IRC log for #wowace on 20141013

00:23.31*** join/#wowace ZaB|SHC|_ (
00:28.56znfThe uploader has not made this video available in your country.
00:29.00znfwell, FUCK YOU, AMC
00:37.26*** join/#wowace webturtle0 (~webturtle@
00:55.56*** join/#wowace Brybry (~Brybry@unaffiliated/brybry)
00:58.55*** join/#wowace Bribri (~Brybry@unaffiliated/brybry)
01:20.01Stanzillamy new mount
01:20.17Stanzillaalso got this
01:26.10Gnarfozhah, I used the rainbow unicorn at BlizzCon :D
01:45.38Repoweakauras-2: 03Stanzilla 07master * 8070e8b  (8 files in 5 directories): [+6 commits] (2 truncated)
01:45.38Repo8070e8b: Remove spark textures that look bad
01:45.38Repo6a87d00: Spark more options: Rotation and Mirror
01:45.38Repoa4d46ed: Font Flags: Add Monochrome Outline and Monochrome Thick Outline
01:45.38Repo58c6716: Font Flags: Remove monochrome option
02:14.17Repoarl-inscription: 03resa1983 07WoD *  (2 files in 1 directory): [+2 commits]
02:14.18Repof3e8324: Update to pre-WoD glyphs
02:14.18Repof6c13a3: Reorder Discoveries & add Warbinder
02:31.52Reporepairbroker: 03parnic * r75 RepairBroker.lua:
02:31.52Repo- Fixed durability percent not always being correct on first loading into the world.
02:31.52Repo- Fixed an issue where the tooltip could get stuck on the screen after left-clicking the mod's display text.
02:37.35Stanzillait's teh Parnic
02:38.44*** join/#wowace webturtle0 (~webturtle@
02:41.21quiescensrun awai~
02:43.35Repoice-hud: 03Parnic 07master * 160bf71  (7 files in 2 directories): [+9 commits] (5 truncated)
02:43.35Repo160bf71: - Made the GCD bar respect bar alpha settings. (ticket #126)
02:43.35Repo5cdf3b7: - Added support for tracking inventory item cooldowns on a custom cooldown bar. (ticket #123)
02:43.35Repo5905619: - Fixed CC bars sometimes not updating and displaying when they should. (ticket #142)
02:43.35Repo9cebf8f: - Adjusted min/max icon offset positions for icons on the PlayerHealth bar. (ticket #136)
02:43.50quiescensyou broke webturtle!
02:43.58Parnicpoor little guy never knew what hit him
02:51.58Repoice-hud: 03Parnic 07master * d4b5367 modules/CustomCDBar.lua: [+1 commit] - Fixed an error when an item slot was specified that the user had no item equipped in.
03:15.26Reposetcollector: 03lomiedo * r20  (3 files in 1 directory):
03:15.26RepoSets version compatibility to 60000. Fixes a minor issue with new slash commands.
03:19.08Reposetcollector: 03lomiedo 04v1.2.0_beta * r21 : Push to Beta
03:29.01MysticalOSnew skype ads!
03:29.34znfGoogle Now also lets you know about TV-Shows now
03:29.46znf(ie: episode airing tonight)
03:31.51Torhalznf: ?
03:38.04TorhalYou want to be spayed?
03:38.10znfStanzilla: did you get your $1000? :)
03:39.40Repobig-brother: 03oscarucb * r385  (3 files in 1 directory): first round of 6.0 fixes
04:11.16znfAndroid needs to implement a way for a video/audio player to be defined as some sort of "core"  player (ie: the inner workings)
04:11.24znfI miss AirPlay :(
04:13.23Reposhadowed-unit-frames: 03Shadowed 07master * v4.0.1-25-gef4af3a / (2 files in 2 directories): [+1 commit] Fixed labeling for enlarging stealable/dispellable auras to be less confusing
04:16.11*** join/#wowace Newton918 (
04:31.54Reposhadowed-unit-frames: 03Shadowed 07master * v4.0.1-26-g1221d69 ShadowedUnitFrames.lua: [+1 commit] Remove the LFD Cooldown strata change as it causes issues (apparently nevs fault!)
04:40.20*** join/#wowace webturtle0 (~webturtle@
04:46.37*** join/#wowace RLD_osx_ (~RLD_osx@
04:47.54Reposhadowed-unit-frames: 03Shadowed 07master * v4.0.1-27-g9e0fe16 ShadowedUnitFrames.toc: [+1 commit] TOC Bump to 60000
04:48.16Reposhadowed-unit-frames: 03Shadowed 04v4.0.2 * 113cb61 /: [new tag] Tagging as release v4.0.2
04:54.45*** join/#wowace ShadniX (
04:56.54Reposhadowed-unit-frames: 03Shadowed 07master * v4.0.2-1-g94293ad modules/cast.lua: [+1 commit] Fixed casts not being shown as interruptible
05:16.25MysticalOSyay strata fix
05:17.03MysticalOSno more turning off party frames to access container
05:18.08znfrussians in HoTS
05:18.11znffuckin' up our game
05:28.38znfrussians slaps Fisker
05:33.51znfnice, we won
05:45.21*** join/#wowace Trela (
06:02.18Fiskerare you ready to fgsfds znf ?
06:03.55znfI'm ready to asdasdasd
06:11.07Fiskerwhat does that mean znf ?
06:13.28znfif you don't know, then I can't tell you, not allowed
06:18.06Kalrothy so shy
06:23.55Repolibdogtag-3-0: 03parnic * r264 LibDogTag-3.0.toc:
06:23.58Repo- WoW 6.0 TOC update. Committing early to allow consumer mods to package the new lib.
06:24.06Repolibdogtag-unit-3-0: 03parnic * r267 LibDogTag-Unit-3.0.toc:
06:24.08Repo- WoW 6.0 TOC update. Committing early to allow consumer mods to package the new lib.
06:42.39Reporepairbroker: 03parnic * r76 RepairBroker.toc: - Updated TOC to patch 6.0
07:42.29*** join/#wowace webturtle0 (~webturtle@
07:43.25*** join/#wowace Adirelle[work] (~perreal@
08:10.14*** join/#wowace stolenlegacy (~stolenleg@unaffiliated/stolenlegacy)
08:11.56nevcairielman so tired!
08:12.26nevcairieland everyone is bumping already huh
08:17.58*** join/#wowace EthanCentaurai (
08:26.05Semlarbumps nevairiel
08:26.13Semlari mean nevcairiel
08:26.23nevcairieltab complete is hard
08:26.30Semlartab is all the way over there
08:26.59sbnevcairiel: MEH
08:27.19sb"Es kam gerade ein Paket von Mindfactory für dich"
08:27.22sbfrom coworker :D
08:27.31nevcairiel"Wir haben es zurück gehen lassen"
08:27.45sbso its ~5min from here
08:27.53nevcairielwell go now then!
08:28.11sbon my day off? :D
08:28.16sbyeah, thinking about it already :p
08:28.33nevcairielmight look a bit funny to go into work just to pick up the package, but why not!
08:29.34nevcairieli hope mine gets here today
08:30.54K-9special keyboard delivery?
08:31.04Semlarpicks up nevcairiel's package
08:31.55nevcairielare you particularly bored what i assume is this sunday late night for you?
08:33.12Semlari got some sleep so technically it's morning
08:34.11Semlarmy sleep schedule is broke
08:35.24*** join/#wowace Megalon (
08:36.12K-9it's not broke if it works for you
08:36.24K-9just individual
08:37.06Semlarit's interfering with things so i needs to fix it
08:37.40K-9i see..
