IRC log for #wowace on 20100207

00:00.00GagorianWouldn't have expected that based on its geographical location
00:02.26*** join/#wowace Cyrez (
00:12.53*** join/#wowace Next96 (Next96@
00:13.01Pneumatusthey don't observe summertime though iirc
00:13.26Pneumatuswhich confused the hell out of me on EVE, because they are iceland based and the EVE world is always UTC
00:13.57*** join/#wowace Erich (~Erich@
00:18.31harlsomeone added some function to an addon that i'm using, which makes me automatically leave a party when going AFK
00:18.48Gagoriankek :D
00:19.38*** join/#wowace Stew_a (~Stewart@unafilliated/stewa/x-008753)
00:19.52GagorianYou want to find it, or you already have?
00:20.34ShefkiGagorian: You're thinking of Greenland which would make very little sense for it to be GMT
00:21.28GagorianNah, depends on how you flatten the map
00:21.38Gagorianlike that for example makes it look totally different
00:21.39ShadowedGagorian: I don't know if that's a bad thing, re the edit box
00:21.43harlGagorian: i want to find it and in the darkness bind it.
00:21.55Shadowedbeing able to set a sane slider value, and let users set an insane one if they really need in the rare case is nice
00:22.12ShefkiGagorian: That projection pretty much sucks for anything that far north.  It makes Greenland look bigger than the us.
00:22.50GagorianShadowed: Perhaps, but if the code relies on the values staying within the ranges you need to min/max everything
00:23.03GagorianSo I'd suggest an override to allow it perhaps
00:23.33GagorianAnd it'd be a bit confusing for users to be able to enter values outside the range
00:23.45GagorianAt least I wouldn't think of doing it, but accidentally it's possible
00:25.38GagorianShefki: Myeah, the map I looked at for time zones was:
00:25.47GagorianEven there it looks strange to be in GMT
00:25.56*** join/#wowace olafski (
00:26.24Gagorianconsidering Greenland is GMT -3
00:32.42*** join/#wowace profalbert (
00:37.11*** part/#wowace profalbert (
00:40.17Repo10shadowed-unit-frames: 03Shadowed 07master * v3.1-18-gf11dd42 modules/defaultlayout.lua: [+1 commit] Boss units are now enabled by default for new profiles
00:42.26*** part/#wowace CrazyBenny_ (
00:48.16*** join/#wowace pompy (
00:55.28*** join/#wowace Stew_a (~Stewart@unafilliated/stewa/x-008753)
01:14.18GagorianShadowed: Is there any way to make the wowiuploader support the wowace localization thingie?
01:14.35ShadowedGagorian as in pull it down and auto merge it? no
01:14.38GagorianNot that I need it since I deleted DrDamage from wowi but out of interest
01:16.17GagorianNot being able to use the localization then makes it less convenient
01:20.46ShadowedIt's an even more superly hacky script
01:21.00Shadowedbut that will basically rip the wowace zip and upload it to wowi, so it'll do the localization/key words/etc
01:30.25TorhalShadowed: He must be stopped.
01:30.40*** join/#wowace Keias (
01:33.33Shadowedwhat did he do now
01:34.17ShadowedI saw the code skill one from earlier
01:35.18Shadowedoh christ
01:35.32TorhalOh, his homebrew LuaSrcDiet, plus his complete lack of understanding of OnUpdate, and yesterday he told someone that they couldn't run their AddOns from a NAS
01:35.43TorhalHE MUST BE STOPPED!
01:35.50hasteI agree
01:37.03ShadowedI hate people
01:37.13TorhalI hate certain people more than others.
01:37.22*** join/#wowace asq (~asq@unaffiliated/asq)
01:37.23TorhalLike, nightcracker, for example.
01:37.29Shadowedwell yes
01:37.41hastewe should make a group somewhere!
01:37.53ShadowedI don't think Cairenn would let us make a "We hate nightcracker" group
01:38.25hastehow about we dedicate a page to him?
01:38.38Shadowedyou get on that
01:38.54Cairennwanna bet?
01:39.01hastetoo much hillarious stuff to dig through
01:39.01TorhalCairenn: :D
01:39.01ShadowedCairenn would you?
01:39.03GagorianGive me a quick recap on the situation
01:39.05GagorianI want to hate him too
01:39.17hasteGagorian: how much Lua do you know?
01:39.23Shadowedhe does drdamage
01:39.24TorhalGagorian: 15-year-old kid. Thinks he knows everything, despite being repeatedly shown that he in fact does not.
01:39.26ShadowedI would hope he knopws a bit :P
01:39.31ShadowedGagorian: He thinks a = b is too inefficient
01:39.39Cairennthe thing that I keep reminding myself (or having others remind me when I forget) - is that he's only 14
01:39.46Gagorianhaste: Enough for my purposes :)
01:40.01ShadowedCairenn that's why I try and be nice
01:40.09Gagorianhaha Shadowed
01:40.18hasteGagorian: has some funny bits!
01:40.34TorhalCairenn: Shadowed summed it up nicely last night when I had another seizure - he's delusional.
01:40.43Cairenncovers it
01:40.58*** join/#wowace sztanpet (
01:40.59hasteGagorian: is to die from
01:41.19ShadowedI'm trying to figure out why he thinks Luastrip is good
01:41.29ShadowedPRetty sure even in PHP, comments and whitespace don't impact performance
01:41.40TorhalHe wants to save disk space!
01:41.42hasteit's PHP, you can never be sure!
01:41.42ShadowedJavascript, sure but PHP/Lua?
01:41.55hastethe reason you do it in JS is simply bandwidth afaik
01:42.17ShadowedJavascript you do it cause the compression makes it worth it, but it doesn't matter in Lua and sch
01:42.34ShadowedI wonder if you could even measure the performance cost of whitespace and comments, I doubt it
01:42.52hasteprobably not with the lua parser
01:42.56hasteit's damn fast after all
01:43.23hasteunless you throw a couple of gigs at it :P
01:43.34Shadowedif you throw a few gigs of comments, I'd question wtf you are writing
01:43.53Cairennthe Luastrip thread has been removed - I hadn't really paid attention to it
01:44.00Cairennwanders off to other channels
01:44.15Shadowedcan you give him a month ban too
01:44.53TorhalMy favorite part of that thread is mikma telling him to DIAF
01:48.10Gagorianhahaha Shadowed :D
01:55.36GagorianI laughed most at haste's comment about AlarLib getting lonely
01:55.57hasteAlarLib <3
01:56.31*** join/#wowace Stew_a (~Stewart@unafilliated/stewa/x-008753)
01:57.04ShadowedAlarLib, THE ONE THAT STARTED IT ALL
01:58.29GagorianOne lib to rule them all
01:59.03*** join/#wowace olafski (
01:59.10GagorianAny volunteers to take that into mount doom?
01:59.11ShadowedActually I think AlarLib was the first one
01:59.23Shadowedmaybe LibFarlsoemtq4hing
02:00.02Shadowedthe first of the monster libraries
02:00.23hasteAlarLib was the first one I discovered at least :P
02:00.44hastebut now, sleep, gn!
02:00.50ShadowedFarlander came after I believe
02:08.46GagorianBut seriously.. why do these people thing anyone will want to use their "libraries"?
02:09.09ShadowedThey don't do it for other people, the library gets included in all the addons they use
02:09.34GagorianWell he seemed like he wanted people to use it
02:09.40Shadowedoh nightcracker?
02:09.43ShadowedNightcracker is just delusional
02:14.57TorhalShadowed: My personal theory is that he keeps a tab open to his AddOns list and hits refresh. Every time his UI gets another download his ego swells a bit more. I mean, he was telling haste (not in exact words) that he was going to ignore his advice about metatables FFS.
02:15.27Shadowedmaybe we can get someone to fake his download stats, reduce them by -50000
02:17.01GagorianThat's quite much into the negative then :p
02:17.13Arrowmasterhe doesnt post to curse does he?
02:17.18TorhalArrowmaster: No.
02:17.38TorhalLittle fucker has a BAAAD case of NIH.
02:17.45Arrowmasteri wanted to ban somebody for an addon negatively interacting with other addons
02:20.15Torhal@project youarentinapartyfix
02:20.16RepoTorhal: YouArentInAPartyFix. Game: WoW. Whitetooth (Manager/Author). Updated: 15 days ago
02:20.26Torhal^ That one makes me cry every time I look at it
02:20.56frontendloadercry as in it breaks stuff?
02:20.59TorhalIt hijacks SendAddonMessage
02:21.04ShadowedSo does uh
02:21.10TorhalPeopel were telling me Spamalyzer wasn't working right
02:21.14TorhalI tracked it to that
02:21.36frontendloaderI may have perpetuated that some
02:21.48frontendloaderby recommending that addon to a few people that were annoyed by yaap
02:21.50TorhalShadowed: If you're talking about AddonSpamFu, it uses hooksecurefunc()
02:21.52ShadowedHow did it break Spamalyzer Torhal
02:22.01Shadowedno, the one that blocks SendAddonMessage calls
02:22.11quiescensstopaddonmessage thingy
02:22.51TorhalShadowed: Well, I could do /script SendAddonMessage("FAKE-PREFIX", "Testing", "GUILD") and Spamalyzer would show that in the chatframe if I told it to output and show unknown AddOns
02:23.06TorhalPeople with YAIAPF didn't see shit
02:23.19pompyTorhal: i tracked it to that ;p
02:23.34Torhalpompy: Bullshit. I was the one who asked if you were running it :P
02:23.53pompy;) but yeah it was definitely YAIAP
02:24.27TorhalAnd instead of defining his table keys in uppercase, he lowercases the channel type in the hook
02:25.13TorhalMakes me wonder if I need to write my own RatingBuster.
