IRC log for #wowace on 20101015

00:00.11Connor1_That's not the problem
00:00.11SqueeGi break chat frames!
00:00.13Connor1_It's my modifier not working
00:00.22Connor1_Everything else works fine
00:00.46Connor1_Fixed it
00:01.24audioprocwhat's your finished macro look like?
00:01.45Connor1_R is Holy Fire, shift r is Power Word: Shield
00:01.57audioprocyou use grid?
00:02.36HjalteUh. Did you boost the download speed for normal users in the CC4 client?
00:03.01Connor1_audioproc no
00:03.05Connor1_I need to get it though
00:03.08Connor1_I WAS using it though
00:03.39Shefkijnwhiteh: Not that I know of, I'll investigate tongiht.
00:04.05audioprocya, I can't live without it. I right click the lil boxes and play whackamole and pws everyone
00:04.11*** join/#wowace Random (~Denial@unaffiliated/windaria)
00:04.17Connor1_Okay I have grid now
00:04.30audioprocyou'll want to get clique as well
00:04.57JoddieI didnt think I would ever need clique.. untill I just installed it to test XPerl raid frames... and it was love at first sight.. <3
00:05.41Connor1_Also why do I have Skada it sucks
00:05.49Connor1_How on earth do I get rid of this tooltip?
00:06.16Connor1_Also I need to rearrange my spells lol
00:06.37audioprocwhat is up with that chat frame across your entire screen?
00:06.51Connor1_That's what I'm talking about
00:08.29Wobin<3 Clique
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00:09.34Joddienice tooltip there... also I have no idea
00:12.26*** join/#wowace Amadeo (
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00:17.22Repo10bad-boy: 03funkydude * r671 / (2 files in 1 directory):
00:17.23RepoRemove code for throttling chat, removing ascii art, and blocking sleep emotes from floating bots. Blizz public chat throttling should have fixed the first 2 and hopefully the bots have been fixed. This addon is now very much just a phishing/gold/hack/casino spam reporter, for now.
00:18.34*** join/#wowace kandarz (
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00:19.32SinusPioo, adibags < 4.0.1 ... hope it's not BADLY broken...
00:22.31*** join/#wowace Next96 (Next96@
00:27.49SqueeGdid disney buy cartoon network? O-o
00:30.35Repo10ice-hud: 03Parnic * r653 / (5 files in 2 directories):
00:30.36Repo- fixed icons rotating with bars incorrectly when setting bar to be rotated 90 degrees
00:32.36Repo10ice-hud: 03Parnic * r654 / (2 files in 1 directory):
00:32.37Repo- potentially fixed reported error message though i've never seen it pop up myself
00:32.38Repo- fixed one instance of some global taint (neglected to declare _ as a local var)
00:34.41AmadeoSo how should I spec my DK to level up? :(
00:35.30Parnici think frost has more cc than unholy but they're both supposedly pretty even on dps, last i heard
00:35.55Primerheh, ended up compiling wine from source
00:36.01Primerboy, does that bring back memories...
00:36.21PrimerI have screen shots of showing off shit running in wine dating back to 1996
00:39.50Repo10project-14588: 03INSOMNIAX * r57 / (2 files in 1 directory): RepTracker:
00:39.51Repo- Removing code for Dynamic Tracking until I can fix it.
00:40.26TorhalBTW: SBF was just updated on Curse.
00:41.23Repo10project-14588: 03INSOMNIAX * r58 RTGlobalParser.lua: RepTracker:
00:41.25Repo- Don't need the Parser while I fix it.
00:42.22Repo10project-14588: 03INSOMNIAX 04v1.1.5 * r59 : Tagging as v1.1.5
00:42.27kagaroanyone else having issues with projected textures
00:45.11vhaarrturn off "Emphasize my own spells" thingy and restart wow
00:45.25vhaarrunder interface options somewhere, probably Display
00:48.26Repo10grid-side-indicators: 03baps * r48 GridSideIndicators.lua:
00:48.27Repoapply patch from forum that prevents the Grid "namespace does not exist" error.
00:49.44*** join/#wowace Sekkyo (
00:50.17SekkyoAlternatives to Elkano's Buff Bars? It hasn't been updated and maybe its time to move on.
00:50.51SekkyoYeah I know the API now protects clicking buffs off
00:50.59thelibrarianit works fine for me, other than the right click problem, but I don't think it's possible to fix that and still allow arbitrary filtering like EBB does
00:51.04SekkyoDoesn't mean I want my buffs to be in the retarded location the way thtey are
00:51.35SekkyoWell maybe I'll deal with the Blizz ones until they get their shit together and EBB gets updated
00:52.14kagarothat didnt healp still cant see the green rings on the ground
00:52.31Connor1_Any 4.0.1 cast bars?
00:52.55Connor1_Oh Quartz is upated lol
00:53.15Primerquartz worked too
00:53.58Primer"load out of date addons" and cross your fingers
00:54.48*** join/#wowace Firepatch (
00:54.57Connor1_I hate patch day UI fixing so much
00:55.17PrimerI'm only 1.5 characters / 5 in
00:55.31Primerthe .5 meaning I only did one spec on my DK
00:55.45Primeronly completed my feral DPS/resto druid so far
00:56.58kagarowell it worked for 1 cast vhaarr
01:01.27Repo10weakauras: 03Mirrormn * r20 / (7 files in 4 directories):  (Message trimmed by 4 lines)
01:01.28RepoAdded Pets to unit options for auras and other triggers
01:01.29RepoAdded Happiness to Power trigger (untested)
01:01.31RepoAdded Holy Power trigger (untested)
01:01.32RepoAdded Mirror option to Progress Textures
01:02.13Connor1_I don't know what's bound to shift+2
01:02.15Connor1_Any way to quickly unbind it?
01:02.26audioprocbind it to something else
01:02.29Iblisebind it to something else
01:02.30Connor1_Found it
01:02.32Repo10fishermans-friend: 03durcyn * r105 FishermansFriend.lua:
01:02.33Repouse GetProfession/GetProfessionInfo to grab current fishing skill for lure selection
01:02.35thelibrarianlog out and edit ?
01:02.36Connor1_Also I have two on a shift modifier
01:02.58Repo10prat-3-0: 03sylvanaar * r669 / (21 files in 2 directories): convert all sounds to OGG format. Addresses issue #445
01:03.19Iblisewhy are people converting sound files to ogg?
01:03.39sylvanaarbecause ogg is cooler than mp3
01:03.43thelibrarianwhat's issue 445? is that like prop 19?
01:03.44sylvanaarit sounds cool
01:03.54sylvanaarticket #445
01:04.34Connor1_What's that command to tell what addon is on mouseover?
01:04.50thelibrarianOh I misread "Adressess" and thought that it was in addition to converting to ogg :)
01:04.57YssarilConnor1_: /framestack ?
01:05.18Connor1_Not helping
01:05.27*** join/#wowace Schnaks (
01:05.38Iblise@sylvannaar - does that fix sound files not playing when you don't have in game sound checked off?
01:05.41Repo10prat-3-0: 03sylvanaar 043.4.6 * r670 : Tagging as 3.4.6
01:05.42Connor1_Yssaril could a screenshot help?
01:05.56Connor1_It might be something from SUF tbh
01:05.57Yssarilmaybe  maybenot
01:06.43Funkeh`did someone ninja fix to count curse client downloads again?
01:06.44sylvanaarFunkeh`: i have a badboy ticket
01:07.04Connor1_This addon list
01:07.08Connor1_It's the bars next to my mouse
01:07.11sylvanaarFunkeh`: let me find it
01:07.28Connor1_The bars above Mind Blast
01:07.32Connor1_The quartz mind blast, I mean.
01:08.35Yssarillooks like quartz mirror bars
01:08.55Connor1_Let's go see
01:09.01Repo10ice-hud: 03Parnic * r655 modules/TargetHealth.lua:
01:09.02Repo- fixed icons on the target health bar not always hiding when they should
01:09.14Parnicfunkeh`: i asked the same thing earlier. my mod suddenly shows a huge number
01:09.33YssarilConnor1_: its part of quartz i think just poke around in the options
01:09.35Connor1_Yssaril the Devouring Plague, Shadow Word: Pain, Devouring Plague bars above my mind blast cast bar?
01:09.44Connor1_I disabled mirror bars and that wasn' tit
01:09.45Connor1_Wasn't it*
01:09.53durcynthose are debuff timers
01:10.18Connor1_But which ones?
01:10.22YssarilConnor1_: disable quartz and see if they come back :
01:10.24thelibrariantarget probably
01:10.26thelibrarianmaybe focus
01:10.27*** join/#wowace Mojawk (
01:10.53Connor1_Buffs, I believe
01:10.59durcynno, those are definitely quartz default target aura bars.
01:11.09thelibrarianshowing debuffs on target
01:11.14durcynthe module's named Buff, but it'll show debuffs as well.
01:11.16thelibrarianunless you buffed yourself with shadow word: pain :D
01:11.21Connor1_That was it
01:11.41Connor1_Thanks Yssaril
01:12.18Mojawkhey all, i am a programmer by trade but haven't done lua in around 4 years, i have an addon that worked pre-patch could anyone give me an idea to as what i would need to do to make it work in 4.0?
01:12.37Connor1_Something involving notepad
01:12.47thelibrariandepends what the addon does
01:12.57thelibrarianmake sure you're not using 'this' anywhere
01:13.09sylvanaarFunkeh`: nevermind i see their problem (SpamSentry)
01:13.17sylvanaarbadboy is just at the top of the stack
01:13.24YssarilMojawk: you have to get familiar with lua and the wow api then learn how the addon works :P
01:13.37sylvanaarsomeone please delete SpamSentry from the repo
01:13.38Funkeh`sylvanaar, they're using both..?
01:13.57Funkeh`Maybe i should disable other spam mods in badboy...
01:14.01vhaarrjust commit a big fat warning box to spamsentry
01:14.04Connor1_It's on my cast bar
01:14.18Connor1_needs to get classtimers
01:14.21vhaarrMojawk: your addon
01:14.23*** join/#wowace TheDude2 (
01:14.40durcynclasstimers sucked ass last time i looked at it
01:14.45sylvanaarFunkeh`: lol
01:14.51Connor1_I think it's good
01:16.47Funkeh`sylvanaar, have you had any taint issues with prat?
01:16.55SinusPihmm, what is this... I can hit a key to cast Aimed Shot on my hunter, yet I cannot "/cast Aimed Shot" in a macro...
01:16.59sylvanaarwell, prat taints all the chat
01:17.07sylvanaarbut no "problems"
01:17.37sylvanaarFunkeh`: can you be more specific?
01:17.59Funkeh`sylvanaar, shit like this
01:18.10Funkeh`bcm doesn't even touch that variable
01:21.21Funkeh`jnwhiteh, will you be updating your framexml browser soon?
01:21.25*** join/#wowace ant1pathy (6275c966@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
01:21.47ant1pathyhowdy ho.  any curse admin like people around?
01:22.11syerenThe new Foetus album is amazing.
01:22.25Torhalant1pathy: Hmm?
01:22.25sylvanaarFunkeh`: i havent looked at a taint log for prat in a while so idk, but you should absolutley avoid ChatFrame2 like the plague
01:22.26VonhintenMessage: C stack overflow
01:22.37Vonhintennice little lua message
01:22.37ant1pathyoh dang how do i pm on this thing
01:23.06Torhalant1pathy: Try /msg name message
01:23.27ant1pathydo i need the +...
01:23.46vhaarrsorry, what?
01:23.52vhaarrhow did you know what he meant, Torhal?
01:24.13Torhalvhaarr: Seemed intuitive to me :)
01:24.22vhaarrexplain then :P
01:24.26vhaarr"+...", wtf?
01:25.19ant1pathywas wondering if i needed to type +torhal, or just torhal
01:25.25ant1pathyi'm still not sure but it works now
01:25.48sylvanaaryou think that gets the point accross?
01:25.59vhaarrthere is no + in my client, but yeah now I get it :P
01:26.12vhaarrsylvanaar: no
01:26.19sylvanaarI should make it red in ACP
01:26.41vhaarr"Attention: SpamSentry has not been updated for 4.0, and will DESTROY YOUR CHAT FRAME. And it will blame other addons for the problems."
01:26.57vhaarrmake the caps red, and a nice window for it
01:27.10vhaarrthat has a 30sec countdown
01:27.11sylvanaarwe should post that on the bliz addon forum and all sign it
01:27.12vhaarrand then goes away
01:27.13*** join/#wowace MoonWitch (
01:27.45sylvanaaror "You are not in a guild" - thats a blizz problem that people are blaming prat for
01:28.04thelibrarianstill freaks me out every time I log off, even though I know what it is :P
01:28.50vhaarrif only the message was all there was to it
01:28.58vhaarrearlier I was unable to speak in officer and guild chat
01:29.06sylvanaarbut no guild perks either
01:29.15sylvanaar(on beta_
01:29.49arkanesanyone have any idea what might be hooking clicks in the new talent UI and causing taint?
01:30.06arkanesor how I might figure it out? the message dialog just blames Ace3
01:30.30thelibrarianvhaarr: why not just comment out all the files from the TOC if you're going to do that?
01:31.00vhaarrthelibrarian: it is not fun?
01:31.07thelibrarianlol, good point
01:32.51*** join/#wowace pfister (
01:35.02Repo10libfilter-1-0: 03Nayala * r48 modules/LibFilter_Professions/LibFilter_Professions.lua: LibFilter-1.0 [LibFilter_Professions] - 4.0.1 fixes
01:36.41audioprocI have a project. I'm not really a programmer:
01:37.07audioprocI'm trying to track a paladin's holy power points, play a sound for 1 and 2 and a different sound for 3 (max)
01:37.49audioprocat the bottom of my pastey is the snipped of code given to me to register the event, I'm not entirely sure where to insert that in my loop
01:40.33Repo10libfilter-1-0: 03Nayala 042010-10-14 * r49 : Tagging for release 2010-10-14
01:40.34RepoUpdate for 4.0.1
01:42.37Repo10baggins_professions: 03Nayala 042010-10-14 * r42 : Tagging as 2010-10-14
01:43.53Repo10omen-threat-meter: 03kagaro 07master * v3.0.10-1-gf0ee6cd Omen.lua: [+1 commit] Fixed tank check for DK to check for BloodPresence instead of FrostPresence
01:44.07*** join/#wowace Groktar (
01:49.27Repo10baggins_libfilter: 03Nayala 042010-10-14 * r18 : Tagging as 2010-10-14, updating for 4.0.1
01:50.21Repo10baggins_usable: 03Nayala 042010-10-14 * r46 : Tagging as 2010-10-14, TOC update only.
01:50.43VonhintenThere a good replacement for CowTip?
01:50.55Vonhintenmaybe with LuaText?
01:51.57Torhal@describe cowtip-luatexts
01:51.57RepoTorhal: No project found that matches 'cowtip-luatexts'
01:52.28Vonhintenyeah, looking to replace it though
01:52.31Torhal@describe cowtip_luatext
01:52.32RepoTorhal: Tooltip - LuaTexts. Allows the user to customize the the tooltip with lua-scripts
01:52.56TorhalThere's StarTip, but I'm not sure I'd call it light
01:53.09TorhalIt has like 6897124 plugins
01:53.24nebula169i use tiptac
01:53.28*** join/#wowace elaaa (
01:53.29TorhalOne of which is a LuaTexts plugin
01:53.34Torhalnebula169: Same
01:53.35Yssarilstartip is the oposite of light imo
01:53.50TorhalYssaril: I was being kind
01:54.17Mojawkhey anyone help me with some tips for a noob trying to fix a mod
01:54.24*** part/#wowace pfister (
01:56.35Vonhintenwhat's the story with GatherMate2?
01:56.56YssarilVonhinten: its the new version that is compatible with 4.0
01:57.11nebula169they changed the api a bit so created a new version
01:57.14Yssarilas far as i know GM1 is keept around for chinese servers
01:57.19Vonhintenah, ok
01:58.12VonhintenMight want to put something like that in the one liner description
01:58.23Mojawki have a function that references this, the call to it in the XML is like
01:58.57Mojawki have to set it so i can change the reference from this to self?
01:59.18thelibrarianquick and dirty fix: change it to functionName(self) in the xml, but functionName(this) in the lua
01:59.43thelibrarianbetter fix, change it to self in both places, and update all references from 'this' to 'self'
02:00.00Mojawkthank you
02:01.11thelibrarianyw, hope it helps
02:01.15VonhintenGrid vs Grid2 ?
02:01.39*** join/#wowace Tuller (
02:02.04kagaroit is in the description for gm1
02:02.12audioprochey tor, could you check a paste of mine to see if I'm on the right track on tracking a paladin's holy power?
02:02.34YssarilVonhinten: Grid2 is the failed atempt to update Grid in one fell swoop
02:02.39Repo10libfilter-1-0: 03Nayala * r50 modules/LibFilter_EquipSlot/LibFilter_EquipSlot.lua: Remove Ammo slot
02:03.10Vonhintenkagaro, I was kinda thinking more "(Wow 3.x) description here"  cause I'm guessing most people will just read the one liner
02:05.30Mojawkso another dumb question im sure
02:05.40Mojawkif the function call includes this's
02:06.33*** join/#wowace doom0r|away (
02:08.05SinusPiand the question is..?
02:10.05kagaroits on the main project page
02:11.47SinusPi(referring to Mojawk's supposed q, wondering what you're referring to ;P)
02:12.20thelibrarianit's getting kind of split up in some PMs too
02:12.27thelibrarianthe question is about use of this inside of the xml
02:12.41SinusPinot this again ;P
02:13.27audioprocit's either this or go play with your ... self
02:13.54thelibrarianyeah, the xml is a little confusing at first because you can't see the magical wrapper that sets up your context, so i'm trying to explain how it all works
02:15.06Repo10libfilter-1-0: 03Nayala * r51 modules (3 files in 3 directories): LibFilter-1.0 [LibFilter_ClosetGnome] removed
02:18.05Repo10baggins_usable: 03Nayala * r47 Baggins_Usable.toc: Oops forgot to commit TOC change before tagging.
02:19.31audioproclibrarian, do you got a free minute to check a pastey for me?
02:20.08Repo10baggins_usable: 03Nayala 042010-10-14.2 * r48 : Retag with correct TOC
02:24.07Repo10baggins_libfilter: 03Nayala * r19 Baggins_LibFilter.toc: TOC Update
02:24.38Repo10baggins_libfilter: 03Nayala 042010-10-14.2 * r20 : Retag with correct TOC
02:25.12*** join/#wowace kapipi (
02:28.04*** join/#wowace wolftankk (~wolftankk@
02:28.25Repo10baggins_professions: 03Nayala * r43 Baggins_Professions.toc: TOC Update for 4.0.1
02:29.03*** join/#wowace Kody- (
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02:29.37Repo10baggins_professions: 03Nayala 042010-10-14.2 * r44 : Retag with correct TOC
02:29.49thelibrarianaudioproc: looks ok at first glance, are you running into a specific problem with it?
02:29.51Repo10better-quest: 03Kemayo * r185 modules/autotrack/autotrack.lua: Timer embed is unnecessary.
02:30.26audioprocI don't know how to do the counter part
02:31.15audioprocI can read up on it more, if the other 2 parts are in the right place
02:31.15thelibrarianfor the holy power, or something else?
02:31.19audioprocholy power
02:31.26thelibrarianyeah, that does look unfinished now that I see it
02:31.43Connor1_Anyone here use grid?
02:32.22audioproc<- grid user
02:32.29thelibrarianlooks like all you're missing is just "local number = util.currHolyPower()"
02:32.37thelibrarianoh, and at the top somwhere you'll need local util = {}
02:32.42thelibrarianunless util is defined in another source file somewhere
02:33.02Vonhintenwhat auction addon do folks use, other than auctioneer
02:33.08audioprocadded that, thx
02:33.14Connor1_How do I disable the stupid gray box around it when you first install it?
02:33.35audioprocdo a /grid config and click frame, there's a ton of options there
02:33.36*** join/#wowace Norton (
02:34.55Connor1_audioproc that doesn't really help me
02:35.27audioprocdo you get the config on screen?
02:38.25Connor1_With /grid
02:40.35kagarothey really need to push that runestrike avoidance removal to live
02:42.13audioprocconnor, I'm in the config, it's different than before, so I'm not sure, looking
02:42.49Repo10bank-stack: 03Kemayo * r190 core.lua:
02:42.51RepoChange the order for the builtin "all" group so that sort makes more sense.
02:43.32audioprocI'm not seeing it, also, I don't have an outline around my whole grid
02:43.51Connor1_Dotimer sucks
02:44.14*** join/#wowace bluspacecow (
02:44.30Connor1_Also it lagged my game horribly
02:44.50Connor1_Well it wasn't Classtimer...
02:45.26Connor1_Why am I suddenly lagging horribly in combat?
02:45.30*** join/#wowace Wobin (
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02:46.03Connor1_audioproc any ideas?
02:46.46Connor1_It's an addon
02:48.20Connor1_Dunno which though
02:48.39audioprocI had to start over ... I turned everything off but grid and ace3 and made sure that was working 100% before reintroducing other addons ... clique being 2nd after
02:48.40Connor1_It's grid.
02:49.11Connor1_audioproc is vuhdo any good?
02:49.14Connor1_I used to use it forever ago
02:49.35audioprocI looked at it for a bit ... I'm really into no screen clutter
02:49.44Connor1_Grid was just causing awful lag
02:49.46Connor1_Any others I should take note of?
02:50.08kagarowhat else can remove enrage besides tranq?
02:50.30kagaroanestectic poison seems to not be working
02:50.45audioprocmy current ui ... grid would be under the 2 achievements
02:51.48Connor1_TukUI is so awful to use
02:52.06kagaroohh my rogue is just bad , he didnt realize shiv will remove enrage
02:52.11kagaroi should gkick him
02:52.20kagaro2 enraged shamblers owned me
02:54.55Repo10basic-chat-mods: 03funkydude * r219 channelnames.lua:
02:54.56Repochannelnames: Change the way channel replacements are handled to hopefully prevent a critical taint, total guess that this is the cause, let's find out.
02:58.22VonhintenThink something's wrong with HandyNotes_Guild
02:58.45*** join/#wowace hypetech (
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02:59.17Vonhintenand libguildpositions maybe
03:00.35Primerhrmm, whatever happened to Mitchnull
03:00.40Vonhintencould be DataStore doing it
03:00.46PrimerSeems he owns PitBull4_RangeFinder2
03:04.17*** join/#wowace tekkub (~tekkub@WoWUIDev/WoWI/Featured/Dongle/GitHub/Tekkub)
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03:05.42*** join/#wowace hypetech (
03:06.19TorhalPrimer: He just updated Bazooka and three other projects yesterday
03:06.27TorhalAnd he's usually here
03:09.57Shefkilua_bot: not not false
03:09.58lua_botShefki: false
03:10.13Shefkilua_bot: not not nil
03:10.13lua_botShefki: false
03:11.34Vonhintenlol, ItemRack throwing about 50 errors a second
03:15.22*** join/#wowace HateMonkey (
03:15.50*** join/#wowace Hirsute (~chatzilla@WoWUIDev/Norganna/Developer/Hirsute)
03:19.35Vonhintenholy fuck, Steve Jobs sent the Chilean miners 33 ipods...
03:19.41VonhintenWhat a fucking douchebag
03:19.45Shefkijnwhiteh: ping
03:19.57Parnicshefki: he said he was going to sleep earlier
03:20.22ShefkiDarn it, I found a Clique "bug"
03:23.35Primerheh, got a lua error in a Blizzard_*
03:25.16Funkeh`Vonhinten, blizz one works fine
03:25.53NivVonhinten: too bad he didn't send them while they were down there!
03:29.48Vonhintenfucking billionaire, send them fucking ipods...
03:30.14VonhintenA local chilean business man gave them each 10 grand
03:34.58Parnic!api UnitReaction
03:34.58lua_botUnitReaction: Returns the reaction of one unit with regards to another as a number (
03:36.27Repo10rw2: 03kagaro * r638 RaidWatch_Tracker (3 files in 2 directories): Tracker fixes
03:38.49Repo10inline-aura: 03Kemayo * r118 ClassDefaults.lua: You can't just do return. You have to do "do return end".
03:41.36Repo10rw2: 03kagaro * r639 RaidWatch_Tracker/Tracker.lua:
03:41.37RepoDrycoded changes to raid detail window to show tooltip for loot
03:43.45Vonhintenawesome, google giving 2mil dollars to the khan academy
03:45.00Repo10volumizer: 03Torhal 044.0.1-1.2.4 * r58 : Tagging as 4.0.1-1.2.4
03:45.50Parnicyay torhal
03:47.57Repo10volumizer: 03Torhal * r59 Volumizer.toc: Derp. Updated ToC version to 40000.
03:48.45Repo10volumizer: 03Torhal 044.0.1-1.2.5 * r60 : Tagging as 4.0.1-1.2.5
03:48.48TorhalNow yay
03:49.31Parnicyay again
03:49.36VonhintenWobin, oh yeah!
03:53.10Repo10auctionlite: 03MerialKilrogg * r187 / (4 files in 1 directory): Updated for Patch 4.0.1 hardware event requirements.
03:53.11RepoUpdated item string parsing.
03:53.14Repo10zomgbuffs: 03thelibrarian 06cata * r175 ZOMGBuffs.lua:
03:53.15RepoHopefully really fix the overlapping buff timer bars this time
03:53.16RepoRescan class breakdown for available buffs when party members join as well as raid members
03:56.40Funkeh`uT v3 is going very metro-ish with its UI
03:57.39HjalteHas anyone tested if Inline Aura works with BT4 now?
