IRC log for #wowace on 20090113

00:00.12NivFreakFunkeh`: I keep starting transcriptor up for fights, and then not remembering to turn it off for hours
00:00.12Pneumatusyou want me to upload it somewhere to help with that ticket Funkeh`?
00:00.17GnarfozFunkeh`: yes, magix pls, because as the comments say, rolling back to 4866 fixes it :(
00:00.27sylvanaarace3 supports default ["**"] right?
00:00.57Gnarfoz(I actually have Transcriptor loaded, but didn't have it logging because I was busy yelling at people dying to void zones and lava waves and shit :(()
00:01.19NeoTronas a sidenote, oRA2 still doesn't set master loot mode correctly sicne the change way back when where I originally reported the issue
00:01.20Funkeh`Pneumatus, if you can post a link on the ticket
00:01.37NeoTronit does set loot threshold to rare however so not sure what's up with that
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00:08.10sylvanaaror better question , is there a better alternative to this default: { ["*"] = { ["*"] = { ["*"] = 0 } } }
00:09.26NeoTronI will REALLY try to remember to do transcript logs during thsi weeks upcoming raids, if there's still a need
00:11.08Funkeh`durcyn, I instaled it by running it in vista compat mode
00:13.08PneumatusFunkeh`: transcriptor log url in the comments now
00:17.20*** join/#wowace EvilJohn (n=eviljohn@
00:21.35linear`whats the site to upload locale files to for translation?
00:26.29ckknightlinear`: what's your project?
00:26.53Brunersanyone fancy explaining this for me ?
00:27.26ckknightunit is likely nil
00:27.35ckknightI'd do a print(unit) beforehand
00:27.37ckknightto check
00:27.38NivFreakNeoTron: mine sets ML
00:27.58linear`it's a rune addon, its only on my computer atm
00:29.07GnarfozFunkeh`: so, basically, 7destiny changed all occurences of "%s" in the Flame Tsunami trigger to actually read "Sartharion" :O
00:29.25Brunersckknight: thing is it's outside orgrimmar and no units to see
00:29.41ckknightBruners: well, unit is probably nil, so you may need to do a check for that
00:30.05ArrowmasterGnarfoz: yes he does silly things
00:30.41Funkeh`I don't raid + there's no easy changelog browser = that
00:30.53Gnarfozsvn is quite the changelog browser for me :D
00:31.05GnarfozI'm not even sure of the inner workings of BigWigs, but I guess it grabs the entire message "raw" and so there actually has to be a "%s" there, I guess ^^
00:31.22Gnarfozat least that's the main difference between 4866 and the current one
00:31.33sylvanaardoes ace3 have an equivalent to ToggleOptionsWindow?
00:31.42sylvanaaror am i on my own
00:31.47Funkeh`you know you're alowed to go ahead and commit that Gnarfoz ?
00:31.47Gnarfozso before someone else says it: fucking translators :P
00:31.56GnarfozFunkeh`: now I do.
00:31.57Brunersckknight: think if(not UnitExists(unit)) then return '' end would do it?
00:32.20ckknightI think if not unit then return '' end
00:32.21StanzillaShefki: could have been fixed by your last commit, did not update yet :)
00:32.30GnarfozFunkeh`: seeing that that 7destiny doesn't seem to have to fear any repercussions should have told me as much, heh
00:32.42Funkeh`Gnarfoz, You just need to ask, we usually say yes especially when it's technicall fixing a problem
00:32.45Gnarfozbut since the switch people have been way more anal about not touching stuff :>
00:33.01Funkeh`tbh when it's fixing a problem most people just commit
00:33.08Gnarfozwell I have no real clue about how BigWig's stuff works for this, but I can read a diff :>
00:33.34Funkeh`well if it's a simple matter of a trigger that's pretty basic
00:33.49Gnarfozsince it's already broken, what more can go wrong, right? ;)
00:33.57Funkeh`But I'm starving so gonna fix something up and will look at the log
00:34.12Funkeh`had enough of fidlding with windows 7
00:39.12*** join/#wowace Torhal_ (
00:40.56Repo10big-wigs: 038tImER * r4900 Northrend/Sartharion.lua:
00:40.57Repo- revert Sartharion Flame Tsunami trigger to a working state (enUS, frFR, deDE only; someone who can read and write them should check the non-latin languages, too: ruRU, zhCN, zhTW, koKR)
00:41.08Gnarfozfucking username :O
00:41.23Gnarfozbut I've given up hope on a username changes ^^
00:42.02Torhal_Gnarfoz: lart Kaelten|away
00:42.10Kaelten|awaylart to you too
00:42.25Kaelten|awayGnarfoz: don't give up man, I will get to it, I'm sorrt it's taken so long
00:43.01GnarfozTorhal_: I've mailed him (twice) before the username request form was made, had the form modified so I could actually put my request in (because my name is actually invalid :D) and well, they're busy. :)
00:43.28GnarfozKaelten|away: no problem, I don't think I fancy being as busy as you guys :>
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00:43.31Brunersanyone recall the hex value for yellow?
00:43.38Gnarfozgreen + blue?
00:43.41Brunersckknight: that worked thanks
00:43.54GnarfozR G B => 00FFFF? :O
00:44.09Gnarfozat least that's what I'd figure :D
00:44.16Torhal_Try |cffffff00
00:44.25Torhal_Oh, hex.
00:44.47Gnarfozalso wow is ARGB, right?
00:44.52Brunersisnt ffffff00 hex ?
00:44.53Gnarfoz(for font strings)
00:45.09vhaarryes it is
00:45.18onaforeign|AFKquick question... have traweled the API and can't see it, so must be blind, but is there a function that returns whether a unit is online... want to use it in a party, just like the online part in GetRaidRosterInfo()
00:45.19vhaarrso |cff00ffff for yellow
00:45.20Torhal_Hex doesn't have alpha though
00:45.27vhaarrwtf are you talking about Torhal_
00:45.38vhaarrI suggest you find a dictionary
00:45.50vhaarrin fact
00:45.53vhaarr~dict hex
00:46.04vhaarr~whalecrit purl
00:46.04purlACTION crits purl with a mathematically skilled whale named Isaac for #NaN. purl dies
00:46.30onaforeign|AFKvhaar: |cff00ffff is cyan - A:ff R:00 G:ff B:ff
00:47.01vhaarrright, err
00:47.02*** join/#wowace Torhal__ (
00:47.09vhaarr|cffffff00, I mean
00:47.13onaforeign|AFK|cffffff00 would be yellow :P
00:47.24Torhal__I was thinking of a hex triplet
00:47.29vhaarryou weren't thinking
00:47.31vhaarrjust like me
00:47.51Pneumatus#INF > #NaN
00:47.55onaforeign|AFKanyone able to point me in the right direction?
00:47.57Gnarfozgreen+red = yellow? oO
00:48.15onaforeign|AFKGnarfoz: in RGB, yes
00:48.16Gnarfoz(yeah I just asked that)
00:48.17vhaarrPneumatus: yes but #NaN could have more disastrous consequences, since they would be utterly unforeseeable
00:48.21Gnarfozah fucking RGB
00:48.37Gnarfoz< bed tiems I guess
00:48.51onaforeign|AFKR, G, B, R+G = Y, G+B = C, and R+B = M
00:48.54ckknightPneumatus: that statement makes no sense
00:49.23Pneumatusisnt it about time the happy festuvus got removed from the topic btw :P
00:49.32ckknightlua> INF = 1/0; NAN = 0/0; print(INF, NAN, INF > NAN)
00:49.32lua_botckknight: inf, nan, false
00:49.38ckknighttold ya
00:49.40Pneumatusor is it going to remain for every festivity in existance!
00:49.41ckknightPneumatus: probably.
00:49.53ckknightgotta wait for something else to happen
00:50.03Pneumatuswell, its lunar festival next week :P
00:52.26Groktari'm definitely posting this pvp video on my realm forum
00:53.22Dashkaloh crap... it is lunar again isn't it.  This should be interesting.  Doing the horde capitals without stealth
00:53.58*** topic/#wowace by vhaarr -> | | | .15 Mac || | Username: | Careful. We don't want to learn from this. - Bill Watterson
00:54.13Repo10calendar_broker: 03LordFarlander * r17 / (2 files in 1 directory): Calendar_Broker:
00:54.16Repo- Fixes for recycling
00:56.15NeoTronat least Lord Farlander is thinking green
00:56.32Repo10grid: 03Sayclub * r1124 GridLocale-koKR.lua: koKR update
00:57.03Kaelten|awayok guys forums should be back up now
00:58.30Repo10failboat: 03sylvanaar * r31 / (2 files in 2 directories):
00:58.33RepoAdded fail totals, and per-player totals. Fixed the options menu so it would toggle.
00:59.28sylvanaarKaelten|away add AceConfigDialog:Toggle(addonname) plz
01:00.07Arrowmasterisnt there an Open
01:00.29sylvanaarugh i have to access your internal data
01:01.20sylvanaari shouldnt need that
01:02.29*** join/#wowace Tinyboom (
01:02.35sylvanaarthat or add IsOpen()
01:04.12Arrowmasterwhy do you need a toggle?
01:04.52Repo10prat-3-0: 03sylvanaar * r192 / (2 files in 2 directories):
01:04.54Reporeplace all aceconfigdialog open calls with internal toggleOptionsWindow calls
01:04.55Kaelten|awaysorry guys down again for a few mins, sighs
01:05.17sylvanaarArrowmaster even chatter has it
01:05.33Arrowmasterit does?
01:05.41Groktargently pats Arrowmaster
01:06.36Arrowmasterstandalone config button in chatter doesnt work, and betterblizzoptions hasnt worked for a long time
01:07.20sylvanaarmeh, maybe it doesnt - idk
01:07.42Arrowmasterseriously i wonder whats up with betterblizzoptions
01:08.02sylvanaaranyhow, its like 4 lines of code to acd rathat than requiring me to access your internal tables
01:08.19sylvanaarjust add IsShown(addonname)
01:08.49sylvanaarand return acd.OpenFrames[addonname)]
01:09.29sylvanaarnow i can click my ldb, and the options window opens and closes
01:09.46sylvanaarwhich is far more intuative
01:10.21sylvanaarseeing as allmost every addon behaves that way
01:10.49Odlawfinally.. 3 drakes down.. christ
01:11.53NivFreak25man I assume?
01:12.05Odlaw10man we tried once.. ouch
01:12.35NeoTronheh. 3 hrs and we got to the point of the third dragon landing at least. we're still a bit undergeared for that for sure
01:12.44Odlawwe changed up our strat to burn down shadron after tenebron
01:12.51Odlawand not go kill his minion
01:12.52NivFreakI like that strat
01:13.06PneumatusOdlaw: we did exactly the same tonight and got our first kill also :P
01:13.10Odlawwhen vesperon landed, we had like 10% left on shadron, and they kept burning despite vesperon's debuff
01:13.21Odlawyar.. amazing how much a small change makes
01:13.29sylvanaarthey come tenebron vespriron shadron right?
01:13.40NivFreaktenebron shadron vespirion
01:13.47Odlawtenebron, shadron (fire debuff), vesperon (dmg feedback debuff)
01:14.00NivFreakso remind me
01:14.07NivFreakcan shadron have more than one portal up at a time?
01:14.23Odlawportal? no, but add? not sure.
01:14.29sylvanaarno but if both shad and vesp are down cant there be 2
01:14.42Odlawnot sure about the portals.. but there are definatly 2 void zones
01:14.47NivFreakthere's one add per portal afaik, that matches my memory
01:14.52Odlawi stay up and AE and call out flame waves
01:14.53NivFreakyea, 1 zone per drake
01:14.58sylvanaaroh fuck those void zones
01:14.59Odlawso i don't ever go down
01:15.23sylvanaarthey have 2 different spell ids, did you know that
01:15.27thulyoung, insecure, hot, and big-breasted freshmenlawgirls love me.
01:15.48sylvanaarevery other void zone, include kt's uses one spellid
01:16.15*** join/#wowace Whitetooth_ (
01:16.52NivFreakwouldn't there be 3?
01:17.03sylvanaarexcept for one of the 3 drakes
01:17.09sylvanaarthats whats fucked up
01:17.24Odlawwell.. hopefully you have killed a drake before you get the 3rd one :)
01:17.34sylvanaar27812 59128
01:18.59sylvanaarone of them is surviable
01:19.47sylvanaarinteresting huh
01:20.26sylvanaarthat means you only really have to be super cautious for one of the types
01:20.52sylvanaarand you get an extra 5 sec for one
01:20.53ShefkiStanzilla: That was the same error so yes.
01:21.04Stanzillaokay :)
01:21.07NivFreaksylvanaar: you sure that's not 10 vs 25man?
01:21.33StanzillaShirik: are you open to suggestions for a new default buff-border texture btw?
01:21.42sylvanaarit all hapeend within the same run
01:21.45StanzillaShefki not Shirik
01:21.49Stanzillatab fail
01:21.51sylvanaari had to fix libfail because of it
01:22.06ShefkiStanzilla: Sure.  I just took the existing one.
01:22.21NivFreaksylvanaar: wait, so you're saying one of the drakes drops 27812?
01:22.32NivFreakbut only during 3 drakes
01:22.43sylvanaarall the time
01:22.55NivFreakbecause I've stood in them all killing them solo
01:22.57NivFreakand I don't die :)
01:23.30Groktarya, void zones from drakes don't one shot
01:23.31Shirikok not going to get into this right now, I'm too tired to make sense out of my encounters
01:23.38Shirikand yes they do :P
01:23.41ShirikWhen you're a priest
01:23.45StanzillaShefki: try this one
01:23.53Groktarthey start at like 14k
01:23.57Groktarbefore the debuffs
01:24.05ShirikI'm talking about during the boss
01:24.09*** join/#wowace doom0r (
01:24.21ShirikI don't ever remember having lived through one
01:24.29Shirikthen again, I think I've only ever been hit once or twice; that was enough to learn
01:25.57ShefkiStanzilla: Where'd you get that?
01:26.25StanzillaShefki: I think it originally came from a UI package my Caithlyn
01:26.31NivFreak27812 is 100k dmg
01:26.36NivFreakit's the one KT uses
01:26.43NivFreakthe drakes on sartharion don't use that
01:26.56NivFreakbut they have a bunch of shadow +dmg auras
01:27.43Xinhuanwho cares, just add both to the code, and not worry why they used different IDs already
01:27.43*** join/#wowace shaithus (
01:28.13NivFreakdoom0r: botting what?
01:28.31doom0rmy thoughts exactly
01:28.34shaithusHi, by chance does anyone know an easy way to emulate an event?   I am trying to figure out a way to send a false positive LOOT_OPENED so other stuff will fire off for a test...
01:29.15ShefkiStanzilla: I wonder if there's decent Border's to use in like Shared Media or something.
01:29.15Xinhuanshaithus, nope
01:29.36Xinhuanhowever, you can easily go to places with lots of mobs spawns
01:29.42Xinhuanlike the oracle vs frenzyheart quest areas
01:30.38Xinhuanotherwise, you can just call your function directly
01:30.39StanzillaShefki: I think sharedmedia borders are in a different format but dunno
01:30.48Stanzillaif it works with SM it would be even better
01:31.34shaithusyah, good point....except I'm trying to trigger a subsection of a function that is event driven.   I suppose I could add an argument to the function that can also trigger the subsection.   Thanks...
01:31.59Xinhuani suggest not trying
01:32.03Xinhuanand actually go out and kill stuff
01:32.19Xinhuanthe silly tribes in the basin all drop loot and coin ;p
01:32.34StanzillaShefki: I just think the current border is ugly and I use the one I linked for ages now. It's pretty simple, looks good etc. :P
01:32.59shaithusyah....guess I could reduce the loot threshhold to gray.   I just wanted to be able to sit around IF and /trigger [itemlink] it till I was happy with the results.
01:33.04doom0ri should check my feeds more often, a gaming icon reviewing games by other people that he's personally played, that's not frequent:
01:33.55sylvanaarHey guys - yes they do - Vespirons do
01:34.18Arrowmastershaithus: you cant reduce loot threshhold to gray
01:35.42NivFreaksylvanaar: you have combat log? :)
01:37.32sylvanaari have been looking at lots of logs for libfail
01:37.50sylvanaarthere is is
01:38.10sylvanaarevery zone besides vesperon is like that
01:38.35sylvanaaris vespiron
01:38.51NivFreakyea, but the other drakes should be 59128 too
01:38.52Zhinjiogot my loot event processor working from SKG files
01:38.53sylvanaari may have reversed those
01:39.02sylvanaarthey arent
01:39.13NivFreakI don't get it then
01:39.22NivFreakI've stood in them all when doing 0drakes
01:39.22sylvanaarok, let me double check then
01:39.23NivFreakand not died
01:39.33sylvanaari know some are instakill
01:39.34NivFreakI do it torment the healer that stays with me
01:39.42NivFreakdo it to*
01:40.10sylvanaarits possible i mixed up kt's and the drakes
01:40.12NivFreakZhinjio: cool, sadly I no longer use SK =/
01:40.16NivFreaksylvanaar: seems very likely
01:40.19sylvanaari'll have to double check now
01:40.22Zhinjioyeah, I remember.
01:40.22NivFreaksylvanaar: KT's is 27812
01:40.29NivFreakit's a 100k hit
01:40.34NivFreakI've stood in it once ;)
01:40.41NivFreakthe very firs time
01:41.12CIA-34wowbench: 03captainsegfault * r192 10/trunk/ (addon.lua api.lua wowbench.lua): Refactor addon handling, notably including partial support for dependencies and a framework for parsing TOC headers. FrameXML now directly handled as a special case of an addon.
01:42.29NeoTronhas anyone tried acclimation on Sartharion tanking?
01:43.19sylvanaaranyone know of a tool which will split my combat logs, and archive them for me
01:43.32WizardlingDunno if it's appropriate to ask for someone (who can program - unlike myself) to take on a dead data broker plugin.
01:43.44WizardlingBut has anyone here seen
01:43.47Pneumatusi found one on gcode the other day sylvanaar, let me dig it out
01:43.56sylvanaarim using wowmeteronline's
01:44.04sylvanaarim just oing to write my own
01:44.04TorhalWizardling: Change the TOC to 300000 and it should load just fine.
01:44.16Pneumatus possibly
01:44.17NeoTronseems like acclimation + FireR aura => 280 spell resist would be pretty nice against the breaths
01:44.17sylvanaarunless therer is already a good one
01:44.21TorhalErr, 30000
01:44.25Wizardlingit's really useful and in danger of a slow deathas it's users move up to the zones it doesn'
01:44.25NeoTronespecially if supplemented by some enchants and such
01:44.38NivFreakmy favorite tanking momemnts in wrath?
01:44.46NivFreakfully resisting malygos's breath on landing
01:44.51Wizardlingit's really useful and in danger of a slow death as it's users move up to the zones it doesn't cover
01:44.59Wizardlingit's not loading that's an issue
01:45.21CryectASsuming it uses data tables
01:45.29CryectIt should be easy for someone to modify who doesn't know code
01:45.33NivFreakalthough our first KT kill was pretty awesome, my add tanks stacked up, iceblocked, died, I tanked all 4 adds + KT to dead
01:45.35*** join/#wowace Fatalis[AFK] (
01:45.52Wizardlingit a click combo was added to open Atlas, coords were displayed, and it was updated it would be perfect.
01:46.09NivFreakNeoTron: I assume sartharion's breath is not binary?
01:46.18TorhalWizardling: Atlas has its own launcher, and there are plenty of coordinate addons.
01:46.29WizardlingCan you hear that? It's a lonely addon crying out for love? :-D
01:46.30doom0rWizardling: there's plenty of location ones out there, with level recs
01:46.35NeoTronit has no side effects
01:46.43Wizardlingsure, but I love consolidation
01:46.53TorhalWizardling: Bloat much? :)
01:47.03doom0rconsolidation how?
01:47.16NeoTronI wish frost aura stacked with resist totem/aura
01:47.20WizardlingI've already two Tital panels and looking at a double at the top
01:47.32WizardlingI'll happily accept a little bloat :-)
01:47.40Cryectwhy do you want frost aura's to stack O_o
01:47.52doom0rso get one of the other 95 location plugins for titan/broker
01:48.03CryectI mean don't need any frost resistance at all for sapphiron
01:48.05Wizardling*Titan - my typing sucks after playing Quake3 all morning - fingers tired. Sorry
01:48.43TorhalGet TomTom. It can display coords on LDB OR in its own floaty window. And it has the crazy arrow. And stuff.
