IRC log for #wowace on 20160810

00:08.11znfthere we go
00:08.15znflevel 40 in pokemon go
00:08.39StanzillaFunkeh`: you can overwrite secureboot bootloaders
00:08.43Stanzillaand it will accept them
00:08.45Stanzillaas valid
00:12.38Gnarfoznot bootloaders
00:13.51Gnarfoz(not even that, you can make it load a newer type of policiy as an older type of policy; the since those newer policies are intended to be merged with a base policy, they are "incomplete" and hence allow everything)
00:14.58GnarfozI understood it a bit like having something like you have /etc/something.conf and /etc/something.d/ with various snippet files in it, and you then end up loading one of the snippets in place of something.conf
00:15.12Gnarfozminus all the crypto-signing and stuff, of course
00:16.29Gnarfoz(particularly: something.conf includes the "must use secure boot" rule, while snippets don't, because they're supposed to be "included"/merged/appended (in)to something.conf)
00:16.40*** join/#wowace FreakySneaky (
00:18.05nebulanevcairiel: there used to be a workaround for it, but someone (maybe Stanzilla?) saw that it wasn't needed anymore so pb just serves the normal togglemenu now
00:19.58znfStanzilla, so why did they kick you?
00:21.24StanzillaI left
00:34.13Repocombo-points-redux: 03starinnia * r412 Modules/Chi.lua: Make the Chi module talent aware
00:44.37Stanzillanebula: I figured that from SUF not using a custom UnitMenu any longer
00:49.32Repocombo-points-redux: 03starinnia 044.0.11 * r414 : Tagging as 4.0.11
01:02.27Stanzillaznf: look at her
01:02.32Stanzillaso pretty
01:02.52znfexpensive skin!
01:02.59znfwait, there's Auriel in the game now?
01:03.05Stanzillabundle is 25% off
01:03.06Stanzillaand yes
01:05.18znfyou said 4.99
01:05.40Stanzillawell hero is 10, skin is 10, bundle is 14,99
01:06.03znfskin is 9.99 separately
01:06.10Stanzillathat's what I said
01:06.22znfit's perty
01:06.24Stanzillajust too lazy to type .99 :D
01:07.09znfmeh, fuck it, it's 10€
01:07.35znf...wonder if I even like the hero :D
01:08.08Stanzillashe's fun
01:08.13Stanzillaa bit like disc priest in wow
01:10.14znflet's get with it in competitive mode!
01:11.00znfwell doh
01:11.27znfnew hero!
01:12.02Stanzillayup :D
01:12.03Repoadvancedinterfaceoptions: 03Stanzilla 07master * 1.0.4-1-g4e41361  (2 files in 1 directory): [+1 commit] change min value of the camera distance slider and the description text, thanks Ketho!
01:12.06Stanzilladid you buy pack or only hero now?
01:13.03znfgold hero
01:13.06znfand then skin
01:13.17znfshould have bought the bundle, tbh
01:13.20znf15k gold! :-S
01:20.01znfcan't wait for all the "n0000b" in chat
01:20.08znfwhen it comes to a hero released a few hours ago
01:20.13Stanzillayeah like I said
01:20.20Stanzillabundle is cheaper :D
01:20.33znfforgot to select mount
01:20.38znfI have the el-cheapo mount...
01:20.43Stanzillatyrael charger represent!
01:20.47znfI look like a pleb
01:23.59znfwhy did they change health bars to yellow?
01:24.36znffor the enemy team?
01:28.24Stanzillathat seems to be auriel only
01:31.28Stanzillamaybe they did it for all healers
01:32.46znfI can't seem to target the rezz properly :-/
01:34.14znfoh, there's a golden ghost
01:34.15Stanzillait has cast time
01:34.18Stanzillaand that
01:35.31znfindeed this hero is hard
01:39.29*** join/#wowace laiv (~laiv@2601:196:4902:6aa0:2420:8640:af94:73bb)
01:39.34Repoark-inventory: 03arkayenro * r579  (2 files in 1 directory): *3.07.01 (10-AUG-2016)*
01:40.50Stanzillaznf: maybe we should have waited, there will be a bundle with in the future
01:41.54Stanzillayeah :D
01:42.17Stanzillareally meh, though
01:42.21Stanzillajust another horse recolor
01:42.27Repoark-inventory: 03arkayenro 043.07.01 * r580 : Tagging as 3.07.01
01:42.49znfnexus steed best steed
01:43.10StanzillaI use different mounts per hero
01:51.34znfI'm getting the hang of it
01:53.36*** join/#wowace laiv (~laiv@2601:196:4902:6aa0:2420:8640:af94:73bb)
02:00.27Repoarl_quickscan: 03Torhal * 17174a8 /: [new tag]
02:00.27Repoarl_quickscan: 03Torhal 07master * QuickScan.lua: [+1 commit] Perform the ARL scan when TRADE_SKILL_LIST_UPDATE fires, so the actual profession is ready.