02:25.21TorhalI'm afraid to look at the code now
02:26.01quiescensdoesn't it technically have to hijack the thingy
02:26.15ShadowedRatingBuster mostly suffers from
02:26.18Shadowedover time bloat
02:26.25quiescenssecurehook can't choose to prevent the function from running can it?
02:26.28Arrowmasterits always been fucking horrible
02:26.31Shadowedcorrect quiescens
02:26.40ShadowedArrowmaster: It wasn't too bad when it first came out in TBC
02:26.46Arrowmasteryes it was
02:26.56Shadowedcode or feature wise?
02:27.04Shadowedcode wise it was pretty wonky yea
02:27.22Arrowmasterask tekkub about tiphookerlib
02:27.30*** join/#wowace spode (
02:27.49Shadowedyea I know tekkub was complaining about it
02:29.27quiescensI'm looking at the you aren't in a party thingy
02:29.35quiescensif c[chl] and ((GetRealNumRaidMembers() == 0 and GetRealNumPartyMembers() == 0) or IsInGuild() == nil) then
02:29.38quiescensthat doesn't sound right o.O
02:30.29quiescenswouldn't that still let addons try to, say, send a message to the raid as long as you're in a guild
02:30.36quiescenseven when you aren't in a raid
02:31.46Torhalquiescens: If raid members equals zero and party members equals zero - OR you're not in a guild.
02:32.21quiescensokay wrong way around
02:32.31quiescenswouldn't it not let you send anything to party or raid, if you aren't in a guild
02:32.43quiescenseven if you are in a party or raid
02:33.58Torhalquiescens: I think perhaps he's in a guild so never encountered that bug, since the code doesn't lend itself to much thought.
02:34.28TorhalI mean, seriously: Why the fuck would you lowercase the channel type instead of defining the table keys in uppercase?
02:34.32quiescensi mean, one would think that you only check if the player is in a guild, if the message is directed at the guild
02:34.46quiescensrather than, if the message is directed at party/raid/guild
02:34.48TorhalLike I said - the code doesn't lend itself to much thought.
02:34.57TorhalI cry every time I look at it.
02:35.06Arrowmasteror why not just fucking pass the exact input back to the original function
02:35.07TorhalWhich was twice.
02:35.13TorhalArrowmaster: That too
02:35.43TorhalAnd, as per Shadowed's AddOn Law - the most shittily-coded AddOns get the most popularity.
02:35.46TorhalIt's pure win.
02:35.50ShadowedI like this rule
02:35.58Shadowedor law, whatever
02:36.15quiescenssomeone should go tell the authors!
02:36.27Torhal"Psst! Write bad code! Pass it on!"
02:39.26Arrowmastermost of them also have a stick up their ass and think theyre infallible
02:39.33quiescensin hindsight, it would also stop you from sending any messages to guild if you aren't in a party
02:39.49Shadowedto be fair
02:39.58ShadowedAnyone who runs that addon is probably anal and won't notice or care about that
02:40.00Arrowmasterthe people that dont really know anything try and learn and make some shitty little addons that arent that complex
02:40.29ShadowedThe bad ones try and make super complex things and build up bad on baD? :p
02:41.10*** join/#wowace Znuff (~ibm86@2001:0:53aa:64c:1c26:733a:a65a:7c98)
02:41.58Arrowmasterthe people that end up making the horribly coded addons that become popular tend to have past programming experience which allows them to make more complex stuff, which is whats popular
02:42.10*** join/#wowace Keias (
02:44.11Arrowmasteri swear everytime i hear about somebody finding a conflict between their addon and one of those abominations, when they try to talk to the other author about it they are met with nothing but hostility
02:44.45Arrowmasterwell not hostility, but just negatively
02:45.30*** join/#wowace daev (
02:45.59quiescenseh, for the most part I tend not to care about occasional bad style or slightly less than optimal logic
02:46.07quiescensthey're just addons for a game o.o
02:46.17quiescensbut I agree about when they break other things
02:46.26quiescensand/or if they don't even do what they advertise
02:46.28Shadowedusually the bad ones are just bad
02:46.40Shadowednot even a little bit of quirky logic or style
02:47.57TorhalArrowmaster: "Oh, fuck! I don't know how to fix that! I know! I'll ignore/be an ass to the other guy!"
02:49.15Arrowmasteror the 'oh you say something is wrong with my addon? but it works fine for me and nobody else has said anything so you must be wrong so ill just ignore you or publicly be an ass to you'
02:50.22YivryIve been an ass to people... but only because they dont read >.<
02:50.41TorhalYivry: I thought it was because you hang out here.
02:52.19Yivrymost of the comments on my biggest addon were not needed if they would at least read the description and the latest few comments...
02:52.23Arrowmasterim trying to come up with the best way to be an ass to the latest comment
02:53.21Yivry"Seems simple enough of a thing" >.<
02:56.04GagorianIs there also a Shadowed's AddOn Law 2 - the most shittily coded AddOn authors are also the most reluctant to accept any advice regarding there code?
02:56.15GagorianThat seems to be a trend too
02:56.16Shadowedno not yet
02:56.24Arrowmasterno thats my law
02:56.26Gagorian*their code
02:56.31Shadowedscrew you
02:56.35Shadowedmy laws
02:56.41YivryI think thats implied by the 1st shadowed addon law
02:56.44quiescensfight, fight, fight!
02:57.46GagorianI think the entire KTMThreatMeter deal was a prime example of both laws?
02:57.54GagorianOr whatever it was called
02:58.11GagorianKLHThreatMeter mayhaps
02:58.55Arrowmasteroh shit ive spontaneously turned into a hunter
02:59.41Arrowmasteryou must not have been around for KLHThreatMeter
02:59.58GagorianYeah that was just ...
03:00.35Gagorianrepeat ad infinitum
03:02.54*** join/#wowace TradeMark (
03:05.05Yivryi cant believe KLHTM was once a requirement for raiding in my guild >.<
03:05.39Yivryanyway, its past 4am here, think ill go to bed :p
03:07.06GagorianWell you might mousover a boss in Shattrath or spontaenously turn into a hunter
03:07.09GagorianYou never know
03:07.13GagorianSo you better just check just in case
03:07.25quiescenswhat if you don't want to be a hunter
03:07.34GagorianStill check
03:07.47GagorianIf you've changed your mind
03:14.38*** join/#wowace Bibi (~Bibi@unaffiliated/bibi)
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03:52.26Repo10questpointer: 03Kemayo 07master * v3-3-gd55d750 QuestPointer.lua: [+1 commit] Account for possibility of distance to a POI being nil.
03:58.31Repo10grid-status-raid-debuff: 03azelkeeber * r264 WotLK/IcecrownCitadel.lua: --Update : Harvest Soul
04:03.27*** join/#wowace Wobin (
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04:21.25cralorIs #@lib-strip@ valid?
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04:35.59Torhalcralor: #@no-lib-strip@ and #@end-no-lib-strip@.
04:36.07Torhalcralor: Also -
04:36.18cralorYeah I got a response. :) I guess there is no opposite
04:36.38TorhalWhy would there be?
04:36.50cralorI forgot that OptDeps was used instead of Rew
04:46.54*** join/#wowace Sesshu| (
05:03.47*** join/#wowace Torhal (
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05:15.19Repo10big-wigs: 03funkydude * r7213 / (3 files in 2 directories): bump toc, disable under dev modules.
05:21.44Repo10big-wigs: 03funkydude 04r7214-release * r7214 : Tagging as r7214-release
05:23.50*** join/#wowace tekkub (~tekkub@WoWUIDev/WoWI/Featured/Dongle/GitHub/Tekkub)
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05:35.04Repo10grid2: 03Azethoth * r344 Options/GridStatuses.lua:
05:35.05Repo--Provide a way to avoid applying buff GetColor handler code to a status.
