IRC log for #wowhead on 20070925

00:01.29^TRON^but all the help is not in vain.. I kinda tell ppl too on what I've learned here.. esp quests I told them go to this website ( uber info.. esp comments..
00:01.36rayfordTISNF=This is so not fair
00:01.47^TRON^oh.. hmm why you say that ray?
00:02.34^TRON^so anyway if the website started to kick of some more bandwidths prolly my fault LOL... jk I don't think so... LOL
00:03.14rayford^TRON^:  Its a commercial.  Never mind....
00:03.26^TRON^alrighty then.. ttyl
00:03.28rayfordVires:  You know, I saw a guild with that as their guild name.
00:03.32rayfordLater ^TRON^.
00:03.39PeterLOLzare you there?
00:03.41ViresThere's one on Maiev
00:04.16rayfordShame.  None on Draenor.
00:06.20Vireshmm maybe not on Maiev... was in the battlegroup though
00:11.45[NewsBot]BlueTracker: WoW General (Can you be that bad?) -
00:12.37Lukianding 63 pally :D
00:14.53Lukianhow familiar?
00:15.05ViresSELECT * FROM `table` WHERE `something`='somethingelse' LIMIT 1;
00:15.26ViresOr you can skip the proper formatting..
00:15.39Skosirisfamiliar enough to know how to do the following
00:16.55SkosirisUPDATE user SET bibi = 123 WHERE id = 1, bibi = 234 WHERE id = 2, bibi = 345 WHERE id = 3        etc
00:17.00Skosiriswould there be a way to do something like this?
00:17.09Skosirismany per-user updates in a single query
00:17.17PeterLOLzgrats Lukian
00:17.21zaxwait what
00:17.23zaxwhat do u wanna do
00:17.42zaxchange bibi depending on id?
00:18.18[NewsBot]WoW Insider: Guide to the Shartuul event in Blade's Edge -
00:18.30ViresThink you need independent queries for that...
00:18.37Lukian[NewsBot], it's broken currently
00:18.41Lukianhopefully 2.2 fixes it
00:18.48Adyslol Lukian
00:19.03Lukianit is :(
00:19.20LukianSmash the shield, no boss spawn, no refund on your darkrune :(
00:19.47ViresWhat MySQL version you using? 5?
00:19.51Lukianoh, stuck with debuff until a GM replies to your ticket unless you are lucky enough to have the pat passing by too..
00:21.16zaxare u only doing sql, or is it some php included aswell?
00:21.32Skosirisphp + mysql
00:21.34Lukian"The Epic gear created isn't completely great"
00:21.38Lukianbecause.. it's not epic?
00:21.57Skosirisin other words... I'd like to merge these into 1 query
00:21.57SkosirisUPDATE user SET bibi = 123 WHERE id = 1;
00:21.58SkosirisUPDATE user SET bibi = 3453 WHERE id = 2;
00:21.58SkosirisUPDATE user SET bibi = 563 WHERE id = 3;
00:21.58SkosirisUPDATE user SET bibi = 233 WHERE id = 4;
00:21.58SkosirisUPDATE user SET bibi = 3253 WHERE id = 5;
00:22.05Skosirisshould this be doable
00:22.38zaxwhy dont u just do a for loop in php?
00:22.49zaxand do an if expression
00:23.09ViresYeah, you'll have to run single queries for each update
00:23.12SkosirisI can have php generate whatever query I need, I would just rather do this using 1 query than a millions :p
00:23.32Raws|MBPBecause that will take like ten years
00:23.32Raws|MBPAnd rape the server :P
00:23.38ViresNot really
00:23.41Skosirisnot really
00:23.46Adysnot really
00:23.46ViresHIVE MIND
00:23.50Skosirisbut I'm all for doing things the optimized way lol
00:23.53AdysSEE WUT I DID THAR
00:24.10Raws|MBPHey, I am a fan of hyperbole
00:24.16zaxbut it feels like it should be possible anyway
00:24.20zaxby just doing sql
00:24.28Raws|MBPRelative to using one query, it will take like ten years and rape the server
00:25.05Skosirisaight, thanks for your input
00:25.11ViresI was thinking something along the lines of UPDATE table SET value = { var, var, var, ...} WHERE id = { var, var, var, ... } but I don't think that's part of the functionalit
00:25.13AdysSkosiris: we didnt help
00:25.25ViresAnd why are you using MySQL 4.1 anyway? It's deprecated.
00:25.29infobotOh a sarcasm detector, that's a *really* useful invention!
00:25.55zaxu can simply do some triggers
00:25.58zaxbut that feels overworked
00:26.34SkosirisVires: did you notice any lack of something on the site due to this? :p
00:26.49AdysSkosiris: O.P.T.I.M.I.Z.A.T.I.O.N. !
00:26.52ViresNope =p But still.
00:27.18ViresI wouldn't really notice it unless I was staring at your code =D ...mmm tasty PHP....
00:27.27infobotHTML-embedded scripting language. URL:
00:27.41Inc`4.1 is still the hosting standard
00:27.57Adysinfobot, no, php is <reply>Mmmmmmmmhmmmm! Tasty scripts!!
00:27.57infobotokay, Adys
00:28.08infobotextra, extra, read all about it, firstpost is
00:28.35Adysits already deleted
00:28.38Adysfor that matter
00:28.42Adyswhen are you fixing that ? :P
00:28.50Skosirisfixin wut
00:29.08Adysusers can see deleted post by using the url
00:29.55Skosirisworking as intended
00:30.07AdysWhat if theres porn, goldspam and stuff :P
00:30.17Adysmake it mod only mkay
00:30.22Skosirisdoesn't matter, as long as they don't show up in listings
00:30.29LukianWhich  weapon for a pally?
00:30.40ViresWho needs extra hard drive space when you got deleted topics still in the DB
00:31.14AdysVires: you have no idea the amount of time i asked wowwiki to clean their deleted articles space
00:31.18Adysjust because it bothers me
00:31.21Adysthat so much space is used
00:31.30ViresOh, all the revisions?
00:31.36Adysdeleted revisions yeah
00:31.40BibiAdys doesn't like emptiness, reminds him about his brain.
00:31.43Adysand permabanned accounts
00:31.46Adysgtfo bib
00:31.55Bibiyeah, go whine.
00:33.11Bibiyeah, especially if it's porn.
00:33.15Bibiwonder why you would want to look at it later
00:33.38AdysWe dont delete porn threads
00:33.42Adyswe "move them to our admin forum"
00:34.02AdysSko when are you getting us an admin forum.
00:34.03rayfordNighty night all.
00:34.04ViresMy LAMP box is running PHP 5 & MySQL 5... meh.. my webhost apparently supports PHP 5 but forces you to use a .htaccess to enable it. MySQL is listed as 4.1.22.... Apache version 1.3.37
00:34.10Adysnite nite ray
00:34.19zaxso, those time zones, as it says Heroes will air 9/8c, when is that exactly?
00:34.55Tusvapersevere, Adys! fight the good fight :P
00:35.05Skosiris9 EST, 8 central
00:35.12Skosiris7 PST
00:35.31Tusvamountain :P
00:35.33Skosiris6 pst?
00:36.21Inc`Vires: ASO?
00:36.34Adysnice username
00:36.49Simulator_Yeah, noticed that a few minutes ago .. lol
00:37.50Adys"I thought forever this was the Zul'aman patch :( just found out two days ago it wasn't. :("
00:37.52ViresInc`: Anvil Shaped Object? Address Supporting Organization? Asexual Senile Orphans?
00:37.59Adyshe had 124 more days to find it out
00:38.28TusvaIt's amazing how many people thought ZA was in 2.2
00:38.34Tusva*think *is
00:38.41Adysit was supposed to be
00:38.53TusvaI'm being amazed over here.
00:39.03TusvaI don't need your fancy logic!
00:39.04AdysITS NOT?!
00:39.17TusvaNo it is it's awesome I beat it
00:41.51[NewsBot]BlueTracker: Test Realm Forum ([SUPER BUG]Video Card Bug is even worse now) -
00:42.18Raws|MBPAwesome, a SUPER BUG
00:42.57PeterLOLzdoes it have lazerz?
00:43.02Raws|MBPAnd tin foil hats
00:43.22Tusvaand costume :(
00:44.48*** join/#wowhead Byn (
00:46.05Lukianaww :( I need level 64 for seal of vengeance
00:46.07PeterLOLzsomeone told me frost spells have a less chance to be resisted, anyone know?
00:46.40Inc`I think they are full of crap
00:46.52Inc`If there is any school like that, it's probably holy
00:49.07Simulator_I heard fros spells cannot be "partially" resisted.  Its either a full hit or a full miss.
00:49.12Simulator_frost*, even
00:49.35Corgan//// Jim Sturgess And Joe Anderson - Strawberry Fields Forever from "Across The Universe" (2007) ////
00:49.37CorganOh hi
00:49.44CorganThis soundtrack is epic
00:50.34Inc`I don't think that's true
00:51.22ViresMost frost spells are Binary, meaning they either hit or resist. No partials.
00:52.03PeterLOLzBut I would still need same hit rating as fire? Hum.. was thinking of going full frost for survivability
00:52.54Inc`I can believe that Vires, but not all frost spells
00:53.11PeterLOLzdealing more damage vs. surviving.. tough decision
00:53.36MiyariI'm getting paid to stand outside of SSC and PVP
00:53.43MiyariI love this game.
00:54.28Inc`I thought you were boomkin :o
00:54.35ViresI know that... but PvPin' too?
00:54.43ViresThey should pay by the kill. =p
00:56.50Miyarii'm sitting for buyer
00:56.55Miyarime and a shadow priest
00:57.48Miyarioh i forgot to show you
00:57.50Miyarithe UI
00:58.05Inc`You downloaded the hello kitty UI?
00:58.08Miyarihow did you write the thingy
00:58.12Corganlike the beatles?
00:58.14Miyarito make the panel only show up while in a raid
00:58.23Corganhaxed it together
00:58.38Corganneed it customized or something?
00:58.47Miyarii just need panel 6 to only show up while in a raid :P
00:58.53Miyarino auto-rescaling or anything
00:59.20Corganuno momento :D
00:59.25Corganthis soundtrack is epic
00:59.27Corgan//// Bono - Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds from "Across The Universe" (2007) ////
01:01.51Corganvery nice :o
01:03.10Corganall you need is love love. love is all you need
01:03.21TusvaMm..cherry pie + strawberry kiwi juice = <3
01:03.38ViresI did this to a few noobs back on Terenas: /script WorldFrame:Hide()
01:03.47ViresMakes the game... much.. more interesting....
01:07.20PeterLOLzMiyari, may I ask you a question? :o
01:07.51PeterLOLzhow far can you anticipate managing in bt if you can kill up to azgalor in hyjal
01:08.01Miyariat least thru akama
01:08.36CorganWhere are your buffs :o
01:08.42PeterLOLzakama is after gorefiend right=
01:08.46MiyariWhat buffs?
01:08.59Corganyour buff bars
01:09.05MiyariUnder the minimap?
01:09.05Corganon your UI
01:09.12MiyariI don't have any cause I was dead at the time
01:09.19CorganI know, I was just asking where you put them @_@
01:09.23MiyariRight now I'm trying to turn off raid tooltips
01:09.33MiyariAnd I need to be able to see HOTs in raid frames
01:10.22Corganwhere would you put em @_@
01:10.33Miyarigood question
01:10.43Miyariid need an external raid buff tracking mod
01:10.59Corganwhat would be awesome
01:11.03Corganis some kind of...
01:11.10Corganmouseover HoT window
01:11.13Corganor something
01:11.25Corganwhen you mouseover the raid frame
01:11.28Corgana window shows up with the hots
01:11.29Corganor something
01:11.48CorganI guess it doesn't make it easy to glance..
01:11.51[NewsBot]BlueTracker: Test Realm Forum ({bug} double aspects) -
01:11.54[NewsBot]BlueTracker: Test Realm Forum (____ Unable to Validate Game Version) -
01:12.21Corgan//// Bono And The Secret Machines - I Am The Walrus from "Across The Universe" (2007) ////
01:12.26CorganGOO GOO GACHOO
01:13.16CorganSee how they fly like lucy in the sky
01:20.20*** join/#wowhead thamuz (n=me@
01:20.27thamuzhey all
01:20.30thamuzi have a question
01:20.41infobotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there, just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
01:20.49thamuzwhere can i get a card for wow where i can use it right now
01:21.45thamuzmy debit card got stolen and i had it cancled, and forgot wow was coming due and if be 4 weeks before i get my new debit card
01:22.35ViresA game card? Any video game retail outlet should have them, but if you're lookin
01:22.39Viresfor an online one...
01:23.16thamuzyea a online on there no game stores within 60 miles of my house,, pretty much any site you can buy games at.
01:23.34ViresJust don't use ebay
01:24.30thamuzdo i get the code then or do they have to mail me the code
01:24.33Vires60 day prepaid card will run you about... $30 +shipping
01:24.37ViresThey mail you the card
01:24.56thamuzso no chance to play tonight lol
01:25.16ViresIf you have a working debit / credit card you could just pay your subscription with that.
01:25.42ViresSince with online outlets you'll have to either use a credit card.
01:25.59Viresor find some other method to pay.. usually like Paypal and the likel
01:26.09*** join/#wowhead Gun_de_gray (i=papash@gateway/tor/x-4b97a440b0120870)
01:27.59*** join/#wowhead ArttMann (
01:28.24*** part/#wowhead ArttMann (
01:29.35PeterLOLzl2p cc!
01:30.44thamuzi am seeing if i have a friend that has a pay pal account, for me to pay him, to use paypal to get where i can play lol
01:31.04thamuzwow is the only thing that keeps me from going on the streets killing people
01:31.21thamuzthe law cant lock me up for killing online lol
01:33.25PeterLOLzkilling people is not cool!
01:33.26*** join/#wowhead Agrajag` (
01:33.32thamuzyea i am 25 years old and use games like wow to take out aggravation to keep me from going insane after a hard days at work and with kids
01:33.52thamuzlol it alot better then the other way to release anger lol
01:34.41Raws|MBPYou'd think you'd use an FPS or something
01:34.53Raws|MBPWoW doesn't seem like a very efficient outlet for anger :|
01:34.59PeterLOLztrue that.. except i turn my anger (after failing in wow) onto the real world instead
01:35.01TusvaMaybe for PvPing
01:35.06thamuzit is trust me lol
01:35.06PeterLOLzbash the keyboard and whatnot
01:35.13thamuzi am on a pvp server
01:35.27thamuzwell i used to use muds, but no one plays those no more
01:47.03*** join/#wowhead [sini]Fenuz (
01:47.06Simulator_One thing I have learned quickly, its a lot quieter in here when Ayds is sleeping (:
01:47.20PeterLOLzHe stirs up lots of conversations, yes :/
01:47.23*** join/#wowhead Agrajag` (
01:48.13MiyariUsually helps that I shut up every once in a while,.
01:48.29Simulator_Nah, you two in particular make things rather interesting!
01:49.23thamuzit always quite when i get here
01:51.34*** join/#wowhead Nil_ (
01:52.18MistelHow's it goin'?
01:53.03thamuzhey what is the best pet for a warlock to use in pvp against a melee class
01:53.38Raws|MBPThe Addled Adys
01:55.48thamuzcool what level u get her 20
01:56.00MistelHere's a better one.
01:56.16thamuzdo u know what levels u get what demons?
01:56.18MistelHow's a rogue/paladin 2v2 combo beat a warrior/pally
01:56.31MistelVoidwalker at 10, Succubus at 20, Felhunter at 30
01:56.43MistelIf you spec right you get a Felguard at..50?
01:56.45thamuzwould u suggest aff or demonology or destruction spec for pvp
01:57.01MistelDemonology if you ask a rogue like myself.
01:57.35thamuzwhy u say if i ask a rouge is that the spec u have trouble with
01:57.52thamuzi hear felguard is a nice pet
01:58.03thamuzi wonder how his damage is
01:58.16PeterLOLzwhy cant mage gear be more like warlock gear?! QQ
01:58.19MistelIt's basically an arms warrior with toned down damage.
01:58.22[NewsBot]MMO Champion: Patch 2.2 on Live Servers : Changes -
01:58.35Simulator_The Demo tree provides an insane amount of survivability, which makes it popular against melee classes
01:59.05thamuzi hear destruction does alot of damage but no survivalility
01:59.06MistelAnd when they say insane...
01:59.40thamuzwhat u mean by insane?
01:59.46Simulator_Yeah -- insane is not an understatement (:
02:00.05PeterLOLzits a lie
02:00.07MistelARound 10k HP and splitting any damage done with a giant guy with an axe.
02:00.20PeterLOLza destruction warlock will often perform WORSE than affliction
02:00.51thamuzso i am not doing wrong at level 16 going demon spec
02:01.12PeterLOLzi am the master of warlock specc, one second
02:01.18Simulator_Demo is a popular leveling spec, as is affliction - both have their advantages
02:01.19thamuzok lol
02:01.33thamuzwhat is the pro for aff
02:01.43MistelDoT, Run, Done.
02:01.44PeterLOLzmore dots, more powerful dots
02:02.06Simulator_Lots of dots, multiple mobs at once, when you get dark pact greatly helps with downtime
02:02.36thamuzwhat the advantages for demon
02:02.58PeterLOLzthat specc i used at low level, works wonders
02:03.21MistelMy warlock was a gimp, then.
02:03.27MistelWent full affliction the whole way.
02:03.36PeterLOLzthe idea is basically a more stable voidwalker tank, which will tank very good.. instant corruption for ease, plus shadowburn when the mob is below 30%, drain life and regen 15% mana
02:03.39Simulator_As did I, it wasn't so bad though
02:03.51Simulator_But that was a long time ago.. (:
02:04.06MistelHaven't touched my warlock in a long while..
02:04.14MistelRolled a rogue and fell in love.
02:04.24Simulator_Just finished doing some 5v5 w/ mine, that's all I use him for now
02:04.28thamuzso u would say for pvp demon spec best for a lock for a newbie
02:04.32Simulator_Prot war's not that fun in arena (:
02:04.57MistelUnless you get stupid people who beat on you./
02:05.04Simulator_Demon spec is pretty straight forward, and helps a lot as you work on building your gear up.
02:05.22thamuzwell thank yall so much for the infomation
02:05.32thamuzit hard to get people on the game to even talk to u
02:06.19*** join/#wowhead Mistel_ (
02:06.27Mistel_Swapped computers.
02:06.43Simulator_Well with this day and age and the current "Status" of warlocks, you would be a little hard-pressed to find people looking to help one level up.
02:07.20Simulator_Are any other mods idling atm ?
02:08.47PeterLOLzPeople kind of hate warlocks.. I agree on many levels, warlocks are overpowered both in pvp and pve
02:09.00Mistel_Only if played well.
02:09.08Mistel_To me, anyway.
02:09.29Simulator_I recently swapped from an aff spec I have had for a year or more to the 24/37 aff demo build, and I can completely relate to why people are upset with warlocks, it's pretty insane what you're capable of doing and withstanding.
02:09.55Mistel_Then again, the one full S2 warlock I fought...Made me cry.
02:10.04Simulator_5th piece tomorrow!
02:10.07Mistel_Same as the T4 Prot pally made me die.
02:10.22Mistel_Server latency for the win.
02:10.22PeterLOLzIf i face a warlock in resilience, i might aswell go to bed.. mage cant do shit against one
02:13.52[NewsBot]BlueTracker: WoW General (no donuts in game) -
02:13.54Mistel_I'm a rogue, don't tell me about Resilince..
02:13.59PeterLOLzomgz, rep from trash in MH!
02:19.34Lukian!vs us Jubei'Thos Yamite us Jubei'Thos Slidarius
02:19.36ThraeBotLukian: Yamite vs Slidarius! Yamite has +2 lvls on Slidarius (64 vs 62); A L64 rogue and a L62 paladin square off!; 41/9/5 vs 9/44/0; Yamite wins by 310 TBRs!
02:19.39Lukian!c Jubei'Thos Yamite
02:19.53Lukian!c us Jubei'Thos Yamite
02:19.53ThraeBotLukian: Yamite, Level 64 Troll Rogue (41/9/5). 5405 HP; +10 Energy; 963 AP; 188.900 Melee DPS; 17.51% melee crit; 65 melee hit; 19.30% dodge;[[ TBR: 985 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Mon Sep 24 22:34:06 2007 EST ]]
02:20.10Lukiancrap, that's some nice gear
02:20.13Mistel_The bloody..
02:21.07ViresNo professions?
02:21.22Mistel_I noticed that as well.
02:21.55Mistel_Loved that chestpiece up to Assassination.
02:23.21*** join/#wowhead Mr_Rabies (
02:24.52infobottbr is probably ThraeBot Ratings -- a ThraeBot innovation. Working on a PvP-oriented weighted algorithm for what stats the Armoury currently has for your character, partially modified by build-type, it can be used to pit two characters in TBR vs TBR combat, and tries try to take into account which classes are fighting. (or "to be released")
02:24.53*** join/#wowhead yssaril (
02:28.32*** join/#wowhead Mr_Rabies2 (
02:29.33emsy-in-bedIs there any way how to search items with mp5?
02:30.05Mistel_Mana regen?
02:30.41emsyaha, thanks
02:30.56*** join/#wowhead Agrajag` (
02:30.57emsyi was searchign among spells
02:31.00Vires;crs=1;crv=0 Horridly more generic
02:31.41*** join/#wowhead twoshadetod (
02:32.32PeterLOLzafter slaying azgalor, how do you go to the night elf encampment?
02:41.52[NewsBot]BlueTracker: WoW General (Halol 3) -
02:41.55[NewsBot]BlueTracker: WoW General (Dear Grendel,) -
02:42.10*** join/#wowhead Agrajag` (
02:46.44*** join/#wowhead Sky2042 (
02:46.44*** mode/#wowhead [+v Sky2042] by ChanServ
02:46.53Sky2042good evening all!
02:47.13Sky2042how is everyone?
02:48.08PeterLOLzhappy as a panda
02:48.57Simulator_Evening Sky
02:50.04Mistel_Oh, hallo.
02:50.25[NewsBot]WoW Insider: Last-minute 2.2 tweaks -
02:50.58Mistel_So those birds don't suck AS much, anymore?
02:52.21*** join/#wowhead Fayd (
02:52.36*** part/#wowhead Fayd (
02:54.08Mistel_They nerfed troll Beserk.
02:54.19PeterLOLzthey still suck, but this time youll get a feather for kills, sellable for 89c at the nearest vendor!
02:54.25*** join/#wowhead Agrajag` (
02:57.04emsyhm, no mention about orc shoulders ^^
02:58.57*** join/#wowhead Demetrious (n=demetrio@unaffiliated/demetrious)
02:58.57*** mode/#wowhead [+o Demetrious] by ChanServ
02:59.25*** join/#wowhead oddigy (
02:59.49*** join/#wowhead Sky2042_ (
02:59.49*** mode/#wowhead [+v Sky2042_] by ChanServ
02:59.57Sky2042_gah, wtf?
03:04.10LukianI forgot how many newbies  there were in WoW till I started playing my alt :/
03:04.26Lukianat 62 you really should be able to read "Requires Engineer" on a trinket
03:04.31Lukian"Can you make me one?"
03:05.44SkosirisSky2042: nods
03:07.08Sky2042oh, skosiris, touchup suggested for ?mod: Number 4 of the Guidelines should probably be that we'd rather update (edit) the information in a post than delete it.
03:07.47Sky2042just a thought though
03:08.48Discovereh, the user should be responsible for that
03:08.58Discovermoderators shouldn't need to find the information to update it ;)
03:10.27Sky2042you read all the other guidelines? that seems to be against the gist of the others :?
03:10.32Sky2042:/ *
03:11.17Skosirisplease agree on the guidelines first :p
03:11.29Skosiriswhat the guidelines should be*
03:11.36DiscoverI wrote them heh. Basically, if a moderator edits the entirety of a post then it wouldn't be the users post anymore. So why should they get the credit?
03:11.52[NewsBot]BlueTracker: WoW General (Go to bed, Mods.) -
03:11.55[NewsBot]BlueTracker: WoW General (Timbal's on a roll) -
03:11.58[NewsBot]BlueTracker: Test Realm Forum (I DELETED THE WoWTest AND NOW IT WONT COME ) -
03:12.39Sky2042Discover: gah. lol. I still think #4 just doesn
03:12.47Sky2042'doesn't make any sense in context of the others
03:13.06Sky2042let's not delete anything if possible... oh wait, if its outdated, lets delete it instead of fix it
03:13.10Discoverwell, #4 is there only in that situation. any other situation should use the previous points
03:14.24Lukian <- lol wut?
03:14.50Simulator_Hrm.. makes sense to me.  Not really a need to have old/outdated comments around.
03:15.13Discover#4 is there for the situation where comments are out of date but the comment was previously useful. Moderators aren't there to change an entire comment someone posted
03:15.38Simulator_That's what new comments are for (:
03:15.46Simulator_Im sure as things change, the community will post those changes.
03:15.50Sky2042Lukian: lawl! probably one of ady's additions
03:17.18Simulator_Sky how did you get that cool little title under your name? (:
03:17.41Sky2042talk to skosiris about that :]
03:17.52Sky2042let me see if i can dig up theonyx's post
03:17.58Simulator_Ah, personal favours I see!
03:18.03TheOnyxMy post?
