IRC log for #wowhead on 20110711

00:00.02g0urraDark Simulacrum didn't copy it :<
00:02.45robokittyI made our troll warrior grumpy by interrupting the first cast of that >:)
00:03.07StormkittySteam's Greece server is fastest for me. heh. <joke about Greeks all being broke goes here>
00:03.18robokittywhich I found amusing, as he had spent the preceding 30 minutes complaining about how the paladin, who was kicked so I could join, hadn't interrupted anything
00:05.13robokittyGo to bed, Daniel
00:05.16Ziconkicks djane
00:05.24Djanei'm in bed!
00:06.16g0urrarobokitty: nvm they didn't fix it
00:14.51*** join/#wowhead raydenuni (
00:21.45Ziconrobokitty: Shoes for orphans?
00:25.39*** join/#wowhead Kamikaze28 (~Kamikaze2@unaffiliated/kamikaze28)
00:29.35Stormkitty"Danish is so hard to pronounce that during World War ll and the cold war Danes used their language to spot foreign spies. Because it didn't matter how many years a secret agent had studied Danish, he would never be able to pronounce the words perfectly." Problem, James Bond?
00:30.21g0urraI guess now we know why they never made a james bond movie in denmark
00:34.59*** join/#wowhead Mew (
00:34.59*** join/#wowhead Mew (Sephiroth@unaffiliated/sephiroth)
00:34.59*** join/#wowhead Anmity_ (
00:34.59*** join/#wowhead BlackNet (~blacknet@unaffiliated/blacknet)
00:35.12*** join/#wowhead Aeyan (
01:44.30*** join/#wowhead infobot (
01:44.30*** topic/#wowhead is Welcome to the official Wowhead channel - IRC rules/stats at
01:45.48*** join/#wowhead `vip (~denied@
02:14.20*** join/#wowhead Funkeh`` (
02:18.42*** join/#wowhead solocommand (~solocomma@
02:32.38CorganDjane: Yorick is fun :D
03:11.16*** join/#wowhead Gryphon (
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03:25.14kullervoMy face when I'm topping the damage meter while healing my group
03:35.56tatekonala atm
03:36.29tatewith a bicycle
03:36.56*** join/#wowhead hobocommand (
03:44.38tate10km route and i'm dead, gg
03:59.31kullervotate: lol
03:59.57kullervo... oh ffs A FUCKING HUNTER TOOK MY INT DAGGER
04:06.07tateand all that while drunk
04:15.05*** join/#wowhead Jamash (
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04:29.25*** join/#wowhead Jamash1 (
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04:46.29*** join/#wowhead Jamash (
04:59.01JunkHeadYay! New guild!
05:07.17*** join/#wowhead pompy (~Mike@
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05:26.48SixenGood stuff, Noxy :D
05:38.10*** join/#wowhead faCe| (
06:03.04kullervoDjane: 178 572 hp raidbuffed is optimal for Balrog
06:03.55kullervoassuming it rounds up
06:04.02kullervootherwise 178 573
06:18.38*** join/#wowhead rayden (
06:21.22Djanekullervo, 2 stacks = 251k?
06:28.57*** join/#wowhead Sonka (~Sult@
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06:48.43*** join/#wowhead Lopin (
06:51.47*** join/#wowhead Shigy (
06:52.42*** join/#wowhead Da_Ork (
06:55.32kullervoDjane: with the latter number, 250 002 hp
06:55.48*** join/#wowhead slackmeister (~slackmeis@unaffiliated/slackmeister)
06:57.15DjaneI don't like yorick, but i heard he's getting a massive buff
06:57.24CorganIt's nice
06:57.30CorganI've been able to do somehwat well
06:57.44DjaneGot any friend invites after a game yet? :P
06:57.56DjaneI always use that as a measure of how much you owned.
06:57.59Corganno :(
06:58.03Corganbut I get those when I play heimer
06:58.05DjaneWhen you get your entire team, plus half of theirs. GG :P
06:58.17CorganI've gotten like, 2-3 after a few games
06:58.26DjaneI had a 5v5 solo match the other day, where I got 17 kills, 2 deaths, 20 assists.
06:58.32DjaneThere were 39 kills in the game.
06:58.38DjaneI was involved in 37 of them :p
06:59.53DjaneI was involved in 37 of them :p
07:00.05DjaneWrong program, right button.
07:00.33*** join/#wowhead hahuang65 (
07:01.15CorganDjane, blol
07:02.13DjaneCorgan, so many co-op vs ai :p
07:02.28DjaneIt makes me laugh that you lost some of those, too :p
07:02.40CorganI blame others
07:02.55DjaneUsually is the case.
07:06.42DjaneEU server is offline so it can't find me currently :p
07:15.14DjaneNice win streak though man
07:15.29DjaneI have quite a few more champion kills than you :p
07:15.41DjaneLevel 22 summoner, 2800 champion kills, assists and towers.
