IRC log for #wowace on 20121126

00:07.45*** join/#wowace Gagorian (
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00:18.00Reposerenity-now: 03calahil * r17 SerenityNow (2 files in 2 directories): -rough fix of the mysteriously disappearing debuff timers.
00:20.20Reposerenity-now: 03calahil 04r17 * r18 : tagged as r17
00:23.55Repobad-boy: 03funkydude * r1036 / (2 files in 1 directory): more fake rbg ads
00:26.17virtualentityWobin: so if I do provide a name for the frame, how can I access it by that?
00:28.41virtualentityhmm, it appears that sets a global variable. interesting. didn't notice that
00:29.00virtualentityis there some sort of convention if the frame is a child of a frame?
00:33.27End_I wish there as a cantfix option in the bug tracker
00:33.40End_or can I add it oh yeah
00:34.06End_nope, just milestones or components
00:36.07Wobinvirtualentity: the XML tends to concatenate the names
00:36.19Wobinbut go by whatever naming scheme that makes sense
00:40.54*** join/#wowace demi` (alysson87@
00:45.25virtualentityWobin: is it possible to access the "children" of a frame?
00:46.02virtualentitylord, google
00:47.59*** join/#wowace Brybry (~Brybry@unaffiliated/brybry)
00:48.23*** join/#wowace Xuerian (
00:53.52Repogarajalannounce: 03oscarucb 041.7.1 * r40 : Tagging as 1.7.1
00:53.52RepoAdd French Translation (thanks CarlCos!)
00:54.26*** join/#wowace demi` (alysson87@
00:56.26*** join/#wowace quiescens (~quiescens@gateway/tor-sasl/quiescens)
01:07.20*** join/#wowace Groktar[20] (
01:25.23*** join/#wowace ramoz (
01:40.25Repoatlasloot-enhanced: 03ananhaid * r4012 Libs/LibBabble-Rare-3.0/LibBabble-Rare-3.0.lua: - zhCN/zhTW update.
02:19.49StanzillaGnarfoz: u there?
02:21.15*** join/#wowace Zarhan (
02:34.20pompy orcs must die 2 game + dlc 75% off.
02:39.01*** join/#wowace soulcarverr (636fdec1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
02:39.26soulcarverrdoes ace have a way to create the icon that shows on the mini map for an addon?
02:43.25pompysoulcarverr: is it an ldb addon?
02:44.18soulcarverrthanx for the link
02:44.22soulcarverrbut what is this ldb?
02:57.23*** join/#wowace Seerah (
03:31.09*** join/#wowace nebula169` (
03:37.17Repogrid: 03phanx * r1552 : Tagging as
03:47.54*** join/#wowace Dark_Elf (
03:52.29*** join/#wowace nebula169` (
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04:23.24*** join/#wowace nebula169 (
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05:03.30*** topic/#wowace is 5.0.4 ToC#: 50001 | | | Blizzard Hacked: | This channel is logged, via purl
05:05.17*** join/#wowace Torhal (
05:14.00znfStanzilla, I heard you like purple:
05:14.05znfomgad, it's /the/ Torhal
05:17.26znfStanzilla, also, UI of the week:
05:20.31Fiskerhe forgot to strip out his name
05:22.16Dark_Elflooks the the cast bar needs moved above action bars
05:26.30Dark_Elfalso dont care for the unit frames overlay or whatever it is
05:27.06Dark_Elfcant make out the 100% etc
05:34.20Repobattlegroundtargets: 03kunda * r169 / (2 files in 1 directory):  (2 lines trimmed from commit message)
05:34.20Repo- improved orb (Temple of Kotmogu) display:
05:34.22Repo- code optimization
05:46.33*** part/#wowace Seerah (
05:48.15soulcarverrso im trying to find the assests for some icons from mists of pandara
05:48.19soulcarverrbut im not having much luck
05:52.46soulcarverrcan anybody take a moment to explain the ldb library to me?
06:01.51Dark_Elfdid u read the ldb website?
06:02.27Dark_Elftekkub posted some good documentation on his site with an example addon code
06:06.46soulcarverri didnt see a link to it
06:07.46Dark_Elfbut libdatabroker not required for the dbicon to work with ace
06:08.04soulcarverrits not?
06:08.49soulcarverrso what is ldb for?
06:09.00soulcarverri dont see a description on that page
06:09.41Dark_Elfwell ldb is more a data tooltype display or program launcher, it was originally meant to to be alternative for fubar and titanpanel
06:10.25soulcarverralright ill try getting the icon to work with out it
06:10.26Dark_Elfbut lot of addon using it these days
06:11.25Dark_Elfapi for dbicon pretty much says how to add it
06:13.08soulcarverrshould i add it to my embed  for the reference the way I add ace libs to my project?
06:13.13soulcarverror do i need it in my toc?
