IRC log for #wowace on 20090524

00:01.39Repo10grid2: 03Azethoth * r178 Options (11 files in 2 directories): -- ready-check status
00:01.42Repo-- vehicle status
00:01.44Repo-- Some range parameters for the threshold options
00:04.21Repo10status-aura-group: 03Azethoth * r30 Options/Grid2StatusAuraGroupOptions.lua: -- local --> global
00:06.51Repo10grid2statusafk: 03Azethoth * r4 Options/Grid2StatusAFKOptions.lua: -- probably some whitespace changes
00:07.38Repo10grid2statusafk: 03Azethoth * r5 Grid2StatusAFK.lua: -- simplified handling
00:09.51Repo10status-res: 03Azethoth * r16 Options/Grid2StatusResOptions.lua: -- whitespace
00:10.05*** join/#wowace QQngsk (
00:17.10ArthicEU!api GetNumTalentTabs
00:17.11lua_botGetNumTalentTabs: Returns the number of talent tabs for the player, or a the currently inspected unit (
00:17.44ArthicEU!api GetTalentTabInfo
00:17.44lua_botGetTalentTabInfo: Returns information about the specified talent tree from either the player or the unit that is being inspected.  (
00:18.34ArthicEUHmm. Either that is out-of-date or there's something I'm missing.
00:18.49durcynit's not out of date.
00:18.51ArthicEUBecause I can't find a way to distinguish between dual-specs.
00:19.18durcyn!api GetActiveTalentGroup
00:19.18lua_botGetActiveTalentGroup: Returns the index of the active talent specialization (
00:20.08ArthicEUOk, and how would I use that info to get the right talent data?
00:20.38Arrowmasteryou dont
00:21.17durcynyours or someone else's?
00:21.21ArthicEUGetTalentTabInfo seems to return data concerning the 2nd dual-spec.
00:21.29ArthicEUdurcyn: Both.
00:23.06*** join/#wowace Pneumatus (
00:23.28ArthicEUHmm, GetTalentTabInfo seems to return data concerning the inactive dual-spec.
00:32.46Toadkillerckknight: AutoBar is sadly neglected atm
00:33.29Repo10speakinspell: 03rismisner * r179 / (4 files in 2 directories):
00:33.32RepoImplemented data import from old saved settings (old data will ALWAYS overwrite new data at this point, still doing cleanup on it)
00:43.05*** join/#wowace Pneumatus (
00:46.15Repo10dr-damage: 03Gagorian * r881 / (7 files in 2 directories):
00:46.17Repo- Removed downranking coefficients as they were incorrect anyway
00:46.20Repo- Cookie for the person who figures out the new downranking system. Seems to be 5% coefficient per spell level, but works a bit strange. Insect swarm is for example penalty: 1 - (playerlevel-spellevel-11)*0.05, but rejuvenation seems to be something like 1 - (playerlevel-spelllevel-7)*0.05 and there's one rank that's an exception etc.
00:47.35Pneumatuswhy even worry about downranking now? :o
00:48.14GagorianSomeone is going to complain that I TRIED A LOWER RANK AND IT GAVE WRONG VALUES!!111
00:49.31Pneumatusare there any cases when downranking is even worth considering?
00:49.51Pneumatusthe only thing i think i've heard of people downranking these days is like banish, for a shorter duration
00:50.20GagorianSOme spells that are used just for the faster cast time
00:51.07Gagorianalthough even a bit lower and the coefficient will be totally useless
00:51.45Pneumatusi wouldnt lose sleep over not being able to calculate downranked spells
00:52.23*** join/#wowace quoin (
00:56.16Pneumatusooh, this ShadowGreenLight looks useful
00:56.30Pneumatusannoys the hell out of me refreshing SW:P at random hoping for the best
00:58.28Repo10dr-damage: 03Gagorian * r882 Caster.lua:
00:58.31Repo- Added back the below level 20 modifier, as it's still useful for low level chars with spellpower.
01:02.56ArthicEUExperience with GetTalentTabInfo, new optional parameter groupIndex (which determines active spec). If not given, it's documented to give results for the active spec. This is true for 'self', but for 'inspect' it's the other way around.
01:11.58Repo10speakinspell: 03rismisner * r180 / (2 files in 2 directories): - Import Cooldown settings from old data
01:12.01Repo- added capability of FixOldSavedData to prompt opening the options panel at startup
01:12.04Repo- added new encapsulated function ImportOldSpellTableAsBuff to start looking at GetSpellInfo to make smarter determinations
01:15.51*** join/#wowace Wobin (
01:15.51*** mode/#wowace [+v Wobin] by ChanServ
01:21.04Repo10bank-items: 03Xinhuan * r114 BankItems.lua: Now saves keyring data as well.
01:23.24Stanzilladurcyn: now it shows every ability that uses that rune as a cooldown? :P
01:23.40Stanzillaand death gate, too
01:23.43durcynStanzilla: no, it'll show a rune timer if both of your rune of that type are on cooldown
01:24.20durcyninstead of one for every spell on that rune
01:24.44durcynwhich i apparently missed a few talented abilities
01:24.45Stanzillais what I get
01:24.52*** join/#wowace cirish (
01:25.04durcynwith r206?
01:25.38durcynhrm.  guess i'll have to make a deathknight to test.
01:25.56Stanzillaonly when I use death strike tho
01:26.13Stanzillaok ignore the last sentence
01:27.54durcynit should be when any rune is depleted
01:28.55Repo10heatsink: 03durcyn * r207 Data.lua:
01:28.58durcynthat should work for now
01:28.58Reposhove all of the DK spell aggregation junk into the replacement table, until I can work out a way to make them act like schools
01:29.25Repo10grid2: 03Azethoth * r179 RaidDebuffs/core.lua: -- only apply default once
01:34.09Repo10bank-items: 03Xinhuan * r115 BankItems.lua:
01:34.12RepoMinor code optimization. Deleting data about yourself now re-saves currency data.
01:47.05*** join/#wowace Next96 (i=Next96@
01:58.56Repo10bank-items: 03Xinhuan * r116 BankItems.lua:
01:58.59RepoReduce the size of the keyring similar to the default UI. Fix recording having 1 honor/arena points for players with 0 of either.
02:13.10Repo10quartz: 03durcyn 06ace3 * r41 modules (14 files in 1 directory):
02:13.10Repomodules should all be converted, now to clean up the options...
02:13.10ShefkiNice Quartz is going ace3.
02:13.10Repo10quartz: 03durcyn 06ace3 * r42 Quartz.lua: fix ApplySettings
02:13.10durcynit's trying to
02:13.27durcynaddons would be so much easier if everyone used defaults, though, these options tables are a godamn mess
02:13.39Shefkiis writting another text provider for PB4 so people aren't forced to use LibDogTag if they use PB4.
02:15.51durcynand i need a better example to crib from than Fortress for overrides
02:16.24durcyni wonder if i could inject a 'use global' value without too much hassle
02:16.48durcynwhich would only work for select types, blah
02:17.02durcynneed a checkbox next to each option for each bar, basically, and the layout's going to be horrid
02:17.50Shefkidurcyn: overrides?
02:18.00Shefkidurcyn: You're wanting inheritance?
02:19.15durcyni.e. a global bar texture and color, but a module could override just texture and keep the global color
02:28.55AntiarcHas this been done:
02:29.33Arrowmaster[2009/05/23 22:28:49-4142-x1]: BigWigs-2.0 r5577\Prototype.lua:204: The Prophet Skeram tried to register the combat event "UNIT_DIED" to the method "GenericBossDeath", but it doesn't exist in the module.
02:29.38AntiarcAn addon that tracks memory usage deltas, and spits out alerts if there is too much delta (indicating garbage churn)
02:29.43ArrowmasterYES IM SOLOING AQ40
02:29.57Repo10libqtip-1-0: 03Torhal * r84 LibQTip-1.0.lua:  (Message trimmed by 3 lines)
02:30.00RepoUpvalued AcquireTable and ReleaseTable
02:30.03RepoIn lablePrototype:SetupCell(): Added checks for new (optional) parameters passed from SetCell() - padding and maxwidth.
02:30.06RepoIf maxwidth is less than the length of the text in the cell, the text will wrap to the next line.
02:30.09RepoFixed dangling letter clipping (bottoms of g, y, etc being cut off).
02:32.08Repo10libqtip-1-0: 03Torhal 04r85 * r85 : Tagging as r85
02:32.35Repo10bank-items: 03Xinhuan * r117 / (2 files in 1 directory): Allow to open keyring/currency bag in the options on /bi.
02:34.51Repo10libqtipclick-1-1: 03Torhal 07master * r5-2-g5862a64 LibQTipClick-1.1.lua: [+1 commit] In cell_prototype:SetupCell(): Don't pass arg to LibQTip - it doesn't need to know about it nor would it understand.
02:36.15Repo10ka_raid-tracker: 03Celess * r165 / (3 files in 2 directories): - updated for ulduar
02:36.47Repo10ka_raid-tracker: 03Celess 04v2.2.20 * r166 : Tagging as 2.2.20
02:37.54Repo10libqtipclick-1-1: 03Torhal 04r6 * 655c26b /: [new tag] Tagging as r6
02:40.02*** join/#wowace Herio (
02:40.31HerioSup, peeps.
02:49.29Arrowmasterso yeah an anubisath sentinel with 4752 healing per 3sec, periodic mana burn, knockback, and fire/arcane reflect
02:49.32Arrowmasteri couldnt solo it
02:49.39Arrowmasterbut i could kill its 3 buddies
02:49.52Arrowmasterand the group of 4 before it
02:50.28Arrowmasteri was doing ok till it enraged
02:51.02Arrowmasteri spent like 10 minutes just getting it to 50%
02:51.44Arrowmasterthis is why felguards should have mortal strike
02:52.31Repo10ka_raid-tracker: 03Celess * r167 RaidTracker.toc: - mark as 301 ready
02:52.58Repo10ka_raid-tracker: 03Celess 04v2.2.21 * r168 : Tagging as 2.2.21
02:53.08*** join/#wowace Shirik|Ecole (
02:53.28*** mode/#wowace [+v Shirik|Ecole] by ChanServ
02:54.36Repo10dr-damage: 03Gagorian * r883 Caster.lua:
02:54.39Repo- Cleanups and performance improvements in caster core module
02:54.42Repo- Now properly displays in the tooltip the modified spell coefficient for extended duration spells
02:57.37Heriookay, so I've got an idea for an addon and am wondering what the best way to go around it, or if it has already been done....