07:15.50*** join/#wowhead Ugress (
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07:38.51*** join/#wowhead DanielSamuels (~ibubble@
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08:05.23*** join/#wowhead wildx22 (
08:14.13CorganDjane: good twitches suck :(
08:55.24*** join/#wowhead MartinThunder (
09:01.11*** join/#wowhead Owkkuri (~owkkuri@unaffiliated/owkkuri)
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11:20.50wildx22you're… a guest
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11:21.58*** join/#wowhead Noxy (
11:21.59*** mode/#wowhead [+o Noxy] by fewyn
11:23.23Storm|mobileAnd then John was a zombie
11:25.19*** join/#wowhead Anubisss (~anubisss@
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11:49.49MorrilGreatings oh internet
11:54.06*** join/#wowhead bsp (
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12:34.26robokittylol Morril x3
12:45.14*** join/#wowhead Lopin (
13:04.53*** join/#wowhead Ashley_ (
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15:13.22*** join/#wowhead poeticdragon (
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15:16.21bladekittypokes poeticdragon
15:19.18bladekittyshoves a tater top into tate
15:19.25bladekittypoeticdragon: what's new?
15:22.20poeticdragonShaSha's eye looks really good today, its all pink and white where he re-insured it
15:26.55bladekittyis pink a good thing?
15:33.32*** join/#wowhead Eeveevolve (
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15:39.09poeticdragonYes, its not a bloody scab.
15:48.07*** join/#wowhead xfiler71117 (
15:48.33robokittyalso, d'aww at the "OH HAI" moment in that video you put up xD
15:49.56*** join/#wowhead Sookie (
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15:55.18*** join/#wowhead Aengil (
16:00.35robokittyNo, Tigger!
16:17.43*** join/#wowhead Korale (~korale@unaffiliated/korale)
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16:51.52*** join/#wowhead DanielSamuels (
16:57.35kapowazcan somebody confirm something.
16:57.46kapowazdo wowhead *deliberately* obfuscate search result markup?
16:57.53poeticdragonrobokitty: yeah lol
16:57.54Irrelephant#roll 1d2
16:58.19poeticdragonkapowaz: obfuscate how?
16:58.35kapowazas in, deliver inline javascript instead of markup
16:58.39kapowazthen construct DOM from that
16:59.11kapowazso it's not a deliberate attempt at obfuscation, it's just that somebody thought that was a good idea?
16:59.29poeticdragonMore or less.
16:59.38kapowazI suppose it's true what they say.
16:59.50poeticdragonJson is much easier to work with for table sorting, filtering, etc.
16:59.51kapowazsufficiently advanced incompetence is indistinguishable from malice.
17:00.17kapowazthat's true, but it's also pretty easy to introspect that data.
17:00.29poeticdragonAnd if you can't say something nice...
17:00.35kapowazsay something true?
17:00.52kapowazsorry, this is just very frustrating to work around.
17:04.52Irrelephantcontinues to question why you would
17:05.01Irrelephantand also why you think you have the inherent right to do so
17:06.55kapowazit's funny how whenever I bring up the subject of wh doing something in an odd way, you leap to their defence with the assumption that what I'm doing is a.) bizarre/pointless, and b.) something I shouldn't be doing.
17:07.15kapowazthat kind of attitude makes me look forward to the day the community platform API renders wowhead redundant.
17:15.16*** join/#wowhead Gunrun (~sausages@
17:17.37IrrelephantYou missed my disdain for your sense of self entitlement, mostly.
17:17.51IrrelephantIt spawns when you set to ridicule and attack wowhead whenever things are not cooperative for you.
17:18.02IrrelephantAs if, for some reason, they should give a shit.
17:18.53IrrelephantI neither care for or against wowhead, it's a useful tool. I dislike self entitlement much more than any apathy for establishments I might engender.
17:21.05kapowazit's not really self-entitlement so much as frustration at something having been done in an odd way that makes what I'm doing more difficult.
17:21.22Irrelephant"<kapowaz> sufficiently advanced incompetence is indistinguishable from malice."
17:21.39IrrelephantI'm sorry the person you are attempting to bullshit is on another line. Please try again.
17:21.48kapowazoh please.
17:22.03*** join/#wowhead pompy (~Mike@
17:23.33kapowazmy appreciation for wowhead as a tool stands alone from my own professional snobbery regarding front-end web development. If I see something done in a bad way, sorry I'm going to call it that way. No need to butter up professionals just because the tool is good.
17:24.22linnea_i think there is reason why it has been done that way.
17:24.32kapowazyeah, poeticdragon said it's to aid sorting the tables
17:24.35linnea_but is it good reason, it's different thing
17:25.19kapowazit's still a bad way of doing it, regardless.