01:48.55Wizardlingdoom0r - I meant if this plugin had coords in the menu and was able to open Atlas I'd be able to drop one other plugin :-)
01:49.03WizardlingI have TomTom
01:49.10TorhalThen use its coords display
01:49.22WizardlingNo offence, but you're missing the point
01:49.37doom0ropen atlas? HIT M
01:49.38NeoTronCryect: frost aura = 80 resistance, totems/pally aura = 130
01:49.38Cryectyou're missing the point of most addon developers keeping all the parts seperate
01:49.40sylvanaarPneumatus thanks i missed your reply
01:49.45sylvanaarill take a loook
01:49.52NeoTronand MotW is like 75
01:50.07NeoTronso you gain 5 resistance over MotW which makes it pretty useless since it doesn't stack
01:50.12*** join/#wowace linear` (
01:50.47CryectI'm glad they don't stack
01:50.50Cryectif they stacked
01:50.54Cryectthey would be a third of what they are now
01:50.56TorhalI'm not missing the point if the point is "I want an addon that does twelve things."
01:51.00WizardlingHey - I like having one simple addon to do one or more related things.
01:51.02doom0rbesides, the majority of location plugins that typically DO have coords, ALSO open the world map, which atlas SHOULD take over if you're using ti
01:51.06TorhalI'm just saying, there's an alternative.
01:51.08Wizardlingbut plugins are different
01:51.24doom0rWizardling: you're being difficult, read my last line
01:51.25Cryectplugins are addons?
01:51.34Wizardlingyou don't want a hundred plugins in Titan or Fubar or whatever.
01:51.42Wizardlingit's messy there
01:51.47Cryectthen don't install a hundred plugins?
01:51.49Wizardlingnot so with seperate addons
01:52.01Cryectthere is almost no plugins for them worth having anyways?
01:52.06TorhalThat's why I said TomTom has its OWN floating coordinate display. You can put it anywhere.
01:52.31WizardlingI think you're just being bloody minded. If you're not interested just ignore my request.
01:52.46TorhalYou could also disable the floaty one and enable the LDB one and put it BESIDE your Traveler's Reference.
01:53.04Wizardlingtrue, but I'm after a clean UI
01:53.11ZhinjioI wanna be bloody minded!
01:53.13TorhalIf your panels are messy you need to organize them.
01:53.26ZhinjioTorhal: bloody my mind, will you?
01:53.32TorhalIf you have a bunch of launchers cluttering, get MakeRocketGoNow
01:53.34Wizardlingif I can put coords or whatever into clean bars along the top and bottom of the screen that is much preferred.
01:53.34Zhinjiono wait, you already did.
01:53.42TorhalZhinjio: BWAH!
01:53.58Arrowmasteryou are using titan and works like clean together and it makes no sense
01:54.12TorhalMRGN displays ONLY launchers, so you can disable them from your bars and have less clutter.
01:54.16WizardlingI look at some people's UIs and recoil in horror - so messy
01:55.07WizardlingWhat's wrong with Titan/Fubar/broker plugin bars? I think they're much tider than windows and free floating bars everywhere
01:55.26Cryectwhy would you have windows/free floating bars everywhere?
01:55.29CryectI'm confused here
01:55.49TorhalCryect: If I'm being bloody minded, it's because he's being single minded.
01:56.00WizardlingYou think titan panel is messy
01:56.09Wizardlingso where else will i put plugins?
01:56.10TorhalWizardling: Arrowmaster is referring to the code.
01:56.19Cryectwhat are all these plugins you are using O_o
01:56.28Arrowmasterand its skin is fugly
01:56.30WizardlingWhat, is he really?
01:56.32TorhalJust go look at MakeRocketGoNow, and mayhap you'll understand.
01:56.33Wizardlinggood lord
01:56.47CryectHow much information do you need to display on your panels?
01:57.06WizardlingMakeRocketGoNow - I'll have a look:-)
01:57.20CryectIf you have five million icons for configuring stuff then well thats an issue and you should disable some of them from showing
01:57.21TorhalI'm wondering how putting one plugin RIGHT NEXT TO another plugin is any different than having one plugin displaying TWO BITS OF INFORMATION.
01:57.31Torhaltwitches some more.
01:57.48WizardlingCryect - anything that would normally be cluttering up the mini map or be in it's own window like TomTom's coords
01:58.11TorhalWizardling: MRGN
01:58.11Wizardlingor prefs that are frequently changed
01:58.11TorhalThen disable the launchers from Titan
01:58.29WizardlingYeah I said I'd look
01:58.35Wizardlinghold your horses
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01:59.03Wizardling"Then disable the launchers from Titan" - huh?
01:59.33ZhinjioWizardling: you're aware there are two types of LDB icons?
01:59.39Zhinjiolaunchers and data sources
02:00.00Wizardlingput that in plain english :-)
02:00.16gixwowclsp seems unfinished. it's just splitting by a time threshold, and that it does also really slow (parsing every line)
02:00.49Repo10libfail-1-0: 03sylvanaar * r22 LibFail-1.0.lua:
02:00.51Reponoted which voidzones were which. Will add a separate event for those later
02:00.54ZhinjioLDB plugins are qualified as one or the other. a launcher (icon that does NOTHING but launch another window or addons config), and a "data source" (which displays some data or acts as an anchor for a data tooltip)
02:00.57NeoTronso I don't get it - how does any class survive a 74k breath on sartharion?
02:01.06NeoTronexcept divine guardian or whatever it's called
02:01.20Wizardlingright - makes sense. I know what you mean. Generally I don't use launchers.
02:01.31Zhinjiothats what he was talking about
02:01.39CryectNeotron through saves
02:01.54Zhinjiomost of the LDB displays now allow you to not display launchers at all
02:01.56CryectExample if you have a DK tanking they have a shit ton
02:01.57Zhinjiowich a checkbox
02:02.04Zhinjiowith, rather
02:02.13WizardlingI pick what I want to display anyway.
02:02.15NeoTronCryect: I'm a dk
02:02.23CryectBone Shield, their shield wall, antimagic shell, etc
02:02.26NeoTroneven with 50% reduction I can't take a 74k breath
02:02.29WizardlingI'm not just showing every feed available under the sun
02:02.33CryectThen you need more gear
02:02.41Zhinjiowell sorry... just trying to make it easier for you. Some displays give you that capability builtin
02:02.43NeoTronbut that's my best single thing now
02:02.49NeoTronbone shield is only 40%
02:02.52CryectYou should be breaking 40k HP fully buffed up
02:02.53sylvanaarLDB still needs work - really promising is that LDB aggregator
02:02.55WizardlingLike Titan
02:02.56Cryectits 50% O_o
02:03.02NeoTronIBF is 50%
02:03.04NeoTronboneshield is 40%
02:03.18*** join/#wowace Mysticfox (
02:03.40sylvanaarwhat needs to be done now, is have such things throttle the lbd events fired from contained objects
02:04.00sylvanaarand you have something new and useful
02:04.05NeoTronwound need like 46k or so buffed to survive a 75k breath mitigated by 50%
02:04.21Cryectwhy would you need 46k?
02:04.29Xinhuanhow is 46k half of 75k
02:04.33NeoTronlua> 46000 * 0.75
02:04.33lua_botNeoTron: 34500
02:04.38NeoTronlua> 46000 / 1.25
02:04.38lua_botNeoTron: 36800
02:04.39WizardlingCladhaire's Ninja Panel also does. I think most LDB display addon worth it's salt allows you to pick which plugins to display nowadays
02:04.42NeoTronlua> 75000 / 2
02:04.43lua_botNeoTron: 37500
02:04.46NeoTronthat's why
02:04.49Zhinjiopresumably, that breath will be folloowed by other damage
02:04.55WizardlingI like the idead of LDB a LOT :-)
02:04.55NeoTronyou haev 25% less health
02:05.22NeoTronso 46k fully buffed is either 34.5k or 36.8k health depending on how it's calculated
02:05.53NeoTronok so it's * 0.25 which means 46k buffed => 34.4k debuffed
02:06.08Xinhuanyeah but normally you also get the tank to wear *some* FR
02:06.21NeoTronwhat FR exactly? level 70 stuff?
02:06.31Xinhuanyes, and new helm enchant
02:06.31NeoTronor just green stuff?
02:06.37Xinhuani.e your illidan flame tanking gear
02:06.45NeoTronright. I'll get right on that
02:06.48NeoTronon my death knight
02:06.58Xinhuan300 FR is enough, or 250
02:07.13NeoTronthat's why I'm looking at acclimation
02:07.14Xinhuanafter the 2/3 drakes are down, have the drake tank taunt sartharion and tank the remainder of the fight
02:07.22*** join/#wowace Inc` (
02:07.35NeoTron150 + 130 FR is a good start
02:07.54NeoTronassuming I Can keep acclimation up
02:07.56Xinhuantalking about 300 buffed, so
02:08.03Xinhuanabout 150 is fine ;p
02:08.30NeoTrondepend less on cooldowns and more on actual mitigation
02:08.52Xinhuanbut do take the suggestion to have your drake tank take over tanking sartharion
02:08.55NeoTronmore fun stuff... "respeccing" my gear with FR enchants and back to non-FR every week :P
02:08.57Xinhuanafter adds are down
02:09.04NeoTronmakes sense
02:09.13NeoTroneven in 10-man I noticed severe pain once we killed the 2nd drake
02:09.21NeoTron(2d kill)
02:09.42NivFreakoh man, I need to install failbot
02:09.44NeoTronI'll try to pick up an extra helm at least for this
02:09.44NivFreakthat's awesome
02:09.53NeoTronwhat is failbot?
02:10.01SekkyoAnyone know if ClosetGnome's macro abilities are broken?
02:10.15Xinhuanfailbot needs to add warnings for 5-man heroics too
02:10.41NeoTronanyhow time to head home. ttfn
02:10.44Xinhuanlike standing in acid puddles
02:10.59Xinhuan(i.e taking more than 2 ticks of damage from it)
02:11.01doom0rif you need a warning in 5man for something THAT bad, you need to boot them
02:11.18Xinhuanhey now, people tend to be more careless in 5-mans
02:11.43doom0r5man is srs biz here
02:12.02Xinhuanthe DTK trash leading up to first boss also has a void zone
02:12.04Xinhuanit hurts ;p
02:12.11Xinhuanand lots of ppl DO never see it
02:12.20doom0rour achieve run on skadi was beating people geared twice as much as us on WWs
02:13.10thulkeep on rocking in the free world..
02:13.21Xinhuanbut thats an AoE fight
02:13.43doom0rwhat, skadi?
02:14.01Xinhuanyeah, pull 20 mobs at one go, aoe, then kill boss
02:14.16doom0rlol, we did both achieves
02:14.27Xinhuanyou have to
02:14.27doom0rwas 39 or 49 seconds of combat
02:14.44Xinhuanyou can't do one achievement without automatically completing the other at the same time!
02:14.52*** join/#wowace Silviu- (
02:15.18doom0rbut srsly, i suggest booting the people
02:15.32doom0ror tell them no more pulls til they pay attention
02:15.46doom0r50 DKP MINUS!
02:15.57Torhaldoom0r: That's about the time the hunter puts his pet on aggressive.
02:16.10Xinhuandoom0r, i could say the same about 25-man raids
02:16.13Xinhuanas you just said about 5-mans
02:16.36doom0rwhile true Xinhuan, there is the compounding number of variables
02:17.11doom0rTorhal: who takes a hunter to a 5man?
02:17.31TorhalHrm. Play WoW, or watch the final two SGA...
02:17.49Torhaldoom0r: Not me, anymore, unless I know the person can play.
02:18.10TorhalMmmkay, SGA it is.
02:18.58*** join/#wowace lmeye1 (
02:19.05purl (US); (EU) [NB: URL goes to 404 unless there's an active alert]
02:19.27doom0rTransfers for non-oceanic PvP realms will be closing on Monday, January 12 at 7:00pm PST as we have reached the goals for this transfer period. If you plan to transfer please do so before this time. Thank you for your understanding.
02:19.39Xinhuanthat's fast
02:19.41doom0ri don't understand, why am i in a freakin 508 person queue then
02:20.00Xinhuanby transfer goals, they mean the target server's population
02:20.04Xinhuannot YOUR server's
02:20.05CivrockIt's probably because the destination realms are reaching their limit.
02:20.06doom0ri understand that
02:20.11doom0rstep off my semantics
02:20.20Xinhuanstick his tongue out at doom0r. :+p
02:21.46Groktarwhispers an obscene suggestion to Xinhuan
02:23.13*** join/#wowace Tuller (
02:23.27Wizardlinghmmm... after getting told off for liking plugin bars and too many plugins I forgot my original question :-D
02:23.51doom0ruse the location plugin that comes with titan?
02:23.53Wizardlingso is anyone here interested in taking over a really cool LDB plugin?
02:24.00Wizardlingthis one does more
02:24.21doom0r@project broker_location
02:24.23Repodoom0r: Broker_Location. Game: WoW. CodeRedLin (Manager/Author). Updated: 20 days ago
02:24.25Wizardling if you missed it before
02:24.47doom0ryes, pretty much everything gives level rec
02:24.47doom0rprobably even an option in the titan one to do it
02:25.15Wizardlingdoom0r - I'll try that out :-)
02:25.54*** join/#wowace Whitetooth (
02:29.22sylvanaarhey guys, is it possible to make a calendar event for the current raid
02:29.34sylvanaaranyone know offhand before i icepick myself
02:29.48doom0r8:00PM Stop sucking
02:29.57doom0r8:01PM Tell people to stop afking
02:30.21doom0r8:02PM Wipe from afk hunter accidental pull
02:30.22doom0rlike that?
02:30.23Arrowmastera lot of the calendar stuff requires hardware events
02:30.30Shefki8:10 PM, cancel raid because we sucked
02:31.06sylvanaaryeah, i just want to calendar the active raid after its formed
02:31.28sylvanaarlike a trackers
02:31.47Repo10little-wigs: 03ulic * r515 Stratholme (2 files in 1 directory): Added substance for Mal'Ganis and Chrono-Lord Epoch
02:33.48*** join/#wowace Whitetooth (
02:33.48ulicsylvanaar: I don't think you can create events in that start in the past, and you'd have to throttle the adding of playings, but I think it's possible.
02:34.12ulicsheesh, my brain sucks today
02:34.35ulicplayers not playings and remove that first "in"
02:34.36sylvanaari know what you are refering to
02:34.39ulic~lart ulic
02:34.39purlwhips ulic with a wet and grimy noodle just because
02:34.53sylvanaarthats specifically what i dont want
02:36.15ulicwhich part don't you like, the events in the past, or the player adding?
02:36.16sylvanaarwell, as long as they would show up as accepted
02:36.34ulicyea if you create the event, you can change their status yourself.
02:36.43sylvanaarok, that i can handle
02:38.09ulicyou might even be able to create it, then lock it, then add them.  So they can't screw with it, but I'm not sure if locking would prevent the owner/mod from changing it.
02:38.40ulicI check in a second for you after this queue passes, if you can't get to the game.
02:39.01*** join/#wowace taleden (
02:43.36ulicnope, can't add players once it's locked :(
02:43.52ulicand you definetly can't add on in the past, either days or start time.
02:48.31*** join/#wowace rubik_ (n=rubik@
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02:59.44Repo10vanas-ko-s: 03xilcoy * r323 modules/PvPDataGatherer.lua:
02:59.46Repo- Fixed bug recording killing blow by hostile pets as the winner in PvP
02:59.49Repo- Record a win when an enemy dies if it was one of the last five enemies the
02:59.51Repoplayer damaged. Now usese UNIT_DIED instead of PARTY_KILL event
02:59.54Repo- Added LEECH combat events to list of damage events
03:00.54*** join/#wowace Matrix110| (
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03:02.31RaydenUthey still don't know if the patch is tomorrow?!
03:02.33RaydenUgood grief
03:04.44WizardlingHmmm... Broker_Location is okay, but it still isn't as good as The Traveller's Reference
03:04.50Wizardlingno instance recommendations for one thing
03:04.52Wizardlingstill, I suppose it will have to do
03:08.10thulyet another heroic without the drops i wanted :-P
03:10.25quiescenskill them
03:22.51*** join/#wowace Gilded_ (
03:28.44Torhal...CSI spoof in SGA? Heh.
03:29.05ShefkiWelcome to 2 weeks ago
03:29.58TorhalConsidering I've had it on my drive for about that long? Yah. Still amusing :P
03:34.44*** join/#wowace bien| (
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03:38.03Groktarencodes his epic pvp video
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03:43.48Repo10libfail-1-0: 03sylvanaar * r23 LibFail-1.0.lua:
03:43.50Reporeplaced the generic void zone fail with Fail_Sartharion_VoidZone and Fail_KelThuzad_VoidZone. Added 2 new api's :GetSupportedEvents() and :IsSurvivable(event). later it would be good to add code to handle deaths from survivable events in some special way. Fail events now pass survivable as their 3rd parameter if the 2nd parameter is not nil.
03:44.53*** join/#wowace gix (
03:45.38Repo10failboat: 03sylvanaar * r32 / (2 files in 2 directories):
03:45.41Repobetter looking tooltips, had to add colapsable regions due to the amount of stored data that could be displayed. Now pretty much dynamically adjusts to the events exposed by libfail (except for translations)
03:49.29sylvanaari dont feel like adding sorting. wish keyed tables could sort themselves
03:50.55ShefkiMake a meta table that does sorting after setting a key. :P
03:51.18*** join/#wowace tz8_ (
03:51.23sylvanaari want a standard library for these things that doesnt suck
03:51.37sylvanaaror use the lua module system
04:05.38sylvanaarcontant sorting is only useful if you maintain the sort
04:06.31sylvanaarotherwise its expensive
04:07.01sylvanaarthere are expections of course
04:16.06Shefkisylvanaar: True, I just assumed that's what you needed though.
04:20.56sylvanaari have added it turns things into a disaster
04:21.32sylvanaarjust so inelegant
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04:38.56Brunerswtf, i upgraded my meta from 12 crit 3% to 21 crit and 3% and lost crit rating o_O
04:39.11quiescensthe 12 crit meta and the 21 crit meta have different gem requirements
04:39.46Brunersnope, not the old spellcaster version
04:40.03Brunerstwo blue gems on both
04:40.46quiescensoh is it the agilitiy one that changed
04:41.02Brunersi went from 26.76 to 26.06 which doesnt make sense either
04:41.16Brunersthe old gem
04:43.36Brunersok, a relog did update the paperdoll
04:50.44Repo10track-o-matique: 03Anyia3 * r54 / (3 files in 1 directory): * Chinese support, contributed by jjooeeyy.
04:50.47RepoUntested. I can't convince my editor to use a unicode font that covers the
04:50.49RepozhTW code points :-/
04:50.56Repo10track-o-matique: 03Anyia3 042.7beta1 * r55 : Tagging as 2.7beta1
04:55.28doom0rblizz has never got the paper doll right
04:55.52doom0rd2 was horrible, once it messed up, there's no way to find out except by doing the math
05:05.11*** join/#wowace Lopen (
05:16.16CryectHeh, they are just trying to convince you that they don't use unit tests
05:16.36*** part/#wowace Seerah (
05:16.50Repo10failboat: 03sylvanaar * r33 FailBoat.lua: added sorting - i feel sick now
05:17.23*** join/#wowace Inc` (
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05:45.51Repo10failboat: 03sylvanaar * r34 FailBoat.lua: debug line
05:48.11Repo10vanas-ko-s: 03xilcoy * r324 modules/DataGatherer.lua:
05:48.14RepoFixed bug that caused "PvP Zones" to be seen as Battlegrounds
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06:12.19Zhinjiois there a new loot type event in the most recent patches?
06:12.20Zhinjiolike, anything 3.0 and later?
06:12.27Zhinjioin addition to LOOT_OPENED
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06:13.47Arrowmasterno afaik
06:13.49Zhinjiowhat is OPEN_MASTER_LOOT_LIST?
06:13.56ZhinjioI mean, is that new?
06:14.00Arrowmasterdoubt it
06:14.18Arrowmasterprobably just fires when you rightclick to open the masterloot dropdown
06:15.40Zhinjioyup, looks like it.
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06:17.04ZhinjioI don't get it.
06:17.16Zhinjioanyway, looks like I need to do some testing tmw.
