IRC log for #wowace on 20121110

00:00.03Dark_Elfand costly at that
00:00.07znfI'm eastern european!\
00:00.19znfI have a shit corrupted country, shitloads of bureaucracy
00:00.19Dark_Elfnice to meet u
00:00.21znfWe're poor as fuck
00:00.28znfDon't have a proper healthcare system
00:00.36Dark_Elfi feel same about my country lol
00:00.38Gnarfozso, you're the USA?
00:00.47Gnarfozhehe yes, that's always confused me
00:01.01znfGnarfoz, I'm pretty sure in US you don't have to bring your own medicine, bandages and syringes when you go at the hospital
00:01.14Gnarfozthey do have them there, but you have to pay dearly for them
00:01.21Dark_Elffunny part is most other countries think my country has got it all or something when we dont
00:01.44znfAlso, I'm pretty sure you don't have to bribe the medic to operate on you
00:02.00Gnarfozno, it's simply called "paying", not bribing
00:02.07RessyKinda glad right now that I live in Canada...
00:02.21Dark_Elfyeah but even if we dont have to bring they charge 5 bucks a pill in hospital and probably 5 bucks a bandage too tight wad hospitals
00:02.28znfKid of a lady a few years ago had Peritonitis
00:02.32znf(bursting apendix)
00:02.42znfDoctor didn't look at the kid until she slipped him money
00:03.00Xuerian(And the joke is, it's still cheaper than here)
00:03.10Xuerian(though it's not really a joking matter)
00:03.15Gnarfozthat's not what peritonitis is btw
00:03.22znfoh, my bad
00:03.27znfit's called "peritonita" in Romanian
00:03.33znfI assumed it's similar in english
00:03.59Gnarfozthat'd be kind of a weird translation difference
00:04.44znfI guess it's simply "Appendicitis" in english
00:04.45znfoh well
00:04.47Gnarfozwikipedia disagrees
00:04.59Gnarfozor agrees with me, either way
00:05.08znfmedical term is "peritonita"
00:05.40Gnarfozif it is, then I agree, you lack a proper healthcare system :p
00:05.52Gnarfozalso, that link leads me to without anything on it
00:06.26Repoxloot: 03Dridzt 07master * z2-alpha-3-g6c66293 Modules/Options (2 files in 1 directory): [+1 commit] Add XLoot_Master options too.
00:06.49znfnot to mention overcrowded beds, shitty food (but that's everywhere)
00:07.15znfI swear, when they make soups, they probably take 1 chicken breast and dip it in 5 different soup pots
00:07.19znfjust to "flavor" it a bit
00:07.43RessyI think all hospitals around the world do that.
00:08.02Ressycrappy food.
00:08.05Gnarfozyou're wrong.
00:08.16znfSee? German disagrees
00:09.11znfSeeing the new dancers outfit... I know what my GF is getting for x-mass
00:09.13Gnarfoz(also, is there "objectively" bad food? If it doesn't provide nourishment, it probably fails it purpose, I guess)
00:09.31Repoxloot: 03Dridzt 07master * z2-alpha-4-g22ec6d0 Modules/Monitor/XLoot_Monitor.toc: [+1 commit] Trivial .toc edits so it doesn't show as 'XLoot Options' in addons list.
00:10.06sbznf: overcrowded? more than 1 person / bed? :(
00:10.13Gnarfozhug time!
00:10.20znfsb, no, but good luck FINDING a bet
00:10.29znfGnarfoz, no taste food?
00:10.45znfAltough some hospitals in the country do ask patients to share beds...
00:11.05Gnarfozhave you ever seen The Matrix
00:11.50Gnarfozfood doesn't have to fulfill any taste requirements/wishes/expectations to serve its purpose :p
00:12.44znfFamily usually brings food over
00:12.58znfI loathe the day that, eventually, one of my parents will have to go to the hospital :-/
00:13.04sbbringing food to the hospital? ugh
00:13.11Repoxloot: 03Dridzt 07master * z2-alpha-5-ga7bde5d Modules/Master/XLoot_Master.toc: [+1 commit] .toc edit (not options either :) )
00:13.23Gnarfozmight not even be a good idea, depending on why you're there ^^
00:14.04RessyHubby wouldn't bring me food in the hospital after I had our son. He made me eat the hospital food. :(
00:15.44sbGnarfoz: yup, exactly :D
00:16.23sbRessy: well, food here isn't that bad (also, depends on why you are there - i had to eat bad stuff, but it was important to eat those thingies)
00:17.01RessyThey gave me stuff I told them I was allergic to. They forgot to check my chart.
00:17.09Ressyherp derps
00:17.31Dark_Elfhere there is lot of bed bugs in hospital
00:17.48Gnarfozso you said "I'm allergic to this, see my chart" and got something else?
00:18.00Ressyno.. They dropped it off and left.
00:18.04Ressyit had a cover
00:18.17RessyI didn't get to the food til a few mins later, by which time they'd disappeared.
00:18.30Gnarfozso you tell your nurse or something
00:18.39Dark_Elfthey sent my dad home from hospital and less than month later he died in his bed, i found bed bugs on the bed
00:18.49Gnarfozit's not like they're going to let you starve
00:19.16RessyI was able to eat the sides of the meal they provided, but not the main.
00:19.22RessyI didn't starve, but was still hungry
00:19.25Gnarfozso, you told nobody?
00:19.36Ressythey couldn't do anything.
00:19.59Ressymore like nurse didn't wanna get off her butt
00:20.32sbGnarfoz: she is right, they can't do anything here. i also had that problem. they have to order stuff ~4 before lunch-times
00:21.08sbotherwise its just yoghurt, zwieback and tea :D
00:21.24GnarfozI guess then it's the other direction: find someone else they fucked it up for and see if they have anything you can eat :D
00:22.39RessyI had to beg hubby to grab me a cchocolate bar from a machine after going into labour at 6am, not giving birth til 3am next day... Only then could I eat, and everything was closed.
00:23.13Gnarfozyou're 1 day from giving birth and you have to BEG your husband for something so little?
00:23.43znfno sex for him for the next 5 years
00:23.50Gnarfozunless she wants more children
00:23.54Gnarfoz:D from him? ;)
00:24.01znfsperm bank
00:24.18RessyNurses recommended I wait for breakfast.
00:24.29RessyI however didn't want to.
00:24.31Gnarfoz(and without knowing any circumstances: wouldn't you even be able to get it yourself, before entering labour? or maybe I misread what you wrote)
00:24.39RessyI'd already given birth
00:24.40znfand you went into Exorcist mode like ladies do when they go into labor and scream at them? :P
00:24.49znfat people*
00:24.54Ressylol.. Naw
00:25.00RessyI was fine once I got my epidural. :)
00:25.13Gnarfozyour what
00:26.02Ressyie, numbed my entire body from about mid-back down to my toes.