04:00.05harlbrb. need some sleep.
04:01.53Repo10zomgbuffs: 03thelibrarian 06cata * r176 ZOMGBuffs_SelfBuffs/ZOMGBuffs_SelfBuffs.lua:
04:01.54RepoPrevent lua error when starting with a non-existent SavedVariables
04:04.47Repo10auctionlite: 03MerialKilrogg * r188 / (2 files in 1 directory): Bumped version number to 1.6.
04:06.16Repo10auctionlite: 03MerialKilrogg 04v1.7 * r189 : Tagging as v1.7
04:06.17Repo- Updated for WoW 4.0.1
04:06.19Repo- Complies with new hardware event requirements
04:08.58Repo10collectinator: 03Torhal 041.0.5 * 849e959 /: [new tag] Tagging new release.
04:12.14TalrynIs there a way to have the game flush the combat log after you turn if off with /combatlog?  It will not write all the data unless I exit the game.
04:15.16*** join/#wowace CrazyBenny_ (~s_m@
04:17.20Repo10recount: 03Elsia * r1135 Tracker.lua: - Pala absorb effect for Illuminated Healing added.
04:21.14sylvanaarsmall beta patch
04:26.00Repo10viewporter: 03cynyr 06viewporter_cynyr 07master * 5956782 /: [forced -8 +1] Inital checkin
04:27.31Parnichaving ground spell effects not display is really annoying in PoS
04:28.45HjalteMy realm just went offline without any notice.
04:29.08HjalteDunemaul EU - It's probably just the restarts they have advertised about, but meh.
04:29.15Repo10zomgbuffs: 03thelibrarian 06cata * r177 / (12 files in 4 directories): Fix display of dungeon finder role icons
04:29.16Repo__TEMPORARILY__ embed local copies of LibTalentQuery-1.0 and LibGroupTalents-1.0 that have been updated for 4.0, until the fixes can be implemented upstream, in order to get talent display working
04:29.23ArrowmasterTalryn: if reloading the ui doesnt do it then nothing will
04:29.42TalrynReloading hasn't worked for me.
04:29.48TalrynGuess I'm stuck shutting down then.
04:35.01TheDude2it flushes when its buffer fills too, it might actually write to disk if you kept the combat log on
04:35.21VonhintenNev, you there?
04:35.28TalrynYes, it does but I was just trying to avoid any extra data to have to scan.
04:35.37TalrynIt can take a while though and I'm doing small tests.
04:36.07*** join/#wowace ckknight (~ckknight@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/CurseStaff/CurseForge/ckknight)
04:36.07*** mode/#wowace [+o ckknight] by ChanServ
04:37.57Parnicwow, tyrannus is a huge pain when you can't see the ice on the ground...
04:38.50PrimerAre the numbers for heals and damage part of the UI?
04:39.04PrimerI want to see them above certain UI elements
04:39.30Primerthey must be, since we can override them with addons...
04:40.40Repo10grid-auto-frame-size: 03CrazyBenny 042.4 * r93 : Tagging as 2.4
04:45.47VonhintenNev, nm, apparently ActionBar Paging got redefaulted to off
04:45.53Vonhintendamn you!
04:46.19Repo10lil-sparkys-workshop: 03lilsparky * r99 / (3 files in 1 directory): updated for 4.0.1
04:46.20Reporemoved references to "this" and "getglobal"
04:46.21Repoenchant scrolls now use single vellum per 4.0.1 change
04:46.22Repoprice cache system is still a work-in-progress
04:46.44rosslynhi, I'm trying to setup an account on Upon completing the form, I get "Bad Request" without any other explanation or error message. Any suggestions?
04:47.36HirsuteDid you say, "Please"?
04:47.46Nivbeat Kaelten until it works
04:47.58Hirsute(Sorry, I can't actually provide any help, I'm just getting a little puncy as bed time approaches)
04:48.34Nivor ckknight
04:48.36rosslynlol, I guess I'll say "Please" first then move on to the beatings :)
04:48.52Repo10ice-hud: 03Parnic * r656 / (2 files in 2 directories):
04:48.53Parnicyeah probably just have to wait until one of the ops comes back and can help out
04:48.53Repo- added option to use out-of-combat alpha on class power bars (holy power, shards) when targeting a friendly
04:49.25rosslyncool, thanks
04:50.47NivI'm not sure how this cata branch of zomgbuffs is intended to work with it still loading AceOO-2.0
04:50.52Kaeltenrosslyn: I've heard of a report like that but have failed to reproduce so far, if you sign up for an account on
04:51.05Kaeltenyou can use it on wowace
04:51.13Nivbeatings work
04:51.17Nivor was that asking nice?
04:51.36rosslyngreat, thanks kaelten
04:52.20rosslynif you want any help reproducing I'll be around. I already have a curse account.
04:52.43rosslyni'm in, thanks!
04:55.15*** join/#wowace dafi (
04:57.06HjalteZG stuff gone soon
04:59.53NivI farm that every 3 days
05:01.10AntiarcHot damn I love my technology stack.
05:01.30Antiarc - and here's all the code for it -
05:01.32*** join/#wowace Daegalus (
05:01.35HjalteDoes anyone know what happens to the barons mount in stratholme?
05:01.47Parnicsounds like it's unaffected
05:02.21Parnic"mustache" ? what the heck? :P
05:02.28AntiarcIt's a Javascript templating language
05:02.35AntiarcI'm using Handlebars, which is a superset of Mustache :P
05:02.43Repo10grid-side-indicators: 03baps 04v4.0.1-2 * r49 : Tagging as v4.0.1-2
05:02.45Parnicprogrammers are nerds :P
05:03.16AntiarcBut it's awesome because I was able to do an entire talent tree with just that code
05:03.44SqueeGWoW won't let me out!
05:05.41PProvostSo the GatherMate checkin from 38 hours ago is stil patch 3.3.5?
05:06.04TorhalPProvost: GatherMate2 is what you want.
05:06.34PProvostOn wowace?
05:06.47PProvostNot seeing it Torhal
05:06.51SqueeGwhy is there a fox sports ad in my launcher BLIZZARD?
05:07.38pompy@project gathermate2
05:07.39Repopompy: GatherMate2. Game: WoW. kagaro (Manager/Author), Nevcairiel (Author), Xinhuan (Author). Updated: 35 hours ago
05:07.48PProvostTorhal: weird. search doesn't find it
05:07.55pompyrepo did!
05:07.59TorhalPProvost: Search has been busted since the datacenter move
05:08.11TorhalNew projects aren't showing up
05:08.55TorhalKaelten has been beaten repeatedly over it, ckknight gets a cattle prod every time he gets near the, wait :)
05:09.12PProvostThanks for the heads up
05:16.15Vonhintenanyone found a way to turn off Sense Undead ?
05:16.47PrimerI can't seem to turn off sense demons
05:17.04VonhintenI think they forgot to add those to the track list
05:17.54SqueeGthrow the spell on your actionbar?
05:17.55*** join/#wowace Greltok (
05:19.40*** join/#wowace Adirelle (
05:19.53*** join/#wowace mitchnull (
05:22.39Repo10travelagent: 03Torhal 07master * 4.0.1-1.0.8 TravelAgent.toc: [+1 commit] ToC version update to 40000.
05:22.45Repo10travelagent: 03Torhal 044.0.1-1.0.8 * c86ce37 /: [new tag] Tagging new release.
05:23.46*** join/#wowace bien|| (
05:24.02Xinhuan@project libsharedmedia-3.0
05:24.24RepoXinhuan: No project found that matches 'libsharedmedia-3.0'
05:24.31Xinhuan@project lib-shared-media-3.0
05:24.32RepoXinhuan: No project found that matches 'lib-shared-media-3.0'
05:24.38Xinhuandie in a pile of poo
05:24.44Adirelle@project libsharedmedia
05:24.45RepoAdirelle: No project found that matches 'libsharedmedia'
05:24.57Adirellethe search feature seems borked on the website too
05:25.03Adirelle@project squire2
05:25.05RepoAdirelle: Squire2. Game: WoW. Adirelle (Manager/Author). Updated: 7 hours ago
05:25.06Parnic@project libsharedmedia-3-0
05:25.08RepoParnic: LibSharedMedia-3.0. Game: WoW. Elkano (Manager/Author). Updated: 80 days ago. Tickets: 1/2
05:25.13Adirellehrm, actually, it works better there
05:26.12Xinhuanone of the default textures got changed
05:26.16GreltokFor your .pkgmeta file, specifying tag: latest for an external should pull the latest tagged version, correct?
05:26.19Xinhuanso it isn't suitable as a background anymore
05:26.23Parnicgreltok: yes
05:27.03GreltokGrid pulls LSMWidgets with:
05:27.20GreltokIt's not pulling the latest.  Is it because a subdirectory is specified?
05:27.42Repo10rep2: 03Nirek * r48 Rep2.toc: Rep2: v5.3.1
05:28.12TorhalGreltok: No, that should work fine.
05:28.21Torhal~whalecrit Fisker
05:28.21purlACTION crits Fisker with a mathematically skilled whale named Isaac for #NaN. Fisker dies
05:30.14GreltokDoes tagging means something other than choosing "Tag Repository"?
05:30.21GreltokOr am I missing something?
05:30.44GreltokLSMWidgets has been tagged with a release that's after the version Grid pulls.
05:31.43GreltokAceGUI-3.0-SharedMediaWidgets to be pedantic about the name.
05:32.39GreltokI don't know what version it's actually pulling, as there's no version number in the files.
05:33.08Repo10scrolling-combat-text: 03Grayhoof * r22 sct.lua: sct: Fix for power events and new power types
05:33.17GreltokBut the file prototypes.lua is missing, which was added in r23.
05:33.53Repo10eaves-drop: 03Grayhoof * r91 EavesDrop.lua: EavesDrop: Fix for new power types
05:34.05Repo10chat-alerts: 03Torhal 044.0.1-1.2.6 * 1e6aed7 /: [new tag, +2 commits] Tagging new release.
05:34.29Repo10scrolling-combat-text: 03Grayhoof 04v6.51 * r23 : Tagging as v6.51
05:34.57Repo10eaves-drop: 03Grayhoof 04v2.41 * r92 : Tagging as v2.41
05:35.21TorhalGreltok: PM Kaelten about it - there could very well be a packager issue since the datacenter move.
05:37.00GreltokTorhal: Thanks, I'll do that.
05:37.07*** part/#wowace Greltok (
05:37.35*** join/#wowace Greltok (
05:37.45GreltokOops.  Wrong button.
05:37.50Repo10omen-threat-meter: 03Xinhuan 07master * v3.0.10-2-g7477691 Omen.toc: [+1 commit] Update version to 3.0.11
05:39.13Repo10omen-threat-meter: 03Xinhuan 04v3.0.11 * 3e214fc /: [new tag] Tag release v3.0.11
05:42.39Repo10spamalyzer: 03Torhal 044.0.1-1.0.8 * c8f6242 /: [new tag, +1 commits] Tagging new release.
05:44.30*** join/#wowace Aens|Superiority (
05:44.31hastevhaarr: I can't answer what I don't know :P
05:44.45*** part/#wowace mitchnull (
05:46.13Repo10fishing-ace: 03Sutorix * r107 / (2 files in 1 directory): Update TOC and LibnFishing to work with 4.0.1
05:46.37*** join/#wowace profalbert (
05:51.34*** join/#wowace stolenlegacy|lap (~stolenleg@
05:54.27Parnicanybody used the scaling animation before? if i use it with a frame housing textures then it looks great. if that frame is housing text then it looks awful and behaves differently
05:54.54*** join/#wowace dafi (
05:55.09Wobinonly with textures
05:56.18Parnicit's weird...if i set a scale up to 1.5, 1.5 and a scale down to 0.67, 0.67 it looks great with textures
05:56.24dafiIs there any kind soul who could help me get a  ssh to curseforge working?
05:56.34Parnicif i do the same thing with text, then once the scale up finishes the text snaps back to 1 and scales down to 0.67 then snaps to 1 again
05:56.40Parnicmind boggling
05:57.37Vonhintenmind boggling is that the estimated EP value of Mastery is .60, compared to 2.88 for AGI...
05:57.39Vonhintenwhat the eff
05:58.07MirrormnParnis: does the text scale at all while it's animating?
05:58.11Greltokdafi: Did you look at
05:58.29Parnicmirrormn: yes
05:58.32Parnicbut i think i see what i did wrong
05:58.41Mirrormnthat's weird, I thought text didn't scale whatsoever
05:58.46Parnici didn't understand what loop type "BOUNCE" meant. apparently it's exactly what i'm trying to do without needing 2 animations
05:58.56Parnicwell, i have the text SetAllPoints to the frame that i'm animating on
05:59.01Parnicso it just goes along for the ride
05:59.25dafiGreltok: yup, followed it to the letter i belive, still get "Disconnected: No supported authentication methods available" on putty
06:00.02GreltokThat was when you attempted to test the connection?
06:02.12SqueeGdafi do you have a key loaded into pagent?
06:02.32dafi2048bit ssh2-rsa key
06:02.44SqueeGare you connecting to the correct address?
06:03.24Mirrormnewww, that text animation is like the ugliest thing I've ever seen
06:03.31Parnicyeah it's pretty nasty
06:03.48Mirrormnbut as far as I know, text would not scale whatsoever in the animation system pre-4.0 so it's a step up
06:04.15Parnicglad it works now! :P
06:05.11Mirrormnit also doesn't seem to be able to do anything except change size isometrically, no transformation
06:05.46dafiSqueeG: ... /facepalm been writing all this time... when it was :|
06:06.26Torhal~whalenuke dafi
06:06.26purlACTION dons her radiation cloak and tinted glasses while a highly intelligent whale named Ray precipitates critical mass for uncontrolled nuclear fission around dafi with his mind powers.
06:06.28Parnicwow...beta realms just restarted and when they came back up i get gluexml error on the char select screen and several of my chars don't show up
06:06.45SinusPiParnic: what's worst is that you can't Rotate a frame that houses a PlayerModel. Too bad, so too bad :/
06:06.47ParnicSetVertexColor a nil value. nice.
06:06.53Parnicsinuspi: really? weird
06:06.59Mirrormnrotation now works on text!
06:07.03Mirrormnthat is definitely new
06:07.08Mirrormnit doesn't look that bad, either
06:07.11SinusPiWell you can, but the model just moves around and won't rotate.
06:07.28SinusPiGIEF full 3-axis rotation of user-supplied models, nao! >_<
06:07.46Parnicmirrormn: i'm still confused as to how/why a set of animations would behave differently between text and textures, but w/e.
06:08.04Parnicsinuspi: you got your 4chan in my wowace
06:08.07Mirrormncan't you rotate the model within the Model functions?
06:08.18SinusPiAt your service, sir.
06:08.30SinusPiMirrormn: nope. Only "direction" rotation available.
06:08.35Mirrormnthe how is that text and textures are different objects with different underlying drawing implementation in the game engine
06:08.39SinusPiVertical axis.
06:09.08Parnicit shouldn't matter what is going on under the hood, that's the point of abstracting a layer on top
06:09.19Parnicthe fact that it doesn't work uniformly is kind of fail unless it's intentional
06:09.35Mirrormnthe why is probably because whoever created the Animation API either didn't have the authority, the time, or the motivation to make sure all of the animation types were supported by all the objects
06:10.00SinusPiOr it just sufficed for Blizz needs and that's as far as they /care.
06:10.18Mirrormnthat could be covered under authority or motivation
06:10.26Mirrormnnow what I need to figure out
06:10.40Mirrormnis if there si some way you can set the rotation of text without using the animation API
06:10.57SinusPiHow would you do that?
06:11.04MirrormnI dunno
06:11.11SinusPiscratches his head.
06:11.35Mirrormncheese the animation system, find some undocumented FontString method
06:11.35SinusPiLike driving your car but without using the engine, methiks...
06:11.50SinusPizzZzz. 8 am, no allnighters, no no.
06:11.52Mirrormnif I knew how to do it I wouldn't be thinking about it!
06:12.09*** join/#wowace profalbert1 (
06:16.10Repo10ice-hud: 03Parnic * r657 modules (2 files in 1 directory):
06:16.11Repo- added pulsing to the shard counter and holy power modules whenever they are maxed out. if this feature goes well then it should probably be ported over to the existing counter modules as well
06:16.30*** join/#wowace Elkano (
06:16.30*** join/#wowace Elkano (~elkano@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/Elkano)
06:16.30*** mode/#wowace [+v Elkano] by ChanServ
06:18.00Primerbeen world pvping now for the past hour or two
06:18.06Primerevery time I engage a horde, I lag
06:18.10Primerwithout fail
06:18.43Parnic<pedantry>a horde of what?</pedantry>
06:18.57PrimerA horde of Horde!
06:19.10Primerthere were 6 or so grouped up in SW
06:19.17PrimerI'm just trying out my lock's spells
06:19.22Primer3 shot a 40k HP DK
06:22.03*** part/#wowace Seerah (
06:23.59dafibig thanks to Squeeg i did it \o/
06:25.03dafijust like cartman in the special Olympics =)
06:25.46sbumorning, tgif
06:26.25Repo10ice-hud: 03Parnic * r658 : Tagging as
06:36.27*** join/#wowace VonhintenHOME` (
06:38.47Primerseems the headless horseman's mount doesn't trigger my addon any more, but I've noticed that it's now 310 speed
06:38.55PrimerI can't find the spell id for it in wowhead
06:41.35*** join/#wowace Slayman (
06:43.23steevdave10 mb patch
06:44.53*** join/#wowace dubf (~quassel@
06:45.13*** join/#wowace profalbert (
06:45.42Repo10libshefkitimer-1-0: 03Shefki 07master * 2c8b788 / (2 files in 1 directory): [+2 commits]
06:45.43Repo2c8b788: TOC Bump for 4.0.1
06:45.44Repo904a171: Fix for 4.0.1, you can only Stop() or Play() Animations from the AnimationGroup.
06:46.35Nivvhaarr: ok, you win, I'm back to oRA3 for now
06:47.23ShefkiAntiarc: ^ Not sure if you've discovered this but they broke Stop and Play for anything but the animation group.
06:47.31ShefkiAntiarc: That may be what's causing you issues.
06:47.36AntiarcAh, so that may be what it is.
06:48.58ShefkiSure, I was greping for animation and trying to figure out who it was that weeks ago told me that using animations for timer was broken on beta.
06:49.04ShefkiI never got around to investigating.
06:49.32ShefkiAnd DXE was using LibShefkiTimers even though I considered them purely experimental and LibShefkiTimer was silently failing.
06:52.38Repo10libquixote-2-0: 03Kemayo * r89 LibQuixote-2.0/LibQuixote-2.0.lua: Ran into some malformed objectives. (Fargodeep mine)
06:54.26Repo10libshefkitimer-1-0: 03Shefki 041.0.0 * 6e1c912 /: [new tag] Tagging as 1.0.0, people have been using it in production for ages.
06:59.33Repo10deus-vox-encounters: 03Shefki 07master * v505-1-g4323dd1 / (2 files in 1 directory): [+1 commit] New version to pull in 1.0.0 of LibShefkiTimer-1.0, fixes broken alerts.
07:04.26Repo10deus-vox-encounters: 03Shefki 04v506 * 5628a3c /: [new tag] Tagging as v506
07:05.14Repo10arl: 03pompachomp 07master * 2.0.4-2-gc8617be Database/Inscription.lua: [+1 commit] Removed all the Vellums, and replaced them with the Enchanting Vellum
07:11.36*** join/#wowace orofar (
07:11.36*** join/#wowace Adirelle|work (
07:13.01Repo10blood-shield-tracker: 03talryn1 * r47 BloodShieldTracker.lua:
07:13.02RepoAdded stats reset option.  Localized heal bar text.  Added physical spell absorb tracking.
07:13.37*** join/#wowace Joddie (~noddie@
07:13.57Adirelle|worknevcairiel, did you get my PM ?
07:16.47*** join/#wowace efiloN (
07:20.12Repo10pitbull4: 03Shefki 07master * v4.0.0-beta13 / (5 files in 5 directories): [+4 commits]
07:20.13Repoa732de7: Fix Ticket #802: LuaTexts timers weren't cleared on leaving a group.
07:20.14Repo628680e: Work around a Blizzard bug breaking the transparency of 3d Portraits.
07:20.18Repob212ffe: Fix Pet Happiness issues.
07:20.19Repob6f450d: Druids can remove Enrage, silly Shefki not reading Soothe tooltip.
07:20.25Repo10pitbull4: 03Shefki 04v4.0.0-beta13 * a950425 /: [new tag] Tagging as v4.0.0-beta13
07:20.29*** join/#wowace orionshock (
07:21.55sbui still dont get how they managed to break ground spell effects
07:22.49*** join/#wowace TNZe (
07:23.00Repo10arl: 03pompachomp 07master * 2.0.4-3-g3ef3bd0 Database/Engineering.lua: [+1 commit] Removed "Shatter Rounds" and "Iceblade Arrow"
07:24.11doom0rno matter how depressed they are, Shefki?
07:24.13orionshockk, time to go get Quartz and load all my addons
07:26.23*** join/#wowace CrazyBenny_ (~s_m@
07:31.25*** join/#wowace ShadniX_ (
07:32.28*** join/#wowace Kalroth (
07:34.53*** join/#wowace sylvanaar_work (
07:35.36Repo10rostertooltip: 03OrionShock 07master * v1.4.2-cata-beta-1-g19220a0 / (5 files in 1 directory): [+23 commits] (19 truncated)
07:35.37Zhinjiopasting: [ThickOutline][Status or (HP:Short ' | ' PercentHP:Percent)] in my party chat window crashes wow
07:35.38Repo19220a0: Merge branches 'cata' and 'cata' of
07:35.39Repoddc17f8: account that name might be nil for some reason. Address that they removed the pvp stuff from the guild roster.
07:35.40Repo67c5ae9: fix race conditions on GRU
07:35.40orionshocki think that did what i wanted it to do?
07:35.41Repo68c45af: update toc file
07:36.00Zhinjiothats completely awesome.
07:39.26*** join/#wowace profalbert (~profalber@
07:40.56Repo10grid: 03Greltok * r1369 / (2 files in 1 directory): Remove compatibility code for pre-4.0 clients.
07:41.35*** part/#wowace profalbert (~profalber@
07:42.23ZhinjioI wonder why
07:43.04doom0rwow, gg 15 min cd because i accepted dungeon invite while on a vehicle, that's some crap
07:43.16Antiarc - talent calculator, working!
07:43.48*** join/#wowace nev-mobile (~nevcairie@
07:43.50ZhinjioHey Antiarc
07:44.09*** join/#wowace nev-mobile (~nevcairie@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/Ace3/nevcairiel)
07:44.09*** mode/#wowace [+o nev-mobile] by ChanServ
07:44.27Zhinjiohow's life in the fast lane?
07:48.45Joddie|wrkwth, there's a fast line now? :o
07:49.13*** join/#wowace Megalon (
07:50.29Repo10gridstatussanity: 03Greltok * r18 / (2 files in 1 directory): Updated for Ace3 Grid.
07:50.55*** join/#wowace Caleb| (
07:54.30*** join/#wowace Pneumatus (~WiN@unaffiliated/pneumatus)
07:55.02sbunev-mobile: morning at 9:44 and quitting time at 14:00, wtf :p
07:55.58doom0rhe said he was going home 2 hours early
07:56.07nev-mobileI've been here a while
07:56.24nev-mobileAlso quitting irc isnt going home necessarily
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08:04.22sylvanaar_workgood morning
08:04.48nev-mobileYou must be working some early hours
08:05.59steevdaveugh, the confirmed posting thing is retarded
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08:06.27steevdaveto the auction house
08:08.33evlautohotkey :)
08:08.41sylvanaar_worknev-mobile: i have insomnia
08:08.43evlI kinda understand them, the botting was becoming pretty insane
08:09.05Joddie|wrkevil: but how hard is it for a bot to just click another button?
08:09.25evlaha but there you are mistaken good sir
08:09.37phyberconfirmed auction posting? as someone who doesn't farm the AH for eleventy billion hours a week, what is that, just some extra button to push?
08:09.38evlbecause that would be a third-party program manipulating the game environment aka illegal
08:09.48evlthey simply want humans to be there
08:10.01evland the ability to hit people with the ban stick
08:10.09Repo10range-display: 03mitch0 04v3.8.3 * r313 : Tagging as v3.8.3
08:10.23nev-mobileYeah before you could bot with just lua
08:10.34Joddie|wrkah yes of course
08:10.48Joddie|wrkbut I'm sure ther exists bots that use external tools as well
08:11.21evlthey are illegal
08:11.30evlthat's a very big difference
08:11.34evlrememeber wow-glider?
08:11.47Joddie|wrkwell of course they are.. but do you think those that use them care?
08:11.55evlnow they are basically saying "unless you're physically clicking the button you're automating with a tool outside of the client which is forbidden, bye."
08:12.50Joddie|wrkI just hope they have good systems to detect such external tool  use. so the extra click actually removes those bots
08:14.15PrimerAnyone know how to find out the spell id of the 310 headless horseman's mount? I presume this is the case, since I'm flying at 310 speed on it and it's not triggering my addon, which has to deal with that mount in a special manner, since it's not a companion
08:14.58evlPrimer: if you're in game you can always do UnitAura("player", 1-1009
08:15.24Primerevl: it's been so long
08:15.25Joddie|wrkPrimer: wouldnt that be 48025 ?
