IRC log for #wowace on 20120406

00:00.26*** join/#wowace Repo (~repo@
00:04.46Reposexymap: 03funkydude 07master * v1.3-9-g1b8cc15 / (3 files in 1 directory): [+1 commit] Merge autozoom into the general module
00:07.17Funkeh`when you mousewheel zoom in
00:07.27Funkeh`it auto zooms back out after x
00:08.00Stanzillayou dirty hacker
00:08.20Funkeh`Stanzilla, what is love?
00:10.11StanzillaFunkeh`: baby don't hurt me
00:10.11MikkWUT IS LURV?
00:11.39MikkAnd where is vyragosa hiding these days
00:11.44MikkHaven't even seen her corpse
00:11.55Funkeh`sounds like an std
00:12.10Mikkyou are an std
00:12.22Mikkor at least ST
00:12.24Funkeh`mah feelinz
00:12.27Megalonthat's not a nice thing to say Mikk
00:12.29Torhal <-- Free Fallout for those that don't have it.
00:12.39Megalonbut on the other hand
00:12.45Megalonnow he only needs U to make him a stud
00:12.57Mikklife - a sexually transferrable disease. invariably with a lethal outcome.
00:13.31Megalon <- and all the files you need after you install gog fallout ;o
00:13.36Funkeh`time to watch some good ol sg1
00:13.45Funkeh`they don't make em like they used to
00:13.49Mikkno =(
00:13.52Mikkthough i liked atlantis
00:14.04Mikkthe fuck did they stop that for and start that sg:u crap
00:14.13Funkeh`yeah, but I've watched that like 3 times in a row, been a while since I did sg1
00:14.31znfc'mon, it's SGU is not that bad
00:14.35znfS02 is quite awesome
00:14.36Funkeh`can't believe they killed it halfway through its prime though
00:14.46Mikki hope for your sake you've watched Fringe
00:14.50Funkeh`Didn't say it was bad, it was alright
00:15.04Funkeh`But sg1 and atlantis coexisted for a while, why couldnt atlantis and sgu
00:15.14znfMegalon, can I add that to my steam?
00:15.23Funkeh`what's fringe Mikk ?
00:15.26Funkeh`something crap?
00:15.28TorhalMikk: nevcairiel didn't like Fringe. I almost wept.
00:15.30Mikksomething awesome
00:15.35Mikkwatch it
00:15.43TorhalSaid he stopped watching it partway through season 1.
00:15.48Megalonpuh, no clue znf
00:15.49Mikkeh he didn't even get to the good parts
00:15.52TorhalI went o.O and then O.o
00:15.57Mikkthough i liked it straight from the start
00:16.03Mikkyeah no kidding
00:17.30MikkFunkeh`: It starts out being a mix of like NCIS and X-files.  And then turns more Torchwood-ey, but without the whack :P
00:18.13Mikkalways impressed with actor doing Walter
00:18.23Funkeh`hmm trailer looks alright, I'll give it a go after I finish sg1 :P nights
00:28.08Stanzillafringe is awesome
00:31.05*** join/#wowace Torhal (
00:31.06*** mode/#wowace [+o Torhal] by ChanServ
00:44.27znfcreates a thread on EU beta forum about shadow priests
00:44.30znfyes, I'm bored
00:45.29Repoaloft: 03acapela * r450 Aloft (7 files in 4 directories): update with WoWInterface Aloft-4.4.8-2386.
00:46.14Repoaloft: 03acapela 044.4.8-2386 * r451 : Tagging as 4.4.8-2386
00:49.05Primerznf: URL, please
00:49.17PrimerI still need help...I can't DPS for shit :(
00:52.09znfnot done yet :P
00:52.55PrimerPM it to me please, once you're done. Me love you long time
00:56.57*** join/#wowace nebula169 (
00:59.25Stanzillaznf: I want to read it, too
01:01.33znfThe Blizzard family of websites is currently undergoing maintenance to improve your browsing experience. Thank you for your patience!
01:06.04Primerhit back
01:06.14znfyeah, I recovered the text
01:06.18znfbut still can't post it :P
01:09.56*** join/#wowace Seerah (
01:48.41pompyso put the text in a textfile znf! ;p
01:50.38pompyFunkeh`: hows the shaman border for sexymap comin along?
