IRC log for #wowace on 20141028

00:04.34Reporarity: 03allara * r308 Core.lua:
00:04.34Repo- Rarity now leverages the new 6.0 GUIDs to avoid interacting with players or pets (this should fix Rarity showing tooltip info on flagged hunter pets of the opposite faction)
00:05.11Reporarity: 03allara 04r308-release * r309 : Tagging as r308-release
00:05.47MysticalOSso glad they can work really hard to add mp3 support back but not even acknowledge sound clipping posted in 4 different places. clearly they really did intend for that change.
00:08.35StanzillaGet Kraken!: Resolved an issue where North Sea Kraken was dying too quickly to grant quest credit.
00:08.37Stanzillabest change
00:09.19MysticalOSthey could have just buffed it's health a ton in a hotfix
00:10.08StanzillaBREAKING: Marvel has found its Doctor Strange, and it's... Benedict Cumberbatch!
00:10.11Stanzillauh I missed that
00:10.15MysticalOSI'll be more happy to stop hearing from players with extended asci in their names
00:13.49StanzillaI want them to fix the mouse bug
00:13.53Stanzillait's the most annoying thing ever
00:17.25MysticalOSmouse bug?
00:21.01Stanzillawhere the camera jumps when you right click
00:32.11MysticalOSif you're lucky maybe this fix will accidentally fix that
00:32.12MysticalOS"Resolved a number of situations where the mouse cursor can disappear on Mac OS."
00:40.05quiescensis it actually a wow thing or is it secretly everything but you aren't playing anything else that does the "hold right click to swivel camera" style
00:44.54Stanzillaquiescens: just wow
00:44.58StanzillaMysticalOS: probably not though
00:46.29*** join/#wowace webturtle0 (~webturtle@
00:50.57Repocombo-points-redux: 03starinnia * r347  (5 files in 3 directories):
00:50.57RepoChange how the options in the Blizzard menu are presented for people that do not have BlizzBugsSuck installed. Should resolve the reports of the blank options screen
00:55.30Reposimple-self-rebuff: 03stanzilla * r301 DataObject/DataObject.lua: comment some more debug lines
00:56.02Repocombo-points-redux: 03starinnia * r348 Core.lua: Restore a packager replacement
00:59.16Reposimplehalo: 03starinnia * r41  (4 files in 2 directories): Change how the options are presented in the Blizzard menu
01:04.00Repocombo-points-redux: 03starinnia * r349  (2 files in 2 directories): Reference the config libraries first
01:04.21Reposimplehalo: 03starinnia * r42  (2 files in 2 directories): Reference the config libraries first
01:20.54Repoice-hud: 03Parnic 07master * 1.9.4-1-g5e77864 modules/ComboPointsBar.lua: [+1 commit] Fixed ComboPointsBar not setting the proper alpha value sometimes.
01:26.04Repobig-wigs: 03funkydude * r12130 Core/BossPrototype.lua:
01:26.04RepoBossPrototype: Another fix for false engaging after a wipe when using .engageId.
01:46.22*** join/#wowace JTF195 (
01:47.02*** join/#wowace webturtle0 (~webturtle@
01:47.32MysticalOSyeah, ENCOUNTER_START fires for 0.5 second re-engages. often caused by someone surviving wipe, norushen being a big one.
01:48.26Repobig-wigs: 03funkydude * r12131 SiegeOfOrgrimmar/ParagonsOfTheKlaxxi.lua: ParagonsOfTheKlaxxi: Remove extra wipe check.
