IRC log for #wowace on 20111202

00:02.22*** join/#wowace MysticalOS2 (
00:04.54Stanzillahaste: but you will getm oney from it
00:05.33Cyrezpukes up random bits of Python
00:23.40Repo10surgeon-general: 03Brimmstone * r129 / (2 files in 1 directory): TOC bump
00:23.41RepoAdded Dragon Soul raid
00:27.47Repo10libmapdata-1-0: 03kagaro * r99 library.lua: Updated lib from forum tests that shows game data incorrect
00:29.05Repo10libmapdata-1-0: 03kagaro 040.21-release * r100 : Tagging as 0.21-release
00:30.33Repo10big-wigs: 03funkydude * r8786 DragonSoul (11 files in 2 directories): DragonSoul: cleanups
00:30.47*** join/#wowace Cavisty^gerber (
00:30.49*** join/#wowace koaschten_ (
00:31.06Stanzillaman Funkeh`
00:31.08Stanzillasuch a cleaner
00:31.14Stanzilla(I should stop doing this)
00:31.19Funkeh`too late
00:31.27StanzillaI know you like it
00:31.28Funkeh`you officially didn't do one yesterday
00:31.54Funkeh`I know !
00:31.59Stanzillashame on me :(
00:32.41Repo10autoprofitlite: 03KanadiaN * r4 AutoProfitLite.toc: - changed toc to 40300
00:33.39*** join/#wowace mckenziemc (
00:40.02Repo10direction-arrow: 03Barfolomeu * r55 / (2 files in 1 directory):
00:40.03RepoForce a dependency rebuild, as LibMapData-1.0 has been updated. Fixes distance issues in Dragon Soul.
00:40.18Repo10direction-arrow: 03Barfolomeu 04v0.0.20-beta * r56 : Tagging as v0.0.20-beta
00:40.57MysticalOS2victory, on PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD SetCVar("profanityFilter", 0)
00:41.01MysticalOS2simplest addon ever
00:42.11pompythey already gave the workaround!
00:46.44Repo10autoprofitx: 03KanadiaN * r79 / (4 files in 2 directories): -- Russian Language Translation
00:46.45Repo-- Traditional Chinese Language Translation
00:46.46Repo-- Removed FORCED data array reset
00:46.50MysticalOS2hmm client patch
00:46.54MysticalOS2probably the cinematic
00:52.58*** join/#wowace ThiefMaster (thief@unaffiliated/thiefmaster)
00:54.33Repo10surgeon-general: 03Brimmstone * r130 SurgeonGeneral.lua: Bug squashing
00:59.28Repo10surgeon-general: 03Brimmstone * r131 : Tagging as
01:00.07*** join/#wowace nebula169 (
01:07.02Mikk@describe surgeon-general
01:07.03RepoMikk: SurgeonGeneral. SurgeonGeneral
01:07.13Mikkthat was unusually descriptive
01:07.22Funkeh`like a boss
01:08.42Mikkchecks for bikini pics
01:10.35StanzillaMikk: tu-ahn tran or so?
01:10.40Mikkhaha yeah howd ya know :P
01:10.58Stanzillaadded me, too :D
01:11.28Mikkshould repost the "what is the first thing you do when a girl adds you on facebook" questionnaire on g+
01:12.21Mikko bollox g+ doesn't do polls
01:17.06Funkeh`people use g+? :x
01:19.13durcyni prefer it to facebook's fuckery, tbh
01:19.43durcynthis latest bullshit with trying to trap newspapers in their awful platform is where I walk away
01:19.56durcynwell, all online publishing if we're being cynical
01:20.10Repo10combattime: 03oscarucb * r20 CombatTime.toc: toc  bump
01:20.49Repo10combattime: 03oscarucb 042.3 * r21 : Tagging as 2.3
01:22.31znfthis is like the worst luck... I do a dungeon 10 times for an item. Item finally drops, I get disconnected on the roll
01:22.52Primerwhat item?
01:23.00znfhead piece for my kitty druid
01:23.29znfand it seems like a backbone issue, can't reach blizzard's servers anymore *sigh*
01:23.41Primertime warner?
01:23.47znfnah, romanian ISP
01:23.50znfyay, fixed
01:24.31znfbut I doubt I can still roll on that item
01:27.22Primeryesterday I was FCing in WSG and there was a power outage here and one of the switches was not on a UPS and I was DC'd for close to 1 minute and I still came back in the game
01:27.35Primerand I still capped that flag because blood DKs are fucking so OP now
01:27.43znfwell, the item is in the chest
01:28.02znf"You don't meet the requirements to loot that item"
01:28.20Primerprobably still being rolled
01:28.23Primerand someone will get it
01:28.27Primeranyone left in the instance?
01:30.34mckenziemcif it was still waiting for a roll, he should've been able to roll on it too on logging in
01:31.02znfprobably the timer expired or something and I passed
01:31.08znfhere I go again
01:35.13znftechnically I wouldn't mind it, as I enjoy these new dungeons so far, but the queue times as DPS suck
01:35.30Repo10ouroloot: 03Farmbuyer * r43 / (2 files in 1 directory): TOC bump for 4.3.  Some DS abbreviations.
01:37.37Repo10ouroloot: 03Farmbuyer 042.16.2 * r44 : Tagging as 2.16.2
01:37.38Repo- Rebroadcast days/bosses at a time.
01:37.39Repo- TOC bump for 4.3
01:37.40Repo- Minor fixes and improvements.
01:38.19Xinhuancan anyone that uses omen tell me if it still works in 4.3 (with "use out of date addons" on)?
01:38.33znfXinhuan, it does
01:38.48Xinhuanok, i guess i can update the TOC tomorrow then :P
01:39.49znflast time I disable Omen I wiped the raid @ Alysrazor after the supposed "threath buff" >_<
01:44.04pompyway to go
01:45.35znfwell, raid leader started with "ok, now you can uninstall omen, guys"
01:53.15Funkeh`Don't see any need for omen at all as a non tank
01:53.25Funkeh`I've got my personal threat on my target frame
01:53.54*** join/#wowace bluspacecow (
01:59.36Repo10ouroloot: 03Farmbuyer * r45 abbreviations.lua: Ultraxion
02:00.48Repo10ouroloot: 03Farmbuyer 042.16.3 * r46 : Tagging as 2.16.3
02:01.24Funkeh`I knew I didn't dream it! Blizz did fix UIDropDownMenu_CreateInfo() by the looks of it
02:02.11Funkeh`Unfortunately I still get taints even by simply using a dropdown with my own table
02:02.16Funkeh`maybe next patch
02:10.03znf*ponders why blizzard includes +str gear for shamans and druids in filters*
02:10.06Torhal|workI love it when people submit taint logs for Volumizer and it's full of CompactRaidFrame
02:11.05Repo10atlasloot-enhanced: 03Lag123 * r3661 Core/LootButtons.lua: - fix bug with rating
02:11.24Torhal|workpeers curiously at orangemoonfrog.
