IRC log for #wowace on 20081014

00:00.17KriLL3I wounder if OoC will proc on buffs in LK...
00:00.22ShefkiI messed around trying to make it work for a while until I finally realized that UnitPower("player",0) didn't change except with ticks.
00:00.32KriLL3kk :)
00:00.41Repo10buttonfacade_layertest: 03StormFX * r31 ButtonFacade_LayerTest.toc: ButtonFacade_LayerTest:
00:00.42Repo- ToC update.
00:02.00*** join/#wowace digmouse (n=chatzill@
00:03.49Repo10buttonfacade_layertest: 03StormFX 043.0.2 * r32 : Tagging as 3.0.2.
00:04.21KriLL3latest fubar release on wowace is  07/21/2008 (aka 2008-07-21 for non-insane people...) are you sure it works in LK?
00:04.38ShefkiI've been using it on beta for months.
00:04.39ShefkiSo yes.
00:04.43Arrowmasterexcept for the LoD problem
00:04.51ShefkiOnly problem I have is tablets show the wrong names which is the LoD issue.
00:05.01KriLL3kk, tied a couple of weeks ago and tooltips were switched around
00:05.02ShefkiWhich doesn't impact usability.
00:05.10ShefkiKriLL3: That's the LoD issue.
00:05.25ShefkiAnd only the titles are messed up.
00:05.27KriLL3some plugins don't work though right? like the speed one?
00:05.44Arrowmasterill need to update the speed one with correct data
00:05.57Repo10buttonfacade_gears: 03StormFX * r30 ButtonFacade_Gears.toc: ButtonFacade_Gears:
00:05.58Repo- ToC update.
00:06.06KriLL3kk, does it show ??? in new zones or does it just plain yell at you?
00:06.07digmouseso 3.0 will not make it live today?
00:06.18Arrowmasterdigmouse: it will
00:06.39KriLL3why ":(" ?
00:06.40ShefkiThey all but told us it would at the Q&A on Saturday.
00:07.09KriLL3I just installed fubar on my beta client and... nothing...
00:07.14*** join/#wowace grennon (
00:07.42grennonalright, so i am pretty agnostic of mod related website/updater drama
00:07.49grennondon't read many forums
00:08.02KriLL3but drama is what makes the web go around!
00:08.11grennonis there any reason why i shouldnt point my guildies towards wowmatrix to use at least once to get their shizz updated after patch?
00:08.19Arrowmasterits evil
00:08.31Arrowmastereverytime somebody uses wowmatrix a kitten dies
00:08.33grennonwell yeah, i saw the pentagrams
00:08.37Repo10buttonfacade_gears: 03StormFX 043.0.2 * r31 : Tagging as 3.0.2.
00:08.45KriLL3grennon: they deep link files, thus not hosting it themselves, and they gain money from ads
00:08.51kd3hokay. getting the "it's patch day!" sticky for 3.0 off the ground. comments re the "where the hell is files?" section? other suggestions?
00:08.55Arrowmasterand its one step closer to curse/wowi shutting down to costs exceding profits
00:08.56Repo10morg-dkp: 03Morgalm * r173 .pkgmeta: MorgDKP:
00:08.57Repo- fix libraries in pkgmeta
00:08.58KriLL3if they had hosted the files themselves it wouldn't be as much of an issue
00:09.08grennonbut it doesn't violate the principle of least astonishment, when you start it up, you see your installed mods
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00:09.24KriLL3they cost people money by deep linking and get money for it
00:09.24grennonmy guildies dont care about deep linking and such, they care about playing the game
00:09.27Arrowmastergrennon: it violates curse/wowi's terms of use
00:10.06grennonmind you, im a big fan of altruism and ethics, but at the end of the day ive got a guild full of people to support
00:10.11KriLL3grennon: if I made some awesome graphics for my site you'd be fine with making your own site use the same graphics from my server?
00:10.21grennonyeah, sure
00:10.37Arrowmasternever a good thing to do
00:10.45grennonim bad with rhetorical questions
00:10.48kd3even if it's wasting your bandwidth and you don't get to display the ads for it?
00:10.53KriLL3you'd be using my damn bandwidth, and intellectual property
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00:11.10KriLL3Arrowmaster: indeed
00:11.11Facktotumkd3: typo :)
00:11.12FacktotumBongos (see Dominoes)
00:11.19Arrowmasteryou never know when the server admin is going to mess with apache mod_rewrite and when the referer is a certain site serv up goatse instead of the intended image
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00:11.35grennoni answer rhetoricals with "yeah sure", my wife hates it too
00:11.58KriLL3Arrowmaster: I've done stuff like that though a bit less advanced, added a prefix to all images and replaced the originals with... well...
00:11.59Arrowmasteri know a guy that did that when some asshat used a 2000x1500+ res image from his site as a forum avatar
00:12.14Arrowmasterdirect linked
00:12.22grennoni know curse updater is getting lots of work, and i like the design, but i cant see pushing my guild onto it  tomorrow
00:12.44sadis there another downloader other than the new curse one?
00:12.46KriLL3grennon: how did they end up with the cesspool that is wowmatrix anyway?
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00:13.08grennonthey didnt, i downloaded it out of curiosity and tried it to see what the fuss was about
00:13.08KriLL3with their shady business model it wouldn't surprise me if it had a keylogger, for added value, in there.
00:13.29grennoni dont know that their business model is, like i said, i dont read forums/etc
00:13.34ArrowmasterKriLL3: a lot of people agree, but so far its been safe
00:13.59Repo10buttonfacade_serenity: 03StormFX * r30 ButtonFacade_Serenity.toc: ButtonFacade_Serenity:
00:14.00Repo- ToC update.
00:14.04KriLL3grennon: as said, they don't host the files themselves, they use the content of other sites, and show their own ads thus gain revenue from no work of their own
00:14.12ShefkiI tore it apart on the Mac it didn't seem to be doing anything malicious.  If it was it's doing a very good job of hiding it.
00:14.14sadis there a replacement for nothing's being updated there anymore
00:14.34KriLL3and the only way they can do that is by spoofing user agents etc, they're actively evading attempts to shut em out
00:14.51Repo10buttonfacade_litestep: 03StormFX * r29 ButtonFacade_LiteStep.toc: ButtonFacade_LiteStep:
00:14.52Repo- ToC update.
00:14.52sadArrowmaster, i looked there, but everything is really old
00:14.53KriLL3Arrowmaster: bettar imo
00:14.58sadArrowmaster, or missing
00:14.58ArrowmasterKriLL3: no
00:15.03Arrowmastersad: look closer
00:15.04KriLL3why not?
00:15.16ArrowmasterKriLL3: because wowace is not a release site
00:15.16ShefkiKriLL3: Please don't kill the development site with users trying to download addons.
00:15.34Arrowmasterwhy do you think downloads were removed from wowace for non logged in users
00:15.43KriLL3though it's handy now during the transition, curse isn't brilliant with branches
00:15.49KriLL3Arrowmaster: I see your point
00:15.56sadArrowmaster, where's bags_and_merchants, for example?
00:16.10Repo10buttonfacade_caith: 03StormFX * r35 ButtonFacade_Caith.toc: ButtonFacade_Caith:
00:16.11Repo- ToC update.
00:16.12Arrowmasterand if it still happens, logins to wowace will be restricted to authors only
00:16.18grennonis there a reason the curse client makes you reinstall all your addos to begin using it?
00:16.22Arrowmastersad: not sure, i dont really recognize that name
00:16.32grennonthat seems to be the biggest complaint from the guildies ive tried to get to use it
00:16.43Arrowmastergrennon: yes
00:16.50Arrowmastergrennon: so it knows what it has
00:17.04Arrowmasterthats something any updater should do the first time you use it
00:17.29grennonyeah, the wowau did it by listing the addons folder
00:17.35Repo10buttonfacade_serenity: 03StormFX 043.0.2 * r31 : Tagging as 3.0.2.
00:17.36Arrowmastersad: i dont see that addon on the old wowace
00:17.53KriLL3Arrowmaster: I'll not need to download files from there once the post patch addon troubles, but atm I kinda have to, curse doesn't do a good job of branches
00:17.55bien|Arrowmaster: the first time i used the curse updater it does the same, and killed a bunch of my addons...
00:17.59Arrowmastergrennon: and so it can know what version you have installed
00:17.59grennonso does wowmatrix for that matter, people kind of expect scan and list now
00:18.01Repo10buttonfacade_litestep: 03StormFX 043.0.2 * r30 : Tagging as 3.0.2.
00:18.09grennonArrowmaster: ohhhhhhhh
00:18.14grennonArrowmaster: now i get it
00:18.40Arrowmastersad: notice the version on that file, its so old it was deleted from the repo long ago and thats why it wasnt moved to curse
00:19.04Repo10buttonfacade_caith: 03StormFX 043.0.2 * r36 : Tagging as 3.0.2.
00:19.10grennonwith the change in repos especially, i guess you need a pristine install to track version accurately
00:19.12Arrowmasterthats if its not listed there, it wasnt moved
00:19.50KilrooYou know, I'm noticing that everything I wish the Curse website did differently seems to be the way WoWI does it, and everything I wish WoWI did differently seems to be the way Curse does it.
00:20.08KilrooGranted, the ratio between those two categories is about 6:1.
00:20.34ElgrenHere I got an issue with pitbull. I got exactly the same bar size and frame size on both these frames
00:20.35Arrowmasterif zam didnt hate curse, maybe the two could work together to make even better sites!
00:20.41sadArrowmaster, elkbuffbars?
00:20.49Repo10buttonfacade_onyx: 03StormFX * r32 ButtonFacade_Onyx.toc: ButtonFacade_Onyx:
00:20.49Repo- ToC update.
00:20.54Arrowmastersad: its probably listed as elk-buff-bars
00:21.02KriLL3I really don't like the curse site, it's nice and flashy but it's search isn't sortable, making it worthless, and I can't figure out how to see branches of addons
00:21.17Elgrenlook at this please > <- Why does one frame have a gap between bars and one not?
00:21.23Arrowmastersad: if you cant find something that has a name with multiple words try splitting the words up
00:21.31Repo10buttonfacade_entropy: 03StormFX * r36 ButtonFacade_Entropy.toc: ButtonFacade_Entropy:
00:21.32Repo- ToC update.
00:21.40sadArrowmaster, i searched for "elk" at curse, and that's the closest match
00:22.16Repo10buttonfacade_apathy: 03StormFX * r47 ButtonFacade_Apathy.toc: ButtonFacade_Apathy:
00:22.17Repo- ToC update.
00:22.25Elgrenyou are a master with pitbull
00:22.35Repo10buttonfacade_onyx: 03StormFX 043.0.2 * r33 : Tagging as 3.0.2.
00:22.37Elgrenlook at this screenshot
00:22.39Arrowmasteri dont touch pitbull
00:22.41Elgrencan you see my problem
00:22.42Arrowmasteror use it
00:23.01Elgrenalright but you helped me alot be4. And most of my problems are with pitbull
00:23.07Elgrenmaybe I should just give up on it
00:23.09Repo10buttonfacade_entropy: 03StormFX 043.0.2 * r37 : Tagging as 3.0.2.
00:23.22sadArrowmaster, how about itemsync? the one on curse hasn't been updated since 2005
00:23.32KriLL3Elgren: looks fine to me, why's your problem?
00:23.34Elgrenso far almost every problem has been solvable tho :D thats a good thing with pitbull
00:23.35Repo10buttonfacade_apathy: 03StormFX 043.0.2 * r48 : Tagging as 3.0.2.
00:23.35Arrowmasterno clue
00:23.38Elgrenhey KriLL3
00:23.43Arrowmastertrying to debug my own interface right now
00:23.44KriLL3hi thar
00:23.50Elgrenwhy does one frame have gap between the two bars, and one not?
00:23.52KilrooI used to hate Curse. I don't really hate it anymore, I just find it irritating that most of the addons I want to look up there have almost no information, I have to scroll farther down the page and read smaller type in a more blinding color scheme (granted those are things I can fix for myself if I want to), download size isn't easy to compare between addon choices...
00:24.03KriLL3Arrowmaster: I got live and beta next to each other, trying to replicate my live UI in the beta =P
00:24.17KriLL3Elgren: it's like 1px, and I don't know
00:24.28sadKilroo, i also hate that i have to click, click, click just to get a stupid download
00:24.30Elgren1 pix :(
00:24.32bien|Elgren: i dont see any gap
00:24.39Elgrenon the left one
00:24.42KriLL3might be a bar that's not in use, or some difference in position options etc
00:24.44Elgrenbetween health and rage
00:24.48Elgrenand then check the right one
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00:25.41Kilroosad: That doesn't really bother me as much. It's while I'm trying to pick addons that I notice the site. Once I've decided to get it, the process is purely mechanical and its complexity doesn't make as much difference to me.
00:25.51Facktotumyou can copy the layout from the player on the target
00:25.52bien|Elgren: if you don't need the class colour in the right one, try to disable it and look maybe this would make the difference
00:26.09sadKilroo, have you tried the downloader?
00:26.26[SW]DodgeElgren: it could be a basic positioning problem from wow. i expiried that in other cases/addons too
00:27.09Kilroosad: Yes, somewhat. I quit trying to mess with it eventually.
00:27.14sadFacktotum, those links now point to, which contains ancient versions
00:27.24[SW]Dodgeif you set a frame to 200/200 it could happten that you will get for example 199.893935..../200.648432...
00:27.44sadFacktotum, it seems all those newer versions are gone
00:27.57ElgrenFacktotum thats what ive done
00:28.10sadKilroo, is there a button i can click to get it to update? i couldn't figure out how to get it working
00:28.14KriLL3hmm, CDT2 makes Fubar break, CDT2 gives an error refering to fubar2.0 :\
00:28.32KriLL3fun times had by all
00:28.35Elgrenanyway I could fix it?
00:28.53[SW]DodgeElgren: if it is caused by that problem... no
00:29.32ckknightwaves at everyone
00:29.33ckknighthey all
00:29.44KriLL3...downTimers2\Libs\FubarPlugin-2.0.lua:398: attempted to index field 'db' (a nil value) any ideas ppl? :\
00:29.46Arrowmastersad: try looking at the beta versions, they might be newer
00:29.48KriLL3hi thar
00:30.01KriLL3I can run fubar, or cdt2, not both :|
00:30.02ckknightonce the patch hits, if your project hasn't been updated to 3.0, then you're going to get a notice on your project saying that it's out of date
00:30.09Kilroosad: hang on, let me look at it again.
00:30.12KriLL3ckknight: good
00:30.18ckknightas soon as a file is uploaded that is appropriately WoW 3.0, it'll go back to normal
00:30.20Arrowmasterckknight: you broke my UI! bastard not adding LibTourist-3.0 to Cartographer.toc
00:30.21Elgrenah [SW]Dodge I solved it :D
00:30.25Elgrenyou helped me again man
00:30.26ckknightArrowmaster: soz
00:30.38ckknightafter 2 months, if the project is still stale, it will be marked as abandoned
00:30.46ElgrenI did this, I typen in possition numbers agan and pressed enter
00:30.54Elgrenthey were both vertical 345
00:31.01Facktotumsad: i dont use ebb
00:31.05Kilroosad: it doesn't feel like working under Wine today and I'm not interested in wrestling with it. Sorry.
00:31.05grennonafter 3 months, it will go from stale to moldy
00:31.06ElgrenI just typed in 345 again on both and pushed enter
00:31.08Elgrenand its solved
00:31.11[SW]DodgeElgren: :D
00:31.20sadKilroo, it doesn't work under windows either :(
00:31.43KriLL3Anyone knows how to fix fubar and cdt2 fighting: "...downTimers2\Libs\FubarPlugin-2.0.lua:398: attempted to index field 'db' (a nil value)" ?
00:31.54Repo10mounted: 03yssaril 07master * 0.0.17b-1-g41eac64 / (4 files in 2 directories): [+1 commit] added Shaman Ghost Wolf form support
00:31.55Arrowmasteris that the only error?
00:32.06KriLL3Arrowmaster: talking with me?
00:32.14Kilroosad: I mean it won't load at all. When I tried it before it seemed to work fine for updating from Curse, I just got sick of trying to find the addons I wanted on Curse.
00:32.16[SW]Dodgeckknight: forum is fail! i have 3 :) 1 ;) and 1 :( in a post and it does not allow me to post that.
00:32.26Arrowmasterno clue then, CDT2 is probably broken
00:32.32ckknight[SW]Dodge: blame vBulletin
00:32.42KriLL3Arrowmaster: the wiki page with LK compad says ":)"
00:32.56Arrowmasternever trust wiki's
00:33.03Arrowmasterany idiot can edit them
00:33.07KriLL3anyone knows of another addon that tracks spell/item cooldowns with a bar?
00:33.18[SW]Dodgeckknight: are there no settings to allow unlimited smilies? ;/
00:33.24ckknightI have no idea.
00:33.29Arrowmasteri use hourglass but theres an ace3 version of it i think
00:33.32Repo10mounted: 03yssaril 040.0.18b * a517c52 /: [new tag] added Shaman Ghost Wolf form support
00:33.33Arrowmasteri forget the name
00:33.46ckknightI stopped using forums after I had too much drama & stress issues
00:33.59Arrowmasterive never liked forums
00:34.28sadare there any viable alternatives to curse?
00:34.42KriLL3ckknight: does "FuBar_MicroMenuFu-r80774.2" have the achievements button?
00:34.49ckknightprolly not
00:34.49ArrowmasterKriLL3: no
00:35.00Arrowmastermicromenufu is abandoned afaik
00:35.08KriLL3is there something similar?
00:35.16Yssarilckknight: any idea if i can push commits and tags at the same time with git?
00:35.20Arrowmasteri might look at it later and try and fix it
00:35.21KilrooDepends on what you mean by viable.
00:35.25ckknightYssaril: git push --all?
00:35.30Wobindamnit, I liked being able to press "Quck Cook" and have MicroMenuFu cook my meal automatically =(
00:35.39Yssarilckknight: k will try that next time
00:35.44ckknightmight not work
00:35.54ArrowmasterWobin: huh?
00:36.01Facktotumcook your meal automatically?
00:36.04WobinArrowmaster: I'm being random =P
00:36.09sad[SW]Dodge, and are hopelessly outdated
00:36.23Facktotumsad: depends what you are looking for
00:36.23KriLL3can I change the z-index of the micro menu in bt4? it's bellow my fubar atm... if I could put it above it could be temporary fix =P
00:36.27Facktotumthey are not outdated
00:36.31[SW]Dodgesad: then i know no alternative
00:36.36sad[SW]Dodge, ace2 on hasn't been updated in over 2 years
00:36.47Facktotumbecause there is ace3 now?
00:37.16KriLL3sad: old version is old
00:37.39KriLL3nevcairiel: how do I change the z-index of the micro menu in bt4? :3
00:37.51Facktotumsad: if you cannot find an addon that has been updated find an alternative
00:38.01Facktotumthere are many addons out there that do the same thing
00:38.36ElgrenANyone familar with how I give the original damage combat text that come up when I do damage to a mob a thin outline to the font?
00:38.46sadFacktotum, the ARE updated, or used to be, on
00:39.10Facktotumas i said find alternatives
00:39.20sadFacktotum, the problem isn't that no new versions are available, it's that no site has them
00:39.27FacktotumElgren: get gdfont
00:39.46Arrowmastersad: most addons on wowace were not updated
00:39.58Arrowmasterpeople just thought they were becaue the page was broken
00:40.20grennonacp isnt on svn anymore?
00:41.08grennonand what happened to chronometer
00:41.42KriLL3I'm a genius, copied .lua files from my WTF folder and nothing changed, took me 3min~ to notice the 2 explorer windows open were pointed at the exact same folder...
00:42.03Facktotumgrennon: it fell of the tree
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00:42.25KriLL3(I was trying to copy from live to beta...)
00:42.39KriLL3I was actually copying from beta to beta
00:43.03Kilroo... /applaud
00:43.08KilrooI've done that.
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00:43.26grennonsqueenix fell off too?
00:43.40KilrooActually my favorite was when I tried five or six times to update a website and couldn't figure out why it wasn't working
00:43.57Kilroountil I noticed I had Dreamweaver updating the local files instead of remote.
00:44.10grennonthis is getting messy
00:44.13ckknightChinchilla ftw?
00:44.25ckknightgrennon: try Chinchilla, it's furry.
00:44.34KilrooFortunately I subsequently found out that they didn't -require- us to use Dreamweaver, so I switched to Eclipse.
00:44.42KriLL3Chinchilla ftw indeed, though it needs some LK polish :>
00:44.44Aens|SuperiorityI keep getting errors from libmobhealth-4.0.  UGH. I really really regret using the curse client.
00:44.51ckknightKriLL3: you do it
00:44.54KilrooAmen, Chinchilla is awesome.
00:45.00ckknightAens|Superiority: that's more my fault
00:45.01grennonthe hell does chinchilla replace, acp, chrono, or squeenix?
00:45.06KriLL3ckknight: sure, I know assembly, gimme a sec.
00:45.06ckknightgrennon: squeenix
00:45.09KilrooAlthough the Chinchilla skin for it confused the heck out of me for a while.
00:45.10Facktotumgrennon: i am pretty sure you are one of those that clicked update in WAU and god forbid you notice addons changed
00:45.43Aens|Superiorityckknight: oh, well, I still had to kill a dozen other addons since going from no-ext to curse client is bad
00:45.48grennonFacktotum: what you know about me could fill a thimble there Freud
00:45.56ckknightyea, sad
00:46.03ckknightcurse client will have nolib support eventually
00:46.24Aens|Superiorityyay, only mobhealth 4 is throwing an error
00:46.27grennonmeh, nolib isnt too important to most end users
00:46.29KriLL3how do you use nolib addons? run the libs seperatly?
00:46.41Aens|Superioritygrennon: its not, but when you have external libs not being updated...
00:47.02FacktotumKriLL3: yes
00:47.10Aens|SuperiorityKriLL3: yes. There are no lib folders inside the addons, just the one central one.
00:47.22Aens|SuperiorityIts how some people have like 300 files in their addon folder
00:49.02grennoni like tekkubs mods, and yours too ckknight, there a killer feature of chinchilla over squeenix?
00:49.03NeoTrononly has 313.
00:49.12ckknightgrennon: probably
00:49.20Parnicckknight: how is dogtag handling the new UnitPower thing for druids? [FractionalDruidMP] going to be the tag?
00:49.31ckknightParnic: the DogTag syntax isn't changing
00:49.32KriLL3anyone knows something similar to CDT2 that works in LK?
00:49.39KriLL3CDT2 kills fubar :<
00:49.41Parnicbut [FractionalMP] will return energy if in cat form
00:49.44ckknightgrennon: it has a few things, I forget what they are
00:49.47Parnicwhat if we want mana while in cat form?
00:49.57grennonmore than just a square map
00:49.58ckknightParnic: I already have druid mana support, guy
00:50.02ckknightgrennon: yes.
00:50.02grennoncorner maps, nifty
00:50.08ckknightgrennon: and some other stuff
00:50.08KriLL3Parnic: errm, it has supported that since.. forever
00:50.29Parnici have been using LibDruidMana with the [FractionalDruidMP] tags. since LibDruidMana is going away, I'm just asking what the new tags are for the same effect :)
00:50.59Parnicsorry, perhaps i didn't explain myself clearly
00:50.59PrimerThis is strange, seems someone updated my addon before it was migrated, and I don't think I merged that change before I cut my last "release"
00:51.05PrimernUS was not registered as default localization, as a result any non enUS or non Chinese client would spit an hideous error and do nothing...
00:51.09PrimerenUS, that is
00:51.29PrimerWhere's the old SVN again?
00:51.53FacktotumKriLL3: can you test an addon for me?
00:52.18KriLL3Facktotum: is it an executable?
00:52.42ckknightParnic: why would I change the tag names?
00:52.50StanzillaParnic: the old tags should continue to work just without the lib
00:53.05Parnici was not trying to suggest that you would
00:53.13Parnici'm sorry for the confusion. i will simply stop using the old lib. thanks! :)
00:53.15Aens|Superiorityis there a version of mobhealth4 that wont throw an error?
00:53.21ckknight*thumbs up*
00:53.26ckknightAens|Superiority: just remove it
00:53.38KriLL3isn't it redundant now?
00:53.54bien|HARRR HARRR! jwu 2 is nice^^
00:54.30PrimerAnyone? Old svn url?
00:54.49ParnicIs there a function for retrieving max mana while shifted in 3.0? UnitPowerMax?
00:54.58Parnicprimer: it's either or
00:55.49Parnicunitpowermax seems to be what i am looking for :)
00:56.05Aens|Superiorityok, one last thing.  In pitbull, health text in player is gone.
00:57.10Aens|SuperiorityI had toggled it when mobheath4 was throwing errors.  Now the option is missing from the tree.
01:02.10bien|where is my fubar icon for bigwigs... :/
01:02.19bien|its gone... :/
01:02.32bien|since i updatet bigwigs
01:02.50KriLL3does /bigwigs or /bw work?
01:03.01KriLL3might be an option to enable it that got bitswapped
01:03.20Arrowmasternobody uses fubar anymore, it got turned into a libdatabroker icon
01:04.35KriLL3what was the name of that replacement for the bar component of fubar?
01:04.39bien|Arrowmaster: is that the solution? only use statblock_core etc?
01:04.58bien|KriLL3: the icon was there by default
01:05.06Arrowmasteractually im not even sure if it was completely removed or not
01:05.12Arrowmasterit might be there still somewhere
01:05.27bien|theres nothing to find Arrowmaster
01:06.05Arrowmasterrofl, somebody needed ankh's so somebody droped a repair bot
01:06.56Arrowmasterand then a few people autorepaired and it didnt use guild bank so bunch of cursing over vent
01:09.14Facktotumpeople in your guild complain because they use their own gold for repairs?
01:09.33ckknightyou will get emailed if your project goes stale
01:09.37ckknight(out of date)
01:10.28KriLL3just hope not too many will just reheat their old addons claiming they're fresh and 3.0.2 ready
01:10.39KriLL3without actually fixing em beyond changing the toc
01:10.47Arrowmasterthey complain when they use their own gold to repair when we are doing muru and guild repair of upto 200g a day is enabled
01:11.08ckknightKriLL3: well, I tell them to upload an updated version
01:11.12ckknightstill, *shrug*
01:11.33Aens|SuperiorityArrowmaster: We introduced free repairs, consumables and respecs cause of muru
01:11.43ckknightin any event, if they're stale for 60 days with no activity, they become abandoned
01:11.55ckknight4 weeks after that with no activity, they get deleted
01:12.00KriLL3Aens|Superiority: who pays for that?
01:12.05Aens|Superiorityguild does
01:12.11KriLL3as in?
01:12.19Wobinckknight: deleted? =(
01:12.20KriLL3I mean the gold has to come from somewhere
01:12.23Aens|Superioritywe sell sunwell loot.
01:12.25Wobindoes the repo remain?
01:12.26ckknightwell, nothing gets deleted
01:12.28ckknightbut it gets status = 'd'
01:12.31Arrowmasterthe guild banks of most raiding guilds are very rich
01:12.32ckknightWobin: yea
01:12.44Arrowmastermy old guild had like 80k or something
01:12.47ckknightWobin: it'll end up being wow/project-12345/mainline, though
01:13.22KriLL3Arrowmaster: but that comes from people, so why can't they pay for their own repairs?...
01:13.26Aens|SuperiorityArrowmaster: every tab in gbank is filled with consumables.  elixir tab is all solid 20's.  Pot tab is all injectors or haste/destro pots
01:13.36KriLL3LibRockTimer is throwing errors :(
01:13.38ArrowmasterKriLL3: that comes from stuff like selling drops from raid instances
01:13.41Wobinckknight: to allow for later addons to have the same name?
01:13.47Arrowmasterused to sell lots of shitty epic gems and such
01:13.56ckknightWobin: yea, if something's deleted for >1 week, their short name is freed up
01:14.41KriLL3why does some addons kill fubar for me? both CDT2 and closetgnome now, got either active and I got lib errors and fubar doesn't even show
01:14.51ckknightWobin: since nothing is deleted, a project can be resurrected from the dead pretty easily by a moderator
01:15.04ckknightjust undelete, change the short name to something sane, possibly reassign the author
01:15.16*** join/#wowace cubicool (
01:15.27ckknightnormal users can't access deleted addons
01:15.33ckknightbut they can access abandoned addons
01:16.25Yssarildoes the latest CC ignore the no-lib versions ?
01:16.32ckknightit should, Yssaril
01:16.37ckknightwell, the addon service shouldn't send them
01:16.40ckknightokay, turns out abandoned projects are never actually deleted
01:16.47ckknightafter 4 weeks their short name changes, though
01:18.13ckknightquestion: is the release 3.0.2 or 3.0.3?
01:18.25grennonanyone use "ratings"? looks like a smaller less featured ratingsbuster
01:19.09KriLL3ckknight: the patch you can pre-download atm is named 3.0.3
01:19.16KriLL3*3.0.2 sorry
01:19.20ckknightoh, okay
01:19.34ckknightcan you all see
01:20.22*** join/#wowace |Yssaril| (
01:21.34ajmitchckknight: yes, and not logged in either
01:21.40*** join/#wowace Next96 (i=Next96@
01:21.46ckknightI got so that once I set 3.0.2 to not be a development version, all the previous ones will then show as "Broken"
01:22.09ckknightat which point, when a script runs, all projects which have their default file as having a game version that is "Broken", it will be marked as stale
01:22.23*** join/#wowace kd3 (n=kd3@wikia/kaydeethree)
01:22.55|Yssaril|bah how do i force dc my ghost again? (in irc)
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01:23.31Yssarilckknight:  thanks
01:23.45*** join/#wowace nocts1 (
01:23.52digmouseand password
01:23.58digmouseif you are registered
01:24.31Facktotumwe should all go back to
01:24.31Yssarildigmouse: not needed if you have your secondary username attached to the primary :)
01:24.31ckknightno, Facktotum
01:24.31ckknightnone for you
01:24.43digmouse~slap purl
01:24.44purlACTION slaps purl, keep your grubby fingers to yourself!
01:24.47*** join/#wowace kd3 (n=kd3@wikia/kaydeethree)
01:28.00grennonwhen i installed cartog, curse installed it in one dir, however, it split pitbull up into seperate top level folders
01:28.17ckknightgrennon: yea, cause PitBull is multiple folders
01:28.27ckknightif you get the zip manually
01:31.23*** join/#wowace nocts1 (
01:34.06KriLL3why does some addons kill fubar for me? both CDT2 and closetgnome now, got either active and I got lib errors and fubar doesn't even show
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01:34.35Stanzillathe latest closetgnome doesnt have a fubar plugin anymore afaik
01:35.00KriLL3why not? and even if I only enable the core part of closetgnome fubar doesn't load
01:35.17KriLL3I get a series of lib errors
01:36.07Stanzillait has a broker plugin now and post the lib errors :P
01:37.08KriLL3"Error calling method "LoadLoadOnDemandPlugins" on object "table: 24236A78". Method does not exist."
01:37.23KriLL3"  ...s\PitBull\libs\LibRockTimer-1.0\LibRockTimer-1.0.lua:286: ...s\PitBull\libs\LibRockTimer-1.0\LibRockTimer-1.0.lua:227"
01:37.42*** join/#wowace RLD_osx (
01:38.07KriLL3...Bar_ArenaFu\Libs\FuBarPlugin-2.0\FuBarPlugin-2.0.lua line 398:  attempt to index field 'db' (a nil value)
01:38.13KriLL3like 10 errros
01:38.21*** join/#wowace Civrock (
01:40.16Repo10enchanting-sell: 03Shamino * r83 EnchantingSell-enUS.lua: EnchantingSell:
01:40.17Repo- added some wrath enchants and materials
01:40.18Repo- added new wrath rods
01:40.19Repo- updated steelweave
01:40.23KriLL3 <-- pasted them all
01:41.41KriLL3both closetgnome and cooldowntimers2 generate the same error if combined with fubar
01:41.55Facktotumwhat happens if you disable fubar?
01:42.12Repo10enchanting-sell: 03Shamino 04r83 * r84 : EnchantingSell:
01:42.13Repo- tagging beta release r83
01:42.23KriLL3works fine
01:42.28KriLL3fubar got old libs?
01:42.47KriLL3closetgnome and cdt2 both work just fine
01:43.05Facktotumit is in fact a lib problem
01:43.06ArrowmasterKriLL3: try installing LibFuBarPlugin-3.0
01:43.22*** join/#wowace Civrock_ (
01:44.58Arrowmasteri dont know about the FuBarPlugin-2.0 issue
01:46.00KriLL3does it go into addons or fubar/libs?
01:46.36Repo10ice-hud: 03Parnic * r238 modules/MirrorBar.lua:
01:46.37Repo- fixed a bug causing the mirror bar to not obey "offset" setting
01:46.37Repo- made the mirror bar's text stop bouncing up and down based on its offset setting. now will always remain in the same place (since there are vertical/horizontal adjustment sliders for this text already)
01:48.52KriLL3I still get a slew of errors and fubar doesn't show :<
01:50.34KriLL3Arrowmaster: new pasty
01:50.45KriLL3seems to be less errors, but it's still not working
01:50.45Repo10materials-tracker: 03Shamino * r30 / (2 files in 1 directory): MaterialsTracker:
01:50.46Repo- removed svn:externals
01:50.47Repo- updated .pkgmeta
01:51.31KriLL3am I lacking libs, or got various versions of the same ones?
01:51.39Killmorewtb minimap addon & tooltip addon
01:52.15*** join/#wowace aestil (
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01:52.26Repo10materials-tracker: 03Shamino 04v20400.01 * r31 : MaterialsTracker:
01:52.27Repo- Tagging release v20400.01
01:52.27Arrowmasteromfg rofl
01:52.29aestilso, is bigwigs broken right now?
01:52.30*** join/#wowace [SW]Dodge_ (
01:52.44KriLL3tooltip... TipTac rocks, but it doesn't seem to be LK comparable yet...
01:52.46KriLL3Arrowmaster: ?
01:52.50Arrowmasterour maintanks char name is Sleepysteve and somebody found
01:53.11aestilbug catcher is 'overloaded' with bigwigs errors atm.
01:53.37Arrowmasteraestil: delete and reinstall, i bet theyll go away
01:53.48aestili switched over to the curse client
01:53.58aestilit doesn't show changelog in the client?
01:54.33ElgrenIs it not possible for me to edit buff frame with with pitbull auras unless I split buff/debuff
01:54.49aestilArrowmaster: do i have to delete the WTF files as well?
01:56.14Repo10cutup: 03tsigo * r66 / (4 files in 2 directories): Cutup: Merge Wrath branch into trunk.
01:57.01Repo10materials-tracker: 03Shamino * r32 MaterialsTracker.toc: MaterialsTracker:
01:57.01Repo- toc update for patch
01:57.44Repo10cutup: 03tsigo * r67 : Cutup: Tag
01:58.38Repo10materials-tracker: 03Shamino 04r32 * r33 : MaterialsTracker:
01:58.38Repo- tagging alpha release
01:59.21Repo10raid-cooldowns: 03tsigo * r10 : RaidCooldowns: Tag
01:59.49*** join/#wowace chiper (
02:00.27Repo10raid-cooldowns_display: 03tsigo * r60 : RaidCooldowns_Display: Tag
02:01.19Arrowmasterheh druid and rogue are running around in murus room stealth while hes up because the druid said in vent 'first person to open trade with me gets 5g'
02:03.00aestilis dogtag and libmob health broken?
02:03.32chiperhrm, I'm getting errors from librock
02:03.41chiperit ate my pitbull
02:03.51Repo10mounted: 03yssaril 07master * 0.0.18b-2-g22afd98 / (9 files in 2 directories): [+2 commits]
02:03.51Repo22afd98: added deDE thanks [SW]Dodge
02:03.53*** join/#wowace amian (
02:03.53Repocc68e3d: fixed locales
02:04.48Repo10cutup: 03tsigo 07Wrath * r68 :
02:04.48RepoCutup: Remove Wrath branch since we're done with it for now.
02:04.58Repo10mounted: 03yssaril 040.0.19b * 89aac22 /: [new tag] added deDE thanks [SW]Dodge
02:05.21*** join/#wowace Civrock (
02:06.04aestil720p looks like shit for football compared to 1080i
02:08.13aestillibmobhealth-4.0 has an error and my health in pitbull is broken.  just accept it?
02:08.24ckknightremove it
02:08.30ckknightLibMobHealth-4.0, not PitBull
02:08.44aestilso, i don't get health stuff until 3.0?
02:08.51*** join/#wowace Diao (
02:08.55chiperat least you can get pitbull to load
02:09.03Yssarilaestil: 3.0 is tomorrow
02:09.09aestili'm aware
02:11.37DarkAuditaestil: hmm... stuff I've read suggested 720p was better for sports :|
02:12.02grennonhrm, problems getting authenticated with the svn server
02:12.12grennontried restarting my ssh agent, but no dice
02:12.19*** join/#wowace kd3|hate`net (n=kd3@wikia/kaydeethree)
02:12.38aestilits lies
02:12.47aestilDarkAudit: more resolution is better
02:12.51grennonmind you, ive never gotten ssh agent to bomb unless i do highly parallel stuff at my job which overloads the agent
02:12.54aestilespecailly in wide football shots.
02:13.01grennonso i didnt expect that to be the problem really
02:13.30ElgrenIs anyone of you familar with how to move the "AlwaysUpFrame" as its called. The frame displaying remaining guards in nagrand, remaining time on spirit towers in terokkar. And it displays bases and score in battlegounds etc.
02:13.36ElgrenI really need to move this frame. Anyone?
02:13.38aestilthere is clearly more detail on NBC's football night in america than there is in MNF
02:14.01DarkAuditaestil: hmm... 720p is supposed to have fewer artifacts than 1080
02:14.39aestilperhaps if your tv set can't deinterlace.
02:14.52aestilboth have artifcats.
02:15.45DarkAuditgrr... not only is it patch day, but Arch has an updated kernel... that also needs a patch for running WoW >.<
02:16.23Arrowmasteraestil: do you know how interlaced works? 1080i isnt really higher quality than 720p
02:17.50aestilmy guess, is that the horizontal resolution for 1080i is much greater than 720p.
02:19.02aestil1080i is 1920 horizontal.
02:19.13aestil720p has 1280 lines of horizontal resolution.
02:19.52Arrowmasterwant to know a secret
02:20.08Arrowmastermost tv is upscaled, and poorly encoded
02:20.15aestili'm talking about football.
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02:20.32aestili think the horizontal resolution really makes a dramatic difference.
02:20.41DarkAuditArrowmaster: TNT, A&E, and History are *really* bad
02:20.46grennon1080i is a relic of tube tvs
02:20.56aestilits a broadcast standard atm.
02:20.58aestilas is 720p
02:21.29aestileven if there is not more vertical detail in 1080i, there is more horizontal detail, and when they show the wide shot of the football field [e.g. pretty much the whole game] its a noticeable increase in detail.
02:21.54Arrowmastertheres a loss of vertical detail i think
02:22.32aestilnot a large one.
02:22.38grennon720p is for panels, 1080i is for tubes
02:22.46grennontheres your end user difference
02:23.06aestilgrennon: my set is 1080p only, but i have to deal with the broadcast standards of 720p and 1080i still.
02:23.07aestilthey exisit.
02:23.18grennonnor did i claim they do not
02:23.40DarkAuditthe only ones broadcasting 1080p is ppv
02:23.45aestilArrowmaster: basically, if there is a loss of vertical detail, its very small, and the gain of horizantal detail is very noticeable. i ts a net gain.
02:23.52aestilits not really broadcast i don't think.
02:23.58aestilyou have to 'buffer' it i belive?
02:25.30HjalteHow come there is a portal to Lake Wintergrasp but Alliance doesn't control the Fortress?
02:27.45ElgrenIs anyone of you familar with how to move the "AlwaysUpFrame" as its called. The frame displaying remaining guards in nagrand, remaining time on spirit towers in terokkar. And it displays bases and score in battlegounds etc.
02:27.47Arrowmasteraestil: well depending on the broadcast, 720p could actually be much much better than 1080i because with you could get double the fps
02:28.03Arrowmastermaking high motion stuff much smoother
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02:28.38ElgrenMaster Arrowmaster :D
02:28.44chiperARGH, this is really pissing me off
02:28.47Elgrendo you know how to do that?
02:29.20ArrowmasterElgren: AlwaysUpFrame is a bitch to move because of how the default ui interacts with it
02:29.23aestili've watched football games in A/B comparing 1080i to 720p.  i've seen just as much motion artifcating on the 720p as the 1080i, and like i said, the horizontal resolution increase has a noticeable affect on detail.
02:29.40chiperI finally managed to solve my librock errors, and now I've got blizzard's own UI causing errors and breaking pitbull
02:30.18aestilso, while, i understand the principle, at least in my area, i havn't seen 720p look better.
02:30.34aestilon tv shows, its mostly not noticeable.  I do tend to think that 1080i tv shows look better.
02:30.34grennonits usually the same signal
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02:30.51grennonpanel tvs cant render 1080i
02:31.02Arrowmasterthey can
02:31.04grennonthey just display it in 720p mode
02:31.09Arrowmasterbut it has to be processed first
02:31.17aestilmy tv very much upscales everything to 1080p
02:31.22grennonpanels dont interlace
02:31.24aestilso regardless of the source, its being processed.
02:31.40aestilwtf? yes, i know these things.
02:31.48grennonits not apparent
02:31.56aestilabc, fox, both broadcast 720p
02:32.04aestili get 720p from the satilite.
02:32.10aestilmy tv takes it, and makes it look 1080p
02:32.18aestilas far as 'fitting it' to the screen.
02:32.24aestilbecause, as you say, its a fixed resolution
02:32.32aestili'm not talking about the fixed resolution of my screen.
02:32.53aestili'm talking about the source, and sources that are broadcast at 1080i, and then converted to 1080i, almost always look better.
02:33.14aestili don't know why you keep talking about 720p pannels grennon, thats not part of this discussion.
02:33.53grennonim not discussing it with you, dont worry about it
02:34.27aestil<grennon>its usually the same signal
02:34.29aestilpanel tvs cant render 1080i
02:34.30aestilgrennon>they just display it in 720p mode
02:34.42Arrowmasterif your tv's upscaler sucks then i think 1080i would always look better than 720p, but im not accusing your tv of having a bad upscaler
02:34.55aestili think my tv does have a bad upscaler
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02:35.15aestili actually want to get a receiver that has a reon to upscale 720p and 1080i sources for my tv.
02:35.19Arrowmastertry watching a 480i signal on it
02:35.24Arrowmasterthen youll know
02:35.30*** join/#wowace Shirik (n=skullsho@conspiracy/developer/Shirik)
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02:35.36Repo10bank-stack: 03sylvanaar * r112 embeds.xml: Fix ordering of embedded libraries.
02:35.43aestilcan i configure my ps3 to output a 480i dvd?
02:36.02Arrowmasterwith s-video on composite yeah
02:36.07*** join/#wowace Shirik|AFK (n=skullsho@conspiracy/developer/Shirik)
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02:36.11Arrowmasteri dont think component or hdmi will do it
02:36.13aestilthats the problem, only have hdmi cables atm.
02:36.22aestilbut no, my tv has a shitty scalar.
02:36.23aestilits not good.
02:36.40aestilbang for the buck? check.  good video processing, no check.
02:37.17Repo10auto-turnin: 03grennon * r73 / (3 files in 1 directory): AutoTurnin:
02:37.18Repoupdate lib paths for cursification
02:37.38grennonhook up a wii and see what it does with a 480p signal
02:37.45Arrowmasteri wish my monitor did hdcp
02:37.48aestilI have no wii.
02:38.04aestilits a Sony RP SXRD 60"
02:38.07*** join/#wowace cirish (
02:38.11aestili bought it right before they stopped selling it.
02:38.26grennongot any older dvd players? some of them do 480p when you use component cables
02:39.10grennonwell, you options for testing your scalar are limited
02:39.32grennonbut 720p to 1080p shouldnt be rocket science even for a cheaper TV
02:39.34Arrowmasteryou can probably set your ps3 to do 480p
02:39.38KilrooI think my next big projects will be trying out oUF and some LDB stuff.
02:40.12*** join/#wowace ckknight (n=ckknight@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/CurseStaff/CurseForge/ckknight)
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02:40.43aestilArrowmaster: probably.  watching NLCS atm.  also in 720p.  it isn't as bad as watching football, but like you said, i know that the 720p doesn't look as good as it should.
02:42.15Repo10talented: 03sylvanaar * r297 .pkgmeta: Missing AceLocale in pkgmets
02:42.57grennonwhat kind of tv is this?
02:45.12TrelaEeewww, a Sony.
02:45.23ckknighthey, I have that one
02:45.31ckknightor at least very similar
02:45.36ckknightmine's 60" 1080p
02:45.39ckknightlooks the same
02:45.49aestilthats what i just linked
02:45.49chipergrr, I'd really like to hurt these developers posting 3.0.2 updates to curse before the patch hits
02:45.53grennoni would think a sony would have a good scalar chip
02:45.57aestilit doesn't.
02:46.09DarkAuditchiper: Talented was one of them :p
02:46.31ckknightchiper: the patch is hitting in 18 hours, just deal
02:46.35aestiland Trela, amazing value in this tv.  to get a better picture at 60" i had to buy a pioneer kuro for at least 3k more.
02:46.53DarkAuditdeals by compiling a new 2.6.27 kernel
02:47.01chiperthe curse client autoupdated them all when I booted.  now I've got to figure out what was broken and revert it
02:47.18chiperckknight: 18 hours where I'm left with no UI
02:47.48DarkAuditchiper: 7 hours... that's how long until downtime
02:47.53Repo10simple-md: 03Starinnia * r88 / (20 files in 2 directories): SimpleMD: merge in the changes for 3.0.2
02:48.11chiperonly four of which I will be awake for.  I get the point
02:48.12DarkAuditactually, just over 6hrs to go
02:48.16sylvanaarmaybe Kolie can make the client rename the addon forlder the first time the client is run, or tell the users to do it, so they dont try to update addons that were already installed
02:48.52TrelaSony: Root kits, viruses, crappy proprietary media, etcetera.
02:49.52DarkAuditso will we see the new Sylvanas model tomorrow?
02:50.53grennonso, ive used a mod called chronometer since.... pre-tbc, cooldown/spell timer
02:50.56aestilTrela: none of things you just mentioned have anything to do with television
02:51.00grennonanyone have a replacement suggestion?
02:51.09Facktotumgrennon: classtimer
02:51.20TrelaSony makes crappy televisions.  You can get much better quality out of Samsung.
02:51.54*** join/#wowace theduke_ (i=user@
02:51.56aestiluh, except, you're wrong, because samsungs tv didn't review as well, didn't look as good, and wasn't cheaper than this sony tv.
02:52.12aestilbut feel free to just hate since you don't like sony.
02:52.17grennonyou can get better contrast for less price from samsung usually, but they all have pros/cons
02:52.18Arrowmasterchiper: now you have learned the evils of auto updating and why everybody bitching that the curse client wont do it for free in the future should stfu
02:52.28kd3hey ckk; anything you want me to say re the files situation other than what I have at ?
02:52.35aestilsamsung is using DLP right?
02:52.59ckknightkd3: hopefully curse won't crumble this year
02:53.06ckknightand I'll try my damnedest to make sure that wowace won't
02:53.21Trelaaestil: I do color correction on a daily basis.  Samsung provides the best color correction out there besides NEC.(NEC is uber thousands though.)
02:53.23aestili much prefer the SXRD 3 chip technology, much better.
02:53.46aestilsamsung is just a rebadged texas instraments techonology, its not something proprietry to them.
02:54.19ckknightkd3: looks good to me.
02:54.33Facktotumkd3: no typos this time :P
02:55.19Arrowmasterkd3: you should just tell people to goto instead of wowace or curseforge, since wowace and curseforge dont have download links unless you are logged in
02:55.22TrelaSamsung and Sony's panels are made in the same factory.  :P
02:55.38ckknightArrowmaster: those redirect to curse anyway, so no big whoop
02:55.54*** join/#wowace Civrock_ (
02:55.56ckknightwell, there are "Download from Curse" links
02:56.18aestiloh, really, please link me to samsungs 3 chip lcd on silicon option.
02:56.22Arrowmasteryeah but just telling people to goto curse first is less confusing
02:56.35aestilall i know of is dlp technologies.
02:56.38aestilfrom samsung. will redirect to tomorrow, btw
02:57.52aestilJVC has some sort of silicon on crystal display, as does epson?
02:58.03Yssarilckknight: get ready for some more WTF are you smoking posts when that happens :)
02:58.24ckknightWTF is who smoking?
02:58.38aestili do not know of one from samsung, and while i don't think samsung is a bad brand, or has a bad picture, i prefer, from my own personal A/B comparisons, that the sony's display techonlogy is by far the best.
02:58.44aestili'm sure your samsung looks great.
02:59.02Yssarilwowace/curse people we people go there expecting to find wowace but getting redirected to curse :)
02:59.33ckknightwell, the order came down from above
02:59.39ckknightand by above, I mean from netcurse
03:00.20kd3you going to hide files or is it drawing from the new svn?
03:00.37*** join/#wowace Corgan (n=Corgan@
03:01.22Yssarilckknight: its a good change imo ?
03:01.38ckknightkd3: wowace runs on curseforge now
03:01.56ckknightYssaril: hrm, maybe we can set that up, I dunno
03:06.47digmouseXinhuan: ping
03:07.03grennonneed advice on
03:07.34grennonselecting babble is a popularity contest
03:08.38Repo10mounted: 03yssaril 07master * 0.0.19b-1-g0bb08ac / (10 files in 2 directories): [+1 commit] readded the macro lenght validator (it will parse it 10 times if they all return under 255 chars will will accept the macro)
03:08.54Repo10mounted: 03yssaril 04v1.0.0 * 64c9d91 /: [new tag] readded the macro lenght validator (it will parse it 10 times if they all return under 255 chars will will accept the macro)
03:11.52Arrowmastergrennon: ill fix that
03:12.17Arrowmasterhmm or did somebody else already fix it
03:16.05kadrahilis fraps the best thing there is for video capture? for games?
03:16.31ZealotOnAStickPretty much, yes, unless you're on a mac.
03:16.33Arrowmastergrennon: i marked babblelib as abandoned so youll never see that again
03:16.40Arrowmasteri think
03:16.44ZealotOnAStickThere are "alternatives" but they're not as good as FRAPS.
03:17.04Spennig::curious:: anyone know if eepanels2 is going to fly with the expansion? it's still reading as 2.3.3 version of the game, though it's been updated since the 2.4
03:18.02ZealotOnAStickthought it hasn't been maintained in ages and kgPanels in the new dealy?
03:18.14SpennigIhave no clue, I'm asking for a friend :-p
03:18.36Arrowmasteryeah eepanels hasnt been touched in ages
03:18.55Arrowmasteranything you seeing saying it was updated since 2.3.3 is a lie
03:19.24Spennigits' the dates listed :-p
03:19.33Spennigthough that could be from the transfer over
03:19.44Spennigbut thanks ^_^ I shot him the link to kg
03:21.12*** join/#wowace |Yssaril| (
03:25.23*** join/#wowace bien| (
03:26.33grennoncurse client has weird issues with scanning the mod folder and cacheing the data
03:26.52Repo10big-wigs_naxxramas: 03sylvanaar * r6 Razuvious.lua:
03:26.53RepoRemoved unneeded warnings for disrupting shout. Added a taunt timer. This keeps it simple and useful.
03:32.31grennonhow do you make curseclient rescan your mod folder in case you hand delete mods?
03:35.19chiperbeen wondering that one myself
03:35.36*** join/#wowace Jagobah (
03:38.32Facktotumsomeone in trade wants to buy an Armani War Bear
03:38.58grennonmy guild is selling two of them tonight
03:38.59chiperthere's several groups on my realm that sell ZA runs
03:39.41Facktotumwell its Amani not armani
03:39.50*** join/#wowace Thelyna (
03:40.29grennonnot on italian servers
03:40.30chiperoh, heh.  I tend to gloss over misspellings in chat
03:40.33grennonor well dressed ones
03:40.51ElgrenIs anyone of you familar with how to move the "AlwaysUpFrame" as its called. The frame displaying remaining guards in nagrand, remaining time on spirit towers in terokkar. And it displays bases and score in battlegounds etc.
03:43.37FacktotumElgren: fluidframes
03:46.19Primer[2008/10/13 20:34:09-278-x1]: Abacus-2.0\Abacus-2.0.lua:20: bad argument #1 to 'sub' (string expected, got nil)
03:46.23PrimerAbacus-2.0\Abacus-2.0.lua:20: in main chunk
03:47.09PrimerI wish there was an easy way to determine which addon's Abacus is being used
03:47.28Primerthere is no Abacus at the root of AddOns
03:47.30Facktotumits a lib
03:48.05Primeryes, I know it's a lib
03:48.23Primerwhich is embedded by several of my addons
03:48.30ElgrenFacktotum ty
03:48.49Repo10dhud2: 03Arcanefoam 042.0Alpha * r56 / (8 files in 2 directories): DHUD2:
03:48.50Repo-All functionality back after new data base layout. Buffs, icons and combos/totems swap sides should be working too,
03:48.51Facktotumyou seem to have version 2.0 try updating to 3.0
03:49.02Elgrenbrb reboot
03:49.11PrimerThing is, the addon that wants it, TradeSkillInfo, includes it fails
03:49.28Facktotumyes but which version is tradeskillinfo using
03:49.44Primerso I can only presume that some other addon is also providing it, and this is the one that's being used
03:50.21Facktotumthats where running disembedded comes handy
03:50.56Primerbut no updater seems to support this now
03:51.04Primerlatest JWU...doesn't support it
03:51.10Primercurse client...doesn't support it
03:51.14Facktotumchange 2.0 with 3.0 in tradeskillinfo
03:51.57Brunersdid US get the patch ?
03:52.16Facktotumthey will get it
03:52.30Facktotum12hrs maintenance and ptr's are closed
03:52.48PrimerIt just seems wrong to have to include an addon's dep explicitly
03:53.43PrimerAnyhow, this was a wowinterface addon
03:55.58Facktotumits in wowace as well
04:01.24*** join/#wowace Beutju (
04:07.19Primerok, found it on curse too
04:07.29Primercurse's search isn't working too well
04:07.42PrimerI search for addons with the exact name, and get no search results
04:07.50Primerbut then I can find it by other means
04:08.42Primerand this one includes Abacus-3.0
04:08.55*** join/#wowace Gngsk (
04:09.16aestilPrimer: great movie
04:10.37grennoni just ran into an issue where its downloading the nolibs version of a mod
04:11.11PrimerNever saw it
04:11.23chiperprimer: yeah, it apparently doesnt consider Projects to be Addons
04:13.34chiperheh.  "If you want to get into the building, you wait in line.  If you want to eat, you wait in line.  If you want to play a game, you wait in line.  If you want to ask a question, you wait in line.  If you want to give blizzard your money, you wait in line.  If you want to take a piss... you wait in line.  Welcome to Blizzcon 2008."
04:13.50SekkyoWas a 3.0 Pitbull checked in? Because it's LOL on Live right now
04:14.07chiperSekkyo: yes
04:14.12grennonwhats the magic to not having it revert your toc version changes when you checking? its revered 30000 to 20400 twice on me
04:14.25aestilshaman will go oom if they spam jesus beams in wotlk right?
04:14.32Repo10minimalist: 03grennon * r76 Minimalist.lua: Minimalist:
04:14.33Reposmall map fix
04:16.27chiperaestil: I hope not, I like my jesus beams
04:16.58aestilhow will you do that, with no way to downrank?
04:17.06aestilyou'd goo oom now if you couldn't downrank, right?
04:17.20chiperI don't downrank now
04:17.59chiperbut it's rare that I have to spam it for longer than my pot and wave totem cooldown
04:18.51Cursesdo you have a lot of haste?
04:19.02chipernot a lot, no
04:19.24CursesWhen you start getting up their with haste your CH just eats your mana
04:20.16quiescensyou could just keep casting once every 2 and a half or whatever if you want
04:20.35CursesPeople die then :(
04:21.13quiescensthere's too many talents based on crit lhw/hw and almost nothing that affects chain heal
04:21.26CursesIt sucks :(
04:24.44*** join/#wowace Chosi (
04:25.29Repo10dhud2: 03Arcanefoam 042.0Alpha * r57 / (3 files in 2 directories): DHUD2:
04:25.29Repo-Fixed some bugs when casting
04:26.37*** join/#wowace QQngsk (
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04:31.28*** join/#wowace Jagobah (
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04:34.03aestilchiper are you raiding sunwell?
04:34.15aestilbecause, on m'uru you spam jesus beams for the duration of the fight.
04:34.29aestilalso, post 3.0 you can only use 1 pot per combat.
04:34.55kadrahil^ that's hot
04:34.59kadrahil(my rogue)
04:35.04Brunersdid they really do the pot limit?
04:35.30Brunersthats just stupid
04:35.57Repo10fu-bar_quests-fu: 03Swix * r391 / (14 files in 13 directories): Added ruRU locale
04:36.22Facktotumit was needed
04:36.37Brunerswhy was it needed?
04:36.49Facktotumsame thing happened in tbc with the flasks nerfs
04:36.54*** join/#wowace cirish (
04:37.22quiescensmm, its not the limit itself I don't like
04:37.22*** join/#wowace kenlyric_ (
04:37.25Facktotumbecause shamans were spamming low ranked heals and never go oom
04:37.35quiescensits just that it affects alchemists negatively
04:37.44Brunersthen fix shamans not pots
04:37.54quiescensI understand that they wanted to make fights less consumable oriented
04:38.08Facktotumwe still killed bosses quiescens
04:38.22Facktotumthere will always be new ways of inceasing dps
04:38.24quiescensbut they've completely rewritten professions with each expansion
04:38.33Brunersthey better be fixing hunter mana then
04:38.49Aens|Superioritywell.  They nerfed flasks so elixirs are better in almost every single way.
04:38.50quiescensI'm not even arguing the same thread as you people
04:39.03quiescensI'm saying, from a professions point of view
04:39.09kadrahilBruners, with the new viper changes you won't need mana pots ever again
04:39.16Aens|Superiorityso there was always people buying normal elixirs and using a lot
04:39.20quiescensthe professions you originally took, are no longer what they were originally for
04:39.24Brunerskadrahil: the new viper changes also reduces your attack power
04:39.28Facktotumquiescens: every serios raiding guild in sunwell had their members respecc LW
04:39.36quiescensfor drums
04:39.39quiescenswhich no longer exist at 80
04:39.40Facktotumso alchemy was not needed except for 1-2 or members
04:39.41Arrowmasterpff ive had the same profession since like level 20
04:39.43kadrahilBruners: not attack power, it reduces your overall damage
04:39.51kadrahilBruners: it takes about 10 seconds to get from 0 mana to 100% mana with viper now
04:39.52quiescensie, the profession no longer does what it used to do
04:39.55Brunerskadrahil: even worse
04:39.58Aens|Superioritythe alch trinket was insanely good for healers though
04:39.59kadrahilBruners: ok then
04:40.22quiescensalch trinkets were especially nice for the + to potion gain, but potions are now limited to 1 per fight
04:40.27Brunerskadrahil: if it really takes 10s i guess it will work ok
04:40.33quiescensie, it not longer does what you originally thought
04:40.39Facktotumpeople fail to realize that certain changes are needed
04:40.40Aens|Superiorityquiescens: and someone else new will come along.
04:41.08quiescensI'm saying I wish they wouldn't do that
04:41.08kadrahilBruners: either way, you get to keep hawk up a lot longer now
04:41.18kadrahilso you're going to be doing more overall damage
04:41.36Aens|Superiorityquiescens: you'd prefer a stagnant game with no change except more content which is exactly the same and etc etc.
04:41.49Aens|Superiorityits the cost of progress.  Things you are happy with wont be the same.
04:42.32Aens|Superiorityand if anything, the changes, you'll probably derive more enjoyment by learning how to overcome them/capitalize on them, than you would doing the same thing/having the same thing
04:42.39*** join/#wowace quoin (
04:43.02Aens|SuperiorityThe whole switching to LW for drums was quite exciting
04:43.11Facktotumwell it was not
04:43.14Aens|Superiority(then it got boring)
04:43.15quiescensbut people might level a profession expecting one thing and then get something entirely different
04:43.21Facktotumi had to drop a good profession to go LW
04:43.32Aens|SuperiorityFacktotum: having perma drums was exciting
04:43.36Parnichmm. should i go ahead and check in my 3.0 changes now or wait until the servers go down? :P
04:43.55Facktotumexciting for what? i dont see nothing exciting except for maximizing dps
04:44.01quiescensthat's what I'm talking about
04:44.03Brunersi got LW and BS on my hunter :S going to be pain to level
04:44.33Aens|Superioritypretty sure setting new guild records for dps is exciting
04:44.43quiescenspeople switch professions because something is no longer what it was when they first planned to get it
04:44.57Aens|Superiorityhum, no
04:45.02Facktotumnow i have to level a profession again
04:45.10Aens|Superioritypeople switch professions cause something is better for them than what it is currently
04:45.25Repo10fu-bar_recount-fu: 03Swix * r65 / (3 files in 1 directory): Added ruRU locale
04:45.35Facktotumno you are contradiciting yourself
04:45.36quiescensah I'll try to clarify what I mean, what you said just then is fine
04:45.40Aens|Superiorityon one of my characters, first one on the server with arc reaper, i dropped that when it became obsolete. Cost of progress.
04:45.42quiescenspeopel switch because something new is better, that's okay
04:45.44Facktotumpeople switched to LW to maximize dps
04:45.47quiescenspeople having to switch
04:45.53quiescensbecause a profession no longer does anything useful for them
04:45.58quiescensis bad
04:46.22ShefkiIt's actually good for the economy for people to want to switch professions sometimes.
04:46.28Brunerswhen we started in BT my axesmtihing became useless :P
04:46.31quiescensthere's a line between "oh hey that profession is slightly better" and "oh hey this new expansion means my current profession no longer gives me anything at all"
04:46.35ShefkiDrives demand for low level items.
