IRC log for #wowace on 20100210

00:01.07Repo10little-wigs: 03ulic * r722 Storm_Peaks/Tribunal_of_Ages.lua:
00:01.09RepoMake the "warmup" look like those BigWigs has started using.
00:02.13Repo10proculas: 03Xocide 041.6.10 * r239 : Proculas v1.6.10 - Final 1.x.x release.
00:02.26Repo- Added more procs.
00:03.40*** join/#wowace Znuff (~ibm86@2001:0:53aa:64c:281e:14d5:a65a:7c98)
00:20.11*** join/#wowace Arcalyth (
00:25.17steevthey made the lag worse
00:25.38Repo10boss-notes: 03Bethink * r280 / (5 files in 3 directories): Updated encounter database for The Frozen Throne
00:25.39RepoUpdated tactics database
00:26.42Repo10boss-notes: 03Bethink 041.1.3 * r281 : Tagging as 1.1.3
00:26.57steevi've been standing here trying to send a mail for the past 10 minutes
00:30.45pompyyeah its bad
00:30.55steevi gave up and logged out
00:31.05steevwhich took a good 30 seconds for it to notice
00:37.04*** join/#wowace Kilroo (
00:37.57PrimerHas anyone ever noticed that the portal that summon Lord Jaraxxus is a 6-handed goatse?
00:38.06Primersummons, even
00:42.15Repo10big-wigs: 037destiny * r7242 Citadel (2 files in 2 directories): Citadel/LichKing: optionHeaders and koKR Update
00:46.55ArrowmasterPrimer: sounds like its just the same as the portals for the ogri'la quest?
00:47.05Shadowedthey are
00:47.27Primernever did those
00:47.33PrimerI was never into dailies
00:49.49*** join/#wowace |ckknight| (~ckknight@
00:54.16steevshadow's edge tonight
00:54.48steevassuming mail goes through
00:58.19Primerbribes a worker at the post office to make steev's mail NOT go through
00:58.38steevthats not hard to do
00:58.44steevf'n maintenance
00:58.47Repo10big-wigs: 037destiny * r7243 Citadel/LichKing.lua: Citadel/LichKing: Add first bar for Harvest Soul
00:58.59PrimerSo is your guild flipping the bill for the 25 saronites?
00:59.07Primeror did you have to use your own gold?
00:59.12steevmy own gold/alts
00:59.26Primerwhat's the going price for those on your realm?
00:59.42Primerthey're running about 1700 on mine
01:00.07PrimerWhen my pug downed Festergut, no one wanted the quest item
01:00.15Primerbecause they were all so fucking cheap
01:00.53PrimerHad I been on my DK, I would have taken it in a heartbeat, but I had to lock it to guild, which can't down Festergut, because we can't fill a 25 man raid consistently
01:01.16steevi got a couple for 1900ish
01:01.38Primerthen after you get it you have to kill 1000 mobs?
01:01.51steevthe first dk that got one is done with that, and unholy infusion
01:01.57Primeris that any mobs that yield exp/honor, or only ICC mobs?
01:01.58steevthe second dk who got it is ~400 mobs
01:02.02steevany in ICC
01:02.42steevits really not that difficult
01:02.50PrimerDoes ICC 10 count?
01:03.06steevanything you do damage to
01:03.11steev<3 pestilence
01:03.32PrimerI only recently started to L2DPS on my DK
01:03.43Primeras I'd leveled him tank, and remained tank for a long time
01:03.58NivFreakthe infusions are 25man only though
01:04.00steevicy touch, plague strike, pestilence, death and decay, rinse, repeat on trash
01:04.03Primerdid 8k DPS on FC in ToC 25, out-dps'd everyone by like 2k DPS
01:04.20steevthats more dps than me :(
01:04.36steevi spend most of my time interrupting/chaining
01:04.40PrimerI have an unholy DPS spec
01:04.45Primerplus I'm the raid leader
01:04.50Primerso I can do whatever I want
01:05.08Primerwe're in ToC 25 still to gear up and test tryouts
01:05.16AeyanBack when the 4pc was for both diseases, I don't think I had more fun than FC, hehe
01:05.20Primersince we're still trying to's a bitch
01:05.53NivFreaknothing like cutting teeth on current content
01:05.55*** join/#wowace Next96 (Next96@
01:06.13NivFreakPrimer: I think our DK was 12k on FC?
01:06.30NivFreakhe was having fun with it
01:06.46WobWorkuntil they cap aoe on DKs =P
01:06.54NivFreakthat's tricky
01:07.21PrimerNivFreak: I don't know how to DK though
01:07.25PrimerDK DPS, at least
01:07.39NivFreakyea, ours does heh
01:07.56PrimerI'm still trying to figure out my DPS rotation
01:08.17Primerand not end up without runes for pestilence once diseases get close to falling
01:08.59AntiarcPestilence is broken now that we have AOE caps
01:09.02steevmake sure to blood strike so you get desolation
01:09.08PrimerI can't get used to the "do nothing while waiting for a cooldown" thing
01:09.22steevPrimer: horn during that time
01:09.28Primersteev: aaaahhhh
01:10.22PrimerI have a few videos up on youtube of me dpsing on my lock, where the mic pics up me slamming my keys non-stop
01:10.27Primerthat's how I got used to doing dps
01:10.55Primercan't do that with melee (I have a feral druid at 76 that I'm also trying to figure out)
01:11.59Repo10boss-notes: 03Bethink * r282 / (2 files in 2 directories):
01:12.01RepoFIX: Check debuffs in addition to buffs when evaluating aura conditions
01:12.04NivFreakslamming keys as a lock?
01:12.10Primerwant to see it?
01:12.13NivFreaknot really ;)
01:12.18steevthere you go Primer
01:12.21steevdps as kitty
01:12.30NivFreakI miss the pre-2.3 GCD as a melee class
01:12.38NivFreakmy keyboard doesn't though
01:12.39Primersteev: hehe
01:13.06Repo10grid2: 03Azethoth * r352 Options (2 files in 2 directories): Add standard and opacity options
01:13.07RepoStandardize names
01:13.08RepoFix handlers that did not return options
01:13.42NivFreakman, more grid2 commits
01:15.18*** join/#wowace ckknight (~ckknight@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/CurseStaff/CurseForge/ckknight)
01:15.19*** mode/#wowace [+o ckknight] by ChanServ
01:15.51AeyanI've tried to use it several times
01:16.03AeyanI guess I'm just too set in my ways by now
01:16.44PrimerI like pitbull too much to switch
01:17.23Repo10big-wigs: 037destiny * r7244 Citadel/LichKing.lua:
01:17.24RepoCitadel/LichKing: Set icon on Harvest Soul, add whisper, flash.
01:17.25PrimerI'm still thinking of writing a PB4 module to show direction to a raid member
01:17.38AeyanWell, I've gotten extremely used to the grid layout
01:17.56AeyanI keep trying to emulate it with alternatives but the smallest details annoy me
01:18.15AeyanOr more important things like raid debuffs
01:18.45PrimerYou mean grid vs. grid2?
01:19.07AeyanYes, but I've configured others as well
01:19.16AeyanLike SUF
01:20.01AeyanIt's not the addons, usually
01:20.03AeyanJust me =P
01:22.45PrimerI hear you. I'm very particular
01:26.41*** join/#wowace cyndis (
01:27.42*** join/#wowace calrik (
01:38.57ckknightPrimer: direction?
01:39.13PrimerI wrote an addon to do that a while back
01:39.26Primerwhich used TomTom's arrow
01:39.52Primerbut I was thinking it'd be pretty simple to implement as an addition to PB4 as a module
01:40.05PrimerAll the code to determine the direction already exists
01:40.18ckknightcopy one of the indicator modules
01:40.29ckknightthat'd be the type you'd want
01:40.33PrimerI'd just need to create an image with like, 16 points
01:40.43Primeryeah, I was going to base it off of raid icon
01:40.49steevyou know what sucks
01:41.14steevwhen you wait a week after posting something with 0 responses, and you go and google search for it... and your post is the top result
01:41.35PrimerI've been wondering if it's less intensive to show/hide a series of images, or move one image and use it as a sprite
01:41.59Primerone image with 16 positions, or 16 images
01:42.25Repo10grid2: 03Azethoth * r353 Options/locales/enUS.lua: -- Reset verbage
01:43.28Repo10grid2: 03Azethoth * r354 Options/GridStatuses.lua: --Spacer for layer dropdown
01:45.57Repo10grid2statusafk: 03Azethoth * r22 Options/Grid2StatusAFKOptions.lua: --Add layer options
01:45.58Repo10big-wigs: 03funkydude * r7245 Citadel (7 files in 2 directories):
01:46.00RepoCitadel/Valithria: Add icon on skeleton, hopefully make mana void warning actually work.