06:13.37Dark_Elfalthough looking at api it does say ldb so may have to use it but i didnt think it was required
06:14.44Dark_Elflibdbicon can be embed in toc
06:15.12Dark_Elfbut need to follow the api on libdbicon page like example shown
06:19.13Dark_Elfprobably best to go ahead and use ldb, like it says
06:19.29Dark_Elfnot sure what your addon is gonna do
06:19.34soulcarverrI got them in my embeds xml the way ace wants its addons
06:19.55soulcarverrim basically just making a frame work to build other addons off of
06:20.21soulcarverrjust want the icon to show up
06:20.28TorhalAce doesn't "want its AddOns" any specific way - the embeds.xml is simply a convention.
06:20.47soulcarverrah, well thats how the tutorial says it
06:21.01Dark_Elfprefers using toc myself, as its required whereas xml is not
06:21.09soulcarverrsomething like doing it that way, will share the lib in memory between other addons that use it
06:21.29soulcarverrrather then loading the libs in memory over and over?
06:21.39soulcarverror thats the way the tutorial on ace makes it sound
06:23.14Dark_Elfldb is bout only one that isnt embeded
06:24.05TorhalLibraries, when properly using LibStub, overwrite older versions with newer versions and simply don't load if a same or newer version is already loaded.
06:26.31soulcarverrlocal ldb = LibStub:GetLibrary("LibDataBroker-1.1")
06:26.35soulcarverrthat line there
06:26.59soulcarverrthe libstub use generally isnt writen like that
06:27.06soulcarverrbut it seems to be in the ldb example
06:27.16Dark_Elfwell thats whats needed in lua
06:27.33soulcarverrlocal AceGUI = LibStub("AceGUI-3.0")
06:27.43soulcarverrusually see it looking like that
06:28.07soulcarverris there a difference?
06:29.08Torhalsoulcarverr: The second implicitly calls :GetLibrary()
06:29.18TorhalJust clever use of metatables.
06:29.36soulcarverrdoes it make a difference how its done?
06:29.53TorhalNo - one is explicit and the other implicit, same thing though.
06:30.17soulcarverri dont like how things are so loose in lua
06:31.54soulcarverron this page      what does the line mean .... after ive registers my "MyLdb" object?
06:32.51Dark_Elfsee the bunnyLDB thats the object
06:33.42soulcarverrThen after you've registered your LDB object called "MyLDB",                          you can do:  icon:Register("MyLDB", myLDB, savedVarTable)
06:33.54soulcarverri dont have an "MyLDB" object though
06:34.11soulcarverror a myLDB
06:34.16soulcarverror a savedVarTable
06:34.23znfTorhal, so, question about the Curse client and XLoot from Xuerian, because he's too busy playing PS2
06:34.47Dark_Elfwell it meant my as in your project
06:35.20znfTorhal, the curse client keeps identifying XLoot as "Xloot dummy plugin support" every time I restart the client :(
06:35.32Dark_Elfmyldb can be soulcarverr for that matter
06:36.07*** join/#wowace vrak_ (
06:36.48soulcarverrso for this part
06:36.48soulcarverricon:Register("MyLDB", myLDB, savedVarTable)
06:36.55soulcarverrwhat is "MyLDB"?
06:37.02soulcarverris that a name or an object?
06:37.30Dark_Elfits the ldb object which is bunnyLDB in the example
06:37.56*** join/#wowace TNZe (
06:38.02Dark_Elfits what needed to make the broker frame work
06:38.47soulcarverroh so i need to use
06:38.48soulcarverrlocal bunnyLDB = LibStub("LibDataBroker-1.1"):NewDataObject("Bunnies!", { type = "data source", text = "Bunnies!", icon = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Chest_Cloth_17", OnClick = function() print("BUNNIES ARE TAKING OVER THE WORLD") end, })
06:38.51Dark_Elfcourse i may confuse u more
06:39.32soulcarverrwhy would it refer to it as "MyLDB" and not "bunnyLDB"
06:39.57soulcarverris that whats going on?