04:47.00Aens|Superiorityquiescens: You act like nobody uses consumables ever
04:47.15Aens|Superiorityyou act like there won't be a massive market for transmuting
04:47.32quiescensI'm not talking about alchemy specifically
04:47.44quiescensI mean in general
04:47.52Aens|Superiorityif anything demand for alchemy is going to go way up because raid content is lowered again, allowing more people to participate.
04:48.11quiescenspeople that originally took engineering for fun trinkets, only to be relegated to "hey look, one epic headgear piece"
04:48.23Aens|Superiorityeng still has fun stuff.
04:48.38Aens|Superiorityrocket boots were amazing
04:49.30Aens|Superiorityyou know how many scripted events you could break with those?
04:50.23Aens|Superiorityand the teleporters for the race change.  Some people would say that engineering is worth it alone for that.
04:51.31Brunersis there any knows issues to playing Warhammer online on Vista 64?
04:52.10WobWorkBruners: I haven't heard of any
04:53.04Brunersguess i just have to install once more then
04:53.12WobWorkBruners: Users appear to have no problems
04:53.32Facktotumi played the closed beta and open beta on vista64 never had problem
04:55.37*** join/#wowace Kaelten (n=kaelten@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/WoWIFA/CurseStaff/kaelten)
04:55.37*** mode/#wowace [+o Kaelten] by ChanServ
04:56.31BrunersAny must have addons for war ?
04:57.13*** join/#wowace Kaelten (n=kaelten@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/WoWIFA/CurseStaff/kaelten)
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04:59.26Facktotumthere are some ported addons on wowi
04:59.32FacktotumKaelten: wb
05:01.08*** join/#wowace Jagobah (
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05:03.32WobWorkBruners: All of mine =P
05:05.59Repo10ice-hud: 03Parnic * r239 / (14 files in 4 directories):  (Message trimmed by 4 lines)
05:06.01Repo- interface version up to 3.0! hooray new stuff.
05:06.02Repo- mod version bumped to 1.3.3 for all the new stuff and 3.0 client compatibility
05:06.06Repo- made the threat module wow 3.0-compatible (these changes do not branch based on interface version due to the removal of lots of libs...there's no goin' back now!)
05:07.33Repo10quixote: 03Swix * r151 Quixote-1.0/Quixote-1.0.lua: small ruRU fix
05:07.34Parnicbah, putting v1.3.3-Release did not define it as a release version automagically :P
05:07.49Parnici guess we're supposed to tag for release versions, eh?
05:08.40KaeltenParnic: you are correct :)
05:08.46Repo10ice-hud: 03Parnic 04v1.3.3 * r240 :  (Message trimmed by 5 lines)
05:08.48Repo- interface version up to 3.0! hooray new stuff.
05:08.49Repo- mod version bumped to 1.3.3 for all the new stuff and 3.0 client compatibility
05:08.52Zhinjiowelcome back, Kaelten.
05:08.53Repo- made the threat module wow 3.0-compatible (these changes do not branch based on interface version due to the removal of lots of libs...there's no goin' back now!)
05:09.37Parnicthe new packager is nice and snappy. i like it :)
05:09.40Brunerscan you load 2.4 addons in 3.0 with hooking load outdated addons?
05:09.58Parnicyou can load them, but the chance of them working is fairly low :P
05:10.09Parnicquite a few things changed in 3.0
05:11.47*** join/#wowace Maelos (
05:11.51MaelosHi huys
05:12.09MaelosWhat's the best way to start grabbing 3.0 versions of addons, in an automated form?
05:12.13Maelosguys too
05:12.16Repo10ice-hud: 03Parnic * r241 IceHUD.lua:
05:12.17Repo- whoops, added new textures to the "textures" list instead of the "presets" bad :P
05:12.21Parniccurse client, probably.
05:12.47MaelosSure, but is there a way in the curse client to force 3.x versions from now?
05:12.58MaelosMost authors were working in a branch, not sure if those have been merged yet?
05:13.01Parniccurse client will only download the latest versions
05:13.11MaelosSo chances are not until tomorrow
05:13.18Parnicif the authors have not committed their branches to main, then you can't grab them automatically
05:13.24chiperParnic which is funny, since the blizz guys said the opposite at the con
05:13.24Parnicyou can't download what isn't out yet :)
05:13.33MaelosI can via svn
05:13.41MaelosOr could, but not using wau
05:14.08Parnici'm just saying, until authors post their 3.0 versions as the release version, there's no easy, automated way to grab them all.
05:14.10Facktotumwau is dead
05:14.26*** join/#wowace silentium (
05:14.45Maeloswhich is sad -- I'd have absolutely no issue with that if the new curse updater actually matched the functionality
05:15.06ShefkiBlizzard guy said what at the con?
05:15.33*** join/#wowace Thelyna (
05:15.38chiperShefki: that very few addons would need to be updated.  the question was specifically asked during the UI panel
05:16.01ShefkiThat's not what he said exactly.
05:16.04ShefkiI was in the room.
05:16.11*** join/#wowace dubf (
05:16.14ShefkiHe said fewer addons would be broken than the 2.0 cycle.
05:16.38chiperI believe he said something about displaying gear
05:16.38ShefkiWhich is right.
05:16.53Parnicwell regardless, any mod that uses unit buffs/debuffs, unit mana/power/energy/etc. will be totally busted if it hasn't been updated for 3.0
05:17.00ShefkiOnly things that I can think of that will be really broken are actionb ar mods.
05:17.05Parnictrue, probably less will break. but the "main" addons that people use will be horribly destroyed :P
05:17.08Maelosseems like a lot is broken
05:17.09Parnicunitframes and action bars, yes
05:17.24ShefkiUnitFrames don't really break.
05:17.33chiperhope trinity2 has an update waiting
05:17.34ShefkiVery minor changes for buffs/debuffs.
05:17.40Parnicthe argument list changed :P
05:17.44ShefkiTrinity2 has been replaced with Macaroon.
05:17.44Parnicwell, the retvals at least
05:18.02ShefkiParnic: It took me about 5 minutes to make PitBull work on beta.
05:18.11ShefkiAnd I drycoded it before I even had access to the beta.
05:18.15Parnici'm not saying it's a difficult fix. it took me that long to fix it in icehud
05:18.23Parnici'm saying that any mod that hasn't been updated that deals with buffs will be broken
05:18.25Parnicplain and simple
05:19.13ShefkiThe power changes aren't really that important to use the mod either.  It'll still work it just won't show the updates as fast as would be nice now.
05:19.29chipersigh, maul dumped the codebase again?
05:19.37Shefkichiper: Yes.
05:19.58chiperfucking lovely, here I was hoping to avoid a complete UI rebuild AGAIN
05:19.59ShefkiMacaroon is much nicer than Trinity2 though.
05:20.14ShefkiSupposed to be a converter from Trinity2 to Macaroon.
05:20.15Repo10ice-hud: 03Parnic * r242 IceHUD.toc:
05:20.16Repo- updated to use @project-version@ keyword sub format so I don't have to keep this manually updated
05:20.17ShefkiNot sure if he got it done.
05:20.21*** join/#wowace Nahkiss (
05:20.33chiperthere is one on wowi
05:20.44chiperdoesnt say it's finished tho
05:21.07*** join/#wowace Yssaril (
05:21.09Brunersckknight: how is pitbull4 coming along?
05:21.19ShefkiIt's not.
05:21.29ShefkiHe doesn't have time to work on it atm.
05:21.36ckknightI wish it were coming
05:21.52ckknightyea, nearly all of my thinking time is devoted to wowace/curseforge
05:22.22ShefkiI'm doing my best to keep PitBull3 functional for the time being.
05:22.32ckknightand I appreciate what Shefki's been doing
05:23.02MaelosI wish our UIs didn't have to break with every content patch
05:23.03Repo10ice-hud: 03Parnic 041.3.4 * r243 :
05:23.04Repo1.3.4 tag. Fixes some of the textures and presets being swapped.
05:23.27BrunersShefki: will pb3 work for the patch then ? :)
05:23.35ShefkiBruners: Yes.
05:23.44ckknightyea, Maelos
05:23.46*** part/#wowace Seerah (
05:23.50ckknightMaelos: but that's just not the way things are
05:23.52ShefkiOnly major thing that's not been done is the aura filters still need work for new buffs/debuffs.
05:24.08MaelosYeah, but there's no reason it couldn
05:24.25ShefkiMaelos: Blizzard usually makes changes for the better.
05:25.03ShefkiThe changes that break actionbars makes the template system for them much more powerful and allows things that couldn't be done to be done.
05:25.31ShefkiThe change to auras resolved an annoyance in the system that complicated aura mods unnecessarily.
05:25.52MaelosI have no doubt the changes are always intended for the better
05:25.58ShefkiSome of the changes simply removed things that were deprecated with 2.0.  So if people didn't stop using it they had 2 years to get around to it.
05:26.39MaelosI can also appreciate that a lot of authors are trying to do complete rewrites with 3.0 but it's all just a lot to take in for users
05:26.41Shefkichiper: I know how you feel about redoing bars though.
05:27.02ShefkiMaelos: I avoid that sort of thing at the same time as Blizzard does major reworks.
05:27.15MaelosIt makes sense to decouple them
05:27.19ShefkiBecuase I know it's annoying to users.
05:27.50ShefkiOne of my addons is pretty much massively rewriten under the hood but I've avoided some changes that would break compatability and will push them right around the time wrath ships.
05:28.03Parnichas "set focus" always been on the target drop-down list or is that new to 3.0?
05:28.03MaelosTransparent refactors are totally cool
05:28.08ShefkiThe old version will continue to work and it'll give people quite a lot of time to switch on their own schedule.
05:28.16ShefkiParnic: Always been here.
05:28.25MaelosI refactor my code all the time -- but I think it's worth taking the time to make sure users notice as little as possible
05:28.29chipermy GM asked me today if I thought we should push for vashj before the xpat hits.  I told him it was a bad idea with all the changes in the game
05:28.32Parnicinteresting. my addon has taint when clicking that option :P
05:28.36Parnicno one's reported it
05:29.01ShefkiMaelos: Yeah the main reason people are going to notice is I have to do a SV rework and it's not really viable to migrate the old data.
05:29.14Parnicmaybe it didn't cause taint because the unitframe wasn't tied in...
05:30.22MaelosThe problem is breaking SVs is probably one of the most noticable things
05:30.33*** join/#wowace orionshock (
05:31.42chiperI dont suppose blizzard has offered up a download of the patch yet?
05:32.17chiperbackground downloader suddenly doesnt want to work.  was gonna leave the laptop downloading overnight
05:32.18Parnicjust the background downloader. i haven't seen any "The Whole Patch" downloads yet
05:36.09sylvanaari like this fizzwidget linkerator
05:36.40sylvanaaritem link tab completion
05:36.59Spennig::nods:: linkerator is happysauce.
05:37.29sylvanaarit has a bug for new users though, and wont work
05:37.43chiperhuh.  it's amazing how much better bittorrent works when you have your port forwarding set right :P
05:38.08Spennigsylvanaar: I went looking for WIM 3.0 earlier, and can't find the project page, any info on where that stands? i'm just worried about the bugs between WIM and prat 3.0
05:38.35Xinhuandigmouse: pong
05:39.06sylvanaari pestered pazza about releasing a beta, he said hes got lots to do, so it will be late tonight or something.
05:39.18digmousethe Omen version available on ace is the newest or not?
05:39.46*** join/#wowace kd3 (n=kd3@wikia/kaydeethree)
05:40.06Xinhuanfo wrath or for liv?
05:40.49PrimerAnyone know what the criteria are for arena titles?
05:41.03Xinhuan> 2200 i think
05:41.12Primerno, I mean any title
05:41.25sztanpetaw, did pitbull brake for anyone else?
05:41.36Shefkisztanpet: Broke how?
05:41.42Primeryes, it's been quite broken for a lot of people recently
05:41.46sztanpetlemme paste the error
05:41.54ShefkiSomething about LibRock?
05:42.28sztanpetpitbull/libs/librock1.0/librock.lua:2357:attempt to index local 'addon'
05:42.41Pazza_hey. I'm working on getting something out now
05:42.52ShefkiYeah that's a LibRock breakage issue.  Not sure what the deal is with that.
05:43.59chiperI reverted to the last release of pitbull and got it to work on one of my characters.  it's still conflicting with something on the others
05:44.13chiperbut I gave up on debugging it before 3.0 came out.
05:44.19chipertoo many mixed libraries
05:44.41Parnici'm sad that authors don't get premium access to wowinterface even if they put their addon up there
05:44.42ShefkiI suppose I should download the packaged version and figure out what the problem is.
05:44.45ShefkiMust be a packaging issue.
05:45.08ShefkiWhat exactly do you get wiwht premium?
05:45.14Parnici'm not 100% sure :P
05:45.20sztanpetauto-updates only
05:45.28sztanpetwhich i disabled anyway
05:45.32Parnicah, not much it seems.
05:45.43Parnici'm not as sad. it's still kinda crappy :P
05:46.10*** join/#wowace Shadowed (n=outlaw@
05:46.15Parnicif allakhazam didn't suck, i'd be sad about not being premium. but oh well.
05:49.03*** part/#wowace Shadowed (n=outlaw@
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05:50.32sztanpetwhy does chinchilla work if pitbull does not :(
05:51.49Facktotumpitbull should work
05:55.59ShefkiWoWI is part of Zam?
05:56.00*** join/#wowace Incendium` (
05:57.41Brunersstupid d3dx9_34.dll error on warhammer :S
05:58.01*** join/#wowace sbingner (n=john@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/sbingner)
05:58.09sbingnerwowaceupdater keeps crashing on me
05:58.25Facktotumsbingner: because its dead
05:58.31sylvanaarpurl hey
05:58.31purlit has been said that hey is almost for horses
05:58.43purlsomebody said wau was WowAceUpdater, found at - Easy mass update to all the addons you have installed from the Wowace repository, where many Ace addons reside.
05:58.44ShefkiOkay I'm looking into the PitBull problem.
05:59.58Shefkipurl WAU is WowAceUpdater, previously used to mass update all the addons from wowace.  It has been removed and replaced with the Curse Client which you can find at
05:59.59purl...but wau is already something else...
06:00.07sylvanaarpurl no WAU is WowAceUpdater has been disabled. To update your addons you should use the new curse client, or download the zips directly from
06:00.08purlsylvanaar: okay
06:00.08Shefkipurl WAU is now WowAceUpdater, previously used to mass update all the addons from wowace.  It has been removed and replaced with the Curse Client which you can find at
06:00.09purl...but wau is already something else...
06:00.15Shefkipurl forget WAU
06:00.15purli forgot wau, Shefki
06:00.20Shefkipurl WAU is WowAceUpdater, previously used to mass update all the addons from wowace.  It has been removed and replaced with the Curse Client which you can find at
06:00.20purlShefki: okay
06:00.53ShefkiWhy the ...?
06:01.17Repo10range-display: 03Swix * r143 / (3 files in 2 directories): Added ruRU localization
06:01.21ShefkiOhh didn't see Sylanaar do it.
06:01.31orionshocki just think it's funny, sylvanaar trys to correct the bot, is halfway though and Shefki does it...
06:01.33orionshockjust LOL
06:01.41purlit has been said that wau is WowAceUpdater, previously used to mass update all the addons from wowace.  It has been removed and replaced with the Curse Client which you can find at
06:01.43ShefkiActually he got it done before me.
06:01.58ShefkiAnd then I undid his and put mine in becuase I didn't see he did it.
06:02.11purlwell, cc is Candy Cruncher. Download from - pre-release version right now.  ClearCase, a CM tool
06:02.33Shefkipurl CC is also Curse Client found at
06:02.34purlokay, Shefki
06:02.59*** join/#wowace hiflyer (
06:03.02Facktotumhaha candy cruncher
06:03.15ShefkiI don't even want to guess what that is.
06:03.35sylvanaarpurl patchday is WAU has been disabled. You can no longer use it to update your addons. It has been removed and replaced with the Curse Client which you can find at
06:03.36purlsylvanaar: okay
06:03.49sylvanaarfun stuff
06:03.56Parnicpurl is slick
06:04.02purlextra, extra, read all about it, patchday is WAU has been disabled. You can no longer use it to update your addons. It has been removed and replaced with the Curse Client which you can find at
06:04.34ZealotOnAStickpurl, patchday is also doom and gloom terror and trouble, zomgeverythingisbroke!
06:04.35purlZealotOnAStick: okay
06:04.35sbstill no blue patch confirmation ;)
06:04.44sylvanaarcan you make it trigger the WAU one whenever anyone says WAU
06:05.04sylvanaarwithout the ~
06:05.04Parnic that's about as much blue confirmation as you'll get :)
06:05.16ShefkiI seem to have forgotten a lot of the infobot syntax.
06:05.29ShefkiUsed to know it really well when I hung out on #perl.
06:05.34ZealotOnAStickThere's about 8 sites that have said that Blizzard said it was the patch during Blizzcon.
06:05.58sylvanaarits offical stop debating it
06:06.01purlrumour has it, patchday is WAU has been disabled. You can no longer use it to update your addons. It has been removed and replaced with the Curse Client which you can find at, or doom and gloom terror and trouble, zomgeverythingisbroke!
06:06.13sylvanaarpurl forget patchday
06:06.13purli forgot patchday, sylvanaar
06:06.26ShefkiThere was a question in the Q&A about when Naxx would be gone and he said that when 3.0.2 would hit the old Naxx would be gone and then added which means you have a couple days.
06:06.43sylvanaarpurl patchday is TODAY IS WOW PATCH 3.0 patchday is WAU has been disabled. You can no longer use it to update your addons. It has been removed and replaced with the Curse Client which you can find at, or doom and gloom terror and trouble, zomgeverythingisbroke!
06:06.43purlokay, sylvanaar
06:06.57sylvanaarpurl forget patchday
06:06.57purli forgot patchday, sylvanaar
06:07.05sbsylvanaar: well yes it is - but anyway, there is no blue post :p
06:07.08Spennigsylvanaar: Thanks, sorry for the delay, was filming a "tour" of BT
06:07.16sylvanaarpurl patchday is TODAY IS WOW PATCH 3.0 - WAU has been disabled. You can no longer use it to update your addons. It has been removed and replaced with the Curse Client which you can find at, or doom and gloom terror and trouble, zomgeverythingisbroke!
06:07.16purlokay, sylvanaar
06:07.19Parnicsb i just linked a blue post
06:07.30ShefkiOkay I'm gonna stop messing with the bot and start figuring out this PitBull thing.
06:07.31sbi know that post :)
06:07.53ZealotOnAStickShefki: does it not work?
06:07.53MaelosMistake to tie forcing the Curse cutover to patch 3.0
06:08.02purlextra, extra, read all about it, patchday is TODAY IS WOW PATCH 3.0 - WAU has been disabled. You can no longer use it to update your addons. It has been removed and replaced with the Curse Client which you can find at, or doom and gloom terror and trouble, zomgeverythingisbroke!
06:08.13sylvanaarok, so update it as needed
06:08.33ShefkiZealotOnAStick: I don't know I just finally downloaded the packaged version and installed it.
06:08.42sylvanaari think the url should be updated
06:09.21Shefkisylvanaar: You mean to the exact client URL?
06:09.30ShefkiYou can use
06:10.00sylvanaarpurl no patchday is TODAY IS WOW PATCH 3.0 - WAU has been disabled. You can no longer use it to update your addons. It has been removed and replaced with the Curse Client which you can find at ... or doom and gloom terror and trouble, zomgeverythingisbroke!
06:10.00purlsylvanaar: okay
06:10.15purlmethinks patchday is TODAY IS WOW PATCH 3.0 - WAU has been disabled. You can no longer use it to update your addons. It has been removed and replaced with the Curse Client which you can find at ... or doom and gloom terror and trouble, zomgeverythingisbroke!
06:10.44orionshocksylvanaar: disabled seems to be a nice word.. 'Fuxor'ed' i think would be better IMO
06:11.38sylvanaarits finally dead - its been a zombie for a year
06:11.54ShefkiBahh helps if I drop the folders in the right directory.  /blush
06:11.55ZealotOnAStickShefki: as long as it doesn't throw massive spammy fits about my auras, like the 12 or so revisions I tried on beta did previously, I'll be happy.
06:12.15ShefkiThat must have been a long time ago.
06:12.54ZealotOnASticklast time I tried was about 3 weeks ago.  It's been working perfectly for 2 months for my girlfriend.  *shrug*
06:12.59sylvanaarpurl no patchday is TODAY IS WOW PATCH 3.0 - WAU has been disabled. You can no longer use it to update your addons. It has been removed and replaced with the Curse Client which you can find at ... or doom and gloom terror and trouble, zomgeverythingisbroke! Pro tip: When using the curse client, start with an empty addon folder.
06:12.59purlokay, sylvanaar
06:13.33sylvanaarpurl is so obedient
06:13.41ShefkiZealotOnAStick: If you have issues bug me.
06:14.01ZealotOnAStickI won't know until tomorrow.
06:14.09ShefkiWell yeah.
06:14.11*** join/#wowace Kaelten (n=kaelten@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/WoWIFA/CurseStaff/kaelten)
06:14.11*** mode/#wowace [+o Kaelten] by ChanServ
06:14.23ZealotOnAStickanyway, back to House.
06:14.25Repo10range-display: 03mitch0 07Colors * r144 / (3 files in 2 directories): Branching for more colors
06:15.46*** part/#wowace amian (
06:18.16ShefkiSomeone here that's having that LibRock problem with PitBull still here?
06:19.00*** join/#wowace Daemona (
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06:20.43Groktarhuggles you
06:21.37Facktotumslaps Groktar with a Lib
06:22.21Shefki~lart Groktar
06:22.21purlhooks into a hydrant and hoses Groktar down
06:24.36Groktardeletes all libs
06:26.56*** join/#wowace Thezilch (
06:27.12Tinyboomany forum admins here?
06:27.30Tinyboomwowace forum is getting spammed down atm....
06:28.22ShefkiWell I can't replicate this LibRock problem.
06:29.13sztanpetwhat do you need me to do
06:29.53Facktotumtell us what you did to get that error
06:30.03sztanpetupdated pitbull with cc
06:30.12digmouseXinhuan: for wrath
06:30.26*** join/#wowace Jagobah (
06:30.39Facktotumsztanpet: do you have any settings on pitbull yet?
06:30.42Xinhuandigmouse: it should be at
06:30.45sztanpetsure i do
06:30.54sztanpeti updated it, not installed it
06:31.17Shefkisztanpet: Hmm.
06:31.25digmouseah, didnt find that repo
06:32.39Facktotumupdating and installing does not make a difference
06:32.49*** join/#wowace Diskmaster (n=YOURFACE@
06:33.03Facktotumyou are getting that error in the game
06:33.26ShefkiI'm installing with CC right now.
06:33.33ShefkiTo see if I can replicate that way.
06:33.48Facktotumyou are not going to get that error when updating
06:35.12YssarilXinhuan: are you gonna make the wrath clone of omen the main one the second the servers go down?
06:35.16ShefkiActually I got an error I wasn't getting when I just installed manually.
06:35.29orionshockXinhuan:  how?
06:35.36orionshockdo u need an admin to do that or?
06:36.15Yssarilorionshock: you can merge projects so id imagine you can merge clones
06:36.37*** join/#wowace duaiwe (
06:37.55FacktotumShefki: i was going to suggest that he downloads manually
06:38.03Facktotumand extract
06:38.28sztanpetwhats the difference
06:38.43ShefkiOnly errors I'm getting when I install with CC is the MobHealth errors.
06:38.49ShefkiI can't replicate the LibRock errors.
06:38.52sb|workmorning #2 :p
06:39.22ShefkiI suspect that there are conflicting LibRock installs in different addons.
06:39.41ShefkiAnd CC still only does embeded.
06:40.08Facktotumget that extract it and try again
06:40.19ShefkiFacktotum: Noooo.....
06:40.27ShefkiDo not direct users to wowace to download files please.
06:40.38ShefkiGive them the curse URL.
06:41.00Facktotumwhat difference does it make?
06:41.16ShefkiIf users start trying to use wowace to download it'll fall over tomorrow.
06:41.29ShefkiAnd we need it to be able to work to fix stuff if there are issues.
06:41.35sztanpetexact same problem
06:41.47Shefkisztanpet: Install LibRock seperately.
06:43.14sztanpetaye it works now
06:43.16*** join/#wowace echos (
06:43.25quiescensI think I need a new quest log addon and a new itemrack addon thingy
06:43.33ShefkiSome adddon needs to be bumped to get it to repackage the LibRock version.
06:43.35*** join/#wowace RaydenU (
06:43.42Shefkisztanpet: Do you happen to have Parrot installed?
06:44.07ShefkiCan you uninstall the LibRock you just put in, then load Pitbull without Parrot enabled?
06:44.14Spennigquiescens: ClosetGnome isn't bad for the itemrack replacement. is what I moved to.
06:44.16sztanpetsure, gimme a sec
06:44.16ShefkiAnd see if toggle Parrot on and off toggles the issue?
06:44.39ShefkiItemRack is working fine for me on beta.  /shrug
06:45.14quiescensthere are some annoyances with itemrack
06:45.45sztanpetnope, parrot is off, stil lgetting the error
06:46.03sztanpeti do have chinchilla too, thats about the only other librock addon
06:46.12Shefkisztanpet: Try turning both off then.
06:46.17ShefkiCould be either.
06:46.22ShefkiOr both.
06:47.07ShefkiNo error with both turned off?
06:47.16sztanpetsame error with both turned off
06:49.13sztanpetoh and cowtip too!
06:49.19*** join/#wowace Thezilch (
06:49.20sztanpetlemme test it with that
06:49.32ShefkiOkay I was sitting here scratching my head...
06:49.57ShefkiBecuase PitBull has the same version of LibRock in it that you got from curse.
06:50.03ShefkiSo it has to be something else.
06:50.15sztanpetnah, the erros gone now
06:50.26ShefkiOkay thanks.
06:50.36sztanpetmy pleasure
06:50.56ShefkiThis is a result of two changes...
06:51.03Shefkia) CC always is suing embeded addons.
06:51.26Shefkib) wowace packager doesn't repackage addons using a lib whenever the lib is updated.
06:51.41quiescenssue them all!
06:51.42ShefkiWhich means now that it's now possible to get library mismatches.
06:52.19quiescenswhich version of prat should I download with the hope of it working reasonably well tomorrow
06:52.32sztanpetchatter! :D
06:52.56ShefkiSolution to this problem is to tell everyone to use the disembeded option once CC has it or to force updates to addons when libraries they depend on update.
06:52.59NeoTronok this is the most bullshit I've ever seen
06:53.05*** join/#wowace Inc` (
06:53.12Shefkiquiescens: I've been using the 3.0 version just fine on beta.  /shrug
06:53.14NeoTronfinal bear run, contract for a guy who paid us reasonbly well
06:53.24NeoTronand the stupid server selectively lags out
06:53.42quiescensI'm more of a fan of disembedded, plus it saves bandwidth in the long run
06:53.46Xinhuanbears are so meh now
06:53.48NeoTronlike the good old loot lag except not just looting. we waste time waiting for people to be alive and present ... and pull the dragonhawk boss
06:53.54Facktotumselling bear runs is wrong
06:53.55Shefkiquiescens: Yeah so am I.
06:53.56sylvanaarquiescens 3.0
06:53.56Xinhuan200000 ppl and their mothers all have it now
06:54.12NeoTronand he spends 80% of his health targeting me, not doing any adds, not doing any boms, not attacking the tank. I can't do shit but neither does he
06:54.17NeoTronweirdest things
06:54.29NeoTronFacktotum: no it's not. it's like selling crafted epics from SWP is wrong
06:54.34sb|workFacktotum: mhh - why wrong?
06:54.43NeoTronsb|work: because he can't afford it I bet!
06:54.47ShefkiIt's not wrong and I've done it.  But I understand the objection.
06:54.47sb|workit was 10000 on our server
06:54.56ShefkiThat's what we sell it for.
06:55.01sb|work(however, i didnt do it... *sigh*)
06:55.01ShefkiBeen doing it for months.
06:55.19NeoTronwe did it for 5000g
06:55.20sb|workbut the bad part is
06:55.21ShefkiI do kinda hate how many people have them now.
06:55.31NeoTronwe failed with 1.5m to save solely because the stupid server bugged out
06:55.32ShefkiBut whatever.
06:55.39Xinhuankodo mount (for alliance) is much more valuable
06:55.45Xinhuani've seen ppl offer 5k gold for it
06:55.53Xinhuanthat is, 1250 per other person to not roll
06:56.03Xinhuanduring brewfest
06:56.06ShefkiI'll be happy with my Blizzcon mount come tomorrow.
06:56.12quiescenseveryone knows not to do anything important on the day before or after a patch
06:56.31*** join/#wowace Sliker_Hawk (
06:56.50sb|workbut the fail thing was that they also wanted to have 5000 gold from people within that bear group :o
06:57.20*** join/#wowace Gandharva (
06:57.20sb|workso you get bear for someone = 1k gold for you, but if you want to have that bear for yourself = giev 5000 gold to others
06:57.47FacktotumNeotron: i have the bear and i dont really care
06:57.51ShefkiWe did paid runs and guild runs.
06:57.59quiescensas far as rare mounts go I'd say try to get the one from strath
06:58.03ShefkiGuild runs nobody got paid, and guild member got it.
06:58.03sb|workShefki: they also wanted to have 5k from guildies :/
06:58.07sb|workanother fail-thing :o
06:58.09Shefkisb|work: yeah we didn't do that.
06:58.16Shefkiwe rotated people between the two runs.
06:58.29ShefkiSometimes you went on the paid run, sometimes you went on the guild run.
06:58.32sb|worki only did non-paid stuff for ~10 people, was okay
06:58.37Facktotumits just carrying a noob to get a bear because he has gold is not in our guild
06:59.18*** join/#wowace Cheads (
06:59.22ShefkiFacktotum: The only people that we were getting them for in guild were recruits.  We wouldn't even be running ZA if it weren't for the bear.
06:59.41Xinhuani don't see why its important for recruits to have bears ;p
07:00.00ShefkiXinhuan: Makes people happy.  /shrug
07:01.09FacktotumShefki: guilds on my server sold about 20 of them at 3-5k gold
07:01.43Xinhuanmy server has about 5 guild groups selling them at 6k every week heh
07:01.44ShefkiAs far as I know we were the only ones selling them.  No idea how many we sold.  I just went sometimes I wasn't the one organizing them.
07:01.44Facktotumso now having the bear mount is like having epics from badges
07:02.17ShefkiFacktotum: People sell gear too you know.
07:02.24Facktotumi know
07:02.42ShefkiWhich we actually don't do.
07:02.57Facktotumagain carrying someone in a whole sunwell run so he can get his easy loot
07:02.58sb|workbut it would be easy money :p
07:03.02Facktotumis something we dont do
07:03.07sb|worksell t6 for 30k :p
07:03.30ShefkiThere's only 6 guilds on our realm on both sides with anything down in Sunwell.
07:03.31*** join/#wowace Kalroth (
07:03.33sb|workerr okay, forget about that idea - never going to MH again :p
07:03.55ShefkiAnd most of them only have Kalecgos down.
07:04.05FacktotumShefki: we are the only guild on our server that cleared sunwell both alliance and horde side
07:04.28Facktotumand we never did get the gloves pattern
07:04.43Facktotumeven after farming trash since the start with 2 groups
07:04.56ShefkiYeah we are missing a ton of patterns.
07:05.10ShefkiWe still have KJ to kill.  We just got M'uru last week.
07:05.41ShefkiAll the other guilds without stuff down have the patterns, we have to get them to make stuff for us.
07:06.04Facktotumthere is no one on our server that has the gloves
07:06.13Facktotumwe had to migrate toons
07:06.25Facktotumgetting them crafted and come back
07:06.27ShefkiNow that sucks.
07:07.25sztanpetdropped on our first run
07:07.29Facktotumthen again loot is random
07:07.45sztanpetwith two or three healer rings
07:08.18Facktotumwe did get every pattern/ring/neck from sunwell
07:08.20Facktotumexcept the gloves
07:09.56Facktotumoff to sleep laters
07:10.00digmouseXinhuan: how can I send localization files to you? setting git up would be a pain for me
07:10.24Xinhuanbut right now i have several commits on my local side
07:10.29Xinhuanthat isn't commited yet
07:10.39digmouseI'll wait for a stable version
07:10.54Xinhuanyou can send me now if you want
07:11.11Xinhuanit just won't have some of my newer options
07:11.24digmouseI'd rather wait for a more complete one to make things easier
07:11.46Arrowmasterdigmouse: how would setting up git be a pain?
07:11.55*** join/#wowace Slayman (
07:12.01Slaymanhey folks
07:12.17Groktarnibbles on Slayman's soul
07:12.26digmouseuh to be honest I'm being finding tutorials on git
07:12.29XinhuanArrowmaster, care to guide him? ;p
07:12.45Arrowmasterdigmouse: on windows?
07:12.58digmousehehe, I think I can make it by some tutorials but that would take some time
07:13.01NivFreakfears patch day
07:13.09digmouseArrowmaster: ye, I dont use linux
07:13.16NivFreakresults of installing my addons via curseclient? FUCKED
07:13.49NivFreaknevcairiel: is the version of bt4 you have "released" older than sin?
07:13.59Groktarcurseclient hasn't devoured my addons yet
07:14.04Slaymanhey I haven't played in quite some time. And I heard there is a change on the addons front, that has to do with no more WAU and curse anyone care to fill me in?
07:14.05Groktarexcept for xperal
07:14.11Arrowmasterdigmouse: k, i suggest msysgit, and having putty with plink installed ahead of time, and selecting the option to use plink when installing msysgit
07:14.15Groktarit thought that one was very tasty
07:14.30orionshockNargiddley / nevcairiel how do u tell an AceConfig window to "refresh" ?
07:14.33ShefkiArrowmaster: Can you do me a favo tomorrow?
07:14.43digmouseAnd, commiting by git needs SSH key too?
07:14.49Arrowmasterdigmouse: yeah
07:14.51DiskmasterSlayman: As far as I'm aware, WAU is dead, and you need to migrate to the Curse Client
07:14.57digmousethe key generating is the same as using it in SVN?
07:15.17purli guess wau is WowAceUpdater, previously used to mass update all the addons from wowace.  It has been removed and replaced with the Curse Client which you can find at
07:15.17ShefkiWhen ckknight logs on bug him to bump all the stuff that uses LibRock to update the version of LibRock in the packages so everyone doesn't have errors.
07:15.18Arrowmasteryeah same exact key is used for svn/hg/git on wowace
07:15.19SlaymanDiskmaster: OK then I need to check that one out
07:15.37digmousek, I'll look into them
07:15.46ArrowmasterShefki: do you have a list of things that use librock?
07:15.56Xinhuanwow blizzard downloaded is such a failure
07:16.05Xinhuanit takes about 10 minutes to "check" the 1.17 gb download
07:16.11Xinhuanor about 15 min even
07:16.20ShefkiNot a complete list but I posted the ones I know of that have old LibRocks in them here:
07:16.22NivFreaksounds like your computer is fail :)
07:16.23DiskmasterThen grab the current patch torrent. :P
07:16.32Groktarthat sounds about 10 times what it takes mine Xinhuan
07:16.34Nargiddleyorionshock: LibStub("AceConfigRegistry-3.0"):NotifyChange("appName")
07:16.47Xinhuanits checking 200 kb per second or something
07:16.48orionshockah thx much :D
07:16.56Groktarthat's weird
07:16.58Xinhuanif i use utorrent it finishes the whole check in under a minute
07:17.10ArrowmasterShefki: did something change in LibRock-1.0 for 3.0?
07:17.11ShefkiArrowmaster: As it is right now when people update PitBull with CC it hoses all their LibRock addons.
07:17.20xemacsi hate curse updater
07:17.50ShefkiArrowmaster: Not that I know of.  But that's what we tracked down the LibRock errors people are having with Pitbull to.
07:18.02xemacsswitching to it only caused problems :O
07:18.17ShefkiArrowmaster: Since LibRock is split up into a lot of separate addons I'm guessing that somehow different versions of the sub libraries are getting loaded and not playing nice.
07:18.33Arrowmasternah i think its just LibRock-1.0
07:19.01ShefkiI know that telling users to install a separate LibRock-1.0 solves the problem.
07:19.24ShefkiOr disabling any of the other LibRock addons that have an older copy of LibRock does too.
07:19.51ShefkiAnyway if you can nudge ckk to deal with this it would be greatly appreciated.
07:20.01ShefkiBecuase we'll end up with a ton of people having issues if it isn't.
07:20.27ShefkiI'd do it myself but I'll be on the plane most of the morning tomorrow.
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07:21.43Repo10yurr-combat-log: 03next96 * r124 Locale-koKR.lua: YurrCombatLog:
07:21.44Repo- Update locale koKR
07:21.57Jygaathat cartographer_waypoints bug is driving me nuts 8/
07:22.49Repo10mounted: 03yssaril 07master * v1.0.0-1-gebe46ec / (2 files in 1 directory): [+1 commit] fix error on 40% options on non druids/shamans
07:23.00Repo10mounted: 03yssaril 04v1.0.1 * 3450383 /: [new tag] fix error on 40% options on non druids/shamans
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07:28.26sb|workWobin: hey :) is mrplow still maintained?
07:28.58Wobinnyet =)
07:29.12WobinSorry, playing WAR now
07:29.39digmouseprays for wobin dont get locked back to his cage
07:29.47Fastiwonder how many addon makers hop to diablo 3 :P
07:30.03Fastiand drop playing wow :P
07:30.13sb|workerr d3...
07:30.18sb|worklike in 2010?
07:30.18WobinI wonder what sort of api support d3 would have...
07:30.29Fastilate 2009 latest !
07:30.33NivFreakso the curse client seems to be installing the nolib versions of several addons...
07:30.33digmouseArrowmaster: just google for “plink"?
07:30.34mitch0I kinda screwed up a branch. I created it from a locally modified, but unfortunately not up-to-date working copy. any way to merge it in a sane manner? (svn)
07:30.52Arrowmasterdigmouse: plink is part of the full install of putty
07:30.55Wobinmitch0: nothing about svn merging is sane
07:31.30digmouseah, so Putty is the one? telnet and SSH client?
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07:31.33Fastiwotlk addons are pushed out after patch hits US?
07:32.25NivFreakat random
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07:34.11odtso where should i start in preparation for 3.0 in EU tomorrow?
07:34.19odtwhat client to get instead of WAU for starters
07:35.00[ArPharazon]hello - anyone here familiar with AceDB-3.0 ? I am able to save my settings, however when the addon loads up it simply ignores those saved settings ?!
07:35.42Arrowmaster[ArPharazon]: you need to make the inital call to AceDB-3.0 during your addons OnInit
07:35.53sztanpetodt curseclient
07:35.55[ArPharazon]yes I have
07:36.03Aens|Superioritywuu, so much better than the curse client.
07:36.05sb|workwtf, we need some bot that automatically responds (privmsg) to any line that contains "WAU" :p
07:36.37Fastiodt: if addons wont be coming, you need to install them manually :)
07:37.07Arrowmaster[ArPharazon]: and if you do anything that would cause a LoD addon to be loaded between the time that you call AceAddon-3.0:NewAddon() and addon:OnInit fires, it will break the loading of the previous values
07:37.13sb|workmh - i dont know whats up with WUU. does it have some  better reputation than wowma***x? :p
07:37.17Fastispecially the ones that are tracking debuffs/buffs
07:37.17xemacsThe requested URL /files/ was not found on this server. @ Aens|Superiority
07:37.39Aens|Superioritytry their website,
07:38.03NivFreakis there no viewvc setup for curseforge's svn repos?
07:38.09Aens|Superioritylink is on the first post at the bottom
07:38.26ArrowmasterNivFreak: not right now, although i hope viewvc never gets setup
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07:40.03Aens|Superiorityodt: if any mods identify with wowace, change it to cursegaming by highlighting it, selecting cursegaming from the drop down at the bttom of the program, and setting it to that site.
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07:40.19thulach so
07:40.38Aens|Superiorityyou can just order the list according to site, highlight it all, and do it once
07:40.41NivFreakArrowmaster: why?
07:40.46orionshocksb|work: they did that to spite ppl at wowace for having better toys :D
07:40.55ArrowmasterNivFreak: viewvc sucks imho
07:40.56Aens|Superioritysb|work: it works with curse. I did it earlier today.  updated it properly.
07:41.10digmouseuh, done installing them, seems those are command line tools?
07:41.12NivFreakArrowmaster: it's buggy, but it serves it's purpose alright
07:41.23NivFreakis there no browsable repo path?
07:41.27sb|workAens|Superiority: yeah, i already got that, but how long is it going to work?
07:41.32NivFreakall I get is 500s back from anything I'd expect to work
07:41.45sb|worki think at some point curse will just block all wuu connections
07:41.48Arrowmastertheres no http access
07:41.52NivFreakZeksie: ping
07:41.57Repo10mounted: 03yssaril 07master * v1.0.1-1-g4c93aaa / (2 files in 1 directory): [+1 commit] final commit for the night
07:42.09Repo10mounted: 03yssaril 04v1.0.2 * 53808a2 /: [new tag] final commit for the night
07:42.47Xinhuansb|work: maybe so
07:43.06Xinhuanbut keep in mind is just 15% of their network of games that they cover
07:43.24Xinhuantheir entire network covers about 7 or 8 games
07:43.28Xinhuanwow is just one of them
07:43.32Aens|Superioritysb|work: as long as it can manually download, wuu will work. Its just slower.
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07:44.05Aens|Superiorityif curse requires everyone to log in first, yeah, it'll probably be done for.
07:44.08CIA-48tekticles: 03Tekkub 07wrath * r855af47 10/ (sample.lua tekKonfigScroll.lua tekticles.toc): Add scroll bar to preview panel -
07:44.14sb|workmhh yup, but thats not my point - i dont want to rely (or tell guildies to do so.. *sigh*) on a client that may be gone in the future
07:44.31sb|workbecause of some site (curse :p) policy...
07:44.53Aens|Superioritywuu has been around for years.  Been around longer than wau has been.
07:45.01orionshockMaldivia: ping -- need to add 61288, "Minor Inscription Research" to blacklist in LibTradeLinks when u get the chance :D
07:45.04Fastionly addon you need to update after patch will be the raid boss addons
07:45.10Aens|Superiorityand the mod author was talking about continued support
07:45.20sb|workbut i dont think we can get an official curse statement here ("not going to happen", "yep, we will do") - its siliently tolerated up to some (unknown) point :)
07:45.24Fasticonstant update that is
07:46.08Groktarnibbles on Fasti's soul
07:46.12Aens|Superiority"It's been a good ride, but now it's---no, not over yet
07:46.12Aens|SuperiorityI'll continue to keep WUU supporting the "release" sites,
07:46.26Aens|SuperiorityThat was posted by the author an hour ago
07:47.22digmousewhat type of SSH key should I upload? SSH1, SSH2 or SSH2-DSA?
07:47.39orionshockMaldivia: ping2 - add 61177 to that list too, it's the Northrend thing'a'ma'jig version
07:47.59sb|workAens|Superiority: its not the authors decision if curse blocks the client (not now, but we will see..) :)
07:48.22sb|workdigmouse: ssh2, DSA or RSA, doesnt matter
07:48.29Aens|Superioritysb|work: thats true, and as I said, wuu will work up till curse requires users to log in and do a verifier for every download.
07:48.47digmouseI'll choose the recommended RSA SSH2
07:49.28Aens|Superioritysb|work: at which point, combined with the monthly fee for curse updater, will probably give rise to a new alternative.
07:50.09sb|workthats right
07:50.11Aens|Superioritywhat is it? $3 a month for what wau used to do for free?
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07:50.25Aens|Superiorityhard to swallow for most pc users even if its chump change.
07:50.54digmousethe generated Key should be saved as public?
07:51.07ZeksieNivFreak ?
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07:52.02orionshockAens|Superiority: if people have a problem with 3$ a month then they need to reach over and choke to death their kid or dog, b/c it costs more to feed one of them per week... meh.
07:52.37Jygaahas somebody else problems with bagnon today?
07:52.45Fisker-I already choked all of my kids to death just to pay for WoW orionshock
07:52.53Aens|Superiorityorionshock: Yeah, but current trends show that even if it were 1c a day, people still wouldn't pay for what they can get for free.
07:52.56orionshockFisker-: bad parent!
07:52.59Fisker-no u
07:53.30Jygaa <- waaaah!
07:53.31orionshockAens|Superiority: well, what can you do.. oh, make fun of them. Derive joy from their stupidity and lack of ethics. :D
07:53.34Aens|Superioritywell, not even current. internet piracy is probably the biggest testament to that.
07:53.38FastiAens|Superiority: majority wouldn't, but the 1% would, and that would be enough :)
07:54.00sb|worki dont care about 3$ - although it would have been better ~3 months ago ($ <> EUR exchange rate)
07:54.06orionshockJygaa: you got a 3.0 version on a 2.4.x client
07:54.29Jygaathen tell the curse client not to fuck up my UI on a daily basis -.-
07:54.34Aens|SuperiorityI'm just saying, the fact that curse charges for what used to happen for free would motivate someone to create an alternative.  Its just how things go.
07:54.47Jygaawhere do i get the 2.4 version now?
07:54.51orionshockAens|Superiority: right...
07:54.51sb|workJygaa: uhm, then stop updating at us patch day? :p
07:54.57sb|workerr on
07:54.58FastiJygaa: wait 1day
07:55.13orionshocklike making an addon hosting site is easy.. sure ^.^
07:55.40sb|workorionshock: alternative client - not site
07:55.54Fisker-Well people who pay for it and download automatically also help keeps the server alives despite the "pressure"
07:55.56Aens|Superiorityorionshock: its not about being easy or not. it is about providing motivation.
07:55.57orionshocksb|work: ... not likely if curse stays this way
07:56.07sb|workorionshock: mh "this way"?
07:56.14Fisker-People who don't pay for it will probably consider when to update their addons more efficiently, for the server that is
07:56.57digmousefeeling... helpless facing the command lines of msysgit
07:57.17orionshocklets see... the masses bitch about addon hosting sites, addon authors like the site that is hosting their addon.. and the only $$ changing hands has nothing to do with addons.... lets see who wins this fight..
07:57.43orionshockdigmouse: there is a GUI version
07:57.51digmouseuh where?
07:58.11orionshockno clue, but i know i used one under vista
07:58.19Aens|Superiorityorionshock: but there's no exclusivity... its not like we're talking about a retail product.
07:58.26sb|worki tried win git gui once, but nothing happened when i clicked those buttons :p
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07:58.38digmousea, got it but it's pretty ... simple
07:58.43digmouseye simple
07:59.17orionshockAens|Superiority: this is true, but if an author will only upload to one site, and that one site locks out updaters but theirs, the End User has lost. use it or get lost, they must get what they want on the terms of the provider.
07:59.27Repo10fubar: 03Arrowmaster * r3 / (14 files in 2 directories): Fix .pkgmeta, svn:keywords, and other minor properties
07:59.28thulAbbreviation of Moro Islamic Liberation Front, an organization in the Philippines seeking to establish an Islamic state on the island of Mindanao.
08:00.09orionshockit's an interesting idea that is developing, but all in all only matters to people that are petty. IMO
08:00.58sb|workthul: lol :p
08:01.15Aens|Superiorityorionshock: yeah, but what i mean by exclusivity is that an addon can be hosted anywhere.  Isn't that pretty much what curse started off as?
08:01.31Aens|Superioritydozens of mods uploaded by people other than the author
08:01.34orionshockno clue
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08:02.36digmousewhere to add the repo address in the gui...
08:03.49Aiianehonestly, its easier to use git-bash to set up the repo
08:04.03digmouseI feel agree
08:04.14digmouseI feel more helpless facing the GUI
08:04.41Aiianethat's why I'm using mercurial for most of my projects
08:05.04Aiianebecause git's windows GUI is, well, lackluster
08:05.14Jygaaneed some US citizen with bagnon 2.4 installed -.-
08:05.14digmouse... I dont wanna study another version control
08:05.15Arrowmastergui's are overrated
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08:05.20JygaaEU citizen
08:05.24Aiianeyou're overrated, Arrowmaster :P
08:05.31Jygaaslaps himself around with a pink Macintosh
08:05.36Arrowmasteri dont even use an svn gui
08:05.44digmouseso, how do I create a repo using bash?
08:06.04Arrowmastercreate or clone an already existing one?
08:06.15digmousecreate one
08:06.15Aiianescroll to "How do I actually use my repository now? (Git)"
08:06.16Arrowmasteryeah thats a good link
08:06.29digmouseI'm right looking into it
08:06.52digmousein windows right click on that folder and select Git Bash here is ok?
08:07.17digmousethen git init or mkdir?
08:07.36Arrowmastermkdir first i think
08:08.05CIA-48ampere: 03Tekkub 07master * r5ea22dd 10/ (Ampere.lua Ampere.toc tekKonfigScroll.lua): Add scrollbar -
08:08.06digmouseI've created the folder I need, like "H:\WoWAce\Omen"
08:08.13Arrowmasteranybody want to test that working libs and all are included in the latest file for for me? im laz
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08:08.34digmouseI'll do that once I finish these..
08:10.29Arrowmasterdigmouse: you want to get omen3 from wowace so you can translate it right?
08:11.02digmouseArrowmaster: Yes. sounds mkdir is bit different from creating folder in windows?
08:11.52Arrowmastergit clone omen3
08:12.18Arrowmasterwill create a dir named omen3 where ever you are, and clone the repo into it
08:12.47digmousethat is == mkdir+ git init +remote add origin?
08:13.24Arrowmasteryou cant clone an empty repo which is why you have to do that other stuff on a newly created repo
08:14.55digmouseaha, underway
08:15.25digmousehuh? asking if store the key in the cache
08:15.39Aiianessh key
08:16.12Aiianejust say yes
08:16.18digmouseI've generated it and loaded it in pageant
08:16.19Arrowmasterdigmouse: ctrl-c to cancel out of that since you cant press y or n anyway
08:16.31Aiianeum, should be able to in git-bash?
08:16.42digmouseI cant type y or n
08:16.49Arrowmasterits a bug
08:16.52Aiianeoh, plink?
08:17.14Arrowmasterit doesnt play well with plink on first connects to a server
08:17.17digmouseye, msysgit+plink
08:17.25digmousetry again?
08:17.38Aiianego to
08:17.40Aiianefrom putty
08:17.42Arrowmasterdigmouse: open putty and connect with it to and youll get a popup asking to save the key
08:17.43Aiiane(ssh there)
08:18.11Arrowmasterhit yes then you can close putty and try the clone again
08:19.01Arrowmasteri wonder if thats whats different in the plink that tortosesvn includes with it
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08:21.55digmouseand the Login as?
08:21.56MaelosYou guys using git now?
08:22.02digmouseleave it?
08:22.11Arrowmasteroh in putty?
08:22.22Arrowmasterusername git
08:22.30Arrowmasterit should exit automaticly
08:22.44digmousejust type git?
08:23.03ArrowmasterMaelos: some projects are
08:29.18mitch0erm, if I add new items in my defaults (AceDB3) shouldn't existing saved-vars pick those up?
08:29.57Arrowmasterdefaults arent saved to disk
08:30.18mitch0that's OK, but they aren't "used" either
08:30.31mitch0I got nil refs, or trying to index nil
08:30.54[ArPharazon]mitch - i'm having a similar problem
08:30.59mitch0i added a color = { r = x, g = y, b = z } type thing
08:31.08[ArPharazon]AceDB3 is simply not reading any of my savedvars
08:31.15mitch0and I got nil stuff from the color picker
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08:36.45Tuxbublingsomeone aware of an embeded broser as an addon in wow ?
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08:36.58Arrowmasternot possible
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08:37.35mitch0there is LightHeaded though, for a specific purpose (browse wowhead, sorta)
08:37.41sylvanaaryou mean to browse porn sites while grinding to 80
08:37.59digmousenah, tried several times and get is... " server refused to allocate key"
08:39.10Tuxbubling<mitch0> there is LightHeaded though, for a specific purpose (browse wowhead, sorta) << yeah i see, and that was what i wanted, whatching wowhead from the in game
08:39.33orionshock[ArPharazon]: where are you setting up your Ace3DB?
08:40.04cladhaireaddons can't do web browsing
08:40.15cladhaireyou'd need a third part program that uses an overlay
08:40.20[ArPharazon]orionshock - i'm setting AceDB up in OnInit
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08:40.48orionshockdoes the SV that your setting it up ontop of match the one in your toc file? exactly?
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08:41.24[ArPharazon]er - hang on
08:41.52[ArPharazon]yes - matches 100%
08:42.02orionshockpasty code on
08:42.20orionshock[ArPharazon]: you wouldn't be the first and not the last...
08:42.59digmouseArrowmaster: what if I get "server refused to allocate key"
08:43.16Arrowmasteri have no clue on that one
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08:44.59quiescensfor the record, that's probably meant to be is probably not going to be particularly helpful in this context
08:45.17EthanCentauraimmm... pasty...
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08:46.29EthanCentauraiis hungry
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08:46.54quiescensI didn't do it
08:46.54sb|workpatch finally confirmed!
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08:46.54sb|workThis Wednesday there will be an extended maintenance to apply patch 3.0.2. Please note that all European realms will be offline from 02:00 until 14:00, Paris time (CEST).
08:47.18Elkanothey mist the part where it says "14:00 on Thursday" ;)
08:47.52mitch0hm. can't say I fully understand AceDB3 code, but at first glance, it should work... wonder why I don't see my new defaults :(
08:47.53digmouseArrowmaster: is there a way that I can clear or changes so I can start it from the begging? like clear the key from the cache
08:48.40Arrowmasteryou dont need to clear that key from the cache
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08:49.33Arrowmasterjust delete the directory and do the clone over again if you want to try over completely from the beginning
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08:50.06orionshockso is it confermed they are nix'ing nax tonight?
08:50.22sb|workjust go there and throw away your hearthstone :p
08:50.27digmouseseems I made some mistakes testing SSH connection
08:50.42orionshock<< druid
08:50.47sb|workso? :p
08:51.06orionshocksb|work: port to moonglade
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08:53.44quiescenswe're all doomed
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08:56.57orionshockServers Down!
08:58.17Repo10range-display: 03mitch0 07Colors2 * r145 : restarting branch for easier merge later...
08:58.18EthanCentauraiI wonder how many people will quit WoW when 3.0/WotLK come out... :/
08:59.21Repo10range-display: 03mitch0 07Colors2 * r146 / (2 files in 2 directories): merged in changes from Colors branch
08:59.21[ArPharazon]orionshock - i have the pastey link for you
08:59.47sb|workEthanCentaurai: and how many will return from war/aoc.... :p
09:00.19EthanCentauraiwell I know my mother is coming back from LotRO... *hides*
09:01.10sb|workFisker-: your part now...
09:02.16mitch0can someone point me to a nice example of AceConfig3's inline usage? (basically, I'd like to put a checkbox and a color picker in the same row (maybe even a slider))
09:02.40Nargiddleysame row ?
09:02.52mitch0well, yeah, in a GUI config dialog
09:03.07Nargiddleymake the window wider, you don't have control over that
09:03.11Fisker-my part?
09:03.15mitch0like:  [ ]  (ColorPicker) Color to use when angry
09:03.17Fisker-your mom
09:04.00mitch0nargiddley: there are these "width" and "inline" things in AceConfig3. aren't they there for this reason?
09:04.27mitch0"inline (boolean) - show as a bordered box in a dialog UI, or at the parent's level with a separate heading in commandline and dropdown UIs."
09:04.33Nargiddleyinline is for groups, width doesn't have anything to do with things being next to each other, except that more fit
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09:05.22Nargiddleyinline changes a child group from being a seperate 'page' of option to being inline with its parents other options
09:05.24mitch0well, I could use inline to group related controls together, right?
09:05.30Mytosare we all ready for the overpoweredness!!!!!!
09:06.27sb|work - my spec for tomorrow, any comments? :P
09:06.50Mytoslots of zeros?
09:07.00sb|workyes! :P
09:07.02quiescensI agree
09:07.19Nargiddleyit would group them but it wouldn't change how they sit next to each other, except for a line break before and after the group
09:07.42Mytoslooks like the standard holy build prepatch, but im not a priest so i could be wrong
09:07.44mitch0that's okayish (if that's the best I can get)
09:08.03sb|workMytos: prepatch? :p
09:08.07sb|workits post-patch! :p
09:08.16quiescenshow could you not take lightwell ):
09:08.18mitch0I would also need a dropdown selection thing...
09:08.27mitch0oh man, I'm so bad at GUI stuff...
09:08.36sztanpetsb|work a leveling build?
09:09.12sb|workquiescens: uhm... my guildies are to retarded to click on healthstones, how the hell should they click on that lightwell thingie? :p
09:09.21sb|worksztanpet: raiding build!? :p
09:09.33sztanpetand you nuke with SoL?
09:09.45sztanpetoh it goes to flash heal too
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09:10.37Mytosare imped innerfire and meditation really worth missing out to 10% on all heals and guardian spirit?
09:10.45sb|workmeditation is
09:10.57Mytosim a tank, that guardian spirit looks sexy to me
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09:11.09Mytosespecially being a druid tank where i can get a streak of crushings
09:11.12sb|workit is sexy, but its impossible to heal without meditation
09:11.16sztanpetthat manaregen is huge
09:11.21Stanzillainner fire gives no spellpower bonus at lvl 70
09:11.22mitch0nargiddley: "order" is taken into account per-group, right?
09:11.23Mytosoh, they took out crushing too
09:11.27Stanzillathat starts at 71
09:11.34Mytosfrickin sweet, i just remembered that
09:11.38Mytosno more crushingsssssssssss
09:11.45sb|workokay, so better spec silent resolve then
09:11.49sztanpetstill better then -threat which you really need anyway
09:11.49sb|workStanzilla: thank you :p
09:11.51quiescensguardian spirit is nice but its 10s on a 3 minute cooldown
09:11.58sb|workyou dont need it
09:12.07sb|worktank aggro wont be a problem anymore
09:12.14Nargiddleymitch0, yes
09:12.21sb|workTC  unlimited targets and stuff
09:12.25Mytosyea, they buffed every tanks tps ALOT
09:12.31sb|workbut yes, inner fire seems to be useless then :)
09:12.59*** join/#wowace papyros (
09:13.08Mytosi was doing 1200tps mting on live, and doing almost 1800tps in the same gear on ptr a week or so ago
09:14.13sb|workStanzilla: fixed :p are you sure about that lvl 71-ish?
09:15.09sb|worki'd like to see how those changes perform in SWP :o
09:15.23sb|workbut i'm afraid.. twins encounter is going to be hard
09:15.35Repo10omen-threat-meter: 03Xinhuan 06wrath 07master * 7142aea / (4 files in 3 directories): [+4 commits]
09:15.36Repo7142aea: Add heading background color option. Fix vertical grip resizing when Omen's scale is not 1.0. Fix deDE localization file to be UTF8.
09:15.36Repob7888cd: Add Show Heading option. Move Show Classes config.
09:15.37sb|worklots of mana changes
09:15.40Repo61a6dc0: Add configurable TPS display based on a real time sliding window of the last X seconds.
09:15.43Mytosi dunno, im pretty disappointed in the last two tiers of the feral tree, theyre really not worth the points when i can go into resto and get better
09:16.01sb|workSP less mana, potion sickness - need all those innervates then :p
09:16.21Mytosdidnt tehy take out potionsickness?
09:16.36sb|workbuff is hidden, but the effect is still there
09:16.36Mytosi could have sworn they did
09:16.59sb|workcooldown on potion restarts when you leave combat
09:17.04Mytosim so glad theyre taking that stupid bear out
09:17.28Mytosill finally be able to get a za run on my warrior because they wont be screaming for everyone to have t6
09:17.48sb|workuhm... no more ZA for me... :)
09:17.49*** join/#wowace Repo (n=supybot@
09:18.28Daemonayeah, those 5000g+ per run ... i gonna miss em too sb|work
09:18.37sb|workheh :)
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09:20.10Mytosi dunno, id get begged to run on my druid, but unless i was willing to fork out 5k for a moutn i didnt want i couldnt get in on my warrior, it was very annoying
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09:21.11mitch0will a disabled slider update if I change its value from "outside" ?
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09:21.32mitch0kk, thanks
09:21.33Xinhuanbut the outside source needs to tell aceconfig to update it
09:21.44Xinhuanif the slider is already displayed that is
09:21.51mitch0howto? :)
09:22.01Kalrothyou need to invalidate it, yeah
09:22.31mitch0xin: ah, so that will redraw the whole sheebang, right?
09:22.58Xinhuanit will redraw whatever happens to be on screen
09:23.08Xinhuanand it will not do anything if no config is on screen
09:23.27mitch0the "outside" source will be setting another slider
09:23.35Xinhuanfor example, you have a checkbox in the config, but you have another way of toggling it as well in your own UI
09:23.41Xinhuanthat's where u use LibStub("AceConfigRegistry-3.0"):NotifyChange("Omen")
09:23.47Xinhuanor whatever your addon it
09:23.49mitch0basically, I'll have 2 sliders, and I must prevent sliderA going "above" sliderB
09:24.05mitch0(and vice versa)
09:24.06Xinhuanyou will need to do something tricky then
09:24.21Xinhuansoemthing like
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09:24.26XinhuanOmen.Options.args.TitleBar.args.Height.min = h
09:24.36Xinhuanto change the min value in the slider
09:24.43Xinhuanbut note that doesn't change the actual value itself
09:24.50Xinhuanit just changes the slider's min value when redrawn
09:25.18mitch0can't I do it with a "validate"? (leaving the min/max value unchanged)
09:25.52mitch0or, even better: make sliderA "push" sliderB up
09:26.11Xinhuanin my case, i cannot let my title bar height be smaller than the edgesize * 2
09:26.37Xinhuanso if the edgesize is increased, i change the min of the other slider, and choose the larger value above the lower bound
09:26.44mitch0or just forget about it and let users configure "awkward" setups
09:26.45Xinhuanin my Setheight()
09:27.36mitch0eh, for starters I'll go with the simple way... I'll call myself lucky if I get even this one right...