08:38.49Semlari'm getting like 3 hours of sleep and waking up and then falling asleep in the middle of the day
08:43.28*** join/#wowace webturtle0 (~webturtle@
08:50.28znfSo you're the opposite of me
08:50.33znfOpposite timezone
08:50.49Semlarare you anti-semlar
08:51.02znfIt's almost 12 in the after-noon and I'm sleepy as fucj
08:51.09znfI should be sleeping at this hour
08:51.18Semlarthe struggle is real
08:52.18znfMeh, I'll get home soon
08:52.25znfAnd I'm going to play some hots
08:52.32znfThen sleep!
08:59.34quiescensgo to sleep
09:08.08Semlaryou go to sleep
09:10.12*** join/#wowace Higdur (
09:10.25Repobigwigs_wrathofthelichking: 03funkydude * r39 Northrend/Toravon.lua: Toravon: Fix line 77 error.
09:12.24*** join/#wowace liquidbase (
09:23.44znfHaving lunch
09:38.12Fiskeroh cool Stanzilla
09:38.17FiskerGoogle Now kind of works in danish now
09:41.39Repobig-wigs: 03funkydude * r12039 Plugins/Bars.lua: Bars: Remove workaround for break timers.
09:44.13*** join/#wowace webturtle0 (~webturtle@
09:46.40Repodecursive: 03Archarodim 07master *  (29 files in 3 directories): [+3 commits]
09:46.40Repo0b262c2: Final preparations for release
09:46.40Repoba9ff9d: TOC to 60000
09:46.40Repoef22f19: Update copyright years
09:53.07znfI like pre-expansion times
09:53.14znfEveryone is so busy committing
09:53.29znfThe packager is having  a busy day/week
09:54.15znfEspecially people who were presumed dead!
09:57.06Repobossswingtimer: 03humfras * r24 libs/: unnecessary
09:59.13*** join/#wowace Starfox (
10:00.07Repobossswingtimer: 03humfras * r25  (3 files in 1 directory): Update for 6.0
10:00.43Repobossswingtimer: 03humfras * r26 BossSwingTimer.toc: Update for 6.0
10:01.10Semlarrevises humfras
10:02.37Repobossswingtimer: 03humfras 041.5 * r27 : Update for 6.0
10:03.23EthanCentauraiwondering if I should also tag prematurely or wait until actual patch day :|a
10:04.06EthanCentaurainot helping! \o/
10:04.12nevcairieli'll do  it tomorrow evening, while US is still in maintenance and EU started raiding and is unlikely to mass update accidentally
10:04.18znfTag the libs
10:04.27znfThen tag tomorrow
10:04.47nevcairiellibs could be incompatible, need to be careful :p
10:06.15Repobossswingtimer: 03humfras * r28 : Update for 6.0
10:12.31Funkeh`no one is tagging from what I've seen
10:19.01EthanCentauraiis it possible to commit specific lines in svn like you can in git?
10:19.10nevcairielnot very easily
10:19.22nevcairielso in practice, no
10:19.39EthanCentauraithanks :)
10:19.59Repobig-wigs: 03funkydude * r12040 Plugins/Statistics.lua: Statistics: Plumbing for recording new difficulties.
10:23.10Gnarfozhay guise
10:23.16Gnarfozoh god, it's doing it again
10:23.16Gnarfozoh god, it's doing it again
10:23.27Semlarone gnarfoz is quite enough
10:23.46Gnarfozweird bug
10:23.57nevcairielat least its not 3 times anymore
10:25.30Gnarfozlogging out / reopening the page seems to fix it
10:25.40Gnarfozso it's probably some race condition or something that doesn't happen every time
10:26.34nevcairielseems like a odd race condition
10:34.39silentiumyeah, an even race condition would only occur after the reload ;)
10:35.15nevcairielsb: keyboard arrived
10:35.37sbGnarfoz: gotowork!
10:36.54Repohealers-have-to-die: 03Archarodim 07master * 2.3.1_beta_2-4-gb791fae  (9 files in 2 directories): [+4 commits]
10:36.54Repob791fae: - Updated and re-arranged to make it more useful - Final preparations for 2.3.1 release
10:36.54Repo41acfa6: TOC to 60000
10:36.54Repoc6f49a0: Update copyright years
10:36.54Repo55e9ebc: Remove detection for 'Healing Wave' (spellID 331)
10:41.59EthanCentauraiI've got 20-something addons to update and tag, and only two days to do it in.
10:42.07EthanCentauraiplays Borderlands 2 instead.
10:42.24nevcairielif you still need to do fixes that might be a problem, if all you do need to do is tag, then thats like an hour of work
10:42.38EthanCentauraiaye, I only need to tag
10:42.50EthanCentauraiChinchilla was the only one that needed actual fixes
10:44.58*** join/#wowace webturtle0 (~webturtle@
10:46.31nevcairielnice typing feeling on this keyboard
10:46.34nevcairieli like
10:46.46EthanCentauraiwhatcha got?
10:47.56nevcairielcorsair k70 rgb
10:55.24*** join/#wowace ShadniX (
11:06.14Repolibnameplateregistry-1-0: 03Archarodim 07master * 0.8-3-gf8a239c  (3 files in 3 directories): [+1 commit] - TOC to 60000 - Update copyright - Small API documentation update
11:19.32quiescenswhy does *foz sporadically start saying everything twice
11:19.45Semlarmultiple personalities
11:19.53Megalonhis stutter has also manifested in written language
11:24.07Reposheepdog: 03Archarodim 07master * 1.0.11-4-ga5b5695  (2 files in 1 directory): [+2 commits]
11:24.09Repoa5b5695: TOC to 60000
11:24.09Repo1145820: Remove deleted spells: Bind Elemental and Hibernate
11:25.25nevcairieli should  totally screenshot my action bars before the patch so i dont get confused which spells are suddenly missing everywhere
11:28.03quiescenswhy would they be missing?
11:29.08Repobossswingtimer: 03humfras * r29 .pkgmeta: Update for 6.0
11:29.09Semlarbecause they're being removed
11:29.41*** join/#wowace Droolio (
11:31.59Repobossswingtimer: 03humfras 041.5b * r30 : Update for 6.0
11:34.41*** join/#wowace Adirelle[work] (~perreal@
11:36.18Repobossswingtimer: 03humfras 041.5.1 * r31 : Update for 6.0
11:45.46*** join/#wowace webturtle0 (~webturtle@
11:47.44*** join/#wowace [1]Archarodim (
11:48.27Archarodimhas .docmeta stopped working? It totally missed the luadoc change in libnameplateregistry...
11:50.45nevcairielhasnt worked for a while now
11:52.06Fiskerhey nevcairiel
11:52.15nevcairielhey Fisker
11:52.55FiskerI can google now
11:55.51nevcairielFisker: are you sure? googling is hard
11:57.34Gnarfozsb: I is at work (and was the whole weekend :C)
11:58.16Gnarfoznev: which switches on your k70?
11:58.24quiescenswoek woek
11:58.33Gnarfozquiescens: bug in quassel-webserver, apparently
11:58.42quiescensyou borked it
11:58.59GnarfozI can attest that I did not
11:59.16quiescensyou're probably biased
11:59.18FiskerI get it nevcairiel
11:59.28nevcairielGnarfoz: brown
12:08.15Repobig-brother: 03nebula169 06ace3dev * r360  (2 files in 1 directory): tweaks
12:09.06znfdon't be racist
12:13.31quiescensgo to sleep znf
12:18.06znfI'm pissed
12:18.14znfHoTS has some this weird freezes suddenly
12:19.39*** join/#wowace Megalon (
12:24.35*** join/#wowace chiel (
12:41.32Repobig-wigs: 03funkydude * r12041 / (3 files in 3 directories):
12:41.33RepoOptions: Show new and old statistics side-by-side for appropriate dungeons (SoO). Others will show only their respective new or old statistics pane.