02:13.09Repo10plantaindkp (experimental): 03Znuff * r5 / (2 files in 1 directory):
02:13.10RepoChanged display. Icon. Added "wipe" function to wipe someone's DKP. Added "sitout" to manually remove someone from sitout list.
02:14.08*** join/#wowace scotepi (
02:18.03znfCan I ask for a tip on how to test my addon while working on it, and commiting in the same time?
02:20.26*** join/#wowace Shefki (
02:21.43scotepiI'm having a odd error where im getting nil value where there should be one in my lib.. line #91, you can see it defined on #41 the print gives nil, nil, table, table
02:22.31scotepiattempt to index field 'hooks' (a nil value)
02:28.07Funkeh`Torhal|work, if you're somehow tainting voip like e.g. UIFrameFlash does, it will carry down to the raid frames
02:28.45scotepimaybe im calling the lib wrong in my test.. LibInspectTest = LibStub:GetLibrary("LibInspect");
02:30.15Torhal|workHolt shit parenthesis.
02:30.36Torhal|workThat's actually more excessive that C-style Lua.
02:30.47Torhal|workstabs mckenziemc with a Wookie,
02:31.03mckenziemcinstalls a spellchecker on Torhal|work's computer
02:31.19Torhal|workmckenziemc: That's the problem - OSX Lion's built in Autocomplete
02:32.00scotepiTorhal|work, was that directed at me?
02:32.22Torhal|workscotepi: No, but it was in reaction to your paste
02:32.42scotepimy () in every if?
02:32.45scotepihabit from php
02:32.57Torhal|workYour () around every single variable.
02:33.17Torhal|workI can understand if (add-on and what and callback) then
02:33.25Torhal|workFuck you autocomplete
02:34.02Torhal|workI've just never seen that particular style though :)
02:34.40scotepii think it was from the first addon i 'copied' a long time ago and its just stuck
02:35.27*** join/#wowace dano5 (
02:36.20scotepiso my inital issues, any idea why im getting a nil value for self:hooks when lib:hooks works.. i printed self and got LibInspectTest which is where im running it from.. LibInspectTest = LibStub("LibInspect");
02:37.04mckenziemcon line 89, you're using : to implicitly specify a self parameter for SecureAddHook, but calling it with . and no self specified
02:37.14mckenziemcso your arguments are off by one i think
02:37.45Torhal|worklib and self are the same entity at that point
02:37.57mckenziemcunless you want addon to be the value for self, but then 55 looks suspicious
02:38.40scotepiso i should do self:hooks?
02:38.42Torhal|workfunction lib:AddHook(add-on, what, callback) is the same as function lib.AddHook(self, add-on, what, callback)
02:38.57Repo10ice-hud: 03Parnic * r865 modules/CustomCDBar.lua: - and now for the correctly-merged version of the cd bar
02:38.58Torhal|workYou only use colon-notation for function calls.
02:39.04Torhal|workAnd only if you want an implicit self.
02:39.11Torhal|workRead what I said above
02:39.45Torhal|workThe version with a dot rather than a color requires you to explicitly name self
02:39.50Torhal|workThat's the only difference.
02:40.04scotepioh... i see, im calling it above using self. insted of self:
02:40.20scotepinot srue why i would call a function using a .
02:40.24Torhal|workAnd you're passing add-on as self at that point
02:40.36Torhal|workstrangles OSX.
02:40.44mckenziemcstrangles Torhal|work
02:41.00Torhal|workIt keeps hyphenating addon FFS
02:41.22Torhal|workOk, going home. Meugh.
02:44.09*** join/#wowace orionshock (
02:45.17Repo10big-wigs: 03jongt23 * r8787 DragonSoul/Locales/esES.lua: esES Update
02:47.57Repo10saved_instances: 03oscarucb * r49 SavedInstances.lua: tweak warning message
02:49.05Repo10big-wigs: 03jongt23 * r8788 DragonSoul/Locales/esES.lua: esES Update
02:51.34Repo10saved_instances: 03oscarucb 044.3.0 * r50 : Tagging as 4.3.0
02:53.37*** join/#wowace Next96 (~unrealii@
02:54.08Repo10professionsvault: 03oscarucb 045.8 * r279 : Tagging as 5.8
02:54.09Repo4.3 Database Updates
02:58.49Primerman, oscarucb's been pretty busy
03:01.41scotepiif i have    if not a and b then    does the not apply to just a  or a and b? like in php if (!$a) AND ($b) or is it if (!$a AND !$b)?
03:03.42Repo10plantaindkp (experimental): 03Znuff * r6 / (2 files in 1 directory):
03:03.43RepoCleaned up my own mess. Finished renaming all functions. Changed text output a bit.
03:03.50mckenziemc(not a) and b
03:04.00mckenziemcis the same as no paretheses
03:04.27scotepiok, thanks
03:04.54scotepitanking logic in school now and i get it in php but extenting it anywhere else sucks ><
03:05.42Repo10plantaindkp (experimental): 03Znuff 04alpha * r7 : Tagging as alpha
03:06.55znfIf I tag a project as "release", do I get it built on
03:07.35*** join/#wowace Xinhuan (~Xinhuan@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/xinhuan)
03:07.36*** mode/#wowace [+v Xinhuan] by ChanServ
03:08.37scotepiinspecting addons can be so mean to eachother ><
03:09.29znfDid they fix that inspect thingie?
03:09.34znfin 4.3
03:11.08scotepinope InspectFrame.unit is still buged
03:11.26scotepiim working on 'libinspect' right now
03:11.55scotepicovering items first then going to move on to talents and honor.. maybe achivements if its not to massy
03:13.29scotepii want to get an alpha done tonight but im running into some odd issues
03:13.51znfHow do I define the .lua file that an addon saves it's settings?