09:33.13ramoz3.0 out in .us?
09:34.33Xinhuanyes, although its not letting us patch yet
09:35.16sb|workhm yup, its still CurrentBuild=8606
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09:47.29ElkanoXinhuan, I still don't understand why you kept fubar support in Omen3 since that contradicts the idea behind LDB :/
09:47.52Xinhuannot everyone uses LDB
09:48.03Xinhuanin fact more people still use fubar than LDB-displays
09:48.19Xinhuanfortress/statblocks isn't really mainstream by any means, or even heard of by most people
09:49.24sb|workXinhuan: but you do support LDB, right?
09:49.32*** join/#wowace digmouse (n=chatzill@
09:49.48Xinhuanjust so you know, the LDB and Fubar support in omen3 is identical to what is inside Omen2
09:49.58sb|workso launcher support only
09:50.01Xinhuanso it has the exact same functionality
09:50.05sb|workthats okay for me :p
09:50.25Xinhuanyes, unless i hook my "Omen quick menu" to the right click of the launcher
09:50.31Xinhuanwhich i might do
09:50.42Elkanowell, but the idea behind LDB was that you support multiple display addons without having to do it yourself... just sucks that LDB support wasn't put into FuBar, yet
09:50.59Xinhuanyes, if fubar adds LDB support, then i'll remove fubar support
09:51.13Xinhuannote that i'm not actually including fubarplugin-3.0
09:51.26Xinhuani'm merely detecting its presence, if its found, i create the plugin for it
09:51.31Xinhuanif its not, i don't do anything
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09:51.47sb|workthats how LDB support is implemented in omen2
09:51.48Arrowmastersomehow i doubt fubar will add LDB support other than just bundling Broker2FuBar with it
09:51.54Xinhuanthis is quite different from omen2
09:52.06Fisker-why can i see administrator only forums on curse?
09:52.06Xinhuanwhere it actually came bundled with a libstub version of fubarplugin-3.0
09:52.08StanzillaArrowmaster: vhaarr said he will do that (ldb support)
09:52.19vhaarrI said I might do it
09:52.35vhaarrand it's pretty much what Arrowmaster said
09:52.40purlhmm... wau is WowAceUpdater, previously used to mass update all the addons from wowace.  It has been removed and replaced with the Curse Client which you can find at
09:52.40vhaarrbundling broker2fubar
09:52.54Xinhuanif i detect the presence of Broker2FuBar (using IsAddOnLoaded()) then i will not make the LDB launcher, and only the Fubar one
09:53.00Elkanowell, but if someone uses FuBar + some kind of LDB display addon and uses Broker2FuBar to put some LDB addons on FuBar, your code will prevent him from putting Omen3 on the LDB display
09:53.01Xinhuan(since its obvious ppl want to use Fubar)
09:53.31Fisker-curses netcurse
09:53.32Xinhuanwell users should be choosing one or the other, not both
09:53.54Arrowmasterimho i would put LDB over FuBar, not the other way around
09:54.02Xinhuanbut just so you know Elkano, if the user runs both Statblocks and Fubar, both launchers get created
09:54.12vhaarrArrowmaster: you're in the minority, then
09:54.19sbingnerwhy use curse client instead of WAU? -- curse client has adds and crap
09:54.26Arrowmasteri ment for if both are detected
09:54.31Xinhuanthe "create one or the other" only applies if either FB2Broker or Broker2FB is detected
09:54.41ElkanoXinhuan, only as long as he isn't also running one of the bridge addons
09:54.44Xinhuanif neither is around and both LDB and Fubar is around, both gets created
09:55.01sbingnerand it wants me to make a damned account
09:55.04Xinhuanthe bridge **implies** that the user only wants to use one of them, not both
09:55.11Xinhuanso i create the appropriate one
09:55.29Brunerssbingner: wau is dead
09:55.39sb|worksbingner: stop QQing - get used to it or leave it...
09:55.45sbingnerI can do that
09:55.46*** part/#wowace sbingner (n=john@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/sbingner)
09:55.54digmouseArrowmaster: I think I made a foolish mistake connecting to git server, the first time i typed my curse user name not "git", so is that the problem?
09:56.01sb|workyeah, whatever...
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09:56.08Arrowmasterdigmouse: no
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09:56.45digmouseso that would be something about my SSH key I think
09:57.29vhaarrArrowmaster: problem is that yesterday I worked 13 hours, today it's 9 hours and tomorrow 10+, so I won't be able to do it before the patch hits
09:57.40vhaarrso if anyone else could, they should go for it
09:57.58Arrowmasteri see it as a non issue
09:58.17Arrowmasterwould rather a better mod be developed and take the lead
09:59.24*** part/#wowace cirish (
10:00.13sztanpetwhats ldb
10:00.36Eimhinsztanpet: libdatabroker
10:00.42sztanpetah, ty
10:04.34Xinhuanself:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_REGEN_DISABLED", "UpdateVisible", 10)
10:04.34Xinhuanself:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_REGEN_ENABLED", "UpdateVisible")
10:04.37Xinhuanso i register like that
10:04.50Xinhuanand in :UpdateVisible(a, b, c)
10:04.54Xinhuani print out the values of a, b, c
10:04.56*** join/#wowace Inc` (
10:05.07Repo10parrot: 03profalbert 07master * 1.0.1a .pkgmeta: [+1 commit] fix .pkgmeta (fixes the missing RockDB-issue)
10:05.08Repo10parrot: 03profalbert 041.0.1a * 8226a4d /: [new tag] fix .pkgmeta (fixes the missing RockDB-issue)
10:05.22Xinhuani get "10 PLAYER_REGEN_DISABLED nil" and "PLAYER_REGEN_ENABLED nil nil" as the output
10:07.33*** join/#wowace dudevon-wrk (n=nnscript@
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10:09.50Jygaawhy does pitbull/dogtag show paladin as class for all enemies?
10:13.42digmouseRepository read access denied to wow/omen-threat-meter/wrath.git for digmouse
10:14.10digmouseI need to be added to author list of Omen to check out it?
10:16.02Aiianeprobably, digmouse, unless it's set as Open
10:16.14Xinhuanyes digmouse heh
10:16.32digmouse*shrugs* finally that's the answer
10:16.43Xinhuanand no, i can't actually add access to you, cos i'm not project leader
10:17.07digmousejust wait for nev
10:17.27digmouseat least I learnt how to use it this afternoon lol
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10:29.36sb|workus download available
10:29.41sb|workhave fun :)
10:30.51[SW]Dodgenoes ;/
10:30.54[SW]Dodgeneed eu !
10:31.05sb|workuhm... tomorrow!? :P
10:31.22[SW]Dodgeplx ._.
10:32.09*** join/#wowace Lysithea (
10:32.18Xinhuan"The tracker is not responding" lol
10:32.20sb|workbut i dont understand why it says 9056 and not 9061 (or 9067? cant remember) :o
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10:32.50[SW]Dodge61 iirc ^^
10:33.05Xinhuanso i can't actually download the last bit
10:33.20Repo10range-display: 03mitch0 07Colors2 * r147 RangeDisplay.lua: work in progress, broken
10:34.11EthanCentaurainoob question... what is "iirc"? ^^
10:34.58Brunersif i recall correctly it stands for just that
10:35.19EthanCentauraithanks Bruners! ^^
10:35.20phyberjust that = jt, not iirc!
10:36.32Repo10xperl: 03Zeksie 06wotlk * r188 / (42 files in 18 directories):  (Message trimmed by 2 lines)
10:36.34Repo- Changed: Shield highlight changed. Now shows a bar similar to the Hot Bar, which shows the amount of shielding left on the target, based on the damage they've absorbed.
10:36.38Repo- Changed: Merged changes for version live 2.4.3g version.
10:36.42Repo- Removed: Pet loyalty indication on tooltip. No longer used.
10:38.09mitch0is there an easy way to add a hoover-tooltip to my frame on mouseover? something like SetHint("Show this text")
10:38.12Repo10xperl: 03Zeksie 06wotlk 043.0.0h * r189 : Tagging as 3.0.0h.
10:38.23*** join/#wowace Adirelle (
10:38.23mitch0or I need to monkey around with OnMouseEnter stuff
10:38.51dudevon-wrkis there a channel on this irc server exclusive for addon update announcements?
10:39.45EthanCentauraimitch0: something like -> frame:SetScript("OnEnter", function(self) tooltip:SetText("blah") tooltip:Show() end) frame:SetScript("OnLeave", tooltip.Hide)
10:40.02*** join/#wowace ScoTTie (
10:40.16EthanCentauraidudevon-wrk: #wowace-cia did, not sure if it still does
10:40.39mitch0uh-huh... thanks.
10:40.48dudevon-wrkwould be cool if its still happening, dont have time to scroll up when im in work :P
10:41.04Repo10fu-bar_net-worth-fu: 03exor674 07master * 9275e20 FuBar_NetWorthFu.toc: [+1 commit] Bump TOC for 3.0.2
10:41.06Fisker-tackles netcurse
10:41.20Repo10fu-bar_epic-count-fu: 03exor674 07master * d3abd23 FuBar_EpicCountFu.toc: [+1 commit] Bump TOC for 3.0.2
10:41.28dudevon-wrksadly it doesnt :/
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10:42.14CrazyBennydudevon-wrk: #WoWUIDev-commits
10:42.30dudevon-wrkthanks CrazyBenny
10:44.14Trelashakes the background downloader.
10:44.20TrelaGIVE ME PATCH!  *Stabbies!*
10:44.32Maldiviathe patch is there
10:44.43TrelaOS X is not.  :(
10:45.01Maldiviawell, mine is patching right now
10:45.04TrelaWait, i snow.
10:45.08Maldiviawin that is
10:45.09TrelaWait, is now.
10:45.53Fisker-Trela is snowing
10:46.09Trelasheds her leaves all over Fisker's lawn, TAKE THAT!
10:46.14Repo10fu-bar_epic-count-fu: 03exor674 04303 *  /: [TAG DELETED]
10:47.08Trelawatches take a dive in the future.
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10:49.21Repo10range-display: 03mitch0 07Colors2 * r148 RangeDisplay.lua: work work
10:50.17TrelaI hate idiots.
10:52.13Repo10bison: 03Grayal * r23 / (2 files in 1 directory): english translation
10:57.55Eimhinsince ive embedded all the libs through the curse client i get an error in Abacus-2.0. How can i find out which of the embedded versions is the culprit?
10:58.13Eimhinits in lots of addons...
10:58.28EthanCentauraiwhat is the error?
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10:58.48Eimhin[2008/10/14 11:49:28-534-x1]: Abacus-2.0\Abacus-2.0.lua:21: bad argument #1 to 'sub' (string expected, got nil)
10:58.50EimhinAbacus-2.0\Abacus-2.0.lua:21: in main chunk
10:59.00Xinhuansounds like u have a old version
10:59.06Xinhuanso just install a newer version in any addon
10:59.08Xinhuanand it'll fix itself
10:59.21Eimhinok, thanks
11:00.07Elkanointernet users... they tend to pwn themself... ->
11:00.11TrelaBwahahaha.  Even the OS X is giving the torrent errors.
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11:02.47Eimhinif i simply replaced all the occurrences of Abacus-2.0 with LibAbacus-3.0 and then changed the relevant .tocs, would that work?
11:05.55Xinhuanjust finished patching to 3.0.2
11:06.07Xinhuanlauched wow and it's playing the TBC trailer ~_~
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11:08.09AdirelleXinhuan: wut ? TBC incoming soon ? when ?
11:08.38Xinhuanwell i didn't think the patch came with the wrath trailer
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11:09.14Eimhini dont see why it shouldnt
11:09.17DarkAuditoh great... my JWU list is destroyed
11:09.25Eimhinits all about the build up no?
11:09.35Xinhuanlogin screen is now the wrath one
11:09.37Xinhuancomplete with dragon
11:09.41Adirellegrmbl, note for later: do not update addons the US patch day with EU client, you'll got the addons for the patch N+1 that are not compatible with patch N
11:11.13Diskmastertransfers the backed up 3.0.x patch files over to the WoW dir because Deluge is a pain
11:11.19DarkAuditI spent most of yesterday setting up JWU, and writing instructions for my guild... now that work has been wiped out
11:13.35Arrowmasterwhy the fuck do i need more than 6.5 GB to patch wow
11:14.08Fisker-temp files and shit
11:14.31Arrowmasteri know..... but none of the beta patches even needed that much damn free space
11:15.08MaldiviaArrowmaster: because it's rebuilding every file, to eliminate the patch files
11:15.14DarkAuditany word on when JWU will reenable use of WowAce as a download location?
11:15.16*** join/#wowace mykx (
11:15.23ArrowmasterDarkAudit: never
11:15.25MaldiviaArrowmaster: and keeping a backup incase something fails so you can revery
11:16.17DarkAuditArrowmaster: you know I'm not talking about, right?
11:16.51kagarointeresting, the mac updater has ben changed for wow
11:17.53DiskmasterUh oh, msvcr80.dll
11:17.59*** join/#wowace Beutju (
11:18.06Fisker-screens or it didn't happen kadrahil
11:18.06DiskmasterPlease don't break wine. >_<
11:18.14*** join/#wowace kz (
11:18.16Fisker-i hope it does Diskmaster >:3
11:18.22DarkAuditI spent all day setting up JWU to make sure I had a mostly-bulletproof set of instructions to take to my guild, and now that's all been wiped out. They're non going to take it out on the WowAce folk, they're going to take it out on me
11:19.09kagaroFisker-: they changed the icon, and it seems to be using a lot less cpu now
11:19.21Fisker-yeah that old icon was cpu-intensive
11:19.35kagaroit was murder on disk i/o
11:19.55Fisker-Perhaps they were ray-tracing the old icon :P
11:20.21kagarono its a new version number for the installer
11:20.34kagaroI just noticed the icon, and teh updater window
11:20.38Fisker- win
11:22.14StanzillaORLYia is like..not a good GM name :p
11:22.49EimhinStanzilla: Correction; its a great name! :p
11:23.41Arrowmasternow i have to try and free up 3 more gigs of harddrive space just so i can patch
11:24.03Xinhuanmuch fail
11:24.14Eimhinya rly
11:24.29Eimhinbah, ill stop
11:24.46*** join/#wowace stew_a (
11:25.16*** join/#wowace RLD_osx (
11:25.22Repo10libsharedmedia-3-0: 03Elkano * r48 / (7 files in 3 directories):  (Message trimmed by 1 line)
11:25.23Repo- removed base folder lib.xml by now they should all have changed to the subfolder
11:25.25Repo- added some test code as separate file
11:25.29Repo- cleaned up ruRU code
11:25.42Xinhuancan i have a request
11:26.17Xinhuanwould you like to add these into LSM base?
11:26.18XinhuanLSM:Register("background", "Blizzard Parchment", [[Interface\AchievementFrame\UI-Achievement-Parchment-Horizontal]])
11:26.19XinhuanLSM:Register("background", "Blizzard Parchment 2", [[Interface\AchievementFrame\UI-Achievement-Parchment]])
11:28.22Xinhuanthere aren't really other usable backgrounds in the default UI heh
11:28.49Elkanonow that you remind me, that's something I wanted to check ^^
11:29.31Xinhuanalready looked at the available textures in default UI
11:29.37Xinhuannot much else is usable as a background
11:30.38ZealotOnAStickDarkAudit: You're trying to have JWU update from wowace project files pages?
11:30.45Elkanowhat about Interface\AchievementFrame\UI-Achievement-StatsBackground.blp
11:31.03Xinhuanlet me look
11:31.48Elkanohmm... ok, looks like it's missing the right side
11:31.49Xinhuani didn't suggest that because the "right side" of the
11:31.53Xinhuanthing looks incomplete
11:32.15Xinhuanthen again, so does [[Interface\AchievementFrame\UI-Achievement-Parchment-Horizontal]]
11:32.37Xinhuanbut generally using it as a background file on a frame with a proper edge inset will work
11:32.40Xinhuanso yeah,
11:32.44Xinhuancould throw it in
11:32.57ArrowmasterElkano: boo
11:33.08ArrowmasterElkano: i was going to remove that fucking subfolder
11:33.35*** join/#wowace digmouse (n=chatzill@
11:33.39Arrowmastersubfolders need to die
11:33.53XinhuanArrowmaster: its not too bad, since otherwise externals would have dozens of libstubs
11:34.02Repo10atlasloot-enhanced: 03Daviesh * r1651 / (9 files in 4 directories):
11:34.03RepoCleaned up the options menu, added much more control to minimap buttons and fubar plugins.  AceEvent is no longer required.
11:34.06Arrowmasterthats why we external libstub now
11:34.20Xinhuanyou do realize the wiki hasn't been updated
11:34.33Xinhuanit has always been publicized that libstub should always be hardemebdded
11:34.56Arrowmasteryes i know, but now that we have control over the packager it changes!
11:35.09Xinhuanthe packager still packs libstub
11:35.16Xinhuanyour point?
11:35.40Xinhuananyway, if you remove the subfolder, you'll need to find every addon that uses htat lib
11:35.44Xinhuanand change the path
11:35.45Arrowmasterit doesnt package externals of externals
11:36.07Xinhuansince most of them external directly to the subfolder
11:36.18Elkanobut the you'll get .pkgmeta and <lib>.toc pulled into every addon
11:36.28Arrowmasternot .pkgmeta
11:36.45Elkanobtw: anyone got an ingame screenshot of the ruRU client?
11:37.14Arrowmasterand its still better than that many libstubs everywhere
11:37.46Xinhuanyou wuld still have to find all the addons and update their pkgmeta to point to the topfolder instead of subfolder
11:37.53Xinhuanunless you have a mechanism that does that quickly...?
11:38.01Arrowmasteri might....
11:40.09Arrowmasterbut really its not just a LSM3 problem, theres quite a few libs with redundant subfolders
11:40.11DarkAuditZealotOnAStick: the version of JWU that came out yesterday supported using wowace or curseforge. Since a lot of my fellow guild members don't trust Curse, yes. I used WowAce URLs.
11:40.29ArrowmasterDarkAudit: wowace/curseforge are not download sites
11:41.07EthanCentauraidoes the COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED include a spell/buff/debuff icon in it's arg list?
11:41.28Arrowmasterit includes a spellid
11:41.33Arrowmasterwhich gets you an icon
11:41.51DarkAuditArrowmaster: I'm not the one coding the tools. I'm not the one who wrote WowAce support into JWU. I just used what was available to me.
11:41.57EthanCentaurailocal name, icon = GetSpellInfo(spellID)?
11:42.19ArrowmasterDarkAudit: so obviously JWU was not properly updated
11:42.38orionshockDarkAudit: using wowace/curseforge in JWU shouldn't be something that is easy to get to or use..
11:42.46Repo10gathermate: 03kagaro * r575 GatherMate.toc: GatherMate: toc udpate for 3.0
11:43.02Arrowmasteractually its impossible
11:43.15digmouseusing English client gives me a 30% fps boost
11:43.34Repo10libsharedmedia-3-0: 03Elkano * r49 LibSharedMedia-3.0/LibSharedMedia-3.0.lua: LibSharedMedia-3.0: added some additional default media
11:44.02digmouseusing zhCN is just 15-25 in Hyjal trash fight and English gives me 40+
11:44.08Repo10gathermate_sharing: 03kagaro * r68 GatherMate_Sharing.toc: GatherMate_Sharing: toc udpate for 3.0
11:44.31ArrowmasterElkano: add back the extra lib.xml since the redunent subdir is bad
11:44.37*** join/#wowace RLD_osx (
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11:44.46*** join/#wowace Repo (n=supybot@
11:45.00Elkanono, that basefolder lib.xml is even worse
11:45.11Repo10kg-panels: 03kagaro * r270 / (2 files in 2 directories): kgPanels: toc updates for 3.0c
11:45.12Repo10atlasloot-enhanced: 03Daviesh 04v5.00.00-Beta3 * r1652 : Tagging as v5.00.00-Beta3.
11:45.19Arrowmasterfine ill do it later then
11:45.22kagaroand done with my updates
11:45.42DarkAuditorionshock: There are lots of folks who don't trust Curse or WowInterface, what do you tell them to reassure them that they won't be getting keyloggers?
11:45.46Elkanothen I'll have to remove it again :/
11:45.57ArrowmasterDarkAudit: you tell them theyre morons
11:46.09ArrowmasterElkano: then ill have to make LSM4
11:46.20Repo10gathermate: 03kagaro 04v1.04 * r576 : Tagging as v1.04. 3.0 compatible
11:46.21Stanzillagirl fight!
11:46.35Elkanothen I'll make Joker!
11:46.45Elkanooh.. wait...
11:46.57Arrowmasterseriously, trying to standardize the library stuff
11:46.58orionshockDarkAudit: you tell them the same thing that you say when the log onto the internet. Only Idiots and Fools get keylogers, and the rest of it is Pure Dumb Luck
11:47.39Repo10kg-panels: 03kagaro 04v1.11 * r271 : Tagging as v1.11. 3.0 compatible
11:47.52orionshockit is out right stupidity to think that the website condones the spread of that activity.
11:47.52ArrowmasterDarkAudit: you have higher chances of getting a keylogger from an updater thats not offically from curse/wowinterface
11:47.53Fisker-fwell not exactly with IncTrojans
11:48.07Repo10gathermate_sharing: 03kagaro 04v1.02 * r69 : Tagging as v1.02. 3.0 compatible
11:48.07Fisker-Though you could say it was iditioc to use IncTrojans for addons anyways
11:49.11ZealotOnAStickDarkAudit: right.  Answer is you'll have to use Curse for those files, at least in the short term, they set it yesterday afternoon that you cannot download from wowace/cf unless you're logged in.
11:49.28Arrowmasterits staying that way afaik
11:49.28Sliker_HawkNice.. Burning Crusade (portal) background noise on the new login screen.
11:49.40Fisker-Looks like they stoel my idea :P
11:49.40DarkAuditZealotOnAStick: I know. I was here when ckknight came on and announced it
11:50.03Repo10gathermate_data: 03kagaro * r85 / (2 files in 1 directory): GatherMate_Data: Weekly update
11:50.05Repo10gathermate_data: 03kagaro 04v1.05 * r86 : GatherMate_Data: weekly update
11:50.08ZealotOnAStickArrowmaster: it may well be, I wouldn't be surprised, but I don't know that.  They're somewhat rather less to giving me privy info on their thoughts since firing me.
11:50.12DarkAudithmph "please enable JavaScript" in place of patch notes
11:50.21ZealotOnAStickso I spoke for what I did KNOW.
11:50.29Arrowmasteryou got fired?
11:50.54ZealotOnAStickYeah, 1st of August.
11:51.13*** join/#wowace [dRaCo] (
11:52.24Fisker-you got the mac torrent?
11:52.34kagarolemme check
11:53.50sb|workFisker-: you are eu, you cannot play 3.0 today!
11:53.51kagaroi didnt grab a mirror if that is what you mean, its been doing that update of the download all week, only took like 2 mins to finalize and patch
11:54.00Repo10prat-3-0: 03sylvanaar * r29 modules/Fading.lua: Fix another fading bug.
11:54.20Fisker-mxs need a torrent for the mac download :P
11:54.35Fisker-should have one in the cache directory of WoW
11:54.42Fisker-though i don't know if it's any different with macs
11:54.53Repo10cy-circled_vol-m: 03Stanzilla * r30 cyCircled_VolM.toc: toc to the hand!
11:55.08kagaroFisker-: all ive got is a torrent for the us client
11:55.17kagarodunno if it will work for a eu client
11:55.20Fisker-I think that's what he needs :P
11:55.26Fisker-mxs is mirroring all of the clients
11:55.29Fisker-it's not for me :P
11:57.19TrelaFisker-: I am looking in my cache and do not see the torrent.
11:58.10kagaroyou know i hope people bumping tocs actually tested to make sure it works with 3.0
11:58.16Adysanyone knows if the AQ or engineering mounts count as a mount for the 50mount achievement? someone on US maybe
11:58.38LukianAdys, pretty sure they should
11:58.44Fisker-bumps pre-tbc decursive to 3.0
11:58.52Fisker-I don't see why they should
11:58.57Adysengi i think so, AQ.. i dont know
11:59.00Fisker-the AQ mounts that is
11:59.22Adysthey are classified as mounts, but yeah
11:59.24Adysmeh dont know
12:00.32TrelaAdys: I believe if it becomes part of the new mount interface it counts.
12:01.45Elkanothe winter pets don't count as pet though iirc
12:01.54stew_athey do elkano, it was changed a few builds ago
12:02.10Elkanoso you can 'spell' them now?
12:02.17stew_ayep, still requires reagents though
12:03.27Adysthanks :)
12:11.22*** join/#wowace Vulcanus (
12:12.51sb|worknah, forget AQ mounts, they are special...
12:13.29sb|workthere is a bluepost about that
12:15.10*** join/#wowace bien| (
12:17.02Repo10classloot: 03Pneumatus * r50 ClassLoot.lua: ClassLoot:
12:17.03Repo- Hide Boss/Instance on AtlasLoot Tooltips
12:17.53KriLL3AQ isn't open yet on Coldarra, come on slackers! :P
12:18.06Repo10baby-wigs: 03exor674 07master * 349cb27 / (8 files in 2 directories): [new]
12:18.13bien|w00t oO
12:18.17stew_ai couldnt get a group for BWL krill3 :P
12:19.01bien|there is still one server in the world where aq isn't open?
12:20.08bien|and how should i understand: [14:15:54]KriLL3: AQ isn't open yet on Coldarra, come on slackers! :P ?!
12:20.17Arrowmasterbeta server
12:20.26bien|oh k^^
12:21.24bien|<<< said nothing^^
12:21.50dudevonany svn repos available to joe public today?
12:22.43*** join/#wowace yoshimo (
12:23.09Repo10baby-wigs: 03exor674 04302 * 5c7f7dd /: [new tag] Delete non-working pkgmeta
12:26.26purlcc is probably Candy Cruncher. Download from - pre-release version right now.  ClearCase, a CM tool.  Curse Client found at
12:26.42orionshock.. aight who told purl the wrong thing?
12:26.54*** join/#wowace Nargiddley (
12:26.58StanzillaAbsolution: This talent has swapped positions in the talent tree with Improved Inner Fire.
12:27.02ZealotOnAStickorion . . .
12:27.10ZealotOnASticktry ~wau and ~patchday
12:27.18KriLL3someone has confused poor purl
12:27.28orionshocki know :D, but they didn't put  /client in the url :|
12:27.53ZealotOnAStickI know one of them was fixed to have /client.
12:27.56purli guess wau is WowAceUpdater, previously used to mass update all the addons from wowace.  It has been removed and replaced with the Curse Client which you can find at
12:28.06ZealotOnAStickThat one didn't then.
12:28.17ZealotOnAStickother one has, unless sylv messed it up again.
12:28.18DiskmasterJust out of morbid curiosity
12:28.22purlwell, patchday is TODAY IS WOW PATCH 3.0 - WAU has been disabled. You can no longer use it to update your addons. It has been removed and replaced with the Curse Client which you can find at ... or doom and gloom terror and trouble, zomgeverythingisbroke! Pro tip: When using the curse client, start with an empty addon folder.
12:28.31Arrowmasterpurl, no, wau is WowAceUpdater, previously used to mass update all the addons from wowace. It has been removed and replaced with the Curse Client which you can find at
12:28.31purlokay, Arrowmaster
12:28.36purlit has been said that wau is WowAceUpdater, previously used to mass update all the addons from wowace. It has been removed and replaced with the Curse Client which you can find at
12:29.03Elkano~emulate Arrowmaster
12:29.20Arrowmasterpurl, no, cc is Candy Cruncher. Download from - pre-release version right now. ClearCase, a CM tool. Curse Client found at
12:29.20purlokay, Arrowmaster
12:29.22StanzillaMounting is now permitted in Ahn’Qiraj
12:29.26purlsomebody said cc was Candy Cruncher. Download from - pre-release version right now. ClearCase, a CM tool. Curse Client found at
12:29.42purlJWowUpdater is a java based tool for updating your World of Warcraft addons.
12:29.49KriLL3bah, why are there so many major addons that don't have 3.0.x versions? :(
12:30.06EthanCentauraiKriLL3: because you are impatient :)
12:30.27KriLL3I'd just like a functional UI post patch =P
12:30.54orionshock:\ FK! still can't right click on anything in the C
12:31.01kenlyric_pretty sure there are still at least 8 hours to go
12:31.10DarkAuditKriLL3: there is one. Addons are just gravy
12:31.12ElkanoKriLL3, name them and I won't fix them for you :)
12:31.16*** join/#wowace spode (
12:31.17Arrowmasteri would like a functional patch!
12:31.19KriLL3Elkano: kk
12:31.38Arrowmasterhaving to copy the installer to another computer and going to have to patch that wow frist then copy all the files over =(
12:31.46KriLL3Fubar breaks other addons for me, old libs I guess, Quartz doesn't have buffs, etc.
12:31.59ArrowmasterKriLL3: try the lastest fubar r3
12:32.05KriLL3EBB works just fine though =P
12:32.18DarkAuditFubar has updated since last night
12:32.47Arrowmasteryeah, i updated it lastnight
12:33.07KriLL3what was wrong? old libs?
12:34.00Arrowmastermore like no libs
12:34.02ElkanoEBB should have broken in case you didn't update it... the old API was removed
12:34.08wallenIs there any other addon that does what autobar does?
12:34.18Repo10omen-threat-meter: 03Xinhuan 06wrath 07master * 9226280 / (3 files in 3 directories): [+1 commit] Add "Show Only In Combat" option. Add "Use Focus Target" option.
12:34.47KriLL3Elkano: I did update it
12:35.16*** join/#wowace Lopen|Wooork (
12:35.16orionshockok, so curse client is out of the window till they get a linux version going.. anyone got any ideas? should i try JWU2 or WUU?
12:35.30Pneumatuscurse client doesnt run on wine?
12:35.39orionshocki can't right click
12:35.44Pneumatuslose :<
12:35.45Diskmasterorionshock, I have CC cli working fine in wine
12:35.55orionshock... and i think it's a problem with the install than with wine
12:35.57KriLL3wallen: there seems to be a 3.0 version of autobar
12:36.02orionshockor my config
12:36.12KriLL316 hours old
12:36.13Trela"New towers have been added outside Of Orgrimmar and in Tirisfal Glades. Crews are currently at work to establish a new Zeppelin route to Northrend for your travel pleasure. Please no /spit off of the towers."
12:36.48Pneumatusthis just in: grammar is not blizzard's strong point
12:36.56KriLL3stupid it's almost impossible even for stealthers to get onto the towers, and the tram is unprotected
12:37.02Xinhuanthere's a "copy event" in the blizzard calender
12:37.10Xinhuanand if you right click some other day, you can past it heh
12:37.18wallenKriLL3: it's broken for me
12:37.18DarkAuditorionshock: I get an "unhandled exception error" that I can ignore and keep going, but right click works in openbox on 32-bit Arch and wine 1.1.6
12:37.27Repo10baby-wigs: 03exor674 04302 * deefeb5 /: [TAG FORCED +1] Working .pkgmeta
12:37.36KriLL3wallen: "AutoBar3000002alpha" ?
12:37.39wallenat least, I get no lua errors and the fubar plugin is successfully loaded but nothing gets displayed on screen
12:37.41DarkAuditYou're running a 64-bit install, right?
12:37.43orionshockim on 64bit Ubuntu-8
12:38.04KillmoreXinhuan: do you thing omen3 is usable in raid yet ?
12:38.22Xinhuani'll tell you a secret, i have never tried to run omen3 in a raid :)
12:38.22Repo10enchanting-sell: 03Shamino * r85 EnchantingSell-enUS.lua: EnchantingSell:
12:38.23Repo- updated surefooted rod, text and materials for patch
12:38.30DarkAuditorionshock: may want to try starting CC from the command line and see if wine complains about a missing 32-bit library
12:38.50KillmoreXinhuan: I will tell you tonight then :P
12:38.51orionshockit dosn't iirc, lots of NTFileLock bitchings
12:39.09Xinhuanmy lvl 70 isn't in a very raidable conditin
12:39.11Xinhuanon beta
12:39.18Repo10enchanting-sell: 03Shamino 04r85 * r86 : EnchantingSell:
12:39.19Repo- Tagging alpha r85
12:39.20Repo- updated surefooted rod, text and materials for patch
12:39.23KriLL3isn't the default threat stuff enough for now?
12:39.43DarkAuditI thought I left the badge whoring behind when I quit CoH :p :)
12:39.54orionshockDarkAudit: fk.. brb
12:40.05KillmoreKriLL3: its not just a mouse over thing by default ?
12:40.12KriLL3Killmore: ?
12:40.15*** join/#wowace iKON (
12:40.39KillmoreKriLL3: ?
12:40.43*** join/#wowace orionshock (
12:41.37Repo10wf3sec: 03Heda * r64 / (2 files in 1 directory): WF3sec: Movable MW
12:42.11Daemonahmmm anybody know if there is mapster data for blood of heroes? :X
12:42.39Arrowmasteryou mean gathermate?
12:43.04KriLL3isn't mapster just a re-scaling of the map?
12:43.08Repo10talented: 03jerry * r298 / (2 files in 1 directory): Talented: Add missing AceComm-3.0
12:43.13Pneumatusblood of heroes is on gathermate, afaik
12:43.18KriLL3cart uberlight so to speak
12:43.31Pneumatusalso, are the US servers still currently scheduled back at 2pm?
12:43.52KriLL3Wouldn't be the first time blizz missed a set time
12:44.11DaemonaPneumatus ->
12:44.17Pneumatusno, but when they know things are going shit they tend to update the time :)
12:44.37Daemonaand euro is this ->
12:44.39PneumatusPDT = west coast?
12:44.42[SW]Dodge[14:42:35] [2] <Spiritdani>: was bringt der patch eig ? <- lol someone who asks what changes come with the 3.0.2 patch O_o
12:44.52KriLL3Pneumatus: pacific, yes,
12:45.07KriLL3[SW]Dodge: tell him his class is nerfed
12:46.05*** join/#wowace nekoh (
12:46.37SunTsu[SW]Dodge: Tell him that this is the thing long waited for: WoW and LotRO merge to WoLotR
12:46.42Pneumatusheh, EU has a 14 hour patch window, 2 hours more than US o.O
12:46.56DaemonaPneumatus PDT -> Pacific Day Time? ;)
12:46.56Repo10track-o-matique: 03Anyia3 * r2 / (5 files in 1 directory):
12:46.57Repo* Importing working copy of Track-o-Matique. Will need toc update tomorrow after
12:46.58Repo3.0 goes live.
12:47.04Navv_can addon directory names be anything i want, as long as it has a .toc file in it etc?
12:47.05KriLL3Pneumatus: bah, usually EU got smoother patches since the US tests em for us =P
12:47.11KriLL3Navv_: no
12:47.13[SW]DodgeSunTsu: now its WoWHammer now!
12:47.19KriLL3toc and folder has to have the same name
12:47.28Pneumatusit's dependant on them actually getting it patched in time thoug KriLL3
12:47.46Pneumatusif they over-run by more than a few hours they will be patching EU before US is finished :P
12:48.16Daemonauuh i doubt they will patch eu if they run into severe issues while patching us ;)
12:48.17KriLL3Pneumatus: that depends, if the USD becomes worth less than the paper it's printed on before the servers are patched...
12:49.16KriLL3I don't see the role of game servers in a mad max:ian "society"
12:49.28*** join/#wowace Josh_Borke (n=jk275@WoWUIDev/WoWInterface/LegoBlock/joshborke)
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12:51.28Repo10broker-regen: 03sylvanaar * r2 / (7 files in 3 directories): A broker to display your mana regen rates. Initial commit
12:51.46PneumatusUSD has been gaining value recently :<
12:51.53*** join/#wowace p3lim (
12:52.17p3limany news on the 3.0 patch?
12:52.27KriLL3Pneumatus: from soaking up blood?
12:52.56Fisker-touches Pneumatus
12:52.57*** join/#wowace orionshock (
12:53.08*** join/#wowace Adys (n=Adys@unaffiliated/adys)
12:53.10Fisker-btw why haven't they updated armory yet? >:E
12:53.17Pneumatuswhy so touchy, Fisker- :<
12:53.40EthanCentauraip3lim: 3.0 today
12:53.45EthanCentaurairun for your lives!
12:53.54p3limEU tomorrow then
12:53.58EthanCentauraior tomorrow if you are EU
12:54.11EthanCentauraip3lim 1, EthanCentaurai 0
12:54.28SunTsuI really am afraid of the pazch tomorrow. umpteen hundred addons and no updater
12:55.06EthanCentauraitoo many to count
12:55.32EthanCentauraionly 92 for me, but 26 of those are BigWigs
12:55.48orionshockDarkAudit: ... no missing libs in the console
12:56.05SunTsuEven JWoWUpdater has left me. Crashes every time I run it
12:56.18Pneumatuson a completely unrelated note, is ISPConfig the only webhosting control panel type app that's open source?
12:56.46DarkAuditorionshock: ok
12:56.50sylvanaarcan you approve mah project
12:57.05DarkAuditException updating info for [Addon id [onebag3], name [OneBag3]]: java.lang.NullPointerException 0.o
12:57.06orionshockbut my wine version is 1.0 , is there an update?
12:57.08KriLL3how do we know it's not a trojan?
12:57.15*** join/#wowace faCe| (
12:57.29sylvanaarim loggin your keyZ
12:58.00KriLL3unplugs his keybouards
12:58.27Trela188 AddOns in my folder...
12:58.30Arrowmastersylvanaar: not approving it because you named it Broker_Regen but picked broker-regen as the shortname!
12:58.40SunTsuorionshock: 1.0 is stable release, development 1.1.6
12:58.44EthanCentauraiam I allowed to create a project even though I won't be able to upload anything until I figure out wtf is wrong with mSysGit?
12:59.36sylvanaarlol k
13:00.03ArrowmasterCreating a whole UI. Goal is to be one installable package that will allow addons or replacements for current addons. New to coding so if you're willing to help send me an e-mail: Gerude
13:01.10Repo10broker-regen: 03sylvanaar * r3 core.lua: set update frequencey to 4x per second
13:01.16KriLL3"new to coding" and "replacements for current addons"
13:01.18Repo10raidbuffstatus: 03danielbarron * r98 / (7 files in 2 directories): RaidBuffStatus:
13:01.19Repo- Merged beta branch to trunk except some localizations due to unicode error.
13:01.37Repo10libsharedmedia-3-0: 03Elkano 041 * r50 : LibSharedMedia-3.0: tagging r49 for release/embedding
13:01.50Repo10broker-regen: 03sylvanaar 041.0 * r4 : Tagging as 1.0.
13:02.01sylvanaarlittle mods are so easy
13:02.03Arrowmasterand "get the fuck outa my wowace fucking ui pack"
13:02.04KriLL3Arrowmaster: I find it unlikely that a newbie can make a whole UI =P
13:02.08Repo10raidbuffstatus: 03danielbarron 04Release * r99 : RaidBuffStatus:
13:02.09Repo- Delete release tag.
13:02.59sylvanaarcourse they dont do much either
13:03.08Repo10raidbuffstatus: 03danielbarron 04Release * r100 : RaidBuffStatus:
13:03.09Repo- Tagged as Release.
13:03.10KriLL3one day I plan on making a totally awesome whole UI for wow, everything changed, improved or replaced
13:03.13KriLL3I know assembly!
13:03.24Arrowmasterpeople need to stop trying to retag shit
13:03.38Brunerswhat is the new interface number now? 30200?
13:03.47kenlyric_I like the new way where it always takes two revisions to push something out
13:03.59*** join/#wowace Whitetooth (
13:04.20sylvanaarim laughing irl
13:04.33Obelixprimeso is there any gurantee that stuff I download off of curse today will work with the patch?
13:05.02*** join/#wowace digmouse (n=chatzill@
13:05.06Obelixprimeas there's no way to find mods that _work_ with 3.0.2 is there?
13:05.12Obelixprimei.e. tested on the beta/ptr?
13:05.13kenlyric_this is not a guaranteed service
13:05.29Arrowmaster'removing wow/raidbuffstatus/mainline from svn_needs_updating, as not updated' reason why people need to stop trying to retag shit, it doesnt do anything
13:06.12sylvanaarthere are no guarantees in software
13:06.20ObelixprimeI'm sorry for my word usage :P
13:06.41sylvanaarthe only guaranty is that there is still another bug you havent found
13:06.56orionshockzomg it worked...
13:07.01kenlyric_the best way to find out is to fire up wow and see what's broken :)
13:07.11orionshockDarkAudit: i upgraded to 1.1.6 of wine and i can use the right click again :D
13:07.12Obelixprimethat's the plan kenlyric
13:07.30*** join/#wowace chexsum_ (
13:08.00ObelixprimeI'm just spending some time now downloading mods from the page and there's very little that say something along the lines of WotLK/3.0.2 capable
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13:08.10DarkAuditargh... this is why I was using wowAce as the URLs for JWU 2... there are multiple listings for the same addon on curse... do I use Cartographer-trainers or Cartographer_trainers? >.<
13:08.19DarkAuditorionshock: cool :)
13:08.23pentium166best think to do probably would have been testing them on the PTR yourself
13:08.40Obelixprimeyeah, you're right
13:08.49kenlyric_DarkAudit: whichever one has the most recent update date! :)
13:08.56sylvanaarmaybe instead of updaters, we should automate bug reporting
13:09.22p3limah well, lets start updating addons for 3.0 then..
13:09.32*** join/#wowace Gandharva (
13:09.40sylvanaarsorta like the MS error reporting thing
13:09.51sylvanaarif any of you know how that works
13:10.00sylvanaarim off to work
13:10.30Repo10baby-wigs: 03exor674 07master * 302-1-g73e535b .pkgmeta: [+3 commits]
13:10.31Repo73e535b: bump .pkgmeta
13:10.32Repo8043cc8: Working .pkgmeta
13:10.33Repo1e9c87b: Delete non-working pkgmeta
13:10.37KriLL3only addon out of my multitude I use that doesn't work atm is quartz
13:11.01KriLL3and it's only the buff/debuff portions that doesn't work (I use that though)
13:11.12orionshocksylvanaar: .. asking for that is borderline blasphemy.. bug reporting... what are we all? beta testers :D
13:11.20ZealotOnAStickQuartz r3 ought to work.
13:11.33FacktotumKriLL3: r3 works on beta
13:12.03Repo10statlogiclib: 03Whitetooth * r186 / (2 files in 1 directory): - Remove LOD in toc
13:12.17KriLL3pitbull had issues with buffs and so did all buff addons, was the buff api changed or something?
13:12.50sylvanaarorionshock it does automate things for the people we always said the files site was for
13:12.56Repo10dictator: 03JoshBorke 07master * 3bf7744 / (11 files in 1 directory): [new]
13:13.36Repo10dictator: 03JoshBorke 07master * d6ca98a / (2 files in 1 directory): [+1 commit] add a BigBrother module to syndicate xp
13:13.56EthanCentaurai0 [main] 0 init_cheap: VirtualAlloc pointer is null, Win32 error 487
13:13.58EthanCentauraiAllocationBase 0x0, BaseAddress 0x7154000, RegionSize 0x1C0000, State 0x10000
13:14.00EthanCentauraiC:\Program Files\Git\bin\sh.exe: *** Couldn't reserve space for cygwin's heap, Win error 6
13:14.02EthanCentauraiWhy won't mSysGit work on my machine!? >:|
13:14.09orionshock... get the auctioneer team to save all their bugs into an SV + !BugGrabber too, then use the curseclient to upload it to a central site that Copys every project found in debugstack.
13:14.15orionshock... that could get ugly
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13:14.33sylvanaarbasically that's how it'd work
13:14.44ArrowmasterDarkAudit: neither, cart2 is likely dead in 3.0
13:14.46sylvanaarit all goes into 1 giant bin
13:15.15BrunersWe're sorry, you've attempted to access a page that decided to jump off its flying mount high over shattrath and forgot to bubble.
13:15.26KriLL3Arrowmaster: is it possible to emulate cart2 with mapster + other bits?
13:15.32orionshocksylvanaar: but that's like asking kael to be overly active on the forums with backhanding people.. just asking for more hate in the end...
13:15.34sylvanaarand you can as an author find error messages in there and propose solutions to them
13:15.36ArrowmasterKriLL3: yes
13:15.41StanzillaKriLL3: yes it was changed
13:15.47KriLL3what was changed?
13:15.54Stanzillabuff api
13:15.56sylvanaarthats basically how the MS one works
13:16.09Stanzillabut I thought Shefki fixed that
13:16.26KriLL3it is fixed
13:16.31KriLL3I said had issues.
13:16.43EthanCentauraiKriLL3: Mapster + HandyNotes + TomTom + GatherMate + InstanceMaps + Cromulent = Cartographer 2.0 (well, almost)
13:16.54KriLL3kk :)
13:17.03Repo10elkbuffbars: 03Elkano * r126 / (13 files in 5 directories): ElkBuffBars
13:17.04Repo- adjusted to new WoWAce
13:17.04chexsumis wow us down for tonight ?
13:17.04Repo- fixed for WoW 3.0
13:17.19KriLL3anyone knows btw what addon has given me a set of cords on my screen xx.x xx.x yellow, mouse dragable
13:17.23DarkAuditchexsum: until 5pm EDT
13:17.33KriLL3I already have cords in chinchilla
13:17.37ZealotOnAStickAside from a simpsons reference, wtf is that?
13:17.39KriLL3I don't want 2 sets..
13:17.40EthanCentauraiTomTom does that
13:18.01EthanCentauraiCromulent = Cartographer_ZoneInfo
13:18.54sylvanaarthe patcher is live
13:19.10KriLL3I wounder when the beta goes down, and what they'll do to kill us all...
13:19.18Arrowmastersylvanaar: old news
13:19.24Arrowmasterbeen trying to patch for a few hours
13:19.25Repo10elkbuffbars: 03Elkano * r127 .pkgmeta: ElkBuffBars: fixed lib locations in .pkgmeta
13:19.30ZealotOnAStickyes, has been for some time.  Was fun patching 3 machines, even with being able to copy 1.17g of the 1.2g data to 2 of them.
13:19.40sylvanaari was writing a minimalist adddon, i was busy
13:19.44ArrowmasterElkano: wtb diff to fix my copy of 'elkbuffbar'
13:19.55ZealotOnAStickSo, what's Grid's 3.0.2/beta status?
13:20.01Elkanodiff yourself
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13:20.25Arrowmasteryour mean
13:20.32Fisker-Grid doesn't work with 3.0.2?
13:20.38kenlyric_his mean what?
13:20.38Fisker-Say it ain't so :'(
13:20.41ZealotOnAStickI don't know.
13:20.45ZealotOnAStickThis would be why I'm asking.
13:20.51kenlyric_he's a bum
13:20.55kenlyric_is what he's saying
13:21.00Fisker-I'm a lion
13:21.11chexsumbums are people too!
13:21.31Josh_Borkewoohoo!  i can push to wowace!
13:22.15ArrowmasterElkano: thats a big fucking diff
13:22.20*** join/#wowace Lonny`afk (n=Lonny@
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13:22.55kenlyric_curse needs a favorites page that gives you a zip of all the mods updated since the last time you downloaded the zip.
13:23.01kenlyric_in fact, so does wowi
13:23.09Elkanoalmost 1k lines unified diff ^^
13:23.11Stanzillathat would be nice, kenlyric_
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13:27.42ElkanoArrowmaster, so what did you change to it?
13:27.57Arrowmasterits 'elkbuffbar'
13:28.24Elkanooh ^^'
13:28.27Arrowmasteroh man i wonder if this is even fixable
13:28.31Repo10atlasloot-enhanced: 03Hegarol * r1653 / (8 files in 8 directories): - first part of 3.0 finalization
13:28.32Repo- just many small things
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13:29.11Repo10lib-spell: 0301satkins * r13 / (9 files in 3 directories): reorganised repo
13:29.12iphigeniais there any castbar addon that has this option for showing the cast time only if spell is directed to self?
13:29.48Elkanowell, try switching the API calls and change the untilcanceled parameter... shouldn't be much more to do
13:29.51Repo10omen-threat-meter: 03Xinhuan 06wrath 07master * d183698 Omen.lua: [+1 commit] Fix threat updating on focus/focustarget units.
13:30.01KriLL3yay, I got a fully working UI setup in beta, I'll just copy the addons and WTF when patch comes :>
13:30.29XsistUse WUU
13:30.35KriLL3a few addons I used to use that doesn't work, but nothing I can't handle
13:30.50KriLL3Xsist: ?
13:30.56Facktotumiphigenia: try quartz
13:31.00Repo10atlasloot-enhanced: 03TrAsHeR * r1654 Locales/ frFR update
13:31.16XsistKriLL3: I thought you men downloading all again never minde
13:31.17ShaneSvellerKriLL3: I'll be doing the same =)
13:31.21Facktotum~slap Xsist
13:31.21purlACTION slaps Xsist, keep your grubby fingers to yourself!
13:31.35KriLL3ShaneSveller: nice to test all addons prior to patching
13:31.41Xsist~slap Facktotum
13:31.42purlACTION slaps Facktotum, keep your grubby fingers to yourself!
13:31.43Repo10lib-spell: 0301satkins 04v1.0b * r14 : Tagging as v1.0b
13:32.25Facktotumi need to rebuild my UI so i'll do that on wednesday
13:32.25Elkanoin theory I have a lot of addons I still need to fix :/
13:32.25KriLL3I got 120 addons on beta, 177 on live
13:32.25Elkanoeg my Fus
13:32.25Facktotum120 addons?
13:32.34KriLL3Facktotum: a lot of them multipart ofc
13:33.08ShaneSvellerKriLL3: very nice. Mine was "completely stable" as of yesterday afternoon and very pared down
13:33.19Repo10lib-spell: 0301satkins * r15 LibSpell.toc: Missed out a file
13:33.27KriLL3closetgnome is 8, FuBar is 19, Pitbull is 29, Quartz is 14
13:33.41ShaneSvellerlol wow
13:34.01KriLL3ShaneSveller: I'm missing APX, atlas (loot) auctioneer etc, but it's mostly there
13:34.09Facktotumyou mean the Lod folders?
13:34.16Repo10tank-points: 03Whitetooth * r81 / (2 files in 1 directory): - Fix .pkgmeta, externals
13:34.21ShaneSvellerKriLL3: auctioneer got patched early this morning:
13:34.41KriLL3hope APX is updated soon, I need it! :<
13:34.42ShaneSvellerKriLL3: and the beta version immediately prior to this release worked fine about two days ago
13:35.25RaydenUi downloaded the whole patch yesterday
13:35.33RaydenUnow it has to download the last 0.02gb again
13:35.53Cursesits a new .02 gb :)
13:36.00Facktotumits something new
13:36.05Facktotumthat has been added
13:36.09Repo10lib-spell: 0301satkins 04v1.0b * r17 : Tagging as v1.0b
13:36.16Xinhuani need your help now :)
13:36.28Xinhuanto make omen's wrath repo
13:36.30Xinhuaninto the main
13:36.55Xinhuanor you can teach me how hehe
13:37.17KriLL3ShaneSveller: how do you remove the pop out menu thing auctioneer installs, I've done it on live but forgotten how
13:37.18*** join/#wowace Kolie (
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13:37.25KriLL3a yellow tab looking thing with icons inside
13:37.51ckknightXinhuan: what's the short name?
13:37.52ShaneSvellerKriLL3: yeah, I know what you meant, I didn't see it the last time I ran it on beta, it might not be there
13:39.08ckknightI only see mainline in there
13:39.13Xinhuanthere is a wrath repo
13:39.28Xinhuanclick Repo on the navbar
13:39.34Xinhuanand you'll see the wrath clone
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13:39.48Xinhuanin the bottom right
13:40.11Xinhuanmain thing is that the current omen is SVN, the clone is git
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13:40.27stew_aif i want to tag a repo as beta and get a package made, do i have to use the wowace 'Tag repo' page, or can i just copy to the tags directory?
13:40.30Xinhuanlive omen should be deprecated
13:40.37Xinhuanas threat-2.0 is also deprecated
13:40.50Stanzillagit smells :(
13:41.03kenlyric_"This is postal, postman, and mailfu"
13:41.09KriLL3ShaneSveller: it is, and I found how, /slidebar off
13:41.09kenlyric_why would somebody do that?
13:41.22ShaneSvellerKriLL3: good deal
13:42.04SroshI can't get BanzaiAlert to play sound; it does text notification just fine.
13:42.27*** join/#wowace Jagobah (
13:43.02RaydenUso 3.0.2 is changing the modding interface
13:43.05RaydenUis wrath not?
13:43.20RaydenUso all of the addon headaches are happening today, not next month
13:43.25SroshThe sounds play without problems in other addons, however if I reload the UI, my selection in the dropdown is not saved but blank again.
13:43.34durcynRaydenU: that's the gist of it, yes.
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13:43.50kenlyric_that would be the sensible thing to assume.
13:43.58RaydenUthat is good
13:44.09RaydenUnone of this "zomg i can't play the patch because all my mods are broken"
13:44.20orionshockok, Arrowmaster / Xinhuan / others; LibStub - is it now being treated like any other lib or is there still special handling involved?
13:44.31ShaneSvellerRaydenU: sure hope that's the case
13:45.03Xinhuanit is treated like any other library now... with the exception that its forcefully packaged in both lib and nolib versions of specified as an external
13:45.08ShaneSvellerorionshock: you don't want it to be disembedded in 99% of cases, as i understand it, so put it in TOC and not pkgmeta
13:45.13RaydenUwowinsider put together a list of beta compatible mods
13:45.15RaydenUsome good ones on there
13:45.17ckknightdone, Xinhuan
13:45.26RaydenUpitbull, quartz, BT4
13:45.32dudevonany svn repos available to joe public today?
13:45.32Xinhuanwill the files on the repo get seen on curse?
13:45.36Xinhuanor do i have to tag new ones
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13:46.08orionshockdudevon: ?
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13:46.25durcynckknight: er, the mainline repo just disappeared
13:46.27dudevonsvn repositories which contain the alpha versions of the updated addons
13:46.32ckknightXinhuan: I swapped the repos in the db as well, so the files on the project will be the ones on the previous wrath thing
13:46.33ckknightdurcyn: ?
13:46.47durcynsvn: No repository found in 'svn://'
13:46.48*** part/#wowace cubicool (
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13:46.57ckknightdurcyn: talk to Xinhuan
13:47.01orionshockdurcyn: it's a git repo
13:47.02Arrowmasterdurcyn: because it doesnt exist anymore
13:47.10durcynoh, when did you change to git? =(
13:47.20ckknightdurcyn: svn://
13:47.28Xinhuanckknight: will
13:47.32Xinhuani.e the curse page
13:47.45Xinhuansee my new repo's files?
13:47.45ckknightXinhuan: that'll pick up what's on the mainline repo
13:47.45Xinhuanit is stil listing the old ones
13:47.59ckknightwait 5 minutes
13:48.13ckknightokay, I srsly need to shower
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13:48.27chexsumi second that
13:48.55DarkAuditturns firehose on ckknight >;>
13:49.00DarkAudithow's that?
13:49.24chexsumtips cold power into the water stream
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13:52.00iphigeniadamn quartz doesnt have that feature :/ i imagine its doable though
13:52.12ZealotOnAStickwhat feature?
13:52.54Pneumatusi wonder if archud2 is gonna get an update or be lost in the oblivion :S
13:53.33chexsumsighs @ cs:s being broken
13:53.43chexsumthey need to stop patching it
13:54.02KriLL3hmm, autobar has 2x2px big bar icons until you change it's buttonfacade settings each login...
13:54.11iphigeniaZealotOnAStick, cast bar coloring/display only if the spell is directed to self
13:54.31ZealotOnAStickoh.  Interesting idea.
13:55.07iphigeniabelieve me, it's insanely useful if you play a warrior f.ex and need to reflect some incoming cc
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13:57.08DarkAuditwell... I *think* I've got all my addons pointed at curse now :p
13:57.58sb|workiphigenia: is there an castbar addon with that feature?
13:58.15DarkAuditJWU treats the extra AtlasLoot, BigWigs, and ORA folders as "unhandled" unless i delete them and reinstall
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14:01.51orionshockDarkAudit: just used CC, worked fine :D
14:03.16DarkAuditcurse is going to update omen soon... there's nothing to dl atm
14:06.23*** join/#wowace Kolie2 (
14:06.39DarkAuditand Omen's updated
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14:12.45Repo10bison: 03Grayal * r24 / (4 files in 1 directory): prepare profile
14:13.59Repo10omen-threat-meter: 03Xinhuan 07master * RC1-1-g04a1391 / (2 files in 2 directories): [+1 commit] Add frFR localization file from Pettigrow.
14:15.40orionshockhehe, i guess the omen git repo is closed?
14:16.15Xinhuancurrently yes
14:16.29Xinhuani can't open it ;p
14:16.34Xinhuansince i'm not project lead
14:18.41iphigeniasb|work, i wish
14:23.42*** join/#wowace Elgren (
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14:29.15orionshockimo if the project is owned by "wowacesvn" it shouldn't syndicate to you know how many problems could be solved by that?
14:29.36Elgrenhey guys
14:29.56Elgrendoes anyone know how to put thin outline on the standard damage text that pops up?
14:30.00Elgrenwhen I hit mobs
14:30.32Kolie2zomg my addons arent working!
14:30.50Kolie2how can I ever play wow with default interface?
14:30.51Repo10recount: 03Elsia * r932 LazySync.lua: Recount:
14:30.52Repo- Disabled sync code compatibility check as all 3.0.x compliant version are compatible with current lazysync code.
14:31.07orionshockKolie2: well, there is the CurseClient :D
14:31.16Kolie2Oh. Whats that?
14:31.19Kolie2Is it pro?
14:31.30Kolie2I bet its keygen!, download client
14:31.34orionshocknot likely...
14:31.36Elgrenrun update
14:31.44orionshockElgren: no
14:31.53pentium166keygen or keylog?
14:31.58orionshockdel your interface folder, then install and use the curseclient
14:32.06Kolie2it generates keys for my wow acct from the log!
14:32.30orionshockpentium166: don't you usualy get those together?
14:32.43pentium166i dunno, i don't use keygens
14:32.50Elgrenyour passwords are encrypted
14:33.02Elgrenif someone were to see the transmission you send to server
14:33.07Elgrenthey still cant see ur password
14:33.22Kolie2but then they are hacker people and they use decryption and bam you are sorry for me.
14:33.37Elgrenonly way is to register the keys you push on your keyboard somehow
14:33.44Repo10recount: 03Elsia 04v3.0 stable * r933 : Tagging as v3.0 stable.
14:33.49orionshockKolie2: eh.. actually no..
14:33.53Kolie2Ok. who do I register them with?
14:34.09Elgrenu dont unless u have some sort of trojan
14:34.22orionshockan smart programer never sends the password over the internet encrypted or otherwise. the client usualy pulls a MD5 hash of the pw and sends that instead
14:34.23Kolie2I have trojan in three size.
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14:34.44pentium166there are lots of unsmart web programmers then
14:34.55orionshockpentium166: indeed
14:34.59KriLL3I wounder if I'm more secure from keylogs since I don't use my keyboard to login
14:35.19Kolie2Uhm, sending the md5 is just as insecure as sending it encrypted.
14:35.29Kolie2The md5 effectivly becomes the passworf.
14:35.37KriLL3but then again, I don't download odd executables, I run Firefox, AVG and S&D
14:35.37Kolie2Unless your hiding the password itself.
14:35.42pentium166although i guess if you're writing a web app you can't expect everyone who uses it to have ssl
14:35.53pentium166as in stuff like phpbb
14:35.57Megaloni type my password by forming the electrons in the memory with my telekinetic mind!
14:36.15*** mode/#wowace [+v kolie] by ChanServ
14:36.26KriLL3Megalon: each time you get ganked you wipe your HDDs?
14:37.16pentium166he doesn't get ganked, he uses telekinesis to unplug everyone else's keyboards
14:37.25orionshockkolie: where u just fk with us?
14:37.26Megalonbut i almost got it under control!
14:37.28KriLL3I don't play wow with a keyboard =P
14:37.35Facktotumhe was orion
14:37.38pentium166when you aren't doing much ganking!
14:37.47kolieI write the curse client, I think I know how it works ;)
14:37.54KriLL3I play wow with a nostromo
14:37.59orionshocki knew something looked wrong
14:38.08pentium166that's close enough to a keyboard
14:38.10kolieLOL I thought you were just going along with it.
14:38.11orionshockhides in corner again
14:38.22Facktotumthey actually did kolie
14:38.34orionshockkolie: i was ... i keep tabs on alot of things at CF/WoWAce, the CC is one of them
14:38.47orionshockhas lots of free time at work....
14:38.58kolieI see you posting alot orion.
14:39.02Kaeltenorionshock: :P
14:39.04kolieI know whos who.
14:39.09Kaeltenhows it going guys
14:39.15kolieFacktotum is my favorite though.
14:39.26orionshock... hi Kaelten ?
14:39.32DarkAuditKriLL3: every time i gank, my victim has to recompile their kernel :p
14:39.45kolieyea time to break the mac client.
14:40.06KriLL3DarkAudit: I don't think it's possible to recompile the windows kernel...
14:40.17EthanCentauraihiya Kaelten! :D
14:40.19Facktotumkolie: i am not gay sorry
14:40.20Repo10atlasloot-enhanced: 03maqjav * r1655 Locales/ AtlasLoot: esES update
14:40.21orionshockKaelten: i swear i try not to troll the forums... seriously i try, but it is so hard not to
14:40.25Shane|Workwhy you gotta hate on the macsters?
14:40.26*** join/#wowace Zynderps (
14:40.30kolieHey neither am I! Perfect match.