00:26.21*** join/#wowace sylvanaar_work (~quassel@pdpc/supporter/active/sylvanaar)
00:26.39Gnarfozok? c-section? or can you actually give birth under that kind of anaesthesia?
00:26.57Ressyepidurals are normal. You can feel contractions, you just don't feel pain.
00:26.58Gnarfoz(not reading the whole thing right now)
00:27.00sbGnarfoz: PDA, its standard procedure
00:27.27Gnarfozsb: I wouldn't know, I've not been pregnant :D
00:27.35sbshame on you! :D
00:28.29sbgot like ~10 pregnant girls (from school and stuff) on facebook posting stuff like that :p
00:28.43Gnarfozyou know, swapping just two words in that sentence...
00:30.23XuerianDon't worry, that's how we read it too
00:33.09znfRessy, I look like a sane smart person
00:33.13znfdo you post facebook pics of your baby?
00:33.27znfyou look*
00:33.33znfI'm not sane.
00:33.46Gnarfozsane? she posts on tech support VOLUNTARILY
00:33.48Ressyznf: All the time.
00:33.58Ressyhey hey now
00:35.01znfGnarfoz, oh.
00:35.04znfthat kind of person
00:42.45sbGnarfoz: btw, that band has some nice songs
00:43.27sbgot the new album from amazon after your tweet *sigh*
00:45.14GnarfozI don't :D
00:45.22Gnarfozbut wasn't the song YOU tweeted from it?
00:45.28Gnarfozbecause it's not on the one I have
00:45.34pompy1oh god lol ..
00:46.29znfyeah, funny
00:47.31Ressy2 hacks?
00:47.44sbGnarfoz: yup, was on rock antenne metal stream
00:48.52Gnarfozah, yeah, that stream rocks
00:49.00Gnarfozliterally, even
00:49.03RessyCreator of that lawsuit's a moron.
00:49.27Dark_Elfi hope blizzard loses
00:49.30Ressythere was no hack in may.. Must've lied through his teeth to the lawyer to get it started
00:51.18znfRessy, he's paying the bills :D
00:51.25znfDark_Elf, why?
00:51.28znfthat would be completely retarded
00:51.32znfthe laywsuit itself is completely retarded
00:51.43znfit's an OPTIONAL layer of security
00:51.48Dark_Elfcause it sounds to me like bliz has made enuff profit off that silly thing
00:51.49RessyAlso.. loss of information due to negligence on the part of the customer (ie keyloggers obtained from other sites other than Blizzard's), isn't Blizzard's fault.  As it is, when you go to change info in account management, most of the info is ****
00:51.57Gnarfozthey don't make any profit off it?
00:51.58RessyDark_Elf: Blizzard sells them at cost.
00:52.01znfDark_Elf, it's $5...
00:52.11znfand last time I checked that included shipping
00:52.16Gnarfozit does
00:52.17Dark_Elfand at 15 a month for wow it should be free in first place
00:52.32znfAre you retarded?
00:53.00znfEven my bank asked me for a 10€ deposit on the token for e-banking...
00:53.03RessyOut of US doesn't include shipping. I had to pay for shipping to get mine here. But they expressed them with FedEx, and got them in 3 days.
00:53.13Gnarfozsure EU includes shipping, too
00:53.22znfAnd the token for my e-banking is REQUIRED
00:53.23RessyShipped to Canada.
00:53.25Ressyfrom US
00:53.39sbjust use the mobile authenticator :O
00:53.40znfAlso, the mobile app is free
00:53.43znfalso, WinAuth is free
00:53.47RessyI bought'em before they existed
00:53.53sbi also did
00:53.57sb+ i got 1 from blizzcon
00:53.58Ressybut yeah, thats an option which the person didn't take into account.
00:54.19Dark_Elfagin shouldnt need that stuff how many other games u play need an authnicator, i bet gw2 dont even have on
00:54.27Ressyyou don't need an authenticator.
00:54.38RessyIts just Wow is a target for keyloggers.
00:54.53sbyup, blizzard will lock your account if you are trying to log on from different ips
00:54.58RessyIts an option so they don't have to do extra work in restoring accounts for people who don't know how to secure their computers.
00:55.13Dark_Elfsounds like a blizzard problem to me
00:55.26Ressyhow is that a Blizzard problem, when customers can't secure their own computers?
00:55.28znfDark_Elf, you don't need it
00:55.30RessyNothing to do with Blizzard.
00:55.32Gnarfozsb: what blizzcon did you attend?
00:55.33sbso (oh the irony) you need an authenticator if you want another person so log in with your account :D
00:55.39sbGnarfoz: last year
00:55.40znfsb, you don't
00:55.52Gnarfozalso, I bought mine before the cellphone ones existed, too, and it still hasn't failed
00:55.52znfsb, it's just gonna bug the shit out of you until it records both people's IPs as "ok" :P
00:55.58Dark_Elfnever have issues with other games with unsecure information
00:56.07znfbecause other games are not a target for keyloggers
00:56.12Gnarfozthen you won't have them with Blizzard's games, either
00:56.13sbznf: thats why its easier to get winauth + share thingy
00:56.17Gnarfozwhat was your point again?
00:56.28znfTell me what other game had trojans/viruses specifically created to target those games?
00:56.43Gnarfozmore than you think, I'm certain
00:57.02Dark_Elfwell guess they need to code better to keep keyloggers out maybe that why microsoft has programmer release patches for their product free i may add monthly
00:57.05znfthen again, You don't need it
00:57.12Gnarfoz"code better"
00:57.17Ressyfacepalms hard
00:57.21znfDark_Elf, seriously, you're making a fool out of yourself
00:57.23Gnarfozeither you're 14 or you simply don't know what you're talking about
00:57.24znfstop it
00:57.51Dark_Elfi can make a fool out of myself to prove my point that blizzard needs to learn from microsoft
00:57.52znfWhat is to "code" better if people are retards and can't stay away from clicking that e-mail with "HERP DERP FREE PONY IF YOU GIVE US YOUSERNAME / PASSWORD"?
00:57.58RessyConsidering half the keyloggers warden catches, most AVs don't..
00:58.05Gnarfozwarden for the lulz
00:58.23znfthe software asks for username/password
00:58.23RessyThats when I work with the user, get the malware, and send it to Blizz & the AVs
00:58.27znfBASIC auth
00:58.30znfwtf is wrong with you?
00:58.33znfwaht else is to code?
00:58.36Gnarfozif warden could actually catch keyloggers, it'd be violating laws :D
00:58.36Dark_Elfthen why need an authenicator?
00:58.41znfDark_Elf, you don't????
00:58.42Gnarfozwho said you NEED one?