01:48.56MysticalOSthe way it's coded, ENCOUNTER_START and ENCOUNTER_END are tied to loot functions. ES fires when a player is added to bosses combat table. ENCOUNTER_END fires when every last player has removed from combat table. problem is, when a boss is resetting, all players remove from table, but then players who survived sometimes get added back in during the despawn. firing ES again :\
01:48.58MysticalOSugly hacks
01:49.36Funkeh`I know
01:49.40MysticalOSit's amusing watching how behavior works on lich king. ENCOUNTER_END firing cause fury of frostmourn killed everyone, clearing combat table. then ES firing when res happens
01:49.50Funkeh`the problem is that they use a variable which block ES from firing if it's already fired
01:49.59MysticalOSah yes
01:50.05Funkeh`so if it fires after a wipe it won't fire on engage
01:50.10MysticalOSyeah :\
01:50.19MysticalOSIEEU fallback. forever
01:50.22Funkeh`firing after a wipe isn't a big deal, you could overcome that with a throttle
01:51.59Funkeh`I'm just shocked the issue still remains when this was added for combat logging. They must have bitched and whined about this to Blizz enough by now
01:52.21MysticalOSkihra complains about the bugs pretty often, so do I
01:52.29Funkeh`I wonder what warcraftlogs is doing to overcome it
01:53.54MysticalOSi'm not sure it even is. sometimes it can, but sometimes some pulls are just invalid. site pretty much ignores pulls without ES, even if it's literally ONLY missing event
01:54.38MysticalOSit's just fortunate very few wipe on norushen anymore, and problem is a lot less frequent on other bosses. unless you have players who habitually try to stay alive
01:55.15nebula169"unless" you mean every mage and hunter and your guild doesn't?
01:56.25MysticalOSwe have one person designated wipe recovery, everyone else is told to die, regardless if they can survive or not. too many times has GM gotten pissed cause we had no rez, cause too many tried living, which ended up gettting EVERYONE killed.
01:56.49MysticalOSthat seems to avoid ES issue a ton more too
01:57.30nebula169no fun, it's a game for everyone else to try and kill the hunters and mages before they die
01:57.58MysticalOSreally only good thing that comes out of ES/EE is encounter end
01:58.05MysticalOSespecially for fights like raden and immerseus
01:58.11PrimerDon't forget the NE's
01:58.39PrimerAs a NE priest, I life grip feigned hunters all the time
02:07.51Repocombo-points-redux: 03starinnia 043.2.4 * r350 : Tagging as 3.2.4
02:08.55Reposimplehalo: 03starinnia 041.0.11 * r43 : Tagging as 1.0.11
02:26.13Repobroker_battleres (experimental): 03nebula169 * r5 Broker_BattleRes.lua: fixes
02:31.22Repogrid: 03Phanx * r1700 Frame.lua: - Fix stack counts (again)
02:32.48*** join/#wowace Adirelle_ (~Adirelle@2a01:e35:2eb9:63c0:a13e:b9b2:7f7c:3f99)
02:41.12Repobig-wigs: 03funkydude * r12132 Plugins/Proximity.lua: Proximity: target proximity now respects being muted.
02:47.52*** join/#wowace webturtle0 (~webturtle@
03:25.45*** join/#wowace harl (harl@unaffiliated/harl)
03:50.02*** join/#wowace pentium166 (
04:49.08*** join/#wowace webturtle0 (~webturtle@
04:54.02*** join/#wowace Talryn (~Talryn@unaffiliated/talryn)
04:57.34Repopokedex: 03stencil * r243  (2 files in 1 directory): fix Titles feature
05:17.59Repopokedex: 03stencil 046.0.02 * r244 : Tagging as Release 6.0.02
05:43.32*** join/#wowace ShadniX (
05:50.08*** join/#wowace webturtle0 (~webturtle@
05:56.25Reporarity: 03allara * r310  (2 files in 1 directory):
05:56.25Repo- Rarity "one-time use" items (as found on WoD rares) now contain all the item info in the tooltip. This lets you decide if you want to bother with the rare just by mousing over it.
06:00.56*** join/#wowace Talryn (~Talryn@unaffiliated/talryn)
06:04.38Reporarity: 03allara * r311  (2 files in 1 directory): - Enhance one-time item tooltips to get the colors right
06:05.04Reporarity: 03allara * r312  (2 files in 1 directory): - Remove a test item
06:19.24Reporarity: 03allara 04r312-release * r313 : Tagging as r312-release
06:20.11Repoenergized: 03allara 04r178-release * r179 : Tagging as r178-release
06:20.11RepoI'm just tagging this so it grabs all the latest libraries. Energized still needs a massive update for WoD (coming soon).
06:36.46Repogrid: 03Phanx * r1701 Core.lua:
06:36.46Repo- Add a "/grid version" command for in-game version number checking
06:45.00Repocompact-runes: 03talryn1 07master * 1.4-9-g85933b6  (2 files in 1 directory): [+1 commit] * Fix LUA error with KM Tracking. * Fix issue with KM Tracking not enabling when switching specs.
