IRC log for #wowhead on 20141203

00:02.03Lugburzbut hey you get like 2 or 3 free days!
00:05.32JunkHeadWell I saw the new world boss.
00:05.45JunkHeadTarlna the Ageless
00:16.34*** join/#wowhead pompy (~Mike@
00:24.58StormscapeCan't get onto my priest
00:24.59Stormscapeayy lmao
00:25.17JunkHeadfarthest i can get is blue bar.
00:25.24JunkHeadnow I'm stuck at "Success!"
00:25.24StormscapeI get world server down
00:25.33Stormscapeother characters are fine
00:25.34JunkHeadoooh.. Connected
00:33.23*** join/#wowhead RedXIII (~RedXIII@
00:36.09rannmannI've been on for a while now, but I can't do anything
00:36.13rannmannNPCs wont respond
00:36.36rannmannserver load is probably too high... maybe there's a memory leak somewhere
00:39.02rannmannor another DDoS.
00:39.10rannmannit's popular to DDoS WoW servers after updates, right?
00:39.22JunkHeadi still cant get on
00:41.49*** part/#wowhead Zynn (
00:50.44*** join/#wowhead webturtle0 (~webturtle@
01:00.46*** join/#wowhead HAZJ (
01:07.27*** join/#wowhead webturtle0 (~webturtle@
01:10.29*** join/#wowhead icanhasplaywowno (187c4edc@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
01:17.17*** join/#wowhead webturtle0 (~webturtle@
01:24.10Stormscape[17:23:12] [2] [Seirios]: LFM, normal highmaul, easy mode, must have gear that isnt out yet and ilvl 700+ only
01:37.20*** join/#wowhead paragon (
02:01.38*** join/#wowhead webturtle0 (~webturtle@
02:19.32TymarandWTB Reliable Servers After Maintenance
02:30.15ensiriusgl and hf all with new raid ^^
04:02.11*** join/#wowhead alexck (~alexc@
04:04.49*** join/#wowhead kyau (
04:05.04*** join/#wowhead webturtle0 (~webturtle@
04:12.18raspydafuk stormrage still down?
04:12.54raspyfuggin a
04:14.21raspythink i might boost a char on another server for lulz
04:16.24raspyoo lets see if i get blue bar boss
04:16.36JunkHeadsr up in list
04:17.01JunkHeadblue bar now
04:17.16raspyand prolly not getting on
04:17.34JunkHeadprobably not. i've gotten on 3 seperate times tonight.
04:17.39JunkHeadonce earlier today
04:17.42JunkHeadOOOH IM IN
04:17.55JunkHeadcommand table works too
04:17.58raspyomg im in
04:18.01JunkHeadgo raspy go!
04:18.08JunkHeadWE DONE DID IT!
04:18.43JunkHeadooooh missions are completing reeeeeeally slowly
04:19.51*** join/#wowhead Death916_ (~IceChat9@2601:c:ab00:741e:b025:1f5:7041:e60d)
04:28.54TymarandREEEEEEEEALLY slowly
04:52.37raspyowrld boss sapwnd got so lagged the fuk out i got dc'd
05:00.43*** join/#wowhead foooey (~fooey@
05:27.07kullervoeh nice I have almost 4k screenshots
05:27.15kullervoand that's just the wow ones
05:48.29*** join/#wowhead webturtle0 (~webturtle@
06:45.28*** join/#wowhead TheSkeeziX (
06:49.20*** join/#wowhead webturtle0 (~webturtle@
06:52.21*** join/#wowhead webturtle0 (~webturtle@
06:53.32*** join/#wowhead Novitsh_ (uid25543@gateway/web/
07:07.42*** join/#wowhead ensirius (
07:13.29*** join/#wowhead TheSkeeziX (
07:27.31*** join/#wowhead xythian (
07:48.05*** join/#wowhead Cerine (
07:50.04*** join/#wowhead xythian (
07:50.18CerineDid anyone raid tonight using Personal Loot?  If so, how many items did you get per boss and how many were in your raid?  We did Bladefist with 30 on Normal and only got 2 items.  Using traditional loot yielded 6 per boss.  I'm hearing this is typical.
07:53.06*** join/#wowhead webturtle0 (~webturtle@
07:56.33tenterflexsounds about right
07:58.32CerineMakes me wonder why they were so stingy with it in raids when they're all gungho about it in dungeons.
