IRC log for #wowace on 20160828

00:02.55znfPSA: Legion launches in EU in exactly 48 hours. (
00:03.04znfdo I have time to do the invasion achievements? :D
00:07.06TrelaI still can not get hyped for Legion.
00:09.01znfme neither, tbh
00:32.58nevcairielPlenty time znf
00:37.13nevcairielthe only achievement is to do all of the invasions anyway
00:37.20nevcairieland with all of them up now, thats easy
00:42.08KemayoPlus the Doomsayer achievement, I suppose.
00:43.05nevcairieloh yeah
00:43.15nevcairielbut thats like a couple minutes of you use the suicide way
00:43.34TrelaI bought Legion, but I am not sure I will be coming back.
00:49.14znfdo I have to retrieve the stuff in void storage?
00:49.22znffor it to transmog
00:49.44nevcairieldont think so
00:49.54nevcairielbut you can sell it all anyway so why not do that
00:50.10Semlaryou don't have to take things out of void storage for it to be added to your transmog
00:50.12znfinventory clean-up is not pleasant :D
00:51.34Semlarwell everything that's bound to you has either been learned for transmog or can't be
00:52.31Semlarthe rest of the stuff, i don't think it actually tells you if you haven't learned an appearance if the character you're on is incapable of learning it
00:52.35AmiYuyznf: Can I Mog It? gives tooltips and overlays, TransmogCleanup will help you vendor (altho things like that scare me)
00:55.48znfoh, guess I have to log all chars
00:55.56nevcairielthat you do
00:58.21znfilvl 610
00:58.25znfbut level 57 :D
00:58.55nevcairielyour ilvl addon is broken t hen
00:59.08nevcairielsome addons dont seem to deal with some of the new ilvl modifiers on items
01:05.29znfyeah, no way I'm deleting that:
01:06.20nevcairielwhat good is having a character only you can see on the login screen
01:07.09znfthere was a time it showed up in the guild roster
01:10.17znf...I can't log on the EU website
01:10.24znfI mean, no error
01:10.30znfit just dumps me back to the login screen
01:11.55znf...I already forgot what I wanted to do
01:12.02znfah, yes, guild roster
01:12.40znfnevcairiel, see?
01:15.09*** join/#wowace maunot (
01:20.33TrelaStill have not been flagged for my Alliance panda with Horde stuff, thankfully.
01:24.36Repoherebedragons: 03Nevcairiel 041.12-release * 8b60a05 /: [new tag] Tag as 1.12-release
01:26.41Repohandynotes: 03nevcairiel 04v1.4.9 * r270 : Tagging as v1.4.9
01:27.35Repogathermate2: 03Nevcairiel 041.36.2 * eb7e0de /: [new tag] Tag as 1.36.2
01:30.29Repoinventorian: 03Nevcairiel * 366a7db /: [new tag] Tag as
01:47.20Reposetcollector: 03lomiedo * r126  (4 files in 1 directory): Adds additional sets and minor UI updates
01:47.36*** join/#wowace Semlar (
01:48.19*** join/#wowace Megalon (
02:29.28Repogrid2: 03michaelspain * r792  (2 files in 1 directory):
02:29.28RepoRaidDebuffs: Added Legion raiddebuffs for raids, world bosses and 5man instances.
02:29.28RepoThe Legion module must be enabled in raiddebuffs configuration options.
02:56.33*** join/#wowace pompy (
03:00.06znfI still have the transmog chest:
03:00.22znfand I just opened
03:00.23znfby mistake
03:13.35Stanzillawhy did you never open it
03:15.44znfStanzilla, because the priest set was horrible? :P
03:16.03znfso I never wanted to transmog to it
03:16.08Stanzillait looks nice
03:16.23znfnever liked it
03:16.30znfalso, as shadow is was useless
03:16.39znfthe shiny shoulders didn't impress at all
03:18.41*** join/#wowace chaud_ (~chaud@2602:30a:2ef2:3290:9df7:796b:485d:252d)
03:21.39*** join/#wowace elvador (
03:21.40*** join/#wowace elvador (~elvador@WoWUIDev/WowAce/Elvador)
03:21.51Stanzillamost gear looks likke on undead fem
03:21.57Stanzilla*like shit
03:23.08*** join/#wowace zarnivoop (~quassel@
03:23.25*** join/#wowace Fastfire_ (
03:23.31*** join/#wowace Exec (
03:23.31*** join/#wowace nebula169 (~nebula@unaffiliated/nebula169)
03:23.51*** join/#wowace ZaB|SHC| (
03:24.42*** join/#wowace xmyno_ (~xmyno@
03:26.09*** join/#wowace Humbedooh (~humbedooh@2001:4800:780e:510:50ae:5e53:ff04:49cd)
03:26.09*** join/#wowace Fisker- (
03:26.20*** join/#wowace Motig_ (~Motig@unaffiliated/motig)
03:26.40*** join/#wowace Humbedooh (~humbedooh@apache/staff/humbedooh)
03:30.12*** join/#wowace Codetraptor (sid69165@gateway/web/
03:31.37*** join/#wowace sylvanaar (sid18093@pdpc/supporter/active/sylvanaar)
03:50.22StanzillaI downgraded from chrome dev to beta, what have I become?!
03:50.28quiescensrun awai
03:51.01znfI don't know who you are anymore
03:52.22quiescensharsh o.o
03:54.35*** join/#wowace Pawkette (
03:54.51Stanzillanot using latest windows version, not using latest android version, not on chrome dev anymore
03:54.56StanzillaI'm a shadow of my former self
03:55.16quiescens/pat stan
03:55.20quiescensgives stan a cookie
03:55.22Fisker-I'm sorry Stanzilla
04:10.51Stanzillawhy Fisker-
04:11.27*** part/#wowace Seerah (
04:11.31Fisker-Why not?
04:14.59Stanzillajust wondering
04:15.01Stanzillaalso good morning
04:56.52*** join/#wowace ShadniX (
04:59.11Repocompact-runes: 03talryn1 07master * 7.0.11-1-g27943fd  (2 files in 1 directory): [+1 commit] Dark Transformation Bar show CD options. * Allow an always setting for Dark Transformation, in addition to for Shadow Infusion.
05:03.55KemayoDoes wowace need you to force a rebuild for syndication if you commit to a new project before it's approved.?
05:04.46Repolibappropriateitems-1-0: 03Kemayo 07master * fbf9684  (4 files in 1 directory): [new, +1 commit] Initial commit
05:19.42RepoNew addon: LibAppropriateItems-1.0 -
05:25.10*** join/#wowace RLD_what (~RLD_when@
05:48.15Repoguild-search: 03talryn1 07master * 7.0.1-4-g219bcc0 GuildSearch.lua: [+3 commits]
05:48.15Repo219bcc0: Force populate for changes while manual.