06:40.09Dark_Elfits hard to explain
06:40.33znfYou can always referr it to as PenisDB
06:41.01Dark_Elfu can name your broker anything u want u can name the icon what u want
06:41.59soulcarverri see it
06:42.01soulcarverri hate
06:42.19soulcarverrwhen they talk about the code with out using the same code as is in the example
06:42.42soulcarverrstuff in the description at the top is different
06:43.39Dark_Elfwell i think the "myldb" part is like the addon name, and the middle is the broker name and the last part is the settings for the icon
06:44.00Dark_Elfits hard to describe
06:44.17Dark_Elfin a non-programmable way
06:51.10Dark_Elfu need to make a table as well for the settings easy way to do that is to do local  defaults = {minimap = {
06:51.17Dark_Elfdang it lol
06:51.45soulcarverri have an ace table aready
06:51.52soulcarverrthat is storing data
06:51.56soulcarverrrather then make another
06:52.05soulcarverrim trying to set it to use that
06:52.24Dark_Elfno problem didnt know how far along u were
06:52.29soulcarverrbut it only seems to store a boolean of weather its showing or now
06:52.47soulcarverrdont really know if thats even requireed
06:53.00sbznf: btw - why the hate? :( healer passed on mace because he doesnt have the sha gem :D
06:53.09Repobattlegroundtargets: 03kunda * r170 / (2 files in 1 directory): update to cover potential fixes for wrong pattern in zhTW
06:53.20znfsb, because I haven't killed that on normal yet :(
06:53.30sbit was my 2nd normal kill, so... *shrug*
06:53.47znfand I want the no GCD shadowfiend :(
06:53.50znfand the mini-sha fiend
06:54.05sbyep, minisha is nice :D
06:54.21sbalso its +1300sp (raidbuffed)
06:55.29znfman, I really need to kill that!
06:55.36sbnot sure if i should spent VPs this week - still need legs + chest, but if the patch hits next 3 weeks (very likely) i cant do it
06:55.53znfI'm hoping it hits this wednesday...
06:56.00sbwould be perfect :D
06:56.17sb2700 VPs with 750 / 1000 this week
06:56.26znfalso, I hope the priest token drops this week for chest
06:56.28znfI haz legs :-S
06:56.32znfI want 2-set
06:56.54sbno 2p here, i unequipped gloves for crafter thingies
06:57.06sbwill switch back once i get another tier-piece... but.. meh
06:57.06soulcarverrso   this is causing an error on trying to look up the boolean value
06:57.06soulcarverricon:Register("Bunnies!", bunnyLDB, MonklyStuff.db.profile.minimap)
06:57.10sbno luck :D
06:57.17znfI haven't equipped the pants yet
06:59.20znfI also have a neck piece
06:59.28znfthat I picked up as "offspec" :P
06:59.39znfthat seems to actually be better than the klaxxi one
06:59.53sbi got feng which is better than klaxxi
07:00.40sbwas like "huh? cant give it to disenchanters - they are all in HoF already, will take it + give it to them later"
07:00.40znfI'm really starting to hate doing 25m :(
07:00.43sband then i forgot...
07:01.01sblater i discovered "hey, this is better than lotus quest actually..." :D
07:01.09sbmore loots!
07:01.19znfbecause 25m == more people failing
07:01.37znfmore loots my ass, last night we got 3x same plate shoulders from Amber Shaper
07:01.59znfin 10m you have 10 people to fail on stuff
07:02.06znfin 25m you have 25 people to fail on stuff
07:02.10sbright :D
07:02.17znffor example the mind control thingie @ amber shaper
07:02.32znftook us hour of wipes because every time someone was mind controlled first, they didn't know what to do
07:02.54znfI hate "weakest link" type of fights
07:03.10znfLet me put people in charge of doing specific tasks, don't randomly select one
07:03.56znfWish they went with 15m groups instead of 25 :(
07:09.46sbwe had 3 healers in p2 yesterday
07:09.53sbwhich is pretty annoying in 10m
07:10.09sbso it was "doing p2 with 2 healers all the time" basically
07:10.39sbi like the "everybody needs to know the enocuntiner" thingie, like BT / Teron Gorefiend :D
07:10.48sb"oh no, not xyz again, its a wipe"
07:14.02sbalso i now have something to upgrade with VPs (weapon and maybe elegon trinket, because stupid 50% uptime)
07:14.07sbor darkmoon...
07:29.02groktardid gorefiend right the first time
07:31.57*** join/#wowace mitch0 (
07:45.47sbStanzilla: wtf is wrong with ping, streaming (lfr) again :o
07:48.22*** join/#wowace Megalon (
08:18.14*** join/#wowace nebula169` (
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08:29.59*** join/#wowace Kalroth (
08:51.47*** join/#wowace Torhal (
08:55.02Repofarmhand: 03JCinDE 07master * v1.06b-1-gab26ab0 Farmhand.lua: [+1 commit] Big scanner rewrite. No more macros in localization files, just NPC (crop) names. Macro built on the fly, extended across many frames for seamless one-click execution.
09:11.30*** join/#wowace EthanCentaurai (
09:11.53EthanCentauraimorning all
09:13.45znfso, sb
09:13.48znfI'm annoyed :(
09:14.04znfI have this mainhand/offhand transmog:
09:14.07znfand it doesn't show up :-(
09:30.49*** join/#wowace sylvanaar_work (~quassel@pdpc/supporter/active/sylvanaar)
09:39.36*** join/#wowace profalbert (
09:53.36Repotradeskill-info: 03ethancentaurai * r497 / (3 files in 1 directory):
09:53.36RepoMove LibDataBroker code into a separate file and make the broker object not suck.