05:36.08Repo10grid2: 03Azethoth * r345 RaidDebuffs/Grid2StatusRaidDebuffs.lua: --Permeating Chill (Sindragosa)
05:38.09Repo10status-target-icon: 03Azethoth * r18 Grid2StatusTargetIcon.lua:
05:38.10Repo--Add status wide opacity setting from patch provided by Gaff3
05:39.16Repo10status-target-icon: 03Azethoth * r19 Options (10 files in 2 directories):
05:39.17Repo--Add status wide opacity setting from patch provided by Gaff3
05:43.16Repo10mendeleev: 03s8095324 * r270 Set_Instances_WotLK.lua: Add Koralon the Flame Watcher and Toravon the Ice Watcher
05:45.40*** join/#wowace Torhal (
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05:46.01*** join/#wowace tekkub (~tekkub@WoWUIDev/WoWI/Featured/Dongle/GitHub/Tekkub)
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05:48.41kandarzDoes GetRaidRosterInfo() work in a party? Or is there something similar for party
05:50.55*** join/#wowace Yivry (~DMB@
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05:57.31Repo10gathermate_data: 03kagaro * r254 version: GatherMate_Data: Weekly update
05:58.36Repo10gathermate_data: 03kagaro 04v1.85 * r255 : GatherMate_Data: weekly update
05:59.19*** join/#wowace Kilroo (
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06:14.21Repo10spamalyzer: 03Torhal 07master * 3.3.0-1.0.1-5-g36626cd Spamalyzer.lua: [+1 commit] Fixed sub-entry sorting when in Channel or AddOn view mode, and cleaned the code up a bit.
06:35.13Repo10questpointer: 03Kemayo 04v4 * 9594b54 /: [new tag, +1 commits] Tagging v4
06:36.18Repo10questpointer: 03Kemayo 07master * v4 QuestPointer.lua: [+1 commit] Fiddle with the icon appearance.
06:37.24Repo10grid2: 03Azethoth * r346 Options/GridDefaults.lua: --Add ready-check and death to center icon
06:37.26Repo--Hook up SacredShield-mine to side-left
06:41.57*** part/#wowace Seerah (
06:54.45Repo10grid2: 03Gaff3 06options * r324 / (3 files in 2 directories): Fix the indicator options; finally!
07:06.37Repo10grid2: 03Gaff3 06options * r325 Options (2 files in 2 directories): Deletions too.
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07:42.45Repo10everyquest: 03kandarz * r149 query.lua: Fix clear unknowns when no unknowns exist
07:43.26*** join/#wowace Funkeh` (~funk@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/Ace3/BigWigs/funkeh)
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07:45.21Repo10everyquest: 03kandarz 04r150-release * r150 : Created tag r150-release.
07:52.06*** join/#wowace Shadowed| (
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08:12.14Repo10quartz: 03Nevcairiel 06ace3 * r80 / (4 files in 2 directories): - Implement the Copy Settings From option
08:12.17Repo- Fix disabling of Buff Module for Focus
08:12.18Repo- Add AceHook to pkgmeta and .toc
08:13.21Repo10quartz: 03Nevcairiel 06ace3 * r81 / (2 files in 1 directory): Some more .toc and core cleanup
08:14.20Xinhuanwow quartz update?
08:14.24Repo10grid2statusdungeonrole: 03Azethoth * r9 Grid2StatusDungeonRole.lua: --upgrade prefs handling
08:15.28Repo10grid2statusdungeonrole: 03Azethoth * r10 Options/Grid2StatusDungeonRoleOptions.lua: --upgrade prefs handling
08:16.34Repo10quartz: 03Nevcairiel 06ace3 * r82 / (4 files in 1 directory): Rename the folder back to Quartz
08:17.39Repo10loot-council: 03kandarz * r22 LootCouncil.lua: Auto-loot!
08:18.43Repo10grid2: 03Azethoth * r347 Options/GridStatuses.lua: Reset Frames when toggling options
08:20.19*** join/#wowace stolenlegacy (
08:21.17nevcairielnow i just need someone to switch the two repositories around
08:21.29nevcairielckknight you wouldnt still be awake, would you? :D
08:22.33*** join/#wowace Torhal (
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08:23.24Repo10grid2statusdungeonrole: 03Azethoth * r11 Options/Grid2StatusDungeonRoleOptions.lua: change indicator to hook up to
08:23.25Repo10deus-vox-encounters: 03kollektiv 07master * v427-55-g37d907a / (2 files in 2 directories): [+2 commits]
08:23.26Repo37d907a: Fixed alerts that were converted from simple to centerpopup or dropdown and had color1 as Clear
08:23.27Repo370ec36: Lich King: Fixed Defile self warning spellids
08:23.29Repo10grid2statusdungeonrole: 03Azethoth * r12 Options/Grid2StatusDungeonRoleOptions.lua: make icon size same as the Grid2StatusGroup one.
08:23.30Repo10deus-vox-encounters: 03kollektiv 07master * v427-56-gca602c5 Core.lua: [+1 commit] remove print statement
08:27.26*** join/#wowace Caleb| (
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08:56.46Repo10deus-vox-encounters: 03kollektiv 04v442 * 4371a1e /: [new tag] Tagging as v442
09:03.52*** join/#wowace kiaN (~kiyannN@
09:03.59kiaN4PerisanWoW.tk1 ! We support both Burning Crusade (2.4.3) and fall of the Lich King (3.3.x) clients. Persian WoW provides lag - free servers for you to enjoy World of Warcraft on, absolutely free! 2.4.3  : set realmlist 485.185.71.471 - Active12
09:04.28*** mode/#wowace [+b *!~kiyannN@80.191.254.*] by nevcairiel
09:04.28*** kick/#wowace [kiaN!quasselcor@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/Ace3/nevcairiel] by nevcairiel (Kindergarten is elsewhere!)
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09:12.30steevthis perfume/cologne shit is annoying
09:12.52steevat least choose a sound that isn't the vomit sound
09:21.25Fiskernevcairiel i'm very disappointed in you?
09:27.55Fiskerok now i just hate you nevcairiel
09:30.50*** join/#wowace isman (
09:33.25robotuschbites Fusker
09:33.37Fiskerhej robotusch
09:33.49robotuschI'm blue :(
09:34.01robotuschat least my shaman is
09:35.04quiescenspours a bucket of purple paint over robotusch
09:37.59Repo10deus-vox-encounters: 03Shefki 07master * v442-1-ga6b0634 Encounters/Citadel/Lich_King.lua: [+1 commit] Lich King: Add Soul Reaper Cooldown.
09:39.31Fiskerman quartz 3 is buggy nevcairiel
09:40.47*** join/#wowace xilcoy (
09:42.03Torhalman Fisker is a troll nevcairiel
09:42.57stolenlegacy@project squire
09:43.00Repostolenlegacy: Squire. Game: WoW. Adirelle (Manager/Author). Updated: 59 days ago. Tickets: 2/34
09:54.43nevcairielFisker: you are buggy
09:58.16Fiskershow channeling ticks doesn't work
09:58.48nevcairielfor what spell?
09:58.59nevcairielit only works for a handful spells
09:59.16Fiskeralso profiles are fucked to hell
10:00.00asmodaiheh, remember that phishing email form yesterday, think I got the same one in my inbox now
10:00.57nevcairielwhats wrong with profiles?
10:01.30asmodaiGetting the idea it's a phishing attack from zombie computers.
10:01.52Fiskerwhen trying to set a character profile pretty much all values were just nothing
10:01.57Fiskerand changing any of them didn't work
10:02.25Repo10mendeleev: 03s8095324 * r271 / (3 files in 2 directories): Add new Darkmoon Faire Card
10:02.31Fiskerafter some reloads and relogs it finally worked :o
10:03.29Repo10quartz: 03Nevcairiel 06ace3 * r83 modules/Player.lua: Add volley to the channeling ticks spells
10:06.25Xinhuanbefore i download it, is arcane missiles one of those spells in the list? ;p
10:07.09nevcairielyes, it is
10:08.13Repo10quartz: 03Nevcairiel 06ace3 * r84 modules (5 files in 1 directory):
10:08.15RepoMake sure to refresh the db upvalue reference when changing profile
10:09.05Xinhuancan u paste the svn address lol
10:10.22Xinhuanand i hate how the latest patch makes my wow larger than 16 gb
10:10.29Xinhuanso it doesn't fit on my 16 gb thumbdrive anymore
10:11.07Xinhuanyeah, damn lich king cinematic!
10:11.27nevcairielwouldnt a thumbdrive be like, slow, anyway?
10:11.40Xinhuani always copy the whole 16 gb to the target computer's harddisk first
10:11.52nevcairielget  32gb then!
10:11.59Xinhuantoo expensive
10:12.14Xinhuanfor the price of a 32gb thumbdrive, i could get a 500 gb external harddisk
10:12.20FiskerDSR sucks
10:12.33Xinhuanthe roaming profile on these comps only allows 30 mb, pffft
10:12.54Xinhuanvisual c++'s .ncb files are already 10 mb, and i end up deleting them everyday
10:13.05Fiskerany chance you can figure out if an instance is in progress?
10:13.18orionshockFisker, no, there is no real way with out PFM
10:13.21Fiskerfor example i joined an oculus with only the endboss left and it took that as a full run
10:13.34orionshockPure Fucking Magic
10:13.48Fiskerso you can't read x/x bosses in the join box?
10:13.50Xinhuandoesn't the prompt that popup before zoning tell you how many bosses are killed?
10:13.52orionshockFisker, tbh, those are what i call fringe cases and tbh, don't care
10:14.09Fiskeryour mother is a fringe case
10:14.17Xinhuanit happens quite often actually, orionshock
10:14.37orionshockXinhuan, yes, but again would have to use shakey magic to first detect that the queue pops (not hard) and that you zoned in, and not to count it.