14:40.33Kaeltenhey ethan
14:40.35KriLL3orionshock: shame on you!
14:40.38DarkAuditKriLL3: that's what's really happening every time you install a service pack :)
14:40.41Elgrendont play games with us kolie!!!
14:40.51KriLL3DarkAudit: so that's why it taken an hour...
14:41.52KriLL3anyone knows if atlas/atlas loot will be fixed prior to patch? I'd understand it lacking LK data but the pre LK versions break quite badly in the beta
14:42.03*** join/#wowace dafire (n=warlock@
14:42.09DarkAuditI got hit with a kernel update last night... and Arch needs an extra patch to run WoW... fortunately the compile worked and I was able to play a bit last night to confirm
14:43.04*** join/#wowace Lyn (
14:43.28orionshockKaelten: eh.. what happened to the ZOMG long thread about the move to this new system we have, the one u started several months ago to prepare us for all this?
14:43.42Xinhuanyou know the login screen ?
14:43.43Xinhuanof wow
14:43.43orionshocki can't seem to find it...
14:43.49Xinhuanif you login normally using
14:43.55Xinhuanyour user/pass, it works
14:44.03dafireorionshock: it's gone
14:44.04Xinhuanbut if you use an email address, it "tries to connect"
14:44.10dafireyou might find it in google cache
14:44.15Xinhuanemail address like in the beta that is
14:44.25Kaeltenorionshock: um... it probably got moved to one of the archive forums
14:45.09dafirei did not find it with the search .. so i guess it got deleted .9
14:45.44Fisker-Kaelten !
14:46.01Fisker-Any reason why i can see administrator forums? >:3
14:46.42kolieYou must be ADMINISTRATOR!
14:46.50koliebows humbly before our new overload.
14:46.52Fisker-Then i'd be able to access them
14:46.56kolieok im done.
14:47.11KaeltenFisker-: ?
14:48.27Industrialho shi-
14:48.34*** join/#wowace Odlaw (
14:48.51Fisker-now he disconnected his internets
14:48.54Fisker-cause i totally hacked him
14:49.18Facktotumthinks fisker is a good hacker
14:49.50KriLL3I think he's evil
14:49.53KriLL3evil I say!
14:50.22Obelixprimeso, would imp shadowform and fade get rid of the flame darts slowing debuff for kiljaeden?
14:50.56KriLL3he got 30% less hp and deals 30% less melee dmg, isn't that enough?
14:51.12FacktotumKriLL3: does not make the boss easier
14:51.24KriLL3Facktotum: makes it shorter
14:51.26Facktotumand kj does not melee
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14:51.37Fisker-Reducing his hp to 1 would not make him easier either!11
14:51.39ZealotOnAStickAnd caster mana regen took a good whack upside the head.
14:51.47Fisker-(obvious troll is obvious)
14:52.00KriLL3kj is too good for the lot of us so he makes his henchment hit for him? lame.
14:52.06FacktotumKriLL3: the changes will not make bosses go down faster if people are still learning the tactic
14:52.32ZealotOnAStickNow will it stop idiots from blinking the wrong way, or casting shields too early or too late . . .
14:52.46ZealotOnAStickor shamans neglecting to heal themselves when they're ON FIRE
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14:52.56KriLL3Facktotum: I'm not a raider, so I wouldn't know
14:53.26KriLL3ZealotOnAStick: what if they're trolls? trolls can't heal while on fire
14:53.26thulI'm glad I'm a rogue
14:53.28Facktotumi know because you said that 30% less hp and dmg is a walk in the park
14:53.36SarozsRaidFrames has been marked as stale
14:53.40SarozWHAT TEH FOOK
14:53.42thulthe only thing I need to worry about is moving in and out and doing damage
14:53.45KriLL3Facktotum: well aren't most wipes at 30% or less?
14:54.00KriLL3healers going oom, etc
14:54.38ZealotOnAStickSupposedly, on KJ, if you can get him to about 25% with most of the raid alive, then you're pretty much good.
14:54.43KriLL3wont help with encounters you don't now yet, but you can still wipe at encounters you know
14:54.50SarozError: No repository found in 'svn://'  
14:54.51Facktotumthul: i sometimes get bored doing that and help with reflections
14:54.52Sarozhow to fix?
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14:55.05Stanzillafind the real link
14:55.08durcynZealotOnAStick: aye, once you get past the reflections and shield orbs, it gets much simpler
14:55.14ZealotOnAStickSaroz: don't leave it out?
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14:55.27SarozI need the lib
14:57.10Sarozwhats the TOC?
14:57.48Repo10stat-block_factions: 03zebulac * r9 / (2 files in 1 directory): Update for new return values from GetFactionInfo()
14:57.54purlthe current WoW Interface Number is : 20400 - beta is 30000
14:57.57SarozError: No repository found in 'svn://'  
14:58.02thulFacktotum: refections?
14:58.17Facktotumthul: sinister reflections
14:58.26orionshockpurl toc is the current WoW Interface Number is: 30000
14:58.27purl...but toc is already something else...
14:58.31Shane|Workwhich links to for those of you who aspire to be a scribe
14:58.44purlthe current WoW Interface Number is : 20400 - beta is 30000
14:58.44Elgrendoes anyone know how to put thin outline on the standard damage text that pops up?
14:58.50Elgrenwhen i attack people
14:58.51Maldiviapurl, no toc is the current WoW Interface Number is: 30000
14:58.52purlokay, Maldivia
14:58.55*** join/#wowace mitchnull (
14:58.59ZealotOnAStickno purl, toc is the current WoW Interface Number is: 30000
14:59.00orionshocki'll figure that one some day
14:59.02thulFacktotum: wtf? :-P are we talking live or beta? :-P
14:59.09purlThe current WoW Interface Number is : 30000 - Beta is 30000
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14:59.51orionshockpurl forget toc
14:59.52purli forgot toc, orionshock
15:00.01*** part/#wowace Shadowed (n=outlaw@
15:00.04orionshockpurl toc is the current WoW Interface Number is: 30000
15:00.04purlorionshock: okay
15:00.07Facktotumthul: live unless its warrior or paladin reflections we help with BF
15:00.10purli guess toc is the current WoW Interface Number is: 30000
15:00.10*** join/#wowace Shadowed (n=outlaw@
15:00.14orionshockthere we go :D
15:00.35Maldiviahmm, is purl a dancer+
15:00.37thulFacktotum: ah, ok.
15:00.38ZealotOnAStickyou should have seen Sylvanaar last night.
15:00.56durcynMaldivia: modified infobot
15:01.13Repo10tiphookerlib: 03Whitetooth * r53 / (2 files in 1 directory): - toc 30000
15:01.26Maldiviadurcyn: ahh yeah, infobot
15:01.35Repo10statlogiclib: 03Whitetooth * r187 StatLogicLib.toc: - toc 30000
15:01.46Maldiviadurcyn: no idea whay I thought dancer
15:02.09*** join/#wowace Pdh (i=d9224d33@gateway/web/ajax/
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15:02.23Repo10simple-md: 03Starinnia 043.0.0 Beta1 * r89 : Tagging as 3.0.0 Beta1.
15:02.40Repo10sraidframes: 03tomsommer * r571 / (2 files in 2 directories): - Fix libs for new wowace
15:02.41Repo- TOC to 30000
15:02.47Repo10mobile-vault: 03Starinnia * r70 MobileVault.toc: MobileVault: update toc for 3.0.2
15:03.06Repo10prescription: 03Starinnia * r71 Prescription.toc: Prescription: update toc for 3.0.2
15:03.19Repo10prescription_pickup: 03Starinnia * r35 Prescription_Pickup.toc: Prescription_Pickup: update toc for 3.0.2
15:03.41*** join/#wowace Pdh (i=d9224d33@gateway/web/ajax/
15:03.45Shane|Workglyphs aren't entirely finalized, right?
15:03.56orionshockShane|Work: correct
15:04.07Repo10mobile-vault: 03Starinnia 04v1.0.9b * r71 : Tagging as v1.0.9b.
15:04.28mitchnullmaldivia: yo! thanks again for the item list! most of them work :)
15:04.41Repo10prescription: 03Starinnia 04v2.0.1 * r72 : Tagging as v2.0.1.
15:04.44Maldiviamitchnull: np :)
15:05.09orionshockmitchnull: itemlist?
15:05.26orionshockif u don't mind my asking
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15:05.36Maldiviamitchnull: the list I tested (the txt file) were mostly trade skill items and a few early quest items, so they would almost always be loaded on the server
15:05.37mitchnullorion: maldivia was kind enough to compile a list of items for me that can be used for range checking
15:05.38Repo10force-enchant: 03dekimsey * r31 ForceEnchant.toc: ForceEnchant:
15:05.39Repo- TOC Update
15:05.40Repo10prescription_pickup: 03Starinnia 04v1.0.1 * r36 : Tagging as v1.0.1.
15:05.59mitchnullmaldivia: yeah, but soulstone, for example doesn't work
15:06.02*** join/#wowace Kaelten (n=kaelten@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/WoWIFA/CurseStaff/kaelten)
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15:06.05mitchnullguess it works only for party members
15:06.06Repo10liblordfarlander-2-0: 03LordFarlander * r92 / (4 files in 2 directories): LibLordFarlander-2.0:
15:06.07Repo- Miner updates, the miner produced database will be the one used from now on
15:06.08Repo- TOC version update
15:06.12Shane|Workdid they axe the glyph for no-reagent for Gift of the Wild on druids?
15:06.15Repo10force-enchant: 03dekimsey 04v3.1.1 * r32 : Tagging as v3.1.1.
15:06.25Repo10baldrick: 03LordFarlander * r85 / (4 files in 2 directories): Baldrick:
15:06.25Repo- TOC version bump
15:06.26Repo- Copyright stuffs
15:06.33Repo10baldrick_classic: 03LordFarlander * r7 / (2 files in 2 directories): Baldrick_Classic:
15:06.34Repo- TOC version bump
15:06.35Maldiviamitchnull: hmm, yeah ok - but there were a more generic that worked with both frinedly and hostile, right?
15:06.36Repo10libbabble-zone-3-0: 03maqjav * r107 LibBabble-Zone-3.0.lua: LibBabble-Zone-3.0: esES update
15:06.41Repo10badge-watch: 03tomsommer * r31 BadgeWatch.toc: - Update TOC to 30000
15:06.41Maldiviamitchnull: for the same distance
15:06.44Repo10coconuts: 03LordFarlander * r87 Coconuts.toc: Coconuts:
15:06.48Repo- TOC version bump
15:07.04orionshock.. what is this the toc bump exodus again?
15:07.15sylvanaarlol happens every time
15:07.20mitchnullmaldivia: yeah, I was surprised about that
15:07.46Maldiviamitchnull: so was I - but very nice for what you're doing :)
15:07.53Repo10little-wigs: 03ulic * r403 / (7 files in 7 directories): LittleWigs: bump .toc to 300000
15:08.03mitchnullactually, no, I use scrolls instead of the soulstone. I was surprised about that _any_ item would work both ways
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15:08.12sylvanaarseems like they could just add a checkbox to the project, or something, and it would add the interface version into the packaged zip
15:08.20Repo10little-wigs: 03ulic 04v2.0.1 * r404 : Tagging as v2.0.1.
15:08.27Repo10stable: 03LordFarlander * r61 / (3 files in 2 directories): Stable:
15:08.28Repo- TOC bump
15:08.29Repo- Use localisation.xml
15:08.30Repo- Copyright stuff
15:08.34Maldiviawow LittleWigs are already at patch 30.00.00 :)
15:08.36Repo10tabard: 03LordFarlander * r44 / (3 files in 2 directories): Tabard:
15:08.38Repo- TOC bump
15:08.38mitchnullyeah, I got ~5yd granuality now for up to 45yd, and a bit more coarse above that
15:08.42Repo- Copyright stuff
15:08.46Repo10handy-notes_mailboxes: 03kagaro * r45 HandyNotes_Mailboxes.toc: HandyNotes_Mailboxes: 3.0 compatible
15:08.47ckknightorionshock: I just sent out a bunch of emails about projects being out of date.
15:08.48mitchnullso all in all, I'm pretty happy ;)
15:08.51Repo10warcraftpets: 03LordFarlander * r6 / (2 files in 1 directory): WarcraftPets:
15:08.55Repo- TOC bump
15:08.59Repo- Copyright stuff
15:09.02ulicMaldivia: only TBC stuff, still working on LK stuff.
15:09.04orionshockckknight: nice
15:09.09dafirevotes to put repo in an extra channel .)
15:09.16Repo10handy-notes_mailboxes: 03kagaro 04v1.02 * r46 : Tagging as v1.02. 3.0 compat
15:09.21Facktotumagrees with dafire
15:09.25Maldiviamitchnull: the 100yd was hard to test, because at some place between 100 and 105yd, the person despawn :)
15:09.28orionshockckknight: do u know when is gona get purged of all the out of date crapola standing around ?
15:09.40Maldiviaulic: it was a reference to the 300000 commit comment - ie a zero too much
15:09.42Fisker-So Kaelten did you know anything about it?
15:09.45mitchnullmaldivia: yeah, no point in using that. 100yd is target range
15:09.55mitchnullor "visibility range"
15:10.09Repo10aurora: 03tomsommer * r36 / (2 files in 1 directory): - Fix .pkgmeta
15:10.10Repo- Fix libs
15:10.10Kaeltenorionshock: what do you mean?
15:10.10Repo- TOC to 30000
15:10.16dafireit's the "area of interest" of the client i think
15:10.20ckknightorionshock: it sure is :-)
15:10.28Repo10aurora: 03tomsommer * r37 Aurora.toc: Forgot the TOC
15:10.37Fisker-Kaelten outdated addons, "community" made ripoffs, etc.
15:10.40ckknightorionshock: if a project is marked as stale for 2 months without updates, it will be marked as abandoned
15:10.47Maldiviamitchnull: one of the first items I tested with was the new jewelcrafting items, the focusing crystals, that shows a beam - bur for some reason, they don't work
15:10.52ulicMaldivia: doh
15:10.56orionshockKaelten /  ckknight ? : last time someone griped a few days ago they said that there are projects there that are years / patches old that are completely defunct
15:10.57KaeltenFisker-: well addons not updated within 2 months of a batch will be marked as abandoned
15:10.58ElkanoI wonder if they ever activate the addon version check for updates ingame ^^ it's been in the glueXML for some time now
15:11.19ckknightorionshock: yea, it's kinda bullshit
15:11.26Fisker-Anyways is the forum thing supposed to be like that Kaelten ?
15:11.28kolieKaelten: What do I do for merging?
15:11.40KaeltenFisker-: I've passed it along to the team
15:11.45Kaeltenkolie: the tool you had?
15:12.07Kaeltenkolie: delete its files under admin/Library?
15:13.32*** join/#wowace fewyn (
15:13.55DarkAuditargh... all talent points refunded for all classes :p
15:14.11KaeltenDarkAudit: talent trees changed ALOT
15:14.15kolieAnyone know a free mac merge utility?
15:14.19kenlyric_wtf did you expect to happen?
15:14.29KriLL3I think blizz should add an item that works like a container but can be put into your regular bags, "cooking supplies" or perhaps "a box of spices" or similar, so you can carry along all the spices, flint, tinder, etc you need to make food
15:14.30kenlyric_"talent points have been randomly reassigned. we hope you like them"
15:14.38Facktotumkolie: yes don
15:14.43Facktotumdont'use a mac
15:14.43kenlyric_Sam's box of spices
15:14.49KriLL3kenlyric_: :D
15:14.51kolieReal helpful Facktotum
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15:14.57DarkAuditFacktotum: use linux :D
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15:15.06Kaeltenloves his macs
15:15.08thulmac > *
15:15.08thulI love you for using kolie :-D
15:15.17KriLL3kenlyric_: as long as you don't need to complete an epic quest in mordor
15:15.24kolieI dont use mac.
15:15.30kolieI am forced to develop software on one.
15:15.39Kaeltenhe's a mac developer!
15:15.47Repo10waitlist: 03durcyn * r36 Waitlist.toc:
15:15.47RepoWaitlist: stupid pointless toc bump so cf doesn't send me nag email
15:15.51Facktotumoh i feel your pain kolie
15:15.58*** join/#wowace Jagobah (
15:16.01DarkAuditWoW loads faster and has better latency in WINE than native Windows
15:16.21KriLL3DarkAudit: what are you smoking?
15:16.33dafireDarkAudit: if you tweak windows tcpip settings you get the same latency .)
15:16.35Repo10button-facade_simple-square: 03moonwitch * r25 / (4 files in 2 directories): -- accordance to wowace renewed
15:16.51Repo10waitlist: 03durcyn 043.0.2 * r37 : Tagging as 3.0.2.
15:16.52leech2kI lose a few fps in linux
15:17.05Facktotumdoesnt wow on linux run as opengl?
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15:17.13dafirewow on mac runs really good :)
15:17.15KriLL3broken shadows
15:17.20Facktotumwell opengl sucks
15:17.25DarkAuditleech2k: I do have to scale graphics settings a bit, yes...
15:17.36dafirethe mac opengl mode is not the same opengl implementation the windows one has
15:17.40dafire(in wow)
15:17.45DarkAuditFacktotum: yeah... -opengl flag
15:17.49KriLL3wow runs on DX in windows
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15:18.07Facktotumdafire: how much fps do you get most of the time?
15:18.08leech2kwinex, cedega or whatever they call will run it in directx... I think
15:18.26EthanCentauraiKaelten, can I be an annoying, nit-picking little bastard and ask you nicely to capitalise the E and the C in my WoWAce username (ethancentaurai -> EthanCentaurai) so it's uniform with the rest of the site? :)
15:18.31dafiremore then 100
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15:18.46dafirei have set maxfps to 100 :9
15:18.53Facktotumin a raid situation?
15:18.53KriLL3dafire: why would you want that high fps?
15:19.01KriLL3doesn't it tear?
15:19.03Repo10button-facade_simple-square: 03moonwitch 04release * r26 : Tagging as release.
15:19.13KriLL3I got my FPS locked to 60
15:19.19dafirei was playing around with the integrated video recording the mac client has
15:19.19DarkAuditin PvP, higher fps wins
15:19.34dafireit's nice that you can record without ui :)
15:19.43KriLL3DarkAudit: higher fps than your monitor can display = pointless and tears the image
15:19.54Repo10memento-mori: 03tomsommer * r36 MementoMori.toc: TOC to 30000
15:19.58Fastiye I get lots of tearing if I dont vsync it to 60
15:20.08dafireor set to 120 :)
15:20.12KaeltenEthanCentaurai: wowace forums or wowace main site?
15:20.17Repo10mini-pet: 03LordFarlander * r119 / (10 files in 2 directories): MiniPet:
15:20.18Repo- TOC version bump
15:20.19Repo- Copyright stuff
15:20.20Repo- UTF8 fixes
15:20.38Repo10recount-death-track: 03Elsia * r12 RecountDeathTrack.toc: RecountDeathTrack:
15:20.38Repo- Updated TOC, works fine with 30000.
15:20.59quiescenseveryone brace for toc commit floods
15:21.01DarkAuditanyway... WoW in wine loads on the order of several *seconds* faster than Vista
15:21.04KriLL3dafire: why would any sane person let the FPS get higher than their screen Hz?
15:21.13DarkAuditbrace brace brace
15:21.16KriLL3DarkAudit: oh wow, seconds.
15:21.31Repo10atlasloot-enhanced: 03TrAsHeR * r1656 Locales/ frFR update
15:21.39Repo10fubar_combattimefu: 03tomsommer * r41 / (3 files in 2 directories): - Fix .pkgmeta
15:21.40Repo- Fix libs
15:21.41Repo- TOC to 30000
15:21.46Repo10tabard: 03LordFarlander 042.5.45-release * r45 : Tagging as 2.5.45-release.
15:22.02Repo10dgks: 03leech * r84 / (2 files in 1 directory): dgks:Updated TOC for 3.0.2 patch
15:22.06quiescensbecause everyone has superhuman senses and can react to things faster than their screen can display them obviously
15:22.11Repo10stable: 03LordFarlander 042.1.62-release * r62 : Tagging as 2.1.62-release.
15:22.25Repo10liblordfarlander-2-0: 03LordFarlander 042.0.93-release * r93 : Tagging as 2.0.93-release.
15:22.28EthanCentauraiKaelten: main site :)
15:22.36Repo10coconuts: 03LordFarlander 042.5.88-release * r88 : Tagging as 2.5.88-release.
15:22.54Repo10baldrick_classic: 03LordFarlander 041.5.8 * r8 : Tagging as 1.5.8.
15:23.01EthanCentauraireceives a slurry of hate mail and update notifications
15:23.05Repo10baldrick: 03LordFarlander 041.5.86-release * r86 : Tagging as 1.5.86-release.
15:23.05KriLL3quiescens: I got a DVI port on my forehead!
15:23.21Repo10mini-pet: 03LordFarlander 044.5.120-release * r120 : Tagging as 4.5.120-release.
15:23.25Repo10dgks_baby: 03leech * r4 dgks_baby.toc: dgks_baby: Updated TOC for 3.0.2 patch.
15:23.36DarkAuditKriLL3: for load times, seconds is significant... it takes at least 3-4 times as long to load in Vista... if not longer
15:23.44TinyboomKaelten: is my old wowace forum username still alive? or do i have to use the curse one :)
15:23.55leech2ksound addon pack for dgks
15:23.56Repo10atlasloot-enhanced: 03Hegarol * r1657 / (8 files in 2 directories): - second part of 3.0 finalization
15:23.56Repo- german loc and other loc stuff
15:24.00dafirefps is good to check if you do to much in onupdate scripts.. since they are executed for every frame
15:24.19syerenManual Updating of addons tomorrow.
15:24.24syerenFuck yeah Curse at your good job!
15:24.27syerensighs :(
15:24.32*** join/#wowace TheGecko (i=d9224d33@gateway/web/ajax/
15:24.45Repo10fubar_alchemyfu: 03tomsommer * r42 / (3 files in 2 directories): - Fix .pkgmeta
15:24.46Repo- Fix libs
15:24.47Repo- TOC to 30000
15:25.10leech2khmmm guess I don't need to lead the svn comment with mod name anymore :-)
15:25.17*** join/#wowace cirish (
15:25.37DarkAuditKaelten: how long after Repo announces the update will it show up on Curse?
15:25.45Repo10dgks_female: 03leech * r28 dgks_female.toc: Updated TOC for 3.0.2 patch.
15:25.50mitchnullleech: arrow likes it :)
15:25.52KriLL3DarkAudit: you're talking gobsmack, vista has a feature you might not know about, Prefetch
15:26.05KriLL3it essentially pre-loads often used apps/games into ram
15:26.32KaeltenDarkAudit: on avg 5-10 mins
15:26.34KriLL3so when you start often used stuff no need for vista to find it on the HDD and move it over
15:26.55DarkAuditKriLL3: no... same box, Stock Vista install, it loads much slower. Period.
15:27.06KriLL3loads really quickly for me
15:27.14*** join/#wowace Spennig (
15:27.21Repo10dgks_sexy: 03leech * r28 dgks_sexy.toc: Updated TOC for 3.0.2 patch.
15:27.23fewynso today is going to be a fun day eh?
15:27.24KriLL3you might not have used vista long enough and wow often enough to make it into the prefetch list
15:27.37KriLL3fewyn: tomorrow for us EU guys
15:27.47leech2kmitchnull: arrow like what?
15:27.50fewynwho cares about those smelly EU guys =p
15:28.07syerenEU are the best at the game.
15:28.11KriLL3I've already set up a working UI with almost all parts I have in my live UI on the beta, gonna copy the addons folder and WTF to live post patch
15:28.12syerenSo Blizzard probably.
15:28.13DarkAuditfewyn: EU girls? ;)
15:28.25thuleu guys aren't smelly
15:28.29fewynnow EU girls is a different story
15:28.32KriLL3only missing cart, atlas and apx
15:28.37Repo10atlasloot-enhanced: 03TrAsHeR * r1658 Locales/ frFR update
15:28.43Repo10ace-gui-3-0-shared-media-widgets: 03yssaril * r8 AceGUI-3.0-SharedMediaWidgets.toc: update toc for wow 3.0
15:28.52ckknighthey, does anyone have an example of a search that didn't work right on
15:29.05syerenWas a pretty good one.
15:29.15syeren"Pitbull: No searches found."
15:29.21syerenAs I stared at it in the right panel.
15:29.34Repo10ace-gui-3-0-shared-media-widgets: 03yssaril 04v3.2 * r9 : Tagging as v3.2.
15:29.35DarkAuditckknight: fubar_recountfu
15:29.49Repo10dgks: 03leech 041.2 * r85 : Tagging as 1.2.
15:29.51KriLL3why does curse have to break the search plugin all the time? :(
15:29.54Repo10classloot: 03Pneumatus * r51 ClassLoot.toc: ClassLoot:
15:29.54Repo- TOC to 30000
15:29.55Repo10fubar_moneyfu: 03phyber 07master * v1.0-1-gf1013c6 .pkgmeta: [+1 commit] Fix paths for externals.
15:29.58Repo10fubar_moneyfu: 03phyber 04v1.1 * f1013c6 /: [new tag] Fix paths for externals.
15:30.08syerenBecause Curse has been shit for the best part of 2 years KriLL3 ;)
15:30.17KriLL3that's a bit strong
15:30.24KriLL3oh, the seach doesn't work atm
15:30.25Repo10classloot: 03Pneumatus 04v1.4.10-release * r52 : Tagging as v1.4.10-release.
15:30.34KriLL3"Either the site is offline or an unhandled error occurred. We apologize and have logged the error. Please try your request again or if you know who your site administrator is let them know too."
15:30.35DarkAuditat present it's easier to go through the project pages on WowAce, and copy the curse link from there
15:30.41KriLL3perhaps the search plugin isn't at fault
15:30.49Repo10atlasloot-enhanced: 03TrAsHeR * r1659 Locales/ frFR update
15:30.59Repo10dgks_sexy: 03leech 041.1 * r29 : Tagging as 1.1.
15:31.01Facktotumsyeren: i don't think talking shit is going to improve anything
15:31.12syerenAlready gave my suggestions.
15:31.23syerenToo inept to do them or they don't equal $$$$$$
15:31.24syerenSo ;p
15:31.38KriLL3DarkAudit: I'm atm downloading from wowace, I wont once everything works again but curse doesn't show branches, and most LK versions are thus not shown on curse :<
15:32.00Repo10dgks_baby: 03leech 041.1 * r5 : Tagging as 1.1.
15:32.35KriLL3I'll do it manually pre patch and use CC again a week or so after, backing up my addons just in case first ofc
15:32.37DarkAuditKriLL3: I was setting up curse links for JWU after the new version took away updating straight from WowAce
15:32.39ckknightFacktotum: you just gotta talk shit to the right people.
15:32.48Repo10dgks_female: 03leech 041.1 * r29 : Tagging as 1.1.
15:33.05KaeltenI've got to get some stuff taken care of guys.
15:33.09KaeltenI'm going afk for a bit.
15:33.19orionshockleech u on IRC?
15:33.35BrunersKriLL3: i have two wow's one manual and one curse updated :P
15:34.01DarkAuditis making love to: Eagles - Saturday Night on "Desperado" [0:13/3:20] (192kbps) 44.1kHz) [4.61MiB mp3]
15:34.02KriLL3live is curse updated, beta is manual, I'll not use CC again on live in a while, and I'll copy my beta UI to live post patch
15:34.05orionshockleech2k: ?
15:34.14KriLL3I use the beta as a sandbox to make a new UI =P
15:34.17DarkAuditI've got to edit that line out of that script :p
15:34.21leech2korionshock: ?
15:34.29syerenThat's what good design and implementation is about.
15:34.36orionshockleech2k: u the one updating dgks_*?
15:34.38KriLL3got live and beta on adjacent screens, trying to make the beta a carbon copy
15:34.40syerenHaving an updater that makes people not want to use it and have two clients installed.
15:34.43syerenGood Job ckknight.
15:34.55Repo10broker_recount: 03Elsia * r34 / (2 files in 1 directory): Broker_Recount:
15:34.55Repo- Changed Broker name internally from Broker_Recount to Recount for nicer default behavior in options displays etc.
15:34.57ckknightsyeren: don't blame me, blame Kolie
15:35.00Repo- Updated TOC
15:35.10leech2korionshock: yes
15:35.12orionshocksyeren: i got CC working no problems, and im on linux....
15:35.21kenlyric_it's fun
15:35.23Josh_Borkeckknight: my git pushing works!  woohoo!
15:35.28ckknightgrats, Josh_Borke
15:35.31kenlyric_every time I open CC today 3 or 4 addons update!
15:35.40kolieWhat did I do.
15:35.41kenlyric_it's like presents
15:35.43Brunerssyeren: the curse updated one is working as intended, but i have a manual one in backup :)
15:35.44DarkAuditorionshock: are you getting that unhandled exception error just after logging in?
15:35.45PneumatusCC works assuming the projects are updated, which will only improve over the next few days/weeks
15:35.46syerenSweet, your on Linux.
15:35.49syerenSo you're using an OS.
15:35.51orionshockleech2k: dgks is a good example of a set of addons that would benifit from being folded into one SVN / Project... thought about ghetto moving them all into one?
15:35.56syerenAnd claiming it as some form of disability.
15:36.00syerenGo figure your intelligence.
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15:36.04orionshockDarkAudit: nope, not after updating to wine 1.1.6
15:36.12syerenNice Bruners :>
15:36.12kenlyric_if the projects aren't updated, why would I care what the updater does with them?
15:36.15KriLL3Pneumatus: I still don't trust it to do a good job of it, many projects have the 3.0.x version as a branch still
15:36.23leech2korionshock: I have been thinking about it, but the 3 soundpacks are actually by another other originally
15:36.38orionshockdo u have project lead position?
15:36.45PneumatusKriLL3: well, that will change once the developers merge their LK branches into trunk :)
15:37.00leech2kbut if he ever came back....
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15:37.08orionshocki'd fold em into one then. Makes for easier updating and you only have to tag it once for all of em
15:37.21leech2korionshock: that would be handy
15:37.21orionshockyou can use the .pkgmeta to make them modules
15:37.33leech2kya I saw the pkgmeta features
15:37.35KriLL3Pneumatus: I don't expect all authors to get to all their addons
15:37.42kolieDid I do something wrong?
15:37.44KriLL3quite a few authors got a lot of addons
15:37.52Repo10bank-items: 03Xinhuan * r98 / (8 files in 1 directory):
15:37.53orionshock.pkgmeta-modules > multi-repo/project pking
15:37.53RepoAdd upgrade function to convert old TBC format links to new WotLK format links.
15:37.54RepoUpdate version and TOC to 30000.
15:38.07PneumatusKriLL3: chances are if they've been working on a LK branch they probably have something close to release quality :)
15:38.23orionshockkolie: you make a beta program that ppl feel is less than WAU.
15:38.31Repo10atlasloot-enhanced: 03TrAsHeR * r1660 Locales/ frFR update
15:38.32kolie"Beta" ?
15:38.34orionshockkolie: ssdd from the EndUser
15:38.34kolieWhats wrong with it?
15:38.55kolieAnything wrong with it, im working on, which is very few things, or has been fixed AFAIK
15:38.57Pneumatusit still doesnt download alphas
15:39.09kolieIt does download alphas, the addon service doesn't list them.
15:39.09Repo10broker_recount: 03Elsia 04v3.0 stable * r35 : Tagging as v3.0 stable.
15:39.10Brunerskolie: it doesnt delete folders when i remove addons in it
15:39.13kolieDo you see them on curse?
15:39.15Brunerskolie: vista 64
15:39.27kolieBruners> fixed, but only for future addon installs if you had previous ones.
15:39.29orionshockkolie: bout the only thing wrong with it is the nolib stuff.. and IMO, end users can do with out.
15:39.53kolieAlso fixed orionshock: The addon service doesnt supply me with the info I need just yet.
15:40.01Brunerskolie: this means that addons i install fresh will get removed correctly but not the ones already installed?
15:40.17Pneumatuskolie: flaws in the addon service, as far as im concerned, are an issue with the curse client :)
15:40.20kolieBruners: Sorry, yes, there was a bug in addon installation in the old client and it didnt track files correctly for removing.
15:40.38Pneumatusif the curse client doesn't do what i want, regardless of what backend module is to blame, the curse client doesn't work
15:40.41orionshockthe autodetection is still borked btw kolie, i had WoWI updater install some stuff before CC and it didn't even think about detecting them..
15:40.43koliePneumatus: My point was not that there was no issue, just that is already been solved on our end and its being put out shortly.
15:40.46*** join/#wowace Yssaril (
15:40.49KriLL3hmm, level 1 human warrior in Elwynn Forest just whispered to me... should I answer? =P
15:40.59*** join/#wowace WyriHaximus (
15:41.04orionshockKriLL3: no
15:41.07kolieorionshock: It sees every toc, wether it decided to install it or not has been modified.
15:41.15KriLL3orionshock: wouldn't be polite not to answer
15:41.20PneumatusKriLL3: ask him if he wants to buy gold
15:41.26orionshockit's a lvl1, don't...
15:41.32DarkAuditlevel 1 whispers are almost always spam
15:41.34kolieI shortened the cases were it would install, to ones that are perfect matches. no perfect match, not even though about.
15:41.51Yssarilwow sweet up till now i had WoW in program files on vista (changed permissions to make it work properly) it now asked me if i want to move it to a better location during the patch install
15:41.51KriLL3DarkAudit: OHREEEEEEEEEEELY?!
15:42.01DarkAuditKriLL3: YA RLY ;)
15:42.14SpennigYssaril: just did the same to me
15:42.20Pneumatusheh Yssaril: mine has been in program files but the PTR and beta clients both ended up in /public
15:42.23KriLL3Yssaril: errm, can't you just move the folder np?
15:42.28*** join/#wowace Jagobah (
15:42.29DarkAuditYssaril: 32 or 64-bit?
15:42.35leech2kwell I guess I get to try the cc today
15:42.36YssarilDarkAudit: 32bit
15:42.51YssarilKriLL3: i could have but was to lazy :P
15:42.53Facktotumyou can move the WoW folder since it doesnt have registry entries
15:43.06kolieleech2k: do yourself a favor and start your addon folder from scratch.
15:43.12Pneumatuscurse needs to diaf setting -nolib as the default download
15:43.13KriLL3Facktotum: I wounder how the patcher know it's location, searches for the exe?
15:43.16Pneumatuscan someone fix it please
15:43.21koliePneumatus: its been fixed.
15:43.28kolienolibs are never seen by the client.
15:43.33sbohhh, CC has lots of updates for me... must.. resist :p
15:43.33FacktotumKriLL3: most probably
15:43.34Pneumatusnot the client
15:43.46DarkAuditYssaril: a couple patches ago, when I was running 64-bit, it moved the WoW folder out of Program files to a subfolder of C:\ itself
15:43.50Pneumatusi just packaged a release and has set the nolib as the default zip
15:43.52orionshockPneumatus: that perticular bug has been fixed, just the mods need to be touched again to make them update. according to ckknight
15:43.53leech2kkolie: even move out my svn dev stuff?
15:43.56kolieThe default is the last one marked as release.
15:44.07kolieleech2k: what I would personally do is ctrl-a shift-delete
15:44.11koliethen install client
15:44.14KriLL3wow is in "J:\Games\World of Warcraft" on my machine
15:44.15kolieand install form the client.
15:44.18YssarilDarkAudit: it asked me if i want to mvoe it to c:\users\public\games\wow
15:44.19kolieall the addons.
15:44.21*** join/#wowace Vangual (
15:44.22KriLL3J:\ is my installed apps/games partition
15:44.30Pneumatus16:30.26 ( Repo ) classloot: Pneumatus v1.4.10-release * r52 : Tagging as v1.4.10-release.
15:44.33Facktotummine is on W:\ hehe
15:44.36kolieI would not use the addon scanner personally.
15:44.41Pneumatusthe bug has been fixed in the last 15 mins?
15:44.43leech2khmm kk will try
15:45.12DarkAuditmine is ~/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/World of Warcraft :p
15:45.21KriLL3Facktotum: W:\ is one of 4 deamontools dics for me =P
15:46.07orionshockmeh, could be the syndication to curse is down, i pushed a release ~20 mins ago and it still hasn't updated.
15:46.13KriLL3I got 9 partitions, 4 memocry card slots, 4 virtual discs, 1 actual disc and an iPod nano... yes I'm running out of letters
15:46.19Facktotumi don't need that software
15:46.20Pneumatusorionshock: the syndication isnt down
15:46.32orionshocku sure?
15:46.35Pneumatusorionshock: packager made a zip for me in the last 15 mins and its on
15:46.57Pneumatusit's set the nolib as default, but meh idd
15:46.59Facktotumorionshock: first purl hates you now even curse
15:47.04Pneumatusthey are fixing it tho
15:47.15orionshockFacktotum: ?
15:47.20orionshockpurl do u hate me?
15:47.20purlACTION does u hate me.
15:47.38orionshockpurl seems to be MPD too...
15:47.39DarkAuditpurl do the chicken dance
15:47.40purlACTION does the chicken dance.
15:47.52DarkAuditorionshock: amarok ftw :)
15:48.00orionshockright... ?
15:49.09*** join/#wowace sztanpet (
15:49.19DarkAudithas 4 memory card slots on the computer and 4 more on the printer
15:49.21Repo10magic-comm: 03dhedbor * r46 MagicComm/MagicComm.lua: Bumped version
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15:49.55quiescensthe flash of light and healing touch glyphs are curious
15:50.10quiescensthey both drastically rewrite their respective spells
15:50.20orionshockquiescens: try the swiftmend one
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15:50.25orionshock.. now that's OP
15:50.38quiescensI saw it, I just mean
15:50.55quiescensthe flash of light and healing touch ones aren't a matter of a buff or not
15:50.59pentium16620% more healing from lesser healing wave! totally game-changing
15:51.17pentium166or 10%, i can't remember
15:51.25sylvanaarHT glyph gives you the fastest direct heal in the game
15:51.31sylvanaar1 second
15:51.34KriLL3kinda odd
15:51.35pentium166but with riptide i am going to be doing my best impression of a resto druid in arenas
15:51.36quiescensthe flash of light one makes it more of a heal over time
15:51.46KriLL3HT was our big slow heal, making it essentially a flash heal is... odd
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15:52.03sylvanaarand you can proc NG, and cast a pair of HT's 0.5 sec apart
15:52.04KriLL3regrowth would have made more sense
15:52.20sylvanaartalent it
15:52.22KriLL3with that glyph druids have no big heal right?
15:52.29Pneumatusdo the likes of minitype etc still taint the raidframe in 3.0 or did the raidframe get made un-tainable?
15:52.31sylvanaarand it becomes better than regrowth
15:52.40quiescensthe HT one turns halves the healing and makes it faster cast but also less efficient
15:52.43pentium166what does it change other than the cast time?
15:52.45KriLL3I like regrowth since it has a really long duration hot on it
15:52.54sylvanaarI have it on beta, and use it
15:52.55KriLL3pentium166: reduces the healing amount alos
15:52.56Megalon-50% heal, -25% mana cost
15:53.11sylvanaarits VERY good
15:53.13pentium166on top of the reduction in healing from base cast time decrease :(
15:53.46quiescens1.5s base, 1s if you proc thingy
15:53.47sylvanaarhits for 8k
15:54.03quiescensit isn't going to hit for 8k with the glyph is it
15:54.04Repo10liblogger-1-0: 03dhedbor * r30 LibLogger-1.0.toc: Toc bump
15:54.08quiescensunless a regular HT hits for 16k
15:54.13pentium166i'm not sure if the change in nurturing instinct's agi->healing is counteracted by the spell power change
15:54.14sylvanaarare you telling me mine doesnt
15:54.18sylvanaarbecause it does
15:54.21Megalonyou hit for 8k with a glyphed ht?
15:54.29sylvanaardo the math
15:54.30Megalonhow much sp?
15:54.41Repo10magic-comm: 03dhedbor * r47 MagicComm.toc: Toc bump
15:54.45Megalonmy max in raids was
15:54.58KriLL3anyone seen a 3.0.2 compat atlas?
15:54.58pentium166on a warlock?
15:54.59sylvanaarare you 80
15:55.04Megalonwith beyond 2k healing spellpower
15:55.40sylvanaarwell, all i can say is that if you dont have 4pc T7, you should take HT
15:55.40KriLL3... warlocks get a ton of spelldmg, doesn't that increase their lifesteal healing in 3.0.2 btw?
15:55.55Megalonis that 5% for every hot?
15:56.08Xinhuani was wondering why searching for "omen" on curseforge gave me this link
15:56.12Megalondon't have 4/5 :/
15:56.26Xinhuantook me 2 minutes to figure out the author name is "darkomenz"
15:56.28sylvanaarthe best glyphs: #1 HT (if you take the talents)
15:57.05sylvanaar#2 Regrowth
15:57.19KaeltenXinhuan: ya... it does a closet match if only one is available
15:57.20sylvanaar#3 toss up innervate v swiftmend
15:57.20Repo10libbabble-boss-3-0: 03maqjav * r96 LibBabble-Boss-3.0.lua: LibBabble-Boss-3.0: esES update
15:57.22Repo10button-bin: 03dhedbor * r34 / (4 files in 1 directory): Toc bump, fixed externals
15:57.41quiescensshould play around with an unglyphed healing touch just to set records
15:58.03quiescens16k non crit!
15:58.08sylvanaarunglyphed HT is pretty useless
15:58.33sylvanaaryou can get higher HPS from regrowth
15:58.53sylvanaardue to the NG procs
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15:59.02ramozis US servers up?
15:59.09sylvanaarin the same time you can cast 2x HT
15:59.22quiescensthey said 2pm
15:59.26sylvanaarmaybe 3 if you crit
15:59.29quiescensso I'm predicting like 10pm
15:59.31KriLL3they say a lot of things
15:59.52DarkAudit5 more hours
16:00.03Repo10magic-targets: 03dhedbor * r65 / (2 files in 1 directory): Toc bump, 3.0 fixes.
16:00.23KriLL3nice that curse's search is broke today
16:00.49quiescensif you proc nature's grace with a glyphed healing touch won't you be under the gcd anyway
16:00.51Pneumatusdo US have to download a futher patch after the background downloader today?
16:01.04KriLL3no idea
16:01.08Repo10fu-bar_magic-marker: 03dhedbor * r44 FuBar_MagicMarker.toc: Toc bump.
16:01.23quiescensI think there's like 30mb or so that wasn't in the background prepatch
16:01.26ulicPneumatus: usually there is a the exe updater itself on the last day.
16:01.32leech2kthere were 2 patches but both already bg downloaded for me
16:01.38p4avedwas about 50 extra for
16:01.43p4avedwen i patched my client
16:01.52Repo10magic-marker: 03dhedbor * r143 MagicMarker.toc: Toc bump, should still work... :)
16:02.23leech2kso is there a way to completely remove and abandoned mod from curse?
16:02.29Repo10magic-marker_data: 03dhedbor * r29 MagicMarker_Data.toc: Tocatoca
16:02.32KriLL3leech2k: happens automagically
16:02.50KriLL3or at least users can't see it
16:03.09leech2kI see
16:03.11Repo10magic-dkp: 03dhedbor * r89 MagicDKP.toc: Toc Up
16:03.20quiescenshow much hp are we expecting on a level 80 tank anyway
16:03.23quiescenslike 50k?
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16:03.42Brunersi would guess 30-40
16:03.45leech2kwell in pvp gear a level 80 player has around 22k
16:03.53leech2kthat is a mix of blue/purple pvp gear
16:04.00KriLL3leech2k: yeah, and it has no stam on it at all
16:04.00Repo10magic-dkp_client: 03dhedbor * r34 MagicDKP_Client.toc: Last toc bump... I think
16:04.06Brunerstier3 was about 9k and t6 about 20k
16:04.29*** join/#wowace fewyn (
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16:04.38KriLL3my feral drood in stam ench/gem pvp gear in bearform = 18k 20k with pala/priest buff
16:04.40quiescensI mean like, with the standard buffs
16:04.52leech2kthe pvp gear has tons of stam actually...
16:05.06SpennigHey Ckknight? Which version of pitbull is the working one for 3.0 / wotlk?
16:05.08KriLL3leech2k: yeah but all gems and enchants lack stam
16:05.15ckknightSpennig: pit-bull
16:05.30leech2knearly 40k on tanks would be a decent guess though
16:05.34ZealotOnAStickthere's more than one?
16:05.47Repo10grav-blox: 03dhedbor * r25 GravBlox.toc: Tetris toc bump
16:05.53KriLL3Spennig: r1751 works lovely here
16:06.43ckknightZealotOnAStick: well, there is PitBull 4, but it's not done
16:06.46Xinhuan"CourseForge and WoWace now needs someone to be logged in to download the Files."
16:06.48Xinhuansomeone posted that
16:06.52Xinhuanany truth? heh
16:07.17Xinhuani guess i never noticed it since i'm always logged in
16:07.21KriLL3it's to funnel most normal users to curse
16:07.25leech2kso was anyone else at the ui panel?
16:07.34mitchnullthese bloody pigs wander off when I need some target to test...
16:07.53ckknightXinhuan: yep.
16:08.01ckknightXinhuan: I did that
16:08.08SpennigKriLL3: Thanks for the version (I didn't konw BP4 was anywhere i could find it :) )
16:08.30KriLL3PB3 is still the one to use
16:08.47KriLL3PB4 is "high in the sky" kind of stuff
16:08.59quiescensover thattaway -->
16:09.10Xinhuansigh, its going to be a long long day
16:09.20KriLL3Xinhuan: why?
16:09.20quiescensgo to sleep
16:09.28Xinhuanlotsa addons to deal with
16:09.34Xinhuanand ui sites to upload to
16:09.52fewyni feel for you Xinhuan
16:09.53SroshDoes someone know a minimalistic addon that's just providing auto-repairs?
16:09.56leech2kI am so lazy I quit updating any site other than curse.
16:09.57fewynbut as long as you update x-perl on wowace
16:09.59fewyni'm fine
16:10.26quiescensmake a reverse updater that automatically uploads updated addons rather than downloading them
16:10.26KriLL3Xinhuan: I used the beta yesterday to rebuild my UI :>
16:10.27leech2kno that I like curse better than the others :-) Its just to convenient.
16:10.27KriLL3only atlas and apx missing
16:10.27fewynwrong person
16:10.30Zeksiei will...
16:10.36Xinhuanits about me uploading addons :)
16:10.40Xinhuannot about me rebuilding my UI hehe
16:10.42*** topic/#wowace by Kaelten -> PATCH DAY! OMG RUNZ! | | |
16:10.48fewynyou better Zeksie!
16:11.00KriLL3run forrest run!
16:11.04leech2khow long until curse goes down?
16:11.06fewynKaelten go fix onebag!
16:11.12Kaeltenfewyn: OneBag3
16:11.13KriLL3leech2k: search already broken for me
16:11.15fewynand all associated addons!
16:11.22fewyndoes onebank etc work too?
16:11.23Josh_BorkeKaelten: abandon all hope and give me ops ;-P
16:11.24Xinhuanthere's no new announcements on wowace front page Kaelten
16:11.28Repo10cooldownbuttons: 03Netrox * r193 CooldownButtons.toc: toc bump
16:11.29Xinhuanmaybe one is needed!
16:11.31Zeksiefewyn, if you look at the repositories link on xperl page, thre's already a wotlk version.
16:11.31*** join/#wowace Kody` (
16:11.32*** join/#wowace Kody (
16:11.33Kaeltenone bank isn't done yet
16:11.37*** join/#wowace Windcape (n=thedeath@
16:11.38fewynZeksie: oh i know
16:11.44KaeltenI'm working on a few announcements
16:11.46fewynZeksie: I'm just lazy and want to use CC
16:11.47Repo10titleswapper: 03Netrox * r14 TitleSwapper.toc: toc bump
16:11.48Kaeltenbut I keep getting pinged!
16:11.52KriLL3Josh_Borke: no we abandon all hope AFTER giving you ops
16:12.16Zeksiemmm. tough. i make it a point to NEVER commit mods i can't test run. which means it'll be a day later than that
16:12.18Windcapehey, have there been a issue with the Curse repository lately? Alot of people reported in to me that they are getting outdated addons from the Curse Client, compared to manual install from
16:12.37WindcapeACE addons that is, like Pitbull for instance
16:12.40JoshBorkeKaelten: i. hate. you. now. more. than. ever.
16:12.48KaeltenJosh_Borke: ?
16:12.50Repo10cooldownbuttons: 03Netrox 042.1.3-tocfix * r194 : Tagging as 2.1.3-tocfix.
16:12.55KriLL3Windcape: I don't trust CC atm, I'm manually installing addons
16:12.56*** mode/#wowace [+o JoshBorke] by Kaelten
16:13.01*** mode/#wowace [-o JoshBorke] by Kaelten
16:13.07fewynABADONS HOPE
16:13.10KaeltenSorry momentary lapse
16:13.28Repo10titleswapper: 03Netrox 040.4b-tocfix * r15 : Tagging as 0.4b-tocfix.
16:13.29WindcapeKriLL3 but why? ain't both the website and the CC using the same SVN repo to fetch the latest version from ?
16:13.46KaeltenWindcape: kinda there is a few layers of indirection
16:13.48*** join/#wowace Higdur (
16:13.49KriLL3Windcape: don't think so, and remember that a lot of addons still have the 3.0.2 builds as branches
16:13.53fewynenables p2p on blizz downloader at work to see if he can get it to go faster than 120kb/s
16:14.08quiescens135kb patch notes is nice
16:14.13WindcapeKaelten what would cause the CC to have older versions than the website then?
16:14.16ZealotOnAStickjust toss it into a regular torrent client.
16:14.22ZealotOnAStickit'll go real fast then.
16:14.24Windcapedo people need to click "Get List" every time to make sure it's updated?
16:14.34Repo10dictator: 03JoshBorke 07master * e2cdaff Dictator.toc: [+1 commit] bump for new toc
16:14.54KaeltenWindcape: well if the old version is marked release and there is a newer beta and you don't tell it to use betas
16:14.55KriLL3I download from the wowi LK section and wowace manually atm, rebuilt almost my whole UI in the beta except apx and altas, gonna move the addons and wtf to live when patch hits :>
16:14.59Kaeltenyou'd get the old release
16:15.05KriLL3I'M PREPARED, so to speak.
16:15.05Xinhuanthere is some advertisements spammer on the wowace forums
16:15.08Xinhuanget on deleting :)
16:15.15ZealotOnAStickwhat is apx?
16:15.23KriLL3Xinhuan: better if they added capchas or similar
16:15.23Gnarfozyou mean aspx?
16:15.27KaeltenXinhuan: links
16:15.28KriLL3auto profit x
16:15.30KriLL3sells grays
16:15.43*** join/#wowace ausmara (
16:15.44KriLL3adds a button in vendor windows that sells all gray items
16:15.46Gnarfozahaha titelswapper
16:15.49*** join/#wowace Sunwind (
16:15.53XinhuanKaelten: all posts made by
16:15.58KriLL3and you can add filters to it to sell additional stuff
16:16.00GnarfozI wanted to make that addon a while ago ;D
16:16.00fewynthe banhammer is always fun
16:16.11quiescensI need a new quest log addon
16:16.13KriLL3fewyn: it's a mace
16:16.18KriLL3quiescens: doublewide?
16:16.22Xinhuanhe's made several posts in several threads, some are new, some are replies
16:16.24*** join/#wowace Hjalte (n=chatzill@
16:16.29Pneumatus^^ thats like the most fail advert ever
16:16.34KriLL3Xinhuan: doesn't wowace use capchas?
16:16.36[SW]DodgeGnarfoz: no need anymore ;D
16:16.44Xinhuanthe spam could be MANUAL ;p
16:16.49WindcapeKaelten would that explain why I would get Atlas v1.10.0 from the CC, instead of the current v1.12.0 ?
16:16.53*** part/#wowace amian (
16:16.57KriLL3Xinhuan: highly doubt it
16:17.02Gnarfoz[SW]Dodge: mh? yes, because Netrox did it, hence my comment :p
16:17.04KaeltenWindcape: possibly
16:17.09fewynwowace: uses curse and i bet if curse used a captcha it's been broken
16:17.09KriLL3Xinhuan: and there are stuff you can add to a site to filter out even that
16:17.16Xinhuanyou'll have to delete those posts too
16:17.19Xinhuannow just ban the guy
16:17.20fewynthere are already bots that post on vbulletin with the default captcha
16:17.25KriLL3fewyn: add a reverse capcha :>
16:17.27[SW]DodgeGnarfoz: i'm netrox :P
16:17.29fewynwe need a recaptcha
16:17.35fewynfor the sign up
16:17.36Gnarfoz[SW]Dodge: >_<
16:17.37KriLL3a reverse one is win
16:17.41Xinhuanwhat's a reverse capcha?
16:17.49KriLL3a bot proving it's a bot
16:18.09KriLL3an invisible form field, if it contains something you knot a bot did it
16:18.16KriLL3say email, if you don't need that
16:18.36Gnarfoz[SW]Dodge: well, I've bugged Kaelten about changing my curse username which has now also become my svn username, but he's probably busy as hell (...for the last 3 months? ^^ also I kind of doubt he's the only one who can do it, but meh ^^)
16:19.03Repo10cartographer: 03Stanzilla * r2253 Cartographer.toc: Update TOC for WotLK
16:19.18KriLL3Stanzilla: is that cart3?
16:19.19[SW]DodgeGnarfoz: for me he did in less than 5min after asking :P (merging old wowace forum acc with new curse acc
16:19.24ZealotOnAStickdoes Carto actually work on 3.0.2?
16:19.27Repo10pit-bull: 03Stanzilla * r1752 PitBull.toc: Update TOC for WotLK
16:19.33StanzillaKriLL3: no, 2
16:19.40Repo10atlasloot-enhanced: 03maqjav * r1661 TableRegister/ AtlasLoot: Included LibBabble-Faction
16:19.43KriLL3does 2 even work with LK?
16:19.43Kaeltenok spam deleted
16:19.56Gnarfoz[SW]Dodge: well, it seems that happened automatically for me? dunno, I don't use the forums much. I was told to mail him, did twice now ;)
16:19.58*** join/#wowace Jygga (
16:19.59ZealotOnASticklast time I tried it on beta it barfed horribly
16:20.11KaeltenGnarfoz: I have a lot of backuped changes for usernames
16:20.22Repo10cowtip: 03Stanzilla * r8 CowTip.toc: Update TOC for WotLK
16:20.22leech2kcc is giving me "An unkown error occured contacting the server."
16:20.26KriLL3hmm, wowace shows a 3.0.2 version
16:20.29KriLL3is hopeful
16:20.45KaeltenKriLL3: ?
16:20.47GnarfozKaelten: yeah, it's not that important, just a bit on the weird side =)
16:20.51[SW]DodgeGnarfoz: acc merge only was automatic if your wowace and curse name are the same
16:20.52AeyanThey changed the login screen, but not the cinematic
16:21.03leech2kThere is goes took about 4 login attempts.
16:21.04KriLL3Kaelten: !
16:21.06*** join/#wowace CrazyBenny (
16:21.07Kaeltenactually it was email that had to be the same
16:21.08AeyanThey were not prepared
16:21.33Gnarfoz[SW]Dodge: well, hmm. I added X-EMail to my addons, that was about it. also changed my primary email on curse to match my wowace one, I think.
16:21.52ZealotOnAStickso yeah, Carto(2) actually function right on 3.0.2?
16:22.11Repo10fubar: 03Stanzilla * r4 FuBar.toc: Update TOC for WotLK
16:22.16KriLL3rebuilt almost my whole UI in the beta, gonna move the addons and wtf to live when patch hits, I AM PREPARED
16:22.26KriLL3ZealotOnAStick: gimme a sec, about to test
16:23.00[SW]DodgeGnarfoz: my probllem was that my forum name on wowace was Dodge and my cursename Netrox so i got a new forum acc but lost access to my old wowace post :(
16:23.02leech2kis cartographer ready for 3.0?
16:23.13*** join/#wowace Shane|Work (
16:23.24KriLL3I wounder if the voice over guy that said "You are not prepared" mumbles it at random times...
16:23.26Gnarfoz[SW]Dodge: mine weren't the same, either, but used the same email. I have no clue what state my forum account is in, right now xD
16:23.33KriLL3leech2k: I'm testing now, gimme a sec
16:23.41[SW]DodgeGnarfoz: hehe
16:23.44quiescensso the patch says druids and shaman can use items while shapeshifted, does that include the goblin rocket launcher
16:23.45Repo10chinchilla: 03Stanzilla * r179 Chinchilla.toc: Update TOC for WotLK
16:23.50quiescensI want to see bears with rocket launchers
16:23.54KriLL3quiescens: I don't have it, so don't know.
16:24.05KriLL3but we can use telescopic goggles, potions etc
16:24.14Gnarfoz[SW]Dodge: ah. forum username now == curse username
16:24.25quiescensyeah but most trinkets were usable while shapeshifted but not the rocket launcher
16:24.27KriLL3Stanzilla: will chinchilla get a proper LK update later?
16:24.36quiescensblizzard has something against bears with rocket launchers
16:24.36Stanzillaask ckk :P
16:24.38KriLL3quiescens: goggles weren't uable in forms
16:24.46[SW]DodgeGnarfoz: yea but your OLD name is still there i think and you cant edit your old posts :P
16:24.55[SW]Dodgethat was my problem :)
16:25.01KriLL3Stanzilla: I got a sneaking suspicion ckk is busy
16:25.08Gnarfozwell, I have about 5 posts total, so that's not a big issue for me
16:25.24Gnarfozactually, it says 0, which can't right, but it doesn't really matter
16:26.07[SW]DodgeGnarfoz: hehe
16:26.10Repo10librocktimer-1-0: 03Stanzilla * r233 LibRockTimer-1.0.toc: Update TOC for WotLK
16:26.12Xinhuan@project bank-items
16:26.12RepoXinhuan: BankItems. Game: WoW. Leader: Xinhuan. Updated: 9 minutes ago
16:26.15[SW]Dodgeback later ^^
16:26.21Xinhuanfastest way to get a link to my project ;p
16:26.32ckknightKriLL3: it will, yes.
16:26.55KriLL3I'm using it atm in beta and it works, just lacks the new minimap buttons
16:27.03SpennigQuestion: Anyone have a suggestion for a good HOT tracker?
16:27.27Spennigor a HOT tracker that can track all cooldowns?
16:27.30FacktotumSpennig: try needtoknow
16:27.38Facktotumi dont know if it covers hots
16:27.44SpennigFacktotum: okies
16:27.45KriLL3anyone knows the author of buttonfacade? it's bugged atm
16:27.50Ominouswhat is the 3.0 toc?
16:27.50*** join/#wowace sylvanaar (n=sylvanaa@unaffiliated/sylvanaar)
16:27.58purlThe current WoW Interface Number is: 30000
16:28.13KriLL3IT'S OVER 9000!
16:28.22SpennigFacktotum: Last update 1/2/07 unless you know of a hidden one :)
16:28.25leech2kdoesn't look lik bt4 has been updated yet atleast on curse
16:28.40KriLL3leech2k: the version on wowace works lovely
16:28.44Repo10librockmodulecore-1-0: 03Stanzilla * r235 LibRockModuleCore-1.0.toc: Update TOC for WotLK
16:28.59KriLL3leech2k: cart2 seems to work fine in LK
16:29.24KriLL3though I can't click the map...
16:29.33KriLL3need to navigate using the drop down menus above
16:29.47KriLL3left/right click doesn't do anything on the map
16:30.04Repo10librocklocale-1-0: 03Stanzilla * r234 LibRockLocale-1.0.toc: Update TOC for WotLK
16:30.06KriLL3... esc doesn't close it, and clicking the x gives an error
16:30.26Shane|WorkKriLL3: what's wrong with Button Facade?
16:30.35*** join/#wowace Shadoweric (
16:31.00KriLL3Shane|Work: dunno if it's BF or autobar, but each login/reloadui you need to tweak the BF settings for autobar or the icons on the bar are 2x2px big
16:31.05ZealotOnAStickso, that would NOT be working fine.
16:31.08KriLL3change anything and they snap back to normal
16:31.15KriLL3ZealotOnAStick: yeah, I was a bit premature
16:31.16Repo10librockhook-1-0: 03Stanzilla * r229 LibRockHook-1.0.toc: Update TOC for WotLK
16:31.20FacktotumKriLL3: thats autobar problem
16:31.25Facktotumits in the thread
16:31.55*** join/#wowace EvilJohn- (n=eviljohn@
16:32.08*** join/#wowace ag` (n=ag`
16:32.08KriLL3here is the error:
16:32.21KriLL3... can't close the damn map now
16:32.37leech2kkk need opinions, but not to many :-) recount or sw-stats?
16:32.38Repo10librockevent-1-0: 03Stanzilla * r231 LibRockEvent-1.0.toc: Update TOC for WotLK
16:32.51KriLL3leech2k: the shiny one
16:32.58leech2ko dear
16:33.03Shane|Workleech2k: I've sworn by recount for the last 2 months, pre-3.0
16:33.13Shane|Workdidn't try it on beta, didn't need to
16:33.21ElgrenGuys Id like to know if its possible to set outline on some text. To start with the default damage text that pop up when I hit mobs. Can I Outline it?
16:33.40Repo10librockdb-1-0: 03Stanzilla * r241 LibRockDB-1.0.toc: Update..blaahh...
16:34.05ElgrenSecond id like to outline the text in Quartz, anyone know how?=
16:35.17Ominoushmm when i try to merge my clone into the main project i get this error C    ClassTimer.lua
16:35.17OminousG    Bars\Druid.lua
16:35.17Ominoussvn: Copyfrom-url 'svn://' has different repository root than 'svn://'
16:35.23ZealotOnAStickDry Erase Marker probably isn't a practical solution.