05:48.15Repo02b2b97: Force roster update on changes for manual update.
05:48.15Repofe666bf: Force updates on changes for manual mode.
05:52.01*** join/#wowace RLD_what (~RLD_when@
05:56.37Repoguild-search: 03talryn1 047.0.2 * a311010 /: [new tag] Tag as 7.0.2.
06:13.53GnarfozIRCing from the train :D
06:14.46Gnarfozalso, WoWing from the train -- think I've finally found the issue with this addon... the guy has a UnitNAmeWithRealm function and is feeding the result of that into UnitClass
06:14.46Gnarfozwhich doesn't work \o/
06:15.29Gnarfozshould really only convert from unitid to name on display
06:16.00Gnarfozalso I didn't realize there's only party1-4, thought there'd be a 5 for player, but apparently, there isn't
06:18.55nebulayou don't see yourself as part of the old party frames :p
06:36.24*** join/#wowace Yoshimo (~anything@unaffiliated/yoshimo)
07:05.19*** join/#wowace Talryn (~talryn@unaffiliated/talryn)
07:18.25Humbedoohvery Gnarfoz, much wow
07:23.03quiescensnerf gnarfoz
07:42.55*** join/#wowace diesal_ (
07:46.23*** join/#wowace EthanCentaurai (
08:10.02Repoblood-shield-tracker: 03talryn1 07master * 7.0.10-2-ge9a0828  (2 files in 1 directory): [+1 commit] Initial bar lock setting, anchor point option. * Fix initial bar lock setting. Was not set properly on load. * Anchor points should be a function to load dynamically otherwise modules will not the complete anchor point list.
08:20.26Repoblood-shield-tracker: 03talryn1 047.0.11 * b47803e /: [new tag] Tag as 7.0.11.
08:40.06*** join/#wowace maunot (
08:57.12Gnarfoznebula: yeah, I figured that's the reason
08:58.14GnarfozKemayo: what's that lib do?
09:01.18quiescensit tries to take over the world
09:01.57GnarfozThat's a given
09:27.06*** join/#wowace Pneumatus^ (~Pneumatus@unaffiliated/pneumatus)
09:42.00*** join/#wowace stolenlegacy (~stolenleg@unaffiliated/stolenlegacy)
09:47.43Repoweakauras-2: 03Stanzilla 07master *  (2 files in 2 directories): [+3 commits]
09:47.43Repoeb314e4: Merge pull request #96 from InfusOnWoW/smallpatches
09:47.43Repob4d7e8b: Fix regression for Glow Frames
09:47.43Repo42cefa5: Fix dynamic groups again by releasing clones at a different place
09:49.33StanzillaTorhal: finally got my shit together and buried the ashes at his favorite place in the garden :(
10:20.28*** join/#wowace Elkano (~elkano@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/Elkano)
10:20.28*** mode/#wowace [+v Elkano] by ChanServ
10:23.08Reposhadowed-unit-frames: 03Nevcairiel 07master * v4.1.6-5-gb9abe08 ShadowedUnitFrames.lua: [+1 commit] Add basic defaults for all text tags to avoid errors when they are removed
10:23.17*** join/#wowace Megalon (
10:23.46Reposhadowed-unit-frames: 03Nevcairiel 04v4.1.7 * 045ccc5 /: [new tag] Tag as v4.1.7
10:42.57Gnarfoznevcairiel: you are prepared
10:43.05Gnarfozznf: mine didn't restart, btw
10:43.14Gnarfozmight have been because it was locked? Idk
10:43.50znfchaud_, where's my countdown timer?
10:44.20znfalso, where's my beta closing event?
10:45.22Reposhadowed-unit-frames: 03Nevcairiel 04v4.1.8 * f1661d8 /: [new tag] Tag as v4.1.8
10:45.22Reposhadowed-unit-frames: 03Nevcairiel 07master * v4.1.8 ShadowedUnitFrames.lua: [+1 commit] Fix migration with the new defaults
10:48.16Gnarfozznf: good question, any news if there'll be one, and when?
10:48.29znfjust saw that they're closing the beta forums
10:50.03nevcairielthose events were usually boring anyway
10:50.10nevcairielmassive lagfests and constant death
10:52.20*** join/#wowace Pneumatus (~Pneumatus@unaffiliated/pneumatus)
10:53.01znfthat's what I want!
10:58.53Gnarfozyou'll get that in 2 days
10:59.10*** join/#wowace diesal (
11:09.27Stanzillathe ddos kids will probably deliver
11:11.00nevcairieli dunno, for some reason they didnt attack launches before
11:11.57Stanzillamaybe even scriptkiddies have a code of honor
11:19.05Gnarfozno, they have a bedtime
11:19.20Gnarfozcan always try and play over v6 with 100 ms latency :D
11:21.48GnarfozYou can now zoom out even futher when editing avatars. -- hehe curse
11:26.33Gnarfozso... time to find out if this behemoth of aluminium fits in my case
11:32.11*** join/#wowace Pneumatus^ (~Pneumatus@unaffiliated/pneumatus)
11:42.16*** join/#wowace maunot (
11:43.48Gnarfozthat was intended for the search box
11:44.26GnarfozStanzilla: gdi in which channel did you link me that globals file
11:46.31nevcairielKemayo: personally I would think "appropriate" would mean its actually useful for that class and not related to transmogging, like int-plate would be transmoggable for warriors but not very appropriate (even if recent content doesnt have such items anymore, old one does), so bad naming! :D
11:46.41Gnarfoznebula: how can I re-run the findglobals linter after changing the whitelist?
11:46.55Gnarfozdon't say ctrl-alt-r, please? :O
11:53.01*** join/#wowace nevcairiel (quassel@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/Ace3/nevcairiel)
11:53.01*** mode/#wowace [+o nevcairiel] by ChanServ
11:53.18Gnarfozthink I figured out what to... made a keybind to linter:lint
12:01.09Gnarfozalso, can I indicate in the code that it should ignore some getglobals on certain lines?
12:01.29Gnarfozi.e. option menu data table that contains "self"
12:01.47Gnarfoz(or maybe I should replace that with a reference to the addon table)
12:02.27nevcairielyou have a global called self? that seems bad.
12:02.46Gnarfoztrying to fix up an addon I'm interested in using
12:02.46Fiskerhey nevcairiel
12:02.57nevcairielyour 3d hey has lost in depth
12:03.14nevcairielyeah that just seems broken
12:03.26GnarfozI replaced it with PersonalLoot:Disable()
12:03.52nevcairielwhats the addon do?
