irclog2html for #wowi-lounge on 20051115

00:00.28Natasemnumber 5 google the words at teh bottom of the page
00:00.40Natasemit's a big bad voodoo dady song
00:00.59Guillotinei know. i did
00:01.53kremonteergh. stuck on 8
00:02.05Natasemhighlight the blank space in lvl 6
00:02.36Cairennokay, I'm obviously dumb, I got the answer, at least part way (#4) but I can't figure out what to do with it :p
00:02.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Grumpey (
00:02.51Cairennoh duh
00:02.54StylpeStill stuck on 3 >_<
00:03.24ToastTheifwhat's the ace channel name?
00:03.36Cairennhrrrrm, still not quite getting it ....
00:05.39Guillotinewhich one are you on cairenn?
00:05.58CairennI've got the popup, I'm just obviously still missing something
00:05.59futrtrublnot getting 6 ;']
00:06.10Cairennnm, it worked that time ...
00:07.10Guillotine4 is pretty easy
00:07.10Guillotinelook at the title bar
00:07.10Guillotineit helps
00:07.10Cairennit just didn't work the first time I typed it in
00:07.21Cairennfor whatever reason
00:07.25Cairennit worked the second time
00:07.31kremontelol 9 was easy
00:08.19Natasemhumm nameit isn't working
00:08.39kremontefor which
00:09.01Guillotinei got 5, but i just tried random things from websites that popped up
00:09.18kremontewhich one guillotine?
00:09.28Guillotinewhich what?
00:09.34kremontesorry, nat*
00:11.25kremontewtf at 11...
00:11.34kremontea stove..
00:13.35ToastTheifYep, I think Trillian is nice than Gaim
00:13.51futrtrublwoot, on 8
00:13.56CairennI like Trillian better too, actually ... I'm probably going to switch back
00:13.57Guillotinewoohoo! got 8!
00:14.04Guillotinei mean 6
00:14.13ToastTheifmust find a plugin for trillian...
00:14.15kremonteugh 11 is too hard =|
00:14.46Guillotinewhats trillian?
00:15.06Cairennokay ... gimme a hint on 6 :p
00:15.19ToastTheifTrillian = thingy like Gaim
00:15.51StylpeYay. beat 6 :D
00:16.19StylpeCair: There's 3 'stages' on 6 =)
00:16.25Natasemhumm i am on 8
00:16.34Guillotineim on 7...
00:16.35Natasemis there supposed to be sound or something?
00:17.00ToastTheifheh, otherwise
00:17.21futrtrublyou would think ....... ;']
00:17.48NatasemI'll take this oppertunity to remind you that the levels are supposed to connect with each other...
00:18.55StylpeWhat the hell is IT?
00:19.38kergothToastTheif: trillian is nice.  certainly prettier and easier to use than gaim.  i use gaim since i use it in linux as well, and since its open
00:20.37StylpeIs that a twix wrapper?
00:21.02Guillotinei cant find where to click on 7
00:21.07kremonteor, however you say "maybe" in german ;)
00:21.17StylpeThat's french...
00:21.35kremontei dont know how to say maybe in german
00:21.37Ktrongaim > trillian, imo... it takes much less setup than trillian
00:21.46Guillotineanyone want to give me a hint on 7?
00:21.48kremontegaim is crick and go~
00:22.07ToastTheif*shrugs* trillian seemed easier to me
00:22.17KtronGaim 2 will be interesting too
00:22.26KtronTrillian spends a lot of time on other features
00:22.33Natasem8 =
00:22.34KtronGaim saves most of that sort of stuff for plugins
00:22.44KtronGaim 2 should be interesting though
00:22.57kergothhonestly, i dont see gaim going anywhere with its current maintainer at the helm.  its time for a coup
00:23.07kremontecoup d'etat!
00:23.15Ktronkergoth: why do you say that? I don't know much about the maintainers
00:23.38KtronI know Gaim 2 should be out sooner than later (I hope) and it'll have a lot of Google's Summer of Code contributions in it
00:23.51Natasembah 8 Suxed
00:24.05kergothsean is clueless.  the decisions he makes, and the worthless code he commits... a lot of it isnt visible due to the other gaim devs fixing his fuckups.
00:24.09StylpeGah, what is that wrapper on 7?
00:24.28Natasemyou change the URL
00:24.42StylpeI know, but is it a twix wrapper?
00:24.58kremonteyes it is
00:25.08kremontean.. "old twix" wrapper
00:25.37IrielI can see i'm going to have to ignore you lot if I decide to take the puzzle seriously
00:25.47Irielsince y'all suck at being spoilerless
00:25.59kremontejust don't read irc =)
00:26.03Cairenn*pouts at Iriel*
00:26.32Guillotineold twix still doesnt help me
00:26.37IrielI can't read ANYTHING right now, I just got back from getting my eyes tested and they dilated my pupils.. I have this window full screen almost on a 21" monitor and I can barely keep up
00:26.59Natasemlol @ Iriel
00:27.25Irielthough it's a very bizarre kind of out of focus, everything looks like i'll be able to read it until i TRY then it's just, well, blurry and odd.
00:27.26Guillotinepurl, o rly?
00:27.27purlNO RLY
00:27.58Natasempurl, "rediar" instead of "tieman"
00:28.09StylpeNot everyone knows twix was named something else earlier
00:28.22StylpeNatasem: That's NOT a hint =(
00:28.36Natasemyes it is
00:28.59Guillotineyou gave me the answer stupid natasem >:0
00:29.14Guillotinepurl, Natasem is a stupid answer giver
00:29.16purlGuillotine: okay
00:29.25Guillotinepurl, Natasem?
00:29.26purlnatasem is probably a stupid answer giver
00:29.28Guillotinetake that!
00:30.27Guillotinei need a hint on 8. a HINT mind you
00:30.30kremontepurl, Natasem?
00:30.32purlit has been said that natasem is a stupid answer giver
00:31.11Guillotinepurl, wikipedia say it loudly and proudly
00:31.21Guillotineyour no help
00:31.35kremontepurl, Guillotine is a cheater!
00:31.36purl...but guillotine is already something else...
00:31.43kremontei'm too lazy to fix it
00:31.56Guillotinepurl, kremonte is lazy
00:31.57purlGuillotine: okay
00:32.15kergothlazy is one of the 4 programmer virtues
00:32.27purlsomebody said kremonte was lazy
00:32.38StylpeAnyone but Natasem got a hint for 8?
00:32.48kremontelaziness FTW
00:32.55Ktron~Ktron is Devis on Zul'jin on the forums
00:32.57purlokay, Ktron
00:33.08purlfrom memory, flexbar is ownage
00:33.13Guillotinepurl, I love you
00:33.14purlYou love you?
00:33.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Parak (
00:33.20Guillotineno, i love you
00:33.21kergothThe three chief virtues of a programmer are: Laziness, Impatience and Hubris.
00:33.21kergoth— Larry Wall (Programming Perl)
00:33.41Guillotinepurl, who is Parak?
00:33.43purlGuillotine: what are you talking about?
00:33.50kremontepurl, Guillotine?
00:33.52purli guess guillotine is really cool. And he makes avatars
00:34.02kergoth~emulate stewie
00:34.03purlYes, I rather like this God fellow. He's very theatrical, you know, a pestilence here, a plague there. Omnipotence. Gotta get me some of that.
00:34.03kremonteperl, no, Guillotine is a cheater
00:34.15Natasemlol @ #9
00:34.18Guillotinepurl, ignore kremonte
00:34.19purlACTION sticks her fingers in her ears.  "La, la, la!  I can't hear you, kremonte!"
00:34.34kremontepurl, Guillotine?
00:34.36purlextra, extra, read all about it, guillotine is really cool. And he makes avatars
00:34.40kergothpurl sucks
00:34.41purlIf you give me $50 I'll do more than that!
00:34.42kremonteperl, no, Guillotine is a cheater
00:34.53kremontepurl is dirty
00:34.55Natasempurl blows
00:34.57purlMe luv u long time.
00:34.57Guillotinepurl pwnd kergoth
00:35.00kremonte~no, Guillotine is a cheater
00:35.05kremontebah you
00:35.11CairennUmmm, guys?!
00:35.21Guillotinehi :)
00:35.25Guillotinepurl is dirty
00:35.27cladhaireKremonte: do you and purl need time alone?
00:35.35Natasemyes cairenn
00:35.35Ktronpurl, ignore Guillotine
00:35.38purlACTION sticks her fingers in her ears.  "La, la, la!  I can't hear you, Guillotine!"
00:35.40Guillotineno! dont ignore me!
00:35.43*** join/#wowi-lounge Nomad_Wanderer (
00:35.45Guillotinepurl, unignore guillotine
00:35.54Cairennhi Nomad_Wanderer
00:36.00Guillotinepurl, say hi
00:36.02kremontepurl, Kremonte?
00:36.04purlit has been said that kremonte is lazy
00:36.09CairennIs this my old friend from E'ci?
00:36.16kergothisnt nomad wanderer somewhat redundant?
00:36.31KtronSo, ignoring purl for a bit, anyone here work with flexbar?
00:36.34Nomad_WandererIt's an old nick
00:36.45Guillotinei used to use flexbar...
00:36.50Guillotinelike DAB better though
00:36.53Natasem<span class="not">t</span>ear <span class="not">u</span>nde<span class="not">r</span> <span class="not">n</span>e<span class="not">m</span>m<span class="not">e</span>t's <span class="not">o</span>ve<span class="not">n</span><br><span class="not">d</span>id h<span class="not">e</span> <span class="not">a</span>nswer <span class="not">d</span>e<span class="not">m</span>on's c<span class="not">a</spa
00:36.54Natasemn>ll <span class="not">n</span>ow</center>
00:36.59CairennYes, but I'm wondering if you are the same Nomad_Wanderer I used to know back on E'ci in EQ
00:37.01kremontestop spewing out hints
00:37.06kremonteand giving away answers
00:37.09KtronGuillotine: heh, I can't use DAB... you can't set events for DAB, right?
00:37.14Natasemi not give away answer
00:37.17Guillotineof course you can
00:37.20Natasemanyone can get that far
00:37.21kremonte"looking clearly in this section of the source code, you find the answer"
00:37.38Nomad_WandererUmm.. I don't think so. I only played EQ for a few months.. Though I don't remember much from those days..
00:37.53CairennLOL, probably the same one then :p
00:38.13Nomad_WandererIs this a bad place to ask a lua question?
00:38.22Guillotinethis is the best place of them all :)
00:38.27CairennNope, ask away ... may take you a while to get answered, but go for it
00:38.28Natasemyes since we are playing Notpron
00:38.51Guillotinei give up. i got to level 8 and i am content
00:39.12Nomad_WandererI want to know the size of my single dimensional array..
00:39.32kergothso its numerically indexed? table.getn()
00:39.35Nomad_WandererWhats the best way to do that? say for a FOR loop..... for i=1,BidderList.n do
00:39.36cladhaireIf you've used table.insert to add elements to it, you can use table.getn()
00:40.03kergothcladhaire: not just table.insert().  its slightly smarter than that
00:40.13cladhairekergoth: not in my experience =)
00:40.26kergothif you do for i=1,5 do table[i] = "foo" end
00:40.32kergothtable.getn() on it will return 5
00:40.34kergothnot 0
00:40.36kergothfor example.
00:40.55Nomad_WandererI've inherited an addon, that needs some work... Here's how things are being added.
00:41.02cladhaireinteresting.. i had some issues with that
00:41.21Guillotinepurl, who am i?
00:41.22purlguillotine shut up, you are a nobody
00:41.23Nomad_Wandererthen BidCount is being incremented, and another current bid is going in at the next index.
00:41.24*** part/#wowi-lounge ToastTheif (
00:41.29*** join/#wowi-lounge ToastTheif (
00:41.46ToastTheifTrillian owns gaim, on windows anyway...
00:41.53kergothlua actually uses an array internally for numerically indexed tables whose indices are in order, without holes
00:41.56kergothrather than a hash table
00:42.13kergothwhich is interesting
00:42.33Nomad_WandererOkay. let me try that.. Any of you on lothar?
00:42.38kergothi cant decide whether i like or hate the 5.1 changes in that regard
00:42.41kergothtable.getn() no longer exists
00:42.53Guillotinepurl, o rly?
00:42.54purlo rly is, like, Ya Rly
00:42.54kergothnow #t is the length of the table t
00:43.04kergothwhich feels a lot like perl to me..
00:43.07kergothbut oh well
00:43.17cladhairei dont like that.
00:43.25cladhaireit breaks the conventions we've had up until now.
00:43.34Cairennpurl, no o rly is
00:43.41kergothand theres table.maxn() now, which is only different from #t if the table is sparse.. holes..
00:43.50Guillotinepurl, o rly?
00:43.51purlYa Rly
00:43.55Natasemplur, Guillotine is a quitter
00:43.58cladhaireI dont really feel like we gain anything from that.
00:44.00Cairennpurl: no, o rly is
00:44.12cladhairepurl: who is Cairenn?
00:44.15purlcladhaire: what are you talking about?
00:44.21Guillotinepurl, cairenn?
00:44.22purlmethinks cairenn is one of the administrators of
00:44.23kergothcladhaire: me neither.  wonder if theres a thread on the mailing list that covers the reasoning
00:44.23cladhairepurl: I'm talking about my mom
00:44.36kergothcladhaire: i'd rather they not waste time with crap like that, and add __pairs and shit we really need
00:44.45kergothah well
00:44.47cladhaireKergoth: I agree completely
00:44.48Guillotinepurl, slouken?
00:46.12Guillotinepurl, slouken?
00:46.14purlslouken is, like, an awesome WoW dev
00:46.53Cairennso, like, what's with all the like, like stuff?
00:47.04Guillotinepurl has become a vally girl
00:47.24Cairennand I wonder who to blame for that ....
00:47.28Guillotinewasnt us
00:47.35Guillotinei think only tim can change those responses
00:47.36Nomad_WandererIs there a javadocs or something for LUA? Something other than htp:// ?
00:47.51kergothwhat exactly are you looking for?
00:48.02kergothbetween programming in lua and the reference manual, just about everything is there
00:48.05Cairennpurl: no, slouken is an awesome WoW dev
00:48.07purli already had it that way, Cairenn
00:48.24Cairenn*spanks purl* no you didn't
00:48.35kergothpurl: bad bot
00:48.36purlBad bot, bad! No cookie for you!
00:48.38Nomad_WandererThe PIL and the Manual are not "reference guide" enough.. I was looking more for a straight listing of methods/functions.
00:48.44Ktronnot pron has me stuck at 2
00:48.44Cairennpurl: no, slouken is an amazing WoW dev
00:48.46purlokay, Cairenn
00:48.54Cairennpurl, slouken?
00:48.55purlslouken is, like, an amazing WoW dev
00:49.13Cairennshit, he really did, didn't he?  Timmmmmmmm, what have you done?!?!
00:49.15Natasemwtf is that in #11
00:49.17kergothNomad_Wanderer: you mean a reference to the standard library.  the manual has that, though it isnt perfect, true
00:49.19Natasemlooks like brains
00:49.31StylpeAugh! Someone help me with 8!
00:49.42purl"ah, ah, ah, ah, stayin' alive, stayin' alive"
00:49.54purlACTION takes two shots to the head and crumples to the ground, lifeless.
00:50.30purlit has been said that spork is an amazing utensil, because it's totally useless as a fork, and totally useless as a spoon, yet everyone has used one before
00:50.30Natasemw00t i gettin lucky tonight
00:50.34cladhairepurl, no, there is no spoon
00:50.35purlcladhaire: what are you talking about?
00:50.40cladhairepurl hates me.
00:51.01cladhairepurl, cladhaire is someone that purl hates
00:51.02purlokay, cladhaire
00:51.16purlThere is no spoon. Ok, perhaps you meant: Parallel execution of command batches for SMP machines. URL:
00:51.32cladhairepurl, wow?
00:51.33purlhmm... wow is a word begging with a 'w', then an 'o'. It ends with a 'w'.  This means that it is reversible.  It is a useful word for situations in which you wish to imply a feeling of general wow-ness.  Best used in brackets following some other statement, like this:   Debian is the best linux distro (wow).  Also combine with exclamation marks for added wow-ity ...
00:51.45kergothwow-ity, eh
00:51.49cladhairewow.. i hadn't seen that one before
00:52.05kergoth~factinfo wow
00:52.05purlwow -- created by Timmmm <> at Thu Sep  6 18:58:43 2001 (1530 days); it has been requested 29 times, last by cladhaire, 32s ago.
00:52.16kergoth~factinfo spoon
00:52.16purlspoon -- last modified at Thu May 19 19:28:41 2005 by TimRiker!; it has been requested 3 times, last by Natasem, 1m ago.
00:52.37Cairennpoor Nomad_Wanderer, trying to get serious answers and you guys are all busy playing with the bot again
00:52.57kergothwe gave him the answers though
00:53.02kergoth_then_ we played with the bot more
00:53.07purlkergoth: thanks
00:53.15Cairennpurl, sex?
00:53.16purlupdatedb; locate; talk; date; cd; strip; look; touch; finger; unzip; uptime; gawk; head; apt-get install condom; mount; fsck; gasp; more; yes; yes; yes; more; umount; apt-get remove --purge condom; make clean; sleep, or super extractor,
00:53.16Nomad_WandererIt's okay.. I'm only reading every 10 lines or so anyway
00:53.20Natasemok in level 11 it is set in a microwave,the tab is named "ahead of its time" and the in the url u can see "...reality/mystery..." any ideas....any1
00:54.02CairennROFL @ purl
00:54.39StylpeI give up.
00:54.43StylpeI got to 8
00:56.55Natasemeh want the answer now stylpe
00:57.06krem`afkpurl, natasem?
00:57.07purl[natasem] a stupid answer giver
00:57.48Natasem8 is user inverted password is levelten
00:58.00CairennNatasem: seriously, stop answering
00:58.05krem`afkseriously natasem
00:58.09krem`afkyou're ruining it
00:58.10Cairennit takes all the fun out of them
00:58.20StylpeNatasem: What did you just do?
00:58.21Natasemlol there is 91 levels in this game
00:58.32Cairennwho cares, don't give away the answers
00:58.37Natasemonly one i answered is #8
00:58.49krem`afkyou answered other ones -_-
00:58.53Natasemno i didn't
00:58.59krem`afkfor the twix bar
00:59.04krem`afkyou were like "change the url to this"
00:59.05Natasemi gave a hint
00:59.07Cairennlet's not argue, just don't give any mroe
00:59.12Natasemthe change it to this
00:59.21Natasemtook ya to another page that you had to figure out the answer to
00:59.37Natasemonce ya figure out the answer to the second page then you can go back to the first page and anser that one
00:59.43Natasemthen you have to correct answer
01:00.20Ktronup to page 4
01:00.23Natasemi woulr daterh give the ansewr to 1 question then for someone to give up on the game cuz they can't get past 1 question
01:01.15krem`afkif they cant get one, its not hopeful theyll get the next...anyways, afk
01:01.30Natasemya 9 is alot easier that 8
01:02.25*** part/#wowi-lounge Ktron (
01:02.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Ktron (
01:02.53Ktronbleh, whoops
01:02.53CairennThat's okay, I still can't get past 7, so :p
01:03.07KtronI could make my own one of these easily enough
01:03.23Guillotineanyone want to give me an answer to 1?
01:03.45Guillotine*crickets chirping*
01:03.49purlACTION fertilizes the channel
01:03.49Guillotinepurl, dance
01:03.50purl"ah, ah, ah, ah, stayin' alive, stayin' alive"
01:04.05Ktronheh, I asked earlier, I'll ask again now... Anyone know anything about using the custom<> conditional in flexbar
01:04.26ToastTheifI do!
01:04.32Guillotinepurl, toasttheif
01:04.34purlToasttheif ninjas toast then logs off
01:05.00Guillotinepurl, cide
01:05.22purli'm a broken bot
01:05.23Guillotinepurl, cide is the developer of the CT mods
01:05.27purlokay, Guillotine
01:05.32ToastTheifWhat do you want to know besides the fact that you should use Visor, Ktron?
01:05.50Guillotinepurl, ragnaros
01:05.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaelten (
01:05.57CairennYo Kaelten
01:06.00ToastTheifpurl, Visor
01:06.02purlvisor is, like, palm done right, or cheaper and faster , and fully compatible, or supported by linux 2.3.40+ (STABLIZED!) visit
01:06.03*** mode/#WoWI-lounge [+o Kaelten] by ChanServ
01:06.06Guillotinepurl, ragnaros is a big ugly fiery guy that kills people
01:06.07purlGuillotine: okay
01:06.13ToastTheifpurl doesn't know what Visor is!
01:06.17Natasemeh anyone have the answer to #32
01:06.31ToastTheif <-- visor
01:06.33Guillotinepurl, Visor is a wierd hat thing you wear that is completely useless
01:06.35purl...but visor is already something else...
01:06.39Guillotinepurl, visor
01:06.40purli guess visor is palm done right, or cheaper and faster , and fully compatible, or supported by linux 2.3.40+ (STABLIZED!) visit
01:06.46purlextra, extra, read all about it, kaelten is awsome
01:06.53Cairennnope, as I said, I'm still trying to get past 7
01:06.53Guillotinepurl, guillotine
01:06.54purlfrom memory, guillotine is really cool. And he makes avatars
01:07.03Guillotinepurl, your the best
01:07.08ToastTheifpurl, visor is Rowne's uber frame moving addon with much much more!
01:07.09purl...but visor is already something else...
01:07.14Natasemthe answer for # 7 is .....
01:07.16ToastTheifno, it's not!
01:07.18Natasemyew are a n00b
01:07.20cladhairepurl visor is also Rowne's uber frame moving addon with much much more!
01:07.22purlcladhaire: okay
01:07.25Cairennlol Natasem
01:07.29Guillotinepurl, visor
01:07.31purlit has been said that visor is palm done right, or cheaper and faster , and fully compatible, or supported by linux 2.3.40+ (STABLIZED!) visit  Rowne's uber frame moving addon with much much more!
01:07.37ToastTheifpurl, Visor is also Rowne's uber frame moving addon with much much more!
01:07.39purlokay, ToastTheif
01:07.45ToastTheifthanks purl
01:07.49Guillotinepurl, thank you
01:07.50purlGuillotine: sure thing
01:07.50ToastTheifpurl, Visor
01:07.51purlit has been said that visor is palm done right, or cheaper and faster , and fully compatible, or supported by linux 2.3.40+ (STABLIZED!) visit  Rowne's uber frame moving addon with much much more!  Rowne's uber frame moving addon with much much more!
01:07.59Natasembtw when ya get to #11 good luck
01:08.00Kaeltenpurl is just weird
01:08.05Guillotinepurl, forget visor
01:08.18ToastTheifto my backpack, must do hw!
01:08.29ToastTheifdon't do that
01:08.38Kaeltenwoot finally got in wow,
01:08.39Natasemok ya'll have fun i got my 2.5 hr communte to look forward to
01:08.41Kaeltenoff to play!
01:08.42cladhairepurl, visor
01:08.44purlvisor is, like, Rowne's uber frame moving addon with much much more!
01:08.45Natasemweeee YaY for traffice
01:08.53Guillotinepurl, traffic
01:08.57ToastTheifthat works *shurgs*
01:08.59Guillotinepurl, traffic is yucky
01:09.00purlokay, Guillotine
01:09.05futrtrubl~emulate peter
01:09.06purl[emulate peter] ...
