IRC log for #wowhead on 20130206

00:07.39*** join/#wowhead oscarucb (
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10:04.42taurendruidhey is anyone else here experiencing the error 144
10:04.45taurendruidi mean 114
10:05.34taurendruidi meant does anyone know how to fix it
10:33.28*** join/#wowhead VIad (
11:15.56b4k4^^somebody was asking about rain in Stranglethorn
11:16.06b4k4^^it's now raining there on Moonglade EU
11:26.37*** join/#wowhead Shwaffle (
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16:24.49Elysayessss Reins of the Drake of the North Wind
16:34.53Elysanow to try for the Stonecore one
16:47.48*** join/#wowhead JunkHead (~none@
16:53.53*** join/#wowhead Ac-town (~actown@osuosl/staff/actown)
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17:07.43matt1sHow much PvP DPS could I expect as an arms warrior with full honor PvP set (enchanted and gemmed)? Item level 458
17:36.59*** join/#wowhead Lopin (~Lopin@
18:23.02Freyja[The Wowhead Blog] 5.2 PTR: New Reputations and Rewards Preview -
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22:10.30*** join/#wowhead Amarande (
22:12.32Amarande"Night will now fall at the proper time on all realms."
22:13.12AmarandeThis was a problem? :)
22:13.45*** join/#wowhead Birdman3131 (
22:13.48Amarandemind you, if they'd just go the final step and move all the realms to PST, it probably wouldn't have been :)
22:13.59Amarande'twould also, apparently, make a lot of happier addon authors
22:14.05fewynyes but then people would complain about night being at weird hours
22:14.07fewynfor them
22:14.34b4k4^^it's winter, the night *is* at weird hours
22:14.35AmarandeI looked up on wowinterface to see whether/how the work was going on an update for Ara Broker Tradeskills, which now renders incorrect cooldown information (and I think skillet gives wrong CD times now too)
22:14.38b4k4^^like most of the day
22:14.55Amarandeand according to Alyred's comments, it looks like the present time system of 5.1 is surprisingly arduous to work with in an addon sense :(
22:15.33AmarandeThe trouble: It used to be that you only needed to know about the server time, and the rest would take care of itself, since on all servers CDs reset at the same server time
22:15.34b4k4^^at least OmniCC seems to work right...
22:15.50AmarandeNow, to accommodate the Cross Realm Zoo, as one person affectionately called it, all CDs reset at the same *time*
22:15.58Amarandewhich, however, is now a different *server time* on each realm
22:16.00b4k4^^but it doesn't have tradeskill cds AFAIK
22:16.20b4k4^^:D @ zoo
22:16.39AmarandeAnd since addons see server time, rather than PST, that means now the addon has to go to the extra trouble to somehow figure out the *server time* at which stuff needs to reset, etc.
22:17.23AmarandeThen there's the whole having to keep track of three times now pretty much. Your local time (your real life outside of WoW goes on this). Your realm time. And PST, if your realm's not West Coast.
22:17.36AmarandeYou know what's going to be the next piece of hardware you'll need to play WoW at this rate?
