IRC log for #wowace on 20101211

00:00.23TorhalOverachiever.MainFrame:SetScript("OnUpdate", function(self, event, ...)  if self[event] then return self[event] (self, event, ...) end end)
00:01.32TorhalThen declare each section as, for example: Overachiever.MainFrame:PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD()
00:02.22TorhalMakes it easier to see what's going on, if nothing else.
00:02.33TorhalAnd now, dinnertime.
00:03.02TuhljinYeah, I know that scheme, but is there really that much of a benefit? In the case of CRITERIA_UPDATE, it's a different frame that's got the event registered to it since that part of the addon is load-on-demand.
00:03.17TuhljinSo CRITERIA_UPDATE is the only event.
00:04.24orgevo_i can help, tuhljin
00:04.54orgevo_what'd you need?  (just tuning in after long afk)
00:05.27TuhljinOh, I'm just trying to troubleshoot an FPS problem. I have a theory about what's causing it but can't test it in-game myself for a while
00:05.43orgevo_only because I use overachiever all the time - givin back!  lol
00:06.25orgevo_ok, what link was supposed to have your test version?  the link to the ticket?
00:06.58TuhljinYeah, the ticket link above. It's not a test version. You just comment out a line of code I point out and then run a 5-man or something
00:07.13TuhljinThough it only matters if you've been seeing the FPS problem yourself
00:08.00orgevo_ah, i see.
00:09.49orgevo_my desktop's been down for about a week and a half (which is right about the time you released the first 40000 version, iirc), and although I *can* play on my laptop, it's annoying so I don't.  long story short: I don't really know whether I get the issue or not.  Looked at the repro steps - is raid necessary or have you been able to find a more succinct set of steps
00:10.29TuhljinEverybody's giving me different repro steps so I dunno
00:10.50TuhljinThe most consistent thing seems to be "get in combat with lots of things at once"
00:11.23TuhljinOther people report slowdowns in reaction to much more mundane things that I just don't see how Overachiever could be responsible for, like mousing over the minimap buttons.
00:11.25orgevo_and not everyone encounters the issue....that usually suggests something to do with timing of CPU hyper-threading or task switching
00:11.40orgevo_which are just simply the most annoying bugs to track down, lol
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00:12.43orgevo_well, since it does work in OnUpdate, anything that issues an event or invalidates the UI could be a trigger, technically
00:13.57orgevo_long-shot probably (and it might not even be possible, I haven't really done much research into how OnUpdate events work, exactly), but have you tried doing a simple recursion check?
00:14.42TuhljinWell, like I said before, the only OnUpdate calls I've got are in place to delay a call by some fraction of a second, immediately hiding the frame they're attached to once the OnUpdate function is called.
00:15.23TuhljinOnce is called only once, a hack to wait for Blizzard to stop messing around with the UI's position. The other is related to inventory item shifting, not combat
00:15.29Tuhljin*One is called
00:15.34orgevodoes overachiever use the Ace3 framework?
00:16.18orgevoso AceTimer is out...really just an OnUpdate that unsubscribes itself after one call anyway....and that sounds like essentially (maybe exactly) what you're doing, anyway
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00:17.06TuhljinAckis put up a screenshot that seems to point a finger at Overachiever_Tabs, which is load-on-demand, and most repro steps include getting it to load, so I really do think it's related to CRITERIA_UPDATE calls there, hence the comment I made in the ticket.
00:17.27orgevohang on i'll grab your code real quick
00:21.24orgevoi'm assuming that the OverAchiever_Tabs module is mainly responsible for adding the additional tabs to the achievements panel?
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00:22.11orgevois the tabselected a typo
00:22.22orgevoi.e. should it be tab.selected?
00:23.14orgevono, guess not - i see it elsewhere now
00:23.24TuhljinIt's just a local for that file
00:24.27mckenziemclua> {}[nil]
00:24.27lua_botmckenziemc: luabot:1: unexpected symbol near '{'
00:24.40Tuhljinbuild.lua is kind of a mess because it was based on Blizzard code and they kept changing things. It doesn't have the best organization but it gets it done
00:25.32orgevoit's not bad
00:26.00orgevoway nicer than most addon code, anyway, heh
00:26.29mckenziemchmm i thought trying to access a nil index in a table threw an error, instead of just returning nil
00:27.20orgevoit does, in wow anyway
00:27.35mckenziemcapparently not : / luabot using WoW's lua intepreter?
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00:30.07mckenziemcwith no error
00:30.08TuhljinDepends on whether you're just accessing it like "tab[nil]" vs trying to do something with it like " tab[nil] + 1 " or " tab[nil][1] "
00:32.48mckenziemcno errors
00:33.27mckenziemcTuhljin: i thought it would error on a nil index too
00:34.16orgevohmm, it's possible that it will only error if you attempt to execute a context expression via a nil index
00:36.10orgevoi'm relatively new to the lua language, but i _think_, if I am remembering correctly, what nil is a valid table opposed to print(sometable[nil].somemember), wihch I'm fairly sure generates the error you're trying to generate
00:36.36orgevoti's also possible that it will only generate an error if the nil value comes from the result of evaluating an expression
00:37.00mckenziemci figured out where the mistake was within my understanding of lua
00:37.19orgevoi.e. local sometable, someindex = [}, nil;     sometable[someindex] = bleh
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00:37.47mckenziemci've seen an error that says something like "attempted to index field ?, a nil value"
00:38.03mckenziemci thought that was saying the index was nil but i was wrong
00:38.15TuhljinAt least in WoW, it just gives nil if you do "tab[nil]" . The error you see then is from you trying to do something with that nil, like index it or do arithmetic.
00:38.31mckenziemcit means that a nil index was used, returned nil, then you tried to access it
00:39.11mckenziemcand it prints ? because the index it had just used was nil so it couldn't print a name
00:39.22orgevowhich is dumb
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00:41.20mckenziemci'm troubleshooting a nil value getting passed through a function stack
00:42.21mckenziemcso i thought the fact that it got past a certain line that does someTable[theNilValue] meant that it wasn't nil at that point but now i now to check higher up
00:43.23orgevoTuhljin: perhaps it might be best to only respond to CRITERIA_UPDATE when frame is the relevant one
00:44.08orgevosorry, I worded that wrong
00:44.27orgevoperhaps it might be best to only respond to CRITERIA_UPDATE when AchievementFrameAchievements.selection is not nil
00:44.50orgevorather than frame.selection
00:45.33TuhljinOnce the player clicks any achievement in the UI, AchievementFrameAchievements.selection will remain set until he unselects it
00:45.35orgevoit's possible that frame is always AchievementFrameAchievements in this context, i'm haven't analyzed the code enough to be sure of that, but if so, disregard, heh
00:46.50Torhalmckenziemc: if table[value] and table[value].member then
00:48.40orgevohmm, interestingly, the note for CRITERIA_UPDATE on wowwiki references a quote from joequency (whom I presume is a blizzard employee or otherwise involved in the development of the AchievementsUI), stating that CRITERIA_UPDATE can be fired several times at once.
00:49.50Arrowmasterwhy would you assume he is a blizzard employee?
00:50.03mckenziemcTorhal: that's not the issue, I was just making an incorrect assumption about what the possible values were at that line
00:51.01orgevoArrowmaster: I'm not.  I'm assuming that he's a blizzard employee or otherwise involved in the development of the achievementsUI
00:51.20Arrowmasterwhy are you assuming that?
00:51.49mckenziemcif type(root) ~= "table" then    root = addonTable.classes.Addon:Get(root)   end;   local tree = self.trees[root]
00:52.38orgevoArrowmaster: because his name is linked immediately after the quote
00:52.54orgevobut perhaps that means that he added the quote to the reference.
00:52.55mckenziemcthe issue is that i wasn't checking if Addon:Get returned nil, which it is because the addon is not present (i thought the fact the self.trees part did not error meant that root was not nil at that point)
00:53.19orgevoI'm not really sure - but honestly, who cares?
00:55.26orgevobut thanks for that enlightening contribution to the discussion..
00:59.33orgevobut he makes a good point (ignoring the rude delivery, anyway) - it's possible his findings are lo longer or were never accurate...but something else to double-check while troubleshooting.
01:00.48Torhalorgevo: BTW: >
01:01.20orgevooh?  why's that?
01:01.32TuhljinYeah, that's why I'm trying to have it tested with the line "self:RegisterEvent("CRITERIA_UPDATE")" commented out. I'll do so myself when I get a chance but I was just hoping someone else could get to it sooner
01:01.40orgevodon't think I've come across that site, yet - i'll check it though.  thanks
01:02.17mckenziemcTorhal: has everything been converted over? it seemed like there was something missing from wowpedia
01:02.24Torhalorgevo: The admins/editors from WoWWiki left because Wikia (the host for WoWWiki) were being douchebags. So basically, WoWPedia _is_ WoWWiki, only non-stagnating.
01:02.32Torhalmckenziemc: Like what?
01:02.47orgevoTorhal: gotcha - cool.  i'll update my bookmarks
01:03.00orgevotoo bad tho - wowwiki just kinda rolls off the tongue...err..fingers  :D
01:03.21mckenziemcdon't remember, probably just a false assumption from the fact google hasn't scraped everything from it
01:03.28mckenziemcso everything was copied?
01:03.34TuhljinI think so
01:03.47TuhljinThey said it was, anyway
01:08.43Torhalmckenziemc: There was an issue with Google where looking up anything regarding wowpedia reported for wowwiki
01:08.46TorhalThat's been resolved.
01:09.36orgevoTuhljin: I'm curious about your workaround.  Are you not entirely convinced that the OnUpdate (or something it calls) is the culprit?
01:10.12orgevotest, rather, not workaround
01:10.36TuhljinThe OnUpdate isn't called that frequently. It hides the frame when it's called.
01:10.50TuhljinThere's no OnUpdate in Overachiever_Tabs, anyway, and that seems to be where most of the CPU use is
01:11.36orgevoerr, sorry - meant CRITERIA_UPDATE
01:12.02orgevoman i'm really spoiled by skype now, lol - it let you edit message you've already sent and I keep trying to do that here
01:12.24orgevo^^ case in point (s/let/lets)
01:13.16mckenziemcTorhal: ah
01:13.17TuhljinI'm pretty sure CRITERIA_UPDATE is the culprit but it'd be nice to know for sure
01:13.28Tuhljinthat's what the test is for
01:14.13orgevoi see
01:14.39Tuhljinthough maybe I'll just throttle it anyway
01:15.50orgevook i'll try to repro on my laptop.   just to make sure - it's reproduceable in 5mans as well, right?  I don't have my laptop's addon settings configured exactly the way they were on my main machine, so 5m would be easier than joining a raid
01:16.11mckenziemcis it okay if internal functions in my addon skip doing validity tests in order to increase speed, as long as i document everything that the calling code should be sure of?
01:16.30TuhljinYes, 5 man reportedly triggers it
01:17.01mckenziemclike, i pass around addon names and objects around a lot, is it okay if i don't call Addon:Exists() in each function as long as the documentation says that if the function is called, it assumes that's the case?
01:17.33orgevomckenziemc: if the functions are public, they're hookable....i'd assume that they will be.  By internal, do you mean local?
01:18.36mckenziemcwell it's intended for internal documentation if anyone else wants to edit my code -- they will be accessible from outside but that's not the intent
01:18.45TuhljinYou can make any assumptions you want. It's your code. Just be sure people using it know what you're assuming.
01:18.54mckenziemcthe question i'm asking is of programming principles
01:19.15orgevohmm, does Addon:Exists() really incur that much of a performance impact?
01:19.25mckenziemcthat's just one example
01:19.30TuhljinIf there's a place that you can do a check just once, instead of all the time, that'd be good.
01:19.40TuhljinLike, a Register type function.
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01:20.05TuhljinIt depends what you're going for.