16:35.24Ominouserr sorry about the lines
16:35.30Repo10librockconsole-1-0: 03Stanzilla * r239 LibRockConsole-1.0.toc: Update TOC for WotLK
16:36.36Repo10librockconfig-1-0: 03Stanzilla * r393 LibRockConfig-1.0.toc: Update TOC for WotLK
16:36.45KriLL3can you change/reload the autobar BF settings on login somehow? =P
16:37.26ElgrenGuys Id like to know if its possible to set outline on some text. To start with the default damage text that pop up when I hit mobs. Can I Outline it? And what about the Quartz text? Can I outline?
16:37.52Repo10librockcomm-1-0: 03Stanzilla * r261 LibRockComm-1.0.toc: Update TOC for YourMom
16:38.30KriLL3Elgren: does either have options for outlines/shadows?
16:38.44*** join/#wowace charon (n=thomas@unaffiliated/charon)
16:38.56*** join/#wowace Repo (n=supybot@
16:39.14Elgrenno not in the ingame configuration
16:39.25Elgrenbut ive seen mods with outlined quartz text
16:39.26Repo10librock-1-0: 03Stanzilla * r290 LibRock-1.0.toc: Update TOC for WotLK
16:39.26KriLL3then I'd say no
16:39.32*** join/#wowace Lopen|Wooork (n=lopen@
16:39.35Elgrenive seen screens
16:39.42Elgrenof quartz with outline
16:39.46KriLL3what text does quartz display other than on bars?
16:40.04Elgrentime / spell
16:40.11Elgrenjust name of spell, and time
16:40.17KriLL3that's on your castbar
16:40.21KriLL3no need for an outline
16:40.30ElgrenI want outline
16:40.53ElgrenI put text outside bar, and bar is pretty small
16:41.33Repo10libdogtag-unit-3-0: 03Stanzilla * r152 LibDogTag-Unit-3.0.toc: Update TOC for WotLK
16:41.42*** join/#wowace RLD_osx (
16:41.43*** join/#wowace p4aved1 (
16:41.47KriLL3Elgren: I don't see any options in quartz for outline/shadow
16:42.15*** join/#wowace RLD_osx (
16:42.17Repo10button-facade_simple-square: 03moonwitch * r27 ButtonFacade_simpleSquare.toc: -- updated the toc versioning
16:42.20Facktotumi still don't understand if he wants to modify the font or the castbar
16:42.37Repo10libdogtag-3-0: 03Stanzilla * r205 LibDogTag-3.0.toc: Update TOC for WotLK
16:42.48KriLL3he seems obsessed with adding outlines to all text
16:43.00leech2khmm for some reason "Fubar 3.0" will not install from curse client but all other mods will
16:43.09Facktotumthen he should find a font suitable for that
16:43.32ElgrenI am man :D
16:43.35*** join/#wowace cncfanatics (n=cncfanat@WoWUIDev/cncfanatics)
16:43.39Elgrenwait a sec I show u a screen of my UI
16:43.49ElgrenI just want things to match together
16:43.54KriLL3isn't the outline made using a secondary layer bellow that's black and a bit larger? not the font?
16:44.13*** join/#wowace stew_a (n=Stewart@unafilliated/stewa/x-008753)
16:44.14Facktotumhe can do it with kgpanels
16:44.32KriLL3wouldn't that be static?
16:44.44Repo10classtimer: 03ominous * r268 / (6 files in 2 directories): Merged wotlk clone into mainline repo
16:44.57ElgrenI need outline to the text, not the bar. dead already "Sorry, there was a problem with your last request!
16:45.04leech2kEither the site is offline or an unhandled error occurred. We apologize and have logged the error. Please try your request again or if you know who your site administrator is let them know too.
16:45.13KriLL3wowace slow for anyone else?
16:45.20Repo10classtimer: 03ominous * r269 ClassTimer.toc: Err would help if i actually changed the toc number
16:45.26KriLL3leech2k: search has been dead for hours for me
16:45.34leech2kI see
16:46.18KriLL3and wowace is getting slow
16:46.30KriLL3today is the day the addon sites died.
16:46.51Elgrenlook at that KriLL3
16:46.58KaeltenKriLL3: slow?
16:46.59Elgrenand u will understand my obsession
16:47.05Repo10libbabble-zone-3-0: 03Stanzilla * r108 LibBabble-Zone-3.0.toc: Update TOC for WotLK
16:47.10KriLL3Kaelten: takes ages for pages to load for me
16:47.17KriLL3dunno if that's me nor not
16:47.18KaeltenKriLL3: what page?
16:47.20Fisker-why so fast?
16:47.33KriLL3 was one
16:47.37ElgrenWhy so searious? .. rather
16:47.42Kaeltenrendered in 53 ms
16:47.49KriLL3I got endless load of doom
16:47.54Repo10range-display: 03mitch0 07Colors2 * r149 / (2 files in 2 directories): colors ready
16:48.01KriLL3might be me though
16:48.11FacktotumKriLL3: move from your 56k modem :)
16:48.14Kaeltenwell if you keep having a proble let me know
16:48.19KriLL3Facktotum: I got 24Mbit
16:48.20*** join/#wowace iKON (
16:48.27Repo10libbabble-boss-3-0: 03Stanzilla * r97 LibBabble-Boss-3.0.toc: Update TOC for WotLK
16:48.37leech2kElgren: What mod are you using for unit frames?
16:48.43Repo10librangecheck-2-0: 03mitch0 07IsItemInRange * r16 LibRangeCheck-2.0/LibRangeCheck-2.0.lua: deadzone fix, hasDeadZone extended to work for any unit
16:49.02KriLL3Elgren: how did you get outlines on pitbull?
16:49.10Gnarfozstew_a: both do the same thing
16:49.15Repo10libbabble-class-3-0: 03Stanzilla * r42 LibBabble-Class-3.0.toc: Update TOC for WotLK
16:49.15KriLL3leech2k: looks like a modified pitbull
16:49.17DarkAuditElgren: what are you running there for the "commanding shout" etc, and what font?
16:49.29KriLL3DarkAudit: that's SCT
16:49.35Gnarfozstew_a: just create a tag that doesn't match the regex that's in the knowledge base
16:49.40leech2kmy pitbull always look almost defualt I should play with it more :-)
16:49.44stew_aok thanks Gnarfoz
16:50.07KriLL3leech2k: I'd just want some outlines on some text, got some text outside the main frame and it's hard to see at times
16:50.16Repo10lib-spell: 0301satkins * r18 core/LibSpell.lua: Remember to take my debugging code out
16:50.40Repo10simple-md: 03Starinnia * r90 embeds.xml: SimpleMD: Fix an issue in embeds.xml
16:51.06Repo10lib-spell: 0301satkins 04v1.02beta * r19 : Tagging as v1.02beta
16:51.27Repo10libbabble-inventory-3-0: 03Stanzilla * r60 LibBabble-Inventory-3.0.toc: Update TOC for WotLK
16:51.35Repo10prescription: 03Starinnia * r73 embeds.xml: Prescription: Fix an issue in embeds.xml
16:52.10KriLL3oh [Outline] the dogtags field
16:52.26Repo10libcrayon-3-0: 03Stanzilla * r45 LibCrayon-3.0.toc: Update TOC for WotLK
16:52.57Repo10bank-items: 03Xinhuan 04v30000 * r99 : Tag v30000 for release.
16:53.21DarkAuditElgren: what font are you using there?
16:53.36Repo10libfubarplugin-3-0: 03Stanzilla * r57 LibFuBarPlugin-3.0.toc: Update TOC for WotLK
16:54.32Repo10libguildpositions-1-0: 03Stanzilla * r39 LibGuildPositions-1.0.toc: Update TOC for WotLK
16:54.36*** part/#wowace mitchnull (
16:55.02Repo10button-bin: 03dhedbor * r35 ButtonBin.lua: Left != right.
16:55.13KriLL3Quartz throws an error when I set focus :(
16:55.15Kaeltendamn at the updates
16:55.22Repo10libjostle-3-0: 03Stanzilla * r40 LibJostle-3.0.toc: 3.0 TOC
16:55.36sylvanaari know right
16:55.55NivFreakpatch download over EVDO ftl
16:56.24Repo10libtourist-3-0: 03Stanzilla * r58 LibTourist-3.0.toc: 3.0 toc
16:56.29sylvanaari had to run the repair tool, because my partition was too small, and the patcher ran out of disk space
16:56.54Repo10libbabble-talenttree-3-0: 03Pneumatus * r13 LibBabble-TalentTree-3.0.toc: TOC to 30000
16:57.16DarkAuditNivFreak: we didn't even have EVDO until last month :p
16:57.23Fisker-/facepalm of the day
16:57.47Pneumatusload out of date addons > that guy
16:58.16DarkAuditwaves a bowl of natto under KriLL3's nose
16:58.16bien|wtf?! oO what happened to groupcalendarfu?
16:58.19p4aved1patch boss
16:58.32Fisker-fail @ warrior his UI site has goldselling ads
16:58.49DarkAuditKriLL3: fermented soybeans >.<
16:58.52*** join/#wowace eraserhead (
16:58.55KriLL3DarkAudit: eww
16:59.06KriLL3rotten soy
17:00.13Xinhuan127,738 total downloads / downloads this week: 17,408 / downloads today: 13,085
17:00.15KriLL3people looking for Cart2 for LK: Arrowmaster put it well with "Mapster + HandyNotes + TomTom + GatherMate + InstanceMaps + Cromulent = Cartographer 2.0 (well, almost)" works really well here
17:00.26Xinhuanwowui's download count is toally fubared
17:00.58kenlyric_what does cromulent do?
17:01.07EthanCentauraithat was me KriLL3 >:3
17:01.14KriLL3EthanCentaurai: kk
17:01.28EthanCentauraikenlyric_: Cromulent = Cartographer_ZoneInfo in it's own mod
17:01.32KriLL3"Shows ZoneInfo on the World Map in a perfectly cromulent fashion. This is just a Cartographer_ZoneInfo stripped down into its own separate addon. "
17:01.41Repo10futextures: 03Stanzilla * r45 FuTextures.toc: old addon is old but still works
17:02.00kenlyric_why would it need to be its own separate addon?
17:02.11KriLL3anyone knows someone working on quartz? it got a bad bug :\
17:02.11kenlyric_like instancemaps
17:02.17kenlyric_why wouldn't I want instance maps?
17:02.23EthanCentauraifor those who don't want the whole Carto suite
17:02.27*** join/#wowace Funkeh` (n=funk@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/Ace3/BigWigs/funkeh)
17:02.27*** mode/#wowace [+o Funkeh`] by ChanServ
17:02.27KriLL3r3, focus on something and you get an error, and buff bar all freeze
17:03.11kenlyric_EthanCentaurai: that's what atlas is for
17:03.21KriLL3I haven't seen atlas for LK
17:03.44kenlyric_I just never understood divorcing instancemaps from mapster
17:04.04kenlyric_I don't even do instances and I want instance maps
17:04.16kenlyric_stupid blizzard needs to make instance maps already
17:04.30Repo10fubarplugin-2-0: 03Stanzilla * r4 FuBarPlugin-2.0.toc: 3.0 toc
17:04.50KriLL3Slidebar is bugging for me, doesn't matter how many times I turn if off, it still pops back again, is it safe to remove it's folder?
17:05.25Repo10deformat: 03Stanzilla * r50 Deformat.toc: 3.0 toc
17:05.59Funkeh`What's this whole stale thing
17:06.06KriLL3not updated post patch
17:06.12fewyni wish people would stop praising wowmatrix
17:06.19NeoTronhmm is the wowace => release slow / delayed until 3.0 is out in EU?
17:06.33kenlyric_no, eu get fucked
17:06.42kenlyric_just like every patch
17:06.46KriLL3fewyn: people praise bleach as a fine drink... don't mind too much what "people" think
17:06.47kenlyric_don't update on tuesday
17:06.56kenlyric_since the dawn of time eu people have known this
17:07.09kenlyric_OMG CC DOWN
17:07.10stew_aStale means it looked and didnt see 30000 in the TOC apparently lol
17:07.25NeoTronI am just curious because I don't see my files on after updating
17:07.36NeoTronif I promote a file from alpha => beta, perhaps that doesn't push it?
17:07.58Funkeh`a bit early for that, no?
17:08.07Funkeh`I mean, definately patch day this week?
17:08.10*** join/#wowace alcaras (
17:08.34alcarasugh, jwowupdater threw away all my settings >.<
17:08.35NeoTronmy wow is patched and waiting for me to come hom
17:08.35KriLL3it's been confirmed since blizzcon
17:08.40alcarasq: what's this i hear about disembedded libs not working in 3.0.2?
17:08.45Funkeh`I see
17:08.52kenlyric_it's confirmed by the fact that it's installed on millions of computers
17:09.00Funkeh`so I just need to update my TOC's
17:09.01NeoTronalcaras: LoD addons don't load correctly if they are depended upon by other addons
17:09.02fewynFunkeh`: plus it's installed already on my computer
17:09.08DarkAuditis Pitbull what makes the character info in the upper left of Elgren's screenshot look like that?
17:09.10YssarilNeoTron: i think they are resyncing everything so its slow atm
17:09.20alcarasNeoTron: fuck :-( that's bad, since all my libs are disembedded
17:09.27KriLL3DarkAudit: yes
17:09.36KriLL3It's customized though
17:09.39NeoTronit's quite bad.. but it's known by Blizzard now at least
17:09.40DarkAuditKriLL3: thanks
17:09.46ckknighteveryone excited for today?
17:09.46alcarasAny suggestions on the quickest and easiest way to update all my addons without having to manually enter every single URL?
17:09.50ckknightwoo, Apple notebook event!
17:09.53Brunersckknight: i am
17:09.56KriLL3ckknight: I'm excited for tomorrow
17:10.03alcarasI'm pretty pissed at JWoWUpdater throwing all my data for my WoWI addons
17:10.04KriLL3ckknight: pfft, who cares about notebooks?
17:10.13DarkAuditckknight: why? My kernal was uplated *yesterday* :)
17:10.26NeoTronckknight: I'll be excited if apple comes out with a new reasonbly priced core i7 based mac with gaming capable graphics :P
17:10.41KriLL3If I were ever to get a notebook I'd get an Eee or similar
17:10.52NeoTronthe new architecture
17:11.21NeoTronrelease mid-November or so
17:11.24KriLL3new sockets again... yay...
17:11.31kenlyric_the new macbooks will probably upgrade the 8600m to the 9600m
17:11.37KriLL3I who just bought a damn expensive mobo...
17:11.38NeoTronKriLL3: plus it takes memory chips in increments of 3
17:11.38kenlyric_uh, again?
17:11.44kenlyric_intel hasn't had a new socket for like forever
17:11.48kenlyric_4 years or something
17:11.57KriLL3kenlyric_: errm, when was the P4 around?
17:11.58DarkAuditis chillin to: Chicago - The Approaching Storm on "Chicago III" [5:40/8:00] (160kbps) 44.1kHz) [9.24MiB mp3]
17:12.10kenlyric_4 years ago?
17:12.15*** join/#wowace askr (
17:12.15NeoTronI don't know though, it seems like the cost of them will be pretty steep. like $400+ for the mobo, $500+ for the cpu
17:12.19kenlyric_but hte p4 used the same socket
17:12.25Tornhoofnah neotron
17:12.29Tornhoofthe small one is $250
17:12.34ZealotOnAStickLonger than 4 years, but not all P4s were LGA775
17:12.36Brunersis chilling to:
17:12.53kenlyric_no, but they've been using 775 for a long time
17:13.06kenlyric_a lot longer than amd has been using the same socket, to my despair.
17:13.18ZealotOnAStickand I'd rather they do that than change shit up several times in the same period like AMD.
17:13.31KriLL3I just bought a damn expensive 775 mobo :(
17:13.33kenlyric_can't figure out why you'd buy a new mobo with 775 socket now though, unless you were living in a cave.
17:13.39ZealotOnAStick462, 939, UM2 . . .
17:13.43KriLL3kenlyric_: not now, a couple of months ago
17:13.50ZealotOnAStickoh, and 754
17:13.52KriLL3and I needed a new mobo
17:13.55ZealotOnAStickalmost forgot that one.
17:14.03kenlyric_needed a new mobo but didn't need a new cpu?
17:14.08NeoTronI'm about to buy a new computer in the november timeframe preferably so I'm waiting for the  i7. if not to buy it, at least to see prices on other ones drop
17:14.10kenlyric_you are forgiven.
17:14.40Repo10mage-announce: 03Jomar * r61 MageAnnounce.toc: MageAnnounce:
17:14.40Repo- toc
17:14.52ZealotOnAStickIf you want solid performance/upgrade on the cheap right now, a decent 775 mobo can be had for $120 or less, a Q6600 or an E8400 for ~$170 . . .
17:14.57DarkAuditcurse or not, JWU only has an option to update or reinstall *all* addons, not individual ones
17:14.57ZealotOnAStickand not have to go to DDR3.
17:15.01KriLL3does anyone know how to write in dogtags if unit = player {text=white} ? it looks odd that my character has a white name on the player frame, but blue/green in target since it's hostility colored
17:15.23NeoTronZealotOnAStick: I don't have the funds right now, which is why I'm waiting till November regardless
17:15.31KriLL3I bought an Asus Rampage Formula Republic of Gamers mobo
17:15.33*** join/#wowace Groktar (
17:15.34ckknight[if unit = 'player' then White]
17:16.15Groktarhuggles ckknight
17:16.20ZealotOnASticka Rampage or a Rampage II?
17:16.25KriLL3ckknight: [Outline][Name:HostileColor (if unit = 'player' then White end)] what did I do wrong?
17:16.33ZealotOnAStickwait, Rampage, you said $250.
17:16.44ckknightKriLL3: name will still be hostile color
17:17.01KriLL3ckknight: so how do I make it white if it's me?
17:17.07ckknightKriLL3: [Outline][if unit = 'player' then White else HostileColor][Name]
17:17.42stew_aZealotOnAStick: can you suggest a good motherboard to work out of the box with an e8400?
17:17.49KriLL3hmm, doesn't work
17:18.02ckknightwhat's the issue?
17:18.03KriLL3now my name is green
17:18.19Tornhoofstew_a every p45, g45 etc. mobo
17:18.20Repo10magic-targets: 03dhedbor * r66 MagicTargets.lua:
17:18.21RepoFix that should prevents bars from appearing empty when not in combat.
17:18.26ckknighttry this:
17:18.37ckknight[Outline][if unit ~= 'player' then HostileColor][Name]
17:18.40stew_aTornhoof: i got 3 asus P5Q boards and none of them worked -.-
17:18.56KriLL3blue =P
17:19.01Tornhoofthey all should
17:19.18Tornhoofeither you did something wrong or the cpu is dead or memory or or or
17:19.32ZealotOnAStickstew_a: gimme a minute, yeah.
17:19.53KriLL3[Outline][(if unit ~= 'player' then White else HostileColor end) Name]
17:19.59stew_agot all parts from same supplier, sent memory CPU, gpu and psu as well as motherboard back each time, got told it was faulty board and given new one
17:20.01Tornhoofmy e8500 worked out of the box with my p5q-pro
17:20.03KriLL3ckknight: you forgot the white part ^^
17:20.05Gnarfozanyone remember what the global var was that controls the alpha change when you hover over chat frames?
17:20.05ZealotOnAStickhow much functionality do you need?
17:20.12*** join/#wowace mjc (
17:20.13ckknightKriLL3: unnecessary
17:20.27KriLL3ckknight: well it worked with but not without
17:20.52stew_aMachine=running is about the summary, working out of box with e8400, ddr2, and a 9600gt, preferably with a 4pin aux atx power connector
17:21.27*** join/#wowace |Yssaril| (
17:21.27ZealotOnASticklower end (but working solid) the ASUS P5K series, SE, Pro, same basics but a little more money and a slightly more reliably rated board, Gigabyte GA-EP35-DS3L
17:21.59stew_athanks, will look into it
17:22.01KriLL3my Rampage Formula is nice, though it has a lot of bling I don't need, like leds on the board showing OC voltage on various components etc
17:22.02ZealotOnAStickthere's really not that much benefit on P45s over P35s.
17:22.15Repo10simple-md: 03Starinnia * r91 SimpleMD.lua: SimpleMD: put the raid/party checks back in
17:22.15ZealotOnAStickunless you want DDR3.
17:22.18KriLL3and on/off reset & cmos clear buttons on the plate and near the switch pins
17:22.24kenlyricwhich you want
17:23.04ZealotOnAStickbut you said ddr2
17:23.16ZealotOnAStickso any solid P35 board will serve you fine.
17:23.27ElgrenGuys I need help to put outline on some text in my UI. Does anyone know how I put outline on the quartz castbar text?
17:23.34stew_aok cheers :-)
17:23.37ElgrenOr the standard damage text that pop up when I hurt people?
17:23.37Repo10bison: 03Grayal * r25 / (2 files in 1 directory): prepare profile
17:25.06quiescensyou like to hurt people don't you
17:25.56stew_anow, LFsomeone to take LibSpell out for a test drive and tell me how it handles
17:27.06fewynsomeone think of a name for my new irc bot
17:27.20stew_awhat does the bot do?
17:27.34fewynserver status for wow and weather
17:27.39fewynand whatever else i want it to do
17:27.54ulicthe most recent irc bot that I put up I named Wall-E
17:28.23KriLL3does it collect garbage?
17:28.32KriLL3(ie logs the channel)
17:28.41*** join/#wowace ShaneSveller (i=40c71da2@gateway/web/ajax/
17:28.45ulicbased on the normal content of that irc channel it's in, yes :)
17:28.50fewynmaybe KriLL3
17:28.59fewynwhy do you ask?
17:29.08*** join/#wowace Repo_ (n=supybot@
17:29.40ShaneSvellerwoah. dual video cards in the new macbook pros. either-or, not SLI-style.
17:30.28KriLL3they'll cook your crotch and weigh a ton then
17:30.47KriLL3and be thick enough to be confused with a brick
17:30.49*** join/#wowace isman (
17:30.51ShaneSvellerone of the two is chipset+integrated video in one
17:31.08ShaneSvelleryou can turn on the other one for better graphics but it drops your battery life by an hour
17:31.17KriLL3yeah Nvidia has that thing
17:31.27KriLL3can boost your videocard with integrated
17:31.53KriLL3I got GTX 260 + 8800gts320 so I'm good
17:32.50ShaneSvellerwhy those two? second monitor?
17:32.51KriLL3no, not second.
17:32.51KriLL34 monitors
17:32.51Fastican sli those?
17:32.55ZealotOnAStickAnd in your downtime, you can cure cancer and crack wireless encryption with your GPUs.
17:32.56KriLL32x 20'' wide samsungs, 1x 22'' wide samsung, 1x 15'' non wide IBM of beige doom
17:33.00KriLL3Fasti: no
17:33.06ShaneSvellerdoubt it, only AMD has asymmetric :SLI"
17:33.26ZealotOnAStickNo, nVidia has a version of that as well now cooking.
17:33.32KriLL3I had a 8800gts320+8500gt prior to getting my GTX260
17:33.35ShaneSvelleravailable to the public though?
17:34.05ShaneSvellercause the AMD version was (I think)
17:34.14Repo10mage-announce: 03Jomar 041.1 * r62 : Tagging as 1.1.
17:34.23ZealotOnAStickmaybe not yet.  I've not enough sleep to try to remember where I read that right now.
17:34.24*** join/#wowace fewyn|clone (
17:34.35*** part/#wowace fewyn|clone (
17:34.46ShaneSvellercool concept either way
17:34.58DarkAuditCC is the lead story on WowInsider now
17:35.17ShaneSvellerKriLL3: new macbook pro is 0.95 inches thick, dunno weight yet
17:35.43KriLL3ShaneSveller: I'm European
17:35.49KriLL3inches tells me nothing
17:36.04KriLL3that's a bit thick imo
17:36.39KriLL3btw: old photo of my desk:
17:36.39ShaneSvellerReally? For a laptop, as the full height when closed?
17:36.54KriLL3ah closed, then it's ok
17:37.00KriLL3though it was open
17:37.06Repo10classtimer: 03ominous 04v2.1.0-beta * r270 : Tagging as v2.1.0-beta.
17:37.13KriLL3I'll watch the keynote later when it's on the site
17:37.21KriLL3no more spoilers
17:37.55alcarashrm, how do i use the curse updater? i click on 'install via curse client', i get a popup and login, i click sign up, and then... nothing happens
17:37.57*** join/#wowace odt (
17:38.03KriLL3does steve look better btw? looked scrawny like a feral cat last keynote
17:38.14KriLL3alcaras: installed the client?
17:38.22KriLL3then I dunno
17:38.22alcarasthe client starts, i've logged into it
17:38.24alcarasi click 'sign in'
17:38.29ShaneSvellerKriLL3: still showing his age a bit, but better, yeah
17:38.47ShaneSvellerwow, I'd really like the $899 product
17:38.55KriLL3some kind of netbook?
17:38.56kenlyricwtf, a keynote doesn't have spoilers
17:38.59dieckhas anyone the deDE Torrent link for download without the blizzard downloader available? I'm playing in english, but want to provider the links for my guildies
17:39.00kenlyricjust tell us what they say.
17:39.34vithosis there an updated grid ready for wotlk today?
17:39.44alcarasvithos: i dearly hope so
17:39.57vithosthe version syndicated to curse says 2.4.3 still on the page... i'm worried
17:40.02alcarasgrid had issues on beta last i tried it, and grid2 seems to have been perm backburnered
17:41.08Primerhrmm, can't seem to svn...
17:41.31PrimerAhh there it goes
17:41.32ShaneSvellerwow, 5x graphics performance with that nvidia chipset+video
17:41.36*** join/#wowace Malfurion (
17:41.52*** join/#wowace Zhinjio (i=1000@
17:41.56Repo10shamanwarning: 03Silmano * r18 / (2 files in 1 directory): V1.1:
17:41.57Repo- Updated TOC
17:41.58Repo- Updated ACE3 Libs
17:41.59Repo- Changed spells to new ones
17:42.05NivFreakhrm, did they actually switch us to our blizzard accounts now?
17:42.26Pneumatusthe ditched that idea didnt they?
17:42.52NivFreakwell, my normal acccount instantly fails to auth, the blizzard account hangs like the server isn't there ;)
17:42.53AeyanCairenn: Your Survival Guide page is pretty nifty.
17:43.02CairennAeyan: :)
17:43.10Cairennpeople liked it last time, so we did it again
17:43.50KriLL3survival guide?
17:44.46fewyn!status -status
17:44.52MalfurionNorth American: 0/229 \\ Europe: 249/249
17:44.54KriLL3atlasloot enchanced does have a LK version
17:44.55Yssarilanyone have a link to the actual patch notes?
17:44.58fewyn!w 32780
17:44.59MalfurionTitusville, Florida (28.6N/80.8W); Updated: 1:44 PM EDT (October 14, 2008); Conditions: Mostly Cloudy; Temperature: 83.2F (28.4C); High/Low: 83/72F (28/22C); UV: 5/16; Humidity: 57%; Dew Point: 66F (19C); Pressure: 30.08 in/1018.5 hPa; Wind: NE at 7.0 MPH (11.3 KPH)
17:45.07fewynyay it works
17:45.18KriLL3so it bt4
17:46.06*** join/#wowace Curses (
17:46.19Elgrenbt4 is a monster
17:46.21Elgrengood mod
17:46.38Repo10zzml: 03Turaka * r6 / (2 files in 1 directory): * Updated for 3.0 Patch
17:46.54Repo10skinner: 03Jncl 07master * b1.9056.0-6-gf0b1865 / (6 files in 2 directories): [+2 commits]
17:46.55KriLL3PB is also updated
17:46.55Repof0b1865: Skinner: Skinned AlphaMap
17:46.55Repo6b1e74e: Skinner: Updated XPerl skin
17:47.14KriLL3Cairenn: I see a lot of addons there that are updated but says they're not
17:47.14Elgrenhey anyone know how I can move the top screen frame, the one showing like bases and points in BG. Spirit Towers in terokkar and Guards Remaining in nagrand?
17:47.22Elgrenany mod make me able to move this?
17:47.32PneumatusUS servers down for like another 3 hours still, right?
17:47.34NivFreakmerge even
17:47.36CairennKriLL3: takes time to keep it updated, we're working on it constantly
17:47.38NivFreakPneumatus: yea
17:47.43KriLL3Cairenn: kk :)
17:47.50AeyanThose are official now
17:47.59YssarilAeyan: thanks
17:48.05Zeksiewhat's your total downtime?
17:48.11KriLL3wtf, blue posts says not all class changes are in this patch
17:48.15PrimerWhat exactly does OptionalDeps in the toc file do?
17:48.22PrimerSeems unnecessary
17:48.27NeoTronoptional dependency
17:48.29Zeksieloads the mod IF it's present before your mod
17:48.32NeoTronload if present, don't fail if it's not
17:48.33PneumatusPrimer: in theory, if those addons exist they will load before the mod
17:48.40YssarilKriLL3: who cares they are 70+ changes that didnt make it
17:48.51ShaneSvellerElgren: Capping maybe?
17:48.52KriLL3Yssaril: no it seems some sub 70 didn't also
17:49.05PrimerPneumatus: So how does that differ from embeds.xml?
17:49.22p4avedtitan's grip didnt' ship :(
17:49.27p4avedi think
17:49.37PneumatusPrimer: if the stand-alone libs exist, memory usage will get attributed to them, rather than the addon embedding
17:49.55NivFreakp4aved: that better not be true
17:49.58PrimerPneumatus: So I should list every lib in embeds.xml in OptionalDeps?
17:50.11Primerideally, that is
17:50.34KriLL3does titan's grip even matter? doesn't all dpswarr spec arms for ms?
17:50.34Pneumatusexcept for LS/CBH, i believe
17:50.37ShaneSvellerp4aved: 51-point talents ARE in according to Bornakk:
17:50.53fewynall talents are in
17:50.54Pneumatusas libs requiring them should be providing them themselves
17:50.55NivFreakKriLL3: we get passive MS in fury
17:50.56fewynjust like wotlk
17:51.00fewyni mean tbc
17:51.02p4avedi couldn't find a mention to grip in teh current "offical" patch notes
17:51.02fewynand 2.0
17:51.02Repo10spell-reminder: 03oridan * r180 SpellReminder.toc: SpellReminder:
17:51.03Repo- bump toc
17:51.04KriLL3I'll spec berserk, too bad I'm 1p away from OoC then
17:51.13NivFreakarms warriors are for their dmg buff
17:51.14NivFreaknot MS
17:51.25KriLL3MS is everything in pvp
17:51.26ShaneSvellerthe official patch notes are terribly outdated, blue post said they'd be updated later
17:51.29PrimerPneumatus: I'm suffering from acronym deficiency...LS/CBH?
17:51.39PneumatusLibStub / CallBackHandler
17:51.43NivFreakKriLL3: last I checked this was still a PVE game with pvp bolted on
17:51.51ElgrenAnyone except me have problems with Omen3?
17:51.56Groktarthen why did you say "dps warriors" KriLL3?
17:52.05p4avedwe'll find out in a few hours what made it
17:52.07StanzillaElgren: what problems?
17:52.09KriLL3Groktar: I'm a pvper
17:52.10Repo10sell-o-matic: 03Silmano * r23 : - Updated externals
17:52.38*** join/#wowace kaiden (
17:52.40NivFreakso what's the curse process now with extenrals
17:52.49NivFreakare they bundled at commit/archive time?
17:53.00*** join/#wowace odt (
17:53.01PrimerPneumatus: Should I list AceAddon, AceDB, etc? Or does "Ace3" cover those?
17:53.02ckknightarchive time
17:53.03ShaneSvellerlol, apple liveblog survey: Q: What's the best news today? A#9: Jobs is still alive
17:53.12PneumatusPrimer: Ace3 covers them all
17:53.13ckknightlol, Shadowed
17:53.16ckknighterr, ShaneSveller*
17:53.19alcarasdo i have install libraries with curse?
17:53.20PrimerPneumatus: excellent, thanks
17:53.26alcarasor will it automatically know which libs to get?
17:53.30NivFreakckknight: so if ace was broken when someone commited, it's not fixed until the next commit for that addon where ace is working?
17:53.31PneumatusPrimer: you should optdep the 'parent' lib
17:53.39KriLL3jobs should start training a replacement, or get cloned
17:53.57ShaneSvellerhis blood pressure is 110/70
17:53.57ckknightNivFreak: actually it should rebundle if both are alphas
17:54.02ckknightbut tags don't rearchive
17:54.22DarkAuditcomments on WowInsider's story on CC are coming in... almost every one is "WowMatrix ftw" or variations thereof
17:54.35PrimerPneumatus: yeah, much of the framework is still foreign to me. I mean, I have a working addon, but I coded it by looking at examples and bugging people here
17:54.42Primerall in all, I think I did well
17:54.43ckknightDarkAudit: link?
17:54.45Repo10postal: 03Xinhuan * r215 / (8 files in 2 directories):
17:54.46RepoUpdate TOC. Update Version. Remove embeds.xml and use the TOC. Remove tsvn:logtemplate. Remove 2.4.2 compat code. Remove Shift-Click express mail retrieval feature (its now in the default UI). Update code changes necessary to use in 3.0.2.
17:54.48KriLL3DarkAudit: I'd like to throttle em
17:55.02KriLL3would raise the global average IQ 10 points
17:55.07NivFreakckknight: so once again, the only sane way to deal with addons is no-externals, and curse doesn't provide for that via an updater
17:55.09PrimerWhat's the Interface number I should be using in the toc, btw?
17:55.12Repo10sell-o-matic: 03Silmano * r24 : - Updated externals (again)
17:55.17KriLL3Primer: 30000
17:55.25ckknightNivFreak: no, don't fucking use alphas
17:55.33ckknightNivFreak: problem solved.
17:55.55ckknightdon't install alpha files
17:55.56NivFreakI'm installing via curse
17:55.58ckknightjust releases
17:56.03ckknightmaybe beta if you're feeling feisty
17:56.05NivFreakwhy would I be getting alphas
17:56.06ckknightthen you're installing releases
17:56.11NivFreakand they are fucked
17:56.14*** join/#wowace Thaoky (i=Thaoky@
17:56.17ckknightwhich would never repackage
17:56.19ckknightnor should they
17:56.27NivFreakso if ace is fucked
17:56.28Pneumatuspackaged zips should always contain libs that work with that current version, HOWEVER if someoen were to break ace3 then an author with an ace3 addon tagged a release
17:56.30NivFreakwhen they release
17:56.32ckknightwhich it isn't
17:56.35NivFreakthen it never get fixed
17:56.38PneumatusTHEN that broken Ace3 will take presidence
17:56.42ckknightthe author would need to repackage
17:56.46ckknightwell, re-tag
17:56.56alcarascurse-client question: how do I add a wowinterface hosted addon to curse client?
17:57.05PrimerAre all trunk commits cut into a release on I noticed that my addon exists as a -rXXX and vX.Y.Z (the tag I created)
17:57.07Pneumatusalcaras: you use the wowi updater
17:57.13ckknightalcaras: sadly, this isn't available currently and probably won't be for a while, wowi has an updater
17:57.17alcarasPneumatus: that's being discontinued
17:57.24ckknightPrimer: no trunk commits go to curse
17:57.25alcarasShirik, author of that updater, told me not to use it :p
17:57.35alcarashe has a new version coming 'soon'
17:57.36PneumatusPrimer: no, only beta/release tags go to curse
17:57.40ckknightalcaras: he's rewriting it as the mmoui updater
17:57.48alcarasckknight: aye, but it's not out yet
17:57.53Pneumatusor i guess if you changed an alpha file to beta/release it would also syndicate to curse
17:57.58PrimerSo what is the nomenclature for tags then?
17:58.05PrimerIs this documented somewhere?
17:58.07alcarasi guess i'll use jwowupdater for wowi in the meanwhile
17:58.16Pneumatusin the knowledgebase somewhere, Primer
17:58.29Repo10bad-boy: 03funkydude * r209 BadBoy.toc: BadBoy: toc bump > v2.1
17:58.52PrimerPneumatus: awesome! thanks again!
17:59.17Primerhehe release|stable?
17:59.21Primerthat seems odd
17:59.47Primerstable == beta?
17:59.57*** join/#wowace falconindy (
17:59.58NeoTronno stable = release
18:00.04Primerthen where's beta?
18:00.17Primerlack of release|stable?
18:00.22NeoTronanything not matching that regexp I presume
18:00.28NeoTroni.e 1.0-beta1 for example
18:00.41Repo10light-queue: 03funkydude * r43 LightQueue.toc: LightQueue: toc bump > v2.5.1
18:00.42ElgrenIs anyone successfully running Omen3?
18:00.42Primerok, time to retag I guess
18:00.52*** join/#wowace Antiarc (
18:00.53Repo10postal: 03Xinhuan 04v3.0.0 * r216 : Tag v3.0.0 for release.
18:01.07Pneumatusrelease or stable
18:01.07Pneumatus= release
18:01.08ShaneSvellerElgren: It didn't bug out on startup for me last night
18:01.10*** join/#wowace Dwarik (n=Dwarik@
18:01.10Elgrenyou run omen3?
18:01.11Repo10sell-o-matic: 03Silmano * r25 : - Damn externals...
18:01.11*** mode/#wowace [+v Antiarc] by ChanServ
18:01.11fewynHmmm anyone in here mess with running mac os x on pcs?
18:01.14ElgrenShaneSveller ok
18:01.18Pneumatusanything that doesnt match ^v?[0-9\.\-_]+$|release|stable is packaged as beta
18:01.18ShaneSvellerfewyn: aka hackintosh?
18:01.22ckknightPrimer: don't bother retagging
18:01.24sbhmm, whats the official ETA for US servers?
18:01.26ckknightPrimer: just edit the file on the website
18:01.30fewynYes =p
18:01.31Primerckknight: ok
18:01.36fewyn3 hours sb
18:01.52nevcairielso patch hit btu servers are still down?
18:01.56nevcairielgood time for me to merge shit
18:01.58ShaneSvellersb: 5pm EST
18:02.10fewyngood time to start pushing addons and stuff to release versions
18:02.34sbneed to know what changes made it into this patch
18:02.39sbshamans are already crying... :o
18:02.52sbbecause flurry/hit nerf could still be in this release ;p
18:02.53Tornhoofwhich ones didn't make it?
18:02.58sbbut dont know...
18:03.09Tornhoofthey wouldn't dare
18:03.10Groktarmost everything will probably be in it
18:03.11sbits 9056 instead of 9061...
18:03.19sbno idea what that means
18:03.23Groktari just wouldn't get my hopes up if the change was made in the last couple of weeks
18:03.24Elgrensomeone plz take a look at this error I get with omen3:
18:03.26Tornhoofprobably 9061 will be done on friday then or something
18:03.32kenlyricsbmeans it's the ptr build
18:03.39sbpatch that wont be wednesday??
18:03.41Repo10skinner: 03Jncl 04b1.9056.2 * f0b1865 /: [new tag] Skinner: Skinned AlphaMap
18:03.44sb(or tuesday...)
18:03.46kenlyricbeta will continually be updated until wrath is released
18:03.48Tornhoofsure it will
18:03.52sboh? :)
18:03.54sbthats new :P
18:03.56Elgrenone of you geniuses could tell me how I could fix this omen3 error:
18:03.57Tornhoofbut they already announced a new patch
18:03.58kenlyricwe probably won't get anything but bugfix patch on live until wrath
18:03.59PrimerOk, pardon the slew of questions but, here goes: Now that each project is in a separate repo, how would I give access to people translating my addons?
18:04.13fewynjust mark it public?
18:04.15PneumatusPrimer: mark the repo as open, or add translators as authors
18:04.16Tornhoofso either this weekend or next week
18:04.42*** join/#wowace Tekkub (n=tekkub@WoWUIDev/WoWI/Featured/Dongle/GitHub/Tekkub)
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18:04.54*** join/#wowace chiper (n=chiper@
18:04.58Groktarreleases the cockroaches in Tekkub's pantry
18:04.59PrimerAhh manage authors
18:05.07chiperlols at the topic
18:05.45*** join/#wowace Keias (
18:05.57sbbut see.. thats why i want to know which changes are in :)
18:05.58NeoTronPrimer: by default tey should be public
18:06.10sbsame for warrior changes (12% or 15% hit penalty on TG)
18:06.10Primerpublic read, sure
18:06.21ElgrenGod damn, anyone have a working version of Omen2? Omen3 is not working well
18:06.39ckknightOmen3 is for WoW 3.0
18:06.43NeoTronPrimer: no public write is default
18:06.44PrimerI guess it'd be ok for public write, if there was an svn hook to email me on commit
18:07.00Elgrenso I dont understand why CC update my omen to 3.0
18:07.05Elgrenwhen 3.0 is not here yet
18:07.08ckknightElgren: cause the patch is today
18:07.10NeoTronbecause 3.0 is here
18:07.18Elgrenwell no
18:07.21Groktarpoints at the topic
18:07.22ckknightwell yes
18:07.25ckknightyou're a foreigner
18:07.25NeoTronif you're not in the US, using curse client today is a bad idea
18:07.25Groktarheads for the hills
18:07.29PrimerAre svn commit hooks for emailing planned/implemented?
18:07.32p4aved2days patch is 3.0.2
18:07.33ElgrenIm a euro
18:07.37NeoTronthen don't update today
18:07.40ckknightPrimer: I think there's a ticket for that...
18:07.45kenlyricdid you just fucking type that?
18:07.46Elgrenwe have like 15 moure hours
18:07.48Tornhoofyou should already know that elgren
18:07.51Primerckknight: that'll be nice
18:07.52Tornhooffrom any previous patch
18:07.53Elgrenit auto updated
18:07.56Stanzilla2 days in dreamland
18:07.57Tornhoofpatching before patchday is baaad
18:07.58Elgrenhow do I get my old one back?
18:08.05Tornhoofdownload it yourself
18:08.10ckknightElgren: go to and download it manually
18:08.10kenlyricEU dummies continue to be dumb
18:08.15ElgrenYe, thats why I asked if someone has a old zip
18:08.21kenlyricpatch day isn't a hard concept, really
18:08.23Elgrenok ill try find it
18:09.10GnarfozXinhuan: any chance of polygonal taboo regions in Routes? :>
18:09.18Repo10statframelib: 03Whitetooth * r39 / (3 files in 2 directories): - Fixed :RepaintAllStatFrames()
18:09.19Repo- PLAYERSTAT_LEFTDROPDOWN_SELECTION and PLAYERSTAT_RIGHTDROPDOWN_SELECTION changed to use WotLK GetCVar/SetCVar("playerStatRightDropdown") and GetCVar/SetCVar("playerStatLeftDropdown")
18:09.20Repo- toc 30000
18:09.20Josh_Borkegfy Gnarfoz
18:09.25Xinhuanerrrr huh??
18:09.30kenlyricif (location != US && day="patch") update=0;
18:09.31GnarfozJosh_Borke: what
18:09.45Josh_BorkeXinhuan: non-square regions in routed
18:10.01Xinhuanif you didn't know, the taboo regions can have as many nodes as you want
18:10.03Groktarit looks like ate omen2
18:10.11GnarfozXinhuan: I didn't. AHHHHHHHHGH
18:10.11Repo10bad-boy: 03funkydude 04v2.1 * r210 : Tag 2.1
18:10.11Xinhuani tried 200+ nodes once
18:10.20Xinhuanjust right click on an existing node and add more nodes
18:10.25GnarfozXinhuan: I see it now. it's right on the page where you edit taboos :D
18:10.26ShaneSvellerhow slow was that?
18:10.28Xinhuanbeen in since day 1
18:10.39Xinhuanits in the help file too!
18:11.05Gnarfozdocs... pffssh
18:11.09Tornhoof  is certainly working on the old patch, (dunno if latest though)
18:11.32Elgrenye ty I try that one
18:11.34Repo10light-queue: 03funkydude 04v2.5.1 * r44 : Tag 2.5.1
18:11.40Elgrencurse game me the damn 3.0 version
18:11.41*** join/#wowace Sliker_Hawk (
18:11.47Elgrenreleased to early damit
18:12.41sbits okay for US
18:12.41ShaneSvelleronly for you silly folk across the pond. =P
18:12.52sbShaneSveller: shhhh...
18:12.54BrunersElgren: you should know by now to not update addons on patch day for US
18:13.04*** join/#wowace Bibi (n=Bibi@
18:13.14kenlyricgets out his stabbing spoon for the next motherfucker that bitches about it
18:13.14Brunerswhy is there a difference in patch day anyway?:P
18:13.29sbnow THATS a good question :p
18:13.30Repo10enchanting-sell: 03Shamino * r87 / (4 files in 1 directory): EnchantingSell:
18:13.31Repo- craft API's no longer exist, converted to use TradeSkill API's.
18:13.33kenlyricBruners: US needs an extra day to keep up with EU
18:13.38sbhaha :)
18:13.39kenlyricand they still fail at it
18:14.02kenlyriccourse, we can't all live off welfare to raide 18 hours a day liike nihilum.
18:14.08kenlyricmost people in the US have to go to work :/
18:14.17kenlyricsocialism is an unfair advantage
18:14.30Repo10enchanting-sell: 03Shamino 04r87 * r88 : EnchantingSell:
18:14.31Repo- tagging alpha r87
18:14.32Repo- craft API's no longer exist, converted to use TradeSkill API's.
18:14.46ShaneSvelleranyone successfully use Skillet or something similar on beta lately?
18:15.27*** join/#wowace grennon (
18:16.10Groktarwhat's skillet?
18:16.11PrimerI'd like to email the 2 other people that have translated my addon, but I can't find their svn username in's "authors". Is there some other place I can find this info?
18:16.36ckknightPrimer: go to
18:16.42Pneumatusamagad, >60 players dont get ther rallying cry of the dragonslayer buff :<
18:16.48*** part/#wowace Seerah (
18:16.54ShaneSvellerGroktar: similar to Advanced Trade Skill Window, it's a modified crafting window that allows for smarter queues that work out prereqs and has nice filters, etc.
18:17.14Primerckknight: ok, they have no projects, hence are not authors, I suppose
18:17.25*** join/#wowace TheDeamon (
18:17.32PneumatusShaneSveller: is it as hideously slow as ATSW?
18:18.08Repo10gprice-each: 03grennon * r32 GPriceEach.toc: GPriceEach:
18:18.23ShaneSvellerPneumatus: no, it was much better, no scanning everything when you open a craft window or the like
18:18.49Pneumatusmight have to take a look then, i got fed up of ATSW a while ago taking nearly forever to do anything
18:19.07grennonwhat do we have to do go away from being stable? update toc and then flag the file as a release?
18:19.15ShaneSvellerPneumatus: there's some bugs on 3.0, mostly renamed functions but another I didn't take time to track down
18:19.34Primerckknight: seems there's no link to contact these people. I guess I create a ticket in my own project and assign it to them? Do they get an email if I do that?
18:19.43ckknightPrimer: gimme their names
18:19.46ckknightI'll give you their emails
18:19.52ckknightwell, link me their profiles
18:19.55ckknightthat's easier
18:19.57ckknightit shows for moderators
18:20.01*** join/#wowace Ferd (n=ProwIRC@
18:20.02Ferd2Ciao amici di #wowace!!!
18:20.12ckknighthowdy, Ferd
18:20.16grennonhehe, wang
18:20.20PrimerFerd: buon giorno!
18:20.30Repo10alt-click-to-add-item: 03grennon * r48 AltClickToAddItem.toc: AltClickToAddItem:
18:21.10Xinhuanheh, i wonder why there is a select(1, ...) code in postal ;p
18:21.32Primerckknight: sorry to bug so much, just trying to keep my addon complete :)
18:21.34*** join/#wowace Seerah (
18:21.54grennonis there a secret mojo to making the builder prefix your zips with the mod name?
18:21.57Repo10postal: 03Xinhuan * r217 / (2 files in 2 directories):
18:21.57Thaokyprimer: I have the email of wang if you want, he helped me for zhCN in my addon
18:21.58RepoFix alt-click-to-add-item code in Postal which I missed earlier. Update to v3.0.1.
18:22.00Ferdhey all, do u all play wow13¿12?
18:22.07*** join/#wowace Bibi` (n=Bibi@unaffiliated/bibi)
18:22.08grennonright now im just getting svn commit numbers for zip names
18:22.10Repo10ner-frames: 03Jncl * r29 / (2 files in 1 directory): nerFrames: Added packager tags
18:22.12Repo- Updated TOC to 30000
18:22.14PrimerThaoky: sure thing
18:22.18ulicgrennon: mine did it automatically when I made tags.
18:22.32Tornhoofgrennon, package-as: XYZ in .pkgmeta?
18:22.32ckknightFerd: please don't use colors
18:23.00Ferdim not using them
18:23.05*** join/#wowace RLD_osx (
18:23.07Repo10postal: 03Xinhuan 04v3.0.1 * r218 : Tag v3.0.1 while I'm at it.
18:23.13Thaokyprimer: sent :)
18:23.13ckknightFerd: you were for your question marks
18:23.15ulicgrennon: oh, you're probably looking at files on, which doesn't prefix, but when they go to they do get prefixed.
18:23.23ckknightFerd: but yea, this is a wow-related ui community channel
18:23.37Ferdoki thx
18:23.39grennoni c
18:23.55ulicgrennon: actually the real file name is prefixed on wowace too.
18:23.59Xinhuangrennon: see
18:24.13Xinhuanthe tag name is relevant
18:24.49grennonive got everu BoU pet and every food ingredient needed for cooking achievements banked on alts waiting for this patch
18:25.00grennonso i can complete worthless meta-quests called achievements
18:25.03Xinhuanhow many items is that grennon?
18:25.13Brunerscolors are bad
18:25.16*** join/#wowace EthanCentaurai (n=EthanCen@
18:25.18grennonfood isnt so bad, mayb 30 inv slots?
18:25.35grennontons of runecloth banked for what i predict is a sudden price surge
18:25.55*** join/#wowace Zhinjio (i=1000@
18:26.01AntiarcSo I've been out of the loop
18:26.16AntiarcBranches from the wowace svn - still accessable?
18:26.23Brunersrunecloth already go for 6g a stack on my server
18:26.28Groktarhasn't figured out how to find them
18:26.46Fisker-puts Antiarc in an infinite loop :(
18:26.47Antiarcyay, thanks
18:27.05StanzillaAntiarc: chatter fixes inc? :P
18:27.09NeoTronI look forward to doing some dailies and stuff on my paladin
18:27.13Antiarcwell, merging the 3.0 branch
18:27.17AntiarcThen fixes if I can get them done
18:27.18NeoTronmaybe get some SSO rep or perhaps nethwrwing
18:27.37sboh, Antiarc is back? :P
18:27.41AntiarcNot really
18:27.45sbmeh :(
18:27.48AntiarcBut I need to get chatter merged for 3.0
18:27.49sbwhy not? :p
18:27.54AntiarcLack of time
18:29.24Repo10big-wigs: 03funkydude * r4763 / (32 files in 12 directories):
18:29.25RepoBigWigs: bump and clean toc files for 3.0, add in naxx modules, remove bat/sh files since pkgmeta should handle this.
18:29.30AntiarcWhat's the procedure for lib externals now?
18:29.44XinhuanAntiarc, try checking out an existing project from the new svns
18:29.48ulicFunkeh`: you can remove .bat files?
18:29.49Xinhuanand look in the .pkgmeta file
18:29.58Xinhuanits rather simple
18:30.00Repo10libfilter-1-0: 03Nayala * r2 / (17 files in 6 directories): bug fixes
18:30.03AntiarcThat's all it needs? No svn externals anymore?
18:30.05Stanzillaulic: yes thats now possible
18:30.09Funkeh`ulic, whether it works, I need to see, but that's the word on the street
18:30.10Xinhuanyou can still have svn externals
18:30.14NeoTronFunkeh`: out of curiosity, plan to remove BC raids from the main module and put them in a separate addon?
18:30.15Xinhuanbut they aren't used by the packager
18:30.24Xinhuanthey will only be for ppl who svn checkout
18:30.25Funkeh`NeoTron, after wotlk
18:30.35EthanCentauraiAntiarc: :)
18:30.37NeoTrongood to hear
18:30.51SpennigFor someone who has VB and similar background, how hard is it to learn to code lua? My husband was wondering.
18:30.59Antiarcalso, yay yaml
18:30.59Fisker- <-facedesk?
18:31.02Repo10bartender4: 03Nevcairiel 07master * 4.1.0-WotLK-Beta2-11-g8663238 / (63 files in 9 directories): [+70 commits] (66 truncated)
18:31.03Repo8663238: Small cleanup
18:31.04Repo97f10a1: Added very basic Reputation/XP Bar modules
18:31.07Repo461f274: Fixed disabling of Auto-Assist
18:31.11Repo1b76f3f: Fix error in auto-assist code with harm-assisting
18:31.16Xinhuanahahah 70 commits
18:31.19Fisker-WHAT THE FAIL
18:31.23Repo10little-wigs: 03ulic * r405 littlewigs-lod.bat: LittleWigs: Removed .bat
18:31.27nevcairielXinhuan: i merged the wrath branch :P
18:31.29chiperSpennig: if VB is his only background, it wont be easy
18:31.46chiperLUA is more like actionscript/javascript/php than it is like basic
18:31.59krkachiper: LUA, what's that? Did you mean to say Lua?
18:32.01ShaneSvellerSpennig: generally, once you learn the structure of programming, the only difference in languages is learning to apply the correct "grammar", so to speak. so, not too hard.
18:32.08chiperkrka: yea yea yea
18:32.25grennonlua feels more like ksh than real programming
18:32.34SpennigI'm going to try n talk him into learning lua, and updating / fixing ArcHUD for me >_>
18:32.59*** join/#wowace erica647 (
18:33.08EthanCentaurairecieves 70 emails about Bartender4
18:33.09chiperis reminded of a JS instructor who informed the class that he didnt like JS because it was case sensitive. his foundation was in VB
18:33.22NeoTronEthanCentaurai: grats
18:33.27Stanzillapwnd :P
18:33.28chiperneedless to say, I dropped that class
18:33.53grennoni dont think i guy like that ever could have understood overloaded operators then
18:34.12chiperI dont think he could really understand OOP
18:34.14*** join/#wowace Bibi` (
18:34.25chiperthis was before .net
18:34.33ckknightchiper: hehe
18:34.51grennonwell VB obscured the style from you
18:35.10grennoni saw a lot of bad C++ that was written as C with just class instead of structs back in the day
18:35.34grennonpeople just using the new features and not really going from structural to objective programming
18:35.48ckknightchiper: case sensitivity is a pain sometimes, pedagogically it'd be easier for case-insensitivity.
18:35.53Repo10flight-hud: 03Barfolomeu * r90 / (3 files in 1 directory):
18:35.54RepoFlightHUD: Update TOC to 30000. Set enUS as the default locale (This regressed when I overwrote a commit. My bad). Fix the svn template prop.
18:36.28chiperckknight: oh sure.  but it's a pretty pisspoor reason to dislike a language.  that right there told me that the man had never worked in anything but BASIC
18:36.52Repo10bartender4: 03Nevcairiel 07wrath *  /: [deleted]
18:36.56grennonsome of your older college teachers are re-trained cobol teachers
18:37.08chiperand this guy was supposed to teach me how to use the language
18:37.54chiperit's like when I was in highschool, and we had an english major teaching algebra.
18:38.04grennonin fairness to that guy, originally JS was used in small amounts, case sensitivity wasnt a necessary feature
18:38.06chiperthe man hated math, but it was the only job he could get
18:38.17grennonbut nowadays, sheesh,  you seen some of these google apps?
18:38.53ckknightchiper: I like math
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18:39.05chiperhence the need for google chrome
18:39.10chiperspits on IE
18:39.18ckknightjoins chiper
18:39.18AntiarcOh boy.
18:39.24AntiarcInstant crash on my WoW client
18:39.28Repo10yata: 03Tornhoof * r53 / (24 files in 3 directories): - No Wotlk branch anymore
18:39.29ckknightAntiarc: yays!
18:39.37Antiarc"Signature string (1) in signature file does not match game's signature version (1)"
18:39.46sblol? :O
18:40.04chiperAntiarc: ruroh
18:40.14chiperthat sounds bad
18:40.24AntiarcWell, the launcher is DLing another patch
18:40.24kagaroboo no new 30" cinema display
18:40.26AntiarcSo maybe that'll fix it
18:40.43Groktari hope they fixed the uiscale bug
18:40.49Groktaror i'm gonna throw a tantrum
18:40.59chiperanother one on top of 3.0.2?
18:41.25sbNahkiss- Antiarc still runs 1.9.4 :/
18:41.28sberr nah
18:41.30sbnot Nahkiss :/
18:41.31pentium166there are other companies who make decent looking 30" lcds than apple
18:42.11chiperbut it's hard to beat apple's displays
18:42.15grennondell 24-30 inch displays dont suck either
18:42.30Groktardon't dell and apple use the same panels?
18:42.33chiperdell doesn't suck, but unless you pay a lot you only get 6bit color
18:42.36erica647who makes monitors for Dell?
18:43.02Fisker-i do
18:43.04Groktari know my 20" dell uses the same panel as the 20" apple
18:43.05Fisker-all alone >:E
18:43.13erica647poor baby
18:43.24Groktarand it doesn't look faggy
18:44.21kagaroim gona need to buy  anew one soon, so starting to shop around
18:44.25pentium166I hate those homosexual LCDs
18:44.26chiperaluminum is faggy?
18:44.58erica647Change scares me.... still using a CRT
18:45.22chiperheh, I finally threw out all but one of my CRTs last month.  cleared up a ton of space in my closet
18:45.32erica647I bet
18:45.33mjcapple just released a new 24" with LED backlighting and displayport
18:45.51leech2konly 3k
18:45.52AntiarcDell LCDs are rebranded Samsungs
18:45.58erica647dumb question... do apple monitors work on IBM clones now?
18:46.08mjcerica647: they have for years
18:46.08Primersigh, power failed as I was updating wow. I was doing it remotely so I have no idea if was before it started patching or after
18:46.11chipererica647: yes, they use DVI
18:46.15Primershould still be safe, right
18:46.22erica647Antiarc: Thanks... I've had pretty good luck with Samsung
18:46.23Primer? The patch is atomic?
18:46.27Xinhuanwhat UIScale bug?
18:46.30mjcDVI, dual-link DVI, or DisplayPort
18:46.36chiperalthough, like mjc said, the new one if display port
18:46.39GroktarXinhuan: it doesn't save ui scale settings
18:46.45mjcthe 30" is dual-link DVI
18:46.52leech2kwow live servers still down
18:46.53Xinhuanon ptr/wrath?
18:47.02Groktarya, both ptr/wrath
18:47.07Xinhuanare u sure?
18:47.09Groktarfor months
18:47.09Xinhuanmine's saving
18:47.11pentium166When I first heard that term I thought it meant you needed two DVI ports
18:47.26Xinhuanbecause i specically changed it earlier to test scaling issues in omen
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18:47.35Groktari even went in a added the settings to
18:47.39Groktarand it still wasn't working
18:47.48chiperpentium166: the first ones did
18:47.59Xinhuanit might not be saving because you first need to go to Video Options --> Use UI Scale
18:48.01chiperbefore they figured out how to squeeze it into one cable
18:48.06Xinhuanand enable that checkbox
18:48.16Xinhuan(don't ask me why its in video options)
18:48.34Xinhuanthat slider goes from 0.64 to 1.00
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18:48.48erica647Speaking of video... finally went back to NVidia from ATI.  I really like it so far
18:49.12Primerwhew! It was still downloading
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18:49.17leech2kwierd most people are switching to ati about now
18:49.26fewynati sucks
18:49.38erica647I keep hearing different opinions
18:49.44SirowCurse Client v15 will have disembedding support, right?
18:49.50KriLL3ha, I (feral drood) and my subt rogue friend just took down a holy + sl/sl team, isn't that supposed to be impossible? They had higher rating than us and better gear
18:49.52leech2kati is bad but they have a crazy good 130$ card right now
18:50.06chiperATI is starting to get good again, but they've dragged their feet for so long that people wont be quick to change back
18:50.11Groktarholy shit it saved
18:50.21Repo10bartender4: 03Nevcairiel 07master * 4.1.0-WotLK-Beta2-12-g1290f1d Bartender4.toc: [+1 commit] Adjust .toc in preparation of release
18:50.26erica647The main problem I used to have with Nvidia was the stupid fans
18:50.29chiperand nvidia just released a new chipset that should knock a few heads
18:50.37Repo10bartender4: 03Nevcairiel 044.1.0 * 16bb81a /: [new tag] Adjust .toc in preparation of release
18:51.00chipererica647: don't buy nvidia branded cards.  the third parties use better fans
18:51.14leech2kati is owning in sub 200$ dollar cards right now, but nvidia probably still better above that
18:51.46chipersame is true for ati as well.  the third parties do better with cooling and overclocking
18:51.50Josh_Borkeerica647: it's all about the fanless options :-D
18:51.54NivFreakchiper: newer than the GTX 280s?
18:52.00grennonthats weird, curse updater is showing me updates for my svn copies of my mods
18:52.01erica647Yeah I agree
18:52.08chiperNivFreak: the new chip that's in the new macbooks
18:52.14grennonthought it was supposed to ignore those
18:52.21KriLL3chiper: doubt that's a new one
18:52.26NivFreakchiper: oh
18:52.27erica647Are Mac laptops still catching fire in people's trunks?
18:52.34KriLL3chiper: prolly the new GTX260 with a few more stream processors
18:52.45leech2kclass action lawsuit again nvidia for faulty chipsets going on too :-)
18:52.48KriLL3erica647: with 2 GPUs they'll catch fire on first boot
18:52.51leech2kin mac laptops and others
18:53.05Repo10statframelib: 03Whitetooth * r40 StatFrameLib-1.0/StatFrameLib-1.0.lua: - Removed debug print
18:53.09erica647Working as intended I'm sure
18:53.17chiperleech2k: yeah, people were handing out flyers about that at blizzcon.  was pretty annoying
18:53.25leech2kyep :-)
18:53.26erica647I guess they just require users to have fire extinguishers dead?
