IRC log for #wowace on 20121028

00:00.21Repoadibags: 03Adirelle 07master * v1.5.5-2-gdb0e652 / (4 files in 3 directories): [+2 commits]
00:00.22Repodb0e652: Fixed the usage of some globals.
00:00.22Repobdcac69: Hook CloseSpecialWindows instead of CloseAllWindows.
00:00.31Repoadibags: 03Adirelle 04v1.5.6 * 60df2e3 /: [new tag] Tagging as v1.5.6.
00:04.16znfXuerian, both!
00:06.06Funkeh`Stanzilla, so polite!
00:06.18StanzillaFunkeh`: I know
00:14.19*** join/#wowace vhaarr (~folk@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/Rabbit/vhaarr)
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00:14.48sylvanaarMUD with graphics
00:17.18sylvanaarso, when do you think they will find some way to have an in-game "like" feature
00:17.48XuerianDuno, LoL just did it
00:19.09Funkeh`wanna give an example?
00:19.19XuerianLeague of Legends just added summoner (player) "commendation"
00:19.24XuerianIt's liking, with flavors
00:19.35Xueriansylvanaar was a bit vague with what was to be liked though
00:19.48Funkeh`for doing what though, not being a dick during an instance?
00:20.17XuerianWasn't saying WoW would copy them, but that's the idea. Teamwork, Helpfulness, something something else
00:20.18sylvanaarI was. I was being a bit cynical too, but that was an interesting reply - hadnt thought of it that way
00:20.18znfhey, vhaarr lives
00:20.35XuerianAnd then "Honorable Opponent" for enemies
00:20.55durcynreputation systems will be abused and gamed until they're pointless
00:21.30XuerianSure, but it's not a problem if it's a just a gamification of good behavior with superficial rewards
00:22.11*** join/#wowace Insurrection (Insurrecti@
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00:23.24sylvanaarI guess wow has /cheer lol
00:23.49durcyni always thought "not getting votekicked" was a pretty good way of doing it.
00:24.28XuerianOn a slightly joking note, yeah, not getting votekicked works well
00:24.33XuerianUnfortunately lol has no votekicking
00:24.51Funkeh`In the back of my head I keep hoping there's some kind of "dick" counter that reduces your chances of getting a group according to your kick amount
00:24.55XuerianAnd would be abused heavily if it did, due to the amount of 4/5 teams that queue up with one pug
00:25.33*** join/#wowace Seerah (
00:32.58Repocollectinator: 03Ackis 072.0 * 1.1.1-546-g19b339a Scanner.lua: [+2 commits]
00:32.58Repo19b339a: Add some debug text so I can deal with the pattern for vendors later on.
00:32.58Repo134edad: Turn the blizzard exceptions into a hash table.
00:38.37znfI love annoying people in LoL
00:38.44znfmade a char named "feedyou"
00:38.54znfand keep running into the opposing team without attacking :-"
00:39.45XuerianJust going to copy and paste. durcyn: let me know how your suicide goes
00:39.56durcynhey, leave me out of that
00:40.04Xuerianhey, it was relevant
00:40.27znfthe suicide went great
00:40.35znfmy team was ~lvl8-9
00:40.37XuerianOh right, it actually /was/ relevant
00:40.37znftheir team was 12-13
00:40.45XuerianYou're a horrible person, how about that
00:40.55znfI just don't like moba games
00:41.06znfbut that thing is damn fun
00:41.19znfseeing your whole team rage in chat is precious
00:41.46znfLoL has the most horrible community ever
00:41.59XuerianIf you had just said "moba"
00:42.22XuerianYou could have gotten away with that one. But no. LoL doesn't hold a candle to HoN and DotA
00:42.37znfAfter I installed the game, I had to change video options because it defaulted to full screen
00:42.52znfBefore I got back into the game I had the people raging in chat because I didn't move... like 10 seconds into my first game
00:43.04znfThey're equally bad
00:43.09XuerianWas this before or after they prompted you to play a tutorial match?
00:43.17Xuerian(they being the game, not the players)
00:43.33znfI skipped the tutorial
00:43.59XuerianWhile I won't disagree that they're bad and horrible, but you can't blame them for that one at all
00:44.09znf10 seconds?
00:44.10Xuerians/but you/you/
00:44.16znfI'm not exagerating about the 10 seconds part
00:44.25znfwish I would have, but I'm not
00:44.34Repobig-wigs: 03funkydude * r9332 Mogushan/TheSpiritKings.lua: TheSpiritKings: cleanups
00:44.34XuerianWhat makes you think I wasn't taking you seriously?