01:20.17orgevotbh, I'm more worried about making the code more robust against *myself* than anyone else.  Making changes months after code was originally written sometimes you forget stuff   :P
01:23.03orgevoI wish WoW had a built in method of function tracing (i.e. writing something to the log or chat window, when a function enters and exits, preferably with some indenting, etc.) - that would make so many things very simple to debug
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01:23.50mckenziemcbut for example, if i call tree:ForceLoad(), is it okay for it to assume i've called tree:CanForceLoad(), instead of immediately checking it (which calls addon:CanForceLoad on the root addon, plus recursive tree:CanForceLoad on every dependency)
01:25.10mckenziemcin order to avoid doing that whole recursive thing twice (i should be calling the CanForceLoad anyway beforehand because it affects the process flow)
01:25.18orgevoyou could, tho ideally you'd have a built-in way to detect when client code (even your own) is breaking the assumption
01:26.38orgevoe.g., a bool that you set indicating CanForceLoad() has been called.  in the function that expects it has been called, assert (or some other type of error response) that the caller didn't make sure that your initialization function was called
01:26.42apejenshms, stings returned from the WoW api are in some strange encoding, compared to string literals I enter in my code?
01:27.22orgevo[if the bool is still nil, that is]
01:27.28mckenziemcnormally that's the way i like to code things, but i think i can boost performance if i clearly set out what's assumed and skip the checks; just wanted opinions
01:27.36mckenziemci'll add some sort of a cache later
01:27.40mckenziemcthat will help too
01:27.49mckenziemcapejens: they're in UTF-8
01:28.14mckenziemcare your files saved in a diff encoding or are you using a non UTF-8 editor?
01:28.31apejensCore.lua: UTF-8 Unicode English text
01:28.58mckenziemcalso pipes behave a special way, but i'm guessing you mean something else
01:29.04apejensand the strings in question are all ASCII
01:29.09orgevowell relatively speaking, the performance impact of checking the value of a e.g. bCalledAllTheFunctionsThatNeedToBeCalledFirst bool is negligable
01:29.26orgevothat must be some HOT code if it's a concern   :)
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01:30.02mckenziemcit's not, but i want to get in the habit of considering efficiency when i code
01:30.25mckenziemcproblem is i'm a perfectionist so i tend to do it while i'm still developing the basic idea : /
01:31.00mckenziemcactually i haven't checked how long it takes but i doubt it's anything significant
01:31.25mckenziemcmy addon just hooks EnableAddOn and LoadAddOn, plus runs the hooks at login on anything that's already enabled
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01:32.38orgevowell that's certainly a good idea, but there's definitely a way to overdo it.  Consider efficiency, but in some cases, code readability and robustness can be more beneficial.  After all, technically if you made all your variables have only 1 letter, that would be a [negligable] performance improvement, since the interpreter wouldn't need to iterate over as many text characters.....but the tradeoff isn't worth it.
01:33.41mckenziemcorgevo: don't forget the performance impact of dealing with the function stack, and the additional complexity of the source code when implementing a cache of any sort :p
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01:34.35mckenziemci think using assumptions may actually improve readability, because i won't be calling WillThisWork everywhere
01:34.50orgevohowever, on the hand, sometimes intentionally leaving out checks for nils and such can be a useful debugging tool in and of itself
01:35.51orgevoIF ppl actually report the error when/if they receive it.  that's the gamble - will they report the error, or just say "this doesn't work" and uninstall   :D
01:38.39apejensheh, the strings returned from the API have some strange crap in front of them, that doesn't get printed in game
01:39.37orgevobut, in terms of "good programming practices", the broad rule of thumb is along the lines of worry less about optimization, and more about ensuring that future code maintenance doesn't introduce bugs.  that isn't my opinion, that's what you'll find in most software engineering books, especially when talking about programming in a scripting language.
01:39.42mckenziemcyou mean stuff like |cffffffff|Hspell:2222 ?
01:40.16ShefkiWell I think I'm done with writing addons and publishing them for other people.
01:40.48apejensthe |Kg5|k and |l
01:40.49apejensthe |Kg5|k and |k
01:41.01apejensits not colors?
01:41.16mckenziemcwhat are these strings coming from?
01:41.37mckenziemci know things like GearScore will mess with the links to add new hyperlink features
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01:41.45mckenziemcbut that doesn't look the same
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01:42.06mckenziemci don't know how the stuff works
01:42.31mckenziemcShefki: why?
01:45.11orgevoapejens: unfortunately my desktop is down for repairs.  I've been working on an aspect in one of my addons that deals with exactly that, and it's browser history has the links to all the pages I was using for reference
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01:45.53Parnic!api UnitFactionGroup
01:45.53lua_botUnitFactionGroup: Returns a unit's primary faction allegiance (
01:45.58Parnicanybody know of a similar api to get npc faction? ^^
01:46.14orgevobut the long and short of it is, Pipe followed by various combinations of letters and words represent chat window hyperlinks.  As pointed out above, |K begins a chat hyperlink to a RealFriend id.
01:46.33orgevothe most common is probably |C for colors, or |H for most hyperlink types
01:46.48orgevo(e.g. item, achievement, quest, etc.)
01:47.24apejenswhats strange, is that all the bytes that is the "name" (Andreas) seem to be "wrong"
01:47.48apejenstheya re just 58 0 bytes
01:47.52apejenserr, 48(0)
01:48.08apejenswhich makes them useless for comparison
01:48.20orgevoI don't recall exactly the way works, from memory, but some portion of the link is all 0's.  The number of zeroes is equal to the length of the last name...something like that
01:48.22the-golemParnic: npc is a valid unitID, have you tried that?
01:48.51orgevosylvanaar would be a great person to ask about it, actually.
01:48.53apejensthe first name and last name both have the right number of 0-bytes in them
01:49.07apejensbut makes it hard to compare them this way :(
01:49.17orgevothat might be intentional
01:49.19apejensif people hvae the same number of letters in their names, it messes up
01:50.12Axodiousis there a website that holy paladins can go to like maintankadin? ej seems to be less then helpful
01:51.19the-golemjust a guess, but .. tankspot?
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01:51.28orgevoapejens: I don't think you really want to rely too much on the encoded form of the name
01:51.46apejensno, probably not
01:52.00Axodiousthx the-golem
01:52.13apejensbut can't see what else will work cross-client (trying to make a small addon for a group of friends playing across servers)
01:52.21orgevojudging from the way the system seems to be setup, it seems almost like it's designed to force you to always interact through the BN* family of functions
01:52.34apejensbut I want to do that
01:52.42apejensI just want to store a list of people cross-client
01:52.56Parnicthe-golem: yeah, it returns nil nil
01:53.18Parnicwhen i want, for example, "Guardians of Hyjal"
01:53.31Parnicmy goal is to figure out if i should auto-repair at the npc i have open based on my rep with them
01:53.32orgevowell I could be wrong, but as I understand it, Blizzard does not want addons to do any sort of cross-anything communication.
01:54.04apejensAll I want to do, is invite people to conversations, and there are functions for that
01:54.13orgevowhat are they
01:54.14apejensbut I guess I need to figure out config and DB
01:55.29arkanesParnic: why don't you just compare the actual repair cost to the predicted repair cost
01:55.47orgevoapejens: those both say "there is no documentation on this function"  hehe
01:55.56apejensyeah, but the function names :)
01:55.58Parnicarkanes: yeah, that'll be my backup plan. was hoping for something more foolproof :)
01:56.04apejensfigure out I can work out how to use them
01:56.07arkanesParnic: thats about as foolproof as it gets
01:56.12arkanesParnic: it handles the goblin case, too
01:56.25arkaneswell, assuming that goblin racial affects repairs
01:56.28Parnicarkanes: i'm just thinking about rounding errors, etc.
01:56.29the-golemParnic: maybe ?
01:56.53Parnicthe-golem: nah, need their actual rep
01:57.51purlERROR: stack overflow.  JK LOL.
01:58.00mckenziemc~seen sylvanaar
01:58.05purlsylvanaar is currently on #wowuidev (1d 15h 48m 36s) #wowace (1d 15h 48m 36s) #curseforge (1d 15h 48m 36s). Has said a total of 20 messages. Is idling for 6h 55m 29s, last said: 'this new mouse (cyborg rat 7) is nice'.
01:58.06Parnicthe-golem: err, whoops. i read that wrong. yeah, that should actually work for everything except the goblin case, like arkanes said
01:58.11sylvanaarwhats up
01:58.21sylvanaari was busy failing at heroics
01:58.55mckenziemcin ACP, when you enable one addon and it enables the embeds, does it actually check if the embeds exist before calling EnableAddOn on the embed name?
01:59.24orgevosylvanaar: buffer, questions from apejens
01:59.59orgevooh and ya know what?  I'm *STILL* trying to get my desktop working again
02:00.12apejens(the names from BNGetFriendInfo seem to be some sort of null-byte links)
02:00.16mckenziemci can code around it (need to anyway) but i'm getting a call to my hooked EnableAddOn for an embed that isn't installed (and my own code isn't calling the hook afaik
02:00.29orgevoif I didn't know better, I'd swear there was someone out there with a voodoo doll of me at my computer or something)
02:00.34mckenziemcwhen i enable Proximo
02:01.08mckenziemcno big deal, since the normal EnableAddOn doesn't complain about it
02:01.09Torhalkagaro: Is there a particular reason why GatherMate2 doesn't show minimap stuff in Twilight Highlands?
02:01.12sylvanaarif you have Recursive checked, and there is an X-Embeds tag then yes, enableaddon would get called
02:01.15Fiskeri don't like games where i have to forward 66% of the vod
02:01.32TorhalFisker: Then stop playing with yourself.
02:01.51orgevoahhhhh, so *that's* what the recursive checkbox is for....
02:01.57Fiskeri'm not Torhal
02:02.03Fiskerunless your mom is an extension of my arm
02:02.05mckenziemcah, i figured it would actually check if the embed was there, too
02:02.11sylvanaarmckenziemc: im really tired so i may not be answering the question you are asking
02:02.16mckenziemcno you are
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02:03.25sylvanaarorgevo: ill look at the buffer later, im worn out from the heroics
02:03.27mckenziemcits just i happened to notice ACP seems to be calling EnableAddOn blindly without checking if the embed actually exists -- no harm, i probably shouldn't have even bothered you with it : /
02:03.28orgevomckenziemc: "what time is it"   sylvanaar:  "yeah, this shirt was a gift"
02:03.53orgevosylvanaar:  word - get some rest   :)
02:04.28Torhalsylvanaar: That reminds me - put a tooltip on the recursive checkbox. I haven't known what the hell it was for years and just never asked :)
02:04.40sylvanaarlol ok
02:05.20orgevoapejens just had questions about the limitations of any persistent information regarding BN friends (assuming I'm understanding the problem correctly)
02:05.27sylvanaarit just enables all the dependencies of the addon you are enabling. saves a lot of headache - especially if the x-embed tags are there
02:05.42Megalonwhatcha watchin
02:05.43Arrowmasterwell its not like it does much now since discrepancies are rare
02:06.10apejensis there any value of the BNGetFriendInfo that is dependable for comparison between states?
02:06.15apejenslike online/offline etc
02:07.03mckenziemcsylvanaar: ACP is doing that even though that box is disabled for me
02:07.45sylvanaarok, can you make a ticket, my brain is mush right now
02:07.51mckenziemclol ok
02:08.14orgevothat's cuz there's a line of code that goes "if name == "mckenziemc" then EnableFuckWithHimMode(); end"   :P
02:08.44mckenziemcoh, and this did happen before i started coding DependencyLoader so that's not the culprit xD
02:09.24Torhalmckenziemc: The code is prescient.
02:10.15mckenziemcugh at trade
02:10.29mckenziemc"can anyone tell me how to get to where the boat brings you"
02:11.26orgevoyeah that's pretty bad
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02:13.44orgevosylvanaar: looking like i'm going to lose all the code I wrote for talking to Prat.  :(   only copy I had was on the hard drive that (I've since discovered) extremely damaged by heat due to a cooling fan that wasn't operating, and hadn't yet been checked in.