03:13.52Repo10gem-helper: 03tiker * r149 / (10 files in 1 directory): - a few more translation changes
03:13.53Repo- hopefully a fix for German clients showing blocks instead of text
03:14.21*** join/#wowace Cavisty^gerber (
03:14.26scotepiits AddonFolder.lua
03:14.45znfoh :-/
03:14.53znfI can't use another addon's .lua file?
03:15.42znfI'm forking an addon called "BananaDKP" into my own "PlantainDKP". But I want to use BananaDKP.lua
03:16.13scotepiyou can borrow there settings i think... by accessing there saved variables
03:16.49scotepiyour best bet would be look for there settings variable and read it into your own if its the first run
03:17.08scotepibut both need to run at the same time, and that may cause issues with forking
03:17.17znfwas just thinking that :-/
03:18.13znfNow that ruins my plans :-|
03:18.15scotepii would say if its that important have a mini addon to copy and paste the data out or have a how to rename the old saved variables
03:18.43scotepinm, mini addon would be more of a pain in the ass
03:18.44*** join/#wowace Seerah (
03:19.09*** join/#wowace airtonix (~quassel@unaffiliated/airtonix)
03:19.44znfNow that sounds like a silly limitation :-/
03:20.35znfBut then what's the point of ## SavedVariables ?!
03:21.36mckenziemcthe name of the table
03:22.21znfSo if I rename the file from BananDKP.lua to PlantainDKP.lua, I should keep the table name identical if I plan on using the same settings and variables?
03:26.27znfThat will work, I guess
03:30.35*** join/#wowace orionshock (
03:31.15Repo10libinspect (experimental): 03scotepi * r2 / (11 files in 3 directories): Initial Import covering just item inspection
03:31.44scotepigrrr libstub got sucked in there ><
03:32.35mckenziemcif you keep the table name the same, you might have data loss when you run both addons at the same time (one set of previous data will get overwritten)
03:34.13znfGood to know.
03:34.30*** join/#wowace Hell-Razor (~Hell-Razo@
03:36.18Repo10libinspect (experimental): 03scotepi * r3 / (6 files in 3 directories): Removed LibStub and added .pkgmeta
03:38.48Repo10libinspect (experimental): 03scotepi * r4 / (2 files in 2 directories): I swear I removed LibStub this time!
03:40.55Repo10libinspect (experimental): 03scotepi 040.1-alpha * r5 :
03:40.56RepoInitial release with only item inspect functionality but place holders methods for everything else
04:10.08*** join/#wowace DarkerAudit (
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04:15.08*** join/#wowace Next96 (~unrealii@
04:24.01*** join/#wowace syeren (
04:25.39*** join/#wowace PProvost (~PProvost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
04:25.39*** mode/#wowace [+v PProvost] by ChanServ
04:40.07*** join/#wowace orionshock (
04:40.29orionshockffs what is up with my ISP and screweing wtih my internet connection...
04:45.27quiescenskill tehm
04:47.46*** join/#wowace mckenziemc1 (
04:50.43*** join/#wowace airtonix_ (~quassel@unaffiliated/airtonix)
04:51.01vithosXinhuan: do you take requests for BlizzBugsSuck? :P
04:51.16Xinhuani guess, sure
04:51.19vithosmature language filter is defaulting to enabled every login
04:51.21Xinhuanthough i haven't played for half a year
04:53.01*** join/#wowace airtonix (~quassel@unaffiliated/airtonix)
04:53.01PrimerSigh...autocomplete in mail is now totally fucked
04:53.14Primersome guildies autocomplete, some don't
04:54.17vithosyou know what, it's not even every login.. just.. sometimes
05:00.44*** join/#wowace airtonix (~quassel@unaffiliated/airtonix)
05:04.04znfvithos, happens every relog here
05:04.24vithosi just turned it off, /exit'ed, logged back in and it was still off
05:04.47vithosbut i'm pretty sure it stayed off for many logouts before when i turned it off right after patch
05:04.49vithosso idk
05:05.31znfthanks for that link
05:11.08*** join/#wowace Hjalte (
05:13.15*** join/#wowace kadrahil_ (
05:32.57*** join/#wowace Bibi` (~Bibi@unaffiliated/bibi)
05:32.57*** mode/#wowace [+v Bibi`] by ChanServ
05:37.28Repo10recount: 03Elsia * r1183 / (2 files in 2 directories): - Adding Brazilian Portugese localization support.
05:37.39*** join/#wowace DarkAudit (
05:39.10Primerseems bagsync is broken
05:39.35Primerthe amount of gold for all the toons on my realm is static, and actually less than what I have on the current toon
05:40.04bluspacecownot sure what i use for that
05:40.20bluspacecow@project bagsync
05:40.21Repobluspacecow: BagSync. Game: WoW. Xruptor (Manager/Author). Updated: 34 hours ago
05:40.39Primerit was working fine before the update
05:40.42bluspacecowbankitems iirc
05:40.51PrimerI have bankitems too
05:40.53bluspacecowthe 4.3 update ?
05:41.06Primerbut I'm pretty sure the hover for money in bags is bagsync
05:41.13Primerno, the update 34 hours ago of the addon
05:41.23bluspacecownew bug ?
05:41.42PrimerI can only surmise that is the case
05:41.47PrimerI'll try nuking the SV file
05:50.20Primeryeah, now it reports nothing
05:50.25Primerso it's broken
05:51.54bluspacecowticket pls :D
05:55.17mckenziemc1hands bluspacecow a speeding ticket
05:55.35*** join/#wowace kk_yg (~FreeBot@
05:56.48Torhalstuffs mckenziemc1 with avocados.
05:57.01*** join/#wowace Bibi (
05:57.02*** join/#wowace Bibi (~Bibi@unaffiliated/bibi)
05:57.02*** mode/#wowace [+v Bibi] by ChanServ
06:00.05*** join/#wowace orionshock (
06:00.24mckenziemc1flavors Torhal's food with
06:00.57Torhaldrops mckenziemc1 into a pit full of
06:09.46*** join/#wowace Wobin (
06:09.46*** mode/#wowace [+v Wobin] by ChanServ
06:13.45*** part/#wowace Seerah (
06:22.50*** join/#wowace Vilkku (
06:28.07asmodaiTorhal|work: heh
06:28.53Torhalasmodai: Great. Now I'm pinged at the office.
06:29.01asmodaiTorhal: MUAHAHAHA
06:29.22asmodaiTorhal|work: ping
06:29.24asmodaiTorhal|work: some
06:29.26asmodaiTorhal|work: more
06:29.44TorhalOk, I need people to stress-test the new Repo on #wowace-test
06:29.50asmodaiwhaddya need?