01:46.01Repo10status-aura-group: 03Azethoth * r52 Options/Grid2StatusAuraGroupOptions.lua: --Add layer options
01:46.03Repo10grid2statusdungeonrole: 03Azethoth * r13 Grid2StatusDungeonRole.lua:
01:46.04Repo-- Opacity code moved to core + globally affects color alpha instead of being a separate setting.
01:46.05Repo10grid2statusdungeonrole: 03Azethoth * r14 / (4 files in 2 directories): -- Add locales
01:47.20Repo10grid2statusdungeonrole: 03Azethoth * r15 Options (2 files in 2 directories):
01:49.28*** join/#wowace Lienne1 (
01:51.28Repo-- Opacity code moved to core + globally affects color alpha instead of being a separate setting.
01:51.29Repo-- Add custom text for options
01:51.30Repo10status-group: 03Azethoth * r13 Options/Grid2StatusGroupOptions.lua: --Add opacity and layer options
01:51.31Repo10grid2: 03Azethoth * r355 RaidDebuffsOptions/Grid2StatusRaidDebuffsOptions.lua: --Add layer options
01:51.33Repo10status-res: 03Azethoth * r29 Options/Grid2StatusResOptions.lua: -- Add layer options
01:52.11steevfreaking a
01:52.17steevi'm still waiting on this mail to send
01:52.28steevPrimer: i hate you :P
01:54.06Repo10status-target-icon: 03Azethoth * r20 Options/Grid2StatusTargetIconOptions.lua: -- make options a local function
01:54.07Repo-- Override default name for colors
01:55.05Primersteev: doh!
01:56.00ckknightPrimer: sprite.
01:57.01Primerckknight: Is it substantial?
01:57.09Repo10big-wigs: 037destiny * r7246 Citadel/Locales/koKR.lua: koKR Update
01:57.15ckknightPrimer: probably not.
01:57.31ckknightPrimer: though I have not run tests.
01:57.58steevnow, im having mail lag receiving :/
02:02.24*** join/#wowace DarkerAudit (
02:03.15*** join/#wowace Funkeh` (~funk@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/Ace3/BigWigs/funkeh)
02:03.15*** mode/#wowace [+o Funkeh`] by ChanServ
02:11.18ckknightIf Zelda were a girl, would she date Metroid?
02:12.01Hjaltesteev: You using as a mail provider?
02:12.34steevHjalte: whatever wow has :P
02:12.44Hjaltesteev: Bah, ingame.
02:12.46AntiarcMetroids are the jellyfish things
02:13.01steevthis shit is getting seriously retarded
02:13.01AntiarcPerhaps you mean Samus
02:15.22ShadowedHey, in Japan that would be entirely reasonable
02:16.23steevi'm pretty sure there's some hentai of it out there
02:17.09ShadowedI would be pretty disappointed in the internet if there wasn't
02:19.25steevnow it won't give me shadow's edge
02:22.33steevthat is fucking retarded
02:22.46steeva god damned runeforge made the weapon, they the hell can't i use it
02:23.53AbstractHHow do I copy a pitbull config from one account to another?
02:25.19steevcopy the sv file over?
02:28.03Gnarfozsteev: what are you saying? you can't complete the quest? ^^
02:28.36steevGnarfoz: no no - finally got the weapon
02:28.46steevjust the fact that i have to go back to acherus or fly to shadow vault
02:28.53steevwhen a damn runeforge created the weapon
02:29.01Gnarfozhaha, yeah
02:29.07Gnarfozit's his personal special one
02:29.09GnarfozYOU can't use it.
02:29.15*** join/#wowace Next96 (Next96@
02:29.16steevi call shenanigans
02:29.25*** join/#wowace Jygga (
02:29.27*** join/#wowace Jygga (~Jygga@unaffiliated/jygga)
02:30.35steev2568 str
02:30.45steevwith just kings
02:40.23Repo10deus-vox-encounters: 03kollektiv 07master * v442-8-g5fa7421 / (3 files in 2 directories): [+2 commits]
02:40.24Repo5fa7421: Deathwhisper: Add 25h DnD spellid
02:40.25Repo6a861d1: Marrowgar: Fix Bone Storm duration on 25m hard
02:45.59Gnarfozthe duration changes? awesome
02:46.17Gnarfozalso, DXE for some reasons calls berserk timers enrage timer =(
02:47.14*** join/#wowace Kilroo1 (
02:49.36Repo10big-wigs: 037destiny * r7247 Citadel/LichKing.lua: Citadel/LichKing: Fix spam Valkyr, phase count.
02:50.03*** join/#wowace pompy (
02:55.46WobWorkIsn't Zelda a girl?
02:55.50WobWorkwhen wasn't she a girl?
02:56.37WobWork(1:11:18 PM) ckknight: If Zelda were a girl, would she date Metroid?
02:57.16ckknightyou got trolled.
02:57.32ckknightalso, Metroid, a.k.a. Samus Aran, is also female
02:58.01WobWorkThat's a terrible troll
02:58.08WobWorknot terrible
02:58.27WobWorkMaybe a "Tro"
02:58.54WobWorkckknight: also, so what if Samus is female, why would that prevent her from dating Zelda?
02:59.33ckknightnothing, really, but people make assumptions, e.g. Link's name is Zelda, Metroid is a guy inside the suit.
03:00.24WobWorkYou say that on a channel -this- geeky?
03:00.46WobWorkThe fact that Antiarc could identify just -what- was a Metroid is evidence enough =P
03:02.52steevi just trolled our guild with it
03:03.01steevthey're going on and on, on vent
03:04.01Arrowmasterseriously ive only ever played one metroid game and didnt even finish it, and never played a zelda game and i knew those
03:04.10Repo10big-wigs: 03mojosdojo * r7248 / (9 files in 3 directories): * Citadel/Valithria: Add portal count.
03:04.11Repo* Citadel/Sindragosa: optionHeaders.
03:10.47Repo10big-wigs: 03ananhaid * r7249 Citadel (4 files in 2 directories): BigWigs:
03:10.47Repo- zhTW update.
03:10.49Repo- typo.
03:14.10Repo10deus-vox-encounters: 03kollektiv 07heroic_wip * v442-10-gd38f973 / (127 files in 20 directories): [new, +2 commits]
03:14.12Repod38f973: Deathwhisper: Fixed cult timer on 25h
03:14.13Repo2f8d4e9: Deathwhisper: Add 25h Frostbolt spellid
03:19.21Repo10grid2: 03Azethoth * r356 Options (2 files in 1 directory): --Fix locale string
03:19.48*** join/#wowace rmk (
03:20.41Repo10status-aura-group: 03Azethoth * r53 Options/Grid2StatusAuraGroupOptions.lua: --Fix locale string
03:25.16Repo10deus-vox-encounters: 03kollektiv 07heroic_wip * v442-11-gddfd3b9 Encounters/Citadel/Deathwhisper.lua: [+1 commit] Deathwhisper: Shorten Cult Timer by 2s for 25h
03:27.04steevlost the roll on deathbringer's will :(
03:28.17pompyholy shit, wtf
03:29.24*** join/#wowace rmk- (
03:33.29steevwoot! #3 on saurfang
03:34.54steevat least, according to the hunter's recount
03:35.02steevwe will see what WoL says later
03:35.25steevi think bone shield might have fallen off though
03:39.50*** join/#wowace digmouse (~chatzilla@
03:39.58Repo10big-wigs: 03mojosdojo * r7250 Citadel (2 files in 2 directories):
03:39.59RepoCitadel/LichKing: Fix bit flags, cleanup events and options, remove unneeded locals.
03:43.59Killmorenice trick from premonition, they didnt kill lich king25 last week so they recruit someone that already killed lich king to enter heroic 25
03:45.00HjalteLive stream on wor of Vigil at heroic Deathwhisper. Uh!
03:45.23digmousehah, but from which guild?
