IRC log for #wowace on 20151001

00:07.25Repoweakauras-2: 03Stanzilla 07master * BuffTrigger.lua: [+2 commits]
00:07.25Repo6c15575: Revert "BuffTrigger: Fix Unknown affected players"
00:07.25Repoaf57f05: Revert "Internal => WeakAuras"
00:07.57Repoweakauras-2: 03Stanzilla * 4203093 /: [new tag]
00:48.26StanzillaArchimonde no longer uses Wrought Chaos on Normal or Raid Finder difficulty.
00:48.29Stanzillahahah wat
00:48.43StanzillaNether Portals created by Nether Banish no longer summon Living Shadows on Normal or Raid Finder difficulty.
00:57.49MysticalOSBlizzard felt one LFR difficulty wasn't enough
00:57.51MysticalOSso now there are two
01:52.13Fiskerhey what you want to hey Stanzilla
02:00.00FiskerI'm gonna hey Torhal because he's nice
02:01.30znfStanzilla, do followers get set bonuses?
02:04.23Stanzillahey Fisker
02:04.34Fiskermy head hurts
02:07.35Stanzillaalso sadboys
02:08.25Fiskerwhy sadboys?
02:08.48Stanzilla6P will be 150 euro more when I have to buy it in germany
02:08.54StanzillaUS version would just be brick
02:09.03StanzillaI live in the woods
02:12.00FiskerCan't turn back now though
02:15.05quiescensgo to sleep
02:17.28StanzillaFisker: cant you cancel the order?
02:18.01Stanzillashould be no problem
02:18.06FiskerIt shouldn't
02:18.12Stanzillawhy not do it then?
02:18.17FiskerWhy do it?
02:18.34FiskerIt's 150€ more if I get it here, and that's "when" they get it
02:18.39Stanzillabecause you can get a international version later
02:18.47Stanzillayewh well
02:18.52Fiskernot to mention the fees in transferring moneys
02:18.52Stanzillabetter than a 550 brick
02:18.57FiskerIt's not a brick?
02:19.07Fiskerso it's 150€ + $60
02:19.11Stanzilladid you check which bands they are using near you?
02:19.24FiskerI know which bands they're using near me
02:19.35FiskerBand 20 is only now rolling out
02:19.46Stanzillawell then
02:19.51StanzillaI would cancel and buy here
02:20.00FiskerAs I said, it is their strategy to cover larger areas
02:20.08Stanzillawhat's the 60 you mentioned? the money transfer fee?
02:20.16FiskerThe short-term strategy is to populate urban areas, and those all use Band 3/7
02:20.21Fiskeryes Stanzilla
02:20.44FiskerWhen I care about Band 20 in the slightest I'm using the Nexus 6P (2016)
02:21.04Stanzillayeah ok if you plan to get the next one anyway..
02:21.50Stanzilladunno what to do :(
02:22.14FiskerAnd it's not even my provider using Band 20
02:22.16FiskerWell they do
02:22.40Fiskerbut the other provider was so slow with LTE they started with Band 20 basically
02:23.15StanzillaI don't know what they are using here
02:24.20FiskerNeed to check something again Stanzilla
02:24.39FiskerBecause I remember that the FCC page mentioned something else
02:25.19Stanzilla1800-MHz is which band?
02:25.57Fisker800 is Band 20, 1800 is Band 3 and 2600 is Band 7
02:29.30Semlarwhat's your favorite band
02:32.43Stanzillaso basically
02:32.45Stanzillatop rekt
02:35.37FiskerOne thing that annoys me is that the FCC report is that band 3 isn't mentioned
02:35.46Fiskerbut I'm wondering if that's because band 3 isn't used in the US or not
02:35.56FiskerThe spec sheet still says it has it
02:36.17Fiskerif when I get home from Blizzcon say "God fucking damnit" Stanzilla you know what's up
02:36.50Stanzillaok :D
02:38.10Stanzillaare you fit enough for blizzcon?
