IRC log for #wowhead on 20101220

00:02.28*** join/#wowhead blay|laptop (~blaylapto@unaffiliated/blay)
00:03.11ArkaenDjones_: gimme ethereal ink
00:03.18ArkaenI need my glyphs ;-;
00:06.14fewynsadly it seems the gems market crashed
00:06.18fewynalong with the ore market
00:06.24fewynso that's a no go
00:06.29fewyni need to turn it into something
00:06.38fewynstarts making bars
00:07.44*** join/#wowhead jgeboski (~jgeboski@unaffiliated/jgeboski)
00:13.58*** join/#wowhead Kamikaze28 (~Kamikaze2@unaffiliated/kamikaze28)
00:16.55*** join/#wowhead BasicOSX (
00:25.09*** join/#wowhead Dellilah (~elin@
00:31.09fewynanyone seen Nikita ?
00:32.56*** part/#wowhead forum989 (~forum989@
00:40.06*** join/#wowhead njoos (
00:47.58Primaryeah, it's not terrible.
00:48.04Primarnot great, but enjoyable enough
00:51.25fewynguess i'll give it a shot
00:57.36*** join/#wowhead VCH (
01:00.27*** join/#wowhead eith (
01:01.53*** join/#wowhead Stormkitty (~Blarg@unaffiliated/stormscape)
01:27.40Callebhow can I go now to Exodar, since darkshore is destroyed?
01:29.31robokittyGo via the Night Elf city
01:29.44robokittyIf you're horde, you're more or less boned
01:30.34*** join/#wowhead njoos (
01:38.14IxnorpIs there any way to move or replace the new, uh, fight resource meter thing that appears in the bottom middle of your screen on fights like Atramedes and Cho'Gall?  That placement is super annoying and right under my Grid. :(
01:38.47*** join/#wowhead jgeboski (~jgeboski@unaffiliated/jgeboski)
01:39.32jgeboski(wrong chat)
01:39.57Gary|tpyo yo wat up dawg
01:41.33LugburzSUPS DAWG
01:41.36LugburzHOW YOU DOIN
01:43.45fewynso anyone done any random heroics today?
01:45.13RawsNo, but
01:49.28*** join/#wowhead Stormkitty (~Blarg@unaffiliated/stormscape)
01:49.39Lugburzwow rootqzc gary is pretty good
01:51.11Callebrobokitty i'm horde :|
01:53.50*** join/#wowhead Furyhunter (Furyhunter@
01:54.29RawsLugburz: perkele pounded
01:54.37RawsFrom way outta left field
01:54.45fewynOUT OF LEFT FIELD
01:54.47RawsThis means I'm in my league's final
01:58.53bladekittyCHA CHA CHA
02:02.02rvai could kill a deer
02:02.03rvawith a fork
02:02.06rvayum yum yum
02:03.06Gary|tpI want nobody
02:03.09Gary|tpbut chu
02:06.09LugburzRaws; <3 gj
02:07.01Lugburzjesus micheal vick
02:12.44bladekittyGary|tp: >.>
02:12.52Gary|tpwat up
02:12.56Gary|tpoh, you recognize it
02:12.57Gary|tplol >>
02:13.35Gary|tpbladekitty, cl & minzy plz don't go dj amaya vs groovebot club remix
02:13.37Gary|tpso addicting
02:13.43Gary|tp(and it takes forever to type the title)
02:13.57bladekittyno kidding about the lenght
02:16.44RawsBoom goes the dynamite
02:16.44Gary|tpmost of the time it doesn't even fit
02:16.47RawsBrady just got steamrolled
02:20.05LimberoJerry Seinfeld is coming to Stockholm
02:20.25Limberobut tickets are $100 for bad ones and $250 for good ones
02:21.07Limberobrb reboobing
02:24.54*** join/#wowhead Limbero (
02:25.07Limberodid it go DONG! Raws?
02:25.42Limberoaw yeah
02:30.59*** join/#wowhead bien|| (
02:32.30Lugburzjesus christ
02:32.35Lugburzthis guy is takingfucking forever to load D:
02:37.47djh-wow.  so, Tol Barad's horrible then?
02:49.08*** join/#wowhead Anubisss (~Anubisss@
02:50.51*** join/#wowhead LibrtiORDeth (
02:52.52Gary|tpI'm genie for u boy
02:52.55Gary|tpI'm genie for ur wish
02:57.37*** join/#wowhead mascondante (
02:58.46*** join/#wowhead Gunrun (~sausages@
03:02.03*** join/#wowhead afkafka (~afkafka@wikimedia/afkafka)
03:02.44*** join/#wowhead Morril (
03:02.51MorrilFU infobot.
03:03.11MorrilOn a side note I have this urge to just take a spoon and eat some icing out of the tub of icing.
03:03.42Morrilbladekitty: my C++ prof who failed me emailed me this morning at 2:30 am telling me i have a retest at 12pm monday
03:04.02bladekittysounds... fun
03:04.05jonnhow could you fail that shit
03:04.12bladekittyand that's disgusting
03:04.16bladekittytub of icing
03:04.16jonnive never heard of anyone offering a retest
03:04.32bladekittyjonn: the prof didn't accept his work even though it was on time
03:04.33MorrilJohn: She failed me because I handed in a project 5 minutes to the end of the course
03:04.35Morrilsaying it was late
03:04.51jonnwas it late?
03:05.05Morril5 minutes to spare.
03:05.18jonnif it really wasnt late, complain to the dept head
03:05.30Morrilwent above the dept head.
03:05.36robokittynibbles on Morril
03:05.45Morrili work at the college as well.
03:05.47Morrilas attend it
03:05.59Morrilso I went to my boss
03:06.00robokittyremotely scratches Tigger behind the ears
03:06.10Morrilrobokitty: tiggers been bad
03:06.22robokittyWhen hasn't he? :p
03:06.47bladekittyThe conclusion of Morril's epic: PPLZ R DUM
03:07.03Morrilrobokitty: i was rolling up coin
03:07.07Morriland he just pounced on my desk
03:07.11Morrilpence everywhere.
03:07.37robokittyI lol'd
03:07.39Morrillike an explotion of what i can only assume to be copper
03:10.23bladekittyMorril: did your prof not know that you worked for the college?
03:10.59MorrilShe knows im the director of HER school
03:12.01MorrilShes a c++ teacher
03:12.02*** join/#wowhead Mowsey (
03:12.15MorrilIm the Director for the School of Applied Science and Computing
03:12.55bladekittythe hell
03:13.13bladekittyI didn't think she'd be THAT stupid
03:13.38Morrilim technically student government
03:13.53Morrilhowever as the director for the school i sit on the fee protocol committe
03:14.23Morrilas well as academic review and all the fun stuff that deals with the teachers in the schools
03:15.08bladekittygonna take a short nap
03:15.18Morrilbladekitty: eat icing
03:15.22Morrilit helps
03:15.25bladekittyI hate icing
03:15.28bladekittyI scrape it off
03:15.32bladekittywhen I eat cake
03:15.58robokittywell, he IS azn
03:16.02bladekittySorry, ^^^
03:16.17bladekittyeverything white people eat are too sweet or salty imo
03:16.22bladekittythen again
03:16.25bladekittyI'm a bit extreme
03:16.26Arkaenbladekitty: Rice is too salty/
03:16.29bladekittyI like mild
03:16.41bladekittyArkaen: have you ever had plain rice?
03:16.45bladekittyjust steamed
03:16.47bladekittyno salt
03:16.50Morrilbladekitty: racist
03:16.51bladekittyjust rice and water
03:16.57bladekittyMorril: I know I am <3
03:17.05Arkaenbladekitty: Newp
03:17.14ArkaenI put tons of seasoning on my rice
03:17.18robokitty7 crafts on a yellow recipe, one skill point :|
03:17.20Arkaenwhen i eat it, that is
03:17.24bladekittyrobokitty: lol
03:17.48bladekittybut seriously
03:17.53bladekittyI'll scrape off icing
03:17.56bladekittymost of the time
03:18.03Arkaenbladekitty: buy me a freezer chest and some goat for christmas
03:18.05bladekittyI like bitter
03:18.13bladekittyArkaen: let's roast the goat
03:18.41bladekittyyou must do this
03:18.49Arkaenbladekitty: I wanna try some goat stew
03:23.32zerqtone deaf chinese neighbor trying to sing xmas carols in engrish
03:23.36zerqkill. me. nao.
03:23.52RawsOr record it
03:24.25LugsLoLingzerq; come on thats hilarious
03:24.48zerqyeah it's hilarious for about the first 5 seconds
03:24.51LugsLoLingBTW if any LoL players are around feel free to high light me Ill paly with you :p
03:25.40zerqand it's not quite loud enough to get a decent recording so yeah.. lol.. amazing glace
03:39.07StormkittyI love this song for some reason
03:39.09Stormkittyand idk why
03:39.11Stormkittyis listening to: KMFDM - Headcase ((Hallowe'En Mix) By Jules Hodgson) [3:01/4:25] 320kbps - 44Khz
03:45.10*** join/#wowhead mike77800 (
03:48.27*** join/#wowhead BasicOSX (
03:59.29*** join/#wowhead Hirsute (~chatzilla@
03:59.36*** join/#wowhead Hirsute (~chatzilla@WoWUIDev/Norganna/Developer/Hirsute)
04:04.12fewynyou know the new coke xmas commercials? the snow globe ones? god damn song is stuck in my head
04:13.48Mr_Rabiesraws are you here
04:14.08Mr_Rabiescheck this out
04:14.20RawsOh god no no nooo
04:14.26RawsNot this
04:16.08StormkittyOH MAN FUCK YOU RABIES
04:16.11StormkittyI REMEMBER THAT
04:16.54LugsLoLingit was hilarious
04:16.59LugsLoLingI never minded them thatmuch
04:17.13StormkittyThat made me laugh for some reason
04:17.20StormkittyThey message each other ONCE A YEAR
04:19.30Mr_Rabiesfuck you, highborne pyxis
04:20.06Stormkittythe French win at failing
04:21.19LugsLoLingunrelated Arkaen lollllllllll
04:25.41Stormkittyfor when you leave LoL
04:28.22LugsLoLingStormkitty; important words my fgriend
04:28.25LugsLoLingimportant words
04:28.38LugsLoLingthats my new nickname
04:28.46StormkittyI asked an Asian and apparently that's Mandarin pinyin
04:29.11StormkittyI guess I'm not leet enough to tell between Cantonese and Mandarin
04:29.21LugsLoLingidk there was a differennce
04:29.28LugsLoLingI now have a 2nd smurf account
04:29.41Mr_Rabies>smurf account
04:29.44StormkittyYeah big difference actuallty
04:29.52Mr_RabiesDID YOU PLAY TRIBES :O
04:29.56StormkittyWhen you think of somebody speaking Chinese, does it sound really silly and goofy?
04:30.00Stormkittyor really... official
04:30.11LugsLoLingnone of those
04:30.34Mr_RabiesLugsLoLing alart did you play tribes back in the day alart
04:30.36StormkittyTo put it in a slightly more offensive matter
04:30.50LugsLoLingMr_Rabies; no
04:30.50StormkittyLug, does it sound like somebody dropping pots and pans
04:30.56Mr_Rabiesas far as i know the only place people referred to another account as smurf accounts is tribes
04:31.10LugsLoLingalso in starcraft lol
04:31.24LugsLoLingoh my god
04:31.28LugsLoLingpeople think Im so nooby
04:31.30LugsLoLingthis is great
04:31.36ArkaenMr_Rabies: I played Tribes 2 before iirc
04:31.51StormkittyLug, you should pick a bad hero and rape their face
04:31.56ArkaenRaws: dat you?
04:32.04RawsIt's Mr_Rabies
04:32.07LugsLoLingStormkitty; there arent really any bad heroes I can play right now
04:32.20Stormkittyplay your hero bad then
04:32.22Stormkittyand still win
04:34.13Mr_Rabiesno this is me
04:34.15Mr_Rabieson the right
04:34.52StormkittyThis is me when raid leading:
04:36.09Stormkitty silly Brits
04:36.22ArkaenStormkitty: dis you?
04:36.38StormkittyArkaen, no, that's one of the other officers in my guild
04:36.40StormkittyShe's Mexican
04:38.23ArkaenThe best hair.
04:40.55StormkittyEnd of discussion.
