IRC log for #wowace on 20150522

00:19.42Stanzillalooks like they are going full retard with loot in 6.2
01:06.30*** join/#wowace Kalroth (
01:11.04znflooks at Stanzilla
01:25.32Stanzillaznf: didnt you read teh dev watercooler?
01:25.41znfbut that's yesterday news
01:26.09Stanzillaand today they said that you get more loot in personal loot mode
01:26.11Stanzillathan in regular
01:26.23Stanzillalike literally more drops per raid
01:26.45nebula169maybe people will stop being little bitches about personal loot now
01:26.56Primeror maybe more so
01:27.18Primeronly because people like to complain, and change (any change) is enough reason
01:29.51Stanzillait's still not the best choice for progress raids anyway
01:30.01Stanzillabut best for pugs and everything even half random
01:30.52nebula169well yea, being able to distribute loot is pretty key for progress, but i really hate doing pugs with ml
01:34.19nebula169all the whining about not getting gear with their bis stats on it, or this class gets better stats on gear than i do, so annoying
01:34.34nebula169like that shit hasn't always been the case
01:34.50Stanzillathe itemlvl climb thoughout the instance is the problem
01:35.01Stanzillahaving a class without archimonde weapon is just bad
01:35.16Stanzillaagi users are just fucked
01:35.20Stanzillaonly str and int weapons on him
01:35.20Semlarwho what
01:35.30nebula169i'm sure that's an oversight
01:35.37Semlarhunter loot?
01:35.44Stanzillawould be retarded to the max if not
01:35.57nebula169dev meeting: yea, hunters and monks are just too strong anyway, fuck em!
01:36.27Stanzillaalso the fact that they really think people will equip lower itemlvl gear (in the long run) because it has better secondary stats
01:36.32Stanzillais just laughable
01:36.37Stanzillaitemlvl is ALWAYS better
01:36.44nebula169i don't think they think that
01:36.53Stanzillathey even said so in the blog
01:37.15nebula169they're just making all the secondary stats swing more in one direction or the other
01:37.25nebula169so they feel more specialized
01:37.34Stanzilla"this change should also make it easier for you to identify which items are good for you in a more interesting way than just “equip the highest Item Level.”"
01:37.38Semlaritem level wasn't always better for suvival hunters because multistrike was worth an absurd amount more than any other stat
01:38.37Stanzillaand that sentence is just false hope
01:38.50Stanzillaeven if people can tell that the item with better secondary stat is theoretically better
01:38.51nebula169i think the point of that statement was there's more choice, not to promote using lower ilvl stuff
01:38.53Stanzillailvl will still win
01:39.24quiescensthere used to be a fair few items with lower ilvl that were better than new things
01:39.38quiescensback then they actively went around breaking those items so they wouldn't be better
01:39.47Stanzillait's always just in special snowflakes situations
01:39.50Stanzillaand like Semlar said
01:39.55nebula169a huge amount of a desirable secondary stat will usually still be better than 3 more ilvl of primary
01:39.55Stanzillawhen balancing for a spec is out of coontrol
01:40.13Stanzillanebula169: if it was only 3, sure
01:40.17Stanzillabut it is more than 15
01:40.37Stanzillaalso they drop set items directly now instead of tokens
01:40.39Stanzillathat was not in the blog
01:40.44Stanzillaand I'm not sure if that is final
01:40.47Stanzillabut that would also be super bad
01:41.22Stanzillapeople suspect it's to combat alt funneling
01:41.26quiescensi always thought the tokens were a bit silly
01:41.32quiescensbut shrugs o.o
01:41.39quiescenswhat is alt funneling
01:41.50nebula169thought i read the gap between first boss and last boss was 5, with wing bosses being between that
01:42.04Stanzillaquiescens: making mixed raids of alts and mains and funnel gear to the importan chars
01:42.20quiescensand, i mean like, it was silly that it was a token for like 2-3 classes or whatever, if you're going to make it a token may as well make it a token for whoever
01:42.38Stanzillait was token for everyone
01:42.40PrimerAnd the important chars are...?