01:09.11*** join/#wowi-lounge rjokay (
01:09.20Guillotinepurl, emulate me
01:09.22purlwoohoo! spoofing links is fun!
01:09.24Cairennpurl: no, visor is palm done right, or cheaper and faster, and fully compatible, or supported by linux 2.3.40+ (STABLIZED!) visist
01:09.25purlCairenn: okay
01:09.32rjokaycan anyone tell me how to register an event properly, pretty please
01:09.41ToastTheifwhy did u do that lol
01:09.46CairennToast ...
01:09.52Cairennbecause you guys fucked it up :p
01:10.00Guillotinerj: RegisterEvent("THE_EVENT");
01:10.04ToastTheifno one here cares about usbvisor tho!
01:10.10Cairennand I don't think TimRiker will appreciate us completely messing up his bot
01:10.42CairennI mean, there's messing with it some, but there's a limit
01:10.52rjokayGuillotine what about that "this" thing how do I make that object?
01:11.06futrtrubllimits? what are these limits of which you speak?
01:11.22Cairennthose which I have trouble obeying ;)
01:11.27futrtrubl"this" is the frame that calls the function
01:11.31Guillotinerj: this: is basically shorthand for the current frame that the function was called from
01:11.46Guillotinepurl, you rock
01:11.46purlGuillotine: thanks
01:12.05rjokaydoes having a frame mean I have to have an interface?
01:12.12rjokayI just want it to be done by /commands
01:12.19futrtrublit can be invisiblae
01:12.29rjokaydo you know how to make it invisible?
01:12.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Grumpey (
01:12.48futrtrubldon't give it a size or any textures
01:12.50rjokayis "this" specific to a frame?
01:13.04futrtrublthis is sopecific to every frame ;']
01:13.04rjokayor can I just register an event without a frame?
01:14.18futrtrublyou need a frame as you need the OnEvent event handler
01:14.38rjokayI'm looking at the LootFrame.xml and it doesn't seem to have its events registered beetween a <frame> </frame> tags?
01:14.57futrtrublthe registering might be done from the lua
01:15.05Guillotinemost are
01:15.16rjokayso it registered it on load
01:15.32futrtrublbest time to
01:15.53rjokaywierd, cause I'm looking at the LootFrame.lua and I see only functions
01:16.05rjokayyou can only 'call' functions right?
01:16.30rjokaymaybe it registered it somewhere else
01:16.47cladhaireRj: If you look at LootFrame.xml:251
01:17.08cladhaireThat call may not be immediately in a frame.. but is is wrapped within a frame
01:17.32rjokayerr mine says at 251 "<AbsDimension x="64" y="64"/>"
01:17.38Guillotineok, has ANYBODY figured out how to get animations to play for more than like .2 seconds?
01:18.53cladhairewhich lootframe.xml are you looking at?
01:19.08rjokaythe one from patch.mpq I think
01:19.26rjokay513 lines
01:20.40KtronIf visor is an addon, then what's its address? I have found nothing on an addon called visor, or anything involving flexbar and visor
01:21.03ToastTheifVisor is like flexbar, ace'd sorta
01:21.19ToastTheifbut what did you want to know about Flex?
01:21.22ToastTheifI did earlier =P
01:21.35KtronI only saw the sf link to usbvisor
01:21.56KtronI'm trying to learn about the custom<> conditional
01:22.30ToastTheifcan you explain what you mean a bit more?
01:22.48ToastTheifbeen a long time since I've messed with flexbar, let a lone WoW
01:23.06Ktronhm... So, in flexbar, you can remap buttons, have you done that?
01:25.30KtronThen, I basically want different states (different remaps) for a group of buttons that I can toggle through with buttons predictably, or a few other such things, and I know I need conditionals. Looking at the possible conditionals (like HasAura<> and HasBuff<> and so on) called custom<>, which I'm hoping does what I want... I want it to have the ability to store a value of some kind
01:25.39Ktronlike, an int or a char or a string or something
01:26.04ToastTheifwhen do you want the buttons to remap?
01:28.14Ktronkeybinding events... Here's an example of why I think I need more-- I want to have 4 remaps for my rogue, 1 regular, 1 extended, 1 tradeskills, and 1 stealthed. to switch from regular to extended or tradeskill I'll use a button press, and on a skill use perhaps or another event reset to the regular bar. However, while Stealthed, I want the regular bar to remap to the stealthed bar, and...
01:28.16Ktron...whenever I trigger the remappings to the other two bars, when I 'reset' I'd like it to reset to the stealthed bar instead of the regular one
01:28.41Ktronie... I need a way to store a 'state' of the bar, independent of remaps
01:29.18ToastTheifyou're thinking about it too much :)
01:29.27KtronI know I could set a billion events
01:29.37Ktronlike, all the events with stealthed on, and all the events with stealthed off
01:29.53Ktronbut I'd expect there must be some kind of basic way to store a variable or somethign
01:29.57ToastTheifthere is only one of stealthon and stealth off
01:29.58Guillotinelol ktron. <> is not a conditional
01:30.20ToastTheifevent=gainAura target=Stealth
01:30.25Guillotine<> is just what is supposed to surround the variable. like HasAura<"Devotion Aura">
01:30.28KtronGuillotine: oh psh, 'HasAura<"Stealthed">' would be one
01:30.40ToastTheifevent=loseAura target=Stealth
01:30.50ToastTheifdon't use hasAura
01:30.53Ktronand 'Custom<(I don't knmow what goes here)>' is another
01:31.20Nomad_Wandererpl("table.getn(BidderList) = "..table.getn(BidderList)); --correctly outputs table.getn(BidderList) = 1
01:31.22KtronToastTheif: depends what I need-- if I want things to remap, I'd use GainAura and LoseAura
01:31.38KtronToastTheif: if I wanted different behavior while I have an aura verse not, then I'd use HasAura
01:31.43Nomad_Wandererbut for i=1,table.getn(BidderList) do -- throws a nill error
01:32.00Temthen your table is nil
01:32.15Nomad_WandererBut why did the first statement work?
01:32.16rjokayanyone know an event after you kill a creature?
01:32.28Temoh I missed your previous statement
01:32.34Temmaybe that isn't the error
01:32.56Nomad_WandererYour right. it was a pebkac error
01:33.20KtronSo I take it the answer is that no one has worked with anything that advanced for flexbar
01:33.46ToastTheifmeh, I think I'd have to know exactly what you want
01:34.23TemKtron: what advanced?
01:34.46kergothNomad_Wanderer: why are you doing for i=1,table.getn(BidderList)?  i mean, what are you doing in the loop?
01:35.40KtronTem: was trying to determine if anyone knew how flexbar's conditional custom<> worked
01:35.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (n=Guilloti@
01:36.50ToastTheifRemap button=# Base=# On='GainAura' Target='Stealth'
01:36.50ToastTheifRemap button=# Base=# On='LoseAura' Target='Stealth'
01:36.50ToastTheifRemap button=# Base=# On='LeftButtonClick' Target=#
01:36.56ToastTheifstuff like that is what you will need
01:37.07Ktronyeah, I know
01:37.15Ktronhere's the issue
01:37.29KtronI want it to 'toggle' back to somethign other than its own default
01:37.37Ktronwhile stealthed
01:37.48ToastTheifremap it to the group you want
01:39.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine_ (n=Guilloti@
01:39.33Ktronhm... ex: I have groups 1-2, 2-3, 3-4, and events to remap 1-2 to 3-4 when entering stealth, remap 1-2 to 1-2 when I leave stealth, and a remap 1-2 to 2-3 toggle='true' on a button press. If I stealth, button press, button press again, I get the non-stealthed bar
01:39.43KtronI want to get the stealthed bar back
01:39.55Guillotine_sry. got d/c... so does anyone know what mod shows the buffs in ?
01:40.34krem`afkguillotine, looks like gypsy
01:40.37Ktronguillotine: might be gypsy
01:40.38cladhaireGuill: looks like a modified gypsy
01:40.46Ktronguillotine: with a font change
01:40.52Temcould be ct too
01:41.01guillotineya. wasnt sure wether it was gypsey or ct
01:41.07Cidethat's gypsy
01:41.10TemI don't remember what ct looks like though, I modified mine a long time ago
01:41.26Cidegypsy is ct_buffmod with nifty background :P
01:41.35TemI loved the vertical view with the text on the side, but I hated the verbosity of it
01:41.37CairennThat's Gypsy, more specific, it's Moo'sBuffs
01:41.51KtronCide: well gypsy's buffbar is, gypsymod has other parts
01:42.03Cideyeah Ktron
01:42.04CairennThat was what it was called originally, Moo'sBuffs
01:42.23CideMoo'sBuffs? I don't recall seeing that before
01:42.23Temso I hacked it to kill the name and shorten the duration to H:MM:SS
01:42.29Cairenn*remembers when Moo's got integrated into Gypsy*
01:42.45Cideheh, interesting, didn't know tat
01:42.46TemMooBuffMod was part of cosmos back around release time
01:42.46CairennThat's what it was waaaay back, Cide
01:42.54CairennYup, that too, Tem
01:43.01Cideyeah Cairenn
01:43.09Cidebut it's my code so it was after my time at least
01:43.09TemI really missed it when I ditched cosmos
01:43.11cladhaireUNIT_INVENTORY_CHANGED sucks.. it fires way too often for my liking.. *le sigh*
01:43.12guillotinei remember moos when all it did was add timers...
01:43.29Cairennme too Guillotine
01:43.29Temcladhaire: it fires when you change gear
01:43.44Temand that's it as far as i know
01:43.45cladhaireTem: and when you get loot, and when you split stacks, AND when anyone in your party (or enemy) changes equipment
01:43.52Temoh poop
01:43.53cladhairearg1 is the unitid that is affected
01:44.13cladhaireso you can filter it for most things.. but I have to parse all equipped items on inventory change
01:44.24cladhaire<-- calculating +healing gear for stat purposes
01:44.50Irielcan you maybe use an OnUpdate delay to at least compress a whole bunch of them into a single update
01:44.59Irieleven if it's say .25 seconds late
01:45.09CodayusI'm geting an error thrown uh...hmmm, whenever I fire a gun, whenever I mine, and whenever I craft something.  Trying to work out whats causing it.  Is there a single event that fires for all three of those only?
01:45.26cladhaireIriel: I could, but in these cases its not really a big issue-- I just see it firing like crazy.
01:45.27TemIriel: it's not a big deal because you can scan for the slots that have changed
01:45.40Temand only process for those slots
01:45.44CideCodayus: SPELLCAST_STOP
01:45.53Cideor maybe not on fire a gun
01:45.58cladhaireTem: but you still have to build the tooltip to detemine if it changed, correct?
01:46.01Cidebut I'm not sure
01:46.04Temcladhaire: no
01:46.09Temyou can go off of itemID
01:46.20cladhaireTem: Aah.. fair enough.
01:46.26cladhaireblonde moment
01:46.58CodayusNuts.  Hmm.  I'm...pretty sure I didn't hook that.  I think I saw an addon that'd spit out a list of events as they fire...maybe that'll help.
01:47.07CodayusIf I can find it again.  :-)
01:47.43kergoththere are a few addons that do that
01:47.45kergothfireshow is one
01:48.04CodayusAh, cool.
01:48.05kergoththeres another by the equipmanager guy, iirc
01:48.09kergothcant remember its name though
01:48.46TemI never liked that one
01:48.56Temit takes too long to turn off the events you don't want to see
01:49.08TemI wanna say EventProfiler was the name
01:49.17Cideya, there's a mod called that
01:49.38Temespecially now that it has the mass filtering option
01:49.46Tembe warned it's all command line
01:50.00CodayusNo worries.
01:50.07cladhaireand commandline is the devil =)
01:50.17CodayusI like command lines.  :-)
01:50.22cladhairei HATE gui
01:50.29Temaccording to Saien, they are
01:50.29cladhairethat's why i had to keep my mouth shut in the forums today =)
01:50.34Temhehe me too
01:50.39TemI hate making GUIs
01:50.43cladhaireI hate using them
01:50.44cladhairethey slow me down
01:50.52TemI don't mind using them, I just hate making them
01:51.04cladhairevery few have been slick.
01:51.14cladhaireof the ones I use at least
01:51.15Codayusthere are some things that guis are good for...
01:51.27CodayusAnd there are a whole LOT of things they tend to be used for.
01:51.29cladhaireOk.. here's what we have.. healers-- what else would you want:
01:51.31TemGello's stuff is what comes to mind as successful gui
01:51.56cladhaireOverall healing efficiency, Healing efficiency on your last target and HP/Mana fo the last spell you cast
01:52.00cladhaireThat's compact mode.
01:52.16cladhaireand I can provide any of those stats on a per-spell, per-target per-spell-per-target and overall basis.
01:52.22cladhaireAnything horrible that I'm missing?
01:52.38CodayusHmm, one thing I've been looking for recently is a breakdown of who healed a given target.
01:52.59cladhaireThis is only for single healers (tho synchronization is coming on a very basic level)
01:53.11cladhaireso you can see all the targets you healed.. and that's it.
01:53.16cladhaireits meant to increase healer awareness and efficiency
01:53.58CodayusAll the stats mods I've seen, such as recap, just list how much healing each healer did.  ie, they show that I did 21% of the healing in the raid, but won't tell me how much of the healing on the MT I did...
01:54.21cladhaireAaah.. mine does that and so much more =)
01:54.42CodayusAh, good, good.  Thaats the only stat I'm currently missing from, say, recap.
01:54.45cladhaireIncluding properly calculating overhealing
01:55.11CodayusAh?  More properly than the normal attempts?
01:55.20cladhaireSatrina and I are kinda .. .insane when it comes to statistics and we happen to be in the same guild, so we fuel each others fires.
01:55.41cladhaireLucifron brb
01:57.28TemZG time
02:01.40cladhaireback.. sorry
02:02.48StylpeHey, would anyone like to help me with some fun integrals? :D
02:03.11Codayussure...if they are, in fact, fun.
02:03.24CodayusI have a feeling you may be misrepreenting the case though...
02:03.27StylpeNo, they're not
02:03.38OsagasuRFD is eaaasyyy with a party of paladins
02:03.48StylpeDo you have openoffice?
02:04.06StylpeI was asking Codayus =P
02:04.45CodayusCould be?
02:04.56StylpeBut if you want something to do, Osagasu, you can look over my calculations =P
02:05.12CodayusWhy?  Is that what your doing the equations in?  Sissy.
02:05.16StylpeOpenOffice Math is fucking genious :D
02:05.17CodayusReal men use LaTeX.
02:05.35cladhairelatex ftw
02:05.54StylpeBut OOMath is so easy!
02:06.23CodayusI'm...not touching that comment.
02:06.25cladhaireWb Cair
02:06.42StylpeFine. Be that way.
02:09.15CairennNomad_Wanderer: you still here?
02:10.37Cairenndon't stop talking just because I'm back :p
02:11.02*** join/#wowi-lounge kergoth (
02:12.47purlmethinks latex is nice on a woman, but LaTeX (pronounced la tech) is a set of macros for the TeX document formatting system. awesome, or, or read The Not-So-Short Guide to LaTeX :, or
02:12.53*** join/#wowi-lounge dukeku_ (
02:13.36Osagasuhehehe, Anduin, Cosmos doesn't know about Cutthroat Alley
02:14.26Osagasuhuh wha?
02:15.33ToastTheifwha huh?
02:22.10Osagasuya rly
02:22.26OsagasuCutthroat alley is a subzone in Stormwind
02:23.10Tainorly is a special level of hell for everyone who says it over and over again.
02:23.30ToastTheifI think my favorite quote from the WoW general board is
02:23.31ToastTheifPerson Three:  lglgrlglrlgllglrlgrllgrlrr!
02:23.31ToastTheifPerson Two: n00b, its "alrlrlrlrlglgl"!
02:23.32OsagasuI don't believe hin hell
02:23.33ToastTheifPerson Four: it's fine, learn2murloc
02:25.14ToastTheifor maybe Caydiem and Marsha's Eminem/WoW parody...
02:25.30cladhairethat was amazing.
02:25.53ToastTheifyeah, freakin' hillarious
02:26.43Osagasuy favorite WoW Boards was a while back
02:26.55Osagasuhold on, lemme see if google cache has it. doubt it though
02:26.55ToastTheifwhich one?
02:27.50futrtrublwhere is this parody?
02:27.56TainWe already have plenty of it, I mean every post Saien makes is a parody of an intelligent person. :)
02:28.13Osagasunop, its not in the cache
02:28.52ToastTheifwhat was it, Osagasu?
02:29.42Osagasubasically its a bunch of noobs talking about what they said they would do if they ever had sex, and one of them was like: The best thing that could ever happen to me in sex is if my girl leaned down in my ear still in her afterglow and whispered 'pwnt'
02:30.06Codayus.....  oO
02:30.22OsagasuIt was more verbose than that, its been almost a year since I read it, so I've forgottem most of it
02:30.38CodayusThat's just...wrong.
02:30.45OsagasuI started howling
02:31.15Osagasuneedless to say I QFT'd it
02:33.06ToastTheifReallyadude: OMG Blizz nerfed crashing
02:33.06ToastTheifIriel: Tem will find a workaround. I have faith.
02:33.10ToastTheifthat was good too
02:33.24Osagasuyou would have laughed if you read it how it was written
02:34.08OsagasuAll of my friends, even my several girlfriends, laughed at it. :P
02:34.44ToastTheifgood one Osagasu
02:35.33OsagasuI love making you all twitch
02:35.47Osagasucause I'm a troll
02:36.10pagefaultwhy do people join a group and then quit like 5 minutes later saying they have to eat or smth
02:36.25Endto annoy you?
02:36.30pagefaultit just makes no sense to me
02:36.37pagefaultwhy join a group if you know you can't be there for that long
02:36.40Guil_OnWoWcause its fun
02:36.54pagefaultI wish you could put a deposit in
02:37.00pagefaultyou get your gold back if you don't leave the group :)
02:37.14Guil_OnWoWi like going on my level 13 priests and saying "LFG Holy Priest for LBRS"
02:37.45pagefaultyeah I am doing UBRS now
02:39.38EndAww, screw it, I'm lazy
02:41.42Osagasucome play WoW. ;)
02:41.48Cairennblah, boring
02:42.30kergothdont feel like playing wow, dont feel like reading a book or watching a movie or coding
02:42.44Cairenn*agrees with kergoth*
02:42.58ToastTheifI hate it when you're bored, but don't want to do anything, or are too lazy to
02:43.06kergothmaybe i'll give tv a shot, but i doubt i'll find anything worth watching
02:43.25Cairenn*invites kergoth to come play post office*
02:43.41ToastTheifIm like "dammit, Im bored, oh I'll watch that movie my friend gave me ... ARGH! where is is? ... oh well, I'll just sit here ... "
02:43.58ToastTheifis it*
02:44.04Cidehehe, waiting for a raid spot to open is boring
02:44.23Endahhh dammit, laziness didn't pay off
02:44.33Cidelaziness only pays off temporarily
02:44.38Cidethen it comes around and bites you in the butt
02:44.42Endno it didn't pay off at all
02:44.51EndI'm adding full tracebacks to IEF
02:44.51kergothHard work always pays off after time, but laziness always pays off now.
02:45.02Endexcept, it clips it
02:46.34OsagasuI don't get this
02:47.05Cairennget what?
02:47.53OsagasuSomething in Cosmos + Ace = I can't logout
02:48.27OsagasuAnduin got my hooked on Cosmos with that argument, but I can't give up Ace
02:49.37purlwell, cosmos is The Cosmos is all that is or ever was or ever will be. -Carl Sagan
02:49.51kergoth~emulate chris
02:49.52purlWhen I stick this army guy with the sharp bayonette up my nose, it tickles my brain. Hah hah hah ... ow. Oh, now I don't know math.
02:50.03purlLet me 'splain. No, there is too much. Let me sum up.
02:50.04OsagasuOne thing I don't get is how the error in Ace, which is in AceModule.lua somewhere... but the line the error is said to be on is actually PAST the last line in the file!
02:50.26TainYou need to look into the future.
02:51.01*** part/#wowi-lounge ToastTheif (
02:51.17*** join/#wowi-lounge ToastTheif (
02:51.29ToastTheifdumb thing
02:51.38Osagasuyou think your IRC is dumb?
02:52.06ToastTheifno, just Trillian, occasionally
02:52.19OsagasuI'm the one dealing with an interpreter that things my addons are longer than they actually are
02:52.27kergoth~emulate chris
02:52.28purlIf I had a hole in my throat, I'd put pennies in it
02:52.44Osagasu~emulate me
02:52.45purlACTION slaps some random passerby with a frenic horrid trout of pwnage
02:52.52End~emulate chris
02:52.53purlIf I had a hole in my throat, I'd put pennies in it
02:53.01Endno no, a new one!
02:53.02Guil_OnWoWif your bored, make a character on Draenor. we can make a UI parade of gnomes :D we can all be named UI or yooeye or yueye or yuih or stuff like that!
02:53.05kergoth~emulate chris
02:53.07purlI didn't know there was a 5 A.M. mass. I didn't even know there was a 5 A.M. What else haven't you told me!?
02:53.17Guil_OnWoWpurl, emulate me
02:53.28Guil_OnWoWoh ya. im not on guil
02:53.35Guil_OnWoWpurl, emulate guillotine
02:53.36purlwoohoo! spoofing links is fun!
02:53.42ToastTheif~emulate me
02:53.50Osagasupurl, nickometer
02:53.53purlsomebody said ace was a lightweight and powerful system for building World of Warcraft addons.  See
02:53.59Osagasupurl, nickometer PWNT
02:54.10Osagasupurl, nickometer Osagasu
02:54.23Osagasupurl, nickometer purl
02:54.24ToastTheifpurl, nickometer ToastTheif
02:54.32kergothit watches for non alphanumerics, and sequences of caps
02:54.35kergotheverything else is 0
02:54.41ToastTheifpurl, nickometer Purl
02:54.47Osagasupurl, nickometer Guil_OnWoW
02:54.55kergoth~nickometer foo__~
02:54.58ToastTheifpurl, nickometer ToAsT.tHeIf
02:55.04End~nickometer 1
02:55.12End~nickometer 2
02:55.16ToastTheifpurl, nickometer ROFLCOPTERS
02:55.19End~nickometer 3
02:55.19Osagasupurl, nickometer /\$$|-|0|_3
02:55.28ToastTheifhaha, I win
02:55.29Osagasuhaha, I pwn you all
02:55.37ToastTheifoh wait
02:55.37End~nickometer 1234_!!.?~@!#@
02:55.38ToastTheifu do!
02:55.42kergoth~lart ToastTheif
02:55.49Osagasupurl, nickometer 46@%^&@%$^&%&^@5BYfvhdfgbty7VHwrtg$^VGHErtyh643Y#B
02:56.04Endthat's pretty lame
02:56.10ToastTheifpurl, nickometer fsjeksSDFSDGJSKgdskdgs43534t9ujedFDSFSWjtrwfsdkfsER#ROFLWTFPWNT
02:56.27Cairennthank god!