04:45.59ArkaenStormkitty's life
04:46.42StormkittyArkaen's life (NSFW)
04:49.28LugsLoLingbrb IRC
04:51.59Stormkittywhoa ho ho
04:55.00CorganMr_Rabies oh u
04:56.11*** join/#wowhead arcanium (
05:00.57*** join/#wowhead ProNihilist (
05:03.46StormkittyArkaen, before you go
05:07.28*** join/#wowhead hylje (
05:08.33bladekittywords cannot describe it
05:10.50Stormkittyoh yeah that one
05:10.52StormkittyI love it
05:11.18hyljeyeah, i'm gonna name my first born dustbin
05:12.11*** join/#wowhead rcfreak0 (
05:12.35hyljeit's funny because the text and the images tell a conflicting story
05:18.42*** join/#wowhead Nechckn (Nechckn@WoWUIDev/Norganna/Admin/Nechckn)
06:08.56*** join/#wowhead Gary|tp (~zzz@unaffiliated/Gary13579)
06:14.27jonnhow much does alchemy suck? never hear much about people making much money off of it
06:15.03bladekittyjonn: xmutes
06:15.07hyljeit prints money
06:15.16jonni was thinking of doing alch / jc
06:15.24jonnfor the meta xmute
06:15.57bladekittygo for it
06:16.02jonnflasks are a pretty steady stream too
06:16.09bladekittyunless you have alch maxed
06:16.14bladekittyyou might miss the time
06:16.30jonnto make mad gold
06:16.34jonnbut people always need gems
06:16.44hyljealch never goes out of fashion
06:16.56jonnit doesnt sesem as common as jc
06:16.57jonnto level
06:17.04Mr_Rabiesi made mad gold from the runic potions i found during wrath
06:17.20jonnis that the only real sources of money
06:17.24jonnxmute and flasks
06:17.25Mr_Rabiesdo the new potions not drop from mobs?
06:17.35hyljenot that i know of Mr_Rabies
06:17.36Mr_Rabiesi have gotten 0 health potions leveling
06:17.47jonni never used them anyway
06:18.51Mr_Rabiesthat's kind of bad
06:18.54bladekittyMr_Rabies: I don't see drop as a source for the new pots
06:18.59Mr_Rabiesthey make potions alchemist exclusive
06:19.11Mr_Rabiesenchants remain a group item :(
06:19.37hyljethe plans?
06:19.46Mr_Rabiesno, the mats
06:20.01hyljedisenchant button
06:20.17hyljestill need an enchanter to make any use out of them
06:20.23hyljeso everyone wins
06:20.32Mr_Rabiesit remains, though potions become alchemist exclusive
06:20.37Mr_Rabieskind of a strange decision
06:21.22bladekittyguild alchemists for the win
06:21.24hyljeyou don't need an alchemist if ready-to-use pots drop, it'd be strange if actual "Use: Enchant item X for Y" items would drop
06:21.39hyljebecause at that point you wouldn't need enchanters either
06:21.40Mr_Rabiesready to use potions no longer drop it seems hylje
06:21.49Mr_Rabiesat least ones >Runic
06:22.03Mr_Rabiesthat's what i'm saying
06:22.18hyljeyea, but even when you get free enchant mats you can't use them without crafting or enchanter
06:22.24hyljenot the same thing as ready-to-use pots
06:22.29Mr_Rabiessure it is
06:22.34Mr_Rabiesyou can sell them all the same
06:22.37Mr_Rabiesdevaluing them
06:22.42jonnhow retarded is alch to level
06:22.44jonnworse than jc?
06:22.59hyljenot that bad with a flying mount
06:23.05Mr_Rabiesso they increased the value of potions by keeping them from dropping from mobs
06:23.07hyljelook up the herbs you need, grind em
06:23.10Mr_Rabiesbut keep enchanting devalued
06:23.13jonnbut if you dont have herb
06:23.29Mr_Rabiesit's kinda a dumb decision to remove potions from drops after the whole enchanting brouhaha
06:23.29hyljelevel a druid to herb for you
06:23.53hyljeMr_Rabies: the materials might be devalued but the enchanter's value is the actual enchants which aren't
06:24.03Mr_Rabiesyes they are
06:24.14hyljewith dropped potions you don't need an alchemist *at all*
06:24.27hyljewith enchanting mats you got fancy rocks you can't even vendor
06:24.32hyljeyou *need* the enchanter
06:24.37Mr_Rabies99% of the time the only time i ever do enchants for people they already have mats, and tips are rare
06:24.54jonndont do it without a tip
06:24.55Mr_Rabiesbefore the change i could make bank from enchanting
06:24.55hyljeyou're doing bad business then
06:25.15Mr_Rabiesnow i spend way more leveling it than i could ever hope to make
06:25.45Mr_Rabiesand scrolls simply don't sell
06:25.51Mr_Rabiespeople don't bother since they can get mats themselves
06:26.01Mr_Rabiesand get some poor schmuck to do it for free
06:26.18robokitty :|
06:26.31jonnenchanting is a money pit
06:26.39jonnthe only possible way to make money is to get end game enchants
06:26.57robokittyand GL getting the shards to buy those atm
06:26.57Mr_Rabieseven with those it's really hard to make money from it
06:27.08robokittyinscription, on the other hand, is stupid
06:27.24Mr_Rabiesbecause people can get their mats for cheap on the AH
06:27.33robokittymy level 47 tailor/enchanting mage has 75 gold
06:27.34Mr_Rabiessince everyone can disenchant as long as there's an enchanter
06:27.46robokittymy level 48 herbing/scribe druid has 2000 gold
06:27.54Mr_Rabiesi've made so much money from inscription
06:27.58Mr_Rabiesand leveling it is damned near free
06:28.03jonni made like 15-20k off of prospecting
06:28.40Mr_Rabiesi'm still really bitter about the decision and i'm tempted to start needing on anything i can so i can disenchant it
06:29.00jonni need on everything itll let me
06:29.09Mr_Rabiesbecause it's dumb that people can profit off of my profession
06:29.13jonneven agility stuff
06:29.19jonnis my pally's offspec
06:29.28Mr_Rabiesit's a total dick move
06:29.33jonni dont care
06:29.40jonni usually wont if someone else needs it
06:29.42Mr_Rabiesbut i'm almost driven to it so i can stop hemorraging money on enchanting
06:31.13robokittyThe Day that Deathwing Came <3
06:33.05jonnMr_Rabies: everyone knows enchanting is a money pit
06:33.30Mr_Rabiesi'm arguing that it shouldn't be
06:33.36Mr_Rabiesit didn't use to be
06:33.50Mr_Rabiesit was expensive to level but potential profits were awesome
06:33.59Mr_Rabiesnow you barely make any profit on enchants over just selling the mats
06:34.12*** join/#wowhead LugsLoLing (
06:34.55Mr_Rabiesin other news i'm still selling boe greens for 300g :D
06:35.06Lugburzwhat a fucking ripoff :p
06:35.13Mr_Rabiesbut they sell
06:35.25Mr_Rabiesbecause too many people buy gold or are sitting on thousands
06:35.29Mr_Rabiesand/or are
06:36.42hyljei'm just sitting on thousands i have no idea what i should use it on
06:36.55Mr_Rabiesbuy all my greens so i can actually level enchanting
06:37.56Mr_Rabiesok bed
06:38.00hyljegood night
06:38.04JunkHeadgeez 300g for the greens?
06:38.13JunkHeadI get about 50g each if I'm lucky.
06:38.36Mr_Rabiesi've had a lot of luck with marking things up heavily and they will sell
06:38.49Mr_RabiesWHY DOES THIS WORK
06:39.09hyljemore monies = better result
06:44.11LothrikMr_Rabies: people don't know how to sort prices on your realm? lol
06:46.03jonnthey need to revamp the auction system
06:48.56jonnso that world boss outside of BT
06:49.02jonnwas fun to kill
06:51.23bladekittythey need to revamp the ilevel system
06:51.38jonnits rigged
06:51.41jonnin my favor
06:51.49bladekittythe difference between tiers is stupid, no one wants to do the lower tiers once the new tiers come out
06:51.50jonni can heal in greys if i wanted
06:52.13bladekittyI'd wish they make heroic loot always better than regular loot for raids
06:52.37bladekittyit's not like heroic Ulduar was easier than reg ICC
06:53.03Mr_Rabiesthat would pretty much negate normal modes though
06:53.06jonnbut its easier when you outgear it
06:53.43bladekittyMr_Rabies: leave the normal modes for the scrubs and casuals
06:53.44jonnthatd make the gear gap
06:53.47jonnfrom normal and regular
06:54.05jonnbladekitty: so just do the latest heroic
06:54.09bladekittyor, they could make the scaling between tiers smaller
06:54.10jonnsince your enot a "scrub" or "casual"
06:54.14Mr_Rabiesbladekitty: they'd have to make heroics way harder to do that
06:54.25jonneveryone seems so elitest
06:54.32jonnhow dare anyone else get any gear b etter than mine
06:54.44bladekittyjonn: I'm just disappointed that lower tiers are abandoned completely
06:54.57bladekittyI'd be part of the casual crew
06:55.07jonni'd like other stuff to be changed first
06:55.10Mr_Rabiesbut you wouldn't be disappointed that there'd be no reason to run normals if heroics always had better gear
06:55.20jonnlike tiers from old expansions which are REALLY abandoned
06:55.30Mr_Rabiestiering up is a major part of raiding dwi
06:55.30bladekittyMr_Rabies: or, like you've said, make heroics harder
06:55.54bladekittyjonn: I'd love to see them revamp all the raids at every expansion, tbh
06:56.01jonnme too
06:56.04jonnitd be so simple to do
06:56.12jonnid love to do icc, bt, tk, etc
06:56.14bladekittyit'd just be fine tuning
06:56.19bladekittyso yea, not too hard
06:56.24jonneven keep gear models
06:56.28bladekittyunless they decided to add heroic modes
06:56.43bladekittyHeroic Illidan YOU ARE NOT PREPARED
06:56.44jonnid love to do MC too
06:56.58Mr_Rabiesnot really, there's a ton of scripting and tuning for each encounter including trash that would need a pretty major rewrite or overhaul each time a new expansion came out
06:56.59jonnis illidan soloable
06:57.01*** join/#wowhead Bozpak_ (
06:57.02jonnor even like 3-manabble?
06:57.08Mr_Rabiesand not enough people would run the old stuff to make it worth it
06:57.18jonni dont think there is that much, Mr_Rabies
06:57.18bladekittyMr_Rabies: unless they revamped the gear?
06:57.26jonnnothing compared to designing a new encounter
06:57.31jonnlike 5% of the effort
06:57.39Mr_Rabiesthat's a whole other level of compexity that also isn't worth it
06:57.56jonnputting stats on gear is hard?
06:58.42Mr_Rabieswell i could go to new shiny dragon instance and get tier 24.48557 but the tier 24.48556 helm has a better 2 piece bonus
06:59.12jonnobviously set bonuses smight have to be removed
06:59.15jonnor just combine sets
06:59.23Mr_Rabiesi'd rather see new content than waste development time on old content
06:59.39jonnbut for the vast majority of players, old content is new content
06:59.45bladekittySo true
06:59.54jonnthe level of effort is so hugely different
07:00.14Mr_Rabiesif the old content was so interesting, they'd do it now
07:00.37jonnwhy? its "old"
07:00.41jonnbut they did do that for naxx
07:00.48Mr_Rabiesyeah, because no one ran naxx
07:00.56jonnyou think sunwell is different?
07:01.00jonneven bt isnt THAT different
07:01.08Mr_Rabiesand ony was one mob
07:01.15Mr_Rabiesand two types of trash
07:01.52Mr_Rabiesit should be jonn
07:02.02Mr_Rabiesraiding was pretty damned accessible by the time sunwell came out
07:02.11jonnnot really
07:02.25Mr_Rabiesi didn't do it myself because i quit playing right after ZA came out
07:02.54Mr_Rabiesbut it was super easy to get 10s and 25s together by that time
07:02.55jonnyou were stuck in either a shitty guild that couldnt do ssc and couldnt advance
07:03.16Mr_Rabiesthough the attunement system from tbc was utter bullshit
07:03.36jonnthey removed it eventually
07:04.13jonnvery very few people did sunwell
07:04.31*** join/#wowhead Bozpak__ (
07:05.03Mr_Rabiesi think blizzard did it right with RS
07:05.20jonnhow so
07:05.26Mr_Rabiesit was challenging enough to keep the bleeding edge folks busy
07:05.38Mr_Rabiesbut nonessential enough so that no one minds not doing it
07:06.50jonni never even knew they added that
07:07.11Mr_Rabieshow is that possible D:
07:07.16jonni quit after ulduar
07:07.20Mr_Rabiesoh okay
07:07.23jonnI thought the difficulty on the 3 drakes fight was about right
07:07.32jonnmaybe a tid on the easy side , ubt not too far
07:07.52Mr_Rabieswell basically it was arguably as challenging or more so than icc depending on difficulty/size/composition
07:08.09jonnwhat was? rs or 3d?
07:08.38Mr_Rabiesbut the story was detached from wrath, sort of a lead-in to cata
07:08.44Mr_Rabiesbut not very important
07:09.02jonnthey didnt add any world bosses did they?