02:02.53znfcrystal talent seems shit
02:03.11nebulamaybe if you have a squish tank
02:03.34nebulaor over zealous illidan
02:03.47znfit blows up for shit damage?
02:04.15nebulasames the person and lets you set up around them?
02:05.32nebulathe res seems nice, but if you're able to use it you probably already won the team fight
02:05.58StanzillaEU is up
02:16.23Repoora3: 03nebula169 * r1011 modules/Cooldowns/Cooldowns.lua:  (1 line trimmed from commit message)
02:16.23RepoCooldowns: Add Demon Hunter entry (no spells yet)
02:16.23RepoAnd add comments for how terrible knowing the actual cd for some spells is
02:51.14Repoarl-leatherworking: 03resa1983 07master * Recipes.lua: [+1 commit] Remove retired recipes
04:01.26Repoora3: 03funkydude 04r1012-release * r1012 : Tagging as r1012-release
04:14.51*** join/#wowace ShadniX (
04:57.30KethoFunkeh`: will LibSink be updated for Parrot again?
04:58.03Funkeh`no, parrot should be registering its sink within the library
04:59.42Kethoow, maybe it doesn't seem to be doing that currently, if whoever is updating Parrot knows that
05:00.05KethoI can't type
05:00.58Funkeh`probably not, but if it's actually alive again you should poke the person resuscitating it
05:03.02Stanzillayeah poke nebula
05:03.32nebulai keep forgetting to ask ethan to give me parrot2
05:04.06nebulabut i have my own fork at
05:10.48Stanzillanebula: where is the link to the ora3 branch with the bb features?
05:10.58nebulaStanzilla: /dev/null
05:14.25*** join/#wowace RLD_who (~RLD_when@
05:16.45KethoI totally forgot addons can register their own sink. looking out for parrot2~
06:33.19Repoinventorian: 03Nevcairiel 07master *  (2 files in 1 directory): [+1 commit] Prevent errors from wrong calling order when freeing a bag
06:44.12Reposhadowed-unit-frames: 03Nevcairiel 07master * v4.1.4-2-g1a1e620 modules/incheal.lua: [+1 commit] incheal: Always check the maxHealth and bail out early if its not set
06:44.28Repotidyplates_threat: 03iceeagle 07master * v1.1-beta-5-gab158b9  (2 files in 1 directory): [+3 commits]
06:44.29Repoab158b9: fix TidyPlates theme setup; move code to OnEnable since PLAYER_LOGIN event if fired before the addon registers for it
06:44.29Repof65dc72: remove commands for setting role since it is automatically detected
06:44.29Repo78ec625: remove colors from local phrase
06:44.44Repobroker-currency: 03Torhal 07master * Broker_Currency.lua: [+2 commits]
06:44.46Repo5fd23b3: Add Curious Coin and Timeworn Artifact. Remove Black Iron Fragment, as it never actually made it into the game.
06:44.48Repo5fdabac: Add Demonic, Highborne, and Highmountain Tauren Archaeology Fragments, as well as Nethershard, Seal of Broken Fate, and Sightless Eye.
06:45.02Repobroker-currency: 03Torhal * 2ad8e71 /: [new tag]
06:48.28*** join/#wowace maunot (
07:10.23*** join/#wowace FreakySneaky (~singmyr@
07:20.55*** join/#wowace stolenlegacy (
07:20.55*** join/#wowace stolenlegacy (~stolenleg@unaffiliated/stolenlegacy)
07:48.00*** join/#wowace Megalon (
08:02.23*** join/#wowace jleclanche (uid155154@HearthSim/Founder/Adys)
09:13.39Repopokedex: 03stencil * r269  (5 files in 2 directories): add support for Demon Hunter Glide
09:17.32Repodecursive: 03Archarodim 07master *  (4 files in 2 directories): [+1 commit] - Display the last UI error when reacting on BugGrabber_CapturePaused event (so the user can quickly find and disable the source of the problem). - Also make the message displayed shorter and less affirmative on the performance impact. (localization needs updating) - Fix stack/local level (decreased by 1). - Fixed a leaked global.