00:45.04znfThe loading screen takes ages on some people, I was O.o that some people could rage about 10 seconds...
00:45.47XuerianLoading screen waits for everyone to finish loading. Leaving the fountain 10 seconds late can screw up early positioning.
00:46.22XuerianThat said,
00:47.14znfI know that one :P
00:47.17znfthat's what inspired me to do that :D
00:49.14XuerianWell, you're welcome to do what you like, but that's like getting your rocks off making characters for the sole purpose of sitting in org and spamming trade with completely useless junk.
00:50.14znfactually it's better P
00:50.50XuerianYeah, the aggrivating thing you're doing is in full 3d
00:51.19znfXuerian, no, people don't rage in chat in WoW :D
00:51.23znflike they do in LoL
00:51.42XuerianMaybe not exactly like, but they most certainly do, and very similarly
00:52.31znfnah, they just ignore in wow :P
00:52.41XuerianYou and I have had different experiences.
01:04.33*** join/#wowace RLD_osx (
01:29.46Stanzillaparties with Xuerian
01:40.40znfStanzilla, weirdo
01:40.54Stanzillaznf: why this time
01:41.06znfparty with Xuerian
01:41.17Stanzillaso what
01:41.21Stanzilladon't you like to party?
01:41.29Xuerianparties with Stanzilla
01:43.43XuerianGo feed their mid D:
01:43.44*** join/#wowace bluspacecow (
01:44.33znfI was impressed before I clicked:
01:48.51znf!api battleground
01:48.51lua_botFound 10 possible results for 'battleground': UnitInBattleground, RequestRatedBattlegroundInfo, IsRatedBattleground, CHAT_MSG_BATTLEGROUND_LEADER, RequestBattlegroundInstanceInfo, GetBattlegroundInfo, PLAYER_ENTERING_BATTLEGROUND, GetNumBattlegroundTypes, CHAT_MSG_BATTLEGROUND, GetRatedBattleGroundInfo
01:57.27znf!api RequestBattlegroundInstanceInfo,
01:57.27lua_botCould not find a match for 'RequestBattlegroundInstanceInfo,'.
01:57.29znf!api RequestBattlegroundInstanceInfo
01:57.29lua_botRequestBattlegroundInstanceInfo: Requests information about available instances of a battleground from the server (
02:01.51purlhmm... framexml is Blizzard's UI for WoW. Export code/art from the client by using the wow.exe -console or open 'World of' --args -console after game loads press ~ and enter commands "ExportInterfaceFiles code" and "ExportInterfaceFiles art" (must be used on login screen); or view it online at , or
02:02.30znf!api score
02:02.31lua_botFound 6 possible results for 'score': UPDATE_BATTLEFIELD_SCORE, GetNumBattlefieldScores, RequestBattlefieldScoreData, GetBattlefieldScore, SortBattlefieldScoreData, SetBattlefieldScoreFaction
02:04.52znf@project bgspy
02:04.52Repoznf: Project "bgspy" was not found.
02:04.55znf@project bg-spy
02:04.56Repoznf: [WoW] BG Spy (Updated Oct 05, 2012 at 05:45 UTC) -
02:18.03*** join/#wowace General_Alpha` (
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02:31.47znfCan I register events without creating a frame?
02:32.58durcynwhat exactly would be receiving the events if not a frame?
02:33.55znfNot sure, I'm looking to change something in bg-spy
02:34.00znfbut he doesn't create frames anywhere
02:34.36znf!api SetBattlefieldScoreFaction
02:34.37lua_botSetBattlefieldScoreFaction: Filters the battleground scoreboard by faction/team (
02:35.32znfBGSpy doesn't work until you manually open up the score table, because nothing calls RequestBattlefieldScoreData()
02:35.52znfbut in order to have that working properly, I need to hook UPDATE_BATTLEFIELD_SCORE
02:35.57*** join/#wowace Neffi (
02:36.04*** part/#wowace Neffi (
02:36.08znfyet I don't see any good place to plug myself in :P
02:37.06Reposcrollingpetbattletext: 03Ketho 07master * v0.1 / (2 files in 1 directory): [new, +1 commit] Initial release
02:37.07Reposcrollingpetbattletext: 03Ketho 04v0.1 * d5312dc /: [new tag] Tagging as v0.1
02:49.40znfcan I "pause" the execution of the code until an event fires?
02:49.42znfinside a function?
02:51.47durcynno, that's not how it works
02:51.51durcynset a flag then check it in the other handler.