03:18.08TheOnyxOh, titles.
03:18.19TheOnyxIt would be nice if we could, you know, search for it.
03:18.30Skosirissearch for what? ;p
03:18.43Simulator_You never get a break do you?
03:18.59Sky2042TheOnyx: lolololo
03:19.01*** join/#wowhead Gun_de_gray (i=papash@gateway/tor/x-c8d0772fe9a48f83)
03:19.06Sky2042yes Simulator_, that's exactly it.
03:19.17Simulator_figured as much!
03:19.53TheOnyxSimulator_: ^
03:19.57TheOnyxLast post.
03:21.09Simulator_Ah - cool, so does he assign something totally random and cool? :P
03:21.26TheOnyxActually, pretty much all the existing ones were my brain-children.
03:21.29Sky2042dutempete asked for a name. i was assigned mine.
03:21.35Sky2042you lie!
03:21.39TheOnyxI do not!
03:21.43TheOnyxAsk Skosiris!
03:21.54Simulator_I like them :D
03:22.31Skosirishow about we find a nice title for Simulator_
03:22.45Simulator_Play nice (:
03:22.46TheOnyxI need a little information about Simulator_
03:22.52Tusva"Nice Underscore"
03:22.52TheOnyxBefore I can generate one.
03:22.56DiscoverDon't forget about me, Sko ;)
03:23.10Simulator_Arg, my name was taken!
03:23.12Sky2042yes, mr. weber needs one too... or perhaps that can be his name. :P
03:23.35TusvaThen you must take it BACK!
03:23.55PeterLOLzomg i have video overlay problems! when i watch a video in any player, plus have wow in focus, i get tearings all over the screen
03:24.55Sky2042Tusva: huh?
03:25.03Tusvawas re: <Simulator_> Arg, my name was taken!
03:25.44TheOnyxSkosiris: I'll be glad to help. I just need more info about the people. :)
03:25.49Sky2042Simulator_: how did you get to be a moderator? :)
03:26.06Sky2042not many comments, and not many SSs, and you aren't an editor...
03:26.10TusvaI think Discover should be something credit card related, Simulator something um...Flight..Sim?..related, and clearly I need something awesome related :P
03:26.24TheOnyx<Everywhere You Want To Be>
03:26.32Sky2042TheOnyx: lol!
03:26.47Sky2042actually, that would work better for simulator than discover...
03:26.57Tusvait's two fold, though!
03:27.00Simulator_I was just chatting with some friends on MSN and then completely out of the blue Skosiris added me and had a chat with me.  Took me completely by suprise.
03:27.09Tusvait's the credit card AND ties into his map icon
03:27.15Simulator_*Spelling :/
03:27.24Sky2042Skosiris: wtb explanation behind Simulator_. it will help in titling process
03:27.35TheOnyxI think my title fits best for Discover
03:27.44TheOnyxI mean, it;'s the Discover card motto
03:27.51Sky2042TheOnyx: whatever. :P
03:27.58TusvaI agree with TheOnyx
03:28.04Tusvaas little as my opinion matters :P
03:28.05SkosirisSky2042: Simulator = long-time user who sounds smart and knows how to type :)
03:28.41Mistel_Mistel =Who are you? Who let you in here? Go away!
03:28.56SkosirisI can detect people who have skill and would make good moderators
03:28.57ViresAwesome basis of judgement there. Can I join your masquerade?
03:29.01TheOnyxSkosiris: Did you see my title for Discover?
03:29.06Sky2042Skosiris: bull. :P
03:29.14SkosirisTheOnyx: what was it again?
03:29.21TheOnyx<Everywhere You Want To Be>
03:29.31PeterLOLzwow, people are realy showing their appreciation in the forums
03:29.43Sky2042PeterLOLz: you betcha.
03:29.48Skosiriswe need titles for these guys now: Simulator, Arador, and Tusva
03:29.53Simulator_PeterLOLz:  That's because they're great
03:30.17Sky2042Simulator_: how did you get your name?
03:30.18PeterLOLzits good, nice and simple
03:30.37SkosirisPeterLOLz: were you the one who wasn't excited about the forums?
03:30.53PeterLOLzI've never said that, I didnt know it was planned
03:30.59PeterLOLzbut turned out great, three thumbs up
03:31.13Skosiriskk, there's some guy who was like "ah.. forums. how boring"
03:31.40TusvaThis is a channel, Peter, keep your third thumb hidden :P
03:31.40Simulator_Sky2042:  Unfortunately theres no big story to it, just something that came up and wasn't being used much so stuck with it
03:31.41PeterLOLzUnless i'm schizo, I can assure you that was not me!
03:31.50Inc`They obviously don't have a job that involves compiling code
03:32.00Inc`Wowhead ftw
03:32.08PeterLOLzanything else than phpBB is awesome :>
03:32.27Sky2042Simulator <Not the Real Thing.
03:32.50SkosirisPeterLOLz: we had someone actually working on integrating phpbb or vbulletin into wowhead
03:33.07Sky2042<In Flight Training>
03:33.15Skosirisafter 3 weeks with no results yet, I decided to take care of that and created our own forum :)
03:33.26Sky2042<In Training>*
03:33.35Inc`vb is easy to mod
03:33.42Skosiristhat's perfect, and goes well with the fact he's the newest in the team :)
03:33.44PeterLOLzDon't do it, Sko! both phpBB and vBulletin are overused, there is no need for another half-assed replica
03:34.03Sky2042mk, now Tusva and Arador...
03:34.10SkosirisPeterLOLz: we did not do it as you can see, no worries :)
03:34.12TheOnyxNeed data
03:35.02Skosiriswe can skip arador for now since he doesn't appear to be online
03:35.09SkosirisTusva: please tell us more about yourself
03:35.23TusvaUm. Hm.
03:35.28ViresI would have disowned Wowhead if you used phpBB
03:35.28Sky2042actually, should get names for the editors too, but then, just my opnion.
03:35.39Sky2042oh, no, i know the perfect name
03:35.47Simulator_Ha, Discovery you beat me to that reply by 15 seconds!  Had to /delete my own post :P
03:35.47Sky2042<Icon Importer>
03:36.08TusvaI was a wowwiki addict, came to know the madness is adys, was obsessed with icons and tidying things up on the wiki and now I mostly do Articles
03:36.19Discoverl2typefaster Sim ;P
03:36.24Sky2042<Icon Obsessive>
03:36.30TusvaI always liked Iconographer :P
03:36.38Sky2042ok, that works too.
03:36.41TheOnyxI'd say <I LIEK PICTURES>
03:36.45TheOnyxbut Adys has that one
03:36.59Simulator_Ha, you guys still discussing titles? :P
03:38.08PeterLOLzdid anyone here fight archimonde?
03:38.13Mistel_That makes me...Kinda giggle.
03:38.31SkosirisTheOnyx: adys has <Hoovering Machine> now :p
03:38.33Sky2042PeterLOLz: Miyari has, I think... but he's at work.
03:38.42TheOnyxHe does?
03:38.45PeterLOLzYes she is :)
03:38.46TheOnyxOh welkk
03:38.51TheOnyx*oh well
03:39.05Sky2042then we need to give <I LIEK PIKTURS> to phaydre
03:39.06TheOnyxgive Tusva <I LIEK PICSHURES>
03:39.20TheOnyxnah, he has <Printscreen All-Star>
03:39.22PeterLOLzI wanted to know, when you're done with the first 4 bosses, and are headed for archimonde.. i want to know if there is loads of trash
03:39.54Sky2042PeterLOLz: /might/ help.
03:39.58*** join/#wowhead yssaril (
03:40.39Sky2042TheOnyx: nah, i like pictures doesn't really define tusva
03:40.56TheOnyxbut when does a title have to do that?
03:41.06TheOnyxMost of ours don't define us
03:41.10TheOnyxThey're just... funny
03:41.11TusvaIt should be at least a bit more dignified :P
03:41.24TheOnyxit's from a Youtube show
03:41.30TheOnyxit;s sort of an inside joke
03:41.36krag0thDoooooobeeedoooobe dooooooo
03:41.36TheOnyxthere's these two people talking
03:41.38TheOnyxand one of them is all
03:41.51Tusvayou could always do <Likes Tiny Pictures> or something
03:42.00TheOnyx"Listen, I'm the thinker. How about I stick to the books with words and you stick to the books with pictures."
03:42.02TheOnyxthe other guy goes
03:42.05krag0thZOMG NO WAI!
03:42.07TheOnyx"I LIEK PICSHURES"
03:42.11TheOnyxIt's halarious.
03:42.29PeterLOLzNight Base does not have and trash waves, only Archimonde
03:43.52[NewsBot]BlueTracker: WoW General (help w/ xbox live plz!!!) -
03:43.55[NewsBot]BlueTracker: Test Realm Forum (GG) -
03:44.05Sky2042xbox live?
03:44.21Tusvai dig the response
03:44.54Sky2042yeah. timbal's like, tseric 2.0 so far... hopefully without the same end.
03:46.02Sky2042hey, skosiris, technical question (and suggestion)
03:46.10Tusvai still say <Likes Tiny Pictures> but that's just me, btw :P
03:46.31*** join/#wowhead nazrhyn (
03:46.33Skosiris<Likes Tiny Pictures> it is
03:46.51Sky2042well, hello pelf
03:46.54SkosirisSky2042: yeah?
03:47.04Skosirisomg pelf is here
03:47.14pelfhey :)
03:47.19pelfyeah the guy with all the ideas ;\
03:47.23Sky2042would it be possible to make the forums "box" wider beneath the add on the right.
03:47.41pelfi figured if i was gonna troll i might as well go all out
03:48.00Simulator_Ideas are never a bad thing
03:48.06Sky2042pelf: definitely not a bad thing. :P
03:48.10pelf^^ indeed
03:48.20pelfi've kind of been waiting for the forums thing for a while
03:48.27Sky2042oh, we all have...
03:48.40pelfthat whole email and reporting to the void thing always seemed so impersonal
03:48.48pelfthough, skosiris did reply to my email once
03:48.50pelfwhich was nice :)
03:50.04Skosirispelf: do you remember what the email was about? I'd like to look it up
03:50.11Inc`hehe, i'm sure Sko is regretting giving me his IM info :D
03:50.16pelfhrm, moment
03:50.32Sky2042Inc`: what are you doing to the poor man?
03:50.58pelfsubject: profession requirements for quests
03:51.03pelfgoogle mail searching ftw
03:51.13pelfi was actually asking about whether or not you could data mine something
03:51.20pelfand you said you couldn't
03:51.55LukianScreeching Spirits / Deathtalon spirits use warlock hax :(
03:52.46SkosirisSky2042: the "Post Reply" / "New Topic" box ?
03:53.54Sky2042no, but that's a good idea too.
03:54.04Sky2042i need a paint program >_M
03:54.12ViresMS Paint
03:54.44pelfgimp pisses me off
03:54.44Sky2042who knows which.
03:54.58pelfi know it's deferential and whatever but WHY on earth would they NOT just use the photoshop keyboard shortcuts
03:55.13pelfbecause i know i'm sure as hell not going to go to the trouble to learn their wacko setup
03:55.22TusvaSky2042: When in doubt, use ASCII!
03:55.24pelfother oddities notwithstanding
03:55.29Sky2042Tusva: lol
03:59.12Sky2042d-flat in tenor clef....
03:59.19Sky2042oh wait, did that one
04:00.27Sky2042uh oh...
04:01.03Sky2042f# sucks...
04:01.44Inc`Try Paint.NET
04:01.59pelfoh yeah, that's actually pretty nice little app
04:02.03pelfi always forget about that
04:06.32*** join/#wowhead Guillotine (
04:12.44Sky2042skosiris, why can't we underline in the forums? xD
04:13.18Lukianbecause underline generally signifies a link
04:13.26Lukianit shouldn't be used on a web based medium
04:13.56Sky2042news to me...
04:14.05Skosirislike [u] and [s] ?
04:14.15Sky2042seeing as there's html for an underline, wouldn't it make sense to be able to underline?
04:14.19Sky2042s=strike, yes?
04:14.23TecnoBratOh wtf
04:14.26TecnoBratthe forums are live
04:14.31TecnoBratwhen did that happen?
04:14.36TecnoBrat<= Sleeping aparantly
04:14.38Sky2042TecnoBrat: lol
04:14.47Skosiris*TecnoBrat comes back from hibernation*
04:14.49Sky2042for the past 24 hours, give or take :]
04:16.44pelfi can see the argument for no [u] because of the link thing .. but then again it would be a white underlined word not a yellow/orange one like the <a> style is
04:17.03pelf508 accessibility compliance be damned
04:17.28*** join/#wowhead giskard_ (
04:18.18*** join/#wowhead malikeye|work (n=malikeye@
04:20.13TecnoBratwell, I will troll the forums properly now
04:20.18TecnoBratI mean .. moderate :
04:20.46PeterLOLzTalbuks in nagrand, they need nerfing
04:20.56Inc`Same thing
04:26.16Sky2042Inc`: = incendium?
04:28.33Sky2042What now, Mr Rogue?
04:28.54Inc`Too bad I don't play a rogue :P
04:29.04Sky2042oh good
04:29.41Sky2042then you won't have an issue with my POM PYROING YOUR FACE, right?
04:30.11Inc`Only if you don't mind having your face melted...
04:30.15*** join/#wowhead Basic (n=Basic@
04:30.19Sky2042gah, noooooo
04:30.23Simulator_Reporting Advertisements : Flashing, Jiggling, or otherwise seizure-inducing ads.
04:30.25Sky2042spriests ftl
04:30.35*** join/#wowhead BasicOSX (
04:30.35Simulator_Is that warning add considered Flashing?
04:30.54Inc`And now back to SUPER SEIZURE FIGHTING ROBOTS!
04:34.45Inc`Windows + Linux Desktop = Win
04:35.01*** join/#wowhead Guillotine_DC (
04:35.26Simulator|Sleepg'night folks
04:35.32Inc`Later Sim
04:36.54*** join/#wowhead TheOnyx (
04:36.54*** mode/#wowhead [+o TheOnyx] by ChanServ
04:38.42*** join/#wowhead giskard__ (
04:39.42MistelShe took a midnight train goin' anywhere...
04:40.07Inc`Just a small town girl~
04:40.16PeterLOLzoh the love!
04:40.33Discoverjust a city boy?
04:40.38PeterLOLzhere i was sitting, thinking all my screenshots would be JPEG, but apparently they're back into TGA
04:40.46MistelBorn an' raised in south Detroit!
04:41.24Sky2042 lol at OP
04:41.45Sky2042PeterLOLz: there's an option floating around somewhere in the options menu that deals with that.
04:42.50PeterLOLzYes, BUT you see.. When I had my last install of wow, it was autochanged to jpeg after a while (didnt do anything). So I figured, with this fresh install, it would be jpeg again since the last patch.. But not!
04:46.35Inc`Time for that thing you do when you close your eyes and not post on the wowhead forums
04:46.49Sky2042you're not allowed to sleep.
04:47.11*** join/#wowhead KARVAPALLO (
04:50.01*** join/#wowhead Kirkburn (
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04:51.41*** join/#wowhead Paradox_ (
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04:55.21*** join/#wowhead Basic (n=Basic@
04:56.17Adys|sleepSkosiris: grrr
04:56.21AdysI said
04:56.28Adys"icon Grandmaster"
04:56.49Adys"Likes tiny pictures" sounds like hes doing a puzzles
04:58.24TecnoBratthey changed the serpent flesh icon
04:59.10TecnoBratbut I can't use that as my avatar!
04:59.18Adysaw. :)
04:59.56*** join/#wowhead JunkHead-Work (
05:00.10Adystheres still people who think every spell and item has its own icon
05:00.28Adysgod i hated those on wowwiki
05:00.36JunkHead-WorkI'm an icon.
05:01.58Lukianomg :/ mobs not pathing correctly making them impossible to hit, but constantly hitting me :(
05:09.27*** join/#wowhead Malgayne (
05:09.27*** mode/#wowhead [+o Malgayne] by ChanServ
05:11.04TecnoBratevening Maldivia
05:11.07TecnoBraterr Malgayne
05:11.31AdysEvening Maescool.
05:11.52AdysHow are you malikeye !
05:12.05AdysRight, im not funny, ill stop
05:12.10AdysSky2042: Ping
05:12.20Sky2042adys: pong
05:17.07TecnoBratwatch that guy
05:17.34*** join/#wowhead Paradox_ (
05:18.12TecnoBratSkosiris, wtb "forum posts by this user" on the profile page :)
05:19.15Sky2042tecnobrat: see compilations sticky
05:19.24MalgayneYeah, that's gonna be real handy
05:19.27Sky2042as for punchline, yes,, watch him
05:19.37Sky2042we've had issues with him on wowwiki :/
05:19.51TecnoBrathe played on my serve
05:19.56TecnoBrathes a retard
05:20.18TecnoBratI wanted to see if hes made any dumb posts yet
05:20.27*** join/#wowhead Agrajag` (
05:21.05MalgayneI'm amused that he posted on the WoW forums until he was banned, and the instant Wowhead forums appear he's all over 'em.  :)
05:21.35Sky2042it is amusing. He has a history on wowwiki as well:
05:21.38TecnoBratnot surprising actually
05:21.47Sky2042he's a fairly contentious blogger.
05:21.58Sky2042got himself into trouble with WoWRadio
05:22.01TecnoBratif I could find any of the links to his videos, I'd post them
05:23.06Sky2042skosiris is here? nowai!
05:23.20*** join/#wowhead yssaril (
05:23.30Sky2042he made a poast!
05:23.36TecnoBratAnyways, just watch him :)
05:23.56Skosiriswhat did I do? lol
05:24.26Sky2042you made a poast!
05:24.46Skosirisyeah I'm testing a change
05:24.50Skosiris(posting in locked threads)
05:25.27*** join/#wowhead Srosh (
05:25.29JunkHead-WorkYou know, I'm so tired of hearing about Halo 3.
05:25.49Sky2042so get super smash bros.! :P
05:25.54TecnoBratSkosiris, nice work dude
05:25.57JunkHead-WorkI'm not getting either.:P
05:26.09JunkHead-WorkActually, I take that back.
05:26.15Malgayne<3 Smash Brox.
05:26.19JunkHead-WorkMight buy them, but probably won't play them.
05:26.22SkosirisTecnoBrat: you have yet to pick a title btw :p
05:26.37Sky2042malgayne, you play advanced techs, or do you have idea what i'm talking about? :)
05:26.42Sky2042no idea*
05:26.56TecnoBratPick a title? hmmm how do I do that?
05:27.25MalgayneSky, I think the best answer is "No, but I can play against people who do and not embarass myself"
05:27.29TecnoBratOh obviously its something you need to edit
05:27.33TecnoBratWell I'm taking suggestions!
05:27.37Sky2042mine's "Pro Chuckler", dutempete's is "Soul Harvester", phaydre's is "Print screen allstar"
05:27.38TecnoBratWhat should my title be?
05:27.50Sky2042malgayne: seriously. like wavedash?
05:27.53MalgayneMIyari's is "Tree-Hee"
05:28.03Sky2042sweet :)
05:28.12MalgayneMy brother got into all that, as well as his friend
05:28.28MalgayneI played in a tournament and lost to my brother in the quarter finals
05:28.34MalgayneWho then lost to his friend in the semi-finals
05:29.21MalgayneHere, hang on a sec
05:29.34TecnoBratHmmm, I already see that class forums might be needed
05:29.41Sky2042TecnoBrat: yes. lol.
05:29.55Sky2042Malgayne: video?
05:30.01MalgayneNo, only pics
05:30.05TecnoBratSo many "Is *X class skill/talent* good?" threads
05:30.23MalgayneThat's my brother beating me
05:30.34Sky2042where /are/ you?
05:30.46MalgayneI'm the one with the jacket
05:30.59Malgayne is my brother getting beaten by the guy who went on to win the tournament
05:31.03Sky2042wedding, family gathering, where?
05:31.10MalgayneThat would be my wedding.  :)
05:31.23Sky2042you had smash at your wedding.
05:31.25Sky2042ok, way cool.
05:31.42MalgayneOutdoors, on an 8 foot by 12 foot screen
05:31.52TecnoBratDude, thats awesome
05:31.54Sky2042projector or actual screen?
05:32.05TecnoBratThe point of your wedding is to have fun after
05:32.08TecnoBratso why not!
05:32.57*** join/#wowhead Basic (n=Basic@
05:33.06TecnoBratSo about that title ...
05:33.16TecnoBratI have no idea
05:33.24TecnoBratSomeone needs to suggest something :P
05:33.44JunkHead-WorkI'm looking through the patch notes
05:33.45Sky2042finally, caught adys
05:33.46JunkHead-WorkBanish the Demons now rewards either a Darkrune or a Fragmented Darkrune. Five fragmented Darkrunes can be combined to create a Darkrune.
05:33.56JunkHead-WorkThis mean you get one of those, AND the grab bag?
05:33.59Adysim here since a while
05:34.00Adyswhats up?
05:34.25TecnoBratAdys, you need to suggest a title for me :P
05:34.43Adys<Tecno's Logic>
05:34.49Adyssee wut i did thar?
05:35.30Sky2042 >.> <.<
05:35.34Sky2042how original
05:36.53JunkHead-WorkThe following old-world factions have had their acquisition rate significantly increased: Cenarion Circle, Argent Dawn, Timbermaw Hold.
05:37.04JunkHead-WorkCan anyone who has been on PTR tell me about this?
05:37.16Adys50ish percent increase
05:37.28JunkHead-WorkOk cool.
05:37.34Adysmight be more tbh
05:38.38JunkHead-WorkOk also...
05:38.40JunkHead-WorkFixed problem where players could be disconnected by clicking on an item link in cross-server battlegrounds.
05:38.47JunkHead-WorkI don't get it.
05:39.04JunkHead-WorkI get disconnected sometimes when I try to view items in cartographer.
05:39.07Adysthats blizzard being lazy
05:39.23Adysyou dont want me to explain you that one :P
05:39.34Adysbecause item linking is long to explain
05:39.45JunkHead-WorkIt's ok.
05:39.51Paradox_is there a way to filter out shields for example, that require level 41-45, that drop in any dungeon?
05:40.03Sky2042Paradox_: on wowhead?
05:40.18*** topic/#wowhead by Adys -> Welcome to the official Wowhead channel, enjoy your stay! - Patch 2.2 up! - Channel rules and statistics can be found at -
05:40.26Sky2042you do want shields, at that level, right>
05:40.33TecnoBratArgent Dawn rep was kinda bugged
05:40.37*** topic/#wowhead by Adys -> Welcome to the official Wowhead channel, enjoy your stay! - Channel rules and statistics can be found at - Patch 2.2 up! -
05:40.52Paradox_JunkHead-Work: that drop in any dungeon
05:40.53TecnoBratOnce you hit 70, and not honored, all mobs only gave you 1 rep
05:41.28TecnoBratSkosiris, how likely would it be to get smileys? :)
05:41.34*** join/#wowhead Viper007Bond (
05:41.45Sky2042any dungeon: paradox_ might just have to create a filter for every dungeon at that level
05:41.49[NewsBot]BlueTracker: WoW General (HALO 3 AND SSBB ARE NOT COMPETING WITH WOW.) -
05:42.00JunkHead-WorkAll that can be "looted"
05:42.08JunkHead-WorkIn a dungeoon yeah, out of a dungeon yeah
05:42.10Paradox_but that's world BoE's too
05:42.13JunkHead-WorkBut it's only 16 in the list
05:42.16JunkHead-Workit's 16
05:42.19Sky2042that's only BoE
05:42.23JunkHead-WorkNot gonna take long to look through them.
05:42.26SkosirisTecnoBrat: please see
05:42.48JunkHead-Workyeah I see what you mena about boe
05:43.01Lukianme: "Before you go is the Legion Ring  bug fixed in 2.2" GM: "That is not something I can disclose to you"
05:43.15Paradox_I guess filter bind on pickup is probably the best way
05:43.18Sky2042skosiris: paradox_ brings up a good filter
05:43.23Sky2042i'm thinkin that too paradox_
05:43.35JunkHead-WorkWell, you'd have to filter each dungeoon.
05:43.41TecnoBratSkosiris, ahhh didn't see that post :(
05:43.43JunkHead-WorkAnd setting it to BOP only shows a quest item shield.
05:44.31Sky2042Paradox_: all shields from level 41-45
05:44.36Sky2042only 19 total
05:45.08JunkHead-WorkThat was the first link I did too.
05:45.18Sky2042no, you had an extra parameter
05:45.27Sky2042which is negligible in this case
05:45.55Sky2042basically, there aren't shields in that level range. xD
05:46.28JunkHead-WorkGuess so.
05:48.11JunkHead-WorkOk well, setting the parameters from 41-45 to 37-45 shows up instance drops.
05:48.25JunkHead-WorkSo I guess there just isn't any 41-45 drops.
05:49.08Sky2042adys: gonna lock "Decent"?
05:49.16*** join/#wowhead Guillotine_DC (
05:49.18AdysNah let it live
05:49.33Sky2042no firsts here
05:50.28Sky2042adys: are we allowed to add all suggestions to the compelation, or how do we want that to work?
05:51.15Adysadd stuff in popular suggestions when its both something asked / likely to be asked very often and you got some form of eta
05:54.35*** join/#wowhead Bloodmauler (
05:54.37BloodmaulerHey guys
05:54.40Bloodmaulertesting IRC
05:54.45BloodmaulerNever tried it before
05:57.35AdysTecnoBrat: dear god I hope that post is ironic :P
05:58.45TecnoBratwhich one?