12:43.50znfno idea why this shit is freezing on me
12:43.54znf70+ fps at all times
12:43.56znfcpu is not pegged
12:44.01znfyet... constant freeze in game
12:44.17EthanCentauraiclearly the shit needs a blanket
12:55.59Repoinventorian (experimental): 03Nevcairiel 07master * 162fb4f  (6 files in 1 directory): [+1 commit] Basics for showing item buttons inside the frames
12:57.03nevcairielonly now i realized that Blizzard added some new fancy animations to highlight new items in your inventory, of course combuctor didnt show them so I missed out!
13:01.19*** join/#wowace EthanCentaurai_ (
13:07.38*** join/#wowace bluipodcow (
13:11.09*** join/#wowace Ressy (Ressy@
13:11.09*** join/#wowace Ressy (Ressy@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/ARL/Ressy)
13:34.03Repobig-wigs: 03funkydude * r12042 Plugins/Proximity.lua:
13:34.04RepoProximity: Disables mouse interaction when locked which allows click-through, closes #338
13:34.04RepoCertain proximity modes no longer "break" the volume and close buttons, proximity can always be closed now.
13:41.46nevcairielhi Stanzilla
13:42.25Fiskerhey Stanzilla
13:42.28FiskerI can google now in danish
13:42.46Gnarfoznev: nice... is it clacky? or clunky? :D
13:42.47Gnarfozthe typing
13:46.25nevcairieli can only barely hear the switch itself though
13:47.14*** join/#wowace webturtle0 (~webturtle@
13:50.53Gnarfozthe bottoming out sound
13:50.59Gnarfozif you do that (which I assume)
13:51.31Gnarfozdepends on keyboard sturdiness, keycap (material and thickness/quality) and such
13:51.57GnarfozI think I might actually like the browns at work to the blues at home :D should figure that out soon and try and sell off the blue one
13:52.05GnarfozI'll have to give it a try with o-rings first, though
13:52.31GnarfozI think Filcos are easy to sell to Americans, they don't have a US distributor, so they're a bit annoying to procure there
13:54.50nevcairielsounds more like a clunk to me than a clean clack, but what do i know how you define those sounds
13:54.55nevcairielits not very loud in any case
13:56.25nevcairielthe construction seems very solid
13:57.12nevcairieli like how its basically one big metal plate where the switches are bolted on, without some plastic cover, so you can see the switch mounts when oyu look from the side :d
14:02.33znfthe fuck is this
14:05.21*** join/#wowace Repo (~repo@
14:12.29FiskerI miss Stanzilla
14:14.05znfscrew Stanzilla
14:15.56FiskerI'm going to end you
14:20.47znfnothing went well today in hots :D
14:20.49znfall games were lost
14:21.12StanzillaI miss Stanzilla, too
14:23.56Fiskerhey Stanzilla
14:23.56znfwhy does my game lag like this?
14:24.01znfeven though I have 60+ fps
14:24.25mitch0your antivirus hogs your machine
14:25.33znfI don't have an antivirus
14:26.16Stanzillalooks unplayable
14:26.31Stanzillayou need nvidia's new drivers btw
14:26.41znfI have AMD... >_<
14:27.02nevcairielStanzilla is still right
14:27.23Stanzilla= )
14:27.42Repobig-brother: 03nebula169 06ace3dev * r361  (2 files in 1 directory): WoD compat for checks and buff window
14:27.47nevcairielits not our fault that you would also need to switch out your hardware to achieve that goal
14:28.15FiskerWhat do we need nvidia drivers for?
14:28.16znfwanna buy half a kidney?
14:30.08*** join/#wowace fluoboa (~cookie198@
14:45.40*** join/#wowace Mihau (~Mihau@
14:45.48*** part/#wowace fluoboa (~cookie198@
14:48.06*** join/#wowace webturtle0 (~webturtle@
14:58.18Gnarfozblah scrolled up
14:58.40Gnarfoznevcairiel: yeah, I feared that the switches being out in the open like that might make it louder
14:59.26Gnarfozbut yeah, "plate mounted" is definitely the way to go, but I guess even with that, there's differences from vendor to vendor
14:59.33Gnarfozshit I wanted to leave an hour ago
14:59.35Gnarfozso many emails.
14:59.58Gnarfozhome tiems. someone tell me how to do endless 30 dps with my retardin
15:00.34Gnarfoz(and possibly dps as tank, for 'you're doing it wrong'... no hope for gold there, though, I guess... for the WoD achievement "you're doing it really wrong"... sneaky blizzard bastards)
15:00.40nebula169oh, i should probably try those
15:00.52Repogathermate2: 03Nevcairiel 07WoD * 1.27-12-g62e90c8 GatherMate2.lua: [+1 commit] Avoid a division by zero when the zone size is unknown
15:00.59znfoh shit
15:01.04znfI should have done you're doing it wrong, too
15:01.22nevcairielGnarfoz: you can do the "really wrong" at 100, too
15:01.35nevcairielits the only achievement in proving grounds that works for both 90 and 100
15:02.16nevcairieli wonder if i can do that you're doing it wrong somehow, maybe boomkin doing the healy achieve? other way around i just dont do much dps at all as resto
15:02.18*** join/#wowace bluipodcow (
15:06.56StanzillaI still havent done most of the PG achievements
15:07.08Stanzillamakes me too mad
15:07.14nevcairieland at this point, you probably won't
15:07.56StanzillaI could but I'm not going to
15:08.11StanzillaI didn't even do the easy stuff like gold everything
15:08.35nevcairieli did gold healy some month ago, didnt have the patience to try endless often enough to succeed, not going to do it now either
15:10.36nevcairielthey may be trolling you
15:10.44Stanzillasure are
15:11.23Parnicif there's no smaller nexus announced soon i may end up with a z3 compact
15:11.28Parnicstupid 5.2"+ phones...
15:11.59nevcairielthere wasnt even a big nexus announced
15:12.11Fiskeris blands 1.5 out in australia?
15:12.14winkfuck, coworkers are pairprogramming and we're dying of laughter
15:12.17Parnici know nevcairiel, i'm hoping they announce both
15:12.29ParnicFisker i don't know, is it?
15:12.35FiskerI'm not sure
15:12.40nevcairieli dont like 5.2" either though, but i'll just stick to my N5
15:12.41Fiskerthe store page seems to indicate that it is
15:13.17nevcairieli want a new tablet though, so hopefully the N9 is in the announcement too
15:13.29FiskerThough it says "release date oct 15th"
15:13.31FiskerBut it says play now as well
15:14.09Parnici guess we completely botched the 4 pack. good times.
15:14.39quiescensgives znf a cookie
15:14.41quiescensthere there o.o
15:14.45FiskerYeah why sell a 4-pack of a coop game Parnic
15:14.51Parnicwow quiescens isn't a bot?
15:14.55Fiskerof a 4-player coop game especially
15:15.12Parnicfisker: because we hate you.
15:15.18Parnicyou specifically.
15:15.30FiskerI want a refund
15:16.16FiskerIt's been the same thing the last two times
15:16.18Parnici woke up to a pleasant email from someone demanding to know when my mod was going to be updated for 6.0. the entitlement made me angry
15:16.33StanzillaYOU HAVE TO
15:16.39FiskerBorderlands 2 we misesd out on the "already own borderlands" discount
15:16.42Fiskerbecause you messed that up
15:16.54Fiskerand there was a prepurchase discount on the first one that wasn't applied either
15:16.57FiskerWell not you specifically
15:17.01Parnicfisker but then we wouldn't get as much monay
15:17.12FiskerCould also just get it on GMG for like half the price
15:17.14Parnicand really what's more important than that?
15:17.51FiskerOh well guess I'm waiting until tomorrow when it unlocks in the US at least
15:18.20Parnicwell at least there's no separate russian or german appid this time to screw people over
15:18.42Stanzillaoh god
15:18.46Parnic1 borderlands, under god, indivisible...