06:24.17Repo10track-o-matique: 03bigcell * r56 locale.zhCN.lua: * Chinese support, zhCN update
06:24.40*** join/#wowace Tinyboom (
06:26.16PrimerIn the middle of an arena match, and my ISP does its little "oh, we can't route beyond our gateway" bullshit again
06:26.21Repo10track-o-matique: 03bigcell * r57 Track-o-Matique.toc: * Toc update
06:26.46selckinoh noew presious rating
06:27.09quiescensmy presiouss
06:27.37PrimerI'm going to start tunneling my wow traffic through work
06:28.59selckinnotting like high latency
06:29.10Primernaw, it wouldn't be bad
06:29.20Primerit'd be just another few hops
06:31.38sylvanaarany update on the patch?
06:34.58MikkZhinjio: OPEN_MASTER_LOOT_LIST is just WoW telling you that your rightclick should result in a "give to who?" question.
06:35.27Mikk(Since the group was in master loot mode when the mob was killed)
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06:42.25Repo10baggins: 03mikk * r409 Baggins-Filtering.lua:
06:42.27RepoBaggins: Plug rare error in itemlevel filtering; the client sometimes returns the itemlevel as nil (itemcache not updated yet? who knows)
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06:43.52ArrowmasterMikk: that would be the exact cause
06:59.18*** join/#wowace erica647 (
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07:13.58Mikksounded logical enough
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07:20.08ShefkiUnitHealthMax always returns the exactly health of everything now right?
07:20.30ShefkiOr are thre still some exceptions?
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07:29.44Shefki~seen Elkanno
07:29.51purlShefki: i haven't seen 'elkanno'
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07:30.19Shefki~seen Elkano
07:30.20purlelkano <n=elkano@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/Elkano> was last seen on IRC in channel #wowace, 3d 20h 33m 31s ago, saying: 'then they most likely not fixed it :/'.
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07:42.33sbpatch today?? :o
07:43.59*** join/#wowace Arrowmaster` (n=Arrow@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/ResponsibleForEverythingAndNothing/Arrowmaster)
07:44.44Repo10sick-of-clicking-dailies: 03OrionShock * r145 / (2 files in 1 directory):
07:44.46Repofix glitch between GossipFrameNpcNameText & QuestFrameNpcNameText that was making hodir quests act weird...
07:45.12*** join/#wowace Arrowmaster (n=Arrow@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/ResponsibleForEverythingAndNothing/Arrowmaster)
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07:53.34WraithanSay an author has an addon that I posted I have code to add some stuff 5 days ago but he has not been in, I would really like to have a place to store the code in some SCV server. Where is a good place?
07:54.46ThraeWraithan: This channel supports Curseforge as it hosts wowace, but there's also MMOUI's WoWUI SVN and Google SVN.
07:54.57*** join/#wowace Next96 (i=Next96@
07:55.17WraithanMaybe google svn, I don't want to fork the project or anything out of respect for the author
07:55.40ThraeThey're all free after making a free account.
07:56.06WraithanJust need someplace I can use easily from home or work and check in changes from wherever lol
07:56.54WraithanI was really avoiding any of the WoW UI sites so it doesn't get picked up as a competitor or fork of the project lol
07:57.31WraithanGoogle Code would be good, could obfuscate the name so google searchs for it don't turn it up
07:59.27*** join/#wowace Silberbuechse (
07:59.32WraithanMercurial have a easily used CLI ? I can't install anything that integrates with explorer at work, and don't actually have access to the commandline have to do all this kind of stuff via batch files
07:59.38Repo10grid-dynamic-layout: 03Mokhtar * r46 GridDynamicLayout.toc: GridDynamicLayout:
07:59.40Repo- Adapted plugin to oncoming Grid guid change
07:59.50amoebaYou can run portable Mercurial.
08:00.14Repo10grid-dynamic-zone-switch: 03Mokhtar * r38 GridDynamicZoneSwitch.lua: GridDynamicZoneSwitch :
08:00.16Repo- Adapted plugin to oncoming Grid guid changes
08:00.22amoebaThe reason I linked it is because I think I heard you can make private repositories.
08:00.38WraithanMost of the places for private stuff cost, this is temporary hopefully
08:05.22Repo10muf: 03vaeyl * r22 / (7 files in 6 directories): more bugfixing
08:05.25Repoadded option to change a frame's template
08:05.28Repopreparing rc1
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08:25.49Repo10grid: 03Greltok * r1125 GridStatusAuras.lua:
08:25.52RepoMoved local function statusForSpell() to GridStatusAuras.StatusForSpell() so that it can be accessed externally.
08:26.34manydoes t7 only drop in archavon?
08:29.05Groktardeath #2 from rebinding r to bloodrage
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08:33.44Codayusmany: No.
08:34.30manymh. just looked into a db and that says 3 pcs are archavon and 2 are tradable
08:35.22many(for the set iam interested in and before clicking through each set thats available...;)
08:36.53Codayusmany: I'm not entirely sure what your asking, but I think you may be confused.  T7 comes from Naxx and OS.  It also sometimes drops from Archavon.
08:37.27manyi guess the database aint accurate then, because it lists *only* archavon?
08:37.40Codayus...mmm, your probably confused by the tokens.
08:38.10CodayusJust like everything since um...BWL or so, I guess, the bosses drop tokens you exchange for the armor.  Archavon drops a random piece of armor.
08:38.37sylvanaarwhat do you think? useful?
08:38.57manyi see, got confused, didnt see the sold_by tab on the page
08:39.23CodayusEasy mistake to make.
08:39.57*** mode/#wowace [+o [Ammo]] by ChanServ
08:40.05manyand i havent been raiding ever, i actually believe doing archavon(25) in a rnd group yesterday was my first group with more than 10 people
08:40.17manyin 4 years of wow ;-)
08:42.19CodayusFair enough
08:43.11manyit was funny though, took three times, because the 5 minute timer went off 2 times. one of the guys was slightly going frenzy that some people even looted their first EOV in that raid. "You cant possibly doing Archavon if youve never been heroic before!"
08:43.46Arrowmastervalor dont drop in heroics.....
08:44.13KalrothHe said Archavon?
08:44.36[Ammo]archavon with a pug can be pain, but essentially all you need is a tank and 2-3 healers
08:44.37Arrowmaster5 man heroics
08:44.40[Ammo]that know what they can do
08:45.08Arrowmaster5 man heroics, and 10 man give heroism, 25 man is valor
08:45.08[Ammo]did the whole of icecrown 140 quests in one run yesterday
08:45.11[Ammo]those are pretty damn awesome
08:45.26Arrowmasteri still need to do icecrown
08:45.31[Ammo]do it
08:45.34[Ammo]you get to play as arthas
08:45.39[Ammo]and relive his history
08:45.47[Ammo]breaking skulls
08:45.58manyyou need some dps because of the 5 minute timer.
08:46.38Arrowmasteri sorta quit for a while, mid december i was busy and missed a few raids and i didnt get a raid invite till last week
08:46.45[Ammo]many: I know, but you mainly need a tank with brains and some healers
08:46.57Arrowmastersince i wasnt getting raid invites i didnt bother to login to do other stuff either
08:47.12[Ammo]I fucked up sunday evening
08:47.16manyso you say the onehits when enraging should be managable by them?
08:47.22Arrowmasterfinally got 3drake sarth lastnight though
08:47.28[Ammo]we would have gotten Undying in nax 10 man if I had noticed that one voidzone
08:47.34[Ammo]stupid me
08:48.01Arrowmastermy guild got 3drake like last month, the week i couldnt make it
08:48.52sylvanaarlol ammo fails at voidzones
08:49.02[Ammo]that was so stupid
08:49.08[Ammo]I was paying attention to some icecube
08:49.13[Ammo]and fucked up the voidzone on my feet
08:49.15sylvanaarbeen there
08:49.24[Ammo]we had gotten through there iwthout deaths
08:49.26[Ammo]and then that
08:49.35[Ammo]I smashed a glass against the wall and cursed some
08:49.42sylvanaari made my own version of FailBot just for that
08:49.42manyeyes ammo
08:49.45[Ammo]and now people pester me in guildchat ofcourse :)
08:50.22sylvanaarfrogger is always fun
08:50.40manymaybe i should inspect the fight log
08:50.58ShefkiOkay the wowace forums completely piss me off.
08:51.11sylvanaarusually its the people in them
08:51.19ShefkiI end up spending 10 minutes mucking around with cookies and crap to get logged into them.
08:51.28manyto see what actually happens when archavon enrages
08:51.30Arrowmasterallow cookies from
08:51.47sylvanaar[Ammo] did you ever get around to my addonloader ticket?
08:51.48ShefkiArrowmaster: I'm not disallowing cookies from anywhere.
08:51.59[Ammo]sylvanaar: yeah
08:52.00ArrowmasterShefki: you must be
08:52.05[Ammo]I saw it and deemed it pretty damn useless
08:52.10sylvanaarof course
08:52.10[Ammo]but then I thought..
08:52.17[Ammo]someone might use it as a custom override
08:52.18ShefkiArrowmaster: I have to delete my cookies, quit the browser and log in.
08:52.21ShefkiThen it works.
08:52.26[Ammo]I am patching something else as well and will add that one too then
08:52.31[Ammo]fixing multiple slashcommandhandlers
08:52.40[Ammo]right now you can only have one handler for all slashes
08:52.42sylvanaari wanted to use it for realm level alt storage
08:52.43ShefkiWeek or so later I come back and try to use the same machine.
08:52.44[Ammo]which kinda blows
08:52.53ShefkiAnd I get this loop where I click the Login button and nothing happens.
08:52.59ShefkiBut it still shows me as not logged in.
08:53.01[Ammo]sylvanaar: that's pretty weird
08:53.10ShefkiI delete the cookies, quit the browser, and log back in.
08:53.13ShefkiThen it magically works.
08:53.17sylvanaardo you need the alts in your guild on another server?
08:53.26ShefkiThis means it's an issue of poor cookie management on the part of the wowace site.
08:53.29[Ammo]sylvanaar: but you can do that in one addon?
08:53.32[Ammo]not multiple?
08:53.43[Ammo]I store alts in betteroutbox
08:53.48[Ammo]for completion of alts not in my guild :)
08:53.51sylvanaarhow can you not load the alts
08:54.00[Ammo]ah ok
08:54.01sylvanaarnil the table?
08:54.20[Ammo]or no
08:54.24[Ammo]that would make you lose em :)
08:54.35[Ammo]how about a per-char DB ;)
08:54.50sylvanaarthat doesnt cover 10 chars on the same sever
08:54.59[Ammo]well I'll add it
08:55.06*** join/#wowace pb_ee1 (
08:57.21sylvanaari want to try to get the Lua module system to load a libstub library, anyone interested in messing around with it?
09:01.05amoebaCurious if you even can for sure.
09:01.33sylvanaari think you can
09:01.43sylvanaarcan someone approve luamodule
09:02.17amoebaI'm not well-versed in Lua's module system. What benefit are you trying to see?
09:02.29ShefkiI give up.
09:02.34ShefkiI'm just never gonna use the damn forums.
09:02.34sylvanaari want to see if we can use the lua API's
09:03.00sylvanaarso we can say: requires "LibSink-2.0"
09:03.01ShefkiFor what it's worth I specifically went and whitelisted
09:03.04ShefkiStill same crap.
09:03.11sylvanaarjust log ing
09:03.20sylvanaarthen click log in again
09:03.24ShefkiWhy the hell is it even asking me to log into vBulletin board if I'm already logged into wowace.
09:03.35Arrowmasterit shouldnt be
09:03.35Shefkisylvanaar: Doesn't work.
09:03.48amoebaLogging in is working dandily for me.
09:03.48ShefkiArrowmaster: Always does, until I dick around with it and then it starts working.
09:03.56Arrowmasterwhat browser?
09:04.05ShefkiFirefox or Safari.
09:04.09ShefkiDoesn't matter same behavior in both.
09:04.43ShefkiI go to and log in.
09:04.51ShefkiI go to the forums and click quote on a post.
09:04.59ShefkiI get a login box for vBulletin board.
09:05.35amoebaah, I am too, Shefki
09:05.51ShefkiI go into my office and my desktop works fine.
09:05.54ShefkiBut my laptop doesn't.
09:06.12ShefkiI had to mess around with my desktop a few days ago.
09:06.54ShefkiBasically the auth integration between curse and vBulletin is fubared somehow.
09:07.04ShefkiIf you manage to get it into the proper state it works fine.
09:07.10Repo10luamodule: 03sylvanaar * r2 / (2 files in 1 directory): import
09:07.12ShefkiBut I have no idea how I manage to do it.
09:07.20quiescensa wizard did it
09:08.13*** join/#wowace quoin (
09:08.42sylvanaaranyone know what subcomponents are yet?
09:09.21*** join/#wowace eoM_rM (
09:09.30Arrowmasterits for the ticket system
09:09.32sylvanaaroh i see, they are just part of the issue system now
09:09.38Arrowmasternot now
09:09.46sylvanaarhey, it wasnt clear before
09:10.50*** join/#wowace Elkano (n=elkano@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/Elkano)
09:11.00Wraithanamoeba: Thanks, got hg all setup now
09:11.11Silberbuechsehi @ all. is there a mod or a way to resize my minimap player arrow?
09:11.21Wraithannever used it before, played with git quite a bit but never got around to setting this up
09:11.23amoebaWraithan: Good deal
09:13.22*** join/#wowace Worf (
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09:18.19Repo10luamodule: 03sylvanaar * r3 / (2 files in 1 directory): try out docmeta
09:21.18Repo10big-wigs: 03Zidomo * r4901 Northrend/Sartharion.lua: BigWigs:
09:21.21Repo-- r4900 didn't fix the problem; fixing it here. Rolling back the non-translation code changes of r4867 & r4868 back to the working r4866 code. Also reverted the ruRU translation. Those using zhCN, zhTW, koKR will have to report if the current code works for them.
09:21.23RepoTranslators, ffs stop making non-translation code changes if you don't know wtf you are doing and/or don't test those changes before comitting.
09:21.50*** join/#wowace Sliker_Hawk (
09:26.27*** join/#wowace EthanCentaurai (n=ethan@
09:27.11nevcairielis the Draenei +hit aura raid wide?
09:27.44*** join/#wowace rapidgame (
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09:32.32RepoNew project: DressingRoom. bunchow (Manager/Author). Approved by Nevcairiel.
09:32.36RepoNew project: WeaponsPractice. linuxgarou (Manager/Author). Approved by Nevcairiel.
09:32.40RepoNew project: Der Assist Helper. doktorstick (Manager/Author). Approved by Nevcairiel.
09:32.44RepoNew project: GetAJob. oneprince (Manager/Author). Approved by Nevcairiel.
09:32.48RepoNew project: RepBarSome. Corbin241088 (Manager/Author). Approved by Nevcairiel.
09:33.08RepoNew project: HazLoot. MightyHaz (Manager/Author). Approved by Nevcairiel.
09:33.08RepoNew project: PassLoot_ConfirmBoP. Odlaw (Manager/Author). Approved by Nevcairiel.
09:33.29nevcairielI'm away for a week or so and nooone else looks at the queue
09:34.27Arrowmasteri looked at it
09:34.43nevcairielthere were like 12 projects in there =P
09:34.48Arrowmasteri know
09:35.15Arrowmasterim still waiting for the move to curseforge power
09:35.30nevcairielyou can do so by approving and then moving
09:35.34nevcairielwell at least i can
09:35.36Arrowmasteri cant
09:40.54*** join/#wowace Trell- (
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09:46.03CIA-34tourguide: 03Tekkub 07master * r3ef2154 10/ (6 files in 2 dirs):
09:46.03CIA-34tourguide: Revert "Remove unfinished guides for build"
09:46.03CIA-34tourguide: This reverts commit 6b8e4e0d71383dd30d305e1027842d1acb9303f0. -
09:46.03CIA-34tourguide: 03Tekkub 07master * r497d70e 10/ TourGuide_Alliance/75_76_ZulDrak.lua : Bit more ally ZD, man I never thought I'd run out of blowjob jokes... -
09:46.15sylvanaarwhat else do you need to know about luamodule?
09:47.49nevcairiellike i wrote in the message, why would anyone need it, when would he need it
09:50.21*** join/#wowace Natherul (
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09:59.25Trell-how high a chance is there that if I install WUU it will break all my addons and/or try and downgrade them?
09:59.26*** join/#wowace Kivin (
09:59.34KivinHow close is pitbull4 to being ready for public consumption?
09:59.50ShefkiDepends on what you mean by public consumption.
10:00.14KivinRelatively bug free.  Can walk into naxx25 w/o worrying about it asploding.
10:00.15Trell-ready to use
10:00.39ShefkiIt's probably fine for that depending upon which features you need.
10:00.49sacarascarsenic is ready for public consumption, and i wish more would consume it
10:00.59nevcairielI heard raid frames are not done yet
10:01.02ShefkiIf you need raid frames, aura filter, aura highlighting, etc... Probably not.
10:01.04nevcairielbut if you use Grid or so for that
10:01.10Kivinwell pb3 is so screwed on my client that I don't really use any features.  i've got portrait-less player, target, and pet frames, and that's it.  
10:01.29Trell-Kivin; I'm still using pitbull 3 fine
10:01.30KivinI'm MTing and don't use Grid for squat.  Or raid frames.
10:01.36Kalrothuse ag_UF then :p
10:01.44Trell-have been for...ever
10:01.47KivinI couldn't say off the top of my head what exactly doesn't work but a lot doesn't.  I get lots of weird bugs.
10:02.08KivinAuras are completely broken.  I can't resize my party frames (which are currently disabled anyways) or they get all weird
10:02.21Trell-auras are broken yes, I agree there
10:02.27Trell-but I use erm..
10:02.36ShefkiAuras work fine for me in PB3.
10:02.40KivinThe reason I asked in the first place is i'm trying to find a solution to auras in particular for my dk tank.  
10:02.53KivinElkanosBB isn't working out for me at all
10:03.01*** join/#wowace linear` (
10:03.21KivinMaybe I'm asking the wrong questions.  Can I make Elkbuffbars show only MY effects?
10:03.39Trell-actually wait
10:03.49Trell-im using pitbulls own auras for target
10:03.57Trell-and Buffalo for mine
10:04.09KivinTrue, I have buffalo for buffs
10:04.24KivinI tried setting up an EBB rack for target and it ends up covered in spam.
10:05.01Trell-My own buffs:
10:05.09Trell-My targets buff/debuff list:
10:05.37KivinThat's fine, but in a raid, I get fifty friging things on the target and can't see my own effects
10:05.51Trell-so use something like I use - ClassTimer
10:05.55Trell-or RoguePowerBars
10:05.57Trell-or w/e
10:06.02KivinClassTimer? I'll try that
10:06.04Trell-then you can see at a glance
10:06.17Trell-(handily reviewed over at mmo-champion :P)
10:07.00KivinAll I need is something to say when my diseases fall off, really
10:07.03KivinThe rest I can do in my head
10:07.20Trell-in that case
10:07.39*** join/#wowace Srosh (
10:07.45Trell-classtimer would be perfect for you
10:07.56Kivininstalled and ebb is off
10:07.58Trell-obviously you'd want to play with the settings, and make it minimal or whatever you require
10:09.02KivinGrr ace3 config gets dragged off the client area too easily
10:09.32Grumyes because any other window is way harder to move off-screen o.O
10:09.51KivinAny other window can be grabbed by it's client area, not just the top of the bar ;P
10:09.52Grumif it has a handle you can move it off-screen; why would the ace3 'config' be easier?
10:10.02Grumactually that is not true
10:10.17KivinGlad you're such an expert on my UI
10:10.37ShefkiGlad you're such an expert on every addon. :P
10:10.39Trell-!seen Tekkub
10:10.39lua_botTrell-: I last saw Tekkub 2 hours, 4 minutes, 4 seconds ago in #WoWUIDev saying 'btill that's what it registers'
10:10.54Grumi know most stuff in here uses config screens which move by the titlebar
10:10.59Trell-anyone used Panda?
10:11.16KivinI never said I was :P Only that ace3 is the only thing that gets stuck off my screen rectangle regularly of my addons
10:11.32Grumthen dont move it offscreen? o.O
10:11.57Grum(but i agree its kinda annoying that the handle can be moved behind stuff that then overlays it (if that is the border or another addon .. its grr)
10:12.13sb|workstill no patch today/tomorrow? :(
10:13.45CrazyBennyTrell-: yes, sup?