10:00.46*** join/#wowace Megalon (
10:05.51Repofarmhand: 03JCinDE 07master * v1.06b-2-g915db80 Farmhand.lua: [+1 commit] Picking up localization updates.
10:08.01Repobattlegroundtargets: 03ananhaid * r171 BattlegroundTargets-localized-carrier.lua: - zhCN update.
10:11.35*** join/#wowace Slayman (3e7025ed@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
10:13.07Repofarmhand: 03JCinDE 04v2.0b * 3480de8 /: [new tag] Tagging for beta v2.0b
10:16.07Repofarmhand: 03JCinDE 04v2.0b * None /: [TAG DELETED]
10:17.27Repotradeskill-info: 03ethancentaurai * r498 DataBroker.lua: Fix a copy/paste fail and improve the LDB tooltip code.
10:18.07Repofarmhand: 03JCinDE 04v1.10b * 50490c9 /: [new tag] Tagging v1.10b
10:20.31*** join/#wowace Dridzt (
10:22.22Chosimh why do 8 ilvl upgrades cost 1500JP and 4ilvl upgrades 750VP? why is it the same amount of different value points?
10:22.58znfChosi, because only blue gear can be upgraded with JPs
10:32.27znfsb, I hate you -
10:33.24Kalrothkein kraut!!
10:33.31znfwhy the fuck does it say I'm in germany
10:34.14nevcairielwe annexed your country last night
10:37.05Kalrothnot again!
10:37.31Kalrothis znf polish?
10:37.44Kalrothwow, worse?
10:37.58znfhe said worse not better...
10:38.13Kalrothyeah right, like swissies are better than poles
10:38.29znfyeah, I'm fucked
10:38.33znfgoogle thinks I'm in .de
10:38.46znfbut only on firefox and chrome
10:39.08AcidWebKalroth, nevcairiel: What do you have against the Poles?
10:39.24nevcairielnothing that works
10:39.56KalrothAcidWeb: nothing, i just wanted to check how far Germany was in their invasion this time
10:40.18Kalrothit was znf that was hating on poles
10:40.25nevcairielwe're coming for you next Kalroth
10:40.36znfI'm not hating on poles?
10:40.38Kalrothour 7 soldiers will fight you for about 12 minutes
10:40.57Kalrothznf: you said that swissses are better than poles
10:41.22znfall I'm saying is that both are better than us...
10:41.56Kalrothyou didnt specify who us is
10:42.53znfI'm gonna let you guess!
10:43.04Kalrothare you bavarian?
10:43.21Kalrothlederhosen und dirdl!
10:46.14*** join/#wowace Xuerian (
10:46.37znfKalroth, ...
10:47.11Kalrothoh oh, i know, you're italian!
10:48.48znfYou could just look up my IP...
10:49.01znfoh, nvm, forgot I'm on ipv6 here
10:51.08*** join/#wowace Higdur (
11:00.56Fiskerhello nevcairiel
11:00.56Fiskernot so hey znf
11:00.56Fiskersick bastard
11:12.31EthanCentauraiis there a GetSpellReagents type function >.>
11:16.20EthanCentaurai!api reagent
11:16.20lua_botFound 3 possible results for 'reagent': GetTradeSkillNumReagents, GetTradeSkillReagentItemLink, GetTradeSkillReagentInfo
11:22.05EthanCentauraiwhy what?
11:23.09EthanCentauraiplease don't ping me if you're not going to follow it up
11:23.14EthanCentauraiI am not feeling well
11:23.39*** join/#wowace isman (
11:24.28Fiskeroh ok
11:24.33Fiskerget better
11:24.49znfOur local "dancing with the stars"
11:27.29Fiskerthanks for crashing flash znf
11:27.50znfit melted
11:29.23Fiskerthey forgot intercourse
11:30.13znfcan you watch this?
11:57.09Repotradeskill-info: 03ethancentaurai * r499 .pkgmeta: Fix external repository path of LibShefkiTimer-1.0.
12:05.13Fiskeryes znf
12:05.29Fiskerwhy are you sluts btw?
12:06.14Fiskeri thought it was dancing with the stars not faking intercourse on tv
12:07.57*** join/#wowace Jitta (
12:09.50znfFisker, the dance of the evening was "striptease"
12:10.54*** join/#wowace the-golem (
12:14.59Repochinchilla: 03ethancentaurai 07master * v2.5.8-1-g619f813 / (10 files in 2 directories): [+1 commit] Replace AceTimer-3.0 with LibShefkiTimer-1.0.
12:18.33Fiskerso you're sluts
12:19.42Fiskermoar rumors
12:35.17znfFisker, ofc
12:35.22sb"n4 doesnt exist" rumor?
12:35.34znfdidn't I alreay say that we're a country full of sluts and camwhores? ^^
12:35.52sbwe have a trainee from your country
12:36.19sbshey ugly
12:36.49sbbut nice boobies, and showing them all the time...