03:46.04quiescenssteev: you need more ram
03:46.18HjalteIt's the guild "Vigil"
03:46.31HjalteThey seem to be doing alright, had her at 65% last try
03:46.51Axodiousthat's where we are
03:46.56HjalteAdds keep spawning in P2 of heroic mode and ghosts seem to do a lot of damage
03:47.06Axodiousghosts hit for ~20k
03:47.16quiescensdon't get hit
03:47.17Axodious20 yard splash too
03:51.09Repo10deus-vox-encounters: 03kollektiv 07heroic_wip * v442-12-gfb61da9 Encounters/Citadel/Deathwhisper.lua: [+1 commit] Deathwhisper: Added Dominate Mind raid marking. Adjusted Cult timer -- 25h
03:51.43steevquiescens: no i don't
03:52.02quiescenssure you do
03:52.22quiescensanother 2.5 terabytes or so
03:52.23Repo10deus-vox-encounters: 03kollektiv 07master * v442-9-g2f8d4e9 Encounters/Citadel/Deathwhisper.lua: [+1 commit] Deathwhisper: Add 25h Frostbolt spellid
03:52.36quiescensit couldn't hurt
03:52.43quiescensactually it probably would break something
03:54.03quiescensyou should try it and find out
03:55.47steevquiescens: you buy it, ill use it
03:57.38HjalteThey are talking about aggro indicators on the stream, but wouldn't that require a raid member targeting or having their mouse over all the ghosts? Not necessarily the same raid member obviously.
03:57.58HjalteAs a way of knowing if ghosts are targeting you.
04:00.31AbstractHHow do I copy profile from one toon on an account to another?
04:00.56AbstractHanother toon, on another account?
04:01.52AbstractHI figured. But how?
04:06.33steevAbstractH: i normally copy the entire account, rename
04:09.44digmouseAbstractH: recommend create a SV profile with reflux
04:10.12digmouseand copy SV, login, switch to the reflux profile and you're done
04:11.39Repo10big-wigs: 037destiny * r7251 Citadel (2 files in 2 directories): Citadel/LichKing: stop bar for Transition. koKR Update
04:15.35arkanesso patch is our servers raid weekly
04:15.54arkanesso we tanked him in the middle of frogger, at at 2% the tanks DIed each other
04:16.09arkanesstill got the speed kill achieve
04:37.42Groktari love sexycooldown now
04:37.45Groktarso much
04:37.50Groktarpoops on coolline
04:39.40Antiarcglad you approve
04:40.47Groktari still haven't figured out what is messing up my bossframes tho
04:41.05Groktaron fights like princes/gunship
04:41.48Groktartries disabling sexymap again to make sure
04:47.39SilowyiGroktar: Sexy Map's movers feature if you move the boss frame can have... very odd results...
04:48.16Silowyialso Antiarc: Dunno if you saw my earlier comments about SexyMap causing me instance lag... turns out it wasn't SexyMap, was another addon called FlightHUD I had forgotten about Authenticator in Android Market
04:48.31Hjaltejnwhiteh and fisker ^
04:49.55Silowyito the channel in general: If any progression guild, preferrably one with solid leadership who isn't stuck on Blood Queen cause the GM refuses to kick the person who's gotten mind controlled 4 times, wants an unholy DPS DK with Shadow's Edge/5400 blood tanking set (familar with frost tanking and could spec for that too if needed). I am really wanting to ditch this show.
04:49.55Groktari disabled it for princes and didn't have the issue
04:50.04Groktari asked antiarc about it last time and he hadn't seen it
04:50.08*** join/#wowace pompy (
04:50.32Groktarnow it's time for me to steal the first bite on blood queen >.>
04:50.33arkanesSilowyi: tankspots got a pretty good recruitment forum
04:50.49Silowyiarkanes: Thanks for the tip, I had not thought of that
04:52.51Repo10big-wigs: 037destiny * r7252 Citadel (2 files in 2 directories): Citadel/Sindragosa: Set icons on bacon.
04:54.15pompybacon eh? ;p
04:57.15HjalteClear the frontpage
04:57.38HjalteI bet he's sleeping.
04:59.28*** join/#wowace Cavisty^gerber (
05:02.50steevanyone notice that Wrathful Gladiator's Girdle of Salvation, is Warrior, Paladin ?
05:04.24Repo10grid2: 03Azethoth * r357 modules/IndicatorBar.lua: consolidate bar & bar-color dbx
05:05.10*** join/#wowace Torhal (
05:05.10*** mode/#wowace [+v Torhal] by ChanServ
05:06.09Repo10grid2: 03Azethoth * r358 Options (2 files in 1 directory): consolidate bar & bar-color dbx
05:09.35*** part/#wowace Seerah (
05:11.48steevfinally beat him in dps :P
05:13.40*** join/#wowace cncfanatics (~cncfanati@WoWUIDev/cncfanatics)
05:18.34WobWorksteev: I bet he's indifferent about it
05:24.26*** join/#wowace KriLL3 (
05:24.26*** join/#wowace KriLL3 (~chatzilla@unaffiliated/krill3)
05:26.11*** join/#wowace calrik (
05:29.07Repo10big-wigs: 037destiny * r7253 Citadel (2 files in 1 directory): Citadel/LichKing: Add missing spellID
05:29.22RepoCitadel/Marrowgar: Add missing spellID, and Bone storm warn(25man hard)
05:31.47*** join/#wowace digmouse (~chatzilla@
05:35.24*** join/#wowace Natch| (
05:38.53*** join/#wowace Venara (
05:40.18Groktaryep, sexymap broke on dreamwalker
05:40.58Repo10arl: 03pompachomp * r2856 Database (2 files in 1 directory):
05:40.59quiescensblames groktar
05:41.00RepoFixed some skill levels of recipes in the Leatherworking and Alchemy databases.
05:44.01Groktarquiescens: :(
05:44.50Repo10facesmasher: 03DWSR 07master * bcf40ef script-defines.lua: [+1 commit] More work on script-defines.lua. Added documentation, started fleshing out functions.
05:53.12*** join/#wowace Venara (
05:55.00*** join/#wowace Natch| (
06:01.35Repo10deus-vox-encounters: 03kollektiv 07heroic_wip * v442-13-g815855e Encounters/Citadel/Gunship_Battle.lua: [+1 commit] Gunship Battle: Update 25h spellids
06:17.54*** join/#wowace eblume (~Erich@
06:18.24*** join/#wowace Natch| (
06:23.36*** join/#wowace calrik (
06:24.43*** join/#wowace kenlyric (~chatzilla@2001:18e8:3:443:1167:dcce:c0b8:2204)
06:25.39*** join/#wowace Venara (
06:32.05*** join/#wowace koaschten (
06:35.40*** join/#wowace Natch| (
06:39.06Repo10dungeonspeedrunner: 03OrionShock 07master * v0.7-beta-10-g3cb6b02 DungeonSpeedRunner.lua: [+2 commits]
06:39.07Repo3cb6b02: add some debug for kicks
06:39.08Repod27acda: add check for when LFG Completion fires w/o proper start
06:46.56*** join/#wowace Venara|afk (
06:51.53*** join/#wowace pompy (
06:55.57steevhooray for not needing to do the random dungeon on every friggin alt every day anymore
06:58.19*** join/#wowace Vilkku (~Vilkku@
06:58.27*** join/#wowace Venara (
06:59.24*** join/#wowace Natch| (
07:13.13*** join/#wowace eoM_rM (
07:13.49Repo10deus-vox-encounters: 03kollektiv 07master * v442-15-g833f794 / (5 files in 2 directories): [+6 commits] (2 truncated)
07:14.03Repo833f794: Fixed hard mode detection
07:14.04Repobc3b63e: Gunship Battle: Update 25h spellids
07:14.06Repob026bc7: Deathwhisper: Added Dominate Mind raid marking. Adjusted Cult timer -- 25h
07:14.07Repo0ba1e29: Deathwhisper: Shorten Cult Timer by 2s for 25h
07:15.45steevthere's no way to tell how people are doing in the guns during gunship battle?