07:09.23Mr_Rabiesworld bosses are kind of kaput
07:09.31jonni would love
07:09.35jonnan extremely difficult world boss
07:09.36*** join/#wowhead Chris`D (~Chris`
07:09.47Mr_Rabiesi used to be part of a guild that would camp kazzak/azuregos
07:10.01Mr_Rabiesi hate the concept of world bosses from classic
07:10.11Mr_Rabiesthe new world boss idea they supposedly added to cata seems interesting
07:10.22jonnid love one like 40 man raid
07:10.25jonnor even more
07:10.29Mr_Rabiesnever again
07:10.37jonnbring as many people as possible type deal
07:10.38Mr_Rabies40 man is dead and i hope it never comes back
07:10.59jonnitd just be a real neat thing to accomplish
07:11.09Mr_Rabiesbut the new world boss idea is elites that are roughly on par with dungeon bosses, i'm not sure on which difficulty
07:11.13Djones_erm no
07:11.14Mr_Rabiesbut designed for 5 mans to take down
07:11.21Djones_RS was not arguably harder than ICC
07:11.49Djones_ICCheroic > RS heroic > RS normal > ICC normal
07:12.03Kensakii dunno i saw a video of the world boss in highlands hes thougher than any hc boss in cata
07:12.10Mr_Rabiesdepends on the icc fight, if you're just counting LK 25 H then yeah, icc is harder
07:12.21Kensakitook alot more than 5 people to take down too
07:12.25Djones_Mr_Rabies, Heroic LK is part of ICC
07:12.38Mr_Rabiesi'm talking average difficulty
07:12.42jonni solod the boss outside of BT :<
07:12.47Mr_RabiesLK is designed to be hell on 25
07:12.48jonni think im gonna farm that boss on respawn
07:12.55jonnhe drops 500g
07:12.59Djones_Mr_Rabies, LK10 heroic is the hardest fight in the game, statistically
07:13.12Djones_in proper gear, yes.
07:13.17Mr_Rabiesi'd think defile on heroic would be a lot lot harder
07:13.17bladekittyjonn: you're not the only one
07:13.18Djones_Only one guild downed it before 4.0.3
07:13.22Djones_4.0.1 even
07:13.28Mr_Rabieson 25
07:13.31Mr_Rabieswhy is 10 harder?
07:13.35Mr_Rabiesjust less room for error?
07:13.37Djones_Because it was overtuned.
07:13.47Djones_The damage was set a little high
07:13.54Djones_the healthpool set a little too high
07:14.05bladekittyunless you were using 25 gear
07:14.07jonn3 drakes was supposed to be harder 10m before too
07:14.28Mr_Rabiesi could see like, valk health being too high being an issue
07:14.36Djones_10man heroic was easily overgeared, and if you overgeared it it mitigated the difficulty considerably
07:14.37Mr_Rabiesbut killing lk is like the easiest part of that fight
07:14.42Djones_But in 10man gear, it was nigh on impossible.
07:14.47Mr_Rabiesthe real enemies are valks, spirits, and defile
07:14.58jonni like that they drop the same gear now
07:14.59Djones_Mr_Rabies, the hardest part of heroic LK is P1.
07:15.06jonndo they still have different lockouts?
07:15.15bladekittyjonn: no
07:15.17Mr_Rabiessame lockout
07:15.21jonni like that
07:15.23Mr_Rabiesyou can switch from 10/25 in realtime
07:15.28Djones_Mr_Rabies, its the tanking, mostly. In P1 for 10man strict you a)Needed a hunter
07:15.34Djones_b)needed a paladin healer, mostly.
07:15.49Djones_Otherwise it was literally impossible(except for one guild, once)
07:16.04Djones_Beyond that tanks just died. The damage they took was immense.
07:16.13Mr_Rabiesi joined wrath kind of late and didn't get far enough to get to LK on heroic unfortunately, so i missed that
07:16.20Mr_Rabiesif i had joined a few months sooner i'd have done it easily
07:16.29jonni still want to do LK to get the title one of these days
07:16.33jonnIve never seen any of that content
07:16.41Mr_Rabiesdo you still get the title if you kill him?
07:16.44Djones_I formed a new raid group Mr_Rabies with 6 months left of the expansion
07:16.45jonnit says you do
07:16.48Mr_Rabiesinternets rumors were saying no
07:16.49Mr_Rabiesah okay
07:16.58jonnit still says it rewards the title
07:17.26jonnanyone know how many people itd take to kill kaelthas?
07:17.29Mr_RabiesDjones_: i was still level 70 in tbc epics as of may
07:17.29jonnlike 3?
07:17.41Mr_Rabiesi took 2 years off
07:17.53Djones_Mr_Rabies, and my entire raid group was freshly dinged, just changed mains or spec in july
07:18.13Mr_Rabiesthat's kind of bizarre, why you do this
07:18.26Djones_A combination of coincidental factors
07:18.46Djones_Paladin tank -> Changed class, spec and role, feral tank -> Changed spec and role
07:18.55Djones_resto shammy -> Class, spec and role.
07:19.06Djones_Dps -> 5/6 changing class, role and sometimes spec.
07:19.26Mr_Rabiesi went from entirely unfamliar with wrath to a (noncarried, i promise) LK kill way too fast to be honest
07:19.56Djones_my guild ( formed up from 3 main sources, a fragment of a guild that decided to leave, a group of friends we met along the way and wowhead folk
07:20.43Mr_Rabiesif i had a few more months i would've been able to find a guild capable of some heroic stuff
07:21.06Mr_Rabiesi guild hopped a lot, unfamiliar with the new guilds on my server after 2 years
07:21.54*** join/#wowhead Mori-neko (
07:22.06Mr_Rabiesso i went from a family guild that couldn't even do heroics as good as a pug, to a guild that took a week to get to festergut in icc10 normal, to one that had killed LK months ago and most of the real talent stopped playing until cata
07:23.10jonnyou either end up getting stuck in a shitty guild that cant do shit
07:23.14jonnor one that has everything cleared
07:23.18Mr_Rabiesnot to say i don't like my guild, they're great people, but it had gotten dire enough that the guild's wives have started to become regular raid composition to fill the raid
07:23.19jonni had the same issue in bc
07:24.23Mr_Rabiesthey're not terrible players but the guild wives in my guild have serious problems with learning fight mechanics
07:24.45jonnanyway i am going to bed
07:24.46Mr_Rabieslike, we'd wipe for hours on defile because they wouldn't move out, but everyone else would
07:25.03Gary|tp"oh, so the birdie thingy flies down at 50%? I thought you said it was 30%! why didn't you tell me to move!"
07:25.13Mr_Rabiesbut then we'd luck out and they'd get carried off by a valk and we'd clear it with 8-9/10
07:25.31Mr_Rabiesor fall off on quake
07:25.48Mr_Rabieseven though we were a healer down, because of how the fight worked we did better without a full raid :(
07:26.30jonni want to see illidan
07:26.36jonnanyone have any idea how many people youd need to do that now?
07:26.39Mr_Rabiesare you 85 yet?
07:26.51Mr_Rabiesi'd try soloing it
07:26.53Mr_Rabiescan't hurt
07:26.55jonni couldnt kill the first boss
07:26.57Mr_Rabieswhat class/spec
07:27.05jonnprot pally
07:27.10jonnyou cant solo the first boss
07:27.21Mr_Rabiesprot pally should be cake if the fight allows for soloing at all
07:27.32jonnthe first boss apparantly impales people with a spear
07:27.32Mr_Rabiesblizzard has a habit in making the first fight unsoloable for some reason
07:27.40jonnand you have to throw it back to break the shield he has
07:27.47*** join/#wowhead g0urra (5045e70a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
07:27.48jonnbut i dont get impaled and cant break his shield
07:28.03jonni tried to solo kaelthas too
07:28.11jonnbut phase 3 started on a timer
07:28.26Mr_Rabiesi.e. razorgore in bwl needs at least 2, guy in aq20 needs at least 2, aq40 needs probably 3, though with cata health it may be possible to solo finally
07:28.45jonnaq was removed wasnt it?
07:28.50Mr_Rabiesi totally forget the mechanics for twin emps and C'thun
07:28.56Mr_Rabiesnope AQ20 is now AQ10
07:29.03Mr_Rabiesand AQ40 is unchanged
07:29.11jonna few of my friends are still leveling
07:29.16jonnwhen they hit 85, ia m going to try to 3 man it
07:29.21jonn3 man kaelthas
07:29.23Mr_Rabiesaq20 is pretty much unchanged too
07:29.27Mr_Rabiesthey just lowered the cap
07:29.34Mr_Rabiesso there would be no more 20 man instances
07:29.41jonnshould have just made it 25 man
07:29.46Mr_Rabiesand you can get guild rep for running it
07:29.53Mr_Rabieswith at least 8/10
07:30.24Mr_Rabiesand 40 mans only need 8/40 to be guildies too i think now?
07:30.43jonni wish they removed kara attunement
07:30.47jonni tried to solo that but got locked out
07:31.02jonnkilled the bottom half but couldnt figure out how to get to the top half
07:31.18Mr_Rabiesi'm attuned on my main still, so i could solo a good chunk of it
07:31.26jonni think i could solo it all
07:31.31Mr_Rabiesmoroes was a pain until i got t9
07:31.38jonnthe first boss
07:31.42jonnwas hard
07:31.42Mr_Rabiesonce i had enough t9 it was ezmode
07:31.53jonnif you dont pull the trash by the horse, itll pull with the boss
07:31.59jonnso i had to kill it all at once
07:32.02Mr_Rabiesi'm a feral druid, so i've got some decent options available for soloing
07:32.14jonni think pally would be better
07:32.39Mr_Rabiesi've got the option to quickly burn them down or to tank them to death
07:32.53Mr_Rabiesmc was fun to figure out which form to use for each boss :3
07:33.05Mr_Rabiesdied a lot the first time i ran it
07:33.09jonnTK trash
07:33.13Mr_Rabieslearning which form to use
07:33.13jonnwas very hard
07:33.21jonnlike extremely hard
07:33.43jonni had to pop almost all my cooldowns for each trash pull
07:34.31jonnapparantly raids had a lot of strategy just for the trash
07:34.35jonntanking some around corners, lots of cc
07:34.43jonnlike 6 mobs per pull
07:35.16Mr_Rabiesok sleep
07:46.11*** join/#wowhead Mori-neko (
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08:12.49zerqTorg Drakeflayer yells: Pitiful meat bags! Feel the full force of the Dragonmaw!
08:16.13LugburzIm an attention whore
08:27.54Wardzerq, then he dies in about 30 secs
08:31.00*** join/#wowhead Anmity (
08:48.01*** join/#wowhead Niadyth (~blah@
08:51.32LugburzHAI GAIS
08:54.26*** join/#wowhead Niadyth (~blah@
09:01.01robokittyhops on Niadyth and meows
09:02.56Niadythmoos, in a nonchalant fashion
09:03.05Niadythcontinues eating grass
09:04.31robokittyisn't it more like snow these days? :P
09:04.58robokittyalso, lol, Music for Airports at background music in a docu
09:05.06Niadythyes, my car is stuck in my driveway
09:05.19Niadythbecause of the snow
09:16.06*** join/#wowhead Sonka (
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09:34.05zerq@weather report
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10:50.01starspunHRRKKKKkkkkk time to get my ass on out and buy Christmas presents or something BLEH.
10:50.28DomhStarspun.  Just buy everyone socks
10:50.44DomhExcept maybe people with no feet
10:50.47DomhGet them mitts
10:51.03stuflöl i tried to look at my char from
10:51.07stuf"This service is unavailable to any character under level 100." wat'd
10:51.09lintsuand if they don't have hands buy scarfs
10:51.12starspunLol Domh, I was actually thinking of doing something like that, except stick like a gift card in them so I don't have to bother figuring out what to get anyone.
10:51.19starspunstuf, lol I had that a few days ago
10:51.28lintsustuf: :D yeah i got that earlier. is just their 503
10:51.59lintsui should buy something to my bf
10:52.07lintsui have no idea what
10:52.28stufgive a card that says "derp"
10:53.24lintsu5 years ago i bought python or perl manual.. after that i haven't bought anything. it was so expensive :D
10:53.49stufoh man
10:53.57stufperl, the dubstep of programming languages!
10:54.27stufoh shit, gotta get some lunch, starting to feel the hypoglycemia already
10:54.30lintsuoh fuck. i died
11:05.26*** join/#wowhead XPYCT (
11:05.46XPYCTïðèâåò ðàøà
11:08.27lintsusame to you
11:09.34*** part/#wowhead XPYCT (
11:27.26*** join/#wowhead Djane (
11:28.49stuf hahahahahah
11:28.55stufi want that body pillow cover
11:39.04*** join/#wowhead TW- (~tw@
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12:08.08ArkaenSchool time
12:09.22*** join/#wowhead solo|work (
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12:25.49robokittysuch a shame 4'33" (Cage Against the Machine) failed to become the UK Christmas #1 :(
12:27.25*** join/#wowhead Anubisss (~Anubisss@
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13:29.22robokitty<3 people tipping
13:30.08Niadythyou just got cowtipped? ^^
13:31.30*** join/#wowhead Noxychu (
13:32.24NiadythO HAI NOXYFACE
13:32.34Niadythi'm a little bored, can you tell?
13:32.57Noxychui'm a little exhausted
13:33.29*** mode/#wowhead [+v Noxy] by ChanServ
13:33.39Noxyit was a .. ...
13:33.42Noxya trying weekend
13:34.20Niadytham i to guess that things are not all hunky dory in texasland??
13:34.30Noxyoh, they're wonderful
13:34.35Noxybut his kids
13:34.40Noxyare going to make my brain explode
13:34.53Niadythyeah, thats an issue
13:35.00Noxythey're here for 10 days over christmas
13:35.03Niadythis a shame really, kids can be fun when they're fun
13:35.26Noxyweekdays, fine, they're at daycare all day, only get them in the evening.