08:15.48PrimerJoddie|wrk: well, considering the other two are 48023 and 48024...
08:16.40PrimerI wasn't able to find it on wowhead
08:16.43nebula169anyone know off hand what some of the tradeskill related functions were changed to? particularly GetNumSkillLines /lazy
08:16.51Joddie|wrkI just looked up the number on wowhead...
08:17.26Primerthe search results for me yielded 4 mounts
08:17.36Primerand I already had those spell ids in my addon
08:17.40Joddie|wrknebula169:  go to and search that page for tradeskill methinks
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08:19.01Joddie|wrkand Primer: you missed one, there is one under Mounts with the id 48025
08:19.29nebula169Joddie|wrk: precisely what i was trying to avoid doing, lol
08:19.34nebula169thanks anyway :p
08:20.18Joddie|wrknebula169:  well basicly they have changed the SkillLines to TradeSkill
08:20.18PrimerJoddie|wrk: all I did was search for headless horseman' 4...the 2 ground speeds, and the 2 old flying speeds
08:20.25*** part/#wowace mitchnull (
08:20.59Primerexcellent, that did it
08:21.03Primerthanks, Joddie|wrk
08:21.20Joddie|wrkI searched for Headless Horseman, got 98 uncat spells and 1 mount spell, + some other results
08:21.36Primerwell, so did I, but I picked the mount one
08:21.57Primerwhich yielded that
08:22.35Joddie|wrkyup, 4 spells + 1 for the mount which is also a spell id
08:23.30VonhintenHOME`wow, feels like they completely jacked up combat rogues
08:23.34VonhintenHOME`damage seems waaaay low
08:23.36Primererr for me that page has 4 spells
08:23.43Primerthe 4 ids I already had
08:25.57AntiarcVonhintenHOME`: I did 14.1k on Saurfang last night, I did 17.1k without Hysteria the week before
08:27.02Joddie|wrkPrimer: you dont get at all?
08:27.29Primernot on the page I linked, no
08:27.56Joddie|wrkI might be missing a point, but doesnt really matter, if you fixed the matter now anyway?
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08:29.10evlVonhintenHOME`: basically combat is just not worth playing over mutilate atm
08:29.13VonhintenHOME`Antiarc, maybe it's just being unbuffed in Kara
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08:29.24VonhintenHOME`definitely seems poor though
08:29.35AntiarcGoing from 100% ArP to 0% ArP blows ass.
08:29.36evlVonhintenHOME`: the core skill of combat is now a measly +1 target -10% energy trash-pulverizing skill
08:30.01AntiarcI was having massive problems with energy capping
08:30.08evlSame here
08:30.09AntiarcI reforged pretty much all haste
08:30.16AntiarcAnd during AR I was regenerating 40-50 energy/second
08:30.18AntiarcNot per tick
08:30.19AntiarcPer second
08:30.20evlI reforged to cap exp, cap hit and then haste
08:30.35AntiarcAR having haste on it is really dumb
08:30.38evlI see no where to squeeze in KS while avoiding energy capping
08:30.41AntiarcPut it back on blade flurry :(
08:30.51AntiarcYou can FoK while you're kspreeing now, but meh
08:30.53evland I hate revealing stirke
08:30.58AntiarcRvS is really lame, yeah.
08:31.13evlI know people will call me out for wanting to facerolll but
08:31.25AntiarcRvS just doesn't flow well
08:31.36AntiarcCP generation and energy leave no room for it
08:31.36evlwith the complexity of our previous rotation it's a lot harder playing combat now
08:31.49AntiarcI'd be fine with it if I had room to line it up
08:31.52evlMutilate on the other hand plays really fluidly now
08:32.04AntiarcBut right now I just spam SS furiously trying to not energy cap
08:32.10evlsame herre
08:32.16AntiarcWell, frost DKs provide the 4% damage buff now
08:32.20evland I cringe seeing all that wasted energy
08:32.23AntiarcSo I can offspec to mutilate whenever
08:32.39evlI just think they made combat too jittery
08:32.51AntiarcYou either have no energy, or you have a ton of it
08:32.53AntiarcNo in between
08:32.58evlyeah I can't get any flow
08:33.12evlespecially trying to keep rupture and snd up
08:33.16evlwhile squeezing in evisx
08:33.44VonhintenHOME`yeah, I'm basically running around with like 920 haste, 500 hit, 880 crit, 26 exp...
08:33.47VonhintenHOME`no mastery
08:33.51AntiarcI didn't have any problem keeping snd/rupture up
08:33.57evlhow much did you clip?
08:34.08Antiarcrupture, never, SnD usually like 4-6 sec
08:34.13evlonly way I could get 100% uptime on both was to clip snd a bit
08:34.21VonhintenHOME`rupture doesn't clip I thought
08:34.21evlyeah, hard to shake that habit of waiting out snd
08:34.23VonhintenHOME`it adds
08:34.33AntiarcRupture definitely clips
08:34.38Repo10grid: 03Phanx * r1370 / (2 files in 1 directory): - Fixed raid pets (thanks MSaint!)
08:34.39Repo- Decreased throttle interval on all-frame updates to 0.25 seconds (down from 0.5 seconds)
08:34.39AntiarcAnd you can't overwrite a high-AP rupture with a lower one
08:34.41evlnot if you have a more powerful one going
08:34.44evlreally fucking annoying
08:34.53evlif you have both snd and rupture expiring
08:34.56VonhintenHOME`they still haven't fixed that?  goddamnit
08:34.58evland the rupture is higher ap
08:35.00AntiarcWish they'd just roll the damage left on rupture into the refresh
08:35.04AntiarcThat would make things a lot smoother
08:35.11evlyou'll have to clip snd massively or wait for rupture and snd to drop
08:35.28evlcause both bars are going down at roughly the same rate
08:35.30VonhintenHOME`I fucking hate rupture anyway
08:35.34evlditto that shit
08:35.41Antiarc1049 haste rating and black magic offhand :V
08:35.51evlI haven't reenchanted yet, since I kind want to go mutilate
08:36.02VonhintenHOME`I'm stilling with berserking
08:36.06AntiarcI've got two lungbreakers, so I just put black magic on one
08:36.19evlyou're running combat with lungOH?
08:36.27Repo10broker_simplecurrency: 03Adirelle * r10 / (3 files in 2 directories): 4.0.0 fixes and TOC bump.
08:36.35AntiarcYeah. No more hack and slash.
08:36.55AntiarcThe theory is that the faster speed outweighs the damage loss from kspree/main gauche
08:36.55VonhintenHOME`Ambidextrous, and main gouche is normalized
08:36.56Repo10broker_simplecurrency: 03Adirelle 04v1.3 * r11 : Tagging as v1.3
08:37.22VonhintenHOME`you get 75% more damage on offhand hits, which are higher with swords
08:38.09VonhintenHOME`I have a tough time believing .1 speed is worth that, especially with energy regen already being nutty
08:38.21evllet's let the excel nuts figure that one out
08:38.25evlthat's why I'm waiting
08:38.26AntiarcSee, this is why I need to finish my spreadsheet! :V
08:38.31AntiarcI did the talent calculator today
08:38.33AntiarcIt's purty
08:38.41evlAntiarc: new screens looked cool, I even put an infraction on the latest douche post
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08:39.30evlI'm looking forward to trying mutilate
08:39.36evlofc I didn't pick up any weapons along the way
08:39.43evlbut for me, rogues have always been daggers
08:41.11VonhintenHOME`no matter what you do Antiarc, I'm pushing for Rawr.Rogue to get some real love! :)
08:41.23AntiarcThat's perfectly fine :)
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08:41.30evlI just don't care for .NET or Java
08:41.39evlJS has the simplicity for even non programmers to understand
08:41.45VonhintenHOME`We've even got Astrylian in there offering to help
08:41.56VonhintenHOME`You'd be surprised how complicated JS can get
08:42.05evlon my mac it runs so shit I haven't really considered using it properly yet
08:42.09AntiarcI know quite well how complex JS can get :P
08:42.33Joddie|wrkyeah JS can be quite complex and hard to follow.. especially for non-programmers
08:42.45evlif you look at some .NET code
08:42.52evlor java, half of it is boiler plate
08:42.57evltyping, casting public, static whatever
08:43.14Joddie|wrk*looks at C# code* yes that is correct
08:43.17evland how would people be able to tinker with the underlying forumlas if it's a compiled language
08:44.14VonhintenHOME`you can execute code dynamically
08:44.27evlby swapping a file?`
08:44.58VonhintenHOME`well, the assumption would be that the formulas would be swappable
08:45.17AntiarcMy plan is to be able to use whatever language Aldriana ends up using. I'll just wrap it in an evented server if it's a backend language.
08:45.55Joddie|wrkjust to be up to date, are we talking about Rawr here ?
08:46.12evlwe're talking about the downsides to rawr
08:46.17Antiarcwe're talking about the theoretical 4.0 rogue spreadsheet, whatever form it takes
08:46.27Megalonbut there aren't any evl! :<
08:46.31evlatleast I was talking about the downsides.
08:46.47Joddie|wrkah yes I understand
08:47.19evlMost people can learn JS without even knowing it, I don't feel .NET is as easy
08:47.50Joddie|wrkevl: you must have learned programming from the wrong end then, cause I even got my ex to learn C# in a matter of hours
08:47.55Megalonbut don't you learn most thing without knowing them, isn't that one of the reasons why you have to learn them? :P
08:48.07VonhintenHOME`Maybe astrylian can help provide the interface requirements for Rawr calculations.  I know that the modules in some way get fed items to analyze by themselves
08:48.48VonhintenHOME`If anything Aldriana does anything too black boxish, that will hinder its use
08:49.18Repo10grid-status-hots: 03mleebert * r146 GridStatusHots.lua: - fixed options menu
08:49.19Repo- fixed refresh frequency option and timer
08:49.39evlJoddie|wrk: I don't see the need for a compiled language in 2010 that one vendor has a chokehold on
08:50.17evlJoddie|wrk: my point is if you have a small script language that has good performance, runs on a dishwasher and can be tinkered with as people please I consider that a huge benefit
08:50.23nev-mobileNow you're pulling out irrelevant facts
08:50.30Joddie|wrkevl: C# compiler on linux aswell as windows, but I do see your point of how hard it would be for people to change something in rawr if they had to edit source files and recompile
08:50.32nev-mobileCould as well be in C or Java
08:51.01evlnev-mobile: okay any compiled language
08:51.17Antiarccompiled languages have speed and ease of distribution
08:51.33evlmaking from source is not ease of distribution
08:51.34Antiarcinterpreted languages have ease of modification and speed of implementation
08:51.38nev-mobileBesides, i've worked with complex things written in JS, its not *easy*
08:51.43AntiarcYou download a binary and run it, bam
08:52.02VonhintenHOME`"changing things" can literally be as easy as it is in Rawr now, for all the other modules... checkboxes, edit boxes...
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08:52.16VonhintenHOME`No one's going to be rewriting formulas, they're going to change values
08:52.27Joddie|wrkbut once the 4.0.1 changes are put into rawr, wouldnt all  the parameters be set for you anyway?
08:52.34VonhintenHOME`slide a slider from here to there... change a rotation using an interface for changing rotations...
08:52.42Joddie|wrkit's not like yu are going to go into the source and edit the base dmg of any skill anyway
08:52.47Joddie|wrkVonhintenHOME`: exactly
08:52.47Repo10auctionlite: 03MerialKilrogg * r190 / (2 files in 1 directory): Get rid of Lua errors for UpdateDeposit().
08:53.24Repo10blood-shield-tracker: 03talryn1 040.1-beta6 * r48 : Tagging as 0.1-beta6
08:53.31nev-mobileScript languages can serve most puposes, if you dont need super speed. They do require however that you ship the interpreter with the app
08:53.43evlnev-mobile: except for JS which everyone has already
08:53.49VonhintenHOME`A lot of people dick with the current rogue spreadsheets, and the only reason they do it is because Aldriana didn't support certain things
08:53.51Repo10auctionlite: 03MerialKilrogg * r191 / (2 files in 1 directory): Bump version number to 1.7.1.
08:53.55nev-mobileJs is crap, though
08:54.05evlnev-mobile: that hardly sounds objective
08:54.33Repo10auctionlite: 03MerialKilrogg 04v1.7.1 * r192 : Tagging as v1.7.1
08:54.35Repo- Eliminate UpdateDeposit() errors
08:54.37VonhintenHOME`One of the major things that bothered people about Aldriana's sheet was that it kept culling out gear that people were still wearing...
08:54.47nev-mobileDistributing a web page and calling it a app hardly qualifys for anything
08:54.57Repo10autopartybuttons: 03OrionShock 07master * v0.4-beta-33-g5b173bf / (4 files in 1 directory): [+8 commits] (4 truncated)
08:54.58Repo5b173bf: fix druid module w/ new spell id's
08:54.59Repoe159bd7: fix methods for core file to account for api changes to  UnitRole & disable 5man party buttons when in raid, will add these things later.
08:55.00Repo9200ec9: fix spell id's on priest module for 4.0
08:55.01Repoc3859d1: fix broken merge
08:55.02evlnev-mobile: Like Google Docs you mean?
08:55.08Primernev-mobile: ever use xulrunner?
08:55.11Primerthat's all js
08:55.18nev-mobileAnd its horrible
08:55.25PrimerI've done some stuff with it, it wasn't that bad
08:55.41Primerlua is very much like js
08:55.49Primerevent based, callbacks, etc
08:56.42nev-mobileThe problem with js is that you're at the browsers mercy
08:57.04evlyou're talking about the DOM
08:57.06evlnot about JS
08:57.07nev-mobileAnyone that chooses that platform for a non-web app is borderline insane
08:57.14VonhintenHOME`lol, holy shit, 12 yard range Fan of Knives is insane
08:57.21nev-mobileJs alone cant do much. :0
08:57.28evlnev-mobile: node?
08:58.08AntiarcJS is a really powerful language. It's very hobbled by DOMs.
08:58.14Antiarcnode is really, really nice.
08:58.15Megaloni will propose a simulationcraft JS fork
08:58.30AntiarcThere's a JS VM arms race on right now
08:58.44AntiarcWhich is turning it from "augh" into "yay, things are zippy"
08:58.47evlAntiarc: and in reality if you tuck away the horrible DOM in jQuery there's not that much to worry about
08:58.58Antiarceh, you still have to worry about performance
08:59.01AntiarcLots of quirks to be aware of.
08:59.22evlwell I was talking about the DOM
08:59.58VonhintenHOME`is there any hack to fix this broken as fuck nameplate system?
08:59.58nev-mobileIts far easier to use a proper platform, not requiring a browser to run. Unless you want to host it on the web anyway
09:00.09evlVonhintenHOME`: spam V until you think it works!
09:00.16nev-mobiletry /console bloattest 1
09:00.27evlbrb meeting
09:01.16VonhintenHOME`that seems to work
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09:04.08Repo10flight-hud: 03Barfolomeu * r315 / (2 files in 1 directory): Add Headless Horseman's 310 mount spell.
09:05.13Repo10flight-hud: 03Barfolomeu 04v0.9.22 * r316 : Tagging as v0.9.22
09:05.14Primerwow 222 downloads since the patch...
09:05.20PrimerI need to make that addon more attractive
09:05.30orionshockwell this is good, most of my addons have only needed some minor touchups
09:05.32PrimerI think people might start to use it more when they can fly in Azeroth
09:05.42PrimerI was flying in Kalimdor today :)
09:05.47Primerusing the druid bug
09:05.58Wobindruid bug?
09:06.11PrimerDid a fraps of 3 of us grouped together flying in Org (we're alliance)
09:06.28orionshockdalaran port ?
09:06.31Primergo to Krasus, start flying, queue for heroic
09:06.44Primerqueue as tank...heroic pops
09:06.55Primerstart casting teleport to Moonglade
09:07.07Repo10atlasloot-enhanced: 03Celellach 07cataclysm * r2875 / (10 files in 3 directories): - Darkmoon faire update
09:07.11Primerand before the cast lands, leave group
09:07.19Primeryou'll end up in Moonglade as a bird
09:07.43Primerand you can fly all over Kalimdor
09:07.46orionshockleave group as in leave the queue pop?
09:07.59Primer3 of us did it and flew to Org
09:08.10Primeryeah, just right click your unit frame and leave group
09:08.16audioprocanyone know how to delete a game from the curse client?
09:08.17Primerwhile casting teleport to moonglade
09:08.23audioprocit seems it's not possible
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09:13.56HjaltePrimer: Do you have to have entered the instance?
09:14.00Adirelle|workhaste, is there still some secureheader bugs ?
09:14.19PrimerHjalte: yes
09:14.26Primermeaning you'll be upsetting 4 other people
09:14.35Primerespecially if you queued as tank
09:14.35HjalteYeah :\
09:14.37Wobinaudioproc: in the options for the game, uncheck the 'Enabled'
09:15.12Primerand you get deserter
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09:15.26Repo10atlasloot-enhanced: 03Celellach 07cataclysm * r2876 / (2 files in 2 directories): - Added decks to the new darkmoon cards
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09:16.27HjaltePrimer: I just tried it from a BG where it didn't work.
09:16.39HjalteI did land in Moonglade though, but not flying
09:16.40Primerhas to be an instance
09:19.04HjalteI tried it now with an instance. I did land in moonglade, still not flying. Do you have to be in Krasus Landing?
09:19.58nev-mobileMaybe they fixed it bynow
09:20.06HjalteThat could be
09:21.27PrimerHjalte: I've described exactly what I did, and I presume that must be the steps
09:21.33PrimerI did this more more than 2 hours ago
09:21.45Primers/more more/not more/
09:22.04HjalteI can't try again for 27 minutes anyway and it did feel kind of mean to the other people although i queued as a dps.
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09:22.35Adirelle|workok, anyone having issues with ouf and party/raid frames ?
09:32.15VonhintenHOME`I forgot how much fun kara was
09:32.48VonhintenHOME`They need more kara and ulduar like instances... less ICC
09:43.17VonhintenHOME`ok, I just got rocked by Nightbane, how to kill Antiarc
09:43.38AntiarcI didn't try Nightbane
09:43.42AntiarcWhat's killing you?
09:43.47VonhintenHOME`lemme see
09:46.04VonhintenHOME`his smoldering flame is hurting, the occasional melee hits, the skele's chip away
09:46.15VonhintenHOME`I mean, I had him past 50%, but I just couldn't keep up
09:46.39VonhintenHOME`I only get 1600 back every 3 seconds, the fight seems to have more than that...
09:47.17VonhintenHOME`I'll give 'er another go
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09:50.05VonhintenHOME`probably could cheese it with more stam
09:50.13VonhintenHOME`but fuck that
09:54.45HjalteVonhintenHOME`: Good luck with Chess.
09:55.01Joddie|wrkPrimer: what does your addon do?
09:56.33nev-mobileHjalte: rogues soloed chess back when it was still new. :P
09:56.48Hjaltenev-mobile: Yeah, but it's supposed to be a pain.
09:56.52VonhintenHOME`Ok, Nightbane down
09:57.06VonhintenHOME`wasn't so bad, I guess I stood in fire too many times in the first round
09:57.27VonhintenHOME`gotta get a nice 5pt recuperate right before flight phase too, to last through skele's
10:00.06VonhintenHOME`it really sucks my dingdong that blade flurry is a dps loss on single targets
10:00.09VonhintenHOME`what kind of shit is that
10:02.45Megalonand you could go deadly momentum in add fights
10:04.17VonhintenHOME`those type of abilities require you to be the person that got the killing blow
10:04.37VonhintenHOME`which makes them pretty terrible
10:04.39Antiarcand it won't work on l70 mob
10:04.49VonhintenHOME`yeah, won't work in kara :)
10:05.09Megalonrelevel a rogue to 75 :<
10:05.26VonhintenHOME`more like /cancelaura Blade Flurry macro on my bar now...
10:07.35VonhintenHOME`pvp is going to be quite interesting with recuperate and combat readiness
10:09.03Nivso my warlock alt died a casualty of the new secure buffs
10:09.11Nivhellfire does a lot of dmg =(
10:09.30NivI couldn't click it off hehe
10:10.17Joddie|wrkis there a nice list of how the new way of making buffs removable in combat somewhere btw?
10:10.35Repo10inspect-equip: 03emelio 07master * 1.7.8-1-g885c71f / (2 files in 1 directory): [+1 commit] Fix when using mouseover inspect with Examiner - if the mouse is no longer directly over the inspected user when all data is available, we unfortunately can't update the display... :(
10:10.39Nivit's like 75% of my health for a full cast, and it casts while moving
10:11.42HjalteDuring 5-man Anub'Arak Moonfire was 51% and Moonfire (dot) 20% of my damage. It feels OP when you run around spamming 7k moonfires that cost 90% reduced mana.
10:12.06MegalonHjalte: 99% reduced
10:12.10nev-mobileI didnt spec in that talent
10:12.11Megalonif you have 3/3 moonglow ;)
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10:12.19NivI just spec'd my boomkin and flew into IF
10:12.25nev-mobileBut i should try on some dummy
10:12.32NivI wonder if I'll wake up banned for nuking people from the rafters ;)
10:12.42Thaoky!api GetGlyphSocketInfo
10:12.43lua_botGetGlyphSocketInfo: Returns information about a glyph socket and its contents (
10:12.45HjalteMegalon: It says 90% on tooltip
10:12.58Megalondo you have moonglow?
10:13.04Megalonthe cost reduction is additive
10:13.14HjalteOh, yeah, silly me. No.
10:13.17nev-mobileHe is just being a smartass adding thee moonglow reductions. :P
10:13.23Megaloneven on beta at level 85
10:13.30Nivwhy take moonglow?
10:13.31Megalonrunning around moonfire costs 35mana
10:13.33NivI can't run out of mana
10:13.39Megalonbecause you have to on beta
10:14.08nev-mobile80 to 85 increases mana costs like 10 fold
10:14.27Nivbut this isn't 4.0.3 yet :P
10:14.42Megalonunlimited eclipse rocks
10:14.49Megalonyou can run aroung in solar
10:14.54Megalonand spam IS/Sunfire
10:15.00Megalonand deal wtfdps :>
10:15.55*** join/#wowace EthanCentaurai (~ethan@
10:17.13nev-mobileWonder if theyll fix that
10:17.18VonhintenHOME`hmm, the curator could be interesting...
10:18.36Antiarccurator's easy
10:18.42AntiarcI burned him down before he could evocate, heh
10:18.51AntiarcAran's tough, though, his water elementals waterbolt for 4k
10:18.56AntiarcSave cloak for that
10:19.07VonhintenHOME`ah ok.. I accidentally pulled him and all the packs of mana guys, and was getting eaten up by the hateful arcane
10:21.16Repo10grid-status-hots: 03Bogenlampe * r147 / (2 files in 1 directory): removed old roster library
10:21.17Reporemoved update frequency (all it did with acetimer 3 was add a delay)
10:21.34VonhintenHOME`Dude, he fucked me up
10:21.49VonhintenHOME`those arcane bolts are nasty
10:22.10nev-mobileResist moar
10:22.41VonhintenHOME`only got him to like 40%
10:22.48*** join/#wowace faCe| (
10:24.34VonhintenHOME`did you ignore adds?
10:26.46hasteAdirelle|work: yes
10:29.16VonhintenHOME`fuck, I had him to 5%
10:35.23VonhintenHOME`I don't think I can beat this fuck
10:35.44VonhintenHOME`Are you in a lot of 277 stuff Antiarc?
10:36.02VonhintenHOME`that might be the difference
10:36.25VonhintenHOME`my avg ilevel is 268
10:36.40Antiarcarmory's a bit out of date, but the gear's the same
10:37.26vhaarrhaste: plz y cant my securegroupheader sort members lol??!
10:38.02VonhintenHOME`the 250 mainhand alone would make the difference I think
10:39.05vhaarrit is really weird though I set nameList with a sorted set, and then print out the unit in the attributeChanged function
10:39.16vhaarrif I say "vhaarr,haste" first, it is fine
10:39.19ThiefMastercurse client suggestion: add a column displaying for which game version the addon is according to its toc file
10:39.24vhaarrbut then if I say "haste,vhaarr", it does not change
10:39.36vhaarrI remain the top one no matter what sortDir etc I set
10:40.32*** join/#wowace Lysithea (
10:41.25hastevhaarr: I haven't played with nameList in CC yet =/
10:41.34Repo10mybags3: 03Takika 04v40000-1.0.0 * r22 : Tagging as v40000-1.0.0
10:41.42hasteI've barely gotten to test most of the changed header code as it's been broken for most of the beta/ptr
10:41.45VonhintenHOME`nope, I can't kill this fuck, those 5k hateful bolts are eating me alive
10:42.26vhaarrhaste: yeah, okay .. I have read through all of blizzards code on the secure headers and they do everything correctly as far as I can see; sort the units based on the namelist and stuff but it just does not work
10:42.48Repo10grid: 03Phanx 041.40000.1370 * r1371 :  (Message trimmed by 2 lines)
10:42.49RepoTagging as 1.40000.1370
10:42.51RepoThis zip probably contains OLD and BROKEN versions of libraries.
10:42.52RepoEither install the standalone versions of the necessary libraries, or
10:45.32Repo10simpletankframes: 03Rabbit * r21 frames.lua: Set an attribute twice for some reason.
10:45.41vhaarrhaste: do you have time to just take a look? perhaps I made an obvious mistake somewhere
10:45.52hastenope =/
10:45.53vhaarrthat I cant see
10:45.57hasteI'm at work still
10:46.15hastehaving my lunch delayed by 1h 45m due to stuff happening today
10:46.43Kalroththank gos its friday, eh?