06:30.12TorhalCommands: @help, @describe, @ticket, @repo, @repos, @project, @curse
06:30.27TorhalNeed to make sure the replacement bot doesn't have glitches.
06:31.10Torhal~lart mckenziemc1
06:31.10purlpours hot grits down the front of mckenziemc1's pants
06:41.53Repo10atlasloot-enhanced: 03Hegarol * r3662 / (3 files in 3 directories): pet mount update
06:42.51*** join/#wowace stolenlegacy (~stolenleg@unaffiliated/stolenlegacy)
06:47.31*** join/#wowace pompy (~Mike@
06:50.56*** join/#wowace pompy (~Mike@
06:56.58*** join/#wowace Shefki (
07:12.14*** join/#wowace Megalon (
07:13.08*** join/#wowace Naranya (
07:20.56Repo10squire2: 03Adirelle 07master * v1.2.1-1-g6d8e9e2 Squire2.lua: [+1 commit] Fixed icons in CreateMacro/EditMacro calls.
07:23.07*** join/#wowace dubf (
07:23.27*** join/#wowace Elkano (
07:23.27*** join/#wowace Elkano (~elkano@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/Elkano)
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07:32.21*** join/#wowace airtonix (~quassel@unaffiliated/airtonix)
07:45.48Repo10inline-aura: 03Adirelle 07master * v1.6.3-1-g0f35b53 Core.lua: [+1 commit] Attempt to fix aura update bug introduced by some 4.3 changes. See .
07:48.59mitch0anyone played with GetSpellBaseCooldown? what does it really do?
07:49.40*** join/#wowace DarkAudit (
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07:49.53*** mode/#wowace [+v [Wobin]] by ChanServ
07:58.18Megalondamn those kinectimals
08:00.09*** join/#wowace quiesense (
08:05.36mckenziemc1impales quiescens on a fire hydrant
08:20.13*** join/#wowace Diao (
08:27.06hastemitch0: a wild guess would be: return the spell cooldown without haste
08:31.54*** join/#wowace Chowmein (
08:41.03*** join/#wowace Groktar (
08:45.19mitch0but will it return 0 for spells without a "real" cooldown even if the GCD is ticking?
08:46.33hastewould be easy to test :)
08:46.43mitch0yeah, if I still had a subscription ;)
08:47.53quiescenssteal haste's account
08:48.55mitch0in progress
08:48.57*** join/#wowace Adirelle|work (
08:51.13hasteawaits social engineering.
08:51.26mitch0haste: send my your auth details, please
08:52.27mckenziemc1ptr was still up last i checked
08:53.20mitch0hm. I think I have a PTR acc
08:53.21mitch0lemme check
08:54.39mitch0there seems to be a free starter edition available
08:55.15mckenziemc1yeah there's that too
09:09.32*** part/#wowace Sunshine` (~Sunshine`@unaffiliated/sunshine/x-2691069)
09:13.47*** join/#wowace Zarhan (
09:18.11*** join/#wowace Talryn (~Talryn@unaffiliated/talryn)
09:38.20*** join/#wowace profalbert (
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09:55.28*** join/#wowace stencil (
10:10.34stencilSo, I think there might have been a combat log event change for 4.3 related to absorbed damage when an attack misses. wowpedia lists the _MISSED suffix as having only two params, missType and amountMissed. When a swing misses I'm getting MISS and nil (and no other params in the ...); but when it gets absorbed I'm seeing something like ABSORB nil 1254.
10:12.42hastethere was a change
10:18.12stencilwhat's a good place for finding a list of api changes like this?
10:18.25Repo10libfail-2-0: 03oscarucb * r99 LibFail-2.0.lua: add Ultraxion_Hour of Twilight
10:18.57*** join/#wowace Vilkku (
10:22.24TalrynStencil, I haven't seen it documented this patch but the position of the amount absorbed did move.
10:22.57TalrynMost of the time these changes aren't documented from what I've seen.
10:31.20*** join/#wowace Caleb| (
10:37.02*** join/#wowace Sliker (~ponies@
10:37.41stencilI was curious about what that second param was that was nil in both the MISS and ABSORB cases I saw testing.  I exported the interface code and it appears to be isOffHand.  /shrug
10:42.02*** join/#wowace PProvost (~PProvost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
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10:50.27*** join/#wowace eXemplar (
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11:12.55*** part/#wowace stencil (
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11:31.13*** join/#wowace Ingela (
11:46.31Repo10inline-aura: 03Adirelle 07master * v1.6.4 / (3 files in 1 directory): [+3 commits]
11:46.32Repoe641b02: Do not listen globally on ACTIONBAR_UPDATE_COOLDOWN as Blizzard handlers alreasdy propagates it to all buttons.
11:46.33Repoc415ae9: Added 2 new options to enable glowing highlights on unusable or in-cooldown actions. There are disabled by default to keep the current behavior.
11:46.37Repoe8559fb: Use an upvalue for db profile to reduce table lookups.
11:46.42Repo10inline-aura: 03Adirelle 04v1.6.4 * f9ba326 /: [new tag] Tagging as v1.6.4.
11:48.57*** join/#wowace mojosdojo- (
11:49.15hasteStanzilla: looking at the diff between 4.2.x and 4.3 is a good start imo
11:49.26hasteah damn, he stencil left
11:49.44hasteStanzilla: my auto-complete was too smart :(
11:50.22*** join/#wowace bien| (
11:52.17*** part/#wowace Xinhuan (~Xinhuan@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/xinhuan)
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12:00.47Repo10minimap-target: 03Adirelle * r64 / (3 files in 2 directories):
12:00.48RepoFixed  the bug caused by the elevation indicator added in 4.3.
12:02.50Repo10minimap-target: 03Adirelle 04v1.6.3 * r65 : Tagging as v1.6.3
12:04.02Fiskerhey Stanzilla
12:04.16Fiskernot so hey haste
12:06.07Stanzillahey Fisker
12:06.10StanzillaI added u back in d3
12:06.34hastenot so hey Fisker
12:06.44hasteI only have jnwhiteh :(
12:07.13Fiskerok Stanzilla
12:07.19Fiskeri hat jnwhiteh
12:07.34Fiskeri also hate haste
12:09.10*** join/#wowace stew-a (~Stewart@unafilliated/stewa/x-008753)
12:10.32Megalonall this haet
12:11.10Megalonsounds like a side dish for haggis
12:17.15*** join/#wowace Next96 (~unrealii@
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12:53.21Repo10adibags: 03Adirelle 07master * v1.4.6-1-g646a8d8 Localization.lua: [+1 commit] Added ptBR locale strings, thanks to IkkeBR.
