IRC log for #wowhead on 20100303

00:02.48[NaL]Stormscape: I wikied coconut crab
00:02.51[NaL]"The coconut crab, especially if it is not yet fully grown, is also sold as a pet, for example, in Tokyo."
00:02.53[NaL]Oh Japan
00:03.39*** join/#wowhead JunkHead-Work (
00:04.11Stormscapethe Japanese
00:04.17Stormscapekeep nature's wrecking ball
00:04.18Stormscapeas a pet
00:04.20Stormscapethink about that.
00:04.50StormscapeBest part though
00:04.52Stormscape"It is also called the robber crab or palm thief, because some coconut crabs are rumored to steal shiny items such as pots and silverware from houses and tents."
00:04.57Stormscapegiant magpies
00:05.16[NaL]Stormscape: is there anything the Japanese won't do?
00:05.21StormscapeNaL: be normal
00:06.06StormscapeThey're the most useless crabs ever
00:06.10StormscapeThey can fuckin drown
00:06.45malikeyeI don't think crabs can drown
00:07.09Stormscapemalikeye, Coconut Crabs can.
00:07.22[NaL]malikeye: anything can drown
00:07.28[NaL]just take the oxygen out of water
00:07.42StormscapeBest part about the coconut crab
00:07.45Stormscapeif it grabs you
00:07.51Stormscapeyou have to tickle its junk to get it to let go
00:08.44[NaL]I'd think that most people would smash it in before thinking of tickling it
00:08.54malikeyeespecially in the junk
00:09.10malikeyelemme see here, lets try tickling it's balls, see what that does
00:09.59Gunrungrrr misery bg offline
00:10.19Gunrunworst/best excuse for an afk in a random heroic today -
00:10.28Gunrun"brb after this boss"
00:10.31Gunrun"baby crying"
00:11.17DeMyztikXfrostmageftw enters raid group
00:11.22DeMyztikXfrostmageftw has died
00:11.28DeMyztikXfrostmageftw has died
00:11.34DeMyztikXfrostmageftw has left the raid group
00:12.06StormscapeNaL the problem is
00:12.07GunrunI think "brb, baby crying" is going to be the least bitched about afk excuses
00:12.10Stormscapethe Coconut Crab
00:12.17Stormscapeis as hard as a coconut
00:12.18GunrunI mean who's going to complain that you're tending to a small child?
00:12.32*** join/#wowhead kd3 (~kd3@wikia/kaydeethree)
00:12.40[NaL]Stormscape: I have a butcher's knife in the kitchen
00:12.42malikeyeraises hand
00:12.54malikeyeraid is a raid bitch
00:16.08Stormscapeaha I found the article
00:16.13Stormscapebest cracked article ever
00:16.42JunkHead-Workfind the one about movies made even better by viewer's theories
00:17.17Stormscape"That's right: The best way to get this enormous, amphibious, cannonball-eating tank-spider to release its death grip is to tickle its junk with a feather. We doubt that's even an automatic reflex, the crab probably just thinks it's funny to watch you demean yourself for its amusement."
00:20.10*** join/#wowhead EsmD (~EsmD^@unaffiliated/esmd)
00:21.27ArkaenThat article
00:22.06KrisCHowever, it doesn't stop there. Giant water bugs are considered to have one of the most painful bites in the bug world. They sink their mandibles into you and inject their saliva, which is used to liquefy their prey's insides so that it can be sucked out through their needle-like mouth. In severe cases, they can inject enough saliva into a human to permanently damage the muscle tissue.
00:22.08KrisCSo it literally liquefies your muscles, and metaphorically liquefies your testicles.
00:22.50[NaL]snake venom can do worse
00:23.03KrisC[NaL]: A flying waterwalking bug
00:23.08KrisCSnakes don't fly
00:23.10KrisCAt least
00:23.16KrisCI hope they don't
00:24.07[NaL]There are gliding snakes
00:29.12DeMyztikXoh god...
00:29.18*** join/#wowhead Mori-neko (
00:30.03ArkaenI'm smart
00:30.07DeMyztikXlevel 12 warrior should not top the charts in a BG group.
00:30.11ArkaenI left my homework that I have to type in my locker
00:30.17ArkaenDeMyztikX: No they should not
00:30.20ArkaenBut people are bad
00:30.58DeMyztikXNo, I'm bad. I still took near the top in my BG.
00:31.42Arkaenwingin' it.
00:36.26ArkaenIomega sucks
00:36.39Arkaenthey don't have some of the information I needc
00:46.35MasterOfDisguiseThere goes Toyko
00:47.00*** join/#wowhead EsmD (~EsmD^@unaffiliated/esmd)
00:47.19DeMyztikXIomega still exsists?
00:47.32Gunrunremember when I said I had a shaman ding yesterday?
00:47.44GunrunI think I've done quite well all said and done
00:49.41*** join/#wowhead eith (
00:54.48MasterOfDisguiseWhat the hell
00:54.59DjaneGunrun, just a shame you didn't get any VoA loot.
00:55.04MasterOfDisguiseI could have dealt without that rumbler siren a minute ago
00:55.54Corganlicks Djane
00:56.02CorganMumble is sexy
00:56.05Djanetastes like acid and fear.
00:56.24Corganalso, we figure we're going to use the 5% buff to kill the lich king
00:56.32Corganbecause the LK encounter is stupidly overtuned
00:56.36Corganand it's just dumb
00:57.09CorganI didn't want to use it at first
00:57.17Corganbecause it's like, LOL DO IT THE WAY IT'S SUPPOSED TO BE DONE
00:57.17DjaneWell there's the principle of the thing.
00:57.18Corganbut really
00:57.24Corganblizzard fucked up the tuning of it
00:57.29Corganthe way I see it
00:57.38DjaneIt feels as hard as a heroic
00:57.40Corganthey overtuned it so that 25 man guilds would have a somewhat difficult chance doing it
00:57.47DjaneReasonable assumption.
00:57.52Corganand then they would give the buff
00:57.55Corganto allow 10 man guilds
00:57.56Corganto do it
00:58.07DjaneIt's frustrating as a 10man strict guild though.
00:58.21DjaneWe're not top world, and at the end of the day we're not even that hardcore.
00:58.28DjaneWe raid 2-3 nights a week, and we don't extend lockouts.
00:58.43JunkHead-WorkWe're gonna try to raid 3 days this week.
00:59.01JunkHead-Work2 days of raiding isn't doing much for us.
00:59.02Djaneso only the most hardcore of hardcore 10man strict guilds can down him, and as a normal boss that doesn't feel right.
00:59.14CorganDjane, exactly
00:59.14DjaneI know he IS the lich king, I get that.
00:59.22DjaneBut he's not a heroic boss, it's normal.
00:59.30CorganThat's why I think that blizzard put the buff ingame to gradually undertune it
00:59.34Corganso that it wasn't just
00:59.38CorganLOL HARDCORE 10 GUILDS
00:59.39DjaneHe's still never gonna be pugable.
00:59.40CorganAND 25 MAN GUILDS
00:59.43Corganoh god no
00:59.52DjaneEven when it stacks to 30%
00:59.53CorganThe rest of the instance, probably
00:59.55Corganat 30%
01:00.02Corganjust because you can zerg the stuff down
01:00.04JunkHead-WorkHow does the zone-wide buff work?
01:00.12JunkHead-WorkDo you just talk to someone in IC and get it?
01:00.16CorganIt's active
01:00.18Corganwhen you zone in
01:00.23Corganand you talk to someone to deactivate it
01:00.24JunkHead-WorkOh ok.
01:00.29CorganI'm not sure if you can re-activate it though
01:00.32JunkHead-Work5% bonus to everything.
01:00.33DjaneCorgan, will it be active for heroics?
01:00.34CorganI doubt you can
01:00.38CorganDjane, prolly not
01:00.43DjaneKinda hope not.
01:01.18Djanebut yeah, the dps boost will be welcome.
01:01.29DjaneWe're just short of having enough.
01:01.35CorganIt's kind of like
01:01.37Corganthat extra push
01:01.40DjaneAnd we don't spend anywhere near enough time on him.
01:01.51DjaneWe've spent maybe 4 hours on him in total.
01:02.09DjaneWe still have to do tribute to dedicated insanity and yogg+0
01:02.55DjanePersonally I want to be extending the lockout.
01:03.09DjaneIt's like, we're almost as geared as geared can be.
01:03.19DjaneLet's just spend a full entire week on him.
01:04.46DjaneBut people need offsets.
01:05.08DjaneWhich seems a little countrary to our stance as a progression raiding guild.
01:05.21Arkaen^ from trade chat
01:05.22DjaneBut i understand the desire to have two sets of decent gear, but I'm a mage so...
01:05.45CorganDjane, I don't ned anything from ICC10 at all
01:05.52DjaneI just need the staff.
01:05.56Corganand I don't want to extend the lockout
01:05.57Corganjust because
01:06.05CorganDoing the other bosses is a nice change of pace
01:06.16DjaneCorgan, i'd rather be doing the other bosses on heroic than having them on farm.
01:06.30Djane-once- we get the lich king down, that gives us so much more flexibility.
01:06.41CorganFair Enough, but why ignore them when you can clear them easily enough
01:06.54DeMyztikXwho ever was incharge of naming quests for the Dranei needs to be fired.
01:06.56CorganIt takes about 3ish hours to do it
01:06.59DeMyztikXTree's Company
01:07.04DeMyztikXKessel Run
01:07.11DjaneBecause we raid 10 hours a week at most. 3 hours = tribute to dedicated insanity, VoA, weekly raid, yogg+0
01:07.23Djane3hours then goes to clearing up to lichie
01:07.29DjaneSo that only leaves 1 raid, basically for him.
01:07.43DjaneBut that's at most, if we don't get 3 nights, we don't even get any real attempts on him.
01:08.12Djaneonce we clear Tribute, and yogg+0, and if we can guarentee 3 nights a week, I'd have no desire to extend it either.
01:08.26Corganpersonally, I would do tribute, yogg+0 and stuff on the third night
01:08.33Corgando icc10 first
01:08.37JunkHead-WorkThe best quest name ever.
01:08.39Corganfirst night clear up to LK
01:08.43Corganget maybe 2-3 pulls
01:08.50Corganthen go in the next day and spend the day on him
01:08.52Djanejust to refresh memories.
01:08.53CorganThat's what we do
01:09.16KrisCMmm pudding
01:09.32*** join/#wowhead Arkaen_ (
01:10.01Gunrunwhy was I put in pit of saron????
01:10.05Gunrunblizzard is DUMB
01:10.22JunkHead-WorkU WAS PUT IN DA PIT!!!
01:10.29JunkHead-WorkPUT! PIT!
01:10.33DjaneGunrun, i ended up in PoS with a 27k druid tank(after kings, gotw and fortitude) earlier today
01:10.34Gunrunalso those mobs after ick are WAY harder than the boss
01:10.42DjaneAnd then he pulled two packs straight off and died.
01:10.46DjaneNo way you can be that bad ;)
01:10.51DjaneYes, the ramp is the problem.
01:10.53Gunrundjane this is me -
01:10.57JunkHead-WorkI had a similar tank today in HoL.
01:11.00DjaneI saw above.
01:11.02DjaneYou can heal that.
01:11.08JunkHead-WorkHe was in a hurry to finish so he could go to work.
01:11.10GunrunI couldn't :S
01:11.13DjaneJunkHead-Work, the difference is, you don't need a tank for HoL :p
01:11.15DjaneGunrun, ach
01:11.27JunkHead-WorkSO in the room of all of the dwarves and vanguards, he decided to ... not be smart about pulls.
01:11.33JunkHead-WorkAnd lots of peopel died.
01:11.35Djanethat room is a bitch
01:11.51DjaneStuns and aoe damage
01:11.55JunkHead-WorkHe stood there waiting for the vanguard pat...
01:12.01JunkHead-WorkThen got it and another group.
01:12.10JunkHead-WorkAnd he had gear sure... but he was dumb.
01:12.13Gunrunthat room in halls of lightning is by far the hardest run of trash in any ilevel 200 hc
01:12.14DjaneThat's certainly doable nowadays, you just have to be smart about it
01:12.15JunkHead-WorkAnd reckless
01:12.29JunkHead-WorkEveryone was getting knocked back due to his positioning
01:12.39JunkHead-WorkWe ending up killing over half the room because of it.
01:12.54DjaneJunkHead-Work, by doable I mean it's doable to pull 2-3 groups at once and kill them easily enough
01:13.05Djaneand by smart i mean proper positioning and correct use of aoe silences.
01:13.33DjaneGunrun, thinking about it, it probably is.
01:13.45JunkHead-WorkAnd everytime he'd do it, someoen would die.
01:13.49DjaneDTK has a nasty spot where you can end up with 4 deathkinghts on you.
01:13.51JunkHead-WorkAnd he'd keep going as I'm ressing
01:14.00JunkHead-WorkThe last pull, 2 peopel died.
01:14.02Gunrunits got mobs that can 2hit even a 25k health dps down to dead, and mobs that throw spears and charge out of agro into ranged
01:14.03JunkHead-Workand 1 left.
01:14.07Gunrunand sometimes those in the same pull
01:14.17JunkHead-WorkSo as I'm ressing a guy, we get a replacement, and the tank keeps going.
01:14.24Djaneand the tacticians do an aoe that hurts quite a bit
01:14.28JunkHead-WorkWhen we got near loken, I said "mana"
01:14.33JunkHead-Workdid he stop? nope.
01:14.48JunkHead-WorkSo we ran in on loken, with 3 people. and 1 sucked bad.
01:14.53JunkHead-Workand I had about 20% mana
01:15.02JunkHead-WorkCan it be done? sure.
01:15.04JunkHead-WorkWe did it.
01:15.07JunkHead-WorkWas it fun? no.
01:15.11JunkHead-WorkWas it smart? no.
01:15.23DjaneMy preferred way of getting through there is by only killing 2 packs
01:15.25StormscapeJust did Malygos10 for weekly
01:15.34JunkHead-WorkAnd i told the tank, i didn't care if he was in a hurry or not. every death we had was caused by his stupidity.
01:15.35Stormscapewe had him to 29% before Phase 2 started
01:15.53Djane2packs requires more skill than killing the entire room
01:16.07JunkHead-WorkAnd the way i see it...
01:16.07DjaneIt's harder to pull off than the safety dance.
01:16.22JunkHead-WorkIf you gotta kill a few extra mobs, fuck it. It's probably faster than people dying.
01:16.30JunkHead-WorkBut no.
01:16.38JunkHead-WorkThis guy was an idiot.
01:16.56JunkHead-WorkBasically yeah.
01:16.58DjaneI like to think when I get my pallie to 80(72) I'll be a decent tank
01:17.08JunkHead-WorkOh and loken was dead, our 5th member was nowhere near us.
01:17.09DjaneHaving seen all the terribads, I can't imagine myself making the same mistakes.
01:17.15JunkHead-WorkNo clue if he even got credit or not.
01:17.18Djanehe did
01:17.22JunkHead-WorkOk good.
01:17.46DjaneI got the credit for Stoneshaper dude in HoS from the entrance portal so
01:19.31KrisCNO U
01:19.52JunkHead-WorkEver see Hot Shots? (I can't remember if it was the 1st or 2nd movie)
01:19.58JunkHead-WorkWhere they're jumping out of the plane?
01:20.05JunkHead-WorkYelling "geronimo!"
01:20.06KrisCCan't say I have
01:20.24JunkHead-WorkThen an idian jumps out and yells "ME!!!!!"
01:20.54JunkHead-WorkAlso.. "Boy, did I pick a bad week to stop sniffing glue."
01:23.20*** join/#wowhead Mori-neko (
01:24.24*** join/#wowhead Herrick_ (
01:24.28[NaL]sniffs Herrick_
01:24.55Herrick_smells like rainbow unicorns
01:25.17[NaL]doesn't know what rainbow unicorns smell like
01:25.23[NaL]pukes on Herrick_
01:25.35Herrick_now smells like puke
01:28.05KrisCWhat are some good RPGs for the computer that don't take much to run/
01:28.26KrisC[NaL]: My computer can't even run runescape
01:29.13JunkHead-WorkGet a console emulator. and get some nes/snes/genesis games.
01:29.28KrisCI have snes/psx/64/gba
01:29.47KrisCI guess any of those would work too
01:30.32[NaL]KrisC: try The Battle for Wesnoth
01:30.46*** join/#wowhead g0urra (~g0urra@wowwiki/g0urra)
01:31.24KrisCEhh, not my type
01:31.42malikeyelike 5 pages of netherweave bags on this AH o_O
01:32.22[NaL]malikeye: kek
01:32.25malikeyemooncloth bags for 13g
01:32.28malikeyethat is cheap
01:33.18malikeyenetherweaves are 8g60s
01:34.07[NaL]just go for frostweave imo
01:34.12malikeyejust need to more and I'm good to go
01:34.26StormscapeI love Mooncloth Bags mainly for the fact they don't bind
01:34.49malikeyeI usually just stick with netherweave
01:34.56malikeyecause they're cheap
01:35.30DjaneAll my alts have frostweave.
01:35.36DjaneAnd all their banks have frostweave.
01:35.42Djaneand my banking alt has 11 glacial.
01:35.56malikeyeI just use a guild bank
01:36.06malikeyebut on this realm I'll need a mule, if I stick around
01:36.22DjaneYeah, I have 6 tabbed guild bank too
01:36.24Djaneall full
01:36.31DjanePersonal banking guild, that is.
01:36.44malikeyeonly 3 tabs for me
01:36.47malikeyewhich is plenty
01:36.55DjaneI move a lot of stock
01:36.58malikeyeI don't have any funds on this realm, so... well, on this faction
01:38.30[NaL]funds malikeye with chocolate
01:38.40StormscapeBlizzard is hinting at plans for cross-faction mailing between alts
01:38.42malikeyeI don't eat chocolate :(
01:38.49Stormscapewhich would include money and blues/purples etc
01:38.55malikeyeStormscape: that would be stellar
01:39.20StormscapeIt'd open up an entire market for me to buy mats for raiding from
01:39.21malikeyeI'm torn if I should stay shadow with this priest
01:39.21[NaL]injects malikeye with cocoa butter
01:39.28[NaL]go shadow/disc
01:39.33Stormscapemalikeye, yes
01:39.38StormscapeIf you're not bad at dots that is
01:39.40malikeyeI could easily level holy through the dungeon finder, fast
01:39.52Stormscapehealing queues take a year until like mid-40s
01:40.05malikeyeplus I already know holy
01:40.11malikeyeguess I'll stick with shadow
01:40.14StormscapeYeah but healing is boring
01:40.23[NaL]You can heal as shadow spec fine
01:40.35StormscapeI healed as shadow in 2.0.1 until level 60
01:40.37Stormscapewhen I stopped healing
01:41.02StormscapeLast time I healed was 3.0.1 and I healed Karazhan at level 70 as Disco
01:41.06Stormscapeall I did was like
01:41.07Stormscapespam buttons
01:41.09KrisCany moar suggestions?
01:41.10[NaL]heals Stormscape with Vampiric Embrace
01:41.10Stormscapeno idea what I was doing
01:41.25[NaL]KrisC: try throwing it in a fire
01:41.27malikeyemy main is a priest, and I've never been shadow with it
01:41.32KrisC[NaL]: nou
01:42.58Stormscape lololol
01:43.05kullervoDo you know any melancholic bagpipe or accordion music?
01:43.18StormscapeNumber 3 in popularity is "Option to skip Arthas being emo in CoS"
01:45.26DeMyztikXi'm the best wow player ever. I soloed hogger at level 70.
01:45.58kullervoSorry to bring you down, but I soloed the Snake on lvl 61
01:46.01ecstasiableh, character map is sooo limited
01:46.09[NaL]Hogger takes a 40 man gnome raid of level 80's
01:46.17DjaneYOU DON'T SIMPLY WALK INTO MORD...i mean Solo hogger.
01:46.38kullervothough seeing how this is a wowhead channel, you probably won't get a thottbot joke
01:46.44Djanehe probably just feign deathed and killed your parents, before you were born.
01:47.51DeMyztikXI solid snake on NES?
01:52.27DeMyztikXTracy Marrow?
01:54.44KrisCWTB good Spyro-esque games (Pre-shitization)
01:56.07JunkHead-WorkI don't know if I played Spyro.
01:56.43DjaneKrisC, assassins creed 2
01:56.59MasterOfDisguiseI hope tonight I can fall asleep before 2am.
01:57.24KrisCDjane: If I could buy my own '360 and AC2 do you think I would be complaining about being bored?
01:57.38Djanethe PS3 version looks better.
01:58.28KrisCEither way, if I had the cash for a new system, I would have bought a new computer
01:58.37Arkaensteady shot
02:01.27KrisCJunkHead-Work: Freeform ish platformers based on collecting items
02:01.34KrisCYou played Jak and Daxter?
02:02.12ArkaenMy hunter has steady shot
02:02.29ArkaenAlso, think I should switch from BM for dungeoning, KrisC?
02:02.36KrisCArkaen: Hmm
02:03.00ArkaenI plan on doing it by 60, due to the end-of-tree talents
02:03.02KrisCI find BM hunters to be hard to hold aggro with, if the dumbfucks don't know how to wait/Growl off
02:03.21ArkaenI have cower on
02:03.23Arkaenso shush, you.
02:03.36KrisCOkay then BM might be good
02:04.00[NaL]screw that
02:04.04[NaL]let the pet die
02:04.13[NaL]let the hunter die
02:04.15[NaL]and kick
02:04.40[NaL]There's no reason to carry retards who can't even follow step by step instructions
02:04.56[NaL]step by step
02:05.03[NaL]I mean pressing a single button
02:05.14KrisC[NaL]: I should stop assuming people know to wait
02:05.47[NaL]I always tell them "don't DPS until you see a consecrate"
02:05.55[NaL]if they DPS, votekick lol
02:06.13[NaL]Primar|Home: mehlol
02:09.40kullervowhere do you find these images
02:09.53kullervodon't these people know how to use the image resize and crop tools
02:09.58kuinkittyInternet, I think
02:10.21kullervoand more importantly, focus function on the camera
02:10.50kullervoplus the color balance is fucked in that one
02:14.55Rawshonk whack
02:15.30KrisCfuck its cold down here without the stove on
02:18.36Arkaengood spec y/n
02:19.22KrisCGet aimed shot if you can
02:19.47[NaL]It's a horrible spec, you must go 71/0/0
02:19.54[NaL]you simply must
02:20.02KrisCAlso scatter shot is for PvP IIRC
02:20.20ArkaenKrisC: It's for if I have to solo anything
02:20.31KrisCStill, get aimed
02:20.40KrisCthe extra point n hunting party isn't really needed
02:20.42[NaL]if you have to use it in solo, you're either very screwed or very bored
02:21.04Arkaen[NaL]: Because a pet dying vs elites is hard to have happen
02:21.30ArkaenAlso KrisC, what extra point
02:21.44KrisCArkaen: Hunting party is usually 2/3
02:21.50ArkaenThat's wonky
02:22.01ArkaenBut, it is still only a 1% agi per point output
02:22.30Arkaenalso KrisC, what would my glyphs be
02:22.37ArkaenSteady and what else
02:22.47KrisCHow many slots do you have?