06:49.14Repolibactionbutton-1-0: 03Nevcairiel 07master * 0.24-1-ge772f33 LibActionButton-1.0.lua: [+1 commit] Call the SetCooldown method from the metatable to ensure cooldown count addons remain functional
06:50.58*** join/#wowace webturtle0 (~webturtle@
06:52.26Repolibactionbutton-1-0: 03Nevcairiel 040.24.1 * 3f89b62 /: [new tag] Tag as 0.24.1
06:52.57Repobartender4: 03Nevcairiel 07master * 4.6.3-3-g69d11a9 PetButton.lua: [+1 commit] Fix some weirdness with pet cooldowns
06:54.06*** join/#wowace test_ (52eb963c@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
07:02.11Repoadibuttonauras: 03Adirelle 07master * 1.8.2-6-g54bfc5c [+1 commit] README updates.
07:07.46quiescensstupid modem seems to need replacing every year
07:09.00Kalrothmaybe if you didnt water it
07:09.13nebula169or watered it too much
07:09.26Fiskerhey Kalroth
07:09.38Kalrothhey fisker whens moto 360 coming to denmark
07:10.18Kalrothi need a smartwatch so i can run pornhub on it
07:10.20Fiskermoto360 sucks
07:11.47Kalrothew no, thats ugly
07:14.23*** join/#wowace Neffi (
07:18.18Fiskerno u Kalroth
07:19.36nevcairiel- Gulp Frog no longer drops the Wilted Lilypad.
07:19.50nevcairielthat was a nice money bonus when you were farming them for tokens anyway
07:21.49*** join/#wowace Talryn (~Talryn@unaffiliated/talryn)
07:39.17*** join/#wowace SunTsu (miyamoto@unaffiliated/suntsu)
07:41.21Repogrid: 03Phanx * r1702 Frame.lua:
07:41.21Repo- Fix mouseover status not triggering when "show tooltip" was set to "never"
07:44.46*** join/#wowace RLD_osx (~RLD_osx@
07:49.05Repobig-wigs: 03nebula169 * r12133 Highmaul/Brackenspore.lua: Brackenspore: tweak timers
07:51.37*** join/#wowace webturtle0 (~webturtle@
07:55.41Repobig-brother: 03nebula169 06ace3dev * r365  (5 files in 2 directories): Alerts: remove old spells
07:55.41RepoBuffWindow: remove compat
07:58.39*** join/#wowace mitch0 (
08:02.02znfPlayMusic API should now work correctly and be able to play MP3s once more.
08:04.17*** join/#wowace Adirelle[work] (~Adirelle@
08:06.38znfwhy did they change the /who to go straigh to a window?
08:08.08znfwhen I shift click a name in chat, I don't get the /who output printed to my chat window
08:08.14znfI get the results window popping up
08:08.43nevcairielstill works for me
08:08.45nebula169if there are more than x results it shows the window, otherwise it stays in chat
08:09.48znfpretty sure I got the window popping up with a single result yesterday
08:10.11nebula169you crazy
08:10.56silentiumI noticed the same new behaviour
08:10.57nevcairielall i see is a fugly frame
08:11.04nevcairieldelete all addons, etc
08:11.28hasteShirik: this double AP is just stupid btw
08:11.33znfbeats nevcairiel with a stick
08:11.35Fiskerhey haste
08:11.58hasteShirik: walked home yesterday and did 300k, walked to work today and did 250k
08:11.59hastehey Fisker
08:12.36znfwish I could be bothered to play Ingress again :P
08:12.50hastethat kinda sounds wrong znf :D
08:14.54nevcairielanyway znf, i just shift-clicked on someone and i got the in-chat reply
08:15.08znfyour Ui is broken, nevcairiel
08:15.15nebula169i can't reproduce it, either
08:15.18nevcairielactually, yours is broken
08:15.22nevcairielmine works like I want it to :D
08:16.45znfnot sure what could possibly trigger this
08:17.07znfthe only addon I have interacting with the chat window is BCM, but I disabled that and it does the same thing
08:18.27znfmaybe some library?
08:18.36znfalso, why does my who query start with an -x
08:20.00nevcairielsounds like some addon is doing shit to you
08:21.48znfI would totally pay 500k for an all year round instant cast broom mount :(
08:22.44nevcairielits easy
08:22.46nevcairielrespec druid
08:23.03znfor 20€!