02:38.26Fiskerurbane v2 with cellular
02:38.34Fiskerplease stahp LG
02:46.18Semlarhey fisker
02:46.22Semlarwhat's your favorite band
02:52.56Fiskeroh the new android studio is nice Stanzilla
02:54.28Stanzillahavent looked at it yet
02:54.29Stanzillabed time
02:59.53Fiskernight Stanzilla
03:01.04Semlarrude fisker
04:23.16*** join/#wowace DarkerAudit (
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06:15.13nevcairielman so many normal mode hfc nerfs
06:15.28nevcairiel(and lfr, but shrug)
06:47.01*** join/#wowace harl (harl@unaffiliated/harl)
07:52.00*** join/#wowace Talryn (~Talryn@unaffiliated/talryn)
08:18.26*** join/#wowace Megalon (
09:42.54*** join/#wowace Motig (~Motig@unaffiliated/motig)
10:06.10Repoatlasloot-enhanced: 03proteyer 04v8.00.51 * r4364 :  (2 lines trimmed from commit message)
10:06.10RepoTagging as v8.00.51
10:06.10Repo- updated Brewfest ('15)
10:06.10Repo- Added WOD Season 2 non set cloth
10:18.35GnarfozFisker: buying a US model in the hopes of it working here is kind of dumb, why would you do that
10:18.56Megalonbecause he likes to live dangerously
10:18.57FiskerIt's not in the hopes
10:19.00FiskerIt works
10:22.41nevcairielstill leaves you with band 20 missing, doesnt it
10:22.51nevcairieli wouldnt spent hundreds of euros on a limited device
10:23.35MegalonFisker likes his devices like himself: limited
10:23.39Megalon( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
10:24.15FiskerI don't use band 20 nevcairiel
10:24.48nevcairielI dont know what I use, I just know that my cell provider uses band 20 in their network, and that enough is a reason not to skip it
10:29.36FiskerI'm waiting for equality
10:34.40FiskerDon't you mean skip it though?
10:35.03nevcairielnot to skip the band =p
11:04.39*** join/#wowace hizuro (~hizuro@WoWUIDev/hizuro)
11:29.53znfwho needs LTE anyway?
11:40.19Gnarfozeveryone who wants a mobile experience suited to 2015
11:42.04nebula169yea and you want the nsa looking at everything you do, i'll stick to edge, thanks
11:42.19Gnarfoz??? :D
11:42.27nebula169i got nothing
11:42.32Gnarfozinsane level: 9001
11:42.41quiescensgo to sleep
11:43.10GnarfozEDGE has even less security than LTE, so I'm not sure what the hell you're smoking :D
11:43.17FiskerThank god it's 2016 soon
11:43.45FiskerEdge is more secure because data is so slow they never get it
11:43.49nebula169pfft, 2g allowed end to end encryption
11:43.52Gnarfoz(not to mention that it doesn't matter since there's so many layers involved... they'll probably grab your traffic on the internet, lots easier than to fuck with the mobile carrier)
11:43.53nevcairieli should switch provider again one of these days that actually offers full LTE speeds at not insane prices
11:44.09nevcairielis there such a thing? :p
11:44.10Gnarfoznebula169: end to what?
11:44.24Gnarfozand why do you assume something else is not encrypted anymore
11:45.31znfI don't even think my SIM does LTE
11:45.35Gnarfozif you really want to be sure, you'll have to use your own VPN for data and something like RedPhone for calls
11:45.36znfafaik the seem needs it, too, right?
11:45.54Gnarfozznf: depends on your mobile provider, in the end
11:46.15znfmobile tech is too confusing :(
11:46.25nevcairielwhy are most contracts so fucking dumb, like, t-mobile offers decent data contracts for decent prices, but zero phone access .. but their only contracts with phone and data include like full phone flatrates, which i would never need, and really don't want to pay for =p
11:47.23znf4G, LTE, HSDPA, HSDPA+, 3G, 3G+
11:47.35znftoo many numbers and letters!