02:53.18znfthis code is confusing... instead of building a "complete" list of stuff to "report" and print only what the user asked, he has different functions that all work with the same data but are parsed different ways
02:54.12znfcan you show me an example of what you said?
02:54.18znfin an already done addon or something?
02:56.25znfI could do something stupid and just plug RequestBattlefieldScoreData() inside his BuildList() function, but that will most likely fail half the time
02:58.05XuerianThe better question is, why are you trying to avoid a frame in the first place?
02:58.59Xuerianlocal eframe = CreateFrame("Frame") eframe:RegisterEvent("LOOT_OPENED") eframe:SetScript("OnEvent", function(self, event, ...) if event == "LOOT_OPENED" then --stuff end)
02:59.31quiescensdoes --stuff end work
02:59.39quiescensor would that break the end too
02:59.50XuerianWell, that breaks when it's on the same line
02:59.58znfXuerian, I'm not, but that's not the only issue here :P
02:59.58XuerianThe whitespace is implie
03:00.08*** join/#wowace pb_ee1 (
03:00.30Torhaleframe:SetScript("OnEvent", function(self, event, …) if not self[event] then return end return self[event](self, event, …) end)
03:00.53XuerianYeah, that's the next logical step, but the if event == is a good place to begin :p
03:00.54TorhalThen: function eframe:LOOT_OPENED(event, …) do_stuff() end
03:01.24TorhalJust saying - if-else chains, when they can be avoided, generally should.
03:01.25quiescenswho uses elipses characters
03:01.46durcynpeople who want to handle fucking varargs correctly?
03:02.40XuerianTorhal: Aren't chains cheaper than table lookups?
03:03.18TorhalNo. Especially when they're large chains. You're hitting each check until one is found versus a hash lookup.
03:04.04XuerianAh, yeah.
03:04.22quiescenstable lookup is usually designed to scale well o.o
03:04.38XuerianHash tables never scale well
03:04.57quiescensits the creation or modifying of tables that is designed to be the expensive part
03:04.58XuerianBut it is a single lookup compared to a bunch of expressions, so
03:05.11durcynhat reminds me, is pairs() still faster than t[] lookups these days?
03:05.49XuerianPlease tell me it was never faster.
03:05.53XuerianI need to know it was never faster.
03:06.16quiescenshow do they "never scale well"?
03:07.19Dark_Elfthat bgspy looks like something that would make a great broker hehe
03:09.29znfthis is the addon:
03:09.38quiescensi thought most hash table style thingies were designed to allow retrieval at a pretty good speed compared to alternatives as the number of elements increased
03:09.44quiescensblames znf
03:10.11znfdoing /bgspy r tells me I'm not in a battleground :P
03:10.20Stanzillastop sucking znf
03:10.21znfbut if I do /script RequestBattlefieldScoreData() before, it works
03:10.44znf(or I open the score table)
03:11.28Dark_Elfznf do u use battlegroundtargets addon?
03:11.40znfI only use healers have to die, why?
03:11.50Dark_Elfjust wondering
03:12.02znfthat's only useful in rated bgs, and I don't do rated bgs :-/
03:13.15StanzillaI just got a quest for this item
03:13.34znfI want that, too
03:13.47znfalliance scum  :(
03:13.54Stanzilladoesnt work though
03:13.56Stanzillait's a dev quest
03:14.06znfI know what the quest is about
03:14.13Stanzillado tell
03:14.16quiescensalliance is ebil
03:14.16quiescensreroll horde~
03:14.22znfit was supposed to be a promotion for iCoke, some chinese stuff
03:14.27znfbtu the NPC to turn it in doesn't exist
03:14.35quiescenswhat is icoke o.o
03:14.43znfthere are some people who got it on US servers, though
03:14.45Torhalquiescens: Yah. No idea where Xuerian came up with this idea that hash lookups didn't scale well.
03:14.46Stanzillaquiescens: apple's cocain
03:15.16Dark_Elfso all that addon do is print to chat the other team's players?
03:15.35znfDark_Elf, fairly useful
03:15.57znfbasically, if your team has 0 healers and the other team has 3, you can just stop doing shit
03:16.00Xuerianquiescens: I have strange ideas. Most of them are wrong. Don't tell me though, I'm blissfully unaware
03:16.13Dark_Elfthink i will stick to battlegroundtargets at least i can target them with it
03:17.02durcynStanzilla: tsk tsk, cheat engine
03:17.15Stanzilladurcyn: no, someone shared it
03:17.26quiescensgives Xuerian a cookie
03:17.42durcynStanzilla: could've only originated from someone changing a quest share ID in-memory
03:18.03Stanzillashe got it from someone else in a SWP pug
03:18.05Stanzillaso :o
03:18.11znfyeah, it was shared in BGs :P
03:20.04Torhalquiescens: In many situations, hash tables turn out to be more efficient than search trees or any other table lookup structure. For this reason, they are widely used in many kinds of computer software, particularly for associative arrays, database indexing, caches, and sets.