02:03.58*** join/#wowace Olison (
02:03.59Funkeh`pompy, ? I commited the border changes yesterday. I wasn't changing the presets, I was trying to match the old speed so they would be the same after swapping them to the animation system
03:04.53*** join/#wowace gix (
03:20.09*** join/#wowace Dridzt (
03:32.29Repoarcanecombopoints: 03mecdemort * r12 ArcaneComboPoints.toc: Bump toc to 4.3
03:32.29RepoUpdate website location
04:00.02*** join/#wowace Venara|work (
04:01.02*** join/#wowace tem (~tardmrr@WoWUIDev/WoWI/Dongle/Tem)
04:01.02*** mode/#wowace [+o tem] by ChanServ
04:13.32Repoarcanecombopoints: 03mecdemort * r13 ArcaneComboPoints.lua: Update spell ID
04:14.07Repoarcanecombopoints: 03mecdemort 04v1.5 * r14 : Tagging as v1.5
04:21.12*** join/#wowace Elmoe (
04:29.00*** join/#wowace Random (~Denial@unaffiliated/windaria)
05:33.32*** part/#wowace Seerah (
05:55.02*** join/#wowace Aeyan (
05:58.37*** join/#wowace TreadMark (
06:08.42*** join/#wowace Ketho (
06:18.27*** join/#wowace nebula169 (
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06:34.25*** join/#wowace Xinhuan (~xinhuan@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/xinhuan)
06:34.25*** mode/#wowace [+v Xinhuan] by ChanServ
06:47.34*** join/#wowace Yoshimo (
08:19.50*** join/#wowace purl (
08:19.50*** topic/#wowace is | | | Curse Client v4: | WoWInterface Minion: | Reducing StaticPopup taint:
08:24.00*** join/#wowace Slayman (
08:54.46*** join/#wowace stolenlegacy (stolenlega@unaffiliated/stolenlegacy)
09:34.00*** join/#wowace Yoshimo (
09:51.27*** join/#wowace ThiefMaster (
09:51.27*** join/#wowace ThiefMaster (~thief@unaffiliated/thiefmaster)
09:52.36*** join/#wowace Ingela (
10:30.36*** join/#wowace Repo (~repo@
10:49.04quiescenspats repo
10:51.24znfthe websites are still down for maintenance, wtf? >_<
10:59.59quiescensgoto sleep
11:13.19znfI just woke up, you damn bot
11:15.00*** join/#wowace Yoshimo (
11:17.09*** join/#wowace Kalroth (
11:28.45nevcairielthats no reason to crawl back in!
11:29.01nevcairiels/to/not to/
11:32.10*** join/#wowace sylvanaar_work (~sylvanaar@pdpc/supporter/active/sylvanaar)
11:39.12znfVampiric Touch now also regenerates the caster's mana.
11:48.41Reporetardcheck: 03oscarucb * r93 RetardCheck.lua:
11:48.41Repoonly check player stats when alive, eg ret pally expertise seal
11:48.42Repofix a false low duration note
11:55.17*** join/#wowace WoWUI (
11:58.20*** join/#wowace Dridzt (
12:00.02Repomylunes-champions: 03nyyr * r26 / (5 files in 1 directory): combat pets may now get their individual personality
12:01.07Repomylunes-champions: 03nyyr 04v0.4 * r27 : Tagging as v0.4
12:02.32znfsbu, From Darkness Comes Light + Divine Insight is unmanageable
12:21.37*** join/#wowace profalbert (
12:44.23*** join/#wowace Ingela (
12:59.11*** join/#wowace rayyne (~quassel@
13:07.23*** join/#wowace TNSe (
13:08.09*** join/#wowace Ketho (
13:12.20*** join/#wowace Yoshimo (
14:12.15*** join/#wowace Mihau (~Mihau@
14:26.02*** join/#wowace Megalon (
14:58.09*** join/#wowace syeren (
15:28.34*** join/#wowace nebula169 (
15:32.52znfkills quiescens and grills him
15:33.36*** join/#wowace Ghli (
15:42.14Megalonsomeone get quiescens out of here
15:42.18Megalonbefore the miasma starts
15:58.08*** join/#wowace profalbert_ (
16:22.35*** join/#wowace Sintacks (Syntax@
16:27.54*** join/#wowace groktar (~gr@
16:29.30*** join/#wowace profalbert__ (
16:30.16*** join/#wowace profalbert_ (
16:55.00Reposexymap: 03funkydude 07master * v1.3-10-gb86e4ba / (3 files in 1 directory): [+1 commit] some minor tweaks
17:06.16Repostat-block_fps: 03funkydude 04v4.01 * r42 : Tagging as v4.01
17:07.23*** join/#wowace isman (
17:11.16*** join/#wowace daev (~bleh@
17:15.56Repostat-block_coords: 03funkydude * r41 / (2 files in 1 directory): tweaks
17:16.26Repoproculas: 03Xocide 07[5 branches] *  /: mass update
17:16.43pompy(4/6/2012 1:15:39 PM) Repo: sexymap-tracker-button-fix: Zasurus * r18 / (3 files in 1 directory): - Grabbed a local copy of SexyMap as the global one has gone now.