18:53.41KriLL3my GTX 260 is working just fine
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18:53.55Repo10simple-md: 03Starinnia * r93 SimpleMD.lua: SimpleMD: tweak test function slightly
18:54.30grennonim finding chronometer hard to replace
18:54.43KriLL3what does it do?
18:54.44leech2kI <3 chronometer
18:54.45grennoni guess it doesnt need replacing though
18:54.57erica647I think sorren's timers is good
18:55.11erica647probably the best for hunters
18:55.32NivFreakchiper: man, I wish I could have waited a month to buy my new 17" :P
18:55.40grennonway way back when warriors discovered thunderclap was actually useful in raids (bwl/aq40) days, i used chrono to track demo shout/tclap on targets
18:55.42NivFreakthat keyboard...
18:55.43bien|is there a config frame for ace based addons?
18:55.51chiperNivFreak: heh, I know what you mean, I just bought this laptop three months ago
18:55.52grennonthen when i switched to my shaman, i used it as a totem timer
18:56.02grennonits a nice generic buff/debuff timer
18:56.11erica647Grennon: doesn't sorrens track that?
18:56.12NivFreakchiper: I bought a maxxed out 17"
18:56.15Repo10auto-bar: 03Azethoth * r601 / (18 files in 1 directory): AutoBar :
18:56.15Repo-- toc 30000
18:56.16Repo-- alpha
18:56.18Repo-- Known issues: tooltips, mount and critter buttons broken
18:56.21grennondunno, never heard of it
18:56.22Repo10tank-points: 03Whitetooth * r82 / (9 files in 1 directory):  (Message trimmed by 3 lines)
18:56.26Repo- Avoidance diminishing returns support: Calculator, ItemTooltip, TankPoints Per Stat, TankPoints Per StatValue
18:56.32Repo- Crushing blows only happen when mob is +4 levels
18:56.33chiperNivFreak: eww, you paid apple prices for memory?
18:56.35fewynwtb time travel machine
18:56.36Repo- 0.5 block per str
18:56.40erica647You might want to try it if you're looking to replace chronometer
18:56.40Repo- Removed Babble-Spell-2.2, Deformat-2.0, Gratuity-2.0
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18:57.01NivFreakchiper: no
18:57.11NivFreakI always buy 3rd party memory :P
18:57.13quiescenstravel to the present
18:57.20grennonwell, chrono was on the ace svn, but its last rev was in the 50k commit range, doesnt look like it was imported to curse
18:57.21Thaokycan anyone link me the url of the new svn please ? :)
18:57.53grennonif sorren is good stuff ill switch, but otherwise i might adopt chrono
18:58.06ulicThaoky: every project has it's own repository now.
18:58.07Toadkillerso what is in teh new patch?  Will my mods work?  Will people whine about nerfs?  Will the sky fall?
18:58.15erica647Sorrens is my fav... chrono used to be my 2nd
18:58.37bien|guys, can you answer me this question? -> is there a config frame for ace based addons?
18:58.45Thaokyulic: thx, I wanted to check out a random project to check its .pkgmeta
18:58.54Repo10larger-macro-icon-selection: 03Xinhuan * r30 / (3 files in 1 directory): Remove tsvn:logtemplate. Update TOC to 30000.
18:58.56erica647Grennon: Chrono didn't handle trap timing as well imo
18:59.04ulicThaoky: you can find the svn linke for it on
18:59.07bien|Toadkiller: which?
18:59.12Thaokyulic: cool thx
18:59.25grennonerica647: do people still play hunters? i thought that class was removed
18:59.32chiperbien: you mean, like a single config window for all of them?
18:59.32erica647lol  I do
18:59.43erica647I've tried other classes but always go back
18:59.48bien|chiper: yes :)
19:00.00quiescenspew pew
19:00.07chiperbien: a lot of ace addons use Rock, which is a single interface, but not all of them.  others use the ace3 config system
19:00.25Toadkillerbien|: Oh I was being ironic or something.  I do need to dump some old mods finally and switch to new ones.  Whats the state of the art for a cartographer / gatherer replacement?
19:00.59ToadkillerSO I use all 3?
19:01.02bien|chiper: can you link me those? :/
19:01.12chiperuhm, no
19:01.19erica647they're all on the ace site
19:01.22bien|mh... oO
19:01.26chiperwhat erica said
19:01.28erica647well except maybe tomtom
19:01.30Toadkillerbien|: Your mod will come with some way to edit itself...
19:01.33chiperthere's guides on wowace about how to use them
19:01.34erica647it's on wowinterface
19:02.00chiperbien: are you asking from a user perspective or from a development aspect?
19:02.02erica647tomtom is for waypoints but you may not need/want it
19:02.23grennonmapster's description is "Simple Map Mod "
19:02.27bien|chiper: atm as a user
19:02.34ToadkillerOh yeah I vaguely recall that.  Yeah I could probably use some waypointing between nodes so I dont noob it every time
19:02.43grennonso yeah, maybe im behind the times, but i never heard of any of those map mods
19:02.45MortehlI <3 Cartographer. Anything that replaces it better be amazing. Heh
19:02.45chiperbien: if an addon uses a method, it will include those libraries in itself
19:03.09chiperbien:  what addon are you trying to configure?
19:03.16erica647There's a new version of cartographer I've seen on Curse... haven't tried it though
19:03.29ToadkillerWell cart has been erroring on reverse lookups or something lately so I am assuming its dying...
19:03.44Toadkillerwell by lately I mean 6 months or so
19:03.51chipercart3 is cool, but I found it cumbersome compared the simplicity of its predicessor
19:04.07MortehlThere's a 3.02 version (r2253) updated as of today
19:04.17bien|chiper: atm all of my addons... -.-
19:04.19ToadkillerAlso I do not like the part where u dont see your group members on cart usually
19:04.21MortehlI have it in my addon hopper for testing tonight.
19:04.26chiperbien: every addon is different
19:04.27leech2kis closetgnome being updated?
19:04.50MortehlClosetgnome and baggins from 2.43 work in 3.02 but you need to kill the lua files with your config stuff and set it up again.
19:04.54MortehlI was using it on the beta without a problem.
19:05.08chiperbien: most of them have a way to bring up the config screen through their slash commands
19:05.09pentium166I guess that means I need a bag mod then :(
19:05.24bien|chiper: atm i use the configuration frame of fubar to configure my addons if i deactivate fubar this frame is gone :/
19:05.34bien|and i'm looking for another one
19:05.35Toadkilleri recommend bagnon, but then I like a single giant bag interface
19:05.52chiperbien: if you deactivate fubar, you should get a minimap icon that opens up the same rock frame
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19:05.55MortehlI used to use bagnon, but I eventually found an need for more finite organization.
19:06.00chiperPreferences or something
19:06.06MortehlBut then I play a tank with more gear sets then I can count.
19:06.18ShaneSvellerMortehl: closetgnome has been updated recently
19:06.21chiperbut why would you want to deactivate fubar, it is the bar of awesomeness
19:06.24bien|chiper: i thought so too but that didnt happen...
19:06.37Repo10larger-macro-icon-selection: 03Xinhuan 04v1.0 * r31 : Tag v1.0
19:06.43bien|chiper: i want to use statblockcore
19:06.52MortehlShanSveller: I couldn't find anything more modern then a 10/12/08 update certified for 2.43 actually.
19:06.53pentium166Druid/shaman! I eventually banked all of my druid's healing gear because I never used it, but I still had a ton of gear for tanking/dps/pvp
19:07.09bien|and dont need fubar anymore
19:07.23MortehlI suppose it could be 3.02 ready but the developer hasn't confirmed it. Although what is left is probably simple a toc update.
19:07.26MortehlWe'll see tonight I suppose.
19:07.27Toadkillerwell I use itemrack which will get and store sets between bank and bags...
19:07.39leech2kCurse Client says newest Closetgnome is 5/15/08
19:07.41MortehlAlso closetgome is fun.
19:07.55MortehlUnfortunately the curse client still fails at life a bit.
19:07.58ShaneSvellerToadkiller: there's a closetgnome plugin, _banker, that does that
19:08.20ToadkillerYEah I hope my druid needs fewer sets after expansion.
19:08.22ShaneSvellerMortehl: that's the version I run on 3.0 just fine, just the TOC is out of date
19:08.30bien|chiper: and the "preferences" button is gone after every reload and i dont know why
19:08.33MortehlShaneSveller: That works.
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19:08.47MortehlAs I said I was able to get it running on 3.02 with an older version, I just needed to junk my lua files.
19:08.48ToadkillerWell, itemrack works, and while it does I am too happy to try changing...
19:08.56leech2kreally misisng wau about now :-)
19:09.06chiperbien: there's a command to open rock's own settings, but I dont know it offhand and I'm not at the computer with my wow install
19:09.09MortehlMe too. Though I can understand why it was discontinued.
19:09.15chipertry /rock
19:09.56bien|ah, okay, thank you chiper
19:10.07bien|is an idiot sometimes
19:10.18ToadkillerSingle update per click per mod will hopefully train people to not update 10 times a day...
19:10.40erica647I won't be using a lot of mods anyway probably
19:10.57Toadkilleroh damn, what the story with grid?  anyone know?
19:11.00ShaneSvellerI dropped my AddOns folder by about 40MB preparing for 3.0 to go live
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19:11.26pentium166I cut like half a minute off my load time :(
19:11.26erica647The only reason I started using mods in the first place was to have a focus frame
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19:11.35Funkeh`ckknight, le ping
19:11.46ckknightFunkeh`: der pong
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19:11.54Toadkillerdas pong imo
19:11.55Feist_So, is there a version of Pitbull that does energy properly?
19:11.57erica647I loved pong!
19:12.01KriLL3Feist_: yes
19:12.06KriLL3I poked em long enough
19:12.12ZealotOnAStickToadkiller: I dunno.  I asked a few hours ago, haven't seen an answer.
19:12.16Feist_I are can not find it krill :/
19:12.24Feist_The one on curse doesn't
19:12.44Feist_can't find a version later than 1747 which doesn't.
19:12.46NivFreakI wonder what time servers will actually come back up
19:13.13NeoTron2 pm sharp
19:13.15NeoTronthey said so
19:13.25ShaneSvellerpentium166: I took at least that off, yeah.
19:13.32StanzillaFeist_: download the beta
19:13.32DarkAuditpeople are starting to post about no "front page announcement"... this comes to mind: 'There's no point in acting all surprised about it. All the planning charts and demolition orders have been on display in your local planning department in Alpha Centauri for fifty of your Earth years, so you've had plenty of time to lodge any formal complaint and it's far too late to start making a fuss about it now.'
19:13.39ShaneSvellerpentium166: down to a svelte 12-15 seconds, give or take
19:13.40Stanzillackknight has not yet tagged the new one
19:13.47ckknightyea, gotta do that
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19:14.00chipergrins at DarkAudit
19:14.34DarkAudittakes a small bow
19:15.03pentium166I think dropping auctioneer/barely functional lootlink/gatherer/something else probably helped a lot
19:15.41DarkAuditpentium166: old Auctioneer is dead... Auctioneer Advanced is the only version making the transition to 3.0.2
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19:16.00chiperAucAdvanced rocks
19:16.02pentium166Well, yeah, that's what I was using
19:16.05fewyn~lart Belazor
19:16.05purlexecutes killall -TERM Belazor
19:16.17ShaneSvellerpentium166: AucAdv is lots better
19:16.31KriLL3there is an auctioneer updated like today on the site
19:16.32Xinhuanare live servers up yet
19:16.35ShaneSvellerpentium166: still memory-hungry but so helpful. i keep disabled except on my mule.
19:16.48DarkAuditfunny that they never had a "release" version of the 2.4 Auctioneer until a week before the patch that would kill it
19:16.53pentium166I'm probably going to do that eventually
19:16.55leech2kNegative on the live servers.
19:16.56ToadkillerI like to think of it as the great BC / WOTLK extinction event.  Its just not caused by a meteor
19:16.58erica647Xinhuan: I checked about 10 mins ago and they were still down
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19:17.06pentium166I was running it on all my characters though, before.
19:17.22TheDeamonStill 2 hours of scheduled maint
19:17.27DarkAuditscheduled downtime still has 1hr 45min to go
19:17.30PrimerApprove my new project!
19:17.30ShaneSvellerpentium166: the fact that you can get tooltip data with out loading the full scandata is nice
19:17.31TheDeamonbeta servers are up though. =P
19:17.41EthanCentauraiStanzilla: still looking for Runic Power color codes?
19:17.55Repo10libbabble-faction-3-0: 03Daviesh * r46 LibBabble-Faction-3.0.toc: Update toc for patch 3.0.2
19:18.03pentium166Oh, it works that way? I wonder what the different in size between tooltip and full data is
19:18.09Toadkilleromg I hope I dont log in a liek a noob and forget to enable loading old mods and then have to force quit so it cant write crap all over all my mod settings
19:18.45Toadkillerim 1/16 or something so far
19:18.47MortehlToadkiller: Thank you for reminding me to call my wife and have her put a postit note to that effect on my desk.
19:18.48odtanyone got a random mount/dismount macro for 3.0.2?
19:18.56fewyni suggest starting over from scratch with your ui
19:19.03Toadkilleroh damn a postit!  hi tech, ima do that too
19:19.40KriLL3fewyn: I did with the beta and live clients on one screen each, and their addon folders on another, and FF on my forth screen hunting down 3.0.x versions
19:20.00KriLL3only missing proximo, auto profit x and some other stuff I don't really need
19:20.13Xinhuansigh its taking me 30min-1hour to push changes to multiple addon sites per addon :<
19:20.16fewyngarbagefu KriLL3
19:20.18fewynor haggler
19:20.24fewynor junkie
19:20.26fewynfor auto profit
19:20.42fewynthey all do about the same as auto profit iirc
19:20.50StanzillaEthanCentaurai: yeah
19:20.54erica647It would be neat if they could give extra bandwidth to authors on patch days
19:20.57TheDeamonI suggest for days like today. =P
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19:21.13KriLL3TheDeamon: works for LK :)
19:21.18KriLL3that's what I use
19:21.23TheDeamonI know
19:21.29Toadkillerauthors are getting priority and if things back up they are kicking non-authors out of svn
19:21.31EthanCentauraiStanzilla: look in FrameXML\UnitFrame.lua :)
19:21.41Toadkilleror something like that
19:21.52erica647that's how it should be me thinks
19:21.52ShaneSvellerpentium166: it only stores a summary in the stat-* SVs so they're a fraction of scandata size, particularly if yours is really full.
19:22.27ShaneSvellerKriLL3: tekJunkSeller also
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19:22.46KriLL3seems none of em got a nice button in the vendor frame like APX :<
19:23.11fewyngarbagefu does
19:23.12ToadkillerI think it sucks that my DK inscriptionerer has to wait a month to start leveling it
19:23.24fewynit puts a button on the vendor screen that looks like windows recycle bin
19:23.35fewynand you click it and it vendors all the greys and whatever else you tell it to
19:23.38NeoTronI don't get why you'd want a button
19:23.51NeoTronwhen do you ever NOT want to sell your junk?
19:23.53EvilJohn-i love garbagefu
19:23.55leech2kis there any decent addon that keeps ms and fps on screen?
19:24.05KriLL3fewyn: "Drops the least valuable item in your bags to make space. " on garbagefu...
19:24.10leech2kLooks like fubar_performancefu is stale
19:24.12Toadkillerctrl-r for fps via blizzard...
19:24.20erica647I like pico fps
19:24.22leech2kI know that :-)
19:24.23fewynyes the greys KriLL3
19:24.32KriLL3aka deletes
19:24.32ShaneSvellerleech2k: many. picoFPS is the one i use too, eria647
19:24.33noctsSo we're going to be on 3.0.1 or 3.0.2 for this?
19:24.33leech2khmm does pick do ms?
19:24.36fewynit does not
19:24.46fewynunless you alt click on the icon on fubar
19:24.54ShaneSvellerleech2k: Broker_SysMon has latency
19:24.56KriLL3latest version is a month old though
19:24.57Toadkillerjust boot up and it will tell u that
19:25.02fewynworks fine in beta KriLL3
19:25.03fewyni use it
19:25.12noctsToadkiller: I boot it up and it says unable to download patch :P I wouldn't have asked otherwise.
19:25.12leech2kI don't really need fubar or broker except for fps/ms
19:25.32ShaneSvellerleech2k: look for statuswindow2 on wow-int
19:25.34Toadkillerlol, u didnt preload via dloader?
19:25.43leech2kShaneSveller: thx
19:25.47noctsToadkiller: I did until i formatted recently.
19:25.50MortehlIf you're not able to download the patch currently, it looks like a significant portion of blizzard systems are unavailable.
19:25.52EvilJohn-there's a lot of background downlader hate
19:25.55MortehlThey might simply be having a problem right now.
19:25.55erica647won't need it with the patch now though I think... doesn't it display now when you hover over a button on the micromenu?
19:26.02noctsNo worries, I'll leach it off of someone.
19:26.16EvilJohn-if you need it
19:26.40TheDeamontrackers are showing offline to me on bittorrent
19:26.50TheDeamonhappy downloading. =P
19:27.17noctsI'm leeching it off of a network, so shouldn't take too long.
19:27.27noctsI should have thought to back it up before the format, but meh.
19:27.36AeyanThird-party torrent programs + wowwiki patch mirrors page = woot
19:27.37TheDeamonEviljohn: is probably more authoritative
19:27.54leech2kI don't use the default micromenu
19:27.55grennoncommon-2.mpq was in 348 fragments after patching today
19:28.10grennoncant wait for SSDs to make up for the fact that NTFS is a horrible filesystem
19:28.18Repo10auto-bar: 03Azethoth 04wotlk * r602 : Tagging as wotlk.
19:28.32noctsgrennon: I don't think that's fair.
19:28.37leech2kI think a journallying fs is slated for next windows version.
19:28.40noctsIt's quite the robust and responsive filesystem.
19:28.41leech2kCould be wrong though.
19:28.51erica647leech2k: I tried not using the micromenu but can never remember the keybindings... yeah I'm a clicker  :/
19:28.54noctsEspecially with data recovery. Fragmentation, granted, is terrible with it.
19:29.06grennoni swear theres a logic look in ntfs that makes it fragment files more when you have more free space
19:30.04Repo10atlasloot-enhanced: 03Daviesh * r1662 / (7 files in 4 directories): Enabled all translations in the right format, minor tweaks
19:30.05grennonmind you, i was working with nt4 back when MS was still maintaining the ntfs never fragmented before diskkeeper was released
19:30.17Repo10atlasloot-enhanced: 03Daviesh 04v5.00.00 * r1663 : Tagging as v5.00.00.
19:30.18Feist_I turned the micro menu back on (off in a corner autohidden) when I decided I wanted the keybindings it stole from me back.
19:30.34AeyanNever fragmented, hehehe
19:30.46erica647ext3 ftw!
19:31.16ShaneSvellerwtb zfs pst
19:31.37Repo10big-wigs: 03funkydude 04r4764 * r4764 : Tag release r4764
19:32.05Stanzillalicks Funkeh`
19:32.11erica647still watching for fisherman's friend to get an update  :P
19:33.03MortehlFishing was Blizzard's method of natural selection.
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19:33.21grennonext3 is alright, lately ive been playing with ZFS though
19:33.26erica647I thought it was battlegrounds  hehe
19:33.31grennonwhich is regressively faster as we found out
19:33.43PrimerMust a project be approved before one uploads files to it?
19:33.43erica647what is zfs?
19:33.52grennonsuns new filesystem
19:33.57erica647Oh kool
19:34.03ShaneSvellerPrimer: it won't be syndicated to curse without approval but you have repo access right away, I think
19:34.06erica647I haven't used sun in forever
19:34.08PrimerI'm trying to do my initial import but it's telling me permission denied when using public key
19:34.10grennonits a filesystem, lvm, network fs all in one
19:34.23p4avedits in freebsd 7 afaik
19:34.37erica647I know Sun was awesome back in the day
19:34.41ToadkillerIf you are lazy you can use AutoBar to fish.  it has a popup button for lures, gear, poles and the base button fishes...
19:34.42grennonsay you have two systems connected to the same media, like a san disk, and you setup that san disk as a zfs volume
19:34.46PrimerShaneSveller: yeah, I figured, since I can see the repo URLs from the repositories link
19:34.51Primerexcept, I can't commit
19:35.05NeoTronToadkiller: autobar up and running for 3.0?
19:35.14grennonyou can create a ramdisk on each machine, set them up in zfs, tell zfs to mirror them over the network, then tell zfs to store commit logs for the san disk in the ramdisk
19:35.17ShaneSvellererica647: FishingAce might work for you
19:35.27grennonand your performance for a clustering app goes up dramatically
19:35.34erica647ShaneSveller: Thanks
19:35.43grennonits regressively faster, it can use itself to make itself faster
19:36.01Toadkillermostly, I need to implement the mount and critter code still which is working on AutoBarTest.  But with blizzcon and the ptr not being up that has to wait for later today etc.
19:36.14Randomblah wheres sixen
19:36.22grennonthe really fun bit is it stores parity bits in metadata, so you dont have to fsck on boot
19:36.30NeoTronToadkiller: but things like, say, quest items work?
19:36.31ToadkillerThe popups are working minus tooltips atm.  there was a nasty GameTooltip:SetSpell() bug
19:36.50NeoTronfrankly, for the most part tooltips bug me on autobar
19:36.53ShaneSvellerNeoTron: if you just want quest items in autobar-style, look at QuesterJester on wow-int
19:37.09NeoTronShaneSveller: it's not the only thing I use it for, also use it for consumables etc
19:37.12erica647what about qbar?
19:37.39ShaneSvellerman, i love 7zip. 38MB of addon updates -> 6.2MB 7z file
19:38.04ToadkillerYeah, I was able to put on my murloc suit, and summon the flaming naked dancing dranei.  I just have not looked at PT3 though.  Hopefully someone has run the importers by now.
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19:38.31ToadkillerIt will take time to add the new quest items as well.
19:38.55erica647it's too bad you can't just import those from a single data file
19:39.03Primerok, this just isn't working. I'm trying to do the initial svn import of a new project using svn+ssh but it's denying me, presumably since it's not accepting my public key
19:39.09Primerwhich works for my other project just fine
19:39.25KriLL3OoC proc on moonglade teleport, imba
19:39.25Repo10cowtip: 03Stanzilla * r9 PowerBar/PowerBar.lua: correct color for deathknight runic power
19:39.33Toadkillerjust say no to ssh imo...  I mean your project IS open source mostly right?
19:39.52grennonthe other night i had that happen, but it turned out i flubbed out and had set svn instead of svn+ssh
19:39.54ShaneSvellerKriLL3: really?
19:39.55odtis arkinventory working with 3.0?
19:39.57Repo10bank-items-fu: 03Xinhuan * r36 / (4 files in 1 directory):
19:39.58RepoRemove tsvn:logtemplate. Remove embeds.xml. Update TOC. Bump version to 1.4.
19:40.01Repo10prescription: 03Starinnia * r74 Prescription.toc: Prescription: typo'd toc
19:40.02KriLL3ShaneSveller: really
19:40.04ShaneSvellerodt: yeah
19:40.07grennonand also was using grennon@svn and not svn@svn
19:40.12odtShaneSveller: cool, thanks
19:40.17EvilJohn-hooray for arkinv!
19:40.22KriLL3well it procs on mounting, drinking a potion, buffing...
19:40.22grennonyou have to commit as the svn user
19:40.25Repo10bank-items-fu: 03Xinhuan 04v1.4 * r37 : Tag as v1.4
19:40.31ShaneSvellerKriLL3: you're kidding me...
19:40.43Repo10pitbull_profile-switcher: 03Barfolomeu * r2 / (3 files in 1 directory): PitBull_ProfileSwitcher: Initial import
19:40.47Primerok, nm
19:41.00Primerhad a typo or something
19:41.02KriLL3I just spammed thorns and it proced
19:41.06Repo10big-wigs: 03funkydude 04r4765-release * r4765 : Tag as r4765-release
19:41.20KriLL3had it proc on drinking water earlier
19:41.25ShaneSvellerKriLL3: lol awesome
19:41.33Chosiwhat's the best shaman spec for leveling with a warlock in a 2 man (man and woman) grp?
19:41.40KriLL3ShaneSveller: I think it's broken
19:41.49ShaneSvellerKriLL3: definitely
19:42.03Toadkilleru want some healing but mostly just killing imo
19:42.46Toadkillerspeaking of leveling, what level is starfall obtained at?
19:43.05*** join/#wowace EthanCentaurai (n=EthanCen@
19:43.21Chosimy addons are le broken!
19:43.40Toadkilleryour realm is le live?
19:43.56Chosiit's not 3.0.2 yet
19:43.58sbmy realm is live!
19:44.12Chosibt4 is gone for some reason
19:44.15Repo10pitbull_profile-switcher: 03Barfolomeu * r3 .project: Didn't mean to import this file.
19:44.41Toadkillerwell dominos replaced bt4, so is bt4 even getting ported?
19:44.56bien|i got a problem again
19:45.06erica647Wow I thought they were totally separate Toadkiller
19:45.07bien|what does this message say:Message: ..\AddOns\StatBlockCore\StatBlockCore.lua line 276:
19:45.29ShaneSvellerToadkiller: Tuller did Dominos, and unless I'm mistaken it's Xinhuan or Nevcariel doing BT4. so...lolwut?
19:45.44Toadkillerthey are totally seperate but I think in the process of making BT4 Tuller got tired and went a simpler route.
19:45.58pentium166bongos->dominos i thought
19:45.58Chosiis cart2 3.0.2 already?
19:45.59erica647oh you mean Bongos3
19:46.03Chosicause it's spitting errors aswell
19:46.03ToadkillerUhm, I have like a severe cold atm.
19:46.13ToadkillerYeah bongos.  Doh
19:46.16erica647It's ok... there's a lot to keep up with
19:46.32ToadkillerI'd like to buy a vowel!
19:46.40ShaneSvellerToadkiller: Bongos is basically deprecated, yeah
19:46.40erica647lol  <3
19:46.48Lukianso which addon updater should I use for 3.0?
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19:46.55LukianI'd prefer something that supports nolib :p
19:46.56Toadkillerthe curse updater
19:47.02ShaneSvellerToadkiller: tuller wrote Dominos as a better and more maintainable bongos
19:47.11ToadkillerI think it is supporting nolib now right?
19:47.34Lukianlast I checked it didn't
19:47.37ToadkillerI know my tags create both types of zips at any rate
19:47.42DarkAuditis annoying roommates with: Anthrax - Bring the Noise on "Attack of the Killer B's" [0:16/3:33] (184kbps) 44.1kHz) [4.71MiB mp3]
19:48.05erica647They almost changed their name
19:48.22ShaneSvellerDarkAudit: whee, anthrax
19:48.29LukianToadkiller, looks like it still doesn't :(
19:48.36DarkAuditShaneSveller: w/ Public Enemy
19:48.39ToadkillerI feel like cartman waiting for the wii release.  And with this cold, no way can I be dryciding stuff atm
19:48.48ShaneSvellerDarkAudit: lol love that version
19:49.03erica647Probably should rest imo
19:49.27Toadkillerhaha i slept from after Heroes till 10 am already...
19:49.46erica647wow you must be a geek  :P
19:50.09ShaneSvellerToadkiller: what do you think of the new season thus far?
19:50.20kadrahilwhy didn't i let this patch download overnight
19:50.22ShaneSvellerToadkiller: it's more...erm...exciting than the last, but i'm still iffy on it
19:50.29kadrahilstill says 4 hours left :( qq
19:50.30Toadkillernah I just like Heroes the most atm.  Fringe still has to prove its not gonna have too much magical crap in it
19:51.03ToadkillerI am down with the magic, but its gotta be in buffy or something, not in a "science" show
19:51.04ShaneSvellerFringe has potential. I watched the pilot of Merlin last night, which was ok.
19:51.21DarkAuditit's that jerk Rodriguez's fault... f'in judas
19:51.25ShaneSvellerToadkiller: Yeah, I was hoping for a spiritual successor to xfiles...
19:51.53ToadkillerI watched 30 minutes of Sanctuary, skipped forward, and cancelled the recording.
19:52.03ShaneSvellerToadkiller: agreed.
19:52.06DarkAuditlaughs at The School Up North's football program
19:52.39ToadkillerWell I am hoping for X-Files, but MINUS the mystical crap.  If people want mystic they can watch ghost hunters or some other such retardation
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19:53.28ToadkillerAnd BSG needs to finish its stuff ... soon!
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19:54.12PrimerI don't understand some of the .pkgmeta directives. Must required-packages have a hyphen in front of the package name?
19:54.30ShaneSvellerPrimer: the file is in YAML format
19:54.47ShaneSvellerPrimer: that's how you denote members of a list
19:55.11chiperI've been enjoying sanctuary.  the acting is a little weak, but that's to be expected for a new show.  especially since they're working with pure greenscreen
19:56.46Brunerswhat is the best bag mod out there?
19:56.50chiperToadkiller: I haven't noticed anything magical with fringe yet.  they seem to always attempt a scientific explanation, even if it's bordering on pseudo-science.
19:56.59chiperbruners: I'm partial to arkinventory myself
19:57.09Cursesalways a fan of onebag
19:57.15Cursesbut I don't know if its been updated
19:57.42*** join/#wowace Knaledge (n=Knaledge@
19:57.50noctsStill a fan of bagnon and combuctor.
19:57.53Josh_BorkeCurses: there is a onebag3
19:58.00CursesOhh jesus!
19:58.08*** join/#wowace RLD_osx (
19:58.11Knaledgeyeah so I haven't loged into WoW (or updated any addons) since August 6th
19:58.16Knaledgewhat major addons died?
19:58.20noctsBruners: It's going to depend on what you're looking for in a bag. (no pun intended)
19:58.21Josh_BorkeKnaledge: um
19:58.25Josh_Borkethat's a loaded question
19:58.25CursesEverything ;)
19:58.34chiperKnaledge: dude, just dump it all and start over
19:58.40Knaledgewell let me look at what I have - the stuff I'm hoping isn't dead.
19:58.44Knaledgeyeah considering that
19:58.52chiperthe removal of WAU alone makes it worth it
19:58.57Knaledgelet me name a few I am hoping are still good, and if dead, maybe you guys know alternatives.
19:59.12Knaledgeyeah I don't use WAU, I use a bash script to pull direct from SVN
19:59.14Knaledgeooo... wait
19:59.19Repo10auto-bar-test: 03Azethoth * r27 / (2 files in 1 directory): AutoBarTest:
19:59.20Repo-- now with 3.02 buttons, doodads and other test code
19:59.22KnaledgeSVN.. did that get put out to pasture?
19:59.23Repo10prescription: 03Starinnia 042.0.1c * r75 : Tagging as 2.0.1c.
19:59.24Josh_BorkeKnaledge: EVERYTHING broke then
19:59.26RepoFixed up the TOC typo, should load fine in 3.0.2
19:59.29Josh_BorkeKnaledge: svn has been put out to pasture
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19:59.41Knaledgeso... how do I make all this work then?
19:59.44KnaledgeI'm on a Mac
19:59.45Brunersnocts: i like the categories in baggins, but the load it takes on wow is to heavy
19:59.53Josh_BorkeKnaledge: start over and update your svn locations
19:59.53Knaledge....nuh uh.
20:00.02Knaledgeoh ok good, SVN locs is all I need right?
20:00.11Josh_Borkeyou can't use a svn relocate command
20:00.11KnaledgeI can still USE SVN just not svn from ace
20:00.19Josh_Borkeyou can still use svn, yes
20:00.20Knaledgeyeah I'll just dump and jump
20:00.22Toadkillerjust use the curse updater... unless u actually code stuff
20:00.23Knaledgegood good
20:00.27grennonall i need is one big view of my inventory, ive used onebag since..... i cant remember when i dumped allinoneinventory, the old cosmos mod
20:00.33KnaledgeCurse updater works on Mac?
20:00.38chipertoad: no curse for mac yet
20:01.01ShaneSvellergrennon: try Bagnon then
20:01.02KnaledgeHey also - maybe someone can answer this before I get going on this
20:01.12Toadkillergrennon: I like bagnon personally.  Its big and its a bag
20:01.13KnaledgeI have all the libs themselves as "addons" if you will...
20:01.19grennonis there a reason for me to switch?
20:01.20Josh_Borkei went from onebag to combuctor.  combuctor auto-sizing and searching is just too much <3 for me
20:01.22Knaledgebut when I pull from SVN, they too also grab libs
20:01.27Knaledgelike... nested inside the addon itself
20:01.28ShaneSvellergrennon: only if onebag breaks
20:01.37Josh_BorkeKnaledge: --omit-externals or something like that
20:01.38Knaledgethat inflates my addon dir to something like 1GB
20:01.41grennonoh, is it orphaned?
20:01.53EthanCentauraiCurse Client for Mac is here ->
20:01.54noctsBruners: Now we're getting somewhere. How do you want the categories? Pre-chosen for you or something you can build yourself?
20:01.58stew_aKnaledge, if you tell the SVN to ignore externals you should end up without the embedded libraries
20:02.16Knaledgewhich is safer or... less error prone if I update pretty much...
20:02.17RaydenUtime to update my mods and pray most of them are compatible with the patch
20:02.18Knaledgeevery other day
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20:02.23ToadkillerKnaledge: you can also jsut specifically grab a particular tag...
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20:02.36Brunersnocts: will be build by me in the end atleast, doesnt matter if its prebuilt
20:02.44KnaledgeWEll let me pasty my script
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20:02.54grennonso i onebag orphaned or something?
20:02.57KnaledgeI feel it WORKS but I have a feeling it's a bit.. archaic
20:03.16noctsBruners: I'd recommend Arkinventory then. Combuctor is just prebuilt, baggins has a heavy load and isn't as intuitive (imo).
20:03.34noctsArk may seem a bit heavy, file-wise, but it runs smooth. Configurable groups, layout, sorting options.
20:03.50ShaneSvellernocts: runs smooth? it had pretty high CPU usage last time I tried it
20:03.55fewyngrennon: onebag3
20:04.12Kody-In case that's useful to you :)
20:04.25Brunersbaggins uses about 1 second to load the bags, and even worse in raids :(
20:04.27RaydenUi haven't updated in over a week, i just did an update and got 0 updates
20:04.30RaydenUwhat's the deal?
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20:04.36grennoni dont see a onebag3 in the curse client
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20:04.38Knaledgethats my updating script
20:04.39noctsShaneSveller: Smooth implies nothing about CPU or RAM usage, it's how smoothly it opens and closes.
20:05.09Repo10ice-hud: 03Parnic * r244 / (7 files in 3 directories): - added user-submitted ArcHUD-like textures and preset
20:05.10Repo- modified cast lag and threat pull indicators to use a custom color instead of being an alpha'd version of the background
20:05.11Repo- fixed a bug where runic power would use the "not full" aggro setting when it was empty (it should behave like rage and treat "not full" as empty)
20:05.11kadrahilis there a way to throttle uploads using the blizzard downloader
20:05.12Knaledgekody: these are addons for WotLK then?
20:05.16kadrahilto some specified rate
20:05.23kadrahilbecause it's killing the rest of my connection
20:05.24ShaneSvellerkadrahil: it does by default unless you told it not to
20:05.41Kody-Knaledge: Yep
20:05.41Parnickadrahil: you're better off getting the torrent file and using it in an external torrent client :)
20:05.48Knaledgekody: er - rather... since Ace is now all Curse based, these are addons that are 3.0
20:05.58Knaledgekody: word, thanks
20:06.09Knaledgekody: So this is the new... ""
20:06.17Knaledgein a sense
20:06.34Brunersnocts: then the case, is it updated/working with the new patch ?
20:06.49noctsBruners: I honestly don't know, I haven't watched Ark for wotlk.
20:07.12noctskadrahil: for a nice, lightweight torrent client,  - to extract the torrent
20:07.25kadrahilnocts: i have both of those thanks
20:07.39kadrahili just didn't use it at first
20:07.44Knaledgeso... here is what I use to actually pull down fresh from "old" Ace SVN...
20:07.46Repo10ice-hud: 03Parnic 041.3.5 * r245 : Tagging as 1.3.5.
20:07.47Repo- added user-submitted ArcHUD-like textures and preset
20:07.48Repo- modified cast lag and threat pull indicators to use a custom color instead of being an alpha'd version of the background
20:07.51Repo- fixed a bug where runic power would use the "not full" aggro setting when it was empty (it should behave like rage and treat "not full" as empty)
20:07.58Knaledgeso.. what do I replace in there?
20:08.05Pneumatusooh, archud textures for icehud
20:08.07Knaledgeessentially - whats the new SVN address?
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20:08.11Pneumatusi might finally have to make that change
20:08.18SpennigPneumatus:  Where?
20:08.18Parnicarchud is nasty looking, lol
20:08.25Parnici just committed them spennig
20:08.26PneumatusKnaledge, there is no longer a single repo, each project has its own
20:08.29PrimerI'm having a bit of difficulty understanding something here. I have this new project, which is a PitBull module. Since it requires PitBull, how should I denote that in .pkgmeta?
20:08.34NeoTronKnaledge: go to, go to each addon and check the repository url
20:08.35Pneumatus21:07.49 ( Repo ) - added user-submitted ArcHUD-like textures and preset
20:08.35SpennigParnic: you have just made my day.
20:08.43grennoni see onebag3 on curseforge, but the curse client doesnt show it, onebag3 was updated 8/25, onebag was updated 9/29
20:08.45RaydenUoh, are all the servers down still?
20:08.51Parnicspennig: another user submitted them, so don't thank me :)
20:09.04Knaledgesomething tells me this is going to be a pain to "manually" update each addon like I've been doing..
20:09.06Brunersgrennon: install beta version i guess
20:09.10Knaledgeor... scripting.. the update process.
20:09.29kadrahilyay i got it going now with the torrent
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20:09.36Parnicgrats kadrahil
20:09.51SpennigParnic: you and the other use both earn my undying grattitude and that of some friends
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20:13.00Pneumatusis icehud still Ace2?
20:13.11Knaledgesomething like that work?
20:13.27Knaledgebecause it looks like it's all just been like...
20:13.30Pneumatusyou'll want to direct it to a better foldername
20:13.33ArrowmasterKnaledge: check each project page for the address
20:13.41Pneumatuselse every addon will checkout to 'mainline' like that
20:13.49Parnicwow. nearly 1000 people downloaded my 3.0 rev of icehud already? good lord :P
20:13.55Parnicpneumatus: yes it is.
20:14.05ZealotOnAStickreal downloads or CC downloads?
20:14.08Knaledgewell let me ask it this way then - if I want to update on Mac, what do you recommend?
20:14.14Knaledgeis there still no addon manager for Mac?
20:14.20Knaledgethats why I resorted to a bash script
20:14.22Parnicjust going off the number on not sure :)
20:14.25Knaledgebut it's been over 2 months
20:14.25BrunersKolie: how do i choose between wow and war in find addon ?
20:14.26stew_aKnaledge: looks like your current script would work, but you'd need to re-checkout each of the addons
20:14.37KaeltenKnaledge: there is a curse client for mac
20:14.42cncfanaticsmmm, any eu torrent file up already ?
20:14.52Knaledgekaelten: there is? Just above people said there wasn't
20:14.57Knaledgethat;s awesome then
20:14.58Parnicpneumatus: i want to update icehud to ace3, but it'll require a full rewrite at this point. icehud is currently completely coded with AceOO which went away with ace3
20:15.04Knaledgeit's an .app?
20:15.09Knaledgeor is it a =( java
20:15.10Kaeltenits a little less mature in some ways and no super macesque yet
20:15.12Kaeltenits a .app
20:15.18Knaledgeoh, sweet.
20:15.21Pneumatusfair enough :)
20:15.21grennonjesus, bigwigs through curse updater installed all the old dungeon stuff
20:15.41Funkeh`it installed 1 thing, naxx
20:15.43Knaledgekaelten: what was.. it.. like the thing with Mac updaters... they used to not.. install something right?
20:15.45Funkeh`take it easy
20:15.47Knaledgeor couldn't handle... something
20:15.50grennonwait, no, it just unbundled the current stuff
20:15.53KaeltenKnaledge: hrm?
20:15.54RaydenUall the projects are being hosted on it seems
20:15.58Knaledgethey couldn't do something right with externals
20:16.17Knaledgeor... something, I remmber there was some problem with all Mac updates where it wouldn't know how to... unpack or.. something... correctly each addon
20:16.22Kaeltenah well the client doesn't support disebmedded atm
20:16.22*** join/#wowace harl (
20:16.28Kaeltenwhich isn't as bad as it could be sicne LoD is broken atm
20:16.51KnaledgeSo is there an estimated.. ETA for this.. disembedded thing?
20:16.53Repo10parrot: 03profalbert 07WotLK * Parrot- / (3 files in 1 directory): [+6 commits] (2 truncated)
20:16.54Repod1f1eac: Merge branch 'master' into WotLK
20:16.55Repo9bb36cb: fix .pkgmeta (fixes the missing RockDB-issue)
20:16.56Pneumatusis it possible to move bars in BT4 yet?
20:16.58Repo7e97e14: fix .pkgmeta
20:17.02Repo1efcf6a: fix .pkgmeta
20:17.06Repo10parrot: 03profalbert 07master * Parrot- / (8 files in 4 directories): [+16 commits] (12 truncated)
20:17.12Repod1f1eac: Merge branch 'master' into WotLK
20:17.16Repoe927a2a: add Deathknight to classchoices for triggers
20:17.20Repo8be5238: merge with changes in kilroggs wotlk-branch
20:17.23KaeltenKnaledge: next few weeks, and LoD is fixed in 3.0.3
20:17.24Repo3ffe143: fix last conflict
20:17.51Knaledgekaelten: that's a solid few weeks you'd say? Like am I going to have to... do a LOT over again once it's "fixed" with the .app?
20:17.51*** join/#wowace afragga (
20:18.10Knaledgekaelten: really just asking is the transition smooth still when the disembedded is fixed
20:18.13cncfanaticslua *really* doesn't like when you try to rawGetI values from a table that don't exist
20:18.28cncfanaticsit sigsegv'd on me
20:18.30KaeltenKnaledge: it should be just changing a flag and then it'd reinstall with the disembedded version
20:18.36cncfanaticshaven't had that for a while :p
20:18.36Repo10ghost-pulse: 03Footrot * r78 / (5 files in 1 directory): GhostPulse/2.2: 2008-10-14
20:18.37Repo- Patch 3.0/WotLK compatible.
20:18.38Repo- Removed Riposte/Overpower alerts.
20:18.39Knaledgekaelten: thank you :)
20:18.47KnaledgeI will have more questions I'm sure
20:18.57Knaledgelet me see if I can grab the .app
20:19.01purl (US), (EU)
20:19.05RaydenUso wow will now have built in threat info. are omen and all those being updated for that?
20:19.24Tinyboomanyone here that worked on cryo2?
20:19.47NeoTronRaydenU: Omen 3 is there
20:19.54RaydenUand it uses wow's threat info?
20:19.57RaydenUtheir lib
20:20.06NeoTronDiamond Threat Meter plus one zThreatMeter too
20:20.06ZealotOnASticktheir API, yes.
20:20.13RaydenUjust wondering how quickly people are moving to their api from the old way
20:20.19mjcis there a talent importer that's ready for 3.0.2? I don't want to frak up
20:20.49RaydenUprint it out
20:20.57Josh_Borkei wonder if KLHTM is going to be rewritten
20:21.00Repo10pitbull_profile-switcher: 03Barfolomeu * r4 .pkgmeta:
20:21.01RepoPitBull_ProfileSwitcher: Add .pkgmeta file. Add logtemplate prop.
20:21.15XinhuanJosh_Borke: there's already wrath versions of it :)
20:21.17Brunersbtw, will the new threat api fix problems when people didnt have threat2.0 or ktm installed?
20:21.25Josh_BorkeXinhuan: yea, but are they rewritten?
20:21.31kenlyriceven blizzard doesn't acknowledge that KTM exists
20:21.38Josh_BorkeXinhuan: bebcause ripping bad code out of bad code does not make it good code ;-)
20:21.47kenlyricI noticed they mentioned omen by name, but not ktm
20:21.55XinhuanOmen3 is a full rewrite, took 12 days ;p
20:22.00Chosiwhy does the UNINSTALL button inside the curse client do NOTHING?
20:22.07Josh_Borkekenlyric: pretty sure they don't acknowledge many mods at all.  that just happened to be one particular developer
20:22.07TheDeamonKLHTM already has a rewrite in progress IIRC
20:22.13Xinhuanit probably didn't delete the folder Chosi
20:22.19Xinhuanbut its "uninstalled"
20:22.19ZealotOnAStickmjc - there's a 3.0.2 version of Talented.
20:22.22Chosiyeah that's what it did
20:22.24Chosiok :)
20:22.25ZealotOnAStickI'm not sure if that's what you mean though.
20:22.44NeoTronthreat meters will become more common and varied
20:22.45Xinhuanomen3 doesn't sync or parse the combat log, so.. not much CPU usage
20:22.47grennonwell, if you ever had a retarded guild mate who wouldnt run KTM because they thought it was cheating, you can now not worry about them being retarded anymore
20:22.49mjcah, yay.
20:22.49TheDeamonThey mentioned Omen by name at BlizzCon during a panel
20:22.53NeoTronsince, frankly, the level of work needed to make one is very minimal now
20:23.19Chompersif you use ktm, i'll set Fisker- on you
20:23.21RaydenULiving Bomb is the 61 point talent for fire mages, it sounds like a nerfed Seed of Corruption
20:23.25grennonin my case, way way back, had 2 tanks that wouldnt use ktm on huhuran
20:23.29Josh_Borkeyes, they being blizzard as a matter or fact or they being a blizzard developer as an example mod?
20:23.34grennonhad to run them out of the guild with a stick
20:23.35RaydenU51 point
20:23.37NeoTronyou can make a simple threat meter using LibBars in about 10m I am guessing
20:23.43chiperthe UI lead dev mentioned during the UI panel that he built a traditional threat meter in just a day using the new API
20:23.52TheDeamonThey being a Blizzard Dev
20:24.01Josh_Borkeexactly :-D
20:24.04Josh_Borkei'm just arguing semantics
20:24.07TheDeamonas an example mod
20:24.10Josh_Borkeblizzard doesn't recognize nor endorse any mods
20:24.17Josh_Borkeunless they wrote it themself
20:24.42Lukianugh. curseclient keeps crashing
20:24.49BrunersJosh_Borke: that is to avoid having people ticket gms about all addons out there with problems
20:24.50Funkeh`at last
20:24.54Funkeh`I can defunct statblocks
20:24.57Arrowmasterare servers up?
20:24.59Josh_BorkeBruners: obviously :-)
20:25.02grennonthey acknowledge mods, since every trouble ticket is answered "delete all your mods"
20:25.03Josh_BorkeFunkeh`: eh?
20:25.09Groktarthere are like 10 servers up right now
20:25.11*** join/#wowace Dullin (n=Administ@
20:25.12*** join/#wowace Soulsbane (
20:25.19Josh_Borke~define defunct
20:25.20purlUse ~dict for definitions.
20:25.23RaydenU<grennon> well, if you ever had a retarded guild mate who wouldnt run KTM because they thought it was cheating, you can now not worry about them being retarded anymore <-- i had a guild leader tell me i should try playing without my threat meter to "up my skillz" since one of our guys couldn't figure out how to install mods but he still dps'd fine
20:25.27Funkeh`Josh_Borke, 2.0 is my excuse to tell people to upgrade to ldb statblockcore or otherwise
20:25.30Josh_Borke~dict defunct
20:25.30noctsWhy is it only letting me select Oceanic o.o
20:25.35Josh_BorkeFunkeh`: ah, cool
20:25.41Chosifucking curse client does nothing when i try to install cartographer. takes ages til it starts
20:25.42chiperRaydenU: cheating?  really?  wow
20:25.48*** join/#wowace netcurse (
20:25.48RaydenUhe didn't call it cheating
20:25.50Funkeh`im hoping most stuff just broke
20:25.56ArrowmasterChosi: cartographer2 doesnt even work in 3.0
20:25.56RaydenUhe just didn't think it was necessary for all raiding members to have it
20:26.07ChosiArrowmaster: i'm not on 3.0 yet
20:26.20grennonwell, in the old days there were some fights where it was even good for the healers to run
20:26.22ArrowmasterChosi: the important people are
20:26.30DullinAnybody else getting a time-out on the site?
20:26.35BrunersRaydenU: i take it you never did threat sensitive fights? :P
20:26.38chiperDullin: yes
20:26.40KolieBruners: FIgure out how to choose?
20:26.43RaydenUBruners kara is all
20:26.49RaydenUthis was a rogue, who couldn't figure it out
20:26.51grennonlike broodlord lashlayer, your healers were realy to switch to the guy with second threat since the guy on primary would get the threat wipe
20:26.56RaydenUpretty much everyone else ran ktm/omen
20:27.06BrunersKolie: i have both wow and warhammer, but find addon now only search for war addons
20:27.13KolieThere is a drop down
20:27.13grennonso even if you dont need a threatmeter right at the moment, its always a good tool to have handy
20:27.15Kolieright in the middle.
20:27.16RaydenUit just shocked me that this guy thought i should play without mods because they were holding me back or something
20:27.20KolieThat u can select the game for.
20:27.28chiperRaydenU: ah, a rogue.  thankfully all the kara fights where threat is important are also bad for melee
20:27.29KolieGame: Warhammer
20:27.41BrunersKolie: me being blind, again :) thanks
20:27.48RaydenUi played a shadowpriest, no threat meter = dead or no dps
20:28.00grennonmaybe in 3.0, threatmeters will mostly just be useful for tanks doing tank switches without taunts
20:28.05RaydenUsince given enough time i could out threat any tank
20:28.17grennonif the new threat mechanics make beating tanks on threat an afterthought
20:28.25*** join/#wowace |Jelly| (
20:28.37DullinDoes the CC still auto install that profiler addon when you first start it up?
20:28.53p4avedgrennon: and cleaning up rotations
20:28.57chiperDullin: yes, but it's easy to remove
20:28.57grennonright now, i can get by without threatmeter on most sunwell fights except the twins
20:29.00NeoTrongrennon: except on fights like you just said where threat needs to be shifted betwen tanks
20:29.03NeoTronor there are threat knockbacks
20:29.27NeoTrongrennon: class? I had issues with threat on both brutallus and felmyst
20:29.28grennonsince on twin1 your threat is usually capped low if you have a warrior as one of the two tanks
20:29.31RaydenUsomething like nightbane where his aggro is reset?
20:29.36chiperas an arcane mage, threat rarely was ever a concern for me
20:29.41kadrahilwith the new threat mechanics you should never pull threat
20:29.46chiperand as a resto shaman, it doesnt matter at all
20:29.54Pneumatusi'm not sure if ive missed something with Bartender4, but I can't find a way to move the bars... any idea?
20:29.56grennonNeoTron: its still a concern on those fights, but twin1 is even more tricky
20:29.59RaydenUso the whole "shadowform now has a built in 30% threat reduction" is less awesome
20:30.09RaydenUPneumatus it's a new feature, you cant move them
20:30.09Repo10libbabble-boss-3-0: 03ckknight 04WoW-3.0-release * r98 : Tagging as WoW-3.0-release.
20:30.12Repo10libbabble-class-3-0: 03ckknight 04WoW-3.0-release * r43 : Tagging as WoW-3.0-release.
20:30.15Repo10libbabble-inventory-3-0: 03ckknight 04WoW-3.0-release * r61 : Tagging as WoW-3.0-release.
20:30.18Repo10libbabble-zone-3-0: 03ckknight 04WoW-3.0-release * r109 : Tagging as WoW-3.0-release.
20:30.20kadrahilwow repo is spammy
20:30.21RaydenUare you guys in game? i tried to connect a few minutes ago and all servers were down
20:30.24Repo10libcrayon-3-0: 03ckknight 04WoW-3.0-release * r46 : Tagging as WoW-3.0-release.
20:30.30chiperso what exactly changed in threat mechanics to make overthreat a nonissue?
20:30.32Repo10libdogtag-3-0: 03ckknight 04WoW-3.0-release * r206 : Tagging as WoW-3.0-release.
20:30.32noctsRaydenU: Some are up, most are down.
20:30.33kadrahilslaps Repo around a bit with a large trout
20:30.35TheDeamonI see ~12 online atm
20:30.36Repo10libdogtag-unit-3-0: 03ckknight 04WoW-3.0-release * r153 : Tagging as WoW-3.0-release.
20:30.39NeoTronchiper: tanks generating more threat
20:30.40nocts2pm remains the expected uptime.
20:30.40Repo10libfubarplugin-3-0: 03ckknight 04WoW-3.0-release * r58 : Tagging as WoW-3.0-release.
20:30.42RaydenUchiper tanks generate tons of threat
20:30.42DullinI think ckknight just pushed update SVN -_-
20:30.44Repo10libguildpositions-1-0: 03ckknight 04WoW-3.0-release * r40 : Tagging as WoW-3.0-release.
20:30.45*** join/#wowace Belazor (
20:30.48Repo10libjostle-3-0: 03ckknight 04WoW-3.0-release * r41 : Tagging as WoW-3.0-release.
20:30.53RaydenUfrom what i hear
20:30.56chiperNeoTron: that's it?  just higher TPS?
20:31.05NeoTronthey don't want fights to be about watching threat but more about executing
20:31.06Brunersckknight: you have been busy
20:31.06chiperI was hoping for something more interesting
20:31.07grennonon fel/brut, i could at least throtlle dps based on the dps meter, twin1 is a constant throttle though for me as it is
20:31.11RaydenUchiper no mechanic change afaik
20:31.22Pneumatushaha, i just spent 15 mins staring at the BT4 options window
20:31.26NeoTronchiper: they do more dps... a lot more
20:31.30Pneumatusonly to finally notice the "Lock" checkbox in the top left corner
20:31.34RaydenUwatching threat is kind of fun occasionally. certain bosses could be threat intensive
20:31.38NeoTronstill do fights where the tank outdpses the dps
20:31.39*** join/#wowace Dunecat-AFK (
20:31.39p4avedprot war dps is goin fro ~500 to ~1k
20:31.42RaydenUlike some bosses are dps, some are healing, etc
20:31.42p4avedequal gear
20:31.42kadrahilbloodboil without watching threat
20:31.45kadrahilwouldn't be bloodboil
20:31.50Lukianwhere do I pull the latest agUF (ace3) from?
20:32.02grennonthe ability of  a warrior tank to generate threat without being the active target of a boss is going way up
20:32.06kadrahili'm looking forward to full clears of BT
20:32.07kadrahilin one night
20:32.10RaydenUwait, does this mean that mages won't die on every AOE pull? i may have to boycott
20:32.13Repo10libtourist-3-0: 03ckknight 04WoW-3.0-release * r59 : Tagging as WoW-3.0-release.
20:32.14Repo10libsimpleoptions-1-0: 03ckknight 04WoW-3.0-release * r38 : Tagging as WoW-3.0-release.
20:32.16kadrahili know people do that already but it still takes us 1.5 nights to do it
20:32.16grennonso sunwell twins, bloodboil, etc will be easier
20:32.17Repo10librollcall-2-0: 03ckknight 04WoW-3.0-release * r44 : Tagging as WoW-3.0-release.
20:32.18Repo10librocktimer-1-0: 03ckknight 04WoW-3.0-release * r234 : Tagging as WoW-3.0-release.
20:32.21Repo10librockhook-1-0: 03ckknight 04WoW-3.0-release * r230 : Tagging as WoW-3.0-release.
20:32.25Repo10librockmodulecore-1-0: 03ckknight 04WoW-3.0-release * r236 : Tagging as WoW-3.0-release.
20:32.29Repo10librocklocale-1-0: 03ckknight 04WoW-3.0-release * r235 : Tagging as WoW-3.0-release.
20:32.32Brunersbloodboil with FD not working is no fun at all
20:32.33Repo10librockdb-1-0: 03ckknight 04WoW-3.0-release * r242 : Tagging as WoW-3.0-release.
20:32.37Repo10librockevent-1-0: 03ckknight 04WoW-3.0-release * r232 : Tagging as WoW-3.0-release.
20:32.38kadrahilBruners: D:
20:32.41Repo10librockconsole-1-0: 03ckknight 04WoW-3.0-release * r240 : Tagging as WoW-3.0-release.
20:32.42RaydenUshit dude
20:32.45Repo10librockconfig-1-0: 03ckknight 04WoW-3.0-release * r394 : Tagging as WoW-3.0-release.
20:32.45kadrahilBruners: this one night my FD was resisted 5 times
20:32.46RaydenUenough with the updates
20:32.48*** join/#wowace Hell-Razor (i=Hell-Raz@unaffiliated/hell-razor)
20:32.49kadrahilBruners: by bloodboil
20:32.49Repo10librockcomm-1-0: 03ckknight 04WoW-3.0-release * r262 : Tagging as WoW-3.0-release.
20:32.51chiperputs repo on ignore
20:32.53Repo10librock-1-0: 03ckknight 04WoW-3.0-release * r291 : Tagging as WoW-3.0-release.
20:33.00Groktarkills repo and throws him into the river
20:33.06ramozHas WoWI blocked WoWMatrix?
20:33.07DullinHow long does it take before all those will show up on curse as release? lol
20:33.08grennonckknight is hitting the rock pretty hard
20:33.16ckknight(with my penis)
20:33.17NeoTronkadrahil: but bloodboil 1) still reduces threat from a knockback, 2) requires tanks to equalize threat (which reduces TPS), 3) is an old world fight anyway so who cares?
20:33.28kadrahilNeoTron: true
20:33.30KriLL3ramoz: how would we know?
20:33.31Brunerskadrahil: im more speaking of FD not getting resited, threat reset in omen but still not really reset
20:33.31kadrahilNeoTron: (on all 3)
20:33.35*** join/#wowace Dekster (
20:33.38Lukianwhere do I pull the latest agUF (ace3) from? <----
20:33.40*** join/#wowace Shirik (n=nospam@conspiracy/developer/Shirik)
20:33.40*** mode/#wowace [+v Shirik] by ChanServ
20:33.42kadrahilBruners: i think they fixed that
20:33.44kadrahilBruners: in 3.0
20:33.47TheDeamonany DrDamana-like replacements?
20:33.48Hell-Razorhey guys anybody know if theres a website that has the 3.0 pvp specs or recommdations for it?
20:33.48ramozKriLL3: dunno, maybe sme other in here were using it
20:33.50LukianJosh_Borke, ty!
20:33.50grennonbut, if you ever see a fight in wow, changes are you see it again
20:34.03kadrahilBruners: i've wiped our raids several times because of that "bug"
20:34.04grennonwhenever i see a new boss, i describe it in terms of old bosses
20:34.12kadrahilBruners: and i still haven't got them convinced it's an actual "bug"
20:34.18KriLL3ramoz: don't ever say that aloud in here if you value your sanity
20:34.23grennon"oh, this is sulfuron with cthuns eye beam and the anubrekhans adds"
20:34.25Brunerskadrahil: hehe, same here
20:34.41kadrahili pulled a flame of azzinoth because of it
20:34.56Brunerskadrahil: and the general we hate hunter mentality in my guild didn help on it either
20:34.57Repo10chinchilla: 03ckknight 04v1.1 * r180 : Tagging as v1.1.
20:34.58kadrahili died 4 times on council
20:34.58grennonso discussing how the changes affect a boss that isnt currently progression content isnt completely orthogonal
20:34.59kadrahilbecause of it
20:35.01Pneumatusdid they fix the lightwell taunting bug yet?
20:35.02kadrahildidn't wipe the raid though
20:35.08kadrahilBruners: yeah same here
20:35.22NeoTronPneumatus: lightwell taunting?
20:35.30kadrahilBruners: i top damage meters without party buffs too :(
20:35.34NeoTronPneumatus: I know fade worked like a taunt..
20:35.40PneumatusNeoTron: a patch or two ago on beta, lightwells were taunting as well
20:35.49NeoTronthe actual lightwell?
20:35.53NeoTronlike mobs attacked it?
20:35.57Pneumatusyes :<
20:36.00kadrahilBruners: and the main rogue can match me or beat me sometimes and he has 1) windfury 2) fury warrior 3) ret pally or feral druid 4) arms warrior in his group
20:36.06chiperthat's a weird one
20:36.12NeoTronwas it getting healing aggro? :)
20:36.17Repo10cowtip: 03ckknight 04v3.1 * r10 : Tagging as v3.1.
20:36.19Pneumatusid imagine so
20:36.24Pneumatusthey really need to fix that you target a lightwell when you click it now
20:36.27kadrahili'm lucky if i get grace of air..
20:36.40kadrahili'm QQing now because my 3.0 torrent slowed down to 15k/s
20:36.41Cheadsyou won't anymore =)
20:36.54ausmarackknight: poke.
20:37.00NeoTronyou'll get strength of earth and windfury though
20:37.06Hell-Razorkadrahil im using the wow torrent
20:37.11Arrowmasterso anybody thats gotten updated to 3.0 already, do you have a Data\patch-2.MPQ or not?
20:37.15Brunerskadrahil: i was lucky if i had anything but mages/locks
20:37.29kadrahilCheads: hmm?
20:37.31chiperanyone have any any figures on how much the XP reduction was for 60-70?
20:37.33kadrahildid i miss something?
20:37.42NeoTronhunters almost always get crap groups because simply there usually no way to give them a proper group
20:37.44Repo10pit-bull: 03ckknight 04v3.2.2 * r1753 : Tagging as v3.2.2.
20:37.46NeoTronjust the way it is
20:37.49Pneumatuschiper: i believe it was caluclated at 30%
20:37.51NeoTronbut fortunately a thing of the past
20:37.52CursesPretty sure its the same as when they redid the old world stuff chipper
20:37.57Cheadskadrahil GoA in parts of Strength of Earth with next patch
20:37.57syeren21:33 NeoTron • hunters almost always get crap groups because simply there usually no way to give them a proper group
20:38.00ckknightsyeren: hrm?
20:38.11syerenHunter Hunter Feral Druid Hunter Shadow Priest.