22:17.51AmarandeOne of those clock things like they have in hotels and airports where you have all the clocks marked LONDON, NEW YORK, SAN FRANCISCO, TOKYO ... :)
22:18.19AmarandeAt least just put everything on PST, it would make it at least a little bit easier. :)
22:18.25b4k4^^I probably only have to know realm time, or maybe offset versus UTC
22:18.38AmarandeSome people are actually even saying that having MST, CST, and EST realms is almost false advertising now :S
22:19.11b4k4^^I think the daily reset where I live used to be midnight realm, now is at 3 AM realm
22:19.35b4k4^^(4 AM local :P)
22:19.57Amarandebecause, well, when you picked a server time zone, a large part of that was because the world events were thus tuned to be convenient for that time zone
22:19.59b4k4^^who knows what it'll be when DST rolls around
22:20.16Amarandenow they're all on PST, so the separate time zone servers don't really serve any purpose anymore but to make you scratch your head to figure out when things actually happen :P
22:20.32AmarandeYeah, it used to be midnight realm here, and now it's 6 AM
22:21.26AmarandeSucks, really. I can't, say, do my Tuesday minor inscription research at midnight on Monday night, instead I have to wait till 6AM (and since 3AM PST is the usual end of the world in NA, that in turn means I have to wait till the later afternoon after maintenance, since the servers go down at reset)
22:22.13b4k4^^EU servers tend to go down a couple of hours after reset
22:22.27AmarandeOn the good side, at least I can attend the Stranglethorn Fishing Extravaganza now
22:22.40b4k4^^6 AM is a good time to go to sleep :3
22:22.44Amarandealthough, thanks to the Cross Realm Zoo, I'd probably better roll a character on The Venture Co if I want the best chance to win. :P
22:23.11b4k4^^the Kalu'ak event isn't back yet, is it?
22:23.24Amarandenope. it's uncertain if it will ever be back, actually
22:23.44b4k4^^good thing I won that when I had the chance
22:23.45Amarandethe Kalu'ak event was really hit hard by CRZ, even more so than the STV event
22:24.05Amarandewhat they did was fold the Kalu'ak rewards into the Stranglethorn contest
22:24.25b4k4^^(won both events on first try, successive days; you may now hate me)
22:24.29Amarandeso if you win the Extravaganza, you can pick either one of the old school STV rewards or the pirate ring or whatever else you used to get from Kalu'ak
22:24.44b4k4^^that's useful info
22:24.54b4k4^^could use the ring for my alts
22:24.57Amarandealso, now the first *three* turn-ins in the STV contest are winners, instead of just the first
22:25.32Amarandeof course, you still can't get Salty, unless they actually hotfixed that one achievement.
22:25.41Eraclitothen i should start trying STV contest again
22:25.46b4k4^^which I have already
22:25.52b4k4^^missing only the rare fish
22:26.18b4k4^^have missed it for close to a year now
22:26.29Amarandeugh rare fish
22:26.34b4k4^^not that I've been too active wrt it since MoP launched
22:26.36AmarandeI still need the stupid alpha spinefish for pandarian angler, too
22:27.03b4k4^^[Stupid Alpha Spinefish] :)
22:27.10Amarandethe other side effect of the time change is I expect it's going to impact the AH pretty nastily :|
22:27.14b4k4^^+infty armor
22:27.30Amarandeespecially for East Coast servers
22:27.56Amarandesee, one thing that was fairly common was for alchemists to be able to sell two transmutes in a given evening
22:28.25Amarandethey'd do the usual one for the day, and could then sell another one after midnight server (which on EST servers is still a pretty active time, especially when you consider there's plenty of West Coast players on East Coast servers, and it's still only 9PM there)
22:28.51DomhAnd then they've used the lockout for the next day so they can't repeat that again
22:29.03AmarandeDomh: yeah, but not everyone is on their alchemist daily
22:29.11Amarandea lot of alchemists are alts, or are mains of players who don't play every day
22:29.34DomhEh, wouldn't matter too much to me.  I'm still an hour and a half ahead of EST
22:29.45Amarandeso a lot of lockouts were "in play" that wouldn't be now that 6AM is the boundary instead of 12M
22:30.01Domh6am?  I thought it was 3 am?
22:30.07Amarande3AM *PACIFIC*.
22:30.10AmarandeDoesn't matter what server you're on.
22:30.14AmarandeThat's the other thing about the 5.1.
22:30.25Domhah, right.  I'm on a Pacific server so I've never made that connection
22:30.37AmarandeThat's why I noted above that the idea of MST, CST, and EST servers can possibly be argued as false advertising now
22:30.49Amarandebecause despite the "sticker time" for the server, they're really PST servers now too for all practical purposes
22:30.52Domhso 7:30 my time which works out decently since it's right before I have to head to work
22:30.56JunkHeadmy skillet says 12h 29m for my next scroll of wisdom
22:31.07JunkHeadand it's 4:30 pm now.