13:35.32Noxythe weekend
13:35.38Noxyoh my god.
13:35.49Niadythwell, on the bright side, you could be me, my employer has insisted I put a hit counter of this website I'm designing, so I made sure to find the shittest looking ugliest piece of shit I could find, and stuck it somewhere noticable. I mean, who's even used a hit counter since 2001?
13:36.32Niadyththeir reasoning was that it's important we're able to gauge interest in the project, but I say, what if it's not popular, then it'll just look bad
13:36.34Noxythey apparently settle down when they've been here afew days, right now theyre still acting like they do at home. Which is awful.
13:36.48NoxyBecause their mother is unfit to be a parent.
13:36.49Niadythapparently if it's not popular I'm going to have to sit there hitting refresh till it looks suitably popular
13:36.56Noxya hit counter
13:36.58Noxythats so
13:37.01Niadythyes, a fucking hit counter
13:37.05NiadythI KNOW!
13:37.11Niadythit's retarded
13:37.26Noxyi hope its huge and sparkly
13:37.28Niadythwell, problem kids can be dealt with
13:37.35Niadythmy cousins from australia
13:37.45Niadyththey used to be freaking nightmarish
13:37.53Niadythliterally I used to dread having to see them
13:38.01Niadythbut they've pretty much grown out of it
13:38.19Noxythey act like they can get whatever they want by screaming enough.
13:38.26Noxyor crying.
13:38.27Niadythbut if i were you I wouldn't try to be the person who does it, you could end up being the evil stepmom type character and you don't want that, I assume
13:38.34Noxy... and they arent healthy.
13:38.53NoxyTheir mother feeds them on fast food, never gives them fruit. ):
13:38.59Niadythyeah, thats lame
13:39.43Noxyi really dont wanna be the evil stepmom ;;
13:43.54Noxyhis daughter seems to be in love with me though.
13:44.22Niadythwell thats a start
13:46.13robokittyNia, I was bored and offered to make a belt buckle for free for some dude in trade
13:46.20robokittyhe ended up throwing a 50g tip in xD
13:46.30Niadythnice of him!
13:46.44robokittySTILL no guild rep :(
13:46.51robokittyI'm missing out on two lovely things nao
13:49.54Niadythyeah, i'm not getting any now either
13:50.01Niadythit's bugged something proper
13:50.24NiadythI worry that it's also gonna be crippling our guild XP, since guild XP is gained whenever guild rep is gained
13:50.26robokittyslaps Nia with 16794 spirit
13:50.32NiadythTHATS A LOT OF SPIRIT
13:50.38Niadythbut then you always were the regen KING
13:51.09robokittytrinket proc + mana tide totem <3
13:51.40robokitty :3
13:52.22robokittyshould have mouse-overed to see how much regen I have :/
13:52.46Niadythkinda awesome
13:52.53Niadythyou around tonight?
13:52.58Niadythi'm gonna be chaining heroics again
13:53.01Niadythneed new legs
13:53.05Mowseya million billion regen!
13:53.21*** join/#wowhead afkafka (
13:54.00Mowseypsh, you cheated with your 'totems'
13:54.05Mowseyand 'spirits'
13:54.32robokittybut more importantly:
13:55.01Mowseyrobokitty, the xmas elf
13:55.18robokittythe undead changed from his gimp suit :(
13:55.23Niadythi love that dan is now undead
13:55.33Niadythit suits his personality
13:55.40Niadythbetter than being an orc did, anyway
13:56.11Niadythalso, tell dan that if he's gonna wear green winter clothes, he needs a green winter hat
13:56.19Niadythhe is TOTALLY not matching, sistah
13:57.24Mowseyraises robokitty's Spirit even more with kitties
13:58.00*** join/#wowhead Astarael (~Astarael@unaffiliated/candescent)
13:58.26robokittyalso, :3
13:58.29*** join/#wowhead Funkeh` (~funk@
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13:58.38robokittysteals Izzy and huggles for warmth
13:58.54AstaraelDon't talk about warmth >.<
13:58.57AstaraelI'm freezing my tits off.
13:59.08robokitty!w odense
13:59.09FreyjaOdense, Denmark (55.5N/10.3E); Updated: 2:59 PM CET (December 20, 2010); Conditions: Mostly Cloudy; Temperature: 21.0F (-6.1C); Windchill: 21F (-6C); High/Low: 26/17F (-3/-8C); UV: 0/16; Humidity: 84%; Dew Point: 17F (-8C); Pressure: 29.55 in/1000.6 hPa; Wind: West at 1.4 MPH (2.3 KPH)
13:59.25robokittyhad -15'ish overnight, that was interesting
13:59.51Noxy!w flowermound
13:59.51FreyjaThe requested city was not found.
13:59.58NoxyITS REAL
14:00.01NoxyITS NOT A VAGINA
14:00.13*** join/#wowhead JJB42 (
14:00.22robokitty17834 mp5, np
14:00.48AstaraelAh fuck our Truegold market just bottomed out.
14:01.13Astarael2 days ago I was selling for almost 2k each, now they're down to 1.4k.
14:01.22Mowseybarfs rainbows on Noxy
14:01.43*** join/#wowhead a|f|kafka (~afkafka@wikimedia/afkafka)
14:02.02JJB42bound to happen.  High prices cause people with gold feer to level their alchemy alts.
14:02.36Niadythall my truegold transmutes go to the guild bank anyway :p
14:02.45AstaraelWell I didn't go nuts, I'm an Alchemist anyway.
14:03.00AstaraelI just didn't expect such a sharp drop.
14:03.04NiadythI've barely made a copper since cata hit, all my stuff goes into helping guildmates
14:03.11JJB42Watch dreamcloth
14:03.11AstaraelI don't have a guild. Lucky me.
14:03.37Mowseycuz you refuse to play with meee ;;
14:03.50Mowseyand also the region thing
14:04.25NiadythMowsey, you're a US or an EU player?
14:06.12JJB42how are heroic randoms going for everyone?
14:06.31AstaraelSo far away =(
14:06.58AstaraelI'm still burnt out after Wrath. I'm recovering by leveling a ton of alts.
14:07.58JJB42well you arent missing much at the moment.  1 success for every 2 fails.  FOlks are having trouble adjusting to CC anf tanking mechanics.
14:08.36MowseyI haven't done any heroics yet but most tanks actually let me CC now :p
14:08.49*** join/#wowhead Pewpewarrows (
14:09.00Mowseyinstead of running over and breaking any form of CC they see
14:09.41JJB42I have seen a few issues with lock pets on passive breaking CC at random.  seems they have a taste for hunter ice traps.
14:10.25JJB42which isnt good when they break that second healing mob from its icy tomb
14:15.56NiadythJJB42: I've seen the lock pets thing as well, I ran a lot of heroics with our resident warlock this weekend and it happened a few times. It wasn't really an issue since he's very on the ball when it comes to CC and if it was something I spotted first, I usually just made that mob my priority to pick up next anyway, but yeah, it's weird.
14:18.03*** join/#wowhead hylje (
14:21.15hyljei am baer
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14:22.39hyljehurp'derp too
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14:25.58JJB42Glad Im not the only one seeing it.
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14:35.24AstaraelBleh. Hunter CCing is going to be drawlish.
14:35.34AstaraelHaving to waste Trap Launcher on a shackle.
14:36.11OwnerAstarael, have you ever had a character named Troall?
14:37.18Durragonon wow. have you ever had a character named troall?   i onmly ask because your screen name is very familiar to me for some reason
14:39.29Durragoni'll take your silence as a 'no' , sorry to bother you :)
14:39.49*** join/#wowhead bleak- (
14:40.04AstaraelI haven't.
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15:09.02TecnoBratDAMMIT BACK TO WORK
15:09.30TecnoBratmy vacation is over :(
15:09.35bladekittyTecnoBrat: Oo
15:09.37Mowseyaww ):
15:09.41hyljeenjoy your xmas
15:11.51ProNihilisthmm, how do you get to the Tol Barad Penninsula?
15:12.22MowseyThere's a portal when you get to level 85
15:12.31Mowseyin your home city, where all the other cata portals are
15:12.38ProNihilistI didn't see it there :S
15:13.05Mowseyit should be there :/
15:13.14MowseyI know the stormwind one is with the others
15:13.17ProNihilistoh wait, it's off at the side and mich smaller
15:13.35AstaraelYou know what I need? An addon that removes any line in chat with the word "gz" in it.
15:13.59Mowseygo find one of those addons that removes mentions of Chuck Norris and modify it
15:15.54hyljeor [Shadowmourne]
15:16.18hyljewhen did general channels enable item linking again?
15:22.31*** join/#wowhead nmsiz (
15:24.20robokittycurls up and naps on Mowsey
15:27.46Mowseyboo, I need a raid bitch
15:28.19*** join/#wowhead TechDevout (TD@
15:39.58Morrilrobokitty: tigger loves frosting
15:40.18hyljecake made of frosting
15:47.58RawsI was just out chatting with my postman
15:48.04RawsIt turns out, he's a bit of a real estate baron
15:48.10*** join/#wowhead Deruweid (
15:48.18*** join/#wowhead interest (
15:48.25RawsHe knows every house for sale in town, because he spends all day every day delivering mail
15:48.32RawsAnd he's snatched up more than a few at hilarious prices
15:51.10*** join/#wowhead blay (na@unaffiliated/blay)
15:53.02*** join/#wowhead nmsiz (
15:53.29RawsOh god, she's an actual NPC
15:54.28MorrilMowsey: in a bit.
15:54.36MorrilI have to get ready for this retake.
15:58.45*** join/#wowhead matty (
16:01.11*** join/#wowhead TechDevout (TD@
16:01.30NiadythRaw, thats not the only fun new NPC
16:01.37Niadythfor example
16:02.36*** join/#wowhead mn^^ (em@
16:03.26*** join/#wowhead poeticdragon (
16:03.29*** mode/#wowhead [+o poeticdragon] by ChanServ
16:06.06RawsNiadyth: hah
16:06.32Niadythyep :D
16:09.57*** join/#wowhead solocommand (
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16:11.00*** part/#wowhead panoukla_ (
16:13.45*** join/#wowhead panoukla_ (
16:16.06*** join/#wowhead g0urra (~g0urra@unaffiliated/gourra)
16:16.58*** join/#wowhead Ressolute (
16:17.16ari5avgood morning internerds
16:18.53*** join/#wowhead bleak- (
16:18.56RawsDolla dolla get holla
16:23.12*** join/#wowhead TechDevout (~Miranda@
16:24.49RawsFrom: The Onion Store <>
16:24.49RawsSubject: Last Chance! Help Us Help You Help Us Make More Money. 20% Off!
16:30.32TecnoBratRaws: help me make more money, send me your credit card
16:30.33TecnoBratkk thx
16:30.48RawsSounds like a plan
16:30.57lintsucan i also?
16:31.07RawsGo for it
16:35.07*** join/#wowhead xfiler7117 (
16:36.38*** join/#wowhead TechDevout (~Miranda@
16:39.40*** join/#wowhead Evious (
16:41.50*** join/#wowhead Jolt (
16:42.05Noxypm me your home address plz
16:42.10RawsI'm getting my mom Glenn Beck's ridiculous fiction thriller for Christmas
16:42.13RawsShe's gonna be furious
16:42.38TechDevoutNothing like a mother's love, is there?
16:42.55JoltYo all
16:43.15Joltanyone want my cold so i can go to a xmas dinner tomorrow?
16:43.39Joltsobs in his corner
16:45.08Noxy.... i cant find your actual address on there, i must be blind.
16:45.17NoxyI'm more amused you didnt ask me WHY, though
16:45.26Joltgives noxy some glasses
16:46.32hyljenow you look ridiculous :D
16:48.03Noxy... i wear glasses everyday ):
16:48.21ari5avi wish i had time to take off from work so I could get new glasses
16:48.37ari5avi've been wearing contacts for years now because i have a prescription for them, but my glasses are broken
16:48.49ari5avi hate contacts, they're annoying
16:49.08lintsui hate glasses
16:49.25lintsui use primarly contacts but in laboratory i use glasses
16:52.01*** join/#wowhead Kamikaze281 (
16:52.30*** join/#wowhead |Matt| (
16:53.13*** join/#wowhead Kamikaze282 (
16:57.53*** join/#wowhead deek| (
16:58.49ari5avyeah, glasses > contacts.
16:58.57ari5avmy eyes are just always so tired
17:01.33JoltI hate my glasses and i hate using contacts
17:03.15RawsI do love perfect vision
17:03.30Joltfu raws
17:03.37Jolti am pondering laser surgery
17:03.45Joltbut i don't think that can heal my eyes
17:03.50Joltsince they are so terrible bad
17:04.12RawsThe worst
17:04.16*** join/#wowhead rosemount (
17:04.17*** mode/#wowhead [+v rosemount] by ChanServ
17:04.19RawsI'm scared my vision's gonna go south at some point
17:04.30RawsI'm literally the only person in my entire extended family who isn't near legally blind
17:04.52Pertheriapokes raws in the eyeball ... how bout now?