20:38.11Cheadsor 'this' patch =)
20:38.15chipermy druid is set to start questing in nagrand tonight, once I get my mods all stabalized
20:38.16Pneumatusckknight: why is PitBull pit-bull not pitbull? :<
20:38.26kadrahilbm hunter x2 surv x1 feral resto shammy for grace
20:38.27syerenHunter Hunter Feral Druid, Shaman, Shadow Priest = High DPS group in the game pre 3.0
20:38.29kadrahilwould have been my ideal group
20:38.31Arrowmasterbecause ckknight likes dashes
20:38.34NeoTronsyeren: I am aware what a good hunter group is. however usually there was never a way to get such a group
20:38.35ckknightPneumatus: I'll change it later, probably, needs to fix something first
20:38.44syerenWell then your guild sucks.
20:38.55Repo10fubar: 03ckknight 04v3.5 * r5 : Tagging as v3.5.
20:38.56syerenckknight, why do I have to click Download twice to download something Ckknight?
20:38.57ulicPneumatus: I think it broke things at capital letters.  LittleWigs and BigWigs did the same on the transition.
20:38.57kadrahilCheads: so they combined GoA and strength of earth?
20:39.02syerenMake a seperate link for the change log.
20:39.07NeoTronno, but the 1-2 hunters were lower priority than, say, WF for the rogues, dps warrior and ret pally
20:39.10ckknightsyeren: because we want to annoy users on curseforge.
20:39.15ckknightsyeren: or do you mean curse?
20:39.17Pneumatusulic: you pick your own shortname on project creation on CF at least tho
20:39.20ckknightthat's for ad revenue.
20:39.26syerenI click Download
20:39.28ckknightyea, to annoy users.
20:39.34syerenWell that's useful.
20:39.41Arrowmasterso somebody tell me if you have a WoW\Data\patch-2.MPQ in 3.0? im trying to get 3.0 working by coping the files from another computer
20:39.44ckknightit's not meant to be an addon download site for users
20:39.45kadrahilwe run a caster heavy raid most of the time
20:39.48kadrahiland we only take one hunter
20:39.52syerenWowace > Curse.
20:39.57syerenCurse is a pile of shit pretty much.
20:40.04ulicPneumatus: right but those were ported over from old wowace.
20:40.05grennonone of the battlegroups is up
20:40.09syerenAnd the glowing reviews it is getting from US users right now is awesome.
20:40.14CursesI do not Arrowmaster
20:40.20p4avedgrennon: goin up and down
20:40.32CursesI have patch, common, commom-2, and expansion
20:40.38syerenWere Drakes / Titles given out today in the US?
20:40.41ArrowmasterCurses: thank you, that could be the issue im having with it erroring then
20:40.43syerenOr do you have to wait until WotLK?
20:40.50grennonunfortunately, its the battlegroup with argent dawn on it
20:40.56ckknightsyeren: at least it's up for patch day
20:40.57Pneumatussyeren: takes a couple weeks to calculate, i believe
20:41.01p4avedsyeran: takes a week or so
20:41.01grennonwhich means all the blackrock players will log in their lvl 1 alts and crash it
20:41.16syerenBlizzard are incompetent -_-
20:41.24syerenTop X Percent of Active teams.
20:41.29syerenAnd it takes a couple of weeks -_-
20:41.59Pneumatuswell i dont think my 1400 raiting is gonna get me a drake, so i dont care!
20:42.24ulicPneumatus: if it does let me know because that means I'm owed one also.
20:42.37Pneumatusmy 3v3 is under 1400
20:42.47KolieHey party people. has the new release.
20:43.01syerenSweet, is this one useful?
20:43.09KolieDefine useful?
20:43.17ulicI've had teams as low as 1200, granted we were just farming points to help guildies get epics.
20:43.17Fisker-It's mac, so no
20:43.20syerenOne with positive reviews.
20:43.23syerenBut it's Mac regardless.
20:43.26syerenSo not really.
20:43.33Fisker-high fives syeren
20:43.44Parnici've got a guy trying to use dogtags that are appraently too long for my waterfall "text" boxes for the addon's configuration.
20:43.51Parnicbut i'm not specifying any max length on those boxes.
20:43.52syerenManual Updating tomorrow ^_^
20:44.09syerenBack to pre-TBC times, that's progression.
20:44.10Primerhaha armory has my toon as 25/11/0
20:44.16Primermy warlock
20:44.18chiperhrm, I wish mmo-champion would fix their talent calculators for mac
20:44.21*** join/#wowace Adirelle (
20:44.31Primer"for mac"?
20:44.35PrimerYou mean, for safari
20:44.37chiperwell, ok, for safari
20:44.42PrimerI'm sure it works fine in firefox
20:44.46Hell-Razorhey guys what do you think of this spec for pvp
20:44.51Arrowmasterok i got updated to 3.0! i just had to find and delete two patch-2.MPQ files
20:45.12PrimerHell-Razor: it sucks
20:45.20Hell-RazorPrimer lol why do you say that
20:45.22chiperhmm, nope, doesnt work in firefox either
20:45.27PrimerHell-Razor: because I hate you
20:45.31PrimerHell-Razor: hehe j/k
20:45.42NeoTronmy hunter has 5 pts out of 1 in The Beast Within
20:45.45grennonif windows had symlinks like a real OS, it occurs to me that i could avoid 100 copies of the same lib even if the downloader doesnt support it
20:45.53sztanpetit has hardlinks
20:46.05sztanpetbet not even their explorer supports it
20:46.05Hell-Razorsyeren yes?
20:46.07grennonand highly dependent on the version
20:46.09syerenYou probably want Improved cast time on Bolt.
20:46.14PrimerI can create symlinks in windows using cygwin
20:46.14syerenBut I have no idea what bracket you play.
20:46.18Primerln -s foo bar
20:46.33DarkAuditsome realms are starting to go up
20:46.35Hell-Razorsyeren ill just drain drain drain until nightfall procs
20:46.36Primernot for pvp
20:46.45syerenDrain Drain Drain doesn't pressure in PVP.
20:46.56Primerneither does 2.5 second cast SB
20:47.08syerenHence Felguard Spec being the best spec for 5s.
20:47.09syerenOh wait.
20:47.11chiperthere we go, firefox 3 actually works
20:47.12syerenIT IS.
20:47.13Primersince you're likely to be interrupted constantly
20:47.40syerenWhatever, not having a discussion with someone who says SB is bad in 5s.
20:47.47grennonso, does bagnon have something like oneview in it?
20:47.54Primerin 5's it's ok
20:47.56grennonsplit pane bank/bag view for all the toons?
20:48.02Primerin 2's and 3's, probably not
20:48.14sbsomeone already online on 3.0.2?
20:48.17Feist_realms are coming back up fyi
20:48.19sbneed some info :)
20:48.23noctsWhat's this I heard about 30 minute 3v3 at blizzcon?
20:48.26PrimerI loved 43/7/11 before
20:48.28Feist_whatcha need sb?
20:48.29Feist_logging in
20:48.49Primerhaving shadowburn as a finisher rocks
20:48.53*** join/#wowace mykx^ (
20:48.54sbFeist_: create shaman :p
20:48.55Primeras long as you live...
20:49.00Chosicurse the curse client
20:49.04sbFeist_: or log in with shaman
20:49.08Hell-Razorsyeren what do you recommend then for pvp?
20:49.17Brunerskadrahil: what will be your new spec now?
20:49.17syerenI have no idea what bracket you play.
20:49.20Chosii'm gonna update my addons every minute just to ruin this damned piece of software -.-
20:49.31p4avedChosi: not productive
20:49.34Brunersanyone got a new rogue subtlety spec ?
20:49.42Feist_the realm w/ my shaman is down
20:49.44Chosinot really
20:49.46Chosiit just smells,
20:49.48Feist_making one on random rpserver
20:50.26PrimerHell-Razor: You have amplify curse, yet do not have curse of exhaustion
20:50.26BrunersChosi: what is honestly so bad about it?
20:50.28Feist_what am I looking for sb
20:50.38sbFeist_: if that latest changes are in
20:50.41ChosiBruners: all the updating stuff
20:50.50Feist_such as?
20:50.50sbflurry and hit nerf reverted
20:50.50Chosi+ it feels wrong
20:50.58p4avedit would b nice if it was easier to c which addons had updates
20:50.59Feist_<-- lvl 1 shaman
20:51.01*** join/#wowace Lyn (
20:51.02sbso dw hit back to 6% (spec)
20:51.04Feist_talent trees not viewable
20:51.07*** join/#wowace Daemoen (
20:51.11p4avedlike how wau had the grayed out out of date addons
20:51.11Daemoensup guys
20:51.15PrimerIt seems to me that Frailty would be desired in pvp
20:51.18sbFeist_: arg! :)
20:51.22sbgood point
20:51.30Daemoenmost of you have been playing since WC1 right?
20:51.37Knaledgeis eePanels stilll "cool"?
20:51.42DullinSeems some are starting to get back up
20:51.46KnaledgeI have eePanels2 and some custom art
20:51.46Daemoen( im just curious how much of a backstory there is since i never did play WC1 2 or 3 )
20:51.58sbFeist_: mh >10 warrior?
20:52.14sbTG hit penalty should be same build
20:52.17Repo10simple-self-rebuff: 03Adirelle * r181 SimpleSelfRebuff.toc: Bumped interface to 30000.
20:52.17Feist_If I can get to my own realm I can look at actual talent trees
20:52.19Hell-RazorPrimer for coa
20:52.20PrimerI would also think Haunt would be decent in pvp
20:52.21Feist_but my server isn't up yet
20:52.28Brunersp4aved: is that hard to see?
20:53.14p4avedBruners: my client has done that yet :( my bad
20:53.22Repo10yatba: 03Adirelle * r6 Yatba.toc: Bumped TOC interface to 30000.
20:53.45fewynanyone know if there's a command to export similarly to how i export an svn folder in tortoisesvn?
20:54.12leech2klike every server is up except mine
20:54.28durcynleech2k: it's done by battlegroup
20:54.43Daemoenhrm, seems the servers are still all down atm
20:54.48leech2kdurcyn: ah, I see
20:54.53KolieThats a shit ton of updates.
20:55.32*** join/#wowace alcaras (
20:55.55KolieBruners: looks like the client is working out for you.
20:56.00PrimerI wonder if the updater is smart enough to find another running instance on another box and use it as a peer
20:56.26PrimerI never understood why blizz uses bittorrent if they don't expect people to leave the downloaders running
20:56.26Repo10debug-log-backend: 03Adirelle * r14 DebugLogBackend.toc: Bumped TOC to 30000.
20:56.30Repo10o-uf_rabbit: 03Rabbit * r46 / (2 files in 1 directory): Fix power colors for 3.0.
20:56.35BrunersKolie: its been working just fine after i installed all addons with it, except the folder deleting
20:56.37ArrowmasterPrimer: doubt the blizzard torrent client is that smart
20:56.46chexsummy realms are always last to come up
20:56.47Repo10loggerhead: 03rsmozang * r77 / (6 files in 4 directories): Removed Embeds
20:56.47RepoMoved LibDataBroker
20:56.48RepoUpdated .toc
20:56.54Repo10handynotes: 03Xinhuan * r184 / (8 files in 2 directories):
20:56.54RepoRemove tsvn:logtemplate. Update TOC to 30000 and version to 1.1. Delete embeds.xml and Locales.xml. Change Astrolabe to wrath compatible version. Update svn:externals.
20:57.01PrimerArrowmaster: sure would make things easier though
20:57.08grennoni usually take the blizzard .torrent files and load them up on my little ubuntu torrent box to get them downloaded
20:57.14PrimerWhy are people removing tsvn:logtemplate?
20:57.23BrunersKolie: moving from JWU updated addons without externals obviously didnt work to good with the curse client :P
20:57.24PrimerIs that no longer required? The prefix to commits
20:57.26grennonthe blizzard downloader needs an upload throttle badly
20:57.26NeoTronPrimer: own repositoryu, don't need prefixing
20:57.29Repo10stat-block-core: 03funkydude * r3 / (2 files in 1 directory): StatBlockCore: toc update > v2.4.3
20:57.30Arrowmasterbecause tsvn:logtemplate is evil
20:57.32sylvanaarKolie the client has been working for me too- i think you might want to suggest to users that they delete their current addons and install them over with the curse client.
20:57.35Primerof course
20:57.50chexsum100g says theres a patch by the end of the day
20:57.59p4avedatleast a hotfix
20:58.02*** join/#wowace backbone87 (
20:58.02Repo10heatsink: 03durcyn * r97 Heatsink.lua: Heatsink: clobber Turn Undead for 3.0
20:58.11p4avedprays for something as fun as reckoning bomb
20:58.14grennonthe biggest problem my guildies are having with the curse client is, loading it while they are running the game so it doesnt populate the installed addons view
20:58.28grennonfor the first time they run it
20:58.38Repo10stat-block-core: 03funkydude 04v2.4.3 * r4 : Tag v2.4.3
20:58.45PrimerI went back to JWU
20:59.01grennonnot a big problem, but it does confuse them
20:59.12sylvanaarmight need some work on the "out of box experience" - like a setup wizard or something
20:59.36grennonor just a tooltip saying "log out of the game to populate your addon list"
20:59.37Brunershaving autoupdates on by default is not to good either
20:59.37Repo10libsharedmedia-3-0: 03durcyn * r51 LibSharedMedia-3.0.toc:
20:59.38RepoLibSharedMedia-3.0: if we're going to nuke the root lib.xml, maybe the toc should refer to the child lib.xml, no?
20:59.52sylvanaarFunkeh` are you guys making bigwigs 3?
21:00.06vhaarrsylvanaar: slowly
21:00.10NeoTronwhat's wrong with the current bigwigs? :P
21:00.17Arrowmasterits in ace2
21:00.18NeoTron(yes yes, ace2)
21:00.33Repo10flight-hud: 03Barfolomeu * r91 : Removed tsvn:logtemplate.
21:00.39sylvanaarvhaarr can you put the naxx module back into bigwigs proper
21:00.40Arrowmasterand a lot of the api was just thrown together for 2.4
21:00.42Daemoenwtf.... how exactly does a updater for wowace not use wowace for its repositories anymore?
21:00.48vhaarrsylvanaar: someone did it already while I was at work
21:00.49*** join/#wowace Trela (
21:00.57ArrowmasterDaemoen: because there is no 'updater for wowace' anymore
21:00.57vhaarrI just got home
21:00.58Funkeh`i did it
21:01.02sylvanaari have made a few updates to it
21:01.07Repo10pitbull_profile-switcher: 03Barfolomeu * r5 : Removed tsvn:logtemplate.
21:01.10Funkeh`i didn't see them
21:01.16DaemoenArrowmaster: yuck
21:01.20sylvanaarthey were small
21:01.22*** join/#wowace Dashkal (n=dashkal@WoWUIDev/Nexus/dashkal)
21:01.22Funkeh`so you probably did it wrong
21:01.27vhaarrI want wowace svn google groups back ><
21:01.27ArrowmasterDaemoen: wowace is not a distrubtion site
21:01.31Funkeh`wasn't in the log of the latest copy i took
21:01.40sylvanaarand thaddius
21:01.44DaemoenArrowmaster: wowace always has the latest versions of the addons.
21:01.49Funkeh`you will probably need to do them again then
21:01.53Daemoencurse is usually a day or more behind
21:01.53NeoTronvhaarr: comments on closetgnome ace3d btw - how the heck do I "remove" items from a slot without taking the item off?
21:01.54icanhaswauif i'm able to raise enough permanent bandwidth for wau in 2 weeks, will we bring it back up plx?
21:02.00NeoTroni.e if I want a set that only has, say, the xmas outfit
21:02.03Daemoen:-d (a whole day!)  lol
21:02.16Shadowericsylvanaar: would you recommend deleting savedvars for prat when going from prat2 to prat3?
21:02.17ArrowmasterDaemoen: curse is only a few minutes behind, and latest is deffently not best
21:02.18Repo10ora2: 03Rabbit * r622 Participant/Participant.lua: Possibly fix hooks for 3.0, untested.
21:02.23sylvanaarit was located in the BigWIgs_Naxxaramas project
21:02.25*** join/#wowace earthmeLon (
21:02.29ckknighticanhaswau: it's not that simple
21:02.35sylvanaarShadoweric different variables
21:02.42Funkeh`sylvanaar, i moved that in and your changes weren't there
21:02.45Shadowerick ty
21:02.46Funkeh`so tough luck :P
21:02.46leech2kis bigwigs updated for new nax?
21:02.49grennonoh, i get it
21:02.50icanhaswauckknight: i know
21:02.56grennonthen name is "icanhaswau"
21:02.58icanhaswauwau doesn't have a payment option
21:03.05sylvanaari have them local, i was just trying to be helpful
21:03.07grennonlike icanhazcheezburger but with wau
21:03.09icanhaswauTHAT'S NOT SO EASY
21:03.29icanhaswauadd it and i'll fucking donate, but seriously...
21:03.29grennonthats slightly amusing
21:03.38icanhaswaucurse this curse.
21:03.46Trelalooks at
21:03.55Trelatries to revive Curse!
21:04.14sylvanaari just made an angry post in ej still cranky from it
21:04.18earthmeLonFkn patch ruining my addons >:|
21:04.24JagobahANGER GRRRR
21:04.37chexsummay the lord rise with you
21:04.38Brunerssylvanaar: you getting banned angry post?
21:05.20Knaledgeckknight: I haven;t touched addons in about 2 1/2 months and I used Pitbull back then
21:05.31ckknightwaves at Knaledge
21:05.32DarkAuditmeh... Dark Iron is up, but it hangs on retreiving character list
21:05.35ckknightPitBull should work in 3.0
21:05.46Knaledgeckknight: buttttt.... yeah it's outdated and 3.0 is out and so... err... I have a lot of custom stuff setup and will I ose all that?
21:05.47ZealotOnASticksylvanaar, angry post about what?
21:06.11sylvanaarFunkeh` do you want my changes or not?
21:06.20Funkeh`sylvanaar, aye
21:06.23grennoni think achievement/token/item conversions are killing the servers as people log into them
21:06.36sylvanaarcan i dcc them to you
21:07.06ckknightKnaledge: who said it was outdated?
21:07.14ZealotOnAStickKnaledge did!
21:07.14ckknightKnaledge: get the most recent version
21:07.16BrunersKnaledge: take a backup of your WTF folder/pitbul variables to be sure to not lose anything
21:07.19Knaledgewell actually I just figured as much hehe
21:07.19ZealotOnASticknods helpfully.
21:07.25Daemoenstupid latest update to jwu breaks it on mac.
21:07.37fewynanyone know if svn has an export command at the command line?
21:07.48fewyni know tortoisesvn has one in the gui
21:07.49ckknightsvn export
21:07.53BrunersDaemoen: i think there is a curseclient for macs :P
21:07.55sylvanaardont think i can
21:07.56KnaledgeAlso because it's been so long and remember that bash script we made together?
21:08.02Knaledgeckknight: ^^
21:08.03fewyndo you know the syntax? i don't have svn installed on work pc
21:08.11ckknightKnaledge: not really?
21:08.13Knaledgewell... so now none of the SVN addresses are right anymore
21:08.15DaemoenBruners: i dont even have a job right now to pay my bills, like hell ill pay for a client to update things
21:08.19ckknightKnaledge: ah
21:08.28BrunersDaemoen: you dont have to pay to use the client
21:08.43Funkeh`sylvanaar, commit directly please
21:08.47Funkeh`I don't want copies of it
21:08.55Daemoencouple days ago it said that it was limited time use before requiring activation or subscription or something like that i had though
21:09.11Daemoenk, well i guess ill try the curse client then
21:09.12leech2kWhen starting Pitbull on beta I get "LibSharedMedia-3.0" not found.
21:09.25kadrahilwhat the crap, 18k/s for 3.0 download
21:09.29kadrahilthis sucks
21:09.33earthmeLonIf my addons have 3.0.2/WotLK updates already, should I be able to see them in the wowace client, or has it not rolled over yet?
21:09.38NeoTronman I was patching this morning when I left for work :P
21:09.41NeoTronpreplanning ftw
21:09.43p4avedkadrahil: atch mirrors
21:09.53kadrahilNeoTron: i should have done it overnight
21:09.54*** join/#wowace Tuller (
21:09.55kadrahili didn't though
21:09.57DaemoenearthmeLon: wowace is no longer a mirror from what everyone is saying
21:10.02kadrahiland i was up until 3 or 4 am
21:10.07Arrowmasterleech2k: install everything with embedded libraries for now
21:10.29earthmeLonOkay, So I should add a new mirror? What mirror? When I click Mirrors menu, nothing happens >_<
21:10.30leech2kArrowmaster: I did. I see libshared media in the pitbull libs dir
21:10.39mjcfrakking server is stuck on retrieving char list
21:10.52Arrowmasterleech2k: is there a libsharedmedia subdir in that dir?
21:11.02sylvanaarFunkeh` ok
21:11.22leech2kArrowmaster: yes
21:11.22Daemoenpings self
21:11.35Arrowmasterleech2k: just copy the subdir out of it
21:11.39leech2kah I see
21:11.42Daemoenanyone else having issues connecting to CF as of... recently :-D
21:11.49stew_ais it true that they're separating out twinks from normal people in the BG queues?
21:12.01earthmeLonOkay, So I should add a new mirror? What mirror? When I click Mirrors menu, nothing happens >_< Daemoen?
21:12.10chexsumdefine twink
21:12.11sylvanaarFunkeh` in general bw will need to handle heroic vs normal, do you have a plan for that
21:12.21DaemoenearthmeLon: sounds like its gong to be easier to get the curse client at this point, ask these guys that one.
21:12.37Repo10handy-notes_flight-masters: 03Xinhuan * r58 / (4 files in 1 directory):
21:12.38RepoUpdate TOC to 30000. Remove Locales.xml. Update Astrolabe library reference with HandyNotes' change.
21:12.46stew_achexum: the over geared level x9 people
21:12.53earthmeLonDamn, really liked wowace
21:13.08Repo10loggerhead: 03rsmozang 04Release 3.0.77 * r78 : Tagging as Release 3.0.77.
21:13.15Funkeh`sylvanaar, no it won't, unless you're talking about 10man v 25man
21:13.43NeoTronearthmeLon: wowace exists. WAU does not.
21:13.44*** join/#wowace EthanCentaurai (n=EthanCen@
21:13.45ArrowmasterFunkeh`: from what ive heard, blizz uses heroic to indicate 25man
21:14.07Funkeh`in that case we will probably just do what LW does
21:14.08DaemoenArrowmaster: the post link for the osx beta client is removed :p
21:14.11Daemoenso now what, lol
21:14.14Funkeh`different timers according to which you are in
21:14.15earthmeLonSo, everybody using WAU switched to..... what? Curse updater NeoTron?
21:14.17Funkeh`-if needed-
21:14.33Odlawproudly uses bookmarks now.
21:14.34BrunersearthmeLon: some have changed to the new curse client yes
21:14.39Repo10cooldown-fader: 03Adirelle * r29 !CooldownFader.toc: Bumped TOC to 30000.
21:14.41chexsumswitched to wowi
21:14.42NeoTronsome to curse client, some manually updating
21:15.05Arrowmasterckknight: my svn checkout is hanging, is the server ok?
21:15.27sylvanaarFunkeh` yeah they are called normal and heroic
21:15.32Repo10cooldown-fader: 03Adirelle 04v1.1 * r30 : Tagging as v1.1.
21:15.43EthanCentauraiI keep getting timeout errors so I think the post-3.0 rush has arrived
21:16.03Repo10yatba: 03Adirelle 04v1.1 * r7 : Tagging as v1.1.
21:16.04earthmeLonThanks. Guess I'll go get curse >_<
21:16.21TrelaBack up your AddOns directory first!
21:17.07earthmeLonHaha, thanks :D
21:17.07Repo10libbabble-inventory-3-0: 03Odlaw * r62 LibBabble-Inventory-3.0.lua:
21:17.07RepoLibBabble-Inventory-3.0: Added Sigils, Inscription Bag, and Glyphs
21:17.09BrunersearthmeLon: move all your addons to a new folder and install the fresh with the curse client
21:17.23Hell-Razori wonder how many addons get fucked
21:17.29Repo10handynotes: 03Xinhuan * r185 / (2 files in 2 directories):
21:17.30RepoUpdate Astrolabe path from wotlk branch to trunk (Esamynn has merged the changes).
21:17.54Arrowmasterhey everybody do any commits to libraries! check and remove tsvn:logtemplate before you commit please!
21:18.32Kalroth-any- commit?!
21:18.59Kalrothmakes his library commit suicide.
21:19.08sbneed shaman > level 10 on 3.0.2 server :)
21:19.15*** join/#wowace kagaro (
21:20.08*** join/#wowace Quaiche (n=PProvost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
21:20.08*** mode/#wowace [+v Quaiche] by ChanServ
21:20.10mjcare there any action bar addons that still don't use the blizzard bars?  I actually think I need one
21:20.22*** join/#wowace Merl_ (
21:20.22Trelahas a level seventy shaman on the beta server?
21:20.41sylvanaarwow the server is at a crawl
21:20.41[dRaCo]I could offer level 80 on beta, it's premade, though
21:21.01*** join/#wowace Adys_ (n=Adys@unaffiliated/adys)
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21:21.08kadrahilare all live servers up yet?
21:21.10*** join/#wowace earthmeLon (
21:21.16kadrahili've been alt tabbed trying to find a patch mirror
21:21.23chexsumall the noob ones are up
21:21.30Feist_mjc, I think Macaroon might do what you need
21:21.31*** join/#wowace Gilded (
21:21.33kadrahilmine's a day 1 server :(
21:21.39sylvanaarok, im going home, maybe the svn co will be done by then
21:21.45*** join/#wowace Yssaril (
21:21.52mjcFeist_: basically my gf wants her bars one way and I want them another ;)
21:21.59kadrahili hate it when i have to use a fileplanet download mirror or whatever
21:22.02kadrahiland it has a 20 minute queue
21:22.05kadrahilwait time
21:22.12Feist_well, if you don't need 8 bars
21:22.15Feist_the easy fix
21:22.35mjcI only use two but she has hers spread all over
21:22.40Feist_is to have one of you use 1-4, and the other 5-8 or whatever, and just configure your preferred barmod to use the appropriate bars
21:23.44*** join/#wowace alcaras (
21:24.07Repo10stat-block_zone-text: 03funkydude * r29 StatBlock_ZoneText.toc: StatBlock_ZoneText: toc update > v2.1.1
21:24.26NeoTronor you could play more than one character!
21:24.41Repo10stat-block_zone-text: 03funkydude 04v2.1.1 * r30 : Tag v2.1.1
21:25.02*** join/#wowace alcaras (
21:25.18EthanCentauraipisses himself with laughter
21:25.18chexsumor have 2 wtf folders and symlink whichever one you want to use per user
21:25.25EthanCentauraivery clever Cairenn :D
21:25.34Brunersmjc: on the same character
21:25.36CairennEthanCentaurai: ahhh, the post
21:25.38mjcchexsum: WTF folder doesn't store the bars
21:25.40mjcBruners: yeah
21:25.46Cairennyeah, figured people could use the laugh :)
21:25.46kagaroyou know now is about the time I wish i had mirrored the svn repos
21:26.09EthanCentauraican I forward it to my workmates? :D
21:26.19kagaroyeah Xinhuan
21:26.25XinhuanHandyNotes_Mailboxes you need to update
21:26.34Arrowmasterkagaro: i have a mirror
21:26.34kagaroI thought I did already
21:26.39Xinhuanto use Astrolabe-0.4 instead of Astrolabe-0.4-NC
21:26.52Xinhuandunno if you have that is
21:27.02kadrahilNeoTron: more than 1 character! :X
21:27.03kagaroXinhuan: yeah i dont have that version
21:27.15Xinhuani've updated HN trunk to use Astrolabe-0.4
21:27.17kadrahilNeoTron: i have 1 70 (my hunter) and 2 at 46 with recruit a friend
21:27.22CairennEthanCentaurai: certainly :)
21:27.31kadrahilwell i have a 70 priest but i haven't logged on to her in months
21:27.36NeoTronI was mostly commenting on wanting multiple bar addons... so the same character can be played by two people
21:27.39CairennI didn't make them up, someone sent it to me and I *knew* people were going to need the laugh today, so shared it
21:27.47kadrahilgoes back to cooking shrimp
21:27.51NeoTronseems like a weird use case :P
21:27.51EthanCentauraisends Cairenn's humorous posts to everyone he knows
21:28.30kagaroill update the call
21:28.30Repo10handy-notes_mailboxes: 03kagaro * r47 HandyNotes_Mailboxes.lua: HandyNotes_Mailboxes: switch to Astrolabe-0.4
21:28.51EthanCentauraiand with that, I'm off for bed. good night everyone, see you after the apocalypse! :)
21:28.53chexsumis anyone else sick of the wow music atm ?
21:29.18*** join/#wowace routine_error (n=re@
21:29.27Repo10handy-notes_mailboxes: 03kagaro 04v1.03 * r48 :
21:29.28RepoTagging as v1.03. Updated to Same version of Astrolabe as HandyNotes
21:30.01Repo10handy-notes_flight-masters: 03Xinhuan 04v1.0 * r59 : Tag as v1.0.
21:30.02*** join/#wowace Cheads (
21:30.12Repo10libsharedmedia-3-0: 03Arrowmaster * r52 / (16 files in 8 directories):
21:30.12RepoAdd lib.xml back to base directory since removing it broke some externals, and fix various svn properties
21:30.14Hell-Razorchexsum wow music SUCKS
21:30.14Arrowmasterckknight: you need to retag pitbull
21:30.25*** join/#wowace Zhinjio (i=1000@
21:30.35Arrowmasterckknight: yes, see my commit just now
21:30.44Stanzillacowtip, too then
21:30.53Xinhuando i need to retag omen, Arrowmaster?
21:30.55PrimerHrmm, I'm linking Fel Intelligence...3% spirit and int raid-wide
21:31.05Primerraiding with a fel novel
21:31.06Arrowmasterckknight: dont bother changing where the external points to though, im fighting to remove those extra folders
21:31.10*** join/#wowace Adys (n=Adys@unaffiliated/adys)
21:31.16ArrowmasterXinhuan: i dont know
21:31.23*** join/#wowace alcaras (
21:31.45*** join/#wowace minunea_konsole (n=yaib@
21:31.46sbstill need shaman > level 10 on 3.0.2 (LIVE! not beta!) server :)
21:31.57ArrowmasterXinhuan: no
21:32.55earthmeLonfor what sb?
21:32.56sbearthmeLon: check what changes made it into live patch
21:32.56Repo10handynotes: 03Xinhuan 04v1.1 * r186 : Tag as v1.1.
21:32.56sbbecause its not the latest ptr version :)
21:32.56leech2klogging in my 70 shaman now
21:32.59sbleech2k: nice :)
21:33.18Xinhuantagging that only took 3 minutes ;p
21:33.22leech2kbeen to busy with my priest :-)
21:33.27sbleech2k: hehe
21:33.32leech2kso what do u need checked?
21:33.34Funkeh`Xinhuan, slow for you too?
21:33.40sbleech2k: enhancement tree, DW specia
21:33.46Xinhuannah, its slow only because i have an external to an external site
21:33.57Xinhuanand the silly commit hook needs to package it in
21:34.01sb"increase your chance to hit while dual.... by.... %"
21:34.04sbi need that % value :p
21:34.12sbshould be 1 or 2
21:34.31Repo10stat-block_xp: 03funkydude * r33 StatBlock_XP.toc: StatBlock_XP: toc update > v2.1.1
21:34.40Knaledgeis there a way to print a list of folders in a directory in OSX?
21:34.41sb(no need to actually spec - untalented tooltip should do it)
21:34.41Repo10cast-yeller: 03Adirelle * r171 / (2 files in 1 directory): Bumped TOC to 30000.
21:34.42RepoFixed option frame opening.
21:34.45Repo10stat-block_xp: 03funkydude 04v2.1.1 * r34 : Tag v2.1.1
21:34.53Knaledge(to a text file)
21:34.55Hell-Razornoooo my installer is stuck at 99%
21:35.09chexsumgrr @ working today
21:35.22sbleech2k: so 2%*3, right?
21:35.23chexsumhasnt slept and is still drinking kek
21:35.38leech2ksb: that is what it looks like but I am not putting points into it :-)
21:35.45kadrahilcould someone do me a favor
21:35.47kadrahiland see if stormreaver isup
21:36.09chexsumsome more noob servers came up
21:36.19leech2ksb: anything else?
21:36.23Repo10feed-it: 03Adirelle * r18 FeedIt.toc: Bumped TOC to 30000.
21:36.24noctsStormrage and Stormscale, not Stormreaver
21:36.28p4avedthings seemed to have stalled on teh server coming up front
21:36.35sbleech2k: yep :p
21:36.59Repo10minimap-target: 03Adirelle * r41 MinimapTarget.toc: Bumped TOC to 30000.
21:37.09sbleech2k: Flurry and Maelstrom weapon
21:37.22Repo10quiet-cast: 03Adirelle * r37 QuietCast.toc: Bumped TOC to 30000.
21:37.38*** join/#wowace cirish (n=cirish@
21:38.28Repo10bank-list: 03Adirelle * r58 BankList.toc: Bumped TOC to 30000.
21:38.35leech2ksb: Flurry = 0/5 Increses your attack speed by 10% for your next 3 swings...
21:38.45*** join/#wowace mjc (
21:39.15leech2ksb: o nice they haven't got rid of downranking yet
21:39.19mjcreally annoying when servers are in the list but can't connect :P
21:39.29*** join/#wowace RLD_osx (
21:39.33sbleech2k: what?
21:39.36chiperleech: they werent getting rid of it, just removing the mana savings
21:39.44chiperall ranks use the same mana
21:39.50leech2kon beta I only see top ranked spells in book
21:39.53leech2kon live I see all
21:40.01sbtheres a checkbox
21:40.03chiperI think that's a setting
21:40.04leech2ko lol
21:40.11*** join/#wowace FrostByghte (
21:40.13stew_atheres a checkbox on the spellbook that hides the lower ranks
21:40.29*** part/#wowace minunea_konsole (n=yaib@
21:41.02KnaledgeI wonder if there is an achievement related to old Naxx
21:41.15DashkalKnaledge: there's a Feat of Strength, I believe
21:41.25Knaledgethat'd be sweet if there was one for being alliance and completing that old old Horde only quest
21:41.28Repo10mapster: 03Nevcairiel 07master * 1.0.3-WotLK-7-gbf6cd0c / (11 files in 2 directories): [+23 commits] (19 truncated)
21:41.29Repobf6cd0c: Adjust .toc for release
21:41.33Repo5c4a4a6: Merge branch 'master' into wrath
21:41.34mjcanyone have a link to the working talented?
21:41.39Repodbcc705: Fixed .pkgmeta syntax
21:41.43Repof7dac73: Added .pkgmeta file
21:42.06DashkalAny loot off of KT should trigger it
21:42.12*** join/#wowace Repo (n=supybot@
21:42.13leech2ksb: Maelstrom Weapon: 0/5 When you deal damage with a melee weapon, you have 100% chance to reduce the cast time of your next Lightning Bolt, Chain Lightning, Lava Burst, Lesser Healing Wave, Chain Heal or Healing Wave spell by 20%. Stacks up to 5 times. Lasts 40 sec.
21:42.20Knaledgeah, I never killed KT only fought him
21:42.21sylvanaarmjc working?
21:42.27mjcsylvanaar: it won't load for me
21:42.38sbleech2k: thank you :)
21:42.41sylvanaari fixed it, its on the project page
21:42.46Repo10mapster: 03Nevcairiel 07wrath *  /: [deleted]
21:42.54KnaledgeHey so... room poll: What is the latest "must have" addon for WoW? I haven't checked into any of this in like 2 months
21:43.02stew_aknaledge: which horde only quest?
21:43.03*** join/#wowace Shirik (n=nospam@conspiracy/developer/Shirik)
21:43.03*** mode/#wowace [+v Shirik] by ChanServ
21:43.06leech2ksb: any more brain busters :-)
21:43.08mjcsylvanaar: aha, let me check
21:43.22XinhuanKnaledge: a random mounting addon of some sort ;p
21:43.23sbleech2k: thats it, going to sleep now :o
21:43.29sbpatch tomorrow... ;)
21:43.36sylvanaarthere is no must have
21:43.43leech2kkk later
21:43.44chiperdash:  it's just for having killed KT?  I was hoping there'd be one for the attunement quest
21:43.46sylvanaarwe have them already
21:43.46Funkeh`sylvanaar, did you commit
21:43.51sylvanaarFunkeh` yeah
21:43.57sylvanaarFunkeh` its very behind
21:43.58stew_aBlizzard_VehicleUI: the latest 'must-have' addon :-)
21:44.44*** join/#wowace earthmeLon (
21:44.54Knaledgestew_a: The one where you have to get the blueprint stuff from the ssafe in Gnomeregan
21:44.56sylvanaarFunkeh` i left all the unused strings in razuvious though - you may want to take them out
21:45.01*** join/#wowace Tuller (
21:45.16Funkeh`ill fix it when we're developing it
21:45.19KnaledgeYou have Thermaplugg's combination and the blueprints - there was a neutral goblin in Org at one point in time that you could get to as Alliance
21:45.23Knaledgeand you could pick up the quest
21:45.29Knaledgeupon completing it, you'd turn Neutral to the horde
21:45.37Pneumatusthe US servers made it back up on time then?
21:45.46sylvanaarFunkeh` otherwise the timers are all correct
21:45.46stew_alol, how long ago did they patch that one
21:45.47fewyn!status -status
21:45.50fewynnot really Pneumatus
21:45.52MalfurionNorth American: 91/229 \\ Europe: 249/249
21:46.04sylvanaargluth doesnt have a few
21:46.05alcarasProof Blizzard loves Europe ;)
21:46.07Knaledgestew_a: about 3rd or 4th month into WoW
21:46.08Pneumatusah, only a few back up
21:46.13chiperKnaledge: they took it out?  that's awesome, it would be so worth it to go for that
21:46.18Knaledgeit was fixed right after Gnomer came up
21:46.27*** join/#wowace Repo (n=supybot@
21:46.31KnaledgeYeah I still have the quest in my quest log
21:46.33Knaledgeand the items in my bank
21:46.38Knaledgebut you can't turn it in of course
21:46.59chiperyou hung onto a quest for three years?
21:47.02Knaledgeyeah lol
21:47.09chipererm, yow
21:47.09KnaledgeI still have it
21:47.16Repo10sell-o-matic: 03Silmano 07master * fde811b / (3 files in 1 directory): [new]
21:47.17*** join/#wowace Yssaril (
21:47.31Knaledgein fact, once when I got a hold of a GM for an unrelated issue
21:47.37Arrowmasterchiper: i still have the revenge of korrak quest in my questlog
21:47.38Knaledgethey pointed out "How do you have this quest?"
21:47.40Cheads"Addon install queued" uhm?  
21:47.46Repo10mapster: 03Nevcairiel 041.0.4 * f57d9a6 /: [new tag] Adjust .toc for release
21:47.53XinhuanArrowmaster, have you deprecated your guid lib yet hehe
21:47.55chiperKnaledge: hah
21:48.17ArrowmasterXinhuan: it was never 'released' anyway
21:48.27Knaledgechiper: he/she asked around and lol'd back at me saying he/she asked around and got the 411 on what the quest was and how awesome it was I had it
21:48.32*** join/#wowace RLD_osx (
21:48.38sylvanaarFunkeh` do you see my changes?
21:48.39chiperKnaledge: impressive that the GM would recognize you're not supposed to have it
21:48.46Repo10sell-o-matic: 03Silmano 04v0.95 * c0685f9 /: [new tag] v0.95
21:48.51KnaledgeI asked that, chiper
21:48.51Funkeh`sylvanaar, its loading
21:48.57sylvanaaryeah, slooooo
21:48.58Knaledgeand they said "it is flagged as "HORDE" and you're Alliance
21:49.17Knaledgethis was like... 2 years later
21:49.29sylvanaari woner if ppl are updating off the svn
21:49.32Knaledgeso I'm going to get a hold of a GM and request they add a title ;p
21:49.53mjcWUU still tries to use the svn apparently
21:50.13XinhuanThe server at is taking too long to respond.
21:50.27sylvanaarits at a crawl
21:50.32alcarasHrm, updated eveyrthing with Curse Updater... and Addons\Grid\libs\LibGratiuity-3.0\LibGratuity-3.0.lua:231: Obsolete library registered. Grat-2.0 is already registered at version 52819...
21:50.37chexsumomg servers up
21:50.42Arrowmasterthey maxed out their 2 Gbit/s pipe
21:50.58Xinhuanyes, the revision numbers changed
21:50.58sylvanaarmust be people updating off the svn dammit
21:51.00mjcwhy not use s3 for static content? :P
21:51.12Arrowmasteralcaras: i fixed that but some addons still need to update
21:51.18Xinhuani'm trying to download a nolib zip
21:51.29Repo10stat-block_coords: 03funkydude * r29 StatBlock_Coords.toc: StatBlock_Coords: toc update > v2.0.1
21:51.34alcarasArrowmaster: grid otherwise appears to work
21:51.50StanzillaFunkeh`: will you upload all those statblock stuff to wowi?
21:52.04Arrowmasteralcaras: for now you can just install LibGratiuity-3.0 and the errors should go away
21:52.05Stanzilla(dont want to download even more zips manually :()
21:52.25Funkeh`Stanzilla, they will (eventually) be on both curse and wowi
21:52.27alcarasArrowmaster: ok, it looks it's just one error at start up
21:52.38StanzillaFunkeh`: kk!
21:52.51Funkeh`as they end up on curse, i upload the curse zips
21:52.54chiperso today is the first I've heard of statblock.  what are the advantages over fubar?
21:53.07Funkeh`chiper, go read!
21:53.13sylvanaari have a question about stat blocks, if i want to show something like CurrentHP / MaxHP, can i let the 2 values be colored differently?
21:53.18Kaeltenok guys we're having issues with not enough bandwidth in the main pipe
21:53.21Kaeltenwe're getting more added
21:53.23chiperthe lack of screenshots on curse leave me wanting
21:53.43StanzillaKaelten: we noticed :P
21:53.50sylvanaarit seems like just the svn
21:53.51XinhuanKaelten: wowace or curse?
21:53.58Funkeh`screenies there
21:54.04Funkeh`ill put em on curse when i have time
21:54.08ulicdang it, and I'm not home from work yet to get my slice of the pie.
21:54.20chiper"File Info view temporarily disabled for guests until caching issue is fixed. Please login to the site for now. We hope to have this fixed very soon"  lovely
21:54.27EvilJohnKaelten: there can never be enough, heh
21:54.28AeyanStatblock, like a few others, is a LDB display addon. LDB is a system design, sort of like FubarPlugin, for modules to run on bars/blocks/whatever but the catch is it can work with any display addon someone wants to write
21:54.47AeyanStatblocks display is little blocks that you can resize, attach together, stuff like that
21:55.02AeyanMore flexible than one long bar
21:55.08AeyanBut, function is essentially the same
21:55.27p4avedpretty fun tbh
21:55.38Funkeh`Aeyan, are you married?
21:55.38Lukiancurseclient doesn't seem to want to install !BugGrabber
21:55.46*** join/#wowace Gilded_ (
21:55.54AeyanHaha, no, why?
21:55.59chipermy real question is, every addon I use supports fubar in some way or form.  what's to make me want to step away from that
21:56.00Funkeh`well, you are now
21:56.01mjcsylvanaar: got it off curse atm and no love
21:56.01ShefkiPretty sure it has issues with addons with ! in the name.
21:56.13sylvanaarmjc its an alpha
21:56.51Shefkisylvanaar: It's not just !BugGrabber, doesn't want to install !BaudErrorFrame for me either.
21:57.04Aeyanchiper: Nothing, particularly.
21:57.11AeyanIf it works the way you like, stick with it
21:57.13ShefkiDoesn't even show up in the list of addons to choose to install.
21:57.25sylvanaarmjc get it off the project page
21:57.41*** join/#wowace Gaurong (
21:57.44mjcI looked there before, maybe I'm just blind
21:57.45EvilJohngood luck getting to come up
21:57.47purl (US), (EU)
21:58.04sylvanaarit say
21:58.08sylvanaarand alpha
21:58.18p4avedpurl: gist of alert?
21:58.20sylvanaarits the first one
21:58.26EvilJohnserver coming up slowly
21:58.45*** part/#wowace Gaurong (
21:58.49Repo10broker_professions: 03durcyn * r34 Broker_Professions.toc: more pointless toc bumping
21:58.51Arrowmaster"We are in the process of bringing all realms up, some may not be available right away but all realms should be playable by approximately 3:00 PM PDT
21:58.52HjalteOw, that's a lot of downtime.
21:58.56Arrowmasterits 3pm pdt
21:58.59Arrowmasterwheres my server
21:59.02p4avedthxs arrow
21:59.07*** join/#wowace Gaurong (
21:59.10Arrowmasteri want to drink my binary brew before it disappears
21:59.11EvilJohnArrowmaster: I'd take the Over.
21:59.13Spennig::agrees with Arrow::
21:59.14HjalteArrowmaster: Did they extend the US downtime?
21:59.22ArrowmasterHjalte: by 1 hour
21:59.33EvilJohnI'm getting some addons okay via curse
21:59.38chipermy realm is up, but I'm still at work
21:59.39EvilJohnhave to retry sometimes
21:59.48AeyanNot in Blizzardese
21:59.49Cheadspoor server is in it's knees
21:59.52Arrowmastercurse maxed out the bandwidth to their server rack and is installing more fiber
21:59.56p4avedchiper: mines up, can't retrive my toon but :/
22:00.01AeyanThe servers were down till 2pm, it just takes a hour to bring them back up =P
22:00.03eliteevilchiper: Realm being up, and being able to get your character list are two different things
22:00.03Arrowmasterthe servers are find though
22:00.11EvilJohnRight now CKKNIGHT IS using cokebottles to find more glass
22:00.14chipereliteevil: I was able to log in
22:00.17sylvanaarwhat are their servers doin?
22:00.22chiperran around shatt a bit
22:00.22Repo10crybaby: 03durcyn * r27 Crybaby.toc: one more for the 30000 pile
22:00.23p4avedsome servers yes
22:00.25p4avedsome not
22:00.39chiperbut I don't want to call attention to the fact that I don't have any work to do at the moment
22:00.39Funkeh`Aeyan, i hope you like the ring
22:01.02chexsumwoot 712 renews in pvp gear now - used to be 680
22:01.09chiperoh how I wish my monitor wasnt viewable by the entire office
22:01.25AeyanIs it in the form of resizable, attachable blocks?
22:01.49mjcthanks, whenever it is able to load :P
22:01.53chiperFunkeh`: damn, that's a rock
22:02.06NeoTronmade of plastic
22:02.07AeyanIt's true
22:02.08*** join/#wowace Yssaril (
22:02.27chiperkind of gaudy, imo
22:02.42Funkeh`gaudy? is more dead to me than Fredo Corleone
22:02.47Yssarilis wowace down for anyone else?
22:02.51sylvanaarShefki tel Kolie
22:02.51chiperoversized, tacky
22:02.56Funkeh`yeah, but forums should be up
22:02.59*** join/#wowace JoshBorke (n=Josh@WoWUIDev/WoWInterface/LegoBlock/joshborke)
22:03.19Yssarilyea forums work fine
22:03.20chiperI'm not a fan of the large diamonds.
22:03.36noctsIs it bad that I'm listening to Europe's The Final Countdown, and really digging it?
22:03.51Funkeh`chiper, me neither
22:03.53sylvanaarKolie [14 17:56] <Shefki> sylvanaar: It's not just !BugGrabber, doesn't want to install !BaudErrorFrame for me either.
22:04.11Kolietrying to install it via find an addon im assuming?
22:04.20*** join/#wowace alcaras (
22:04.20sylvanaarmy guess
22:04.22NeoTronYssaril: seems like you can sum it up with "curse is (mostly) down"
22:04.25chiperI got a 3/4c for my fiance.  we were surprised how large it is.
22:04.35KolieI can test it now on windows
22:04.50YssarilNeoTron: sigh and its not even peak yet
22:04.51grennonim actually surprised maintenance didnt finish early
22:05.06grennonptr was pretty solid
22:05.15stew_ajust give it 15 hours then EU will join in the fray :-)
22:05.17chiperhmm, kaldorei hasnt updated for northrend yet
22:05.33AeyanToo much crap to parse for achievements, heh
22:05.40sylvanaarworks on pc
22:06.03Funkeh`holy shit
22:06.08kagaroKolie: you got a version for the mac, ill give it a whirl right now ( that is)
22:06.08Funkeh`they fixed the background downloader at last
22:06.12Funkeh`it went to 100%
22:06.23*** join/#wowace Curses (
22:06.27Kolieyes go to, there is on the front page a link to the CC OS X page
22:06.34AeyanHate the Blizzard downloader so much
22:06.40KolieIts an early beta, but it should function for the most part.
22:06.54sztanpetdont use it then
22:07.05Knaledgethe MAc curse client?
22:07.07chipernever had an issue with the blizzard downloader, always worked perfectly for me
22:07.07KnaledgeI'm using it atm
22:07.08sztanpetuse wowtorrentextractor and your favourite torrent client
22:07.08Knaledgeseems fine
22:07.21NeoTronKolie: see that'd work if actually worked ;-)
22:07.34Koliewhats wrong with Cf
22:07.37NeoTronit doesn't load
22:07.46Aiianeif you don't want to use wowtorrentextractor, generally has the torrents listed
22:07.52Repo10shamanwarning: 03Silmano 07master * 37422a6 / (2 files in 1 directory): [new]
22:07.57sylvanaarthe network is pegged
22:07.58AiianeKolie: I think ckk was bringing CF back up
22:08.04NeoTronKolie: "spinning wheel syndrome" if you wish
22:08.06Aiianeapparently apache decided it didn't want to talk to the DB server
22:08.17Aiianeor some such
22:08.17AeyanMy problem with the Blizzard downloader is it likes to use the absolute max for upload and that sends my downstream into the gutter
22:08.18nevcairieli wouldnt want to either
22:08.22Repo10shamanwarning: 03Silmano 04v1.1 * a3c6e0a /: [new tag] v1.1
22:08.24AeyanGood luck even opening Google, heh
22:08.34AiianeAeyan: hence, just use the torrent in another torrent client
22:08.39AeyanI do
22:08.52AeyanI was just referring to what my problem with the official client was
22:08.55KnaledgeAeyan: it takes 2 hours if you shut off the peer-to-peer
22:08.57sylvanaari use uTorrent
22:09.08Knaledgeit's how I JUST NOW finished up getting two more computers with WoW 3.0
22:09.13AeyanMeh, utorrent + wowwiki mirrors = 30-45 minute download
22:09.15CheadsBetterBlizzOptions still useful?
22:09.20Repo10yss-dark-pact: 03yssaril 04v2.1 * f6a5fdf /: [new tag] initial commit using the new repo
22:09.28Knaledgeotherwise, with p2p on in blizz DL I was getting like 30kbps from the HTTP if at all
22:09.28AeyanI'm happy with that, hehe
22:09.35NeoTronCheads: if you liek to move and resize the blizzopt window
22:09.49Cheadsneo I do, =)
22:10.07Cheadswas just hoping blizz had integrated that themselves
22:10.22AiianeCF seems to be coming back, maybe
22:10.53ulicNeoTron: was it you that had a nice looking guild raid progression web page?  I saw someones in here that looks really slick, pics of the instance with the boss names underneath.
22:11.27NeoTron that?
22:11.41ElgrenHey guys I need help!
22:11.49noctsStill waiting for Ravenholdt or Emerald Dream -.-
22:12.05*** join/#wowace fewyn (
22:12.17ulicNeoTron: yep, that's the one, you make that yourself, or is it really a plugin for something?
22:12.29NeoTronready for the followup question!
22:12.29AeyanElgren: Just ask.
22:12.42ElgrenIm moving the AlwaysUpFrame1 with "Move Anything". (Its the frame that shows flags and score in battlegrounds. and Guards remaining in nagrand etc.). Problem I have is every time the UI reload. The frame possition reset
22:12.46Elgrenany way to save it?
22:12.52Knaledgethere you go
22:12.53ElgrenOr any other way to move and save the possition?
22:12.55Knaledgethats where I got the Mac client
22:13.15Knaledge2.0.0.15 up there, for those asking
22:13.20Knaledgedirect link, should work
22:13.26*** join/#wowace erica647 (
22:13.46ElgrenAny ideas? ANyone?
22:13.54ulicNeoTron: thanks
22:14.33Fisker-what about windoze
22:15.27AeyanElgren: Dunno.
22:15.57Elgren[SW]Dodge ur my hero over there.
22:16.01Elgrenyou have any clue about this?
22:17.06Kolie for CC.
22:17.24*** join/#wowace earthmeLon (
22:17.28ElgrenDodge, im trying to move a frame
22:17.38Elgrenbut the frame will reset its possition when UI reloads
22:17.50Aiianefor those not reading #curseforge
22:17.56Aiiane(15:12:42) netcurse: NEW FIBER IS LIVE (15:12:48) netcurse: site should be fast again
22:18.02ElgrenIm moving "AlwaysUpFrame1" the one that display flags in BGs, or Guards remaining in Nagrand.
22:18.05chipersigh, I have no idea what pet I want to use on my hunter.  there's so many choices
22:18.27ElgrenYou know how I could move this frame and save its possition dodge?
22:19.12KriLL3Fiber is good for digestion
22:19.33kd3tries to log in so he can download onebag3
22:19.55KriLL3all the addon sites are down it seems
22:20.23KriLL3hope they're back up prior to EU going live, though I think I've updated all my addons in time, tried em on the beta client
22:20.54*** join/#wowace Soulsbane (
22:21.07chiperElgren: I use fluidframes to do that
22:21.13chiperbut I dunno if it's updated for 3.0
22:21.42[SW]DodgeElgren: no idea ;)
22:21.42AeyanI believe it is
22:22.01AiianeKriLL3: should be up and running
22:22.22Aiiane loads fine for me
22:22.34chiperare there any new talent guides available?
22:22.48p4avedcookie cutters?
22:22.55p4avedtake a few days for those to shake out
22:23.04EvilJohnwowace and curse going fullspeed again
22:23.04Repo10all-played-laotseu: 03LaoTseu 04v30000-1-Release * r137 :  (Message trimmed by 4 lines)
22:23.05Repov30000-1 :
22:23.07Repo- Support for v3.0.2 and WotLK Beta
22:23.11Repo- Added support for PvP honour kills, honour points, arena points, badges of justices and the BG marks.
22:23.12purl (US), (EU)
22:23.16Repo10stat-block_time-in-fight: 03funkydude * r28 StatBlock_TimeInFight.toc: StatBlock_TimeInFight: toc update > v2.0.1
22:23.21chiperI have no idea how to spec my mage now
22:23.30Shadoweric"We are currently investigating an issue that is affecting the retrieval of character lists.  We will provide an update on this by 4:30PM PDT."
22:23.35chipermy old arcane/frost build is bound to be out of date
22:23.41Arrowmasteryeah i know
22:23.46Arrowmasterand my server isnt even up yet!
22:23.55RaydenUit may take me a day or two to come up with a new feral build down?
22:24.11RaydenUthis bodes poorly for the servers
22:24.15chiperactually I had no problem figuring out my feral build
22:24.19SpennigMine's been up and down, and never logged in. I did get in on an old server i still have lowbies on though.
22:24.26chiperthere's only a few things I didn't have enough points to get
22:25.08AeyanI'm gonna have to give up my 30% mana regen while casting to get what I need and that makes me a sad panda
22:25.18chiperalso had no sweat with my resto shamen
22:25.18AeyanOh well
22:25.26icanhaswauglad our servers are going down in 1 and a half hours
22:25.30EvilJohnweird: shows updated 10/14/2008 , but the addon poage shows no update
22:25.38purl (US), (EU)
22:26.11AeyanEvilJohn: There was an alpha update
22:26.17RaydenUchiper> there's only a few things I didn't have enough points to get <-- yeah, but that's a huge change from before, where you didn't have to make any sacrifices
22:26.18AeyanIt's a bug they haven't ironed out yet
22:26.20RaydenUlink to your build?
22:26.27*** join/#wowace copystring (
22:26.37EvilJohnAeyan: Roger that
22:26.37AeyanOnly betas are pushed to Curse but it updates the date if there's a new alpha on the svn/etc
22:26.48EvilJohnI see the alpha update on wowace
22:26.52AeyanAh, cool
22:26.53ckknightactually that's fixed, Aeyan
22:26.56ckknightbut only for new syncs
22:27.41EvilJohnwell the project updated stamp was probably already made
22:27.48EvilJohntoo late to do anything about tha tnow
22:28.29EvilJohnckknight: thank you for updating all your stuff so promptly
22:28.38mjcsylvanaar: ok, I checked out r298 (couldn't see a download link to it on the link you gave me except the svn addresses) and it's the only thing loaded, but it doesn't skin the talent frame
22:28.39ckknightshould've done it sooner, tbh
22:28.52Repo10stat-block-core: 03funkydude * r5 / (3 files in 1 directory): StatBlockCore: Fixing externals
22:29.32EvilJohnlooks like closetgnome has the same date bug
22:29.52*** join/#wowace Corgan (
22:29.56thulportrait of the day:
22:30.02mjcsylvanaar: ah one sec, no embeds this way.
22:30.13*** join/#wowace ribbert (
22:30.18mjcmy bad :P
22:30.33ribbert"We are currently investigating an issue that is affecting the retrieval of character lists.  We will provide an update on this by 4:30PM PDT."
22:30.54KriLL3QQ MOAR
22:31.03AeyanYeah, they del0rted all the characters.
22:31.08Koliethats an hour from now.
22:31.21KriLL3especially yours ribbert, they found them again and deleted em a second time, for good mesure
22:31.24ribbertbrilliant deduction
22:31.28p4avedwish blizz woult learn GMT
22:31.33AeyanOverwrote it with 0's
22:31.34*** join/#wowace Derimon (
22:32.01chiperp4aved: they're based in irvine, why shouldn't they have all their times based on where they are?
22:32.27p4avedchiper: i'm not in GMT i'm aussie
22:32.27Arrowmastermy server still isnt up yet
22:32.41Arrowmasterp4aved: i think you mean UTC not GMT
22:32.41chiperp4aved: the point still stands
22:32.44p4avedhowever i have no idea what PDT is in relation to me, i do however no what GMT is
22:32.58p4avedarrow: GMT is UTC or we can call it zulu
22:33.03p4avedwhatever u like
22:33.09PneumatusPDT is UTC-7 (ish)
22:33.09chiperhas anyone been able to get the blizzcon mount yet?
22:33.11Arrowmasterthey arent the same
22:33.12KriLL3well GMT is less of a hassle since you don't need to know what time of year it is
22:33.24KriLL3Pneumatus: -9
22:33.30Pneumatus9 then :)
22:33.59p4avedarrow i think u'll find GMT is UTC
22:34.02KriLL3wait, -8
22:34.03Elgrenchiper thanks ill try out fluidframes
22:34.05alcaras:-( looks like chatter isn't working
22:34.12AeyanThat should just stop BS'ing
22:34.16AntiarcI haven't merged the 3.0 branch yet
22:34.18AntiarcI'm going to
22:34.21KriLL3alcaras: did for me on beta
22:34.21Aeyan"We will provide an update on this by Soon BMT."
22:34.23AntiarcAs soon as I can log in and test that it works
22:34.27KriLL3though it blocks rightclicks on tabs...
22:34.36KriLL3had to disable it to move the window
22:34.37alcarasKriLL3: that's what i mean by not working
22:34.44chipermm, GF reports that mounts finally work correctly in bootybay
22:34.49mjcsylvanaar: got it. my bad :P thanks
22:34.50alcarasErrorMonster is also giving errors, ironicly
22:34.56chiperthat always bugged me
22:34.57Cheadsnice chiper =)
22:35.03vhaarralcaras: give it to me?
22:35.11StanzillaAntiarc: want me to send the bug list I have to you via email?
22:35.22Antiarccheald at gmail
22:35.31alcarasvhaar: ErrorMonster.lua:165: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)
22:35.40KriLL3my email bettar
22:35.44vhaarralcaras: latest alpha?
22:35.48*** join/#wowace NivFreak (
22:35.53alcarasvhaarr: whatever curse client gave me
22:36.05*** join/#wowace duaiwe (
22:36.09KriLL3curse doesn't deal in alphas
22:36.09NivFreakgod damn screen/irssi lockup
22:36.20alcarasvhaarr: r77?
22:36.40vhaarralcaras: yes
22:36.40ribbertin curse client you can right click an addon and select Release, Beta, or Alpha.
22:37.13chexsumthe fizzle sound is back btw :(((((
22:37.34Elgrenwas a stupid thing to start curse client
22:37.37NeoTron;topicseen#new this is a good one
22:37.38chexsumhope it can be removed again
22:37.40Elgrenit updated all my adons
22:37.47EvilJohnvhaarr: You can ONLY do that after the mod is installed
22:37.50Elgrenand now its all screwed since im not on 3.0 yet
22:37.50NeoTronif that is infact an actual issue I forsee lots of recovery work
22:37.55chexsumfizzle = failed cast sound
22:37.55Elgrenbartender4 is totally fucked up
22:37.56vhaarrEvilJohn: ehm, do what?
22:37.56EvilJohnyou cannot do that from the find mod pane
22:38.01EvilJohnvhaarr: Install Type
22:38.05ArrowmasterElgren: update?
22:38.07EvilJohnit's kinda weird
22:38.11Elgrenye I did
22:38.13Elgrenthats the problem
22:38.13vhaarrEvilJohn: I've no idea what you're talking about
22:38.20ArrowmasterElgren: it should work fine
22:38.20KriLL3BT4 works just fine
22:38.21EvilJohnoh, sorry
22:38.22alcarasvhaarr: updated to that, let's see if it worked
22:38.23Elgrenworked perfect until I updated
22:38.24EvilJohnribbert: not vhaarr
22:38.30alcarasvhaarr: yep!