02:23.08*** join/#wowhead dubb (~dubb@unaffiliated/dubb)
02:23.09DeMyztikXjust 2 random points in aspect of the hawk
02:23.30Arkaen2 majors, KrisC
02:23.52Arkaen10 levels too low
02:24.21KrisC(I leveled as BM >_>)
02:24.34ArkaenFrom what I hear Survival has more kiting
02:24.36ArkaenI lurv kiting
02:24.44KrisCSerpent then?
02:24.54KrisC6 more seconds of 3% damage
02:25.01Arkaensome numbnuts put one up for 4g when other people had it up for 50g
02:25.19KrisCWhat are your minors?
02:25.38MasterOfDisguiseKris: A minor
02:28.50KrisCSeen it already :P
02:28.51CuddleBot[b]I don't know who it is.
02:29.03fewyni dun care what you've seen!
02:29.04KrisCYes you do
02:29.07MasterOfDisguiseOld news, fewyn
02:29.09KrisC@ CuddleBot[b]
02:29.13fewynYOUR FACE IS OLD NEWS
02:29.18MasterOfDisguiseYour mom is old news
02:29.38MasterOfDisguiseTHIS MEME IS OLD NEWS
02:29.40MasterOfDisguiseIf it is a meme....
02:31.08KrisC"Another little gem was added in this build was the ability to your frame rate to an eye blistering 200 frames per second." wat
02:31.13[NaL]fewyn: nothing for paladins?
02:31.16Rawsfewyn: your blog post is missing a vebibngnghn
02:31.19Rawsshakes fist at KrisC
02:32.04fewynRaws: i somehow read that as venn diagram
02:32.11RawsAdd one of those, too
02:32.12fewynno [NaL]
02:32.40KrisC[NaL]: "Paladins are extremely overpowered. To combat this, we'll be deleting them all"
02:33.42[NaL]I wouldn't mind having a free 80 mage/lock
02:33.49[NaL]I can't be arsed to level them
02:34.22Djane-Nal, why mage?
02:34.46MasterOfDisguiseissues a formal complaint to Raws
02:34.47KrisCDjane: Click button receive money
02:34.57DjaneKrisC does it wrong.
02:35.19DjaneI should show you my arcane blast macro.
02:35.23[NaL]Djane: I don't like rogues and hunters, at all, and I can arse myself into levelling hybrids
02:35.30[NaL]and I have two 80 paladins
02:35.36Djanemages are awesome.
02:35.45KrisCDjane: I'm talking about portals :)
02:37.28[NaL]I'm still alive
02:38.30Djane#showtooltip Arcane blast
02:38.30Djane/cast [modifier:ctrl] presence of mind
02:38.30Djane/cast [target=mouseover,exists][target=focus,exists] arcane blast; arcane blast
02:38.33DjaneSomething like that iirc.
02:38.53DjaneCast instant arcane blast on ctrl press, cast on focus, cast on mouseover or cast on target.
02:39.02[NaL]I got a better one
02:39.23DjaneNice binding
02:39.56Djanebut how do you proc an instant arcane blast for on the move then?
02:40.30Djanenot to mention high priority but low health target switching.
02:42.26DjaneThat's inelegant ;)
02:42.26[NaL]E and W as well
02:42.34DjaneFor me...
02:42.40DjaneWASD movement(strafe too)
02:42.46Djaneq=frost nova, e = will of the forsaken.
02:42.58Djanez = fireblast, x = invis, c = polymorph(or slow)
02:43.19Djane1 = arcane blast, 2 = barrage, 3 = missiles, 4 = AE, 5 = Iceblock.
02:43.23kullervoso you don't need keyboard turning for the special occasions when you need the other hand for something else?
02:43.36Djanekullervo, my hand is always on the mouse
02:43.47kullervoodd man.
02:43.48ArkaenDjane: You're odd
02:43.49Djane` = blink, f,g,h,j = cooldown buttons.
02:43.55ArkaenBut my hand is always on the mouse too
02:44.17Djanev = buff macro, 0 = land mount, . = flying mount
02:44.21kullervo,ome ofthe nhodls
02:44.24Djane, = character pane.
02:44.29kullervomine often holds a drink
02:44.47Djanekullervo, I'm always checking the battlefield during a raid.
02:44.47kullervomy right hand was a bit too far on the right
02:45.05DjanePlotting potential movement routes, taking note of void zones, fire, where is the offtank
02:45.22DjaneNoting my blink circle.
02:45.24*** join/#wowhead AlexBucket (
02:45.26ArkaenDjane has militarial capabilities
02:45.33[NaL]Fortunately, I don't raid, so I can get by with the 1-0 keybindings
02:45.33ArkaenHe could be like a troop organizer
02:45.37ArkaenAlso for girl scouts.
02:45.41[NaL]I can even mouseclick when I'm bored
02:45.47KrisC[NaL]: I click :D
02:45.48Arkaen[NaL]: :sgodfkl;hkldfgglgfdlkhkljfdkhdfk;lhdfl;
02:45.49DjaneSo I always have my left mouse button down moving the camera.
02:45.57[NaL]also, click to move is awesome
02:46.04[NaL]I don't even have to bother with the keyboard
02:46.20Djaneputs Nal into pvp and laughs
02:46.34[NaL]Djane: I don't PvP either
02:46.42kullervoscrub casual
02:46.43DjaneClearly ;)
02:47.07[NaL]No... I can't be bothered with PvP after doing randoms on my 80's and levelling my alts
02:47.10DjaneI can't imagine trying to do arena whilst clicking.
02:47.23[NaL]I'll probably start PvP again when I get 4-5 toons to max level
02:47.46[NaL]that might be in an expansion or two
02:47.50*** join/#wowhead dubb (~dubb@unaffiliated/dubb)
02:48.04[NaL]I don't even have an active account atm
02:48.17kullervoI've got an acc with 1.5 months of prepaid left
02:48.22Djaneis it bad that i only go to WG nowadays to get 17 stacks of tenacity so I have one shotting arcane explosions?
02:48.24[NaL]kullervo: :/
02:48.34[NaL]Djane: lol?
02:48.36kullervohaven't played for a week
02:48.51kullervoDjane, 30k per hit?
02:48.51DjaneNal, under T10 and arcane power my arcane explosion hits for 30k+
02:48.57kullervoholy damn
02:49.29DjaneIt gets to a point where you can't actually win
02:49.45DjaneUnless you have people who know how to CC, you can't beat that much tenacity.
02:49.56Djaneand generally at 4am, you don't have people who know how to CC>
02:50.16kullervofuck you and your imba classes
02:50.21Djanerogues don't work because they can't get in close enough
02:50.59[NaL]Oh man
02:51.01Primaroi, [NaL], you seen/read Read or Die?
02:51.04[NaL]that sounds so awesome
02:51.26[NaL]Primar: no, I've heard it was good, but I was going through archives of anime when it was out
02:51.34[NaL]never bothered to get it
02:51.37Primarwas wondering whether I should watch the series or the OVA first.
02:51.49Primarbut fine, you're rubbish and don't have the answer
02:52.38[NaL]OVAs are usually designed to be standalone, but it sometimes sucks without knowing the characters
02:52.50[NaL]so I'd suggest with the series
02:54.03Primaronly reason I ask is because apparently the series is a sequel to the OVA
02:54.14Primarbut the series also incorporates a completely different set of manga
02:54.38Primarand the manga has a different storyline to the novels, which also have a different story to the anime.
02:55.27Primarfirst manga = "set of characters from a spinoff manga"
02:55.41Primarit's late and I cnt tipe gud
03:16.48BlackNetso 13 frost emblems today
03:17.19*** join/#wowhead digmouse|work (~chatzilla@
03:20.39[NaL]needs more frosties
03:20.39*** join/#wowhead Yim (~Yim@
03:26.41RawsWhen I own a multinational corporation, I'm going to make it a rule that all corporate videoconferencing must be conducted via chatroulette
03:27.19[NaL]When I own a multinational corporation, I'm going to buy everyone here a drink.
03:27.32RawsThat would be pretty kicking rad of you
03:28.25[NaL]I wish I can see MasterOfDisguise and Arkaen blacked out on alcohol
03:28.46RawsThat'll be the day
03:30.08KrisCBeep boop
03:30.23[NaL]and KrisC impaled on a unicorn
03:41.06*** join/#wowhead Lugburz (
03:41.25[NaL]waves Lugburz good night
03:41.35Lugburz[NaL]; good night :/
03:42.52StormscapeFuck wow insider nearly gave me a heart attack
03:43.03StormscapeSaw "Patch 3.3.3 PTR: Priest Tier 10 4-piece bonus changed" at the top of the page
03:43.10StormscapeThey neglected to say "Healing bonus"
03:43.41StormscapeI was like "FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUU" until I read the quote.
03:44.43Lugburzreads it on wowhead >_>
03:44.45RawsIf your mouth opened that wide, you should probably take a break from the game
03:44.49RawsFor, like, a few months
03:45.16digmouse|work"The bonus now makes the shaman's Lava Burst cause Flame Shock to tick at least two additional times before expiring." wtf is this "AT LEAST"?
03:45.54StormscapeAlso Blizzard likes making wording vague on purpose
03:45.59StormscapeSo they can easily change stuff later
03:46.34Stormscapeawwww no more Improved Revenge stuns
03:46.56LugburzI know
03:47.16StormscapeThat makes me :<
03:47.25StormscapeI could stun lock mobs in Heroics with that
03:47.39Stormscapebut 10k revenge crits sound sexy
03:47.53Stormscapewait I misread
03:48.04StormscapeImproved Revenge = Revenge with CleavE?
03:48.16Stormscapea cleaving revenge.
03:49.11*** join/#wowhead bbck- (
03:49.32Lugburzcleaves Stormscape in Revenge
03:49.50KrisC>_> I have less sodas left than I though I did
03:50.05LugburzI have exactly the same amount of soda as I thought I did :p
03:50.37Lugburzcourse I bought 40floz for $1 :D
03:50.37StormscapeLugburz, is it 0?
03:50.49LugburzStormscape; yeah I finished it off just now at dinner
03:51.01BlackNetanyone know that rare drop in the sunwell place that broke up several guilds becasue it droped?
03:51.09Lugburzohshit brb getting more M&Ms, I just found a bag of them :DD
03:51.17LugburzBlackNet; tho'idal the stars fury
03:52.06Lugburz0ammo required
03:52.25Lugburzits a sexy ass bow
03:52.25Stormscapeand I can only think of like, 1 guild it broke up
03:52.33StormscapeBecause they gave it to a warrior or something
03:52.53StormscapeYeah, they gave it to either a warrior or rogue, can't remember
03:53.00Stormscapemassive QQ ensued
03:53.03Stormscapeguild disbanded
03:53.16Corganpings Djane
03:53.19Lugburzyou are in one ofthe top guilds in the world
03:53.41Lugburzyou waste the best item possibly in the game at the time and one of the rarest by giving itto the wrong class, I would gquit right there
03:53.47StormscapeStill doesn't keep people from acting like they're 5 years old.
03:53.56*** join/#wowhead bbck- (
03:53.58Lugburzwell yeah
03:54.01BlackNetis it a bow or a mount?
03:54.18StormscapeYes I like to ride my bow to the supermarket
03:54.20Stormscapeall the time
03:54.23LugburzBlackNet; look look lokk
03:54.26ecstasiahunter bow?
03:54.27Lugburz0ammo required
03:54.33Lugburzecstasia; yes
03:54.36BlackNetthought it was a mount
03:54.48LugburzMorril; fucktard
03:55.12MorrilFuck you lugburz
03:55.19ecstasiaanyone giving a hunter weapon to someone other than a hunter needs to be shot
03:55.25LugburzMorril; :DD no thanks, Im not gay and not gay4pay like some
03:55.32Stormscapehere it is
03:55.45MorrilMorril doesnt like the cock.
03:56.16LugburzStormscape; thats hilarious but just omfg how stupid
03:56.31Morrildislikes cock.
03:56.34CorganIt's not stupid at all
03:56.58infobotit has been said that lugburz is an insane person who will eat your sould to replace his lost one, he also like food like Taco del Mar
03:57.00Corganit was a very good weapon for rogues as well
03:57.09Stormscapeexceptionally good
03:57.14Morril~factinfo Lugburz
03:57.14infobotlugburz -- created by Lugburz <> 19h 1m 59s ago; it has been requested 3 times, last by Morril, 16s ago.
03:57.14Corganand the rogue had been in the guild for a long time
03:57.18Corganthe two hunters were new to the guild
03:57.24CorganI would have done the same
03:57.26JunkHead-WorkStormscape: that legendary bow thing...
03:57.32JunkHead-WorkWhich guild is in that article?
03:57.33Lugburzmeh imo its still hunter priority
03:57.40StormscapeI think so
03:57.46JunkHead-WorkIf so, yup... That happened on my realm
03:58.00JunkHead-Workpeopel still link it in trade and call it a roguebow.
03:58.10LugburzXD rofl
03:58.27JunkHead-WorkI wasn't on the server at the time it happened though
03:58.32Stormscape is the only ranged that comes close to the pro stats Thori'dal has
03:59.07Lugburzthats such a sick bow too
04:01.45DeMyztikXok, at least this time I topped the charts with a level 14 warrior instead of a level 12 warrior
04:01.50JunkHead-Workoh shit...
04:01.53JunkHead-WorkImproved Revenge: This talent can no longer trigger a stun, and instead causes Revenge to strike an additional target for 50/100% of Revenge's damage.
04:02.03StormscapeI was just talking about it.
04:02.11JunkHead-WorkThat is badass.
04:02.20StormscapeI now have a 2nd cleave
04:02.53JunkHead-WorkDoes the talent also give it 20% damage too?
04:03.00JunkHead-WorkThey don't mention that
04:03.31StormscapeSo we lose 20% damage on it but gain a cleave
04:03.35Stormscapeworth it imo
04:04.01JunkHead-Workwell it's getting buffed by 50% anyway
04:04.05StormscapeMaybe I'll use it more on big pulls rather than cleave/thunderclap spamming
04:04.11MasterOfDisguiseChuck Norris was banned from competitive bullriding after a 1992 exhibition in San Antonio, when he rode the bull 1,346 miles from Texas to Milwaukee Wisconsin to pick up his dry cleaning.
04:04.58ecstasianow that is a chuck norris joke i actually enjoyed
04:05.55MasterOfDisguiseI liked it too. :D
04:07.59Mr_Rabieswhy is this
04:08.01Mr_Rabiesso addicting
04:08.17_Pilatei think its the music
04:10.07LugburzMr_Rabies; because its a great game
04:10.17Mr_Rabiesis pretty much my feelings on it
04:10.55Lugburzliked it
04:12.08LugburzWAIT WAHT THE FUCK
04:12.40ecstasiaheh i hate when that happens
04:14.41stufoh god, it's playing in my head now
04:14.58Lugburzchanges the song :p
04:15.49stufร‚ยงurgh, i'm gonna go to work, since i woke up so early, gonna hit up some ukhc on my way :B
04:16.59Mr_Rabiesi'm currently listening to woop woop
04:17.24LugburzI listening towAxes of Evil by 3inches of blo0d :D
04:18.22ecstasiaaxes or axis?
04:18.27LugburzAxes of Evil
04:19.16Mr_Rabiesfor some reason metal guys love ridiculous puns like that
04:19.19JunkHead-WorkAxis and Allies was a fun game.
04:19.25LugburzOMF I LOVE THAT GAME
04:19.41Lugburzand also the lyrics are about a young man who stands up and gets this evil axe to save his nation
04:19.47Lugburzthen becomes corrupted iirc XD
04:20.01Lugburzbut yes a pun too
04:20.06Mr_Rabieswhy aren't other 3IoB songs this awesome
04:20.25Lugburzok their newest album failed hardcore
04:20.27Mr_Rabieshe's going all iron maiden, not cannibal corpse
04:20.32LugburzI was so disappointed
04:20.43Lugburzwait you've heard 3inches of blood right?
04:20.54JunkHead-WorkI've never really paid attention to them.
04:21.07Lugburzthey've always been like iron maiden in some ways.....
04:21.11Mr_Rabiesyeah if i recall they're more grunt-style vocals are they not usually?
04:21.12Lugburzreally likes them >_>
04:21.29Lugburzthey have a screamer but obviously their main vocalist is clean
04:21.47*** join/#wowhead Strafe (
04:21.47Mr_Rabiesyeah i think a lot of the songs of theirs i've heard have the screaming going on or something
04:21.48Lugburzand his name is win; Cam Pipes. But they are not death metal
04:21.53Lugburzwhat songs?
04:22.01Mr_Rabiesthis song is pretty much iron maiden style
04:22.02Mr_Rabiesand that rules
04:22.09LugburzDestroy the Orcs is more screaming
04:22.11Mr_Rabiesi dunno it's been a while
04:22.17Mr_Rabiesyeah that sounds familiar
04:22.49Lugburzyou might like Fear on the Bridge
04:23.04Lugburzbut definitely look up the songs on their Advance and Vanquish album
04:23.18JunkHead-WorkYou guys might like this.
04:23.48Mr_Rabiesi must be thinking of someone else
04:23.53Mr_Rabiesi dunno who
04:23.57Lugburzmeh not a big fan of shadows fall
04:24.06JunkHead-Workur teh ghey
04:24.27Mr_Rabiesi used to listen to a lot of power metal type stuff
04:24.31Lugburzoh yeah thats why I dont like them, their singer annoys them
04:24.45LugburzBLACK MAJESTY, hands down imo one of the best power metal bands
04:25.06Mr_Rabiesbut recently i've turned my interest to JAM Project and its various offshoots, which is totally not metal but you know
04:26.01Lugburzyou would like
04:26.23Lugburzshit forgot their name, but it was a supregroup of sorts that made an album or two, it started with an A
04:26.37*** part/#wowhead Strafe (
04:27.01Lugburz olololololololol
04:27.01JunkHead-Worknew sevendust!!!
04:27.03ArkaenRaws: That picture is sad because McDonalds sucks
04:27.12RawsThey all suck
04:27.35LugburzJunkHead-Work; you know Fear Factory?
04:27.43JunkHead-Workyes. somewhat
04:27.51JunkHead-WorkI've listened to them many years ago
04:27.52Lugburzok, check them out
04:28.00Lugburzyeah they have been around for a while
04:28.19JunkHead-WorkSevendust's new album isn't out until april 20th.:(
04:28.54LugburzIm waiting for Amon Amarth's newest, although Ifeel like they just released Twilight of the thuinder god
04:31.38Lugburzany of you heard of Ludicra? Just got recommended to me from a friend and I've never heard of them
04:31.56Lugburzruns off
04:39.44*** join/#wowhead Spexor (
04:55.20*** join/#wowhead Bozpak (
05:03.22DonhIf you drink enough to off yourselt there's also no hangover :P
05:03.55RawsI think the OS X Wowhead Client dies if you've got a password with non-alphanumeric characters in it
05:04.25RawsI had to change my Wowhead password and then go and delete the client keychain entry manually to get it to authenticate
05:06.26StormscapeLinked it to my friend. His response? "Are they really sure that putting oxygen in alcohol is a good idea? It sounds like a recipe for rocket fuel to me."
05:06.50JunkHead-Work  <-- holy crap that's the ugliest guitar I've ever seen.
05:07.22DonhWell, I supposed if you want to smash it on stage. . . :P
05:09.04Lugburzthat works but only time Id use it
05:26.48*** join/#wowhead Aeyan (
05:37.56*** join/#wowhead Rhii (~amgspamme@
05:39.44*** join/#wowhead Thrae (
05:58.34JunkHead-WorkIt would seem now that we have hit the quiet part of the night.
06:01.04JunkHead-WorkI'm watchin a skurry movie!!
06:02.31DonhI read that and saw "scurvy" movie :P
06:02.43ecstasiapirate movie? heh
06:02.54DonhCould be both I suppose :P
06:03.09JunkHead-WorkGOST MOVIE!!
06:03.16ecstasiascary indian movie?
06:04.07JunkHead-WorkIt's called "Lake Mungo".
06:04.47JunkHead-WorkIt's a ghost flick, but kinda like a documentary style.
06:05.55Stormscape[22:03:38] [2] [Xmrdamge]: y r ppl so dumb you ask wat thay got lvl 80rogue set armor at in  thay ack dumb
06:07.06*** join/#wowhead Mori-neko (
06:07.35ecstasiaenglish please
06:08.03StormscapeBut it gets better.
06:08.04Stormscape[22:05:26] [2] [Xmrdamge]: will pay 25 gold 4 s1 to tellme wat i get the lvl 80 ROGUE SET OF ARMOR at
06:08.19JunkHead-Work"Why are people so dumb? You ask where they lvl 80 rogue set armor and they act dumb."
06:08.33ecstasiastill lacking grammar
06:08.46JunkHead-WorkI'm from alabama. That's as good as I can do.
06:10.32BlackNetoh man, i should have my lightsworn gear in no time with this new guild.
06:10.38BlackNetgot 13 frost today alone
06:11.07JunkHead-Workweekly quest, daily heroic, voa 10 and 25 and... what else?
06:11.16BlackNetthat's it
06:11.35JunkHead-WorkAh well. I can't count then.
06:11.40BlackNethad 40 to start and now shows 53
06:11.50JunkHead-WorkThat should be 11. But oh well
06:12.08BlackNetthat is 11.
06:12.51BlackNetam up to 53 now.
06:12.58BlackNetwant that lightsworn gear!
06:13.47*** join/#wowhead Bozpak_ (
06:13.47BlackNeticc10 is tomorrow night
06:13.52BlackNetand icc25 the day after
06:15.16BlackNetguild ran at least 3 voa 25's tonight
06:15.26BlackNetmaybe more
06:18.26BlackNetam liking this new guild quite good
06:19.00Donhsteals BlackNet's guild
06:19.39BlackNetit's casual ppl, not uber hard core and super anal about stuff either. laid back good ppl
06:19.50DonhThat's the kind of guild I need
06:20.26BlackNetgot ask about 2 times if i could help out in voa25 after i ran it already.
06:20.44BlackNetold guild it was daily randoms only for frost.
06:20.47JunkHead-WorkI gotta to that crap tomorrow.
06:21.36BlackNetthis one it's voa 10/25, icc 10/25, toc 10/25 and weekly raid every week
06:21.47BlackNetthat's just max frost badges right there
06:22.21JunkHead-WorkI don't even do ToC anymore.
06:22.36BlackNetwell it's good to get some of the gear from there. helps out in icc no?
06:23.03JunkHead-WorkI don't really need anythign from there.
06:23.21JunkHead-WorkShaman could use a few things from 25m, but I don't care enough to run it.
06:23.23BlackNetreset it and redo
06:23.59Stormscapetoc doesn't drop frost bro
06:24.22BlackNetbut it does drop items which is better than the heroic random drops and not quite icc level either
06:24.44StormscapeOnly thing left from TOC I want is caster trinket from Anub
06:24.52StormscapeTOGC however is a different story
06:25.10JunkHead-WorkI could use the weapon off anub in 25m, but ugh at getting it.