05:58.50Adyssmileys one
05:58.57TecnoBratnah, its my personal opinion :P
05:58.58Adysthese ones you linked are awful
05:59.09Adystry them
05:59.10TecnoBratyou crazy
05:59.20Adysanyhow brekky brb
05:59.32Bloodmaulersorry for posting the text color Adys, I didn't see the other one
06:00.33Adysno probs
06:02.14Adysthats not good
06:02.34Adysanyone here by any chance knows a bit on chilling and freezing mechanics
06:03.23Adysmy kitchen is colder than the inside of my fridge
06:03.42BloodmaulerAre you upstairs or downstairs
06:04.33Sky2042adys: LOL
06:04.53Adysmy freezer aint any better
06:04.56Adystime for a new fridge
06:05.21BloodmaulerIn Soviet Russia, you don't chill food, food chills you!
06:05.24*** join/#wowhead [Spooky] (
06:09.06Adysthats awful
06:09.24Adysthe cooling liquid tube is broken
06:09.49Adystheres this stuff everywhere on the back of the fridge you dont wanna see that
06:11.27Lukianhow's the food? :D
06:13.49Adysthe good news is that im a total slacker and theres like..
06:14.00Adystwo or three things in this fridge its 80% empt
06:14.15TecnoBratI think my title needs to be <King of Slacking>
06:14.49BloodmaulerHey, nice update on the forums
06:19.05Skosiris<King of Slacking>  it is
06:19.44AdysHow high are the bets I can transform a working freezer into a fridge
06:20.24Tusvaooh, le green in effect
06:20.31Adysepeen for tusva!
06:21.23BloodmaulerHuzzah for the update
06:22.54AdysTecnoBrat Tusva TheOnyx inc` Sky2042  doublecheck the changes are in effect please :)
06:22.59Adysand working
06:23.10Sky2042which changes? I've been missing
06:23.18Adysall of em
06:23.35Sky2042ok, i see bold names
06:23.59Sky2042which i don't know why they're bold... can we unbold?  please? (on the last post column)
06:25.04Sky2042ok, green is good
06:25.29Tusvagreen works, last post works
06:25.42Tusvawhat else went in? *squints*
06:25.50Sky2042rename is good
06:26.19Sky2042yes, and unbold the names in that column. the color is enough to make it stand out xD
06:27.04Sky2042posting while locked is good
06:27.18Bloodmauler"Return to board" button works
06:27.54Sky2042was return to board supposed to be site wide or forum wide?
06:29.13Adystest the new tags guys
06:29.21Adys[s] [code] [u]
06:30.11*** join/#wowhead weezel (
06:30.14Tusvaall three work for me
06:30.18Sky2042also good for me
06:30.21Tusvastrikeout, codebox, underline
06:30.29*** join/#wowhead Paradox (
06:30.39AdysTusva: thats not what they're supposed to do
06:30.48Tusvaoh god OH GOD
06:30.49Sky2042it isn't?
06:31.24AdysS is supposed to make your post look SEXY, U is supposed to transform your post in entire leetspeech and CODE is supposed to encrypt it
06:32.13Tusvafirst of all
06:32.19Tusvaall of my posts look SEXY, i spec'd for that
06:32.33SkosirisSky2042: you hate bold?
06:32.39Tusvai don't have a second and third of all but there you go :P
06:32.46Adysbah its fine as it is :P
06:32.49Sky2042the color's enough to dilineate
06:32.50Adysthe bolding
06:32.59Sky2042the bolding's unneeded in context
06:33.03Sky2042it's like, wham!
06:33.13Adyswithout its ugly
06:33.18Adysill make you a ss
06:33.32Adysin a sec finishing the list
06:33.33Bloodmaulerat least make the author match
06:33.40SkosirisSky2042: I made them bold for a reason :p
06:33.51SkosirisBloodmauler: author is different for anothe reason
06:34.21Tusvai like the bold, personally, the alignment is what bugs me :P
06:34.40Sky2042bloodmauler, you made a post yet?
06:34.45Sky2042like a new thread.*
06:35.03BloodmaulerI've made a few, pre-update though.
06:35.37Sky2042try and rename one of them, couldja?
06:35.46AdysSky2042: dont edit it please :P
06:35.48Adysim doing that
06:38.24Sky2042skosiris: code, s, u site wide or forumwide?
06:38.43TecnoBrat[code] needs some padding above it I think
06:39.09Skosirissite wide, they work in comments too
06:39.23SkosirisTecnoBrat: just add a line break :p
06:39.43Sky2042(this is skosiris's answer to everything)
06:39.55[NewsBot]BlueTracker: Test Realm Forum (Two word story go go go) -
06:39.58Sky2042tecnobrat: like the sig
06:39.58[NewsBot]BlueTracker: Test Realm Forum (PTR CHARACTERS ) -
06:39.59Lukiananother item missing data?
06:40.01[NewsBot]BlueTracker: Test Realm Forum (Timbal is rocking the house) -
06:40.11Sky2042adys, you suck
06:40.25Skosirisshould the Last post column be left-aligned ?
06:40.32*** join/#wowhead Collector (
06:40.33Skosirisat least we could give it a try? :o
06:40.33Tusvai think so
06:40.42Tusvait looks a bit worbly being centered
06:40.42Adysmight be an idea yea
06:40.44Sky2042left... aligned...
06:40.48Skosirisstare at before:
06:41.29Skosirispress ctrl-F5
06:41.40BloodmaulerThere it goes
06:42.01Sky2042do we really need "by"? jw
06:42.01Adysbetter like that
06:42.03Tusvamaybe a bit of padding on the left to inch it away from the border, but yeah looks good
06:43.13BloodmaulerWhat exactly does the Bell mean at the top few threads? is it like a sticky?
06:43.53Sky2042oh, my input for a wowhead mod / admin posted : a rocket like the favicon
06:43.59Sky2042pposted image/
06:44.04Sky2042zomg, firefox 3.0?
06:44.26AdysSky2042: that'd be nearly all the posts lol
06:44.29Adysdont bother with it
06:44.38Sky2042well, fine then. just the image
06:44.48Sky2042ppl have suggested it
06:44.49Adysit is definetly cool on blizzard forums when theres like 1 post/sec
06:45.01Adysi know
06:45.05Adysdoesnt make it better tho :P
06:45.17Sky2042oh, true
06:45.29Sky2042that was just the suggestion for the image, not an endorsement for the thing
06:45.37Adyswhich image? didnt follow
06:45.39Sky2042if anything can we replace the bell with the rocket?
06:45.51Adysthats up to sko :P
06:47.03Adyswheres the cache emptying option in IE7 ? detailed path please
06:47.06Adysi dont have it installed
06:47.14Skosiris"Your avatar has been updated successfully. Congratulations for picking one that is unique!"
06:47.22Skosiris"Your avatar has been updated successfully. However, please note that 3 people were already using this avatar. You might want to pick one that would be unique."
06:47.38Skosirisdoes this sound right?
06:47.56Adys"congratulations for picking one that is unique" doesnt sound right
06:47.57*** join/#wowhead Vires (
06:48.18Adysas i told you theres 3500 icons. sure its not alot on a forums with alot of users, but its still a damn shitload :P
06:48.21Sky2042Picking a unique avatar was a good choice ?
06:48.44Tusva2.2 brings more, very exciting
06:48.55Adysthey're already on wowhead!
06:48.56Sky2042ok, she's an icon addict
06:49.30Tusvag'nite all, more fun tomorrow o/
06:49.42Skosiriswould anyone like his avatar to be locked?
06:49.45AdysSee ya Tussy!
06:49.46BloodmaulerNight Sky and Tusva
06:49.47Skosirisas in, no one else can pick it
06:49.59Tusvatempting :D
06:50.00Skosiris(this offers is only for mods.)
06:50.06AdysSkosiris: sounds a bit cheaty to me :P
06:50.22AdysLock Miyari's avatar imo!
06:50.25Adysshe was asking for it
06:50.46Sky2042i'm a selfish bastard.
06:50.49Tusvaaye, if you're locking em, feel free to lock mine too :x
06:50.51AdysI'm such an ass :)
06:50.55Tusvai'm rather fond of it hehehe
06:51.04AdysTusva: which one?
06:51.10Adyslink plix!
06:51.59Adyslookin good!
06:52.25Tusvaalright, NOW I sleep. /bow
06:52.40BloodmaulerNIght Tusca
06:53.03Sky2042who's the endboss of ulda, archaedas?
06:58.11Skosiris"This icon is already in use by a Wowhead staff member."
06:58.21Skosirisautomatically locked if you happen to have a "Role"
06:59.00Adysis it up already?
06:59.47Sky2042gah, link wowwiki, you fool!
07:00.11Adyson that word, wowhead looks down
07:00.32ParadoxWowhead is undergoing a quick maintenance.
07:00.50TecnoBratsweet, does that mean my icon is locked?
07:00.54Paradoxthe ugly gnomes in the image below do not help :(
07:00.56AdysTecnoBrat: yeah
07:02.33Sky2042nerf to polymorph...
07:02.43Sky2042just can't stand that spell, can they?
07:02.51Adysthey nerfed all pvp ccs
07:02.54Adysso i give em that :)
07:03.47Sky2042can they still be chain cast with DRs?
07:03.47Adysyea fear seduce etc
07:03.58Sky2042or 10 seconds for one time?
07:04.41Adysi dunno tbh
07:05.08Sky2042lol, nerfed scholo
07:05.13Sky2042or bug fixed
07:05.17Sky2042depending on view xD
07:05.35AdysNext time I put something in a freezer just to keep it "chilled" remind me to put up a timer
07:05.52Sky2042it got frozen, didn't it?
07:06.11AdysYep, just got it in time before it got uneatable
07:06.24TecnoBratWhat is it?
07:06.36AdysSome cream
07:07.10TecnoBratyou doing DB stuff?
07:07.26Bloodmaulerwhat should we check out?
07:07.30SkosirisI broke something but.. managed to restore it lol
07:07.55Adyshey bri :)
07:08.08TecnoBratwhoops :P
07:09.00Miyarijust walked in the door!
07:09.04Sky2042you know, it might just be that my avatar matches my name perfectly. i'm still wondering about it
07:09.23ecstasiawhen do they start patching?
07:09.59Sky2042different ranks based on rep's a good idea
07:11.28SkosirisI have some good news for you
07:11.49MiyariI could use some after a day like today ^^
07:11.56Sky2042he gets a title?
07:12.02SkosirisYou may rest assured that no one will steal your precious avatar
07:12.06Sky2042or he the tree
07:12.08Sky2042he is the tree
07:12.08Lukianuh, 9 ?
07:12.18AdysSkosiris: already told her! slowpoke
07:12.24MiyariThe next necessity btw is clearly pink text.
07:12.28Adysactually, just two seconds ago
07:12.30Sky2042pink... no.
07:12.31SkosirisLukian: yup, 9 in addition to the one being right-clicked
07:12.32MiyariI'm willing to offer bribes.
07:12.47AdysMiyari: Ohhhh...
07:12.56LukianSkosiris, lol..
07:13.08SkosirisLukian: blame Blizzard
07:13.17Miyarithe one mote requires 9 to work :)
07:13.49Adysif it didnt count itself
07:14.04Adysyou'd have quest items that would require themselves as reagents
07:15.04Miyarifor you :p
07:15.33Miyaritoo much work today
07:15.42Miyariand crap i left my other work shirt at work lol
07:15.43Sky2042it sucks!
07:15.47BloodmaulerI replied earlier XP
07:16.03SkosirisBloodmauler: "first" isn't a proper reply :p
07:16.09BloodmaulerI know :P
07:16.13*** join/#wowhead Kalroth (n=kalroth@
07:16.23AdysKalroth: hi!
07:17.16Skosiris"Create a filter for limited time items, such as holiday items" ?  uh
07:17.33Skosirishow about you add a link
07:17.43Sky2042has it seriously been 4 months since 2.1.0?
07:17.52Skosiris125 days :(
07:18.11Sky2042oh... that's where you got the rocket icon
07:18.21Bloodmaulerok, maybe it was a bad suggestion :/
07:18.25MiyariSkosiris: "Last post by" looks great.
07:18.44*** join/#wowhead Rourk (
07:18.49AdysBloodmauler: its just its not a thread about suggestions :P
07:18.55Adysits about tips and tricks
07:19.14SkosirisSky2042: where is that?
07:19.25*** join/#wowhead laurly (
07:19.31Sky2042you didn't hear it from me!
07:20.02Miyariomg strikethrough!
07:20.39Sky2042skosiris: maybe add forums to ?
07:20.54AdysSky2042: its not an important enough feature
07:21.04SkosirisAdys: it is
07:21.06Sky2042lol adys
07:21.13AdysSkosiris: heres for you
07:21.15infobotOh a sarcasm detector, that's a *really* useful invention!
07:21.26Skosiriswell... still
07:21.28infobotit has been said that firstpost is
07:21.36Adys~whalenuke Skosiris
07:21.36infobotACTION dons his radiation cloak and tinted glasses while a highly intelligent whale named Ray precipitates critical mass for uncontrolled nuclear fission around Skosiris with his mind powers
07:22.02Skosiristhe red X means it's already deleted lol
07:22.16MaldiviaAre there any plans for wowhead, to show the damage on player spells, as they would be at level 70 ?
07:22.37AdysMaldivia: how you mean?
07:22.57MaldiviaAdys: I mean take max level and "die pr level" etc into account
07:23.17Sky2042lol skosiris
07:23.41Adysthink i see what you mean, thats gonna be a part of the dressing room i believe but need sko to confirm
07:24.02Skosiris(it's 3:25 AM)
07:24.15Adysits 9:25 am here!
07:24.18Adyswatcha whinin about!
07:24.21Adysok i slept
07:24.21MiyariDressing Room DrDamage
07:24.22Sky2042skosiris: go to bed, doofus
07:24.28MaldiviaAdys, for isntance take arcane Missiles(Rank 5) (id 8417), at level 40 it's 115 dmg, but at level 44 (it's max) it's 118-118 damage
07:24.29TecnoBratI added a reply to the deleted topic :P
07:24.41infobothmm... firstpost is
07:24.44AdysMaldivia: wtf ? are you serious?
07:24.47SkosirisSky2042: I must catch up the recent forum posts
07:24.59MaldiviaAdys: yes (although it's 117-118)
07:25.01Sky2042catch up in 6 hours after sleep
07:25.07Sky2042really, it'll be good for you.
07:25.29Skosirisbut then I will have 10 times more topics to catch up :(
07:25.55Sky2042true. but you also have adys, who can cover the night shift for you. :)
07:26.04Sky2042or... day shift, as it were
07:26.06MaldiviaAdys, if you look at the spell info for id 8418 (the bolts for Rank 5), you'll see they gain 0.7 points pr level
07:26.34*** join/#wowhead ICU (
07:26.56AdysI.. dont see anything?
07:27.13Maldiviawell, look in your database :)
07:27.20Adysok, hold on
07:27.22MiyariMay I ask a quick UI question?
07:27.24Sky2042skosiris... since when could adys link like that?
07:27.24TecnoBratOkay Skosiris, I must have XML feed of recent forum post!
07:27.27AdysMiyari: go on
07:27.38AdysSky2042: three weeks
07:27.57MiyariI need a buff mod that can effectively track selected buffs on raid members and notify me of which players need it?
07:28.00SkosirisTecnoBrat: what is the point of an xml feeds that would get like 1 new item every second? :p
07:28.08AdysMiyari: i think sraidframes does it
07:28.12MiyariIt did
07:28.19MiyariBut I'm trying out the Pitbull frames atm.
07:28.28Adyslol sky
07:28.30MiyariAnd while I like them they treat buffs horribly.
07:28.32Sky2042skosiris, you need to be hurt
07:28.41AdysSky2042: why?
07:28.43SkosirisSky2042: sup?
07:28.50Sky2042simply because
07:28.51TecnoBratSkosiris, true :(
07:28.54AdysSky2042: why?
07:29.57AdysMaldivia: still there?
07:30.23Sky2042well, shit
07:30.33TecnoBratMiyari, XRaidStatus
07:30.44Adysok, wait on, my comp's freezingnow
07:30.46MiyariI've never been able to get that addon to work x_x
07:30.56TecnoBratRight click the window
07:30.57MiyariI basically need a way to track who has/needs MOTW/GOTW
07:31.01KalrothXRS is nice except that it doesn't handle groups that well
07:31.03TecnoBratSetup what buffs to track
07:31.04KalrothMiyari: Grid girl!
07:31.21MiyariI don't see very well!
07:31.28MiyariAnd I'm scared of grid
07:32.23KalrothYou died to spout?!
07:32.30MiyariUh no I died to an alliance raid.
07:33.02KalrothYou didn't moonfire them first or something?
07:33.03AdysMaldivia: Launches Arcane Missiles at the enemy, causing $8418s1 Arcane damage each second for $d.
07:33.11Miyarithe raidframes LOOK cute but i dunno...
07:33.15MiyariGrid eh?
07:33.27KalrothGrid can be resized!
07:33.45Kalroth <- super small Grid in the left top corner
07:34.23Miyarithis just looks so complicated
07:34.32Miyarilike i see grid and then i see like 7 more addons id need for it
07:34.48KalrothYou don't -need- those.
07:34.56Miyaribut then there's GridStatusHotStack
07:35.17KalrothL2P, Miyari!
07:35.20Sky2042wow.. that's pretty. where is that in game kalroth?
07:35.26Skosirisdef noob?
07:35.26Skosirisreturn true if = "Adys"
07:35.26Skosirisreturn false
07:35.34KalrothSky2042: It's at Kael'thas and he's bugged on us ><
07:35.36MiyariThat's Kael'thas' chamber
07:35.42Skosiris( )
07:35.48Sky2042haha, sucks
07:35.48MiyariI'm a healer I can't do the 'super small grid' :P
07:36.01KalrothHe's trying to run out of the room, he's the shiny thing on the left side of the screenshot
07:36.14KalrothHe was supposed to rip the roof apart, but instead he decided to stalk our MT
07:37.14KalrothWorst part is that it was the first attempt of the day and it went -really- smooth until phase 5, only 2 people died and we combatressed both.
07:37.30KalrothThen he bugs out on us and people forget how to play so we wipe on him for another 2 hours.
07:39.49[NewsBot]BlueTracker: Rogue (Rogue Talent Build Guide) -
07:40.36*** join/#wowhead weezel_ (
07:41.45TecnoBratSkosiris, do you know what language that is?
07:41.56TecnoBratI guess it could be lots of different ones :P
07:42.02TecnoBratisn't really defining
07:42.08Skosirisnever saw such syntax before
07:42.45Sky2042skosiris / adys: this one get fixed: ?
07:43.25Adys"AQ20 is bugged"
07:43.26Adys"Yes its full of bugs"
07:43.26Adys"fix plz"
07:43.42Adysi have no idea wth this poster is talking about, btw
07:43.50Adysno way this can get fixed without a screenshot or sth :P
07:44.54*** join/#wowhead Thrae (
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07:45.22*** join/#wowhead Agrajag` (
07:45.49Miyarinever fails
07:45.57Miyarii log on and pretty much everyone on in my guild is in naxxramas
07:46.16Adysat 3am?
07:46.25Miyaritold you its an interesting server
07:46.47Sky20423am actually has happened before on my server, but before lvl 70, iirc
07:47.07Skosirisplease deal with the wowdigger guy
07:47.17Skosiris(not by deleting his post, but something that would pwn him)
07:47.24Miyarii know
07:47.29Miyarii already started thinking the second i saw that rofl
07:47.48Miyarii couldnt even figure out how to use their profile system
07:47.50Sky2042wowdigger needs to be shot. we have some idiot on wowwiki who seems to think it's a better alternative to wowhead, for the sole factor that it isn't owned by ZAM
07:48.07Sky2042which was affiliated with gold buyers, and blah blah blah blah blah
07:48.16Mr_Rabies2someone at the wowinterface panel at Dragoncon said the same thing :X
07:48.17Miyarithat's like people who would buy rancid food from mom and pop's blow-me shop because it isn't associated with wal-mart
07:48.36Adyswe had worse
07:48.38Mr_Rabies2i'm not going to mention names because i don't want to start any drama
07:48.41Miyarielitist pricks deserve to get their 2nd rate shit with that sort of attitude, keep them away from the better communities
07:48.51Miyariwho needs em
07:48.57MiyariNOT MIYARI
07:49.06Miyariall she needs is some pajamas and a soda
07:49.07Mr_Rabies2not wowinterface
07:49.07Adyswe had that database, so fucked up i forgot the name
07:49.16Adysthat came up on #wowwiki asking us to link them in elinks
07:49.45AdysSky2042: what was their name anyway?
07:49.50Adysthe guys that had the banana as a logo
07:49.56Sky2042oh god
07:50.13Sky2042and then that got removed by like, 30-0
07:50.16TecnoBratProblem with society is that Love is rated 18+ while violence is rated 13+.
07:50.21TecnoBratThats a great quote
07:50.26AdysTecnoBrat: aye
07:50.31Sky2042miyari, you are so wierd.
07:50.31AdysMiyari: cute!
07:50.36Sky2042your guild too
07:50.54Mr_Rabies2one of the people that is otherwise really cool at wowinsider said that wowdigger was better than wowhead because "wowhead is owned by IGE" :/
07:51.00Adysa rogue named Jpeg?
07:51.02Adysthats awesome
07:51.10Miyarithat's foofer
07:51.18Miyarino matter what time it is
07:51.20Miyariall three druids are on
07:51.24SkosirisMr_Rabies2: who is that?
07:51.36AdysSkosiris: mike?
07:51.45Adysi think
07:51.48Adysnot sure
07:51.54Miyariomg that tiny little box
07:51.56Skosirisdont think so, he still links wowhead in his posts
07:51.59Miyarihow can this beeee
07:52.16AdysMiyari: TINYYYYYYYYY
07:52.20Mr_Rabies2i'm not sure who said it, but it was one of the females on staff, but i don't want to name the wrong name so i'll keep it at that
07:52.22Miyarii'm scared
07:52.34TecnoBratMr_Rabies simple answer, it isn't.
07:52.38Mr_Rabies2it was at a dragoncon panel
07:52.40Mr_Rabies2i know it's not
07:53.04TecnoBratI would tell him to stop spreading rumors
07:53.11Mr_Rabies2there may be absolutely tenuous ties to it via ZAM's reorganizing, but as long as you guys don't directly support it and actively remove RMT ads and whatnot, who cares
07:53.22AdysMiyari: dont be hon :(
07:53.42Miyarii am
07:54.01Miyarinbuffbars looks cool
07:54.05Miyaribecause its intimidating!
07:54.18Miyariraidframes are my entire existance in this game
07:54.47Sky2042new GYs in tanaris. sweet
07:54.52Sky2042and WPL
07:54.58Sky2042and un'goro
07:55.54TecnoBrateveryone is kissing up to wowhead .. its funny
07:56.09AdysMiyari: dont diiiieeee :(
07:56.13Miyarithat lil box
07:56.14Miyariis my raid frames
07:56.50SkosirisTecnoBrat: link plz
08:00.29*** join/#wowhead Sky2042_ (
08:00.30*** mode/#wowhead [+v Sky2042_] by ChanServ
08:00.55Miyariwow i dont understand this heh
08:01.56Mr_Rabies2tonight is hopefully the last night of AV AFKing on a large scale
08:02.07Miyarigood night to set up my UI
08:02.08TecnoBratlol I closed it Skosiris, but all of the wowhead is wonderful posts :P
08:02.21MiyariWell can you blame them? :p
08:02.32AdysMiyari: itll be half broken tomorrow :P
08:02.38Adyswait for tomorrow imo
08:02.50Miyariwtf dont say that
08:03.01Miyariit doesnt matter i need to learn how to use this thing
08:05.31*** join/#wowhead Gg (
08:05.32Mr_Rabies2i don't think it will, most addons seem to work fine in 2.2 from personal experience
08:06.16Lukian <- hahaha
08:06.20LukianThe mob only aggros LoS
08:06.28Lukianyou can loot the box without aggroing it :D
08:07.20Mr_Rabies2didn't matter when i did it
08:07.25Mr_Rabies2everywhere was so camped
08:07.33Mr_Rabies2no mobs were in teh whole area
08:07.38Mr_Rabies2so i just strolled up and took it
08:08.25Miyarinite nite
08:08.54*** part/#wowhead Adys (
08:09.32*** join/#wowhead Adys (
08:09.32*** mode/#wowhead [+o Adys] by ChanServ
08:10.25[NewsBot]WoW Insider: Reader UI of the Week: Luminesce -
08:11.55Adysuses bagnon!
08:12.16Adyswhat an awful font tho
08:12.19Adyslooks cool but hell
08:12.38Miyarii swear im doing this right ugh
08:25.51*** join/#wowhead pb_ee1 (i=53914b42@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
08:27.02Adyshey frenchy
08:28.31pb_ee1Hey Adys. I was just wondering, what are those shiny ranks on the forums: <In Training> (for Simulator), <Veteran Wowheadian>, ... ?
08:28.50Adysthats people who suck sko's toes well enough to get one
08:29.04pb_ee1And question two: how are moderators chosen on Wowhead?