17:25.45poeticdragonDon't know, I put them on ignore ages ago.
17:25.56poeticdragonBut watching half the convo is amusing~
17:26.03kapowazgood way of dealing with criticism, that.
17:26.14kapowazNoxy: it's not meant as a personal insult or anything.
17:26.37kapowazI'm guessing Wowhead simply doesn't work without JS enabled though, right?
17:26.46Irrelephant<kapowaz> Noxy: it's not meant as a personal insult or anything.
17:26.47Irrelephant<kapowaz> sufficiently advanced incompetence is indistinguishable from malice.
17:27.04kapowazyou keep quoting that as if it's in some way deeply meaningful
17:27.10IrrelephantQuestion 3 : Please explain the mutually exclusive language in these two extracts, then compare and contrast with the colour of poo.
17:27.20NoxyIts not so much 'dealing with criticism'. Its more of a.. You do things your way, we'll do them our way, it works for us, and works for our users, roll with it.
17:27.22robokittypoe, sounds like an interesting trip you had o_O
17:27.30kapowazwhen I first spoke up it was because I was wondering if the search results were *deliberately* obfuscated.
17:27.38kapowazas it turns out, they weren't. They were made that way on purpose.
17:27.46kapowazso the idiom seems appropriate.
17:27.49poeticdragonThe dream?
17:28.09kapowazNoxy: so I'm not one of your users?
17:28.13Irrelephantkapowaz, let me get this straight.
17:28.22robokittymissed the Dream part
17:28.23IrrelephantThey weren't deliberately obfuscated, they were just made that way?
17:28.29robokittythought you had actually been through that :S
17:28.34poeticdragonOh, no.
17:28.43neutronimityok djane, you'll like this
17:28.45poeticdragonI guess it was more sane/logical than a normal dream for me... heh
17:28.48NoxyWell, kapowaz, we have -alot- of users. You seem to be unusual one that enjoys digging? Normal users .. use the database, not pick out how its made.
17:29.03neutronimity20 kills in a single life as stock soldier on turbine map
17:29.04Noxyan unusual*
17:29.16kapowazmaybe I'm atypical, but I'm still using your data. I'm trying to use it to build a tool which when complete could in theory result in people clicking through to
17:29.24NoxyEither way. I'm the website illustrator.
17:29.28NoxyI have no part in Development.
17:29.32kapowazfair enough
17:30.10kapowazI have no quarrel with any individual developer, but if anybody stands up for that approach and says it's the best way without at least observing the caveats, then I don't see why they shouldn't get called on it.
17:30.35NoxySo from where I'm sitting, it works. And works well. If its not to your specifications, I'm sorry. But its something you'll have to deal with and/or work around.
17:30.56linnea_i think more important thing is, why my hunter isnt showing right in wh :(
17:31.09kapowazright oh. and working around is what I'm doing.
17:31.09NoxyDoes it show on the armory?
17:31.21linnea_Noxy: yeah
17:31.39linnea_Noxy: i think there is something broken with eu armory, everything gets unknown error
17:31.45kapowazthe whole reason this turned into an argument is because Irrelephant took umbrage at me pointing out that this is all a result of the FE dev who built this neglecting to respect progressive enhancement.
17:32.02hyljebecause herp
17:32.14NoxyWell, Sko created it all.
17:32.17NoxyWe just work here.
17:32.17kapowazit's okay if you don't understand, hylje
17:32.37NoxyAnd he doesnt anymore.
17:33.12kapowazwho maintains the front end of the site these days then?
17:33.58NoxyLots of people.
17:34.15IrrelephantI agree with hylje
17:34.15bladekittykapowaz: define front end
17:34.20Irrelephantand THEN derp.
17:34.45neutronimitywho here plays tf2? :( I'm looking for friends
17:35.16bladekittyneutronimity: I have it, I haven't "played" it
17:35.18Noxylinnea_ I'm not sure how to fix it. ): it may be a profiler issue.
17:35.20bladekittyjust the tutorials
17:35.34linnea_Noxy: ok but thanks anyway :)
17:35.37*** join/#wowhead ScorpioCRO (
17:36.45NoxyI just draw stuff.
17:36.48JunkHeadLooks like I might get to run Gruul's Lair in a few minutes.
17:37.04neutronimitybladekitty :(
17:37.32linnea_i wanna join a new guild but there is no-one to invite me, meh
17:37.44JunkHeadI found a new guild last night.
17:37.51IrrelephantGrats JunkHead
17:37.55JunkHeadI had to leave that other one after being it for only 3-4 days.
17:38.16NoxyI dont know I showed you that.
17:38.22linnea_JunkHead: it didnt work for you?
17:38.36JunkHeadtoo many peopel had autogratz
17:38.43JunkHeadi ended up putting officers on ignore.
17:39.00bladekittyJunkHead: lol
17:39.05JunkHeadand it was a leveling guild. noone barely talked.