10:14.56orionshocksolution to problem, kill the timer - alt-click on ldb feed
10:15.37Xinhuani have a better solution actually - count the number of triumph badges looted
10:15.49Fiskeryour defeat will be absolute :(
10:15.52Xinhuanand have internal database of how many badges each instance is supposed to give
10:16.20Xinhuanif it tallies you have a complete instance run
10:17.12orionshockXinhuan, not all instances give badges
10:17.20Xinhuanwhich ones don't?
10:17.29orionshockclassic, non-heroic
10:17.43Xinhuanhow do you define when a BRD instance is cleared then?
10:17.53orionshockLFG completion event
10:18.07Fiskerlow level instances are the real fringe case though
10:18.39orionshockthat's what the addon is for, timing LFG dungeons.. nothing more really
10:23.31*** join/#wowace bien|| (
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10:38.44Repo10quartz: 03Nevcairiel 06ace3 * r85 / (13 files in 2 directories):
10:38.45RepoMake sure to always refresh db references, even if a module is disabled
10:39.27nevcairielFisker: that should fix all profile issues
10:41.59Repo10mendeleev: 03s8095324 * r272 / (3 files in 2 directories): Add Tier 9 Set
10:43.05Repo10mendeleev: 03s8095324 * r273 locales/zhCN.lua: zhCN update
10:43.26*** join/#wowace Schnaks (
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10:54.25yoshimowhat did rosterlib do when it wasnt abandoned?
10:54.46Repo10mendeleev: 03s8095324 * r274 / (4 files in 2 directories): Add Arena - Season 7 Set and Arena - Season 8 Set
10:57.39*** join/#wowace Schnaks (
11:27.02Repo10mendeleev: 03s8095324 * r275 / (4 files in 2 directories): Add Tier 10 Set
11:30.57Dessa~seen zeksie
11:30.59purlzeksie <> was last seen on IRC in channel #wowuidev, 53d 12h 2m 31s ago, saying: '(enjoy)'.
11:40.01*** join/#wowace mitchnull (
11:41.23*** join/#wowace Adirelle (
11:41.27Adirellehello there
11:41.34Repo10mendeleev: 03s8095324 * r276 Sets.lua: Add Emblem of Frost
11:42.05*** join/#wowace cncfanatics (~cncfanati@WoWUIDev/cncfanatics)
11:42.25Adirellesome "dumb" question about LUA, what is the difference between "for k,v in pairs(t) do" and for k,v in next, t do" ? I've seen both but I do not really understand the difference
11:42.50Adirelle(e.g. in my mine, "pairs(t)" is just "return next, t")
11:59.36Repo10zomgbuffs: 03Dessa * r150 ZOMGBuffs_BlessingsManager/Locales/localization.lua:
11:59.38Repo- pull enUS from the localizer to fix Ticket 105 and friends, not using automatic substitution for now, planned to do that later
12:06.13*** join/#wowace Megalon (
12:07.55*** join/#wowace Jygga (~Jygga@unaffiliated/jygga)
12:20.34mitchnullanyone happen to know if FonInstance:SetWidth(nil) is equivalent to FontInstance:SetWidth(0) or not?
12:23.16Repo10big-wigs: 037destiny * r7215 Citadel/LichKing.lua: Citadel/LichKing: Fix CD for Reaper, Defile
12:25.24*** join/#wowace mojosdojo (
12:25.51Repo10bazooka: 03mitch0 * r138 / (2 files in 2 directories): fix frame width calculation if maxtextwidth < stringwidth
12:35.18Repo10grid2: 03Gaff3 06options * r326 / (36 files in 6 directories): Merge to r347.
12:35.20RepoNB Untested, might be some merge issues what with all the new layer stuff. Will resolve shortly.
12:40.28*** join/#wowace EthanCentaurai (~ethan@
12:45.34Repo10sign-on: 03ethancentaurai 07master * v2.3.10-2-gafa561d / (2 files in 1 directory): [+1 commit] Update toc to 30300 (why haven't I done this sooner...)
12:46.40Repo10sign-on: 03ethancentaurai 04v2.3.11 * 80f3912 /: [new tag] Tagging as v2.3.11.
12:58.52Repo10atlasloot-enhanced: 03Lag123 * r2541 / (6 files in 5 directories): - Love is in the Air update
13:00.28*** join/#wowace Ingela (
13:02.43Repo10quartz: 03Nevcairiel 06ace3 * r86 Config.lua: Rename the slash command, too.
13:03.50*** join/#wowace Sliker (
13:07.20Repo10chinchilla: 03ethancentaurai 07master * v2.1-6-g119bc45 / (113 files in 19 directories): [+4 commits]
13:07.34Repo119bc45: Update modules to new file paths.
13:07.34Repocb0acd4: Remove leftover cruft.
13:07.36Repo49ab53f: File rename/rearrange. Yup, I'm _that_ OCD.
13:07.38Repoeed5f3e: Code cleanup.
13:07.54EthanCentaurai113 files? O_o
13:12.55Arrowmasterwhat did you do?
13:14.06*** join/#wowace ThiefMaster (~thief@unaffiliated/thiefmaster)
13:14.29nevcairielif you rename a file, it counts twice
13:18.04koaschten_I gonna sue Blizzard for troll discrimination ....
13:18.39Fiskeri don't get it
13:19.20koaschten_thats ok Fisker
13:20.30Fiskernoone will get it koaschten_
13:22.06koaschten_naah Fisker you just fail at achievements and buff bars
13:23.10Fiskernah, those achievement just became irrelevant a year ago
13:23.22Fiskerand your buff frames suck
13:30.30*** join/#wowace Trellmor (
13:32.51Fisker@project sign-on
13:32.52RepoFisker: Sign On. Game: WoW. ethancentaurai (Manager/Author), ChiperSoft (Former author). Updated: 46 minutes ago. Tickets: 2/17
13:34.46*** join/#wowace Kalroth (
13:35.52Fiskerhay Kalroth
13:40.02Fiskerbtw EthanCentaurai
13:40.15Fisker1x SignOn-2.3.10\Core.lua:5: Cannot find a library instance of "LibAlts-1.0".
13:40.28FiskerLibAlts is installed but doesn't load
13:40.49mitchnullfisker: could you check latest bazooka alpha? I think I understood your whitespace problem
13:44.50Repo10atlasloot-enhanced: 03Lag123 * r2542 Modules/WrathoftheLichKing/wrathofthelichking.lua: - Add Lich King
13:46.45kandarzI made a video! 62 seconds in 7.5MB at 1920x1080
13:46.55Fiskerethan fled the scene
13:47.23*** join/#wowace EthanCentaurai (~ethan@
13:48.14Repo10grid2: 03jerry * r348 Grid2.toc: Add LibDBLayers to the OptDepts
13:49.21Repo10mendeleev: 03s8095324 * r277 Set_Instances_WotLK.lua: Add The Forge of Souls,Pit of Saron and Halls of Reflection
13:52.11*** join/#wowace cncfanatics1 (
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13:55.20Fiskersylvanaar my nemesis :(
14:01.45*** join/#wowace WobWork (
14:01.45*** mode/#wowace [+v WobWork] by ChanServ
14:02.08Fiskerhey Wobin
14:02.11Fiskeror WobWork
14:02.36quiescensseems like more of a disconect and autoreconnect o.o
14:03.08Wobinoh fisker
14:03.11mitchnullfisker: thanks
14:03.15WobinI got my JC daily on the first kill
14:03.17Wobinthanks muchly =)
14:09.32Fiskerwhat is there in life but this wretched curse Wobin?
14:10.00Fiskerbtw it appears that quartz was my last ace2 addon
14:10.16Repo10bazooka: 03mitch0 04v1.8.3 * r139 : Tagging as v1.8.3
14:10.18Repo- added option to set maximum text width (ticket-8)
14:10.33*** join/#wowace WobWork (
14:10.33*** mode/#wowace [+v WobWork] by ChanServ
14:13.30Repo10ace3: 03Nevcairiel * r909 AceConfig-3.0/AceConfigDialog-3.0/AceConfigDialog-3.0.lua:
14:13.32RepoAceConfigDialog-3.0: Always obey the min/max values on range-type widgets
14:14.49Fiskeroh snap mitchnull
14:16.10mitchnullfisker: ?
14:16.27Fiskerappears to just've been a glitch
14:16.35Fiskersome plugin just overlapped the other
14:16.49mitchnulldoes it work or does it not now?
14:17.00nevcairielquartz was my last ace2 addon too, i just deleted ace2 and all other ace2-based libs today, wee :P
14:17.24*** join/#wowace cncfanatics (~cncfanati@WoWUIDev/cncfanatics)
14:17.31EthanCentauraigrats nev
14:17.43mitchnullfisker: gotta run now, if there's some issue with the latest tag please drop a not on the project forum. thanks
14:18.26Fiskerjust installed xloot
14:18.33Fiskerit says it's ace2 but didn't bug up :o
14:18.45EthanCentauraiget teksLoot, much better :p
14:20.10*** part/#wowace mitchnull (
14:20.11yoshimowhat was the purpose of the old libroster2.1?