02:56.30End~nickometer S{PPPPNS!!!1
02:56.33ToastTheifpurl, nickometer ROFLwtfPWNT
02:56.38Osagasupurl, nickometer Cairenn
02:56.44EndI can't believe I'm doing this
02:56.46Endback to work
02:56.54purlaw, gee, Cairenn
02:56.55ToastTheifpurl, nickometer LaMe
02:57.06ToastTheiflame = 100% lame
02:57.19ToastTheifpurl, nickometer 100
02:57.19kergothlame isnt 100% lame
02:57.23kergothlots of nicks are more lame than lame
02:57.35ToastTheifpurl, nickometer 100%LaMe
02:57.44kergoth~emulate chris
02:57.45purlWhen I stick this army guy with the sharp bayonette up my nose, it tickles my brain. Hah hah hah ... ow. Oh, now I don't know math.
02:57.47Osagasupurl, nickometer I_R_L4m#n#$4+1n(/\|2/\//\73
02:57.53ToastTheifpurl, nickometer 100%LaMe_WTF
02:57.55kergoth~emulate chris
02:57.56purlIt'll be a good chance to get away from the evil monkey that lives in my closet.
02:58.12ToastTheifpurl, nickometer 100%LaMe_WTF_OwNeD
02:58.12kergoth~emulate brian
02:58.14purlWell, Peter, if you're going to pull a party out of your ass, you might want to go ahead and stand up.
02:58.19kergothi love that one
02:58.21OsagasuGiVeEme100%LAM3OMGROFLBBQZZ2431#%$%4v1t 2t46GW^%Y%7hbwe65TE%NYEB^Utjytry7UE^%hbe6 bu$Bu @$5yuB@ y@$%Y45h7B%96 $&i^%u8NB#ei8E#y
02:58.28ToastTheifpurl, nickometer 100%LaMe_WTF_OwNeD_NeWb
02:58.42Osagasupurl, nickometer GiVeEme100%LAM3OMGROFLBBQZZ2431#%$%4v1t 2t46GW^%Y%7hbwe65TE%NYEB^Utjytry7UE^%hbe6 bu$Bu @$5yuB@ y@$%Y45h7B%96 $&i^%u8NB#ei8E#y
02:58.46Cidepurl: nickometer purl
02:58.47ToastTheifpurl, nickometer 100%LaMe_WTF_OwNeD_j00_NeWb
02:58.53Cairennguys, stop already
02:59.02OsagasuYes, mistress
02:59.03CideCairenn kick the bot!
02:59.10kergothkick the users
02:59.16Cideor put on moderation
02:59.16CairennI will if this bs keeps up
02:59.19OsagasuI wonder
02:59.23Guil_OnWoWooo! kick osagasu!
02:59.38Guil_OnWoWi want to see if his irc client rejoins automatically
02:59.46*** part/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (
02:59.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (
03:00.52Cairennnext one that does that gets a temp kick
03:01.01Cairennafter that, we start working on bans
03:01.21CairennI'm all for fun and games, we all have that very well established, but grow the fuck up, asshats :p
03:01.50CideCairenn needs to realize the maturity of the average programmer
03:01.51*** part/#wowi-lounge ToastTheif (
03:02.05Cairennspamming the channel with complete and utter bullshit isn't necessary
03:02.10CideI agree
03:02.14OsagasuProgrammers high the IQ of a genius but the maturity of a 12 year old
03:02.29Osagasugood thing I'm no programmed. ^_^
03:02.42futrtrublobviously ;']
03:03.03TemZG~emulate stewie
03:03.04purlDo you want a soooda?
03:03.10CairennOsagasu: this channel is supposed to be fun, I have 0.00% problem with that (:p) but give me a gd break
03:05.05CairennCide: I'm very aware of the maturity of the average programmer/end-user, but see again previous comments about limits
03:05.15Cideyeah, I agree
03:05.53Cairennthen again, maybe I'm just being a cranky bitch because I haven't gotten laid in far too long :p
03:05.57*** join/#wowi-lounge natebc (
03:06.13CideI'm sure people in here can help you with that
03:06.34Cairenn*winks at cladhaire*
03:06.35cladhaireI was thinking of heading North sometime soon =)
03:06.58rjokayanyone know if there is some pre-requisite for Jump() to work?
03:07.00OsagasuIts not everyday you hear a woman complaining of not getting laid
03:07.22rjokayor the targeting functions? cause I can't seem to get any of them to work, though I know the command is being read properly
03:07.53Osagasutargeting functions might require hardware involvement
03:08.00Guil_OnWoWno... targeting doesnt
03:08.02Guil_OnWoWjump does though
03:08.04rjokay? like what?
03:08.17rjokayhow do you do that? hardware involvement..?
03:08.33Guillotinewait- just read the blowup. were you just talking about the random spamming cairenn? or the use of the bot in general?
03:08.42Cairennthe bullshit spamming
03:08.50IrielTargetting DOES require a hardware event
03:08.54Guillotineit does?
03:09.02IrielAssuming you mean the TargetNearest*
03:09.06rjokayI can't get targeting working just by calling the function, that's a fact
03:09.06IrielAnd not TargetByName
03:09.13Guillotineoh. ya. i knew target nearest did
03:09.24rjokayTargetNearstEnemy yes
03:09.35rjokaybut what do you have to do then? is there a faq somewhere?
03:09.42rjokaya key has to be down or something?
03:09.44OsagasuCensus Plus has a stack overflow error.
03:09.50Guillotinejust means that it has to have been called by a key down or mouse press
03:10.40Osagasupurl, quote CAKE
03:10.42rjokayerrr, sorry, but how to do that? I've seen the RegisterMouseEvents, is there something similar for keypresses?
03:10.46rjokayis taht what's necessary?
03:11.03OsagasuI lost... $70 today. ;___:
03:11.16OsagasuChange -0.70
03:11.19Guillotinerj: ya. pretty much
03:11.29Osagasu-70 cents per share
03:12.15rjokayGuillotine, you think it involves finding which key is currently set to Target nearest enemy, then doing the events function call under that?
03:12.20rjokaycause that sounds too difficult
03:12.39Guillotineno, just means that somewhere along the line, the onevent has to have been key down or something
03:12.53Osagasupurl, quote GOOG
03:13.05Osagasuthqat makes up for my loss
03:13.21Guillotinewhy dont you do this in whispers osagasu?
03:13.27CairennOsa .... don't start again
03:13.29Osagasuyou can whisper to it?
03:13.40Guillotine./msg perl
03:13.41OsagasuI honestly didn't know that
03:13.43StylpeIf your nick is registered
03:13.56Stylpe*Only if
03:14.01Guillotineyou just don't include "purl, " or "~"
03:14.03rjokayanyone know what the keydown event is called?
03:14.08rjokay(last question promise)
03:14.33Endif you set yourself to unfiltered, than unregistered people can msg you
03:14.39Osagasuand I fixed it
03:14.49StylpeHmm, what's the integral of e^-x?
03:14.54Guillotinehow do you set yourself to unfiltered?
03:14.54Osagasuno more logout error
03:19.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Geometrix (
03:19.47kergothEnd: that doesnt help in this case, since the bot is the one that's filtered ;)
03:22.14Endkergoth: yeah, I know
03:25.47cladhaireRandom question for you all.. how do you feel about LUA as a pedegogical language.. in comparison to languages like Scheme and Haskell.  Would I be insane to build a curriculum based on it?  IN the particular program, Scheme is used to teach recursion and basic concepts of OO (on a VERY fundamental level) and haskell is used for overall concepts in programming languages (lambda calculus, etc)
03:27.47kergothcladhaire: try #lua perhaps?
03:28.05rjokayI can't find a keypress event, anyone know of one
03:28.08cladhaireI'm gonna head over there later tonight when I'vethought more about it
03:28.15cladhairejust didn't know if any of you had strong opinions either way =)
03:30.15Guillotinedinner! yay chicken :D
03:30.27Cairennenjoy, Guil_away
03:31.45rjokayokay I verified, they don't want you to use TargetNearest*
03:40.25*** part/#wowi-lounge TemZG (
03:44.39TainI have lots of strong opinions!
03:46.39TainActually, I'm not sure I'd include Lua in a teaching environment, just because it's so hybrid.  Scheme and Haskell, LISP, and others have pretty specific strengths.
03:47.16TainThey're all geared towards a certain type of structure, which doesn't make them good languages for the "real world" but it makes them ideal for teaching that type of structure for poeple to apply to future coding.
03:54.35OsagasuI hate The Sims 2... but its so addictive... ;___;
03:55.30Osagasuhalf the time I'm like "God this is boring... I think I'll go play <Any Other Game Here>. ...After I have my sim practice on the guitar
04:14.00CodayusHaskell is a great teaching language.  Scheme I'm not familiar with - I've seen Java used to teach OO, but I suspect Scheme is better.  Lua...not sure.  Maybe for a class discussing extending programs with scripting languages, or something?
04:22.20Cairennya'll are boring
04:22.36Guillotineyou make me sad. now i have to go watch the magical trevor movie...
04:22.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Nulkris (
04:23.05Cairennhey Nulkris :)
04:23.12Guillotine<3 nulkris
04:23.16Guillotineyou are my hero
04:26.54Cairennalmost 2.5k downloads Nulk, it's doing well :)
04:27.37Nulkrisyeah I'm pretty happy, just hope people are actually using it
04:27.48CairennOh, I've no doubt of that :)
04:28.47CairennHow's the feedback been so far, if there's been any beyond that which I've been seeing on the forum/download
04:29.51kergothdownloads of what?
04:30.06CairennWoW UI Designer
04:31.47TainI downloaded it!
04:32.48OsagasuOnly ever had one problem with it
04:33.02Osagasuno line numbering. >.<
04:33.28Nulkrislatest patch on the website has that, as well as code folding
04:33.46OsagasuAh well you see, this is how far behind the times I am
04:33.52TainCan it make a gui based on what I see when I close my eyes?
04:33.52Osagasucoolness incarnate, that is.
04:34.45Cairennlol, no Tain, no naked women GUIs, Blizz wouldn't approve (at least, not publically, even though all the devs would undoubtedly use)
04:35.34Osagasuhehe, Cair in her Avatar pose (fully clothed, of course), instead of the Gryphons, prolly
04:35.55CairennThat is SUCH a horrible picture of me! *hates it*
04:35.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (n=Guilloti@
04:36.02Cairennwb Guillotine
04:36.11OsagasuIts the only one you can properly shrink down
04:36.17TainSince I changed to that my GUI is just that.
04:36.18Osagasuand at that size people won't notice
04:36.35Guillotineback. oo. Nulkris, i use your ui designer and i love it
04:36.56Guillotineit crashes every so often though
04:36.58Guillotineno idea why
04:38.41Osagasuit just hates you
04:40.08Guillotinecould be
04:42.32Guillotinedoes anyone have the link to the lua guide handy?
04:44.10cladhaire_sleep imo
04:44.43cladhaire_sleepthat too.
04:44.52cladhaire_sleepdidn't mean to talk while I was sleep
04:45.07TainThe pil is excellent
04:45.31cladhaire_sleepi keep a copy on my desk.. mostly for quick reference
04:46.55Guillotinehow are you talking if your asleep?
04:46.58Guillotinei just realized
04:47.13cladhairepurl, cladhaire
04:47.16purli heard cladhaire is the current author of WatchDog and AceHealStats
04:47.20cladhairek k
04:47.38Guillotinepurl, me
04:47.39purlfrom memory, guillotine is really cool. And he makes avatars
04:47.44cladhaireits true.. you do.
04:47.46OsagasuI didn't start it this time!
04:47.48Cairennclad dear, don't you have better things to be doing, better places to be?
04:47.53cladhaireokay folks.. i'm going to bed this time for real
04:48.01Guillotinesleep well
04:48.07Cairennsweet dreams
04:48.07Guillotinedream of good things. like linked AH
04:48.09cladhaireyes.. the boy was eating tomato soup I made for him..
04:48.16Osagasuwhich are coming in 1.9
04:48.21Guillotine<3 1.9
04:48.24cladhaire<3 #WowI
04:48.30Osagasu<3 AQ, even though I'll be too low for it
04:49.59Osagasu<3 paladins
04:50.10Osagasu<3 Linked LFG and Trade
04:50.59Osagasulets see what else I <3
04:51.23OsagasuOh yea, []
04:51.24pagefaultmy group member is retarted
04:51.30pagefaulthe sent his felhunter in
04:51.38pagefaultand like aggroed every mob in the instance
04:51.44OsagasuDOUBLE owned.
04:52.12CodayusHmm, quick question - I'm trying to work out if the currently equipped mainhand weapon is a dagger...any ideas how I'd go about that?  Or a pointer to an addon that does something vaguely similar so I can check its code?
04:52.35Osagasuyou have to parse the tooltip IIRC
04:53.24Osagasuthough if you're a rogue you might be able to check to see if one of the dagger abilities can be used... dunno about that though, never had dagger in off-hand with normal in main hand
04:53.37CodayusHmm, yay.  Okay, any pointers on that?  What's a mod that parses equipped item tooltips?
04:53.56cladhaire_sleepiholod on a sec and i'll giveyou some code
04:54.15TainGo to sleep!
04:54.22OsagasuSLEEP BOY
04:54.31pagefaultyeah I hope pally's are better in 1.9
04:54.36Osagasuthey will be
04:54.39pagefaultthey are more of annoyance than anything right now
04:54.39CodayusOsagasu: Not what I'm looking for.  This is for a rogue, but as I understand it, checking if backstab is usable will fail due to position, lack of energy, wrong weapon, etc.  Not just wrong weapon...
04:54.46Codayuscladhaire_sleepi: Yay!
04:54.50CairennOr at the very least, go to bed ;)
04:55.24Osagasuthey will have more DPS and only have 3 lives!
04:55.41pagefaultI hope they get their DPS
04:55.45pagefaultbut remove the cheapshield
04:55.58Osagasucheapshield is going to stay, though it might suffer nerfs
04:56.07OsagasuBIG lore problem there if they remove it
04:56.14Osagasueven bigger than Mages + Invis
04:57.59pagefaultthey are fixing warlock endgame pets
04:58.01pagefaultthat will be good
04:58.12cladhaire_sleepiI _think- something like this will work:
04:58.20cladhaire_sleepiI can't login to WoW to test it at the moment
04:58.23cladhaire_sleepias I'm sleeping
04:58.37Osagasu <--GRRR
04:58.41CodayusEven if it doesn't work, it tells me where to start.
04:59.41cladhaire_sleepiAre you familiar with tooltips and the way they work at all?
05:00.02End <-- Gets a traceback
05:00.12CodayusWell...not as such.
05:00.22CairennImma yell at you soon clad ...
05:00.56CodayusBut it *looks* fairly simple...sorta...  How hard can it be?
05:01.37cladhaire_sleepi there I wow.pastebine'd it. essentially you take one, set it to a specific item (inventory slot, action, spell, etc) and then you can get at the text using the methods described here:
05:01.52EndI see a missing "
05:01.59cladhaire_sleepik k goodnight all... i'm leaving the room .. and leaving the computer behind it =)
05:02.15cladhaire_sleepiEnd: fixed
05:02.24Endmore accurately, pastebin tries to syntax color it, which throws red all over the place :P
05:02.26CodayusNight clad.
05:03.47Osagasudid you remember to set the syntax to lua? :P
05:04.07Endit sure looks like it
05:07.24OsagasuIs it just me or is Lua similar to VB?
05:08.32TainIt's just you.
05:08.45CodayusDefinetly just you.
05:10.57OsagasuWell, all I've had experience in is VB and I can understand quite a bit of Lua code
05:12.21futrtrublhow hard are using tooltips to give hover over help for gui elements? or should I just make my own frame that shows at the cursor?
05:19.18Guillotinehey- clad is talking in his sleep again
05:19.41Guillotineanyone here know anything about Duf?
05:23.10CairennI know enough to send them to Loz's home page :p
05:24.53OsagasuI know you can get some badass interfaces
05:26.04Guillotineok.... lol
05:26.12Guillotineim having a problem making my xp bar use the perl texture
05:26.30Guillotineit just shows a dark green
05:29.57futrtrublI know some about DUF
05:30.15futrtrubldid you put the texture in the right place?
05:30.23Guillotinetherse a right place?
05:30.34futrtrublyup, one sec
05:30.36Guillotinei linked it correctly...
05:30.39Guillotinei think
05:31.36futrtrubldid you use \\ instead of just \?
05:32.42Guillotineok. i did it again using an included texture
05:32.43Guillotineit does the same thing
05:32.44futrtrubland put it in the customtextures folder, don't give it any path info, so just do the filename without extention
05:32.58Guillotinei did Interface\\AddOns\\DiscordUnitFrames\\CustomTextures\\StoneStatusBar.tga
05:33.21Guillotineis that not right?
05:33.46futrtrublcan you send me the tga? if it came from perl it should work, but I can check it
05:33.58Guillotinei changed my mind. im using one that was included with Duf
05:34.10Guillotinestill doesnt work though
05:34.13futrtrublit works ok?
05:34.40futrtrubldo a reload maybe?
05:34.46Guillotinegot it
05:34.52Guillotineyou arent supposed to have any path
05:35.00Guillotinebut you do use extention
05:35.16futrtrublnot if it's in the customtextures folder no, if you use another folder you will need to path it
05:35.54futrtrublLoz needs to update the DUF manual ;']
05:36.37futrtrublyou should be using my xpbar mod anyway ;']
05:37.34*** join/#wowi-lounge tyndral (
05:37.43Cairennyay, hi tyndral :)
05:37.53tyndralhey cair, hey channel :)
05:38.02futrtrublhey tyndral
05:38.18futrtrubl~who is tyndral?
05:38.20purlfutrtrubl: what are you talking about?
05:38.20tyndrali've been good - worked all day, only goofing off for the final 15 mins of the day :)
05:38.31tyndralooh, a bot.
05:38.35Cairenn*gives tyndral a cookie*
05:38.36futrtrubldamn bot
05:38.43kergoth~emulate gir
05:38.44purlto make room for the TUNA!
05:38.54Cairennso how come you don't come play with us when you are at home, ty?
05:38.56tyndralmmm. cookie.
05:39.16tyndrali did before work this morning, and it was quiet as.. something very quiet.
05:39.16Cairennchocolate chip, even!
05:39.26Guillotinepurl, emulate me
05:39.27purlwoohoo! spoofing links is fun!
05:39.28tyndralof an evening, i have better things to do, like play wow, and code :p
05:39.37kergoth~emulate me
05:39.39purlACTION hmmms.
05:39.56purlsomebody said tyndral was a cookie lover.
05:39.57tyndralwell, maybe nbot better - more productive? :)
05:40.40purlaw, gee, kergoth
05:41.03Cairennbah, beat me to it, kergoth
05:41.14Cairenn~lart kergoth
05:41.46futrtrubl~wth is lart?
05:41.49purl...but wth is already something else...
05:41.49Cairenn~insult kergoth
05:41.50Stylpe~wtf lart
05:41.53kergoth<purl>    Desc: Luser Attitude Readjustment Tool
05:42.21futrtrublI seeee.....
05:42.28kergoth~lart futrtrubl
05:42.43kergoth~herring Cairenn
05:42.46purlACTION whacks Cairenn on the side of the head with a large red herring named alfred
05:42.51Cairenn~whaleslap kergoth
05:42.52purlI'll just grab a freakishly huge killer whale named Hugh and slap kergoth over the head with it.....
05:42.59futrtrublpurl, who is cairenn?
05:43.02purlfutrtrubl: what are you talking about?
05:43.02kergoth~whaleblock kergoth
05:43.04purlACTION shields kergoth with a freakishly huger whale named ollywag
05:43.04Guillotinepurl, stfu
05:43.05purli heard stfu is Shut the F*** Up!, or
05:43.20Cairennpurl, cairenn?
05:43.23purlmethinks cairenn is one of the administrators of
05:43.23Guillotine~o rly?
05:43.24purlYa Rly
05:43.34kergoth~emulate chris
05:43.37purlI didn't know there was a 5 A.M. mass. I didn't even know there was a 5 A.M. What else haven't you told me!?
05:43.53Cairenn*wanders back to her book*
05:44.35StylpeHelp the needy! Solve an integration! Now's your chance! (I need help :/ )
05:44.53futrtrublsure stylpe, if I can
05:44.54Guillotinettyl guys
05:45.06Stylpefutrtrubl: Do you have openoffice?
05:45.22Guillotinepurl, goodbye
05:45.24purlWhy are you talking to a bot? Do you talk to walls, too? And the floor? Bye floor! Take it easy wall!
05:45.37Cairennnight Guillotine
05:45.43Stylpewell, maybe you can figure out what this means anyways
05:45.48purlTuesday sucks, because it follows Monday (see monday).
05:45.54futrtrublI'll try
05:45.56Guillotinepurl, monday
05:45.58purlwell, monday is when everything breaks for no apparent reason, creating so many problems that it takes you until friday to get back to normal. at which point one more thing breaks that takes you the whole weekend to fix
05:46.12Stylpe(btw, OO is just 80 megs, and is totally awesome, and I don't mean like hotdog awesome)
05:46.19tyndralpurl obviously has experience in IT support. :)
05:46.40futrtrubl~tech support
05:46.58StylpeI'm trying to solve this: int from 0 to x {%pi (2xe^-x)^2 }
05:47.26futrtrublwhat the %?
05:47.31Stylpe(If you put that into OpenOffice Math, it'll show you what the equation looks like =
05:47.36Guillotinepurl, i love you
05:47.38purlYou love you?
05:47.42Guillotineno, i love you
05:47.47StylpeOh, that's just to make the pi character
05:48.06Guillotinepurl, ttyl
05:48.09purl[ttyl] Talk To You Later
05:48.17Guillotineok. im really leaving now
05:48.30Guillotinejust one last thing
05:48.32Guillotine~o rly?
05:48.34purlYa Rly
05:48.40futrtrublcrap, I knew I should have practiced my math
05:49.15EndI used to know how to do some calculus, but now my brains are dead.
05:49.24Cairenn~forget o rly
05:49.35StylpeI've put the constants outside the integral, and got this: 4%pi int from 0 to x {x^2e^-2x }
05:49.38Cairennpurl: no, o rly is
05:49.41futrtrublyou can take the pi out since it's a constant, and simply fy it to the product of 4x^2 and e^-2x I think
05:49.45StylpeCair: WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?
05:49.55Cairennpurl: no, o rly is <response>
05:49.57purlCairenn: okay
05:50.05Stylpe~unforget o rly
05:50.05purlcannot undeleted 'o rly' because it already exists!, Stylpe
05:50.20Cairennleave it :p
05:50.33Stylpeparty pooper
05:50.39Cairennthat's me
05:50.53StylpeOh well, I forgive you ^_^
05:50.55tyndral~cairenn is a party pooper.
05:50.56purl...but cairenn is already something else...
05:51.10Stylpe~cairenn is also a party pooper.
05:51.12purlStylpe: okay
05:51.12Cairennwe've already been through this, I'm a cold heartless bitch that hasn't gotten laid in far too long so sucks the fun out of life for everyone else, too
05:51.12tyndral~what is cairenn?
05:51.14purltyndral: what are you talking about?
05:51.28tyndralstupid bot.
05:51.36purl[cairenn] one of the administrators of and a stealth bumper, or a party pooper.
05:51.48StylpeJust use 'also' =)
05:52.01purlyou are, like, a cookie lover.