22:38.34vhaarralcaras: goodie
22:38.42ElgrenArrowmaster yea? Im not patched yet. Im a euro
22:38.42EvilJohn<ribbert> in curse client you can right click an addon and select Release, Beta, or Alpha. <--- Install older Mod first!
22:38.42ArrowmasterElgren: are you on EU?
22:38.51mjcsylvanaar: apparently talented needs libgratuity
22:38.52ArrowmasterElgren: you shouldnt be updating
22:38.57ElgrenI know
22:39.02ElgrenIt updated all adons
22:39.05Elgrencouldnt stop the damn client
22:39.16Arrowmasterthis is why autoupdating is evil
22:39.17ElgrenI went in to grab fluidframes
22:39.24EvilJohnyeah, ther'es a defect in the hopper about that problem Elgren
22:39.24Elgrenand it ruined every other adon by auto updating
22:39.37KriLL3This is why I don't have CC on auto open, and turned off auto updating
22:39.53chiperI think I'll be turning off autoupdate myself
22:40.08Elgrennow I cant play tonight
22:40.10*** join/#wowace nymbia (
22:40.10*** mode/#wowace [+o nymbia] by ChanServ
22:40.15mjcI love how mac users just end up getting screwed and having to do all this shit by hand now
22:40.27nymbiahow goes the madness
22:40.31KriLL3mjc: isn't that how it usually works?
22:40.34AeyanEllo nymbie
22:40.37Feist_Been using wowmatrix out of spite because of that mjc
22:40.52HjalteElgren: You only have 1 hour and 20 minutes left, I am sure you can still check the AH or whatever you plan to do :)
22:41.03KriLL3nymbia: category 4, aka the scat is in the vicinity of some ventilation equipment
22:41.04Arrowmastermjc: ?
22:41.04Daemona~seen mrdrycode
22:41.09purlDaemona: i haven't seen 'mrdrycode'
22:41.10Koliemjc, you COULD download the mac client.
22:41.12*** join/#wowace MoonWitch (n=Kay@
22:41.14mjcArrowmaster: doesn't see my addons
22:41.17Daemona~seen ackis
22:41.17purlackis <n=asdf@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/ARL/Troll/Ackis> was last seen on IRC in channel #wowuidev, 5d 21h 49m 54s ago, saying: 'leaving for the airport in about 30 mins, gotta finish packing, remember to look for the fat guy in a Canada hat at Blizzcon'.
22:41.24ShefkiKolie: As far as I can tell the current build of the Mac client is hosed.
22:41.27KolieSo tell it where wow is, then tell it to scan addons and restart.
22:41.30Arrowmastermjc: so help Kolie fix it?
22:41.30Elgrenservers go down at 05
22:41.32KolieDefine, hosed.
22:41.37ShefkiDoesn't find anything new.
22:41.40Elgrenin 4hours 20min
22:41.41KolieAnything new?
22:41.50KriLL3Kolie: he's a mac user, everything is plug and play in their world
22:41.53ShefkiDoesn't find anything to update on a machine it hasn't been run on in a week.
22:41.57chiperkolie: that reminds me.  how do you tell curse client to dump it's cache and rescan everything?
22:42.07alcarasmjc: you have to install each addon manually with curse client, otherwise curse client won't detect anything
22:42.09KolieCache of what.
22:42.10mjcI did tell it where wow is, but it doesn't list any of them.
22:42.12KolieLots of questions :)
22:42.15chiperof my addons
22:42.23Koliechiper, did you tell it to scan them?
22:42.32chiperI'll go in and delete something manually, and curse doesn't see the change
22:42.40KolieThats how it works.
22:42.43HjalteElgren: No, they go down at 02:00.
22:42.51KolieWe dont monitor the file system.
22:43.00fewynany ldb style plugins that monitor how much gold i spend and such?
22:43.09KolieThe scan addons feature ORIGINALLY was supposed to be just for a one time import.
22:43.10fewynand display how much gold i have?
22:43.14Shefkinm it seems to be seeing new stuff now.  Maybe it was just curse being slow.
22:43.16KolieIf you want it out of the client, right click uninstall.
22:43.24ribbertyou can't just migrate your old WAU addons folder to CC correct?  the way I understood it you need to reinstall manually to get it to list them
22:43.31Repo10hotcandy: 03Nevcairiel 07master * 1.3.0-3-g0879bf2 / (2 files in 1 directory): [+1 commit] First set of fixes for 3.0, still missing support for new Druid talents that give your longer hots
22:43.33nymbiaany of my crap horribly broken?
22:43.35NeoTronfewyn: I've just used the fubar oen with fubar2broker... but perhaps that's an addon I should make if it doesn't exist
22:43.39Kolieribbert, you can, but its not perfect, and I don't recommend it.
22:43.42Arrowmasterribbert: its better to start fresh
22:43.43Aeyannymbia: Can't get in yet.
22:43.47Arrowmasternymbia: quartz?
22:43.55fewynthe menu doesn't work with auditor NeoTron
22:43.56*** join/#wowace DarkAudit (
22:43.57chiperyou know, the more I use CC, the less I'm liking it
22:43.57KolieThere is nothing wrong with telling the client, install this addon, install this one as well etc.
22:43.58fewynwhich is why i ask
22:44.01nymbiaArrowmaster: is it?
22:44.05Arrowmasteri dont know
22:44.17Arrowmasterdid you upload a 3.0 fix?
22:44.19nymbiaArrowmaster: had it working on beta, but that was several builds ago
22:44.29Arrowmasternymbia: is the beta build in trunk now?
22:44.32mjcKolie: also, searching the 'find an addon' thingy with the search box results in an error
22:44.33nymbiaArrowmaster: nah
22:44.36KolieChiper, it works fine, you need to tell it what addons you want once, and then it does what its supposed to, update them.
22:44.39Arrowmasternymbia: then yes its broken
22:44.40nevcairieli fixed the buff module in quartz
22:44.42nevcairielin trunk
22:44.46nevcairieland it worked fine afterwards
22:44.47Koliemjc, can you repro it?
22:44.54nymbianevcairiel: nice, ty
22:45.05KriLL3nevcairiel: it throws an error and stops if you set focus
22:45.12KriLL3did yesterday anyway
22:45.13KolieOk, whats the exact steps, ill start up mine now.
22:45.15nevcairieli have all focus castbar crap disabled
22:45.18nevcairielso shrug
22:45.19nymbiai'm assuming ace2 got duct-taped into working in 3.0?
22:45.24EvilJohnis anyone seeing bigwigs hang on a DL?
22:45.30KriLL3nevcairiel: I do now also since it breaks it... =P
22:45.40KriLL3it's the focus buffs part that doesn't work
22:45.43Funkeh`EvilJohn, blame curse
22:45.49liquidzooSince I haven't been here all day, and haven't really been paying attention, can we still get manual download updates from files.wowace? Or is it curse or curseforge now?
22:45.50Cheadsnig downloads suffer
22:46.01Funkeh`bad typo
22:46.05Koliemjc: Im in find an addon, what do I do?
22:46.09kagaroX-Pearl focus frame causes taint if you enable it and set a focus
22:46.11AeyanI don't think anyone touched Ace2, hehe
22:46.17mjcKolie: I typed stub in search
22:46.18KriLL3someone should have put out like a master .zip of 3.0.2 compad addons on a torrent site =P
22:46.18Shefki~patchday liquidzoo
22:46.19ArrowmasterAeyan: i did
22:46.24KolieI found libstub?
22:46.26purlsomebody said patchday was TODAY IS WOW PATCH 3.0 - WAU has been disabled. You can no longer use it to update your addons. It has been removed and replaced with the Curse Client which you can find at ... or doom and gloom terror and trouble, zomgeverythingisbroke! Pro tip: When using the curse client, start with an empty addon folder.
22:46.27ArrowmasterAce2 works fine
22:46.29nymbialiquidzoo: wowace is running the curseforge software now, they're interchangeable
22:46.32KriLL3download it all, delete what you don't want
22:46.33mjcnow that I restarted it I can't get it to do it, but it was in string.cpp
22:46.53Koliemjc: I might remind you, this is a very early beta, so these problems are expected.
22:47.03liquidzoonymbia:  thanks.  I've always done manual downloads from, just wanted to make sure I could still do so.
22:47.03KriLL3empty addons folder? what about the blizz addons? :(
22:47.08mjcKolie: I'm just trying to help :)
22:47.11KolieI can't repeat it however, if you can let me know.
22:47.14EvilJohnKriLL3: those get recreated
22:47.17KriLL3liquidzoo: if you get the pages to load... sure...
22:47.19Arrowmaster[Ammo]: oRA3 was only available in the old svn branches right? theres no project on wowace for it now correct?
22:47.22AeyanBlizzard always recreates those on login
22:47.25mjcKolie: try typing asf
22:47.25KriLL3EvilJohn: oh, didn't know that
22:47.27nymbialiquidzoo: not sure if files is still up, but it won't be for long if it is
22:47.34Kolieatlasfu :)
22:47.37EvilJohnbest to clear it out
22:48.03liquidzoonymbia:  and then curse or curseforge (or both?) after that?
22:48.11mjcKolie: I got ./src/common/string.cpp(755): assert "stringSrc.GetStringData)->IsValid()" failed in operator=()
22:48.20Repo10stat-block_ranged-stats: 03funkydude * r27 StatBlock_RangedStats.toc: StatBlock_RangedStats: toc update > v2.1.1
22:48.25*** join/#wowace gJon (
22:48.28Kolieall you did was type "asf" ?
22:48.30liquidzooKriLL3:  Yeah, I wasn't going to do anything but patch today.  I probably won't even get to log in and do my dailies.
22:48.31fewyndid grid get updated to 3.0?
22:48.34Kolieno enter?
22:48.36Koliefor warcraft?
22:48.37mjcKolie: yep
22:48.40nymbialiquidzoo: yeah.  i think the official answer is curse client, but that's your call ;)
22:48.48KriLL3liquidzoo: I did all that yesterday testing it on the beta client =P
22:48.50KolieCan't get it to happen :(
22:48.51*** join/#wowace Lopen (
22:49.01KriLL3I'll just ctrl+c & ctrl+v after the patch
22:49.07chexsumlove how they rebroke prayer of mending - you cant refresh it
22:49.20KriLL3chexsum: it's a feature
22:49.24EvilJohnfewyn: not that I can see
22:49.34liquidzooNot sure if I can run curse client on linux, so I'll go the manual download route.
22:49.42chexsumnot when a rogues restealthed and its got 5s left
22:49.46KolieIt works on wine, unofficially.
22:49.48KriLL3liquidzoo: the sites are getting hammered
22:50.09liquidzooKriLL3:  I can imagine they are, which is why I'm perfectly fine with waiting.
22:50.21Cheadswowui works surprisingly well
22:50.35KriLL3they have mob connections, that's how
22:50.35mykx^load of shit 2 hour late and server not up, fuck it should have stayed at the pub longer
22:50.50chiperKolie: I got a little jilted by it last night when it started giving me addons for 3.0 before 3.0 had actually patched.  I spent half an hour trying to undo it's mayhem, since there's no way to tell what addons it updated
22:50.51KriLL3if things aren't smooth, heads roll.
22:51.17KolieThere is, hit activity.
22:51.21KriLL3kinda stupid to open an updater just prior to a patch...
22:51.46mykx^krilley you are jealous mate
22:51.47KriLL3though ideally CC should check your version and not install addons with an higher TOC
22:52.21chiperlol, I'm hearing from my fiance that the IF portal in shatt is broken
22:52.24mykx^the patch is here and you see 30 updates
22:52.25KolieKrill3, sure. Authors could also not set it to release.
22:52.30chiper"Aborted: Instance not found"
22:52.31KriLL3chiper: we're doomed!
22:52.36KriLL3Kolie: also true
22:52.44KriLL3chiper: that's world server down
22:52.45Koliechiper: IT said that?
22:52.48NeoTronchiper: omg you logged out in naxxramas!!!
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22:53.05Repo10test-alpha: 03ckknight * r28 TestAlpha.lua: zomg
22:53.19KriLL3NeoTron: I wounder what would happen if you did...
22:53.28Lukianchiper, that just means eastern kingdoms continent is down
22:53.29NeoTronyou get moved to your hearth point
22:53.31ShefkiKriLL3: Ports ou to your heartpoint.
22:53.33NeoTronno fun :(
22:53.48*** join/#wowace Nechckn_V2 (
22:53.49KriLL3would have been more fun if you moved along with it to northrend and was stuck there until release
22:54.09ShefkiSomeone actually asked about that on the forums.
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22:54.33KolieSo u can wow right now?
22:54.58KriLL3Shefki: they could be used as slave labor to build the alliance/horde towns
22:55.07KriLL3I can wow, right now!
22:55.21chiperbah, fuck this, I'm not gonna get any work done in the next half hour
22:55.28chipererm, hour
22:55.31stew_aKrill3: moving with naxx to northrend would be absolutely no use since it doesnt have an exit does it?
22:55.36chiperpacks up
22:55.42KriLL3stew_a: it does
22:55.50eliteevilIt does?
22:55.56KriLL3you can't fly at 70 in northrend though, so you'd be pancake
22:56.02KriLL3you enter it from bellow
22:56.04*** join/#wowace JerleMinara (
22:56.12stew_aah no more teleport then?
22:56.15KriLL3got a lower portion with holes on the sides
22:56.15Hjaltechiper: afaik the activity log tells me what addons are being updated.
22:56.52KriLL3a fling fortress needs an opening to launch aerial strikes, duh.
22:57.09Odlawwhat's the command for macro mounting?
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22:57.25KriLL3no reins etc
22:57.28KriLL3just the name
22:57.39mjcsylvanaar: I tracked down the issue with Talented.  it needs LibGratuity-3.0
22:57.47mjcdoesn't come with it
22:57.47KriLL3or /use...
22:58.16KriLL3mjc: download and add?
22:58.32mjcI did.  it needs to be in the embeds.xml though
22:58.36Repo10stat-block_coords: 03funkydude 04v2.0.1 * r30 : Tag v2.0.1
22:58.37Repo10quiet-cast: 03Adirelle 04v1.1 * r38 : Tagging as v1.1.
22:58.38Repo10feed-it: 03Adirelle 04v1.1 * r19 : Tagging as v1.1.
22:58.39Repo10cast-yeller: 03Adirelle 04v1.1 * r172 : Tagging as v1.1.
22:58.43Repo10debug-log-backend: 03Adirelle 04v1.1 * r15 : Tagging as v1.1.
22:58.45KriLL3mjc: edit the embeds.xml?
22:58.53Repo10stat-block_time-in-fight: 03funkydude 04v2.0.1 * r29 : Tag as v2.0.1
22:58.54mjcKriLL3: I don't have commit access to it.
22:58.57Repo10stat-block-core: 03funkydude 04v2.4.4 * r6 : Tag as v2.4.4
22:59.01Repo10stat-block_ranged-stats: 03funkydude 04v2.1.1 * r28 : Tag as v2.1.1
22:59.02KriLL3mjc: I meant locally
22:59.05mjcsylvanaar: also, it bombs when you go to open the options panel
22:59.05Repo10stat-block_ranged-stats: 03funkydude 04v2.1.1 * r29 trunk/: Tag as v2.1.1
22:59.05NivFreakoh crap
22:59.08mjcKriLL3: I don't need to.
22:59.17NivFreakGridStatusRaidDebuff has no maintainer?
22:59.30ckknightspam is tasty.
22:59.34ckknightwait, no it isn't
22:59.39ckknightit's too high in sodium
22:59.49Funkeh`fuck sodium, it tastes good.
22:59.51mjcckknight: maybe you could fix talented real quick if you're bored :P
22:59.57Repo10pitbull_profile-switcher: 03Barfolomeu 04v0.0.1 * r6 : Tagging as v0.0.1
23:00.01ckknightmjc: fix?
23:00.06KriLL3ckknight: sodium pigassioum?
23:00.07JerleMinaratalented seems fine?
23:00.22mjcckknight: dpeends on LibGratuity but it is not in the embeds.xml
23:00.23KriLL3JerleMinara: well if you got the lib somewhere else it would be
23:00.25JerleMinarait's just the latest talented_data is tagged alpha so you can't pull the zip
23:00.31ckknightmjc: why can't you fix it?
23:00.35nevcairielWhat even fires if you change your talents?
23:00.36mjcno commit access
23:01.07Arrowmasterseriously wtf
23:01.11Arrowmastermy realm isnt even up yet
23:01.12ckknightmjc: false
23:01.20mjcsince when? lol
23:01.22KriLL3Arrowmaster: stroke it some
23:01.29Arrowmasterim gona be so pissed if i cant drink my binary brew before it despawns
23:01.30Pneumatusif the repo is marked public, anyone can commit
23:02.02KriLL3Arrowmaster: know the sad part? I can speak binary IRL
23:02.12JerleMinarackknight: any plans to update carto2 so it's workable again?
23:02.23ArrowmasterKriLL3: is that suppost to impress me?
23:02.35Repo10sbars: 03Slizen * r2 / (20 files in 4 directories): First revision
23:02.36KriLL3Arrowmaster: no, it's supposed to make you pity me
23:02.41mjcI don't understand why people think you can 'speak' or 'write' binary at all
23:02.46KriLL3JerleMinara: "Mapster + HandyNotes + TomTom + GatherMate + InstanceMaps + Cromulent = Cartographer 2.0 (well, almost)"
23:02.50mjcit depends on the frigging encoding
23:02.53ckknightJerleMinara: yes
23:03.09JerleMinaraah lovely. was wondering if it was going to end up deprecated for carto3
23:03.11mjcyou can't speak binary, maybe ASCII is what you meant
23:03.15KriLL3mjc: well if the recipient also know the encoding (standard ASCII) they'd understand
23:03.15Repo10sell-o-matic: 03Silmano 07master * v0.95-6-g2af8d97 / (2 files in 1 directory): [+6 commits] (2 truncated)
23:03.16Repo2af8d97: ...
23:03.17Repodec6d48: ...
23:03.20Repo1e2fb33: ...
23:03.24Repoa350235: ...
23:03.31Arrowmastergreat commit messages!
23:03.33Megalonmhm, nice commit messages there
23:03.35nymbiai thought so
23:03.38sylvanaarmjc i just rant it
23:03.41sylvanaarran it
23:03.42KriLL3md5 hashes?
23:03.58mjclooks like a local git repo and he didn't put anything in the commit message
23:04.09ArrowmasterKriLL3: those are SHA-1, but the actual commit messages were just "..."
23:04.27nymbiawell yeah every git repo is local
23:04.34KriLL3fact: 83% of all JRPG lines are "..."
23:04.40sylvanaarlib gratuity eh?
23:04.44nymbiahe did 6 commits before pushing, which is just fine
23:04.53Repo10stat-block_raid-dps: 03funkydude 04v2.1.1 * r28 : Tag as v2.1.1
23:05.05nymbiabut to make them ... ought to get shot down by a hook
23:05.15KriLL3seems a great deal of people on my serv are gonna log out inside naxx =P
23:05.29Repo10error-monster: 03Rabbit 043.0-beta * r78 : 3.0 beta release
23:05.29JerleMinaraKriLL3 hope they enjoy petitioning from an alt
23:05.30Arrowmastermaking them "" does get shot down by a hook
23:05.37iphigeniaits better than the asdasdasd that ppl mostly start using after a year
23:05.43Funkeh`FUCKS SAKE
23:05.44nymbiaKriLL3: lol nice
23:05.46Funkeh`i hate versioning
23:05.47nymbiaFunkeh`: no u
23:05.52nymbiaFunkeh`: <3
23:05.55Fisker-slaps nymbia around a bit with a large trout
23:05.57Fisker-slaps Funkeh` around a bit with a large trout
23:05.58Fisker-NO ME
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23:06.07sylvanaarmjc do you have talented data installed
23:06.07NivFreaknevcairiel: wtb vertical micromenu for bt4
23:06.12KriLL3I'll log out next to the dalaran bubble
23:06.19nevcairielNivFreak. already possible =P
23:06.22ArrowmasterKriLL3: lol
23:06.26mjcsylvanaar: no
23:06.31JerleMinarasylvanaar: is there any way to pull the 3.0 talented_data?
23:06.37Repo10stat-block_raid-dps: 03funkydude * r29 StatBlock_RaidDPS.toc: StatBlock_RaidDPS: 2.1.1 now
23:06.38JerleMinarasince it's flagged alpha it doesn't show on the project page
23:06.39NivFreaknevcairiel: how? I have no rows option for it
23:06.42NivFreakI did in bt3
23:06.52sylvanaaroff the project page
23:06.55mjcsylvanaar: I shouldn't need it if I'm not editing anything other than my own class's talents though, right?
23:07.07nevcairielNivFreak: there is a "vertical" checkbox
23:07.09sylvanaaryou always need it i thought
23:07.14NivFreakI fail
23:07.17nevcairielif you dont have that, you are weeks behind in versions implodes is fine
23:07.47KriLL3nevcairiel: bt4 is a big odd for me, unlock the bars and all fadeout/show/hide stuff is reset until I re-apply or reloadui
23:08.03KriLL3Arrowmaster: yes, indeed, "Internal Server Error"
23:08.03JerleMinarai'm getting error 500s Arrow
23:08.13JerleMinaramingled with "cannot connect to server"
23:08.14mjcsylvanaar: _data is supposed to be for the other classes, according to the details on curse: "In order to get access to talent trees for all classes, as well as tooltip description for all ranks of talents, you must also install Talented_Data, here:"
23:08.16KriLL3"Firefox can't establish a connection to the server at"
23:08.29sylvanaarall ranks
23:08.33sylvanaarthats key
23:08.34Repo10bug-grabber: 03Rabbit 043.0-beta * r130 : 3.0 beta
23:08.37mjcbut I don't need all ranks either is working fine for me right now
23:08.47KriLL3Arrowmaster: it's a huge pile of fail here
23:08.51ulicwhat options are there for displaing LDB data?
23:08.55sylvanaaryou will
23:08.56Repo10bugsack: 03Rabbit 043.0-beta * r157 : 3.0 beta
23:09.00KriLL3mjc: that link no worky
23:09.10mjcKriLL3: I didn't expect it to
23:09.21Repo10auratochat: 03Rabbit 043.0-beta * r31 : 3.0 beta
23:10.11KriLL3anyone knows if all beta addons work on live?
23:10.21Repo10closet-gnome: 03Rabbit 043.0-beta * r569 : 3.0 beta
23:10.27Odlawhrm.. /cast /use and /summon don't work for mounts
23:10.29Odlawany other ideas?
23:10.34nymbiawe can only hope
23:10.39JoshBorkeOdlaw: wait for a patch
23:10.42KriLL3good, I set it all up yesterday on the beta, mimicking my live setup nearly perfectly :)
23:10.46Repo10closet-gnome_banker: 03Rabbit 043.0-beta * r62 : 3.0 beta
23:10.50Evilpigjust make sure you get the new name from the mount page
23:10.53Odlawcast didn't work for me :(
23:10.54KriLL3Odlaw: /use & /cast works
23:11.00KriLL3Odlaw: remove reins of etc
23:11.02KriLL3just the name
23:11.12KriLL3same as the buff name that shows
23:11.13Odlawmine is just Swift Purple Gryphon
23:11.16Odlawno reins of
23:11.17mjcsylvanaar: all I remember is it used to work without _data it just was lacking those two features
23:11.40*** join/#wowace Nechckn (
23:11.47KriLL3worked in beta
23:11.52Repo10craftygnome: 03Rabbit 043.0-release * r51 : 3.0 release
23:11.59pentium166my macros don't work with more than one mount
23:12.02Odlawya, and i even copied my macros from wotlk macros and it don't work
23:12.08Odlawi r upset
23:12.14JoshBorkehave you learned them yet?
23:12.16KriLL3tried other mounts?
23:12.17Repo10hotcandy: 03Nevcairiel 07master * 1.3.0-4-geee4254 HotCandy.lua: [+1 commit] Add support for Nature's Splendor Druid talent
23:12.21Repo10heatsink: 03durcyn * r98 Heatsink.toc: prep for 3.x tag
23:12.33KriLL3check if that helps
23:12.33Repo10just-drum: 03Rabbit 043.0-release * r10 : 3.0 release
23:12.37KriLL3also you cna't fly in towns
23:12.38Odlawserver went down again before i could check other mounts
23:12.46KriLL3remember you can't fly in towns
23:12.48Repo10heatsink: 03durcyn 043.0.2 * r99 : Tagging as 3.0.2.
23:12.54Repo10gnomish-interrupter: 03Rabbit 043.0-release * r27 : 3.0 release
23:13.00Odlawi was able to mount it manually in shat
23:13.19Repo10ora2: 03Rabbit 043.0-beta * r623 : 3.0 beta
23:13.23Odlawi'll try a few more things when server comes back up
23:13.38KriLL3bah, I want to get up onto the dome around dalaran
23:13.39JerleMinarasylvanaar: is prat 3 beta 1 stable and usable in 3.0 live?
23:13.47KriLL3I guess I'll just have to settle for standing next to it
23:14.02KriLL3... or perhaps I should back up a bit... if the hole is larger than the dome...
23:14.19ArrowmasterKriLL3: i thought that was the entire point of logging out next to it?
23:14.29KriLL3Arrowmaster: we'll see :>
23:14.43KriLL3I'm naked just in case
23:15.02pentium166you could have someone take a screenshot to compare
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23:15.28vhaarrthink I broke Repo
23:15.32KriLL3is there an addon like TipTac that's still maintained?
23:15.50icanhaswauwhat does it do?
23:15.52Daemonaelaborate on the functionality?
23:15.57KriLL3basically improves your tooltips
23:16.02KriLL3their target, buffs, etc
23:16.26*** join/#wowace Repo (n=supybot@
23:16.29Daemonaseems like ;)
23:16.55icanhaswaui don't look at those tooltips anyways
23:17.01icanhaswaui get all my info from my pitbull frame
23:17.06KriLL3was made by the guy that did Tip Buddy, long long ago
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23:17.08icanhaswauso all i need is some basic tooltip
23:17.15KriLL3icanhaswau: I don't want to target em every time
23:17.23icanhaswauwell yeah
23:17.27purl (US), (EU)
23:17.28icanhaswaugood for arenas tho
23:17.32KriLL3you might be fighting one/a mob and don't want to switch targets etc
23:17.56Fisker-why don't they just take our realms down at midnight though? >:E
23:18.04Daemonado i put my herb stack on the ah
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23:18.10KriLL3Fisker-: too Cinderella
23:18.11Daemonaor skill inscription
23:18.12icanhaswaumost of the time tooltips take too much space
23:18.16icanhaswaufor me.
23:18.20iKONnevcairiel: why arent you making fubar menus for bt4? just curious...
23:18.23LukianParnic, icehud is throwing a few errors out
23:18.25Repo10grid-status-missing-buffs: 03Azethoth * r51 / (2 files in 1 directory): GridStatusMissingBuffs:
23:18.30Repo-- toc
23:18.33ArrowmasteriKON: because fubar is oldschool
23:18.34Repo-- Remove Blessings of light & sanctuary
23:18.35KriLL3iKON: why?
23:18.44Arrowmasterand config plugins are retarded
23:18.44KriLL3Arrowmaster: what's the new hotness then?
23:18.48Knaledgeanyone want to make fun of my addons or point out my old and busted addons that there's a new hotness replacement for?
23:19.00nevcairieliKON: because they suck
23:19.01icanhaswausure Knaledge
23:19.02Repo10surface-control: 03Rabbit 043.0-beta * r50 : 3.0 beta
23:19.16nevcairieliKON: and its alot of extra work, there already is a full config GUI
23:19.27Repo10closet-gnome_tooltip: 03Rabbit 043.0-beta * r45 : 3.0 beta
23:19.47Repo10crit-spit: 03Rabbit 043.0-beta * r28 : 3.0 beta
23:19.48iphigeniaanyone know if its possible to make some castbar appear only if the spell is directed to you?
23:19.50KriLL3nevcairiel: but I want to config BT4 in endless dropdown menus!
23:19.59nevcairielKriLL3: too bad
23:20.03icanhaswauatlas = cartographer
23:20.04RaydenUwowace went belly up?
23:20.04Repo10dbmftlbbq: 03Rabbit 043.0-beta * r36 : 3.0 beta
23:20.07RaydenUthis is what my guildmate says
23:20.08KriLL3(note: sarcasm)
23:20.18icanhaswaufor loot stuff: mendeleev or whodrop
23:20.22Repo10shut-up: 03Rabbit 043.0-beta * r43 : 3.0 beta
23:20.27icanhaswauauctioneer lightweight = vendor
23:20.30ShefkiFor the love of god don't use whodrop.
23:20.34KnaledgeI use cartographer for mapnotes and gatherer
23:20.38icanhaswaubt3 = bt4
23:20.39Repo10transcriptor: 03Rabbit 043.0-beta * r92 : 3.0 beta
23:20.39iKONnevcairiel: i just liked clicking the funbar menu to open your gui... never really used the menus
23:20.39Shefkiwhodrop is an absurd pig.
23:20.48icanhaswauyeah whodrop is crap
23:20.51KriLL3Knaledge: cart isn't all that solid in LK from my experience
23:20.56Repo10conditioner: 03Rabbit 043.0-beta * r31 : 3.0 beta
23:21.03nevcairieliKON: install Broker2FuBar and you get a fubar icon back
23:21.13KriLL3Will Blizz keep the beta servers until LK release to test level 80 stuff?
23:21.16Repo10fubar_groupfu: 03Rabbit 043.0-beta * r129 : 3.0 beta
23:21.21HjalteHaha, 2500g to learn Polymorph: Black Cat. Good thing I'm not a mage.
23:21.24KriLL3Knaledge: cart2
23:21.24ShefkiWee the only error in my UI is now "Routes is missing data for Dalaran"
23:21.25icanhaswaucart3 is eyecandy only right now. IMHO
23:21.26Repo10sraidframesindicators: 03Nevcairiel * r29 / (2 files in 1 directory): Update .toc for 3.0 and prepare release
23:21.31Knaledgeoh also keep in mind all of these addons haven't been updated in like... 3 months
23:21.33Repo10gnomecharmer: 03Rabbit 043.0-beta * r34 : 3.0 beta
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23:21.53Repo10lifepercent: 03Rabbit 043.0-beta * r33 : 3.0 beta
23:21.57Knaledgeso I'm looking to see if some up and coming addon has replaced any of mine
23:22.08Repo10spygnome: 03Rabbit 043.0-beta * r57 : 3.0 beta
23:22.11Arrowmastermost of what people consider 'cartographer' isnt and is dead
23:22.29Repo10lootwhore: 03Rabbit 043.0-beta * r33 : 3.0 beta
23:22.42Repo10mobnotes: 03Rabbit 043.0-beta * r53 : 3.0 beta
23:22.47KnaledgeSo whats a cartographer replacement? I use it for mapnotes and "gatherer" functionality
23:22.57Repo10banzai-alert: 03Rabbit 043.0-beta * r107 : 3.0 beta
23:23.00Gngsktry Mapster by nevcairiel?
23:23.04Arrowmastermapster + handynotes + gathermate
23:23.18KriLL3Mapster + HandyNotes + TomTom + GatherMate + InstanceMaps + Cromulent = Cartographer 2.0
23:23.22Knaledgeis each of those kept up pretty well?
23:23.22Repo10stat-block_quests: 03funkydude * r27 / (2 files in 1 directory): StatBlock_Quests: toc update > v2.0.1
23:23.27Repo10sraidframesindicators: 03Nevcairiel * r30 sRaidFramesIndicators.toc: Update version number
23:23.40Knaledgeyeah I use TomTom and the quest one from him
23:23.45KriLL3some of em are even made by the same guy that made cart2/3
23:23.48KnaledgeInstanceMaps I don't care for
23:23.49Repo10sraidframesindicators: 03Nevcairiel 041.1 * r31 : Tag as 1.1 for 3.0 release
23:23.51KnaledgeI just use AtlasLoot
23:23.52Arrowmastervs the cartographer profession modules that have been dead forever
23:24.03KriLL3Knaledge: atlasloot doens't have maps
23:24.04ArrowmasterKriLL3: no they arent
23:24.13Knaledgeyeah I just use Atlas + AtlasLoot
23:24.15ArrowmasterKriLL3: none of them are
23:24.16KriLL3Arrowmaster: ?
23:24.24Arrowmaster(KriLL3) some of em are even made by the same guy that made cart2/3
23:24.26Repo10fu-bar_ptreagent-fu: 03Rabbit 043.0-beta * r39 : 3.0 beta
23:24.28KriLL3hmm, why did I think that?...
23:24.32ulicanyone know why I get a "Not in network site access list." when I try to login to or
23:24.46Knaledgewell so ok so... let me note all this
23:24.59Knaledgemapster, tomtom, handynotes, gathermate
23:25.03KriLL3ulic: they're hammered?
23:25.08Knaledgewhat is cromulent?
23:25.13KriLL3zone info
23:25.16Repo10banana-dkp: 03Rabbit 043.0-beta * r111 : 3.0 beta
23:25.19Knaledgeoh, don't care for that either
23:25.25Knaledgei always turn that off in cart
23:25.39ulicKriLL3: could be, but the pages load fine, and I'm logged into, just can't get on the development sites.
23:25.47ckknightKaelten: ulic: anyone know why I get a "Not in network site access list." when I try to login to or
23:26.08Knaledgeok cool so those are three new ones - can handynotes send and receive notes? And can Gathermate change the minimap icon for nodes to a hollow circle so I can see if the node is there or not?
23:26.20Repo10stat-block_money: 03funkydude * r29 StatBlock_Money.toc: StatBlock_Money: toc update > v2.0.1
23:26.24Repo10nrt: 03Rabbit 043.0-beta * r123 : 3.0 beta
23:26.25Kaeltenckknight: ya one sec
23:26.50KriLL3Knaledge: yes on both I think, second I know it does
23:26.55KriLL3routes might be something you want also
23:26.59KriLL3replaces cart_routes
23:27.02Knaledgenever used it
23:27.05Knaledgebut I know what it is yeah
23:27.10Funkeh`ckknight, did the packager die again?
23:27.20_magmaso is WUU the only updater that works at the moment on linux?
23:27.22ckknightFunkeh`: you realize you can see for yourself
23:27.31KnaledgeOk sweet... soo.... OK then how about.. hrm.. Pitbull?
23:27.34ckknightthe answer is yes, though
23:27.39Funkeh`ckknight, lemme rephrase, the packager died again
23:27.42KriLL3magma: got a web browser?
23:27.52KriLL3use it!
23:27.58magmasigh I have too many addons
23:28.06KriLL3Knaledge: kgpanels
23:28.10ckknightI'm an idiot
23:28.19Knaledgekgpanels > eePanels?
23:28.19KriLL3Knaledge: there is a new pitbull out
23:28.24Repo10handynotes_guild: 03Nevcairiel * r39 / (3 files in 1 directory): Fix toc and embeds.xml
23:28.33KnaledgeI just use eePanels for the art paneling hehe
23:28.39KnaledgeI have some custom art for eePanels
23:28.46KriLL3kg is similar but a bit more refined I'd say
23:28.49Repo10shamanwarning: 03Silmano 07master * v1.1-3-ga5d0a43 / (13 files in 2 directories): [+3 commits]
23:28.50Repoa5d0a43: ...
23:28.51Repo71a0db0: ...
23:28.53Repoc04686b: v1.1
23:28.57Repo10handynotes_guild: 03Nevcairiel 041.0 * r40 : Tagging as 1.0, first public release
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23:29.00KriLL3though I think EeP works fine
23:29.03Arrowmasterfuck that guy
23:29.10ulicKaelten: don't know what you did, but I can log in now.
23:29.15magmaI'm really just wondering what the wowace folks would prefer us to use ...
23:29.15KriLL3Repo: SILENCE, I KILL YOU!
23:29.24ArrowmasterKaelten: move shamanwarning from wowace to curseforge please
23:29.27PrimerSo many files in my
23:29.30KriLL3ulic: he plugged in the power again, he tripped on the cable
23:29.34Primerit's like, 1 for every commit;
23:29.36magmaJWU2 is unusable
23:29.48Primermagma: Works For Me™
23:30.03purlSorry, Funkeh`, you have failed. Please insert $1.00 to try again.
23:30.27KriLL3I'm now renaming my addons and wtf folders: TOMBSTONE  
23:30.32PrimerI'm deleting all these extraneous files
23:30.36*** join/#wowace RLD_osx (
23:30.36KnaledgeFunkeh`: Did you splice at the Gatherer's Garden?
23:30.45PrimerI wish there was a bulk delete
23:30.49KnaledgeIf not... then that might be the problem.
23:30.50Feist_So, I'm hearing from a number of directions that ORA2 is borked in 3.0 C/D?
23:31.01magmaPrimer: all my addons are "unhandled" by JWU2
23:31.02Knaledgedude Funkeh` tbh
23:31.06KnaledgeI have ORA2 and...
23:31.10KnaledgeI don't even know why
23:31.15Primermagma: then "handle" them
23:31.18KnaledgeWhat does it do that no other addon can?
23:31.23Knaledgehell.. even blizz own UI
23:31.29PrimerYou just need to find the curse/wowint/wowace page for the addon, and input it
23:31.33Feist_tracks DI/Soulstone/Rebirth cooldowns
23:31.34Knaledgeespecially now with focus frames and tank assist frames
23:31.36Funkeh`Knaledge, huh?
23:31.38magmaI see the unhandled tab but I can't figure out how to make JWU2 "handle" them
23:31.43CursesHas anyone used the latest curse client on OS X?
23:31.45Feist_Allows raidleader durability check/latency check/item check
23:31.47Knaledgejust to me ORA2 seems antiquated
23:31.58Knaledgecurses: Yes
23:32.03Raegxora2 does raid matenance stuff that raid leaders love
23:32.10Raegxi know because i use it every time my guild raids
23:32.10CursesIs it updating addons or no?
23:32.14EvilJohnand the bigbrother stuff the need
23:32.15NivFreakhrmm, drdamage and bt4 are throwing a couple errors when used together
23:32.24EvilJohnthey need
23:32.26ArrowmasterNivFreak: drdamage wasnt updated
23:32.27KriLL3Raegx: does it require everyone else to run it to be monitorable?
23:32.29CursesI am just getting a bunch of "Addon instal queued" stuff
23:32.34Repo10pit-bull: 03ckknight 04v3.2.3 * r1754 : Tagging as v3.2.3.
23:32.42KnaledgeKriLL3: yes
23:32.51KriLL3then it's rubbish
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23:33.05KnaledgeI mean, maybe not rubbish
23:33.15Primerugh, deleting all these obsolete files one by one is getting really tedious
23:33.21Knaledgebut I mean... I have lead raids for months and nevr used it... maybe it's just my guild
23:33.28Knaledgewe all play together pretty well  and have for years.
23:33.40*** join/#wowace kenlyric (
23:33.40KaeltenPrimer: we'll have bulk tools soon
23:33.41chipercrap, since the website is still down the launcher cant get the new patch data
23:33.42*** join/#wowace Sarajevo (i=aaaa@unaffiliated/sarajevo)
23:33.44JerleMinarais there any way to see a changelog on stuff that's just a /tag/(version)?
23:33.46PrimerKaelten: thanks :)
23:33.56SarajevoI have a question
23:34.08Sarajevohow to get from Orgimmar to Death Wind Pass ?
23:34.14Sarajevodoes anyone know ? what's the easiest way
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23:34.25NivFreakArrowmaster: that makes me a sad panda
23:34.28KriLL3through darkshire?
23:34.47SarajevoI forgot to say that I'm horde
23:34.48PrimerOrg->STV zeppelin->FP to Stonard, ride west?
23:34.51Feist_zeppelin to grom'gol, bird to swamp of sorrows sara
23:34.56Primerheh, I'm alliance, and I know that :)
23:34.58Arrowmasterzeplin to gromgol then a walk through darkshire, or ask a mage for a portal to stonard
23:35.00chiperSarajevo: take the zepp to STV, run up through darkshire
23:35.08Sarajevoomg guys
23:35.15SarajevoI also forgot to say that I'm noob
23:35.16Repo10pitbull_kalecgos: 03Shefki * r27 PitBull_Kalecgos.toc: - Bump TOC for 3.0 clients.
23:35.18Sarajevoand I'm horde
23:35.21SarajevoUndead rouge
23:35.31KriLL3It's an UD rogue!
23:35.37Primerkill it!
23:35.42chiperor, if you've got the FP in swamp of sarrows, just fly there and head west
23:35.43kenlyricyou didn't have to say noob
23:35.46ulicwait it's already dead
23:35.51kenlyricwe would get that from undead noob
23:35.58SarajevoI tried to get to Death Wind trough Badlands
23:36.01Sarajevobut I couldn't
23:36.06Sarajevoso I came back to orgimmar
23:36.15Repo10stat-block_memory: 03funkydude * r29 StatBlock_Memory.toc: StatBlock_Memory: toc update > v2.1.1
23:36.15KriLL3they don't connect
23:36.18SarajevoI donno how to get to Death wind pass
23:36.21grennonthey didnt make the riding crop change
23:36.25KriLL3swamp of sorrows on one side, darkshire on the other
23:36.25kenlyricdo you mean deadwind?
23:36.32SarajevoDead Wind
23:36.38kenlyricwhy do you need to get to deadwind passif you don't know how to get there?
23:36.41KriLL3swamp of sorrows on one side, darkshire on the other, pick one
23:36.47SarajevoI gotta do an instance there
23:37.06KriLL3Sarajevo: if you don't know how to get there you can't, there are prequests that start outside
23:37.22Repo10pitbull_kalecgos: 03Shefki 04release-27 * r28 : - Tag release-27 for 3.0 compat.
23:37.24Arrowmasterthey removed that
23:37.25grennonalright, replacing cartog with mapster
23:37.28KriLL3ah k
23:37.34grennonmy main is a lw and i have no gathering alts
23:37.36chiperKriLL3: kara hasnt had an attunement for months
23:37.38Arrowmasteralthough you still need a key to open the door
23:37.39grennonso screw profession modules
23:38.07KriLL3chiper: I did the attunement when the instance was new, how could I know? =P
23:38.07Repo10pitbull_brutallus: 03Shefki * r27 PitBull_Brutallus.toc: - Bump TOC to show 3.0 compat.
23:38.16chiperby reading patch notes?
23:38.22*** join/#wowace RLD_osx (
23:38.31KriLL3I skip to the druid part only to see feral isn't mentioned, or nerfed.
23:38.46Sarajevoguys, what when I get to DarkShore
23:38.58Repo10pitbull_brutallus: 03Shefki 04release-27 * r28 : Tag release-27 for 3.0 compat.
23:38.59KriLL3along the road
23:39.00chiperSarajevo: keep going east
23:39.03Repo10stat-block_melee-stats: 03funkydude * r27 StatBlock_MeleeStats.toc: StatBlock_MeleeStats: toc update > v2.1.1
23:39.04icanhaswaucan anybody nopast the changelog?
23:39.15wallenHas anyone tried latest Buggrabber+Bugsack? It's like if they aren't being loaded
23:39.15KriLL3icanhaswau: it's ancient
23:40.00RaydenUare there inscriptions in the game yet?
23:40.01KriLL3I use !Swatter, works.
23:40.11KriLL3RaydenU: yes, but people need to level it up
23:40.18vhaarrKriLL3: no it isn't
23:40.24KriLL3vhaarr: sure?
23:40.27vhaarrKriLL3: I updated bugsack/buggrabber not a few days ago
23:40.33vhaarryes I'm sure, it's my addons
23:40.39KriLL3vhaarr: you're not talking to the right person
23:40.42RaydenUi thought there were lvl 70 ones
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23:40.44RaydenUwhere are they?
23:40.48Repo10stat-block_latency: 03funkydude * r29 StatBlock_Latency.toc: StatBlock_Latency: toc update > v2.1.1
23:41.06Sarajevosorry guys for bothering you
23:41.11Sarajevobut I'm in orgimmar now
23:41.11KriLL3RaydenU: ?
23:41.23SarajevoI should leave for east ?
23:41.34Sarajevoand go where from orgimmar ?
23:41.45Arrowmasterebay much?
23:41.51KriLL3RaydenU: he wants printed step by step instructions for org->kara
23:42.04KriLL3google maps should add that...
23:42.05chipertake the zeppelin to stranglethorn vale
23:42.11SarajevoI just need some help, that's all guys
23:42.11Knaledgepart of the kara attune or even quest chain is to get to kara
23:42.14Kody-Sounds like a job for ckknight
23:42.19Sarajevoand where is that zeppelin ?
23:42.20RaydenUwhy are you telling me?
23:42.25KnaledgeI'm pretty sure you still need to like... do something... to get into kara.
23:42.27vhaarrFuBar_LocationFu has step-by-step directions to all locations
23:42.29Kody-Cartographer 4.0, now with Google Maps direction technology!
23:42.29Fisker-people are already losing their mounts due to server crashes
23:42.30Arrowmasteryeah i knew it
23:42.33chiperoh my god, how did you get your character to 70?
23:42.34KriLL3Knaledge: no
23:42.37wallenDoes anyone know what is up with Grid? Are they just going to put efforts on Grid2 now?
23:42.40SarajevoI used only to do quests
23:42.40KriLL3chiper: I doubt he did
23:42.42Sarajevoonly that
23:42.48chiperKriLL3: clearly
23:42.49SarajevoI didn't go around and joke
23:42.52KnaledgeI mean... I guess it is POSSIBLE someone at 70 ight now know how to get to karazhan
23:42.55SarajevoI have only 20 kills
23:43.10ArrowmasterKnaledge: but not to know where the org zep tower is?
23:43.15SarajevoI've been playing WoW for 3 weeks god damn
23:43.18Knaledgeyeah ok
23:43.26Knaledgesorry sarajevo but . you bought that horde didnt you
23:43.27chiperthe zeppelin is a major part of the game's travel system.  you can't have leveled a character to 60 without having used it
23:43.34KriLL3Sarajevo: fly to strangelthorn vale
23:43.39SarajevoI didn't buy anything
23:43.47Sarajevobut where can I take zeppelin ?
23:43.51KriLL3outside org
23:44.00Sarajevook thanks
23:44.00Knaledgeliterally, right there
23:44.05Kody-If we didn't have someone in the office that just started WoW recently I'd actually be surprised, but you guys are being mean to someone who may genuinely not know how to get to Karazhan
23:44.08chiperwhat level is your character?
23:44.09Knaledgeyou... can't miss it
23:44.10Sarajevothanks KriLL3 and Knaledge
23:44.11KriLL3I don't have a horde char and know that...
23:44.13Sarajevo70 lvl
23:44.21Knaledgemaybe you can miss it.
23:44.24chiperand you've only been playing for three weeks?
23:44.29nymbiait'd be a challenge
23:44.31KnaledgeI don't know.. I play alliance and even I know where the org zep is
23:44.36RaydenUmy crit chance in cat went down by about 15%
23:44.36chiperthen who gave you the character
23:44.40ArrowmasterKody-: but not knowing where the org zep tower is after leveling to 70?
23:44.45KriLL3RaydenU: what gear?
23:44.49Sarajevonobody gave me the character
23:44.52chiperyou can't level to 70 in three weeks when you've never played te game
23:44.53Knaledgenvm sarajevo, pay no mind
23:44.54RaydenUKriLL3 mostly epics
23:44.57Knaledgehave fun in WoW
23:44.58RaydenUalthough i'm untallented
23:44.59chiperits an impossibility
23:44.59|Jelly|still agrees with Arrowmaster.
23:44.59Knaledgeare you a hunter??
23:45.00LukianRaydenU, you aren't talented? :P
23:45.03KriLL3RaydenU: that doesn't answer the question...
23:45.06RaydenUi forget how many talents affect crit
23:45.06SarajevoI used to play Warcraft III for 7 years, dota
23:45.08JerleMinarais there any way to get ClosetGnome to show up in FuBar again? I don't want to use LDB
23:45.13RaydenUyou want specifically what gear?
23:45.15Sarajevoso it wasn't so hard to do the quests
23:45.20SarajevoI want t-6
23:45.21KriLL3what T/S mostly
23:45.23ArrowmasterJerleMinara: Broker2FuBar?
23:45.31RaydenUt4, kara, badge
23:45.36Sarajevothat's in the black temple , right?
23:45.46Knaledgethe black temple is in orgrimmar
23:45.47Sarajevobut I got kicked from a raid last night because I was "greeny"
23:45.48Knaledgeso no
23:45.52chiperKnaledge: lol
23:45.53RaydenUi geuss there are a lot of talents that increase crit
23:45.58JerleMinarathanks Arrow
23:45.59CIA-48controlfreak: 03Tekkub 07master * r32a1e62 10/ Locale.lua : Escape out deDE locale -
23:45.59iphigeniaoh my god. automatic stat allocation to d3.
23:46.13CIA-48controlfreak: 03Tekkub 07master * r388e8aa 10/ Locale.lua : Add Russian locale -
23:46.14KriLL3iphigenia: ?
23:46.15iphigeniaim so crushed.
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23:46.19Fisker-it's awsum
23:46.23Arrowmaster|Jelly|: this is epic huh
23:46.27leech2kah my server is down
23:46.28chiperSarajevo: no doubt.  raiding BT takes months if not years of playing
23:46.30leech2khotfix already?
23:46.33Knaledgemaybe I'm wrong.. or maybe we're ALL jaded .. but..
23:46.39KriLL3has pvp gear been nerfed?
23:46.41Knaledgeis it REALLY that... fast-track to 60-70 now?
23:46.50[SW]Dodge[01:45:41] [SERVER] Shutdown in 15:00 <- eu realms! :D
23:46.51chiperSarajevo: you can't hit level 70 and immediately start doing black temple
23:46.51Fisker-~30% nerf to exp requirements
23:46.52RaydenUhow long?
23:46.54|Jelly|Arrowmaster: All we need is Doomcrusher in her now.
23:46.55KriLL3Knaledge: they dropped the xp needed
23:47.05Knaledgelike so much so that someone like sarajevo could legitimately NOT KNOW where a zep is outside... tHE major city?
23:47.06RaydenUoh 60-70
23:47.09Sarajevochiper, really ?
23:47.12Sarajevohow's that ?
23:47.15RaydenUi didn't know they changed 60-70 leveling
23:47.15chiperyes, really
23:47.20chiperyou have to gear up
23:47.24Arrowmastervhaarr: failure, i found 'this' used in BugSack
23:47.25LukianRaydenU, there's at least 6% crit and 6% agi boost in there.
23:47.26SarajevoI mean, isn't all you need just a tank and priests
23:47.27icanhaswaucan anybody nopaste the changelog?
23:47.28grennonyeah, im guessing learning a mount or pet is two spells
23:47.35grennonone spell adds the critter to a pane
23:47.39Fisker-Btw is the curse client also for windows >:3?
23:47.40Sarajevoand a raid leader who's going to say when to attack range, and melee ?
23:47.41JerleMinarasomeone obviously gave him the character and he's never played wow before
23:47.41grennonthe other spell destroys the item
23:47.49LukianRaydenU, further more, your AP will increase with talents, and the increase will outscale the crit loss.
23:47.52Repo10simple-md: 03Starinnia 043.0.0 Beta2 * r94 : Tagging as 3.0.0 Beta2.
23:47.53RepoShould have fixed the loading failure problems reported in forum posts.
23:47.55grennonso under a race condition, i could see you losing a mount to server crash
23:47.58KnaledgeSarajevo: you'd think so yeah.
23:48.00SarajevoJerleMinara, whatever, if you don't know how to help me stop attacking me
23:48.05chiperSarajevo: you have to have gear powerful enough to play in that bracket.  there's a reason it's called TIER 6
23:48.08PrimerOk, so ckknight said there aren't files created per commit...yet, there they are
23:48.08Sarajevois that all you can do "somebody gave him the char"
23:48.10Sarajevohow pathetic
23:48.10JerleMinaranot attacking you dude, just commenting
23:48.14chiperright now you are below tier 4
23:48.14Primerso what's the story there?
23:48.17RaydenULukian i'm not worried, but going from 40% crit to 25% was alarming
23:48.19ckknightI didn't say that, Primer
23:48.20SarajevoI don't have ANY reasons to lie here
23:48.28KriLL3Lukian: too bad we can't have berserk & OoC though :(
23:48.29Sarajevowhy would I lie about my char ?
23:48.33KriLL3need 71 for that
23:48.37LukianKriLL3, can in 1mth :D
23:48.38KnaledgeOR NOT AMERICAN!!!
23:48.45nocts <- nevcairiel, I didn't know you went to Blizzcon?
23:48.46KriLL3Lukian: me2
23:48.46chiperSarajevo: oh we dont think you're lieing, we think you're a dumbass
23:48.46Sarajevoare you that jealous because I get lvl 70 within 21 days ?
23:48.52Sarajevo"we" ?
23:48.52Primerckknight: heh, I could have sworn you did. My bad
23:48.54mjcnocts: ROFL
23:48.55Sarajevoyou and who ?
23:49.01Fisker-I'm still wondering if it's a man or a woman nocts
23:49.03Knaledge... I have a /played 70 of 7 days
23:49.03Sarajevodo I look like I care for your "opinion"
23:49.05LukianKriLL3, you can always pick up omen of clarity over berserk if you are serious about pve dps ^_^
23:49.08Knaledgeno not jealous
23:49.12[SW]Dodgenocts: you made my day (night^^)
23:49.15KriLL3Lukian: I'm PvP, rawr.
23:49.19Zeksieeep.. servers going down soon :(
23:49.22|Jelly|Why would we be jealous? Honestly, in 21 days, I doubt you've mastered your class enough to raid with it in the first place. :-\
23:49.22Knaledgejust surprised you have never. ever. ever encountered the ORGRIMMAR FLIGHT PATH
23:49.23noctsFisker-: Don't insult nev :/ It's a SHE
23:49.25Lukianthen you have no choice ^_^
23:49.29Zeksiehow did US patch day go?
23:49.35mjcstill going
23:49.35eliteevilUh. it's still going
23:49.35SarajevoI needed an advice and you guys stop babbling like prepubs and asking questions that have nothing with my question
23:49.39KriLL3no more getting wtfpwned by sl/sl + sp ...
23:49.42chiperZeksie: it aint o ver yet
23:49.46Zeksieoh god..
23:49.49eliteevilZeksie: ETA 1h10min before realms are "playable"
23:49.57Sarajevoyes I have done that Knaledge
23:50.06Knaledgesarajevo: staying in the channel = guaranteed comedy/ridicule
23:50.08SarajevoI "discovered" Kalimdor, except the north
23:50.08mjcnocts: that's a victoria's secret bikini according to my gf
23:50.09KriLL3eta 10 mins until EU shuts down
23:50.12Sarajevoand Outlands too
23:50.17Odlawlawl.. now my macro works.
23:50.20Knaledgesarajevo: going back to WoW and "walking around" would help
23:50.21stew_aserver last pre-3.0 ony kill w00t
23:50.22SarajevoI went to Kalimdor when I was lvl 10-11
23:50.26Sarajevocannot remember actually
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23:50.27KriLL3mjc: hotness
23:50.32Sarajevoand I started doing quests there
23:50.36noctsmjc: lol
23:50.36Zeksieand do you think they will learn from the problems and not have same problems in europe?..... NO..
23:50.37Repo10ice-hud: 03Parnic 041.3.6 * r246 : Tagging as 1.3.6.
23:50.38Repo- apparently a recent change to LibSharedMedia got propagated into the last release and broke it.
23:50.39Sarajevowhen I get lvl 60 I moved to Outlands
23:50.41Sarajevoand get lvl 70
23:50.53Sarajevohmm, what's so odd about that ? can anyone say ?
23:50.59Knaledgegoddamnit Blizzard for making attunements null/void.
23:51.12Knaledgeyes, it is odd.
23:51.15KriLL3Knaledge: well, who's gonna run kara post LK?
23:51.19Primerckknight: Why is it that every commit generates a file? I mean, I plan to develop from separate locations, and plan to commit in order to continue coding when I switch locations.
23:51.19Knaledgeno one
23:51.20Tullerout of curiosity, is there any reason I cannot find the "upload files" button for wowace? :P
23:51.21Knaledgebut still
23:51.32RaydenUare there any glyphs in the game right now?
23:51.41ckknightPrimer: because that's just how the packager works.
23:51.47Knaledgeall of them, I believe, RaydenU
23:51.49KriLL3Primer: you need to tag it to make CC download it though
23:51.50ZeksiePrimer: set your repository to only package on beta/release then
23:51.52ArrowmasterPrimer: you can disable packaging of alphas
23:51.54ckknightPrimer: users should only use your tags (Betas and Releases), though
23:51.55*** mode/#wowace [+v Nechckn] by ChanServ
23:51.55StanzillaTuller: that only works on curseforge
23:51.56RaydenUKnaledge can i go look at/buy them?
23:51.56Knaledgeup to 375
23:51.57JerleMinaraanyone getting lots of little bugs with parrot, like getting 1 resist every time you do damage and seeing yourself do crushing blows and stuff?
23:52.05chiperthe odd part is that people who know the game inside and out still can't level that fast.  not if they sleep
23:52.16PrimerArrowmaster: ahh, was not aware of that
23:52.20Knaledgechiper: I leveled 70 in 7 played days
23:52.20RaydenUKnaledge you can't train it yet can you? cause you need LK to train?
23:52.29Knaledgeno you can train it
23:52.34Knaledgeand get it to 375
23:52.34Tulleryeah well, combuctor is on wowace, so thus my predicament :P
23:52.39chiperKnaledge: yes, the key word there being "played"
23:52.58RaydenUKnaledge from where?
23:53.03RaydenUnot finding it
23:53.06KnaledgeRaydenU no idea
23:53.10Zeksiewell.. going to bed, will try and sleep through tomorrow..
23:53.11Knaledgejust read the patch notes is what I did
23:53.17RaydenUk thx
23:53.19KnaledgeI haven't finished my addons
23:53.21Knaledgesorry dude
23:53.25RaydenUthe professional linking is pretty sweet
23:53.29Sarajevoand I've been playing for 3 weeks and you think I bought that char and you got lvl 70 for 1 week
23:53.31Sarajevocome on
23:53.52Knaledgeyou can check my realm-history if you want...
23:53.52KriLL3Sarajevo: it's quite clear you did, you lack very basic knowledge
23:53.53mjcbartender4 can't turn off the main bar atm?
23:54.00ArrowmasterTuller: your still using gcode right? or do i need to change where im checking out from?
23:54.01RaydenUKnaledge thrallmar
23:54.04KriLL3mjc: do it in the interface options
23:54.08*** join/#wowace Repo (n=supybot@
23:54.15TullerArrowmaster: yeah, I use gcode produces a horizontal scroll bar on my browser...and it's pretty wide
23:54.22SarajevoKriLL3, yes I do and I admit that
23:54.23KriLL3lol no one will bring down google
23:54.27mjcKriLL3: in the main bar?
23:54.34mjcer for hte main bar?
23:54.38mjccause I have left and right ones off
23:54.38Daemonahmmm 257,90euro (~350$) for a nvidia 280gtx 1024mb sounds like a might good deal or am i mistaken?
23:54.42KriLL3mjc: press esc, click interface options
23:54.48KriLL3untick the bar
23:54.50Repo10ace2: 03Nevcairiel * r1092 Ace2.toc: Update toc to 30000
23:54.50SarajevoKriLL3, I have never denied that I lack basic knowledge about WoW, that's why I came here to ask you some things
23:54.54Sarajevobut most of you rejected me
23:54.57KriLL3Sarajevo: and we told you how
23:55.03KriLL3then go north
23:55.12SarajevoI'm trying to pick zeppelin
23:55.16KriLL3ask the goblins on top of the tower which goes where
23:55.16mjcKriLL3: I know how to get to interface options.
23:55.25KriLL3mjc: untick the bars you don't want
23:55.35mjcthere is no option to untick for the main bar
23:55.38chiperhrm, curse client stopped working
23:55.39mjconly for left/right/right2
23:55.45*** join/#wowace Ktron (
23:55.53KriLL3mjc: well "left" is the main button bar
23:55.59mjcno it is not
23:56.02KriLL3iti s
23:56.02mjcit is the one above it
23:56.10mjcit's not bar1
23:56.24mjc'left' is bar6
23:56.26KriLL3just disable it, ok?
23:56.32mjcit already is.
23:56.32SekkyoHave the Curse servers died?
23:56.35mjcit ahs been.
23:56.41chiperSekkyo: it seems so, yes
23:56.47KriLL3mjc: I got all unticked and I got not default blizz bars
23:56.55icanhaswauhope they're dead forever
23:56.56SekkyoCurse Client Mac is just sitting there forever!
23:57.09Parnicdoes deleting a file from the wowace project page also delete it from curse?
23:57.09chiperSekkyo: so is my PC client
23:57.10Arrowmasterget Mac
23:57.20ParnicI managed to release a new version of IceHUD right after libsharedmedia got borked
23:57.20ArrowmasterParnic: yes
23:57.21Knaledgedoubt it matters but Mac client is out
23:57.24Parnicalright, thanks.
23:57.42Arrowmasteractually Mac has a timeout detection
23:58.23KnaledgeArrowmaster: I think his bigger issue is not detection of the timeout but the tieout itself
23:58.34Repo10stat-block_quests: 03funkydude 04v2.0.1 * r28 : Tag as v2.0.1
23:58.35KriLL3nevcairiel: is there a way to raise the z-index of the micromenu? there is no fubar_micromenu yet, and fubar is above bt4
23:58.35chiperis .14 still the latest for windows?
23:58.46Knaledgechiper: afaik yes
23:59.16KriLL3chiper: manual is best atm though
23:59.16Repo10stat-block_memory: 03funkydude 04v2.1.1 * r30 : Tag as v2.1.1
23:59.31SekkyoCall me stupid, but where on this page do you start the download
23:59.47Repo10stat-block_melee-stats: 03funkydude 04v2.1.1 * r28 : Tag as v2.1.1
23:59.54SekkyoFucking "Actions" mention in the top right
23:59.58SekkyoDumbest thing I've seen yet

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