02:57.37HerioI want to multibox my tank and healer, and what I'm trying to do is have some keys set up to be broadcast to the healer which would correspond to party members on the tank's screen (eg, first row of keys heals the tanks, second row heals party member two on the tank's screen, etch)
02:57.44Repo10dr-damage: 03Gagorian 041.6.4b-3 * r884 : Tagging as 1.6.4b-3
02:59.13Arrowmasteryou cant really
02:59.31Arrowmasterjust put the bars in the exact same place on both screens, use a click mirroring app
02:59.41Arrowmasterand click on bars on the tanks screen that do nothing
03:00.00Arrowmasterbut have bars on the healers screen in that location
03:00.01Herioi'd prefer a hardware key
03:00.17Arrowmasterwell yeah you can do that too
03:00.29Arrowmasterbut you cant have an addon on one char tell another char what to do
03:00.45Herioyeah, but i'm not sure how to keep buttons mapped to heal the targets based on the order on the tank's screen
03:01.17Heriowell, it'd be keybroadcasted to the second client (minimized, windowed, whatever) i just don't want to be looking at the healer's screen to heal
03:01.30Arrowmasterok you could make an addon to send the order of characters by name as seen on the tanks screen
03:01.54Arrowmasterthen have an addon on the healer set the bars to heal those names
03:02.27Heriothat's what i was thinking
03:02.57Herioi'd have to rewrite macros to specify the player name, and keep them synced out of combat, right?
03:04.37Herioor can i do this without using macros... can you assign a command to a keypress without using a macro? i haven't played since tbc so i'm a bit rusty on what's possible...
03:04.50AntiarcHerio: Spellbinder is useful for that
03:05.25Herioi remember that now
03:05.37Herioi'll have to see how spellbinder does it and leverage it =)
03:06.45Herioalright, i guess i have a pretty good idea of how to accomplish this and that it's possible... just need to renew my account, split it, upgrade both to wrath, buy a macbook pro and a keypad... after finals =P
03:06.46*** join/#wowace rbarreiros (
03:07.05*** part/#wowace Herio (
03:10.50Repo10bank-items: 03a9012456 * r118 localization-zhTW.lua: zhTW update
03:13.38*** join/#wowace Azurewrath (
03:22.04Repo10dr-damage: 03Gagorian * r885 Data/Druid.lua: - Added Gift of the Earthmother
03:28.49AxodiousAdirelle, summoning stone effect isn't working
03:29.00Axodiousfor warlock stones
03:34.39Repo10classtimer: 03Stanzilla * r311 Bars/Warrior.lua: Warrior: +Unrelenting Assault
03:35.46*** join/#wowace p4aved1 (
03:36.59Repo10speakinspell: 03rismisner * r181 SpeakinSpell.lua: Cleaned up most of the saved data update
03:37.16Repo10dr-damage: 03Gagorian * r886 Data/Druid.lua: - And added Gift of the Earthmother correctly this time.
03:37.47*** join/#wowace gix (
03:41.45Repo10ka_raid-tracker: 03Celess * r169 / (2 files in 1 directory): - fixed help and labels for AskCost and GetCost
03:42.15Repo10ka_raid-tracker: 03Celess 04v2.2.22 * r170 : Tagging as 2.2.22
03:46.46*** join/#wowace p4aved2 (
03:51.24Repo10speakinspell: 03rismisner * r182 SpeakinSpell.lua:
03:51.27Repovalidate all saved data to ensure all settings are created with defaults.  this used to be done as a side effect in several GUI functions, which is messy and led to a lot of redundant error checks.
03:56.55*** join/#wowace quoin- (
04:01.56Repo10speakinspell: 03rismisner * r183 / (3 files in 1 directory):
04:01.59RepoFinished saved data upgrade.  Version number updated accordingly.
04:18.42Repo10hellbender-dkp: 03Celess * r62 HellbenderDKP.toc: - update for 3.1.0
04:19.11Repo10hellbender-dkp: 03Celess 04v2.0.4 * r63 : Tagging as 2.0.4
04:29.27*** join/#wowace texke_ (n=tex@pdpc/supporter/base/texke)
04:30.52*** join/#wowace SqueeG (
04:31.29Repo10speakinspell: 03rismisner * r184 / (4 files in 2 directories):
04:31.32RepoChanged saved data again to put event type first.  This fixes sort orders.  The change to saved data required a version number increment.
04:41.38*** join/#wowace Wizardling (
05:00.44Repo10gathermate_data: 03kagaro * r171 version: GatherMate_Data: Weekly update
05:00.49Repo10gathermate_data: 03kagaro 04v1.45 * r172 : GatherMate_Data: weekly update
05:03.37Repo10dr-damage: 03Gagorian * r887 / (4 files in 2 directories): - Further caster module improvement
05:03.59SqueeGis the general tab always 1?
05:07.36SqueeGin what case is it not 1?
05:07.57Arrowmasterwhen an addon fucks up and forces you to join a custom channel before youve joined general
05:08.10SqueeGoh! xD haha
05:08.16*** join/#wowace bluspacecow (i=3ceaa5a7@gateway/web/ajax/
05:08.18SqueeGI meant the general spellbook
05:08.20Arrowmasteror if you arent in general, then another channel is 1
05:08.38bluspacecowok i have a crazy idea for an addon
05:08.39Arrowmasteras long as you are on spellbook
05:08.46SqueeGTrying to skip general when i scan the spell books...
05:08.52bluspacecowbut i need to know if you guys think its a good idea or not
05:09.00Repo10dr-damage: 03Gagorian 041.6.4b-4 * r888 : Tagging as 1.6.4b-4
05:09.38bluspacecowi foud the sounds for that new baby murloc marine that people will get given at blizz con
05:09.41bluspacecowoh nvm
05:09.50bluspacecowmy idea would involve some form of model editing
05:10.20bluspacecowit was for a small animated graphic of a baby murloc marine that made sounds
05:11.12Arrowmasterreplacing a model is bad, but creating a custom model is fine
05:14.28bluspacecowidk if there's that much interest in it tho
05:17.17*** join/#wowace Hey-WTF (
05:18.27*** join/#wowace pompy (
05:18.57Repo10heatsink: 03durcyn * r208 / (2 files in 1 directory): proper school handling for Death Knights, yay.
05:19.36SqueeGeh... how do you match a partial word/phrase?
05:19.50bluspacecowwith sed ?
05:19.51SqueeGI want to filter out shouts... but don't want to list each one, just "shot"
05:21.12durcynfor i = 2, GetNumSpellTabs() do stuff end
05:21.32durcynand string.find(spell, "Shout$")
05:21.39SqueeGah, nice thank you
05:21.55SqueeGI've only seen the matching thing discussed a million times, you'd think it'd stick
05:21.56*** join/#wowace Vordea (
05:28.00*** join/#wowace Jygga (
05:28.14*** join/#wowace Trela (
05:36.28*** join/#wowace Thelyna (
05:43.43Repo10libqtip-1-0: 03Torhal * r86 LibQTip-1.0.lua: Fixed debug substitutions.
05:43.46RepoPlaced upgrade code in debug comment block to stop it from breaking addons using older versions of the lib...
05:44.39SqueeGcan you sort a table's index and value together?
05:44.44Repo10dr-damage: 03Gagorian * r889 / (3 files in 1 directory): - Fixed error with Rip glyph
05:44.47Repo- Added more debug code to allow finding errors easily
05:45.26Repo10pitbull4: 03ckknight 07master * 42d8bcb Controls/Controls.lua: [+1 commit] on fontstring deletion, be sure to reset the font, so as to clear any possible modifiers.
05:45.54Repo10dr-damage: 03Gagorian 041.6.4b-5 * r890 : Tagging as 1.6.4b-5
05:47.36*** join/#wowace Hey-WTF (
05:48.29Repo10libqtip-1-0: 03Torhal 04r87 * r87 : Tagging as r87
05:49.41Repo10ihml: 03Ackis 07master * v2.5Beta-5-g1a1e100 / (2 files in 2 directories): [+3 commits]
05:49.44Repo1a1e100: Add the argent tourney to the documented macros.
05:49.47Repo6bf5883: Instead of using number (1 to 7) for combined zones that have macros, use a meaningful name.  Also move the argent tourney ones into that name.
05:49.50Repo8c8a4d5: Add functionality to automatically change between default spec macros depending on what talent spec you're in.
05:53.58*** join/#wowace Next96 (i=Next96@
05:56.18Repo10bank-items: 03StingerSoft * r119 localization-ruRU.lua: ruRU update
06:02.38*** join/#wowace orionshock (
06:03.43*** join/#wowace onaforeignshore (
06:03.54onaforeignshorehi guys and girls
06:06.00Repo10grid2: 03StingerSoft * r180 Options/locales/ruRU.lua: ruRU update
06:08.50*** join/#wowace BWMerlin (n=chatzill@
06:18.03TorhalToadkiller: ping
06:18.25onaforeignshoredoes anyone know what the shaman and druid battle res spells are called?
06:18.45TorhalI have two functions in LibQTip which are only there to support Broker_Currency until I come up with a new API for what you're doing.
06:18.53TorhalJust to give you a heads up :)
06:19.17ToadkillerWhen it breaks, ill change to the new api...?
06:19.35ToadkillerYou are talking about the column coloring?
06:19.36TorhalAcquireColumn() and AcquireLine() shouldn't have been public API, and that's one of the reasons I switched to a split frame heap.
06:19.50TorhalI've merged back to a single heap, and I'm clearing backdrops myself
06:20.04*** join/#wowace Inc` (
06:20.07Toadkillershould the coloring be per cell?
06:20.34TorhalNah, I'll probably add ColorColumn and ColorLine or somesuch.
06:20.40TorhalJust do the backdrops internally.
06:21.05TorhalI already added AddSeparator(), it's in the live version.
06:21.23Toadkilleradds space between a column?
06:21.49TorhalBetween lines. Custom width/color
06:22.01SqueeGhow the hell does recount sort it's dps with it's player names?
06:22.08ToadkillerBy the way, feel free to use Currency to test stuff if you want...
06:22.54TorhalOk. I'll leave the tagging to you, though. :D
06:23.16ToadkillerCurrency is a lot of ckknight code anyways so its very comunal
06:23.41ckknightwhat's all this then?
06:24.03ckknightsteal my code? I sue you!
06:24.05Torhalckknight: Failed download - ClassColors.
06:24.14ckknightTorhal: yea, I blame the syncer
06:24.23ckknightlet us meditate and wait for the problem to fix itself
06:24.24*** part/#wowace Seerah (
06:24.36TorhalI blame Fisker-
06:28.11*** join/#wowace Cheads (
06:35.22*** join/#wowace Ghli (
06:46.30Repo10grid2: 03Azethoth * r181 modules/StatusOffline.lua: --Remove bonus self parameter
06:49.12Repo10chaosbidder: 03Arionian 04chaosbidder * r2 : Tagging as chaosbidder
06:53.19*** join/#wowace Inc` (
06:55.35*** join/#wowace Fisker- (
06:56.41Repo10arl: 03Torhal * r1891 ARLFrame.lua:
06:56.44RepoIn ARLFrame.lua: Changed support code for arlTooltip to acquire it when needed and release it when done.