09:19.02nevcairielremind me to never use an addon from that guy if he starts handling some sort of crazy errors in his decursing addon =p
09:20.12Megalonwhat :o
09:22.25Repoweakauras-2: 03Stanzilla 07master *  (5 files in 3 directories): [+4 commits]
09:22.25Repo3526a5c: Merge pull request #90 from InfusOnWoW/smallpatches
09:22.25Repo7e453a1: Fix text eliding for aurabars
09:22.25Repo9d90098: Readd monochrome font flag
09:22.25Repof6865fb: Text: Add font flags combobox
09:39.00Repoelvui-legion-currencies: 03Alexstraszaa * r6  (4 files in 1 directory): v1.04
10:05.22Reposhadowed-unit-frames: 03Nevcairiel 07master * v4.1.4-3-g221467e  (3 files in 1 directory): [+1 commit] incheal: fix framelevel in a few cases and simplify frame level handling
10:09.16nevcairielf'ing incheal thing that was never tested =p
10:12.00Repotidyplates_threat: 03iceeagle 07master * v1.2 Core.lua: [+1 commit] update welcome texts
10:12.00Repotidyplates_threat: 03iceeagle 04v1.2 * 5c2e2a0 /: [new tag] first release
11:49.29*** join/#wowace Xuerian (~Xuerian@
12:12.30znfStanzilla, the energy mechanic is stupid
12:27.54TorhalI'm wondering when they'll stop re-awarding me the achievement for having the Collector's Edition Panda.
12:28.32nevcairieli get a fresh one every day too
12:32.29nevcairielbetween my druid and my demon hutner, i collected the entire leather set already, guess i dont need to buy the ensemble
12:37.26TorhalAppearances are account-wide? For some reason I thought they were locked to a character.
12:37.42TorhalMaybe the whole "you can't wear it, you can't unlock it" thing made me misthink.
12:38.13nevcairielyes its account wide
13:03.57*** join/#wowace Singmyr (~singmyr@
13:07.25*** join/#wowace SniperFodder (
13:08.43*** join/#wowace Arrow|work (~Arrowmast@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/ResponsibleForEverythingAndNothing/Arrowmaster)
13:15.59*** join/#wowace Ressy (~Ressy@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/ARL/Ressy)
13:19.37XuerianThat's such a silly rule
13:19.47XuerianIf the item is bound to you it should be unlocked
13:24.21nevcairielit was pretty clear from the start that the primary goal for the new system is convenience and free bag space, but not to relax limitations of the mog system, so keeping collection rules similar to before makes sense
13:24.27nevcairielmaybe they'll relax it in the future some day
13:44.15Repoarl-leatherworking: 03Torhal * 2445843 /: [new tag]
13:45.21Repoark-inventory: 03arkayenro * r581  (5 files in 1 directory):  (1 line trimmed from commit message)
13:45.21Repo*3.07.02 (10-AUG-2016)*
13:46.53Repoark-inventory: 03arkayenro 043.07.02 * r582 : Tagging as 3.07.02
14:12.01*** join/#wowace mfgmfg2 (
14:23.49Repocompact-runes: 03talryn1 07master * 7.0.9-3-g9f03549  (2 files in 1 directory): [+3 commits]
14:23.49Repo9f03549: Add options to control Pestilent Pustules bar.
14:23.49Repo8c1e274: Bone Shield proc, Blood Tap color. * Add Bone Shield <= 6 proc. * Try a different color for Blood Tap.
14:23.49Repo6749775: Ignore rune CD for DnD bar cooldown.
14:33.32*** join/#wowace Talryn (~talryn@unaffiliated/talryn)
14:43.46TalrynIs the packager stuck?
14:47.10*** join/#wowace pompy (
14:49.21*** join/#wowace maunot (
14:54.22TorhalRe-queued, let's see what happens.
14:55.39TorhalTalryn: New alpha is up.
14:55.42TorhalWeird :/
14:55.57TorhalI don't even see in the packager log that it tried on the first attempt.
14:56.20TorhalShows where it packaged my arl-letherworking tag, then ark-inventory, but nothing about compact-runes until the requeue.
14:57.44TalrynIt looks like that fixed it.  Thanks.
15:03.35Repocompact-runes: 03talryn1 047.0.10 * 2a1e478 /: [new tag] Tag as 7.0.10.
