits just a copy of hte tree at a certain point in time
06:35.42kergothcreating that copy is a revision
06:36.07Endthat was something that used to really bother me about svn, but now I've gotten used to it
06:36.08kergothso its handled painlessly, just like anything else in the repo
06:37.04kergoth is my branch (used svk to mirror the upstream cvs repository locally, with all history, then pushed that mirror up into my svn repo)
06:37.07IrielVaguelly new to it, but it's more that I haven't had too much reason to create one yet
06:37.29EndI tag all my releases
06:37.37IrielAbstractly it feels 'backwards'
06:37.57Irieland i'm not sure how the toolset manages that
06:38.30IrielI like to be able to look at revision of a file and figure out quickly which tags it has, i'm not sure if I can do that simply with svn, or if I have to iterate over all the possible 'tags'
06:38.41kergothls :P
06:38.51EndIriel: Yes.
06:38.52kergothwhats in /tags/?
06:38.59kergothor /tags/project/? or however you chose to lay it out
06:39.13Irielthat tells me what 'tags' I have
06:39.35Irielbut can I quickly answer 'which tags contain the version of x/y/z.lua that was committed in revision 234'
06:39.46Irielor do I have to go and examine each tag
06:39.56EndI think you have to examine each tag.
06:40.04kergothnot that i know of, you'd have to check each. write a shell script
06:40.08IrielAlso, does having all those tag directories start to add up on the client, or do you just not have them checked out.
06:40.16kergothyou dont check it out
06:40.20IrielAt least I wasn't missing something
06:40.25kergothyou have, for example, /tags/, /branches/, /trunk/
06:40.25EndI'm pretty sure you just ask which revision the tag is
06:40.30kergothuser checks out the trunk only
06:40.37Ender, just have to I mean
06:40.51kergothnaturally teh copies are COW, no additional space is taken by the copies
06:41.02Irielare they incremental COW also?
06:41.10Irielso if I change only 1 file, I only pay for 1?
06:41.51IrielI take it that creating the 'tag' updates the repository version too, so you always have a point to go back to?
06:42.20kergothsvn cp trunk/foo tags/foo/1.2
06:42.21kergothsvn commit
06:42.26kergothits still a normal revision.
06:42.30kergothlike any other
06:42.32kergothshort answer: yes
06:42.50IrielI can see i'm going to have to read that svn best practices document on tagging 8-)
06:44.40Greywindwell im off to see if I can get an SM group so i can get a good offhand for my druid, cya all later :)
06:44.43kergothi like the svn implementation of tags/branches for the same reason i like lua.  simple, flexible
06:44.48kergothhave fun
06:44.52Endcya Greywind
06:45.03Irielheh, someone just asked me to join them in a SM run
06:45.10Irielsadly I wasn't staying on long enough
06:45.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Eraphine|Disco (
06:45.27kergothhmm, thisll be an interesting challenge
06:45.39kergothi have ace in svn.. i checked in a series of versions onto the trunk, tagging as i went
06:45.41IrielI have to say, I was initially put off by some of the rabid anti-CVSness in the svn community
06:45.43kergothbut.. there are holes in the history
06:45.49kergothi didnt have all the old versions at the time
06:46.03kergothso i need to try to inject the old history without losing the current changes
06:46.14Endkergoth: that's possible?
06:46.43kergothworst case i'll construct a new directory in svn, check in the missing versions, and cherry pick changes from trunk to the new dir as i go
06:46.46IrielIt'd be possible if you're not branch averse
06:46.50kergothconstructing the history the way i want it to be
06:46.57kergoththen use that instead of the told one
06:47.19Irielthough at this point I imagine you could just rebuild a new repository
06:47.29kergothwell, this repo has tons of stuff
06:47.30kergothnot just ace
06:47.51kergothso i'll just ditch that one dir in trunk in favor of the one i construct the way i want it, and call it done
06:48.00IrielThat's the other thing I haven't arrived at happy comfort with.. how large/small I want to make a repository
06:48.02kergothgods, you shouldve seen how i made my branch of stdlib
06:48.04kergothit was sick
06:48.28kergothyou use svk to make a local mirror of the upstream cvs repo (yes, it works with cvs as well as svn, and perforce), with all history
06:48.59kergoththen i did an svk smerge (star merge) from that dir to _an empty directory_ inside of a different locally mirrored repository (to which commits automatically go upstream)
06:49.03kergothbaseless merge
06:49.13kergothit checked in every delta into the upstream repo starting with the empty dir on up
06:50.24kergothso used svk as a cheap cvs->svn conversion tool
06:50.32kergothnot as good as it as tailor or some of the other such tools
06:50.38kergothbut gets the job done, and shows off some of svk's features
06:51.16kergoth~emulate kergoth
06:51.18purlACTION hacks on bitbake, OpenEmbedded, OpenZaurus, and other projects
06:58.07kergothfun with getfenv and setfenv
06:58.16kergothfunctions to slide inside of tables and back out again
06:59.36kergothstarted playing with it because lua 5.1's package/module system does it.  the module command puts you inside of the module's namespace. you cant poke at globals unless you specifically ask for the ability to do so
07:01.45Irielholy package dependencies batman
07:01.55Irielapt-get install svk has a page of things to install!
07:02.06kergothperl modules. many many perl modules :(
07:02.09krkayay debian!
07:02.38kergothmeh, that reminds me, one of these days i need to get the ball rolling on my debian and gentoo developer applications
07:02.43kergothkeep forgetting
07:02.47kergoth~lart kergoth's memory
07:17.33IrielTime for me to go to bed.. g'night
07:17.54Cairnight Daniel :)
07:17.59CairSweet dreams
07:18.29Irielthanks, same to you if/when you go to sleep!!
07:18.46CairI've got about 10 pages left to this book, then it's sleep time for me
07:19.15Cairsorry, wrong channel
07:20.11kergothhmm... methinks i should not code, no matter how much i feel like it, given the alcohol i'm drinking
07:21.18Cair*bums some of kergoth's booze*
07:22.32kergoth~whaleslap Cair
07:22.33purlI'll just grab a freakishly huge killer whale named Hugh and slap Cair over the head with it.....
07:22.40kergothi dont have that much :)
07:22.47kergothof this anyway
07:22.50kergothhere, have some scotch
07:23.02CairAh well, probably just as well that I don't drink, given the meds currently coursing through my veins
07:23.13kergothfor the migraine?
07:24.39kergothmy mom has had migraines and headaches in general all her life.  when i was a kid, we learned how to be vewwwy vewwwy quiet, and to walk through the house in the dark, to avoid hurting her head more
07:45.15*** join/#wowi-lounge End (
08:03.44futrtrublmmmmm, rum
08:04.55Cairokay, sleep time, night all
08:05.04kremontenn cair
08:35.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Industrial (
08:59.10Endindeed.  moo indeed.
09:02.49*** join/#wowi-lounge KarlKFI (
09:05.03AnduinLotharoo oo, i caused a error in wow
09:05.08AnduinLothartoo bad it didn't crash
09:13.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Nulkris (
10:19.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Stylpe (
10:31.24StylpeHmm, what should I play today? B&W2? F.E.A.R.? BF2? CS:S? DS2? Or good ol' WoW?
10:31.50StylpeOr perhaps I should play my guitar?
11:22.44Industrialdump CS:S for it may lick my big fat hairy buttcrack
11:25.27Industrialshooting games that try to be realistic should have no fate other then that their disk will be used as frisbee.
11:26.05IndustrialWhoever comes around the corner dies, great fun!
11:26.30IndustrialIt's a game! We want crazy weapons and spacy monsters
11:26.36CodayusIf CS:S is trying for realism, they aren't trying very hard.  :-)
11:26.39Industriallots of blood and gore
11:26.46IndustrialCodayus: it is
11:27.02IndustrialCodayus: it was built to show off the source/hl2 realistic engine
11:27.58CodayusThat doesn't have much to do with the realism of the gameplay, which I what I thought you were talking about.