08:23.14znfwhen druid learsn2shadow, I'll respec to a druid
08:23.29nevcairielshadow sucks anyway
08:28.08*** join/#wowace Cairenn (~Owner@MMOI/Administratrix/Cairenn)
08:28.08*** mode/#wowace [+o Cairenn] by ChanServ
08:33.22znfso do druids
08:35.00nevcairielplay feral, its in the top 5 dps, or play resto, best healer in the world :p
08:35.30Kalrothfucking druids
08:35.46nebula169thought feral was garbage
08:36.21Kalrothwe had to drag their useless asses around in vanilla, and now they're replacing three classes at once!
08:37.14nevcairielyou have font issues
08:37.14znfI cba to go feral :-/
08:37.15znfI don't melee
08:52.25*** join/#wowace webturtle0 (~webturtle@
09:01.14*** join/#wowace RLD_osx_ (
09:01.38*** join/#wowace stolenlegacy (~stolenleg@unaffiliated/stolenlegacy)
09:02.42*** join/#wowace RLD_osx (~RLD_osx@
09:04.58nebula169pretty dumb there's no backdoor protection
09:05.54nevcairielits an alpha game, they have to learn :p
09:06.52*** join/#wowace RLD_osx_ (
09:13.22*** join/#wowace RLD_osx (~RLD_osx@
09:22.19znfSomeone's complaining on the HoTS forums that he keeps pressing the Tab key when he wants to press Q
09:22.22znfI don't even...
09:24.41Kalrothtell him to use a screwdriver and remove the tab key, problem solved
09:29.32*** join/#wowace Starfox (
09:53.11*** join/#wowace webturtle0 (~webturtle@
10:08.20XuerianStanzilla: Sigh, I'm just going to have to eventually add enable and disable buttons, aren't I, even though setting them to not load works :|
10:15.41sbcan i kill just another day?
10:15.58Xueriansb: Planning on serving time for chronocide?
11:12.04*** join/#wowace chaud_ (
11:26.08*** join/#wowace EthanCentaurai (
11:27.08Repobig-wigs: 03nebula169 * r12134 Highmaul/Brackenspore.lua: Brackenspore: revert Mind Fungus changes
11:37.57*** join/#wowace jnwhiteh (~jnwhiteh@WoWUIDev/WoWI/Featured/Dongle/cladhaire)
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11:41.44FiskerDon't die haste
11:54.00*** join/#wowace Brybry (~Brybry@unaffiliated/brybry)
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11:58.36Repotradeskill-info: 03ethancentaurai * r681 TradeskillInfo.lua: Use GetSpellDescription() instead of a tooltip scanner.
12:00.16*** join/#wowace TreadMark (
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14:13.23EthanCentauraiSo quiet in here today.
14:14.20Kalrothbrowsing boobies, sorry
14:23.57Repobartender4: 03Nevcairiel 044.6.4 * 0c246df /: [new tag] Tag as 4.6.4
14:38.58Stanzillaclose enough
14:41.46*** join/#wowace Ironii (
14:44.03EthanCentauraigrrr I hate worldmap phasing
14:46.46*** join/#wowace Mihau (~Mihau@
14:48.54EthanCentaurainevcairiel: is it possible to make HandyNotes pins not phase-specific? I'd rather not make duplicate entries for _terrain1 etc
14:49.18EthanCentaurainevcairiel: I mean, I'm currently in bombed theramore but my continent pins aren't there
14:50.16nevcairielbut what if someone put a quest note up there, and its only meaningful in a certain phase
14:51.30EthanCentauraiwhat I'm after is pins on the kalimdor map regardless of theramore's state
14:51.51EthanCentauraiwas there a GetMapID() api?