17:39.05g0urrawhy didn't you just tell them to stop using it
17:39.10bladekittyJunkHead: is that an add-on?
17:39.11JunkHead40% of gchat was achievements.
17:39.21linnea_i dont get that auto-gz thing. it's nice to get some greets but not every ach is greetable
17:39.23JunkHead50% was autogratz going "CHEEEEEEEEEEVO!!!!!!!!!"
17:39.38JunkHead3% was me telling peopel it was annoying.
17:39.43JunkHead7% was normal talk.
17:39.50Noxypoeticdragon :D
17:39.59JunkHeadit says somethign automatically when someone in guild gets an achievement
17:40.05Noxywas for this
17:40.14JunkHeadAnd I searched for a filter or blacklist addon, but none work in guild chat
17:40.16kapowazbladekitty: front-end in the usual sense. Client-side technology + view layer technologies
17:40.38bladekittywouldn't poe be in charge of the client-side tech at least?
17:40.43bladekittypokes poeticdragon
17:40.59JunkHeadSo now I found a lvl 25 casual guild that invited me.
17:41.09bladekittyJunkHead: nice
17:41.10kapowazhe's probably still got me on ignore
17:41.29bladekittykapowaz: poe's female
17:41.44kapowazshe then :)
17:41.44JunkHeadoh also, one of the people I ha don ignore... turned out to be the guild leader.
17:41.51NoxyAnd shes pretty.
17:41.53IrrelephantJunkHead, pro.
17:42.14JunkHeadnot my fault the guild leaders name is Snooki
17:42.15Noxysnuggles poe
17:42.20bladekittypoeticdragon: go have dinner at Noxy's
17:42.21JunkHeadand uses a stupid fucking addon
17:42.22bladekittyall the time
17:42.29bladekittyJunkHead: LOL
17:42.38Noxybladekitty; She can, when I move to Cali.
17:42.40poeticdragonbladekitty: kay, pay for my gas and data plan to drive out there and work while I drive
17:42.46bladekittyNoxy: or she can move to you
17:42.53bladekittypoeticdragon: you plan on driving?
17:42.59NoxyBut only because she will want to eat Glar's cooking.
17:43.00bladekittyI was thinking by boat or plane
17:43.02NoxyEvery. Day.
17:43.14NoxyWhich I can imagine happening tbh when we do move out to cali.
17:43.35neutronimitychokes on his chicken and rice.
17:43.42bladekittyalso, slept from (;30 to 8:30
17:43.49bladekittybrain so refreshed, body sore
17:44.05poeticdragonIt would be a good trick, getting to Texas from Cali by boat.
17:44.14poeticdragonHaving to go down to Panama....
17:44.25bladekittyNoxy: if you move to Poe's neighbourhood, you can even be a dog walker/groomer/watcher!
17:44.39bladekittypoeticdragon: go around the Arctic!
17:44.51bladekittyuse puppies as warmers
17:44.59poeticdragonNo thanks. We got a canal. And a plan. I forget how that palindrome goes.
17:45.06poeticdragon(Actually, I don't.)
17:45.50Noxyokay im gonna go make lunch for the kid
17:45.52Noxyand myself
17:46.50bladekittypoeticdragon: what's the major difference between switch and if functions in JavaScript?
17:46.53bladekittyI don't get it
17:47.49poeticdragonSwitch allows you to combine cases in a more readable manner, if allows you to test more than one value if you choose
17:55.15*** join/#wowhead stolenlegacy (~stolenleg@unaffiliated/stolenlegacy)
17:57.09FastidiousIn this thread, what the OP is refering to when it writes "almost reset day?"
18:00.05bladekittyFastidious: Every Tuesday in US is system maintenance
18:00.25bladekittyit also resets most NPC values, such as spawns or vendor items
18:00.51Fastidiousbladekitty, yes. But how does that applies to S10 and honor, I fail to understand.
18:01.03bladekittysorry, page was loading and I jumped the gun
18:01.12bladekittyI think OP is talking about honor reset
18:01.25FastidiousThe honor *already* reset.
18:01.36FastidiousThe same day JP did, and VP.
18:02.17bladekittyI don't PvP, but I'd assume that Arena points reset when a new season starts
18:02.29bladekittyas to Honor resetting with new patches
18:04.02bladekittypoke Irrelephant
18:04.15bladekittyIrrelephant: do you have an answer for Fastidious?
18:04.27fewynconquest got downconverted to honor
18:04.33fewynin 4.2
18:05.09bladekittyyes, I think that's what Fastidious meant by honor resetting on the same day as JP and VP
18:07.16IrrelephantI do not.
18:07.23FastidiousThanks for the try, bladekitty. I will post on the official forums once I hit home.
18:11.22*** join/#wowhead Cfe (
18:20.21FastidiousAnyone around who have mainly done PvP/Arena for years?