12:37.13znfwth do you work?
12:37.18znfand why did you get an ugly romanian there?
12:37.21znfask for a replacement, geez
12:37.22znffaulty product
12:48.02*** join/#wowace vhaarr (
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12:48.02*** mode/#wowace [+o vhaarr] by ChanServ
12:48.34nebula169znf or Stanzilla, do you guys use an addon for halo range?
12:55.56znfnebula169, no, I use RangeDisplay
12:56.39znfUsed it since the start of Cataclysm, no reason to change :P
12:56.44nebula169yea, i saw simplehalo, wasn't sure if there was something else out there
13:00.53znfhalopro is so shit :D
13:03.11sbdont listen to znf, he cant even xmog his wand!
13:03.27znfthe wand works :P
13:03.30znfthe offhand doesn't
16:02.45*** join/#wowace purl (
16:02.45*** topic/#wowace is 5.0.4 ToC#: 50001 | | | Blizzard Hacked: | This channel is logged, via purl
16:06.29Repobad-boy: 03funkydude * r1037 BadBoy.lua: anti-spam update
16:06.54Repobadboy_guilded: 03funkydude * r153 BadBoy_Guilded.lua: more ads
16:08.41hastegot my battery today Fisker !
16:10.54Repobad-boy: 03funkydude * r1038 BadBoy.toc: bump version
16:12.29Repobad-boy: 03funkydude 04v11.222 * r1039 : Tagging as v11.222
16:20.02*** join/#wowace stolenlegacy (~stolenleg@unaffiliated/stolenlegacy)
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16:53.45*** join/#wowace Xuerian (
16:54.30znf!@#!@)#!@)#*! @#!)* _|_ GEMA
16:55.04znfStanzilla, how the hell haven't you marched with pitchforks at the GEMA headquarters?
16:55.56Megalongermans, being obidient is their style
16:56.41znfgermany makes youtube obsolete
16:56.51znf"bla bla bla GEMA says fuck you, no video for you!"
16:56.58Stanzillabrowser addons fix that
16:57.44znfStanzilla, it's still annoying as fuck, as I have to type the captcha for ProxTube every now and then :-/
16:57.46*** join/#wowace Kalroth (
16:57.53Stanzillaproxtube is bad btw
16:58.01Stanzillawhy are you getting gema prompts btw?
16:58.18znfno fuckin' idea, my IP is somehow flagged as being german for all google services...
16:58.44znfmy friend on the same IP block is not flagged as german...
16:58.50znfSense? None.
16:59.16znfEven more of an insult - I get the GEMA message in Romanian...
16:59.29*** join/#wowace Trela (
17:01.25Funkeh`flagging wanabee germans?
17:01.31*** join/#wowace wereHamster (~tomc@unaffiliated/werehamster)
17:03.29*** join/#wowace groktar (~gr@
17:18.03znfHow is it that when I need a bloody microSD to SD adapter, I can't find any? :(
17:18.09znfand I had like 2 laying around...
17:42.26pompy $35
17:42.45znfdigital deluxe baby
17:45.38pompyis the secret world the one that doesnt have a monthly sub or does it?
17:47.02Dark_Elfi think it has sub too
17:47.22Dark_Elfit will die like all the other mmos
17:57.49Fiskerwhy are our N4's not sent yet?
17:59.27GnarfozStanzilla: did you ping me while I was offline
17:59.34StanzillaGnarfoz: yes
17:59.41Gnarfozsux 2 be u
17:59.44Gnarfoz:D what is it
18:00.00Stanzillaiirc ulduar 25 or scenario achievements
18:04.27pompyStanzilla, Gnarfoz, sb, nevcairiel:
18:05.20GnarfozStanzilla: when the hell was that
18:06.00Gnarfozit got sent to me on reconnect, so it must have been after 02:00 *today* o_O
18:06.41Stanzillayeah like 5 am
18:07.06Stanzillawhy dont you have timestamps?
18:07.29GnarfozI'm not even sure why it's sending me messages I got while I was disconnected
18:07.31XuerianBecause they're ugly as hell in pidgin and can't be shortened
18:07.38Gnarfozpidgin? rofl
18:07.39Stanzillawho the hell uses pidgin
18:07.41Gnarfozso I don't know why they don't have timestamps
18:07.53Gnarfozpompy: err... Packstation clone much? ^^
18:08.11XuerianLazy-ass coders who don't feel like using some stuck-up arcane client from 20 years ago
18:08.25znfmulti-IM clients suck balls
18:08.35Gnarfoz...for IRC
18:08.37Fiskerso apparently 16GB models were shipped
18:08.43Fiskerso we're still getting fucked Stanzilla
18:09.04Megalonloosen up Fisker and start to enjoy it
18:09.13Megalondon't be so tight and crampy
18:09.24Fiskeri fucked your mom
18:09.31Fiskershe is very loose
18:09.42Megalonare you insultin my mom
18:09.43Megalonor yourself
18:11.13znfso, free fucks at Fisker's hole?