10:13.56Trell-I get lockups of a second or so when looting
10:14.01Trell-im using it to mill herbs
10:14.24CrazyBennyI'm using it for milling and disenchanting and never got any lockup :o
10:14.41Trell-I get two sets of lockups, the first is when I loot, the second is then when I mouseover the herb button to mill again
10:14.51ElkanoKivin *poke*
10:16.25*** join/#wowace RLD_osx (
10:19.22Repo10luamodule: 03sylvanaar * r4 / (2 files in 1 directory): added a drycode loader for libstub libraries
10:22.03sylvanaarnevcairiel how exactly does one describe the use of an experimental project?
10:22.09purl (US); (EU) [NB: URL goes to 404 unless there's an active alert]
10:22.36Shefkisb|work: Hard to say yet.  We don't know if EU is having maintenance or not yet.
10:22.50nevcairielsylvanaar: you must have some idea how you think it would/should be used =P
10:24.00sylvanaaridk, you should know what the Lua Module API is. that should be enough
10:24.04*** join/#wowace linear (
10:24.11sylvanaari added to the description
10:26.27manykivin: xperl enlÃarges icons for own buffs
10:26.35manygroup/target, iirc
10:27.12*** part/#wowace lmeyer (
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10:36.22pompyI just found vyragosa's corpse, does that mean the time lost proto drake spawned after her death?
10:36.59ShefkiTime Lost is random and has nothing to do with Vyragosa.  They just spawn in similar areas.
10:37.36Repo10luamodule: 03sylvanaar * r5 LuaModules.lua: added support for the package.loaders table
10:37.48manydoesnt tldp share a respawn counter with either vyragosa or dirkee?
10:39.12ShefkiThey may share spawn points.
10:40.12Repo10luamodule: 03sylvanaar * r6 LibStubLoader.lua:
10:40.14Repoadded a drycode loader for libstub libraries (forgot to add it)
10:41.12Zyndromewhen you see the time-list proto drake, you shit bricks
10:41.31Zyndromeespecially when it pops up right next to you
10:41.36*** join/#wowace trh (
10:42.38manyohwell, i was seeing a drake in the peaks in a complete unusual spot the other day
10:42.44manysadly for me it was only vyragosa
10:43.50ShefkiThere's a ton of theories on it.  I really think it's just random.  I suppose it's possible that it's a rare spawn of Vyragosa or Dirkee.  If that's case it's an extrememly low spawn chance or has a chance to despawn.
10:44.06nevcairielit has a despawn chance
10:44.16nevcairielseen people report that they engaged it and it despawned in that moment
10:44.36manydid they rule the phasing out?
10:45.21pompyyeah it was prolly the phasing
10:45.28manyoutoffight the dragon ignores phasing, afaik. infight it will be only visible in the fighters phase
10:46.12manyso if someone tagged it the moment before (or lag...) it might look like despawn after engaging... which i think is improbable after all?
10:46.33manywhy should a mob despawn after engagement. doesnt sound so clear...
10:46.48nevcairielothers do it
10:46.56nevcairiellike, CoT:S time event boss
10:46.58manyOK. never seen it :-)
10:47.01nevcairielhe despawns when time is up
10:47.05nevcairielno matter whats happening
10:47.08nevcairielhe could be at 5%
10:47.10nevcairieland still go
10:47.19manyyeah, i see your argument.
10:48.42manybut to bring it back to the point, none of the theories should be considered proven and furthermore even blue posts about the dragon seemed to be contradictionary, from hearsay one said it might be killed by environment, some other said it might never be killed by environment
10:48.59manyso *shrugs*
10:49.17Repo10luamodule: 03sylvanaar * r7 / (2 files in 1 directory):
10:49.19Reposuccessfully loads libstub libraries using the standard lua 'require "libname"' syntax
10:51.19*** join/#wowace Kody- (
10:51.19*** mode/#wowace [+v Kody-] by ChanServ
10:51.53Repo10addon-loader: 03Ammo * r71 Conditions.lua: add X-LoadOn-Realm
10:53.56*** join/#wowace Venara|afk (
10:57.11rapidgamewhat code should i use to print all values of a table?
10:58.19rapidgamei have some code, should i copy/paste into IRC or put it somewhere else?
10:58.45*** join/#wowace Luthorhuss (
10:59.00Arrowmastersee the topic
10:59.21Repo10tank-points: 03Whitetooth * r94 / (2 files in 1 directory): - Can set shield block frequency from 0 secs to 1000 secs
11:01.06rapidgamewhich topic?
11:03.40Elkanoof the channel
11:05.29rapidgamesorry, im a bit of a noob at IRC, i dont quite get what you mean?
11:07.38EthanCentauraicopy/paste the code to and give us the URL
11:07.39*** join/#wowace linear` (
11:07.46Elkanotyp: /topic #wowace
11:14.28rapidgamewell its only one line haha - for _, v in ipairs(tracking.start) do print(v) end
11:17.30rapidgamei would test it in wow, but all the servers are down haha
11:18.09Mikkgrab a regular lua.exe
11:20.06*** join/#wowace orionshock (
11:20.16purlrumour has it, wowpatchmirror is
11:20.30orionshockgrr.. i take it that the new patch? isn't avail yet
11:21.37*** join/#wowace Belazor (
11:21.44nevcairielis there a patch?
11:22.40orionshockrumor has it that it's the one off the PTR atm
11:24.08*** join/#wowace Anea__ (
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11:26.14winkiller3.0.8 on US today?
11:26.26winkilleroh wait, too early to tell, right?
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11:29.37*** join/#wowace Asus (
11:29.51Asusfirst time im here
11:29.55Asusbut i got a question
11:30.06purlThis is IRC. Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question and if someone's around, they'll be glad to help.
11:30.20Asusmake sense
11:30.45rapidgamelol, i got the same thing haha
11:31.11Asusis it possible to ready a syntax in a party chat eg. !BOP
11:31.19Asusand another person
11:31.23Asuswho is pally casts it auto
11:31.36Asusare u sure?
11:31.38nevcairielautomated casting is not possible
11:31.47Asuscuz auctioneer does something similar?
11:31.53Asusbut its a msg not a cast
11:31.56rapidgameautocasting is not possible
11:31.58Asusi beleave u though
11:32.02nevcairielmessages are easy
11:32.14nevcairielbut anything that your character does it not
11:32.18nevcairielno moving, no casting
11:32.20Asusthey blocked it obviously
11:32.21nevcairielno jumping :)
11:32.21rapidgameblizz dont allow casting/moving etc to be automated
11:32.28rapidgame^^ what he said haha
11:32.51Asusno way around it i take it
11:32.56rapidgameotherwise there would be so many bots lol
11:33.28Asusfuns over
11:33.30Asusty for that
11:33.40Repo10luamodule: 03sylvanaar * r8 LuaModules.lua:
11:33.43Repoannotations and drycode changes to support module(name, ...) where ... are a list of functions to execute on the module. changed package.seeall to a function to fit the api better
11:33.44rapidgamelol, soz u couldnt do it man
11:34.32*** part/#wowace Asus (
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11:41.33thul <- I really like freckles
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12:01.57renchapwowace is down ?
12:03.02trhbut the forums work
12:03.14nevcairielyeah forums are on a diff server
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12:22.58onaforeignshoremaintenance on the forum server, so everything but the forums are down... makes perfect sense... not!
12:23.39EthanCentauraiforum maintenance was last night, this is just a software crash
12:25.08*** join/#wowace p4aved (
12:25.28onaforeignshoredo we have an eta?
12:25.49renchapsoon (tm) (c) Blizzard
12:26.43onaforeignshoreso, in other words, sometime in the next week :p
12:26.51renchapor next month
12:27.44EthanCentauraiprobably later today, as ckknight is in bed atm
12:28.28renchaphe is allowed to sleep ? oO
12:29.37EthanCentauraiwell, ya, he's not a bot
12:29.48onaforeignshorehe's not?
12:30.19EthanCentauraihe's a human for crying out loud, we all need sleep at some point or we'll go mad
12:30.57onaforeignshorethat makes the assumption that we're all sane in the first place...;
12:31.08*** join/#wowace eoM_rM (
12:31.10EthanCentauraigood point :P
12:31.36EthanCentauraicurls into a faetal position and rocks backwards and forwards, sucking his thumb
12:37.14Repo10minimap-target: 03Adirelle * r43 / (3 files in 1 directory): Bumped to 30000.
12:37.16RepoRemoved Ace2 dependency.
12:38.56*** join/#wowace Daedals (
12:49.28*** join/#wowace p4aved (
13:03.55*** join/#wowace Toadkiller (
13:09.25*** part/#wowace Silberbuechse (
13:11.41Repo10gridstatusmending: 03Azethoth * r5 / (2 files in 1 directory): -- Dry code.  Making Ackis proud!
13:11.43Repo-- No priest = zero testing done.
13:11.47purl (US); (EU) [NB: URL goes to 404 unless there's an active alert]
13:11.47Repo-- Guid Grid changes
13:15.39*** join/#wowace Daemona (
13:22.41Repo10mtarget: 03gameldar * r5 / (3 files in 1 directory): Implemented minimap button and start of comms
13:22.59*** join/#wowace Cheadstina (
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13:25.18*** join/#wowace Mackatack (n=mackatac@
13:31.46*** join/#wowace Hell-Razor (n=Unknown@unaffiliated/hell-razor)
13:33.23onaforeignshorewebsite is back up it seems :)
13:33.59Kaelten|awayyep just fixed it
13:34.07Kaelten|awaydon't know why people didn't ping me
13:34.23onaforeignshorewill know to next time
13:34.33Toadkillergood point
13:34.34thulPING KAELTEN!!!
13:39.24*** join/#wowace pentium166 (
13:42.13Xinhuanhmm is patch today hmmm
13:43.52nevcairielchances are low
13:43.54pentium166nop? :(
13:44.02*** join/#wowace Kody- (
13:44.02*** mode/#wowace [+v Kody-] by ChanServ
13:45.06*** part/#wowace lmeyer (
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13:56.48Kaeltenand I'm back
13:59.59Repo10gridstatusgrace: 03Azethoth * r5 / (2 files in 1 directory): -- Dry dry dry in the code
14:00.02Repo-- Guid Grid upgrade
14:00.04Repo-- Dumped BabbleSpell dependence
14:00.06Repo-- Implement OnStatusEnable and OnStatusDisable
14:00.45*** join/#wowace Kaelten (
14:01.00*** mode/#wowace [+o Kaelten] by ChanServ
14:01.20ToadkillerTest is still up so no patch, time is regular so no patch, also, the entrails when read say no patch
14:01.53ToadkillerSomeone double check the tea leaves to confirm pls
14:08.19ToadkillerVery well then.  Defcon 4, confidence is high.
14:11.11*** join/#wowace lmeyer (
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14:29.51WizardlingG'day - anyone here use IceHUD or MetaHUD?
14:33.12*** join/#wowace p3lim (
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14:49.59Repo10muf: 03vaeyl * r23 / (2 files in 1 directory): fixed frame settings
14:51.13Fisker-FFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUU- Toadkiller
14:51.17*** join/#wowace EthanCentaurai (n=ethan@
14:51.45Repo10muf: 03vaeyl 04v0.1preview1 * r24 : Tagging as v0.1preview1
14:51.47*** join/#wowace oofl (
14:52.38*** join/#wowace Vilkku (
14:55.47*** join/#wowace Silberbuechse (
14:56.36Silberbuechsehi @ all
15:03.07steevhi hi
15:05.49thulg'day chap!
15:07.53*** join/#wowace sb (n=sb@2001:1638:181c:10:e4a8:8f7f:1bab:286b)
15:10.00sb|worksb: stop doing that!
15:10.16Repo10mtarget: 03gameldar * r6 / (2 files in 1 directory):
15:10.18Repomore work on the comms - and accepting the changes via dialog window. Another attempt at getting the create template button onto the macro ui.
15:10.19onaforeignshorewell then tell peer off :p
15:10.56sb|work~fail peer
15:10.57purlpeer, you Fail!
15:11.16thul~lart peer
15:11.16purlwhips out a hot clue gun and makes sure that peer is stuck to the floor
15:11.27thulthe fun part, is that "peer" is a cultural figure in norway
15:11.30thulpeer gynt
15:20.31*** join/#wowace MysticalOS (
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15:25.16*** join/#wowace nuoHep (n=nuoHep@
15:29.46Groktarheh, i couldn't figure out why my movie came out so big
15:29.51Groktaruncompressed pcm
15:31.26*** join/#wowace ckknight_ (n=ckknight@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/CurseStaff/CurseForge/ckknight)
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15:33.25*** join/#wowace Seerah (
15:34.34SilberbuechseIs there a LDB Addon to change difficulty for a instance?
15:35.15Groktarsets your instances to Epic difficulty
15:35.21*** join/#wowace Ghan (
15:35.48*** join/#wowace AckisWork (i=8ee55149@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/ARL/Troll/Ackis)
15:37.19Repo10yatba: 03Adirelle * r12 / (8 files in 2 directories): Updated locale strings from code.
15:37.21RepoNow use TOC metadata to determine addon version.
15:38.53AckisWorkman I hate the EU: :(
15:39.37nevcairielyou dont have valentines day? =P
15:39.45Repo10guilder: 03onaforeignshore 07master * 1.0.1-1-g38c2009 / (9 files in 5 directories): [+1 commit] Added:
15:40.06AckisWorkno, I don't have a chance to win a gurky
15:40.11AckisWorkand oh fuck... valentines day
15:40.18AckisWorkfirst one with a live-in gf
15:40.37nevcairielnot like you would be able to design a winning card :D
15:40.57AckisWorkno but she would be able to :P
15:41.03AckisWork(and she'd give me the gurky key)
15:41.24ckknightdo it, AckisWork
15:41.49AckisWorki'm not eu :P
15:42.10ckknightso? pretend you're nevcairiel
15:42.20AckisWorkhey guys I'm nevcairiel
15:42.22*** join/#wowace Anaral (n=Anaral@WoWUIDev/Norganna/QA-Engineer/Anaral)
15:42.22Fisker-hates AckisWork
15:42.37renchaphas a Gurky
15:42.50gixnice. i should participate.
15:42.59AckisWorkKaelten: no flash at new job lol :(
15:43.05Groktarthird pass 38% complete
15:43.10ckknightlame, AckisWork
15:43.10Groktarpokes it
15:43.12ckknightyou should come here
15:43.16ckknightwe have flash at work
15:43.20ckknightand /b/
15:43.34renchapckknight: can i come too ? :)
15:43.43Kaeltenrenchap ask /b/
15:43.50AckisWorkckknight: but you're american
15:43.53ckknightsorry, renchap, Americans only
15:43.59ckknightwell, you need to be a resident
15:44.07ckknightless paperwork bullshit
15:44.19renchapbtw, my gf is still at school here in france
15:45.00ckknighthow is that relevant?
15:45.16Fisker-i can hit you with a shovel
15:45.36ckknighthey, I did that to your mom last night, Fisker-
15:45.41ckknightnot sure how appreciative she was, though
15:45.44ckknightshe didn't say much of anything
15:45.48ckknightjust kinda drooled.
15:45.53AckisWorkKaelten: wouldn't that look better with a Murky?
15:45.57Fisker-I already did that a couple of times before
15:46.14Fisker-lol failure AckisWork
15:47.44*** join/#wowace Vangual (
15:47.56sylvanaarhey guys, why hasn't my project been approved yet? oversight?
15:48.06sb|workwhat is it?
15:48.10Fisker-you don't have higher learning AckisWork
15:48.16AckisWorkFisker-: I has a job
15:48.43RepoNew project: LuaModules. sylvanaar (Manager/Author). Approved by Ackis.
15:48.49AckisWorksylvanaar: :P
15:49.52sylvanaari was a little bent out of shape earlier being told I needed to provide a justfication for creating the project
15:50.46ckknightsylvanaar: who asked justification?
15:50.54kenlyricsylvanaar: the answer to that is always LibLordFlander
15:51.11ckknightshow me on the doll where Arrowmaster touched you
15:51.25Fisker-points at the crotch
15:51.56sylvanaarnevcairiel wanted me to explain the merits of it
15:52.11Arrowmasterclad also didnt see the merits
15:52.15Arrowmasterand neither did i
15:52.17robotuschany chance you could add Goldthorn Tea to the recipe list in ARL? :<
15:52.24AckisWorkrobotusch: it is
15:52.30robotuschit is? :O
15:52.52sylvanaarthat is irrelevant
15:53.07nevcairielIts not
15:53.11nevcairielwe decide what gets on wowace
15:53.12robotuschran around bitching about missing a recipe last night, to the point that I made ARL show every single recipe regardless of source, class & faction
15:53.13nevcairielso we ask :P
15:53.25ToadkillerHey AckisWork: I checked in dry code today!
15:53.33robotuschand all I got was Dirge chops & thistle tea :(
15:53.40AckisWorkToadkiller: I'm proud :D
15:53.41sylvanaari answered nevcairiel, and you did nothing
15:53.55nevcairielyou said "i dont know" when i asked you
15:53.57Arrowmasterthe site was broken earlyer anyway
15:54.03sylvanaarfact is, you didnt like it for your own personal reasons
15:54.18sylvanaarthats not moderation
15:54.19nevcairieli dont like you either, i still dont kick you =P
15:54.21Arrowmasteryou still never gave a reason that it would be useful
15:54.30sylvanaarthats apparent
15:54.45sylvanaari dont have to justify why its useful
15:54.47nevcairielI asked you how/why people would use it
15:54.52nevcairieland you never gave me a proper answer
15:55.00nevcairielIf i ask you as a moderator, you do have to
15:55.07nevcairieli ask that alot of authors through that form
15:55.17AckisWorkrobotusch: I have it classified as a trainer recipe although I think I'm going to change that to a dungeon recipe
15:55.30ToadkillerWait, there is a question you can answer with "LibLordFlatlander"?
15:55.53nevcairieland ackis, keep your approval figners to curseforge
15:56.02ToadkillerI swear, one day ima go look and see what kinda crap is in that lib
15:56.07AckisWorknevcairiel: uh no?
15:56.22nevcairieluh yes
15:56.26AckisWorkuh no
15:56.32Arrowmasteruh yes
15:56.36AckisWorkuh no
15:56.37sylvanaarnevcairiel Im sorry, but it was very clear what the project was, and you are abusing your moderation privledeges
15:56.38kenlyricToadkiller: apparently they could justify that one...
15:56.49nevcairielsylvanaar: file a complaint
15:57.03manywait. who moderates complaints?
15:57.07ToadkillerWho is touching who where?
15:57.09sylvanaarnevcairiel im speaking to you about it first
15:57.44nevcairieli asked you about the usefullness of the project
15:57.50sylvanaarnevcairiel and telling you what I think.
15:57.55nevcairieland you gave me some "idk, look at it and you know the answer"
15:58.08Arrowmastereverybody but you thinks its useless
15:58.18sylvanaarnevcairiel i said you know what the Lua module apis are.
15:58.20manyi dont.
15:58.26ckknightsylvanaar: if you don't justify why it's useful, it's fully the prerogative of the wowace moderators to either send it to curseforge or mark it as changes required
15:58.32nevcairielsylvanaar: sure, but i asked why/how people would use it
15:58.50sylvanaarnevcairiel thats exactly what you asked
15:58.52Kaeltenwhat is going on?
15:58.54Arrowmasterckknight: speaking of which, i still cant send stuff to curseforge
15:59.23sylvanaarnevcairiel i shouldnt have to justify projects that you think are stupid or dont agree with
15:59.26nevcairielsylvanaar: i ask that every author who submits a addon with a one-line description that doesnt exactly explain
15:59.35nevcairielsylvanaar: here, you do.
15:59.39ckknightArrowmaster: yea... did you ever file a ticket about that?
15:59.44Arrowmasterckknight: ......
15:59.49sylvanaarimplmentation of the Lua module API's
15:59.57kenlyricso everyone has to do this, but sylv thinks he's a special flower?