12:03.53Gnarfozalso apropos 3d things losing depth:
12:04.20Gnarfozit should indicate if someone got an item through personal loot that's tradeable
12:04.43Gnarfoz(or the other way around, if someone else can use something you got)
12:04.54Gnarfozthe latter part is a bit harder, I think :P
12:05.12Gnarfozanyway, someone already made it, but it's leaking stuff all over the place and a guildie already tested it and... it basically doesn't work
12:05.12Megalonif hunterisingroup then return true end
12:05.29Gnarfozseemed to work for ONE item for ONE guy, but nothing else
12:05.59Gnarfozbut as I said earlier I think I know what the problem is, they're passing some self-constructed playername-realm string to UnitClass
12:06.04Gnarfozwhich doesn't work
12:06.24nevcairieliirc you said it has a unit token anyway, so not using that seems silly
12:06.31Gnarfoz(apparently assuming that "charactername-realm" is a unit as is "charactername" as long as you're in a party)
12:06.54nevcairielin theory you can use charactername-realm, but you need to create it just like blizzard would
12:07.16nebulaGnarfoz: ctrl-alt-r
12:07.21GnarfozI tried doing /dump UnitClass("Spit-Blackmoore") my bank char, and it doesn't do anything
12:07.26Gnarfozor rather, empty result
12:07.33Gnarfozis that not how Blizzard does it?
12:07.36Gnarfoznebula: :D
12:08.01nevcairieldumb weather
12:08.11nevcairielthe AC is on and temp is rising in here anyway
12:08.27GnarfozI hadn't set up Atom on my desktop at all before, so now I did all the changes/comments that I made on the train ride(s) on the code again at home, because I'm too lazy to get up and push the laptop's repo to github
12:11.46Gnarfozright, I wanted to try and replace the CPU cooler, maybe I should get on that before I go too far down this rabbit hole
12:12.01nebulaAmbiguate("Name-Realm", "none") should strip the server if needed, btw
12:12.20Gnarfozyeah, thanks
12:12.40Gnarfozwhat kind of functions return the name in that format, though?
12:12.48GnarfozUnitName has it as two separate returns for example
12:13.00nebulaguild list, combat log
12:13.28GnarfozI see
12:13.38GnarfozCHAT_MSG_LOOT, probably, too
12:14.00nebulayea, i think all the CHAT_MSG events always use the full name
12:16.40*** join/#wowace Stanzilla (~Stanzilla@WoWUIDev/WowAce/Stanzilla)
12:16.43*** join/#wowace Dessa (
12:20.05GnarfozStanzilla: ty
12:22.39nebulaOnly 30% of the whole community raids. Raiding is a dead and outdated concept of oldschool MMO's. The faster Blizzard realize this the faster we will have a better game.
12:22.57nebulai would have no reason to play wow without raids
12:22.59nevcairielyou should really stop reading mmo-c
12:23.07nevcairielits full of morons
12:23.08nebulai really should
12:23.44znfthe forum is cancer
12:23.49znfmmo-c is just a front page with news
12:23.50znfthat's it
12:24.23nevcairieland even those have to be interpreted with a grain of salt if they are not straight-up copied blue posts
12:25.27znfbut I trust in chaud_
12:25.43nevcairielthere is plenty times when there is questionable interpretations passed of as fact
12:26.01nevcairielso just gotta be careful what to believe
12:26.22nebulawow is dead, time to move on boys
12:26.26nevcairiel(not to mention the usual caveats when reading datamined stuff)
12:32.13Gnarfozthe Alliance t1->t2 garrison upgrade video shows a map of Draenor that includes Farahlon
12:39.51*** join/#wowace Pawkette_ (
12:53.58nevcairielsounds like something you should make a thread on mmo-c about, using a lot of caps and inflamatory remarks
12:59.06GnarfozI'm sure I noticed it 2 years ago as well ^^
13:00.06Infuswasn't their message around Farahlon that they had a better idea for patch content?
13:00.19nevcairielno, that was for thal'dranath
13:00.20Gnarfozthat's Tal'dranath
13:00.28nevcairielfarahlon was just never used
13:00.46InfusI remember it being for patch content at one point
13:01.00nevcairielbut wod didnt get patch content, did it
13:01.01Gnarfozthat's what people assumed because it was way behind when alpha came out
13:01.09Infusbut, well, I can be mad even without facts.
13:01.16Gnarfozthat's how we usually do it
13:03.26nevcairielinterestingly with thal'dranath they basically used the name to refer to the broken shore now
13:04.02nevcairielwhich is probably fine since it was canceld anyway
13:04.13nevcairielor well replaced by something else, to not get people mad =p
13:06.16GnarfozMegalon: didn't you say something about ignoring a single cooldown? ^^
13:10.38RepoNew experimental addon: GearUp -
13:14.09Megalonshould be possbile :o
13:14.55znf<nevcairiel> farahlon was just never used
13:15.01znfI still don't have any idea wtf was farahlon supposed to be
13:15.13znfand why was everyone so butthurt about it
13:15.23MegalonGnarfoz: ?
13:16.39nevcairielznf: its the area that eventually became netherstorm when draenor was shattered,  supposedly a beautiful land of plains and fields, the home of the laughing skull clan and a dranei  city of the same name, people were mostly butthurt because they think someone stole content from them
13:16.54znfah, yes, content thieves
13:16.55znfnow I see
13:17.37Fiskerhow much is WoW these days in size?
13:17.44GnarfozMegalon: there's just a checkbox for me there
13:17.46GnarfozMegalon: oh. wait
13:18.01Megaloni changed it to be a dropdown thingy in the latest version
13:18.02GnarfozI forgot the latest Curse update required you to restart the app
13:18.15GnarfozI quit it but never started it again, so I'm probably still on the latest version :P
13:18.19Gnarfozerr, older version
13:18.36nevcairieldid they still not fix that
13:18.53znfFisker, gigabytes
13:18.55Gnarfozapparently not? :>
13:19.19Stanzillarequires you to restart for what?
13:20.24nevcairielsupposedly restart the curse app to get updates
13:20.29nevcairielhow was that not obvious
13:20.37Stanzillathey fixed that
13:20.45nevcairielthats what i thought
13:20.58Megaloni always start the app and close it after it updated my addons :P
13:21.04Gnarfozno, that's not the issue
13:21.12Megaloni have no clue what else it even does lol
13:21.20Megalonprobably some useless social bullshit
13:21.21GnarfozMegalon: and that's fine :p
13:21.30nevcairielso what do you need to do now? :p
13:21.40Gnarfozlatest build required you to restart it, otherwise you'd be sitting at the "checking for addons" thing doing its animation
13:21.45Gnarfoz(just once)
13:21.54Gnarfozthe orange caret
13:22.04nevcairieli started the app when i came back yesterday, it updated itself, it found and installed addon updates
13:22.09nevcairieldoesnt know anything else
13:22.12Stanzillanevcairiel: see, wasn't that obvious!