00:58.48Gnarfozthat's entirely something you said
00:58.50RessyGnarfoz: It does. If something looks at wow, it crashes.
00:59.03Gnarfozseriously, no
00:59.06znfYou do NOT need an authenticator
00:59.11Dark_Elfthen why sell it?
00:59.22znfBecause people are idiots and can't secure their account?
00:59.28znflike, not using public computers?
00:59.30GnarfozXuerian: argh, my UI is full of loot rolls
00:59.31znfsharing username/password?
00:59.34Gnarfozthat don't disappear
00:59.41Dark_Elfthe account is with blizzard its not on our end
00:59.47znfDark_Elf, what?
00:59.48XuerianGnarfoz: well that's not normal.
00:59.57GnarfozI'm sure it isn't
01:00.08znfDark_Elf, dude, let me explain it to you
01:00.14XuerianGnarfoz: My fault I'm sure, let me finish skinning the bonus roll frame and I'll walk into RFC and fix that
01:00.21znfDark_Elf, YOU create an account with blizzard when you buy a product.
01:00.30GnarfozI'll get you the errors in a minute, Xuerian
01:00.44znfDark_Elf, they don't hand that username/password to you to make use of it
01:01.06*** join/#wowace Seerah (
01:01.06znfIt's your responsability to keep that information safe.
01:01.34znfHow would blizzard stop you from writing the username/password of your wow account on a whiteboard for the whole world to see it?
01:01.40znfAnd how would you stop that?
01:02.10XuerianGnarfoz: I think Dridzt just fixed that
01:02.12XuerianTry updating
01:02.47Dark_Elfi suppose it user fault if someone hack blizzard server gains access to all user accounts and passwords too
01:02.51GnarfozXuerian: oh, entirely possible. last updated earlier when you said I want to use XLoot now =)
01:02.57znfDark_Elf, but that's not the case...
01:03.06Dark_Elfbut yet it happened
01:03.13znfDark_Elf, that happened once, and all users were urged to change their username/password
01:03.22znfThey didn't ask people to buy authenticators...
01:03.36*** join/#wowace dano5 (
01:03.37XuerianGnarfoz: Your implication that I tested and missed that error assumes I actually tested it against real rolls :p
01:03.40znfAlso, it's not clear that passwords were leaked...
01:04.12Dark_Elfanyways this argument is pointless lets get back to bitchin about addons lol
01:04.27znf"cryptographically scrambled versions of passwords (not actual passwords) for players on North American servers were taken."
01:04.36znfwhich is why they urged players to change them
01:04.48znfbecause it takes time for anyone to decrypt those passwords
01:04.52Dark_Elfthats an admitance to being hacked
01:05.05RessyThey had to admit it under US law.
01:05.13znfreally, I'm amazed how ignorant you can be
01:05.18RessyIt was a big thing. Did you miss it or something?
01:05.36znfBottom point is that the authenticator is NOT required for normal gameplay.
01:05.37Dark_Elfyes im ignorant
01:05.52Dark_Elfnot required but shouldnt be sold either
01:06.06znfWhy shouldn't it be sold?
01:06.09Ressyso, added protection is a bad thing?
01:06.30znfI'm guessing that if you never have a car accident, they shouldn't put airbags in your car, right?
01:06.37Ressyespecially when it means Blizzard's ticket queue times drop because they nee to do less restorations
01:06.40Dark_Elfdamn i got a free firewall why should i need protection
01:07.00znfwhat's a firewall got to do with this?
01:07.08Ressyand you know how easily some of this malware disables that shit?
01:07.11znfDo you understand how a firewall works?
01:07.27znfor what the firewall's task is?
01:07.30Dark_Elfim not gonna argue about how shitty blizzard servers are, it should be on their end, its something else for them to make money, i am done with this argument.
01:07.49znfDude, if I had op powers I'd kick and ban you forever...
01:08.06Ressyif you get malware, you essentially hand hackers your password
01:08.10znfYou're basically saying "I'm paying $15/month, so they should come fix my computer for free every day"
01:08.12Ressyhow the hell is blizzard going to prevent that
01:08.21Dark_Elfim sure all in this room would ban me forever, but i just stating my opinion
01:08.40znfUneducated oppinion.
01:09.03znfYou clearly have no idea how this stuff works and what an authenticator is for.
01:09.05Dark_Elfis college educated thank you
01:09.22znfCollege educated? You wasted your money, sorry.
01:09.32Dark_Elfyes i did i agree
01:10.00Ressyyou may be college educated, but you obviously didn't have any courses when it comes to computer security.
01:10.19Dark_Elfi dont think blizzard did either for that matter
01:10.28Gnarfozbecause companies don't go to college.
01:10.37Kalrothcompanies are people too
01:10.42Gnarfozfiguring this out doesn't require any degree of any sort, it just requires a brain
01:10.45Dark_Elfesp since they can have a stupid diablo 3 server take down a wow server that is pathetic
01:10.45Kalrothdont bully them
01:10.47GnarfozKalroth: they are? :D
01:10.56GnarfozDark_Elf: what the what
01:10.58Kalrothyes just ask Romney and his friends
01:11.06znfWait, what? D3 server take down wow server?
01:11.11znfThat never happened...
01:11.30Ressyauth servers came down under strain the first few days of d3.
01:11.37Dark_Elfstupid ass company should have paid server like wow not on an unpaid server like d3
01:11.37Kalrothi think he means downtime, which usually affects all Blizzard games
01:11.41Ressytil they were able to retask them.
01:12.17RessyPeople paid for d3 too.
01:12.18sbgoto sleep quiescens
01:12.23Gnarfozactually, that's something they could've prevented
01:12.27Dark_Elfbattle net is the problem to many games same server they need separate battlenet for each game
01:12.37Gnarfozeven though I don't remember the d3 release surge affecting wow logins AT ALL
01:12.44Ressyyeah Gnarfoz.  They weren't expecting that many logins.
01:12.49GnarfozDark_Elf: you realize the insanity of that statement?
01:13.08XuerianRessy: Awwwww don't bring that up
01:13.12XuerianNo one wants to remember they paid for that :p
01:13.17GnarfozDark_Elf: the POINT of is consolidation, "separate" could just as well be translated as "no" :D
01:13.18Dark_Elfit not insanity, why should d3 players be on same servers as wow people
01:13.23Gnarfozthe are not
01:13.25znfDark_Elf, they're not
01:13.41znfSee? That's why your opinion is uneducated.
01:13.43XuerianChat server ~= game server. 0_o
01:13.56pompy1grabs popcorn, all it took was 1 little link. :D
01:14.04GnarfozXuerian: that's something else, again
01:14.09RessyWow game servers are all over the US. D3's servers I do believe are all down in Cali.