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02:19.30apejensbleh, the presenceID keeps chaning when I change chars
02:19.37apejensand so does the Toon-id
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02:20.33orgevowell you can get the first and last name.....dunno if that will be unique enough for whatever you need the info for
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02:21.52apejensthe first and last name are null-bytes when I look at them
02:22.03apejenswith the strange |K link type stuff around them
02:22.34nebula169you can't get names anymore, they're server tokens now to keep addons from being able to store names
02:22.55apejensright, that answers that :(
02:23.09apejensand none of the other info seems cross-toon comparable
02:23.37nebula169what do you mean? save toon-server keys?
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02:25.22orgevowait, you mean BNGetFriendInfo() doesn't return first and last name anymore?
02:25.40ShefkiNo it doesn't.
02:25.51ShefkiNot for yourself.
02:26.13orgevodamnit...i hate blizzard.  now i have to fix NotesUNeed __again__
02:26.14nebula169returns |Kg<pID>|k and |Ks<pID|k for given/sur names
02:26.34ShefkiThat's been broken for months via a hotfix.
02:26.50ShefkiIt only worked for like 2 weeks.
02:27.47orgevomust have been when i added support for realID friends, then - it was working fine last I tested it.
02:28.14nebula169it'll work like you have the name
02:28.28nebula169if you store it and they go offline, it turns into Unknown, though
02:28.41Shefkiorgevo: Was fixed Juuly 10th, 2010
02:29.00Fiskerahahah wat Megalon
02:29.25orgevooh, no was definitely after that, that I made my changes...hmm lemme check something real quick
02:31.09kagaroTorhal:  i can only assume its a bug
02:31.47apejensdoes AceComm WHISPER work for real id chats somehow?
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02:32.09nebula169the change function is different, so doubtful
02:32.13mckenziemcdo gamemasters only work 9-5, or 24-7?
02:33.11apejensand for the Realm-Char version to work, I need to be in party or something?
02:34.55orgevoseems to work fine
02:35.31apejensno, BG only it seems
02:40.43*** join/#wowace gix_ (
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02:48.17Repo10big-wigs: 03Rabbit * r7636 / (14 files in 4 directories): Remove the cata checks and do some random cleanup.
02:48.38Repo10repairbroker: 03Parnic * r52 / (5 files in 2 directories):
02:48.39Repo- added ability to only auto-repair if the player's reputation with the repair NPC is above a specified level
02:51.48Hatisomeone knows a good milling addon?
02:52.50Hatinvm found one
02:53.16*** join/#wowace bluspacecow (
02:57.28Parnic@project breakables
02:57.30RepoParnic: Breakables. Game: WoW. Parnic (Manager/Author). Updated: 43 hours ago. Tickets: 1/7
02:57.31Parnichati: ^^ :)
02:57.46Hatiyeah found that one :)
02:57.55Parnicrock on
02:58.01Parniclmk how it behaves for you ;)
03:02.20SunTsuthis Harrison Jones quest line is teh suck. I want to play WoW not watch a fucking movie
03:02.49ThiefMasterheh, i wonder what's going wrong there..
03:03.01SunTsuI loves Uldum, until that Pillar of the sun quest line, it spoils it all
03:03.47SunTsuloved even
03:05.10mckenziemcis that Scan button on top from ARL? i didn't know it could scan class spells
03:05.25Slayman_ZZZzzzSo you can't go to the new zones at 78 then? sucks ;(
03:05.41Parnicyou'd probably get owned anyway
03:06.14Slayman_ZZZzzzit's not like the items in wotlk are ANY improvement, nor am I going to go heroics or sth stupid like that
03:06.40Slayman_ZZZzzzso 2 more lvls or basic stats, big whoop
03:07.14Hatidced again ...
03:07.16Parnicimo it's more about being able to hit the enemies in the starter zones. 2 levels = lots of misses
03:07.34Hatiwtf is going on (and no not caused by your addon parnic :P )
03:08.11Haticasted fishing -> dc'ed :(
03:08.55apejensThiefMaster: I had the same problem in eastern plagelands, when I had those two paladin NPCs following me
03:10.02ThiefMasteruldum is pure awesomeness just because of the gnomobliteration quest!
03:10.09ThiefMasterthat should so be a daily
03:10.32mckenziemcback in beta, my worgen hunter's 5th Call Pet said Call Whirlpool Bunny
03:10.58ThiefMasterkilling gnomes: nice - killing 1000 gnomes: awesome - killing 1000 gnome with a fucking glowing ball: pure awesomeness
03:13.27SunTsuThiefMaster: Blizz is making mass murderers out of us - and we're having fun at it
03:14.19HatiZelda did too
03:14.53HatiIf it was in Zelda or Mario it's legit.
03:18.28HatiParnic: auto-resort would be cool
03:18.39BWMerlinwhat are people preference and why with gathermate1/2 vs gatherer?
03:23.15Parnichati: yeah i don't want to tackle that but it's needed
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03:35.34Hatigosh i hate those rare inscription reagents
03:38.10pompymckenziemc: yeah its on there because the professions tab is in the spellbook.
03:38.56Killmore1is it possible with gathermate2 to share data with friends and guild member ?
03:39.37ArrowmasterKillmore1: somebody said the gathermate_sharing addon worked with gathermate2
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04:05.16BWMerlindoes the curseclient had a log of what addons it installed/remove/updated?
04:06.07ckknightBWMerlin: Help -> Open Client Log File
04:06.53BWMerlini have logged in that log but cant find what im after
04:07.08BWMerlinlike i just removed broker_portals but its not listed there at all
04:07.22BWMerlinall it has listed is start up info about the client not what it has done to addons
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04:15.33BWMerlinckknight: what timezone is the curseclient logging done in?
04:16.13TorhalHati: Revelation!
04:16.38TorhalHati: Parnic suggested Breakables. I'm suggesting Revelation.
04:16.58TorhalNot like I'm biased or anything...
04:17.09Hatithought you are going to give me an enlightment
04:17.13TorhalBWMerlin: BTW: ARL's repo isn't Mercurial, it's Git.
04:17.23Hati@describe Revelation
04:17.24RepoHati: Revelation. Allows tradeskill usage by clicking items or reagents.
04:17.49TorhalHati: Revelation does everything Breakables does, plus the tradeskill stuff - directly from your inventory.
04:18.12bluspacecowlolz torhal
04:18.17Torhalbluspacecow: Hrm?
04:18.19bluspacecowpimping your own addon
04:18.26Hatianyone knows what kind of hotfix is applied to eu :/ ?
04:18.39Torhalbluspacecow: Did you notice I updated Currency again?
04:18.43bluspacecowshould on the front page somewhere
04:18.52bluspacecowwhat wiv torhal
04:18.56ckknightBWMerlin: either local or UTC
04:19.00BWMerlinTorhal: thanks for that, i think for now i will just post tickets, i remember last time i tried to set up git i never got it working
04:19.13BWMerlinckknight: [2010-12-11 04:05:09 Info] that is not my timezone by a long shot
04:19.41Hatiyeah that's old :(
04:19.43bluspacecowfound in like 2 mins hati ... went and followed my nose to the community section
04:19.57bluspacecowwhen the hotfixes are applied that is updated.
04:20.00Torhalbluspacecow: Added Valor Points, Illustrious Jewelcrafter's Token, Tol Barad Commendation...and I think one other. Bah.
04:20.13*** join/#wowace Morwrath (~zsc@unaffiliated/morwrath)
04:21.46Hatiwell going to zzzzzzz
04:22.15Repo10big-wigs: 037destiny * r7637 / (2 files in 2 directories): koKR Update
04:27.55Repo10professionsvault: 03oscarucb * r141 ProfessionsVault.lua: BUG FIX: prevent a spurious warning for Runeforging
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04:46.38Parnictorhal: cold, man.
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05:08.16mckenziemcslow falling ice block ftw
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05:09.30TorhalParnic: What's cold? :)
05:11.18Parnicdumping on Breakables! ;)
05:11.31TorhalI wasn't dumping.
05:11.38Parnici know, i'm teasing
05:11.40TorhalI was just saying "Mine does that. And this too."
05:11.59ParnicBreakables is intended to not need the inventory open! :P
05:13.00Torhalsells Fisker on the AH for 3c.
05:14.54*** join/#wowace DarkAudit (~Brian@
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05:23.06Repo10gathermate2: 03kagaro 07master * 1.0.6-2-g0ec7255 Constants.lua: [+2 commits]
05:23.07Repo0ec7255: Added a few new treasure types
05:23.08Repo691a8f5: Added rest of cata fish schools
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06:04.31BWMerlinwhere do i report errors from acecomm?
06:05.36BWMerlinah seems its ace2 which is end of life
06:06.00*** join/#wowace Aeyan (
06:07.35sylvanaaroh man
06:07.59sylvanaari just had some great sleep
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06:13.38mckenziemccongatulates sylvanaar
06:15.03sylvanaarin regards to your acp question about the checkbox, the logic is so full of double negation its confusing me. the checkbox apparently means the opposite of what it says it means
06:18.03*** join/#wowace Yssaril (
06:18.57Repo10libmounts-1-0: 03yssaril * r39 LibMounts-1.0/LibMounts-1.0.lua:
06:18.58Repoupdated the Vashj'ir selection code all kinds of funky things we need to account for
06:19.19YssarilAdirelle: ping
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06:28.16Repo10acp: 03sylvanaar * r136 / (2 files in 1 directory): the recursive checkbox now shows the correct state of recursive enable
06:28.44sylvanaarthere you go mckenziemc
06:30.32mckenziemchugs sylvanaar
06:30.52sylvanaari think it still has a bug if you use the slash command let me test that
06:31.56mckenziemci never really bothered it, used ACP back when it had two checkboxes (Recursive and Load LoD iirc) and it worked then, and still seemed to work right as one box /shrug
06:32.03mckenziemcbothered with it*
06:32.19mckenziemcwith default settings
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06:36.21Repo10acp: 03sylvanaar * r137 ACP.lua: sync the recursive checkbox with the slash command
06:37.03sylvanaaryeah, the box may not have ever had its :SetChecked() called
06:38.04sylvanaari think that LoD dependant worked the other way from recursive
06:38.22sylvanaarso if you enabled Prat, it would enable all its sub-addons
06:39.04sylvanaarkinda like how enable works when you enable a collapsed group
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07:08.14mckenziemcsylvanaar: ahh, that sounds familiar
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07:15.58Repo10routes: 03Xinhuan 04v1.3.2 * 673f72c /: [new tag] Tag release v1.3.2, Fix for Gatherer and TomTom
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07:30.09Repo10libmounts-1-0: 03yssaril * r40 LibMounts-1.0/LibMounts-1.0.lua:
07:30.12Repoadd code to disable automatic updateing during combat. if you really need the info use :GetCurrentMountType() during combat when appropriate
07:33.51Repo10ahsearch: 03kunda * r96 AHsearch.lua: bugfix for cat/sq frame buttons
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07:36.19Repo10ahsearch: 03kunda 0440000-8 * r97 : Tagging as 40000-8
07:36.55AdirelleYssaril, pong
07:37.22YssarilAdirelle: see last to commits to libmounts (any objections?)
07:39.05AdirelleYssaril, I think you left a debug statement
07:39.43YssarilAdirelle: oops
07:40.10Adirellewhat's the point ? checking which mounts (and mount-like spells) are available in combat ?
07:41.45YssarilAdirelle: point is to not update anything while in combat since we rely on SPELL_UPDATE_USABLE  which could change frequently in a raid enviroment
07:42.32Adirelleoh, yes, I overlooked it
07:42.37Adirelleno objection then
07:43.28Adirelle(anyway, Squire2 doesn't use the callback :p)
07:44.46Yssarilyou don't use a macro though right?