10:47.05hasteas long as I'm not at work till 18 like yesterday I'm pleased :P
10:48.33Repo10inspect-equip: 03emelio 07master * 1.7.8-2-g924cf90 Core.lua: [+1 commit] Experimental: Mark reforged items with [R] in item list. Now if I had a list of all possible reforge ids... :)
10:50.43Repo10chinchilla: 03ethancentaurai 07master * v2.2-3-g88bc74f / (7 files in 2 directories): [+3 commits]
10:50.44Repo88bc74f: Fix a bug causing the minimap to not be hidden while in combat and indoors with combatAlpha set to zero.
10:50.45Repob2f596e: Update :SetTexCoords for the preview dropdown.
10:50.46ThiefMasteranyone here's who's a bit familiar with the AceConfig stuff and/or grid? trying to get a grid plugin working with 4.0.1 but it always fails with an error when opening the grid config and i have no idea why
10:50.47Repoc099fbf: Update blip textures to match Blizzard's new layout.
10:51.24ThiefMaster is the error i get
10:52.26nebula169would be more helpful to see the option table in your module
10:52.36Joddie|wrkThiefMaster: afaik the format has slightly changed, lets see your option table
10:54.26*** join/#wowace efiloN (
10:54.40nebula169root needs a name, and a type
10:54.56*** join/#wowace efiloN (
10:54.57nebula169and in ace3, the first arg of get/sets is info
10:56.21ThiefMasterhrm i wonder why it worked until 4.0.1 hit - ace3 exists way longer, doesn't it?
10:56.30nebula169grid was using ace2
10:56.34Slaymanyou guys, is any kind of Viewport working again?
10:56.49Joddie|wrkyeah grid only use ace3 since 4.0.1
10:57.13Joddie|wrktell me though ThiefMaster, is that gridmanabar working?
10:57.21nebula169so options would stop .options = { type="group", name = "Rawr", desc = "Meow", args = { [what you have now }
10:57.45ThiefMasterih.. dunno - it's disabled on my hunter since i don't really need it so i haven't checked it
10:59.11Joddie|wrkk, I had a quick look at it day on wednesday, but the task of changing it from ace2 to ace3 made me just want to cry since I know little of either
11:00.49ThiefMasterGrid.args.GridDynamicLayout.args.ActivateOfflineToTrash.type: unknown type 'text'
11:00.58nebula169text is now input
11:01.04nebula169disable is disabled
11:01.06Slaymanis the happiness icon in PB4 broken?
11:01.20Repo10atlasloot-enhanced: 03Lag123 * r2877 Core (2 files in 1 directory): - some bugfixes
11:02.12ThiefMaster.validate: expected a methodname, funcref or false, got 'table: 37515A68'
11:02.27ThiefMastercurrently it's e.g. {["noAction"]=L["TrashOption_noAction"],["hide"]=L["TrashOption_hide"], ["toTrashGroup"]=L["TrashOption_toTrashGroup"]}
11:02.47nebula169try using pattern
11:03.02nebula169or you can right a func to check it
11:03.45nebula169erm, not pattern, i'm silly
11:03.48ThiefMasterare there any docs on the ace2/ace3 config table syntax? no idea what the various validate fields are used for right now
11:05.20nebula169validate is a func that returns true/false
11:05.21ThiefMasternow i just need the same for the old ace2 stuff
11:05.33ThiefMasterso setting it to a table was nonsense even in ace2?
11:06.02nebula169if it worked before, probably not :p i've never really used validate
11:06.20ThiefMasterit looks like a "value"->"displayed name" mapping  to me
11:09.07*** join/#wowace Nickenyfiken (
11:10.14ThiefMasterhrm, just commented it out for now. next error:
11:10.14ThiefMasterGrid.args.GridLayout.args.DynamicLayout.args.args.type: expected a string, got a nil
11:10.22ThiefMasterwhat field diesn't it like now? :o
11:10.44ThiefMasterah nvm
11:10.44*** join/#wowace Vilkku (
11:10.49ThiefMasterfound it at another place in the code..
11:10.53nebula169looks like you went one arg too deep and
11:12.24Repo10grid: 03Phanx * r1372 GridFrame.lua: - Add font shadow toggle (ticket #331)
11:13.30Repo10minimalist: 03whizkid * r101 / (2 files in 1 directory): - (minor) Removed unnecessary debug spam
11:19.44*** join/#wowace elaa (
11:20.59vhaarrhaste: yeah nameList is broken they fucked up internally in SecureGroupHeader_Update
11:21.04vhaarrsorting by index, that is
11:21.18ThiefMasterjust notices the list i've pasted at first isn't the one passed to the config system.. at the bottom there's a function wrapping it.
11:21.27ThiefMasterfor me it looks like type etc *is* set properly
11:21.36vhaarrit will always just be sorted by raid ID (1-40)
11:22.10ThiefMasterso i've removed the duplicate args again and i'm getting that error again: Grid.args.GridDynamicLayout.type: expected a string, got a nil
11:22.27ThiefMasterhowever, a /dump on GridLayout.options.args["DynamicLayout"].type gives me "group" and not nil
11:22.36Repo10mui: 03Xocide 07master * v0.3-2-gb4f04ba / (6 files in 1 directory): [+1 commit] Rewrite, works with 4.0.1
11:23.00vhaarrjnwhiteh: can you report a bug with SecureGroupHeader and nameList index sorting for me to the US guys?
11:23.08vhaarror perhaps it has already been reported
11:24.54HjalteAngry Birds is out and free for Android. Nice!
11:25.09vhaarror perhaps it is actually intentional
11:26.06vhaarrjnwhiteh: problem is that a SecureGroupHeader with sortMethod=INDEX sorts by raid1-40 index, and not the given nameList index - if no nameList was given then I understand the raidID sort, but surely if there is a nameList, it should sort based on that
11:26.27Repo10mui: 03Xocide 04v0.4 * de03ded /: [new tag] Tagging as v0.4
11:26.46Joddie|wrkvhaarr: why else would there even be a nameList to give?
11:27.06vhaarrto tell the header which units you want displayed in it?
11:27.14nebula169to play with your head
11:27.36Joddie|wrkah... yes of course :P but does that work then?
11:28.25Repo10raid_checklist: 03Anyia3 * r10 / (4 files in 1 directory):
11:28.26Repo* Added the PvP / Crowd control section from Malazee's spreadsheet.
11:28.27RepoNeeds to be augmented with traps/poly/banish/etc.
11:28.28Repo* Fixed minor alignment issues with the list frames.
11:30.13Repo10raid_checklist: 03Anyia3 * r11 .pkgmeta: * Disabled nolib creation.
11:30.28sbu2 hours left... *sigh* :)
11:30.31Repo10raid_checklist: 03Anyia3 044.0.0beta2 * r12 : Tagging as 4.0.0beta2
11:30.48ThiefMastergtg to university.. would be nice if someone could have a look into griddynamiclayout what's going wrong there ;x
11:31.53Joddie|wrkThiefMaster: just looked it over, and what you have done looks right for me, but I must be missing somehting
11:33.43vhaarrjnwhiteh: in 3.3.5 they filled their sorted table directly from strsplitting the given nameList (, but now they fill a temporary table from the nameList and just tinsert into their sorted list based on raidid (
11:36.54nev-mobileCant you just..not sort it? If you set a namelist and no groupfilter, it seems to not change the order
11:37.03*** join/#wowace Vilkku (
11:38.43nev-mobileOh its a hash tabel
11:39.03nev-mobileThat screws with the order >.>
11:39.08vhaarrno no
11:39.28vhaarrit tinserts into the sortingTable based on raidId
11:39.42vhaarrline 433
11:39.48vhaarrand that is the sort right there
11:40.08nev-mobileBut it inserts them in the right order
11:40.20*** join/#wowace bluspacecow (
11:40.28vhaarrno it doesnt, it inserts them from 1...raidSize
11:40.29nev-mobileOh wait
11:40.48vhaarrwell, right order if you want it to sort by raid index, I guess ..
11:40.55vhaarrbut I want to sort by nameList index :P
11:40.56nev-mobileIt doesnt iterate over your list, it iterates over the raid ids
11:41.18vhaarrso it is broken compared to 3.3.5, but it might be intentional
11:42.04Joddie|wrkit's a weird change if intentional, would like to hear an official explanation of the thoughts behind it
11:42.57nev-mobileyou are new, arent you? :p
11:43.02vhaarryes, yes he is
11:43.15Joddie|wrkno no.. I'm old /hides
11:43.36nev-mobileHearing about that happens, ever. :p
11:43.46Joddie|wrkhehe, yes I know I know...
11:44.23vhaarrsomeone needs to post it on US boards
11:44.25nev-mobileNot since zoot left us, anyhow
11:44.42nev-mobileTry the beta forums, the devs read those
11:45.03nev-mobileOr try talking to iriel directly, maybe he has his hands in those too
11:45.59bluspacecowpost about wha ?
11:46.03bluspacecowi has us acc
11:47.06*** join/#wowace Bruners (
11:54.11vhaarrbluspacecow: you can relay this then;
11:54.20vhaarrhope I made myself clear, I dunno
11:54.41asmodaiJust found out someone here is called "Princess Cox"
11:54.51bluspacecowin the UI & macros forums ?
11:54.57vhaarryeah I guess so
11:55.00bluspacecowa new thread ?
11:55.33*** join/#wowace kapipi (
11:59.14vhaarrbluspacecow: thank you
11:59.32vhaarrjnwhiteh: nevermind, bluspacecow posted it for me at - but perhaps you could poke your contact(s) about it
12:00.16bluspacecowpoke as in get them interested about it .. not in erm the other way
12:01.36*** join/#wowace koaschten (
12:03.34Repo10raid_checklist: 03Anyia3 * r13 providers.lua:
12:03.36Repo* Gah, managed to leave a half-commented out debug entry in there when I
12:03.37Repowas cleaning up for a beta release.
12:03.45Repo10raid_checklist: 03Anyia3 044.0.0beta3 * r14 : Tagging as 4.0.0beta3
12:05.00hastevhaarr: :(
12:05.38hastevhaarr: I'll report it
12:05.43vhaarrhaste: cool thank you
12:06.12*** join/#wowace Funkeh`` (~funk@
12:06.37Torhalnev-mobile: I hate being the bearer of bad news, but the show "Button Grid" feature oddly is still failing. <-- I believe he means that the grid is ONLY showing up when moving spells/macros, but will not under normal circumstances when he wants it to.
12:06.48nev-mobileI know
12:07.11nev-mobileAt least it worked forme
12:07.20nev-mobileTic checkbox, gird shows
12:07.34TorhalPEBKAC, then
12:07.51nev-mobileDunno, will test again
12:08.15bluspacecow\o Torhal
12:08.27Repo10raid_checklist: 03Anyia3 * r15 main.lua: * Fixed duplicate "disarm" entry.
12:09.09*** join/#wowace Slayman (
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12:09.30Repo10simpletankframes: 03Rabbit * r22 frames.lua: Add a note about the blizzard nameList bug on load.
12:10.04vhaarrkagaro: ping
12:14.24*** join/#wowace profalbert (~profalber@
12:14.41bluspacecowoh hai
12:15.50*** part/#wowace profalbert (~profalber@
12:19.57*** join/#wowace Amadeo (
12:22.52AmadeoAny news on suf? :)
12:23.51bluspacecowshadowed unit frames ?
12:24.01Takikaany news on altoholic and datastore_*? :)
12:24.13bluspacecowany news on free sex from Torhal ?
12:24.25Amadeoyeah, shadowed unit frames
12:24.39bluspacecowshadow quit updating his addons
12:24.46RepoNew addon: Smaller Blizzard Raid Frames. Morsker (Manager/Author). Experimental. Approved by Torhal.
12:25.19nebula169Takika: he posted on wowi that he was going to work on them wed
12:25.24AmadeoYeah, but Antiarc and nevcairiel are fixing it up
12:25.32Amadeooh yeah? hm
12:26.19AmadeoServer Restart in 7m!
12:28.05ThaokyTakika: busy with it, I should release in a few hours
12:28.19TakikaThaoky: cooool, thx :)
12:29.11Yivryanybody know if the flyout menu thingies are macro-able?
12:30.31nev-mobileMy plan is to get suf fixed over the weekend
12:30.50nev-mobileDunno how much time antiarc can put in
12:32.02Amadeo<3 nev
12:32.20Yivrynobody knows, or nobody tells? :P
12:32.36AmadeoI can't look at these default blizzard frames much longer
12:33.07Yivrythere are other unit frames ;)
12:33.10ccKeparen't hunters supposed to get 1 AP per point of agi?
12:33.16AmadeoYivry: Since when?
12:33.34YivryI guess not anymore ccKep
12:33.40Repo10mbb: 03Insane42 06mbb-401 * r55 / (3 files in 1 directory): MBB:-
12:34.05YivryAmadeo: I ment other addons for unit frames
12:34.14nebula169people would probably be more open to pitbull if it had a sane starting layout, lol
12:34.25Yivrypitbull is awesome
12:34.27AmadeoYeah, it's why I can't consider it
12:34.31nebula169oh, i use it
12:34.46YivryI even use pitbull as raid frames
12:34.51Yivrywith a gridlike layout :P
12:34.59nebula169usually get like half way though showing someone how to set it up and they give up and just download xperl or suf again
12:35.28Repo10mbb: 03Insane42 06mbb-401 044.0.1 * r56 : Tagging as 4.0.1
12:35.39nev-mobileYeah, sane defaults make for half of a good addon
12:35.47AmadeoMSBT was updated, so I'm happy
12:35.49nebula169i agree
12:35.54Amadeoall I need is suf back ;)
12:35.59Yivrybut pitbull defaults arent that bad are they?
12:36.10nebula169stacks everything in the middle?
12:36.24Yivrymeh you need to place em all where you want em anyway
12:36.36Yivrywhich will never be its starting position :P
12:36.44nev-mobilePlacement isnt all: d
12:36.47Repo10mbb: 03Insane42 * r55 / (3 files in 1 directory): MBB:-
12:36.53Repo10big-brother: 03oscarucb * r240 BigBrother.lua: fix ticket #18 - lua error in Fubar support
12:37.18Torhalbluspacecow: WHat's all this, then?
12:37.31bluspacecowruh roh
12:37.49Amadeowhat do you all use for data broker display?
12:38.03TorhalAmadeo: Bazooka
12:38.09nev-mobile@ fortress
12:38.10Amadeoman everyone says Fortress
12:38.15AmadeoI forgot about Bazooka, cool
12:38.20TorhalI'm not everyone.
12:38.22YivryI used fubar, but looks like I really need to update now :P
12:39.08*** join/#wowace SqueeG (
12:39.52AmadeoDo you end up putting Fortress blocks across the top of the screen? :)
12:40.06nebula169neg, was never a fan of the big black bars
12:40.30TorhalMy bars are transparent!
12:40.30nebula169have little lego clusters all over
12:40.42nev-mobileI have blocks scross the top
12:40.51nev-mobileBut without. Background
12:41.18nev-mobileBelow the blocks is xparky as a delimiter
12:41.55AmadeoI'm about to try it out :)
12:42.28*** join/#wowace pschriner (
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12:43.56Amadeodid you move the minimap down?
12:44.13nev-mobileOh yeah, mine is at the bottom
12:45.36*** join/#wowace harl (
12:47.24Amadeothis thing is confusing me
12:47.37AmadeoDominos block won't do anything when clicked
12:47.58Amadeoand what I thought was xparky apparently isn't
12:49.16Amadeoahh, I got it now
12:49.19Amadeokills self
12:49.49Joddie|wrkressurects this
12:51.16Amadeonev-mobile: When I uncheck Show Legoblock, the bar disappears also
12:51.18Amadeofor xparky
12:52.20AmadeoI just want the bar part
12:54.15ccKepwhats up with<...> redirecting to ""? ^.^
12:54.33nev-mobileKnown bug. :p
12:54.45ccKepyeah, figured that... but should be kinda quick fix one would think
12:55.20*** join/#wowace Legorol (
12:59.37Repo10mbb: 03Insane42 06insane42 04v4.0.1 * r56 : Tagging as v4.0.1
13:01.17Repo10fubar_gearrating: 03arathon2 04v1.04 * r45 : Tagging as v1.04
13:01.48*** join/#wowace wolftankk (~wolftankk@
13:02.39Repo10ice-hud: 03Parnic * r659 / (2 files in 1 directory):
13:02.40Repo- fixed scaling to affect the text and icons again like it used to
13:02.55Repo10everyquest: 03kandarz * r165 / (5 files in 1 directory): Fix Right-click, disable zone loading on login (for now)
13:02.56*** join/#wowace kandarz (
13:03.02harlam i imagining things or has the connection speed of my add-on downloads from curse been drastically increased since 4.0 went live..
13:03.04Repo10raid_checklist: 03Anyia3 * r16 / (2 files in 1 directory):
13:03.05Repo* Found the (or at least 'a') missing pet family (Water Elemental).
13:03.25*** part/#wowace kandarz (
13:04.01Repo10mbb: 03Insane42 06insane42 04v4.0.1.0 * r57 : Tagging as v4.0.1.0
13:05.07evlI'm using dominos to place some bars on the right side, anyone got an idea how to fix the CONTIANER_OFFSETs so they don't get overlapped by blizzard stuff?
13:05.19evlI guess I can't relly modify container_offset, taintorama
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13:09.04harlno idea. all my dominos bars are at the bottom of my interface.
13:13.06*** join/#wowace Droolio (
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13:19.09evlUIParent.lua 3698 lines, I like how they bundle stuff together!
13:22.07*** part/#wowace CrazyBenny_ (~s_m@
13:23.26Slaymanthat ealouse & icefrogtruth thing is actually immensely funny :D
13:24.05Repo10libreforginginfo-1-0 (experimental): 03emelio 07master * 856dcb8 / (5 files in 1 directory): [new, +1 commit] Import first version
13:31.39HjalteWasn't there supposed to be a slider for the spell queue system or is that not on live?
13:31.49sbubeta i think
13:34.33nevcairielit was just added in todays beta push
13:35.01Repo10raid_checklist: 03Anyia3 044.0.0beta4 * r17 : Tagging as 4.0.0beta4, now with less bugs.
13:35.44HjalteIt's silly having to cast a wrath/starfire because you queued it up when you really wanted to cast something else. Might just be me having been unlucky.
13:37.12arkanesHjalte: look at it as discouraging button spamming
13:37.19arkaneswhich you no longer need to do, anyway
13:37.47arkanesyou've got a pretty long period of time to evaluate your next cast, and then push the button, knowing it will be instantly cast after your current one completes
13:38.16arkanesthat said, they are allowing replacement of the queued item in the new system on the beta
13:38.41*** join/#wowace Ingela (
13:38.44Superfly_do you know, that engineer change is a bug or its an intended change?( you can put normal enchants as well on boots/hands/helm/cloak, and they do stack )
13:39.11arkanesSuperfly_: I believe its intended, the engineer enchants no longer provide stats
13:39.42arkanesthe descriptions in the trade skill are wrong, but the tooltips for the items do show that
13:39.56*** join/#wowace stew-a (~Stewart@unafilliated/stewa/x-008753)
13:42.12Superfly_well, i have a leather helm, with 231 stamina, before i remove the item, i have 2269, after its been removed, 1993 stamina, im unbuffed, and balance talent, the item itself gives 231 stamina, 2269-1993-231=45
13:42.49arkaneshuh I didn't use the helm
13:42.58arkanesmy cloak didn't have its agility any more
13:43.13Repo10pokedex: 03stencil * r85 / (5 files in 2 directories):
13:43.14RepoMount speed is now a function of riding skill. So for a given character there's no longer a distinction between their slow mounts and their fast mounts, only between things like running and flying.
13:43.15RepoPokedex already had an option which caused it to group all speeds of flyers into one group and all speeds of runners into another. This change turns that option on and removes the checkbox so that we'll always operate that way.
13:43.16RepoAlso, changed some code to account for the fact that blizz fixed the mismatch between the spellnames of the Paladin and Blood Knight mounts.  Of course, they totally blew it by using the Blood Knight names (Summon Warhorse and Summon Charger) instead of the original Paladin names (Warhorse and Charger) making those the only 4 mounts in the game with the word Summon in the name. Sigh.
13:43.25Superfly_and yeah, you are correct about the tooltip, the stat doesnt show up, but im pretty sure i have +45 stamina
13:43.29arkanesman that is some commit message
13:43.31HjalteAre there any buff addons that work? If anything, just moving and maybe reskinning the buffs would do.
13:44.09arkanesI have one that works, but it's written only to recreate my personal EBB layout
13:44.44HjalteBison 2.0 creates invisible frames where your buffs are going to be which is a big no-no.
13:45.41arkanesmine correctly uses the secure header stuff
13:45.50Repo10libreforginginfo-1-0: 03emelio 07master * 5504a60 / (2 files in 1 directory): [+1 commit] Added documentation + function to extract reforging ID from item string
13:46.13arkanesyou're welcome to use it with the understanding that I'm unlikely to add any configuration or user friendliness, or to look at the code for help in fixing something
13:48.00HjalteCheers, I might have a look at it later.
13:51.00evl Now that's what I call a trailer!
13:53.51VonhintenHOME`and then you see what it looks like on XBox...
13:54.15evl... but the trailer was really good so I'm like: "That's a kick ass rock tune, maybe I'll check out the demo"
13:54.27*** join/#wowace Kazie (~Kazie@
13:54.27VonhintenHOME`very doors'ish
13:56.06Parnicit's Fable, so of course it's going to be good. no demo necessary! ;)
13:56.13ParnicFable is always awesome
13:56.48VonhintenHOME`wow, weren't fable 1 and 2 kind of universally panned?
13:59.34VonhintenHOME`I read something the other day that said that Singularity didn't do well
13:59.41VonhintenHOME`That's shocked me, cause I loved it
14:00.21*** join/#wowace _mangeg (
14:00.28koaschtenoh they broke threw on the gothard base tunnel
14:00.29RepoKnowledge base page update: by Torhal
14:00.47koaschtensoon you can travel 57km subterran by train
14:06.25VonhintenHOME`That's great and all, but will it fix the EU economy in any way?  greece, ireland, spain, portugal, hungary, italy...
14:09.02VonhintenHOME`it cost 10.6billion US dollars to cut those tunnels and shaves an hour and a half off the previous 2.5hour Zurich to Milan route
14:09.14VonhintenHOME`money well spent?
14:10.58arkanesif you evaluate every single infrastructure improvement through the filter of "will it fix the EU economy", then nothing will ever pass and you'll eventually end up with no infrastructure at all
14:11.49MegalonS21 will fix eu economy
14:12.03arkanesalso it's not like they started it last year
14:13.58Megalonmore like 11y ago ;)
14:16.05*** join/#wowace Baraius (
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14:17.08SinusPiQuestion to rogues or rogue-scripters... How is lockpicking displayed/handled now? It used to be strangely missing...
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14:20.28koaschtenSinusPi define missing?
14:20.39koaschtenlockpicking lockboxes or chests/doors?
14:27.08Repo10mui: 03Xocide 07master * v0.4-1-g9792b54 / (4 files in 1 directory): [+1 commit] Enhanced tooltips
14:27.16*** join/#wowace Dark_Elf (
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14:38.23evlAgh, this new AH click-to-do-anything is hurting my DPS finger!
14:40.17Repo10ora3: 03kagaro * r449 modules/Tanks.lua:
14:40.18RepoAdjusted Tanks module, so we only call CheckPArtyAssignment when in raid.
14:40.56Repo10proculas: 03Xocide * r264 / (7 files in 2 directories): Removing class procs.
14:41.09*** join/#wowace Odlaw (
14:42.05Repo10proculas: 03Xocide 042.0-beta3 * r265 : Tagging as 2.0-beta3
14:42.08steevevl: true
14:42.31steevevl: you could write a macro and bind it to something else
14:42.38evlI'm doing it riiight now :)
14:42.40evlmousehweel down!
14:43.43steevi'm not really sure i "get" the change, but yeah its annoying since i normally post auctions while i go smoke
14:43.52steevcome back to a prompt
14:44.05evlworst buying in bulk really
14:44.13evlbuy 50 raw gems in 40~ stacks, 40 clicks
14:44.15steevhow do you buy in bulk?
14:44.40nebula169i'm all for it, there are a few monopolies on my server and anything to annoy them is a plus in my book
14:45.30evlsteev: I use AuctionLite
14:45.42evlI used to run Auctioneer but it's just eating my system
14:45.53evlso now I just use QA3 -> APM + AuctionLite
15:00.00SlaymanDual Boxing is not really the shizzle
15:00.06Repo10bad-boy: 03funkydude * r672 BadBoy.lua: anti-goldspam update
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15:03.05SlaymanIf I'm lucky updating Ubuntu on my stowaway secondary serverish desktop'puter will not cause a very real cataclysm
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15:04.20Repo10hideunitframes: 03ColdDoT * r2 / (2 files in 1 directory): HideUnitFrames:
15:04.21Repo- Init build
15:04.34harlhm.. what's happened to my dominos.. *curious*
15:05.09Adirelle|workis this only me or the securestatedriver does shit with the visibility state (like showing then hiding the frame every second) ?
15:05.24Repo10hideunitframes: 03ColdDoT 04Release 1.0 * r3 : Tagging as Release 1.0
15:05.37*** join/#wowace Kalroth (
15:06.21EthanCentauraiharl: ButtonFacade killed it
15:06.55nevcairielAdirelle|work: its not hiding it, but  its calling :Show all the time. But it used to do that in 3.3 too
15:06.58nevcairielso no change :p
15:06.59harlwhay wuwd it do dat..