05:52.01Cairennpurl: no, cairenn is one of the adminstrators of
05:52.03purlokay, Cairenn
05:52.16tyndral~cairenn is also a party pooper.
05:52.17purltyndral: okay
05:52.18StylpeCairenn: I still love you =)
05:52.31Cairennpurl: no, cairenn is one of the adminstrators of
05:52.33purlCairenn: okay
05:52.35tyndral~cairenn is also a party pooper.
05:52.36purltyndral: okay
05:52.44purli guess cairenn is one of the adminstrators of, or a party pooper.
05:52.46Cairennpurl: no, cairenn is one of the adminstrators of
05:52.48purlokay, Cairenn
05:52.49futrtrubl~cairenn is also a party pooper.
05:52.50purlokay, futrtrubl
05:52.55StylpeI smell a kickban
05:53.01Cairennpurl: no, cairenn is one of the adminstrators of\
05:53.03purlokay, Cairenn
05:53.09tyndralfor cair? nah, i don't have admin rights :p
05:53.43Cairennpurl: no, cairenn is one of the adminstrators of
05:53.45purlokay, Cairenn
05:54.18Cairennnaughty boys, the lot of ya
05:54.33futrtrublbut you still love us right?
05:54.36tyndral~tyndral is also a very naughty boy.
05:54.37purltyndral: okay
05:54.38Cairennof course
05:54.46futrtrublthen all is good
05:55.51StylpeOkay, so int(e^-2x) is (e^-2x)/-2, right?
05:56.08Cairenn~emulate Cairenn
05:56.09purlACTION purrs
05:56.09kergoth~lart Stylpe
05:56.15tyndral*shudder* I hope you're not asking me. math is for computers. :)
05:56.23futrtrublI believe so
05:57.07futrtrublgot a graphing calc that can do iterative integration so you can check your result?
05:57.58StylpeAh, I think I found my error :D
05:58.13Stylpefutrtrubl: Yes
05:58.23kergoththis is fucked up
05:58.28tyndralok folks, time for me to go home. have funny.
05:58.31kergothwow has been working for weeks fine under cedega in linux
05:58.38kergothand now, today, the mouse stops working
05:58.39Stylpecya, tyndral
05:58.44kergothcant click on anything in the world frame
05:58.48kergothwhat the hell
05:59.19futrtrublmy world frame went a blank screen of darkish cyan, dunno why
06:02.49Cairennnight tyndral
06:12.21Cairennstupid deathball!
06:12.34Stylpebah, I failed again
06:12.34Cairenndnuorayawrehto ?!
06:12.49kergothi need to throw some arcade roms on my cell phone, now that i have mame running
06:12.58kergothwoudl be great having centipede and galaga and things on it
06:16.11kergothmm, looks neat
06:21.39StylpeYes indeed
06:25.08*** join/#wowi-lounge krka (
06:25.28Stylpegrrr, stupid equation
06:30.07*** join/#wowi-lounge TemZG (
06:30.54Tem~emulate stewie
06:30.58purlDamn you, damn the broccoli, and damn the Wright Brothers!
06:31.48Temhmm I think I did that wrong
06:32.00Temthat's a run on sentence
06:32.09*** join/#wowi-lounge slouken (
06:33.52OsagasuI don't know why I love it when an addon breaks, but I do. >.>
06:33.58OsagasuHey Slou.
06:34.02Osagasuerr Slouken
06:34.47kergothwelcome slouken
06:35.23OsagasuSo am I, Tem, so am I.
06:35.24kergoth~kergoth is also the resident BOFH
06:35.26purlokay, kergoth
06:35.33kergoth~kergoth is also an ass at times
06:35.34purlkergoth: okay
06:35.35Cairennpurl, Slouken?
06:35.41purlslouken is probably an amazing WoW dev
06:35.50purlTuesday sucks, because it follows Monday (see monday).
06:35.50purlaw, gee, kergoth
06:36.04Tem~emulate stewie
06:36.05purlDamn you, damn the broccoli, and damn the Wright Brothers!
06:36.06sloukenHi Usagasu, kergoth
06:36.13Temsame one again
06:36.15purlthanks, Cairenn
06:36.18kergoth~emulate stewie
06:36.20purlDamn you, damn the broccoli, and damn the Wright Brothers!
06:36.23Temyou'd think I didn't have like 15 of them in there
06:36.39Tem~emulate stewie
06:36.40purlHa ha. Oh, this is so good it just HAS to be fattening.
06:36.46Temthat's better
06:36.59CairennAs you can see, they've been playing with the bot all day
06:37.06kergothwhat can i say, we're easily entertained
06:37.17TemCairenn: I can't help it
06:37.29Tem~emulate cair
06:37.30purlACTION purrs.
06:37.33EndI managed to tear myself away from it! I'm so proud of myself!
06:37.43OsagasuFinally! I figured out what that damn Gorillaz song was
06:37.46kergoth~emulate me
06:37.47purlACTION hmmms.
06:37.57Tem~emulate tem
06:38.03purlTem is a bomb, Tem will go boom now.
06:38.03kergothOsagasu: feel good inc? or ..?
06:38.15Temlol... Tem likes to talk in third person
06:38.16kergothgood stuff.
06:38.17slouken~emulate slouken
06:38.20kergothweird music video
06:38.32kergothneed to teach it :)
06:38.36CairennNothing set up for it yet
06:38.40Tem~emulate slouken is <reply> Yarg!
06:38.42purlTem: okay
06:38.47Tem~emulate slouken
06:39.03Cairenn~forget emulate slouken
06:39.03purlCairenn: i forgot emulate slouken
06:39.05slouken~emulate slouken is <reply> slouken is da bomb!
06:39.06purlslouken: okay
06:39.10kergoth~emulate me
06:39.12purlOoh look, shiny!  Erm, I know I was supposed to be doing something.  I wonder what it was
06:39.18Tem~emulate tem
06:39.19purlMetatables are your friend, embrace them.
06:39.27slouken~forget emulate slouken
06:39.27purlslouken: i forgot emulate slouken
06:39.37kergothyay metatables
06:39.42TemI <3 metatables
06:39.59Osagasu~emulate SLouken
06:40.00purlIt'll be in 1.*
06:40.19Osagasulooks like it didn't erase properly
06:40.25CairennGood lord, Saien is *still* trying to impress us all with the size of his dick
06:40.29slouken~forget emulate SLouken
06:40.29purlslouken: i forgot emulate slouken
06:40.35Stylpeslouken: I bet you're a devil at integration, right?
06:40.35Osagasu•Cairenn• Not very.
06:40.47sloukennosferatu himself.
06:41.02StylpeWanna help me with some homework? =P
06:41.05OsagasuI thought you more of a bezelbub kind of guy.
06:41.07sloukenI kid. :)
06:41.13Temkergoth: you included memoize in your version of std.table?
06:41.13CairennStylpe: BEHAVE
06:41.21kergothTem: naturally :)
06:41.21*** kick/#wowi-lounge [Stylpe!] by Cairenn (Cairenn)
06:41.29OsagasuWhat's he do? :?
06:41.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Stylpe (
06:42.04Cairennnow be a good boy
06:42.13StylpeYes, ma'am
06:42.19kergothbeing good is overrated
06:42.32CairennYeah, well, he's too young for me to be bad with, so :o
06:42.35OsagasuGow to go download that song Le-le-legal--AHAHAHAHAHAHA. Yea. BRB. >.>
06:42.37Temcan Tem have a cookie too?
06:42.54kergoth~cookie tem
06:43.01kergothhad to check
06:43.06Tem~whaleslap kergoth
06:43.08purlI'll just grab a freakishly huge killer whale named Hugh and slap kergoth over the head with it.....
06:43.14kergothwhat the hell was that
06:43.26Osagasu~lobotomy Purl
06:43.27purlACTION pulls out a rusty saw to perform a lobotomy on Purl
06:43.27Cairennlol, good question kergoth
06:43.30kergothoh, random factoid!
06:44.05Temoh god no
06:44.19Temnot anothing thing like nickometer
06:44.25OsagasuThis chatroom suddenly came alove when Slouken came in. I wonder why
06:44.27Cairennno no no
06:44.31Osagasualive, even
06:44.36purlACTION takes two shots to the head and crumples to the ground, lifeless.
06:44.41Osagasu~unlobotomy Purl
06:44.50Cairenn~lart slouken
06:45.02purlI can't compete with you physically, and you're no match for my brains.
06:45.02Osagasuit says its a command
06:45.04Cairenn~lart slouken
06:45.06purlHe's right on top of us. I wonder if he is using the same wind we are using.
06:45.11Osagasu~kill me
06:45.13purlACTION shoots a  pseudoquark gun at osagasu
06:45.13EndRFC1149 pwns all the other RFCs.
06:45.22kergoth~rfc 1149
06:45.23purlrfc 1149 is probably Standard for the transmission of IP datagrams on avian carriers. D. Waitzman. Apr-01-1990. (Format: TXT=3329 bytes) (Status: EXPERIMENTAL)
06:45.31purlYou keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.
06:45.33kergothoh that one
06:45.35kergothi love that rfc
06:45.37Temoh lol
06:45.44purlYou keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.
06:45.44Temthat one was funny
06:45.53purlYou keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.
06:45.59purlyou are probably near.
06:46.03TemMy name is Inigo Montoya.  You killed my father; prepare to die.
06:46.07Cairennthere we go!
06:46.11kergoththats better
06:46.15purlNot on your life cowboy :(, or are you using Window$?
06:46.29slouken~kick Cairenn
06:46.30purlbugger off sod!
06:46.42kergoth~good bot
06:46.42purlkergoth: :)
06:46.42Tem~botmail for slouken /bonk
06:46.46purlmooooooooo! I am cow, hear me moo, I weigh twice as much as you. I am cow, eating grass, methane gas comes out my ass, or
06:46.48purlaw, gee, Cairenn
06:47.01purlgives slouken a big pat on the back for a job well done!
06:47.12sloukenWow, I'm impressed.  I'm just making these up. :)
06:47.14Cairenn~lart Sam
06:47.16Tem~magical trevor
06:47.24purlhere's a llama there's a llama and another little llama fuzzy llama funny llama, llama llama duck. llama llama cheesecake llama tablet brick potato llama, llama llama mushroom llama, llama llama duck. i was once a treehouse i lived in a cake but i never saw the way the orange slayed the rake i was only three years dead but it told a tale and now listen, little ...
06:47.29kergothpurl is in like 70 irc channels as 4 different bot instances
06:47.33kergothand has been running for many years
06:47.33Cairenn~kill Tem
06:47.35purlACTION shoots a inverse  meson gun at Tem
06:47.35kergothgood size database
06:47.43Cairenn~kill Osagasu
06:47.44purlACTION shoots a charged anti-photon gun at Osagasu
06:47.47TemI unleash the evil
06:47.50kergothdamn you tem
06:47.52kergothdamn you
06:47.54purlACTION kills herself Juliet style, after seeing osagasu commit suicide
06:47.57EndTem -is- evil.
06:47.57CairennTem, don't you even GO there!
06:48.14Tem~purl tell cairenn about llamasongpart1
06:48.17Tem~purl tell cairenn about llamasongpart2
06:48.20Tem~purl tell cairenn about llamasongpart3
06:48.24Tem~purl tell cairenn about llamasongpart4
06:48.27Cairennyou BITCH
06:48.43TemTem is evil pie
06:48.46CairennOh, you miserable bitch, I'm SO going to kill you!
06:49.00purlsomebody said bitch was a female dog . an iz a bad word if used wrongly . dont say dat ok
06:49.01Cairenn~lart Tem
06:49.01Osagasudo it in PMs. untraceable.
06:49.13purlCairenn: :)
06:49.36kergoth~listkeys CMD:
06:49.38OsagasuSee, tem?
06:49.47kergoth~cook Cairenn
06:49.50purlACTION throws Cairenn in a big pan with veggies inside and cooks Cairenn on 350 for an hour
06:49.54kergoth~give Tem a cookie
06:49.57purlACTION gives Tem a home-baked macadamia nut cookie to cheer him up.
06:50.06Osagasu~give Cairenn a cookie
06:50.07purlACTION gives Cairenn a home-baked lemon cookie to cheer him up.
06:50.17End~give Purl a cookie
06:50.21purlACTION gives Purl a home-baked oatmeal raisin cookie to cheer him up.
06:50.21Temwhoops it doesn't know
06:50.21Osagasuhehe, him.
06:50.24kergothooh, random cookies
06:50.34Temyou are making Tem hungry
06:50.53Temmeh the third person thing isn't fun if Rowne isn't around to freak out
06:50.57kergoththis kernel needs to compile faster, damnit
06:51.00Osagasugive Tem a cookie
06:51.03purli heard hungry is or or
06:51.03Osagasu~give Tem a cookie
06:51.04purlACTION gives Tem a home-baked macadamia nut cookie to cheer him up.
06:51.16Temkergoth: what are you doing?
06:51.26Cairennkergoth, no more cooking me, okay?
06:51.28kergothupgrading my linux box to
06:51.43kergothand being unproductive otherwise, naturally
06:51.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Greywind (
06:51.57Cairennhi Greywind
06:51.59purlyay! i mean.. boo.
06:52.06GreywindHowdy :D
06:52.21Greywindcant believe im getting sucked back into irc :P
06:52.29Endit happens to everyone
06:52.33Temyeah man.. good luck getting out
06:52.37Osagasuit doesn't know to tell a channel
06:52.41CairennYeah, it happened to me, too
06:52.46Endo_O  ...why is my mode +6?
06:52.48Greywindoh hiya crash master Tem :P
06:53.06purli guess greywind is someone I don't know
06:53.15Temthat's kinda cool
06:53.20CairennHell, not only did you guys suck me back into IRC, but we've managed to suck Slouken back in too
06:53.35Tem~emulate me
06:53.36purlTem is a bomb, Tem will go boom now.
06:53.41Tem~emulate tem
06:53.42purlTem is a bomb, Tem will go boom now.
06:53.47kergoth~emulate me
06:53.49purlACTION wields a mean polished, spiked cluebat
06:53.50sloukenonly briefly.  I'm drowning in chat, so I think I'm going to get some sleep. :)
06:54.00Cairennnight night
06:54.04Osagasuas much as I'd like to continue with this lag-inducing session of IRC, I must go to bed soon.
06:54.05Temsignal to noise ration too high?
06:54.09Endcya slouken
06:54.24Cairennnight Osagasu
06:54.24Osagasunot yet though
06:54.38purlslouken is probably an amazing WoW dev, or a close friend of God.
06:54.44purl[futrtrubl] the author of BasicExperienceBar, which can be found at
06:54.44TemI'm a bit skatterbrained tonight
06:54.45Cairennpurl, slouken?
06:54.48purlwell, slouken is an amazing WoW dev, or a close friend of God.
06:54.48StylpeOMG, I think I got it!
06:55.00TemStylpe: what are you talking about?
06:55.04purlyou are probably Chris Larson, an embedded linux guy currently at Astrocom Corporation (  Email at or  Core dev / architect on the BitBake, OZ, and OpenEmbedded projects.  Maintainer of the tslib project. the resident BOFH, or an ass at times
06:55.05StylpeMy equation!
06:55.05Osagasuwow, something thinks highly of you SLouken
06:55.13Cairennfutrtrubl: ! fix it, that should be a link at WoWI :p
06:55.30pagefaultoh man I love shadowburn in BG
06:55.46*** part/#wowi-lounge slouken (
06:55.51OsagasuI shall just have to deal with my ISP thinking I'm running a not-so-small server tomorrow
06:56.13purlrumour has it, futrtrubl is the author of BasicExperienceBar, which can't yet be found on WoWI.
06:56.17Greywindomg mutilple BG queues in 1.9, im so not gonna get to 60 any time soon now >.<
06:56.22purlextra, extra, read all about it, osagasu is pwned.
06:56.32OsagasuI should fix that
06:56.40kergothpurl: no, kergoth is Chris Larson, an open source developer, often in the embedded Linux arena.  Currently unemployed.  Contact at  Core dev / architect on the BitBake, OpenZaurus, and OpenEmbedded projects.  Maintainer of the tslib project.  Often the resident BOFH, and often an ass.  Newbies and the clueless beware.
06:56.41purlkergoth: okay
06:57.31futrtrublI'll put BEB up on WoWI when I finnish this version
06:57.41CairennBOFH, closely related to REMF
06:58.17TemIs that like RTFM?
06:58.28Cairennlemme guess, none of you have any military, so none of you know what REMF is, do you?
06:58.33EndBastard op from hell
06:58.39purlrumour has it, osagasu is the annoying troll from the WoW forums who Honestly means well. a small time writer and dabbler in world wreation, whos life works are on display at
06:58.43StylpeI've been in the army
06:58.47Osagasumuch better.
06:58.54CairennThen you should know what REMF means
06:59.12OsagasuI was raised a military brat, but I have no idea what it means
06:59.16StylpeBut I was in the Norwegian army, so no =P
06:59.18End~wtf REMF
06:59.31futrtrublgood try End ;']
06:59.51futrtrublso... what is REMF?
06:59.57End(It's obviously just running the wtf command)
06:59.57CairennRear Echelon Mother Fucker - aka high ranking officer that doesn't know jack shit about the front line
07:00.05kergothanyone here who hasnt read the BOFH pages, needs to fix that, right now
07:00.19EndI've read them...more than once. :O
07:00.33GreywindBOFH pages?
07:00.42Cairenngoogle BOFH
07:00.44Cairennfunny as hell
07:01.32purlwell, remf is Rear Echelon Mother F@#$%^ - aka high ranking officer that doesn't know jack s@#$ about the front line
07:01.33Cairenn*goes back to her book for a while*
07:01.55Cairennno no, it's REMF, not remf
07:02.09purlextra, extra, read all about it, remf is Rear Echelon Mother F@#$%^ - aka high ranking officer that doesn't know jack s@#$ about the front line
07:02.09CairennIt's always capitalized
07:02.12Greywindoh my *digs in to reading the BOFH pages*
07:02.24futrtrublthe bot doesn't care unfortunately
07:02.45Endyou should submit REMF to the wtf people
07:02.46Cairennheh, told ya, Greywind
07:03.02CairennI wouldn't know how to do that
07:03.13OsagasuHow do you se an abbrev, though
07:03.21EndI think the NetBSD guys maintain the list, but I can't remember.
07:03.35Cairennkergoth can take care of it, if he feels like it
07:03.40Endwell, can't remember for sure
07:03.56Cairennnot like anyone much uses it, unless they are military
07:04.06Endthey have a lot of strange acronyms
07:04.12kergothmeh, thatd require me being slightly less lazy and unmotivated, though
07:04.17Cairennlol, you have *no* idea
07:04.55Cairennof course the two that everyone knows that became part of pop culture language Fubar and Snafu
07:05.02Osagasunever heard my dad say that. Then again, he was SeaBees.
07:05.11End~wtf BOGAHICA
07:05.23Greywindcair i just started on that website you posted on the forums...i hate you :P
07:05.25End~wtf FIGJAM
07:05.48End~wtf SMLSFB
07:05.57End~wtf BOGAHICA
07:05.59CairennWell, I'm not sure who started it in here, but I've been suffering through it all day, so thought I'd share the joy
07:06.14End~wtf TANSTAAFL
07:06.17GreywindI swear im gonna be up all night trying to get to the next page...and the next page after that *cries*
07:06.17Endpasted the wrong one
07:06.31End~wtf YALIMO
07:06.52purli guess settext() is a method that sets the text of FontString and Button elements.
07:07.07OsagasuBOGAHICA: bend over, grab ankles, here it comes again <--one of my ROTC buddies used that when he visited class straight out of Basic
07:07.08Greywindso is purl our resident bot?
07:07.19Cairennaye indeed
07:07.23purlCairenn: thanks
07:07.38Cairennpurl: You're welcome
07:07.39futrtrubl~pat purl
07:07.41purlACTION pats purl and says "Nicely Done!"
07:09.14futrtrublwell, g'night all
07:09.19Cairennnight futrtrubl
07:09.25Endnight futrtrubl
07:09.44purlHave a goodnight!
07:09.48Osagasupurl, goodnight
07:09.50purlHave a goodnight!
07:10.03Osagasupurl, goodnight Cairenn
07:10.05futr-sleeptoo much fun ;']
07:10.35Osagasupurl, ignote futrtrubl
07:11.32Osagasupurl, ignote futrtrubl
07:12.15futr-sleepoh well, now I'm truely gone
07:16.46CairennOkay, sleep time for me
07:17.45StylpeI'm caling it a night too =)
07:21.29Temoff to bed
07:28.48purli guess zork is a good game derived from adventure, created by infocom
07:29.02Endoh, I expected something grue related
07:31.57purli heard grue is something you have to watch out for if you don't have a light.
07:45.01kergoth~emulate chris
07:45.02purlIt'll be a good chance to get away from the evil monkey that lives in my closet.
08:03.17*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
08:04.11Cairenn|sleepinghey MoonWolf :)
08:04.27MoonWolfhey cairenn, sleep chatting agian i see.
08:04.38Cairenn|sleepingYeah, it happens ;)
08:04.51Cairenn|sleepingjust finishing this chapter of my book then heading to bed
08:05.39MoonWolfyeah yeah, this chapter, untill this scene end, only going to read 10 more pages, next thing you known its 2 am and you ran out of book.
08:07.34*** join/#wowi-lounge face- (i=pwned@
08:07.37EndI laugh because it has happened to me
08:08.02MoonWolfYou are not the only one.
08:08.23face-/server -m
08:08.41Cairenn|sleeping3 am ;)
08:09.03MoonWolfwell okay. you beat me.
08:09.10Cairenn|sleepingAnd I won't tell you how many chapters it's been since I changed the nick ;)
08:09.28Cairenn|sleepingsomething like
08:09.35Cairenn|sleeping*goes back to her book*
08:09.45face-heh, newbie question, but is there any way to link an item from a macro?
08:10.12MoonWolfeeeuh, interesting question. let me tests something for you.
08:10.22Endyesss.  however, it isn't simple. :-/
08:10.51Endunless there is a simple way I don't know about.
08:11.14EndGuillotine had a lot of fun with that :P
08:11.20krem`afkoh, that
08:13.41MoonWolfOkay, i can't do it. i can copy paste a link from my chat but that loses it linknes
08:21.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Industrial (
09:00.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Industrial (
09:00.04Cairenn|sleepingWoWI is offline for 10 mins while we update vbulletin, it'll be back up shortly
09:00.21EndI see.
09:05.36*** join/#wowi-lounge pfault (i=pagefaul@
09:05.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Rown1 (
09:05.59Cairenn|sleepingokay, site's back up
09:07.46Cairenn|sleepingand hi Rown1 :)
09:08.00Cairenn|sleepingremember guys, play nice ;)
09:09.59AnduinLotharoh cair... um u just lost a comment on the APB page that was there ~10 hours ago when i last checked
09:10.19Cairenn|sleepingthe author must have deleted it then
09:20.34Industrialnn Cairenn|sleeping
10:23.53*** part/#wowi-lounge Rown1 (
10:32.32*** part/#wowi-lounge Cairenn|sleeping (
10:32.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairenn|sleeping (
10:33.07*** mode/#WoWI-lounge [+o Cairenn] by ChanServ
10:35.35*** join/#wowi-lounge pagefault (
12:23.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Parak (
12:28.51Parakhmm, cereal...