08:29.14Adysthats people who suck sko's toes well enough to be one
08:29.32Adys:P just kidding
08:29.41pb_ee1I know ;-)
08:30.05Adysmods are chosen on trusted members with good english skillz
08:30.08Adysnothing for frenchies!
08:30.26pb_ee1No worries, I don't expect being a moderator anyway, it's taking too much time
08:30.30pb_ee1I'm more a coding guy
08:31.04pb_ee1I JUST WANTED A SPECIAL <Absolute IRC Frencht gamer such as Adys> RANK !!!
08:31.22Adysill get you one
08:31.25Adys<French Again>
08:31.43pb_ee1That would be funny indeed ;-)
08:35.29pb_ee1So. Does Miyari really change his/herself in a tree sometimes in IRL?
08:36.26MiyariI'm full of surprises
08:36.38MiyariLike I'm surprisingly bad at configuring Grid
08:38.04pb_ee1It's a bit tricky at the beginning, but when you know how it works it goes pretty quickly
08:38.30MiyariI'm setting things and it's straight up showing me nothing
08:38.40MiyariIt's not updating frames I don't even know what's going on
08:38.45MiyariI thought what I wanted would be simple to configure
08:39.37pb_ee1Miyari, are you in a raid?
08:39.46Miyariyeah i'm in an AV
08:40.04pb_ee1And in combat?
08:40.15pb_ee1Ho I suppose not. What do you want to do?
08:40.27Miyarii dont even know ahymore
08:40.31Miyarii thought i knew
08:40.42Miyarii want the health to show up like everyone else's does
08:40.53Miyariwith the bar that goes down and replaces the name with a health defecit
08:41.02MiyariI want it colored by class with a gray background where the lost health is
08:41.19Miyarii want the border to show players needing heals in white and people with curse/poison debuffs
08:41.47pb_ee1I don't think you can have the gray background but instead a colored-by-class background for health deficit
08:42.19*** join/#wowhead Garns (
08:42.19Miyariits it not updating because im not in range of ppl or something?
08:42.40pb_ee1for the bar that goes down, you should do something like: layout (or frame?) > Background > tick health
08:42.50pb_ee1health should be updated even if you're not in range
08:42.58Miyariits not updating
08:43.06pb_ee1try /rl
08:43.06Miyarilike this rogue's bar is showing half full
08:43.15Miyarieven though i target him and he's full
08:43.29pb_ee1Does it do that for everybody?
08:43.36Miyarithen other people it shows like
08:43.41Miyaribut the bar dont move
08:44.33pb_ee1So you don't have any bar that work, is that it? If so, try /rl
08:44.45pb_ee1(weird though, never had this problem)
08:46.12CorganMiyari! :D
08:46.29CorganI need to get the align addon...
08:47.41Corganhaving trouble with grid?
08:51.01CorganI had's annoying
08:51.12CorganMiyari, you know what's gonna be fun?
08:51.19Miyarinot this
08:51.19CorganPATCH DAY LOL
08:51.31Miyarii so almost have this
08:51.35Miyariwhy do ppl care
08:51.41Miyarii didnt see huge lua changse
08:51.57CorganThere's a few UI changes
08:51.59Miyariand its not like it hasnt been on the test realm since the stone age im sure most of my mods will be fine
08:52.02Corgannot addonbreaking
08:52.16Miyariill still be configuring grid no doubt
08:52.20Miyariits gonna be a bitch
08:52.26Miyarito get it to properly show stacked lifebloom
08:52.31Miyarithis i wanna see
08:52.33CorganI got that kinda working
08:52.39CorganI had in the top left box
08:52.43Corganred for 1 stack
08:52.45Corganyellow for 2
08:52.50Corgangreen for 3
08:53.36Miyariwell i have "hot stack" turned on
08:53.42Miyaribut apparently that isnt gonna cut it
08:53.45Miyariand i need the lifebloom mod
08:54.24Corganthis soundtrack is so awesome :D
08:56.23pb_ee1*god vanishes*
08:56.25CorganNO ME
08:56.46pb_ee1Are you a Frenchy, Corgan?
08:57.04Corganno :(
08:57.14winkillerrank? I'd be happy to leave unfriendly rep :P
08:57.20CorganI think I'm part french canadian!
08:57.56pb_ee1nah, i'm half kidding, just wanted a funny thing such as <I love Adys> or something similar
08:58.05winkillerI once talked to a girl who lived half a year in canada
08:58.07winkillerdoes that count?
08:58.24winkillerI'm european, that's rare here
08:58.57pb_ee1d'oh! there's at least three europeans then, and two frenchies!
08:59.12CorganI wish you could go to a specific page of a thread from the threadlist
08:59.26winkillerIbetnone of those knoe people who lived in canada!
08:59.29pb_ee1Corgan, you're 6th !
08:59.46Mr_Rabies2<Corgan> I think I'm part french canadian!
08:59.51Mr_Rabies2you're dead to me
09:00.03Corgani'm from west canada
09:00.23Corganactually, not really 4lyfe
09:00.41Corgansince i moved to maui when i was 6
09:00.43Corganor 7
09:01.05*** join/#wowhead Sulph (
09:01.32SulphSup all
09:02.12Corganservers go down long?
09:04.08*** join/#wowhead Ed``` (
09:04.56[NewsBot]World of Raids: Patch 2.2 Recap -
09:06.01SulphI just want a dorf mount >:(
09:06.07Corganoh snap
09:06.08Corgan//// Jim Sturgess And Joe Anderson - Strawberry Fields Forever from "Across The Universe" (2007) ////
09:08.20*** join/#wowhead Kalroth_ (
09:09.25CorganWhat would you like your grid to look like?
09:09.32pb_ee1What is the <King of Slacking> rank on wowhead?
09:09.33CorganI feel like mucking around with it
09:10.59Kalroth_It's a custom title
09:11.45pb_ee1I know, but why?
09:13.14*** part/#wowhead Sulph (
09:14.38pb_ee1Adys: seems that it does not exist anymore
09:24.56Lukianhow long till US servers go down? :)
09:29.37*** join/#wowhead bleeter (n=bleeter@guifications/developer/bleeter)
09:29.53Mr_Rabies2about 2hr30m
09:37.32Mr_Rabies2oh wait
09:37.33Mr_Rabies230 mins
09:37.36Mr_Rabies220 mins now
09:37.44Mr_Rabies2i was thinking 6 am PDT
09:37.45CorganOH HI RAYBEEZ
09:40.30*** join/#wowhead m910q (
09:41.01bleeterwhat's goin' on, Mr_Rabies2?
09:43.55[NewsBot]BlueTracker: General Discussion (Are Warlocks Fair... a new look ?) -
09:45.58*** join/#wowhead m910q-2 (
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10:08.33*** join/#wowhead Telrin (
10:10.23*** join/#wowhead JunkHead-Work (
10:10.30JunkHead-WorkHey again.
10:10.49JunkHead-WorkWell, i thought I had my fishing problem fixed.
10:10.54JunkHead-WorkBut I guess not.:\
10:16.29*** join/#wowhead Demetrious (n=demetrio@unaffiliated/demetrious)
10:16.29*** mode/#wowhead [+o Demetrious] by ChanServ
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10:40.16*** join/#wowhead pb_ee1 (n=nospam@
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10:41.55[NewsBot]BlueTracker: Warlock (Sick of You Warlocks) -
10:41.58[NewsBot]BlueTracker: General Discussion (Changing the tags on Anzu/Alar etc...) -
10:59.03*** join/#wowhead m910q (
11:05.46PharodSo, are they actually going to fix the orc shouldpad thingy?
11:06.42PharodI never really noticed the difference, but then, I only have one orc of a high enough level to wear shoulders.
11:08.22SimulatorMorning (:
11:09.40PharodIs that a smile or a frown? I can't tell.
11:11.07reapersarmsmorning everyone
11:11.54PharodMorning (UGT).
11:12.03SimulatorIt's my trademark backwards smile I guess :D
11:13.05PharodNearly patched up!
11:14.46SimulatorOh - I guess I should log in and start grabbin those patches hehe
11:15.05PharodFinally got voice chat!
11:15.31SimulatorFinally shoulders fixed (:
11:17.35*** join/#wowhead Agrajag` (
11:22.57DemetriousMorning. How many addons is this thing breaking? :)
11:24.11bleeterptr didn't break any of the ones I was running with, heard good things about 100 or so others ;)
11:26.08DemetriousTrinityBars and Bagnon came with 2.2 versions, so I am good with them. Checking the others...
11:26.37PharodAnyone having problems with RestFu or TrainerFu?
11:26.44DemetriousX-Pelr UnitFrames is good to good, yay!
11:28.52*** join/#wowhead m910q-2 (
11:30.30Mr_Rabies2SCV good to go, sir!
11:34.16PharodSCV? Apart from a unit in starcraft?
11:38.28[NewsBot]WoW Insider: Blizzard introduces WoW Machinima page -
11:38.44*** join/#wowhead LaricWork (n=laric@
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11:50.37Mr_Rabies2<Pharod> SCV? Apart from a unit in starcraft?
11:50.43Mr_Rabies2this was what i was referring to
11:50.54Mr_Rabies2it's what they say when they spawn up :o
11:53.03winkillerohnoez, forums and I didn't even notice till now
11:53.28winkillerI wish you really good luck with it :P
11:57.07*** join/#wowhead malikeye1work (n=malikeye@
12:02.05*** join/#wowhead reapersarms_ (n=warirc@
12:02.28[NewsBot]WoW Insider: Breakfast Topic: If real life were a patch -
12:03.52*** join/#wowhead m910q (
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12:21.53KalrothMr_Rabies2: ><
12:22.04*** join/#wowhead Beutju (
12:22.22Mr_Rabies2ah yes
12:22.25Mr_Rabies2wonderful isn't it
12:23.18Mr_Rabies2kalroth a car appears to have run over a portion of your channel list
12:23.41Mr_Rabies2or perhaps a motorcycle
12:24.07*** join/#wowhead Intruder` (
12:25.13Tarris-DalaranKalroth:  you have to have the worst IRC colors I have seen since the 90s
12:25.37KalrothEh? black is back! Get with the groove!
12:26.26KalrothI've always used black background with gray text, I can't get used to the mIRC generation colours
12:26.30*** join/#wowhead Intruder` (
12:27.16Kalroth <3
12:27.17Tarris-DalaranI'm black text over an semi-transparent background, so if I have windows in the back that I need to watch
12:27.37bleetercolor on IRC = fale
12:27.40KalrothI minimize my irc client if I got windows on both monitors that I need to watch :p
12:28.00Kalroth leet!
12:28.32Kalroth is how I used to IRC for ages, only with a proper character set ;)
12:28.45Tarris-DalaranI find myself typing in IRC more frequently for work, where other active windows can stay behind so I don't lose control/focus on xchat
12:33.20*** join/#wowhead Micromause (
12:34.28[NewsBot]WoW Insider: Armory add-on for Firefox going live soon -
12:36.20*** join/#wowhead reapersarms (n=warirc@
12:36.44Mr_Rabies2i made a search engine for the armory in about 3 seconds
12:36.52Mr_Rabies2hopefully it's more than that
12:39.19SimulatorI'm starting to really love that NewsBot :P
12:41.55[NewsBot]BlueTracker: Player vs. Player (Why does Fel Armor exist?) -
12:43.17*** join/#wowhead Viprime (
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12:50.11Mr_Rabies2my only real gripe with newsbot is relatively minor
12:50.39Mr_Rabies2when he posts something that isn't really news, Corgan's relay to another irc server we're on still relays it :[
12:57.41Traedownloading z patch now
12:58.27*** join/#wowhead m910q (
13:05.33krag0thWhoa @ the patch
13:06.29[NewsBot]WoW Insider: /silly: Dire Straits -
13:09.09inc`"PS, My girlfriend thinks wowhead is a pornsite"
13:10.59krag0th\o/ for 10min Pally buffs
13:12.06SimulatorHa, yeah I read that too Inc
13:12.17*** join/#wowhead Gun_de_gray (i=papash@gateway/tor/x-564f1d139ccf4633)
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13:15.24Simulator  ....
13:19.36inc`Time to go to work :[
13:21.22KalrothSimulator: Thereisnothingwrongwithawalloftextbecauseeveryoneshouldbeabletoreadwhatithinkrightnowevenifitmeansthatidonthavetoformatanythingatall.
13:21.42SimulatorKalroth : rofl!
13:22.28[NewsBot]WoW Insider: Learn2raid: A beginner's guide, part 3 -
13:22.32SimulatorHave fun, inc' :)
13:25.29*** join/#wowhead Ruda (
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13:45.24*** part/#wowhead Sulph (
13:47.23TraeSo dig this
13:47.49Traelast night I help 3 70's (lock, hunter, priest) and a 63 lock (she was getting her epic) in Dire Maul
13:48.05TraeI was able to hold aggro off on the targets we dps'ed
13:48.08Traeoff of the 70's
13:48.11TraeI'm L55
13:48.23*** join/#wowhead m910q-2 (
13:48.31Traeis that freaky or what?
13:50.51*** join/#wowhead BasicOSX (n=BasicOSX@
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13:59.48malikeye|workthe patch come out today ?
14:02.19*** join/#wowhead alayton (
14:02.35Demetriousmalikeye: Yes.
14:03.07*** join/#wowhead m910q (
14:03.53*** join/#wowhead Raws|MBP (
14:04.38malikeye|workRaws|MBP: MBP == MacBookPro ?
14:04.54malikeye|worknice... I love mine :)
14:05.10Raws|MBPI just got mine on Sunday
14:05.15Raws|MBPMy company bought it for me unexpectedly
14:05.29malikeye|workcool.... I got one from work too... prvious gen... with the 2.33
14:05.29Raws|MBPWhich is awesome, because I was about to buy one with my own hard-earned cash
14:05.43Raws|MBPSweet, I got a 2.2
14:05.53malikeye|work15" or 17" ?
14:06.02Raws|MBP15, I couldn't handle carrying a 17 around
14:06.12malikeye|workyeah, the 17" is kinda of a bitch to lug around
14:06.24malikeye|workbut I still love it :)
14:07.00malikeye|worksupposedly I've been approved for a 24" iMac... just waiting on them to get it ordered
14:07.20malikeye|workyou have the nvidia, right ?
14:07.22*** join/#wowhead shingo2 (
14:07.48Raws|MBPAye, 128MB 8600
14:07.55Raws|MBPAlso, congrats about the iMac
14:07.57Raws|MBP24" is huge
14:08.00*** part/#wowhead shingo2 (
14:08.35Demetriousmalikeye|work: I envy you mate. I am wishing so much to have a Mac!
14:09.20malikeye|workyeah, the 24" is gonna be huge in this office
14:09.35malikeye|workbut the price is completely reasonable, at least for them to pay :)
14:10.12Raws|MBPHeh :)
14:10.28[NewsBot]WoW Insider: Around Azeroth: It may look like a rock on first glance... -
14:10.51Raws|MBPI was going to wait until the Penryn MBPs came out to get my own
14:11.03Raws|MBPI'm hoping they'll have insane battery life
14:11.11pb_ee1Who has coded [NewsBot] ?
14:11.19Raws|MBPSatan himself
14:11.21pb_ee1I'd like to ask something to its author
14:11.44malikeye|workthe battery lasts at least 2 hours on this one
14:11.49malikeye|workwhich is a 17"
14:12.01Raws|MBPI'm getting 4–5 hours on this thing, but it is brand new
14:12.08Raws|MBPpb_ee1: I think it may be Thrae, but don't quote me on that
14:12.31pb_ee1infobot, you fool !
14:12.32infobotaah, who's the fool now pb_ee1
14:12.44infobotIRC bot coded in perl that retrieves slashdot/freshmeat news and more. URL:
14:13.00Raws|MBPinfobot, you gave us a big fat 404
14:13.22malikeye|workwaiting on the MacPro's for home though... they need a refresh, especially in the video department
14:13.32Raws|MBPYep, that's my next purchase
14:13.49Raws|MBPThe crap video card options are why I haven't bought one yet
14:14.29Raws|MBPWe should be seeing them either mid to late November or at MWSF
14:14.39malikeye|workyeah, but that's so far away :)
14:14.54Raws|MBPI know :(
14:14.54malikeye|workI was into Mac's a long time ago... and went straight linux cause of the price, but now that I'm back :)
14:15.20malikeye|workplus WoW has Mac specific features
14:15.31malikeye|workiTunes and Video cap, right ?
14:15.36Raws|MBPPlus multithreaded OpenGL
14:15.44Raws|MBPI have an 8-core Mac Pro at work
14:15.46pb_ee1Thrae: ping
14:15.49Raws|MBP(with X1900XT)
14:16.11Raws|MBPI get >150 fps on a 30" display with everything maxed out
14:16.13malikeye|workI haven't played too much on this MBP...
14:16.17malikeye|workthat's insane
14:16.21Raws|MBPIsn't it?
14:16.33Raws|MBPI'm really hoping Apple will stick 8800s in the Mac Pros
14:16.38malikeye|workyou can't even see more than 28 or something :)
14:17.08Raws|MBPMeanwhile, at home, my poor quicksilver dual 1GHz G4 is still chugging along for its sixth year in service
14:17.14Raws|MBP9800 Pro ftw
14:18.12*** join/#wowhead Srosh_ (
14:19.47malikeye|workI got one of those first 17" flat panel iMacs... the globe looking one... it's definitely not holding up to the times
14:20.08malikeye|workall that integrated slowness
14:22.43*** join/#wowhead Srosh_ (
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14:26.58Raws|MBPmalikeye: haha
14:28.28*** join/#wowhead MaxBrazil (
14:33.10Raws|MBP'lo thar
14:34.29[NewsBot]WoW Insider: Take out the trash (timers)! -
14:38.37*** join/#wowhead m910q-2 (
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14:46.51pb_ee1Thrae: ping
14:49.42twoshadetodanyone run wow in wine here?
14:51.15*** join/#wowhead Aramanu (
14:55.24pb_ee1not me :/
14:55.33Tarris-DalaranTrae does, though he is probably leveling right now  :-)
14:55.57Traetwoshadetod, yeah works great
14:56.01twoshadetodyeah i love it
14:56.13twoshadetodi know this sounds like bullshit but it works better in wine than on my dual xp boot
14:56.14Traeyah there are only 2 bugs I see
14:56.18Traetwoshadetod, nod
14:56.21twoshadetodvid resizing?
14:56.29Traethe two bugs I have is exit lock up (known)
14:56.32twoshadetodwhich is the other? also tell me you run fraps also with it
14:56.35Traeand the fact that "news" in game doesn't work
14:56.40twoshadetodit used to do that to me you know that, but not anymore
14:56.48twoshadetodnews loading screen?
14:56.55Traeyeah when you get to the login screwn
14:56.56twoshadetodyeah to record video of you playing
14:57.03twoshadetodahh yeah thats right, never noticed that
14:57.08Traecan I apt-get install that?
14:57.11twoshadetodbut \stuff like "the server will be undergoing..blah"
14:57.11Trae(Using ubuntu)
14:57.20Traetwoshadetod, yah that news
14:57.29twoshadetodhmmm not sure, i've only used windows version just wondering how it held up in wine
14:57.34twoshadetodI use ubuntu also, good distro
14:58.23Traetwoshadetod, so please tell me you are Horde
14:58.26twoshadetodyou can get the free version of fraps that lets you record 30 seconds worth at a time, th regged version you can get also
14:58.28Traetwoshadetod, so I can think more highly of you
14:58.34Traetwoshadetod, you had so much potential
14:58.35twoshadetodbut thats because i was a newb
14:58.46Traetwoshadetod, heh my first 2 were allies too
14:58.47twoshadetodI actually never played an rpg past FF1 and i hated ff1
14:59.02twoshadetodthis is the type of game if i didn't accidentally see it played i woudl have NEVER played it
14:59.07twoshadetodfinal fantasy 1
14:59.21Traedude I started playing when I saw the South Park episode
14:59.24twoshadetodbut i only played it once and hated the idea of rpg's
14:59.40Traefriends were playing... and I kept calling them dorks
14:59.45twoshadetodyeah I came into some cash and kinda took a break from work hooked on wow
14:59.47Trae2 weeks later I was a bigger dork
15:00.02twoshadetodyeah man, it's funny the game is definitly captavating(terrible spelling)
15:00.05twoshadetodwhat class?
15:00.06Traetwoshadetod, gratz, I think.  :)
15:00.14twoshadetodclasses i guess
15:00.18twoshadetodif you really play lol
15:00.21*** join/#wowhead giskard (
15:00.33TraeI've got 70 spriest 68 Hunter (Doom - pve/ally) and 55 Tauren Druid (and 41 hunter) on Pvp server
15:00.40Trae55 Druid is my new main
15:00.46twoshadetodnice man you got me beat
15:00.56twoshadetodpreists are rough....for my main at least
15:00.57TraeI've had about 10 other L30-L40 alts
15:00.59twoshadetodi smoke them on my alts
15:00.59Traebut nuked them
15:01.29*** join/#wowhead Skosiris (
15:01.35*** mode/#wowhead [+o Skosiris] by ChanServ
15:01.36Traewelp... gotta get back to work, but welcome to #wowhead ;)
15:01.36twoshadetodmy main is a mage, also got a 53 rogue and lock i level
15:01.41twoshadetodhahah thanks
15:01.44Traetwoshadetod, sweet ;)
15:01.46twoshadetodwait up
15:01.48twoshadetodwhat server?
15:01.50twoshadetodlol real quick
15:01.54Traeit sucks
15:01.59twoshadetodahhh zuluhed so dont feel bad
15:02.00Traeand Doomhammer for ally
15:02.01twoshadetodtake care bro
15:02.13Traecheers :)
15:03.18*** join/#wowhead NolanS (
15:03.47*** join/#wowhead ecstasia (n=ecs@unaffiliated/ecstasia)
15:06.35Raws|MBPCrazy, apparently I joined Wowhead on the very last day of 2006
15:13.43*** join/#wowhead m910q (
15:13.54*** join/#wowhead Intruder` (
15:15.21*** join/#wowhead Telrin (
15:15.26*** join/#wowhead Gg (
15:16.20LukianHmm, I've been awake almost 32hrs :D
15:21.18twoshadetodmuahahah i remember those days. Have you totally destroyed your chair leaning back? or couch by putting a sinkhole  in one side of it yet?
15:21.35twoshadetodand it really gets easier at about hour 30 dont it hahha
15:22.01Lukiantwoshadetod, yeah, I've broken a few chairs like that :D
15:28.50*** join/#wowhead m910q-2 (
15:30.34TraeI think I'm about to break a chair
15:30.52*** join/#wowhead Bibi` (
15:31.05TraeTarris-Dalaran, and how can I get xp when the servers are down!!!???
15:31.16Raws|MBPWorld = ending
15:31.21Raws|MBPWorld server, that his
15:32.27*** join/#wowhead rayford (n=runrayfo@
15:32.31*** mode/#wowhead [+v rayford] by ChanServ
15:34.07rayfordMornin all.
15:34.54rayfordSko:  Somethin up with the forums?
15:35.15Skosirisyeah, the forums are up
15:35.32rayfordLemme screenshot it real fast....
15:35.41Skosirisyou're not using IE7, are you?
15:36.20rayfordBlame work.  I can't install any other browser.  Why?
15:36.49Skosiriseach posts show up stacked on top of each other somewhat right?
15:37.37*** join/#wowhead Daem (n=Daem0n@unaffiliated/daem)
15:39.55pb_ee1Skosiris, do you know who is the developer of [NewsBot] ?
15:40.17infobottimriker is, like, my owner maintainer of BZFlag, member of a ton of open source projects the guy who GPL'd SCO's ABI files, giving every Linux user the right to use them ;-), or a very cool guy.
15:40.35rayfordOh wait.  You said [NewsBot].  sorry.  : P
15:40.37*** join/#wowhead Kalroth (
15:40.39pb_ee1yeah ;p
15:40.42TraeCan someone let me know when servers are back up?  ktxbi
15:41.33*** join/#wowhead samuel_k (
15:41.39pb_ee1Ha, Trae, did you code [NewsBot]?
15:41.53Traepb_ee1, yeah I'm l33t
15:42.04pb_ee1Ok i'd like to ask you something ;)
15:42.27*** join/#wowhead Raws|MBP (
15:42.35*** join/#wowhead Tusva (i=805b4a6d@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
15:42.38pb_ee1would you think it's a problem if you make newsbot join #wowace or if I forward its message to this channel?
15:42.45pb_ee1so you didn't? :p
15:42.56Traepb_ee1, no I didn't why would you assume I did/
15:42.58Traeerrr did?
15:43.09pb_ee1someone told me you did ;)
15:45.34Adys|sleeppb_ee1: flagged, thanks
15:46.29pb_ee1My pleasure :)
15:46.38*** join/#wowhead Mori-neko (n=Moribund@
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15:58.44*** join/#wowhead Dia (
16:04.55*** join/#wowhead BasicOSX (
16:05.00*** join/#wowhead VieteriSika (
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16:15.56*** join/#wowhead thamuz (n=me@
16:16.02thamuzhat up all
16:16.46*** join/#wowhead m910q (
16:16.49*** part/#wowhead tatsu (n=me@
16:17.10Adysi should ban me@*.*.*.*
16:17.13*** join/#wowhead tatsu (n=me@
16:17.46tatsuseems like everyone is afk like usaul
16:17.59*** kick/#wowhead [tatsu!] by Adys (I'm not.)