13:22.19Gnarfozyeah, mine was running and updated itself, need to restart it in that case
13:22.58nevcairielyes you do need to restart the app to get updates to the app
13:23.06nevcairieli'm still not understanding what the issue is, i guess :D
13:23.25*** join/#wowace Ressy (Ressy@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/ARL/Ressy)
13:23.35Gnarfozuhm, no, you don't
13:23.39Gnarfoznot normally, at least
13:24.02nevcairielso you are claiming the app can update itself while its running?
13:24.12Gnarfozas I said: if the app was running while the latest update for the app was released, it would update itself and afterwards the addon list would just sit there doing the orange caret animation thing.
13:24.40Gnarfozyes, I am. Not sure how else I get presented with the "HEY THIS IS NEW" changelog a couple of times a week ^^
13:24.56Gnarfoz(...when I get home or something, not after starting it when it wasn't running. it also updates there, of course)
13:25.07Stanzillait just automatically restarts
13:26.11Gnarfozthat's very likely.
13:26.55nevcairieli just have no intention to keep it running, so it can do whatever :D
13:27.33Stanzillayou are one of those weirdos that close your programs anyway
13:28.17Gnarfozand that with 123123 GB of RAM!
13:29.04Repoprofession-track: 03Starfox 07master * v1.5.2-1-g16cf069 ProfessionTrack.lua: [+1 commit] When removing a tracked item remove every associated element from the options table
13:29.20znfI need an extra 64gb of ram
13:29.22znfso I can ramdisk wow
13:30.31GnarfozI'm sure that'll be worth it
13:31.00Gnarfozsomething is making a non-nice buzzing sound. hope it's not the GPU fan :P
13:31.39Megalonperhaps it's your nic :p
13:31.53Gnarfozthat'd be an interesting mode of operation
13:32.07Gnarfozalso how are the prices for these GPUs that nobody has in stock keep changing
13:32.29nevcairielnot in stock could also mean they fullfill pre-orders as it comes in
13:33.58Gnarfozthat'd be a horrible tragedy meaning I should have ordered weeks ago! :p
13:35.13nevcairielyou should have
13:35.20nevcairielthats how i got my 1080s
13:35.31nevcairielif i had waited for them to show up in stock i would've gottem them like a month later
13:38.18Gnarfozwell, I won't get one before tomorrow, so derp.
13:38.31Gnarfozalso the sound went away, so it might be worse and it's a HDD
13:40.54nevcairielwhat did you order now?
13:41.02nevcairielor wanting to order?
13:41.25Gnarfoz either one of these
13:41.45znflook who's rich
13:41.57nevcairieldid you intentionally pick the two ugly models, or do they have somnething going for them? :D
13:41.59Gnarfozno, look who's poor
13:42.33Gnarfoznevcairiel: I'm totally digging the look... erm, no, they're the quietest of them all ^^
13:42.42nevcairieli see
13:42.47Gnarfozwhile also being among the few with OC'd memory
13:43.16Gnarfozthey are ginormous 3-slot models, though
13:43.51nevcairielfor sound all i know is that even at maximum load my MSI Gaming X is whisper quiet, and its 2 slots only, but i dont know how the 1070 model specs line up
13:44.18nevcairielso maybe no OC memory
13:44.19GnarfozI guess it might be overdoing it, not sure what dbA I would be fine with
13:44.32Gnarfoz this is in "is this thing even on" territory
13:44.40nevcairielI can tell you that the ASUS card was quite audible, the MSI is not at all
13:45.09nevcairielincidentally no MSI 1080/1080 at computerbase ^^
13:45.15Gnarfozactually, there is
13:45.25Gnarfozit was added to the roundup when MSI finally sent them one
13:46.00Gnarfozpage 3 is the interesting one regarding sustained clock speeds
13:46.44nevcairielseems like they didnt enable OC mode on the MSI, shame
13:47.07GnarfozI know they're aware of that issue, but I can't say if they did or didn't
13:47.18nevcairielthe base clock they list is not the OC mode
13:47.30Gnarfoz hm they did have an actual separate review, too
13:47.49Gnarfozthat seems to have the right base clock
13:48.11Gnarfozoh, no they actually have a foot note that it's "gaming" in that one
13:48.31nevcairielOC mode clocks the memory up as well i think
13:48.44nevcairielits hard to tell with these various multipliers making up the final memory clock :D
13:50.27GnarfozI doubt it was the GPU fan that was making that noise earlier, Overwatch menu screen has it spinning at 2600 rpm and it's sounding as whooshy as ever
13:51.03Gnarfoz(that's ridiculuous by the way)
13:51.07quiescens2600 is pretty whooshy
13:53.44Repotidyplates_threat: 03iceeagle 07master * v1.10-4-gb87b2ae  (12 files in 2 directories): [+4 commits]
13:53.44Repob87b2ae: (ticket 30) debounce update calls after options change
13:53.44Repo5ec41b2: update widgets layering
13:53.45Repo3360c02: reset aura cooldown for frame reuse
13:53.45Repobdd83ac: place functions in local namespace
13:54.29nevcairielwas so happy to finally get away from a reference design
14:10.18Repoangry-assignments: 03Ermads 07master * v1.8.2  (3 files in 1 directory): [+5 commits] (1 truncated)
14:10.18Repoe91c4cb: Small bug fixes for multi-layered categories
14:10.18Repo863c225: Don't add Children elements to new Cats
14:10.18Repo9b8b216: Minor fixes for categories cats
14:10.18Repo467a1e3: Added ability to set categories for other categories
14:10.40Repoangry-assignments: 03Ermads 04v1.8.2 * 75072b4 /: [new tag] Tagging as v1.8.2
14:23.56znfso how do people farm stuff here?
14:24.01znfwith invasions, I mean
14:24.03nevcairielfarm what
14:24.05znfdo they complete all 3 stages?
14:24.08znfor just the 1st 2?