15:07.27Repo10hideunitframes: 03ColdDoT 041.0 * r4 : Tagging as 1.0
15:07.28RepoFailed at tagging previous one
15:07.34Megalonhaha, this guy is awesome
15:07.37Adirelle|worknevcairiel, so this is the :OnShow script that has been changed, it seems it is called every time, even if already visible
15:07.45Megalonfucking over stupid eu regulations :>
15:09.06Megalonsells lightbulbs as heating devices
15:09.30nebula169sounds legit
15:09.30Megalonhaha, the idea alone, genius
15:09.40pompynevcairiel: updated!
15:09.44Megalon95% efficiency
15:09.49Megalonwhen it comes to heating ;)
15:09.52nevcairielpompy: i saw
15:10.24*** join/#wowace thelibrarian (
15:11.36koaschtenhmm the ingame itemcompare tooltips that blizzard added, they fail on reforged items >:(
15:11.39Repo10zomgbuffs: 03thelibrarian 06cata * r178 ZOMGBuffs.lua:
15:11.40RepoFix the ability to change sort order of the raid members list
15:12.52Torhalshoots pompy with a proton cannon.
15:12.54Stanzilladurcyn: got ssr fixed yet?
15:13.41TheDude2(from 2h ago) EBB works great, with one function commented out, and manually updating the dewdrop lib (details in the comments for the project on curse)
15:14.02durcynStanzilla: nope, it's last on my list of shit i care about
15:14.47arkanesTheDude2: it won't allow you to cancel buffs without significant reworking
15:14.56arkanesTheDude2: other than that it does indeed work fine
15:15.24Stanzilladurcyn: ok :p
15:15.28TheDude2right. the rest of it seems to work great
15:15.42pompy@describe libreforginginfo-1-0
15:15.43Repopompy: LibReforgingInfo-1.0. Database of reforging IDs
15:15.55arkanesTheDude2: pretty much all buff bars are in that same position, requiring only minor tweaks to work as long as you don't care about cancelling buffs
15:16.05*** join/#wowace groktar (
15:16.13arkanesI think SBF need(ed?) more surgery because of extensive use of this
15:16.22steevwish they would fix tooltips on items that have been reforged
15:16.54koaschtensteev fix how?
15:19.54*** join/#wowace Monolit (~postid08@
15:20.23Repo10fishing-ace: 03Sutorix * r108 LibFishing-1.0.lua: Fix GetSpellBookItemName in fishing lib
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15:23.15Repo10zomgbuffs: 03thelibrarian 06cata * r179 ZOMGBuffs.lua: UNIT_MANA -> UNIT_POWER
15:23.34steevkoaschten: sec
15:24.22koaschtenwell the question was rather related to "how does reforge breaking tooltips" besides adding a green "reforged" line?
15:26.11steevoh wait
15:26.17steevokay, i misread before
15:26.28steevit only removes 40% of the stat
15:26.35*** join/#wowace Megalon (
15:26.37steevi thought it removed all of the stat and gave you 40% of it as the other
15:27.17steevugh, stupid macros
15:27.25Megalonthat would make reforging a bit... not so useful
15:27.41steevlook at most players
15:27.49steevvast majority of them aren't useful
15:28.01Megalonbut you can't reforge players, sadly
15:28.40steevjust had some hunter pulling more mobs as i was tanking "i have to go to bed soon, lets hurry up"
15:28.52steevyou're dps, just go to bed kid
15:29.22*** join/#wowace Hirsute (
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15:31.38steevand yeah, i need to re-enchant the bracers, stupid patch
15:31.41audioprocI ran a heroic a bit ago and my paly is in mostly icc gear and the tank was unhealable. He complained that I was bad - then I took a look at his gear:
15:32.17Wobinow, saronite defender
15:32.29audioprocthe group voted him off the island :-p
15:32.54steevwow, thats impressive
15:33.01Wobinalso... um
15:33.01steev0 enchants?
15:33.07Wobindid he not realise he had to assign his talents? =P
15:33.23audioprocdoes armory still show him at 0/0/0 ?
15:33.40audioprocwhat a f'n clown
15:34.00Wobinactually, that's just armory failing
15:34.05audioprochope so
15:34.08Wobinit shows me as having no assigned either
15:34.25nevcairielyou sure thats armory?
15:34.33steevshows mine
15:34.35audioproceither way, he took 85k dmg on the 3 mob 1st boss in h toc
15:35.17nevcairiel~seen tuller
15:35.34purltuller <> was last seen on IRC in channel #wowuidev, 15h 6m 26s ago, saying: 'but they're not the big drop expected with the next set of intel SSDs'.
15:35.34audioprocand the 3x3 mobs into the 2nd boss 450+k healing ... it was painful
15:35.38Wobin shows it, but doesn't
15:35.47SinusPikoaschten: I mean the lockpicking skill.
15:35.57*** join/#wowace oscarucb (~oscarucb@
15:38.50oscarucblively bunch
15:39.06pompy"this cinematic is not available" in latest beta build
15:40.21Megalonunable to verify game version
15:40.23Megalonhf logging in
15:40.24Repo10eclipsebarplus: 03Cybey * r21 / (4 files in 1 directory): - Added /epb to the addon description
15:40.26Repo- Updated the frame to reflect the changes Blizzard added to it. This includes an arrow in which direction Eclipse is going instead of the regular marker
15:40.27Repo- Added Korean localization
15:40.28Repo- Fixed some minor bugs
15:41.19Repo10eclipsebarplus: 03Cybey 040.8.3 * r22 : Tagging as 0.8.3
15:41.35*** join/#wowace Parnic|Work (~Parnic@
15:42.07oscarucbanyone know where I can get more details about exactly what 4.x changed in the Inspect API?
15:42.10harlwhy am i getting an "Invalid target" error message every time i use "Hodir's Horn" (manually), while the (valid) target gets freed as it's supposed to..
15:42.31harldoesn't make much sense to me
15:44.10koaschtenhmm i thought i remembered you could change from jpg to png screenshots on the windows client, couldnt you?
15:45.38nevcairielpng only on mac
15:46.05*** join/#wowace Kaziedk (~Kazie@
15:46.23steevi take off my bracers and lose 606 attack power?
15:46.26thelibrarianoscarucb: the inspect api seems to broken and only working intermittently
15:46.45thelibrarianeven with just the stock blizz ui
15:46.46nevcairielsteev: armor type bonus
15:46.53nevcairielonly works when you're wearing something in every slot :P
15:47.08oscarucbyeah, I wanna know if the server is throttling requests from the user and addons (together) or if its just bugged
15:47.23oscarucbcant find any blue posts acknowledging whats going on
15:47.31thelibrarianpretty sure it's just bugged. I can get it to work for a while, but then it just stops and CanInspect always returns nil
15:47.41thelibrarianor sometimes it doesn't work from the start
15:47.47oscarucbyeah but that might just be some addon flooding the server until it throttles
15:47.56thelibrarianthat's what I thought too until I disabled all of them :(
15:47.57Repo10fu-bar_hey-fu: 03daf2 * r102 / (6 files in 1 directory):
15:47.58Reporenamed the project to HeyFu since it's no longer a fubar plugin
15:47.59Repochanged most libraries over to Ace3 versions
15:48.00Reporeorganized the code a bit
15:48.01Reporemoved all ; eol marks
15:48.11oscarucbhmm k - sucks balls
15:48.23thelibrarianthere's a thread on it but no blue response yet
15:48.25*** join/#wowace Nickenyfiken (
15:49.03dafierm... how do you rename a wowace project?
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15:51.07steevthat was annoying
15:51.22steevwouldn't let us re-enchant my bracers via trade window, had to do a vellum
15:51.43VonhintenHOME`actually, the display is messed up
15:51.54*** join/#wowace DarkAudit (
15:52.02VonhintenHOME`if you hover over the item after you drag an enchant on, it'll say "Will be enchanted with..."
15:52.07harlkoaschten: you can change the screenshot format to .tga via SET screenshotFormat "TGA"
15:52.28harlif it's lossless screenshots you're looking for
15:52.30koaschtenwell or rather tga compressed png's
15:52.46koaschtenfound it on wowwiki *hides*
15:52.48steevVonhintenHOME`: after i put the enchant on via the vellum/scroll, my attack power did in fact go up 50
15:53.38EthanCentaurainevcairiel: I can't find config mode options for Quartz... am I being dumb or were they removed?
15:53.53nevcairielyou wont like the answer
15:54.31EthanCentauraifound it
15:54.38EthanCentaurai~fail EthanCentaurai
15:54.38purlEthanCentaurai, you Fail!
15:54.52steevill buy a beer for someone if they fix engraved for me
15:55.05KazieKlart.. dobbelt klikkede så der er 2 mIRC åbne lol
15:55.08Kazie<--- fails bigtime :P
15:55.10Repo10fishing-ace: 03Sutorix * r109 LibFishing-1.0.lua: Okay, one more time, with feeling
15:55.15oscarucbhey what happened to the Social micro button?
15:55.25Parnic|Workit's gone. press O
15:55.29*** join/#wowace ckknight (~ckknight@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/CurseStaff/CurseForge/ckknight)
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15:55.31oscarucbya. lame.
15:55.37Repo10fishing-ace: 03Sutorix * r110 FishingAce.toc: And update the TOC, darn it
15:55.56Parnic|Worki really don't like that the guild ui got its own shortcut. "J" is not a button i'm used to pressing in wow
15:56.11steevditto Parnic|Work
15:56.18EthanCentauraiI remapped it to Shift-O
15:56.20steevalternately, leave the tab there
15:56.25steevand add j
15:56.35oscarucbso whos gonna write an addon to merge the guild tabs back into the social pane where they belong?
15:57.06EthanCentauraiis it even possible with the 4 tabs the guild ui already has?
15:57.17oscarucbguild UI has 2
15:57.20Parnic|Workyeah that's the problem
15:57.32EthanCentauraiwhen Cata hits there will be 4
15:57.37oscarucbwhich I'm guessing is why they split it, but its a terrible idea form a UI perspective
15:57.52Parnic|Workwould be nice if "guild" was a tab on the social page and then that had 4 sub-tabs somehow
15:57.54Repo10atlasloot-enhanced: 03Dynaletik 07cataclysm * r2878 Locales/ deDE update
15:57.58Parnic|Worknot that there's a ton of room there but still
15:59.45EthanCentauraiplus it's LoD
16:02.54*** join/#wowace Ghli (
16:09.28KazieHow come i can't see my SharedMedia textures and stuff?
16:09.34KazieI have LibSharedMedia and SharedMedia
16:09.39KazieIs there anything else i need? :o
16:11.15*** join/#wowace Elkano (
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16:11.25ulicJust do like the talent tabs, icons down the right side as tabs and text tabs across the bottom?
16:13.18AckisEthanCentaurai: redo your twiter account, I miss you there
16:13.27EthanCentauraiI have
16:13.30Parnic|Workyeah what the heck man
16:13.35MythorI am having trouble with SetText, I want to show text on top of a texture, but it somehow always stays below it, though I think I have the layers right: < example
16:13.41EthanCentauraiI am now @StevenBlanchard
16:13.52EthanCentauraiI can't get my old one back
16:14.04*** join/#wowace Srosh (
16:16.44steevwtb graphic for earthquake that doesn't look like ass
16:18.14oscarucbQQ moar - at least we have real aoe now
16:18.41ulicyea, even like rock crumbling effects from cave in type stuff would look better
16:20.23*** join/#wowace Lysithea (
16:21.14Repo10shadowed-unit-frames: 03Nevcairiel 07master * v3.2.12-22-g9b04b83 modules/units.lua: [+1 commit] When creating a party frame, make sure  partyDisabled is set to nil.
16:21.20quiescensaoe solves everything
16:22.41koaschtennevcairiel where can i send cookies?
16:22.50koaschtenfor fixing addons?
16:23.04nevcairielkoaschten: you know, hamburg is not that far, i'll take them hand delivered
16:23.22oscarucbi work for cookies
16:23.27koaschtenhmmm i guess gas for 150km is more expensive than sending a mail
16:23.34oscarucbbut my guild keeps me pretty well-fed :)
16:23.42nevcairielwhat addon are you talking about?
16:23.48koaschtenwant me to send some danish licorice?
16:23.52koaschtensuf ;)
16:24.02nevcairieland i thought you wanted to give me more work
16:24.10koaschtenutopia? ;)
16:24.16oscarucbhaha gl with that
16:24.20nevcairieli dont even know what that does
16:24.30oscarucbit prob needs a full rewrite at this point
16:24.38oscarucbits a buff display addon
16:24.45oscarucband nearly everything it touches has changed
16:24.47Parnic|Workstay the heck away from those :P
16:24.49koaschtenutopia is a buff debuff monitor (creates a bar with buffs debuffs and greys them out if raid not availabe, red out if it's not applied)
16:24.57koaschtenand has a pretty uptime timeline for anything it tracks
16:25.00nevcairiela raid optimizer
16:25.08koaschtennot really
16:25.15oscarucbget BigBrother or RaidBuffStatus - I already fixed those :)
16:25.18koaschtenbut it scans talents, then checks what should be available
16:25.22nevcairielyeah that needs some serious work with the buff/debuff homgenizations
16:26.04TheDude2it tracked who gave you each buff too. was an excellent addon
16:26.14oscarucbya it is awesome, but fixing it is prob a nightmare
16:26.24Megalondepends on the data structure it uses
16:26.33nevcairiel@project utopia
16:26.35Reponevcairiel: Utopia. Game: WoW. Zeksie (Manager/Author). Updated: 154 days ago. Tickets: 6/42
16:26.42nevcairielhm, zeksie
16:26.42Megalonbut you talk about it as it is just a huge pile of hacks :P
16:26.51nevcairielprobably was
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16:27.01nevcairielhe wrote xperl, didnt he?
16:27.27durcynutopia's not in that bad of shape, if zeksie doesn't touch it i'll give it a whack
16:27.36nevcairielhe is gone
16:27.36durcyni need to patch the retarded display options anyway
16:27.49durcynsomeone said he found some time
16:27.59nevcairielhe does come to wowace to cash in on his points
16:28.01koaschtentop center is the debuff bar (can switch to buffs) and center is the timeline
16:28.02nevcairielbut havent seen him do more
16:28.42KazieAny wizzes on SharedMedia addons?
16:28.44koaschtendo you get points for re-occuring downloads? like bug fixing stuff? or is it once and bust? (guess thats internals and if you dont wanna tell me, fine ;) )
16:29.11Parnic|Workpretty sure you get points daily based on how many people have your mod installed
16:29.19Parnic|Workwhether it's being updated or not
16:29.38Parnic|Workbut IANACE (i am not a curse employee) :P
16:30.09nevcairielyeah, its based on installbase
16:30.25nevcairielAntiarc probably still gets points for Threat-2.0
16:30.32nevcairielbecause people just dont delete it
16:30.42koaschtenclever use of libs? ;)
16:30.50Arrowmasteri still get points for LibGUIDRegistry-0.1 because Antiarc used it in Threat-2.0
16:30.58TheDude2RBS is the closest to utopia ive found for functionality.  but i liked that utopia was more for a buff consumer, than a buff giver
16:31.07KazieCan anyone help me with SharedMedia? .. it's not showing any of my textures or statusbars and whatnot... it had nothing but the "moo" textures" so i added my own, but they are not showing at all.. what can i do?
16:31.11koaschtenso its basically a "curse client checks whats installed in the addon folder and pings back" kinda allocation?
16:31.21KazieThis used to work back in the days, but i guess something changed the past 6 monthS?
16:32.36Repo10libstatlogic-1-1: 037destiny * r110 LibStatLogic-1.1/LibStatLogic-1.1.lua: - koKR Update
16:32.55Funkeh`is there some kind of reduction of repair price in dalaran
16:33.13Parnic|Worknot aside from rep that i'm aware of
16:33.17Funkeh`trying to figure out why my total repair sum is adding up to more than the vendor is asking me for
16:33.30Parnic|Workis it counting stuff in your inventory as opposed to equipped?
16:34.00Funkeh`it does that separately, but i repaired and kileld myself to ahve only current gear damaged
16:34.11durcynTheDude2: honestly, Auracle's probably just as well, it only lacks sane defaults like utopia had for debuffs
16:34.36Funkeh`so only the gear im wearing right now ahs durability loss
16:34.55nevcairieloh noes, Funkeh` is suicidal
16:35.23durcynnevcairiel: btw, role icons are still all tank :|
16:35.24Funkeh`It's ok, I resurrected
16:35.38Funkeh`Like jesus but with more health
16:35.39nevcairieldurcyn: well duh, i havent fixed them yet!
16:36.03durcynnevcairiel: also, the free pony you gave me is dead.
16:36.19nevcairielwasnt meant to survive, i thought you wanted it for the meat
16:36.38nevcairielI know why the role thing breaks though
16:36.42nevcairielthey changed the return values
16:36.49nevcairielit now returns "NONE" instead of nil
16:36.56nevcairieland probably other string values too :P
16:37.33KazieAnyone here who know a possible reason why my SharedMedia textures and stuff shows in Pitbull but NOT kgpanels?
16:39.10Parnic|Workbecause kgpanels is broken? :P
16:39.24Parnic|Workdisclaimer: i don't know if it is or not, just being silly
16:39.27Repo10rating-buster: 037destiny * r287 RatingBuster-Locale-koKR.lua: - koKR Update
16:42.37Repo10shadowed-unit-frames: 03Nevcairiel 07master * v3.2.12-23-gec66656 modules/indicators.lua: [+1 commit] Fix role indicator.
16:43.12sbuis the inspect target keybinding gone?
16:48.01Repo10eclipsebarplus: 03Cybey * r23 / (2 files in 1 directory): - Bug fixes
16:49.10Repo10eclipsebarplus: 03Cybey * r24 : Tagging as
16:51.07Repo10eclipsebarplus: 03Cybey * r25 EclipseBarPlusFrame.lua: Took debug stuff out
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16:52.49Repo10eclipsebarplus: 03Cybey * r26 : Tagging as
16:53.33pompyyay twilight highlands finally has quest rewards
16:57.29*** part/#wowace yaroot (~yaroot@
16:58.26kagaroKazie kgpanels isnt broke, do you have LibSharedMedia-3.0 installed
17:01.28Repo10proculas: 03Xocide * r266 Core.lua: Fixed bugs with adding procs.
17:02.43stew-aso if cowtip has been abandoned, what's good for doing what it does
17:07.14Kaziekagaro: yes i have
17:07.30Kaziekagaro: I have both LibSharedMedia-3.0 and SharedMedia installed.. those found on
17:08.02kagarothen they should be listed in texture dropdowns
17:08.13kagarothey do for me
17:08.26oscarucbis anyone fixing AddonLoader?
17:08.58Kaziekagaro:  They're not for me :(
17:09.22*** join/#wowace Yssaril (
17:10.45Repo10proculas: 03Xocide 042.0-beta4 * r267 : Tagging as 2.0-beta4
17:10.56nevcairielShadowed: ping
17:14.18ulicso I haven't payed much attention, the T11 models that bibi has been posting, what determines the color?
17:14.58*** join/#wowace MindWorX` (MindWorX@
17:15.12nevcairielwhat blizzard decides it should be
17:15.18nevcairielhe just uses the model editor
17:15.24nevcairielthe editor doesnt know the color, though
17:15.31nevcairielnot the one thats being used for the tier sets, anyway
17:16.00ulicoh, ok, that new DK set looks pretty cool.
17:18.23nevcairielShadowed: nvm, found it
17:20.19Repo10addon-loader: 03oscarucb * r112 / (2 files in 1 directory): UI fix for 4.x
17:20.20Repoupdate toc
17:22.04Repo10grid-mana-bars: 03Julith * r102 GridStatusMana.lua: GridManaBars: - fixed non showing bars for new raid units
17:25.56durcynthis dismount animation bug is some shit
17:26.39Megalonit is on live?
17:26.51durcynyep, i've been swimming in midair in dalaran for 20 minutes now
17:27.16Megalonthey really worked hard to migrate every single bug from the last three months in beta into the 4.0.1 live patch
17:27.34harlso.. my latency i showing 0.0 ms
17:27.40Repo10gridtargets: 03Julith * r14 GridTargets.lua:
17:27.41RepoGridTargets: - fixed RegisterEvent to RegisterMessage for Grid-events
17:27.52harl(that is not supposed to be a smiley)
17:28.04harl(is it? 0.0)
17:28.44pentium166My favourite bug so far was the disappearing icecrown buff
17:29.51Repo10gsshield: 03Julith * r49 / (5 files in 1 directory): GridStatusShield:
17:29.52Repo- removed LibShieldLeft
17:29.53Repo- implemented first potential but yet slow UNIT_AURA based shield tracking
17:29.57Repo- added option to switch between combat log based tracking and UNIT_AURA based tracking
17:30.02Repo10shadowed-unit-frames: 03Nevcairiel 07master * v3.2.12-24-g5c64f2c modules (2 files in 1 directory): [+1 commit] frame:UnregisterEvent --> frame:UnregisterSingleEvent .. that can't have worked before .. why am i just finding this now .. o.O
17:31.20Repo10gridstatusaurasext: 03Julith * r22 GridStatusAurasExt.lua:
17:31.20RepoGridStatusAurasExt: - fixed RegisterEvent to RegisterMessage for grid-events
17:33.33Repo10gridstatusaurasext: 03Julith 04v0.7 * r23 : Tagging as v0.7
17:34.09Repo10gsshield: 03Julith 04v1.2 * r50 : Tagging as v1.2
17:34.41Repo10grid-mana-bars: 03Julith 04v1.02 * r103 : Tagging as v1.02
17:35.33*** join/#wowace profalbert (
17:36.17Repo10gridtargets: 03Julith 04v0.4 * r15 : Tagging as v0.4
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17:56.09Amadeodurcyn: I am getting that swimming bug constantly
17:56.18AmadeoI end up playing the entire time with it
17:58.24Repo10grid-status-hots: 03mleebert * r148 / (10 files in 1 directory): Added Power Word: Shield and Weakened Soul
17:58.25RepoNon-English localizations are stubbed out for new alerts but need to be updated
17:58.26RepoRemoved last references of old roster library
18:00.53Repo10gridstatussanity: 03Greltok 041.1 * r19 : Tagging as 1.1
18:01.20Aikarhas anyone wrote an addon to restore the auction sold notifications? why were they removed :(
18:01.44Aikari seem to be getting MailFu alerts on sale still, but maybe its cause my AH window is open
18:04.44Repo10grid-status-hots: 03Yutaka 06yutaka * r148 / (2 files in 1 directory): Initial commit
18:05.18kagarohahaha, check out RuneStrike in latest beta build: Strike target for 664% Weapon Damage plus 1029 (Ive got 5147 AP)
18:06.47ulicis that a tooltip bug or does it really do it?
18:06.52kagaroits a bug
18:07.07kagarootherwise my RS should do a min of 12k
18:07.17kagaroits hitting for the proper 200%
18:07.32ulicbummer, that would have been fun to play with :)
18:07.33steevkagaro: obviously the actual damage you are doing is buggy :P
18:08.00kagarorofl, tooltip also says for $d after dodging or parry
18:08.59steevso, runestrike is an actual attack now, and we shouldn't macro it to all our abilities right?
18:09.17kagaroit triggera GCD so you cant macro it
18:09.47kagarothey upped cost to 30 RP so its your rp dump instead of deathcoil
18:10.11kagaroand procs runic empowerment
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18:11.02Repo10reforgedtooltip: 03emelio 07master * d02c99b / (4 files in 1 directory): [new, +1 commit] Import first version
18:11.19KazieAnyone know what the script to see what a frame is called looks like?
18:11.37KazieLike if you bind a macro to a button and mouseover a frame, it should return the name of that specific frame.
18:11.40PProvostput your mouse over it and type /fstack
18:12.04PProvostor that for just the name
18:12.06nevcairielyeah /framestack works better then using that :p
18:12.07PProvostI like the stack
18:12.07KazieThanks.. i'll try that :)
18:12.28PProvostor /fstack
18:12.39sbu@describe reforgedtooltip
18:12.40Reposbu: ReforgedTooltip. Shows what stat was reforged in item tooltips.
18:13.32KazieAhh.. cool.. but it won't show a name for bar one in Dominos.. baah.. gotta find that some other way then hehe
18:13.47Aikari dunno why blizz had to restrict reforging to lvl 80 only, what would it hurt to let a lower level reforge :/ ?
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18:14.24Repo10reforgedtooltip: 03emelio 041.0.0 * a24b44d /: [new tag]
18:14.24Repo- First version :)
18:14.40KazieIt makes the game more exciting to have more stuff to look forward too
18:14.59durcynKazie: it's not named.  ActionButton1:GetParent()
18:15.07Kazieimagin if everything was available at low levels :)
18:15.10Aikarno, i dont see it as looking forward to, it makes everything pre80 a chore and meaningless :/
18:15.22Aikarid enjoy the lower levels more, whats wrong with that :p
18:15.51steevi'd enjoy them more if they would give me back my damn abilities
18:16.11Kaziedurcyn: it doesn't do anything for me here :s but you simply parent a frame to one button then or?