01:14.17Gnarfozwho cares about that
01:14.28znfAnyway, I don't remember the auth servers on EU preventing WoW logins
01:14.36Gnarfozznf: ^^^^
01:14.54Gnarfozand if they did in the US, then yes, that's an avoidable problem
01:15.11znfBut it's a far fetch from "blizzard bad herp derp"
01:15.14XuerianGnarfoz: I shouldn't have stuck my foot in the conversation to begin with :p
01:15.21znfTech doesn't really scale indefinately.
01:15.31znfYou can't simply throw more servers at an issue in hopes it fixes it.
01:15.33Gnarfozinfinitely, you mean
01:15.39znfGnarfoz, yes
01:15.47Gnarfozznf: and yes, you can, if you plan for it from the start :>
01:15.57Gnarfozit's called horizontal scalability
01:16.15znfAlso, they learned from that, looking at the MoP launch :P
01:16.16Dark_Elfnone the less i hope whoever buys blizzard has better servers lol
01:16.26znfDark_Elf, nobody is going to do that
01:16.37znfIt's simply not a good investment.
01:16.42Gnarfozznf: actually, someone might, since ActiBlizz thought of selling them?
01:16.45quiescensits a great idea in theory to scale things up for a one time burst
01:17.00quiescensbut is actually hard to justify when you run your own infrastructure
01:17.02Gnarfozquiescens: that's not what I meant
01:17.02znfLet's say you buy 100 more servers for launch day.
01:17.08Gnarfozand to you, too, znf
01:17.10quiescenswhat do they do with all the extra systems afterwards
01:17.20znfThose servers are probably not gonna see much usage after the 1st week
01:17.25Dark_Elfthey should of bought some that for sure
01:17.26Gnarfozthere's no need to scale to idiotic levels just to have one system not affect another
01:17.33Gnarfoz"should of" does not exist
01:17.34znfSure, you can "rent" servers
01:17.42znfbut they run their own infrastructure
01:17.53znfThat means you need more server space, more racks, more switches etc. etc. etc.
01:17.56znfFor 1 day...
01:17.57quiescensin all probability they did get extra capacity
01:18.03znfyeah, they most likely did
01:18.07quiescensbut you would only want to go so far
01:18.08Dark_Elfshould have i forgot
01:18.11Gnarfozwell, this wasn't about "d3 login servers broke on day 1"
01:18.38Gnarfozit was about "d3 launch affected wow logins" (which I can't remember happening, but I'm not in the same region)
01:19.05Dark_Elfi know it did cause wow was down too that day
01:19.24Gnarfozlogins, or what?
01:19.32sbwas a wednesday
01:19.36sbweekly maintenance :p
01:19.40Gnarfoznot in the US.
01:19.42Dark_Elfit fact i think it was like 10-12 hours
01:19.44Gnarfozthat's tuesday
01:19.45znfYou mean "wow login was down for 2-3 hours while they fixed auth servers"?
01:19.55znfNo it wasn't 10-12 hours...
01:20.00znfYou're talking out of your ass
01:20.07Gnarfozyou're noticing this NOW?
01:20.21Dark_Elftook u long enuff to figure that out
01:20.28znfOn EU I could login perfectly fine in D3 after 2-3 hours when people stopped hammering the login servers
01:20.51Gnarfozand wow worked fine all along
01:27.02znfI hate people.
01:27.18znfWe asked our raiders to try to maximize their chars: pvp, daily quests, you know, stuff
01:27.26znfSo this guy claims he has no time to do dailies and pvp
01:27.34znfyet he just got Terrific Trio
01:28.05znfgood thing we demoted him to social
01:28.14GnarfozI don't have time for pvp, either, but I'm also still at one char >85
01:28.51Gnarfozand I'm only still up because I'm doing HC & scenario for daily VP bonus
01:29.22znfI have 2 chars at 90
01:29.29znfthe 2nd is my farming druid\
01:29.41znfBut I pretty much have everything "maxxed" that I could...
01:29.54znfthat includes pvp gear and all factions that grant any kind of gear maxxed
01:30.11pompy1znf: really yeah, and i cant stand ppl who only log in to raid. ><
01:31.15znfbut this guy doesn't :P
01:31.18znfhe's leveling alts
01:31.24znfand claims he has no time for maxxing his char
01:36.17znfI saw an episode of Family Guy today on Hulu
01:36.24znfIs it me or that show is incredibly retarded?
01:37.13Dark_Elfpvp and dailies are quick
01:37.46Dark_Elfhe could level alts doing both those probably quicker
01:39.04znfwell, the golden lotus ones are a bitch
01:39.09znfI hated every second of doing those
01:39.20znfalso, my arena matches usually last up to 30 minutes
01:40.23Dark_Elfi only do warsong gulch though so 15 minutes and it over lol
01:41.24Gnarfozsb: great, expendables 2 with... german and russian audio. I should pay more attention when leeching shit at LAN party
01:41.47znfDark_Elf, I'm specifically refering to arenas
01:42.02znfas Conquest Points gear is quite a good alternative to PvE gear
01:42.42znfTorhal, Veiled Stair has no pet info data
01:42.52znfusing a "zone only" filter returns blank
01:43.19Torhalznf: Don't blame me: I parse that shit directly from the PetJournal. It's wrong as fuck.
01:43.32sbznf: i have only 2 slots which could be "upgraded" with CP gear (chest + legs) - so no need to do shitty pvp :p
01:43.43Repoxloot: 03Xuerian 07master * z3-alpha / (5 files in 3 directories): [+7 commits] (3 truncated)
01:43.44Repo2b1d60e: Skin Bonus Roll frame
01:43.44Repo15573d6: Make anchors check for child.scale_mod
01:43.44Repo0036c67: Add default skin set name or set
01:43.45sbno time for this stuff :/
01:43.45Repo1e75590: Error on missing skin set
01:43.46znfsb, 483 > 476 gear
01:43.52Repoxloot: 03Xuerian 04z3-alpha * a949627 /: [new tag] Skin bonus roll frame
01:44.05sbznf: as i said, chest + legs - doesnt matter :p
01:44.12znfsure it does O.O
01:45.48sbyay mrrobot
01:46.06sbMY GEAR 129321 , MY GEAR - OPTIMIZED OPTIMIZED129118
01:46.35sbah, i see, stupid run speed enchant
01:46.58Repoxloot: 03Xuerian 07master * z3a-alpha XLoot.lua: [+1 commit] Add Master to list of old versions disabled automatically/printed to chat
01:47.00Repoxloot: 03Xuerian 04z3a-alpha * 7cdc017 /: [new tag] Warn about old version of Master
01:47.10znfffs, it's 2 hours and 15 minutes to server restart
01:47.12znfgo home people
01:47.20znfI need to be home by 6 at server restart!
01:47.25sboh? another server restart?