06:56.45SunTsuonaforeignshore: druids have rebirth, but that's the only battle res in game, I think
06:57.18onaforeignshorethanks for the reply, but I already found it online :)
06:57.54onaforeignshoreDBM has Rebirth (rank 5) on its cooldown list i.s.o. rank 7 for some reason, which is why I wasn't seeing the timers
06:59.29ToadkillerShamans have that lame self rez thing on a stick
06:59.57Repo10speakinspell: 03rismisner * r185 / (2 files in 2 directories):
07:00.00Repo- Fixed bugs in data update from to formats
07:00.03Repo- Added capability to echo the default speeches from DefaultSpeeches-enUS.lua to the SavedVariables, to automate conversion to the new format as well as ease future maintenance
07:00.07Repo- updated data format and added version stamp to DefaultSpeeches-enUS.lua.  The deDE not yet updated.
07:00.16durcynit should just be snagging the name from rank1 then comparing the name, not one for each rank, that's goofy
07:01.11SunTsuToadkiller: yeah, reincarnation
07:01.11SunTsuToadkiller: but that really doesn't count as a fully fledged battle rez
07:01.32*** join/#wowace quoin- (
07:02.04*** join/#wowace Thelyna (
07:05.18*** join/#wowace Matrix110 (i=Matrix11@
07:12.32onaforeignshoreproblem is, DBM doesn't use spell names, rather it uses spell IDs for cooldown timers
07:17.32*** join/#wowace Skizelli (
07:20.00durcynyou can pull a generic localized spell name for all ranks from one spell ID, though
07:20.08durcynusing ID's for that is just asinine
07:20.47*** join/#wowace Srosh (
07:21.54*** join/#wowace rbarreiros (
07:25.55Repo10amc: 03arith * r34 Locale/amc_zhTW.lua: zhTW update - Dalaran Sewers completed
07:41.00*** join/#wowace Fisker- (
07:41.35*** join/#wowace Natherul (
07:44.36*** join/#wowace Tuikku (
08:01.33*** join/#wowace Caleb|2 (
08:03.47*** join/#wowace Vilkku (
08:12.52Repo10speakinspell: 03rismisner * r186 / (3 files in 2 directories): Updated data format of default settings in German
08:12.55RepoSimplified default settings data to remove things like DisplayName which can (and should) be regenerated after loading the defaults
08:13.15*** join/#wowace Carepolice (
08:15.10*** join/#wowace Jim-Bim (
08:16.28*** join/#wowace Megalon (
08:18.04Repo10speakinspell: 03rismisner * r187 SpeakinSpell.lua: fixed bug with /ss ad /w
08:21.24*** join/#wowace EthanCentaurai (n=EthanCen@
08:23.50*** join/#wowace Srosh (
08:27.33Repo10speakinspell: 03rismisner * r188 Locales/help-enUS.lua: Updated user's manual
08:29.29*** join/#wowace LANFiRE (
08:39.27Repo10speakinspell: 03rismisner * r189 Locales (2 files in 1 directory): restored lost Faction info for default portal spells
08:42.31Repo10speakinspell: 03rismisner * r190 SpeakinSpell.lua:
08:42.34Reporestored SPELL_AURA_APPLIED_BUFF logic for saved data updates, and removed FixOldDefaultData function because the defaults have been updated, and future updates will hopefully not require such complexity
08:45.05*** join/#wowace Matrix110 (i=Matrix11@
08:50.48*** join/#wowace Grotar (
08:57.26Fisker-this is my madness face
09:00.56Repo10heatsink: 03durcyn * r209 / (2 files in 1 directory):
09:00.59Repofinal solution for the deathknight problem.  blizzard, please revamp the cooldown API, thanks.
09:10.24Groktarhandcuffs fisker to the bed
09:14.17Trelauses this opportunity to make out with Fisker, since he is immobilized. :O
09:14.24Groktarscampers off with fisker's computer and television
09:17.18*** join/#wowace BWMerlin (n=chatzill@
09:20.04Repo10lil-sparkys-workshop: 03lilsparky * r70 / (4 files in 2 directories):
09:20.07Repochange skillet profit sorting to sort by percent if viewing values as percent
09:21.41*** join/#wowace cncfanatics (n=Diego@WoWUIDev/cncfanatics)
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09:25.26Repo10lil-sparkys-workshop: 03lilsparky 04r70beta * r71 : Tagging as r70beta
09:26.18*** join/#wowace eoM_rM (
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09:31.57Repo10speakinspell: 03rismisner * r191 / (2 files in 2 directories):
09:32.00Repofixed a bug with case sensitive error in name of Ritual of Refreshment
09:32.37*** join/#wowace sztanpet (
09:38.27*** join/#wowace Sirow (
09:44.06*** join/#wowace Venara|afk (
09:44.43*** join/#wowace Vegeta]BT[ (
09:46.03Repo10arl: 03pompachomp * r1892 / (2 files in 2 directories): doc update , switched markup to wikicreole
09:47.14*** join/#wowace Skizelli (
09:48.45Repo10arl: 03pompachomp * r1893 Docs/CHANGES.txt: fixed link.
09:54.00Repo10fishermans-friend: 03Ammo * r87 FishermansFriend.toc: add AddonLoader support \o/
09:56.10Repo10heatsink: 03durcyn * r210 / (2 files in 1 directory):
09:56.13Repoadd more deathknight spells to the rune table, really should just parse tooltips for this crap one of these days.
10:01.37Repo10quartz: 03durcyn 06ace3 * r43 modules/GCD.lua: fix a retarded bug in GCD module
10:03.48CyrezZOMG. ._.
10:03.54*** join/#wowace Legorol (
10:03.58Cyrez1XP to level 70.
10:04.19Repo10big-wigs: 037destiny * r5677 Ulduar/Freya.lua: BigWigs: koKR Update
10:08.03Repo10quartz: 03durcyn 06ace3 * r44 modules/GCD.lua: another bugfix
10:09.33Repo10quartz: 03durcyn * r15 GCD/GCD.lua:
10:09.36Repobackport Quartz3 GCD module, no longer requires a spell to be designated for GCD checking
10:18.58*** join/#wowace Next96 (i=Next96@
10:21.45Repo10speakinspell: 03rismisner * r192 / (5 files in 2 directories):
10:21.48RepoChanged key format to ALL_CAPS with underscores, so they appear more like keys/ids.  Updated version number to to support the change to saved data.
10:23.09sztanpetdoes skada not count anything with the latest patch or is it just me
10:23.15Repo10speakinspell: 03rismisner 04v3.1.2.07-release * r193 : Tagged release
10:26.41*** join/#wowace mojosdojo (
10:29.41*** join/#wowace Matrix110 (i=Matrix11@
10:31.23Repo10fubar_gearfu: 03Illiai * r16 / (5 files in 1 directory):
10:31.26Reposwitched to Ace3 instead of LibRock (since it's not being maintained anymore)
10:32.22*** join/#wowace orionshock (
10:34.24Zarnivoopsztanpet: works for me
10:34.38sztanpeti was in voa10 and didnt register anything
10:34.55sztanpetlemme check the target dummies
10:35.22Repo10grim-reaper: 03s8095324 * r75 Locales/localization.zhTW.lua: zhTW update
10:35.27*** join/#wowace rbarreiros (
10:36.39*** join/#wowace Iboong (n=user@
10:37.43sztanpetworks on the dummies hmpf
10:37.47durcynif you're not getting combat log events, restart your client
10:37.52sztanpetmaybe i fucked up something
10:38.10sztanpetyea i did that now
10:38.14durcynif your client desyncs, you won't see anything
10:38.16sztanpetthat might have been it
10:38.21durcynit's rare, but it happens
10:42.12Repo10ora3: 03s8095324 * r190 locales/zhTW.lua: zhTW update
10:45.46*** join/#wowace isman (
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11:56.59*** join/#wowace Matrix110 (i=Matrix11@
11:57.36Repo10big-wigs: 03mojosdojo * r5678 Ulduar/Vezax.lua: deDE update
11:59.32*** join/#wowace AcTiVaTe (
12:02.38*** join/#wowace Lysithea (
12:02.53Repo10fishermans-friend: 03Ammo 04r87-release * r88 : Tagging as r87-release
12:02.55*** join/#wowace Adys (n=Adys@unaffiliated/adys)
12:17.09*** join/#wowace Sunwind (
12:20.57Repo10fubar_gearfu: 03Illiai * r17 / (3 files in 1 directory): * finished transition to Ace3
12:20.58*** join/#wowace Matrix110 (i=Matrix11@
12:21.05Repo* fixed localization
12:21.07Repo* re-ordered options
12:22.37sb|workhmmm durcyn - where is this "quartz3"? :p
12:36.04*** join/#wowace CrazyBenny_ (
12:41.12vhaarr"A hairdresser from the small Russian town of Meshchovsk has subdued a man who tried to rob her shop, and then raped him for three days in the utility room, reports."
12:52.14jnwhitehcan you become a valiant for a faction other than your home faction?
12:54.53vhaarrI don't know what "home faction" means, but if you look at the achievement list for the tournament, that should answer your question I think
12:54.54Fisker-that's awesome news vhaarr
12:55.51vhaarrwe need to recruit and there's noone on our realm, anyone know a good place to post?
12:56.47Fisker-vhaarr is pretty awesome btw
12:58.39sb|workvhaarr - dockingstation tells me that bigwigs ldb display is broken :p ("text not valid for plugin type launcher")
12:58.57sb|workvhaarr: realmpool forums
12:59.36*** join/#wowace Gagorian- (
13:00.04vhaarrhm okay
13:01.17*** join/#wowace Matrix110 (i=Matrix11@
13:02.02[Ammo]dockingstation should stfu, text is perfectly valid
13:02.22[Ammo]what it should maybe complain about is the lack of 'label'
13:02.24[Ammo]but text = optional
13:02.29[Ammo]so dockingstation is at fault
13:06.33Fisker-or i'm gonna fuck you up
13:07.16[Ammo]is that a promise?
13:07.47[Ammo]oh boy
13:12.07Fisker-inserts penis
13:14.46SunTsuturns on the meat grinder
13:17.16*** join/#wowace Zealin (
13:17.38LukianI love you Xinhuan
13:18.49Fisker-i hate you to hell Lukian
13:19.31*** join/#wowace DanSouthy (
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13:25.42mojosdojoso i'm doing a german translation of oRA3 right now: why is it so that german umlauts are fucked up? wasn't that a thing of the past?
13:25.49*** join/#wowace RaydenU (
13:27.52[Ammo]ich denke das ist zum irritieren von den deutschers
13:27.58[Ammo]oder so etwas ;)
13:28.52SunTsubut understandable ;)
13:29.34mojosdojoyes, and irritating..