17:05.02RawsGetting closer
17:05.06Joltsigh i want my parents to pick up some cd-rs
17:05.08Joltbut nooooo
17:05.10Joltthey dont answer
17:06.01Rawsis listening to The Planets, Op. 32: V. Saturn, the Bringer of Old Age by Boston Pops Orchestra & William Steinberg from Holst: The Planets (4:56 / 7:45)
17:06.05RawsI love the crescendo in Saturn
17:06.49Noxyoh god
17:06.52Noxybest music ever.
17:07.05Noxyhey Raws wanna see my meat?
17:07.15Joltyour two pieces of meat?
17:08.15RawsGrill me
17:08.27*** join/#wowhead hylje (
17:08.30RawsAwww yeah
17:08.40RawsGood smoky meat
17:08.59NoxyI had never had smoked meats before
17:09.01Noxyand oh god
17:09.03rosemountIt looks like multiple raws' and noxy' sitting on a boat
17:09.18Noxywas so good.
17:09.30*** join/#wowhead Disperse (~falsegree@
17:09.30Jolti am hungry no
17:09.33Joltthanks noxy :(
17:11.10*** join/#wowhead Nocrasim (
17:14.00TecnoBratNoxy: that looks awesome
17:14.11TecnoBratI made coffee cake last night, it was awesome
17:15.45RawsOh hey, it just started snowing
17:16.55RawsIs that logo properly licensed
17:17.53TecnoBratkinda neat XBMC plugin
17:18.00TecnoBratsubmits the shows you watch, as you watch them
17:18.06RawsOmicron Percei 8
17:18.23TecnoBratshows show up on the site as "watching", and then "watched"
17:18.57TecnoBratno idea what the rankings are there!
17:19.02JoltOmicron Percei 8 i so wanna live there
17:19.40TecnoBratOh its because I have not put a location in
17:19.48NoxyRaws: yes actually
17:19.58hyljein space
17:21.19*** join/#wowhead panoukla_ (
17:21.28hyljeyou'll poop trinkets
17:22.46TecnoBratThese two have no idea how to tell a story. Theldurin's story was too short, and Lucien's tale was a little too tall, if you catch my drift.
17:22.51TecnoBratAlso, neither of their stories had hot babes in them.
17:23.11TecnoBratnow I need to do that quest, lol
17:25.09Noxywish i could play wowz.
17:26.04TecnoBratwhy cant you?
17:27.13hyljei only play wow at work
17:27.16*** join/#wowhead JunkPhone (
17:28.37rosemountTF2: 375 hours played.
17:38.43*** join/#wowhead Nerkel (
17:39.18NerkelI found my new evening activity
17:39.22RawsAmazon wants me to make my payphrase, "Ross' Steadfast Encounters"
17:40.01starspunLightning Ross' Steadfast Encounters, imo
17:40.51NerkelCmoonn Tyrande's doll
17:41.22RawsNefarious Nerkel and Vemmelige Vilde
17:41.26Mowseydammit, I don't know what to get peoples for christmas :|
17:41.32RawsGet them everything
17:41.41NerkelMowsey,you're not the only one
17:41.44hyljetyrande's plush murloc
17:41.50Mowseymaybe I can like
17:41.55Nerkelhylje, yes :D
17:41.56Mowseysay I don't celebrate it anymore
17:41.59Mowseyand the holiday offends me
17:42.10MowseyPERFECT PLAN
17:42.15NerkelI have an excuse
17:42.19NerkelI don't have a job
17:42.22TecnoBratmorning Nerkel
17:42.28NerkelTecnoBrat, sup man :D
17:42.33MowseyI usually just get other people to do my shopping for me
17:42.36Mowseythen pay them back
17:42.51*** join/#wowhead Lothrik (
17:43.03MowseyI think it's pointless we celebrate it, my mother hates all things religion
17:43.12AstaraelMowsey, I don't do Christmas, I still get money from all my family members though.
17:43.14MowseyI could see my dad celebrating
17:43.35Rawscelebr8 celibate
17:43.40MowseyHe's sorta religious but he hasn't been able to do anything relgion-y since he married my mother
17:43.41Raws(no, don't)
17:43.43NerkelMowsey, I dare say christmas is not very religious anymore
17:44.01MowseyI know :/
17:44.02AstaraelChristmas stopped being religious the moment commercialism took over.
17:44.08MowseyI know, I'll get my dad a hooker for christmas
17:44.12AstaraelNow it's just another shopping holiday.
17:44.27MowseyI haven't shopped for anyone for christmas in at least 10 years
17:44.51AstaraelSince you were 3? =o=o
17:44.57Mowseywat D:
17:45.06NerkelMowsey is 13
17:45.13Mowseywhy am I 13 :<
17:45.17*** join/#wowhead matty (
17:45.35*** join/#wowhead sygnous|mbp (~sygnous|m@nat/cisco/x-jjoefuhgacactkst)
17:45.35*** join/#wowhead sygnous|mbp (~sygnous|m@unaffiliated/malikeye)
17:47.09NerkelSo, what is this START treaty that the news is hyping
17:47.17RawsThe Russia thing?
17:47.34NerkelEveryones talking like Armageddon is happening
17:47.46hyljenorth korea is best korea
17:47.48RawsYet another diplomatic reset
17:47.51Djane182.4k health raidbuffed/
17:48.02NerkelRaws, ah
17:48.31*** join/#wowhead Kamikaze28 (~Kamikaze2@unaffiliated/kamikaze28)
17:48.51*** join/#wowhead TechDevout (~Miranda@
17:48.57NerkelSo nukes aren't falling from the sky, Jesus hasn't started booking his vacation just yet, kittens are in fact not tasty and the ability for me to pronounce the word horrible is still missing
17:49.09TecnoBratI need to gear up my DK
17:49.18hyljeyour denmark is showing
17:49.18NerkelTecnoBrat, you should
17:49.30TecnoBratI gotta get him heroic ready
17:49.57TecnoBratI need to get some people wanting to do Halls of ... Creation? or whatever its called
17:50.11TecnoBratyes, thats the one
17:50.31TecnoBratcause there is literally like a piece of plate dps gear from every single boss.
17:50.46TecnoBratNerkel: you leveling your DK at all?
17:51.01NerkelTecnoBrat, in a bit probably. What do you need though?
17:51.32Mowseyhorribles TecnoBrat
17:51.35TecnoBratI need everything
17:51.42Mowseyalso why are you a brat
17:52.09NerkelTecnoBrat, check the AH, there's a decent offhand that's an upgrade
17:52.13Nerkelpretty cheap actually
17:52.20TecnoBratNerkel: I will do ..
17:52.28TecnoBrataxe ... sword?
17:52.32NerkelIts an axe
17:52.46NerkelTecnoBrat, I'll get you the info ;p
17:52.54NerkelI know where your upgrades shall come forth
17:53.45NerkelHave you done any of Twilight highlands, techno?
17:53.54TecnoBratabout 60% of it
17:53.57TecnoBratI need to finish i
17:54.07NerkelFinish it, there should be 1-2 more blue 333 rewards
17:54.13TecnoBratalso, I know where they come from, I have them all listed on a piece of paper at home
17:54.22Mowseywtf is "paper"
17:54.23TecnoBratHoO is like 5 upgrades
17:54.25NerkelShoulders from the quest to finish normal Lost city
17:54.46hyljeMowsey: it's dead trees refined into a thin, easily-ripped sheet
17:55.20TecnoBratMowsey: whats your main now?
17:55.26Mowseythe paladin I guess
17:55.28NerkelTecnoBrat, does your list include a new wep?
17:56.04*** join/#wowhead asqq (
17:56.15MowseyI <3 my rogue so much ;;
17:56.24TecnoBratseveral infact
17:56.29NerkelSweet :3
17:56.33NerkelYou're looking good man
17:57.36TecnoBratDid you get the superior achieve yet Nerkel
17:57.45NerkelTecnoBrat yeah
17:57.55TecnoBratI don't see any axes on the AH :/
17:58.05TecnoBratat least none that are rare or better
17:58.18NerkelThere's an offhand axe for 30k
17:58.36TecnoBratyea, fuck that for 30k
17:58.47TecnoBratand its 35k
17:58.56NerkelThere's a 325 mace
17:59.01Nerkelfor 750g
17:59.14hyljepocket money
17:59.15NerkelBut if you already have upgrades, it won't last long probably
17:59.21NerkelUp to you
18:00.03*** join/#wowhead TechDevout (~Miranda@
18:00.06TecnoBratyea, I'm gonna just run HoO and get upgrades
18:00.08TecnoBratI just need to do it
18:00.13TecnoBrattonight probably
18:00.40NerkelI need to get off my lazy arse and do Grim Batol for the wand
18:00.49RawsGrim Butthole
18:00.54Nerkelbut I want to keep trying my luck at Tyrande's lost doll and the Tolvir staff
18:01.01TecnoBratso I heard they have "fixed" some of the heroics
18:01.05TecnoBrattrue / false?
18:01.10NerkelFixed, how?
18:01.16NerkelYes, I think they tuned some of the packs down
18:01.20NerkelAnd some of the bosses
18:01.24starspunAm I missing something or is there no Feast of Winter Veil guide up this year? :O
18:01.31TecnoBrathylje: indeed.
18:01.32NerkelYeah, I heard that
18:01.38hyljethey heeded to the qq
18:01.45hyljesounds like i'm not renewing
18:02.05Rawsstarspun: isn't the old one available?
18:02.07TecnoBratsome of them were basically impossible
18:02.11TecnoBratsome of the bosses that is
18:02.13RawsAFAIK, the event hasn't changed, so there's no need to update it
18:02.15NerkelYou try doing Heroic SFK
18:02.26starspunRaws, mostly just looking for a list of where to get the winter hats this year since that changes with a new expansion
18:02.41TecnoBratfewyn: ^^
18:02.49starspunALL TWO OF THEM
18:02.56fewyni just woke up
18:03.02fewyni'm not qualified to follow conversations
18:03.05TecnoBratfewyn: has the winter veil changed? where do you get hats? etc
18:03.13fewynshould be in miyari's guide
18:03.18RawsTell us everything
18:03.29Mowseyyou get a hat from a boss in um
18:03.34Mowseythe twilight highlands instance
18:03.39Mowseyand another one I can't remember
18:04.34starspunThat lists the WLK winter hat locations :<
18:04.39fewyni'll update it later
18:04.43fewynlet me wake up first
18:05.52*** join/#wowhead tw (~tw@
18:06.13starspunNot sure I trust those dropped by lists either. Aren't they supposed to drop off of certain bosses in certain instances? :| Meaning the non-instance ones look HMM SUSPICIOUS
18:06.14hyljewhat do you mean it doesn't automagically update based on database
18:06.31hyljestarspun: it might be a world drop too
18:06.40TecnoBratstarspun: I would ignore the 1's
18:07.04hyljeat least hallow's end had a bunch of obscure world drops
18:07.14NoxyTecnoBrat: lol late reply - I'm still working. while I still have work to do, no wow.
18:07.19TecnoBratgreen = Grim Batol, SFK, Oculus
18:07.37*** join/#wowhead occy (
18:07.44TecnoBratred = BRC, Stonecore, DM, Nexus
18:07.45hyljeso red one drops from stonecore then
18:07.47starspunWill it even be in Oculus still?
18:07.52hyljered one is fasta
18:07.56starspunAnd Nexus
18:08.00TecnoBratthats probably loot from last year
18:08.04TecnoBratbut either way
18:08.08starspunYeah, that's what I'm thinking.
18:08.11TecnoBratyou know which ones it def is
18:08.19TecnoBratsince ... well .. the new instances had no loot tables until now :P
18:09.01TecnoBratAlso, DM had its look tables reset I believe
18:09.09starspunYeah, thanks. Got a few people asking about it. WHY CAN'T THEY JUST LOOK FOR THEMSELVES JEEZ. :< Thanks guys
18:09.12starspunMuch appreciated <3
18:09.15Mowseyboot tables
18:09.21TecnoBratSFK too
18:09.24starspunBoob fables.
18:09.33Mowseyflute tables
18:09.38starspunWould the hats just be dropping from heroic SFK/DM or normal too? :O
18:09.42starspunI must investigate.
18:09.47TecnoBratinteresting that it appears they drop off the NORMAL versions of SFK
18:09.56starspunTO DM ->
18:10.05hyljelowbies can get some stuff too!
18:10.10TecnoBratOH NM
18:10.10hyljedespite being worthless scum
18:10.11TecnoBratI lie
18:10.13TecnoBratits heroic.
18:10.24hyljethat's what they get for being worthless scum
18:10.26starspunIt is? Okay, no DM for me. :P
18:10.29TecnoBratgo to normal .. and its not there
18:10.36hyljebetter level up
18:10.40starspunThat's always bothered me though
18:10.48starspunThe hats have never been available for low-levels :(
18:10.56hyljeconsider it motivation to level up
18:11.04TecnoBratall of them are heroics
18:11.08starspunNo they're not
18:11.11hyljenot true
18:11.18hyljei got red hat drop in normal stonecore
18:11.54hyljethe same reason pvp between high level difference is designed to be horrible: the lowbies should level up more
18:11.54TecnoBratyou sure?