07:45.02Yssarilyou simply update when key is pressed?
07:45.25*** part/#wowace Seerah (
07:46.33Repo10libmounts-1-0: 03yssaril * r41 LibMounts-1.0/LibMounts-1.0.lua: remove debug statement; return nil during combat :)
07:46.45YssarilAdirelle: ^^
07:48.50mckenziemcyay my addon is breaking things again....
07:49.54AdirelleYssaril, right
07:50.20Adirellethere is a minimalist macro though, like "/click Squire2button" :)
07:51.26YssarilAdirelle: my plan is to also provide a button or just a keybind down the road (but that is way down the road atm)
07:51.51AdirelleIt actually uses an internal macro most of the time though, it is just created on demand, ignoring conditions that aren't met
07:51.59Yssarilfirst i got to get v3 working properly lots of new stuff in there :)
07:52.40Adirelleand there is a "combat macro" internal too, but it is quite simple to set up
07:52.45YssarilAdirelle: do you do mount priorities in squire or mount grouping?
07:53.03Adirellewhat do you mean ?
07:54.10Yssarilgrouping (mounted will consider a group as a single mount and then just use a random roll for all the mounts in the group)
07:54.34Yssarilpriority in mounted is how frequently a mount will show up each time the macro is rewritten
07:54.55Yssarilso you can have one mount show up alot but others less often
07:55.27Yssarili also ensure that it will never give you the same mount/group twice in a row
07:57.27YssarilAdirelle: <--  alpha img of group editor and priority setter
07:57.54AdirelleI just record the "last seen" date of each mount and then select the one that wasn't see for the longest period
07:58.13NobgulYssaril, That looks nice
07:58.35Adirellethough it only considers mounts in the same group (ground/air) at a time
07:58.53Yssarilso once you have gone through all of them it goes through them in the exact same order again?
07:59.03Adirelleprobably yes
07:59.16YssarilAdirelle: cool
07:59.25AdirelleI admit I have not much tested this part
07:59.30Yssarilmakes it seam random but its not :)
07:59.37YssarilNobgul: thanks :)
07:59.45Adirelleactually I don't use so much, since I'm playing a druid and use flight/aquatic form most of the time
08:00.28Yssarilic (don't have a druid makes testing that code a pain sometimes)
08:00.44Adirelleto simulate the initial random order, I just initialise the "last seen time" with random(0, 1000)...
08:00.52Yssarilam always happy when PTR with premades come around
08:01.34Yssarilyour preserve last seen across  relogs or just per session?
08:01.45Adirelleper session
08:02.00Adirelleso it should probably reset the order each time
08:02.19mckenziemcheh, i had a check for a special case in one part of my addon, thought "hmm that belongs in a different spot", removed it from the old spot and forgot to put it in the new spot
08:02.26mckenziemchate it when that happens
08:02.41Adirelleactually, the result of random(0,1000) isn't stored, e.g. until a mount has been used once, the "last seen" is different each time it tests it
08:03.17Yssarili use to figure out my next mount :)
08:05.14Yssarilis your function a global?
08:05.37Adirelleer... it shouldn't, I think I had a "local ChooseMount" at some point
08:05.44Adirellehigher in the code
08:05.50Adirellebut now I don't find it anymore :p
08:05.51Yssarilkk just making sure :P
08:06.26Yssarili started using that addontable blizz provides us with and split code sections into their own files :)
08:06.31Repo10squire2: 03Adirelle 07master * 1.0.4-1-g8378bc5 Squire2.lua: [+1 commit] Fixed leaking global.
08:06.35Yssarilworks quite well to organize things
08:06.53Adirelleyep, until you start putting the configuration UI in its own submodule.
08:07.23Yssarilthats always a pain imo
08:07.45Yssarilthan again 70-90% of Mounteds code is config these days
08:09.26Repo10repairbroker: 03chkid * r53 Locales/koKR.lua: koKR update
08:09.50Repo10mounted: 03yssaril 06mounted_cata 07Mounted3 * v2.2.6-35-g214b994 / (2 files in 2 directories): [+2 commits]
08:09.51Repo214b994: fix Group editors frame Title
08:09.52Repo66da7dd: make sure we do not do anything during combat, fixed LibMounts being pulle in twice
08:10.58YssarilAdirelle: what do you think of this addon idea , a macro creation addon. basically you input spells some plain logic (if then and or) and it spits out the formated macro
08:11.08mckenziemchas anyone had a WoW ticket responded to recently?
08:11.48Yssarilmckenziemc: they are proabbaly flooded with tickets due to broken quests, phasing problems etc so i wouldnt hold my breath
08:12.06mckenziemcidk if i should wait or go to bed
08:12.17mckenziemci opened this ticket at 7pm yesterday
08:12.18Yssarilbed > wait :)
08:12.27mckenziemcerr, 2 days ago technically
08:12.33mckenziemccause it's 12:12 am now
08:12.40Nobgulmckenziemc, Mine got answered in about 2 hour's
08:12.55mckenziemc: /
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08:13.00Yssarilmckenziemc: whats the ticket about?
08:13.01NobgulBut then again my whole guild made the same ticket
08:13.05AdirelleYssaril, why not, it could be a small web application too
08:13.08mckenziemcus or eu?
08:13.14Nobgul350 tickets about the same thing.
08:13.24mckenziemcasking to rename my guild ><
08:13.33NobgulOh good luck with that
08:14.18mckenziemcmeh i don't need sleep anyway :D
08:14.23YssarilAdirelle: hm interesting idea (though that would be for someone else to do)
08:14.24Nobgulmckenziemc, Last time i did that had to make a new guild then wait 3 weeks for a gm to buy the bank tabs for us.
08:14.25mckenziemcdozes off
08:14.59YssarilAdirelle: also would like it to be able to reverse parse a macro into the addons logic code
08:15.18NobgulBut now with the guild rep crap meeh. Incidently thats what my ticket was about. My guild was a whole level behind the rest of the server. And we maxed guild exp each day
08:15.30mckenziemcwell now that guild xp and player rep is part of the guild stuff
08:15.36mckenziemcmybe they'll be more nice
08:15.37NobgulWe are still 1 day behind =(
08:15.49NobgulFighting to get them to fix it.
08:16.00mckenziemchow did you get a level behind?
08:16.24YssarilNobgul: did you get your first day (the 3 hours right after lauch was day one)
08:17.16NobgulWe invited a 60 member guild into ours. Each person was in the guild. You coudl see the guild tag above the heads but. They were not in the roster. could not be kicked, and they couldn't gquit
08:17.41Nobgulthis was after the 3 hour day. Then guild stoped gaining exp >_<
08:18.09NobgulThe gm had to kick and reinvite each of the members took them like 4 hours to fix.
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08:18.35YssarilNobgul: ouch good luck with that hope it gets fixed (i wouldn't get my hopes up though)
08:18.48NobgulIts mostly fixed. just 1/3 of a lvl behind
08:18.56NobgulWhich is a day  =(
08:19.12Yssarilfor me the problem atm is that i can not be pomoted to a quthenticator required rank eventhough i use one
08:19.14NobgulI mean in the long run its just a extra 10% spped mounts.
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08:19.37Nobgullol that sucks. Your the 2nd person i herd of having that issue.
08:20.03NobgulMy m8's guild he has a guy who can't login. Has a authenticator but when he tries to log into the game he gets kicked.
08:20.05Yssarilhmm maybe if i remove and then readd myself
08:20.20NobgulBut only on that toon which is a officer.
08:20.25mitch0yss: I was thinking about creating such an addon myself yesterday :) (the macro generator thing)
08:20.57NobgulI saw a nice addon a while ago that used "tags" to make macro's but i could never get it to work.
08:21.43Yssarilmitch0: i think i might start one as soon as i am done with mounted
08:21.57YssarilNobgul: mounted uses tags for its custom mounts
08:22.20NobgulI would like a  /set mitch0 [tank]  and then have the macro's be /cast [@[tank]] spell
08:23.09NobgulLots of things i would like =P
08:23.19mitch0yssaril: first I thought about making a lua -> macro thing, but then I thought that it would be easier to keep the current macro language, just condese the macro
08:24.10mitch0something like: /cast [harm] lala; /cast [friend] lulu; --> /cast [harm] lala; [friend] lulu; (same with modifiers, stances, etc)
08:24.29mitch0and also create appropriate #show line
08:24.44Arrowmasterproblem is those act differently and sometimes you want one of them and sometimes the other
08:25.29Nobgulmitch0, Do you really use macro's like that?
08:25.30mitch0arrow: are you talking about my example? if so, how would they act differently?
08:25.43mitch0nobgul: yes. why?
08:25.51Yssarilmitch0: naw i was thinking more of something with an interface where you can choose from if then, and, or statments and then add in your spells
08:26.15mitch0yss: ah, a gui macro builder? that's nice, too
08:26.18Nobguljust wondering. I tried once to double all my spells  with heal/dps on the same button. I kept fluffing stuff up and gave up
08:26.54NobgulI really should force myself to go back tot hat method to free up lots of space.
08:27.01YssarilNobgul: takes a bit to get used to but definatly works
08:27.20mitch0nobgul: well, [harm] [friend] thing is probably only on my "middle mouse button" macro, with rejuv / moonfire / root / heal stuff
08:27.56mitch0on my mage it's remove curse / ice lance  / poly
08:28.18Nobgulmitch0, hehe druid here also. I tried   moonfire / rejuv starfire / regroth  Insectsw / healing touch
08:28.42NobgulYou can't check for conditions for poly can you?
08:28.47Nobgulwould haqve to use a modifier?
08:29.28mitch0[@mouseover; mod:alt; harm] poly (something like that
08:29.49Nobgulmeeh lol
08:30.24mitch0offtopic: any good visio like unix app to create an "architecture diagram/drawing" ?
08:31.12NobgulOpen CASCADE
08:32.00mitch0ah, Dia seems to be interesting
08:32.11*** join/#wowace Yoshimo (
08:32.38NobgulAh diagram tools
08:32.43NobgulThought u wanted cad
08:32.49mitch0no ;)\
08:33.29mitch0building dia now. hope it can export to some common format like pdf
08:33.48NobgulWell have a good night all time for me to catch a nap before i get off work.
08:35.15Repo10repairbroker: 03Parnic * r54 RepairBroker.lua: - added an extra guard for 'nil'
08:35.48Repo10flight-hud: 03Barfolomeu * r340 / (4 files in 1 directory): Wrap up the Bliiz POI integration.
08:36.42Repo10flight-hud: 03Barfolomeu 04v0.10.0-beta * r341 : Tagging as v0.10.0-beta
08:37.22*** join/#wowace Caleb| (
08:39.48starlonAnyone know an addon that shows some auction addon's data on trade skill windows?
08:39.56starlonI used to have one.
08:43.59Nobgul|Sleepoh err
08:44.46Nobgul|SleepLilSparky's Workshop
08:44.51Nobgul|Sleepis what i used to use
09:10.31*** join/#wowace airtonix (~airtonix@unaffiliated/airtonix)
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09:16.22Caleb|can anyone recommend me an addon that does auto accepting and auto turning in of daily quests (preferably updated for cataclysm)
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09:22.16mitch0eh: "! End of file on the terminal... why?" <- TeX output :)
09:22.55mitch0caleb: there was something like sick-of-clicking-dailies
09:23.08mitch0daylies probably
09:23.44Caleb|yeah I remember something from back in sunwell just can't find it
09:23.56Caleb|but yeah thats its mitch0 thx
09:26.40Repo10broker_healbot: 03oscarucb 041.6 * r19 : Tagging as 1.6
09:26.41RepoAdd spanish translation (thanks to Valdesca)
09:26.59Repo10inline-aura: 03Adirelle 07master * v1.6-beta-3-6-g028824b / (4 files in 1 directory): [+3 commits]
09:27.00Repo028824b: Do not completely merge presets into database defaults.