11:36.08IndustrialWell they tried.
11:41.04IndustrialBut as I said, I don't fancy realistic shooters.
11:57.58*** join/#wowi-lounge purl_ (
11:57.58*** topic/#wowi-lounge is WoWI-Lounge. Kick back, relax, hang out. But get along or get out.
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12:51.00AnduinLotharfor those of u who missed it and are still up: IEF v3.0
13:09.58krem`afkwow, IEF is awesome
13:15.46BadMojoThat's really helpful.
13:16.05Industrialbeen using it for some time
13:16.09Industrialbut lost it at some point
13:16.13Industrialjust forgot about it :>
13:16.19Industrialbut i have it back mwahahaha
13:21.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Trilian (
13:25.15AnduinLotharbtw for you mod authors you prolly want it to load first, so check ur FrameXML.log and see which addon is loading first then edit that addon's toc and add ImprovedErrorFrame to the opt deps
13:25.26AnduinLotharthat was IEF will catch all onload errors as well
13:27.43TainYou can also (somewhat hack, but works) rename the directory and toc to a ! at the beginning of the name so it ends up loading first alphabetically.
13:28.06AnduinLothari dont believe so, addons load in reverse alphabetical order
13:28.25Tainmmm pretty sure it's alphabetical.
13:28.48Industrial! comes before a alphabetical?
13:28.58krem`afki believe so
13:29.10krem`afksomeone posted on the thread he renamed it to AAAImproved Error Frame, and it loaded first
13:29.17TainSymbols before numbers before letters, usually.
13:29.47AnduinLotharya, but last time i checked it was reverse alphabetical, unless they've changed it ina  recent patch
13:30.46AnduinLotharbut anyway, using my method you also preemt libraries which sometimes load first depending on who requires them
13:31.10AnduinLotharWhich is why Sea has it as an opt dep by default
13:31.33AnduinLotharcause most of the time if you have sea it'll load near the beg if not first
13:32.39AnduinLotharok, it doesn't look like they've changed it. it now loads alphabetically
13:32.47TainI've been wanting a way to control the order of how things load for a while.
13:33.06TainBesides dependancies, of course.
13:33.17AnduinLotharmy current load order for a few
13:33.20TainThings will always load after Sea if they're a Dep or Optional Dep.
13:33.27AnduinLotharspam warning
13:33.30AnduinLothar10/17 05:30:14.839  Loading add-on AH_QuickSearch
13:33.30AnduinLothar10/17 05:30:14.839  Loading add-on AH_Reset
13:33.30AnduinLothar10/17 05:30:14.839  Loading add-on ImprovedErrorFrame
13:33.31AnduinLothar10/17 05:30:14.839  Loading add-on Sea
13:33.31AnduinLothar10/17 05:30:14.839  Loading add-on ActionQueue
13:33.32AnduinLothar10/17 05:30:14.839  Loading add-on AQ_AlwaysFind
13:33.33AnduinLothar10/17 05:30:14.839  Loading add-on AQ_AlwaysPerception
13:33.35AnduinLothar10/17 05:30:14.839  Loading add-on Chronos
13:33.37AnduinLothar10/17 05:30:14.839  Loading add-on Sky
13:33.39AnduinLothar10/17 05:30:14.839  Loading add-on Blizzard_AuctionUI
13:34.27AnduinLotharso hmm, ! would possibly work, maybe I should make that default
13:34.47AnduinLotharanyone know what special character gets loaded absolutely first?
13:35.09TainI use ! with the error capture util I use.
13:35.13krem`afk! does
13:35.46AnduinLotharincorrect, i know ` is before !
13:36.04krem`afkwell, as far as shift-numbers go :P
13:36.13krem`afki just ran charmap and looked at the first thing. /shrug
13:36.34AnduinLotharaddon name can be any UFT-8 char
13:37.42Industrial_ doesnt get loaded
13:38.03Industriali use _ to disable addons i dont want or am busy with
13:38.19AnduinLothar_ is after ` and before - anyway
13:38.59TainWell ! has the lowest ascii char value of any displayable char, that much I know.
13:39.42AnduinLotharwell on my mac(unix) any way ` shows first in a list
13:39.49TainNo idea how the installer decides what's alphabetical.
13:40.09AnduinLotharah, not the case in unix
13:40.19TainRegardless!  I think ! looks better than `.  ;)  But, whatever works of course. :)
13:40.25AnduinLotharin unix ! is first and ` is last of the chars i looked at
13:41.22AnduinLotharin unix: !, $, *, +, -, 0, 1, :, =, @, _1, `, ``, ~
13:42.02AnduinLotharin mac os X it's a different order tho... wonder why that is..
13:43.00AnduinLotharthis is including invisible files (start with .): !, $, *, +, -, ., .., .1, .DS_Store, 0, 1, :, =, @, _1, `, ``, ~
13:43.27AnduinLotharanyway, ur right, ! should make it load first
13:43.28TainActually, it could depend entirely on your termsettings.
13:43.57krem`afk*nix-related things scare kre! /hides
13:44.10krem`afkgentoo broke my hard drive :(
13:44.49Industrialgentoo sucks
13:44.53Industrialso yeah
13:45.03krem`afksorry, lemme rephrase that to be more offending then
13:45.07krem`afklinux broke my hard drive!
13:45.35TainGentoo is fine. :P
13:45.41Industrialrephrase again, the Gentoo GNU/Linux distro destroyed it
13:46.14krem`afkno, i can't be proper, i must be openly offending!!1
13:46.27Industrialoffend gentoo, not linux
13:47.05TainActually yeah, it does depend on your termcap settings.  So if your terminal in Linux is set to (nonsense example) ansi you could get different results setting it to vt100.
13:47.37TainAnd then of course OSX is BSD based so the defaults there for the termcap are probably different as well to support the Mac character set more fully.
13:47.45TainGentoo is fine. :P
13:48.08Industrialyeah if you want to spend half a week with installing it
13:48.19Industrialand on every damn little patch of every program recompiuling the shit
13:48.47Industrialoh and like all the noobies (not saying im not one) hanging around
13:48.54Industrialasking the same questions all day long
13:48.59Industrialon irc and the forums
13:49.14TainThat's hardly a knock against Gentoo.
13:49.24Industrialenough for me not to use it
13:49.28TainYou can say that about every computer product in the world.
13:49.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
13:49.35krem`afkthen don't go on the forums or irc ;3
13:49.51TainYou still use World of Warcraft and the forums are a lot worse.
13:50.00Industrialdont go there
13:50.03Industriali go to the ace forums
13:50.06TainWell then!
13:50.09TainThere's your solution.
13:50.21Industrialhow about point 1 and 2
13:50.36TainPoint 1 is a lie.
13:50.41Industrialis not
13:50.44Industrialdepending on the cpu
13:51.01Industrialand experience of the user ofcource
13:51.13TainOk, maybe if you had a 386 with 4 megs of ram it MIGHT take that long.
13:51.44TainAnd installing any other distro from CD would take a full day as well.
13:51.45Industriali have a 1400MHZ with 512MB ram and it took me 3 days
13:52.02Industrialthat is, if i didnt do anything wrong
13:52.23TainDunno, my 1.2g with 512 took about half a day.
13:52.34AnduinLotharnote that if u manually changed the IEF name be sure to change all the texture and sound refrences
13:52.51krem`afktook me half a day too, to get it all setup with GNOME and whatnot. then i broke it and never used it again
13:53.00Industrialtry archlinux
13:53.32TainI'm still not saying Gentoo is better than any other.  But it's fine.
13:56.20AnduinLotharOk, IEF addon folder and toc now start with !