07:16.59Repo10deus-vox-encounters: 03kollektiv 07master * v442-16-gb2a4db6 Encounters/Citadel/Deathwhisper.lua: [+1 commit] Deathwhisper: Only stop the Cult timer if on 10 or 25 normal
07:17.32*** join/#wowace KriLL3 (~chatzilla@unaffiliated/krill3)
07:17.44*** join/#wowace Natch| (
07:20.16*** join/#wowace Aens|Superiority (
07:22.57Hjaltesteev: You can with Recount I believe.
07:24.15*** join/#wowace pentium166 (
07:26.23*** join/#wowace Venara|afk (
07:29.56orionshockquestion, how does one represent "Less than one minute",  is it written  " 1> min" or "<1 min"  ??
07:31.03orionshocknevermind, question answered
07:31.19*** join/#wowace evl (~evl@
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07:32.11quiescensgo tos leep
07:32.20quiescensor go to sleep
07:34.05HjalteI just saw an ad on a website featuring a female anime warrior type and the text "She is actually in the game my lord". Does anyone else get the reference?
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07:37.43Fiskeram fart Hjalte
07:40.12Hjalte^ nsfw
07:40.44HjalteI hadn't seen the reference ad before.
07:40.45KriLL3heh, the focus shifted somewhat...
07:41.05KriLL3from d20 to DD
07:41.17HjalteThey got worse than that even'
07:41.31KriLL3adblock ftw
07:43.06*** join/#wowace Natch| (
07:43.44Repo10boss-notes: 03tatechen * r283 Locales/Locale-zhTW.lua: Traditional-Chinese update
07:45.47Hjalte - Is the menu on this website extending to two lines for anyone? - Or does anyone have suggestions to avoid peoples weird browsers from forcing big letters that do it?
07:46.07Repo10facesmasher: 03DWSR 07master * b8eb659 script-defines.lua: [+1 commit] Moar script-defines.lua work.
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07:47.06KriLL3not very functional menu, and I'd recommend locking down the dimensions of the items
07:47.16KriLL3if I zoom the page the text gets bigger and wraps
07:47.22DWSRHjalte: that works fine for me.
07:48.11DWSRThough, what KriLL3 said happens here as well.
07:48.18DWSRYou need a fixed width div.
07:49.58Fiskerhey KriLL3
07:53.07Fiskernonono KriLL3
07:53.38Fiskerwith a hammer
07:56.55KriLL3Hjalte: you got 44 errors:
07:57.45HjalteKriLL3: Yeah, I am still learning. I've only had low level html classes and I'm not in school anymore. So most of what I do is trial and error.
07:58.46KriLL3well use doctype, and don't rely on JS, completely redundant
07:59.03KriLL3and don't use tables for layout
07:59.56KriLL3no real reason to wrap your menu anchors in spans either, can style anchors the same as spans
08:00.26HjalteKriLL3: I realise tables are bad, but they are easy. And most of the menu deal is borrowed code that I tweaked. I really should take some classes.
08:00.55KriLL3your css is a mess
08:01.07KriLL3#Style5 ?
08:01.14KriLL3not very descriptive
08:01.36KriLL3and listing a bunch of elements separately to overrule their defaults is a bit inefficient
08:01.41KriLL3can list em using , to apply to all
08:01.44HjalteIt's a mess, but it's a small page and I hope no-one else has to take over after me.
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08:02.13KriLL3or use * {padding: 0; margin: 0;} but then you need to apply margin and or padding yourself
08:03.00HjalteKriLL3: Do you mean something like ul#topnav li span.aktiviteter,foreningen,nyheder { ?
08:03.13KriLL3well you need the entire rule repeated
08:03.25KriLL3I meant more the p, h1, h2, h3 stuff
08:03.35Hjalteah yeah
08:04.12*** join/#wowace Natch| (
08:04.39HjalteI haven't been doing websites for a long time, so I brush up on the little skills I have by googling stuff when I encounter problems and mostly copy-pasting the example that looks the easiest to modify.
08:04.47KriLL3but yes anything that shares declarations can be bunchbed into the same rule
08:05.25KriLL3just separate the selectors with commas
08:07.20HjalteThe stylesheet could use a lot of tidying up like you say. Half of it is me being inexperienced and half of it is me being more lazy than what's good for me. Like not figuring out how to do it the easy way and just copy-pasting.
08:09.26KriLL3try to keep it tidy, good habit to have, especially if you at some point drop that code to move on and then later come back to it
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08:13.06HjalteKriLL3: This is likely the most advanced stuff I've ever done, so I will probably be tidying up in the end. Cheers for the advice. I really should go to bed now. Being tired doesn't help clean coding :)
08:15.26Repo10big-wigs: 037destiny * r7254 Citadel (3 files in 2 directories): Citadel/Deathwhisper: Add Summon Spirit(25 hard)
08:15.27RepoCitadel/Gunship: Fix timer
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08:19.05Groktar28 emblems of frost to go
08:19.09Groktarand then i'll be done with dps gear
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08:28.00quiescensuntil they change something
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08:50.54BWMerlincan someone explain to me the story behind the decursive black list?
08:51.36Archarodimit's just someone that doesn't disearve to use Decursive
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08:52.59Archarodimyou can look in the source code in Dcr_init.lua at line 806
08:53.23TNSe|But why does he lower performance for us other users :P
08:53.33*** part/#wowace Speedy1 (
08:53.44Archarodimit's a one time check at login no perf impact
08:54.05TNSe|anyway, w hats the story behind it :P
08:54.11TNSe|or does it say in the source
08:55.05Archarodimwell in the source near its obfuscated name (so he won't find it that easily) you can read :
08:55.08Archarodim-- This one gave me the most horrible experience I ever had in a pickup-group (At the Oculus). He is a terrible leader ; the kind of incompetent person who will accuse you of his own failures. All of this in a perverse and insidious way so he can turn others against you.
08:55.31olafskistill sounds petty.. and you let him get to you
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08:56.02ArcharodimI know but I don't want him to use my work
08:56.18olafskiwe got that :P
08:56.22purl (US); (EU) [NB: URL goes to 404 unless there's an active alert]
08:56.32Repo10boss-notes: 03tatechen * r284 Locales/Locale-zhTW.lua: Traditional-Chinese update
08:57.39TNSe|haha, you even obfuscate them :P
08:57.52ArcharodimI'm not sure if I let it in the final release yet
08:58.12Archarodimjust a lttle but |A|r|a|d|o|s|
08:58.50hasteyou added some random turd to your add-ons defautl blacklist?
08:59.07Archarodimrandom turd?
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08:59.21olafskia turd that is random
08:59.27hasteplayer if that didn't connect
08:59.27*** join/#wowace Lysithea (
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09:00.28Archarodimthere is nothing random
09:01.51ArcharodimThe real issue is that I can't accept that nothing can be done about such people in game
09:02.57FiskerHEY HASTE
09:03.04hasteFisker: haroo
09:03.12SunTsuArcharodim: just realize that life is unfair, put them onto ignore, move on - carying it into addon development is wrong, IMNSHO
09:03.30Fiskerok haste
09:03.46SunTsucarrying even
09:04.23hasteI honestly hope your add-on gets removed from aceforge
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09:07.23olafskisuntsu++ :)
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09:10.16quiescensI had someone yell at me and call me names for not helping them summon outside icecrown citadel when we were in different phases
09:10.40olafskiis there a list of quests one needs to do to be in the "final" phase? my gf was annoyed by that last night too :)
09:11.05olafskiI told her to just do all icecrown quests but that wasn't satisfactory
09:11.06quiescensthey were just like
09:11.12quiescensclick the portal
09:11.19quiescensand such
09:11.49quiescenssprinkled with swearing of course
09:12.36quiescenson a different thingy
09:12.43quiescensslightly different subject
09:13.11quiescenswould be funny to be out of phase with the majority of people, and summon people there, when there's an opposite faction raid
09:20.20ArcharodimSo everyone thinks I should remove the Arados exception?
09:22.56ShefkiEU realms up yet?
09:25.04Fiskersome are
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09:38.23Repo10big-wigs: 037destiny * r7255 Citadel (3 files in 1 directory): Citadel/Marrowgar: Add Bonestorm timer for hard mode
09:38.31RepoCitadel/Deathwhisper: Add Adds timer for hard mode
09:38.32RepoCitadel/Saurfang: Add Berserk for hard mode
09:39.36BWMerlinArcharodim: you are not the only author that has a black list
09:40.08Archarodimha? who else ?
09:40.34BWMerliniirc outfitter
09:41.31Archarodimhaste: what you don't like are the '|' between the letters of the player name?