01:47.35sbso i should get up early *sigh*
01:47.56znfearly? it's 2 hours :P
01:48.00purl (US); (EU) [NB: Returns empty content unless there is an active alert]
01:48.12sbright :D
01:48.16sbbut i'm tired
01:48.51sbalso, cant do galleon at 5, no players to group up
01:49.55Xuerianlikes git push
01:49.58Repoxloot: 03Xuerian 07master * z3b-alpha Modules/Group/Group.lua: [+1 commit] Testing changes is for lame-o's
01:49.59Repoxloot: 03Xuerian 04z3b-alpha * 6cfb33f /: [new tag] Whoops
01:51.23znfI'm gonna lag so much on gear upgrades from now on
01:51.25sboh, skinned bonus roll frame? will test tomorrow in LFR
01:51.34znfI'm not gonna bid on anything until sha-touched weapons
01:51.48znfDon't really care much anyway
01:52.09znfEven if I stay like this for a month, I'll still out-dps 90% of the guild
01:53.21Dark_Elfi hope 5.1 releases tuesday
01:53.58znfyou're funny
01:54.40Ressyif beta's build was 'release candidate' there'd be a chance.
01:54.53sb"we don't have an eta of an eta" was in some blue post 2-3 days ago
01:55.01Ressybut its not even close to that yet
01:55.14sbanother 2-4 weeks
01:57.21znfI hope it's only 2 :P
01:58.20pompy12 for US 4 for EU
02:00.19Dark_Elfwont be funny if it happens lol
02:06.01znfhaha, just seen a chinese bot \
02:06.07znflvl85, was flying in V4W :D
02:20.17pompy1oh god lol
02:23.47*** join/#wowace Elmoe_ (
02:50.10purl (US); (EU) [NB: Returns empty content unless there is an active alert]
02:51.31znfno more alert...
02:51.34znfFisker, go to sleep
02:53.31Reporaidbuffstatus: 03oscarucb * r562 Core.lua:
02:53.32Repotickt 366: fix spam filter for feast announces to prevent duplicates
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03:35.38*** topic/#wowace is 5.0.4 ToC#: 50001 | | | Blizzard Hacked: | This channel is logged, via purl
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05:12.23XuerianSo, a broker display that can be docked to the top of the screen and show on mouseover.
05:19.32Xueriandurcyn: Thanks
05:30.40Megalonalso try a real chocolatebar
05:31.01Megalonit gives the same happy feelings as finding the addon you searched
05:41.08znfIs there a simple boolean or a simple function that can return if you have a pet learned or not (or captured)
05:49.32purl (US); (EU) [NB: Returns empty content unless there is an active alert]
06:06.28Gnarfozso znf
06:06.33Gnarfozwhere are those restarts
06:08.44Repoxperl: 03asixandur * r784 XPerl_Player/XPerl_Player.lua: Final fix for Druid Eclipse Bar, this really works
06:11.42znfGnarfoz, they removed the message from logon
06:17.54Repoxperl: 03asixandur * r785 XPerl_Player/XPerl_Player.lua: Modified fix to avoid talent points change event
06:34.42*** part/#wowace Seerah (
06:59.42Dark_Elfpeople were talking about wanting to make the carbonite maps standalone, i am surprised they didnt want to resurrect cartographer, that would be the approach i would take
07:01.48znfI don't understand why would people want that?
07:01.54znfCartographer was bloated.
07:02.05znfAnd the map in carbonite is horrible
07:02.55Dark_Elfwell its cause the current versions uses 2 versions of the maps to render
07:03.24Dark_Elfdepending on whether u in new area or old
07:04.07durcynyou said carbonite with a straight face, get out.
07:05.47Dark_Elfbut really the idea of google style maps, and an unfinished project, hmmmmm
07:08.23Dark_Elfguess i remember to much stuff from bc and earlier
07:08.45Dark_Elfwhen carbonite was just a puppy
07:09.07Dark_Elfand cartographer was the top download
07:09.59Dark_Elflong live ckknight, u know you want to say it!
07:10.14durcyni hope he gets aids, i'll say that
07:11.27End_znf: on checking if you know a pet: not until 5.1. Until then you need to deal with scanning the pet journal and filters and stuff
07:12.56znfDark_Elf, stop praising ckk
07:12.58znfhe did more harm than good
07:13.17znfpeople still keep trying to fix the stuff he left behind abandoned
07:15.15Dark_Elfguess that means it was good stuff, u know it
07:16.04znfnot really
07:16.33znfwowstead is a horrible mess, was his work
07:16.45Dark_Elfstarts work on cartographer 5.0
07:17.35*** join/#wowace Dridzt (
07:19.33XuerianYou know what map I miss
07:19.50XuerianThat thing was the greatest thing since sliced gnomes
07:20.29Dark_Elfdang that is old
07:21.35Dark_Elfstarts a kickstarter project for yAtlas lol
07:22.25*** join/#wowace profalbert (
07:23.26Dark_ElfDavid Petraeus stepped down as director of the CIA on Friday, dang if i was him i wouldnt have, they didnt make clinton step down, so why did he
07:23.43znfWhy did he step down?
07:23.49durcynbecause congress can't subpoena him if he resigns.
07:23.56Dark_Elfhe had affair
07:27.15znfso many pets in Jade Forrest o.o
07:27.41znf(pet types)
07:28.40Dark_Elfwonder if there many in stranglehorn?
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07:31.04Dark_Elfpulls up to download an old gem
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07:32.49Dark_Elfshh dont tell anyone about the old site the one where all the libraries updates would repackage the addons, and someone would update a translation in ace and about 500 addons would update, gosh i miss those days
07:36.55Dark_Elfok guess will search my harddrive i got the last version, just got to find it again lol
07:42.09durcynbe sure to narrate the entire insipid process for us.
07:42.47Dark_Elfnah im done
07:55.41Reposerenity-now: 03calahil * r6 SerenityNow (7 files in 2 directories):  (1 line trimmed from commit message)
07:55.41Repo-Added a default class selection for the cooldown Config
07:55.42Repo-Added a check to see if target became friendly and remove the debuff timers.
07:55.42Repo-Added the functionality to hide the timer bars when changing targets and only show the new targets debuff timers.
07:55.43Repo-Added both Heroism and Bloodlust to the cd table to avoid wonkiness in the init of the variable.
07:56.40Reposerenity-now: 03calahil 041.0 * r7 : Tagging as 1.0
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08:23.07Repobig-wigs: 03wetxius * r9420 / (2 files in 2 directories): Better translation.
09:12.10Repoinline-aura: 03Adirelle 07master * v1.8.8-3-g6a396cd Display.lua: [+1 commit] Added my own overlay glow system to avoid tainting Blizzard's one.