17:18.29znfHow do I get the current build number in the game?
17:18.41Repoproculas: 03Xocide 04[45 tags] *  /: mass update
17:18.41znfis there any variable that holds the current version/build?
17:19.56Stanzillaznf: GetBuildInfo()
17:20.48pompy!api getbuildinfo
17:20.59nevcairielthe bot died :(
17:21.01pompyjnwhiteh: lua_bot!
17:21.04znfI don't get it
17:21.14znfwowheadnews and mmo-champ are reporting new beta patches
17:21.17znfwhere are they? >_<
17:21.28pompyznf: version, internalVersion, date, uiVersion = GetBuildInfo()
17:21.46TalrynThey said before the end of the week
17:22.01znfwowheadnews says "So early this morning there was a patch for Mists of Pandaria"
17:22.02znf"was" :P
17:22.06znfso that got me confused as fuck
17:22.14TalrynMMO Champ doesn't say that
17:22.16pompywell hm yeah, my launcher isnt dlding one
17:22.41znfTalryn, yeah, I know
17:22.47znfpompy, that's why I got confused
17:23.03TalrynI assume Wowheadnews is wrong
17:23.18TalrynGuess I need to update, brb
17:23.53*** join/#wowace Talryn (
17:23.53*** join/#wowace Talryn (~Talryn@unaffiliated/talryn)
17:24.34pompymaybe blizzard gives them early access lol because blizzard links to them.
17:36.02Repoproculas: 03Xocide 07master * 7e6e4a5 / (2 files in 1 directory): [+1 commit] Updated TOC file.
17:36.47Repoproculas: 03Xocide 042.3.0 * ecd428c /: [new tag] Tagging as 2.3.0
17:40.33*** join/#wowace acethebunny (Syntax@
17:43.28Repostat-block_coords: 03funkydude 04v4.02 * r42 : Tagging as v4.02
17:51.33Repoproculas: 03Xocide 07master * 2.3.1 Core.lua: [+1 commit] WowAce repo replacements.
17:51.35Repoproculas: 03Xocide 042.3.1 * f755150 /: [new tag] Tagging as 2.3.1
17:55.54Repolibtourist-3-0: 03Odica * r141 LibTourist-3.0.lua: - added Darkmoon Island
17:55.54Repo- added Elwynn Forest - Darkmoon Island portal v.v.
17:55.54Repo- added Mulgore - Darkmoon Island portal v.v.
17:59.34Repostat-block_latency: 03funkydude * r35 / (5 files in 2 directories): Use an animation
18:01.04Repolibprocs (experimental): 03Xocide 07[5 branches] *  /: mass update
18:03.04Repolibprocs (experimental): 03Xocide 04[45 tags] *  /: mass update
18:04.07*** join/#wowace Computerpunk (~Computerp@
18:10.35Repostat-block_latency: 03funkydude 04v4.00 * r36 : Tagging as v4.00
18:17.55*** join/#wowace koaschten (
18:23.04znfoh, btw
18:23.10znfStanzilla, sbu, Primer:
18:23.25Repoouroloot: 03farmbuyer * r71 / (3 files in 1 directory):
18:23.26RepoDon't collapse wipes into kills across normal/heroic boundaries.  Apply preferredIndex change to popup dialogs to avoid memory tainting.