16:18.07Adysor maybe just get rid of idiots
16:18.08Raws|MBPBan *@*.gov
16:18.53KalrothHEJ ADYS!
16:18.59AdysHEJ KALLE!
16:19.04*** join/#wowhead thamuz (n=me@
16:19.45thamuzi read it sorry
16:19.48*** join/#wowhead Mr_U (n=demetrio@unaffiliated/mru/x-000000001)
16:21.31thamuzhow is everyone today
16:23.56*** join/#wowhead Guga (
16:24.30thamuzhey whats up
16:24.50Kalrothwe're slacking!
16:25.13thamuzwhat class do yall have on wow
16:26.04avaialittle to none
16:26.30Guga70 drood
16:26.32thamuzi am just waiting for the realms to come back up
16:26.45Gugabtw its true , the 2.2 will be released today or tommorow?
16:26.47thamuzcool i have a level 16 druid
16:26.53AdysGuga: Yeah
16:27.03rayfordGuga, 2.2 is out today.
16:27.07Adysthamuz: check out that link, you should spam it if you're bored
16:27.12thamuzi just downloaded it today
16:27.17GugaIMBA :D coool... but only on AM servers....
16:27.28GugaAnd on europe?
16:27.33Adysoh american
16:27.38AdysUS servers :P
16:27.44AdysEuropean servs get it tomorrow
16:28.19Gugaah sry ^^
16:28.26thamuzi have been playing my lock and for some reason i seem to love lock
16:30.35thamuzi know i will like my druid once i get cat form, but i cant seem to level him that much he is boring to me in bear or caster form
16:31.54GugaFeral Drood ftw ofc :P
16:32.01thamuzdo yall know much about the profession jewelcrafting  is it a very useful profession
16:32.19GugaI like more enchanting :)
16:32.35GugaBut I hzave enginnering , thats really imba , funny and usefull proffesion
16:33.14thamuzmy lock is tailoring/ench  my druid is skinning/lw,  my rogue is mining/  trying to decide jc or enginerring for my rogue
16:33.32TecnoBratonly have to download 2mb
16:33.37TecnoBratand its almost done
16:34.13TraeDruids pwn
16:34.18Traethey might not own the meeters
16:34.32rayfordOooh.  Sweet.  Didn't realize a 20 agi to weapon was comin out in 2.2
16:34.39Traebut they make up in versatility with what they lack in power.  (and they aren't THAT underpowered)
16:34.48rayfordAnd a LW pattern.
16:34.48thamuzunless a hunter scare beast u, but the last patch decreased the time for scare beat to 10 sec
16:35.26TraeI love being able to tank or dps and having enough mana as a backup healer if the shit hits the fan
16:35.36thamuzrayford u must have a rogue
16:35.38Traeoh and I can innervate priest :)
16:35.55rayfordthamuz:  Nope.  Enhancement Shammy.  : P
16:35.58*** join/#wowhead Demetrious (n=demetrio@unaffiliated/demetrious)
16:35.59*** mode/#wowhead [+o Demetrious] by ChanServ
16:36.05Traebah stupid bots
16:36.38thamuzi hear rogues are not as great as alot think they are
16:36.44thamuzbut i really do not know
16:36.52krag0thBut like like to do it from behind
16:36.52malikeye|worknever hear groups looking for them
16:36.57Traethamuz, I rolled one to 29... and bialed on it for my Druid
16:37.20TraeIMHO, they are too weapon dependant
16:37.22thamuzdo groups love lock or does everyone hate lock lol
16:37.23krag0thAdditionally, Sapped girlz don't say no.  So I guess that's why people stay away?
16:37.30Traethamuz, SS ftw
16:37.43krag0thHemo FTW! :P
16:37.59*** join/#wowhead [NewsBot] (i=NewsBot@
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16:38.02Traethat said, I never really got a clue with rogue  soo
16:38.04krag0thI have a 29 twink rogue, and it gets boring
16:38.04thamuzso far i like druid and lock the best
16:38.16krag0thI love those two classes
16:38.16thamuzi like lock the best so far
16:38.23thamuzbut they both are low levels
16:38.25krag0thCurrently I 2-box a lock and paladin.
16:38.43thamuzare lock great in raids
16:39.07thamuzi am mainly a pvp guy, but still llike to do raids and instances
16:39.09krag0thProbably :)  Mine is in the SM-levels
16:39.44thamuzi know i can solo RFC and WC at level 16 on my lock but it is very very hard to do
16:39.50thamuzsorry level 17
16:40.17thamuzbut i wasted about 30 gold for the best equipment for that level
16:40.22thamuzand enchants and all
16:41.32rayfordIn endgame, Locks aren't bad.  Their soul and health stones are really handy.  Plus, they provide a lot of DPS.  But they have to watch their aggro from time to time.
16:41.44thamuzme and a level 22 warrior run it easy, but for me to solo it it takes about 2 hours and i die about twice
16:41.54thamuzi wonder what the best spec for pvp on a lock
16:42.22thamuzi want to try destruction, but afraid when i get t instance alot or raid i will have bad problems with aggro
16:42.29erosenninaff/demo maybe? :B
16:42.58thamuzseems to me like dest would do awsome damage
16:43.02erosennindestro lock depends some on seduce
16:43.09erosenninlong cast times and high mana cost on spells
16:43.22thamuzkinnda like a fire mage right
16:43.48avaiagod damn lock dog  ><
16:44.02thamuzi hear demo is niot that good for raids, but again everyone has there own opion
16:44.14*** join/#wowhead kainsavage (n=reygahnc@
16:44.35rayfordDemo isn't really all that great for raiding.
16:44.35erosenninwe had a demo lock :P
16:44.52thamuzis demo best for pvp
16:45.00rayfordThat I don't know.
16:45.06erosennini be hearing dat
16:45.37thamuzi am just confused about what to spec my lokc, i know what to spec my druid feral all the way lol
16:45.44erosenninnot best, but good
16:46.16erosenninaffliction / demo lock is so damn annoying to kill :P
16:46.38thamuzwell how far down the aff and demo tree
16:46.50erosenninthat i cant tell you :P
16:46.55erosennini dont play a lock :)
16:47.10erosenninbut up to felguard at demo atleast :P
16:47.34thamuzthat what i was going to do demo all the way then left over in aff
16:47.58*** join/#wowhead Mr_U (n=demetrio@unaffiliated/mru/x-000000001)
16:49.19erosenninor not even up to felguard but soul link
16:49.32erosenninand CoE and Siphon from affli, could owrk
16:50.27*** join/#wowhead [NewsBot] (
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16:50.50*** join/#wowhead [NewsBot] (i=NewsBot@
16:50.50*** mode/#wowhead [+v [NewsBot]] by ChanServ
16:51.11Raws|MBPinfobot, newsbot is also on an unstable internets connection
16:51.12infobotRaws|MBP: okay
16:52.00[NewsBot]BlueTracker: WoW General (Armory Error) -
16:52.03[NewsBot]BlueTracker: WoW General (1 hour AH emails ?) -
16:52.06[NewsBot]BlueTracker: Priest (Anathema/Benediction in BC?) -
16:56.52Traecrap I wonder if addons are all broken now
16:57.03rayfordO.o  I hope not!
16:58.53^TRON^hi guys..
16:59.25^TRON^question which is better? spell critical strike by 14 or spell damage and healing 14?
16:59.50erosenninthere isnt an answer to that
17:00.27erosennindepends on what you need, what class you are, on your spec
17:00.30Adysby 14, its spelldmg by far
17:00.34Adyson any class
17:01.11*** part/#wowhead Guga (
17:01.17^TRON^I was just comparing.. right now I have spell damage and healing by 9 from hypnotic
17:01.49^TRON^I was comparing it with Kinding Stave
17:03.29*** join/#wowhead Tusva (i=805b4a6d@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
17:06.05*** join/#wowhead [NewsBot] (
17:06.05*** mode/#wowhead [+v [NewsBot]] by ChanServ
17:06.23Tusvaoh sure, voice the bot :P
17:06.34*** mode/#wowhead [+v Tusva] by Adys
17:06.42Adysas soon as sko's back ill give ya access!
17:06.47TusvaNow I'm officially awesome :D
17:06.58*** join/#wowhead [NewsBot] (i=NewsBot@
17:06.58*** mode/#wowhead [+v [NewsBot]] by ChanServ
17:06.59Adysjust temporarily awesome, sorry
17:07.37Tusvabetter than no awesome :P
17:07.39Tusvahow's things to-day?
17:08.21TusvaBlackrock Spire: The gems for the Seal of Ascension are now a 100% drop from Overlord Wyrmthalak, War Master Voone and Highlord Omokk.
17:08.46Tusvabetween that and all the azeroth graveyards, pre-BC is looking mighty fine :P
17:09.28TusvaOh Blizzard. You so silly.
17:10.53*** join/#wowhead [NewsBot] (
17:10.53*** mode/#wowhead [+v [NewsBot]] by ChanServ
17:11.28Adys# Cursed Eye of Paleth has had its Shadow requirement removed.
17:11.28Adys# Eye of Paleth has had its Holy requirement removed.
17:12.01AdysHoly Resistance has been replaced with Arcane Resistance.
17:12.02Adysoh man
17:12.21TecnoBratAdys, didn't Skosiris say that he was going to eventually look at adding XML for all pages?
17:12.34TecnoBrator did he backout that again
17:12.40AdysSome more pages yes
17:12.42Adysbut not all
17:13.31[NewsBot]BlueTracker: WoW General (How is Lich pronounced?) -
17:13.45AdysWrath of the Lick King
17:14.05Tusvaif you speed it up
17:14.08TusvaWrath of the Licking
17:14.10TecnoBratWe will need a way to record constant trollers
17:14.46AdysThe proper pronunciation is 'Like', but yeah, in Warcraft, people say it like 'Litch'."
17:15.57Adys"Strike renamed Heroic Strike."
17:16.05Adysthats why so many mobs kept "Strike"
17:16.21TecnoBratLike Adys,
17:16.36TecnoBratDon't you love posts like that?
17:16.46Raws|MBPI pronounce it "like," because one of the people on my 30-day hiking trip last year was a lichen expert
17:16.50Adysdelete them
17:16.50Raws|MBPSo we were always learning about liken
17:16.57Raws|MBPI'm afraid I can't do that, Adys
17:17.08*** join/#wowhead Paradox (
17:18.48TecnoBratyea Adys, need a way to like .. delete them but note it as a troll post or something
17:18.56TecnoBratso we can just ban people if they troll all of the time
17:19.01TecnoBratI guess we will notice
17:19.03[NewsBot]WoW Insider: Last-minute 2.2 tweaks -
17:19.08[NewsBot]WoW Insider: Guide to the Shartuul event in Blade's Edge -
17:19.14[NewsBot]WoW Insider: The night before voice chat -
17:19.20[NewsBot]WoW Insider: You got your RP in my PvP! You got your PvP in my RP! -
17:19.27[NewsBot]WoW Insider: Doing away with raid lockouts -
17:20.08*** join/#wowhead Paradox (
17:21.45*** join/#wowhead Paradox (
17:22.54*** join/#wowhead [NewsBot] (i=NewsBot@
17:22.54*** mode/#wowhead [+v [NewsBot]] by ChanServ
17:24.50phr0zenwow is down no!!!
17:24.54phr0zentake a shower day!
17:25.28*** join/#wowhead Demetrious (n=demetrio@unaffiliated/demetrious)
17:25.28*** mode/#wowhead [+o Demetrious] by ChanServ
17:25.41Tusvaediting sig that's > 100 chars but < 150 it still gives the pop up warning
17:29.17*** join/#wowhead yssaril (
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17:32.02rayfordphr0zen:  Shower day?  Worst day of the month for ya, huh?
17:33.25AdysTusva: aye i know
17:33.30Adysafk a bit
17:34.57*** join/#wowhead punk (n=alucard@
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17:38.53*** part/#wowhead punk (n=alucard@
17:39.18*** join/#wowhead Malgayne (
17:39.18*** mode/#wowhead [+o Malgayne] by ChanServ
17:39.32rayfordMornin Mal.
17:39.57MalgayneMorning Ray.  :)
17:40.07KalrothHarro Malmal
17:40.51Tusva'lo there o/
17:43.35rayfordSo Mal, you guys may have to hit Kara without your fearless leader tonight.
17:44.45Raws|MBP"Fearless leader" is what I call my boss
17:44.53*** join/#wowhead [NewsBot] (
17:44.53*** mode/#wowhead [+v [NewsBot]] by ChanServ
17:46.10MalgayneWhat's up, Ray?
17:47.58rayfordHalo 3 is out!
17:48.27rayfordBite me.  : P
17:48.45KalrothI'm right though, right Malgayne?!
17:49.31*** join/#wowhead m910q (
17:50.06rayfordNotice the lack of response.  : P
17:50.14MalgayneMeh.  Halo.
17:50.34Raws|MBPDo not insult teh Heylows
17:50.48Raws|MBPEven though I have not played Heylow since the first one came out for the Mac
17:51.31rayfordBah.  Whatever.  Point is, no Ray for a few days whilst I play it.  : P  I'll be back, though.
17:52.46MalgayneCan't even take a little time off for Monasti's ONE raid a week?
17:53.46rayfordIf I can tear myself away for a few hours, I'll hit Kara with you guys.
17:53.58MalgayneYou have no staying power
17:55.36KalrothThat's kinda wussy imo
17:55.54KalrothPlaying Hello over WoW!
17:56.36KalrothNow they'll probably end up cancelling the raids!
17:56.44Tusvateehee Hello
17:56.47MalgayneOh like hell
17:56.52rayfordHah!  Haha!  Mon just told me that he's not goin either!  Blackmail is for the lose!
17:56.55rayfordYou fail Mal!  Mwahahaha!
17:57.00VieteriSikaIm a explosive!!
17:57.22rayfordVieteriSika:  You're a bomb?!  I know.  Lets calm you down a bit.
17:57.50MalgayneHe's not?
17:57.50rayfordLets count backwards from ten!
17:57.50MalgayneShoot, that means I have to heal
17:58.03rayfordMal:  Dette texted me a bit ago.  Sounds like either he or Sindell will heal.
17:58.12ViresYou forgot 4
17:58.21VieteriSikaI'm so bored for the laws of finland, mopeds shall go only 45km/h... every moped goes faster rly and its danger to get fines of 800euros for me
17:58.30Raws|MBPWait, your guildmates send you SMS messages about raids?
17:58.51MalgayneYes, Raws, they do
17:58.59Raws|MBPThat is nuts
17:59.34rayfordRaws|MBP:  We're super 1447.  I've got the numbers to like every officer in the guild.  Plus a few guildies.
17:59.49rayfordUnlimited text messaging FTW!  Hahaha!
17:59.57Raws|MBPSend me sexy messages, please
18:00.10rayfordOkies.  Number?
18:00.14Raws|MBPMy number is 867-5309
18:00.18pb_ee1is the developper of [NewsBot] around here by any chance?
18:00.40rayfordArea code?
18:00.48*** join/#wowhead bleeter (n=bleeter@guifications/developer/bleeter)
18:00.57Traeserver is up... Doomhammer we are supposed to have voice, but I don't see the voice stuff to enable it
18:00.59pb_ee1NO Trae. You're not its dev !
18:01.14rayfordRaws|MBP:  Srsly?
18:01.15Traepb_ee1, heh what?
18:01.21pb_ee1nevermind, just kidding :p
18:01.24Raws|MBPrayford: I was hoping you'd catch the joke :(
18:01.30rayfordOh.  Hahaha.
18:01.36rayfordSorry.  Totally missed the reference.  : P
18:01.39^TRON^hi guys
18:01.41rayfordBit busy ATM.  : P
18:01.45^TRON^back in a little while
18:01.49Raws|MBP'lo Tron, later Tron
18:02.03^TRON^no I meant I'll be here til before lunch time
18:02.03rayfordHAI ^TRON^!  OLOLOL BAI2U ^TRON^!
18:02.06VieteriSikaarghh why every hunter is so goddamn stupid
18:02.11^TRON^which is what? 1hr from now
18:02.12VieteriSikatrying to frost trap me while in BW
18:02.17VieteriSikaor wingclip whatever
18:02.32VieteriSikaload a fucking aimedshot when I'm completing my burst?!
18:02.39VieteriSikaBeastial wrath
18:02.43rayfordOh.  Duh.
18:02.50^TRON^never heard "yet" lol
18:02.57VieteriSikatakes 4 seconds extra for the aimedshot
18:03.06VieteriSikathen they come and ego with their better gear
18:03.13VieteriSikaVieterisika has won bla bla bla in duel
18:03.17VieteriSika"i still have better gear"
18:03.22*** join/#wowhead [NewsBot] (
18:03.22*** mode/#wowhead [+v [NewsBot]] by ChanServ
18:03.27MalgayneI love that
18:03.33MalgayneOr "You didn't really win, you healed"
18:03.34rayfordHaha.  Me too.
18:03.46VieteriSikawtf can u do with fukin' gear, if you lose to people and can't play..
18:03.56Raws|MBPOn my guild forums, we have class forums because our GM insisted that I make them
18:04.11Raws|MBPSo I created forums for every class except hunter (I play one)
18:04.20Raws|MBPThen I created a forum called "Idiot"
18:04.21*** join/#wowhead Adys|sleep (
18:04.21*** mode/#wowhead [+o Adys|sleep] by ChanServ
18:04.26Raws|MBPAnd made myself the moderator
18:04.33Lukianlol @ only one oceanic realm being up :p
18:04.35Raws|MBPSo our hunter class forum is the Idiot forum
18:04.37VieteriSikaour GM wanted more power to warlocks, because they're way too weak
18:04.44VieteriSikaafter that I left the guild T.T
18:04.57VieteriSikaGM must be the smart guy .. he just can't be the most stupid
18:06.41Lukianwoot! my realm is up :D
18:06.53LukianIt's always one of the last :(
18:06.55VieteriSikawoot im so explosive
18:06.59MalgayneDraenor's back too
18:07.07^TRON^our realm?
18:07.15^TRON^blah.. uber!
18:07.21^TRON^sorry Mal
18:07.34^TRON^been leveling my Alliance Mage
18:07.42^TRON^next would be horde
18:07.58^TRON^when I get to 70 by thanksgiving LOL
18:08.16^TRON^or before that
18:08.17^TRON^:_D shoulders
18:08.25MalgayneThey' beautiful
18:08.43^TRON^is it wing like?
18:08.45VieteriSika..... new patch?!!!!!!
18:08.50malikeye|workanybody know any horde guilds on malfurion ?
18:08.52VieteriSikaorc shoulders fixed?!
18:09.04^TRON^vvvvv www hhh att!  patch is out
18:09.10^TRON^sweee iiiii ttttt
18:10.09*** join/#wowhead zushiba (n=qarg@
18:10.41^TRON^sigh too slow
18:11.31zushibayay forums
18:12.08TraeIs there a list of Realms that got the voice?  Doomhammer was supposed to, but I don't see it
18:12.20VieteriSikanew patch?!
18:12.26Adys"This spell isn't ready yet"
18:12.31TraeAdys, lol
18:12.34Adys"That ability isn't ready yet"
18:12.37Adys"Not enough mana!"
18:12.38TraeAdys, they didn't roll it out?
18:12.46[NewsBot]WoW Insider: Azeroth's bad guys aren't always that bad -
18:12.47Adysall sound changes are reset
18:12.52[NewsBot]WoW Insider: Final 2.2 patch notes -
18:12.58[NewsBot]WoW Insider: WoW Moviewatch: NetherVale -
18:13.04[NewsBot]WoW Insider: The Light and How to Swing It: Pre-epic plate healing gear, part 1 -
18:13.14[NewsBot]WoW Insider: Take out the trash (timers)! -
18:13.14TraeAdys, yeah but I still don't see any sound stuff in there about voice.
18:13.16[NewsBot]BlueTracker: Test Realm Forum (?Validate Game Version?? Reinstall the PTR!) -
18:13.19[NewsBot]BlueTracker: Test Realm Forum (___This update does not need to be applied.) -
18:13.25avaiaTrae: doomhammer *was* on the list, at least
18:13.31pb_ee1[NewsBot]: Stop the spam !
18:13.35Traeavaia, yah.... so maybe they changed it
18:13.37*** kick/#wowhead [[NewsBot]!] by Malgayne (Kick)
18:13.37*** join/#wowhead [NewsBot] (
18:13.37*** mode/#wowhead [+v [NewsBot]] by ChanServ
18:13.45Traepb_ee1,  /ignore [NewsBot]
18:13.53pb_ee1lol :p
18:13.57pb_ee1just kidding again !
18:14.00AdysMalgayne: we can mute him
18:14.06avaiaTrae: I thought they said vox was the day after the patch
18:14.14Traeavaia, ahhh could be
18:14.16Adysas soon as sko comes back anyway
18:14.18Adysbrb a sec
18:14.25Trae^TRON^, damn you are annoying  lol
18:14.51^TRON^Trae, pardon my questions..
18:15.00^TRON^just trying to figure out in a fast paced
18:15.12MalgayneI know adys, I was ust venting my frustrations
18:15.20^TRON^I know what it is
18:15.28^TRON^so the patch will enable voice chat now?
18:15.36^TRON^is it enabled when grouped?
18:15.42rayford^TRON^:  Draenor should be getting its voice chat sometime next week.
18:15.54MalgayneTron--the server is up, go log in and look.  :)
18:16.04^TRON^still DL
18:16.13^TRON^a lot of ppl seems to be
18:17.00^TRON^thanks rayford for that information... appreciated..
18:17.58malikeye|workalready had 54MB of the patch it seems
18:18.48ViresOnly 1 of the servers my characters are on is affected and I don't play on that one much. Goodie! No need to listen to 12 year olds attempt to sing Linkin Park at 2am.
18:18.49zushibaif you were on the PTR you probably had most of it.
18:19.03LukianHmm, my framerate is up, but I'm getting slight graphical glitch (flickering to a wooden texture?) on water :(
18:19.34^TRON^I think this path will be worse
18:19.48^TRON^esp the voice chat.. wow lag is on the rise
18:19.54zushibaDelete your WDB folder Lukian
18:20.24zushiba*might* help
18:20.34Lukianpretty sure i did
18:20.57AdysLukian: Turn multisampling to 1x
18:21.02Adyssee if it helps
18:22.33Lukianthat's aniso in game?
18:23.07*** join/#wowhead Tusva (i=805b4a6d@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
18:24.11*** join/#wowhead Gun_de_gray (i=papash@gateway/tor/x-11ca4bb62d052746)
18:25.49Tusvahum de dum..
18:26.29Lukianhmm, did flight paths change slightly? or am I imagining things duskwood -> IF?
18:27.11Traeavaia, tx :)
18:27.49avaiawho is your spriest on nubhammer?
18:29.59*** join/#wowhead katenka (n=evilgeek@
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18:39.44*** join/#wowhead m910q-2 (
18:44.41*** join/#wowhead Isalia (
18:46.58DuTempeteAwww, shite.  I have green text, now?
18:47.20DuTempeteHow am I supposed to sneak up on people with green text :(
18:48.40*** join/#wowhead anadept|work (
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18:48.46*** mode/#wowhead [+v [NewsBot]] by ChanServ
18:48.57*** join/#wowhead Stephen9o3 (
18:50.54Malgaynemwa ha ha
18:51.29rayfordMal:  You're in for Kara tonight, right?
18:51.36MalgayneWhat's up, Du?
18:52.00IsaliaAny plans of Wowhead getting a sort of API for us to leech your data in our own apps? :o
18:52.17MalgayneThat's a hard line to walk
18:52.26MalgayneWe love user apps and we really want to encourage them
18:52.58DuTempeteNothing, Malgayne, I just poked you for mwahahaing me.
18:53.04IsaliaAnd we (well, I) love making them xD
18:53.14anadept|workpizza delivery takes entirely too long
18:53.17MalgayneBut the more of our backend we open up, the easier it is for people to get our data without actually going to the site
18:53.23ViresLocally run Java program that imports data via an XML feed? Just a suggestion...
18:53.33MalgayneWhich means that we lose money in bandwidth costs, but don't get any money in advertising
18:53.50IsaliaAh, yes, I see your point
18:54.07ViresImports flash ads too! Muwhaha... uh...
18:54.28CorganI would love to have the search return in xml like the items
18:54.31Corganit used to...
18:54.41MalgayneStill does, I believe
18:54.52Corganwasn't working last time I tried
18:54.58MalgayneOh no, wait
18:55.06MalgayneSko was messing with this
18:55.15*** join/#wowhead m910q (
18:55.19IsaliaIt's just saddening (maybe an exaggeration) for developers like me that none of the databases offer that -- at the moment it seems our best way is to parse the data from the Armory since it's nice and well-formed XML
18:56.26MalgayneWell, there is an XML feed
18:56.42MalgayneIt's just not in wide release, since it's still subject to change at any time
18:59.28rayfordInfobot, dance for Malgayne
18:59.29infobotfor Malgayne, dance with me!  Ah, ah, ah, ah, stayin' Elive, stayin' Elive
18:59.30DaemIsalia, I feel your pain :\
18:59.32IsaliaAh; I see
19:02.05IsaliaWell, I think I'll just use the Armory until something better comes up. At least it's somewhat easy to parse. :)
19:02.09*** join/#wowhead [NewsBot] (i=NewsBot@
19:02.09*** mode/#wowhead [+v [NewsBot]] by ChanServ
19:02.18Viresinfobot: "Elive" ? Shouldn't that be "alive" ?