14:25.08nevcairieli think people used to just do stage 1-3 and then get out before the final boss to reset it, s o they get more shards, but with all the invasions being up every 2 hours you can probably fill your day with just doing all of those non-stop anyway
14:25.45nevcairielstage 3 is the majority of shards anyway, you get them from doing objectives, like killing champions or destroying the invasion sites
14:25.55znfseems like I'm alone doing stage 3 in azshara
14:26.17Repoangry-notes: 03Ermads 07master * v0.2.1  (3 files in 1 directory): [+1 commit] Added ability to set categories for other categories
14:26.17Repoangry-notes: 03Ermads 04v0.2.1 * 9903558 /: [new tag] Tagging as 0.2.1
14:26.28znfoh, group finder
14:26.44nevcairielsome people do that, but i never really had to
14:26.50nevcairielivnasions are always full of people for me
14:27.46znfazshara seems empty
14:27.51znfon my realm, for some reasons
14:28.33Reposkada: 03zarnivoop * r679  (2 files in 2 directories): added missing localization string
14:28.33Reporeverted default segments to keep setting change
14:36.29Repolibcompress: 03galmok * r72 LibCompress.lua:  (1 line trimmed from commit message)
14:36.29RepoFixed: Symbol map decoding in Huffman was malfunctioning when the symbol length became too long.
14:36.29RepoAdded: huffman compression has received a number of checks for overflows. Remember to check for (nil,msg) compression result!
14:36.29RepoAdded: Store compression added to make a simple uncompressed string in case compression fails. Is basically the original string with a prefix byte.
14:39.12Repoweakauras-2: 03Stanzilla 07master * Transmission.lua: [+1 commit] pull in latest LibCompress
14:48.47Funkeh`zarnivoop, that localization string is the one I added yesterday lol, so it's there twice now D:
14:49.17znfnevcairiel, I can just idle, right?
14:49.35nevcairielthat will provide minimal shards only
14:49.48nevcairiellike maybe 30
14:49.54nevcairielinstead of the 100+ you can be getting
14:50.04znfhow so?
14:50.18nevcairielbecause you only get shards from things you tag
14:50.28nevcairielplus the stuff from phase changes
14:52.08znfbig/small mobs matter?
14:52.25nevcairielonly the really big ones give shards
14:52.48nevcairielso the champions that have a head icon on the map, or the big ones guarding the portals
14:53.01znfah, got it
14:53.17nevcairielor the bosses and his Lts in phase 2
14:59.35Repolibcompress: 03galmok 04r73-release * r73 : Tagging as r73-release
15:03.59znfnevcairiel, can I just tag it at the end?
15:04.15znfpeople can't seem to hold threat
15:04.28nevcairielmost of those bosses have some reset mechanic
15:04.35nevcairielalso without healing theyll just kill tanks
15:04.38nevcairielthey hit pretty hard
15:06.07Stanzillaalso aggro scaling is broken
15:06.14Stanzillaso you do more threat as a lowbie
15:07.18nevcairielit often feels like lowbie dpsers do more threat then anyone else
15:07.18znfand it seems they keep you in combat forever after the invasion has finished...
15:07.27znfand there's no more mobs...
15:07.28nevcairielmy low level priest frequently aggros bosses =p
15:07.33Stanzillayeah like I said
15:07.36Stanzillathe scaling is broken
15:08.42znf...I can't log out, either
15:08.44znfwtf blizard
15:09.01nevcairielalso i dont get how people leveled several chars through invasions, are they only talking about 90-100 then? because i started a priest from 1 and its just so boring after a while :D
15:09.10nevcairielits like 86 now, should really finish it before its all over
15:09.13Repogrid2: 03michaelspain * r793 modules/StatusHealth.lua:
15:09.14RepoFixed ticket #461 (health instant updates doesn't update on pet resummons)
15:09.27Stanzillawell with the xp flasks it's really fast
15:09.31Stanzillabut still super boring
15:09.34nevcairielyeah i used like 5
15:09.38nevcairielbut thats all i had
15:09.41nevcairieland they cost like 10k now
15:09.52nevcairielnot spending gold on a bit of time
15:10.04znfthey're 10k?
15:10.07znfoh wait! 16k on my realm
15:10.08znftime to sell
15:14.20znf...I got spoiled by the flight paths in Legion
15:14.26znfKalimdor feels slow as fuck now
15:20.30znfnevcairiel, well, I'm not low level :D
15:20.33znfshouldn't get aggro this much
15:21.10Repotidyplates_threat: 03iceeagle 07master * v1.11  (5 files in 3 directories): [+1 commit] (ticket 26) npc subtitle options
15:21.10Repotidyplates_threat: 03iceeagle 04v1.11 * cc97489 /: [new tag] release v1.11 do those flying motherfuckers come down?
15:25.20nevcairielkill everything else below them
15:26.20Repogrid2: 03michaelspain * r794 / (2 files in 2 directories):
15:26.20RepoFixing ticket #477. Changed range heal spell for priests to "Leap of Faith", thanks to Xerxes13.
15:28.28znfI figured it out. I'll just auto-attack with my wand.
15:29.28znfbring back wand specialization!
15:30.12nevcairiela single swp is fine, just go stand in a corner then
15:34.06znf...people are dicks on a pvp realm
15:34.10znfstill, got 3 HKs
15:34.15znfand no pvp deaths
15:34.48znfnot the brightest bulb in the shed when you decide to attack me with 10% HP left
15:38.47nevcairielfucking doom guards always kill me 2 seconds before they die
15:38.49nevcairielto steal my xp
15:39.45znfofc i wanted to zoom in the flight path map
15:39.55znfreally spoiled by legion
15:40.43Megalontechnology isn't there yet
15:49.00*** join/#wowace Valhorth (
15:52.24Repoweakauras-2: 03Stanzilla * 0d39847 /: [new tag]
15:54.36Repobasic-chat-mods: 03funkydude * r532  (2 files in 1 directory):
15:54.36RepoLoad the history module earlier and prevent an error when restoring chat from a reload.
16:01.53Repobasic-chat-mods: 03funkydude 04r533-release * r533 : Tagging as r533-release
16:07.01znfyes, this is boring as fuck
16:07.01znfand I barely did 3 invasions so far
16:07.01znfon my 4th
16:08.55Megaloninvasions are boring as fuck? you don't say
16:12.39Funkeh`not really, they're boring as fuck if you've been grinding them for 3 weeks, just like anything would be
16:14.05znfI'm doing them the first time...
16:20.03Repogrid2: 03michaelspain * r795  (3 files in 3 directories): Added an option to disable Right-Click Menu. Ticket #464
16:20.08znf...does that fucking green chest give only bracers?
16:21.21*** join/#wowace stolenlegacy (~stolenleg@unaffiliated/stolenlegacy)
16:45.50Repokiwiplates: 03michaelspain * r13  (9 files in 1 directory): Recoded from scrath for legion with minimal features.