01:42.45quiescensit wasn't in my day!
01:42.51StanzillaPrimer: the ones used in progress
01:43.12quiescensstan is important ^^
01:43.17PrimerI don't see how that's a thing...I mean, don't most people use some form of loot council/point system?
01:43.20quiescensgives Stanzilla a cookie
01:43.30Semlarif each boss drops the same type of item for every class, you could fairly ramp up the item level
01:43.37StanzillaPrimer: Its about high progress raiding
01:44.04Stanzillanebula169: first bosses are 720, archimonde is 735
01:44.23quiescenseh, there's only so much you can do with "fair" before you approach homogeneous
01:44.40PrimerI think I need to scroll back...
01:44.48quiescensdon't do it o.o
01:44.57nebula169archimonde only drops weapons and trinkets, no?
01:45.09PrimerWTF, are we back in Hyjal now?
01:45.24nebula169it is tbc timeline
01:45.28Stanzillanebula169: nope, everything
01:45.35Stanzillaapart from agi weapons
01:46.01Stanzillaand one hand str weapons I guess
01:46.07Semlarunfortunately i think blizzard wants the dps of the group to matter more than the dps of the player
01:46.15quiescensarchimonde was evil
01:46.21quiescenspeople kept dying in fires
01:46.37quiescensiuno why everyone was so bad at that
01:47.11Stanzillaquiescens: required thinking ahead, you had to know where to stand before the fear happened
01:47.39Semlarwhat's the point of playing if i can't be the top dps on every fight
01:48.06Primerheh, that's why I switched to healing
01:48.06Stanzillathat's actually the top motivation for most people
01:48.10PrimerSP will never top DPS ever again
01:48.31Semlarwhy don't hunters have a tank/healer spec
01:49.19Semlari want to shoot players to life
01:49.32quiescensshoot potion syringes
01:49.35PrimerBard class!
01:50.01PrimerPlay notes on your bow string
01:50.48Semlaryou have failed this city..
01:51.23PrimerBecause you built it on rock and roll music?
02:00.05nebula169new windows 10 build, edge insists on being default browser and crashes on launch z.z
02:03.25PrimerSo you don't even get a chance to use it to download chrome?
02:03.59nebula169well i have chrome installed, but if click on links or such, it always opens in edge
02:08.42Stanzillasounds like you are using and AMD card, nebula169
02:09.04nebula169gtx 660m
02:09.40Stanzilladunno then
02:09.46Stanzillathere are only confirmed crashes with AMD
02:10.02Stanzillabut you can try setting chrome as the default browser in that new default programs thingy
02:10.15Stanzillathey did a lot of changes to how that works in this build so I'm not surprised its broken
02:10.46nebula169it is set as default
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02:13.44Stanzilla yay
02:32.21nebula169pretty simple commit, wonder why sublime-tabs was such a mess
02:32.36nebula169implemented it's own tree view and tabs module
02:39.46Stanzillawondering the same
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03:52.48Stanzillanebula169: but when you look at the recent pull requests on sbtabs you can see that a guy ported over some changes to the original tree view to the extension tree view which makes me think he might just have copied it because he didn't know/it is not possible ( I dont know) to hook the default one
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05:19.57StanzillaI hope someone dies for that
05:26.19quiescensa bit harsh o.o
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07:38.18StanzillaTERA's new class looks mighty fun,
07:40.52*** join/#wowace stolenlegacy (~stolenleg@unaffiliated/stolenlegacy)
07:41.57quiescensthe voiceover is ridiculous
07:42.10quiescensalso disconcerting that it changes randomly in the middle of the video
07:42.21nevcairiel"she wears heavy armor ... while not wearing anything much at all"
07:42.45quiescensmaybe its just made of something heavy
07:43.09Stanzillanot that armor in WoW looks any heavier :D
07:45.06nevcairielwow armor is by far not that revealing on females
07:46.55nevcairieli dont like TERAs graphics style though
07:47.09quiescenswhat style is that
07:53.44Semlarhunters need bigger weapons
07:53.56quiescensnerf semlar
07:55.07Semlardon't nerf me bro
08:26.10Fiskerhey Stanzilla
08:30.01GnarfozGTX 960 is pretty much a (if not "the") sweet spot for price/performance, right?