11:47.42nevcairielmose of those are duplicates
11:47.47nevcairielat least in common usage
11:48.00nevcairielmuricans say 4G, we say LTE
11:48.22quiescensthey make more moneys if they make people pay extra for phone service when they mostly just want data on their phone
11:48.25Gnarfozmuricans are wrong: the current LTE in use is not 4G, anyway
11:48.50znfoh, it's actually HSPA+ not HSDPA
11:48.53nevcairielLTE-Advanced would be 4G, but thats not rolled out yet
11:49.36znfI miss the old days
11:49.40*** join/#wowace asmodai (
11:49.42GnarfozHSPA+ is HSDPA/HSUPA's sucessor
11:49.42znfGSM and CDMA
11:49.49Gnarfozgtfo with CDMA
11:49.52Gnarfozpiece of shit
11:50.12Gnarfozsomeone burn Verizon to the ground please so it ceases to exist
11:50.21nevcairieldo they still use CDMA  in this day and age
11:50.44znfwhat about W-CDMA?
11:51.12Gnarfozthat's not the same, even though the name might suggest it
11:51.24Megalonwhat about LMAA?
11:51.25GnarfozCDMA2000 is the full name of what Verizon uses
11:51.26znfSee? Confusion!
11:51.45Gnarfozno, you're just too lazy to spend more than 5 minutes on looking up who uses what and what names mean what ;)
11:51.54nevcairielwhy do you care about shit that only exists in the US anyway
11:52.15Megalonznf gonna migrate to the US, by gummiboot
11:52.26GnarfozUMTS is to 3G as LTE is to 4G in US vernacular (even though it's wrong)
11:53.11znfMeanwhile, I still have poor or no reception in my house
11:53.57Gnarfozthat can only be solved by not living next to the sea
11:54.18znfPeople on the sea have better reception than me...
11:54.21Gnarfoznobody builds antenna towers there, so you only get coverage from the land side
11:54.31Gnarfozwell, clearly, they're out in the open. my point stands.
11:54.46Gnarfozalso, reinforced concrete in your house? if so, move :D
11:55.11znfStill wondering where WiMax stands
11:55.38Gnarfoz haha oh god, the pile of merge requests at the top  ^^
11:55.45nevcairielmuricans probably still use wimax
11:56.22znfAs of October 2010, the WiMAX Forum claimed over 592 WiMAX (fixed and mobile) networks deployed in over 148 countries, covering over 621 million subscribers.[36] By February 2011, the WiMAX Forum cited coverage of over 823 million people, and estimate over 1 billion subscribers by the end of the year.[37]
11:56.40Gnarfozcoverage? that doesn't mean anyone uses it :D
11:56.55Gnarfozwhat kind of device would you use that with?
11:56.56nevcairielsubscribers kinda implies people actually using it
11:57.13nevcairielSprint in the US has phones for it
11:57.20nevcairielie the HTC EVO 4G
11:57.32GnarfozI bet it's only being used for some kind of backhaulSprint Nextel announced at CES 2012 that it will no longer be offering devices using the WiMAX technology due to financial circumstances, instead, along with its network partner Clearwire, Sprint Nextel will roll out a 4G network deciding to shift and utilize LTE 4G technology instead.
11:57.41Gnarfozwhoops, ignore the first part
11:58.00*** join/#wowace kurapica (~kurapica@
11:58.01znfTeleversa Online
11:58.07GnarfozEVO 4G from 2010, no succesor: dead
11:58.11znfALL GERMAN!