15:18.50Stanzillado you remember the fun we had because of that, Parnic
15:18.57Parnicyes Stanzilla. yes i do.
15:19.24Stanzillathat was amazing
15:19.32Stanzillawhen my DLCs were incompatible with each other
15:19.50quiescenswhat did you do?
15:20.05Parnici was trying to be nice and gave him a key to a different version of the dlc
15:20.22quiescensand then you broke him?
15:20.33FiskerParnic is super nice
15:20.39Stanzillait only broke when I bought the rest of them
15:20.43quiescenssekretly ebil
15:20.52Repolibdogtag-unit-3-0: 03parnic 04v60000.1 * r268 : Tagging as v60000.1
15:20.56Fiskeralso in case Parnic ever needs someone good with IT to work for his employer he should remember how nice I was in return
15:20.58Repolibdogtag-3-0: 03parnic 04v60000.1 * r265 : Tagging as v60000.1
15:21.10Parnicyou need an IT job? we're probably hiring.
15:21.27Fiskeryou're also in the US though
15:21.38Parnicwe have a few foreigners here!
15:21.40Stanzillayeah probably not from a backwater village in .dk
15:21.54FiskerYou should move the company to dk
15:21.57Parnicwe've got an icelandic programmer and a dutch programmer that are work visa'd
15:22.32Parnichey mitch0 you gonna be tagging librangecheck today?
15:22.58znfnah, don't tag it
15:23.08Fiskeralso in general my copy works kind of weird Parnic
15:23.11FiskerNot sure if it's related
15:23.25Parnicwhat'd you do fisker
15:23.25FiskerLike instead of saying it's unreleased it just gives me an error saying it couldn't start the game cause encrypted
15:23.31FiskerLike it think it's out but isn't
15:23.42Parnicwell you should probably decrypt it then
15:24.09FiskerI should
15:24.10Stanzillathat's normal, Fisker
15:24.12Stanzillamine does the same
15:24.18FiskerYou can always give me the decryption keys Parnic
15:24.21Fiskernot normal Stanzilla
15:24.34Parnicyeah i could. that's a thing i could do.
15:24.39Parnici have it right here, as a matter of fact.
15:25.01FiskerIt's RandyLikesB00bs
15:25.45StanzillaFisker: just accept it
15:25.47FiskerAre you going to Blizzcon Parnic ?
15:25.50FiskerAccept what Stanzilla ?
15:25.51Parnicno fisker
15:25.55StanzillaFisker: the fact
15:25.56Fiskercool Parnic
15:26.02FiskerWhat fact Stanzilla ?
15:26.10StanzillaFisker: that you keep on plenking
15:26.19FiskerYep Stanzilla and I like it
15:26.26FiskerHow can you stop me Stanzilla ?
15:26.40Stanzillapee on your nexus shipment
15:26.44Stanzillathe next one
15:26.58FiskerThere won't be one :(
15:27.52Stanzillayou wish
15:28.15FiskerNot really
15:28.40Stanzillastill, encrypted msg is fine
15:28.41FiskerYou know it in your heart to be true
15:28.45Stanzilladon't make me pa(r)nic
15:28.56bluipodcowChatty buggers you are all today
15:29.04FiskerStop lying bluipodcow
15:29.21Parnicwhat happened to spacecow
15:31.49quiescensgives blu a cookie
15:32.08Stanzillatime for taylor swift
15:33.35bluipodcow*noms cookie*
15:34.51bluipodcowSo what's unrepairably  broken in tomorrow's patch ?
15:35.12bluipodcowIn terms of addons that is
15:37.10Parnicanybody relying on the latter arguments of GetSpellInfo to not change :P
15:37.17Parniclatter return values* that is
15:37.27Stanzillahe said unrepairably though
15:37.37Parnicoh fine
15:38.53Stanzillawhat do we want to call tomorrow, a) the tocbumpening or b) #tocgate?
15:39.21nevcairielso boring names
15:39.29Stanzillagotta follow the trend
15:40.18Parnici wonder why wowpedia doesn't list the GetSpellInfo change. that one got me good last night while i was making changes
15:40.33nevcairielits a wiki
15:40.40Parnicyeah yeah :P
15:40.45quiescens/blame parnic
15:40.51Parnicoh fine.
15:41.12Parniclet's see if i have an account already or not...
15:41.52Parnici do, but apparently i have to merge with a curse account but the link doesn't work. that's good.
15:42.08Stanzillatoday's dinner will be indian food, so looking forward to that nom nom
15:43.10Stanzillahappy life
15:43.13Stanzillawith the machines
15:43.45Stanzillasee, that's how it is for us when you start talking :p
15:44.36Stanzilla(lyrics btw)
15:45.35nevcairielanyone have any guesses if instance ids will survive the patch?
15:45.39nevcairielmy vote would be on no
15:46.10nevcairielespecially with all the raid system changes
15:47.17Stanzillawhat are you trying to do
15:47.21Stanzillaextend to kill garrosh?
15:47.42nevcairielyea, since you can't queue for  4th wing anymore, etc
15:48.51*** join/#wowace webturtle0 (~webturtle@
15:48.53Stanzillaoh wait, for flex you mean
15:49.19Stanzilladidn't know they dropped the wings concept for that from the group finder
15:49.26nevcairielthey did
15:49.37nevcairielall difficulties are now "run into the door"
15:49.39nevcairielexcept lfr of course
15:50.08Stanzillaand you don't want to do a full run I guess
15:50.10nevcairielwe're probably a bit stuck on mythic too, since you can't skip bosses anymore
15:50.28nevcairielwe kinda cheated and cherry-picked the easy ones on heroic
15:50.35Stanzillaman up!
15:51.45nevcairielwe'll probably just do a full heroic (old-normal) run, but was still interested to know if the ids would stay
15:51.54FiskerI once manned a guy
15:52.16Stanzillapassive or active?
15:53.05FiskerI want it to be Wednesday
15:53.07nevcairieli should get back to working on inventorian, its nearly usable by now
15:54.59nevcairiellike I said it looks like combuctor :P
15:55.26nevcairiel.. which looks like the blizzard vendor frame
15:57.00bluipodcow*sets Fisker on fire*
15:57.01nevcairielwill create a screenshot once its finished, still missing some components
15:57.18FiskerYou're dead to me bluipodcow
15:58.28nevcairielif you dont put that fire out, you're dead, literally
15:59.39FiskerI'm good
16:05.36bluipodcowBut you from Iceland fisker
16:05.48bluipodcowI thought you might be cold
16:06.14FiskerCease and desist
16:07.59bluipodcow*ice buckets fisker*
16:20.40znfGoogle Now just insulted me
16:20.58FiskerI'll insult you
16:21.02znfTold me I could be interested in a U2 album
16:21.15FiskerYou could
16:21.36*** join/#wowace bluipodcow_ (
16:21.54Repolibbabble-subzone-3-0: 03arith * r162 LibBabble-SubZone-3.0.lua: added zone names for WoW
16:23.52*** join/#wowace Guest13550 (~Denial@unaffiliated/windaria)
16:23.57bluipodcow_Bank stack working for 6.0.2 ?
16:26.19Stanzillanot for plenking people
16:26.23*** join/#wowace Gragagrogog (
16:26.57*** join/#wowace RLD_osx (
16:28.01FiskerHey Stanzilla
16:29.06Repolibbabble-subzone-3-0: 03arith 045.4-release2 * r163 : Tagging as 5.4-release2
16:29.15Stanzillahey Fisker
16:30.15bluipodcow_Hey necktie
16:37.50Repobroker-garrison: 03smb 07master * v0.104-22-g0a896ae  (6 files in 1 directory): [+5 commits] (1 truncated)
16:37.51Repo0a896ae: add missing file
16:37.51Repo2f45a11: add configurable ldb display
16:37.51Repoc16555c: update IsInGarrison function to detect garrison buildings
16:37.51Repo5cbd567: show mission icons, add icon config (toggle, size)
16:38.07TorhalDAT PUSH
16:38.07sbwrong repo :|
16:38.15sbits broken now
16:38.22sbbecause of libtoast deps :D
16:38.26Torhal...wrong repo?