08:31.13nevcairielfor mid-range 1080p gaming yeah
08:31.39nevcairielalthough you might get an older AMD card for cheaper, if you're a bad person
08:33.37Fiskerbut then again Gnarfoz isn't a bad person
08:46.48Gnarfozmid-range 1080p? hm
08:47.25Gnarfozwell, guy is considering a R9 290 (not X)
08:47.36GnarfozI think 960 is faster than that, no?
08:50.47nevcairielabout equal i would say
08:51.33nevcairielthe amd card may be superior  if you play on higher resolutiuons than 1080p
08:51.42nevcairielbut it also costs more
08:51.44nevcairielso there is that
08:58.55Kalrothr9 290 is more like 970
08:58.57winkanyone ever had a windows pc with thunderbolt on the mobo and used it?
09:18.29Reposaved_instances: 03oscarucb * r434 SavedInstances.lua: add blingtron 5000 and Wormhole Centrifuge item cds
09:25.29Megalonclicks sb
09:27.03Gnarfoznevcairiel: I see, 970 skips over the 290 and 290 X, though, nvidia has nothing current-gen between those two?
09:29.25quiescensi don't think its as easy to compare them against each other as it is to compare against their own
09:31.06sbamd cpu/gpu is still a thing?
09:31.26sbi will never again buy any of them
09:32.04Gnarfozquiescens: comparing the 960 with the 970, there's a huge gap, that's what I'm saying ^^
09:32.57quiescensyou didn't mention the 960 ^^;
09:33.43quiescensin that line, anyway
09:34.08quiescensjust flip a coin and pick one at random
09:34.10nevcairielGnarfoz: no there isnt anything in between, although rumors have it that a 960Ti might be released somewhat soon'ish
09:34.15nevcairielbut you know how rumors go
09:34.17quiescenswhat could possibly go wrong
09:34.37sbwhat are they doing after 9xx?
09:34.51nevcairielhow would we know
09:35.08Semlarthe numbers mean nothing so they just make up whatever they want
09:35.34sbat least they are doing sequentiel numbering..
09:36.19nevcairielthere will probably be some sort of change, 1000 would sound weird
09:36.21nevcairielbut who knows
09:36.29nevcairielits over a year away
09:36.33nevcairiel9xx is still new
09:37.00Megalon999.98Ti DoubleExtraChargedSuperTurboStreetsOfRageFighterAlpha
09:37.19quiescensi agree with sb, at least the numbers are increasing
09:37.39Megalonperhaps Xxx
09:37.47quiescensit mostly gets out of hand when you end up with lower numbers being better than the higher numbers
09:37.57Semlari thought we already had that
09:38.10quiescenswe did
09:38.12quiescensin the past
09:38.16quiescensand it was a mess
09:38.25Semlarare you saying things have changed
09:38.30Megalonwhen they just hit the random generator to get the number
09:39.03quiescensrecently they have generally been doing higher number=better
09:39.40nevcairielwell, within one generation
09:39.47Semlari thought the first number was the series and then the second number was how good it was compared to the other ones in that series
09:39.50Semlarmore or less
09:39.50nevcairiel610 is not better than 580
09:40.00GnarfozR9 290 seems like the right thing in between, actually... I should probably give the guy a heads-up that the 960 advice was not ideal
09:40.17Gnarfozalthough, he only plays at 1080p anyway, might as well save some money and invest it in other components.
09:40.41nevcairielit also kinda depends if he wants to play high-end AAA games
09:41.13quiescensits better than the silly things they used to do
09:41.13Gnarfozhe's a weirdo anyway.
09:41.20nevcairielor if he plays wow and minesweeper
09:41.24Megalonthen he probably plays dwarf fortress
09:41.30quiescensminesweeper acceleration
09:41.45Gnarfozhe certainly plays WoW, but was also trying to get some weird "ripped from PS4" Witcher 3 version?