06:26.21BlackNeti picked up some sant lightsword tonight but it's holy paly
06:26.38BlackNetmay try the healing thing later on
06:27.13StormscapeTrue story: The Alliance on my old server were so bad at Wintergrasp the Horde gave us Wintergrasp for Christmas
06:27.37StormscapeThey let us have it for 24 hours
06:27.44BlackNetthis is mostly an alliance server so we have it almost 24/7
06:28.03StormscapeMy current server is 0.8:1 in favour of Horde
06:28.08Stormscapebut Alliance here are terri-bad at WG
06:28.11BlackNethow i got a few thousand stone keepers shards already
06:28.14StormscapeWe only get it at 6am
06:28.26DonhOn my server it's changed over the past year for the alliance having it most of the time, to them not even showing up to attack half the time
06:28.40DonhI will admit that even a priest with 20 tenacity is hard to take down though :/
06:28.54DonhThey do get it in the morning though
06:29.04BlackNetnow horde does it get it often mind you
06:29.31BlackNeti think ppl have multiple toons so today they go ok we'll do alliance voa and tomorrow we'll do horde
06:29.32DonhCause not enough horde show up to have people stick around the fort and they sneak in  while everyone is out looking for alliance to kill to get rank to get vehicles :p
06:30.45BlackNeti spoke with the guild leader the other day and told her my talents, she said more interested in my tanking than me working up dps. they want to start more 25 m groups.
06:31.03BlackNetand like today they did around 3 or more 25m groups in voa25
06:31.20BlackNethad some pugs in there to mind you so it wasnt 100% guild
06:31.33BlackNetbut still pretty damn good i think
06:32.55DonhI'm kinda getting turned off raiding myself. :/  Everyone is taking it so seriously.
06:33.06BlackNetthat's the problem i found
06:33.07DonhI might try to find a causal guild somwhere
06:33.23BlackNeti started looking at raiding guilds and they were either to serious or to stupid
06:33.27JunkHead-WorkFinding a casual guild that actually does well would be nice.
06:33.29BlackNethardly any in between
06:33.31DonhBeen debating going back to the alliance too.  Cause they seem more casual, so I'd look better :P
06:33.49BlackNetyou see the guild rank of the one i am in now?
06:34.20BlackNetlemme get it
06:34.21DonhI don't really care about guild ranks.  I'd just like a social guild, where we do the occasionaly raid or something
06:34.45DonhI miss my old Ally guild.  They were awesome when they were making the conversion from levelling to raiding back in TBC
06:35.01DonhBut then they got a new stractass raidleader and he killed the fin
06:35.31BlackNetbeing all uber serious and shit is no fun for me. im there to relax unwind and entertain myself
06:35.32DonhI fail at typing on the laptop
06:35.58DonhI've been tempted to go back to that guild and see if they got rid of the raidguy yet
06:36.09BlackNet#33 in the realm for 25m progress is pretty good i think. it's not teh best but it tells me they do 25m stuff
06:36.13DonhHe came from a guild that had been doing sunwell when we were still getting geared in kz
06:36.23DonhCertainly sounds decent
06:36.33BlackNet#52 in 10m stuff
06:36.38DonhNo idea what my guild is at
06:36.50*** join/#wowhead gyaris (~cbredlow@
06:37.00Donhbut I can't do progression with them anyway cause I'm still only at 4900 GS and they require 5200
06:37.13BlackNetso old guild 14 frost / week. new guild around 45 frost per week
06:37.40DonhMy ally guild used to try to get the undergeared people into raids to gear up, but it's just as well I didn't have a guild at the moment cause they don't do guild runs outside ICC anymore
06:38.08BlackNetthat's what i try to do. ppl with desire and low skill i will gladly take anyday of the week
06:38.15BlackNetover somone bored and over geared
06:39.17DonhI can't get anyone in my guild to help me with anything, ever. :/
06:39.31DonhI'm only in it cause a RL friend got me an invite a couple months before he quit
06:39.36Donhand I have no where else to go atm
06:39.53DeMyztikXI totally have no skill and the eye of the tiger. Hungry for the win.
06:40.18BlackNetam up to 53 frost right now. want my first lightsworn tank item
06:40.31*** join/#wowhead aheinecke (
06:40.56DonhI've honestly stopped playing for a while.  I just got so bored.  So I really need to do smoehting about the guild situation or I can see myself quitting :<
06:41.30DonhBeen  debating hopping over to the alliance or another server, but I can't afford to move atm
06:42.11BlackNetin the gold guild the guild leaders had tank envy. they had to be main tank and if anyone got higher gear, stats or the like they would frown on it and black list you. it was im main tank and you shut up and do as your told. this guild is ok we didnt do so hot so lets change it around and do better
06:43.03DonhYeah, I hate it when people do stupid things like that.
06:43.38BlackNetmy input is for stuff like voa and onyxia i dont care who main tank is as long as we put them down
06:44.16BlackNetif the other tank has a weakness for aoe and doing insane pickups like tonight in onyxia then i'll gladly be offtank and deal with add's
06:44.37DonhReason I switched to horde was cause my RL friends playing alliance stopped and the one  that still played and had been in my old gear got so pissed at the way they handled things he jumped ship and convinced me to come too.  I reacall when we were just getting into t5 content he was on his lock, and couldn't get in atm, so he told everyone he'd be on if they needed him.  then the raid lead replaced a dropped lock with one not from the guild, but his own p
06:45.17DonhEven though everyone was expecting my friend. :/  He gquit that night (not the first time he'd been screwed over like that)
06:45.19BlackNetdk tank could not pick up the add's in phase 3 and the healers went down because of it. i hung in there for a few mins after the healers and dps went down
06:45.51DonhAnother fun story of dumbasses taking the game too seriously:
06:46.07BlackNeti switched to alliance because of the mounts. the horde mounts made me want to punch things which nothing has done that before so i thought ok i'll try alliance
06:47.39BlackNetyea swapping ppl out like t hat is not an easy thing to do by far. sadly many things you have to bite the bullet and say ok im not quite cut out to be there just yet
06:47.42DonhDuring the Love is in the Air event I tried to farm the roses from normal UK on my priest.  I got kicked at the first boss cause I couldn't get any heals off and the tank went ballistic.  Despite the fact he pulled all the trash in the room with the prince while I was trying to mana up, and then didn't pull a single add off me.  He did no AoE tanking at all.  And being 80 everything zoomed on me, and I keep getting itterupted, and the tank let me die. :<
06:47.56DonhI then got kicked and /ignored before I could say anything
06:48.30DonhMy friend in the t5 situation had been better geared and skilled than a lot of us :P
06:48.40*** join/#wowhead ngerakines (
06:48.45BlackNeti really try to play my classic which is prot paly. strong emphasis on protection. like a sheep herder :)
06:49.05DonhI still can't believe my 80 got kicked from a 70 dungeon.  Still rots me :.
06:49.24DonhNot much.  Trading tales of woe and irritation :)
06:49.36BlackNetwould be nice to go back any do all those classic raids before cata rolls
06:49.46BlackNetjust to say yea i know how they were in real classic
06:50.42DonhAlso, looked at the failtank later?  He was still mostly in low BC greens and PVP gear.  Focused on Attack Power. :P  He didn't complete the dungeon after even, cause he still didn't get the achivement for it by the next day :)
06:50.43Stormscapeoh man that was so pro
06:50.48BlackNetbut honestly i could prob solo them now but cant get in as a solo and need a group
06:50.50DonhAnd this is the crazy guy who went nuts :P
06:50.50StormscapeNo healer from 85% on Devourer of Souls
06:50.53Stormscapeand we still killed him
06:51.33DonhAlso, BlackNet, some of the raids have bosses with CC, so I wouldn't suggest trying to solo 40'mans :)
06:51.45Stormscapeif you're alone
06:51.47DonhBut other than that, a prot pally could likely solo it all, yes
06:51.47Stormscapethey don't CC
06:51.59DonhI know the old world dragons do
06:51.59Stormscapestandard scripting
06:52.00ngerakinesanyone here live in southern cali?
06:52.04Stormscapeto prevent resetting
06:52.14DonhI tried to get the one in Ashenvale and it kept putting me to sleep :<
06:52.15StormscapeProphet won't MC if you solo him for example
06:52.26StormscapeDonh that's becuase you stood in the sleep cloud
06:52.35DonhAh.  First time I'd ever tried it
06:52.46BlackNetlol was in a pug today. this uber high geared mage and uber high geared warrior was goign "PULL THEM ALL" "PULL THEM ALL!!!!"
06:52.47DonhOnly time I'd ever tried it actually. :p
06:52.50BlackNetso i did
06:52.57BlackNetloads and loads of fun
06:53.03Stormscapewhat instance?
06:53.26BlackNetthat one with the big rock dude that stones you
06:53.32StormscapeHalls of Stone?
06:53.46Stormscapemy strat for halls of stone on my tank?
06:53.46JunkHead-WorkSpeaking of raiding guilds, this week is gonna be a big change-up for my guild I think. After this week we should know how things are gonna go.
06:53.48StormscapeOpen with rocket boots
06:53.51BlackNetthe one with scotty from the enterprise
06:54.19Stormscapeactually that's my strat for every heroic
06:54.21DonhGnomer? :P  That's where the goblin that's like scotty is :P
06:54.23Stormscapeuse rocket boots every CD
06:54.27DeMyztikX best video ever
06:54.35JunkHead-WorkDoing a few different things this week for raids.
06:54.40DeMyztikXI know it's one of you, fess up.
06:54.54BlackNeti ran a pug with one of the healers from this guild last week. it was uber smooth and he's a holy paly.i started asking him about the guild and he was very interested in my tanking style
06:54.56JunkHead-WorkSwitching some people around, and taking a slightly different attitude.
06:54.58BlackNetso i joined right then
06:55.17DonhThat reminds me.  I was supposed to order an authenticator
06:55.33DonhThat's going to be such a pain with my already annoyingly long password
06:55.37StormscapeJunk I'm pretty sure my Guild Master's favourite song is Nazi Marching Music
06:55.47StormscapeLike sometimes when he talks on Vent we hear marching music in the background
06:55.50BlackNetdont hae access to the guild bank but i dont need it. im getting frost badges out the wazoo now and im happy. because in no time i will have my full set of t10 gear and will be a damn good tank
06:56.05JunkHead-WorkOur GM, sometimes on vent, he plays some song about a dinosaur pooping.
06:56.17Stormscapemy GM once sang Barbie Girl on vent
06:56.38StormscapeBest part is he's from Tenesse (lol spelling)
06:56.49BlackNetsouthern hick accent?
06:57.10StormscapeIt's noticable but it's not like, "y'all come back now ya hear?"
06:57.24BlackNetthat's deep south
06:57.38StormscapeYeah he's like, northern south accent
06:58.18JunkHead-WorkI was in a pug once, and a guy from my older guild joined the vent also, and started talking. And everyone called him "Mr Alabama".
06:58.19*** join/#wowhead bien|| (
06:58.19BlackNetdumb hick is more speech issues from lack of education and poverty upbringings so lack of all that
06:58.50JunkHead-WorkI just thought it was funny because I was talkign on vent also. And noone said anythign to me. And I actually am from alabama.
06:59.34DonhI can't mock anyone.  I'm from Newfoundland.  I can't even understand  people talking with a NL accent half the time :P
06:59.42BlackNetyou ar enot to far from me JunkHead-Work
06:59.47DonhFortuneately my accent is pretty week
07:00.09BlackNeti moved all around while growing up and my accent is non-existent. ppl often ask where im from
07:01.01*** join/#wowhead asq (
07:01.01*** join/#wowhead asq (~asq@unaffiliated/asq)
07:01.12BlackNetok so question
07:01.20Donhok, I'll try to answer :p
07:01.31BlackNetthis guild progression thing. every member of the group needs to be in the guild and get the acheivement for it to get counted?
07:01.49DonhI have no idea :/
07:01.59DonhI think it depends on what site you're using to rate things
07:01.59JunkHead-WorkI think a certain number of people need to have been present.
07:02.09JunkHead-Workbut i don't know the numbers.
07:02.20JunkHead-WorkGuild progress sites are a bit odd.
07:02.20BlackNetsomeone in the guild downed the lk on 25m last week
07:03.26Stormscape"You treat that thing like a limp noodle, hold it like a frozen salami ya faggot." <--still the best quote ever by my GM
07:05.07BlackNetwhen i was invited i was told the cal shows the schedule and it's pretty much weekly and the same. some fillter groups her eand there from ppl who missed it and all.
07:05.07BlackNetand was told to just join in when i can or want to
07:05.09BlackNeti really think it was my tanking skills why i got the invite
07:05.09JunkHead-WorkOur calendar is... useless for the most part.
07:05.24StormscapeWe use the game calendar for like
07:05.46JunkHead-WorkUsually we have 3 days scheduled.
07:06.02JunkHead-Worktuesday the weekly raid and voa or something. (which is dumb if you ask me)
07:06.09JunkHead-Workand 2 days of ICC10.
07:06.22StormscapeWe use tuesday for the weekly
07:06.28JunkHead-WorkYet the problem is mine and the DK tank's work schedule.
07:06.35Stormscapeour server is so bad at WG we can't schedule VOA
07:06.36JunkHead-WorkWe alternate offdays.
07:06.52JunkHead-WorkSo, this week we're raiding wednesday and thursday.
07:07.04JunkHead-WorkIt sucks having to schedule around it.
07:07.10StormscapeExact words of my GM "You jackholes just do VOA whenever you want we never have it anyways"
07:07.25JunkHead-WorkLast week, there were no raids scheduled because the GM (Pally tank)w as sick
07:07.56JunkHead-WorkWhich is why we're changing stuff this week.
07:08.10JunkHead-WorkHe's still sick (I guess). But he signed up to raid on his mage alt.
07:08.24JunkHead-WorkSo I'm gonna tank in his place.
07:08.27BlackNetwell tonight i was talking about doing a 5-6m onyxia group and everyone was like you cant do that and nfw. etc.. so we did a regular 10m
07:08.32Donhthat's the only reason I don't start a guild myself, is cause things tend to come up and I'd probably screw smoething up like leaving everyone with unscheduled raids :P
07:08.59BlackNetit's like someoen goes hey lets to _____ so many others jump in
07:09.15JunkHead-WorkSo i asked a priest who had signed up, if he wouldn't mind healing this week. He agreed so we should be ok.
07:09.28JunkHead-WorkProblem is... the ranged classes that signed up.
07:09.33JunkHead-Work3 mages.
07:09.43JunkHead-WorkThat's it
07:09.43BlackNetlike i said many of the guilds i looked at were either to stupid or to serious
07:10.06BlackNetone guild wanted to know your physical location and the quality of your inet connection and the specifics on your computer you use
07:10.09DonhAt least you seem to have a decent one now
07:10.19DonhThat's insane. :/
07:10.43DonhIt's like something that was mentioned here the other night.  I hope no one every comes up with a LagScore addon :P
07:11.13JunkHead-WorkOur problem is we don't have the numbers to actually do well in raids.
07:11.30JunkHead-WorkWe only do 10 mans due to size, yet we barely can get 10 people on.
07:11.46DonhJunkHead-Work, what faction and realm? :P
07:11.49JunkHead-WorkAnd when we do have more than 10 on, we have to decide who comes or not.
07:12.03JunkHead-WorkAnd it's mroe or less like "Ok who do we NOT want to bring more?"
07:12.10BlackNetwell that's when you buddy up with other guilds and say hey, lets run 25m stuff on tuesdays or some such
07:12.10JunkHead-WorkHorde, Area 52.
07:12.20BlackNetor wed/sat for catchup work
07:12.31JunkHead-WorkI'm gonan mention that tomorrow. Problem is, our GM has no desire to do 25man stuff. at all
07:12.49DonhI suggest mutiny!
07:12.50BlackNetso your guild supplies 9-10, they supply 9-10 and you just pug the rest, friends and the like
07:13.10JunkHead-WorkIt's still not looking good.
07:13.16JunkHead-WorkThat's why i said this week will decide a lot.
07:13.30JunkHead-WorkI was really hoping to get a balanced group for ICC.
07:13.42JunkHead-WorkBut it's gonna be a bunch of shit i bet.
07:13.52BlackNeti would have liked to join one guild for the name alone but i knew it would get me nowhere at all and fast
07:14.06BlackNetguild name was 'we wipe on trash'
07:14.15BlackNetcute, funny and all that but had like 5-6 members
07:14.21JunkHead-WorkLike I said, 3 ranged classes signed up. All are mages.
07:14.38JunkHead-Work1 we will take. I'd prefer somethign else though. A lock would be great.
07:14.49JunkHead-WorkA hunter would be ncie too... if we fucking had one.
07:15.19BlackNeti do know a hunter and she is superb, helped teach me many things about tanking
07:15.32JunkHead-WorkWe have total.. 3 tanks, 4 healers... about 5-6 ranged and a shit-ton of malee
07:15.52BlackNeti dont know exact numbers but told around 300 people
07:15.55JunkHead-WorkBut it's all divided over alts.
07:16.07JunkHead-WorkLike me, I'm one of the core healers.
07:16.13BlackNetlast guild had that but i found out many were about 9-10 alts
07:16.14JunkHead-WorkWe have me, another shaman, and a priest
07:16.21JunkHead-WorkBut this week I'm tanking.
07:16.25*** join/#wowhead g0urra (~g0urra@wowwiki/g0urra)
07:16.29JunkHead-WorkSo another priest will take my place.
07:16.38DonhI'm surprised you have a resto shaman actually.  They're kinda rare these days it seems
07:16.46Donhat least on the realms I'm on
07:16.48JunkHead-WorkBecause we have NO holy paladins.. an a resto druid that hasn't been on in... whatever .
07:17.30JunkHead-WorkLet me look this up.
07:17.43JunkHead-Workarmory never works but oh well
07:18.14BlackNetdoing the flame dude today in voa and had some major problems with tautning and the debuff. we woudl tank and the debuff kept stacking for some reason. i ended up belly up and gm goes brez. i got back in and finished the tanking and downed it. was the only one who died
07:18.32JunkHead-Workflame boss?
07:18.41JunkHead-WorkI don't remember taunting him.
07:18.50JunkHead-WorkWe just stand there.
07:19.08JunkHead-WorkI know you taunt the frost boss.
07:19.16BlackNetmy bad, it was the frost boss.
07:19.22JunkHead-WorkAnd yup. armory still doesn't work,.
07:19.38Stormscapeyou know what
07:19.40Stormscapefuck sun crystals
07:19.42JunkHead-Workcan't sort or filter anything
07:19.42manyi put up a 25m with like 8 people from a guild i know well by know, we got a pug going in like 45 minutes, the pug made it atleast to the ship in like three hours and today there are 17 people from the last saturday signed up for sunday
07:19.44StormscapeI'm gonna start vendoring them
07:19.57manyby now
07:20.15manylast sunday
07:20.20manyneedz more coffee
07:20.40BlackNeta dk in teh guild bought a level 80 cape off the ah today :(
07:21.11DonhHe just gearing up or have oodles and oodles of gold?
07:21.18BlackNetgearing up
07:21.26JunkHead-WorkI don't buy crap off the ah anymore. gear that is.
07:21.43BlackNetwould have suggested he not do that
07:21.47BlackNethad i known
07:22.07Corgancrosses fingers for balance t10 gloves
07:22.11BlackNet he also does not like his talents and i have not gone over them either
07:22.43DonhGood luck Corgan
07:22.57JunkHead-WorkOk had to open it in IE but it works now
07:23.13DonhJunkHead-Work, you runnign anything like noscript?
07:23.27JunkHead-WorkBut i don't feel like fucking with it.
07:23.49JunkHead-WorkOk so we have 36 lvl 80's it seems.
07:24.12JunkHead-WorkI'm guessing about 20 actual people.
07:24.34JunkHead-WorkActually, I'll figure it out. be back in a bit.
07:24.37JunkHead-WorkI'm bored.
07:24.41JunkHead-WorkI'm at work.:\
07:25.02manymy experience with two guilds plus pug people is bad actually, at the end both fo the guilds brought people, every guild with some really poor performing people and when it didnt go like anything they started pointing fingers at each other
07:25.04BlackNetJunkHead-Work ever make fake 9/11 calls to liven the place up?
07:26.03Corganwarlock hunter
07:26.32g0urrais that like..a demon hunter
07:27.51*** join/#wowhead Nephtis (~maarten16@
07:28.16DonhI'm also not getting the warlock hunter think :/
07:29.35DonhUgh.  4 hours till the store opens
07:29.41DonhI need to stop waking up so early
07:29.41BlackNetso you see much tank envy out there?
07:30.00DonhCan't even get breakfast cause dumbass new roommate drank 2L of milk on me over the last two days
07:30.13JunkHead-WorkOk my guild has AT MOST 32 players who have a lvl 80.
07:30.27JunkHead-WorkOnly because I don't know who some of the characters belong to.
07:32.30JunkHead-WorkNow, of the 36 characters at 80, we have: 6 dk's, 5 druids, 0 hunters, 3 mages, 5 paladins, 3 preiests, 4 rogues, 5 shaman, 2 warlocks, 3 warriors.
07:33.18JunkHead-WorkNow let's see...
07:33.35JunkHead-Work3 tanks, and one POSSIBLE 4th tank that I know of.
07:34.15JunkHead-WorkAnd 5 POSSIBLE healers. I stress that because one hasn't beens een for a while.
07:34.41BlackNet305 chars in guild, 197 level 80's
07:35.32manyhow many icc25 raids per week?
07:36.03JunkHead-Workna quit looking at this now. Just gonna piss me off even more.
07:36.04BlackNet17% dk, 14% paly, 12% druid, 12%hunter, 9% priest, 8% rogue and mages, 6%shaman, 6% lock and 7% warriors
07:36.09JunkHead-WorkI'm gonna*
07:36.11JunkHead-WorkSlow ass pc.
07:36.12BlackNetmany about 2-3  at least.
07:36.22BlackNetthey did a good 3-4 voa 25m tonight
07:36.57BlackNetwell we did i should say. i helped out some in that
07:37.07JunkHead-WorkAll I know, is after this week, it will determine whether I stay in the guild or not possible.
07:38.38BlackNetJunkHead-Work know what specifics gives you a distages for the guild and what needs to improve to fix that?
07:39.08BlackNetmany this is the guild
07:39.10JunkHead-WorkIt's just annoying that we started out ok, and hit a brick wall on a simple fight.
07:39.23JunkHead-WorkAnd the problem? yeah. It's plain and simple. Coordination.
07:39.27*** join/#wowhead kd3 (~kd3@wikia/kaydeethree)
07:40.36BlackNett hat's what i liked about this guild so far. it's like ok we are doing somethign wrong so lets make some changes.
07:41.03JunkHead-WorkWe first killed festergut in like... mid-january.
07:41.07JunkHead-WorkThat's it.
07:41.17JunkHead-WorkWe haven't killed a new boss in ICC since.
07:42.09BlackNetwell and tankspot video's should be agood starting point. have you identified who/where is the exact problems?
07:42.26ArkaenIt's their raid's distinct lack of Arkaen.
07:42.28JunkHead-WorkWe've done all of this.
07:42.28StormscapeSo in Cataclysm, think it'll be possible to kill Malygos without Phase 2 starting?
07:42.56Gary13579in wlk we killed kj in p1
07:42.57JunkHead-WorkA couple weeks ago, we killed all the way to festergut in a night.
07:43.00StormscapeNow do you think Blizzard thought ahead for scripting
07:43.13JunkHead-Workthen the next night was 2.5-3 hours dedicated to nothing but rotface.