15:13.35*** join/#wowace Jitta (
15:40.06Reposkillet: 03bsmorgan * r521 UI/MainFrame.xml: Skillet:
15:40.06Repo- Adjust button sizes to fit deDE translations (ticket 392)
15:42.48Reposkillet: 03bsmorgan 043.02-beta5 * r522 : Tagging as 3.02-beta5
16:18.25*** join/#wowace Yoshimo (~anything@unaffiliated/yoshimo)
17:01.31*** join/#wowace FreakySneaky (
17:14.43*** join/#wowace starfox (
17:19.45*** join/#wowace stolenlegacy (~stolenleg@unaffiliated/stolenlegacy)
17:21.44*** join/#wowace RLD_what (
18:03.45Gnarfoznevcairiel: what do you think? (besides "omg horrible" ^^)
18:03.59nevcairielomg horrible
18:04.28Reporarity: 03allara * r559  (2 files in 2 directories): - Minor bug fix in the Options UI
18:05.09nevcairielwhats wrong with the huge deposit button
18:05.53Gnarfozit's only in the bank frame and then only in the tradeskill tab
18:06.11nevcairielthats where those things go^^
18:06.26Gnarfozthis way I can right-click that button to deposit and then left-click to close the gaps that created in my bags
18:07.06Gnarfoz(same for bank, since it will also deposit from bank to tradeskill bank, if appropriate)
18:10.34nevcairieldoes that work while you are away from the bank?
18:18.26*** join/#wowace EthanCentaurai (
18:19.13EthanCentauraiGood evening. o/
18:19.44ZeldoNew UI
18:19.49ZeldoWhoop whooop
18:24.32ZeldoAdding tags is so much better :D
18:25.36nevcairielZeldo: it feels kinda odd that the issue details page shows the sidebar of the overview page
18:25.47nevcairielisnt there some issue things it could show
18:26.01Zeldonev pretend that is not there
18:26.06ZeldoWas an issue that popped up :P
18:26.15ZeldoIts supposed to be nothing there
18:27.41nevcairielnow its gone
18:27.58nevcairielhow do i add tags?
18:28.11nevcairielto an issue
18:28.23ZeldoClick in the issue box
18:28.29Zeldotags box
18:29.14nevcairieloh there, guess it only works on my own project
18:29.51ZeldoTo add tags to an existing issue yes
18:31.04ZeldoOh you cannot add them to your own ticket
18:31.06Zeldoexcept on create
18:31.08ZeldoReporting that
18:34.10sbGnarfoz: ping
18:35.31RessyZeldo why are you testing on ARL
18:35.55Megalonbecause ARL is everything
18:35.56Ressyloooots of old shit
18:35.59RessyWell yeah.. It is.
18:36.18nevcairielwho cares how relevant the issues are if all he is doing is testing the tracker :d
18:36.25ZeldoWasn't testing, was just an example page
18:36.32ZeldoI was testing on ace3
18:37.26RessyI like wowace better tbh
18:42.26Reposkillet: 03bsmorgan * r523  (5 files in 2 directories): Skillet:
18:42.26Repo- debug and potential fix added for ticket 396
18:45.31quiescensgives repo a cookie
18:50.24Megalonstop making repo fat
18:50.29Megalonthat's why he always dead
18:51.49*** join/#wowace Ketho (
19:03.10Gnarfoznevcairiel: no, I don't think it works remotely. although I've heard people claim that it's possible to loot from it remotely (i.e. take stuff out, not just auto-use it for tradeskills)
19:07.42quiescensreports gnarfoz
19:08.12*** join/#wowace zarnivoop (
19:14.53Repoadibuttonauras: 03Adirelle 07master * 2.0-beta-6-15-g40deb02 / (14 files in 2 directories): [+2 commits]
19:14.53Repo40deb02: core: add GetPetTimeRemaining to the save environment
19:14.53Repoe378682: monk: add a rule to track duration of the Invoke spells
19:19.21ZeldoHey now Gnarfoz
19:19.24ZeldoHe hasn't been down in days!
19:19.39ZeldoOnline for 5 days
19:19.44ZeldoSo get rekt m8
19:19.46GnarfozI didn't say anything?
19:19.54ZeldoOHSHI SORRY
19:19.56ZeldoI can ready
19:20.02ZeldoMegalon: pls see above
19:20.15ZeldoI can read*
19:20.18ZeldoI am done.
19:20.54Gnarfozso done? you can't even?