18:21.41FastidiousI am trying to find out if the S10 gear, currently available for honor purchase, will soon become unavailable.
18:27.01g0urraerm, s10 is the current one
18:28.04FastidiousI am confussed.
18:28.10FastidiousI can purchase S10 with honor.
18:28.18FastidiousThere is also a S10 for conquest.
18:28.55FastidiousI am getting too old, or Blizzard have really managed to mangle my mind.
18:29.13g0urravicious = s9
18:29.51FastidiousSonka, Vicious ilvl 371 = S9
18:29.56FastidiousSonka = So
18:30.16FastidiousIs that right?
18:31.24g0urrahum.. I dunno about those
18:31.34g0urrabut yeah.. those are s9
18:31.42g0urraI have no idea. I'd have to check that.
18:32.01FastidiousThe currently available for honor Vicious sets, ilvl 371, read Season 10.
18:34.02*** join/#wowhead Evious (
18:36.34neutronimityblademeld, learning javascript?
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18:40.09neutronimitybladekitty, for ping
18:41.13bladekittyneutronimity: just reading up on it
18:41.40bladekittyneutronimity: was dealing with a customer
18:41.53bladekittypokes blademeld
18:44.24fewyni got to say the firelands dailies are a lot more interesting than AT ones were
18:45.10*** join/#wowhead Sonka (
18:46.06neutronimityMy wish for dailies would be something like "repeat as often as you want" instead of "do this 1 time per day and be done with it".
18:46.48neutronimityIt really annoyed how I was blocked from helping out /more/ than helping just once.
18:47.32bladekittyso true
18:47.54Inc`Pfft, that would make sense
18:47.55neutronimityHow were the Quel'Danas dailies like?
18:48.12Ac-towna pain
18:48.32bladekittyall the dailies are a pain
18:48.43bladekittythe only dailies I liked were the dungeon dailies
18:49.18neutronimitySince you got almost different party members every day, you sure had variety
18:49.35neutronimityI wonder if doing dailies with different people would make them feel less like a chore...?
18:49.43neutronimityTo me they feel like a chore :(
18:50.16bladekittypoeticdragon: reading javascript reminds me, was there a benefit to variable++ as to variable+1?
18:50.22bladekittyI can't recall
18:50.40Ac-townbladekitty: no, there shouldn't be
18:50.41poeticdragonJust a shortcut.
18:53.40FastidiousAnyone with a shaman around (85 resto shaman)?
18:54.26FastidiousI do have one, and I do nou have the "Spirit Link Totem". Is that a talent (which I haven't seeing), or something I need to do a special thing to get?
18:54.26neutronimity<- my first post ever
18:54.27g0urragoddamnit. went perfect with the volcanos, and the hunter messed up the steering
18:54.54neutronimitys/<- my first post ever/my first post ever ->/
18:55.35bladekittyg0urra: kick the hunter in the butt
18:55.37Ac-townFastidious: one sec
18:55.42FastidiousSure, thanks!
18:56.15Ac-townyeah, its a talent
18:56.17FastidiousAc-town, found it!
18:56.28FastidiousIt is a talent (can't believe I did not see that).
18:56.33neutronimityblademeld, I could look into friending you via frelid
18:56.59bladekittyneutronimity: do you have sc2?
18:57.10neutronimitywow us trial
18:57.11Fastidious  -- 13 views, no replies :-)
18:57.34neutronimityFastidious, I remember you...
18:57.48neutronimityYou are also
18:57.52Fastidiousneutronimity, you do?
18:58.02neutronimityDamn, let me recal the name
18:58.10neutronimitysomething with
18:58.33neutronimityIt was a short name
18:58.37neutronimitywell, nick
18:58.50FastidiousI have many toons... On IRC, you mean?
18:58.58neutronimityyes, irc
18:59.16neutronimityarador, no..
18:59.19FastidiousDemetrious, Fastidious... That's mainly it.
18:59.34neutronimityI recall you founded the channel
18:59.34FastidiousI founded #wowhead :-)
18:59.55FastidiousGot to dash, need to pick kid. Tata!
19:00.19neutronimitysee you around
19:01.20infobotAll conversations are logged to Lines starting with spaces are not logged. Logs are updated daily.
19:01.59neutronimitydoesn't go that far back
19:02.53neutronimityFastidious, you're audas
19:03.14neutronimityso much for my memory skills
19:03.29BlackNet:( my new lathe is going back to the company i bought it from. they are sending me a replacement
19:05.27bladekittyBlackNet: what happened?
19:05.38bladekittyAc-town: what good is the break function?
19:05.52neutronimitybreaks out of loops
19:06.02neutronimityit is not a function actuallyß
19:06.09BlackNetthis one has casting flaws for one, the head stock broke when i removed the face plate, i bent the knockout bar, the paint job is horrible
19:06.13bladekittywhat's it called?