09:27.01Repoaf5b96d: Reworked how totems are handled (and conveniently simplied the core).
09:27.02Repo92c74b5: Added Grounding Totem Effect to the list of snares.
09:27.48Repo10atlasloot-enhanced: 03Celellach * r3129 LootTableModules/ClassicWoW/classicwow.lua: - D1, D2, T1, T2 and T3 done.
09:34.39Repo10big-wigs: 03Maat * r7638 Blackwing/Maloriak.lua: fix remedy check
09:39.21*** join/#wowace pschriner (
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09:49.12Repo10dependencyloader (experimental): 03mckenziemc * r15 DependencyLoader (3 files in 1 directory): cleaned up Tree's methods a bit and improved documentation  (Message trimmed by 1 line)
09:49.13RepoAddon:Exists will now return false for Blizzard addons (needs to be handled better)
09:49.14RepoAddon.lua will now use the raw hooks from the interface module
09:49.15Repofixed the inverted returns from IsForceLoadAvailable
09:49.16RepoEnableAddOn and LoadAddOn hooks will now skip the extra processing if the addon does not exist or is a Blizzard addon
09:51.22Repo10big-wigs: 03zhTW * r7639 / (4 files in 4 directories): zhTW update
09:54.37Repo10dependencyloader (experimental): 03mckenziemc * r16 DependencyLoader/Core.lua: removed the unused code from Core.lua
09:58.13*** join/#wowace Nobgul (
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10:08.40mckenziemcoh nice my TrainAll addon still works
10:08.59mckenziemci thought i was going to have to click Train for all these jcs recipes or fix the addon
10:09.05*** join/#wowace Yoshimo (
10:33.39Yoshimogm2 seems to have minimap issues
10:34.07YoshimoGatherMate2\Display.lua line 701:
10:34.07Yoshimoattempt to index field 'minimapSize' (a nil value)
10:34.23nevcairieli think that means you failed to load libmapdata
10:37.37Yoshimoi have it standalone and gathermate2 also ships it, how can it fail loading if both addons are enabled?
10:40.22Hatiis there an addon for LDB like ReputationFu :( tried sexyrep but it's missing rep per zone
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10:47.49Yoshimohati,  my favourite is a reputation plugin for titanpanel, unfortunately it requires TP
10:48.26Hatidon't TP use LDB too?
10:52.34Yoshimoyes but the module has TP as dependency
10:55.37*** join/#wowace mckenziemc1 (
10:56.55Torhal@describe sexyreputation
10:56.56RepoTorhal: Sexy Reputation. A fancy LDB reputation display, show faction reputation and reputation change history
10:57.14TorhalIt's new and in-progress. YMMV.
10:58.14TorhalThere's also
10:58.16TorhalSame deal
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11:15.24mckenziemc1waves at harl
11:16.19sylvanaaroh man more sleep
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11:16.31sylvanaari feel human again
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11:19.05Slaymansylvanaar: which is strange considering you aren't
11:19.44Slaymanbut please elaborate? you took a shower? you went outside?
11:20.50mckenziemche got more sleep
11:24.05sylvanaarmore slepp
11:24.25sylvanaarI may do those other 2 things next
11:24.29sylvanaari dont know
11:24.48sylvanaarim going to go play paintball today
11:25.15ramozi would suggest you postpone the shower 'til after the paintball
11:25.29sylvanaarthat does make sense
11:25.56mckenziemci wish the Curse Client could do differential updates : /
11:25.56ramozyou feel much more like a man when you reak of sweat and testosterone!
11:26.18ramozhence; you will kill more people!
11:27.19mckenziemcbe careful ramoz you might be first
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11:32.33Repo10dependencyloader (experimental): 03mckenziemc * r17 DependencyLoader (6 files in 1 directory): fixed an indexing issue in Addon.lua
11:32.34Repomoved most of the code in DependencyLoader.lua to Core.lua, and renamed the former to frontend.lua
11:32.35Repoupdated load.xml
11:32.36Reporearranged stuff in start.lua
11:36.49Slaymanlol rnd epic in normal dungeon
11:39.40Repo10libfail-2-0 (experimental): 03Maat * r10 LibFail-2.0.lua:  (Message trimmed by 5 lines)
11:39.43RepoMagmaw Parasitic Infection
11:39.44RepoNefariann Tail Lash
11:39.53mckenziemcis there any reason the Ace3 library isn't loadable on demand?
11:41.05Repo10ensidiafails: 03Maat * r251 EnsidiaFails.lua:
11:41.06Repofix ChatEventHandler msg handling, Filter options general order, version sync scheduling
11:43.55sylvanaarits a big paintball game, the theme for the game is modern warfare 1
11:44.22nevcairielmckenziemc: it offers some slash commands that we want active even when no addon loads it
11:44.31nevcairielbesides, we dont support standalone usage anyway
11:45.13mckenziemcAddonLoader, X-LoadOn-Always: true   ?
11:45.21Repo10ensidiafails: 03Maat 043.802-BETA-LFr10 * r252 : Tagging with script as 3.802-BETA-LFr10 for LibFail-2.0 r10
11:45.26nevcairielwe'll not change it
11:50.24arkanesis there an easy way to tell the difference between being in a vehicle that has its own action bar, and one that doesn't?
11:50.47arkaneshmm okay
11:52.41arkanesdo you know off hand at which point that starts returning true with regards to UNIT_ENTERING_VEHICLE?
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11:53.08nevcairielprobably after UNIT_ENTERED_VEHICLE
11:53.32arkanesah hah
11:53.39arkanesthat would explain a bug I had elsewhere, too
11:55.08mckenziemc@project AddonLoader
11:55.09Repomckenziemc: No project found that matches 'addonloader'
11:55.19mckenziemc@project addon-loader
11:55.20Repomckenziemc: AddonLoader. Game: WoW. Ammo (Manager/Author), Cladhaire (Author), mikk (Author). Updated: 55 days ago. Tickets: 4/16
11:55.58mckenziemc3.2 was the patch that temporarily broke LoadAddOn, right?
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11:56.57nevcairielIt was broken in 3.0.2
11:56.59nevcairielfixed in 3.0.3
11:57.19nevcairielor we're thinking about another bug
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11:57.40nevcairielthe one i'm thinking of broke OptDep loading LoD addons, and to some extend also LoadAddOn
11:58.05DrachenAnyone having problems with GatherMate2?
12:00.24mckenziemcnevcairiel: idk, but whenever it was, has AddonLoader always loaded addons at PLAYER_LOGIN if they set X-LoadOn-Always: true, or did it load them earlier before that bug
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12:01.01mckenziemc(2:34:00 AM) Yoshimo: GatherMate2\Display.lua line 701:
12:01.02mckenziemc(2:34:00 AM) Yoshimo: attempt to index field 'minimapSize' (a nil value)
12:01.38mckenziemcidk what's causing it, but if that's what you're getting then yes, Yoshimo was having problems with it
12:02.12mckenziemcnevcairiel said he thinks LibMapData didn't load
12:02.19DrachenNo, I've got something completely different.  I'm putting together a pastebin now.  I'm getting bug flooded by it.  Just a sec.
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12:03.33Repo10libactionbutton-1-0: 03Nevcairiel 07master * 0.8-1-g49db933 LibActionButton-1.0.lua: [+1 commit] Make Action.GetSpellId work when the button contains a macro.
12:04.47DrachenI've got 132 different iterations of this in bug sack.  Bug sack shuts down, comes back up and we're off to the races again.
12:05.03nevcairielthat usually means that there was an error during load
12:05.13nevcairielbecause the Constants.lua didnt load
12:05.14mckenziemci'm not familiar with GatherMate so i'm afraid i can't help you : /
12:05.24DrachenOkie dokie.  Is this something I need to fix on my end?
12:05.53DrachenI'll be honest, I'm having a hard time finding the clue phone if it is on my end. :o)
12:06.52nevcairielcheck your Logs\FrameXML.log for errors regarding gathermate
12:07.17nevcairielthere has to be some load-time error
12:07.19DrachenOk, just a sec
12:12.14nevcairieldoesnt seem to be anything interesting
12:12.56DrachenI found something about constants in bug sack.  It's only one line.  Ok to paste directly or do I need to pastebin it?
12:13.09nevcairielone line is olk
12:13.33nevcairielanything above 2 should go into pastey
12:16.12DrachenGotcha... It disappeared.  Looks like the bug flood overwrote it.
12:17.24Yoshimothere are quite a few ingame lua errors for gm2
12:18.10DrachenGot it
12:18.30Drachen1x GatherMate2-1.0.6-2-g0ec7255\Constants.lua:372: attempt to index global 'icon' (a nil value)
12:19.36nevcairielkagaro really needs to test his shit
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12:21.09Repo10gathermate2: 03Nevcairiel 07master * 1.0.6-3-g7d4aa7b Constants.lua: [+1 commit] Fix kagaros dry-code errors.
12:27.06DrachenWe have a winner!  Thanks Nevcairiel! :)
12:39.20*** join/#wowace Yivry (~Dave@
12:43.00Hati3s inner cd on wf is so vanilla :/
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12:43.25Yoshimoif i want to commit to a wowace.svn repo, and i already set up my ssh key, can someone tell me why tortoise svn is stilla sking for username&password?
12:44.40ThiefMasteris there an addon which automatically moves e.g. gray and BoE loot into a certain bag?
12:45.31koaschtenI only know ArkInventory, but thats more a display mod
12:46.06mojosdojoYoshimo: You are probably trying to commit to the wrong repo, meaning: not the one with ssh access
12:46.59Yoshimorecloning might work, ill try that
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12:49.50Repo10libbossids-1-0: 03yoshimo * r48 LibBossIDs-1.0.lua:  (Message trimmed by 3 lines)
12:49.51RepoCataclysm IDs , courtesy of dlui
12:49.52Repo- completed Halls Of Originations
12:49.53Repo- added Lost City of Tol'vir
12:49.54Repo- added Baradin Hold
12:50.09Yoshimoindeed, the url was wrong^^
12:50.50mojosdojoforgot ssh+svn? :D
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13:01.36harl|teatimethat female goblin, named Ginna Gearcrank, who can be found at Shimmering Expanse: Legion's Rest, got a male voice  oO
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13:03.38harl|teatimetransgender goblin
13:03.42mckenziemcyour eyes deceive you
13:05.30DrachenAnyone getting this error in DataStore_Skills?
13:05.33harl|teatimelol.. i haven't examined hir THAT closely yet
13:07.00harl|teatimebut yeah, it might just be a VERY dark female voice, like transposed or something
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13:10.40orgevoYoshimo: I've always just used putty (I have to remember to start it before trying to access my depots, after a restart....which I never do, heh) - is there a way to have tortoise provide the private key itself, now?
13:13.48mckenziemcDrachen: no
13:15.15mckenziemci think _Skills was removed
13:15.26mojosdojoorgevo: no
13:15.27mckenziemcif you still have it it's an orphan, you can delete it
13:15.55mckenziemcit's not present in my addon folder and i remember finding an orphaned DataStore module recently
13:16.12mckenziemcand your error pastey lists 3.3 as its version
13:17.28harl|teatimei haven't got a DataStore_Skills any more either
13:18.15Yoshimoi have pageant which comes with tortoise, but you need to start that as well
13:20.56mojosdojoPageant is just PuTTY's auth agent
13:24.02Yoshimoah ok
13:24.37harl|teatimethe mailbox at Legion's Rest seems to be inoperable too
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13:31.43Slaymanwhy is the Earthen Ring QM not in Tenebrous Cavern? me *sadpanda*
13:33.01Slaymanharl|teatime: yeah it's just the doodad without the function
13:33.47mckenziemcodd.... LoadAddOn seems to be able to load addons that return nil for IsAddOnLoadOnDemand
13:33.59mckenziemci thought that was fixed around patch 1.9...