12:29.58Parak5 hours of sleep is brutal
12:30.20Cairenn|sleeping0 hours of sleep is worse
12:30.23Parakthough so is 6....7 is not too much better off either, and 8 is kinda so-so
12:30.37Parak9, we're getting there. 10 is just perfect.
12:31.00Cairenn|sleeping8-12 is definitely preferable
12:31.23Cairenn|sleepingoccasionally 14 to make up for all the 6 or less
12:31.43Parakapparently power sleeping on days off and such is bad too
12:31.59Cairenn|sleepingEWWWW *beats the living crap out of her radio with a mallet*
12:32.02ParakI need to stop doing this ¬_¬
12:32.10Cairenn|sleepingSnow.  Ice Pellets.  Freezing Rain.
12:32.32ParakPlus I'm EST and my guild raids start at PST
12:32.43Cairenn|sleepingI'm EST also
12:33.06ParakYet being one of the main priests, I can't just leave early so easily
12:48.16Industrialthats 6-8 hours difference
12:48.21Industrialwich means 4 AM
12:48.41Industriali was in school then though, so it didnt matter
12:54.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Tain (
13:21.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Trilian (
13:37.07*** join/#wowi-lounge BadMojo (
14:33.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Parak (n=utterly_@
14:50.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Varuthus (
15:01.15*** join/#wowi-lounge jts (n=johns@
15:07.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Stylpe (
15:09.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Trilian (
15:42.12jtsor rocket!
15:45.12StylpeNo, Ebichu!
15:50.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (
15:50.49jtswhat on earth is ebichu?
15:50.57Industrialprescendant of picachu?
15:51.40StylpeEbichu is the craziest anime series you'll ever see
15:51.53Stylpe*Anime show
15:52.05Industrialgolden boy ftw
15:53.10jtsi bet bleach is better :D
15:53.20Industrialbleach is ok
15:53.31Industrialthe big monster side thing sucks tho
15:53.36futr-sleep~emulate gir
15:53.38purldooom doooom doom
15:56.42Paraknonsense stylpe
15:56.49StylpeNo seriously. There will never be a show with more random, crazy and ecchi humor than Ebichu.
15:56.58Parakpuni puni poemi
15:58.13*** join/#wowi-lounge cladhaire_sleepi (
15:59.24ParakGuu and Excel Saga come close too, mmm.
15:59.37ParakI'd say PPP takes the prize, however.
16:00.17StylpeHave you seen Ebichu?
16:01.24Paraksorta kinda.
16:03.33Parak~x jp en ecchi
16:03.48Parakpurl, bad bot
16:03.49purlBad bot, bad! No cookie for you!
16:04.33StylpeEcchi == Naughty, borderline pornographic
16:05.01Parakwas wondering if the bot could translate it :p
16:05.13Parakecchi na no wa ikenai to omoimasu
16:05.39StylpeOoh, you know japanese :D
16:06.09StylpeWatashi wa nihongo ga sukoshi wakarimasu ^_^
16:06.33Parakcough, well, not much.
16:06.46Stylpeme neither =P
16:08.02Paraktake a look at excel saga, guu, and PPP if you ever get the chance :p
16:08.16StylpeI'm downloading ppp as we speak =)
16:08.25StylpeShould they be seen in order?
16:08.54Stylpe*watched (?)
16:09.47futrtrubloutlaw star is great, as is GTO
16:10.29Parakguu is separate, but the other two are slighly related
16:10.53Parakbut not much to make it matter
16:14.00StylpeAbenobashi Magical Shopping District is pretty crazy too
16:14.19Parakhehe, oh yes
16:15.08Parakbut at least it has a plot
16:15.15Parakas opposed to excel saga and PPP
16:15.18StylpeOoh, futrtrubl, how's GTO compared to the manga?
16:17.22StylpeSadly, my Anime-disk is almost full =/
16:18.43StylpeActually, all of my disks are >_>
16:20.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
16:21.39*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
16:22.11MoonWolfis TB on yet or is leto still doing his stuff ?
16:22.18MoonWolfwrong channel
16:22.40OsagasuI've lost money on Google and The Cheesecake Factory
16:22.50*** join/#wowi-lounge tylanthea (
16:24.14tylantheaso who here's a spy from blizzard ?
16:24.19Parakpurl, quote cake
16:25.04MoonWolfI am ze blizzard zpy
16:25.09ParakNo, I am!
16:25.18ParakI am Spartacus!
16:25.22Paraker, wait..
16:26.27OsagasuMoonwolf, you're in the netherlands
16:26.41MoonWolfYes I did notice that.
16:27.01Osagasuhow can you be a Blue spy? :P
16:27.07tylantheait's a fake ip
16:27.11MoonWolfBlizz EU.
16:27.41Osagasubut Blizzard EU is based in France...
16:27.45MoonWolfAeus one of the EU EN CM's is dutch too.
16:27.48tylantheamaintenance times are always boring imo -_-
16:28.55MoonWolfor at least he talks it.
16:28.56OsagasuBlizzard Warden,. now with Antivirus! >.<
16:29.12Parakat least it's no sony drm
16:29.34Osagasunonono, in the new update there's a new WoW launcher
16:29.47OsagasuA new launch utility has been created to enhance your entry into World of Warcraft! The Blizzard Launcher will provide up-to-date news and important event- and support-related updates. In some regions, the Blizzard Launcher also scans for Trojan viruses and third-party cheat programs and notifies you if it has located any on your machine. In addition to providing you with the benefits of additional anti-virus protection, the scan that the
16:30.27Parako rly
16:36.22Osagasuya rly
16:52.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaelten (
16:52.53*** part/#wowi-lounge Kaelten (
16:54.42purlMornings MUST be destroyed! (see also
16:56.49StylpeDon't look at me, I slept till 4 pm today
16:57.49purlTuesday sucks, because it follows Monday (see monday).
17:00.23kremontewel helo thar
17:00.39*** join/#wowi-lounge futrtrubl (
17:03.21purlbleh means insert appropriate value here. see blah
17:03.27purli guess blah is Y
17:03.45purlit has been said that y is 2
17:03.49kremontepurl, literal blah
17:03.50purl"blah" is "X||Y"
17:03.57kergothhaha, nice
17:04.54kremontezomg, it's babelfish
17:05.16Tain~x en de Tuesday
17:05.31kremonte~translate en kr Monday!
17:05.57futrtrublhmmmm, now I can localize my mod! ;']
17:06.03Tainhaha I was thinking the same thing futr
17:07.16Tain~x en de Your inventory is full
17:07.25futrtrublgranted, it'll probably output horendously funny translations and call my french users sons of pig hores or some such
17:07.44Tain~x en fr You are the son of a pug horse
17:07.53Tain~x en fr You are the son of a pig horse
17:08.08kergoth~x fr en vous êtes le fils d'un cheval de porc
17:08.23kremontepurl, x jp en ??
17:08.31kremontedamn mirc ;(
17:08.49Tain~x en de Lua is a hack language
17:09.15kremonte~x en ch i want the servers back up
17:09.43futrtrublyou killed purl!!
17:09.59kremontepurl, de en Schweiz
17:10.01kergothi want my mouse to work in wow under cedega again
17:10.06kergoththe workarounds dont work anymore :((
17:10.29kremontei fear linux because i can't play games on it 24/7
17:10.49Tain~x en it I like meatballs.
17:10.51krkayes you can
17:11.14kremontehow stable is WoW on linux?
17:11.16TainAll you need to play 24/7 is Nethack.
17:11.28kremonte(i think i'm going to use my old gentoo hdd)
17:11.35kremonte(reinstalling everything sucks)
17:11.51kremonte~x en fr lazy
17:15.57Tain~x fr en J'ai un crayon très grand.
17:16.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (n=Guilloti@
17:16.18Guillotinehi purl
17:16.23Guillotinehi everyone
17:16.38kremontewow i totally forgot how to use mirc
17:16.43futrtrubl~welcome Guillotine
17:16.44purlGood to see you, Guillotine!
17:17.00Tain~lart Guillotine
17:17.14Parak~pie guillotine
17:17.16purlACTION hits guillotine in the face with a cream pie
17:17.24kremonte~lobotomy Parak
17:17.25purlACTION pulls out a rusty saw to perform a lobotomy on Parak
17:17.35Parak~trout kremonte
17:18.03kremonte~literal rlart
17:18.04purl"rlart" is "<reply> see lart $randnick"
17:18.30Guillotine~literal pie
17:18.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Eraphine|Lab (
17:18.59Guillotinepurl, guillotine
17:19.00purl[guillotine] really cool. And he makes avatars
17:19.03kremonteGuillotine you broke purl
17:19.10Guillotinei know :'(
17:19.13TainDid Guillotine break purl?  Let's see.
17:19.16purlACTION rolls the eight ball and gets: Reply hazy, try again
17:19.28TainI guess so.
17:19.35Guillotinehes revived!
17:19.53kergothjust lagged eh
17:19.57kremonte~x en de die
17:20.27Guillotinepurl, translate en spanish die
17:20.41kremonte~emulate kergoth
17:20.42purlACTION hmmms.
17:20.55Guillotinepurl, translate en spanish stealth bumper
17:21.10kremonte~emulate Guillotine
17:21.11purlwoohoo! spoofing links is fun!
17:21.26Guillotinepurl, translate spanish en Cairenn es un tope del stealth
17:21.54Guillotinestupid purl...
17:22.17kremonte~x en jp stealth bumper
17:22.38TainU bent faecaliën gooiend aap.
17:22.48kremontei totally agree
17:22.52*** join/#wowi-lounge kiliek (
17:23.29KiliekMorning all !
17:23.39Guillotinepurl, emulate shouryuu
17:23.48*** part/#wowi-lounge ww (
17:24.16kremonte~emulate me
17:24.27Guillotinedid i break purl again?
17:24.31Guillotinepurl, emulate shouryuu
17:24.32purlhehe. im shouryuu. hi. hehe. shouryuu
17:24.49kremonte~emulate shouryuu
17:24.51purlhehe. im shouryuu. hi. hehe. shouryuu
17:25.11Guillotine~emulate cairenn
17:25.12purlACTION purrs
17:25.38Guillotinepurl, emulate kremonte
17:25.53Stylpe~emulate me
17:25.54purlO RLY
17:25.57Tain~unlobotomy Stylpe
17:26.11Guillotine~o rly?
17:26.13purlmethinks o rly is <response>
17:26.22Guillotinecairenn deleted it!
17:26.30Guillotinepurl, no, o rly is Ya Rly
17:26.31purlGuillotine: okay
17:26.37Guillotine~o rly?
17:26.39purlo rly is, like, Ya Rly
17:26.51Guillotinepurl, no, o rly is <reply> Ya Rly
17:26.53purlGuillotine: okay
17:27.00Guillotine~o rly?
17:27.01purlYa Rly
17:27.15kremonte~no, o rly is <reply> YA RLY
17:27.24kremonteit needs to be capitalized
17:27.46Guillotinepurl, no, o rly is <reply> YA RLY
17:27.47purlGuillotine: okay
17:27.55Guillotinewhy does he like me better?
17:27.56Stylpepurl, no, o rly is <reply> YA RLY||<reply>NO RLY
17:27.58purlokay, Stylpe
17:27.58kremontepurl, orly?
17:28.07Guillotine~o rly?
17:28.08purlYA RLY
17:28.39StylpeTrust me, it works
17:28.45kremonteoh yeah
17:28.45Guillotineyup. it works
17:28.47kremontecan't flood it
17:28.49StylpeAnd don't say I made it like that to Cair!
17:28.57Guillotineshe can figure it out
17:29.00Guillotine~factinfo o rly
17:29.00purlo rly -- last modified 1m 2s ago  by Stylpe!; it has been requested 2 times, last by Guillotine, 32s ago.
17:29.45kremontehmm, brb time to screw with mirc
17:30.00Tain~wiki o rly
17:30.13Guillotinei think it has to be wikipidea
17:30.16StylpeHelp me with this: int { 1 over {x^2 + 4} dx}
17:31.54TainI think purl is getting overstimulated.
17:33.16Guillotineomg. lol
17:33.19*** join/#wowi-lounge kremonte (
17:33.21Guillotinepurl, jesus
17:33.22purli guess jesus is dead so stop crying about him
17:33.28Guillotine~factinfo jesus
17:33.28purljesus -- it has been requested 10 times, last by Guillotine, 6s ago.
17:33.33Guillotinebut who made it?
17:33.49EndI wonder if purl has a heh count
17:34.04Guillotine~factinfo heh
17:34.04purlheh -- it has been requested 63 times, last by Industrial at Thu Oct 20 08:29:43 2005.
17:34.25Endnot what I wanted
17:35.58Endheh heh heheheheheheeheheheheh heh
17:36.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Kiliek (
17:36.57KiliekI'm having an identity crisis.
17:37.01KiliekHow is eveyrone else doing?
17:37.23Varuthusblizz launcher will use mozilla window if its open already, but if not it launches an IE window (fyi)
17:37.37kremonteblizz launcher?
17:37.44Varuthusalready edited my shortcut back to wow.exe instead of launcher.exe
17:37.54Varuthustodays patch adds a launcher app
17:37.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine_ (n=Guilloti@
17:38.20Varuthuswhich has news etc on it, but it's tied into IE so i bypassed it lol
17:38.40kremonte•• usermode: set to (+e)
17:38.43kremonte-MemoServ- You have no new memos
17:38.43kremonte•• guillotine is identified to services
17:38.47kremonte•• Guillotine is "Guillotine" (n=Guilloti@
17:38.49kremonte•• Guillotine using (
17:38.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine_ (n=Guilloti@
17:38.53kremonteshit sorry haha
17:39.08kremonteoh, ctrl+c isnt working in the blizzard updater
17:39.24kremonteso this "blizzard launcher" is spyware, just about
17:39.54Kiliekpatching a mac now
17:39.59Kiliekto see how it handles some safari action
17:40.28kremontewow i don't want this blizz launcher crap on my computer
17:40.44Varuthusjust change the shotcuts back after it installs
17:40.58kremonteoh it's running a seperate file?
17:41.34kremontelol. good =)
17:43.14kremontehmm, blizzard is completely eliminating decursive?
17:43.27Parako rly?
17:43.53kremontei would love for decursive to be removed from pvp (dear god it's like my arch nemesis as a warlock) but for pve.. ouch
17:43.56KiliekThat's the intent I think.
17:44.01kremontelucifron is going to eat me
17:44.25kremontei like having my debuffs removed instantly! :L
17:44.37Cideyou can live without decursive
17:44.43kremontemeh, i know
17:44.56kremontemost healers are lazy as all hell now though tbh =/
17:45.05Cidenot to say I don't use ctra debuff curing myself... but like, it wasn't too bad when I just had to click the purple members on ctra and dispel
17:45.42kremonteat least i to pallies/mages in pvp now
17:46.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Trilian (
17:47.06KiliekNaw you can't.
17:47.12KiliekWe'll still remove shit even without it.
17:47.20KiliekOr, good players will, it won't make any difference.
17:47.25kremontei'm alliance, only time i fight pallies is duels =D
17:47.29Cidejust takes a bit more effort
17:47.48kremontethink it's just annoying when a 58 pally beats me in a duel because i can barely DPS him
17:47.52KiliekI'd say it's more tedious, annoying, whatever./
17:48.03KiliekBut only in PVE, I've never used an auto-dispeller in pvp.
17:48.06Cidebut we did fine in molten core before I added the debuff curing system to ctra.. we were nubs and didn't use decursive then, hehe
17:48.30Cidekremonte: it really sucks for warlocks
17:48.37KiliekI'm far more disappointed autotravel doesn't work, than I will bve about decrusive removal.
17:49.05CideI don't think disabling the use of decursive will help warlocks a lot in pvp
17:49.14kremontemeh, it will
17:49.16Cidemaybe versus pugs.. but not versions "good" and organized teams
17:49.28kremontei remember at level 52 XPing in ungoro, this 60 mage was camping me
17:49.40kremontei *tried* kiting him away with coex but.. you know how that worked out
17:50.04Cidewhat would help them is if the mana cost of dispel is related to the mana cost of the debuff, like some people have suggested
17:50.04kremonte2 secs of snare is better than 0 /shrug
17:50.24kremonteagainst dispellers i spam rank 1 corruption for nightfall procs until they stop wasting their mana =D
17:50.48Cideyep, that's what I do in holy priest vs holy priest duels :P
17:51.15CodayusMmm, I'll be interested to see *how* they remove decursive...anyone heard any details?
17:51.25CideI don't think they will
17:51.32Cidenot technically
17:51.38kremontei love how everyone is shouting "digital signing!!!!8"
17:51.46Cidebut maybe through that document outlining what is allowed and what isn't
17:51.49CodayusI don't really see how they can...make people agree not to use it maybe.
17:52.11kremonteCide - but is there any proc you can get off your DoT's as a holy priest? :b
17:52.25CodayusThere's a lot of potential variations on decursive; if they do go with the document listing whats allowed, I hope they're very specific.
17:52.30Cidebut it wastes their mana
17:52.31kremonterank 1 corruption nightfall owns =O
17:52.34CodayusOr there's going to be a *lot* of confusion.
17:53.24kremonteyeesh, is it just me or is the patch taking a godawful long time to install
17:53.31kremonte15 minutes in and it's done 750 files
17:53.32Guillotinetheres a patch?
17:53.38kremonteyeah, open up WoW
17:54.29CodayusAny patch notes floating around?
17:54.31CodayusJust curious...
17:54.36kergothooh, realms back up
17:54.37kremonteon the patch downloader =O
17:54.45Guillotineoh boy
17:54.52kremonteit installs "WoW launcher"
17:55.06kremonte'here lets scan your computer for anything we'd like'
17:55.18Guillotineso does this mean that now having hacks on your machine will get you banned? i can see ppl starting to rename .txt files the same as hacks and distributing them to rival guilds...
17:55.31kremontelol, you can opt not to load the launcher
17:55.34kremontewhich is what <-- is doing
17:55.45kremonteif i have a virus NAV will tell me kthx
17:55.46Guillotineya... doesnt sound at all advantageous to me
17:55.59krkayay, this might been more linux users!
17:56.06krkaeven though those new users will be wow cheaters
17:56.12Varuthusjust makes another click before you log in lol
17:56.24kremontenah, i don't even change my bookmarks
17:56.34kremontemy start menu has direct path to \wow.exe in it
17:57.09KiliekI dunno, like eq2 and shit use a launcher.
17:57.17Guillotinei love how it says "the Blizzard Launcher also scans for Trojan viruses and third-party cheat programs and notifies you if it has located any on your machine". its like, o ya. tnx. i had no idea i had a 3rd party cheat program :/
17:57.20KiliekEspecially if there isn't really anything stopping you from using it.
17:57.26Guillotinelooks like this thing does more than it says
17:59.35Guillotinewell, id be interested in seeing if this blizz launcher catches anything my anti virus software didnt...
17:59.36Codayus"The Blizzard Launcher.s virus/cheat scan does not transmit any information to Blizzard. The main purpose of this scan is to notify you if you have something installed on the computer using that may put your account information or your access to World of Warcraft at risk."
17:59.41CodayusHow odd.
18:00.02kremontekre still ain't using it.
18:00.27Guillotineit has to have some reason besides this... i just doubt that blizz is releasinga  free anti virus program for no reason
18:00.36Guillotineit does something
18:01.21Guillotineit says the bliz launcher does not send info... could be it relays info to WoW.exe which sends the info
18:01.47Guillotinethen they are *technically* not lying and still get their anti whatever stuff in
18:02.05kremontewas just about to say that... it's like diet soda
18:02.05KiliekThe anti-cheat stuff is built into wow already.
18:02.13kremonteno fat going into your body but it turns into it =O
18:02.32kremonteKiliek - I don't want them scanning my computer "looking for viruses" and "cheats"
18:02.49KiliekThat's fine but don't make shit up to back that value up =x
18:02.50Guillotinewhy? are you cheating?
18:02.58kremontei'm making shit up? lol
18:03.03Guillotine:0 omg! kremonte is hacking
18:03.04kremontei just don't want something scanning my computer
18:03.10kergothrealms are back up
18:03.12kergothby i still cant use the mouse in wow under cedega
18:03.14kergothunder any kernel
18:03.16kergothkinda hard to play when you cant click on NPCs
18:03.22Guillotinethats wierd
18:03.33kergothguess i could reboot into windows
18:03.34kergothbut .. bleh
18:03.35kremonteby the time i log on EPL is gonna be packed :(
18:04.05krkai occasionally fiddle around with AutoTravel to see if it still works, that might be considered cheating I suppose :/
18:04.10Guillotinewait- is the PTR back up?
18:04.15kergothi miss autotravel
18:04.25kergothi still have my routes in a .lua on my drive somewhere
18:04.47krkawould be difficult for blizzard to detect it though, since I am the only one in the world with this particular version...
18:04.52krkame too
18:05.04kremonteGuillotine - PTR?
18:05.10Guillotinepublic test realm
18:06.42Guillotinenm. not up
18:06.50Guillotinejust a link to it from teh blizz launcher
18:09.48kremontewtf is decapitate.. =|
18:10.07purlHello, my name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father: prepare to die.
18:10.56purlLet me put it this way. Have you ever heard of Plato, Aristotle, Socrates?  Morons!
18:11.59Guillotine~emulate me
18:12.00purlwoohoo! spoofing links is fun!
18:12.04Guillotine~emulate shouryuu
18:12.06purlhehe. im shouryuu. hi. hehe. shouryuu
18:12.53Guillotinepurl, photolysis?
18:12.55kremonteso the servers are up? playable, and whatnot?
18:13.06Guillotinepurl, wikipedia photolysis
18:13.38kremontegj, you made a bot do your homework :(
18:13.51Guillotinepurl, thank you
18:13.51purlGuillotine: no problem
18:13.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
18:14.36Eraphine|LabBlizzard is entering the sercurity market.
18:14.58Guillotinethe question is... why
18:15.02Eraphine|LabWatch next patch Blizzard Antivirus and Blizzard Firewall.  Prevents cheating programs and blocks all cheating ips!
18:15.13Eraphine|Laband it's free!
18:15.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (n=Matt@
18:16.05Parak <--bwahah
18:17.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Shouryuu (
18:17.25kremonte~emulate shouryuu
18:17.26purlhehe. im shouryuu. hi. hehe. shouryuu
18:18.00Guillotine<3 purl
18:18.02Shouryuuso you didn't make him crash after all...
18:18.11kremonteomg haha parak
18:18.29Guillotineim getting purl to help me with my homework
18:18.34kremontethat's fake though
18:18.35Guillotinepurl, Photolysis is where the light from the sun is absorbed by the chlorophyll and turned into chemical energy
18:18.37purlGuillotine: okay
18:18.43kremonte1 main reason =/
18:18.55kremonteit says [Klatti] whispers: where it would be To [Venoxis]
18:19.25IrielThat's Photosynthesis
18:19.41IrielPhotolysis is the breakdown of complex molecules by solar energy
18:19.58Eraphine|Labor actually any waveform of light.
18:20.11kremonteyou got iriel'd
18:20.21Guillotinewhat? but at wikipedia....