19:06.30bladekittyBlackNet: should have returned it after the paintjob :P
19:06.32BlackNet every screw looks like this.
19:06.37BlackNetpoor quality paint job
19:06.50bladekittyneutronimity: why not just set the loops to be smaller?
19:07.10bladekittyBlackNet: lol
19:07.13BlackNet and broken stuff like this out of the head when you remove the face plate is just not good
19:07.41bladekittyneutronimity: yep, reading that, but why not just make it "for (i=0;i<=3;i++)"
19:07.55neutronimityI dunno. :/
19:08.14neutronimityI'm still fairly new to JS
19:08.24neutronimityJust thought I'd could answer that off the ba
19:09.14Ac-townI don't use javascript
19:09.20bladekittyAc-town: bah
19:09.47BlackNetalso no tool lugs on the face plate for easy removal.
19:10.01BlackNetbut that's going to be there with the new one to. will just have to replace that myself
19:13.22BlackNetwhat i need is a MT2 with a face plate attachment
19:24.40*** join/#wowhead Jamash (
19:28.22Owkkuriseeing as keys were removed
19:28.32Owkkuriburning crusade heroics?
19:28.40BlackNetyea that sucks :(
19:34.38winkhm, rhyo seems to spawn an awful amount of volcanoes
19:35.42BlackNethow many
19:41.26wink3 active at the same time
19:43.32hyljeairspace's closed
19:43.32JunkHeadOk so I just tanked Nexus.
19:43.42JunkHeadWe killed the boss but I forgot to grab the book on the floor.
19:43.57JunkHeadI went the wrong direction and pulled a mob we skipped.
19:44.03JunkHeadas soon as I did, the healer left group.
19:44.10JunkHeadthe mage, shaman, and rogue... stood there.
19:44.15JunkHeadwhile I soloed the mob
19:44.25JunkHeadAnd I got it to about 5% hp, and it killed me.
19:44.30JunkHeadthen the mage left.
19:44.42JunkHeadafter I died, i said "thanks for the help."
19:44.49JunkHeadthe shaman ressed me.
19:44.53JunkHeadI said thank you.
19:44.57JunkHeadhe said "np" and left.
19:46.10JunkHeadhe resses me.
19:46.15JunkHeadbut can't toss 1 fucking heal.
19:46.18JunkHeador shoot the mob.
19:48.04*** join/#wowhead faCe| (
20:00.42JunkHeadyay lvl 76
20:01.00bladekittyJunkHead: lol
20:01.11bladekittyJunkHead: did he at least kill the mob?
20:01.21JunkHeadit reset after i died.
20:01.26JunkHeadnoone lifted a finger
20:01.32JunkHeadonce i got ressed
20:01.41JunkHeadi ran the CORRECT way... and picked up the book.
20:01.44bladekittymaybe they expected you to die
20:01.46JunkHeadand noticed the rogue still there
20:01.49JunkHeadstanding still
20:02.06linnea_maybe they were gold sellers ;)
20:02.12JunkHeadhad me targeted
20:02.17JunkHeadand never moved an inch
20:02.33bladekittyJunkHead: you should have ran towards the DPS and put them in combat
20:02.51JunkHeadbut i was more focused on living
20:02.54JunkHeadand hoping theyd help.
20:03.00JunkHeadbut I almost killed it myself.
20:03.05JunkHeadi did better than i thought i'd do
20:03.11JunkHeadbut only so much.:(
20:04.00bladekittyJunkHead: what class/level and how many mobs?
20:04.12JunkHead1 mob
20:04.18JunkHeadnormal nexus so
20:04.23JunkHead71-72 elite?
20:04.41JunkHeadthe dragonkin that patrol the beginning hallways
20:04.58JunkHeadAnd I was a 75 prot warrior
20:07.25bladekittyshould have killed it
20:07.43IrrelephantOur hunter has a pet called MaxDps
20:07.47Irrelephantit's a sporebat.
20:07.59bladekittyIrrelephant: Idgi
20:09.52robokitty :3
20:18.41g0urraI have a ravager
20:19.24g0urraand lion, and raptor
20:23.15winkoh wow, alysrazor is fun
20:26.27Irrelephantwink, totes.
20:27.58*** join/#wowhead Funkeh` (
20:27.58*** join/#wowhead Funkeh` (~funk@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/Ace3/BigWigs/funkeh)
20:28.50g0urrayeah, alysrazor is fun
20:28.56g0urraonce you get the hang of it
20:29.31winkIrrelephant: totes?
20:35.09*** join/#wowhead ryoko (
20:35.55winkup to 20 rings already before my raid wipes /flex
20:38.48Irrelephantwink, totes = totally.
20:39.38Irrelephantblade, how dear.
20:39.40Irrelephanthoe, even.