13:59.23Cideare there any other improvements? I renamed mine AAAImprovedErrorFrame
14:00.16AnduinLotharIEF v3.0 - AnduinLothar
14:00.17AnduinLothar- TOC to 1800
14:00.17AnduinLothar- No longer requires Chronos for minimap button to flash. Instead uses the builtin UIFlashFrame
14:00.18AnduinLothar- Changed addon folder and toc name to !ImprovedErrorFrame so that it always loads first (now that loading is alphabetical) to catch OnLoad errors
14:00.19AnduinLothar- Updated file loading method to be in toc ratehr than xml
14:01.44AnduinLotharno idea why Sinaloit made his own flashing thing.. that baffled me. he prolly didn't know there was a lib of functions for it in the blizz ui
14:02.26AnduinLotharcouldn't think of any good reason to require a timer mod to do something that a builtin func could do better
14:03.53AnduinLothargranted it's a little less 'flashy' noticable cause it fades in and out, but i think it looks better and noticibility isn't neccissarily a bad thing. plus I have it stop flashing after 10 flashes or so, whereas it used to flash indefinitely until u clicked on it
14:17.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Eraphine|Lab (
14:22.42RallionI wonder how many times my characters' inventory data is stored across all my savedvariables
14:22.48RallionI think at least three
14:31.42Cidehmm... anyone know what format wow's cache files are stored in?
14:37.28AnduinLotharomg GoToBar is roxor
14:40.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Eraphine|Disco (
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15:03.34AnduinLotharwow.. didn't know u got UNIT_AURA events for mouseover..
15:08.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (
15:11.02Industrialto program; to work, to not work
15:14.32AnduinLothari chose to program rather than sleep, might have been a bad choice, i have a lot of class today
15:18.06AnduinLotharwow... YAtlas is awsome too
15:19.44AnduinLothargonna see if i can get it included in Cosmos
15:19.52AnduinLotharit's only 1.5 megs
15:20.03AnduinLothardrasticly smalelr than atlas
15:20.34Industrialshows the real map, too
15:20.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Trilian (
15:22.56AnduinLotharwonder if we can merge YAtlas and AlphaMap to have an alpha, full screen YAtlas that's centered on ur char
15:23.09AnduinLotharwith party/raid blips on it
15:42.52RallionI wish I'd managed to stay up past 1, since I've been sucked into a midnight showing of Harry Potter tonight, and I'll probably fall asleep in the middle of it
15:43.13AnduinLotharit's almost 8am ...
15:44.30Rallionlol it's almost 11 here, I've been awake for a while
15:48.15AnduinLotharmme testing Trash-O-Matic. tho i'm not fond of Ace and Timex since they diplicate functionality with other libs i've written or worked on.. but it seems to work well
15:48.34AnduinLotharand suprisingly that aren't any conflicts yet running about 10 libraries
15:50.23AnduinLotharalso downloaded lootlink again.. i'm on an addon spree :)
15:50.44AnduinLotharshould be better with it's own saved vars file
15:53.06RallionI didn't play for the last month or so, my friends were getting their mail back and started yelling at I spent the last two days making my interface work again
15:53.23TainOf course if you wanted to you could get rid of Chronos and just use Timex.  :)  Supposedly is fully compatible with Chronos if you update the Chronos TOC to point to it.
15:59.34RallionWell, I'm liking visual studio 2k5
16:01.54*** join/#wowi-lounge ToastTheif (i=HydraIRC@
16:21.25AnduinLotharahh.. there are conflicts..
16:21.35AnduinLotharTimex tries to take over Chronos calls
16:21.46AnduinLotharbut it doesn't have the ones in the latest version
16:21.49AnduinLotharthat's bad
16:22.11AnduinLotharthat means I have to either mod Timex or hack the addons that use it to use Chronos
16:24.32AnduinLotharlol... Trash-O-Matic only uses one Timex call... easily converted to Chronos
16:26.10Cideheh, if you only have one call it's easier to just remove the dependency with an onupdate
16:26.34AnduinLotharright, but since i already have chronos as a dep for a million addons it's easier this way
16:26.54AnduinLotharbut if i were writing it i would just done my own timer, ya
16:27.51AnduinLotharnot something i woulda done for Sky tho, that thing has like 4 repeating timers, one of which gets it's time updated by events
16:28.05AnduinLotharmuch either with a lib
16:28.44AnduinLotharug.. i don't liek timex already... the functions use single characters for argument names...
16:29.03AnduinLotharmakes looking at the code useless, so i HAVE to read the manual.txt
16:29.55AnduinLotharthat's one thing i do in all my code. make the code as readable as possible without explination. and if explanation is needed, use a comment or tow
16:30.43Cidegood function names are a must in big addons
16:30.45AnduinLotharbut that's something i've picked up in the past year... didn't used to do it, if u look at MobielFrames old code.... it's Bad.  I added comments a few months ago So _I_ would know what I wrote..
16:31.24AnduinLotharbut things like Archeaoligist and newer have emense function names and comments
16:31.58AnduinLotharand my newer stuff has all the functions in one table the same name as the addon
16:32.26AnduinLotharso you can simply do if (AddonName) then to check if it exists... tho u can do that now with IsAddonLoaded too
16:32.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Industrial (
16:32.56AnduinLotharbleh... Timex:AddNamedSchedule(n, t, r, c, f, a)
16:33.10AnduinLotharmakes my brain hurt
16:33.46AnduinLothararguments in declarations should be readable too, infact all but counting vars should be readable
16:34.18AnduinLotharfor i=1,4 do  is like one of the few exceptions
16:34.37AnduinLotharbecause everyone knows what a for loop does
16:34.58AnduinLotharnow if it's a while, u might have to say what ur iterating tho
16:36.34AnduinLotharthat was easy (tho could ahve been easier if i didn't have to read the timex manual O.o)
16:36.42AnduinLotharTimex:AddNamedSchedule("TrashOMaticDelay", 3, nil, nil, function() self:TrashCrap() end); == Chronos.scheduleByName("TrashOMaticDelay", 3, function() self:TrashCrap() end);
16:38.07Industrialim so crazy i'd name it addScheduleNamed()
16:38.21Industrialjust like idFrameUnit
16:38.52AnduinLotharpossibly, but that's just prefrence i think
16:39.26AnduinLotharthe chronos funcs are now schedule(), scheduleByName(), and scheduleRepeating()
16:39.40Rallionone letter variable names are the DEVIL
16:39.54AnduinLotharu could do the same thing the way timex does, which is just to make all those thre into one call
16:40.14AnduinLotharexcept i think chronos is actually more efficient in handling passed arguments
16:40.45AnduinLotharbecause unpack() creates gc, so it uses individual arg vars
16:41.13AnduinLotharand scheduleRepeating doesn't bother recording any arguments
16:41.22AnduinLotharbecause where would u get them from anyway?
16:41.32AnduinLotharmight as well be globals
16:42.34AnduinLotharbut scheduleByName is meant for single iterations, or you can do multiple itterations by recalling it at the end of the function
16:42.49AnduinLotharso u can basicly achieve exactly the same thing
16:43.17AnduinLotharhis just uses ace so by definition it 'must' be more efficient *rolls eyes*
16:43.41AnduinLotharbut now chronos has no req deps... so it might grow in popularity... who knows..
16:44.46AnduinLothari talk too much..
16:45.00TainThere's no need for the unprovoked sarcasm.
16:45.34AnduinLotharwho said sarcasm had to be provoked?
16:46.15TainCommon civility.
16:46.31AnduinLotharwho knows if it's more efficient, i have no way to test... so u just go by their word
16:47.19AnduinLotharIf you were offended by said sarcasm, then I oppologize, but I also would think you offend to easily... which might also be offensive
16:47.30TainMornin Cair
16:47.59AnduinLotharPerhaps I'm just an offensive person... that's depressing.