14:52.19nevcairielif you're in the zone and look at that zones map, you'll get the phased zones notes
14:52.32nevcairielbut if you zoom out to the continent, you'll get continent pins i imagine
14:53.12EthanCentauraiwhen theramore is destroyed, the continent pins aren't there
14:53.23EthanCentauraibut when theramore is ok, the continent pins show fine
14:53.43nevcairielthere is no such thing as continent pins, handynotes only deals in zones
14:54.24EthanCentauraiI need to gsub something somewhere in my continent iterator
14:54.39Repogem-helper: 03tiker * r218  (2 files in 1 directory): more updates to gem database
14:54.51Stanzillathat is neat
14:55.07nevcairielif you look at the continent, HandyNotes will ask you to give it pins for the "Kalimdor" "zone", what you return then is your own business =)
14:56.59*** join/#wowace webturtle0 (~webturtle@
14:58.09nevcairielfwiw, in hallowsend thingy i get a continent-level node for the theramore inn, despite my theramore being broken
14:59.35nevcairielfor some reason that doesn't work with the notes plugin, but i cba to care
15:01.07nevcairielno question that handynotes could have much better built-in support for continents and phasing, but what can you do
15:02.02EthanCentauraifor some reason I don't
15:02.57EthanCentauraiit depends which phase is active when you reload the UI
15:03.07Reposimplehalo: 03starinnia * r44 Core.lua: Fix some copy/paste stuff
15:03.14nevcairieljust add a gsub for the mapfile after line 203 or so to remove the terrain
15:03.31nevcairielcopy from 7 lines below
15:03.46nevcairieli never changed the theramore phase
15:04.00nevcairielits always been broken for the last expansion =)
15:04.11asmodai"The passive ability Sanctuary, is now learned at level 10." As opposed to not having it currently
15:04.30Reposimplehalo: 03starinnia 041.0.12 * r45 : Tagging as 1.0.12
15:05.02asmodaiUnless it's one of those hidden things, then, thanks for removing them from all overviews. :\
15:05.20nevcairielmany passives are not shown
15:05.38nevcairielthose that just increase stuff by % are usually not shown, since they are boring
15:05.48Repocombo-points-redux: 03starinnia * r351 Core.lua: Close the Blizzard frames when opening the config window
15:06.16asmodaiThis one was listed explicitly for level 64
15:06.46nevcairielEthanCentaurai: if i get bored one day I may extend the handynotes plugin interface to handle much of this automatically
15:07.21nevcairieluse /dump IsSpellKnown(105805) to figure out if you had it :p
15:07.31nevcairieli think they are just moving it to make leveling easier for port pals
15:08.13asmodaiThe move to level 10 was quite necessary since pally tanks were getting squished left and right in dungeons until level 64, heh
15:25.51EthanCentauraino worries, was on the phone
15:34.05Stanzillait's no mount tuesday!
15:35.44quiescensis that a good thing?
15:40.44Repohandynotes_hallowsend: 03EthanCentaurai 07master * v1.1-3-geda7d2c Core.lua: [+1 commit] Hopefully fixed marker pins missing from the worldmap due to phasing in Theramore, Blasted Lands and Krasarang Wilds.
15:41.03EthanCentauraiit's ok, he doesn't want the mount anyway
15:42.34StanzillaI'm close to supermad
15:43.40quiescenspats stan
15:49.02FiskerWhat do you mean no mount tuesday Stanzilla?
15:49.24znfmeans he's not allowed to use a mount today
15:50.45TorhalCould mean he isn't allowed to SHAVE while using a mount.
15:51.08FiskerThat sucks
15:51.25StanzillaFisker: just finished my horseman rounds with 11 characters and got no mount again
15:51.56nevcairielyou need more characters, clearly
15:51.57RepoNew addon: Broker_BattleRes -
15:52.01FiskerBut that's not no mount tuesday
15:52.09FiskerThat's just no mount
15:53.38TorhalFuck. Amarande is back.
15:54.36nevcairielyeah it was so quiet
15:54.40nevcairielwe should've moved
15:55.04Repohandynotes_hallowsend: 03EthanCentaurai 04v1.1.1 * 2e90baf /: [new tag] Tagging as v1.1.1.
15:57.15*** join/#wowace Elkano (
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15:57.15*** mode/#wowace [+v Elkano] by ChanServ
15:57.16quiescenswhat are you moving?
15:57.50*** join/#wowace webturtle0 (~webturtle@
15:58.00FiskerHey Torhal
16:04.45*** join/#wowace liquidbase (
16:06.48Stanzillanevcairiel: how do you know DSR works for the game you are playing atm?
16:06.54Stanzilladoes it show the 4k resolution in the settings?