07:43.19JunkHead-WorkWe still didn't get it down.
07:43.19StormscapeJunk, sounds fun
07:43.21Gary13579I mean it shouldn't even be possible due to how kj fight works
07:43.23Gary13579but we did it
07:43.36BundyJunkHead-Work : rotface needs to go down fast - are you using two or three healers?
07:43.37Gary13579we didn't even get access to dragon orbs till after he was dead
07:43.47JunkHead-WorkBundy: tried both
07:43.50BlackNetin cata they are talking about boss scaling so im not sure about the phase 2 or not
07:44.00Bundyid recommend two
07:44.05Bundyfor the extra DPS
07:44.06ArkaenGary13579: u a beasttt
07:44.10Bundythe slimes comes faster and faster
07:44.11BlackNetif bosses do indeed scale then that may mean a level or 3 for each boss
07:44.18JunkHead-WorkWe know.
07:44.28JunkHead-WorkWe've had quite a few wipes under 15%.
07:44.34Gary13579Arkaen, up for a game?
07:44.40Bundyjust wait til purtricide then
07:44.43ArkaenIn WoW
07:44.45Bundywe have a few sub 100k wipes
07:44.49ArkaenIgnis 25
07:44.50ArkaenIs a bitch
07:44.53Gary13579wow sucks
07:44.54Arkaenwith retarded raiders
07:44.54Gary13579alt f4
07:44.55JunkHead-WorkI've seen putricide.
07:45.06JunkHead-WorkI've killed rotace before. in a pug.
07:45.09JunkHead-Workin 3 attempts.
07:45.17JunkHead-Workwith half the raid never even seeing the fight
07:45.34BlackNetoften times taht's the best way
07:47.04JunkHead-WorkSeems to be the only way.
07:47.16JunkHead-WorkSince there were no raids this past week, a lot of guildies pugged ICC.
07:47.25JunkHead-Workand a few got past rotface.
07:47.48BlackNetok i got one for you
07:47.54BlackNetcheck out this guy's stuff
07:48.01JunkHead-WorkNO browser open right now.
07:48.12JunkHead-Workwatchign a video
07:53.21*** join/#wowhead Srosh (
07:54.29Gary13579Corgan, lmfao
07:54.34Gary13579this episode
07:54.36Gary13579is so out there
07:54.37Gary13579and amazing
07:55.02Gary13579dick is on the moon
07:55.06Gary13579and getting attacked by jello
07:57.57Gary13579OH GOD
07:58.10Gary13579he just told his therapist he's an alien
07:59.25*** join/#wowhead BiggieSmalls (
07:59.32Gary13579he's tripping on benzos
08:01.35*** join/#wowhead WyriHaximus (
08:04.29Gary13579this show
08:05.37StormscapeHoly crap just one shotted Malygos10 in a PuG
08:05.54ArkaenStormscape: I just seven-shotted Ignis in a pug
08:06.04StormscapeArkaen lol your server is worse than mine.
08:06.05ArkaenThe group couldn't do FL 1T
08:06.18StormscapeIt's possible to fail at 1 tower?
08:06.37ArkaenWe Wipe on Northrend beasts
08:07.16*** join/#wowhead dubb (~dubb@unaffiliated/dubb)
08:07.19Gary13579I can't stop loling
08:08.26Gary13579end of season 2
08:08.27Gary13579is hilarious
08:08.54StormscapeHoly crap Alliance won WG
08:08.56Stormscapebrb VOA
08:10.44*** join/#wowhead Tir (Tirb@2002:47c9:c235::47c9:c235)
08:11.39Gary13579oh snap, ipv6 user.
08:12.09DonhBah.  I have IPv6, but my ISP doesn't support it. :<
08:12.21DonhDoes OpenDNS have IPv6 servers yet?
08:12.30Gary13579Google DNS > all
08:12.44Gary13579anyway yeah mine doesn't either :(
08:12.56ArkaenGary13579: My school's school board might be making school start later in the day
08:13.00Arkaenwhich means more SC
08:13.46StormscapeWait freenode has IPv6 servers?
08:13.48afkafkammm, wowgirls
08:13.51Gary13579yes Stormscape
08:14.11Gary13579I think
08:14.12StormscapeThough a better question is does my build of X-Chat support IPv6
08:14.34StormscapeI'll try that
08:14.36Stormscapebee arr bee
08:14.59BiggieSmallswhy would they do that?
08:15.09ArkaenBecause people fall asleep in class
08:15.25Gary13579THIS SHOW
08:15.32Corganoh u
08:16.08*** join/#wowhead Stormscape (~Blarg@wikipedia/Stormscape)
08:16.09Gary13579Corgan, "look at these, they have a line down the middle"
08:16.11BiggieSmallsno one except the delinquent attention whores sleep in class
08:16.14Gary13579"so you can take half?"
08:16.18Gary13579"no, so you can take one and a half"
08:16.25StormscapeTurns out my build doesn't support ipv6
08:17.05Stormscapeand I'm far too lazy to compile my own X-Chat with IPv6 support
08:17.14StormscapeBut I know my ISP supports IPv6
08:19.33Gary13579I don't think applications even need ipv6 support?
08:19.39ArkaenBiggieSmalls: you're dumb
08:19.47Gary13579the network stack should handle that
08:19.53Arkaen(I'm not a delinquent)
08:20.06BiggieSmallsthen why don't you stay up in class
08:20.14ArkaenBecause I'm fucking tired
08:20.27ArkaenSpeaking of, inspiration for something has hit
08:20.35BiggieSmallsI have stayed up without sleepingfor days
08:21.04BiggieSmallsunless the schedule is like 3 am classtime that sounds pretty silly
08:21.22Gary13579BiggieSmalls, so did I but it's terrible
08:21.25Gary13579and drug influenced
08:21.40Gary13579I went ~2 weeks without sleep my senior year
08:24.43ArkaenBiggieSmalls: You are dumb
08:24.53ArkaenDo you know how goddamn hard it is to focus after sleep deprivation
08:24.59BiggieSmallsmine was just because I had alot of homework and I valued my school career over sleep
08:25.02ArkaenIt is EXTREMELY counterproductive to learning
08:25.27ArkaenSpeaking of, I should probably head out.  Had to finish typing something up :<
08:25.29BiggieSmallsmaybe for you
08:25.33Gary13579biggie you're retarded then
08:25.41Gary13579depriving yourself of sleep does more harm than good
08:25.45BiggieSmallsyeah I'm retarded
08:25.54BiggieSmallsI'm in AP classes and sooper retarded
08:26.20Gary13579if you honestly think you can go without sleep and still be 70% of what you were with sleep
08:26.23Gary13579then yeah, you are
08:26.35Gary13579I only pulled it off due to massive doses of amphetamine
08:26.45ArkaenHell, just pulling an all nighter makes it hard for me to be more than 15% of when I get adequate sleep
08:27.44Gary13579calculus was my last class of the day, and at that point it started to wear off and I would literally pass out in class
08:27.53Gary13579which was annoying as shit as calc was one of my favorite classes
08:27.59ArkaenMath <3
08:28.30Gary13579then I'd get home, pop 20mg, and be good until morning
08:28.52ArkaenBut yeah
08:28.57ArkaenI'm really hoping it happens
08:29.03ArkaenI do not like waking up at 6 AM
08:29.08Arkaenlike... at all.
08:29.33BiggieSmallswhat time does your school start
08:29.51BiggieSmallsif it starts at like 6 then I would agree in making it start later
08:30.06ArkaenI feel bad for the people in Aristis, though
08:30.07Gary13579even if it starts at 7 or 8, you still need to be up at 6
08:30.10ArkaenIt's a farther away town
08:30.15Gary13579if I slept in till 7 I would be late, and mine started at 8
08:30.25ArkaenThey have to be up at like 4 AM
08:30.26*** join/#wowhead Bozpak_ (
08:30.30ArkaenDue to how far away their town is
08:30.31BiggieSmallsI live really class to my school
08:30.36ArkaenYet it is part of the school district
08:37.50ArkaenBut yeah Gary13579, I have to be up by 6:15 if I want a shower
08:37.53Gary13579Corgan, oh my god
08:37.59ArkaenAnd that's assuming I don't eat breakfast
08:38.01*** join/#wowhead Gunrun` (~gunrun247@
08:39.41Corganis listening to Blindfold by Morcheeba from Big Calm
08:41.15*** join/#wowhead tornd (
08:43.16ArkaenFrame Rate: A maximum capacity of 200 frames per second has been added.
08:45.53*** join/#wowhead BShip (
08:46.18BiggieSmallspeople have 200 fps?
08:46.48BiggieSmallsI thought the average was like 60
09:03.33Stormscapeoh crap
09:03.42StormscapeI just realised I'm under hit cap without a Draenei
09:04.12StormscapeWell this is embarassing.
09:05.14StormscapeBetter make sure my GM knows for raids haha
09:05.21StormscapeMissing 0.8% of spells could be embarassing
09:05.56*** join/#wowhead Athenon (~Athenon@unaffiliated/athenon)
09:11.05DonhArkaen, I can get 200 FPS if I turn my settings down :/
09:12.29DonhI suppose 4 nividia 285's or 295's in SLI on a good processor could break 200 on Ultra
09:14.03BiggieSmallsfuck GMs
09:14.22*** join/#wowhead ecstasia (~ecs@unaffiliated/ecstasia)
09:14.29BiggieSmallsI ticket for my repair to be paid when I died from falling down in toc
09:14.41BiggieSmallsand I get a bullshit automated response in email
09:14.53BiggieSmallsI've had my fucking repair paid for because when I've experienced it
09:15.06BiggieSmallsit was an unusual glitch
09:15.17Bundyim sorry to say
09:15.22Bundybut that sounds like a dumbass ticket
09:15.27BiggieSmallsI'm sorry to say
09:15.30BiggieSmallsbut you're a dick
09:15.46BiggieSmallsI've had my repair paid for when I died from a falling glitch
09:16.11BiggieSmallsand since I've been leveling blacksmithing, I've spent all my money on bars and mats
09:16.15BiggieSmallsso I can't afford a repair
09:16.41BiggieSmallsno wipes at all in that TOC and I die from falling on the TOC fall
09:17.04Bundyour DK wipes half the raid every single time
09:17.07Bundyits fun
09:17.19BiggieSmallsand I didn't have path of frost on if you're implying so
09:20.37Corganopening a ticket to get get a repair from falling in ToC
09:20.39Corganis just dumb
09:20.47Corganand is the reason that GMs are constantly overwhelmed with tickets
09:20.57Corganby retards like you
09:21.16JunkHead-WorkI'm a retard.
09:21.30ecstasianah he's just broke
09:21.35ecstasiaand needs to do dailies
09:25.55Bundyits what, 10g?
09:25.58Bundyget over it
09:26.54Gary13579[02:19:49] <Corgan> opening a ticket to get get a repair from falling in ToC
09:27.16CorganThat's like
09:27.17Corganso retarded
09:27.34Gary13579I think he also whined about having like, 30g left after buying gems
09:27.37Gary13579or something
09:27.41Gary13579quit being retarded and go make gold
09:27.49Gary1357910g is like 2 seconds worth of work
09:28.24Gary13579wanna know why apple is fucking dumb?
09:28.28Gary13579"Aside from multitouch, Apple says HTC also violated patents relating to how iPhone users can wake up their phones by swiping a finger over the image of a lock, and how users scroll through a list or document by dragging a finger down the screen."
09:28.38Gary13579IS PATENTED
09:28.42Gary13579BY APPLE
09:28.52Corganget fucked yo
09:28.53DonhFuck that.  I used to do that on my pal m105 back in 2002
09:29.01Gary13579Donh, yup
09:29.05Gary13579apple is absolutely retarded
09:29.05Corganget fucked yo
09:29.08Gary13579and are patent trolls
09:29.14Gary13579Corgan, this won't hold up in court
09:29.16Corganget fucked yo
09:29.19Gary13579apple is going to get fucked so hard
09:29.27Corgannot if they throw money at it
09:29.28Gary13579and have like
09:29.31Gary13579half of their patents revoked
09:29.34Corgan(lots of money)
09:29.36Gary13579spoilers: HTC has money too
09:29.38Gary13579lots of it
09:29.44DonhOdds are it's a PR stunt
09:29.54DonhTo try and get HTC bad publiicty to apple fanboys
09:29.57Gary13579apple is going to get a TON of bad PR for this
09:30.04DonhI know
09:30.10DonhI didn't say it was a smart one
09:30.18Gary13579anyone who agrees with apple on this matter is a retard who really doesn't matter
09:30.19DonhProbably based of the idea that any publicity is good. :/
09:30.44DonhAnd trying to make HTC look like a knockoff or something
09:30.52DonhApple is just goiong downhill since the original imac
09:30.52Gary13579they're trying to patent every single thing they use, even if they didn't create it
09:31.09CorganI AGREE WITH APPLE
09:31.13StormscapeSo I heard in Cataclysm there's this thing called water that regens mana when you're out of combat.
09:31.16StormscapeSounds silly.
09:31.16Corgansucks Steve Jobs' cock more
09:31.26Gary13579"THIS JUST IN: Apple files a patent for using a mobile computing device to connect to mobile networks and communicate with other people using speech"
09:31.50DonhUS Patent system needs a reform.  Amazon has One-Click bouncing around in the patent offices again even
09:32.07DonhCanadian one could do with an overhaul too
09:33.11Donhwho want's to help me patent using an apple as a logo, or rather using fruit as a representational symbol of a legal entitiy or something >_>
09:34.38*** join/#wowhead Sleuth (~sleuth@
09:37.43*** join/#wowhead AlexBucket (
09:37.53StormscapeDonh we should patent a pear imo
09:37.57Stormscapewith tooth marks
09:38.10DonhThat would just need a trademark :P
09:38.34DonhAlso, I think it may already be used by a linux project
09:38.59DonhHow about an starfruit.  Or pineapple :)
09:39.53StormscapeI wonder if you can patent douchebaggery
09:40.14StormscapeWait no SCO Group probably holds that patent
09:40.46DonhBah.  AT&T is older :P
09:41.08Donhwhat is SCO up to these days anyway?
09:42.58StormscapeThey're still claiming to own UNIX afaik
09:43.41DonhI thought that ended when they outsted the lead guy?  Ah well.
09:44.04DonhPretty sure it flopped once the arguement came up that .. Novell? was it, still held the rights
09:44.08DonhTo wiki!
09:46.01DonhOh.  They only terminated Darl McBride in Oct 2009 :/
09:46.11DonhI like how that was the word they used though
09:46.23DonhAfter all the trouble he cause I could see the alternate use of the word being applied
10:41.30robotuschreleases a litter of kittens in #wowhead
10:41.50Owkkurimakes hotcats
10:43.45Gary13579LOL corgan
10:43.50Gary13579john lithgow
10:43.53Gary13579spraying himself with beer
10:43.54Gary13579and lol
10:43.59CorganI'm kicking chelsea's ass at Scrabble
10:44.07Corgan*thumbs up*
10:44.22CorganI played
10:44.25Corganfor like
10:44.27Corgan80 points
10:44.31Corganand she was like
10:44.47robotuschjust wait, at some point you WILL have all X's, Q's and Z's
10:46.27DonhAnd then you will spell the most awesome word ever. :)
10:46.58robotuschscrabble is best played with rather flexible rules regarding language
10:48.49*** join/#wowhead EsmD (~EsmD^@unaffiliated/esmd)
10:50.03CorganI've been told
10:50.05Corganto burn in hell
10:50.06Corgana few times
10:50.19Gary13579show her this
10:51.28*** join/#wowhead Srosh_ (
10:51.56CorganI just sent that picture
10:51.57Corganto her
10:52.02CorganI have not gotten a response yet
10:52.18Gary13579OH GOD
10:54.31Gary13579DAMMIT MAN
10:54.33Gary13579IM DYING HERE
10:54.50DonhCall 911.  Dying is bad
10:55.14CorganCan you buy them online
10:55.32Gary13579Corgan, what the dicks
10:55.42Gary13579corgan is dat you
10:56.12Corganclick that google link
10:56.14Corganand then sort
10:56.16Corganby price
10:56.17Gary13579I did
10:56.18Corganlowest to highest
10:56.32CorganI'md ying
10:57.12DonhIn conclusion - Gary is obviously horse-man
10:57.49CorganI just asked her
10:57.53Corganif we could buy the 2 person costume
10:57.55Corganand she said
10:57.57Gary13579corgan dude click
10:57.57Corganthat she'll think about it
10:58.01Corganas long as she doesn't have to be the ass
10:58.25Corganrofl gary
10:59.34Gary13579I can't stop laughing
11:00.16CorganI just asked chels if she finds it odd that I'm linking her random pictures of a man in a horse mask
11:00.40Gary13579oh my god I need to afk
11:00.41Gary13579can't breathe
11:01.09Gary13579ilu Corgan
11:01.43Corganshe just linked me that
11:12.59Gary13579ties Corgan to computer chair
11:20.25Djanepings Corgan
11:20.48DjaneWhich whilst seeming cruel, is exactly what he did to me so it's ok!
11:21.12StormscapeSo how do you gem a fury warrior? All +str?
11:21.40DjaneI think there's also the armour pen route
11:25.24Bundysome of each it would seem :P
11:25.40*** join/#wowhead Voice-From-The-T (
11:25.49Voice-From-The-Thi friends
11:26.27DjaneBundy, it depends on whether you're hard capping or soft capping
11:27.31StormscapeSince it's going to be the off-spec of an alt, I think I'll go with straight str
11:27.38DjaneGeneraly in 251/264 gear, you'll have nearly enough Arp to gem a couple pieces so you're capped when your trinket procs.
11:27.54Stormscapean alt that doesn't raid either
11:28.07DjaneGo go needle encrusted scorption
11:28.11StormscapeLike her single best item is the friendly Ashen Verdict ring
11:28.17Stormscape2nd is saronite swordbreakers
11:28.55DjaneTime to go trade in 200 frozen orbs
11:29.09BiggieSmallswe can trade them in now?
11:29.47Djanenot sure.
11:29.53BiggieSmallsI doubt it
11:29.57DjaneHope so. Can't remember if this was a patch or hotfix.
11:29.59BiggieSmallsthat recent patch seems like a hotfix
11:30.08BiggieSmallstoo quick
11:30.22Djanestill, time to move them to my main, anyways
11:31.13VoicyI was also wondering if the new patch would hit today
11:31.27stufsome minor patch hit EU today
11:31.39Stormscapestuf, same for US
11:31.42Stormscapesome sort of hot fix
11:31.57Stormscapeyou know what it probably was
11:32.02Stormscapeactivating ICC raid wide buffs
11:35.11Voicyhmm, i'll have to read up on those notes
11:35.16Voicyanything worth mentioning?
11:35.24StormscapeNot really
11:35.29Stormscapeexcept loltrauma is 60 seconds
11:35.46Stormscapeand Improved Revenge
11:35.47Stormscapeis a cleave
11:35.50Stormscapeinstead of a stun
11:35.55Voicyflip - feels weird being back on here. Facebrick killed the IRCstar
11:36.01Voicyah I see
11:37.58Stormscapeyeah so get ready for 2 target 10k revenge crits
11:41.03kuinkitty"Item - Priest T10 Healer 4P Bonus - Increases the effect of your Renew and Power Word: Shield spells by 5%. (Old - Your Circle of Healing and Penance spells have a 20% chance to cause your next Flash Heal cast within 6 sec to reset the cooldown on your Circle of Healing and Penance spells.)"
11:41.30ArkaenThe new tiger boss model
11:41.37Arkaenis so hilariously bad
11:43.50BibiI'm not even sure it's new.
11:44.05Bibisomeone pointed it out as new on IRC and I pasted but I think I'll remove it
11:44.09Bibibecause I'm pretty sure I saw it before
11:44.43*** join/#wowhead Resolute\ (
11:45.09*** join/#wowhead starspun (
11:45.57*** join/#wowhead Pneumatus^ (~WiN@
11:46.12*** join/#wowhead initializing1 (
11:46.59kuinkittyDamnit, Im not sure that to buy with my frosts on my priest
11:47.24kuinkittyMaybe save for T10 head
11:47.31ArkaenLook for items with green armour values
11:47.38Arkaenthey're awesome for priests
11:47.53*** join/#wowhead Stormscape (~Blarg@wikipedia/Stormscape)
11:47.58*** join/#wowhead NotMe (
11:48.35*** join/#wowhead Stormscape (~Blarg@wikipedia/Stormscape)
11:51.33Gary13579Stormscape, why do you have a wikipedia hostname?
11:54.21StormscapeGary, long story short, back when ##freenode-social was around it was one of the few free ways of getting auto-voice
11:54.44Gary13579change it to unaffiliated
11:55.28Gary13579:\ but you aren't associated with wikipedia
11:56.39Stormscapeeh I technically am, I have an account there, albiet one I haven't used in over a year.
11:57.12Gary13579that isn't being associated.
11:57.23*** part/#wowhead JunkHead-Work (
12:00.38manyw00t. icc raid buff
12:02.00DjaneI hate self important jerk tanks,
12:02.26DjanePit of saron, races ahead of healer and 2 dps, does a shortcut 3 people don't know, then tries to vote kick them for being "noobshits"
12:02.49StormscapeDjane, extra points if he used rocket boots
12:02.55Djanehealer explicitely states mana break but he pulls the ramp anyways and tries to votekick the healer for being too slow.
12:03.06starspunLol wtf
12:03.14DjaneHe's a self important jerkoff in his 264's.
12:03.31starspunDid you votekick him?
12:03.32Djanehe thinks heroics exist to give him frost instead of say, to help gear up people for raiding.
12:03.44Djanestarspun, no, it's unfortunately not easy finding a tank in my battlegroup
12:03.48DjaneWaited 25minutes for him.
12:04.09Djaneit really varies from 5 minutes to 30 minutes
12:04.42Stormscapeon my battlegroup tanks grow on trees
12:05.35StormscapeAlso I'm making a fury set for my warrior
12:05.39Stormscapeit's almost done
12:05.43Stormscapejust missing half the gear =P
12:06.38*** join/#wowhead Herrick (
12:07.55*** join/#wowhead robotusch (
12:09.00kuinkittyDjane :D
12:09.01*** join/#wowhead Astarael_ (~Astarael@unaffiliated/candescent)
12:09.02kuinkittyYou asshole
12:09.05kuinkittyCALL ME
12:09.05Herrickhmm can't decide if I should level my 20 lock or my 45 mage
12:09.08kuinkittyIf you are desperate
12:09.17DjaneYou were looking for a VoA group
12:09.32kuinkittyI've been offline for... 30mins?
12:09.52DjaneIt took ages.
12:10.04DjaneTank kept dying on his own because he ran away from the group
12:11.00Stormscapeoh shit. my 2 handed mace skill is 1/400
12:12.47HerrickI hate the weapon skill system
12:14.50StormscapeHerrick good thing it's gone in Cataclysm eh
12:15.45Stormscapenow I get to afk attack Felguards in the Tainted Scar
12:15.51Stormscapeuntil I have at least 380 weapon skill
12:16.47starspunWhy not go into VH normal? :D
12:17.18StormscapeBecause I plan on watching porn
12:17.22Stormscapewhile doing this
12:18.16StormscapeActually no
12:18.19StormscapeI'm hungry
12:18.21Stormscapeit's like 4.20am
12:24.24starspunMmm toast
12:25.18Djane4:30am toast is the best thing ever.