16:38.50sbi push experimental stuff to github first
16:41.45quiescensyou broekd it
16:42.01Torhalpushes cookies to quiescens.
16:43.00TorhalTracking cookies.
16:46.12Gnarfoznevcairiel: ah, they changed the achievement, then... it specifically said it was for the level 90 proving grounds at first
16:46.18Gnarfozbut that achievement ID is now gone
16:46.41nevcairielinitially they wanted to remove the achievement entirely since it wasnt meant to exist
16:47.01nevcairielbut they decided to make it visible and make it work in both 90 and 100
16:49.23*** join/#wowace webturtle0 (~webturtle@
16:52.40Parnicwhat does X-Credit do in a toc? is that used by curse?
16:53.58FiskerLooking forward to new civ Parnic ?
16:53.58Repolibdogtag-unit-3-0: 03parnic * r269 LibDogTag-Unit-3.0.toc: - Updated X-Compatible-With to 5.4 since 4.3 is ancient.
16:54.09Parnicnah fisker, civ has always been too slow for my taste
16:54.27Shirikhow dare you speak ill of civ
16:54.32Parnicoh i dare
16:54.36Gnarfozdoes nothing
16:54.38Parnici'm a C&C kind of RTS guy. build stuff, blow stuff up.
16:54.47ShirikC&C is the worst omg
16:54.49Parnicthanks Gnarfoz
16:54.52nevcairielciv can be kinda of slow in the middle somewhere
16:54.53Gnarfozgtfo Shirik
16:54.59Shirikit's like they felt bad for all the crappy starcraft players
16:54.59GnarfozCiv isn't even R TS
16:55.00Fiskeroh god Shirik
16:55.15Shirikand created a game where you just turtle and mass an army
16:55.21Shirikand then go boom
16:55.27Parnicyeah it's pretty great
16:55.33Gnarfozexcept lol shirik, C&C is older than SC
16:55.50ShirikI've actually only ever played red alert
16:55.55nevcairielC&C was one of the defining games of the genre
16:56.00nevcairieltogether with WC2 really
16:56.08Parnicand the best of the genre
16:56.10nevcairielthey came out about the same time
16:56.19FiskerI came
16:56.22GnarfozI have a tab open that's very relevant to this... somewhere
16:56.52Shirikand yeah, civ isn't an RTS :P
16:56.57Shirikit's an S
16:56.59Shirikwithout the RT
16:57.48Gnarfozbah, put too much dressing on my sald
16:57.52Gnarfoznow it's all sour and shit
16:57.58Shirikthe only thing I liked about red alert was that when I played as japanese, my ultra unit whatever that's called is a schoolgirl
16:58.08GnarfozJapanese... what.
16:58.22GnarfozSOVIET FUCKING UNION you mean
16:59.20Gnarfozthere is no Japanese in C&C Red Alert
16:59.43nevcairielhe probably played like one of the very very new red alerts
17:00.01nevcairielthe original was everyone vs. stalin!
17:00.30Gnarfozyeah, RA THREE has "Empire of the Rising Sun" ok
17:00.31Gnarfozbut that's like
17:00.48Shirikthat's what I meant to say
17:00.51nevcairielcome back when you have played c&c1 and ra1
17:00.57nevcairielotherwise, you are not qualified
17:00.58ShirikI said that I only played this one :(
17:01.19Gnarfozthat link is weird, it's called RA2:
17:01.25Gnarfozbut it's about a unit only available in RA3
17:01.27ShirikI know
17:01.32Shiriknot my fault
17:01.40Gnarfozeverything is today
17:01.48Gnarfozespecially my salad being sour now
17:01.51Shirikeverything is always
17:01.52Gnarfozhas a sad
17:01.59Shirikput sugar on it
17:02.02quiescensgives *foz a cookie
17:02.56Gnarfoznope, sugar is evil
17:03.05Gnarfozno carbs 4 lyfe
17:03.09Gnarfoz(well, for now, at least)
17:03.27ShirikI do not understand this no carb obsession
17:03.30quiescensnoone likes cookies any more ):
17:03.40Shirikit's almost as bad as the GMO and gluten boycotts
17:03.42Gnarfozhow does me dieting make it an obsession
17:03.50ShirikI can't speak to you specifically
17:03.54Parnicsounds the alarm
17:03.58Parnicwarning, warning
17:04.02Shirikbut there are a lot of people that go no carb that have absolutely no reason to
17:04.04Parnicdiscussion devolving
17:04.09Gnarfozthen they are stupid
17:04.14ShirikI agree
17:04.26GnarfozI'm just following "LOGI", some kind of system that classifies foods according to their glycemic index
17:04.35Gnarfoz(which in the end mostly boils down to their carb content)
17:05.44Repoinventorian (experimental): 03Nevcairiel 07master * 3f3d688  (4 files in 1 directory): [+1 commit] Add event handling for bag changes
17:07.08FiskerI don't like you Shirik
17:07.16Shirikyes you do
17:07.24FiskerOnly if you go to Blizzcon
17:07.26FiskerYou can still make it
17:07.58TorhalI once saw Shirik at BlizzCon.
17:08.38TorhalDon't hate me for it, Fisker.
17:08.57GnarfozI never saw Shirik at BlizzCon :(
17:09.09Gnarfozbut I saw a Torhal, and it was magnificient!
17:09.17TorhalYou didn't go in 2011, Gnarfoz, or you would have.
17:09.19Gnarfozalso, a wizard.
17:09.27Gnarfozwith hat!
17:09.37Shirikthis was back in the days when I actually had time to do things
17:10.11quiescenswas torhal the wizard
17:11.02Gnarfozwe have proof!
17:12.12Gnarfozshit I'd have liked to go again this year, but I fear the con is probably going to be a bit boring, with how the timeline of releases is looking... maybe some SC2 part 3 stuff, diablo expansion 2?
17:12.27Gnarfozthey'd be mad to show wow x6 stuff
17:12.38RessyThey've got a huge block open on day 1 for no reason..
17:12.51GnarfozI haven't even looked at the schedule :C
17:13.06Gnarfozno time to watch most likely anyway, gotta move them servers
17:13.55quiescensare they doing another d3 expansion?
17:14.28nevcairielwhen kids take nude pics of themself and upload it to snapchat, is snapchat then liable for hosting child porn? :p
17:14.29Gnarfozwhat else would they do? scrap the game, do d4?
17:14.35quiescensat some point won't it become ridiculous trying to explain how diablo keeps coming back?
17:14.41Gnarfoznevcairiel: most likely in many jurisdictions
17:14.57Ressynot snapchat.. Snapsaved.
17:14.58Gnarfozquiescens: is diablo the main antagonist in RoS? I didn't even buy that
17:15.27quiescenseven in general, aren't they running out of big bads?
17:15.45RessySnapsaved saved it all.. which was against Snapchat ToU.. But either way.. I do believe Snapchat is covered under US law...
17:15.47Gnarfozthey'll just make another one up? :p
17:15.56Gnarfozhow are they? they'
17:16.02nevcairielRessy: but snapchat probably saves them as well in some fashion, that they werent the target of the hack themself is irrelevant to the question :d
17:16.03Gnarfozand US keyboard strikes again
17:17.11Ressysection 230 of the communications decency act
17:17.29Fiskerhey pompy
17:17.41quiescensi doubt they monitor private communcations content as it arrives or anything, so as long as they remove stuff when notified they would presumably not be in too much hot water
17:17.48FiskerMaybe hey Ressy
17:18.37TorhalGnarfoz: Diablo isn't in the expansion at all.