14:20.46Fiskerdoesn't have the features i need EthanCentaurai
14:20.52Fiskerbtw any idea why libalts doesn't load?
14:21.11EthanCentauraiare you running it disembedded?
14:22.19koaschten_nevcairiel what did you replace quartz with?
14:22.29Fiskeryeah EthanCentaurai
14:22.40Fiskeroh snap nevcairiel
14:22.43asmodaibadum tsssshhh
14:22.44Fiskerthat was win
14:23.07Fiskerfor some reason my latency bar show "%dms" btw
14:23.22koaschten_is confused.
14:23.40Fiskerworked to begin with but i did something to fuck it up :(
14:23.42nevcairieloh i found it
14:25.37Repo10quartz: 03Nevcairiel 06ace3 * r87 modules/Latency.lua: Fix text display in Latency module
14:26.42Repo10sign-on: 03ethancentaurai 07master * v2.3.11-1-g58feaf0 SignOn.toc: [+1 commit] Make LibAlts an optional dependancy.
14:26.48EthanCentaurairofl Xinhuan
14:29.31Repo10sign-on: 03ethancentaurai 04v2.3.11a * 0330921 /: [new tag] Tagging as v2.3.11a
14:29.45EthanCentauraiFisker: try that
14:32.22asmodaiXinhuan: if that's Onur Air that advertisement makes sense even.
14:32.36Repo10quartz: 03Nevcairiel 06ace3 * r88 modules (2 files in 1 directory): Another victory in the fight against string garbage!
14:37.31*** join/#wowace KriLL3 (~chatzilla@unaffiliated/krill3) <-- why anger never works
14:40.15*** join/#wowace Keias (
14:40.44Repo10atlasloot-enhanced: 03Dynaletik * r2543 / (2 files in 2 directories):
14:40.48RepoUpdate SFK layout for Atlas 1.16.0 as the eventboss will be in it.
14:45.49Repo10brokerdurability: 03iceeagle 07master * ffbbb01 / (13 files in 2 directories): [new, +3 commits]
14:45.51Repoffbbb01: pkgmeta
14:45.52Repo1542d47: Locales
14:45.53Repo84c6ff4: Initial Commit.
14:50.32Repo10decursive: 03Archarodim 07master * / (11 files in 3 directories): [+1 commit] - Added a new option panel (under the MUF options) to let the user choose the MUF's mouse button assignments.
14:54.04KriLL3just bought a year of curse premium :)  
14:54.23KriLL3feels weird updating all my addons at once instead of 2 at a time
14:55.56Fiskerworked btw EthanCentaurai
14:58.30ArrowmasterEthanCentaurai: you have a 360?
15:01.17Repo10brokerdurability: 03iceeagle 07master * v1.0-beta-1-g8342b46 .pkgmeta: [+1 commit] pkgmeta fix
15:01.36Fiskerwhat addon do you use to manage alts btw EthanCentaurai?
15:06.32ckknightKriLL3: yea, but it's significantly easier now, though :P
15:06.49KriLL3ckknight: still feels weird =P
15:08.55nevcairieloh ckk woke up
15:09.05ckknightno, just sleep-typing
15:09.38nevcairielckknight: can you move the quartz ace3 clone to be the new mainline, and rename the old to classic or ace2 or something? :D
15:14.10Gnarfoznevcairiel: is it that far along, finally?
15:19.38ckknightnevcairiel: all done
15:20.59nevcairielckknight: thanks
15:23.28Repo10quartz: 03Nevcairiel * r89 Quartz.lua: Poke for a new zip and locale update
15:27.43Gnarfoznevcairiel: so, will I want to cut myself if I upgrade to that right before my raid in 20 minutes? :D
15:28.10nevcairielckknight: there is some error in the packager happening on quartz now, guess you might need to reset the local checkout
15:28.28nevcairielGnarfoz: it works, you just need to redo config due to ace2->ace3 move
15:28.34nevcairielalso, the packager didnt create it yet :D
15:33.53*** join/#wowace Axodious^ (
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15:41.16Arrowmasterrepo still isnt announcing to #wowuidev-commits
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15:47.26elec29ahi could someone help me to identify my pc problem i have a SAPPHIRE AM2rs740g Mainboard and AMD Phenom, II x4 940 (4CPUs) 3GHz and Asus Nvidia GTX260 896MB and i get only 1-3 frames in 25er grps ? is there some way to see whats the problem (maybe the cheap mainboard) crysis runs perferctly on 80 frames max settings... i dont have spyware or other software running
15:48.33Axodious^turn off shadows
15:48.48elec29ayes i did but without result
15:49.10Axodioustried turning everything down?
15:49.47Axodiousif so have you tried disabling all of your addons (could be an addon going haywire)
15:50.44elec29ayes i even did reinstall wow without addons
15:51.32Axodiousnot sure then, doesn't make sense that with everything set to low and addons disabled that you get low fps yet in another game get high fps
15:51.46elec29ayes thats so strange
15:55.50Arrowmasterhave you updated your gfx card drivers?
15:55.57Arrowmasterand other drivers like motherboard?
15:57.01*** join/#wowace EthanCentaurai (~ethan@
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15:59.02elec29ayes everything last version
16:07.22*** join/#wowace PREFIX (
16:10.09Repo10reflux: 03kagaro * r39 Reflux.lua: Initial checkin on snapshot code.
16:10.11RepoSnapshotting, will have Reflux copy each addon profile (what ever it is currently set as) to the new prfile. creating a snapshot profile.
16:10.15*** join/#wowace Yogibear75 (
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16:11.19Repo10reflux: 03kagaro * r40 Reflux.toc: ToC bump for new functionality
16:21.27sztanpetnevcairiel should i be able to update quartz via the curse client?
16:21.32sztanpetbecause i cant
16:22.50Fiskerit's a branch copy
16:23.01Fiskerhe's doing some testing before he merges
16:23.12sztanpetits already mainline
16:23.19Fiskeridk then
16:23.34Fiskermaybe it doesn't recognize the working copy?
16:23.36*** join/#wowace Seerah (
16:23.43Fiskerand you have to reinstall using the client ?
16:24.16nevcairielthe packager broke due to the move
16:24.45nevcairielwaiting for ckknight to fix it, hopefully
16:26.33Repo10big-wigs: 037destiny * r7216 Citadel/LichKing.lua: Citadel/LichKing: Fix bar icon, defile CD
16:26.37ckknightnevcairiel: back
16:28.55nevcairielwell then, can you clear out the local checkout of quartz in the packager, its conflicting :)
16:29.31Repo10libfail-1-0: 03sztanpet * r197 LibFail-1.0.lua:
16:29.32Repotweak sindragosa_blisteringcold to trigger not just on death, but on damages highter than 10k
16:29.44ckknightand if I refuse?
16:29.50ckknightbtw, already did it
16:30.05nevcairieli'll poke the packager again then
16:31.24ckknightI already did
16:31.40nevcairieli saw
16:32.57Repo10reflux: 03kagaro 041,8 * r41 : Tagging as 1,8
16:32.59RepoAdded a new snapshot command. It will traverse all your current profiles, setup a new profile and copy your current settings into the new profile.
16:33.25olafskihow nice, a comma instead of a period ;)
16:34.09Pneumatusdamn euros :<
16:35.37nevcairielsztanpet: if you use alpha, you can update quartz via CC now .. or soon anyway, whenever the new file syncs
16:35.51sztanpetyup, its working now, thanks
16:37.13Fisker@project reflux
16:37.14RepoFisker: Reflux. Game: WoW. kagaro (Manager/Author). Updated: 26 minutes ago
16:37.19*** join/#wowace kagaro (
16:37.51Fiskerone thing that is weird
16:38.05Fiskerwhy don't all addons with profile just default assume i'll be using a profile relevant to my character?
16:38.27Fiskerinstead of "Default"
16:38.34Pneumatusbecause sometimes char-wide profiling is terrible
16:38.35Fisker(which with some addons don't even work properly)
16:38.38sztanpeti use the default profiles and set them up so its usable on all my chars
16:38.52sztanpetthere are addons where that does not make sense of course
16:38.58kagarostan i added a snapshot to reflux this morning
16:39.04Fiskerit's always usable on all your characters
16:39.11Fiskerjust setup a new profile and copy if you need one
16:39.34sztanpetyes i know, but i prefer not to tinker with it, the default "Default" suits me quite well
16:39.41Pneumatusexcept if you want to make a change to all your chars profiles you're fucked
16:39.42kagarothe one I hate is addonds that dont use a profile where its really needed i.e. a lot of unit frame addons
16:40.20kagaromy layout for my priest needs to be different than my tanking druid
16:40.53*** join/#wowace pompy (
16:40.54nevcairielI set that based on the addon pretty much
16:40.58nevcairielbartender has character profiles
16:41.05kagaroyeah i use those like mad for bartender
16:41.10nevcairielquartz has a "Default" profile, because castbars .. the same for everyone
16:41.12*** join/#wowace Funkeh` (~funk@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/Ace3/BigWigs/funkeh)
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16:41.12Fiskeralso i think more the point i was trying to get at is that profiles are barely exposed to the user
16:41.16EthanCentaurainevcairiel: getting an error with r89 of Quartz when modifying pet bar settings: \AddOns\Quartz\modules\Pet.lua line 594: attempt to index global 'Focus' (a nil value)
16:41.31Stanzillakagaro: did you see my post in the kgpanels thread?