18:20.22Tain~dict photolysis
18:20.28IrielI have to admit I wasn't sure enough to correct without checking google
18:21.18IrielPhotolysis is a factor in Photosynthesis, but the definition you provided is limited only to that, and I believe Photolysis is a much more general term
18:21.27Guillotineok. so im getting iriel to do my homework for me instead of purl! muhaha!
18:21.29Eraphine|LabIt tis!
18:21.41Eraphine|LabYou can shake apart molecular bonds with the right frequency laser :)
18:22.16Guillotinebut look at
18:22.30Guillotineaccording to that, photolysis is merely a sub-section of photosynthesis
18:23.24Eraphine|Labphotolysis is a general mechanism
18:23.57Guillotinek. question number 6.What is the purpose of a coenzyme? Give an example from the light reaction
18:24.04Shouryuuargh realms are down!
18:24.05Eraphine|Labwhich one?
18:24.06krkamy god this channel is full of geeks ;)
18:24.23purlit has been said that geek is a circus performer who bites heads off of nevyns, or a chicken who performs the circus off of byte headers, or what GenericBoy is, and most other people in this channel, if they wish to be so called, or substract the sum of all boyfriends/girlfriends you have had from the number of computers you've ever owned. if the number is ...
18:24.50Guillotine~emulate shouryuu
18:24.51purlhehe. im shouryuu. hi. hehe. shouryuu
18:24.54krkaservers are down! let's entertain ourselves by discussing plant metabolism
18:25.00kremontetheyre up
18:25.01TainSubtract teh sum of all girlfriends from the number of computers you've owned..
18:25.09Tem~emulate me
18:25.11purlTem is a bomb, Tem will go boom now.
18:25.15ShouryuuIts negative...
18:25.16Eraphine|LabWell.. i'm in lab right now
18:25.52krkanegative? then you're not geeky enough
18:26.09Guillotineeither that or he just cant keep a girlfriend
18:26.11Shouryuuwell Numbers of GF - Number of PC < 0 is geeky imo
18:26.26Shouryuuok my bad
18:26.34krkaI thought you said #pc - #so
18:26.53Shouryuu~emulate me
18:26.54purlhehe. im shouryuu. hi. hehe. shouryuu
18:27.12Guillotine~emulate me
18:27.14purlwoohoo! spoofing links is fun!
18:27.21Shouryuuman when did the servers go down?
18:27.25kremonte~emulate TimRiker
18:27.27purlACTION sits hacking on blootbot, bzflag, tuxscreen, eLinux, and many other projects and mutters "Patches Welcome!"
18:27.34TainScheduled maintenance.
18:27.36kremonteit's the weekly maintenance
18:27.42Guillotinehehe. stupid shouryuu
18:27.44Shouryuuyeah I know but how long ago
18:27.49Guillotine~tuna shouryuu
18:27.59Guillotineuh oh. better make a tuna command
18:28.06kremonte~insult Guillotine
18:28.10Shouryuulol have you been playing al day with it?
18:28.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Industrial (
18:28.13TainNew patch that detects if you're thinking about cheating and bans you.
18:28.13ParakAh, but it is not a question to ask when they went down, but rather a journey of deeper meaning and understanding into your own conciousness in order to fully understand and percieve whether they were actually ever up.
18:28.28kremontethey were up yesterday Parak.
18:28.31Shouryuudo I have a body?
18:28.32kremonte(you lose)
18:28.35krkacool, some of those can be found in my apt-cache search
18:28.43Shouryuuweren't yo just dreaming?
18:29.00Guillotine~o rly?
18:29.02purlNO RLY
18:29.14kremonte~o rly?
18:29.15purlYA RLY
18:29.21ShouryuuI just saw a poster for a french group called the "ORLY chap"
18:29.28kremonteO R L Y !
18:29.40krkaI think WoW gamers have a very limited memory for annoying things to say
18:29.44kremontepurl sucks
18:29.46purlI'm only as good as you've helped make me .. idiot
18:29.46TainDid you take the red potion or the blue potion?
18:29.47IrielIt's also the 1.8.3 patch where slouken (theoretically) finally fixes the Addon button
18:30.00kremonteIriel - i just logged out, and it wasn't there
18:30.46IrielSlouken will be overjoyed to hear that 8-)
18:31.05krkawhat was wrong with the button?
18:31.13Guillotineit wasnt there somteimes
18:31.15Guillotineit took vacations
18:31.20AnduinLotharbah, what'dya need the addon button for.. plenty of addons to toggle that stuff ingame now
18:31.41krkayes, but how will you install those addons?
18:31.53krkaoh right, there's a TOC setting for that now
18:31.54AnduinLotharlong as it's not default disabled
18:31.55krkanever mind
18:32.23Eraphine|LabMaybe blizzard made the launcher cuz they wanted to come clean with their monitoring software?
18:32.24AnduinLotharI just use khaos + reload
18:33.33krkai think the launcher actually seems friendly... I don't think it reports anything, it just warns you
18:33.42krkabut the main client is bound to have the same checks
18:33.49Guillotineit says on the website that it only warns you
18:33.59AnduinLotharSo, u guys know any tricked out ways to tell if a spell is in range in an instance?
18:34.02Guillotinenow i want to dl a hack just to see if it catches it...
18:34.11Guillotinejust check the action slot
18:34.17krkadoesn't IsActionInRange work?
18:34.26ShouryuuI think so...
18:34.29AnduinLotharok, so long as it's in a slot
18:34.48krkais it different outside instances?
18:35.14AnduinLotharmmm, nah. I was just wondering if u could do it for a spell rather than an action slot
18:35.15Guillotineworks same in instance as everywhere else
18:35.24Guillotinewell put the spell into an action slot...
18:35.32Shouryuuok why am I downloading map files?
18:35.33Guillotinei guess
18:35.35krkai suppose you could calculate the distance if it's a friendly spell and it's aimed for someone in your party or raid
18:35.37Guillotinei was wondering that too
18:35.50Eraphine|Labthere's the at in krka coming out again.
18:35.55AnduinLotharya. i know that method krka, which doesn't work in instance
18:36.12TainOh you didn't hear?  There was a big earthquake which moved around a lot of the lands in WoW, so new maps.
18:36.19krkadoesn't really work outside either since they removed "target"-positions
18:36.27Shouryuuyou sure or just pulling my leg?
18:36.41Eraphine|LabYou can see where everyone is in your party/raid though?
18:36.44krkahuh Eraphine|Lab?
18:36.47AnduinLothari only want it for raid/party casting anyway
18:36.49Guillotineas long as your not in an instance
18:37.00Guillotineactually, i think it works in instances too
18:37.02Guillotinenot sure though
18:37.13Eraphine|LabJust remembenig when you wrote AT krka
18:37.14krkano map positions in instances
18:37.17AnduinLotharI'm looking to upgrade DivineBlessing and integrate with AQ
18:37.17krka(except battleground)
18:37.20Guillotinebut cant you still get distance?
18:37.38krkathe only way to get distances is from map positions, afaik
18:37.50AnduinLotharbut i don't want if casting if it can't so i need some smart logic
18:37.51krkathen again, I haven't looked at UI coding since 1.5
18:38.11krkarequire the spell to be in a slot
18:38.17TainNo ui coding?  I hear that's ameturish.  ;)
18:38.34Eraphine|Labcould hook the casting function and have it place the spell into a slot and check it.
18:38.57Eraphine|Labnot very efficient though.
18:39.10AnduinLothari'm trying to remember an addon i've used that only checked range if it were already in a slot and reported which ones weren't onload..
18:39.32krkamy HunterPriority did something like that
18:39.53krkai maintained a map from spell name -> slot id
18:39.57AnduinLotharmmm whispercast..?
18:40.01krkawas quite efficient
18:40.22TainYou've got what, 120 slots?  Use 'em up!
18:40.25AnduinLotharmmm pathc today...
18:40.36Eraphine|Labit's done
18:40.45Eraphine|Labnew blizzard launcher ftw.
18:41.16krkayou could move stuff onto a designated slot when needed, but think that sends over information to the server, might be inefficient
18:41.44krkathe client shouldn't experience any delay, but it's just a waste of bandwidth
18:42.11krkaor you could have an addon setting where the user specifies the number of slots to designate for that kind of stuff
18:42.17AnduinLotharthere any lag for action slot replacement in code?
18:42.22krkaand use a FIFO buffer of slots
18:42.39krkahmm... or a LRU
18:42.47MoonWolfgood, that means i can hear it too.
18:42.59krkadon't know... perhaps that should be tested
18:43.25krkathere really isn't a need to await any server replies, so I guess it shouldn't
18:43.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Industrial (
18:43.50AnduinLotharif someone wants to make a library to swap out spells to actionslots i'll use it ;)
18:44.16Industrialwell, not really..
18:44.48krkashould be easy enough to make, but I don't play WoW anymore so I can't test it
18:45.13Guillotinewhat we need is a way to test spells that aren't in action slots
18:45.28Eraphine|Labi think that' what anduin is proposing.
18:45.34Eraphine|Labbut it'd require a free button
18:46.57krkahere's my proposed datastructures:
18:47.16krkaa map of available slot ids -> the last time they were used
18:47.28krkaa map of spell name -> slot id
18:47.39krkathat should be enough
18:47.41Eraphine|Laboh wow.
18:47.53Eraphine|LabI don't think there are enough slots for that.
18:48.00Industrial120 buttons
18:48.11krkamaybe I was unclear
18:48.25krkathe map of available slot ids could in the minimum case be just one slot
18:48.30Eraphine|Labnm I get it :)
18:48.35krkabut I think it shold be customizable
18:48.43krkathe more slots, the better it will be
18:48.49krkathink cache memory
18:48.58krkabigger cache -> fewer cache misses
18:49.24Guillotinepurl, sleep?
18:49.25purlrumour has it, sleep is overrated, and a poor substitute for caffeine.
18:49.25krkai should go prototype this...
18:50.01Eraphine|Labone other efficiency is to just throw spells with certain ranges in them
18:50.01Guillotinehow are you going to do that if you dont play WoW any more?
18:50.03Eraphine|Labone for 30m
18:50.05Eraphine|Labone for melee
18:50.13Eraphine|Labyou don't even need all the spells, just the ranges.
18:50.27Eraphine|LabHow many ranges are there anyway
18:50.37Guillotinealot if you include those affected by talents
18:50.41Eraphine|Labnot really
18:50.47Guillotinetheres multiples of 5
18:51.01Guillotineand a bunch X 3% 6% 9%
18:51.31Eraphine|LabI just think it'd be more efficient to create a network of ranges rather than move the spell into a slot every time
18:51.43Eraphine|Laband there are redundancies there as well
18:52.07AnduinLotharok, so what i basicly want just for my current project is to check blessing range
18:52.16Eraphine|Labblessing range is 30m?
18:52.24AnduinLotharso i can assume a pally has at least one blessing in an action slot
18:52.28Eraphine|Labyes you can.
18:52.34Eraphine|Laband then just check that id
18:52.34AnduinLotharare all of them the same range?
18:52.40Eraphine|Labyeah I think they're all 30m
18:53.01Eraphine|Labthere are set bonuses that increase the area of affect, but that's all passive.
18:53.08AnduinLotharok, then i'll make a scan for a blessing action button and rescan when the action bar is changed
18:53.32AnduinLotharthat sounds easy enough
18:53.47AnduinLotharalso need a slider for min mana usage
18:53.55AnduinLotharand a mount check
18:54.03AnduinLotharwe have a library for mount check yet?
18:54.24AnduinLotharor do i have to scan all positive buffs for the tooltips
18:54.53Eraphine|Labdon't do that.
18:55.05AnduinLotharmmm, i could check Easy Mount
18:55.05Eraphine|LabThe buff method isn't failsafe anyway
18:55.08Eraphine|Labyeah do that.
18:55.10AnduinLotharu sure?
18:55.15TainThere's an isbuffactive addon
18:55.16Eraphine|LabI'm sure it's not failsafe
18:55.28Eraphine|Labthe hunter speed buffs look like mount buffs.
18:55.39AnduinLotharya, but if u check tooltips
18:55.51Eraphine|Labyeah but that's one step beyond checking the textures.
18:56.01AnduinLothari never said textures
18:56.07Eraphine|LabI think textures is faster.
18:56.11AnduinLotharit is
18:56.23AnduinLotharbut it's not global and i need a table
18:56.38AnduinLothartooltip i can do with global strings
18:56.46Eraphine|Labblizzard just needs to give us an IsMounted("unit")
18:57.08Eraphine|Labwhy does it need to be global AnduinLothar
18:58.35AnduinLotharthere are 2 strings that are the same for all mount tooltips
18:58.45AnduinLotharand only mount tooltips
18:58.52Eraphine|Labincrease run speed by % ?
18:59.23Eraphine|LabAnduinLothar, there is an ismounted function in actionqueue
18:59.25AnduinLothari believe so
18:59.36krka|codingok, anyone want to see some prototype code? it's fairly simple
18:59.37Eraphine|Labcheck in the utils
19:00.19AnduinLotharserver's up.
19:00.21krka|codingof course, i can't remember all the utility functions so that has to be added
19:00.44StylpeYEAH! Finally I'm done with the math assignment!
19:01.01Guillotineg2g guys. ttyl
19:01.09Guillotinepurl, bye
19:01.14Eraphine|Labbb Guillotine
19:01.18AnduinLotharodd, logged in but world server is down
19:02.15ShouryuuI have a table called NamesTalbe, it's key got from 1 to X and values are names. I have another talble called editBox, with key going from one to X (The same as the names one), and it's values are numbers going from one to ten. I want to create a table called LotoTable, which would have numbers going from 1 to Y as keys, and names as values. How ever, I want each name in the NamesTable, to appear as many times as the value of editBox,
19:04.33AnduinLotharAQ has a range check, but it's abstracted more than i need
19:04.39AnduinLotharso it wouldn't be efficient
19:04.45IrielLotoTable={} for k,name in pairs(NamesTable) do for i=1,editBox[k] do table.insert(LotoTable, name) end end
19:04.54AnduinLotharplus it doesn't use spell ranges implicitly
19:04.55Eraphine|LabIs has a mount check
19:05.16AnduinLotharah.. that's what i was looking for O.o
19:05.32krkaprobably better to create the LotoTable just once
19:05.38krkaand then clear it when it needs to be renewed
19:05.45AnduinLotharjust checks ActionQueue_AutoMount_GetMountBuffPosition()
19:05.50krka(less garbage produced)
19:05.59Eraphine|Laband that checks against a table of textures strings
19:06.03Eraphine|Labfaster than tooltips I think
19:06.12Iriel*nods* at Krka
19:06.25Irielassuming you need to create/recreate it a lot
19:07.01krkai always assume stuff happens a lot :)
19:07.04AnduinLotharya, it uses a table of stored buff and checks against yours in particular
19:07.20Eraphine|Labactually I don't think that table is robust against the hunter run buff.
19:07.25Eraphine|Labnow that I look at it.
19:07.36krkaI noticed that with sarfs automount
19:07.48Eraphine|LabSo.. I guess tooltips it is.
19:08.00krkatooltips aren't really slow though
19:08.06AnduinLotharnah, they arne't
19:08.07krkai can't figure out why people assume that
19:08.17krkadoesn't seem to produce garbage either
19:08.30AnduinLotharnot on hidden frames no
19:08.34Eraphine|LabI guess it's just that you're creating 16 for every iteration
19:08.56Eraphine|Labyeah sorry
19:09.07krkawhat is an iteration in this case?
19:09.18krkayou can wait for the event that the buffs have changed
19:09.27krkaso it doesn't happen very often
19:09.45AnduinLotharyeah, i could keep a global variable of whether ur mounted or not
19:10.00AnduinLotharif i was gonna do that i'd make a library
19:10.07AnduinLotharthought about it
19:10.36AnduinLotharupdate on Unit_Aura event "player"
19:11.21IrielWell, tooltips are 'relatively slow' compared to table lookups
19:11.45krkayes, but 16 tooltip checks every time the buffs are changed is not even noticable
19:11.55krkaeven less than that actually
19:12.04Irielalso true, yes.
19:12.11krkayou just set a dirty-flag every time the buffs change
19:12.22krkaand only scan tooltips when the dirtyflag is true
19:12.24AnduinLotharsounds good to me, i'll make a small library
19:12.38krkai think i already have some code for that
19:12.40Eraphine|LabHow importatant is it to keep is a flag?
19:12.47Eraphine|Labto keep it global
19:12.49Eraphine|Labwhy not just check when you need it
19:12.55AnduinLotharwast of time
19:13.09Eraphine|Labdepends. do you check for mounted more or fewer times than your buffs change.
19:13.23Eraphine|LabI'd say fewer.
19:13.26krkai think i may have deleted all my addon code :P
19:13.30AnduinLotharwell the DB hack i wanted to do would be everytime AQ activates
19:13.39AnduinLotharwhich is on every hardware event
19:14.00krkaflags are so damn simple too.. no reason to not use them
19:14.16krkaconsumes almost no memory and doesn't produce any garbage
19:14.32Eraphine|LabI guess if you have a library you can have your table of flags
19:14.38Eraphine|Labwould be even better
19:14.48Eraphine|Labas I understand it.
19:14.55AnduinLotharhmmm, should I extend IsMounted to party/raid flags and then only dynamicly check on the target?
19:15.00krkatable of flags?
19:15.05Eraphine|Labtable of variables
19:15.26krkawhat are the keys in that table?
19:15.39Eraphine|Labjust the index.
19:15.40AnduinLothargonan use unit ids
19:16.10krkai mean what do the keys represent
19:16.19Eraphine|Laball your variables for your addon
19:16.24Eraphine|Laband their values
19:16.32Eraphine|Labin a table as opposed to several variables
19:16.45Eraphine|LabI think it's something Tem brought up
19:17.33krkastill not following... why not just make the variables local?
19:17.53Irielwell, with local variables you hurt extensibility unless you provide a ton of get/set methods
19:18.10IrielThough the flip side is that gets/sets give better abstraction and encapsulation
19:19.00krkatrue, but not all variables are even meant to be accessed
19:19.16Irielabsolutely, those should be local, unless you have a multi-instance library.
19:19.24AnduinLothartrue but it also makes it hard to hack :P
19:19.41AnduinLotharand i tend to like hackign addons
19:19.42TainBut but lua is a hack language
19:19.55Iriel*glares at Tain*
19:19.59AnduinLotharit is..
19:20.01kergoth~whaleslap Tain
19:20.02purlI'll just grab a freakishly huge killer whale named Hugh and slap Tain over the head with it.....
19:20.20IrielDid anyone happen to grab a copy of the 1.8 changes thread?
19:22.11krkai think lua is pretty elegant actually
19:22.33AnduinLotharoh, not in terms of elegance
19:22.45AnduinLotharin terms of interoperability between addons in wow
19:23.01Eraphine|Labyour original thread Iriel?
19:23.17IrielSlouken unstickied it and the forum weevils ate it
19:23.18AnduinLotharfor isntance Arch uses MoBHealth values without asking. it wasn't meant to be a library
19:23.48AnduinLotharif they had been local i couldn't do that unless he added function
19:24.34TainYep, should be local.
19:24.37AnduinLotharint he same way APB hacks Healix to use the APB target guessing algorithm. which improves a related addon just by having it installed
19:24.46TainGet your paws off her variables you dirty ape!
19:25.03kergothso fix the addons.  namespace pollution is not okay.  it isnt hard to put everything in your own namespace.
19:25.10kergothmake everyone use the defined api
19:25.23AnduinLotharthen you have to get everyone to communicate
19:25.36TainWhich is fine.
19:25.42AnduinLotharwhich is near impossible
19:25.46IrielI think the general rule should be -- if you code an API, use locals where appropriate.. If you dont want to make an API, then use a namespace table
19:25.53Irielor something along those lines
19:25.55Tain"Hi mod author, I'd like to use this functino you have."  "Why sure modauthor, I'd be happy to work with you on that!"
19:25.58kergothand says absolutely nothing about lua.  if the addon developers dont have clue, thats their problem
19:26.29AnduinLotharu guys just like arguing..
19:26.40TainArguing about people helping each other?
19:26.51Eraphine|Labthere you go iriel
19:26.52IrielThere's a difference between 'arguing' and 'discussing'
19:27.20AnduinLothari used MobHealth as an example cause it works fine but the author is awal
19:27.22TainThere's only about two people I've come across that I wouldn't approach if I wanted to talk about using some part of their mods for something.
19:27.24IrielThanks, sadly that's not got the rest of the thread 8-(
19:27.44Eraphine|Labwell darn
19:27.56TainAnd because those people are so distasteful to me I wouldn't use their mods even if they made me a sandwich.
19:28.14kergothmm, sammich
19:28.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Rallion (
19:28.46kergothsigh.. damnit wow/cedega
19:28.49CodayusAuthors vanishing is a fairly common problem.  Of course, you can just copy their mod and modify it how you want, but that doesn't really decrease the number of problems on your plate...
19:29.17TainAuthors disappearing is going to be an ongoing occurance until the day WoW dies.
19:29.22AnduinLotharit also doesn't allow you to use the current distrobution of a popular but no longer supported addon
19:29.26TainSo best just get used to it now! :D
19:29.39CodayusForking MobHealth seems a bit excessive just so you can tinker with the architecture when it works anyhow.
19:29.50RallionKinda like I disappeared for a month. And still haven't done any work on SVEdit for a long, long time.
19:29.50kergothI really wish more of the wow folks would wake up and learn from the open source community.
19:29.58AnduinLothari didn't fork it... i use a global variable..
19:29.58kergothThis incessent wheel reinventation drives me nuts.
19:30.05Codayus(And then you've got to convince people to replace their perfectly function copies with your new version...)
19:30.07TainSome are, kergoth.  But others never will.
19:30.31TainThere are too many mod authors who are more concerned with gaining some manner of "fame" from people using their mods.
19:30.32CodayusAnduinLothar: I know, hence my comment.  :-)
19:30.45kergothAnd forking isnt a bad thing.  It's a common silly stigma.  Not unlike the one against dependencies.
19:31.03Eraphine|LabDependecies are evil!
19:31.05Eraphine|LabMust remove all!
19:31.16Codayuskergoth: It's not a GOOD thing either.
19:31.20kergothI strongly disagree.
19:31.21TainWhat isn't?
19:31.27RallionDependencies are only bad if the things being depended upon are. And they often are. So....yeah.
19:31.27kergothForking is a big part of why open source succeeds.
19:31.36Eraphine|LabI'm kidding though
19:31.39kergothEvery linux distribution has a 'fork' of almost every package that is included
19:31.43Eraphine|LabGood depencies are good
19:31.43kergothwhether you know it or not.
19:31.54kergothhaving been a maintainer of countless linux distributions, i can say this with confidence
19:32.07CodayusThe ability to fork?  Yes.  Actual forks?  Not so much.
19:32.07ShouryuuThank you Iriel!
19:32.11IrielA forked DEPENDENCY is a bad thing though
19:32.11kergothYes, and yes.
19:32.13TainTwo legs good, forking bad?
19:32.34Eraphine|Labis there a spork analogue to describe versions?
19:32.38Irielit's okay to have a red version and a blue version of something, but having your own addon that requires the non-standard blue version is scary
19:32.45kergothIriel: that's only correct if the forks are distributed.  people are reading more into what i'm saying than i am.