17:18.42Fiskerplease Gnarfoz of course wow  x6
17:18.46FiskerThey need to do them yearly you know
17:19.40quiescensshrug, wasn't a law thing, i was just saying it would be impractical to expect a company running a chat service to try to screen the chat content, and they would probably be breaking some kind of law if they had people doing so
17:20.23Torhalhas quiescens arrested for possession of cookies with the intent to distribute.
17:20.40Gnarfozevil quiescens
17:21.05*** join/#wowace Yoshimo (~Miranda@unaffiliated/yoshimo)
17:24.46Gnarfozalso, Wildstar Game Design Producer quit
17:24.59Gnarfozshame, that guy was awesome... at being himself, perhaps not at his actual job
17:25.37Gnarfoz(Stephan Frost, voice of the DevSpeak videos and trailers)
17:25.40quiescensi don't think i know much of anything that happened with wildstar
17:25.46GnarfozIhre Bestellung von "Samsung MZ-7TE1T0BW Serie..." wurde versandt!
17:25.59quiescenswasn't there a big following for that game before it released
17:26.08quiescensi think some of the people here were going to play it
17:27.11quiescenswhat ended up happening to it?
17:27.29Gnarfozbut it tanked quite a bit. I can't enumerate the problems with it, I didn't actually play it for long, because no time
17:27.40Gnarfozit's going "mega servers" this or next week
17:27.47Gnarfozi.e. le merge
17:28.00Gnarfozwell, they tried to go with fewer servers right at launch
17:28.07Gnarfozbut people bitched and moaned that there were queues
17:28.11Gnarfozso they gave in and opened more
17:28.15Gnarfozonly for them to soon become ghost servers
17:28.34Gnarfozwho'd have thought?! :P they said that exactly that would happend and that's why they're trying to go with fewer servers at launch
17:28.54FiskerI wanted cookies Torhal
17:28.58Gnarfozdoubt that's a main reason, tho
17:29.25quiescensit could be argued if they'd started with x servers in the first place it would have had the population spread more evenly
17:29.43Gnarfozthey went quite "wow classic" with some of the things, which is not entirely surprising, seeing that the founders were mostly ex-blizzard people (the company grew A LOT since then, I'm not sure how much influence they actually had)
17:29.56GnarfozLOOOONG attunement chains for raids
17:29.59quiescenswhereas if you start with y and add more slightly after, most people will have started on a server, and just decide to stay there, leaving the new servers empty
17:30.02Gnarfozand the raids were pretty hard, too
17:30.17quiescensgives fisker a cookie
17:30.20*** join/#wowace Elkano (~elkano@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/Elkano)
17:30.20*** mode/#wowace [+v Elkano] by ChanServ
17:30.22Gnarfozthey offered free transfers to even out the population, not sure how well that worked out (such numbers are rarely published)
17:30.22Fiskerno quiescens
17:31.01GnarfozI didn't follow which are the other major problems, I hear class balance was not good (even though it was mostly called "Fine" close to end of beta, I think?)
17:31.22Gnarfozanyway, it's still there, and it has a lot of awesome stuff
17:31.49Gnarfozbut I doubt it will attract a ton of players again after "driving them away"
17:32.00GnarfozI think the first tier 40 man raid has still not been cleared?
17:32.25Gnarfozyep, best guild at 7/9
17:32.26quiescensthats not such a bad thing in and of itself
17:33.27GnarfozI think that's actuall Caleb|'s guild
17:33.34Gnarfozway to go buddy (:
17:33.41*** join/#wowace bluipodcow (
17:33.52quiescenso/ ipod cow
17:33.52Gnarfozhaha, nice
17:33.59Gnarfoz1 day since last gquit
17:35.44Gnarfozheh, DnT gave up and joined up with Voodoo
17:35.56Gnarfozif those hardcore fuckers do that, I don't know what's going on
17:36.00*** join/#wowace Kalroth (
17:36.02Gnarfozprobably lack of good players, then
17:36.53sbnevcairiel: i has package
17:36.56Gnarfozuh oh
17:36.59Gnarfozthe blinkening
17:37.27Reposkillet: 03bsmorgan * r371  (7 files in 2 directories): Skillet:
17:37.27Repo- Update .toc for WoW 6.02, Tag as 2.60
17:37.27Repo- Add workaround for Blizzard GetTradeSkillInfo bug in Engineering.
17:37.44Gnarfoznot to say... sb
17:38.50Repobig-brother: 03oscarucb * r386 BuffWindow.lua: update hunter pet buffs
17:41.22znfyay germans (nsfw)
17:41.59znfor I think she's german
17:42.00znfno idea
17:42.11znfmay not be
17:42.44MegalonBorn and raised in Virginia, transplanted to Las Vegas, NV
17:43.00TorhalThat explains many things, Megalon.
17:45.19znffine by me
17:47.41sbneed to turn off the lights :D
17:49.50sbnevcairiel: software sucks
17:49.55Gnarfozthat's nothing new
17:50.12*** join/#wowace webturtle0 (~webturtle@
17:50.26Gnarfozin general, there's two things: apparently the keyboard's firmware currently only actually does 512 colours
17:50.30Gnarfozand: the software sucks
17:50.41quiescens512 colours should be enough for anybody
17:50.47Gnarfoz(and they're driving the board lighting in real time from the software, even though the keyboard has storage for the profiles, so... why?)
17:50.54Gnarfozsee reddit for reverse engineering of the usb protocol
17:51.18Parnicfisker you're from denmark right?
17:51.23FiskerYes Parnic
17:51.31Parnic what are you guys doing over there?
17:51.42Gnarfozwell, not *that* anymore, then
17:52.00FiskerWhy Parnic ?
17:52.06FiskerSorry for having laws that make sense :(
17:52.15Parnici just wonder why a) you didn't already have that law, and b) why it needs to be added now
17:52.22Parniclike.......just......i dunno
17:52.50Parnic24% of the population doesn't support it.
17:54.56Fisker76% of the population supports it*
17:55.08Parnicyeah, but...that other 24% though...
17:55.24nevcairielsb: yeah the software is super annoying, it took me forever to get rid of the default wsad blinking
17:56.21FiskerYeah Parnic
17:58.29*** join/#wowace bluipodcow (
18:00.36Fiskerwaits for Parnic :(
18:00.57Parnicwaiting for what
18:01.56FiskerYou said something about the other 24% D:
18:03.47FiskerJust seems like you were trying to say something
18:03.49Fiskerabout those 24%
18:06.16Parnicthe 24% of danish who approve of bestiality?
18:08.59sbnevcairiel: gief profile :D
18:09.01Megalon24% of danish are married to cows or chicken
18:09.53*** join/#wowace Yoshimo (~Miranda@unaffiliated/yoshimo)
18:11.01FiskerBut point is it doesn't mean 24% of danish approve of bestiality
18:11.05quiescensare the 24% saying it should actually be allowed, or are they saying that there needn't be a law because its silly
18:11.12Megalonbut it means exactly that Fisker
18:11.13quiescensdepends on how the question was framed
18:11.21Megalonif you don't oppose it you are totally for it
18:11.26FiskerBut it doesn't Megalon
18:11.30Megalonare you mansplaining Fisker???