11:58.20nevcairielsmall scale crap networks
11:58.30nevcairielnoone wants to use a localized phone network
11:58.31Gnarfozznf: customers: 0
11:58.46GnarfozI bet they're some kind of local ISPs, if anything
11:58.54Gnarfozwhere the customers don't even know what tech is being used
12:04.30Gnarfozhmmm Patreon user data compromised
12:07.16*** join/#wowace MysticalOS (~Myst@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/DBM/MysticalOS)
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14:55.26Gnarfoz nice collection
15:02.50nebula169what is Kackscheiße? like saying bullshit?
15:03.11Megalonliterally mean shitshit
15:03.13nevcairielcrapshit would be a somewhat literal translation =p
15:03.57Megalonnev's translation is legiterally better
15:04.30nevcairielhey Stanzilla i got one of those ja! lasagnas for tonight, i hope you didnt lie about their quality!
15:07.10Megalonja! ja! sehr gut!
15:09.31Gnarfoznebula169: it's a slang term for stuff SJWs have deemed bad
15:10.34Gnarfozfirst one was "sexistische Kackscheiße" (as is the case, here, too)
15:15.33Megalonthere should only be an obese transgender minotaur in a wheelchair on the logo
15:15.46Megalonso you cover it all in one go
15:19.24Gnarfozcombine all those and that's basically what you'd get
15:51.32*** join/#wowace harl (harl@unaffiliated/harl)
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17:41.56Stanzillanevcairiel: well still a matter of taste but I really like them :p
17:42.32FiskerDid you see?
17:42.41FiskerNew Android wear
17:48.26FiskerWhat are you talking about though?
17:59.43quiescensgives Stanzilla a cookie
18:10.45Gnarfoz1 kg of lasagna, no less
18:11.07*** join/#wowace harl (harl@unaffiliated/harl)
18:11.21nevcairieland its done, lets see
18:11.40Gnarfozenjoy, hopefully
18:12.04GnarfozI should go home and use up some foodstuffs before they go bad ;D was too lazy to cook on Sunday so I have stuff left over :|
18:24.58Stanzillaman telekom IP telephony is so bad
18:25.21Stanzillatook 5 tries to even get a connection
18:35.54*** join/#wowace dano5 (
18:37.50winkscrew the phone part in tele-anything :P
18:39.10winkTelemachos didn't need a phone!
18:52.55*** join/#wowace dano5 (
19:10.27nevcairielStanzilla: never had any problems
19:12.49Stanzillanever worked properly here
19:20.37GnarfozStanzilla: do you mean the transparent VoIP translation or something else?
19:20.59nevcairielthat part is up to your router, not anything the telekom does
19:21.14StanzillaI type a number in the telefone, hit call, nothing happens
19:21.18Stanzillano beeping, nothing
19:21.28Gnarfozand how is it set up?
19:21.36Stanzilladect =>
19:21.47Gnarfozso it thinks it's on a regular POTS line
19:21.53nevcairieli use analog-> and that works fine
19:22.15Gnarfoznever had problems with my 1&1, either
19:22.21Gnarfoz(which is just Telekom anyway)
19:23.04nevcairielnot that I use my phone much
19:23.08nevcairielbut whenever i did, it worked
19:24.23Gnarfozso nevcairiel, how's that giant blob of fat and tomato sauce doing
19:24.29nevcairielit was ok
19:24.32nevcairielnot great, but ok
19:24.36nevcairieland i ate it all
19:24.45GnarfozI expected nothing less
19:24.57Gnarfozoven or microwave?
19:25.11nevcairielits not even microwave-able
19:25.28nevcairielits also not frozen, so has some potential to be fresh
19:25.38nevcairielstill tasted a bit like analog cheese, but what can you do
19:25.43nevcairielshould make some fresh lasagna again soon
19:25.51Gnarfozyay, finally got my Captain title
19:26.26GnarfozI wish it was Friday now :C
19:26.46Gnarfozso I didn't have to work tomorrow! :D
19:26.52quiescensgo sleep ^^
19:26.53Gnarfozwouldn't... whatever
19:27.31znfWell, crap
19:27.50Gnarfozalso, if it was Friday, I could already be watching Heroes :D
19:27.59nevcairielthe new heroes? any good?