13:29.37*** join/#wowace Tenchworks (
13:29.55[Ammo]I should finish the damn MT sorting
13:29.56SunTsumojosdojo: so his plan is kind of working ;)
13:30.40mojosdojoyes ;)
13:41.47Repo10minimap-range: 03SteveKaye * r32 : Ignoring some Visual Studio files and folders.
13:49.27*** join/#wowace mort_ (n=mort@azureus/mort)
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13:56.48Repo10pitbull4: 03TAP3AH 06tap3ah * r42 / (6 files in 3 directories): mainline content updated to r20090524054509
13:57.10*** join/#wowace Tenchworks (
13:59.00*** join/#wowace Bibi (n=Bibi@unaffiliated/bibi)
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14:44.10Repo10tomtomtargetarrow: 03aloneball * r13 TomTomTargetArrow.lua: Fixed Calibration frame update.
14:53.09*** join/#wowace taleden (
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15:02.16*** join/#wowace Cheads (
15:07.37*** join/#wowace Funkeh` (n=funk@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/Ace3/BigWigs/funkeh)
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15:29.44Repo10broker_calendarevents: 03yssaril 07master * v1.0.6-4-g2408591 / (2 files in 1 directory): [+2 commits]
15:29.47Repo2408591: update toc
15:29.50Repobf64aed: reworked the entire Signups Pending check will give you new signups for this and next month
15:29.55Repo10broker_calendarevents: 03yssaril 04v1.0.7 * 1313cd9 /: [new tag] Tagging as v1.0.7
15:34.25*** join/#wowace daev (
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15:51.43*** part/#wowace CrazyBenny_ (
15:57.57Repo10dr-damage: 03Gagorian * r891 / (9 files in 2 directories): - More druid fixes
15:58.03*** join/#wowace RLD_osx (
16:00.01Repo10dr-damage: 03Gagorian 041.6.4b-6 * r892 : Tagging as 1.6.4b-6
16:03.05*** join/#wowace Ackis (n=asdf@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/ARL/Troll/Ackis)
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16:11.50Repo10mrtrader: 03kolenka * r29 / (2 files in 1 directory): Fix for AceLibrary issues
16:11.59*** join/#wowace Seerah (
16:12.05Repo10mrtrader: 03kolenka 04v0.4.3 * r30 : Tagging as v0.4.3
16:12.38*** join/#wowace Sliker_Hawk (
16:13.38*** join/#wowace Bibi (n=Bibi@unaffiliated/bibi)
16:14.39Repo10buttonfacade: 03StormFX * r245 / (10 files in 3 directories):
16:14.42Repo- Reverted a change that was causing some addons' skin callback function to fail. If the callback's group is empty/nil, the author should save the "global" setting. They can then call LBF:Group(Addon) <Note no group specified> in their OnEnable() before iterating through their groups to ensure that the BF options window displays the correct global setting for their addon.
16:14.45Repo- Minor tweaks and clean up for the modules.
16:14.48Repo- Renamed the files for LibButtonFacade to LibButtonFacade-1.0. The library's name remains the same. For now. :p
16:17.57Repo10buttonfacade: 03StormFX * r246 / (3 files in 3 directories):
16:18.00Repo- Rename tbe LibButtonFacade directory to to LibButtonFacade-1.0.
16:29.06Caleb|2is there an easy way to get a channels ID by name?
16:30.19Repo10ora3: 03mojosdojo * r191 / (2 files in 2 directories): deDE translation
16:30.25Repo10buttonfacade: 03StormFX * r247 Libs/LibButtonFacade-1.0/LibButtonFacade-1.0.xml: - Helps to update the XML file. >.<
16:35.16Repo10arl: 03Torhal * r1894 ARLFrame.lua:
16:35.19RepoMade the clickable tooltip acquire when needed and release when done. Moved its callback handler setting to its Acquire point.
16:43.40AenslaedDoes anybody know how to disable snapping in pitbull 4?
16:43.49Aenslaedor at least temporarily
16:44.09sztanpethold down shift
16:44.46Aenslaedthats weird, even when the frame isn't anywhere near another, when i let go of it, it moves to the right several units
16:45.55Repo10libqtip-1-0: 03Torhal * r88 LibQTip-1.0.lua:
16:45.58RepoIn ReleaseTooltip(): Remove the tooltip from the layoutCleaner registry.
17:02.53Repo10ihml: 03Ackis 07master * v2.5Beta-6-g4fc2cac / (2 files in 2 directories): [+1 commit] Fix error local error.
17:10.19*** join/#wowace EthanCentaurai (n=EthanCen@
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17:25.59Repo10dr-damage: 03Gagorian * r893 / (2 files in 2 directories):
17:26.02Repo- Fixed bug with master shapeshifter not applying correctly to all heals
17:26.05Repo- Changed how updates to macro castsequences are done, resulting in a huge reduction of needed updates in some cases
17:26.52Repo10sign-on: 03ethancentaurai 07master * v2.3.8a-6-g4ff6e9b / (6 files in 1 directory): [+6 commits] (2 truncated)
17:26.55Repo4ff6e9b: REALLY fix line endings.
17:26.58Repo0691ae0: Fix line endings.
17:27.01Repo60daaa1: Update Russian and Simplified Chinese translations from the Localisation App.
17:27.04Repoa2f6422: Added (incomplete) Traditional Chinese localisation, exported from the Localisation App.
17:31.18Repo10sign-on: 03ethancentaurai 07master * v2.3.8a-7-gb7abb28 / (2 files in 1 directory): [+1 commit] Bump version to v2.3.9.
17:31.40Repo10sign-on: 03ethancentaurai 04v2.3.9 * 3cd23a6 /: [new tag] Tagging as v2.3.9
17:33.14Repo10yssdrop: 03yssaril 07master * v1.4.0-2-g6817602 YssDrop.lua: [+1 commit] add comma :p
17:33.16*** join/#wowace Aeyan (
17:34.38Venara@describe sign-on
17:34.39RepoVenara: Sign On. This addon allows you to customise the signon/signoff messages for friends and guildies as they see fit. You can choose to have the user's name, level, class, alts/main, zone, guild rank or guild note...
17:39.36Gagorian-Someone refresh my memory, what was the function to check if you're in combat?
17:48.11*** join/#wowace tekkub (n=tekkub@WoWUIDev/WoWI/Featured/Dongle/GitHub/Tekkub)
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17:50.42Shirikthat's not exactly true :)
17:50.50Shirikit's just usually true
17:51.17Shirikthe real way to check if you're in combat is by monitoring PLAYER_REGEN_DISABLED and PLAYER_REGEN_ENABLED
17:52.22Fisker-slaps Shirik around a bit with a large trout
17:53.13sb|workmeh - someone knows about vis major loot tracker? that thingie is awesome :p
17:53.16sb|worki want to have it ;)
17:53.33Fisker-screenshots or it didn't happen
17:53.47sb|workno screenshot needed - its LIVE :p
17:54.55Fisker-some custom shits
17:55.11sb|workyup think so.. :/
17:56.36Repo10dr-damage: 03Gagorian * r894 DrDamage.lua:
17:56.39Repo- Added option to disable drdamage tooltips in combat: Now you can have tooltip display normally ooc, and not at all in combat or with a modifier key in combat
18:01.36*** join/#wowace filthynoob (
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18:02.14Repo10dr-damage: 03Gagorian * r895 DrDamage.lua: - And fixed a small issue with the option I just added. >_>
18:07.03*** part/#wowace filthynoob (
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18:17.50*** join/#wowace nywef (
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18:33.14TNSewhat alternatives is there to BigBrother?
18:36.18TNSeone that reports divine hymn, hymn of hope, guardian spirit, pain suppression
18:36.24TNSeanything with a longer cooldown
18:38.41Primerwhat's wrong with BigBrother?
18:39.23TNSeIts not reporting Hymn of Hope, Guardian Spirit, Shieldwall, Last Stand (and other classes' similar)
18:39.42PrimerI didn't realize it was supposed to do that
18:39.56PrimerAFAIK, it reports raid buffs and when CC breaks
18:46.43*** join/#wowace Vegeta]BT[ (
18:50.57TNSethats why I'm asking for alternatives
18:51.03TNSesomething that reports of anything relevant to the raid
18:51.07*** join/#wowace Hjalte (
18:52.39p4aved2/cast last stand /s using last stand?
18:53.19PneumatusTankWarnings for tank stuff, BigWigs_CommonAuras for some other stuff
18:53.44TNSep4aved2, yeah, our tanks use that, it would just be easier if raid leader said it
18:54.55p4aved2i'm not trying to tell you how to do this stuff, but rarely does my raid need to no wen i use shield wall or last stand, if it its super critical i just say it in vent
18:55.01Pneumatusour healers tend to annonce cooldowns in a custom channel
18:56.17*** join/#wowace rbarreiros (
19:00.50Primerjnwhiteh: Why does LightHeaded not exist on
19:07.40*** join/#wowace DragonWin (
19:07.58Repo10dr-damage: 03Gagorian * r896 / (2 files in 1 directory): - Fixed error ocurring with manually set variables
19:08.30*** join/#wowace kenlyric (
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19:18.02MegalonPrimer: why does my BWM vendor not sell cars from Audi? :(
19:19.12Stanzillaever tried ordering a BigMac at Burger King?
19:21.40Repo10dr-damage: 03Gagorian 041.6.4b-7 * r897 : Tagging as 1.6.4b-7
19:25.36Repo10arl: 03pompachomp * r1895 RecipeDB/ARL-Blacksmith.lua: fixed acquire data for Inlaid Mithril Cylinder
19:29.24*** join/#wowace Antiarc (
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19:32.13GnarfozStanzilla: yep
19:32.14*** join/#wowace CobraA1 (
19:32.35StanzillaGnarfoz: what happened?
19:33.02Gnarfoznothing, but they looked at me queerly when I ordered Eintopf after that :(
19:34.08Stanzilla"Einen BigMac und nen Eintopf bitte" => "ô,ô"
19:34.26Brunersnow you made me hungry
19:35.21Axodious<- eating soup
19:40.46Repo10rswapper3: 03x87bliss * r59 / (4 files in 1 directory):
19:40.49RepoFixed issue where swapping sound would play even if RSwapper3 sounds were disabled.
19:42.23*** join/#wowace cirish (
19:43.09Repo10rswapper3: 03x87bliss * r60 RSwapper3.toc: now.
19:43.14Repo10rswapper3: 03x87bliss 04v3.1.1.7 * r61 : Tagging as v3.1.1.7
19:54.13jnwhitehPrimer: because.
19:54.56*** join/#wowace resker (
19:55.01PrimerI don't think Megalon's analogy quite works
19:55.09PrimerI mean, TomTom is on curse
19:55.15jnwhitehyes, so?
19:55.20jnwhitehLightHeaded isn't on curse, and won't be posted there
19:55.29jnwhitehthere's a conflict between Zam/Curse in my opinion
19:55.35Primeris the LH data from wowi?