22:31.12Amarandehm, skillet might be right, then
22:31.18JunkHeadso that's like...
22:31.24JunkHead5:30 am for me
22:31.33b4k4^^5 AM
22:31.42JunkHeadyeah damn phoen rang
22:31.44JunkHeadmessed me up
22:31.45AmarandeI know Ara Broker Tradeskills is b0rked, though, and Alyred is having a hell of a time trying to get it to work properly with the fact that resets happen at different server times now depending on the realm
22:32.10DomhBut I think the sticket time mostly remains as a method of trying to group people into common free time zones for raiding and stuff.  Otherwise it's pretty much academic anyway
22:32.29Amarandebut yeah, fewer alchemy cooldowns "in play" is not a good thing
22:32.40Amarandeeven if you think "oh, I only use alchemists for flasks"
22:32.47AmarandeI hope you never roll a plate class and feel like buying crafted epics then heh
22:33.06DomhThat's what my guild is for :p
22:33.09Amarandesince crafted plate epics are eternal prisoners of the living steel cooldown :(
22:33.11b4k4^^I really don't care much and I try to use every transmute cd
22:33.25Domheh, I've three alchemists.  I make all the steel I need
22:33.36b4k4^^could put that stack of living steel on AH one day and convert it to money
22:33.37AmarandeMind you, cloth is apparently a prisoner of the imperial silk CD, too
22:33.44DomhNot on Velen I can't
22:33.49Amarandeand probably even more severely so since imperial silk is BoP and living steel is not
22:33.56DomhI'd need to farm the raw materials to make a profit
22:34.12JunkHeadyeah i was trying to say somethign else a minute ago about the times.
22:34.16JunkHeadbut i dont remember what
22:34.17DomhI miss Lightning's Blade sometimes.  Velen's AH just doesn't compate
22:34.38AmarandeI'm looking forward to the likely drop in price of Darkmoon Cards when 5.2 hits
22:34.51Amarandeespecially since as an engineer, I pretty much am stuck getting one for my second trinket pre-raid :(
22:34.56Amarandeunless I get lucky in heroics, anyway
22:35.00JunkHeadoh yeah, basically, my cooldown is up in 12h 30m.
22:35.11JunkHeadand it's roughly 4:30 pm here now
22:35.18JunkHeadbut the ther server i play on is eastern time.
22:35.21Amarandesadly, valor trinkets are worthless for engineers. :(
22:35.26JunkHeadso 5:30pm server time
22:35.28DomhArmande - Sheildwall dailies will at least get you a 458 one
22:35.38JunkHeadso my cooldown is up at 6am server time
22:35.42AmarandeDomh: on use or proc based?
22:35.52DomhDon't recall.  Never needed them so I haven't checked
22:35.59Amarandethat's where the issue comes in about the valor trinkets. on-use trinkets in general are worthless for engineers. :|
22:36.02b4k4^^I think they all are on use
22:36.12Amarandebecause synapse springs apparently shares a CD with on use trinkets
22:36.37DomhShould still be fine with trinkets with a long self cooldown
22:36.38b4k4^^noticed that on my engie
22:37.07Amarandeoh, speaking of the Faire, I was wondering about this one
22:37.15Amarandecan you turn in decks all month long if, say
22:37.22Amarandeyou leave an engineer with a MOLL-E on Darkmoon Island?
22:37.29Amarandeor do you get ported out if you try to log on to the character when the Faire isn't on?
22:37.37DomhPorted out
22:37.40b4k4^^you get ported out
22:37.55b4k4^^to where the entrance portal is
22:38.40b4k4^^spent a couple of times an extra hour or so fishing for junk nodes in a closed carnival
22:38.48AmarandeI've got to say now that I have to envy mail and leather wearers :)
22:39.02AmarandeI get the feeling that crafted epics in those two armour types must be a lot cheaper than cloth and plate
22:39.18JunkHeadnot really.