20:40.02winkah thanks
20:40.14winkyou and your fancy mothertongue!
20:45.05*** join/#wowhead Anmity (
20:47.08FuzzyNutsAny of you guys ~lvl 30 on Aerie Peak?
20:51.20*** join/#wowhead ben_alman_ (
21:00.39Anmitywaves at neutronimity.
21:00.49neutronimitywaves at anmity
21:00.58AnmityWhat's up?
21:01.08neutronimityI'm good
21:01.52AnmityDecent enough. Had a hard drive failure earlier today. Had to get a new one, so I'm waiting for that now. Currently using a crappy piece of junk with a broken battery :P
21:02.17neutronimityGood luck
21:02.26AnmityShouldn't be any problem really.
21:02.51AnmityObtw, the hard drive failure is not for the piece of junk I'm using.
21:09.54*** join/#wowhead wildx22 (
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21:50.23*** join/#wowhead Kangi (
21:54.50StormkittyGot my new phone, and I now get to do the most fun part about upgrading to an Android: DELETING ITUNES
21:56.39*** join/#wowhead Khano (Khano@
21:58.26fewynfor those who have been doing FIRELANDS
21:58.31fewynhow hard is it on 10 man?
21:58.52hristshannox and bethilac are fairly easy
21:58.52Ac-townnot bad
21:59.22hristlord ryolith is okaish, alysrazor is hell with people that suck at moving
21:59.41hristand baleroc mostly depends in your healers ability to adapt to the mechanics of that fight
21:59.55hristhaven't seen more
22:00.22fewyni think we're going in tonight
22:00.28fewynwe finished up 4.0 raids last week
22:00.42hristhm, i'd start with shannox or bethilac
22:01.09fewynwe were working on nef prior to 4.2 dropping
22:01.43hristgetting to bethilac is faster, because shannox requires you to kill a few of the trashpacks
22:02.20hristhm, when thinking about it i'd say bethilac is easier than shannox
22:02.41hristtho I only know tank/melee-pov
22:02.54fewynwe're typically ranged heavy
22:03.08fewyni'm usually the only melee (rogue) besides the tanks
22:04.31*** join/#wowhead Sephiroth (
22:04.42*** join/#wowhead Sephiroth (Sephiroth@unaffiliated/sephiroth)
22:05.17hristsame here
22:05.39hristrylith only needs one tank tho, so one of your tanks should have a good dps-spec, preferably melee
22:06.12fewynWE'LL SEE
22:06.25fewyni wonder if Noxy was paying attention to this conversation
22:07.03kullervoI got me a new mount
22:07.33hristelitetauren-plainsrunner - this is a very fast mount
22:20.29Irrelephantfewyn, the dififculty scales massively.
22:20.32IrrelephantFor reference.
22:20.35Irrelephantwe two shot beth'tilac
22:20.42Irrelephant7 shot shannox(working out the strat for 5 of those)
22:20.47Irrelephant12 or 13 shot ryolith
22:20.57Irrelephant12-13 baleroc, 20ish alysrazor
22:21.01Irrelephant10-12 majordomo
22:24.43SephirothYay, finally got credit for Andrazor for the fiery lords of sethria's roost achievement.
22:25.12Sephirothnow need the other three, but they are camped heavily, and it makes no sense why you'd have to tag the npc. :/
22:25.40Irrelephantfewyn, if you had to choose between best, good, worst.
22:25.45IrrelephantWhere would you place your healers, tanks and dps.
22:27.26fewyni think we're all mid-range players a few that are "better" than others
22:27.31fewynwe're mostly casual guild
22:27.49fewynwe raid 9:30-11:30 mwtr
22:29.43IrrelephantWell, if you had to put them in camps.
22:29.47Irrelephantone best, one good, one worst.
22:30.13fewynour heals are pretty good
22:30.25fewynthe dps is a bit all over the place
22:30.48fewynnot much i can say about tanks other than they keep the shit from eating my face typically
22:31.31*** join/#wowhead XAnubisX (
22:41.43*** join/#wowhead sygnous|mbp (~sygnous|m@unaffiliated/malikeye)
23:00.22StormkittyThis Sony Ericsson is instantly 1000x time better than iPhone. IT HAS FM RADIO
23:01.28NoxyWtb a clone of Domh.
23:01.33NoxyNot having him will suck.
23:02.13robokitteYou can have a robokitty? :3
23:09.27fewyni know what you mean noxy
23:09.50Irrelephantfewyn, then I would say you might struggle on ryolith
23:10.05IrrelephantBut if you have good healers you will probably find Baleroc easier.
23:10.39fewynnoxy is best healer
23:10.52IrrelephantBaleroc is pretty easy, once you get into the swing of it
23:11.04IrrelephantDo you have two dps with the Mirror of broken truths?