19:55.37jnwhitehand I don't want to jeopardize the addon by posting
19:55.40jnwhitehno, its from wowhead.
19:55.45jnwhitehwhich is a Zam property
19:57.23Primeranyhow, I was just wondering
19:57.29PrimerI don't know what all the relationships are
19:57.31jnwhitehI don't want to jeopardize the addon
19:57.34jnwhitehso I don't post it on Curse
19:57.39jnwhitehand that's not likely to change in the future
20:02.12Repo10big-wigs: 03Pettigrow * r5679 Ulduar (2 files in 1 directory): Ulduar: frFR Update
20:03.24*** join/#wowace faCe| (
20:06.50*** join/#wowace TNSe (
20:11.02*** join/#wowace Lisimba (
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20:13.11*** join/#wowace bien| (
20:13.29*** join/#wowace Carepolice (
20:13.55ArthicEU!api GetItemInfo
20:13.55lua_botGetItemInfo: Returns information about an item, by name, link or id (
20:16.01*** join/#wowace Sliker_Hawk (
20:17.23*** join/#wowace Tenchworks (
20:20.24*** join/#wowace lmeyer (
20:21.16*** join/#wowace SaladFork (
20:23.42EthanCentauraijust to let everyone here know... I've quit WoW
20:24.15EthanCentauraimy addons are abandoned and are free for anyone else to pick up, if they so wish
20:24.40Repo10ka_raid-tracker: 03Celess * r171 / (3 files in 1 directory): - added db zone conversion and fixups for ulduar raid
20:25.10Repo10ka_raid-tracker: 03Celess 04v2.2.23 * r172 : Tagging as 2.2.23
20:25.15durcynTNSe: bigwigs_commonauras
20:25.19nevcairielabandons EthanCentaurai
20:25.42EthanCentauraiI thought I'd tell you before buggering off for several months without saying goodbye
20:26.48EthanCentauraiIt's been an honour working with you guys... who knows, maybe I'll come back one day
20:27.09EthanCentauraiuntil then, auf viedersehen
20:27.31jnwhitehbye then EthanCentaurai
20:27.35jnwhitehhope you enjoy your other ventures!
20:27.39EthanCentauraigives everyone a hug and a cookie, before heading for the exit
20:27.44durcynyou'll be back.
20:28.22EthanCentauraisee ya!
20:31.24Repo10misspelled: 03nrpieper * r26 / (2 files in 1 directory):
20:31.27RepoAdded these characters to the list of word separators: "(", ")", ";"
20:32.28*** join/#wowace p3lim (
20:37.50Repo10tomtomtargetarrow: 03aloneball * r14 / (2 files in 2 directories):
20:37.53RepoRemoved AstrolabeQH from Libs and corrected toc file to reflect dependency of tomtom.
20:39.59Xinhuanso what addons did he make
20:41.23Stanzillaxinhuan is always looking for addons he can ninja to get more curse points! xD
20:42.31*** part/#wowace Tenchworks (
20:43.30Kraftmancall me crazy
20:43.44durcynyou're crazy
20:43.48Kraftmanbut whats the point in having repo in here and wowuidev commits
20:44.01durcynlegacy, at this point
20:44.08durcynmost people who are in both just ignore it in here
20:44.08Kraftmanwhat does that mean?
20:44.26durcynit means we just had CIA in here before the -commits channel existed
20:44.52durcynand it's still useful considering the channel is meant to discuss things that repo spams ;)
20:45.22Kraftmanahh i see
20:45.31Kraftmanhow often does that happen
20:45.40durcynwhat do you mean?
20:46.45Kraftmanhow often does this channel actually get used for the discusion of the announcements from repo
20:47.45Pneumatuswe often facepalm at people doing stupid things :P
20:47.59Kraftmanfrom what ive seen from the past... week of being in here, its identical to #wowuidev, just a different channel and very slightly biased towards ace
20:49.56Repo10tomtomtargetarrow: 03aloneball * r15 TomTomTargetArrow.toc: Corrected toc
20:49.59*** join/#wowace pakoz (
20:50.21Repo10jeweltips: 03s8095324 * r57 JewelTips.lua: JewelTips:
20:50.24Repo-Added three enchants
20:50.43*** join/#wowace LANFiRE (
20:51.29vhaarrKraftman: you've been here a week, we've been here years, you can't draw any conclusions
20:51.58Kraftmanthankyou for the generic IRC response
20:52.15vhaarrwhat the hell is your problem
20:52.17ckknightprovides Kraftman a generic IRC response to acceptance of response
20:52.29KraftmanI dont have a problem
20:52.34*** kick/#wowace [Kraftman!n=folk@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/Rabbit/vhaarr] by vhaarr (vhaarr)
20:52.36vhaarrwhat a useless person
20:52.50*** join/#wowace Kraftman (n=kraftman@
20:53.11ckknightvhaarr: calm down
20:53.29ckknightKraftman: try not to anger the mods
20:53.38ckknightnow you two play nice and don't make me separate you
20:54.09Stanzillalicks ckknight
20:54.17ckknightStanzilla: I'm mostly done the CowTip rewrite
20:54.30ckknightI still have the Text module
20:54.32ckknightand that's the big one
20:54.48Stanzillackknight: wooza
20:54.54Gnarfozthat's the one eating mah fps, right
20:55.10ckknightAppearance was the one causing huge errors of memory leaks and such, though
20:55.16Repo10quartz: 03durcyn * r16 GCD/GCD.lua: bugfix for module flakiness while in vehicles
20:55.34ckknightsomething like that
20:55.37ckknightI do a lot less magic
20:55.41ckknightwhich should help
20:55.49KraftmanI'd love to know why i got kicked for my opinions, I'm pretty sure they weren't offensive/agressive
20:56.25durcynwhat's the point of your troll, again?  you validating the channel charter or what
20:56.50Kraftmanhow am i trolling?
20:57.02durcynyou asked a question and it was answered, what else do you want to know?
20:57.03ckknightKraftman: because vhaarr can be abrasive at times. You also did kinda troll with the "thankyou for the generic IRC response" reply
20:57.04durcynit goes to both places
20:57.48ckknightI don't like to hang out in #WoWUIDev-commits, and I like Repo in here because it provides a talking point
21:01.33KraftmanIt just seems odd to me that people with such similar goals need to be in seperate channels. Questions that are asked here could potentially be answered in #wowuidev, and vice versa. I'm not trying to t, as i don't even know what that would achieve.
21:01.39Gnarfozand the 3y > 1w response actually is relevant, there's times when it happens more and times when it happens less
21:02.04ckknightI prefer the culture here over #WoWUIDev
21:02.18ckknightdifferent people are active
21:02.26Kraftmani guess i havent been here long enough to see the difference
21:02.28durcyn^ there's more activity on weekdays, also, there's nothing wrong with having smaller focused subsets of teh addon development community, i'd rather have 3 channels with 100 people than 1 channel with 300 people, the SNR goes to hell
21:02.40Pneumatus+ my addons are largely from wowace and i can contact most of the devs in here
21:03.01ckknightsome sub-projects have their own channels, too
21:03.04ckknightlike #ARL
21:03.12ckknightwaits for everyone to invade
21:03.35ckknightKraftman: there's also other channels like #norganna
21:04.04Repo10quartz: 03durcyn 06ace3 * r45 modules (12 files in 1 directory):
21:04.07Repoclean up module options a bit more, looks like Swing is still tossing errors though, ymmv.
21:04.11Kraftmani guess i just didn't realise how widespread it was :P
21:05.03Kraftmanhow do you keep up with al the different channels? ><
21:05.30ckknightKraftman: by being everywhere at once
21:05.33ckknightand knowing all things
21:05.33durcynignore them all for extended periods of time, imo
21:06.01Kraftmandurcyn: forgive me by being slighty more impressed by ckknight then
21:06.15ckknightit also helps to have ops everywhere
21:06.39ckknightwell, to become as god takes a lot of effort and studying
21:06.43Repo10jeweltips: 03s8095324 * r58 JewelTips.lua: JewelTips:
21:06.46Repo-Added one enchants
21:06.52ckknightand then you gotta develop a whole bunch of followers/minions
21:07.00ckknightthis is a multi-year process.
21:07.02Kraftmanstarts studying
21:07.25Kraftmanare you saying that a week or so isn't enough?
21:07.44ckknightnot quite
21:07.49ckknight...are you even an addon author?
21:08.17Kraftmani don't know if i would call myself that quite yet
21:08.45ckknightwell, it's a tiered role-based system
21:08.51Kraftmanahh i see
21:08.52ckknightyou may be in the "power user" role currently
21:09.01Kraftmanso how do i level up?
21:09.09ckknightupon publishing an addon and getting 1000 downloads, you become an "author"
21:09.14ckknightyou also get free curse premium at this point
21:09.15Kraftman_G = genfenv(0) ?
21:09.46ckknightfrom then on out, it's really just an epeen game about download count and install base.
21:09.59Kraftmanruns off to pledgie
21:10.29Kraftmani heard u need a premium account for paypal
21:10.50ckknightthat's not necessary
21:10.57ckknightand donations are irrelevant in this conversation
21:11.12ArthicEUckknight: Out of curiosity, is that 1000 downloads summed for all the addons that author has?
21:11.13Kraftmanfair enough
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21:11.21ckknightactually not sure, ArthicEU
21:11.42ckknightit might just be that author = any(project.downloads >= 1000 for project in author.projects)
21:11.53ckknightrather than sum(project.downloads for project in author.projects) >= 1000
21:12.18ckknightfrankly, I don't know how the calculation goes
21:12.38ckknightas far as wowace/curseforge is concerned, you're an author as long as you have an approved, non-deleted project
21:12.43ckknightsince we don't sync download counts from curse yet
21:13.33ArthicEUWhat about the Curse Client premium status?
21:14.06ArthicEUThat's granted at 1000 downloads aswell, right?
21:14.39ckknightthat's what we're talking about.
21:15.45ArthicEUOk, if that's the same then I know the answer. :)   My addon with most downloads is at 920, but the total of all addons is >1000.
21:15.59ArthicEUBut the Curse Client still sees me as Regular.
21:16.11Kraftmani made a rubbish addon
21:16.27ckknightArthicEU: get 80 people to redownload
21:16.33ckknightit's recalculated every morning
21:16.34Kraftmanand everyone downloaded it, and no one downloaded my good addon :(
21:16.45Repo10jeweltips: 03s8095324 * r59 JewelTips.lua: JewelTips:
21:16.48Repo-Fix one enchants
21:16.56ArthicEUIt'll happen eventually without my intervention, ckknight. :)
21:17.03ckknightKraftman: such is life and also, you need better marketing
21:17.34Kraftmanhow much is a background advert on curse? ^^
21:17.54SaladForkProtip: Get the WoW blogosphere talking about your addon
21:18.03the-golem'lo ckk
21:18.19ckknighthowdy, the-golem
21:18.35ckknightKraftman: depends on the length, what type, etc.