03:20.08TorhalSo yeah.
03:20.37Xueriangrumbles "strange ideas.."
03:20.59quiescensgives Torhal a cookie too
03:21.10Torhalclears his cookies.
03:21.21TorhalNow I have to log in everywhere again, quiescens. Damn it.
03:22.02Xueriannoms his cookie, unlike some ungrateful disproover.
03:24.07StanzillaYou receive item: [Reins of the Thundering August Cloud Serpent].
03:24.07StanzillaYou receive item: [Pattern: Royal Satchel].
03:24.20znfyes, filthy human
03:24.31StanzillaYou create: [Royal Satchel].
03:25.49znfstill not sure if that 28 slot satchel is a good investment
03:25.53znfI mean, it's costy as fuck
03:26.28StanzillaI don't care
03:26.31Stanzillaspaaaaace > Ü
03:26.54znfif it were 30slots it would have been a nobrainer decision
03:27.51StanzillaKemayo: can you add to SD?
03:31.12znfdamn it, I can't figure out how to do this shit
03:31.39Dark_Elfwhat shit?
03:31.47znfmodifying this $deity damn addon
03:32.38Dark_Elfand the giants beat tigers again 2-0
03:48.10*** join/#wowace Dridzt (
03:50.37Stanzilla1x FrameXML\WatchFrame.lua:670: WatchFrameLine4:SetPoint(): Couldn"t find region named "PRIEST"
03:52.38Dridztlook in the boys choir
03:53.14Dridzttaintlog enabled?
03:56.58DridztIon taints everytime I get in a vehicle :/
03:59.02Dridztno to taintlog enabled I guess, not to Ion tainting
04:00.56*** join/#wowace Parnic (
04:04.24znftaints Stanzilla
04:15.09*** part/#wowace Seerah (
04:18.49Stanzillayes sorry, had to do the sky race quest
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04:28.53Repogarajalannounce: 03oscarucb * r18 core.lua: disable some overly spammy debug messages
04:30.18Repogarajalannounce: 03oscarucb 041.0 beta 3 * r19 : Tagging as 1.0 beta 3
04:33.56*** join/#wowace piderman (
04:56.19Repoxperl: 03asixandur * r775 XPerl_Target/XPerl_Target.lua: Improved Pet Battle frames hide/show
05:01.50Repogarajalannounce: 03oscarucb 041.0 * r20 : Tagging as 1.0
05:20.56Repoweakauras: 03dridzt * r277 RegionTypes/aurabar.lua:
05:20.57Repo- Fix ticket 365 (blank vertical progress bars) and guard against missing textures.
05:26.19*** join/#wowace Skizelli (
05:32.07Repocollectinator: 03Ackis 072.0 * 1.1.1-553-gc97e28f / (3 files in 2 directories): [+7 commits] (3 truncated)
05:32.08Repoc97e28f: Make Collectable.lua spite an error out if we don't have a proper ID that we're dumping.  Error is kind of vague.
05:32.08Repo7868c95: Making a few more tweaks/fixes to the pet db.
05:32.09Repo93db628: Apparently I added a wrong entry.
05:32.09Repo3c18bc4: Add all missing pets to the db.
05:38.41*** join/#wowace Skizelli (
05:39.12znf@project collectinator
05:39.13Repoznf: [WoW] Collectinator (Updated Sep 12, 2012 at 04:31 UTC) -
05:42.52Repoora3: 03eusi * r551 modules/Cooldowns.lua: added some cooldowns to Cooldowns.lua (ticket 115)
05:46.37*** join/#wowace znf (~ibm86@2001:470:1f0b:83e:20b:6aff:fe57:4d0f)
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06:02.19Repomounted: 03yssaril 07master * v2.2.11-6-g005fc15 / (6 files in 3 directories): [+4 commits]
06:02.19Repo005fc15: add proper profile upadting and verification
06:02.20Repo2d2dc91: remove the slider value from the priorities check that we have a valid mountID before trying to select it in the Mount Journal
06:02.20Repo8570f6a: gray out mounts we can do not have access to but other characters have in the priorities list
06:02.21Repo59c245c: clear dynamic blacklist and update macro when the pet journal is closed (applys new mount priorities)
06:06.54Repogathermate2_data: 03kagaro * r211 / (3 files in 1 directory): GatherMate2_Data: Data update
06:06.59Repogathermate2_data: 03kagaro 04v12.9 * r212 : GatherMate2_Data: Data update
06:13.47*** join/#wowace MiRai (~MiRai@unaffiliated/mirai)
06:20.15Repocollectinator: 03resa1983 072.0 * 1.1.1-555-gea18519 / (4 files in 3 directories): [+2 commits]
06:20.15Repoea18519: Added more phrases for the Scanner to look for adding Custom acquire info.