18:12.01hyljeyes, sure
18:12.05TecnoBratwowhead has seen it 92 times in heroic ... and 0 times in normal.
18:12.15starspunI haven't done a single heroic yet in Cata, pretty sure we had a red one drop yesterday in Stonecore
18:13.38lintsudid profiler queu reset?
18:14.00TecnoBrathmmm, starspun / hylje I'm reporting that
18:14.16TecnoBratcause that seems like a bug then
18:14.23starspunIf it doesn't list it from normal Stonecore, maybe I should hop into DM after all
18:15.02TecnoBratit doesn't, so you could check
18:15.05hyljebetter level up yer items then!
18:15.23TecnoBratshe means normal DM
18:15.41starspunI could probably hop into heroic DM as well. Wooo 331 ilvl :P
18:15.48hylje320 :(
18:16.50Nerkelstarspun, 337 Ilevel
18:17.54*** join/#wowhead Sonka (~Secret@
18:18.03Mowsey496 ilvl
18:19.40*** join/#wowhead Ketho (
18:20.22hyljei still need to read those dang guides to get that damn gear up
18:20.33hyljeand of course run dungeons
18:22.12ari5avi'm still 83 on my main :(
18:22.17ari5avbecause i work for a living
18:23.05TecnoBratI have 2x85s!
18:23.48NoxyI'm a GM and still 81.
18:23.55NerkelNoxy :3
18:23.59Noxyits incredibly depressing.
18:24.08Noxyit actually upsets me.
18:24.22RawsWhoa, Fantasia's out on Blu-ray
18:24.24RawsI did not know this
18:25.01Nerkelhugs Noxy
18:25.13TecnoBrat85 DK, 85 mage, 82 shaman, 81 hunter
18:25.27TecnoBratNoxy: NO UPSETING
18:25.37TecnoBratI blame Glar.
18:25.48TecnoBratNoxy: you said you can't play wow? why not?
18:25.54TecnoBratdid your computer explody?
18:26.12*** join/#wowhead Lopin (
18:26.38starspunNo winter hat.
18:27.17starspunGuess it's just from the heroics in SFK+DM then
18:27.19*** join/#wowhead Freek (~Freek@unaffiliated/freek)
18:28.10*** join/#wowhead BasicOSX (
18:28.20NerkelI got my hat from....
18:28.28NerkelDeadmines I think
18:28.51starspunBut heroic or normal ;p
18:29.27Nerkelheroic, sadly
18:29.54djh-starspun: hat still drops in Heroic Wrath.
18:30.01starspunThe hell, just got on my mount to fly up to the pumpkin patch in Stormwind and... my mounts will only fly at an angle upwards.
18:30.05djh-got mine this year from Telestra.
18:30.27Nerkelstarspun, that was happening to me
18:30.27starspunGot mine from normal Telestra two years ago :p
18:30.45starspunNerkel, how did you fix it :|
18:30.47djh-no longer.
18:31.14Nerkelstarspun, I ragequit and logged back in
18:31.43DisperseI was seein' the hate in Reg Grim Batol last night
18:31.43starspunKay :p RAEG
18:31.45starspunThank Nerkel
18:31.52DisperseA green on, a couple times.
18:31.55NerkelSup bladekitty
18:31.57starspunThanks, too.
18:31.59bladekittySLEEP NOW
18:32.01Djanebladekitty, 182.4k health, not started raiding yet.
18:32.57DisperseDjane; what do you play?
18:33.23TecnoBratNerkel: what I do need to do .. is figure out DK tanking gear
18:33.26Disperse>.> how? You have a lot of crafted epics already or something?
18:33.32DjaneDisperse, ilevel 348
18:33.32TecnoBratI want to actually have a tank offspec
18:33.44Djane1 rep epic, crafted shield and belt.
18:34.00Djanewhat's the syntax for chars again?
18:34.05Djane@char eu stormrage cherana
18:34.39DisperseYeah, lemme see your toon. I got my protadin to 85, not sure where to go to get geared for heroics.
18:35.06*** join/#wowhead Terra (
18:35.18starspunDjane, there's a lack of Wheaties here so it won't work :P
18:35.29TecnoBratCOME BACK
18:35.31DjaneWho killed wheaties?
18:35.41starspunIt's a murder mystery
18:35.42*** join/#wowhead helppppp (~Kruge@
18:36.22*** join/#wowhead [Wheaties] (
18:36.37starspunWild [Wheaties] appears!
18:36.49RawsI love this snow effect
18:37.07DjaneDisperse, my enchantings shoddy so far
18:37.11Djanebut gemming and gearing is spot on
18:37.42starspunHah Raws, I've got a frosty screen :D
18:37.46Djaneand i Don't have earthern ring revered yet for the helm enchant.
18:38.00TecnoBrat@char us velen tecnoknight
18:38.02[Wheaties]Tecnoknight, Level 85 Gnome Male Death Knight (32/1/8):  Resil: 0.00; Health: 103757; Crit: 3.78; Haste %: 4.46; Hit %: 3.25; MH Weap Dmg: 2166-2733; MH Weap DPS: 984.1; MH Weap Speed: 2.49; OH Weap Dmg: 1040-1287; OH Weap DPS: 467.3; OH Weap Speed: 2.49; Attack Power: 8110; Tecnoknight's Wowhead Profile: - WowArmory Profile:
18:38.15*** join/#wowhead Malgayne (
18:38.15*** mode/#wowhead [+o Malgayne] by ChanServ
18:38.31RawsDoes that mean your screen is made out of or encased in ice?
18:38.38RawsI expect nothing less from nordland
18:39.09starspunBut it wasn't made in nordland sooo...
18:39.13ari5av@char us gul'dan tachtonim
18:39.16[Wheaties]Tachtonim, Level 83 Blood Elf Female Mage (32/4/3):  Resil: 0.00; Health: 58096; Mana: 49394; Arcane Crit %: 15.58; Arcane Damage: 3974; Haste %: 12.49; Hit %: 14.56; MP5: 445.00; Spell Penetration: 0; Tachtonim's Wowhead Profile: - WowArmory Profile:
18:39.17hyljeit's made out of pure madness of living out in the cold wilderness
18:40.13ari5av@weather report
18:40.14[Wheaties]Location: Boca Raton, FL (33496) - Updated at: 12/20/10 12:47 PM EST - Temp: 66F (18C) - Feels like: 66F (18C) - Wind: NE 8 MPH - Conditions: Partly Cloudy - Humidity: 60%
18:40.32fewynoh hey mythbusters marathon today?
18:40.43hyljemythbusters marathon every day!
18:40.54fewynoh no
18:40.59fewyn3 hour block
18:41.20Disperse@char us windrunner Disperse
18:41.21[Wheaties]Disperse, Level 85 Draenei Male Priest (9/0/32):  Resil: 0.00; Health: 100733; Mana: 75525; Haste %: 9.63; Hit %: 16.30; MP5: 1029.00; Spell Penetration: 0; Shadow Crit %: 9.73; Shadow Damage: 5403; Disperse's Wowhead Profile: - WowArmory Profile:
18:42.15*** join/#wowhead Sonka (
18:49.06*** join/#wowhead Astarael_ (
18:49.06*** join/#wowhead Astarael_ (~Astarael@unaffiliated/candescent)
18:52.13sygnous|mbp2 more days, and then 11 days off :D woot
18:53.26ari5avlucky you
18:53.36sygnous|mbpyeah, I know
18:53.45sygnous|mbpI haven't had paid time off in years
18:53.48ari5av2 more days for me, and then right back to work as usual
18:54.00ari5avi know i'm a grinch, but i really hate this time of year
18:54.16ari5avand it's all jesus's fault >:(
18:54.18sygnous|mbpit's alright... I'm sure it's better if you have kids
18:54.24ari5avi do not have kids
18:54.24sygnous|mbpand a nice house that you can decorate
18:54.28*** join/#wowhead BasicOSX (
18:54.39sygnous|mbpmy house has a TV, a couch, a dining room table, and a bed
18:54.46sygnous|mbpand my computer desk... that's it
18:54.51ari5avbasically it's not even that i can't stand xmas
18:54.56ari5avyou don't see it that much in my city
18:54.58ari5avit's 60% jews
18:55.08ari5avi just don't like the end of the year rush
18:55.13sygnous|mbpwe are gonna go to a x-mas eve mass I guess
18:55.26sygnous|mbpI'm not religious at all
18:55.33ari5avI popped into best buy yesterday afternoon to pick up a pair of headphones, and the line was 150 people long
18:55.34starspunChristmas sucks, next year I'm gonna cancel it.
18:55.37ari5avTHREE cashiers open
18:55.39sygnous|mbpso I was asking "are they gonna talk about santa clause? and reindeer?"
18:55.40starspunYou may thank me with gifts in advance.
18:55.53ari5avdccs starspun a thank-you note
18:56.03fewyn[13:55:44] You receive item:  [Hurricane Deck].
18:56.04sygnous|mbpyeah, stores suck when you are doing "regular" business
18:56.17ari5av13:57:42  * ari5av dccs starspun a thank-you note
18:56.17ari5av13:57:52 <@fewyn> [13:55:44] You receive item:  [Hurricane Deck].
18:56.26ari5avi was like wait, that's not what I sent!
18:56.58ari5avbut honestly, they had three lines open, one was cash-only, and one was plastic-only
18:57.29ari5avthe line was like 25 minutes, it was ridiculous
18:58.10ari5avreminds me of that episode of rocko where they went to the worst amusement park ever, and the rides sucked and everything was rigged
18:58.26ari5avand they got into a line, and that was the ride.  the line ride.
18:59.12ari5avhail, traveler, and well met
19:03.06sygnous|mbpthe line ride, lol
19:03.17sygnous|mbptauren much?
19:03.35*** join/#wowhead Kingcocomango (~Kingcocom@
19:03.46Kingcocomangodamn physics,now i ahve to learn calculus
19:03.47fewyn2 weeks until i can turn in my hurricane deck
19:03.59ari5avcalculus is not as difficult as everyone says it is.
19:04.21ari5avyou have to think about stuff on a practical level
19:04.27Kingcocomangothe problems not that,the problems whos gonna teach me
19:04.33hyljedohoho, calculus? practical? OHO OH OHOH derp
19:04.46Kingcocomangono-one gonna teach me
19:05.05Kingcocomangothanks for the link
19:05.05ari5avMIT calculus courses.
19:05.13hyljejust remember
19:05.16hyljeherp before you derp
19:05.31ari5avthat's full semesters, you can follow along very easily because you can pause, go back, repeat, etc
19:05.32*** join/#wowhead EthanCentaurai (~ethan@
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19:05.39Kingcocomangowhat should i start with?
19:05.53ari5avyou're in uni, right?  not high school?
19:06.00ari5avwhat maths have you taken so far?
19:06.12Kingcocomangolots,but not much stuck
19:06.23Kingcocomangoco-ordinate plane
19:06.27ari5avdid you take trig and/or precalc?
19:06.38Kingcocomangoyes i took trig
19:06.41ari5avthen lemme find the one for you to start with
19:07.45*** join/#wowhead Sonka (~Secret@
19:08.48ari5avtake this one first:  then this:
19:09.16djh-how is it that you're taking a physics course which requires calculus but doesn't have a calc prereq?
19:09.17Nerkelfewyn, finally got your deck?
19:09.27djh-how sure are you that you need calc?
19:10.32Nerkelfewyn, also you have to wait for it to come to YOUR city?
19:10.42Kingcocomangothe only calc in it
19:10.48Kingcocomangois a differential equation
19:10.49ari5avalso, this dude is friggin awesome:
19:10.58hyljedon't do it man
19:11.33*** join/#wowhead Mowsey (
19:11.40NerkelMowsey :D
19:11.57Kingcocomangoalso,when they put a calc prereq on medical students,well stop being medical students
19:12.13Kingcocomangoand just be general scientists who can do surgery
19:12.34hyljewhat wouldn't you do for science?
19:12.40Kingcocomangothe heck,were even learning economics
19:12.47hyljefor science
19:12.55Mowseytol barad is, in my opinion, the most balanced pvp zone ever
19:13.02Kingcocomangoi dont understand hylje
19:13.17NerkelMowsey, lol sarcasm
19:13.19djh-pre-med's not a real degree.  they can throw any random old thing at you
19:13.22hyljewhat do you not understand about FOR SCIENCE
19:13.55ari5avhylje: it's not lisp
19:13.57ari5avit's scheme
19:14.14hyljescheme is lisp
19:14.30ari5avbut also, knowledge of how lisp works is a fundamental requirement of being a good programmer in any language
19:14.41hyljelisp fucks you up man
19:14.51ari5avwhen you can think outside the box and think of a function itself as being an object, you don't NEED lsd
19:14.58Kingcocomangothere going to keep throwing every old thing at us djh
19:15.35ari5avyou're not a real programmer until you write a lisp function that takes itself as an argument, changes itself among several states, and infinitely loops except it's undetectable because it changes state
19:15.38Kingcocomangowere taking statistics,visualbasic, excel(which is worthless),economics,chemistry,physics,biology
19:15.50ari5avdamn i need to sit down, writing that hurt my brain
19:16.00hyljeyou can build any object system starting with just (let) and (lambda)
19:16.04Kingcocomangohistory of med
19:16.04ari5avKingcocomango: visual basic is more worthless than excel by a LONG shot
19:16.08ari5avhylje: correct.