18:14.20Repobroker-garrison: 03smb 07master * v0.104-24-g6cd9683  (3 files in 1 directory): [+2 commits]
18:14.20Repo6cd9683: only use atlas icon with LibToast Minor >= 8
18:14.20Repodc9d084: fix getTableValue when value is nil
18:16.52Repoarl-inscription: 03resa1983 07WoD *  (2 files in 1 directory): [+2 commits]
18:16.52Repoe1f3761: WoD ready
18:16.52Repo7b02f53: Fix filters for Inscription
18:24.27Repoarl-inscription: 03resa1983 07WoD * Recipes.lua: [+1 commit] Horde Trainer scan
18:30.12Repoholy-nova-sonar: 03dessiwow * r6  (5 files in 2 directories): - fixed optionsetter for size and scale (radar)
18:30.12Repo- added texture choice in options menu, added textures in folder
18:30.12Repo- some more descriptive texts for some options (color)
18:35.09*** join/#wowace ZaB|SHC|_ (
18:36.46*** join/#wowace Lynxium (
18:48.13Reporaidbuffstatus: 03oscarucb * r682  (5 files in 1 directory):  (3 lines trimmed from commit message)
18:48.13Repofirst round of 6.0 changes
18:48.13Repoupdate libgroupinspect
18:48.13Reporemove outdated ccs
18:48.13Reporemove outdated checks for inner fire, symbiosis, hunter aspect, shaman imbues
18:50.59*** join/#wowace webturtle0 (~webturtle@
18:54.54Repolibbabble-subzone-3-0: 03arith * r164 LibBabble-SubZone-3.0.lua:
18:54.54Repotemporary remove itIT and several entries to resolve the file too long issue. will need to find other solution to resolve it.
18:56.23Repolibbabble-subzone-3-0: 03arith 045.4-release3 * r165 : Tagging as 5.4-release3
19:02.21Fiskerqq Stanzilla
19:02.29Fiskerthe blands 1.5 timer changed on au
19:03.04chosiwat gaem?
19:04.07Torhalunlocks Fisker.
19:05.57Fiskerhey Torhal
19:06.00Fiskerblands 1.5
19:07.49TorhalAre you accusing Parnic is being bland?
19:08.14Torhalpeers curiously at Fisker.
19:08.25Fiskerhey Torhal
19:08.28Parniche's too busy opposing Denmark's new bestiality laws
19:08.34TorhalOh, ok.
19:10.08sbnevcairiel: numbers are shitty
19:10.16sbno light at 1-0
19:13.12Gnarfozmh, 950 VP, can't redeem another VP thing from the isle
19:13.18Gnarfozneed to do a scenario or something
19:13.39nevcairielpoor foz :(
19:15.31Gnarfozactually, I know what I'm going to do
19:19.23Gnarfozare normal (soon to be heroic) Garrosh Weapons at any point going to be better than ilvl 580 Weapons
19:19.38Gnarfoz(i.e. should I bother getting one)
19:19.46nevcairielsure during leveling
19:19.50nevcairielthey end up at ilvl 620
19:20.19Gnarfozso only after quite a while, then
19:20.32FiskerNah Parnic
19:20.33Repoarl-inscription: 03resa1983 07WoD * Core.lua: [+1 commit] Forgot filter
19:20.40nevcairielnote that 620 is quite high, its worth getting one for first dungeon runs
19:20.44ParnicYah Fisker
19:20.53nevcairielbut you will get one anyway just by doing garrosh once more
19:21.02Gnarfozwhich is not entirely likely, but yeah
19:21.12Gnarfozshame I don't have easy access to mythic garrosh by now
19:21.20nevcairielyou can even do flex (then normal), they all end up at ilvl 620
19:21.35FiskerThey'll give me the Romeo and Juliet clause Parnic
19:21.48FiskerPreexisting relationship
19:21.51Gnarfozso the crappier ones scaler better?
19:21.56Parnicbacks away from Fisker slowly
19:22.02nevcairielyeah they scale for different amounts of ilvl per level
19:22.07nevcairiel8 6 and 4 or so
19:22.17nevcairielif my math isnt wrong
19:22.27FiskerYou're the one putting words in people's mouth, I'm just taking advantage of it
19:22.38nevcairielfinal outcome at 100 is the same item
19:22.43Parnicwell i'm glad you're owning it, then.
19:23.10FiskerOwning what?
19:23.19FiskerA copy of borderlands?
19:23.23Parnicyes. many copies.
19:23.41FiskerAussie unlock fixed now :(
19:23.46TorhalI've no time for it; I'm still playing BL2.
19:24.18Parnicwhat platform, torhal?
19:25.07FiskerYou never asked me my platform ;(
19:25.12TorhalParnic: OSX
19:25.16Parnici don't have to ask you, fisker
19:25.47TorhalWas playing on Windows when I had bootcamp on the old iMac. New one doesn't have it so I had to start over - Steam doesn't sync data between the two platforms :/
19:25.58FiskerYou don't have to but you could've :(
19:26.15Parnicyou own, like, 80% of what's available on steam
19:26.35TorhalI thought that was Ackis.
19:26.45Gnarfozlol, all August Celestial dailies only give 20 VP total? :F
19:26.53Gnarfozat least I now have that rep maxed
19:27.14Gnarfozwas at something stupid like 690/999
19:27.46FiskerYou know nothing Torhal
19:30.11nevcairielstupid tooltip, why are you being cleared out after half a second <.<
19:36.29Gnarfoz<Raid Bull> recruiting now :D
19:36.44Reporepairbroker: 03parnic 046.0.2 * r77 : Tagging as 6.0.2
19:38.21nevcairielsb: short of the color configuration app being kinda stupid, i really like the keyboard tho
19:38.33nevcairieland yeah the number lighting is non-ideal, but shrug
19:39.45Repoinventorian (experimental): 03Nevcairiel 07master * e575790  (6 files in 1 directory): [+2 commits]
19:39.45Repoe575790: Preliminary reagent bank support
19:39.46Repod97befa: Hook up the bag/bank open events to actually show the frame
19:46.17nevcairielhm silly bank, when i right-click something into the bank it doesnt automatically shove herbs into the reagent bank
19:51.47*** join/#wowace webturtle0 (~webturtle@
19:53.26sbnevcairiel: yeah its nice
20:00.39Gnarfozpeople who manage to not even understand DBM
20:00.45Gnarfozhow do they get here
20:00.55Gnarfozit's already the boss mod for idiots
20:01.02Gnarfozthey must be somewhere below
20:01.07nevcairielwhat are you tormenting yourself with now
20:01.29Repoinventorian (experimental): 03Nevcairiel 07master * a14f31a  (2 files in 1 directory): [+1 commit] Reagent bank fixes
20:01.30Gnarfoznormal garrosh
20:01.50nevcairielif you're in there for only the weapon, do it after the patch, its a 100% drop now :p
20:05.53GnarfozI can't make it be two days later
20:07.00Gnarfozsadly, you don't get fail stacks in normal
20:14.37*** join/#wowace Ackis (~Ackis@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/ARL/Troll/Ackis)
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20:17.01Repoinventorian (experimental): 03Nevcairiel 07master * bdf4561 Frame.lua: [+1 commit] Show the reagent bank purchase overlay when required
20:20.42nevcairieli should probably also shove the deposit all reagents button somewhere
20:21.53Gnarfozthe sad thing is we're doing it with 1 tank 2 heal
20:21.56Gnarfozand still dmg is tight
20:24.14Gnarfozheh, Epica with Floor shows how big she is
20:33.53*** join/#wowace oscarucb (
20:34.19nevcairielaww, they are correcting the previous expansion foodsthat are stronger than current expansion foods .p
20:34.41Gnarfozfuck that, shaman managed to not BL 3 tries in a row
20:35.20Gnarfozfirst time he said he was busy keeping the group up (in the transition to p3, where there's no damage)
20:35.24Gnarfozsecond time dunno
20:35.33Gnarfozthird time he said nobody was interrupting
20:35.37Gnarfozinterrupting what?