06:20.16Repofc746fa: More vendors added w/Locals
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07:09.50groksenetsplits mckenziemc
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07:14.04mckenziemctorso-splits grokse.
07:18.07grokseis glad mckenziemc can't get to him from that other irc server
07:22.43mckenziemcis glad groksex
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09:34.37Repoatlasloot-enhanced: 03celellach * r3931 / (3 files in 3 directories):
09:34.37Repo- Added Sha of Anger quest rewards and added titles to the pages.
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09:43.34Repoblack-market-tracker (experimental): 03jack445 * r8 BlackMarketTracker.lua:
09:43.34Repo* Fixed yet another issue with moving the items from current to history db
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09:56.39quiescensits aliev!
09:58.51Megalonprobably dies soon, because quiescens
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10:09.20Repochinchilla: 03ethancentaurai 07master * v2.5.7-21-ged2eb99 .gitattributes: [+1 commit] Update gitattributes.
10:10.06Repochinchilla: 03ethancentaurai 04v2.5.8 * 4b5a623 /: [new tag] Tagging as v2.5.8.
10:21.51Repobattlegroundtargets: 03kunda * r158 BattlegroundTargets.lua: update
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11:51.38ethan|centauraihugs bluspacecow
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12:22.29Repobattlegroundtargets: 03kunda 0450001-5 * r159 :  (12 lines trimmed from commit message)
12:22.30RepoNew in BattlegroundTargets-50001-5:
12:22.30Repo- fixed name display in font option
12:22.31RepoNew in BattlegroundTargets-50001-4:
12:38.10*** join/#wowace Droolio (
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13:18.32neon_Does anyone have FrameXML\Constants.lua from the PTR?
13:18.44neon_They seem to have changed SPELL_POWER_LIGHT_FORCE
13:46.35Repoxperl: 03playerlin * r776 / (3 files in 1 directory):  (1 line trimmed from commit message)
13:46.35RepoSet release, again.
13:46.36Repo3.6.1a Release for PetBattle frames show and hide...
13:46.37Repo(Please, just do "x.x.1", not "x.x.10"..., .1 still > .05...)
14:11.41Repoatlasloot-enhanced: 03celellach * r3932 / (2 files in 2 directories): Added a menu for Challenge Mode Armor sets
14:31.52Repoatlasloot-enhanced: 03Dynaletik * r3933 Locales/ - deDE update
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15:29.05Repoailo: 03stencil * r206 Ailo.lua:
15:29.07RepoAdded trackers for daily scenario and weekly conquest points. Tweaked how we set daily heroic status so that it will display as done if VP capped. Reorganized options so that all the tracker toggles are grouped together below a header line under the more general options. Trackers that are displaying an icon in the column header will now show that icon next to the checkbox for it in options.
15:29.32*** join/#wowace mckenziemc (~Mark@
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15:33.37Stanzillaelo bitches
15:34.11Repocollectinator: 03Ackis 072.0 * 1.1.1-556-g7fa641b / (2 files in 1 directory): [+1 commit] Deal with Jade Forest -> The Jade Forest issue.