19:02.52ViresAnd all the Addon sites at this given moment are all crying out in pain
19:03.48*** join/#wowhead Godzmack (
19:03.57ViresPatch day addon update rush?
19:04.02IsaliaAh, the patch rollout? Lucky us Europeans don't have it yet :/
19:04.14CairennVires: oh yes
19:04.44ViresMost of the WoW Ace files have been updated < 1 min ago, lol
19:04.49SimulatorHaha, Cairenn knows all about that!
19:05.55SimulatorThink of it as a compliment that lots of people love your site (:
19:06.54IsaliaPeople all over must be deleting their 'locks in frustration :P
19:07.05DaemWhy the 'locks?
19:07.18SimulatorNo way, my lock looks awesome right now, just finished my merc set and my shoulders are fixed!
19:07.19IsaliaResilience change :)
19:07.30DaemUgh. ... (shadow priest here)
19:07.32IsaliaRogues too, because of that damned haste nerf! :(
19:07.42SimulatorUber rogues
19:07.49SimulatorNormal ones were unaffected :P
19:07.49DaemDon't remind me of that resilience change
19:08.27CairennSimulator: true enough :)
19:08.49[NewsBot]WoW Insider: Chinese MMO puts the kibosh on 'dem "less feminine" female characters -
19:09.28DuTempeteSimulator, I'd be happy if all the pvpkiddies deleted their locks.  It'd make our world a heck of a lot more peaceful. :P
19:09.49zushibaNormal rogues were affected
19:10.01DuTempeteseparating the chaff from the grain, IMO. :P
19:10.04SimulatorDuTempete:  haha (:
19:10.23zushiba   seriously, I feel like I was violated metaphysically by this.
19:10.45DuTempeteOf course, you won't see me reading any lock boards until the temper tantrums settle down.
19:11.27SimulatorMeh, people over react about everything in this game.  Spend time adapting and you won't have to whine about things so much.
19:12.26KalrothOn the butt though *teehee*
19:12.27DuTempete~whalenuke Kalroth
19:12.27infobotACTION dons his radiation cloak and tinted glasses while a highly intelligent whale named Ray precipitates critical mass for uncontrolled nuclear fission around Kalroth with his mind powers
19:12.39IsaliaIs 56x56 the largest size WoW's icons exist in?
19:12.39KalrothA whale named Ray?
19:13.12KalrothI shall know be known as Jonah.
19:13.21DuTempeteThey can always be made larger, Isalia, but that doesn't mean they'll look good.
19:13.22rayfordYou shall know be known, huh?
19:13.40KalrothIt's a silent k!
19:14.05DuTempeteI refuse to know you, Kalroth.
19:14.07ViresI'd like to call him Frank.
19:14.12KalrothDuTempete: I now that.
19:14.18IsaliaDuTempete: /sigh for not being vectors -- but would 56x56 be the largest size they're, um, "regular" in? (I suck at rephrasing :)
19:14.32IsaliaNo, wait, seems the Armory has 64x64 ones.
19:14.56ViresYou could strech it as much as you'd like, but it's still 52x52
19:15.03Vireserr... 56x56
19:15.16[NewsBot]BlueTracker: WoW General (Error in Patch Notes? Daze?) -
19:15.18rayfordKalroth:  Its ok.  I know you all the time, ifyaknowwutI'msayin.  ~.^
19:15.19[NewsBot]BlueTracker: WoW General (Not Seeing ?Sound and Voice?) -
19:15.22[NewsBot]BlueTracker: WoW General (/Gkicked for using WOW Voice Chat) -
19:15.25[NewsBot]BlueTracker: WoW General (Aquatic Form) -
19:15.26Isalia ah, that has borders in it already.
19:15.28[NewsBot]BlueTracker: WoW General (Patch fails already) -
19:16.00ViresEyonix's reply to the /gkicked one is good
19:23.50SimulatorI tried the voice chat on the ptr, the quality was pretty low compared to our vent server so I would imagine we'll just keep using what we have been.
19:25.39Vireseww default UI since I killed my WTF folder >:3
19:27.07rayfordEwwww....Default UI.
19:27.09IsaliaI have way too many addons :/
19:27.15IsaliaShould've never installed that Cosmos thing
19:27.22ViresHate Cosmos
19:27.31ViresInsomniax was good until I made my own with Discord
19:27.37ViresThen Discord stopped working =(
19:27.56IsaliaMe too, but I haven't been able to find replacements for the few things I need :/
19:28.42IsaliaBut I'm keeping it pretty simple otherwise, XPerl + TitanBar + Omen are the main ones
19:28.57malikeye|workwhat is omen ?
19:29.03IsaliaThreat meter
19:29.05DaemKTM alternative
19:29.17ViresThe good threatmeter =p
19:29.22IsaliaIt's so purty :P
19:29.24rayfordWorks much mo' betteh than KTM.
19:29.32DaemTrue that
19:29.50*** join/#wowhead bleeter (n=bleeter@guifications/developer/bleeter)
19:30.01SimulatorOmen's giving errors eh?  Time to update.  Silly WAU isn't working atm ):
19:30.30rayfordOmen's giving errors?  Oh teh noes!
19:30.31DaemHow big was the patch? (MB wise)
19:30.44Simulator~79MB I think
19:30.45malikeye|work85MB it looked, to me
19:30.45*** join/#wowhead NimbleRabit (
19:30.55IsaliaGr, can't think of a search word that returns about 2-4 item results on Wowhead (doing secrat stuff?! lol)
19:31.12IsaliaThere we go! 'cookbook'
19:31.16SimulatorType endgame
19:31.19Simulator2 items
19:32.46[NewsBot]WoW Insider: Have you had your moment yet? -
19:32.58Isaliaeven better! thanks
19:34.54IsaliaMY GOD, I can't develop on Windows. Reboot. :<
19:35.11DuTempeteAdys, are we using +v for mods?
19:35.18*** mode/#wowhead [+v DuTempete] by Adys
19:35.33DuTempeteI was wondering if you were doing it on purpose. :P
19:35.48DuTempeteCuz you're mean like that.
19:36.06ViresTrying to recall LUA format... are arrays var = { } ?
19:37.34AdysVires: yes
19:37.36ViresAnd I think Wowace crashed -.-
19:38.00Viresvar = { func = function() blah = 1; return blah; end; } --heh
19:38.13ViresSo my LUA knowledge hasn't deprecated yet.
19:38.46*** join/#wowhead Isalia (
19:39.08IsaliaMmm Ubuntu.
19:39.16AdysIll bunt u
19:39.22Viressudo rm -rf /
19:39.24Viresdo it!
19:39.33Isaliadoesn't work, sadly :/
19:39.45DuTempetebit = big
19:40.27DuTempeteThat's really not a very long distance for me to run back and hug you, again.
19:41.07IsaliaAnd I actually got Python to work with lighttpd, /cheer me! (end offtopic)
19:41.13KalrothMY RED HAT
19:41.16DuTempeteOooh, is it a pimp hat?
19:41.31DuTempeteMINE, now!
19:41.31ViresIsalia: I don't think IRC ever follows a common topic...
19:41.35AdysKalroth: I need that red hat
19:41.41zushibalol they just had to announce they are working on a firefox plugin to search the armory after I go through the trouble of making my own.
19:41.41IsaliaVires, :)
19:42.16Vireszushiba: Just use ThraeBot =D
19:42.24DuTempeteThat didn't make any sense, Adys, and only caused an awkward silence.
19:42.39DuTempeteDo you have a problem with the Apache tribe?
19:42.50DuTempeteNative Americans in general?
19:42.52ViresApache makes some good webservers.
19:43.31*** join/#wowhead Gun_de_gray (i=papash@gateway/tor/x-8413a96f6540dc42)
19:43.33ViresI have the Sioux tribe in my area... heh...
19:44.08IsaliaIs Wowhead ever going to have that super-neat as-you-type search through OpenSearch btw? :P
19:44.50IsaliaHonestly, it wouldn't be that ground-breaking, more of a "wow, neat" feature
19:45.06ViresWouldn't that create more database calls than needed? Guess I haven't seen that sort of thing... heh... example site so I can tear it apart and eat it?
19:45.13[NewsBot]BlueTracker: WoW General (Parental Controls-Voice Chat) -
19:45.16[NewsBot]BlueTracker: WoW General (goblin zeppelin engineer) -
19:45.19[NewsBot]BlueTracker: WoW General (Multi-core support.... ever?) -
19:45.22[NewsBot]BlueTracker: Test Realm Forum (TESTING REQUEST: Crash reports) -
19:45.25[NewsBot]BlueTracker: WoW General (Undocumented Patch Notes) -
19:45.30*** join/#wowhead Mr_Rabies (
19:45.38AdysVires: google :P
19:45.48IsaliaIt'd definitely use more DB calls, yeah (well, unless you have some sort of caching for that)
19:46.02*** join/#wowhead Tekkub (n=tekkub@WoWUIDev/WoWI/Featured/Dongle/Tekkub)
19:47.10IsaliaIIRC, you just supply a JSON'd list of suggestions
19:49.33ViresThe example sites show no pretty effects =(
19:50.03IsaliaMDC describes it like: <Url type="application/x-suggestions+json" template="suggestionURL"/> :|
19:50.17ViresThe only sort of thing I can think that would be like that is the search Lootlink does.. quick match of listed items... that sort of think? Or kinda like an autocomplete?
19:50.38Adystry firefox's google default search
19:51.00Viresahh right.
19:54.08zushibahrm Hemo dagger rogue just apped for my guild. I wonder if I should say something.
19:55.41rayfordDo it.
19:58.49*** join/#wowhead NimbleRabit (
19:59.48malikeye|workI need to find a good horde guild...
20:03.54*** join/#wowhead ecstasia (n=ecs@unaffiliated/ecstasia)
20:07.56ViresControl codes are allowed? =o
20:08.02*** join/#wowhead ^TRON^ (
20:08.36ViresScary, indeed. I'll be a good Vires, I swear. =o
20:12.04TecnoBratwtf my one monitor is only maximizing windows to about 2/3 of the screen
20:12.04Maldiviacontrol codes, what control codes? :)
20:13.18[NewsBot]BlueTracker: WoW General (RIP Griftah.) -
20:13.21*** join/#wowhead m910q-2 (
20:13.21[NewsBot]BlueTracker: WoW General (Did mace spec nerf go live?) -
20:13.24[NewsBot]BlueTracker: WoW General (Devs refuse to speak on Orc bug) -
20:13.45TecnoBratwoot, fixed it .. dumb pidgin
20:14.22bleeterpidgin on win32?
20:14.24zushibaOrcs have a new bug?
20:15.03rayfordYa know, I'm sure I'd dig the new green text on the wowhead forums if they worked with IE7 correctly.  >.<
20:15.21ViresPro tip: don't use IE.
20:15.34MaldiviaTecnoBrat: what did you expect from something that sounds like pigeon :)
20:15.52rayfordVires:  Rebuttel:  Work has it installed on my computer by default.  And they've locked it somehow so I can't use anything else.
20:15.57TecnoBratbleeter, yes
20:16.12ViresHow are you on IRC then? o.0
20:16.29DaemIRC plugin?
20:16.30TecnoBrat!rayford! VERSION mIRC v6.21 Khaled Mardam-Bey
20:16.32rayfordI mean so that I can't use another browser.  I downloaded mIRC.
20:16.45ViresThat's... just wierd...
20:16.48TecnoBratcan't download firefox?
20:18.23Simulator   <3 Shoulders!
20:18.47TecnoBratI just learned something new ...
20:18.56TecnoBratyou can enter IPs as hex form into a browser
20:18.58TecnoBratand it works
20:19.18TecnoBrat(I may be way behind .. but I never knew that worked)
20:19.28zushibaIt's a great way to bypass filters
20:19.32zushibadumber filters...
20:19.33Adyswhat browser you use?
20:19.56TecnoBratworks in IE or firefox
20:20.11TecnoBratprobably part of the IP protocol I'd assume, I just never knew you could do that
20:20.18Isalia0xcb5c3a88 = 3411819144L... what'd that be as a regular IP? :S
20:20.28bleeterTecnoBrat: more likely to be stupid native window manager (if you can call it that) and ugly gtk hack to get it working with said stupid native 'window manager' ;)
20:20.44bleeterrather than pidgin itself
20:20.48[NewsBot]WoW Insider: Shifting Perspectives: PvP is hard -
20:21.39*** join/#wowhead Mistel (
20:21.51MistelHow's the patch treating people?
20:21.54Isaliam910q, humm... and then how'd one get to the hex from there? xD
20:22.10m910q-2Isalia you use mIRC?
20:22.12IsaliaStill waiting for it :P
20:22.28IsaliaNope, but I do sorta-understand mIRC script/whatever if that's what ye mean.
20:23.17m910q-2ok, do a $base(127,10,16) $+ $base(0,10,16) $+ $base(0,10,16) $+ $base(1,10,16)
20:23.24m910q-2for localhost...
20:23.30IsaliaAh! base 16?
20:23.36m910q-2And then 0x in front
20:23.43Mistel*Runs away screaming* No mas! No mas!
20:25.14IsaliaThat gives me 0x48059 for localhost :|
20:25.51m910q-20x7F000001 for me
20:26.00Isalia... but I can't see what I'd ever need this for, so I'll just try to forget it :P
20:26.01m910q-2You have to add the 0's if it's only 1 char long
20:26.06m910q-2per base
20:26.19m910q-2I think thats the way it's done, not sure though
20:27.17m910q-2Well, just use $base($longip(,10,16)
20:28.29TecnoBratinfobot, convert 1 to hex
20:28.42TecnoBratinfobot, convert 1 to binary
20:28.46Isalia('%02x' * 4) % (127, 0, 0, 1) there 'tis, in Python :)
20:29.00Isalia=> '7f000001'
20:29.12m910q-2He, I don't understand anything of that Python
20:29.24IsaliaWell, it works :)
20:30.24Isaliahttp://0x7f000001/ hardly does (400 Bad Request), but that's beside the point :P
20:31.48m910q-2My browser won't accept hex.. (Opera), FF and IE do
20:32.38*** join/#wowhead krag0th (
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20:35.28krag0thStupid gamesurge
20:35.32krag0thbroke irssi
20:36.48[NewsBot]WoW Insider: Archmage Vargoth's travels documented in blog form -
20:37.17ViresFirefox loads that fine (testing on a Linux box running apache and a page showed up, lol)
20:39.12*** join/#wowhead TheOnyx (
20:39.12*** mode/#wowhead [+o TheOnyx] by ChanServ
20:39.37Kalrothharro tehonyckz
20:39.57KalrothO, was a disconnect, didn't notice you there :(
20:41.15[NewsBot]BlueTracker: WoW General (Zul'Aman Not in Patch?) -
20:41.18[NewsBot]BlueTracker: WoW General (Daze Mechanics - Blue Confirmation?) -
20:46.14*** join/#wowhead m910q (
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20:49.49*** part/#wowhead katenka (n=evilgeek@
20:54.53Adysif anyone is interested
20:55.00AdysIm uploading the new inn musics there
20:55.07Adystaverndwarf still uploading
20:55.16[NewsBot]WoW Insider: The server hamster is having a coronary -
20:55.29Tusvanew inn musics
20:55.34Tusvamy endless petitions bear fruit
20:58.52*** join/#wowhead Fenuz (
21:00.26TusvaI love stealth media additions :D Ones where they quietly add/change music or add/change icons
21:00.46*** join/#wowhead Jolt (
21:01.25Joltfinally home ^^
21:01.31Miyarimorning Jolt
21:01.38Joltmorning :P?
21:01.43infobotsomebody said ugt was Universal Greeting Time. Created in #mipslinux, it is a rule that states that whenever somebody enters an IRC channel it is always morning, and it is always late when the person leaves. The local time of any other people in the channel, including the greeter, is irrelevant.
21:01.52Joltnice one
21:02.00JoltMiyari: Morning!
21:02.23*** join/#wowhead phr0zen (n=phr0zen@
21:02.41*** join/#wowhead m910q-2 (
21:03.16[NewsBot]WoW Insider: Night of the Dragon - Richard Knaak interview -
21:07.21Joltgah one day left for the convention i am going to
21:07.24Joltcan't wait
21:09.31*** join/#wowhead giskard (
21:13.03Miyari is in-game now!!
21:13.04Miyari:D :D
21:13.20Miyarithe pattern is on the vendor finally
21:13.26Adysnice :o
21:13.38Miyarilol someone just went and checked hehe
21:13.46[NewsBot]BlueTracker: Test Realm Forum (MOoooOOoo) -
21:13.59Adyswell that wasnt worth clicking
21:17.53MiyariMEWNKIN FLASK
21:18.37ViresTree-hee? =o
21:19.21ViresNever tried tree form on my dr00d.
21:19.38TheOnyxAdys: I deleted your comment in lieu of mine:
21:19.46*** join/#wowhead Garns (
21:23.36Miyarithis itemrack fix wont work :(
21:24.13Tusvathat was the person who posted that utterly confusing post before, too
21:25.21JoltI wonder when the fruit seller in Shattrah is going to give up his business
21:25.25Inc`Hooray for fileplanet patch reservation!
21:26.40Adysrebooting brb
21:26.40TecnoBratHorray for a 20 sec download
21:26.40TecnoBratbecause I used the background downloader and was only missing 2mb
21:27.05Inc`Pfft, mine downloaded for me while I was at work
21:27.11Inc`If only it would install itself too
21:27.14TecnoBratI'm STILL at work
21:27.14Inc`And make me a sandwich!
21:27.16TecnoBratVNC ftw
21:27.22Inc`Fine, you win.
21:27.27TecnoBratmy wow is patched, and good to go :P
21:27.33Inc`Ruin all my fun why don't you.
21:28.36krag0thTecnoBrat, VNC FTL.  It's really not secure
21:28.44*** join/#wowhead Adys (
21:28.44*** mode/#wowhead [+o Adys] by ChanServ
21:28.49Skosiris|afkis WoW bugged for anyone?
21:28.54Lukianwb Adys  :D
21:28.58Inc`Doesn't VNC support SSL?
21:28.59LukianSkosiris|afk, explain?
21:29.06MiyariSkosiris|afk: "bugged?"
21:29.14krag0thInc`, The I paid you monies does
21:29.18Adysyes its full of bugs
21:29.20Adysfix plz
21:29.23Skosiris|afkserver is laggy (i.e. can't log out or exit game), my character is half naked and all the icons in my inventory are question marks with no tooltip
21:29.26TecnoBratMy first /lock *tear*
21:29.37Skosiris|afkalso NPCs are all named "Unknown"
21:29.37LukianSkosiris|afk, clear your WDB / Cache..
21:29.39ViresLet's clear AQ of those bugs, shall we?
21:29.43Skosiris|afkI just did :(
21:29.45AdysLukian: i told him to!
21:29.49Skosiris|afkdidn't work
21:29.50krag0thLOL Vires
21:29.54MiyariI just launched WoW, loaded out-of-date adons and bam everything's fine o_O
21:30.00MiyariWhat a crazy problem ;o;
21:30.18LukianSkosiris|afk, I've had that issue before, and it's always corrupt cache (or similar)
21:30.28AdysLukian: i told him that!
21:30.36Mr_Rabies2try deleting your cache and wdb folders
21:30.50Mr_Rabies2if that doesn't work you may have to rename your wtf folder
21:30.51Adyson that word
21:30.55Adysit can also be the wtf folder
21:31.24Lukian(or similar) <-
21:31.29KalrothAdys is a sillyface!
21:31.31Skosiris|afklet me delete both WTF and Cache then
21:31.40LukianYou shouldn't delete WTF
21:31.47Lukianyou'll lose all your addon settings/data :p
21:31.47Kalrothnono, don't touch WTF
21:31.51KalrothBad Sko, bad!
21:32.00LukianSkosiris|afk, but you can rename it for testing
21:32.05Inc`Sko says "Whoops"
21:32.11Mr_Rabies2just rename it when you delete wdb and cache
21:32.20Mr_Rabies2deleting wdb and cache have no ill effects afaik
21:32.32Skosiris|afksame problem :(
21:32.45Skosiris|afkhappens on both Draenor and Eredar
21:33.48TecnoBratSkosiris|afk, whats your ping?
21:33.57Lukianhaha, they changed the disenchant icon
21:34.04Lukianabout time it didn't match decurse.
21:34.19ViresRun the repair utility?
21:34.21MalgayneOoh!  Quick update! new icons..
21:34.39SkosirisMalgayne: which update?
21:34.47MalgayneThe new icon on the disenchant page
21:34.49AdysSo quick it was up since a month and half, Malgayne :P
21:34.57Skosirisyeah, it's been up for a while
21:35.26Tusvacat form? :P
21:35.39Adysand er yeah
21:35.43Adysseen it
21:35.48Adysdunno why it does that, its likely wow
21:35.56TusvaI smell druid/pally hybrid class
21:36.18Lukianwoot cat form :D
21:36.22Adyssounds better
21:37.19rayfordPfft.  Everyone knows that Pallies are better mixed with Shammies.  Shamaladin!
21:37.36MiyariThe Soulstring logged on!
21:37.37AdysMalgayne: you're the best smiley user :)
21:37.48MalgayneI like smileys
21:37.49AdysMiyari: soulstring?
21:37.58Adyswuts dat!
21:37.58LukianRandom Question @ everyone, what was the first thing you did after logging into 2.2? :)
21:38.04MiyariThe Soulstring!!
21:38.08MiyariHe logged on!!!
21:38.16MiyariNo more dressing room dude in a dress!
21:39.08Lukianoh sweet! you can  down convert large prismatic shards into small ones? :D
21:39.23Adys Kalroth / Miyari / Adys vs TecnoBrat / Malgayne / rayford - the two triangles of doom
21:39.53KalrothI need to interact more with rayford, he's aaaall the way over there :(
21:40.02Kalrothrayford: Stop playing Halo, talk to me.
21:40.33Adyshax, i went from fourth to second on early birds
21:41.12TecnoBratKalroth, you don't even have a LINE from him
21:41.32KalrothTecnoBrat: Exactly! He's my favorite rayford and we don't talk enough :(
21:41.55Adysthat relationmap is likely the most interesting one we have ever seen on #wowhead tbh
21:42.33AdysMiyari is gaining on me, always being in the middle :(
21:42.36KalrothI'll just talk more with Malgayne instead, he's more interesting anyways!
21:42.43Adysi think i still have more lines
21:42.43MiyariI need more lines!
21:42.48MiyariMORE LINES
21:42.51MiyariYeah like that one straight to Ashadow?
21:43.07Adyslet me epeen
21:43.08Adysi got..
21:43.16[NewsBot]WoW Insider: Calling the wipe... and what happens next -
21:43.18Adys11 lines i think
21:43.32Joltwith wings
21:43.48Joltwhich makes me own all the other kittens.
21:44.03rayfordKalroth:  I ignore you because I care.
21:44.16Adysrayford: you just talked to him
21:44.16Kalrothrayford: I wub you too!
21:44.19Adysso you're not ignoring him
21:44.29KalrothAdys: He saw you talk about him not talking to me.
21:44.35rayfordAdys:  I can talk and ignore someone at the same time.
21:44.49KalrothAdys: He's still ignoring me, which is fine! Now I can call him a mean asshole and he wont see it!
21:44.49rayfordAdys:  What'd he say?  I'm trying not to read it.
21:45.08Joltyou would never ignore me would you?
21:45.12AdysMiyari: just us two, we got more lines written than the top 4 writers under us
21:45.40rayfordJolt:  Of course I wouldn't!
21:46.01rayfordNot on the back.  Just back at ya.  Your back is hairy.  And nasty.
21:46.12KalrothNether rayford Mustang!
21:46.33AdysI talk 60 times more than Tusva
21:46.40KalrothTusva is a wuss though
21:46.53Adyshe's the ICON GRANDMASTER!
21:47.23Kalrothrayford: Yessir?
21:47.30rayfordKalroth:  You're a nub.
21:47.37Kalrothrayford: Am not.
21:47.48rayford* Added Kalroth!*@* to ignore list
21:48.01KalrothAdys: He's being mean, do something!
21:48.15Adyssure hon
21:48.15rayfordNow its just me and Jolt....
21:48.19*** mode/#wowhead [-v rayford] by Adys
21:48.22*** mode/#wowhead [+b %rayford!*@*] by Adys
21:48.28*** mode/#wowhead [+v rayford] by TecnoBrat
21:48.39*** mode/#wowhead [-o Adys] by TecnoBrat
21:48.46*** mode/#wowhead [+o Adys] by ChanServ
21:48.48KalrothTecnoBrat: You're on the wrong side! Fight the power, fight rayford!
21:48.49*** kick/#wowhead [TecnoBrat!] by Adys (Adys)
21:48.52*** join/#wowhead TecnoBrat (
21:48.52*** mode/#wowhead [+o TecnoBrat] by ChanServ
21:49.06Adysyes miyakkins
21:49.19Miyari:D :D :D :D
21:49.20Adysi still dont know what that is
21:49.28Adys.. oh
21:49.29Kalrothrayford is still banned *teehee*
21:49.30TecnoBratmy mace got a buff
21:49.34Adysi remember now
21:49.43Adyswell send it hon
21:49.56MiyariI just did!
21:49.57MiyariAnd it looks awesome!