15:59.59sylvanaarwhat more do you need
16:00.04Arrowmasterkenlyric: yes
16:00.30ckknighttechnically moderators are the only ones who could sneak past the system, cause they could approve their own stuff
16:00.47sylvanaarhow will it be used? i dont know
16:00.57manyif (author == moderator) say "naehnaehnaehnaehnaeh";
16:01.11ckknightbut if fraudulence were apparent, then a discussion about said moderator's role would take place
16:01.23manygrabs popcorn
16:01.39onaforeignshoregets the drinks
16:01.45nevcairielIf i come up with an idea, i would have a idea how an addon would be used, what kind of people might want to use it, in what use-case situations it would come in handy
16:01.56nevcairielbut a description that says "Implementation of the Lua modules API" doesnt help me
16:02.04sylvanaarbut thats what it was
16:02.08sylvanaarnothing more or less
16:02.15nevcairielYou dont get it
16:02.18Kaeltenok guys, enough.
16:02.18ckknightit doesn't really fit into WoW, though
16:02.35manywhy are you implementing lua in lua?
16:02.38RepoNew project: Broker_UberInventory. S1nless (Manager/Author). Approved by Ackis.
16:02.42nevcairielI require that of every addon. Explain what it does, why it does it, how it does that, and at who it is targeted.
16:02.52ckknightmany: just an API that lua standardly provides but WoW took out
16:02.53kenlyricmany: we are putting lua in your lua so you can have mods on your mods
16:03.11manyso its not so unobvious what it is
16:03.12Arrowmasterso he can test his stuff by using require with a standalone lua.exe without having to change his code for wow
16:03.30manyso its useful to developers only
16:03.51ckknightArrowmaster: wouldn't it be better to mimic WoW mechanics by running dofile("whateverfile.lua"), then using LibStub?
16:04.20ckknightalthough I see the merits of the module API, it doesn't fit into WoW for a few reasons
16:04.25ckknighta) lack of versioning
16:04.28nevcairielsylvanaar: i never questioned the usefulness of your addon in the first place. I only wanted a proper description on the project so people would actually know wtf they look at.
16:04.37ckknightb) lack of a file api so that modules can be loaded ad-hoc
16:04.55Kaeltensylvanaar: the issue I think is that without knowledge of what the module api is the description is useless.
16:05.06ckknightnonetheless, I do think it's a cool idea to have it available
16:05.11sylvanaarthats was all the description I had  - thats all it was
16:05.20nevcairielthen come up with more =P
16:05.21sylvanaarlater I added more verbagte and .docmeta
16:05.25*** join/#wowace linear` (
16:05.55sylvanaarmore like "this is meant as an experiment...blah blah"
16:06.16Arrowmasteryouve marked it as a library, we are very very strict on libraries on wowace now
16:06.32Arrowmasterif its not something thats going to be used it doesnt get approved
16:06.40nevcairieleven if its an experiment, you would've had some motivation to start it, explaining that motivation would get you alot
16:07.15nevcairielSo other people can actually see your reasons for it, maybe find that they agree, and look closer
16:07.39Arrowmasterwith a simple description like that, nobody would use it
16:07.45nevcairielif you just write "Implementation of the modules API", noone will know what it would be good for, why they should look at it
16:08.05sylvanaarthats how an idea starts
16:08.59pastamancernev is right
16:09.16sylvanaarwhy wasnt it approved the 2nd time
16:09.35sylvanaarafter I added additional verbage
16:09.39sylvanaarand .docmeta
16:10.07sylvanaarit wasnt 1 line then
16:10.28sylvanaarbut, I was still being asked why would anyone use it.
16:10.39Arrowmasterbecause we dont see why anybody would use it
16:10.45sylvanaari dont care
16:10.48steevill use anything sylvanaar makes
16:10.50Arrowmasterthus we wont approve it
16:11.06sylvanaarthat's abuse of your moderation privs
16:11.11Arrowmasterno its not
16:11.17Arrowmasterdont like it then leave
16:11.24nevcairielwowace does not accept everything
16:11.28nevcairielwe're not curseforge
16:11.50steevbut... aren't you the same servers anyway...
16:12.01steevand the same people running both...
16:12.10ckknightnote: regardless of whether wowace decides to accept it or not, we'd be fully willing to have it on curseforge
16:12.13Arrowmasternot quite, theres different moderators between them
16:12.18ckknightat which point you could later argue to transfer over
16:13.32ckknightsteev: curseforge and wowace have different cultures, templates, and moderators. That's mostly it, though
16:13.35nevcairielfor example we're very strict on new libraries, we only accept new libs if they prove to be useful for the community, and not only for one addon
16:13.44ckknightnevcairiel: and fully documented
16:13.57ckknightthough actually luamodule is
16:13.58nevcairielwe should clean up exisiting stuff, though =P
16:14.00Pneumatushow did liblordfarlander get in then? :o
16:14.07nevcairielPneumatus: old svn <.<
16:14.07ckknightPneumatus: he was grandfathered in
16:14.16AckisWorkPneumatus: legacy
16:14.23Arrowmasterand they still havent given me the power to move projects to curseforge
16:14.25Pneumatuscant you bump it off to cf, despite being grandfathered?
16:14.47ckknightwe could
16:14.59nevcairielbut Arrow wouldnt have much to complain about then
16:15.02nevcairielso we leave it =P
16:15.06ckknightand Arrow would die
16:15.23ckknightwither away
16:15.30ckknightunable to suck the life force from LibLordFarlander
16:15.33AckisWorkmoves it to CF
16:15.52AckisWorkno, he'd find some other piece of crap to complain about/direct his hate
16:16.00Arrowmasteryeah why does Ackis have the power to move projects and i dont
16:16.19nevcairielArrowmaster: he comes onto Kaelten all the time
16:16.37AckisWorkand ckknight
16:16.43Kaeltenmore like he does a lot around both sites and has admin access
16:16.44AckisWorkmy nose is extremely brown
16:16.48ckknightyea, but I tend to just turn you over to Kaelten
16:17.05Kaeltenand I turn him over to tekkub
16:17.20p4avedhey the client updates itself now
16:17.26Kaeltenp4aved: aye
16:17.29AckisWorkso on the radio this morning, they were tlaking about shaving your "o-ring"
16:17.45KaeltenAckisWork: call them to correct their mistakes?
16:17.46sylvanaareither way, either spell out the policies or tell me where they are, or just put a disclaimer - we only approve projects if we like them and/or you
16:18.17AckisWorkKaelten: I had to turn the radio off because they decided to do it "live"
16:18.21Arrowmastersylvanaar: ive told them to do that before but afaik they cant, they edit the wowace page template and it changes the curseforge one
16:18.21sylvanaarit was clear from minute 1 you were going to hassle me on it
16:18.38Arrowmasteror atleast it used to
16:18.41Kaeltenno we can
16:18.41ckknightit's possible
16:18.43ckknightof course it is
16:18.57ckknightwe are limited only by our imagination!
16:18.59ckknight...and funding
16:19.10nevcairieland the mysql hicups
16:19.55ckknightyea, that's our biggest issue
16:19.55Kaeltenstabs mysql
16:19.56ckknightfuck you, mysql
16:19.56Arrowmasterand time ckknight decides to work on stuff other than new addons so he can get a 360
16:19.56Kaelten~lart mysql
16:19.56purlwhips out a shotgun, trudges over to mysql, and goes postal
16:19.56ckknightwith a spoon
16:19.56AckisWorkgoat sacrifices
16:19.56Kaelten~kill mysql
16:19.57purlACTION shoots a ionized anti-proton gun at mysql
16:19.57KaeltenMYSQL DIE!!!!!!!!!!!
16:19.57Zaointercepts Kaelten's stab with his own database.
16:19.57sylvanaari have participated in the wowace community for over 2 years, so telling me to just gtfo is an insult as well
16:19.57Xinhuanpurl doesn't like you, sorry
16:19.59Kaeltenehem, sorry the world went red there a moment
16:20.00Repo10arl: 03Ackis * r1358 RecipeDB/ARL-Cook.lua:
16:20.02RepoSwitch goldthorn tea from trainer to dungeon, more appropiate.
16:20.03ckknightArrowmaster: yea, I'll try to get around to adding you to my addon splits soon
16:20.09ZaoDatabases are nice. Getting things to work properly in IE isn't.
16:20.21ckknightsylvanaar: no one's telling you to gtfo, nevcairiel just wanted justification
16:20.22KaeltenZao: ya but I only care about one of those things
16:20.39ckknightZao: we don't support IE6 or below, which is a nice policy
16:20.54nevcairielIE6 is just evil
16:21.03*** join/#wowace MoonWolf (
16:21.03*** mode/#wowace [+o MoonWolf] by ChanServ
16:21.04Arrowmasteris still over 50% firefox traffic?
16:21.05sylvanaarno justification would have satisfied him ckknight thats my point, it was "i dont like what you are doing"
16:21.17trh_IE6 isn't THAT bad... i mean.. IE 5.5 is really bad
16:21.28ckknightwhere did he say that?
16:21.36ckknightIE 5.5 Mac ftw!
16:21.51trh_Kaelten: upgrade to postgres or oracle ;)
16:22.02Zaowidth: 50%; float: left;
16:22.14Toadkillerlol oracle will rape the cash right out of your businesss.  dont do it!
16:22.18ckknighttrh_: we have scripts to upgrade to postgres
16:22.29ckknightso if we decide to go that direction, we're ready
16:23.06*** join/#wowace Zergreth (
16:23.19Zergrethwould it cause any problems if i would use CreateTexture() on the UIParent?
16:23.31KaeltenInternet Explorer: 33.02%
16:23.31KaeltenOpera: 6.49%
16:23.31KaeltenChrome: 4.57%
16:23.31KaeltenSafari: 2.76%
16:23.42Toadkillersylvanaar: er what are you trying to do?
16:23.47trh_Kaelten: just wondering: how about mobile browsers? :)
16:23.52sylvanaarckknight veiled under "why would people use it"
16:23.55Toadkiller<-- Chrome baby!
16:24.02ckknightsylvanaar: yea, why would people use it?
16:24.15trh_Toadkiller: did they fix about:% ? ;)
16:24.27ToadkillerWhats wrong with about?
16:24.28Kaeltenhad 5 hits from a PSP
16:24.38trh_Toadkiller: a single % in the url crashed the browser
16:24.44AckisWorkI can start browsing wowace from my wii
16:25.08Zergrethonce again, would it cause any problems if i would use CreateTexture() on the UIParent? i'm currently doing so, was basically too lazy to create an extra frame..
16:25.27ToadkillerMmm, dunno.  It rarely crashes on me.  Even when it does, it reopens to its exact previous state including browse history though.
16:25.32ckknightAckisWork: you'd be marked as Opera
16:25.38ckknightbut yes, you could
16:25.40ArrowmasterZergreth: it might, but unlikely, its best to not though
16:25.46sylvanaari dont know why someone would use an experemental project to explore the usefulness of the lua modules apis in wow
16:25.48steevtrh_: uh - they fixed that a LONG time ago
16:25.56ckknightI've browsed wowace and curseforge on my Android phone
16:25.58ckknightlooked fine
16:26.02ckknightmuch better than, actually
16:26.03ZergrethArrowmaster, damn :( okay, gotta change that than. fucking laziness
16:26.05thulandroid? what kind of brand is that?
16:26.17trh_steev: been a while since i tried it
16:26.23trh_i'm totally hot for the palm pre :)
16:26.27ckknightthul: it's google's operating system
16:26.29ToadkillerAndroid is a platform, not really a brand
16:26.29Repo10libhealcomm-3-0: 03jlam * r23 LibHealComm-3.0.lua:
16:26.31RepoAdd Tree of Life target buff that increases healing received by 6%.
16:26.33trh_if it supports hsdpa and gsm :)
16:26.33ckknightI use a T-mobile G1
16:26.46thulckknight: ah, ok. i thought you meant an android phone :-D
16:26.52thuli kind of want an openmoko
16:26.55ulicckknight: how do you like it?
16:26.56ckknightmy phone is an android phone :P
16:26.56trh_ckknight: hacked multitouch into it? :)
16:27.17ckknightno, not yet
16:27.17steevToadkiller: not to nitpick, but considering there's only one device (that I know of) that is widespread in use, using the platform, it becomes synonymous
16:27.19ckknighthad no real reason to
16:27.42steevckknight: so you can touch 2 buttons at once! oh the joy
16:28.01sylvanaari d/led the android sdk to play around with, it looks neat
16:28.06Toadkillersteev: Perhaps, but then your case is only temporary and restricted to released hardware.
16:28.28steevToadkiller: thats how i roll
16:29.53ToadkillerI wonder how Android is going to fare against iPhone etc.  Open Source is rather synonymous with crap ui as a general rule.  I would like to think that we can write off MS's crapware in this space though.
16:30.29amoebaAndroid is *funded* open source. It could work.
16:30.29Repo10addon-loader: 03Ammo * r72 Conditions.lua: add support for multiple slashcommands to X-LoadOn-Slash.
16:30.32Repotested somewhat. could probably be optimized a bit by someone who hasn't currently got a dead scoping brain
16:30.38steevpeople are so bck and forth in this damn thread
16:32.19ckknightToadkiller: it's basically a google mobile operating system that they decided to release as open source
16:32.19*** part/#wowace CrazyBenny (
16:32.31sylvanaarthe sdk has an emulator
16:32.39sylvanaarjust download it
16:32.39ToadkillerIt is kind of exciting to finally be in the transition from laptops to palmtops/phones/tricorders or what have you though.
16:32.52ckknightI like my laptop
16:32.55ckknightdon't take it away from me
16:32.57ckknightit's shiny
16:33.01ckknightrubs the screen
16:33.06sylvanaaryou have a mac
16:33.16ckknightMacBook Pro
16:33.18ToadkillerYeah I know what Android is.  I am just more curious about who is gonna win at this new scale of computing.  Intel / MS dominated at the previous level.
16:33.18ckknightit's sleek
16:33.29ckknightToadkiller: I don't care about iPhone vs. Android
16:33.33*** join/#wowace Ghli (n=Ghli@
16:33.48ckknightI just want Windows Mobile to fail
16:33.53ckknightbecause I want IE to fail
16:33.57ToadkillerLol, I think that already happenned
16:33.59ckknightbecause IE is fail incarnate
16:34.24sylvanaarMS has certain niches within the mobile computer market that frankly no other company can touch - at least for the forseable future (outside of mobile phones)
16:34.51*** join/#wowace TheDeamon (
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16:35.48sylvanaarwindows mobile wont fail anytime soon
16:35.51ToadkillerWell, you cannot say that Gates didnt see the writing on the wall 2 years back on IE.  On the other hand MS phails at interface so their shit is going the way of the dodo bird imo.  By this time next year I predict Firefox and Chrome will be top 2 browsers.  The next version of IE seems like total ass to me so far.
16:36.01trh_btw: the windows 7 calc programmer mode is awesome (even if stolen from apple:)
16:36.16sylvanaarwindows steals everything from apple
16:36.25Toadkilleryeah but they are so bad at it
16:36.38sylvanaarthey know how to commercialize it
16:36.50sylvanaarapple has never learned that
16:37.00sylvanaarstill to this day
16:37.03Xinhuanthe article says 1 google search uses 1 KJ of energy
16:37.03trh_well.. judging by apple prices... they know
16:37.13Xinhuanand produces 0.2 grams of CO2
16:37.15kenlyricapple hates gaming
16:37.17sylvanaarwhat prices?
16:37.22sylvanaarpc prices?
16:37.42ToadkillerMS is genius at solving business problems.  They leverage this to dominate other things.  Unfortunately they cannot follow that model onto the internets.
16:37.43pentium166apple hates gaming or developers hate writing games for non-windows platforms?
16:37.47thulthe article is BS
16:37.58ckknightpentium166: little of both
16:38.00thulthe google, cups of tea etc.
16:38.01ckknightSteve Jobs hates gaming
16:38.06sylvanaardevelopers like developing for the largest market
16:38.07ckknightSteve Jobs is Apple
16:38.14sylvanaarthat's PC
16:38.22Xinhuan"so a Google search uses just about the same amount of energy that your body burns in ten seconds."
16:38.26kenlyricwell, the head of valve basically called apple a bunch of wankers for talking up gaming and doing nothing about it.
16:38.49pentium166I want more people to be called a bunch of wankers.
16:38.58trh_i wonder how much more co2 it would produce if people would search themself isntead of using google
16:39.01sylvanaaryou dont play games on an apple brand computer - you buy a pc and use it for gaming
16:39.02ToadkillerHaha, lemme add this too: MS understands Games and their importance.
16:39.17kenlyricbecause every few years apple comes out with a press release about their committment to gaming
16:39.27sylvanaarthats been a rule since at least 1995
16:39.51ToadkillerHaha yeah and every few years I look at the amount of games available for the mac vs pc, and keep on using my pc
16:39.55ckknightI buy an XBox 360 and use it for gaming, sylvanaar
16:40.08Xinhuanwhat else would you use an xbox 360 for ckknight
16:40.09ToadkillerWow is killing PC gaming
16:40.13kenlyricbecause most people in the market can afford two computers, right?
16:40.14sylvanaaryou know when MS came out with directx, apple had a similar technology "sprokets"
16:40.15ckknightXinhuan: server farm
16:40.26ckknightToadkiller: yea, isn't it wondrous?
16:40.28Repo10grid-status-mts: 03kunda * r32 GridStatusMTs.lua: status enabling/disabling update
16:40.30ckknightToadkiller: :P
16:40.34*** join/#wowace Odlaw (
16:40.35Xinhuani think using them as server farm is limited to a extreme niche
16:40.40ckknightToadkiller: in all seriousness, I wanna play Starcraft 2 and Diablo 3
16:40.44ckknightthen I'll be set
16:40.55ckknightuntil Blizzard's next MMO
16:41.01ckknightthan Starcraft 3
16:41.03ToadkillerDude, I was at blizzcon, and those two look freaking awesome!
16:41.04ckknightand Diablo 4
16:41.13ckknightand the roundabout continues
16:41.24sylvanaarkenlyric well if you buy an mac you might not be able to afford a 2nd pc
16:41.27ckknightin the eventual realization that I had sold my soul to Blizzard years earlier
16:41.37ckknightand that knowledge will be mildly comforting
16:41.40Repo10grid-status-raid-icons: 03kunda * r34 GridStatusRaidIcons.lua: status enabling/disabling update
16:41.44ckknighta warm, nice feeling
16:41.46ToadkillerAll MS needs to do is get a fps, and then I can be a one-company gaming slut
16:41.46kenlyricso most people just buy the PC and apple loses out
16:41.50ckknightsame one you get when you freeze to death
16:41.53Toadkiller*all Blizzard needs
16:41.55pentium166it would be more comforting to me if they hadn't destroyed pvp in 3.0 :(
16:42.01sylvanaari was an apple fanboi up until 1998
16:42.06Fisker-IE is fucking awesome ckknight
16:42.07ckknightToadkiller: A Blizz FPS would be cool
16:42.10kenlyricthey tried that and failed
16:42.11ckknightFisker-: no u
16:42.23sylvanaarapple was like a religion to me
16:42.26durcynyou mean.. Ghost?
16:42.28trh_wtb diablo3 :/
16:42.36Fisker-i'm also fucking awesome ckknight
16:42.46sylvanaarthen came system 7.1
16:42.53ckknightdurcyn: a big issue with Ghost is that they didn't do it inhouse, imo
16:42.58Repo10grid-status-threat: 03kunda * r46 GridStatusThreat.lua: status enabling/disabling update
16:43.00Toadkillerhaha I lost my apple religion along with my last powerpc in the early 90's.
16:43.42*** join/#wowace Ghli_ (n=Ghli@
16:43.53ToadkillerGhost or some other fps will come out some day.  Just not till it is compelling though, cuz thats how blizz rolls
16:44.18Repo10grid: 03kunda * r1126 GridLocale-deDE.lua: deDE update
16:44.58*** join/#wowace RLD_osx (
16:46.04*** join/#wowace EthanCentaurai (n=ethan@
16:46.25Repo10liblordfarlander-2-0: 03LordFarlander * r139 / (3 files in 3 directories): LibLordFarlander-2.0:
16:46.27Repo- PetAndMountDatabase-1.1: GetPlayersCompanions wasn't using the recycler to get subtables
16:46.37*** join/#wowace erica647 (
16:46.43Xinhuanthat dude's library is getting larger...
16:47.09EthanCentauraiit's a library of libraries :|
16:47.12Repo10liblordfarlander-2-0: 03LordFarlander * r140 LibLordFarlander-TableRecycler-1.0/LibLordFarlander-TableRecycler-1.0.lua: LibLordFarlander-2.0:
16:47.14Repo- TableRecycler-1.0: Does not require Gratuity...