19:16.16ari5avi need a lambda key on my keyboard :(
19:16.26fewynNerkel: wut
19:16.37ari5avi want to design a language that's a cross between lisp and APL
19:16.39Nerkelfewyn, you got your deck? :D
19:16.42hyljeSymbolics Keyboard
19:16.43fewyni did
19:16.50ari5avi can't afford a symbolics
19:16.56Nerkelfewyn, grats then. But does it require for the fair to be at your home city
19:16.57ari5avalso, they're huge
19:17.02NerkelOr can the faire be anywhere
19:17.02ari5avNerkel: yes
19:17.10hyljeyou can afford the keytops
19:17.15fewynno Nerkel
19:17.21fewynit can be anyyyywhere
19:17.24NerkelOkay, good
19:17.27NerkelI was confused for a sec
19:17.34fewyndmf is in thunderbluff
19:17.36fewynnext month
19:17.52davisthanks for academicearth link
19:17.58ari5avdavis: ya no problem
19:18.06BlackNetwas looking at some dmf trinkets earlier today
19:18.09ari5avthere's more than that, google for "MIT opencourseware"
19:18.22fewynstill need a 6 for that embers deck
19:18.24fewyndidn't get any today
19:18.45BlackNethurricane and earthquake
19:19.10*** join/#wowhead TechDevout (~Miranda@
19:20.19*** join/#wowhead TechDevout (~Miranda@
19:25.23RawsTime for some hot, saucy luncher
19:25.27*** join/#wowhead CyberKiLL (
19:25.31RawsLoafed meat and köttbullar leftovers
19:25.41CyberKiLLdoes anyone know of a new way that fixes rep with bootybay and such?
19:26.03NerkelCyberKiLL, same old way
19:26.05Nerkellots of cloth
19:26.36hyljemeatballs you pretentious faux-swede!!
19:28.30*** join/#wowhead Sonka (~Secret@
19:31.56Kingcocomangodo i need to know imaginary numbers before i start learning calculus?
19:32.13hyljeyou need to start with imaginary numbers
19:32.35hyljedon't be bothered by your real friends claiming you're insane
19:32.47hyljethey can't see your imaginary friends, that's to be expected
19:33.06JunkPhonehey does anyone know when the Arthas novel became available in paperback?
19:33.09JunkPhonei had been waiting for it to, but evebtually forgot.
19:33.34JunkPhoneordered it this weekend though when i found out it was in paperback now.
19:33.49bladekittyKingcocomango: no, basic calculus is simply the rate of change of rate of change
19:33.58bladekittynot that imaginary numbers are a hard concept
19:33.58JunkPhonei ordered a bunch of books.:(
19:34.23hyljeha ha ha you bought warcraft novels
19:35.19JunkPhoneyup. i dont read them. i just collect them
19:35.29JunkPhoneand the strategy guides too.
19:35.44hyljeyou could collect my little pony, that would be a better investment and cooler to collect to boot
19:36.14JunkPhonemaybe so, but oh well
19:36.33djh-can you take me inside this a little bit?  how many WoW strategy guides do you own?
19:36.34NerkelYay, I found a correlation dealing with archaeology
19:36.49JunkPhonelets see...
19:37.02JunkPhonei have the original one, the revised one...
19:37.06Kingcocomangobladekitty,isnt that the derivative?
19:37.11JunkPhonedungeon companions 1 and 2
19:37.19JunkPhonethe bestiary
19:37.21bladekittyKingcocomango: basic calculus is derivative
19:37.29JunkPhonetbc and wotlk ones
19:37.47bladekittyWIKIPEDIA TO THE RESCUE
19:37.48bladekittyCalculus (Latin, calculus, a small stone used for counting) is a branch of mathematics focused on limits, functions, derivatives, integrals, and infinite series.
19:37.48JunkPhoneand i ordered cataclysm one and dungeon companion 3
19:37.59JunkPhoneso what is that? 9
19:38.05Kingcocomangookay blade
19:38.15RawsI just received the first batch from my dad's 2010 honey harvest
19:38.23RawsI have to say, it tastes especially like honey this year
19:38.24Kingcocomangoi also love fresh honey
19:38.27bladekittyRaws: lol
19:39.00Kingcocomangodoes he use feeding,or flowers,or freerange?
19:39.10ProNihilistis there a teleport from Org to Shattrah or would I need to find a mage?
19:39.15RawsThey're free to suck on whatever they want
19:39.31bladekittyRaws: INNUENDO SO STRONG
19:39.48RawsIf my innuendo was ever weak, I'd consider it an insult
19:39.58djh-JunkPhone: do you seal them in anything?  display them somehow?
19:40.06JunkPhonepro you can take the portal to blasted lands
19:40.17djh-do you have pictures?
19:40.26JunkPhonenah, i just keep them nice and neat.
19:41.10JunkPhonethe strategy guides are useful for the game. but theyre fun to look at.
19:45.36*** join/#wowhead starspun` (
19:48.11occyholy shit @ the spawn rate of this one quest @ The Blackwald (Worgen starting area)    you can aggro as much as up to 4 mobs if you aren't careful, and even if you are, then you'll get like backspawns on your ass that are faster than you can kill them.  I tried single and boxing and same thing.
19:48.45hyljedeal with it
19:58.09Kingcocomangowait,the tangent toa a line would just be the slope
19:58.21Kingcocomangoi thought the derivative was the change in the slope
19:58.41Kingcocomangoat really small change in X
20:00.00Nerkeloccy, mobs respawn insanely fast now
20:03.05jonnSTOP IT
20:03.47*** join/#wowhead zax (
20:04.27ari5avlines officially don't have tangents
20:05.06ari5ava tangent is a line that contains a line segment that touches a curve at exactly one point
20:05.28Kingcocomangohe called the slope of the tangent the derivative
20:05.40Kingcocomangoi thought that was just slope
20:05.51jonnits the slope at exactly that point
20:06.46jonnKingcocomango: what topic are you trying to learn
20:06.55jonnjust what the derivative is?
20:07.11jonnbut what specific topic
20:07.12Kingcocomangoso derivative is just the slope at a point?
20:07.20Kingcocomangonothing specific
20:07.24Kingcocomangojust calculus
20:07.42jonnare you computing them using two points?
20:08.22ari5avthe derivative is the slope, at a point.  exactly.
20:08.30Kingcocomangojust hating how wikipedia was torturing me
20:08.43jonnits probably showing you secant, etc
20:08.47Kingcocomangojust that line at the begining of the article,would solve it all
20:09.05jonnits important to note that the tangent doesnt cross the line
20:09.06ari5avimagine you're driving.  you're stopped, so your rate of change is 1.0 - slowing down would be between 0 and 1, and speeding up is between 1 and \inf
20:09.20*** join/#wowhead Ketho (
20:09.59ari5avyou hit your gas, and at infinitely many split-seconds, you record how fast you are going.  if you draw it out as a graph, it looks like a line that curves upward
20:10.03ari5avare you with me so far?
20:10.38Kingcocomangoyes,i understand this
20:10.56ari5avthe derivative, which is the slope of the curve AT A CERTAIN POINT, is your rate of change.  how fast are you accelerating - not how fast are you currently going.
20:11.00Kingcocomangoand may i mention he is trying to teach the diffrence between a secant and a tangent
20:11.01ari5avhow fast are you getting faster
20:11.30Kingcocomangoyes i got all that
20:11.41Kingcocomangofrom the derivative is the slope at a point
20:11.58ari5avso, if you're still accelerating after 2 seconds, you might be going 20 mph.  but that's your speed, the f(x) to your x, so to speak.
20:11.58Kingcocomangosince slope is all that
20:12.04Kingcocomangoits just a more precise slope
20:13.27ari5avso if you have this curve, which is just a function f(x) in itself (right?), then by taking the derivative of the function itself, you have a simpler expression that you can now plug x into to figure out - after x seconds, how fast was I accelerating?
20:13.57ari5avthis is called f'(x), pronounced "f prime of x"
20:14.07ari5avand represents the derivative of f(x)
20:14.46ari5avyou would need this if you were, for example, adjusting the timings and fuel injection rate in your engine.
20:14.53starspun#mathead, hylje
20:14.54Kingcocomangonow to hear more of the 12 lecture hours
20:14.58starspunRather than #methhead
20:15.05starspunI MISSED AN H IN THERE SHH
20:16.14ari5avbecause if you were to graph out f'(x) and you noticed a sudden drop in your acceleration rate at a certain speed, you'd want to adjust that
20:16.52ari5avstarspun: oh like anyone was talking about anything else :(
20:17.05Kingcocomangocalculus solved
20:17.11ari5avyou're welcome
20:17.29ari5avtbqh that's all you really need to know in SV calc
20:17.33starspunHow to do homework: Get online, join #wowhead, make them do it.
20:17.43Kingcocomangoanother comment : hexamine tablets are sold here in ukraine for about 2/7s of a dollar per 9 tablets
20:17.43starspunNOTED FOR FUTURE REFERENCE (if I go back to school)
20:17.44RawsAlternatively: SMS Gary
20:17.55Kingcocomangoie i can make cheap c4 at my home
20:17.55starspunOh that's a solution as well
20:18.09Kingcocomangoand no-one would find out
20:18.25Kingcocomangostar,it wasnt home work
20:18.32ari5avonce you know that, you can use the method to derive a function to derive anything.
20:18.37Kingcocomangoi wanted to understand diferential equations
20:18.45Kingcocomangoso i had to start learning calc
20:18.52ari5avdifferentials are, well...
20:19.16ari5avi <3 math
20:19.19Kingcocomangoim hungry,so tell me where
20:19.21*** join/#wowhead stew-a (~Stewart@unafilliated/stewa/x-008753)
20:19.27*** join/#wowhead Lugburz (
20:19.29ari5avwhere can you find out about diffyQ?
20:19.33Kingcocomangoi <3 science
20:19.35ari5avsame site, academic earth
20:19.46Kingcocomangoyes,i noticed the lecture
20:20.45ari5avi taught myself 3d trig and a bit of vector calc when I was 14 because i wanted to learn about 3d graphics and how to program them
20:21.12Kingcocomangoi was busy learning chem at 14
20:21.12jonni hate vectors
20:21.20Kingcocomangoand elec eng at 15
20:21.33Kingcocomangoand i learnt little of both
20:21.36Kingcocomangojust the basics
20:22.07ari5avjonn: don't think of them as vectors and you're fine
20:22.29*** join/#wowhead Gunrun (~sausages@
20:22.39jonnwhy the fuck did blizzard remove zulgrub
20:22.41JunkPhoneat 14, i didnt learn shit.
20:22.43jonnseems so retarded
20:23.19ari5avthe only useful thing i ever learned in school, in 12 years, was how to write in cursive.
20:23.26jonnthats not useful
20:23.36Kingcocomangoschool was more useful for me
20:23.45Kingcocomangonot much,but useful
20:23.58Kingcocomangohowever extracuricular learning was always better
20:24.05ari5avjonn: you'd be surprised how much it impresses people.
20:24.09ari5avwomen, especially.
20:24.28ari5avgood handwriting is an instant panty-remover
20:24.30JunkPhonei didnt do much in school.
20:24.30JunkPhoneslept a bit.
20:24.30JunkPhoneread magazines.
20:24.35JunkPhonedrew pictures.
20:24.59ari5avhell I dropped out of high school just so I could start uni early, because high school sucked hard
20:25.19Kingcocomangosame here
20:25.26Kingcocomangohowever i didnt drop out
20:25.33ari5avand now i'm in a dead end programming job :(
20:25.35Kingcocomangoi took the sat,then aplied
20:25.49Kingcocomangoi chose med,hard to be dead-ended there
20:25.58JunkPhonei just graduated high school and was done.
20:26.14Kingcocomangoworks for lots of people
20:27.11JunkPhonei have a decent job. thats all really.
20:27.15JunkPhonebut considering my area... at least i have a damn job.
20:27.43Kingcocomangowhich is why i said it works
20:28.23Lugburzhigh school does suck hard /agree
20:29.06njoos1 holy shit
20:29.07Kingcocomangohello lug
20:29.20*** join/#wowhead Arkaen_ (
20:29.30Lugburzlol I love how its miku
20:31.15Lugburzalso how msot the comments are about how crazy japan is and like how its creepy for people to like that
20:31.20StormkittyI'm going to see Tron today
20:31.38Lugburzoh yeah
20:31.41LugburzI was told about that
20:31.50StormkittyYou can still make it here in time
20:31.53Stormkittyif you can clear customs
20:32.03Lugburzcustoms are easy bro
20:32.11Lugburzseriously you say you are going skiing they dont care
20:32.20Lugburzplus its like thats all I try to do in canada
20:32.41Stormkittywith US Customs my family always said shopping in Bellingham
20:33.21*** join/#wowhead `vip (~denied@
20:33.45Lugburzbellingham is kind of lame
20:33.55Lugburzno wonder the college there is such a part cxollege
20:34.00Lugburzpartyu college'
20:34.17StormkittyYeah but it's the closest place to shop to the border
20:34.24StormkittyPeople basically only go there to shop
20:34.29Lugburzlol yeah
20:34.36Lugburzoh same with fridays at mount baker
20:34.56Lugburzthey had a dea lwhere they accepted canadian currency at 1:1 the canadians filled it up lol
20:35.08StormkittyMore like Mount BAKED amirite
20:35.13Lugburzpretty much only crazy canucks were at mtbaker there
20:35.18Lugburzhave you ever been there?