23:11.19fewyni have no idea
23:11.31Irrelephantah, if you do, it makes baleroc much easier
23:11.40*** join/#wowhead Transformer (
23:11.42IrrelephantBecause it lets you easily 3 heal it, whilst maintaining two clear seperate groups of dps
23:11.50fewynit's baradin warden's exalted
23:11.59Irrelephantand 125 mark
23:11.59fewynprobably could easily get them
23:12.03fewynoh wait
23:12.05fewynyeah they cost marks
23:12.06Irrelephantit's mostly the marks that hurt.
23:12.12IrrelephantWhat it is, is.
23:12.15fewynfuck that shit
23:12.22IrrelephantThis shard of torment drops down on the raid, preferring melee.
23:12.30IrrelephantYou need to put a dps next to it for a certain number of stacks
23:12.32fewyn that's typically what dps meters look like
23:12.33Irrelephantthen another dps.
23:12.48IrrelephantYou won't meet Balerocs enrage
23:13.07IrrelephantShadowpriest, feral druid and hunter need a slap.
23:13.10fewynactually that might be a bad example
23:13.15fewynferal druid is a tank
23:13.24IrrelephantAhh, then less of a slap :p
23:13.31fewynlet me see if i can find a better one
23:13.42IrrelephantNef is a terrible fight for dps meters
23:13.43*** part/#wowhead Transformer (
23:13.47IrrelephantLots of down time and phase changing
23:13.53IrrelephantGrats on the nef kill though btw.
23:15.10Irrelephantpulls up the Valiona kill from that log instead.
23:15.15IrrelephantHalfus is again a terrible judge.
23:15.28IrrelephantWell, your hunter still do something.
23:15.33fewynhe has internet issues
23:15.33IrrelephantAye, got it.
23:15.43IrrelephantMhmm, which i appreciate.
23:15.46fewynhe tends to disconnect a lot
23:15.52Irrelephantbut if he's in blues, with raid buffs, he should be doing 15-16k easily.
23:16.03Irrelephanthis active time there is 97%
23:16.05*** join/#wowhead japatika (
23:16.14japatikaanyone plays MTG?
23:16.17fewynwe'll see how well he does when he gets his internet stuff sorted out
23:16.19IrrelephantYou will struggle with Baleroc with that dps unfortunately.
23:16.41fewyni'm going to hate not having a shaman :(
23:16.43IrrelephantI'm not going to go into the raid log and look at things deeply as I know every guild is different
23:16.45fewyni want my totems back
23:16.54Irrelephantand I know what is ok for me, might not be ok for others, and vice versa.
23:17.10IrrelephantBut I certainly know i wouldn't want to bring anyone who couldn't do 18k dps on Firelands stuff.
23:17.39fewynsadly i don't know enough about hunters to help ours
23:17.46fewynlast time i seriously played a hunter was in tbc
23:17.49fewynand i spammed steady shot
23:17.53Irrelephant is Baleroc
23:17.57Irrelephantand we were less than 30 seconds from the enrage.
23:17.59IrrelephantFor instance.
23:18.12fewynwhat gear are you guys in?
23:18.14fewynnormal mode?
23:18.21fewynor heroic geared?
23:18.23Irrelephant368ish average.
23:18.27fewynbecause we're all normal mode
23:18.31IrrelephantYeah, certainly we must outgear you signficantly
23:18.39fewynwe haven't touched heroic modes
23:18.42murmur"Avengers of Hyjal" seems to be missing from the item filter dropdown for "Requires reputation with..." ?
23:18.44IrrelephantOur hunter there is 371ish
23:18.48fewynwe'll just have to see
23:18.56fewynthank you murmur
23:18.59fewyni'll ticket it
23:19.06murmurfewyn: cool, ta!
23:19.28Irrelephantfewyn, i would say beth'tilac might be out of your reach too
23:19.30Irrelephantfor now
23:19.44IrrelephantThe last phase is a massive long burn phase, with a harsh soft enrage mechanic
23:20.18Irrelephantso if everything is going swimmingly except you start wiping 20% left repeatidely, it's a dps issue.
23:20.31*** part/#wowhead wildx22 (
23:23.51g0urrafailed ZA bear run by 1 sec
23:23.59IrrelephantTicket a gm
23:24.19g0urra[01:24:55] Hex Lord Malacrass yells: Watch now. Every offering gonna strengthen our ties to da spirit world. Soon, we gonna be unstoppable!
23:24.19g0urra[01:24:55] Halazzi yells: Chaga... choka'jinn.
23:27.30Mr_Rabiesi got the bear in a pug g0urra
23:27.33Mr_RabiesEAT IT
23:29.43g0urraI've got it in a pug
23:57.44*** join/#wowhead jure12 (6d794e2c@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
23:58.18jure12hi guys, coming back to the game after a while, so I'd like to know is it now possible to track both herbs and mine ores?

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