13:03.58*** join/#wowace orionshock (
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13:34.59Repo10plantaindkp (experimental): 03Znuff 04beta * r8 : Tagging as beta. Stuff works, so far.
13:37.00*** join/#wowace Hell-Razor (~Hell-Razo@
13:41.15Repo10atlasloot-enhanced: 03arith * r3663 Locales/ zhCN update (dh0000)
13:46.01znf~seen vhaarr
13:46.09purlvhaarr <~folk@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/Rabbit/vhaarr> was last seen on IRC in channel #wowuidev, 5d 2h 54m 34s ago, saying: '<nevcairiel> i have blue'.
13:53.19*** join/#wowace bluspacecow (
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14:12.59Repo10atlasloot-enhanced: 03Lag123 * r3664 TableRegister/loottables.lua: - End Time bug fix
14:15.00*** join/#wowace Slayman (
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15:12.11Repo10atlasloot-enhanced: 03Dynaletik * r3665 Locales/ - deDE update
15:22.06Repo10deus-vox-encounters: 03Harleschorsch 07master * v634-7-g2195a56 / (13 files in 4 directories): [+7 commits] (3 truncated)
15:22.07Repo2195a56: Dragon Soul: first update round for all encounters
15:22.08Repod8f021d: Core: improve engage trigger
15:22.10Repo1488289: Map size update, thanks to DBM
15:22.10Repo3f0e51d: Validator: more updates
15:32.04*** join/#wowace TradeMark (
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15:56.45Repo10guildleveltooltip: 03Ketho 07master * v0.3 / (2 files in 1 directory): [+1 commit] Fixed a bug with GameTooltip.GetUnit
15:56.51Repo10guildleveltooltip: 03Ketho 04v0.3 * e23ed49 /: [new tag] Tag as v0.3
16:09.23*** join/#wowace Silowyi (
16:10.38Repo10broker_lfd: 03ulic * r51 Broker_LFD.toc: bump toc
16:11.27Repo10broker_lfd: 03ulic 04v1.3.4-beta2 * r52 : Tagging as v1.3.4-beta2
16:13.50*** join/#wowace Funkeh` (
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16:18.09Repo10shadowed-unit-frames: 03Shadowed 04v3.4.4 * e7d20ba /: [new tag] Tagging as release 3.4.4
16:26.58*** join/#wowace Yoshimo (
16:28.24Repo10deus-vox-encounters: 03Harleschorsch 07master * v634-8-g26d070e Core.lua: [+1 commit] Core: add a debug statement and pull some localizations
16:36.24*** join/#wowace raydenuni (
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16:47.20Repo10yorsahjpriority: 03misterb1986 * r14 / (2 files in 1 directory): Cleanup config code.
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17:00.50znfHello again.
17:01.09znf2 questions please: how can I untag my addon as experimental and how to get it approved so it shows up on curse?
17:02.17Repo10yorsahjpriority: 03misterb1986 * r15 / (2 files in 1 directory): Add output destination options.
17:03.05pompyznf: the moderators will remove the experimental tag if they think its ready!
17:03.12znfah, ok :-)
17:04.01znf@project yorsahjpriority
17:04.03Repoznf: YorsahjPriority. Game: WoW. misterb1986 (Manager/Author). Updated: 3 days ago
17:04.43Repo10yorsahjpriority: 03misterb1986 040.04_beta * r16 : Tagging as 0.04_beta.
17:07.58*** join/#wowace Seerah (
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17:20.13znfCan someone help me out a bit with this function?
17:21.05znfI'm getting this: 1x BananaDKP\BananaDKP-r171.lua:505: invalid option in "format"
17:30.00Mikkznf: "100%"
17:30.04Mikk% is for formatting
17:30.06Mikkuse %%
17:30.28*** join/#wowace arkanes_ (4aca4dde@python/site-packages/arkanes)
17:30.38znfwas also using the pre-4.1 combat log syntax
17:31.07Yoshimo4.1 did change what exactly?
17:31.09Mikkhaha damn, automated -dkp for toy trains
17:31.18MikkYoshimo: introduced a new flag in the message
17:31.26Yoshimovery good idea with the trains^^
17:31.47znfI'd extend it with companion pets in the near future, tbh
17:35.16MegalonMikk, y u so cruel on toys
17:35.29Yoshimowhats wrong about pets??
17:35.40Mikkpets are fucking annoying in fights where you need to watch the floor
17:35.59Mikk+ reduces fps just a wee bit more for people that have problems with low fps
17:36.17znfYoshimo, what Mikk said
17:36.33Mikkwonders if anyone would object to an automatic "dismiss pet" on entering combat in oRA3
17:36.53znfit's just something extra that my client has render and load and provides no benefit
17:37.10Repo10betterextraactionbutton: 03nebula169 * r2 / (2 files in 1 directory): first go
17:37.25Mikkone of the problems with compains pets of course is that they like to randomly reappear on zoning and rezzes
17:37.42Mikkso people will have them out even if they didn't intend to
17:37.54Mikki know i've caught mine out even though i dismissed the fucker
17:38.11znfalso, it's annoying when I sometime need to target a person with my mouse to pull him out from a fire... and I hit a companion pet
17:38.16*** join/#wowace nebula169 (
17:38.25Mikkugh yes
17:38.53znfhad that a couple of times
17:45.02arkanes_fisker is trollin' the forums again
17:46.38Repo10betterextraactionbutton: 03nebula169 * r3 BetterExtraActionButton.lua: slashslashslash
17:47.20*** join/#wowace Sunshine` (~Sunshine`@unaffiliated/sunshine/x-2691069)
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17:47.41znf@project betterextraactionbutton
17:47.43Repoznf: BetterExtraActionButton. Game: WoW. Status: Needs approval. nebula169 (Manager/Author). Updated: 63 seconds ago
17:47.51znf@project plantaindkp
17:47.52Repoznf: PlantainDKP. Game: WoW. Status: Requesting experimental. Znuff (Manager/Author). Updated: 4 hours ago
17:48.11*** join/#wowace daev (~bleh@
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17:51.44Fiskerumad arkanes_ ?