19:28.03TorhalWhat year is it?!?
19:28.04Gnarfoznice so far
19:28.14TorhalYeah, well the original's Season 1 was great.
19:28.21GnarfozTorhal: Heroes: Reborn
19:28.25nevcairielapparently this one is modeld after the original season 1
19:28.30TorhalI know, Gnarfoz. I was being silly.
19:29.12GnarfozTorhal: The Haitian might have gotten to you! :D
19:41.36StanzillaI dont use the phone much either, it's mostly my parents that complain
19:41.55Stanzillaabout calls not starting and missing beeping during calling and calls being interrupted
19:52.30Executioner`how long was till DBM was updated with accurate/exact timers and stuff for fl ragnaros hc during its progression?
20:01.08Gnarfozwho the hell would know that off the top of their heads? :D look at its changelog ;p
20:02.05Megalon1 month, 12 days, 4 hours, 27 minutes and 40.383 seconds
20:05.57GnarfozStanzilla: you're safe
20:16.31nevcairielMegalon must be correct, noone could make up numbers with such accuracy
20:16.51Stanzillacool Gnarfoz
20:18.56Gnarfozhahaha, III.7 in the source :D
20:19.50Gnarfozbasically "just because most courts don't have any technical knowledge doesn't mean that companies should be able to exploit this" :D
20:20.54nevcairielthats a lot of weird law babble in that short block
20:20.58nevcairieli had to read it like 3 times
20:22.38nevcairielwell, plenty verschachtelte sätze =p
20:22.59Gnarfozyeah, very legalese
20:30.25Stanzillaparenting done right
20:32.23nevcairielI invoke Darwin
20:35.31GnarfozI invoke sweaty palms
20:49.28*** join/#wowace harl (~harl@unaffiliated/harl)
20:53.59*** join/#wowace MysticalOS (~Myst@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/DBM/MysticalOS)
21:36.41nevcairieli watched a baseball match last year when i was in the muricas, it was quite fun, i found
21:36.45StanzillaI guess thatÄs the short version yeah :D
21:38.38StanzillaI was at a german football (egg) game once
21:38.41Stanzillaand it was super bad
21:39.29nevcairielthere are german football games?
21:39.56Stanzillamy city's team was semi successful back then
21:39.59Stanzillamunich cowboys or so
21:41.33Gnarfozhey, my first vile ward in... 3 barbs now
21:42.22Gnarfozis vile charge even possible still?
21:42.46nevcairieldefine possible
21:42.54nevcairielanything is possible, old builds usually dont get broken much
21:43.03Gnarfozthat last bit was my worry
21:43.03nevcairielthey are just not very viable anymore because new builds are much stronger
21:43.18Gnarfozmechanics might have changed, calculation-wise, idk :D
21:43.29Gnarfozsome slight mechanic change that makes a build pointless
21:43.35nevcairielnoone plays raekor barb anymore
21:43.41Gnarfozsee? why is that
21:43.50nevcairielbecause new builds are 20x stronger
21:44.11Gnarfozwas fun :D
21:44.15nevcairielhappens to every class
21:44.32nevcairielI liked some of the old crusader builds, there were a lot of variety based around the one key set
21:44.40StanzillaGnarfoz: mainly because DR
21:44.44Stanzillaperma stun is no longer possible
21:44.47nevcairielone season later, all were useless (=weak) compared to the new alternative
21:44.48Stanzillaand dmg was lacking behind
21:45.02nevcairielso you went from ..5 or so builds to one
21:45.09Stanzillanevcairiel: they will fix that with 2.4 though
21:45.25nevcairielwould love to play condemn crusader again, it was kinda fun
21:45.46nevcairielbarbs sseem to be one of the classes with a lot of options still
21:45.53nevcairielyou can play  hota, ww
21:45.54nevcairieland whatnot
21:46.12Stanzilladepends on the level you are playing at, I guess