21:18.41ckknightlength of it being up there, that is
21:18.58ckknightbtw, I just confirmed, the algorithm is any(project.downloads >= 1000 for project in author.projects)
21:19.00ckknightnot sum
21:19.15pakozhi all - i'm looking for a bag addon
21:19.21pakozi currently use combuctor which has a ton of features i really like - but i'm looking for a sorting feature (virtual sorting)  Anyone have a recommendation for me?
21:19.27ckknightpakoz: I switched from OneBag3 to TBag-Shefki, been liking it
21:19.42*** join/#wowace p3lim (
21:19.49pakozthe virtual sorting is what i'm really after
21:19.56ckknightpakoz: TBag-Shefki has that
21:20.06pakozkk, looking into now
21:20.16pakoznot on wowace, wow interface?
21:20.25ckknightshould be on wowace
21:20.26the-golemumm, theres a bag addon i have
21:20.28ckknight@project tbag-shefki
21:20.29Repockknight: TBag-Shefki. Game: WoW. Shefki (Manager/Author), Dessa (Author). Updated: 37 days ago. Tickets: 4/17
21:20.33ckknightah, curseforeg
21:21.00the-golemits called, umm
21:21.29ArthicEUWhat are possible reasons for curseforge projects not syndicating to curse? Not approved, no beta/release files. Any other?
21:21.34the-golemok i have no clue
21:22.57KraftmanArthicEU: if they are set to alpha
21:23.07ckknightArthicEU: if the author deleted it
21:23.18ckknightArthicEU: or if an admin deletes it for some reason
21:23.22pakozckknight - i will have your babies for linking me this mod
21:23.40ArthicEUHmm, yeah, that makes sense.
21:23.40ckknightand my brood grows one litter larger.
21:23.42pakozexactly what i wanted
21:23.53ckknightpakoz: I like that I can search in it ;-)
21:24.02ckknightwas useful to search for "totem" when I was doing a quest
21:24.40pakozya combuctor had that feature, but the virtual sorting is 1 step below god for me
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21:26.14the-golemI was just about to say Combuctor >.<
21:26.20SaladForkWhat do you mean by "virtual sorting"?
21:26.46Axodiouswhat addon does everyone use for a graphic display of when a cooldown comes up on their buttons?
21:27.17ckknightSaladFork: sorting without actually moving items in bags
21:27.22pakozSaladFork:  it puts all like items right next to each other
21:27.31SaladForkSorting by what? Type? Categories?
21:27.34pakozwithout actually moving them - it just appears that way to the user
21:27.38SaladForkOr just an arbitrary "location id #"
21:28.51the-golemhow does shefki do it?
21:29.20SaladForkIf it's by category/type/rule/etc., I highly recommend ArkInventory, =P
21:29.58the-golemI like combuctor because it has categories
21:30.06p4aved2i used ArkInventory for like 2 years, tahn it made me wanna punch babies
21:30.26pakozi think tbag -shefki removes the need for categories with the virtual sorting
21:30.41*** join/#wowace Funkeh` (n=funk@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/Ace3/BigWigs/funkeh)
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21:30.53pakozthe way everything is sorted really fits my type of thinking
21:31.18pakozonly complaint is i can't make the background color 100% black - its partially transparent
21:31.30SaladForkHow does it sort it?
21:31.35pakozlet me SS
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21:32.35the-golemi guess i'd hafta try it, the screeny doesnt really explain anything.
21:33.21SaladForkThat's.... sorted?
21:33.34Kraftman... and his bag was larger than his screen
21:33.35CobraA1You *can* adjust ArkInventory to make the windows completely opaque.
21:33.49pakozYep salad
21:34.10the-golemisnt that exactly what arkinventory does?
21:34.34SaladForkArkInventory lets you section off different sections by rule/category/type/...
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21:34.53SaladForkI guess they're similar
21:34.57SaladForkI dont like the transparency much though
21:35.16pakozme either , but the virtual sorting is everything to me
21:35.27SaladForkLook into ArkInventory, you might like it
21:35.41pakozi tried it just before i tried shefki
21:35.49p4aved2dude...if u can avoid ArkInventory do it
21:36.01SaladForkLol, why the hate?
21:36.11pakozlol@p4aved2's smear campaign
21:36.55durcynark's had some issues in the past with memory consumption, i thought they were mostly resolved though
21:36.56p4aved2i used it for ages, in the end its a massive complicated addon, u can achieve the same things with alot simpler addons
21:37.01p4aved2tbag or cargbadgs
21:37.15sztanpeti dont care about arks memory consumption
21:37.22SaladForkIt's only as complicated as you make it.
21:37.23p4aved2and everytime i opened Ark i got like 2s of screen lag
21:37.27sztanpeti care about wow hanging for 2seconds when i open my bags
21:37.33p4aved2but that could just be my $2 pc
21:37.46sztanpetnah, it does that to everyone sadly
21:39.03p4aved2i started using cargbags_nivaya (or something on wowinterface) like a month ago, it does the same stuff, i just have to edit the filters.lua abit to get it to do what i want
21:39.42Repo10broker_calendarevents: 03yssaril 07master * v1.0.7-1-g4bbde14 / (2 files in 1 directory): [+1 commit] oops forgot to reset the inviteStatus after debugging
21:39.50Repo10broker_calendarevents: 03yssaril 04v1.0.8 * 891cde5 /: [new tag] Tagging as v1.0.8
21:40.46pakozi'm sifting through tbag's lua files trying to find how to make it have a solid back background anyone capable and willing want to help me ;o?
21:41.15sztanpetbug Shefki about that :D
21:41.47pakozfair enough
21:43.19pakozwhat addon is that p4aved, its missing some of the sorting that i would like though
21:43.24pakozotherwise, clean and simple
21:43.52p4aved2cargbags + cargbags_nivaya or soemthing on wowinterface, it alos has quest and a "new items" filter
21:44.03p4aved2u can also filter by item ID
21:44.47pakozi think i'd like cargbags over tbag if it would steal some features from TBag
21:45.21pakozif you look at my SS tbag puts the 'item sets' in gear slot order
21:45.47pakozand puts items of the same id right next to each other
21:46.23p4aved2item sets in gear slot order seems nice
21:46.35p4aved2but i have nfi how it would b implimented
21:46.47pakoz@p4aved2: like your saronite bars and healing pots arent together
21:46.56pakozi guess i have OCD or something ;x
21:47.23p4aved2u can put them together, but it makes sense as is for me, trade good and consumables are differn't things
21:48.02pakozhmm sorry let me try to re-explain
21:48.18pakozsee how the GCE is between the two saronite bar stacks
21:48.24pakozi want them to be together, sorted
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21:48.35p4aved2ah kk
21:49.07p4aved2well than stick with ark inventory
21:50.06Matrix110ark inventory <3
21:50.10pakozark doesnt do that either i dont think
21:50.23pakozfrom what i see, it doesn't
21:50.51SaladForkNo, I trained myself to do that by hand
21:50.55SaladForkI dont notice myself doing it though
21:50.58SaladForkI just auto put stacks near each other
21:53.30pakozwith combuctor i did the same thing salad - but i want it to automatically do that
21:54.58Repo10jeweltips: 03s8095324 * r60 JewelTips.lua: JewelTips:
21:55.01Repo-Added one enchants
21:55.04p4aved2what does it matter how there sorted in ur bags? just have them on an action bar anyway
21:55.15p4aved2with the number u have in ur bags
21:57.30KemayoI go for bagnon + a sorter-mod.
21:57.46Repo10ka_raid-tracker: 03Celess * r173 / (2 files in 1 directory): - removal of redundant old name
21:57.49KemayoI am old-fashioned, like a dinosaur next to you svelte apes.
21:58.02pakozwhat sorter mod
21:58.03GnarfozI use Bagnon and keep my bags sorted manually, take that! :D
21:58.09Kemayopakoz: BankStack.
21:58.10StanzillaGnarfoz: l8mer
21:58.12Repo10ka_raid-tracker: 03Celess 04v2.2.24 * r174 : Tagging as 2.2.24
21:58.23Stanzillaoh god that was bad :(
21:58.28p4aved2i don't need a bag mod i have shift + b
21:58.38KemayoOh snap.
21:58.53*** join/#wowace kenlyric (
21:58.54GnarfozStanzilla: yes, confusing uppercase i's with lowercase L's is always bad
21:59.04pakoz@kemayo, which sorting mod?
21:59.37Kemayopakoz: I said, BankStack. :P
21:59.51ckknightyea, I used to use OneBag3 + BankStack
22:00.01pakozgah i see it now
22:00.01pakozi lose :(
22:00.08StanzillaGnarfoz: :(
22:00.35KemayoI've actually tried to switch to automatic-sorting mods a few times. I just haven't managed to make them work for me.
22:01.23*** join/#wowace break19 (
22:01.29Arrowmasterus control freaks dont like addons fucking with our inventory automatically
22:02.09KemayoI was actually doing okay with combuctor... I just realised after a while that I couldn't stand how it looked, and went back to bagnon.
22:02.24Kemayois very shallow.
22:02.32Repo10ysstargets: 03yssaril 07master * f72b98e YssTargets.lua: [+1 commit] added option to filter friendlys via a tristate
22:04.49*** join/#wowace FtH|Daemona (
22:04.54pakozBANK STACK WINS
22:05.01p4aved2ss imo
22:05.08p4aved2so i don't have to d/l to try it :P
22:05.44Kemayopakoz: :D
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22:06.03SaladForkUgh, I hate it when addon authors dont have screenshots for their addons
22:06.09pakozi think im going to use combuctor+bankstack though - one second p4aved
22:06.09Repo10big-brother: 03Cryect * r202 / (2 files in 1 directory): BigBrother:
22:06.12Repo- Only listens for buff updates when the buff window is shown now
22:07.51pakozhmm maybe carg+bankstack
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22:10.20pakozp4aved2: how do i tell it to stop displaying new items?
22:10.30pakozi'd think after it shows it once it'd go away
22:10.36p4aved2disable new items filter try /cbniv
22:10.37pakozdurr, reset new button
22:10.46p4aved2yeh that 2 lul
22:11.37pakozultimate test, can it have a solid black background
22:12.03p4aved2u can do it for the bank bag, so yeh u can for the bag its just wether or not u can do it with slash commands
22:12.18p4aved2if not find wer it creates the frame in the layout and change the alpha
22:12.36pakozerm, what?
22:14.48Repo10jeweltips: 03s8095324 * r61 JewelTips.lua: JewelTips:
22:14.51Repo-Added one enchants
22:15.27pakozbank stack isn't virtual sorting, it actually sorts - but it works all the same i guess
22:15.53Fisker-haxes ckknight
22:16.10ckknightno you don't
22:16.12ckknightI use a mac
22:16.14ckknightI'm secure
22:16.16pakozo god
22:16.29pakozckknight you were my hero, no more
22:16.43SaladForkckk - you play on a mac?