16:58.16Repokiwiplates: 03michaelspain * r14  (18 files in 10 directories): Recoded from scratch for legion, minimal features.
17:05.36*** join/#wowace RLD_what (
17:07.25Gnarfoznow featuring Macho cooler and QcK XXL desk mat :D
17:07.33Gnarfozand food
17:22.09Repolibguildbankcomm-1-0: 03myrroddin 047.0-release2 * r75 :  (1 line trimmed from commit message)
17:22.09RepoTagging as 7.0-release2
17:22.09Repo- Pull in latest dependencies
17:22.09Repo- Especially LibCompress, which has been bug fixed
17:24.20Repobroker-garrison: 03smb 042.0.0 * 8bb7fb1 /: [new tag] 2.0.0 - Legion
17:30.14*** join/#wowace Ketho (
17:33.36znfMythic dungeon difficulty will be available after the weekly dungeon reset time.
17:33.41znfdoes this mean it will be up in the morning?
17:33.43znfor next week?
17:37.27nevcairielwednesday morning at 9 for us
17:37.39nevcairielthey want to avoid people rushing to 110 and running mythic before the reset
17:37.52nevcairielbecause it would give EU quite an advantage since we have plenty time to do that
17:38.16nevcairielinstead, everyone gets the same number of ids
17:38.17winkI loved the slow thing
17:38.36winkavoids asshole guilds goin mental on you because you want to level in a normal pace
17:38.58nevcairielraids are still 3 weeks out froim launch, so nothing changed there
17:39.07winkah, mythic 5mans? ok, that's fine
17:39.16winkI've never set foot into one
17:39.33nevcairielits really not quite as mythic as the name makes it sound
17:39.46nevcairielit on a difficulty level of say BC heroics, or cata heroics, all pre-nerf of course
17:39.50wink650 ilvl sounds like the other would pull me through, right?
17:39.56Stanzillait's like with raids
17:40.05Stanzillathey just moved the name to make space for a lower difficulty
17:40.22winkhm, ok. well too late now anyway
17:40.37winkno enchants, no gems, no real spec. not worth it for 3 days :P
17:40.40nevcairielmythics in WoD were in a slight different place though
17:40.43winkI will try one at 110 I guess
17:40.48nevcairielthey were designed for more like 670+
17:40.56nevcairielbecause they were added to the game quite late
17:41.12nevcairielso with 650 you would really have trouble, unless you have a group of friends that pulls you through
17:41.31nevcairielin Legion, they are designed as a direct follow up to heroics
17:42.14nevcairielso basically you run normals during leveling/questing, run heroics at 110, and can basically go mythic as soon as you have a few bits of heroic gear
17:42.25winkthat's what I meant. thanks
17:42.27nevcairielbut mythics requre a pre-formed group, no matchmaking
17:42.35winkwe didnt to BC heroics in launch week either
17:42.35Repobroker-garrison: 03smb 07master * 2.0.0-1-gb742ca3  (2 files in 2 directories): [+1 commit] Show placeholder text if we don't have any order hall data
17:42.42winkand my gear is still launch month quality
17:42.49znfI don't mind the pre-formed thing
17:42.49winkplus a few items from the pre-legion events
17:42.52Repobroker-garrison: 03smb 042.0.1 * 43584f2 /: [new tag] 2.0.1
17:42.57znfbut I REALLY wish I could be able to fucking port to the dungeon instead of run to it
17:43.06nevcairiellazy znf
17:43.15znfnot about being lazy...
17:43.19znfit's about waiting for people
17:43.19znfI hate that
17:43.26nevcairielthere is port stones there
17:43.50znfgive Donjon on LIVE
17:44.18znfI wonder if Legendary items will be able to drop before raids start
17:44.36nevcairielthey can
17:45.24znfnow that I think about it
17:45.30znfyou really don't have much crap to do in the first week
17:45.38znfjust world quests, all the dungeons once
17:45.40znfthat's about it?
17:45.56nevcairielfarm world quests all day, every day
17:46.00nevcairielquest suramar of course
17:46.17znfthat's still pretty fast to do, especially if you go as a group
17:46.17nevcairielrun heroics to fill some slots, mythics once
17:46.52znfonce you're done with WQs, and you wait for that 3-4 hours reset time, the only thing you can do is run heroics, and hope for +ap items from bosses
17:47.02znfbut I'm not even sure if that's worth it
17:47.12znfI remember they give crap +AP
17:47.35nevcairieleverything is better then sitting in town and whining that you have nothing to do, instead of you know doing the things it offers =P
17:47.57Repomobile-vault: 03myrroddin 043.1.18 * r243 : Tagging as 3.1.18
17:47.58Repo- FOR AZEROTH vs Legion edition
17:49.12nevcairielespecially the first week you have plenty to do with all the one-time stuff
17:49.19nevcairielnot sure why you would think it gets better after that :D
17:49.37znfdunno, I guess I got bored of some stuff on the beta already :-S
17:51.10MyrroddinI was going to flag the latest MobileVault as the "nevcairiel for the Legion!" edition, but decided against
17:51.29Myrroddinbecause nobody outside of here would get the joke
17:52.18znfI wouldn't get the joke
17:52.40Myrroddinznf that's because you also don't get quiescens cookies
17:52.53znfbitch, please *glares at the crate of cookies*
17:54.13Megalondon't need his deathcookies
17:54.18Megalongot myself a pack of maltesers!
17:54.45quiescenscookie are good ):
17:55.08Myrroddingives quiescens a Wookiee cookie
17:57.36znf...I'm bored.
17:58.57*** join/#wowace Seerah (
18:42.59Reposhadowed-unit-frames: 03Nevcairiel 07master * v4.1.8-1-g9676e6a  (3 files in 2 directories): [+1 commit] Use LibSpellRange-1.0 for spell range checking
19:00.16*** join/#wowace Megalon (
19:01.24nevcairielsb: so is broker garrison working now with order halls? new work orders and missions, order hall resources?
19:02.39nevcairielhow about a datafeed to show the number of troops i have & can have? :)
19:02.46nevcairiel(the command bar shows that, and i want to replace it)
19:02.51Gnarfozguild spam and "boost" spam and archimonde mount sell spam is out of control - is that what BadBoy_CC is for?
19:03.12nevcairielthats what /leave 1-3 are for
19:03.36Gnarfozbut... the "someone is wrong on the internet" urge is too stronk!
19:03.51nevcairielif you dont know, you dont care!