13:34.26mckenziemcand i don't seem to be getting any errors when i tried it with Ace3 and Altoholic
13:36.50DrachenDoes Altoholic still need the DataStore mods?
13:37.31mckenziemccan somebody test this so i can be sure i'm not going crazy? logout, disable all addons, login, type /rl (it should error since Ace is disabled) then /run EnableAddOn("Ace3"); LoadAddOn("Ace3")        and type /rl again
13:37.43mckenziemcit's reloading the second time for me
13:37.46mckenziemcDrachen: yes
13:38.04Drachenmckenziemc: Thanks
13:43.39orgevomojosdojo: ok, thanks....but...I assume I said Putty where I probably meant you understand what I was actually asking?
13:44.36harl|teatimegot no external Ace3
13:44.48mojosdojoYes, I think, ~what you said
13:44.49mckenziemcinstall it!
13:45.34harl|teatimebut, mckenziemc, what for ;-)
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13:47.09orgevook, thanks.  that's what I thought.
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13:47.40mckenziemcwb bibi
13:49.40mckenziemcharl: to check my sanity
13:50.04orgevoSo...even though it was clear what I _was_ asking, you thought the most helpful response would be to correct me on which program I'm already using to do the thing that I'm trying to avoid doing the long way around.  Lol...some ppl, man...
13:50.07harl|teatimemckenziemc: that worked. also, i've seen Ace3 getting loaded after login before already, although i had it unchecked.
13:51.06harl|teatimethat was one reason why i removed it completely, as there's no real reason for it to get loaded when i don't want it to load, as all the add-ons have their own libraries.
13:51.43mckenziemchow recently was this happening?
13:53.07harl|teatimei have to assume that it has always been like that, but the first time i actually got aware of it was around 3.3.something
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13:54.15harl|teatimebut that is only because i actually started to care about it then
13:55.20kagaronevcairiel:  thanks for pushing the fix, i hit the publish in tower by mistake i was half asleep when i dropped that code in last night
13:55.41koaschtenhaha awesome armory error: 503 unavailable - This service is unavailable to any character under level 100.
13:56.11Yoshimoratingbuster relies on libstatlogic to parse tooltips, doesnt it?
13:59.05orgevoYoshimo: that seems really familiar (i.e. I wanna say I remember having to dig into libstatlogic code last time I looked into ratingbuster code)
13:59.15orgevoplus what Nobgul said   =D
13:59.27mckenziemc!api IsAddOnLoaded
13:59.29lua_botIsAddOnLoaded: Returns whether an addon is currently loaded (
14:00.02mckenziemcalso, IsAddOnLoaded is returning two values instead of one O.o
14:00.34NobgulAre you calling ti twice?
14:00.46NobgulAnd when are you calling it.
14:01.00mojosdojoorgevo: all I said was 'no'
14:01.14mojosdojothe rest was talking with Yoshimo
14:01.40Yoshimocertain alchemy recipes miss their rating conversion in ratingbuster
14:02.10orgevomckenziemc: what's the second return value
14:02.57mckenziemcit's returning two 1s for an addon that's loaded
14:03.40Elkanoto the fellow coders out there... WTF?
14:03.51orgevoI'm bummed that they decided to break the lua exporter  :(  at least that way you could be absolutely sure that the code you were looking at was the same as the compiled version
14:05.19Repo10big-wigs: 03mojosdojo * r7640 / (6 files in 3 directories): deDE update and minor fixes.
14:06.05orgevoElkano: lol...that goes into the "man that dude has way too much free time on his hands" column.  10 bucks says he doesn't play wow, hehe
14:06.58Elkanoit also goes into the "What is this... I don't even..."
14:07.29orgevohopefully it was a project for a CS class or can hope..
14:09.51harl|teatimemckenziemc: on an additional note, now that i *have* Ace3 in the add-ons list (again), it doesn't seem to get automatically loaded anymore. it still might do when i happen to use certain addons, that's merely an assumption though. - it still is loadable-on-demand though, despite AdonControlPanel not showing a Load button.
14:10.31orgevoso i'm friggin pumped, man - after a week long effort, I was finally able to recover the partitions from my desktop's harddrive (had a rogue disk-repair program assassinate my partitions after it crashed during its run)
14:11.47orgevoi'd pretty much given up hope and become resigned to a week or so of crying myself to sleep over the 2 years of emails and documents and other shit that I was going to be losing, lol
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14:13.14orgevo(ironically the whole situation started when I decided that I really oughtta back up my hard naturally, all hell breaks loose as I'm trying to run the backup)
14:13.17mckenziemcmake backups next time
14:15.38orgevomckenziemc: yeah, I know.  Even though the backup procedure triggered a chain of events that cost me about a week and a half of various recovery efforts, the hard drive itself was basically two legs and one arm in the grave, while still somehow showing up as perfectly healthy in all of the S.M.A.R.T. status programs and tests
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14:17.42orgevoI went through 4 or 5 different sector-level disk cloning programs before I was able to find one that wouldn't choke when it hits the section on the harddrive that is damaged.  Also found the underlying reason as a result - turns out my computer has a fan sitting right between the two hard-drive cages....that wasn't working.
14:18.21orgevoso those hard drives were getting pretty toasty, heh
14:19.05NobgulAnyone in here got a resto druid at lvl 85?
14:20.01orgevomine's still at 80  :\  stupid hard drives crapped out right before cata dropped; what a mean thing for them to do, right?
14:20.49mckenziemcmy hard drive doesn't have a fan at all O.o
14:20.50NobgulEh your not missing much . At at 10 spells then OOM
14:20.59Nobgulerr at 85
14:21.12NobgulI have 80k mana, and rejuv costs 7k to cast.
14:21.15orgevoquite a difference
14:21.28NobgulHeals like 10-13k and the tank has 140k health
14:21.32orgevo7k?!?! holy crap
14:21.51Nobgul6556 mana to be exact
14:22.01Nobgul78456 mana
14:22.21*** join/#wowace Funkeh` (~funk@
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14:22.40NobgulCan't find decent info on reforging.
14:23.28orgevowell blizz did make several comments about how mana was gonna be a much bigger issue for druids, at level 85, but....i didn't realize it was gonna be quite that severe
14:23.41Repo10ora3: 03mojosdojo * r482 modules/Cooldowns.lua: Add Smoke Bomb.
14:24.09orgevohaha it sounds like you better reforge in some more spirit, lol
14:24.46Nobguli have almost 2k regen
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14:25.36orgevohmm, so you're thinking that maybe mana regen isn't actually the issue.  Perhaps different healing strategy or something like that?
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14:26.05Nobgulyea hit the tank and the dps with a dungeon education
14:26.12NobgulStop dps and CC lol
14:26.18Nobgulwhen your done with that CC moar
14:26.43orgevothat'll take a little while for the lowest common denominator (i.e. usually dps) to adjust
14:29.15NobgulI am not sure why blizzard increased the stats so much
14:29.29Nobgulalmost all lvl 85 toons have 85-100k health
14:31.22orgevoi dunno, guess that new raid bosses hit pretty hard, lol
14:31.32*** part/#wowace mckenziemc (
14:33.00Repo10big-wigs_common-auras: 03mojosdojo * r169 CommonAuras.lua: New feasts, yay!
14:34.00Nobgulaparently i can take a talent to reduce the mana cost of spells by 9%
14:34.11Nobgul1 extra spell yay =P
14:40.57Slaymanbreakables: should REALLY hide if all the rest is hidden, it does not improve ingame cinematics
14:42.01*** join/#wowace KriLL3 (~KriLL3@unaffiliated/krill3)
14:42.31KriLL3is there a new replacement for action bar saver? or is there some other way to backup & restore your bar configuration?
14:42.51KriLL3hate having to restore all my bars post talent wipe etc
14:48.33*** join/#wowace Ali1331 (83fbec94@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
14:49.53Yoshimodoes anyone else have problems with item professions and other kind of links with chatter?
14:49.57SunTsuKriLL3: ActionBarSaver2?
14:50.16KriLL3same thing
14:50.36SunTsuKriLL3: worked for me
14:50.44KriLL3doesn't here
14:50.47KriLL3gives an error
14:51.33SunTsuand the wrror would be?
14:52.15KriLL3happens when I try to save, I'm guessing it doesn't have the cata spells
14:53.49SunTsuI guess otherwise, there was a change with GetSpellName, I think it was renamed
14:54.58Repo10wrong-button: 03vaeyl * r18 WrongButtonGoAway.toc: bumped toc
14:55.37Repo10simple-soulstone: 03vaeyl * r75 SimpleSoulstone.toc: bumped toc
14:56.21Repo10wrong-button: 03vaeyl 040.53 * r19 : Tagging as 0.53
14:56.43Repo10simple-soulstone: 03vaeyl 041.7 * r76 : Tagging as 1.7
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15:09.31Repo10unconversablegnome: 03Rabbit * r10 core.lua: Add CHAT_MSG_PARTY_LEADER to recognized channels.
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15:29.36Yoshimo@describe unconversablegnome
15:29.48RepoYoshimo: UnconversableGnome. A friend in need is a unconversable robot friend.
15:32.12KriLL3SunTsu: ah, so it's wrecked?
15:32.24KriLL3I'm guessing Shadowed isn't around anymore?
15:33.00SunTsuKriLL3: Nah, not wrecked, easily repaire, I guess
15:35.20KriLL3is there a way to stop the text input field to jump to what ever chat window you last clicked?
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15:35.25KriLL3don't need that on my combat log
15:36.29KriLL3also, why can't I move the chat windows to the bottom of the screen? like one bar height away from it
15:38.10ElkanoKriLL3, wrt jumping editbox it's in the options somewhere
15:38.55Elkanoiirc it was a dropdown
15:39.00KriLL3"IM style" yeah very logical
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15:47.59KriLL3why can't I move the chat windows to the bottom then? stops about 50px short
15:48.03KriLL3as if to make room for a bar
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15:53.18Repo10libmapdata-1-0: 03kagaro * r72 library.lua: Phasing hacks
15:53.40kagaroTorhal:  you there?
15:56.34ElkanoKriLL3, unsing Chatter I can, so no idea...
15:56.46KriLL3I tried prat, seems... mostly broken
16:25.47*** join/#wowace DarkAudit (
16:36.29Repo10ihml: 03Ackis 07master * v2.71-5-g6a4815c / (3 files in 2 directories): [+2 commits]
16:36.30Repo6a4815c: Some TOC updates.  Should also fix localization issue.
16:36.31Repo1ae73ec: Tahret Ground - Tahret Grounds
16:36.34apejens@describe astrolabe
16:36.36Repoapejens: Astrolabe. Astrolabe is an embeddable library for placing icons on the Minimap, and on World Maps. Icons that are placed on the Minimap ...
16:37.05apejensastrolabe is all of a sudden complaining about missing data for a whole bunch of areas?
16:37.26Elkanoisn't that since 4.0.3a?
16:37.52apejensI just installed WIM, which seemed to provoke the errors :p
16:59.30SunTsuanybody else getting the impression that archaeology was brought into the game for the pure amusement of GMs? I'm sure they watch us running aroung wildly during their pauses with popcorn in their hands
17:02.23ulicI wouldn't find it that entertaining to watch
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17:08.56nevcairielits like herbalism or mining, just on a continental scale
17:12.15Megalonit's like that one point at mining
17:12.30Megalonwhere every node you can mine is gray, except silver
17:12.55Megalonbut there are only 5 nodes on the whole world
17:13.16Megalonat the same time, and you only have a 5% that a new spawn will be silver
17:13.28Megalonintsead of iron
17:13.48vhaarrkagaro, nevcairiel: is gathermate2/data working at the moment, or should I use the old one?
17:14.00nevcairiel"the old one"?