09:19.21Repofocus-interrupt-sounds: 03corg * r77 FocusInterruptSounds.lua: FocusInterruptSounds:
09:19.21Repo- Fix nil error (probably caused by very fast casts such as Nature's Swiftness + Healing Touch)
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10:18.45Repoadibags: 03Adirelle 07master * v1.6-beta-1-8-g5cf3254 / (4 files in 2 directories): [+5 commits] (1 truncated)
10:18.46Repo5cf3254: Use the PostSet hook in DataSource and Junk modules.
10:18.46Repoc4a070b: Added font options to the currency module.
10:18.46Repo84c20be: Added an helper to build an font option group.
10:18.47Repo9826320: Allow modules to set a hook on option update.
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11:12.37Repobig-wigs: 03pettigrow * r9421 / (3 files in 3 directories): frFR Update
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11:53.45Repobig-wigs: 03pettigrow * r9422 HeartOfFear/Garalon.lua: HeartOfFear/Garalon: fix typo
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13:11.46Fiskerwe are waiting znf
13:14.55sbyes, we are
13:24.34sbwhat are we waiting for Fisker?
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13:53.51Theladyjayanyone on?
13:54.13TheladyjayI found in your FAQs that I could report bugs here for your GatherMate2 addon
13:54.26Theladyjayfor whatever reason, copper nodes are not working properly
13:54.46Theladyjaythey show up on the map, but every time I get near them the circle goes hollow even if the node is available to mine
13:54.59TheladyjayI have not noticed this problem when mining ghost iron
13:55.03Theladyjayonly when mining copper
13:55.22kagaroit only ever shows possible node locations
13:55.42kagarono ingame addon can see the blips for the actual nodes
13:55.55Theladyjayright, it shows the possible locations first
13:56.09Theladyjaybut when I get near those possible locations
13:56.19Theladyjaythe locations that actually HAVE available nodes remain filled in
13:56.30Theladyjaywhile all nodes that are NOT available disappear and the circle goes hollow
13:56.40Theladyjayit's been working this way since I installed the addon
13:56.45Theladyjayand it's still working for ghost iron
13:56.53Theladyjaybut for whatever reason, copper is not working this way
13:57.01Theladyjayat least not south of org
13:57.25Theladyjayanother strange thing is I no longer see the sparkles above the copper ore
13:57.40TheladyjayI'm not sure why this is, especially when my toon's profession is mining
13:57.40kagarogathermate only has hollow circle images, it doesnt provide any 'filled' circles
13:57.58kagaroso i dont understand your issue
13:58.11Theladyjayare you sure we're talking about the same add-on then...?
13:58.18Theladyjayplus GatherMate2_Data
13:58.27TheladyjayI have no other gatherer installed
13:58.30Theladyjaythat's the only thing I hve
13:58.34Theladyjayand that's how it's been working
13:59.16kagarowell i havent changed anything in it for a few weeks
13:59.21EthanCentauraiare you actually Tracking Minerals? :p
13:59.28EthanCentauraithe sparkles only show when tracking
13:59.32kagaroand if your not seeing the sparkles .. your not tracking minerals
14:00.35EthanCentauraithe "filled in" blips are probably GatherMate2's circles with the Track Minerals blips inside them
14:01.37Theladyjay:) gotcha, it was the blizz setting
14:03.30EthanCentauraithat's my good deed of the day done
14:03.39EthanCentauraiI need to be evil to someone now to balance this
14:08.31ZaB|SHC|kagaro: is it possible to add a keyboard shortcut to hide nodes on the map (just like the one for the minimap)?
14:08.45kagarothere should be an option for that already
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14:09.45kagarocheck the main keybidings window
14:10.37kagaroohh my bad you wanted one for the main map
14:10.48kagaroill put it on my list of todos
14:11.17ZaB|SHC|would be nice. if you don't have time, i could code it myself and provide a patch
14:11.59ZaB|SHC|next thing. heading for setting this shortcut in the main keybindings menu doesn't show up (german locale).
14:13.09Repobig-wigs: 03Maat * r9423 HeartOfFear/Zorlok.lua: dance
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14:22.59Repoadibags: 03Adirelle 07master * v1.6-beta-1-11-g9b216bd / (7 files in 4 directories): [+3 commits]
14:23.01Repo9b216bd: Locales updated.
14:23.01Repo959edbe: Use the new font system in core and currency module.
14:23.02Repo51d0862: Refactor font-related code and moved it into its own file.
14:30.23ZaB|SHC|kagaro: to fix the last issue, change line 14 in Config.lua to BINDING_HEADER_GatherMate2 = "GatherMate2"
14:55.31Repobig-wigs: 03Maat * r9424 HeartOfFear/Zorlok.lua: add normal spellId dance and fix berserk
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15:27.33Repobig-wigs: 03Maat * r9425 HeartOfFear/Tayak.lua: fix proximity not opening on engage
15:28.33Repobig-wigs: 03funkydude * r9426 HeartOfFear (6 files in 2 directories): Zorlok: fix lfr id's
15:37.34Repobig-wigs: 03Maat * r9427 HeartOfFear/Shekzeer.lua: add consuming terror
15:37.34Repofix engage and phase mess
15:37.35Repofix eyes icon
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15:42.14Repobig-wigs: 03funkydude * r9428 HeartOfFear/Tayak.lua:
15:42.15RepoTayak: reopen normal proximity after a strike and close it in p2
15:59.59EthanCentauraiok so... even though I deleted my tags, the packager still repackages all the tags
16:00.17EthanCentauraiI wonder if it's still looking at the tags in the SVN repo...
16:01.10EthanCentauraiay yi yi, I didn't have this problem when I converted Chinchilla to git >.<
16:01.56EthanCentauraiTorhal: help!
16:02.14Stanzillachanging repos on curseforge is like the worst thing you can do :D
16:02.17Stanzillait kills everything
16:03.04nevcairieli told him that
16:03.29EthanCentauraiI am not paying 60 bucks for a subversion client
16:03.54Stanzillatortoise is free
16:04.05EthanCentauraiI'm on a Mac
16:04.14Stanzillawindows is 30 dollars
16:04.47Stanzillaalso I'm pretty sure that there are free svn clients for os x :o
16:04.59nevcairielcommand line if anything
16:07.16Stanzillamight ask our resident os x bitches what they use Torhal|work kagaro Kaelten and MysticalOS
16:07.46Repobig-wigs: 03funkydude * r9429 Plugins/Proximity.lua: Proximity: fix an error
16:08.10EthanCentauraiKaelten uses Hg
16:08.44EthanCentauraipretty sure Torhal uses git
16:08.48Stanzillatrue but I'm pretty sure he has something for svn, too :) also durcyn
16:09.11Repoatlasloot-enhanced: 03celellach * r3947 / (5 files in 5 directories):
16:09.11RepoAdded Mists of Pandaria "Glorious!" Rare mobs and "Lost and Found" rare items.