16:41.35EthanCentauraithis was width setting
16:41.39kagarolemme go check
16:41.48Fiskerlike i hate having to go into an addon then change it to another profile, then copy it from my old default profile, only to discover that the copy didn't work properly
16:41.49*** join/#wowace p3lim (
16:42.09EthanCentauraiArrowmaster: yes I do
16:42.12kagaroyou mean the mis labled buttons
16:42.26FiskerIt should be like "This is the first time you've setup <addon> will you use this configuration for Everyone/<class>/<Character>?"
16:42.34nevcairielEthanCentaurai: thats what happens when you dont care about pet classes :P
16:42.55kagaroill go change those now
16:43.28Repo10quartz: 03Nevcairiel * r90 modules/Pet.lua: Fix config error in Pet module
16:43.31ArrowmasterEthanCentaurai: i thought i saw you on the rez hd leaderboard
16:43.43Stanzillakagaro: make sure I was right before you do that,  please:P
16:44.01Fiskeri especially hate that Classtimer addon
16:44.07Stanzilladie Fisker
16:44.08Fiskerwhich still can't figure out i want it disabled for my hunter
16:44.16Fiskerso now i disabled all buffs instead
16:44.18Fiskeror timers
16:44.27Fiskerthat it could atleast understand
16:44.28Pneumatusjust disable the addon for that char :o
16:44.32EthanCentauraioh? where abouts am I?
16:44.32Fiskernaw Pneumatus
16:44.49Fiskerpower to the people and so forth
16:45.20Repo10grid2: 03Gaff3 06options * r327 / (2 files in 2 directories): Final fixes.
16:45.33kagaroim checking it first stan
16:45.44Fiskerthough i think Classtimer has live out it's usefulness for me now
16:46.01Pneumatusfor the odd things i need timer bars for i use needtoknow
16:47.29Repo10big-wigs: 03funkydude * r7217 Plugins (2 files in 1 directory): re-enable the under dev modules
16:47.34*** join/#wowace Venara (
16:48.02kagarono they arent flipped anywhere
16:49.13kagaromight be the SetPoint is confusing
16:50.11kagaroohh wait they may be backwards
16:50.32Fiskerbah nevcairiel
16:51.22kagaroyeah my bad it was x,y was reversed
16:52.20Fiskerlol wtf
16:52.23Fiskeri r angreh
16:53.08Repo10kg-panels: 03kagaro * r345 kgPanels.lua:
16:53.10RepoFixed a bug in background insets, x,y were reversed cause unintended movements.
16:54.58Stanzillakagaro: :)
16:57.07*** join/#wowace DarkerAudit (
16:57.27EthanCentaurainevcairiel: in the Buffs module of Quartz, the font selection dropdown has a list of statusbar textures instead of fonts :)
16:57.58nevcairielhm, you are right
16:59.24*** join/#wowace Kilroo1 (
16:59.51EthanCentauraiand I occasionally get this error when changing a font or statusbar texture: AceGUI-3.0-SharedMediaWidgets\SharedFunctions.lua line 41: attempt to index field 'pullout' (a nil value)
17:00.05EthanCentauraialthough I am using SurfaceControl to set a global override
17:00.07nevcairielyeah i'm not sure wtf that is about
17:00.08Repo10quartz: 03Nevcairiel * r91 modules/Buff.lua: Fonts are no textures, apparently, who would've thought!
17:03.03nevcairieli think its somehow related to the widget itself
17:03.06nevcairielnot quartz
17:04.42nevcairielI wonder if i changed something in the Ace3 dropdown that breaks it
17:05.18nevcairielhm nah, not many changes in there
17:06.33nevcairieli blame yssaril and his widget!
17:08.23Stanzillafix the widget! :p
17:22.53Ingelahow do i attach debuffs to buffs again with ebb? i accidently moved them :(
17:24.10Fiskermy demise changes nothing
17:24.15FiskerThis world will burn
17:25.03kagarowhy cant we get the name of a saved variablevia GetAddOnMetadata :(
17:26.53quiescenswhat does it do if you set the font to a texture anyway
17:30.36ShadowedYay for WUU
17:30.49Shadowedseems it's doing something wonky and breaking SUF
17:31.27Shadowedwho wrote WUU I want to go smack him
17:31.39yoshimowhats wuu?
17:31.45Shadowedwow ui updater
17:32.12*** join/#wowace Kilroo (
17:33.08yoshimoshadowed, did you notice people you dont know sending you healbotcommtraffic?
17:33.34ShadowedI don't raid too much right now
17:33.40ShadowedBut I think it uses whisper comms or something weird
17:34.36yoshimoim not even in the same group, im questin solo :P
17:34.52ShadowedPossibly it's cached data he didnh't reset?
17:35.16koaschten_friendlist whisper?
17:37.25yoshimomaybe but than its an alt
17:44.57yoshimoi didnt use it, and people of my guild ask me for alternatives ;) HB isnt really used here anymore :D
17:45.02Repo10big-wigs: 037destiny * r7218 Citadel/Locales/koKR.lua: koKR Update
17:49.57Arrowmastereither my connection just took a shit or EAs servers just went down
17:51.49koaschten_as your connection obviously is unfailable....
17:51.54koaschten_... blame the internets
17:55.20*** join/#wowace Stew_a (~Stewart@unafilliated/stewa/x-008753)
18:01.42Repo10kg-panels: 03kagaro * r346 kgPanels.lua:
18:01.44RepoAdded an upgrade funciton to swap insets , since to corect values on load.
18:03.21yoshimoafter 4h the incoming and outgoing traffic of all addons is below 100kb, next time people tell me , addontraffic disconnects them, ill be rolling on the floor laughing ,)
18:05.09asmodaiThey may have old/sucky addons?
18:05.50Repo10kg-panels: 03kagaro 04v1.36 * r347 : Tagging as v1.36
18:05.52RepoSeveral bug fixes.
18:05.53RepoMost notewhorthy is the inset fixes for background and borders. They should correctly reflect the positioning and automatically update your layout values to put them in the right order. If you see layout shifting, double check your insets as they may not have swapped.
18:07.20*** join/#wowace Aeyan (
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18:13.45Gnarfozasmodai: you realize how wrong your reply was?
18:14.52*** join/#wowace Dashkal (~dashkal@WoWUIDev/Nexus/dashkal)
18:16.54Fiskerhey Gnarfoz
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18:30.21asmodaiGnarfoz: I've learnt to not care. :)
18:30.41Axodiousi hate organizing mp3 collections
18:30.43yoshimoif you want people to use a rewrite of an old addon, how do you convince them that switching is a good idea?
18:30.59nevcairielyou don't
18:31.01Axodiousyou're rewriting power aurasy ou said
18:31.08asmodaiyoshimo: You packet them
18:31.18olafskiyou let people figure it out for themselves
18:31.25olafskisuch as with TellMeWhen ;)
18:32.25Pneumatusyoshimo: advertise why newAddonX is better than oldCrappyAddonY
18:34.07yoshimopneumatus, where? ;)
18:34.24Pneumatuswherever it will get seen, i guess
18:34.27Axodiouskicks itunes
18:34.48Axodioushey it worked
18:35.29Axodiousitunes for windows does not like when i edit 6000 song id3 tags :X
18:36.05KriLL3iTunes for windows doesn't like anything at all
18:36.12KriLL3slow piece of ****
18:36.27KriLL3sadly there isn't anything better
18:36.29Axodiousi don't find it too slow unless i'm editting stuff
18:36.56KriLL3well it's not exactly snappy, though that might be because my music is on a NAT instead of local
18:37.00Axodiousi think what's more annoying is people that make id3 tags like artist = various but the song title = artist - song
18:37.28KriLL3don't understand why iTunes can't process songs named "name - artist" etc
18:37.35KriLL3it just lumps all that into name
18:37.38Axodiousbeen fixing my like 200g mp3 collection since 2 days ago cause i broke down and bought an iphone
18:37.45Axodiousand my collection looks ugly not organized :(
18:37.59KriLL3I got an iPod nano, only reason I use iTunes really
18:38.27Axodiousthough i have to say
18:38.34Axodiousthe itunes id3 tag editor does a fairly good hjob
18:38.43Axodiousand what it can't do tag&rename can
18:38.43AeyanI prefer mp3tag
18:38.48KriLL3though dynamic playlists are nice, 5 star, reverse order by number of plays, and genre 1, 2, 3, or 4
18:39.14KriLL3limited to the 50 most recent songs added
18:39.32kagaroAxodious you should write a script todo that
18:39.38Axodiousto do what
18:39.43kagaroto tag and rename
18:39.59kagarothats what I did to tag, organize and rename my TV shows
18:40.01Axodioustag&rename is a program that has a script type system in it
18:40.15Axodiousit's got variables for each id3 tag lik %1 = arist %2 = album
18:40.16Vilkkunevcairiel, is there no way of getting your old quartz settings imported over? also, thanks for taking it over, you rock :D
18:40.24nevcairielno way
18:40.37Axodiousit grabs all the songs/artists via the mp3 name itself
18:40.40KriLL3I've sorted my TV shows by genre/show/season
18:40.47nevcairieli suppose there would be, but quartz config isnt that complicated
18:41.03KriLL3and I use tvrenamer.exe in each folder to rename the weird files into something legible
18:41.10Axodioussay a song is like 01 Various - somesong  name (note the double space)
18:41.49Axodiousin tag&renames wildcard box i do %6 (track number tag) Various - (ignores this) %1 (song name)  %2 (artist name)
18:42.20Axodiousit's nice not having to write regex lines everytime
18:43.01Axodiousand yeah i use tvrename for my tv shows
18:43.22Gnarfoznevcairiel: :(
18:43.23Fiskersure there is KriLL3
18:43.28Fiskereverything is better than itunes
18:43.29Fiskereven WMP
18:43.31Axodioussome dummy on tvdb keeps changing southpark season 1 aired to dvd >_>
18:44.02nevcairielGnarfoz: how is that my problem? =P
18:44.14KriLL3Fisker: naw, WMP's library is rudimentary at best, though yes I use WMP for video  
18:44.15Caleb|~seen 7destiny
18:44.17purlCaleb|: i haven't seen '7destiny'
18:44.20Gnarfoznevcairiel: not sure, I could have blamed Fisker
18:44.29GnarfozCaleb|: nicknames can't start with numbers
18:44.44Axodiouswmp is a pain in the ass for anything other than playing 1 file at a time
18:44.45Caleb|well thats is wowace user name
18:44.50Caleb|no idea about his irc nick
18:44.52nevcairieli dont think he does irc
18:45.04Gnarfoz~seen destiny7
18:45.05purldestiny7 <i=ZNT_A@> was last seen on IRC in channel #wowace, 340d 2h 13m 17s ago, saying: 'Pneumatus: I was going to commit to the branch, but vhaarr told me to commit to the trunk ;'.