09:41.31BWMerlinyes it does have a black list
09:48.07*** join/#wowace kd3 (~kd3@wikia/kaydeethree)
09:48.24Repo10big-wigs: 037destiny * r7256 Citadel/Deathwhisper.lua: Citadel/Deathwhisper: Fix optionHeaders
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10:00.19hasteArcharodim: it's obvious that I don't like the fact that you even have such a blacklist
10:00.41Fiskeri don't like the '|'
10:00.46Fiskeri find it offensive to _'s
10:03.58FiskerArcharodim disables the addon for a certain player
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10:32.52Fiskerhey Shefki
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10:40.06Repo10big-wigs: 037destiny * r7257 Citadel/Deathwhisper.lua: Citadel/Deathwhisper: Add Frostbolt cast in hard mode.
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10:53.24vhaarrwait, what
10:53.27vhaarr"With the StarCraft II Marketplace, players will be able to browse, download, rate, comment on, and even buy mods if their creators choose to put a price tag on their work."
10:53.44vhaarrso .. you can sell SC2 mods, but not WoW mods
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10:54.52evlvhaarr: their IP, their choice? :P
10:54.59KriLL3well in SC2 mods are more defined
10:55.05*** join/#wowace Vilkku (~Vilkku@
10:55.06KriLL3it's additional maps, units etc
10:55.11KriLL3it's content, not UI
10:55.37vhaarrevl: yes, really I don't care though, I don't want to sell anything; it's just weird to have different policies, especially when both games will probably be connected to this new service
10:55.40KriLL3fairly sure that's the case, they're big on SC map making & mods
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10:55.48evlvhaarr: one is a bit older than the other
10:56.05KriLL3well WoW won't be as tied into I think
10:56.12evlvhaarr: and micropayments only really got accepted as of app store et. al
10:56.17KriLL3while is the backbone of SC2
10:56.37olafskioutrageous I say!
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10:57.19vhaarryes, what indeed could make it tremor
10:57.28Fiskerfel reaver
10:57.32Fiskerand so forth
10:57.54Fiskeranyway microtransactions = sweet money in blizzards pocket
10:58.31KriLL3hmm, can't the ground tremor in preparation for cataclysm?
10:58.42*** join/#wowace [SW]Dodge`oFF (
10:58.52KriLL3earthquakes often precede volcanic eruptions
10:59.01vhaarrFisker: it's deathwing :P
10:59.04KriLL3or it's a bug
10:59.06vhaarrKriLL3: exactly
10:59.27KriLL3deathwing cranked his vibrator to 11
10:59.48FiskerBS blue responses often precede reality
11:00.30KriLL3Fisker: they just enjoy being cryptic
11:00.55KriLL3they encouraged speculation on deep breath frequency for ages
11:01.33Dessahrm, something broke the bigwigs alphas recently, get dc'd when i have it loaded
11:04.39*** part/#wowace CrazyBenny_ (
11:06.33Fiskeralphas eat your baby
11:07.26Dessagood that i don't have one anyway, then
11:07.36koaschten hahahahahahahahaha
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11:12.20Dessabah, i guess i won't be able to do anything productive today, now even happens with addons disabled <.<
11:12.31Dessaso Fisker is wrong, basicly.
11:17.19Fiskerold Dessa
11:17.26SunTsuDessa: Fisker is always wrong, hence the name
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11:19.11Fiskerslaps kd3 around a bit with a large trout
11:26.42olafskiI'm getting lovely charms for healing.. thought it was just killing blows?
11:27.21olafskiah nm :P
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11:28.57[Ammo]if you wanta  quick charm farm, go do flame lev :)
11:30.58Fiskerfixed already [Ammo]
11:31.04Fiskerand they changed it now as well
11:31.17FiskerIt gets randomly distributed to everyone in the party now
11:31.22Fiskerprovided that you're within range of course
11:31.54*** join/#wowace Venara (
11:36.12olafskihaha told my gf she should've done the achievements yesterday
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11:37.35Fiskershould've done them last year
11:38.18olafskiwell yes
11:38.22olafskibut this char is less than a year old
11:38.55olafskihm I wonder if prospecting cobalt ore and selling the results is better than selling the ore :<
11:40.49olafskithey sure made some of the achievements easier
11:42.36*** join/#wowace faCe| (
11:52.31Groktarapproaches olafski with a dead drout
11:53.08olafski11] [Necroneukah]: DPS looking for tough love
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11:57.13olafskithe crown chemical co. chests look like weighted companion cubes :<
11:58.52Repo10big-wigs: 037destiny * r7258 Citadel/Marrowgar.lua: Citadel/Deathwhisper: Fix Bonestorm :/
11:59.02*** join/#wowace Legorol (
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12:05.55Fiskerslaps Groktar around a bit with a large trout
12:05.57Fiskeryou slapd
12:08.11*** join/#wowace Next96 (Next96@
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12:20.28DessaFisker: openldap, huh?
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12:27.56Repo10big-wigs: 03Pettigrow * r7259 Citadel (4 files in 2 directories): frFR Update
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12:30.43Fiskerno u slapd
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13:10.45Repo10big-wigs: 037destiny * r7260 Citadel/LichKing.lua: Citadel/LichKing: Fix valkyr, add horror stop bar.
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13:15.22yoshimoi have seen a transparent bear in the game, is this another tcg-pet?
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13:22.13robotuschyoshimo, nah, new rare in Grizzly Hills
13:22.14arkanesyoshimo: theres a tameable spectral bear
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13:30.03Fiskerhey robotusch
13:31.38yoshimoto bad that im not a hunter ;)
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13:54.27Repo10big-wigs: 037destiny * r7261 Citadel/LichKing.lua: Citadel/LichKing: tweak timer, add missing spellID
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14:05.14Repo10big-wigs: 03Pettigrow * r7262 Citadel/Locales/frFR.lua: frFR Update
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15:00.55Repo10big-wigs: 037destiny * r7263 Citadel (2 files in 1 directory): Citadel: Fix some :/
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15:19.38arkanesrofl, hot pockets are advertising on mmo-champ as "pizza without the lag"
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15:28.21Repo10big-wigs: 03funkydude * r7264 Citadel (4 files in 1 directory):
15:28.22RepoCitadel: Cleanups, Revert gunship timers change. Unless they were hotfixed changed, I don't know why they were changed here. If they are different on heroic, add heroic checks.
15:28.46*** join/#wowace Worf (
15:29.28Repo10raidycheck: 03Adirelle 07master * 12c8b63 / (15 files in 2 directories): [+14 commits] (10 truncated)
15:29.36Repo12c8b63: Do not forget to import addon.L in modules.
15:29.39Repo0d01c21: Merge branch 'master' of
15:29.39Repo2b322a0: Added localized strings.
15:29.44Repo71e17f4: Added frFR locales.
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15:46.23Adirelle|workgah, I should really avoid to merge directly from my home computer
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15:53.57Megalonmerges Fisker with Adirelle's home computer
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15:56.48Repo10big-wigs: 03funkydude * r7265 Citadel/Deathwhisper.lua: Citadel/Deathwhisper: Cleanup add timers more.
16:00.44Repo10drainsouler: 03kunda * r2 / (3 files in 1 directory): DrainSouler:
16:00.46RepoDrain Soul Notifier for Affliction Warlocks. Notifies you if target HP is below 25% (with Icon, HP%, DMG, Tick and TickTimer Display).
16:00.48Repoinitial commit
16:10.27koaschtennot sure if i should yell "burn it with fire" or applaud them...
16:11.47Repo10big-wigs: 03funkydude * r7266 Citadel/Sindragosa.lua: Citadel/Sindragosa: change to a warmup style bar.
16:15.08Repo10big-wigs: 03funkydude * r7267 Citadel/Sindragosa.lua:
16:15.10RepoCitadel/Sindragosa: adjust a timer because of the previous commit.
16:15.25Ingelakoaschten, that owns :D
16:15.32Ingelatoo bad it doesn't work with like é and åäö :(
16:16.16Ingelai'm gonna try mmoui minion, is it nice?