22:39.34DomhVery much not really
22:39.42JunkHeadexcept int plate.
22:39.49JunkHeadbecause... well. it sucks
22:40.08Domhwell, 476's are possibly a little lower since a lot of lw's are skinners too which leads to motes of harmony
22:40.24Amarandewell, what occurred to me is this
22:40.49Amarandeplate epics are limited by the number of living steel transmutes possible among your suppliers
22:41.16Amarandecloth epics are limited by imperial silk (which isn't limited as strictly as living steel, but on the other hand is BoP, so crafters can't pool their production)
22:41.20b4k4^^farming spirits <3
22:41.21Amarandehowever, AFAIK, there's nothing similar in leather
22:41.42DomhFarming magnificent hides takes forever.  And motes
22:41.59Amarandeyeah, I think I'm beginning to understand something now LOL
22:42.07DomhThere's also some irritation over how long it takes to get all the recipies since there's a set of 8 496 ones to gather
22:42.15Amarandespecifically, why everything leather tends to need several BDSM dungeons' worth of leather in order to make :P
22:42.16b4k4^^16 motes guaranteed per day
22:42.47AmarandeI'm guessing it's a counter balance against the fact that LWs don't have to wrassle with any cooldown mats like BS and tailors do?
22:42.49Domhheh.  I use mine for golden lotus.  Need to keep the priest in consumables
22:43.16b4k4^^well... I have 3 90s exalted with Tillers
22:43.26JunkHeadI dont even do my farms anymore.
22:43.27b4k4^^my problem is motes are BoP
22:43.43b4k4^^have about a stack of extra on my shammy
22:43.57b4k4^^that the tailor could use
22:44.26DomhI get why they did it though.  On smaller realms it was too easy for a few crafters to monopolize certain markets
22:44.55Domh*cough*feywn*cough*  "[
22:46.08fewynwhat did i do
22:46.13DomhI expect they'll remove it around 5.3 at which point the gold sink in crafting will be the raid drops like blood spirits.  And it'll spur the low level crafting market for the catch up players
22:46.31Amarandeyeah, I keep trying to remember where blood spirits are from
22:46.32DomhYou didn't do anything, I was just making an asinine joke
22:46.45AmarandeI've seen them linked in trade chat but couldn't for the life of me remember where you get them
22:46.46DomhDe'ing raid drops :p
22:46.56DomhSadly no longer works on LFR ones
22:47.01AmarandeI thought that gave you shards and sha crystals?
22:47.21DomhNah, any epic gives you sha crystals.  Raid drops also give you the spirits
22:47.31Amarandeoh, sha crystals AND spirits from the same epic?
22:47.36fewyni bought... 14? 16? spirits the other day
22:47.37fewyn2k each
22:47.45DomhI think so.
22:47.45fewynmade my gloves and chest
22:47.55DomhYou should make my shaman some gear now :p
22:47.57fewyntotes worth it
22:48.11DomhSadly I don't have 32k to spend on spirits atm
22:48.13fewynprobably not worth making though
22:48.17fewynfor selling
22:48.21DomhToo busy with work lately to even get my usual inscription market on the go
22:49.05fewyni can't wait for my paperwhite to get here tomorrow
22:49.28Amarandeah, sha crystals and spirits together is a good idea
22:49.38Amarandethe thing that had occurred to me otherwise was "catch up players might have a really hard time eventually"
22:52.11JunkHeadsometime this week i need to do lfr msv pt 2 on my warrior for the shield.
22:52.20JunkHeadim at 8 elder tokens.
22:52.30JunkHeadneed to burn 1 so i can turn in to get 3 more.