07:58.59CerineMy sample size is still 1 boss though :S
08:25.40StormscapeYou know what's bullshit? Even if you're solo, during an invasion all your followers run and hide. BITCH WHAT DID I HIRE YOU FOR
08:33.58*** join/#wowhead Stormkitty (
08:33.58*** join/#wowhead Stormkitty (~Derf@unaffiliated/stormscape)
08:53.53*** join/#wowhead webturtle0 (~webturtle@
09:15.40*** join/#wowhead pdcmoreira (~pdcmoreir@
09:54.41*** join/#wowhead webturtle0 (~webturtle@
09:56.36*** join/#wowhead webturtle0 (~webturtle@
10:57.12*** join/#wowhead webturtle0 (~webturtle@
11:15.30*** join/#wowhead Death916_ (~IceChat9@2601:c:ab00:741e:b025:1f5:7041:e60d)
11:47.28*** join/#wowhead HAZJ (
11:57.59*** join/#wowhead webturtle0 (~webturtle@
12:05.55*** join/#wowhead Lugburz (~Troxior@
12:50.49*** join/#wowhead webturtle0 (~webturtle@
13:51.06*** join/#wowhead frijoles (
13:51.43*** join/#wowhead webturtle0 (~webturtle@
14:19.23*** join/#wowhead Silencer (
14:49.50*** join/#wowhead stolenlegacy (~stolenleg@unaffiliated/stolenlegacy)
14:52.20*** join/#wowhead webturtle0 (~webturtle@
15:53.01*** join/#wowhead webturtle0 (~webturtle@
15:59.21*** join/#wowhead cawaker (~textual@
16:05.30*** join/#wowhead g0urra (~g0urra@unaffiliated/gourra)
16:46.50*** join/#wowhead Troxior_ (~Troxior@
16:47.43*** join/#wowhead __butch__ (~Adium@
16:53.52*** join/#wowhead webturtle0 (~webturtle@
16:55.49*** join/#wowhead Eraclito (
17:06.46*** join/#wowhead fekz (~makoto@unaffiliated/fekz)
17:08.06*** join/#wowhead Death916_ (
17:16.39*** join/#wowhead Troxior_ (~Troxior@
17:36.14*** join/#wowhead sumpwa (~sumpwa@
17:54.35*** join/#wowhead webturtle0 (~webturtle@
18:45.03*** join/#wowhead Lianth (~Lianth@
18:55.18*** join/#wowhead webturtle0 (~webturtle@
19:23.16rannmann100,000 gold?  really?
19:25.36kullervorannmann: 100k for what?
19:25.55kullervoI dropped 120 on the yak because I couldn't be arsed to HS every time I wanted to transmog stuff
19:27.18rannmannalliance chopper
19:51.54kullervotoo bad, huh?
19:55.09*** join/#wowhead sumpwa2 (
19:56.07*** join/#wowhead webturtle0 (~webturtle@
20:08.09Latinkullervo: you bought the mount, after reforge was taken away O.o
20:08.19LatinI feel like I got sodomized with that purchase
20:09.11kullervoLatin: yes for mog like I said
20:53.47*** join/#wowhead AGenericGamer (
20:56.50*** join/#wowhead webturtle0 (~webturtle@
21:01.08*** join/#wowhead one0one (
21:06.57*** join/#wowhead chiner (492192de@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
21:07.15chineris there an addon i can use for wow to integrate an irc channel into wow's message interface?
21:07.15*** join/#wowhead one0one (
21:10.00kullervochiner: no, wow cannot communicate with external programs
21:10.14chinerwhy not?
21:15.50equiraptorHuh. The realm list says "incompatible" for every realm. But I'm able to get to the realm and log into my character anyway.
21:29.46tenterflexoh dear
21:29.57tenterflexthe ally chopper looks abysmal
21:29.57tenterflexand costs 100k
21:36.05*** join/#wowhead kd3|hate`net (~quassel@unaffiliated/kd3)
21:57.37*** join/#wowhead webturtle0 (~webturtle@
22:23.27rannmannif you die on the final boss in a dungeon, the completion exp doesn't seem to be rewarded.
22:47.27*** join/#wowhead Lugburz (~Troxior@
22:58.19*** join/#wowhead webturtle0 (~webturtle@
23:02.23AGenericGamerthat sucks
23:02.27AGenericGamerooh, argi just came out
23:44.28*** join/#wowhead ajmitch_ (

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