16:16.34Gnarfozeven worse that the names on the site seem to indicate the authors are german o_O
16:16.40Gnarfozor austrian
16:17.01Ingelamaybe they fixed it by now
16:17.25*** join/#wowace Starinnia (
16:18.33Gnarfoznah, still broken
16:18.37nicoli_sInegela: as far as i know, it hasnt been updated in forever
16:18.57Ingelanicoli_s, :(
16:19.54nicoli_sbut i am sort of biased, i work for curse
16:20.15Kaelten~lart nicoli_s
16:20.15purlstuffs nicoli_s into a shiny new tin can and vacuum seals it
16:21.02Ingelammo minion says latest version of bigwigs is 7214
16:21.20Funkeh`it doesn't do alphas
16:21.25Ingelale fu-
16:21.41koaschtendo i have to feel bad because i never heard about
16:21.42Funkeh`i dislike it since it's java
16:22.26Ingelaah well, this doesn't give me anything curse gives me that i need, so fuck that!
16:22.40nicoli_sno koaschten, you shouldnt :P
16:22.50Kaeltenkoaschten: it's wowinterface's network's name
16:23.12koaschteni found the ZAM banner ,)
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16:34.06nevcairielGnarfoz: sounds more like austrian imho, maybe bavaria :P
16:35.40nevcairielGnarfoz: fun fact, that guy lives in the US :P
16:35.51nevcairielwhois in domain names ftw
16:37.54*** join/#wowace Axodious (~u2@
16:40.48Xtekgot some super-secret sc2 beta infos!
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16:44.42GnarfozXtek: "it's awesome"?
16:45.09Megalonnoe Gnarfoz
16:45.14Megalonyou can play humans
16:45.16Megalonand toss
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16:45.28GnarfozMegalon: oh shi-
16:45.35Megaloni need to change ma pants
16:48.27Xtek'lil bit more than that
16:48.48*** join/#wowace Athryn|mobile (~athmobile@
16:49.58Ingelai got some mail from that it will be an open beta
16:50.10Ingelanot just like friends and family beta
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16:54.13koaschtennevcairiel you simply could have read the about page then you'd know they study in denver
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16:55.20MegalonI also got some super-secret sc2 beta infos btw
16:55.35Megalonbut I'm not gonna tell anybody
16:55.39Megalonbecause they are so secret
16:55.42Axodiousgrrrrrrr stupid computer
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16:55.54Axodiousupdate bios now comptuer won't soft boot
16:55.57Axodiousonly hard >_>
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16:58.12quiescensburn it
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17:15.17steevlooks like they fixed getting charms in ulduar
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17:19.00arkanesMegalon: I heard that theres going to be a starcraft MMO and you can import your character from it as a hero class in SC2
17:19.10Repo10big-wigs: 03onyxmaster * r7268 Citadel/Locales/ruRU.lua: ruRU LK locale catchup
17:19.39arkanesMegalon: also the draenei will be a playable race, finally proving the link between space-goats and space-marines
17:19.47pompysteev: its all ur fault
17:22.50*** join/#wowace Thaoky (Thaoky@
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18:18.07Repo10big-wigs: 03mojosdojo * r7269 Citadel (2 files in 2 directories): deDE update.
18:28.39Repo10atlasloot-enhanced: 03Dynaletik * r2550 Locales/ deDE update
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18:45.41Fiskerslaps ckknight around a bit with a large trout
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18:47.45ckknighthey Fisker
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19:19.19Repo10bunch-of-bars: 03Mininova * r110 / (2 files in 2 directories): BunchOfBars:
19:19.21Repo- added some more debuffs
19:20.03*** join/#wowace CrazyBenny_ (
19:20.50RepoNew addon: Kahsm's Unit Frames. Kahsm (Manager/Author). Experimental. Approved by Torhal.
19:21.54RepoNew addon: DrainSouler. kunda (Manager/Author). Approved by Torhal.
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20:32.46Repo10big-wigs: 03funkydude * r7270 Citadel/Deathwhisper.lua:
20:32.49RepoCitadel/Deathwhisper: Remove summon spirit warning, I don't see how it's useful since they have a mind of their own. Add a bar for frostbolt.
20:34.49*** join/#wowace CrazyBenny_ (~s_m@
20:36.38nevcairielasmodai: in case you didnt notice, they have a native android authenticator now, you can throw away the j2me hackjob again :D
20:37.29steevGood news everybody! I've fixed the poison slime pipes!
20:37.46nevcairieldid he really say good news everybody?
20:37.49nevcairieli forgot
20:37.56nevcairielalthough the quoet would be everyone, but meh :)
20:37.58genetik-everyone, i think
20:38.11steevi thought it was everybody so as to not infringe
20:38.51steevapparently it is everyone
20:39.59genetik-I think I made an angry poo-poo.. it gonna blow!
20:40.35genetik-that's my favorite
20:47.05*** join/#wowace VonhintenHOME` (
20:48.01steevgenetik-: i'm a fan of Two oozes, one room! So many delightful possibilities... myself
20:48.15AeyanWhat? Precious? Noooooooooooooo!
20:48.23olafskinevcairiel: is there a windows mobile version of the authenticator too?
20:48.43nevcairielwhat do i care or know
20:50.39asmodainevcairiel: didn't work anyway
20:50.47asmodainevcairiel: but they do have a native android now?
20:50.50asmodaiMMmm *checks*
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20:58.41nevcairieli just retired my hw token
20:59.21nevcairieljust search for it in the android market :)
21:02.15Torhalnevcairiel: My motherboard is a freak. I moved everything from my two 80GB IDE drives to the new drive, shut down, removed them from the case. I went to boot into Gentoo and it kernel panicked trying to boot from the other SATA drive
21:04.04steevor its your grub config
21:04.06TorhalI can run both if I boot Ubuntu from the old SATA, but I can't boot Gentoo from the new one if the old one is enabled.
21:04.10Groktaromg text won't turn white
21:04.13Groktarblames Torhal
21:04.34Torhalsteev: GRUB is only configured for /dev/sda, it was trying to boot from /dev/sdb
21:05.00TorhalIn fact, when I installed it, /dev/sdb wasn't even plugged in
21:05.17durcynwhy would you want multiple bootloaders, just add it to menu.lst on the primary drive
21:05.20TorhalThat's actually the only way I could get it to work. It kept confusing /dev/sdb with /dev/sda
21:05.31Torhaldurcyn: I'm nuking Ubuntu.
21:05.43TorhalBut apparently I have to move the shit to the new drive while IN Ubuntu
21:05.45durcyngrub is grub, it doesn't matter
21:06.09durcynfeed it a kernel and a root device, what's the problem
21:06.19TorhalI AM
21:06.37Torhalroot (hd0,0)
21:06.42Torhalkernel /boot/kernel-2.6.31-gentoo-r6 root=/dev/sda3
21:06.58durcynyou just said gentoo was on hd1
21:07.34TorhalI have two physical drives. /dev/sdb is the old WD drive. /dev/sda is the new SeaGate with Gentoo on it
21:08.15TorhalIt's loading GRUB from the SeaGate, but trying to boot from the WD.
21:10.09durcynthen you need to run root (hd0,0) ; setup (hd0) again
21:10.20durcyni'd guess it was setup with root (hd1,0) set
21:10.40durcynlet's fight about bootloaders
21:10.48asmodainevcairiel: using the app now?
21:11.08TorhalSo, based on that, why the fuck is it mixing the two drives up? :P
21:11.09asmodaigot it installed now
21:11.19TorhalMy motherboard is on crack, is why.
21:11.33Torhaldurcyn: In the installer, I did this:
21:11.45durcynit's mixing the drives up because you have hd0's grub set to load menu.lst from hd1
21:11.46Torhalmount /dev/sda3 /mnt/gentoo/boot
21:12.02Torhalmount /dev/sdb3 /mnt/gentoo/test
21:12.05Torhaldf -h
21:12.13TorhalIt shows both devices with the exact same size/usage
21:12.26TorhalThat was BEFORE GrUB
21:12.35durcynfdisk -l
21:12.55*** part/#wowace Thaoky (Thaoky@
21:13.01Repo10big-wigs: 03funkydude * r7271 Citadel (7 files in 2 directories):
21:13.06RepoCitadel/Deathwhisper: revert previous removal until I can make a better decision about it.
21:13.43Torhalsdb3 is 100GB on the WD. sda3 is 20GB on the SeaGate. df -h showed both devices by id as being the same size.