09:41.48Gnarfozis that even possible
09:41.56Gnarfozor maybe ripped from xbone
09:42.03Gnarfozdon't ask me. Like I said, weirdo! :D
09:42.05quiescenswouldn't they just get the.. pc version?
09:42.16Gnarfozhe assumed that wasn't released, yet
09:42.18Gnarfozor something
09:42.22Gnarfoz(is it?)
09:42.23nevcairielwitcher 3 will run like ass on any AMD gpu though
09:42.25nevcairielit is
09:46.53sbnevcairiel: but xA0 is better than yA0 with x > y
09:47.46sbso if you stick to A = 8, you can just look out for products named 780, 880, 980, etc.
09:48.25nevcairielusually xA0 == (x+1)(A-1)0
09:48.52sbthats fine
09:49.40sbthats why they should continue with x++ when x >= 9
09:49.58quiescensi have a bad feeling they won't
09:50.27Megalonwhy not go hex
09:50.41sband after F?
09:50.43Gnarfozgo binary
09:50.46Gnarfozgo base64
09:50.49sbStanzilla, znf
09:50.58Gnarfozmeh, 970 is 310€+
09:51.06Megalonlots of stuff after F
09:51.07Gnarfozwhile 960 is 180€+
09:51.12Gnarfozthat's really an annoying gap
09:51.23Megalonand after Z there is still the whole of UTF-8
09:51.31Megalongreek, latin, arab
09:51.41Megalonyou can release new gfx cards for millenia
09:52.18Executionerit's not like that they can't use scale 1 to 10 with 1 being the worst and 10 being the super ultra extreme best thing, and then add the year to it
09:52.41Executioneroh wait, that would make sense
09:53.25Megalonyou want people to spend way more $$ than they need to
09:53.40Megaloncan't have those numbers make too much sense
09:57.19Executionerlet's start using negative numbers!
09:57.35Megalonimaginary ones
09:57.49Megalonbecause fuck you, '>'
09:59.30ExecutionerGTX π Ti with Boost
10:00.40Megalonyou could use like GTX e^<number>*PI*i
10:01.26Executioneradd log, lim, and √
10:01.41Megalonand have a circle on the package, displaying what quadrant refers to which performance :D
10:02.08Executionerso now we have
10:02.12quiescensthe Ti and stuff was stupid
10:03.32ExecutionerAsus GTX √log(e^π)/i Ti GHz Edition X with Boost ROG Edition
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10:04.56Executioneralso there was the Sprint Samsung Galaxy S II Epic 4G Touch, an actual product...
10:24.51Gnarfozthat's not an actual product, that's a disgrace
10:24.51GnarfozUS carrier specific phone variants need to stop
10:24.51*** join/#wowace sb (~sb@2a00:1158:2:1e00::40)
10:24.52quiescensgives sb a cookie
10:24.52Executioneripv6 :O
10:24.52sbthats just fine
10:24.52quiescensno cookie?
10:24.52Executioneronly thing I have is my VPS that has ipv6 :(
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10:25.32Executionerno chance that my country's ISPs will give us any addresses
10:28.35Executionerofftopic, is there any way to include a non-global frame or make it work with UISpecialFrames?
10:29.01Executionermaking a container global frame is not a workaround
10:29.15Executioner*not an option as a workaround
10:30.53Gnarfozis your ISP actually state-owned/run, Executioner
10:31.00Gnarfozalso, is there only one ISP
10:31.11Executionerthree ISPs, none are state-owned
10:31.42Gnarfozwell, you'll have ipv6 eventually, then
10:32.48Executionerone has a max ~80mbit/s option, the second (which I'm at) has 240 max (right now at the 60/6 package), and the third has 1 gigabit/s at max
10:33.28Executionereventually... well, mine has replaced only yesteryear the modems from docsis2 to 3
10:33.30Megaloni want 1.21 jiggabits
10:33.41nevcairieli'll jigga your bits
10:33.49Megalonnev, ma jigga nigga
10:36.01sbExecutioner: i even play wow with ipv6 :o
10:36.14sbnever thought that would be possible in the next 10 years
10:36.17Executionercan I have your connection?