16:07.05nevcairielnote that it sucks ass for wow :p
16:07.24nevcairieldestroys UI rendering
16:07.41nevcairielmany games have UI problems
16:11.33nevcairielyou know what masque lacks, a simple thing to change basic properties of buttons, like font and font size of some elements
16:11.33nevcairielinstead of having to mock with a skin
16:17.03Reporarity: 03allara * r314  (2 files in 1 directory): - WoD rare list update
16:17.24Reporarity: 03allara 04r314-release * r315 : Tagging as r314-release
16:19.27StanzillaStart8 1.47 adds Windows 10 support
16:20.30nevcairieldesparetely trying to survive?
16:20.50StanzillaI guess some people still prefer the win7 look
16:22.31winkI still prefer win7
16:22.55winkbut I also use wheezy on my laptop and precise on mah servers
16:23.26nevcairiel8.1 already feels mostly like 7 when you just never look at the metro screen and get a replacement start menu, plus you get all the tech improvements
16:23.47nevcairiel10 adds ots pwm start menu again, so all is well again
16:23.53nevcairielits own*
16:26.01*** join/#wowace Zyn (
16:42.48Fiskerthe hype Stanzilla
16:42.57Stanzillafor what
16:43.18Fiskerfit apk posted
16:44.32*** join/#wowace Yoshimo (~Miranda@unaffiliated/yoshimo)
16:45.05Stanzillathats like negative hype
16:48.04StanzillaI will never be fit :D
16:48.17nevcairielnot with that attitude!
16:48.33Stanzillasorry, dad :(
16:49.04FiskerI wish I were your dad Stanzilla
16:49.17nevcairielso you could spank him?
16:50.04FiskerI can do that already
16:50.07Fisker( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
16:58.29*** join/#wowace webturtle0 (~webturtle@
17:31.45Repoquester: 03Nevcairiel 07master * Quester.lua: [+1 commit] Only use non-greedy matches for the count arguments
17:34.32Repoquester: 03Nevcairiel * a7472a0 /: [new tag] Tag as
17:40.25Repoquester: 03Nevcairiel 07master * Quester.lua: [+1 commit] Add a debug message when unable to parse a message
17:59.55EthanCentauraiAVG flagged the WoWhead client as a virus... o.o
18:00.19nevcairielprobably a heuristic match, not an actual pattern, those go wild all the time
18:00.32Fiskerremember when dcc send startkeylogger?
18:06.44*** join/#wowace [1]Archarodim (
18:07.12*** join/#wowace ZaB|SHC|_ (
18:10.53znfthis looks like porn for Gnarfoz
18:14.38StanzillaXuerian: there was a sublimelinter update today
18:59.57*** join/#wowace webturtle0 (~webturtle@
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19:18.42Repoweakauras-2: 03Stanzilla * 149979d /: [new tag]
19:57.08znflook Stanzilla
19:57.11znf even this turkey has it
20:13.24*** join/#wowace Yoshimo (~Miranda@unaffiliated/yoshimo)
20:26.14Repobig-wigs: 03funkydude * r12135 Loader.lua: bump DBM faker
21:01.15*** join/#wowace webturtle0 (~webturtle@
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21:43.32StanzillaFisker: do you remember that blog post from the guy that works on games where he compared nvidia amd and intel drivers?
21:43.47nevcairielwasnt that on linux
21:43.55StanzillaI think so
21:44.02Stanzillafound it
21:44.17nevcairielopengl in any case
21:45.40Stanzillaas my point is mostly about mentality and practices it doesnt matter
21:47.32nevcairielsounds like he also focuses on brand new GL features
22:01.56*** join/#wowace Lynxium (~Lonny@
22:04.00Fiskerso the obviousness was obvious Stanzilla
22:04.19FiskerYou can just add another google account to inbox and you get access to inbox on that as well apparently
22:04.21Gnarfozznf: :D but those kind of key legends suck, you can feel the lettering :C
22:04.31StanzillaFisker: good job
22:04.36FiskerWasn't my job
22:04.40FiskerJust read it on the internets
22:04.52nevcairieli dont like inbox
22:04.59FiskerI don't like you nevcairiel
22:05.04FiskerYou used to be cool
22:05.14nevcairieli'm too oldschool for all this new-fangled social mail shit
22:07.34nevcairieli would probably need to spend weeks to somehow teach it to group stuff the way it makes sense for me, since I get a lot of special mails from mailing lists and whatnot, its just much more convenient to use a classic mail interface :p
22:08.18nevcairielright now its a unusable mess with so many very old mails being shown on top for crazy reasons
22:08.47Fiskerdoesn't know what crazy stuff nevcairiel is trying to do
22:11.36Fiskeroh yay
22:11.51FiskerMinecraft is soon the only reason to have java
22:13.12nevcairielwhat was another reason until now?