16:47.41pentium166i wonder how much of his library is even used by more than one of his addons
16:47.48EthanCentauraihe's not even using them properly :|
16:47.49ckknightwe really should move him to curseforge...
16:47.54Xinhuanthat dude's library is getting larger... the minute!
16:48.29nevcairielat least he is not trying to push new libs out
16:49.49sylvanaarthey are all in that one
16:50.19manyoh, is only 1.6m
16:50.33WizardlingWhat's a very simple addon that pops up a reminder to repair when you visit a tradesman?
16:50.47WizardlingLDB plugin preferred
16:50.54amoebaThe one you write yourself!
16:51.03*** join/#wowace Repo (n=supybot@
16:51.07WizardlingI suppose
16:51.11sylvanaaror get an autorepair addon
16:51.19amoeba^^ Was about to say
16:51.20Wizardlingnot sure I want that
16:51.28Wizardlingjust the option to repair showing
16:51.33Repo10test-alpha: 03ckknight * r98 TestAlpha.lua: Blah!
16:51.41durcynit's the anvil icon on the vendor window, sparky.
16:51.46WizardlingI run low on cash sometimes and I want to choose when to repair
16:51.53durcynyou'll notice it highlights itself.
16:52.01Wizardlingnot always
16:52.10WizardlingI've missed that often enough
16:52.18manyalthough i ponder what use it is to do [number] = { ["spell"] = number; ...
16:52.19Repo10test-alpha: 03ckknight * r100 TestAlpha.lua: Blah!
16:52.37Groktaryessss, my pvp video is done encoding
16:52.55Repo10arl: 03next96 * r1359 Locals/ARLLocals-koKR.lua: AckisRecipeList:
16:52.57Repo- Update locale koKR
16:53.23ckknight~seen tekkub
16:53.25purltekkub <n=tekkub@WoWUIDev/WoWI/Featured/Dongle/GitHub/Tekkub> was last seen on IRC in channel #wowuidev, 8h 46m 50s ago, saying: 'btill that's what it registers'.
16:53.41ckknight~seen cladhaire
16:53.42purlcladhaire <n=jnwhiteh@WoWUIDev/WoWI/Featured/Dongle/cladhaire> was last seen on IRC in channel #wowuidev, 21d 13h 24m 38s ago, saying: 'Have a Merry Christmas everyone, I have to wake up in 1.5 hours to get on the bus to the airport.. so I'm turning off all the outlets now.  If I don't sign on between now and then, Happy New Year!'.
16:53.52nevcairielclad is now known as jnwhiteh =P
16:54.14ckknightjnwhiteh: going with this nick from now on, then? why the change?
16:54.30ckknight(I know it's your real name and all, but you've been cladhaire to us for like, forever)
16:54.48ckknight@ticket curseforge 1047 is fixed, in any event
16:54.50Repockknight: - Option to disable 'repo' bot for projects. Reported by: Tekkub. Type: Enhancement. Updated: 99 seconds ago. Status: Fixed. Priority: Medium. Assignee: ckknight. Votes: 0. Comments: 0
16:54.52manyi guess most of libLordF is disclaimer nayway
16:54.59Repo10calendar_broker: 03LordFarlander * r18 CoreCalendar.lua: Calendar_Broker:
16:55.01Repo- Fixed event sorting
16:55.13sylvanaarhes had both for as long as i can recall
16:55.44ckknightwell, I knew he was jnwhiteh outside of WoW stuff
16:55.45sylvanaari think he once said - one was for trolling...don't quote me though
16:56.17sylvanaaror maybe that was another nick
16:56.20manyand i have to admit, i like that:  if not Glory then return end
16:56.39sylvanaarlike popcornsomething
16:57.10AnaralMaybe jnwhiteh was sick of being confused with Cairenn|shower. ;)
16:57.26ckknightlol, Anaral
16:58.07Nickenyfikenckknight: Hi, can you check and see what is going on with the Traditional Chinese (zhTW) Localization. It says it is 129% translated. Have the translator screwed up something or? :-P
16:58.26amoebaThe Chinese always kick our asses.
16:58.35ckknightthat's obviously a bug in my code
16:58.38ckknightI bet I know what it is
16:58.50Fisker-kills ckknight
16:59.04sacarascFisker- is made of mean
16:59.10EthanCentauraikills Fisker-
16:59.45Fisker-you forgot awesome sacarasc
17:00.46Repo10auctionlite: 03MerialKilrogg * r37 / (2 files in 1 directory): Make shift key work with guild bank tooltips.
17:01.06*** join/#wowace mort (n=mort@azureus/mort)
17:01.38Anaralckknight: This is just a question of curiousity, will you be working on Cart3 anytime in the near future or has it been put in the freezer for a bit?
17:01.54ckknightAnaral: depends on what you consider near
17:02.04Anaral1-3 months?
17:02.04Nickenyfiken2 hours
17:03.05Anaral~thwap Nickenyfiken
17:03.06purlACTION thwaps Nickenyfiken on the nose with a 2 by 4
17:03.15ckknightyea, maybe, Anaral
17:04.04AnaralCool. I do love Cart3. I've tried going back to other map mods, and just can't do it. :)
17:05.43ckknightclearly the answer is to hack on it yourself
17:07.18pastamancerand get a name that doesn't make me think about butts!
17:08.13pastamancerI have to do a double-take every time
17:09.19SlikerHawkAnyone know if HONOR_CURRENCY_UPDATE still fires since they changed it?
17:09.55Wizardlingperfect :-)
17:09.58Wizardlingand familiar given I used to use Cosmos
17:10.46durcynpick a channel, don't spam two.
17:10.52NickenyfikenWhen i call AddToBlizOptions() using AceConfig, what parameter is used for the display name in the config? I wan't to know what parameter that should be Localized.
17:11.16sbsylvanaar: are you going to update libfail with latest failbot/failbotenhanced fail-detection changes?
17:11.57AckisWorkhi durcyn
17:11.58Anaralckknight: yeah, well, you're code isn't the easiest to follow, and I'm not the most knowledgeable of lua to begin with. I get the basics, can apply the basics, but Cart3 is far from the basics.
17:12.01nevcairielNickenyfiken: second, iirc
17:12.09Repo10libhealcomm-3-0: 03jlam * r24 LibHealComm-3.0.lua:  (Message trimmed by 2 lines)
17:12.10durcynAckisWork: hello
17:12.12RepoPaladin fixes:
17:12.15Repo- Create spell-specific tables of librams.
17:12.17Repo- Add WotLK librarms.
17:12.20Repo- Glyphed Seal of Light increases effective healing by 5%.
17:12.21ckknightAnaral: yea, I'm sorry. PB4 (my latest project) is far, far easier to read
17:12.25ckknightCart3 needs proper docs
17:12.26ckknightwhich it lacks
17:13.01AnaralThe patch that I've been using keeps breaking... though I'm not quite sure.
17:13.17Nickenyfikennevcairiel: ok thanks, so it is (registeredOptionsTable, displayName[, parentFrame])?
17:13.36Arrowmasterif it keeps breaking and changes arent being made then its likely not a good patch
17:13.37nevcairieldisplayname can be nil too
17:14.03sztanpetKaelten any new alpha around the corner that fixes the optdep issue?
17:14.12NickenyfikenThen it will use the first parameter?
17:14.47AckisWorkckknight: where does it show the reason a user was banned? activity log right?
17:14.59ckknightAckisWork: also their profile page
17:15.02NickenyfikenI have to say that "function lib:AddToBlizOptions(appName, name, parent, ...)" was slightly confusing on the two first arguments.
17:15.47AnaralArrowmaster: I agree, but it works better than no patch at all.
17:18.10*** join/#wowace p4aved1 (
17:19.53Repo10arl: 03ozma211 * r1360 Locals/ARLLocals-koKR.lua: AckisRecipeList:
17:19.56Repo- koKR Update
17:20.11sylvanaarsb i dont know
17:20.35sylvanaarsb what do they do?
17:20.36RepoNew announcement:
17:20.50nevcairielforum login was down?
17:21.04Nickenyfikenckknight: Nice :-)
17:21.13ckknightNickenyfiken: yea, shouldn't happen again
17:21.18Nickenyfikendatabase was down before?
17:21.30Nickenyfikenckknight: what was the problem? To much weird characters? :-P
17:21.32Kaeltennevcairiel: ya an ip changed, had to get the login service fixed
17:21.46nevcairielI guess it didnt notice that i was still logged in :)
17:21.48ckknightNickenyfiken: no, someone pressed save twice really fast while we were in a lock
17:21.58ckknightNickenyfiken: causing the db record to be created twice
17:22.03Kaeltenya if you had been logged out you'd have been stuck :P
17:22.18Nickenyfikenckknight: ah ok
17:22.42ckknightnow we do a check for it after-the-fact
17:22.50ckknightas well as having a unique constraint, properly
17:24.24*** join/#wowace linear` (
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17:24.41Repo10questitembar: 03Nickenyfiken * r27 Options.lua: Added localization for blizz options.
17:24.43Primerhrmm, thought there was supposed to be a patch today
17:25.12NickenyfikenWasn't it maybe this week?
17:25.40Zyndromenot going to happen
17:25.45Repo10libstatlogic-1-1: 03Whitetooth * r10 LibStatLogic-1.1/LibStatLogic-1.1.lua:
17:25.47Repo- After months, I've finally finished tests on the missed cap.
17:25.50Repo- Implemented chance to be missed diminishing returns formula.
17:26.53Zyndromethe dam holding up River of Tears won't last much longer
17:27.04*** join/#wowace erica647 (
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17:27.52Repo10coconuts: 03LordFarlander * r137 Coconuts.lua: Coconuts:
17:27.55Repo- Fixes for table recycling
17:29.02Repo10mini-pet: 03LordFarlander * r152 MiniPet.lua: MiniPet:
17:29.04Repo- Fixes for table recycling
17:30.23Groktardit's uploading >.>
17:32.38Repo10libstatlogic-1-1: 03Whitetooth * r11 LibStatLogic-1.1/LibStatLogic-1.1.lua: - Updated miss cap for other classes
17:33.10Jyggacan somebody give me a hint how to calculate expertise for an enhancement shaman ?
17:33.27Jyggalike, at which numbers does it add one
17:36.04NickenyfikenJygga: you mean for example how much rating for 1%?
17:38.04Nickenyfiken"Expertise Rating converts into Expertise skill at a rate of 8.1975 expertise rating:1 Expertise at level 80, and reduces the chance for your target to dodge and parry by 0.25% per point of Expertise. 214 Expertise Rating is required to achieve 6.50% dodge reduction, which is the maximum observed value of any NPC." /Elitistjerks
17:38.27*** join/#wowace Ghli (n=Ghli@
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17:41.51*** mode/#wowace [+v Shirik] by ChanServ
17:42.27AckisWork@project ivtr
17:42.28RepoAckisWork: Innervator. Game: WoW. vancleef (Manager/Author). Updated: 6 days ago
17:42.35AckisWork@project innervator
17:42.36RepoAckisWork: Innervator. Game: WoW. Status: Out of date. (Automatic) Abandoned since out-of-date for 60 days.. vancleef (Manager/Author). Updated: 106 days ago
17:44.18nevcairielI would check it out
17:44.22nevcairielbut mysql doesnt let me
17:44.25ZhinjioG'morning, AckisWork
17:44.43*** join/#wowace chiper (n=chiper@
17:44.52nevcairielckknight how does the psql testing?
17:45.35nevcairielnow even forums are slow!
17:46.28Jyggaya Nickenyfiken the table at the think tank enhancer thread was what i was searching for :)
17:46.55nevcairielAckisWork: did you do something to the projects?
17:46.58nevcairielits confusing me
17:48.45AckisWorkmorning Zhinjio
17:48.54AckisWorknevcairiel: those two I linked? merge went fubar on them
17:49.13nevcairieli restored the Main page
17:49.13AckisWorkI merged innevator into ivtr and some weird stuff has happened
17:49.21AckisWorkahh ok was just doing that
17:49.46ulicis there a faq on how this new Translation area works?
17:49.46AckisWorkfile looks merged ok
17:50.52AckisWork <-- .pkgmeta section iirc
17:51.09AckisWorknevcairiel: looks ok now
17:53.36*** join/#wowace xemacs (
17:53.39xemacshi there
17:54.47*** join/#wowace ulic_ (
17:55.11gixis there any nrt auto-response addon?
18:05.56Repo10libhealcomm-3-0: 03jlam * r25 LibHealComm-3.0.lua: Clean up bookkeeping in shaman spell modifiers.
18:08.00*** join/#wowace Lyn (
18:14.20steevNarita International Airport
18:14.21durcynkind of defeats the purpose, wouldn't you say
18:14.21ulicit's a raidtracker/attendance addon.
18:15.56gixdurcyn: depends
18:16.08Repo10wishlist: 03XIU * r49 / (5 files in 2 directories): Wishlist:
18:16.11Repo- Added more items
18:16.14Repo- Split atlasloot integration
18:25.17steevfreaking oklahoma, yesterday it was 67 or so out, today its 22
18:25.32trh_i'll never get used to fahrenheit ;)
18:25.45nevcairielthey should abandon that already
18:26.05nevcairiel0 = ice, 100 = steam .. so straight forward! :)
18:26.14trh_don't get me started on the metric system ;)
18:26.15pastamancerI can't convert C to F, but I know I've got a problem when my network room gets over 28C
18:26.47nevcairieli convert with google, if i have to
18:27.01kilrogg_using 2 different systems is bad ... missing mars with a multi mullion dollar space vehicle isn't funny ;)
18:27.13ckknightit's kinda funny
18:27.24kilrogg_yeah, guess it is :D
18:27.43nevcairielpastamancer: 28 is already pretty warm for a IT room, imho ^
18:28.11pastamancer28 is when I get paged, it's normally 22
18:28.37trh_steev: i use google ;)
18:28.44GnarfozI make fun of people defending Fahrenheit
18:28.46steevgoogle requires interwebs
18:28.59nevcairielours are usually around 18-20, tops
18:29.03nevcairielso it feels chilly :)
18:29.08trh_steev: so? ;) we have 3g here in germany ;)
18:29.12pastamancerbut if the weather report said it was going to be 10C out today, I wouldn't really know how to dress
18:29.30Gnarfozas if GPRS wasn't enough for *that*... oh wait, your phone probably has an offline converter *anyway*
18:29.35Gnarfozpastamancer: fail
18:29.53trh_Gnarfoz: err.. 3g is at least 384k? =) (my phone supports hsdpa too :)
18:30.07Gnarfozand your network does, too?
18:30.11trh_Gnarfoz: yep
18:30.17Gnarfoz(also, your reply doesn't make *any* sense)
18:30.40pastamancerall my monitoring stuff is in C, but I live in the states, so I can't really relate to C outside of work
18:30.40Toadkiller10c in Canada means jeans and t shirt, maybe a sweater.  10c in hawai means, "honey, did you pack the parka?"
18:30.41trh_Gnarfoz: thought the gprs was a reply to the 3g :)
18:30.44GnarfozI said GPRS is already enough for using google as a converter
18:30.46Gnarfozyes, it was.
18:30.51trh_Gnarfoz: oh
18:30.54trh_Gnarfoz: misread that ;)
18:30.56Gnarfozit was to convey to you: "3g is overkill for using google" :p
18:31.00trh_Gnarfoz: but gprs isn't enough ;)
18:31.21Gnarfozfor this? certainly. also: shitty coverage, expensive + your phone has a java converter app anyway! :p
18:31.22AckisWorkToadkiller: wtf, 10C = shorts dude
18:31.23nevcairiel10c is definately a sweater, imho
18:31.28Toadkiller10c in California = "This must be that winter thing, can't wait for next month to roll by"
18:31.48trh_Gnarfoz: i dunno... using the calendar mostly ;)
18:31.54AckisWorkit was -40c here last week without windchill
18:31.54Gnarfozright :P
18:31.58*** join/#wowace Cheads (
18:32.07GnarfozAckisWork: uh what
18:32.07nevcairielAckisWork: we had -30, but still, damn cold <.<
18:32.29AckisWorknevcairiel: damn cold is an understatement heh
18:32.41AckisWorktoday it's -5 to +4 then back down to -10 lol
18:32.46AckisWorkI love my weather
18:32.52Matrix110-18 and windy my cheek almost froze and it hurt for 1hr after getting inside again :D
18:33.27*** join/#wowace Shot (
18:33.39AckisWorkwhen my gf and I went down to cali for blizzcon we didn't know what to do since it was so freaking hot
18:33.51nevcairiel~weather EDHI
18:34.11Groktard~weather FAT
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18:35.04Groktard~weather KFAT
18:35.07Groktardwell, i was close
18:35.59trh_~weather 10838
18:36.12AckisWork~weather CYXD
18:36.27Groktardi am so not jealous
18:36.27trh_~weather edds
18:36.42trh_not that nice :/
18:37.19Cheads~weather ekch
18:37.21kenlyricgod that's verbose
18:37.58nevcairielits airport weather data, they need verbosity
18:38.08Shot~weather aberdeen
18:38.16trh_humidity 100%.. nice ;)
18:38.26nevcairieltrh_: usually means "raining now" :P
18:38.38thulhow can people NOT like how male dranei look like?
18:38.42trh_nevcairiel: but "weather: fog" not rainy ;)
18:38.44Groktardmy weather beats all
18:38.48nevcairielfog is even worse!
18:38.51Groktardyay CA
18:39.02nevcairielthul: because they are big and ugly and gay?
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18:39.09thulnevcairiel: pfft, mine look great! :-D
18:39.13trh_i learned to like fog... living in the fog capital of germany ;)
18:39.39Shot~weather 03405
18:39.51Shot~weather egpd
18:39.56Shotah ha!
18:40.11Shot0 C :(
18:40.35Gnarfoz~weather eddv
18:40.43NivFreakI hope 3.0.8 hits next week
18:40.44Repo10arl: 03Ackis * r1361 / (3 files in 2 directories): Some minor db updates
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18:40.49GnarfozNivFreak: you wish
18:40.57nevcairielnot only he wishes
18:41.06NivFreakmany of us wish :)
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18:41.16Gnarfozstill, "you wish"
18:41.32NeoTroncan't say they are incredibly speedy :P
18:43.26ckknighthmm... should localization namespaces be ad-hoc or defined?
18:43.31NivFreakIt pains me to think about how long it will be before 3.1 is out
18:43.40nevcairieldefined imho
18:43.52ckknightthat is, should you have to go through and create a namespace and assign phrases to that namespace
18:43.58thul <- full of awesome and win
18:44.06ckknightor would you just give a phrase a namespace (a string identifier, really)
18:44.25steevthul: how?
18:44.47*** join/#wowace Ghli (n=Ghli@
18:44.48AckisWorkthul: let me get my robe and wizard hat on
18:45.23NeoTronNivFreak: it pains me but also makes me somewhat happy
18:45.27RepoNew project: LibDropdown-1.0. Antiarc (Manager/Author). Approved by Nevcairiel.
18:45.31kilrogg_thul: waaaah, fruit alarm
18:45.36NeoTronbecause we were so late in getting into 25-mans we need more time to gear up properly
18:45.53thulpfft, that is awesome and win.
18:46.05thulhe looks like a blue devil :-D
18:47.06NivFreakNeoTron: I'm sure you'd be fine
18:47.21ckknightnevcairiel: defined still seem better?
18:47.24*** join/#wowace chiper_ (n=chiper@
18:47.25NeoTronme wants gears
18:47.39NivFreakthe next gears are better
18:47.40NivFreaktrue story
18:48.16gixdurcyn: and even if it shouldn't auto-reply, it should at least notify. easy to miss that guild message if you're busy, even when hacking something in tinypad
18:51.59ulicckknight: are there any docs on this translation stuff?
18:52.20ckknightulic: there's stuff in the repository keywords kb page
18:52.35ckknightI want to get the namespacing stuff done before I make a kb page about localization in genera
18:52.58ckknightI'm just not sure how best to do it
18:53.16AckisWorkwhat do you mean about namespacing? not quite getting whta you're refering to
18:53.23ckknightnamespacing for localization
18:53.35ckknightso you'd have separate namespaces if you want
18:53.43ckknightso you can group things
18:53.50ckknightor have separate modules have separate namespaces
18:53.53ckknightor what have you
18:54.04AckisWorkahh ok
18:54.58uliclike little-wigs does, cool.
18:55.15ulicso each boss could have it's own namespace.