22:16.49ckknightsure do
22:16.51ckknightand dev on my mac
22:16.59SaladForkMind if I ask what settings you play at (and what fps you get)?
22:17.01Repo10bad-boy: 03funkydude * r288 / (2 files in 1 directory):
22:17.04RepoBlacklist update, BadBoy_CCleaner now available for filtering extra morons without reporting.
22:17.23p4aved2pakoz: if u wanted a black background the frame background code starts around line 430 of carBags_Nivaya.lua
22:19.04Repo10bad-boy: 03funkydude 04v3.4.1.0 * r289 : Tagging as v3.4.1.0
22:19.39Repo10ag_pimpster: 03kagaro * r45 ag_Pimpster.lua: Added a fix incase someone has no bars enabled.
22:20.09GnarfozFunkeh`: did you just... include that useless addon with BadBoy?
22:20.31Funkeh`your failure at reading amuses me my young padawan
22:20.55StanzillaFunkeh` my french friend!
22:20.56Gnarfozcertainly sounds like you did what I understood
22:20.57Funkeh`that's right Gnarfoz, you FAILED
22:21.07Funkeh`~fail Gnarfoz
22:21.08purlGnarfoz: FAIL!
22:21.11Gnarfozunless my curse username is changed, you can always assume I failed
22:21.23Funkeh`don't be so hard on yourself
22:21.26Funkeh`that's for others
22:21.38Gnarfozno, being hard on whoeverthefuck is responsible for username changes :p
22:21.40Funkeh`Stanzilla, oh I love you
22:21.45Funkeh`by the way
22:21.49Funkeh`star trek movie is prety good
22:22.07GnarfozI heard so, but since local cinemas are too stupid to show it in english... well
22:22.26Funkeh`no, wait
22:22.38Funkeh`I'm thinking of english movies with german subtitles
22:22.43Funkeh`I guess vice versa would be weird
22:23.16Gnarfoznah, OV (original version), not OMU (original /w subs; "Original mit Untertiteln")
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22:23.30Gnarfoz(they're not doing the latter anyway, ever, anymore)
22:23.45Funkeh`weird because most of the movies I saw in belgium were english w/ french&dutch subs
22:24.01Gnarfozthey're not Germany, are they
22:24.08Gnarfoz(not anymore, at least)
22:24.33Funkeh`well, so little infact they chose french subs over german ones
22:24.40Funkeh`I think 3 sets of subs would be overkill
22:25.04Gnarfozwell, the two Belgian dialects are both not really related to German, from what I know
22:25.35Stanzillaputs on his hair parting and his hitler beard
22:25.52Gnarfozcould probably ask that certain belgian who keeps loitering around here
22:26.04durcyni thought flemish was closer to french, no?
22:26.27Funkeh`flemish is close to english/german
22:26.41Gnarfozso Funkeh`, what was that there? plain ol' advertising?
22:26.43Funkeh`if you take all 3
22:26.45Funkeh`mix em up
22:26.50Funkeh`it's pretty much flemish
22:26.53Gnarfoz(the commit message)
22:27.05Repo10big-brother: 03Cryect * r203 / (4 files in 2 directories): BigBrother:
22:27.05Funkeh`Gnarfoz, yeah, I forgot to put it in when I released it
22:27.08Funkeh`so it's kinda late
22:27.23Gnarfozright, that confused me :p
22:27.37Repo- Removes usage of Special Events Aura
22:27.41Repo10ihatetabards: 03yess * r12 / (2 files in 1 directory): replaced console commands with InterfaceOptionsFrame gui
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22:27.55Funkeh`gawd cryect only a few years overdue
22:28.26reskerI kno0w
22:28.41CryectFirst time I've looked at the code since doing SSC at the start of TBC ;)
22:28.50Funkeh`sounds about right D
22:29.02CryectWas one of those things where I was looking at the code and going why hasn't anyone remove usage of SEA
22:30.14CryectAntiarc was saying it was expensive at buff changes so I was wondering why and that was one thing I noticed
22:30.18durcyni started doing that once, don't remember why i stopped
22:30.34CryectRemoving SEA from all addons"?
22:30.41durcynfrom bb specifically
22:30.53Cryecttook about 5-10 minutes
22:30.59Cryectso easy now a days
22:31.18vhaarrye now it's easy, but SEA was a godsend back in the day
22:31.26Funkeh`back in the day :D
22:31.35vhaarrI'm just saying you can't diss it :)
22:31.36Cryectwas nice not having to write code searching over all the buffs etc
22:31.48FryGuy-what's SEA?
22:31.55Funkeh`what you swim in
22:32.10Funkeh`shouldn't call it sea
22:32.12CryectSEA was the equiv of UnitBuff adn UnitDebuff
22:32.16Funkeh`since that's a dofferent thing
22:32.21Cryectas well as the event UNIT_AURA
22:32.30CryectSpecial Event Aura
22:32.40vhaarrno Funkeh`
22:32.46vhaarrthat's "Sea"
22:33.01Funkeh`yes but didn't we used to call is SEEA
22:33.04Funkeh`can't recall
22:33.11vhaarryes we did
22:33.14vhaarror at least I did
22:33.27Cryectwhat was the extra E for?
22:33.56Stanzillawasn't it SpecialEventsEmbed or so?
22:34.08Funkeh`sounds about right
22:34.23Cryectlibrary I think was just Special Events Aura the references I removed
22:36.50Funkeh`but it was aprt of the embed folder
22:37.05Funkeh`1 addon, many libs
22:38.35Funkeh`So I think next on the agenda is wolverine
22:38.40Funkeh`then hopefully t4 is out
22:39.12Funkeh`transformers 2 trailed looked pretty slick too
22:39.54durcyni've heard nothing good about terminator :/
22:40.03Kemayodurcyn: Quartz_GCD-1.0\GCD.lua:95: attempt to compare number with nil
22:40.14durcynKemayo: r16?
22:40.42KemayoAh, no, r15. I'll update.
22:41.08durcynCLEU apparently returns the same bitfield for player-in-vehicle as player, so it was trying to call GetSpellCooldown on vehicle abilities
22:41.31Repo10grid2: 03Azethoth * r182 RaidDebuffs (2 files in 1 directory): --Rename "core" to something meaningful and useful
22:41.32KemayoIt happened in the death knight starting area, right when I hopped onto a horse, so that's probably it.
22:42.42*** join/#wowace waallen (
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22:46.47*** join/#wowace Dezzi (
22:49.48Repo10dr-damage: 03Gagorian * r898 / (2 files in 1 directory):
22:49.51Repo- Fixed an issue causing actionbar values being low, due to the event PLAYER_TALENT_UPDATE triggering for some reason during zoning and thus causing an update when API returns 0 spellpower
22:50.55Repo10misspelled: 03nrpieper * r27 / (2 files in 1 directory):
22:50.58RepoCapitalized misspelled words will stay capitalized after selecting a replacement suggestion.  Long term I want to detect the beginning of a sentence, so I can correct incorrect Capitalization.  For now this change should help.
22:50.59Gagorian-That was one annoying bug to find
22:51.34BWMerlin@describe misspelled
22:51.35RepoBWMerlin: Misspelled.  Misspelled is a Wow chat spell-checker. It watches chat messages you type, highlighting misspellings. Misspelled words may be right clicked to obtain a list of replacement suggestions. Misspelled...
22:51.45Gagorian-Who knew that triggered during zoning and that zoning makes API return 0 spellpower >_>
22:51.46durcyn...why the hell would PLAYER_TALENT_UPDATE fire on zone change
22:52.31BWMerlini thought dr-damage was discontinued
22:52.33Gagorian-So it was an instant update, and values were sometimes all fucked up after zoning until next update
22:52.45Gagorian-Took me like an hour to figure out what's going on
22:54.02pakozAny skada users around? i keep running into an issue when i click on someone name to get more details it shows me someone else's data
22:54.24Repo10dr-damage: 03Gagorian 041.6.4_release * r899 : Tagging as 1.6.4_release
22:54.28Axodiouscombat pakoz
22:54.30Axodiousdrop combat*
22:54.56pakozand if i want to look at it during combat?
22:55.13Axodiousgo look for a ticket for it and vote for it, if there isn't one make one
22:56.15BWMerlinmisspelled sounds awesome and something i really look forward to using
22:56.43Cryectyou playing again Gagorian-?
22:58.59Gagorian-I've been a bit bored so I started doing some stuff again
22:59.09Repo10big-brother: 03Cryect * r204 BigBrother.lua: BigBrother:
22:59.12Repo- Some performance improvements to how cc breaks are checked (using a table lookup instead of iterating over a table to see if its a CC spell now)
22:59.15waallenShefki: How are the LuaTexts coming along? :)
22:59.19Gagorian-But I'm not going to get back to playing, that's for sure :)
22:59.42Shefkiwaallen: Great.  Just got done putting in the configuration for setting up what units events update.
22:59.45CryectThinking of cutting back on playing and mainly just working on addons myself at the moment
23:00.03BWMerlini wonder what is "better" DrDamage or Mr Damage
23:00.03kenlyricbored enough to code, not enough to play
23:00.12kenlyricone has a degree
23:00.19kenlyricin awesome
23:00.28CryectIs it a medical degree though
23:01.03kenlyricno, why would you want it to be?
23:01.22Gagorian-BWMerlin: Well, shouldn't be too hard to figure out if you look at both :D
23:01.43BWMerliniv used drdamage in the past
23:01.54Arrowmasterckknight: did somebody finally kill that damn [php] tag on the forums?
23:02.00BWMerlinthen stopped it when the author (you) discontinued it
23:02.06ckknightArrowmaster: no idea
23:03.04Repo10arl: 03pompachomp * r1896 RecipeDB (2 files in 1 directory): fixed acquire info for Smelt Elementium.
23:03.09ckknightI don't deal with the forums
23:03.13Arrowmasteroh lol
23:03.24Arrowmaster[php]SendChatMessage("msg" [,"chatType" [,"language" [,"channel"]]]); [FONT=monospace][[/FONT]/php]
23:03.39orionshockthe f?
23:03.47Arrowmasterorionshock: you fail
23:03.48CryectSo whats that do?
23:04.08orionshocki didn't even know it was there
23:04.20Arrowmasterbreaks the tag parser so it doesnt find the [/php]
23:04.30orionshocki've got the wysiwug editor..
23:05.19kenlyricthat would be, +rarely
23:05.36orionshocklol, i think i fixed it :)
23:05.45orionshockjust set the whole line to a new font
23:05.59Arrowmasterwhy must you bastards abuse the [php] tag
23:06.12orionshockArrowmaster: because there is no [lua] tag :)
23:06.19pompyyou have /php] not [/php]?