16:48.56AnduinLotharfixed an IsMounted bug btw... i had no idea UNIT_AURA was called on the 'mouseover' unit and it was throwing nil index errors cause i didn't bother to check
16:50.43AnduinLothartwo pending's cair
16:51.13CairFirst thing I do when I get up is approve
16:51.15AnduinLothar1 now
16:51.24AnduinLotharthere :)
16:51.49AnduinLotharcant say i'm fond of the pending on each update, but w/e
16:52.17AnduinLotharpending for new addon i understand, but other than that do u do anythign other than virus check it?
16:53.44AnduinLothar... why does Trash-O-Matic even use a timer... why not just after the event...
16:55.15AnduinLotharhmmm... need a lvl indicator on the party frames..
16:56.12Osagasuwow, Cair wakes before noontime
16:56.22Osagasuisn't that one of the signs of the apocalypse?
16:57.12TainOne can hope.
17:00.08Rallionso there's now a GOOD chance that I'll update SVEdit soon. Soon-ish.
17:02.26kergoth12:13 -!- Keffo [] has quit ["mt.__metatable = "nooo""]
17:04.31kergoth(the __metatable metamethod makes it impossible to manipulate the metatable of a given table, and the text there is the message given when you try)
17:05.54AnduinLotharI've got a consistant wow error here, prolly from an addon, but nothing seems negatively effected..
17:06.05AnduinLotharAssertion Failed!
17:10.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
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17:16.43AnduinLotharmmm didn't knwo rend dropped these... they're pretty good
17:17.29AnduinLotharBattleborn Armbraces: 1% chance to hit, 1% crit, 287ar plate
17:17.40AnduinLotharnow with +9 str encahnt
17:18.17AnduinLotharstill need good healing bracers that i can slap a +heal enchant on
17:28.30*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
17:34.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Shouryuu (
17:50.11purlit has been said that ugt is Universial Greeting Time. Created in #mipslinux, it is a rule that states that whenever somebody enters an IRC channel it is always morning, and it is always late when the person leaves. The local time of any other people in the channel, including the greeter, is irrelevant.
17:50.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Verlaine (
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19:13.06Industrialkergoth: cool@ugt
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19:49.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (n=Guilloti@
19:54.55Irielquiet, innit?
19:57.25Guillotineyes. very quiet
19:57.32Guillotinecreepily quiet
19:58.09Cidelet me ask a question then :P anyone familiar with how the cache files work?
19:58.42Iriellogically yes
19:58.54CideI mean the format of them
19:59.10Irielah, no.. I figured that was off limits, so I didn't tempt fate
19:59.20CideI'm not sure whether it is
20:09.48TainI know they only save on logout, but do they only get read at login?  Or are they read constantly?
20:10.24CideI wonder if it's legal to read them
20:10.38TainOh sure, they're static until logout, I don't see why not.
20:11.22Cidebut is it legal to "reverse-engineer" the format?
20:11.41CideI mean, it's all known to us if we just store what we see in game
20:13.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine_ (n=Guilloti@
20:13.09TainYeah I really don't see there being any issue.  If you start changing the cache files on the fly then you start getting into grey areas.
20:13.28Cideheh ya, I'm not planning on doing that
20:17.11guillotinehey guys, check out that little 500m trick is nifty
20:26.15IrielI spent some time testing the bounds checking of the in-game functions back when I was getting started doing adodn stuff, but I never thought to try exceeding the limits in the config files after that
20:27.12Geometrixbah, bounds checking is for devs who dont trust their users... errr wait ... thats me ... ;)
20:33.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Shouryuu (
20:36.57CodayusOooh, that's interesting.
20:42.14Guillotinehey shour
20:42.46purlmethinks shouryuu is an annoying forum troll
20:42.53Guillotine~emulate shouryuu
20:42.54purlI;m a loser
20:43.02Guillotinethe old one was so much better
20:43.31Guillotine~no, emulate shouryuu is <reply> im shouruu. hi. hehe. shouryuu
20:44.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine_ (n=Guilloti@
20:47.34Cairhi kremonte
20:48.14TainDamn someone looted the herb that I've been using to test with for the last hour.
20:48.34kergothwoot, finished my first dm west run
20:50.50kremontehehe, my first was my last :D
20:50.54kremontedreadsteed ftw
20:53.01*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
20:53.58Guillotinehiya moony
20:54.34GuillotineThere were two ships. One had red paint, one had blue paint. They collided. At last report, the survivors were marooned.
20:54.46kremontehar har har
20:54.47kergothwoot, yay for the treasure of the whatever quest, damn nice helm
20:55.03pagefaultdire maul?
20:55.09pagefaulthow can you hug an instance
20:55.09MoonWolfDreamist ?
20:55.14Cairomg Guillotine
20:55.27kergothvery carefully
20:55.41GuillotineWhen she told me I was average, she was just being mean.
20:55.41pagefaultso there I was, about to shadowburn and kill this pally
20:55.49pagefaultwhen he puts his shield up with like 200 health left
20:55.53pagefaultand I waste my last shard
20:56.09kremontedreadmist makes me sad
20:56.11kergothgot my trinket for the frost shock & you quest :D
20:56.24kremontein 12 scholo runs, 3 head drops, priests won EVERY time
20:56.29pagefaultI don't get the hype behind dreadmist
20:56.31Stylpepagefault: HA HA Serves you right, you horde scum!
20:56.41pagefaultwtf why are priests rolling on that
20:56.44kergoth~stab Guillotine
20:56.45purlACTION runs at Guillotine with an origami Swiss Army knife, and inflicts a nasty paper cut.
20:56.45pagefaultit's warlock armor
20:56.50kergothtake that!
20:56.52pagefaultStylpe, pfft
20:56.53kremontegmo for shdaow csatsts!!!
20:57.10kremontei just killed a 31 mage on my 29 warrior. heh.
20:57.16Cair... pagefault
20:57.17kremontegogo alliance!
20:57.20pagefaultyeah but shadow priests can go to hell
20:57.33GuillotineA neutron walks into a bar. "I'd like a beer" he says. The bartender promptly serves up a beer. "How much will that be?" asks the neutron. "For you?" replies the bartender, "no charge
20:57.53pagefaultit's like a warlock rolling on mage stuff
20:58.04kremontemages roll on dreadmist too, don't get me started
20:58.15kremontenever got DM shoulders because a mage won both times it dropped off jandice..
20:58.26pagefaulti'd never let anyone but a warlock have it unless they didn
20:58.28pagefault't want it
20:58.41kremontethat's what i get for going on pugs ):
20:58.55kremonteoh well, weekly MC and i get all felheart drops :]
20:59.02pagefaultCair, was a joke don't take it seriously :)
20:59.04kremonte5pc felheart in one run o_O
20:59.24GuillotineDid you hear about the Buddhist who refused his dentist's Novocain during root canal work? He wanted to transcend dental medication.
20:59.26pagefaultI just want to get exaulted with the defilers
20:59.28pagefaultI want that staff so bad
20:59.43kremontebah, i bet you're undead
20:59.45Guillotineok. im done with the puns
20:59.46Guillotinefor now
21:00.12pagefaultyep of course
21:00.21pagefaultnot as taboo as a nightelf hunter though :)
21:00.23kremontei swear, 75% of the horde at least is undead
21:00.41TainI dunno, it doesn't seem that skewed to Undead to me.
21:00.43pagefaultbut you guys have so many nightelves
21:00.45TainAt least not on Lothar.
21:00.53kergothi like undead in general, but the tauren war stomp is my best friend
21:00.53Guillotineits b/c their the coolest and they have the best racials
21:01.00kremontejust like gnome<>troll
21:01.04AnduinLotharthis song is uber...