20:35.25Lugburzor at least to glacier?
20:35.56Lugburzbecause if you havent you cant comprehend the amount of pot that there is there and in glacier.
20:36.26StormkittyLuggy I dated a girl whose mom dated a Hell's Angel. I can comprehend very large quantites of pot
20:37.04Lugburznice, also I have a gabber stream going this is great
20:37.10Lugburzis currently listening to Unexist - Live @ Twisted & Brainfire, Glasgow, Scotland (0:29 / 0:00).
20:37.16Lugburzthose fucking scottish
20:37.32Lugburzalso im get around today Stormkitty tell me how it goes
20:40.45JunkPhonei need to buy a new mouse.:(
20:41.17rosemountI just had a moment of vertigo
20:41.23Kingcocomangoari,can i ask a favor
20:41.27Kingcocomangoin this vid
20:41.27LugburzJunkPhone; I plan on getting the rat7 it looks awesome
20:41.34Kingcocomangoat around 9:30
20:41.34rosemountmy head almost collided with the screen >.<
20:41.39JunkPhoneno idea what that is.
20:41.45Kingcocomangohow did the derivative of 80 = 0
20:43.17ari5avbecause you take a derivative of a function.  if your function is a static value, like f(x) = 80, then if you graph out f(x) there's no change in its rate.  the slope at x=1 is the same as the slope at x=2.
20:43.43ari5avso there's no change in slope between point A on the function's graph and point B
20:43.50ari5avso the rate of change is 0
20:44.22JunkPhoneok yeah that rat 7 mouse... not for me.
20:44.31ari5avderivative = rate of change between f(x) and f(x+[some small value])
20:45.09ari5avoh wow i didn't even see that you referred to one of the lectures :D
20:45.58JunkPhoneill have to find a review on it.
20:46.17JunkPhonebecause based on looks, its ugh. and seems like overkill for me.
20:46.32ari5avKingcocomango: understand or more questions?
20:48.20*** join/#wowhead `vip (~denied@
20:52.02*** join/#wowhead Ressolute (
20:53.23TecnoBratif you are traveling along at 80mph
20:53.27TecnoBratnot increasing, or decreasing
20:53.32Kingcocomangoi get it
20:53.45Kingcocomangosince 80 is not a function
20:53.48Kingcocomangoit is static
20:53.56Kingcocomangoand since it is static,there is no change
20:54.06Kingcocomangoand since there is nochange,there is no derivative
20:54.50TecnoBratthats awesome.
20:55.45TecnoBrat"Note derivative is positive where green, negative where red, and zero where black."
20:56.03Gary13579pandora is playing waterfalls
20:56.11TecnoBratari5av: ^^
20:56.18TecnoBratpicture worth 1000 words I'd say.
20:57.48lintsubut it's video
21:00.29Arkaen_lintsu: Technically just multiple pictures
21:00.51lintsuit's like whole calculus?
21:01.54*** join/#wowhead `vip (~denied@
21:04.50Kingcocomangostomachs are assholes
21:05.10Kingcocomangosilent farts when no-ones around,gigantic as soon as someone comes in
21:08.03*** join/#wowhead [1]Kingcocomango (~Kingcocom@
21:10.30LimberoI won an authenticator
21:12.29Gary13579NO PROBS
21:12.59starspunI'D LIKE SOME TOAST BUT I JUST ATE :(
21:14.14LugburzI would love some toast
21:17.36Arkaen_TOAST SUCKS
21:20.11Lugburzis currently listening to Tha Playah - Weird Clit (Neophyte and Evil Activities remix) (43:30 / 0:00).
21:20.13Lugburzthis song is like
21:20.28Lugburzand then has stuff like what the guy from clerks would say
21:22.55*** join/#wowhead mascondante (
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21:57.31*** join/#wowhead Bibi (~Bibi@unaffiliated/bibi)
21:57.48MorrilI think im just going to play sims3 for like 10 hours
21:58.23rosemountyou need a social life
22:00.46*** join/#wowhead Gary|thinkpad (~zzz@unaffiliated/Gary13579)
22:01.36Limberolol, if you have a Worgen Female as your default character on the hed is behind the search bar
22:02.01njoos1My hat is almost behind Limbero
22:02.02njoos1MY HAT
22:02.06*** join/#wowhead afkafka (~afkafka@wikimedia/afkafka)
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22:06.08Kingcocomangois there a standard way to calculate limits?
22:06.13Kingcocomangoor just use my head?
22:06.22Kingcocomangoor just plug in the number?
22:07.05Morril<rosemount> you need a social life
22:07.16MorrilIts monday and its winter holiday.
22:07.28rosemountdamn you
22:07.38rosemountI have holidays on 24th
22:07.45rosemountschool on 23th
22:08.02MorrilI wont see anyone for like three weeks.
22:08.11MorrilIm screwed because  ALL I do is socialize.
22:08.38MorrilI get paid to go to work and ask everyone how they are doing now im on a months holiday from both school and work
22:09.03jonnso i went holy
22:09.10jonni sorta feel bad for the first group of people i do an instance with
22:10.09TecnoBratso I got that at my company christmas party as a present
22:10.14TecnoBratmy son LOVES it
22:10.18TecnoBratit took me 2 hours to setup
22:12.21rosemountnn everyone#
22:12.25Rawsg'night Rose!
22:12.52Limberosomething on my computer just went "bleebloop"
22:12.56LimberoI have no idea what
22:13.08Limberooh, facebook chat
22:13.11TecnoBratLimbero: oops, sorry, I'll turn the sound off
22:13.29*** join/#wowhead Leon|Home (
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22:21.21*** join/#wowhead TechDevout (~Miranda@
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22:34.16Freyja[The Wowhead Blog] TankSpot's Guide to Atramedes in Blackwing Descent -
22:37.38*** join/#wowhead Astarael_ (~Astarael@unaffiliated/candescent)
22:42.49[Wheaties]Progeny has rickrolled 1524455056 people.
22:43.08TecnoBratwait ... thats ... gone .. up?
22:43.10TecnoBrata lot.
22:44.29Malgayne1.5 BILLION people?
22:44.45MalgayneProgeny has rickrolled one sixth of the population of the earth?
22:46.17TecnoBratit counted spiders
22:46.22TecnoBratalso counts multiple views
22:46.34TecnoBratif the page loads, it counts
22:46.46Malgayneyou put this into place what, a year ago?
22:46.54TecnoBratno, like 4
22:47.02MalgayneAlright 4 years ago
22:47.07Arkaen_400 million a year
22:47.11Arkaen_#1 Tecnobrat
22:47.42RawsI remember when just about everyone who joined this channel got tecnoprogenyrolled
22:47.44MalgayneThat's 13 times a second
22:47.47MalgayneEvery day
22:47.50MalgayneSince the day it went up
22:50.57TecnoBratits getting like 500,000 spider hits a day :/
22:51.30TecnoBratlooks like msn is doing something wacky with forums
22:51.36TecnoBratthey are reindexing them, or something
22:51.43TecnoBratsomethings weird is going on
22:52.06MalgayneBefore Cataclysm
22:52.12MalgayneWowhead got about 10 million pageviews a day
22:52.18Kingcocomangoso limits are basically an underhand way to ignore that you cant divide/multiply by 0
22:52.22RawsThe spiders are making cow noises
22:52.29MalgayneThat means that your rickroll page is doing 5% of Wowhead's traffic
22:52.32Malgaynejust in spiders
22:52.50TecnoBratyea, for some reason its being reindexed repeatedly
22:52.53TecnoBratI'm not really sure why
22:53.07Arkaen_I don't have a spoon
22:53.18starspunAsk Salad Fingers to share
22:53.35Kingcocomangosince lim x->x0 f(x)-f(x0)/x-x0  X x-xo = f'x0 X 0
22:53.46Kingcocomangothat implies x-x0 is 0
22:53.57Kingcocomangobut it allaws it by saying its not 0
22:54.02Kingcocomangojust infinitly close?
22:54.27TecnoBrat"approaching 0" is the phrase you are looking for
22:54.36TecnoBratit never hits 0
22:55.16*** join/#wowhead Bozpak__ (
22:55.19JunkPhonei hit 0.
22:55.27JunkPhonenothing happened.:(
22:59.03TecnoBratKingcocomango: limit just reduces the amount of records returned by your SQL statement.
23:01.52*** join/#wowhead fewyn (
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23:02.37jonnanyone have alchemy?
23:02.45jonni'm wondering what the main sources of $$ for it are, transmutes?
23:02.46*** join/#wowhead fewyn- (
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23:04.12njoos1selling shit it makes I guess
23:04.30RawsShit it makes on its own
23:04.42RawsYour alchemy skill has become self-aware
23:05.02jonni did some math on the flasks
23:05.11jonnand they dont seem to be making much at all, if anything
23:05.19*** join/#wowhead mike77800 (~mike77800@
23:05.28Djanethe masses aren't raiding yet.
23:06.05*** join/#wowhead Anubisss (~Anubisss@
23:08.27DisperseSo, the only thing alchemist get is a mount, a trinket and enchanced flasks/elixirs with the right mastery.. no any other real perks?
23:08.41AstaraelTruegold still sells for a wee bit.
23:09.12DjaneOnly an awesome mount, a 359 epic, a cashcow for the entire expansion and the ability to be nigh on self sufficient.
23:09.16DisperseYeah, so not dropping tailoring for alchemy then. I was thinkin' about it.
23:09.23DjaneYeah, tailoring gives you errrr
23:09.28Djaneoh right spellthreads.
23:09.33DisperseThreads, embroideries.
23:09.50DjaneThe minmaxxing advantage of alchemy is identical to tailoring
23:09.52njoos1get LW and jc
23:10.09*** part/#wowhead Anmity (
23:10.22Arkaen_Get Engineering
23:10.25DjaneAlchemy has much more than tailoring.
23:10.25Arkaen_For ~GOGGLES~
23:11.06DisperseWell, as a priest I don't need the trinket.
23:11.41DjaneDisperse, for raiding, both are as good as each other. For everything else, tailoring is in the bottom of the barrel in terms of economic growth, utility and fun.
23:12.39DisperseWell, it's not the only toon I have. Might do it on something else. But dropping 490 tailoring(so far), to start over on Alchemy just isn't seemin' worth it?
23:12.43*** join/#wowhead Kamikaze28 (~Kamikaze2@unaffiliated/kamikaze28)
23:12.49DjaneProbably not, no,
23:12.56TecnoBratahh my coworker
23:12.57TecnoBrat"my frined invited my to go houseboating in canada this summer .. what does hat mean .. just chillin on a boat? getting messed up?"
23:13.02TecnoBratshes from LA
23:13.30TecnoBrat"when one goes houseboating ... i suposed they mean more than living on a boat"
23:14.24*** join/#wowhead [1]Kingcocomango (~Kingcocom@
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23:27.13winkfirst heroic done
23:28.26deek|mmm, hot
23:28.59starspunTecnoBrat, my frined
23:29.14TecnoBratI am not your friend!
23:29.23TecnoBratstarspun: her typing is TERRIBLE
23:29.30starspunI noticed.
23:29.38starspunHI FRINED
23:31.35*** join/#wowhead Clearness (~victory@
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23:36.04Primarsteam is ridiculous
23:36.13TecnoBratNO YOU
23:36.17PrimarI hate them so much, taking all my money
23:36.35TecnoBrats/steam is ridiculous/steam is ridiculously good/
23:36.39JunkPhoneis there a new sale on now?
23:36.53Primaryes to both
23:38.24JunkPhoneunreal pack for 15 bucks.
23:38.36JunkPhonei might get that if i dont already hafe it.
23:41.11JunkPhonei never play the games i buy on steam, but theyre just so cheap.
23:43.13MalgayneI have the same problem
23:46.18*** join/#wowhead Gary|tp (
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23:47.46JunkPhonedoes that work?
23:48.29JunkPhonei take it that it does.
23:48.29*** join/#wowhead Azisa (Sin_Chase@
23:49.04*** join/#wowhead Nerkel (
23:49.08Mr_Rabiesoh, oh okay
23:49.10NerkelMalgayne, You have a friend ;p
23:49.13AzisaAny other warriors about who can test a macro for me?
23:49.22*** join/#wowhead afkafka (~afkafka@wikimedia/afkafka)
23:50.11Nerkel[Death Knight dude] As a person who uses wowhead so much, if I knew he (Malgayne) was even on this server I would give him a personal thanks
23:50.24MalgayneWhere's that from?
23:50.25NerkelSomeone whispered me
23:50.27NerkelIn game
23:50.39Malgayneon Velen?
23:51.05MalgayneThat's worth logging on for
23:51.09NerkelYou should
23:51.13*** join/#wowhead eith (

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