19:23.53Megalonrepo got rekt? ;(
19:24.12ZeldoNu you got rekt for dissing repo
19:24.54Megalonu wot m8
19:26.52Gnarfozwhat's the move-anything-esque addon of 2016? I liked FluidFrames, but both it and MoveAnything had taint issues in the past :|
19:27.15GnarfozI have too many frames overlapping my playerframe (mostly all those Blizzard talking heads/other frames at that location)
19:52.32*** join/#wowace harl (harl@unaffiliated/harl)
20:19.29Reposkillet: 03bsmorgan * r524  (7 files in 2 directories): Skillet:
20:19.29Repo- adjust debug output
20:19.29Repo- some minor optimizations
20:26.43PrimerI ran into the guy that is currently supporting skillet on my old dead realm
20:26.48Primerhe was even in my guild
20:27.19Primerwe just randomly started talking about addons and he's like "Yeah, I maintain a few addons" and I go "Yeah, I wrote a few addons"
20:27.26Gnarfozthe world is a small place... even the world of warcraft
20:27.27Primerso yeah, s/supporting/maintaining/
20:27.57Primerturned out he was older than me :)
20:28.16Primerthe point being that I'm old
20:28.39PrimerI know, hard to believe, with all the infantile comments I make
20:28.52PrimerGnarfoz: btw, I'm sorry about the remark yesterday
20:29.19PrimerAbout your passive-aggressive Germanness
20:29.40Gnarfozit's alright, I'm very German! ^^
20:30.12ElmoeGnarfoz: you find a good solution to move that talking head frame?
20:30.17PrimerIt's something I do too, and probably attributable to my > 50% German heritage from my mom, because she's the same way
20:30.18GnarfozI might just be unnecessarily obnoxious on IRC at times, too
20:30.21ElmoeGnarfoz: very awkwardly placed for me as well
20:30.39GnarfozElmoe: Ketho seems to have an addon for everything:
20:30.50Gnarfozcurrently also scouting for more general solutions, though
20:31.06ElmoeKetho is great
20:31.11Gnarfozthe "scenario complete" for Legion invasions frame is also "in the way"
20:31.12nevcairielwhats a general solution
20:31.16*** join/#wowace Jitta (
20:31.16Elmoehe and Tercio are my new add-on heroes
20:31.29Gnarfoznevcairiel: Endlösung! of course.
20:32.12KethoElvUI also has a mover for the TalkingHeadFrame if you want to use that
20:32.12ElmoeGnarfoz: this is perfect thanks
20:32.24Elmoedon't use Elv
20:32.34Gnarfozno thanks, ElvUI stays 500m away from me at all times, or it gets shot
20:33.26GnarfozI liked the simplicty of having a FluidFrames keybinding... just mouse over the offending frame, push the keybind until you've picked the right frame in the stack, and move it
20:33.46Gnarfoz(it's basically like pressing ALT with /framestack activated... and then moving stuff)
20:34.16Elmoeanyone trying the new curse client?
20:34.22Elmoewondering if the sync feature is just not implemented yet or what
20:34.28Gnarfozsync feature?
20:34.35GnarfozI bet that's someting for the 1%.
20:35.05Elmoeyeah it syncs your addons and savedvars
20:35.11Gnarfozto where?
20:35.14Elmoeuseful for when you have multiple boxes
20:35.24Elmoeto some curse server
20:35.33Gnarfozhm, I don't have multiple I play WoW on, so I guess it's not a great boon to have for me
20:35.46ElmoeI have a laptop so its helpful
20:35.46nevcairielGnarfoz: talking head is in the way as well for me, but mostly because its so huge, the other thing is mostly fine
20:35.54ElmoeI also do periodic backups of WTF to my own NAS
20:35.54KethoMoveAnything is updated now for the talkinghead
20:36.05Gnarfozwhy does it need updating, though?
20:36.10nevcairielbecause its terrible
20:36.14nevcairielits not actually move anything
20:36.19nevcairielits move things-it-knows-about
20:36.37GnarfozFluidFrames was universal
20:36.48GnarfozI wonder if maybe that got updated at some point, I never actually checked :P
20:54.44ZeldoElmoe: Its not complete yet :)
20:55.03ElmoeZeldo: cool figured as much, you hacking on that?