12:25.38starspunIt's 1:25pm here though :(
12:26.21Djanelunchtime here
12:26.25Djanebut i haven't woken up, or showered.
12:27.49kuinkittyMe neither
12:27.53kuinkittyIm still in bed >.<
12:28.41StormscapeI've just spent 10 minutes trying to get these mobs to pull alone
12:28.43starspunUnless you're sick, that's nothing to >.< for.
12:28.43StormscapeI'm going crazy
12:29.11Stormscapeoh fuckin finally
12:29.15*** join/#wowhead nmsiz (
12:30.55*** join/#wowhead JunkHead (
12:32.29*** join/#wowhead Funkeh` (~funk@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/Ace3/BigWigs/funkeh)
12:33.18starspunMOAR TOAST~
12:33.55starspunAnd after this I'm out of bread. Curses. :(
12:34.09kuinkittyWhat a fucking WSG setup
12:34.20kuinkitty4x DK, 3x warrior, 2x rogue and a paladin!
12:34.32starspunMelees ho!
12:34.33kuinkittyLets have some fun and die....
12:34.40kuinkittyHealers - who needs them?
12:42.09Stormscape338/400 and 366/400 weapon skill for my two handers now
12:42.15StormscapeShould be enough to start Heroics as DPS
12:42.37Stormscapewith my pro Titansteel Destroyer and that axe from Loken
12:43.14Djanesurely the heirlooms are better than those two?
12:43.16Stormscapenevermind that half my gear is still tanking gear
12:43.21StormscapeDjane, you'd think, but no.
12:43.34Stormscaperoffle Oculus
12:43.38Stormscapemy gear doesn't even matter
12:47.03*** join/#wowhead adashiel (
12:47.03*** mode/#wowhead [+v adashiel] by ChanServ
12:47.43starspunWhat the hell
12:48.45starspunPocket tank queued us up for a random dungeon, we're in instantly and everyone in the group gets a popup telling us that we're not in that instance's group and will be booted.
12:55.00starspunNot sure what happened. Realized we could just teleport back in and start
12:55.03starspunThat was weird thogh
12:55.30starspunAnd now we wiped, in UK... because the hunter is a tard
12:55.45starspunAnd probably a bot
12:55.54starspunAnd we can't votekick for 4 minutes :p
12:58.05*** join/#wowhead Bozpak__ (
12:58.16kuinkittyI just made 800g by sitting on my ass
12:58.38kuinkittyI crafted the ICC tanking boots and 12 gems for some guy :D
13:03.33Stormscapeguise I did a super pro 1k dps with my warrior
13:03.36Stormscapeon Mage-Lord Urom
13:03.42StormscapeBecause I didn't level up weapon skill enough
13:05.09*** join/#wowhead robotusch (
13:11.08*** join/#wowhead Arkaen_ (
13:14.58g0urrahm.. 471 haste rating on my paladin @_@
13:15.09g0urramaybe I should lower that some..
13:18.45*** join/#wowhead eith (
13:21.55DonhNo.  Double it! Holy light's in no time at all :D
13:23.19Gunrun`damn this is really nice
13:23.23Gunrun`new music on the PTR
13:25.23*** join/#wowhead ecstasia (~ecs@unaffiliated/ecstasia)
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13:43.54BlackNethmm now this is interesting.
13:48.29kuinkittyNothing is interesting atm
13:48.31Donhassumes it must be really interesting
13:48.42Donhbah.  Couldn't you wait 10 seconds kuinkitty? :P
13:49.13kuinkittyGotta log on all my chars to see wich ones have WG so I can do all VOA's
13:49.37BlackNetthis one gold site delivers purchased gold via the auction house
13:50.42BlackNetthe interesting thing is im wondering how and what bliz is doing about all of these sites
13:50.48DonhBlackNet, lol.  Cause that's not monitored by Blizz ar all :P
13:51.04DonhIt's kinda hard to get the site as fast as they can make a new one
13:51.17DonhBut they probably ban accounts like it's going out of style
13:51.45kuinkittyThey will do nothing
13:52.15DonhWill do nothing?  they're doing stuff all the time
13:52.21DonhThey just can't keep up
13:53.15BlackNetbasically say you buy 10k gold. then you list 10x items on the ah for 1k gold each. they buy them from you
13:54.07DonhThing is that if they do that more than a few times, it raises some flags and they look into the AH logs to see who's been buying the gold from the account that got posted. :/
13:54.27DonhI'll admit it's a better strat that the disposable accounts and direct trading.
13:54.31BlackNetthat's the interesting part
13:54.38DonhBut I certainly wouldn't chance it myself :/
13:54.44*** join/#wowhead stupiddigmouse (~chatzilla@
13:54.54BlackNetdirect trading and mail system i woudl assume is heavily monitored
13:55.10Donhlikely, yes
13:55.19DonhBut the AH is also monitored
13:55.48DonhIt's monitored anyway.  You can actually get a ban for upsetting it to a restarded degree like one of my old roommates did
13:55.58BlackNetwith the super large number of purchases on the ah it would get lost in the mess
13:56.14BlackNetupsetting the ah? do explain that one please
13:56.37DonhHe basically camped it all day and drove linen cloth up to around 50g
13:57.08BlackNetbought up everything that was on there and then posted his super inflated prices?
13:57.14DonhI'm not talking playing it.  I'm talking making simple things prohibitively expensive over a couple weeks
13:57.22Donhemphasis on super
13:57.24BlackNetgot banned for that?
13:57.29DonhAnd he sustained that behaviour
13:58.02DonhI suspect he was warned first.  But he was never the kind of person to listen
13:58.26BlackNetso what exactly is against bliz policy in doing that?
13:58.42DonhIt impedes other players use of the game or some such
13:59.11Donhthe linen cloth was ust one literal example
13:59.24*** join/#wowhead Greenkin (
13:59.54winkthat's actually hard to believe
13:59.59winkbecause it makes no sense either
14:00.03BlackNeti can see it actually
14:00.25DonhHe drove up all the cloth and consumables for the most part
14:00.25winkjust by farming Linen and putting it up for 10 you could've made hundreds of gold quickly :P
14:00.34BlackNetthe only thing that would force it to work is if people did buy the super inflated items and they wuld have to buy lots of it in order for the scheme to work
14:00.59DonhApparently not.  Seems people didn't catch on very quick :/
14:01.46DonhI mean you can buy a stack for linen for 20-50 silver.  So every time he sold one stack he could buy 100 more
14:01.50*** join/#wowhead nmsiz (
14:02.05BlackNetwell either my opinion of this famous website just went to shit or the gold seller just went up
14:02.16DonhHe would've gotten away with it fine if he hadn't kept doing it persistently
14:02.35DonhFun stuff in the fine print?
14:02.49BlackNeti sent email to the admin about the site and said dude gold buying ad on your site and if you know about it what can you tell me
14:03.03BlackNetthe reply was they are a good service reputable and all
14:04.38DonhI wouldn't call anything that's a direct violation of a liscence reputable, but to each their own :P
14:05.06BlackNetwell the ah payment method is not listed in teh license at all
14:05.22BlackNetthat's like me paying you to level my toon, nothing listed there about that
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14:07.28Donh"b) use the Game Client in conjunction with the Service for your non-commercial entertainment purposes only."
14:07.40DonhYou're not technically in violation of that, but they are
14:08.16BlackNetso my account would not get banned but the stores account may
14:08.48Donhalso (c) performing in-game services in exchange for payment outside the Game, e.g., power-leveling;
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14:09.05DonhMaybe.  I;m not done looking though the EULA yet :p
14:09.42BlackNetwhen i heard that the buyers account would get banned i did read all of it. many gaps in there on that subject
14:10.50DonhI've also heard that the buyers get banned
14:10.55Donhstill analyzing :P
14:11.02BlackNetalso places like coffee shops and the like that had computers for public use to play wow on would violate the eula as well
14:11.06DonhAlso section 4.B is something I didn;t know you could do
14:11.20DonhThe implication there is having coffee shop accounts I think
14:11.40DonhAs in charging someone to play an account owned by the coffee shop
14:11.54DonhCause I've heard tell of those getting in trouble before
14:12.12BlackNetinet shops cant use wow etc..
14:13.18DonhSection 7 looks a little wonky :/
14:13.37DonhApparently to terminate my account I need to destory the discs and remove it from the hard drive? :P
14:14.05BlackNetok how about this. say a service did legit farming techniques and sold their services to ppl for ingame gold? they didnt' steal or use hacked accounts etc.. for that and it's all legit
14:14.30Donhoh nm.  That's just to get out of the EULA
14:14.33BlackNetwhen you call for security changes in any form they ask for the cd key
14:14.34DonhNot the account
14:15.18DonhI think selling for gold is legit.  Excepting anything where you let them into your account
14:16.03BlackNetfrom what i have gathered it is
14:16.43manybut they cant force me to fucking destroy their fucking disks
14:16.54manythey'd to visit me home
14:17.00DonhYeah 2.c.c only specifies payment outside the game :P
14:17.02BlackNetthe legal claim is it's not your disc. it's their disc and you are just renting them
14:17.57manyif i wasnt so low on money i'd hire a lawyer just for fun
14:17.58kullervoyeah good luck with that, BlackNet
14:18.07kullervoespecially outside US
14:18.19manyput my fingers in blizz eyes and tell'em to fuck off
14:19.16DonhBlizzards team of lawyers are pretty good at their shit when they get sicced on someone from what I hear
14:19.46DonhAlso, the only way you could even violate that EULA if you're not playing the game, would generally be some pretty clearly illegal stuff anyway :p
14:20.17BlackNetmy sis knows a guy who paid his way thru college by leveling toons for people.
14:20.21manywith all the text there im not sure i dont violate the eula every time i log on
14:20.44manybut law systems differ.
14:20.54BlackNetmany most of that is open ended stuff so they can ban you or do what they want to you at their whim
14:21.06manysome are built around "what do you expect to get for your money" instead of "whats inside the EULA"
14:21.18BlackNetsame with regular state/federal laws
14:22.02manyin germany for example they
14:22.16manyactuall have you to sign the eule before opening the software package
14:22.28manyotherwise you can just refund the package, no matter wether opened or not
14:23.02manywhy heh, the reasoning is simple. they cant force you any contract AFTER you paid for it
14:23.15manyif they try, you can refund
14:24.02DonhSo. . . apparently they hold you responsible to the law as set forth by the state of Delaware, and yet arbitration for Non-US residents takes place in LA. :/
14:24.06DonhWhy Delaware?
14:24.26DonhWhat wacky law do they have there that Blizz wants to make use of?
14:24.35BlackNetthe eula stuff has been in court and the federal courts ruled that if you have to optionaly scroll down to read all of it before proceeding then you can say you didnt' read it and it does not apply.
14:24.46manyhah, even that may not succeed.
14:24.54BlackNetbut if they forced you to scroll to the end and read all of it before you proceed then it does apply
14:25.16*** join/#wowhead Bozpak__ (
14:25.29manya german court recently ruled that NY Times can be sued in germany by a german, if a) the audience for NY Times is clearly ALSO for german people and b) the issue is about something german
14:25.49DonhBlackNet, When you install wow you're forced to scroll down :P
14:26.05many(NY times had an online article about someone living in germany, suggesting he's involved with russian mafia and such.)
14:26.14BlackNetmany that's why that force thing came into existence
14:26.40Donhmany, that's fair.  And I think that falls under a different category of law, but is still a valid arguemnt on how the system works
14:26.53manyBlackNet: yup. still if you refuse to accept the EULA, you can refund
14:27.32DonhYou can do that here too.  Though you have to go to the publisher cause the stores won't take back opened software for anything other than exchange
14:27.32manynow we all know we didnt read all those two fucking contracts the first time we installed and just scrolled down without reading and clicking accept ^^
14:27.42DonhI read it :/
14:27.51DonhI read all my EULAs these days
14:28.12BlackNetanyone here good with dk's?
14:28.27manyi tend to ignore them mostly, mostly because if i did read them it'd be probably double the time than playing
14:28.30DonhAdobe's EULA has been fun to read :/
14:28.32manyor using the software ^^
14:29.02manyBlackNet: that'd be a meta question
14:29.39BlackNethave a guildie who is a dk and he's not happy with his talents
14:29.53DonhI'd send him to the wowhead forums.
14:30.07Donhthe class ones usually have a sticky to the good guides
14:30.12BlackNeti have no respect and little regards for the wow forums
14:30.17manyseriously, what is being forced on you when you buy software, music or DVDs is just inacceptable. you piracy something and you can just have fun. you buy something and all those wicked contracts will make you go mad.  or drm for music or that "DONT PIRACY MOVIES!" trailers on dvds and blueray
14:30.18Donhwowhead, not wow
14:30.24Donhthe wow forums scare me
14:30.30BlackNetyea same here
14:30.55BlackNethow good is i think it is?
14:31.11DonhNo idea, sorry.  I'll take a gander at it though
14:31.31Donhnot the right link it looks like
14:33.14manyi recently have seen a DK in Caverns of time 4 heroic... talent build: 31/5/35
14:33.40manyi was like: OO WTF!
14:33.53Rhiimany: wtf?
14:33.59RhiiWas it okay DPS?
14:34.05DonhExperimental maybe?
14:34.11Donhalso, hi Rhii
14:34.12many1k. but at like 180 blue avg
14:34.20RhiiHello Donh. :)
14:34.38Rhiihugs Donh
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14:38.09robotuschgod damn
14:38.19robotuschI HATE that effing Fuel fo the fire quest
14:38.52manykicks bricks to rhii
14:39.33NoxyPEW PEW
14:40.06Rhiicollects bricks
14:41.19DonhMorning everyone who just signed in.  And Noxy who stopped being AFK :P
14:41.51Rhiisnuggles starspun
14:44.53BlackNetWe're announcing these changes now to pave the way for other information to come. It's important that people don't freak out. We're not going to break your class -- though there will be many changes to the game - ones we believe are positive changes. For now we ask that you just digest the information, try and absorb it, and wait for more specific class information to release before you scream that the sky is falling.
14:44.56BlackNetthat's funny
14:45.50BlackNetso they are removing feral attack power
14:46.10*** join/#wowhead Nephtis (
14:46.13DonhYeah, it's going to still exist but be based of agility instead of existing as a weapon stat
14:46.39BlackNetwarlocks won't rely on spirit for damage
14:47.33DonhAFK, possible roommate issue involving his old landlord.   bbl
14:48.42manyso they introduce spellpower to work kinda like feral AP, but they will remove AP
14:48.50manyerr, they remove feral ap
14:48.58BlackNetdoing away with lower level spells. so you gain rank 2 you will no longer be able to cast rank 1
14:49.19BlackNetshould clean up the spell book greatly
14:49.22manyso you cant cheat on deathwhisper
14:49.36BlackNetcheat on deathwhisper? do explain that please
14:49.39manyits cleaned up, just uncheck "show all spells"
14:49.56kuinkittyWhat a ridiculous VoA10 run
14:50.05manyyou can cast lower ranks when your highest rank is blocked by the curse
14:50.12kuinkitty2 scrub tanks, taunted at 7-9 >.<
14:50.33BlackNeti tauned the frost boss in voa lst night and it did no good
14:50.43BlackNetwe saw 10 stacks before it changed
14:50.55kuinkittyI wouldnt have minded if the tanks would've been geared
14:50.57BlackNetand aggro did transfer to
14:50.58kuinkittyBut they werent
14:51.12BlackNetwe were and 10 stacks was nothing really
14:52.31kuinkittyIt's nothing on me with 53000, but that scrub paladin had 35k
14:52.46BlackNetbit low to be in there no?
14:53.09BlackNetwow-heroes does nto list voa on the progress map either
14:53.13kuinkittyIt's fine when you can taunt at 3
14:53.25kuinkittyIf you can't, it's not
14:53.27BlackNetyou see all taunts?
14:53.48*** join/#wowhead iBaL (
14:54.14kuinkittyI have eyes
14:54.21kuinkittyI can see the taunt animation
14:57.37BlackNetbug here stating divine storm does not affect him
14:59.45*** join/#wowhead Rosemount (
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15:01.17StormscapeSo I switched specs and gear mid-fight on Tribunal in Halls of Stone
15:01.48Gary13579get fucked auth owners
15:01.55StormscapeProbably the ballsyest thing I ever did
15:02.15Gary13579warned them for over a year now that one time auth wasn't really secure, but no, don't listen to me
15:02.34BlackNet1 time auth is not secure?
15:02.41StormscapeGary it's just a simple man in the middle attack, no security system can prevent that.
15:02.52Gary13579BlackNet, new keylogger is running a simple MitM attack
15:03.06Gary13579which I've told idiots for years that auth will not save your ass
15:03.11BlackNettechnical details please
15:03.21Gary13579yet they all still bought em and told me "LOL I CAN'T GET HACKED"
15:03.35BlackNetwho told them that?
15:03.35Gary13579BlackNet, it intercepts the auth code, and just reroutes it along with username/password to a server
15:03.48Gary13579like I said
15:03.52StormscapeNothing can prevent users being bad and going to trojan sites.
15:03.52Gary13579it's a MitM
15:04.07BlackNetwho told them they cant be hacked with the auth's?
15:04.08Gary13579Stormscape, yes but 90% of auth owners believe that by owning an auth they are invincible
15:04.14Gary13579BlackNet, you're retarded, shut up
15:04.21Gary13579"technical details" on a man in the middle attack
15:04.24Gary13579how do you think it works?
15:04.30BlackNetnot what i ask
15:05.32Gary13579not that I care
15:05.32BlackNetso who told all these new auth users they cant be hacked?
15:05.32Gary13579[08:03:23] <Gary13579> BlackNet, you're retarded, shut up
15:05.32Gary13579Did I say someone TOLD THEM that?
15:05.34Gary13579Learn to fucking read.
15:05.49Gary13579[08:02:30] <Gary13579> yet they all still bought em and told me "LOL I CAN'T GET HACKED"
15:05.51Gary13579that's all I said
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15:05.54Gary13579once again, l2fucking read.
15:06.15Gary13579it's a 100% false sense of security
15:06.31BlackNetsigh again another case of failure to communicate
15:06.58Gary13579How so? I said dicks, and you thought I said vagina. there's a huge difference.
15:08.08StormscapeBlackNet I'm pretty sure this is another case of you being fucking stupid.
15:08.21Stormscapeanyways, bedtime
15:08.22BlackNetright it's all my fault :)
15:08.56Gary13579anyway, the point is
15:09.18BlackNetlet me rephrase.
15:09.21manyits not
15:09.32BlackNetwho is giving and how are these ppl getting this false sense of security
15:09.33manybut its not 100% security either
15:09.54manyauth  will make your account more secure. it will not make it 100% secure.
15:10.33RedHeadSaidwoot, Lady's Brittle Bracers dropped last night and I won the roll
15:10.38manyhowever they keylogger has one simple problem. it has to use the otp token immediately
15:10.40StormscapeNothing would make it 100% secure save from logging into a computer located inside the server farm the auth servers are in.
15:11.01manywhilst the password it can cache and use it 6 hours later when you sleep
15:11.21StormscapeThe only thing it can do with your password is well
15:11.25Stormscapelogin to the forums
15:11.54Gary13579[08:09:47] <many> however they keylogger has one simple problem. it has to use the otp token immediately
15:11.57manyStormscape: i mean when no auth is associated. it can just cache your password and login into your accounts hours later
15:12.01Gary13579yes, but that isn't a problem at all
15:12.14Gary13579you intercept and block access to
15:12.19Gary13579login to the account and anti-idle
15:12.22Gary13579and bam?
15:12.26BlackNetand until you log in with a new key then the old key is fucked
15:12.28Gary13579when you wake up collect accountz and profit
15:12.37Gary13579BlackNet, you BLOCK ACCESS when doing a mitm
15:12.40Gary13579once again you're retarded
15:12.48Gary13579if the keylogger let the user connect
15:12.50manyGary13579: yeah
15:12.51Gary13579the otp becomes useless
15:13.14BlackNetmany will try the website then call
15:13.19manybut the password you wont notice that somethings wrong until you login one day and its all gone
15:13.34manyif they block your access because they need cos of otp, youll note it
15:13.35Gary13579many, ofc
15:13.37Gary13579BlackNet, call, LOL
15:13.41Gary13579and wait on the phone for 4 hours
15:13.49Gary13579and by that time your account is already gone
15:14.00BlackNetmay have been 2 mins at the most last time i called them with an auth issue
15:14.06Gary13579hell you could do better
15:14.11Gary13579dns spoof to your server
15:14.21Gary13579which gives them an invalid phone number
15:14.27Gary13579and fails to change account password
15:14.29Domh|ComaSo.  New roommate's a real winner.  His old landlord is here looking for stuff that disappeared when he moved out. :/
15:14.29manyouch :)
15:14.30Gary13579or, even
15:14.42Gary13579ask for your credit card number to "confirm" that its your account so that you can change the password
15:15.08Gary13579I would make such a deadly blackhat.
15:15.15Gary13579too bad I'm over that part.
15:15.17BlackNetdoubt that very seriously
15:15.32BlackNetbut good luck with all that
15:16.03Gary13579Considering you've done nothing but spout incorrect information and ask me silly questions...?
15:16.06Gary13579you really can't talk.
15:16.46Gary13579Find the flaw in my current attack, BlackNet
15:17.07Gary13579executed properly you'll get hundreds of thousands of accounts, no problem
15:18.44Gary13579many, the main thing we're forgetting is the people running these keyloggers aren't script kiddies
15:18.56Gary13579they are at least semi decent shops in China
15:18.58BlackNetthat's nice, welcome to ignore
15:19.10Gary13579which had people awake 24/7 in order to get on the accounts immediately
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15:51.34manythat'd just prove this world is crap
15:55.29*** join/#wowhead Iraiso (
15:55.58Iraisooh how silly of me
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16:02.48kuinkittyPff, scrub DPS in VoA >:<
16:05.27IraisoAint that quite common?
16:05.49kuinkittyNo, since it was a guild run
16:06.22kuinkittyShit setup tho
16:06.29kuinkittyOnly reached 55k RDPS
16:07.08winkscrub dps would be sub3k, btw :P
16:07.16winkI'm glad when I have people with 4
16:13.05*** join/#wowhead mystadio (
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16:16.34RawsAlso 'lo mystadio, Rosemount and TheOnyx
16:16.42RosemountWhy can't I open .wdb files.
16:16.47RosemountHallo Raws.
16:17.06Gary13579raws I am reading the blog of an awesome man and he mentioned a friend ross
16:17.15Gary13579you are awesome and he is awesome and not that many people are named ross
16:17.20RawsWe Rosses tend to be friends with awesome people
16:17.27RawsCase in point: I am friends with you
16:17.34Gary13579oh snap
16:19.30Gary13579"Thankyou for your email. I am not answering my mobile phone at the moment as I am experiencing iPhone envy and every second spent using my Nokia is like being trapped in a loveless marriage. Where you stay together for the kids. And the kids all have iPhones. "
16:20.27kuinkittyWhere is that from :D
16:20.30winksort of
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16:22.56Gary13579"Also, I am not sure what you are teaching in your classroom but Seb came home the other week talking about a healthy eating pyramid. I had to explain to him that pyramids are made of stone and therefore not edible so I would appreciate you not filling his head with these fanciful notions."