19:32.49krkayeah, I'm kinda guilty myself of having disappeared
19:33.08kergothmy addon set, for example, modifies every addon i have.  as long as the modifications are consistent across the board, there's no problem.
19:33.18TainYou know that was at least a slightly humorous statement you non-cultured bastards!
19:33.26Codayuskergoth: The problem is, you're reading less into what I'm saying than I am.  If you don't distribute your the forked mod you've modifed to work with your mod, it doesn't do much good...
19:33.28krkapeople should be able to keep maplibrary up to date pretty easily though, but no one has offered
19:33.33kergothforking is good.  /distributing/ the forks can cause community fracturing if there's a communications problem
19:33.44kergothCodayus: you're making assumptions about the modifications in the fork.
19:33.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Malivil (
19:33.53kergothforking doesnt imply a fix, it doesnt imply anything about hte nature of the change.
19:33.59AnduinLotharnot many people in this community offer to take over addons
19:34.09Eraphine|Labwhat is "this" community?
19:34.10AnduinLotharpersonally i never offered. i just forked
19:34.24CodayusRight.  But *I'm* implying a lot about the nature of the changes.  :-)
19:34.33AnduinLotharonly time i ever asked was with TellTrack
19:34.33kergothThen dont make blanket statements about forks.
19:34.52TainIt's survival of the fittest.  The people using them will decide.
19:35.02kergothIf you're talking about a specific situation, say so.  Forking in general is a Good Thing(tm).  Its a subset of that, not a superset, which causes problems.
19:35.08AnduinLotharTellTrack is OLLLD
19:35.09CodayusI made it in the context of modifying and distributing addons; my statement was perfectly fine.
19:35.24TainDoes it still work?
19:35.28AnduinLotharhell yes
19:35.28kergothRight, and I'll continue to call you on your blatently flawed statements
19:35.31CodayusIf you wearn't paying attention to context, that's not my problem.
19:35.38Eraphine|Labkergoth, relax a little
19:35.39CodayusAnd I'll continue to mock your lack of reading comprehension.
19:35.47TainWhat?  When did Saien come in?
19:36.11Eraphine|LabIf Cairenn|sleeping were here she'd shake her finger at you guys.
19:36.22MalivilSomeone do it for her
19:36.22AnduinLotharTellTrack has been updated since last year...
19:36.37MalivilI dont have the authority, or i would
19:36.38TainPlay nice or this could happen to you.
19:36.40TainKOLKATA, India (Reuters) - A woman receiving treatment for diabetes at a state-run hospital in eastern India lost one of her eyes after ants nibbled away at it, officials said on Tuesday.
19:36.47kergothEraphine|Lab: Sorry, people making statements about things they clearly no nothing about annoy me.
19:36.48AnduinLotharapril-june it was a lil neglected
19:36.55AnduinLotharthen i revamped it in summer
19:37.29Eraphine|Labcookies anyone?
19:37.36kergothmm, cookies
19:37.43kergoth~give me a cookie
19:37.45purlACTION gives kergoth a home-baked oatmeal raisin cookie to cheer him up.
19:37.45MalivilWhy does patch 1.8.3 update all the maps and crap
19:37.50Tainclicq? I've never tried that.
19:37.50MalivilIf it doesnt DO anything to them?
19:38.13kergothnot as good as centericq, imho
19:38.18TainIt's the emperor's new maps.
19:38.36TainYeah kergoth, centericq is what I use now.
19:39.01TainThe Emperor's new.. see there was this story.. oh hell.
19:39.03TainRead a book!
19:39.09Eraphine|LabThere are still a lot of addons that use Player_entering_world when they really want to be using player_login
19:39.14MalivilA book?
19:39.38Malivilwhat the hell is a book?
19:39.42Shouryuuwho knows
19:39.50Eraphine|LabHey, what happens when mulitple addons want to hook the same blizzard function
19:39.55Eraphine|Labthe most recently run ones wins?
19:39.57MoonWolfsome things cairenn like to "read"
19:39.58MalivilThey cry
19:39.59Shouryuugod smites you
19:39.59TainThey fight to the death.
19:40.07TainThere can be only one.
19:40.13CodayusCage match!
19:40.18MalivilAll three happens actually
19:40.26MalivilThey cry, then god smites you and then they fight to the death
19:40.31AnduinLotharthey bitch and moan until they use Sea
19:40.36MalivilIn a cage match
19:41.17TainIt also depends, Eraphine.  For example, if you use a library to do the hooking then each library may do something differently.  And doing it yourself with no library may do something else yet again.
19:41.47Eraphine|LabI was trying to improve my slice and dice monitor, but I don't feel like hooking useaction.
19:42.10Eraphine|Labsince all those rogue abilities are instnat.
19:42.13Eraphine|Laberr instant.
19:42.30Eraphine|Labso now I just check every second to see if they have it and get the buffduration.. not very efficient, but no hooking.
19:42.40TainThere's also some addons that hook the function and then never let it go so your addon will never ever get to party with it.
19:44.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (
19:45.56AnduinLotharso am i correct in assuming all mounts have "Increases speed by x%" on the second line of the buff tooltip?
19:46.35AnduinLotharboth pally horses do, which is all i can check immediately
19:46.36Eraphine|LabYeah but you might want to check the hunter tooltip
19:46.38Eraphine|Labit might say the same thing.
19:46.44AnduinLotharno hunter on me
19:47.00Eraphine|Labthere is definitely a failsafe library already out there
19:47.38Eraphine|Labsome function - I know this specific issue was addressed
19:47.52Eraphine|LabI think it's in easymount
19:48.51AnduinLothardoesn't that use tex?
19:50.43*** join/#wowi-lounge Eraphine|Disco (
19:51.20AnduinLotharya, i'm there :)
19:51.28Eraphine|Discohuge table
19:51.38Eraphine|Discoand I'm sure not updated with pvp mounts or zg mounts
19:51.46*** join/#wowi-lounge ToastTheif (
19:51.59Eraphine|Discoyes but failsafe
19:52.03Eraphine|Discoand it's a table lookup
19:52.42Endhmm, this seems bad.  the 1.8.3 update stopped updating
19:52.48Endit is stuck on Repair.exe
19:55.03Temthere is another post about decursive
19:55.23Temer, "bangs"
19:55.53ToastTheifKormalod, whoever he may be is stupid
19:55.57Irielsince i'm reading this episodically between tasks today, I'll note that there's no problem with multiple hooks on the same function as long as all of the hooking addons drop through to the original
19:56.08Endit looks like my WoW install might be hosed
19:56.12IrielYou could hook something a hundred times and all you'd really suffer is some overhead
19:56.49AnduinLotharya ok. aspect of the cheeta says x% increased movement speed, not the same string
19:57.31AnduinLotharand all the mounts i can see use the "Increases speed by x%" syntax
19:58.22krkai think i had some way to distinguish aspect of the pack from mounted
19:58.31krkai think i used tooltip
19:59.08TainThe only thing I don't know Iriel is how the hook order is decided between multiple addons.
19:59.37kergothTain: depends on whether each hook falls through before or after doing its thing
20:00.29TainWell the hook falling through means the next thing can grab it.
20:00.33TainBut who decides who gets it first?
20:00.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
20:00.50AnduinLotharok aspect of the pack uses the same syntax as aspect of the cheeta
20:01.29kergothTain: the last addon to hook would be called first, since its the last one to replace that element in the global/class table.
20:01.37kergothgenerally speaking, of course
20:01.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Eraphine|Lab (
20:02.20TainSo if your addon hooks on initialize, it basically goes in alphabetical order of addon name.  Well, reverse.
20:02.46Enddependencies matter
20:03.01AnduinLotharwhich is why Sea is set to opt dep IEF :)
20:03.24TainBut if you're hooking later on, during another function, it's likely you're going to get it first.  Not guaranteed of course.
20:03.26kremonteis there any way to filter chat spam in WoW (not /ignore)
20:03.52kremonterogue keeps ganking me then flooding with so much /spit that i d/c :|
20:03.53Eraphine|Labyou would need to reroute messages to another chat window
20:03.54AnduinLotharhide those channels
20:04.16kremontehum, is it possible to /ignore the other faction actually?
20:04.23EndI think so.
20:04.24AnduinLotharlol... u cant get d/c by recieving too many msg
20:04.30kremontei did =/
20:04.35AnduinLotharnot possible
20:04.35Eraphine|Labspit messages?
20:05.03kremontelatency went up to 900ish then i dc'ed
20:05.08AnduinLotharhe would get disconnected way before you would. plus there's no incomming wall unless u have a very slow isp
20:05.23kremontemaybe it's warsong then :(
20:06.09kremonteargh, now i can't get on :'(
20:07.12TainHe's still spitting!
20:07.38TainI went to the wrong high school.
20:07.41Tain" Eight girls claim the former coach of their local basketball team made them run naked as punishment in a school gymnasium"
20:08.42AnduinLotharcan u say impressionable..
20:09.03AnduinLotharwho in their right mind would strip because a coach told u to...
20:09.40ToastTheifrofl, that sounds like the girl that stripped for her boss because he told he that he thought she was stealing from work
20:09.57TainI'll have to remember that one.
20:10.27ToastTheifhe made her do more than just strip too
20:11.12TainWell there's only a couple of places she could hide things to steal if she's naked...
20:11.35ToastTheifwell, he called her boyfriend in to search, erm...some other areas
20:12.43Rallionquick question, since I'm in here, and though I really don't want to interrupt the discussion...anybody else have the addons button not showing up when they log out to the char select screen? because I'm messing with stuff and it's real annoying.
20:12.48kremontelol, yup :b
20:12.49Shouryuuwell it's ment to be chaned since last patch
20:12.52AnduinLotharlogin and the reset wow
20:12.52Shouryuunow is it...?
20:13.00kremonteslouken failed :b
20:13.34Endthat's why it is failing
20:13.44EndI don't have a Repair.exe in my WoW directory
20:13.49EndI'm not sure why, but I don't
20:14.15Endapparently in 1.8.0 they added Repair.exe to the WoW directory
20:15.42AnduinLotharSetUnitDebuff works on player too, right? and if so why does the buff frame use SetPlayerBuff?
20:17.38ToastTheifwtf is the Blizzard Launcher?
20:17.56ShouryuuI hate tables. How to I alphabetically sort the values of a table?
20:18.26Rallionthe blizzard launcher is a special app that forces me to click one more time.
20:18.58Shouryuuthat was simple
20:19.15AnduinLotharnote that is sorts in place and doesn't return the table
20:19.19Eraphine|LabAnduinLothar, possibly to avoid passing an additional argument.
20:20.34TainThe Blizzard launcher also detects if you click with the intention of cheating.
20:20.59Eraphine|Labdoes it measure your pulse and pupil dilation?
20:21.13kremontei think thats slated for the next version
20:21.37AnduinLotharanyone here using german of french clients?
20:22.24ToastTheifblizz has been scanning since 1.7
20:23.29kremontenow theyre using the blizzard launcher kek
20:23.38kremontewhich also alerts you if you have a virus anywhere on your computer
20:23.51Eraphine|Labin some regions
20:23.54TainAnd humor wheezes it's last breaths before dying.
20:23.55AnduinLotharas oppossed to warden?
20:23.57ToastTheifdoesn't make a difference, they're still scanning =/
20:24.05Eraphine|Labnow they're telling you they're scanning.
20:24.29Rallionyeah, Im gonna have to change my shortcuts back to WoW.exe...silly extra click, and load time...
20:25.17ToastTheifIm almost disliking this new AH linking
20:25.30ToastTheifeveryone is going to flood TB, my favorite city =(
20:25.42TainOf course they're scanning, and I'll be damned if I'm going to let them do it to my personal information.
20:26.01ToastTheifthey already are
20:26.07ToastTheifif you have it up while playing WoW...
20:26.07RallionIt'll make Darnassus no longer a worthless and annoying place
20:26.10Eraphine|Labyou could use the sony drm workaround.
20:26.21ToastTheifhaha, that makes me laugh
20:26.27ToastTheifsony is getting sued over that
20:26.42Rallionit makes me laugh that they thought they could get away with it
20:26.44Eraphine|Labdoesn't stop it from working
20:27.06TainBlizzard only scans what I allow them to.
20:27.06OsagasuCair is STILL sleeping?
20:27.29ToastTheifshe seems a she needed her sleep last night anyway
20:28.03*** join/#wowi-lounge BeZZer (
20:28.33TainBy the way, if you do have one of those Sony DRM CDs don't run the uninstall from the Sony website.
20:28.51TainIt unlocks your web permissions to allow any site to run DirectX controls without notification.
20:29.20Shouryuuhumm anyone remember my long question earlier?
20:30.02TainI do Shouryuu, but that's kind of personal.
20:30.20Shouryuuhaha very smart
20:30.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Stylp1 (
20:30.48Shouryuunow seriously, I still need help on that one... The answer Iriel gave me doesn't seem to work :(
20:30.50AnduinLotharlol that rootkit is killing sony
20:31.10Shouryuurawr to stylpe btw
20:31.19AnduinLotharand making downloading mp3's all that mroe appealing
20:31.37TainSorry Shouryuu I don't remember what your question was, and I don't see it at a quick blance back.
20:31.37Shouryuudo you all download or is it a no-no here?
20:31.43Tainglance that is.
20:32.03RallionI'm an IP-pirate.
20:32.07Shouryuuyeah nvn, I'm gonna try and work on what Iriel gave me, it works but not always so it can't be foar from right :P
20:32.09AnduinLotharare we all illegal thiefs of IP? yes
20:32.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Natasem (
20:32.32TainDon't discuss "questionable" downloads here, it is still Cairenn's place and she wants to keep everything on the full up and up.
20:32.43Rallionand time to go to work.
20:33.04AnduinLothari hate you
20:33.07ShouryuuI love you
20:33.22ToastTheifspeaking of questionable downloads, I'll be getting WoW back again soon!
20:33.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Trilian41 (
20:33.51Natasemsooooo.... anyword on that shapshifter druid "add-on" ?
20:33.55ShouryuuI ate it
20:34.22TainNew druid shapeshift form is an Ooze I heard.
20:35.09AnduinLotharlol, they have that already
20:35.29AnduinLotharit's pretty funny
20:36.28*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
20:36.28TainIt still disturbs me that I can pickpocket an Ooze.
20:36.43MoonWolfyou can ?
20:36.49MoonWolfi never tried that
20:36.50kergothi really dont want to know where your hand is going
20:38.49Parakooze...the other white meat.
20:39.07MoonWolfoooze the original green slime
20:39.20Natasemthis is the one i am talking about   they took it down for no reason and the autor said they would put it up on Cairenn's site, just wondering if they have yet or not
20:40.28MoonWolfwowi does not condone tos violations i think
20:41.02kergothit isnt officially a tos violation, is it?  no blizzard statement?
20:41.07kergothi wouldnt think it would be
20:41.08TainIt isn't a tos.
20:41.15Tainerr against the tos.
20:41.42TainUnless you pack it back into the original MPQ, then technically it's changing the game files.
20:41.51kergothyeah, exactly
20:42.29TainBut there was an official post, I remember seeing it.  Somewhere.  That it wasn't against the TOS to change models locally.
20:42.47AnduinLotharwhy isn't this working: gsub("Increases speed by 60%", "Increases speed by %s%%", "%1")
20:43.17CodayusYeah, WoWI and Curse both have lots of addons that do that sort of thing.
20:43.28MoonWolfker, what are you changing this time around ?
20:43.32CodayusI haven't seen a post one way or the other on it, but it doesn't seem to be something they care about.
20:43.38Codayus(Bliz that is.)
20:43.53CodayusWhy Curse decided to take down that one mod, and not the other zillion floating around, I have no idea...
20:44.16TainAre you just trying to change the number of the speed %?
20:44.25AnduinLothari just want to get the #
20:45.00CideAnduinLothar: you forgot the parenthesis
20:45.07kergothi'm gonna try building an i386 kernel instead of x86_64, and see if i can force the kernel into the legacy vm layout so i can play wow
20:45.09TainOh then why not just use find.
20:45.12Cidegsub("Increases speed by 60%", "Increases speed by (%d+)%%", "%1")
20:45.13AnduinLotharah, duh, thx
20:45.14Natasemwell if ya read this thread this is where the debate is, and this thread has been around for about 2-3 weeks and no blue responce yet
20:45.29kergothcourse that may cause problems with my x86_64 ubuntu, so i'll have to build a new distro rootfs..
20:45.30Natasemalso cairenn stated for them to upload it to her site
20:45.34Shouryuuyesss i got my code to woooorrrkkkkk
20:45.43CideI like gsub because you don't have to declare variables for iStart and iEnd
20:46.02TainYou don't have to with find if you don't watn to.
20:46.13Cidehow so?
20:46.26kergothlocal _,_,var_ill_actually_use = gfind() .... or {gfind()}[3], or ..
20:46.30AnduinLotharstill declares um tho
20:46.30kergothlots of ways to do things
20:46.34Cidewell yeah, I use that
20:46.59kergothcourse the latter creates a table, which has overhead, even if it is clean
20:47.03kergothi like the tools 5.1 gives you for that
20:47.19kergothselect() lets you grab args 3 on of the return values of a function without making a table out of them
20:47.31kergothlocal myvar = select(2, string.gfind())
20:47.34Cidethat's sweet
20:47.42kergothcourse i dont see bliz ever upgrading to lua 5.1, but..
20:47.45kergothstill nifty ;)
20:48.02MoonWolfker,you are sacrificing your 64 bit for wow ?
20:48.20kergothtempting to do so, yes.  better than going back to windows
20:48.28kergothat least i have a development environment that doesnt suck ass in linux
20:49.22AnduinLotharthis is amazingly simple
20:49.27AnduinLotharISMOUNTED_SPEED_INCREASED_BY = "Increases speed by (%d+)%%";
20:49.29Eraphine|LabCide, I've been using the internal ctra 1.461, it's pretty nice
20:49.32AnduinLotharIsMounted.GetMountBuffInfo = function(unit)
20:49.32AnduinLothar--returns type, buff slot
20:49.32AnduinLothar--type can be 60, 100, or nil
20:49.32AnduinLotharlocal text;
20:49.32AnduinLotharfor i = 0, 15 do
20:49.33AnduinLotharIsMountedTooltip:SetUnitBuff(unit, i);
20:49.34AnduinLotharif (IsMountedTooltipTextLeft2:IsVisible()) then
20:49.36AnduinLothartext = IsMountedTooltipTextLeft2:GetText();
20:49.38AnduinLotharif (text) then
20:49.40AnduinLotharlocal tempSpeed, instances = gsub(line2, ISMOUNTED_SPEED_INCREASED_BY, "%1");
20:49.42AnduinLotharif (instances == 1) then
20:49.42Temdear god
20:49.43kergothuse pastebin
20:49.44AnduinLotharreturn tempSpeed, i;
20:49.48kergothspamming the channel is bad, mmk?
20:49.51kremontepastebin ftw.
20:49.51Kiliekholy shit
20:49.57CodayusI eventually decided that it was easier to get a good dev environment in windows than to get wow running on linux.  :-(  Cedega REALLY doesn't like my graphics card.
20:50.02kergoth~lart AnduinLothar
20:50.09kergothif you have more than 5 lines to paste, use pastebin.
20:50.16AnduinLothar:) love the reactions guys
20:50.28AnduinLotharoh i usually use it for over 20 lines, but w/e
20:50.34kergothbe glad i dont have ops.
20:50.41KiliekIf you think anyone read that shit you're on crack.
20:50.55Kiliek/clear ftw
20:52.42purlflood is probably spewing loads of output into a channel; *very* rude in most channels and often grounds for banning.  If you want to show a lot of output to someone, ask them to join you in #flood and paste the output there.
20:53.08ToastTheif~lart purl
20:53.11ToastTheifyou paste bin you still bot!
20:54.35*** part/#wowi-lounge ToastTheif (
20:54.43*** join/#wowi-lounge ToastTheif (
20:55.03ToastTheifnah, I was just reconnecting
20:57.00Natasempurl, die
20:57.01purlACTION takes two shots to the head and crumples to the ground, lifeless.
20:57.49kergoth~emulate dib
20:57.50purlSee Gaz, to defeat my enemy I must study my enemy, then become my enemy, then move in with my enemy, then wear my enemies clothes, then...
20:58.02AnduinLotharsleep with him
20:58.12Natasemsoooooo, question..... how does Iriel know what is gona be in the new patch in the way of UI changes, way before anyone else does?
20:58.13kergoth~emulate chris
20:58.14purlI'm so hungry I could ride a horse. I don't get it. Well, I could ride it to the store, I guess.
20:58.27AnduinLotharhe reads all the posts
20:59.28Shouryuuis there an emulate Cairenn?
20:59.37kremonte~emulate Cairenn
20:59.38purlACTION purrs
20:59.39kergoth~emulate cair
20:59.40purlACTION purrs.
21:00.06kremonte~emulate trogg
21:00.11kergoth~emulate me
21:00.12purlACTION wields a mean polished, spiked cluebat
21:02.24kremonte <- against TOS you thinks?
21:03.21Eraphine|LabI wonder if this channel would explode if Saien came in here.
21:03.33MoonWolftry it
21:03.37MoonWolfget him to come her
21:05.01kergothi'd just make use of /ignore
21:05.08kergothbetter for my blood pressure
21:05.41AnduinLotharwho's saien?
21:05.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Trilian (
21:06.35kremontewb Cairenn
21:06.55kremontepurl, emulate Cairenn
21:06.56purlACTION purrs
21:07.08CairennWell, I finished the next chapter ... ;)
21:07.16AnduinLothari ur book i hope
21:07.31Cairennlol, yeah
21:07.58MoonWolfwhat book ?
21:08.00CairennThere was conversation around 4 am (my time) as to the fact that I was still awake ...
21:08.07CairennI finally went to bed around, ummm, 10
21:08.27AnduinLotharya, i went to sleep round 6 or so
21:08.31MoonWolfreading only that last chapter ay ?
21:08.45CairennHehehehe, yeah ... you know how it is ;)
21:09.11MoonWolfbut, what book ?
21:12.04Shouryuuwell you know
21:12.06Shouryuuthe book
21:12.24Natasemlol nice site
21:13.03kremonteyou see the mage one?
21:13.14kremonteninjas arcanist might and flarecore bracer pattern and leaves guild
21:14.33MoonWolfWHAT is the TITLE of the BOOK ?
21:15.02Natasemkremonte whats the ninja name
21:15.10Natasemtheres alot of them on this site
21:15.47kremontego on US, its a mage
21:15.49kremonteteeny or something
21:21.16Natasemouch, loots all teh crap then /gquit   gg ninja
21:23.06ShouryuuWhen you run to for loops back to back, like for i=1,10 do for j=1,10 do something end end
21:23.27Shouryuudoes the for j=1,10 do something end loop create somekind of inner loop?
21:23.35Shouryuudoes it go like this
21:24.06Shouryuudoes once the i loop, hit's the j loop and does that 10 times, ends the i loop, and starts over?
21:24.22Shouryuuwith i==2?
21:24.29kergothby definition, yes.
21:24.32CairennThe Unlikely Ones
21:24.44MoonWolfnested for loop i think
21:24.44CairennSorry, I dared to answer the phone :p
21:24.48Codayusif your syntax is right...yes...