10:36.29sbwell - teamspeak3 still doesn't support v6 :D
10:36.44nevcairieland thats probably because of the terrible thing that is tsdns
10:38.03GnarfozI'm not sure those are related, but both are terrible
10:38.17Gnarfozcause: guys running the project are terrible
10:38.48GnarfozI'll have to monitor if maybe my ipv6 is more reliable now
10:38.52Gnarfozdoubt it, though
10:38.57sbExecutioner: expensive connection :o
10:39.13Gnarfozstill not sure how it can be less reliable than for regular T-Online users like nevcairiel
10:39.32sbGnarfoz: do you have v4 / v6 of wow servers?
10:41.55sb213.155.155.233, is v4 (from the battle net page)
10:42.03sbno idea about v6
10:42.30nevcairieli still have v6 for wow disabled because it crapped out occasionally
10:42.36nevcairieli think one of their servers still doesnt do it
10:43.38sbits 22ms instead of 25ms for me ;)
10:44.04nevcairielit was pretty neat during WoD launch, when everyone was fighting the login boss, v6 just let you right in
10:44.18Executionersb: could you try connecting to 2001:41d0:52:500::50c with TS3?
10:44.29sbnot at home, so - nope :o
10:44.35nevcairielts3 doesnt do v6
10:49.53nevcairielhm just tried to login to wow using v6 and it had a fallback to v4
10:49.59nevcairielsomething is still fishy with their seutp
10:50.21Executionertry disabling v4 entirely, still fallbacks?
10:50.29Megalonperhaps it ... jumped the shark
10:50.40nevcairielit will fail entirely then :P
10:51.19Megalonperhaps it jumped the disfigured only partially existant shark
10:53.19nevcairiellogged in again and this time it worked
10:53.34nevcairielonly v4 connection is to the battle net service
10:54.31Gnarfozsb: they're somwhere in your hastebin's db :P
10:54.44Gnarfozor in this channel's history
10:54.50sbeven worse!
10:55.43quiescensmaybe you can ask purl!
11:04.21winkOne day I'll be able to live in the remote bubble of people who say that working with v6 is a charm and nothing is broken
11:04.34winkOnce I have enough money for enough drugs, I suppose
11:05.13quiescenspokes the bubble
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11:08.17Gnarfozsb:  + @ 00:48 has a summary written for jleclanche
11:08.33Gnarfozwho coincidentally just joined, hello good sir
11:08.40jleclanchewhat did I miss?
11:08.59Megalonthe spanish incquisition
11:09.11Gnarfozjust some ipv6 shenanigans
11:09.20nevcairielsb: the two i'm connected to right now
11:09.36sband v4?
11:09.42nevcairielhow would i know
11:10.04sbExecutioner could tell us :p
11:10.32nevcairieldifferent realms, different ips
11:12.59Executioner-What is the Witcher 3's combat system like?
11:15.25Megalonno problem with that, i wouldn't understand polish anyway
11:18.15nevcairielStanzilla: since you know such things, was there a skype update in the last couple days? its doing something weird to my headset microphone volume
11:18.58jleclancheGnarfoz: what about them? my german isnt great
11:19.05Executioner Is there a difference between storing tables in these ways? Performance, recommended style, etc
11:38.57Semlarbut keep in mind your second example has stricter requirements on what the keys can be
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13:00.34sbwas hast du mit dem zu tun wink?
13:01.06winksamma aba neugierig :P
13:01.25winknur selber channel und ich hab ne frage beantwortet die ihm gestellt wurde :P
13:06.48Megalonze neugier is zer catze TOOOOOOOOOOOT
13:35.29Semlardu hast
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13:38.04sbdarude - sandstorm
13:39.45winkMike Patton - Mondo Cane
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13:48.30Megalonconchita wurst - rise like a phoenix
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14:14.59GnarfozMegalon: that is so last year, man
14:15.52Megalonso what
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14:16.38Megalonso of the three songs you took the newest one and complain about how old it is
14:16.48sbGnarfoz: is there metals in the ECS?