21:14.21steevthis is why i use uuid instead of /dev/sdX
21:14.32TorhalThat's why I disconnected the WD and re-did the partition table and installed with ONLY that drive hooked up
21:14.44Fiskerslaps Torhal around a bit with a large trout
21:14.47TorhalAfterward, I hooked the WD back up and it was still confusing them
21:15.07Torhalsteev: I believe that's why it works with both under Ubuntu - it uses the uuid
21:15.45AckisTorhal stinks
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21:15.59TorhalAckis: Quit sniffing the bathroom.
21:16.01Ackislua> for i=1,100000000,1 do print("Torhal Stinks") end
21:16.19lua_botAckis: Torhal Stinks, Torhal Stinks, Torhal Stinks, Torhal Stinks, Torhal Stinks, Torhal Stinks, Torhal Stinks, Torhal Stinks, Torhal Stinks, Torhal Stinks, Torhal Stinks, Torhal Stinks, Torhal Stinks, Torhal Stinks, Torhal Stinks, Torhal Stinks, Torhal Stinks, Torhal Stinks, Torhal Stinks, Torhal Stinks, ... (result truncated)
21:20.59TorhalAckis: By the way: pen fifteen.
21:21.18*** join/#wowace Zarhan (
21:21.21asmodainevcairiel: Well, that was painless.
21:21.39durcynTorhal: so, what's the problem then
21:21.41nevcairielit yells at me every launch because i rooted the phone =(
21:21.52GagorianAny priest here with talent points in Blessed Resilience?
21:21.57AckisTorhal: msn pls
21:23.56asmodainevcairiel: and rightfully so! :P
21:24.07nevcairielbut but
21:24.14nevcairielthe 2.1 media gallery is so nice
21:24.40Torhaldurcyn: The problem is that, when the SeaGate is the boot drive, the motherboard apparently attributes partitions from the WD drive to it, causing massive failure
21:27.17asmodainevcairiel: Hero will be updated in March anyway
21:27.33nevcairielI just got the 2.0.1 update
21:27.48nevcairielI heard the US Droid is getting 2.1 soon, wonder when it hits the EU
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21:37.48Fiskerslaps nevcairiel around a bit with a large trout
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21:41.25Pneumatusi need a new phone soon :<
21:41.36Megalonso go and buy one
21:42.07Pneumatuscan't decide what to get though
21:42.43Megalonmhm, I always take one I cann make calls with, that really helps
21:43.18GagorianThat's not what you buy a phone for, Megalon
21:43.22GagorianDon't you know anything!
21:43.34sb|workPneumatus: iphone or some android.. *shrug* :p
21:44.08Pneumatuswas thinking about htc hero, but my provider doesnt have it :<
21:44.16Repo10big-wigs: 03funkydude * r7272 Citadel/Rotface.lua: Citadel/Rotface: fix initial spray bar
21:44.22sb|workGagorian: blessed resilience - i'd take it if i ever switch to holy again
21:44.54GagorianAre you switching? I'd need someone to test if it increases PW:S absorption amount
21:45.07nevcairielPneumatus: a hero? thats so last year
21:45.28sb|workbut i have like ~300 spirit - so 3% is better than spiritual guidance :p
21:45.32HjaltePneumatus: The Nexus One isn't that expensive if you can afford the one-time price.
21:45.43sb|workGagorian: well, switching = 50g, so no, not now :p
21:45.44Pneumatusbetter than 3year old iphone tho
21:45.52steev* > iphone
21:46.24nevcairielGet one of the newer androids then, a nexus one, or if you like a hw keyboard, a droid
21:46.39Gagoriansb|work: Myeah, mainly looking for people who have it already so no need for respecs :p
21:47.18durcyni will buy the first android phone that doesn't have a fucking stupid scroll ball
21:48.11nevcairielYou don't have to fucking use it if you can aim with your finger good enough
21:48.17Hjaltedurcyn: You don't have to use it, but it is awesome for notifications (it glows) and helpful when editing text
21:48.34durcynafter using an iphone i will never like phone trackballs again
21:49.12nevcairielthe droid doesnt have a trackball, its more like a big button that goes in 4 directions and clicks
21:49.48nevcairielfeels like a small arrow-key-pad
21:50.31nevcairieli barely use it, but when i do, i'm glad i have it
21:50.36nevcairielor some stupid websites would be unusable
21:50.45durcynmulti touch, sir.
21:51.24nevcairielif there is some f'ing layer on top of something and always gets selected when you click on it, there is nothing multi touch can do for you =P
21:52.05nevcairielusually happens on web pages that want to be smart and allow you to minimize some parts
21:52.13Pneumatusmaybe an htc touchpro2
21:52.23nevcairielew isnt that windows mobile
21:53.33HjaltePneumatus: Something like an upgraded hero
21:53.38HjalteIt has an optical thingie.
21:54.06Pneumatusthe only HTC phones my provider has are the touchpro2 and tatoo
21:54.28HjaltePneumatus: Tattoo is not very good, but Android is far better than WM.
21:56.50PneumatusUK mobile providers have such a poor range of handsets :<
21:57.39HjaltePneumatus: If you're not using your phone that much, eg. not needing an expensive plan that comes with a new phone, it might be worth buying the Nexus One.
21:57.56Pneumatuswould still need a plan with unlimited data though
22:00.27nevcairielMost plans around here are unlimited, but they cut you down in speed after a certain amount of 3G traffic
22:00.28asmodainevcairiel: did you try swype yet on your Android?
22:00.44nevcairieli barely use the soft keyboard
22:00.49nevcairieli have a hw keyboard :d
22:00.50asmodaiOh right
22:00.55asmodaiyou have that hw kbd
22:02.41nevcairielbut i guess i could try it
22:03.08nevcairielits not in the market, eh?
22:03.19asmodaiYou got a WVGA or HVGA device?
22:04.06hasteswype <3
22:04.13asmodaihaste: works great eh?
22:04.41hastetoo bad there isn't a norwegian dictionary
22:04.46asmodaiYeah, or Dutch
22:04.54asmodaiI've been loving it how much faster entry is.
22:05.02asmodaiNow to see how to do a space after words though.
22:05.08asmodaiI mean, auto space
22:05.11hasteI still haven't checked if it learnes new words tho'
22:05.17hasteit does do auto-spacing here
22:05.20hastejust write the next word
22:05.36asmodaiSo swype word, lift finger up and swype next?
22:05.57asmodaiNeed to try that then.
22:06.24hasteit doesn't like that you hold down the backspace button tho'
22:06.27hastewhich kinda sucks
22:08.54nevcairielit feels kinda weird writing with it
22:09.00*** join/#wowace Silker (
22:09.03nevcairielalso, i really need a proper irc interface for my phone
22:10.03Pneumatushmm, i could wait a few months and see what price the nexus one comes in at with vodafone
22:13.31XtekSC2 beta this month for sure
22:14.23Xtekthey just announced it
22:14.26Xtekin a conference call
22:14.44steevstop getting Fisker all hot and bothered
22:14.47Repo10big-wigs: 03funkydude * r7273 / (3 files in 2 directories): difficulty fix
22:14.54XtekBen Kuchera: This is the exact quote: "StarCraft II beta testing ready to launch this month."
22:15.22Fiskeri'm already hot and bothered
22:15.27Fiskerbeta this week
22:15.33Fiskerunless something goes wrong
22:15.41nicoli_si dont think itll be this week
22:15.45nicoli_snext week at the earlies
22:15.58Fiskerthey wiped the beta forums
22:16.02Fisker= launch imminent
22:16.07Fiskerthey always launch at the end of weeks
22:16.20Fiskerso we can complain over the weekend and call other people liars for being in the beta
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22:16.47Fiskerlike that time i was flamed by several wow players because Blizzard couldn't be bothered making an official statement
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22:20.51cralorWhat function can I use to set all my files to the same revision? (One file is higher than the rest) ... Preventing me from commiting
22:21.09steevValue-added services: the ability for players to access in-game auction house outside of the game.
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22:24.12arkanescralor: that would't stop you from committing
22:24.19arkanescralor: whats the actual error?