20:55.18ZeldoNope, that's a different team
20:55.23ZeldoI just help you buggers
20:55.40Gnarfozfalse promises
20:55.43Elmoemmmm burgers
20:55.47ZeldoI said buggers
20:55.49ZeldoNot burgers
20:56.06Gnarfozboogers? ew
20:56.50ZeldoYup, boogers
20:58.26Gnarfozthat's only nevcairiel
21:03.35GnarfozFunkeh`: I'll try that the next time I drive somewhere =)
21:04.13Funkeh`using it myself (wifi only)
21:04.16Funkeh`thank fuck
21:04.26Funkeh`although it still uses some data, I think for traffic
21:04.34Funkeh`but probably will be fine abroad
21:34.56Gnarfozsomeone suggest terrible Demon Hunter names for me
21:47.34GnarfozLeowntheras? :P
21:48.05nevcairieljust append lidan to any name =p
21:48.32nevcairielor idan if it fits better :p
21:50.55Megalonoh it has to have the Gnarf in it
21:51.10Megalonbut that's too long i think ;<
21:51.17Gnarfoz13 characters, afaik
21:54.00Stanzillawe already have 2 with "dan" in the guild :<
21:54.02Stanzillano wait
21:54.05Stanzillawe have illibabe
21:54.08Stanzillaand darkillidan
21:54.12nevcairielwe have one called illidaniel
21:54.15Gnarfozyou weren't lying when you said ingame cutscenes lag
21:54.27Stanzillarather cancel and watch on youtube
21:54.48StanzillaStanzillidan was kinda tempting
21:54.53Stanzillabut I went with a proper name :D
21:59.23Stanzillamy DH just looks like a rogue atm
22:00.08nevcairielthats because you suck, should mog to look like a DH :P
22:00.13StanzillaI refuse
22:00.26Stanzillaalso the head piece is demonhuntery!
22:02.59Semlaryou should get some druid gear
22:04.15Stanzillatried that, liked rogue look better
22:07.17nevcairieldruid t18 chest is like only a bra, i think there is some off-sets that look like that, good for showing off the tattoos
22:07.48nevcairiel(on female anyway, no idea how it looks on male)
22:11.15Reporarity: 03allara * r560 Core.lua:
22:11.15Repo- [#206] Fix for disable by class feature (thanks, FlyNeko!)
22:13.01Stanzillamy char doesnt even have tatoos
22:13.06Stanzillajust clicked "next" on char selection
22:13.12Stanzillacan change everything afterwards anyway now
22:13.26nevcairieldoesnt mean it has to look like crap now =p
22:13.40Stanzilladidnt care at the start
22:13.42Stanzillasitting at the barber now
22:13.57Stanzilladidnt even have horns lol
22:14.07nevcairieli use the tiny horns
22:14.26nevcairieland long purple  hair, looks kinda demon huntery to me
22:14.49Stanzillaconsidering this now
22:18.01nevcairielhm no skin color at the barber
22:18.44Gnarfozonly very special barbers deal with that
22:18.56nevcairieli think its available for other classes
22:19.08Semlaronly if they're covered in fur
22:19.37nevcairielhm guess i was wrong
22:19.45nevcairielgood that I did select a proper one then!
22:20.02nevcairieli reall disliked the entirely pale look my beta demon hunter had
22:31.32Repobatchcraftchatfilter: 03corwin_macgregor * r7  (4 files in 2 directories): Updated for Legion, both in TOC and API changes
22:36.13Gnarfozlol, hold W+S and double jump on DH
22:36.18Gnarfozinstant disconnect
22:49.50*** join/#wowace maunot (
23:00.04Reposkillet: 03bsmorgan * r525  (2 files in 2 directories): Skillet:
23:00.05Repo- Add Blizzard's sourceText to the details for unlearned recipes
23:21.15Gnarfozhm, where'd my initial fury builder go?
23:26.57Stanzillayou specced into demon blades
23:27.00Stanzillathat removes it
23:27.09Gnarfozyeah, I figured it out
23:27.31*** join/#wowace Megalon (
23:28.14Megalon"oh, update and restart, that can't take too long"
23:28.23Megalonwhat a fun way to spend 30+ minutes
23:29.25Gnarfozoh, they put the Illidan harbinger video into the game? neat. I always wondered what kind of percentage of players even watches stuff like this that only exists outside of the game itself
23:30.35StanzillaI think that's a mistake
23:37.29Gnarfozseems a bit misplaced there, yeah
23:42.22*** join/#wowace Ressy (
23:42.22*** join/#wowace Ressy (Ressy@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/ARL/Ressy)
23:58.28Repoadvancedinterfaceoptions: 03Stanzilla 07master * 1.0.4-2-gdadb735 cvars.lua: [+1 commit] showGameTips was removed

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