18:23.27pompyznf: nice
18:25.43Primerznf: excellent
18:40.01znfpompy, MP only DLC?
18:41.40pompythey are also releasing the other promised dlc
18:42.27pompywtb new beta patch.. wtf
18:42.44*** join/#wowace daev (~bleh@
18:44.05znfmeh, I want single player stuff
18:44.06znfnot mp
18:44.08znfnot touching MP
18:48.17Repostat-block_memory: 03funkydude * r40 / (5 files in 2 directories): use an animation, zhCN/zhTW update
18:50.07Repostat-block_memory: 03funkydude 04v4.00 * r41 : Tagging as v4.00
18:55.35*** join/#wowace MysticalOS (
19:09.58Repostat-block_time-in-fight: 03funkydude * r34 / (5 files in 2 directories): use an animation, zhCN/zhTW update
19:11.28Repostat-block_time-in-fight: 03funkydude 04v4.00 * r35 : Tagging as v4.00
19:13.52*** join/#wowace Gagorian (
19:15.16*** join/#wowace Ali1331 (~Ali1331@
19:18.16Ali1331hey all
19:23.17*** join/#wowace vithos (vith@unaffiliated/vithos)
19:31.09Gnarfozkoaschten: wobei es die page für .de ja durchaus gibt ^^
19:32.22*** join/#wowace Computerpunk (~Computerp@
19:33.40Repoproculas: 03Xocide 07master * b519560 /: [forced -2 +2] WowAce repo replacements.
19:34.50koaschtenGnarfoz da gibts sogar ne app ;)
19:35.07Gnarfozkoaschten: ja, aber die kostet.
19:38.05Repoproculas: 03Xocide 042.3.0 * None /: [TAG DELETED]
19:38.20Repoproculas: 03Xocide 042.3.1 * None /: [TAG DELETED]
19:39.57Primerwas ist los?
19:45.00Repoproculas: 03Xocide 042.3.0 * 65e11af /: [new tag] Tagging as 2.3.0
19:47.36*** join/#wowace Hjalte (
20:01.14Fiskerwhats the story on the spine issue?
20:01.19FiskerStill have it as of 9061
20:01.25pompyznf: still no update!?
20:01.38znftomorow or sunday, I guess
20:02.37Funkeh`Fisker, no one has complained since I pushed the update like a month ago
20:03.02Fiskeri didn't even get it until a few weeks ago
20:03.14Stanzillawhat issue
20:03.19Fiskerthink it was either last week or the week before
20:04.40Fiskerand now it works lol
20:05.14*** join/#wowace Seerah (
20:10.34StanzillaFisker: i have gurthalak now, what will you do
20:11.48Fiskerfart Stanzilla
20:12.14Stanzillanice one
20:18.47znffarts flowers
20:20.05Gnarfozanyone else's curse premium disappear? :(
20:20.26Gnarfozdo I not have enough "current" addons to be eligible anymore? :C
20:21.06Fiskerbam Gnarfoz
20:21.09znfI'm not eligible at all, I guess :P
20:21.17znfI only have 1 addon with a few hundred downloads, heh :D
20:21.40Fiskerbetter pay up instead of being a leech then Gnarfoz
20:21.52znfpfft, nowai
20:23.07znfhow much is it, btw? :P
20:23.19Fiskeri got it for free
20:23.20Gnarfozno idea, had it for free for like, forever
20:23.45Gnarfozwho can find out? doubt Kaelten has the time ^^
20:23.50Fiskerturns out to be quite the benefit to be customer #1
20:24.17znfor $29.40 / year
20:27.52StanzillaGnarfoz: pm wishfire
20:28.09Stanzillatheir system is broken
20:28.22Stanzillaso she has to give you premium by hand
20:34.24GnarfozStanzilla: thanks, she was able to help (how do you know 'she' is correct, though? STALKER MUCH? :P)
20:34.36*** join/#wowace mckenziemc (
20:34.59StanzillaI'm just a well informed human being
20:35.12Stanzillawith gurthalak heroic
20:35.20Primercan she give me anything else by hand?
20:36.19znfnaughty boy
20:36.27znfwhat's the "popularity" collumn in the Curse Client?