16:28.04Repogsshield: 03julith * r65 / (2 files in 1 directory): GridStatusShield: increased maximum values for thresholds
16:29.14Repogsshield: 03julith 04v1.27 * r66 : Tagging as v1.27
16:30.20Repolibfail-mop: 03Maat * r13 LibFail-MoP.lua:  (3 lines trimmed from commit message)
16:36.29Repobig-wigs: 03Maat * r9333 Mogushan/Elegon.lua: fix overcharge stack announce
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17:07.31Repoatlasloot-enhanced: 03TrAsHeR * r3934 Locales/ frFR update
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17:49.24znfSo... our previous "loner" GM hooked up with one of the healers in the guild. Nothing can go wrong, right? >_<
17:50.33sbnice :D
17:51.01Stanzillaone of our mages just ragequitted because I told him to talk on TS instead of whispers
17:51.17znfStanzilla, gkick
17:51.27znfreplace mage
17:51.31sbwtf? whats wrong with those ppl
17:52.27Stanzillawe have a history together
17:52.30Stanzillaand hate each other with a passion
17:52.49Stanzillaand he just can't stand it that I'm an officer
17:53.08znfI''m pissed when people whisper officers or whoever in raids
17:53.24Stanzillawas not written whisper, was TS whisper
17:53.29znfespecially when I get 2-3 whispers at the same time
17:53.30znfeven worse
17:58.16Stanzillabreser: ping
18:06.31Repolibfail-mop: 03Maat * r14 LibFail-MoP.lua:
18:06.31Repoadjust arcane velocity default damage constraint to be more forgiving
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18:07.43znfOH Thank $deity
18:07.51znfwowhead reverted their shitty search
18:08.00znfback to google results
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19:00.00Repobigwigs_garajal_crossover (experimental): 03Maat * r13 / (3 files in 2 directories): add another enable mob
19:01.15Repobigwigs_garajal_crossover (experimental): 03Maat * r14 Libs/CallbackHandler-1.0/: remove a mistakenly added lib
19:01.30pompymmhm sure mistakenly ;)
19:16.01znfStanzilla, bloodlust when @ Stone Puppies?
19:16.17Stanzillaznf: we used it sub 20%
19:16.41Torhalrewrites Stanzilla using LibLordFarlander-2.0
19:19.32Megalonrewrites Torhal using LibLordFarlander-2.0 templates
19:19.41sboh, killed stonethingies, yay
19:19.50sbcoin -> nothing!
19:20.33Repoxperl: 03tharai * r777 / (2 files in 1 directory): More fixes for pet battle
19:20.33RepoLin, pleaase do not use your own versioning system. This is a standard.
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19:21.56Repolibfail-mop: 03Maat * r15 LibFail-MoP.lua: clean up barrierSpellExceptions + add Mass Dispel
19:24.03Stanzillagz sb
19:46.14Repobroker_digicam: 03phyber 07master * 50001-1-1-g31d03c9 Digicam.lua: [+1 commit] Fix typo when releasing tooltip.
19:46.18Repobroker_digicam: 03phyber 0450001-2 * 41b9364 /: [new tag] Tagged as 50001-2
19:48.19Repolibfail-mop: 03Maat * r16 LibFail-MoP.lua: be a bit more forgiving with undying shadows
19:48.20Repoadd a murder of crows to barrier exceptions
19:54.11Repolibfail-mop: 03Maat * r17 LibFail-MoP.lua: enable overkill option for flanking orders
20:22.18Megalonyou playing with your hitachi magic wand again, Stanzilla
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20:29.11Repobig-wigs: 03funkydude * r9334 Mogushan/Feng.lua: Feng: fix stopping lightning fists after a new phase
20:34.06znfStanzilla, 145k dps @ stone puppies... we wiped at 6% :(
20:34.17Stanzillaznf: not bad, kill it now pls!
20:34.28znfmy head hurst
20:34.39znfwhen they reach 20% it's a clusterfuck
20:34.57znfkeep 8 dots, action bar is lit like an x-mass tree
20:45.04znfStanzilla, our rogue is pulling 200k :-|
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20:48.12Repobig-wigs: 03funkydude * r9335 Mogushan/Feng.lua: Feng: sound on 2 tank stacks
20:50.37Stanzillaznf: so what, captain cleave
20:54.04znfI hate rogues! :(
20:54.42Megalonstop ze hatin
20:55.44sbStanzilla: heroic feng, all raid to boss on earth? except for 1 dps which will soak lightning (+reversal buffed), right?
20:56.14Stanzillasb: stun one, bubble one, stun again
20:56.21Stanzillaso yeah
21:09.05znffingers. hurt.
21:09.07znfhead. spins.
21:09.11znftoo many stuff to watch for :(
21:09.14znftoo much*
21:20.59Repobroker_digicam: 03phyber 07master * 50001-2-1-g1933066 Digicam.lua: [+1 commit] Fix typo in tooltip.