21:25.01kergothShouryuu: sounds like you really ought to rtfm.  read programming in lua
21:25.27MoonWolfi usually prefer while loops
21:25.50ShouryuuI'm just brain dead
21:25.56Shouryuuthis thing is messing my head up
21:26.34*** part/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (
21:27.36MoonWolfsee if you have a loop of any kind, and you put a loop in it the loop in it gets executed for every time the first loop is done.
21:27.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (
21:27.46*** mode/#WoWI-lounge [+o Cairenn] by ChanServ
21:27.46TainIt's all loopy.
21:27.55MoonWolfthis is basic programming.
21:27.58MoonWolfeven logo can do that
21:27.59TainHiya Cairenn
21:28.04Cairennhi again
21:28.39MoonWolfWeclome back
21:28.55MoonWolfvery small and basic and old programming language
21:29.05MoonWolfused for teaching children mostly
21:29.18MoonWolfalthough it does have some nice features for AI's
21:29.26ShouryuuI'll need to try that one day :p
21:29.41Codayushmm, I don't feel so good...
21:30.02Codayus...possibly because I've only eaten a handful of peanuts today...
21:30.13AnduinLotharfood ftw
21:30.23MoonWolfyay food
21:30.36CodayusPlus a lot of diet mountain dew, of course.  Oh, and a very large energy drink...
21:30.45CodayusAnd hey, that almost counts as food.
21:30.52TainI had Shepards Pie.
21:30.56AnduinLotharomg... how can u drink diet mt dew...
21:31.05AnduinLotharthat stuff makes me want to die
21:31.06IrielMmmm.. Shepherds' Pie
21:31.15IrielThat's what I should make tonight
21:31.33CodayusAnduinLothar: Given the quantities of Dew I drank, it was diet mt dew and cancer from the aspertaime or normal dew and kidney failure from the sugar.
21:31.41CodayusI went with option A.  :-)
21:31.43kergothi'm in the mood for pasta.  maybe feduccini alfredo w/ grilled chicken or something
21:31.57AnduinLotharI'll take option b
21:32.30AnduinLotharbut then i also take strait sugar shots
21:32.47CairennOption B, thanks, since I wouldn't have the opportunity to wait for the cancer.
21:33.16AnduinLothartho if ur into mt dew, Amp is highly adictive
21:33.29MoonWolfpasta with chicken
21:33.36MoonWolfkergoth has weird taste
21:33.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Eraphine|Disco (
21:33.50CodayusIt's alright.  I prefer red bull though.  Or V, but it's not sold in this country...
21:34.02CodayusCair - oh.  Ouch!
21:34.11AnduinLothari'm not alergic but it makes me want to die none the less
21:34.15CairennI *like* breathing, thanks
21:34.54MoonWolfwho drinks any kind of diet food anyway, if you need to lose weith, don't eat or drink THAT instead of replacing it.
21:35.28Natasemwas there a patch today?
21:36.11Natasemjoin my team
21:36.41Natasemi drink Rock Star
21:37.08MoonWolfno thank you, cancer is a normal thing for all complex living beings and it therefor does not score high on my list of charity
21:37.31CodayusMoonWolf: I...don't understand.  *don't* drink dw?  How does that work?  <confused>
21:38.15MoonWolfI was responding to Natasem, and Yes i don't drink dew. They don't sell it in my backwater country.
21:38.51AnduinLotharok, time to test my IsMounted Library
21:42.07Natasemum how is that link a charity?
21:42.21AnduinLotharanyone got localization for "Increases speed by X%" from the mount tooltips?
21:43.25ToastTheifI can be your healer baaaby
21:43.26Natasemmoonwolf how is a charity?
21:44.15MoonWolfIn essence I am donating my spare cpy cycles, so yes, to me it is.
21:44.15IndustrialNatasem: ?
21:44.48Natasemi don't understand your question Ind
21:45.25IndustrialNatasem: you can read what its about there
21:46.02Natasemi am Tsurani i have beenpart of this "charity"  for the last 5 years
21:46.15Natasemgawd typeing in latex gloves is a pain in the arse
21:47.08Shouryuuwhat are you doing with latex?
21:47.16MoonWolfKinky stuff ofcourse.
21:47.19Natasemi work in a clean room
21:47.21krkait's spelt LaTeX
21:47.29Industrialkrka: :)
21:47.47IndustrialNatasem: are you the dominant type or the submissive type?
21:47.51krkai like the typesetting in LaTeX... not sure how any gloves enter the picture though
21:48.10Shouryuunat- why are you in a clean room and why are you here on work?
21:48.21IndustrialNatasem: are you a really hot chick?
21:48.31MoonWolfclean rooms are part of his fetish
21:48.52Natasemcuz they gave my a computer that in my clean room since i am there about 12 hrs a day, and i am useing firefox so with firefox i also have chatzilla
21:49.35Natasemthis is me
21:49.37IndustrialNatasem: if you are a really hot chick you pass my test-o-next-gf
21:49.42Shouryuuok this guy has a lot of shards
21:49.53Industrialawwww :(
21:50.26krkayou look kinda hippolous
21:50.55krka.. that's probably not a word
21:51.08Eraphine|Disconor is it easy to glean the meaning of said word.
21:51.10Shouryuuask purl
21:51.33Natasempurl, hippolous
21:51.40IndustrialNatasem: no no
21:51.44Industrial~dict hippolous
21:52.22NatasemNo entry found for hippolous.
21:53.14krkaI'll define it myself then: Hippilous: looking like a horse
21:53.40Natasemi look like a horse?  not realy, but i am hung like one
21:54.23Natasemin that image what kinda shards are thoes?
21:54.59Eraphine|Discokrka, there's a word for looking like a horse.. it's.. horsy
21:55.59krkahippolous sounds more fancified
21:56.02AnduinLotharHippolytus: a son of Theseus falsely accused of amorous advances by his stepmother and killed by his father through the agency of Poseidon
21:56.14Eraphine|Discowhile riding a horse.
21:56.35krkadid you watch that greek soap opera too?
22:00.47*** part/#wowi-lounge ToastTheif (
22:01.04kergoth[  194.851499] ioctl32(wine:7789): Unknown cmd fd(18) cmd(408c6445){00} arg(55d41b80) on /dev/dri/card0
22:01.08kergoththat doesnt look good
22:03.08AnduinLothardoes UNIT_AURA trigger for raid members?
22:05.13*** join/#wowi-lounge rvalcrist (
22:09.10Eraphine|DiscoCide, did you remove BlizzardRaidUI as loadondemand for CTraid?
22:10.42Eraphine|Discoin 1.462?
22:10.51MoonWolfkergoth, when trying to get cedega to start ?
22:10.53Natasemis thre a new beta for CTRa?
22:10.55Eraphine|DiscoIt's very noticable
22:11.01Eraphine|Discodropped my uimem stack by 2 megs
22:11.15Eraphine|Discogreat work!
22:12.00Cideand yes Natasem
22:12.07Cidebut I don't want it to spread past this channel
22:12.36Cidethere is no such thing :P
22:12.47CairennI think you just found it, Natasem ;)
22:14.50Cideyeah, if anything it's here I guess :P
22:15.01Cidewell, being in our guild helps as well
22:15.07kergothMoonWolf: hm?
22:15.28MoonWolfthe error you posted 15 min ago. was that when you tried to run cedega or wine ?
22:15.34MoonWolfor when you booted ?
22:16.07Natasemeh i don't think they implamented cross caftion and cross server guilds yet
22:16.20Natasemcaftion = faction
22:16.28Natasemdam LaTeX gloves
22:17.28kergothMoonWolf: the error is caused when entering world in wow under cedega, on an amd64 box
22:17.42kergothsomething to do with 32 bit opengl apps on a 64 bit box
22:17.58Industrialkergoth: no 32bit box available? =(
22:18.18kergothnope. thinking about setting up a 32 bit rootfs on a seperate partition though
22:18.21MoonWolfhe tried to recompile his kernel in x86 but i guess that failed.
22:18.36kergothwell, it worked, but it doesnt help much without a 32 bit distro
22:18.41kergothwould freak trying to run anything :)
22:19.05kergothhmm, maybe i'll try a 2.4 kernel
22:20.27Industrialcant u make it run 32 bit at all times (with 32 bit os) on another partition?
22:20.30MoonWolfi think a second boot would be necesary. that or running vmware and playing wow in the CM
22:20.47IndustrialMoonWolf: thats crap video ;\
22:20.54MoonWolfI know.
22:21.40kergothIndustrial: yeah, thats what i'm thinking about doing.  resize a partition to make another, install a 32 bit ubuntu on that
22:21.45kergothjust a pain in the ass
22:22.02kergothMoonWolf: yeah, you need to run a 32 bit kernel.. so its either a seperate boot or vmware
22:22.20MoonWolfi say, boot windows or get a second pc
22:22.46kergothhah, 2.4.27 doesnt even build
22:22.52NatasemBSD  ftw
22:24.09kergothits the best option.  has worked well every time i've used it
22:24.13Natasemi seriously forked up a HD one year when PM first came out
22:24.22Cladhairejust download the Ubcd.. does partition resizing just fine..
22:24.28Shouryuuim off guys
22:24.29Cladhairebut PM works deliciously
22:24.33Shouryuusee yar
22:25.37MoonWolfwhy not the dapper drake one
22:25.48MoonWolfi alway's wanted a good review of it.
22:26.23AnduinLotharso what that a yes "target" works on UNIT_AURA or was that just yes for raid members?
22:26.56TainWhat do you say, purl?
22:27.01purlACTION rolls the eight ball and gets: Outlook not so good
22:27.06*** join/#wowi-lounge dukeku (
22:28.40TainWait what do you mean login server down?  I thought things were back up?
22:29.01TainBah I'll have to actually do work.
22:29.09purlwell, work is punishment for failing to procrastinate effectively.
22:29.17CairennUp down up down up down, you know Blizz ...
22:29.47MoonWolfCairenn, was that a negative remakr against blizzard ?
22:29.50MoonWolfout of your moth.
22:29.51purlthanks, Cairenn
22:30.16CairennWas it?
22:30.29MoonWolfThat or a sexual remark
22:30.33Tainup down up down up down.. Blizzard is such a dick.
22:32.03kergothi'm sure thatll help :)
22:32.13CairennYou're welcome :)
22:32.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Nulkris (
22:32.42Cairennyo Nulkris :)
22:33.11kergothon another note, if i dont pay chrysler financial $1400 on or before friday, they're repossessing my crossfire
22:33.12Eraphine|DiscoA watched download never terminates!
22:33.15kergothand i'm unemployed
22:33.24kergothand my last check is taking too fucking long to get sent out
22:34.22Cairenngack kergoth!
22:34.38Cairenntry talking to them?
22:34.38TainHunker down with a shotgun.
22:34.47kergothso either i let them take it and they sell it off, then i owe them for the difference between its value and my loan..
22:34.57kergothor i trade it in and roll the difference onto a loan on another vehicle
22:34.58Eraphine|DiscoLet them take it
22:34.59Cairennthey are often quite reasonable if you take to them ahead of time
22:35.03Eraphine|DiscoGet rid of kerg.
22:35.06kergotheither way i'm fucked, paying $5-10k for the difference
22:35.19kergothi'll try, cair
22:35.34Eraphine|DiscoCairenn is so wise.
22:35.37kergothi'm tempted to ditch it though
22:35.41Eraphine|DiscoI think you should
22:35.44kergoth$700 a month is a fair bit, particularly when unemployed
22:35.56Eraphine|Discohaving known many people who bought cars and then unluckiy wound up unemployed
22:36.05Cairennseriously, don't wait until Friday, call tomorrow, tell them that there was a problem with your cheque, see if they are willing to wait a few extra days
22:36.19AnduinLotharcheque, hehe
22:36.20TainI ended up doing that, kergoth.  After 3 years of payments my car was worth thousands less than I still owed.
22:36.34TainI ate the loss and dumped it.
22:36.38CairennAnduinLothar: bite me :p
22:36.41kergothi /love/ this car though :\
22:36.48Eraphine|DiscoCairenn, are you a brit.
22:36.58kergothCairenn: good idea, i'll do that.  worth a shot, anyway.  cant hurt.
22:37.04CairennEraphine|Disco: Canadian
22:37.09Eraphine|Discooh noes
22:37.29TainYeah kergoth, I've dealt with many a bill collector over the years.  Most are happy to keep working with you as long as you don't avoid them.
22:37.38kergothTain: yeah, it sucks.  the amount you lose driving off the lot is just messed up.
22:38.16kergothheh, i got ahold of some of my bill collectors on old credit cards.. $6k in debt that they wanted immediately.  between the two, the payment schedules i set up cost me $600 a month.
22:38.21kergoththankfully they'll be done quickly
22:38.22CairennYup, if you are up front and keep the lines of communication open, don't try to bullshit, dodge or avoid, chances are you can string them along at least for a little while :p
22:38.38kergothits tempting to start ignoring their calls :P
22:38.52Cairennthat'll make it worse
22:39.18Kiliekwell by worse it just means they'll sue you
22:39.19TainThen 2 months after I traded it in to get a new one a tree branch broke off a tree from about 40 feet up and smashed my rear windsheild and roof.
22:39.25Kiliekif it's worth it
22:39.26TainThey won't sue.
22:39.33Kiliekthey'll take you to court for payment
22:39.36Kilieki guess is what i meant
22:39.41TainNo they won't.  It's not worth their time.
22:39.58kergothmy townhouse association did
22:39.58AnduinLotharhire bounty hunters..
22:40.08TainThey hand it over to a collection agency who pay them pennies on the dollar for the account, and they harass you until they get it.
22:40.08kergothavoided the court date by proposing a payment schedule to the board of directors
22:40.28kergothi miss making a boatload of money.
22:40.31KiliekTain, right, I'm talking far after that stage.
22:40.35TainA smaller association I can see that yeah.  But a bank, they don't bother.
22:40.51TainYou can drag out a debt for years and years.
22:40.53KiliekThey'll sell the loan off, and eventually it may end up with an organization that will take legal action.
22:40.57KiliekOh yeah, you can.
22:40.59TainErr.. not that I've done it myself, nope.
22:41.10kergothi fucking hate credit cards.
22:41.13KiliekSome places will just take you to court though, it depends.
22:41.17KiliekDebt sucks
22:41.20kergothi've had that $6k in debt for like 5 years
22:41.28kergothand i've been paying the payments most of the time
22:41.31kergothstill maxed
22:41.38KiliekHard, late fees, interest, etc.
22:41.39kergothboo interest and late charges :P
22:41.50kergothand once you're late.. hello 25% interest
22:42.02Eraphine|Discokerg I was 10k in debt 4 years ago
22:42.08Eraphine|DiscoIt's not easy to get out I know.
22:42.09StylpeDoes anyone here know about any good guitar effect programs?
22:42.25Eraphine|DiscoI just ate ramen and paid off as much as I could
22:42.34kergothi do own a townhouse.  not sure how much equity i have, but its tempting to refinance and use a loan there to get rid of the debt
22:42.42kergothlower rate
22:42.45kergothi like ramen :)
22:42.46Eraphine|Discoyou own it?
22:42.51Eraphine|DiscoMortage it.
22:42.51kergothwell, mortgage
22:42.53Eraphine|Discoah ok.
22:42.53kergoththe bank does ;)
22:42.58Tain10k!  Luxury!
22:43.08Eraphine|DiscoI'm not including my student loans
22:43.24kergothi installed quicken one time
22:43.24Eraphine|Discobut that's like 40k over 50 years
22:43.26kergoththinking itd help
22:43.28kergothbut man
22:43.32kergoththat summary page that shows your net worth
22:43.34kergoththats just depressing.
22:43.37Eraphine|DiscoI found that stop going to bestbuy helped
22:43.55TainI won't even say how much I owe, but only about 3 more years and I'll be free!
22:44.20AnduinLothartill u buy something else anyway
22:45.39TainThat's the great thing!  I don't have enough credit to buy something else.  :D
22:46.18TainAnd I have consolidated almost everything into a single payment which is automatically deducted each month from my check.
22:46.22AnduinLotharfelt good buying my Monitor w/o credit, but that's relitively small...
22:46.26kergothTain: nice
22:46.32kergothi really hope i land this job i'm interviewing for on the 28th.  cant afford to be unemployed for long :\
22:46.49TainOf course the amount I'm paying is enough for someone to live on...
22:49.57kergothfirefox doesnt want me to buy a chevrolet vehicle
22:50.00kergothit crashes going to their website :)
22:50.52Eraphine|Discobuy a used honda
22:51.44kergoththat new cheap chevy looks pretty sharp.. cant remember teh name of it
22:52.16*** join/#wowi-lounge speak1 (
22:52.24kergothcourse its new, and would have the same problems as i currently have with loss of value
22:52.36Eraphine|Discothe ssr?
22:52.38kergothmaybe i'll pick up some old piece of crap for a grand
22:52.44kergothssr is nice, but pricey
22:53.16Eraphine|Discothe aveo?
22:53.38Eraphine|Discothe aveo looks suspiciously like a honda hatchback.
22:53.41AnduinLotharthere we go.. IsMounted seems to work just dandily
22:53.56kergothi cannot believe what pontiac did with the new version of that sportscar.  fast as hell, performs well, and looks like crap, shitty styling
22:55.04kergothand chevrolet, what the hell are they doing.  their trucks look the same as they did in the 80s
22:55.11kergothwake up GM. wake up.
22:56.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Morquan-There (n=morquan@
22:57.09CladhaireEvening Mondinga =)
22:57.16CairennMondinga ! Hey :)
22:59.25NatasemTry this get off yer fat arse and go out and get some exercise, absorb the sun rays, have fun OUTside of your house/dorm/computer room
22:59.42Natasemignore that
22:59.45Cairennerrr Natasem?
23:00.04Natasemonly problem with a tabbed Irc
23:01.24Cairennexcept, you aren't in any other channels ...
23:07.11Natasemya actually i am
23:07.17Natasemi am on 5 different servers
23:08.01kergothi'm down to 2
23:08.08kergothbeen trying to whittle away the fluff
23:08.20Natasemefnet is a must
23:08.24Natasemwow raidio is another
23:08.29Natasemthis one is a must
23:08.43kergothat one point i was on 18 channels on this network alone :\
23:08.47Natasemthe warcry one is a must
23:09.08Natasemalthough i think all the wow radio one is, is full of EU's
23:09.19Natasemand one irc for work
23:10.23Industrialkergoth: #vim
23:10.30kergothooh, good idea
23:10.42Industrialim semi regular there - not that anyone knows me
23:11.10kergoththeres a ton fo channels i drop by occasionally, but arent on the autojoin anymore... #mtd, #qnx, #emdebian, #debian, etc etc
23:11.49Industrialyeah, #php, #perl, #python, #ruby, #emacs (omg yes), #lua
23:12.00Industrialand then when you join #asp theres no-one there hah!
23:12.07AnduinLotharis PARTY_MEMBERS_CHANGED called for raid changes?
23:12.10kergothoh yeah, i forgot about all those.
23:12.19kergothwell, not emacs
23:12.21kergothbut the rest :P
23:13.01Industrialforgot #scheme
23:13.45kergoth#gentoo, #openzaurus, #zaurus, #redhat, #ubuntu, ..
23:14.43Industrialping pong ping pong ping banana phone!
23:16.05purlhere's a llama there's a llama and another little llama fuzzy llama funny llama, llama llama duck. llama llama cheesecake llama tablet brick potato llama, llama llama mushroom llama, llama llama duck. i was once a treehouse i lived in a cake but i never saw the way the orange slayed the rake i was only three years dead but it told a tale and now listen, little ...
23:17.31Industrialhehe /whois Industrial
23:17.34Industrialim leet
23:17.41Industrialor acting leet
23:18.20Malivilcheck out my suggestion i just posted
23:20.11Cladhairei love it
23:23.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (
23:25.13IndustrialUnfortunately it's already 00:23 here, and i need to get some sleep (and a shower o_O) before i awake on a bright shiny new ... oh.. internship .. *stormy cloud above head*
23:25.42MalivilGuess you should get going then
23:26.57kergothi need to stop going to web sites firefox doesnt like
23:27.03kergothit keeps crashing, and killing my ubuntu iso download
23:27.07kergothguess i could wget it, but i'm lazy
23:27.37Malivilfirefox never crashes for me
23:27.42MalivilWhat sites are you trying to go to?
23:27.56kergothit crashes on curse gaming,, and countless others. reliably.
23:28.06kergothi assume its something with the build included in ubuntu breezy x86_64 build
23:28.13kergothsince it doesnt give me problems elsewhere
23:28.50Malivili have the normal 32bit version and no crashes here
23:28.54Malivilmight want to report those
23:29.04kergothi shoudl try the beta again
23:29.10kergothlast time it crashed before the web browser even opened :)
23:29.17kergoththe firefox beta, that is
23:31.19kergoth~emulate stewie
23:31.21purlHa ha. Oh, this is so good it just HAS to be fattening.
23:33.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
23:33.10Malivila bot?
23:33.23kergoth~fishslap Malivil
23:33.24purlACTION slaps Malivil up side the head with a wet fish.
23:33.25Malivil~emulate stewie
23:33.26purlYes, I rather like this God fellow. He's very theatrical, you know, a pestilence here, a plague there. Omnipotence. Gotta get me some of that.
23:33.40MalivilI have a slap script
23:34.02kergoth<quintin> yea that's cute with the little programming things there.  cute.
23:34.07IrielThis bot thing might be the singlemost annoying idea for this channel to date
23:34.17Malivilno wait
23:34.18Maliviljust wait
23:34.23Malivilkergoth dont make me fetch another brick.
23:34.43MalivilThat would be the most annoying if spammed
23:34.46MalivilGood thing im not goin to
23:34.49Irielfollowed closely by Malvil's macros
23:34.55IrielMalivil, sorry
23:35.09MalivilI mispell my own name sometimes
23:35.15kergothsigh, this wow/cedega/x86_64 issue is driving me nuts
23:35.33TemIriel: don't worry the bot is new.  The new toy effect will fade soon.
23:36.33*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (
23:36.33*** mode/#WoWI-lounge [+o Cairenn] by ChanServ
23:36.41Cairenngrrr, damn storm
23:37.30Malivilwelcome back
23:37.55Malivilwhy can't i get a channels list for this server?
23:38.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Grumpey (
23:39.03Grumpeyellose./ ./
23:39.09EndLIST Server load is temporarily too heavy. Please wait a while and try again.
23:39.17Cairennhi Grumpey
23:40.07Malivildoesn't even give me that End
23:40.11MalivilIt just says
23:40.17Malivil"Listing channels
23:40.18MalivilEnd of /List
23:40.59Malivilthere we go
23:41.03Endit's probably telling your client that
23:41.24Endbut your irc client just throws it out
23:41.29Endor something
23:43.54TemI dun get it... Where do I put the password for the next level?
23:44.21*** join/#wowi-lounge |O|nline|Pirate (
23:44.32|O|nline|PirateAnyone having problems patching?
23:44.50EndI was, but that was because my Repair.exe was missing.
23:45.07|O|nline|Piratei cant get mine to patch
23:45.11Grumpeydo trinkets trigger castspell events ?
23:45.14Endthe patcher would try to patch Repair.exe, complain, and then exit
23:45.14|O|nline|Piratekeep getting check sum error
23:45.23EndI got that once two
23:45.33EndI'm not exactly sure how I fixed that.

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.