17:51.55arkanes_totally mad
17:51.59arkanes_you stealin' my LFR loots
17:52.21nebula169anything fancy happen in this update?
17:52.45quiescensthe numbers have changed
17:52.56nebula169i hate change
17:55.53Yoshimothe reforge ui looks better ;)
17:56.04Mikkit's less clicky
17:56.07Mikkwhich is good
17:59.03Mikk@project betterextraactionbutton
17:59.04RepoMikk: BetterExtraActionButton. Game: WoW. nebula169 (Manager/Author). Updated: 12 minutes ago
18:03.26Repo10betterextraactionbutton: 03nebula169 * r4 / (2 files in 1 directory): use the right button
18:20.07*** join/#wowace Gagorian (
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18:20.56znfMikk, it's still not triggering for some weird reasons
18:21.02znfMikk, that penalty, I mean
18:21.09Fiskerbaw arkanes_
18:21.25Mikkznf: print() is your friend
18:21.57quiescensprint("hello world")
18:24.08znfthis is so frustrating tbh
18:24.22znfwaiting for item cooldowns in order to test stuff
18:29.55*** join/#wowace Zasurus (
18:30.20Mikkget something that doesnt have a stupid cooldown
18:30.36znfI'll just use a spell
18:30.49*** join/#wowace Baraius (~bhuddlest@
18:31.23purlsomebody said framexml was Blizzard's UI for WoW. Export code/art from the client by using the wow.exe -console commands "ExportInterfaceFiles code" and "ExportInterfaceFiles art" (must be used on login screen); or view it online at , or
18:31.43znfok, what's wrong with this? print("%s | %s | %s"):format(source, spellId, event)
18:32.06Mikk| is a control code
18:32.17Mikkescape code in the UI i mean
18:32.20Mikkuse ||
18:32.45Mikkor something entirely different like.. oh.. ","  =)
18:32.58znfactually I used / first
18:33.19znfand there's a bug in my soup, ofcourse
18:33.29quiescensmm soup
18:33.46znfwhy the hell does it work if I do /script print...
18:33.51znfbut not in the addon, all I get are %s's
18:34.05Yoshimoany idea why they changed gettime?
18:34.17quiescensi personally think that line looks slightly wrong
18:34.47znfhow do I concatenate in lua?
18:34.53quiescensorder of operations would seem to indicate you want to format the return value from print()
18:35.07quiescensand not, format the string that you're trying to use as an argument for print()
18:36.44Mikkznf that's completely broken
18:36.50Mikkprint("%s | %s | %s"):format(source, spellId, event)
18:36.59Mikkthis calls print("%s | %s | %s") and takes the return value of it
18:37.04Mikkand then runs :format on the return value
18:37.07quiescensi totally just said that
18:37.22Mikkuse print(("%s | %s | %s"):format(source, spellId, event))
18:37.27quiescensexcept that i said slightly wrong, instead of completely broken
18:37.50*** join/#wowace Zyn (
18:38.09Mikki don't even get why people insist on doing it that way around
18:38.17Mikkpretending like lua is object oriented or something
18:38.28Mikklocal format = format -- at top of file
18:38.37Mikkprint(format("%s %s %s", foo, bar, baz))
18:39.21znfthat's because I'm code impaired, so a complete retard in these things
18:39.31Mikklocal function printf(...) return print(format(...)) end
18:39.40Mikkprintf("oh hai i look like %s!", "C")
18:40.41quiescensyou're assuming that everyone is more familiar with C than whatever else
18:41.32quiescenspeople will probably tend to use whatever style is closest to whatever they are used to
18:42.00nebula169is there a way to get a list of set attribute on a frame?
18:42.41znfdid they change COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED in 4.2, too?
18:44.49znfit now has 12 paramaters?
18:48.25Yoshimowho can i ask when i want to be promoted to maintainer for wowace/cf addons, so i can update them?
18:49.50nebula169you try and pm the original owner and/or report it i believe, from the little icon in the lower right of the page
18:50.44arkanes_znf: the anniversary item has a nice short 4-ish second CD
18:50.52znfOH! Thanks
18:51.04Yoshimoasking the original owner failed already^
18:51.26znfmmm, ok, is this supposed to be corect? 0x05000000040B977F | 0 | 1322851840.258
18:51.32znf(ignore the 0 in the middle)
18:51.40znfbut I was expecting a name and a string for the event :-/
18:51.42pompyYoshimo: thats all you can do, ask the original owner
18:52.32Repo10betterextraactionbutton: 03nebula169 * r5 BetterExtraActionButton.lua: toggle for out of instance placement
18:54.01*** join/#wowace Kalroth (
18:55.19nebula169Yoshimo: I'd poke ackis about it /nod
18:55.25asmodaiIn the eye
18:59.23quiescensthat's not nice o.o
19:09.04Torhal|workYoshimo: Which project>
19:09.16Torhal|workIt depends on the license if the owner isn't answering.
19:09.23Torhal|workIf it's All Rights Reserved, you're screwed.
19:11.34Yoshimobroker: cashflow
19:12.03Elkano@project cashflow
19:12.05RepoElkano: More than one project was returned. Try supplying a game. Possible games: WoW, Minecraft.
19:12.10Elkano@project cashflow wow
19:12.11RepoElkano: More than one project was returned. Try supplying a game. Possible games: WoW, Minecraft.
19:12.19Elkano@project wow cashflow
19:12.20RepoElkano: sueie. Game: WoW. Status: Deleted. This does not appear to be an appropriate project.. antionjaxter (Manager/Author). Updated: 1063 days ago
19:12.31Elkanothis one?
19:12.40Torhal|workYoshimo: Author is still active.
19:13.41Torhal|workIt's a BSD license, so you could make your own based off of it if you really wanted to.
19:13.58Repo10grid-status-hots: 03Bogenlampe * r177 GridStatusHots.toc: bump toc
19:14.05Torhal|workBut, since the author is still logging in, I can't just hand it over or add you to the project.
19:16.13RepoNew addon: PlantainDKP. Znuff (Manager/Author). Experimental. Approved by Torhal.
19:16.33znfNeed a little bit more help here. I'm trying to use COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED to get the ID of SPELL_CREATE, but I can't figure out from that huge list of suffixes and parameter counts which one is the ID
19:16.38znfthank you Torhal|work
19:16.58Torhal|workYoshimo: I keep Broker_Currency up to date, BTW.