16:23.09starspunI love that guy :D
16:24.01Gary13579LOL @ the last email
16:27.17[NaL]he's trolling the school officials
16:27.20[NaL]epic parenting
16:27.57*** join/#wowhead g0urra (~g0urra@wowwiki/g0urra)
16:29.07RawsThis Portal update is pretty fun
16:29.13Gary13579p sure its fake nal
16:29.33winkI really have to play portal at some point
16:29.42RawsYou do
16:29.49RawsI took forever to play it myself
16:29.54RawsBut it was time well-spent
16:30.02Gary13579I wish that I did have a time machine, I would take my Macbook Pro back to 1984 and visit Steve Jobs. After selling my laptop to him for millions I would return to the present. I could do this several times as each time the present technologies would have changed. It is a flawless plan, I am sure you will agree, lacking only the availability of time/dimension manipulation technologies.
16:30.34winkI do not think they could've made anything profitable off it
16:30.46winkICs much too low-quality and big
16:30.52winkand computers were clunky
16:31.18Gary13579yes but it would drastically progress technology faster
16:31.29Gary13579imagine if we had the technology that will be out in 25 years
16:31.36winkoh what's this? floppy go herer? *scrunch*
16:31.42Gary13579we could break it down, study it, etc
16:31.50[NaL]reverse engineering
16:32.12winkyou start with something cool and in the end have a box full of parts?
16:32.16winkI call it deconstruction :D
16:32.20winknot reverse engineering
16:32.31[NaL]alternatively, you can provide Americans with technology during WWI and WWII
16:32.39[NaL]and prevent that whole little incident
16:32.44winkafter only 20* ./config.nice.. it's compiling o/
16:33.19Gary13579wink, bringing a single complex IC back 25 years would increase productivity
16:33.33Gary13579they wouldn't have to invent anything, but rather just RE what they already have
16:33.33winkremember that scene from STar Trek?
16:33.40winkwith the transparent aluminium? :P
16:35.04DeMyztikXthey have a similar substance that they're working on but it's actually made from manufactured saphires or something like that.
16:36.39*** join/#wowhead bleak- (
16:36.40[NaL]You can already make transparent Sapphires, it's used in aircraft windows
16:36.57[NaL]the only difference would be malleability
16:39.13DeMyztikXaww I knew I was almost right.
16:39.16RawsI can't believe AC2 is $60
16:40.15RawsI also can't believe MW2 is still $60
16:40.26Rawsand that I still haven't played it
16:41.13RawsI want another Rise of Nations
16:41.39winkI want another starcraft
16:41.41winkoh snap
16:41.49Gary13579Raws, I still can't believe IW wasn't paid a dime in royalties
16:41.52*** part/#wowhead bleak- (
16:43.43DeMyztikXI want a Starcraft Ghost
16:43.59kuinkittyNeed more haste on shadow gear :(
16:44.03*** join/#wowhead OscarDivine (
16:44.36Gary13579While watching the movie 'Chronicles of Riddick' together last night, my offspring stated that he wished Riddick was his dad. When I asked why, he replied that Riddick is good looking, has muscles and is a good fighter. I told him that I wished Matthew (his arch-enemy at school) was my son because he is better at maths and has cool hair.
16:44.43OscarDivineenters room and vomits on the ground
16:44.44OscarDivinehey guys
16:45.19OscarDivineat work and sick
16:45.21OscarDivinefun times.  :-)
16:47.03kuinkittyIm trying to shove more haste on my shadow gear
16:47.10kuinkittyJust got the ony25 cloak (SP Crit haste)
16:47.23kuinkitty832 atm
16:47.31OscarDivineI'm around 750ish
16:47.43OscarDivinebut I am not trying to cram more in there since I'm primarily disco
16:48.06kuinkitty@char EU Eonar Neelli
16:48.09[Wheaties]Neelli, Level 80 Human Female Priest (14/0/57):  Resilience: 0.00; Health: 18570; Mana: 20983; Spell Haste %: 25.37; Spell Hit %: 11.17; MP5: 99.00; Spell Penetration: 0; Shadow Crit %: 22.10; Shadow Damage: 2729; Neelli's Wowhead Profile: - WowArmory Profile:
16:48.16OscarDivinebtw, I'm a bit irate at the dickhead in the Priest forum telling those of us who aren't main spec not to give advice 'cause we aren't experts
16:48.27OscarDivine@char US Alexstrasza OscarDivine
16:48.30[Wheaties]Oscardivine, Level 80 Human Female Priest (57/14/0):  Resilience: 0.00; Health: 19120; Mana: 25753; Plus Healing: 2750; Spell Haste %: 21.47; Holy Crit %: 41.94; MP5: 208.00; Oscardivine's Wowhead Profile: - WowArmory Profile:
16:48.34OscarDivineno some different guy
16:48.55OscarDivinemeh I'm in my disco gear
16:49.05kuinkittyHOLY SHIT CRIT :|
16:49.12OscarDivinewell that's my disco sey
16:49.13kuinkitty41% >.<
16:49.14OscarDivineer set
16:49.24OscarDivineLAWL.  disco disco disco!
16:49.43OscarDivineI dont' have that in my shadow set oh god no.  I WISH I did
16:49.50OscarDivineI think I only have 30 maybe 32% crit
16:49.50kuinkittyIm around 3000 SP, 35% crit and ~450 haste on my Disc gear
16:50.03[NaL]Death Grip now has a 8 yards minimum range.
16:50.19OscarDivine8 yards MINIMUM?  ha!
16:50.26OscarDivinewhat you cant make a guy bunny hop anymroe?
16:50.48kuinkittyOscarDivine: Hehe, you got Brood too :D
16:50.51OscarDivineFully buffed up I think my disco set pushes the mid to high 3k
16:50.52kuinkittyThat trinket kicks ass
16:51.05OscarDivineyeah I have an EoTBM and a Spyglass
16:51.10[NaL]Item - Priest T10 Healer 4P Bonus - Increases the effect of your Renew and Power Word: Shield spells by 5%. (Old - Your Circle of Healing and Penance spells have a 20% chance to cause your next Flash Heal cast within 6 sec to reset the cooldown on your Circle of Healing and Penance spells.)
16:51.11OscarDivineIt's a MEAN combo!!!
16:51.15kuinkittyYa, Im @ 3000SP with inner fire and brood
16:51.23kuinkitty[NaL]: ORLY
16:51.37kuinkitty5% to Pw:S is NOT worth getting 4 piece T10 for Disc at least
16:51.47kuinkittyThere are WAY better non-tier items
16:52.00OscarDivine2750 + 125 from brood + 180 from Muradin's
16:52.17OscarDivinethen Innerfire
16:52.29[NaL]kuinkitty: exactly
16:52.37[NaL]kuinkitty: they should have kept the old one
16:52.42[NaL]it was at least interesting
16:53.06OscarDivine[NaL]: I'm a bit ticked off about the change for other priests
16:53.17OscarDivineI didn't buy the tier pieces purposely because I figured it wasn't worth it for me
16:53.19OscarDivineNOW it's really not
16:53.35[NaL]Improved Revenge now Increases damage of your Revenge ability by 30/60% (up from 10/20%) and causes Revenge to strike an additional target for 50% damage.
16:53.37[NaL]HOLY SHIT
16:53.48[NaL]wants to roll warrior now
16:53.59OscarDivine3055 + 156 = 3211 SP.  wow not too shabby
16:54.03RosemountWhy is Firefox slow with Google Maps
16:54.03kuinkitty[NaL]: Scrub, but interesting
16:54.05[NaL]OscarDivine: it's like lol
16:54.34OscarDivine[NaL]:  it's like...  "What were we talking about?  Kim Yu-Na?"
16:54.35[NaL]kuinkitty: revenge gets a 20% damage boost and now 40% more from talents?
16:54.37OscarDivinethat's what it's like
16:54.38[NaL]that's awesome
16:54.47[NaL]OscarDivine: lol
16:55.13OscarDivineI'm sorry but, if my wife weren't already having my babies, KYN would totally be next in line.
16:55.24*** join/#wowhead Bozpak_ (
16:55.40OscarDivineso what's the good news with Warriors [NaL]
16:55.42iblizzard[NaL]: are you kidding me??  about that 4pc set bonus change?  on priests?
16:55.53iblizzardthat's crap.... thats the only reason i was getting T10.
16:55.56[NaL]iblizzard: yes
16:56.11[NaL]OscarDivine: I want to roll a warrior for the lawls now
16:56.15OscarDivineiblizzard: I decided I would save up and buy the 4 set bonus in one shot
16:56.15iblizzardthe 2pc is crap.
16:56.18OscarDivinegood thing I waited
16:56.33Rosemountsighs at Firefox
16:56.53OscarDivineI am really enjoying my druid now.  Dungeon leveling is omg fun.
16:56.57[NaL]2p t10 bonus is lawlsy for priests
16:57.06OscarDivine2pT10 is useless
16:57.15*** join/#wowhead Greenkin` (
16:57.18OscarDivineI might as well go equip my Forethought Talisman
16:57.50[NaL]DK bonuses are good
16:58.03[NaL]OscarDivine: lol
16:58.07OscarDivinethey need to fix healing priests.
16:58.49[NaL]paladin bonuses are all good
16:58.53OscarDivineHoly priests are all QQing 'cause even resto shammies and Druids that are terribad make too many even decent Holy Priests look like dbags
16:58.54[NaL]I'm not sure about druids
16:59.13iblizzardi mean.. that 4pc isn't TERRIBLE, but not worth th eloss of off set items.  they need to change the 2pc now.  make it something decent.
16:59.15[NaL]hunter bonuses seem fine
16:59.44OscarDivineok the 4P T10 DRUID is AMAZING
16:59.45[NaL]mage bonuses also good
16:59.52[NaL]OscarDivine: for healing?
16:59.55*** join/#wowhead EsmD (~EsmD^@unaffiliated/esmd)
17:00.01OscarDivineMakes their Rejuv basically a PoM Hot
17:00.04OscarDivineeff that.
17:00.11OscarDivineyean [NaL]
17:00.20[NaL]rogue bonuses are good
17:00.41[NaL]OscarDivine: I'm not sure how good that is
17:00.45[NaL]even in a 25 man
17:01.01RhiiOscarDivine, what did you do to my dog?
17:01.03OscarDivineI WILL say though, that the SPriest bonuses both 2 and 4 are AWESOME
17:01.11OscarDivineRhii:  don't know what you're talking about?
17:01.25OscarDivineRhii:   did he stop fartin'?  or is he on hyperdrive flatulance
17:01.29[NaL]Shaman bonuses are good
17:01.32Rosemounthugs Rhii, worrying about her dog.
17:01.35RhiiOscarDivine: He hasn't spouted noxious gasses in a good day or so.
17:01.41[NaL]Rhii: that's a good thing
17:01.43OscarDivineRhii:  Rejoice!!!
17:01.44Rhiihugs Rosemount back. :3
17:02.10[NaL]warlock bonuses aren't bad either
17:02.11OscarDivineMy dog has channelled the gas from your dog and Dutch Ovened me
17:02.18RhiiI know [NaL], but I'm scared... Could this just be the eye of the storm with worse weather to come? Or did OscarDivine somehow cure him with magical mind powerS?
17:02.19OscarDivineyeah priest just get the shaft.
17:02.35[NaL]and warrior bonuses are fine
17:02.40[NaL]just healing priests
17:02.44[NaL]especially disco
17:02.54OscarDivineRhii: maybe he's making reserves.  so that he can have one all out 24 hours of pure spewage
17:02.56[NaL]Rhii: hopefully it's a good thing
17:03.15[NaL]as long as he's eating fine and excreting waste at a regular pace
17:03.17OscarDivineRhii:  or I used my magical mind powers of healing to cure his intestine
17:03.28RhiiOscarDivine, please don't mention that again. XD
17:03.38[NaL]but seriously, disco priests are so shafted it's not even funny
17:03.46Rhiiand [NaL] he's got a healthy appetite and asks to go outside regularly.
17:03.52OscarDivine[NaL]:  Disco priests can use the bonus...  if they're willing to give up like 10% haste and 10% crit
17:03.53[NaL]then I wouldn't worry
17:03.59[NaL]OscarDivine: exactly
17:04.10[NaL]their tier isn't even itemized nicely for them
17:04.16[NaL]although in 4.0 that might change
17:04.19OscarDivinethe opportunity cost is AMAZING.  and just ...  well.  If this were a see-saw, we would have just launched T10 into orbit
17:04.41[NaL]OscarDivine: lol
17:04.56OscarDivineI'm so glad I didn't invest any frost emblems into it
17:05.11OscarDivineI was going to save up and by the 4pc in one shot.  but now...   eff it.
17:05.12iblizzardyou're all just making me feel worse and worse. :)
17:05.44OscarDivineiblizzard: demand a refund
17:05.56Rosemountcheers at his average comment rating of 17
17:06.08iblizzardI'm almost tempted, really.  file a ticket and bitch that i want a refund on my T10 pieces. :)
17:06.12OscarDivinegonna check for patients...
17:06.17OscarDivinehonestly, I would
17:06.33iblizzardhell i'd rather have the money from selling saronite for that lame change.
17:06.34OscarDivineif I wasted 310 badges, hell yeah I woiuld
17:06.53[NaL]alternatively, open a thread in the suggestions forum
17:07.21DeMyztikXI have no clue what you people are talking about.
17:07.54iblizzardI was reluctant to give up my 4pc T9.  the buff to divine aegis was really nice.
17:08.17iblizzardbut 251 > 232... it was hard to argue with that.. and i wasn't about to upgrade my T9 to 245.. no chance of doing 25mans.
17:08.35[NaL]GOGO TOGC
17:08.42[NaL]go for 258
17:08.46iblizzardwell yeah, could do that. :)
17:09.12iblizzardbut that requires getting 9 other people willing to do it.  i'm not on a raiding server at all.
17:09.19iblizzardalthough we might not be last in progression anymore.
17:11.02iblizzardwhen does that change go live?
17:12.15[NaL]next minor patch?
17:12.25*** join/#wowhead Domh (~donaldmac@
17:13.25[NaL]throws Domh into a volcano
17:13.33OscarDivineiblizzard:  you mean 24 other ppl.  you only get 245 out of ToGC 10
17:13.39Domhmelts and burns
17:13.48iblizzardwasn't specifically taling 258.
17:13.50OscarDivineI'm still using an ilvl 245 staff though and it's keeping my gear score down.
17:13.58OscarDivinewell that + my 232 neck i can't seem to get rid of
17:15.12OscarDivineI do <3 ToGC gear though.  There's really some awesome items in there.  Solace...  amazing
17:15.22OscarDivineI doubt very much I'll be dropping that trinket any time son
17:15.34iblizzardYeah, I'd like to get that...
17:15.42OscarDivinesoon even
17:17.11iblizzardI'm still using sliver of pure ice and nevermelting ice crystal/the 128 int emblem trinket.
17:17.57[NaL]Frame Rate: A maximum capacity of 200 frames per second has been added.
17:18.09[NaL]I can't even gem 3 fps in a raid
17:18.26iblizzardI'm in the same boat.
17:18.29OscarDivineyou know the human eye can only see past 30-40hz in most cases?
17:18.34DomhThats for people how have like 4 GTX 295's in SLI :P
17:18.45OscarDivineanything beyond 40 hz is actually just a matter of things looking slightly more "smoothed" out.
17:18.51DomhMy monitor only refreshes at 60 in anycase. :p
17:19.39[NaL]I did that wrong
17:19.50iblizzardI'm surprisingly bottlenecked by my CPU now.  not sure why.
17:19.58OscarDivineiblizzard:  a lot of people are
17:20.01DomhWhat kind of CPU?
17:20.10iblizzardamd phenom 9500.  quad core 2.2
17:20.13OscarDivineiblizzard:  I hear that it's the most common bottleneck.  That + Memory
17:20.25*** join/#wowhead Mori-neko (
17:20.52iblizzardtempted to go grab an i7 920... but not sure I am u pto spending the money right now.
17:20.56OscarDivineI also heard a dirty rumor once that Intel chips get better frame rates for WoW in particular than do AMD chips
17:20.58Domhyeah.  I can see a small bottleneck there.  since it'll only use two of the cores and whatnot
17:21.02OscarDivinedon't know how much water that holds
17:21.14Domhiblizzard, that's the chip I have.  Works pretty decent
17:21.23Gary13579[10:20:05] <OscarDivine> I also heard a dirty rumor once that Intel chips get better frame rates for WoW in particular than do AMD chips
17:21.43Gary13579WoW isn't compiled to make specific use of any processor
17:21.49Gary13579meaning it will run the same speed on just about anything
17:22.05Gary13579WoW isn't even compiled for 64 bit ffs
17:22.20iblizzardI might cheap out and get an i5 750 though...
17:22.24OscarDivineyes, but people have been making claims that there are huge differences in game performance with the older quad core processors versus the new i7's
17:22.29DomhWell, I think it probably has more to do with the the instruction sets and optimizations.  But yeah, you shouldn't really notice a discernable difference unless you're intentionally benchmarking
17:22.45OscarDivineI don't believe any of them personally
17:22.49Gary13579Domh, oh of course
17:22.58Gary13579there will always be atomic level differences
17:23.02Gary13579but not even 1 fps
17:23.04*** join/#wowhead Rosemount (
17:23.04*** mode/#wowhead [+v Rosemount] by ChanServ
17:23.35DomhWell, I could see a few FPS actually.  But not really enough to matter
17:23.38kuinkittyOscarHouse xD
17:24.04Gary13579Domh, that's most likely differences in the mobo/ram/gpu/cpu socket/etc etc
17:24.07Gary13579than the actual cpu
17:24.52Gary13579if WoW were pushing out cpu-specific versions
17:24.54Gary13579then intel would rape
17:25.10Gary13579tbh I'd settle for a 64 bit build
17:25.12DomhPerhaps.  But AMD and Intel do have different architectures.  I know when. . . Prescott?  Came out, it's longer instruction sets reduced performance in some apps and games
17:25.22DomhThat's true
17:25.40Gary13579Prescott was trash
17:26.21*** join/#wowhead Srosh (
17:26.27DomhUgh.  Whatever kind of copy protection AMD has on these DVD's installation is making my DVD drive sound like it's suffering a painful, agonizing death.
17:26.44DomhThey won't even read on my laptop (though that drive might need cleaning since I never use it)
17:26.50Domhnot AMD
17:27.07DomhThat noise is so unnerving
17:27.20Gary13579I'm still rockin a kentsfield
17:27.23Gary13579q6600 <3
17:28.31robotuschthat's a lot of qq'ing
17:28.36DomhI've got a i7 920, simply because my laptop died (for a while) this summer so I decided to get a desktop that would last me a while for a change
17:28.42[NaL]robotusch: installed
17:28.48[NaL]Rosemount even
17:28.55Domhrobotusch, that's my thing.  I QQ. :P
17:29.16DomhThough I really am unnerverd.  I've never heard any computer make some of those noises >_<
17:29.51RosemountI know you are clicking this, blademeld.
17:30.21RosemountI wonder how the 3rd suggestion relates to the keywords
17:31.09[NaL]Rosemount: ofc I click it
17:31.18[NaL]I click almost everything on IRC
17:31.48RosemountDo you have any idea how that gadget relates to my keywords?
17:32.16iblizzardI haven't followed hardware for a couple years so i really don tknow much of the differences anymore, but it doesn't seem like the i7 is such a huge leap from the i5.  and the cost difference is nice, considering board differences too.
17:32.50DomhIt's not a huge leap.  Mostly hyperthreading and more cores I think.  I'd have to read up on the i5
17:33.17Domhwhich I will do right now
17:33.49Domhyep.  Different speeds and no hyperthreading
17:34.32Domhcompared to i7-800 series
17:36.21*** join/#wowhead Aeyan (
17:36.24Domh900 series is apparently a slightly different arch
17:36.44DomhAnd supposedly higher end.
17:36.58DomhDamnit.  I'm gonna waste hours updating my knowledge now.  Later
17:46.11*** join/#wowhead Lopin (
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17:46.13kuinkittyAlmost reached 8000DPS :(
17:51.55*** join/#wowhead ngerakines (~ngerakine@
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17:59.24*** join/#wowhead Nephtis (
17:59.44Rhiismooshes Nephtis
17:59.45Domh. . . so this software instllation is off to a good start.  Apparently CS4 is currently at 108% of overall progress. . .
18:00.21RhiiWell.. At least it's over acheiving?
18:01.25*** join/#wowhead Malgayne (~caseymonr@
18:01.25*** mode/#wowhead [+o Malgayne] by ChanServ
18:01.34[NaL]at least it's not underachieving
18:01.43DomhIt's also making the aformentioned disturbing noises still
18:01.53Domhlol.  110%
18:02.00[NaL]Malgayne: Sparta?
18:03.37[NaL]Death Knight - The change to Death Grip was "an unintended change as a result of a bug trying to fix something else. Death Grip won't change between 3.3.2 and 3.3.3."
18:04.05[NaL]Note about the Celestial Steed - A few people reported that on the official site, Algalon is the last boss of the Vault of Archavon and assume that he will be available in this instance in a later patch.
18:04.33*** join/#wowhead Lopin (
18:06.54*** join/#wowhead DevilStick (~DevilStic@nat/ibm/x-tpzmdbrpiyqaqymu)
18:11.36DeMyztikXplaying tank is great, you never have to wait for anything.
18:12.17[NaL]sure you do
18:12.21[NaL]your resource
18:12.34[NaL]especially at low levels
18:12.45[NaL]or healer mana, if you get a scrub
18:13.17[NaL]warriors have the best resource regeneration at low levels
18:13.38[NaL]druids get theirs at level 26-28 (3 point talent) and paladin at level 30
18:13.52[NaL]warriors already have it by level 15-18
18:14.11DeMyztikXmy boat to the exodar left right as I got there :(
18:15.17DeMyztikXmy girlfriend and I play mages. she knows what the hells going on, I mostly follow her around, but I'm trying to learn everything. My mage is level 46 but everything else I have is in the teens.
18:16.34DeMyztikXshe capped her mage at level 60 back when that was capping your character. We just started playing again after about 2 years off.
18:16.57DeMyztikXNeedless to say, I'm nearly clueless about all this crazy shit.
18:17.35[NaL]as far as I'm aware, levelling = frost AoE
18:17.40DeMyztikXBut I do know that I suck at BG and my level 14 warrior shouldn't be topping the alliance charts everytime I play BG with her.
18:17.42[NaL]which works better with two mages
18:18.04DeMyztikXyeah, I was firespec but I changed to frost spec with shit on blizzard and stuff.
18:18.21DeMyztikXshe's fire spec but loves her blizzard spell.
18:19.20DeMyztikXwhat we've been doing is I run in and frost nova then we both drop blizz on the group of mobs.
18:21.06DeMyztikXof course she works, I got fired, so I play all the time, so doesn't.
18:22.47*** join/#wowhead Pneumatus^ (~WiN@unaffiliated/pneumatus)
18:26.02DeMyztikXI had to log off 300XP away from leveling last night. I was sad.