17:14.08kagarogm2 is working just fine
17:14.18nevcairielthat doesnt really work anymore in any zones that changed at all
17:14.30nevcairielunless you collect outlands or northrend stuff only, go with 2 :P
17:14.51nevcairielunless kagaro breaks it again
17:14.58vhaarryeah I can see the nodes on the map, but Routes doesn't seem to work with it
17:15.00*** join/#wowace EvilGrin (
17:15.01vhaarrI guess that's Xinhuan
17:15.05Slaymanvhaarr: it's a trap nev wants all the nodes to himself
17:15.17Xinhuani don't know why
17:15.23Xinhuanare u using a non-english client?
17:15.27nevcairielI'm doing archaeology right now, those are all mine anyway
17:15.36vhaarrXinhuan: no
17:15.45Xinhuanis it all zones or just a specific few?
17:15.55vhaarrall zones, all data, all professions
17:15.58vhaarrI relogged after importing
17:16.04vhaarrand Mapster shows everything, minimap works
17:16.09vhaarrRoutes says "no data" for GM2
17:16.10Xinhuani mean
17:16.18Xinhuanis routes daying no data for all zones, or only some zones
17:16.19Xinhuanfor gm2
17:16.25vhaarrall zones, like I said
17:16.28vhaarr<vhaarr> all zones, all data, all professions
17:16.41Xinhuani assume you're also using the tag i made earlier today?
17:16.59vhaarrI went to the routes page/repo and did git clone on the repo I found
17:17.09Xinhuancos i can't reproduce the problem on my end
17:17.15Xinhuanit just works for me =.=
17:17.40vhaarris there another repo?
17:17.48Xinhuanactually i should update my gm2
17:18.23Xinhuani'm about 11 commits behind
17:20.24vhaarrXinhuan: if you still don't get any problems after resetting data and such, let me know
17:21.08Xinhuankagaro must have changed some API
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17:21.29kagaroi didnt change any api
17:21.30Xinhuanbut it seems to be working
17:21.51Xinhuani did get
17:21.54Xinhuan[01:20:52] LibMapData-1.0 is missing data for area id x6 spam though
17:22.04Xinhuanwonder what caused that in routes
17:22.13nevcairielworks for me too, it shows my herb nodes for Deepholm for example
17:22.29Xinhuanroutes works for you nevcairiel?
17:22.32Xinhuanor gm2
17:22.48nevcairieldunno if routes works, but it offers the nodes when creating a route
17:22.52nevcairieli didnt actually create one :P
17:23.15Xinhuanyeah it offers the nodes to me too
17:23.55vhaarrroutes offers nothing for me, the GatherMate2 checkbox is enabled and all the other sources are greyed out
17:24.09Xinhuanwhat happens if u uncheck and re-check the gm2 checkbox
17:24.10nevcairielI didnt import data though
17:24.12vhaarrbelow there is a box called "GatherMate2 Data" with a checkbox saying "No data found"
17:24.13nevcairielmine is all self-gathered
17:24.31vhaarrXinhuan: the box I mentioned goes away and comes back, still with "No data found" in it
17:25.01Xinhuani'm going to do a fresh import overwrite in gm2
17:25.37Xinhuanyep it works for me still
17:25.55Xinhuani can see gm2 data, 518 twilight jasmine nodes in twilight highlands, for example
17:26.21kagarowell i will tel you hyjal is buggy right now, the phasing is throwing off gathermate cause the area id stays the same ut map file keeps switching
17:26.49Xinhuanbut don't you display the nodes based on areaid?
17:26.52Xinhuannot mapfile
17:26.59Xinhuanoh wait
17:27.01Xinhuani'm stupid
17:27.15Xinhuanok i'm in hyjal right now, only halfway done with the zone
17:27.19nevcairielbtw, routes has a option in the dropdown called "Vashj'ir" for the zones, which doesnt work
17:27.19Xinhuanwant any data?
17:27.24kagaroya i do but i need to fix old code that was checking zone name to see if you moved
17:27.45nevcairielyou need to select the vashjir sub-zone
17:27.51Xinhuannev, choosing Vashj'ir just yields no nodes
17:27.55vhaarrah wait
17:28.05nevcairielyes, but its confusing, remove it please =)
17:28.05vhaarrGM2 just doesn't have any data for the zones I tried
17:28.15vhaarrand it has like 9 nodes for Uldum
17:28.18vhaarrwhich must be a mistake
17:28.34vhaarrso it seems it's GM2_Data that is missing stuff and Routes works fine
17:28.37Xinhuanmy uldum says 9 chinderbloom and 4 elementiumveins
17:28.46Xinhuanwhat about old zones?
17:28.52vhaarrdunno didn't import that
17:28.53Xinhuansay elywnn forest
17:29.01Xinhuantry twilight highlands
17:29.06nevcairielkagaro should run that thing more often until more nodes are discovered
17:29.09Xinhuanor deepholme
17:29.13nevcairielthe export, i mean
17:30.16Xinhuani've had more than 1 report saying gm2 is giving no data though
17:30.24Xinhuanone is using a german client
17:30.31Xinhuanthe other 2 didn't specify
17:32.58Megaloni have gm2 and it doesn't show nodes in hyjal on the minimap
17:33.04Megalonthough it does on the zone map
17:33.17Xinhuanhave u complete hyjal quests?
17:33.28Megalonnot many
17:33.33Slaymanone thing I know is that GM2 does not at all go well with scaling of the minimap
17:34.00Megalonobsidian nodes for mining, it did display them at one point
17:34.01XinhuanMinimap isn't supposed to be scaled
17:34.04Megalonno clue what happend
17:34.07XinhuanMinimapCluster though, is
17:34.42Slaymanso squeenix is at fault then? the evil culprit
17:34.52Xinhuani don't know really
17:35.07Xinhuanbut i've tested gm2 and routes with a 300% "minimap" before
17:35.19Xinhuanthe one that chinchilla and sexymap
17:35.28nevcairielGatherMate2 also fails to show many kalimdor nodes on the continent map
17:35.32ArrowmasterXinhuan: are you still using fubar?
17:35.39Xinhuanyeah Arrowmaster, still do
17:35.59Arrowmasterhow broken is it?
17:36.02Xinhuanstill works fine, apart from the acecomm-2.0 error that i ignore now
17:36.09Xinhuannot broken in any way or manner
17:36.28Xinhuanlibjostle still works too
17:36.29nevcairielexcept when you try to access the dewdrop menu
17:36.42Arrowmastercurse comments indicate its broken
17:36.51Arrowmasterbut maybe they dont have the alpha
17:36.53Xinhuanyep the fubar config is broken though
17:37.41*** join/#wowace pschriner (
17:38.19Xinhuanvhaarr, routes works or?
17:38.56vhaarrprobably, just GM2 has no data
17:39.13Xinhuani know Hyjal is broken somewhat
17:39.19Xinhuanbut other zones -should- be fine
17:41.17Slaymanthe neferset carry wrong loot lol, it's underwater stuff. Clams, scales and oil
17:41.20Repo10mapster: 03Nevcairiel 07master * 1.4.0-3-gfec02aa / (2 files in 1 directory): [+2 commits]
17:41.21Repofec02aa: Fix digsite blobs when the quest panels are shown or the map is minimized.
17:41.22Repo735756a: Added missing fog clear data for parts of Vashjir and Twilight Highlands.
17:42.33Repo10fubar: 03Arrowmaster * r39 FuBar.toc: Bump TOC to 40000.
17:43.29Xinhuanthe config's broken in fubar, that's an issue though
17:43.40Xinhuanso while it works, no config can be changed
17:43.45*** join/#wowace robokitty (
17:43.48Arrowmasterim just going to do one last release
17:43.56Arrowmasterand say that its still broken but not as much
17:43.57starlonIs there an underwater macro conditional?
17:43.59Ali1331hmm waking up only for it to start going dark an hour later isnt fun
17:44.20starlonI guess I could actually try underwater lol
17:44.33Slaymanstarlon: it may be [swimming] but that' a guess
17:45.45*** join/#wowace Aeyan| (
17:46.31starlonIt didn't complain :) It complained about underwater
17:47.29Repo10fubar: 03Arrowmaster 04v3.6.7 * r40 : Tagging as v3.6.7
17:57.25*** join/#wowace Tuller (
18:02.59SlaymanFuck me ! "Hacking the Wibson" they are doing IT to one of my fav movies
18:09.33*** join/#wowace Seerah (
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18:11.47Repo10gathermate2: 03kagaro 07master * Display.lua: [+1 commit] Fixes for hyjal and twilighthighlands. dont look at the zone text, compare zone ids liek it should have in the first place.
18:15.34KriLL3wtf, paladin sent a big angle like pet after me
18:16.45KriLL3hits like a truck
18:22.54*** join/#wowace DarkAudit (
18:23.14purlDownload FrameXML code/art from ; or view it online at , or
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18:33.25Yoshimo^mobspells tells me that certain npc abilities are casted by players, comment on mobspells page already but its not fixed yet.
18:33.32Yoshimo@project mobspells
18:33.33RepoYoshimo: No project found that matches 'mobspells'
18:33.44Repo10libtourist-3-0: 03Odica * r104 LibTourist-3.0.lua:
18:33.45Repo- Fixed GetZoneFromTexture and GetEnglishZoneFromTexture: should now return the correct zone name for phased terrain maps.
18:33.46Repo- Updated zone data for (Ruins of) Gilneas
18:33.47Repo- Disabled zone The Maelstrom (conflict with continent)
18:38.56Repo10atlasloot-enhanced: 03Celellach * r3130 / (3 files in 3 directories): - minor update
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19:13.25Repo10head-count-2: 03kagaro 07master * v1.0.2-4-g11731bc BossDetection.lua: [+1 commit] fixed boss detector whitelist
19:16.36Repo10broker_addon_ctrl: 03Smuggles * r3 / (2 files in 1 directory):
19:16.37RepoBroker_AddonControl.lua: added options menu, some minor fixes
19:16.46KriLL3symlinks ftw, put the most read files, art, expansion3 and cache on my SSD
19:17.09Repo10shinystats: 03Xiiph * r23 / (3 files in 1 directory): Added tag r22-release for changeset f6936fc34891
19:17.10RepoFixed issue with Parry Rating not being colored completely (only the world Parry became colored during certain conditions)
19:18.01SlaymanParnic: my love,
19:18.48SlaymanParnic: breakables, could you like optionally make the bar come out on top of the button? like change the anchors?
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19:31.35ParnicSlayman: sure
19:32.08Repo10gathermate2: 03Rabbit 07master * Config.lua: [+1 commit] Touched up the options a bit, still lots of work to do here, phew.
19:32.08SlaymanParnic: much appreciated, that way it snugs nicely into the abomination that is my UI
19:33.41vhaarrkagaro: I broke Config:RegisterModule
19:34.05Slaymanvhaarr: no biggie, Deathwing broke the world :D
19:34.42vhaarrthe difference is I did it intentionally .. no, wait, so did He
19:35.25kagaroumm why?
19:35.27Slaymanno escape vhaarr
19:36.16Repo10gathermate2: 03Rabbit 07master * Config.lua: [+1 commit] Fix the slash command.
19:36.29vhaarrkagaro: because I don't know what to do about it now, where to put those options or what kind of addons use that API
19:36.31vhaarrI don't know of any
19:36.39vhaarrfrankly the options still look like shit
19:36.42vhaarrbut at least it's better now
19:37.17kagaroGatherMate_Sharing uses that function
19:37.51vhaarrthen I suggest it changes to just add a subpanel to the GatherMate 2 section
19:38.03vhaarrwhich it can do without any API in GM2
19:41.18Slaymanchinchilla still maintained? and in good health?
19:42.47vhaarrkagaro: why do you need a different cleanup radius per type?
19:44.13kagarocause some node types need it like gas which has a 50 yard range around
19:46.52kagaroand why are you chaning the config stuff anyways?
19:48.31vhaarrif you don't think it's an improvement, then you can revert
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19:52.18KriLL3why isn't there a <made by> tag on items anymore?