21:01.21kergothwar stomp has saved my ass so many times
21:01.21AnduinLothar"Fatal Tragedy" by Dream Theater
21:01.23kremontei wish you could feel the pain of wotf >_>
21:01.31kremontelol AnduinLothar, dance of eternity 4tehwin
21:01.31TainSome big raid guilds are frowning upon Taurens because they block view so much if you have a lot of them.
21:01.33kergothyay dream theater
21:01.41Guillotineoo! one last joke. You're American outside the bathroom, but inside, European
21:01.42pagefaultwotf really isn't a factor anymore
21:01.47pagefaultnow that everyone has those trinkets
21:01.47kremontei'm listening to dream theater now =D
21:01.50kremonteyeah it's a given
21:01.57kergothpagefault: exactly
21:01.57kremontebut wotf PLUS trinket = no fear or seduce
21:02.13pagefaultoh well
21:02.15kremontewhich means i have to kill undeadrogue_383747832 in the 3 seconds death coil lasts ;(
21:02.43AnduinLotharlol tain
21:02.51TainSee I think WotF is still a big deal because it gives you more shots.
21:03.02kremontewar stomp is just, /cry
21:03.03TainPeople strategize around you being able to resist fear once.
21:03.19kremontewar stomp, nature swiftness heal to full, grounding totem, TUF
21:03.22kremonteYou die.
21:04.09kremonteon another note, female gnome with those mail/plate helmets on looks so funny
21:04.18kremonteit's too big for me head e_e!
21:04.22pagefaultgnomes look rediculous on a dreadsteed
21:04.32kremontegnomes have the biggest felsteed/dreadsteeds
21:04.35Guillotinegnomes look rediculous period
21:04.38kremonteand horses in general
21:04.49pagefaultdreadsteed they need like a dreadroboticbird
21:04.59kremontethat would be so awesome
21:05.02Guillotinedam right they do
21:05.04kremonteSwift Flaming Mechanostrider
21:05.10pagefaultlike the evil car bender turns into in futurama
21:07.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine_ (n=Guilloti@
21:07.12kremontehi fake guillotine
21:07.45pagefaultwindowed mode is my friend
21:08.22kremontegnomes are your friend
21:08.24pagefaultalthough in windowed mode it runs a bit slower I think
21:08.31pagefaultgnomes are my sworn enemy
21:08.32kremonteyeah, lags a bit more
21:08.56kremonteall of my toons, save hunter, are gnomes ;3
21:09.30pagefaultthe only thing I like about them is their int racial ability
21:11.06kremontethere is 1 advantage of being a gnome
21:11.16kremontei can fit under some gates, like the gates around booty bay
21:12.18pagefaultand you can fit into most overhead luggage bins
21:12.21Guillotine_dammit. why do i keep disconnecting?
21:12.23kremonteoh! i can fit under the tables in the library in DM
21:13.29kremontepagefault, are you getting your dreadsteed or skeletal horse at 60?
21:13.38kremonteundead epic mount owns e_e
21:13.51pagefaultbecause I want something that doesn't use mana for pvp
21:14.39pagefaultthe warlock quest looks like a pain in the butt
21:14.46kremonteit is =|
21:14.47pagefaulthaven't looked into it yet
21:14.59kremonte4 hours in DM west because everyone was disconnecting, and 5m scholo in a pug! QQ
21:15.49kremontehmm what server be ye on?
21:16.03kremontenoones on warsong ;(
21:16.47Guillotinenoones on draenor either :(
21:16.49Shouryuulol pagefault you on durotan?
21:17.03kremontebut warsong is highhighhighhighhighhigh population!
21:17.19Shouryuuhehe had a 39warrior there a while back
21:17.24Shouryuuditched him for my priest :P
21:17.45kremontewhy are you a troll priest
21:17.53pagefaultwhy are you a troll priest
21:18.01Kiliekwhy are you a troll priest
21:18.20pagefaultyou will melt faces as a shadow priest in pvp
21:18.36Shouryuugood think I'm holy
21:18.46Shouryuuagreed kiliek
21:19.11CodayusMmm, traffic!
21:19.31CodayusBut hey, don't underestimate the power of holy nova in pvp!
21:19.40kremontewhy are you a troll priest
21:19.44CodayusOh wait, you *can't* underestimate it...
21:20.22Shouryuuit's nice in 5mans
21:21.56pagefaultresist death coil?
21:22.14kremonte<3 that
21:22.19kremontebut then i'm like
21:22.25kremonte7000000 damage shadowbolt! pewpewpew
21:22.30pagefaulthaha yeah
21:22.33pagefaultresist bonus is cool
21:22.48kremontei really gotta respec ;/
21:22.50kremontemy shadowbolts suck
21:22.58pagefaultI am going to respect into demonology
21:23.00kremontedont have 40g to respec though q_q
21:23.07kremontei'm nightfall/soul link right now, 19/32/0
21:23.22kremontelol, respect
21:23.28pagefaultim 32/0/19
21:23.59kremontemm, i was 19/0/32 before :P
21:24.11kremontelots of 19s and 32s :P
21:24.41pagefaulthaha wtf
21:24.45pagefaultthis guy is a really bad warlock
21:24.49pagefaulthe shadowburns me at full health
21:24.50AnduinLotharwhat do you call it when you get a value from a table given it's key using the myTable.key method?
21:25.13AnduinLotharnot really 'indexing'
21:25.37Shouryuu~fr rougire
21:25.41IrielSure, it's constant indexing
21:25.53AnduinLotharconstant indexing?
21:25.54Shouryuudang how do I ask purl to translate?
21:26.13AnduinLothar~x fr en rougire
21:26.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Veight (
21:26.20Shouryuucool :P
21:26.28AnduinLothar~x en rougire
21:26.39AnduinLothar~x en fr rougire
21:26.46Shouryuuthere might not be an e there
21:26.49AnduinLothardoesn't like that one
21:26.54Shouryuu~x fr en rougir
21:27.05kremonteredden? lol
21:27.13Shouryuubut that's one ugly translation
21:27.26AnduinLotharto make red (blush perhaps)
21:27.45Irielapples redden also
21:27.52Shouryuuit's blush
21:27.56IrielI would imagine covering someone with blood counts too
21:28.21AnduinLotharblush usually only applies to skin
21:28.30AnduinLotharthe verb anyway
21:28.40Tain~x en fr bloody
21:28.58AnduinLothar~x en fr covered in blood
21:29.04Shouryuucouvert de sang
21:29.09Shouryuudang it beats my ass
21:29.14Shouryuubut i > him
21:29.34AnduinLothar~x en fr bloody cover
21:29.52kremonteJE VOIS LOL
21:30.18Shouryuubloody cover?
21:30.38Shouryuu~x fr en lasserer
21:30.38AnduinLothar~x en fr to have blood near the  surface of one's skin
21:30.53Shouryuuskip de pour
21:31.09Shouryuuand pra-fdsaf is pres = near
21:31.15Tain~x fr en Voulez-vous coucher avec moi ce soir?
21:31.28pagefaultno thanks purl_
21:31.30AnduinLothar~x en fr no
21:31.43Shouryuu~x fr en creve
21:31.45kremonte~kill Kiliek
21:31.47purlACTION shoots a   pseudoelectron gun at Kiliek
21:31.55kremontepurl doesn't like accents
21:32.02Shouryuu~x fr en crever
21:32.10kremonteor that
21:32.15pagefaultwrong window
21:32.17kremonte~x en jp die die die
21:32.32Shouryuujapaness ftl
21:32.36kremonte~x en kr omg korean lol!
21:33.04Shouryuu~x fr en Ange plein de gaiete, connaisez vous l'angoisse?
21:33.23Cairomg guys, give it a rest :p
21:33.29kremonte~en jp no
21:33.30AnduinLothar~x en kr I pity the fool who doesn't drive strait for 0.4 miles!