16:09.12nevcairiela lot of libraries and old projects are still in svn, they will have clients for them :p
16:31.40Fiskerhey Stanzilla
16:31.49Fiskercan't you punch time in the face?
16:34.50Fiskerpls Stanzilla
16:37.39*** join/#wowace MysticalOS2 (
16:44.43MysticalOS2the "dance" ids don't fire a spell cast start event, that's SPELL_AURA_APPLIED after the spell cast start of ID 127834
16:45.35GnarfozEthanCentaurai: you never looked, did you?
16:45.40MysticalOS2svn is being goofy for me today. :\
16:46.03MysticalOS2UUID doesn't match expected UUID :(
16:46.49EthanCentauraiGnarfoz: I did, but all the ones I've found either suck, are out of date or simply don't work
16:46.53MysticalOS2well then
16:46.59GnarfozEthanCentaurai: I highly doubt that.
16:47.53GnarfozSmartSVN works wonderfully here, and I doubt it's much of a different experience on OS X, since it's Java anyway. At the very least, it doesn't fall into the "doesn't work category"
16:48.02Gnarfoz(neither do the command line tools, for that matter)
16:48.24Gnarfozalso, Versions and Cornerstone seem to be the "big two", doubt either of them has actual "works/doesn't work" problems
16:49.21MysticalOS2i use cornterstone
16:49.29MysticalOS2my fav
16:49.58Repobig-wigs: 03funkydude * r9430 Mogushan/TheStoneGuard.lua:
16:49.58RepoTheStoneGuard: redo the jasper chains func and remove the /say warning.
16:50.02Gnarfozso, Pizza, Pasta, or something else entirely?
16:50.06Fiskerwill you assist me Stanzilla ?
16:50.51EthanCentauraiI really liked Versions but I can't afford the 60 bucks to carry on using it
16:52.21EthanCentauraiSmartSVN requires binaries, how do I install those?
16:52.39Gnarfoz"requires binaries" o_O what's that supposed to mean
16:52.53Gnarfozit requires Java, that's all I know
16:52.53EthanCentauraiit wants the Subversion binaries
16:53.29EthanCentauraidoesn't look like Subversion is "built in" like it is in Versions
16:53.35Gnarfozuh, it does on OS X? that's news to me
16:53.48Gnarfozor rather
16:53.51Gnarfozthat's not how it is on windows
16:54.22Gnarfozin any case, you'd get them from of course
16:55.01*** join/#wowace xjug (
16:55.10Gnarfozheh, actually, WANdisco offer svn binaries, too
16:55.30Gnarfoz "vanilla subversion", I guess
16:57.08Gnarfoz(although I'm surprised, they're usually pretty clear about their requirements, and the OS X version doesn't mention you needing to have subversion installed)
16:57.49EthanCentauraithey're all 1.6
16:58.01EthanCentauraior source code
16:58.22EthanCentauraior require yet another program >.<
16:58.29Gnarfozyou can't be this helpless
16:58.35EthanCentauraiI am
16:58.37Gnarfozor... the OS X situation for subversion can't be this bad
16:58.40Gnarfoznot sure which it is
16:58.49EthanCentauraiI'm retarded
16:58.53*** join/#wowace Dark_Elf (
16:58.57Gnarfozthe wandisco svn download offers both 1.6 and 1.7
16:59.08Gnarfoznot that you'd need 1.7, why is 1.6 bad
16:59.31EthanCentauraidoesn't WoWace only use 1.7 now
16:59.37Gnarfozthat's their working copy
16:59.43Gnarfozyou should be able to check out a 1.6 working copy from a repo, no matter what
16:59.48Gnarfozbut maybe I'm mistaken on that part
16:59.57Gnarfozirrelevant, really, since there's 1.7 downloads anyway! :D
17:00.08EthanCentauraiugh, give me git anyday
17:00.14Repobig-wigs: 03wetxius * r9431 / (2 files in 2 directories): ruRu update.
17:00.16Gnarfozwell, that's another matter entirely :>
17:00.19Gnarfoz(and I agree)
17:01.04Gnarfozthe other option would be to wait and have someone fix the "I switched repo types, please someone kill me now" mess
17:01.40EthanCentauraiI fucked up converting Tradeskill Info to git
17:02.09EthanCentauraiso now the packager creats 50-odd out of date -nolib zips every time I push something
17:02.23EthanCentauraieven though there are no git tags
17:03.46Gnarfozsomething similar happens when you use the "fork" functionality on a project
17:07.38Fiskeri once forked a guy
17:08.08EthanCentauraifork off Fisker
17:08.17Fiskerfork you EthanCentaurai
17:09.34Fiskerwanna fork EthanCentaurai ?
17:09.47EthanCentauraino thanks
17:10.41xjugforking short-lived conversation.
17:11.09Fiskeri'm pretty happy about how it segwayed into fork = fuck when that wasn't even really the original intent of "i once forked a guy"
17:11.17Fiskerso now it looks like i wrote i fucked a guy :O
17:13.30Repobig-wigs: 03wetxius * r9432 HeartOfFear/Locales/ruRU.lua: Add engage locale for Shek'zeer.
17:28.51Repobig-wigs: 03funkydude * r9433 Plugins/Proximity.lua:
17:28.51RepoProximity: force sound to play every second for ReverseTarget despite settings.
17:35.26Repobig-wigs: 03funkydude * r9434 HeartOfFear/Shekzeer.lua: Shekzeer: CheckForWipe until I can verify ENGAGE results
17:48.17Repobig-wigs: 03funkydude * r9435 HeartOfFear/Garalon.lua: Garalon: add leg id
17:52.26*** join/#wowace stolenlegacy (~stolenleg@unaffiliated/stolenlegacy)
18:14.08Repogarajalannounce: 03oscarucb * r33 embeds.xml: add a missing library embed
18:14.58Repogarajalannounce: 03oscarucb 041.5 * r34 : Tagging as 1.5
18:16.53Repobig-wigs: 03mysticalos * r9436 HeartOfFear/Unsok.lua:
18:16.54RepoAdd target scanning to amber scalpel beam (this one has an amusing work around to boss appearing to target nothing, he's actually targeting an invisible mob that's targeting player. calling boss1targettarget reveals this)
18:22.18*** join/#wowace Cairenn (~Owner@MMOI/Administratrix/Cairenn)
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18:32.29Repobig-wigs: 03mysticalos * r9437 HeartOfFear/Unsok.lua: Fix options on last
18:53.06*** join/#wowace Antiarc (
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19:27.17*** join/#wowace arlen (
19:30.28Repocollectinator: 03Ackis 072.0 * 1.1.1-595-g82de62b Collectable.lua: [+1 commit] Add a method for pets: AddZoneDrop(Zone_Name, Pet_Level, x:y, x2:y2, ... , xn:yn).