21:21.04Repobroker_digicam: 03phyber 0450001-3 * ffb1a4b /: [new tag] Tagged as 50001-3
21:24.49znf@project broker_digicam
21:24.50Repoznf: [WoW] Broker_Digicam (Updated Oct 28, 2012 at 21:23 UTC) -
21:36.18Chosiaaand another ranking
21:36.56Repobig-wigs: 03funkydude * r9336 Mogushan/Feng.lua:
21:36.57RepoFeng: add a bar for the first (sometimes) fists and fix first epicenter
21:46.00Repomounted: 03yssaril 07master * v2.2.11-7-g61e464b / (7 files in 3 directories): [+1 commit] added a option to start minimized on first startup this can be found in the Settings and Profiles tab (thanks Shammich for the idea) removed a bunch of trailing whitespace
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21:55.19Stanzillaexactly what I need for this raid
21:55.26Stanzillaprevents me from ripping people's heads of
22:01.41pompywtf Stanzilla
22:04.19Stanzillawhat pompy
22:07.32Repobig-wigs: 03funkydude * r9337 Mogushan/Garajal.lua: Garajal: make attack bar hc only
22:07.38Stanzillawhy boss not dead znf
22:07.57znfpeople keep failing :(
22:08.03znfsome people die before 70% :(
22:21.12znfNot sure who to blame there
22:21.17znfRA, SD or TipTac :D
22:24.23Dark_Elfblames ra :p
22:32.37znfdone \o/
22:32.43znf140k :(
22:32.53znfI sat out of shadow form for like 20 seconds
22:35.16groksehalp how to boss
22:37.31pompy :\
22:39.14Repoatlasloot-enhanced: 03celellach * r3935 Menus/WorldEventMenus.lua: Updated AT Tabard prices
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22:40.59groksenibbles on pompy's soul
22:42.36PrimerSo noxxic is saying my first SP haste plateau is 8085...
22:43.05groksegems Primer to 9001 haste
22:43.06Primerthat just seems so outside the realms of current possibility
22:44.20Stanzillawhy Primer
22:44.56znfPrimer, no it's not lol
22:44.57znfget pants
22:45.04znfhow much are you missing?
22:45.07Primerznf: looking at your toon now
22:45.12Primeryou have 19.30%
22:45.24znfdidn't I log off in PvP gear last time?
22:45.53Primermight be cached
22:45.58znfsee the rating, I have 8203 :)
22:46.03znf+ shadowform
22:46.08Primerok, so wtf
22:46.19Primerin my character sheet I see 19.35% for me
22:46.28znf+shadow form?
22:46.50Primerbut rating is 5809 (13.67%)
22:47.37Primerwell, if I toggle shadow form off it drops to 13.67%
22:47.41znfI have 19.30 + shadowform
22:47.47PrimerI just wish this crap was less confusing
22:47.52znfwhat's confusing?
22:48.01znfthe haste from shadowform is additive and multiplicative
22:48.08PrimerI want to know what I fucking need to do
22:48.30znfget more haste
22:49.08MysticalOStorhal, you should have pet theory add at very least rare pet spawn locations to map, a handynotes plugin or something. so tired of tabbing out
22:49.50znfPrimer, how much haste (rating) do you have?
22:50.35Primeryes, I know my gear is bad
22:50.46Primerwe're not hardcore so we don't have blood spirits
22:51.06Primerwe're only 4/6
22:51.08Primerin 10 man
22:51.15Primerhitting quite a wall on Elegon
22:51.32PrimerThing is, some of that gear I share with my healing set
22:52.00Primerrating 5809
22:52.40Repomounted: 03yssaril 07master * v2.2.11-9-g9d286df / (2 files in 1 directory): [+2 commits]
22:54.41Repo9d286df: fix grouped mounts never being selected OOPS
22:54.41Repoa409bc0: make startminimized false the default
22:54.41PrimerI'm going to just make this be a dedicated DPS set and put as much haste in as possible
22:54.41znfgem more haste
22:55.05znfWTB SW:I Hotfix already for fucks' sake
22:55.12PrimerI'm going to target 14% hit too since we have a Drainei
22:55.26Primeror however it's spelt
22:56.55PrimerWhich pants were you referring to btw? Rep ones?
22:57.18Primernone have haste
22:57.24Primerso I guess not
22:58.02znfdraenei's thingie is self-only
22:58.07znfhasn't been raid wide since wotlk :D
22:58.15znfPrimer, no, Mooncloth Gladiator
22:58.18znf2 sockets and haste
22:58.28znfgem 2x320 haste in both
22:58.33Primerwell, I have that, but it's the blue one
22:58.43XuerianCan't have a racial passive being raid-wide, that'd be too OP. That, and all veteran Trolls would shuffle angrily
22:59.14Primerguess I haven't been keeping up
23:00.04znfyes, the blue one
23:00.13znfjust put 2x haste-only in it
23:00.15Primerwell, you have the malevolent one
23:00.36PrimerI could just get that once conq resets
23:01.18*** join/#wowace gix (
23:02.21znfyeah, I used to have mooncloth
23:03.10breserStanzilla: pong?