21:50.33Adysnot focused enough imo :(
21:50.35rayfordSomeone's a weeee bit excited thar.
21:50.37MiyariYour mother.
21:50.47MiyariIt's as focused as its going to get the bow is piss ugly close-up
21:51.00MiyariIt's really blurry and the colors don't look good up close
21:51.01MiyariTrust me :P
21:51.11Adysyou need a new graphic card imo
21:51.12rayfordYeah, my mom probably is excited.
21:51.25MiyariI'm taking another one >:(
21:51.27*** join/#wowhead Epistaxis (
21:51.30MiyariOf him using the bow
21:51.37MiyariI'm just waiting for him to get back with arrows
21:52.07Miyarion his fat kid mount
21:52.09*** join/#wowhead PeterLOLz (
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21:53.04MiyariI wasn't going to not do a full-body shot of him
21:53.09MiyariOrc shoulders deserve some glory
21:53.19MiyariThey've got like  months of embarrassment to make up for
21:53.30PharodSince when does wowhead have forums? Why was I not informed!?
21:53.39AdysPharod: 24 hours
21:53.42MiyariPharod: Wowhead has forums.
21:53.44MalgayneIt was announced on the front page.  What more do you want?  :P
21:53.56PharodI liked them broken.
21:53.58Adys"Do you guys tag eventual data rows with a source ID/text that's invisible publicly but has the same sort of data as the contributor in Thottbot?"
21:54.03Adyswth is he talking about
21:54.24PharodI never read the front page thing.
21:54.54AdysTecnoBrat: i automatically decline every single cookie from ads
21:55.10TecnoBratAdys, pfft, you just block the ads anyways
21:55.12PharodBad ad?
21:55.18Adyswhen i can be arsed
21:55.21Adysotherwise no
21:55.36TecnoBratPharod, like porn ... flashing ads, etc
21:55.53PharodI block the adframes, too, so I don't even get google ads.
21:56.55PharodOoh, automatic? Link?
21:56.55PharodStill can't block flash, though.
21:57.04Adyswebsites that use directories "ads/" or "ad/" or "adframes/" to put ads in are fun
21:57.32Adysits so easy to get around it
21:57.40Adysyou could make a directory generator
21:57.44Adysthat expires after 24 hours
21:58.04Adyssome longass hash
21:58.05Mr_Rabies2most ads are pay per click and not pay per view
21:58.46MalgayneThe ones on Wowhead aren't, actually
21:58.54MalgayneThey're all CPM based--all pay per view
21:59.02MalgayneBut the current click rate determines the CPM
21:59.24TecnoBratMr_Rabies, no, most ads are CPM
21:59.34TecnoBratBy a large percentage actually
22:00.45TecnoBratYea, lol
22:00.46MalgayneSo if you guys are listening, we get more money and are able to build better features if you click on the banner ads!
22:01.03TecnoBratI work for a large media company
22:01.05Mr_Rabies2most people i talk to use pay per click ads :o
22:01.22ecstasiaugh, stupid addons not working
22:01.24ecstasiathe nerve
22:01.39TecnoBratMr_Rabies2, well CPC is big on search engines, etc. But most inline media is CPM.
22:01.50Mr_Rabies2i adblock pretty much all sites, i loathe ad companies on par or even moreso than the RIAA or MPAA
22:02.09AdysMalgayne: theres a bug though, when people will have clicked ads over 27^3^18 times, the site's gonna explode
22:02.20Adysso dont click otherwise the sites gonna explode faster!
22:02.33TecnoBratMr_Rabies2, like it or not, the reason why 3/4 of the sites on the internet exist, is because of the ad companies
22:02.43AdysItll all be TecnoBrat's fault, Skosiris
22:02.45MalgayneYeah, I understand where you're coming from
22:02.50MalgayneBut they are paying MY salary
22:02.52TecnoBratwowhead would probably be dead if it wasn't for ads :P
22:02.58Mr_Rabies2which is why they're so scummy, TecnoBrat
22:03.08Mr_Rabies2they know you cant live without it
22:03.09MalgayneUnless you want to pay a subscription fee, get to clicking.  :P
22:03.43MiyariSee why I don't use AdBlock now :P
22:03.51MiyariAlthough I still get molested by that f'ing iPhone ad
22:04.06Mr_Rabies2i have nothing against wowhead, but i do have a personal vendetta against the ad companies
22:04.08MiyariAdys: Another Soulstring shot :p
22:04.09MalgayneMr Rabies--If we offered a totally ad free site for $3 a month, would you pay?
22:04.12Mr_Rabies2especially adbrite
22:04.13AdysMiyari: oooohh that reminds me
22:04.19Mr_Rabies2probably not Malgayne, i'd move elsewhere
22:04.21MiyariMr_Rabies2: It's a necessary evil.
22:04.39MiyariYou pay for quality in some way, shape or form!
22:04.42MiyariAdys: ?
22:04.46TecnoBratMr_Rabies2, if there was no ads anywhere, there would be no where else
22:04.47MalgayneSo Rabies, what do you propose we do?
22:05.09Mr_Rabies2i propose you keep running ads and let those who are less against ad companies continue to view and click them
22:05.32MalgayneSo you propose that other people pick up your slack.  :)
22:05.35*** join/#wowhead Bloodmauler (
22:05.43Adysyoutube's search is broken
22:05.46MiyariI use the CapitalOne ads as shortcuts to my bank account :)
22:05.46TecnoBratMalgayne, I propose you add cookie tracking into your ads
22:05.51Adyswhich means, google search is broken
22:05.52TecnoBratif they are blocked, you block access to the site
22:05.56Mr_Rabies2more or less, Malgayne
22:05.57TecnoBratgood idea eh?
22:06.13AdysTecnoBrat: thats easy to go around it
22:06.23Mr_Rabies2that's not a good way to gain new users and fans, TecnoBrat
22:06.36Adystheres always new ways to go around ads
22:06.42MiyariPeople aren't just going to be blocking Ads on Wowhead :P
22:07.02Adysremember that what a browser shows is what it downloads from a server and transforms into pixel shit
22:07.05Adysyou can always interfere
22:07.13Adysparticularly with opensource shit like firefox
22:07.16[NewsBot]WoW Insider: Strange patch note choices (or, my last Orc shoulders post ever, I swear) -
22:07.26Adys[NewsBot]: right
22:07.28Mr_Rabies2showing users something they don't care to see is not a good way to do things, in my opinion
22:08.13Mr_Rabies2if they don't mind the ads, let them run them, but if they don't want to see them, they'll either avoid your site or adblock them, either way people who don't see ads won't see ads
22:08.34Mr_Rabies2...don't want to see ads...*
22:09.16MiyariPeople are going to continue using the site, imo, whether there are ads or not. This is the internet, I'm sure people are more than used to ads and will do whatever regardless. Wowhead at least does take the time to make sure that ads are generally non-obtrusive and non-offensive.
22:09.45MiyariIf the ads are that huge of a problem, logically yeah they can go some place else. But show me a highly developed database site that doesn't have ads?
22:09.59AdysThottbot lets you hide them
22:10.05MiyariIt's also Thottbot?
22:10.09MalgayneTechnically, yes
22:10.14MalgayneBut you have to hide them again on every new page
22:10.17MalgayneSo it doesn't matter
22:10.19Mr_Rabies2i'm not saying you shouldn't run ads
22:10.23Adyswhich you can do automatically
22:10.30Adyswith a simple ff scrip
22:10.34MalgayneYou're just saying you personally should be exempt from having to view them.  ;)
22:10.35MiyariAlso what Thottbot lacks in advertising annnoyment t makes up in its community imo :p
22:10.40Adys(youll tell me, might aswell get adblock then)
22:10.43MiyariAdys: If you were doing that wouldn't you just run an AdBlock in general?
22:10.43Mr_Rabies2but i'm saying going out of your way to disable site functionality or otherwise if ads aren't seen is incredibly scummy and a decent way to lose your reputation
22:11.01MalgayneI agree, yes
22:11.06MalgayneI have no intention of doing that
22:11.18AdysI do though! Gonna do it now actually!
22:11.46[NewsBot]BlueTracker: WoW General (Voice chat news on main website) -
22:11.49[NewsBot]BlueTracker: WoW General (Old Inn Music?) -
22:11.51Miyari go approve your close-up shot /pif
22:11.52AdysIm not funi :(
22:11.52[NewsBot]BlueTracker: UI & Macros Forum (#showtooltip macro help!) -
22:12.11Mr_Rabies2i would absolutely go out of my way to bash a site as often as possible for exibiting behavior like that, no matter how much i once liked it
22:12.22MiyariMr_Rabies2: It's not going to happen.
22:12.25Mr_Rabies2i know
22:12.27AdysAnyone remembers Lycos' ads?
22:12.27MiyariSo stop worrying about it imo ><
22:12.30Mr_Rabies2i'm not saying you're planning on it
22:12.36Mr_Rabies2er they're
22:12.51Adysback when firefox didnt even exist :)
22:13.10AdysLycos had a horrible iFrame to the right
22:13.16Adysthat you couldnt disable whatsoever
22:13.18Mr_Rabies2but i'm just saying, don't let that cross your mind, it'll hurt business more than it'll help it
22:13.25MiyariRemember when Geocities adopted that frame
22:13.31MalgayneOh absolutely
22:13.31TecnoBratMr_Rabies2, I was being sarcastic, lol
22:13.38Mr_Rabies2i know
22:13.40MalgayneI'm aware that some people are going to block ads no matter what
22:13.45Mr_Rabies2some sites truly do that, TecnoBrat
22:13.53Mr_Rabies2like i said, i don't have anything against wowhead
22:13.55TecnoBratMr_Rabies2, I'm aware :)
22:13.56MalgayneBut it's easy to say "I'm going to block ads from this site because I don't like banner ads"
22:14.00Mr_Rabies2hell, if i like it enough i may even donate
22:14.09TecnoBratWe did it at one time.
22:14.10MalgayneI just want to make sure you understand that that's the only way I get paid
22:14.13*** join/#wowhead t0ken_ (
22:14.23TecnoBratNot wowhead, the company I work for
22:14.31AdysWell personally
22:14.37Mr_Rabies2but i don't like the concept of forced donation or subscription services to simply disable ads
22:14.47Adystheres also some other stuff that can get into play
22:14.52MalgayneAnd I have an 800 square foot one-bedroom apartment that costs $1245 a month, and a new wife, and two kittens to support.  :)
22:14.58TecnoBratI like subscriptions to remove ads.
22:15.09TecnoBratI think its a perfectly good model
22:15.12AdysI got basically forced to block ads on wowhead for a while due to the advertising server being slow to remove some awful ad with sound
22:15.21MalgayneSorry about that, btw
22:15.22TecnoBratand all it does it reaffirms that the reason the ads are there is to support the site
22:15.27AdysMalgayne: dont be :P
22:15.32Mr_Rabies2i don't, i'd rather reward a site for having good content than paying tribute to avoid eyesore
22:15.35AdysNoone's fault here
22:15.37MalgayneWe called and yelled at the ad serving company, and they said "Oh, okay, we'll take it down" and then didn't
22:15.38TecnoBratand if you want to support the site instead of seeing the ads, you can feel free
22:15.42ecstasiasooo many addons to update
22:15.47TecnoBratI think its a totally valid model
22:15.50AdysBut the point is
22:16.07Adysif there was some cookietracking system on wowhead at that point, i'd have been very pissed off
22:16.17MalgayneOh of course
22:16.19TecnoBratAdys, haha
22:16.25MalgayneForgive the upcoming abuse of caps:
22:16.28AdysIm regularly opening like 50 tabs and its either "dont use that site" or "get the sound 50 times"
22:16.30TecnoBratAdys, SMASH
22:16.35AdysOMG WAS HE
22:16.38MiyariMr_Rabies2: If you think of it as paying tribute to avoid eyesore really then you're the one going into it with the wrong mentality
22:16.44MiyariPersonal example
22:16.49MiyariI donate to YTMND sites frequently
22:16.54*** kick/#wowhead [TecnoBrat!] by Adys (NO JOKE HERE THE ADINTERNET IS SERIOUS BUSINESS)
22:16.55*** join/#wowhead TecnoBrat (
22:16.55*** mode/#wowhead [+o TecnoBrat] by ChanServ
22:17.00MiyariTYMND still has visible ads on the frontpage and they don't bother me :p
22:17.01Malgaynehee hee
22:17.04Mr_Rabies2Miyari, i'd rather donate on my own personal accord than have a [DONATE FOR NO ADS] button
22:17.11Corgantree hee
22:17.13Mr_Rabies2it's more genuine i suppose
22:17.18winkilleradmin? *poke* sigmnature: Up to 150 characters and/or 3 lines. The following tags can be used: [b], [i], [u], [s], [small], and [url].
22:17.21MiyariIt's more than that usually
22:17.23TecnoBratI'd love to donate to wowhead to remove the ads.
22:17.25MiyariNormally when sites add subscriptions
22:17.26Adyswinkiller: we know
22:17.27Mr_Rabies2i'd rather reward a site for doing well than pay them off to remove something i don't like
22:17.27winkiller[OK] "your sig is longer than 100"
22:17.31MiyariIt's more than jsut DONATE FOR NO ADS
22:17.31winkillerkk :P
22:17.37MiyariIt typically ads more features than that :P
22:17.48MiyariIf it were a donate for no ads it'd be weak and poorly developed, which is not in Wowhead style in the least
22:17.56TecnoBratMiyari, it depends, but yes
22:18.00AdysWowinterface has something about like that
22:18.06MalgayneThere are a lot of different opinions on this
22:18.13*** join/#wowhead BasicOSX (
22:18.23Mr_Rabies2i really like the wowi crew, especially the admins over there
22:18.23MiyariAdys: A lot of sites do that Adys
22:18.25Adysin the end, for the company it comes down to "what makes the most money"
22:18.25anadepti might want to hang onto a log of this convo..
22:18.33MalgayneOne is that "I'd rather donate to support the site than be asked to pay for features I should be able to get for free"
22:18.43Inc`Miyari! Quick! Reroll alliance and give me gold :O
22:18.45MalgayneThe other is "If I'm paying I expect to get something extra"
22:18.49Adysits a balance beetween how many people visit the site, what profit you make out of ads, what profit you make out of the subscription, etc etc etc
22:18.54EpistaxisI know the answer~
22:19.00Mr_Rabies2i just got some really crazy deja vu
22:19.07EpistaxisMake people pay IRL gold every time they use the talent calculator
22:19.18Mr_Rabies2i think i had almost this exact conversation in #wowace  with kaelten over ads in wowaceupdater
22:19.28Malgayne<3 Wowinterface
22:19.33MalgayneYou know they're a ZAM site also?
22:19.41MiyariThe ads in WAU bother you?
22:19.42MalgayneDolby and Cairenn are technically coworkers of mine
22:19.58Adys(and should be voiced!)
22:20.13*** mode/#wowhead [+v Cairenn] by Adys
22:20.13Mr_Rabies2miyari, i don't want to support the ad companies at all if at all possible
22:20.15MalgayneOh hi Cairenn.  :)
22:20.22Mr_Rabies2it's the same reason i don't buy CDs anymore
22:20.35MiyariI'm out of this conversation this is getting too silly for my tolerance.
22:20.46Mr_Rabies2i love supporting artists, but i absolutely do not support scummy organizations :O
22:20.50malikeyewhats a good addon site? the one I usually go to is tanked
22:21.01Mr_Rabies2wowinterface is pretty much awesome if it's still up
22:21.01MalgayneMalikeye, ?
22:21.02MiyariAll I'm going to say is that most advertising companies are legitimate businesses, too.
22:21.03Adysmalikeye: wowinterface ;)
22:21.09malikeyewowinterface is the one thats tanked :)
22:21.22anadeptyou dont support ads by hiding them, but you do support the sites being paid for that advertising space
22:21.25Cairennnot tanked, just slow
22:21.27MalgayneCairenn is a mod over there
22:21.37Cairennno I'm not, I'm an admin :p
22:21.43Cairenn isn't working for you malikeye?
22:21.45MalgaynePardon me
22:21.51Adyssilly Malgayne knowing nothing about his coworkers
22:22.03MalgayneNo, I just forgot the difference between "mod" and "admin"
22:22.09MalgayneI knew Cairenn was an admin.  :)
22:22.12malikeyeCairenn: I am using the forum search
22:22.15Mr_Rabies2i've talked to several people who run rather large forums
22:22.38Cairennmalikeye: aye, we're running slow, patience and persistence are necessary =/
22:22.51Mr_Rabies2and they absolutely hate having to deal with ad companies, because it's almost more of a loss of time and money sorting out the scummy ads than just not using them
22:23.13malikeyeI can tolerate, just wanted to find an alternative... there really isn't one ;)
22:23.21winkillerare  the forums soon gonna expand or why are there so many mods?
22:23.32AdysThey will expand eventually
22:23.33Malgaynewinkiller, we have the same mods we've always had
22:23.40MalgayneThey used to moderate comments exclusively
22:23.43MiyariThere aren't many, they're just all active and noisy.
22:23.45MalgayneNow they moderate forums too.  :)
22:23.57winkillerI never saw green posts
22:23.58anadeptads are what keep sites like wowhead running rabies.. even if theyre a bit less than optimal >.>
22:24.03MalgayneMr_Rabies2: That's actually part of the reason we're part of ZAM
22:24.17MalgayneMr_Rabies2: So they can deal with the ad companies
22:24.21KalrothMalgayne: Give me moderation access, I'll moderate some of those arses on the forums. Infact I'll moderate 'em into next century!
22:24.22TecnoBratwinkiller, we just are good at trolling etc
22:24.44Mr_Rabies2i'm still not sold on the merger, i'm not going to say ZOMG WOWHEAD = IGE, because that's stupid
22:24.44winkilleroh well, not that I already knew half of the mod team as non.-mods
22:24.49KalrothI'll make sure the forums stay clean, 3-4 posts a day, np!
22:24.52winkillerstill the number struck me :P
22:25.06Miyarioh lawd
22:25.14winkillerlol Malgayne
22:25.15Mr_Rabies2er not merger
22:25.18Mr_Rabies2buyout, or whatever
22:25.18Corgano lawdy
22:25.20winkillertoo fast tabbed
22:25.25MiyariCorgan: Just like that.
22:25.27Kalrothmalikeye: I got all mine updated, but no patch until tomorrow :(
22:25.33anadeptthe more you find out about the acquisition, the more it makes sense ;p
22:25.38MiyariI just logged on and Jenky is like "i'l model for you after this pug"
22:25.46MalgayneMr_Rabies2: Hopefully the development of the site will speak for itself
22:25.49Miyari"New mace graphics and the Wowhead pic is the old one!"
22:25.53AdysMiyari: I'll model for you right now!
22:25.59Adyslol infobot
22:26.02MiyariGotta get the updated spire of karabor up
22:26.04TecnoBratMiyari, what mace?
22:26.18infobotEvery moment in which I'm called upon is torture.
22:26.20Mr_Rabies2However, i don't know how much i like the idea of a company that once supported (and may be, depending on a few minor ties still existing) Real Money Trade having two sites i absolutely love by the balls, financially
22:26.21MiyariTecnoBrat: Crystal Spire of Karabor
22:26.31AdysKalroth: check that out!
22:26.34infobotI HATE YOU, adys!!!
22:26.40malikeyewas torn between halo3 and wow today... wow won
22:26.47infobotARGH!!! STOP IT adys!!!
22:27.02KalrothI got a private tell from infobot now <3
22:27.07Adysooh cyber
22:27.19Kalroth[00:28] <infobot> asl???
22:27.21anadepttheres a fax machine/printer in my office that used to belong to ige
22:27.26infobotOld enough, yes please, my place.
22:27.26anadeptthats quite a minor tie.
22:27.32CorganNeed to be able to go to a certain page of a thread from the board index
22:27.34Corganor something
22:27.36Corganto that extent
22:27.51MalgayneMr_Rabies2, I was an employee of ZAM before the Wowhead sale
22:27.53KalrothOuch, shamans got shanked
22:27.55Kalroth"The shaman talent "healing way" no longer adds 6-12-18% benefit to lower rank spells as if there was no nerf to downranking spell coefficients. My crit rank 2 heals went from like 900 to 350 :\"
22:27.55AdysCorgan: int he works
22:28.04CorganOf course it is.
22:28.15MalgayneSo if you have specific questions I'd be happy to answer them
22:28.18CorganEverything is in the works >:(
22:28.18PeterLOLzI never really knew what ZAM was until the deal with wowhead
22:28.40TecnoBratanadept, where do you work?
22:28.43AdysCorgan: apart from the thousand of features that are already up on the site :)
22:28.47MalgayneHe works for ZAM.  :)
22:28.48Mr_Rabies2malgayne, you should appreciate my skepticism, for it may work out better for ZAM in the long run
22:28.53PeterLOLzAll I know is that ZAM is affiliated with thottbot, which honest to god makes me shrug a little bit.
22:28.55anadeptin minneapolis :o
22:29.10KalrothPeterLOLz: It's the other way around. :)
22:29.13AdysThottbot is affiliated with zam
22:29.16Adysnot the other way around
22:29.24MalgayneMr_Rabies2: Oh, absolutely--I have no intention of shutting you down.  I really mean that I would be happy to answer questions
22:29.38MalgayneZAM -----^
22:29.39Mr_Rabies2if after a year or two there's no ZAM-influenced changes in functionality (other than "hey wouldn't this feature be awesome) to WoWhead then my personal opinion of ZAM is improved
22:29.54malikeyedamn, no smartbuff update
22:29.54AdysMalgayne: This is an adfree website!
22:29.59MalgayneYes it is, Adys
22:30.07MalgayneBecause it gets about 100 pageviews a day
22:30.12Adys101 now
22:30.39Adysinfobot, zam is an adfree website
22:30.39infobotAdys: okay
22:30.48infobotextra, extra, read all about it, zam is an adfree website
22:31.02AdysMalgayne: since when is OGR part of zam?
22:31.06Mr_Rabies2i'm not saying i don't like ZAM
22:31.09KalrothThere's also zero information about the company on that site :)
22:31.16Mr_Rabies2i'm just saying it hasn't earned my trust yet ;]
22:31.16[NewsBot]WoW Insider: Episode 4 of the WoW Insider Show available for download! -
22:31.20MalgayneAdys--not quite since its inception, but close
22:31.28MalgayneKalroth, it's designed as a pitch for potential advertisers
22:31.31Adyshow long would that be?
22:31.47MalgayneNot sure--You'd have to ask Leonai_art
22:31.51anadeptrabies, youve got a tribes playing working for them.. how could it be bad? ;p
22:31.55anadepter, tribes player.
22:31.58Mr_Rabies2if the RMT deals prove to be red herrings then i'll staunchly defend wowhead and zam properties when someone brings up they're "owned by IGE"
22:32.01*** part/#wowhead Gun_de_gray (i=papash@gateway/tor/x-8413a96f6540dc42)
22:32.13ecstasiaaagh, need auctioneer now
22:32.38MalgayneMr_Rabies: I dont' know a lot about the inner workings of ZAM, but I can tell you this much
22:33.10MalgayneThe reason why people keep posting things that say "ZAM is still linked with IGE" is because we did what's called an "Asset Sale" instead of a complete sale of the company
22:33.29Mr_Rabies2at the moment, i just say "there's no real evidence of those ties other than a couple rearrangements of ZAM and its sister companies a while ago, which are pretty rocky connections"
22:33.31Mr_Rabies2more or less
22:33.38MalgayneWhat this basically means is that the name "IGE" is still on our books, and that's because of the class action lawsuit that's being filed against IGE
22:33.42*** join/#wowhead kandarz (
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22:33.57MalgayneI would love for the sale to have been complete, as would every member of ZAM, all teh way up to the CEO
22:34.04MalgayneSince IGE was costing us money instead of making it
22:34.04Mr_Rabies2anadept, which tribes player works for them?
22:34.11Mr_Rabies2also is that adept from tw
22:34.29Mr_Rabies2small world
22:34.35MalgayneBut legally, we weren't allowed to do that, because there was a lawsuit being filed against IGE for actions that took place when it was still part of our holding company
22:34.41MalgayneWhich makes the holding company liable
22:34.49SimulatorWow, small world indeed :)
22:35.00malikeyewhat the hell are you people talking about :)
22:35.00Adyshey bri
22:35.06Mr_Rabies2Malgayne, thanks for that info
22:35.06MiyariDo /who buttpounder
22:35.08MiyariDo it
22:35.18Adysmalikeye: the internet will be shut down tomorrow, we're having fun
22:35.27Mr_Rabies2it further adds to my "no real ties to IGE" arguement
22:35.28AdysMiyari: wtf
22:35.48MalgayneThat's the reason why people keep coming out with these "The truth about ZAM" articles
22:36.31Mr_Rabies2if that's indeed true (and i'm not calling you a liar, don't get me wrong) it's a pretty major thing for me to mention when people say wowhead = ige
22:36.51Mr_Rabies2i would have stood up and called the wowinsider person who said that at dragoncon had i known that much probably
22:37.00Mr_Rabies2called them out on it*
22:37.08MiyariI'd have punched them in the throat til they fell down
22:37.09MalgayneWho said that?  I wasn't at dragoncon
22:37.12MiyariThen kicked them in the shins and peed on their head.
22:37.20Mr_Rabies2she was nice, just misinformed, i suppose
22:37.22anadeptbeing associated with rmt businesses is very bad if you want any sort of attention from blizz
22:37.22MiyariThat's how *I* handle a situation.