18:26.33*** join/#wowhead dracula (
18:30.02*** join/#wowhead Mori-neko (
18:33.05Djane<[NaL]> as far as I'm aware, levelling = frost AoE -> or fireBOOM
18:33.23DjaneFireBOOM works much better nowadays with the 4% mana regain per mob and heirlooms
18:33.43[NaL]Djane: but two mages and lolAoE...
18:34.01DjaneFun to look at but not very efficient.
18:34.14[NaL]did blizzard dub arcane as raid, fire as levelling and frost as PvP?
18:34.21DjaneProbably slower since you have to kill twice as many mobs.
18:34.37DjaneNah, frost is still the easiest spec to level in. And blizzard thinks fire is still raidable.
18:35.01*** join/#wowhead CSuicideKatamari (
18:35.11Djanefire has fallen so far behind now with gear scaling that frost will be close to it in 3.3.3
18:36.00Djaneit's one of those things.
18:36.10DjaneHunters don't raid in SV in ICC unless they are needed too for the replinishment.
18:36.21DjaneMM is just superior any which way.
18:36.47DjaneFire pretty much has no niche right now.
18:36.56DjaneOnyxia whelps, maybe.
18:42.14DjaneNal, you're paladin player right?
18:42.21robotuschNo he's a lock
18:42.37DjaneI meant in wow.
18:42.41Djanenot irl
18:44.16[NaL]Djane: Yes
18:44.43[NaL]telemarketer goes like "We're from duct cleaning blah blah blah"
18:44.47DjaneWhat's the priority system for prot pallies
18:44.49[NaL]I go "I'm not interested"
18:44.57[NaL]and he goes "but you are interested"
18:45.01[NaL]I'm like WTF
18:45.06DjaneLike, do you consecrate before hammer of the rightous
18:45.10Djanewhen do you judge, etc etc.
18:45.35DjaneAt the moment on pulls i'm...
18:45.43[NaL]Djane: Holy Shield, HotR, Judgement, ShoR, Consecrate
18:45.56DjaneHoly shield, Hotr, Consecrate, Judgement, ShoR == ?
18:45.58[NaL]mitigation, most damage, mitigation, second most damage, third most damage
18:46.19[NaL]are you talking about FCFS or 969?
18:46.47*** join/#wowhead Pewpewarrows (
18:46.55DjaneI don't know what either of those mean.
18:46.58[NaL]FCFS is always w.e. does the most damage first, but you don't put HotR and ShoR together
18:47.05[NaL]FCFS = first come first serve
18:47.11[NaL]969 = prot paladin rotation
18:47.28[NaL]9 second CD, 6 second CD, etc
18:47.51[NaL]HS, Cons, judgements all have 8 second CD, but in a 969 we only use them every 9 seconds
18:48.02[NaL]ShoR and HotR have 6 second CDs
18:48.09[NaL]so you weave them in between
18:48.38[NaL]afk food
18:49.59DjaneSee, I tend to pull with HS up, then Hand of reckoning, Hammer of the rightousness.
18:50.14DjaneTHen I drop consecrate, then judge, but you're saying i should swap Judge and consecrate around.
18:51.01kullervowrong order
18:51.09kullervouse hor first so it'll deal threat too
18:52.01DjaneErrr, that's what I said.
18:52.06DjaneHoly shield != avengers shield :p
18:52.07kuinkittyyeah, matters SO much ;)
18:52.13kullervohand of reckoning
18:52.44DjaneYes, I holy shield for hte block, then Hand of reckoning, then go into my stuff.
18:52.47kuinkittyDjane: Paladin 80 yet?
18:52.59kullervohmm.. yes, I see it now
18:53.13kuinkittyOfc you put HS up, then pull
18:53.40DjaneI tend to use avengers shield whenever it's off cooldown.
18:53.47Djanedepends a little on packs
18:53.47kuinkittyBest way
18:53.56kuinkittyHoR -> HotR works is it's on CD
18:53.58Djanelike, if i'm at the end of the pack, i'll hold off.
18:54.03kullervoI prefer to spare it for grouping casters
18:54.03NoxyI GOT A NEW KITTY
18:54.23kuinkittyPro tank pulls casters without it
18:54.24Noxyadopted a 1.5k euro purebreed bengal
18:55.00Noxybrb pix
18:55.52DeMyztikXnew epic companion pet
18:57.47JuippisDeMyztikX: where
18:58.38kuinkittyDeMyztikX: Shut up, Juippis is getting a boner :(
18:59.17manycan you reset icc when someone clicked off the 5% buff in icc?
19:04.42kuinkittyWhy couldn't you? :o
19:06.00DeMyztikXnow that I'm tank I'm waiting for healers :(
19:07.30manyah. dissolving group, forming new, reenter
19:10.28DeMyztikXah, group ready, DPS fails check in bumbed to another group
19:11.04DjaneHoly priest just asked if he can need on a str/hit axe...
19:11.32DjaneI'm pretty sure he actually can't.
19:11.42Djanei KNOW he shouldn't.
19:12.44*** join/#wowhead BasicOSX (
19:13.05winka DK gave me lustrous looks for SP/crit plate in nexus earlier
19:13.21winkbecause I only greeded on pally
19:13.30winkand won
19:13.43DjaneI'm not entirely sure if lustrous means what you think it means
19:13.45winkhe made the impression that he would have liked it
19:14.38winkand yes, my head is spinning :P
19:15.14Djanein a nutshell
19:15.19winkyeah yeah
19:15.38winkas I said, not lustrous, but eager, or greedy or whatever
19:15.39*** join/#wowhead Gryphon (
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19:16.02Primaris probably the word.
19:16.16kuinkittyNone of my realms have WG atm :@
19:16.17winkthat's not what I wanted to say, actually
19:22.41[NaL]Djane: priests at low levels can
19:22.52[NaL]Noxy: grats!
19:23.46BlackNetyeaaa!!!!!  i fond my cat. came home to make sure they had food still and she was beside the house in some briars sunning
19:24.42hiromatsuI can not wait till ptr goes live
19:24.46hiromatsuDW frost will melt faces
19:25.24BlackNetgot her to eat some to. first food she had in a week
19:25.50[NaL]you starved your cat for a week?
19:26.01BlackNet[NaL] no she had major head surgery
19:26.09BlackNet looks like this now
19:26.58*** join/#wowhead BiggieSmalls (
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19:27.27BlackNetthey cut into her inner ear from under the jaw bone, removed a massive growth that went from inner ear, middle ear and outter ear and down to her throat.
19:27.48[NaL]BlackNet: ah
19:28.29BlackNetlast time it was a 2cm x 4cm mass they removed
19:29.16BlackNetthey cut into the bulla and remove some of the bone so it wont grow back.
19:30.46[NaL]doesn't deal well with pain
19:30.58[NaL]has a vivid imagination
19:31.02BlackNetwhen i brought her home i tried to get her to eat but she refused food and water. was having a very hard time walking and settled under my car for several mins so i went to the bathroom for about 2-3 mins tops and came out she was no where to be found. have been looking for her since. that was monday afternoon
19:31.14DeMyztikXit's nice knowing that whenever I want to use dungeon finder, I'll get a group fast
19:31.23[NaL]as a tank
19:31.32[NaL]I don't leave IF post level 15
19:32.01*** join/#wowhead Athenon (~Athenon@unaffiliated/athenon)
19:32.47DeMyztikXI like doing solo quests a lot. I can't stand to just sit somewhere and wait.
19:33.39DeMyztikXwhere can I learn 2h axe?
19:35.35DeMyztikXoh shi- just learned smelt silver, imma bout to get rich.
19:36.29kuinkittyTHIS is what I like in my heroics
19:36.46kuinkittyA BM hunter with big fluffy white bear
19:37.32DeMyztikXI need to buy the plush griffon pet. not for me... for... for my daughter...
19:37.52*** join/#wowhead Anubisss (Anubisss@
19:40.12[NaL]DeMyztikX: isn't silver ore more expensive than bars because peopled use ores to level mining skill?
19:40.20[NaL]and 2h axes in IF or Org iir
19:41.31MalgayneAlso because ore can be prospected for gems, and bars can't
19:41.49*** join/#wowhead Funkeh` (~funk@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/Ace3/BigWigs/funkeh)
19:42.11*** join/#wowhead Hapseleg (
19:42.21kuinkittyLol, this guys asked me if disc priest have any heals :D
19:42.40kuinkittyIm just on follow on the hunter in this heroic and shielding people
19:42.55HapselegHey i was wondering if anyone here got a us account and could do me a favor? :)
19:43.18kuinkittyI think at least 50% are from US
19:44.03[NaL]Malgayne: silver ore can't be prospected iirc
19:44.14HapselegWell i need to get in touch with pyroshen who is the guy who got the bop benefit thread
19:44.37Hapselegcause i wanna start up a thread like that but then i will keep it updated
19:45.08HapselegSo i wanted to ask him if i could copy his thread and add on all the new stuff
19:45.43Hapselegcould anyone plz help me?
19:45.44*** join/#wowhead pompy (
19:46.07kuinkitty21:43:39 < [NaL]> Malgayne: silver ore can't be prospected iirc
19:46.13kuinkittyNeither can be Truesilver
19:46.28[NaL]prospects kuinkitty
19:46.36HapselegTitanium ore is the only green ore that can be prospected :p
19:46.40[NaL]finds titanium dust
19:46.46kuinkittyTin, Copper, Iron, Thorium, Fel Iron, Adamantite, Cobalt, Saronite and Titanium are prospectable
19:46.52Hapselegwell ty for the help guys
19:46.56*** part/#wowhead Hapseleg (
19:47.02kuinkittyYou are welcome
19:48.58kuinkittyI do ~90DPS more when I include Mind Blast in my rotation
19:50.20kuinkittyIf I go MF spam, just VT -> DP -> MF -> Sw:P up -> MF spam, keep VT and DP up
19:51.13kuinkittyWith +830 haste. Wich kinda makes Mind Blast not worth to cast
19:53.15[NaL]casts mind blast on kuinkitty
19:53.20[NaL]kuinkitty is immune
19:54.16DeMyztikXhealer has full mana, tank has no life...
19:54.45*** join/#wowhead Resolute\ (
19:57.06[NaL]DeMyztikX: kick healer
19:57.09[NaL]or leave group
19:57.30Noxy  NEW KITTY :3
19:58.02[NaL]Why is the kitty in the bathtub?
19:58.32NoxyShes in the sink.
19:58.50NoxyCause she was sitting under the tap while it was running and got her butt and back all wet.
19:59.01NoxySo I wrapped her in a towel and put her back in the sink
19:59.12NoxyAnd shes been sitting there happy.
19:59.16starspunAMG KITTY
19:59.22starspunPurrtyful :3
19:59.25NoxyIf I bred her
19:59.33Noxyfound a male purebreed bengal
19:59.40*** join/#wowhead Jolt (
19:59.40Noxyi could sell the kittens for thousands
19:59.53starspunYeah Noxy
19:59.55starspunDO IT.
19:59.55[NaL]attempts to sell starspun
19:59.55NoxyCause shes all certified and stuff
20:00.05Gryphonono i esceared of teh rawr! i need a huggle.
20:00.07starspunis soulbound.
20:00.07NoxyAnd when she was a baby cost 1.5k euros
20:00.11Joltlicks Noxy
20:00.21starspunI got my meezer for
20:00.23[NaL]Noxy: she is beautiful~
20:00.24NoxyBut shes 5 years old now.
20:00.29starspunFor as much as I pay rent each month
20:00.49NoxyI GOT HER FOR FREE lol
20:01.12[NaL]starspun: free?
20:01.18starspunNo, [NaL] ._.
20:01.20[NaL]Noxy: your neighbour?
20:01.26[NaL]starspun: 500?
20:01.35starspun500ย€ yes :x
20:02.25[NaL]starspun: pix
20:02.35[NaL]pix of nude pussy cats
20:02.37DjaneSomeone name an emotion
20:02.46[NaL]dressed is fine too
20:02.52BiggieSmallsI can name the absense of emotion
20:02.53[NaL]Djane: starspun
20:03.03[NaL]starspun is an emotion
20:03.05DjaneOk, now give me a random phrase
20:03.07starspunis an emotion
20:03.11BiggieSmallsI hate you
20:03.20[NaL]Rhii starspuns starspun
20:04.21Djane[NaL], are you a religious man?
20:04.31[NaL]Djane: I am indeed
20:04.41BiggieSmallsNal is a huge pastafarian
20:04.43Djane(o rly?) sidenote ->
20:04.53DjaneBiggieSmalls plays too much KoL
20:05.15BiggieSmallsI was not touched by His noodley appendage
20:05.25[NaL]Djane: LOL
20:05.35BiggieSmallswhat is KoL
20:05.43DjaneKingdom of loathing, one of the character classes is pastamancer.
20:05.54fewyn|Awaypastamancers are noobs
20:05.58fewyn|Awayreal players go turtle tamer
20:06.01DjaneAll the way
20:06.04BiggieSmallsI never heard of that game
20:06.08fewyn|Awayshieldbutt ho!
20:06.11DjaneIt's pretty meta.
20:06.22BiggieSmallsbut pastafarianism is the practice of worshipping the Flying Spaghetti Monster
20:06.42[NaL]Djane: not all atheists are smart and not all religious men are stupid, but I look forward to antigrav nanomachines
20:06.55DjaneYes, it's a lampoon.
20:07.11Djanebut I'm mostly highlighting how the hell will they preach religion in the future when we've solved all the miracles? ;)
20:07.12BiggieSmallsatheists that pretend to be agnostics piss me off tbh
20:07.30*** join/#wowhead afkafka (~afkafka@wikimedia/afkafka)
20:07.47[NaL]Djane: I'm sure they said that a hundred, a thousand years ago too
20:07.48BiggieSmallsI'll talk to someone who claims to be agnostic then s/he will ask how I believe in the bible
20:07.57DjaneErrr yes.
20:08.02DjaneA legitimate question
20:08.14[NaL]Extremists need to back off
20:08.27[NaL]that includes atheists
20:08.34[NaL]and PETA members
20:08.36Primarsee, in the UK, nobody really gives a shit.
20:08.37DjaneDevout athiests, as I call them.
20:08.44DjanePrimar, indeed.
20:08.54PrimarDjane -- and yes, it's always amusing when you call them out on being what they claim to despise.
20:08.57[NaL]but the people who pisses me off the most are the passive-aggressive ones
20:08.57stufrandom question: just dug through my papers, found my epicrisis from my gastroscopy, alongside with photo prints of said procedure; question is - should i scan them and slap on facebook? :-D
20:09.06DjanePrimar, exactly!
20:09.08MalgayneC.S. Lewis once said "All extremes, except extreme devotion to the Lord, should be discouraged"
20:09.09[NaL]stuf: yes
20:09.21stuf"Here is my aesophagus"
20:09.22MalgayneAnd he was a christian philosopher
20:09.26DjaneAlthough there is also the ungodly(see what I did there) argument on whether athiesm is a belief or not.
20:09.31[NaL]Malgayne: devotion, yes, but aggression, no
20:09.48BiggieSmallsAtheism is a belief in my opinion
20:09.49MalgayneAggression doesn't work
20:09.50[NaL]interestingly enough, my last Sunday sermon covered this topic
20:10.00Primarquite honestly, if your belief A) makes you happy, and B) doesn't hurt anyone else, then why the hell do I care.
20:10.09[NaL]In Christianity, you convert people by showing them life within Christ
20:10.12Primar(also C) you're not pushing it on other people, which winds me up)
20:10.23[NaL]not by attempting to aggravate others
20:10.25MalgayneLike, let's say (for the sake of argument) that your goal is to convert people to your belief system
20:10.30DjanePrimar, b and c are the same :p
20:10.38[NaL]Djane: not always
20:10.40MalgayneBecause you believe that believing in that system with all your heart is the only way to true happiness
20:10.41BiggieSmallswe don't necessarily ask people to join
20:10.54[NaL]Djane: you can hurt someone in the name of your religion without meaning to convert them
20:11.01MalgayneSo the answer is to...try and somehow FORCE people to believe it?
20:11.05Malgaynehow would that ever work?
20:11.07DjaneThere should be a limited access religion.
20:11.09[NaL]Malgayne: it doesn't
20:11.19[NaL]Djane: IQ tests, yes?
20:11.20*** join/#wowhead BasicPRO (
20:11.21BiggieSmallsFree Masons!
20:11.30Djane[NaL], and genetic screening.
20:11.31DjaneAnd errr...
20:11.32Primar[Djane]: There should be a limited access religion. -- there is
20:11.36Primarit's called scientology
20:11.38BiggieSmallsFree Masons are that
20:11.39[NaL]anyways, you act like Christ, and that's how you promote Christianity
20:11.41Primarand you don't have enough money to join
20:11.41DjanePrimar, yeah. I just realised that after I said it :p
20:11.49BiggieSmallswell in that sense then yes
20:11.49[NaL]not by stoning homosexuals and deviants
20:12.02Primarbut they're EVIL.
20:12.07DeMyztikXbut in leviticus it says to stone homosexuals
20:12.20BiggieSmallsthe bible is a collection of stories
20:12.20DeMyztikXright next to the part where it says you can have slaves
20:12.23MalgayneAnd Jesus said "fuck Leviticus, that doesn't apply to you anymore"
20:12.26[NaL]but the New Testaments
20:12.29DeMyztikXand women must leave town on their periods
20:12.31[NaL]What Malgayne said
20:12.39*** join/#wowhead BasicOSX (
20:12.50Primarif you marry a woman who isn't a virgin, you should stone her to death too.
20:12.58Primarthere's a lot of stoning going on here
20:13.00MalgayneIt amazes me how many people don't seem to be aware that a fundamental aspect of Christian teaching is "Jewish law, as set forth in Leviticus, no longer applies"
20:13.10[NaL]People using the Old Testament to argue against Christianity are fools
20:13.21MalgayneBe nice. :P
20:13.22*** join/#wowhead BasicOSX (
20:13.28[NaL]people using the old testament to live Christianity are also fools
20:13.36DeMyztikXI like leviticus eh give cool rules and doesn't afraid of anything
20:13.44[NaL]There are some values in there, but at the end, it's a sotry
20:13.48BiggieSmallsI doesn't afraid of things
20:13.59MalgayneGo try and live by it some time and see how far you get :D
20:14.01[NaL]Love the man, hate the sin
20:14.03BiggieSmallsalso, Malgayne are you someone I should be talking to about mistakes on the site?
20:14.05[NaL]I have gay friends
20:14.07PrimarI just find the people who think that I'm evil because I don't particularly believe in god hilarious
20:14.14[NaL]BiggieSmalls: yes
20:14.15Primaralso with the LGBT-hatin' thing
20:14.19DeMyztikXthere's actually a guy that lived by leviticus for a year
20:14.26[NaL]BiggieSmalls: Malgayne is the Community Manager
20:14.28[NaL]so everythign
20:14.35DeMyztikXhe got in trouble when he threw stones at a couple that were kissing in the park.
20:14.42MalgayneAlthough you can get it in my email box the same way with the "Feedback" link
20:14.42BiggieSmallsI found some item mistakes
20:14.46[NaL]don't ask Malgayne to come out of his house though
20:14.56[NaL]BiggieSmalls: use the feedback feature
20:15.01[NaL]on the top right of the website
20:15.29BiggieSmallsnot sure what to classify wrong item placing in
20:15.38[NaL]I say bug
20:15.38BiggieSmallsbecause there's heroic gear and primordial saronite on a 10man item loot page
20:15.51MalgayneNot really a big deal what you classify it as
20:16.02MalgayneIf you misclassify it it's not like we won't see it
20:16.28[NaL]Malgayne: did you get my report spam yesterday?
20:16.41BiggieSmallsI sent it
20:16.47MalgayneMost of the reports go through Miyari before they reach me, but I'm confident we got them. :P
20:17.04Djanedemands inspiration
20:17.10starspuninspires Djane.
20:17.14[NaL]Malgayne: I just went though the faction pets and reported all the 1 copper BO pets
20:17.20[NaL]starspuns Djane
20:17.26MalgayneAh yes
20:17.28Djanestarspun, I'm writing short stories tonight(as seen here and here
20:17.34DjaneI'm writing them based off random sentences and comments.
20:17.48MalgayneDjane I didn't realize those were yours
20:17.50[NaL]Djane: that's your blog?
20:17.51MalgayneThey're quite good
20:17.58DjaneOh, thanks :)
20:17.58[NaL]what mally said
20:18.01starspunWATER FAUCET.
20:18.25DjaneHmmm, it doesn't strike me as interesting. I also can't remember what a Faucet is.
20:18.29DjaneWhich is a hinderance.
20:18.33Djane[NaL], CHOP CHOP CHOP.
20:18.40DjaneI'm contemplating recording that as an actual ringtone.
20:19.08DjaneHmm, tap.
20:19.36DjaneI'm thinking super creepy voice, distorted Tonematrix background.
20:19.55[NaL]you can actually chop something
20:20.00[NaL]so you don't have to say ot
20:21.16Djanehmms, can't think of anything to do with a water faucet, try again.
20:24.47*** join/#wowhead g0urra|away (~g0urra@wowwiki/g0urra)
20:24.51[NaL] this GIF is always awesome
20:32.05DeMyztikXOMG! a full length cloak!
20:32.11hiromatsuinstalling exchange server SP2 update at work
20:32.12Djanestarspun, try again!
20:32.15hiromatsuwish me luck
20:32.18DjaneSentences work better than words.
20:32.33starspunCan I take lines from songs? :<
20:32.46starspunBecause I'm really rather braindead right now.
20:32.48hiromatsuI have a feeling I am about to nuke the companies email for a whiel
20:33.13DeMyztikXbreak computer system at work? play wow.
20:33.21MalgayneDjane: Someone just linked me a news story in anothe rchannel that started with this sentence:
20:33.23Malgayne"A naked man stormed into Regina's City Hall Tuesday and made his way to the mayor's office."
20:33.34DjaneI am using that.
20:34.05Djane"Hey did you hear, some naked man stormed into Regina's city hall last tuesday and made his way to the mayor's office"
20:34.23Astarael_What's the name of that Valkyrie spawning stave?
20:34.23Djane"That god damn be a potent metaphor for your sexual activities or I do not want to know...wait....I mean"
20:37.59Astarael_No Spirit on it.
20:38.00Astarael_I want!
20:39.06[NaL]Spirit is subpar for any class, no?
20:39.12[NaL]even holy priests
20:39.32starspunDjane, OH I SHOULD BE A POLAR BEAR.
20:39.38DjaneHas potential!
20:39.46starspunCredit goes to The Cure.
20:39.51DjaneAhh hmm
20:39.51kuinkitty22:34:04 < Djane> Nibelung
20:40.04kuinkitty<3 Djonezor
20:40.12Djane[NaL], but the staff is pretty badly itemised for a lot of classes because of the wasted budget on the proc.
20:40.38[NaL]If only you could get it on a holy paladin
20:40.41[NaL]that would be awesome
20:41.28kuinkittyWhere is Sinespe for god sake!
20:41.54[NaL]on the forums
20:43.19PrimarI still don't know why he's in a huff with me
20:43.22Primaroh well.
20:43.51Valalvax_I heard it was fairly decent (read: fun) to use on AoE pulls
20:44.09Valalvax_as each individual tick/hit had a chance to spawn
20:45.12ArkaenPrimar: who
20:49.09DjaneI hthink I've just commited a grave sin.