20:35.49nevcairielhis procastination
20:35.49Gnarfozwe told him twice to do it right at intermission start because he can't be busy there
20:35.57Gnarfoz(not that it has a GCD or anything)
20:36.43Gnarfoznot to mention tank without bossmods entirely, hunter who was doing engineers whose DBM "doesn't show it, I don't know"
20:36.57Gnarfozand the sub 200k DPS crowd
20:37.10GnarfozI'll wait until Wednesday ;p
20:37.15Gnarfozor thursday, really
20:37.26Gnarfoztryout raid with two other guilds
20:37.45nevcairielfor your entier group again?
20:37.58Gnarfozonly 3 of us are actually there, others are on holiday/work
20:38.08Gnarfozbut yeah, we represent the entire team again
20:38.09nevcairielbut still looking for a group spot
20:38.35GnarfozI don't know precisely who was there, but the others attended raids with one of the guilds (in 10 man) this ID, wed+sun
20:38.50Gnarfozsaying that guild is nice, even though we're probably better than them
20:39.02Gnarfozcan't speak for the third guild who also contacted the other one
20:39.06Gnarfozso it's a 3-way!
20:44.05FiskerNexus 6?
20:44.11nevcairieltoo big
20:44.13FiskerNexus 9?
20:44.19FiskerAndroid L?
20:44.32FiskerI want something
20:47.03Stanzillaespecially a n6 mini
20:52.29*** join/#wowace webturtle0 (~webturtle@
20:53.13Stanzillawill you buy the n6 regardless of size?
20:53.14*** join/#wowace Ressia (Ressy@
20:53.14*** join/#wowace Ressia (Ressy@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/ARL/Ressy)
20:53.16FiskerAnd apparently the statue maker is going to Google for the next statue
20:53.31FiskerWhy is everything so weird
20:53.36FiskerLike Ressy
20:54.26Stanzillawill you buy the n6 regardless of size?
20:55.07StanzillaI will just unpack yours and test then :D
20:55.08StanzillaI guess
20:55.15FiskerI'll get n9 with lte and use it as phone
20:55.28FiskerBut I can get it directly myself
20:55.35Stanzillayeah? ok
20:58.45FiskerSorry :(
20:59.10Repoarl: 03resa1983 07WoD * 3.0.5-67-g802ceca Locales/devel-enUS.lua: [+1 commit] Changed strings for Inscription Discoveries
20:59.21FiskerUnless timing coincides with blizzcon
20:59.40FiskerThen you might as well get it for me
21:08.49Stanzilla super cool
21:09.44FiskerYou're super cool
21:10.09FiskerTime to push it to the limit
21:13.43Stanzillablands pirated copy already out
21:14.25StanzillaParnic needs to fight the pirates harder
21:14.27Repolibgroupinspect: 03oscarucb * r66 LibGroupInSpecT-1.1.lua: fix lua error in a debug statement
21:14.56Parnicwait, pc release?
21:14.59Parniclol what
21:15.24Parnicso i guess steam unlocked somewhere?
21:15.28Parnicor we screwed up and shipped the exe on disc
21:15.43FiskerBeen out in hong Kong for a while
21:15.51Parnicoh good. normalcy restored
21:15.54Parnicpirates gonna pirate
21:16.13FiskerAlso you guys suck then
21:16.24Stanzillawant dl link? haha
21:16.47Parnicwhy do we suck, fisker?
21:17.09FiskerShipping decrypted binaries?
21:17.14FiskerWhy Stanzilla ?
21:17.19Parnicif it's out in HK then we didn't do that
21:17.21Stanzillathat was a joke
21:18.27FiskerI don't know how long they've had it Parnic
21:18.27Stanzillaobviously <.<
21:18.51FiskerBut looks like it was in hong kong since the 13th
21:18.55FiskerAccording to stream
21:31.31Gnarfozwhy do I get "Internal Calendar Error" every time I block spam with BadBoy, Funkeh` :(
21:32.36Repolibgroupinspect: 03oscarucb * r67 LibGroupInSpecT-1.1.lua: better fix to last
21:34.49Funkeh`no clue
21:41.19MysticalOSthat error happens when you try to delete a calender invite sent by a player that no longer exists
21:41.38MysticalOSi thought badboy worked around that though, i remember that error stopped happening to me
21:47.24Reporaidbuffstatus: 03oscarucb * r683  (4 files in 1 directory):  (2 lines trimmed from commit message)
21:47.24RepoMore 6.0 changes
21:47.24RepoStat squish food level
21:47.24RepoRemove obsolete Soul Link check
21:49.23Gnarfozhuh, flex chest looks identical to normal chest?
21:49.26Gnarfoz*throws away*
21:52.10Funkeh`badboy doesn't touch the calendar
21:52.18Funkeh`never did
21:53.17*** join/#wowace webturtle0 (~webturtle@
21:58.37Repolibgroupinspect: 03oscarucb * r68 LibGroupInSpecT-1.1.lua:
21:58.37Repoallow programmatic override of debug output by client addons
21:58.49Stanzillau wot m8
22:23.11Repobig-wigs: 03funkydude * r12043 SiegeOfOrgrimmar/SpoilsOfPandaria.lua: SpoilsOfPandaria: Add berserk timer.
22:24.43Repobig-wigs: 03funkydude * r12044  (2 files in 2 directories): BossPrototype: tweaks
22:30.11Stanzillanevcairiel: that's something for you, I guess?
22:38.52Repoora3: 03funkydude * r761 modules/BattleRes.lua: BattleRes: Commit what I have so far, still disabled.
22:51.18*** join/#wowace Starfox (
22:54.00*** join/#wowace webturtle0 (~webturtle@
22:59.31Repobig-brother: 03oscarucb * r387 BuffWindow.lua: improve stat localization
23:01.36StanzillaFisker: 355 people already playing :<
23:06.05Gnarfozdid Chrome break fonts somehow
23:06.26GnarfozI thought it was just AMR at first, but Anandtech is also in... Times New Roman or some shit
23:10.00*** join/#wowace ZaB|SHC|_ (
23:10.33Reporaidbuffstatus: 03oscarucb * r684  (3 files in 1 directory):  (1 line trimmed from commit message)
23:10.35Repofactor BF.tip arguments
23:10.35Repoconsolidate some locale strings
23:10.35Repotoggle libinspect debugging
23:11.22znfdamn you, beat me to it! :(
23:11.28znffishslaps Stanzilla
23:17.19RepoNew addon: Stable Master Healer -
23:24.38*** join/#wowace oscarucb (
23:26.17Repoora3: 03funkydude * r762 modules/BattleRes.lua: BattleRes: Various fixes.
23:26.51znfStitch's grab & move thingie should be removed from the game
23:28.28*** join/#wowace Semlar_ (~chatzilla@
23:29.05Stanzillatons of fun
23:29.16*** join/#wowace Starfox (
23:31.00znfStanzilla, can't counter it, it's annoying
23:31.04znfit grabs you and takes you to a tower
23:31.06znfboom, dead :-(
23:31.21StanzillaCC him before
23:32.24Repoora3: 03funkydude * r763 modules/BattleRes.lua: BattleRes: Compensate for ragequits.
23:32.54Stanzillathat's for me
23:33.17znfI don't have CC :(
23:33.21znfI'm a silly support
23:39.38Stanzillaso the most impactful change in 6.0 is we can't slack with mounting up anymore
23:39.51Stanzillacan't already press run when still casting and have it not interrupt it
23:41.43znfmy team in Hots is so bad
23:41.50Stanzillaofc it is, you are in it
23:41.51znfthey let a plant-monster-thingie expire
23:42.00znfthe guy who was close to it was "why me?"
23:42.16znf...because you are CLOSE to it and it expires in 10 seconds?!
23:43.10*** join/#wowace Starfox (
23:53.04*** join/#wowace Starfox (
23:58.23Repogathernow: 03valdarix * r61 GatherNow.toc: prep for 6.0.2 launch

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