19:31.18Repocollectinator: 03Ackis 072.0 * 1.1.1-596-g06f9df0 Collectable.lua: [+1 commit] Rename mehtod.
19:33.13Repobig-wigs: 03Maat * r9438 HeartOfFear/Garalon.lua: add crush bar for heroic
19:34.53*** join/#wowace Seerah (
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19:48.52*** part/#wowace xjug (
20:34.52sbXuerian: bonus roll has soem strange behavior, not sure what it is, window doesnt disappear after rolling, but no lua error
20:35.04sbalso some parts were hidden but the frame/background was still visible
20:37.09znfI'm still waiting for monitor!
20:37.39sbthere is no monitor!
20:37.43sbwhy do you need monitor?
20:38.36znfbecause I like monitor
20:39.07znfwell, NO SHIT SHERLOCK?
20:39.58Repogarajalannounce: 03oscarucb * r35 core.lua: suppress spurious warnings while disabled
20:42.08GnarfozI'm always amazed how they can miss obvious stuff like that
20:43.55znfGnarfoz, someone actually quoted for the feedback thread from the betas :D
20:44.03znflots of people reported that cleave thingie
20:44.28znfWhat would they have thought? That the community would not stack cleaving classes for that fight in particular?
20:44.34znfThey would "play nice"?
20:51.15Xueriansb: What is the setting of "Skin bonus roll frame"?
20:58.23sbXuerian: uhm "true"? :D
21:00.01Xueriansb: Then if you think the appearance is broken (or have a suggestion on how to improve it) send me a screenshot. As far as it not going away, I'll see what's up
21:01.09sbappeaarance (skinned) is fine :)
21:01.41XuerianTry  /run BONUS_ROLL_REQUIRED_CURRENCY=JUSTICE_CURRENCY BonusRollFrame_StartBonusRoll(6603,"test",30) to show//run BonusRollFrame_CloseBonusRoll() to hide
21:01.44sb looks good
21:02.05sbwell, that was 5 hours ago (doing sha) :D
21:02.08sbdont have it anymore
21:02.10sbwill try the next time
21:03.02XuerianHeh. Alright. But it never went away, you said?
21:04.17sbin LFR it went away - but on sha it didnt
21:05.01sboh, the difference is - i used a coin on sha
21:05.07sbbut didnt in LFR
21:08.01XuerianWeird. Alright.
21:11.23Xueriansb: I didn't think about it, but do you mean other elements of the bonus frame that aren't visible there? I've not seen or used it, so I didn't know what all needed to be skinned
21:11.37XuerianReading the FrameXML it seems like there's a "spinner" or something.
21:14.17durcynyeah, it's the dice animation
21:19.24sbi will record the rolling tomorrow (movie) :D
21:24.40Repogarajalannounce: 03oscarucb * r36 core.lua:
21:24.41Repoticket 9: be a little more conservative with frail and voodoo changes to prevent a rare bad assignment caused by latency race
21:25.35Repogarajalannounce: 03oscarucb 041.6 * r37 : Tagging as 1.6
21:31.54*** join/#wowace nebula169 (
22:01.29Fiskerso znf
22:01.34Fiskerdid you see anything to galleon today?
22:01.50purl (US); (EU) [NB: Returns empty content unless there is an active alert]
22:02.59Gnarfozfucking galleon
22:03.43znfFuckin' wowstead
22:03.49znffor having only 1 custom module widget
22:04.10znfmy custom widget is getting so freakin' long
22:05.18znfOokindadook was not taken on my realm
22:07.35Gnarfozlucky you
22:10.34Fiskerhey znf
22:10.37Fiskernot so hey Gnarfoz
22:12.46Fiskerwhy don't you hey me?
22:13.13sbwhy so Ookindadook today?
22:13.45Fiskerare you calling me a motherfucker?
22:15.54znfHEY FISKER
22:15.56znfWHAT IS UP MY FRIEND?
22:16.01Fiskernot you znf
22:16.08Fiskeryou are a jersk
22:16.16Fiskermisleading me and stuff :'(
22:16.55znfthis is how you deal with guild invites :D
22:20.25*** join/#wowace Droolio (
22:31.36Xuerianznf: I like that idea
22:32.31sbshhh, Xuerian. dont talk to znf. he will go mad about monitor again!
22:32.40znfXuerian, yes, monitor
22:32.42Xueriansb: Well he can go ook himself in the dook
22:32.42znfwhere is it
22:32.48Xueriansee: ook yourself in the dook
22:33.48sboh, this looks good
22:33.57sbcan i has monitor now?
22:34.05sbmeh - wonder if there is a event for bonus loot stuff
22:35.07sbfor other players... :D
22:35.23sblike "xyz got loot/gold"
22:35.35XuerianNo idea.
22:35.49Xuerian./eventtrace :p
22:40.30Repoxloot: 03Xuerian 07master * z3c-alpha Modules/Group/Group.lua: [+1 commit] Change how BonusRollFrame closing is handled
22:40.32Repoxloot: 03Xuerian 04z3c-alpha * 75b643a /: [new tag] Possible bonus roll frame fixes
22:42.14Fiskerroll frames Xuerian ?
22:42.17Fiskerfor realsies?
22:43.24Fiskeri always wanted roll frames
22:43.39Fiskerhow do i get this shit?
22:44.31Xuerianarches a brow.
22:45.50Fiskerxloot1.0 doesn't come with roll frames
22:45.56Fiskeryour commit suggests xloot does
22:46.14Fiskerjonndar is dead znf :(
22:46.31XuerianNo, that's always been in group, now it's being rolled into XLoot and the others replaced, same thing I've been typing for the last week, etc
22:46.35Fiskerand nalash
22:46.53Fiskeri've not been seeing what you've been typing for the last week
22:51.35Gnarfozsb: 10 days
23:15.16Gnarfozsb: new Kamelot album any good?
23:17.34Fiskeryay Stanzilla
23:18.11sbGnarfoz: how do you know...? :D
23:18.15sbbut yup, i like it
23:18.18Gnarfozsb: :>
23:18.22sbi see :D
23:18.34Gnarfozjust signed up for SA
23:19.37sbsatellite, WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU
23:20.07GnarfozI left it on repeat-1 while I wasn't home or something
23:20.17*** join/#wowace sylvanaar_work (~quassel@pdpc/supporter/active/sylvanaar)
23:20.28Gnarfozalso, check charts/last month, that's a pretty nasty Ohrwurm
23:22.39XuerianNew album is out? D:
23:24.33*** join/#wowace nebula169` (
23:29.40sboh, damn
23:29.47sbmissed concert last week :D
23:51.31*** join/#wowace Slayman1 (~dejhap08@
23:58.05Repogrid: 03phanx * r1547 : Tagging as

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