21:33.31Shouryuu~en fr non
21:33.58kremonte~x en jp no cairenn!
21:34.02Shouryuu~x fr Ange
21:35.01StylpeThink it knows norwegian?
21:35.14Shouryuu~x sg en alamak!
21:35.27Shouryuuhow a bout malay?
21:35.34Stylpe~en no Hello, my name is WHAT?
21:35.37purlStylpe: what are you talking about?
21:35.37pagefaultI hate it when two guys are dueling it out in a BG
21:35.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaelten (
21:35.40pagefaultand some guy comes and ganks you
21:35.46*** mode/#WoWI-lounge [+o Kaelten] by ChanServ
21:35.46pagefaultit's not honorable
21:36.03Stylpe~x en no Hello, my name is WHAT?
21:36.15AnduinLotharuh oh... it's him... everyone quiet...
21:36.29Kaeltenits who?
21:36.33kremontehide! Kaelten is here!@
21:36.47Kaeltenwhat did I do?
21:38.36pagefaultI fell off TB
21:38.37Kaeltenare you a squirle now?
21:38.40pagefaultand I lived to tell the tale
21:39.34TainI fell off the wagon.
21:39.51pagefaultwhen does the double honor weekend start? today?
21:40.18Shouryuu~x fr en deprimer
21:40.29Shouryuuawww man
21:40.34Shouryuu~x fr en deprimmer
21:40.40Guillotinepagefault: friday i think
21:40.47pagefaultit's AV
21:40.48Guillotine~emulate shouryuu
21:40.51purlhehe. im shouryuu. hi. hehe. shouryuu
21:40.57pagefault~emulate pagefault
21:40.59Shouryuu~kill Guillotine
21:41.01purlACTION shoots a ionized pseudopositrino gun at Guillotine
21:41.12purlaw, gee, pagefault
21:41.45pagefault~emulate bender
21:41.46purlYeah, well I'm gonna build my own lunar space lander! With blackjack aaaaannd Hookers! Actually, forget the space lander, and the blackjack. Ahhhh forget the whole thing!
21:42.05purl:), Guillotine
21:42.23purl:), Kiliek
21:42.26pagefaultI think he likes you guys
21:42.46kergoth~emulate me
21:42.48purlACTION hacks on bitbake, OpenEmbedded, OpenZaurus, and other projects
21:42.55kremonte~feed bot
21:42.57purloffers bot some pizza
21:42.59kergoth~emulate me
21:43.01purlACTION hacks on bitbake, OpenEmbedded, OpenZaurus, and other projects
21:43.10pagefaulthow did you get him with a different name
21:43.15pagefaultare they sharing the same db?
21:43.17kergoth~emulate me
21:43.19purlACTION wields a mean polished, spiked cluebat
21:43.30kergothpagefault: ibot, jbot, purl, and apt are all running on tim's box.
21:43.33Guillotineno. somehow purl was d/c, so purl rejoined as purl_
21:43.54Shouryuuwould kil bot do anything?
21:44.08kremontepurl sucks
21:44.11purlBite me.
21:44.11Guillotineif you knew the password
21:44.22pagefaultpurl is great
21:44.30pagefaultpurl is amazing
21:44.32Shouryuupurl is cool
21:44.34kergothpurl blows
21:44.36purlMe luv u long time.
21:44.36kremontepurl sucks
21:44.37purlFor five bucks I just might
21:44.45purlkergoth: aw, gee
21:44.51Stylpepurl rocks
21:44.52purlyou bet your perl modules I do!
21:45.05pagefaultpurl_, python
21:45.07kremontepurl, kill purl
21:45.08purlACTION shoots a inverse fluxproton gun at purl
21:45.14kremontepurl, kill purl_
21:45.16purlACTION shoots a inverse anti-positrino gun at purl_
21:45.22pagefault~poke random
21:45.23purlbut then who will poke the pokers, pagefault? Geometrix?
21:45.23kremontethats different
21:45.43Shouryuu~hit guillotine
21:45.45purlACTION kicks guillotine.
21:45.47pagefaultit was better when the bot used to poke people
21:46.09kremonte~eat Shouryuu
21:46.10purlACTION eats Shouryuu and falls over dead
21:46.14kergothpagefault: agreed
21:46.18purlACTION *purrs purrs purrs*
21:46.19Guillotine~shoot shouryuu
21:46.21purlACTION shoots shouryuu in the eye with a glue gun!
21:46.33Shouryuu~bludgeon guillotine
21:46.42kremontepurl_, emulate Shouryuu
21:46.51Guillotineyou still type purl,
21:46.55Guillotinenot purl_,
21:46.57Stylpelol, stop the abuse =P
21:46.59kremontetab key ftl
21:47.06Shouryuuit won't
21:47.12Shouryuuit loves me too much
21:47.31kremonte~literal emulate Shouryuu
21:47.33purl"emulate shouryuu" is "<reply>I;m a loser||<reply> hehe. im shouryuu. hi. hehe. shouryuu"
21:47.41Cairokay, enough bot abuse for a while guys
21:47.47kremonte1 more thing ^_^
21:48.16kremonte~no, emulate Shouryuu is "<reply> hehe. im shouryuu. hi. hehe. shouryuu.||<reply> why am i a troll priest?"
21:48.21Shouryuuyou guys are mean
21:48.36kremontesowwy :((
21:48.59kremonteis that flexbar?
21:49.05Industrialfyi my name is badeend, wich means "little ducky" (the one you take a bath with)
21:49.07Industrialno, visor
21:49.17kremontekrem dunno what visor is. /shrug
21:49.18Industrialwant the script? works with any res. 20 lines :)
21:49.40kremontei still have NO idea what i'm doing with my ui on any of my toons =/
21:49.54kremontei don't want to go overboard because i lag enough as is in mc and bwl
21:50.05Industrialoh well, i use about 15MB ram
21:50.11StylpeIndustrial: What language is that in?
21:50.17IndustrialStylpe: dutch
21:50.19kremontewell, at vael only running titanbar i get 2fps
21:50.21pagefaultI still need to do MC
21:50.31IndustrialStylpe: you'd say 'badeendje' as in, its a small ducky...
21:50.41StylpeLol, in norwegian it's badeand ^_^
21:51.22IndustrialI'm trying to arrange this character's ui in groups of function
21:51.27Industrialtotems will be left/right of the char
21:51.43Industrialas ill always be facing my enemies i have a clickable area in the middle
21:51.56Industrialand ill rearrange the unit frames a bit when i get into lua
21:54.33Industrialany suggestions?
21:57.37pagefaultnooo server restart
22:00.02kremontenerf druids!!11
22:00.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Verlaine (
22:00.31VerlaineZOMG! I understood AND corrected a generic for loop!!
22:00.43kremonteno wai
22:00.48pagefaultnerf pallys
22:00.54kremontenerf shammies >_________>
22:01.29pagefaultnerf warlocks
22:01.35pagefaultmake drain soul require a shard
22:02.07pagefaultfor the most part I use my imp in pvp anyway
22:02.18Guillotineewww Industrial. that interface is ugly. no offense
22:02.37kremonteit's blank
22:02.41kremontehow casn that be ugly!!111
22:02.49IndustrialGuillotine: none taken, tips appreciated.
22:03.01kremontehmm, any good unit frames out there? DUF is making me cry
22:03.02Industrialwell, if they don't include Discord mods or flesbar, that is
22:03.23Industrialkremonte: there's a new ace mode launched. AUF (not a replacement of duf)
22:03.31Industrialkremonte: the default frames are in action here
22:03.35kremontei know
22:03.45kremontei'm l ooking for something for meh
22:03.55Industriali'd say nymbia's perl unit frames
22:04.03IndustrialGuillotine: tips, tips? anyone?