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19:54.44Repo10gathermate2: 03Rabbit 07master * Config.lua: [+1 commit] * Move minimap options to their own subtable * We don't need AceConsole for such a simple slash * Fix the :RegisterModule API
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20:03.23mitchnullxin: are you planning to update handynotes_flightmasters?
20:03.46Xinhuannot yet
20:03.56XinhuanHandyNotes itself is broken
20:04.02Xinhuanand all plugins with it as well
20:04.12Xinhuanbecause Astrolabe's API has changed quite majorly
20:04.25Xinhuanmost of the data won't be compatible at all
20:04.32Xinhuanwithout some form of conversion functions
20:04.56mitchnullsounds terrible
20:05.02Yoshimovhaarr : , could you look at ?
20:05.02Xinhuanit is
20:07.18KriLL3yeah icons follow me
20:07.38Stanzilla^most annoying thing
20:07.40orgevoyeah been like that since 4.0ish
20:07.50KriLL3dev still active?
20:07.53orgevojust turn off handynotes for the time being
20:07.59Xinhuani'm that dev
20:08.04Xinhuanits quite broken
20:08.07KriLL3fix in the works? :>
20:08.13Xinhuanno, not in the works lol
20:08.22KriLL3fix planned at some point?
20:08.38Xinhuanwhats in the works is lots of heroic and rep farming
20:08.39Xinhuanfor gear
20:08.40KriLL3isn't HN more or less unique?
20:09.04Xinhuanthink my guild just got updated to US rank 9
20:09.06orgevohehe, yeah sometimes I think they break shit intentionally
20:09.28KriLL3well most map related addons break with new zones
20:09.34KriLL3and now most zones changed
20:09.53Xinhuanyep US 9 ;p
20:10.16vhaarrYoshimo: sure sec
20:10.20Xinhuanso fixing addon's isn't exactly a priority for me atm
20:10.36orgevooh no doubt - this particular patch impacted many more addons than typical patches do
20:10.51KriLL3Xinhuan: I demand you stop enjoying wow enough to interfere with fixing addons :<
20:11.08Xinhuani think 4 hours of sleep everyday isn't what i'll call enjoying wow
20:11.20orgevotbh, i pretty much update my addons when they do something that annoys me
20:11.25Xinhuan11 hour raid today ok
20:11.36KriLL3btw obsidian forest + skinning = $_$
20:11.38Xinhuanbigwigs sort-of works
20:11.48Xinhuanbut many fights also changed since beta
20:11.52KriLL3tons of dragons quests require you to kill
20:11.55orgevothink i'll write an addon called "Works On My Machine"
20:12.01Xinhuanenrage timer for malorek is wrong for example
20:12.18Xinhuanunless its different for 10/25s
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20:13.20Yoshimovhaarr : , it woudl also be nice if mobspells recorded what cc-spell works for which mobs  and which dont, now that cc is important again
20:13.42vhaarrthat's what mobnotes is for
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20:27.57Yoshimoi havent found an addon that records cc , so i apologize if there is one^^
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20:29.50KriLL3Obsidian forest (full of black drakes you have to kill for quests) + skinning + flightform skinning + uberspeedflight + 300g per stack of savage leather = $_$
20:29.59KriLL3made like 10000g in an afternoon
20:30.12IndustrialI think we should invent a new time scale
20:30.16Industrialalongside Microsoft Time
20:30.20Industrialcalled Blizzard Time
20:30.28KriLL3already exists
20:30.36Industrialit applies to the login realm queue at least
20:30.47KriLL3ah, no the one I was thinking of related to release dates
20:31.00Industrialthere, 2 uses already
20:31.03KriLL3though I guess they're aquainted
20:31.09Hatihmm votalile life is way to easy to gather ...flasks should still require 20 of them per flask :/
20:34.44NobgulIndustrial, I have said that for years BST
20:34.52NobgulBlizzard Standard Time.
20:36.38Stanzilla <3
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20:55.02Repo10broker_addon_ctrl: 03Smuggles * r4 / (2 files in 1 directory): Broker_AddonControl.lua : added addon hidden list purging
20:58.57KriLL3just crushed a retardin that tried to gank me while killing elite, jumped the bubble and then didn't heal enough not to get zerged down on a stun
20:58.59KriLL3if you're that aggressive, you really should back it up with some kind of skill
20:59.51KriLL3guessing his main is a warrior or something "zomg omg dmg!"
20:59.58KriLL3didn't heal once
21:08.16orgevoyeah probably didn't relearn how to play paladin after cata
21:08.24orgevoit's quite a difference
21:09.37Repo10ihml: 03Ackis 07master * v2.71-6-g640a63a IHML.toc: [+1 commit] Make ToC Name and Description localized.
21:09.51orgevohey i know curseforge is like the red-headed step child round here, but anyone know where the curseforge checkins are reported in IRC?
21:10.19Parnicbut CF check-ins don't report to irc by default
21:10.23Parnicauthor has to enable it, i think
21:10.37orgevowhy they always to make the channel names so cryptic....
21:11.06AckisParnic: they're set up the same way as wowace, report by default and disable to stop
21:11.12Parnicah, k :)
21:13.16Ackis@project ihml
21:13.20RepoAckis: IHML - I Have Macro Lol!. Game: WoW. Ackis (Manager/Author), pompachomp (Author), Snago (Author). Updated: 2 minutes ago. Tickets: 4/21
21:14.15*** join/#wowace renchap (
21:15.13Ackismy step stool is about 6 inches too short to make changing the outside lightbulbs easy
21:15.38Repo10big-wigs: 03ananhaid * r7641 / (10 files in 6 directories): BigWigs:
21:15.39Repo- zhCN/zhTW update.
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21:23.51YssarilAckis: you mean you are 6in to short?
21:24.57RepoNew addon: Broker_AddonControl. Smuggles (Manager/Author). Approved by Ackis.
21:25.02Hati~api 4.0.3
21:25.02purl!api 4.0.3
21:26.42Hatisomeone knows at what loading point GetInventoryItemLink is available ?
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21:35.02AckisYssaril: no u :P
21:35.19YssarilAckis: i wouldnt need the stool :P
21:35.41AckisI'm changing a lightbulb, not screwing the socket :P
21:35.48Xinhuanafter P_E_W generally
21:38.23*** join/#wowace Hjalte (
21:40.31Repo10cc-assign (experimental): 03stolenlegacy * r2 / (23 files in 3 directories): Initial alpha commit.
21:41.28Repo10mob-spells: 03Rabbit * r86 / (3 files in 1 directory):
21:41.29RepoHook the tooltip instead of adding spells every time a tooltip update is triggered.
21:41.59Fiskercount to 10 Ackis
21:44.38Torhalkagaro: I'm here now. What's up?
21:47.12Repo10broker_addon_ctrl: 03Smuggles 041.0b * r5 : Tagging as 1.0b
21:49.35*** join/#wowace Rayden (
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21:56.51Repo10mob-spells: 03Rabbit * r87 MobSpells.lua: Whitespace cleanup.
22:04.46lua_botCould not find a match for 'GET_ITEM_INFO_RECEIVED'.
22:06.23ulicsounds like an event, don't think it does events
22:07.11Hatiyes it is
22:08.06Slaymancan AdiBags be configured to separate between SB and not SB Items?
22:08.47AdirelleSlayman, no, as long as Blizzard doesn't provide an API to known is an item is SB
22:09.28YssarilAdirelle: btw is there an option for adibags to open normal bags when you open the bank mine never does
22:10.07SlaymanAdirelle: you do not parse tooltips? all from GetItemInfo and the likes? mmh damn :(
22:10.38YssarilSlayman: parsing tooltips is iffy and can be a pain to localize
22:10.41Hati!api GetItemIcon
22:10.41lua_botGetItemIcon: Returns the path to an icon texture for the item (
22:11.11Slaymanthat's major suckage!
22:11.38Fiskeri was disappoint :(
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22:15.24ulicYssaril: seems like serveral dungeons bosses are switched around.
22:15.36ulicin the bossloot addon of course
22:15.55Yssarilulic: probably :) am fixing them as i do them
22:16.25Yssarilulic: any help with that would be greatly appreciated though
22:16.59Yssarillost city, halls of orig, and vortex pinnacle are fixed in the latest alphas
22:18.08uliccool, TotT had the 2nd and 3rd switched I think
22:21.43Slaymanso Non MM Hunters use CobraShot instead of SteadyShot then?
22:24.13Repo10yssbossloot: 03yssaril 07master * v1.2.1-4-gcfc5cfe Data/BossData.lua: [+1 commit] adjusted Throne of the Tides to what wowhead shows needs verification
22:24.16Yssarilulic: ^^
22:24.28HatiSlayman: yeah
22:24.38Hatithey spam CobraShot and do 9k dps afking
22:24.38SlaymanGood, it felt right
22:25.07Slaymanlvling as BM is quite the rad shit man
22:26.54Repo10cooldownicons-revamped: 03xhatix * r60 / (4 files in 1 directory): Fix: Ticket#22
22:27.09*** join/#wowace ccKep (
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22:39.42Repo10mob-spells: 03Rabbit * r88 MobSpells.lua:
22:39.43RepoSimplified the tree building a great deal and removed some dead code.
22:45.36Yssaril@describe mob-spells
22:45.37RepoYssaril: MobSpells. Stores a browsable database of spells that mobs cast
22:47.14Fiskerhey Yssaril
22:47.17Elkanounless they changed the db layout it will eat huge amounts of memory though
22:47.18Fiskerare you 1337 enough?
22:47.26YssarilFisker: i am not
22:48.48Repo10big-wigs: 03Pettigrow * r7642 / (4 files in 4 directories): frFR Update
22:51.01*** join/#wowace DarkAudit (
22:51.38Yssarilvhaarr: any chance mob-spells could get a LDB plugin that displays the trageteds mob spells in a dropdown that one than can link, hover to see tooltips etc ?
22:52.08Pneumatus^nevcairiel: that latest alpha of mapster that supposedly fixes digsite blobs just made it worse for me
22:52.16Pneumatusones that were in the right place are now wrong
22:52.17*** join/#wowace Pneumatus (~WiN@unaffiliated/pneumatus)
22:53.25vhaarrYssaril: indeed there is
22:53.32vhaarrfile a ticket
22:53.37vhaarror gamble that I remember
22:54.08nevcairielPneumatus: works fine for me
22:54.25Yssarilvhaarr: done
22:55.30nevcairielPneumatus: works fine for me
22:55.58Pneumatuswell, it doesnt work fine for me :)
22:56.00Fiskerhey vhaarr
22:58.21Pneumatusi wonder if cromulent is to blame then
22:58.25Pneumatustime to do some addon shuffling
22:58.39nevcairielwell i didnt test terrokar specifically
22:59.28Pneumatusit was working fine for me before the latest alpha apart from in wetlands
23:01.00*** join/#wowace DarkAudit (
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23:03.05kagaroTorhal:  gathermate shold be fixed for twilighthiglands now
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23:12.04nevcairielseemed to be fine there for me
23:14.47Torhalkagaro: Sweet, thanks :)
23:15.12kagaroit wasnt working for him, the change i did for areaid comparison should have fixed it
23:15.38Repo10gathermate2_data: 03kagaro * r27 / (3 files in 1 directory): GatherMate2_Data: Data update
23:15.44Repo10gathermate2_data: 03kagaro 04v1.9 * r28 : GatherMate2_Data: Data update
23:16.06Repo10bulkmail-inbox: 03dhedbor * r123 / (2 files in 1 directory): Fixed bug with getting items from inbox.
23:16.37Repo10bulkmail-inbox: 03dhedbor 044.0.5 * r124 : Tagging as 4.0.5
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23:42.42Repo10mob-spells: 03Rabbit * r89 MobSpells.lua: Make the tooltip text wrap again.
23:49.56Repo10libmapdata-1-0: 03kagaro * r73 library.lua: Added a phasing hack for Hyal

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