18:45.07KriLL3I've used most music applications, winamp, songbird etc, but iTunes' dynamic playlists doesn't have an equivalent in anything else as of yet sadly  
18:45.10Gnarfozthat's him
18:45.14Gnarfozbut well
18:45.33Gnarfoznevcairiel: would that error get fixed by the auto-generate script for babble?
18:46.07KriLL3once something else gets a similar feature I'm swapping in a heartbeat
18:46.43KriLL3Songbird is nice, but it's even slower than iTunes at times, and it shows it's browser roots in many places, and it's a bit crude as of yet
18:46.53KriLL3smells a bit of linux
18:47.03nevcairielsongbird is bloated and slow
18:47.40Gnarfozitunes/win also fulfills those two criteria :>
18:48.12KriLL3yeah but it is a slightly more graceful hippo
18:48.57Repo10libbabble-boss-3-0: 03Nevcairiel * r267 LibBabble-Boss-3.0.lua:
18:48.59RepoAutomated LibBabble re-generation from the localization system
18:50.20Axodioushow do you do an or in a macro?
18:50.21KriLL3apple simply can't write software for windows, it feels out of place, only UI concession they do is put minimize/maximize/close on the right side of the window, and it's slow, iTunes, Quicktime, Safari, it's all slow
18:50.50KriLL3I don't know if it's intentional or not "look how slow windows is, runs much faster on OSX!"
18:51.00Fiskerthis is the most retarded lag ever
18:51.06Fiskertook me 30 minutes to get back in
18:51.13Fiskerand then my corpse fucked up and was ported to dalaran
18:51.15GnarfozFisker: sunday evening :\
18:51.17Fiskerwell my ghost were, not my corpse
18:51.34nevcairielwhy is it that bad now anyway?
18:51.39nevcairielit wasnt that bad half a year ago
18:51.44Gnarfozbecause... 3.3?
18:51.46Fisker50g repair bill?
18:51.48GnarfozICC? ^^
18:56.53*** join/#wowace kandarz (
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19:02.59Repo10quartz: 03Nevcairiel * r92 modules/GCD.lua: Check for valid values in the GCD OnUpdate
19:05.07KriLL3is the "new" quartz similar to the old one?
19:07.46Repo10quartz: 03Nevcairiel * r93 modules/Interrupt.lua: Fix Interrupt Module
19:12.12*** join/#wowace Adys (~Adys@unaffiliated/adys)
19:14.28ramozso guys
19:14.42ramozim looking for a real lightweight dottimer
19:14.50ramozall i need to time is my immolation
19:15.14ramozany tips?
19:15.20Primerquartz, of course!
19:15.22asmodaiWho here had a Hero or similar phone? (HVGA Android phones)
19:15.48Brunersramoz: NeedToKnow
19:16.05Brunersasmodai: haste and several others
19:16.36ramozBruners: cheers
19:16.43ramozPrimer, dont think i can filter with Quartz?
19:16.54asmodaihaste: saw yet?
19:17.02Primerramoz: I was just joking :)
19:17.13*** join/#wowace TradeMark (
19:17.26hastethey've actually released swype now :p ?
19:17.51asmodaihaste: there's a beta for WVGA devices, this is a fixed apk for HVGA devices.
19:17.54asmodaiJust installed it on my hero
19:17.58asmodaiman, it rocks for input
19:19.00nevcairieli have a droid with a hw keyboard, i dont use the screenthing that often
19:19.16asmodainevcairiel: My hero doesn't  have a kbd like that
19:21.09Fiskerwho maintains xloot these days?
19:21.31Fiskeri don't know him Stanzilla
19:21.40Fiskeris that the guy responsible for your enable code in classtime?
19:22.55Brunersasmodai: that looks really cool
19:23.07StanzillaFisker: yup
19:24.07asmodaiBruners: Works much better than typical touching.
19:24.13Brunersramoz: i'm not sure if NTN is updated on curse, the original author has drifted off i think, but the old versions should work
19:26.21Gnarfoznevcairiel: does ace3-quartz do vehicle/player swapping?
19:26.50*** join/#wowace Silowyi (
19:26.53nevcairielhow would a castbar need swapping?
19:27.00nevcairielit shows casts of your vehicle as it where your own
19:27.05Gnarfozyes, exactly.
19:27.06nevcairielbut you yourself dont cast anymore
19:27.09Gnarfozace2 quartz doesn't do that
19:27.12nevcairielso what is swapped there
19:27.24Gnarfozit should show vehicle casts as player casts
19:27.26Gnarfozwhen on vehicles
19:27.29nevcairielit does
19:27.30Gnarfoz*in* vehicles, actually
19:27.33nevcairielbut its no "swap" :P
19:27.35Gnarfozwell, ace2 quartz doesn't.
19:27.46nevcairielif you have pet cast bars it'll show both, though
19:27.48Gnarfoz(it shows those as pet casts)
19:27.48nevcairielbut shrug
19:27.54Gnarfozyes, who cares about pets tho? :P
19:27.58nevcairielnot me
19:28.12Arrowmasterarent there vehicles you can sit on and cast?
19:28.28nevcairielsure, but you can either cast yourself, or with the vehicle
19:28.29Arrowmasteryou arent the driver though
19:29.44Gnarfozthis is not complicated ^^
19:30.26nevcairielanyway the player castbar shows all cast from the player or the vehicle unit
19:30.28nevcairielno other smart logic
19:31.46Gnarfozsounds good
19:32.00nevcairielbtw, smelting ore with this lag is really painful
19:32.02Gnarfoz(and different from what ace2 quartz did, which was my question)
19:32.03nevcairielit takes ages
19:34.48*** join/#wowace Sesshu (
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19:40.31Axodiousanyone know how to deal with the spirit warden in frostmourne room?
19:40.38Axodioussome classes/specs can't interrupt it
19:40.42Gnarfoznevcairiel: milling/prospecting is worse
19:40.42Axodiousie troll priest
19:46.23Xinhuanpug mage in my /lfd
19:46.35Xinhuanis wearing a melee attack power 50 triumph badges trinket
19:46.43Xinhuanand is using a flask of endless enrage
19:46.50Xinhuanwith stamina gems in his pants
19:47.03nevcairieltank mage!
19:47.15nevcairielever heard of the battle mage hero class? :d
19:47.58Xinhuanit might have been funny if he actually did more damage than half the tank's damage
19:51.49KriLL3did he wear a straitjacket?
19:52.21Xinhuanit was a blue quality pants with epic quality stam gem in it.
19:52.43Xinhuani'm not sure if he was really just clueless or just trying to be a joke
19:53.37KriLL3perhaps he uses em in pvp?