18:11.14*** join/#wowace Kalroth (
18:11.15znffucks Fisker
18:11.31Fiskerwhy znf ?
18:11.50MegalonFisker's holes, znf
18:11.51Stanzillais there a free plex client for android?
18:11.55Megalonhe's open for spit roasts
18:13.06pompyGnarfoz: yar but packstation only exclusive in germany with dhl!
18:13.19Gnarfozand this only exclusive to Amazon and USA
18:13.25Gnarfozso... yeah
18:13.26Megalonsame difference
18:14.59Funkeh`the bees are buzzing in the trees to make some honey just for me
18:15.41pompyStanzilla: do you use this
18:15.57nevcairielpompy: i have one of those
18:15.59Stanzillapompy: nope but I think Gnarfoz does
18:18.25Stanzillasup breser
18:20.52pompy oh wow free. anyone ever use this?
18:22.37Fiskeranyway Stanzilla
18:22.47Fiskerthey  say we'll get more units shipped throughout the week apparently
18:23.06Gnarfozpompy, Stanzilla: I've got the old Das Keyboard 2, not available anymore
18:23.09Stanzillamaybe my micro sim will be here already
18:27.19StanzillaFisker: nexus 7 with 32gb and 3g is available again now btw
18:30.11StanzillaGnarfoz: do you still use your own proxy for unblocking yt etc?
18:33.03GnarfozStanzilla: I would, but ovh ended the free micro vps promotion thingy
18:33.10Gnarfozso it's going to be gone... today, or last night or so
18:33.31GnarfozProxMate has an easy way to set your own
18:33.40Gnarfoz(or you could just always leave the proxy pac file in)
18:34.04StanzillaGnarfoz: that's why I was asking, switched to ProxMate from proxtube,saw that option and was reminded that you wanted something like that ages ago
18:34.13*** join/#wowace profalbert (
18:34.37Gnarfozyeah, asked Malte about it, tried doing it myself, forgot about it, and in the end just used my own .pac file
18:34.48Gnarfozwhich proxtube restored properly some times ;)
18:35.31Gnarfozthe IP of my micro vps was actually geolocated in Canada, apparently (althouth OVH's page said Newark), so I had to keep ProxTube around in case something wasn't available in Canada
18:36.58Stanzillaproxtube is bad anyway
18:37.03Stanzillawith their new ad shizzle
18:37.08Stanzillabut they "fixed" that today
18:37.17Stanzillastill not trusting it anymore because malte sold it
18:41.01Fiskerno care Stanzilla :(
18:52.13StanzillaFisker: what
18:54.57Fiskerfor nexus 7 32GB and 3G
19:05.05GnarfozStanzilla: I *was* wondering why he even bothered continuing the project after YouTube closed the loophole, since it obviously would require expensive infrastructure from that point on... not mentioning at all that he sold it was kind of a teenager move :p
19:05.19Gnarfozguess he wanted the fame of having "fixed" it
19:08.00Repolibbabble-boss-3-0: 03nevcairiel * r392 LibBabble-Boss-3.0.lua:
19:08.00RepoAutomated LibBabble re-generation from the localization system
19:08.10Repolibbabble-faction-3-0: 03nevcairiel * r174 LibBabble-Faction-3.0.lua:
19:08.11RepoAutomated LibBabble re-generation from the localization system
19:08.15Repolibbabble-zone-3-0: 03nevcairiel * r364 LibBabble-Zone-3.0.lua:
19:08.16RepoAutomated LibBabble re-generation from the localization system
19:10.25*** join/#wowace TradeMark (
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19:11.30Repolibbabble-race-3-0: 03nevcairiel * r62 LibBabble-Race-3.0.lua:
19:11.30RepoAutomated LibBabble re-generation from the localization system
19:11.55Repolibbabble-boss-3-0: 03nevcairiel 045.0-release14 * r393 : Weekly Tag - #14
19:12.00Repolibbabble-faction-3-0: 03nevcairiel 045.0-release14 * r175 : Weekly Tag - #14
19:12.05Repolibbabble-race-3-0: 03nevcairiel 045.0-release14 * r63 : Weekly Tag - #14
19:12.08Repolibbabble-zone-3-0: 03nevcairiel 045.0-release14 * r365 : Weekly Tag - #14
19:12.37GnarfozXuerian: I think I asked this already, but I'm not sure I ever got an answer: what does the * on roll frames mean?