18:16.26steevtree was pretty damn iconic, and now its an ohshit button
18:16.31Aikari wish theyd slow down exp gain, and make level up progression require tests, keep the original 60-70-80 dungeons and you cant advance past 60-70-80 until you beat the first tier of content of those levels (ie MC for 60) with full set of t1
18:17.04durcynKazie: i haven't looked at tuller's code lately, just telling you the button parent isn't named
18:17.12steevAikar: that is a bit much, although it would be cool, there are a lot of people who don't raid whatsoever
18:17.24Aikarcould do a pvp step too lol
18:17.28dafihow would you keep enough people going trough MC to allow everyone to pass the "test"
18:17.36Repo10inspect-equip: 03emelio 07master * 1.7.8-3-g1a1aee4 / (4 files in 1 directory): [+1 commit] Using LibReforgingInfo-1.0 for reforging information. Also, checkout ReforgedTooltip! :)
18:17.42Repo10chinchilla: 03ethancentaurai 07master * v2.2-4-g841208a Modules/MoveButtons.lua: [+1 commit] Add support for the guild run difficulty flag.
18:17.43steevdafi: "with full set of t1"
18:18.03steevAikar: btw, i'm down, i want the rest of the might set on my warrior, even if i am missing shockwave now :(
18:18.05Aikardont gotta keep the 40 man aspect, retailor it, and maybe let 80's help too, im sure blizz with all their knowledge could figure out a way to make it work :p
18:18.13*** join/#wowace Connor_ (42cc12cd@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
18:18.24Connor_I want the complete wow lore in .pdf format
18:18.25Aikari just returned to wow from before tbc, so im neveer gonna see TBC content really :/
18:18.40Connor_WTB wowwiki in .pdf
18:18.42dafisteev: ye but unless the game keeps gaining more people or people rolling alts eventually there would be a point were there's not enough people to raid and you're stuck at 60
18:18.43Aikarand at this point doesnt look like ill see much of WOTLK either
18:18.45Connor_...and Sam's laser FAQ >_>
18:18.45durcynit's obsolete, it's over, there's no going back.
18:18.52Connor_TBC wasn't very good
18:18.57Connor_It was fun, I will say that
18:19.01Aikarid still like to say i did it least once :p
18:19.06Connor_But not as good as people say it is
18:19.09Connor_Rose tinted glasses, I say.
18:19.13steevAikar: then have an 80 run you through :P
18:19.43steevtbc was decent, but god do i miss the days of cc
18:19.44Connor_>This is the complete lore of Blizzards Warcraft/WOW universe!  Read more:
18:19.56Connor_I have the physical books
18:20.01Connor_Now I have the .pdfs I guess
18:20.05steevme too *cough cough*
18:20.08Aikarwe had trouble killing raid bosses in ZG with 2 80's (well, tiger boss, and ill admit the ppl i was with were not raid geared at all and was acting extremely stupid about killing them all at same time, they refused to stop dpsing one when it was about to die), can a well geared 80 really solo tbc stuff?
18:20.13steevConnor_: pics or it didn't happen
18:20.18Connor_Also how did a link get into non hyperlinked text.
18:20.23Connor_steev I'm at school.
18:20.31Connor_>PDF, RTF and DOCX files.
18:20.34steevAikar: i can solo most of karazhan
18:20.36durcynAikar: depends on class, i have a hard time with 70 stuff on casters
18:20.44Connor_I started reading of blood and honor but uh
18:20.46steevchess event is a pita
18:20.53steevand i can't solo the 3 beams guy
18:20.54Connor_I started reading Bastard Operator from Hell instead
18:21.06steevor nightbane
18:21.10Connor_love his Nook.
18:21.13Aikarthat day in ZG really pissed me off tho, i so wanted to ask the guy what the hell was wrong with him but he was a guildie
18:21.29steevi wiped on opera when it was Big Bad Wolf because he catches up now no matter what
18:21.31Aikari dont understand whats so hard about STOP DPSING IT WHEN ITS NEAR DEAD lol
18:21.38Connor_I want the wowwiki lore pages in .pdf
18:21.39Aikarbut he kept killing them too early :(
18:21.40Connor_THAT would be awesome
18:21.42steevalso, wtb unholy presence actually giving the 15% speed boost
18:22.18leech2kIs there a reason when playing .ogg files in PlaySoundFile() it is quiet on some computers and louder on others, compared to the current game volume.
18:22.36leech2kThat was a horrible sentence...
18:22.51Aikari hate selling enchants on weekends :( its a constant game of undercut spam every 5 mins ; ;
18:24.40quiescenssolution is to give up
18:24.46Aikarim not emo ;)
18:26.01leech2kYou sound emo.
18:26.08*** join/#wowace rljohn (45a58eca@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
18:26.51leech2k[11:20] <Aikar> that day in ZG really pissed me off tho
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18:27.00Aikarhow is that emo lol
18:27.06Aikarannoyed != emo
18:27.16Aikarquitting = emo
18:27.36audioprocyour lawn cutting itself == emo
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18:27.48Aikaryeah i gotta find an emo lawn when i buy a house next year :(
18:27.57Aikari love that aspect of having an apartment >_>
18:28.07Aikarof not having a lawn to worry bout lol
18:28.26leech2kLots of strong emotional words followed by smilies tends to make people sound emo.
18:30.26Repo10skada: 03Zarnivoop * r306 modules/SkadaAbsorbs/Absorbs.lua: added Holy Paladin mastery shield absorbs
18:30.31steevi'm emo
18:30.51steevspecially about dps that is bad insisting its someone elses fault that their bad
18:31.10Repo10baggins_search: 03profalbert * r39 Baggins_Search.lua: replaces "this"-references by "self"
18:31.11leech2kI am with you on that emo train.
18:31.22Repo10zomgbuffs: 03thelibrarian 06cata * r180 ZOMGBuffs.lua:
18:31.22SinusPiIs LibBabbleZone still kept current?
18:31.24RepoCorrect spell ID for Dalaran Brilliance -> Arcane Brilliance alias
18:31.33steevi don't even bother taunting off them anymore
18:31.40steevi wait for it to be on the healer, and then taunt
18:31.52leech2kTanks are all grumpy since the patch it seems. With casters able to pull aggro so easy.
18:32.13steevleech2k: i'm not so much, since i'm a warrior its not so hard to get em to stick to me
18:32.51steevwhat i'm against is the idiots who run off and do another pull, or pull before you because you're not going at their pace (you're going at yours/the healer's mana's pace); then expecting you to taunt off of them
18:32.52quiescensi thought you were a dk
18:32.55leech2ksteev: You must have figured out the new talents faster than some.  I have seem some lost warriors in the last few days.
18:33.01steevquiescens: i'm talking on my warrior
18:33.04steevi don't tank on my dk
18:33.10steevwell yeah i do
18:33.19steevbut only because most tanks can't out threat me
18:33.26steevbut that was happening pre-patch too *shrug*
18:34.08Repo10atlasloot-enhanced: 03Dynaletik 07cataclysm * r2879 TableRegister/loottables.lua: Atlas loottable update
18:36.23*** join/#wowace Vonhinten (
18:36.43kagarosteev if DRW is up and your geting RS procs dk threat is very good
18:36.59steevkagaro: oh i know, i tanked a toc the other day
18:37.08steevactually i didn't pop drw at all
18:37.13steevbut i still had 0 issues with threat
18:37.16kagaroi do for trash
18:37.31steevno one cares about trash :P
18:37.32kagarojust as a helper
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18:50.59Repo10zomgbuffs: 03thelibrarian 06cata * r181 / (4 files in 4 directories):
18:51.00RepoBump TOC on support modules as these get disembedded when packaged
18:51.29KazieHow do i add fonts to SharedMedia, when it says in the file that it has been removed at the moment?
18:51.39Parnic|Workif it's removed then you probably can't
18:51.41nevcairielhey warlocks, what does one have to do to generate a soulshard?
18:52.02Parnic|Worknevcairiel: i'm not a warlock, but there's an ability that works like evocation for mages that generates soul shards. i can't remember its name right now
18:52.05pentium166I think bundled fonts were removed but you can still add your own? Something like that
18:52.30steevokay, stupid question but, what is this runic corruption i keep hearing about?  is that cata only or is it 4.0.1?
18:52.47nevcairielI should go see a trainer, eh!
18:53.01thelibrarianParnic: Soul Harvest -- it even uses the evocation animation :D
18:53.26*** join/#wowace Hell-Razor (Hell-Razor@unaffiliated/hell-razor)
18:55.06Hell-Razoris anybofy usin Suf? for some reason with mine the mana bar (or text.. usually not both at the same time) wont stay up to date.. it will stay full even though one or the other says something else (which is correct)
18:56.30thelibrarianI bet it needs to be updated to listen for UNIT_POWER events instead of UNIT_MANA
18:57.22Hell-Razoris that hard to do?
18:57.29Amadeosome kinda inspect bug going on
18:57.31Amadeoreally annoying
18:58.08thelibrarianHell-Razor: not very, if that's all it is
18:58.48thelibrarianthough I see a bunch of commits to it, so I'd be surprised if that hadn't been done yet
18:58.52thelibrarianwhat version do you have?
18:59.12Hell-Razori just upgraded but i havent restarted wow yet
18:59.14Hell-Razorlet me look
18:59.48durcynyou're way out of date.
19:00.57Hell-Razorhrmm thats what curse has... where do i get a more up to date
19:01.27durcynalphas aren't syndicated to curse, but there's still been at least one 4.0 tag
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19:01.46durcynyou can get the bleeding edge bits from
19:02.08thelibrariandurcyn: 3.2.14-24 is the latest alpha on wowace
19:02.15thelibrarianI mean 3.2.12-24
19:02.54durcynoh, was looking at the game version instead of the tag, silly nevcairiel
19:03.04durcynanyway, power works, what are you seeing?
19:03.19Hell-Razorlets see if i can enlarge it and take a ss
19:03.23Hell-Razorkind of hard to explain
19:03.38Hell-Razorits like the numbers and the bar itself are out of sync
19:03.45durcynit's just the way you phrased it sounded like you hadn't actually updated yet
19:03.55nevcairielI fixed that an hour ago
19:03.59ThiefMasterKemayo/Shefki: any ETA for an updated/rewritten auldlangsyne? (especially the fubar/broker plugin)
19:04.30Hell-Razoralright nevcairiel thanks
19:04.41Hell-Razori just rebooted wow
19:04.46nevcairielonly happend to your player frame, not others, right?
19:05.21Zhinjio~seen Elkano
19:05.40purlelkano <~elkano@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/Elkano> was last seen on IRC in channel #wowace, 1d 8h 45m 45s ago, saying: 'seems like I'll have to rewrite ItemDB(LibInventory to use a callback system and slow down the scanning'.
19:06.08Hell-Razori believe only mine nevcairiel
19:06.16nevcairielthen thats the bug i fixed
19:07.12Aikaranyone know if the ExpFu and QuestFu addons are gonna be updated to not use ace2comm? :( it d/c's you from game if you use them in group lol
19:07.32Aikarand ill talk about it in here!
19:08.22ThiefMasteris there a lua function which works like /dump?
19:08.50Hell-Razornevcairiel, yeah thats it. keep up the good work on a badass uf
19:08.51HirsuteAikar: I've got ExpFu running and no problems with groups.
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19:09.02Aikarhmm, maybe it was questfu only
19:09.22Aikari know one of them complained bout ace2comm, and i kept d/cing every time i joined a dungeon, turned em off and ive been fine
19:09.28HirsuteI get Ace-Comm2 errors, but it doesn't hang my game.
19:09.47durcyn...people still use fubar plugins?
19:10.02Aikaryes? fubars awesome
19:10.05durcynyou, uh, do realize that there are non-shitty replacements
19:10.17Aikarlike? fubars been great for me
19:10.18ThiefMasterbah.. how the fuck do i add debug code to libraries without knowing from which addon's lib\ folder they are loaded?
19:10.27thelibrarianI still use FuBar_MoneyFu with Fubar2Broker
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19:10.39ArrowmasterThiefMaster: you disembed the libraries
19:10.41nevcairielShadowed: i don't understand how you intended to recycle the combopoints for the soul shards, care to enlighten me? :D
19:10.54ThiefMasterwill curse updater do that properly for already-installed addons?
19:11.06Arrowmasteryou can tell it to reinstall
19:11.16ThiefMasterand i hate blizz for not adding a subfolder for libraries.. cluttering the addons folder with libs sucks
19:11.38Hell-Razoranybody know when auctioneer is going to be fixed?
19:11.51Arrowmasteri thought it was working?
19:12.06thelibrarianone of these days I'm going to write something to gather up all the addons and libraries into a single giant lua file, then compress it with luasrcdiet... what, why are you looking at me like that?
19:12.15AikarHell-Razor: theres a beta on the site
19:12.18Aikarthat works mostly
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19:14.05Hell-RazorAikar, mostly?
19:14.17Aikari get some lua error on open but everything seems to work
19:14.21Aikarbut im not using the latest ver
19:14.25Hell-Razorah ok
19:14.28Aikarthey posted one yesterday i havent put in yet
19:14.34Aikari got the oct13 beta
19:15.04*** join/#wowace Jygga (Teq@unaffiliated/jygga)
19:15.54Hell-Razori just got the auc-all oct 14th one
19:16.07Hell-Razoroct 15*
19:16.08Aikar5.9 right
19:16.19Aikaroh they posted one? i checked a few hrs ago and it was still 14th
19:16.56Aikarecommended preview quality downloads
19:16.58AikarThe 5.10 branch is our current development branch for WoW 4.x client. It is currently stable.
19:17.06HirsuteWe're progressively updating.  We hope to have an official release build tonight or tomorrow.  As it is, the Preview version works pretty well if you just turn of Enchantrix Barker
19:17.24Hell-Razorwill do
19:18.41ThiefMasteris there a command to clear the chat frame and to increase the scrollback size (would be useful e.g. when dumping a large struct)?
19:18.54AikarHirsute: what does it mean by 5.10 tho if 5.9 is the current preview?
19:21.07Aikarugh anyone recommend a questlog replacement, my track/share/abandon buttons constantly keep gettinb bugged where i cant click em, and since questhelper is dead need to replace the objective thing since its in middle of my screen and i cant move it :(
19:21.11HirsuteAikar: Looks like someone updated our website before we were quite ready to push the next build.
19:21.30Aikaryeah i refreshed from earlier and the 5.9->5.10 change caught my eye
19:21.39Aikarbut is 5.10 also stable enough to use?
19:22.54HirsuteWell, 5.10 is only available via svn right now, but it hasn't given me any problems.
19:23.45Aikarwhats function name to track a quest since my buttons broke?
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19:24.57HirsuteAikar: I'm using it, and it hasn't given me any problems, but unless you want to set up svn to snag it from us, you'll have to wait until tonight or tomorrow for it to be available.
19:25.19Aikaroh im a dev myself so pulling from svn is no prob :p
19:25.41Repo10zomgbuffs: 03thelibrarian 06cata * r182 ZOMGBuffs_SelfBuffs/ZOMGBuffs_SelfBuffs.lua:
19:25.42RepoRemove reference to blessings module from SelfBuffs (for pally auras)
19:26.11Firepatchhas anyone seen a grid modification that passes the timers of certain buffs/debuffs to the corner/side text indicators yet?
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19:31.28ThiefMasterhm.. any suggestions on how to dump a big data structure which does not fit in the chat window?
19:31.53Repo10mybags3: 03Takika * r23 MyBank/MyBank.lua: BAG_UPDATE event handling fixed.
19:32.18HirsuteThiefMaster: Create a frame and dump it to that?
19:32.31ThiefMasterk.. thought there might be an easier way :/
19:32.46HirsuteThough I have never managed to figure out gui writing myself, so I can't help beyond that.
19:32.49durcyninstall Spew.
19:33.13Repo10gdkpd: 03stolenlegacy * r100 GDKPd.lua: Attempt to fix TukUI compability issues. Beta.
19:33.45Repo10gdkpd: 03stolenlegacy 04beta-12 * r101 : tagging tukui fix
19:34.09Repo10mybags3: 03Takika 04v40000-1.0.1 * r24 : Tagging as v40000-1.0.1
19:34.41*** join/#wowace SinusPi (
19:36.09Repo10zomgbuffs: 03thelibrarian 06cata * r183 ZOMGBuffs.lua:
19:36.10RepoAdd drums support back in for mark of the wild, but use the level 85 version since the level 80 one was removed.
19:36.39ThiefMasterspew looks nice except the fact that there's no scrollbar in that frame
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19:39.05ThiefMasteroh, and it doesn't go very deep into nested tables :(
19:39.18ThiefMasterjust lots of '...'
19:39.44Amadeowhat's a good xp broker plug?
19:40.48durcynAmadeo: picoEXP
19:42.31stolenlegacywhy does a file i tag 1.0.0a get flagged as beta
19:42.39stolenlegacywhereas a file tagged with 1.0.0 gets tagged as release
19:42.47stolenlegacys/gets tagged/gets flagged/
19:43.15durcynthe default tag is release, unless you put a non-numeric on there
19:43.20durcynand there are no such things as alpha tags
19:43.25stolenlegacyi see
19:43.37durcynwell, non-numeric other than "-release", in my experience
19:43.38stolenlegacyi thought everything not containing "beta" is tagged release
19:43.45Repo10arl: 03pompachomp 07master * 2.0.4-4-gb775886 Database/Engineering.lua: [+1 commit] Removed the rest of the crafted shells/arrow from Engineering
19:43.45stolenlegacythanks anyways
19:43.57durcynyou'd have to ask ck or kaelten, it may have changed at some point
19:44.19stolenlegacywell, how it behaves proves your explanation
19:44.19Aikarwell i guess ima give up on trying to use DX11
19:44.21stolenlegacyjust my fault i guess
19:44.46Aikaror maybe i need to update video drivers hmm
19:44.56stolenlegacyany way to make font size scale with ui scale? on default ui scale my fonts fit exactly, but if the user turns down UI scale they sometimes get cut off (... instead of the number)
19:45.44HirsuteAikar: What problems are you having with DX11?
19:45.46stolenlegacyexcept for CVAR_UPDATE and multplying now
19:45.51Repo10chinchilla: 03ethancentaurai 07master * v2.2-6-g91193fa / (3 files in 2 directories): [+2 commits]
19:45.52Repo91193fa: Version bump.
19:45.53Repo3522252: InstanceDifficulty and GuildInstanceDifficulty now obey the same settings.
19:46.00Repo10chinchilla: 03ethancentaurai 04v2.2.1 * 0c33c55 /: [new tag] Tagging as v2.2.1.
19:46.05Aikarit keeps crashing my video driver (which is why i said maybe i need to update driver) lol
19:46.59Aikaractually i have the latest :/
19:47.11Aikarmaybe beta
19:47.35stolenlegacydo you even have dx11 installed?
19:47.40stolenlegacyrun dxdiag and check version number
19:48.06HirsuteBecause I'm not having any issues with DX11
19:48.06Aikargame loads, just randomly crashes
19:48.28Aikarand dx11 comes with win7 i think, and yes i have Dx11 lol
19:49.30Repo10classtimer: 03Stanzilla * r349 Bars/Priest.lua: add inner fire
19:50.12stolenlegacyah, thanks
19:51.28ulicso it looks if you want to call it 1.0.0a, then you need to put a v at the beginning, v1.0.0a
19:53.14AikarHirsute: whats svn repo url?  isnt working :3
19:55.29Hirsute *and*, both will need to be checked out and all folders copied to your Addons directory.  You'll also need to delete all currently existing auc-related folders from your addons directory first.
19:55.47koaschtenanyone here who can give me a quick rundown on how spell haste works?
19:56.10HirsuteAikar: ^^^^
19:56.36Megalonkoaschten: ? :x
19:56.44koaschtenaah query
19:57.22AikarCould not open the requested SVN filesystem
19:57.35Aikarlibs works, auctioneer link dead
19:57.39SinusPiThiefMaster: want my little cobbled-together addon that displays tables in an "expandable" format?
19:57.56ThiefMastersounds awesome -> yeah
19:58.08Repo10pyritestacks: 03electronicpunk * r13 PyriteStacks.toc: AddonLoader fix
19:58.19Aikargot it, needed auctioneer lowercase
19:58.40*** join/#wowace Baraius_ (
19:58.40SinusPiwait a sec, I'll put it up somewhere
20:00.35ThiefMasteryay, got griddynamiclayout working again (at least the config ui, hopefully the addon functionality itself isn't broken, too)
20:01.14SinusPiThiefMaster: downside; you cannot copy stuff out of it.
20:01.45SinusPiThiefMaster: plus; it recognizes frame types and stuff, and does what Spew did: expands :GetXXXX methods
20:01.52SinusPiotherwise, just play with it;
20:02.20ThiefMastercool, going to test it
20:03.50Shadowednevcairiel did you figure it out?
20:04.06nevcairieli think you just never finished it into any working state =)
20:04.07Shadowedcheck the cataclysm branch
20:04.16Shadowedwell modules/soulshards.lua
20:04.23ShadowedI think when you merged the branches, you didn't import new files
20:04.30nevcairieli did
20:04.41ShadowedHrm are you sure, I didn't see it when I checked alpha zˆp
20:04.53nevcairielThere was a missing link between the combopoints module and the soulshards module
20:05.02Shadowedoh weird its there now
20:05.03nevcairieli mean, how as it supposed to know to use the combopoints module as a template
20:05.16Shadowedthat's not the latest I think
20:05.17Shadowedhang on
20:05.24Shadowederrr I guess it is
20:05.25nevcairielI have it working now anyhow
20:05.45nevcairielthe idea behind it was working
20:05.47Shadowedyou were supposed to call Combo.OnLayoutApplied
20:05.54Shadowedwhich I guess you figured out then
20:06.08nevcairieli guess that would be even easier
20:06.08ThiefMasterheh interesting, /spoo without any args opens an "about atlasloot" window
20:06.24nevcairielI set a metatable on the shards module pointing to the combo points
20:06.28*** join/#wowace Baraius_ (
20:06.29nevcairielwhich essentially does the same, i guess
20:06.34nevcairielall other functions are overwritten :P
20:06.36ShadowedThe point of comboPointType/soulShards.config was so you could directly call Combo.OnLayoutApplied in Shards.OnLayoutApplied and does the magic
20:06.41Shadowedthats alos a way of doing it
20:06.50ShadowedI could swear I had done that thought, but I guess not
20:07.02nevcairielOne thing i noticed
20:07.10nevcairielyou have all this options for combo points in non-bar mode
20:07.16nevcairielbut i dont see an option to switch between them
20:07.35ShadowedIt's under widget size
20:07.52Shadowed"Show as bar"
20:08.12ShadowedWidget size is kind of an awful tab name
20:08.13nevcairielso it is
20:08.43ThiefMasterah.. SinusPi: a global named 'panel' seems to be used by atlasloot
20:09.08Repo10mill-help: 03Starinnia * r99 / (2 files in 1 directory): -fix errors on untranslated strings
20:09.09Repo-fix a missing locale string in MillHelp_Frame.lua (Ticket #7)
20:09.40ShadowedIt's only under widget size cause you can also set the portraits into bar mode through that tab, so it was mostly consistency
20:10.03*** join/#wowace Baraius_ (
20:10.31Repo10mill-help: 03Starinnia 041.3.2 * r100 : Tagging as release 1.3.2
20:11.31nevcairieli need an editor that can put bookmarks in that huge config file
20:11.41*** join/#wowace tekkub (~tekkub@WoWUIDev/WoWI/Featured/Dongle/GitHub/Tekkub)
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20:11.46Gnarfozwhat are you using?
20:12.31ShadowedI just searched for localization keys mostly
20:15.20Repo10gridstatusmrds: 03slaren * r11 / (3 files in 1 directory):
20:15.21Repo- LibQuickHealth-2.0 is no longer embedded, but will be used if available
20:15.50*** join/#wowace Hjalte (
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20:16.33Shadowedwhy are people even using libquickhealth-2.0 still
20:17.47Repo10gridstatusmrds: 03slaren * r12 GridStatusMRDS.toc: - .toc update
20:18.04Repo10gridstatusmrds: 03slaren 04v1.2 * r13 : Tagging as v1.2
20:18.41nevcairielShadowed: i'm confused. I'm sure i saw the combo points option on the widget size thing a minute ago, but now its gone o.O
20:19.00ThiefMasterwhat'S the ace3 equivalent of ScheduleRepeatingEvent?
20:19.09Shadowednevcairiel what do you mean
20:19.20Shadoweddid you disable advanced options maybe
20:19.42Shadoweder nevermind
20:19.54nevcairielit was off, but turning it back on didnt make it come back :P
20:20.22Shadowedwhere did I set it...
20:20.33nevcairielguesses its not there
20:20.42*** join/#wowace vrak (
20:20.50Shadowedare you looking at combo points, or soulshards
20:21.02nevcairieleither, whatever
20:21.37Shadowedgood news
20:21.42Shadowedin theory, it should show up
20:21.46ShadowedOh, did you disable combo points?
20:21.51pompyis the git ssh server having issues right now? i typed in the corerct passphrase but its not going through :O
20:22.09nevcairieljust point me at the config code
20:22.11nevcairielline wise
20:22.14nevcairieli'll figure it out
20:22.21Shadowedline 2033
20:22.29ShadowedIt should be shown thought as long as moduleHasBar is set
20:22.42Shadowedand it should be set..
20:23.07Shadowedtry ShadowUF:RegisterModule(Combo, "comboPoints", ShadowUF.L["Combo points"]) -> ShadowUF:RegisterModule(Combo, "comboPoints", ShadowUF.L["Combo points"], true)
20:23.13nevcairielyeah i just saw that
20:23.16ShadowedShadowUF:RegisterModule(Souls, "soulShards", ShadowUF.L["Soul shards"], nil, "WARLOCK") -> ShadowUF:RegisterModule(Souls, "soulShards", ShadowUF.L["Soul shards"], true, "WARLOCK")
20:23.31Hell-Razoranybody use tiptac?