18:55.44AckisWorkwell it could be so that you could break your localization into "groups" to make it more readable
18:55.46ckknightthe question I'm wondering is should you have to pre-define your namespaces or should you be able to set them in an ad-hoc manner?
18:56.45*** join/#wowace QuantumDelta (
18:57.33ckknightI'm also thinking that it might be good to force namespaces to be [a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*(?:\.[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*)*
18:57.36ckknightstill wondering, though
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18:58.06ckknightany thoughts?
18:58.17AckisWorkwill the name spaces have comments associated with them? ie: namespace alpha = "GUI Options" or something like that?
18:58.36ckknightAckisWork: not if it's ad-hoc
18:58.47ckknightalso, it wouldn't be for the grouping you're thinking of
18:58.56ckknightit'd be more like for per-module like ulic was thinking
19:00.18*** join/#wowace faCe| (
19:07.05thulwhy are there only 3 Ebon blade dailyes?
19:07.20Groktardthere are more
19:07.28quiescensisn't there like 6 or 7 or something
19:07.51quiescensover there -->
19:07.52thuli do the leave mark, burn buildings and shoot dragon ones
19:07.59Groktardthere's another hub
19:08.13thulaaah, those give ebon blade tooo?
19:08.15thul*flies there*
19:08.41quiescenstheres like 3 or 4 that involve killing scarlet somethingorather people
19:09.13thulaah, I'll get closer to exalted faster then :-P
19:09.16quiescensI think its 3 probably
19:09.22thul15k/21k now
19:09.25thul6 k left.. juhuu
19:09.32thulif i run 1-2 heorics and do a few quest, that is ok.
19:10.14*** join/#wowace Mackatack (
19:10.36ulicckknight: do you plan to create alphas or anything when folks update translations?
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19:11.18ckknightabsolutely not
19:11.33ckknightyou can retag
19:11.43ulicso the next repo checkin would grab any updates.  ok, just curious.
19:11.54Xinhuanpurpose is for authors to check the translations first
19:12.13Xinhuanor you might end up with OMEN_DESC = "KTM IS BEST!"
19:12.26KaeltenXinhuan: heh, well other than blatent shit like that authors have no clues
19:12.30ulicare you implying it's not?  :P
19:12.32ckknightyea, but that only affects the foreigners
19:12.40ckknightif you can't read Chinese
19:12.44ckknighthow would you know what it's saying?
19:12.54KaeltenI'm not bilingal so the other languages I'll be clueless on
19:13.12ckknightPitBull4's Chinese translations might say "PitBull sucks"
19:13.14ckknightI have no idea.
19:13.22ckknightit's meant to be self-maintaining
19:13.31ckknightif an issue does arise, one of the translators can contact me
19:13.39Kaeltenna it's the equivilent of "blah blah blah god he's long winded blah blah blah"
19:13.40nevcairielAs long as noone starts using the keyword substitution on Babble libs
19:14.00Kaeltenum, I think someone was thinking about doing that, weren't they?
19:14.03*** join/#wowace Orphis (
19:14.06nevcairielits a bad idea
19:14.08ulicyea, I think it's a pretty good system, helps solve the problems of missing commas and brackets.
19:14.21ckknightulic: yea, I don't want any translators fucking around in my repo
19:14.25Xinhuanthe problem is already gone
19:14.27nevcairielyou screw over people that use SVN checkouts, or that use externals from non-wowace SVN repos
19:14.35ulicXinhuan: true with the parser.
19:14.37nevcairiellike, wowi
19:14.39Xinhuantechnically, by commit hooks checking its compilable first
19:15.06ckknightXinhuan: even still, they might mess something else up in the meantime
19:15.18Xinhuanhighly unlikely though ;p
19:15.19ulicbut still most people can use a web browser, but not all of them can figure out svn, just opens the door to more translators.
19:15.41Kaelteneventually I plan to offer the whole site to be translated via it
19:15.44Kaeltenthat'll be cool
19:16.30ulicespecially since wowace is all about the community, that's an awesome community feature.
19:17.38NeoTronso I downloaded rawr last night and it's pretty cool. only caveat is that I don't see an easy way not to use the non-existin epic gems
19:18.00ZhinjioI need to oplay with it more
19:18.06Zhinjioits interface is seriously lacking
19:18.35AckisWorkXinhuan: I'll only change OMEN_DESC to "Xinhuan likes weiner"
19:19.05gixit's really limited. that's why i try to roll my own.
19:19.13Gnarfozand then you realize it's spelled "Wiener" :p
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19:20.15NeoTronit had overall the same idea of me what gear I should be getting but kept suggesting my best gem is the JC only dodge gems
19:20.45NeoTronkind of makes me wonder if the dodge gems are better than stamina in cases when I don't need more health (read - most fights that don't have 75k breaths >:-)
19:20.53AckisWorkGnarfoz: did that on purpose :(
19:23.40manyonly says: "offending stats"
19:24.16*** join/#wowace Mart (n=STOP@
19:24.29NivFreakNeoTron: EH gearing is almost always better than avoidance gearing
19:24.30Azurewrathdoes someone know about a addon which tracks the procentual uptime of debuffs on a mob? I'd like to see the uptime of the debuffs that proc "Torment the Weak" :)
19:24.40NivFreakNeoTron: with some clear exceptions
19:24.44NivFreakNeoTron: like patchwerk
19:26.37NeoTronexcuse the nub but EH?
19:26.47NeoTroneffective health?
19:27.53NeoTronare you specifically talking armor and health?
19:27.56NivFreakincreasing your time to live is generally the best way to easy progression from a tanking perspective
19:28.09NivFreaksince you're a DK, that's all I'm talking about
19:28.09NeoTronbecause avoidance does increase TTL too doesn't ?
19:28.17ckknightdoes anyone have any real objections to me placing naming constraints on namespaces? i.e. alphanum (with underscore), separated by dots
19:28.18NivFreakit's not reliable TTL
19:28.20NeoTronbut randomly so
19:28.32NivFreakminimize RNG in your role
19:28.33ckknightlocalization namespaces, that is
19:28.35NivFreakand you will go far ;)
19:28.57NeoTronso EH => reliable TTL increase, so health, armor and.. shield block but that's random too?
19:29.17NivFreakBV/BR are great secondary EH stats
19:29.23NivFreakbut you have no shield
19:29.57NivFreakthere's a reason druids did so well in TBC
19:30.17*** join/#wowace Iboong (n=user@
19:30.20Repo10arl: 03Ackis * r1362 / (6 files in 3 directories):
19:30.23RepoAll patterns have acquire info now! Yay! Need to test then this will be the next tag
19:30.38NeoTronObviously for me it's just armor and health but I wondered in general
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19:31.13NeoTronDK's also get both health and armor bonuses, if less than druids, so I can't see how dodge would be better
19:31.17ShaneSvellerhey all, what is the latest preview release of the CC that you folks are using?
19:31.33ckknightI use alpha8
19:31.36ckknightbut I'm from the future
19:31.38ckknightso don't mind me
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19:31.46Kaeltenhrm, alternate future, next version is beta1
19:31.49AckisWorkckknight: do you use pitbull 5 too?
19:32.02AckisWorkKaelten: lies, you're going back to gamma releases next
19:32.03ShaneSvellerI still have the RC1 linked in the topic from wayyyy back in the day, is said alpha available to download?
19:32.14ShaneSvellerAckisWork: wtb omega release
19:32.29ckknightno, AckisWork, but I do use ChickenWire
19:32.32KaeltenShaneSveller: download
19:32.35Kaeltenand it'll update
19:32.49AckisWorkKaelten: did you fix the installing optdeps and stuff?
19:32.52ShaneSvellerKaelten: thanks
19:33.01KaeltenAckisWork: ya that was fixed server side, or should be
19:33.05AckisWorkthe scan speed improvement makes me very happy btw
19:33.12Kaeltenhehe, ya
19:33.21AckisWorkis it less accurate/
19:33.22ShaneSvellerurl no worky?
19:34.49KaeltenI left out an s
19:34.52KaeltenAckisWork: nope
19:35.20ShaneSvellerheh, wow, basic reading comprehension fail on my part
19:35.33ShaneSvellerwork has been so hectic today, i'm at wit's end
19:35.55Kaeltenknow the feeling
19:36.19ShaneSvellernow if i could just get a Rawr release with resto druid support
19:36.27ShaneSvelleri'll be in brand-new-80 heaven
19:36.35AckisWorkKaelten: nice (and good work on that) :P did you figure out that one scannign issue the other day? (unknown mods scanning and suggesting UI packs?)
19:37.00KaeltenI've made a ticket for it
19:38.40Repo10arl: 03Ackis * r1363 .pkgmeta: Revert .pkgmeta since the CC has its bug fixed...
19:40.29*** join/#wowace Larana (
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19:43.56ckknighthey all
19:44.02ckknightwho wants to see a pic of my brother?
19:44.39kenlyrichot or not?
19:45.09kenlyrici yiffed
19:45.09*** join/#wowace Dashkal (n=dashkal@WoWUIDev/Nexus/dashkal)
19:45.34Venaraso handsome :p
19:46.02AckisWorkckknight: holy fuck he looks like your mom
19:46.14ckknightstrong genes
19:46.20KaeltenAckisWork: sticking to the carpets you know?
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19:50.27*** join/#wowace Groktar (
19:51.25kilrogg_Kaelten: What does the "External Preference" setting in Curse Client beta game settings do ?
19:51.42Kaeltenalternate vs standard?
19:51.59Kaeltenalternate is disembedded
19:52.13kilroggah. thanks
19:52.30kilroggnice work btw
19:53.18ckknighthmm... should I make the localization namespace separator / or .?
19:53.23ckknightor something else?
19:53.41nevcairielß imho
19:53.48GnarfozEszett ftw
19:53.48ckknightnote: it's irrelevant in your lua, you'll be able to specify what you want, this is just for the website
19:54.03ckknightI don't think an Ess tset is that great an idea
19:54.22Matrix110why everyone important has it one their keyboard by default!
19:54.34Repo10arl: 03Ackis * r1364 RecipeDB (4 files in 1 directory):
19:54.37kilrogg€ would be nice :D
19:54.37RepoUpdate new recipe info for 3.08, still need a lot of spell ID's
19:54.38GnarfozI see what you did there, but it's not a b.
19:55.07Matrix110Kaelten Curse Client is developing nicely btw, to bad I dont really play anymore :D
19:55.24Matrix110(but Roleplaying Helper 2 is still there) :P
19:55.50Repo10arl: 03Jim-Bim * r1365 Locals/ARLLocals-enUS.lua: AckisRecipeList:
19:55.53Repo- added a bunch of missing locals
19:56.12nevcairielI dont really play much either right now, but what can you do
19:56.45AckisWork@project arl
19:56.46RepoAckisWork: Ackis Recipe List. Game: WoW. Ackis (Manager/Author), Elkano (Author), Zhinjio (Author), Jim-Bim (Author). Updated: 7 seconds ago. Tickets: 8/314
19:56.52AckisWorkdamn bots make me lazy
19:57.38ckknightyou're just adjusting, AckisWork
19:57.41ckknight@curse arl
19:57.49nevcairieloh hey thats new
19:57.54*** join/#wowace isman (
19:58.09Repo10libhealcomm-3-0: 03jlam * r26 LibHealComm-3.0.lua: Druid fixes:
19:58.10ckknightgo hog wild
19:58.11Repo- Account for Idols that affect Healing Touch.
19:58.14Repo- Nourish has a 20% to effective healing if your rejuv/regrowth/lifebloom is on the target.
19:58.17Repo- Clean up bookkeeping for effective healing buff.
19:58.32Arrowmaster@curse ckknight
19:58.34RepoArrowmaster: No project found that matches 'ckknight'
19:59.46*** join/#wowace Fisker- (
19:59.53AckisWorkoh wicked
19:59.53AckisWorkbtw ckk ty for esMX
20:00.02ckknightyou're welcome
20:00.06ckknightI also got the ruRU flag in
20:00.08Arrowmasteri made him do it
20:00.35onaforeignshoreckknight: is there a way to use luadoc generator to specify what it shows on the site for modules? ie. on can I change what the description is for each module?
20:01.07ckknight...wait what?
20:01.17ckknightuse the @file specifier
20:01.18ckknightat the top
20:01.20ckknightdescribe the file
20:01.24onaforeignshorethanks :)
20:01.25ckknightnevcairiel knows about it
20:01.33ckknighthe wrote that part
20:02.23ckknight...yes you did
20:03.18nevcairielI admit it, its all my fault =(
20:03.31kilroggwonder when there will be an "eo" WoW version ... could be a problem finding a flag for that
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20:04.29Xinhuanif there is a market > 1 mil ppl for it... maybe ;p
20:04.43KarlThePaganhmm #wowinterface is +i?
20:04.44onaforeignshorecould you maybe add the @tags to the .docmeta knowledge base article?
20:04.49kilroggnah, roughly 500.000 according to wikipedia
20:05.50AckisWorkckknight: was the translator role added as well?
20:06.01ckknightthat's why I closed the ticket
20:06.14AckisWork(didn't check ticket :P)
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20:06.58Fisker-ckknight i'm so tired :(
20:07.10AckisWork@project arl
20:07.11RepoAckisWork: Ackis Recipe List. Game: WoW. Ackis (Manager/Author), Zhinjio (Author), Elkano (Author), Jim-Bim (Author), andy52005 (Translator), Pettigrow (Translator). Updated: 8 minutes ago. Tickets: 8/314
20:07.36Xinhuanwhat can a translator do
20:07.46Xinhuanthan a non-translator can't
20:07.48ckknightthey can translate when you have a closed localization system
20:07.58ckknightalso, you can close your localization dealy for your project
20:08.11ckknightopen by default, you set it as you set up your localization
20:08.15Xinhuandefault open?
20:08.36Xinhuanso the role by default is useless unless its closed yea?
20:09.35kilroggyeah, great!
20:10.04AckisWork@project arl
20:10.05RepoAckisWork: Ackis Recipe List. Game: WoW. Ackis (Manager/Author), Zhinjio (Author), Jim-Bim (Author), Elkano (Tester), ananhaid (Translator), andy52005 (Translator), Primaxina (Translator), Swix (Translator), Pettigrow (Translator). Updated: 11 minutes ago. Tickets: 8/314
20:10.42Xinhuanwhy did that ping my name
20:11.06Xinhuankills Primaxina
20:11.47TorhalSo violent.
20:12.26trh_i once had "ring" in my highlight list, so someone could "ring" me in irc... it was horrible when lord of the rings came out :(
20:12.45Repo10questitembar: 03Nickenyfiken * r28 Options.lua: More options locale.
20:12.54Xinhuani will bring you too!
20:13.38Zhinjiothe family resemblance is remarkable, ck
20:13.42Repo10questitembar: 03Nickenyfiken 040.4-beta2 * r29 : Tagging as 0.4-beta2
20:16.39ckknightZhinjio: quite
20:16.51ckknightZhinjio: we're going to New Orleans for Mardi Gras, so he's getting various costumes
20:18.14Zhinjiogood fun, that.
20:18.33Repo10libfail-1-0: 03sylvanaar * r24 / (2 files in 1 directory): see what docs get generated
20:21.48IndustrialSSTONED LIKE AN ALE
20:21.53Fisker-ckknight that's totally erotic
20:21.57Fisker-and you know it
20:22.08Industrialhugs Fisker-
20:24.45Repo10libfail-1-0: 03sylvanaar * r25 LibFail-1.0.lua: try again for docs
20:24.54ckknightoh, hey, Fisker-
20:25.24Repo10libhealcomm-3-0: 03jlam * r27 LibHealComm-3.0.lua:  (Message trimmed by 3 lines)
20:25.26RepoReorganize code slightly for less copy-and-paste duplication.  We now set three variables that are tuned within each spell-specific section:
20:25.29Repo- baseHealSize is the base heal amount of the spell
20:25.32Repo- nBonus is the bonus healing effect for the spell
20:25.34Repo- effectiveHealBuff is the increase to total (effective) healing of the spell.
20:27.21*** join/#wowace linear` (
20:27.26Brunersckknight: who is admiral awesome ?
20:27.36ckknightBoxxy's friend
20:27.51ckknightshe made her first video for him
20:28.17Brunerscrazy boxxy is crazy
20:28.37Brunerskida cute tho
20:28.38sztanpetyoud tap that, and you know it
20:29.09nevcairielyou wouldnt?
20:29.26nevcairielcant let her talk, though
20:29.59sztanpetwho knows, maybe it was some kind of stage fright
20:32.50Industrialkaelten linked 4chan!
20:33.05nevcairielhe keeps doing that all day already
20:33.07Kaeltenblame ck, he linked me
20:33.28Kaeltenwaiting for scripts to finish is about as much fun as compiling :s
20:33.48Industrialas;dk  ljwr; jasdfj[o  [d
20:33.49Industrialok shi t irc is not healthy dofor me atm bye
20:34.01Kaelten~comfort Industrial
20:34.02purlThere, there, Industrial.  It's OK.  I'm here for you.
20:34.08AckisWorkwtf lol
20:34.26Fisker-DAMNIT CKKNIGHT
20:34.27Fisker-I LOST
20:34.36Kaeltenwhat did you lose?
20:34.39ckknighthe raged
20:34.40ckknighthe lost
20:34.45Industrialcant be hte penis
20:34.58AckisWorkindy isn't female?
20:35.03nevcairielwhy is indy drunk at 9:30
20:35.21KaeltenAckisWork: only for you?
20:35.27Industrialmetting the poeple im going on hiliday with (msot are random ppls) to france (snowboarding)
20:35.49Industrialso yeah, guess its going to be a kickass holiday AIH?
20:36.10ckknighthey Industrial, check this chick out:
20:36.56nevcairielshe is really crazy
20:38.07Brunerswhat is gaia?
20:38.07Repo10libfail-1-0: 03sylvanaar * r26 LibFail-1.0.lua: still no doc folder
20:38.11Kaeltenfree to play mmo iirc
20:38.28AckisWorkckknight: escape-non-ascii=false or escape-non-ascii="false"
20:38.47ckknightthe value is a JSON object
20:38.50ckknightso you know
20:38.52Gnarfozsylvanaar: what's up with failboat being... basically nothing but errors right now? (that being r30, tested at Sarth)
20:39.00ckknighttechnically null will also work
20:39.05ckknightor any JSON thing
20:39.20sylvanaarGnarfoz hold down alt and click the icon
20:39.22AckisWorkso escape-non-ascii="iwanttosexkaelten" is the same as true
20:39.40nevcairieli see ackis using that all over the place
20:39.43Gnarfozsylvanaar: it errors on mouseover. and on load. and when someone fails. :D
20:39.45*** join/#wowace Oojoo (
20:39.57AckisWorknevcairiel: who? me? :D
20:39.57sylvanaarhold down alt then click the icon
20:40.03Gnarfozsylvanaar: it was so bad I just disabled it because I thought you were in the middle of redoing stuff ;)
20:40.11Gnarfozok, will do the next time people get a chance to fail
20:40.15Gnarfozi.e. ... sunday!
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20:40.45sylvanaari misconfigured the defaults
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20:43.06sylvanaarGnarfoz or update, the defaults were fixed in a later release
20:43.21sylvanaarer revision
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20:44.27sylvanaarGnarfoz the error was something about table expected, got number?
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20:46.04EthanCentauraiwhat's a good image editor for Mac?
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20:46.54pastamancernot graphic converter
20:47.10nevcairielgimp no work on mac?
20:48.05ShefkiEthanCentaurai: I ended up breaking down and buying Photoshop on the mac.
20:48.19NeoTronI had mixed experiences with gimp on the mac
20:48.22Shefkinevcairiel: GIMP on the mac is really really bad.
20:48.34nevcairieli never tried it
20:48.40nevcairieli never used a mac =P
20:48.53Groktarwant to watch my pro pvp video?
20:49.00ShefkiIt doesn't really behave like a normal mac app.  So it ends up being difficult to use with other apps.
20:49.16sylvanaaris there an error log for luadoc?
20:49.27ShefkiA lot of stuff has an option to send a file to an image editor.
20:49.33ShefkiExcept you can't send it to gimp.
20:49.36Repo10arl: 03Ackis * r1366 Locals (13 files in 1 directory):
20:49.39RepoConvert all non-enUS locals over to using the localization application.
20:49.45ShefkiSo you'd have to jump through hoops to export the file, edit it and then import it again.
20:49.46EthanCentauraiwell tbh all I want atm is something which can crop and add text :P
20:50.05ShefkiEthanCentaurai: iPhoto can freaking do that. :P
20:50.18ShefkiHeck I think you can crop in Preview IIRC.