22:13.26Stanzillajdownloader is the only reason!
22:16.09FiskerLogin for government services used java
22:16.26FiskerThey're slowly phasing over to javascript now
22:17.08FiskerLike it should've been from the start
22:17.18FiskerConsidering the project is from this millenium
22:22.03Repoark-inventory: 03arkayenro * r465  (13 files in 4 directories): testing
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22:36.41FiskerNEIN NEIN NEIN
22:37.26FiskerBut yeah if they did that, we could actually remove it
22:37.28Fiskerwhich would be nice
22:37.53Gnarfozanyone have a Mionix mouse? Avior or Naos?
22:38.25StanzillaFisker: yeah arcticle says that even
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22:43.31EthanCentauraiI need a job. Anyone hiring?
22:46.36Stanzilla mighty badaboom
22:48.53XuerianThanks blizzard. I know google is a massive pain in my behind because it thinks it can be all high and mighty with services and updaters and installers and stuff, but this wouldn't cause bupkis issues if you weren't the /same freaking way/. Just install into the folder. Nothing outside of it, please. /feverrant
22:50.16Stanzillawhat are you talking about
22:51.42XuerianThere's a magical confluence of events when I try to install google talk plugin (32) on chrome (64) that completely fubars ProgramData. Like, safe mode wipe permissions takeown levels of fubar. I accidentally did it again, so I know it happens to me now, regardless of what actually causes it
22:53.24StanzillaI never installed that plugin
22:53.56GnarfozI thought it was superfluous these days anyway
22:54.34XuerianNot if you don't want the blindingly horrible hangouts app in order to make or recieve phone calls on your gv number
22:54.50Gnarfozalso, someone made a funny on Wikipedia and edited the list of Antares payloads to say "Fireworks" for the one that exploded ;p
22:55.12GnarfozI don't understand that sentence at all
22:55.24Stanzillafree game
22:55.47Gnarfozto call through hangouts, you used to have to have the google talk plugin, now you don't (unless I misunderstood Stanzilla recently)
22:56.15Gnarfozso I finally don't need to use a plugin for something that hasn't existed in years (Google Talk) to use a feature of something that does (Hangouts)
22:56.23Gnarfozare you doing something else?
22:56.50Stanzillathat's for video though
22:58.32Gnarfozyeah, I cann call my mobile from Hangouts just fine
22:58.59Gnarfoz(and I dismissed the missed call thing with Pushbullet without ever touching my phone <3 :D)
22:59.13Stanzillalove it
22:59.19Stanzillacopy pasting 2factor auth codes :D
22:59.36Gnarfozyeah I don't use the universal clipboard, I find that a bit scary
22:59.45Gnarfozif it was usable one-way somehow
22:59.54Gnarfozi.e. only copy from phone
23:00.00StanzillaI dont use that either
23:00.06StanzillaI just click on the notification on the pc
23:00.07Stanzillaand copy
23:00.14Gnarfozwhat notification?
23:00.18Stanzillafrom the push
23:00.32Stanzillabtw some rocket explodes and fisker plays "planetary annihilation" on steam
23:00.36Gnarfozyeah, the real question shoudl have been: do you copy, switch to PB, paste, send?
23:00.51StanzillaGnarfoz: I meant when I need the code on the pc
23:00.55Stanzillashould have said that
23:01.00Gnarfoznow I'm extra confused
23:01.17Gnarfozthat's what I was thinking of, too, why else would you even use PB for it
23:01.24StanzillaI log in to some site on the pc, it requires the 2fac code, I get the code as an sms on my phone, pushbullet pushes the sms to my pc
23:01.28StanzillaI click the popup on the pc
23:01.30Stanzillaand copy
23:01.55GnarfozI was thinking of TOTP codes
23:02.14Gnarfoz(the ones that you can put in Google Authenticator, FreeOTP and such)
23:02.18Gnarfozwhat was antiarc's again
23:02.28GnarfozI always forget its name
23:02.36Stanzilladunno, uninstalled because outdated!