23:04.01Stanzillabreser: hey you're still alive
23:04.07StanzillaI have a pitbull question
23:04.35Stanzillawhen you switch targets and have animated bars on, it looks really odd
23:04.48Stanzillaand it takes a while till you can see the actual hp
23:05.55Stanzillaso maybe don't use the animate stuff on target_changed?
23:06.07*** join/#wowace ethan|centaurai (
23:07.33znfPrimer, get the other ring from HH
23:07.45breserStanzilla: Yeah I didn't like that when I originally implemented it but there isn't a simple solution to that.
23:08.23Primerznf: yeah, just noticed that
23:08.29breserStanzilla: The layering makes it so that the bar doesn't know it's being redrawn due to a target change.
23:09.18*** join/#wowace EthanCentaurai (
23:10.00breserStanzilla: Incidentally, this came up on wowinterface and someone said they actually liked it.  So if I change it now I probably should provide an option.
23:10.41Stanzillahow can one like that :O
23:10.53Stanzillabut breser you've been pretty busy lately with other stuff, I guess?
23:11.15breserAnyway I haven't had any time for WoW lately.  Been traveling for the last month.  I'm home this week but heading back to Europe for ApacheCon.
23:12.04breserAs in I just got back in town a couple hours ago from a 10 hour flight from Amsterdam.
23:13.59breserStanzilla: People are weird, I don't understand why people like some things but they do.
23:14.25Stanzillabest to ignore most of them :p
23:16.05breserI think the animation is slower since late Cata... I haven't looked at it though and I can't compare now it may just be my own perception...
23:16.19sbgiev pants znf
23:16.31znfdo Arenas :-/
23:16.48Stanzillabreser: in my opinion it looks like a bug atm
23:16.51Slayman1hey what do bears do with magic dmg bosses? SD is physical, Mastery is physical, only the heal works
23:16.53Stanzillabut meh
23:17.12sbznf: first i have to reach my VP cap :|
23:17.22breserHowever, it's using the same technique as LibShefkiTimer so I'd expect there'd be isseus with it if there was an issue with the animation system.
23:17.48breserAnd Decursive is using LibShefkiTimer without any issues...
23:18.03breserStanzilla: I agree.  It looks wrong.
23:18.20znfI think the valor and charms feel good because you can cap them. I think rep itself would be better with a cap. (Source)
23:18.23znfOff with GC's head
23:18.34znfIf they implement a cap on rep, I'm bring out the pitchforks
23:19.27breserSometimes I wish Blizzard would put some more thought into this stuff before release, rather than the constant tinkering...
23:19.45breserThe charm issues should have been obvious.
23:20.52znfI'm annoyed by the VP cap tbh
23:20.55durcynrep is naturally limited if its only source is dailies
23:21.06durcynlimit fucking dailies again. dammit.
23:21.20breserI don't care about the VP cap since I'm not even really playing right now.
23:21.21znfAnd have rewards from reps? No thank you.
23:21.35znfMost people should have been done with Klaxxi and Golden Lotus anyway
23:21.39znfI'm down to 11 daily quests / day
23:21.49durcynznf: don't put me in a situation where i have to do 65.
23:22.18znfDon't make me take decisions on which faction to "ding" first.
23:22.31znfI'd hate that.
23:22.46breserSometimes I wonder if they don't do some of this stuff to shut whiners up.
23:22.47durcyni'm not suggesting you should have to only choose 25.  i'm suggesting there shouldn't be more than 25 available to anyone in a given day. or some other number.
23:22.56breserLike uncapping dailies and then giving you a shit ton to do.
23:23.10breserThen watch all the whiners start asking for caps again...
23:23.13durcynbut making them unlimited andn ALSO mandatory
23:24.07znfthe biggest problem was those retarded golden lotus
23:24.17znfthey take SO much time and they're SO many
23:24.23znfklaxxi was rather ok
23:24.39durcynlotus is the only one i'm going to keep doing after exalted, vale bag and skyshards
23:24.48znfthose are the most time consuming
23:24.56znfthose alone on my realm take ~40 minutes
23:25.00znfeven if you group up
23:35.58*** join/#wowace Slayman (
23:47.32znfso, I want to see spriests UIs
23:47.34znfI'm bored
23:47.37znfneed to compare shit
23:56.32Funkeh`get will out
23:57.27*** join/#wowace sb_ (

Generated by Modified by Tim Riker to work with infobot.