20:23.32Shadowedbut I could swear you don't need to set that
20:23.36Shadowedbut I guess I'm wrong
20:24.27AmadeoYes, Hell-Razor
20:25.11*** join/#wowace spode (~spode@
20:25.26Hell-RazorAmadeo, does the health bar stay empty for you?
20:25.42AmadeoI don't believe so
20:25.45Amadeobut maybe I just didn't notice
20:25.52Amadeotell you in a min
20:26.20Amadeoappears to be fine
20:26.56nevcairielShadowed: i figured it out, i think. lemme try
20:27.08Shadowedthat's good nevcairiel, I don't remember how I did it :<
20:27.17Repo10gridstatusdistance: 03slaren 04v1.0 * r16 : Tagging as v1.0
20:27.43Parnic|Workso it looks like despite the per-version downloads finally working correctly from CCv4, the total downloads for the project still aren't updating :)
20:27.51ShadowedIt doesn't help that I haven't touched that code specifically in like a year
20:29.11*** join/#wowace spode- (~spode@
20:29.53ThiefMasterwill that work? or do i need to switch everything to 3.0? GridDynamicLayout = AceLibrary("AceAddon-2.0"):new("AceConsole-2.0", "AceEvent-2.0", "AceTimer-3.0")
20:30.12nevcairielwah the freaking combo points are below the bar
20:30.18nevcairielguess i need to apply some texture magic
20:30.29ThiefMasternvm, /reloadui answered my question
20:30.39Parnic|WorkThiefMaster: you can mix-n-match (i did on icehud) but you need to use libstub for ace3 instead of aceaddon. at least that was my experience
20:30.43Parnic|Workmight depend on the lib
20:31.05Shadowednevcairiel  it's a typo
20:31.08steevsomething funky going on with realid
20:31.08Shadowedframe.comboPointType = "shardPoints"
20:31.11Shadowedshould be "soulShards"
20:31.22nevcairieli fixed that a long time ago
20:31.34nevcairieli have it all working now
20:31.35ShadowedI wonder why it's goikng under the bar
20:31.58nevcairielapparently you read "isBar" from the unit defaults, and if its non-nil, you put it in the options
20:32.02steevi show up as steev blah 1, and steev blah 2, my roommate shows up as roommate bleh {1,2,3,4,5}, depending on which toon he's on
20:32.08nevcairieland surprise, those didnt have it set
20:32.22ShadowedI remember now
20:32.48nevcairielits too complex code to understand it in a day :D
20:33.54Gnarfozwhat does this guild tabard logo look like to you: ?
20:34.49SinusPiThiefMaster: Spoo uses a global 'panel'? how odd.
20:35.04ThiefMasterif input == "" then
20:35.04ThiefMasterif panel:IsShown() then
20:35.10SqueeGGnarfoz: it looks like falming goats :p
20:35.14SinusPiindeed. How silly. That's not my code ;P
20:35.14SqueeGflaming too
20:35.27GnarfozSqueeG: hrm.
20:35.38ShadowedIn a way, the code is pretty well laid out and a lot of it makes sense how it fits together
20:35.44Shadowedbut in some ways, I look at it and go what the...
20:35.50Shadowedwtf was I thinking
20:36.03nevcairielit would be bad if you didnt do that, would mean you didnt learn :P
20:36.27ShadowedA lot of the weird complexity comes from the fact that every module has to be able to be added or removed from unit frames on the fly at any time
20:36.31SqueeGi re-coded the same thing 3 different times xD
20:36.41Repo10combo-points-redux: 03Starinnia * r145 Core.lua:
20:36.42Repo-ensure that the OnDragStop handlers have a fresh reference to the DB, should stop errors after changing profiles
20:36.43Shadowedwell, any time = any time not in combat
20:37.15SinusPiThiefMaster: hmm, why the hell... it doesn't even ASSIGN that panel variable anywhere...
20:37.42Repo10broker_exit: 03Jabouty * r6 / (4 files in 1 directory): TOC Update to 4.0.1 Release
20:37.50SqueeGthis blizzard whitelist needs to be updated
20:37.55SqueeGthey use too many IPs -.-
20:38.15nevcairielKaelten: fix teh ssh git server pl0x
20:38.18nevcairielor ckknight
20:38.42SinusPiThiefMaster: you can reinstall if you wish ;P
20:38.55nevcairielnow i can't push my long list of commits
20:39.10Stanzillassh svn, too
20:39.13Stanzillaplx plx
20:39.15nevcairielall ssh
20:39.19nevcairielis down
20:39.24Stanzillaall your ssh are belong to
20:39.33nevcairielat least with svn you can go and use non-ssh
20:39.38nevcairieleven for commits
20:41.33pompynevcairiel: so its not just me....
20:41.56ThiefMasterhm.. GridDynamicLayout = LibStub("AceAddon-3.0"):NewAddon("GridDynamicLayout", "AceConsole-3.0", "AceEvent-3.0", "AceTimer-3.0") but: attempt to call method 'ScheduleRepeatingTimer' (a nil value)
20:42.54Repo10broker_exit: 03Jabouty * r7 lib/: Removing /lib dir as it's no longer needed.
20:43.22Repo10combo-points-redux: 03Starinnia * r146 / (9 files in 1 directory): -remove a bunch of unneeded LSM references
20:43.48durcyngah, the item modification text from do-not-trade for enchants/picks/whatever is missing now, it's only on the tooltip.  fuck you, blizzard.
20:44.35durcynThiefMaster: it's an AceTimer-3.0 mixin, make sure it's self:ScheduleRepeatingTimer and not anything silly like this:foo or a getglobal
20:44.58ThiefMasteralready did that
20:44.59ThiefMasterself.checkUpdateTimer = self:ScheduleRepeatingTimer(initializeLayout, UPDATE_DELAY)
20:45.19nevcairielShadowed: huh, my holy power module is showing on my warlock, shouldnt passing a classname to the register func disable it?
20:46.22nevcairieloh nvm, my fault :P
20:46.23durcynThiefMaster: look closely at the left side of that, the answer lurks within
20:47.01Gnarfoznevcairiel: is yours going to look basically like combopoints did?
20:47.03Repo10broker_exit: 03Jabouty * r8 .pkgmeta: Attempting to fix Lib Embedding.
20:47.05Gnarfozor, do
20:47.11nevcairielpretty much
20:47.18Gnarfozsounds great
20:47.19nevcairielthats how they look now
20:47.26ThiefMasteruh, the self.checkUpdateTimer = ? if yes: how can it cause that? ;o
20:50.28*** join/#wowace stew-a (~Stewart@unafilliated/stewa/x-008753)
20:50.33sbuyay i'm so super-stupid :p
20:50.58Repo10zomgbuffs: 03thelibrarian 06cata * r184 ZOMGBuffs.lua:
20:50.59RepoRevert previous change -- the spellid doesn't actually exist in live yet.
20:51.02sbui actually managed to click "release spirit" on your 10man lk hero first kill :p
20:51.20Repo10broker_exit: 03Jabouty 04broker_exit-2.0.0-release * r9 : Tagging as broker_exit-2.0.0-release
20:51.50Repo10broker_exit: 03Jabouty 042.0.0-release * r10 : Tagging as 2.0.0-release
20:52.45Repo10bulk-mail2inbox: 03Shamino * r89 BulkMailInbox.lua: BulkMail2Inbox: updated for patch 4.0.1
20:53.21Kaeltennevcairiel: ?
20:53.32nevcairielssh is broken
20:53.40KaeltenI just ssh'd in
20:53.57nevcairielmaybe someone put a bad key in again
20:54.21Kaeltennevcairiel: try now
20:54.25Parnic|Work"server unexpectedly closed network connection" when i try to update
20:54.35nevcairielKaelten: stll nothing
20:56.19Aikaranyone know if anyone took over QuestHelper?
20:56.29Aikarbuilt in one blows :(
20:56.50nevcairielQH was abandoned now?
20:56.54Ackis@project questhelper2
20:56.59RepoAckis: questhelper2. Game: WoW. Status: Experimental. smariot (Manager/Author), divinewind420 (Ticket Manager), lonadar (Ticket Manager). Updated: 3 hours ago
20:57.32Aikarnot published to curse client yet?
20:57.39Parnic|Workwow. trying to double up on the author rewards? hehe
20:57.53Aikaroh heh
20:58.01Aikarwhy not just fork QH
20:58.19Ackisfew reasons why
20:59.06ThiefMasterhrm very odd.. the following does not work:
20:59.06ThiefMasterGridDynamicLayout = LibStub("AceAddon-3.0"):NewAddon("GridDynamicLayout", "AceConsole-3.0", "AceEvent-3.0")
20:59.14ThiefMasterbut after a /script LibStub("AceTimer-3.0"):Embed(GridDynamicLayout) it works
20:59.33nevcairielEh, why dont you put AceTimer in the list of libraries in the first line?
20:59.41ThiefMasteri've had it in there.. also didn't work
20:59.50nevcairielSounds like its not loading
21:00.02nevcairieldid you load it in your addon?
21:00.24ThiefMasteryes, i've even put ace3 in the addon's dependency (even though it depends on grid which depends on ace3 so it should be loaded)
21:01.02Pneumatuswhy don't grid addons just NewModule on grid?
21:01.17nevcairielno idea
21:01.23nevcairielbut in the end, it doesnt matter
21:01.31nevcairiela module is the same as an addon
21:01.32ThiefMasteroh heh. fuck that addon's dev
21:01.34ThiefMasterGridDynamicLayout = Grid:NewModule("GridDynamicLayout")
21:01.37ThiefMastera bunch of lines below
21:01.56nevcairielno wonder it didnt work :P
21:02.01Pneumatuswell, yeh, it is, but grid can declare default mixins for its new modules, cant it?
21:02.10nevcairielit can
21:02.18nevcairiel.. i think
21:02.51Pneumatusim sure i've seen some default module stuff in a core addon somewhere or other
21:03.00Axodioushas anyone reinstalled warcraft from scratch using the 4.0 installer ?
21:04.28Nivnevcairiel: I had to set a password yesterday to get my commits to work, pubkey was failing. I thought it was just me
21:04.43nevcairielpubkey is the only way to use git
21:04.43steevAxodious: i do believe some of the people with SSDs who were having space problems did
21:04.47nevcairielalso, it worked a few hours ago
21:04.52ThiefMasteracelocale2's RegisterTranslations is gone in ace3?
21:05.00thelibrarianyeah, was fine right up until about 30 minutes ago
21:05.17thelibrarian$ ssh
21:05.17thelibrarianConnection closed by
21:05.24Repo10combo-points-redux: 03Starinnia * r147 / (2 files in 1 directory): -actually load the Ready Set Aim module
21:05.25Repo-add Fulmination module for Ele shaman
21:05.36nevcairielIts a invalid key again, i bet
21:05.45nevcairiellast time that happend it was the same issue
21:06.19Pneumatuslocal L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):NewLocale(addonName, lang, isDefault, isDebug)
21:06.20thelibrarianO.o it doesn't validate them before shoving them into authorized_keys?
21:06.21Axodiousyeah steev found a blue post on it
21:06.32Axodiousif you don't use the 4.0 install it converts all your textures on the fly
21:06.37Axodiouscausing the game to bloat
21:07.07steevi wonder if i should reinstall then
21:07.18Axodiousi'm probably going to, i'll tell you how it turns out
21:07.19steevhave a link?
21:07.23nevcairielso its faster when you reinstall it, or what?
21:07.31nevcairielor smaller, at least
21:07.44steevnevcairiel: i have limited space (though sadly, not an ssd heh)
21:07.45Axodioussmaller afaik
21:08.01steevreally sad, since todays newegg deal was a 2tb drive for 99 dolla
21:08.02nevcairieli have an ssd and still plenty space, ha!
21:08.20steevnevcairiel: i have a crappy roommate who is still jobless
21:08.31nevcairielhow is his demise your problem?
21:08.35*** join/#wowace Funkeh` (~funk@
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21:09.30*** part/#wowace Thaoky (
21:10.01nevcairielI'll get soem food, this will probably take a while to get fixed
21:10.26Kaeltenssh-rsa 1024 51:a3:88:61:51:3e:ab:2f:96:b1:cb:d5:24:6c:f0:12
21:10.27pompynew bta build again,
21:10.28Kaeltenfound that one
21:10.28steevnevcairiel: uh, cuz i'm not going to sit at home with no water or electric, which means, if i want it, i'm gonna have to pay it?
21:10.46nevcairielsteev: throw him out, find oen that can pay
21:10.50Kaeltennevcairiel: try again
21:11.06Repo10shadowed-unit-frames: 03Nevcairiel 07master * v3.2.12-32-gaba90eb / (8 files in 3 directories): [+8 commits] (4 truncated)
21:11.07Repoaba90eb: Hide soul shards and holy power for classes that don't support them.
21:11.07nevcairiel.. wait for it
21:11.08pompyKaelten: yay
21:11.09Repobf51282: Slightly adjust default positions for soulshard/holy power buttons.
21:11.10rosslynkaelton: bingo
21:11.10nevcairielworks :P
21:11.12steevnevcairiel: hard to do, its his :P
21:11.12Repo0f9150d: Don't have to set the attribute for eclipse, its always a bar.
21:11.14Repof7a89f7: Fixed a typo
21:11.16steevhis place*
21:11.18Kaeltenyup ssh-rsa 1024 51:a3:88:61:51:3e:ab:2f:96:b1:cb:d5:24:6c:f0:12 is not a valid ssh key
21:11.21Repo10arl: 03pompachomp 07master * 2.0.4-5-g63b039f core.lua: [+1 commit] Fixed an error when typing "/arl filter" ... the interface options filter panel was removed a long time ago
21:11.39nevcairielsteev: he owns the place and doesnt manage to pay the bills himself?
21:11.48thelibrarianKaelten: yep, working here too
21:11.53steevnevcairiel: pretty much
21:12.01nevcairielfind a new place :d
21:13.17*** join/#wowace Rewad (
21:14.21Kaeltennevcairiel: read the first comment on the latest announcement please
21:14.28Kaeltenhe ==== neads ====you
21:14.38nevcairieli read that
21:14.43nevcairielhe opened a ticket too
21:15.28nevcairielIts kinda funny how everyone of the people commenting assumed you were talking about realm stability :D
21:16.52Nivso if someone puts in an invalid key, all pubkey access breaks? :)
21:17.30durcynAdirelle: ping
21:17.36Repo10zomgbuffs: 03thelibrarian 06cata * r185 / (4 files in 4 directories):
21:17.38RepoExperimental support for being smart about buffs that overlap (Mark/Kings for now)
21:18.19durcynStanzilla: wake up
21:19.22Stanzilladurcyn: yoyo
21:20.41durcynStanzilla: do you have access to unlock the SSR repo, or am I just going to have to clone it?
21:22.01Stanzilladurcyn: unlocked
21:22.13Nivthelibrarian: is that cata branch supposed to be working? I pulled it down to give it a shot last night and had a bunch of AceOO-2.0 errors
21:22.22NivI know it's not complete ;)
21:22.34durcynStanzilla: well shit, i already cloned =P
21:22.56Stanzilladurcyn: impatient :(
21:22.57thelibrarianNiv: yes, it's supposed to be working. could you post the error for me?
21:23.10NivI'll grab them when I'm at home again
21:23.17NivI just wasn't sure what state it was in ;)
21:23.35NivAre you moving it away from Ace2?
21:23.58Repo10simple-self-rebuff: 03durcyn 06cataclysm * r216 ItemBuffs (2 files in 1 directory): goodbye forever, spellstones and firestones
21:24.13thelibrarianNiv: I'd like to eventually, but the priority is just getting it working again for now.
21:24.30thelibrarianIt's going to be a big project to convert.
21:24.30Repo10simple-self-rebuff: 03durcyn 06cataclysm * r217 / (5 files in 5 directories): goodbye forever, tracking buffs
21:24.44thelibrarianPlus there's a lot of redundant code that needs to be reworked pretty badly.
21:24.58Nivyea I'd imagine
21:25.12Nivit seems like it'll be a lot simpler without the blessing manager though
21:25.17Nivand no talent boosted buffs
21:25.18thelibrarianoh, much
21:25.25thelibrariani've ripped out so much code it's not even funny
21:25.36thelibrarianand no difference between single and group buffs
21:25.37*** join/#wowace groktar (
21:26.15thelibrarianhell, no group buffs that require reagents for that matter
21:26.18rljohnanyone have a min to discuss what the get/set functions of a "select" aceconfig option should look like
21:26.26thelibrarian(though I'm keeping reagent buying for mages ;))
21:26.44Axodiousi just cleaned my saved variables for the first time since 3.0
21:26.55Axodiousfrom 250 megs -> 30 megs
21:27.17thelibrarianNiv: I just committed an experimental change though, so if it doesn't work try the one right before (r184), which should be functional
21:29.12*** join/#wowace vhaarr (~folk@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/Rabbit/vhaarr)
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21:29.27Repo10combo-points-redux: 03Starinnia * r148 Serendipity.lua: -fix Serendipity spellID
21:29.58Repo10simple3dportraits: 03Daedhir 07master * V1.0 / (2 files in 1 directory): [+1 commit] frames have minimum resize now, won't crash the WoW client anymore.  Also updated TOC for 4.0.1
21:30.04Repo10simple3dportraits: 03Daedhir 04V1.0 * 499e48d /: [new tag] Tagging as v1.0
21:31.15ThiefMaster~seen Zek
21:31.33purlzek <> was last seen on IRC in channel #wowace, 355d 5h 1m 29s ago, saying: 'moo'.
21:31.36Stanzilladurcyn: merge back to trunk when you are done please :p
21:32.20Axodiousis there a way to view all 4.0.1 ready addons on wowi? other than the survival guide
21:34.08Repo10combo-points-redux: 03Starinnia * r149 / (2 files in 1 directory): -fix Evangelism module not loading
21:34.09Repo-add separate module for Dark Evangelism
21:34.36ThiefMaster~seen Zeksie
21:34.38purlzeksie <> was last seen on IRC in channel #wowace, 154d 23h 14m 36s ago, saying: 'Why do they have to completely change arguments.. sure it was bugged before.. but ffs leave it alone!'.
21:35.23thelibrarianlol, appropriate parting quote, strangely prophetic
21:35.56starloneats the holy cow.
21:37.04starlonhas his eyes on Space Cow as well.
21:38.38nichdu~seen tits
21:38.39purlnichdu: i haven't seen 'tits'
21:39.03ThiefMasterhas anyone tried to get LibGroupTalents working with 4.0.1?
21:39.05thelibrarian~seen jack
21:39.05purljack <4dfd16e9@gateway/web/freenode/ip.> was last seen on IRC in channel #htc-linux, 26d 7h 49m 31s ago, saying: 'I'll pay 1$ if somebody will tell me how to make WiFi works on tp2! ^^'.
21:39.13thelibrarian<- fail
21:39.44Repo10pestcontrol: 03Jabouty * r12 / (5 files in 1 directory):
21:39.46thelibrarianThiefMaster: I have a patch for it in my local repo, haven't submitted yet as inspection is borked anyway
21:39.46RepoInitial 4.0.1 Commit.  Will troubleshoot and fix later tonight.
21:39.56thelibrarianbut it should work
21:40.14Repo10simple-self-rebuff: 03durcyn 06cataclysm * r218 Buffs/druid.lua: fix up Druid module
21:40.18ThiefMastercan you send it to me or upload it somewhere? trying to get griddynamiclayout working before my next raid
21:40.25Repo10shadowed-unit-frames: 03Nevcairiel 07master * v3.2.12-34-g988733c / (2 files in 2 directories): [+2 commits]
21:40.26Repo988733c: Switch some variable names around.
21:40.27Repo492aa44: Increase config version so the upgrade code doesn't run everytime. (doh)
21:40.43thelibrarianyou'll find it embedded in there, ThiefMaster
21:40.52thelibrarianin the libs directory
21:41.16pompy@describe pestcontrol
21:41.19*** join/#wowace Jygga (Teq@unaffiliated/jygga)
21:41.24Repopompy: PestControl. Tracks how many "Critters" you have killed and what your "high scores" are.
21:42.04thelibrarianThiefMaster: that just keeps it from spewing lua errors, however. the "tank" detection hasn't been updated for the talent changes though
21:42.39*** join/#wowace Hell-Razor (Hell-Razor@unaffiliated/hell-razor)
21:42.52ThiefMasternot a big issues, i can set tanks manually in GDL as long as heal/rangedps/meleedps is detected
21:42.56Repo10broker_money: 03smb * r29 Broker_Money.toc: bump toc, still working, 1.50
21:43.02*** part/#wowace cralor (
21:43.13Repo10broker_money: 03smb 04v1.50 * r30 : Tagging as v1.50
21:43.20thelibrarianI think that should work, but again it's untested as inspection in general has been wonky
21:44.33thelibrariana lot of the heuristics in general can be done cleaner now, though, due to 4.0 forcing you to pick a tree. just needs some time to actually rewrite those parts
21:44.57*** join/#wowace the-golem (
21:45.02starlonbleh @ wow patch dying midstream
21:45.03Adirelledurcyn, pong
21:45.21Repo10simple-self-rebuff: 03durcyn 06cataclysm * r219 Buffs/paladin.lua:
21:45.22Repostart on paladin module.  no more errors, but MOTW still conflicts
21:45.57uliccan anyone confirm that UnitGroupRolesAssigned(Unit) now returns a string for the row rather than a list of bools?
21:46.11*** join/#wowace cralor (
21:46.11rljohnif anyone has a min, can you tell me if this looks like hte correct way to implement a "select" AceConfig option.
21:46.26thelibrarianulic: confirmed
21:46.36thelibrarianjust fixed it in zomgbuffs and it worked in a heroic
21:46.50ulicand is TANK, HEALER, DAMAGER, NONE?
21:47.30ThiefMasterhuh, it's reporting MELEE for me (i'm a hunter)
21:47.42ThiefMasterif (class == "ROGUE" or class == "HUNTER") then
21:47.43ThiefMasterrole = "melee"
21:47.44thelibrarianbecause melee buffs benefit you
21:47.45ThiefMasterdoesn't make much sense
21:47.53thelibrarianrather than caster buffs
21:47.54ThiefMasterguess it depends on what addon uses it..
21:48.12ThiefMasterfor example, in GridDynamicLayout it makes no sense as it groups by tank/heal/range/melee
21:48.16thelibrarianat least that's what I think the logic is. I admit to doing a double take when I looked at the code and saw that the first time :)
21:48.47ThiefMasterGDL ignores it for hunters anyway
21:48.51ThiefMasterso i guess it'S fine
21:48.56thelibrarianmight be something to ask Greltok about
21:49.07thelibrarianor PM Zeksie, he was actually on the forums the other day
21:49.31ThiefMasternot really needed since the addon i care about ignores the response for hunters
21:49.55Dessaoh hi thelibrarian, thank you for your work on zomgbuffs :)
21:49.59ThiefMasterany idea what's the name of the function to get the role from blizzard's new raid tool?
21:50.06thelibrarianyou're welcome Dessa!
21:50.24thelibrarianit's a vital part of my UI and I couldn't live without it, lol
21:50.32Dessado you need any help, still?
21:50.36thelibrariantesting mostly
21:50.44thelibrarianneed a druid and a paldin to get together for some group tests
21:50.56Dessayes, same for me, i tried to fix it, but i kinda failed fixing that failing assertion :)
21:50.58thelibrariansince I have to do stuff tonight so I won't be able to get on and ask a guildie to try it with me
21:51.51Repo10simple-self-rebuff: 03durcyn 06cataclysm * r220 Buffs/mage.lua: mage module works.
21:52.26thelibrarianalso, I could use some input from people if there are buffs it doesn't track that you wish it did
21:52.37thelibrarianprobably some new self-buffs in 4.0 in classes that I don't play much of
21:53.42Repo10simple-self-rebuff: 03durcyn 06cataclysm * r221 Buffs/warlock.lua: clean up warlock module
21:53.43thelibrariandoes anyone happen to know if pets are supposed to be untargetable by raid buffs now?
21:54.16starlonkills everyone with one well placed Chuck Norris round-house kick.
21:54.17Hirsutethelibrarian: Yes.  They scale with owner stats, so to prevent double-dipping on the buff, they no longer receive any buffs
21:54.44thelibrarianHirsute: thanks. That's what I thought, but shadow protection still applies to hunter pets. wasn't sure if that was just an oversight or not.
21:55.06HirsuteThat one I'm not sure about.
21:55.21thelibrarianIf it is working as intended it might complicate things...
21:55.24ThiefMasteris there already an addon which gives you an interface to blizzard's new smoke signals for those who disabled the blizzard raid frame?
21:58.08*** join/#wowace RLD_osx (
21:59.35Repo10simple-self-rebuff: 03durcyn 06cataclysm * r222 Buffs/shaman.lua:
21:59.36Reponew shaman spell IDs.  lightning shield seems to be recasting infinitely, but imbues work.
21:59.40starlonWhat's the simplest structure/building I can check out without going into a BG?
22:00.00Funkeh`are there still any repair discounts in the game, i thought they were all removed to always be 1 repair cost
22:01.48Repo10shadowed-unit-frames: 03Nevcairiel 07master * v3.2.12-36-g8040cb6 / (3 files in 3 directories): [+2 commits]
22:01.49Repo8040cb6: Unbreak holy power config.
22:01.50Repo6af43b9: Tweak defaults some.
22:02.07starlonOk, just the easiest structure/building I can get to.