23:02.37Gnarfozdoesn't matter, FreeOTP rules so far :D
23:03.18StanzillaI heard wow us realms should be up now
23:03.20GnarfozI should switch my bnet auth to it some day and make proper hard copies of the restore codes for everything
23:03.29Gnarfozsome day...
23:03.30Stanzilladefinately looking forward to that patch here
23:03.47Gnarfozthat's more like it
23:03.54Gnarfozwhat patch? I'm out of the loop again
23:04.03StanzillaI just gooled the word
23:04.08Stanzillathat's how retarded I  am right now
23:04.10Gnarfozvery 2014 of you
23:04.41GnarfozI wonder how snapraid handles files I'm currently writing to
23:09.01*** join/#wowace RLD_osx_ (
23:10.43Reporarity: 03allara * r316  (4 files in 2 directories): - Remove compatibility with the 5.x client
23:10.43Repo- The Rarity item tooltip is now integrated into the status tooltip. This reduces screen clutter and eliminates extra stuff such as the Comparison tooltip and the Auctioneer tooltip, and puts everything in one easy-to-read place.
23:10.43Repo- The following items now show up in the tooltip when the raid boss that drops them is moused over: Invincible's Reins, Experiment 12-B, Flametalon of Alysrazor, Reins of the Drake of the South Wind, Smoldering Egg of Millagazor, Clutch of Ji-Kun, Kor'kron Juggernaut, Son of Galleon's Saddle, Spawn of Horridon, Reins of the Astral Cloud Serpent, Reins of the Cobalt Primordial Direhorn, Reins of the Heavenly Onyx Cloud Serpent, Reins of the Thundering Cobalt Cloud
23:10.59Reporarity: 03allara 04r316-release * r317 : Tagging as r316-release
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23:16.23Gnarfozstill no Taylor Swift for me, Stanzilla
23:16.25GnarfozI am disappoint
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23:19.05Stanzillaalbum is really good
23:19.11Gnarfozfucking Universal, it's on Google Play, but not on All Access
23:19.24Stanzillaat the end there are some skits and examples on how she records and invents new songs
23:21.45Gnarfozyeah >_>
23:22.08GnarfozI wonder whose work that is
23:22.20Stanzillais it on itunes?
23:23.18Gnarfozno idea, I don't have that
23:23.30Gnarfozdo they have a streaming thing?
23:24.11Stanzillamy chair broke today :(
23:25.12harlget another
23:25.29harlor fix the broken one
23:25.33Stanzillathat shit's expensive
23:26.13Stanzillaand I'm not sure I want a racer chair
23:26.22Stanzillatheir arm rests look so short
23:26.56GnarfoziTunes Radios appears quite limited in comparison
23:27.02harlarm rests >.>
23:27.07Gnarfoz(and it's ad-supported if you don't have iTunes Match, whatever that is)
23:27.23Stanzillawas that the wrong word?
23:27.53harlwhat, arm rests, no
23:28.11harli just don't see the lot of beneifts with arm rests
23:28.15GnarfozI thought I hated them, too, before I bought a chair that has them
23:28.30Gnarfoznow I don't know wtf is going on when I don't have them
23:28.55Gnarfoz(best example, I'm currently sitting in my old room at my parents' place on the chair I was using before I moved out)
23:29.17Gnarfozare EU servers still up?
23:29.28Gnarfozoh 03:00
23:29.55Stanzillaarm rests are mandaroy
23:30.05Stanzillanice word I made up there
23:30.08harli'm sitting on a chair with arm rests right now..
23:31.24StanzillaGnarfoz: did you buy a new chair recently?
23:31.47Gnarfoznope, didn't have to after store actually gave me a new gas spring thing
23:32.26Gnarfozalthough the upholstery is kind of falling apart now on the seat area (planned obsolescence much? exactly 2 years after buying it)
23:37.02Gnarfozambidextrous mouse or right-hander mouse :\
23:41.02Repobig-wigs: 03funkydude * r12136 Core/Core.lua: Core: change the way we store cinematics.
23:46.12harlwell, are you ambidextrous?
23:47.13harland does it matter
23:52.54Gnarfozsure, the ambidextrous one has more buttons
23:53.12Gnarfozbut I don't know if I can even operate them usefully on that side
23:53.19Gnarfozand no, I'm not
23:56.52Repobig-wigs: 03funkydude * r12137 SiegeOfOrgrimmar/Norushen.lua: Norushen: tweak

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