22:05.13Guillotinei love Duf
22:05.23Industriali love my ram
22:05.39kremontei want to change the texture on the bars on duf but it wont work ;_;
22:06.14Industrialkremonte: make sure its the absolute correct name. and the extures reside in the duf folder in some "custom textures" or something named folder
22:06.24Industrialinclude the .extention
22:06.50kremontewell either way it takes a long time to configure.. i think i might use nymbia's perl unitframeslol
22:06.50Guillotineand dont put the path
22:06.51Guillotineonly the name
22:06.57Industrialkremonte: i mean, make sure its absolutely the correct name, not the absolute path
22:07.03GuillotineCheck out my awesome interface:
22:07.04kremonteoh i know that
22:07.23IndustrialO RLY?
22:07.26kremonte~o rly?
22:07.27purlACTION smacks kremonte upside the head
22:07.38Guillotinepurl, no, o rly is <reply> YA RLY!
22:07.40purlGuillotine: okay
22:07.42AnduinLotharthere we go... I abstacted Sea hooks into an optionally embedable file/Mini-Library that is reverse compatible
22:07.58AnduinLotharcalled simply SeaHooks
22:07.58Industrialpurl_, o rly?
22:08.02kremonteyou gotta put the texture on titan there Guillotine ;|
22:08.07kremonteit's too blank
22:08.13Guillotinethats the xp bar
22:08.28Guillotinelook at the left
22:08.31kremonteall teh way on the bottom
22:08.31Guillotineits a different color
22:08.33kremontetitan bar
22:08.42Guillotineya. that background is an xp bar
22:08.52IndustrialAnduinLothar: any comments on my current ui?
22:08.53Guillotineits hard to see, but enough when you look for it
22:08.53kremontechange the xp bar then!
22:09.06Guillotineto what? make the colors more vivid?
22:09.07Industrialon the layout, not the mods
22:09.23kremontenow i need to learn how to do all this hoohaa with shapeshift forms
22:09.25kremontestances ftl
22:09.40AnduinLotharvery minimal
22:09.47AnduinLotharthe oppositte of mine
22:09.52Guillotineindustrial: id suggest adding bars for totems sorted by element
22:10.08IndustrialGuillotine: i did
22:10.14Industrialall i can learn atm :>
22:10.30Guillotinethose would probably be better on the sides though
22:10.33Guillotineyou dont really need them in the middle
22:10.54GuillotineAnduinLothar: Check out my awesome ui.
22:11.19Guillotineand the casting bar is real purty like
22:11.31Verlainei don't really like that Guilotine
22:11.37Verlaineit's too stiff for me
22:11.47Guillotinewhat do you mean by stiff?
22:11.51VerlaineI ahte seeing so many borders on my screen
22:12.07Guillotinewell, i like it :) to each his own
22:12.16kremonteis there any way to right-align a chatbox?
22:12.18Verlaineexactly :P
22:12.38Guillotinekremonte: dont think so
22:13.29IrielCan'd you SetJustifyH("RIGHT") on it?
22:13.32Irielcan't even
22:13.42kremontewell, this is a stretch. i guess there's no way to change the font without framexml?
22:13.49Irieldepends on the object
22:13.55kremontechat log
22:13.58Iriel1.9 adds a bunch more SetFont methods tho
22:14.08kergothIndustrial: nice ui. you have a widescreen lcd?
22:14.31IrielYou're going to have to wait for 1.9 for ScrollingMessageFrame
22:14.37Industrialkergoth: yes, 1680x1050 laptop
22:15.40kremontemaking my chat log friz quadrata tt looks so much nicer than arialn
22:16.21kergothnice, same as my dell 2005fpw
22:16.22kergothlove it
22:16.24OsagasuHey, how do you set a target for purl? like how Krem sis ~o rly earlier and purl knew to smack him on the head
22:16.57kergoth~osagasu is foo
22:16.58purl...but osagasu is already something else...
22:17.09kergothOsagasu: its just like any other factoid
22:17.15kergoth~literal o rly
22:17.16purl"o rly" is "<reply> YA RLY!"
22:17.25Guillotine~o rly?
22:17.27purlYA RLY!
22:17.32Guillotinedam right its YA RLY!
22:17.43pagefaultthere are so many of those now
22:17.45pagefaultsome of them are great
22:17.47pagefaultlike the mario one
22:17.47Osagasuno, but how did you make it smack you upside the head?
22:17.57Osagasu[5:07pm] <kremonte> ~o rly?
22:17.57Osagasu[5:07pm] * purl_ smacks kremonte upside the head
22:18.07Guillotinedont you dare change it back to that!
22:18.15pagefaultI want to get an o rly shirt
22:18.25Osagasuno, I want to fix my emulate
22:18.27pagefaultbut I can't wear it to class because you see we sort of exploited a professors page
22:18.28Osagasu~emulate me
22:18.29purlACTION slaps some random passerby with a frenic horrid trout of pwnage
22:18.34pagefaultand uploaded the orly owl pic
22:18.49kergoth~literal emulate Osagasu
22:18.51purl"emulate osagasu" is "<action> slaps some random passerby with a frenic horrid trout of pwnage"
22:18.51OsagasuI want it to say ...slaps <target>
22:19.08kergothoh, you want to do something to the person asking for the factoid?
22:19.08Osagasunot what I meant
22:19.09kergothjust use $who
22:19.12kergoth~literal emulate kergoth
22:19.14purl"emulate kergoth" is "<action> wields a mean polished, spiked cluebat||<action>hacks on bitbake, OpenEmbedded, OpenZaurus, and other projects||<reply>Ooh look, shiny!  Erm, I know I was supposed to be doing something.  I wonder what it was || <action> hmmms. || <reply> $who: Why don't you leave, and come back when you've got some clue?"
22:19.14Osagasuthank you.
22:19.15kergothsee there
22:19.18kergothlast one
22:19.26kremonte~emulate random
22:19.31pagefaultdurotan is still down
22:19.38pagefaultI am having widthdrawel
22:19.43pagefaultI might need to make a new character asap
22:20.20Osagasupurl, no, emulate osagasu is <action> slaps $who upside the head with a frenic horrid troup of pwnage
22:20.22purlOsagasu: okay
22:20.27Osagasu~emulate me
22:20.29purlACTION slaps osagasu upside the head with a frenic horrid troup of pwnage
22:20.37kremonte~emulate Osagasu
22:20.39purlACTION slaps kremonte upside the head with a frenic horrid troup of pwnage
22:20.46Osagasunow to make it do a random person...
22:20.58kremonte$random? lol
22:21.20IrielHow abotu you guys create a DIFFERENT channel and play with the bot there, not that there's much going on on THIS one, but it's really boring now.
22:21.29IrielI'm wishing it'd never been suggested.
22:21.32kremonteit's boring otherwise =O
22:21.40Osagasuyea, really
22:21.42VerlaineHow should I ask my toc to falg a table to be saved for the next session? Would ##SavedVariables: TableName do or do I need something more fancy?
22:21.58IrielJust the saved variables header does it
22:22.06Irieleverything else happens automatically
22:22.08kremonteargh, i know there's a mod for per-character keybindings but i can't find it now
22:22.32kremonteooh wait found it
22:22.36kremonterewording ftw
22:22.39Irieljust remember the data isn't loaded til right before the ADDON_LOADED event fires (only a problem if you need the data during startup)
22:22.48AnduinLotharso guess what... you might have already known it, but UnitIsConnected is dumb... the unit tooltip knows if a unit is dead before UnitIsConnected does
22:23.00Verlaineok cool thanks Iriel
22:23.01AnduinLothardead /offline
22:23.38IrielIt's probably using a precise and non-obvious definition of 'connected'.