14:18.44Gnarfozsb: some punk rock by Finnish people with learning disabilities was eliminated in the semis, not sure about the finals
14:19.11GnarfozMegalon: I didn't say anything about the others! they're even worse! :D
14:19.47Gnarfozsb: haven't checked songs much so far, just skipped over a handful after the first semifinal
14:28.22MegalonGnarfoz: wtf, did you just say darude - sandstorm is worse than another song????
14:29.12Kalrothnever gonna give you up
14:41.43Repoarl-blacksmithing: 03resa1983 07master * Recipes.lua: [+1 commit] Fix flags
14:44.04Repoarl-engineering: 03resa1983 07master * Recipes.lua: [+3 commits]
14:44.04Repo442b476: Add additional Warspear/Stormshield Trainer recipes
14:44.04Repo4711938: Fix Gnomer drops
14:44.04Repo51e22b4: Add Vendors
14:46.08Repoarl-inscription: 03resa1983 07master * Recipes.lua: [+1 commit] Fix rarity of recipes
14:47.16Repoarl-enchanting: 03resa1983 07master * Recipes.lua: [+4 commits]
14:47.16Repo5cbdea8: Fix Misc1 flags
14:47.16Repoa9c9bd3: Fix cloak enchant - not a default enchant, but off a vendor
14:47.16Repodcb4f14: Fix rarity on some spells
14:47.16Repob6896e4: Add Limited Vendor
14:47.32RessyThats funny..
14:47.35RessyI did enchanting first.
14:56.20sbi have a request! :p
14:56.32sbvendor costs for receipes
14:56.52sbso you can filter for "gold only"
14:57.02sb(because they are the only ones you can buy without doing 10000 dailies)
14:57.56RessyThat you'd have to talk to Torhal about.
14:58.07RessyAnd he's talking about not supporting wow addons anymore. >:(
14:58.22RessyIf he adds functionality, I'll set up the db for it.
14:59.00Fiskermorning Ressy
14:59.17Ressyor, if its purchased at a vendor, add icon for whatever currency the vendor wants.
14:59.47sbso basically blame Torhal
15:00.04TorhalProblem with that is we have never had 100% data on vendors because someone only plays one faction or the other, so the one that isn't played can never access the vendors in the higher areas.
15:00.39sbcan't you get the data from wowhead?
15:00.43Torhalpompy was always Horde, Ressy is always Alliance, so we have huge gaps with vendors and trainers.
15:00.51TorhalI'm not writing a web scraper.
15:01.09sbor use the wowdb database :p
15:01.19TorhalI don't have direct access to that :P
15:01.35Torhalgoes back to working on CurseForge.
15:05.41Megalonyou spelled "work" wrong
15:06.50Stanzillanevcairiel: yes, yesterday
15:09.32RessyTorhal: If you keep things up with ARL, I'll use my 90 boost on a horde char, and start hitting things up.
15:11.27FiskerWhy do you want to hit things with a horde character Ressy?
15:11.45RessyI'll hit up vendors on a lvl 90 horde toon for the addon?
15:12.13TorhalRessy: Eh, not going to commit to anything just yet. I'll think on it.
15:12.35Fiskeron live Ressy?
15:12.41Megalonjust email me the changes Torhal, i can commit it
15:12.44Megaloneh eh eh
15:12.44TorhalAlso requires looking at how the data is engineered. I don't just want to slap costs on stuff without looking into it
15:12.55FiskerCould just ask somebody
15:12.57RessyI can add those manually..
15:13.08FiskerInstead of wasting a level 90 boost on it
15:13.28Fiskerwtf Stanzilla
15:13.35RessyFisker: Too much work tbh
15:15.46nevcairielStanzilla: i'm going to laugh if the rumors hold true and it only has 4gb of memory
15:16.33Stanzilla4gb is last year's standard
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15:17.04nevcairielit will have to compete with the 980 Ti which comes with 6gb, and honestly, if you want to target 4K gaming, 4GB is just not enough anymore
15:17.14Funkeh`unless it's supposed to be a "titan"
15:17.57nevcairieleven at 1440p, 4GB is barely enough these days
15:18.10nevcairielon the more challenging newer games, anyway
15:18.39nevcairielin the end, its just going to be question of where its going to stand. does it compete with a 980, or with a 980 Ti?