19:17.23Elkanoznf, did you check wowpedias page for the event?
19:17.48Repo10grid-status-hots: 03Bogenlampe 044.3.0 * r178 : tag as 4.3.0
19:17.49znfElkano, I'm on it now
19:18.41znfshould be the 12th, but all I get is 0
19:20.30znfoh wait, it worked... finally
19:21.13Yoshimo@project ratingbuster
19:21.14RepoYoshimo: No project found that matches 'ratingbuster'
19:23.53Yoshimoblizzard sucks, the reforge window is too small , so the german strings dont fit in completely^^
19:26.54znfBlame German for being such a complex language :P
19:27.24Repo10plantaindkp (experimental): 03Znuff * r9 / (2 files in 1 directory): Fixed the DKP penalty function.
19:28.50Yoshimocan you make it wider with a script maybe?
19:29.30Repo10betterextraactionbutton: 03nebula169 * r6 BetterExtraActionButton.lua: slashcmd tweak
19:31.29znfI'm sure that's a proper word in german.
19:35.41*** join/#wowace Cairenn (~Karen@MMOI/Administratrix/Cairenn)
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19:43.03Repo10betterpowerbaralt: 03nebula169 * r20 / (2 files in 1 directory): tweaks and toc bump
19:47.21Repo10betterpowerbaralt: 03nebula169 041.3.3 * r21 : Tagging as 1.3.3
19:47.27Repo10betterextraactionbutton: 03nebula169 041.0 * r7 : Tagging as 1.0
19:47.50*** join/#wowace tekkub (~tekkub@WoWUIDev/WoWI/Featured/Dongle/GitHub/Tekkub)
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19:50.29Repo10big-brother: 03nebula169 06ace3dev * r289 BigBrother.toc: toc bump
19:59.19*** join/#wowace Gagorian- (
20:02.18znfis there any json or xml export library?
20:02.49znfalso, is there a standard for exporting DKP for different websites?
20:02.51harlgetting a lot of tainting errors with the latest adibags update
20:03.03harloh, adi's not here
20:03.53Mikkthere's bazillions of taint errors always now
20:03.58Mikkblizzard fucking up their menus more and more
20:04.04Mikkcant even load the reforge ui properly half the time
20:04.34Mikkdoubt adibags is to blame more than all the addons out there using dropdown menus
20:05.19Mikkas for json/xml export library - why would you need it? just format it up yourself, it's the absolutely easiest way. both formats are super simple.
20:06.38znfdunno, thought it would be simpler to not re-invent the wheel
20:08.12Mikkyou'd need more code to tell the library which data to output and how to output it than you would just print()ing it
20:08.38Mikkor format()ing i mean
20:08.55znfok, another question then, anyone knows of a website to track DKP using custom addons and custom formats?
20:09.09Mikki'm not aware of a standard format for this
20:09.18Mikkbest bet would be to go find 1 or 2 very popular dkp addons
20:09.26Mikkand see how they output data
20:09.36znfI was looking at WebDKP, but they have their own custom addon for that
20:09.36Mikkand see what web packages parse them
20:10.16Mikktry posting in wowace forums - someone might have better answers than i do
20:10.38Mikkas for webdkp and custom addon - well, maybe you can export data in the same format that webdkp uses ? =P
20:10.38harltrue it may not be adibags - just wondered what else could cause them, since i haven't updated anything else  in the past 3 hours and i was quite able to use (right click) the items in my bags, which now seems to work only half of the time (optimistically speaking)
20:10.49Mikkharl: /reload
20:10.56Mikkoh problems rightclicking in your bags
20:11.01Mikkyeah ok fine that might actually be adibags :P
20:12.36znfMikk, nah, they're also tracking items, which the original addon I'm forking from doesn't
20:12.50znfand frankly I don't see the need for that, especially with the new guild armory page
20:13.06harlthe reload actually helped, thanks - was able to /use items though, so no drama
20:14.41Repo10dkp-bidder: 03kaszaq * r31 / (2 files in 1 directory): changing toc to 4.3 and version to 430 203
20:15.22Repo10dkp-bidder: 03kaszaq 04v430 203 * r32 : Release 430 203
20:17.00Repo10dkp-manager: 03kaszaq * r21 / (3 files in 2 directories): Changing toc to 4.3, and addon version to 430 204
20:17.36Repo10dkp-manager: 03kaszaq 04v430 204 * r22 : Release 430 204
20:19.07harlalso, there's a rare hostile in that lowie gnome trogg cave preventing me from getting to the quest objective, lol
20:20.24*** join/#wowace DarkerAudit (
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20:34.59Repo10broker-portals: 03CrazyBenny * r161 / (2 files in 1 directory): updated for 4.3
20:35.37Repo10broker-calendar: 03CrazyBenny * r51 / (2 files in 1 directory): push toc to 4.3
20:36.22Repo10facade-buffs: 03CrazyBenny * r38 FacadeBuffs.toc: updated toc for 4.3
20:37.02Repo10portalfu: 03CrazyBenny * r84 / (2 files in 1 directory): update for 4.3
20:37.26Yoshimothe new darkmoon faire tickets, are they items you stick in your inventory and turn them into mounts and stuff later or are they like valorpoints just a number in your charwindow?
20:37.39Repo10sell-junk: 03CrazyBenny * r126 / (2 files in 1 directory): updated for 4.3
20:41.41Repo10grid-auto-frame-size: 03CrazyBenny * r100 / (3 files in 1 directory): update for 4.3, added Dragon Soul
20:42.17*** join/#wowace CrazyBenny (
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20:43.23Yoshimonice one , thanks
20:48.23Repo10sell-junk: 03CrazyBenny 043.0.3 * r127 : Tagging as 3.0.3
20:49.24Repo10portalfu: 03CrazyBenny 041.23 * r85 : Tagging as 1.23
20:51.01Repo10broker-calendar: 03CrazyBenny 041.2.6 * r52 : Tagging as 1.2.6
20:51.52Repo10broker-portals: 03CrazyBenny 041.8.25 * r162 : Tagging as 1.8.25
20:52.38Repo10grid-auto-frame-size: 03CrazyBenny 042.4.4 * r101 : Tagging as 2.4.4
20:54.11asmodaiDE, DK, NL, and PT
20:54.18asmodaiThat's one lovely poule draw.
20:55.04*** join/#wowace Dark_Elf (
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20:57.59PrimerAnyone having a problem with MSBT's cooldown ready sound?