21:46.24Stanzillabecause in the lower grifts you can play everythign anyway
21:46.31Stanzillaand it's 4 specs for barbs atm when you include the support one
21:46.40Stanzillamonk is 4
21:46.43Stanzillawd 3-4
21:46.44nevcairielin 4 mans you play all sort of odd specs anyway
21:46.47Stanzillawizard 2 :D
21:47.01nevcairielhealy monk, swp support monk who couldnt kill a white mob on his own =p
21:47.18Stanzillaand generator monk and u6 monk
21:47.29nevcairielgenerator monk has a weiurd style to it
21:47.36nevcairieli used it for the gr40-noclass achiev
21:47.47nevcairielnoset, i mean
21:47.47Stanzillathey figured out a new playstyle for that last week
21:47.51Stanzillawith 2 generators
21:47.56Stanzillait does same dmg as hota barb
21:48.40Stanzillaone of the generators applies a debuff that can be triggered by the whole group
21:48.42Stanzilla=> big deeps
21:48.54nevcairieli created a proper equipped healy monk last weekend, but for some reason the group i wanted to play with was afk the entire weekend despite practically confirming a date on saturday evening, oh well =p
21:48.57nevcairielnoone is reliable anymore
21:49.20StanzillaI lost dedication because of this already for this season
21:49.22Stanzillawtb S5 :D
21:49.26Stanzillaalso because of lag
21:49.30Stanzillathat is just too annoying
21:49.32nevcairieli need a new group to play with
21:49.39nevcairielthese guys are fun and all, but .. i dunno
21:49.49Stanzillayou want to go harder!
21:50.30nevcairieloften two of them just hang around and do 2 man grifts, and we barely manage to get 4 together
21:52.02nevcairielbut its really the same every season, its fun for a week or two and then you really only aim for proper group play, which never really happens
21:54.13Stanzillaour in my case, would be possible but some people decide to be whiny bitches and/or lag ruins everything
21:54.17Stanzillathose heroes changes are great btw
21:54.36nevcairieli'm not that into mobas
22:04.54nevcairielgood to include any sort of information
22:06.21nevcairielthe source link even has plenty info
22:06.25nevcairielverge sure is crap these days
22:08.50Gnarfozwhy is so super slow
22:08.58nevcairielits not
22:08.59GnarfozI thought that was just like that on my phone
22:09.01nevcairielits the url it directs to
22:09.07Gnarfozit says "connecting to"
22:09.19nevcairielfor me it says "waiting for"
22:09.43Gnarfozwell, second time around it does for me, too since it has already cached the redirect, I guess
22:09.46nevcairielsomehow the entire internet feels somewhat fucked today though
22:10.00Gnarfozanyway, particularly obvious every time I open a link from the Twitter app on my phone
22:10.01nevcairielbeen having weird timeouts and long loads all day
22:10.12Gnarfoznot a today thing for me, more a general thing
22:10.46*** join/#wowace _Kasc (~Kasc@unaffiliated/kasc/x-0830193)
22:17.28*** join/#wowace Fastfire (
22:20.44Gnarfoz1010 blood shard cap \o/
22:21.15nevcairieli need to do some solo GRs again
22:21.23nevcairielnever really tried progressing anymore
22:22.34*** join/#wowace starfox (
22:30.46StanzillaI only did 60
22:30.51Stanzillacba doing higher as u6
22:31.03Stanzillanot into rift map fishing and power pylon snapshotting
22:31.08nevcairiel58 or so was  my last one, but thats like 2 weeks ago
22:31.16nevcairielgot some gear since then
22:31.26Stanzillathat snappshotting stuff is pissing me off so hard
22:31.32Stanzillabut the generator spec is just too boring for me
22:41.32nevcairielit is, isnt i t
22:41.43nevcairielnot that u6 is that much better