20:36.52znfmy popularity is 59! I'm so awesome <3
20:37.00Gnarfozsomething relative to downloads, I think
20:37.34*** join/#wowace Aeyan| (
20:41.34Repoourolootcsv: 03farmbuyer * r9 / (3 files in 1 directory): Also do an attendance window.  Generates no text yet.
20:43.14Repoplantaindkp: 03znuff * r28 / (3 files in 1 directory): Added LibJSON dependency.
20:43.15RepoAdded an EXPERIMENTAL export function. Exports the table to JSON.
20:51.46znfSo... question, where would I find a DKP system that allows custom import modules? or something like that
20:52.46nevcairiela web site thing you mean?
20:53.21znfI'm kind of lazy-ish to bother coding my own web-dkp system for my lil'addon
20:53.49nevcairielwe used eqdkp plus back in the day, and since its php, i just wrote an import module (it already has a module'ish setup for those, supporting different addon sources)
20:54.24znfThink I will end up creating my own single-file for that
20:54.45znfProbably using sqlite
21:01.21Gnarfozeqdkp+ is such a shitpile
21:01.40GnarfozI'm very glad we don't do DKP (or 25mans) anymore
21:01.54nevcairielyeah it is
21:02.04nevcairielbut i dont think there really is something else
21:02.28znfI really can't do 10mans
21:02.31znfthey're boring and dull :-(
21:02.36znfWTB 15man raids!
21:02.49Gnarfoznevcairiel: true, that's the problem
21:02.57Gnarfoz"Aufgrund asynchroner Programmierung werden die Portalmodule, die wir in „Apps“ umbenannt haben, ständig aktualisiert und [...]"
21:03.00Gnarfozwhat the hell
21:03.25Gnarfoztheir 0.7 rewrite has been going on for like 3 years now
21:03.44Gnarfozso it's going to be outdated the day it's release
21:03.44znfno dkp is nice in 10mans, but the only other option for 25man is loot council
21:03.52znfand I find that idea flawed from the start :P
21:03.55nevcairielluckily that post was on april 1st, so i hope its fake :P
21:04.03Gnarfozoh, entirely possible
21:04.32GnarfozI seriously didn't even look
21:04.40Repomisspelled: 03nrpieper * r63 / (3 files in 2 directories): Added some Pandaria proper nouns
21:05.00nevcairielyou shouldnt do april fools if its like the only post you'll have for a long time
21:05.01GnarfozI just know it would be entirely within the realm of possibility that they actually mean it
21:05.03nevcairielit confuses people :P
21:06.33znfwhole eqdkp confuses people :P
21:14.36Repoautoroller: 03mecdemort * r69 AutoRoller.toc: Bump toc for 4.3
21:21.29*** join/#wowace [-MiRai-] (
21:28.59*** join/#wowace profalbert (
21:32.35*** join/#wowace ShadniX_ (
21:36.00Mikk"if it ain't red, it fits on the head?"
21:51.50TorhalMihau: o.O
21:51.56TorhalMikk: o.O
21:51.59TorhalMihau: Disregard.
21:52.04MihauTorhal: LIES.
22:13.19mckenziemcTorhal: O.o
22:13.34Torhalmckenziemc: I refuse.
22:14.16*** join/#wowace MiRai (~MiRai@unaffiliated/mirai)
22:14.25mckenziemctosses Torhal into the rest of the refuse.
22:14.42Torhalmckenziemc: I'll just break your legs, so you'll become invalid.
22:19.13Gnarfozfor zone,achievement in ipairs(TrackingList[newzone]) do
22:19.20Gnarfoztrackinglist contains nothing for that key
22:19.22Gnarfozhence nil
22:19.27Gnarfozhow to check against that?
22:19.37Gnarfozor maybe I'm being stupid (or drunk)
22:21.04mckenziemcor Gnarfoz
22:21.14Gnarfozif TrackingList[newzone] ~= nil then no problem
22:21.20MikkSo err did Stanzilla actually end up fixing WA imports? Or was he just poking fun at me
22:21.21Gnarfozso drunk it is
22:28.30Repoatlasloot-enhanced: 03celellach * r3722 LootTableModules/BurningCrusade/burningcrusade.lua: added new quest items
22:44.42*** join/#wowace Ketho (
23:19.45*** join/#wowace Sintacks (Syntax@

Generated by Modified by Tim Riker to work with infobot.