19:04.01nevcairielalso, in trade chat the people are all wrong
19:05.06nevcairielseem futile to try to correct them
19:05.15Gnarfoztoo many "so when can I play on Wednesday" and "where should I go for launch"
19:05.17nevcairielespecially because as a thanks they'll flame and insult you
19:05.19StanzillaI really dont get your drive to correct randoms
19:05.36Gnarfozthey're spreading misinformation! ahhhhh
19:05.42nevcairieldont correct them, you'll juist add to the launch lag!
19:05.48Gnarfozsince other randoms believe them without a second thought
19:06.10Gnarfozright, we wanted to tell people to start in highmountain or something so we can have Stormheim to ourselves
19:06.21nevcairieli'm still undecided which zone to start in
19:06.25nevcairielone of those two probably
19:06.32Gnarfozbut Zorbrix replied to a tweet earlier that said the Stormheim scenario is bugged again, so maybe that's not a good idea anymore
19:06.54nevcairielif they know its broken for launch they'll do something
19:06.59GnarfozStormheim because the start is a scenario, which should avoid loot/tagging troubles + could possibly scale better
19:07.07Gnarfozyeah, I hope so
19:07.11Gnarfozit's an old bug regression
19:07.35nevcairielyeah well need to do all the zones anyway, otherwise no world quests
19:07.46nevcairielso it better be fixed
19:09.47GnarfozI must subconsciously be "done" with Legion prep or I wouldn't be doing the pre-quest on my alts
19:09.49StanzillaGnarfoz: why care if randoms are wrong though :D
19:10.08Gnarfozbecause it will reach guildies who read crap in chat and parrot it
19:10.46Gnarfozalso, you have clearly not understood what "someone is wrong on the internet" is about
19:11.23Gnarfozthem being wrong is reason enough :p
19:13.28Stanzillaguess my klugscheissergen is not big enough :D
19:15.09Gnarfozit's not Klugscheißen if they're wrong and you're right! :P
19:15.26Stanzillayeah it is
19:15.40StanzillaRA Yolegy-Nozdormu: @ Tâurîêl-Malorne es ist schade das solche leute wie du gibt es, dass wenn man ist unter 600gs dann ist man aussortiert. WOW ist nur ein SPEIL und kein leben. RIALITÄT ist ein LEBEN und nicht VIRTUALITÄT
19:15.43Megalonnow depening on what it really is
19:15.44Gnarfozyou have a very weird definition of that, then
19:15.46Stanzillaalways remember that
19:15.48Megalonone of you is klugscheißing this right now
19:22.58nevcairielstupid curse app being slow to see updates is really annoying me
19:23.20nevcairieli'm subscribed to file updates of a few addons and when iget the notification and open the curse app and see nothing, it makes me question why i'm even uising it =p
19:42.23*** join/#wowace maunot (
19:44.06Reporarity: 03allara * r574 Core.lua:
19:44.06Repo- First stage of cross-account automatic statistics tracking; this build just adds some additional data storage
19:47.32Repoarl-enchanting: 03resa1983 07master * Recipes.lua: [+1 commit] Update trainers for Illusions
19:51.20Repoarl: 03resa1983 07master *  (5 files in 4 directories): [+6 commits] (2 truncated)
19:51.20Repo0757519: Add bosses that drop inscription & enchanting recipes
19:51.20Repo954dc2b: Localizations
19:51.20Repo4517399: Add additional blacklisted recipe ids for Inscription
19:51.20Repoc46d915: Add map id for NightHold
19:52.09Repoarl-enchanting: 03resa1983 07master * MobDrops.lua: [+1 commit] Remove mobs from Enchanting - also drop Inscription items, so they're put in main module
19:52.51nevcairielarls setup seems weird. some things are in the core for professions, but others are in the profession modules?
19:53.29nevcairieloh hey mmo-c finally put up countdowns
19:53.39RessyThings go into core if its a localization, or if its used by more than 1 module.
19:53.52RessyBunch of raid bosses drop recipes now...
19:54.09nevcairielthats not exactly a new thing
19:54.13RessyI'd originally put them in the individual module, but had to pull'em as I completed a different module
19:54.16nevcairieljust wasnt used that actively in wod
19:54.29nevcairielexcept for epic gems, i guess
19:55.18Gnarfozhm. "Khaz&apos;goroth". Sb, your realm is breaking picoFriends
19:55.24RessyLoot tables aren't up on wowhead yet, so I didn't know that the boss dropped additional recipes for other professions.
19:55.35Ressyso quick fix
19:55.52nevcairielarent most recipes in legion quests?
19:56.06Ressya lot are..
19:56.14RessyBut a lot of vendor.
19:56.15Ressya LOT
19:56.31nevcairielalchemy is weird, there is a vendor that sells all of them, but they are locked behind quest progress
19:56.42nevcairielwhy they didnt just make the quests give them out..
19:57.15RessyThey're all like that.
19:57.30RessyEnchanting - 20 from quests, 12 from vendor, 1 world drop, 1 Rep vendor
19:58.09RessyBlacksmithing - 1 world drop, 11 quests, 8 vendor, 2 rep vendor, 1 instance
19:58.43RessyI'm partway through Inscription.... 4 from Quests, 17 mob drop, 10 vendor
19:58.55nevcairielinscription has always been crazy with drops
19:58.59nevcairielmostly for the glyphs
19:59.07Megalonperhaps because they can't re-gift them to you else
19:59.15Megalonwhen you switch professions
19:59.28nevcairielthere is an item now that makes you re-learn the things you once had through quests
19:59.39nevcairielthey thought of that
19:59.49Gnarfozthat's what he's talking about
20:00.11Megaloni know
20:00.28Gnarfoz(I meant nev, he seems to have misunderstood you)
20:00.52nevcairielif he did, then he seems confused
20:01.04RessyFunny that the glyphs are all off vendor
20:01.13RessyVantus Runes are all off raid bosses.
20:01.24Megalonno clue why those quests don't activate the recipe, like they do for herbalism
20:01.26nevcairiellet me guess, off the one that they are for?
20:01.48Gnarfozeasy enough? so raiders get them first
20:02.39nevcairielyeah no big issue, the world first guilds can hope to get it during their normal/heroic runs, and everyone else can buy it from them :p
20:04.12Gnarfozconsidering the timetable and that you can only use one per week, I doubt it's going to be very scarce
20:04.27Gnarfozsb totally broke the garrison tooltip! :P
20:04.52quiescenshow dare he!
20:05.29GnarfozI'm not sure how he sleeps at night
20:05.49nevcairielspooning with his girl friend, probably
20:06.10Megalonhe bought a bodypillow?
20:06.14Megalongood for him!
20:52.20znfgefunden, Stanzilla
20:52.33Stanzillayes znf
20:52.42znfI have no idea what that means
20:52.43Stanzillado you have a special relationship with that word?