22:23.47AnduinLotharthus why arch is so uber... it knows if a party member has disc before anyone else is
22:23.50IrielThere's a few API calls like that where the result isn't what it 'claims' to be
22:24.46Verlainelet's hope this works after my first try and not 2 nights of debugging 0_o
22:24.51kergothOsagasu: /msg purl literal rlart
22:25.55kremonteshe wont answer me ;_;
22:26.24Guillotine<3 the WoW General forums.
22:27.13Osagasu~emulate me
22:27.14purlACTION slaps Amicester upside the head with a frenic horrid trout of pwnage
22:27.27Osagasuyou have to type it as purl_
22:27.45kremontei have a query window open with purl_
22:27.49kremontebut shes not answering >:(
22:27.55Osagasushe answered me
22:27.58Osagasuit was $randnick
22:28.11Osagasu~literal emulate osagasu
22:28.12purl"emulate osagasu" is "<action> slaps $randnick upside the head with a frenic horrid trout of pwnage"
22:28.12pagefaultwe should petition blizzard for dual monitor support
22:28.16pagefaultthat would kick so much as
22:28.21kremontemeh, too much lag
22:28.30pagefaultyou think so?
22:28.34kremonte1monitor -> wow, other monitor -> irc, winamp
22:28.42pagefaultwell thats what I do now
22:28.52Irielisn't that called 'playing in windowed mode' ?
22:29.04kremontedual monitor support as in, say
22:29.13kremontethe 3d world on 1 monitor, the UI and those doodads on the other
22:29.13pagefaulthaving UI stuff on another screen
22:29.21pagefaultlike all your raid crap
22:29.22pagefaultand etc
22:29.42Osagasuis it just me or has the "latest versions" box on curse stopped working?
22:30.04Industrialdual monitor would mean the world AND ui on 2 monitors. no way blizzard will release something like the ui on a second monitor
22:30.10Industrialyou can alway sue the ViewPort addon though
22:30.14Irielwell, if the ratio code worked right in a viewported world,  you could do that
22:30.38GuillotineIndustrial: why would you sue the Viewport addon? they didnt do anything wrong
22:30.44kremonteyou still lag considerably more, Iriel
22:30.53Osagasubut that it does is stretch the pixels out then take up half of them
22:31.08IndustrialGuillotine: im saying, IF blizzard would support dual monitors
22:31.10kremontethere's no way to change the aspect ratio atm
22:31.16kremontewhy do you say that Industrial?
22:31.28IndustrialGuillotine: AND you want the world on 1 and the gui on another
22:31.30Guillotineindustrial: it was a joke about your mispelling of 'use' as 'sue'
22:31.35OsagasuIf it did I'd have my window setup like I had it in UO
22:31.40Osagasuall of my buttons on one screen
22:33.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Nulkris (
22:33.54pagefaultand etc
22:34.14Osagasuwell hmm
22:34.58Osagasuhas anyone tried manually setting the resolution through the file?
22:35.48Industriali did
22:36.02Industrialbut it is at a resolution my monitor can render
22:41.01*** join/#wowi-lounge BeZZer (
22:42.33pagefaultwhat the hell
22:42.36pagefaultfirst a server restart
22:42.40pagefaultnow they are shutting down the server
22:42.47Guillotinecome play on draenor for a bit
22:43.38pagefaultthey are shutting it down for some problem with a priest epic quest
22:47.11Guillotinewhy does noone else ever say 'good duel' when they lose?
22:48.40AnduinLotharan over developed sense of competition
22:49.32AnduinLotharand most of the time.. it wasn't a good duel
22:51.06AnduinLotharwhat's the math function to convert from base 10 to base 16?
22:51.12Verlainehow would I set a table's values to 0 only if that table isn't saved?
22:51.20Verlaineor just write one?
22:51.44Verlaineand why am I verlaine and not shouryuu...
22:51.53Guillotineb/c your stupid?
22:52.01AnduinLotharthere's on in sea, i'm wondering if i can replace it with a one line call from the builtinmath library
22:52.25shouryuuwell if you don't know about it, I doubt I do..
22:52.37AnduinLotharwas hoping iriel was around
22:52.59AnduinLotharso i wouldn't have to look it up :P
22:53.17shouryuumath.hex, math.bin and math.binary ain't working..
22:53.54Enduse tonumber
22:54.16kergothi dont know of such a function in libm, which afaik is where the lua math library comes from
22:54.21Endyou want the other direction?
22:54.30AnduinLotharfrom 10 to 16
22:54.45Endin that case, I don't know
22:55.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Parak (n=utterly_@
22:55.05shouryuumaybe to string a a base 10 and tonumber it to 16?
22:55.25Endtonumber only converts to a real number
22:55.40shouryuuoh I though it converted strings tonumbers :P
22:55.47Endnot a hexidecimal number as a string
22:56.09Guillotineholy crap. this hunter has both the hunter epic bow and the hunter epic stave...
22:56.26Endit returns type of "number".  the only way to express a hexidecimal is as a string
22:56.28shouryuuawww man
22:56.37End~O RLY
22:56.39purlACTION slaps end upside the head
22:56.47Endow, I've been slapped.
22:57.01shouryuuso anyone know how I can solve my problem?
22:57.16Endoh wait
22:58.22shouryuuwhat would that do?
22:58.49Endconvert decimal to hexidecimal like AnduinLothar wanted.
22:58.56shouryuuwow cool
23:01.08AnduinLotharperfect, thx
23:08.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Verlaine (
23:08.35Verlainehumm how do I kick my ghost?
23:09.24AnduinLotharthere we go, got a completely standalone Archaeologist with embedded SeaHooks and MCom
23:09.38VerlaineI don't know what that means
23:09.41Verlainebut sounds cool
23:10.02Guillotinewow. that was the fastest GM answer time ever. 45 minutes from the time someone whispered me selling gold until a gm whispers me and i see the person logged off
23:10.06Tainhee hee and I'm working on an addon with dependancies of Ace, Timex AND Visor.
23:11.30Verlaineso anyone can tell me how to set a table to 0 unless my variables have been previously saved?
23:12.12Verlainethis is my irst time using saved varaibles and it's kinda... funky
23:12.20Guillotineif (variablepreviouslysaved) then SetMyGoddamTableTo(0);
23:13.18Verlaine~x fr en lamelle
23:15.09Verlaineok what is variablepreviouslysaved is a table? if TableName or if TableName[i]?
23:18.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Greywind (
23:20.10Greywindafter doing RFK last night 4 times I am now having my revenge on those piggies by eating a McRib, a delicious revenge :P
23:23.42Guillotineverlaine, you can /nick Shouryuu now
23:24.13kremonte~emulate shouryuu
23:24.14purlhehe. im shouryuu. hi. hehe. shouryuu
23:24.18shouryuuwell this add-on is giving me a brain tumor
23:24.34shouryuu~x fr en Chaire
23:24.47shouryuuit's flesh you ass hole
23:25.10Guillotine~x en fr flesh
23:25.23Guillotineyou had an extra e at the end shour
23:25.32Guillotine~x fr en chair
23:25.38shouryuulol woops
23:26.12kremonte~x en fr why is shouryuu a troll priest
23:26.30shouryuupourquoi shouryuu est-il un pretre troll?
23:26.34shouryuu~x fr enpourquoi shouryuu est-il un pretre troll?
23:26.54shouryuutranslators are hard to make...
23:27.04shouryuuwell I'm off to nourish my tumor with sleep
23:27.08shouryuuseee yyarrr alll around
23:29.41Greywindnoooo, the troll priest thingy has spread to my server forums, there is a 4 page thread on it *sighs in wonder at humanity*
23:30.37Greywindoh and if anyone asks, im not here, im working quite hard :P *starts typing randomly pretending to work hard*
23:31.43Endoh dear.
23:34.58Greywindwell pooh, off i go back to supervise my peons for another 4 hours cya folks

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.