23:06.29Cryecthe put it isnide of the font tag
23:06.33ArrowmasterSOMEBODY was suppost to work on that
23:06.48Cryectapparently it was disabled only by removing [/php]
23:06.51Arrowmasterbut the problem is all of wowace is in python, but vB is php
23:06.55Cryectbut wasn't considering embeded tags
23:07.09Cryectugh at php!
23:07.35CryectI kinda like python I think as my favorite scripting language at the moment just wish it was a little faster
23:07.44Arrowmasterso they cant easily just hook into the code highlighter they already have
23:08.12Cryectno existing lua highlighters for vB?
23:08.36Pneumatus tbh
23:08.39Arrowmasterthere are existing 'plugins' to make use of external highlighters
23:08.46Pneumatususes GeSHi
23:08.56Arrowmasterbut its external highlighters written in php
23:09.34orionshock* what Pneumatus said
23:10.38Arrowmasterthey already use for
23:11.47Repo10arl: 03pompachomp * r1897 RecipeDB/ARL-Mob.lua: fix MobID
23:13.06Gagorian-Any priest, shaman or mage with a 0 talent dual spec (or possibility of respecing to 0 talents) and willing to be my slave for 30 mins?
23:15.53Gagorian-*Cracks whip*
23:16.05Gagorian-LAZY BASTARDS
23:16.13kenlyricI would if I had wow on this computer
23:16.21kenlyricand if it wasn't going to be wiped in 5 minutes
23:18.49Gagorian-So much easier of slavery was still legal
23:19.02exor674guessing you need 80, Gagorian-?
23:19.02Gagorian-Or alternatively if someone paid for my account
23:19.08Gagorian-exor674: aye
23:19.24exor674cant help then :(
23:19.30durcynif you've been getting reward points for drdamage, there might be enough to buy a game card from amazon
23:19.41ArrowmasterGagorian-: you only have 428 reward points so far?
23:19.47Gagorian-I just activated it a while ago
23:19.49SaladForkGagorian - Wow, I was 0/0/0 for weeks up until about 2 minutes ago
23:20.46Gagorian-Also I don't even own wotlk, so I'd need to buy that too I guess
23:21.21ArrowmasterGagorian-: well thats like what $50 right? you can get that when you hit 1000 reward points if they are redemeable by then
23:22.01ArrowmasterGagorian-: then you would need to level one of every class to 80
23:22.13Repo10trickortreat: 03falconindy 07master * beta-1.1-1-g8764d0c / (2 files in 1 directory): [+1 commit] Fix horrible typo that caused damage by target to be misrepresented. TOC fix for LibSink and OptDep.
23:22.28Arrowmasterbut the good news is now youd only have to park them all next to the target dummys
23:22.29Gagorian-Arrowmaster: Or wait for PTR to come up :D
23:22.49Gagorian-Yeah target dummies are sweeet
23:22.58Gagorian-Pigs outside orgrimmar rejoice
23:23.15ArthicEUGagorian, what do you need that priest/shaman/mage for?
23:23.58Gagorian-I need base damage/heal values of a maximum level char
23:24.17ArthicEUOk, tell me what to do, I'll log my priest.
23:24.23Gagorian-As the bonuses seem arbitrary and are not seen on wowhead
23:24.29Gagorian-Alright I'll take it to PM then
23:25.53Arrowmasteryeah its amazing how many spells you had custom data for because the damage range in the tooltip was wrong
23:27.30Arrowmasterckknight: wow from 68.2 points per day to 58.6 points per day from cartographer
23:27.42Arrowmasterckknight: this inflation sucks
23:27.50ckknightit is what it is
23:28.05Gagorian-why the inflation?
23:28.20Arrowmastersame pool, more people to spread it over
23:28.54Gagorian-Myeah, I've gone down too in just a short time even if it keeps getting better
23:29.05Gagorian-err the addon that is!
23:29.07Arrowmasterckknight: you are a bastard
23:29.15Gagorian-So I assume more people start using it again
23:29.15ckknightam I?
23:29.16Arrowmasterckknight: 25514 points
23:29.33Arrowmasterlua> 25514/2000
23:29.33lua_botArrowmaster: 12.757
23:29.36CryectWouldn't worry about th epoints too much till we can actually use them :-p
23:29.42Arrowmasterlua> 25514/2000*100
23:29.42lua_botArrowmaster: 1275.7
23:30.35ckknightis there a problem, Arrowmaster?
23:30.48ShefkiI'm at 787 points I can't complain.
23:30.48Arrowmasterno your just a bastard
23:31.00Arrowmasterand i found a 500 error
23:31.23ckknightI see it
23:31.30*** join/#wowace SqueeG (
23:31.33ShefkiArrowmaster: So why /2000 * 100?
23:31.49Arrowmaster2000 points gets you a $100 card
23:33.21SaladForkI just had an awesome idea for an addon
23:33.27SaladForkThat's so simple, so awesome, so useful, and yet not done yet
23:33.32SaladForkIT'S MINE
23:34.18SqueeGIn in ur brainz, stealin ur ideaz
23:34.22CryectShrug, a lot of the ideas I used in addons didn't get stolen by other addons till a lot later (and by that I mean years ago did them and only few months ago in others
23:35.05SqueeGIn general most addons aren't remade unless they're bloated or missing a feautre some inspired person wants
23:35.12ShefkiI find it hilarious that PeggleOff produces about ~.75 points a day.
23:35.18ShefkiAnd it's all of 5 lines.
23:35.29Arrowmasteri get more for less
23:35.41SaladFork@project peggleoff
23:35.42RepoSaladFork: PeggleOff. Game: WoW. Shefki (Manager/Author). Updated: 8 days ago
23:35.58SaladForkI love it
23:36.05Arrowmasteroh wait trainwhistle is down to .48 a day
23:36.14SaladFork@project trainwhistle
23:36.15RepoSaladFork: No project found that matches 'trainwhistle'
23:36.16SaladForkDamn you curiousity!
23:36.22durcynspeaking of, needs more SPELL_CREATE instead of CAST
23:36.22ShefkiI wrote something that's almost identical to your trainwhistle thingy.
23:36.29Arrowmaster@project train-whistle
23:36.30ShefkiThen I saw yours and never bothered to upload it.
23:36.31RepoArrowmaster: TrainWhistle. Game: WoW. Arrowmaster (Manager/Author). Updated: 132 days ago
23:36.37SqueeGBlows the whistle on whoever used a Toy Train Set.
23:36.44SaladForkThat generates downlodas? really?
23:36.48SaladFork(no offense)
23:36.54CryectWell example of a feature would be the idea of showing when having to kill adds at the same time showing their HP but DBM only started using that recently
23:37.02ShefkiArrowmaster: Should update it to automatically use the train set killer item.
23:37.20Arrowmasteri only wrote it because somebody uploaded something that did similair but it was bloated to fuck
23:37.22SqueeGisn't that the whistle?
23:37.24durcynCryect: magictargets
23:37.39SqueeGwhich proves the point :p
23:37.44SqueeGblaoted or missing a feature ;p
23:38.16Arrowmasterboth, the other one matched based on spell name so it only worked on english client, and it was full of OnLoad spam
23:38.35Cryectyeah durcyn know its been done now just commenting it took a while :-p I assume magictargets was like perfecttargets used to be then?
23:38.58Cryectbut was weird it took a while for another boss addon to pick it up
23:39.13Cryectand DBM and Bigwigs are pretty bloaty so that would be a strange reason to keep that out
23:40.36SqueeGwasn't one of them being trimmed down recently?
23:40.38durcynCryect: minus the targeting, yes
23:40.42durcynthanks, 2.0 :(
23:40.56durcynand bigwigs ain't bloat by any real comparison tbh
23:40.57Cryect2.0 killed my interest in making boss addons
23:41.10ShefkiI wish icwutudidthere was more popular.
23:41.13Funkeh`excluding ace2, I don't see how it's bloated
23:41.20CryectLook at the code for a boss fight its most crazy amount of code for what they are
23:41.25durcynShefki: Utopia does it better >_>
23:41.27Cryectso much boiler plate
23:41.32Cryectthat is done over and over again
23:41.40ArrowmasterFunkeh`: did you remove GenericBossDeath from the prototype?
23:41.49Shefkidurcyn: Utopia?
23:42.04Funkeh`I think it was commented ou recently though
23:42.19durcynShefki: yeah, zeksie's raid debuff bit, he's got class coloring and icons, as well as information for improved talent ranks etc
23:42.37SqueeGFunkeh, are you an irn bru addict?
23:42.50ArrowmasterFunkeh`: hmm i was soloing trash in aq40 and got and error that the skaram module was trying to register UNIT_DEATH to non existant GenericBossDeath function
23:42.52Shefkidurcyn: That's not really the same thing though.
23:43.08Funkeh`yeah it's commented out
23:43.31durcynShefki: as icwutudidthere?  it's a superset of it.
23:44.08CryectI miss stuff pre 2.0 at least with 3.0 can implement an idea I had without feeling kinda exploity
23:44.37Funkeh`Arrowmaster, ill zoom through some modules and update them tomorow
23:46.15Zeksiedurcyn: posting some fixes for it in a bit. nailed why it was popping up with odd numbers occasionally.
23:47.37durcynZeksie: tossed an error on imp blood presence last night, btw
23:47.55Zeksieclassdata one. ok
23:49.08*** part/#wowace CrazyBenny_ (
23:50.44Repo10utopia: 03Zeksie * r73 / (15 files in 4 directories):
23:50.47RepoUtopia: Details view is now a separate module and will only be loaded if you click one of the icons. Fixed an issue which was showing incorrect base values for auras when more than 1 of a class was in raid, and the un-improved player was scanned after improved. Couple of different icons for the mode selection, they're not great but then neither are my artistic skills. Lots of other small stuff.
23:52.19SqueeGhow would you assign, in order,elements from one table as an index, and items from another table as the element?
23:52.27orionshockwhat's the api to get player position inside an instance? i was told / read that they updated it to work
23:52.38Cryectits on the wow wiki page
23:52.40Cryectthe map position
23:52.50Cryectcan give it any party or raid unit
23:54.04orionshockhumm.. got cartographer3 and not working...
23:54.18Zeksieorionshock: if the instance has a new drawn artist map, it will work, else not
23:54.36orionshockah, wrath only eh
23:55.05CryectMakes sense
23:55.11Cryectotherwise no scale to fit it within
23:55.20CryectShould just give us raw coordinates!
23:55.26Zeksieyeh, and layers would have to be worked out etc.
23:55.31Zeksieunless they gave us Z too
23:55.48CryectYou can work out raw coordinates from the minimap though
23:57.56SqueeGnight! =D
23:58.51Arrowmasteryou can work out raw coords using math too
23:59.17Arrowmasteryou just need multiple data points of coords on different map levels while standing in the same location

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