20:52.47znfI just picked a random word from your tweet
20:53.43znfI was writting something on reddit
20:53.49znfI mispelled enthusiasm at least 10 times
20:54.28Stanzillayou also misspelled misspell
20:54.30Stanzillaso meta
20:54.37znfalso writting
20:54.39znfpay attention
20:54.47StanzillaI was going to let that one slip
20:54.48Stanzillabut ok
20:54.54znf...and I actually have spellchecking in hexchat
20:54.58StanzillaI always misspell separate
21:05.01znfI managed to spell it right this time.
21:22.31*** join/#wowace chaud_ (~chaud@2602:30a:2ef2:3290:9df7:796b:485d:252d)
21:32.21Repoatlasloot-enhanced: 03proteyer 07legion * r4434 AtlasLoot (2 files in 2 directories):  (4 lines trimmed from commit message)
21:32.21Repo- Added AC "Legion Dungeon Hero"
21:32.21Repo- Added AC "Glory of the Legion Hero"
21:32.21Repo- Added AC "Glory of the Legion Raider]"
21:32.21Repo- Added Dungeon "Assault On Violet Hold"
21:33.34nevcairielfor anyone that has done keystone dungeons in the beta, i'm told the lowest keystone you get is 2, and you skip 1 because thats considered the normal mythic dungeon, is that correct?
21:33.52Gnarfozmythic should be mythic 1, yes
21:34.09nevcairielseems odd that the first stone you get has level 2 on it
21:34.13Gnarfozthat's in Ion's post from when they announced it would be called mythic
21:34.32nevcairieli'm looking for first hand experience rather, i can read blue posts myself =P
21:34.41nevcairieland the last official info on mythic+ is pretty old
21:35.29nevcairieli'm sure they'll do another into post to keystone dungeons, but since those only come out with raids it was no priority
21:40.14Repoitargetingframes: 03Ironi88 07master * v0.8-9-g8fbaeb2  (4 files in 2 directories): [+1 commit] add detachable cast bar and stuff
21:46.00nevcairielTIL they actually translated "The Wardens" to "Die Wächterinnen" in german, i mean its technically correct since they are all female, but it still sound off to use the female name for their faction
21:46.36Megalon[...] technically correct [...]
21:47.24Megalonyou know the rules, nev
21:47.37nevcairielwat, technically correct is the best kind of correct?
21:49.28Megalonso it is written
21:55.28quiescensgoto sleep
21:56.08Myrroddinwhat line number is the function "sleep", quiescens?
21:56.28Myrroddingoto 100, 723, etc?
22:10.11Repoarl: 03resa1983 07master * / (2 files in 2 directories): [+2 commits]
22:10.11Repo28594ac: Localization
22:10.11Repofc636e8: Add Maelstrom map id
22:12.18nevcairielMyrroddin: labels are specifically designed so you dont have to remember or know the line number! so you can change the code without your goto breaking!
22:12.58Myrroddinwhat, even goto bathroomBreak() ? damnnnnnnnnn
22:13.32Repoarl-inscription: 03resa1983 07master *  (5 files in 1 directory): [+5 commits] (1 truncated)
22:13.32Repo2edba5c: Add legion recipes - unstable
22:13.32Repo41c6684: Add mobs
22:13.32Repoc58ab5c: Add Quests
22:13.32Repo3cadc5d: Add Vantus Rune in Filters
22:14.01nevcairielressy sure is getting in some last minute work here :)
22:14.32RessyI've had a shitty few weeks.
22:14.37RessyGoing up to see my grampa..
22:14.38RessyThen him dying
22:14.46Ressyand then the funeral and family going nutso
22:15.24nevcairiel:( my condolences
22:15.47RessyWas 2 weeks ago.
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22:33.56XuerianSorry about that :[
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22:41.18Reporarity: 03allara * r575 Core.lua:
22:41.18Repo- [#209] Implemented support for account-wide statistics tracking. Log in to all your characters and make sure they're all assigned to the same Profile. After doing that, Rarity will count all your statistics. If the total is higher than your current attempt count, it will update to that count. Note that this only works for items detected via statistics, and cannot take into account bonus coin rolls. Rarity must be running on all characters and you must log into
23:06.43Gnarfozquestion remains, though, what does ARL do what the default UI does not, now that the latter includes known/unknown filtering and source info?
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23:11.18Megalondefault ui doesn't have lots of lovely ackis/torhal code quirks!
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23:14.44Zangeshey is there a way to get a frame object by the frames name?
23:18.30Zangesahh thx
23:18.49Semlarwell, _G["frameName"] i guess, the quotes are important
23:19.48Semlaralthough you can also just use its name, assuming it's a global
23:20.01Zangeswell names are coming from an iterator
23:20.24Semlaryeah if you need to create the name dynamically then just use _G['name' .. i] or whatever
23:20.55TorhalThe default UI doesn't have a lot of stuff ARL has, but people would rather me keep typing an explanation than actually read the project description or just try it out.
23:21.47RessyGnarfoz: The Locations tab is something people really love.
23:22.01RessyAs well as the coords for the mob/quest to get the recipe from.
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23:30.11Zangeshmm i fixed my error but its not working as i intended ): is tere a optimal way to get all children and child of children of a list of frames?
23:31.06Zangesi tried
23:33.39Megalondoes it lock up the game? :P
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23:33.56Zangesno (;
23:34.16Megalondoes it throw any errors?
23:34.31Zangesbut is empty
23:34.52Zangesbut AllFrames is empty
23:35.32Megalonperhaps it doesn't even run the loops once :)
23:36.08Zangeshmm i'l check
23:36.36Megalonjust let it print stuff somewhere when it reaches that part, to see if it actually goes inside the loops etc
23:36.53Megalonmaybe frame names are wrong etc
23:38.47Megalonalso inserting into the array you are currently iterating over seems like a bad idea to me
23:39.08Zangesthe names are correct i used the list before
23:39.38Semlaradd some print statements to your loop to see if it's even doing anything
23:42.19Zangeshmm the first if is always false
23:42.53Megalonjust remove the not and == nil parts from the if's
23:43.19Zangeshmm true
23:43.38Megalonthe not probably acted on the variable alone, that compared that to nil :P
23:57.12Zanges - ok fixed it but after some 2nd working it throws a error: attempt to call method 'GetChildren' (a nil value) SlickUI\SlickUI-0.1.1.lua:32: in function `HideBlizz' SlickUI\SlickUI-0.1.1.lua:6
23:59.10Megalonjust change the array you add to in the inner most loop
23:59.35Megalonbecause you use that same variable to loop over

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