20:58.12vithoshmm.. any one else not able to install with curse client?
20:58.54PrimerSeems that no matter what I set it to in the config, it only plays a slight "blip", kinda like a sound player trying to play a non-sound file but instantly giving up
21:09.17ZasurusCan you load a xml file from an xml file?
21:10.41ZasurusI am getting an error when the addon loads of: "......xml:1: unexpected symbol near '<'" when I try but it works fine if I load the same xml from a toc file directly... :|
21:12.41Dark_Elfgot damn another patch
21:13.54*** join/#wowace Sliker (~ponies@
21:14.07Dark_Elfshould be able to but i cant tell u
21:14.14Yoshimodo we know what they patched darkelf?
21:14.24durcynmature language filter, and your mother
21:14.28asmodaiZasurus: You can XInclude an XML from an XML, yes
21:14.40Dark_Elfnot sure but it 23.3 mb
21:15.16Zasurusasmodai: OK Thanks. So any idea if there anything wrong with this:
21:16.13durcynother than the fact that you're 1, using xml; 2, literally named a library after yourself
21:16.32Torhal|workZasurus: Include for XML, not Script
21:16.37Torhal|workScript is for Lua
21:16.43ZasurusLOL thanks!
21:17.00asmodaiWhat Torhal said
21:17.00ZasurusCan't believe I missed that! :D
21:18.11ZasurusWould you look at that... When you do it right it works! ;) Thanks again guys
21:18.42*** join/#wowace prencher (~prencher@unaffiliated/prencher)
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21:22.51Dark_Elfup to build 15050 now
21:24.35Repo10sifter: 03Starinnia * r42 / (2 files in 1 directory):
21:24.36Repo-redo Cata epic gems, show the geodes as sources on gem tooltips
21:24.37Repo-show nothing on geode tooltips, since the use text tells you
21:28.47Repo10sifter: 03Starinnia 042.0.4 * r43 : Tagging as release 2.0.4
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21:46.40Repo10atlasloot-enhanced: 03Hegarol * r3666 Locales/ zhCN fix
21:49.45GnarfozXinhuan: oh noes :(
21:50.48Repo10multitool: 03DigitalSorceress * r24 / (6 files in 2 directories): v0.4.1d
21:50.49Repo-- Tested for patch 4.3
21:50.50Repo-- Updated TOC for 4.3
21:51.43Repo10multitool: 03DigitalSorceress 04v0.4.1d_release * r25 : v0.4.1d
21:51.44Repo-- Tagged as 0.4.1d_release
21:51.45Repo-- Tested for patch 4.3
21:51.46Repo-- Updated TOC for 4.3
21:54.06*** join/#wowace apejens (
21:54.40Repo10flaskminder: 03DigitalSorceress * r62 / (8 files in 2 directories): FlaskMinder v0.2.1g
21:54.41Repo-- Tested for patch 4.3
21:54.42Repo-- Updated TOC for 4.3
21:55.23Repo10flaskminder: 03DigitalSorceress 04v0.2.1g_release * r63 : FlaskMinder v0.2.1g
21:55.24Repo-- Tagged v0.2.1g_release
21:55.25Repo-- Tested for patch 4.3
21:55.26Repo-- Updated TOC for 4.3
22:02.07ZasurusIs there a way to force the packager to pick up ALPHA's of a library?
22:02.58Torhal|workZasurus: Take off "tags: latest"
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23:18.30ZasurusHi again guys. Why would the packager include a libraryA's required librarys in LibraryA's package but no when you include LibraryA in another addon? E.G: LibZasMsgCtr requires LibZasUsefulFuncs and DOES have in when packaged alone but when included as a library in "Level Revealer" :(
23:19.15ZasurusDoes that make any sence!? LOL
23:19.55mckenziemclibraries generally shouldn't have their dependencies embedded
23:19.58Zasurus@Torhal: Oh thanks missed your last reply :) Will give that a try
23:20.27Zasurus@mckenziemc: OK. How should I go about it then?
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23:23.05ZasurusIf I don't add the dependency as an include how can I make sure it's loaded?
23:23.38mckenziemcany standalone embedding a library with dependencies should also embed those dependencies, and make sure they run first
23:25.44Repo10forcematurelanguagefilter: 03stolenlegacy * r2 / (2 files in 1 directory): Initial commit, beta-1.
23:26.20Repo10forcematurelanguagefilter: 03stolenlegacy 04beta-1 * r3 : Tagged beta-1.
23:28.26*** join/#wowace Seerah (
23:28.35stolenlegacyoffers cookie for approval
23:28.36ZasurusBut then if a library adds a new dependency it would break anything it was included in until the author included the new dependency wouldn't it?
23:30.48Zasurusstolenlegacy: Isn't that bug getting hotfixed out tonight?
23:31.00mckenziemceach way has an advantages and disadvantages
23:31.04mckenziemchas its*
23:31.41*** join/#wowace Seerah1 (
23:31.57Zasurus@Mckenziemc: Guess the disadvantage of the way I did it is the packager doesn't do it! :(
23:32.09stolenlegacyZasurus: pretty sure they can't "hotfix" a cvar bug
23:32.14stolenlegacythey'd need a minipatch for that
23:33.43mckenziemci guess the answer to the adding of a new dependency is that it's something the lib developer would have to consider carefully and be responsible for
23:35.07Zasurus@stolenlegacy: Sure I read about that being fixed in a patch/hotfix... maybe I made it up! ;) Rats I want that then...I vote for approval! ;)
23:36.55ZasurusOh wait... I can just download it from wowace! :P
23:38.51Zasurus@stolenlegacy: Seems to work like a charm... :) If/when they patch it will you update it so it tells ppl using it they can drop it?
23:41.53stolenlegacyguess i will, yes
23:42.01stolenlegacyif I ever find out they hotfixed it
23:42.04stolenlegacye.g. someone tells me
23:53.25Repo10ice-hud: 03Parnic * r866 modules/TargetInfo.lua:
23:53.26Repo- drycoded a toggle to enable tooltips when mousing over an Info module to help diagnose a reported error from wowinterface
23:59.06Repo10firstlootever: 03stolenlegacy * r96 / (2 files in 1 directory):
23:59.07Repoitemlist.lua: Added 46860, 46023, 68765, 31084, 71949, 72068, 67289, 67280, 67281, 67323, 71084.
23:59.08Repoignored_items.lua: Added 19718.

Generated by Modified by Tim Riker to work with infobot.