22:52.42fewyni need to do lei shi 2 more times
22:52.47fewynafter i finish dailies maybe
22:53.24JunkHeadi tried to do it last night, but got into a group on the last boss so i left.
22:54.09b4k4^^already did all the lfrs for this week on my mage who is on the sigil quest
22:54.30b4k4^^for my troubles and 3 elderberries got gold, a trinket and 1 sigil
22:55.00b4k4^^whereas last week my priest got ten-ish sigils >_<
22:55.29JunkHeadif i was gettign home at my usual hours tonight, i was planning on doing some old raids on my shaman, but since im working late, i'll probably skip that plan.
22:55.38JunkHeadI'd like to be able to solo BT.
22:55.57JunkHeadIllidari COuncil didn't wanna let me do that though.:(
22:56.07Amarandeyeah, maybe next expansion :)
22:56.10b4k4^^I should finish grinding Molten Core on the shammy
22:56.17Amarandeand maybe next expansion mages can solo Sunwell further than the first big guardian thingy :P
22:56.18JunkHeadnah I just need slightly better gear.
22:56.25b4k4^^got to around 45 minutes re-MoP
22:56.30JunkHeadMaybe ilvl 480.
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22:56.40b4k4^^now I could probably roflstomp everything :P
22:56.50Amarandestupid blood elf hunters
22:56.54AmarandeI want slaying shot on my hunter :(
22:56.55JunkHeadI tried it 2 ways, the best for me being to burn down the paladin.
22:57.06JunkHeadI got him to 0 a few times but he always got healed back up.\
22:57.14JunkHeadBuncha bullshit if you ask me.:\
22:57.31JunkHeadIllidan probably would've beaten me though
22:57.46JunkHeadI also tried OS10 3d.
22:57.51JunkHeadAnd again, need betetr gear.:(
23:01.33Amarandeelemental or enhancement?
23:01.45Amarandehmm. tried enh?
23:01.46JunkHeadi read about people soloing damn near everything as enhancement
23:01.51Amarandeit apparently has fairly significantly greater DPS than ele
23:01.52JunkHeadnot gonna get the gear for it
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23:17.29Amarandeyay, Ysera is no longer the new players realm
23:17.32Amarandeand we still have high pop now :)
23:31.13*** join/#wowhead one_zero (
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23:42.38Amarandeanyone else have problems with arcane brilliance disappearing on a mage when entering magister's terrace?
23:42.55AmarandeI checked my buffs before I walked in, and AB was up when I did
23:43.15Amarandeafter I finished off Delrissa and was about to head to Kael I glanced up at my buffs and noticed that AB was no longer active
23:43.37Amarandethe "you can understand friendly racial languages" buff that comes with it via minor glyph was still there, but not AB
23:43.40Amarandeit's happened to me a few times.
23:43.47EraclitoAmarande i think it's the MGT buff making it disappear
23:43.50Amarandeor does something in MgT use dispel?
23:43.55Eraclitoyou know, the stamina + intellect buff
23:44.02Eraclito"sunwell radiance" or something
23:44.10AmarandeEraclito: K'iru's song of victory or some such
23:44.14Eraclitoyeah that
23:44.15Amarandehowever, I've had that coexist fine with AB
23:44.22Amarandeit doesn't disappear or override AB when you cast it while on IQD
23:44.31Eraclitoi remember it overriding AB, back in time
23:44.41Amarandethe only other possibility is that something in MgT dispels buffs, but I'm not quite sure who
23:45.01Amarandepossibly a boss, as I usually skip most of the trash unless it's actually in the way
23:45.15Eraclitooh well maybe someone in Delrissa group
23:45.32Eraclitoi don't remember all their spells anymore
23:46.57Amarande*sigh* one more run and I'll be exalted
23:47.00Amarandeand still no white chocobo
23:47.19Amarandeand mind you ALL of my Shattered Sun rep has been from running MgT, I haven't done a single daily with them yet :S
23:52.14*** join/#wowhead oscarucb (

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