22:24.29cralorok let me try and commit :P
22:24.32craloroh wait first
22:24.45cralori ran "svn update" to see what it would do... can i delete the .mine .r files
22:25.30arkanessvn update syncs your local copy with the servers
22:25.31arkanesa .r file means you have a conflict - you changed a file that someone else changed on the server since you first got it
22:25.31cralorso what should i do with these revision copies
22:25.36craloroh ya Ackis changed something
22:25.41arkanesso you need to resolve that conflict before you can commit
22:25.48Pneumatusmerge in the conflicts so what you next commit is the definitive version
22:26.03genetik-don't just blindly do that, though
22:26.08arkanes.mine is your local file, and the 2 .r files are the version you had before you changed it, and the version the server just gave you
22:26.20cralorok so what is the first thing i should do from here
22:26.24arkanesso you can either choose one of those to commit instead, or merge the changes manually
22:26.29arkanescralor: what OS are you using?
22:26.37Pneumatusthe original file will be packed with <<<<<<<< sections
22:26.43cralorI am using TortoiseSVN (7 64bt)
22:26.58arkanescralor: right click on the .mine file and select "resolve conflicts"
22:27.03CrazyBenny_right click -> resolve conflict :P
22:27.16cralorno entry for that
22:27.33Pneumatusnot the mine file the normal .lua file iirc
22:27.45arkanesI don't have it in front of me :(
22:27.48CrazyBenny_yes, the normal file
22:28.05cralorI have "Resolved..."
22:28.07arkanesdoes that open tortoise merge directly, or just give you the conflict list?
22:28.22arkanescralor: that dialog should have the filename in it, double click on it
22:29.56cralori am looking at my files. am i suppose to look for some resolve conflict?
22:30.03arkanescralor: right click->Resolved...
22:30.11arkanescralor: that opens a dialog that will show you a list of the conflicts
22:30.24cralorok i double clicked it
22:30.24arkanescralor: in that dialog, double click on the filename
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22:36.12*** topic/#wowace is | | | Curse Client v4: | WoWInterface Minion: | | Want your Username changed? | Happy New Year!
22:37.40arkanescralor: read that link genetik- pasted too
22:41.00cralorthanks for the help!
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23:08.56Mikkso liek... cralor... isnt that the warlock with the staff?
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23:09.19Mikkoh.. kralnor
23:09.59Repo10grid-dynamic-layout: 03Mokhtar * r57 / (4 files in 1 directory): GridDynamicLayout:
23:10.14Repo- Complete revamp, now uses LibGroupTalents to allow for a much better detection of roles, you can still force people into groups but it should no longer be necessary.
23:10.15RepoSide note : as a consequence default DPS wars and DKs configurations are no longer necessary
23:12.30Repo10grid-dynamic-layout: 03Mokhtar 04v1.5 * r58 : Tagging as v1.5
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23:28.12Shefkibahh ww
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23:31.33Repo10dr-damage: 03Gagorian * r1303 / (5 files in 2 directories):
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23:32.56Repo- Set Glyph of Power Word: Shield to benefit from Blessed Resilience and Test of Faith. Also fixed some buffs/debuffs (eg. Grace) that incorrectly applied also to the absorption portion of PW: S.
23:32.57Repo- Now uses GetItemStats to get ammo DPS instead of a tooltip scan
23:33.32*** join/#wowace Kemayo (
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23:33.40ShadowedGagorian: Did you see that Power Word: Shield and Sacred Shield took a hit from the PVP thing?
23:36.00ShefkiShadowed: Yes they hot fixed it later to apply to them too.
23:36.20GagorianShadowed: Yeah
23:36.30GagorianI actually assumed they did in the first place :D
23:40.51GagorianToo bad GetItemStats doesn't return weapon damage range or weapon speed
23:41.37Shadowedor gems or enchants or equip bonuses!
23:41.49GagorianIndeed :D
23:42.07ShadowedWriting item identification for items from the armory directly 10000000x easier
23:42.18GagorianI don't need those but it's pretty half-assed currently
23:42.49GrumShadowed: except that the armory doesnt give all information either
23:43.00Grumlike ilvl, you need to get 2 xml files per item :(
23:43.06*** join/#wowace Torhal (
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23:43.11Shadoweddepends what you are trying to do
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23:43.29Grumi think the armor classification was also just in 1 of the 2 xmls
23:44.00ShadowedYou can get pretty much all the info you'd need for the item themselves in one
23:44.14ShadowedIf you want specific drop location, cost or DE level then yea you need two
23:44.14GagorianShadowed: Do you check if the meta gem is active in EG?
23:44.23ShadowedToo much of a bitch to do right now
23:44.32Repo10deus-vox-encounters: 03Shefki 07master * v442-19-g3524b01 / (3 files in 2 directories): [+3 commits]
23:44.34Repo3524b01: Lich King: Add warning for Shambling Horror's Enrage.
23:44.35Repo1640581: Blood Princes: Add says for Shock Vortex and Inferno Flame.
23:44.36Repo87aab69: Lich King: Add raid icon for Necrotic Plauge placed by Lich King.
23:44.39GagorianYeah, I do it but I rely on the tooltip coloring if I recall correctly
23:44.50GagorianThat doesn't work I guess if you aren't the player
23:44.58Shadowedyea :p
23:45.14GagorianThere should be some easier way to do that too...
23:45.17ShadowedIt'd require scanning of the meta gem requirements, then recording all colors
23:45.30GagorianPretty painful
23:47.18ShadowedYea I did it for Gem Quota, but a pain
23:47.45Repo10deus-vox-encounters: 03kollektiv 07enemy_marking_wip * v442-20-g43e8b79 / (127 files in 20 directories): [new, +1 commit] Added API for enemy raid icon marking
23:49.44Fiskerslaps Gagorian around a bit with a large trout
23:50.34Fiskerhey Gagorian
23:50.36Fiskerwhy so caps?
23:50.42GagorianWhy so Fisker?
23:50.48Fiskerwhy so caps?
23:51.06Repo10deus-vox-encounters: 03kollektiv 07master * v442-23-gb9ec293 / (3 files in 2 directories): [+4 commits]
23:51.07Repob9ec293: Minor change to addon:GetRaidDifficulty()
23:51.26GagorianHelp, help, someone call the Fisker police
23:52.11Repo7d26862: Deathwhisper: Made Dominate Mind not spam on 25h
23:52.13Repoeaa0be7: Marrowgar: Fix Bone Storm duration in normal modes
23:52.34GagorianShadowed: I'm going over some old ugly implementations and checking if there's any better ways to do them.. so far seems like not much :P
23:52.53FiskerGagorian the government never saw me as a proper threat
23:53.00ShadowedColor code is the cleanest, assuming you only care about the player
23:53.08Fiskerso funding isn't good enough for an actual functioning fisker police
23:53.12ShadowedCleanest relative to the fact that the other solution is even worst :p
23:53.17Repo389c402: Deathwhisper: Adjust Cult timer for 10h
23:53.18Repo10liblordfarlander-2-0: 03LordFarlander * r177 / (8 files in 4 directories): LibLordFarlander-2.0:
23:53.21Repo10coconuts: 03LordFarlander * r195 Coconuts.lua: Coconuts:
23:53.23Repo- Fix for ticket 44
23:53.46Gagorianhaha, I actually looked at that lib today
23:53.58profalbert@project liblordfarlander
23:53.59Repoprofalbert: No project found that matches 'liblordfarlander'
23:54.09GagorianBasically at least "his version" of SpecialEvents-Aura seemed like a total copy of Tekkub's
23:54.53profalbert@project liblordfarlander-2-0
23:54.54Repoprofalbert: LibLordFarlander-2.0. Game: WoW. LordFarlander (Manager/Author), Alexandria13 (Tester/Ticket Manager). Updated: 22 days ago
23:55.29Superfly_in dxe, marrowgar timer looked like it was hc, it was the bug in GetRaidDiffictulty?
23:56.36Repo10coconuts: 03LordFarlander 043.0.196 * r196 : Tagging as 3.0.196
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23:57.06TorhalOne of these days, someone might actually move him to CF.
23:57.13Shadowedno you?
23:57.16Shadoweddon't you take joy in these
23:57.22Fiskergood night evil Gagorian
23:57.43TorhalShadowed: That's why _I_ haven't done it yet.
23:57.48TorhalThe commentary.
23:57.50ShadowedAre you saving it for your Birthday
23:58.12GagorianFisker: Good night, don't let the spiders I placed in your bed bite.
23:58.21TorhalFisker: Fffuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
23:59.52TorhalOMFG I can't wait to get this goddamn Gentoo setup done.

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