19:13.13sband where did the "link" go :|
19:13.31XuerianGnarfoz: Equippable
19:13.34Gnarfozthat's not even related! ^^
19:13.36XuerianIt's in group options
19:13.45Gnarfozthis thing has options?! :D
19:13.53XuerianIt's not optimal, but I want to show equippaable/upgrade so that's what it is right now
19:13.59Gnarfozyeah, cool
19:14.06GnarfozI'm a paladin, though, nearly everything is equippable, hehe
19:14.16XuerianYeah I need to make it "is my class"
19:14.20Xuerianbut that'll be a bit
19:15.19znfXuerian, stop playing PS2
19:15.44Xuerianscrew off
19:17.53Dark_Elfweekly tag my ass
19:18.07Megalonrather weekly tap that ass
19:19.01Dark_Elfor perhaps i missed last weeks weekly tag
19:26.43Dark_Elfkind of like how borderlands does tooltips for items, it puts like an up arrow for each stat that is better
19:28.56Dark_Elfbut thats like comparing apple and oranges since 2 different type games
19:29.12StanzillaGnarfoz: he's too young for business anyway, see his tweets in the last week
19:33.10*** join/#wowace Yoshimo (
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19:56.08Fiskerwell played
19:56.37*** join/#wowace durcyn_ (~durcyn@
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20:08.19Repobigwigs_garajal_crossover (experimental): 03funkydude * r22 BigWigs_Garajal_CrossOver.lua: should be mod not self for announcing
20:13.29Repobad-boy: 03funkydude * r1040 / (2 files in 1 directory): some Russian spam
20:39.46Fiskerso Stanzilla
20:39.48Fiskerare we there yet?
20:42.16Repobad-boy: 03funkydude * r1041 / (2 files in 1 directory): more fake rbg ads
20:52.43*** join/#wowace Trela_ (
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21:00.32Repobadboy_guilded: 03funkydude * r154 BadBoy_Guilded.lua: more ads
21:15.48Repobad-boy: 03funkydude * r1042 / (2 files in 1 directory): anti-spam update
21:16.06pompy lol?
21:27.56*** join/#wowace demi` (alysson87@
21:28.21StanzillaFisker: no
21:34.19pompycrazy russians.. old story but somehow found its way back into the news stream
21:34.56winklast man standing and killed Meng :D
21:35.01wink<3 Evasion tanking
21:36.06winkthanks :P
21:46.32*** join/#wowace Seerah (
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21:54.33Funkeh`jnwhiteh, can you please more "GetAddOnOptionalDependancies" to the "addon-related functions" category, nearly missed it :<
21:54.54jnwhitehsure, you can do it too, tho =)
21:55.12Funkeh`I need to register though, right?
21:55.20jnwhitehthought you had an account already
21:55.45jnwhitehits there now
21:55.50Funkeh`thanks :)
21:56.33Funkeh`if you want to, you can pretty much copy the API page of GetAddOnDependancies, it's the same
21:58.17Fiskerwhy not Stanzilla ? :(
21:58.19Fiskeri r sad
21:59.28Megalonwhy not ssd?
21:59.38Megalonah, right, because you never were in a solid state :<
22:00.18Fiskerwhy are you jelly Megalon ?
22:00.20Fiskerbtw jnwhiteh
22:00.24Fiskernew firmware for SGS3
22:00.28Fiskercan watch porn and youtube at the same time
22:00.49Megalonmmmmmm, jelly
22:00.59nevcairielmaybe they should just put porn on youtube, then the issue is gone!
22:04.00Fiskertomorrow then Stanzilla
22:04.02Stanzillamost porn sites are faster than youtube
22:04.17StanzillaGnarfoz: I NEED 2 MORE ILVLS
22:04.19Stanzillado instances with me
22:04.23Gnarfozfor what
22:05.39Stanzillapls :(
22:06.46Stanzilla@mart3ll: Nexus 4 order cancelled. I can only be ignored for so long. cc/ @google @googlecanada
22:07.27durcynhe sure showed them
22:07.45Megalongooglecanade gonna say sorry immediately
22:07.51Stanzillatheir care level is over 00000
22:08.07durcynwhy is android nerdrage so much more potent than other nerdrage
22:08.08Megalonwhich means they actually care?
22:08.32StanzillaMegalon: no but I cba to write more 0's
22:08.59Stanzillawait that doesnt make sense
22:09.13Megalonnow you noticed
22:09.24Megalonthat's why you are not allowed in LFR, Stanzilla
22:20.37Repobig-wigs: 03funkydude * r9578 / (2 files in 2 directories):
22:20.37RepoMoan in chat when an addon is forcing our Core/Plugins to load prematurely (this is mainly targeted at improperly configured bar skinning mods)
22:22.47Gnarfoz!api dungeondiff
22:22.47lua_botFound 2 possible results for 'dungeondiff': SetDungeonDifficultyID, GetDungeonDifficultyID
22:22.51Gnarfozoh, ID now
22:24.15jnwhitehFunkeh`: k
22:24.36Gnarfoz!api SetDungeonDifficultyID
22:24.36lua_botSetDungeonDifficultyID: This function is not yet documented (
22:24.59Gnarfoznot documented
22:27.04Funkeh`Gnarfoz, why not use GetInstanceInfo
22:27.14GnarfozI'm not getting, I'm setting
22:29.15Funkeh`Gnarfoz, of a raid or?