19:53.43KriLL3stam isn't useless for anything in pvp
19:54.08Xinhuannot sure, but i can't think of a reason to justify buying the melee hit trinket
19:54.17Xinhuanwhen half his gear is blue and the other half if epic
19:54.23KriLL3for his melee swings ofc
19:54.49KriLL3everyone knows mages like to thump you with their staff
19:55.34Xinhuanhmm let me dig up his armory lol
19:56.20Xinhuanlook at enchants lol
19:56.24Xinhuancloak, gloves, legs
19:58.30KriLL3boots aren't much better
19:58.54KriLL3he's clearly never sat down and read what the stats actually do
19:59.33KriLL3a bit like my brother when we started playing wow, he stacked str and spirit on his hunter and spent most of his time in melee, he just shot mobs while they ran towards him, then melee, no pet
19:59.39Xinhuanevocation, mana gem, blink major glyphs
20:00.23Xinhuanand he didn't get the 51th talent in the arcane tree =.=
20:00.40KriLL3yeah thought that was odd, though I don't have a mage so I can't say for sure
20:00.48SunTsumaybe he's one of those tank mages...
20:01.11KriLL3yes, clearly, he's enchanted for armor and stamina
20:01.29SunTsuand AP == aggro :>
20:01.39Xinhuanendless rage flask active yo
20:02.01KriLL3225 armor on cloak will help vs rogues in pvp also *nods in approval*
20:03.27asmodaiAnyone else for tea?
20:03.43KriLL3just don't smoke it, or yoi
20:03.51KriLL3you'll end up like that guy
20:10.40*** join/#wowace Repo (
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20:22.33Repo10broker_baginfo: 03iceeagle 07master * 915c4f2 / (4 files in 1 directory): [new, +3 commits]
20:22.35Repo915c4f2: pkgmeta
20:22.36Repo8077a95: libs
20:22.37Repo794ce52: initial commit
20:25.39*** join/#wowace kd3 (~kd3@wikia/kaydeethree)
20:29.51*** part/#wowace Thaoky (Thaoky@
20:33.33harli hate the damn malygos encounter. for the reason of most of the people of most of the raids i've been there with not knowing #%@! what to do in phase 3.
20:34.40Pneumatus1,1,2 loot crystal, exit portal
20:35.10Megalon98% fail with vehicles
20:35.24MegalonOMG, WHER R MA SPELLZ
20:35.50*** join/#wowace syeren (
20:43.23Repo10shadowed-unit-frames: 03Shadowed 07master * v3.1-19-g5c48ff5 modules/tags.lua: [+1 commit] Fixed silly logic error causing [perpp] to break on non-player units
20:47.34*** join/#wowace Arcalyth (
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21:01.47Repo10reflux: 03kagaro 041.8 * r42 : Tagging as 1.8
21:01.49RepoTypoed previous tag as 1,8   note the comma
21:04.12Axodiousyay, blizz madeup for the fiasco on anub with warlocks on lk
21:20.30*** join/#wowace rmk (
21:22.26Pneumatusany of you lot that have killed sindragosa 25, how many healers did you take?
21:23.30*** join/#wowace Arrowmaster (arrow@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/ResponsibleForEverythingAndNothing/Arrowmaster)
21:24.20Fisker(i'm super cereal)
21:26.56Pneumatusalso super liar, rite
21:50.46*** join/#wowace tekkub (~tekkub@WoWUIDev/WoWI/Featured/Dongle/GitHub/Tekkub)
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21:53.48Axodiouswoo lk down
21:53.51Axodious10 man
21:59.18Repo10big-wigs: 03funkydude * r7219 Citadel (5 files in 2 directories): Citadel/LichKing: Fixup engage triggers.
22:05.16Repo10big-wigs: 03Maat * r7220 Citadel/LichKing.lua: add last phase bar
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22:42.03yoshimowhats the characterlimit for mail within wow?
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22:45.29Fiskerthe same as the nicklimit duh?
22:46.16ulicI think he means in the body
22:47.29Fisker520 apparently
22:47.34Fiskerwell less than that
22:47.40Fisker500 actually
22:49.12DarkAudithow long before the footmen at Battle Before the Citadel stop dropping Lovely Charms?
22:50.14DarkAuditeasy to pick up 10-15 of them on a pass through... like bowling :)
22:51.33DarkAuditheal & shield up and go back the other way... repeat until bags are full
22:54.38GnarfozDarkAudit: interesting. :>
22:55.16*** join/#wowace Axodious (
22:55.23DarkAuditjust don't make the mistake I made of turning in the tourney quest... :p
22:56.59Repo10broker-currency: 03Azethoth * r92 Broker_Currency.lua: --Add love token
22:57.00Repo--Rearrange emblem order
22:57.01Repo--some icon changes
22:57.26*** join/#wowace tekkub (~tekkub@WoWUIDev/WoWI/Featured/Dongle/GitHub/Tekkub)
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23:02.37Superfly_DarkAudit: try ulduar
23:09.37Gnarfozyeah, FL trash is srs bznz
23:09.51GnarfozDarkAudit: I have it on me anyway, so I can see the ICC meeting stone :D
23:10.03Gnarfozbut not every footman gives me a charm? :<
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23:22.55Groktarcontinually amazes himself with his ability to have 4 syntax errors in 1 of code only 3 words long
23:23.31Shirikyou haven't used C++ have you
23:23.54ShirikI had a 100 line error for a block of code that was only a couple lines long
23:24.19Fiskerslaps Shirik around a bit with a large trout
23:25.52Groktarmost of those were probably libraries throwing fits, weren't they?
23:26.18Shirikoh here
23:26.20Shirikthis is a good one too
23:26.22*** join/#wowace TheDude2 (
23:26.24Shirikbut it's for lisp
23:26.34ShirikCode: (defun mysum(x) (if (>= 0 x) 0 (+ 1 (mysum (- x 1)))))
23:26.43ShirikResult of compilation:
23:27.15Groktarlisp is being helpful!
23:27.54Groktarphpbb3 likes to give me such awesome errors as "There appears to be an error in your SQL syntax"
23:27.56Groktarnothing else
23:28.42nevcairielare you really supposed to read all that Shirik? :P
23:29.09Shirikthough it gives you hints as to where the most important parts are
23:29.21Shirikbut that's nothing nevcairiel
23:29.26nevcairielthats like 5k lines
23:29.30nevcairielwho reads that
23:29.30Shirikthat's nothing
23:29.39Shirikonce I got something like 2GB of output before I ran out of memory
23:29.39nevcairiellisp is crazy
23:29.48ShirikWell it's not really lisp, it's ACL2
23:30.01ShirikACL2 is a theorem prover that runs on Lisp
23:30.14ShirikThe error is caused because it can't prove that function will not infinitely recurse
23:30.37ShirikTo this day I haven't figured out why, but I determined that telling it x has to be an integer fixes the problem
23:31.09Shirikit makes a comment about complex numbers, but I haven't been able to figure out what's wrong with it if it were a complex number
23:31.24Ingelasomeone explain to me why dbm doesn't update directly to curse/wowace/whatever
23:31.45Stanzillacause dbm sucks!
23:31.49Shirikbecause they don't want to?
23:32.33IngelaStanzilla, it dpeends really, dbm was top dawg in beginning of this patch afaik, never liked bigwigs but dxe was really good on anub hardmode
23:33.00Ingelathink i'll go dxe now again since stupid dbm doesn't update to curse
23:33.01Ingelafuck dbm!
23:33.37Stanzillasad but true
23:33.48KemayoDrat, the curse store finally ran out of even the $10 amazon cards.
23:34.30nevcairielaccording to kaelten cards are re-orderd and should get in soon
23:35.40KemayoThat's good news. I was sick of having to enter batches of the $10s.
23:37.32*** join/#wowace Cyrez (
23:38.13Ingelaso when do i get points :( i have ffs 200 downloads on my addon!(!!!ooneonelevevenellevenoneone!!e111)
23:39.18Megalonper day?
23:39.25Ingelano, over all! :D
23:39.38Megalonah, ok, even my addon can beat that ;x
23:40.01Ingelathats what i get for doing an addon that only works for one specc and one class
23:46.24GagorianHow does the Curse's Most Popular addons page ranking work?
23:46.36GagorianSince download count at least varies a lot
23:46.44Megaloninstallbase I'd think
23:47.51GagorianDoesn't seem to be possible either
23:48.02arkanescurse downloader loggin' mah keys!
23:48.13arkanesor at least my addons
23:49.41Xinhuanonly addons with at least 1000 downloads get reward points :)
23:50.14Ingelastarts downloading my addon 800 times
23:51.42Fiskerrips a fart in Groktar's face
23:52.00Groktarsuggests Ingela modify his guild's website to download the addon every time someone loads a page
23:52.27Ingelalol, we have a guild required loot addon made by our guild leader :D
23:52.41Groktardo it in the background all ajaxy so people won't notice >.>
23:54.31Megalondon't ajax
23:54.34Megalonjust exploit
23:54.57Groktarwhy on earth am i getting this error
23:55.05Ingelastop running windows me
23:55.07Ingelagah Groktar
23:55.16Groktarno, not that error
23:55.18Groktarthis other one
23:55.21Groktarpoints at his screen
23:55.40Ingeladid you turn it on?
23:55.56Groktarlook, this error
23:55.56Ingelapoints at Groktars "on"-button
23:55.59Groktarpoints again
23:57.06Groktarblames Ingela

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