20:50.19EthanCentauraican it?
20:50.46ShefkiWell I'm positive about the croping, pretty sure about the text but I could be wrong.
20:51.26ShefkiI want a damn altimiter for WoW.
20:52.28Repo10arl: 03Ackis * r1367 Locals (5 files in 1 directory): Fix formatting a bit
20:52.47EthanCentauraiI can crop in Preview but Text Mode is disabled :/
20:53.02EthanCentauraiprobably because it's not a text file :P
20:53.07EthanCentauraitries iPhoto
20:54.48Gnarfozsylvanaar: not entirely sure anymore, I'll just do what you suggested. :>
20:55.21sylvanaarGnarfoz i had the same problem - and its fixed for me
20:56.43EthanCentaurainope, no add text mode :(
21:02.00Repo10vanas-ko-s: 03Vana * r325 modules/Notifier.lua: VanasKoS: maybe fix for a ticket
21:03.00Repo10luamodule: 03sylvanaar * r9 LuaModules.lua:
21:03.03RepoUpdate some comments. Also noting that this project has already been done (better):
21:05.26sylvanaardoes the doc script work with lua files that contain numbers?
21:05.30Repo10rating-buster: 03Whitetooth * r200 RatingBuster.lua: - Chance to be missed diminishing returns now supported
21:06.26sylvanaarwill it do LibFoo-1.0.lua?
21:07.02Repo10grid-status-lifebloom: 03Azethoth * r42 GridStatusLifebloom.lua: -- Minor code wrangling
21:07.04Repo-- Deal with some code apendicitis
21:07.06steevwow burger king is really getting hardcore with their drop a friend for food promotion
21:09.55Arrowmastersylvanaar: duh
21:10.00NeoTrondrop a friend...? like remove them from your friends list?
21:10.03trh_steev: it's a great advertisement idea
21:10.08Repo10libfail-1-0: 03sylvanaar * r27 .docmeta:
21:10.10RepoExplicitly reference the full name of the lua file, the regex from the example may not work with files containing 2 '.'
21:10.24*** join/#wowace Matrix110 (
21:10.30ckknightsylvanaar: it should work fine
21:10.44trh_steev: it got so much media coverage - that alone would have costed more than the burgers they give away
21:10.44Arrowmasterit has to
21:10.51Arrowmastersince every library uses that
21:10.54sylvanaari thought **/*.lua should match it
21:11.02ckknightsylvanaar: there's an issue
21:11.13ckknightluadoc/taglet/curseforge.lua:405: table index is nil
21:11.17ckknightlemme see what that is
21:11.43sylvanaarim sure i used some keyword wrong
21:11.46ckknightyou have a table without a specified name
21:11.55NeoTronso libfail got me an idea - it might be useful to record historical "fail" from people
21:12.02pompellidcan anyone give me a suggestion what to use with Ace3 that will give you the right-menus you got with Ace2?
21:12.04sylvanaarthe docs say not to specify a name
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21:12.42trh_pompellid: EasyMenu from blizz...
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21:12.42trh_pompellid: it doesnt feel quite right.. but it gets the job done
21:12.58Venarasimply amazing oO
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21:13.20sylvanaar"it's even not recomended to define the name"
21:13.32sylvanaarlet me try defining it
21:13.35ckknighthang on
21:14.00Tylernolwhere is the data stored thats in acedb?
21:14.13[Ammo]in teh saved var you specify
21:14.19ckknightwoo, it didn't fail
21:14.30ckknightsylvanaar: if it can't determine the name, it won't work
21:14.40ckknightin any event, it works now, but skips tables without a name
21:15.38Repo10libfail-1-0: 03sylvanaar * r28 LibFail-1.0.lua: Add @name for item with @class table
21:18.05AckisWorkonly libs need a .docmeta right?
21:18.56ckknightthey all do
21:18.58ckknightif you want docs
21:19.12ckknighthow would a project know to document without it, AckisWork?
21:19.53AckisWorkI'm not familiar with auto doc stuff, never used it so I'm not really seeing the use for non-libs
21:20.41ckknightit works there cause PitBull4 is a framework for its modules
21:20.58Repo10libfail-1-0: 03sylvanaar * r29 LibFail-1.0.lua: added @fields for the event table
21:21.57AckisWorkahh documenting the API for other mods to plug-in... I just used comments for that heh
21:22.09sylvanaarwell that created another error
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21:22.44pompellidtrh_: would EasyMenu work with ldb?
21:23.00Mikkit does
21:23.03Mikkwhy would it not
21:23.43pompellidhey, I'm still learning here :p
21:24.05pompelliddon't think I'm doing too badly for someone who's only started in lua a month ago
21:24.23Repo10better-outbox: 03Ammo * r3 BetterOutbox.lua: prevent a silly rare error
21:24.24sylvanaarckknight can you tell me what the error was
21:24.27Repo10tank-points: 03Whitetooth * r95 / (3 files in 1 directory):
21:24.31Repo- NEW: Avoidance diminishing returns calculations in Melee DR tooltip will show you how much avoidance you gain for +16 of each stat.
21:24.37Repo- Diminishing returns for chance to be missed now supported.
21:24.37AckisWorkpompellid: I was already breaking stuff by then :P sheesh
21:25.01TorhalAckisWork: Thought that was Day One.
21:25.14AckisWorkTorhal: nah I was polite then
21:25.21ckknightsylvanaar: nil error
21:25.28ckknightsylvanaar: wait, lemme check
21:25.59sylvanaari dont know the syntax for @field on non-associative tables
21:25.59ckknightsylvanaar: taglet/curseforge/tags.lua:54: field name not defined
21:26.10sylvanaar@field 1?
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21:26.29ckknight@field name description
21:26.59sylvanaarthe field has no name
21:27.06sylvanaarits index 1
21:28.12ckknightby fixed, I mean it no longer errors
21:28.15Repo10libfail-1-0: 03sylvanaar * r30 LibFail-1.0.lua: try 1-8 as the fieldnames in @field
21:28.32NeoTronWhitetooth: what's tank points? It's that like DrDamage for tanks?
21:28.35ckknight@project libfail-1-0
21:28.36Repockknight: LibFail-1.0. Game: WoW. sylvanaar (Manager/Author). Updated: 7 minutes ago
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21:29.09ckknightsylvanaar: you made a typo in your description for libfail-1-0
21:29.38gixnice how good something works if you do it right. from 130k to 1400k dmg on malygos with the pet
21:29.41WhitetoothNeoTron: Basicly does TTL calculations
21:29.57p4aved2and EH
21:30.25[dRaCo]gix: what did you change?
21:30.31NeoTronWhitetooth: does it support all classes?
21:30.40ckknightsylvanaar: Thaddus vs. Thaddius
21:30.41NeoTronmight have to check it out
21:31.23NeoTrongix: did you l2drake?
21:31.53Whitetoothit was my first addon, like almost 4 years old
21:31.55sylvanaaryou know whats funny is the spellcheker marks thaddius as misspelled and Thaddus as ok
21:32.06gix[dRaCo]: building up 2 combo points instead of 1 before using engulf. i remember with the daily the time of the stack keeps the time from the first dose. but that doesn't work on maly
21:32.15ckknightsylvanaar: *thumbs up*
21:32.27gixNeoTron: nah i just noticed the difference to those drakes for the daily
21:32.39thulhmm, level rogue, shaman or keep working on gearing up dk? :-P
21:32.53NeoTronthul: DK is win clearlt
21:33.17ckknightwhat about it?
21:34.00Fisker-it's so awesome
21:34.39ckknighthey, just like your mom was last night
21:35.00mykxHey guys does anybody recall the name of an addon that will let you disable/enable addons without restarting wow ?
21:36.23Fisker-nah she wasn't good last night ckknight
21:38.20NeoTronspeaking of the core i7, wonder how I can see if it does the turbo mode thingamabob when I run wow
21:38.52Fisker-But as far as i've seen it's constantly doing it
21:39.04Fisker-upping your multiplier by 0.5->2.0
21:39.16Fisker-Even does it when there's no reason to etc.
21:39.24Fisker-Though that may be because speedstep is disabled
21:41.34Fisker- <-lol
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21:49.04ckknightlol, Fisker-
21:49.14onaforeignshoremykx: ACP or Ampere
21:49.53onaforeignshoreACP goes on the Game menu, Ampere goes into the Blizzard Addons section
21:50.29Repo10libfail-1-0: 03sylvanaar * r31 LibFail-1.0.lua: try to get a description on my table
21:50.45onaforeignshoreanybody going to do an Ace3 version of Dewdrop?
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21:50.59thulHoL HC for like the 15th time without the 2h dropping
21:51.02steevwhat is dewdrop for
21:51.06thulthis is getting stupid :-P
21:51.15steevthul: just get the destroyer and get it over with
21:51.20onaforeignshoredewdrop is for the right click menu you get for addons
21:52.19thulsteev: noooo... the worst part is that I managed to roll : 7 : on armageddon last night..
21:52.27thulseriously.. 7! and only one other guy rolled :-P
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21:53.09thuli want some certain source of a 2h :-(
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21:54.25thulthe destroyer is just a bit expensive :-P
21:55.57steevdunno, all mats for mine were provided by guild
21:56.09steevsince i've been chucking frozen orbs in the gb since i hit 80 (i was the first one)
21:57.55Groktari'm getting so many angry tells about my stupid video
21:58.25mykxlol steev I sold a frozen orb for 800g at the start
21:58.28mykxnow they are like 30g :\
21:59.25steevmykx: i've chucked about 20 in there... i got no use for em
21:59.35steevspecially now that no destroyer or defender are coming
21:59.38mykxnext patch they will be decent for jcers
21:59.42EthanCentauraiOK... I can no longer push, pull or clone Git Repos... "the remote end hung up unexpectedly" is what I get now... halp? :)
21:59.56steevEthanCentaurai: server side issue
22:00.00ckknightEthanCentaurai: gnomes
22:00.04steevand/or you hve wrong url somehow
22:00.15ckknightyea, what url, and what's your username on wowace?
22:00.59EthanCentauraiI'm trying to push
22:01.04EthanCentauraiand trying to clone
22:01.24EthanCentauraiwowace username is ethancentaurai
22:02.18Arrowmasteri bet you dont have an ssh key setup
22:02.33EthanCentauraiI do
22:02.51EthanCentauraino wait
22:02.52EthanCentauraiI know
22:03.35thul <- can't help but like that picture (nsfw)
22:04.08steevtoo floppy
22:04.37steevthey should be perkier
22:04.57thulwell, I call them.. voloptous.
22:05.07thulor.. curvy :-P
22:05.17steevsaggy would be a better description
22:05.41ckknightthul: I typically say thick, but not as an insult or anything
22:05.52ckknightthough I wouldn't refer to the girl you posted as thick
22:06.07thulwell, I don't think they are very saggy. I actually think they are curvy and.. drop-like, but not overly so :-)
22:06.20thulif you are into flat-breated 14-year olds, I can see that it is not for you steev  :-P
22:06.28Kaeltensaggy or not they're nicer than fake ones
22:06.35steevKaelten: agreed
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22:06.43EthanCentauraiOK I don't know :|
22:06.45ckknightgotta point straight ahead
22:06.46ckknightlike nazis
22:06.47steevthul: nah, im just not into saggy
22:06.56thulhehe, indeed Kaelten
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22:08.52taledenis there a way to refresh a currently-open aceconfigdialog window?  aceconfigregistry:notifychange isn't doing it for me
22:11.38Repo10grid-status-res: 03Azethoth * r41 GridStatusRes.lua: -- The coming of the Guid
22:11.40Repo-- enable callbacks supported
22:11.43Repo-- Requires Guid version of Grid
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22:12.06EthanCentauraiaceconfigdialog:refresh? :update?
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22:12.31Repo10gridstatusmending: 03Azethoth * r6 GridStatusMending.lua: -- fix maxcount
22:13.13Repo10gridstatusgrace: 03Azethoth * r6 GridStatusGrace.lua: -- Frivolous style change
22:14.14Repo10gridstatusafk: 03Azethoth * r34 GridStatusAFK.lua: -- Remove unused parameters
22:14.28EthanCentauraiI've reset my SSH key on my machine and on the websites, but now it just hangs and does nothing :|
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22:14.49NivFreakso feral druid stamina (in bear form) is item stam * 1.59?
22:14.55Repo10gridstatuspvp: 03Azethoth * r34 GridStatusPvP.lua: -- name --> guid in function parameter
22:15.00ckknightEthanCentaurai: :-(
22:15.20EthanCentauraiI've noticed my known_hosts file has gone...
22:15.53EthanCentauraiI'm not being prompted to add WowAce or GitHub to a known_hosts registry
22:16.01NivFreakand what is a tauren feral druids base health at 80?
22:16.04NivFreakis there a table somewhere?
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22:17.51NeoTronspeaking of stamina I think I'll try an unholy/blood hybrid for Sarth+3
22:18.09NeoTronenough blood to pick up 6% extra stamina
22:18.28NeoTronand get in on the tapping action for emergency healing
22:18.37steevNeoTron: dps?
22:18.44NeoTrontanking sarthartion
22:19.00NeoTronacclimation might not be optimal since it seems like it might be hard to keep it up
22:19.00steevim currently in a blood tanking spec
22:19.06steevthough i haven't been able to try it out at all
22:19.24NeoTronthe breath is posssibly not frequent enough
22:19.32NeoTronor s/possibly/likely/
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22:19.59NeoTronright now blood tanking spec is clearly inferior to frost and unholy
22:20.03NivFreakuse wowhead
22:20.14thulI just tank with frost.
22:20.35thulbut I'm still at 510 defence :-P 18500/21000
22:20.43steevNivFreak: i would if wowarmory exported to it
22:21.10NivFreakso anyone? base health for a lvl 80 tauren druid?
22:21.58taledenyou could probably test it easily enough
22:22.04taledenget naked, subtract basestam*10
22:22.22taledenI forget how the tauren health racial works now, its not a stam % anymore I think
22:22.29NivFreaktaleden: if I had a lvl 80 druid :P
22:22.38NivFreakit's 5% more of base health now
22:22.58NivFreakbut iirc correctly, each class/race combo has different base health
22:23.36taledenI have one, I'll test it in a bit if you still need it
22:25.38NivFreakI'm going to see if I can prod one online
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22:29.38steevcan imagine how this goes
22:30.07steev*niv to random 80 tauren druid online* W from NivFreak: Hey, sorry to bother you, could you get naked for me and tell me how much health you have?
22:30.28steevW from RandomDruid: Huh?
22:30.28Xinhuanhe forgot the "untalented and unbuffed" part
22:30.35Xinhuansome talents add health
22:30.41steevgood point
22:30.58NivFreak151 stam, 9117 health
22:31.12NivFreaker, that's with motw
22:31.15NivFreaksilly druid
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22:32.25NivFreak100 stam, 8607 health
22:33.54taledenso, anyone know how to redraw a currently-open aceconfigdialog based on changes to the options table?
22:35.14Arrowmasteryes theres a refreshconfig function you should run
22:35.25taledenaceconfigregistry:notifychange didn't do it
22:35.31taledenis there another one?
22:35.36Arrowmasterit should
22:35.45Xinhuanyou're using notifychange incorrectly then
22:35.56Arrowmasteror your options table is wrong
22:36.08Arrowmasterlike maybe your get and set functions
22:36.09taledenwell it displays the dialog just fine to begin with
22:36.43Xinhuanyou might be calling them at the wrong place
22:36.49taledendoes ACR keep a reference to the table object that it's first registered with?  do I have to re-use that same object?
22:37.23NivFreakXinhuan: I had a boomkin do it, I assume he has no stamina talents
22:38.01Xinhuandont' assume, check
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22:38.11Xinhuanor ask 2 or 3 ppl
22:41.05NivFreakXinhuan: find me a balance talent that increases stam :)
22:43.16steevnot all boomkins spend all their points in balance
22:43.33NivFreakmy boomkins are not retarded :)
22:43.47taledenI assume they'd spend the rest in resto tho, which I don't think has any stam atlents either in the first 20 points
22:44.08steevi know nothing of druids
22:44.11NivFreakI can't think of a single stam talent in a sane raiding resto build ;)
22:44.22steevi have a level 12 who's been level 12 for about uh... 2 years now
22:44.54NivFreakI have a lvl 60 druid
22:44.57steevevery once in a while ill come across a druid and be like, zomg they are so op must go play mine
22:45.00NivFreakwho I am unmotivated to play
22:45.04steevand play for about 5 kills before saying fuck it
22:45.06NivFreakOP druids?
22:45.14steevNivFreak: pre wotlk
22:45.17thulah, I just love this one song, danse mi vise, gråte min sang.
22:45.28NivFreakthe only thing OP about druids atm is typhoon
22:45.40steevtyphoon doesn't phase me
22:45.45steevthen again, im a dk
22:46.36steevlast night when doing 3s, it was me and the hunter
22:46.47steevthe druid missed the queue cuz her husband distracted her
22:46.57steevwe went up against a priest shaman druid
22:47.05steevand won :-D
22:47.26steevof course, we were 1390s at the time, so its nothing massively amazing
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22:48.05steevbut we still got a smile and laugh out of it
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22:51.29thulsteev: DUEL ME NOW
22:52.59mykx1390? dear god steev :(
22:53.48thulthat.. was just sick ckknight  :-P
22:54.01ckknightI didn't link it to you, thul
22:54.06thuli knoooow
22:54.11thulbut I have to check it out.
22:54.22Brunersorc > draeni
22:54.25ckknightyea, it's pretty hilarious
22:55.04Brunersi have always wondered how they draw those
22:55.10ckknightwith a hardon
22:55.12Brunersis it freehand ?
22:55.23ckknightit kinda looks like it
22:55.28ckknightpenciled in
22:55.29ckknightthen colored
22:56.24Brunersif i was that skillful i doubt i would draw bdsm cartoons
22:56.47ckknightwell, that's your choice, I suppose
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23:00.40thulseriously, who does things like this:
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23:01.22ShefkiThose people.
23:02.06Brunersthul: hot chicks with boobs does
23:02.21Brunersif i was a hot chick with boobs i would also do that
23:02.25ShefkiBruners: Don't forget ugly ones do it too, don't make me find the pics.
23:02.55Brunersgood point
23:03.26Brunersbet ckknight does that aswell
23:03.46gixtoo much cloth
23:03.56steevsup with the one on the left not matching
23:04.15Brunersnot matching ?
23:04.27steevyellow bra, red panties
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23:05.00Brunerssteev: does it really matter?
23:05.20TorhalThe chick in the back has a "Lemme see!" look on her face.
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23:07.12Repo10sick-of-clicking-dailies: 03OrionShock * r146 core.lua: comment out some debug stuff
23:10.08NivFreaksteev: last I checked a fall to your death is not really prevented by being a DK
23:12.32steevNivFreak: huh?
23:13.01steevoh - typhoon off the edge of ab or eos?
23:13.07steevthunderstorm is the same way
23:13.24Kaeltenside note:
23:14.28Kaeltensfw even
23:14.36NivFreaksteev: off your mount
23:18.54*** join/#wowace Inc` (
23:21.12orionshockQ:  for non-enUS locales, do the same tradeskills have different names at different ranks?
23:22.48*** join/#wowace WobWork (
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23:23.00ckknightdoes seem fine to everyone?
23:23.20Pneumatusdunno if 'fine' is the word id use to describe curse ever
23:24.15ckknightseriously, though
23:24.48NechcknSeems about normal, ckknight
23:24.50Pneumatusdoesnt seem slow or anything
23:39.22*** join/#wowace EvilJohn- (
23:39.53*** join/#wowace LANFiRE` (
23:42.38*** join/#wowace Dashkal (n=dashkal@WoWUIDev/Nexus/dashkal)
23:44.25Repo10prat-3-0: 03sylvanaar * r193 / (3 files in 2 directories):
23:44.27RepoCentralize the player name pattern generation code. When doing a scan for popupmessage use the ORG.MESSAGE field instead of the MESSAGE field.
23:48.25*** join/#wowace AKX (
23:49.15*** join/#wowace MentalPower (n=MPower@WoWUIDev/Norganna/Administrator/MentalPower)
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23:54.45Repo10prat-3-0: 03sylvanaar * r194 modules/PopupMessage.lua: left in debug code
23:55.44*** join/#wowace Cavisty^gerber (

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