15:19.02Fiskerfgsfds nevcairiel
15:21.13Megalonharsh words
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19:49.37Megalonthere it is again
19:51.11Kalrothyou flew too close to the sun
19:59.27znfwell, fuck Watcher
20:00.09znfI'm starting to get bitter about it. So many weird changes. I must be getting too old :-(
20:00.22Stanzillastarting? :D
20:00.33znfAbout the game, I mean...
20:00.33Gnarfozstarting to realize it's you, not the game, at least
20:00.41znfNah, it's the game!
20:05.06StanzillaI like it without playing
20:05.14Stanzillaeverything is better this way apart from archaeology
20:05.16Stanzillathat is fucking hell
20:05.22nevcairieli dont get why peopel care so much about flying
20:05.32nevcairieland i agree, only for archae its annoying
20:05.35nevcairieleverything  else is fine
20:05.43Megalonbecause then i can idle midair in my garrison
20:05.45znfNot sure how much better it is. While I played, it just left me without any desire to leave the garrison
20:05.59nevcairielno flying isnt the reason you have nothing to do =p
20:06.04znfAt least back in 5.x I was getting out to do pet battles
20:06.14znfI've done maybe 3 pet battles outside my garrison this expansion
20:06.29znfalso, in 5.x I was doing them only on my druid because of instant flight form
20:06.32Megalonmy chars rarely move away from the table :S
20:10.25Stanzilla@stanzillaz: @nite_moogle command table would have been the best replacement for the reforge dude on the Yak!
20:10.48nevcairielthere is a follower for that
20:12.32znfThey still haven't made the stupid follower(s) auto-follow you when you exit the garrison
20:12.55znfEvery time I used a bodyguard, I took a FP, reached the place I wanted, realised I forgot the bodyguard, hs'd back, took fp again
20:13.22nevcairielmaybe you should just be less forgetful
20:13.59Megalonmaybe the system should be less retarded
20:33.49Fiskerfor shame Stanzilla
20:33.56FiskerIt's 5:10 not 13:37
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20:47.03Fiskerok Stanzilla
20:47.08Fiskermay 28th shield launch confirmed
20:47.20Fiskerthey're giving away one every day until they release it
20:47.24Fiskerobviously they're giving away 7
20:47.37Stanzillawhere is the giveaway?
20:47.54Fiskeryou need to signup for the newsletter
20:47.59Fiskerdunno if it's too late
20:48.23FiskerTrying to view the terms and conditions
20:49.38FiskerThe guy who shared the link also shared the token so we can unsubscribe him
20:49.39Fisker( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
20:49.52Fiskerremember this shit rid_ ?
20:49.55FiskerT O K E N B O Y S
20:50.52rid_haha Fisker
21:01.28Stanzilla@NVIDIAGeForce: Check out Android 5.1 for your SHIELD tablet, update now available.
21:01.45Fiskeryou made me happy for a second Stanzilla
21:04.31Megalonbut then it was right back to misery and selfhate
21:45.45FiskerYou must be a legal resident of the OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (EXCLUDING PUERTO RICO AND ITS OTHER TERRITORIES AND POSSESSIONS), and you must be eighteen (18) or older to be eligible to participate.
21:45.50FiskerRekt Stanzilla
21:47.38FiskerNo value or amount listed
21:47.46FiskerBut I still think it's exactly 7
22:00.47Repoarl-alchemy: 03resa1983 07master * Recipes.lua: [+1 commit] Fix Stone of Fire - BoE not BoP
22:11.24Fiskergives Ressy a stone of fire
22:11.38FiskerExcellent for soup
22:12.59FiskerWhy can't I sleep
22:21.40Stanzillatoo early for sleep
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