22:43.33Stanzillawell it's a little more action but yeah
22:43.48Stanzillasnapshotting kills all the fun
22:44.01Stanzillabut I don't enjoy D3 solo anyway
22:44.05nevcairielsnapshotting anything always sounds like some sort of exploit
22:44.58Stanzillawell it has always worked in d3 and wow pre wod
22:45.04Stanzillaso I guess it is intentional
22:45.52nevcairieli think its silly that spreading EPs inherits all their buffs, they should just re-roll w hen they get  applied
22:45.55Gnarfozit's a limitation, not a design concept :D
22:46.38Stanzillayeah well probably what Gnarfoz said
22:46.43Stanzillabut the game already lags like shit
22:46.48Stanzillaso better avoid more computations :D
22:47.01Gnarfoznice, disconnect on t10 :(
22:47.11nevcairielnot like t10 is special or hard
22:47.15nevcairielwell you are a barb, so maybe it is
22:47.20Gnarfozno, just random disconnect
22:47.24Stanzillat10 is one thing; not worth doing :p
22:47.45nevcairieli like it for farming normal rifts for stones and a few blood shards
22:47.56nevcairieldoing it solo it doesnt tkae all that much longer than a lower difficulty
22:48.15Stanzillathen you are doing the lowers wrong?
22:48.17Gnarfozseems like the easiest conquest thing to do
22:48.19Stanzillaare you switching to ingeom?
22:48.47Gnarfozhm, did bnet just blow up or something
22:49.00Gnarfoztaking ages to get back in ^^
22:49.24Gnarfozor rather, I'm not getting in :C
22:50.09nevcairielseems broken indeed Gnarfoz
22:50.26nevcairielor extremely slow at the least
22:50.27Gnarfozthat took a while
22:50.53Gnarfozif it kicked many people off, it might have just been struggling a bit under the load
22:51.09*** join/#wowace vlakarados (~halo@
22:51.10Stanzillawhen I do lower rifts I switch to ingeom and madstone
22:51.18Stanzillaso every group has to die in 1 SSS
22:51.21Gnarfozoh, the conquest text sucks
22:51.28nevcairielyeah i use madstone for farming anyway
22:51.29nevcairielmuch easier
22:51.42nevcairielevne on t10
22:51.47Stanzillayea and to make use of the ingeom buff, everything has to die in 1 SSS
22:51.54Stanzillaso you can loot and dash away to find the next group
22:52.05Gnarfozshould "kill ALL of the following bosses on t10 within 30 minutes of the start of a game" :|
22:52.09Stanzillayou're stupid fast that way
22:52.24Gnarfozguess it wouldn't be hard if it could be done across several games
22:52.26StanzillaGnarfoz: what is the problem with that
22:52.51Gnarfoznothing? probably would just take me longer than 30 minutes to kill all those bosses right now
22:53.09nevcairielhavent done that yet either, but with a 4 man its probably not too bad if you can split kill on t10
22:53.16Gnarfoz18/30 is not much time per boss, and some have quite a bit of travelling to get to them
22:53.27Stanzillayou cant really split kill
22:53.28Gnarfozhm yeah, multiplayer, I guess
22:53.32Stanzillaeveryone has to be part of every boss kill
22:53.40nevcairielreally? how annoying
22:53.46Gnarfozwell at least you can scout them out while split
22:53.48nevcairielwell can still go split discover them and put TPs or something
22:53.51Stanzillait's still super easy, we were done after 16min or so
22:53.53Stanzillanot hard at all
22:54.04GnarfozI guess you didn't try it at Paragon 270
22:58.13StanzillaGnarfoz: i admire you being able to keep on playing D3 solo
22:58.21Stanzillacould never do that
23:21.47Stanzillareally good speech
23:41.52Stanzillaalso this if you guys missed it
23:45.29*** join/#wowace Trela (

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