22:37.28AdysMalgayne: I do remember a couple of wowinsider articles saying that heh
22:37.28MiyariThen I would have kicked someone else just for good measure.
22:37.38MalgayneAdept, I'm actually talking to Paul at Blizzard next week
22:37.39Adysbut i also remember wowinsider saying some utter crap about other things
22:37.44MalgayneTrying to get us back on the official fansite program
22:37.51MalgayneWhich will hopefully put to rest any doubt
22:37.57anadeptyea, tim had said something about talking with someone too
22:38.12Malgaynesame guy
22:38.19CairennPaul is a sweetie
22:38.21Adyswowwiki was added back to the official fansite program recently too
22:38.22SimulatorThat would be great Malgayne, good luck with that.
22:38.22anadeptdidnt remember the exact name
22:38.33MalgayneEvilseed, me, and the prez of ZAM are going to be talking to him next week
22:38.34Adysits incredible the amount of bs people can come up with just because they got a problem with a site
22:38.36Lukianit's sad some blue gear outdoes epics :(
22:38.38Mr_Rabies2it was one of the two females at wowinsider that went to dragoncon, but don't go stabbing her, just present some more info on that stuff to wowinterface and i'm sure they'll even help dispel rumors :o
22:39.01MiyariPunching + kicking > stabbing
22:39.13AdysIll kick you Miyari  :(
22:39.25MalgayneThe president of ZAM actually did an interview with Wowinsider
22:39.29MalgayneIt didn't go as well as I hoped
22:39.51MalgayneThe president of ZAM is a smart guy, but he's a little bit of an awkward speaker
22:39.58Mr_Rabies2she was pretty trashed the night before, though
22:40.09MalgayneSo his rambling and his short attention span, on paper they came out sounding like he was trying to hide something.  :(
22:40.11Kalroth :D :D
22:40.16KalrothTime to farm Skettis!
22:40.19Mr_Rabies2she kinda got offered a bunch of free booze and started dancing on a table if i recall
22:40.29AdysKalroth: woooot
22:40.30MalgayneI gotta go to Dragoncon
22:40.53Mr_Rabies2totally destroyed my opinion of the wowinterface crew's professionalism
22:40.57Mr_Rabies2in a good way though
22:40.59KalrothJust found it too, Adys
22:41.00Mr_Rabies2screw professionalism
22:41.07anadepthighly overrated
22:41.10KalrothSo the item seems real enough
22:41.13AdysKalroth: which realm has it dropped for?
22:41.20CairennMr_Rabies2: huh?
22:41.24KalrothUS gannon
22:41.28KalrothUS Norgannon
22:41.30Adysok brb
22:41.38Corgan|Laptophow does one obtain it @_@
22:41.43Mr_Rabies2what, cair?
22:41.43[NewsBot]BlueTracker: WoW General (Whats up with the Auction House?) -
22:41.44KalrothDrops from Terrok
22:41.46[NewsBot]BlueTracker: WoW General (Why do level 60 recipes require Exalted?) -
22:41.49[NewsBot]BlueTracker: WoW General (Oh, COME ON) -
22:41.52[NewsBot]BlueTracker: WoW General (Arena season 1 gear?) -
22:42.04winkillerany warrior players here? "Changing stance will cause a warrior to lose all their rage unless they have Tactical Mastery."
22:42.09winkillernowadays I keep 10
22:42.14winkillerwhen was that changed
22:43.13*** join/#wowhead Gun_de_gray (i=papash@gateway/tor/x-7d951ac7da87424c)
22:43.17Mr_Rabies2i'm done accidentally talking bad about someone i personally have no beef against, cair :x
22:43.21CairennMr_Rabies: (6:37:23 PM) Mr_Rabies2: it was one of the two females at wowinsider that went to dragoncon, but don't go stabbing her, just present some more info on that stuff to -- wowinterface -- and i'm sure they'll even help dispel rumors :o
22:43.21Cairenn(6:38:44 PM) Mr_Rabies2: she was pretty trashed the night before, though
22:43.22Cairenn(6:39:04 PM) Mr_Rabies2: she kinda got offered a bunch of free booze and started dancing on a table if i recall
22:43.22Cairenn(6:39:39 PM) Mr_Rabies2: totally destroyed my opinion of the -- wowinterface -- crew's professionalism
22:43.31Mr_Rabies2i alway
22:43.35Mr_Rabies2always do that
22:43.43Mr_Rabies2i dunno why
22:43.43*** join/#wowhead Byn (
22:43.50Cairennthat's why I said "huh" though
22:43.53Mr_Rabies2i think it's because i type wowi in my url bar
22:43.56Mr_Rabies2and both pop up
22:44.07Mr_Rabies2often i'll go to the wrong one
22:44.11Mr_Rabies2then realize i meant to go to the other
22:44.25Cairennjust making sure that it actually was a typographical error, and not that you were upset with me for some reason
22:44.37KalrothWhy would anyone be upset with table dancing?
22:44.37TecnoBratincredible pic
22:44.42Mr_Rabies2i wasn't upset with the wowinsider crew either
22:44.54Mr_Rabies2it's great seeing people who are otherwise professional cast all that aside
22:44.58*** join/#wowhead Tusva (
22:45.20Mr_Rabies2like when tseric posted his massive troll crushing post
22:45.55Mr_Rabies2that felt like it was something truly from the heart and not some doublespeak trying to promote a facade of professionalism for a change
22:45.56Cairennit can be a lot of fun
22:46.06AdysKalroth: got it
22:46.11KalrothAdys :D
22:46.20Miyariwtf with these auctionhouse changes
22:46.32Mr_Rabies2miyari, it's another anti goldfarmer measure
22:46.52KalrothPeople were selling bread for 2000 gold, farmers were buying them.
22:46.59KalrothNothing logged, etc.
22:47.01Mr_Rabies2goldfarmers were resorting to having people list like tough jerky for 5000g and stuff on the AH
22:47.02Miyariso what is it doing within this hour
22:47.10Mr_Rabies2delaying the transaction
22:47.11Miyariright right i read the stupid WI
22:47.13KalrothThe 1 hour delay is so Blizzard can log transactions
22:47.19Miyarithat's what i wanted to know
22:47.23Mr_Rabies2and that
22:47.31Mr_Rabies2because there's no instant exchange of goods
22:47.32Miyariso blizzard is logging
22:47.35Mr_Rabies2it's more risky for those involved
22:47.35Miyarievery transaction
22:47.49Mr_Rabies2so they're less likely to use that
22:47.50Miyarithe item is delivered instantly
22:47.52SimulatorWould be fun digging through those logs wouldn't it (:
22:48.01Miyariso its only more likely to screw the seller in some way shape or form
22:50.08bleeteri'm sure if you have a better suggestion and set of code, etc., they'd be more than happy to take a serious look :P
22:50.33Mr_Rabies2the 1 hour delay on mail really halted stuff on the farmer front
22:50.47Paradoxis there a story to Brackenwall village in dustwallow marsh? why are ogres friendly with horde there?
22:50.55Mr_Rabies2people weren't sure if they would or wouldn't receive their stuff in that hour
22:50.57Mr_Rabies2so they backed off
22:51.03Mr_Rabies2till farmers started using the AH
22:51.17Mr_Rabies2er sellers
22:51.36Mr_Rabies2i admire their hardiness
22:51.36MiyariParadox: Stonemaul are Horde-friendly.
22:51.49Mr_Rabies2much like a cockroach's
22:52.03bleeterthe AH delay had appeared on 2.1.0 ptr, iirc... just never went live
22:52.06Mr_Rabies2Paradox, if i recall, they owe someone a life favor
22:52.10MiyariIt's a faction of Ogre
22:52.18Dobioh my poor addons.
22:52.26MiyariRexxar beat their leader and took over command of the tribe until he appointed that Mok dude iirc
22:52.27malikeyeyeah, addons are hosed for this patch
22:52.27Mr_Rabies2i'm thinking.....the head mok'nathal dude, what's his name
22:52.30Mr_Rabies2why can't i think
22:52.36Mr_Rabies2used to wander the barrens
22:52.40Mr_Rabies2there we go
22:52.41Cairennit sucks for those of us that were using that technique for legit reasons though.  eg - my alliance main has lots of cash and I want to transfer some of it over to my newbie horde - go to neutral ah with hordie, put up trash for large sum, buy it on ally side, bingo hordie has cash to get started with
22:52.43Mr_Rabies2er, desolace*
22:52.44Paradoxthere's one ogre who's the innkeeper of a troll town in hinterlands too.. geef ogre race playable :D
22:53.05Mr_Rabies2cair, you can still do that
22:53.08Mr_Rabies2it just takes an hour
22:53.26Cairennnot if they decide in that hour that it is a gs transaction
22:53.27bleeterCairenn: I'm kinda guessing that such behaviour was rare and unusual, but that the gold sellers behaviour had become more frequent
22:53.45DobiI don't know how to play without my addons. hehe
22:53.45Mr_Rabies2i agree it sucks
22:53.50*** join/#wowhead Mistel (
22:54.04Mr_Rabies2but the goldsellers are so incredibly close to death
22:54.06bleeterI can't imagine that they gold transfer between factions was happening frequently
22:54.26Mr_Rabies2i'm thinking if blizzard holds out long enough on the goldfarmer front it will mostly die out
22:54.37Mr_Rabies2it's drastically decreased from even 6 months ago
22:54.44Cairennyet another case where those that want to cheat (whether gold buying/selling or actual hacks of the game) mess it up for legit players
22:54.46bleeterCairenn: if they do decide it's a GS transaction, you can always petition a GM etc., a gold seller would be rather stupid to do so
22:54.47MistelIt'll probably pop up now and again.
22:54.51Mr_Rabies2prices have gone up
22:54.58Mr_Rabies2gold value has gone down
22:55.00MalgayneFor the record: IGE was losing money when we sold it
22:55.01Adysyou're all such a bunch of spammers
22:56.23MiyariWhat addon is talking to me.
22:56.26MiyariIt's creepy and annoying.
22:56.29Corgan|Laptopo.O ?
22:56.38MiyariIt's like
22:56.43Mr_Rabies2i remember uhhhh
22:56.44MiyariAnd something that sounds like "Vitality"
22:56.46Adys"You got a new mail"
22:56.51Mr_Rabies2what addon was that, argh
22:56.58Mr_Rabies2the old old old warlock pet control one
22:57.04Corgan|Laptopthat comes from bugsack afaik
22:57.05MiyariWhy would it say that when it says that though
22:57.15Mr_Rabies2argh, what was that addon called
22:57.23Mr_Rabies2it said things like "YOUR DEMON IS DYING"
22:57.31Mr_Rabies2and it was really freaking scary to hear out of nowhere
22:57.35Mr_Rabies2nah, older
22:57.35Corgan|Laptopbecause you got an error
22:57.40MiyariWhy is there no
22:57.44Miyari"Shut the f up" setting
22:57.46TheOnyx"You must gather your party before venturing forth."
22:57.47Corgan|LaptopI don't know :(
22:57.48Mr_Rabies2fatality is bugsack, yeah
22:57.50TheOnyx"I can do that."
22:57.57TheOnyx"We require more vespene gas."
22:57.59TecnoBratMiyari, fatality is oh crap ... the ace error logger for fubar
22:58.06TecnoBratwhy the heck can't I remember the name
22:58.07MiyariI found that one
22:58.10MiyariNow where is 'Aggro'
22:58.21TecnoBratProbably Omen, yea
22:58.25TheOnyx"I can't build there. Something's in the way."
22:58.28MiyariBleh why would it turn that back on.
22:58.29Corgan|LaptopI don't play with sound.
22:58.32Corgan|Laptop"Work Work Work"
22:58.32TheOnyx"Fire it up!"
22:58.36Vires"You must construct additional pylons."
22:58.37Corgan|Laptop"Zug Zug"
22:58.41MistelLooks like new kids like moving when Flame Wreath is cast. =/
22:58.47TheOnyx"Carrier has arrived."
22:58.53TecnoBratLots of sound stuff had to be rewritten for this patch, so could be related
22:58.56TheOnyxCarrier has arrived."
22:58.59TheOnyxCarrier has arrived."
22:59.00TheOnyxCarrier has arrived."
22:59.03ViresMiyari: That wouldn't be part of Omen / Pitbull / Parrot, would it?
22:59.11TheOnyx:pew pew:
22:59.34ViresIt's annoying to see "AGGRO" when you're tanking... like, duh.
22:59.36Miyariits not omen
22:59.56Corgan|Laptopit isn't?
23:00.00Mr_Rabies2<3 strategy game unit spam
23:00.04ViresI can't seem to make the zergling or the hydralisk sound... uh...
23:01.22MiyariI can't find it in Parrot either
23:01.38ViresIs it sound or text?
23:02.02Corgan|Laptopthat seems odd
23:02.33ViresWhat addons do you have... wait, that'd probably take too long... what class are you playing and do you have mods for just that class? (i.E. warlock would have Necrosis)
23:02.35Mr_Rabies2look for .mp3
23:02.39Mr_Rabies2in your addons folder
23:02.40Miyarifound it i think
23:02.42Mr_Rabies2then .wav
23:02.52MiyariNot even in a raid and already Grid's causing trouble!
23:02.55MiyariI see how this is going to be!
23:02.56Viresthen .ogg
23:02.56Corgan|LaptopYou wanna piece of me boy?
23:03.16[NewsBot]WoW Insider: A one-hour delay on AH winnings in 2.2 -
23:03.18TheOnyx"Delighted to, sir!"
23:03.19Miyariugh 42.5 mem usage
23:04.38Corgan|LaptopThis is Jimmy!
23:05.03*** join/#wowhead Sulph (
23:05.36Skosirisbugged npcs, bugged inventory items, missing equipped items, 0 ping until I eventually get disconnected, and clicking Log out or Exit game won't work
23:05.45ViresSkosiris: Run the repair utility?
23:05.54SulphPunch the monitor
23:06.24SkosirisVires: trying
23:06.41malikeyeis this patch bugged?
23:06.51MistelI try to log in and it stops there.
23:06.54malikeyeI'm not getting any chat at all.... even spam
23:07.05MistelI put in my SN/PW and then the game freezes up.
23:07.16Tusvawhere are my tooltips :(
23:07.30Mr_Rabies2Skosiris, that happened to me a few patches ago
23:07.37Mr_Rabies2seemed to resolve itself
23:07.58SulphI haven't even finished downloading the patch D: its on 98% downloading at an incredible 2kb
23:08.15SkosirisMr_Rabies2: did it take a long while?
23:08.16Vires*is waiting for the "Server Restart in x" messages and ninja patch*
23:08.18Mr_Rabies2try removing/renaming interface/wtf/wdb/cache folders?
23:08.32Skosirisalready did, I even tried removing the WTF folder as well
23:08.43malikeyewas gonna nuke my wtf folder altogether
23:08.45Skosiriscache and wtf
23:09.07Skosirisall my addons are currently disabled already
23:10.01*** join/#wowhead BasicOSX (
23:10.01SulphIt could be just the server imploding
23:11.13*** part/#wowhead Sulph (
23:11.20Mr_Rabies2this is incredibly risky and technically violates tos, but you could have a buddy try to login on your char and move you? :x
23:11.44TecnoBratSkosiris, whats your ping at?
23:11.46[NewsBot]BlueTracker: WoW General (At least give us ALL our money) -
23:11.49[NewsBot]BlueTracker: WoW Raids & Dungeons (Rep/loot in Hyjal?) -
23:11.52[NewsBot]BlueTracker: UI & Macros Forum (The 2.2.0 ?It's Patch Day!? PSA ? FAQ (14:59)) -
23:11.55[NewsBot]BlueTracker: WoW General (Shartuul question in Ogri'la) -
23:14.22MalgayneSko, this is a bad connection, definitely
23:14.31MalgayneWhat you're describing is a slow LD
23:14.59SkosirisTecnoBrat: ping remains at 0, and I eventually get disconnected
23:15.04Mr_Rabies2malgayne, i had it happen to me on one character once
23:15.28Mr_Rabies2eventually after a few days it seemed to fix itself
23:15.55TecnoBratSkosiris, new internet or router?
23:16.04*** join/#wowhead Rourk (
23:16.04TecnoBrattry connecting directly to the line if you have a router?
23:16.41Mr_Rabies2i'll connect directly to your face with my fist >;[
23:17.15Corgan|LaptopI'll connect directly to your rear with my meber >:(
23:17.43MalgayneThis is delightful
23:17.56MalgayneI'm so excited to have my own forums that even THIS post delights me
23:18.16MalgayneIt's like, "'s my first crazy noob complaining about nothing!  I feel so grown-up!"
23:19.56Inc`Silly Mal
23:20.16Corgan|Laptopthat post made my head explode
23:20.34Traedamnit... I have a bug where everytime I launch WoW it prompts me for the user agreement
23:20.47MiyariJust agree already, jeez!
23:20.55TraeMiyari, :P
23:20.56Mr_Rabies2set your to readonly, Trae?
23:21.04MalgayneOooh, clever
23:21.09malikeyeremoving all my config stuff makes the default stuff work as it should
23:21.11TraeMr_Rabies2, no... I haven't.  SHould I?
23:21.26Mr_Rabies2its controlled in there
23:21.51Mr_Rabies2how do i open the new chat interface
23:21.55Traeoctober@ambition:~/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/World of Warcraft/WTF$ ls -lah
23:21.55Trae-rw-r--r-- 1 october october 1.5K 2007-09-25 16:54
23:22.14Inc`Technically it's still writable
23:22.24Corgan|Laptop/console SET readEULA "1"
23:22.28Corgan|Laptop/console SET readTOS "1"
23:22.32malikeyewow, the deafault UI is strange
23:22.34Corgan|LaptopI think...
23:22.39TraeCorgan|Laptop, yessir
23:22.40malikeyeerr, default
23:22.56Inc`chmod o-w
23:23.07MiyariI'm glad I have show party frames in raid unchecked
23:23.48Corgan|LaptopIs your UI even more awesome now Miyari?
23:23.55Miyaristill annoyed here and there
23:24.22Vires... Never did get good framerates for WoW with Cedega... probably didn't help I was using AMD_64 arch Ubuntu.
23:24.25MiyariI'm trying to hide party frames while in raid
23:24.38ViresUnit frames?
23:24.44ViresWhich ones you using?
23:25.08Inc`I used 64bit ubuntu once
23:25.21Inc`It got annoying after I had to chroot everything back to a 32 bit kernel
23:25.28malikeye64bit linux sucks still
23:25.31Corgan|LaptopIt might be in the raid frame options miyari
23:25.32malikeyeat least for a desktop
23:25.39Miyarii have it disabled
23:27.16[NewsBot]WoW Insider: Undocumented 2.2 patch notes -
23:27.22ViresPitbull -> All Units -> Other
23:28.31Miyariwtf its chekced
23:29.59malikeyethe permissions on the advanced ctraid distribution is 000
23:30.24malikeye----------  1 root root  9071 2007-09-25 19:26
23:30.34malikeyewonder what the hell they did that for
23:31.55[NewsBot]Adys meant:
23:33.35AdysKalroth: sup
23:33.41KalrothAdys: hi
23:33.52Adyscheating on that list again huh!
23:36.26Corgan|Laptoplets see...
23:36.32Bibi`congratulations on the very very ugly font Miyari.
23:36.43Corgan|Laptopshow 5 man raid as party
23:36.59Corgan|Laptopwouldn't that take your lessthan2group raid a party?
23:37.04Corgan|Laptopuncheck that
23:37.12Miyarioh duh
23:37.52Miyarii feel like i need to do more configuration of the combat log and parrot
23:38.08Miyarihow do i open this combat log thingy lol
23:38.32*** join/#wowhead Mr_Rabies (
23:39.03Miyariwow there's like no options hum
23:39.08Miyarii need to config the default blizz combat log
23:39.25KalrothAddons 101 with Miyari!
23:39.37MiyariThis is Corgan's full responsibility here!
23:39.45MiyariHe is obligated to protect me from these harmful addons.
23:39.53Lukianscl is great for filtering the combat log to pull out exactly what you want
23:40.00Kalrothpoor Corgan :(
23:40.04Corgan|LaptopThat's me
23:40.21Corgan|Laptopsimplequestlog needs a GUI
23:40.22Lukianbut it's sucky for an on screen display :(
23:40.37Lukiannight all
23:41.46[NewsBot]BlueTracker: UI & Macros Forum (BROKEN: PlayMusic not responding in 2.2.) -
23:47.19Miyariwtf my server went down
23:47.39MiyariI must have -really- broken my UI this time.
23:47.45KalrothI bet you crashed it, Miyari
23:47.54MiyariWorld server is down!
23:48.26Adysbri my dear
23:48.31Adyscan you try something for me please
23:48.45Adys try and download this, tell me if it freezes and fucks up your browser
23:48.47Adysand you too Kalroth
23:48.54*** join/#wowhead Guillotine (
23:49.15MiyariIt's slow but it hasn't broken anything yet.
23:49.18MalgayneSame here
23:49.31MiyariYay finally uploaded my Wowhead Client data ><
23:49.35Adysit freezes firefox like a badly written horrible java script
23:49.38KalrothYou go, girl!
23:49.40pelfcurse is giving me internal server errors now instead of timeouts
23:49.46pelfhooray for patch day
23:49.48MiyariIt hasn't been auto-sending when I close WoW afaik
23:50.01Miyarior launching when I start Windows into the taskbar as far as I could tell
23:50.25MiyariNothing interesting anyway ;o;
23:50.56Miyaririgid lionseye plans!
23:50.57MalgayneAdys--Firefox is still running fine, it just says "Transferring data from" and hasn't done anything
23:50.58Miyaribut nothing :(
23:51.07Adyslet it go
23:51.09Adysi got it anyway
23:52.18Miyarigrr wtf now stopthespam is back up there on usage
23:52.38ViresMy Rock config for Pitbull has a lot more options for that page than yours does 0.o
23:52.39MalgayneBTW, announcement for all forum mods
23:52.46MiyariRock config is dumb.
23:52.54MiyariAnd I have most pitbull addons turned off.
23:53.02MalgayneI know we don't have a set of moderator guidelines yet--we'll have those written up pretty soon
23:53.33Inc`Along with a mod forum I hope
23:53.38MalgayneIn the meantime, any time you guys need to moderate a thread, can you just ping me real quick on IRC?
23:53.42ViresRule 1: Don't kill people. Rule 2: If you do kill people, don't hide the body in the Solid Iron Chest. Rule 3: There are no rules!
23:53.49Inc`I demand a place for the "deleted" porn posts!
23:53.54TheOnyxOr me!
23:53.59Malgaynejust so I can get used to your moderating style, and so I can familiarize myself with what sort of problems we're going to be dealing with
23:54.07TheOnyxOh, I see.
23:54.25TheOnyxMalgayne wants us to show him how we moderate.
23:54.36AdysMalgayne: I got a problem with a moderator. Some noob named TheOnyx keeps posting bollox and I need to ban him
23:54.52SimulatorDoh -- Sorry if I've been goofin it up :(
23:55.00*** kick/#wowhead [Adys!] by TheOnyx (Working as intended. Thread locked.)
23:55.00*** join/#wowhead Adys (
23:55.01*** mode/#wowhead [+o Adys] by ChanServ
23:55.10AdysPOWER ANYWAY
23:55.15TheOnyxOnly to you.
23:55.31MalgayneNo, not at all
23:55.35MalgayneYou guys have been doing great
23:55.47MalgayneI just want to get used to how you guys prefer to do things
23:55.53TheOnyxI use words.
23:55.55TheOnyxLots of them.
23:56.01TheOnyxBig ones sometimes.
23:56.04TheOnyxAlso, flowery language.
23:56.06Malgayne<3 words
23:56.11KalrothThere's only one rule for moderation: Moderate moderately, but if in doubt, ban!
23:56.18Inc`Words are overrated.
23:56.22ViresYour venacular ceases to amuse me.
23:56.37pelfohh what does the site look like if you're banned?
23:56.47MalgayneBe careful, pelf
23:56.50MalgayneI know how to ban people
23:56.55MalgayneI'm not sure how to un-ban them.  :P
23:56.56infobotmethinks ban is a way of getting rid of annoying pests, especially trolls
23:56.56Kalrothpelf: It redirects to a hello kitty site.
23:56.59TheOnyxIt looks like this: 404
23:57.05Inc`HELLO KITTY!
23:57.20Inc`You asploded the server.
23:57.51pelfi know i could say something funny if i remembered my error codes :\
23:58.09Inc`Depends on what protocol
23:58.14TheOnyxInternal Server Error: n00b detected.
23:58.19Vires403 forbidden; 404 not found; 405 method not allowed
23:58.20TheOnyxPlease go away.
23:58.29TheOnyx500 - Internal Server Error
23:58.37Vires200 - ok
23:58.39Inc`401 = Auth required
23:58.43pelfi was thinking these:
23:58.45Inc`302 - Redirect
23:58.54TheOnyx1337 - You rock.
23:58.54KalrothMalgayne: Yes it makes you weird!
23:59.01pelf402 Payment Required
23:59.08SimulatorAre there plans to add a mod section for us to have discussions amongst each other?
23:59.18TheOnyx867-5309 - You're in a bathroom stall.
23:59.43pelf413 Request Entity Too Large  <-- yo momma so fat, she gets 413 error codes when she goes to google!

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