IRC log for #wowhead on 20130704

00:27.54*** join/#wowhead infobot (
00:27.54*** topic/#wowhead is Welcome to the official Wowhead channel - IRC rules/stats at
00:49.48*** join/#wowhead Pahonix (
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01:13.27*** part/#wowhead arlen (~arlen@
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01:32.18*** join/#wowhead Desires (
01:32.27*** join/#wowhead jon- (
01:32.53jon-do they have any referral bonuses going on lately for resubscribers?
01:33.03jon-didn't they used to have something that gave you a free level something?
01:33.14fewynjust the scroll of ressurection promotion i think
01:34.00jon-I think I used that a long time ago, any idea if you can do it again? :/
01:35.16jon-damn it -- "After March 5th, 2012, you are only able to accept one Scroll of Resurrection per eligible World of Warcraft license "
01:43.53jon-are twinks still viable, or did they screw that all up with resil changes?...particularly 70 twinks :/
01:51.54*** join/#wowhead jure12 (4e1e9534@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
01:52.53jure12havent played wow in a while, started a druid, got to lvl 10 so i got a question: i saw that feral cat and feral bear are not the same spec anymore (back in the day they were). so is the gear for those specs very different?
01:53.21jure12used to be the same gear for both bear and cat
01:53.34JunkHeadstill is basically
01:54.23jure12and how viable is it to switch bear and cat form in PvP?
01:55.07jon-the gear was never really the same
01:55.08JunkHeadno clue
01:55.16jon-iirc bears used to stack stam?
01:55.34jon-youd only switch to bear form in pvp if you were getting pounded before, because i dont think you did much dmg
01:56.15jure12look, my last info on druids is from TBC, no dual specs and they would switch bear and cat in 10 man raids and such...
01:56.40jon-last i played bears would have to stack stam
01:57.01jure12it's just that i expecvted that i will get one spec feral and other maybe resto and now i see this and have no clue :) but thanks anyway
01:57.08jon-jure12: they might have switched but they probably didnt do that much damage
02:33.44*** join/#wowhead Shinisama (
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09:35.54kalimisthey everyone
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13:14.05*** join/#wowhead JunkHead (
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16:12.56fewynanyone have any suggested battle pet addons? like ones i should have to make my life easier?
16:15.56g0urrawowkemon, petjournal enhanced, pet battle music
16:24.32Eraclitowowkemon? wasn't it shut down by c&d?
16:25.23fewynnot afaik
16:26.06fewynthere hasn't been any updates since january tho
16:26.38Eraclitoaddon author deported by nintendo to guantanamo
16:28.48Wardwhat is pet battle music?
16:30.33fewynprobably exactly what it sounds like
16:31.22Wardyeah but why would you want specific music just for pet battles
16:37.39*** join/#wowhead Wertax (
16:38.55Jammeroh wow... 9 tot bosses so far and only secret I have gotten is the guaranteed one from Lei Shen ><
16:41.58g0urrayeah fuck wow and its rng
16:46.03*** join/#wowhead RazielZ (~Raziel@
16:52.49fewyni need 1 more secret
16:55.31JunkHeadyou're adopted.
16:56.36fewynwouldn't surprise me
16:56.42fewynbut sadly i look to much like my father
16:58.56JunkHeadYeah I look just like my mom.
16:59.02JunkHeadmy sister looks more like my dad.
16:59.08JunkHeadwe dont look anything alike.
16:59.25JunkHeadmost peopel are shocked to even find out i have a sister.
17:03.44fewynme and my sister are about 10 years apart
17:03.52fewyni get the same thing
17:05.45JunkHead9 years apart here.
17:05.59JunkHeadim 34 she'll be 43 in a couple of weeks.
17:07.38*** join/#wowhead Shinisama (
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18:31.38jon-I dont get it -- in patch 5.3, they removed resil from gear..?
18:31.50g0urraall level 90 armor
18:31.55jon-so does pvp gear = pve gear now?
18:32.08g0urrano, pvp gear has pvp power
18:32.33jon-so pvp power is the anti-resil?
18:41.25b4k4^^in a way
18:41.52b4k4^^also you can still gem for resil
18:41.58b4k4^^not that I see much point
18:42.26b4k4^^I prefer haste for yellow gems
18:42.36Jammermight be good if you're flag carrier or something that needs to survive
18:42.36b4k4^^on my spriest
18:42.52b4k4^^yabbut, the difference is negligible
18:43.11b4k4^^depending on sockets ofc
18:45.50jon-so how does that effect older gear?
18:45.53jon-like 70 ger
18:46.06Jammerwell the more you have resil the better it gets also even tho the damage reduction % ain't much
18:46.25jon-it says 0% :/
18:55.02b4k4^^dunno, might be that lvl 90 get 65% baseline
18:55.13b4k4^^haven't paid attention :P
18:56.21JunkHeadi think so.
18:56.25JunkHeadsomethinglike that anyway
18:57.31JunkHeadAll level-90 characters now have a base Resilience of 65%.
18:57.32JunkHeadAll characters below level 90 now have a base Resilience of 40%.
19:01.43jon-JunkHead: but then my resil should be > 40%?
19:01.48jon-maybe its because i havent logged in
19:01.52*** join/#wowhead Elysa_ (
19:05.45jon-what is the new daily area called..?
19:06.02b4k4^^the armory isn't free of errors, mind
19:06.42b4k4^^(I wonder if it still reports Horde suppliers of some gear for Alliance toons)
19:31.52fewynholy shit FF7 is now on steam
19:35.12*** join/#wowhead Adys_ (~adys@unaffiliated/adys)
19:35.21JunkHeadever eat any of these?
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19:51.46*** join/#wowhead Tech_Talk (~quassel@
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21:05.23*** join/#wowhead Adys (~adys@unaffiliated/adys)
21:30.06*** join/#wowhead Bayken (be0d12ae@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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22:05.49*** join/#wowhead jon| (~jon@
22:08.25jon|how are paladins lately?
22:12.54b4k4^^holy paladins Batman!
22:24.21*** join/#wowhead Lugburz (
22:29.16kullervojon|: OP AS FUCK
22:29.26kullervoso really, the same as they've been since wotlk.
22:36.25kullervoBlizzard works hard to improve the ret paladins though as they're not quite where they were
22:39.56*** join/#wowhead MIR4I (
22:51.19*** join/#wowhead Troxior (
22:56.09*** join/#wowhead JunkHead (
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23:19.13jon-kullervo: what spec?
23:19.35jon-I played holy during cata but it was like playing ping pong with the health bars because i had no hots
23:45.45kullervoall specs?
23:45.57kullervoI wouldn't touch holy with a ten foot pole though
23:57.28Eraclitonever specced holy my paladin

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