20:49.20RawsHuh, it seems Valve are porting Steam to OS X
20:49.21[NaL]you mean, existing?
20:50.04kuinkittyDjane: What is that
20:50.18[NaL]kuinkitty: EXISTING
20:50.19Djanekuinkitty, just publishing my latest short story.
20:50.36DjaneI may of accidentally...wrote a bad.
20:50.48Valalvax_Raws, freaking awesome
20:50.54Valalvax_I made the mistake of buying a Mac
20:50.56*** join/#wowhead Moribund (
20:51.07Djanekuinkitty, [NaL]
20:51.42RawsEr, sorry, not Steam
20:51.49Valalvax_I fucking hate you
20:51.50OscarDivinekuinkitty:  Sin said she wasn't coming back to IRC
20:52.02RawsValalvax_: no, this is better :-P
20:52.09RawsValve porting just Steam wouldn't be anything to get excited about
20:52.15RawsValve porting the Source engine is something to get excited about
20:52.17Valalvax_Yes it would
20:52.18kuinkittyOscarDivine: WHY!
20:52.24Valalvax_Actually, explain
20:52.33OscarDivineSin mentioned it in a post to Primar.  lol
20:52.34RawsSteam is just their content distribution network
20:52.35Valalvax_wait, either way I can play my games, yes?
20:52.36OscarDivineno idears.
20:52.37RawsSource is the game engine
20:52.41Valalvax_I see
20:52.47RawsWell, their game engine, at least
20:52.52RawsThis means nothing for non-Source games
20:53.03Valalvax_it's a weird way to do it
20:53.07Valalvax_I assume they're porting both?
20:53.34RawsThat is to be expected, yeah
20:56.59Moribund>.> mount plushies are live.... so damn cute.
20:57.03malikeye|123Steam uses .Net stuff I thought
20:57.13RawsIn Windows, sure :P
20:57.19RawsAnd Mono does exist, you know
20:57.24malikeye|123I never had it
20:57.33Valalvax_Mono is a fat piece of shit
20:57.37Valalvax_so is crossover
20:57.44Valalvax_and that other popular one
20:57.47malikeye|123I <3 distcc
20:58.00Valalvax_All in all
20:58.07Valalvax_I'm glad I got a mac for the experience of using a mac
20:58.13RawsWhat? Mono is a very nice set of tools
20:58.19MoribundI love having a mac, for my laptop
20:58.22Valalvax_I wish I hadn't gotten a mac because the experience was straight from hell
20:58.42RawsCrossOver has nothing to do with Mono :P
20:59.03Djane[NaL]'s nal in the [NaL]
20:59.04Valalvax_and, in the future, the only way I'm getting a mac is when I have lots of spare cash lying around, and only for the quirky nice things for a Mac which are few and far between
20:59.10RawsSoftware like CrossOver and Fusion are virtual machines
20:59.15RawsMono is a cross-platform development toolkit
20:59.24[NaL]Djane: that blog
20:59.26[NaL]that blog
20:59.29Valalvax_Well, they both suck, neither worked worth a damn
20:59.30*** join/#wowhead Pattrick (
20:59.42Djane[NaL], I hope you didn't play super mario brothers as a child.
20:59.44RawsMono works very well for what it's supposed to do, thank you very much :-P
20:59.48[NaL]Djane: :/
20:59.53RawsCrossOver and Fusion also do what they advertise
21:00.07malikeye|123CrossOver is not a virtual machine
21:00.08Pattrickso, I was invited to this guild on my server
21:00.10DjaneI'm tempted to edit to say "It's a me BIG BOYS, mario"
21:00.12MoribundParallels and Fusion are direct competition. Crossover is much more limited
21:00.17malikeye|123it's a port of Windows DLL's
21:00.18Pattrickwhich has a member of Ensidia in it
21:00.29MoribundIIRC, Crossover is WINE based
21:00.44DjanePattrick, if he isn't in ensidia he isn't a member of ensidia.
21:00.53RawsWell, provides similar functionality to a VM
21:01.00malikeye|123parallels and fusion are hypervisors
21:01.01MoribundNot really
21:01.04malikeye|123not really, at all
21:01.12BiggieSmallsmaybe it's an alt
21:01.13BiggieSmallsor something
21:01.15RawsYou're thinking of the underpinnings
21:01.19RawsI'm talking about the user experience
21:01.19Pattrickex member, he left after the 72 hour ban because apparently Kugen was going cray-cray
21:01.28*** join/#wowhead kullervo (
21:01.33MoribundI'm talking about user experience as well.
21:01.40MoribundNo, they aren't similar in functionality
21:01.53ArkaenPattrick: go die
21:02.01malikeye|123one experience runs the whole OS in a domain, and the other emulates libraries
21:02.04Pattrickwhy Arkaen ?
21:02.11ArkaenYou spelled Kungen wrong
21:02.14RawsOf course they're very different in functionality, but they both serve to run non-native code
21:02.18RawsThat is my point
21:02.21Pattrickwell idc?
21:02.23BiggieSmallsArkean is right
21:02.39BiggieSmallsPattikc should learn from arkean
21:02.39malikeye|123not really
21:02.46RawsYes, really :-P
21:03.01Arkaenread the header
21:03.02MoribundThey do both serve to run non-native code.
21:03.02malikeye|123one allows you to run non-native code, while the other provides a platform to run native code
21:03.13RawsOK, that's just silly semantics
21:03.30malikeye|123it's reality dood
21:03.30MoribundBut that's such an incredibly broad definition of similarity...
21:03.58RawsYou've gotta stop thinking like a software architect and start thinking like a marketer
21:04.06malikeye|123I gotta bail, so I can't tell you're wrong anymore right now Raws :P
21:04.06RawsThen it makes sense
21:04.23DjaneYou've both gotta stop thinking like a insert here and start thinking like a grimdark mario brothers prostitute from outer space there.
21:04.37blademeldArkaen: I'd rather have the free damage/health/etc because I don't have to waste time grinding
21:04.38winkparalles makes 2 OS run in parallel, whereas fusion creates a fusion of 2 os
21:04.44BiggieSmallssmelting 200 bars is boring
21:04.51Arkaenblademeld: what
21:04.54blademeldBiggieSmalls: bejewelled
21:04.57blademeldArkaen: that blog
21:05.00ArkaenI was pointing out the title, tardhead
21:05.05ArkaenI'm not actually reading it :<
21:05.06winkthat blof used to be awesome
21:05.08blademeldArkaen: ah
21:05.12winkhaven't looked in a bi
21:05.14ArkaenI love blofs.
21:05.20Astarael_Having trouble on 25 Dreamwalker - the flaming skeletons are wiping us :< nobody is focus firing.
21:05.22winkbarfs, blofs and blergs
21:05.25winkimportant stuff
21:05.25BiggieSmallsblofs are my favorite time killer
21:05.27robotuschPattrick, I can top that
21:05.39Pattrickoh, I gquit
21:05.45DjaneAstarael_, ALL dps should be focus firing.
21:05.47robotuschUser ยค1 on the ensidia website is in my guild :D
21:06.21robotuschor, at least I think he is, he haven't played for ages, he just manages their website
21:06.48Pattrickgrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Ubuntu
21:06.49*** join/#wowhead BasicOSX (
21:07.32*** join/#wowhead BasicPRO (
21:07.47Arkaen"Last night we had another thrilling round of Wipe on Putricide. It's similar to Killing Putricide, which I understand is popular with some guilds, but with this twist we die instead of him. It's not really for everyone, but that's how niche guilds work."
21:07.50Arkaenthis blog is nice.
21:08.24*** join/#wowhead BasicOSX (
21:08.29DeMyztikXI have hydrophobia
21:08.39DeMyztikXboth my characters are stuck in water areas
21:09.01kuinkittyPro. 510k Absorbs in Toravon10
21:09.14Djanekuinkitty, niceeeeeeee
21:09.15DjaneArkaen, CHOP CHOP CHOP
21:09.48ArkaenDjane: You has hunter, right?
21:09.55ArkaenMine is 51
21:10.07ArkaenBM was a tad boring imo
21:10.17DjaneBM is for efficiency.
21:10.28ArkaenYeah, but it had too few buttons
21:10.32ArkaenI have
21:10.35Arkaenmore button
21:10.36RawsThis is so bad, it's good
21:11.16OscarDivineRaws:  I don't get it
21:11.59Arkaenlol raws
21:12.01Arkaenthat is nice
21:12.25winkI don't get why someone would use blosxom
21:12.28winkplus, the joke
21:16.06RawsHah, Valve are being more creative about this than I originally thought
21:18.12ArkaenLeaving chrome on overnight = memory leakage
21:18.25DjaneArkaen, CHOP CHOP CHOP
21:18.39ArkaenDjane: shush
21:19.04DjaneNow you must join me in my adventure to Bowser's castle!
21:20.37*** join/#wowhead Rosemount (
21:20.37*** mode/#wowhead [+v Rosemount] by ChanServ
21:20.47*** join/#wowhead Kaso (
21:22.09*** join/#wowhead JunkHead (
21:24.26Djanedivides Jolt by prostitute yoshi.
21:27.24blademeldmultiplies Djane with the blood of the old Gods
21:27.36Djaneis squared!
21:27.53Djanec'thuninates Blademeld.
21:27.57Raws#wowhead, home of the strangest roleplaying on the internet
21:28.33DjaneI doubt that.
21:28.38blademeldroleplays Raws
21:28.49blademeldthat's impossible
21:30.08blademeldbaconates Djane's computer
21:30.14RawsiPhone gamin' rigs
21:30.14DjaneI wouldn't do that.
21:30.15Pattrickdons his feathered cape, and squares away his glided chapeau, and farts loudly on Raws.
21:31.17DeMyztikXI hate paladins
21:31.29blademelddon't we all
21:32.10Djanepaladins in pvp as a mage are lulzy.
21:32.10blademeldpaladins never cease to disappoint me
21:32.32DeMyztikXeveryone was out of mana. I was tank. Paly was DPS.
21:32.51DeMyztikXPaly runs straight into the mobs when healer, mage and warlock have no mana
21:33.20DeMyztikXI pull aggro off everyone (as is my job, despite that I should have let him die).
21:33.36blademeldIt's your job to save the group
21:33.46blademeldthe group should have let the paladin die
21:33.48blademeldas a whole
21:33.55DeMyztikXhealer can't heal me. I keep myself alive as much as I can but I die. mage dies.
21:33.55GrumRaws: what on earth is that on the bottom? :D
21:33.57blademeldthe mobs would probably have reset
21:33.58DjaneI've discovered people who pull for the tank will be allowed to tank things.
21:34.06RawsGrum: batteries :-|
21:34.13Djaneand then I'll pull it off the healer when it goes for them.
21:34.21Grum3 of em? :P
21:34.23DeMyztikXI should have switched to battle stance with 2h sword...
21:37.10DeMyztikXso I could sit back and make the paly tank. or just let him die.
21:37.24DeMyztikXand be like "oh, I thought you wanted to tank"
21:38.21DeMyztikXI learned that low level paly's can't really grab the aggro like they need to to keep mages alive :( at least I can't.
21:38.45blademeldit's easy as a low level paladin
21:38.49blademeldyou just need a lot of water
21:39.07DjaneOnce you have taunt and rightous defence(15 or so)
21:39.12DjaneJust taunt one, wait.
21:39.13blademeldlow level paladin tanks can outDPS, outThreat and outHeal everyone in a dungen
21:39.19blademeldlevel 16
21:39.22DjaneI was doing till 60
21:39.25blademeldand there's two taunts
21:39.36DjaneTwo taunts?
21:39.37kuinkittyOr like outDPS in ICCtrashlol
21:39.43blademeldDjane: outhealing stopped when I started getting better healers
21:39.43Djaneis being stupid?
21:39.44kuinkittyThere is only one taunt
21:39.56Djaneblademeld, yeah.
21:39.59kuinkittyAnd then there is Argent Defender
21:40.13blademeldI have no idea what you two are talking about
21:40.21Djanewe're not :p
21:40.24DjaneI'm just a bit confused.
21:40.36DjaneMisread what you said and was like, there's ANOTHER taunt?
21:40.40blademeldYou get RD at level 14 and HoR at level 16
21:40.42DjaneI'm level 72 and I missed a taunt.
21:40.46DjaneBut yeah.
21:40.51blademeldthey're both taunts
21:40.52DjaneSo you HoR the first mob, wait, then RD the healer.
21:40.56DjaneYah, misread what you said.
21:41.06kuinkittyExcept you cant pull with RD
21:41.12DeMyztikX>implying that a paly tank would ever stop and think about mana
21:41.14DjaneNo, that's why I said wait :p
21:41.48DjaneConsecrate is dead early too
21:41.52Djane20 or something
21:42.06DjaneFunctions as a taunt effectively at that level
21:42.20DjaneRun in and drop it, siimples.
21:42.52kuinkittyOr stay still, pull with taunt, conse conselolol, repeat
21:42.55DeMyztikXpaly's don't have mana. they just have rage that regenerates out of combat.
21:42.56DjaneWhen do I get holy wrath?
21:43.04kuinkitty60 something IIRC
21:43.11DjaneI should find that on my bars....
21:43.24kuinkitty50 actually
21:43.36DjaneI am the noob.
21:43.58blademeldkuinkitty: you mean to tell me you didn't AoE grind UDs in WPL and EPL?
21:44.24kuinkittyOfcourse I didnt
21:44.27DjaneI didn't.
21:44.33Djane50-55 = BRd
21:44.40kuinkitty50-55, hmm
21:44.41Djane55-58 = Hellfire ramparts.
21:44.43kuinkittyCant remember
21:45.04blademeldDjane: as tank/DPS?
21:45.19blademeld55-58 is horrible if you can't hit them
21:45.20Djaneblademeld, as tagging along to my guildees "insane in the membrane runs"
21:45.30DjaneScholomance, Strat, BRD.
21:45.34kuinkitty :D
21:45.35blademeldI was referring to HFR
21:46.19DjaneAnd yeah, boosted in HFR :p
21:46.29DjaneMy guildees are pretty good.
21:46.41DjaneWe always boost each other the 55-58, 65-68 bits
21:46.48DjaneBecause they're a right pig.
21:46.57DjaneAnd we're trying to get together an alt raid group between us
21:47.01blademeldI remember back in tBC I boosted a level 55-58 group through Shattered Halls for lawls
21:47.22blademeldIt was like "Oh hey, I can use that in about 20 levels"
21:47.34blademeldPaladin tanking was OP back then
21:47.43Djaneblademeld, so far our alt raid group is 2 prot pallies, 1 ret pallie, 2 holy pallies, 2 hunters, 1 warlock, 1 mage.
21:47.59blademeld1 ret paladin?
21:48.04Djaneor rather, will be once everyone levels their alts up
21:48.28blademeldI'd drop a holy paladin for a resto shaman
21:48.44DjaneSure, it's an alt raid group :p
21:48.53DjaneWe're just taking what people have, rather than worrying about optimisation.
21:48.56blademeldalso I'd drop a Djane for a kuinkitty
21:49.53DjaneWe figure we'll down all the non end wing bosses
21:49.56DjaneSaurfang obviously.
21:50.02DjaneProbably bloodqueen
21:50.16DjanePutricide and Sindragosa with such a non optimal raid group might be pushing it.
21:50.39kuinkittyWe have 0 melee \o
21:50.47Djanemy real 10man group is
21:51.08blademeldngerakines: lol
21:51.16DjaneProt pallie, feral druid tank | Resto shaman, Resto druid, HOly priest(also goes disc and shadow where needed) | Mage, mage, hunter, Fury warrior, rogue.
21:51.52blademelddrop the mage for another Djane
21:51.55blademelddualbox lol
21:51.59Djaneas I keep saying :p
21:52.09DjaneWtb ret pallie or boomkin or spriest.
21:52.29DjaneThere's no reason to have him buffwise, and his numbers just aren't up to scratch
21:52.29PattrickWhat is a man?
21:52.55RosemountIt's so gooood to see you bearing your old nick once again, blademeld.
21:52.59blademeldOh shit
21:53.22BiggieSmallswhat does NaL even mean anyways
21:53.28[bladey]it means blade
21:53.37DjaneNice asian lady.
21:53.44BiggieSmallsI don't see the connection
21:53.49[bladey]stabs Djane in the testicles
21:53.54[bladey]BiggieSmalls: because you're not Korean
22:33.11*** join/#wowhead infobot (
22:33.11*** topic/#wowhead is Welcome to the official Wowhead channel - IRC rules/stats at - This is a family friendly chat. - whar is moose halp
22:33.45[bladey]I blame Arkaen
22:38.49starspunNooo I'm tired T_T
22:42.32[bladey]shoves starspun in her bed with her cats and puts a cover on her
22:42.43[bladey]duct tapes her in
22:42.45starspunbut toads :(
22:43.01[bladey]hush, Rhii can give you pictures when you awaken
22:43.21starspunWhat if I die in my sleep? :(
22:43.41OlisonLet me storm in here with a question real quick
22:43.43OlisonAnyone knows what the soundfiles are called for the chopper mount?
22:44.40[bladey]starspun: then Rhii will rez you!
22:45.05starspunBut rez doesn't have that long range!
22:45.31[bladey]starspun: :/
22:45.50[bladey]#wowhead will pull through for a pretty lady any day
22:49.15starspunOKAY THEN, gogo find me boots that look exactly like :D
22:50.44starspunThat would be weird. D:
22:50.53[bladey]Then why not just use those boots?
22:51.00[bladey]they're low level and BoE
22:51.04DeMyztikXalliance on my BG suck big time. they can't work together.
22:51.09starspunI would.
22:51.14starspunBut I can't ever find them.
22:51.31starspunI've been searching the AH several times a day, every day, for a few weeks. :P
22:51.37starspunSo I need options.
22:52.01*** join/#wowhead g0urra (~g0urra@wowwiki/g0urra)
22:53.17[bladey]Willow boots are close, but it's green
22:53.22Joltfinally gathered enough gold up for this pet
22:53.28DeMyztikXhorde always gangs up on people and wins, alliance always runs from even one horde member
22:53.29JoltDisgusting oozeling is mine!
22:53.44Jolttomorrow ill have to stupid dailes and stuff though bleh!
22:53.51[bladey]starspun: try Soft-soled Linen Boots
22:55.08starspunHmm. Doesn't work with what I need them for :(
22:56.14DeMyztikX4 horde v 2 alliance, the other guy in ally ran off when he saw someone else.
22:57.26*** join/#wowhead wowser (
22:57.47kullervohis pvp lisence should be revoked
22:58.11RedHeadSaidi would just drop howl of terror and pray to FSM I wasn't deathgripped
22:58.42robotuschran into a rather unlucky DKDK earlier
22:58.56robotuschhe was on 75% hp and deathgripped me
22:59.03robotuschI was on 95% hp and nearly full ragebar >:)
22:59.44*** join/#wowhead Funkeh`` (~funk@
22:59.59robotuschbest part was when he Chains of ice'd me
23:00.02[bladey]starspun: how about
23:00.02robotuschhuman racial >
23:00.15robotuschintercept + execute crit = pew pew dead dkdk
23:01.50starspunPurple :(;11518;5;28411;6;28415;7;15015;8;14679:1+1:0 is what I'm going for. :D
23:01.56kullervopounce shred mangle mangle mangle rip selfheal run & wait
23:02.25[bladey]starspun: ah
23:02.37starspunFaith Healer's Boots could work maybe :O
23:03.36*** join/#wowhead Arkaen (
23:03.43ArkaenI AM BACK
23:03.47ArkaenZombieland is <3
23:05.06starspun[bladey], ooh Riptide Shoes are identical
23:05.21[bladey]starspun: Grats!
23:05.24[bladey]Arkaen: yes
23:05.47Arkaeni am scarred
23:07.17DeMyztikXhorde camps the respawn too much...
23:07.43starspun[bladey], thankyou :3
23:08.08KoperBased on internet averages, is visited more frequently by males who are in the age range 18-24, have no children, have no college education and browse this site from home.
23:08.11Koperlol =p
23:08.37DeMyztikXI am not in that demographic
23:09.11DeMyztikXI am male and browse from home, but that's about it.
23:09.22*** join/#wowhead Funkeh` (~funk@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/Ace3/BigWigs/funkeh)
23:09.48starspunAll of that fits me except from the male part.
23:10.38DeMyztikXsolution: get college education, have kids and browse from work.
23:11.10KoperAnd get temporarily frozen until you turn 25
23:11.33starspunWell, I'd be 25+ by the time I get a college education.
23:11.47starspunSo that sorts itself out.
23:12.32DeMyztikXor stop visiting wowhead. coolguy.jpg
23:12.46starspunNot an option!
23:12.51[bladey]starspun: OMG, you and I have so much in common
23:12.55[bladey]we should be BFFs
23:13.11starspunorly :o
23:13.21DeMyztikXI get paid by the government to sit here, play wow and watch porn all day. Life is great.
23:13.22Gunrun (not work safe but if you couldn't work that out you deserve to get fired or shouted at by your mum)
23:14.24DeMyztikXthat's a TNG outfit on the klingon but the girl is clearly wearing an OS shirt.
23:15.32Arkaenguh, guesstimation has been wrong for the first time today
23:21.19DeMyztikXhe could have at least painted his hands and legs klingon black too.
23:25.59*** join/#wowhead kd3 (~kd3@wikia/kaydeethree)
23:28.23starspun <- I like this. I like a lot.
23:29.40[bladey]where is
23:30.07NoxyWH is higher on the list.
23:31.37robotuschNoxy :3
23:31.58robotuschmy warrior alt downed TLPD x3
23:32.17malikeyehmm, my parents might be moving to Philly
23:32.33[bladey]starspun: nice song
23:32.57starspunVideo's not too bad either :P
23:33.52robotuschhm, weird, but working combo this
23:34.00robotuschBluemars stream & ingame ambient sounds :\
23:34.15[bladey]robotusch: oh, I thought you just said that you killed TLPD three times
23:34.19[bladey]and I was like WTF
23:35.44robotuschI even got a couple of gratses out of general chat :>
23:36.05starspunWhat? No one raged at you for killing the TLPD before them?
23:37.11robotuschespecially since it was a good 45 mins or so before anyone complained that TLPD was already dead
23:37.48TecnoBratRaws: kind.to_s.gsub(/(.*)_(.*)/, '\1')
23:49.52DeMyztikXpaly in my group tried tanking the whole time, wouldn't heal (he was the healer) and the group wiped on deadmines.
23:50.48DeMyztikXI know he wasn't healing because I was dead and staring at his mana bar.
23:51.13[bladey]why was he tanking?
23:51.26kullervohe couldn't be tanking if he oomed
23:51.37kullervoif he didn't oom
23:52.46*** join/#wowhead Athenon (~Athenon@unaffiliated/athenon)
23:53.45gOurratank pulls sjonnir
23:53.51gOurra2 dps are shut out
23:53.57gOurrawe wipe, ofc
23:54.11gOurrathen tank says it's their problem that they didn't "stick to his fucking ass"
23:55.41starspunIt's not the deeps' fault that the tank likes it up the butt
23:56.10starspunThat really made no sense, I should go to bed
23:58.39*** join/#wowhead Yim (~Yim@

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