22:02.29Funkeh`dont understand why myTip:SetInventoryItem("player", item:GetID()) gives me cheaper prices when i have the vendor window open and more expensive when i dont
22:02.47Repo10simple-self-rebuff: 03durcyn 06cataclysm * r223 / (5 files in 5 directories):
22:02.48Repoblow away DebugLog for this clone, please for the love of god someone explain to me why this was done as a mixin
22:02.56HirsuteFunkeh`: That's really odd.
22:03.42Stanzilladurcyn: yay
22:04.07durcynStanzilla: I don't have a priest or hunter to test, but it's usable for pretty much everything else
22:04.32Stanzilladurcyn: i can do priest
22:04.38Stanzillahow did you handle intellect buff now?
22:04.41durcynnevcairiel: planning on leaving soul shards as yellow?
22:04.42Stanzillajust a single buff?
22:04.51durcynintellect?  it's just arcane brilliance / dalaran brilliance
22:05.03durcynthere are no more intellect spells
22:05.04nevcairieldurcyn: i just used the combo points gfx because i didnt have something else handy
22:05.22Stanzilladurcyn: i meant because it is just one buff now instead of single/raid
22:05.25nevcairielpaladins have it too :p
22:05.45nevcairieli'm open for color / icon recommendations
22:05.57durcynStanzilla: ssr didn't differentiate, they're both in the same Multi Buff category
22:06.00*** join/#wowace gullfisken (gullfisken@
22:06.07durcynnevcairiel: classcolor, perhaps
22:06.16durcynpink combo points
22:06.18Stanzilladurcyn: what will it do when commanding shout is active? try to rebuff fortitude all the time?
22:06.19ThiefMasteranyone knows the args of the ROLE_CHANGED_INFORM event?
22:06.47Repo10tomquest2: 03gagou * r318 / (2 files in 1 directory): fix 4.0.1 incompatibility issues
22:06.48Repoadd sync for currencies rewards
22:06.49Repoadd display of currencies rewards in tq2 quests log
22:06.50Repotoc update
22:07.08durcynStanzilla: probably, you'll need to add localized category names for them, then call AddMulti instead of AddStandaloneBuff
22:07.24durcynStanzilla: there's no other facility for exclusive buffs at the moment
22:07.45durcynStanzilla: I put BOK in the druid module to test, it seems to be working
22:07.47Stanzilladurcyn: fortitude is already multi because of the k'iru shit
22:08.04Stanzillaso i can just add the imp buff (what's the name again?) and commanding shout
22:08.12nevcairielblood pact
22:08.15durcynso just add in id 469
22:08.33durcynpact shouldn't ever overwrite, it's passive
22:08.59*** join/#wowace Tuller (
22:09.19nevcairielhey a live tools patch
22:09.22Stanzillayes but what if pact is active before you are there
22:09.27Stanzillait will think fortitude is missing
22:09.53Repo10fence: 03phyber 07master * v1.3-2-g2ebc2cf Modules/AutoFill/Fence_AutoFill.lua: [+1 commit] Fix CalculateAuctionDeposit error.
22:09.53durcyni don't see the harm in that, personally, but whatever blows wind up your skirt
22:10.02Pneumatuswe made our warlocks switch their stupid pet buffs off
22:10.03nevcairieloh great
22:10.07nevcairielnow i got a tools patch
22:10.14nevcairieland after that i get unable to validate game version
22:10.21Pneumatusnevcairiel: beta?
22:10.34durcyni don't see one in us-land, you must be special
22:10.43nevcairielmy launcher didnt tell me
22:10.50nevcairielwhen i went to the character list
22:10.52nevcairielit came up
22:10.58Pneumatusi still havnt let my launcher apply non -critical updates
22:11.00Pneumatuswhatever that means
22:11.12Pneumatusi guess its the uncompressing of old textures, or something
22:11.20durcynoh hell, downloading updated tools
22:11.22durcynwhat have you done, nevcairiel
22:11.28Repo10tomquest2: 03gagou 044.0.1 release 1 * r319 : tag as 4.0.1 release 1
22:11.46nevcairielnow the new launcher doesnt even start anymore
22:11.47durcynat least they're smart enough not to patch the launcher while the game's running, that's worth a point or two
22:12.17ThiefMasteruh, /eventtrace has no way of filtering? :o
22:12.31Pneumatusno, use the devtools one
22:12.32nevcairielinstall devtools if you want filtering
22:12.43nevcairielseriously, the launcher is broken
22:12.50nevcairieli run it, nothing happens
22:12.54nevcairielprocess hangs in the list
22:12.56nevcairieloh wait
22:12.57KemayoAikar: QuestsFu doesn't use Ace2Comm.
22:12.58nevcairielnow it comes up
22:13.00nevcairielafter minutes :P
22:13.00Pneumatustry running it elevated?
22:13.04durcynlauncher works, but unable to validate now, ugh
22:13.16nevcairiel"Launcher cannot obtain patching information."
22:13.27nevcairielsomething is down at blizzy hq
22:13.32durcynyeah, there's definitely a WoW.mfil incremental patch up there
22:13.55durcynbut the exe and tfil are still 10/12 though, and that other streaming bit is all of 1KiB
22:14.02nevcairielpushing a mini patch are we
22:14.12ThiefMasterfuck blizzard for putting names instead of guids/unitids in the role change event..
22:14.30Pneumatussbu: have you tried atonmenet today?
22:14.40durcyn3PM on a friday is no time to patch, what the hell are they thinking
22:14.51Pneumatusmore like 11pm :P
22:14.56Pneumatusor 12am
22:14.57Aikari had a "non critical update" earlier
22:15.08nevcairieldurcyn: maybe something important
22:15.09durcynseems to be validating now, nevcairiel, fwiw
22:15.11starlonmine's patching atm
22:15.19nevcairieli mean, they got EU and US on the same clock
22:15.24nevcairielwhen does that happen :P
22:15.26starlondownloading updated tools
22:15.40nevcairiellauncher is starting again, too
22:15.42durcyneh, just weird that a tool patch would touch the client version
22:15.43Repo10easy-button (experimental): 03ulic * r4 / (2 files in 1 directory): - Bump TOC to 40000
22:15.43Repo- Use new UnitGroupRolesAssigned return values
22:15.45Repo- Remove Hysteria
22:15.46Repo- Add talent checking for Warrior & Shaman
22:15.53Pneumatusmine did a tools update and is now still showing as up to date
22:15.55nevcairielstill unable to validate
22:16.16PneumatusdeDE client, nevcairiel, or other?
22:16.23nevcairielnah, the english one
22:16.24durcynGetBuildInfo's on 13164, so nothing changed other than the launcher
22:16.42durcynulic: didn't Hysteria just change names to Unholy Frenzy?
22:16.54ulicwhat?  doh
22:17.03ulicshows how much I know, I'll have a look, thanks durcyn
22:17.29nevcairieli didnt know they actually handed out patches for those
22:18.02durcynyeah, not the first time i've seen a launcher patch file
22:18.25ulicindeed they did move it and change it's name
22:18.25Aikarhmm anyone know if theres a beta of fubar for 4.0?
22:18.28nevcairielstill no validate
22:18.37durcynAikar: stop using fubar.  just.  stop.
22:18.38nevcairielAikar: fubar is no longer under development
22:18.47Aikarah :( what should i use then?
22:18.54Pneumatusswitch to bazooka and appropriate broker replacements to your fubar plugins
22:19.04durcynthe replacement is LibDataBroker, for which there are many displays
22:19.06Aikardoes fubar2broker not work?
22:19.13Aikari meant a good display lol
22:19.18Pneumatusbazooka is probably the most fubar-like
22:19.20durcynBazooka, ChocolateBar, NinjaPanel, Fortress, StatBlocks
22:19.24Aikarbazooka it is then
22:19.29durcynhell, even titanpanel does LDB, but it's, ugh, titanpanel
22:19.31Adirelledockingstation is quite good too
22:19.49Repo10bulk-mail2: 03Shamino * r293 BulkMail.lua: BulkMail2: fixed for 4.0.1 patch
22:20.29*** join/#wowace oscarucb (
22:21.07Repo10fu-bar_quests-fu: 03Kemayo * r431 / (5 files in 3 directories):
22:21.09RepoGiven that this hasn't used AceComm in well over a year, the embed should be removed.
22:21.44Aikaryea im getting a tools update now too
22:21.55durcynAikar: almost like they rolled it out everywhere =P
22:22.10nevcairielbeta launcher has the same issue, apparently something is gone down at the patch deployment center
22:22.12Aikari didnt know if you/whoever it was was just patching for first time or something
22:22.28koaschtenButtonBin is another "bar" mod for libdatabroker style addons
22:23.03Aikari didnt have any problems with the download
22:23.16Aikari dont think launcher was updated, it didnt restart
22:23.18nevcairielah i can login again
22:23.20Aikarprolly the repair tool and BG downloader
22:23.34KemayoI just ran the launcher and had it download new stuff and restart.
22:23.57durcynokay, that's a fucking weird bug.
22:24.06*** join/#wowace Zarund-Velen (
22:24.48durcynsequential achievements are applying the dates from the most recent to the second most recent, i.e. on my alt that just hit 80, it changed the 'level 70' achievement date to today
22:24.52Repo10xperl: 03mysticalos 043.1.0 beta 3 * r426 : Tagging as 3.1.0 beta 3
22:24.58Repo10easy-button (experimental): 03ulic * r5 EasyButton.lua: Add Unholy Frenzy
22:25.26durcynhuh, also for the 25K gold looted achievement that I had before the patch even dropped
22:26.10durcynand why in the hell is there no bug report feature for live
22:26.29nevcairielbecause their fucking bug report tool is broken to hell
22:26.41Zarund-VelenSomeone should report that :P
22:27.09ThiefMasterhrm.. how do i get the raid roles without them being changed or a new role check?
22:27.16Arrowmastertheir bug report tool = forums
22:27.47durcynfuck 'em, i'm opening a ticket and making someone put eyeballs on it
22:28.01Zarund-VelenWho do I talk to about reporting an Omen bug?
22:28.16durcynZarund-Velen: Xinhuan
22:28.16ThiefMasterMessage: ..\AddOns\XPerl_Target\XPerl_Target.lua line 484:   bad argument #2 to 'SetFormattedText' (number expected, got string)
22:28.20ThiefMasterdunno if that's a known bug or not
22:28.57durcynThiefMaster: apparently UnitGroupRoleAssignment returns changed
22:29.31ThiefMasterhrm, can't find a function with that name
22:29.42durcyner Assigned
22:29.47Aikardurcyn: good luck, my ticket tor eport a player for RMT has been open up for 5 hrs :(
22:30.30Kemayonevcairiel: [17:29:00] ...terface\AddOns\ShadowedUnitFrames\modules\layout.lua:457: attempt to compare nil with number
22:30.33Kemayoon login
22:30.35Repo10materials-tracker: 03Shamino * r63 / (8 files in 3 directories): MaterialsTracker:
22:30.36Repo- updated for patch 4.0.1
22:30.37Repo- upgraded to Ace3
22:30.38Repo- updated embedded tooltip libs
22:31.23nevcairielKemayo: class?
22:31.29KemayoDeath Knight.
22:31.50KemayoTarget frame is only showing the backdrop, is all I see broken.
22:32.33KemayoAh, and whenever I target something I get: [17:31:28] ...nterface\AddOns\ShadowedUnitFrames\modules\auras.lua:586: attempt to index field 'buffs' (a nil value)
22:32.45Aikarbazooka doesnt adjust viewport?
22:33.14Repo10materials-tracker: 03Shamino 0440000.01-release * r64 : Tagging as 40000.01-release
22:36.00ThiefMaster is that the old or new return value?
22:37.11nevcairielthats old
22:37.12AikarO.o ark inventory has mount control now or always has?
22:37.16Aikartime to get rid of gogo
22:37.51Funkeh`totalrepaircost=totalrepaircost*(1-0.14999215009027396184943873145459) i think there might be something easier
22:38.41durcynThiefMaster: old.  it's "TANK", "HEALER", "DAMAGER", or nil now.
22:38.46durcynsingle return value
22:39.17ThiefMasterwhen is it nil?
22:39.21ThiefMasterno group = 'NONE' for me
22:39.32starlongame keeps corruption on me >.>
22:40.14*** join/#wowace Dashkal (~dashkal@WoWUIDev/Nexus/dashkal)
22:40.18durcynThiefMaster: oh, might not be nil, either way you only need to act on those three
22:40.33stew-aso if i don't like tiptac, and want a replacement for cowtip, any suggestions?
22:41.19Aikarwhats an LDB replacement for FuBar_MicroMenu?
22:41.47ThiefMasteri guess the role isn't automatically changed when you re-spec to a spec with a different role?
22:41.53durcynstew-a: i'm using a rather old version of StarTip, not sure if the current stuff is what you want
22:42.38stew-athanks, i'll check it out
22:42.44*** join/#wowace vithos (vith@unaffiliated/vithos)
22:42.49oscarucbnew client patch?
22:43.00starlondurcyn: Your clone?
22:43.12starlonI never checked that out.
22:43.14durcynstarlon: nothing personal, just haven't had time to look at mainline yet
22:43.38durcynnot sure i need LCD displays or whatever you're working on =P
22:44.03oscarucbwhats the skiny on the client patch they just pushed
22:44.10*** join/#wowace Justin_ (
22:44.36durcyn13164 isn't a new build, it was just a launcher/tools update
22:47.20starlondurcyn: No worries. LCD4WOW is separate. StarTip has optional things like histograms and text widgets, but the defaults look much like original StarTip.
22:47.25vhaarrwts my DNS server going down
22:47.32starlonaka CowTip
22:48.13durcynstarlon: the only reason I even cloned it originally is because you were MIA and MobHealth broke or something, as i recall
22:48.25*** join/#wowace Iblise (
22:48.42starlonah I see
22:48.48starlonyeah I stopped playing for a while
22:49.37starlonthis how-to to get rid of the "unable to validate game version" doesn't seem to work for me. ..
22:50.20starlonit does cause me to have to redownload the tools update though
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22:51.48nevcairielKemayo: did that error just start with a recent update? Or did you just install it the first time?
22:52.22starlonhopes this doesn't lead to a total reinstall >.<
22:57.46Stanzilladurcyn: i can't commit to your clone :p
22:59.06*** join/#wowace Foxor (
22:59.39starlonHmm I can log int without the launcher fine.
22:59.49*** join/#wowace Axo-iPhone (
23:00.17durcynStanzilla: hah, it dupes the 'open' status from mainline as well, how quaint
23:00.23Axo-iPhoneOh man, just as I'm about to format my computer my power goes out
23:00.49Stanzilladurcyn: is your clone open now?
23:01.05durcynStanzilla: yep
23:01.17Repo10simple-self-rebuff: 03Stanzilla 06cataclysm * r224 Buffs/priest.lua: fixup the priest module
23:01.30durcynyou're set as author as well
23:01.43Kemayonevcairiel: Started with the update today.
23:01.43Axo-iPhonePretty sure everyone in my apartment building can hear my various ups going off
23:04.16Repo10simple3dportraits: 03Daedhir 07master * V1.0.1 Simple3DPortraits.lua: [+1 commit] Fixed a bug where we tried to refresh frames for units that don't have a frame
23:04.22Repo10simple3dportraits: 03Daedhir 04V1.0.1 * 225687c /: [new tag] Tagging as v1.0.1
23:04.56pompyok so they removed profession specialties in 4.0.1?
23:05.11durcynStanzilla: now we just need to figure out why it's not detecting any of the buffs after they're cast =P
23:05.25nevcairielKemayo: zip up your sv :d
23:05.39durcynpompy: yes, for blacksmithing, tailoring, and leatherworking.  alchemy specializations remain.
23:07.30Gnarfoznevcairiel: how's SUF's current state, then? all known 4.0 bugs fixed already?
23:09.59durcynStanzilla: I don't get why this buff scanning is backwards, it scans auras instead of checking the list of buffs
23:10.32rljohnIf I have three sliders, is it possible to change another slider's value when one is changed
23:10.57Stanzilladurcyn: dunno, Adirelle did it :p
23:11.28rljohni.e. Slide #1's value is 2, Slider #2's value is 3, I move slider #2 to 2, and slider #1 would automatically move to 3
23:11.42nevcairielyou can do whatever you please
23:11.48rljohnI just don't know how :(
23:12.49durcynalso, how long has UnitAura returned a spell ID?  this is amazing.
23:12.51Repo10cutup: 03ColdDoT * r123 / (5 files in 2 directories):  (Message trimmed by 5 lines)
23:12.54Repo- Bleeder
23:12.55Repo- Julienne
23:13.14rljohnmy slider's set typically says: function(info, value) self.db.profile.variable = value end
23:13.20rljohnso i'm not sure how to reference another slider's variable
23:14.01rljohnerr, i mean i could update self.db.profile.variable2, but not sure how to update the other slider with that number
23:14.40durcynStanzilla: oh my god, it's in an OnUpdate instead of UNIT_AURA, must be for temporary enchants? uck.
23:15.38Repo10cutup: 03ColdDoT 04b3.0.5.0 * r124 : Tagging as b3.0.5.0
23:16.05GnarfozPLAYER_LOGIN is too early to check for SavedVariables, is it not?
23:18.10nevcairielyour combopoints bar lost its order attribute
23:19.44nevcairielYou can restore it by simply setting a new order in the options
23:19.54nevcairieli'll investigate why that happend =p
23:20.05MegalonFisker, you watching mlg dc?
23:20.18Repo10gridclicksets: 03warbaby * r9 / (4 files in 1 directory): alpha version for 4.0.1
23:20.20RepoNOTICE: spellIDs are changed in 4.0. I have corrected shaman's spells only.
23:22.48oscarucbanyone know if AceDB-2.0 is broken in 4.x?
23:23.08Arrowmasterall of ace2 is deprecated
23:23.18Gnarfozthat does not answer the question
23:23.20oscarucbyeah i know, but most of it still works
23:23.44Arrowmasteracedb2 should probably be fine
23:23.47oscarucband im not getting any errors or anything, just seeing behavior that lookslike database corruption
23:23.59Arrowmasterno clue
23:24.16Arrowmasterso much of that crap uses aceoo that its hard to tell
23:24.32oscarucbwhats that got to do with it?
23:24.44Arrowmasterits an abomination to debug
23:26.46*** join/#wowace Hirsute (
23:26.51*** join/#wowace Hirsute (~chatzilla@WoWUIDev/Norganna/Developer/Hirsute)
23:27.34Repo10shadowed-unit-frames: 03Nevcairiel 07master * v3.2.12-37-gcab86cf ShadowedUnitFrames.lua: [+1 commit] Sort the config upgrade code to apply the fixed in order, and not backwards. Also added a check to ensure a proper order on the comboPoint widget.
23:28.35Repo10simple3dportraits: 03Daedhir 07master * V1.0.2 Simple3DPortraits.lua: [+1 commit] Minor fix affecting focus frame visbility check box
23:28.40Repo10simple3dportraits: 03Daedhir 04V1.0.2 * 78c48d8 /: [new tag] Tagging as v1.0.2
23:30.04oscarucbis warbaby here?
23:30.45oscarucbor any curseforge admin?
23:30.46*** join/#wowace Networkerror (~evonder@unaffiliated/evonder)
23:31.25*** join/#wowace Hirsute (~chatzilla@WoWUIDev/Norganna/Developer/Hirsute)
23:31.47Adirelledurcyn, SSR worked with LibBabble-Spell-3.0 and GratuityLib at start (around 2007)
23:32.17Repo10erigol: 03erigol * r2 / (2 files in 1 directory): Initial commit.
23:32.47durcynAdirelle: ah, that explains the logic
23:33.20Adirelleyes, and UnitAura spell ids were introduced in patch 3.3, that's not this long
23:33.31Gnarfoz@project aperture
23:33.32RepoGnarfoz: Aperture. Game: WoW. wowaceSVN (Manager/Author). Updated: 746 days ago
23:33.58Gnarfoznot that there's been new developments on the viewport front, but... is there something newer than ^
23:34.44HirsuteI'm using Sunn
23:35.16Repo10shadowed-unit-frames: 03Nevcairiel 07master * v3.2.12-38-gee90797 modules/combopoints.lua: [+1 commit] Increase the frame level of the combo points.
23:35.25vhaarrBibi: sigrie has not been purged of spells that no longer exist, right?
23:35.39HirsuteGnarfoz: I use this one -
23:35.42vhaarri.e. seems gone ingame
23:36.28GnarfozHirsute: ty. maybe I'll strip that down, don't need art features etc. ^^
23:36.30pompydurcyn: but u still cant then just learn all the showeave, spellfire , ebonweave shit from tailoring?
23:37.09HirsuteGnarfoz: Aye, and you can turn the art off within the config.
23:38.27durcynpompy: I don't think so, none of the trainers would talk to me when I tried
23:38.46Lysitheadx11 water gets fucked up if I use skinners viewport
23:39.11IbliseQuick question - if I convert all my sound files to oog, they will be able to play in game via mods without sound effects on? (ie melee casting, but sounds are checked)
23:39.13nevcairielfun fact: dx11 is currently slower then dx9 :p
23:39.14durcynany viewport will do that, blizzard kind of forgot about those when they updated the water and skyboxes
23:39.23Lysitheayeah noticed
23:39.35Lysitheanevcairiel yea but looks prettier!
23:39.53nevcairielno it doesnt
23:39.59nevcairielit looks exactly the same
23:40.08Ibliseskinner is why my water is so fucked up?
23:40.08nevcairieldx11 is just supposed to be faster due to better shaders
23:40.15nevcairielbut it isnt
23:40.29Lysitheadx9 didnt have the smoother edges where ground/water met for me when I first checked
23:40.34Lysitheamaybe it was just that one place
23:40.47durcynStanzilla: would you believe that it works with the Debug references left in
23:40.52vhaarrIblise: no
23:41.03Stanzilladurcyn: haha really?
23:41.05Lysitheado the "god rays" work with dx9 too? never checked that
23:41.20nevcairielthere is no graphical advantage in dx11
23:41.25nevcairielits just supposed to be faster
23:41.32nevcairielbut guess its not finished yet :)
23:41.54LysitheaI'll have to check the water once more later I geuss
23:42.59Repo10simple-self-rebuff: 03durcyn * r216 / (13 files in 6 directories):
23:43.11Repobackport updated class/item modules and GetSpellName API changes
23:44.02durcynnevcairiel: what's that mean for those of us with cards that only do dx10
23:44.23nevcairielnothing changes?
23:44.54durcynexactly :(
23:45.01nevcairielwhat i gathered from blueposts is that they just redid some of the gfx effects in shader level 5.0, which is only in dx11
23:45.09durcynor did they ever do a dx11 driver for the gtx285
23:45.14nevcairielwhich supposedly is faster then the 3.0 shaders
23:45.26nevcairielno dx11 hardware in pre 400 chips
23:46.36Repo10erigol: 03erigol * r3 DungeonFinderUnavailable.lua:
23:46.37RepoHook into the "Find Group" button update as it was being re-enabled.
23:47.13vhaarrnevcairiel: am I going crazy, or does GetItemInfo not work with numeric IDs? can you just confirm this for me, please
23:47.26vhaarrwait, now it worked
23:47.28vhaarrwhat the fuck, srsly
23:47.50HirsuteIt definitely works with numeric IDs.
23:48.13Torhalwants to eat a bullet.
23:48.18Torhalis fixing Broker_Currency.
23:48.22vhaarrwell, it did not work here until now
23:48.47TorhalI'm seriously wondering if I shouldn't have just started from scratch.
23:49.34durcynTorhal: don't worry, not even blizzard can figure it out.  the new currency doesn't count towards achievmeents like 100 Dalaran Cooking Awards etc
23:49.55vhaarryeah GetItemInfo with a numeric ID returns -nothing- after a complete WoW restart
23:50.06vhaarrthis is freaky
23:50.16nevcairieldoes item:<id> work better?
23:50.23nevcairieli mean, easy enough to patch together
23:50.40vhaarrwell now it worked on the 3rd call
23:50.46arkanesmaybe it re-initalizes the item cache after every restart now?
23:50.55vhaarrbut when I wrote that initial poke to you, I had just gone through 10+ items with no return values
23:51.09Torhaldurcyn: Oh, that isn't the issue. Toadkiller does weird-ass shit.
23:51.19vhaarrthen I quoted the ID, making it a string, and then everything worked
23:52.51Lysitheahah, just checked, that first place I checked water at dont have the smoother water edges regardless
23:53.57Lysitheasomething that does differ tho is in dx11 they've forgot to add that whiteish border when flying out to the vrykuls for the AT quests
23:53.58oscarucbHooray TradeForwarder is fixed
23:54.03Repo10castbars: 03xbeeps * r105 / (2 files in 1 directory): Fix GCD detection for all levels and classes.
23:54.04RepoAdjust texture alignment for latency.
23:54.05RepoAdjust ticks on channeled spells.
23:54.41Repo10castbars: 03xbeeps 042.41 * r106 : Tagging as 2.41
23:55.10Repo10bulk-mail2: 03Shamino * r294 BulkMail.lua: BulkMail2: fixed destination issues
23:55.54*** join/#wowace Diao (
23:56.27Repo10bulk-mail2: 03Shamino * r295 BulkMail2.toc: BulkMail2: updated toc to 40000
23:58.32Repo10bulk-mail2inbox: 03Shamino * r90 BulkMail2Inbox.toc: BulkMail2Inbox: updated toc version
23:58.37ShadniX_is there any documentation on the new event 'UNIT_CONNECTION'?

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