22:29.52Gnarfozdungeon, actually
22:29.58Gnarfoz!api raiddiff
22:29.58lua_botFound 3 possible results for 'raiddiff': GetCurrentRaidDifficulty, GetRaidDifficulty, SetRaidDifficulty
22:30.12Gnarfozyeah, kind of a non-sequitur of function names there, I think
22:30.34durcynshould be able to get it on UPDATE_INSTANCE_INFO / GetInstanceInfo
22:30.41durcynjust be aware it returns bogus values while zoning
22:30.52Gnarfozagain, not getting anything, this is for setting
22:30.53Funkeh`it *might* be the same as SetRaidDifficulty which is documented
22:31.00Gnarfozwowpedia has docs
22:31.03Gnarfozit's just a rename
22:46.03*** join/#wowace Slayman (
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22:56.37Stanzillaruns over Gnarfoz
23:05.08GnarfozStanzilla: fuck you I forgot a root password
23:06.01StanzillaGnarfoz: I forget everything all the time
23:06.12winkGot root? No.
23:07.46Gnarfozfigured it out
23:07.55Gnarfozcan the Elite Heroic items be on the Black Market?
23:08.49*** join/#wowace TNSe (
23:10.27StanzillaI havent seen one yet
23:16.31*** join/#wowace Takika (
23:25.42Wobinpompy: rofl
23:26.44Gnarfozdurcyn: c wut I did thar?
23:27.16Gnarfoz(except somehow having 2 commits in that pull request even though I really only wanted one)
23:27.37Gnarfozsadly, Tek already had this right
23:27.53Gnarfozbut your fork and his MoP update are so different now... :sigh:
23:29.35StanzillaGnarfoz: what are you doing
23:29.42Gnarfozmangling picoGroup
23:30.54durcyni should rebase one of these days
23:31.25Gnarfozgood luck
23:31.45GnarfozI tried when I saw he fixed it himself, but errgh
23:32.32Gnarfoz!api groupmembers
23:32.32lua_botFound 2 possible results for 'groupmembers': GetNumSubgroupMembers, GetNumGroupMembers
23:34.14Gnarfoz!api convertto
23:34.14lua_botFound 2 possible results for 'convertto': ConvertToParty, ConvertToRaid
23:34.45Funkeh`is it best to use my ~60 prismatic scale to level my LW beyond 570 or use my 5 billion leather?
23:34.57Funkeh`is prismatic scale used a lot in 600 recipes?
23:35.04StanzillaI just spammed leather
23:35.41StanzillaFunkeh`: you need to  get that pvp recipe
23:36.02Stanzillathat uses scales
23:36.04StanzillaI just noticed
23:36.05Funkeh`yeah I bought the one that costed the least leather
23:36.07Stanzilla12 per
23:36.18Funkeh`it was a choice of recipes that use scales or leather
23:36.25StanzillaI leveled with the bracers apperantly
23:38.08Funkeh`so shall I!
23:40.06Stanzillamy leatherworking toon was afk leveled when someone farmed turtles in the vale
23:40.48durcynyou used the word "toon" to refer to a CHARACTER, please exit the planet at your earliest convenience
23:41.02Stanzillawhy is that so wrong
23:44.33Gnarfozdurcyn: any idea what the GetNumGroupMembers == 0 check on 'gdd' (checkedfunc) is for? is that an "search and replace group functions" artifact?
23:45.17Gnarfoz(because one of the original group functions returned 0 when... you were in a raid, or something?)
23:45.51durcynmay have been a party/raid find/replace fuckup
23:46.05durcynlast time i rebased he had a bunch of 4.3 shit still
23:46.31GnarfozI think it's really supposed to be not IsInRaid()
23:46.41Gnarfoz(and IsInRaid for 'grd')
23:46.52Gnarfozyeah, that works
23:46.52Repobig-wigs: 03funkydude * r9579 Plugins/Tips.lua: bugfix for svn users.
23:49.49GnarfozI did an index edit
23:49.50Gnarfoznow what
23:50.38StanzillaI feel ignored
23:51.20*** join/#wowace Funkeh`` (
23:51.26sbyay patch
23:58.38sbtwitter told me
23:59.11Stanzillayeah sb
23:59.14Stanzillanow you link twitter
23:59.20Stanzilladumbshit :|
23:59.30Gnarfozdurcyn: MOAR fixes! :)
23:59.52Gnarfoznot sure if you want the style one, I could split that out of the PR

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